#yeah... perfectly acceptable 🤣🤣🤣
lancabbage · 6 months
Some idiots claiming YZYs abusive actions were justified because of the historical and cultural setting of MDZS... Because I used this very argument against one of their little friends and their claims WWX's revenge and JGYs are similar, and if WWX could be "excused" so could JGYs.
Firstly, there's a fine line between discipline and unnecessary cruelty. What YZY does crosses that line unequivocally. She does this not only physically, but mentally. She wears him down with lashing of both vicious tongue and cracking whip. Yes, discipline is very much part of that era, but singling out one child specifically and beating them for reasons that are far from punishable is abuse no matter what. Let's not forget WWXs back was covered in scares, both new and old. These are marks from a high-class spiritual weapon! This is not an official method used for disciplinary purposes.
And the major thing here is, it's not JUST the setting that shows us how the MDZS universe works, but MXTXs worldbuilding and the examples of what is expected culturally in her fiction. The Yi City arc shows us how revenge works in her universe - similar to the era. She also shows us what is acceptable punishment and how such things are carried out in the Cloud Recesses arc - again, somewhat similar to the era. These are shown to the reader so we understand the clear boundaries world and the rules MXTX has set in place in her fic.
It really is all there in black and white if you'd just actually read 🤣
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
I saw the below prompt and could easily imagine Aelin running a black market of printing services and I would love to see what kind of favors she’d take from a certain buzzard who is pressed for time.. especially if they’ve maybe been secretly pining after one another this whole time? 👀
Prompt: You’re the only one in our college dorm building that owns a printer so you run a black market of printing services for favors/money/food/etc. I don’t have time to walk twenty minutes across campus to the library, please help me.
Congrats on 500!
Okay so.....this is actually real-life me at my college 🤣🤣🤣 I own a desktop printer so I don't have to use the campus printing service all the time and half the people in my building want to use it. Naturally I charge a fee--either money or food or coffee, i'm not picky lol. Anyway this is literally me in real life except for the secretly pining part bc i'm very very single and I adore this prompt, thank you so so much 😁
Here you go!!
Word count: 870
Warnings: maybe some swearing
"Hey, Galathynius! Do me a solid?"
Aelin glanced over her shoulder to find Fenrys jogging after her, catching up to her before they made it to the dorm building they both lived in. "What do you want, Moonie?"
The blonde huffed a dramatic sigh. "First of all, stop calling me that, you know it doesn't fit my mature persona." Aelin snorted so hard she almost coughed. Fen just rolled his eyes. "Secondlyyyy," he groaned dramatically, "I need to print a paper. Lemme use your printer? Pretty pretty please?" He widened his big brown eyes irresistibly.
"Your sad puppy face isn't gonna get you free printing, Moonie," Aelin drawled. "A dollar a page, or $30 flat if it's more than 20 pages."
"Highway robbery!" he gasped.
She rolled her eyes. "It's the same price I've always charged and you know it."
"Ugh, fiiiiine," he grumbled. "Unless...how about I cover your coffee for the next week?"
"Hmm." She pretended to seriously think about it, knowing full well that she'd accept. Who was Aelin Galathynius to turn down free coffee, especially when she spent somewhere around 40 dollars a week on her precious caffeine. "All right, I accept. I'll text you my drink order, and I expect it delivered every morning as I leave for my first class."
Fen saluted her. "Yes ma'am!" he chirped.
She smacked his shoulder teasingly. "Cut the flourishing, drama queen." Fen flashed her a grin and jogged off towards his next class, while she swiped her student ID in the building's card reader and walked into the dorm. She, Elide, and Lysandra shared a triple room with an ensuite bathroom on the fourth floor, so she had to climb three flights of stairs to get to her room. As she opened her door, she noticed a sticky note stuck to the wood. It wasn't uncommon; people who wanted to buy her printing service often left notes stuck to her door. She gave the note a cursory glance.
HELP! Need to print 30 pages for 2pm class! -RW, #350
Aelin glanced at her phone. It was 1:15 pm, meaning whoever had left that note was probably pacing around their room in distress right about now. So of course, she decided to go pay Room 350 a little visit.
"Ah, shit!" yelped a male voice from inside the room when she knocked. There was a flurry of noise and stumbling, and a tall guy wearing a UTerr Hockey sweatshirt opened the door, his pale blonde hair a frazzled mess. "Um, hi?"
"Well hello there, Whitethorn," Aelin smirked, delighted to see the normally perfectly put-together Rowan Whitethorn, star defenseman of UTerr Hockey, all flustered over not having printed materials for class.
"Aelin, thank the fuckin' gods," Rowan gasped. "Did you get my note?"
"Mhmm," she hummed, intentionally vague.
"Ae," he groaned, his desperation showing, "can you print my articles? Please?"
"Got payment?"
"I--yeah, gimme a sec." He vanished into his room and banged around for another couple of minutes, rummaging through drawers and probably his closet as he tried to find cash. He reappeared with a sheepish, embarrassed blush staining his chiseled cheeks. "Uh..."
"No cash?" Aelin clicked her tongue softly. "Sorry, Ro. I don't take credit cards."
"Please," he begged, dropping right down to his knees in front of her. "Fuck it, Ae, I'm desperate! I'm fucked if I don't come to class prepared, the professor already thinks all athletes are dumb jocks who pass classes on daddy's money." He clasped his hands together and stared imploringly up at her, his deep green eyes wide and pleading.
A very naughty part of Aelin wanted to tell him all the sinful ways he could pay her for printing his articles. But because she was a mature woman, she kept that part of herself quiet.
"Well," she mused, "I suppose you could offer me a favor, but it better be worth thirty pages."
Rowan closed his eyes and tipped his head back, a soft groan slipping from his lips as he frantically tried to think up a worthy favor. That gods-damned little groan of his did bad, bad things to Aelin's naughty little inner voice.
