#yes he misses his friends and family but he will put saving them over being happy every time
dunba1pha · 2 years
I think liam as a character is entirely encapsulated by where he hides the nogitsune
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daddy all along
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pairing: leon x reader
cw: smut, daddy kink, age-gap, hurt/comfort, alcoholism, daddy issues, morally dubious behavior, virgin reader, reader is 21 during all sexual/suggestive scenes but there is a non-sexual scene at the beginning where reader is a child.
word count: 7k
summary: leon is reader's dad's best friend. he has known you since you were very little and has acted as a secondary father figure at different times in your life because your father is an alcoholic/workaholic. but leon's not your dad, he's actually there for you (and he's very sexy). your dad misses your 21st birthday and leaves you with leon, and you convince him to take your virginity.
a/n: no, you should not do this in real life. this is purely for fiction. yes, it is weird to write reader as a child and then as an adult. if you don't want to see this type of content, then don't read it.
part 2
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You remember the first time you called Leon 'Daddy.' It was the first time you slept with him, on your 21st birthday. That's your version of the truth but not the truth. Leon remembers the first time you called him 'Daddy.' You were three years old. 
"Leon," a tiny voice whispered, and with it came even tinier footsteps down the stairs.
Leon paused the TV and turned towards you.
"What is it, princess?" he said, matching your tone.
"I can't sleep," you pouted.
He motioned for you to come closer, and you did. 
"Why is that?" he asked, lifting you into his lap.
Sitting on his knee, you said, "I'm scared of monsters". 
"But there aren't monsters, sweet pea."
"But what if there are, and we can't see them?" 
He looked into your big eyes and saw the genuine worry behind them. He pulled you closer, towards one hip, so that he could safely stand with you in his arms. 
"How about we check one more time, and I'll show you that there are no monsters?"
You nodded, head pressed to his chest, relaxing into the comfort of his arms. 
He put you down in your bed and looked through every corner of your room - the back of your closet, under the bed, every drawer in your dresser - to prove there were no monsters. 
"And even if a monster came in here, I'll be right downstairs, so they'll have to go through me before they can come get you."
"What if the monster gets you?"
"The monsters never win against me."
And that was true. You were too young to understand what he meant, though. 
"Can you sleep in here?"
"I can't fit in your bed, princess."
"When I get scared, sometimes Dad sleeps on the floor."
Leon had been substituting for Dad more and more frequently. It made him upset, not at you, but for you. He couldn't believe that, especially after your mother had abandoned you both, your father would choose work, women, and alcohol over you. Someone had to choose you, and that someone was going to be Leon. He always wanted to save people and to be a good man. Heck, he even imagined himself as a father before Raccoon City flipped his life upside down. Since then, he'd resigned to the idea that he'd never get the stereotypical wife and two kids living in a house with a white picket fence. The closest Leon would get to being a family man was when he slept in your father's guest room. He'd made peace with that. 
So, that night, he slept poorly on your bedroom floor, even after you bargained with you to give him a pillow. You gave him one of your stuffed animals, too, thinking it might help him in the way that it helped you. He nearly cried at how thoughtful you were as a little kid.
"Thank you, sweet pea," he said, accepting your thoughtful gift. 
You smiled, rubbed your sleepy eyes, and said, "Goodnight, Daddy."
Leon heard what you called him, but he never acknowledged it to you. He had a good poker face. 
"Goodnight," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
You slept, thank god, and as he suspected, no monsters appeared. 
This went on periodically throughout your childhood, your father being gone, and Leon stepping in. At some point, you got old enough that Leon didn't have to sleep on your bedroom floor as you no longer believed in monsters. Ironic, he thought, considering what he'd seen, but he'd never share the horrors of his job with you, even if the government would let him. No one deserved to bear that kind of hurt, not even he did. 
Leon was around less once you were old enough to take care of yourself. According to your father, he'd been going through some things - those things remained unspecified, but you put together the pieces once you saw him. 
Alcohol. That's what your father meant. It took your father away from you, and you feared Leon would be next. Leon drank a little too much, too often, and when he did, you distanced yourself from him. He never told you that he'd noticed the way you shied away from him, how you always retreated to the safe space of your bedroom when he was over. On the surface, you handled it all quite well. You didn't yell at Leon and tell him to get sober, you didn't cry yourself to sleep, you bypassed the first four stages of grief when you felt like you were losing him. Too used to being disappointed, you preemptively resigned yourself to the fact that he would end up like your father: gone, in one way or another. 
Leon got better, though, unlike your father. Neither of you ever talked about it, but your rift mended itself. Leon watched your face light up in hope and gratitude when he refused the drink your father offered him for the first time in a long time. Your hello and goodbye hugs returned, and you made noticeable efforts to linger in his presence; most notably, you went back to derailing the conversation whenever it came to bedtime, something you'd done since you were a kid. 
You became a debate champion and a master manipulator when it came to convincing Leon to let you stay up later. Every argument was futile, and he knew it; he continued to play your games for fun, but you had the key to his heart whether you knew it or not, and he would always give in to you. 
Leon didn't need to babysit you anymore as you got older, and his work life got increasingly busy. Plus, he had to spend time on therapy and self-care now that he'd decided to get sober. Thus, he saw you less often. It was okay, though; you had secretly and very loosely planned to visit him in D.C. once you graduated college, got a big girl job, and were no longer governed by your father's rule. 
Adulthood couldn't come sooner.
For your 21st birthday, you were hoping you could go out with a friend - or go to a party, though you wouldn't tell your dad the second part. However, you had been grounded for partying the weekend before - indefinitely, so your 21st would be spent at home with your dad. It could be a blessing in disguise, you thought initially, since your dad was rarely around. Now, you'd finally get to spend some quality time together. But alas, you were so very wrong about that. At the very last minute, your father was called out on an urgent work mission. 
When you were a child, this was his standard excuse for anything from a date to a night out on the town with friends. Sometimes, though, he really was needed at work. You'd allow yourself to believe it this time as a birthday gift. You'd spend the night crying otherwise. 
The nail in the coffin was that your dad got you a 'babysitter.' A babysitter on your 21st birthday?! It seemed like there should be a way to legally refuse that kind of thing. You expected the babysitter to be the mean old woman who lived next door; maybe if you were lucky, her daughter, who was slightly less of a bitch, would be in town, and your dad could pay her to take care of you instead. 
You were in your room, beginning your pity party, when the doorbell rang. 
"Honey, your babysitter is here. How about you come down and say hi," your dad called. 
"Tell my babysitter to fuck off," you fired back.
"How about you come tell him yourself?"
Him? You thought. A male babysitter? 
You walked downstairs to give this man a piece of your mind, making sure your resting bitch face was securely in place, but when you made it halfway down the stairs, you met the man's eyes and realized, "Leon?!" 
You ran into his arms, which were already outstretched for you. 
"Hey, Princess," he chuckled into your hair, "did you have something you wanted to say to me?"
"I missed you?"
"No, I thought you were coming down to tell me to 'fuck off.'"
"I didn't know it was you. I would never tell you that."
Your dad was already halfway out the door when he said, "Happy Birthday," with a wink, like they'd planned this night all along. There was no way in your mind that your father was a wingman and not a tyrannical dictator, at least not until that night. 
You were a simple woman and could be satisfied with pizza, a movie, and your favorite middle-aged man sitting next to you on the couch. 
Leon called the pizza place and ordered the usual for the both of you: half of your favorite toppings and half of his. The estimated delivery time was 30 minutes, according to the person on the phone. 
"What's your bet?" Leon asked, hanging up. 
"45 minutes," you said. 
"Wow, you're pessimistic today," he said. 
"No, I'm realistic, and I'm accounting for traffic," you said, "What's your guess?"
"One dollar," he said. 
You played by The Price is Right rules - whoever is the closest without going over wins. The prize? The loser has to answer the door when the doorbell rings. It was a low-stakes game.
40 minutes later, Leon was crowned the winner, but you still made him get the door because it was your birthday. 
There was another tradition your family shared surrounding pizza; it was an ancient memory but so well-preserved. When you were much younger, having lost the little guessing game, your father answered the door, and Leon remarked off-handedly that the woman was beautiful - she was out of earshot, of course. Your dad jokingly offered to ask for her number on his behalf. 
So, when Leon returned with a mischievous smile, you should've known what he was going to say.  
"Here, princess," he said, handing you the receipt, "got his number for you. It's right on the back."
"You did not!" you took the receipt in your hands and searched for a phone number on the back, falling for Leon's tricks. 
"I did not, you're right." Leon stuck his tongue out at you, as you used to do to him when you were a little girl. 
You returned the gesture, and he served you up a slice of pizza, serving himself second like a gentleman would. 
Unlike old times, you were allowed to eat in the living room since you'd reached an age where you could be trusted not to ruin the furniture.
On his way to the couch, he made a detour to ruffle your hair. "Movie?" he asked, holding the remote.
"Sure." You sat down beside him, a respectful distance away.
Leon wanted to watch something new, but you wanted to watch Jerry Maguire for the umpteenth time. So, naturally, you compromised by watching Jerry Maguire.  
At some point during the movie, you turned to him and said, "I just realized I don't know anything about you." 
That was the truth. The only things that you'd gathered from the many years you'd spent around Leon was that he wore a leather jacket, he rode a motorcycle, which you were not allowed to touch, and whatever cologne he wore smelled delightful. You couldn't pinpoint the particular scent, couldn't tell cedar from pine. If you had to describe it, you'd say it smelled familiar and good. You'd never seen him with a woman, and you weren't allowed to know anything about his job, similar to your father's. 
"What do you wanna know?" Leon asked.
You hadn't really thought that far. You didn't expect him to be so receptive to your questioning. 
"Have you ever been in love?" you blurted out.
He tilted his head to the side, confused about why you'd ask about his love life. 
"What?" he asked with a mouthful of pizza.
"I asked -"
"- I heard what you said; I was just wondering why you asked."
"I don't know, really."
"Okay, uh, yeah, I've been in love before," he said, looking towards the ceiling like he was trying to find a memory, "It was a long time ago, though."
"Is that sufficient?"
"I doubt I'll get anything else out of you, so it'll have to do, I guess."
"Smart girl. You say you don't know much about me, but you know me better than you think."
Leon went on to ask you questions about school, your friends, and the like, trying to shift the spotlight from his life onto yours. Getting information from him was like pulling teeth. It made you wonder if he'd learned to keep his secrets due to his line of work or if he was always a private guy. 
"Yes, princess?"
"Can I ask you another question?"
"Based on your last question, I should probably say no, but because it's your birthday, I'll let you continue your interrogation."
"It's not an interrogation. You're not in handcuffs or anything."
"Uh-huh," he said with an eye-roll, "Ask away before I change my mind."
"When did you lose your virginity?" you blurted out.
He choked on his water, spitting it onto his shirt. 
"Wow, okay, that's - you're really going there, aren't you?"
"Just answer the question."
"I can't plead the fifth?"
"It's a normal question; you're making it weird." You couldn't meet his eyes and opted to look down at your feet. 
Maybe he pitied you because he answered after a deep breath. "I was, uh, 16."
"Was it any good?"
He sighed. "It was okay… for me, at least. I don't know how much she enjoyed it. Didn't really know what I was doing back then."
You hummed in response, nodding and briefly looking up to see his face. 
"How 'bout you?" he asked in an unexpected turn of events.
"Didn't think you could get away without answering the question, too, did you?"
"Oh," you started, "I'm, uh, I haven't yet."
"Nothing to be ashamed of; it's normal at your age. Not that I'd know, of course."
He was always the one to try to lighten the mood, and it pretty much always worked. You laughed and playfully smacked him before saying, "I'm gonna go get in my pj's, I think." 
"Good idea. Gimme your plate, and I'll clean up."
You handed him your plate on the way out of the room, quickly making your way upstairs. You had a plan. 
Every man had a sex drive; every man had something that made them tick, but what was that special thing for Leon? How could you entice him if you'd never seen him with a woman? You had no idea what he liked, so all you could do was guess. 
You had a cute pink nightgown ready for this occasion. It was all silky with lace trim and all too revealing of your decolletage, peeking through the top, as well as the tiniest pair of panties you owned. A lace thong that matched the trim of the nightgown perfectly.
You waltzed downstairs to find Leon in the kitchen doing the dishes by hand. You decided that you should get a glass of water to put on a little show for Leon. You reached up to the top shelf to grab a glass, which made your nightgown ride up, showing your entire ass, subsequently bending down to reach the filtered water in the fridge, giving Leon a similar view. You couldn't tell if he was looking, but you lingered, teasing him, begging him to take a look. When you turned around, you caught him turning his head in the opposite direction. He knew he'd been caught, too. 
You took your glass of water to the couch and sat down, knowing that unless he wanted to walk out the back door, Leon would have to face you in the living room. You could see him trying to fix his pants in a way that would hide his hard-on, but you could still see the bulge when he came into the living room and sat down next to you. He didn't dare look below your neck. You scooted closer to him, and he pretended to look at the clock before saying, "You know what? I'm going to change into something more comfortable as well," and promptly headed upstairs. 
When he came back, he was wearing a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants, which did a piss-poor job of hiding his erection. You sat there all pretty, smiling at him, watching him shift his weight from foot to foot. 
"It's pretty late. I think it's getting close to bedtime," he said, acting like you were still a child.
"Okay," you said, pouting, pretending to be reluctant to walk towards him. 
You sauntered over, and he made a deliberate effort not to look at you. 
"Will you tuck me in?" you asked, using your cute little pouty face on him - the one that always worked. 
"Don't you think you're a little old for that, princess?"
Princess? He must be messing with you. He must know he's making you want him even more, right?
"Please, Leon. It's my birthday."
"Fine. Since it's your birthday, I guess I have to tuck you in, don't I?"
He gestured for you to walk upstairs first. Maybe he did want to get a peek at your ass. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, hands in your lap, back straight, with a smile. A good girl.
Leon's figure loomed in the doorway. "I'm gonna level with you here," he started, "I don't know what you're trying to do, but you and I both know this is an act."
"What's an act?" you continued to feign innocence. 
"The naive little girl thing. The tiny nightgown, the pouty face, bending over in the kitchen."
"It's your problem if you're turned on by it."
"Who said anything about being turned on by it?"
You looked him in the eyes, then down at his sweatpants, which did nothing to hide his arousal, and then back at his eyes. 
He was red in the face. "Fine. You win. Happy?"
"What do I win?"
"Getting to see me embarrassed. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"Then what is it that you want?" He crossed his arms, waiting for you to say it. 
He shook his head. "Mm-mm. Nope."
"Why not? You want me too."
"It's not right. That's why."
But he didn't deny it. 
"I'm 21. I'm an adult."
"But I'm still too old for you. And I've known you since you were a baby."
"And that's exactly why we should feel comfortable around each other."
"I have no problem being comfortable with you in a non-sexual context."
"But it's my birthday."
"You already played that card, princess."
"Please, what?"
"Just one kiss?"
He closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose, contemplating. 
"I won't tell anyone," you promised preemptively. 
"One." He walked towards you. "But that's it." 
"Deal, but it better be a real kiss. Not like a friendly peck on the lips."
You'd probably given him one of those when you were a toddler. This was different.
"I should've known you'd negotiate further." He pretended to be exasperated, but his smile betrayed him. He had a soft spot for you. "What are the terms?"
"It has to last at least 30 seconds."
"20 is the lowest I'll go."
"20 for the birthday girl."
He closed his eyes and leaned in. His lips were soft, and his mouth tasted minty. You weren't counting the seconds and hoping he wasn't, either. You knew you were pushing it when you brought your tongue into the equation, but he'd already given in to you. He allowed the tip of his tongue to meet yours.  
He pulled away first. Quickly, so you couldn't catch him and pull him back in. 
"You happy now?" he asked, much more amused than annoyed.
You stared at him, seeing stars already. 
"I think that was only 10 seconds." The edges of lips curved upwards slowly. 
"Oh really? I think it was at least a minute."
"I was counting."
"No, you were not."
Despite protesting, he was still sitting in your bed, laughing with you. 
"But Leon-"
"But what, princess?" He cocked his head to the side, taunting you. 
You were out of bargaining chips. You'd played every card that wasn't flat-out begging him. 
"Did you at least think it was good?" you asked, needing his approval more than anything.
"It was great." He sounded sincere, and you hoped that he meant it more than anything. 
"Really? You promise you'd never lie to me?" you held out your pinky and he took it in his. 
"Promise," he said.
When he was about to stand up, you said, "But if it was good, then why don't you want more?"
He flopped back on your bed and sighed in exasperation. "Because it's not appropriate."
"But that doesn't mean you don't want it."
"No, but it doesn't matter. I'm the adult in the situation, and I'm telling you it's a bad idea."
"I'm the adult, too, and I think it's a great idea."
"Well, I have more experience than you, and I know it's a bad idea."
"If you have more experience, then you can help me."
"How many more arguments do you have? Just hit me with all of them so I can give you a collective 'no,' and then we can both go to bed."
You could see his frustrations dueling in his mind. He was tired of your arguing, but the more frustrated he got at you, still sitting next to him in a tiny pink nightgown, the more he wanted you. His gentle, sweet sexual fantasies about you were being replaced by rougher ones. He knew that if he told you to turn around and get on all fours, you'd do it. He could spank you as punishment for your naughty behavior, and you'd like it. 
"I was going to resort to begging next."
"And you think that would break me?"
"It always does."
"Because I have a weak spot for you," he paused, "and because you usually aren't asking me for sex."
"Who said I was asking for sex?"
He glared at you, knowing that was exactly what you wanted.
"You said that you lost your virginity at my age," you said, hoping your reasoning would make sense to him.
"And?" He understood, but that didn't mean he agreed. 
"I don't want to be a virgin anymore. I wanna be cool like you, Leon."
You'd told him that before, wearing his leather jacket that was too big for you, waddling around the house as a kindergartner. 
"Well, then find a nice guy - or girl - your age and do that on your own time."
"But I want you."
He closed his eyes, resigning himself to the fact that he might have to give into you while he still wanted you gently. Otherwise, with your track record, you'd get him to concede to your wishes, but only after losing self-control, which was the only thing holding him back from tying you to the headboard. 
"You don't know this yet because you haven't had this experience yet, but it's hard not to get attached to the first person you're with."
"And? We're already close."
"Not like that, though. We're not dating, not married, and we never will be. I'm trying to protect you."
"I'm not proposing marriage."
"Thank god."
"You've protected me from everything my whole life. Now I'm an adult, and I want to choose. Remember when I was little, you used to say, 'I'll tell you when you're older' or 'When you're an adult, you can make your own choices'? I'm not your responsibility anymore, Leon."
"You never were." He took your hand because he still loved you despite it all. "I care about you, so I can't let you get hurt, but I also can't be with you. And things aren't going to be the same if we do this."
"I promise I'll be okay. I can handle it."
He sat silently for a moment before finally saying, "You're not going to tell your dad, right?"
"No, god no, never."
"You're not going to brag to your friends?"
"Are you saying I'd want to brag? That you're worthy of such high praise?"
"I'd like to think I'm decent at it."
"Is this you agreeing?" Your eyes lit up the way they did whenever you got your way. 
"I'm exhausted, you're in a tiny nightgown, and you're begging. I'm powerless against you."
"And I thought that Leon Kennedy could have me pinned down in under a second."
"Is that what you'd like?"
"Maybe." At this point, you were hovering over him, one leg outside each of his. You sat down, straddling him, and he struggled to keep a straight face. 
"Have you done anything before?" He asked. 
You made a lewd gesture, indicating that you'd performed oral sex on a guy before.
"You're gonna have to be more mature than that if we're gonna do this." 
"Fine. I sucked a guy's dick once." You didn't want to be so vulgar, but how else were you supposed to say it? 
"Good for you." Leon pretended to be unimpressed, but in truth, he was thinking about the view that guy must've gotten. How perfect you'd look on your knees. 
"No, good for him."
"He didn't reciprocate?"
Leon's hands were gripping your hips. You couldn't tell if he wanted you to move or if he was trying to keep you still. 
"That's too bad. You're a good girl. You deserve it."
"A good girl?" Your voice faltered, and your eyes said it all. 
"Yes, a very good girl." He leaned down and caught your mouth in a quick kiss. 
Even looming over you, he looked hesitant to touch you, like you were too delicate and fragile.
"You wanna take this off?" he asked, toying with the hem of your nightgown.
"Only if you agree to take your shirt off."
He sat up and took his shirt off. You could see how his arms flexed when he did it and his now-exposed chest and abs.
"How do you look so good at your age?" You meant to keep that thought to yourself, but your mouth had a mind of its own. As you spoke, you ran your hands down his chest, noting that his body felt as lovely as it looked. 
"I'm not sure if I should be offended that you called me old or flattered that you think I look good."
"You look hot."
"You gonna hold up your end of the deal?"
You sat up and removed your nightgown, revealing a tiny white thong with a little bow. 
"Cute," he mused, playing with the bow. 
"I didn't know what you liked, so I had to guess."
"You did a great job."
His large hands cupped one of your now-exposed breasts in each hand, thumbs running over your nipples, making you shiver. 
He hummed in satisfaction at your reaction. Seeing your face flush, he said, "Don't be embarrassed, princess."
You didn't have time to answer before his lips were on yours again, making their way down your neck, stopping to whisper into your ear.
"Promise you'll tell me if I do anything you don't like?"
With open-mouthed kisses, he made his way down to your chest, letting his tongue circle each nipple, looking for weaknesses. It wasn't hard to find them. You were soaking through the thin lace of your panties. 
Feeling Leon's lips on your tits, you let out a small moan and tried to cover any others up with a hand over your mouth. Leon removed your hand and said, "Mm-mm. If I do this for you, you can't cover your mouth. I wanna hear your pretty noises."
He made his way to the hem of your panties. The lace barely covered anything. You felt him lap at your folds through the fabric, making you gasp. 
"Can I take them off?"
 He looked up into your eyes, which had no thoughts behind them other than how much you needed this. He removed your panties, teasing you with kisses on your hip bones and thighs, wanting to see if you'd beg for a feeling you'd never felt. 
He made eye contact while he flicked his tongue over your clit, anticipating your strong reaction. You threw your head back and gripped the sheets.
"Already, princess? I've barely even done anything to you," He mumbled into your skin. 
There were infinite combinations of words in the English language that could accurately describe your embarrassment, but they were all out of reach, as pleasure had taken your mind hostage.
When Leon had imagined this moment - and yeah, he'd imagined it, filled with such intense lust and followed by an even larger wave of guilt - he'd imagined his fingers inside you by this point. But, now, he was just letting his tongue glide along your folds, trying to tease you, trying to taste you, trying to burn a memory onto his mental hard drive of this moment. He pressed a kiss to your clit and watched as your eyes rolled back and you arched your body off the bed. He'd never seen a woman so sensitive, though. He'd never done anything with a virgin before. Most of the women he'd hooked up with in the past decade were in their 30s. 
"Leon," You whined.
"I know, baby girl. Let go for me," he said softly, looking into your eyes with a loving gaze. 
