#Demi rants
okay, I'm fucking tired of this maths-hate! Like, guys trigonometry is actually quite fun once you know what you're doing. It's like a particularly challenging jigsaw puzzle, it's an intense game of chess with your academic rival. Trigonometry sums on my level basically require me to prove the expressions on the right and left side of the sign are equal. When I'm solving one, I feel like a lawyer in court, presenting my case. When I get one sum correct, I feel like the sky isn't even the limit. I could go on for hours... thou knows not what thee misses
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theautisticfroglord · 11 months
I genuinely hate when people invalidate demiromantic/demisexual/other labels in general by saying somethin like "OMG!!!! why do these labels exist that's how every relationship is!!!!! what has this generation come to?!!?,!?!!"
some people out here are dating someone they just met two days ago. while it literally took me two whole years of getting to know someone before having a crush on them. can y'all please not find excuses to invalidate aspec/arospec people. thanks
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I saw a tiktok of a woman mentioning how she's asked out men in the past and being rejected everytime and it angered me so hard because I've been there too.
I've asked out six men in a span of three years and all of them rejected me- the worst one being 'I don't find you sexually attractive at all'
Which eww but then guys always say they love it when the girl makes the first move- well which is then??
This attractiveness/courting game is just so fkn hard b/c no matter what way I take it- it ends up a total failure.
I've been doing this while 'I give up- I'm just going to let them come to me' and it's been 5 years and nothing-
I haven't had a crush, I haven't had a kiss, I haven't been on a date- nothing!
Ahh it's just so frustrating, this shit is hard omg
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neinofthem · 1 year
brief vent in your inbox- it's such a big pet peeve to me when people take things like the cat's paw scene as essek instantly being in love with/wanting to bang caleb when matt confirmed he's demisexual. like, we'd know how wrong it'd be to ship beau with a man, but people won't show the same respect for essek's demisexuality
you’re actually so correct. like essek was definitely manipulating caleb on actual purpose. he had his own reasons for sort of flirting that had nothing to do with attraction or lust or anything, he very plainly wanted to get in good with the nein to figure out how they worked and how to swing that to his advantage. to me he reads as a very. ‘use everything at my disposal’ sort of person, and what he had at his disposal was looks, charm, etc. also, caleb was trying to set up a honeypot which essek definitely clocked and was playing into. maybe he thought caleb genuinely wanted to fuck him or whatever, it doesn’t really matter, the point of playing along and doing their batshit mating ritual wasn’t oh wow love at first sight it was oh, jesus, these people have never had a relationship that wasn’t wildly toxic and now they’re trying to bait the other into thinking that they have their shit together and should be trusted with capital S Secrets.
this to me also reads as a symptom of the woobification of essek thelyss, where he goes all doe-eyed over caleb immediately when, at first, it’s canon that he absolutely hated awllll of them very much. caleb intrigued him, yes, but caleb did not compel him to make any genuine overtures of friendship or romance or anything of the kind until much later. this might stem from the need to make essek into the more submissive (in a personality sort of way) between the two in regards to their eventual relationship, which echoes back up along the timeline and makes people think that their relationship has always been like this (with caleb the self confident wondertherapist there to coach essek through unlearning a century of bullshit while essek simpers helplessly under caleb’s fucking electric blue gaze or whatever).
this interpretation of them is problematic even when it’s wayyy postcanon, but people look at this very inaccurate summary of their dynamic and go, ‘oh, shit, essek must have been hiding his inner softboy all along, this changes their whole story’ which, no! if he wasn’t a bad person who did bad things for bad reasons in the beginning (yes I know that this is oversimplification, it’s going to be ok I prommy), then his redemption holds no weight! what’s the point of a narrative about change and growth and building a better self if the character most central to this theme didn’t have to actually make anything new, he just had to scrape away a layer of mean exterior to get to the gooey domestic homemaker big sweater wearing pet name calling somftboi interior? no point. there is no point. fuck!
