#yes i just made up three ship names don't @ me
circeius-invidioso · 3 months
I do not get why the Red Corsairs are not a popular choice.
Like here is the elevator pitch for the warband and then we can come to some justified conclusion.
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What isn't there to love?
You want me to turn into an infomencial and make a top 3 reasons why the Red Corsairs are great?
Cause I can.
And I will.
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The Diverse Working Enviroment
Here in the Red Corsairs we might have started as Ultramarines but the barrier for entry is on the floor. So anyone can join.
You are Night Lord with a bad rep and no ship.
Buckle up we got you covered.
You are a Fallen and have 20 Dark Angels all up in yo business? Trying to shoot down the boss babe you are?
Fear not, or in our case. Know no Fear. We are strapped and don't get clapped.
You are a traitor that likes their Legion but sadly you got in our way?
Tough luck buddy, you will join or die and your geene seed will join our cause. Nothing personal battle brother. Just business as usual.
Everyone is welcome as long as they follow Huron's guidelines and don't aggitate the topless sweaty Khorne worshipping Ultramarines in the basement.
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Unlike the corrupt Imperium of man and the corpse Emperor our leader is powered by miracles (which is trully a miracle how he survived but that on the next section), and we use 0 psyckers to power our crap.
Our carbon footprint is also minimum as we use salvaged goods and don't indulge in toxic industries that destroy worlds.
The Red Corsair base of operation is in the Eye of Terror and from there we expand our scope. A place greatly known for its constant shifts, and horrible conditions but the tan our serfs have are spectacullar from all that cosmic radiation.
Finally we are commited to recycling. As in we take from our victims benefactors and put those stolen goods to some great use. Nothing goes to waste, neither mortal, nor static object. If something is not nailed on the floor we will take it.
In fact we might take the floor too and the nails used to set it in place.
Nothing goes to waste!
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Unmatched Leadership
Last, but certainly not least.
The man.
The myth.
The Legend.
Huron Blackheart.
Aka Lufgt Huron.
Aka what would happen if we gave a compressed Guilliman a daemonic familiar and left him to ferment in a warp storm.
Not only the name is so edgy you might cut yourself by saying it out loud. But also it's complex enough that if you say it quickly three times without twisting your tongue theres is a chance furniture might start levitating.
The man has put his Ultramarine brain to use and amased enough influence and power to put the Black Legion to shame.
Huron went from 0 to 100 in no time, he is a self made Warmaster. With no daddy issues or troubles in the world, he goes into battle blasting Alestorm in the voxxcasters.
He does not care.
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He probably wears this when he wants to relax.
You think he cares?
He does not care.
He has a biker gang specifically organized to hunt down those who have betrayed him.
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They slap those things on their armors not for the usual biker reason
(which fun fact the meaning is, 99% of the bikers are law-abiding, where the 1% are not. That's where the 1% comes from. The more you know 🌈)
no they wear that 1% because that's how high are your chances of escaping from them are.
Is that a bit extreme?
You think he cares?
He does not care.
The dude once gathered his buddies and decided...
to you know. Have a casual outing. Nothing too serious, it was a sunday afteral.
So they decided on.
Kidnapping Guilliman.
Which they almost did if not for a Fallen of all people getting in the way.
But still.
The mad lad took Macragge's Honour and went on a joyride/ mini civil war.
Who in the galaxy can turn and say.
Yeah, I stole Macragge's Honour, almost captured my old Primarch. Told a daemon prince they are irrelevant on my way there. Anyway after crushing a fool who thought he could take my crown as king of the space pirates, I went to the home planet of the White Scars and kidnapped and tortured their Chapter Master. What did you do this week? 💅
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
You tell me I can be an immortal, gorgeous chaos Ultramarine goth boy going on pirate adventures across the galaxy?
Where do I sign up?
I don't need ink for a signature.
I will use my own blood.
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
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forethoughts: did you miss me? and yes this is a reupload because i messed something up.
notes: i have an entire story planned for this. dw i'm cooking something guys stay with me.
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“She hates me. She hates me. She hates me.” the captain repeated to himself.
The boy took a deep breath, before standing up, meeting Zoro's gaze.
“Alright, i’ll tell you… but don't tell anyone else, okay?”
“Just tell me.”
The captain took a deep breath. “Yesterday…”
It was any other day for the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Mess around, play with Usopp, annoy Nami and hope not to get hit, annoy Sanji and hope not to get hit, all the fun stuff. Life on the ship was fun for him; he was by his crew’s side, and most importantly, his girlfriend. Luffy loved annoying you; that was probably his favorite pastime compared to all the other things he would do on a regular day. 
Luffy had met you on an island, fighting against some petty thieves who were trying to rob you. He immediately fell in love with you and your bravery and your want to fight, so he recruited on board. Truly, it was love at first sight.
Today Luffy decided to surprise you. A gift of some sort. He wanted to buy you something (with Nami’s permission) to just say ‘thanks for being my girlfriend’. On the last island, he had picked out a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a box of chocolates he resisted from eating. He had set up your bedroom with fancy decorations: candlesticks, more of your favorite flowers, and a meal Sanji had made after begging him, promising that he wouldn’t try to steal from the kitchen after dark ever again. 
All that was missing was you, of course. 
Luffy had told you that he had a surprise waiting for you in your bedroom, a surprise that you would surely love. You told him that you had to go use the bathroom, just to shower and freshen up before his surprise. Luffy agreed; he also took a bath prior to the meal just to make you even more happy. So he sat there, waiting. Waiting for you to come. What’s taking you so long in the bathroom? Luffy knew that women's stuff made you take longer in the shower, but you were already taking longer than your normal bath time. Curious, he crept towards your bathroom, pressing his ear against the door.
“...three days. Three days until we reach another island. That’s what the navigator said.” Luffy raised an eyebrow at your voice. Were you talking to someone?
“No I don’t know where they keep- I’m sorry.” 
You were definitely talking to someone. Luffy remained quiet, trying to listen in on your conversation.
“Luffy? What about him?”
His heart tightened at the sound of his name leaving your mouth.
“I haven’t learnt much about him. He keeps to himself. I know I’m his girlfriend, doesn’t mean I still have the right to pry into his life- I’m sorry, I’m not talking back. I’ll try and gather more information before we dock. What do you mean Aokiji is going to- I’m sorry. Okay. Alright.”
You stopped talking again.
“The crew? What do you want to know about the crew?”
Luffy held his breath, his ears trying to fit into the keyhole on the door, trying to find out who you were talking to and what you were up to.
“Roronoa Zoro? He sleeps a lot, but is still as deadly as previous reports made. The cook? He likes girls. A lot. Such a creepy pervert, but a really good chef. Yes, Nico Robin is still part of the crew. She reads a lot, doesn’t do much except for that. She’s really nice, though, even if she’s quiet most of the- Sorry. The navigator? She likes money. A lot of money. The dude with a long nose? That’s Usopp. He’s kind of a coward and a wimp when it comes to things, but he is funny and nice.”
