#yes I headcannon that when she was a year or two younger than the accident sam had a short lived crush on Superman
sp00pygal · 2 years
Never bring an alien and an astronomy nerd to a ghost fight
Prologue :
It was 9 am in Gotham time when Wonder Woman contacted the watch tower. A very weary looking Batman picked up her call with a grunt.
"Bruce, it's Diana. Clark and I teamed up to fight Lex Luthor and Circe on paradise island. We won the battle, but Luthor, he... He used red kryptonite on Clark. I was barely able to hold him back this time before he flew off, and he is no longer on the island." Wonder Woman reported, looking very concerned.
Batman narrowed his eyes. "If you can't find him, what makes you think I can?"
The Amazon princess had to hold back a scoff. "Bruce...the league already knows about your satellite network."
Batman raised an eyebrow. "I assume Green Lantern told?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. So you have his location?" Diana replied
"I already started tracking him 5 minutes before you called. I've narrowed it down to north America."
"Come on `world's greatest detective', we both know Clark better than that. Where would he go?"
"I already checked Metropolis. The results just came back, he's not in Smallville either. But he is near the west coast. According to the computer he's in..." Batman froze, and his blood turned to ice, he whispered an almost imperceptibly quiet "No, it can't be...."
Diana folded her arms. "Bruce, where is he. This is not the time to withhold information."
Batman quickly regained composure "Diana, do not Persue. Tell the rest of the league to be on standby. Contact justice league dark, have them ready to step in on my say. We have a code white."
"but that could only mean... Great Hera, Superman is in Colorado?!!!" The Amazon exclaimed, her stance becoming tense.
"Yes. Amity Park, to be precise. One of ithe most powerful heros on the planet is in a town overrun by hostiles with unknown extra dimensional powers and mind control capabilities. Nobody moves in unless I say so." Batman responded in an eerily calm tone, but Wonder woman could tell by the look in his eyes that something was bothering him.
"He's going to be alright Bruce. the kryptonite will wear off in 11 more hours, and then we will all grab a meal together and laugh." She paused. "Well, Clark and I will laugh. You will probably do that thing that almost resembles a smile with your face."
Batman sighed. "Thanks; but it's not Clark I'm worried about. We both know he's overcome this before. He'll find his way out like he always does." He paused and reluctantly admitted "it's.... My new ward. He lives there."
Diana looked puzzled. "A new Robin? Or maybe a Batgirl this time?"
"No, not.... Exactly. He's... Complicated. I can only hope he's ready to handle this. " Batman admitted, sounding hesitant.
"Bruce, if he's anything like your other children, he'll be fine. They were trained to be strong, brave warriors by the best. Just let him know to stay safe, the league will handle this. "
A message pinged on the watchtower computer and after quickly reading it, Batman sighed. "... Apparently, there's no need. He has this under control. I'll meet him for extraction in 11 hours. I'm telling everyone to stand down. Batman out."
And with that, he hung up, leaving the Amazon princess confused and curious on the other end of the line.
Chapter 1:
Sam Manson and Tucker Foley stared at 'Superman' with twin looks of shock. Finally, Tucker spoke. "Do you think.... He's alright in there?"
"He's done this before so he's going to be okay. I've been with him on an overshadowing trip, and we came out alright, remember?" Sam replied, sounding more like she wanted to convince herself than Tucker.
"I mean, yeah, but those were different circumstances. Who even knows what Superman is? And Danny has already been in him for -" Tucker checked his PDA " 17 minutes and 42 seconds. I'm telling you, we should get him outta there. Or at least, figure a way to get him outta the public."
Sam shook her head. "Don't you think Superman was acting freaky? His eyes were red, but on the news, they're always blue."
"And you'd know, with how bad you crush on him, even though he's old enough to be -" Tucker was abruptly cut off by Sam's withering glare.
"I do not have a crush. Aliens are passe. Sure I used to like them, but ghosts are where it's at. Like cellphones." She retorted, and quickly added "anyway, if Superman has some weird mind control thing going on like with ghost freak, it's probably safer to let Danny stay in there instead of using the Fenton ghost catcher, especially after what happened last time."
"True, but we definitely should at least get him down. He's starting to attract pigeons." Tucker pointed up at the man of steel, frozen in mid flight and true to the techno geek's observation; several birds were beginning to land on his shoulders.
Sam nodded. "I agree there. Got the Fenton ghost fisher?"
Tucker pulled out a fishing pole with luminescent fishing line attached. "By now you even have to ask?"
"You forgot the thermos last week Foley, a boyscout you are not. Now give it here, I have an idea."
Reluctantly Tucker handed the Fenton ghost fisher to Sam. "What are you gonna do? Even if you would get a sweet fishing story, I don't think that the hook is gonna do much. Superman is supposed to be invincible,same for his clothes."
"Which is why I'm trying something else. Now hush, I need to focus so I can get this right...." Sam muttered, untieing the line from the hook, then fashioning it into a makeshift lasso. "Alright, should be good, the knots are always the tricky part. How's your aim?"
"Good enough, why?" Tucker asked, before Sam quickly handed him the newly fashioned Fenton ghost lasso.
"Because mine sucks. Has ever since girl scouts. Don't. Ask. You take that to your grave." She gave Tucker a scowl to let him know she meant business.
"Okay, touchey subject, gotcha. Question. How tall is Superman?" Tucker asked, holding his thumb in front of him to measure distance while doing some mental mathematics.
"6'3. Most people think it's 6'4, but actually that's just his hair being extra curly." Sam responded without missing a breath.
"uh huh. Totally didn't have a crush." He smirked and held up a finger to stop Sam's indignant retort. "alright, accounting for local wind density, height off the ground, and the hope that this stunt doesn't get us both half killed by a pissed off Superman...." Tucker threw the lasso at the man of steel, caught his foot on the first try, and pulled the line tight so it wrapped around his ankle. "Boom! Tucker Foley sinks the shot, and the crowd goes wild!"
