#yes i have ONCE AGAIN been murdered by tumblr
itsmepage · 4 months
His Dead Bride
Musical! Beetlejuice x Plus size! Dead Bride! Reader || This fic took me 6 hours to write with no proofread so bj lovers I hope you eat this up like a buffet. (Also all characteristics of all ver of beetlejuice is Reference here, but mainly musical ver)
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Summary: After the events with your ex-husband, you’ve believed you’ll never feel loved again Beetlejuice turn the tables for you
Fluff & Smut
Warnings: murder, murderer ex-husband, revenge, may or may not have corpse bride/Constance Hatchway vides, beetlejuice being a pervert,(maybe reader too), talk of flirting/sex, touchstarvation, talk of death/afterlife & life, oral(fem receiving), thick thighs kink, praise kink, swearing, meantions of demons, mentions of exorcism, kissing, nicknames, glorification of scaring people, & beetlejuice’s mommy issues
Art Credit -> @crazycometspecular on Tumblr & Tik Tok!! 
Smut means mature rating!! You are responsible for what you consume!!
In your life, you couldn't find a single someone to love you: not a single one and you tried so very hard, and just when you thought you found the one, he betrayed you. On your wedding day; a day that was supposed to be so magical, so heartwarming, settling in on someone that you loved and he took away from you without a second thought all because he thought he could. He thought he was all big and powerful and that he just did what he wanted. Just because he wanted your riches? not. He was not going to get away with it. You made his nights restless: he did not go a single day without seeing your horrified face, the face you made when he killed you. But you didn’t there, once he committed suicide: you wasted no time getting exercised at the church you haunted for years. Now he was at the room of death for the dead in the netherworld. You got your sweet revenge, but at what cost? Your once beautiful and young face was gone, your wedding dress was ruined and you smelled of a dead raccoon. Your life ended with no one by your side. You died alone as you feared.
Now you sit in your once beautiful grown, now covered in must and dirt, and cry: physically feeling your heart break, your shed-up veil barely hiding your tears “What’s got you in a twist babes?” You heard a voice say. You looked up to see a man with the brightest yellows you’ve ever seen, his entire outfit was covered in green and black dirt, and his green hair spiked up to the sky. He looked like he’d been here for centuries; in a weird charming way. “Leave me be!” You requested turning your face away from the demon. “That bad huh? It is a human!? Do you need a bio-exorcist?? Because I’m good at that!” The demon said excitedly, speaking with his arms and sitting down next to you: smiling from ear to ear. So that the infamous Beetlejuice; you heard his name once or twice when you died. “The demon that can take away the living” is murder from what you understand. Other dead folk, practically begged you not to ask for his help, fortunately, for you; you were too angry and stubborn to let someone take revenge on your ex-husband. “Yes.” You simply answered him, “But I already took care of it.” You continued in your saddened state wiping away your tears. “Really!?” Beetle said in surprise, “What did you do? Did you kill him? Did he scream? Did you make him bleed?” He overly questioned with curiosity floating around you like an excited crow.
You’ve, kinda, of opened up to him, telling him how you got karma on your ex-husband. Beetlejuice was very impressed; he didn’t many new souls who went to instant haunting, so far they make their victims end themselves in life and after death. That was just the start of your relationship, he didn’t leave you alone ever since: and surprisingly, you didn’t hate it one bit. You like his rambling. The fact he was able to talk about anything for hours without stopping was lowkey impressive to you: that and all the power he has, making clones of himself, making a fire in his hands, and making anyone move with a simple wave of his fingertips. The many things people hated about him are what you love about him. You enjoyed his company very much: he was your reminder that just because you're dead Doesn’t mean you’ll end up alone. It brought you so much comfort and you found yourself clinging to him more and more every day, and it didn’t help that he flirted with you. Spending time with Beetlejuice made you realize what a prev he is, he respected your boundaries for the most part despite the fact he did one dip kiss to piss your dead husband off when the two of them just so happened to pass by the exorcist rooms. You slapped him for it, even though you love that he did that. He also firted how he loved your body type as if you were the goddness, Aphrodite. Yes they were inappropriate, comical, and yet still so sweet. You didn’t know how he did it but he did, sometimes you wish he’d get down on his knees and praise you rather than saying it. You imagine his hands holding down your thick thighs as you squirmed around his head, gently squeezing him.. God that image makes you see stars; but you wanted more than just his lust. You wanted his love, all of his love. You wanted him to hold your face as he kissed your tears away, you wanted to hold him, to dance with him, to scare people together, you wanted to marry him; and you wanted so badly to tell him that. But you were afraid. It wasn’t him you were scared of, nor the Netherworld, it was the fear of rejection. Never being able to talk to him again. It was stupid you knew that, you were past life to worry about something as silly as that but how can you not be afraid? Beetlejuice was the very few people that talked to you in the netherworld you didn’t want to lose that, you didn’t want to lose him over something as silly as that, so you’ve tried your best to keep to yourself which was somewhat tolerable when he was simply just talking to you, making you laugh, but today he invited you to help him get back at Lydia’s bully, his human friend upon her request; and you could never say no to him.
All three had a blast, from what started as a small inconvenience to the perpetrator to a general life-threatening scenario, safely assuming they wouldn’t be messing with her for a good while. You liked meeting her, she was a sparky teen with a great sense of style and you’ve enjoyed the friendship with her and Beetlejuice like a fun uncle with his rebel niece after thanking the two of you, she sent both of you on your way. “Boy, oh, boy! That was a lot of fun! Wasn’t it toots!?“ you smiled brightly at him, becoming so fond of the nicknames he gave you. You nodded your head, just deciding to let him ramble. “Oh, the look on their face!! Haha!! - and they screamed like a dying pigeon!“ he laughed thinking about and you just giggled along with him, taking a seat in an empty area of the Netherworld: you sighed with glee, just happy to be in Beetlejuice’s presence. He leans against the wall next to you, calming down from his laughter. “I love that kid, I would kill to do that again.“ he said sitting down on the ground while you sat next to him, wondering whatever pleasant memories came to his head. “How did you two meet?“ you asked him curiously, your hands being placed comfortably on your lap holding your bouquet of dead flowers. “Oh babes that’s a looonnnggg story..“ he exaggerated. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t interested in hearing.“ you’ve told him, encouraging him. “Well..“ he set up, his position being in the crisscross style. “It started when-“ He begin to yep again, making hand movements to help you put the imagery in your head, you’ve tried your best to best to listen but you loved seeing his facial expressions as he talk and what was joyful, cocky and settle, softly turned into sadness, loneliness as well as his green hair. It turned into a dark blue when he mentioned Junno. His mother. You quickly became concerned, he moved his knees to his chest, hugging them like a lost boy who needed love; and he did, he needed so much of it. “BJ, sweetie..“ you’ve placed your hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He looked at you with baby bug eyes, a crimson blush on his cheeks at the small nickname you gave him. “Are- ...“ you paused. “What happened? Can you tell me? Please?“ You asked gently, asking him to open up to you, and he did. Beetlejuice opened up to you, talking about his mother Junno, how horrible she was, how he resented her, what happened to her, to him.. and yet how he still kinda misses her. “It’s stupid I know! But she was the most company I ever had here... I was pretty much back on my own... Until you showed up.“ he smiled gently at the mention of you. You’ve felt your deceased heart skip, if that was even possible, at such a simple action; and what turned a simple action into an affectionate gesture. He turned over at where you sat and hugged his arms around your legs as he rested his head on your lap his once blue hair turned pink. At least you know he’s not messing with you.
Your hands were in the air, not being sure what to do for a moment. Slowly, you place your bouquet to the side, slightly moving to other arm to his pink hair: to softly brush his tangled up hair he mumbled softly leaning in closer to encourage your action; wait.. was he purring? You’ve moved your hand to the back of his scalp and realized he was. Goodness gracious, he was just so damn cute, is this what demons warned you about? This big old cat? Your chest gets up and down slowly, controlling your breathing feeling a small heat to your core, making you realize how touchstarved you are. You were a little ashamed of yourself; here was Beetlejuice, he opened up to you, he was vulnerable and all you wanted to do was shove his face between your legs. Maybe you were the pervert, you tried to push it to the side, just being focused on his purring, and you scratched his scalp and rubbed his shoulders with your other hand. “You’re probably not gonna believe this toots..“ he said out of the blue, moving his body to kiss your stomach as if he was reading your mind and was trying to tease you. “I am..“ he kissed you again “.. completely..“ he gave another “..and thoroughly,“ and another “in love with you...“ he then kissed you on your upper thigh ignoring the fabric that was in the way of your skin. “I don’t I felt this way about anyone before.. well not in such a way...“ he confessed pressing his lips on your left thigh, simply just giving you pepper kisses and it was driving you crazy. Your breathing got heavier as he seemed he didn’t want to let go of you, showering you with his affection and you practically melted. No one, not even your ex-husband displayed this kind of love; you wanted to laugh at the irony. That a horrifying demon already treats you so much better than a living human on earth. You had to die, to win basic affection; that’s funny. But you couldn't laugh at that right now for Beetlejuice was clouding your thoughts. “Oh BJ..“ moaned softly, as he stopped to look at you making sure he heard right. “I feel the same..“you confessed your hands moving to his warm cheeks. “wait really...?“ he asked, sitting up slightly. “Yes! Of course!“ you laughed over how adorable he was. “I wouldn’t let have you kissed me like this if I didn’t..“ you assured him, playing with his flush-out hair. “does that mean I get to continue?“ he asked before he leaned back down to kiss you again. “Please..“ you whispered to him and that alone can turn him into a wild animal.
Beetle lifted your dirty wedding dress as he began to kiss your rotten skin, them being more harsh and slobbery than before, but he knew not to be too rough, he didn’t want to break you yet. “God, what was that asshole thinking?“ he said as he kiss you, knowing he was referring to your ex. “You’re..“he kissed your thigh “So..“ he placed another “..fucking..“ and another “gorgeous..“ he said placing a slobbery one on your inner thigh. “Jesus.. If you’re this breathtaking when you’re dead..“ he said moving his lips to the other thigh. “I can’t image what you looked like on Earth..“ he breathed, licking the right side of your inner thigh. “B-beetle..“ you moaned. He laughed at your action, planning to tease you more by grabbing your thigh and placing it over his head, licking only your upper thighs and not your aching lips. You look down to see: that his tongue isn’t shaped like a human’s, it resembles a fat worm, with stripes patterns. It felt cold against your dead skin, similar to the cold hand to death; it was such a nice contrast though, it sent shivers down your spine. Beetle went back over to the other thigh, his lips threatening to give you a hickey if that was even possible anymore if your ability to cum was even possible anymore, but you didn’t care. You’ve leaned back against the wall, not sure if can even take his teasing anymore, gripping the fabric on your dress as you couldn't hold back your whimpers. “I know you want it, baby..“ Beetlejuice breathed so close to your core. “You want it ssssoooo.. bbbadd..“ he growled. “All you have to do is say one word..“ he said “Just say it...“ he kissed you with his tongue “One little word.. just say it again,“ moaning when tasted your juices on your thigh. “one... more.. time.“ - “Please..” you breathed out, giving him what he wanted. You moaned in surprise when he dived straight into your womanhood, not caring what it may look like now. Beetle was working wonders on you, sucking and licking you up, you’ve instinctively placed both legs on his shoulders and gently squeezed his head while yanking on his hair. God he was right, you wanted it so bad. Your moans were loud and pornographic, it was possible if the entirety of Netherworld could hear you, but you were more than happy to scream it to the rooftops since you’ve finally found someone who loved you this much, and was making you feel this good: demon or not. “B-beetle.. Darling-“ you moan out, somehow feeling a knot in your stomach “S-sweethreat.. I think I’m gonna..“ he didn’t stop, making his pace faster as he kept her thighs on him, “G-god..! B..beetle!!“ you arched your back as you came on his tongue, squeezing his head as you did. Beetle helps you ride out your orgasm, licking you clean before he overstimulates you; that’s for another time.
“You sounded realllllyyy sexy babes..“ he said lifting your gown back down; your cheeks went warm when you saw your juices on his face before he wipe it away just to lick it off. “like a porn star..“ he continued as sat next to resting his head on your shoulder. “What a position to be in after eating someone out.“ you commented he just laughed, laying his head back on your lap, his legs taking up the rest of the bench you sat on, as you started to pat his hair again, allowing him to take your hand in his. It was rough but warm, he leaned it towards his mouth and gently kissed your knuckle before simply just holding it close to his chest. “Can I tell you a secret Beetle?” You whisper to him. “Hm?” Was all he could muster, relaxing in your touch. “That was the first that anyone has ever shown me love.“ you admitted to him. “What..!?“ he asked in general shock. “You mean the world was so blind, a dead guy had to be the one to eat you out and tell how beautiful you are?“ -“Apparently so!“ with your head cleared, you were finally able to laugh at the irony; he laughed along with you, gently rubbing his fingertips on your hand. “Well..“ he said. “If it makes you feel any better,“ he paused for a second. “me too.“ he admitted as well. “oh my dear,“ you said: brushing some hair off his face, leaning down close to his mouth; “That’s means I have to return the favor.“ you teased. “What you mean you have to!?“ Beetle joked as you smelled his breath which was similar to a morning one before you placed your lips on his, smiling ear to ear as you kissed him. Eventually, you’ve pulled away, not resting you smile as much he didn’t rest his. “Mine..“Beetlejuice breathed, cupping your cheek with his free hand. “Mine, dead bride.. all mine..“ he kissed you again, and you pulled him closer in the kiss: both of you being so happy to call someone your own. To never be alone again.
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nyhti · 22 days
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Batman Rogues Tumblr AU:
-Joined Tumblr in 2009, has had the same blog all this time -Has a big follower count, but most of those blogs have long since been abandoned -Is very active -No sideblogs, everything from kink to cute animal pics is on the same blog -Has witnessed or been involved in every single major event in this site's history -Attended Dashcon (he was the one who pissed in the ball pit) -Involved in some sort of petty drama on a daily basis -Has a 20km long post of just going back and fort arguing with some random user. This argument started in 2016 and neither remembers what it even was about. He gets worried if the other person hasn't responded in a while. -Gets at least 3 callout posts a week. Always makes sure to reblog them and adds an essay underneath defending himself no matter if the callout post was about liking the wrong pony in MLP or murdering someone in cold blood. -Kinnie drama the likes of which you've never seen before -And in general just discord you never thought anyone could ever come up with -At this point you wonder if he's even having fun on this site, but he just keeps on reblogging bunny pics like it's nothing -Has a Wacom drawing tablet
-Joined in 2011 after Jervis introduced him to the site -Has some really tacky theme he hasn't changed since 2013 -About a couple hundred followers, but they are very devoted. Lots of mutuals -579257405547 blurry photos of Nightmare -Post fics and essays on various topics he's been thinking about lately -Of course reblogs every single spoopy art piece he finds -Definitely does fic request -The most fucked up smut you've ever read -Like smut you don't even know is smut, because it's just that confusing -Most of his post don't get past 50 notes, but he has made a couple of post, mainly of the: ”Here's how you write x, y and z...” and ”As a Professor of Psychology, I can tell you...” variety, that have about 10 000 notes -Has a chill time on Tumblr -Only uses Tumblr on desktop. Has never even seen the app. -Completely unironically reblogs every cool skeleton on a motorcycle pic
-Joined in 2013 -The only reason he joined is because he once came across a horny drawing of Batman and searching for the artist led him to Tumblr. -Starts writing a post, gets distracted mid way though and starts doing something else. Comes back to Tumblr 3 hours later, notices he was making a post, doesn't even bother rereading it despite not remembering what it was about and just hits posts. His blog is full of completely incomprehensible post that just stop mid way through -Makes a couple post that get so popular they are still making rounds today. They will always have additions like: ”I still can't believe this post was made by the fucking Joker” and ”Joker had a Tumblr?!” -Forgot his password a month after joining and never visited the site again. Barely remembers he ever had an account -Those true crime people still harvest his 20-post-pathetic-excuse-for-a-blog-blog for content to this day all the while completely ignoring all the rogues with still active (and better) blogs. They are saying things like: ”Ooohhhh, it's like a deep dive into his twisted mind :00” and are always trying to find some hidden symbolism and meaning behind all his ”just farted so loud it scared the neighbor's cat” kinda posts.