Luffy listened to you rattle off every single of his crew, giving a short description about them. He heart thudded, trying to come up with conclusions or speculate about who you were talking to and why. More importantly, why did you have to do it during your shower? You couldn’t have been a marine; Zoro had checked you out before you joined and cleared you. So who were you talking to? You had mentioned Aokiji, a vice admiral for the marines.
Luffy trusted Zoro. If Zoro said you were clear, you were clear.
Luffy also trusted you. He loved you. He was your boyfriend. The two of you were as close as Luffy was to Zoro.
“I know why you sent me here. I know my job. I know, I know. The Straw Hats are dangerous. We’ll be docking in three days. I’ll ask the navigator again just to confirm. Yes, yes, I know. The marines are justice, pirates are evil. I’ll talk to you soon.” 
The moment you hung up the den den mushi, Luffy leaped back into his seat, pretending like nothing just happened. Shortly after, you came out, a smile on your face.
“Luffy! Did you set all this up! This is so romantic!” You squealed, hugging your boyfriend as you sat down across the glass table from him, looking at the meal. “Did Sanij make this?”
“U-Um, yeah? Yeah. Yeah, he did.” Luffy responded after a pause.
You raised your eyebrow at his sudden pause, and the stuttering in his speech. Luffy never stuttered in his speech. The only time he did was when he was trying to confess to you. “Are you okay, Luffy dear?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just concerned that the food is getting cold!” Luffy nodded his head vigorously, taking the opportunity to shove a handful of food into his mouth.
You laughed at his sudden action, as Luffy let out a sigh, thankful you weren’t suspicious of him anymore.
“So, what was all of this for? I don’t think our anniversary’s till next month.” You ask, taking a bite out of your dinner. 
“I just wanted to say I love you! And thanks for being my girlfriend!” Luffy exclaimed with his excited voice, making himself forget whatever call he just eavesdropped on. That wasn’t his business to know what it was about, and he shouldn’t have eavesdropped.
But she was talking about your crew. A small voice crept upon his shoulder. He tried to ignore it, focusing on the good thing. You were his girlfriend. You made him happy. He made you happy. He loved you. You loved him.
Or does he? 
The two voices in his mind argued against each other, bickering, as Luffy’s hand kept reaching towards the bread basket, shoving loaf after loaf as he tried to pay attention to what you were saying. He occasionally would nod his head in agreement to whatever you said, trying to act like he’s actually listening to you, but in his mind, he was thinking of something else… thinking of doing something else…
“So you kicked Y/N out because of that call?” Zoro scoffed.
“I didn’t want to… b-but, I don’t think Y/N is evil… I don’t think she is. Y/N wouldn’t do that. Y/N isn’t like that.” The young captain wiped his tears away.
“That call you described really sounds like Y/N is working for the marines.”
“She isn’t! You checked her.”
“I did. And nothing came up.”
The two stared at each other.
“I didn’t want to kick Y/N off… but until I figure out more about what that call was about… I can’t jeopardize the crew and the ship. If she…” Luffy choked. “If she is working for the marine… then I can’t have her on board anymore. But she’s not… I know it. There’s something else we don’t know. And I’m going to find out.”
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firephoenix2305 · 10 days
I just...I...just....
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They're so...they're just...
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I just spent an ENTIRE 43 MINUTES squealing and twirling my hair like a SCHOOLGIRL because these two...
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This entire episode has made me so happy.
And what a bittersweet ending. Although, what is it with the love of The Doctor's life getting stuck in alternate dimensions? Bit of a parallel with Rose there...
Anyway, digressing. Where was I? Oh, yeah!
ALBNFKKLBVSKVBJKB!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM. I ADORE THEM. I MEAN, LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Need I tell you how I screamed my little lungs out with...
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"Find me"
*Takes a deep breath*
Terribly sorry, I don't know what has gotten into me with this episode. Possibly one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes ever. Certainly this season's best so far, Imo.
Did I mention I love The Doctor and Rogue? And that they are extremely adorkable and that they're killing me and that I will fangril over them until my dying breath? Probably did.
I am so invested in these two I didn't even pay much attention to Susan Twist. Or the fact that the bad guys were canonically roleplaying Bridgerton cosplayers. Or to Ruby, really (bless her).
New hiperfixation unlocked. This is going to be great and horrible at the same time. It's like ineffable husbands all over again. I need fics. Like right now. Please. Thank you.
And one more thing. Just one more, I promise, and then I'll stop shouting in your ear :)
If Rogue (aka the love of The Doctor's life/fiancé and nobody can tell me otherwise) is not brought back at some point during Ncuti's run I WILL START A FUCKING RIOT. I MEAN IT. I WILL MARCH INTO THE BBC WITH A TORCH AND A PITCHFORK AND I WILL....
*Takes another deep breath*
Ahem. That got a little away from me...
Anyway, that's all. Thanks for bearing. Shout with me in reblogs or replies if you want. If anyone needs me I'll be rewatching the scene of them in the TARDIS approximately three thousand times and smiling at my screen like an idiot.
Good evening. <3
PS: Haven't been this excited about a TV couple since Good Omens, and THAT is saying something.
PPS: I just went on a crazy gif hunt and might have now possibly got a folder full of Doctor X Rouge (Someone tell me when you come up with a ship name please) gifs. So I have absolutely no clue who made what. But yeah, they're not mine, and whover created them...thanks!
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naomihatake · 8 months
In search of freedom (Ch. 6)
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6. Where are you when I need you the most?
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⠀⠀➺ fic masterlist
⠀⠀➺ Chapter 5 ; Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7
⠀⠀⠀⠀She's been searching for freedom her entire life and everytime she thought it was laying right in front of her eyes, she was mistaken. She was running around the East Blue, seeking herself and her dreams, meeting people she never forgot. No matter how much she traveled, she could only catch a glimpse of peace before realizing everything would crumble at her feet.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe it was destiny that brought her on that ship with three strangers — foolishly, that's what she tried to believe when the moon shined beautifully and hope settled in her chest, squeezed by the same ribcage where feelings were blooming.
Pairing: female!reader x OPLA Zoro Roronoa
Warnings for this chapter: angst, graphic depictions of deaths and fatal wounds, vomiting, self-harm, brief suicidal mention, canon-typical violence. (proceed with caution since it's getting a tiny bit gore)
Word count: 9,1 k (I'm proud of myself tbh)
Theme song: fic spotify playlist (click on the link)
A/N: I'm sorry for appearing with a new chapter 9 days later and I hope the wait was worth it. I dropped more details about the Witch's past in this chapter and some interesting interactions with her other crewmates. The next week I'm free, which means there's a chance I might most two charters until next Sunday <3.
I'm always open for opinions and comments. Whatever you want to tell me, just do it, even all you feel like doing is leaving a heart in my comments or inbox. Every interaction is appreciated and thank you so much for sticking to this story till now <3
The reader is referred to as "Witch" because I have no intentions of using "Y/N".
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A warm palm touched her shoulder and squeezed reassuringly, but with no effect. The witch turned her head towards Luffy, her glassy eyes betraying her. It made their captain frown with worry. The sound of her real name slipping from between his lips stung worse than expected. 
"It'll be alright," he smiled. "Zoro is a strong swordsman."
