#yes I do know he’s related to Mathew
fckedupnerd · 5 months
Bloody hell, I wish Charlie Cooper were in more stuff I like because my GOD every time I see him onscreen I think he’s just about the sexiest MF ever 😩🔥😈
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listofwhyyouloveher · 4 months
Hi dear I hope you're doing well and I was hoping if you can do the whole greaser gang with a s/o that's like Fiona Gallagher from the show shameless? Like she's taking care of her six siblings and her dad who's usually at the bar or passed out somewhere. Their mother ran out and is mentally ill so their s/o is left to be her siblings mother/father/ and nurse fill free to ignore if you want to do and I hope you have a good day!
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Summary: The Outsider x Fiona Gallagher!Reader Warnings:mentions of absent mother, drinking, very toxic adult behavior, dysfunctional family Author's Note: gonna be busy tmrw and weekend again, ill try and post 1 fic per day but no promises.
Ponyboy doesn’t really live in a dysfunctional family, yes his home life is tough but Darry loves him and tries his best and pony knows that
However, pony cant mentally put himself in Darry’s shoes of having no-one to lean on and having to take care of many siblings
When he first met you, he was absolutely smitten. And when you told him of your problems, he thought you were the toughest chick in town
He often asks Darry what to do to take a couple of burdens off your shoulder. He applies it to you and also at home, you’ve made him a better person.
Has a dysfunctional family and can understand, to an extent..he still gets fed sometimes and doesn’t have to work to stay in his home
But he doesn’t have a hard time adjusting to you.
He’s very open and loves your siblings, so he tries to take them out as many times as possible to give you some rest.
He genuinely doesnt understand how your parents could have left you doing all this by yourself when you’re such a perfect girl.
Soda admires you like you’re a work of art. 
He takes everything into consideration, for example, if he wants to take you on a date he’ll invite some of the gang members to hang out with your siblings and keep them away
Never asks you for anything, not to rant, vent or anything. He feels as if his problems could never measure up to yours so his whole world revolves around you.
Tries to spend as much of his money as possible to get you nice things and spoil you.
Steve understands how tough it is for you mentally. He’ll often stop by your place with something for you, like a box of chocolates or something.��
Whenever he’s over, he makes an effort to get to know and play with your siblings, he even was going to introduce himself to your dad. You convinced him it was a bad idea so he didnt.
He makes it known that you can tell him anything, literally anything, and he’d listen. He also wants you to know that you can call him anytime and he’d come for you.
Reassures you that he won’t ever leave you, that you’re special and he’s madly in love with you.
Two-Bit has some kid experience so he tries his hardest to keep your siblings company and even brings his sisters for ‘playdates’
Really enjoys spending time with you and would even do the chores around the house with you to keep talking with you.
He’s not very good at comforting people and he tries to make up for it by using his humor. You get where he’s coming from and it often helps a lot actually.
Tries his best to look nice for you when he comes over, he wants you to know he’s not a washed up nobody like your parents and wants to be a rolemodel to your siblings.
Often tells you that you’re perfect and that your siblings will grow so much better with you as their ‘parent’. He once made you cry because of what he said and he just held you in his arms while you sobbed.
He can sort of relate to what you’re going through but his is not as extreme as yours. 
Whenever he can he drops by to help you. Date night consists of making dinner for your siblings, washing the dishes and having a late night dinner together after you put your siblings to bed.
He knows you'd make a perfect wife since he’s old enough to marry, just waiting on the right time to pop the question.
Dallas is insensitive and rude to you. He knows what you’re going through, he just doesn’t care.
However, once you caught him putting on a bandaid for your younger brother. He wasn’t kind about it, saying things like “can’t you do this yourself?” but he still did it.
He knows you saw it and thinks that hanging around your house and helping you with chores and siblings will keep you quiet about it
He doesn’t like kids, but he tolerates them for his reputation, and because you’re growing on him.
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I love your writing sm <33. I was wondering if you do greasers gang with androgynous s/o? (Kinda like angel from everyone hates Chris) If you don't like the idea, feel free to ignore this 🫶🏽
I get what you mean! I’m non binary and pretty androgynous most of the time/switching from masc to fem and thank you so much for the compliment and yeah I love this idea!!
The Gang x Androgynous!GN! S/O!!!
Ponyboy Curtis
-he thought you were super interesting
-he loved your androgynous look
-he thought is was super cool that you could do all sorts of things
-masc and fem, fem, masc, or neither
-he also gets being made fun of for being different
-but the thinks you’re way too good for him and too cool to talk to him
-but one day you guys get assigned to do a class project together
-and actually get along pretty well and become good friends
-he’s one of the few greasers that wouldn’t need to be in a modern au to respect your identity and pronouns
-he ends up eventually asking you out
-he’s super supportive of you and always tries to learn more about you
Johnny Cade
-you rocked his world when he saw you
-he thought you and your style was pretty unique and tuff
-he immediately couldn’t tell what your gender was, which intrigued him
-you mastered both so well
-you seemed too superior, too good for gender (relatable 😏😎 jk mostly)
-but he’s too scared to actually go up and talk to you
-until one day you’re being made fun of by some other grease gang
-and he stands up for you, and you’re pretty grateful
-and you both start talking
-eventually you end up dating
-he’s supportive and even gives into the more androgynous look himself
-like I think he might start wearing eyeliner or sum, trying to mix a bit of fem into his outfits
-ok i will say this every time but JOHNNY CADE IN EYELINER I NEED IT IN MY LIFE
-I think he’s the most androgynous greaser himself in general
Sodapop Curtis
-he loves your style
-it’s so cool and he wishes he could be more like that
-but he’s too scared about what others will think
-and he really admires you
-he’s surprised when he finds his eyes trailing off you whenever you leave the DX after buying something
-pretty soon after talking about you to Steve he realizes he likes you
-so he gets to know you and asks questions about your style
-he LOVES how you can be neither masc nor fem, or both
-you can switch in the blink of an eye
-it keeps him on his toes
-pretty soon you end up dating
-soooo cute together yall are always showering eachother in praise and compliments
Darry Curtis
-he’s a traditional guy
-so seeing you
-rocks his world a bit
-I mean he can’t tell if you’re a broad or guy
-and that is fascinating to him. And terrifying
-he’s a little wary of you at first
-but eventually grows to really admire you
-and after some encouragement from pony and soda he finally starts up a conversation
-pretty soon you two start dating and are really good for eachother
-pony and soda love you
Dallas Winston
-he probably went up to you
-made some rude ass transphobic joke
-and it took him by surprise when you kicked him hard in the nuts
-he kinda respected after that
-he sort of expected you to be weak because of how you dressed
-he actually started being friends with you
-and protecting you from bullies
-eventually he asks you out and for once in his life he’s nervous
-you grin and say yes
-you guys are such a surprising couple everyone sees you and is like
how tf did that happen
Two Bit Mathews
-he actually loves your style
-he makes jokes about it because
-it’s two bit
-what do you expect
-but they come across as actual questions too 💀😭
-“So what gender did you decide on today?”
-“If I were you I’d be panicked over what restroom to use…”
-“So do I need to call you a bastard or bitch?”
-but he’s so silly
-at first you’re offended by some of his jokes but then you realize he’s not genuinely transphobic it’s his nature
-and you start roasting him back
-when you start dating you guys are such soulmates
-everyone ships you two and the banter you have in class if fuckin COMICAL
Steve Randle
-he’s surprised to say the least
-he’s used to heavy gender stereotypes
-so whenever you walk into his life
-showing up looking like a doll one day
-a mafia boss on the other
-it trips him up
-it’s kind of confusing for him at first and he may act sort of cold and unsure towards you
-but after a while he gets used to it
-and actually tried getting to know you instead of judging how you look
-and you’re actually a super cool person and it makes him appreciate your identity and style so much more
-soon he realizes he feels a bit more than friendly for you
-and asks you out
-he’s really protective and anyone who says shit about your style can find their tires slashed the next day 😊
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wrathofthedog · 4 months
(So little note about this… i wrote it a month ago haha, so yeahhh, please tell me your thoughts hehe!) Okay so I will start this off by saying I don’t know everything about Sweeney Todd. I learn new things everyday about both of them. Some things might contradict or seem weird but also I want to fit in as many of the characters as I can without skewing relationships or whatever but many have the same relationship they have with others in the show they might not, okay? Great!
Now, I will make an assumption and say many would make Hannibal Sweeney.
I don’t.
It would be okay but to me… eh.
So, who is Sweeney?
Yes, Will is Sweeney, I don’t know exactly why but it feels right, ya know? And in turn his Mrs. Lovett is Hannibal. And yes I hear you, you say but Peter! Lovett’s pies are shit in the beginning! Yes. I’m ignoring that and just saying instead he was using the shop as something else before Will came, something related to one of his professions or hobbies. Then once they need to get rid of body’s and they don’t want to gain attention from anyone, Hannibal would bring up that meat is meat and no one would notice a few pigs going missing as long as the meat is used and then he starts the meet pie shop. Yay timeline
Now, for the other characters. As much as I’d like to put Molly as Sweeny’s wife Lucy, I don’t want to put her though that because then I’d also feel obligated to put Walt as Joanna and I really don’t want to do that. So… no.
So we wait on that.
Now for Pirelli I’d say Hobbs, and his little apprentice Toby is Abigail. (All in all I want a story were she lives and it would be funny to have her kill them in the end).
Also Jonas Fogg is Chilton.
Okay big brain time because at first I was struggling on who to make Joanna and Anthony. Ready? I don’t think you are ready. >;3
Margot and Alana. Like technically it might not make sense with the characters relationship with the others but like I said earlier not all the relationships with fit seamlessly.