"Uh huh. Sure. I don't think basketball metaphors apply to lassos Tuck. Now help me pull him out of here." Sam replied dryly
"Hey! What makes you think I can't handle him myself?" Tucker said indignantly
"Because the sum total of all the muscles in your body are in your thumbs from gaming. You forget, I helped you pass PE."
Tucker rolled his eyes. "Whatever dudette. All I'm sayin is he's not that heavy. It's like how Danny weighs nothing when he flies, gotta be some sort of mollecular minipulation or a psionic feild or something."
Sam took a moment to think it over. "Hey, yeah, you're right. Come to think of it, even with both of us, shouldn't he be pretty heavy? I wonder if he's catatonic. Maybe when Danny overshadowed him, Superman's body went into this state as a subconscious defense mechanism..." She caught Tucker's smirk "oh, wipe that look away, it's impossible to hang around Danny without getting a psychology lecture from his sister. She's almost as obsessed as his parents. Anyway, some of it is surprisingly helpful, once you get past the boring stuff."
Tucker nodded, wearing a poker face that didn't really hide his continued amusement very well. "If you say so. Question is, if Danny's stuck that way, how do we get him out? Jazz ever say anything about waking up someone catatonic?"
Sam frowned. "Maybe? I zoned out at that part, I think it had to do with giving the person a shock."
"Sounds simple enough. Alright Supes, wake up!" Tucker yelled, and then tried to slap him, quickly recoiling in pain on impact with the man of steel "Ow! What the- oh, right, invulnerability. Guess the news articles weren't kidding. Did it do anything?"
Sam looked at Superman and shook her head. "Nope, still outta it. Pretty sure unless you got a weird glowing green rock, anything short of a mountain collapsing on him isn't going to register. And, no, before you ask Tucker, I'm not going to have my parents buy a mountain to collapse on him so you can sell tickets."
"Aw man, you never let us have any fun. So how do we shock him then?" Tucker asked
"maybe it's like curing the hiccups? We could surprise him somehow? Hold his nose and have him drink a glass of water?" Sam shook her head "No... That won't work. Which means..." She trailed off.
"Uh oh. No. Nu uh. I know that look Samantha Manson, and it usually winds up with someone in the hospital, jail, or half dead. Not happening!" Tucker protested at the sight of an all too familiar gleam in the goth's eyes.
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Got any better ideas?"
Tucker was silent for a long moment. "....Dammit. Okay, fine, but the moment this involves a hospital or cops I'm out. I'm not even kidding."
"Relax. I have a plan, and it's 100% fool proof." Sam reassured him.
"I was afraid you'd say that. What we gotta do?" Tucker asked.
"Just take Danny/Superman and meet me outside the mattress factory in 20. I have to go get ready. Oh, and keep the birds away from him. And no selling photos to strangers." Sam told her friend with a smile as she slipped into a nearby alley,headed for the old factory.
"Sam, that makes no sense." Tucker called after her and was met with silence as she had quickly dissapeared into the shadows. "ugh, hate when she does that, right big guy?" He looked nervously up at Superman. "Whatever, what would you know? Alright, can't keep you all frozen forever, Danny is probably getting freaked out in there... Weird psychology mumbo jumbo or not, I still think it wasn't a good idea to go in alone. We talked about this man, we're a team. Sam and I don't have powers, but we can still kick ass! Just... For real, Don't keep us sidelined anymore, okay dude? Especially Sam. You both are my best friends, and I don't want to see you getting hurt." As ever, Superman remained unmoving and catatonic, showing no sign he or Danny had heard a word Tucker said as he dragged Superman's body alongside him like a balloon on a glowing string. Tucker sighed. "I hear you my dude. Good talk."
End of chapter 1
@impyssadobsessions so, I took your suggestion and decided to write the Superman/DP possession crossover! It turned out that once I got started, there was a lot of content I wanted to include, so this is part 1/? Instead of just a oneshot, but for my general sanity I'm going to try to keep it short! Hope everyone enjoys!
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kaemulti · 4 years
i’m gonna start writing headcannons whenever i get sad/anxious for a number of different fandoms. it takes my mind off things, even if only for a little bit. this time it’s gonna be about dcshg 2019. i’m honestly obsessed with thinking about the mundane teenager things we don’t see in the show that all the superhero/villian kids go through so i wanted to write some stuff about that.
•karen is actually more popular than she realizes, people think she’s sweet even though they rarely see her/don’t have classes with her
•leslie and dorris are a thing to everyone BUT themselves; they hilariously don’t even realize they’ve basically been dating for years: carpooling together, hanging out before and after school, bullying kids like a tag team, skipping classes together, movie nights, shorting out the exercise machines at the mall to make that misogynistic jerk at the fitness store scared, buying their favorite snacks for each other without thinking much of it, etc.
•barbi not only hates diana with a burning passion but ALSO tatsu because both girls excel in both their academic and physical education classes, unintentionally surpassing barbie by a long shot whenever the opportunity presents itself
•jessica and hal hang out at sweet justice after their week day training classes and even invite barry when he has the day off
•kara is completely oblivious to the fact there are a bunch of girls crushing on her at school, she keeps wondering why they whisper about her and never make direct eye contact with her as she walks through the hallways. she only finds out what is actually going on when she opens her locker on valentine’s day and gets COVERED in cards. she doesn’t tell most of her friends about it (she knows they’ll just be annoying) but she does vaguely ask jess about how to write people back, turning them down nicely and whatnot, she’s not a monster for gods sake, she’s just not ready for a relationship.