With horror painting her features, she shook her head and placed her shaking hand over his, gripping gently. 
"You don't get it, Luffy, do you?" her voice came out like a whisper. "It's not just any dwell and that man isn't just any swordsman. I've seen plenty of people dying in front of my eyes, the crew I used to be part of, they didn't hold a chance against—"
She sank her teeth in her lower lip and looked up, blinking away the tears. Her breath was shaking and the grip on Luffy's hand got tighter. Slowly, she inhaled deeply, body trembling as her lungs swallowed the morning cold breeze. 
Both Usopp and Luffy were frowning, listening intently to her words. 
"This won't end well," she concluded. "He willingly got himself in danger. Zoro is nothing but some prey for Mihawk."
Luffy's sympathetic gaze didn't help her, it didn't ease her worries as he hoped. Her panic was fed by each single thought passing through her head, by each memory making a nest in the present. 
"I've met one single Warlord in my entire life and he destroyed half of the strongest crew I ever knew at that time. I know who they are, I know their tactics, I know they're not to play with."
Both of her hands were clasped around Luffy's shoulder, turbulent eyes meeting his. The tips of her nails dug lightly in his skin, but he didn't wince or move. 
"Yes, we are strong, but still not strong enough for them," the witch intentionally lowered her voice so it wouldn't crack into sobs. "Please tell me you know I didn't argue with him because I like to. Please tell me you get what I mean, Luffy. I'm scared."
She was barely aware of her admission, but it was hard to hold back. The witch wasn't a scaredy-cat, she didn't run away, pride filled her being all too well to ever lose a battle, be it against herself or others. That time, however, she was scared out of her mind for the swordsman. 
Luffy gave her the sweetest smile she's seen in ages and squeezed her shoulder again. "He will be alright." 
She let her head tilt forward, hands falling back to her sides. His faith was greater than her fears, but he couldn't erase the panic settling in her bones. 
"You have no clue how much I wish you were right." 
It hurt. Her chest hurt and something was crawling up her throat, differently than back in Syrup Village. It made her feel nauseous, it bubbled in her stomach and gripped at her neck, it constricted her lungs and air punctured their tissue. 
Zoro just walked out of the galley exactly when the sun could be barely seen rising up from the waters. The bandana was wrapped around his head and his earrings chimed like a melody, making her head turn towards him. 
The same horrified gaze from hours ago was stuck on him and yet he chose to ignore her, passing by without even casting a glance. 
She stood there when Usopp, Luffy and Zoro walked by, her back turned to them. The witch had to collect the pieces of her broken heart before daring to glance at a list fight on the swordsman's side. Mihawk was already waiting for them right in front of the restaurant. 
She couldn't watch another dear person die. Not again. 
Her fingers dug painfully into her palms, until her nails left crescent marks on the skin, until it hurt so badly the tears in her eyes couldn't fall. Their synchronized steps beat like drums, just like her heart. 
Everything was blurred out. She didn't dare look until she heard swords clashing. Like a snap, her head turned. 
Mihawk stopped Zoro's attack with one small knife. 
He had no chance against the warlord, just like she guessed. 
No, she thought. I can't be pessimistic now. Maybe at least he'll get out alive—
But pirates don't just let their dwell partners live, the other side of her conscience commented. 
Each one of Zoro's attacks were either stopped or dodged so easily by Mihawk, who seemed like he was playing rather than fighting. He was so light on his feet, body moving like a feather between Zoro's blades. 
The warlord sent her green-haired crewmate flying back with a mere push of his knife when he blocked yet another one of his attacks. When Zoro got back to his feet and rushed towards him, Mihawk continued dodging each one of his attacks. 
The witch could only hear a muffled conversation from a distance. She didn't even notice when Nami passed by her until she saw orange strands of hair bouncing in her vision. 
The navigator didn't come from the restaurant, as she should've since she searched for a drink — or that's what she said. She walked from the other side of the dock. Her hands trembled by her side and she walked slowly, fearfully, her body so stiff, until she stopped behind Luffy. 
The witch focused for so long on Nami, her gaze fell on Zoro only when the right side of his chest was penetrated by Mihawk's knife. 
Air got stuck in her throat and time stopped in its tracks. Her feet were stuck right where they were and she couldn't move an inch. 
Zoro, his name lingered in her thoughts, the sound of it along with the sweet chiming of his golden earrings. 
Time stretched like an elastic. Seconds passed by at an agonizingly slow pace, as if the Universe itself decided to torture her with that image. 
Swords. Corpses. Blood. Fear. 
The witch let out a shaky breath while she trembled like a leaf in the breeze. 
Zoro made a step back, the knife slipping away from his flesh. With a few other steps, he fell to his knees, with his swords digging into the wooden battens to keep himself steady. 
Mihawk curled his fingers around the hilt of the sword on his back. 
It seemed like he decided to end it all right then and there. 
The witch didn't know if it was her imagination when Zoro seemed to glance towards her for a brief moment. All she knew was that her heart sank into her stomach and she could hear the audible cracks of her soul. The green-haired man took his white sword, placing it in between his teeth. 
His gaze moved back to Mihawk so quickly she could barely register it. Her stomach turned upside down and her chest tightened when she saw Zoro rotating his other two swords faster than the brain was able to comprehend. 
Mihawk and Zoro jumped into the attack at the same time. She didn't know if their swords collided or not. 
Zoro fell to his knees again, panting. The swords in his hands crumbled into pieces all the way to the hilt, right in the middle of the runes the witch drew hours ago on the blades. His Wado Ichimoji fell from between his teeth. 
He didn't stop there. Of course that fucking idiot didn't stop. He used the white sword to get up, resting his weight into it until he finally stood straight again, turning to Mihawk. Carefully, he sheathed his Wado Ichimoji. 
With his arms held in the air and hands curled into fists, Zoro didn't let go of his word as he proudly admitted:
"Wounds on the back are a swordsman's greatest shame."
The warlord said one word the witch didn't hear and then, with a swift motion, his sword cut deeply through Zoro's chest. 
The green-haired man fell on his back, eliciting a shout of his name from Luffy. 
His name was all the witch could hear while she rushed to his side, tears blurring her vision, tears she couldn't afford to show. 
Just like he did a few moments ago, the witch got to her knees, eyes focused on the t-shirt getting soaked in Zoro's blood. 
"Fucking dammit," she spoke in a hoarse voice, hands trembling. 
He was bleeding heavily, the dark blue nuance of his shirt replaced by dark crimson. The wound started from under his left clavicle and curved through his chest, all the way to the right side of his ribs. Without a second thought, the witch took off her unbuttoned shirt and folded it, just to press the material on his large wound. 
"Monkey D. Luffy," Mihawk said. "what's your goal?" 
"I'm going to become the King of the Pirates," Luffy responded through gritted teeth. 
The witch's burning gaze raised to the warlord who stood tall meters away, putting his sword back in place on his back. Her fingers ached to touch her revolvers and shoot holes through that man until she's satisfied, until the monster lurking in the depths of her soul had its blood thirst quenched. However, her hands remained pressed against her shirt, trying her best to stop Zoro's bleeding. 