-Joined in 2011 -759752974576 sideblogs, 55425720752174838+1 sockpuppet accounts -When he's really low he'll post a poll like: ”Be honest, am I cute? Yes/No” and then has his 55425720752174838+1 sockpuppet accounts hit ”Yes” and somehow ”No” still wins. He deletes the whole post. -Posts the most obvious ”and everybody clapped” Tumblr fake stories you've seen. When he gets called out, he pretends you were supposed to figure out they were fake -Has an awful time on Tumblr, but can't delete, because he's addicted to getting notes -Always falls for every one of those post where OP pretends to be stupid on purpose (i.e. smooth sharks, putting fingers in guns etc.) -Posts riddles everyday that even his biggest haters cannot help but try and solve -Sends himself hatemail so he can post the witty comeback he just came up with. Forgot to hit anon once and people just won't let it go
-Banned for posting cock :/
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dazed--xx · 15 days
🌘Rewriting Destiny (teaser) 🌒
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Member: Duke! Chan x reader
Word count: 813
Trigger warnings: ANGST, Death (FL), psychological, trauma, poisoning, parental neglect/abuse, arranged marriage, anxiety, Nobility, engagement at a young age, regression, murder, revenge, mentions of magic, PTSD, manipulation, regretful ML, Resentment, betrayal, classism, 17th century ideals, homophobia(mentions), SOME!historical accuracy, LOTS! of historical inaccuracies, BREAK UP!, grief, mourning, denial, failure to let go, etc…
A/N: so I'm still transferring this story from my notebook onto tumblr but I wanted to get y'all excited for the new story so here is a little teaser of the story and don't worry its not too big of a spoiler 😂🤪
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The family she had married into had lost use for her...
Y/Ns blood ran cold as she came to the realization. The move to the annex, the maids becoming more and more ruthless, and the lack of guards around her annex becoming more frequent. Her time is slowly coming to an end. She wondered if there was a point to all of this. Would there be a point in running? Her mother would hunt her down and skin her alive if she did. ‘Die a respected Dutchess rather than run and be a divorced beggar’ she could hear her mother say. Y/N watches as the blue clear sky fades into a bright purple and orange hue.
A knock on her door pulls her attention away from her thoughts. “Yes?” She calls monotonously. “The Duke is in the receiving room, My lady.” Area calls softly. Y/N's eyebrows furrow in confusion. “My lady?” Area calls once again when she doesn't reply. “I-Im coming! I apologize, Aera.” Y/N replies as she shakily lifts herself from her seat. The whole walk to the receiving room Y/N worried.
Why was he here? He's never visited of his own accord. What could be happening? Would he cast her out himself? A petite hand grips her own pulling her out of her thoughts. Y/N stares at the owner, as Aera gives her a comforting smile. Y/N lets out a sigh, the butler pulls open the door. She hesitates for a moment, it had been a year—one full year, since she had last seen her husband. A lot could change in a single year. She feared how her husband had changed; it was never good for her. She entered the room, her heart sank into her stomach. There he sat, at the head of the room. A flurry of maids standing about waiting on baited breath for his every command. His hair was no longer the clean-cut style but overgrown, sitting raggedly over his forehead and disheveled. Evidence of his bath dripping onto his loose black shirt. He sat a scowl on his plush lips as he sipped his tea. “To what do I owe the honor, Your grace?” Y/N questioned monotonously. “Should I have a reason to visit my dear wife?” He states smugly as he places his tea on the table in front of him. “Especially when I do not receive her greetings after a year-long monster-hunting expedition and come to discover she no longer lives in the same house as me?” Y/N stares at him in bewilderment and confusion. “Your grace?” She stammered “Please, take a seat” He gestured to the loveseat in front of him, his face no longer containing any emotion.
Y/N sits nervously as she begins to question her husband. “I apologize, but what do you mean? I’ve received your letter and followed your instructions.” Chan furrowed his eyebrows as his ears perked up “What letter?” Y/N's attention is pulled away from him by the slight clink of a teacup being placed on the table in front of her. Y/N's eyes remained focused on the maid for a moment, she couldn't quite put her finger on it but something felt…off. “Have you gone deaf in the past 5 minutes?” Chan questions frustratedly. Y/N shakes her head taking hold of the teacup and taking a sip. “No, I apologize. I've not been feeling well today” Y/N states calmly. Her throat begins to feel a small burning sensation. “What letter? When did you receive a letter from me?” Chan asks stoically. Y/N coughs slightly “My apologies, I received your letter about one months time ago” She takes another sip of tea trying to alleviate the growing discomfort. Chan stares at her with his eyebrows raised “And you are sure it was addressed from me?” her throat begins to burn incessantly. Her eyes widen as her mouth fills with a coppery tast as she coughs again.
“My lady?!?!” Area exclaims worriedly “Y/N?!”
Only then does Y/N make the connection. The maid—She works in the main manor, and she’s Kari’s personal maid. Y/N stares at the teacup in her hand, dropping it in a panic. Her eyes meet Chan’s for a moment. He sat stoically, but his eyes never once left her. Y/N rushes to her feet, reaching out for her personal maid “Aera!” She calls. Her tone gurgles and hoarse as crimson cascades out of her mouth. Her legs give way beneath her as she feels arms around her. The room begins to grow blurry as she feels the life fading from her body.
No…No not yet, please God! Don't let me die! I didn't get away…I-I was never happy please! She prays God please let me be happy. “If I could do it all over again…Id have never married you. My biggest regret was walking down that aisle…” She croaks as everything fades to black.
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @lovesunshinefelix @oddracha @msauthor @azazelstays @rylea08 @skzfelixlove @blondechannie @moonchildlv @kibs-and-bits @5starlee @pnutbutter-n-j-elyy @lizzetmv @hwanriri
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shmolish · 2 months
*falls through your celling again*
I know you already did jealous shadow milk BUT I OFFER YOU THIS
Yandere shadow milk pls
AN: Yanderes <3 and I think this is before he got sealed, but after the corruption. (ALSO MY CEILING! FIRST MY DOOR, NOW THIS-)
Also, I'm def gonna make another one of these yan fics, just wait guys ♡
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Yan! Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader
Oneshot (headcanons below)
Warnings: possessiveness, Manipulation, guilt tripping, toxic relationship, mentions of murder
-Only Me-
If only you could rewind time.
Back to the time where your lover wasn't crazy. Where he didn't have this unquenchable bloodlust, and where he didn't obsess over you.
The attention was nice at first, but it's long since become suffocating.
When will he finally let you breathe again?
Probably never. You'll die before he does, so this is probably going to go on until the day of your death.
What'll happen when you die? How will he handle it?
He can barely handle you leaving him for over an hour. There's no way he can handle you leaving forever, and to a place that, for once in his life, is unreachable to him.
He may still be alive after that, but maybe he'll finally stop 'living'.
He'll just exist.
"Dove, I'm back!" Called out an enthusiastic voice.
It would seem that Shadow Milk Cookie has finally returned.
You used to rejoice to the sound of his voice.
Where has all of the joy gone?
"Welcome back," you responded.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and placed a palm on your cheek, gazing with admiration towards your features.
"Oh dove, you truely are the only good in this rotten world~" He left a kiss on your forehead before returning to admiring you silently.
It would have felt nice.
This should have felt nice.
But it didn't.
"Um, I've been thinking about something, actually.." You'd bring up nervously.
"Do you think I can maybe... leave this tower? Only for a little while?"
A silence filled the room before Shadow Milk Cookie started to snicker.
"Oh doll, you can't be serious! Why would you ever want to leave this place?" He gave you a condescending smile, hoping to feign even the slightest bit of ignorance or innocence.
"I've just been here for a long time. That's all.." You'd say.
"Don't be silly~ If you leave, then the outside world will destroy your perfect, delicate self. And you know I can't have my dolls breaking." He just kept staring at you with that sweet, sweet smile.
"Oh, I get it. You're just leaving because you've gotten bored of me. Is that it?" His smile faded and was replaced with an uncaring glare.
"That's not what I meant.."
"You're so selfish, you know? I give you a nice place away from all of the chaos to keep you safe, I'm constantly giving you my attention, and now you want to leave me." He let go of you and looked away, a scowl present on his face.
"I never said I wanted to leave you!"
"If you loved me, you'd stay here with me, and not put up a fight about wanting to leave."
So that's how it is...
Such a shame that he could get you to obey him so easily.
Leading you on with your own love.
"Sorry, I won't ask about it again..." you looked towards the ground, a guilt seeping into your heart, even though none of this was really your fault.
"Say you love me, and only me."
"I love only you."
He placed a finger under your chin and made you look up to him.
The smile he always held was back, as if it never disappeared in the first place.
"Yep! Only me!"
《☆》 Fin
That's really the only word to describe him
Burns down towns and kills people 'in your name'.
You've hinted that you don't appreciate the actions
He never gets the hint, and if he does, he ignores them
Uses your love for him against you
Guilt trips you into agreeing with him a lot of the time
Has come home covered in blood numerous times
Acts like it's insignificant
Loves seeing you cry
He thinks it's cute, but he'll still 'comfort' you in way
Will wipe his bloodied hands on your face and whisk your tears away
Holds you close to him, even when he's the problem
Never gives you space
Sometimes you wish for the old him
You told him about it and he just laughed
Talks to everyone about you, but if they say your name, he kills them instantly
Thinks your name doesn't deserve to be spoken by people like them
If you ever died he'd probably lose it
You're his lifeline
It's... really not healthy.
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hello!! ive been experimenting with a dark!edwin and dark!charles au but never have been able to get out of my damned writing block and actually put ti to use besides my tumblr rp blog
i'd love to see it put in an actual fic
dark!edwin - based off of him realizing that maybe using spells a little more frequently can get him the results that he and the agency needs. "a good detective does what he must to complete the case" "it's just one spell"
dark!charles - based off of his anger and jealously towards anyone who tries to mess with edwin. it's almost like a yandere situation but he's also just willing to be violent and maybe also cause some deaths. "stay away from edwin" "i'll poison you with the flower you gave edwin"
Oooh, I love this idea! Thanks so much! Hope you like xo Warnings: canon-typical violence, murder, immobility
You murmur in your half-sleep, turning your face away from the light into your pillow. Is it already morning? You feel like you’ve gotten about thirty seconds of sleep, limbs still tired and heavy and—
And immobile?
Your heart catches in your throat. You try and wiggle your fingers, but they’re like marble, rigid and rooted. “H—h—”
“It would appear that our subject is awake at last.”
You turn your head so fast your neck burns. Standing on either side of your bed are two teenage boys, one in a suit and bowtie and the other in a dark red polo. An alarm bell goes off in your mind, and you try and focus even as polo boy passes a whole-ass dagger to bowtie boy.
For a moment, your vision shifts. The world skews, distorting diagonally, but the two boys don’t skew with it. You can see through them, though, and it dawns on you: this is a haunting. You blink, and the world goes back to normal.
“Listen,” you croak, “this doesn’t have to end badly.”
Polo boy grins, and your stomach turns. He’s charming, this one, with his easy smile and mobile expression. His nonchalance is more frightening than the other one’s calculating stare and giant book and the faint magic clinging to his fingertips.
“Don’t worry,” polo boy says. “Just hang in there, and you’ll be fine.” He pats your shoulder, voice dropping to a mock whisper. “Edwin’s gotten real good at this. It should only hurt… a bit.”
“Charles, as much as I appreciate your bedside manner, would you kindly step back?”
Bowtie boy—Edwin—sets his book down on your bedside table. You crane your neck, and you can make out just enough words to make your skin crawl.
As Edwin begins to chant, you let out a slow breath and reach deep for the pit of power that spools in your chest. Magic uncurls like a cereus flower at night, flowing through you like a second blood, and as Edwin’s voice rises to a crescendo you bolt upright, hands clamping instinctively around his throat to silence whatever spell he’s casting.
Edwin reaches up and clutches your wrists, eyes wide, sputtering. Dark glee courses through you, and you laugh breathlessly.
“I told you,” you tell him, “this doesn’t have to end ba—”
Your body crumples, and you watch in horror. That’s you, you, sprawled on your bed, blood seeping onto the pillow from the back of your head, eyes glassy, chest unmoving.
Charles drops his cricket bat and vaults over the bed as Edwin peels your spectral, trembling hands from his neck. There’s no sign of your chokehold left, just pale skin. You sit heavily on your bed, dread settling where your power used to be as you stare at the two boys who’ve killed you.
“Hm,” Edwin says. He fixes his collar and fixes you with a sharp glare until Charles grabs his shoulders, brown eyes wide with concern. Edwin’s expression softens at once.
“You okay, mate?” Charles asks. His hand hovers by Edwin’s neck like an uncertain bird until Edwin takes it tenderly.
“Yes, thank you.”
The two of them turn to look at you in eerie tandem. Charles looks like he’d happily murder you again; Edwin just looks disappointed. You don’t bother trying to stand. Whatever they were trying to do, they’ve failed, and there’s no fixing it.
No fixing you.
Somewhere to your left, a blue light starts to glow.
“Time to go,” Charles says, tucking the book and bat into his backpack.
Edwin phases through your closed door, and before he goes, Charles looks at you again with a horrible smug meanness on his face that makes you lean away.
“Go to hell,” he says, and you tremble as he follows Edwin out.
Go to hell?
It’s not a threat.
It’s a promise.
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troloxyn · 6 months
Stuck. (Jason Todd x Reader)
Lord help me I am struggling on my first tumblr post ok!
You get a new job and your boy shoots it up 'cause bad guys, thanks Jason for making us unemployed
Word count: 2,072
It couldn't get worse. Right? 
It wasn’t your awful job at the law firm, spending half of your day in a room with no windows, combing through hundreds if not thousands of papers full of extensive data for the assholes you ALSO had to serve coffee. You became suspicious rather quickly of the higher up's finely trimmed, almost cocky suits and their awful attitudes, their sly and lewd remarks behind your back, but it wasn't even them that was the problem at the moment. It wasn’t the dress code, the tight skirt and see through black stockings you were wearing, or your blouse that felt too tight after lunch. It wasn’t your hair, which you tried to brush into obedience with no avail, throwing it into a claw clip and trying to call it a day, or the fact that your glasses broke and were barely hanging on by glue. No, none of that was the problem. 
You’re a Gothamite. Awful shit happens all day, every day. You’ve seen Batman scorn through the sky like a blister in moonlight; you’ve witnessed bank robberies, murders, orphans. Hell, you were lucky to have a parent alive. Sure, you’ve been robbed blind, beaten up occasionally and so forth, but who hasn’t in this city? You took all the self defense classes you could, you didn’t have the arsenal like old man Bat to protect you. In the situation you were in now, you could almost laugh thinking about Batman. 
Yes, like Batman or any of his sidekicks could help you now. You didn’t know who or why they were raiding your office, but the symphony of spraying bullets ricocheted wall to wall, causing you to drop the coffees you were holding to fall to the ground. You could almost cry, as the elevator came to a halting stop, the hoist way becoming extremely claustrophobic. You heard the loud, extensive bang of an explosion, piercing your ears and forcing you against the wall from shock. You let out a scream as metal toppled through the actual elevator, trapping you into a corner, leaving you heaving in fear. Draft from the ceiling of the elevator fell onto your hair and eyelashes like an abominable snow. You coughed up the dust that sprayed on impact. You could almost laugh. This is how you die, your job in Gotham being shot up by probable gangbanger supervillains who possessed the strength and powers of God, a God that really fucking hated you right now. Screams, gunfire, the sound of flesh being torn through, beaten, ripped. That’s all you could hear, beside the creaking of the elevator, slowly dropping to your death.
Through the hole in the elevator, now a gaping mess that you could almost squeeze through if you tried, you attempted to move through this metal that collapsed. Squeezing through tightly, if you sucked in your stomach and pushed the scraps, you could almost get through. The sounds of gunfire increased heavily, you noticed. You didn’t want to accept this fate, you were getting angry now, rapidly cycling through phases. You reached your hand up, far up, trying to touch the hole that meant your freedom. You must’ve bumped into metal too harshly, because more came crashing down onto you. You screamed again, now hot tears running down your face in pain. You managed to push it off, but a large piece tore into the back of your pencil skirt, ripping it down the back. You groaned, looking back, the tight fabric now freed from its prison, your rear end exposed. Now you just wanted to die. "Goddammit," you muttered.