•babs and diana like to study together the most even though barbra never really pays attention, she mostly talks about different batman articles and comics she read and new gadgets she’s created but diana doesn’t mind TOO much because she has an growing interest in modern day ‘world of man’ technology
•diana can NOT sing to save her life. the girls thought that having a karaoke night would be fun sure, but nothing would’ve prepared them for the laughing fits they had when diana started screeching into the mic. They also find out that Babs is always off pitch and Jessica refuses to sing in front of people. alternatively, however, zee, kara and karen (in that order) are the best singers in the group.
•zee keeps inviting kara to these crazy expensive-super long wait list restaurants even though she knows kara probably won’t eat any of the food. she doesn’t really know why she keeps doing it, especially after the whole giant tentacle incident, but she does know she enjoys kara’s funny comments and cute laugh enough to continue.
•when selina first saw diana she might of had a tiny sexuality crisis, no she won’t elaborate.
•tatsu helps garth work on his confidence and he helps her with her HUGE slight fear of open water. even though they don’t know the other is super, they still help each other as much as they can. tatsu will train garth to do some basic defense techniques against bullies and they’ll go swimming every other week, garth always making sure to keep as much water as he can away from tatsu’s eyes and nose.
•kara and barry like to race each other whenever they get a chance to go to the pier. kara always cheats so she never loses but barry doesn’t mind because he’s her friend and it makes them laugh.
•steve is actually really good at embroidery, his mom taught him when he was younger. he once made a wonder woman shirt for diana and when he gave it to her, she fainted.....twice.
•pam is allergic to three different types of flowers but she still nurtures them in her garden at home whenever she can. if her allergies get really bad though, she’ll ask jess to help her water them, ONLY because she needs to keep her precious flowers alive, NOT because she is actually jess’ friend...she thinks.
•the first time carol met barbie they both got into detention for loudly insulting each other’s fashion sense in the middle of math class. (they still haven’t apologized to each other so they keep acting like it didn’t happen because they both think they’re right)
•the first time harleen called pam “green bean”, pam blushed and giggled...like FULL blown diana talking to steve giggle. and then she pushed harleen off a bridge with a vine on accident. harleen thought it was the funniest thing ever and pam could only awkwardly apologize for almost killing her teammate
•oliver and zee tried to co-write a christmas play but they were so busy fighting each other on who had a better ending they didn’t actually order any props or costumes for it. leaving the main actress to perform in a pirate outfit.
•kara still hangs out with bizarro super girl every now and again and they take turns ranting about their idiot cousins, it’s all light hearted because kara still has some emotional stuff to work through.
•diana unintentionally starts a “who will come out next” contest when she asks the girls about same sex attraction. she had seen leslie and dorris making out in one of the locker rooms (yes they FINALLY got together together) and asked her friends what it meant. after a lot of confusion as kara stumbled over her explanation of the lgbtq+ community, she ends up coming out as a lesbian first, followed by babs, who is bisexual, karen, who is questioning but absolutely had a crush on kara before their food fight detention day, and zee who is trans. they end up going to metropolis pride two months after that.
•diana is still convinced there is an oracle at the pier so every other sunday the girls go so she can spend all of her money on “knowing the future”
•babs never really gets angry on the daily and the rest of the girls learn why when some jerk at sweet justice insults jess’ looks because she wouldn’t go out with him. barbra turned bright red as she let him have it, words coming out of her mouth faster than barry can make their ice cream (they didn’t think she had it in her). and if he he ended up glued to his bed the next day, well, jess will let batgirl get away with that one JUST this once. barbra will NEVER not stick up for her friends.
•kara and babs often have multiple sleepovers a week, harleen even joins them sometimes when kara doesn’t mind her LOUD presence.
•the girls never get mad at one another when someone breaks down or blows up after holding certain feelings in for too long. whether it’s kara ghosting them for days leading up to her mom’s birthday, diana overworking herself to the point of exhaustion when she gets homesick, karen refusing to go out to anywhere except for school and tough missions for weeks at a time because she thinks she doesn’t matter, zee reading too many spells at once and giving herself an awful migraine after messing up an easy one, jessica isolating herself at lunch so she can sit in the library alone and cry to herself quietly after a hard day of training, or babs not being her normal happy self after having a heated argument with harleen, there will ALWAYS be a shoulder to cry on when someone needs it. If that comes in the form a knock on kara’s door as her friends invite themselves in with her favorite foods and a mega ‘feel better soon’ music playlist in tow, an impromptu destress retreat that they force diana to go on where she is only allowed to use a weapon if there is a direct threat, making a giant list of all the things they love about karen and reading it to her from outside her window, someone closing zee’s spell book and holding her tightly as her eyes turn back to normal from flaring pink with anger, all the girls quietly sitting with jessica one by one in the library and gently holding her hand as she lets out what she can, or buying limited edition comics and leaving them as presents for babs in her section of the hideout, there is ALWAYS someone there to make it hurt a little less.
the end :))
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wait-thats-illegal · 5 years
First off, I want to tag @itstocreateoritstodestroy. I love you so much, dude, you’re awesome!! 
But, as I said in a previous post, I wanted to write a snapshot for one of her headcannons, so here it is! Buckle up, emos, this is a long one! 
Party Poison likes being kissed, and kissing. It’s no secret. But that’s as far as he’ll take it, and no one knows why.
No one knows the story, except Ghoul, Jet, and Kobra. It caused a lot of rifts between Kobra and him, and Ghoul hated it with a burning passion. But when he and Kobra were first in the Desert, he needed a way to make Carbons. He was pretty, and he knew that… That’s why they liked to call him a pornodroid. 
I was so young then, young and full of hope. 
Hope. What a strange word, a word that once held meaning for me. 