And so Judge Turpin could be two characters for me. With Margot as Joanna it would be her pig of a brother, Mason. Or the end all be all he could also be Francis to have him be one of the last enemies or whatever. So either way one of them and I’d be fine but please if you thing I’d any other ideas then please comment them!
And with Beatle it could be Mason or maybe Mathew? I’m not completely sold on who to put as him so fit who’d every you’d like.
Also if Hannibal was Sweeney then I think I’d make Bedelia Lucy but I’m not so *shrugs*
So as recap!
Sweeney: Will
Mrs. Lovett: Hannibal
Toby: Abigail
Pirelli: Hobbs
Joanna: Margot
Anthony: Alana
Judge Turpin: Mason/Francis
Beatle: Mathew/Mason/undecided
Lucy: N/A
Jonas Fogg: Chilton (could also be Mathew)
Would you change anyone? Add in more characters? Do tell!! ;3
(And also don’t get me wrong i love team sassy science but i don’t quite know how to fit them in even though I’d love to and Jack and Bella too but nothings jumping out at me haha.)
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 100 - Lorca in the Klingon Prison
Finally justifying my decision to number these with triple digits, been at this for 100 days.
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 Episode 5 - Choose Your Pain
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We open with a dream sequence showing Michael's guilt over Discovery's use of Ripper to navigate, and Ripper's behaviour has taken a turn for the worse in response to the pain. Meanwhile, Discovery is being taken away from the front lines to preserve it until more ships can be fitted with Spore Drives, much to Captain Lorca's dismay. Also Sylvia is still a sweet bean, and I love her. She is the emotional support human, and she's still amazing.
While Lorca is returning to Discovery from meeting the Admirals however, his shuttle is attacked by Klingons, and he is kidnapped, and Saru as First officer is sent on the mission to rescue him! The episode immediately hits to the core of the issue do the ends justify the means when it comes to using Ripper to navigate. Does saving Lorca's life, and the many other lives the speed of the spore drive can save justify Ripper's suffering? As I said yesterday, it's a gripping moral dilemma.
Also, I love that Saru asks the computer to compare him in the role of acting captain to captains past, that was great. I recognised Archer, Pike and Georgiou's names from the list, so I took note of the other names there to see if they come up at any point in the future. Robert April and Mathew Decker. Since 3 of the 5 names are references, I imagine these two are as well.
Lorca wakes up in Klingon prison with a delightful over dramatic thespian of a man. This guy is dressed kinda Doctor-ish, but he acts a lot more sinister and self-serving. I love dramatic characters like this, and he is a fantastic villain. He's been feeding information from the other prisoners to the torturer. Apparently this guy knows Lorca however, and Lorca has sacrificed his previous ship's crew to save them from similar torture. This is an interesting direction to take our captain, and I would love to find out more about him.
Paul, Michael and Sylvia begin to figure out an alternative to the Tartigrade, however they have trouble finding a suitable host for the Tartigrade's DNA sequence. Apparently Humans are compatible, but as we learned in Enterprise, Human-Genetic experiments are outlawed. Their experiments however need to take the spore drive offline, and delays Lorca's rescue, which is used as a beatiful way to further the dynamic between Saru and Michael.
Michael is confined to her quarters, and unfortunately this jump pushes Ripper into survival mode, and one more jump could kill it. Saru however, orders engineering to crack it open. Meanwhile, Lorca launches an escape with the other Starfleet prisoner, but abandons over-dramatic man behind. After a flight escape, Lorca and his escape buddy get transported onto Discovery.
Discovery makes the jump out of Klingon space, and then we're hit with the great reveal that Paul didn't use the Tartigrade. In order to save it, he injected Ripper's DNA into himself so he can use the navigation system. Thankfully, he survives.
We also get a brilliant making up scene between Saru and Michael, where Saru forgives Michael, Michael gives Saru Georgiou's telescope, and they agree to set the Tardigrade free.
I absolutely loved this one, the character work was great, especially in relation to Lorca and Michael, and it was great seeing Saru in the Command chair. I love his attention to detail in command, and I'm really curious what results his computer's comparison to other captains yielded, since he deleted them. This was a fantastic episode.
Also proper Queer Rep! Yes!
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wav3y-zzz · 1 year
Didn't realise I'd have to state the obvious over here in the cool kidz club, but if you are a pedo nonce proshipper, GET UP OUT OF HERE!!!!🤢🤮 NO LANKY NONCES ON MY ACCOUNT EWWWWWWWW YUCKY!!!!!!!! THOU HAST BEEN WARNED!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫
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If you a proshipper like actually just piss off, I can't be bothered ✋️🙄
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Anyway intro post time ig!!!!! Sorry NOT SORRY about allat at the top, just want to make it clear I don't want any creeps on my account.
The names Wav3y! I don't really mind what people call me, but yk Wav3y is I and I is Wav3y, calling me anything else would just be kinda strange yk 😋
He/him pronouns maybe?? Again I don't really care
Fairly standard dni criteria, proshippers or any of the other variants, racists, homophobes ect. Also dni if you're just like unfunny I don't want among us jokes up in here, I already have to deal with unfunny people in my day to day life I don't wanna have to deal with them online too
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I like to do ART in case you haven't noticed, but I also like other things, like music. 90s and early 00s music if we're being specific, im really into Talkshow boy mostly, but there are a ton of other things i listen to,,,,,old music kicks ass yall just dont get it. Also, i mostly collect fnaf merch and monster high dolls in case you wanted to know how insufferable i am!🤑
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I LIKE OTHER THINGS ALSO!!!!👍 HISTORY I LOVE HISTORY AND HISTORY RELATED THINGS,,,,, like clone high and horrible histories! Mathew Baynton my beloved.. I'm the biggest FNAF fan I've been into the games for years, it's pretty much one of the only things I've liked consistently for years. I like the games, the books and OMG THE MOVIE NOW which feels so crazy to say after all this time. I of course like other games, I like cookie run ovenbreak (not kingdom) and also undertale (I ❤️ METTATON). And ya, I DO LIKE GOTHIC LIT, i especially like when the book is about mad science (yes i do know everything there is to know about jekyll and hyde).In case you couldn't tell I do get weirdly obsessed with random fictional characters, must be the autism..
I've got a couple of other socials, like tiktok and Instagram, but I ain't really all that active on them, JUST STAY HERE ON TUMBLR YOU GUYS! (no but like actually do follow me on tiktok or whatever)
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(Anyways feel free to ask me random stuff, send drawing requests idc go crazy)
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
oh my goodness hello i saw your post about ships with mgg/spencer reid, i love your account!! either is cool hehe i adore them both so it’s up to you!
i’m a 5’1 ginger girl and i have brown eyes :) and i'm doing a joint honours degree in maths and biology!!
i’m a huge book nerd and i’m also super into poetry, and i had a HUGE shakespeare phase (i joined the shakespeare society at uni too)
besides reading my hobbies are mainly making things (knit/crochet, arts and crafts, painting, etc) and working out, i go running and swimming a ton plus i tennis with my friends every week and go to yoga several times a week
i’m also super into the outdoors, i’d love to end up doing something relating with environmental science or wildlife/marine conservation
thank you so so much <3
MATHEWWWW I wanted to change it up anyway but this is DEF giving Mathew!!! Also I absolutely adore poetry too so like ahhh yay! Also I saw ur other ask and based some of these off of that!!
Bruh imagine Mathew hitting you up with a “shall I compare thee to a summers day thou art more lovely and more temperate…” in a silly way.. he so would.
On the flip side he loves to hear you recite your favorite poetry (he loooves literature)
He wants to do sports with you!!!
Mathew is uncoordinated, not athletic, super lanky but still thinks it’s so much fun to play with you and do the things you like.
He strikes me as an outdoors person
Hence the treehouse??
Imagine him always asking you random questions that he thinks have to do with biology
And then being like “you’re so smart wincownxownkfnsondj”
Okay not calling you short
But you’re definitely shorter than him
So he loves to kiss you on the forehead/ hair/ shoulders
We all know this boy loves art
He would ask what you thought of the artwork for his book!!
And maybe you even inspire him quite often..
He wants you to teach him to knit because he wants to make sweaters ✋
Mathew loves animals
You can NOT tell me otherwise
I think he’s probably a dog person but he doesn’t have a strong preference and let’s you get an adorable cat or two (I’m a crazy cat lady and have six literally)
Sooo yes
He learns the words to Taylor Swift songs and chaotically sings them in the middle of intimate moments
I think that’s all
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk <33
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diaryofthoughts23 · 1 year
Writing adventure
How do you write a story? I used to be able to daydream fan-fictions of my favorite stories. Now I find my imagination dried up. For inspiration I am thinking of all of the books I have enjoyed through my lifetime.
I know this sounds bad, but the first lengthy novel (if you can call it that) was the twilight saga. Those books pulled me into reading because they were easy to read. I had turned on my brain theatre. After/while I was reading twilight books (thinking back 10+ years is fuzzy) I remember enjoying Frankenstein. It was the first classic book I read that I enjoyed. The language that conveyed the depth of the monsters loneliness struck a cord in me. At this time I was a freshman in high school.
During the first half of high school I consumed soooooooooo many dumb young adult fiction books full of bad romance (maybe some smut thrown in there) that I cannot recall all of them. I think I got halfway through the Marked series (I think thats what it’s called. It has black cover with bight colored font and a little crescent moon on the spine).
One I became a junior/ senior of high school I remember not reading as much. I enjoyed To Kill A Mocking Bird. I never actually read Farenheight 451, but I need to. When I was substitute teaching at a high school I took students to the library for a presentation about this book. The presentation filled me with wonder. But the second half of high-school I went through a nighttime reading phase. I only read books after my “bedtime” (yes i still had one) and I only read the books that I could find in my house. Most of them were old books with complex emotions eloquently typed on the pages, but still expressed in a way that my high-school mind could handle. But i cannot recall any titles of authors of those books.