He sucked lightly on your clit, leading you through your orgasm. The intense sensation coursed through your entire body, making your thighs tremble, and your moans turn into sobs.
"Oh my god. Daddy!" In the heat of the moment, it just came out. 
Leon didn't pull away, despite his surprise - truthfully, he couldn't have because your thighs kept him in a headlock. You could've suffocated him, maybe even broken his neck like that, but he was strong enough that he could push your legs apart if he really needed to breathe. Not that he cared very much. Leon had faced death enough times to know that this would've been one of the best ways to go. He'd take his chances if it meant he got an extra minute between your thighs.
"Daddy, huh? Thought you were an innocent little girl. Shoulda known better."
"Sorry. It was just so good, and I wasn't thinking."
"I know, princess. I'm glad I could make you feel good."
He kissed each cheek and your forehead. The way he'd always done when he put you to bed.
"You wanna go to bed now?" he asked. You couldn't tell if he wanted a 'yes' or a 'no'. The smile on his face was the same as it always was - happy and warm and honest. It was the same look he'd given you when he'd said goodnight to you for decades. He wanted you to sleep because he cared about you but didn't mind having you stay up because he loved you. 
"No, I don't wanna go to bed," you said, reaching down to palm him through his sweatpants.
He gave you a look of arousal poorly concealed by hesitation to take things any further.
"I don't wanna hurt you," he said. 
You pouted, and he was defenseless.
"Always get what you want," he said under his breath.
You hooked your thumbs in the waistband of his sweatpants, and he took them off.
When you tried to go for his underwear, he said, "Yeah, yeah. Gimme a second."
He got out of bed, and you whined. 
"I'll be right there." He feigned annoyance, but he obviously still found you cute. 
"What are you doing?"
"Looking for my wallet. It's probably in the other room."
He went to your guest room next door, and you were initially confused, worried he'd left you. Until he came back with a condom held between two fingers. 
"Did you know this was going to happen?"
"No, but I'm always prepared."
It was the truth. No way in Hell did he ever think this would happen when he came to your house.
"Would you ever do it without one?"
"If you're proposing that, the answer is absolutely not."
Secretly, you both wished for him to be inside you without the rubber barrier. You watched him pull out his dick and slip on the condom unceremoniously as if this wasn't the most important moment of your life thus far. 
He caught you ogling. "What? Impressed or disappointed?"
He knew the answer. It wasn't the first time he'd gotten that kind of reaction. 
"Do you think it's gonna fit?" you asked.
"No need to flatter me, sweetheart. You've already got me in bed."
"I'm being serious."
"I'll go slow," he assured you, voice quiet and sweet.
He brushed his thumb across your cheek. He kissed you with such tenderness you felt like you might melt. 
You got a rush of adrenaline watching him line himself up at your entrance. Both from excitement and nerves. You truly were worried about whether it would fit inside you. 
The first thrust was a bit painful - nothing excruciating, just a bit of discomfort - but Leon, worried about you, immediately pulled back and asked, "What's wrong, baby girl? Did I hurt you?"
You nodded meekly and made the "little bit" sign with your pointer and thumb. 
"Okay. Lemme try something else then."
At this point, he had pulled entirely out of you, and he started to play with your clit lazily while gazing at your face. All discomfort faded from your expression and was replaced by pleasure. He had you nearly writhing again over such minimal contact. 
In his deep, silky voice, he said, "Open," pushing two fingers into your mouth, making sure he didn't go too far and make you gag. 
You knew he wanted you to wet them for him, but you decided to give him a little show, too. You looked into his eyes while sucking his fingers, swirling your tongue around them. You could tell he was trying to keep his composure, but you could feel his dick twitch against your leg. 
Though he was enjoying the sight, he removed his fingers from your mouth and pushed them, one, then both, into you and gently stroked your inner walls. His other hand was tending to your clit all the while, and you began to feel the pressure in your abdomen rise again. It must've shown on your face because he started pumping his fingers in and out of you with greater force until you were teetering on the edge of a second orgasm. Your walls clenched around his fingers, and he promptly took them away.
"Why did you do that?" You whined with tears, acting like it was the greatest betrayal. 
"It's okay, princess. I'm gonna let you come. I wanna be inside you when you do, though."
You felt the head prodding at your entrance; the only thing you felt was a desire for more. The feeling of being stretched out took a moment to adjust to, but it felt good to be filled. He gently gave himself to you inch by inch. 
"You're doing so good for me, princess."
"Daddy?" you said in a voice neither of you had ever heard before.
"Yes, baby?" Leon's breath hitched. It didn't matter how wrong it was; it was too good. 
I love you. Those were the words you wanted to say, and 'I love you, Leon' was something you'd said a thousand times, but it was never 'Daddy, I love you' - and it was never during sex, obviously. 
"Thank you," you said - for what? You weren't sure, but Leon seemed to get the gist. 
He didn't say anything, just smiled and then pressed a kiss to your cheek, still thrusting in and out of you, speeding up when he knew you could take it. 
The face Leon made when he bottomed out inside you was a heavenly sight. It made you tighten around him, eliciting a low groan from him. He took one hand from beside your head and slid it down between your thighs, touching you where you needed it most. The feeling of him rubbing your clit as he fucked you made your pussy spasm around him. 
"Gonna be a good girl and come for Daddy?" he asked. 
"Oh my god, Daddy!" You nearly screamed when you came. 
Leon did his best to hide his feelings about that word, maintaining the rhythm of his thrusts, thumb not leaving your clit. The physical sensation of you clenching around him nearly sent him over the edge with you, but the conflicting feelings that 'Daddy' gave him held him back. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
If you'd told him before that moment that you wanted to call him 'Daddy,' he would've thought it was odd, but watching your eyes roll back and feeling your nails dig into his back as you said it made it sexy. 
Once your orgasm subsided, he allowed himself to let go. Your eyes fluttered back open just in time to watch his face as he came. 
"Fuck," he groaned, drawn out, followed by heavy breaths. 
You were still a bit dazed when he got up, threw the condom in the trash, and immediately collapsed beside you. You were greeted with a kiss on the forehead once you returned to Earth. 
Leon stopped himself from saying, "I love you," even though you'd both said it to each other a thousand times over the years. The fact remained that both of you loved each other, but the specificities of that love had now become blurry. 
At the risk of embarrassing you, he asked, "So, the whole 'Daddy' thing?"
"I'm sorry. Did it weird you out?"
"I wouldn't put it like that."
"You can just say it did."
"No, it's just – it feels wrong considering the circumstances."
"Yeah, I know. I shouldn't have let myself get that carried away."
"There's no reason to be embarrassed about it. It wasn't a turn-off. I still came, so the proof is… well, it's in your trash can."
You smiled at his attempt to lighten the mood, but your face was still bright red. 
"You really shouldn't feel bad about it. It's no big deal."
"But it is. You said it - because…" 
You couldn't say, "You're like a second father to me," or anything else that came to mind. The whole thing simultaneously made more and less sense. Of course, he was 'Daddy' in your mind, but in more ways than one. 
"I know," he said simply. You didn't need to finish your sentence for him to understand. 
"Can you hold me?" You asked, getting teary-eyed for reasons more complicated than you could verbalize. Overstimulation, overwhelming pleasure, a closeness beyond what you'd ever felt with someone before, the sense that things had changed for good, concern that this had caused irreparable damage to whatever bond you'd had, but most of all, how angry you were at your real dad. 
"Of course, baby girl, c'mere," Leon said with arms wide open. He sat up in bed, knowing what you wanted. You sat in his lap and clung to him while he held you tightly. 
"I can't believe he couldn't even be here for my birthday," you sobbed, still naked in Leon's lap. 
"I know, and I'm sorry, princess. I'm upset about it, too."
He pressed little kisses into your hair.
You wondered if maybe Leon was right: you had gotten attached to him, but this part was always going to happen. In every reality, you would've ended up crying in his arms. 
All the emotions you tried to keep inside came out of your tear ducts at once, and you felt like a little girl. 
You got up eventually to pee because Leon forced you to. He put his pants back on and was about to do the same with his shirt when you asked, "Can I have it?"
He threw it to you, not even thinking the same thing you were. He'd given girlfriends and hookups t-shirts to wear to bed, but it had nothing to do with sex at this moment; you needed the comfort you always would have. It was like a hug from him. The way you'd sleep in your dad's room when he wasn't home, just to feel like he was there.
You got into your bed, still wearing Leon's shirt, and he got up to leave, as he was supposed to, as you knew he would. Sleeping with you was never part of the agreement, but your eyes flooded with tears when you watched him leave. 
"Goodnight," he said at the door. 
You were too choked up to say it back. Leon waited for you to speak, knowing what you'd say. 
"Don't leave, please," you said, crying, not pouting, not whining, but crying. Leon remembered when you were a kid, and he slept on your bedroom floor because you didn't want to be alone. Because you cried and begged him not to leave, and he felt awful seeing your tears, knowing your mom walked out and your dad was rarely there, knowing that - whether you understood it or not - you meant, 'don't leave me like everyone else.' Leon couldn't do that to you, couldn't leave a neglected little girl alone. As he'd told you, he didn't have to do this by any obligation other than a self-imposed one. Sleeping in your bed right now was dangerous - your father could walk in, you could get the wrong idea and get more attached, you could try to go for round two - but, if you hadn't had sex, if he'd done the right thing in the first place and said no, you'd still have been crying in his arms, you'd still ask him to stay. The right thing to do would be to stay. 
He nodded and climbed into bed with you, letting you rest your head on his chest.
Leon was right: you were so very attached to him.
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lidiasloca · 1 year
Might I request a humble Cassian x reader? Angst that ends in fluff. Maybe the reader gets captured on a mission and seriously hurt and Cassian comes and saves her? Or maybe something where the reader has been bottling up her emotions, like her depression, and something random just makes her break down?
I just need Cassian comfort. 🩷
during the bad days, cassian will be there
cassian x reader
“Y/n, you’ve really forgotten the paints? Again?” Feyre had complained this morning.
“I needed those reports last week,” Rhys told you, clearly irritated. 
“You never go out with us anymore,” Mor stated. 
Amern followed the blonde. “You better keep up with Cassian’s rhythm, you boring girl.”
“Can you - no, concentrate, Y/n. How can you be so far behind the rest of the girls?” Azriel said to you during your training. 
And that had been the last straw.
You tried to remain composed for the rest of the training, but once it was over, you ran to your and Cassian’s room in the House of Wind. Eternally thankful that he was busy in a meeting with the High Lady.
This last week, it seemed like everything -everyone- was against you. And you would hate to tell your mate that part of the reason you were crying and curled on yourself on the bed, was his friends. 
So you planned to not linger too long in bed; just a few minutes of letting yourself finally cry, and then, you should be fine for another week. Or so you hoped. 
As you soothed yourself with these thoughts, you felt something warm within your soul. Cassian. 
Realization hit you in an instant - you had let him feel absolutely everything through the bond. 
Then a knock on the door. 
You swiftly sat up, using your sleeves to dry your face. 
Cassian walked in, his steps careful. He said nothing as he closed the door behind him and walked to where you were still seated on the bed. 
“I felt you through the bond,” he told you gently while he knelt in front of you, placing his hands on your knees. 
You couldn’t help the sob that escaped you. And quickly, you moved to hide your face in your mate’s neck, not being able to hold his gaze as tears kept wetting your cheeks. 
“Baby,” he murmured against your hair as he moved his hand to trace circles on your neck. “What is it?” The soft way he spoked disarmed you utterly. It always did.
“I’ve just -” you tried, but felt a pressure in your throat.
He leaned in to kiss the top of your head. “Take your time.”
“It’s just been a difficult week - I don’t know,” you mumbled.
He held your chin and made you meet his worried eyes. “How so?”
You thought again and again about a way to put it. Your friends, it sounded too violent; and it scared you, the thought of hurting him if you confessed it. 
“I’ve been stressed, I guess.”
But Cassian could read you too well. “Y/n,” he urged.
You sighed and let yourself some second of silence before saying, “They - I feel they have been harsh on me these days.”
Your mate raised an eyebrow. “They?” But he realized a beat later; his lips became pressed together as he closed his eyes tight. 
You panicked at the sight of your mate, suddenly so mad “Cassian…” 
He raised to his feet, making your body miss the warmth of him. “All of them?” His voice sounded like a quiet threat.
“Well - yes,” you mumbled.
Looking up at him, you saw how he ran a hand over his face. “What?” he demanded dangerously softly, his jaw clenched. “What have they done?”
“Just - just some things that they said-”
He growled. “I will speak to them.”
“No! No! Cassian, they did nothing wrong. I’m just… sort of susceptible these days. Please don't hold it against them.”
“I’m serious Cass; don’t tell them anything.”
“So am I” he replied, but this time, his voice was different; harsher, angrier. “I am very serious. If my family disrespected my mate, then I sure as hell will talk to them.”
You closed your eyes at his tone, silent tears cascading down your face once again. “Y/n, love,” Cassian breathed, immediately kneeling again. His hand cupped your face once more, brushing away the tears. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
You looked into his hazel eyes, trying to tell him that it was okay, that you were being overdramatic, but you couldn’t seem to get any words out. 
“Baby, please. Please don’t cry,” he said, guilt clear in his voice. 
“No, I’m - it’s not you. I’m just - I don’t know,” you gabbled. It didn’t seem to bring your mate any comfort, so you simply moved to hug him. With Cassian kneeling, the angle happened to be somewhat awkward, but that didn't stop you one bit from holding him even tighter. He did the same.
“I just want this day to end,” you murmured.
And as if he took that as a cue, with his arms around your middle, he lifted you as he raised. “Cass?” 
He only shushed you tenderly as he leaned to lay you in the bed, then pulled the covers to cover you.
You couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. “It’s still evening.”
“We’ll end the day sooner, then,” he said nonchalantly as he started getting on the bed as well. Once inside, you turned your face to him, trying to make him see how much calmer you were.
He traced your smile with his thumb, just as he had wiped your tears not long before.
“I love you,” you found yourself whispering.
He returned your smile, so beautiful and genuine.
“I know,” he whispered back.
-Characters by Sarah J. Maas
well I'm a star wars fan so i had to - HAD TO- write the "i love u, i know." especially with cassian, cause hello? cassian and han solo, oh yes. this is not proofread btw, not really. thanks for the lovely request.
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apollothesunrat · 3 months
I'm back with more PJO/Riordanverse headcanons! Some of these are also just ways I would have done things after seeing then in new perspectives. This'll probably be a long post so I'll put this all under the cut.
Imma start with the headcanons!
Malcolm and Jake were actually dating for a while but only told everyone after Nico and Will both came out.
Adding on to my Genderfluid Percy headcanon from before, Percabeth are both bi so Annabeth doesn't mind.
Mitchell came around during the Sea of Monsters quest and Lacy came at the same time as Drew due their mortal parents living in the same area since they go to the same school
Clovis has actually been at the camp nearly the same amount of time as Annabeth due to his sleep powers hindering his mortal mothers life, she left on the hill.
Thalia and Grover set up small hidden demigod camps for quests since it's common for monsters to destory your supplies. They are able to do this because they travel a lot.
Percy, and Annabeth often invite Will and Nico over so they can help eachother with eachothers Tartarus experiences.
Percy and Annabeth consider Nico a little brother and let him stay over at anypoint once they have their own home.
Every year Percy has three birthday parties. One at camp courtesy of his fellow campers, one at his home with his closest friends, and his family, and one with his cousins where they go out. Often the one from hosted by Sally and Paul is the only one actually on his birthday. The other two often happen the next day.
After Jason's death Leo and Piper decided to start meeting up at least once durung the school year, to check up on eachother. They are sometimes joined by others.
Percy knows how to cook, on the other hand Annabeth is not the best at cooking.
Clarisse and Percy spar together for fun when either of them need a break from everything else in life.
Clarisse often treats Will like a little brother because of how young he was when he became head medic and how many times he healed her despite her rude words at first.
Magnus and Annabeth have meetups almost every month, occasionally Percy and/or Alex will tag along. Annabeth and Percy have yet to tell Camp.
Percy and Annabeth also often meet up with Carter and Sadie for food. They like to check up on the younger kids. Percaveth had yet to tell Camp about these two as well.
When Sally and Paul want a date amnight and Percy and Annabeth aren't available the rest of the seven or Nico and Will are open to babysitting Estelle so the two can still go out. Everyone loves Estelle.
Now for the changed storylines.
I would have had Percy and Annabth stand up for Nico more during the deabte to go save him from the jar as they have know him since he was ten and it just makes sense.
Caleo but platonic. I've seen many points made by others where it shows Caleo isn't the best and honestly it is a bit strange to resolve Leo's arc by giving him a romantic relationship with an immortal much older than him. So instead of having them date, I'd have them bond over them both having bad luck with relationships and give them a sibling relationship.
I would have Drew be mentioned much earlier, give her a big relationship with Silena. She's always with her sister, looking up to her. She was always kinda of a mean girl but she masks her sorrow about Silena with more hate.
Talk about Jason's missing memories more. He never fully got his back, have him ask Reyna about his life, and Thalia about their mother.
I would make Ares just... Less the way Rick made him. He respects girls in his myths, he supports the Amazons. Yet he abuses his daughter? Have him be a supportive father that just hates other demigods cause they think of him as mindless war disrespect his children.
Similarly I would change Hera. Yes, it makes sense for her to dislike Thalia and maybe other big three children because of the myths. But not any other demigods. She, along with being the goddess of marriage and childbirth, is also the goddess of family and women. So many demigods have horrible families, let her support them discreetly by allowing her cabin to be the cabin for unclaimed campers, or perhaps by leading young demigods to Artemis so she can help them get to camp.
More seafam shit. Percy and Triton bonding, Percy meeting his other godly siblings other than Kym, Amphitrite getting to know Percy and acting like a stepmother, etc, etc. I need more of this.
That's all I have for now! I may post an au ideas post soon. I have many aus, some inspired by fics and some are completely made up of my own dumb thoughts.
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ciaomarie · 5 months
So what exactly made me latch onto the Sydcarmy ship like a leech on a water buffalo?
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It was unexpected (for me)! Yes, the very first meeting between Syd and Carm did make an impact. I thought "Oooh, what's this?!" However, Carmy was/is such a mess that I quickly dismissed it. And Sydney just seemed to want his professional approval and a partner in making something great after the soul-crushing failure of Sheridan. So, the first season I personally didn't feel a mutual sexual/romantic tension, more like an automatic respect and shared goals/passions. Sydney nor Carm were obviously trying to flirt. Most slow burns on TV are 100% obvious like a Jeanine and Gregory (Abbott Elementary), Nick and Jess (New Girl), Jake and Amy (Brooklyn 99), Jim and Pam (The Office)...Until Braciole Ep. 8 that is.
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S. 1 Episode 8- I won't get into everything but Carmy was desolate. Yes, he became a psycho chef and two people quit in Ep.7. However, he mourned Sydney more than Marcus. She was in his flashback/nightmare (?), then the way he told Tina that she looked like Syd (the poor pup), him texting her before opening the note from Mikey, and finally the most gorgeous locked gaze scene since Pride and Prejudice (2005). The soft lighting, the music, the colors, the mind-reading...magical. I still didn't get it initially. Silly, blind me.
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Mentorship where??? Season 2 Carm and Syd's "mentorship" dynamic is pretty much over. They are true partners and spending more time together. They're dressing alike even when not in uniform, finishing each other's sentences or talking in unison. Sydney is opening up more of herself and Carm is asking to know more. They use the ASL sign for sorry with each other and no one else until ep 10. Then there's that locker scene in ep. 1 or 2, when they almost hang out just cause. However, Carmy misses the moment and there's the return of the kicked pup face. Before being on the ship I was delighted with all of their scenes and was looking forward to the food tour. They just ROCK together on screen.
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Classic Love Triangle- Who's Claire? She's "Claire Bear", the prototypical "cool girl", who is willing to chase an socially awkward, wrong-number-giving man, despite being a pretty ER resident with no shortage of options. Did a CW writer get hired? Anyways, why was her presence used almost exclusively to put strain on Carmy and Sydney's relationship instead of The Bear generally? We could have had scenes with Nat, Richie, and Marcus arguing with Carmy about him being distracted due to Claire. They saved 99% of that for Sydney. They CHOSE to insert her in between or just after scenes with him and Claire. Showing Sydney's tattoos and her getting dressed with the stained chef's coat juxtaposed with them was WILD.
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I LOVE that both believe their interpersonal problems are solely about The Bear/business partnership. In most "slowburns" the characters are far more conscious and actively work to keep things platonic. Jeremy might be a smidge aware that Sydney means more to him after the panic attack, but I bet he's shoved it down. All he knows afterward is that being with Claire feels wrong hence ignoring her call and recommitting to SYDNEY. He could of said "You all/This/The Bear deserve my full focus etc..." He was also nagged into greeting Claire at Friends and Family, seemed anxious when Fak brought her up right before The Table scene, and also while explaining that "she's great" to Sydney. He was at peace when focused on Sydney in the moment below.
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The actors: Jeremy and Ayo's real life friendship is warms my soul and their chemistry onscreen is amazing. DON'T WASTE IT!!!
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Jeremy smolders on screen. I want to see Carmy continue to stare, yearn, fall, then eventually confess and for Sydney to reciprocate his feelings. Anyhoo, does anyone else melt when Carm means business?! They do this twice in season one and it's not good for me. Whew, I need to clean my whole house or run a few miles.
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Finally, there's so many other parallels between these two. They are fearful avoidants, have a missing or dead parent, jacked up stomachs, use sarcasm, but are generally very earnest, they struggle with anxiety, are compassionate, are perfectionists, peace-makers, give people multiple chances, are workaholics...so much more. A lot of that is also ME, lol.
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Sydcarmy is my Roman Empire. I love them as much as you can fictional characters and they deserve the most tender, angsty, triumphant, romantic best-friends to more love story.
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macromantis · 24 days
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Debunking the most common misconceptions about Arihnda Pryce's backstory
Seeing the amount of people misunderstanding Pryce, I decided to debunk the most common misconceptions.
(Explaining why she DIDN'T betray her friends, why she isn't morally black, Batonn crisis, why Azadi isn't better, the issue with comics..)
I believe a lot of people miss or simply don't understand why exactly she did certain things, which is why I made this post, I want to address them and offer a clearer understanding of her character.
"She is and always was a horrible person."
This is simply not true. Arihnda was trusting, with a strong sense of justice and good nature, which were the qualities that ultimately led to her downfall.
Her naivety is further evidence that she didn't fully understand what she was getting into when she arrived on Coruscant. Having spent her entire life on Lothal, a place clearly lagging behind, how could she have known?
She naively trusted Renking and assisted him, only to be caught in a poorly planned trap for Moff Ghadi that he never disclosed to her. This led to the plan backfiring, her being threatened with imprisonment, and being forced to plant fake information in Renking's office, which resulted in her losing her job.
She believed she had genuine friends, but they all turned out to be using her for their own gain, putting her in danger and abusing power.
The only way for her to avoid such threats was to gain more political power, which only fueled her desire to climb the social ladder. It was clearly hinted that she was uncomfortable relying on anyone after all her experiences, relying solely on herself became the only safe option.
