#yes dear  ?   sweetheart  ?   my love   ?   my darling   ?   mine   ?
starlyhta · 2 years
honey 🐻
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“yes dear?”    🦎
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
hiiiii!!!! so i’m thinking of a velvette fic where u meet the vees after having dated her for a bit (a few weeks maybe). you hate them. you think they’re creepy and just assholes, even for being in hell. (you’re a bit more wholesome but yk still a sinner) like you just do NOT like the guys. you’re super worried abt velvette’s reaction to that fact so u try to sugar coat it but she’s just like “thank lucifer! i didn’t want them to be creepy bad influences on u!” and u’re both super relieved. i love her.
Heeyyyy I was wondering when you’d send in a Velvette request ☺️ you got it friend! Enjoyyyy~
TW: Val being a perv 😎 for like one second tho, Velvette gets a bit suggestive,?? Lots of cussing lol
The Only V For Me 💜
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“AAHHH!!! Darling, you’re finally here! How was the drive? How was the driver?” Velvette watches as you walk through the doorway of her studio, looking around with big doe eyes at all the bright lights and flashy outfits and really beautiful model demons.
“Velvette!” Before you can say anything more, she’s pulling you into a a deadly tight hug. “It was actually…like way too much, babe. You don’t have to do all that fancy shit for me, ya know? But…yes, it was really nice. Thank you.” Velvette offers you a cheeky smirk followed by a quick kiss to the cheek.
Your darling girlfriend snaps her fingers and yells out a command to one of her assistants. “You! Come here.” She makes a ‘come here’ motion with her finger as she turns her attention back to you, her lips upturned into a smile again, “Are you thirsty? Hungry? Anything you need, you tell her.” She points to her assistant who is now right at your side. “Anything my darling asks for, you get it.” She gives the worker an intimidating glare before winking at you.
“Let me show you around!” Velvette puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you along, pointing things out, explaining them. She is absolutely beaming with pride right now, glancing at you often to see your reaction. As you pass a mannequin clad in a really nice outfit, a gasp comes from Velvette. “Oh my! You know who would look absolutely stunning in this little number?” And now she’s flashing you this flirty grin and her bright red eyes are looking you up and down. Suddenly her smooth demeanor dropped as she grumbled under her breath a bit then sighed deeply.
“Oh, who am I kidding. With Vox and Val both here today, if I dress you in anything more appealing than what you’ve got on now, they will definitely try to steal you from me. You already look too cute…” This pulls a laugh from you but your laugh stops suddenly, stuck in your throat when you see how serious her expression is at the moment.
“Wait. What? What do you mean-“ And suddenly the doors swing open, slamming into the walls behind them as an extremely tall, blue-skinned individual with big red heart shaped glass quickly approaches Velvette, towering over both of you.
“WHERE THE HELL IS VOX?! I’ve been looking for that flat faced fuck all day.” He growls out and you take note of the fact that Velvette doesn’t flinch a bit. “Why the hell are you asking me? If he was here, you’d have found him already.” She snaps back and as the angry man before you was about to screech out another sentence, his expression softened rather quickly as his eyes fell on you.
“Why hello~ who do you have here? Wow! What a gorgeous creature you are. I’m Valentino. What’s your name, sweetheart?” One of his hands slips into yours and as he goes to lift your hand to his lips, Velvette pushes him so hard he nearly falls over.
“Their name is (Y/N), alright? And they are MINE. Now back off, Val.” She hisses in response, now tightly holding your hand, the hand that Val was holding just a second ago. “WHOO! Alright. My apologies, dear. Didn’t know this one was all yours. But I mean FUCK! They just have such nice lips! I mean, look at that mouth. You have the perfect pair of dick sucking li-“
Velvette shouts over him, “SHUT IT!!! You’re actually so vile. Get out of here, Valentino! You’re freaking out my babe.” She gives him another shove, making him frown angrily at her before he stomps off, probably punching a wall or kicking something over as he leaves. Oh, he definitely slams the door again too.
“Alrighty! Where were we?” Velvette seems to relax a bit more, going back to a more chipper and excited attitude as she again shows off all of her impressive work to you. She even got a few models to come do a little show just for you, all of them casually posing and showing off different outfits. Velvette kept asking your opinion, begging you to be ‘bloody honest’ with her.
“Oh, darling! You just have to come over one night and let me dress you up, just us two! Hmm~ I could dress you up and then maybe even…undress you again.” Just as your girlfriend started to flirt with you and as you started to feel more comfortable in this environment-
“Velvette! Happy Friday. Have you seen Val? I haven’t been able to reach him all day. I’m-“ The strong, electric voice that sounded from behind you two made you jump a bit and brought a frightening grimace to Velvette’s face.
“Oh~ Hello. (Y/N), right? Pleased to meet you! I was wondering when our precious like Velvette was gonna bring her play thing over. I’m Vox, creator of Voxtech. You know, on the late night talk show…and the morning talk show. I’m also the news anchor.” He doesn’t really offer you his hand, he more so just reached out and grasps your hand in his, giving it a rapid shaking.
His grip on your hand hurts a bit and the smug smirk on his face makes you somewhat intimidated by him. Vox just…gives you the creeps even more than Valentino did and he basically verbally assaulted you. Before you can even come up with a response to him-
“Yes, yes, yes. Everyone knoWS WHO YOU ARE, YOU PRICK. NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” And now Velvette looks kind of scary, like so pissed off and annoyed that she looks like she could actually kill someone right now. The someone preferably being Vox. Her bright red eyes glow with rage and irritation, her pretty lips now turned into a deep scowl.
As she yells in his face, his expression drops to one of annoyance and exhaustion. “Where’s Val?” Velvette groans before responding. “You’ve got to be fuckin kidding me! He just left, looking for you. Look on your stupid little cameras and find him and go tell him to STOP SLAMMING MY DOORS OR IM GONNA-“
Not that Velvette scared you but…she looked pretty upset right now and her yelling is enough to put anyone into a slight panic. So you slip you hand around her bicep, gently pulling her tense arm back a bit so you could comfortably slide your hand down to hers, interlocking your fingers. Her words stopped in their tracks, your tender touch almost making her flinch. Her head whipped around and she looked at you for a good few seconds, a smile slowly growing on her lips. She turns back to the screen-faced man, her smile not faltering this time.
“Off you go.” Velvette quite literally shoos him away with a wave of her hand as her other hand snakes its way around your waist and back until her arm is fully wrapped around you and you’re pressed into her side. She turns her back on Vox, determined to keep her full attention on you for the rest of the day. You’re too distracted by her embrace to notice if Vox had even left or not.
You clear your throat. “Babe…?” “Yes, love?” “Don’t get mad.” You look at her with a serious expression, causing her to blink in confusion. “Mad at you? Never. What’s on your mind?” Velvette pulled away from you for just a second then she faced you and held both your hands in her own.
“I feel…extremely uncomfortable here. Specifically, with Valentino and Vox. I-I…I’m sorry I just…I don’t like them…very much…they scare me.” Velvette chuckles before you can finish your sentence and you’re not sure if you should be relieved or even more worried. Suddenly, she pulls you into a tight hug, her hands rubbing big circles all over your back.
“Ugh, I’m so terribly sorry, darling. Truly, I figured those two would be busy on a Saturday, too busy to be bothering us already.” She turns her head to kiss your cheek then pulls you in even closer. “Fuck! I’m actually so relieved you said that. Those two are so terrible…truly, irresponsible! I mean it when I say I’m the backbone of the Vs okay? Those two pussies would fall apart in a matter of hours without me! Ugh they can’t even keep it together for one day!” “Babe…” You try to calm her again, seeing how worked up she gets having to constantly deal with her work partners.
With her attention solely on you, she softly says, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. What do you want to do next, hm? We can go somewhere. Anywhere. Just say the words.” Her long fingers gently graze the skin of your cheek, causing you to become a bit flustered. It’s almost baffling how she can be so cold and cruel to everyone around her except you. You were her only weakness, and she doesn’t mind one bit. She loves you endlessly. She wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in Hell.
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nmakii · 2 months
Yan Alastor when he sees his kids arrive in hell? The family is soon to be back together again!!? I need some angst! The family drama is crazy, and im all for it.
Also i hope you’re doing okay! Sending you some supportive vibes!! Remember to take care of yourself and take breaks!
Ps: Al would totally forgive his daughter of his death and compliment her daughters aim.
[you should prob read the story first!]
— reunited with your children years after your death, something strange happened.
hello, nonnie!! im doing well as long as u guys r enjoying this story 🥰💕
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beloved mother, wife, and daughter
resting beside her love, may her soul find his in the afterlife
if you tried to be optimistic, hell wasn’t so bad. you never had to worry much for the exterminations. nor, did you have to worry about being harassed on the streets of hell by various sinners. after all, alastor was there to protect you.
but despite that, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t tear you down to make you compliant.
you sat in a corner of alastor’s broadcast tower as he brutally tore apart another overlord. and as he went off the air, he turned to you. “are you enjoying yourself, my doe?” he asked. “i don’t understand why i have to be here…” you said, mentally hurling from his new pet name. “you’re so delicate, my love. one trip and you could break! i have to be there to make sure you’re well at all times.” he cooed to you. “stop patronizing me, alastor. i won’t let you take away my dignity.” you glared at him. “darling, i may not own your soul. but, you are still my wife. you are mine, understand?” he explained, walking to you.
you didn’t respond to him, refusing to let him degrade your self worth. to this, he grew angry— grabbing you by your jaw and scalp, his claws scratching against your porcelain skin, lovingly yet still rough, as if he thought it was for your own good. “i said, do you understand?”
his face came close to your’s as he kept a tight grip on your hair, waiting for your answer. your fight or flight response was sending signals and going haywire as you tried to pull away from his touch. “yes— gh, let go of me, alastor. please…” you begged as he finally let go. “good girl.”
and just then, an awfully convenient knock came from the door. a man with lamb-like features peered through the door. “and, who might you be?” alastor raised an eyebrow to the man. “so it’s true… d-dad..! it’s me!” the familiar voice said. could it be?
“noah— is that you..?” you asked. you hoped it wasn’t him, that he didn’t end up in hell. but at the same time, you wished to see your son one more time so badly. “momma, it’s me!” he smiled, hugging you and alastor tightly. “ah, my boy…” alastor sighed. “you’re so much older than your old man now, huh?” he remarked. but then, it hit you, he was dead.