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thatbitch151 · 9 months
How the fuck am I on the aromantic spectrum and also in love with 3 whole people
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visionthefox · 1 month
ya know..talking..well- ranting to my friend over the different Eclipses and their lore in the sams..kinda made me realize something,, we know Solar's moon died when he tried to get rid of the kill code , reset, came back with the intentions to also get Sun back to life... due to failing for a time, because even if Solar never say , we can assume is long enough for him to learn how to fix almost anything! so is a loong time! for Solar to finally just accept it.. but for Moon to gone mad.. Solar knows the effects on someone grieving for too long, he SAW it, he LIVED it, sadly the video is down but when he and Lunar talked after BM broke his ,Lunar, arm.. he mentions he has many stories of nearly getting killed by his own Moon.. (I mention this because even after all, when Solar did finally killed Moon..it wasnt out of anger, not even revenge! it was..out of fear, he said he didnt wanted to do it! , so he know Moon's madness was just a mask for pain!) now.. back to lore.. im sure to this point Sun wont tell what he did, the whole locking his mentally unestable brother, and forcing electric shocks into him if he tries to leave because "he pushed our help away!" but knowing Solar is aware Moon had "gone mad" trying to get him back HAS to ring a bell on him.. it just has to! this hits him too close to home! to his own Moon! his past! this is something he has experience with, so I do wish this comes back,so he can be the one to finally said it! "Moon was suffering! as any Moon, he wasnt going to ask for help for himself! getting him locked up like a criminal after everything! of course he gonna go mad! I know that!" just.. get Nexus name clean up.. Solar lost a friend.. a brother.. again!, if this isnt mentioned I just.. im not watching, because this lack of care in detalls gets me! well maybe not lack of care, but just not writting this up to not forget! like Monty beating Sun up! or Earth's whole "therapist" not being able to see the issue on Moon.. and leaving him alone!.. im ending the rant here.. idk if anyone else saw this similarity on Moons and sadness.. but is just too clear now..
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autisticlee · 1 year
it kind of sucks when all your friends and family, everyone you know, are all pairing off and getting married and havinf families, except you. you're the only one that doesn't have a partner and probably can/will never get one. especially if one around you has time for you anymore, they never reach out, never get back to you, because they're only focused on their partners and families. you're stuck alone and drift away from everyone through no fault of your own. you have no hope of finding your own partner or no motivation to look for one for whatever reason. the lack of connections while seeing everyone around you having their own can get overwhelmingly lonely at times....
#autism#autistic#asexual#aromantic#these are probably the two factors that put me in this position#im undateable because im too autistic to form any connections with people and cant even make or keep friends around for long#so how would i ever try to date anyone????#and also asexual which makes it harder. and aromantic (not sure what kind if its like demi and i just need to meet “the one”#and form a connection first to actually have any feelimgs for anyone or not sure if I simply cannot experience romantic attraction#either way its a lonely existence in a world where 99% of people pair off or obsessed with trying to partner up#and theres less value/time/effort put on friendships#ON TOP OF being autistic and forming any connections at ALL is an extremely difficult task that seems to always fail on me!#lee rants#lee rambles#im actually visiting a friend and her gf (who is also friend but we are less close) so i know not everyone partners and shuns friends#but they live in another country and i cant visit all the time so it doesnt help this lonely shit feeling all the time D: to have ~1 friend#would be nice to have all the close benefits and of a dating partnership without the physical stuff and pressure of “dating”#if thar makes sense. best friends but life patners. the person is obligated to help me and bw there for me at all times#someone who chooses me first instead of others. someone that doesnt make me their last choice all the time#their very comfortable to be around and we relate and get along perfectly and make up for each others weaknesses#my favorite person and im their favorite person#they usually always say yes to me and include me and im their first choice for eveything#they respect my needs and boundaries and work with me if we have a misunderstanding or disagreement.#its so hard to find people like this. someone who matches me well enough to fit all these picky things i want#someone who would like me enough to be like this. someone im comfortable with and like who fits the energy i want#even if someone liked ME enough and was these thjngs if they arent comfortable or match my energy then i dont want them#im not desperate enough to take Anyone ans im extremely picky about it#being aroace makes any kind of datimg very hard because theres ~less fish in the sea~#but being autistic makes it EVEN HARDER becuase i cant even make and keep FRIENDS so how would i have a /partner/ ?????#sighs. i think im meant to live a lonely life and need to learn to accept it
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echo-echo31 · 4 months
if you folks could see how hot I look today you'd loose your goddamn minds
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sav-the-bi-queen · 4 months
I am actually a demisexual bisexual if anyone was interested lol so I always feel like an outsider sometimes in both the bi and Demi community’s but I know that I am both and I know there are others like me I just want them to know that your not alone 🫶🏻
And thank you for coming to my Ted talk 🤣
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
I realise the more and more I write that I particularly gravitate towards writing first kisses or desperate declarations of affection after two people have grown close together and can no longer ignore their feelings for each other.
Plus, I find it so hard to write smut (and very rarely do) or instant physical intimacy/attraction without an established relationship.
This led to a lightbulb moment of sorts...
I know that I'm attracted in some way to people of any gender and always identified with bisexuality... but I really am beginning to resonate more and more with demisexuality too... because it's pretty clear that I need that connection to feel things for others.
I've known for years I guess because of how different I felt to others when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. I mostly just put it down to being (undiagnosed) autistic but I think there was something more going on.
