#yeah paul stop telling a man you love him
oblique-lane · 2 days
"Just a bunch more biblical paintings then I'll go back to drawing yaoi" Or you can do both, renaissance style, Michelangelo or Raphael I honestly forgot who drew those naked men on the Sistine Chapel's ceilings ok bad joke aside: I'd love hearing more about your headcannons, specifically about the childhoods of the characters (ranging from the mercs, to Miss pauling, the Administrator, hell anyone you have ideas about!)
Childhood headcanons... How did you know I've had something about that on my mind? Alright, let's talk about...
Little Sniper
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(Lots of trigger warnings ahead, check tags!)
Mundy was obviously an unhappy child. When I imagine the surroundings he grew up in, I see miles and miles of empty landscapes, dry yellow grass, unkept barns destroyed by rust and a deep choking sense of loneliness.
The closest neighbour woul be so far away you better bring a bicycle with you if you want to visit. School and Church were the only places to go, which were also very far away. No kids his age nearby. And even if there were peers at school, no one wanted him anyway.
Mundy was "weird", he didn't quite understand other kids' jokes, didn't get what was so fun about what everyone else enjoying to do; he was weaker, always loosing in close fights; he didn't even look very local for whatever reason. Even if he tried to get along with someone, it either ended up with him being ostracized or with him experiencing the greatest boredom imaginable. And the kids quickly picked up on his "difference", making him an object of bullying.
It started making fun of everything Mundy does, his habits and speech patterns, his morals and ideas... Which wasn't anything too big for him but it was still very annoying and upsetting, he grew to hate school very quickly.
Coming home being exhausted from this kind of socializing, no one would really comfort him. Being very little, he used to tell on his bullies to his parents, telling how hurt he was by their words... And it would only made a mess in his family.
Overreactive mother: "Poor baby, I'm so sorry, I'll tell their parents to stop being mean, my little little baby, maybe we can go homeschooling..."
And a strict father: "Are you a man or what? Yeah, he will end up a bloody baby if you keep spoiling him like that! Suck it up! Of you can't stand for yourself, no one will. At this pace you'll end up a nobody, with no home nor respect from the world".
Mundy didn't want to be neither a baby nor a disappointment. He figured that sharing his feelings with parents wouldn't be that good of an idea, they won't understand anyway. And also that he must fight somehow.
If he can't win in close fights, he thought, he could hit them from a distance: throwing small rocks at the bullies from up the tree...
–He was punished for that. For some reason, every time Mundy fought back, he was scolded by the elders, who for some reason always believed the bullies that HE was the one starting the fights. They forbid him to fight back. He closed his feelings shut and stopped paying attention to almost everything around him.
Why was it like that? Why was he so different from other kids, why couldn't he understand them? Why couldn't he understand anyone in this world? The world was a mess of unspoken rules and suffering, overcoming oneself, pain; he couldn't fit in. He was always on the wrong even if he didn't do anything. He felt like an outsider everywhere he went.
Sometimes he wondered if he was born into a wrong family or that he wasn't a human at all. Looking at the night sky, he was thinking about aliens, maybe they would come to him someday and take him to the planet he truly belongs, being accidentally swapped at birth. Maybe then he will be happy, he will leave this sickening place and finally start living. He thought about dying, too.
He started to spend a lot of time in the forest any chance he got. He was alone here, unwatched, somewhat free. It was easier to breathe here. He was alone but it didn't feel worse than being with those people. He played by himself. He started to believe that he actually likes loneliness.
As Mundy and his peers grew older, the kids started to become more and more savage, thanks to the hormones and age crisis. Bullying intensified as those kids started to feel the need to assert themselves. Mundy was maliciously beaten (he fought back as much as he could and even win sometimes, but the beating only got worse each time). They used any chance to humiliate him.
And each time after that Mundy would take the knife or his father's shotgun and go to the forest to take his anger on animals, "hunting", since he couldn't do anything to fix the root of the problem.
He would hunt for something small, like birds or feral rabbits so he could butcher them and cook on fire to eat. At moments like this he felt like a beast, and somehow it was the most pleasant state for him to be in.
There were no words available to form his pain into, so the pain came through violence. The more violent his abusers became, the more violent he was at his "hunting". The more he felt his father's gaze piercing him with disappointment, the sharper his knife movements would get. Sometimes he would let the bodies to just rot like that, completely butchered in a very non-culinary way.
(Maybe someday he would lure one of those bastards to the forest and kill him the same way and blame it on an animal attack)
And at some point... His classmates would came up with something that would cross all the lines if forgivable. Somewhere there was the peak of what they could do. Something beyond.
There wasn't a known way to him to deal with that. No known words. Everyone would be so grossed out of him if they knew. He was beyond disgusted with himself, too. What was the point of living now?
That day he would shot a wild boar, take his machete out and cut it open, butcher it the way his father would when they wanted a pork dinner for the night... And reached to the its heart.
The heart is where the love is stored, right? That's what people say when referring to this "love" he'd never seem to know. A dark read bloody organ that feels like sponge inside of thin rubber. There's something about this that Mundy lacks. He has a heart too, it's pulsating inside him, but for some reason it was unable to produce the "love", a very necessary fluid for a human body. He wondered if it's sweet. He wondered if he was even able to taste it.
He took a bite... And realized what he was doing.
He was, indeed, a monster.
When he went back home, later than usual, he would be met with his father's gaze. He was always throwing gazes, for every occasion, Mundy was used to feel small and guilty under them. But this time... It felt somehow more personal. More disturbing.
His father looked at him as if he was a dirty little creature, a rat, a maggot. He looked at him the way one would look at a criminal who wronged their whole family. He looked at him like he knew.
His father didn't say anything that day and it wasn't brought up ever again.
Mundy was indeed a monster who was utterly terrified of this though. He didn't want to be one. He made a promise to himself that everything he does will be morally justified, he promised himself to become a good... decent person. He would earn his place in the world, even if his father, everyone else denies it.
It gets blurry at this point. Sniper doesn't really remember his life before about 17, when he was finishing school and starting to work on his sniper licence. For some reason he always knew he would be good at shooting and killing. When remembering his home, Sniper would recall the smell of grass, mother's cooking, the warm sun, and a steady life he had. He knew it was boring, but it still somehow felt like home. Home he felt was lost somewhere he didn't remember.
Either way, he was always a loner.
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muzaktomyears · 4 months
Suddenly Paul started going through his pockets looking for some money, he soon realised he didn't have enough money for his fare home. Paul made this known to everyone on the bus, suddenly a man got out of his seat and gave Paul half a crown and then got off the bus. Paul was so thankful that he ran to the back of the bus and started shouting out the window at the man. "Thank you, thank you and I love you!" To which John remarked, "Hey Paul, calm down or they will think you are a bit odd - shouting out 'I love you!'" We all burst out laughing, we were all feeling more relaxed now.
John, Paul & Me Before the Beatles: The True Story of the Very Early Days, Len Garry (2014)
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
i really want to start making a table collecting statistics on the audience demographics i'll perform my aubrey material for (like what generation most of the audience is, whether i'm performing in a predominantly queer space, etc.) and how well the jokes land bc like. i need to collect more data points before i can properly present my findings but the results so far have been fascinating
#again i do not have enough performance experiences to make any definitive claims about who ''aubery's audience'' is#but i find it funny that any time i show my aubrey material one-on-one to a queer gen z person#they're always like ''i love it but straight people will definitely hate it or not get it''#and i get the inclination to be like. ''i like this thing so people like me will like this thing''#and cishet society seems so polarized w/r/t queer topics it's like. the assumption makes sense#however. whenever i've done an aubrey performance in front of an audience that's predominantly queer and gen z#i've actually received a primarily negative response!! and somehow straight people have never given me shit for my aubrey material#(''well straight allys don't count'' i told some of my aubrey jokes to a joe rogan dudebro and he enjoyed them)#(which yeah maybe could be a mark against my comedy but i like to think i opened his mind a bit at the very least)#i really want to test my aubrey monologues in front of a primarily gen x/boomer audience#bc so far i only have actual performance experience in front of gen z or millennials#and the older people i've told jokes to individually or shown videos of my stuff have really liked it#luckily paul has said a goal for when i'm in town this summer is to get me to perform my aubrey stuff in as many different places as possib#for both queer audiences and non-queer audiences so i can gauge reactions since i don't want to be confined to one demographic#so i'll get a lot of data points this summer#@ paul get me a performing slot at senior citizen pride lmao these are my people#(shoutout to paul going ''jess stop collecting the old homos!'' last time i was in town)#(and when i imitated him and was like ''old gay men are not your pokemon!'' bellini was like ''ok but they may be your audience'')#also one data point i really want to see the variation on is how my one specific joke plays in these different demographics#bc i have a joke that like. it's literally not even about AIDS and doesn't punch down at all#i literally say ''if you're gay and over the age of 50 you could violate the geneva convention and i'd still be like support our troops''#like obviously being like ''you have been through hell so i will let you get away with literal war crimes you deserve ultimate immunity''#BUT. in the line right before the quote i use the phrase ''AIDS generation'' not as a derogatory term but being like.#this horrible thing impacted the entire generation y'know? and bellini and scott and their friends call themselves that it's just the term#but when i said the phrase ''AIDS generation'' in front of my gen z audience i heard gasps and felt like they all hated me#and when i did the same line in front of millennials it wasn't quite as striking but their eyes did widen#like i was suddenly an ''edgy comedian''. but like this is a part of our history and it does inform the story i'm telling#the story i'm telling is comedic but it's grounded in this real world context#and i'm like. @ the audience who was offended: when was the last time any of y'all spoke to a gay man over the age of 50#bc bellini loves that section of the monologue and was offended that people would even take offense to that phrase
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
When Eddie comes out to him, Steve makes a big mistake. His first reaction was to thank him for trusting him, which is what Robin told him to do in this situation.