After high-school I stopped reading. College had me trying to read mind numbing, dense academic literature, but I was still in my high school mind (which honestly had not changed since middle school). College was a stress filled time for me. There was so much change I had to figure out. My stunted mind had to grow. Quickly. The only thing I remember reading in college was the 50 shades of grey series an a lot of smut.
Post college I was still not reading. I was working two jobs and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. I went through a big depressive episode. I had broken up with my boyfriend at the time. I knew I had out grown him, and that he was not where my life was heading. I read a book by Mathew Kelly that really helped me. Once I went to college I stopped going to church. Once I was no longer forced to go I didn’t. Once I was no longer voluntold to be involved I stopped . This re-discovery of life through reading was so helpful for me to get out of my depressive episode and start to get my life together. After that I got many different books that Kelly and others had written for free (through the information on the cover). These self help books reframed my thinking and get me on track to figuring out what I want and involving my faith and values into my choices. I didn’t read again until I met C-.
When C- and I first started dating we did a little book club. He is a great reader and writer. This book club just gave us something to talk about. We read Wuthering Heights together. That was the first book that made me angry while reading it. I remember telling C- about how the character were so hard headed and their choices were the only reason that they’re suffering. He laughed and agreed with me. Once I started to date C-, reading began to show up in my life regularly again. I read Catcher in the Rye, Jane Eyere, Pride and Prejudice, Random self help books related to creativity. All of these without C- (we only did book club with Wuthering Heights) I had found peace with reading again. While I was younger reading was an escape from the world. Now, I can enjoy a good book for fun.
Recently I have read Gucci, Dune, and am working through a Manga (does that count as reading?) The manga is from my favorite anime Ouran High School Host Club. I am reading book 10 of 18. I have surpassed the anime story line. We are going to the beach soon. I am bringing 4 books to read (I might cut that in half…I m a slow reader). C- encourages me to keep writing. Being married to him had brought me safety and peace that I haven’t eperience before. It allowed me to explore this freely. I hope by reading and writing more I can improve in my skills. Maybe I can write my own story or poetry soon. (Even if its bad)
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peronica · 2 years
Movie Night! Camp Cretaceous.
JW.CC. Week, Day 4.
“Oh Yeah! Who’s ready for this?” Kenji cheered as he flopped onto the couch.
The rest of the gang shared a look, then Darius stepped forward; “I don’t know man. Shouldn’t we be keeping watch?” It had been about 3 hours since Daniel and Cash had, debatably, captured them. ‘Debatably’ because Kenji saw nothing wrong with their current situation.
“You worry too much,” Kenji replied as he grabbed the remote.
“No, I’d say he’s worried just enough.” Yaz argued.
“We don’t know where Mae is and your dad just locked us in here.” Ben added.
“No, we know Mae is in the infirmary helping Peirce.” Kenji countered. “And he only locked us in here so the Brads can’t get us. Besides,” he gestured around the room, “this place is paradise! We have a kitchen full of snacks, two bedrooms, a T.V. and an actual bathroom! Man,” he held out his shirt, “we even got showers and washed our clothes! The Brads can’t come in here, and neither can dinos! We're completely safe in here!”
“It’s not the dinos we should be worrying about. . .” Darius said in a whisper, so no one could hear him. . . 
But Brooklyn did.
“You know what? I think Kenji might be right.”
Everyone, especially Kenji, was dumbfounded. “I am?”
“Well, sorta.” She walked to the front of the room so she could face all of them. “We’re locked in here anyway. As long as we keep the volume down so we can hear if the door opens, we should be fine. So,” she sat on the right side of the couch, Kenji to her left, “what do we want to watch?”
Soon, the whole group surrounded the T.V.; Brooklyn sat next to Kenji, Darius next to him, Kenji had one arm around each of them, Yaz sat in a green recliner, feet outstretched and wrapped in a blanket. Despite having another chair and more room on the couch, Ben sat criss-cross-apple-sause on the floor next to Yaz, Sammy laid on her stomach, a pillow under her on his other side.
Kenji had released the remote to Brooklyn, who scrolled through NetTube while they argued on what to watch. . . 
“Ooh, they have Spirit: Stallion of the cimarron! You guys would love that!” Sammy exclaimed.
“What about The Land Before Time! Or Dinosaur!” Darius suggested.
“No way, Dude! I’ve had enough dinos for a lifetime!” Kenji declared. “How to train your Dragon! How to train your dragon now please!” He begged as the title popped up.
“You're good with dragons but not dinosaurs?” Darius questioned.
“Yeah, because I’ve never had to run for my life from a dragon before!” He explained.
“Fair enough.”
“Homeward Bound seems appropriate for us.” Yaz said, “since we’re still trying to get there.” “Oh, we could binge watch Gilmore Girls.” Brooklyn said as she clicked on the show.
“No! Anything else please.” Kenji begged, “even the dinosaur movies.” “That's two for Dinosaur! Anyone else?” Darius asked, excitedly.
Then, to everyone’s surprise and delight, Ben said: “We could watch Esther Stone.”
The group burst out into cheers:
 “YES! YES! YES!” Sammy yelled.
 “Maybe there are new episodes?” Added Yaz. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner.” Brooklyn said as she searched for the show.
“We have to start from the beginning,” Kenji said, “because Darius has never seen it before.”
“How is that possible?”
“Back to the classics, baby!” Brooklyn cheered, “found it!”
“Back when the only mystery was if Esther would go with Charles or Deagen to the  ‘Girls choice dance!’” Sammy said.
“Back when Bella was a villain,” Ben added.
“I can’t believe you haven't seen it yet, Darius.” 
“Honestly, I can’t believe all of you have,” Darius admitted. “Especially Ben and Kenji. I mean, isn’t it a girl show?” “NO!” Both boys yelled.
“Oliver Graham and Dante Mathews get their start in the original show, and they are the best duo ever!” Ben explained.
“And everyone can relate to someone in some way,” Kenji added.
“Not to mention the dark turn season three takes.” Ben said.
“Oh man,” Kenji smiled, “that ending though? I couldn’t believe it! Dude is gonna need a lot of therapy after that.” “Hey guys,” Yaz interrupted, “not to be rude, but maybe we should actually watch the show, then geek out over it.” 
“Yeah, now you guys have me excited,” Darius said.
“Well, in that case, welcome to the amazing world that is:” Brooklyn paused for dramatic effect, “Esther Stone!” She emphasized the moment by clicking play as she said it.
. . .
About halfway through the first episode, Kenji had turned his body a little sideways so he was leaning into Brooklyn, and his legs trapped Darius to the couch. 
“Do you mind?” Darius asked for the third time.
“No, not really,” Kenji said. “If it bothers you, feel free to move.”
“I’ve been trying for the last two episodes. You won’t let me up!” Darius argued.
“SH! This is my favorite part,” Brooklyn scolded them.
“You said that last time!” Darius protested.
“I can have multiple favorite parts.” Was her reply.
Darius struggled to get up again, but Kenji wouldn’t let him up. He sighed in defeat, and leaned against his best friend; He’d try again at the end credits.
. . . “Ben, would you stop hogging the popcorn?” Yaz demanded as she took the mostly empty bowl.
“Sorry, I’m a stress eater,” he explained.
“How is this scary?” She asked.
“If Darrel catches Esther and Deagen, they’ll be expelled!”
Yaz sighed. “Ben, you have faced down dinosaurs and Brads. You survived in a jungle for 6 months! And you know how this ends.”
“It’s still a tense scene,” he reasoned.
“Well, you ate the popcorn, you get more popcorn,” she explained.
“Ok, just after this scene.’
“Fine,” she agreed.
. . . A few hours later, Sammy got up, “I can’t believe they only have the first two seasons-” she was cut off by a ‘shushing’ sound. Fearing the worst, Sammy slowly turned around to see. . . 
Ben, now laying down, asleep, as was Yaz in her chair. Darius was also asleep. . .  
And so was Brooklyn. . . 
Kenji was trapped with his best friend on one side, his girlfriend on the other.
“What do I do?” He asked in a whisper.
“Oooooohhhh!” Was her response.
“Sammy?” He whisper shouted, “Help me, please?” He begged.
She smiled. “Ok, just wait here a minute.” She ran off to the bedrooms, and came back with blankets and pillows. She draped a blue one over the trio. “Need a pillow?” She teased.
“Yes please.” She gave him a gray one. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” She put a green blanket over Ben, and put a pillow next to his head.
“Hey,” She turned to look at Kenji, “thank you. And, could you maybe not tell the others about this. I do have a reputation to keep up.” He joked.
“Ok, but I think they’ll realize when they wake up like that.” She smiled’
Kenji’s face dropped. “No, no, no,” he began struggling to get up.
“Hey, move too much and they’ll wake up now.” He stopped moving instantly.
“Help me!” He begged one final time.
“Oh Kenj,” she smiled, “I already have.” With that, she took her pillow and laid down in her spot with the blanket. “Can you turn off the lights?”
He gave her a dead eyed stare, “fine.” He grabbed the remote and plunged the room into darkness.
. . . 
“And no funny business, Mister.”
. . .
If you made it this far, thank you! I know a lot of you hate the Brooklyn/Kenji ship, but I hope you were able to enjoy this anyways. I hope you have a great day, and thank you for reading.
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camrensrealbish · 3 years
Shawn is a talentless artist ok we get it.
Shawn is a narcissist ok what else?
All his songs are basic flops ok what else?
He uses camila for everything ok am sorry but what else?