If you would have said that one day I would be void of hope, that I would no longer anxiously await the day to come, I would call you mad. I would have laughed and shook my head, continued working on whatever homework I’d been given the day before. 
Kobra was young then too, but he still sees the good in the world. He hasn’t seen all the things that I have seen--he is still innocent, he still holds his innocence tightly, the way a child holds their teddy bear in the night. 
I remember the day when I realized that I was the man of the family. The day my mother, a small woman with a soft smile, came to me with teary eyes and told me my father wouldn’t be coming home. 
That was the first sliver of hope I had lost--some of my hope had died with my father in the accident that wasn’t an accident. They told her he died in a tragic work accident--we should have expected something like this, he was a carpenter after all--but I knew otherwise. I knew that Better Living Industries had him killed. 
Mother never smiled after that day. She never laughed, never told her stories. She woke every morning and dressed in the same white dress and flat shoes, did her hair in a tight bun, kissed both Kobra and I on the forehead and left for work. We were responsible for making our own breakfast. 
Kobra was different after too, more quiet and reserved. He rarely spoke to anyone but myself and Mother. Kobra just did as he was told and nothing more--of course, he wasn’t Kobra then, just as I wasn’t Poison. 
Day after day, nothing changed. Kobra and I went to school, Mother went to work, and we rarely strayed from our routine. 
But one day that all changed. 
It wasn’t morning yet, the sun was still sleeping and the moon shone brightly. Kobra was on one side of the room and I was on the other, both curled under the heavy comforters with dreams of a better life, a life where Father was still alive and Mother still smiled. In the dreams, I still had hope. 
The door opened with a creak, a beam of yellow light illuminated the dark room. 
I woke first, rubbing at my eyes and squinting at the sudden burst of light. Kobra awoke next, murmuring something incoherent. Neither of expected what would come from behind the door. 
Mother stood, shushing us softly. She flicked my bedside lamp on and laid two bundles against the door. She sat on the foot of my bed and called Kobra over and reached out to hold my hand, cuddling him and holding me the way she hadn’t done in so long. 
“My babies,” Mother whispered. Brushing Kobra’s blonde locks out of his face and kissing his forehead. “You’ve gotten so big, seems like yesterday I rocked you to sleep in my arms.” 
“Mother, what’s going on?” I pulled my hand away and ran my fingers through my hair. I was still half asleep, still unsure of what exactly was happening. 
“I love you both so much, and nothing will ever change that. You know that, right?” She avoided my question and continued fiddling with Kobra’s hair. 
“Of course we know that, Mother. But is something the matter?” I said again. Kobra is silent, leaning his head against Mother’s shoulder, seeming at peace in his current state. He never looked as calm as he did now. 
“Always remember that I love you, okay? You have to promise me that you’ll remember that.” She shifted and pulled me into her embrace and I laid my head on her shoulder. 
We sat there for many minutes, Kobra on one side and I on the other, in silence. With every passing moment, she held us tighter. She might have began to cry, but I couldn’t have been sure. 
Mother turns and kisses Kobra on the forehead, then turns to me and does the same. At this point, I see she truly is crying silent tears. 
Without another word, without a proclamation of her undying love for us, she stands swiftly and grabs the two bundles leaning against the door. 
“Mother, what are those bags for?” I asked, fearing her response. She held one bag in each hand and gave one to me and one to Kobra. She wiped away her tears with the heel of her hand and smiled softly. 
“This is all you’ll need,” Mother pushed the bags into our hands. Kobra watched with fear in his eyes. “It will get you out of the city and has enough provisions to last a week, maybe two. Then you will have to find a way to survive.” 
“What are you talking--” Mother cut me off. 
“Please don’t ask questions, just do as I say, alright?” She looked at Kobra who had begun to cry. He was barely ten years old and as fragile as a china doll. The tears that shone on his cheeks in the yellow lamp light and glossed his eyes made him look to be made of glass. 
Mother reached up and wiped away Kobra’s tears, who sniffled and fought all emotion though little was achieved. 
“Baby, please don’t cry. Everything will be alright.” She brought him to her chest and spoke through her own tears. 
“Mother, what is going on?” I ask, louder than before. 
“It isn’t safe here anymore, you’re not safe anymore.” Mother cups my cheek and thumbs at a lock of brown hair that I hadn’t bothered to brush away. “You’re going to leave the city, I have you these bags packed and ready. I have two more small sacks, you can take what you can carry.” 
“Leave the city?” I whispered in fear, my voice small and frail. “But how will we survive?” 
“You will find away, you always find a way.” She smiles weakly and stands, grabbing two bags from under the bed that I didn’t know was there. “Get changed, and be quick. There’s no time to waste.” 
Mother urged both Kobra and I to stand and we dressed in silence, pulling on our clothes we would wear to school. She looks at the bookshelf and picks items off. 
“Here, each of you take a bag. Take whatever you want, as long as you can carry it. Here, you’ll want your books. And your drawing supplies…” She trails off. “Inside of your sack I have a brand new sketchbook for you, you’ve asked for one for a while.” 
I tuck the books and supplies into the empty back and grab as many pens and pencils as I can get. A Bible goes in the bag too, as well as a photograph of my mother and father. 
“Mikey, don’t forget your bear.” She points to his bed. Kobra grabbed the little bear, gave it a tight hug, and stuffed it into his bag. 
When we gathered all we needed to, both Kobra and I had two full bags. Mother lead us to the front door and whispered hastily. 
“Go through the alleyways, don’t walk on the streets. Stay in the shadows. You’ll know the way out. And…” She pulls both us to her chest and sobs again. “And don’t forget that I love you, I love you both so, so much. Please, never forget that. You’re my babies, you always will be.” 
“I love you, Mother.” Kobra whispered into her hair. Her hair fell down past her shoulders in long waves, the first time I saw her wear her hair down in a long time. 
