#yep I'm unfortunately still alive
zero-two-one · 1 year
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Albedo has now graced my sketchbook
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daytaker · 5 months
Chat Log: A Human Child Arrives in the Devildom
Beelzebub: I don’t remember. Beelzebub: I don't remember that either. Mammon: Oi, Beel, what the hell are you saying? Satan: That isn’t Beel. It’s “the new human exchange student”. Mammon: Why are ya sayin’ that in quotes? Satan: You’ll see. Mammon: The hell does that mean?! Beelzebub: I fell. Beelzebub: I fell out a tree and then I was here. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. I thought I said to look after the human child. Why is it sending nonsense in the chat? Asmo: It can’t talk, so we’re asking it questions out loud and having it answer like this! Lucifer: Why did you not create a new chat where you could interrogate it without annoying the rest of us? Satan: Convenience. This chat already existed. Mammon: Whoa whoa whoa, did you say human CHILD? Why the hell did you guys recruit a child? Lucifer: We didn’t. Something appears to have gone wrong in the summoning process. Barbatos is attempting to resolve the issue as we speak. Mammon: Is the kid still in the chat? Asmodeus: Yes, Beel loaned it his phone. Mammon: Hey kid, ya like ice cream? Beelzebub: Yes. Mammon: Well, I got a massive chocolate cone for any human kid who’s willing to come hang out around the central plaza for a few hours. Demons’ll pay good money to get a look at a genuine human child.  Mammon: Hey, Asmo, is it cute? Beelzebub: They want me to tell you I'm not going anywhere with you. Asmodeus: Yeah, leave the poor thing alone! It probably misses its parents! Asmodeus: And yes, it’s adorable! ♡ Mammon: Good, folks’ll pay more for that. Leviathan: Whaaaaaat? Sorry, just backread, but wow! You guys isekai’d a BABY to RAD? LOLOLOLOL Beelzebub: I’m not a baby. Lucifer: I apologize for the delay in sending this message. I was occupied with Diavolo and Barbatos. Lucifer: Mammon, if you take that child out in public and it gets eaten, I will flay you alive. Beelzebub: Do demons eat kids? Mammon: Yep. Mammon: They’re pretty freakin’ delicious too. Way better than old people. Mammon: ‘Cause they’re softer. Lucifer: Shut up and listen. Lucifer: Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if this issue is going to be resolved as quickly as I had hoped. Lucifer: Mammon, if I leave you in charge of the human until tomorrow, do you think you can keep it alive? Mammon: What? Why me? Ain’t Asmo and Satan there already? Lucifer: I hesitate to entrust a child to either Asmo or Satan for any extended period of time due to certain personality defects each of them possess. Asmodeus: Rude!!! Mammon: What about Beel? Lucifer: Beel would certainly eat it. Mammon: …Yeah, I guess that’s fair. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. Please take the human to the school gates and wait for Mammon to retrieve it. In the meantime, Diavolo has graciously offered to lend it the D.D.D. he had prepared for the original transfer student, so stop by the dean’s office to pick it up. Asmodeus: Fine, we're going. Mammon: I really gotta do this, huh? Lucifer: Yes. Mammon: :( Leviathan: LOLOLOLOL!!! This is hilarious! Lucifer: Don't think I've forgotten about you, Levi. I'd like you to prepare a few dishes Barbatos says are in vogue with human children. Leviathan: Wait, are you making me its personal chef? Mammon: Ha! Serves ya right! Leviathan: Shut up, Mammon. Lucifer: Macaroni and cheese. Lucifer: Chicken tenders/nuggets (in the shape of dinosaurs, if possible) Leviathan: Dinosaurs? Lucifer: Apple juice. Lucifer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Lucifer: French fries. Lucifer: Cheese pizza. Leviathan: Do I have to make all of this right now? Lucifer: Chocolate chip cookies. Lucifer: Human-world grapes. Leviathan: Am I being trolled right now? Lucifer: Absolutely not. Prepare one dish immediately using whatever ingredients we already own. Lucifer: Human, if you are still here, I would like to extend my deepest apologies on behalf of the Royal Academy of Diavolo for this unfortunate mistake. Lucifer: I hope we are able to resolve this in a timely manner.
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icepoptroll · 7 months
So I've been heavy into RTC in recent months. As well I work as a nurse. So naturally this idea came to me:
Everyone Lives AU where the choir kids survive the Cyclone accident, wake up in the hospital, and come to find out their nurse is a guy named. . . Yep. Karnak
Ricky wrote him a lengthy note between hourly rounds about how they all had died and they were in limbo and he was there too, and while he was there he was a magical mechanical fortune teller with prognostication and resurrection abilities, and how he's not sure how he's there with them now because a rat had killed him by chewing through his power cable. Karnak reads it and responds with a chuckle and "ah yes, your parents DID mention that you have a very active imagination, Richard." *Queue gobsmacked Ricky face*
Ocean is more scared and freaked out and still not past her initial stress response, all "How are we all still alive? How are YOU alive? You just DIED back there. And I thought you could only bring back one of us! That WHOLE TIME you were just testing us??? What kind of messed up game are we playing now?"
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oooooh yes you do! You were some kind of. . . Ominous novelty machine just before all this!"
"Ah. Curious, one of your friends accused me of the same thing. Quite an interesting phenomenon, how multiple people are on occasion found to somehow suffer the same exact nightmare. This is likely a result of your shared trauma--- I assure you I am just a med-surg nurse. I am not now, nor have I ever been, an 'ominous novelty machine.'"
"So it's just some wacky coincidence that we all remember someone JUST LIKE YOU from the afterlife and now all of a sudden we're all assigned to you? You had no part in that?"
"If I had my way, Miss Rosenberg, I would be assigned to only three of you. Unfortunately, though, safe nurse/patient ratios have really fallen to the wayside in recent years. Now. . . Before I continue my rounding, do you have any questions about your medication?"
The kids convene and question whether maybe he IS just a dude with the same name but COME ON his voice and mannerisms are all the same and he even kinda looks like him and the timing is just too perfect to be coincidental and the way he cracks a smile when someone calls him "Mr. Whatever" like it's him it's gotta be him
Definitely gonna think of more and most likely gonna end up drawing/writing stuff for this lol I just can't resist letting my work influence my hobbies haha
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Hope you are having a good day/night?
I was wondering if I could request BAU x Male reader who get's shot in the head and the bullet ricochets/bounces off their skull. How'd the team react to thinking reader is dead but someone notices something strange and that they are still alive but losing blood fast??
Warnings: Hospitals, head wound, shot in the head (but it bounces so no one dies)
A/N: Sorry it's a bit short and a bit silly!
"Shit!" Morgan swears, racing towards your body, "Shit, shit, shit, shit," His mumbles as desperate as he begs to a God he's not even sure he believes in that you're okay. But blood is beginning to pool around his knees as he kneels beside you. Then he sees your chest moving and rushes to take your pulse, it's pretty good for someone who just got shot in the head. "Reid!"
Spencer's there in seconds. "I think it ricocheted off his head," The paramedics, who had just entered the room, furrow their eyebrows and rush forward, quickly confirming Spencer's suspicion.
Hours later, you woke up with a headache from Hell. Your first instinct is that you're badly hungover, but you don't remember last night. You push yourself up from your bed, squinting at the light. You must have left a light on or something because it was ridiculously bright. When the idea of opening your eyes seemed less painful, you opened them..
Penelope leans over, clearly wanting to give you a hug but not wanting to overstep, "How are you feeling sweetie?"
You furrow your eyebrows at her, "Who- Who are you?"
You watch as their faces drop, panic setting in. "I'm sorry, that was cruel," You laugh, wincing at the pain in your head.
"And that was karma," Emily responded.
"I'm okay," You answer, Penelope gives you a look, unsure as to whether to believe you. "You're Penelope Garcia, Knower of All Knowledge."
"Okay, he's okay," Penelope declares.
"Except I genuinely cannot remember what happened, did I drink a lot? Like a lot, a lot?"
"Nope," Morgan answers, "An unsub shot you in the head and it bounced off."
"What?" Your jaw drops, this must be a joke, but then you turn to Hotch and his expression is serious and everyone else isn't telling Morgan not to joke. You lift a hand up to your head, and a thick bandage covers it. "You're joking."
"Unfortunately not," Hotch says.
You're silent for a moment, trying your best to process what he had told you, trying to drown Penelope and Morgan out as you think it over. ('Maybe that wasn't the best way to tell him!' 'But I summed it up nicely!' 'Look at him! You've broken him!').
"Are you okay?" You look up at JJ.
"I got shot in the head." JJ nods, "And it bounced off."
"Yep, like your head is made of metal or something," Morgan says.
"It bounced off?"
"It just- pew-" Derek pushes a finger towards his head until it pokes his forehead and makes the motion of it flying off.
"Okay, everyone wait outside," Hotch declares, seeing the panic on your face. It takes a moment, but soon enough it's just you and Hotch. "How are you feeling?"
"This is a lot."
Hotch nods.
"I nearly died."
He nods again.
"It bounced off my head, Hotch. Bounced."
He nods once more.
"What the fuck."
He huffs a laugh at that one.
"I'm gonna have such a cool scar," You realise. "What if I'm dead and this is just the afterlife?"
Hotch gives you a look before he stands up and opens the blinds, giving you the view of Emily, Penelope, Spencer, and Derek all in a heated debate (cough, argument, cough) whilst JJ and Rossi try their best to calm everything down. "This your idea of an afterlife?"
"I don't know, maybe I'm in Hell," You joke.
"You and me both," Hotch snorts.
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s10127470 · 4 months
My Wolverine and the X-Men Rewrite (Part 1)
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I'm sure many of you are familiar of Wolverine and the X-Men, as it was the last major animated series based on Marvel's merry band of mutants before X-Men '97 came out....
And before Marvel entered their infamous "anti-mutant" phase of the 2010s.
(If you don't count the X-Men Anime, which was a mini-series.)
Premiering back in 2009 on the somehow still-existing Nicktoons Network, the series is about the X-Men disbanding after a mysterious explosion results in the destruction of the Institute and the disappearance of Charles Xavier and Jean Grey.
About a year later, the team ended up reuniting for two major reasons.
The MRD (short for the Mutant Response Division), a government-supported organization created for the detainment and subsequent registration of existing mutants, begin capturing mutants from all over the country. Not only that, but they’ve even taken humans as prisoners as well just for helping mutants.
Charles Xavier, who the team find out is actually alive but in a coma resting on Magneto’s island nation of Genosha. Xavier is able telepathically communicate with the team from, in the words of Squidward….
Essentially, the explosion resulted in Xavier’s psyche being flung 20 years into the future. And Xavier himself won’t be awakened from his coma until those 20 years pass. Meanwhile, in the future, Xavier is awake, but finds himself constantly trying to survive as the future he’s in is absolute shit.
Being a loose adaption of Days of Future Past, the future Xavier’s in is one where the Sentinels have conquered the world after a war that broke out between the Master Mold program and Genosha.
In the end, nobody won.
As in this future, humanity has essentially been wiped out and mutants are on the verge of extinction, being placed in concentration camps.