She's always been revengeful when people dear to her heart were harmed. Revenge she never denied, a trait of hers she's accepted long ago. 
"That's a much more treacherous path than even defeating me. This world could use a few more wild cards."
"Go fuck yourself," the witch let out with wrath burning in her eyes. 
She clenched her jaw and her eyebrows knitted together into a deep frown. Anger filled each corner of her being, blinding her almost all the way up, filling her to the brim. 
One more drop and she would lash out. 
Zoro's safety was more important than her rage and she was completely aware of that. The wounded swordsman was the only reason why she stood still by his side. 
"It's too soon for him to die," and with that, Mihawk's gaze fell back on the green-haired man. "Roronoa Zoro, grow strong and come find me. I'll be waiting."
Fucker, the witch's thought wasn't voiced out that time while the warlord walked away. 
"Luffy," Zoro spoke in such a soft voice. 
The witch and Luffy immediately looked back at him. He was struggling to breathe properly, that mere motion probably making his entire body ache painfully. 
"If I fail to become the world's greatest swordsman," he faintly spoke, barely able to open up his eyes. After some greedy gulps of air, he continued: "you'll be disappointed. Right?" 
With a shaky breath, Luffy smiled at him as tears gathered in his eyes. 
"You could never fail me." 
The witch could feel her body shake when she realized the swordsman's life was hanging on a thread. 
"Never again. From now… until I beat him," Zoro continued talking in between panting. 
The witch wished she could tell him something, anything, but all she could do was continue pressing her shirt over his wound. Looking at him in that state made her heart squeeze in the cage made of ribs, wishing she could be in his place and take his pain away. 
With trembling hands, he somehow managed to draw his Wado Ichimoji out of its scabbard, holding it up as he looked up at the blue sky. 
"To become the greatest swordsman… I will never lose again!" he let out with a shaky breath, voice scratching at the witch's eardrums. 
One of her hands curled around his shoulder and squeezed firmly, intending to bring his attention to her only for a second. 
"I'm sorry about what I said, alright?" she gulped down hard, her voice cracking. "You need to live, yeah? I know you'll become the greatest. I'm sorry, Zoro, I'm sorry." 
She was sorry for lashing out at him. If they were to part ways in that moment, then she'd rather make sure he never believed she was mad at him, that she didn't hate him even for a second. It was a feeling her heart wasn't capable of harboring towards him — never him. She would've ripped her ribcage open and given him her heart if she could. 
The witch could only hope his tired and pained self heard her words, even as his eyes closed immediately after his arm dropped to his side along with the sword. 
"You better stay alive," she whispered while looking down at him. 
Her words became muffled from his perspective. All he heard was his name being spoken multiple times by Luffy and Usopp. 
The witch has been sitting on the floor of her shared room with Nami for a while now, ever since the navigator started reading. Zoro laid unconsciously on her bed, bandages wrapped around his torso. For a long time, she didn't even dare look at him. 
She will be eternally grateful for Zeff's help — the chef cook of Baratie who snitched Zoro up and told them to do whatever was necessary to keep him alive, be it telling stories or singing sea shanties. 
Despite the fact that Zoro's wound wasn't bleeding anymore, her heart still screamed at her. 
With knees pulled up to her chest and her forehead resting in between them, she wrapped her arms around her stomach, subconsciously protecting herself from God-knows-what. She couldn't sleep either, despite listening to Nami's alluring voice as she read from a book. 
The bandage on her upper arm was worn out and it's been longer than a day since Zoro wrapped it. It was dirty with blood from the time when she intentionally squeezed it before sobs could leave her lips. 
Nami stopped reading, but the witch didn't register the lack of sounds surrounding her until she heard a voice. She didn't bother to raise her head, keeping her eyes closed as she responded:
"Can you say that again? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"Pull yourself together," Nami whispered. 
The witch knew that if she'd look up, she'd see a scolding or maybe a worried pair of blue eyes staring at her. 
"I will when the situation asks for it," plainly, she dismissed the navigator. "Until then, I couldn't give less of a fuck."
She was aware of her position, of how small she looked, curled like a ball against the wall, hugging herself and praying to every God she knew that the swordsman would wake up. It was pathetic, but there was no wiser way to hide her overwhelming pain. Wrapping around herself sounded like the most helpful option. 
"There are a few things you two should talk about when he wakes up," Nami closed the book with a small thud. 
"I'd tell anyone anything if I knew he'd wake up," this time, her voice trembled lightly. 
The witch swallowed the lump in her throat that's been sitting there uncomfortably for hours, with no positive effect. The only way to even her breathing was by holding the air in her lungs for a few seconds and letting it all go with a long exhale. 
Only then, the witch raised her head. She looked deplorable, with disheveled hair and sunken eyes, dark circles under them from the lack of sleep. Her chapped lips were red because she ripped the skin off with her nails again. There was no sign of life on her face. 
Obviously, she's had better days. Everyone did, probably. 
"Maybe it's because I'm sorrow-drunk and can't bring myself to hide it anymore, but I have to tell you something."
She's been debating on whether or not she shall tell Nami about her suspicions ever since she pulled out those two cards out of the tarot deck. 
"I know you're hiding something, but you can't hide it from me."
The truth has been spoken. With her heart beating loudly in her eardrums and threatening to break her ribs, she continued. 
"I know. You're planning betrayal."
The navigator's eyes widened as panic flooded in her soul. The orange haired woman had no clue where all this came from, didn't know how fuck she found out about that, when and why—
"I didn't tell anyone."
"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" came out Nami's sharp response. 
"I never expected you to admit it, if I am to be honest."
The witch rubbed her palms over her face and sighed heavily, as if a weight was pressed on top of her body. 
"I also know there's more to the story. I don't know what or who you're protecting yourself from, I have no clue exactly why you're doing all this, but there's one thing I know for sure: the world is sitting on your shoulders, yet you refuse letting us help you carry it."
Nami stiffened in her chair. Her back straightened and her empty gaze pushed the witch out of her thoughts. 
"Are you jumping to conclusions because of some stupid cards?"
"They definitely know more than me."
"Did you read you should treat your paranoia in there too?"
"While I admit there are times when I have crippling anxiety," the witch calmly stated, "I'm one hundred percent sure this isn't just a fairy tale. It's your choice to tell me or continue to keep it for yourself."
"But?" her voice lowered dangerously close to snapping. 
"But we're not your enemies, Nami, and you know that well."
Not an answer the navigator expected, definitely. 
"Zoro is unconscious on the bed and you're talking in metaphors — have you all gotten insane on this ship?" 
"If I did, it was long before stepping on The Going Merry," the witch let out a stiffled laugh. 
She dropped her forehead on her knees again, squeezing herself tighter in the embrace. The witch wasn't any less panicked than Nami, since opening up such a discussion scared her deeply. It was better than hiding and lying, though, and it felt less guilty. 
"Why did you tell me this?" Nami asked with a whisper. "Be it right or wrong, why would you?" 
"You don't deserve to be lied to, Nami. It makes me feel bad — hiding this from you made me feel like garbage from the start."
Even then, a gram of her guilt vanished. 