Or maybe that was just her enormous little crush on him.
"Dinner." Rowan's voice broke through her traitorous wandering thoughts.
"I'll buy you dinner," he repeated. "Anywhere you want, as much food as you want. I swear."
Aelin couldn't have stopped her response no matter how hard she tried. "Like a dinner date?"
Rowan's face flushed a surprisingly endearing shade of vibrant pink. "Um...yeah?"
A tiny, pleased smile curled the corners of Aelin's lips, blooming into a full-blown smile the longer she made him squirm. "Okay, I accept. It's a date." Without waiting for his response, she waltzed off.
When she returned to his room, his articles in hand, he was waiting by the door. He took the papers from her with a slow, relieved smile that made a dimple in his left cheek pop out.
"Thanks, Ae."
"Of course." She waved him off. "Better not be late, Ro."
"You too." Her brows furrowed in confusion, and he winked. "Our date, darlin'. Seven o'clock tomorrow. I'll pick you up."
Gods help her, she could not wait.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: The Grey Havens
Oh wow, another chapter review, haven’t seen one of those in ten thousand years
I’m not ready I’m not ready I’m not ready aaaaahhh
this has been such an incredible year and a half; i don’t want this book to end
but the sooner i finish, the sooner i can start over again!! so let’s go
Fatty Bolger!! 😭 We missed you, friend!
Man how am I gonna draw him skinny and still recognizable?? Guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it
Man I remember being so annoyed that she received a welcome like this when I was a kid, but now that I’m older, the display of mercy is overwhelmingly touching
She’s leaning on Frodo’s arm!! FRODO’S! He brought her out himself! And they all cheer for her courage and tenacity!
Y’know what? You’re all right after all, Lobelia. You’re all right.
I love the implication that hobbits will not accept a mayor who is not RotundTM 🤣
Ahhhhh okay so THAT’S where I got my childhood definition of “horny”
I’m sure in this case it means “like horn (the material), hard and rough”, which is an excellent descriptor, and it’s a shame I will never be able to use it in my own writing
Aww, I love you, Gaffer
“It was a purely Bywater joke to refer to it as Sharkey’s End” PFFFFFFT 🤣🤣
The four hobbits being known as the Travellers is so sweet
Frodo: “Ah yes, your box of dirt, the box of dirt from Galadriel, the box of dirt given specifically to you by Galadriel, Galadriel’s dirt”
I love that Frodo knows every single grain of this stuff is magical
I love even more that Sam is antsy and can hardly keep himself from running around and checking if the dirt is doing anything LOL
Year 1420 haha blaze it
“All the children born or begotten in that year, and there were many…” Tolkien knows how baby booms work
“And no one was ill, and everyone was pleased, except those who had to mow the grass” BAHAHAHA 🤣
Ohhhhh oh Frodo, oh bby
Sam was away 😭 And Farmer Cotton was the one who found Frodo in his bed in pain 😭😭 o w
Okay but Frodo just automatically assuming like “of COURSE we’re gonna be roomies” is just *chef’s kiss*
I love these boys so heckin’ much
Frodo: So we’re roomies, yeah? Sam: Er, I…well I’d love to, but…but Rosie. Frodo: MORE ROOMIES 8-D
Tolkien: “And they loved Frodo dearly, and no one in the Shire was better cared for” Me: Thanks, Tolkien 🥹😭💚
Merry and Pippin walking around like the local legends they are
Sam doesn’t even know how well respected he is in the Shire 🥺
Noooo Weathertop
“Taking after Rose more than me, luckily” And this solidifies my headcanon that Rosie is drop-dead gorgeous
Frodo hiding his illness from Sam hurts, man. You can feel him trying to stay cheerful. Ow, ow, ow.
“‘You can’t go far or for a long time now, of course,’ he said a little wistfully.” I AM GOING TO EAT THE CARPET
“The Downfall of: The Lord of the Rings” Rollllll credits! *ding*
Oh. Ohhhh. The Elvish song meeting Frodo and Sam as they sit on their ponies in the forest in late evening. I’m gonna cry.
Bilbo: Well, I’m older than the Old Took now! Bucket list completed. Time to go!
“But I thought you were going to enjoy the Shire, too, for years and years, after all you have done.” Same, Sam…same. 😭😭 (that’s what the Magnolia AU is for)
How. How does Frodo predict the names of Sam’s kids. “And perhaps more I cannot see”—how can he see in the first place?? How does he know? He’s getting Elvish, Frodo is. Very, very elvish.
Just. Frodo’s whole speech. I don’t have anything to say, I’m just soaking it in, and I feel so joyful and so sad all at once. It’s so tender and intimate and yet so distant. Tolkien, you’re so cruel, I love you.
Okay okay be calm, it’s okay, just keep going
And they’re ending the story the same way they joined it because Frodo is trying to leave and they said “NOT WITHOUT US” I’M GONNA GNAW HOLES IN THE COUCH AND BAWL LIKE A BABY
The three of them riding back home in silence but taking comfort in each other
I joke about these things making me cry but I actually, literally, have mist in my eyes right now holy cow
It’s so melancholy and comforting and it hurts and yet it makes you feel so happy and whole
The story is coming to an end, and there’s so much you want to say, but you can’t find words for any of it, and yet the silence says everything and more
(And Merry and Pippin don’t start singing until they take their leave of Sam, almost as if they were being considerate of his feelings first, but as they go and you hear their voices in the distance you get the sense that everything is going to be okay)
“Well, I’m back.”
The end.
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When Rose Tyler meets a mysterious stranger called the Doctor, her life will never be the same again. Soon she realises that her mum, her boyfriend and the whole of Earth are in danger. The only hope for salvation lies inside a strange blue box.
1. LOVE this opening. Such a great bedroom hahah. Perfectly messy and pink—makes me wonder what t2r’s shared bedroom must look like now!