“wh— dear, what happened, how did you die?” you asked. “killed in action, ma. guess i should’ve just retired already…” he joked. “oh, my son…” alastor grinned.
and things were normal— at least, as normal as they could be with your deranged husband. things stayed as they were for 13 years.
when rumor spread of a mysterious man-eating sinner— she uses them to build her power, and then she drops them like dirt trash. she’s amassed so much power, she’s certainly a threat to alastor’s power. if he couldn’t get rid of her, perhaps he could keep her under his thumb.
“well, how do you do, sweetheart? alastor, pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure! this over here is my darling wife!” alastor introduced both him and yourself to the older woman with features that resembled a coyote. “alastor..? is that you, dad?” the honey-like voice asked.
alastor’s eyes had widened as he realized the woman in front of him. “little emi, is that you?” emilia reached out to hug the both of you. she aged beautifully, still as charming as she was the day you died.
“oh, my pretty girl, you’ve made quite the name for yourself down here in hell, hm?” alastor grinned at his daughter. “i learned from the best!” she laughed back.
and as they conversed, you felt like an odd man out. as if alastor was talking to his own clone. given, she is her father’s daughter after all.
“darling! our little emi is here, our little family is reunited at last.” alastor grinned to you. “this calls for a celebration, don’t you think? why don’t we have a special dinner tonight?” he suggested. by his tone, the only thing you could think of would be that he wants to have another sinner served on the dinner table. “i-i don’t know…” you shook your head in disagreement. “now don’t be such a negative nancy!” he laughed. “i’ll cook a feast tonight!” he declared, taking emilia to your home in hell.
and, just as you suspected, he served the flesh of a fellow overlord, fillet mignon style. “come now, dear, eat!” alastor said, encouraging you to take a bite. “no thank you… i’m not hungry.” you frowned, shaking your head. alastor looked frustrated as you denied him. “eat.” he said, shoving the meat into your mouth.
you felt sick. but, as he shoved it down your throat, you had no choice but to swallow. “delicious, isn’t it?” he asked. your stomach churned, the guilt settling in your gut. it tasted disgusting. but, as much as you wanted to protest, you were scared of what he’d do if you disagreed. “yes… it is— delicious.” he grinned. “lovely.”
and so, your family dynamic had returned to as it had 47 years ago. back to normal… that is, until that odd day.
you woke up in your bed, as per usual. and, there was a note where alastor should be. not that you weren’t grateful he wasn’t there though.
‘leaving for a sabbatical, you know overlord work! i’ll be home very soon, my doe. kisses and love.
~ A’
sabbatical, huh? he’ll be gone for quite a while, a year at most? and, without alastor, you’re free. it felt as if breathing fresh air for the first time. even if just for a year or so, you won’t have to be on his leash anymore. all would be well now, right?
but with your freedom, alastor’s protection was gone. sinners started to harass you. and without the company of emilia, you could do nothing but withstand it.
this is all apart of being free. might as well enjoy it until alastor returned, right? make the most of the year.
or, seven years.
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desafinado · 1 year
★彡 *•.♡ calling them a term of endearment
can i call you mine, and can i call you my lover?
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°。⋆ self-indulgent, fluffy fluff, swearing, a bit suggestive
°。⋆ alhaitham, diluc, kaveh, xiao x reader (wc:)
note: diluc’s is kinda diff bc idk i just melt every time i write him sdjfkdsjfsdf hes such a gentleman but soft i wanna spoil bb boy… also if you think pet names or cheesy or some shit or whatever this is obviously not for u, talk to the wall this is my blog
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alhaitham ♡
“yes, baby?”
you settled into his lap getting a bit more comfortable, but it seemed like alhaitham had frozen into place. you had been dating for a month or so, and yes he’d often call you “dear”, but a term of endearment coming from you? and that term being “baby”? he wasn’t expecting that at all.
“i–uh. book.”
that was all he could mutter, completely forgetting what he was saying, thinking even. you giggled at the sight before you, a taken aback, nervous, and speechless alhaitham; lucky for you, you’d be the only one who got to see it. you snuggled into his chest before teasing him a bit further.
“yes, baby, what about the book?”
there it was again, “baby”. it was going to be the death of him for sure.
“baby? what… what’s the meaning of this?” you weren’t going to let him off so easily, you were gonna savor this while it lasted. “babies are humans at infancy, you know, the first stage of–”
“stop teasing for my sake, please.” he let out an exasperated sigh while you just giggled at his agony. you could get used to this, if this was gonna be the reaction every time. “okay, okay, fine. there’s no reason actually. i just wanted to call you baby, and i think i’m gonna start calling you that more often.”
“i’ll allow it.” he says a little too quickly, and you know he for sure approves as well.
“hmm… but no reason you say?” you hum in approval as he shifts so that his head rests on your shoulder. you close your eyes melting into the warmth he provided; that moment of peace was short lived, however, as he started leaving kisses on the sensitive spots of your neck.
“haitham..! y-you know i’m sensitive there!”
“i know, baby, but i just felt like it. you’re acquainted with the feeling aren’t you?”
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diluc ♡
“what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
you were sitting by the window, gazing out into the vineyards of the dawn winery. it was obvious that something was running through your mind by the tense look on your face. you shook your head for a moment, before returning his gaze.
“it's nothing really. just thinking of a term of endearment for you.” you got up from your seat to approach, cup his cheeks oh so tenderly. “sweetheart, darling, honey? you have so much for me, yet i haven’t the slightest clue what to call you.” 
to think that diluc had so much affection and adoration for you, but you couldn’t even think of some cute nickname to call him. everything either felt too cheesy or too formal, but whatever he called you seemed to be just right.
“you know, whatever you might call me, i know i’ll love. you could call me a grape for all i care, and i’d still be head over heels for you.” he snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you all the more closer. he couldn’t be serious, could he?
“i’m serious, diluc! i wanna call you something that does you justice. something i could address you in letters, call you in public; something that’ll let everyone know you’re mine.”
he looks up in thought for a second, trying his best to help you out. “sugar?” “too cheesy.” “dear?” “too basic.” “... that’s all i’ve got, darling, i’m sorry.”
an idea finally pops into your head, though, something you should’ve seen earlier.
“what about beloved? because you know… i love you dearly, a-and you’re my…'' after all this time, you still find your heart racing when referring to diluc as your lover, but that only lends the nickname more points. his smile becomes a happy one, giving you a gentle peck on your heated cheeks.
“it’s perfect, beloved, and just so you know, i love you too, and you are my one and only lover.”
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kaveh ♡
“kaveh, my love, could you pass me the salt?”
kaveh does as he’s told, but not without a shocked look on his face. you look up from the dough you’re mixing to see the look on his face, raising an eyebrow in response. was he not aware that you could put salt in cookies?
“love? you called me your love!!?” he was practically singing praises. you didn’t realize it meant that much to him, but you were pleased by his reaction nonetheless, a faint chuckle escaping your lips.
“is it that groundbreaking?” you genuinely doubted if he perceived you as unromantic, but you were also aware he had the tendency to be dramatic. his lips calmed down to a sheepish smile.
“it’s nothing like that, i didn’t mean to offend you. it’s just that i’ve been waiting for you to call me one, since we’ve been together.” he hugs you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“i see, i apologize if you had to wait long.” you felt a pang of guilt hit you, knowing he felt that way, but you felt him lightly shaking his head. “no, no, no. i wanted it to happen naturally, and the way you said it just earlier just felt… right.”
once it was time to put them in the oven, he still clung onto you as if you’d evaporate the moment he let go. you could never turn down his physical affection, but this was shaping up to be a bit difficult.
“kaveh… it’s a bit hard to put them in the oven without burning myself if you don’t let go.”
“really now? i’ll let go if you say the magic word.”
“hah. you’re really running with it, aren’t you?”
“magic words, love.” he earned a sigh from you before you finally gave into his desires.
“let go for a second, would you, my love?”
“of course, my love, but once those cookies are in the oven, you’re mine for the next fifteen minutes.”
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xiao ♡
xiao was already in disbelief from the fact he had somehow won your affection, and was living a pleasantly romantic relationship with you. this, however, was a whole new level of domesticity.
“i’m sorry, can you repeat that?”
“if i call out dearest, while referring to you of course, will you be able to hear me and come to my aid?” maybe it was silly of you to ask, but you were genuinely curious. 
“i… why would you refer to me as dearest?” he was still trying to wrap his head around this whole thing.
“because you’re my dearest? it’s a term of endearment.” you’re sure he’s heard of pet names throughout his years on liyue, so you weren’t quite sure why he was being so naive about it.
“i know that, i just– you really want to call me that?” you nod simply, taking his hand into yours, rubbing circles into his palm.
“if it makes you uncomfortable, i won’t bring it up again. i just thought it would be a cute way of addressing you, calling for you.” there’s some disappointment in your voice, but you genuinely did not want to overstep any boundaries he wasn’t ready to cross.
“no, i love it.”
he squeezes your hand, starting up into your eyes. that look he gave you, full of affection and love, made you weak.
“are you sure? you really don’t–”
“no, i’m sure. i love it, and i’ll be there the moment you call.” there’s a pure and bright smile painted across his face, and you’ve never been more in awe. 
“g-great, that’s great!” you stutter out, not really expecting him to accept it so wholeheartedly so quickly. the space between you falls into a comfortable quiet, though you feel a wave of shyness wash over you.
“you can call me other names too, whatever you like. i’ll always be there, okay?” you nod timidly, afraid to make a fool out of yourself any further; xiao’s smile grows wider.
“hmm, then it's settled. you shall call me your dearest as you are mine, isn’t that right, my darling dearest?”
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please do not repost on other sites.
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misterbartender · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 11 x Dark! Caster Reader Intro Banter
(Gender Neutral)
The Reader in this scenario will be a Dark Caster (a dark witch/wizard/warlock/sorcerer/etc..) paired with Mortal Kombat 11 characters. Yes, retconned Sindel will be used here because I thought it would be better for this scenario.
Kombatants: Kano, Erron Black, Skarlet, Shang Tsung, Sindel, Johnny Cage, Cassie Cage, Noob Saibot/Bi-Han
Warnings: (Some suggestive themes) not proofread
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KANO: I intend to make a fortune by taking your head.