But his second reaction was to say “I also like guys.”
Eddie blinked at him, clearly confused and defensive, like maybe Steve was making fun or not taking him seriously.
“Uh. You do?”
“Yeah man! I mean, no one else knows, but yeah.”
Eddie smiled and thanked him for trusting him with it, said they should hang out more, and recommended a queer bar in Indy if he needed a safe place to explore.
And Steve smiled and nodded like he couldn’t agree more.
As soon as Eddie was gone, he rushed to the phone in his kitchen and called Robin.
She called him an idiot, a dingus, a bisexual disaster —whatever that was—, and told him he absolutely wasn’t allowed to go to a queer bar without her.
She did at least agree to keep up the lie until he could find a way out of it without Eddie thinking he lied to hurt him or something.
But he started hanging out a lot more with Eddie and finding that they had more in common than he originally thought.
Eddie took Robin and Steve to the queer club and Steve…felt at home, felt welcomed, felt like he belonged. Robin kept giving him these looks all night, and Eddie kept dragging him to meet people who he cared about, and one of the guys on the dance floor kept pulling him out there to dance with him.
He felt free and alive and-
It hit him as the guy, Paul maybe, was pulling him closer by his waist as his hips rocked to the beat of a song he didn’t recognize but felt like something he wanted on a mixtape. It hit him that he liked this because he liked dancing with Paul like this. He liked this because he saw himself visiting more, even without Eddie and Robin. He liked this because he could picture making out with Eddie in the bathroom.
He froze.
“You okay, sweet thing?” Paul asked him.
“I think I’m in love with my friend.”
Paul’s eyes widened momentarily before patting Steve’s hip. “Is he gay, honey?”
“Huh?” Steve was already trying to find Eddie in the crowd. “Oh, yeah. He’s here tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be dancin’ with him then?”
Steve finally looked back at Paul, who had his hands on his own hips now, teasing smile on his face.
“Yeah. I should,” Steve thanked him, apologized for any misleading, which was immediately brushed off. Paul was here to dance, he didn’t much care for who he was dancing with.
“Send that beauty over here. She looks like she needs some lessons,” Paul pointed to Robin, who was still looking a little nervous despite the friendly bartender handing her sodas every time he passed by her.
“She’s gay, man.”
“So am I! Doesn’t mean we can’t dance!”
Steve laughed. “You’re right.”
He walked over to Robin quickly, avoided getting pulled back into the crowd.
“I’m in love with Eddie.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “I know, dingus. You literally risked your entire reputation to come to a queer bar to try to impress him.”
Steve balked. “That’s not what this was!”
“Uh huh. Well he’s sulking in the bathroom if you wanna go tell him.”
“Sulking? Why?”
“He saw you dancing with that guy. Think he assumed you were interested in him.”
“Not a chance. I prefer long hair and ripped jeans,” Steve winked. He turned to walk towards the hall with the bathrooms when Robin stopped him.
“Don’t do this if you’re not 100% sure,” she said seriously. “Eddie really likes you and it would destroy him if you were lying to make him feel better.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” Steve started, but stopped when Robin gave him a look.
“You’ve literally been pretending to be queer for the last two months because he came out to you and you accidentally came out to him. You’re lucky it wasn’t a complete lie.”
“Yeah but I wouldn’t fuck with his feelings like that.” Steve knew what it was like to be led on. He wouldn’t do that to Eddie. “I’ll be careful with him.”
“And be careful with you.”
He saluted her as he walked away.
When he found Eddie sitting on the counter at the sink in the bathroom, he was swinging his legs back and forth and humming something distinctly less pop than what was playing on the dance floor. No one else was in here, but that didn’t mean no one would walk in.
He walked over to Eddie and placed a hand on his knee.
Eddie immediately stopped kicking his feet and looked up.
“What’s with the face?” Steve asked, reaching up to touch the line between his brows that always appeared when he was pouting.
Eddie shrugged. “Just not feeling it tonight I guess.”
“The music isn’t really your thing. Kinda surprised you like this place,” Steve said as his hand drifted down to his wrist. “Seems closer to a small club than a bar.”
“You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
Eddie’s tone was sharp, laced with jealousy. Even if Steve hadn’t had his realization five minutes earlier, he would’ve seen what that was from a mile away.
“I was until I realized I’d rather be out there with you.”
Eddie snorted. “I don’t really dance.”
“But you’d dance with me if I asked, right?” Steve’s fingers circled his wrist and he tugged Eddie off the counter. “Even if I asked you to do it right here with no music?”
“Steve, what are you doing?”
“Dancing. Or trying to.” Steve rested his hands on Eddie’s hips and started swaying them in sync with his. “It is hard without music.”
“Why don’t you go back out there?” Eddie’s hands went around Steve’s neck.
“Because you’re not out there. I don’t wanna be where you aren’t.”
“You know I didn’t actually know I liked guys until tonight?” Steve huffed out a laugh. “Well, I really like this one guy. Not sure about others yet.”
Eddie was silent, but didn’t push Steve away.
“He was hiding in this bathroom though. I didn’t really think he’d join me out there, so I brought the dancing to him,” Steve winked.
“You like me? You? Like me?”
Steve nodded.
“And you just realized this?”
“In a queer bar?”
“That’s pretty gay, dude.”
Steve snorted and smacked Eddie’s chest. “That’s the point.”
Eddie moved in impossibly closer, no room for Jesus between their chests anymore. “So you lied when you came out to me?”
“I panicked! But it doesn’t actually count as a lie if I’ve seen the light.”
“Was it a rainbow light? Or the reflection of the disco ball in the glitter shorts Perry was wearing?” Eddie joked.
“Perry!” Steve smacked his own forehead. “He’s nice. Made me come tell you how I feel.”
“Oh. He did?” Eddie seemed shy for maybe the first time ever.
“Yeah. Said I should come dance with you if I’m in love with you.”
Steve hadn’t felt like this in a while, and hadn’t left his heart on his sleeve like this in even longer. As Eddie’s face went from shy to shocked to flustered, Steve thought about how long he’d been dancing around these feelings.
But no more dancing around them. Now it was time to dance with them.
“Can’t believe you just said you’re in love with me in the bathroom of a queer bar. Don’t even think they clean this place,” Eddie laughed, letting his forehead fall against Steve’s.
“I’ll tell you again outside.” Steve kissed his cheek. “And in the van.” His nose. “Your house, my house.” The corner of his mouth. “Everywhere.”
Eddie licked his lip, skipping over a soft kiss for a hungry one. It was hot, desperate, impatient. Everything Steve hadn’t known he needed.
Then again, he hadn’t even actually known he liked guys until tonight. Maybe he was just late to learn things about himself.
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robin374 · 10 months
I saw that your requests were open and I jumped into action lol
Any ideas for the Mercs and reader with an “only one bed” trope? (Love the stuff youve written btw <3)
One Bed Trope with the mercs (part 1)
I'm gonna start with Demoman because he is my husband and gets the privilege of being the first.
Demoman ❤️
He just wanted to sleep man 😭
When you two finished the assigned mission that Miss Pauling gave you two, you went to the hotel/motel (how do you call it in English?). When you entered the room the first thing you two saw was a single big bed, for two people.
You looked at Demo and he was awkwardly standing there. He couldn't believe his eye
"I'll sleep on the floor, don't worry Demo." "No, Y/N. I've slept in all kinds of places, I think I can handle sleeping on the floor" "And that's exactly why you are sleeping in the bed"
At the end, you two decide to sleep in the same bed. He couldn't help but feel nervous, like yeah, he has slept at the top of Edinburgh's castle. Or with some random seals at a random beach. But he's never slept with the person he's in love with.
With that said, he remembers those words his Mom told him once.
"You better get a job, Tavish!"
I could give him a good job-
I don't know why he remembered that, don't ask me.
HE'S SO WARM KSDKAODJAKL I feel like his body would be so warm, because of the amount of alcohol he consumes.
He snores a little bit. Just tiny tiny tiny tiny little bit. 🤏
Not as much as Heavy at least.
He's a heavy sleeper so good luck trying to wake him up
I feel like he would see it as an opportunity to confess his feelings. Like you two are talking while laying down in bed, and casually spits it out. By the time you realize what he said, he is already sound asleep, his back facing you.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N" "Hmm? What did you say? I didn't hear you *Scottish snoring*
Scout 🤡
He knows what these situations are about and he will not let it slide so easily.