2. What does Jackie do for a living? I know it’s canon (or fanon?) that she’s a hairdresser but do we actually ever see her working as one?
3. Who’s Derek? And why does Rose think a mannequin prank would be up his lane? RUN. Such a great meet cute 😭😭😭😭 these two are married now you guys!!!!!!!
4. ‘Cos to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they got to be students. 
That makes sense. Well done. 🥺🥺 nothing just the Doctor always appreciating the insight Rose brings🥺🥺
6. ‘So, I'm going to go up there and blow them up, and I might well die in the process, but don't worry about me. No, you go home. Go on. Go and have your lovely beans on toast.’ ohhhhh he wants her to join him so bad 😭 the poor guy. This is right after he’s destroyed his entire planet and there’s just SOMETHING about Rose he sees, huh? 😭🥺 also ’Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life.’ Such a great line!
7. TARDIS appearance!
8. ‘Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was her daughter.’ oh my God Jackie Tyler I have missed you. Imagine your mum reacting to you almost getting blown up like THIS though 🤣 yikes!
9. Rose doesn’t tell Mickey about the Doctor—no matter how ridiculous the plastic plot sounds she believes him, even if it is unconsciously at the moment
10. All the calls Jackie is getting one after the other insinuate a pretty closely knit neighbourhood, doesn’t it? All these people know where Rose works and are concerned enough to call up. Imagine how traumatic the sudden shift to Pete’s World must’ve been for Jackie—I know she’s got the parallel version of Bev but it’s not the same, and it must’ve taken a WHILE to adjust to everything.
11. “The airs and graces” comment. So much to be dissected here! Jackie’s relationship with herself and with her daughter implied very heavily in this one line. She seems to be jealous, even.
12. They have a cat flap! Rose confirmed cat person moment (1). The Doctor waiting outside the flat xD. Talk about picking up strays🥺
13. The dialogue is so damn gooood. And Christopher’s delivery is so endearing
14. Jackie hitting on the Doctor!!!!! Need tentoo to bring this up ASAP. She’s his mother in law😭
15. Staircase shot is incredible. Love the Sort of, yeah❤️ bit. Also love how the Doctor repeatedly checks on how she’s handling the information (*Are you alright? Do you believe me?*)—however unconsciously he’s doing it, he IS checking her suitability as a potential companion 🥺
16. Mickey SMH. Also apparently he doesn’t wash his dishes 🤣
17. Loveee Clive. RTD’s writing is so immersive, it really makes the whole world come alive. These side characters add so much depth to the story—something sorely missing in the Moffat and Chibnall eras.
18. THE WHEELIE BIN. I always forget how fucking ridiculous this episode is until I rewatch it 🤣 also lord Rose is so uninvested in this relationship. P-P-PIZZA will always be one of my fav lines
19. The infamous Jimmy Stone! I love how we’re given the one line about him and it’s inspired thousands of fics. Rose considering completing her A Levels here—would that be something she’d be interested in doing in Pete’s World?
20. TARDIS!!!!! Doomsday theme begins here 😓😓 love how the Doctor is judging how easily she can accept his alienness—he claims to be done with human companions every time but he is undoubtedly impressed by Rose. Also find it incredibly interesting he didn’t even think about Mickey being dead. This, contrasted with other alien lives (including the Daleks, sometimes) that the Doctor seems to value…is an intriguing juxtaposition. Is there a little simmering jealousy of the boyfriend already? Is he slightly unable to look at consequences of actions beyond his own? He has just come off of a genocide at this moment
21. Mickey’s mother! Bit of a mistake here, we learn that he was raised by his grandma in *Father’s Day*
22. Lots of planets have a North!!!
23. I always found it funny that Rose, who seemed so upset about Mickey a second ago, is now holding hands with Nine and running down the bridge lmfao. They really are very alike in their love for the thrill.
24. ‘Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy.’
You knew that and you never said? 
Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?’ hmmm. Jealousy, perhaps? Or a disregard for lives he doesn’t believe are at the same level as that of higher beings? As much as he rejected the Time Lords, he is a product of his origin, and has quite a condescending view of humans
25. Shunt off. God, I love you RTD
26. The Nestene Consciousness is alarmed when it recognises that he is a Time Lord. Later in the show, it’s implied that the Time Lords were almost, if not as bad as the Daleks were, during the Time War.
27. RIP Clive 🕊️ fingers crossed it’s your cameo we’re getting in the 60th
28. Rose! My beloved! Bronze medalist! This screencap in particular is very Bad Wolf
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29. I honestly can’t wrap my mind around people who say Rose was wrong for going with the Doctor. He came back for her!!!
30. The perfect opening episode. Extrapolation is done so elegantly and we even get a sense of how absurd the show can get. 10/10, and one of my favourite episode 1s!
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 year
I get what you are saying about the 2003 Turtles being too serious for the Scooby Doo crossover... HOWEVER! What if they are the straight men?
The Gang accept everything going on as PERFECTLY NORMAL, because to them, it is. But then you have the 2003 guys just completely perplexed and out of their league because WHAT THE HECK?? The dog talks, and everyone is fine with that. What the heck is going on with those doors? Why do Shaggy and Scooby's terrible disguises trick the bad guy every time? Heck, if you get the right version of the Gang, they would be fine with 5 foot talking turtles immediately with the weakest of explanations!
Raph hates all of it. Mikey immediately makes friends with Scooby and Shaggy and joins them in being terrified. Donny is spiralling. Those clues make no sense - how the heck did Velma figure it out?? That trap should not have worked - it didn't even obey the laws of physics!! WHY IS EVERY BAD GUYS' PLAN TO DRESS UP AS A MYTHICAL CREATURE??? Leo is flummoxed; he has no idea what is going on and no idea what to do about it. Also Fred keeps trying to get him to wear a matching ascot because they are both leaders and leaders wear ascots!!