"You're weirdly honest. You're aware this will haunt you one day, aren't you?" 
"It's been haunting me since I got born," a sour smile painted the witch's face. 
"The devil must've put some kind of curse on you." 
"I only believe in evil spirits, sorry."
She didn't know where that soft laugh came from. Maybe it was her way of copying with the anxiety, with the pain. All she knew was that she hoped Nami wouldn't hide from them forever. 
"Is there anything else you want to accuse me of?"
Faster than Usopp's snapping, Nami was once again serious, and the witch didn't have to look at her to figure it out. 
"I never accused you. I know I'm right, but I'm not aware of the entire truth. You, on the other side, are aware of your own reality and I believe in your judgment. I hope you'll make the wisest decision and I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart." 
"That's rich coming from someone so suspicious."
She's always been that way, the witch had to admit it. It wasn't only anxiety or tarot readings, there were times when she was straight up acting and thinking like a paranoid and it was cutting years off her life. Worrying and thinking over and over again, being hyper aware of everyone's actions, including her own. 
Nami resumed her reading, her voice strained this time, as if she forced herself to talk out loud. Each syllable sounded rougher than the other, but that didn't stop the navigator from telling that story. 
The witch wasn't paying attention, instead focusing on the moments spent with all of them, just like last night, when they were all eating and teasing each other. She needed to talk to Zoro, to tell him again that she's sorry. 
Maybe he didn't hear me clearly before he fell unconscious, she wondered. She moved one of her arms and curled her fingers around the wound on her bicep. It stung good. If it could stop the stream of tears threatening to fall, then it was good, no matter how much it hurt, how the pain sunk deep into her bones, making her flinch. 
There was something she wanted to clear out with Nami, but before the witch could speak, approaching steps made her mouth close shut. The presence felt light once her senses registered it, like a sparkling piece of hope — Luffy. She remained like a statue, breathing so slowly it was barely obvious she was still alive. 
"Why did the king have to kill him?" he asked innocently. 
He was referring to Nami's telling. 
Without even having to glance up at him, the witch knew he was feeling unwell. There was no light in his voice and he sounded unsure of himself, so disoriented. 
"Sometimes, when you are in charge, you have to make the tough decisions," she muttered between gritted teeth. 
The witch knew where this conversation was heading. 
"Why does everybody keep saying that?" 
Luffy's voice desperately tried to reach out to the orange-haired woman.
Judging from the creaking of the chair, Nami got up from her seat as she spoke:
"Because you could've saved Zoro. He didn't have to fight Mihawk, but you let it happen. "
A few seconds of silence filled the room with thick tension. 
"Look at her," Nami pointed with her chin towards the witch. "It looks like if he goes, she goes too. If one of us crumbles, everyone does. Look at us, at how we're handling it, at how Zoro does or, better said, how he doesn't handle it."
The witch couldn't understand why she was suddenly part of their conversation or why Nami took her side and tried to protect her from some unknown entity.  Probably, she really looked worse than she thought. A sense of relief patched up one of the countless wounds under her skin when she figured out the navigator said all those things because she cared.
At the very same time, she knew Nami's words must've made Luffy suffer greatly, pushing her to raise her head and give her friends her entire attention.
"Nami," the witch intervened gently. 
"You're in no place to talk," she cut her off quickly, her eyes like turbulent seas. "We're all a mess and it's all because of his stupid decision. But he could've been stopped," Nami turned her head to Luffy again. 
"Nami, stop it," the witch furrowed her eyebrows. "Fighting will do no good. We've argued enough last night, there's no need for that anymore."
Nami was panicked and stressed out of her mind as well. Everything gave her away: the trembling hands, the shaking voice, tone close to breaking in a million pieces with each word, even the tears that gathered in her eyes. However, no drop rolled down her cheek. 
"Tell me, Luffy," Nami vehemently continued with a tensed expression. "Would you see him like this? He might die."
Stop saying that, please, the witch thought as she took in another breath. He knows. Everyone knows. Please, stop saying he'll die because I might believe it too. I want to believe in him, not in whatever life changing lesson the universe gave me. 
"And I'd do anything to save him," Luffy whispered with a tender smile on his face. 
Me too. I'd rip my heart out of my chest and give it to him. I'd rip off my flesh and put it on his wounds. I'd die if I knew my life would be given to him. 
"Anything," Luffy continued. "Except stand in the way of his dream." 
God fucking dammit. 
"We all have dreams, but we outgrow them," Nami clenched her teeth after she spoke. 
"Is that really what you think?" Luffy's smile held so much hope. "Don't you have a dream?" 
"Yeah. Right now, is for Zoro to not die in my bed," the navigator let out in a strangled voice. 
"Isn't there something that you want? Something more," the straw hat whispered. "More than anything else in this world."
When the witch looked at Nami, it was obvious she was on the verge of tearing up, her nostrils flaring. Her eyes were already bloodshot. 
"Not everyone gets to follow their dreams."
Nami didn't wait for any of them to respond before she walked out of the room. The witch got to her feet and tried to catch the navigator's hand in hers, but she wasn't fast enough. All she could do was glance at Luffy and place both of her palms on his shoulders, just like he did at the crack of dawn. 
He looked at the witch with a hopeful and equally worried gaze. 
"I know you meant the best when you encouraged him to follow his dream, Luffy," the witch squeezed his shoulders. "It's alright. Nami knows that as well. She's worried, like all of us. We all said hurtful things to each other lately."
His lips trembled when he attempted to say something, but he didn't dare to anymore. Instead, he searched for reassurance. 
Was he in the wrong? Did Zoro get hurt because of him?
"It's not your fault," the witch continued with a tiny smile on her face. "I promise you. Everything led up to this. It couldn't have been avoided, unfortunately. No one could've stopped Zoro — you know he's a stubborn asshole."
Luffy scoffed. 
"You know I'm right."
"I do," the straw hat nodded shily. "I think…" he gulped down, looking at his feet. "Maybe I can clean his sword for when he'll wake up."
"I'm sure he would be grateful about it. I'll stay here a bit longer."
She didn't let go of Luffy's shoulders until he moved away. Just to ease her concern, he smiled faintly at her before leaving the room. 
Looking down at the unconscious pirate hunter, the witch couldn't believe her eyes. She gulped, not even daring to grasp at his hand, scared he'd break even because of a feather-like touch. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few seconds, opening them again only to see the same man in the exact same position. 
She was scared for him, for his life. She didn't want to be a nuisance and stop him from doing what he believed would bring him happiness. Or maybe that word was too much — but winning against Dracule Mihawk would've made him proud, it would've fulfilled a promise he made to someone long ago. She didn't know who was at the other end of the promise, but he seemed to be a man of his word, so trying to stop him turned her into a selfish person. 
Her eyes were locked on his face, brushing with the back of her hand some small droplets of sweat on his forehead. She was worried out of her mind, now regretting she didn't do more to stop him, to make him change his mind when he was maybe too drunk to think twice. 
"Be careful, Zoro," the witch told him back then, her gaze betraying the worry crippling through her entire being. 
She was right. He should've been more careful. He should've been less reckless, should've listened to Nami and her, even if Luffy encouraged him to chase his dream. Was it really worth it? 