Y/N: And I intend to make you my slave.
KANO: (with a filthy, smug grin) Kinky.
Y/N: Like hell I would let you tear out my organs.
KANO: Oh there’s another way I can rearrange your guts, love.
Y/N: ...How big is that knife?
Y/N: So you are the head of The Black Dragon? How filthy.
KANO: And dangerous, love. You’d also make a fine Black Dragon.
Y/N: Hmm bet I can tame you then. (smirks)
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ERRON BLACK: You casted a hell of a spell on me darlin’.
Y/N: And now you’re mine, cowboy.
ERRON BLACK: You’re wicked… I like that. (smirks)
Y/N: How much is on my head, Erron Black?
ERRON BLACK: Billions, and I won’t quit just ‘cause you have a pretty face.
Y/N: Glad we’re on the same page, pretty boy, I’ll make you plead for mercy.
ERRON BLACK: I could take you out for a ride ’round Outworld.
Y/N: I’m more interested in the “save a horse, ride a cowboy” deal.
ERRON BLACK: (tips hat with a smirk) Say no more sweetheart.
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SKARLET: So much power running through those veins.
Y/N: I could give you a taste, Skarlet.
SKARLET: And more?
Y/N: Join me, Skarlet, and I will teach you the secrets of Blood Magic that not even Shao Kahn knows.
SKARLET: You think I would betray Shao Kahn as one of his daughters?
Y/N: He has been holding you back, my dear.
Y/N: That hunger of yours can also be a weakness.
SKARLET: Blood has made me powerful. (narrows eyes)
Y/N: With my powers, you will feel hunger no more.
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SHANG TSUNG: Together with our powers, we could be ruling the realms.
Y/N: And how will I know you will not betray me?
SHANG TSUNG: Only a fool would do that to a beautiful creature like you.
Y/N: Are you here for my soul, Shang Tsung?
SHANG TSUNG: Only your heart, Y/N.
Y/N: It is black as the darkest of nights.
SHANG TSUNG: I could give you anything you desire.
Y/N: For what price?
SHANG TSUNG: You, by my side.
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SINDEL: The great Dark Caster.
Y/N: Beautiful as you are wicked.
SINDEL: Coming from you, that is the highest praise one could receive.
Y/N: You’re still with that oaf?
SINDEL: He is far greater than that weakling Jerrod.
Y/N: If I come back with his head, will that sway you?
Y/N: Well well, Empress Sindel (turns around and smiles)
SINDEL: Kneel. (smirks)
Y/N: I do not kneel. But I can provide other...services...if you wish, my lady.
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JOHNNY CAGE: Are you the bad kind or the sexy kind?
Y/N: Both. (smirks)
JOHNNY CAGE: Woo! Well I’m in trouble.
JOHNNY CAGE: So uh... did you use a broomstick to get here?
Y/N: Cage, we do not all use brooms.
JOHNNY CAGE: Well if you need one, you can ride mine.
Y/N: That power you possess comes from a line of powerful warriors.
JOHNNY CAGE: Awesome-ness is in my blood.
Y/N: I’ll gladly take it from your hands you arrogant fool.
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CASSANDRA CAGE: So… are we playing Light as a feather, stiff as a board?
Y/N: (rolls eyes) Just like your father, living in your movies.
CASSANDRA CAGE: Maybe I should start calling you Nancy Downs
Y/N: So you’re the one that defeated Shinnok?
CASSANDRA CAGE: Impressed? Or scared that you’re next in line for an ass kicking?
Y/N: Oh but you stand before a beast far greater than Shinnok by many levels.
CASSANDRA CAGE: Come on, stop with the villain shit so we can go out.
Y/N: Negative, darling, wreak havoc with me.
CASSANDRA CAGE: Is that really all you do?
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BI-HAN: Come join us in the darkness.
Y/N: My time above is not yet over, Bi Han.
BI-HAN: We will conquer it together with our army of shadows.
Y/N: The dark is where I belong, in the end.
BI-HAN: The shadows yearn for your touch.
Y/N: The touch of death?
BI-HAN: There is only room for one force of darkness.
Y/N: Me. Now go home to your brother.
BI-HAN: You know nothing!
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 8: how sweet...
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -FLUFF-
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Alastors POV:
Ever since that day, the day I came to terms with the fact that I am indeed infatuated with y/n its driving me crazy. why couldn't she just push me away, why didn't she deny my feelings, I feel weak...
your POV:
well last night was quite the shit show. I almost got raped, angel might pay for it later, and Alastor just confessed he loves me. what do I even do with myself, god my head hurts what was in those drinks. with a groan I get up heading to the bathroom to freshen up, it was a Saturday and I was feeling lazy so tank top and shorts it is. after changing I take a moment to look at myself, for a demon I look so....pathetic?, I really gotta learn how to defend myself, maybe ill ask vaggie later.
walking to the lobby I see Alastor on the arm chair with a book, husk at the bar, and angel flipping through channels on the TV. Alastor spots me and I stiffen, my face heating up remembering what happened last night, "good morning my dear" "oh uhh good morning, what are you guys doing?" I plop on the couch beside angel "ehh its my day off and my fucken head hurts" I roll my eyes "what happened to gotta start off strong" angel shoots me a scowl "I'm not one for weak alcohol like you~" "sounds like a you problem" "oh you little-" "ehem" looking at alastor he shoots angel a warning look, I try to hold in a laugh maybe having creepy deer man at my side isn't to bad "anyways I was going to go out for a walk to visit a dear friend of mine and would like for you to attend if you would like" "well I wasn't planning on doing anything today so why not" "wonderful dear tell me when your ready to go and we shall be off" as alastor leaves I avert my gaze back to angel as he throws me a suspicious look "what?" "what are ya giving smiles under the table or somethin, he never invites people out" with a flustered face I yell "angel!!!!" "what!? just sayin no need to get your panties in a bunch~" "whatever..." angel cackles as I walk away heading back to my room to get dressed. once again tearing up my closet I settle on a white sweetheart neckline puffy sleeved dress, brushing my hair and ears I hear a knock on the door, opening its alastor "hello my dear are you ready to go?" "yes!" "wonderful" heading to the hotel doors I turn back to angel who smirks doing a jerking off motion, I just flip him off I we both leave.
walking the streets of hell once again I notice that demon stray away from us, leaving the sidewalk free of any sinners blocking the path, damn just how scared were these people of Alastor, noticing him staring down at me "whats the matter?" "nothing cher you just look nice today" oh that's a new nick name "thank you but, were are we going?" "well none other then one of my favorite places in all of hell!" with a curious look I see a sign that says cannibal town written on it "cannibal town? Al am I going to get eaten" I joke seeing the people all around before watching a man get mangled and eaten, wait a damn minute- "I assure you cher nobody will eat you with me here" lovely.... "o-ok" I say trying to ignore the fact somebody literally got eaten alive in front of me, aside from that the town looked nice, don't get me wrong the people are terrifying but this is the most well managed place if seen thus far, its mostly just chaos down here. "there's somebody I would like you to meet, I'm sure she will love you~" walking into a place called Rosie's Emporium, it had nice dresses and is that- body parts!!?, suddenly a tall pale woman wearing a long dress and a large hat with feathers comes pushing past the crowed "alastor? alastor!!!, were have you been iv missed you" "hello Rosie, good to see you doing well" as she grabs him and hugs him she looks to me as I awkwardly wave "Alastor whos this lovely lady, introduce me will ya" "ah yes y/n dear this is Rosie one of the most darling and dangerous overlords this side of the pentagram!" "oh no need for such flattery~" "Rosie this is y/n a resident at charlies hotel" "oh hello, its nice to meet you" "my my she's a cutie!" "Rosie you don't mind if she picks though some of your lovely dresses" "oh of course, any friend of alastors is a friend of mine" "wait what-" "cher why don't you look through these lovely dresses at her shop I'm sure you will find something you like" "I- are you sure?" "yes, me and Rosie will talk for a bit, pick anything you like~" "oh uhm alright!"
Alastors POV:
sitting on one of Rosie's tables she hands me a cup of bitter coffee as we talk "well alastor its not everyday you bring a lady to my place~, who is she?" "we need to hang out less dear" she lets out a little laugh, "she's a shy one, quite a lucky girl aswell, it takes a lot to gain the likes of you" glancing at y/n looking through the dresses "she's quite interesting, and I don't know why..." "well your all googly eyed for her so I presume you love her" unconsciously some static cracks through my voice as I speak "love is a strong word don't you think?" "sounds like your in denial~" "I'm not in denial!, this is just a new form of interest" "I think this is good for you, she seems like bright girl. you guys haven't done anything yet hmm?" I give her a glare before averting my gaze elsewhere sipping my coffee "ohh~?" "nothing serious so don't get your hopes up" nothing serious yet, the truth was that kiss tasted sweet, it stir something in me, and I don't like sweet things. so why do I want more...I need more, I need another taste.
your POV:
looking at the clothing racks of dresses they were all old fashioned, not that it was a bad thing but not my style, I still looked around anyways setting my sights on a nice red and white dress, it had a high neckline with the top half being white and the bottom a deep red color. the sleeves were puffy, taking it off the rack I hang it over my arm "uhh Rosie you don't mind if I try anything on right?" turning her attention from there conversation "of course dear try on anything ya like, the dressing rooms are in the back!" I give her a smile as I hurry on back, looking at the dress I see there was buttons along the sides wear you slip it on, stepping into it I button them on, walking out I look at myself in the mirror, giving it a spin it looked pretty but the waist is a bit tight...seeing alastor in the mirrors reflection I turn "alastor you scared me for a second" "sorry cher I didn't intend to scare you, found something you like?" "I don't know I feel silly..." "nonsense you look wonderful" grabbing my hand he spins me earning a giggle "red is truly your color" "say the one who wears nothing but red" "well then I suppose we match don't we~" "can I have this one?" "of course, why don't you change and ill get it for you" "thank you Al" "anything for you my dear" running off to change I come back out with the dress in hand as we walk back to the front with Rosie "well take this one Rosie" "oh what a lovely choice you made, I'm sure this looked beautiful on you" "how much will that be?" "don't worry about it its on the house!" giving a wide smile she waves it off "thank you so much!" "yes thank you again Rosie" "anything for a friend, after all you've never done me wrong before~" packaging the dress in a nice bag she hands it to me with a card, "if you ever need some dresses don't hesitate to pay me a visit" she said with a wink and I nod with a wide smile.