It’s got mild Turtles Forever vibes where the 2003 turtles are utterly bemused by these stranger’s abilities to bend the laws of the physics. But I’m just imagining it now, Mikey being buds with shaggy and scooby, being scared and also making impossibly tall sandwiches together. (Maybe shaggy is low key convincing Mikey to become a vegetarian)
Donnie both admiring Velma’s intelligence and also wondering how she comes to half the conclusions she does and is correct nearly every time?? How does she do it???
Lmao even Raph deciding that this is above their pay grade but he keeps getting dragged along cuz they’re in too deep now. He keeps spotting trapdoors before Daphne does and keeps pulling her out of the way just in the knick of time and is like “how do you almost keep getting captured every few minutes!?”
Leo must just be wondering “why does Fred constantly suggest splitting up? Why does it work??” And also the image of Leo with his own little ascot… too cute.
Love the idea that maybe this is one of those versions of the mystery gang where they’re just kind of an amalgamation of all their previous iterations so they’ve seen both sides of the spectrum of mysteries having real human causes or having genuine supernatural causes, so mutant turtles in the sewers? Yeah, nothing compared to those soul stealing cat demon ladies.
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Completely out of the blue... I seem to recall a while ago that you were trying to think of a more gender neutral name, and maybe you no longer care, but I ran across an awesome word today that reminded me of you so thought I'd toss "Gossipmonger of Middle Earth" your way and see what you thought.
Hope you're doing well 👍
GOSSIPMONGER, if that doesn’t describe me I don’t know what does 🤣
As awesome as the name is, probably a few months too late — I got stuck in a rainforest for 6 weeks, meditated a lot, almost got murdered 3 times (twice by the same unhinged one-eyed man too), and discovered I’m actually really comfortable in my gender! Or at least, I accept it for what it is
So yeah! Enjoy a puss in boots meme that I made in an embarrassing amount of time that perfectly describes my life right now (I took on an office job for the first time to make ends meet recently — if you know me you know im not an office person, so naturally it’s going swimmingly)
Also, if you have a minute, look up the puss in boots meme on TikTok. They’re all hilarious 10/10 recommend
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russilton · 2 years
Yeah and we wonder why Rossi and co. Said they don’t get along well🤣🤣🤣 you have to know Lewis to understand his quirkiness. I love how when he went and laid himself on the ground in france cool down room and to George it was perfectly normal. His quirkiness doesn’t bother George in the slightest bc he’s chaos himself, I���m not surprised they work perfectly alon one another (while some of Lewis past teammates raked on him for being “weird”).
Lewis is an enigma in a way I think a lot of neurotypical people often struggle with because neurodivergence is weird. I only learned Lewis had ADHD very recently, and whole lot of stuff in how he acts clicked immediately with me
I also have ADHD (alongside ASD, they’re common together and just… really fun, lol) and it does make you just look at shit differently. I was also called weird, I am weird! I like being weird.
The cool down room, today on stage, Lewis around his model cars and his interview with Heikki a while back, how he likes to get his hands on any new creative process or sport he can, in all of them he exhibits that classic kinda focus distraction that comes with ADHD. It’s SO GOOD for George to see how there’s value in that, how he can learn from how Lewis thinks differently. And he also just… accepts it. It’s important to have people who don’t see your differences as deficit, but just as differences. What you lack in one thing you make up for in others.
I’ve been remarking with @thatsmemate it’s very much how we react hahah. She finds my quirks genuinely interesting. I see a lot of her in George, in how he’s genuinely fond of Lewis being Lewis.
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sysba · 2 years
Give me the CalEdith content :fireelmo:
(Whatever your favorites are, sleep beckons me otherwise I might be more specific, but also I kinda just want all of em 🤷🏻‍♀️😂) (i am gonna ask specifically for 51 tho bc it’s adorable :>)
well how can i say no since this was my plan all along :3 i wanna do all of them but for now,,, i'll answer the numbers ending in 1 (no reason this is all random sdjdsksdjk)
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’? Judie correct me if I'm wrong but this is more of an Edith scenario, and it fits her perfectly. She needs some kind of push to say 'i love you' so an argument would provide that. And, thinking every action is justified when she loves someone? That's 101% her, she's aware of the selfishness of it all but when it comes to the people she cares about and keeping them safe, there's very little she wouldn't do despite any consequence it might have on her or them. Cal is better at sacrificing what he wants and leave others more 'freedom' in this sense, I'd say!
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? 💀🤣 We always laugh about this because they're so bad at expressing emotions and always always hide their feelings (though for different reasons) but they're both extremely perceptive people who put the other before everything and everyone else, so... they always Notice™
21. Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds? Cal tends to avoid fights but is also very protective of Edith; I think, because he knows she can fight her own battles, he'd let her handle it as she prefers and support her when she needs it? Would tend to her wounds (lovingly). On the other hand, it doesn't matter that Cal can handle it on his own and he doesn't care; Edith is gonna put the fear of god into whoever tried to hurt him<3 Would tend to his wounds (angrily, but also lovingly).
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.) They're just so good at like, sharing space so silently and unassumingly? Neither of them really needs much, existing together makes them happy and they're very comfortable with each other even when it doesn't look like they're spending quality time together/each of them is doing their thing. That said, I think once the cards are on the table and they've stopped being idiots, they'd eventually realize that now it's okay for them to be close and they don't have to keep a distance anymore. And touch would become a habit, even if they wouldn't notice most of the time. Lot of leaning against one another, shoulder-to-shoulder when they sit next to each other, falling asleep on the other, casual hand touches, and just generally seeking physical proximity out of reflex.
41. Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering? Both but let's be real, Cal would dress accordingly while my silly rabbit insist she's not cold even though she's shaking like a leaf. Yeah. He's gonna give her the jacket that she allegedly doesn't need because she's not cold, and he's gonna look so soft and happy about it that she begrudgingly accepts because ugh he's so cute and she looks kinda hot in that jacket... 🤷‍♀️
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? Prepare food for the other to make sure they eat, doing chores the other hates, tricking the other into resting, physical affection, clothes sharing, doing the other's hair/washing their hair, drive the other around, make coffee, kill people, etc...