But there is some hope....
Xavier in the future has formed a new X-Men team as it’s revealed that all of the original team are now dead. This new team consists of the likes of Bishop (who’s was one of the many mutants unfortunate enough to be born into this life instead of being a police officer from the distant future), an older Domino (whose present self is an enemy of the X-Men as she’s a member of the Brotherhood), and Marrow (who isn’t a member of the Morlocks).
Since Xavier is able to communicate with his past X-Men, he wants them to ensure that this future never happens.
So now, the reunited X-Men must face on the MRD, stop whatever plans Magneto has up his sleeves this time, and prevent the dark future from happening.
And all with Wolverine being the leader.
Yep! Wolverine is the leader of the X-Men as of right now as Cyclops is not doing so well….at all.
But in addition to those two, the rest of the X-Men consists of Storm, Beast, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Shadowcat, Angel, Forge, and newcomer Emma Frost.
WAXTM is notable things for two things.
It was also shortest-lived of the shows, only lasting 1 season of 26 episodes, which ran through the year of 2009, from January 23rd to November 29th.
This would be the sort-of beginning of an all-new shared animated universe known as the Yostverse, which consisted of the Hulk vs. Films, Thor: Tales of Asgard, and most notably, The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The reason I say sort-of beginning because one of the shows that’s supposedly a part of this universe is The Spectacular Spider-Man, which came out almost a year before this show did. But that’s a discussion in itself.
Ever since its cancellation, WAXTM has gained a following and has become one of the many animated shows that got cancelled too soon and has led thousands of fans clamoring for a revival.
And to this day, people consider the show an underrated gem.
But I'm gonna have to come out and say it.....
Wolverine and the X-Men is not exactly a good show....
It's not bad by any means, but does have a lot of flaws.
And while it did do some things right, it wasn't quite to the extent of X-Men Evolution and especially X-Men: The Animated Series.
So today I want to discuss how I would rewrite the show. Keeping what worked about the show and either strengthen or removing what didn't.
And for this rewrite, be prepared to expect changes in characterizations, looks and even voices!
For the first part of this rewrite, we'll be covering the first three episodes of the show, Hindsight: Parts 1, 2 and 3.
And for this version of the show, all 3 of episodes would premiering on the exact same night: January 23rd, 2009.
Essentially, Wolverine and the X-Men's premiere in this AU would be a full-on TV movie!
This would be similar to what Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends did as when they first premiered, they had the first three episodes packed into a TV movie.
And one last thing, I would like to credit synergysilhouette as my main inspiration for this post, as he also shared his own idea on rewrite Wolverine and the X-Men as well.
So with that being said, let's get this party started!
First thing we need to get out of way that this show would not be called "Wolverine and the X-Men".
As that title is undoubtedly emblematic of the show's greatest flaw: the focus on Wolverine.
It's pretty obvious that the original series was riding on the coattails of the X-Men films, which Wolverine was not only the most popular character of, but the essentially the main character (and the only one that really mattered, much to the detriment of basically everyone else.).
Made more obvious with the fact that it premiered just four months before his long anticipated solo film.
Yeah, we all know how well that turned out....
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Apparently, when WAXTM was first conceived, it was initially meant to be solo cartoon for Wolverine.
At least in the eyes of the executives...
But to the directors and producers, this was meant to be another X-Men cartoon.
In the end, the two sides essentially came to a compromise: the show would have the X-Men as its main cast, but Wolverine would be the focal character of the show.
Everyone has already said it before, but it does bare repeating.
The X-Men are suppose to be an ensemble. It shouldn't focus on just one character and essentially make everyone else irrelevant.
For this rewrite, the show's name would be changed to "X-Men Destiny", which I feel like fits perfectly with the premise of the series.
Next we come to the tone and style. This was another area where the influence from the films is quite obvious.
Just like the FOX films, Wolverine and the X-Men is notably more serious and gloomy than most other X-Men media, even the comics at some points.
It's somewhat melodramatic and there's rarely ever a sense of levity or humor to lighten things up
I'm admittedly not a fan of this style. I understand the X-Men are a little more serious when compared to other characters of the Marvel universe, but I don't think they need to be this overly serious.
I feel like the core of the X-Men, in spite of the all bullshit they deal with, they still persevere and keep their heads up no matter what.
So for this version of the show, the tone will be a little more light-hearted.
There will actually be humor present and some characters will be the resident comic reliefs.
But don't worry, the show will still take itself seriously when it needs to.
But another area the show would see change in is the art-style.
For this version of the show, the character designs would be done by ZyalahDoodles.
She’s an artist here on Tumblr who has done some redraws and redesigns for WAXTM.
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I really like her style. It strikes that balance between being similar to the original art style while still being somewhat different. And if anything, it’s actually an improvement over the original style, especially when look at characters like Quicksilver. 
Like Jesus Christ, he was hideous in the original!
I know he’s suppose to be Magneto’s son, but you didn’t need to make him look as old as him too! 
Like Zyalah’s Quicksilver can actually get it.
If you want to check out more of her art, here’s the link to her page below.
Next we come to the roster.
Overall, it's largely the same as in the original except we would see the addition of one more character.
And that's none other than the steel-skinned gentle giant himself, Colossus!
Not only because he's one of my favorite X-Men, it's also because he's honestly kind of deserves it.
For those who don't know, despite only appearing in the prologue of the first episode, Colossus was weirdly in a lot of promotional material and merchandising for the show.
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Apparently he was suppose to return to the X-Men following the explosion, but the producers decided not to do that and just save him for the planned season 2.
I'm guessing that the promotional material and merchandising started production during the early development of the show and before everything got finalized.
And thus, it's why a lot of this stuff still shows Colossus as a main character.
It's similar to what happened with The Simpsons, as during its early years, a lot of merchandising featured Bart famously wearing a blue shirt instead of his trademark red shirt.
But now that we got our roster out of the way, let's talk about the characters.
Specifically, their voices, appearances and ages.
In terms of voices, just about everyone still have their respective VAs in this version....except for two of the X-Men.
Those two being Iceman and Rogue.
Iceman would be voiced by Jason Marsden, replacing Yuri Lowenthal.
But don't worry, Yuri would be still in this version of the show, but as a different character (who we'll get to shortly).
And Rogue would be voiced by Melissa Disney, replacing Kieren van den Blink.
As for appearances, synergysilhouette brought up how a little wonky the builds of the characters were.
Like some of the males had buff upper bodies but surprisingly thin torsos and legs, and the females were pretty paper thin.
Like, we're talking almost VivziePop thin, specifically in the leg area.
The only part of them that wasn't thin were their chests....
Who designed these girls? Greg Land?
So yeah, in this version of the show would fix some of those designs.
Particularly putting a little more meat on the females.
I guess you could say I made them....
But for the builds of the X-Men.
Wolverine has a stocky and muscular build.
Cyclops is lean but athletic.
Emma Frost has an hourglass figure with a more top-heavy build.
Storm also has an hourglass figure, with an all-around build.
Beast...basically looks the same as he does in the original show.
So does Nightcrawler, Angel, Colossus, Iceman, Shadowcat and Forge (expect he'll actually have tanned skin)
And Rogue has a similar build to Storm.
Apart from the builds, the X-Men look largely the same as in the original show.
Though Cyclops and Rogue would definitely be getting a serious hairdo.
Since let's be real, their haircuts were pretty awful in the original show, especially Rogue's.
Cyclops' new hair would look just how it does in Zyalah's piece I showed earlier, and Rogue would have much longer hair.
As for heights, the X-Men are pretty accurate to those from the comics.
Yes, and that does include Wolverine.
However, there is one exception to this and that's with Beast.
I've always felt that Beast definitely should be a much taller character than he actually is.
(He's canonically 5'11)
But despite that, in the more recent comics, he's always shown as being bigger than most of the other X-Men.
So here, Beast is like 6'5.
As for their outfits...
Wolverine, Storm, Emma, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Angel, Rogue and Forge would be wearing the exact same outfits they did in the original show.
Beast as well, but he would also be sporting goggles this time.
(He just looks so right with them).
Iceman would wearing a modified version of his outfit from the show.
It would have a light blue and dark blue color scheme, short pant-legs and no shoes.
Shadowcat would be wearing her outfit from the Astonishing X-Men run.
And Cyclops, well....
This what he'll be wearing.
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If you collected any Marvel merchandising during the 2000s, you've most definitely seen this look before.
It's kind of like an combination between his 90s outfit and his Astonishing outfit.
And in all honesty, it's really cool looking.
But weirdly enough, he's never wore this any iteration outside of the merchandising.
So I figured.....
Finally, we come to the ages of the X-Men.
I'm reason I'm bringing this up is because of the episode, Breakdown.
In that episode, we take a look into Cyclops' past, and just like in the comics, the X-Men originally started off with the original five.
And we can clearly see that they're teenagers.
But this becomes an issue when take Iceman into account.
In the second episode when Wolverine and Beast come to recruit him, the latter mentions to his parents that Iceman is now 18.
Which would mean that three years have past since the X-Men formed.
And since the estimated age difference between the original five is that Beast is older than Cyclops, Jean and Angel by 2 years and Iceman is younger than them by 2 years, that would mean that Cyclops, Jean Angel are around 19-20 and Beast is around 21-22.
And yeah, there's is no way in hell that's the case.
I could definitely see them being in their 20s, but like mid-to-late 20s.
Definitely not early 20s!
Here, it would be established that the X-Men have been around for about 8 years, including after the explosion.
As for the ages of the team.
We all know Wolverine is old as hell!
Cyclops, Jean and Angel are 24.
Emma is 29.
Storm is 26.
Beast is 27.
Nightcrawler is 22.
Colossus, Rogue and Forge are 20.
And Iceman and Shadowcat are 18.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's go ahead and talk about the episodes themselves!
Hindsight: Part 1
This episode is largely the same, but there would be a few changes.
-All of the X-Men would be present in the prologue. Iceman would training in The Danger Room with Shadowcat, Colossus and Nightcrawler, Forge would be working on a new device while ignoring the cries for help from the four after getting trapped, and Angel would be seen spending them with Storm.
-We would get the establishment of where everyone else is once Wolverine and Beast reunite. Cyclops has living in a rundown apartment by himself, Storm moved back to her village in Kenya, Angel has been working at his father's company, Iceman and Shadowcat moved back in with their parents, Colossus moved back to his family's farm in Russia, and nobody's heard from Nightcrawler or Rogue. As for Beast, he's been hanging at what's left of the mansion with Forge, working together to see what caused the explosion in the first place.
-Speaking of Forge, he would be helping out Wolverine and Beast with their break-in. And also, and more importantly, Forge's characterization is much different. Here, he's basically like Sokka and Velma, being the team's resident tech-genius and total smartass.
-Pyro wouldn't be one of the mutants freed when Wolverine, Beast and Forge free the prisoners. Instead, his place would be taken by Jubilee (voiced by Janice Kawaye). She would end up staying with the X-Men, kick-starting one of the storylines for this series. As for her characterization, it's pretty accurate to how she is in the comics. In terms of overall physical appearance and age: she's about 15, has a slightly petite build, black hair in a bob-cut style, pink lips, brown eyes, stands at 5'1, and wears a modified version of her classic 90s outfit. It's largely the same, except with a navel-bearing shirt, fingerless gloves and sneakers.