Am gonna be very honest with u girl on a very personal level if Shawn was never and I mean never associated with camila or had his name on the same sentence has hers I don't think u guys would hate him this much or say this things about him that he has no talent his career is being bought by his team, why wasn't all this said in his treat u better days or his if I can't have u days, these are songs that made people love him but no he his talentless just because why it's simple he his dating camila cabello same way that u all did with Mathew but luckily for him he wasn't an artist same treatment Shawn is getting even much worse and am pretty sure same thing that will happen to any other guy that will be connected to camila romantically in the future (PR). I will tell u nothing but the truth girl the only reason some true fans of his (not the fans that loves him for his body/wants to sleep with him) haven't left including me is because we have hope just like u have hope that everything will return back to normal, we have hope that the Shawn that sang stitches and there's nothing holding me back would return back to us after this PR, his fans might have left but they will comeback just like camila's fans that misses solo 2018/5h camila too trust me. All everyone wants is for this PR to end and once It ends plus the fake breakup album that's coming from Shawns side then the real talent comes camila can be able to write songs about the person she truly loves she can showcase the talent that she has because she is very much talented, Shawn can get back to a boy who loves his guitar and be him again but as long as everything thing he does now is related to camila and this PR he his basically talentless and being given a career and a payola king it's basically what all cs say about him I agree but why wasn't this said before he go into a relationship with camila?. I didn't come with hate because I don't hate u at all it's just questions that I keep asking myself when I see a whole post about him being talentless, I didn't want to say anything before because u all hate Shawn and u might not even answer my ask because it's irrelevant but at least I built up courage to come ask u why he wasn't being called talentless before he started dating camila. Have a nice day.
I have a question for you. Why do you care what we think? I never go to ss blogs or ig or Twitter, I'm just saying what I think here. You know it's a CS blog, if you don't like what I post, don't read it.
You ask me why I only started caring about Shawn now, after he started dating Camila. And I think you know why. I didn't care about him at all, but then he got mixed into this mess, and as it turned out he's the one benefitting at her expense. That's why I care about his career moves and plans.
And yes I'm mad, that men have it so much easier in the entertainment industry. Let me vent here please 🙄
And about Mathew, trust me if I knew of his existence before the PR, I would be as critical (misogynistic piece of sh*t). Why do you care about him
"As everything he does now is related to Camila and this PR he is basically talentless and being given a career and a payola king it's basically what all cs say about him and I agree... " -- So you agree? So what are we arguing about
For your sanity, stay in your space and enjoy being his fan if that's what you want to do. There is no point coming here to argue, you have your opinion, I have my opinion and that's ok.
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I did the “ask your friends the names of the tlh characters” + some other questions, with my friend so here it is, hopefully it’ll be as entertaining to you all as it was to me. Also her explanations got more lengthy as we went along because she was more interested.
I’ll write what she says in quotes and what I say in bold
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“Sarah, and she looks like a badass”
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“Sebastian or something fancy like that. He looks like a pretty, emo dude that everybody simps over”
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“Luke, related to the other emo dude, like a brother or something. He’s like the other one but actually emo and actually depressed. He’s secretive and mysterious. He’s the other one everybody simps over”
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“Conan, he is either the hot supervillain or the hot jock, like- the popular one. Gray wolf everybody simps over him but it’s like a weird simp.” me: *writing it down* what else did you say? “smexy” smexy? “I didn’t say that [before] but add that”
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“Do you know who the gareth of aphmau is?” uh, no? “He’s the Gareth of aphmau. He’s either the really smart blonde or the dumb blonde. People simp over him, and he’s also smexy. His name is probably also gareth” gareth? is that your guess for his name? “yeah, gareth”
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“Spencer, he’s the ‘nerdy’ one. Very smart. Science-y. Like a wizard or some kind of magical. Very simpable. He’s the purple one from the ninja turtles” Donatello? “yeah the purple one. Also smexy” smexy? “yes, smexy” (The fact that she brought up Donatello is mind-boggoling to me)
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“oh! oh!” *takes my phone* “Angela, all the guys simp for her like all the guys simp for her. She’s one of the main characters” they’re all main characters “Very smart. Very pretty. She’s also like badass but not in the physical way like in the smart way”
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“She looks so gay” *takes my phone again* “Andrea, she is badass like in the punk way. Tattoo girl” they all have tattoos? “yeah but like she’s the kind of person to have a lot of tattoos. she knowns she’s badass. She is so lesbian” *giggles*
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“Connor, he’s the little brother, he’s like the little one everybody likes. He tries to be strong as the rest. He’s also like the gray wolf type, no, like, you know the other guy. [alastair] some people also simp over him but like, not as many” so funny- so funny that you, you brought up Alastair huh “what?” funny “did I say something dumb?” *cries*
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“Oh my god. Oh my god she’s a queen. She’s gorgeous. Either the villain or the mom. Uhhh.. Esmeralda.”
Questions I asked:
So do you think Thomas is the youngest? “No, but people act like he is”
Who do you think is the oldest? *scorlling through the pictures* “That guy, (Alastair) unless someone is like a vampire or something”
Who do you think is the youngest? “that one” (Jesse) oh wait he is immortal “damn it!” he’s a ghost, I forgot. So other than him? “him!” (Christopher)
Who do you think is related? “this two” (James and Jesse) “He’s (Alastair) related to someone” “Oh she’s (Anna) related to the black-haired dude” the one with the gold eyes or the glasses? “oh but like I already said they were related...” oh, to the two guys (James and Jesse)? “yeah but then they would all have to be related, so maybe, maybe”
Who do you think has a crush on who and stuff? “Can you tell me their sexualities?” Ok so people who are straight or not confirmed since straight people are never confirmed we’ll just skip.. I’ll ask you about the confirmed ones “Are any of them like, genderqueer [other than anna]?” uh, nothing’s mentioned
Alastair: “Ace”
Mathew: “he’s either straight or gay uh... bi”
Anna: oh well she is a lesbian you got her right
Thomas: “straight” he’s not, that’s, why I asked you to guess “gay”
Ok so now who do you think has a crush on who?
Mathew: “on one of the brothers” (jesse/James) they’re not related “well whatever I’m calling them the brothers”
Christopher: “he has a crush on her (lucie)”
Anna: “she also has a crush on her (lucie)” I feel like I should tell you their ages
Thomas: “Ok so him and the alpha grey wolf guy [alastair]” they do!!! “they do!?” yeah!!
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander | Chapter 18
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A/N: Remember that there’s a DOUBLE POST this week because of my birthday that happened yesterday!  Look out for Chapter 19 to be posted Thursday at 7:30pm.  I think you guys will reeeeeally like that one :)
January 24th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was amazed.
The welcome reception that the NHL planned in the hotel was full to the brim of what seemed like every NHL president, general manager, and their assistants mingling and munching on perfectly prepared hors d’oeuvres.  Everybody was staying at the Ritz-Carlton, a fifteen minute drive from the Enterprise Centre where all the hockey-related festivities were taking place.  While the all-stars had already been bussed to the Enterprise Centre, she was here with Brendan and Kyle, trying to assert her presence in a room full of men who thought they were gifts to God’s green earth.  She wondered if any of the other executive assistants – a good 99% male, from her observations – felt the same way.  It was when she was standing in that room that she realized how much of an anomaly she truly was, and if some guy gawked at her because he hadn’t seen a female since October, she wouldn’t be surprised.  Hockey was an old boy’s club, and there was no better proof for that than the makeup of the people in this room.  
Many people came up to speak to Brendan and Kyle – Aberdeen thought they were almost like the star debutantes at the ball, except one debutante already had three Stanley Cup rings; the other debutante was like the belle of the ball, as one of the youngest GMs in the league, and everybody wanted to talk to him.  The only thing they’d do is give Aberdeen a quick nod after they finished their conversation before walking off.  It was like she ceased to exist, or existed only as a figure to nod to once the discussion with the ‘big boys’ was over.  Nobody was giving her the time of day.  She didn’t even know why she had to come here and do this when—
“Aberdeen,” Brendan’s voice cut off her thoughts.  She straightened out her back and looked more attentive as he looked back at her.  “Who do you think will come and speak to us next?  Let’s make a bet.”
She smiled.  She knew that instead of sulking she should be working the room as much as possible, inserting herself politely into conversations Brendan and Kyle would have with some of the other presidents and general managers.  “BriseBois has been eyeing Kyle for five minutes, so twenty bucks and an extra day off says it’s him,” she said confidently.  
Brendan laughed, as did Kyle.  “My bet’s on Ken Holland,” Brendan quipped.  “Here to talk to us about Tyler Ennis.  Everyone knows they want him.  Hometown boy.”
“It’ll be Sakic.  To talk to us about Naz,” Kyle said.
All three of their heads turned to see Brisebois smiling and making his way over.  Aberdeen smiled.  She leaned into Brendan.  “I’ll take that twenty bucks in a Starbucks gift card.”
Aberdeen thought that maybe Frederik Andersen should be the one seemingly babysitting Auston Matthews, but she digressed.  Because he was attending the All-Star Weekend but not actively participating in any of the festivities due to his slight wrist injury, he was free to do (what seemed like) whatever he wanted.  He could visit both locker rooms, he could chat with all the guys, he could take pictures with everyone.  All she had to do was make sure he got to the benches during the Skills Competition and she could consider it a job well done.  
She didn’t want to follow him into the locker room – that was a bit much – so she stood outside and watched as he interacted with Fred and Mitch before moving on to some of the other players: Jack Eichel, Brady Tkachuk, and Mathew Barzal, for the most part.  When he was finished, he looked almost surprised that she was still there waiting for him.
“They’re going on in ten.  Where should we be?” he asked.
“I’m just gonna lead you down quickly, but I’m watching with Brendan,” she informed him as they began to walk down the corridor together.