The elevator, once again, came falling down with an abrupt pause, descending deeper and deeper into your sealed fate. At this point, you could look up into the now even bigger hole, dust invading your eyes and covering your glasses, that you were so far down the shaft your voice echoed. You screamed, cried, begged for someone to hear you, but gunshots rained out your voice into a gutter. The sounds of guns and death came to a stop and you started to plead again. “Please! I’m stuck! I’m gonna die down here!" Your voice drained out as it screamed back at you in echoes through the tight walls. You began to cry, and very harshly. Your glasses fogged and your claw clip was falling out. There was blood running down your leg from the cut of metal and your hands were badly bruised and red from shielding your face from falling scraps. 
“Please, don’t leave me here. Don’t leave me here to die.” 
You stared through the hole, speaking to no one. The dawning of your death hit you. You were already so far down. You began to panic, unable to hold onto your breath, your airways clogged with dust and fear. Humor couldn't save you now. Your sobs became incoherent and rambled, words unable to form through your stuttering lips. You closed your eyes, shut them tight, vertigo crippling your mind. You were having a full fledged panic attack, so far in one that you didn’t feel the light thump above your head, or the mask staring through the hole, blocking the dim light. 
“You alive down there?” You yelped in fear, looking into a deep red mask. “Thank you,” You spat, unable to move in the trap of trash. “Haven’t helped you yet. What do you do here?” “Please, sir, please help me. I’m stuck,” You looked pathetic. 
“Answer the question.” 
“I m-make coffees and, and I file paperwork downstairs. I just started a week ago. I didn't even want to work at this job-" You shut yourself up quickly. This guy didn't give a shit. Your glasses fogged in the heat of entrapment, your hair a complete mess, your blouse ripped, your hands trembling. “I'm begging you. Please help me.” The man cocked his head to the side, eyeing and judging you. “Not really in my job description,” At this point, he was just toying with you. “Too bad Batman isn’t here to save you.” All she could do was laugh between her stuttered crying. “You thought that was funny?” The masked man asked, as she continued to laugh. She was still crying, shaking through her fear, her body racked and nervous. “Maybe I’ll have to help you. Would be a shame for a sense of humor to go to waste.” 
The man moved into the elevator with a lot more swiftness and ease than she did trying to get out. She got a better look at him now that he was inside, easily moving metal away from her body. He was wearing gray tactical pants and a tightly fitted long sleeved shirt, followed by a brown leather jacket. She noticed all the guns and trinkets of war he had on him, strapped to his legs and his belt. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing tanned, scarred skin. He must’ve noticed her staring, because he made a sly remark. “Am I making you nervous?” She nodded her head and he laughed at her. She was almost cute like this but he focused on helping her. Moving another piece of scrap, they both heard a loud rip, now, it was her stockings that were cut wide open, around her upper thighs. She let out a cry of frustration.
“Well, aren’t you having a bad day?” He grabbed her by her underarms and lifted her out of what remained, but she jerked back instinctively. “You want help or not?” 
“Sorry, sir. Excuse me.” He saw tears slip down her face as she shook. “My skirt..” He looked down at her exposed flesh and instantly looked up, sighing. His face heated a little. How dumb. Wasn’t a bad view, but this was also probably the worst day of her life. He took off his jacket and slipped it around her waist. She noticed his arms immediately, how firm and strong they looked. She recognized how much bigger he was than her, massive, almost. “T-thank you-” 
“Hush,” he muttered. She definitely stayed quiet after his command. He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her to the top of the metal. Climbing through the now cleared hole, he grabbed both of her arms and pulled her out. For some reason, being outside of the elevator was even scarier. Her heels were missing, so her tights were the only thing protecting her from the cold metal.
 “Might wanna hold on,” he said to her. The tone of his voice was so cool and casual for the guy who probably just took out half of her work base. This thought did not leave her mind, keeping her stun locked into silence as he moved around her. She stood, hands folded in on one another, doing anything to avoid contact with him. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy if he was saving her, she thought to herself. He was glad she didn’t see it but he smirked at her awkwardness. He grabbed her by the waist, earning an awkward stifle of noise from the woman. Bringing her close to his waist, she could feel his harnesses pressed into her body. What kind of hero needed this many guns? He placed his hand on her lower back. His grip was firm and steady. She felt almost safe in his grip and it made her feel guilt. He pulled out the grappling hook, shooting it to the top of the elevator shaft. “I’m serious. Hold on. Tight.” Shyly, she wrapped her arms around his torso, pressing the rest of her body into his. His breath hitched a bit. He didn’t know why he was acting like a touch starved teenaged boy.  
“Ready?” He asked. His voice was a little different. It was a little more gentle, softer, sweeter. He cleared his voice. Like he was talking to someone he knew. Being this close to his mask she could make out the color and shape of his eyes. He must’ve realized this, looking at her maybe a little too intensely, causing her to break contact and nod her head. His grasp around her body intensified and she grabbed onto him for dear life as they ascended the elevator shaft. It made him chuckle a bit, feeling her arms stiffen, her nails digging into his body. 
They made it to the top, his arm still around her covered waist, but before he allowed her to walk into the lobby he turned her around, grabbing her shoulders. Behind her, a blood bath. Her distant coworkers, hot shot, dirty lawyers and other criminals lay dead in piles. He stared at her the way he did before, where she could make out his blueish green eyes. 
“Listen… What’s your name?”
“(Y/N),” she replied quietly. 
“I’m gonna lead you out of here. But you have to keep your eyes shut." Police sirens reared around all corners like thunder. She was scared, scared of everything around her, the smells invading her senses and the thick feeling of death in the air. If she took one peak at the massacre, she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it. She knew that everyone was gone. She nodded her head profusely, and he grabbed her hand with his gloved one. “Close them. Close your eyes.” She shut her eyes and they began to slowly walk. He noticed that she had no shoes, and blood stained the floor. She didn’t need to walk around leaving footprints of crimson. 
He lifted her up, carrying her in his arms. “Keep them closed, (Y/N).” She muttered okay as they made their way through the lobby, the sound of crunching glass underneath his combat boots. She knew why he was doing this, she wasn’t dumb. And she knew the only survivor of this massacre had to be the perpetrator, who was coaxing her in his arms and shushing her, reassuring her they were almost out. Her brain was too fogged to feel or decipher anything. The feeling of safety was enough for her. 
As soon as they were outside, police surrounded them, holding up guns. “Listen, I’m gonna need that jacket back,” He whispered to her as he put her down. “So I’ll see you soon.” 
And like that, he was gone. She had the feeling that no matter how far they chased him, it meant nothing. They’d never catch up. You didn’t even get his name. 
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ibijau · 5 months
I have written a thing! It's a three part xisang timeloop with a lot of people repeatedly dying, because that's what's good and fun about time loops. All three parts are already on AO3 because this was for an exchange, but I'll post it one chapter at a time on tumblr warning from some mentions of violence (mostly offscreen) and an offscreen suicide (it doesn't stick)
1. Even without the Song of Clarity to both calm and irritate him, Nie Mingjue still died on the same day. In his final moment of rage, he did not recognise his own brother until Baxia had already decapitated him. Lan Xichen, who had come running to his friend’s aid, stopped in his tracks as Nie Huaisang’s head rolled to his feet, blood and tears staining it. A pang of twisted satisfaction coursed through Lan Xichen at the sight of that little snake being punished for crimes he would now never commit. A short-lived glee; Nie Mingjue roared as he realised what he had done, and collapsed over his brother’s corpse.
2. “Enough excuses!” Nie Mingjue snarled, still shockingly angry for a man to whom Lan Xichen had played the Song of Clarity daily. “I warned you that you’d pay if Xue Yang wasn’t punished for his crimes!”
Jin Guangyao was shaking with fear, pleading for more time, trying to explain his side of things, begging their Da-ge to understand his position, but Nie Mingjue refused to listen. Baxia was unsheathed. Realising the situation was getting out of control, Lan Xichen tried to step between his two sworn brothers, only for a terrified Nie Huaisang to grab him by the sleeve, restraining him with surprising strength. Lan Xichen glared at him, letting his hatred shine through. Nie Huaisang, startled, released him, but it was already too late.
Jin Guangyao laid in a puddle of his own blood, unmoving.
3. Warning Nie Mingjue of Jin Guangshan’s plot only made things worse. Lan Xichen had taken such pains to explain that Jin Guangyao had been pressured into it, that he was truly innocent, another victim of his father. Nie Mingjue refused to see things his way.
The attack on the Jins, however justified, started a new war which decimated what was left of the cultivation world, including Jin Guangyao.
4. Warning Jin Guangyao that Lan Xichen knew of his plot did not work either. Jin Guangyao apologised, yes, and he begged for forgiveness, explained in detail how awful his life was in Jinlin Tai, how he was not given a choice. But he refused to take Lan Xichen’s offer to stay with him in Gusu where he would be safer. He was after all the heir apparent of the Jin sect, as he pointed out once he realised that Lan Xichen had no intention of revealing his plot to Nie Mingjue. And he was likely to remain so, since none of his father's other bastards had any real skill for cultivation, and Madam Jin was past the age to bear children. He couldn't give up on that.
The two of them argued for the first time that Lan Xichen could recall, certain tragic events of his first life aside. No matter how good Lan Xichen’s arguments, Jin Guangyao found ways to turn them around to suit his opinion. Meanwhile, over the course of the day, Jin Guangyao grew increasingly frustrated with Lan Xichen’s refusal to bend to his side, the way he’d always done before. Unable to reach a decision, they agreed to continue talking in the morning.
Left alone for the night, in the silence of the Hanshi, Lan Xichen found his resolve wavering. After all, Jin Guangyao had done such good for the world as chief cultivator before. Maybe they really could ensure that he would be again, and without killing Nie Mingjue this time. There had to be a way, if Lan Xichen helped him.
And he would have helped, truly, but he died in his sleep that same night. 
5. Lan Xichen couldn't make sense of his death in the previous loop. He knew his health to be excellent at this point of his life.
A lesser man might have suspected Jin Guangyao, but he refused to consider the thought. Even in murdering Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangyao had been a victim of circumstances. He'd had no choice. If he had really killed Lan Xichen… But no, that was impossible. Jin Guangyao would never hurt him. He'd said so, once. Jin Guangyao would never have hurt him, not on purpose. 
All the pain he'd caused had been accidental. 
Lan Xichen clung to that conviction.
He tried, again, to warn Nie Mingjue, and he was more careful in his words, trying harder to hide Jin Guangyao’s part in the plot, so both his sworn brothers might survive.
He failed. There was a war again, but this time it was Nie Mingjue who failed to survive it.
6. Another attempt to make Nie Mingjue understand.
Another failure.
7. One more attempt.
Nie Huaisang was there when Lan Xichen spoke to Nie Mingjue, for some reason.
He’d refused to leave his brother alone for the entirety of Lan Xichen’s visit. His presence was irritating, as always, but Lan Xichen ignored him. Nie Huaisang wasn’t worthy of notice at this point in his life.
He would never be worthy of notice.
He was just a coward, a liar, a little snake manipulating better men to spill blood for him.
Lan Xichen focused only on Nie Mingjue, on making him realise that his life was in danger while still protecting Jin Guangyao, so he could become the man he should have been.
One more attempt.
One more failure.
8. One more.
9. One more.
10. One more.
16. Sometimes, almost Lan Xichen wondered how he had become friends with Nie Mingjue in the first place. This unbending man, always so sure that he alone knew what was true and what wasn't. Stubborn, irritating Nie Mingjue, without any mercy in his heart.
This time either, Jin Guangyao couldn’t be protected once Nie Mingjue guessed the parts of the story Lan Xichen was trying to hide from him.
27. It wasn’t that Lan Xichen wanted to see Nie Mingjue die again. But he was growing frustrated with his inability to fix things, when it should have been so easy. He knew that Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao used to be friends, so why couldn’t they be again? Why must one always kill the other?
Why couldn’t anyone ever make things easy for Lan Xichen?
He was so tired.
He was also running out of ideas.
That was why he didn’t try to change anything in this new loop. He allowed events to follow their natural course, hoping to gain new insight. Jin Guangyao changing the song after one last humiliation. Nie Mingjue losing his mind after another perceived betrayal. The Qi deviation. The slaughter.
Lan Xichen didn’t try to change anything.
Something still changed.
There must have been a mistake somewhere, something he didn’t notice he’d done differently.
For whatever reason, Nie Huaisang didn’t run to his crazed brother in this loop, and Nie Mingjue continued his slaughter until he found Jin Guangyao.
They both died this time.
That had never happened yet.
Lan Xichen fell on his knees next to the corpses of his sworn brothers, choking on tears he couldn’t spill. For the first time, he wondered if trying to fix things hadn’t been a mistake. If he had accepted their deaths, if he had accepted his own mistakes… But as he thought this, his eyes fell on Nie Huaisang, watching the three of them from a few feet away. 
Nie Huaisang, with his face red and shining with tears, but his eyes as hard as the day he’d re-buried his brother.
Nie Huaisang, who watched with cold curiosity, seemingly more interested in Lan Xichen than in the dead men.
Nie Huaisang, whose absence at a critical moment had caused this tragedy.
Nie Huaisang, whose irritating personality had made things so much harder for Nie Mingjue even before the loops.
Nie Huaisang, who had hated Lan Xichen enough to use him as a weapon.
Nie Huaisang, without whom Lan Xichen wouldn’t have had to see his two only friends die again and again.
Nie Huaisang, whose cold curiosity turned to pure terror when Lan Xichen launched himself at him to choke him.
Nie Huaisang, whose neck snapped with such a terrible noise, just as surviving Nie disciples pierced Lan Xichen’s chest in an pointless effort to rescue their late sect leader’s brother.
28. Lan Xichen went into seclusion.
The irony was not lost on him.
But he couldn’t bear to see either of his sworn brothers die again, and he knew he was powerless to save them. Perhaps if he hadn’t been so blind, if he’d accepted that only one of them could live, if he’d been a better friend…
But things were what they were.
It was better to stay out of this, until the loops drained away what was left of his life.
29. Lan Xichen went into seclusion.
He now realised what he hadn’t in the previous loop, that he would always know when one of his sworn brothers had died because he would be sent back to the first day. But as long as he didn’t see it happen, as long as he wasn’t there to smell blood, knowing hurt less.
At least, that was what he tried to convince himself of.
30. Lan Xichen went into seclusion.
36. Lan Xichen went into seclusion.
42. Lan Xichen went into seclusion.
He closed the door of his house behind him, turned around, and startled when he noticed someone standing inside his home, waiting for him. Lan Xichen nearly ran back outside, but he refused to be scared, refused to lose again.
“How did you get in here, Huaisang?” He calmly asked.
The young man shrugged, hiding an embarrassed smile behind a fan.
“Oh, you know, I managed,” Nie Huaisang said in the light, somewhat whiny tone he used often. 
The tone he had used at that temple, when Wei Wuxian had confronted him.
“I can’t imagine anyone let you in,” Lan Xichen insisted.
“I didn’t need it. You gave Da-ge one of those jade tokens that lets him freely come and go, so I borrowed it,” Nie Huaisang admitted with an awkward giggle. “I wasn’t sure it’d work since I’m not Da-ge, but it’s about the token, not the person. I came in last night and this morning, when you went to talk to your uncle about your seclusion, I slipped inside the house. It was really easy, Er-ge,” he added with a pouty frown. “You really should put some protections around your home. What if I had been an assassin?”
An assassin would have been a less unpleasant surprise, Lan Xichen thought, glaring at the little snake that dared to disturb him again. But quickly, another more important detail struck him.
“How do you know I’m entering seclusion?” Lan Xichen asked, frowning. “I haven’t told anyone except my uncle.”
Courtesy would have demanded that he inform his sworn brothers, especially in such troubled times. But courtesy mattered little, and in three weeks, none of this would have happened in the first place. Lan Xichen could afford to be rude.
Nie Huaisang shrugged again. “You’ve done it like that the last few times,” he said, his voice trembling, just as his hand did, barely keeping his fan in place. “So I thought you probably would again, and I thought… I thought I should finally try to find out for real.”
Lan Xichen stared at the young man. Nie Huaisang was smiling, but his lips were spasming from the effort it took, and whatever good humour he was trying to convey failed to reach his eyes, already shining with the threat of tears.
How many times had Lan Xichen seen him like that? Poor little Nie Huaisang, incompetent sect leader if there had ever been one, so awkward as he asked Jin Guangyao for help. And it was always Jin Guangyao he’d bothered with his problems. Lan Xichen had only ever been involved as an afterthought. He used to be bothered by that, he vaguely recalled, because there had been a time when he had sincerely liked and pitied Nie Huaisang, when he had wanted the younger man to rely on him more. Lan Xichen used to wish they could have been friends. He knew better now. He knew that all of Nie Huaisang’s tears had been false, more like rouge on a courtesan’s face than a genuine display of emotion.