“I love you too, Mikey. And you, Gerard.” She kissed us both on the head. 
Pulling me aside, she slipped something into my hand. A pocket watch that no longer told time--a watch that belonged to my father. 
“Mother, this was Father’s watch. Why are you giving it to me?” I ask quietly. She frowns at the watch and sniffles. 
“You were right, darling. This whole time, about your father, you were right. They killed him.” She pushes it into the palm of my hand. “And they will kill you too if you don’t leave. You and your brother. That’s why you must leave the city.” 
“But this is our home.” 
“No, baby. No, it isn’t. It was never our home.” She brushes my hair out of my face and smiles. “But I want you to make yourself a home. I want you to make a new name, a new identity, and make your own home.” 
“Alright, Mother.” I said. I turned to the door where Kobra stood, and went to him. I turned to look at Mother. “Aren’t you coming?” 
She sniffled and shook her head. “No, I’m not coming. I can’t. But, Gerard, I want you to promise me two things.” 
“Yes?” I said. 
“I want you to protect your brother. Keep him safe, please. And… and always remember that I love you. I love you so much.” She looks down, no longer able to look me in the eye. 
“I will, Mother. I’ll protect him, and I’ll remember. I promise.” I held the pocket watch tighter. 
She came and embraced us both tightly, tighter than ever before. I felt her tears drip onto the fabric of my shirt. 
“I love you.” She whispered, words thick with emotion. 
She looked up, kissed us on the head again, and smiled weakly. 
“Go,” She whispered. “Go, and don’t look back.” 
I was fourteen years old the day I escaped the city. I was fourteen years old the last time I saw my mother. I was fourteen years old the day I was no longer a boy, but a man. 
Kobra was only ten years old, despite being three years younger than myself. His birthday that year hadn’t came around. He turned eleven somewhere in Zone Three. 
During the nights we slept close together, our bodies warm against the frigid desert temperature.
During the days we sweated under the sun, wondering how we had made it that far. 
Mother had packed a few Carbons, enough to get us to Zone Three. By then we were running scarcely low on supplies and Carbons. 
I had to figure out a way to get more Carbons, to protect Kobra. By then he had become Kobra and I had become Poison. We were no longer the boys we were in Battery City, those boys died when Mother opened the door that night. 
Those boys died in tears and yellow lamp light. 
For days I thought and worried about how to get Carbons, enough to buy at least some food. 
A woman came up to me, a woman whose face I will never forget. 
Tan cheeks and olive skin, blonde hair that fell in rings. Eyes that were black inkwells, though they were supposed to be blue. She smelled like sand and motor oil, but something sweet laced the two together. 
She touched my shoulder in the back of a rundown shop, muttering something about how strong I looked, how defined. She obviously looked past my sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks, my lips were chapped and my skin burned. 
The moment her hand touched my coat, I knew that I could find a way to make Carbons. I didn’t know how many Carbons, but surely enough to buy dinner for Kobra and myself. 
The woman and I made a deal, and I told Kobra I would be right back. I assured him I was fine and to stay in the store, I told him he was not to leave. 
The woman and I left to a place I do not remember where, but the dark room and tattered mattress was ingrained into my mind. 
That was the day I wasn’t innocent anymore, in more than one way. 
All my life I had aged faster than I was meant to. I was never a child, a true child. I never sat a drew scribbles, never cuddled my teddy bear under the covers and trusted he would protect me from the monsters under the bed. 
I was never afraid of the monster under my bed or the shadow in the closet, I knew those were just my imagination. But I knew there were real monsters in the world, but all the monsters looked just like everyone else. 
At times I couldn’t tell the difference between friend or foe because my mind told me that no one was to be trusted. They all wanted to hurt me. The only people I ever truly trusted was Mother, Father, and Kobra. One is dead, one is as good as dead. After we left in the middle of the night, I never saw my Mother again. I do not know what became of her--I do not know if she is even alive. 
There was something in me that died the day I was told my father wasn’t coming home, and something else when Mother sent us out to the Zones. 
Up until the day I met the woman with the inkwell eyes and blonde hair, I still had hope. 
Hope that one day everything would be better, hope that one day Kobra and I could go home, hope that one day we were truly safe. 
But when I fell against that mattress, when I felt the woman’s touch and felt both our sweat together, all hope was lost. 
My hope died the day that my innocence died. 
I didn’t tell Kobra what happened, not until years later. At the time, all he needed to know was that I made enough Carbons for us to have dinner for two nights, and maybe enough for him to pick a small trinket from the back aisle of the rundown store. 
I didn’t tell anyone, but the right people always knew. Maybe the woman told them, maybe something inside them urged them to me. 
I didn’t care, I didn’t want to know why they came to me. I didn’t want to know their names or their story, I didn’t want anything other than making enough Carbons so Kobra and I could live. 
Along the way I met many people. Many kind people, many loving people. 
People who showed me how to live, how to dance without a care, how to hotwire a car and do graffiti. 
Those people also saved my ass more than once. 
The people came and went, but two stayed around. 
One was a man named Jet Star, the other a man named Fun Ghoul. They became brothers to Kobra and I, just as we became brothers to them. 
We found a rundown diner somewhere in Zone Four and decided to call it home. Mother told me that night I was to make a new identity for myself and that I was to find myself a home. 
And I did. 
Over the years I became Party Poison, a nineteen year old anarchist who lived with three other guys in an old gas station. I became an artist, and a writer. I became the leader of a revolution of a cause that I didn’t quite understand but I was behind fully. 
I never told Kobra, or anyone for that matter,  what I had done with that woman and so many others all those years ago in order to survive until years later. 