Hindsight: Part 2
Once again, largely the same with a few changes.
-The Brotherhood has two new additions from the original version in the form of Pyro and Gambit. Yep! Gambit is a member of Brotherhood in this version of the show, as it would set up his eventual turnover to the X-Men and his romance with Rogue. And in typical Gambit fashion, he'll definitely be laying his Cajun charm on Rogue immediately. As their voices, all of them remain the same except for Quicksilver, Toad and Pyro. Quicksilver would be voiced by Yuri Lowenthal (I told you we would be coming back to him!), Toad would be voiced by Danny Cooksey, and Pyro would be voiced by John Kassir. Also, Toad will be British. Yeah, remember when he used to have a British accent?
-Cyclops' characterization. One of the biggest flaws of the original show was how Cyclops was characterized. In the original, he was intolerant, depressed grub. I get that he's grieving over the loss of Jean, but man. It's hard for us to feel sorry for the guy when he's constantly being angry and angsty. He may've not been done as dirty when compared to the Fox films, but this version of the character isn't too far behind. But here, Cyclops is will actually remain as the leader of the team, and his big story of the season (apart from the obvious) is him grappling with whether or not he still has what it takes to be leader again. And along with that, he isn't gonna nearly as angry and angsty as he was in the original. However, he will still be grieving and his depression will be shown in a way where we actually sympathize with him. This would be first shown when Wolverine tries to recruit him and after blasting him out of his room. And although he starts off looking down at Wolverine angry at first, but once he leaves, his expression eventually turns into one of regret.
Hindsight: Part 3
Just like with the last two, it's mostly the same with one notable exception.
-When the X-Men meet Emma for the first time, their reactions are a little different. Angel isn't smitten by her at all, as he already has a special somebody (i.e. Storm). But Iceman still is. But he's not the only one. The other would be Shadowcat. Yep! In this show, Shadowcat and Iceman are both, in the words of NSYNC....
Well that's all I have for now.
Let me know what you guys think about this rewrite. And if you could, give me some ideas on how the rest of the series should play out!
But anyway, I'm gonna go play some X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse....
Peace out, yo.
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starrclown · 7 months
I saw your post about Bai He and how she would be close to Wukong than Macaque because they both being possessed by LBD. But even Macaque wasn't possessed by LBD he still under LBD's command.....
Would you think she be close to both?
Honestly Wukong and Bai He being close is just a cute idea. Realistically we are only gonna see this kid as a background character. When we see her in season 4 she's walking to Pigsy's noodles. I take this too mean that she has parents and or a parental figure.
Honestly, I think Macaque and Bai He could be close! Maybe? I don't think Macaque would be outright harsh to this kid but again, I don't think he would be a good parental figure. They could still bond tho. I don't know, maybe he secretly likes cats. Or children.
(Can you imagine he had no idea who this kid is and he just saw a falling child and panicked. Like I know that's not the case but it's alot funnier to think that he has no idea who this kid is and he just saw her falling and panicked because why is this kid falling from the sky.)
I just like the idea that Bai He and Wukong meet and they're just like:
"She possesed you too Monkie King?"
"Yep. Can't believe she went for a little girl."
"Monkie King, were you gonna kill me? I could hear the argument."
"Yes, unfortunately. Lady Bone Demon was extremely dangerous and I'm sorry that would have come at the cost of you. If at the moment I knew another way to stop her that didn't involve harming you then I would have taken it."
"Oh, well that's nice. Honestly I didn't wanna be alive anymore when I was under her control."
"... Kid how old are you?"
"9! Wanna see my cat."
"Ya know what? Let's go to my friends Sandy's house! He has a bunch of cats!"
"I met him! He has a BUNCH of kitty's!"
"Yup! Let's go!"
And then they get therapy.
(Ya know that headcannon that Bai He and Wukong have streaks of white hair because of Bone Demon. I like to believe that Bai He wanted to die hers pink of something and Monkie King was like "Why not?" And did it with her. Their now just rocking pink hair together.)
Asks are always open, art is always here, commissions are open, be nice to kids under dictorial rein.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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bqstqnbruin · 1 year
Drunk Texts
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Me? With another fic? This fast? Ground breaking.
Anyway, this has been sitting in my google drive for way too long and I finally finished it. It's inspired by Drunk Texts by New Rules.
Thank you to my besties @kat-hearts @raysofcrosby @matthewtkachuk and @assmanselke for reading this, but they have no idea what the ending is so hahahaha
If there are typos, I'm so sorry, Grammarly is being weird
Warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, swearing, the ending
WC: 5k ish
Flashbacks are in italics
The sun was up, there was a bird outside his window happily chirping, the city below his apartment was alive and bustling on the beautiful late summer day.
Anthony felt like he wanted to die.
He couldn’t remember having a worse hangover, trying to wrack the usable part of his brain to figure out if he had anything besides alcohol the night before. He was pretty sure he had at least one glass of water, thinking he had maybe a bite of food but that proved to be way too little to counteract what was probably a bottle or two of wine and whatever else his teammates had given to him to drink last night. 
He sat up from bed, his head pounding as he rubbed his eyes and searched for his phone, haphazardly on his nightstand under what he could only hope was his own underwear and not someone else's. If some other guys boxers were there, Anthony knew he had more than one problem to deal with. 
It was the same thing every single time he went drinking after a bad night, his room and probably the rest of his apartment left in a disaster, but the worst part were the drunk texts he knew were sent by him the night before. Drunk texts sent by anyone were horrible, incoherent and easy to blame on being inebriated, but his were always exceptionally bad. 
Anthony got out of bed, his head pounding with every movement he made. He knew he had to check his phone at some point. Delaying it any longer would just lead to more issues with his life later on.
The one person he hoped he hadn’t texted was right at the top of his messages, a message that somehow combined French, English, and absolute gibberish into one text, undoubtedly from him, showing up in the preview. 
He tapped the messages with Scarlett, the last girl he dated, and still couldn’t get out of his head. She was, unfortunately, used to his drunk or stupid texts, Anthony unable to form a proper thought when it came to her.
‘I like you’ was the only text he could decipher at first glance, an “oh fuck,” escaping his lips while he tried to piece together why his teammates would let him not only drink so much, but keep his phone on him the entire time. 
“Who is that over there?” Anthony asked, staring at the girl with long, dark hair, talking to one of his new teammates. 
“Uh, that’s Quinn,” Brock said, “your teammate.”
“No, the girl he’s somehow talking to,” Anthony replied.
“Not sure, I normally see Quinn with her when we come here, though. She always shows up when Quinn texts her,” Brock shrugged, “I think her name is Sarah? Sage?”
So she probably likes Quinn then, if she’s showing up when he asks. He shakes his head, “You only know that her name maybe starts with an S, don’t you?”
Anthony sighed, trying to take in the girl Quinn was talking to. He swore he had seen her before, something about her trying to work its way through his memory. 
“Go talk to her.” 
“What?” he asked, looking at his teammate.
“I promise you that Quinn does not have enough in him to pull a girl like that.” 
“Isn’t he one of your best friends?” 
“Yes, that’s why I can say it. Now, go.” Brock practically had to shove Anthony away from the table. 
Anthony stood there frozen, staring at Quinn and this girl while his mind went a mile a minute as to how he was going to talk to her. ‘This is ridiculous,’ he thought to himself, ‘she’s just a girl, talking to Quinn. If Quinn can talk to her, so can I.’
He felt his entire body shaking under the weight of himself as he tried to make his way over to the girl and Quinn. He could just tell Quinn he wanted to buy him a drink, celebrate the win they had the other night, something, anything. 
“Hey, Tito,” Quinn called out, pulling Anthony from his thoughts. Quinn and the girl were staring at him, the heat rushing to his face as she smiled at him. “This is Scarlett.” 
Anthony knew he had to speak. She was staring at him. She was smiling at him. She was clearly waiting for him to say something to her, but all functions that his body possessed suddenly stopped, including the one where he was able to get out something as simple as, “hi.” 
“Um,” Scarlett started, Quinn standing to the side laughing at his teammate, “Quinn tells me you just moved here from New York?” 
“L-long Island, um, yeah,” he managed to get out, starting to think of all the ways he wanted to disappear into the Canadian wilderness out of embarrassment. 
“What’s it like there? What’s there to do?” she asked him, Quinn slowly inching away from them. 
“Uh, leave.” As soon as the words left his lips, he shut his eyes, hoping that when he opened them, he would discover that the stupid things he said didn’t happen and were just a dream. He opened his eyes to see Scarlett biting her lip, trying not to laugh at him. 
She took a sip of her drink, not breaking eye contact and making Anthony’s heart skip in the process. “You’re either way too drunk to be talking to someone right now, or I, for some reason, make you really nervous.” 
Anthony lets out a sigh, a smile on his face. “What if I told you it was both?” 
There was something about the laugh that escaped her lips after he told her that that made him forget everything. He swore he blacked out while talking to her, but not from the alcohol. He had never felt more sober than that first time he met her. He remembered nothing about that night except the way her eyes lit up when she smiled, a crooked smile spreading across her face when she was flirting with him, the way he knew heat was rushing to her face, probably from the second hand embarrassment of him attempting to flirt back. 
“So, you and that girl looked pretty cozy last night,” Brock teased him the next morning after practice. None of them had been particularly happy that they were called for last minute drills, all of them sweating the alcohol from the night before more than anything else. 
“Are you in love?” Quinn teased, his voice dripping with that pre-teen gooeyness that got under Anthony’s skin.
“I just met her,” he started.
“Love at first sight exists, my friend,” Elias joins in, hitting Anthony hard enough on his back that he nearly fell out of his stall. 
“Dear god, I need to go back to New York,” Anthony groans, drowned out by the sounds of his teammates laughing. 
“There’s no way Long Island is better than here,” they kept going.
“We called it the ‘God forsaken island,’ growing up,” Quinn added, the guys laughing even harder as they continued to rib Anthony. 
“I liked you all better when you didn’t know me.” 
“You know we like you better when we make fun of you,” Elias tried to reassure him. “Have you at least talked to her since last night?”
“How would I do that?”
“You got her number?” Quinn questioned. 
Anthony tried to think back to the night before, failing to remember anything past his initial meeting with Scarlett and the absolute fear that he felt trying to talk to her in those first few minutes. “When did that happen?”
“Right after the eighth green tea shot.”
“You let me have eight?” 
“Scarlett kept buying. I wasn’t going to argue with her,” Quinn said, holding his hands up in defense. “We tried to get you to stop, but after the third one, you threatened to pour them all over Brock.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t going to let you get my white shirt dirty.”
“God forbid you get your five dollar Walmart shirt a little dirty with some alcohol.”
“Hey, no-”
“Guys!” Anthony finally cut in, his teammates all turning to look at him. “I don’t have her number.”
“Have you looked at your phone since last night?”
“Only to turn off my alarm when it was still on ‘do not disturb.’”