“You’re not making any sense, Huaisang,” Lan Xichen scolded. “If you want something, say it clearly. Otherwise, go home. I don’t care if you’ve had another argument with your brother…”
“But I haven’t!” Nie Huaisang cried out, lowering his fan and taking one step toward Lan Xichen.
He froze, his eyes glancing in terror at Lan Xichen’s face, then took two steps back.
“Er-ge, I have been so good the last few times,” Nie Huaisang whispered, lowering his eyes. Shedding a tear, even. Pathetic. “After what happened the last time you came, I realised it had to be my fault. That’s why you’ve been like that toward me since this started, right? It must have been my fault. So I behaved. I did everything Da-ge told me. I trained as hard as I could, until there were blisters all over my hands. I meditated when he told me to. I helped with the sect’s daily affairs even when it gave me headaches. I… I tried so hard, Er-ge!” He sobbed, heavy tears falling on Lan Xichen’s floor. “But he still… every time, he still… I don’t know what to do…”
Lan Xichen took a sharp breath, finally starting to understand what Nie Huaisang was trying to say. But it was impossible. Lan Xichen had started those loops. He should have been the only one aware of them. 
“Please Er-ge, you have to tell me what to do!” Nie Huaisang begged, as whiny and demanding as he had been during the years after his brother’s death. 
Lan Xichen had trusted him then, his heart aching every time. He now watched Nie Huaisang’s despair without emotion. None of it was real, so why should it touch him?
“Er-ge, I just want to save Da-ge!” Nie Huaisang insisted. “It’s fine if you hate me, but if we work together, won’t we have a better chance to save him, and San-ge too?”
“You want to save A-Yao?” Lan Xichen scoffed, something in his voice startling Nie Huaisang out of his tears.
The young man stared at him with the terror of a mouse cornered by a snake. Then, slowly, almost carefully, he nodded.
“Even though Da-ge hates him?” Lan Xichen insisted.
Nie Huaisang blinked a few times, some last few tears falling on his cheeks. Then, another nod.
“It’s like you’ve said,” Nie Huaisang whispered. “It’s not really San-ge’s fault. I… I don’t understand all of it. And I… I don’t like that San-ge could even think of obeying his father about this. It’s… it’s wicked of him. But I don’t think… I don’t think San-ge would actually do that, anyway. He wouldn’t go through with it. He’s so nice, he wouldn’t. I’m sure he would have stopped in time, but I… because I always make Da-ge angry… San-ge couldn’t guess that I’d make Da-ge so upset, and… I hate that Da-ge blames him for everything. I just want everything to be good again, and for all of us to be friends.”
Lan Xichen pinched his lips. During the early loops, Nie Huaisang hadn’t been there when Lan Xichen would tell Nie Mingjue in detail about the plot against his life. By the time Nie Huaisang made himself unavoidable, a few loops later, Lan Xichen had figured out it was wiser not to let Nie Mingjue know that Jin Guangyao had already started poisoning him, so he only spoke about the murder scheme in a vague manner, as something that had been ordered but not yet put into action. Omissions were not really lies, were they?
Lan Xichen had despaired that his efforts to protect Jin Guangyao would convince anyone.
He despaired all the more, knowing they had only convinced the wrong brother.
“I’m not sure this can really be solved,” Lan Xichen bitterly said. “Short perhaps of you killing yourself to see if it solves something…”
“No, I’ve already tried that,” Nie Huaisang cut him, hiding again behind his fan. “It wasn’t enough. There’s got to be something more we can do, Er-ge.”
It had to be a lie. Lan Xichen almost shouted at the young man, who even at this age thought he could be easily fooled. But he realised, suddenly, that the previous loop had felt… oddly short. It was hard to tell the time when he was in deep meditation, so he hadn’t thought much of it.
He didn’t want to think about it. 
“I find it hard to believe you’d be brave enough to try that,” Lan Xichen replied, clinging to his understanding of Nie Huaisang as a selfish coward, a man without honour who never saw fit to avenge his brother until it became easy for him. But if it was true, if Nie Huaisang had killed himself… of course that would have precipitated Nie Mingjue’s death, in his unstable state, ending the loop early.
“I had to see him die so many times, after you stopped coming,” Nie Huaisang said, averting his eyes. “I couldn’t… it wasn’t being brave. I just couldn’t see it happen again. And if it could save Da-ge… But it didn’t really work. I still woke up at midnight again, like the other times. And I… you’re right, I’m not brave. I didn’t mean to come see you at first. I just ran away as soon as I woke up. I just couldn’t stay home to watch him die again. Why did you stop trying, Er-ge?”
“Nothing I did was working,” Lan Xichen replied, more honestly than he intended. His heart clenched at the despair in Nie Huaisang’s voice, the accusation in his words. Nie Huaisang was the last person who had any right to judge him.
Nie Huaisang was, perhaps, the only person with a right to judge him.
“How long have you been aware of what was going on?” Lan Xichen asked.
“I don’t know,” Nie Huaisang sniffed, and Lan Xichen winced at the too familiar answer. But unlike his time as a sect leader, Nie Huaisang didn’t leave it at that. “A while? Maybe from the start. The very first time Da-ge died, I tried to stop him and he wounded me with Baxia. But then I woke up in my bed, without so much as a scar, so I figured it was just a bad dream. Only, you told San-ge to stop playing that song for Da-ge, and a little while after Da-ge still had a Qi deviation, and this time he killed me.” Nie Huaisang paused and brought one hand to his throat. He started crying again. When he spoke again, his voice was weak. “After that, it was San-ge who started dying many times. But I could tell… I could tell even whenever he won against the Jin, Da-ge was about to have another Qi deviation. I always woke up at the start of the cycle before it happened, but I knew. I could see it.”
Lan Xichen shivered. He’d been so focused on his horror over Jin Guangyao’s death every time that came to pass, he’d forgotten to worry about the effect of another war on Nie Mingjue’s health.
Or had he simply not cared?
He’d become so frustrated with Nie Mingjue’s stubbornness. Had Lan Xichen really cared anymore what happened to Nie Mingjue once Jin Guangyao couldn’t be saved anymore?
Had he cared even when he started those loops? Had he cared before, when Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had offered proof that Jin Guangyao was a murderer? Or had everything he’d done been an elaborate way to protect his last friend from the consequences of his actions? Lan Xichen had so desperately wanted to believe Jin Guangyao could have been a good man, had he not murdered their sworn brother. He’d found so many excuses for him, so his complicity would weigh less heavy.
As if Nie Mingjue hadn’t been a good man as well.
Infuriating and stubborn and unbending, yes, but good as well, and a steady friend for as long as he’d lived.
And Lan Xichen had helped kill him.
Lan Xichen fell to his knees, bile burning the back of his throat, tears drenching his face. He distantly heard Nie Huaisang’s cries of concern, and then felt the young man’s presence at his side, hand hovering near his shoulders, never daring to touch him. 
Nie Huaisang who didn’t know yet that Lan Xichen was a murderer.
Or didn’t he? Lan Xichen had killed him once with his bare hands, had watched him die another time with cruel glee, had wished horrors upon him countless times. All that for the crime of doing what Lan Xichen couldn’t have done, for avenging Nie Mingjue with what weapons he had at his disposal: tears, and the sympathy of others.
It was no wonder that Nie Huaisang had used him as his weapon, that night. It was all Lan Xichen was good for. That, and making excuses for murderers. Like his father, he was so much like his father. Too much like his mother, too. Ruining lives and hiding dirty secrets. 
“Er-ge, should I get someone?” Nie Huaisang asked, his voice appearing to come from so far away. He had gotten over his terror of Lan Xichen and was holding his shoulders now, trying to comfort him perhaps. “Er-ge, please, I don’t want to watch someone die again. Please calm down, please. I’m sorry I came here, I won’t do it again! I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you angry. Please calm down, please don’t die.”
The request startled Lan Xichen. He opened his mouth, wanting to reassure the young man, only for blood to pour out of his lips. A hand brought to his eyes, his nose, made it clear he was bleeding there too.
Lan Xichen would have laughed, had he had the breath for it.
What a fitting punishment for his failings, to die the way he’d allowed Nie Mingjue to die.
He wondered, briefly, if perhaps this would finally break the unending cycle he’d created, if they would all be free once he died.
He could only hope.
43. Lan Xichen went into seclusion.
Nobody came to visit him.
Days and weeks alone, waiting for the moment everything would start over again. He did not meditate this time, wanting to ensure that days flowed normally, that Nie Huaisang had not tried anything radical again to protect his brother.
It gave him time to think about things, really think about them, for the first time since he’d seen Nie Mingjue’s headless corpse blindly attacking juniors, and Wei Wuxian hinted at a possible murderer.
Lan Xichen had made mistakes. Believing Jin Guangyao had been one. Being kind to him… he could not regret being kind, even to a man who had abused his trust. Even a murderer deserved to have his pain soothed, and Lan Xichen refused to think he’d been wrong to show mercy to Jin Guangyao that terrible night. But he could see better why it would have enraged Nie Huaisang, pushing him to reveal himself by pushing Lan Xichen to murder.
Looking back on it, Lan Xichen disapproved of the methods, but he pitied the desperation.
Poor Nie Huaisang, whose only remaining friends had been his nemesis and an accessory to murder. Could Lan Xichen really blame him for lashing out and hurting so many others, when he had done the same during those hellish loops?
It was odd, to have anything in common with Nie Huaisang. Lan Xichen remembered, distantly, that Nie Mingjue used to encourage him to befriend his little brother, saying they were more alike than they seemed. He couldn’t have known that their greatest common trait was a tendency to be vicious for the sake of affection, but Lan Xichen didn’t think Nie Mingjue would entirely disapprove either. Not when he’d gone to such length to avenge his father.
Maybe that was why Jin Guangyao had failed to truly fit in with them. If he had killed for love instead of ambition, like the rest of them, Nie Mingjue might have liked him better.
44. Lan Xichen did not go into seclusion.
Instead he stepped on his sword and flew North, toward Qinghe.
Alone, he had failed to save his sworn brothers. But he did not have to be alone.
First, he would apologise to Nie Huaisang, for his mistakes in their first life, in all of the horrifying loops he’d inflicted to the poor boy. He would tell him the truth, as much of it as could be shared without hurting him more.
And then, if Nie Huaisang was still willing, they would work together to break the loops.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 2 months
My friend doesnt have tumblr but they would like Devil Mario relationship hcs if you can do that!! /nf (Showed them ur page and they really liked it!!!)
And also since you're like the only person who does mario's madness stuff 😭,,,
we hope you have a good day/afternoon/evening!! ^0^
Devil Mario Relationship Hcs
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Glad that your friend enjoys my page. Happy that people enjoy my stuff even if they don’t have the app/site. Hope you and your friend enjoy this one.
Also, I used they/them for devil mario as well as he/him. Hope you don’t mind. Mostly did it since there are literally multiple beings inside of him (mostly only using they/them when referring to the boos). ~J/Blaze
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️ Mentions Of Harm Done To Reader + Mentions of Murdering⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Devil Mario + Quick Mentions Of Luigi + Peach From Same Series
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Triki_TrOy on Twitter + Banner by lifeislivingyou on Pinterest
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- Well this is weird, you never expected to be dating Devil Mario. Being in a relationship with a dude being possessed by boos was something you didn’t see coming. I like to think in order for this to happen you’ve been with Mario or at least friends with him before the whole incident happened. Regardless of if you were in a relationship with him or you two were just friends he absolutely loves you. He treats you with respect making sure you're okay and have everything you want or need. Willing to go through certain lengths to make sure you're happy. He’s the perfect boyfriend/friend material.
- However it kind of changed when the whole ordeal of him getting possessed by boos. As much as I want to deny it or lessen the degree of what I’m about to say but I’m just going to be honest. Knowing what happened in the original series meeting Devil Mario he most likely tried to attack you or maybe hurt you. Considering what happened to Luigi and Peach in the series who Mario is close to as well there’s no doubt the boos possessing him will do something similar to you as well. It definitely took you by surprise when it happened. You knew it wasn’t actually Mario who was doing this but regardless it kind of made you scared to be around him. It definitely upset Mario once learning about what happened to you, not even trusting himself to be around you or frankly anyone in case he got possessed again and something worse happened.
- However, what you didn’t expect was that Devil Mario had started taking a liking to you. Yeah he did attack you when the two of you first met but regardless of that he just found you interesting. Not just in looks but how you act as well. He could understand why Mario started associating himself with you.
- After discovering you he pretty much made it his mission to be with you. Even if you two got off on the wrong start regardless he wanted to get to know you better. Maybe protecting you or more. For now he wanted to gain your trust. That was the main focus for now since he literally almost murder you the two of you first met. When the two of you first met again honestly you were more afraid of getting attacked by him again, your first thought was that since he didn’t finish you off the first time he’ll definitely do it this time. However, you were mostly shocked when he said that he or rather ‘they’ due to the boos possessing him didn’t want to harm you. Initially you were suspicious at first, maybe trying to grab your attention in order to do something. He knew it would be a while since he would get closer towards you and he was more than willing to do it. Even if it means they may have to derail their current plans in order to do so. Eventually with enough convincing from him as well as a promise to protect you from anyone who gets in your way you decide to at least give him a chance. Lucky for you he managed to keep his end of the agreement.
- It felt kind of weird being around him at first especially considering what he has now become but despite the initial misunderstanding you two enjoyed being around each other. When Devil Mario isn’t murdering people that is. Even if you were just talking to a bunch of ghosts possessing your once friend/lover it felt nice. Each time you two hanged out Devil Mario found himself wanting to get closer towards you. After receiving your trust he couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming feeling of wanting to not only protect you but be more than friends with you. It kind of takes him a while to process his feelings for you even though he knew he wanted to get closer with you ever since the day you and him first met.
- I like to think he never really established that he likes you or that you two are in a relationship. He just does things that people consider loving and you just go along with it. Before quickly realising that he may or may not like you. At first you have to ask him something like “are we in a relationship?” And he’ll just respond “wait we aren’t?” All confused which then evolved into the two of you having a staring contest with the two of you confused as fuck. After a little explaining you just accepted that he liked you and reciprocated them.
- Definitely very protective over you. He managed to get with you this far and he’s planning on keeping like this. Not in an overbearing way of course but still expect him to be very close towards you. If he finds out someone is annoying/bothering you, you can bet your ass he’ll be doing something about it.
- Adding on from the previous point one of said ‘something’ he’ll do is definitely murder. Considering his character he’ll be more than willing to kill someone for you. Just say who’s bothering you and he’s on his merry way to get rid of them. Even if you try to convince him that it’s no bother he doesn’t care. His mind is already set on harming said person as soon as he sees you upset.
- Also kind of adding in from the previous point you can find himself being very loyal towards you. Besides his main goal you come very close to him. He can be easily persuaded into doing something by you (minus the previous point and reaching his current goal). As soon as you say you want something you can expect him to get it for you. If you want him to do something just tell him and you can expect him to do it. If it makes you happy he would be more than happy to do it. Seeing you smiling is the best part of being with you, to him at least.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 41
Well. Holy shit.
It's 1955, and hot on the heels of the incredibly socially important episode about Partition, we get one of the greatest episodes this show has ever produced: Rosa, co-written by Malorie Blackman.
(Funnily enough, once again, this dumbest of watch orders has triumphed - this close to Demons in the Punjab, you feel emotionally prepped for Rosa. "Ah yes," you think. "A much-needed and blindingly important historical episode that educates white British people in race relations. One of the functions of Doctor Who."
You still aren't ready.)
I mean this without hyperbole: of every episode, book, comic, radio show, and everything else Doctor Who has ever produced or had a hand in, this one makes you feel the imminent danger to the companions the most, and on a level that none other ever has. We get Whittaker, Ryan, Yaz and Graham back as they all go to Montgomery Alabama, the day before Rosa Parks stages her sit-in protest, and sweet Christ on a stick they do not pull their punches in making every single white person into a raging cunt of epic proportions. They do not shy away from stressing that Ryan could be lynched at literally any time and it would be legally sanctioned. They are not coy about citing the real-life murder of Emmett Till - murdered for daring to speak to a white woman - within seven minutes of the opening credits, after a white man physically assaults Ryan and snarls that he will have him "swinging from a tree with a rope for a kerchief, boy".