Alastors POV:
it does my dead heart good to see her smile, to know I caused that smile, oh she had no idea what she's done to me. "y/n dear why don't we walk back to the hotel, wouldn't want to make Charlie worried" "oh yes!" I wave off Rosie finding her much needed advice quite useful "did you enjoy yourself cher?" "most defiantly!, I can see why you like this place" "yes it takes me back to my time were things were much simpler" "I wish I could live in this time, it was...nice" "glad you think so".
back at the hotel we walk in as it was already starting to get late, I walk her back to her room "consider this a date, I would love to take you out more cher" seeing a shade of red on her cheeks makes me feel giddy, taken out of my thought she suddenly gives me a hug, surprised I return her affectionate gesture hearing a small mumble from her "thank you alastor, it means a lot" "anything for you darling, now sleep well, don't let the nightmares' haunt you, that's my job~"
eat eat eat this up please because I pray you love this chapter as much as I didddd!!!! Rosie is my everything!!!! and are we gonna talk about last weekend were I woke up to 99+ NOTIFICATIONS!!!! I love you guys so much I could cry have a wonderful day/night lots of hugs
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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Anothet Retro fic would be awesome!
Sleepy (Vox x Retro!reader)
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Word Count: 3303
CW! Fluff. That’s it. That’s all it is- OKAY FINE there’s some suggestive content, and making out towards the end but that’s it. It’s mostly wholesome fluff this time I swear.
"Good morning," Vox said, walking into his office. He saw me sitting in my usual chair, with my clipboard and pen, doodling absentmindedly. His grin widened as he leaned in close, his bright red eyes locking onto mine. "How's my favorite little darling doing?"
"Mmn..." | mumbled, slumping in my chair a little. My eyes were closed, and I was clearly nodding off, caught in that hazy space between sleep and wakefulness.
He chuckled, clearly amused by my sleepy state. He walked over and put a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me. "Well, well, someone's struggling to stay awake, aren't they?"
"...Vox?" I asked, squinting up at him through bleary eyes. My mind was still foggy, and I was having trouble shaking off the grogginess.
"Yes, my dear?" he said softly, his hand moving from my shoulder to gently cup my chin, tilting my face up to meet his gaze. He chuckled again, enjoying my tired, befuddled state.
"Mmnnph," | groaned, leaning into his touch and closing my eyes again. "Mm'tired."
He couldn't help but laugh softly, finding my tired, clingy behavior utterly endearing. His thumb traced gentle circles on my cheek. "Looks like someone could use a nap, hmm?"
"Yes please," | mumbled, a small, sleepy smile forming on my lips.
His quiet laughter filled the room, his amusement evident as he continued to stroke my cheek. His other hand moved to ruffle my hair gently. "Aww, you're such a sleepy little thing, aren't you? It's adorable."
"Can I please have a nap?" | asked quietly, nuzzling my face against his hand.
"Please? I promise I won't be long..."
He chuckled at my innocent, sleepy pleading, his affection for me palpable. "Of course, sweetheart. Go ahead and take a nap. I promise I'll try not to wake you up."
"Mm... thank you," I mumbled, curling up in my chair. My eyes closed, and I began to drift off again, feeling safe and loved.
"You're welcome, my dear."
As I drifted off to sleep, I felt myself slipping into that comforting void where the world around me faded away. My body relaxed completely, slumping deeper into the chair. Every now and then, I'd shift a little, murmuring softly to myself. The words were a jumble, a mix of incoherent mumbling and surprisingly clear phrases, each one a tiny window into my dreaming mind.
Vox watched me with a soft smile, his amusement and affection evident. He couldn’t help but find me utterly adorable, all curled up and vulnerable. He leaned in closer, his bright red eyes with their slitted cyan pupils tracking every little movement I made. Every time I mumbled something, he would tilt his head slightly, listening intently, trying to catch any recognizable words.
“Vox…” I murmured softly, my lips curling into a faint smile even in sleep.
Vox’s smile widened at the sound of his name on my lips. He reached out and gently stroked my hair, his fingers brushing through the strands with tender care. The gesture was meant to comfort, to ensure I stayed in that peaceful, trusting state.
“What are you dreaming about, my love?” he whispered, knowing I couldn’t hear him but feeling the need to speak anyway.
“Mmn… Voxxy…” I mumbled again, my mind clearly still filled with thoughts of him. I shifted a little, curling up tighter in the chair, seeking warmth and comfort.
Vox chuckled quietly, finding my sleep-talking both endearing and amusing. He continued to stroke my hair, his touch gentle and soothing. He wanted to make sure I was as comfortable as possible. He adjusted the blanket draped over me, tucking it around me snugly to keep me warm.
He noticed the way my breath hitched for a moment before evening out again. My lips moved slightly, forming words that were just on the edge of coherence. “Dinner… gumbo…” I murmured, and he couldn’t help but laugh softly at the mundane nature of my dream.
His hand moved to my cheek, his thumb gently tracing the curve of my face. “You really are something else, my dear,” he said softly, his voice filled with affection. He watched as I nuzzled into his touch, even in my sleep seeking the comfort of his presence.
I mumbled something else, too soft for him to catch. Vox leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. He loved these little moments, the snippets of my dream world that I shared unknowingly.
“Vox…” I whispered again, my voice filled with such trust and love that it made his heart swell.
He couldn’t resist. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “I’m here, darling,” he whispered. “I’m always here.”
I smiled softly in my sleep, as if his words had reached me even in my dreaming state. My fingers twitched slightly, as though seeking out his hand. Vox noticed and gently took my hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“You’re so precious,” he murmured, his eyes soft with adoration. He couldn’t take his eyes off me, finding each little movement, each murmur, absolutely captivating. He adjusted the chair slightly, making sure I was as comfortable as possible. The way I trusted him so completely, how I felt safe enough to fall asleep in his presence, filled him with a deep sense of love and responsibility.
“You really have no idea how much you mean to me,” he whispered, even though he knew I couldn’t hear him.
As I continued to sleep, I mumbled his name once more, a contented smile playing on my lips. Vox’s heart melted at the sound, and he leaned in to kiss my forehead again, his touch feather-light so as not to wake me.
“Sleep well, my dear,” he said softly, watching over me with unwavering attention. He returned to his desk, but his focus kept drifting back to me, lying there so peacefully. He knew it would be a long afternoon, but he didn’t mind. Watching me sleep, knowing I felt safe and loved, made it all worthwhile.
Every now and then, he’d look up from his work, stealing glances at me. Each time, his heart filled with warmth. He listened for my soft murmurs, cherishing every moment. Even in my sleep, I had a way of capturing his heart completely.
My brow furrowed for a moment, and I gripped the blanket around me tighter. A soft whine escaped my mouth and I sighed. “Vox…” I mumbled, my voice a small whimper.
Vox paused in his work, his attention drawn back to me when he heard me murmur his name this time. I’d been saying his name every now and again while napping, but this time was different. He smiled softly, feeling a surge of affection. He stood up quietly and walked over to my chair, crouching down beside me.
Vox watched the clock, realizing it was time to gently wake me up. He walked over, his footsteps quiet on the floor, not wanting to startle me. Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Sweetheart, it's time to wake up," he whispered, his voice low and soothing.
I stirred slightly, a faint groan escaping my lips. My eyelids fluttered, but I didn’t quite wake up. Vox chuckled softly, finding my groggy state endearing. He gently shook my shoulder, his touch light and careful. "Come on, my love. Time to wake up."
“Mmmph…” I mumbled, squinting up at him through half-lidded eyes. My mind was still foggy, struggling to process the world around me. I blinked a few times, trying to focus on his face, but everything felt distant and dreamlike.
Vox smiled warmly, his red eyes glowing with affection. "There you are, darling. Welcome back."
I yawned and stretched, my movements slow and languid. "Mmm… what time is it?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep.
"Just past four," Vox replied, still caressing my shoulder. "You had a good nap, I hope?"
“Mm-hmm…” I nodded, my eyes closing again as I leaned into his touch. I reached out blindly, my hand finding his and gripping it tightly. "Five more minutes?" I asked, my voice small and drowsy.
Vox laughed quietly, unable to resist my sleepy clinginess. "You’re so adorable when you’re groggy, you know that?"
I mumbled something incoherent, still not fully awake. My hand clung to his as if he were my lifeline, and I tried to pull him closer. "Stay…" I whispered, my voice trailing off.
"I'm not going anywhere, my dear," he assured me, sitting down beside me. He lifted my hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckles. "But you do need to wake up. We’ve got dinner to prepare."
I groaned softly, my head leaning against his arm. "Mmm… can’t I just stay here?"
Vox chuckled again, his amusement evident. "If you stay here, you’ll miss out on that delicious gumbo you were dreaming about. Remember?"
“Gumbo…” I murmured, the word sparking a faint smile on my lips. “Okay… I’m up…” I said, though I made no effort to move.
Vox smirked, finding my reluctance utterly charming. He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear. "If you don’t get up, I might have to tickle you awake," he teased, his voice playful.
My eyes shot open, a look of mock horror crossing my face. "You wouldn’t dare," I challenged, though my voice was still groggy.
"Try me," Vox said with a mischievous grin, his fingers already inching toward my sides.
I squirmed slightly, my body waking up more fully in response to his playful threat. "Okay, okay, I’m getting up," I said, sitting up slowly and rubbing my eyes. My movements were still sluggish, and I leaned heavily against him for support.
"There we go," Vox said, his tone gentle and encouraging. He helped me to my feet, steadying me as I swayed slightly. "You’ve got this, my love."
“Hm?” I asked, looking up at him. I hadn’t quite heard what he’d said.
Vox chuckled quietly, not bothering to repeat himself. He reached out and gently stroked my hair, his touch tender. "What else were you dreaming about, my love?"
"What?" | asked, confused. I tried to process the words, but my brain wasn’t quite working yet. I sighed and gave up. "Kisses," I mumbled, reaching out my hands towards him, wanting his love and attention.
Vox chuckled again, amused by my sleepy, clingy demand for affection. He gently took my hands in his and kissed the tops of them. "Oh? Just kisses, hmm? Not dinner?"
"Dinner... s'gonna be gumbo," I said, rubbing my eye sleepily. "We already established that. I want real kisses now," I mumbled, leaning my head against his chest.