“Scarlett a hundred percent has texted you already if you haven’t texted her. She’s not one to wait for days for a guy to reach out to her,” Quinn told him. 
“I don’t think I like that you know so much about her,” Anthony mumbled.
“I met her the first weekend I was here my rookie year and she somehow has appeared in my life every weekend since. Check your phone.” 
The guys start to file out and head home, Anthony and Quinn sitting there by themselves. Anthony didn’t even know what he would say to her. How does he start a conversation with a girl he barely knows, who he was too nervous to talk to the night before? 
“You make her sound like a stalker,” Anthony sighed, trying to search for his phone. 
“I’ve known her for years and she hasn’t stalked anyone.”
“That you know of.”
“You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.”
“And that is the closest to being Gretzky that you’ll ever be.”
“Just check your phone. You were babbling like a dumbass the second you met her. I haven’t known you for as long as I’ve known her, but I definitely know you well enough that you don’t act like that around girls. Ever.” 
Quinn finally got up to head home, leaving Anthony alone in their locker room to do as he pleased. 
Anthony sat back in his stall, letting his head hit the back and getting engulfed in his clothing hanging behind him. What would he even text her? Is it too soon to text her? How could he send anything that would be good enough for her to want to respond?
He finally pulled out his phone to start going through his notifications. News from around the league, random DMs from people on Instagram, a text from his mom that he would forget to respond to until after she was asleep for the night, and a message from someone with just an emoji as their contact. It was the blushing emoji, Anthony remembering Scarlett telling him that her friends called her ‘Scar,’ and that was the first emoji that popped up when someone tried to search for her name. 
‘So how often do you get a girl's number and not text them back after that night?’
Anthony couldn’t figure out if the banging was just the throbbing headache he had or someone actually at his door. 
“What the fuck could you possibly be doing here this early?” he groaned at his teammates standing at this door. 
“It’s 2 pm,” Quinn says, pushing his way into Anthony’s apartment without an invite, coffees and bags of food in hand.
  “It was either us doing the wellness check or the police,” Brock adds, flopping down on the couch and sending Anthony’s phone on to the floor. 
“I don’t trust them to drive safely anywhere after they’ve spent the night drinking, so I had to come, unfortunately,” Elias tells Anthony, picking up his phone off the ground and handing it to him. “Has that girl texted you back yet?” 
Anthony’s head whipped up in shock. He really had no memory of last night. “Girl?” 
“Yeah, you know, those who identify with she and her pronouns?” Quinn says, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Can you be a girl and not use those pronouns?” Brock asks while chomping on a bagel. 
“Very important questions for a later time, please,” Anthony interrupts, trying to look through his contacts to see if there was any name he didn’t recognize. “What girl?”
“You don’t remember?”
Anthony sat on the couch next to Brock, throwing his head back and letting out a guttural sigh. “Why would I remember anything from last night? That would make my life so much easier, and obviously, we can’t have that.” There was no way he could meet a girl and not remember her, right? There was no way he could possibly have drank that much alcohol to the point where he blacked out if he was with his teammates. 
“Not your usual type, but still pretty.” 
“She was hitting on Quinn first.”
“She was not.”
“She only stopped because you’re too dense to realize when someone is hitting on you.” 
“You could have had a relationship for the last five years if you picked up on that girl in the coffee shop.”
“That’s-” “Hello?” Anthony interrupts his teammates. “We were talking about me?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Brock says. “You really don’t remember the girl who bought you like four of the drinks you had?” 
‘ ‘What are you doing today?’ came up on Anthony’s phone from an unknown number. 
Scarlett had called him immediately after he sent his text to make sure he was ok. “Ti,” came through his speaker, the nickname she called him that made his heart race for no reason. “It’s two in the morning, what do you mean what am I doing today?” 
“I want to see you today,” Anthony slurred, drunk from his night with his teammates after winning the first round of the playoffs. 
“Only if you promise to get some water right now,” she giggled. “You know you forget to hydrate when you’re celebrating.” 
“Come out with us. I want to see you.” 
“I am in bed already,” she said, hearing Anthony let out a drunken groan. “I’m going to be helping Brooke at her street fair stand in the afternoon, I can meet you after that for you to take me on a date then.” 
“I want to take you out now,” he whined. 
“Dinner tomorrow at your favorite restaurant. You’ll pay.”
“I’ll pay.” 
Scarlett hung up before Anthony could say anything else.
The next morning, he woke up on Quinn’s couch, Elias sitting on the chair, Brock on the floor for who knows what reason. He didn’t even remember getting back to Quinn’s apartment, let alone how he ended up on the couch. 
“Why are we here?” Anthony asked, no one in particular.  
“I was the most sober of the four of us,” he heard Quinn yell from the kitchen. 
Following his teammates' voice, he attempted to get up, a pounding headache nearly knocking him off his feet. “How did that happen?”
“I’m not sure, but I fucking hated it,” Quinn mumbled. “Even Elias threw up four times last night.” 
“It might be five times soon,” Elias said, stumbling into the kitchen behind Anthony. 
“Good morning sunshines,” Brock yelled, groans coming from all three guys in the kitchen. “What’s everyone doing today after we get breakfast together?”
“Plotting your murder,” Elias muttered massaging his head with his fingers as if he were trying to will the hangover away through that method.
“At least wait till our season is done for that.”
“I think I’m seeing Scarlett,” Anthony said, trying to remember if his conversion with her the night before was real or not. 
Quinn hands out cups of coffee, a confused look on his face. “Like, you’re seeing her right now? In the room with us?”
“What’s it like having two brain cells that constantly have to fight for third place?” Anthony groaned, “No, you dumbass, I mean tonight. I’m seeing her tonight.”
“You’re finally going to see her somewhere that isn’t a bar and in a state that isn’t halfway fucked?” 
“I actually think I’m going to join Elias in murdering you,” Anthony countered. 
“You can’t hang out with Scarlett if you’re in jail for murdering me.” 
“What are you going to do with her today?” Elias asked, changing the subject. 
“I have no idea. I might be paying for whatever it is we do, though.” 
Anthony spent the rest of the morning getting annoyed at his teammates as they teased him, calling him a simp for Scarlett when he had only interacted with her in person while they were both drunk. They hadn’t even been on a real date yet. Scarlett telling him to take her out that night was going to be their first. 
“Look, I need to impress her,” he cuts them off after they get back to Quinn’s place. “So either you are all going to help me figure out how I do that, or I’m going to put in for a trade request in the off season.” 
The four of them managed to put together a plan that didn’t make Tito want to kill them. The first step was to go to Prototype, her favorite coffee shop in the city, and getting drinks for her and Brooke and surprising them at Brooke’s street fair. He had their orders saved in his phone for god only knows what reason, but he knew they would come in handy at some point. 
“We should come, too,” Quinn said, grabbing his stuff to follow Anthony out the door. 
“You should not,” Anthony protested. 
“We want to see what you’re like out of your natural habitat,” Brock teased.
“What the ever living fuck does that mean?”
“I think it means they want to see you try to flirt with her when you’re sober,” Elias translated.
“No. Nope. You three are not coming.” 
“You don’t have a car to get yourself anywhere and you still don’t know how to navigate the public transit system here.” 
Anthony reluctantly let his teammates take him where he needed to go, hoping that he could lose them at the massive street fair that Brooke and Scarlett were working. Thankfully, his teammates had the attention span of squirrels, soon veering off from him and leaving him to wander with a tray of three drinks, hoping to impress the girl he desperately wanted to see sooner than that night. 
“Ti?” he heard from behind him. “Anthony, what are you doing here?”
He turned to see Scarlett walking up to him from across a sea of people, her smile alone making him lose all brain function. He should have known she would have the same effect on him sober as she did when he was drunk. “I, um,” he started, trying to remember what his reasoning for being there even was to begin with. Why did he have to see her so early when all she did was make him freak out in the best way possible? “I brought you coffee.”
He practically spilled it down the front of her by shoving it into her chest. “Um, thank you?”
“And for Brooke, too.” 
“Oh! You haven’t even met her yet?” 
“You told me that you two have the same favorite coffee order from Prototype, so I just got two of them,” he told her, feeling his cheeks turn bright pink. 
She gave him a soft smile, clearly impressed that he would remember not only her order, just her best friends, no matter how simple they were. “I knew you were a good one.” 
“Do you want us to text her?” Brock asks, craning his neck to try to read over Anthony’’s shoulder at his phone. 
“We can tell her you’re a good one,” Elias offers, the first hint of sincerity coming through his voice that none of his other teammates had shown to him all night. 
“Or that you’re bad,” Quinn draws out. 
“I’m not a thirteen year old boy trying to text his middle school crush, Jesus Christ.” 
“Tell her you’re like him,” Quinn adds. 
“You’re Jewish, I thought you don’t believe in him,” Elias asks. 
“Well, yeah, but he was still a historical figure. We just don’t believe the religious aspect that-”
“Hey!” Anthony interrupts, again. “Am I just here as comic relief?”
“You have to be funny to be considered that.”
“Ok, I’m leaving,” Anthony gets up from the couch, only to be pulled back down by Brock.
“We’re teasing you. You know this. And we’re in your apartment, where are you going to go?” 
“What do I do?” Anthony groans, throwing his head back with his hands over his eyes. 
“Text her back or ignore her.” 
“No, I mean,” he groans again, “I texted Scarlett last night.” Much to his surprise, he’s met with silence from his friends for the first time that morning. “That’s what shuts you up?”
The three of them exchange worried glances, making Anthony’s heart race and head throb even more than the hangover already had. He knew drinking anything was going to make him do something stupid. He just didn’t think his teammates would also agree. 
He handed them his phone, letting them see the string of stupidity from the night before. 
“There’s no way you texted her all of this,” Brock said.
“You can literally see the texts on his screen,” Elias groans. 
“God, you’re an idiot,” Scarlett told him between kissing him, one hand on the back of his neck pulling him towards her, the other on his guiding it towards her waist. 
Anthony didn’t know what to say as he felt every inch of her, pulling her back towards his bed. He sat down, his lips still connected to hers. Scarlett straddled his waist, her fingers gracing the hem of his shirt.
‘God, this has to be perfect,’ raced through Anthony’s mind, every other thought that wasn’t about Scarlett unable to break through his brain. His heart started racing as the two of them took off his shirt, fiddling with hers next to slip it off over her head, Anthony wanting nothing more than for his lips to be back on hers as fast as possible. 
He moved her off his lap, gently pushing her onto her back. He took a moment, both of them catching their breath while Anthony’s heart continued to race. “Wow,” he let out, Scarlett giggling at him. “You are just.” He couldn’t find the words to describe who she was, his mind still blank from anything other than her name. 
“Do you want to…” she asked, drifting off, her eyes traveling down his body. 
“Oh, god, yes.” Anthony said, crashing his lips to hers, feeling her smile against his.
‘This has to be perfect,’ kept running through Anthony’s head as they stripped more of what they were wearing, piece by piece. ‘She’s perfect so this has to be perfect.’
 She was ready. He could feel she was ready. But Anthony?
“Hey, hey, wait,” she stopped him. “Are you ok?”