Once again, she sighed. She was selfish, greedy, it was wrong to think that his dream wasn't worth the entire world. Heck, even she would do anything for him, just to see him open his eyes again, just to hear another bored or witty remark coming from between his lips.
Instead, he was silent and still, only the slow movement of his chest visible as he breathed. It was the only thing that managed to bring her an ounce of comfort.
At least he was alive, she continued telling herself. 
It was clawing at her heart, messing with it, her thoughts roaming around, jumping one on top of another. She was overthinking again, the worst habit she could've had — or that's what she silently believed for years. 
The witch should've fought with him to death back then, when he was stubborn enough to throw Nami's words at her while they argued. Maybe it would've made him change his mind. As she continued looking at him, she worthlessly tried to take some of the blame for what happened. 
Hidden under his bandages, the same wound made the woman standing by his side believe she saw the Death Reaper, even if he was the one unconscious on a bed. 
Carefully, she sat down next to him, without taking her eyes off of him even for a moment. 
"You're kind of worrying us all, y'know? Luffy is in denial of your possible death and Nami seems restless. Usopp is too silent for his usual self," she whispered. 
Her first instinct was to touch him, but her fingertips hovered above his hand. She didn't know if it would've been right to seek the warmth of his skin while he wasn't even awake. All the witch could do was hope that deep down in his soul, he felt and heard all of them. 
"I'm worried too. No. Worried is an understatement. I'm terrified," the words trembled as they left her lips, the same chopped lips she sank her teeth into. "I'd rather have you call me an idiot," she chuckled sourly. 
With slow and careful gestures, she gathered enough courage to caress his hand with her fingers, feeling small cuts here and there. He was still warm, which eased a few of her worries. 
She made a long pause, staring at the seemingly lifeless man she would give her life for.  
"Remember when we drank together on the deck, two nights ago?" 
A fragile smile appeared on her face at the reminder of that night. She stole the last drop of his bottle before he could finish it with a grin, playfully nudging at his ribs. He failed to threaten her about how she owes him something for that. He was handling his liquor better than her and yet, he couldn't hide his smirk or the sparkle in his eyes. 
That night, bottles later, the witch got dizzy and tipsy. At first, she almost fell into a sea of melancholy after she shared pieces of her with Zoro. She doesn't remember how, but he got her laughing way too easy with his remarks and some silly stories. 
"You're flushed already," he pointed out back then. 
"You're kinda rosy in the cheeks as well, swordsman." 
At that time she damned the alcohol for the soft gaze she had when she looked at him. Her eyes were sparkling with adoration when they danced on his face, peace sinking in her very bones in his presence. She shouldn't have drank. It was so obvious that she had a soft spot for him, that he had a special place in her heart not even a month after they met. 
And who was at fault for her drunken state that night? Roronoa Zoro, obviously. He was at fault when she giggled and talked too much about too many things at once, so much more passion in her words than usual — was that even possible? he thought to himself. She always had a light and warm way of talking, her voice many times giving away her feelings. 
A promise was a promise, even if she didn't wholeheartedly accept it from the beginning. She surrendered quickly and told him that yes, she owes him something, maybe a secret. 
The witch remembered everything the next day, but acted like her memory had faded. The realization hit her hard the next morning, when she figured out her irrational fear of sharing secrets. She shouldn't have made that promise, so she played dumb, as if the conversation they had was forgotten about. 
"Maybe it's not exactly a secret, but I like it when you call me by my name."
Maybe he hears me. 
"I didn't hear my name being spoken for a long time. It makes me emotional every time, with no exception."
You're a crybaby, he should've said. 
Her hand fully settled on top of his while the witch continued to slowly rub her fingertips into his skin, trying to bring herself back to earth even if her thoughts were sailing through unfortunate memories. 
"I wasn't called by my name for years after my father became a pirate," she continued the story that started during their drinking night. "He aimed to become an Admiral and he was part of the Navy Forces for half of his life. For a long time, he thought he could do better than his comrades and hoped he could change the corruption that took place in the Government and the Marines. Insane, right?" she let out a sour chuckle. "An Admiral becoming a pirate. Everyone called him insane."
Once again, she smiled at the faint memories of her father's warm smile. There were details she didn't mention that night on the deck, like the status of her father in the Navy. 
"I didn't reach ten yet when he left. He considered it would've been dangerous to stay with us and, if I am to be honest, mom would've kicked him out of their home."
Their home, because that place was never her home. 
"Calling me by my name would've meant he still has ties with me and someone might've taken advantage of that."
Nine years ago, the witch was a child who only learnt how to use a kitchen knife for cutting vegetables. That child has been stripped of her innocence a few years later. 
"A few times a year he would visit me. He would hide from the Marines, while I would hide from my mom. I still remember how he was so much happier. He looked younger, like he was living his teenage years and not his thirties. Except for a few days I'd stay with him and his crew, he was roaming around the seas. He never judged a single soul, believing it wasn't his job to do so, even if he would protect anyone who needed help. He changed the meaning of a pirate in a good way."
She turned her head towards the window, watching the blue sky mingling with the sea and the port of Baratie where people were walking on the wooden battens. 
"He was caught by the Marines while he visited me and killed in the center of the city," her voice lowered to a gentle whisper, just like the breeze coming from the open window and giving her goosebumps. 
She remembers that moment all too clearly, eyebrows knitting together as she squeezed Zoro's hand lightly, hoping it would bring some comfort to her shattered heart. 
A life that felt like an eternity already made her believe her name was like damnation for anyone who said it. A few syllables being spoken and you'd be cursed to die one way or another, since her mother refused to call by the name her father chose when she saw light for the first time. Her father and his crew were the only ones calling her name so dearly, with honey latched onto their voices, treating her like a daughter. 
She was someone's daughter when she was with them. And now, by Luffy's side, she was someone's friend. 
"I don't want to watch you die too," only then she looked at him again. "Don't die on me. Don't leave us alone."
There was determination in her tone, mingling with pain and sorrow. Half of her believed in him the same way she believed the sea was blue and that leaves were green. The other half drowned in anguish. 
Zoro seemed almost serene, despite the small frown that never left his face. She took in a deep breath and moved her hand away from his, only to lean over and rest her elbows on her knees. 
She needed some fresh air. 
The witch got up and left the room in a hurry, before tears would've slipped down her cheeks. She pushed it all aside, holding it in, since there was no time to weep at anyone's grave. Zoro was still breathing, even if half dead. 
He will get better. He had to. 
She walked into the galley. Standing up in front of the table was Sanji, wearing only his white and blue checkered shirt, the black jacket suit abandoned on the armrest of the couch. He was cutting some vegetables, skillfully holding the knife. 
On the cushions sat Luffy, cleaning Zoro's white sword, just like he said. Meanwhile, Usopp was the one to notice her first, leaning with his hands prompted onto the wooden table. Nami couldn't be spotted anywhere. 
The sound of her own name almost made her flinch. The witch blinked quickly, looking at Usopp. Both Sanji and Luffy looked at her then. The latter had some deep puppy eyes — her heart aches at that look alone. 