Vox wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. He couldn't resist my sleepy clinginess. "Real kisses, hmm? Well, then I suppose I'll have to give you what you want."
He leaned down and kissed my forehead, then my nose, before finally kissing me softly on the lips.
I smiled and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingers running along the ports on the back of his head, teasing them.
Vox deepened the kiss, his hands moving to hold me closer, pressing me against his body. He let out a soft breath, enjoying the sensation of my fingers teasing his ports. He chuckled softly, finding it both amusing and stimulating.
"Careful, sweetheart. You know those can be quite sensitive,"
"I know," | replied with a mischievous grin. I pulled him back in for another kiss before he could respond, my fingers dancing along the edges of the ports, dipping just inside, earning me a small, playful electric shock. I smiled and continued.
Vox groaned against my mouth as I teased his ports, shivers running up and down his spine. He tried to maintain control, but the sensitivity and my persistence were driving him wild. He nipped my bottom lip gently, pulling back just enough to speak.
"You're playing a dangerous game, my dear,"
"Am I winning?" | asked playfully, raising an eyebrow. I rocked my hips gently against his, teasing. I dipped a finger into another port.
Vox groaned again, his hands gripping my hips as I rocked against him. The sensation of my body against his and the teasing of his ports was too much.
He let out a shaky breath, looking down at me with a mix of frustration and desire. "You're playing dirty, sweetheart. You’re playing with me- teasing! You’re teasing me.”
"Mhm... why don't you tease me back, hmm?" | kissed his lips, then trailed kisses along his cheek, jawline, and neck. I pressed down on a port that triggered automatic pleasure and continued grinding my hips against his.
Vox couldn't help but moan softly as I kissed his neck and pressed the sensitive port. The pleasure washed over him, making his grip tighten. "That's... not... playing fair..."
His attempt to sound firm was undercut by the desperation in his voice. He moved his hands to my hips, pulling me closer and grinding against me in return.
"There we go..." I murmured against his neck, my breath hot on his skin. "C'mon now, just play along... give in..." I unbuttoned his collar and loosened his bow tie, exposing his neck. I smiled and bit down gently.
Vox let out a strangled gasp, his head rolling back. The combination of my teeth on his skin and the grinding was overwhelming. He pulled me closer, moaning softly. "Darling, please…" he mumbled helplessly. “I didn’t do anything to deserve this!”
"Yeah?" | asked, sucking gently on the bite mark. I kissed the wound, then planted more kisses along his neck, up to his jawline, and finally his mouth. I redid his buttons and adjusted his tie, pulling him in for another kiss. “You teased me in my dreams and threatened me with tickles when I woke up. This is what you get.”
Vox was practically melting in my arms as I continued to kiss and nibble his neck.
He struggled to keep his composure, his breath ragged. When I pulled him in for another kiss, he groaned, his arms wrapping around me tightly.
"Damn it, sweetheart... You're going to drive me insane,"
My lips found his in a tender kiss, soft and warm. His response was immediate, kissing me back with equal affection. I deepened the kiss, my hands sliding up to his neck, fingers gently brushing against the ports on the back of his head.
Vox shivered at the contact, a low, appreciative hum escaping him. "Retro..." he murmured against my lips, his voice tinged with both pleasure and longing.
I smiled mischievously, breaking the kiss just long enough to look into his eyes.
"You know I can't resist teasing you," | whispered, my fingers dancing lightly over the sensitive ports. His reaction was exactly what I hoped for-his breath hitched, and he leaned into my touch, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
"You're playing with fire, my love," he warned, though the words lacked any real conviction. His hands moved to my hips, holding me firmly but gently, as if he were afraid I might slip away.
"Am I?" | asked playfully, raising an eyebrow. I rocked my hips against his, a slow, deliberate motion that made him gasp. "Tell me to stop, and I will."
Vox's grip tightened slightly, his eyes darkening with desire. "You know I won't," he replied, his voice strained. "You drive me crazy, you know that?"
I leaned in, pressing a series of kisses along his jawline, making my way to his neck. "That's the idea," | whispered against his skin, feeling the heat radiating from him. I nipped gently at his neck, earning a soft whine from him.
"Darling..." he groaned, his body responding to every touch. I could feel the tension building in him, the way his muscles tightened under my hands. His need was palpable, and it sent a thrill through me.
I smiled against his neck, my fingers continuing their gentle exploration of his ports. Each touch elicited a shiver, a gasp, or a moan from him, and I reveled in the power I had over him in these moments. "I love seeing you like this," I murmured, my voice low and intimate. "So vulnerable, so desperate, so cute..."
"You're going to be the death of me," he said, though there was a note of laughter in his voice. His hands roamed over my back, pulling me even closer.
I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, my fingers never ceasing their teasing. "You love it," I teased, my lips brushing against his in a feather-light kiss.
"Admit it."
Vox's eyes met mine, filled with a mixture of frustration and adoration. "I do," he admitted, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I love every second of it."
I kissed him deeply, my hands sliding down to rest on his chest. His response was immediate and intense, his lips moving against mine with a hunger that mirrored my own. I could feel his heartbeat, rapid and strong, beneath my hand.
I rocked my hips against his again, the motion slow and deliberate. "You make the cutest sounds when you're like this," I whispered against his lips. "So pretty..."
He let out a low, needy whine, his hands moving to my hips to guide my movements. "Sweetheart.. please..." he pleaded, his voice trembling with desire.
I smiled, giving him another gentle kiss. "What do you want, Vox?" | asked, my fingers tracing the edges of his ports once more. "Tell me."
His breath came in ragged gasps, his control slipping away. "I want you," he said, his voice rough with need. "I want you so much..."
I kissed him again, long and deep, pouring all my love and desire into the kiss. I laughed softly as I broke away. “You already have me, darling.”
Vox responded with a fervor that took my breath away, his hands moving over my body with a desperation that matched my own. He kissed me deeply, passionately, his need for me evident in every touch, every sound he made.
I reveled in his reaction, in the way he melted in my arms, completely undone by my touch. It was intoxicating, knowing I had this effect on him, that I could reduce him to this state of pure, unadulterated desire.
As our kiss deepened, I continued to rock my hips against his, the friction sending shivers of pleasure through both of us. Vox's hands gripped my hips tightly, his breath hot and heavy against my lips.
“Fuck, you’re gonna- I’m- you’re so hot,” he whispered, struggling for words. “I’d come undone beneath you in an instant…”
"Good thing I'm done," | murmured, finally pulling away for good. I smiled at him, patted his chest with a laugh, and got off his lap. I stood up as if nothing had happened.
"I've gotta prepare for dinner... and you should probably get back to work, yeah?"
Vox sat there, stunned and breathless from my sudden shift. He tried to collect himself, running a hand through his hair and chuckling softly. “Yeah, yeah. I should get back to it… but don’t think you’re safe! I’ll get you back for this later.”
"Mm, I'm looking forward to it," I said with a smile. With that, I left the room to prepare dinner, leaving him to his work.
Vox watched me leave, shaking his head and chuckling to himself. He felt both amused and frustrated by my sudden departure. I had effectively ruined his concentration and left him wanting more, but he also knew he had something to look forward to later.
He sighed and returned to his desk, trying to focus on his work despite the lingering effects of my teasing. He knew it would be a long afternoon.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What (some of) my ocs put you as in their phone:
Liu/Lucille (butcher/cannibal Yan): "Bambi" or "Belle/Beauty" The latter related to one of their favorite movies as a kind. If she could love her beast, you'll do the same won't you?
C.C/Saffron (Yan incubus): "Bae <3" with a string heart and flower emojis after. Will just as quickly change it to "Lil' bitch" if you ignore him long enough
Amyas (Yan cupid): "Answer immediately"
Baron (Yan demon): "MJNW" He's trying to spell mine, but his fingers are too fucking fat to hit the right keys
Maddox (Yan reaper): "Them"/the gendered variant. Simple, to the point - brings a smile to their face everytime they see it on the screen.
Alasdair (Yan Angel): "My light" Bro lights up a whole room with those eyes, but pop off king
V (incel Yan): "Kitten"
Miller (streamer Yan): "P1"
Erin (Yan Bully): "Pain in my ass" when you first give it to him. "Everything" after he finally let's his heart bleed.
Theodore (Teacher Yan): "Dear" for you, but he asks you put him in your phone as "Teddy"
Devlin (immortal Yan): "Boo (at night I think of you...)" His favorite song from that time period and what he plays outside your window.
Silas (immortal Yan): "THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE DUMBASS" He sends a lot of "prank texts" to people and almost send you a five paragraph long threat when it was meant for your boss.
Selene (Yandere housewife): "Sweetheart, My One/My Only" She gets so embarrassed when you find out.
Orion (Yandere Devil): "Prized Jewel"
Gemini/Gemini (Twin Devils in one body): "Our Missing Piece" They change it constantly, but that's what it's been for the longest
Daina (Yan Final Girl): "Rid3 or Di3"
Dea (Worshiper God): "My Universe." Stuff like that seems so small to them, but it just feels right.
Cherry, Clementine, Lemon (Yandere robots): "Master" Cherry and Lemon put hearts at the end, Clementine puts a sword
Lime (Yan cat hybrid bot): "Owner~" with a tongue emoji at the end
D.kay (Yan Murderbot): "SUNNI" (sunny) or just a long string of those heart eyed emojis
Milk Tea (Yan cow hybrid): Pet
Eggnog (Yan cow hybrid): "Bunny or J.J" The name of the rabbit plush they own as a child. Without it they aren't sure they'd be alive today. The same goes for you.
Root beer Milk (Yan cow hybrid): "Partner in Crime"
Bluebird (Former Darling Yan): "Saving Grace" or your name with a key emoji at the end.