Actions that show she wasn’t morally black like people make her out to be:
When she was new on Coruscant, she compelled an arrogant landlady to repair a leaking pipe in a tenant’s apartment block by leveraging legal authority, purely out of her sense of justice. If she wanted to gain something, the landlady was the only one who could provide anything, yet she pitted herself against the landlady by standing up for the tenant.
She befriended Juahir, then a waitress, and her friend Driller, there was nothing to gain here from these people. Pryce helped Juahir find an apartment in her building, and as Renking’s assistant, she got the chance to attend a high-ranking officers’ ball, helping her friends who didn’t have that chance to get in as well, again expecting nothing in return.
As mentioned before, when she turned in Juahir to the ISB for her crimes, she gave her advice that ultimately helped her avoid execution.
When she became the governor of Lothal (after spending over a year on Coruscant training for the role), she closed her family’s company due to the doonium vein being completely exhausted. Despite her allegiance to the Empire, she ensured that the oldest employees, who had worked for the company since it was owned by her family, were prioritized in securing new positions.
Pryce discovered that the doonium vein wasn’t actually exhausted, it continued on the other side, where Eccos, a female Anx who used to be in charge of Pryce Mining, was secretly mining it. Instead of turning her in for illegal mining, Pryce told Eccos she closed the company completely so she could continue mining without Renking and his people intervening, offering further help if needed.
Again, despite her allegiance to the Empire, she genuinely cared for her parents and was even willing to kill other Imperials to keep them out of harm’s way. Instead of sending someone else to Batonn, she went there herself, putting herself in danger to save them, which further shows how strong her loyalty is.
"She betrayed her friends."
Ah yes, the most misunderstood part of her entire story.
First, it’s important to clarify that Juahir and Driller were not her friends, definitely not at the end. They were using her as a tool to gather information about the Empire for Nightswan, effectively making her an innocent agent in their treasonous activities. They intentionally never told her because they knew she would never agree to such actions.
Juahir was sending her students, whom she had trained as bodyguards, to spy on members of the Imperial Senate. One of these students even attempted murder. Juahir was also the one to introduce agent Ottlis to Arihnda, setting her up.
Driller was fully aware of Ottlis working for Moff Ghadi, who not only sprayed Arihnda with an illegal drug but also threatened her with imprisonment and got her fired from her job. Despite knowing about Ottlis' ties, Driller never told Arihnda.
Ottlis was specifically assigned to her since the very beginning as a spy, as stated by Ghadi himself.
By turning them in to the ISB, Arihnda gained protection from Colonel Yularen. Had she not done so, she would have become an accomplice and faced arrest along with them, or worse, they could have shifted all the blame onto her.
Arihnda’s choice was about protecting herself, not out of malice.
Being opportunistic, she also managed to turn this threat to her advantage, securing the governorship.
It’s worth noting that despite this, Pryce helped Juahir avoid execution.
People also tend to ignore the amount of political manipulation she was both under and had to perform herself. She had to eliminate another threat of imprisonment from Moff Ghadi by aligning with Moff Tarkin, all while trying to resolve the problem with Higherskies.
"She killed innocent civilians."
I could write entire paragraphs about how weak this argument is, as people cherry-pick which equally horrible (or most of the time even worse) criminal character is to be shamed and which glorified for their crimes, very obviously biased. But that’s not the topic of this post, so I’ll just explain the situation since many people ignore a very important part of it.
When Arihnda set off the explosion, she did so under the impression that she was hiding the body of an agent who had threatened her with a gun and intended to leave her parents to die on Batonn, along with the rest of the civilians. Hearing that the crew was already on their way to her parents’ house, and with the risk of the dead body being discovered increasing by the second, she acted quickly, failing to realize the massive impact the explosion would have since the shield was still up. The result shocked her as well.
Does that excuse it or make it any better? Absolutely not.
Does it tell you anything about her character other than that she acts impulsively under pressure?
Also not.
The result was unintentional, but at this point in her life, she would risk anything for her own and her loved ones’ survival. She had become fully capable of eliminating anything or anyone who dared to endanger her, which left her feeling no guilt for the impact of her actions, further showing how corrupted she had become along the way.
Arihnda Pryce vs. Ryder Azadi
People put Azadi on a pedestal and make Pryce seem like the spawn of the devil, which is neither entirely true.
When it comes to Azadi, we don’t know much about his character, but we can still make assumptions based on what little we do know. When he discovered that a vein of doonium had been uncovered in the Pryce Mine, he wanted to buy a controlling interest from the company’s owner, who was Arihnda Pryce. It was clear that Azadi had been bothering her about this in the past, and when Pryce refused, Azadi acted shockingly. He attempted a complete takeover by falsifying embezzlement charges, leading to the arrest of Pryce’s mother and denying Arihnda the chance to bail her out or even visit her.
When Pryce went to Renking’s office to appeal for her mother’s release, he confirmed that her mother would be held by Azadi until proven innocent, and he could not be convinced otherwise. This was a very strange thing for Azadi to do and raises questions about the actual goodness of his character. First, he wanted to slowly but surely take over someone else’s company, and then he resorted to extremes when he was refused.
When it comes to Arihnda, I never see people talking about the other things she did for Lothal.
Before becoming governor, she spent over a year on Coruscant training for the position, putting in effort to bolster Lothal’s standing among other Imperial planets.
Pryce’s main issue with Lothal was how behind it was, her primary goal to modernize the planet.
She constructed factories and mining posts, planning to increase industry, mining, commerce, and new workers. She also aimed to establish military academies and a powerful naval presence to maintain it all.
While many decried the increased Imperial presence, the new development increased employment opportunities and prosperity, benefiting the planet.
She also thwarted Governor Sanz of Kintoni’s plan to expand military-grade facilities on a neighboring planet, which threatened Lothal
The issue with comics
Now, a bone I have to pick with the comic.
Since the books are long, the comics are forced to simplify the story, often leaving out information or adding things that didn’t happen at all.
This is one of the reasons I always recommend reading the books before reading the comics, as the comics are supposed to be based ON the books, but obviously can't contain everything.
My main issue is with this specific panel:
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The whole prison situation is very complex and generally misunderstood in itself, and this comic portrayal didn’t help it at all. Arihnda didn’t say the highlighted part, which I think is worth mentioning since it gives you false implications.
Original in the book:
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Then this:
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The fact that Arihnda was genuinely devastated by Juahir’s betrayal, tearing up, was completely erased, and the comic falsely portrayed her as unaffected, even malicious, with the whole situation.
My input:
Arihnda's whole character is about being opportunistic and cunning, the shots shot at her tearing her down and her standing right back up and shooting back. She's a someone who was initially a good person with a dream, fighting evil, and getting corrupted in the process of survival, turning into the very thing she originally fought against.
She doesn't forgive and takes revenge on anyone who ever did her or her loved ones wrong. She's extremely intelligent when it comes to politics and seeing her in action, coming up with a solution for any problem thrown at her, no matter how complicated, and often managing to turn it to her advantage aswell, was genuinely thrilling.
The hate she gets is EXTREME and unecessary, and that's a hill I'll die on.
You are a great complex female character, Arihnda Pryce, with strengths and flaws that make you feel like a real person.
I wish people were capable of enjoying your story without demonizing your every single move and hating you for reasons they love their iconic male antagonists for.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 2 months
I Can Fix That... Pt 4 | Jonathan Crane x fem!character
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summary: Crane plans to return to Gotham with the young detective. Their relationship has changed from enemies to lovers, to partners in crime and it strains their ability to trust one another. Will their relationship be able to stand the pressure of Gotham's crime community? And will Crane stay sane enough to protect her?
warnings: recalls back to drugging and violence, fighting, guns, physical violence, betrayal, trust issues.
word count: 6368k
Bury a Friend- Billie Eilish 🎶
More parts to come!
Recap if needed ( I did lol):
Detective Y/N Y/L/N was one of Gotham’s finest until she overstayed her welcome in Dr. Jonathan Crane’s lab one night. After a lesson on fear and desire, Dr. Crane couldn’t let her go and introduced her to his partner in crime, Ra’s al Ghul. After being with Crane, the young detective could no longer deny the insatiable criminal desire brewing in her and decided to join the men of the League of Shadows. When she and Crane are betrayed by al Ghul, Crane falls back on his backup plan and they escape to his childhood home outside of Gotham city. A night alone together with the ghosts of his past come back to haunt them but bring them even closer together. Secrets are exposed and bonds are cemented as Crane reveals to the young detective her true identity. Learning that she was the daughter of the Arkhams who founded Arkham Asylum but were murdered by Thomas Wayne, she adopts the name her parents gave her when she was born and becomes Matilda Y/N Arkham. She learns that Crane has his own ties to the Wayne family, bringing them even closer together. And piecing her past together gives her the confidence she needed to be her own person and leave her original naiveté behind. She emerges from this conversation as Lady Arkham and agrees to return to Gotham with Crane. 
Her eyes snapped to his as he explained his strategy, his face dangerously close. 
“Ra’s failed. It's all over the news now. Batman swooped in and saved the day,” he pursed his lips. “I even got an honorable mention. ‘Dr. Jonathan Crane of Arkham Asylum escapes Gotham during mass hysteria, his whereabouts unknown!’” He donned a commercial accent of a newspaper man and went back to his desk, pulling out a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, a backup that he kept in his desk in Crane House. When he put them on she couldn’t mistake him for anyone else any longer, he was the infamous Dr. Jonathan Crane.
“Any news on Ra’s? What happened to him?” She folded her arms across her chest and puffed a strand of hair out of her face. 
“They believe he went down with the high speed rail as it carried the micro-wave emitter into a different sector of the city but who knows?” He smiled and shrugged, a hint of his old Scarecrow mannerisms came back into play as he talked. The slip in sanity or just the cool, steely composure that Crane usually donned was exciting, she felt that rush again like the night at Arkham when he had been drugged. He was the Scarecrow again even without the toxin. “They know me, of course, but you,” he pointed down at her chest, his finger brushing her sternum, “they have no idea what you’ve done.” 
“Does that mean we’re going back to Gotham city, Scarecrow?” 
“Yes, it does.” He nodded and paced the room for a moment, his forehead now creased in concentration. 
“Then what do you need me to do?” She smiled and perched on the edge of the desk, crossing her legs and leaning forward to listen. He stopped in front of her and cleared his throat, changing characters. 
“You will return to Gotham and stumble into the hospital, dazed and bewildered, still feeling the effects of the fear toxin. You will be treated and Sgt. Gordon will hear that you have turned up and change your missing person status to found,” he talked as if he were teaching a class. She recrossed her legs and he gave her a warning glance, ‘wait until he was finished,’ it said. “I will get the folders of your birth certificate and evidence to you once you leave the hospital and after a few days, you will show them to Sgt. Gordon. When he asks why and how you were able to find this information-”
“I’ll tell him that I discovered the cold case while helping the city restore their records after the chaos.”
“And by some miracle, you uncovered the truth after a little extra digging.”
“But what if Gordon doesn’t want to dig up old controversies? What if he still has a soft spot for the Waynes?” 
“If he does, take the records to the hospital and get a DNA test and run it alongside the medical records the hospital had at your birth, it's all there.” He gestured to the folder beside her and cleaned the panel of glass in his glasses before restoring them to his face. 
“And that will rightfully reestablish me as Matilda Y/N Arkham.” 
“Heir to the Arkham fortune- Arkham Asylum, which finds itself in need of a new director, one with a solid, law-abiding reputation.”
“And a good name.” She added. “Though I like yours better.” She flirted and he chuckled. 
“Then you can have it,” he cocked his head, “but only if you do this well.” 
She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not but it turned her on nonetheless. 
“That sounds manipulative to me.”
“You’d know if I was manipulating you,” he smirked darkly. 
“And that sounds like gaslighting.” 
“No, it's a lesson on basic psychology,” he licked his lips, “Now pay attention,” he scolded her and she forced herself to be quiet as Crane continued with his plan. 
“When you become Arkham’s newest director, our work will finally begin. I have some people I want you to meet but the time will come for that and first, we need to focus on getting you back to Gotham.” He smiled with a wild look in his eye and she shivered… Scarecrow. 
“Is it safe to fly back? Won’t people see us” Matilda looked down at the watch on her wrist. They both knew that it wasn’t dark enough outside to return unnoticed. 
“We aren’t going to fly back.” 
“Then how…” she trailed off. Crane crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the large desk behind them. His crazed face ignited a strange excitement in her and suddenly, she knew exactly what he had in mind. The sewer lines. 
“Because we dried up the main waterline in Gotham, we’ll be able to travel through the empty sewers… back into Gotham.” He smirked haughtily and launched himself off of the table with the subtle quickness of a cat. 
“He was right,” Matilda smiled. Crane cocked his head to the side but before he could ask her what she meant, she answered him. 
“Ra’s. He called you a criminal mastermind that night in your apartment.” 
Crane rolled his eyes and laughed tightly, “I hope that was the only thing he was right about.” 
“What do you mean?” She furrowed her brow. Crane looked back at her and shrugged his narrow shoulders slightly. His eyes traveled down her body and then back up. 
“It all comes down to trust, detective.”
She lowered her head and nodded at her feet. She didn’t know how to respond to something like that. The topic of trust had come up countless times over the past few days and yet, could they ever really trust each other? She thought so. Crane noticed her change in behavior and clicked his tongue affectionately. “Ra’s didn’t know anything about trust. The man couldn’t even trust himself. I’ll admit, I didn’t trust you in the beginning, not even until last night, but right now in this very moment, I realize how much I’ve relied on you over the past few days. You are my sole reason for survival and I understand that now.” 
Matilda smiled and kissed Crane sharply across the mouth. Her teeth caught his bottom lip and he encouraged her by pulling her face closer to his. His fingers were pressed so harshly against her cheek that he could nearly trace the lines of teeth in her jaw. They broke apart and rested their foreheads together, exchanging breath. 
“Are you ready to earn your new title, Lady Arkham?” Crane smirked and handed her the file from his desk. 
“I’ve already earned it, doctor.” 
She didn’t pack a bag, that wouldn’t make sense in case she was busted by Gordon on her way back into the city. Instead, she changed into what she had worn the day before: black slacks and a navy sweater. She fastened her gun back into its holster around her waist and looped her police badge around her neck. The collar of the sweater managed to hide the thin necklace of bruises from where Crane had choked her while under the influence of his own fear serum. 
In her moments alone, Matilda mulled over her recent revelations. Never once could she have guessed that her parents were actually the Arkhams and in charge of Gotham’s most notorious asylum before they had been murdered. Thomas Wayne had taken everything from her and done the same to Crane. The Waynes would take and take and take until the entire city was desperate, damaged, and deplorable. Thomas Wayne had made the city like this, a place where someone needed to be the hero, and what had his son become? Bruce Wayne was a socialite and the golden boy of Wall Street locker-room talk. Who needed a real hero when a spoiled, chauvinist jerk could use haughty architecture to distract the masses? 
She would avenge her parents one way or another and she didn’t even need Crane’s help to do it. Ever since he’d introduced her to his fear serum, it had unlocked a part of her psychosis that complimented his criminal genius too well to be a coincidence. He’d seen this part of her since the very beginning, in his eyes, she’d already proven herself, she’d already become Lady Arkham. The cruel find each other and the vengeful do too. Gone were the days when she questioned the morals of Crane’s methods, now she would join him in resetting the precedent. Together, they would make a new Gotham… or tear it apart. She hadn’t decided yet. Fuck it. 
Crane wore all black, turning himself into a shadow or the hard edge of black onyx. He slipped a pistol into his front pocket and slipped his scarecrow mask into a safe place along the lining of his jacket. There were dark lines beneath his eyes and a twitch in his smile: both symptoms that his sanity was starting to slip. Ra’s had betrayed him but looking on the bright side (as if), it had provided a new perspective. He could turn his attention to a more important foe, the one Gotham called Batman. 
“I know you’re there,” Crane called out, interrupting his own thoughts.
Matilda stepped out from behind the cracked door. Crane was fixing his jacket in the mirror and brushed off his chest. 
“Why do you still feel the need to spy on me, detective?” 
“Call it a kind of kink, whatever you want, but it's an instinct at this point. Years in the Gotham police department makes you into a great eavesdropper if you want to stay informed.” 
“I’m not one to judge by any means, darling, but lurking in the shadows? How… unsettling.” Crane clucked his tongue in mock-pity. 
“Do you have a diagnosis, doctor?” She leaned against the doorframe with her hands at the small of her back. 
“I’d have to do an examination.” Crane met her at the door and brushed his pointer finger against the edge of her jaw. 
Crane rolled his eyes and switched off the light in his room, having to reach over her shoulder to do so. 
“Oh… you have no idea, detective,” Crane’s dark whisper greeted her in the dark room as he pressed his body against hers. He took her hands from behind her back and pushed them up above her head. His tone became serious as he addressed her. 
“You’re a smart girl, detective so I’m sure you’ve already surmised how important this is. Do as I say and we’ll both get back into Gotham alive, alright?” His voice was curt, like a stern warning but his lips were occupied, whispering across her cheek but never kissing her. “I’d like you better alive.” He added and pulled her through his bedroom door into the bright hallway. 
“Then keep me alive.” She retorted and blinked away the brightness of the room. She could hear Crane’s quiet chuckle behind her as she raced ahead. 
They left out the grand front door. She paused to look back at the large and beautiful house behind them, its windows dark and uninviting. She hoped she’d be back. 
“What did you tell Hobbs that we were leaving? Does he know?” She hurried to keep up with Crane who was already a few paces ahead. He paused to chuckle and shake his head, his dark hair shifting in place. 
“Your concern for others is touching, truly. They know but they don’t know everything. They know what I want them to.” 
“Do you think we’ll come back here?” She asked as they maneuvered through the high grass. Brambles snapped against their pants and she struggled to keep herself from slipping on rocks hidden in the dark ridges of Gotham’s countryside. Crane stopped in his tracks and turned to her abruptly, his eyes reflecting the light of the gibbous moon. 
“Would you like that?” He raised an eyebrow. The house had offered him no comfort before, only bad memories and nightmares, but with the girl, maybe he could learn to live with the ghosts of his past. But could it be possible? Did she like Crane House even after seeing its cold interior and brittle bones? She came to a stop and tried to catch her breath. 
“I would, yes,” she nodded and glanced back at the house, its outline barely visible without the interior lights. “I think the house is the key to understanding Dr. Jonathan Crane…” she smiled and fixed a strand of gelled hair out of Crane's pale face. 
“But do you mean it?” Crane caught her hand and held it, his heart was pounding. Honestly, it was embarrassing. She’d never seen him so desperate before. A piece of him was down on his knees before her, begging for commitment and affirmation. Even the toughest of men will break before a good woman. Matilda gave Crane a small smile and nodded. 
“I do.” 
Crane released a short breath and cleared his throat. She bit her lip to keep from giggling. Had she flustered the great Dr. Crane? 
“Well in that case. I want you to come back and live with me after this is all over.” Crane told her calmly, not asking. 
They passed the hill with the scarecrow but Crane didn’t even notice. Matilda looked over at his pace face, glowing in the offcast light. He was a villain, he was not bred to be trusted. Could she live with someone that she’d always question his loyalty? That didn’t seem like a very healthy relationship but honestly, that wasn’t the worst of their problems. Remember the lab table? The dubious consent? Whatever, she could change him. 
They approached the mouth of the sewer offshoot in cautious silence. Crane pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose but the beads of sweat dripping from his hairline acted against him. The tunnel was dark and ominous like a large open mouth ready to close at any sign of movement. Crane pulled a long flashlight from his jacket and shone it into the mouth of the tunnel. The light barely pilfered the massive darkness, making Matilda shake her head in disbelief. 
“Why do I feel like this is a very bad idea?” She whispered with a wary smile. Crane chuckled darkly and lowered his light slightly, illuminated the ground. 
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of the dark, detective?” His smirk was unmistakable even in the dark. She felt old pangs of annoyance rise inside her from dealing with the old Crane back in Gotham as a detective. She sighed curtly and pulled the gun from her holster. 
“Not scared, just careful.” 
“Well you can stop being careful now, darling. You’re playing with the big boys now.” 
“Shut it, Crane.” She shushed him and aimed into the tunnel with her gun. They slowly walked into the open sewer system and left Gotham’s countryside (and pleasantry) behind them. They tried to dampen the sound of their footsteps by treading softly but the acoustics betrayed their every move.
“While we’re down here, I should tell you a little about my friends,” Crane broke the silence with a lowered voice. Matilda could just make out his silhouette in the flashlight’s glare.  
“You have friends?” She deadpanned back and Crane sighed, shaking his head. 
“Don’t push it detective, I’m the one who knows the way to Gotham. You’d be lost down here without me.” 
“Don’t give yourself too much credit.”
“You’re feisty today… I like it,” Crane broke into a large, devilish grin and laughed despite himself. 
They continued down the series of dry, empty passageways until they reached a large rotunda. The light from the flashlight was useless in lighting the whole room but it didn’t matter because Crane switched off the light, dropping them into sudden darkness. 
“What the fuck?” She whispered but Crane didn’t respond. She could hear him walking away but the darkness and echoes disoriented her and she couldn’t tell which direction he had gone. 
“Crane,” she hissed but still no response came. And one more reason why she couldn’t fully trust the man/criminal mastermind. She imagined for a moment that he was actually leaving her in the dark. Why would he go through all of that  just to abandon her down here? That is to say unless there was a reason why they were there in that specific room. Matilda shook as she raised the pistol once again to her eye level and waited for any sign of danger. She’d prepared for this in the police academy. She’d graduated first in her class. Some hide-in-the-dark game wasn’t going to distract her from her talent as a police officer in Gotham. Whatever the hell was about to happen, she was ready. 
She felt it before she knew what hit her. 
A fist slammed into her gut, knocking her off-balance. She regained control quickly and stabilized herself, panting. The size of the hand was larger than Crane’s. Someone else was with them in the dark. She anticipated his next move which came from the side, so she ducked and used the opportunity to kick her opponent wherever she could. A grunt told her that she had been successful in landing her blow. She rolled to the side and barely avoided a kick to her ribs, nearly squealing in surprise. The gun was swept out of her hand and she could hear it skid across the crude concrete floor. It was too far away now, she’d have to fight with her fists. When she jumped to her feet, she danced around in the dark, quick on the balls of her feet to outrun whoever her attacker was. 
“This isn’t a fair fight, you know.” She growled out. She was met with frustrating silence. Where the hell was Crane? She could smell the body beside her so she threw a punch and yelled out when her knuckles came into contact with ribbed steel. It felt like a machine of some sorts but it was connected to the thing she was fighting. Shaking out her wounded hand she tried to duck the next punch but it still caught her in the shoulder. Anger was welling up inside her as she tried to dance around her opponent. She was ready to fucking kill whoever this person was. There was no way she’d die in a sewer so soon after she’d learned about her true identity. That wasn’t going to happen, not to her. 
She screamed as she punched the figure beside her, striking a bare chest and knocking the man back. She followed him as he moved backwards, landing punches against muscle and an armor-like material. He shoved her backwards with impressive strength and she fell to the ground, cringing.