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
First off, I do like the outfit you picked out for Carewyn for the Hallowe'en TLSQ. Fashionable as ever. Secondly, why doesn't Jam City just give us a "Slap Merula" option or something already? They gotta know by now she is working our last nerve with her petulant sociopath attitude.
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Aw, well, to start, thank you! I thought it was very "fall-esque." (Carewyn herself mentally refers to these pieces as her "HarVest" and her "Cafe Latte" skirt.😏)
As for Merula...yeah, I'm beyond tired of how much Jam City seems to want to deprive Merula of character development. It's not like I exactly wanted Merula to follow the exact same storyline as the Godric's Hollow quest and get cursed again due to her own stupidity...but I still feel really irritated that nobody called her out on the fact that she terrorized people while dressed up as someone who themselves had been a victim of bullying! It seems like Pumpkin Johnny really should've taken some offense to that, or if the writers didn't want to take that angle, MC and crew giving her a taste of her own medicine -- which, as I said, is basically what Pumpkin Johnny himself did, to HIS bullies -- could've just been regarded as proper justice, instead of somehow being "just as bad" as what Merula did. Because guess what -- it's not. Confronting someone on their bad behavior and forcing them to see first-hand how scared they made people is not the same as bullying and terrifying people for your own entertainment.
But yeah. This exchange really couldn't have been more appropriate to Merula and Carewyn's dynamic, even in my own canon where Merula does grow the hell up and actually evolve past this sort of selfishness and stupidity --
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There are multiple reasons resident Slytherin paragon Carewyn was chosen to be Slytherin Prefect over you, Merula, and this is one of them. She was perfectly willing to accept the consequences for the rules she broke (or should I say, rule: namely, going into the Forest without permission) and was ultimately given mercy because she had good intentions, while you even now feel the need to blame and attack everyone else for you being held accountable for your actions.
(As a side, I currently have a vision of my Aunt-Josephine-esque mother like a shoulder angel on my shoulder muttering sourly about the absolutely atrocious grammar of that section. "Me and my friends -- it's my friends and I, come on!!" 🤣)
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Getting nostalgic thinking about my babystay days 🥲 I literally remember where I was sitting and how my computer was positioned when I first sat down and listened to Back Door for the first time (I think that was my first skz song). And fool that I was, my reaction was "meh" 😭
(For context, I've always been a lyrics person with music and Back Door is admittedly not that deep, but I've since come to appreciate that not all songs have to be deep and sometimes what we need is a song that's just there for the vibes and that is perfectly acceptable and serves its purpose and there are some GREAT songs in that category!)
I've obviously since changed my mind about Back Door, but I started liking skz for them (which is every marketer's dream) because I somehow stumbled across them amidst BTS Pinterest and thought they were funny crackheads (one of the things I also loved BTS for).
But I'm also remembering how later that summer (2021) I heard TOP in an anime openings compilation that my brother begged me to put on and—not knowing it was skz—I just stopped and went "wait wait hold up this is GOOD" and then "by Stray Kids" came onscreen and I was like "huh that's funny, but surely it's some jpop band with the same name" and then "3racha" came on in the credits with their respective names and I flipped my freaking gourd as my Southern dad would say
So suffice to say, I can prove decidedly that I would also like their music if I didn't give a flying flip about the boys lol. But I do and it's lowkey a problem but I also lowkey don't care and my fandom Pied Piper-ness has been successful in the past, so it will in fact not be stopping cuz we still constructing keep it coming HAH WHY U MAD BRAH
actually please stop me sometimes
It doesn't feel like that long ago and it feels weird that I'm more "veteran" than like half the Stays in existence now aghhhh but their growth never really hit me because to me, each win just felt like a natural course of events. Like, "yeah, of course this should blow up, it's awesome and we know it's awesome!" And it's not like them getting bigger has changed them either. All that's changed is a growing obsession with grabbing each other's butts imo 🤣 That, and the natural course of maturing a little around the edges as you get older.
Which, in the end, is what makes me STAY and always will. The heart and mind of each Stray Kid is fascinating to me and I can't properly describe how much I love how they process the world around them. If you need any further proof, watch the Maxident album intro segment about what love means to them, because if you see what I saw, you'll see eight men with a better understanding of the concept than many people far older than them, each with their own slant on it.
Where did this essay come from, I was only posting about those first two babystay moments— Rather than rambling further, because I want to do other things with my life today, I'm just gonna say, if you're reading this, Chris, I'm glad. I hope this little segment of my "Stay Story" makes your day a little brighter! You guys inspire me more than you know in more ways than you know, but rather than letting that pressure you, I hope it lets you know that you're doing well.
And if any newer/almost Stays are reading this, I hope this was a fun story and makes you want to get to know them even better!
Because I don't have any better ideas on when to shut up, I'm gonna put on my Chan hat beanie for a second and end this with a biiiiig hug 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
Thank you Stays~
Thank you Babystays~
And I'll see youuuu next time!