It is visceral and shocking and completely out of the normal tone of this show. Part way through, Ryan chooses to go off alone because his spine is apparently made of fecking titanium, and I honestly don't think I relaxed for the rest of the episode (although it leads to a fantastic scene of him meeting the leaders of the civil rights movement, including Martin Luther King Jr, and I really mean that it is FANTASTIC). I've watched companions be menaced by everything from statues to large pepper pots to fucking Bertie Botts; I've seen them trapped in drifting spaceships, partially turned into birds and fish, stuck in the Blitz, slaughtered in the Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve, melted, possessed, infected, mutilated, and threatened with compulsory roller derby membership. I have seen it all and then some. Some I have seen in more than one iteration.
This is the only episode where I have been genuinely frightened for one. I've aged, Tumblrs. 73, I am now. Wizened.
Anyway. You know the story of Rosa Parks sitting on the bus and refusing to give her seat to white people. This episode does cover that, but it does so through the medium of an awful time travelling neo-Nazi, complete with Richard Spencer haircut, who has been released from intergalactic prison Stormfront Stormcage and decided to use a vortex manipulator like Captain Jack's to come to 1955 and stop the Montgomery Bus Boycott from happening. There's a nasty scene where he tells Ryan he's doing it to stop Ryan's "kind" from "rising above their station", so when I say he's a neo-Nazi, I am not pissing about, and nor was this show. (Ryan shoots him with a time gun in the end that sends him to a prehistoric past trololol enjoy that, conservative, you people love The Past)
The TARDIS team spend the episode trying to nudge history back into place so the protest can happen. It's genius, really - super simple sci-fi plot, so the focus can be on the social issues. There's a beautiful conversation between Ryan and Yaz about the way they both still face racism in the present day, and the way Ryan has to constantly police his emotions and faces police discrimination even now; but, also about the nature of social change, and the importance of looking forwards and fighting the good fight. There's also a great scene when they first get on a bus - Ryan is forced to sit at the back, but Yaz doesn't know where to sit. The driver lets her on at the front, but she's not white - so which box do they want her in? "Does 'coloured' just mean black in the 1950s?" she asks, having been accused twice of being 'Mexican'. It's a subtle performance, but the indecision of it - guessing if she's endangering herself or not - is shown to be genuinely distressing.
God, fuck, this is such a good episode. It's absurdly good. They fit so much in 42 minutes, while still making it a Doctor Who episode and yet not shirking on any of the fundamental issues. And the writing is still deftly done - there's a dry humour that they intersperse throughout as a palate cleanser that never undoes the impact of the social stuff, like some stupid MCU LOL NOT REALLY bit of obnoxious bathos; instead it's a foil for the serious stuff, making it that bit more impactful. And! A rare Sexy Lamp Test pass for all three companions! That does not often happen in Chibnell's run, so shout out there.
Anyway. ANYWAY. I could honestly write a whole scene by scene breakdown of this episode complete with citations and explain in exquisite detail how much I love it, punctuated with "We laughed at this bit, and then cried at this bit, and threw shoes at the screen at this bit" but uhhhh, that is not the point of this project. So I shall stop.
Plot threads! Any answers? Not really. A few things we've seen before though, like the vortex manipulator, that was fun.
And apparently there's a big prison called Stormcage that puts anti-violence implants into its inmates' heads before release! That's fun. Good to know that policy.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. The Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years?
How does the Doctor survive River
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
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tempest-talks · 3 months
irl quotes <3
hayyyyyy y’all, i’m back and if you want to see some of my irls here on tumblr C is @some-horse-gurl and Titi is @jarondont
one more thing, if you’ve read these before you’ll have seen E but she’s annoying and decided she will now be ‘slayer of dance’ so keep an eye out.
Me: “baby shot glass would murder the world” lady floutist: “i would thank it”
idk where the baby shot glass came from but i don’t trust it
C: “my beautiful water bottle i dropped down the stairs and hit two children”
C: *southern accent* C: “i don’t know what i did wrong to little Suzie”
C, who is Suzie? we don’t know one
lil miss muffin: “why do they have faces?”
C: “cause some of us aren’t creative” Me: “who’s some of us?” C: “me”
goth leaf: “dude is pizza real food?” lady floutist: “i don't know...i think pizza is just...pizzaaaa”
C: “that’s unfortunately my child” lady flouist: *offended* C: “i love you slightly less than my other child”
C: “i’m sorry but my other child makes my school papers look demonic.”
tomato: “tomatoes go on your shirt”
truer words have never been spoken
C: “what like .01% of the time?” slayer of dance: “No, no be nice” C: “I’m talking about myself” slayer of dance: “oh then carry on”
once again, i present, the ‘married’ couple
Me: “ew leap day” C: “lake be nice” Me: “the last one was in horror year i will not be nice”
C: “that’s too bad because you kiLLED EVERYBODY ELSE”
you believe me if i said this is about the oregon trail?
C: “have any of us died yet?”
again, oregon trail
lil miss muffin: “slayer of dance drowned” C: “YES”
still oregon trail
C: “that’s too bad because you kiLLED EVERYBODY ELSE”
oregon trail!
lil miss muffin: “C are you being greenist?”
watching the wizard of oz with your friends is fun, i promise.
C: “I hate when they describe a place like it’s so old and beat up” C: “I DONT GIVE A FUCK”
C: “my entire family has brown eyes including me, except for my dad like whAT DO YOU THINK MAKES YOU SPECIAL”
i don’t think she likes her dad much
C: “you can’t help people by bashing their head in”
slayer of dance stole C’s water bottle
slayer of dance: “i thought you were gonna say you can’t help people by bashing their head in” slayer of dance: *hits C* slayer of dance: “i think it’s working”
with a paper. i think.
Me: “… and you’ll die” C: “slay”
tomato: “why do i kinda want a lockdown to happen” Me: “because it would be exciting and you could possibly die” C: *gasp* C: “i wanna die”
we are very concerning
C: “when in doubt divorce it out”
Me: “i’m aliv-“ *coughs* *dies*
C: “kindness doesn’t matter” C: “Be a mean person”
lady floutist: “here C, try this” C: “HOLY SHIT”
istg lady floutist carries bricks in her backpack
C: “leave no space for other citizens”
Titi: “i am actually sobbing” Me: *doesn’t look up* Me: “are you sure? that doesn’t seem true” Titi: *offended* Titi: “i WAS sobbing”
she’s reading the oddest because she’s obsessed with Epic: the musical
C: “please just flip people off”
lady floutist: “what’s with all the ruffles this isn’t the 1800s, burn it like the witches that wore it”
goth leaf: “i love witchcraft”
i do too!!!
lovely, this was fun but i shall see you all again in the future, adieu!
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idiotegirl · 1 year
Why does something so wrong, feel so right. (Series)
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Summary: You and your dad had always been alone since the age of 5. Your mum left you guys to start a new life. You and your father moved to America when you were 16 and finished your exams and you were fine with it until you found out he had a girlfriend.
Pairings: Your Father and Wanda, Stepmother!Wanda and Stepdaughter!Reader
Warnings: Suggestive moment.
A/N: I’m not going to lie I’ve never posted on tumblr so if this goes bad oooooops. Haven’t checked for spellings either. So anyways hope you enjoy! More parts to come soon. Defo will be every week or so. Idk how to do master lists and all that so sorry.
“Daddy why did mummy leave us” a young child spoke with tears welling in her eyes. The dads eyes turned soft as he spoke back to the child in a soft reassuring tone, “Because mummy wasn’t happy and wanted to go be alone and explore the world.” The child’s sobbing was even worse after the fathers response. All the young child wanted was her mummy back and for them to be a family again. “Was it cuz of me?” Questioned the heartbroken little one who was rightly confused. The father shakes his head and cupped his daughters face whilst his thumbs wiped the tears away. “No no, don’t be so silly. Mummy leaving wasn’t your fault it was mine. However I promise you that we don’t need mummy and all we need is each other. I will never leave you like mummy did. I promise to be the best daddy in the world okay?” The child smiled and nodded whilst tackling the dad into a hug.
Soft alarm sounds start seeping through the dream and the dream world around you replaying that stupid memory becomes no more. Your eyes shoot open to see a bright light peaking through your curtains. You flung your arm outwards reaching for the alarm to turn it off. Your heart was racing from that stupid dream. It was a normal dream that occurred every year around this time of the month as it was when that memory happened. It was March time and March was always the time you reminisced on your mothers disappearance, however when you got older this month just seemed like any other month with a stupid dream that popped up.
Your legs stretch outwards to the edge of the bed readying yourself for your first day of an American school. You had just recently moved and by recently I mean January, but were procrastinating going to school. I mean American schools education system is totally different to that of a British school. Plus the fact your accent was different to theirs would bring attention and that was the last thing you needed. You sit on the edge of the bed looking at the clothes that you put on your chair the night before. Sighing at the inconvenience of school you reluctantly ready yourself for the day ahead.
Once ready, you grab your bag and head downstairs to see your father. He was in the kitchen with his suit on and ready for work, he looked better than you at the moment you looked like you had been murdered whilst he looked fresh and alive. He saw you and admired how you looked and gave a shy smile. “How are you kid? Ready for the first day of school I see” as he nods to the bag in your hand. You groan loudly and mutter a yes. You boil the kettle and make yourself a cup of tea whilst your Dad is hovering over the kitchen table reading over files. He had been so stressed recently over work and had been staying late in order to keep up.
It wasn’t like him to stay late normally he got home early to make food, but he had said his boss had been on his ass about a few things. You sucked it up and made him food before he got home and left it for him and he always made sure to eat it. You had time to get to school so you prolonged drinking tea. Your dads phone buzzed and he looked at the notification and smiled slightly. Why would he smile about work? You kept your lips sealed and just ignored it and kept on drinking your tea thinking about the miserable day you were going to have at school.
After a few back and forth notifications between your dad and his work and a few hidden smiles, he leaves for work, but not before kissing your forehead and telling you not to wait up for him tonight and not to cook. You nodded and shouted your love from the door as he got into his car and drove off. You shut the front door and go back to the kitchen finishing your tea.
Why would he ask you not to make him food tonight? Was he going to a different state for a business trip? You shake the thoughts away and carry on with your day. You wash your empty cup, grab your bag and walk straight out the front door with no hesitation. You put on heaphones and start walking to school.
You arrived at school to see a bunch of hormonal American teens walking up the stairs whilst some remained outside waiting for their friends to arrive. You got a few odd stares, but kept to yourself and powered on through.
You scan your surroundings looking for a friendly face that could direct you to the principles office so you could get your timetable and get today over with. You spot a girl with blonde hair and a huge smile so you walked over to her and asked her for directions. She looked confused at first and shocked by the accent but complied and walked you down. She greeted you and said her name was Yelena and you replied back with yours. She hums back in response and asks what year you are in. You look at her confused and reply “Year 12?” She laughs and says that it was her mistake for asking a student from a different country their year. She goes over what the different years are and you find out you are a Junior.
Once you had reached the principles office, you thanked Yelena and she had offered you join her little friendship group and see if you like them. You accept the request and thank her. She smiles and wishes you a good rest of your first day and says she will see you later. You smile and nod and knock on the door. From the other side of the door you hear a woman say “come in” in a stern voice. You open the door and walk in to a big room full of achievements on the wall and a woman with brunette sitting there.
The woman gives you a weird look and you lost all words. “What do you need kid.” The woman asks impatiently. You quickly panic and respond back in a feared voice “I’m new here and my father told me I’ll be going here from now on and I have enrolled but I need to pick up my timetable and need a quick tour around if that’s okay.” The woman clicks on and a lightbulb looks like it lit in her eyes. She smiles and greets herself as Principle Hill. “You must be Y/N. Yes sorry I had forgotten about you, I wasn’t too sure when you would be starting so i haven’t gotten a guide yet. Give me a few moments and I’ll be with you in a second. Please take a seat.” She gestures to her couch and you comply.
After a few moments had passed the woman returns with a student and your timetable in hand and she instructs the student to take you to the classes you needed to be in. The student smiles and starts showing you around.
From that moment on you knew the day would drag on.
You return home exhausted from the day at school. It was a pretty decent day you suppose. You chilled out with Yelena and her friends at lunch. They were a very nice small group of people. You met Clint, Bucky and Natasha. Natasha was her step sister so they were closer than the rest whilst Clint was only there because of Natasha and Bucky was there because of Yelena, but they all got along. The classes were fine just the teachers made you introduce yourself and that was stressful as people were intrigued by the accent.
You make yourself food and remember your father didn’t want any food made so treated yourself to some ice cream in the fridge and made some brownies. You sat down watched some episodes of your current binge choice whilst eating the dessert and once done wash the dishes and clean up a little bit.
You attempt to do some homework to kill time and try to keep focus, but fail. The teachers did say you didn’t have to do it due to being new and having a leniency with foreign students. You give up on homework and decide it’s time to turn in for the night. You had left over brownies so left them on the kitchen counter if your dad were to return even if late. Brownies are something you can’t say no to. You do your daily night time routine and go to sleep.
A loud bang awakes you and you jitter awake. You check the time to see it’s 3am. Your heart starts to pound with the fear of the worst happening. Had a robber broken in and was trying to rob you? Or maybe it was your dad.
You grab the nearest thing to you which was a small battery powered alarm and sneak downstairs. You see a figure in the dimly lit kitchen eating your brownies leaning against the kitchen counter, but you knew for a fact it wasn’t your dads figure. Your dad was taller and had a muscular build. This was a feminine body who was reasonably tall for a woman, their build was goddess like. Curves which would entice anyone into wanting them.
You look confused and watch from the stairs to see another figure embrace the goddess from behind and push her into the counter more. Shadowed hands began to roam across the woman’s figure. You then start to hear wet kissing noises which triggers a response of soft moans from the woman.
The woman who had your brownies stuffed in her mouth told the man in such a sultry thick accented voice to stop. The man spoke and it was your father “How can I stop when you look so beautiful even whilst eating brownies.” He then kisses her again and she giggles and sighs softly.
Your jaw was well on the ground at this point. Your dad had a gf? And had the audacity to bring her here without telling you? Was this why he was staying late at the office? How did they even meet? Is this why he came to America? Why would he lie to you?
The woman turns around to kiss your father back, but stops when she sees a figure on the stairs watching eyes wide open and mouth open in shock. The woman screams and your dad jumps back and looks behind him to see you. You go fully down the stairs and turn the light on. You blink a few times looking between the two who looked like a teenage couple who had been caught. You looked at the woman fully and realised she looked very young compared to your dad. She looked only a few years older than you maybe 24 ish? She was a very beautiful woman and her stare alone made you nervous.
Your shocked look turns to an angry look as you face your father. “Why didn’t you tell me? You didn’t think I had the right to know or something? Why hide it huh? All I want for you is to be happy why are you keeping secrets from me.” Your dad gulps and fiddles with his hands. “I was going to tell you however, I didn’t know how you would react. I care for you a lot Y/N and I don’t wanna bring a woman into your life without knowing, but with Wanda I’m certain she is the one so I trusted her to come here. She wasn’t going to stay for long and was going to leave before you woke up. I accidentally dropped my phone and must’ve woken you.” Ah so her name is Wanda. A Sokovian name, so that explains the accent. Wanda’s eyes go wide at that sentence and she smiles softly and blushes. Her hands go from being at her side to behind her as she anxiously fidgets with her rings.
“So this is all to protect me now? From what? This young girl you think Is the one. I don’t care who you love Dad, but I’m hurt you didn’t tell me. People can love multiple people and make mistakes you can never be sure, but if you really think getting a woman in your life is going to make up for mum leaving and make the woman your with my mother. You are wrong. Your girlfriends will always be known as my fathers girlfriend not step mom or mom. So choosing a right one doesn’t mean shit to me as long as they make you happy.” You raise your voice and as you finish you go upstairs not letting your dad speak up to defend himself.
Wanda feels awkward and as if she started something she shouldn’t have and kisses your dad on the cheek and leaves. Your father is filled with regret and leaves you to cool down, whilst you are in your room crying about how your father didn’t trust you and how the way you find out is by accident. Just how long had they been together? You question yourself before falling into a deep slumber.