Gus (Clown Yan): "Cutie Pie"
(And that's it for now. If there are any characters you'd like to see just lemme know and I might do a part two)
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arienic · 2 years
what’s the ur thoughts (yes you) on the love names (AKA pet names) that the genshin chars would use for the reader?? here r some of mine:
zhongli: dear
diluc: darling
kaeya: sweetheart
childe: babe + honey (started from him calling out ‘honey i’m home’ ironically but then it slowly evolves into him saying it seriously)
kazuha: my love, dove (?), my dove (????)
venti: ???? people always say windblume or something but that comes off feminine to me so. i have no idea. ‘my muse’ maybe?? he seems like the kinda cheesy mf who would pick something like that
albedo: probably just ur name i’m sorry…….
itto: baby??? a nickname?? maybe babe if we push it a little
ayato: dear?? my love?
thoma: probably just ur name i’m sorry
heizou: probbaly just ur name i’m sorry (2) + some annoying nicknames
scaramouche: any insult ever + probably just ur name i’m sorry (3)
tighnari: probably just ur name i’m sorry (4) + some variation of idiot (endearing)
dainsleif: honestly no clue probably just ur name (again) (he seems too serious for a love name to me i’m so sorry mr dainsleif)
xiao: probably just ur name (6….. im getting sick of this too) + that one time he called you ‘dear’ because it was the only love name he’d heard from a couple that didn’t make him go 😟 + maybe ‘angel.’ MAYBE. it’s a big maybe
aether: ur name…….
pantalone: my dear, dear, darling
dottore: ur name + an experiment number if u’re into that ig
arlecchino: my darling (?)
columbina: lovely (???)
that’s all i got for now but feel free to add more or argue against some (just pls b polite thank u, much love from me)
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sevikasangel · 1 year
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❥ 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 • general hcs of the ladies' naughtiest, kinkiest fantasies and what sort of creeps they are.
including: grayson, camille, cassandra, ambessa, sevika, renata glasc.
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— contains: f! reader, smut, a variation of bd/sm scenarios, somnophilia, stalking, legal age gap, dub!con, degrading, praising, lowercase intended.
— a/n: not proofread! this is dedicated to my dear @enforcermoss . hope this lives up to your expectations for when you requested this. ngl, i wanted to gatekeep this for myself, but had to get this out for us! enjoy uwu 💓
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it is common sense that grayson is a service top. however, she could take it to extreme, selfish levels. her most degenerate fetish is overstimulation. don't get me wrong, this enforcer is a gentlewoman, a hopeless romantic who will sweep you off your feet, make you feel like you are the last woman on earth, the most beautiful flower in a garden. but she has her moments that made you wonder if grayson was just a pervert in disguise.
with your legs forcefully being help open by her strong, calloused hands, you squirmed and whined, tears streaming down your face as your wife ate you out through your third orgasm. her tongue lapped sloppily over your clit, quickening its pace whenever you seemed to still your moans. you were so sensitive and overstimulated that it bubbled in your eyes and streamed down your cheeks. whenever you attempted to shut your thighs and squish her beautiful face between them, she applied more pressure to her grip, keeping them nice and spread for her. Even with you pushing her face away, she didn't even flinch.
the sight of you so helpless, so surrendered to her drove grayson insane. you know you were in for a long night...
"come on, darling...why the rush, hmm? i am enjoying my dinner. you taste so good, i could eat you for hours...wait, i will, uhm. keep these open for me, will you, sweetheart? here, let me give you a hand with that. so fucking delicious. so fucking beautiful. all mine."
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if there is one behaviour that could be linked to camille, it would be control. over herself, yes. but mainly over others. when she decided she was wanted you for herself, she became your stalker. since you worked for her, it thrilled how much power she had over your life. camille used her authority figure to obtain access to your files, finding out every previous informations about you.
she would follow you from work, lurking through the shadows, nightly. you never noticed it. not even in that one night she hid inside your closet and watched you sleep. how beautiful you were...to have an angel like you to call her own. seeing a flash of light coming from the darkness, you sleepily pushed yourself up to your feet and took slow steps towards the closet.
little did you know that you were seeing your superior's hextech eyes. she stood there, in all her tall glory and cold posture. as soon as you opened the door, you were grabbed by the arm and pulled inside of it, your back colliding with a firm, slender form. your brain barely had time to register it was camille when her hand came up to tightly squeeze your cheeks, her palm pressed against your mouth, silencing any noises. it embarrassed you when her free hand slipped under your panties and a cruel chuckle came out of her lips. it made you feel embarrassed of yourself for being so turned on from this.
"shhhh, hush. do not make me hurt you, little thing. oh, if only you knew how long i waited to get my hands on you...with no one else around to help you...you are under my mercy. ahaha, are you serious, mutt? you are soaking. perhaps you are more perverted than me, aren't you? tonight i am having my way with you and there is nothing that will ruin it for me. now...allow me to drag you back to your bed."
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cassandra is a woman who values trust and submission in its purest form. she loves the thought of having a beautiful submissive girl who would take everything given to her, completely helpless, pathetically begging her for more...or perhaps even begging her to stop. it didn't matter. bondage was her favorite thing to submit her plaything to.
she specifically loved to have you on the bed, arms and legs bound in a spread eagle position, completely bare for her eyes to see. cassandra would keep the air conditioner of the bedroom on, making it so much worse for you as your skin shivered and goosebumps popped all over. you could barely wrap your head around what was happening around you, it was difficult to concentrate with the crotchrope constantly rubbing your pussy. the more you flinched, the more burdensome it became.
cassandra only watched from a distance, sitting down with a calm, indifferent look on her face, a glass of wine in her hands as you struggled. each whimper and moan from you pulled a grin or a chuckle from cassandra. she stands up from her armchair eventually and strolls her way towards you, placing the glass on the nightstand. you stare at her with begging eyes, thinking she finally had enough and would let you go. this edging was unbearable. however, she did quite the contrary, putting her elegant hand over your dripping pussy, fingers pushing the rope a little tighter against your clit and she hummed, her free hand reaching for the drawer to grab her favorite purple dildo to use on you.
"awwwwe, did you really think i would let you go this easily, hmm? you are mine to do as you please. you don't seem so bratty now, my dear. what's the matter? ahahaha, of course...how cruel of me to expect a response from you with that ballgag in your mouth. look at my fingers, take a look at them...yes, they are soaked. you are such a pervert, enjoying me having my way with you...are you enjoying yourself? ah, yes...i don't care if you are."
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ambessa is a strong warlord that made nations bend on their knees for her. she knew how powerful she was, how glorious, athletic and muscular her body visibly and technically was. she expects her partner to respect her as the alpha in the relationship, because that's what she is. primal play was something that came naturally when referring to ambessa. to have a smaller girl beneath her strong body while she took her with her big strap was blissful.
she also thrives from bossing her property around. sitting on her fancy armchairs, crushing your skull with her strong thighs as you eat her out to her liking. your weaker body trembling as her boot rubs your clit through your panties. it made you embarrassed how turned on you got from this.
ambessa specifically loves coming home after a successful operation and just throwing you over her shoulder like it's nothing, carrying you to your bedroom and throwing you on the bed. then she just straight up tears your clothes in half and slips her hand between your thighs, rubbing it firmly, laughing out loud at how wet and loud the noises already are. you are her whore and she loves it.
"look what we have here, you dirty girl. you love it when i just have my way with you, however I want, yeah? i know you do, you are fucking dripping and i barely touched you. your body knows who it belongs to. now...i will fuck you so rough and good, just the way you like it...we will get the strap and i'll have you on all fours for me, but right now i want to watch you cum on my fingers. that's it, princess...take it like the pathetic slave you are. no, don't you dare look away from me! eyes up here. that's it. i want to watch your face as you cum."
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sevika is the queen of zaun's underworld. there is not a single soul in that dump that hasn't heard about thr most feared and dangerous woman, known for beating and murdering so many big fish gangster you couldn't count on hands. she is respected, her reputation follows her around everywhere she goes and she carries it like a trophy. and speaking of trophy...everyone must know you belonged to her. oh, if you knew how she enjoyed forcing you to indulge in her little adventures in public.
keeping you on her lap while she gambled, vibrating panties she forced you to wear, all eyes on you...it was a hell of a night and it definitely made you regret acting like a brat earlier. sevika knew how to be cruel, specially when her punishments got out of hand.
your thighs were spread as you sat on one of her muscular legs. it took you so long and a couple orgasms to get used to the overwhelming buzzing on your pussy, and when it finally happened, sevika raised her leg just slightly, rubbing it so tight against your core that it made you see stars...just the right amount of pressure for you to be sent over the edge again.
"what's wrong, (y/n)...you seem you have a little problem going there, huh? let me give you a kiss on the cheek, princess. ah, there you go. you are squirming so much...are you sure everything's alright? hmm...i see...good, good girl...why don't you tell us everything's alright, (y/n). come on, use your words."
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renata is a woman who thrives from loyalty. she expects her partner to trust her blindly, someone who would do anything she says, someone who will worship the floor she walks on. and what better way to obtain this besides pet play? a beautiful pet to call her own, to collar and leash, drag around as she pleases. a pet who is completely dependent on her financially. seeing her pet dressed up in her money, on her knees while renata keeps a tight grip on her leash is a sight for sore eyes.
renata is very fond of puppies. she only likes kittens when they aren't so bratty and independent. and if they are, oh...she does not have a problem to break them and mold them to her liking. after all, renata glasc always gets what she wants.
at her home office, renata loves keeping you on her lap, straddling it while her eyes are focused on her paperwork. it would be all fun and games if it wasn't for the fact that you were sitting on her strap, not allowed to move an inch. the pathetic whimpers and breathy whines couldn't make your mistress any more merciful and anytime the bell on your collar ringed from a movement, she would give you a hard spank on the ass, grabbing your hips to keep them still. it took what seemed like hours until she finally pushed her documents and pen aside and leaned back, eyes on your naked body. you could see renata smirking from beneath her mask as she glimpsed at her strap buried deep inside your pussy.
"you can't wait, now can you, pathetic little puppy? i gave you one simple order: stay still. and you can't do it. i have to do everything, huh? you can't spend a minute without wanting to get fucked by me. it's always mistress this, mistress that...how about you take what mistress gives you now? i am going to bend you over this desk and i will fuck you for how long i want and i don't want to hear a peep from you. and if you do make a noise, i will belt your ass."
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l0serloki · 2 years
what about chamber getting super jealous and taking it out on you uwu
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Chamber x Reader
Genre : Smut
Summary : Chamber is tired of Harbor's staring and disrespect. He'll teach him a lesson on looking at things that are his.
WC : 710
CW : Jealous!Chamber, Fem!Reader, degrading, dumbification, exhibitionism, praising kink, teasing/overstim, Harbor not taking a hint
A/N : You're so big brained for that. Thank u for requesting my liege, enjoy the brainrot. Also this is kinda a part 2 continuation to this right here. You don't have to read it to understand though!