"How is he?" 
"Unconscious," she breathed out softly.
She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair, her eyebrows pulled together. 
"I suppose you haven't eaten anything since yesterday," Sanji smiled gently. "Anything I could make for you?" 
"I appreciate it, really, but I don't have an appetite," she dismissed him with a faint smile of her own. 
"You could use some energy, you know," Usopp mumbled. 
"You, Luffy? What would you like to eat?" Sanji got back to chopping the vegetables. 
"I'm not hungry right now. You could make something for Zoro. He'll surely be hungry when he wakes up!" 
Their captain still had hope bubbling in his chest and it was the only thing keeping them all afloat. 
However, the witch couldn't bear to think about it anymore. She spotted her shirt hanging on a nail in the wall, close to the couch. With a quick gesture, she grabbed at it, intending to put it on herself until the heavy scent of blood filled her senses the second time that day—
The shirt was soaked in Zoro's blood from the time when she used it to stop the bleeding of his wound. Nausea crawled up her throat and she unintentionally dropped the piece of cloth when she became aware of the sickness settling deeply in the pitch of her stomach. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
With a hand covering her mouth, she rushed out of the galley, on the deck, the doors shutting harshly behind her. She leaned over the railing as the acidic taste made its way up her throat and on her tongue. 
A disgusting sensation, truly. 
She's seen blood before, she saw countless corpses laying at her feet, but nothing could compare with the vision of a dear person giving their last breath. She couldn't believe she vomited because of blood, such a normal occurrence in her life.
But it wasn't just any kind of blood — it was Zoro's and it sunk into the material of her own shirt. 
She will have to throw it away. There's no way in hell she would manage to ever wear that again, even if it would be clean and smelling like lavender.
Tears clung to her eyelashes when she opened her eyes again, looking down into the sea. She was breathing heavily and she regretted swallowing her own saliva, as the awful taste lingered in her mouth unpleasantly. 
Warm fingers touched her shoulder and before she saw whose hand it was, there was a glass of water being shoved towards her. When she glanced up, she saw the blonde waiter. 
"Thank you, Sanji," she took the glass from his hand, sipping slowly as the gentle weight on her shoulder disappeared. 
"If I knew such a beautiful lady was waiting for me to wake up, I would've opened my eyes much sooner."
The waiter — who could apparently also cook like a professional — said that in a somewhat flirtatious tone. Also, there was compassion lingering in his honeyed voice. 
"If Zoro would hear you, he would've thrown you overboard."
The witch didn't even notice her on the deck until that moment, her head snapping towards the navigator, her eyes sparkling with hope as she gripped at the glass in between her fingers. Nami was a few meters away from her, with her back facing the sea and her hands curled around the railing. 
The witch has seen Nami's expression countless times when she looked in the mirror after a crying fit. The same bloodshot eyes and puffy eyes, the red tip of her nose and the husky voice. 
"I don't remember you having sea sickness," Nami pried into her soul. 
The witch looked towards the water at the bottom of her glass, ashamed of her own reaction. 
"Because I don't have sea sickness," the witch whispered weakly, basically admitting her vulnerable state. 
She was more than just thankful Sanji chose not to elaborate on the reason behind her reaction. There was still acid sitting on her tongue, even after she gulped down the last droplets of water from her glass. 
"Where are you heading to?" 
The witch noticed when Nami straightened her back and walked away, towards the dock. 
"Maybe I can find another drink at the restaurant," Nami waved the back of her hand at the witch. 
That sounded very familiar to a lie for some reason, but was it the witch's place to comment? 
Familiar fear made its way through her body, scratching underneath the skin, whispering in her ear like a mantra the same phrase her mother has always told her: "there's nothing you can do about it, so accept it." 
Those words always unsettled the young witch deeply. She heard that voice everytime she hid in a room with the books her grandmother left behind, pages filled with tarot and palmistry, the promise of real magic, different from the fairy tales. It sounded and felt palpable, her eyes sparkling. Those books were her treasure, a future filled with freedom. 
The same words were being shouted in her ears by the ghosts when her body stiffened in its spot. She wanted to scream while the man who was her father was dragged away by Marines, this time on the port of Baratie, not in her hometown. 
The deafening yell she wanted to let out was silent. Her lips didn't even part and her awareness slipped away as she continued to see blood pooling at her father's feet, his signature royal blue coat painted in crimson. As if her vocal chords broke before she opened her mouth, no sound left her lips. 
"He deserved it," sounded so clear in her ear, as if her mother stood right beside her, watching the same scene unfolding over and over again.
No, no, I can't let him die! I need to do something! Please, dad, you can't—
The man who stood proudly was dying, his body decomposing right before her eyes. A sickening view, as the skin melted off the meat, leaving only bones and tendons behind, covered by heavy clothes, two empty holes in his cranium instead of beautiful sparkling eyes. Blood dried on the white bones and sunk into the material of his coat and it flowed towards her, to the tips of her boots—
"Luffy! Arlong is here and he's after you, we have to leave now!" 
The witch gasped loudly, her eyes snapping open. Nami, who just entered, was panting heavily, fingers gripping at the edge of the doorframe. 
Who's Arlong? 
She noticed Luffy who just got up from the chair he was sitting on, right by Zoro's side. Usopp had his fingers curled around one of the ropes holding the bed in the room hanging in the air. 
There were no dead corpses around. Gosh, that nightmare was scary as hell. Her heart still drummed in her eardrums, blood rushing through her veins at an alarming pace. 
She managed to get on her feet, her palm glued to the wall to support herself. 
"Where do you think you're going, Luffy?"
Nami was panicked. Her fear grew steadily, just like fire, and she was on the edge of cussing out that entire bunch of confident idiots. 
"We can't let Arlong hurt people just because of us. He might kill everyone if we don't step in."
Luffy was rarely so serious, but the situation asked for it. However, the navigator was anything but happy with his suicidal decision. 
The witch turned her head towards the unconscious swordsman. She took in a deep breath, calming the waters threatening to destroy her mind. Then, her warm gaze raised back to the navigator who squeezed the map in between her trembling fingers. 
"You'll stay here and protect the ship, Nami," Luffy smiled reassuringly. "I trust you."
The orange haired woman searched for a different reaction from the witch, but received the same determination. 
"Have you all grown insane?" she whispered in horror. 
The witch made slow steps towards her and engulfed her in a warm hug, wrapping her arms around the navigator's body. She squeezed her gently, resting her chin on Nami's shoulder. 
"Something is troubling you greatly. Don't lie to me," the witch whispered in her ear softly. "You've got something in your head and you're pushing all of us away. We trust you, even if it'll bring us our death."
That's what scared Nami the most. 
The witch parted just to look into Nami's troubled blue eyes. 
"We'll be alright. We have to be. We'll figure it out together."
She had no clue how much Nami wanted to believe her, but it was impossible to do so. The navigator knew better what danger awaits them in Baratie now that Arlong appeared, that monster—. 
Right. That's what pirates were: monsters. So why did the ones in front of her look like friends instead of demons stealing her life away? 
The witch squeezed her shoulders and smiled so warmly, so calmly, different from the agitation they would face. 