He hung his head down, her hands pushing his hair back off his face. “I’m so sorry.” 
“We can stop, if you want to,” her voice came out small, clearly upset. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeated, rolling off her, unable to look at her. The two of them lied there in silence, a long pause that made Anthony more anxious by the second. 
“Are we ok?” Scarlett asked, finally breaking the silence. 
Anthony stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out what to say. “Yes?”
He heard her sigh, getting up to put her clothes back on. “Let me know when you’re sure,” she said to him, leaving his room. 
As soon as he heard his front door shut, he covered his face with his hands, letting out a deep groan. He wanted it to be perfect. He had been trying so hard to make everything for her as perfect as he was able to make it. Why the fuck did he have to get into his head like that. 
Anthony reached for his phone, pulling up the group chat with his teammates. ‘Who can come here ASAP?’ he sent, putting his phone back on his nightstand without even waiting for an answer, rolling over immediately and pulling his sheets over his face. 
Anthony didn’t know how long he had been asleep, hearing his front door open while he was still in his bed, his clothing strewn across his floor. 
“Tito, where are you?” he heard Elias’s voice carry through his place.
“Fuck,” he muttered, throwing himself out of bed to try to find something resembling pants before they could make it to his bedroom. 
“Tit-oh.” Quinn said, bursting through his bedroom door before he could fully get his sweatpants on. “Guys I found him.” “Jesus, Quinn,” Anthony said, nearly falling over. “You couldn’t wait?”
“Had to make sure you weren’t dead,” Brock said, spraying a mouth full of crumbs of who knows what everywhere, Elias following him with an annoyed expression. “We thought you were with Scarlett tonight.”
“He clearly was,” Elias said, gesturing to the mess that was his bedroom at the moment. 
“So what, you finished, she left, and your first thought was to call us?” Quinn asked, plopping down on Anthony’s bed, Brock following suit. 
Elias and Anthony took the floor, his three teammates trying to read the expression on his face. “No, I didn’t finish.” 
“With Scarlett?”
“I didn’t even,” Anthony started, putting his face back in his hands. “I didn’t even start.”
“Oh,” was all he heard from Elias, Brock and Quinn both silent for once. “We thought you really liked her?”
“God, yes, I do,” Anthony said. “This was supposed to be the first time we slept together and I fucked it up.” 
“That happens,” Elias shrugged. 
“It’s not even just that. She asked if we were ok and I couldn’t answer her.” 
“Why would you do that?” Quinn asked.
“I panicked. I’ve been panicking. Since the first time I saw her, I have been freaking out because she deserves more than what I can give her, and it fucks me up,” he let out, surprised he was even able to put anything into words. “I mean, Brock, you had to physically push me to her because I was frozen. Quinn stood there when I couldn’t even talk to her. We were all here the night I freaked out because I didn’t know how to text her, or what to do for our first date. I have been out of my mind about her since the second I saw her, and because of that I have fucked up so badly, I don’t know if she wants to see me ever again.” 
“Ok, you told her last night you wanted to see her,” Brock reads out. 
“When was the last time you saw her?”
“That night she left my apartment when we tried to…” Anthony trails off, not really wanting to recount the night again.
“What about the last time that you talked to her?” Quinn asks, handing Anthony his phone back. 
“She had called me one night after a game a few days later to say that she was sorry she left that night the way she did but she was upset that I didn’t have an answer for her.” 
“And we talked it out, I thought we were fine, she said we would talk later, and neither of us reached out again.” 
“So you both ghosted each other until you sent her a bunch of drunk texts last night,” Quinn says.
Anthony groans, throwing his head back again. “Fuck, yes, Quinn. What do I do?”
“Well she hasn’t answered yet, so she either hasn’t seen it or also doesn’t know what to do.” 
“At least start with telling her you were drunk and that you’re sorry you sent all of those  texts,” Elias suggests. 
“Or we go over to her place and you ask her yourself.” The three of them look at Brock, Quinn, and Elias liking the idea, Anthony absolutely mortified. “I mean, you haven’t seen her in a while, you haven’t talked to her in a while, and drunk you clearly wanted to change that last night.”
“What about sober you, right now?” Quinn asks.
“Hungover me,” Anthony corrects, “Wants to go to bed until sober me reappears.” 
“Well that won’t be until tomorrow,” Brock points out, “So what would sober you want to do?”
Anthony smiles, his teammates knowing what he wants to do, what he’s wanted to do since that first night at the bar.
“I’ve got the keys,” Elias says, the four of them rushing out the door. 
Anthony felt his heart racing as Elias drove through the city, surprised he even knew where Scarlett’s building was. By the time he pulled up, his palms were soaked, his throat was dry, his legs anxiously unable to stop shaking. The guys had to practically throw him out the door, Anthony having no idea what the hell he was going to say. 
He managed to get up to her apartment, thankful that he was well known enough that the doorperson let him in, worried that the security was loose enough that they just let him in at the same time. He knocked on her door, finally starting to calm down as he waited for her. 
Anthony didn’t hear any movement in her apartment, knocking again after waiting for what felt like forever. He felt his phone buzz, a text in the group chat asking how it was going from Quinn, immediately followed up by Elias scolding him. 
He knocked a third time, hoping that she would answer. 
She wasn’t there. That, or she was ignoring whoever was at the door, given that he was showing up unannounced. 
He turns back around, heading back down to Elias’s car, letting them know he was waiting for the elevator. 
The door opened, Anthony moving to the side to let the person already there off while reading the texts that were flooding in from his teammates. 
“Anthony?” he hears, forcing him to look up from his phone.
“Scarlett,” he lets out, both of them smiling at each other. 
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
key to the storage unit/ oh but I gotta know? thank you!!!
object + emotion prompt list here! still accepting!!
19. Key to a storage unit.
Kravitz could have sworn that being sneaky used to be a lot easier. Maybe people— necromancers, in particular, because that's those are the only people Kravitz had been around for a good while— had just been stupider in the past? It was possible, considering the amount of necromantic knowledge that just got fuckin' blasted into everyone's heads thanks to Story and Song. People had definitely been more dumb when he was alive at least.
But maybe he was coming at this from a weird point of view, considering that he was still getting adjusted to having two people with him on every single mission. The two people who, in particular, had done most of the necromantic research that got blasted out to everyone. And the two people who had multi-classed in so much shit that Kravitz wasn't even sure what their main class was.
Kravitz missed when he only had to worry about Lup and Barry in abstract. Like, "wow, these folks have died way too many times, that's fucked up!" and not "if I say one wrong thing, they will immediately swarm me like over-eager dogs and demand to know where I'm going and if they can go with me".
Unfortunately, Kravitz was bad at saying the right things. So here he was, swarmed, just trying to get his work done.
"We have a storage unit???" Lup said, stepping out of the portal behind him. He heard Barry trip, but he didn't turn to help, because one: Barry should know better by now, and two: Kravitz had to mentally prepare for what was coming next.
"Yep," Kravitz said, walking up to the building. "Well, it's more of a warehouse, if we're being honest, but same difference." It was bleak and cold outside, but it always was in the astral plane. He'd given up asking for a heater long, long ago. Lup and Barry followed behind me.
"And you never told us because…??"
Kravitz stopped at the door, sighing. He turned to face them. Barry's glasses had begun to fog up due to the temperature.
"I need you to promise," Kravitz said, very seriously, very professionally, "that you will not take anything that is in there back with you. Okay? Just like, a little promise—"
"A prommy," Barry said. Lup nodded in agreement.
"A prommy, sure," Kravitz said. "You gotta prommy you won't take any of this shit home, okay?"
"What happens if we do, though," Lup said. She paused. "By accident."
"The Raven Queen will be very, very mad at you," Kravitz said. "Also, depending on what you take, it could fracture the connections between planes, or like, your mind, or your body, or someone else's mind or body, or— a lot of bad shit, is what I'm trying to say. Do you promise?"
Lup and Barry shared a look. That was never a good thing.
"Cross my heart," Barry said, drawing an X across his chest and holding his hand up, like a boy scout.
"Hope to die," Lup said sweetly.
That's… as good as he's going to get, probably. Kravitz turned back to the door, using his pinky to slice another portal through realities and reach his hand into it. He really needed to clean out this pocket dimension, because the minute and a half he spent rooting around in it did not help his cool factor, even like a little bit. He found like, fourteen pens before he found the key.
"What's even in there?" Lup asked as he dug around the pocket dimension. "I gotta know. For science reasons."
"Mostly pens," Kravitz said, embarrassed.
"No, the storage unit, babe," Lup said. "I couldn't care less about your fucked up pocket dimension. Taako's got a whole ass spa in his pocket, it can get worse than that."
It can, but Kravitz wasn't going to say that.
"Oh," Kravitz said. "I knew that."
"Sure you did, bud," Barry said.
"Well, uhm, it's a lot of different stuff?" Was that the key? Aw, fuck, nope, that's a fifteenth pen. "Mostly confiscated necromantic stuff— which you promised not to take!" He could practically hear their disappointment. "Mostly books, but there's some huge ass bones and a few like, cursed objects? It's hard to— You'll— you'll see what I mean."
At long last, he pulled the key out. The key itself was black and sapphire blue, with a raven skull as the bow. Behind him, Barry snapped in appreciation. He slid the key into the door, unlocking it, and then placed the key back in the pocket dimension, so future Kravitz could deal with it. (Future Kravitz would not.)
The room was large and, much like he said, mostly filled with books. There was a loft up near the rafters and rickety stairs that led up to it. Most of what was in here was dust, if he was being honest. Dust and spooky, illegal stuff.
"Alright," Kravitz said. "Much like the Eternal Stockade, this room is mainly a waiting chamber. We're trying to outlast the magical energy these objects have, basically. You should just be able to like, feel if the curses or enchantments have worn off already. If they have, we can start a pile right ov— and you're not listening anymore. Great. Stellar."
Barry and Lup had immediately split off behind him. Lup was headed towards the big bones, Barry was poking around at some of the books already.
Kravitz sighed again. It was going to be a very long day.
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polyhexian · 8 months
Well now that the runaway au is pretty well-established, here's a branch-off to keep @theorangerangers universe tree on its toes - reverse runaway au where Darius finds a stressed and panicking Jasper on his doorstep.
Darius is just HOLY FUCK YOU'RE ALIVE and Jasper is like DARIUS HE HAS MY SON AND I NEED HELP and Darius is like WAIT WHO HAS YOUR WHAT???
It's not even Will's fault, Hunter randomly got caught by some coven scouts who just thought they were helping out some kid and then realized the kid matched the descriptions of that wanted man's son and one thing led to another and now Jasper is freaking out in Darius's living room.
Darius eventually recovers enough to grasp the situation and think strategically and has to ask "if it's really as dire as you say it is are you even sure--" and Jasper is like "oh I know Hunter's still alive because Belos will want to make me watch him die" and Darius is just like okay YIKES.
Meanwhile Hunter is trying very hard to be brave but he's a little kid in a scary situation. Also Belos probably takes it personally that there's a Grimwalker who he hasn't traumatized, like, that's not allowed.