When she stood, she sensed a flurry of movement and braved a blind punch. It landed but the body was different. 
“You must be kidding me, there are two of you fuckers?” She hissed and landed a second punch where she believed a jaw would be. She missed, and as her fist sailed through the air, a well-placed kick hit her between her hip and her last rib. She screamed out in pain and lashed out, punching the figure. The figure coughed from the blow but quickly recovered. In his defenseless moment, she grabbed the man’s shoulders and raised her knee to his groin, striking him with a swift movement. Unlike most men, the attacker merely hissed and cursed beneath his breath. She knew the sound of that voice. 
“Jonathan?” She whispered in disbelief. 
“You really need to stop using that mint shampoo. I can tell exactly where you are, even in the dark.” His voice was strained as he was obviously still coping from the pain. 
“Oh yeah? Then why didn’t you see that coming? Hurts, doesn’t it?” She growled and raised her fist to punch him but his hand stopped her. She could feel his body inches from hers, a familiar chemistry sparking between them. 
“Why are you doing this?” She whispered, his hand still grasped around her raised fist. Crane sighed and drew in a long breath. She could nearly feel him shrug his shoulders before answering. 
“You need to learn how to fight anyone when forced too… even me, darling.” Crane pushed her back and smiled as she fell back. “It may surprise you to hear but hand-to-hand combat is one of my many talents. Now get up and punch me harder.”
She could hear the condensation in his unmistakable voice. She rolled to the side before crouching. Crane tried to kick her but she had already moved, giving her an opportunity to elbow a tender place on his back. He cursed and swung around hitting her jaw. She covered her mouth before she could scream out in pain and alarm. Was he trying to kill her now? 
“Fuck you,” she spat and launched herself onto him, knocking him flat on his back on the floor. She was trying to hold down his arms as he smirked. 
“You already have, remember?” 
His sentence caught her off guard, giving him the last opportunity he needed to shove her off.
“If you’d turn on the fucking lights we could fight properly, you bastard,” her lip curled up as she spoke. She wiped sweat from her forehead and tried to catch her breath. 
“Good point,” a man with a strange accent grunted somewhere beside her. In the next second, large industrial lamps suspended from the tall ceiling were turned on, blinding her after so long in the dark. She tried to look around for the man but her eyes couldn’t adjust fast enough in the sudden light. She scrambled to her feet and shaded her eyes. 
Before her she saw a man of unbelievable size. He was tall and grotesquely jacked, muscles straining against his skin. On his face he wore a dark machine with ribbed metal cables fitted to the front and connected to a tank in the center of his chest. His head was shaved, a pity really, and he wore little more than a tank top and heavy cargo pants. The large man shifted his dark goggles off of his eyes and sighed deeply. 
“You were right, Crane. She’s got potential.” 
“That’s my girl,” Crane walked out from behind her, replacing his glasses onto his face and rolled his sleeves back down. She was still breathing heavily as she looked between the two men. 
“You both need some serious couple’s therapy,” the other man observed and laughed quietly to himself. His laugh was deep and unsettling. She didn’t laugh back. Instead, she wiped a layer of blood from her lip and spat a wad of bloody saliva on the ground.   
“I appreciate the concern,” she quipped sarcastically to the stranger and turned to Crane, “ but what the hell was that? If you wanted to fight me why not do it in the light?” 
Crane nodded, acknowledging her point and smiled slowly. 
“I can answer that,” the man interjected before Crane could respond, “Your boyfriend here has been working with me for a few years now. He contacted me to inform me about a young woman who could fill one of the recently-made-available roles in our organization. However, before I could formally meet you, I wanted to see what kind of potential you had.”
“You also needed to be able to attack me if required. Personal relationships are dangerous in our line of work, which is why we cut the lights. We didn’t want you to be able to see me.”
“This is insane,” she ran her hands over her face, still fuming. She didn’t even know who this other man was. What the hell was Crane thinking?
“I know,” Crane smiled widely, his plump lips pulled back into a manic grin, “and wasn’t it fun?” 
Matilda peeked through her fingers at Crane and then moved her gaze to look at the terrifying man beside him. 
“Oh I’m sorry, where are my manners? I should introduce myself.” The man slipped his hands beneath the straps of his tank top, supporting the weight of what appeared to be a respirator. “My name is Bane.” 
“Matilda… Arkham,” she managed to reply.
“There’s a few more people you need to meet before you go back into Gotham.” Crane cupped her injured cheek and wiped the remaining blood from her chin with his thumb gently. “Remember what I said? Hmmm?” 
She looked at him with narrowed, pissed-off eyes. What kind of game was he playing now? Crane chuckled when she didn’t answer and reached behind his back. He withdrew her gun and pressed the handle into her sternum, between her breasts. 
“You’re playing with the big boys now,” he whispered against her ear.
What had she gotten herself into? 
They escorted her into a different room inside the network of underground tunnels. Much to her surprise, they had converted many of the abandoned tunnels into hideouts for members of The League of Shadows. As they entered the next room, she saw half a dozen other men in various styles of dress and disguises. She was the only woman, and even though she hated Crane at that moment, she stuck close to him. 
“Don’t be scared, darling. They’re my friends.” 
“I know, that’s why I’m worried,” she growled but still stayed close by his side. He chuckled quietly and placed a protective hand on her lower back. 
“You’ll be fine.” His voice feathered against her neck, warming the core in her navel. They really did need couples therapy. 
“Ah my friends!” Crane smiled darkly and extended his free hand to show her off to the semi-circle of criminals around them. “Welcome the newest member of the League… Lady Arkham.” 
The title on his lips sounded so perfect. She was Lady Arkham. 
The men in the room nodded. 
“She used to be one of Gotham’s ‘finest’ and now, she’s one of its worst,” Crane’s grip tightened around her waist. “She’ll be going back into the city tonight and working undercover for our cause. She’s our best and most important weapon. No one knows who she is… yet.” 
“But that is going to change,” Bane’s loud voice boomed beside them. “Soon everyone will know who she is and what kind of people she represents. Her collaboration with the police and important officials in the city is crucial to the sanctity of our plan for Gotham. That being said, she will hold her own just like any one of us, but her survival is necessary… for the meantime at least,” he cleared his throat. 
“Thank you for that vote of confidence. I’m just here for vengeance,” she addressed them all with a curt voice and small shrug.
“Oh, but darling, aren’t we all?” Crane smirked and gestured to the criminals in front of them. “You question our motives so let’s make it very clear. We’re all here for vengeance. Anything else is just a lie.” 
“Then what’s the plan that I’ve already been added to?” She raised her eyebrow. Bane sighed loudly, his respirator acting as a microphone. 
“You don’t need to know that yet, all that matters now is that we have big plans for Gotham and all of your old colleagues.”
Matilda smiled slowly and nearly started to laugh. She hated the bastards down at the police station, the ones who never believed her, supported her, or even paid attention to her. For all the men that treated her like she was a worthless addition to their force, she’d make them pay. That sounded good to her. 
“I think she likes that idea,” Crane smirked and trailed his hand up her back to a lock of hair. He tugged it gently but she felt it and was comforted by the gesture. 
“Good, then let’s get on with the introductions shall we?” Bane announced and gestured for Crane to begin, “Dr. Crane?” 
Crane nodded his head, his expression returning to a serious state of business. He let go of her and paced slowly down the line of men. 
“You’ve probably heard of most of these names from your time in Gotham, detective, but now you finally get the chance to meet them. This is the remaining roster of members after Ra’s unfortunate passing,” his lip curled and his nose scrunched as he spoke.
“The Penguin, Two-Face, Killer Croc, two of Bane’s men, and of course, the Joker.” 
Hearing the Joker’s name came as a shock to the detective. She’d been hearing his name for months. Robberies in the era had been connected to the mysterious criminal nicknamed the Joker after the playing card he always left behind. But what startled her the most was the man called Two-Face. It wasn’t his appearance but his face which was so recognizable. 
“Harvey Dent…” she heard herself whisper. Two-Face grinned and placed a hand in mock-admiration to his chest. 
“Aw, you still recognize me?” His voice was too hard to be kind but she still nodded and swallowed slowly. 
“Of course. You were supposed to be Gotham’s ‘White knight,’ it's saving grace.” 
“And who says I’m not? I plan on saving Gotham in my own way, not like Batman.”
Crane looked between Matilda and Harvey Dent, a sour expression tugging at his face. He really needed to work on his jealousy problem. Seeing Dent speak to the girl was almost more than he could handle. 
“We’re going back into Gotham tonight. Police Chief Gordon needs to see that she’s alive. Once he does, the plan begins. Understood?” Crane addressed the crowd of criminals who all nodded, except for Dent. 
“Pity, I had plans to kill Gordon’s family tonight,” Dent clucked, his half-burned lips pursed. Crane kept his expression straight and unchanging. 
“Try not to let your personal needs interfere with our work, Dent.”
“Sure thing, doc.” Dent hissed back and flipped a coin, “damn,” he whispered when he checked the face against his palm. Crane didn’t  bother to ask what he was flipping for and nodded at Bane who opened up a path for them to leave. Crane walked ahead of her and practically pulled her from the underground chamber and into the next one.
“I was flipping to see whether or not I should have gone out with the girl.”
 When they had turned the corner and were back on their way into the city she spoke up. “What happened to him?” 
Crane didn’t look over as he answered, his jaw clenched tightly in anger. 
“He lost his fiancee in a fire that was intentionally set.”
“By whom?” She interjected. 
Crane paused for a moment and sighed through his nose, “the Joker.” 
“The Joker tried to kill Dent?” 
“It’s a long story.” 
“When did this all happen?” She pushed, an eyebrow raised. “He’s Harvey Dent, I should have heard about something like this.” 
“Your department covered it up because Gordon was involved. He was the one that picked up his fiancee and took her to the place where she died.” 
“Surely he didn’t know…”
“Look,” Crane shoved her against the wall, his face inches from hers as they both panted from the startling action, “you need to decide here and now which side you’re on. The faster you realize that the people you used to know are just as corrupt as we are, the faster you can realize your potential with us… with me.” 
“It’s not that fucking easy, Crane.” She whispered harshly and struggled in his strong grip. 
“Isn’t it? Tell me where your trust lies.” 
“Well it certainly doesn’t lie with you anymore,” she freed her hands and shoved Crane away from her body, “you fucking attacked me and you let Bane attack me. I mean look at me! I’m bleeding, Crane. You did this to me,” she pointed at her busted lip. “How can I trust a man who changes so quickly, who doesn’t let me in, who doesn’t tell me things like this.”
“You were the top of your class in the police academy, you could fight anyone you wanted to. You were made to be one of us, you can’t deny that. This is what life is like in the League, you can’t trust anyone… but me. You can and need to trust me.”
Matilda shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “No,” she whispered and fought away Crane’s hands as he tried to catch her. 
“Look at me, detective. Look at me,” Crane caught her harshly in his arms and held her again against the wall. His tone was gentle though his hands holding her against the wall were rough. Slowly, she looked down at his face, half hidden in shadows. His brow was furrowed as he licked his lips and spoke.
“I only did what I had to do, detective. I would never have done anything else to seriously hurt you. I took your gun so Bane couldn’t use it, he still tried however. I hit you where it would hurt but where you could still take it because I need you to be here with me. If I wanted to kill you, detective, I would have done it the day I met you. You mean too much to me now.”
Crane cupped her face not-so-softly in his hands and turned her face up to his, pressing his mouth to her ear. 
“Listen to me, Miss Arkham…” he hissed against her cold skin, “I love you.” 
He couldn’t believe that the words were leaving his mouth as he spoke them. Every chemical compound in his body was screaming against it. Bonds were broken and reactions triggered as he confessed. Finally admitting his love for her both relieved and frightened him. It would no longer be just him, now he had a woman that he loved who required his protection, love, intelligence… But it was all true, everything he said and felt. He loved her.
Her heart leapt at his words like an electrical impulse flaring to new life. She had never expected him to say those words, the man who’d never loved before. When she looked into his eyes, she could tell that he was telling the truth because for the second time, she witnessed fear in them. When he pulled away she touched her nose to his and looked up into his sterile, silver-blue eyes, her feet finally touching the ground. 
“Are love and trust the same thing?” She asked breathlessly and Crane clenched his jaw and pursed his lips.
“They have to be.” 
They stared at each other in the yellowish light of the gas lamps suspended like flashlights above their heads. Crane’s black suit jacket and blood stained shirt looked so out of place in the tunnels. She could only imagine what she looked like in her slacks and a ruined blue sweater. The disloyal detective and the (actually) criminal psychiatrist, a match made in whatever the hell Gotham was - - heaven or hell?
“So where does your trust lie, Matilda?” Crane whispered, breaking the silence. She took a deep breath, not breaking eye-contact, and tilted her head to the side. She looked stunning in the yellow light, even with her lip busted and her jaw bruised. He could feel deep bruises developing on his own body and felt a sense of pride that she’d been the one to do that to him. She was the only one who could truly hurt him.  
“With you, Crane, and no one else.” 
With a breath of relief, Crane stepped closer. Their lips were millimeters apart as Crane cupped the back of her head with his hands and pressed against her hip with the other hand. She exhaled shakily before Crane finally kissed her, gently at first. Their eyes closed and their mouths molded together into that familiar space where everything else faded away. Crane pushed his tongue into her mouth and she moaned softly in return, melting into the cement behind her. They twisted their lips against each other as they moved their heads, wanting to taste every part of one another. He pulled her into his chest and she grabbed the back of his jacket to steady herself. His kiss hardened as she bit his lip harder than she needed to, a small act of revenge and affection. He knew that she knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold back if they kept going the way they were for much longer. Even with a pair of slacks in the way, he’d take her if given the chance and enough pent of desire to fuel it. Drawing up all the strength he could to pull back, Crane broke the kiss and met her eyes once again. 
“Gotham awaits, detective. Let’s get you home.”
end of Pt 4 :)
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kimakento · 3 months
falling behind
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this is a 100 follower special! thank you guys so so much for all the reblogs and likes and even just enjoying my works. i appreciate all the love sm and hope that i can continue to write for y’all :D
synopsis: the three times you choose shigeta harua and the one time you don’t. ⌙ 5.5k
pairing: shigeta harua x fem!reader
genre(s): angst (no comfort)
warnings: swearing, low self-esteem, mentions of divorce and slight family issues (please tell me if i’ve missed any)
tags: unrequited love, one-sided pining, taki cameo!!!, friend trio, non idol!au, highschool!au, harua’s fr down bad… title is a reference to laufey’s falling behind !! + a little of promise too if you look at the lyrics
a/n: i read this concept in a fic once and really stuck to it and wrote this in the process. this might actually be one of my favourite fics that i’ve written (i got a bit carried away) but nevertheless i hope you all enjoyyy
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who were you to shigeta harua?
you were the girl who had saved him. well, not in a literal sense, but you were the one who solely occupied both his heart and mind, the one who he couldn’t express his feelings for coherently, the one who he was terrified of disappointing.
for him, you had totally flipped over his perspective of everything outside his bubble and changed his world for the better. the girl who’d broke him out of his shell. harua appreciated you for the beautiful human being you were. and he only wished you would take note of it.
the first time you chose shigeta harua was when you were both ten. he had always been reserved during your adventurous endeavours as children, the introverted boy would refuse to speak to anyone in class and barely had any friends. it wasn’t that harua thought he was above socialising, not at all. it was because he had never learned to make friends.
on the other hand, you’d always been surrounded by others; not quite popular, but still able to socialise and harua adored that about you. even as children, his eyes would glisten at you whenever you’d shift your desk towards your friends during lunch to have a hearty conversation.
harua was clumsy, to say the least. there would always be new grazes and bruises littering his skin during secret trips to the parks and playgrounds. one school day, he’d been racing around with a classmate that had wanted to become his new friend. during his session, disregarding a rock lodged in the earth, he tripped over and scraped his leg.
being the sensible one, you rushed over to help him up immediately to assess the injury. but as soon as you reached him you heard screams from your other peers, beckoning you to play; yet you ignored them and focused on the snivelling boy in front of you.
harua tilted his head down to meet your eyes as you were crouched down putting a bandaid on the noticeably painful graze on his knee.
you furrowed your brows when you met his unwavering gaze, “you ought to be careful, you know?”
only to receive a giggle in response.
“you said ‘ought’, ha!”
“teacher said that she has no more bandaids to give you. so i hope you’ll look where you’re running next time.”
since then, he’d been intrigued by your presence; harua wondered whether you know how much he cherished what you had done for him. stupid, yes. but it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for him. strangely, you were very mature for your age already.
at lunchtime, he’d wonder around looking for a place to sit and would often just be alone. this was a regular occurrence that you had observed as you too were interested in the mystery that was shigeta harua.
the distant yet bright boy who existed outside of social happenings. who was he? what was he like? to you, genuine was likely the perfect word to describe his character.
but what did you know? you were only a child.
the second time you chose him was during a class project.
shigeta harua had always wanted to be your friend but had never gotten the chance to, as if he would even take it. it was sort of a friend crush, if you will.
high school was particularly rough for harua; sixteen years of his life had already passed yet he still felt the same as he did when he was ten. harua was still the same quiet, reserved boy. as if not enough, school work had become more of a burden.
teachers had started setting group projects every week; the most important one being set by your english teacher being to review a unanimously agreed-on novel. the catch was that the pairs would pick each other themselves.
so there sat harua, fiddling with his fingers thinking knowing that he won’t be picked by another classmate; the teacher would pair him up like—
“would you… like to be a pair, harua?”
a soft voice interrupted harua’s train of thought and he lifted his head up only to be met with you, standing awkwardly in front of his desk. harua’s face etched into pure confusion and he looked as if to be processing your statement.
“wait, me? you want to be my partner?” he pointed to himself quizzically as you nodded.
“oh, why?” he queried again.
why would you even pick him, when he was too quiet to work with anyone? was this a prank?
with a deep breath, you blurted out, “you’ve been in my class for years, but i’ve never gotten the chance to, you know, speak to you properly. i don’t think any of us have.” another shaky breath leaves your lips as you finish. “i want to get to know you.”
the last part left him stumped.
“is that the only thing you say?”
as he lifted his arms in defence, a quiet chuckle escaped his mouth and a smile erupted on his face.
you mirrored his expression with a wide grin of your own, “you should smile more.”
another smile took to his expression.
“oh,” harua parted his lips to speak but shied away until you gestured for him to continue. “do you want to start the project at my house, or yours— or even at the library?”
the uneasiness in his words caused you to let out a lighthearted giggle.
“you’re so uptight. but we can do it at your place, i don’t mind.”
“cool!” his face visibly lit up. cute.
at the end of the school day, you observed harua leaning against the school gates, clutching the straps of his backpack and seemingly waiting for someone. with enthusiasm, he waved you over, accentuating the gesture. as you ran over you shot him a knowing smile.
“waiting for me?” the playful remark slipped out.
“let’s go to mine. you have everything you need right?” you nodded.
while setting off, harua would slightly sway against you as you walked together. a habit he’d never been able to get rid of no matter what. the walk to his home wasn’t long; only around ten minutes but when you entered, he offered snacks and water; insisting you’re fed while in his care. if only you noticed how eager he was to care for you.
that night, no work was completed, it was filled with you bombarding harua with personal questions; and him returning them with detailed responses.
tapping your chin, you hummed before posing a question, “what do you think is the best thing about you?”
nothing came out of his mouth for a while.
“even though i’m nothing special, my heart compensates for what i lack.”
“i agree,” you frowned at his words. “but i believe you are special. want to know what my first impression of you was?”
harua gave a hesitant nod of his head while sat crosslegged on the carpeted floor. his room was cozy— or at least more home-like than yours; many books filled the shelves that surrounded you both.
“i thought ‘oh he looks like a nice guy, but he’s just quiet’. i don’t think you’ve said more than like six words to me throughout the whole time we’ve been together as a class. but of course, everyone should value their privacy. i think it’s fine if you’re shier than the rest.” as you spoke, his eyes widened in interest while he nodded along.
a hand rubbed the nape of his neck, “i just don’t know how to make friends. striking conversations and then being able to keep them going is even more difficult.”
“you’re more than capable. i think you’re really cool.”
with glistening pupils and a hopeful glint in his eyes, he responded, “really?“
“of course.”
harua’s stomach felt funny— maybe the snacks he ate had gone bad. but why was his heart racing? perhaps it was the anxiety catching up to him. yeah, that seemed logical.
days transitioned into weeks and weeks into months as you both became impossibly closer. so close that your class would even refer to you both as each other’s halves, one refusing to leave the other’s side. in harua’s eyes, you were a blessing; he finally learnt what it meant to have a trustworthy friend — even if he couldn’t quite come to terms with the feelings he felt towards you.
it was like nothing could break your guys’ bond. there were barely any misunderstandings between you or any animosity really. a genuine friendship.
that was until feelings of love had kindled.
ever since he had come to know you; his whole world shifted. both his heartbeat and his faint courage — harua felt anew, motivated. it was as if your radiating smile and soothing voice were the remedy to heal him. to give him life.
like his world only brightened when you entered it; and his mind couldn’t even start to express immense gratitude that he felt. and that wasn’t a good sign as it only concluded to one thing.
shigeta harua was falling, and he was falling fast.
the third time you chose harua was in junior year. a book club had been announced to be recruiting members. knowing your friend’s love for books, you’d proposed it to him.
“i know you love reading books and talking about them so here’s your chance!” hands clasped together, you continued attempting to persuade him cheerily. “think of it as a way to socialise with other people too! that way you can have other friends that aren’t me.”
a groan escaped the boy’s mouth, “but you know, i’m not really good at making new friends.” exasperated, his hands make their way to his face in to cover it. “besides, i won’t know anyone there. that’ll make it even more difficult.”
determined to get him to join the club, you brought up a suggestion.
“i can join along with you! reading is also one of my hobbies so i won’t mind. while doing something i enjoy, i’ll be helping you in the process.”
face visibly lit up, harua smiled; you were always so selfless. he almost felt bad for allowing you to join with him. yet he couldn’t deny how much he’d enjoy being in the same club as you.
reluctantly, he nodded.
several days later, you both found yourselves in a classroom with a circle of chairs while surrounded by new faces — well not entirely new, you knew some, but harua definitely didn’t recognise anyone — while being briefed about the club activities.
one boy, fairly attractive, had taken the lead and spoke up.
“welcome to book club! i’m takayama riki, but you can call me taki, and i’m the leader of this club. this is only a mock meeting where we’ll be laying down the foundations and sorting out the books we will cover soon!” friendliness had radiated off of his presence which made him all the more easier to talk to. “before we start, i’d like to answer any questions you guys have right now.” his gaze scanned the room until it had fallen on your raised hand.
pointing to you, he spoke. “you. the pretty girl over there.” chuckles had filled the room from other members as you felt your face heat up.
clearing your throat, you spoke up. “will we ever get to pick the books that we go over or is it all already decided on?”