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surrealsunday · 2 years
i hate that it took me too long to do it but i FINALLY read chapter 8! just saw you posted chapter 9 a few hours ago and i’m abt to read it but i just wanted to send you my thoughts of this chapter bfr i forget ahahah 😭
gooosh the pain at first was unbearable, like imagining both of them being such a mess, lack of sleep and sm tears…wanted to give them a tight hug and never let go 🥺 (also idriss’ story mentioning eliott with “your bags have bags bro” is so relatable sbsjdb)
also the fact that he’s slowly realizing and it actually hits him that his feelings for lucas are stronger than he thought, that he’s slowing falling in love with him, wether with the others comments or his own thoughts 🥺 then basile and arthur saying they decided to tell lucas everything, wow!
but the moment lucas stepped surprisingly into the studio, seeing that painting (i SCREAMED seeing the pic of the painting btw, i mean 🤌🏻🔥) and letting all his feelings out, his insecurities MY BOY JUST PROTECT HIM AT ALL COST!! (also just the image of lucas wearing a sweater a bit too large for him 🥺🥺), AND THE “i hate…” SCENE PLS, i love the og sm and here just picturing lucas saying all of this to eliott with tears in his eyes, wow! sm chills!
then the second ‘grand gesture’ of eliott…THE WAY I EXPECTED HIM TO DO IT AHAHAHHA 🤣 that moment when he shows it to lucas was so sweet (and emotional too obviously), they both love eo so deeply it’s insane! the way lucas never let go of eliott’s arm throughout the entire thing 🥺 eliott not quite saying “i love you”, but admitting he fell for him, the tattoo’s explanations, him loving the tattooed flowers as soon as lucas entered his life, basically that everything’s worth it as long as it’s lucas, for him…MY HEART! (also lucas making sure eliott is his with the “ever again, indirectly admitting he, too, sees a future w/ eliott 🥺) then they finally kissed again and the way i felt so soft, i love them so so much 💗 i couldn’t stop giggling and smiling so big, like they found one another again, my babies <33 lucas’ “you trying to eat me?” BYE IBOL he’s so unserious lmaoo, but then the “we take it one step at a time” + “we have time”…yeah they clearly have all the time in the world, their entire life actually ✨
aaah that giddy, soft and happy state they radiate every time, no matter the pain we and they had before, will never not hit me big ngl, their power 🔥
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still cant believe we’ll soon have to say goodbye to them, again… 😔
btw i hope you had a great week and that getting back to work went great and wasn’t too harsh ♥️
Ahhhh but I love reading your comments!
I liked the idea that Eliott slowly realizes how strong his feelings are. It's not so much that they surprise him but that he just hesitates to accept them because they happened so fast. But then once he does... he's all in. That felt very Eliott to me.
Ah yes, the studio moment. I had wondered for a while when I was writing how I would go about that moment. I knew I didn't want it to be a public setting. Not when the Charles reveal had been a public humiliation. Lucas deserved to have that moment in private. And yes omg the image of Lucas. I always see the scenes perfectly in my head and him standing there in a big sweater with his eyes filling with tears and just looking so vulnerable... I had to inflict it on all of you too lol.
I'm so glad you liked the scene with Eliott's gesture and the making up. I really wanted to get across how much they both WANT to make up. Like Lucas was betrayed and he has all the reason to still be very angry but at the end of the day, he's falling in love and he doesn't want to lose Eliott anymore than Eliott wants to lose him. So it's not so much a 'and now things are fixed' moment, as it is a 'we care enough to move past this and try' moment.
I can't believe it's ending soon either! I think that's while I'll take some time this week just to work on the next chapter a little more slowly. Gotta savour those last moments with them!
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xplrvibes · 11 months
i personally don’t like Bella because of both her pick meism and also because she reminds me of Ariana grande and I have a deep distaste for her, it runs deep in my soul so… and larri was annoying, too loud and joking too much. always with the “let’s get out of here” and you know that’s where gets me - why accept the collab if you’re going to be that obnoxious for one straight hour? it’s alright if you’re a skeptic and all but what do you expect of a place that inspired a horror movie franchise? flowers and chocolates and a welcome hug? come on, man. be serious for a second. and the whole melodrama heaven is real and it’s good and we’re okay? i HAVE to pass on that one, I’m sorry (not to say it’s not real by the way). let’s be logic here for a second (or as logical as discussing paranormal activity goes): do any of us really think that Abigail has ever seen or touched what Catholic Church describes as heaven? the old lady is stuck to a wooden, ancient house acting as its protector for years and years now and sometimes apparently she still thinks she’s in the 1800s and that the house looks the same? …yeah, she ain’t seeing no heaven. for the first hour of the video, I’ll give it a 2/10, one point for the effort and another because i’m in a good mood. to me, it was a waste of one perfectly good hour that could’ve been a perfectly good investigation had they not, well, wasted it. very hard to sit through it all and I skipped so much just bc i was bored. for the last 30-ish minutes, I’ll give it a 7/10. great pacing, thrilling times in those woods, the married couple bickering, Estes method with Colby is always an event on itself so I’m glad he was the one that went under first and sam’s turn was also very interesting and not half as bad as I thought it would be. guess he’s becoming more open and whatnot so who knows. last half should’ve been the whole hour tbh
(Third episode ask, will get to the fourth episode shortly!)
See, I don't know Bella at all so I don't know what she's like outside of this video - but as far as the video goes, I'd say she doesn't even Crack the top 10 of most annoying guests. Moat boring guests who didn't really do anything, sure. But, I don't know. She was fine, I guess.
Larri was too much. The flirting with Colby was funny, sure, mostly cause Colby accepts all flirts with this hilarious sort of pleased air about him, and he had a fee good lines - but overall, there was way too much joking and I kind of get tired of it all after a while. It's very reminiscent of the 2019 era of haunting, which does NOT hold up well, if you ask me.
Anyway, after they had their turn with the Merry Knockers, they really got serious and the vibes changed for the better, so I can respect and appreciate that.
And see, what I got out of their whole afterlife discussion with Abigail was more broad than being able to be specifically applied to one religion in general. It gelt more like she was saying, "hey, things are good after death. nothing sucks and everyone is happy," and, while super vague, to me that almost comes across more as a message that everyone gets their happy ending - no matter what your happy ending may be.
I guess Abigail's happy ending is to be perma-glued to her house for all eternity, so congrats to her, I think? 🤣
Anywho, I agree with you. The first half was entirely skipable; the second half is where the video got really interesting to me. The boys are just so much more in tune with each when they can be alone together, and I feel like everything works so much more.