I was ashamed of myself, ashamed that someone who once had hopes and dreams became as low as me. I admitted to myself, in the darkness of a room of a woman I did not know, that I was doing this to live. I didn’t want to do this, but I had to. I couldn’t let Kobra starve, I had to protect him. 
I will never forget the way Kobra’s face fell slack when I told him where I went and what I did with the woman with the inkwell eyes and blonde hair. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or ashamed or a combination of both. 
Ghoul, too, was angry. I had never seen him so angry before the day where I told him what I had done. I didn’t understand why he was, he had nothing to do with it. 
Jet was just silent. He never spoke of what he thought of my actions, instead keeping everything to himself. No matter how much I yelled or screamed or threatened him, he never told me. 
Maybe his silence was the worst of all. 
I do not speak of what I did with people whose names I do not know, most of whom whose faces I do not remember. I will not deny what I did to survive, but I do not willingly speak of my actions to anyone. 
I realize now, just as I did as I laid on the tattered mattress in a dim room, that I am not the boy I once was. I never will be him again, that boy is dead. 
A part of myself died with my father, a part of myself died with the boy I once was, and a part of myself died with every person I sinned with. 
All those people took something of mine, something I once cherished and would do anything to get back. Those people took my hope and my innocence. 
But as I look back now, realizing that everything ended up somewhat alright, I see that I am built of lies and sins. 
I committed acts I never should have, acts I never truly understood and still don’t. I was with those people in ways I never thought possible. 
I lied my way through many years, not telling Kobra where I got the Carbons we live of. I never told him why my lips always seemed swollen, or why I had bruises in the strangest of places. I never told him the horrible things I did to survive. 
I prayed so often during those times. I prayed for hours, speaking to a Man who never spoke back to me. I’ve been given signs and my faith has never faltered, but I fear I am no longer able to call myself a man of faith.
The sins I have committed were horrible, never once did I take any sort of pleasure from my acts. Sinful nature is all it was. Sinful nature that kept both Kobra and I alive. 
I prayed and prayed, fearing that because of what I had done, that I no longer had a Heavenly Father. I was not worthy to one day go to Heaven; Heaven is for pure people, I was not pure. 
But still, I prayed. 
And now, in the silence of the night as I lay curled on an old mattress in the diner, I think back to everything I have done to get to where I am now. 
I no longer have my innocence, nor my childhood hope, or even a will to live at points. I have tried to kill myself but I was never successful. I was too scared to leave Kobra alone, too scared to hurt him though I wanted nothing more than to die. 
Though I lost everything I once had and can never be the boy I was before, I know now that everything happened for a reason. I hate the reason, I hate it with a burning passion, but it was a reason. 
What that reason is, I don’t know. 
But looking at where I am now, I wouldn’t change a thing. 
* * * * 
Hello! I know that this a major stretch of what I normally do and I probably won’t write something like this again. For those of y’all who’ve read my writing before, y’all know that I have always incorporated religion into my writing and I did it again. Anyways, I hope y’all liked this.!! Comment your thoughts!!
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dime-smothied · 7 years
So I guess maybe I should at least introduce my OC’S before making a crap ton of random posts for them so here you go
Void: Undertale. She has powers of Time and space and gives the player the reset button when they finish the game. She’s book-smart, likes to study, and is caring toward her friends. Her weakness is she feels like she doesn’t belong. Team 2B
Sapphire: RWBY. She’s the heir of water and Earth so she has power over those elements. Her father wasn’t abusive, but he did hate her. Two of her villages were attacked, and her Mother (one of the only ones that actually loved her) died in the second battle. Her brother cares for her but is already living on his own. Team 2B
Siku: Fullmetal Alchemist. I’m not even going to explain her story. It’s way to complicated and has a crapload of Headcannon. So just know she’s an angel who killed her sister by accident and tried to bring her back, and because she did she was sent down to earth as punishment. Team 2B
Tinsel: Legend of Zelda. Everyone in two kingdoms (Hyrule and Botic) deid because long story short, her friend is emotional and mentally unstable and ended killing both kingdoms. Timeline crap and Viva la viva put into one boom. Team 2B
Cynessa: Harry Potter. She likes watching the rain fall on the windows. She just likes rain in general. She missed her first year at Hogwarts because of a traumatizing grim reaper attack. They’re usually good but this one went off the hook. She is in a family of Ravenclaw’s except for her father (muggle) and her younger sister (Hufflepuff) oh yeah she’s a princess. Team 2C
Heartshine: Not even going to attempt her story because like Siku’s, there’s a ton of Headcannon crap in there. She’s an alicorn (it’s not a Mary Sue her story will explain why this is okay) and she has two younger sisters. Ones a unicorn who can’t control her magic so she has to live in canterlot to contain it. The other is the CMC’s age and she was raised in the dark realm. More reason for that later. Team 2C
Topaz: Steven Universe. I CREATED HER BEFORE SEASON 4 FINALE! Also I believe in Steven Universe all fusions exist as an independent gem. Also in the episode where the gems go into space to save Greg, Pearl said their shapes are dependent on the environment. Topaz was an experimental forced fusion. They took to gems front the same location on the body and put them together. More Headcannon crap too. She’s scared of pineapples. Team 2C
Kyquizix: Minecraft. This one is self explanatory. She’s also an angel so that’s fun. She has a dog named Sunny. Also princess. She’s very optimistic and scared of Endermen and anything that resembles one. Team 2C
Emma: Ninjago. Purple Ninja of glass. Some people know who she is (you know who you are) and her personality is VERY similar to Karkat’s. She’s a twin with @nyanbacon’s character, Case. Team 2D
Sage: Undertale. Yes another one. This ones human. Her story is she did a genocide rout first and then went back and did pacifist with the “5 remembered” who are basically 5 people who remember what she did. (Void, Chara, Sans, Frisk, And Flowey) her eyes also change color according to her choices and realizations. Also she has a ghost following her so that’s nice. Team 2D
Anore: Gravity Falls. She’s a Neko, saying this now. She’s like 400 years older than she should be. She was the princess’s favorite servent and the princess looked a lot like Mabel. She immediately becomes attached. Her zodiac thing is a heart with ears and a tail. Team 2D
Quartz: Voltron. She’s a princess who got lost in space and the team is trying to help her get back. She has white glowing blood that heals too. The team believes she can’t do anything as a princess so she disguised herself as another hero named Arrow. Team 2D
Revera: Homestuck. She’s a fushia Blood, her symbol is Pluto, and she’s the witch of hope. She likes unicorns and art, artisticUnicorn, and she’s somewhat considerate. Team 2A
Bella: Miraculous Ladybug. Her Miraculous is her glasses, her animal is a bear and has stars for her timer. She called Ursa Moon. Bella is very smart and organized and is on the student council at her school. Team 2A
Roxanne: Camp Camp. Very accepting of yet questions things that branch out from them. Like literally everything at the camp. She’s there for dance camp. Team 2A
Poppy: Vocaliod(?). Cheerful and innocent. Except for the fact she has a freaking demon haunting her. She likes anything that has to do with transparency and dreams. Team 2A
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Who wants a reincarnation au?