“eventually you will get to vote on the books. so i assure you to not worry.” taki’s eyes were locked on you as he spoke.
a certain brown-haired boy narrowed his eyes as he observed the exchange between you two and didn’t like it one bit.
a few minutes later, the briefing had ended and you’d been given the liberty to wander around. calling for harua, you held his wrist in your grasp as you dragged him from shelf to shelf.
“look at this book! i swear i’ve been looking for it everywhere. it wasn’t even in the library.” a pout had crept up your face as you whined while grabbing for said book.
with a smile on his face, the boy chuckled and parted his lips to speak before being interrupted.
“hi! i hope i’m not intruding on anything.” the voice was airy. whirling around you met taki’s face.
the boy had inched closer to you and held a hand out. after placing the book you’d previously had in your hands, he spoke. “nice choice, i really like this one too ….?” the words trailed
“ah!” eyes widened, you told him your name. after a nod of his head and a hum of approval, you continued. “i almost forgot. you’ve yet to meet my friend, harua, here too!” with a hand on harua’s lower back, you propelled him forward and encouraged him to engage in conversation.
“uh, hey. i’m shigeta harua, second year.” the boy stuck out a hand awkwardly, unsure what to do.
taki returned the action and shook hands enthusiastically. “oh, i see. it’s nice to meet you! i hope you’ve been enjoying our club so far.”
“i do, i really love literature and enjoy talking about it even more.”
a grin made its way to your face as conversation flowed naturally, happy that harua was finally gaining confidence.
jokingly, you interrupted, “is this some type of boy-bonding thing? you seem to be leaving me out.” the laughs that protruded from them only weakened your expression. “would you wanna get some food with me and harua?” you turned to taki, smiling when he nodded eagerly in response.
eventually, taki had been added into your mini friend group. all three of you, close-knit as ever.
or at least that’s what you thought.
ever since taki had joined, a certain other boy had started to feel somewhat excluded. it didn’t help that he seemed to share all the same interests as you or that your conversations would last a millennium whenever one uttered a word to the other.
worst of all, taki seemed to have feelings for you. just like harua.
harua has never wanted anything really — he wasn’t picky nor spoiled. there wasn’t anything he’d pine over but he wanted you. he needed your attention, your love — just you. the boy had always received loved by his family at home; a plethora of it. maybe harua was simply bewitched by your never ending generosity or the fact someone as pretty, funny, smart and perfect as you paid even a fraction of attention to him.
lame, he knew.
obviously, it wasn’t like you didn’t notice the growing distance either. they say ‘ignorance was bliss’, but for harua, the weight of your emotional and now-physical absence was becoming harder to bear.
that’s why he began to try; harua started to engage in the hushed conversations between you and taki, tagging along to regular hangouts and the lot. despite all his attempts, it never seemed to work. the bridged gap only grew wider and harua was struggling to stay afloat.
the feeling only ate away at him more each passing day. and he couldn’t bear it. so he asked to talk. with you. alone. in private. and most importantly, without taki.
mustering up all his courage, the boy texted you to ask if you could come over; to which you replied affirmatively.
so there you were, sitting on the beanbag in his room. your expression was laced with perplexity, and your eyes had a certain glisten to them. opposite you, harua fiddled with the hem of his brown and white striped shirt, a habit he’d never been able to shake in your presence.
the silence was disconcerting. what was so important that he had asked you to come over so suddenly? negative thoughts raced around your mind, all pointing to the worst-case scenario.
with a clear of his throat, you lifted your head. “i don’t know if i should say this,” a nod of your head prompted him to continue. “but i don’t think we can do this anymore — be friends. you have other priorities.”
‘that aren’t me’, he wanted to add but contained himself.
the only other option was for him to distance himself before he got hurt too. so why did he feel guilty? this was for your own good. harua did it for you. it was for you.
did that even make sense anymore? the knot in his stomach only tightened, churning and tossing awaiting your reply.
“i don’t… understand?” rubbing your thumb over your knuckles, you averted your gaze the carpeted floor. “what do you mean? have i done something wrong?”
harua shook his head tightly in response.
so you raised your voice albeit the confusion that raged within you. “then what…? at the very least i deserve an explanation.”
frustration was bubbling inside of you.
you breathed out. “stop speaking in riddles, harua.”
perhaps you were being too harsh, but you really were failing to understand the cause of this sudden decision. sure you became distant but that didn’t justify what he was doing.
“it’s not you,—“ harua started to speak.
“‘its me’, right? don’t bother explaining if you’re going to repeat some stupid, unoriginal shit.” exasperated, you shook your head. “i thought our friendship was stronger than this. i’m starting to reconsider though.”
why couldn’t you see what he saw? the animosity was spreading, like a plague amongst a small village. the pent-up frustration had been nipping at him slowly, which made him all the more irritable.
and he couldn’t stop the words that escaped his mouth next. “well i’m starting to think your’s and taki’s friendship is stronger.”
a flush coloured his cheeks.
he wasn’t supposed to say that. you weren’t supposed to hear that.
your expression dropped, causing a frown to adorn his face. with eyes narrowed, you held your gaze on him. harua felt like he was transparent; he felt like an open book. almost as if you possessed x-ray vision and were able to read him — to see through him.
and shigeta harua hated that the most.
he didn’t want you to do that; the fear of being totally understood consumed him. would you leave him once you finally saw through his feelings? would you consider them to be ulterior motives?
the silence was eating away at him.
talk. please talk. those words repeated themselves over and over in his mind. like a mantra.
“this was all about taki?” a breath of relief was let out once your melodious voice filled the atmosphere. but he still wasn’t happy about the contents either.
“no…?” for a ‘definitive statement’, it came out more very question-like.
despite the inner turmoil, harua raised a brow after noticing your expression.
unable to contain the sly grin that took to your face, you slapped a hand over your mouth before letting out a chuckle.
“you were jealous the whole time?”
fuck. you had caught on. the realisation shocked harua. it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
meekly nodding his head, he choked on air.
“ahh, you’re so cute,” the last word visibly perplexed the boy opposite you, to the point where you could see a big red question mark flat on his adorable face. “i consider both you and taki to be my friends. i like both of you equally. although, i do sort of favour you more. but don’t tell taki i said that.” with an index finger to harua’s lips, you hushed him.
oh. ‘friend’. despite everything he initially thought, you didn’t know. surprisingly, a look of relief washed over his features.
looking down at your finger on his lips, he forced out a remark.
“it’s not that funny…”
the gentle pout that former on his face was too adorable for you to ignore.
as your expression softened, your eyes widened and you straightened up.
“here, i’ll make you a promise. is that okay?” you spoke in a hushed tone, as if afraid to be overheard.
curiosity laced his eyes as the boy leaned closer, head tilted.
“a promise?”
“that i’ll always be here for you. you’re one of my good friends, so i’ll stick by you.”
awaiting his response, guilt washed over you. harua was right. you weren’t making an effort. so you mentally dedicated yourself to this one task. hesitantly, his eyes searched yours. harua wasn’t doubtful of your promise. but he was sure that he would be hurt in the process. nevertheless, the boy stuck out his pinky finger.
after intertwining your finger with his, you curtly nodded.
harua hated how you managed to always possess his heart in one hand. unbeknownst to you, you played with.
a lie. you were a liar.
by senior year, you, harua and taki were still present — and flourishing, you may add — members of the book club. it was enjoyable, and it was your last year so you decided to make the most of it.
harua was a very observant person, he could read into situations well enough. which is why it puzzled him to see that something had bloomed between you and taki. it wasn’t new, even while juniors, you had been sort of taken with taki. but it was totally different now.
harua didn’t hate takiyama riki — he could never bring himself to — he envied him. what did the other boy have that he didn’t? the looks? the confidence? the intelligence?
the boy didn’t consider himself to be that good looking; more average-looking if anything (though you would disagree). to be honest, while struggling heavily with his confidence levels, maybe insecurity had gotten the better of him. but most of all, his grades at school were decent, harua wasn’t an over-achiever or academically gifted. he was normal. average. nothing special.
a pure contrast to taki. popular, handsome, very smart, confident but not too prideful, and most importantly, knew how to woo you.
fuck. these thoughts only dug harua a deeper hole. he could win your heart. definitely.
however, those words only dulled each time they were repeated.
nothing changed, when you all had attended hangouts. once while meeting at a local cafe, you and taki sat next to each other, harua opposite you both. engrossed in conversing animatedly, harua noticed how you’d act around the other boy. brushing arms, touching his shoulder, reaching for his hand, and the likes. the thawing pain that persevered in his chest went unnoticed as well as the knot in his throat. he observed your light flirty remarks as well as your melodious fits of giggles that strew along the atmosphere at every word that left taki’s lips. as if ignoring harua, you carried along your antics; excluding him.
this wasn’t a one-time thing. as weeks passed by you’d become more interested in the boy known as takiyama riki. facetiming harua, heat flushing your cheeks as you gushed about taki. the worst thing is that this crush wasn’t not reciprocated. all the reserved boy heard in taki’s presence was your name, the way you smiled, the way you spoke, the way you had touched his shoulder that day.
of course. it seemed that harua had fell too much into like and ended up in love. that everyone was falling in love yet he was the only one falling behind.
everything completely shifted once his parents had divorced. as the boy’s best friend, you had already known that his parents never had the best relationship; always arguing and bitter to each other but never to harua. it was a few months into the term. this had taken a toll on your best friend; he had begun to isolate himself, become more irritable as well as wallow in pity. for you, it was hard seeing him like that and pained you deeply.
which was why you devoted time into helping him recover. at first you had let him spend some time alone in seclusion — which was well needed for him — but then you started to take an active role; visiting his house often and bringing food, video games, even sometimes bringing taki along too. you did your best to cheer him up.
during those times, you began to spend less time with taki and more with harua. that alone almost brought a smile to the boy’s face. almost. it was comical how desperate he was for your attention. yet he only craved it more.
however, he did start to get better with time; harua began to cope. with your help too. from the slight bounce in his step to the colourful expression formed on his face, the old him had more-or-less returned. but so did the ‘old’ you.
after regaining himself, harua noticed you distancing yourself again; only awakening the dormant insecurities that lied within him.
the painfully-obvious ones too.
since taki had been the head leader of the book club, it was his responsibility to deal with funds and the likes. due to low funding, the school board had decided to cut their budget by more than half, which would meant that it would have to be shut down permanently. this was not well-received by the taller boy, the book club was his pride and joy; he had put so much effort in for it all to be snatched away last minute with not a single regard to those who cherished it.
obviously, you had not been notified until later on in the day the news had been broken to him. heartbroken, the boy had called you. and you ran to him in a heartbeat.
though, that same day, something horrible had happened to harua too. his father. perhaps he was too fragile, too vulnerable, too weak. that would make sense because he couldn’t stand it when his father in a blind fit of rage had insulted him. harua didn’t blame his father, although he should’ve. the divorce was his fault.
his fault. that two-word phrase, that seven-letter sentence had echoed in his conscience. on the verge of tears, he returned to his room bitterly. why couldn’t he fight back? why wasn’t he strong enough?
yet in that moment, all his mind flickered to was you. his then-ragged breaths were becoming more stable and his expression slowly softened. the only solution seemed to be to call you. so that, he did.
the incessant buzzing of your phone on the dark black nightstand bounced off the wall of taki’s room. on the edge of the king bed, you had wrapped the boy in a loving embrace as you reached over to turn your phone upside down after coming to one conclusion.
harua could wait.
taki had nuzzled his face into your shoulder as you rocked back and forth. and just minutes later, your vibrating phone had finally stopped.
“it’s not your fault. i knew you did all you could to save it,” lolling him to a sense of calm, you whispered softly. “stuff like this happens. don’t let it affect you too much. hm?”
muffled, the taller boy spoke into your neck. “i’ll try but—“
swiftly, he was cut off by the light buzzing of your phone again and pulled away from your warmth. “that sounds pretty important. you should answer.” opening your arms to him, a grin erupted on your face.
“i’ll get it later. what’s important to me now is you.”
oh, if only shigeta harua knew you where you were, cradling the boy he envied in your arms and avoiding his call.
after two-three of more attempts, harua gave up. and with a finger caught between his teeth, millions of possibilities raced around his mind as he mentally searched for a reason of why you weren’t taking his calls. perhaps you were busy. maybe you had just forgot your phone and it was on silent? or it could’ve been that you didn’t have your phone at you on that moment! that’s why the boy decided to wait it out. twenty minutes wasn’t that long.
surely you weren’t deliberately avoiding him. right?
but twenty minutes became forty and forty minutes stretched into an hour. that’s thirty-six hundred seconds without a response. if harua wasn’t totally frantic then he definitely was now. scrambling to put on a scarf and gather his belongings, the boy filed slowly down his house stairs while making his way to the door.
“where on earth do you think you’re off to, young man?” a rough voice grumbled at him.
“out.” inhaling sharply, harua replied curtly before pulling the door and stepping out into the cold breeze. the sun’s deceiving presence shone radiantly despite the biting wind that nipped at the boy. huffing lightly, he began making his way to your house. only a fifteen minute-ish walk from his. passing the park nearby, he’d become a little more skittish, especially since you hadn’t even so much as sent a text back.
finally arriving at your place, shutting his eyes closed, he took a deep breath before knocking deftly on the wooden door of your home.
a soft voice echoed from inside.
the door unlocked and your sister had appeared from behind it. confusion etched her expression and she tilted her head.
“harua? she’s not here. hasn’t been for a couple of hours now.” shrugging her shoulders, the boy nodded, head tilted up as he watched as the clouds began to cover the ball of fire lodged into the blue sky, before posing a short question.
“do you know where she went? i’ve been calling her for quite some time now.”
your sister’s expression had softened after recognising the frantic shake in his voice.
“you could try taki’s. i think i heard her say something about—“ but before being able to finish, harua had already spun on his heels and hurried away. a giggle escaped from the girl as she shook her head in disbelief before shutting the door.
what were you doing with taki? something felt wrong. stomach churning, his walking pace sped up as he broke into a light sprint.
shigeta harua hadn’t visited taki’s home that much, but was sure of it’s location. heads turned at his sprinting, but he didn’t mind. all that was on his mind was you. and it wasn’t an exaggeration that he was lovesick for you. so so lovesick.
but harua was also becoming sick of that love.
his pace remained constant before he felt something hit his forehead. a droplet. it was raining. in frustration, he began to run faster to get to cover. taki’s house was only a few minutes away now. harua reckoned he could reach it without getting too drenched. but it would all be worth it.
he would get to see you and finally confess.
expressing his feelings aloud would free him from the overbearing thoughts. from having to carry the heavy burden of possessing feelings for one of his best friends.
harua’s own thoughts distracted him for a while before he looked up to realise that he’d already arrived at the house. catching his breath, hands covered his knees as he panted. mentally preparing himself, he knocked lightly before taking a few steps back. taki’s mum had opened the door and smiled warmly at the boy. strangely, that brought relief to him.
“they’re just upstairs. come on in, it’s very cold and you’re drenched!” moving away from the door, harua stepped inside before looking to the woman. “don’t you remember? it’s the first room on the left.” she laughed at his visible cluelessness.
following her instructions, his feet led him hastily to taki’s room. a normal, brown and wooden door. but what was peculiar was that it was slightly ajar, meaning he could peek into it. a horrible feeling bubbled in harua as he slowly inched closer. spying on your two best friends was a very bad thing to do. despite that, he couldn’t control the nagging curiosity.
so he did what he did best. shigeta harua observed. you and taki on his bed, with the latter’s head in your shoulder.
‘that’s just something friends do though’, the thought repeated over and over on his conscious.
the other boy lifted his head before locking eyes with you. yet harua observed something familiar in taki’s eyes. and he was reminded of the first day you and him met the other boy. at book club, where you and taki has gazed at each other.
then your hand came to caress his cheek slowly as the taller boy leaned in to collide his lips with yours. with a few seconds, you pulled away and harua saw the lovestruck gaze that you held and was reminded of his own when looking at you. that specific moment was when the boy realised something important.
shigeta harua would never be the one you loved.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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Hi Pam!
Hope you're doing well, and thank you for your ‘on the path that led me to you’! 🫂This story is really engaging and interesting to follow, to see your input into canon events, that perfectly fits into the lore and fills a lot of "missing" scenes.
As you've expressed that you would love to have some fluff aside stories Post-canon... Oh well, you know, I'm absolutely weak against AruAni domestic fluff. feat Ambassadors Family.
And I was thinking, if I may ask you to have some small continuation of your other wonderful oneshot, "to save what we have"? Take all the creative freedom you have, just something related to this particular story and some aftermath.
Thank you in advance, take care and wish you all the best :3
Anna!! Thanks so much for the prompt- sorry it took a while to respond! I was very much looking forwarding to writing this, just needed to think of a scenario to put them in. I definitely tried to lean into the ‘domestic’ and ‘family’ aspects of it.
I am grateful you requested this, because I have been finding myself wanting to return to this story/era so much lately 🥰
The story is posted under the cut- I will get around to posting to AO3 soon hopefully.
“Stop squirming- hold still…” Annie said, glancing up and eyeing Armin where his arm was extended towards her across the table. She pressed the sterile cotton ball with tweezers into the wound across her husband’s forearm. The bullet had carved a clear trail through the flesh right above his wrist- and despite his grumbling she was determined to be diligent about cleaning and redressing it every day.
Armin peered over at her from where he was reading the newspaper. She eyed him carefully, pressing the alcohol soaked cotton back into the deepest section of his wound. He hissed a little through his teeth.
“I know you’re making faces behind that newspaper.” She murmured, leaning closer to inspect her handiwork.
“No I’m not…” Armin muttered back, shaking the paper straight where it had started to droop at the top.
“Yes he is.” Pieck chimed in with her sing-song voice. She was mixing flour into dough at the kitchen counter next to the table. Reiner chuckled with laughter, the bacon in the pan he was flipping over sizzling.
Annie found she appreciated the smell of the cooking meat- she had always enjoyed sweet things for breakfast, which Pieck was obliging with her cinnamon roll recipe- but lately she had been craving salty and savory foods.
Maybe their baby would prefer those kinds of foods, she thought absently as she smiled to herself, passing her free hand over the swell of her stomach.
They had been in the safe house for a week- giving the authorities time to search for the extremists’ base of operations. They were being incredibly thorough at Armin’s insistence. The captain of the guard had ensured them that his men wouldn’t rest until the rot had been cut out.
She knew there was likely to be political fallout from this- the night of the gala was important for a lot of reasons and it represented the results of years of work for the ambassadors and other world leaders allied with their cause. For the event to be cut short so violently would have consequences and potentially undo some of their hard-won progress.
But she couldn’t be concerned about the world right now. She could only be concerned about her world. And right now that was Armin, the child growing inside her, and the four other ambassadors she had come to think of as allies, then friends, and more recently as family.
And all was relatively right with her world at the moment. Armin, despite his grimacing, would heal from his injury with nothing more than a scar. Her friends were resting and enjoying their private time together after so many weeks in the public eye.
And for herself… she was coming to terms with her pregnancy all over again now that everyone knew about it.
She wasn’t feeling as sick as she had a few weeks ago. And despite the more visible changes to her body that had alarmed her at first, two weeks ago was the first time she had felt her child move and it had been so quietly thrilling that it was all she could do not to reveal their secret right in the droll policy meeting they were sitting in.
Armin had spent that night petting and doting on her, transfixed by the growing bump and talking to their baby. She had been a little embarrassed of the extra attention at first, but to see the hopeful smile that lit up his eyes… it made her remember why she had agreed to do this with him in the first place.
She wanted to give him something special- something to make up for all of the things he had lost. Even if it was scary, even if the symptoms weren’t easy. She had taken so much from the world… lives and hopes and futures. But now she could create it herself just by loving him. It didn’t seem real. It didn’t seem possible. Her? After everything?
At the same time, though, thanks to Armin she had learned to accept all sorts of things she didn’t think she deserved.
She finished cleaning the wound and tying off the gauze, smoothing her thumb across the cotton as she delicately held his wrist. Armin placed the newspaper to the side, smiling knowingly at her with the upturned corner of his lips, before sliding his arm from her soft grip and rising out of the chair to come and stand behind her.
She had been bent over the table, and she hadn’t realized how slumped and poor her posture had been until she sat back, feeling Armin begin to massage her shoulders. She leaned her head back for him to press a kiss on her forehead, and she closed her eyes, smiling as she stretched her feet out in front of her beneath the table. She found herself resting her hands atop her protruding stomach. She hummed contentedly as her husband continued kneading the tense muscles around her neck.
She opened one eye at the sound of Reiner chuckling. He waved his tongs over at her, and she raised a brow at him. “Never thought I’d see the day when Annie was pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen.” She frowned a bit, and Armin scoffed good-naturedly behind her.
She closed her eyes again, pressing her hand on her lower belly where her child was moving and kicking. “I’m not the one frying bacon in a frilly apron.” She said back nonchalantly, and she heard Pieck’s snicker as she continued to whisk her batter.
“I’m not about to have grease splatter on my shirt…” He defended glumly, turning back towards the stove top.
Armin leaned in to give her another kiss on the cheek before he knelt down next to her chair, placing his hands delicately next to hers where their child was moving. “How is our squish this morning?”
Annie snorted a bit at his newest nickname for their child. ‘Squish’ had caught on last week, replacing ‘little bean’ in the rotation of terms of endearment. She grabbed his hand, pressing it on her side right below her ribs.
“Active.” She said with a sigh, but the contentment in her voice bled through anyway.
“That’s good… maybe they’ll decide it’s better to be active in the morning than at night.” He added, his eyes lighting up with that infectious enthusiasm.
“How would the baby know what time it is anyway?” Pieck wondered aloud.
Armin straightened a bit to look at her, and Annie could sense from his expression that he was mentally flipping through a catalogue of books he’d read about prenatal development. He read them aloud to her at night sometimes, while she curled into his chest and tried her best not to nod off.
“At a certain stage, they can hear voices and respond to light… I imagine the baby knows when it’s dark and quiet it may be nighttime. Not the concept of night, of course, that’s absurd but… the sensation of it maybe?” He posited and Annie bit her lip to keep from smiling at the inquisitive look on his face that she knew so well.
“Voices, huh? Think the baby might recognize my voice?” Reiner asks.
“That’s not an invitation to talk more.” Annie teased with a glare.
“When are you going to start acting kind and motherly?” Reiner teased back with a shake of his head.
“I could stand to be a lot nicer to you if you would hurry up with that bacon.” She said adjusting in the chair as she crossed her arms.
“Since when did you start wanting meat for breakfast?” Pieck said, starting to roll out the dough with a rolling pin. She turned to Annie with a little pout, and Annie rolled her eyes.
She glanced over at Armin, a teasing grin on her face. “It’s what our squish wants, I guess.”
Armin smiled back at her, pressing a quick kiss to her middle before standing. He crossed over to help Pieck roll the dough into spirals and coat them with cinnamon sugar.
Annie busied herself with packing up the first aid kit for a moment, before all four of their heads turned at the sound of the door opening from the back of the house and heavy footsteps coming towards them.
She furrowed her brows when Jean and Connie practically tripped over themselves entering the kitchen, piling armloads of shopping bags on the table.