Maybe that's "their" thing.
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ladylooch · 11 months
We need to find out what Nico’s hair care routine is! (I refuse to accept that it can be just soap and water 🤣)
I honestly think he is gifted. Like he has so much thick perfectly floppy hair. It’s naturally wonderful. And not frizzy at all. Maybe he uses some cream or air dry gel. He’s right out of a 90s show.
I can’t see him doing anything really intense. And if you asked him, his response would be: *pffft* ahm nothing special? I just wash it and it dries like this. So yeah. 💀
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hello again! As always, hope all is good with you.
Mea culpa for the 50th ask today but the second I saw you roll up on my dash, and the fact that it was a part 2 to Feisty, I just had to read it immediately 😅.
"Genuinely, go shit in your hands and clap," you huffed, daring to smile to yourself.
😍😍😍😍 I love them with all my freaking heart. Are you smiling??? 👀 we catching some feelings there? 🤭
Alfie leaned forward, tilting your newspaper down slightly so that you had to look at him. "I can see you smilin' there, treacle, c'mon. Admit you like me."
AHHHHH!!! Have to do no such thing, but also yeah, yup, yes we really freaking do, but will we admit that to you, ABSOLUTELY fucking not.
"I'd rather get a hot poker shoved up my arse," you scoffed. "You can fuck off."
Genuinely took a spit take when I read this line. Like what a reply 🤣! This reader by far has to be one of my all time favorites for the reader inserts I've read for Alfie (and I've read pretty much all of them). Like I absolutely cannot with how much I love them. Not only do they not put up with shit but they fully could not give a rads ass that they are speaking like this to THE King of Camden Town. Badass through and through.
"If you must," you sighed. "If you have to annoy me constantly."
"I ain't makin' that promise," Alfie laughed. "You're too charmin' and fuckin' feisty for me to stop annoyin'."
Cheeky but fully honest. Get you a manz that can do both, simultaneously 😂.
You leaned into the touch a little, but not enough to let him think that you liked him. Of course you didn't.
Phesh, of course not. Very convincing. For flipping sure. 👀😉. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Hehehe.
Having to sit on his lap to patch up the wound, huh? Okay, okay. Yup. That's good. Approved. Everything seems perfectly fine here.
"Y'know," he mused. "I really fuckin' do like you."
Oh my goodness, like actually I don't even know how to properly thank you for this! Like I said earlier, this is for sure one of my favorite reader inserts for Alfie. They are just as stubborn as the Mad Baker and that crack wipe of a tongue... yeah they have my whole heart. It's so refreshing to see a reader like this, seriously, thank you so much because it actually allowed me to see myself in the insert in a way that I've not felt in many other works.
Like really, you have no idea what it means that you accepted and wrote these requests, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you oh so very much 🖤🖤🖤.
reader is so stubborn you literally wouldn't be able to beat it out of them that they like Alfie even a LITTLE BIT 😭😭
listen, they are a small business owner in 1920s Camden - they do not have TIME to deal w Alfie's shit. they have a business to run and employees to look after, Alfie is NOT a priority for them!
the more the reader bites at him, the more Alfie's drawn in so it's literally a case of "they're so mean... I love them." - bullying is their love language 🫶🏻
they sat on his lap bc of "the angle" like uh-huh. and I drink Monster bc I like the taste and not the caffeine content, c'mon. the Nile is a river in Egypt.
Idek how to respond just know that I would absolutely die for you, anon, and I would put John Wick to shame to defend you 🫶🏻
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Queer Baiting Vs. Censorship
So I woke up this morning to a discussion over Korrasami and how some people called their relationship queer baiting. So I want to talk about it, and what queer baiting is in general. I'll link it back around to BTS here too at the end, so stick around for that if you want. Korra is just the main example I am using here. But general warning, the show Legend of Korra ended in 2014. I'm not worried about not spoiling anyone, so here is the one warning for spoilers if you care about that. Lol
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A lot of people seem to think that either queer people are "doing too much" trying to say that Korra and Asami were girlfriends by the end of that show. That they were just best friends and they both had dated men during the show, so clearly they weren't gay. Or they said "yeah, the implications were there but there was never any follow through. The show ended with them just going into the spirit world together (gif above). It's queer baiting." And it's not. On both of those accounts. Korra and Asami are canonical girlfriends. Confirmed by the writers of the show AND it was taken even further in the comics over this storyline. They even come out multiple times to Korra's family and their friends
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And that ending of them going into the spirit world holding hands at the end of the show? That was legit just their first vacation as a couple together and confirming their time as girlfriends and taking time off from the stress of saving the world. Lol this is them coming home from that vacation in the comics
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And it's all literally canon artwork and stories here. Direct from the same people who made the show. And again, they confirmed it themselves too. With this statement: "Our intention with the last scene was to make it as clear as possible that yes, Korra and Asami have romantic feelings for each other. The moment where they enter the spirit portal symbolizes their evolution from being friends to being a couple." Which came from the creators blog post, you can read here:
And the other creater posted about it as well, saying "Korrasami is canon. You can celebrate it, embrace it, accept it, get over it, or whatever you feel the need to do, but there is no denying it. That is the official story." And you can read his full statement here too:
Even their mutual ex boyfriend (lol) stated that he thought they were perfect for each other and that he was probably very qualified to say that 🤭🤣
So let's be perfectly clear. It's only queer baiting if they are not queer. It's only queer baiting if they aren't actually together. Which it seems very clear from context clues that they are, even without the comics laying it out explicitly. And there was no hints that they weren't queer or couldn't be together at the end anyway even if you didn't pick up on the hints. Therefore, Korrasami could never qualify as queerbaiting. That's just simply comphet Norms coming out to play then. Queerbaiting is a marketing technique in fiction where same sex relationships are hinted at, but never actually depicted with real representation. But you can't queerbait if you are queer. And you can't queerbait a relationship if the relationship is real. So if you don't know the person's sexual orientation or relationship status, it's not queerbaiting.