As mentioned in the Halloween count down for Fate, I have a rencarnation au. Figured I’d put it out there so you can request for them in this au.
Artoria Pendragon:
She decends from a high ranking mage family that has been around for centruies
Although her sister Morgan is a far better mage than she is
She currently attends a private school in the English contryside, although later will studdy at the clock tower
So will her sister
They make an unstopable team
She’s a straight A student though
While her sister, Morgan, is very feminine and excells at mage craft, Artoria often struggles with feminine persuntes such as make up (Although she is fond of skin care) and prefers fencing to actual magic
As such she’s a member of her schools fencing team
Owns both the boys and girls uniform
Will switch between them depending on how she’s feelings
Most teachers don’t care but sometimes she gets yelled at for wearing the boys uniform
Highly gifted in classes surrouning English Litrature or the Dramatic Arts
Often auditions for the male roles
Although she doesn’t mind playing women
One year she played Lady Macbeth and got a standing ovation
Less talented in subjects like Maths
Due to her gentamanly manner she has gained many female admires due to her kindness and willingness to beat up a dude if he’s hassling someone
She also has many male admiries
However, most want to break her and make her into their little pet
We all know who I’m talking about right?
Friends with an Irish boy called Diarmuid
They form the gentamanly duo of the school
So many love confessions
This dude called Gil also likes to hang around them
It started as him trying to impress her but then he just kinda became apart of the group?
How did it even happen?
Unofrtunaly Artoria also has a few stalkers
Once again, we all know who I’m talking about?
At one point her father encouraged her to take their siduel but she declied as Morgan was a far better choice for the family head
I mean her magic is amazing guys
She’s a prodogy
In the future I see her becoming a teacher for both mage craft but also English and Swordplay
Even after graduating she continues her fencing as a hobby and travels to many locations with her two friends from school
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne:
His parents loved old knight stories, thus the name
While he isn’t much of a mage he finds magic facinating and found out about it by accident when he overheared Artoria talking to Morgan
That’s actually how they met
She made him swear on his life he wouldn’t tell and started hangging around him to make sure he didn’t
They became friends from there
His grades could be better but as long as he’s passing he doesn’t care
He’s actually very talented with words and writes rather romantic poetry
It makes Gil vomit
Artoria finds it sweet
He and Gil did not get along at all at first
You can’t treat Artoria like that damn it!
They eventually settle their diffrences
He palyed Macbeth alongside Artoria
And he was brilliant
Not as good as Artoria but still amazing
As stated before he’s one of the schools gentlemanly duo
Gets confessed to at least once a day
So gentle when he turns them down
People confess just to be tuned down so they can hear it
He’s so sweet
Has a crush on one of his upperclassmen for a few years
But she’s in a relationship
Don’t be that guy!
Actually has a rather nice singging voice
Yes he’s in a band
So many fangirls
Oh my god so many
In the future he persues his music career and gets signed rather quickly
Girls go crazy for him
Sells so well
Often uses his tours as an excuse to travel with his two friends
Okay he forces everyone to call him Gil because he thinks his actual name is stupid
Who calls their kids Gilgimehs and Enkidu (His little bro)
an archilogist and a mage thats who
His mother is an archilogist and his father a mage
While he did inherit some magic from his father his brother is far better at it
That’s why he studies at the clock tower and Gil doesn’t
Doesn’t have to many friends at first
He’s up himself who would want to be friends with that?
Very do you know who my father is
fuck off mate
Great at history man
Great at most classes
Straight A student
Feels the need to make up for his failue as a mage to his father
At first he was a creep and flirted with Artoria because he wanted to be the guy to tame the lion
Once they’re friends it turns into a huge joke
Now he kind of actually wants to date her? Maybe?
But he’s got a good thing going
A bit of a show off
This is where Diarmuid comes in
He’s like 80% of Gil’s impulse control
Joined a band and forced Diarmuid to join
He plays the drums
Lets him get out his agression
Can also play the guitar if needed
Not really interested in persuing a career in it though
Opens a restraunt instead
He themes it to babalon
His name is Gilgamesh might as well use it
It’s actually pretty sucessful
His first trip once out of school was a tour of all the areas that are recorded to be apart of Mesopatamia
Drags the others with him
This is all a huge joke to him
A member of an organised crime cindicate
Not much is known about them
He has a private tutor and rarely speaks to people outside his families circle
Very few friends
Thats about it
Lancelot du Lac:
Another famous mage family
Is tutored by his father for much of his life
He lives in a small town in France
Probibly like in Normandy or something
Met Artoria when he began studying in the Clock tower and the two became quick friends
Although he’s not apart of their trio when traveling he gets along rather well with the others
Although he does question Artoira’s friendship with Gil
Very talented at Mage craft
A bit of a perfectionsit
Might have a crush on Artoria but he’s not sure about if she likes him back
Or even is she likes guys for the matter
He’s a quiet dude and often prefres reading to going out drinking or anything with his freinds
And when he does go drinking with them he’s always the sober one that makes sure they don’t do the stupid shit they try to 
Artoria get down from that wall!