Chamber had heard the rumors going around base, he wasn’t stupid. Harbor was interested in his girlfriend? He doesn’t blame him - you’re gorgeous and smart. But he will say that he is tired of the glances he sends your way. The obvious ogling at your body when he knows the two of you were a thing. Chamber had to think he was angering him on purpose. 
You had just left from the training lab when you ran straight into the chest of your boyfriend.
“Vincent! You scared me!” You laughed as his arms trapped you into a hug. “Sorry mon cœur. I was just coming to grab you. I need help.” Now that was a rare sentence to hear from him. You looked up with an eyebrow cocked and he smiled back gently. “Follow me my love.” He grabbed your hand in his as he led you down the halls.
“Vincent…” You were almost shocked at the gall he had. You stood in front of Harbor’s room while he opened the door. “Please mon amour - after you. I doubt our dear friend would mind us using his room while he is on a mission.” You just looked into Harbor’s room and back into Vincent’s chestnut eyes. “A-are you sure? We won’t be caught?” He rubbed your cheek and pushed your body into the room. “You know me darling, I always plan out everything. You’re safe.” You trusted him and let yourself relax.
You could tell that Harbor had definitely pissed Vincent off but you weren’t complaining. You spread out against the bed as Chamber’s fingers pumped in and out of your sopping hole. “Yeah make a mess all over his bed sweetheart. He wants you so bad, he can have my leftovers.” You could only moan in response as his fingers picked up pace and brought you further to the edge. “You want to cum dear?” “Yes Chamber please, need it so bad.” You felt his fingers leave you immediately, making you whine. “Oh princess don’t cry. We have so much more to do!”
Chambers fingers ran across your lips and you took them in your mouth. Tongue swirling around the digits, you made eye contact. “Mmm good girl. You deserve a reward, don’t you?” You gripped his forearm and began begging. The teasing had put you over the edge, lust insatiable at this point. “Please put it in. I need you in me!” 
Chamber took his time with unbuckling his pants and boxers. His hard cock stood proud with precum dripping from the tip. “I’ll make you feel good, my pretty girl. Don’t worry.” You felt the tip push at your pussy. “What do you want again?” You could tell he was getting off at the thought of you wanting and needing him so bad. He must’ve felt insecure with Harbor staring at you lately. “You! Only need you. Built for your cock.” You felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes from how long the teasing had gone on.
Chamber’s cock had pistoled into you, the pressure almost too much. You almost came from just him fully sheathing inside. “O-oh my. You weren’t kidding when you said you needed me.” You could only mumble out yeses as he continued to gain speed. His thrusts were almost painful with how hard he was hitting you, smacking you around like a doll. “So good for me. Only mine, no man is going to take that away from me. Fucking built for me.” You jolted as his hand came down on your thigh. “Tell me how much you need me. You’d be so dumb without me. No cock to fuck this poor pussy, huh?” Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head at his words. “I’d be so dumb without you Vin. Don’t know what I’d do, would be so lonely.” His hand smacked at the same spot, “Yeah that’s right. Need me to do everything for you. My little spoiled princess.” Chamber just kept on uttering praises as the two of you were close. “Vin- fuck. ‘M gonna cum. Gonna cum all for you!” He railed into you as you came, cumming quick soon after. 
“Well that should teach him a lesson.”
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
Everyone Makes Mistakes - Tom Hiddleston xreader fan fic
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Summary: Y/N has a really hard day at work and made a mistake and is really upset about it and her boyfriend Tom comforts her
Warnings: mentions of self doubting, mentions of depression, mentions of crying, mentions of overthinking, fluff comfort, angst, soft Tom, let me know if I miss anything
~Y/N’s POV
Today was a really tough day at work and I just got home and skipped making dinner not really wanting to eat anything and decided to lay down in bed after changing into my hoodie and leggings. I started crying feeling depressed about what happened at work and just wanted today to end.
I scrolled through my phone for a bit until I could fall asleep but a minute later I felt the bed sink down a bit and a hand landed on my back and I turned around and saw my boyfriend Tom smiling at me. Tom leaned down and kissed my forehead and said “hey darling I didn’t hear you come in how was your da- wait, are you crying?” I hid my face not wanting to admit what I accidentally did and cried a but more and I heard Tom say “oh Y/N ok come here.” I shook my head feeling shaky and he gently uncovered my face and looked at me worrying what was going on and said “sweetheart what’s going on? I hate seeing you so upset.” I got up the courage to tell Tom what happened.
I sat up and got myself together and said “ok, so I made a mistake at work earlier today and a customer was upset and I don’t blame them I really don’t and I apologized but I still keep overplaying it in my mind since I got home..” Now that I told him I was worried what he was gonna say so I hid my face again.
~Tom’s POV
I felt so sad for Y/N having to go through such a hard day at work but I wanted to tell her something important so I carefully rubbed her back and said “darling can you look at me for a moment please? I wanna tell you something important.” Y/N uncovered her face to look at me and I smiled at her taking her hands in mine and said “alright, I’ve made plenty of mistakes in the past that later on I’ve felt really bad about and I still think about it from time to time but I always remind myself that I’m only human. Darling you did your best I promise and you will do better on your next shift.” Y/N looked at me surprised and said “really?..” I nodded and said “Oh absolutely darling trust me I’m human like you and have messed up before but we are able to learn from our mistakes Y/N and you will do better next time I promise you.” Y/N shrugged and said “I guess so but I still doubt that I’m fit for this job.”
I hate seeing Y/N feeling so low, I had a thought of what would make her smile and couldn’t wait for her to hear this. I squeezed her hand lovingly and said “Y/N, you know what Loki would say if he were here?” Y/N perked up a bit and said “he would tell me to not give up?..” Y/N is so adorable I love how I got her to smile a bit. I nodded after kissing her forehead and said “that’s right my love, loki loves you and would want you to keep going and so do I darling I love you so much please keep your head up for me alright?” Y/N leaned in to kiss me and then hugged me tight and said “thank you Tom you’re amazing and I promise both you and Loki I won’t give up.” I smiled and said “good girl Y/N, everything will be alright now I promise, have you eaten dinner yet my dear?”
She shook her head and I completely understood why she didn’t so I handed her my phone and said “no worries Y/N here why don’t you pick something to order, anything you wish.” She got excited but said “hey Tom?” I turned back to face her and said “yes my dear?” She cuddled up to me and said “thank you for cheering me up you always know what to say babe I love you.” I blushed then shook my head saying “no need to thank me Y/N I would do anything to help you smile.”
Y/N found a place to order food from and showed me what she wanted and I ordered dinner for us & had Y/N cuddle with me until the food was delivered and I could tell she was a lot more relaxed. When the food got here Y/N asked how my day was and listened to me telling her a story which she always loved when I told her about my days but I was very happy I got her to smile and pull her out of her thoughts. I could tell she needed a lot of cuddles so we finished eating a bit later and I patted chest after laying down on the bed and said “come here my love, you deserve to rest now.” She smiled and crawled over to lay close to me and I wrapped my arm around her and said “just relax now Y/N I’m here you don’t have to do anything else for the night.” She smiled and slowly fell asleep, I felt her body relax against me before I fell asleep I with her and I said “goodnight my love I’m proud of you.”
Hey lovelies! I wrote this one after a very hard day at work and I thought this would be a cute fan fic 🥹🥰 I did my best to write this well 😅.. I hope you all enjoy xx ♥️♥️
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hekateinhell · 10 months
Okay I’m officially on the lesmand train now, and I’m wondering what pet names they’d use for each other? (Either canon which I can not think of rn or hc!)
oh hi hello welcome, delighted to have you! 🥹♥️ I feel like armand welcoming people to trinity gate lmao
let's see, these aren't necessarily all pet names but I think I know what you're going for!
armand uses the descriptor 'beloved' for several people in TVA — for example 'beloved bianca', 'beloved louis', 'beloved sybelle', and yes, 'beloved lestat'
armand and lestat both refer to each other using the possessive adjective 'my', so: 'my armand' (MtD); 'my lestat' (TVA); 'my poor desperate armand' (it's a dramatic moment in BC but it can also be repurposed for horny reasons, let us be creative here)
lestat has an interesting way of calling armand 'little devil' in a manner that sounds like an endearment, it's kind of like when I'm talking to my cats (MtD)
lestat calls him 'cherub child' in MtD as well
headcanons/what I use in my fics:
lestat, mostly french stuff 
mon chéri (my dear)
mon ange (my angel)
mon chaton (my kitten) — this one apoptoses founds ages ago and shared with me! she used it in her L/A fic (which you should read if you haven't already, read all of them and leave her some love) and I used it in my L/A kitten play thing much more recently
lestat also uses 'darling' and 'sweetheart' in canon with some of his ladies, and I just harvest that for my own purposes (I think he could get away with 'doll' too because remember, lestat has been described as having somewhat of an american cowboy accent)
armand is harder because I generally don't see him as someone who uses endearments, his brain doesn't work like that to me. I think he much more just describes those he loves as how he views them in relation to himself and he's pretty literal — beloved, my/mine, etc
but it's fun because you can get creative here and just have him use the possessive in front of something else for lestat and be dramatic about it like 'my wild one' or 'my sun' or whatever! ♥️
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emma23 · 1 year
Dark!Miguel x Y/n
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Y/n was supposed to meet friends at a bar near her home. Near the door of his apartment was a man in a tight suit leaning against a tree.
« Look at you... I think you might be in the wrong place, sweetheart. »
Y/n looks around « what ? I’m in the street man. It's for anybody » You start to go and say really slowly « Rude »
« Rude? How am I rude, sweetie? I was just stating the obvious. You're all alone and in a dark place. That can be a little scary for someone like you. You should be more cautious of your surroundings. » He smiles flirtatiously at you and stroke your cheek.
« Don t touch me ! Look man i m a big women I can protect myself »
« A "big woman"? You're just a petite little cutie. You have no idea how big and powerful I can be. » He chuckles and wrap his arm around your waist and tug, trying to pull you closer to him.
You crush hard is foot « like that ! » Than you try to run fast.
« Hey, hey, easy now! I'm just flirting. What's the hurry? » He laughs and chases after you, using his speed and strength to catch up with you in no time.