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punemy-spotted · 1 year
Iris - Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie
Pairing: SoftDark!Devil!Helmut Zemo x Sky-Captain!Reader
Warnings: Cosmic Horror; Dubious Consent; Dubious Morality; Estranged Relationship; Zemo and Reader are not in the Good Place; THIS IS A HORROR FIC; Soul Stealing; Incredibly Loose Relationship with Physics; This is a Fallen London x Marvel Crossover Moment; There are Space Bees; And Giant Lovestruck Space Crabs; Violence; Murder; Death; Poison; At Least One Reference to a Garrote; Estranged Relationship; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Chapter Summary: Sokovia rose, then fell, and then rose again. And now the stars will never be the same.
Notes: Hi, welcome, I really wanted to write an MCU crossover with the Fallen London 'verse so here we are. Imagine House of M except Wanda Maximoff became an actual factual God and it actually wasn't that bad after all. And now imagine all of that is background noise in favor of one unhinged Devil and one overly hinged Epistolarian. An Intrepid Epistolarian.
Oh also Wanda's waging war against Queen Victoria. It's fine.
For those of you who have read my other Zemo fics, finished and unfinished, if you notice similarities between this fic and the other ones... yes. I am Frankenstein trying to raise this fanfiction monster and put scenes, passages, and themes to better use than languishing in my Ao3/Tumblr cupboard. (Also if you've read my other fics, hi, hello, I love you.)
I crave feedback, so tell me what you think!
All of my work is 18+ Only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT. I do not consent to my work being posted anywhere besides Tumblr or Ao3 and I post my work there myself. Do not copy, translate, or repost any of my content.
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The First taught Restraint, and the Second Betrayed. The Third taught us Hunger and the Fourth we Remade. The Fifth will live on in the Heart of the Sun but the Sixth did quickly Fade. The Seventh City will never Fall, never ending the Deal we made.
She kept some of the old names when she took this place, you know. Built onto it, even when her Renewed Empress had to bend the knee to the Scarlet One, sealed away in her undying mausoleum.
The Proclaimers of the Cult of the Sanctified, still seated at the Avid Horizon’s High Gate and whispering Truths to their counterparts on the other side, were right — the Seventh City would never fall; the Bazaar would never be compelled to deliver that fatal missive to that Beacon of Bright Betrayal it loved so much; there would be no opportunity to argue that Seven Cities worth of love is proof enough of Her Worthy Love.
If there is one thing you know about opportunities, it is that they are also opportunities to fail.
The long tradition of the Duchy of Sokovia — that Bulwark which once stood the test of time against even the Tsars of Russia — is not what it once was. There is, in fact, no such thing as Sokovia now, not the way you would think. There are Sokovian people, clinging to an identity lest it be lost in the abyss below, but all that remains of the Earthly land which remembered the Duchy’s history with the joint Empires of Austria and Hungary is now nothing more than a chasm of stone and steel.
A monument to violent delights in want of violent ends.
Cast your eyes not to the ruins of her past but to the gleaming future written in the stars ab—
The sound of a train whistle drowns out what remains of the tinned announcement, an earsplitting shriek you endure for what feels like forever, but is in fact — if the clock before you is accurate — no more than two minutes. Which — as it turns out — is plenty of time to interrupt the announcement’s conclusion and leave ringing silence in its wake.
Good. You were rather tired of hearing your own voice drone on any longer.
You turn your head away from the train schedule you had previously been pretending to occupy your mind with, watching the rails with mild impatience and fidgeting with your gloves.
He is late.
It’s not abnormal, really, for the more independent locomotives — those not on the Scarlet Empress’s own payroll, that is — to run on their own definition of time, but you’ve never known your contact to be anything more than a man of his word.
When you’ve properly interpreted his words, that is.
No matter. You have the luxury of time. Collecting your luggage takes little effort — a rather bulging handbag and a briefcase is not so terrible compared to the crates of fuel, souls, and hours you see being carted around you — as you step briskly towards the more busting central parts of port. The station itself has seen better days, almost empty save for a handful of dock-workers and the occasional Employee making sure the schedule runs on time, but as you pass through an open archway into the city proper, they seem eager to resume whatever activity they might otherwise have abandoned for your intrusive presence.
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How did it happen? Was it prophecy — or maybe some mad interpretation of the scream-whispers of Distant Polythreme, a vision of the Garden — that led the Proclaimers to make their rhyme, completing the riddle and speaking for the Masters themselves?
Something must have rung true to the Masters, for them to solve the riddle.
Novi Grad rose, then fell. Fell until it could fall no further, until there was nothing left of decades of history but ash and blood for the ghosts of her denizens to wander through. Until there was nothing for the Masters and their bats to drag to cavernous depths.
So she, in her infinite tragedy and infinite pain, became the solution.
Your tea, madame. You look up from your scribbling absently, glancing briefly up at the server and then feeling your polite smile immediately fade off your face.
Must you always play games?
Helmut Zemo stands before you with a perfectly placid smile on his cruelly handsome face, So lovely to see you again, sweetling, and you’re quite welcome for the tea.
You narrowly avoid the temptation to roll your eyes, closing your journal and placing the cap on your pen, its nib glimmering venomously in the candlelight, You are late. A casual accusation, one he dismisses with an easy wave of his hand, just before seating himself before you and stealing a biscuit from your place.
And you are impatient. Surely this must mean you have missed me, little bird. If he notices the way you flinch at the sweetname, struggling to compose yourself before you manage to settle on sternness, he does not say.
You have faced worse things than Helmut Zemo, you know. Worse than the ache that slices through your heart when you look at him and his easy smile, the one you might have fallen in love with once again, if you forgot yourself.
You will not.
Instead, you breathe, letting the heavy air in your lungs out slowly as you tug the fingers of your glove until the whole thing is loose enough to be removed entirely.
You always hated getting biscuit crumbs on your whisper-satin fineries.
You asked me to meet you here, Helmut, a fact which he seems to dismiss with another too-sharp smile, eyes flickering over you.
It burns. Licking over the neckline of your dress before moving down to the delicate pearl buttons that hold shut your bodice, heat rising over the thin lace collar wrapped around your throat, and you wonder idly how often he fines pleasure in watching people struggle to breathe and die.
I’m told you have been busy, he tells you flatly, practiced hand snapping his biscuit in half before dipping one perfect semi-circle into the cup of tea he’d placed in front of you, Too busy, it seems, to inform your husband of your whereabouts.
The knifeblade edge of his voice is enough, slipping past the plates of armor you always try to wrap around yourself every time you agree to meet him, his joyless smile the barbs he leaves in your heart, ensuring it will bleed for him for a few months more after your eventual parting.
The first time he’d touched your cheek in the shadow of a clockwork sun while you wept, his lips ghosting  your skin, you nearly fell to your knees at his feet.
That should have been the last time you would ever see him, as he whispered sweet nothings and sweeter promises in a language you did not speak, burning intention into your skin and leaving you forever bound, words falling from his lips like a waterfall.
The third time you met Helmut Zemo, you cried. And the fourth. And the fifth.
You refuse to meet his eyes, smoothing out the wrinkles in your gown with trembling hands, Is this what you came to remind me?
He does not stop smiling, even as you make note of the uneasy tension sitting on his shoulders, the vicious gleam in his eyes as he continues his visual examination of your countenance, tea soaked biscuit melting idly on his tongue.
Yes, it is.
You should be grateful for his honesty — Devils rarely are, after all.
He continues before you have a chance to consider it, How much farther do you plan to run from this place, sweetling, before time returns you back to me?
You wish he wouldn’t call you sweetling.
You haven’t been sweet in a thousand years.
But that’s beside the point, isn’t it? He already knows that, anyway.
Though you suppose that maybe you ought to tell him about something he doesn’t know.
Why did you call me here, Helmut?
Why does any man call his wife back to the port where they parted last? I missed you.
You swallow thickly, avoiding the unyielding blade of his sharp-eyed gaze and even sharper smile, refusing to let your heart leap out to him as it aches to do, You are lying, Helmut, you accuse, pretending to busy yourself with the biscuits he brought to your table.
As always, as you should have expected, he only grins at you — a cruel, twisted grimace that makes your stomach twist not-wholly-unpleasantly — before reaching out and brushing his knuckles over your cheek, Would you let me lie, little bird?
I certainly hope you don’t expect an honest answer to that question.
His laugh is as sharp as his smile, a huff of bemusement you recall bringing you happiness before, a long time ago.
Now it reminds you of the taste of poison, of bile curling in the back of your throat, of blood and metal and the screaming agony of time stretched to its very limit.
The silence too, stretches between you, taut as the wires you would wrap around your palms to cut through cheese and impertinent throats, waiting for you to finally surrender and rise to your feet, gather your things and bid him as formal a goodbye as you’ll allow yourself — always just out of reach, I have no intention of playing games, Helmut, you challenge with the same tone of voice you might use to scold the Empress’s misbehaving sons, If you refuse to do me the courtesy of your honest, then do me the gift of your absence.
He watches you, eyes glimmering amber with insult, but does not dishonor you enough to reach out, There was a time, little bird, when you loved me without such reservation.
The words burn across your skin like living fire, your vows and his molded together in a single remembered sigil, a bond forced with the very language of Judgment, unbidden agony scorching your composure as you make a desperate, futile attempt to push away the memory; his voice soft, the low timbre of his accent sliding over your ears like honey in your mouth, gentle lips on yours as he sealed your fate with a kiss, I have memorized you like a prayer.
You could almost have forgotten he was a liar, standing lost in your memories as you are, forgotten the price of promise and the weight of truth.
The tears burn at the backs of your eyes, but you blink them back, let bone grind against bone before, More fool I, then, for thinking you did the same.
You turn to walk towards the door, four sovereigns in hand to pay for your meal — interrupted though it has been — making a concentrated effort to not look back, even as you hear his voice cutting through the otherwise silent room, When everything goes wrong, it is a terrible burden to bear alone, don’t you think?
You cannot help yourself, can you? Shoulders slumping as you declare a reluctant defeat and turn to face him, swearing your heart has lit aflame.
You cannot ignore His Law forever, little bird.
You know nothing of responsibility, Helmut, your voice is cold as the icy expanse beyond the warm walls of Novi Grad station, still aching to leave and frustrated by your uncooperative feet.
There’s a twitch at the corner of his lips, amusement sparking in his own eyes, And what of you, little bird, what have you learned of responsibility since your escape from Perdurance?
You visibly flinch, the name sparking an endless array of horror and memories within you, just as his expression falls into uncharacteristic regret.
Nothing, clearly, you reply hollowly, words bitter on the back of your teeth, Much to your pleasure, I think.
That wounds him, to your surprise, hurt painting his face before he controls his features and buries both regret and rage beneath a placid mask, Infinite freedom is as tight a prison as an opulent cage, on occasion.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
request: can I get a platonic Rise!Turtles(mainly Mikey cus I love that boy way too much, also can you add April if possible?) x GN/Male Reader. The prompt is that the reader is this omniscient spirit-like entity from a different dimension who likes to travel through worlds and interact with them or simply watch them from afar through astral projection and just so happened to lend into this one and had caught an interest by the Turtles(because they're the only beings so far that radiate magic energy) and decided to follow them around
In This World
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author’s note: omigosh so sorry for the wait, I rlly rlly rlly rlly hope you enjoy >.< to tumblr, u need auto save, like I was almost done (._.) three perspectives are missing, don’t do this to me AGH
warnings: platonic relationships, fluff, comfort, unedited
Leo never thought a silly game of ouija board would amount to anything other than him scaring the bejesus out of Raph and Mikey, he didn’t have any hopes to scare Don. But as fate had it, unbeknownst to them all, you were watching the game and decided to have a little fun.
Now Leo had planned on pushing the piece around the board, and acting as if a ghost had done so. But before he could apply much pressure the little glass piecing was already moving to the letter ‘y’ after he had asked “Is anyone out there?” Leo immediately suspected Donnie had went ahead and moved it so Leo shot him a glare
But Donnie was raising his eyebrows and giving him a look that said what?? “Alright wait a minute, everyone let go..” Leo said and everyone retracted their fingers from the glass piece. “Is anyone out there?” He asked again and watched in horror as the piece moved on its own. Spelling out yes.
All the brothers were up from their spots around the board, running to the edges of the room and screaming bloody murder! “A GHOST IS HAUNTING US!!!” Leo couldn’t believe it, he thought everything had a rational explanation, but he couldn’t exactly refute what his eyes were seeing.
After things settled down and more questions were asked, full blown conversations had with not a ghost they found out but you! Turns out Donnie’s whole theory about the multiverse and space time continuum was true, Leo didn’t know what that all meant but basically it meant you weren’t dead, nor a ghost, nor haunting anyone, though you admitted to them all that you found them very entertaining
Leo might’ve become a little more entertaining after that, but the coolest part was when you finally revealed your astral projection/image, the two of you got into trouble plenty of times after that, mega pranks being pulled, if Leo was ever bored out of his mind, he’d go to you with a big smirking expression on his face, “Y/n~~~~ who do you wanna prank this time???”
After finding about your existence you better bet your bottom dollar that Donnie is taking the ouija board in his lab and asking all the questions his big brain can think of, this turtle has some hard hitting inquiries too. “How is this possible?” “How does your power work?” “How many realities have you been to?” “What made you stop in this one specifically?”
Come to find out, the turtles mystic energy is off the charts after the events with the kraang. I was drawn to your power signatures but I stayed because it’s never a boring day here, you tried your best to answer all of Donnie’s questions, you found it quite endearing how curious he was, to you having become used to the traveling you didn’t think it was that special
Donnie would try conducting experiments once you revealed your astral form, though much to his dismay he found that he couldn’t exactly hook you up to a bunch of wires, they’d just fall to the ground right through you, what boggled his mind completely was when you would hand the wires back to him with a shrug, not being able to explain how you could touch things, yet things couldn’t touch you
The logic befuddled the genius turtle, but it seemed a lot of things as of late were defying logic and reason, don’t even get him started about the whole gravity situation by metro tower during the kraang invasion, some things just weren’t meant to be explained, he guessed he would have to classify it as magic: science that has yet to be understood.
“Y/n I think I’ve come up with an alternative method of experimentation,” Donnie said as soon as you floated into the lab, “but if this fails I have 36 new questions I would like to discuss.” His goggles come down looking real scientific, definitely meaning business as you held back a smile, his enthusiasm to learn knows no bounds!
Splinter was used to the crazy weirdness of the world. So he wasn’t that shocked when his sons finally introduced you to him. You reminded him so much of the Hamato Clan legacy, how they too showed up in a similar form as yours, helping Splinter and his sons when they needed it most.
He didn’t mind your presence when you came to float by his recliner in the projector room. As time passed he came to accept you just like he had with April. “Hello friend #2” he’d smile, Hello Master Splinter~ you would reply. You would indulge him as he talked about his past and adventures as Lou Jitsu.
Sometimes late at night when the brothers were all asleep, you would float back into the room to see Splinter was still awake, on those nights he would talk to you about his worries, how he didn’t think he did a good job raising his sons, how he wished he could’ve done things better, he wished he would’ve thought more about them than himself..
Well, I think they turned out to be just fine, but I think you still have time! They may be teenagers but they still look up to you greatly! Splinter would nod, it would get quiet and he’d stare off at the projection, not paying much attention to the commercials. “Yes, I think that is what I shall do.”
“Don’t tell my sons, but you are my favorite.” Splinter said sneakily as he looked over the recliner to make sure neither Red nor Orange heard. Purple would be absolutely devastated. Blue probably not so much, though Splinter loved him, all his sons. Your secret’s safe with me you promised.
Raph would be skeptical about you at first, he didn’t have a good track record with beings from other places. Especially since they had finally recovered from the kraang. But with time he came around, realizing you were different, you meant no harm to them or the rest of humanity for that matter.
Though you did like to pull pranks with Leo, which Raph was a victim of plenty a times. Poor guy actually would let a high-pitched scream every time you would pop in to hang out with him. Raph may be the biggest and strongest, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have fears. He hated scary movies and you resembled what he would call a ghost for a lack of a better term.
“AH! Oh- it’s you!” He’d breath out in relief as you smiled sheepishly. The whole lair would know whenever you tried to hang out with Raph. Which would mostly be when he was working out or training. One time when he had finished a particular brutal workout he had been too tired to pick up the weights.
I can help, you offered and floated over to the heaviest dumbbell. You picked it up with ease and floated over to where they were stored. All the while Raph’s mouth was gaping in complete shock. “You’re really strong!!” He gushed, the only other person who could lift that besides himself was Mikey when he was using his mystic abilities.