Gil don’t climb the tree!
Diarmuid I expected better from you
Honestly, he’s kinda just a good guy if a little nieve at times
Alexander the Great:
Yo, dude is popular with everyone
In school he’s kind of a history nerd
Loves history books
He was also a huge gamer
But he was popular because he was just so nice and cheerful most of the time
Not to mention he protected everyone!
Walk home all the people who feel scared
Seriously though
People come to him when they feel unsafe and he walks them home
Also flirts a lot
Pretty girls, cute and mature
Cute boys, he prefers them to be smol so he can pick them up easy but doesn’t mind if they aren’t
Just all the humans
You’re non-binary? He’s all about inclusion and acceptance you’re getting flirted with too!
He just loves everyone
(I mean he’s essentually canoncialy bi but I feel like he could be pan)
Once he graduates he enters his families buissness
They’re some really big company
And he becomes Jumin Han to C&R levels important
And what does he do with his money?
Spends it on others of course!
He’s a suagr daddy now
Most of the time it’s non romantic and non sexual sugar babies
But if he finds someone he likes he might persue something more with them
Just date the big guy, he’s a sweetie
Gilles de Rais;
Remember Artoria’s stalker?
This is him
He decends from a long line of mages
And studies abrawed at the English private school
Which is where he stalkes Artoria
He blood liniage intreegs him
Pendragon was an ancient king how can you not be facinated by a family sharing the name?
He’s very creepy
Later in life he gets involved in a murder and ends up in jail for life
Shirou Emiya;
....do I... Do I really need to write for him?
A half greek student at an Amrican public school
Got a big family
Her two older sister keep setting her up on blind dates
But the fact that she’s blind often turns people off dating her
Someone find her a nice partner
She doesn’t deserve this
Friends with a boy called Heracles who lives down the road from her
She got lost once and he helped her home
He’s actually rather sweet, if a bit short tempered
To bad he has a girlfriend right
Or well that’s how her sisters see it
She doesn’t talk to much
Enjoys scilence
Finds it easier to read
She’s obsessed with Homer’s epics and Greek mythology
It’s where she got her name from after all
She loves kids
Plans to go into child care in the future
His parents are imigrants to America
Their lives were hard but they don’t want his to be so they work so hard
Heracles is very thankful for this
He’s got a bit of an anger issue but he’s been working on it and he’s getting better!
You go baby! you got this
Not the best in schools
He struggles to read and pay attention in class
His girlfriend helps him study so he doesn’t fail
Speaking of girlfriends!
Meg is a sweet girl who’s family are pretty well off
Heracles often wonders why she’d pick a guy like him when she could have had so many guys
It’s a sweet relationship and they end up getting married after graduating
Cu Chulainn:
His parents were obsessed with Irish mythology
And he embraces his name! Unlike some other people we know
That’s right Gil!
Cu is judging you!
His family traveled around a lot when he was younger but they ended up setteling down in the English contryside
While he doesn’t attend school with the trio he sees them in town a lot
Its a small town
Where else will they go
Admires Artoria and Diarmuid and Artoria’s ability to be gentlemen
But also admires Gil’s ability to be a dick and somehow still get the ladies
Sometime he talks to them
Specificaly when they come to his families store
They run a magic/spiritual shop
What you thought this kid was normal?
He’s the rencarnation of the son of the god of fucking light
ain’t no way this kid doesn’t have some magic
On the topic of his magic
I have this headcannon that there is a magic like that we see him use in the anime but most don’t use it anylonger due to it being old and the need for fay blood to use it
Well guess who can use it
That’s right this mage family!
He’s rather talented in it but the style is looked down on most mage families as it’s viewed as primitive
Fuck you he’s gonna brun down your whole hose with one movement!
Cu is actually rather popular with them ladies
He’s a bit of a bad boy, ya know?
But as soon as he’s in a relationship boy is loyal
Although there are many temptations
Oh my pour child!
She needs a break
She get’s one
You don’t have to marry Jason in this life
Aphrodite can’t touch you here
Another mage
She studies at the clock tower and confesses her atraction to Artoria early in her first year of knowing her
Of course Artoria lets her down gently
They stay aqucainted
She’s extreemly talented
Prodogy child
But has a bad habbit of dating guys that are rather cruel
Someone get her a best friend to smack some sense into her
She ends up as a teacher at the clocktower when she graduates
Sasaki Koujirou:
His family runs a sword fighting school in Japan
They’re proud of their linigae
Claiming to be able to trace their family line back centuries
And that it’s full of amazing fighters
He’s a rather talented fighter and proud of his family name
Many of the people he attands school with admire his dedication
Another who get’s many confessions
He’s just so cool and colected
Hard to not get a crush on him
While he’s gone on a few dates with the people who confess to him he’s never felt a spark
he’s sure when he meets the one he’ll feel it
Belives very strongly in soulmates, you see
Spends most of his free time at home
His family are really traditional too, so no shoes in the house
He wears a kimono a lot
They own an old house too
Like the Emiya estate
So he speands a lot of his time doing things most would consider boring or useless today instead of say watching TV
Dude parctices calligraphy for fun
He’s pretty odd in that sense that at home it’s kind of like a diffrent century
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