« Ok ok, i forgive you but please let me go ok man ? »
He laughs again and grab onto your arm with his free hand, stroking your hair as he speaks. « Sure, sure, I won't keep you. »
However, he don't let go of your arm.
You look at is big hand who as grab your arm « please ! Let me go »
« Don't worry, my sweet. You're safe with me. » He caress your cheek and slowly turn your head to face his direction.
« Now, let's stop and find out what your name is. » He smiles down at you, waiting for an answer.
« Please let me go »
« That's not very nice... » He pulls you closer and stare down at you with a slight growl. « How about we make a deal. If you tell me your name, I'll let you go. » He caress your cheek once more, waiting for an answer.
« Really ? »
« Of course, cutie. Just tell me your name. Don't be scared. » He smiles at you and look into your eyes, expecting an answer.
« Y/n… »
« Y/n, that's a lovely name. » He chuckles and lean in, whispering into your ear.
« Thank you, my sweet little Y/n. You're mine after all now that I know your name. » He licks the side of your neck and smile flirtatiously again.
You shiver and start to cry « b-b-but you say I could go ! »
He frowns and stroke your chin. « Sweetie, it's okay. Yes, I did say you could go. However, it's dark and I'm sure you don't want a pretty little thing like you in danger. Stay with me for just a while and I'll make sure to get you home safely. » He kiss the top of your head, waiting for an answer.
« What are you a kind of superhero? »
He chuckles and look into your eyes. « Well, if you mean protecting and taking care of a sweet little girl like you, then I would say the answer is yes... » He kiss the side of your neck just underneath your chin.
« I-i don t really feel confortable with-with » gulp « all the touching »
He chuckles again and hug your smaller body into him. « Don't worry, my dear. I'm your protector and you don't have to worry about anything when I'm here with you. » He strokes your back gently with his free hand and kiss your neck again.
« Please can you stop kissing me ! » you try to push him away
« Why would I do that, darling? » He smiles and kiss your neck again. You feel a euphoric feeling run through your body. He whispers to you in a seductive tone.
« Come on... You like it. You were moaning earlier when I was kissing you. »
Suddenly you can only moan. He continue to kiss and lick your neck as his voice becomes flirtatious and his tone is seductive.
« You see what I told you, dear. You like it, so why try to fight it? » He let’s go of your arm and slowly push your back against the wall.
Your still in the euphoria and still moaning « what did you do to me ?!? »
He chuckles to himself and stroke your cheek. « Oh, don't be silly, my love. You already know the answer to that question. » He whispers in your ear and continue to kiss your neck.
You try to talk « No, no i don t know « moan really louder »
He chuckles and continue to caress your neck with his lips, his breath against your skin making you squirm even more and moan louder. « Oh, but my love, you know exactly what I did to put you in this state. »
You try to take big breath « What did you do ! »
He chuckles and continue to kiss your neck. « Don't argue with me, sweetie. There's really no use. Just relax and let me take care of you. I don't want you to leave now. » His body presses against yours against tne wall.
« Everything is so hot » you sigh loudly
« You feel that heat, don't you, my dear? It's only natural. » He whispers in your ear and continue to kiss your neck, leaving bite marks and sucking on your skin. You hear him growl lustfully as he run his tongue along your skin and his body presses against yours.
People who pass see us and it's make you even more uncomfortable « Please stop people can see us ! »
He laughs and look back at you. « Don't worry, my dear. Most people wouldn't think anything of it. Just two adults together enjoying a little time together, that's what it seems like to them. » He continue to kiss your neck and his tongue continues to run up and down your collar bone. His lips slowly nibble on your skin and you feel him gently bite your shoulder.
Your still moaning « B-b-but I don t like that »
He chuckles and stroke the side of your face. « Oh, but you do, my dear. Your body is telling me everything I need to know. » He continue to suck on your collarbone and nibble on your shoulder. You feel the pleasurable bite and feel his arms tighten around you.
Moan « Did-did you really bite me?! » Blood flows down is mouth.
« Oh, yes. I'm enjoying every taste of you, my sweet. » He bites down on your shoulder and suckle on it. He growl and feel the blood rush through his veins as he taste you. He bites again and feel your body writhing in pleasure.
Even if your body like it. Your mind know otherwise. So with your eyes you try to tell people to help you but it didn’t work.
He continue to bites your shoulder as my arms wrap around you tighter. He growls and licks your neck, leaving a trail of saliva over your collarbone. He whispers to you in a lustful manner, speaking just loud enough so that only you can hear him. « You like it when I bite you, my dear. Your body wants more and that's exactly what I'm going to give you. »
« Please » still moaning « stop »
« Why? It looks like you're very much enjoying it. » He bites harder on your shoulder and lick your neck again.
Try to keep the moan « Please » tears now flow down my cheek
« What's wrong, darling? » He licks your tears away and continue to bites your shoulder.
« It's okay, my love. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to protect you. Your mine forever »
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homosubtext · 1 year
ok. does omi omi use pet names for tsum tsum or no. ur opinion will influence mine
why are u treating my opinion like it’s the One Truth. The Word Of God 💀😭
but anyway….. the answer is yes but also no. I think he does but there are conditions.
i know you didn’t ask about atsumu but i’m going to start with him for comparison purposes. atsumu is a nickname/pet name guy. clearly. i mean look at him. but beyond the “omi” nickname and it’s derivatives, i think he uses a lot of pet names for omi like babe, sweetheart (i have STRONG opinions on this one and it’s backstory but i won’t get into that here), darling, hun/honey, etc. i think he uses them regularly and at any time. but i think he also gets Silly With It a lot and comes up with weird pet names for kiyoomi just to get a reaction out of him.
kiyoomi on the other hand is a little different. I think he will use pet names like baby, my dear (used kind of sarcastically but kind of not), love (rarely), etc. i think kiyoomi probably finds a pet name for atsumu he really likes and he uses it regularly, BUT. he uses them only when they’re alone. the idea of calling atsumu “baby” in front of another living soul is so mortifying to him, he needs to take deep breaths to calm down just at the thought of it. in public it is “atsumu” or “miya” (literally no matter how long they’ve been together kiyoomi will still call him miya sometimes. atsumu doesn’t like it).
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littleone088 · 5 months
Miss Gribben -
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The water rushed in my ears as I emerged from the lashing water. My instructor's voice was hushed as the waves lapped against the side of my head. My eyes burned as they opened against the pressure, just before I broke the surface.
Miss G's clapping hands were muffled to sound like thunder through rushing water. Her smile beamed through the sunlight blaring into my eyes. Her pale skin shone with the intensity of thousands of tiny little diamonds arranged in tandem with her flesh.
As I climbed onto the dock, a warm towel wrapped around my shoulders as my teammates gathered around. Miss Gribben's hands were warm as she wrapped herself around my shoulders, eyes running over my body shivering with achievement.
"Beautiful form! Absolutely beautiful..." Her smile, for the briefest second, turned animalistic. I caught the change as she let her hand squeeze the joint of my shoulder.
The team stood in an awkward circle waiting for further instruction. Shared glances and little giggles over secret jokes I was not privy to.
The dock felt divided into two factions. Miss G and I, always together, and the rest of them. It was like there was an invisible forcefield projected onto us the second I was with her. They hated me.
"Beautiful form!" A hushed, mocking giggle, too quiet to discern who it belonged to, broke the silence over the lashing waves. Although, clearly, I wasn't the only one to hear it. Her grip on me hardened.
Miss G let out a frustrated huff, snatching the towel from my shoulders as she stormed towards the group. Her loose scarf billowed in the wind as she grasped Diana Radfield and pulled her from the crowd to single her out.
"Yes, and what of it?!" Her voice was harsh, harsher than I'd ever heard it.  Di visibly flinched as if she expected our Instructor to strike her. As the yelling continued, I began to attempt calming my teacher.
"Miss G-"
"No!" She shook my hands off of her arms, shooting me an icy look warning me to back off. Her grip on Di's wrist began to turn white.
"You're all just jealous, is that it?" Tears began welling in Radfield's eyes as Miss Gribben let her anger take hold "jealous that dear Y/n shows more promise than any of you ever have!"
Her accent began to peak as emotion took hold. Di had started sobbing, attempting to rip her arm from Miss G's grip. The young girl managed to tear herself away from our teacher, stumbling backward into one of her friends.
Miss G turned to face me, anger slowly beginning to dissipate the longer she watched me. I hesitated as she reached to take my hand.
"Come with me, sweetheart" her eyes became softer, but still frustrated. I had no choice as she dragged me down the pier towards the main building of our school. The dive training abandoned, her hand squeezed mine.
"I can't believe them, how dare they try to diminish your accomplishments-"
As soon as the door to her quarters was closed, I was in her arms. As I always had been. I felt her tense as my arms wrapped around her. Still in my swimsuit, I shivered at the cold draft from an open window. Miss G stroked through my wet hair, splitting knots and letting me bask in her body heat.
"Would you like a shower, my sweet girl? I'll warm you up"
"Yes please!" My eagerness made her giggle, even as she stroked my cheek with her fingers. Her eyes held reverence.
"Strip off, darling. I'll start the shower" her hand patted my cheek, teeth perfect as porcelain as she smiled down at me. With great reluctance I let her go, shuddering without her heat. She sauntered into the adjoing bathroom, leaving the door open so that I could see.
I'd forgotten about my own clothes. Miss Gribbens stood without her trousers after kicking them aside, left with only a button down cream silk shirt to cover herself. Her fingers hooked in the waistband of black lace underwear, arching her back as she pulled them down her legs and off of her ankle. My mouth hung open as I watched her.
The bathroom steamed up. I saw the mirror running slick with condensation until I tore myself away and focused on removing my swimsuit. Miss G turned herself around, fully naked, to watch me make my way over to her.
Her eyes ran over me, watching the little shudders of cold with fascination. Her hands ran across my shoulders, down to cup my breasts then stroke my ribcage. She smiled.
Her voice was hushed, hoarse with emotion. She whispered "I would do anything for you... Anything"
I wetted my lips, placing my hand atop hers. I swallowed. Was it too early to say it? Did she even feel the same?
"I love you, Miss"
Her eyes adjusted, pupils dilated. Her eyes watered with emotion. She coughed out a faint laugh and took my face in her hands.
"I love you, my sweet child. You-" she swallowed "-are the best thing in this world, and I can't get over the fact that I have you for myself"
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