Will is just like, okay, wait, hold up. Are you seriously going to torture this kid? And Belos doesn't know it but there's no good answer he can give here, it's either 1) Yep I'm gonna, it's okay because the Titan said so and wild magic is bad, what's it to you? or 2) Ohhhhh NO of COURSE not we're just gonna let Jasper think I'm torturing the kid so he comes to rescue him and then we'll have him trapped! At which point Will just squints like, okay, and why, exactly, would Jasper be so willing to believe that you would torture a child?
Darius and Jasper are having a very stressful time staying under the radar and sneaking around the castle and gathering intel and trying to figure out where Hunter is and the best way to rescue him, and also re-bonding with each other and having at least one stress-induced makeout session.
And then all their efforts are in vain because the Golden Guard suddenly comes striding down the hallway (flanked by a very short coven scout) to announce that unfortunately the Emperor has suffered a sudden and extreme brain aneurysm, he was dead before he even hit the floor, what a tragedy, if you'll excuse me I need to stick Kikimora in charge of the funeral preparations so she feels important and doesn't have time to take over the throne.
god im sure that by the time will is called for and shows up (because he actually has a job and does it) belos has already hurt the kid somehow and will is just fucking
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will walks in and sees the kid with his face split open again and just fucking loses it on sight
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mischivana · 2 months
Letting You Go Was the Hardest Thing I had to Do.
Will Solace x Sibling!reading
Requested by anonymous.
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I looked out the window again, it was English and again I wasn't paying attention. My mind was elsewhere, on something, someone, more important. I watched as the pairs of late siblings ran to the school from the parking lot or ran out of minivans being scolded by their mothers.
I thought about my brother again. My half-brother. How much I missed him and how mad I was that he chose not to be here. I knew it wasn’t his fault though, it was his dad’s. Yep we have different fathers. But it’s more complicated than that.
My name is y/n Solace, my half-brother is Will Solace. The thing that sets us apart though, he’s a demi-god. His father is Apollo, yep the sun dude. I'm not a demi-god, pure mortal blood right here. It never got in the way of our brother-sister relationship though, not until now at least.
During the summer Will goes to this camp, Camp Half-Blood I think he called it. It's basically a safe haven for demi-gods, a place where they can train and be safe from monsters. Yep monsters, they’re real. One almost killed me and my brother one time. I think he called it an Empousai?
Usually he only goes during the summer, hence the name SUMMER camp. Which was nice, he would go to camp and then spend the school year with me. Sure I couldn’t be with my best friend for 3 months but I’d wrather he’d be alive. But this year he decided to stay at camp, which means I won’t see him for another year. Mom says it’s because he's the head of the Apollo cabin and their best healer. Makes sense, still hurts.
I was too busy thinking about my brother to notice my name being called. “y/n? y/n? Y/N!” my teacher yelled. I quickly turned to the board and saw a couple people snicker. I ignored them and said “Yes miss?” I didn’t know what she wanted but I knew it wasn’t good. “Since you seem to be so distracted, you must know the topic already? Care to answer the question on the board?” I looked at the board and answered quickly. “The subject is referring to a place so the correct form would be ‘there’ not ‘their’” I said. She looked at me for a second, pleased with my answer, before turning and continuing her lecture.
I looked back towards the window when I heard a ridiculous scream followed by the sound of running footsteps and hooves on the epoxy floor. A scream that I had unfortunately recognized. For some reason my half-brother, William Andrew Solace, was at my school with a satyr screaming at the top of his lungs. Without thinking I ran out of the class room and saw Will, a satyr, and a younger girl who I’d assumed was a recently discovered half-blood, running down the hall. I looked back and saw three snake women climbing the stairs and started running with them. Before I knew it I was right next to them.
“HEY WILL!” I yelled at him. “HEY Y/N! WAIT Y/N? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” he said as we all turned a corner. “I GO TO SCHOOL HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? AREN’T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE CAMP?” I yelled, biting back my anger. “IN HERE” the satyr yelled. We rushed into the supply room and barricaded the door quickly.
Once the door was barricaded I turned to face my brother, who was on the ground from exhaustion. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I THOUGHT YOU COULDN’T COME BACK THIS YEAR! YOU CHOSE TO STAY AT CAMP?” I yelled at him, all the anger in my body finally releasing. “Calm down, I swear I can explain-” he started to say but I cut him off. “EXPLAIN? EXPLAIN WHAT? THAT YOU LIED? YOU TOLD ME YOU COULDN’T COME BACK HOME BUT HERE YOU ARE! AT HOME!” I yelled at him, tears starting to form in my eyes. “Y/n LISTEN!” he yelled.
I shut up quickly and stared at him. “I did have to stay at camp, you're right,” he paused, “being head counselor of the Apollo cabin and head of the infirmary required it, at least for the first year” he looked at me with a sympathetic look, like he didn’t even like what he was saying. But why didn’t he at least tell me he was coming here?
“That doesn’t explain why you’re here though!” I told him. “I'm here for her” he said and pointed at the young girl, “she’s a demi-god and a rather powerful one, maybe a big three kid. They needed to send a cabin head to get her” he explained. “Why didn’t they send Nico? He’s a cabin head and a big three kid right?” I questioned. He sighed and said “Nico is in New Rome right now representing Hades-” “Pluto” I corrected “-Pluto, whatever it is and I was the only cabin head at the ready” He said, it made sense but still.
“Why didn’t you warn me?” “If I had more notice I would have, trust me, but I was told about her 10 hours ago!” he said. I looked at him for another second before attacking him with a hug, he hugged back and got warmer. He was glowing, he did that when he got happy, I thought it was funny, I knew his boyfriend Nico thought so too.
After we let go we were able to explain to the demigod, who I learned was named Hannah, what was going on and who she really was. It took her a while to believe it, but Will told me it always does. The satyr, who was named Oakly, told us we needed to leave as soon as possible. The only problem was that the monsters were still out. Slowly and quietly we unbarricaded the door and Will crept out, quiver on shoulder and bow in hand. We closed the door again, I was scared for my brother but before I knew it he’d opened the door covered in golden dust.
We made it safely out of the school and back to the “Delphi Strawberry Service” van they’d taken here. I saw Argus, the hundred handed guy in the driver seat. My brother may be a demigod and it may have gotten me face to face with all sorts of monsters but I would never get used to that guy.
I gave Will one more hug, and almost crying I said “So I guess you’re leaving again? Probably pretty easy for a demigod”. He let go of the hug, his hands still on my shoulders, and said “staying at camp? not being able to see my sister? Leaving you for camp was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and It’s harder the second time” now we were both about to cry. “Make sure to tell who claimed her, be safe glow stick” “you too homegirl” I gave him one more hug and cried into his shirt before letting him go. I watched the van drive away, wiped my tears and headed back into the school for lunch.
*a few days later*
I woke up, it was saturday which meant no school. I ran outside and checked the mail for any word from Will. I saw a yellow envelope with a wax seal with the image of the sun on it. I grabbed it, ran upstairs, and ripped it open. It said next to nothing.
Glowstick :)”
I smiled again. My brother had made it to camp safely and Nico had a sister.
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hyeahgaku · 8 months
I sympathise with Slur's gang's backstory but that don't mean I condone their acts. And they're far from being "good" people but they have a tiny bit of good in them too.
Slur's cause has always been targeted at anythin related to the JAA. Early on in the series we were shown that Slur & Gaku k1lled either JAA members, those workin for the JAA or those w deep ties to the JAA -and yep this, unfortunately, includes the JCC. But then Slur had two innocent kids (Mafuyu & Nao) abducted & forcefully recruited them to serve in his cause & even implanted b0mbs in their bodies without their knowledge. He planned to use them as sacrificial pawns & that's fckin insane so fck you for that, Slur. Prior to this, we actually never saw Slur & Gaku k1ll innocent bystanders, at least i dont recall. Until Kumanomi's battle happened. But that's also because she was exploitin her opponents' weaknesses by involvin innocents into their fight. That was dirty play & so fck you for that, Kumanomi. Movin on, when Haruma was sent to find Erio, he did not attack the waiter whom he asked for mineral water & by the end of the chap we saw the hostesses are all alive too. He did destroy the helicopter which they arrived in at the museum but i'm certain that Carolina flew it so there was nobody left inside when Haruma blew it up. So on Haruma's part, Ig zero civilians casualties count.
And then there's also the issue w Kanaguri; who was w the JAA/Order at the same time workin w Slur..? He claimed he's on neither's side & he obviously only cares abt making his movie so he pretty much falls into the grey area, kinda, but he did k1ll a number of people, Satoda-sensei being one of them.
So all in all, the only time we know innocent civilians lives are really at stake is during the current museum exhibition -cuz Slur intends to blow up the place. (If there are any other instances Slur or his gang have k1lled innocent civilians in the midst of their fightin, it must be that I've forgotten, so sorry abt that.)
Now, the Al-Kamar backstory.
Didn't the statement Kumanomi made abt how they never asked for their powers, lives, etc., when they were taken into Al-Kamar, strike yall as important? Slur & his Al-Kamar family were innocent children to begin with -literal ORPHANS- who I belive were born ordinary & has no innate superpowers. Most likely, they were lied to & forced into goin to that wretched facility which was disguised as an orphanage, only to later be abused & experimented on, indoctrined to become elite Order super-soldiers. Natsuki's dad wanted to send Mafuyu there -a perfect example of a kid with no superpowers- proving that any ordinary child could be admitted to that facility. The JAA operated Al-Kamar, cleverly using "orphanage" as its facade -for what? So they could transfer innocent orphans from other orphanages & bring them in to Al-Kamar. Since they got no parents, no kins nor relatives to check on their well-being, right? And even if these kids die, they give zero fcks about it. As Natsuki's mom said, they didnt even report the deaths. The lives of these orphans mean nothin to the JAA so it seemed.
The only thing we're still unsure of is *WHO* was behind this Al-Kamar project. Asaki was still a mere JAA Exec when it was shown that Gaku was still in Al-Kamar but based on Slur's dialogue in chap 153 it sounded like it was Asaki who created Al-Kamar. Does this mean no one else, especially Soichi (ex-JAA Chairman) & Yotsumura-san, knew of its existence? Cuz I find it unthinkable if they let Asaki go on w it.
Now as stated I DO NOT condone Slur & his crew's acts but I also wanna look at things from their pov. Growin up in such a horrific & harsh place, instead of a nice & cosy one which could be called "home"; where you only have kids your age to depend on to protect each other from insane adults tryin to do shit to ya every day of the week or every week... must be pure madness in there. And I sympathise. Because Slur & his little family here, as well as those other kids in Al-Kamar, were literal innocent & helpless children. Given their upbringing back then, does it not make sense that their moral compass will be askew? Plus the mentality Kumanomi has -only friends & enemies exist in her world view- I like to think that it may be attributed to regular brainwashing/conditioning in Al-Kamar or somethin. After all, these orphans were trained from young to k1ll. It aint a stretch to say that the Al-Kamar staff have brainwashed them into thinkin that whoever they have in the orphanage are their "friends" & anyone else who try to hurt them are to be considered "enemies". But over time myb this brainwashin wore off & these kids eventually learned that the real "friends" are the other kids just like themselves, and the staff that performed experiments on them are just not it.