“What’s all this? I thought you were just meeting with the dignitaries in our place this morning.” Armin asked, swiveling around to face them and fix them with his own puzzled expression.
“We did- but then we passed by a marketplace on our way back and-“ Jean started.
“And we found the greatest stuff for Baby Arlert!” Connie spurted out, diving into one of the bags and pulling out a tiny quilted blanket.
Armin laughed, rubbing at his temples with one hand as she shook his head at him. Connie only continued to dig out more items from the bag as Jean jostled it back and forth between them- arguing that he wasn’t giving anyone enough time to appreciate the purchases.
Annie bit her lip, reaching out with one hand to touch a small stuffed rabbit. It had silken ears and a frilly ribbon tied around it’s neck. It’s button eyes and nose glistened under the light. She rubbed one of it’s floppy ears between her fingers.
She wasn’t really paying attention to the teasing and good-natured griping around her, as Pieck and Reiner continued to pester Jean for his out of control shopping habits, and Jean continued to pester Connie for trying to take credit for the gifts.
Instead, she ran her fingertips across a tiny smocked sleeping frock that was laid out on the table, before holding it up by the sleeves.
It was so small. Her baby was going to be so small. She tried to imagine a minuscule little person, with blonde hair and blue eyes filling out the little garment.
She felt tears brimming in her eyes, and before she knew it she was sniffling. Had her father ever dressed her in something precious like this? Had she ever been treated like a soft small child who was wanted and loved?
But their baby would have that. Their baby would have Armin as a father. Their baby would have so many people who cared for them.
“Annie? Are you alright?” Jean’s voice cut through her thoughts, and she realized that a tear had slipped down onto her cheek.
She startled a bit, looking over at Armin’s concerned face. She bit her lip, blushing a bit as she smoothed the frock out carefully with her palms on the table in front of her. “It’s just… so small.” She said finally.
“Of course it is, it’s for you and Armin’s baby.” Connie joked and Jean elbowed him lightly.
She felt Armin tucking her hair behind her ear lightly, standing behind her as she continued to trace the delicate embroidery on the hem with her fingertip, blinking back tears and sniffling.
When she finally looked up at him, she found herself standing up to tuck herself into his arms as he pet soothing circles into her back. She laid her head on his shoulder and clutched his sweater in her hands as he laughed a little in his chest.
“Yes, Annie. Our baby will be small and soft and little.” He said, his voice low.
She sighed, slackening a bit. She knew there were a million other words said to her in that simple phrase. About how their baby would be grow up in a world where it was safe to be small and soft and little. About how they were all working to make the world a better place for them to grow up in- but no one was working harder than Armin himself.
She turned to face Jean and Connie again, Armin’s arm still wrapped around her shoulder, and gave them both a small appreciative smile.
“Small and soft and spoiled more like- how much did you spend on all of this, Jean?” Pieck teased, dusting her hands off on her skirt as she finished slipping the cinnamon rolls into the oven.
“It doesn’t matter how much I spent.” He said crossing his arms petulantly.
“Are you trying to win some sort of contest for the favorite uncle before the kid’s even born?” Reiner asked, placing the bacon he’d finished preparing on a plate as he turned off the burner.
“There’s no such contest- but if there were I wouldn’t be worried about competition from you or Connie.” Jean said.
Reiner harrumphed a bit to himself, but sidled on the other side of the table to place the plate of bacon down in front of Annie’s chair.
She let out a relieved sigh, sinking heavily back into the chair as Armin let out a laugh. She was already shoving a strip of bacon into her mouth before she even sat down. It smelled so good, after all, and she had waited so long to eat it.
Reiner crossed his arms at Jean, giving him a self-satisfied smirk. “See, I’m giving the baby what it really wants.”
“This is very sweet of you all, but please don’t turn this into some kind of twisted made up pecking order.” Armin said, his voice already sounding disappointed and tired, his hands hanging at his sides.
Annie smiled to herself as she continued helping herself to the food, each of her friends around her pulling out a chair to sit down and continuing to discuss the baby, and the gifts, and their petty grievances laced with love and familiarity.
She slipped her hand into Armin’s when he settled into the chair next to the left of hers. She traced her thumb lightly over the gauze again as she glanced down at his hand before looking up to his face. His eyes were wrinkled with laughter as Connie held up the frock underneath his chin and Pieck plopped a tiny bonnet on his head.
It warmed her heart to know how easy it was for him to smile. A week ago they had almost lost everything. She had lost sleep over it a couple nights, remembering... dreaming of a different outcome. But all she had to do was reach for him in her sleep, his hand finding the slope of her stomach as he pulled her towards his chest to hold her close. To hold them close.
All was well… in her world. And despite how hard it was to imagine being any happier than this, she knew it could only get better from here.
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allineedisonedream · 7 months
omg i stumbled across your blog recently and your art is gorgeous!!! i love the style and the way you draw dick in particular so much!
also i couldn’t stop thinking about your tangled au it’s so clever! it got me thinking of an au of your au (if that’s presumptuous or annoying feel free to ignore this ask lol). but it always bugged me slightly in the original tangled that rapunzel could remember stuff from when she was a baby bc babies can’t do that lol (obv she also has magic glowing hair so suspension of disbelief and all). but what if dick was actually older when slade (or court of owls tbh take your pick) kidnapped him? like he came under bruce’s care just like in canon after his parents died, and was around long enough to become brothers with jason, and tim had just been adopted when dick and bruce have a fight and dick storms off. not as bad as comics and bruce doesn’t kick him out bc he’s not an ass lol, but maybe dick wants to do more with his powers and bruce is overprotective, so dick storms out fully intending to come back, but slade has been watching him and takes this chance to kidnap him. and when bruce goes looking for him all he finds is a bloodstain and no dick.
and obviously dick is very keen on escaping the creepy dude who’s kidnapped him, but slade brings him to the basement of the tower and begins to torture/brainwash him sort of like the apprentice arc. and over time bc slade sucks and is good at the whole brainwashing thing, dick slowly looses his memories and eventually can’t remember a life outside of the tower at all. and he continues to grow up in the tower with slade as his “father” and he always has this sense that something isn’t quite right, but he can’t put his finger on it. like he has all these weird torture-like scars that he can’t remember getting, but slade tells him that it was from when he was young and before slade rescued him, and that’s why the world is so scary and dangerous and he has to stay in the tower where slade can protect him. and ofc he does bc slade loves him and wouldn’t lie to him right? and he doesn’t know why the name richard doesn’t fit him quite right, or why his heart races when slade appears unexpectedly (that’s how love works right?). but he stays in the tower like he’s supposed to until wally and roy show up.
and slowly after traveling with them he begins to get weird flashes of both painful and good memories, and strange sensations of deja vue. while meanwhile bruce is still all brooding and mourning bc it was his fight that led dick to run away. and added angst is that jason and tim actually remember and miss dick, even though tim had just started to get to know him. and damian is angsty bc he’s the only one never to have met dick (handwavy on the ages just like dc lol). meanwhile the kingdom still remembers and mourns the charismatic adorable prince that they lost.
and then when slade eventually catches up to and captures wally and roy, dick offers to give himself up and promises never to escape if slade spares them. and it’s extra sad bc he finally remembers what he’d be giving up. he remembers bruce and alfred and his brothers, and he remembers all the trauma slade put him through, and he’s willing to go through it all again to save wally and roy (bc is it really dick grayson if he isn’t super self sacrificing lol). and ofc it eventually ends happily and dick is delighted to go back to his family with his new friends and see his old brothers and meet his new brother all with a new haircut.
but yeah overall your au wormed its way into my brain and i couldn’t stop thinking about it lol, it’s so good!!!!
Ahjajfk thank youuuu<3
And OMG, this is amazing! Beautifully written, yes, absolutely love all the details, especially Slade's and Dick's relationship in all this. I've actually thought about him being taken later on so Tim and Jason would also remember Dick. But I think I started overthinking everything and made it way too complicated (I think I wrote about 20 pages of notes and stuff, I kinda got lost in them. I was/am pretty obsessed with this AU), so I just reeled back a bit and stayed close to the plot. It also simplifies things; I don’t have to rewrite the whole story, which, with my overthinking skills, would take forever. 💀
And that part with Slade making Dick forget who he was is great. I kept the whole AU pretty open with some stuff for imagination. My running idea at the moment is that he got sick when he was 8, so Bruce found the flower, and later Slade kidnapped him, making him forget everything and thinking Slade is his father.
But yeah, OMG, this is awesome. I totally love it. I tried to make it as detailed as possible story-wise, but at the same time, I really needed to limit myself to finish fast because I was scared I would lose interest or don’t have the patience haha But Now I’m kinda even more excited about how people will react to the next chapters. 👀
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stoneagedevil · 1 year
i really liked the anton fic. could we possibly get a small continuation or a separate one entirely? smut included, if possible
Little Bird | Anton x Reader
CW/TW: Size kink if you squint. Smut. Blood/blood kink-ish. No protection. MDNI. Murder. Obsession. Possessiveness.
Anton didn’t do “deals.” He didn’t do half-assed jobs. He was the right tool to choose because of the way he operated; swiftly, completely, cleanly (save for the bloodshed), and typically got away with ease. People all over had called him a ghost, the only problem for his targets was that he was very much alive.
There was danger in even seeing Anton, as those who asked stupidly if he was going to kill them, he’d reply, “That depends…do you see me?”
The short answer was yes.
The shorter answer was a bullet in the face.
However, you had always been the exception. You’d seen every square inch of his body, and he yours, but he never intended to put a bullet between your gorgeous eyes. Anton understood emotions to a certain degree. He understood that emotions make people do stupid things, that love hurts and can make a sane man do insane things.
Anton understood emotions to a degree, yes. He just didn’t feel them, not all of them at least.
But the feeling that felt like the devil’s fiery hand crushing his heart was definitely real. He certainly felt his teeth clenching together, slowly tightening until he thought they’d crack. Certainly felt his hands white-knuckling the steering wheel of the beat-up pickup truck he stole.
And why? Well, love he’d assumed.
Anton wasn’t a man to bring you home flowers, or chocolates. He wasn’t a man to say “I love you’s.” He didn’t go to work at 9 and come home after 5. He was a stone cold killer, but damn it if he wasn’t obsessed with you.
You’d had no family, never made friends, and had no qualms about what he did. That’s not to say you couldn’t be friendly when the time arose. You could step up to the plate when you’d have to, and you’d killed a few people yourself a few times, only because you had to. You’d never go out of your way for it like he would. But you were perfect. Always saying the right things at the right times. Tough, but someone who he protected with his life. You’d always gone with the flow, if you needed to pack up at 3am because Anton got a tip that his target had dashed, you’d be the first one in the passenger seat to the vehicle you’d just hotwired. There were times in the most silent drives, he thought that perhaps mind-reading was a real thing. You always spoke with purpose. Always for a reason.
So to reiterate, you were perfect.
And you were currently being held captive by his “boss” because he’d found out that the not-so-little secret of his got out: he’d hired a few men other than Anton. To do a job Anton was already doing.
And now you were collateral.
Anton wondered if this is what Llewelyn Moss had felt. But then again, he couldn’t possibly have known. A man so willing to leave his woman for $2 million in cash wasn’t a man in love. He wasn’t a man to do insane things. Llewelyn didn’t try hard enough, and where he failed, Anton would succeed. He simply had to.
And so, it was set in stone by the stone cold killer. He’d be getting you back, one way or another.
He sped into the parking lot of the skyscraper, and although he hated populated cities, rich people didn’t. On the top floor is where he’d find his good-for-nothing boss-turned-target; soon-to-be-turned-cadaver. The truck’s breaks squealed like a pig, and Anton left the cab of the pickup just as fast as he’d stopped it. A slight breeze combed its fingers through his hair as he walked briskly, his feet light in his heavy boots.
An elevator ride later, and he was faced with the large wooden double-doors of his target’s office. If you weren’t in there, you were in the missing floor. Thankfully, he wouldn’t have to go looking too far as the minute he rushed into the sterile room, he was met with your eyes, the barrel of a revolver kissing your temple. He stopped then.
“I knew you’d come.” The man said. “You weren’t quick enough to get the man. We were out $2 million in cash and in product, and her life is just a fraction of that.” He sneered. Your eyes never left Anton’s, however. Your body was completely still, mouth covered with duct tape and hands with bloody knuckles bound together at the wrists. You’d caused trouble for them.
That only made him need you more.
You blinked slowly at him, and though you couldn’t say anything, if was thought you both had a secret language; one that never had formed into words. Never needed to, anyways.
You quickly threw yourself to the floor out of the barrel’s line of fire, and Anton wasted no time in bringing up his specially-made suppressed shotgun and shooting off the older man’s offending arm. The revolver and the bastard’s favored limb fell to the ground together, and you quickly rolled away as your captor writhed in shock. Your rolling was not quick enough to evade the blood of a severed artery, and the warm feeling of life itself spattered onto you.
Anton stalked over to you as his victim fell to the floor, growing increasingly weak as the blood drained from his body. It wouldn’t be too long before he’d be food for the worms. Taking out a switchblade and flicking it open, Anton’s large hands worked nimbly at cutting the rope that you were encased in, setting his little bird free once more. You reached a delicate had up to your mouth, violently ripping the tape off with little to no reaction.
He offered you a hand, and without hesitation, you took it. Anton helped you up, and the boss’s flailing had lessened. You both watched, but Anton’s interest laid elsewhere. He turn to look at you.
And there you were. By his side once again, your deep eyes watching the man he’d killed for you die, the man’s blood on your face and all over your body. You licked your lips, wet tongue clearing the blood away from your lips, the metal taste welcoming on your tastebuds. It signified freedom to you. A promise that Anton had made.
“Did he do anything?” Anton asked, almost demanding. His gravely voice conducted your eyes to look into his.
“No. Nothing I cannot deal with.” You replied softly, turning your head back to the body and tilting it.
Anton huffed slightly. Whether it was a release of anger, or a sigh of relief, he wasn’t sure. “Look at me.” He ordered. And you did.
In what seemed like an instant, the desk of the deceased was immediately cleared, your stomach then resting on the smooth wooden surface as Anton pressed himself behind you. You looked behind you at Anton, and he wrapped a single hand around your throat and brought your face to his. He licked the remaining blood off of your lips, moving his hand to your hair and angling your head to gain access to your neck. There, he nipped continuously, noises reverberating from your throat and into the luxurious office. You pressed yourself back into him as much as you could, but he was significantly taller, and your feet her hardly touching the ground.
“Anton.” You whined, the idea of being intimate on the desk and while you’re covered in blood becoming too much. He backed off at the sound of his name falling from your lips, and it was then you felt his hands reach around your hips and begin to unbutton your denim jeans with the same efficiency as he had when he cut away the rope. You aided in pulling your jeans down, along with your panties.
His little bird was free once more.
It wasn’t long before you heard the zipper of his own pants, and instead of turning your head to get a look, you took your hands and grasped the desk - bracing yourself. He’d always given you what you wanted.
No spit was needed, to say the least, and Anton slid in with ease; mostly thanks to you. You were always wettest when Anton had killed someone for you. For you. That was the most gorgeous part of him. Where all other men had limits, Anton had none. It made Anton wonder if he should hunt down every last person on Earth for you.
Anton was a violent man. One who did things quickly.
You were not one of those things.
He took his time with you, feeling you from the inside, and out. Warm, wet, tight, soft. So soft. Your soft skin balanced out the callouses on his hands. His teeth made themselves a home in the flesh of your shoulder, his hard grunts mingling with your soft moans. He tasted metal, far sweeter than the kind he tasted on your lips before. You had no choice but to feel him, as he stretched you out given his size.
Your abdomen tightened, your legs had begun to shake, and you clamped your legs together as you reached what you assumed was the closest thing to paradise. Anton split you open more, pushing deeper, the tightening of your hole - no, his hole - bringing him towards a paradise of his own. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you felt a warmth flood your insides. Anton bit harder into your flesh, finally releasing the right hold of his jaw after his orgasm. His mouth had blood around it, and he leaned forward once more to kiss you.
He pulled your clothing up over you and fixed it until you were decent, and then did the same to himself.
“You are mine.” He wouldn’t let anyone touch you, and if you were taken from him, he’d re-establish the fact that you were his, in one way or another.
“As if I could forget. As if I’d even want to.” You replied, standing shakily like a newborn fawn. Anton’s intense eyes studied your figure as you walked towards the door, stopping and turning to look at him, your eyes saying, ‘I’d follow you anywhere.’
So he lead the way. You’d hotwired another vehicle, the two of you becoming ghosts once again, and you becoming his little bird encased in his birdcage. His ribcage. Right next to his heart.
Thank you for your request anon! 💜
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arisu-artnfics · 5 months
“A trip to Paris” 5
Chapter: 5/12 Previous Next (First). Versión en Español
Also on:     A03 || FF || DeviantArt || Facebook.
Chapter 5: “From Amity to Paris”
That evening, Sam offered to help the Fentons with their hotel reservations, or rather, insisted she help them with the hotel booking. She wanted only the best for her boyfriend after all, even if she didn’t say it out loud. After several searches and comparing prices here and there, they finally decided on the ‘Le Grand Paris’ hotel. It was a bit fancier than the Fentons were used to, and maybe a bit overpriced… or, well, very overpriced, but that didn’t bother Sam, it was the best option for the family. 
The hotel had two boarding options: suits and apartment-style rooms. The suits slept four people, while the apartment-style rooms could have up to six. As a family of four, the suit sounded perfect to the Fentons, that is, until they read some reviews. Everyone said the suit’s first bedroom was fine, but the second was so small and cramped that you could barely open the dresser and there was no place to put your suitcase. The apartment-style option would be better for them, even though it was an odd choice for four. It consisted of a main bedroom with a king-size bed and two smaller rooms that each came with either a queen-sized bed or two twins. That way Jazz and Danny could have their own rooms, rather than them having to share like when they were very, very little. 
Sam took this as an opportunity to once again suggest that she go with them since there would be more than enough space for her too. She proposed that she could share a room with Danny, one of the ones with two twins, rather than a queen. 
Jack and Maddie were hesitant to say ‘yes,’ they obviously didn’t mind the two teens sharing a room since they had invited her to stay the night, but they had already bought their plane tickets. And even though they had accepted Sam’s help with their hotel –for her insistence rather than something else– they weren’t sure if they could get a ticket for her on the same plane. 
At that, Sam whipped out her phone, asked the Fentons for the flight information, and managed to use the power that came with being a Manson to not only get a ticket on the same flight, but sitting right next to them. She offered to upgrade all of their tickets to first class while she was at it, but the Fentons declined, they had saved up enough money for their travel expenses and didn’t want her to spend more –or rather, much more– than necessary.
After that, the Fentons simply allowed Sam to finish booking their hotel for the two weeks they planned to be in Paris. She respected their wishes and did as requested, only buying herself the plane ticket and making sure the family and herself were comfortable in one of the nicest hotels in Paris. After all, the idea was for them to have a relaxing and worry-free vacation, and that included not stressing over details that she would be more than happy to help with. 
The Fentons and Sam had everything arranged for their trip to Paris, and Dani and Valerie were prepared to stay behind and protect Amity Park. Everyone was excited for the start of summer vacation, everyone except Tucker. 
He loved his job as the Mayor of Amity Park, he really did! It was like that time he’d run for class representative, only better! But he missed spending time with his friends. He understood why he had a private tutor instead of going to school, but seriously, he was still a teenager! He never thought he would miss Casper High, but he was working on a way to attend classes there again next year, even if it was just part time. He wasn’t planning on running for the position again, so as soon as someone else was elected, he would be free to go back to being a full time student.
It was way too hard to lead, or even live in, a town overrun with ghosts, so both Tucker and the citizens of Amity were more than relieved when the news spread that the Fentons’ portal would be closed for two weeks. They were even more relieved when they heard that Jack Fenton would be out of the country and they could take a break from constantly checking their rear-view mirrors for that monstrosity they called an RV. It would be nice to have a break from the daily chaos, even if it was just temporary. After all, closing the portal forever wouldn't do any good in the long run. Ghosts from natural portals would still need a way to get back into the Ghost Zone. That was a main part of the case the Fentons presented to the FBI for why they should be allowed to repair their portal. 
Students would be out of school soon, but a Mayor’s job was never done. Tucker needed a break too. When he heard the news that his friends were planning a trip to Paris, he started thinking of a way to travel there too. If he could come up with a good enough reason, he could use money from the budget to pay for it… Even though it was mainly an excuse to have a vacation, he had thought of actually doing something official while there, so it wouldn’t be seen as a complete abuse of power. He did have responsibilities after all.   
The rest of the school year came and went. Danny’s time management plan was in full swing, and, although there were plenty of things that needed to be improved, it seemed to be working. He had help fighting the ghosts, and with Mr. Lancer doing his part as well, Danny managed to pass all of his classes. Now all that was left was the packing. 
The day of their departure finally came, and Mr. Gray and Dani drove the Fentons to the airport. 
When Damon learned about the little girl and what she was exactly, he almost couldn’t believe it until he met her and saw just how much like Danny she was. He was invited over to FentonWorks a couple of days before so Jack and Maddie could explain what to do if the portal accidently got activated or something else happened, as well as to get to know Dani a bit more. 
The Fentons made sure that the filter got changed before they left, so that wouldn’t be a risk, but Dani knew what to do if that was the case anyway. Everything was taken care of, now the adventure was about to begin. 
They were at the airport, pulling their suitcases out of the car. Danny made sure he unloaded the heaviest ones, as his powers helped them more than the others were going to accept, at least out loud. 
“I can’t believe we’re actually here,” he said. ”You guys really closed the portal… I– I don’t know what to say… ”
“Well, believe it little brother. You’re actually going to get some rest now, like you need to,” said Jazz. It was time for Danny to take a break from using his powers, even if it was just the super strength that he used almost without even realising it these days. Jazz had noticed how he had taken the heaviest suitcases himself. 
The group of travellers said their goodbyes to Dani and Damon, waving until they drove out of sight, then they headed inside. Jack and Maddie followed closely behind the three teenagers. It was strange to see them wearing ‘normal’ clothes, having left their jumpsuits behind, but they had promised a nice, non-ghost-hunting holiday. And even though it was a big change for them, they were true to their word.
“Exactly Danny–boy! We’re here, and everything is taken care of! It’s time to relax!” boomed Jack.
“Your father is right, Danny.” Maddie paused, “Jack dear, did we remember to thank Mr. Gray for driving us here? ” she asked. Even though they had, she had the feeling that they were forgetting something. 
“I hope they remembered that Dani and Valerie made him promise to pick us up from the airport when we get back, too...” said Sam knowing that they had kind of forced him to make the offer, even though they would be arriving very late in the evening. 
“I feel kinda bad about asking him to do so much for us, Dani and Valerie shouldn’t have… I mean, I could've flown us to and from the airport at least,” said Danny. He knew well enough that he was more than capable of carrying the family and their luggage without much of a problem. 
They quickly dropped their suitcases off at the check-in counter and headed for security.