Which is why I'm so happy I started writing!!! It really allowed me to explore emotions and reach other parts of myself that I had ignored for so long.
Instead of being a silly little hobby, this is yet another way writing fanfiction has helped me to figure things out for myself. I'm so happy I found this outlet 🤍
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randomnameless · 5 months
Tiens, on est le 21 avril aujourd'hui?
Ca va faire l'anniversaire des 22 ans de Jean-Marie au second tour et où pas mal de personnes censées se sont rendues compte qu'il y avait toute une frange de cons en France : "moi pas content moi mettre coup de pied dans fourmilière alors moi voter pour vieux monsieur qui a formé son parti avec des anciens Waffen-SS et qui a torturé en Algérie et compare les homosexuels au "sel dans la soupe" parce que moi vraiment pas content "
Et depuis on a de plus en plus de cons à tous les niveaux - mais bon, je reste un blog fandom donc parler trop de politique ça va me transformer en bloc de sel géant.
Par contre, avec le fandom actuel sur Fodlan, ben je vois que c'est une tendance de fond apparemment, et ça dépasse nos frontières (ouais on est pas les seuls cons au monde! Youpi!) et c'est toujours aussi inquiétant - je ne parle pas des délurés dans leur caniveau dans un certain serveur de Discord(e) - mais juste un commentaire banal genre :
"J'ai vraiment aimé ta fic du coup j'ai écris la mienne!"
Je me sens un peu flattée qu'un des trucs randoms que j'avais posté ai pu rendre des gens contents ?
"Du coup j'ai aussi repris l'idée de Lycaon l'hybride Nabatéen"
Cool, enfin c'est pas juste moi, les demi dragons, c'est un peu une tradition dans FE et les mondes de fantasy, et puis Fodlan le sous-entend avec certains persos et dialogues et...
"Alors dans mon idée, les hybrides tombent tout le temps malade, jusqu'à que leur descendance ait moins de sang de Nabatéen parce que c'est ça qui les rend fragiles"
... Attends, quoi ??
(gros gros sel sous la coupure)
Moi dans mes délires c'est l'histoire clichée du "il a du sang de créature magique donc ça les rends plus forts/demi-dieux etc etc" avec l'analogie traditionnelle du "ben s'ils peuvent faire des bébés c'est qu'ils ont pas si différents et les deux peuples peuvent s'entendre au lieu de se foutre sur la gueule tout le temps" - il n'a jamais été question de "oui ben l'hybride est mal foutu génétiquement parce que le sang d'une des races n'est pas bon et il survit que s'il se débarrasse de sa partie "autre" " !
Et puis merde, je sais qu'on est dans une fanfic et une oeuvre de fiction, mais c'est super inconfortable de lire ce genre de trucs! Sans rentrer dans les "théories" à la con, ce genre de saloperies a été utilisé dans la vraie vie pour justifier de la merde!
Enfin quoi, on est sur de la fiction, mais on explique que "il est malade parce qu'il n'est pas de sang pur ??" Et ça c'est censé être, genre, normal, et pas un twist où en fait c'est un super raciste qui a "créé" cette maladie pour garder des gens "purs"? C'est juste, euh, "naturel"????
oui bon j'ai relu bleach récemment
Comment un de mes posts a pu inspirer ça?
Tiens, ça me fait penser à cette autre fic qui m'intéressait bien aussi :
Guerre des Héros? Check
Willy ? Check
Lycaon est un hybride? Triple check
Et puis dans les notes de l'auteur "ah oui c'était compliqué pour l'élever en tant que bébé, mais une fois qu'il avait passé sa phase de nabatéen* ça passait"
*Ok, c'est de l'anglais et j'ai peut-être mal compris le "grew out of his nabatean traits" ???
Bordel ça commençait tellement bien, et ça finit comme les épinards de la cantine.
Encore une fois, on est sur de la fanfic alors bon, si quelqu'un écrit sur quelque chose ça ne veut pas forcément dire qu'il est d'accord avec tout ce qu'il écrit ou veut les promouvoir, j'entends bien.
Mais tout de même, je trouve que parler de ça, dans un fandom qui comporte des latrines comme ce fameux sous-serveur, et dont l'oeuvre principale est centrée autour d'une "waifu qui est en fait méchant mais trop kawaii alors tu te sens tristoune de la dégommer mais comme elle trop kawaii personne va lui dire de la boucler ou tout ceux qui le font sont dépeints comme des vilains pas beaux méchants qui à la fin trouvent qu'elle avait pas tort" dont le leitmotiv reste tout de même la volonté de débarrasser le monde du "sang de dragon" (Et personne dans le jeu ne tique ou ne remarque ça pour sortir - à l'époque ce que j'aurais appelé une tarte à la crème mais vu le fandom et les temps actuels ce n'est en fait pas si commun??? - "le racisme ce n'est pas bien" et que tous les persos mettent à leur sauce des "oui mais c'est vrai que le sang de dragon ce n'est pas bien"!) franchement c'est très très bof.