“Aw, come on.  You can’t keep me company?” he asked.
“There’s no way I’d be caught dead on a camera beside Auston Matthews, thank you very much,” she joked, but at the same time, was totally serious.  If even one hair on her head was caught on camera, she was sure Auston’s fangirls would know her name, address, social security number, and blood type within the hour.  “Let alone at the All-Star Game.  And let alone with you looking like that.”
“Like what?!” he wailed.  
“Oh, come on Auston.  You look like you were a cast off of Anchorman and you know it.”
“I’m fashionable.”
“If you say so,” she rolled her eyes.  
“I thought those types of comments were only meant for Willy, anyway.”
“They’re meant for any of you when you look like this,” she covered herself, giving him a full up-down, causing him to laugh and shake his head.  
They walked past the Western Conference locker room, bustling with all the players and the media walking in and out of it.  Auston stopped again to say hi to some guys that he could see – Tyler Seguin and Connor McDavid – before Aberdeen watched another player making his way towards them.
“This your girl, Matthews?” Matthew Tkachuck asked, a devilish smile on his face.
Aberdeen crinkled her brows.  Gross.  “Ew Matty,” she watched Auston as he made a face.  “This is Shanahan’s executive assistant.”
“Oh!” Matthew’s face and demeanour completely changed as he took off his glove to shake her hand politely.  “I’m Matthew Tkachuk from the Calgary Flames.  It’s nice to meet you.”
Aberdeen laughed at how these boys could switch from being rats one second to upstanding gentlemen the next.  “Nice to meet you, Matthew.  How do you know Auston?”
“U.S National Development Program,” Auston answered for him.  “We were on a World Junior team together.”
“Yeah, not to mention I was on a line with Mitchy in London,” Matthew added, referring to his junior career with the London Knights of the OHL.  “It’s like I’m practically on the Leafs,” he smiled.
“You wish,” Auston scowled.  
“You’ll be on the bench watching, yeah?” Matthew directed his question towards Auston.  Auston confirmed he would be.  Matthew’s attention went back to Aberdeen.  He gave her a very visible up-down before biting his bottom lip.  “How about you?  You gonna be on the bench with Auston?”
“I’ll be sitting with my boss, but thanks for thinking about me,” she smiled over-politely.  She heard Matthew chuckle but he still didn’t take his eyes off her.  “We should go, Auston.  I don’t want Gary Bettman angry at me for keeping the star of Toronto backstage for too long.”
Matthew said his goodbyes.  Aberdeen and Auston continued walking down and around the corridors until they came to the entrance to the ice.  Some of the arena workers, recognizing Auston, began showing him the way.  “Now stay here and be good,” she said.
Auston smiled mischievously before winking and walking away from her.  “Only for you, Aberdeen.”
“And tell Matthew Tkachuk if he even thinks of me, I’ll kick him in the balls.”
“Will do, baby.”
She saw the number pop up on her phone and the request for a FaceTime call.  She hesitated at first, not knowing if she should accept.  Sure, she was alone in her hotel room, it was late at night, and she was sure everybody had gone to bed, especially Brendan and Kyle.  Nobody would be knocking on her door.  Nobody would be calling her asking her to get a suitcase ready so they could take a private jet to Phoenix to fire a head coach.  And even though her first thought was that this had to be some sort of practical joke, she quickly reconsidered.  The last time this was requested it was in the back of a cab and an automatic no.
Not for anything, but less than 24 hours ago he was in her.
So she accepted.  
William’s face popped up on the screen.  He was clearly already in his pajamas, his hair tied back with an elastic atop his head.  Aberdeen remembered that Toronto was an hour ahead, so it was even later for him.  “Hello minskatt,” he smiled.
She’d just showered, and her hair was in a towel.  She tugged it off so she didn’t look too ridiculous.  “Hey Willy.”
“How are you, minskatt?” he asked sweetly, biting his bottom lip slightly as he watched her hair fall out of the towel.  “How was today?  Long day?”
She nodded her head.  “Long but good.  I met a lot of the other GMs.  Well, most of them just sort of nodded their head at me after having conversations with Brendan and Kyle before moving on.  It’s like they don’t know how to speak to women.”
“They probably don’t,” he quipped.  “Did Auston behave?”
She smiled.  “Yes, Auston behaved.”
“So I don’t need to kick his ass?”
Aberdeen giggled.  “No.  You’d never, anyway.  He’s one of your best friends.”
“I’d still kick his ass if he gave you a hard time.”
She continued to smile.  “How was your day?  What did you do?”
“Miss you all day,” he said.
She rolled her eyes.  She did that a lot today between him and Auston.  “What did you really do?”
He shrugged.  “Went to the gym.  Talked with my brother.  Just the usual boring stuff.  Nothing as exciting as what you did.”
“Nothing I did was too exciting,” she admitted.  She hated to admit it, but it was true.  “I don’t mean to be rude when I say that.  It’s just – I could have networked, I really could, I mean I know how to work a room, but these guys just weren’t having it.  Well, everyone besides Julien BriseBois from Tampa.  He was super nice.”
“It’s okay, minskatt.  I’m sure tomorrow will be better,” he said encouragingly.  “There’s a luncheon, right?”
She nodded her head, a bit surprised that he remembered her schedule.  She hoped that would run smoother than what had happened today at the welcome reception.  But now, at this moment, with Willy on FaceTime and two more days until she got to see him in Nashville, she didn’t want to talk about work.  She’d only left him this morning and she was already missing him.  “Hey Willy?”
“I…I’ve never really asked, but why do you always call me that?  Minskatt?” she asked.
“Because that’s what you are,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  
She knew that it meant ‘my treasure’.  She remembered that quite vividly.  “Yeah, but like…why my treasure?  Why not just darling or honey or whatever?”
“Do you want me to call you those?” he asked worriedly.
“No!  Not at all.  I…I like minskatt.  I love it, actually,” she admitted for the first time out loud.  After months of blushing about it and hearing him say it in her dreams, she was finally able to admit it.  “I just don’t know why you’d choose that over the hundreds of other things.”
William shrugged his shoulders again.  “I just heard it a lot growing up from my grandparents.  My grandpa would call my grandma that all the time.  When I was really small, I thought it was her actual name.  And I just…I don’t know.  I think it’s the nicest thing.  Because you’re my treasure.  That what you are to me, always.  From the moment I met you.  You’re my treasure.”
Aberdeen smiled sheepishly.  God, he was so…good.  So pure.  So characteristically William that she honestly didn’t have another word for it.  “For what it’s worth, you’re my treasure too, Willy.”
January 25th, 2020
Aberdeen decided to get breakfast on her own, without waiting for Brendan to call.  She’d fallen asleep talking to William last night – they both had, gag – but she still felt pretty energized and ready for the day.  She threw her hair in a bun, knowing it would be easier to style when she got back from breakfast for the luncheon, and put on a simple pair of yoga tights and a University of Toronto hoodie.  
She figured that most of the guys were either still asleep or would have ordered room service, and she was pleased to see that the dining room for the continental breakfast was basically two-thirds empty.  She grabbed a plate and loaded it with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, and hashbrowns.  She then poured herself some coffee and orange juice and settled into a table, taking out her phone so she could browse the news or read an article while she ate.  
She was in a completely tranquil state of mind until she heard a voice from behind her.  “Hey!”
It startled her.  She turned around to see Mitch standing behind her, holding a plate stacked with food.  “What are you doing up so early?”
“Same thing as you – eating!” he smiled.  He looked behind him.  “Hey guys!  Aberdeen’s here!”
She leaned back to look past him and saw Fred’s giant body towering over the egg buffet and Auston looking like he literally just rolled out of bed pouring some cereal into a bowl.  Fred smiled and Auston waved.  She looked back at Mitch.  “You’re all up?”
“You seem shocked,” he said as she settled into the seat across from her.
“I’m not shocked about you, because you’re just an excitable puppy,” she said.  “I’m more surprised about Auston.  Does he usually get up this early?”
“You’d be surprised,” Mitch shrugged.  “When we’re on the hockey grind, early wake up calls are just a part of life.”
Fred and Auston came to the table eventually, with Fred sitting beside Aberdeen and Auston beside Mitch.  They spoke casually – about the events of last night and the upcoming day ahead of them, what they would do with their day off tomorrow before having the fly to Nashville on Monday to meet the rest of the team.  Auston suggested that they all go to the big arch.  Mitch wanted to have lunch at a smokehouse.  Fred wanted would arrange the Ubers.  
They looked at Aberdeen.  It was a while before she noticed.  “What?” she asked with a mouth full of breakfast sausage.
“What do you want to do Sunday?” Mitch asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  
She was confused.  “I’m coming?”
“Obviously,” Auston piped up.
“Why would you think you’re not invited?” Fred asked.  “You’ve been with us for how long now?”
“I just…I don’t know,” she digressed.  “I know I’m, like, part of the team or whatever—”
“So why wouldn’t you come?” Fred followed up.
“I—you guys constantly freak me out, you know that?” she asked.  “Like, I don’t get why a bunch of hot shot hockey players want me to tag along with them on their day off.”
“Why wouldn’t you think that?  Willy likes you tagging along everywhere,” Auston said.
Aberdeen suddenly stiffened at Auston’s words, thrown around so casually, but they were so charged for her.  “So does Jason,” Mitch added quickly.  “And Brendan, even.  I mean, Brendan wouldn’t have invited you here if he didn’t trust you with us, or you with us, you know?  I mean, the All-Star Game is Peter’s thing.”
She’d heard that once or twice before.  “It’s just it’s still new to me, that’s all,” she said, trying to remain calm.  “I don’t want to intrude on your private time.  I’m already around you guys practically all the time as it is.  I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Not sure that’s possible,” Mitch said.  “You’re always welcome with us.  We love you, Aberdeen.”