Jazz pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, “For the last time, Danny, this is a holiday. That means you shouldn't be exerting yourself, you shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting. And before you say anything, just because you can doesn't mean you should.” She kept her voice low and made sure not to mention Danny’s powers as they were in public, but her firm tone of voice let him know that she would brook no argument.  
“Yeah, I know, I know,” said Danny with a wave of his hand, “but— ”
“No. No buts, Danny.” Sam interrupted. “We already talked about it, didn’t we?” She was just as tired of trying to get Danny to stop using his powers all the time as Jazz was. 
“Yes, I know...” Danny sighed, “You’re right.” He looked around for the number of the gate that they needed to go. There weren’t that many gates, but it was their first time there. 
“This way!” Jazz pointed out their gate. It hadn’t taken her long to find the number that matched her boarding pass, it was a small airport, after all. ‘Amity Park Airport’ was fairly new, and probably one of the only good things that Vlad had done as mayor. 
“Good eye, Jazz, dear,” said Maddie, heading in the direction Jazz had pointed. 
In the waiting area by their gate, there was a large window that looked out over the runway and they were amazed by how many planes they could see and how busy and bustling it all was. Even though the Amity Park airport was small, it was still big enough for there to be several planes flying at the same time to different parts of the country. It was their first time travelling like this. Yes, they had flown before, but never in planes this big, let alone internationally. The seating on their first plane was divided into two sections of three seat rows on each side of the walkway. Danny, Sam, and Jazz sat together on a row while Jack and Maddie sat behind them next to a nice, young businessman. It was a short flight to Chicago and an easy layover at O’Hare before they were off again. Their second plane, the international one, was much bigger than the first. This one was divided into three sections, two on the sides with three seats to a row, and one in the middle with four. Just as with their first flight, the three teens sat together with their parents in the row behind them.  
A bit longer than ten hours later, the Fenton family, plus Sam, landed in Paris at the ‘Charles de Gaulle Airport.’ They picked up their suitcases and exchanged some of their dollars for euros, just in case, though they planned to use their credit cards mostly since it was easier. Luckily for them, the currency exchange post employee did speak English well enough. They were also grateful that they had booked transport from the airport to the hotel in advance, because French wasn’t easy, especially after such a long flight.  
When they arrived at the hotel, they checked in and then were guided to their rooms by a helpful bellhop. Once inside, they quickly set about exploring their apartment style suite, admiring just how big and luxurious it really was. Then they claimed their rooms and their beds, and did some light unpacking to settle in. Jack and Maddie obviously took the master bedroom, while Danny and Sam got the room with two twin beds and Jazz took the one with the queen. Just as they had agreed back home.
“Alright kids, let’s try to get some sleep,” Maddie looked at her watch, it was well past midnight in Paris, even though it didn’t feel like it.
“But I’m not tired,” Danny complained. “Can’t we stay up a little longer?”
Maddie levelled a motherly glare at him. “You’ll wish you’d gone to bed when morning comes and the jet lag hits,” she reminded them.
“She’s right, you know,” Jazz said. “It feels like it’s only five or six in the afternoon because that’s what time it is in Amity Park. But we aren’t in Amity Park anymore, and if we want to enjoy all the things Paris has to offer, we need to adjust our sleep schedules as soon as possible.”
They moaned and groaned and dragged their feet, even the adults, but eventually everyone was in bed. It took them some time to actually fall asleep, but the night came and went and before they realised it, it was the next day.
They woke up bright and early, much to the dismay of the teenagers and the family made their yawning, shuffling way downstairs for breakfast. The restaurant part of the hotel was on the first floor, or ground floor, as it was called here. They didn’t have much planned for the day other than getting used to being here and getting used to hearing everything in French rather than English. 
Once they were sitting at the breakfast table, Sam admitted to learning some French thanks to her parents' insistence on having a “well-rounded and cultured daughter.” Of course, Sam had never liked the image that her parents tried to force on her, she just wanted to be herself. But despite her best efforts, she had still picked up a little bit of the language.
“Well this is going to be interesting...” Danny said as he picked up the breakfast menu, it looked like it was written in Latin or something.
“Here, Danny, try this one,” Sam handed him the international menu. Even though this one was in English, it was still several pages of food he could not pronounce, because, of course, anyone who could afford it ate there and they needed a fancy menu full of fancy food to satisfy all their fancy tastes.
“I should have known,” Maddie muttered, mostly to herself, as she looked at the menu, “The price was decent for the room but not the food...” She and Jack were thinking about ordering some large breakfast platters for the family to share. 
They had found a pretty good deal on the hotel, it was well within their budget, but Sam still insisted on paying for it and well, how could they refuse?
“Hey, Sam, do you think we got such a good deal because of the French–American Friendship Week that happened recently?” asked Jazz. She had heard somewhere that it was going on, maybe she had read something about it… It sounded fun, but her family was never one for celebrations. Not even Christmas was correctly celebrated at her house, sadly.  
“What?” Danny asked in confusion. “The what–what, now?” He thought about it for a moment, and maybe it sounded a little familiar, but hey, holidays weren't his forte. 
“I’m sure you learned about it in school, Danny. The French–American Friendship Week is a celebration of our shared history, going back to the Revolutionary War when France was one of our first allies as a young nation. It happened just a couple of weeks ago, if I remember correctly. Just before, well, everything…” said Jazz, thinking back to what she saw when booking the hotel with her parents. The website had said to ‘book now’ before the ‘offer’ ended. “I think that this pretty hotel offered special discounts for Americans only… or something, lasting for the rest of the month...”  They got lucky that the booking allowed them to have the cheaper prices for that extended time. 
“I think so,” replied Sam. “I completely forgot about Friendship Week, it's not like they said anything about it at Casper. We live in Amity Park, and if it’s not about ghosts, it’s like nobody cares. As if history doesn’t even matter! But everyone should learn from history so things like wars won’t repeat again, you know?” she ranted, but without any real anger. She knew that they all shared similar ideas about the education in Amity Park.  
Jazz hummed her agreement. Education was important, but well they were from Amity… What can you do, right? That’s why she did her best to help teach them some of the important things that they didn’t learn in school. She also did her best to keep up with the latest technology. Nobody said that their education was bad, just that there were definitely gaps. At least it met the government standard, but not by much.  “All right kids, I think I got it!” Jack exclaimed after he and Maddie had spent a while reading over the menu options in silence. The small explanations beside the names of each dish were very helpful. French names were a challenge, but that wasn’t going to stop Jack Fenton.
“Got what?” asked Danny. “Oh right, breakfast! Um, how about, uh, French toast?” He didn’t even know what to get yet, or why he suggested that when he doesn’t even like toast. He may have forgotten that they were supposed to be deciding what to get. It was breakfast time after all, and, for the first time in a very long time, he was actually going to get to eat something that wouldn’t attack him. 
“Really, Danny?” Jazz crossed her arms, unimpressed. “French toast?”  
Danny simply shrugged in response. It was the only thing that he could think of at that second. 
“Your father and I have been looking over the menu… and, well, there’s a family special that includes a variety of food,” Maddie explained, tapping the menu for emphasis as she spoke. “We were thinking of getting that. It comes with toast, Danny, so everyone should…” 
Sam turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. So far she wasn’t sure that they offer vegan options, so not everyone would be able to eat that, or that was what Sam was thinking. 
Maddie blinked a couple of times at that expression, “Don’t worry, Sam dear, from what I can see, we can order it with part of it vegan and the other part not, and this one includes vegan options,” she finished saying. She was pretty sure the ‘V’ symbols on the menu must be for vegan options, right?
“Oh...” said Sam, who checked that section of the menu for herself to find that Maddie was correct. Fancy restaurants did have a tendency to be like that anyway. Whether here or in Amity, fancy also means ‘do whatever the client asks for.’ She’d never had a problem with that back home, so why should she here? And it was clear that the ‘V’ symbol was indeed for vegan options, and also that the platter had the option to make half of it vegan. 
After they looked over the menu for a few minutes, a butler that introduced himself as ‘Armand’ appeared to take their order. 
Even though he was usually on call for Miss Chloe, attending to her every whim, being a butler for the Bourgeois family meant that he was basically an employee for everything. He worked for Le Grand Paris, checking people in at the front desk, delivering room service, and sometimes he stepped in to help out the waiters in the restaurant or the hotel bar. 
The Fentons did end up getting the family special, as well as some other vegan options to accommodate Sam. After breakfast, Jack and Maddie announced that they were going to explore the hotel, just to make sure it wasn’t haunted. One can never be too careful, they always said. The kids quickly piped up that they would rather walk around and explore the city. And after Danny promised not to transform and fly them around, invisible or not, they let them go. 
Danny understood why his parents asked that of him, it made sense. Even if he wasn’t supposed to be taking it easy, they couldn’t risk anybody seeing Phantom in Paris and connecting it to the Fenton Family’s trip. He understood it, but that didn’t make it an easy rule to follow. During the flight here, he had been very tempted to fly below the plane for a while, just because he was desperate for a little bit of time to himself. Being crammed together in close quarters for several hours with a bunch of strangers was stressful, especially when one of those strangers was a very unhappy baby. His ghost powers had never seemed so appealing.
The kids headed for the door, calling out that they would keep in touch as they waved goodbye. 
The Fentons had never travelled out of the country, and so they hadn’t considered that they would be leaving their cell phone network behind. Luckily for them, Paris had a pretty good wifi grid. They also had their Fenton Phones as backup. Danny had sheepishly confessed to bringing his on the plane, and then one after the other, the rest of the team admitted to doing so as well. Although they were designed specifically to work inside the Ghost Zone, in the human world they technically worked as phones without the need for a network or data for basic communication. They did have the drawback of only being able to be used for calls, not texting; for that they would need wifi. This trip was going as unexpectedly as they thought it could be. But even though it hadn't been planned, at least with the Fenton Phones they could communicate with each other if something happened.  
Not far from their hotel, the three teens found a small park. They were drawn in by the beautiful landscaping and curiosity about the statue they could see in the middle of it. As they followed one of the many winding paths to the centre of the park, they felt oddly at home. Their city wasn’t named Amity Park for nothing, and even though they had only been gone a day, they already missed it.
A short walk later and they were examining the statue up close. It was obviously important for the city or it wouldn’t be here, but looked fairly new. It seemed to depict a pair of superheroes, or at least that's what it looked like to the three of them, what with the costumes and all. As they were wondering who the mystery heroes could be, Jazz pointed out a plaque at the base of the statue. They moved closer to read the inscription on it, and with the help of Sam’s limited French, they learned the pair were local heroes called 'Ladybug' and 'Chat Noir.' 
"Are they for real?" Danny asked with a laugh.  “That’s a bit on the nose, isn't it?” 
Their costumes did look like a ladybug and a black cat. At least, he was pretty sure ‘chat’ meant ‘cat’ and ‘noir’ meant ‘black’ but he couldn't remember where he'd learned that. And ‘Ladybug’ was obvious, that was just English.  
"Hey, you can't say anything, Mister…” Jazz quickly looked to see if anyone was near them, “Mister I'm-a-ghost-named-Phantom,” she whispered with a teasing smile. 
"And just what's wrong with my name?" he feigned offence. “It's way better than the one the media gave me, I could have been 'Inviso-Bill’ for crying out loud! Phantom is so much cooler!”
"You went from one shameless pun to another, Danny,” his sister replied with a deadpan expression. “I mean, you could have picked anything, but that’s what you went with?”
"Hey! That’s a great pun! Took me weeks to come up with!” He crossed his arms with a sniff, “Who knows, maybe I'll find someone around here who actually has good taste. That'll show you.” 
He stuck his tongue out at her and, after a moment, all three teens burst into laughter.
Once they calmed down again, Danny wondered aloud if there was a statue of him in Paris. It was a capital city, after all.
"You better not be thinking what I think you’re thinking." Sam warned. It would be easy for Danny to explore the city as Phantom without anybody knowing, at least not any Parisian, and try to find out what the locals thought about him. "You know if you go off by yourself and get lost, you won't be able to just ask for directions. We can't even do that now, when we're together. Which is exactly why we're not going too far from the hotel." Even if she did speak some French, that didn’t mean she was fluent. 
"That's why I brought a notebook,” said Jazz, pointing to what was, indeed, a notebook in her hand. “And I'm writing down the names of all the roads we see, so at least we could point and try to ask for directions if we need to."
Danny sighed, "No, I wasn't thinking about that, really. I promised Dani, and, well, you guys and my parents, too… and even Valerie. For this trip I'm just plain old Danny Fenton. No superheroing. No ghost powers at any time." It had been hard to accept their terms, but a real holiday was sounding more and more tempting each time someone mentioned it. 
"Good,” Sam took Danny’s hand with a smile and a blush, “We’re here to relax, remember?" Even after all this time dating, they still gave each other butterflies.
"All right, now where?" said Jazz, clearing her throat. Even though she was happy for Danny, it was a bit awkward seeing her little brother still blushing over something so simple. It had taken them such a long time to finally admit their feelings for each other, and she was happy for them, she really was, but she was starting to feel a bit like a third wheel.           
"I don't know… the river?" he suggested, looking around and noticing that they weren't that far from it. "Wait, is that a school? Across from that bakery?" he asked, confused. It was a bit odd, if you asked him, to have a school, a bakery, and a park so close to what he assumed was the tourist area, their hotel wasn't that far after all.
Sam shrugged after noticing the school he was referring to, "Who knows, maybe this whole area isn't as touristy as we thought. I mean we’re still pretty far away from the eiffel tower or any of the museums." 
“She’s right, you know,” added Jazz. She had looked up all the big tourist attractions on a map before they left the hotel, and nothing was in walking distance. 
“I guess… so, the river?” Danny asked. He wasn’t going to overthink it. He was here to be a tourist, and tourists visited the river.
“The Seine.” Jazz interjected automatically.
“Whatever.” Danny rolled his eyes.
"I suppose the river could be nice…" replied Sam, just happy to be spending time with Danny. She would have preferred if it was just the two of them, but she didn’t mind Jazz tagging along. 
They bid farewell to the statue and crossed the park in the direction of the bakery. From there, they would make their way to the stairs that went down along the river. 
Just as they reached the bakery, the main door flew open and a girl with blue-black hair pulled into twin pigtails ran out of it. She was carrying a tower of boxes so tall she couldn’t see where she was going and nearly ran into Jazz. Thankfully, Danny reacted quickly, pulling her out of the girl's way just in time.
The girl nearly tripped over thin air when she noticed the three of them, stuttering something in rapid French.
They simply stared at her with confused faces.
“Uh, sorry, we’re not French,” Danny offered as he helped her balance the boxes that she was carrying.
“Oh!” the girl’s face lit up as she recognized the language, repeating her apology in English. “And thank you for your help!”
Danny gave her a friendly smile. “It’s okay, happy to be of assistance.”
“I’m Marinette,” the girl introduced herself. “And my family owns this bakery. I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m running really late with this order, so, um, goodbye!” She turned to run in the direction of the park and immediately tripped over her own feet, almost falling again. 
“Woah, careful!” Sam called, helping Marinette with the boxes this time. She hadn’t thought it was possible for anyone to be this clumsy.  
“Would you, uh, like some help?” offered Danny. He caught the topmost boxes before they could slide off their precarious tower. That was the third time in as many minutes they had helped her with them and he wondered if this was something she could normally do by herself. 
“Oh!” said Marinette, noticing how much easier it was to move now that she didn't have so many. “Thank you! I should have waited for my friend to help me with these… but she had to babysit and they really do need to be delivered right away...” She sighed, “I’m so sorry to trouble you, but I would appreciate it if you could…I mean, you are helping me already… so, thank you.” 
Marinette smiled at the kind strangers. She really did need the help. Her friend had offered to help her the day before, but had to cancel at the last minute because her parents needed her to watch the twins. 
“I'm Danny,” said Danny, smiling back at her. If Marinette had introduced herself to them, it was only polite that he return the gesture, right? 
“Sam,” said the girl next to him, inclining her head when Marinette looked at her.
“And my name is Jasmine, but you can call me ‘Jazz,’” said Jazz, when it was her turn. 
“Sorry again for all of this. I normally take turns to do this many boxes, or ask my friend Alya to help,” she started walking and the three Americans followed her, “but like I said… well, it’s my fault really. I got distracted, and, well, I didn’t leave when I should and well…” 
They wouldn’t know as the attack had happened before they arrived, but Ladybug and Chat Noir were out until late last night fighting an akuma. Because she had stayed up so late, Marinette had overslept this morning. 
“Hey, it’s all right, you don’t have to explain yourself to us, you know. And I’m sure that whoever is waiting for these will understand you taking a bit longer, won’t they?” Jazz said gently, trying to calm Marinette down. The poor girl obviously had a lot on her mind and her distraction certainly wasn’t helping her coordination. She was already very clumsy, and when she wasn’t paying attention, the boxes began to tilt and fall because she wasn’t holding them up straight.
“Yeah, it’s okay Marinette, we don’t mind lending a hand. It’s not like we had anything else to do,” said Danny, still following Marinette with the boxes. Their only plans for the day were to get used to Paris and adjust to the time difference. They weren’t planning to visit the Eiffel Tower or any museums until later in the week. So all good in that department. 
“Oh god! I’m so, so sorry!” Marinette started again. “I didn’t even ask… I just assumed that–” 
“No, no, you’re okay there! We don’t mind,” Sam interrupted. “Just like Danny said, we don’t really have anything planned for today. For now we’re just getting used to everything, you know?” She rushed to reassure the Parisian, she was not about to hear another rant of apologies from a girl that they just met. She knew that would get annoying fast. 
“Ah!” said Marinette, realising that they had probably just arrived in Paris. “Where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking. Maybe after dropping these off,” she hefted the boxes as if to point out the favour they were doing her, “I could help you guys find a guide or something? It’s the least I can do to thank you for helping out a complete stranger during what I assume are your holidays.” She felt a bit guilty for bothering tourists.
“Well, it looked like you needed a hand, and we were right there, so why not pitch in, you know?” Danny shrugged, the boxes in his hands bobbing up and down. “We’re from Amity Park, Illinois. You probably haven’t heard of–” 
“Oh! I know that place!” Marinette interrupted excitedly, recognizing the name, “You are from that ghost town, right?”
Danny had forgotten that even though Amity isn’t really considered big, it was big news now. 
“Well, not a ‘ghost town’ ghost town, but that is where that new hero is from, isn’t it? Is he really a ghost? Sorry, probably a silly question to ask...” Marinette murmured, feeling a bit dumb now that she had said it out loud, but she and Chat Noir had been very curious about him since they had put up the new statue.
“Don't be so hard on yourself Marinette, it’s only natural that you would be curious. When the ghosts started appearing, a lot of people in Amity didn't believe they were real either. I told my little brother here, that now that Amity Park has been in the news, people all over the world would be wondering the same things we did in the beginning,” said Jazz. Although she hadn’t really expected to find someone actually asking… Or even anyone who recognized the name of Amity Park so quickly. 
“Thank you,” said Marinette. Jazz's words made her feel a bit better, but her cheeks still burned in embarrassment. Thankfully they had just arrived at their destination. “Well, we are here!”
Noticing that they had walked all the way back to their hotel, Danny had a sudden realisation, “Wait, are the baked goods here from your family's bakery?” he asked. 
“Are you staying here?” asked Marinette, making a face. Only very rich and famous people stayed at ‘Le Grand Paris,’ so Marinette was a bit surprised that her new friends were staying there. They were nice, but didn't look particularly rich or famous.
“They had a deal running for French–American Friendship Week, so…” Sam shrugged as if that was very obvious. She didn’t know what was with her attitude all of a sudden. 
“Oh, right...” Marinette replied. She had forgotten that for a whole month the hotel booked anyone from the United States for very, very cheap prices. She had been surprised when she heard about it, as it didn’t seem like a very good business decision, but then when she saw the extra publicity it gave the hotel, she understood. “Wait, I thought that promotion ended before the summer break… ” she added.   
“We made our reservations during the promotional period, and the deal carried over,” Jazz explained. She knew the normal prices, and it seemed like Marinette did, too, so her reaction was understandable. It was a very expensive hotel, after all. 
“And even if it hadn’t, Sam would have paid anyway,” Danny shrugged, not giving it any further thought. 
“Danny!” admonished Jazz. It was rude to assume that Sam would simply pay for everything. She had offered, but still.
“I mean, yeah, I would have anyway. But it was still good to get the offer, just so your parents wouldn’t feel so bad about me spending money on you guys, you know? Don’t think that I didn’t notice them looking for alternatives. And I don’t blame them, I mean the normal prices at this place are ridiculously expensive,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Tell me about it,” murmured Marinette. Although she personally hadn't checked their usual prices, she knew that the Bourgeois family wouldn’t normally allow such cheap prices. That’s why only internationally famous people came here. People like Jagged Stone or her great-uncle.
“Ah, what did you just say?” asked Danny. He thought he heard her say something, but wasn’t sure. 
“Oh!” she exclaimed, surprised at being heard. “Well we should get inside...” she quickly changed the topic and shifted the boxes in her arms. She ran inside and made a beeline for the reception area, it was a good thing she was expected. 
“Oh, right,” said Danny, following her into the hotel. He shrugged, he must have just been imagining things. They were still getting used to it all. 
Jazz and Sam shared a look, rolling their eyes at the antics of the other two. 
After Marinette and Danny dropped off the boxes, they all headed back to the bakery. She thanked them again for their help, even though it had mostly been Danny, and he waved off her thanks saying that it was nothing and he was happy to do it.
On their way back Jazz began plying Marinette with questions about all the typical, and not so typical, places that they could visit while they were in Paris. Marinette was more than happy to help them get around and launched into a detailed explanation of lesser known attractions and also how there is a direct bus line that goes from their hotel to the Eiffel Tower if they were interested in it. She then even talked about Ladybug and Chat Noir, the two local heroes, as well as how her best friend probably knew more because she runs the ‘Ladyblog,’ an online blog totally dedicated to the local heroes. 
Danny was surprised that he was right when they were guessing what the statue was about, especially the part about obvious names.
Marinette agreed that the names were pretty obvious if you thought about it, but those were the names that the heroes gave to the public. She personally never thought about it, she may ask Chat what he thought about when she saw him as Ladybug. 
When they got back to the bakery, Marinette offered them some pastries as a thank you for helping her. The three teens declined her offer, saying that her advice about what to visit and how to navigate the city was more than enough. Jazz of course had written down everything that Marinette told them. She had made sure to note down every single detail, after all she was in charge of it since it was her idea. 
Just when they were about to say their goodbyes, Marinette’s parents joined them in the front of the bakery. They introduced themselves as Sabine and Tom, and thanked them for their help as well. They had noticed that their daughter was struggling with all the boxes and were about to take turns helping her when they saw the three of them step in. Normally they would need to start preparing a second batch of baked goods just in case the first one didn’t make it to the hotel, but they seemed like a responsible group of young people with decent balance and so they had gone back to tending the shop, sure that their daughter was in good hands.
Marinette’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink as her parents explained how clumsy she was. Now these nice people would never want to be her friends! She groaned and buried her burning face in her hands.