Est-ce que ces "théories racialistes" sur les "hybrides Nabatéens" c'est juste de la liberté littéraire dans le genre de la "darkfic" ou du "dead dove do not eat", ou est-ce que ce sont des effluves nauséabondes qui émanent des toilettes, ou des personnes qui ont joué au jeu et ne se rendant pas compte des énormités de Dedel - qui sont malgré tout passées sous silence par les développeurs et scénaristes eux-mêmes parce qu'il faut vendre des goodies ?
Ça me gonfle parce que normalement, je me dis toujours qu'il faut consommer des choses auxquelles on est pas forcément attirés dès le départ pour élargir ses horizons et peut-être apprécier d'une autre manière quelque chose - mais avec cet univers, avec un fandom (et des jeux) qui nous bassinent en long, en large et en travers "ouin ouin tout ce qui ne va pas dans le monde c'est à cause du sang de Nabatéens" et chie sur, ben, les persos Nabatéens eux-mêmes, une fic qui a part sur un postulat "les hybrides Nabatéens existent, mais ne sont pas viables/en bonne santé/gérables s'ils ont trop de sang Nabatéen", je ne peux/veux plus les lire/voir/écouter.
Comme pour l'utilisateur de Tumblr que j'avais bloqué, sans avoir jamais interagit avec cette personne, mais parce que j'avais lu un billet en mode "oulala rien que de penser à Dedel qui aurait du sang de Nabatéen [encore dans un contexte de demi-nabatéens] ça me rend physiquement malade!" parce que, non seulement, ben ça veut dire que cette personne n'a visiblement pas compris ce qu'est un Emblème dans le jeu, et surtout, parce que ce genre de trucs avec le fandom de FE16, avant même que je ne découvre le trou à fange qu'est le sous-serveur de la Discorde, c'est un gros gros signe que cette vision qu'à cet utilisateur du jeu et la mienne sont tellement incompatibles qu'on ne pourra jamais discuter sereinement dessus, donc blocage automatique.
Je vois le "fandom" comme quelque chose de relaxant où j'ai envie d'être chill et de juste, apprécier des trucs plutôt que de râler (j'ai déjà la vraie vie pour ça), mais là c'est juste, je pense, de la déception (une origo gentis sur les Hresvelg! Un des trucs sur lesquels j'avais déblatéré il y a longtemps! C'est tellement génial de voir que quelqu'un d'autre a eu l'idée d'en faire une! Si seulement il n'y avait pas eu ce foutu commentaire "et en fait les métisses sont malades parce qu'ils ne sont pas viables à cause du sang de l'un de leurs parents mais si ce sang se dilue ils vont mieux"...) et la simple coincidence qu'aujourd'hui on est le 21 avril qui vaut ce bloc de sel.
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a-hobit · 1 year
Well pleasantly surprised and also upsetting to discover I am not in fact ace and am just aggressively Demisexual on a Wednesday afternoon. At least it’s a nice day I guess haha.
Been wondering for a very long time but I really wish that this discovery could have happened due to someone else and not a close straight friend aghhhh this sucks.
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
Desperately want to write an entire essay about Astarion but I have to do school assignments instead (almost done semester)
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hellenic-whore · 1 year
A bit of a vent post about my self and identity cause I've been struggling a bit
Any advice or comfort would be appreciated
Rant under the cut
I just feel kinda alone in my Aro ness
Cause like
I want a partner and I wanna do those kinds off sappy things that couples do but I have such a hard time getting feelings
I'm probably like demi aro or something I don't know
I just feel like every aro allo seems to be completely detached from romance and not quite like me and I just
Wanna feel less alone I guess
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cigsafterhearts · 8 months
i hate my teen years, they were awful, and now i’m trying so hard to make up for it in the year i have left
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crybabyddl · 15 days
The Tell Me You Love Me album is honestly one of the best pop albums in history. The disservice it was given is unforgiveable. There's not a single skip on that album. Its 7 year anniversary is on September 29th and I'm gonna be streaming the fuck out of it. I'm already streaming the fuck out of it. The vocals are straight from heaven and y'all just sat there. GET THE FUCK UP AND RECOGNIZE THAT THE BEST POP MUSIC YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR LIFE IS RIGHT HERE!!! Literally listen to one damn song off that album and you're rewarded with vocals, bops, clever lyrics, and EMOTION that is lacking in most modern music.
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