When Aberdeen went back up to her room after breakfast, she took a long look at herself in the mirror.  Long.  She knew she was loved by many people: by her parents, her grandparents, her siblings, by Kasha, by friends like Masani and Tom and Margot.  By Brendan, at least in his own way.  By William.  She was loved by William.  
Could she add the Toronto Maple Leafs to that list?
February 5th, 2020
New York City in the beginning of February was much different than, say, New York City in the summer, even New York City at Christmas.  With nothing to really look forward to – no holiday or event, no long stretch of time where the city swelled with tourists and it felt so alive – New York City was just…well, New York City.  Big.  Imposing.  Busy.  
Brendan had lived here for a few years, both as a player and an NHL executive, and he’d gone out for an extended lunch with a friend, so Aberdeen had nothing better to do than to walk down to Magnolia bakery and grab a half dozen cupcakes to eat and then bring home to share with Kasha – two red velvet with cream cheese icing, one confetti, one lemon, one coconut, and one truffle.  It was her way of saying thanks, because Kasha had been picking up donuts from Bloomers or Glory Hole at least once a month since they moved in together.  The perks of flying on a chartered flight was that she knew the cupcakes would be safe all the way back to Toronto.  
When she got back to the arena, she made sure the box of cupcakes was placed in the box where she’d be with Brendan and Kyle that night, knowing that nobody would touch it. It was when she exited the press box and began making her way through the corridors between the locker rooms that she saw someone she was not expecting at all: Saylor, Kasperi’s girlfriend.  She looked very glamourous, with her hair and makeup done professionally.  
When she looked up from her phone – which she didn’t do often – and saw Aberdeen, she smiled excitedly.  “Ohmygod, hi Aberdeen!” she greeted her enthusiastically.  
“Hi, Saylor.  You traveled to New York with Kasperi?” she asked, trying to make small talk.
“I actually had a shoot booked, but I scheduled it so I could come to New York the same time as the guys came,” she revealed, clearly proud she was able to get the gig.  “You know, because I model.”
Aberdeen resisted the urge to roll her eyes.  Saylor reminded her every time they spoke about her modelling.  Well, Instagram modelling.  Aberdeen didn’t think she’d ever walked a runway or appeared in an editorial.  It was mostly just the aforementioned Instagram modelling with a YouTube channel where brands would send her clothes or “collab” with her for exposure.  “Yeah, I remember Saylor.  Sounds fun.”
“It is!” she smiled excitedly.  “I’ve been super lucky so far.  But I mean hey, with a bit of makeup and good angles, lots of girls could be models.”
“I’m sure,” Aberdeen giggled.  “Wouldn’t be me though.  Not with these bushy Persian brows,” she joked, knowing full well thick brows were very in right now and that a lot of girls got them dyed or microbladed to look like hers.
“Persian?” Saylor was confused.
“Yeah.  My dad’s Persian.”
“Ohmigosh, I knew you were mixed with something!  Your nose totally gives it away.”
Aberdeen froze, though a strained smile was on her face.  She knew she had a Greek nose, that it was pretty big with a prominent bridge, not elegant at all like Siena’s, but she didn’t think it was that big of a deal.  She didn’t know what Saylor was trying to say or imply, but she tried to play along anyway.  “I thought it’d be my hair.”
“Well, that too.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  Before she could say anything else, Saylor’s phone began ringing.  “It’s my agency,” she said as she looked down at her phone.  “I’ll talk to you later.”
“See ya.”
Aberdeen watched as Saylor left, her hips swaying back and forth in her skin tight Levis.  She brought her hand up to her face, feeling the bridge of her nose before patting down her hair.  She sighed.  At least Saylor didn’t see the Magnolia cupcake box – she probably would have made a comment about that, too.
Aberdeen thought back to New Year’s Eve, when Morgan and John sat at her table and told her the story about Bee; about how she’d gotten messages from fans making fun of her weight and looks and how they’d called her the team cum bucket.  Aberdeen shivered.  She didn’t understand how people could have such vitriol in their heart for another person they hadn’t even met.  And having it be directed towards Bee McTavish of all people.  Those were targeted attacks, mostly because they were jealous of who Bee was dating (as they should, because Morgan was a great guy).  But Aberdeen wondered if Bee ever got those types of comments from people she knew – other wives or girlfriends who maybe couldn’t hold their tongue or thought that looks were the be all, end all of someone’s worth.  
Aberdeen knew better than to think that way.  She knew it was all bullshit.  How you presented yourself to the world was one thing – with your clothes, your hair, your makeup – and it was somewhat an extension of you, but it wasn’t who you were as a person.  Like, Aberdeen always liked to look fashionable and presentable at work, because she knew she was in a highly professional environment and on any given day she’d shake hands and speak with a billionaire, but her clothes didn’t define her.  Her personality defined her.  Her work ethic defined her.  Her respect for her job, her bosses, and her colleagues defined her.  Her ambitions defined her more than her clothes ever would, than her clothes ever could.  She knew Saylor didn’t mean any harm, that it probably wasn’t said maliciously at all, that it was only said because she didn’t know any better and nobody in her privileged life had called her out on her language that bordered on offensive.  Aberdeen wasn’t going to hold it against her unless it kept happening and it did get offensive.  
But she highly doubted that.  
The Leafs lost to the New York Rangers 5-3.
William had knocked on her room door.
She let him in.  
He kissed her the second the door closed and she felt overwhelmed by the feeling of his lips on hers, like she always did, really.  They hadn’t been able to connect in Nashville or Dallas after the All-Star Game because her room was right beside Brendan’s, so they had to wait until the night they got back to Toronto.  The Leafs weren’t doing particularly well lately, but nobody would be able to tell by the way William was acting.  He brushed off the losses fairly easily, not liking to dwell on them too much.  
“You okay after tonight?” she asked.
“It’s fine, minskatt,” he said as he kissed the tip of her nose.  “Better now.”
She smiled slightly.  She highly doubted that she made the situation better, but she’d take it.  “Come to the washroom with me.  I have to wash my face.”
“That’s sexy.”
She smacked his arm.  He just gripped onto her hips tighter.  “I can ask you to leave.”
“You’d have to make me at this point, and I’m a strong boy,” he raised his eyebrows.  
She scoffed, dragging him into the washroom with her as she took off her makeup and cleansed her face.  William leaned his body against the wall behind her, so she was able to see him and look at him through the mirror.  He was so patient, and literally just watched her as she went about her nightly routine.  He didn’t say a peep, didn’t complain, didn’t rush her.  He just watched her with a look in his eye that told her, fascinatingly, that he was enjoying just watching her, like he was captivated by her simplest movements.  
She pat her face dry, looking at him through the mirror.  “Can I ask you something?” she asked.  It was so quiet she could practically hear the electric current going through the lightbulb.  
“Of course, minskatt.”
She was hesitant, mostly because she didn’t really know if William knew anything about it, but also because she should probably be asking Morgan.  She set the towel down on the counter.  “Do you know what happened with Bee last year?”
William didn’t look too bothered by the question.  “You mean when her mom passed away?” he asked.
“No,” she shook her head.  “The…the other thing.”
“Oh, that,” William nodded his head.  “Yeah, I know what happened.”
“Morgan said it was someone who knew Kasperi’s ex.”
“It was.  Her name was Cassie.  Kasperi’s ex, I mean,” he clarified as he stepped closer towards her.  “The girl who actually approached Bee in the restaurant was named Danielle.”
“Had you ever met them before?” she asked.
“Cassie, of course.  Danielle, no,” he said.  “Why?”
“Does Kasperi exclusively date models?”
“Basically,” he giggled slightly.  “Why, minskatt?”
“It’s nothing,” she shook her head.  “I just—I saw Saylor earlier tonight, and she mentioned how she was in New York City for a photoshoot with a brand or something.”
“She’s one of those Instagram models,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and nestling his head into the crook of her neck.  He placed light kisses on her skin that made her feel temporarily drunk.  “You should be a model,” he mumbled against her skin.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Aberdeen replied sarcastically, though the feeling of his lips still on her skin made her brain mush.  
“Oh come on.  You’d be a great model.  My model,” he continued with his compliments and with his kissing.
“Not with this nose,” Aberdeen quipped.  “At least that’s what Saylor said.”
William stopped his movements.  It was quiet again.  She continued to watch him through the mirror as he looked at her, speechless.  It shouldn’t have come out like that.  She didn’t plan for it to come out like that.  But like most things to do with William, nothing ever went according to plan.  Ignoring him certainly didn’t go to plan – look where they were with that.  “Excuse me?” he asked, finally.  “What did she say to you?”
“It’s honestly not even a big deal,” Aberdeen said, trying to sound as confident as possible.  “She found out I was half-Persian and was like ‘Oh your nose totally gives it away’,” she mimicked Saylor’s voice.  “Then when I mentioned as a joke that I thought it would have been my hair that gave it away, she was like, ‘That too’, like it was so obvious.”
William looked angry – a confused angry, like he couldn’t believe something like that was said to her by someone so close to one of his best friends, but at the same time, could totally see it being said by her in particular.  Nobody else had commented on it when they found out – at least nobody on the team had – but of course Saylor did.  “Minskatt—”
“Please don’t make this a big deal,” she interrupted him, seeing the look in his eyes.  “It’s not the first time someone has said something like that to me and it’s definitely not going to be the last.”
If she didn’t want him to make a big deal out of it, he wouldn’t.  That didn’t mean that he wasn’t still angry about it, though.  And it didn’t mean he’d look at Saylor differently now for what she said.  “But minskatt…you know I think you’re beautiful, right?” he asked softly.  