He doesn't even ask you if you are okay with sleeping with him, he just says "I'm so tired, let's sleep!" And he launches himself towards the bed.
He will pat the space next to him silently telling you to sleep too.
But then reality hits him like a rock, he is sleeping with you. He is really happy, any girl would've slapped him at tha exact moment, but you just accepted your fate.
He doesn't snore, but he does this thing that dogs do that is moving his legs as if he was running.
You better be a heavy sleeper because he talks while sleeping.
"Spy stole my chicken and now I can't eat my bullets. " "Scout are you awake?" "Fuck you Spy, I miss my chicken :("
He got so red when he woke up in the morning. You were still asleep, that's the first thing he saw after opening his eyes. He wanted to kiss you so bad.
"Good morning, toots. You've slept well?"
He's so in love with istg.
But he won't confess, he wants to keep this as a (really) good memory and confess after he's sure that you feel the same.
Scared of rejection I guess.
Engie 🤠
He's so casual about it.
He has to sleep in the same bed as his crush? Well, darn.
"It is what it is" energy.
You don't want him to sleep on the floor and he doesn't want you to sleep on the floor. Oh no, sadly we will have to sleep in the same bed :( (that's sarcasm for those confused)
"Come here, sugar, I don't bite." Unless you want me to.
He snores more than Demo sorry, it's bearable though. It's like having a horse next to you huffing and puffiing. A horse you don't mind to ride (ok I'll stop now sorry lmao)
He's like a teddy bear, he doesn't mind if you hug him. On the contrary, he will "unintentionally" pull you closer.
He would wake up in the middle of the night, because he's not used to sleeping like a normal person would do. So he will take advantage of it and admire your beautiful face. How the moonlight delicatedly lights your face, your closed eyes giving that feel of calmness... He will eventually kiss your forehead and go back to sleep.
He won't say a word about it in the morning. He will just greet you like always do in the base and get back to work.
In the inside he's screaming, dancing, running, whooping of joy. For him, it's one little step more to you being his pardner.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.2
George: We don't have to keep [an image] up, we just remain ourselves. Don't we, Ringo? Ringo: well, we do, I mean, it's the other two we're worried about. It's a joke about John and Paul being bigheads, but a crazy person – definitely not me – could also see it other ways if they wanted to.
Paul talking about their mutual friend when asked how they met and John telling him not to complicate it. They're so married it's ridiculous. 
Always looking at each other with every single joke. 
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He looks like he's in a lovely enclosure at the petting zoo. I've always been so confused by this footage. Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?
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I LOVE that we now know Paul was cast as Thisbe and John as Pyramus and then they switched. I'm actually dying to know how and why that happened though. My first instinct was “of course. Paul was scared he'd look too convincing as a woman, so John did it for him.” But no. Paul dressed as a woman at the cavern, wore ladies lingerie in Hamburg, and wanted to do a full drag show on TV in the early seventies. So why not Thisbe?
Why do you as a man randomly bring up the color of your friend's dick while staring lovingly into his eyes?
It must be noted. They had a wonderful time playing star-crossed lovers. 
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The bickering pianos are so cute! And then John (prompting Paul): and John and I . . . Paul: oh I hate this. John: will probably carry on . . . Paul: we'll carry on songwriting . . . You just know Paul didn't hear the end of that one interview answer for a long long time. And it's because John just had to hear it over and over again.
Love the editing so that Paul smacks John's ass right as the symbols crash. 10/10 A+
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This iconic moment. Poor George tally number 4.
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Interviewer brings up marriage and John takes a shot like he wants to forget that the whole concept even exists. Literally poor Cynthia. And not even in an “lol her husband's gay” type of way. Just in a genuine “the way their relationship fell apart actually breaks my heart because she really did love him and in his way he loved her too but they were just so thoroughly incompatible” type of way. 
Paul: makes a stupid dad joke. John: giggles gleefully and kicks his feet
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I have never seen someone so disappointed that they didn't need to lend their friend a pen. Paul had his hand in his pocket before John even asked the interviewer for a pen and when the interviewer gives him one, Paul literally hangs his head like he's just been cut from the school play. I just. The obsession is frankly cartoonish. But also, he just needs to be needed, you know? How many songs does he have which conflate being needed and being loved?
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The juxtaposition of Paul and John elaborately messing with the interviewer (“yes John Lenard, that's me” and “actually it's done by mirrors.”) vs George's “I don't know” and “yeah.” it's actually kind of mean editing but whatever. It is ULM not UH. Someone should make that though.
Again, John. Calm down. He's not that funny. Just look at Jimmy. That's the normal person's reaction to that joke. John is half the reason Paul has such a big head honestly. 
Paul's answer to a question about the Beatles gaining a lot of adult fans is nice. Sometimes he shocks with a bit of wisdom. Sometimes his words don't get messed up at the point they hit his throat as he says. 
What the fuck? Okay so the interviewer asks Paul what he likes in a girl, right? I've always been too distracted by Paul saying he likes a sense of humor and John doing an obnoxious fake laugh in the background because John. It's embarrassing how obvious you are. Stop.
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But I never noticed Paul actually says “people”. The interviewer asks about girls and he says he likes “people - er - girls” to have a sense of humor. Huh. Okay. 
So ULM was actually what made me a serious Beatles fan and this was the first moment where I had to pause it and verify to see if what I'd just read was actually true. It really is a doozy. 
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How to flirt. A guide by Paul McCartney. Step one: get your crush’s attention. This should be extremely easy. Just gesture vaguely at something you're holding. He'll be interested. Step two: do something suggestive to a phallic object. Step three: that's it. You've got him. He'll do whatever you want.
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The editing in this thing truly is brutal. Just the jump cuts from a question about Cynthia to John and Paul making each other laugh to girls screaming to John and Paul unnecessarily touching to girls passed out on the ground to John and Paul desperate for each other's attention to girls waving signs to John and Paul sharing weird eye contact to girls physically mobbing them to John and Paul beaming at each other to a question about Jane. It really does drive home the immense pressure of compulsory heterosexuality back then. 
Then a question that's obviously meant to poke a nerve and start some bad feelings. “Paul. Is John the leader of the Beatles?” Easily rebuffed with “no I'm not” and “there's no real leader”. I know I'm dramatic but really it's like every aspect of that society was against them you know? And they just kind of said "fuck you, we're crazy about each other."
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Question: what do they think about when they're imprisoned in their hotel rooms? John: we don't think about one thing. *Whips head to look at Paul* well, some of us do. Oh and you know that how exactly? What, do you just have a printout of his every thought? Do you keep constant tabs on his dick?
Someone give me the heterosexual explanation of that moment when John very clearly and obviously checks out and appreciates Paul's ass as he and Ringo are pretending to be cowboys. Seriously. I'm at a loss here. 
Poor George tally number six? Seven? They're asked what they'll do if England reinstates the draft. John brings up Southern Ireland. George brings up Germany. Paul and John plan their joint escape to Southern Ireland as if George hadn't even spoken. 
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The choice to play “Another Girl” over that quote of John's being like ‘Paul's actually much meaner than i am’ is great. Because that's seriously such a jerk song. I don't much like Jane, honestly, but fuck, she deserved so much better than Paul. He was such a douche.  
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Literally all the song choices in this are phenomenal. “Hide Your Love Away” over the montage of 60s homophobia moments? It's so genius. Saying everything without saying anything. Letting the Beatles do the talking. 
The laugh track over the cartoon is honestly so sad. Nobody asked them if they were okay with being mocked like that and they never even made a dime off it. What would that have felt like to know that your being “too close” with your best friend was a running joke on TV?
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“It's only love and that is all. Why should I feel the way I do?”
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 18
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Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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July 30th 2021
Airielle numbly walked around the arena before the show started. She didn’t have a destination, she was just walking, trying to distract herself from thinking about Josh. Because, it wasn’t the fact that she didn’t want to be with him, she did. She was in love with him and if he never asked her to move in with him, they would still be together. 
It wasn’t his fault though, he didn’t know the full story of what went down with Christopher. The thought of living with another man terrified her. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, she felt herself shut down. She remembers stuttering out an excuse to leave his apartment, she remembers the look of confusion on his face as she all but ran out of the door and she remembers the pain in his voice as she told him she didn’t want to be with him anymore. 
Airielle let out a sigh as she looked at her watch. It was 15 minutes to showtime so she decided to get her makeup touched up.As she sat down she noticed Yara, a new backstage announcer and Zelina Vega were sitting in front of her. She was about to speak and say hello but something Zenlina said made her freeze. 
“You’ve been smiling at your phone all day. Is it Josh again?” Airielle’s world stopped. Of course he would move on. She was the one who ended things with him. She zoned out for the rest of their conversation as she was pretty sure she had just lost the best thing that had happened to her. 
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“Hey Airielle. Can I sit here?” Airielle blinked as she was brought out of  her thoughts. She didn’t even remember walking to catering. “Airielle?” She looked up at Raymond and nodded her head. “You alright” he asked her as he sat down.  She blinked again and forced a small smile on her face. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said, 
“”You sure, you look zoned out or something.” 