You didn’t have the heart to explain to Raph that it all came down to mental will, which as a reality shifter you had a lot of, so it just came down to how badly you wanted to pick up the weight. He watched as you quickly cleared up the rest, Raph would definitely be asking you to workout with him!
Mikey was also afraid of you at first, but he came to trust you way more swiftly than Raph. He absolutely loved the idea of having a friend who was ready and waiting to hang out! He’d call out to you to do just about anything together. “Hey Y/n do you wanna watch me color? Look I made this for you yesterday!”
Wow Mikey, it’s gorgeous! Thank you so much you beamed as he added it to your designated pile since you didn’t have a place to put them. He would ask you if you wanted to watch him cook, or to watch videos with him, or if you wanted to go out to the surface together!
Mikey rarely wanted alone time, and if you weren’t hanging out with one of his brothers then you were there by Mikey’s side, listening to his rambling. One day he took you by surprise, turning to you, looking down as his fingers came together. “Y/n?” Yes Mike? “Do you think if I made a portal, I could reach your reality? Then maybe we could hangout.. for real?”
You listened intently, you knew of Mikey’s powerful abilities, his mystic energy was the greatest out of all his brothers. You had been drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Though that may be possible, I am perfectly happy with the way things are now… thank you for the offer though Sweet Mikey
You smiled at him as he looked up with a slight smile, sighing, “yeah you’re right things are fine this way,” he didn’t want to admit it to himself but it would probably take a lot out of him to make another portal so soon. As long as you were happy though Mikey wouldn’t do anything risky. “You just let me know if you change your mind Y/n, maybe Donnie could help too!”
Now you weren’t exactly the normal friend that April had been hoping for, but a new/astral projection/person was a friend nonetheless. During the day when the turtles were asleep you would hang out with April. She was very aware you were around during school, seeing you pull pranks inconspicuously.
Those pranks were mainly pulled on the students who gave April a hard time, aka bullies. They’d be bending down to use the water fountain and it would suddenly be spraying them in the face. You tried to keep it toned down since you didn’t want rumors of the high school being haunted spread around.
April would always shake her head saying she didn’t you to do that. But you could tell she secretly liked the thought of having a friend who wanted to stick up for her. Someone who could extract a little harmless vengeance. “Yo! Y/n you there?” April would be walking home from a long day at school and the sidewalks quieted down with little to no traffic. You would appear floating next to her, Yup! How was your day?
April rolled her eyes, like you didn’t already know every little detail. But she obliged, telling her point of view and how she was feeling, what she was looking forward to. “I’ll be heading to the boys later tonight, can you let them know for me?” You gave her a thumbs up and she waved goodbye as she entered her apartment complex.
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thepurplewombat · 9 months
For the violence ask game, can I request your answers to numbers 3, 10, 14, 21 and 22?
ooooh lovely choices here!
3: screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
Oh, god, there are so many. But I think the worst and most frustrating ones are related to Jin Guangyao and Mo Xuanyu. I've seen a number of people say things about the whole thing being a lie from JGY's end to discredit MXY, and I've even seen some that called JGY a groomer, and tbh, it makes me sick on multiple levels. Allow me to explain:
So first of all, denying that MXY really did what he was kicked out of JLT for completely ignores some of the only things that we know about him from his own words (filtered through WWX of course, but isn't everything?). On Page 19 of Volume 1, WWX is reading MXY's demented scribblings and comes across the part where he is talking about having been kicked out of JLT. It is never mentioned that he feels resentment for this, or that it was all a lie - and if there is anywhere that it would say outright that MXY was angry because he was falsely accused, wouldn't it be in the private ramblings hidden in his own room?
Second of all, if JGY had really fabricated rumors that MXY had harassed him in order to get him kicked out, he would have had his own wound on WWX's arm. Which, let me be clear, he does not. We're talking novel canon here, and in the novel, all the wounds close once the Mo family are dead.
Third of all, I find it sickening because it is part of a pattern of placing JGY at fault for sexual and other violence committed against him. He was harassed by his own brother to the point of forcing him to expel him from the clan, he ended up married to his own sister - neither of those were his fault, but people tend to look at these situations and have just the most absolutely dumpster-fire rancid takes, like JGY committing sexual assault against Qin Su (he didn't - once he knew about their relationship he never slept with her again, and while yes, he should have told her the truth about why, his reasoning is completely understandable), or being into incest etc.
Actually also a lot of takes wrt JGY and sex are pretty rancid, but I think the MXY thing is the worst, and it keeps coming up and make me want to set the whole tag on fucking fire.
10 - worst part of fanon
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There are a lot of fanon takes that annoy me - WWX is good at diplomacy, NMJ is a fluffy cuddlebear, LXC is a himbo, but none of them quite make me want to Hulk Out as bad as fanon JGY, who is essentially just JGS in a funny hat.
You want an uncomplicatedly and unrepentantly evil villain to pin your hate on? JGS is right there.
You want a rapist who never shows an ounce of regret? JGS is right there.
You want a monster who ordered human experimentation with resentful energy to be done? JGS is right there.
You want the author of all of WWX's post-Sunshot misery? Jin Guangshan is RIGHT FUCKING THERE!
But no, we're gonna go ahead and pin all of JGY's father's crimes on him.
14 -that one thing you see in fics all the time
oh god, if I could have a penny for every time I have seen surprise villainYao in a fic tagged with xiyao I would be so rich. It's especially frustrating when it's in a modern AU, when a lot of the pressures that caused JGY to do the shit he did just didn't exist. With a lot of modern AUs you can't even say 'cool motive, still murder' (a valid take on JGY tbh) because 90% of the time he doesn't even have a motive? He's just out there killing people for shits and giggles and I'm like, 'You're thinking of Xue Yang. This isn't JGY, this is Xue Yang in a funny goddamn hat.'
21 - part of canon you think is overhyped
I've been sitting here for ten minutes trying to think of a specific part of canon that's overhyped and not just annoying to me personally, and I can't really think of anything? Like, there's this perception in fandom that LWJ is a loving and caring brother who did a lot for LXC, and that pisses me off because he is the worst didi in a work full of bad didis - JGY killed his elder brother, and still managed to not be as terrible a little brother as Lan 'abandon my brother who's just killed his best friend of twenty years with his own two hands to go fuck Wei Wuxian under a bush' Wangji. But that's annoying because it's wrong, not because it's overhyped, so I'm just gonna go with a big old 🤷‍♀️here.
22 - your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I mean, I don't think it's ignored necessarily, but I would love for more people to pay attention to the fact that WWX literally made Wen Chao eat his own flesh, and that was really gross and horrible but also very sexy of him.
Because like, a part of the appeal of WWX is that he is legitimately monstrous. He does absolutely monstrous things during the Sunshot campaign, and people are right to be afraid of this extremely powerful and unpredictable person who commands the goddamn dead. But WWX is like an example of how you can be a monster but also try to be a good person, and a lot of people strip a lot of the complexity out of him by making him a Manic Pixie Dream Necromancer who's like, a little quirky but ultimately cool, and no, fuck that noise.
Wei Wuxian was a monster. He became a monster in response to the pressures of the war and his massive pile of untreated PTSD, but he was so terrifying that for a moment while I was reading the rescue of the Wen, I wasn't sure that they were going to go with him. And I wouldn't have blamed them for a second because this is the man who nearly single-handedly destroyed their clan, slaughtered their friends and families, and then commanded their corpses to slaughter even more. That's fucked up and villain behaviour, and nobody would have blamed the Wen for preferring the ordinary human torture and death and murder over whatever Wei Wuxian might choose to do to them. At least once the guards killed you the torment was over.
But a monster isn't all he is. He tries to do the right thing, he tries to be good, and while it doesn't solve the situation, it does mean something. Wei Wuxian's story is the story of a man who covered himself in blood to save his own life and the lives of others, and then found out that sometimes you don't get to go home. Sometimes the blood doesn't wash off and you spend the rest of your days with the shadows of your past hanging over you.
But he still tried! He still tried, and in the very end of the story, he is free, and happy, and loved.
But removing his darkest moments takes so much away from the light at the end, renders it so much less meaningful without the contrast of his darkest times.
Thank you for playing, sorry that my answers are so damn long, but apparently I get wordy sometimes!
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achilleasfury · 27 days
Sangyao week day 1! running away/separation
fic also under the break for those who prefer tumblr over ao3:
Nie Mingjue hadn’t expected it.
Yes, his younger brother tended to refuse obedience and did what he wanted without a care in the world.
Yes, Huaisang had been incredibly attached to Meng Yao.
But in the end he had never disobeyed this much - he would always come back running to Nie Mingjue with tears in his eyes, begging for his Da-ge to fix the problems that he had caused, accidently or not.
This time Huaisang had not done that. He couldn’t understand how much Meng Yao had betrayed them - it didn’t even matter that Meng Yao had betrayed the Nie Sect, it mattered that he had betrayed Nie Mingjues trust. He would have accepted a bit of shared insider knowledge, a misguided letter to Jin-zongzhu, anything that would’ve been explainable as a foolish mistake by a scorned illegitimate son trying to get some form of recognition from his father.
Nie Mingjue could’ve comprehended that. Sure, he would’ve been angry but it would’ve made sense. They all knew Meng Yao's resentment and his desperation towards an uncaring father. They all knew how much he needed, longed for what he would never get.
But the murder of a trusted captain? Of a brother in arms?
How was Nie Mingjue ever to be comfortable with Meng Yao again? How could he let him be in the proximity of Huaisang ever again? How could he have ever entrusted this traitor of a man with his secrets and his family?
Where had he gone so wrong that Meng Yao had felt he could not trust in him, and would not come to him for help?
A few days ago, just before the Wen would invade the Unclean Realm, Nie Mingjue had been ready to accept Meng Yao into his family, as another brother or something else.
And now here he was.
It had been half a week since he had exiled Meng Yao.
It had been half a week since he had sent his most trusted confidante away.
It had been half a week since he had all but pushed his friend out of the gates.
It had been half a week since Meng Yao had left the Unclean Realm, still bleeding from his stab wound.
It had been half a week since Huaisang had yelled at him for hours till his voice stopped working and all that was left were heavy sobs and dry heaving..
It had been half a week since Huaisang had locked himself in his room, refusing to come out.
It had been half a week since Huaisang had locked himself in his room, refusing to eat.
It had been half a week since Huaisang had locked himself in his room, refusing to talk to anyone.
It had been half a week.
And every night Nie Mingjue would stay up late - far later than he ever had back when Meng Yao had still been with them - standing in front of his Didi's room, listening to his nightmares, to him waking up and screaming for Meng Yao - for his Yao-ge - an inconsolable mess that refused comfort from anyone.
Zonghui, the good man, had tried once, knocking on the door for hours, just to get a “GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!” screamed at him.
Any other attempt at contact had been met with stoic silence.
It was a trying time for the Unclean Realm.
It got even worse when Huaisang was not found in his room or anywhere.
Nie Huaisang laid curled up on the bed, layers and layers of fabric pooling around him. He was clinging tight to a pillow, now stained deep with tears and snot. His tears had long since run dry, his body not having enough water in it anymore, but he could feel his eyes burning, yearning to cry and let it out to no avail.
It was not fair. How could Da-ge dare to exile Meng Yao? He didn't deserve such cruel fate. There had to be a good reason for his misconduct. Nie Huaisang refused to believe Meng Yao would do such wrong for no reason at all.
His Yao-ge had always had the most sensible of reasons, no matter what.
To be fair, Nie Huaisang still did not fully understand what had happened. Da-ge had yelled something about a dead captain and a betrayal, but that wasn't the Meng Yao Nie Huaisang knew.
Sure, Yao-ge had always been a bit spiteful and let his resentment thrive internally, but that just made him perfect for the Nie! All the more reason to keep him and not send him away like Da-ge had done.
When Huaisang had rushed into the hall, seconds or minutes after the worst goodbye in his life, Da-ge had been sitting on his stupid throne, Baxia shaking in her stand, with tears in his eyes just staring at a spot where a small amount of blood had been drying.
Nie Mingjue refused to answer any questions. He had shook his head, standing up with rage pooling behind his eyes, Baxia rattling and rattling in her stand, declaring that anyone who dared mentioning Meng Yao in his presence would feel the fury of his blade.
And so no one spoke of the missing deputy anymore.
And so Nie Huaisang, known for his unstoppable chattering throughout the Realm, refused words as well.
He refused to speak and he refused to stay.
There was no place in the Unclean Realm for him without the comforting presence of his Yao-ge.
It had been sheer luck to stumble across Lan-zongzhu and be able to bring him to a safe spot. Even with all the calculations Meng Yao had done, the chance of actually finding him had been slim and only gotten slimmer with every cursed step Meng Yao took.
The wound had hurt so much, a burning ache in his heart enhancing the flames of pain and desperation coming from the hole in his chest.
It felt worse every time he remembered how A-Sangs had looked - a lost little bird watching his nest mate be swallowed whole by a wolf or ripped out of the air by a much bigger owl.
The memory of poor dear A-Sang’s pain cut deep and deeper into Meng Yao’s ripped open heart.
If it had burned and screamed before, now it was an all consuming flood of flames and ashes.
There was no coming back from that.
And Meng Yao hated that his dearest A-Sang would ever have to feel pain at all. He hated that he was reason for that pain.
Some part of him screamed and raged that it was no fault of his, for if Nie Mingjue had one more cell in his brain he would've recognised the stupidity of his decision. But no matter. What was done, was done and there was no use spending another thought on it.
They were being tracked.
Lan Xichen had first sensed the presence two days ago, a few hours after the burns on his body had finally stopped hurting and his skin had started to knit itself together again - flawless, as if nothing ever touched it.
Meng Yao was not so lucky, his weak core struggling with letting the healing of his wound progress faster. Lan Xichen had offered help since being made aware of the wound, but kept getting waved away in regards to that. He had offered twice more since his own wounds had been fine, and shot down once more.
“Save your energy for something else, Huan-xiong”, Meng Yao had said, an almost belittling smile on his face - though it seemed more fond than anything.
He was not smiling now. There was weariness and attentiveness carved into his expression and his fist was clenched tightly around his dagger.
Even now he was beautiful as the beaming sun - not that such a comparison was appropriate in these times. But no gleaming sword edge, no carefully raised flower, no dedicated piece of music could compare to Meng Yao - to A-Yao - and the beauty of his focus.
Lan Xichen could get lost in him and would gladly never resurface.
It was uncomfortable being watched like this. He could feel the gaze of someone prickling the back of his neck. It had to be Zewu-jun - he had not been particularly sneaky about some of his stares, and Meng Yao was always hyper aware if someone even seemed to have a passing thought about him - for there should be no one else here. But one couldn’t trust that. They were at the edge of a forest, cabin still hidden behind rows and rows of trees, yet sometimes travelers came awfully close. They would have to move soon. It wasn’t safe anymore.
There was a rustle in the trees behind them, a soft whistle in the air. Meng Yao turned around, dagger tightly in his hand, half a step in front of Zewu-jun.
It had taken him about a week - not his best time, he’d have to admit, but he wanted to be sure he was going in the right direction. Meng Yao always had been good at leaving false trails, most of them ending in traps. (This was one of the reasons he couldn’t believe his Yao-ge would be so foolish to let a Captain take all his credit - there had to be a catch.) So the long route it was.
Once he saw the little hut - the small amount of smoke they couldn’t hide, the laundry line they had, he simply could not wait much longer. Sure, he had to make sure it was actually Yao-ge and that he was safe - that whoever he was with was unimportant and could be left behind as soon as possible - but that would not take long.
He hadn’t expected Yao-ge to have found Lan Xichen (no man looking at his Yao-ge with such lust deserved a title as intimate as Xichen-ge) so finding them doing laundry together up until the esteemed Lan-zongzhu ripped one of his robes accidentally - probably trying to show off in front of ‘his A-Yao’ (how dared he?) was a shock. Such a shock in fact that Nie Huaisang needed a day to recover - still watching them, tracking Lan Xichens every movement.
After seeing him get lost in Meng Yao's face once too often, Nie Huaisang couldn’t take it anymore. He let himself fall down from the tree he had been camping in, barely making a sound as he landed (Take that, Da-ge! He did use his cultivation for something useful!) though he couldn’t resist shaking his robes out a bit.
This action prompted Meng Yao and Lan Xichen to jump up and - Nie Huaisang couldn’t believe it. How dare Lan Xichen pretend to be entitled to Meng Yaos protection! He didn’t need it, he was fine and had Shuoye! Meng Yaos protection was Huaisangs and Huaisangs alone!