Aberdeen nodded her head.  “I do,” she said confidently.  “I know you do.  But, like – and no offence – but I think I’m beautiful.  And – again, no offence – that’s more important than you thinking it.  I have enough confidence in my appearance to not let it affect me.  That’s why it doesn’t matter what she said.”
William smiled at her.  Proudly.  “No offence taken,” he said, biting his lip.  “That’s all that matters.  Still makes me want to talk to her though.”
Aberdeen whipped around so she could face him.  “Don’t you dare,” she warned.
William’s smile turned from prideful to facetious.  “Gotcha.”
Aberdeen scrunched her face at him, but he didn’t care.  He dipped down and kissed her again, refusing to stop even as he picked her up in his arms and placed her on the vanity.  He stood in between her thighs as he kissed her and kissed her and kissed her, not wanting to ever stop.  “You know I think you’re pretty great, right?” he mumbled against her lips.
Aberdeen stopped, their faces only inches apart as she stared at him, smiling slightly.  She brought her hand up and let her thumb caress his bottom lip, the slightest bit swollen from all their kissing.  His eyes were so, so blue as she looked into them.  Sometimes she didn’t think he was real.  “I think you’re pretty great, too.”
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How to lose a guy in 10 days
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(Image not mine)
Director: Donald Petrie
Do I recommend it? Yes. Even if you don´t love romantic comedies (I usually don´t), you should give this movie a chance.
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No spoilers
Andie (Kate Hudson) is a writer that works at the Composure magazine with a column that bases on gossip, tips and “girly” things. She sets the goal of being essential for the magazine in order have permission of writing about other things that she actually enjoys, so she is tasked to write an article about what women do wrong when dating, by dating a man herself and pushing him away for ten days.
At the same time, Ben (Mathew McConaughey) is a man that works in advertising and receives a bet: in order to get to organize the event he wants, he has to make a woman fall in love with him in ten days.
The two characters encounter each other, and their respective jobs get tangled in between one another.
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No spoilers
This movie contains hints of sexual behavior and making out, but no scenes that show explicit sexual content. It has no violence and no heavy language.
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Score: 9.5/10
Disclaimer: this is my opinion and you have a right to disagree, if you do so feel free to comment, but remember that this is just what I think.
This movie is, easily, my favorite romantic comedy. Both Kate Hudson and Mathew McConaughey play amazing parts and their characters are insanely relatable and lovable. As much as this movie has the effect and exaggeration of events that all romcoms have, the things that happen to the characters and the process in which they fall for each other only make you understand the characters and be able to relate to them. One important thing to point out is that this movie doesn´t have the intention of questioning whether the “we both played with each other so it´s okay” thing is right or wrong; it is an important matter in the film, but the purpose of it is to show the love story, not just to question the morals.
Andie is a realistic, almost (and I repeat ALMOST) none stereotyped character that is so easy to love. In her case, the independent, smart and charismatic female character is well developed and achieved. Of course, there are many stereotypes in this movie, but the thing here is that the character´s personalities are not based on those, not only on the two mains, but also in the secondary ones.
Ben seems to be the stereotype of a guy that is handsome and knows it, but as the movie moves forward one sees that he is actually pretty normal and that he´s not the typical man that takes complete advantage of his looks.
This movie works with scenarios and situations that in many other movies have taken to an extreme and end up being sexist. But here, the characters, even though they are exaggerated and have clear personality traits that are repetitive in this type of movie, are not taken to that end.
The script and soundtrack are things to be applauded, now, every time I listen to “Somebody like you” by Keith Urban I think of this movie.
The ending, even though predictable, is one of those comforting endings that make you feel like not everything in life is horrible, and being honest, Andie and Ben are a beautiful couple.
Feel free to share your opinions about the movie, to ask me questions about mine and to open debates if you want. But remember, always express yourself with respect
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Hey so I'm pretty sure it was you who told me to listen to a song from The Waitress but I couldn't remember which one so I just listened to a lot of them.
You matter to me is such a good Thomastair song!! It's so sweet and I was low key tearing up. It also kinda makes me think of kitty as well. I think that might have been the one you recommended.
I also really liked I didn't plan it. It's such an Alastair song if I ever heard one and it's honestly so relatable. It's how I would imagine Alastair going off on The Merry Thieves if he could.
Also side note, She used to be mine is the reason I am now sobbing because, short version, autistic childhood trauma, forced to mask, lost that innocent and cheerful version of myself yadda yadda yadda. You get the drill. I mean the pronouns are wrong but still.
Anyways thank you so much for the recommendation!/gen
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So ummm I dont think you realize for the past few minutes I've just been staring at my phone grinning
Okok so I can DEFINETLY see You matter to me as a kitty song and thats a whole other side of feels i am NOT ready to talk about rn cause "All of this time I've keeping my mind on the running away, but for the first time I might consider to stay" FOR KIT HERONDALE WILL KILL ME
But like Thomas saying "you matter to me, simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody" after Alastair literally CANONICALLY thinks caring or loving him is something unhealthy will equally be the death of me
I've posted about it before but
"Go ahead, throw your rocks at me, from your little glass house and then take off running, youre no better than me, we've both made mistaked, havent we, I wont undue what Im doing to sit in judgement of what makes us human, I dont claim to be proud, but, my hesd wont be hung in shame"
He needs a scene like this fae Istg HE NEEDS IT
Also theres a phrase "I needed saving, and a good mistake needed making" that just
Reminds me Alastair was let down by every adult in his life and hes never been allowed to be a kid. To just make mistakes freely. I REALLY HOPE he gets a good scene where he does smth reckless and fun cause hes 19 for godsake let the kid have fun
I love that song for him
Also I should have warned you about she used to be mine
First of all Im really sorry to hear that, you truly never deserves to experience any of that. I know my cant change anything, nor help, bit I am truly sorry you had to go through that
Althought, she used to be mine hits equally hard cause jaja ✨I feel like im dissapointing everyone being the person I am ✨ but like its fine I really just feel for the song
Its one of my favorites to belt out
Since youre here
......I cant be the only one who really got major secret relationship Tholastair vibes from bad idea
Like I 100% wouldnt want it to happen in canon
But as a concept
Alastair and Thomas having to go to Paris on their own. Theres all this tension and Thomas tries to talk to him but Alastair just tells him its impossible, theres a huge discussion which and theres a part wbere Alastairs
"You'll regret it"
"Then allow me to figure that out for myself"
Alastair storms off and Thomas is like "shit I made it worse"
But instead of wsiting for Alastair to look back
He goes after him
Enter chorus
"Hearts keep raising lets make mistakes let us say so what and make worse what was already pretty bad"
Thomastair × bad idea makes me go FERAL
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city-of-sjm · 3 years
So this is my first fanfic, please be nice 🥺
Last artifices
(After QOAAD but before GOTSOM)
After the Wedding everyone is gather with there loved ones, in blankets watching the sky changes as the sun rises behind them
There is a silver flicker that is a rare phenomenon, to mundanes it bring good luck
The Shadowhunter don’t have a ritual for the sliver flash they just admire it
“ that flash should bring luck to our Marriage” Magnus says quietly to his new husband
“ have you seen it before” Alec asks wondering if in his extensive past he has seen it
“ once in 1903, London” Magnus replies thinking fondly Herondale’s, Carstairs’s, Blackthorn’s, Lightwood’s, and Fairchild’s he was with, he knew Tessa was probably thinking about her Late husband and children
“ My love, I would give anything for a few moments more with Lucie,Jamie,and Will” Tessa says distraught leaning to her current husband
“ I know your pain, dear, time travel isn’t a thing” Jem says
“ I know but, just miss them, so much” Tessa says
The phenomenon happens again but it is a blinding sliver light, usually it is a one to two second flash but this is constant
The light burns for hours, all the residents have off to the institute for bed
The strangest thing happened, when they all work up they were in 1903, London. They were are sleeping in beds as they were before.