Airielle was about to be sick. Yara and Josh walked into catering with Josh having an arm thrown around Yara’s shoulders. They were both laughing and Airielle wanted to know what the fuck was so funny.  
She needed to get out of there fast. She abruptly stood from her seat and without saying another word to Raymond she walked out of catering. After making a stop at Hunter’s office, telling him she was too sick to work tonight. She made her way to the locker rooms to find Trin. 
 “Hey baby girl you okay?” Trinity asked as she opened the door to The Bloodline’s locker room. Airielle felt her bottom lip tremble and of course, Trinity noticed. “Airielle what’s wrong.” Trinity asked getting the attention of Jon and Joe and they immediately came to the door to see what was wrong. 
Fuck. Airielle thought as she felt the first tear slide down her face. Jon immediately jumped into big brother mode. “Who the fuck did it!” 
“Guys, I'm fine.” She said but her voice cracked and more tears started falling. “I’m gonna head back to the hotel and probably find an early flight home. I just wanted to tell you so y’all weren’t waiting for me.” 
She turned to walk away but was stopped by Josh standing right behind her. Should have just sent her a text. 
Josh noticed her tears and cupped her face, making her look at him. “What happened.” 
“Why don’t you ask Yara.” She said, glaring at him while she pushed him away from here. 
“Oop.” Trinity said, pulling Jon and Joe back into the locker room and closing the door.  
“Wait.” Josh chuckled. “You mad at me? For hanging out with Yara?” He scoffed. “I mean i’m single right?” Airielle wiped her tears and nodded her head. 
“You’re absolutely right, you are single. So if you’ll excuse me.” She said shouldering her way past Josh. 
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July 31st 2021
Paul had granted Airielle her two week vacation early and she was beyond grateful. It couldn't have come at a better time. She had just walked out of the gym when her phone pinged with a notification. 
Raymond : Hey, i’m in Pensacola visiting my grandma. You wanna chill or somethin?” 
Airielle bit her lip as she contemplated  his offer. 
To Raymond: sure. Give me a time and place & ill be there. 
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Raymond had decided to take her to a local lounge/bar that she had visited with Jon and Trin multiple times and was very grateful that they were not there tonight. 
“How many times am I gonna let you hustle me?” Airielle laughed as she placed the fifty dollar bill he just handed her into her bag. 
“Lets just call it payback for looking at my ass every time I bent over to hit the ball.” Raymond looked shocked then shrugged with a smile on his face causing Airielle to shove him lightly. “ Thank you for inviting me out tonight. I really needed this.” Raymond shrugged and wrapped his arm around Airielle’s shoulder and started leading her to her car.
“It’s not a  problem Airielle, really. I like hanging out with you.” Airielle smiled and pulled her keys out of her purse. 
“I like hanging out with you too.” Airielle’s eyes widened as Raymond started lowering his head towards her. She was about to push him away but… If Josh was moving on, so could she. 
Raymond let out a groan as their lips met. Airielle wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her and deepening the kiss. 
“You know.” A voice called out, startling the two of them. “Here I was feeling bad because you seen me hanging out with Yara.”  It was almost comical how wide Airielle’s eyes were as she turned to face Josh.  
“Josh,” She started. Taking a step towards him but he took a step back and started shaking his head. 
“I’m done Airielle. Whatever games you playin.” He shook his head. “I don’t wanna play anymore. You got it.” Josh sighed as he pushed past Airielle and Raymond and started walking towards the bar. 
“Fuck.” Airielle muttered, before getting in her car and driving away, without saying goodbye to Raymond. 
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Airielle... smh..
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
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sweatervest-obsessed · 8 months
Black Dog
Pairing: Spencer x Reader
WC: 758
TW: Love of Zeppelin, mentions of Satanism <3
A/N: Sorry I've been gone but now IM BACK. She's ALIVEEEEE
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Have you ever woken up to Led Zeppelin's Black Dog playing distantly in the shower?
Spencer Reid has. 
It’s his own fault really. He’s the one who invited you back to his place, and he should feel guilty, should feel bad about breaking one of Hotch’s rules, but you were just so fucking pretty, it made his brain malfunction.
He should feel fucked about the situation, and he did, just not in the way he probably should have. 
You had walked out, wrapped in a towel, humming along, having turned the music back down thinking he was still asleep. 
The water droplets dripped down your legs caused him to blush slightly, smiling shyly at how fucking gorgeous you looked, embaressed by the thoughts of the previous night. 
“Morning Spence.” You whispered, dropping your phone on the bed, and moving over his body, placing a kiss on his lips, a dreamy smile across your face. 
“Morning.” He whispered, sighing your name as you kissed his jaw. His hands wrapped around your waist, letting you collapse and place your weight on top of him. 
“I just showered..” You mumbled, continuing to kiss his neck and jaw, examining the damage you caused. 
“And who’s fault is that?” He kissed your head. He took his hand and laced it through one of yours, bringing it to his lips. 
“We have work, handsome.”
“I’m actually not the one on top of someone else.” 
You huffed and rolled off of him, standing up. “Yeah Yeah, whatever. At least you don’t have to show up to work in the same pants as yesterday.” 
Spencer laughed a little bit before getting up with you. 
“I didn’t know you liked Led Zeppelin.”
You whipped your head around, eyes filled to the brim with excitement. “You, Doctor Spencer Reid, know who Led Zeppelin is, and like them?”
He pulled on a pair of khaki trousers you had seen a million times before. “Don’t seem too surprised. Jimmy Page was known popularly as a satanist, even though he wasn’t. He agreed with Crowley’s philosophy of personal liberation, however plenty of Led Zeppelin's songs deal with the supernatural, or more pagan like elements. For example, the cover of Zeppelin IV is commonly believed to be straight out of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy, but in actuality, it’s the symbol of the hermit from Tarot. I–” He stopped himself, and looked up at you, not fully expecting you to still be listening. 
But you were. Looking at him with such patience and adoration, and a genuine interest in whatever he was saying. “What?” You looked at yourself and then back at him. “Why’d you stop?” 
He opened and closed his mouth for a second, furrowing his brows. “Sorry. It’s just, uh, no one ever really lets me ramble, let alone listens…”
You shook your head. “Well that’s idiodic because you have a lot of very interesting things rattling around in your brain. And now I know that the very handsome man I slept with last night, likes one of my favorite bands…or at least has a good breadth of knowledge about them.” You pulled your shirt over your head, tucking it into your pants, starting to look around for your shoes. 
Spencer was still staring at you. 
“Spence do you remem–babe, please. Stop staring and keep talking please.” 
He swallowed and nodded, fumbling with the shirt in his hands. “I-uh-I, don’t remember, um–”
“That's fine.” You called from under the bed, having located where one of your shoes got kicked. “Tell me something else about Zeppelin.”
 “Uh-uh speaking of Satanism.” He pulled his shirt over his head, staring at your ass completely unashamed. “Did-did-did you know that, uh, Televangelist Paul Crouch believed that if you played Stairway to Heaven backwards, it would have satanic messages?”
You slid on one of your shoes, hunting for the other one still. “Oh please Spence, you’re slipping. Everyone knows that. And it’s a bunch of bullshit, kinda. It does sound like some devil words but truly who has the time to plan that out, and then execute it?” 
“T-that’s what the band said!
You smiled at him, kissing his cheek as you walked out into his living room, determined to find this other fucking shoe. 
“What’s your favorite song by them, Spence?” 
“Oh well I don’t actually listen to them…”
“Spencer please. You’re breaking my heart. I’m picking the music in the car, and you’re going to suck it up.” 
Spencer has never been more excited to listen to music at 7 am before.
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bangtanmix73 · 2 years
From 3 to 5
Paul Lahote x pregnant reader x Embry Call
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Warnings: afab!reader, pregnancy, overthinking, anxiety, Paul would you ‘pup’ I don’t take criticism, fear of rejection, is it obvious I have baby fever?, let me know if I missed anything
“What am I doing to do, Em, Kim?” You address both of the women sitting on the couch as you paced back and forth.
You had just gotten back from your doctors appointment. You haven’t been feeling well lately and your boys were worried you were sick. You weren’t sick, you were 9 weeks pregnant. With twins.
“Y/n, dear, please sit down.” Emily patted the cushion next to her.
“I can’t sit down, Em, I’m stressed.” You complained.
“I don’t understand why you’re so stressed out, hun.” Kim spoke up for the first time since you told them you were pregnant. “They’re going to be excited.”
You stopped pacing. You stood in front of the girls, face filled with guilt. “The twins could only belong to one of them right? I feel bad that Paul would be the biological father to both and Embry wouldn’t, visa versa.” You whispered, loud enough for them to hear.
“Well that’s the more common case, yeah, but I’m sure Embry or Paul would still love the babies the same.” Emily commented.
“Hang on, the ‘more common case’?” You questioned.
“Yes, I believe it’s called ‘heteropaternal superfecundation’. It’s where one twin belongs to one and the other twin belongs to another man.” She informed you.