Which still left me wonderin if the arson was done by Slur himself, or was it someone else ordered by Asaki? I like to belive Asaki ordered it in order to remove traces & evidence of the heinous activities performed on those orphans. But how could Slur get there on time to save Gaku and the rest? So it's most likely Slur's doing, right? I rly need answers, Suzuki-sensei.
Just so yall know this post is not to force or influence anyone into thinkin that Slur & his little family are not "bad people" cuz they ARE -judge it by the scope of their crimes & ruthlessness. Its also not to make anyone sympathise w them & be in full support of their cause. I merely wanted to share that they do have 1% good in them too since they look out for one another as this is what's left of their family & what they're set out to do rn is to make Asaki pay for robbin their lives & otherwise good futures. And myb also, indirectly, to pay for what he did to the ex-JAA Chairman & Yotsumura-san. It's just that Slur's chosen method is way too extreme.
As a reader, I want the truth & just like me, Slur & his little family, Akira, Nagumo, Sakamoto & even Shishiba deserve to know or reveal the truth. Which, I belive, lies with Asaki.
I'd also like to add that I can understand if people dislike villain-sad-backstory trope but imo it's common theme in most fictional stories. And if that trope isn't to your liking, that doesn't mean that it's lame or bad writing on the authors' part.
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wildflowerteas · 5 months
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hella has officially joined the tsp book club! part 2 of our reactions pending lmao those were some very intense hours
if this was an irl socratic circle i would pay to be a fly on the wall. I FUCKED UP BY ADDING TWO MARGARETS THATS MY BAD. they'll be distinguished in upcoming dialogue. Brown goes by 'Maggie' n_n. Precinct 1 breakroom has seen some things. Also, yes! The DA prosecutes for the state! In a civil dispute, it's person to person going before a judge. But in criminal cases, the government is trying to put you away, not receive money/fair compensation for damages, so the DA does that work.
Your flabbers will be gasted 😭 might need to start using that.
BEAST tag is there for a reason! I only tagged it 'beast skk' so that people wouldn't expect the same dynamics or roles for the other characters ( like akutagawa sibling dynamic ), but of course, if skk is beast-au inspired it would naturally affect a few of the characters closest to them as well. Also, Skk is slowly but surely devolving into the aesthetic of their BEAST counterparts. Dazai hasn't been written in that brown coat for a good while now. The white suit at the New Year's party was also a deliberate choice.
never seen or read All my Sons all the way through, but i've encounted this quote in the wild:
“...he'll come back. We all come back, Kate. These private little revolutions always die. The compromise is always made. In a peculiar way. Frank is right-- every man does have a star. The star of one's honesty. And you spend your life groping for it, but once it's out it never lights again. I don't think he went very far. He probably just wanted to be alone to watch his star go out.”
---and i absolutely loved it and have been influenced by it.
i would be sat for that essay honestly.
. . . yes. it's the same diner. implied only, but i do have art in the drafts of skk on a case-date of milkshakes and files with skk in the same seats to parallel it.
Kouyou's assimilation!!!!! I can't believe Rori noticed that!! yes, she's almost always mentioned in a kimono, tying an obi, or wearing her haori, and even needed Chuuya to translate for her during their first years together. but she's changing. super excited to introduce the Kouyou of the present ( yes, she's alive ).
Agatha Christie was. self indulgent.
Yep! Jouno! 😭 The hunting dogs have been in my notes-app plot web since the very beginning when I decided to write tachihara into this. Since I'm translating the insane post-war politics of canon BSD into this au, they were naturally going to find themselves written into it.
TV girl .. . save me TV girl.... taking what's not yours is tsp skk i will be adding this to my on-loop writing roster.
Unlike canon, TSP fyodor would, in fact die if you shot him. Not that I'm planning on writing that . . .
Jouno and Chuuya was lovely to write. They will be interacting again, unfortunately, so expect some introductions to the other members of the hunting dogs as well.
Dazai in the spotlight for once! Now he knows what it's like to be under the stagelight with Chuuya in the audience.
Kousano! Yeah that ship is preparing to set sail. Whether it's still afloat is the question. A question that hasn't been answered by Miss Medical Examiner's presence in the 1978 timeline. Yet.
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nancypullen · 2 months
Fitness or Fatness
Ugh. I'm healthy, at least on paper. I'm in my 60's and don't require any meds to stay alive. I am a shining example of good luck and good genetics. It's certainly not because I am dedicated to fitness or diet. I mean, I try. I just don't try very hard. I eat healthy, but i am also a fan of tasty snacks. I walk for exercise, but not like I should.
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Unfortunately, I am at an age where I really need to make some choices that will keep me healthy and mobile for a long time. Odds are that I'll get quite old (the women in my family live forever) and I want to be able to do the things I like. That's pretty much just gardening and shopping, I'm not trying to run marathons or anything, but still. Having said all of that, the mister and I drove over to Centreville today to check out the new YMCA. It's a big, beautiful facility that offers everything from water aerobics to kickboxing. There are plans in place for an outdoor pool as well. We toured the various sections, talked to the sweetest young woman about membership, and I think we're going to give it a whirl. After my ankle surgery a few years ago I used to water jog in the pool of our nearest rec center. It was such great exercise and so easy on my joints, a doctor recommended therapy. At the Y I'd be able to participate in water aerobics or just take an open lane and water jog. Not gonna' lie, the water aerobics appeal to me because the women in those classes are usually such fun. Potential friends? Back in Tennessee it was sure a fun group. now all I have to do is blow the dust off my swimsuits and see if I can still shove everything into place. I may need counseling afterward. The YMCA in Centerville is about 17 miles from our house - mostly through cornfields. This was a nice surprise during the drive. Sunflowers!
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Aren't they beautiful? So cheerful. I hesitate to say that my gardens are trying to rally. I still have the world's healthiest tomato plant that has never produced fruit, but everything else is blooming and looking pretty (finally!). My pumpkin plants are thriving and I'm cautiously optimistic. I've just cursed myself, haven't I? At this point I'd sell my soul for one pretty pumpkin for the grandgirl to pick. Crossing my fingers. That's all my news for this Tuesday evening. Not much happens around here. We're on our sofas, watching the U.S. women's gymnastics team dominate at the Olympics. They're flying through the air and flipping and twisting, powered by sculpted muscle. I'm in my stretchy pants saying, "I think she stepped out on that landing..." Yep, might be time for me to get to the Y and build a little muscle myself. But first, a cookie... I hope you're doing something good for yourself. You deserve it, and you'll be glad you did. No one ever said they regretted making healthy choices. Taking care of your body doesn't mean worrying about pant size or numbers on a scale - it's about feeling good, moving well, and being strong. That's priceless. I don't need to have a snatched waist, I need to be able to hike to the Sacre Coeur in Paris. I don't need to be a size 2, I need to be able to run for a train with my bag. Living the life I want has nothing to do with my figure and everything to do with my health. Take this advice from an old crone, younger ladies - focus on what you want to do and not how you want to look. We live in a society determined to convince us that no matter how we look it is never quite good enough, so just ignore that. Sure, slap on your lipstick and a cute outfit, but anchor all of that with how you feel. All the makeup in the world can't compete with the glow of good health. I'll be honest, I haven't felt great since we moved here. Two years of feeling unwell, or just...not like myself. I blamed covid, I blamed menopause, I researched all sorts of supplements, I did everything except take care of myself. It shows. The good news is that it's not too late. I got sweaty on the treadmill this morning and felt better all day long. It truly is that simple, all we have to do is start. Sending out so much love tonight, I hope you feel it. Take care of yourself. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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Sigma interacting with his co-workers in talon (with his pills):
Sigma: Unh? Oh Hello my friend! I haven't notice you there.
Sombra: Oh! Yes! I finaly made it work.
Sigma: I'm afraid i don't follow. What did you made work?
Sombra: It's a old device from the old times on Dorado. I found on a junkward with only It's hopes and dreams to keep it alive. It's a camouflage exo-skeleton that went missing after that accident of transportation to the moon.
Sigma: That was indeed a terrible incident. It's a queit a riddle of how in the many odds that could've happened.
Sombra: For the brigth side, i gain this little one. Look: It's filled with nano bots, they are soo tricky to control though, too many and too complex even with my current technology; imagine back then when i didn't had none of this! Needed like ten years just to hack 100 of them and on the stage that i found it i was already thinking that it was imposible to make it work. But oh man! Más vale manã que fuerza.
Sigma: Outstanding! And that's one marvel of engineering that Horizon was caring, and as you said: Complicated. I unfortunately had little to no contact with this kind of technology, i only saw when It's was being refined, years away from the current time. Seeing it on this stage shows how your handwork really improved after your studies.
Sombra: Learned with the best.
Sigma: Well, thank you but to be frank you're queit the prodigy yourself. I do not believe a admirer of the systematics of relativity is queit, eh, sharp to thought the control ofd sub atomic non-organic devices.
Sombra: It's true though. Without you, i wouldn't be capable of understand none of that right now, it took years just understand their basic composition. I own you alot, viejito.
Sigma: I appreciated.
Sigma: Could I go outside today, doctor?
Moira: I'm afraid i can't do that, you're under supervision after that surgery that we passed.
Sigma: Yes, yes, immune system weakend cannot be teased with a little clue of fresh air. But.... By the time that is passed here i don't feel stronger.
Moira: Your diagnoses said otherwise.
Sigma: I mean in pratice. My abilities seemed to increse and i showed more results while i was outside. Hitting the walls, going back in furth, this isn't a natural display of mines here.
Moira: We understand your struggle doctor, but for now you will be just the very thing that you are not craving right now, for the benefits of your health and the full sucess of the experiment. So we stay right here, yes?
Sigma: . . . I understand.
Doomfist: Doctor De Kuiper? The subject sigma, still... Instable? I see, i hope nothing unchracterist happens here.
Sigma: Hello mister Ogundimu! Never thought i would see you in flesh.
Doomfist: Unh hum... Charmed. (Takes a step back)
Sigma: i'm marveled for seeing you here. The doomfist! The title behind It's as heavy as It's sounds.
Doomfist: You know my title?
Sigma: And who doesn't? A man that in a battle killed his own master. Now, i know It's sounds harsh for but for pete's sake you are queit skilled, the cloath needed to be changed, in a way or another.
Doomfist: How do you know this?...
Sigma: Many events happens in many universes, universes that comes with mutiple choices of certain characters, and yours my friend, the universe singed your history and It's happens to be true in this variation. It happens time to time, i can't tell why!
Doomfist: Sure... It was good to see you, doctor de Kuiper. (Goes away)
Sombra: Got em'! Best actor ever.
Sigma: He looked very frigthen.
Sombra: That's what he get's for thinking he is high and mighty.
Sigma: You sure are happy with this.
Sombra: Yep! Oh man his face was priceless.
Sigma: Well, this could've got worst. But guess you handle pretty well.
Reaper: Get off the way, doctor.
Sigma: How can one desmaterilize and still be asking for space?
Reaper: The very one is thinking in fill you with bullets. So, Get. Back.