He couldn’t stop a frown from appearing on his face, though it did not hold long, not when Meng Yaos expression seemed to light up just a bit at his entrance.
“Yao-ge!”, he exclaimed, rushing forward - and his Lan Xichen had to side step quite a bit to not be hit in the face my Huaisangs straying hands, well - and let himself fall into Meng Yao’s open arms.
Involuntarily, tears appeared in his eyes, dripping down his cheeks and onto Meng Yao's robe - they weren’t the robes he had been exiled in, but dark brown ones made of a rough fabric.
“A-Sang?”, he felt Yao-ge whisper in his hair, arms tightening around him. “What are you doing here, silly boy? Your brother must be worried sick-”, he did not get much further.
“I don’t care what Da-ge thinks! So shall he go rot if that is what he wants to do! How dare he exile you? He had no right!”, the tears wouldn’t stop flowing, messing up his speech, slurring his words that were already broken by hiccups. “He’s not allowed to just kick you out! If you won’t stay in Qinghe, I won’t either!”
Meng Yao’s posture went rigid, his hands clenching Huaisangs robes tightly.
“Nie-gongzi”, he started, tone carefully polite and steady, “Nie-zongzhu had his reasons. I appreciate your worry, but you cannot just disobey your sect leader because you disagree with his decisions in such matters.”
Huaisang wasn’t listening. He - softly! - pinched Meng Yaos' side at the formal address, and shook his head quite strongly.
“Da-ge was not right in his decision. He was quite terribly wrong, and until he fixes his mistakes I want nothing to do with him!”
He lifted his face from Yao-ge’s shoulder, chin now hooked over it and looked despairingly at Lan Xichen.
“Xichen-ge! Surely you could talk some sense into Da-ge! He always listens to you! I can’t lose Yao-ge!”
Lan Xichen had always been weak to younger siblings. If Wangji - A-Zhan - or Huaisang wanted something, he was first to give in, even if it would bend some rules or make Shufu - and Mingjue-xiong - be quite stern with him.
It came to no surprise to him that Huaisang was aware of that fact and was shamelessly using it - and succeeding.
With a drawn out sigh Lan Xichen fully sheathed Shuoye, and straightened his posture.
“Once I get to the Unclean Realm I shall try and talk to Mingjue-xiong about it. He’s a righteous man, he should see reason.”, he offered, knowing full well how stubborn his friend could be. But he did agree with Huaisang, exiling Meng Yao seemed unfair. Maybe they were both biased, but it was a time of war. If the captain had truly set Xue Yang free, it was not wrong to cut down a traitor in the middle of their ranks.
His hands were still balled to fists in A-Sangs robes. Horrible little spoiled brat. Adorable terror. He turned his head carefully, bringing his mouth to the height of Huaisangs ear.
“I know what you’re doing, Sang-er. Be nice. He’s had some rough weeks.”
Even with Huaisang trying to be quiet - showing his manners for once in his life apparently - his annoyed little scoff was quite clear.
“Well I’ve had some rough weeks as well. First the Wen invade my home and try to kill my brother and then he exiled my dearest companion. I go looking for him - because I care and worry! - and where do I find him? In a Lans domestic dream”, he grumbled, words drowning in jealousy. That got him a flick against the forehead - well deserved.
With one last press, Meng Yao loosened his arms around Huaisang, pulling back - though as expected clingy Nie-gongzi kept hanging on only tighter. Meng Yao shifted them both around, so he could face Zewu-jun and let Huaisang hang off him like the little leech he was.
Zewu-jun had an awkward smile on his face, clearly trying to just ignore the spoiled brat that Qinghe’s young master was.
“So we will be moving towards the Unclean Realm, I presume?”
They delivered Lan-zongzhu at Qinghes borders, letting him run into a security sweep done by Nie Zongzhui - because of course no one had bothered to change the plans Meng Yao had drawn up - and once they were sure he would not be lost again, made their way back to the cabin - on Huaisangs wish. His reasoning had been, “If Lan Xichen gets a nice recluse with you, I want double! Or triple!”
So here they were. The cabin wasn’t perfect, there still was a lot to clean and tidy, but it was safe and not too close to any Sect. Well, Sect with power. The Yunmeng Jiangs' fate was quite horrible.
A-Sang was curled up on the bed, his head resting on Meng Yao’s chest.
“I really was worried, you know? You just left and your goodbye didn’t make sense and Da-ge kept spouting bullshit!”
“Language”, he reprimanded, brushing his fingers through A-Sangs hair. “I’m sorry, xingan. I didn’t mean to cause you more pain, the situation just had nothing to do with you. You weren’t supposed to catch anything of it.”, he apologized, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of the other's head.
Huaisang looked up, eyes vaguely red with how long he’d been awake the past few weeks, and already puffy again. His lips were pulled into a pout as he started into Meng Yao’s eyes.
“But I did! I would’ve either way. You can’t keep these things from me - any of them! How am I supposed to fix them, if you won’t tell me?”, he looked next to devastated, fresh tears already pooling in his eyes. “You can’t leave me again, Yao-gege! What would I do without you?”
“I’ll tell you next time, alright?”, Meng Yao sighed, a soft and fond little noise, pressing short kisses on Huaisangs face - his forehead, between his brows, the tip of his nose, his cheeks - until the tears in his eyes disappeared and small giggles emerged in their place.
“Not fair!”, Huaisang exclaimed, again staring up at him. “You missed a spot as well!”, he pouted, clearly exaggerated.
And how could Meng Yao refuse such an invitation? He pulled his young master upwards, until they were half lying, half sitting chest to chest and pressed a long, lingering kiss to his lips.
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
Finally Talking About Dark Pinky (Day 7 of Pinky Week)
Guess who showed up finally!
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Yep, you read that title correctly. No, this isn't some belated April Fool's Day prank. Happy Dark Pinky Thursday to all my fellow evil mice enjoyers and welcome to the final installment of Pinky Week!! This has completely gone off the rails and I apologize for the extensive delays and unkept promises; I was just so tired and I required a lot of breaks. So, to thank everyone who's been with me, I decided to make my last post for Pinky Week a tribute to the fans! Get ready, because things are going to get interesting.
4/6/23- Dark Pinky Discussion/Analysis: A popular fandom character, Dark Pinky is the character you go to if you're looking for the Animaniacs/Pinky and the Brain fandom's official Tumblr sexyman. Gaining popularity in 2020 due to Dark Pinky Thursdays popping up as a meme, the homicidal and delightfully malevolent mouse has made his presence very well known on a variety of sites. And yes, I definitely have fallen to all the art and fanfiction I've seen of him. He's a great character, has a lot of potential for fanfiction, and is delightfully evil with a dark, twisted sense of humor (at least that's what I've taken from him). He's a recent obsession of mine and I'm glad to finally admit that I really do like him. I'm also glad to be contributing to his every growing fanbase. This essay will trace Dark Pinky's history, how he became so popular, and what he brings to the overall Pinky and The Brain community. And yes, I'll be mentioning Future Brain a few times since that is part of the story.
Humble Origins (Pinky and The Brain Comic Issues #1 and #24):
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You might be surprised to realize but originally, Dark Pinky was more of a comedic villain rather than an outright malicious one. In fact, his plans were often times very silly and his tendency to break into evil laughter was more funny than menacing. He'd make his grand debut in Issue #1 of the Pinky and The Brain comics, being the one who ruled the alternate superhero universe Pinky and Brain find themselves in. At first, he doesn't reveal himself, rather he uses Dark Brain as a cover-up. But from the moment he appears, we get a sense of how different he is when compared to the original Pinky. Dark Pinky wears purple armor with gloves and pretty awesome spikes on his shoulders; he also has a long purple cape. The tufts of fur on his head are more straight and less curled, he has fangs, and wears a metal headpiece that (I believe) allows him to read minds. He still retains the iconic verbal tics that Pinky has and he also does an evil laugh after nearly everything he says. His personality is similar to Pinky, but with a slightly more villainous side. He finds pleasure in creating dastardly plans, showing the power and control he has, and relinquishes in the suffering he brings to others. However, he remains excitable, gets distracted by inane things, and his plans are more comical when compared to how the fandom would shape him to be. Dark Pinky does plan on murdering both Pinky and Brain but is defeated after he reads Pinky's mind and finds "horrifying imagery." He eventually returns in Issue #24 where he ends up trying to take over via public broadcasting. He's now bent on revenge and has a group of minions (in hilarious purple costumes) at his behest. He even calls upon the help of Poison Billie (another semi-popular character from this universe), and the two look like they may succeed. Eventually, Brain and Pinky do manage to defeat Dark Pinky and Poison Billie once again, this time seemingly for good. Dark Pinky's plan in this issue is very ridiculous and isn't scary in the slightest. It's almost intriguing on how he started out as such a comical villain before a few people decided to make him a little more unique. Dark Pinky remains to this day a comic exclusive character, never appearing in any of the T.V shows or even getting a mention in the series. The comics have also been questioned for the canonicity due to a few factors. However, Dark Pinky wouldn't be forgotten for long. Things only get weirder from here.
Dark Pinky and the Tumblr Sexyman Trope:
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Now we're getting to the point where we must discuss the fandom. But before we do that, let's talk about the thing that made him famous in the first place: the Tumblr Sexyman craze. In the early 2010's after the release of the film The Lorax, a group of adolescent girls became attached to the character of The Once-ler, but not for his personality, rather for his appearance. The trend started up on Tumblr and began to grow in popularity to massive degrees. And this fandom was weird to say the least. People shipped the Once-ler with himself or alternate versions of himself and he became known as the first official Tumblr sexyman. However, as the years passed, more and more characters were added to the collection of Tumblr sexymen. Most of them had a common theme: tall, white, baddie/emo, often seen in suits. Others such as Sans from Undertale were a little different but still contained a few typical tropes. To be considered a sexyman, a character needed to showcase at least one or two of these traits plus have a dedicated following with a lot of fanart and/or fanfiction. They also can be considered conventionally unattractive or non-human. After the introduction of the Tumblr sexyman, many fandoms tried their best to find a perfect match for the rising phenomenon. And luckily, the Animaniacs/PaTB fandom had their candidate. While Pinky Suavo also caught on very quickly and was more well-known for his episode, Dark Pinky seemed to be the most accurate to the previously established tropes, being tall, white, evil, wearing purple armor, having a mysterious past, and sporting a super cool design. The potential for him was rabid and he seemed to check off all the boxes perfectly. It did take a while for people to find him, considering the comics are so obscure, but eventually Dark Pinky would hit the fandom in a way previously not though of before. Nobody would realize the impact this character would have. Until it was too late.
Dark Pinky is a Sensation (And how the fandom changed him):
Art featured below is by the incredibly talented @wimsiecal And if you're perchance reading this, I just want to tell you that your art is amazing and you have made me obsessed with Dark Pinky to an unhealthy degree!!! :) Seriously please go follow them if you haven't already, I'm begging you!!
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After the fandom discovered Dark Pinky from the depths of the comic book series, his popularity skyrocketed, especially after the 2020 fandom revival. He quickly became known as the Pinky and The Brain Tumblr sexyman and that hasn't changed since, though Pinky Suavo has joined him. Dark Pinky fanart, fanfiction, and various other forms of media became extremely sought after and many posts would get thousands upon thousands of views/likes. Despite never appearing in the series, fans of Dark Pinky's would often point out moments where Pinky acted like his evil counterpart, some even editing screenshots to have Pinky appear like him. However, since Dark Pinky only appeared in two comics, the fans naturally had to get creative with him. Many fans have completely changed his character, altering his appearance every so slightly, or expanding on his past and personality. Dark Pinky's fan design was only a tad bit different. He was given sharper edges, different outfits in various shades of purple and black, a more detailed helmet, and he even appeared without the whole getup. Dark Pinky's design without armor or the helmet was entirely made up by fans. Here, he has the same body as Pinky but with scars (including a super cool one over his eye), dark eye shadow, and black painted nails. Dark Pinky's personality was also altered, making him a legitimate threat and an actual evil villain. He kills, his grip on the world is ruthless, he treats his servants like crap, and he shows no mercy to anyone. His comical plots from the comics are no more as he's become kind of scary and menacing. You don't want to mess with him. Yes he does have a sense of humor, but it's often twisted or at the expense of others. Dark Pinky still on occasion does an evil laugh or has a verbal tic but it's usually when he's upset. Some fans have given him a soft side; some of which include his feminine urges remaining intact and that he has a fondness for cheese. But be careful. In a few variations from people in the community, Brain is mysteriously absent. Mentioning Brain to Dark Pinky in those universes will often cause him to go into an insane rage. These fun and interesting pieces that were added to Dark Pinky not only make him more interesting, but add to his status as a Tumblr sexyman. These changes aren't technically canon, but they're arguably better since they make Dark Pinky stand out. It is quite strange to see him change from a comical antagonist to a semi-serious villain worth being feared, but it was much appreciated.
Dark Pinky Gets a Love Interest and an AU (Dark Future Ship/Fan-made Universes):
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For the longest time, Dark Pinky didn't have a love interest of any kind. Sure, if you wanted to be shunned you could ship him with Poison Billie (please don't), but Brinky was the name of the game. The ship between Pinky and Brain was, and still is, incredibly popular among fans, after it gained popularity in the late 2000's and early 2010's. And of course when Dark Pinky got popular, he needed someone to be paired with. For a while, he would be shipped with just regular Brain or a fan-made evil version of Brain if creativity was present. Luckily, the fans finally got their perfect match when the Animaniacs reboot came out. In episode 9, the character of Future Brain was created and fans immediately compared him to Dark Pinky. Their color schemes were similar with both mice being seen in purple. Future Brain had a scar, robotic hand, and half of his face was robotic, all of which fit into Dark Pinky's universe very well. The hints that Future Brain was betrayed by Pinky also had many theorizing that he came from a future ruled by Dark Pinky, connecting the two together even more. It wasn't long before Future Brain and Dark Pinky ship fanart and fanfiction began popping up everywhere. Since the duo had very similar esthetics, they could be drawn together easily. The story potential was also very high as well. Dark Pinky and Future Brain dominated (pun intended) the fanbase and soon became seen as an alternate ship to Brinky. But while Brinky was healthy and cute, Dark Future (Often called the official ship name) was toxic and awkward. Some people portrayed them as an evil couple ruling the world together, while others painted their relationship in a negative light, where Dark Pinky was abusive and manipulative. It depended solely on what person was developing the story. Future Brain was also added to the quickly developing Dark Pinky alternate universe which has been shown via the extremely popular ask blog askdarkpinky. Featuring beautiful fanart and a darkly humorous tone, this blog is a must-view for any Dark Pinky fan. It created an expansive universe with lore, locations, and alternate versions of popular characters. Snowball remains consistent in the flashback sequences, aligning with his canon character exactly. Billie retains a majority of elements from Poison Billie minus the orange hair, including the plant themed outfit. Julia has a new look with a lab coat and goggles. She's works for Dark Pinky, making all of his technology. Brain is noticeably absent from this universe, with only hints to his possible location. It's also implied that this is in fact Future Brain and that he might be doing something. Dark Pinky goes crazy when Brain is brought up and refuses to hear anything about him. This drama and conflict is so interesting. The creation of this ship and various alternate universes only increased Dark Pinky's popularity and now, he stands as a cornerstone of the Pinky and The Brain fanbase.
Conclusion: Though Pinky himself is a beloved character, Dark Pinky stands on his own as a fandom favorite. From his design to his personality and potential, he fits the Tumblr sexyman ideology to near perfection. The fans have shaped this character and have made him stand apart from the rest. Sure, he's evil and doesn't treat things with care, but he's a good character. It's really spectacular that people in the community were able to turn Dark Pinky from a villain that existed mainly for comedy to a threatening presence with an un-hinged mindset. The fans are truly to thank for bringing Dark Pinky into greatness and there's hope that he can remain relevant and continue to entertain people (and make people question their sanity/sexuality) for a few more years to come.
OMG!! Pinky Week is finally done!! Woo hoo!! I'd like to thank all of you for sticking with me for this long period of time. You have been the thing that's kept me making these. I'll be taking a small break for the next few days and then Brain Week will begin! I can assure you guys that Brain Week will not take as long and will be better planned out. I can't wait to begin! Anyways, that's it for Pinky Week! Thank you for reading and have a great day/night! Happy (possibly belated) Dark Pinky Thursday to everyone!! Narf!
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