“Huh, you really do learn something new everyday.” Kim muttered.
“I really hope that’s my case.” You paused, another question coming to mind. “How far along do you have to be to get a paternity test done?”
“7 or 9 weeks, I believe.” Kim chimed in.
“I’m 9 weeks.” You started. “Do you think they would get a paternity test?”
“I’m sure if you asked them to.” You knew Emily was right. They’d do anything if you asked them to.
“Okay, yeah, I just got to tell them first.” You mentally hyped yourself up to the idea.
“You got this, hun.” Kim encouraged.
“Just one question.” Emily grinned. “Are we the god mothers?”
You were now sitting on the bed while some trash tv show played in the background, having come home a hour ago. You were waiting for your two (2) wolves.
Although, the longer you waited, the more the suspense built. You didn’t plan an extravagant way to tell them, you were too nervous. Besides, you thought being pregnant with twins should be a big enough surprise.
Too lost in your thoughts, you apparently didn’t hear the front door open or your boys calling your name or their footsteps up the stairs. You didn’t know they were home until Embry opened your shared bedroom door.
“Pup, you alright? You didn’t come to the downstairs when we called you.” Paul walked over to you and sat down on the bed, in front of you. Embry sat beside him.
Your heart rate picked up and fear set in and they felt it through the imprint bond.
“Babe? What’s wrong?” Embry moved closer to you.
“I, uh, I have something I need to tell you.” You begin. It took everything in you not to cry from the fear of rejection. “I’m pregnant. Not only that, but with twins.” You took a breath once it was finally out, but it didn’t relax you one bit as neither do them have said anything.
Paul and Embry sat shocked in front of you, not moving or saying anything. Honestly, if they were going to leave you, you wished they’d do it now and quickly.
You hesitantly asked, “B-boys? Are you okay?”
Paul snapped out of his trace first, smashing his lips into yours, taking you by surprise. Nonetheless, you kissed him back, both of your arms wrapping around each other.
Embry poked Paul’s side, forcing him to pull away from you. “My turn, Paul.” Embry demanded, making you giggle while Paul huffed.
Embry put his hands on both sides of your face and brought you in to kiss you. He removed one hand from your face, down to your legs, moving you closer to him and Paul.
He pulled back with the biggest grin on his face. “I love you so much. I’m so happy.” He poked Paul in the side again, making him groan. “We’re going to be dads.”
“So it doesn’t matter if the twins only belong to one of you?” You questioned. Paul moved behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter who they biologically belong to, they will always be our kids no matter what.” Paul reassured you.
“So, hypothetically, if I asked for get a paternity test, would?” You asked, quickly adding in, “not the it matters, I’m just curious.”
Paul and Embry shared a look.
“Only if you want to.” Embry said. “But for now, can we cuddle? We missed you.”
You smiled, “‘course.”
About a week later, you went in for the paternity test. The boys were restless the whole time. It became worse when the doctor said the results won’t be in for at least 24 hours. When the results finally came in, they were practically bouncing. From nervousness or excitement, you weren’t sure.
Opening the letter, you read it carefully. You gasped which concerned your wolves.
“What? What’s wrong?” They spoke in unison, not bothering to hide the concern in their voices.
“One baby is Paul’s and one is Embry’s.” You announced.
“What?” Paul blurted.
“How’s that possible?” Embry muttered in wonder.
“I’m not sure, but Emily said it’s rare. I’m just surprised this is how it turned out.” You admitted.
Paul hugged you. “I said this before, but it doesn’t matter if one’s mine, others not or if they were mine or not, we’re still going to be their fathers, pup.” He assured you one again, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
Embry hugged you from behind. “You’re going to be a great mother, babe.”
“Guess the 3 musketeers turned into 5.” You joked, sending the three of you into a fit of giggles.
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kindestofkings · 2 months
nepobaby² [pt.2]
elijah hewson x pop singer! reader
description: people hate to see a hot girl killing it, so much so that tmz starts rumours that spread like wildfire.
authors note: heyy this is a random part two to this ! so go enjoy and tell me what you think :))
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
tmz 🚨 Scandal Alert 🚨 TMZ exclusive: Shocking photos reveal yourusername caught in a steamy affair with a Saltburn's heartthrob Barry Keoghan, despite being in a relationship of over 3 years! 😱💔
Stay tuned as we uncover all the juicy details behind this explosive cheating scandal.
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inhalerfan1 omg what a slut! always knew she was no good for Eli
inhalerfan2 she's so fame hungry going after the most popular irish celeb, watch out paul mescal
ynfan1 nooooo girl nooooo
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates ehhhh guys did you see all this?? yn and eli were spotted together like a week ago what the hell is going on??
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ynfan1 I refuse to believe this is true, she's not like that
inhalerfan2 oh and you know her so well do you? ynfan1 maybe not but I do know tmz have lied in the past! they have no journalistic integrity
ynfan2 she must of really REALLY enjoyed saltburn
inhalerfan1 I will never listen to her again disgusting behaviour
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
deuxmoi just hours after the news broke that his girlfriend of 3 years is cheating on him, elijah hewson is the picture of heartbroken at his show and their interviews :(
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inhalerfan1 omg baby, #ynisoverparty
inhalerfan2 this is crazy, how could she do this to him while they're touring !
ynfan1 we don't even know if the rumours are true!! inhalerfan1 evidence is pretty stacked against your girl
inhalerfan3 can't wait for the single Eli era !!
yourusername just posted on their close friends!
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this is hell there was 6 other people at that dinner and we got in separate cars home
bobbyskeetz yeah didn't think you fucked with barry like that
↳ ...... bobbyskeetz too soon? yeah just a bit man
taylorswift they are ruthless! please call me gorgeous, you're not alone in this xx
trumanblack are you in LA right now?
↳ I am yeah why does that matter rn matthew trumanblack just wanted to make sure I booked the flight to the right place. ↳ matttttt I'm gonna cry (even more)
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates THIS IS NOT THE FACE OF A CHEATER. Also look how in love those two are !!! I dont not believe tmz on bit. ALSO people are being so mean to her. LEAVE HER ALONE!!!
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ynfan1 couldn’t said it better myself
ynfan2 people hate to see a hot girl slay.
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liked by 1975fan1 and others
tmz big brother to the rescue ? looks like the Healy siblings are sticking together through thick and thin. our cameras caught the eldest Healy sibling rushing to the states to support his little sister amidst her massive cheating scandal! 👀
looks like getting cancelled runs in the family huh...
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1975fan1 oh he looks pissed
ynfan1 omg the poor girl she looks in bits 💔
inhalerfan1 consequences of her actions ynfan2 WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF ITS TRUE NONE OF THEM HAVE COME OUT AND SAID ANYTHING inhalerfan1 you are clearly unhinged babe xxx
inhalerfan1 great job playing the victim girl, what about eli x
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liked by yourusername and others
elijahhewson stop making shit up to sell you papers. this is the love of my life who was at a group dinner, leave her be.
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bobbyskeetz ready to go to war for my favourite couple
ryanmcmahon_15 me too !
inhalerfan1 holy shit eli's is off private oh my GOD
inhalerfan2 it’s happening! everyone stay calm
trumanblack fair play mate
denisewelch its all so silly, clearly haven't seen how in love you two are !!
taylorswift glad to see her smiling again <3
ynfan1 I KNEW IT my parents could never .
ynfanupdates hope she's okay people were so mean to her..
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername please learn to be nicer while I disappear x
comments have been turned off.
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates it’s officially been a year and a half since we’ve heard anything from or even seen yourusername 🥲 I really respect her taking some time after that crazy barry situation but this is HARD
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ynfan1 noo I’m the same, I do be missing her bops
ynfan2 fr feels like we’ve been put in the worlds longest time out
ynfanupdates especially with that last insta post 😔
yourusername posted to their close friends!
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charli_xcx yessss queen the world is not readyyyy
↳ AHHH thank you C <33
rass75 AOTY pending?
↳ heheh idk ! genre change pending tho …
taylorswift cannot wait to hear what you're working on !
↳ and what if you hopped on a track?
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername is there anyone out there?
come spend some time with me within the echoes of solitude, there might be some familiar faces x
// this is me trying  / the lakes / mad woman / my tears ricochet / mirrorball / slut! (feat. Taylor Swift) / let the light in (feat. Elijah Hewson) / both sides now (feat. Joni Mitchell) / coney island (feat. Matty Healy) //
out in TWO weeks !
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jackantonoff lets fuckin GO
trumanblack so moody, almost emo?
yourusername coming for your gig big bro x
gabriette woooo they are not ready !
charlixcx AHHHH so buzzed (for all the sadness)
ynfan2 ah a sad album?? yourusername im sorry to confirm its not very pop 💔 ynfan2 so heartbroken ! but can't wait to hear it all, welcome back <3
elijahhewson so proud of you beautiful
ynfan2 oh no she looks so sad :(( slut! is gonna break me
ynfanupdates okay queen is back to dominate a new genre !