Sigma: If a cologne of protozoa makes It's way for the mind of a fish. This means the fish is now passing for a evolutive process or devoluteve process?
Reaper: What?
Sigma: Has a ant ever thought that the universe that it got It's actually just another particle on the grand scheme of things?
Reaper: Have you lost your goddamn mind?
Sigma: purpose has purpose?
Reaper: (grunts) just get away from me. (He dissapers.)
Sigma: Finally peace. (Smiles.)
Sigma: (singing)
Widowmaker: Could you please shut up?
Sigma: Oh! Why? It's beautiful day today.
Widowmaker: We wipped out a battalion of soldiers.
Sigma: Oh... So you still knows what compasion is?
Widowmaker: Nothing beyond a distraction.
Sigma: So Gerard was in the wrong since the start?
Widowmaker: What did you say? Did sombra made you say this?
Sigma: No, i just heard about it. Did you miss him?
Widowmaker: It's none of your bussines.
Sigma: If you do, Doctor O'Deorain could've failed on her experiment, if you don't that means she is good on her work, and i will trust her. Which is it?
Widowmaker: ... Don't cross my line of sight again, doctor.
Sigma: I know my answer now.
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bruggle · 7 months
*throws more drabbles into the sink*
"I'm fine," Brook assured X. "It's fine." He didn't look quite convinced. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yep," she replied. "Wasn't big enough for any real damage." X sighed. "It bled a lot," he fretted. Brook waved him off. "Eh, that's just head wounds in general," she explained. "Lots of blood vessels up there."
"Did you put the ointment on it?" X asked, pointing to the antibacterial ointment he had bought. Man, he sure was paranoid. "You're lucky I put a bandaid on it," Brook chuckled. "It's fine." X looked incredulously at her. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. "What, you think I could afford bandaids while I was out in the woods?" she asked, a smile pulling at her lips. "Psh no."
X gave her an unreadable look, before slowly shaking his head with a wry smile. "How are you still alive," he deadpanned. "All you need is peroxide," Brook smirked. "So you bought peroxide but not bandaids," he exasperated. She shrugged. "Peroxide mixed with vinegar is a good gun cleaner," she replied. "Wound cleaning is just an added benefit." He didn't give a reply to that, choosing to instead place his face in his hands.
"You should see the scar I got on my leg from the time I caught myself with a fishing hook," Brook chuckled. "That was a fun time." X chuckled with her. "Why do you sound so proud of that?" he asked.
As Brook got ice from the fridge door, one chunk fell onto the floor. She quickly picked it up and was about to throw it in the sink when an idea came to her. It was a terrible idea, but it'd really, really funny too. Looking over at X, he had seemingly not noticed that she was currently holding a piece of ice in her hand.
"Hey, X," Brook called. "Yes? What is it?" he asked, still looking at the electronic screen in his hand. She smirked. "'Ice' to see you," she said, slipping the piece of ice into his shirt collar. "BROOK!" X hollered, but she had already taken off. "Get back here!"
Ooh, he sounded angry. Brook snickered to herself as she ran into the living room. X quickly caught up to her; but she had already ran around the coffee table, keeping just out of reach. He had an angry look on his face, which made Brook laugh harder. "You're terrible," he said, darting to the left of the table. "Especially that pun. I cannot believe you." Brook barely managed to escape him again, still laughing. "Now that's just cold," she joked. "Really?!" X exclaimed. "Keep it up, see what happens."
"I'm just doing this for the hail of it," Brook grinned. Unfortunately, however, she moved a little too slow and X managed to grab her arm. "Gotcha!" he said, pulling her into a hug as she let out a squeak. "I should have left you out in the woods."
"But'cha didn't!"
"Oh, that's X," said Axl, seeming to hear something Brook couldn't. She figured reploids just had telecommunication devices built in, but seeing it in real time was kind of weird. "Hey what's up," he answered. "Yeah, she's with me." Hearing only one side of the conversation, Brook could only guess what X was saying. "Did you seriously not tell him you were taking me somewhere?" Brook asked. Axl glanced at her. "...It may have slipped my mind," he told her. "No, I was talking to Brook." She let out a laugh. "If I get in trouble because of you, I get three free hits the next time we do this," Brook threatened. Axl held up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright," he conceded. "You /both/ are ganging up on me. We'll be there in a minute. Yeah, okay, okay. Bye."
Axl let out a sigh as the call seemed to end. He then turned to Brook. "You ready to go, kid?" he asked. "Yeah, don't want to give X a heart attack," she replied. "Or... whatever it is you guys have." Axl let out a laugh at that.
X was looking over some data Layer had sent when he heard the door opening. Looking up, he saw Brook and Axl entering the house. Both were an absolute mess, covered in what seemed to be paint. "Where the hell did you take her?!" X exclaimed. "Paintball," Axl grinned. "It was fun!" Brook added. X sighed, putting his face in his hand. "Yes, but now you're a mess!" he argued, gesturing to her clothes. "That's never going to come out! And it'll make a mess of the washer!" Brook shrugged. "I can hand wash," she pointed out. "That doesn't bother me."
"Well that's all fine and dandy, but what about your hair?" he exasperated. "Eh, it'll come out," Axl said, waving his hand. "Probably." Brook laughed as X glared at him. "And even if it doesn't," she started. "Hey, free hair dye." X gave her an exasperated look, before shaking his head. "Go take a shower," he told her, pushing her towards her room. "Fine, fine," she laughed. "And you," he pointed at Axl. "We are going to have a talk." Axl sighed.
As soon as X heard the door close, he gave Axl a hard look. "Why did you take her paintballing?" he asked. Axl shrugged. "It seemed like something she'd enjoy," he said. "And she did. Quite a bit, actually." X closed his eyes, feeling irritation bubbling up. "I understand that," he grumbled. "But she needs to seperate herself from that sort of activity. It's bad enough she's picked up archery." Axl let out a snort. "Why? Tons of kids have an interest in paintball," he argued. "Heck, there were four other kids at the facility tonight. Besides, I thought humans need to keep up on skills otherwise they get worse."
"They do, but-"
"Then why are you so adamant she stay away from it?" Axl asked. "X, that's going to get her killed." X glared at Axl. "I am /trying/ to get her /away/ from that," he hissed. "From /all/ of that. She should have never been fighting Mavericks in the first place, and I'm trying to get her to understand she shouldn't be fighting them /at all/." Axl sighed. "Look, dude, I understand that, but Brook's not a little kid," he reasoned. "She's old enough to figure things out for herself, but stubborn enough that you trying to force her out of it is /not/ going to work. All that's doing is making her feel like she has to find other ways around it behind your back. Why else do you think she never told you about the archery thing?"
X opened his mouth before closing it again. Axl... made a fair point, surprisingly. He sighed, putting a hand up to his head. "I just... I don't know what to do with her," X admitted. "She's already been through so much, the last thing I want for her is to live, breath, and eat Maverick fighting like we do." Axl gave him a sympathetic look. "I get it man," he said, clapping X on the shoulder. "But she kind of has to figure that out for herself. How does that saying go? You can lead a horse to drink...? No, that's not it..."
X let out a chuckle. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," he corrected. "Right!" Axl grinned. "You can't /make/ Brook change her mind. You can only lead her to the things that might. Trying to force her is only going to make her dig a deeper hole about it." X sighed again. He knew Axl was right, he just wished Brook would stop being so stubborn.
The sound of the door opening caught the two reploid's attention, as did the hurried footsteps accompanying it. "Where is my coat?!" Brook demanded as she rounded the corner. "It's just in the washer," X told her, caught off guard by her tone. "It's what?!" she shrieked. "Don't touch it without telling me!"
"Brook, it's been months since you've washed that thing," X exasperated. "Now knock it off, we have a guest." Brook glared at him. "Then don't touch my shit without telling me!" she spat. X gave her an incredulous look. He could not for the life of him figure out why she was so angry about this. "Hey, easy there kid," Axl soothed, trying to defuse the situation. "Why is that coat so important?"
"None of your fucking business!" Brook seethed. "BROOK LONGSDALE!" X barked. "We do NOT speak to guests like that!" He glowered down at her, but she seemed just as suprised as Axl was by her own outburst. His glare slowly turned into a look of concern as she started shaking. Suddenly, without another word, Brook ran off; back into her room.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Angel Exterminatus 11
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im resisting very hard making any comments about of course it's the wargamers (not resisting that hard otherwise I wouldn't have called notice to it)
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Homestuck reference
wait when was this written 2016 did...did Black Library author Graham McNeill read Homestuck???
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lmao okay whatever it is he's doing, it's happening now
...is it gonna be possession
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With the help of viewers like you! For the low low price of your entire life energy!
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oh i'm sorry, were you being serious here??? "made war a thing of beauty" your entire schtick is being ground down by the ugliness of the warfare you have been engaged in
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he's right and he should say it perturabo does lack vision vision, ambition, initiative
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someone pick up the phone because I called it I mean it was pretty obvious but still
now I'm really curious as to how he gets out of this alive or does he is it actually perturabo who shows up at the siege
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Fulgrim, could you please make the moment where you absorb your brother's life a little less weird?
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unfortunately, or thankfully the shooting stars meme kind of broke the tension in this bit for me someone with art skills please i need your help-
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is Forrix dead??? RIP common sense
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Kroeger normally I'm happy for you to get to do violence but maybe chill for once in your life
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okay im wondering if Slaanesh isn't the only chaos god getting something out of today
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Khorne intensifies
and then Kroeger hallucinates that he's an Aztec fighting conquistadors and then he hallucinates he's a dude in WWI …a cannibal lovely i "love" warhammer novels there's always cannibalism when you least expect it
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yep. He went Full Khorne you never go Full Khorne
back to perturabo and he's having some kind of wacky magical mystery tour
fulgrim can you i know i already asked you to turn it down and i realize you don't actually know the meaning of those words put in that order but
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this is well done from a writing perspective but also I want to crawl out of my skin
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NANI??? is he gonna get his life force back??? Perturabo uses his magic primarch powers???
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power of spite and trauma everyone
oof fulgrim materializes a sword and stabs him
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meanwhile: Falk is somehow the only sane man
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Okay, worried now
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a private moment just fulgrim, an entire world of eldar souls, the EC and the IW and the unconscious body of Perturabo oh wait let's not forget the Shattered Legions hanging around too watching this
okay time for stabbing fulgrim with the evil knife apparently?? the evil knife they stabbed horus with and also guilliman wait what the heck is the timeline here why is everyone playing hot potato with this stupid knife how are they playing hot potato
they're killing him to bring him back??? i guess??? oh they put the ground up soulstones in the wounds
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I'm sorry all I can see is
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Also Eidolon just pulling soulstones out of nowhere is a hilarious mental image while Fulgrim's busting a move. (I'm...not going to say anything about the rest of the scene other than that I'm at my limit)
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im crying this is so stretched out the pacing i mean okay so like is this it??
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well okay on the bright side he seems to be an intact person just you know traumatized but normal trauma rather than supernatural trauma
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at...least he's being honest with himself?
I hit image limit. Again. The Angel Exterminatus ride has no breaks!
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