Jazz patted her comfortingly on the back and Danny said that they understood her pain all too well. After all, the Fenton parents were about as subtle as a flashing neon sign. Even Sam could relate, there was a reason she didn’t like her parents very much.
The Dupain–Chengs apologised to their daughter and repeated Marinette’s offer of baked goods as a thank you and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The family’s combined efforts finally convinced them to accept a box of treats, not like they had much of a choice. Mr. Dupain had just shoved the box of baked goods into Danny’s hands when a nearby explosion rattled the bakery.  
To be continued :D :D 
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finnskeeper · 4 months
05x15: "The Long Goodbye Job"
Thoughts under the cut. I'm not sure how long this is going to be.
The Opening
"What was your mistake?" The cuts and bruises on Nate's face. The shaking. The barely held back tears. I knew this episode was going to be a doozy, but I didn't expect to be hit by a truck right out of the gate.
The Client
Here's where it gets interesting. There is no client. But Nate had to come up with one for the story he sells to Interpol over the course of the episode. So what would be so damn important that he'd risk everything? Making sure another parent doesn't have to go through what he did with Sam.
The Plan
Watching it a second time, it's definitely fun to try to pick out which points are fact and which are part of Nate's story. We know the rundown went a little differently (Eliot and Parker were at the briefing for the black book, not doing recon on the building) but there are likely elements that are real (Hardison's hesitation at the Sterenko, for example). The rooftop scene with Nate and Parker isn't real (because they didn't go in on the roof, they came in with the coroner's van) and that hurts my heart just a little. It was a great little moment for them, a passing of the torch in a way. It is possible that he took her up there and did all that math to calculate the water balloon shot, but honestly that kind of math is all doable from home base, since they would have access to building heights and distances, and doesn't need to be as accurate.
The Middle
"You said you made a mistake. How did your friends die?"
Aaaaaand there it is. Nate's face here wrecked me. The tears, the shock, the pain...given that he actually crashed the van into the river and took those injuries, do you think there was a small, tiny moment when he thought what she was saying was true? Did he forget, even for a second, that this was also part of the con and he was actually being interrogated about the death of his family?
The Job
Remember Nate is the narrator here, and we see him in the theater basement watching (though later we know he was, in fact, the responding officer), but there are little hints that something is amiss. A) There's no way Nate would actually miss the fact that radios would still work. Hell, Eliot wouldn't miss it. He grabbed walkies in the "Cross My Heart Job" when they didn't have earbud access. No reason to think they would forget those exist now. And B) "Baker 12" being the cop's designation. Nice, sneaky DW reference.
The Collapse
And here's where it all "goes wrong." These 2 minutes were THE most stressful, and that was me going in knowing the big reveal. Hardison dropping down the elevator shaft was horrible, but then Eliot comes in with a steel chair and the most devastating "Dammit Hardison!" of the entire series.
And then we have the whole back of the van/chase scene...
(Also, I firmly believe this is another hint that something is amiss...he went to jail to save these people. 3 of them are "gone," but Sophie is still next to him. IMO, Nate would never [willingly] put Sophie in any danger. It's established canon [in S2 he leaves Tara with some dangerous men, and Sophie calls him on it. He'd never leave her there], and having him drive them off a bridge to their deaths rather than surrender seems farfetched now that I look at it again with a clearer head.)
Nate losing it and just pounding on the table in anger and grief. I legit had to pause and walk away for a moment.
The Real Job
And that's on Emmys, baby.
Nate looking right at the camera: "No active cases."
Hello, Sterling.
"You would get them killed for that." Is that a note of anger I detect in your tone, Sterling? Are you mad at Nate for their deaths? I thought you didn't like them...
Ah, yes, the actual target. Honestly, no one explains this better than John Rogers himself in the DVD commentary:
“This is a big ass speech. This is a big ass stop the show, this is the moral framework of the entire five years you’ve seen. Nate Ford justifies 77 episodes of Leverage in this speech, cause you know what? It is the last goddamn episode, you’re gonna know why we made the show. We didn’t make the show cause we thought it was clever or cute or fun. I always say this, no show succeeds unless somebody loves it and you know what, everybody loves this show and to me, what Nate’s saying here is important enough to say out loud. No one should be allowed to cheat and get away with it.”
The Twist/The REAL Job
"Parker's still in the server room." *insert Thor meme here* Is she though?
Fake bodies! And where are those pesky van drivers?
Sterling figuring it out and letting Nate gloat, just a little.
Sophie being the Sterenko operator AND police dispatch AND the supervisor, acting as the grifter/mastermind behind the scenes.
Nate revealed as the patrol officer.
The recap of how it actually all went down.
"They'll be mixed in with the audience!" Cut to the OT3 in silly little soldier costumes on stage.
10/10, no notes.
(Hey, do you think Sophie/the team had the live feed of the interrogation room so they could know when to move to the next phase of the plan? Do you think they watched Nate rip his own heart out as he played out his worst imaginable scenario?)
The End
"Justice is always easy." Dammit Sterling! Why do you always make it so hard to hate you?
The Proposal ("You gotta say it.")
The OT3 ("Til my dying day.")
The final scene is giving "end of Men in Black" vibes. The swanky suits, Hardison and Eliot in power stances, the callback speech, PARKER MASTERMIND FTW...it's all so good.
Has a show ever ended so perfectly? I don't think so. This is the yardstick upon which all other finales will be measured.
Now it's time to go back and watch S1 in the proper order.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Hobie never cries but... 2
(Part 1)
It's been three weeks since Miles die from the heroic battle. Hobie couldn't let go of his lover's lifeless body, it had to take three grown Spiderman to pull him away. One of the Spiderman was Miguel, who tries to calm him down. The memory still on replay for the twenty year old...
Hobie shouted: No! No! He's still alive! Why the fuck are you dumbasses putting a white blanket over him! Miles! Miles, wake up, luv! You're still alive! -Miguel holding him back as the other two Spidermen wrapping Miles' body with a white blanket to prepare for the autopsy report. They still need to tell his parents' that they lost their son.- NO, stop! Are you fuckers not listening! Gwen! PAV! Tell them to stop. -the two were crying already know their friend is gone. They couldn't look in Hobie's eyes-
Miguel grab Hobie's shoulder: Hobie, listen to-
Hobie slaps the grown man's hands: Don't fucking touch me, man! -tears running down his face- Miles is still alive! He's just sleeping! If you jus-
Miguel grabs Hobie arms, he snaps: MILES IS GONE, HOBIE! He's gone. I'm sor-
Hobie laughs in disbelief: Your sorry? I bet you're fucking happy! You're fucking happy that Miles is gone. -his eyes glare at the leader of the Spider Society- You planned this, didn't you! I bet you wanted him dead.
Gwen went over to calm him down: Hobie, Miguel will never do that! Look, we-
Miguel: Hobie, I didn't hate Miles. He proven to be one of the best Spidermen out there.
Hobie shouted at him: I know you wanted him dead! I know! You're a fucking liar, a snake- the fucking worst! You don't deserve to be called a Spiderman!-
Gwen: HOBIE!
Peter shouted: Whoa! Whoa, Hobie! Don't do this, kid. Not right here, where Miles was -he stopped himself having his own tears coming down his cheek.-
Pav went over to hug Hobie: We're all upset, Hobie.
Hobie broke down crying into his friends arms: It should've been me! It would've been easier!
Mayday slowly went to hug Miguel's leg being sad, she's only seven years old: Miles is dead because of me. -she cries.
Miguel picks her up to comfort her: No, he saved your life.
Mayday crying out loud too.
Present day
Hobie lazily woke up in his bed holding a bottle of vodka, or whatever alcoholic beverage to get his fucked. His puffy eyes sore, stinging from his tear, he couldn't stop crying after that day. Everything feels so painful, he quit being Spiderman. There was no point to it anymore. His mouth dry, sticky from being dehydrated, the pounding headache didn't help. He took another chug of his vodka, making three loud gulps: Fuck! -He lies back down on his bed cuddling against his deceased partner's pillow and leftover clothes- I miss you, luv.
A few minutes later he saw a figure appeared into his room: God, it reeks of alcohol in here! -Hearing Gwen voice, Hobie lift his hand up- There you are!
Hobie: What is it, Gwendy?
Gwen appeared in front of him: Dude, today is Miles' Funeral. Aren't you gonna come? Pay respects to his family? They're going to bury his body next to his Uncle Aaron!
Hobie groans: Don't feel like it.
Gwen pouts: Hobie, you should go and say your goodbyes...
Hobie: It won't matter, he's not here anymore.
Gwen: What about Rio? Jeff? Little Billie? They want you to be there. Your not the only one who lost someone they loved!
Hobie grunts: It doesn't fucking matter Gwendy! Fuck!
Gwen: Peter been asking for you. You quit as Spiderman, huh?
Hobie: Pointless shit job! I rather stay here and get drunk!
Gwen looks at a table with cocaine strips, weeds, and used condoms: And other stuffs, huh? You rather waste your life here?
Hobie: if I can be with Miles, fuck yes!
Gwen: Miles would hate for you to do this to yourself. I thought you want to be like him! Be the best Spiderman! You can't just give up!
Hobie: Oh yeah, watch me! -he turns away letting his tears on his former boyfriend's clothes- It doesn't matter, Gwen. He's no longer here to prove it.
Gwen scoffs with her own watery eyes: I love Miles, Hobie. We all did. Miguel even help-
Hobie scowls: Miguel? He's gonna be there. That fucking sadis-
Gwen: Miguel didn't know that was gonna happen. The anomaly was unpredictable! You know, Miles saved Mayday! Mayday would've died if he didn't. Even Miguel wouldn't have done that.
Hobie: Figures. All you Spiderpeople are all talk while MY SPIDERMAN sacrifice himself! Pfft, of course that fucking arse would try to kiss ass at Miles' family.
Gwen: Hobie, you're grieving. You're mad, you have the right to be. But being mad at just Miguel isn't good for you. We all failed, we all have blood on our-
Hobie snaps: YOU DIDN'T HOLD HIM! YOU DIDN'T TOUCH HIM OR HOLD HIS WEAK BODY WHILE HE SLOWLY SLIPS FROM YOUR GRASP! -his voice soften- his beautiful radiant smile, his sun glow cheeks all gone just like that. Him telling you how much he loves you... -his eyes filled with tears finally looking at tearful Gwen- and you're just there trying to hold whatever blood is left. Did you did that, huh Gwendy? Huh?
Gwen wipes her tears, with a soft: No... but we did fail. If we all paid attention, he would've been here. Why you think all the Spiderpeople are going to stop by his funeral?
Hobie scoffs: Bunch of fakes. They never knew him like i did.
Gwen shook her head: I tried. Here, you can come or not. Mrs. Morales is hoping you show up! -she handed his the funeral card to him- This is personally from Jeff. He also hope you can come. Anyway, I have to go get ready.
Hobie sniffs hearing Gwen leave through a portal to her home. He holds the card seeing Miles' dad sent this to him. His fingers tremble as he opens the card. Maybe it's Jeff blaming him...
The card: I know we never see eye to eye, but I know you did your best protecting Miles. Me and his mom hope you can come to the funeral, it's at three pm. I heard what happen, and I- we don't blame you. You did the best you could, Hobie. I know you love him, and would've done anything you can for him. Please, come to the funeral. Not for me but for him. From Jeff Morales.
Tear drops hit the card, Hobie whimpers having to fall back into his lover's side of the bed being so broken. He hugs Miles' pillow: I miss you, luv! Why did you leave me?
(Part 3)
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Foster Household: Chapter 8, Part 2
Summer is here! Carson enters a new phase just in time for a family BBQ where Kayleigh takes the chance to catch up with her kids that no longer live at home.
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After Harvey shepherds Carson to bed he looks around for Kayleigh. Eventually he finds her in Reece’s old room.
Harvey: Hey sugar, what are you doing in here
Kayleigh: Just missing our kids. They’re getting so grown up. You don’t think the watcher could put off Carson’s birthday do you
Harvey: They probably could, but they shouldn’t. All his friends are teens, he needs to grow up and join them. You know, I got a little something extra done at the doctors
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Kayleigh: A vasectomy?
Harvey: I can’t exactly expect our kids to give me grandkids if we’re still making some
Kayleigh: *laughs* I suppose you’re right. Come on, let’s get to bed. We’ve got a big couple of days coming up
The next day dawns bright and clear. Summer is officially here and BBQ day is upon us. Traditions include inviting guests over, having drinks, having a BBQ, and general merriment with others.
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Carson decides to throw a wrench in my plans by entering a bear phase. Oh this is painful.
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He sorts out his washing and after putting it in the machine passes Kayleigh on his way to breakfast.
Kayleigh: Carson why-
Carson: I’m hibernating until I’m a teen
Kayleigh: Sounds like a plan, just don’t overheat and die
Carson: I won’t mum, I won’t
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Kayleigh sets up for her third Sulani still life. She has one done at night and one done at dusk. Time to add one done in the morning. After scoffing down breakfast Carson is off. I thought he might bike in something else but he is pretty attached to this bear suit. Watch out Sulani, here comes a bear on a bike.
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Better call the family over for BBQ day! I wonder how long it will be before everyone changes out of their hot weather outfits because they’ve jumped in the pool. To refresh memories or if you’ve started reading sometime after the Woods Household, from left to right we have: Harvey Foster (dad), Kayleigh Foster (mum), Charlie Nishidake (eldest child), Kaori Nishidake (Charlie’s wife), Keira Foster (second child), Marta Romero (Keira’s fiancé), Reece Foster (third child), Samir Hadji (Reece’s boyfriend). Down in front we have in the very embarrassing bear suit Carson Foster (fourth child) and Clover Nishidake (Charlie and Kaori’s furbaby).
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Carson: Here’s Reece’s copy of the photo
Samir: Okay?
Reece: Hey why aren’t you gifting it to me
Carson: I don’t give gifts to piles of poop
Reece: At least I’m not dressed like a knock off Teletubby
Charlie: Who posed good for the camera? Was it you? Was it you?
Clover: *barks*
Harvey: So… grandkids?
Kaori: Ah, we- kids…
Charlie: We’re focused on being able to summit the mountain dad, leave her be
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Keira: You good Samir
Samir: *shrugs*
Keira: Don’t worry. People are less stress when you get to know them. Loners unite!
Samir: Huzzah?
Keira: *laughs in surprise* exactly
Kayleigh: Now Marta honey tell me all about your wedding plans
Marta: We haven’t planned anything yet
Kayleigh: Great! We can do it together
Charlie: Don’t let her bulldoze you, she tried to get me to wear a dress
Kayleigh: *tuts* Yes but you won that argument
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Carson: *grrr*
Reece: That’s the worst growl I’ve ever heard
Carson: I hope a bear eats you
Reece: *sighs* There are no bears in Moonwood Mill, why does nobody get that
Carson: Shove over, I want to get in
Reece: Na twerp, there’s a whole rest of the pool edge. Find your own spot
Carson: I just wanted to tell you, it’s my birthday party tomorrow-
Reece: I know how to read a calendar
Carson: I’m not inviting you! Ha, take that!
Reece: *smiles* Suits me fine, more time at home with my boyfriend
Carson: But- I- You- GRRRR
Carson is not impressed that his snub has been ignored in this way.
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Marta: Thanks for being so… welcoming
Kayleigh pulls Marta in for a hug then.
Kayleigh: I want you to know Marta, your blood family may be in the forever save, but as long as you and Keira love each other, you’ll be a part of this family
Marta: I think my mama and padre would have liked you
Kayleigh: Yeah? Did they have any wedding plans for you
Marta: Well now that you mention it-
Harvey: Okay people, Gumbo is up! Come get it while it’s hot
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Carson: Last one there’s a rotten egg
Reece: But you’re already a rotten egg
Carson: I’m telling mum you’re being mean
Reece: Do you ever not tattle
Samir: Thanks for the food
Harvey: Huh? Oh, you’re welcome Samir
Carson seeks the comfort of his bear suit now that he’s not in the water. Most of the family stay on the deck, chatting and eating. Charlie keeps them occupied with tales from her latest soccer games while Marta and Keira flirt.
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Clover however is having a scratch and snooze in the shade. Samir has elected to eat inside. It’s the full moon tonight and he feels stressed about being here. Beyond just talking to people that he wants to think well of him, he’s worried he’ll beast out and scare them. After kicking over the rubbish bin he decides to try relaxing in the water.
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Kayleigh: Samir could I speak to you
Samir: Ahh, sure?
Kayleigh: I know Reece doesn’t want to take more money right now but I’d really like to help out. I know you’ve got the electricity and water sorted at your house but can we give you some money for maybe a repaint
Samir: Reece doesn’t want it…
Kayleigh: Yes but would you like it
Samir pulls himself out of the pool and Kayleigh waits, hoping he’ll let her help. Instead he shakes off the water just like Clover would.
Kaori: That’s one way to dry off
Samir: I... if Reece doesn't... no thank you
Still mumbling half to himself Samir heads inside while Kayleigh figures she'll have to go back to the drawing board for ideas on how to get them to take money.
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Worried by the exchange Reece follows Samir inside and finds him staring at the family photos.
Reece: Are you okay boss? If you’re not we can go home
Samir: I… this full moon *sighs and kisses Reece’s hands*
Reece: We’ve been here 3 hours already. It’ll be fine if we leave
Samir: I want to make a good impression
Reece: You will, but we probably shouldn't push it if you think you'll be turning soon. I would rather you be comfortable than have my parents impressed with you
Samir: Okay blondie, home it is. Thanks
Reece: Yo dad, we’re off!
Harvey: See you guys, safe loading screen home
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Outside Marta is busy serenading Keira and Kayleigh has started on a new painting.
Kaori: What are you working on today
Kayleigh: I never seem to know what I’ll paint until I’m in the thick of it
Kaori: I get that. Sometimes when I snowboard it’s more like the board and the run are telling me what tricks to do
Kayleigh: The process just… is
Kaori: Exactly
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After the guests have left Harvey sets about cooking another meal. The family are still full from a big lunch but the food will keep. Carson arrives back from scouts and goes to ask Kayleigh for advice.
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: mmhmm
Carson: At recess last week no one was playing with me. It sucked and I didn’t know what to do
Kayleigh: Dear your friends are all teens, you’ll be one after your next school day. I‘d try to ride it out. If you really want kids to play with ask some if you can join in. If it goes badly, you never have to talk to them after that day anyway
Carson: Okay mum
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The family spend the sunny evening doing their own things. Harvey goes for a run while Kayleigh tries to boost her logic skill for promotion. Carson bikes around the island, happy in his bear suit.
Kyle: Yo Mr Foster, can I interest you in-
Harvey: Sorry Kyle, I left my wallet at home
Kyle: Fair enough Mr Foster. Have a good night now
Harvey: Next time I see your boss I’ll tell them you’re working hard
Kyle: Sweet
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Harvey sets about making a cake for Carson’s birthday tomorrow. Pink has always been his first favourite colour so strawberry it is. While it cooks he contemplates portraits Kayleigh has done of their backyard oasis. One of the showers busted earlier so Harvey takes care of it before he and Kayleigh head to bed.
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It’s barely 6am when Kayleigh and Harvey are woken up by a sad Carson.
Harvey: Hey, what’s wrong
Carson: I don’t feel good
Kayleigh: You do have a temperature
Carson: I thought vaccinations were meant to stop me getting sick
Kayleigh: Not quite, but they help you be less sick. Let’s go see what we can get you from the pharmacy
When they get back home Carson tries some cough medicine, but it does nothing for the chills. Kayleigh gives him paracetamol which seems to work better.
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Carson: Can I stay home today
Kayleigh: I don’t think so darling
Carson: But I’m sick
Kayleigh: Yes but the watcher can’t find any way to call in sick, only fake call, so we’re stuck for now
Carson: Stupid watcher
Harvey of course takes time to deal with the garden while Carson goes and has a hot bath, hoping the steam will lessen the pressure in his head.
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Harvey: You’ll wait until I’m home to do cake right
Kayleigh: Of course we will
Carson: Bye mum. See you after school. I hope I don’t infect my whole class
Kayleigh: Come on watcher could you really not find a stay home option (I could not)
After completing some paintings Kayleigh heads outside to bring the washing in. There has been reports lately of high winds in the area so she also upgrades the clothesline before heading off to work.
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🌈Just saw Trolls 3 today!🎀
Things I liked:
The new design types of characters
The singing
The songs, especailly the one they use to save Floyd
Grizzabella and king what's his names wedding stuff
Floyd in flashbacks and in general
Bruce and his family of muppets
The knockoff muppets
The designs of the world and the textures ugggghhh so good!
Velvet and Vaneer being designed like Betty Spagettis
The moment when we think Floyd is gone and some girl behind me said "Se murio?!"/"Did he die?!"
The little crinkle paper lady, she was so cute.
Things I didn't like:
The forced lore of Poppy's new sister
The forced family is everything and nothing is more important than family
The way JD got a minute of character detail and than it's never touched again.
The way none of the other holders of music were seen at the wedding.
The way we didn't see the brothers reconcile and how they got to the venue.
Floyd's lack of scenes outside of the diamond.
Also Baby Diamond. I just can't.
So, yeah I liked the movie over all but when I tell you giving Poppy a sibling out of the blue felt so dumb. Like I get it, they 're gonna make her a new doll line but wow was that not necassary. This could have been a found family story with Grizzabella and while yes they are best friends could have led up to the I see you as a sister conversation and it would have been ten times more impactful.
Some people don't have siblings and sometimes wish for them but as someone with 5 and as the oldest I can tell you it's not always sunshine and rainbows. Poppy finding her sister was nice and all but I couldn't care less about Viva or her plight becuase it was just so out of nowhere. Branch's family dynamic was more realistic of having lots of siblings but even then they didn't even try to have meaningful conversations about how they got to that point. All they did was fight, fight again, and then suddenly they're in total sync? Talk about a magic moment.
And not to mention the total swept under the rug moment when Jd talks about how being the oldest put presure on him to be perfect. How it made him the way he is but they don't linger on that and move on so fast we never get a resolution.
Oh and for Poppy's part, she's still so very pushy, obnoxious, and overall a terrible person to Branch's feelings. He tells her numerous times that he's not ready to talk about his past with her and instead of accepting that she borderline manipulates him into telling his story that he wasn't ready to tell. AND THEN she makes the decision for him to go on an adventure to which he says no until he finds out it has to do with Floyd. Branch had every right and reason to not want to join JD, HIS own brother who he put a boundry on becuase of how he hurt him, but Poppy goes on and on about how SHE wishes she had a sister basically guilt tripping him into going disregarding his feelings about it entirly becuase family or whatever.
I like Poppy but I cannot stand Poppy and now there's Viva too and I don't think I can stand the both of them.
Normalize cutting famliy off and living your best life. If they hurt you, be it physically or emotionally, you have every right to cut them out of your life and owe no one an explanation.
Sometimes the writing is very good but if they were trying to make a meaningful story about family they I feel they missed the mark a bit. Still visually a fantastic movie and the music was equally very good.
I'll give it a 8/10 and if your a fan you'll like it. I think I still like the 2nd one the best just becuase of the places we saw and the music we heard was so diverse.
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