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liked by yourusername and others
vogue our next edition unveils an exclusive interview with our beloved pop sensation! emerging from a year of solitude, she opens up about her toughest career moment yet and her newfound carefree spirit, crediting the unwavering support of friends, family, and the love of her life! don't miss out on the latest scoop - grab your copy and dive into her inspiring journey!
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yourusername ahhhhh thanks for having me !!!
ynfan1 oh she slayss
ynfan2 bless her, the part where she talks about how nervous she is about not releasing a new pop album broke my heart
ynfan1 fr she doesn't get how much we love her ! yourusername AWH you guys !!!!
inhalerfan1 the love of her life .... her and eli are the cutest
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liked by trumanblack and others
yourusername HI again ! soooo I felt a tinnie bit bad that I'm abandoning my roots, espically so close to summer sooo....
espresso a certified bop* is out now xxxx
*certification is from my boyfriend so possible bias there ..
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ynfan1 holy shit I LOVE YOU
ynfan2 eli is so in love im OBSESSED
charlixcx so hot omfg
bobbyskeetz man is whipped
yourusername isnt it that sweet?! bobbyskeetz i guess so 🙄 elijahhewson espresso
hehehe this is so dramatic and for WHAt?! but I love and had so much fun making it. ENJOY <33
ALSO requests are open aswell so it me up xx
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prettyboypistol · 8 months
I'm not sure if requests are open so if not feel free to delete this ask! Can you do the mercs realizing they're into men because of the reader?
Of course! By the way, this is my 100th post! lucky lucky Anon! This goes out to all of the rest of my followers! Thank you for all the support and followers! I'll always look at your messages and write for TF2! I couldn't be here without all of you! Thank you for letting me be the weird gay man who likes writing about old gay men kissing! -PrinceThomas :>
Tf2 Mercs x M!Reader || Gay Awakening! +18
Super in denial at first, compares you to actors he likes or thinks are hot and kinda shelves it. Is MAD jealous that you just somehow look great no matter what (to him hehe)
Realizes he has a crush on you when his usual spank bank material of girls isn't really doing it for him anymore. It's 4am, he's tired and horny and a little drunk... his mind just wandered, okay?!
Daydreamer 100%, but his feelings for you and his feelings for Miss Pauling kinda fuck him up ngl?? Is he a homo or not?? I mean, he likes boobs and lipstick and girls, but the rough and tumbled grease in your stubble just gets him rarin in a way girls didn't.
Bisexual struggles fr. Assuming that you're a Stonewall riot supporter, he'd probably try to roundabout ask if he can experiment with you.
What really set you apart from the other mercs is that you just look good compared to them! Yeah, there are some conventionally attractive guys, but you're h o t.
Soldier, like Scout, assumed his attraction to you was something more akin to respect or friendliness. I mean, no other soldier he's ever met sacrificed himself to save him! That takes guts! Yeah, you respawned after, but the honor was still there for him.
Develops or at least tries to develop a friendship like what he with Demoman. He might come off like a very determined puppy, but you know he means well.
When he does realize it's love, he is upfront and honest about his feelings with you. After all, if Jane did like men, he could find more powerful army and recreate that unbeatable ancient army of homosexuals!
Asks around about romance, probably interrogates Medic about how to court another man because let's be honest Medic looks gay as he'll and I will die on the hill that every merc just assumes that man is queer.
In Pyroland, you're a prince on a unicorn. You're straight out of a fairy tale. They're overjoyed to have a prince in Pyroland rather than just babies! Yeah, it's fun to be childish, but a whimsical joy that are more complex are fun too!
Absolutely follows you around and talks about you to Engie non-stop. Engie jokes that Pyro might have a crush on you and they seriously consider it. They realize you're attractive when you do a party trick of spitting out Bug spray and lighting it on fire, making it look like you breathe fire.
As you cough and retch at the lingering taste of bug repellant in your mouth, Pyro applauds your trick and keeps trying to talk to you. They eventually are able to communicate to you, asking if you have any more fire tricks. You show them that you can twirl a pencil between all your fingers when the eraser tip is lit up like a candle.
You can kind of tell that they like you romantically, but you're not sure how to tell them that you know. A few chats with Engie tells you all you need to know: Pyro has never pursued a romantic interest, Pyro likes you, and that you can probably get their attention with an honest conversation.
The most casual about their realization that they like you- and men in general. Just a peek at you in the showers after a particularly clutch victory caused a few rather dirty thoughts. It wasn't that big of a deal to him and kept his attitude of a drunken "Well, a hole's a hole, I bet he's tight."
Probably offers a little bit of fun after a long night of party, definitely a lot more drunk than usual as he leans a tad too close for friendship. That deep, gravelly, and warm voice growled in your ear with an open offer to join him in his room that night.
If you joined, he wouldn't remember the night and regret that he forgot the night in the morning when you and him snuggle awake. If you decline it's no harm no foul.
One of those types of guys who actually can balance his feelings for you along with his friendship- he keeps the ball in your court and stayed professionally friendly, maybe a tad brotherly competitive.
This man is an iron wall to hide his feelings. He had the idea that he just wasn't the type to want a relationship- which was fine, more time to work to keep his family safe- but then you jumped out into danger to protect him. He was on the brink of death and you selflessly risked your life for him! Yeah, you both respawned, but it was the gesture that mattered!
His eyes trailed you a lot more often, like a security camera. He pretended to be read his book, but he knew exactly where you were. Medic is the first to notice this change.
Medic asks about Heavy's feelings for you, since Heavy had never ordered Medic to go heal anyone else before! Hell, the both of you tended to stay behind Heavy during battles after that, so you two had a sense of closeness.
When you all went out on a trip to the beach, Heavy loved watching you in the water, and even allowed himself to be dragged in by you to play water polo with Soldier and Demoman. He's a long game of chess, hopefully you can win him over!
Is a bit more protective of you out of battle, but that's something only the people he threatens is aware of.
Oh fucking god holy shit what the hell man's fucking gay PANICS. DELL IS HEARTSTOPPINGLY FROZEN IN FEAR WHEN HE REALIZES THAT HE LIKES MEN.
All you did was scale a chainlink fence with ease, albeit with a small growling as the metal dug into your fingers. Dell swallowed the feeling thickly. He didn't mean to stare at your ass, really! It just sorta... happened.
And then it happened again as he kneeled to construct a sentry. Then when he was sat down at the kitchen table as you walked by. The only time he didn't catch a glance was when you turned to him with a smug look and a "if you wanna look at my ass, you could just ask."
He knows a lot of gay cowboy culture, but was far too scared to go ahead with a few of the gestures. Although, you weren't as shy, giving him a grey handkerchief when he spillied oil on himself.(translation: grey handkerchief=bondage kink)
Finally- FINALLY! He offers you his hat on a very hot day with his head looking straight at the ground.(translation: if a cowboy puts his hat on your head, y'all fucking)
In the top 3 of "chillest reactions to realizing he likes men", but barely on the podium yk?
Mick was doing some target practice and had lost track of time, his pot of coffee and snack pile had been long empty. Right as he was about to get up to stretch his legs, he saw you on the last rung to the ladder of his nest. "Oh hey Snipes! You missed lunch and dinner, 'decided to check in on our favorite sharpshooter." When you stay for a few moments and hand him the bottles of water and leftovers from dinner, he realized that nobody made him feel that loved.
You just being kind sends him into a "did he do that to hit on me? Does he do this to everyone?" Yeah he panics about everything you do, but not because you're a man- it's because a crush is a crush to him!
Sniper does genuinely try to show interest, but in a subtle way like inviting you out to take a smoke break, target practice, maybe offer to let you join him to survivalist camp for a few days.
Silver medalist of the chill reaction podium, mainly because he laments to himself about all the potential money he had lost by not seducing more men in his more freelance espionage days. He could have hooked up with Saxton Hale to swindle that oaf out of millions- if he had thought of that.
Does a full background and thorough investigation into your personal life, how you reacted to the huge news event of Stonewall, if you had ever hooked up with a man, anything to see if he had a chance to sneak into your dating pool.
He treats you a lot like how he treats the women he seduces, but has to overcome how you brush him off casually like a man. Women were a language Spy speant years studying, so much so that he seldom kept up with the more masculine way of communicating.
At his wit's end, he just asks you bluntly. "Listen, I find you hot. I've been trying to get into your pants for almost 2 months now, do you want to have sex?"
This man already knew he was gay before you pulled up, sorry. BUT BUT BUT you are the first crush he's had! Yeah, he knew he liked the idealized version of a man he made up in his head, but you are better than the fictional men in books!
Despite the stereotype for Medic, he didn't fall for you when he saw you on his operating table. You and Engie were theorycrafting about hypothetical cybernetic enhancements. Engie had said something biologically inaccurate about the immune system, and before Medic could interrupt your private conversation, you corrected Engie! Not in a demeaning way, but in a way that clearly showed that you had a love for biological science. Medic's heart skipped a beat.
Constantly offering you new enhancements for your body and coddles you about painful proedures (he actually gives you anathesia! How sweet!) and sends his experimental ideas to you for a betaread over. For Medic, that's essentially a confession in and of itself!