All the guests are here even down to Tavvy and Church. None of the 21st Centuriers know that they are now in being of the 20th century
Julian is the first one to wake up, he tries to get up with out waking Emma beside him
All the institutes look the same, 100 years ago they didn’t, his ocean eyes catch on the change off scenery; the fire place, candles, lack of mural on his wall, finally the bathroom that was attached; it’s not a proper bathroom
He gently wakes Emma, who confused and murderers for waking her up
“ what do you want” she complains
“ look around, we are not in our room” He says
Emma’s eyes scan her soundings and then gets out of the Victorian bed
“ where are we, Jules” she asks cautiously
“ I don’t know, we went to bed in your room and woke up here” he says
“ it’s just a dreams Jules, don’t worry, just go back to bed” Emma says pulling him towards her
“ show me the birth control rune” Jules says
“ why, you know where it’s is” she says
“ just show it to me” He says, Emma pulls the oversized T that she wore to bed up over her hip to show a blank hip
“ where did it go, I just re-applied it a week ago” Emma complains
“ it’s the flash, giving us weird dreams”
“ Lucie, go fetch James for breakfast” Tessa says to her 15 year old daughter
“ of course, mother” Lucie replies joyfully ask she sets down her leather bound notebooks and pen
“ Tessa, dear, there are strangers in the institute” Will says hurrying in to the dinning parlor
“ what do you mean, love” Tessa says calmingly
“ I walked into a spare room because I have put a new suit jacket for James in there. There was two people sleeping together. At first I thought it was Cordelia and Mathew but it is not” Will says panicked
“ did you wake the guests” Tessa says softly
“ love, why are you so calm” will says pacing
“ the institute is for lodging of Nephilim, they may be passing though to America next” Tessa says, stepping in front of her fretting husband
“ they were indecent, Tess. They were not clothed” Will says
“ what room, William?” Tessa asks
“ 19” Will shortly replies taking his seat at the table
Tessa heads overs to room 19 and quietly and carefully opens the door to expose two shadow hunters laying in each other’s arms, indecent
“ excuse me, ma’am and Sir” Tessa says as the girl with the red hair begins to stir and looks very confused
“ Tessa, what’s going on is something wrong? Why did you wake me up” the red girl says
“ pardon me? But I don’t believe we have meet” Tessa replies
“ Tessa, are you alright, we meet at my moms wedding. Is it something with Kit or Jem?” The girl asks
“ Jem? How do you know jem” Tessa replies. And picks up on the American accent
“ clar, who are you talking too”
The boy says pulling duvet over him
“ Jace, it’s Tessa, but something is wrong? She doesn’t remember me?” Clar says to the boy
“ do you remember Jace, he related to you some how” clar asks, Jace must be the boy in bed
“ may I have a surename please” Tessa asks
“ ah yes sorry, Clary Fairchild and Jace Herondale” clary says there names and Tessa stops dead in her tracks
“ Fairchild and Herondale? Follow me please, once you decent” Tessa says leaving the room in a hurry, just in time to run into a blonde girl with brown eyes in a odd night shirt. Looks to be about James’s age
“ Tessa, thank god. Where are we?” She says
“ ma’am, are you lost?” Tessa asks the girl
“ Tessa, it’s me, Emma, are you alright?” Emma asked
“ what is your surname, Miss Emma?” Tessa asks
“ Tessa, we are ready” Ms Fairchild says alone with Mr. Herondale. They are both dressed in odd men’s clothing
“Emma! Put on clothes. This is not your institute” Ms Fairchild says to Ms Emma
“ What is going on, why does it seem like it 1800’s” Ms Emma complains
“ Tes, Darling, there you are” Will says with his eyes wide at the indecent girl
“ Will take Ms Fairchild and Mr Herondale” Tessa says
“ Herondale, Tess he looks nothing like me” Will complains
“ Ms Emma, you we not able to answer, what is your surname?” Tessa asks again
“ Carstairs, Emma Carstairs” Ms Carstairs says
“ Emma, go get dressed then come back” Ms Fairchild says
“ you think I wanted to come out in only Jules Shirt, no. I don’t have clothes” Ms Carstairs says rather rudely to Ms Fairchild
“ maybe you two should sleep in clothes” Mr Herondale says, he acts just like Will
“ sorry I still have a sex life, old man” Ms Carstairs snaps back
“ no sex life-“ Tessa cuts of Mr. Herondale
“ Ms Carstairs, my daughter has some clothing that may fit you, please follow me” Tessa says
Emma hated her life at the moment.
Tessa and servant were currently lacing up a corset and a gown. Almost like an evening gown.
Emma hates formal dresses, flowly sun dresses were Emma’s thing and bonus they were easy access.
“ Ms Carstairs, you speak with an American Accent, where in the United States are you from?” Tessa says holding up a light blue dress
“ California, Los Angeles” Emma responds
“ while Kathine helps you with that, I will wait outside” Tessa says curtirse and leaves the room
“ my my, if you don’t mind asking why do you have so many runes and scares” Kathine asks while pulling the dress tought around my waist and hips
Emma was a lean person with little or no fat and only muscle, with that being said she had little boobage and not a clearly defined waist so the Corset was very uncomfortable and pushed her ribs and abdomen in and her not there hips and boobs up
“ I’m a active Shadowhunter” Emma responds, not entirely sure how to respond to the question
“ pardon my asking, it mustn’t detour suitors” Kathine says
The statement quite offended Emma, Jules also said how much he loved her scars and runes, that they only added to her beauty
“ can you please give me the date, with year” Emma asks ignoring her previous question
“ August 28, 1903, Ms Carstairs” Kathine replies continuing to get Emma properly dressed. She had finished the dress and now was asking Emma to sit for shoes and put on a pair of patten leather heels.
“ may I adjust your décolleté , Ms Carstairs” Kathrine asks Emma nods approvingly as Kathine wiggles the corset and tugs it down to get the dress properly
“ Mrs. Herondale, is waiting in the hall for you” Kathrines says softly. Emma stand up a bit wobbly in the short heels, the strides out in to the hall, where 1900s Tessa is.
“Oh, that dress fits you wonderfully. Mrs Carstairs” Tessa says “ Lucie, loves that color but she was a bit too short, the tailor couldn’t make it much shorter”
“ where did Clary and Jace go?” Emma asks
“Ah, yes, Mrs. Fairchild and Mr. Herondale? correct?” Tessa says, Emma nods “they went with Will, my husband, for breakfast”
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xpurpleeclipse · 3 years
Forbidden Love ~ Chapter One: The 'Horrible' School Trip | Mathew Baynton FanFic
*Beep beep!* *Beep beep!*
5am. Time to get up. Today was going to be a long day. A longer day than usual. But today was THE day. I honestly think I was more excited than the kids.
I turned over, snoozed the alarm on my phone and pushed myself out of bed. As I looked back, I could see that Eric was readjusting. I didn't know if he was actually awake or not. Quite frankly I didn't want to poke the bear especially at this time of morning. I got up and started to scramble for my work clothes. I needed to make sure that I looked at least half decent today. I was going to make sure of that!
'Why are you getting up earlier than usual? It's only a silly school trip. Come back to bed for half an hour.' Eric mumbled as I tried to escape the bedroom with the items of clothing that I needed to spruce myself up in my hands. 'I can't. You know how important today is. I need to make sure I'm prepared for a very long day.' I heard him groan. He had never been a fan of me taking on extra commitments at work. 'Like I said, it's a silly school trip. It's not really that important Lottie. I hate how you always end up working long hours. I thought teaching was meant to be a 9 to 5 job.' I rolled my eyes, ignored his comment and headed to the bathroom to get ready.
No one, not even Eric, was going to rain on my parade today.
As the coach pulled up outside the venue, the bus started to buzz with excitement. 'Right Y9, you need to listen very carefully to the following instructions...' Aggie or Mrs Carter as she was formally known by the students was the head of the History department. She was a lovely woman but she was regimented in her ways. Everything needed to be done a certain way and everything had to be done correctly otherwise she would turn into the teacher from hell. Or it seemed that way anyway!
I waited for the cohort of students to leave the bus before I did a quick sweep of the seats to ensure that nothing had been left behind before joining them outside the theatre. 'Miss Thorne, what are we actually going to be doing today?' One of the girls near me asked. The agenda for the day was to meet with the Horrible Histories cast and have a Q&A session before the students participated in a workshop with some of the cast. It had been a long time since the troupe had done anything related to Horrible Histories so it was a special one off occasion. The cast had taken time out of their busy schedules filming their new series 'Ghosts' for the BBC to come and work with the students from Humphrey High School. I didn't know exactly who was going to be conducting the workshop or what to even expect from it, but I was hoping that I'd get to meet him at least. Either way, it seemed like it was going to be a fun filled day.
Before I knew it, I could hear Aggie bellowing over the students. 'Please keep to the left! Come on Y9, you need to make sure you are on the left so you are out of the way. Harry! Are you listening to my instructions!? Move to the side!' Well, it might be a fun filled day if everyone managed to behave.
Whilst the students were lining up, a lady appeared at the door. Her name tag said 'Helen.' She was going to be our 'guide' for the day as the theatre wasn't prepared to let us run riot. I couldn't blame them. Just from the outside you could see how glorious and glamorous the building was. 'Morning everyone! My name is Helen and I'm going to be looking after you all today. If you could follow me inside please, that would be lovely.' She smiled before opening the door and gesturing for the students to start following her inside. Aggie followed the first lot of students. I stayed behind so I could keep an eye on the students at the back, Harry being one of them.
As we walked into the theatre, some of the students looked around with awe on their faces. 'Wow! Miss, I've never actually been to a theatre before. It looks well old in 'ere.' I chuckled. Although we lived near London, it never ceased to amaze me how many of our students had never explored the sights and sounds of the city. Helen guided the students into the auditorium where the students were going to meet and greet the cast of Horrible Histories and participate in a Q&A.
As the last of the students filed in, Aggie came over and said 'they seem settled enough. Let's just keep an eye on the usual suspects.' I nodded and smiled before taking a seat on the end of one of the rows. The seats were a little bit stiff but the fabric was so soft to touch. The regal red of the fabric really matched the décor in the auditorium too. Helen took herself up on the stage so that she could greet the students and staff properly.
'Right, good morning everyone! It's lovely to have you here with us today. Are we all excited for the day ahead?' The students gave an unenthusiastic 'yeah' in response. I chuckled as secretly I knew they were all excited but they never truly wanted to show off their emotions in case it came across as 'uncool.' Typical teenagers. Plus, I think Helen's energetic and enthusiasm was far too much for them to take on board. 'Oh I think we can do better than that. As you know, the cast of Horrible Histories is here! Very exciting!' There was no response to this. I felt sorry for the woman as she tried to hype up the tired teens. 'Yes, exciting indeed. We will get started in approximately five minutes. Whilst we wait, I just want to go over a few 'house' rules that we have here at the theatre...' Poor woman. She wasn't helping herself. Students rolling their eyes, muttering under their breath. Typical teenagers!
After what seemed like an eternity, some movement in the wings caught my eye. I couldn't see who it was but I'm sure it meant that Helen's speech on the dos and don'ts of the theatre was coming to an end. 'So please remember, no mess is to be left in the auditorium. We want to make sure we keep our theatre nice and clean.' Helen looked both ways into the wings. It appeared that something, or someone had caught her eye too. 'Right, so without further ado. May I present to you the cast of Horrible Histories!' Onto the stage walked the six familiar faces that graced my classroom's interactive whiteboard every week. I could see the students' faces light up. Harry was sat bouncing in his chair with excitement. Here we go...
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