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Korrasami suffered from censorship, not queerbaiting. And that's not their (the creators) fault. This was on a children's show in 2014. The fact they managed to push as much of the heavy content as they did in regards to war, death, mental illness, genocide, abuse, trauma, imperialism, etc was impressive on its own. And in 2014, getting canon queer rep like this wasn't often done. Like at all. And so their relationship was censored, but the signs were all very clearly there and they took the chance to expand even further in the comics off screen. No longer limited by that censorship. They were trying to naviage representing a queer relationship to their audience while navigating the censors they had to in order to keep the show on the air at that time. A lot of people didn't think it would happen, but it did and they went through with it. And it meant a lot to a lot of people 🙋🏻‍♀️
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Bringing this back around to BTS and if they are queer and the possibility (probability) of jikook being in a relationship together. I've seen people say/ask if they are queer baiting. I've seen articles saying that they are queer baiting as a group. I've seen people question about how if they never come out, has this been queer baiting. And no. Because again, you can't queer bait if you are queer. And no one knows what their sexualities are. Not to mention the culture differences in regards to just platonic touching that occurs between the the western culture and LOTS of others. On top of how it's important to remember that we simply don't know and we will probably never know. Its not a TV show, its their real lives, yet their lives are so broadcasted and picked apart worldwide. They themselves are living within the censors that keep them safe in the world that they live in. Inside a homophobic conservative country. They tell us what they can and work through those censors. And no one has the right to demand or even really want them to step outside those censors to give more explicit detail. They tell us what they can and you take from that what you will. But living within those censors is not queerbaiting nor is it lying to people. Its an important distinction to remember and to never dismiss.
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Important discussion, important to remember in regards to jikook and bts as well at times, triggered by LOK discussion on a different platform. Lol can't totally blame me. I AM obsessive and in love with multiple fandoms, not just BTS and jikook. 😂 and for my readers out there, idk if yall do this too. But unless the character states they are straight explicitly (especially my MCs), all of them are queer to me. Idc. If they don't state their sexuality, any sexuality is possible. Lol and no, an MC dating someone of the opposite sex does not count as them stating their sexuality. You can like more than one gender 🥰🥰
Anyways, I'm done. Lol thanks for letting me rant for a bit. 💜💜 Hope everyone has a wonderful day
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33 andd... 50?
33. Come up with the best way to ask someone out, right now!
.....yeah i got nothing 🤣
50. Any arospec headcanons?
*SLAMS heavy folder down on table* RIGHT
1. Dani from Sense8 - Aroace
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daniela my babyyyyy i have literally no words problematic fave she is an aroace person who is VERY sex favourable and she’s in a straight up qpr with lito and hernando in canon and she’s so fucking important <333
2. Sir Leon from BBC Merlin - Aroace
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literally what is there to say... that is a man. he is aroace. i’ve seen him be called straight before even tho he’s literally the only knight where attraction/relationship to a woman or anyone else is not even slightly suggested ik he’s boring but that’s entirely separate to his orientation xx
Tahani Al Jamil from the good place - Grayromantic Bisexual
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my ICON the way her romantic relationships are usually a way for her to feel valued and she recognises this and works on it and she has a happy ending that does not involve a partner in any capacity and it’s so SUBVERSIVE whether she’s arospec or not but i gotta project xx
Kala Dandekar from Sense8 - Demiromantic Demisexual
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kala didin’t want to get married bless her. kala went on several long rants about amatonormativtiy and was EXTRMELY salty about the notion of giving up a career to marry and have children. girl fell for wolfgang fairly quickly bc of their instant deep emotional connection thank you sensateness then the finale is her realising she’s actually in love with her husband too and having a massive poly demi crisis darling im so sorry i love you but it is fucking HILARIOUS 🤣
The Doctor - Aromantic Asexual Aplatonic spectrums (also genderkdsfklglhl) (but none of it bc they are an alien!!!!)
I HAVE DECIDED. mayyybe they are varying degrees of each depending on regeneration or maybe it's just how they show it but just... the way they experience relationships and how they will leave people behind and not think to pop back.... they like having company and spending time with friends and depending on regeneration are very affectionate and some people they do bond more deeply with and they don't like being left (it's the rsd) and they NOT do well on their own but... they just need someone? idk they tend to move on quickly and not look back and as long as they've got the tardis and the freedom to travel and at least one nice person to run with them show them the sights, they're all good <3
Morgana Pendragon from BBC Merlin - Aromantic Lesbian
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it feels so wrong to hc her like this when she’s the literal embodiment of the aromantic stereotype - cold, beautiful, suggestive demeanour, her lack of capacity for love emphasizing her evilness- but at the same time i can’t leave her off this list, and she’s very much an aromantic lesbian before she ‘turns evil’. i can’t see s1 or any other season her being interested in romance, even if she’d stayed ‘good’ she just wanted to be able to be herself and for her friends to be safe.
Samantha Carter from Stargate SG1 - Aromantic... Heterosexual? maybe??
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this is a recent one i galaxy brained the other night and the reason why samjack always felt a bit beyond just ‘they’re in love’ finally fell into place *checks notes* ten years after they became my first otp. n e way yeah she’s aro and doesn’t know it and ends up with an increasingly shitty series of men when she already has a perfectly good qpr she’s very happy with and i will make a full post about this bc she deserves it <3
All the female royalty in BBC Merlin bc they deserve an aro club <3
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SORRY but this mithian quote in particular just... SCREAMS pining aro struggling to accept themselves under amatonormativity <3
Michael from The Good Place- Aroace (+Agender!!)
which is GROSS 🤢 by the way, kissing is GROSS 🤢🤢You just mAsH yOUr foOd hOLeS tOGeTheR, they're not 🙅‍♂️ for that!!
he makes me feel seen 🤣💚🤍🖤
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