Has written your name in little hearts on his note margins and uses you as his anatomy sketch references when he needs to visualize the human skeleton.
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Hii!! I absolutely love your stories!! Could you maybe write something with Paul x reader including the prompts 5 and 3 from the prompt list? Just a fun and playful interaction between the two. Something silly, cuz he's a silly little guy:)
3. What do I taste like?
5. Oh, bite me.
Ah thank you so much! I hope you'll enjoy this!💜
The evening sky was unusually bright tonight, stars and galaxies both visible with the naked eye. I stared up at the stars, smiling as I recognised the big dipper and Orion. My head rested on Paul's chest, quite comfortably, as he played with my hair.
"What does blood taste like?"
Paul stopped, his hand stuck on some tangles. "Like blood, I guess?"
"Paul, you know what I mean. If I have a wound on my finger and I put it in my mouth, I taste metal. Don't tell me you actually have to drink metal juice to survive?"
He chuckled, leaning up a bit, resting on his elbows.
"It depends on what they've been eating."
"So if someone eats chocolate all the time, you get a chocolaty taste?"
He shrugged. "Kind of? But blood just tastes like blood. Not like when you're human."
"Is it good?"
"Wouldn't be drinking it otherwise."
He laid back down, right as I moved to sit up. I looked at him.
"You'd be dead if you didn't drink it."
"Undead, darling. Undead."
I sighed, smiling. "But what you eat does influence the taste?"
He nodded. "Worst one I ever had was when I had a meal one time that only ever ate fish?"
I pulled a face. Not just the thought of fish tasting blood was disgusting but the idea of only ever eating fish? No thanks.
"Yeah, don't drain sharks." He nodded as if he had just given me the wisdom of a man who had seen everything. Well, he probably had seen a lot, but I don't think I would consider this wisdom per se.
"A shark?"
"What? Oh you thought I was talking human?"
"Oh, bite me." I couldn't help but grin. "Asshole."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, human is pretty good. No matter the blood type."
"Good to know."
It was quiet for a moment, both of us laying down in the grass, staring up at the starcovered sky.
"What do I taste like?" I asked softly.
"I don't know."
"I'm curious."
"I mean, your kisses taste amazing - I like the bubblegum you use. But bloodwise?"
"Aren't you curious?"
He shrugged. "Maybe a little. But I know that if you change and let me be the one to do it, I'll get a taste of it anyways."
"Ah. You got it all planned out, hm?"
"Absolutely." He grinned. "You smell delicious, though, so I wouldn't worry about taste."
"Good." I grinned.
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sintiancat · 2 months
Tord laughed, looking down at Edd and Matt from his giant robot.
‘’Hey, Edd! Thanks for holding onto this for me!’’ He shouts, smiling from ear to ear. ‘’I’ll have to go now though. The world’s not going to take over itself!’’
‘’But I thought we were… I thought we were friends!’’ Edd shouts, salty tears quickly leaving his eyes.
The old friend he’s known for so long and cherished with all his heart, betraying him.
Just like that.
Like it never meant something for him.
‘’HA! No? What would I need friends for when I’ve got this!’’ He cackles, but stops abruptly. His eyes widening as he remembered something important.
‘’Mh. But you know... there is something- no, someone I do need.’’ He says, his eyes darting around the neighborhood. ‘’I need her.’’ He mumbles, his eyes continuing to search desperately for her.
Edd and Matt look at each other, agitated and worried.
Some seconds pass by, and the silence only becomes louder.
Everyone seems to wait for something.
But nothing happens.
You don’t appear.
‘’CUT!’’ The director announces, promptly standing up from his seat. His hands rubbing his lower back, as he stretched.
‘’Ugh. Where’s the main love interest? She was supposed to enter scene as soon as he said that!’’ He frowns, reading the script one more time as he shouts your name.
You jolt, head turning abruptly at the mention of your name
You looked like a deer caught in headlights, and when you made eye contact with the director, you slowly left the pastry you were about to eat back with the rest of the food on set.
‘’What?’’ You frown, ‘’I’m not supposed to enter scene yet.’’ You huff, about to take the pastry again.
Except you can't.
You feel a hand rest on your shoulder, beckoning you to turn around as you hear someone say your name soon after. ‘’The script changed’’ Paul informs you, his thick eyebrows furrowing to show his confusion ‘’Edd was supposed to tell you this morning.’’
You tilt your head, ‘’He didn’t’’
‘’I did!’’ Edd says, approaching the two of you. ‘’When we were having breakfast, remember?’’
Your eyes squint as you recall the events of this morning. When Edd was eating the promotional cereal ‘’Eddsworld’’.
‘’I just remember you talking with your mouth full.’’ You blink, ‘’You should really stop doing that by the way, we can’t understand you and you know how annoyed Tom gets after.’’ Edd laughs, nodding.
‘’I know, I know.’’ He sighs, his lips parting to comment again. But instead, he only gasps.
‘’Where’s Tom?’’
Paul eyes widens, his cigar about to fall of as he wastes no time to run to the set. Edd rushing to do the same.
‘’Oh shit. Don’t tell me you guys left him inside the debris?!’’ You panic, following after the two to help your friend out of the destroyed house.
Matt and the director were already there, lifting the remains of the house to get Tom out.
Well, the director was the one lifting. Matt was panicking as he called Tom’s name horrified.
With more of the crew helping you quickly took him out, the man with spiky hair groaning in pain.
Matt and you sigh, a bit more relieved at the sight of Tom, who was at least still conscious enough to curse.
From the corner of your eye, you see how some crew members help Tord step off the giant robot, the Norwegian running towards Tom to make sure he wasn’t badly injured.
Tord lifts him up, seating him down so a crewmate could quickly aid him.
Tom tries not to wince as he feels the alcohol-soaked cotton ball touch his injury.
‘’I didn’t receive the signal,’’ He hisses, ‘’I stayed there for whole five minutes.’’
‘’There was not clear communication.’’ The director huffs, crossing his arms. ‘’Someone forgot to inform people about the change in script.’’
Edd looks away, whistling as he kicks a pebble.
‘’Why am I not surprised…’’ You hear someone mutter
Sighing, you crouch down at Tom’s level.
‘’Yeah?’’ He looks your way, his tired eyes making eye contact with you.
You have a tiny smile on your face, as you lean closer to him.
Your lips parting to whisper into his ear.
‘’Idiot. I fucking told you to accept the stunt double.’’ You pull his ear
heres my two cents to the ew x reader community. i dont think ive ever seen an actor au in the fandom tbh
also hi tumblr how do u
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m1ssunderstanding · 2 months
You know if even Francie is saying it I'm starting to think old Jim Mac may have been slightly abusive, I don't think that's the right word since what happened it was a different time and place etc. But with the way he treated Paul and Mike, especially after Mary's passing and how he expected so much more when his son was one of the most famous musicians in the world, it's just - his whole family to he fair it's like they never really saw him as human and more akin to a musical monkey
Yeah I would actually call it abuse. I think Jim probably had mostly good intentions and genuinely loved his sons, but that doesn't mean his treatment of them was just or didn't have any affect on them. By my definitions, there's emotional as well as physical abuse going on (Paul was expected and pressured from the time they started to realize how intelligent he was to grow up and save his entire family from poverty; Appearances were everything and emotional needs suppressed; There was no financial security; After Mary's death, Paul was extremely patentified, depended on emotionally and materially by the person who was simultaneously physically abusing him)
About the normalization of the physical abuse specifically for a minute, if it was so normal for the time, why is Paul the only one of the four Beatles to have experienced it? My family has always been working class, and my grandparents who are Paul's age were not subjected to the violence that Paul was. Not saying it wasn't more common then and more accepted, but it's also not something you can just pass off as "that's what everyone did in those days".
Also, I wouldn't be surprised at all if even in that one interview where Paul specifically talked about how he got Jim to stop hitting him, he was downplaying. That's what Paul does. We have no way of knowing. But it does fit with Paul's usual story-telling and framing of events that maybe it was more than what he said.
And yeah, the financial abuse started early and clearly continued far into adulthood, maybe up until Jim's death when Paul cut Angie and Ruth off for selling his birth certificate. Paul was trained as a door-to-door salesman for Jim's club as a nine year old in the literal projects. He figured out how to snatch other people's lunch tickets out of the fire at the inny and pass them off as unused. What are we going to do without her money? He first saw John when he was a paper boy and John was buying chips. As soon as the band started making money, he became the head provider of his family (Jim made 10 pounds a week at the cotton brokers while Paul made 15 a week in Hamburg) and when the band wasn't making money, he found whatever work he could to make up for it. Meanwhile, we have no reason to believe Jim wasn't gambling insatiably. As the child of an addict, I know addictions don't just go away and then resurface when they're affordable again, and Jim was certainly an addict. He gambled so much Paul had to buy his house back for him (that he'd bought for him in the first place while Paul himself was living in an attic room like some kind of starving artist at the same time as the rest of the band was buying their mansions).
Paul clearly loved his dad so much and craved Jim's approval, trying to find a girl Jim would approve of after Jane, trying to be a good family man, trying to stay close to his working class roots. You can even see it in his music, from When I'm 64 to A Walk in the Park with Eloise. (I think the 1920s & 30s influence in much of his music came from him genuinely loving it and also from a desire for his dad to appreciate his talent). But he also had no patience for Jim's frailty toward the end, didn't go to the funeral, and didn't write about Jim's death in MYFN.
I really don't know too much about the extended family, anon, but it does seem the case that part of Paul's role in it, from the beginning, was to be a savior and a cash cow, and no one considered his humanity.
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love-superache · 5 months
Lots of Sparks
Pairing: PLATONIC! Jackson Family (Paul and Tyson inculded) x Mortal! GN!Reader
Words: 1222
Summary: This is supposed to be a Part 2, of my other work "A Little Spark", since I'm making this a timeskip it will be at the final of Book 4, in Percy's 15th Birthday Party, and the Start of Book 5, before he is with Rachel. The Jackson family receives 2 guests in the party, one we know who they are, but what about the 2nd?
Warnings: Timeline: End of Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth and Start of Book 5: The Last Olymlian. English is not my 1st language! And you are older than in Part 1. Canon change.
Notes: Thank you so much for liking so much Part 1! I tried to do my best since I didn't really have something to do. Most of this is fluff because Gabe (🤢) is finally gone! And family bonding. I hope you like this part as the first, but Idk..
⋆ ˚。⋆୨☆୧⋆ ˚。⋆
While preparing the party you and Percy were talking of what Paul calls 'Girl affairs'.
"...And then she KISSED ME." Percy says looking at you.
"Wait. She kissed you? And you are just telling me now dumbass!" You whisper to him.
"I didn't know how to bring that up and believe me when I say that I'm still trying to believe it." He says while taking napkins out of the drawer.
"...And you two are dating now right?" You ask.
"What do you mean no?...You guys kissed and like eachother what more do you need to start dating?" You say taking plastic cups and putting them in the table.
"I don't know..it's just.." He says, don't knowing what to say more.
"Is it because of your new friend Rachel?" You ask.
"What? Why would it be?"
"It's just that you remembered her number after seeing it one time, ...and since you came back from the mission you are either talking about dying, Annabeth or her." You say looking at the sides and eating a bit of a chocolate from the blue cake.
"Hey! That's not true! And stop eating the chocolate! Mom will think it was me." He says blushing.
"Okay, but you three look like a love triangle or something. Like Katniss, Peeta and Gale." You say nodding to yourself.
"Since when did you read the Hunger Games?"
"1 month ago, but that's not the important, the important is that you are in a love triangle." You say laughing.
"I'm not!" He says getting out of the room, heat in his ears.
"Why are you running baby?" You tease but he doesn't respond back and goes to his room.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨☆୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You and Sally were eating the cake while Paul talked with Tyson, his eyes shining while Paul talks about how good at Monopoly he is, Tyson makes a big smile as he hears the compliments leave the other man's mout.
Percy was talking to his father, he looked like a fisherman to you, not the mighty God of the Seas, but you guess that was his human form.. when he saw you he gave you a quick, but genuine smile, while he smiled you thought how much his green eyes represented Percy's, they were certainly family, but he was Tyson's dad too, and Tyson loved him as you saw with his 'Daddy' the moment Poseidon enetred the apartment. You still can't understand why the gods are always having children, don't they have more mighty things to do? Like protect they're land or the Olympus? You couldn't really understand.
You get out of these thoughts when Tyson asks if you want to play Uno, you can't say no right? So you two play.
As you are playing Percy comes back from his conversation with Poseidon, looking happy but at the same time kinda shaken up.
"Are you okay Perc?" You ask, not wanting to know how the hell Poseidon dissapeard, problaly god stuff, and he looks at you and smiles.
"Yeah..it's nothing that I'm not used to." He says and sits.
While he sits Paul calls in the kitchen.
'Problaly to talk about the wedding proposal.' You think.
He already told you that he wants to marry Sally, for you it's all good, he is already the person who takes you to school and you see the way Sally looks at him and he looks at her. You know that Percy is gonna accept it too. Paul is a really cool and swett guy.
You scream Uno while Tyson still has 5 cards and you smile proud of yourself.
After that you hear a knock at the door, Sally goes open it.
As she opens a man in a suit talks to her and after the talk she looks at you.
"Y/N, dear, can you come here?" You nod and come to the door.
Sally passes her arms around you while you look at the man.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but..this is complicated to say..well.. you're biological mother entered in contact with us. She says she wants to take care of you." He tells and both you and Sally look tense.
"But why would she want something with Y/N, she never showed interest in your life until now." Sally asks while looking at you.
You tense up.
"Well, I have a guess.." He sighs. "After Mr. Ugliano death all of his debts passed to her. Maybe taking care of her would be a indirect revenge with the person with the most connections with Mr. Ugliano. That is you, Y/N."
"No, that can't be!" Sally yells alerting the rest of the family that were in the living room (Percy was on is room.)
"I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson but Y/N isn't still legally your child." He says to her and looks at you. "If your mother wants to take your full care of you, she can even go to court."
"She isn't my mother, Sally is, I don't want to see her. Or be with her." You say your eyes starting to go red, Sally hugs you.
"If those adoption files didn't took that long.." She whispers that only the man can hear, he nods.
"Im sorry Mrs. Jackson, the best you can do is go to the court against her, maybe if you win the judges acelarate the adoption process."
Sally smiles to him and nods
"Thank you Sir for alerting us."
"It's nothing Mrs. Jackson, have a rest of a good party." He smiles at you and gets out of the apartment.
"Well looks like I'm going to court." She says as she closes the door and looks at Paul.
"...What?" He asks and while he is explaining you go to Percy's room to explain the situation.
When you open the door Percy is with another boy, who looks like a zombie, and emo, really emo.
"I can come back latter, bye Perc and Perc emo friend." You close the door again and go back to the living room, hearing a laugh after that, problaly Percy's.
Paul tells you that you don't need to worry when you get at the living room.
"When the time comes everything will be solved." He says.
You nod and hug him, he smiles at you.
The rest of the night you all play card games and after some hours Percy comes back from talking with his emo friend, looking again shaken up.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨☆୧⋆ ˚。⋆
All of your family is taking another party from the court win. Your mom didn't even have the conditions to take you in, and even if she had you weren't coming.
In some days Percy is also taking a vacation with is friend Rachel family.
Every time he talked about it to you, you made a knowing look, his love problems were as good as a reality show, you don't even want to know Annabeth face when she finds out. You could laugh with that.
But now not even Percy is thinking about that vacation he is thinking of how much you grew up since he met you, still in the control of Smelly Gabe, and how much more happy you were in these years after taking you with them.
He hugs you. Now that doesn't matter,
you are officialy Y/N Jackson.
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7furhr8 · 3 months
Something slightly less small
*TLB showing Michael around the cave*
Tiny!Reader: You guys didn't tell me someone new had been coming to the cave!
Michael: Who said that?
Paul: Our cute little S/O!
Michael: Our?
David: We share an S/O. That's not an issue, is it, Michael?
Michael: N-no! Of course not! That's not...any of my....business...uh...can I meet them? Where are.........they?
Paul: In front of you, man!
*Michael looks around confused* I....uh.....don't see them.....
Tiny!Reader: Down here!
Michael: *looks down and sees a tiny person waving at him* WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?!?
*Marko punches his shoulder*
Marko: *punches his shoulder* OUR S/O, ASSHOLE! AND THEY ARE NOT A "tHaT" THEY ARE A PERSON, YOU-
David: MARKO! Please....
Marko: But-
*David gives Marko a look, making him stop talking.*
David: How about you go get some chinese?
*Marko looks at Michael with a pissed expression before leaving*
Tiny!Reader: Thank you for defending me, Marko!
*Marko smiles and blows a kiss at them*
Tiny!Reader: *blushes before turning to Michael* So, I'm Y/N! *holds out a tiny hand for him to shake*
Michael: I........uh...........I'm sorry but what are you?
David: Come on, Michael! That's not very nice, is it?
Paul: Yeah, dude, bit of a dick move! *sips a beer*
*Dwayne nods in agreement*
*Michael looks back at Y/N, before shaking their hand*
Michael: I'm....sorry....I've just....never seen anythi-ANYONE like you before.....
Tiny!Reader: *chuckles* I get that a lot! It's alright!
Michael: Well, thanks.......so, you're dating them, huh? If you don't mind me asking...how did that happen? I mean, you are....uh....rather....you know....
David: Paul.......
Tiny!Reader: Tiny? I know! I don't know I landed them either! But we met at the boardwalk and we just kinda hit it off!
Michael: I.....see.....
Tiny!Reader: Here, I'll show you around as I tell you more! *starts walking deeper into the cave* come on, you! Try not to lose me, yeah? :)
Michael: *shakes his head a few times before following*
Marko: I love them so much! <3
Paul: Same here! <3
Dwayne: I admire how someone so small, made a big impact on our hearts! <3
David: *light chuckle* I agree! <3
(Sorry for the bad/rushed ending, this was getting long and I wasn't sure how to end it! Hope you guys enjoyed this!)
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