For one second only, Nami dared to believe. Then, it crumbled to her feet when Luffy and the witch left her room with one glance back at Zoro. 
The witch found herself in the restaurant once again. Her fingers gripped tightly at the gun she held, finding comfort in the familiar weight settled in her hand. On purpose, she stood behind the other three men, sharp eyes scanning her surroundings carefully. They were lucky they chose to enter from the first floor, since she could easily hide. 
She wasn't hiding for the reasons some would think of. The witch intentionally stood on the side, analyzing the situation. First of all, she had to find the smallest opportunity to find a weak spot for that fishman. From her spot, still glued to the wall and hidden from everyone's eyes, she focuses on Luffy's conversation with Arlong. 
"I expected someone… bigger," Arlong commented with a wide grin, sharp teeth on full display. 
He could definitely be classified as scary, but the witch didn't want to admit that to herself. Was he dangerous? Of course. 
"Me too," Luffy commented. 
Alright, maybe Luffy had far more confidence than she thought, since he dared to make fun of that fishman, angering him. It wasn't enough that Luffy was hunted down by Arlong, he had to make him angry as well—
What was she scared of? 
She took in a deep breath and a few seconds were enough for her heartbeat to beat at a normal pace. The witch didn't have enough time to worry about consequences, she had to find their weakness quickly and act on it. 
While her focus slipped from them, Luffy was already walking down one of the two pairs of stairs meeting up at the first floor of the restaurant. Arlong threatened the straw hat about something and the first thing she heard was the deafening sound of a shotgun. 
The same sound was followed by a soft chiming filling the silence. 
Her chest tightened since no groan of pain could be heard from anyone. When she glanced at the people downstairs, she saw Zeff — the cook who stitched Zoro up — with a gun pointed at Arlong. However, the fishman only turned his head back and cocked an eyebrow at the cook. 
The bullet was most probably what caused that chiming sound. It seemed like fishmen's scales were bulletproof. 
Fucking great. Her long range fighting style wasn't to her advantage. 
An ounce of fear uncomfortably gnawed at her courage. The witch hated that helpless sensation, as if there was no escape, as if that was her dead end. 
Her fingers gripped tighter around her gun, until the skin turned yellow. 
I can't chicken out now. I don't have the luxury of turning my back against a fight in such a critical situation. 
She swallowed the lump in her throat after she bit so hard onto her lower lip she tasted copper on her tongue. 
Everyone has a weakness, right? Fishmen must have one as well. 
On the floor below, Luffy threw his stretchy arms at Arlong, with his hands curled into fists. Zeff was harshly thrown into a table that broke down, making Sanji jump into action as well. Usopp was the only one that remained upstairs, uselessly hiding behind the decorative wrought iron railing — he could be easily seen. 
Crouching down to Usopp's level, the witch slowly walked towards him with the gun still in her hand. When his eyes fell on her, he blinked like a confused owl. 
"Guns don't work!" he whisper-shouted at her, horror painting his features. 
With a sigh, she grinned cheekily. 
"Are you running, scaredy-cat?" she taunted him with an arched eyebrow. 
"Are you insane?" he frowned when she was a few inches away from him. "You can't seriously believe your gun is gonna do any damage to those monsters." 
Glancing down between the iron bars of the railing, the witch spotted other two fishmen getting up from their table. So there were three in total. 
With an unusually serious tone, she stared into Usopp's eyes, determination oozing out of her. 
"You can't run now, Usopp. I hope you're aware of that."
"Even you hesitated for a second!" 
His nervous demeanor and his over-thinking habits got the best of him at that moment. He was equally scared and amazed by the witch's courage. 
"That was before I realized there's no going back. Usopp," she lowered her tone, fingers gripping at his shirt to bring him down from the clouds. "If you choose to run away, you will never become a brave warrior of the seas. Do you hear yourself? We're not running anywhere. We have to fight if we don't want to leave Luffy and Sanji to deal with the fishmen on their own." 
She wasn't exactly good at motivational speeches, but that seemed to shake his soul well enough. 
"Now help me find out their soft spots so we can bring those idiots down before they destroy this entire restaurant and eat us alive." 
Bullets couldn't penetrate their scales. She didn't know if blades could work any better either. Also, Arlong alone had the highest bounty in the East Blue, not his friends. He was most probably much stronger than them. 
If she could bring down at least one of the other two fishman, it was also a win. 
Then, an idea popped into her head. 
Their eyes. 
They didn't have anything protecting their eyes except for the fact that they were sunk into their faces. With her aim, she had a chance to shoot one of them. She had to take advantage of the fact that no one knew she was there and making a plan. 
Taking in a deep breath, the witch placed the gun between the iron bars and aimed at the fishman with ridiculously big lips. She wasn't exactly that far away, but she had to concentrate. One single miss and everything would go down, since her presence would be obvious and her hand to hand fighting skills weren't that well developed against raw strength. 
She waited patiently, Usopp still by her side. Once the fishman stood still, turned towards her, she pulled the trigger of her gun. 
The bullet struck his eye and he groaned in pain, receiving a proud smile from the witch who quickly hid behind a table from upstairs, dragging Usopp with her. Her heartbeat was so fast in her ears it could leave her deaf. 
She had to pull herself together. 
"You've got good aim," Usopp's voice trembled. 
"Thanks," she breathed out heavily, eyes closing for a second. 
There was an entire tornado in her soul. The witch knew there was no place for running away, but she was equally aware of her disadvantage against fishmen who fight with their fists. 
Zoro would've loved the thrill of this fight. 
But he wasn't there to joke about her being a scared little lady. 
And Nami wasn't there to yell into her face and tell her to wake the fuck up and help her find a better plan. 
Before she had a chance to notice, Usopp was crawling down the stairs on the left once an idea popped into his head, or that was what the witch thought. 
She felt a certain presence walking up the stairs on her right and her eyes widened. The other fishman spotted her.
"Here you were, wench," he spoke with a growl. 
She didn't have enough time to scramble to her feet before a rough hand wrapped around her neck and lifted her up in the air, pushing her against the wall. She could barely even groan when her breathing was restricted by the awfully strong grip the fishman had on her throat. 
Her gun fell from her hand and hit the floor with a weak sound. 
Uselessly, her fingers grabbed at the muscled blue arm holding her up, feet a few inches away from the floor. Compared to him, her grip was weak, insignificant. 
The witch was never the type to necessarily wish to live, but she certainly didn't want to die in that moment, when others' lives were hanging on a thread. 
Also, she didn't want that ugly fucking fishman with big lips to be the last sight before she closed her eyes forever. 
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Tag list: @emelia07 @dimplewonie @tfamidoingwithmylife @murnsondock @the-skys-musical-echo @conspiracy-crows @hallow33nz @ramae17 @gaslysainz @bunntsu @katt58 @katiemrty @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @freyademartel @boofy1998 @ponyboys-sunsets @melsunshine @loveyluv7 @waddlingwanderer @jesssssmaybankk @nadlx33333 @yoong1c0re @untoldshortsofthefandoms @mizzy-pop
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missjadesfics · 10 days
Just hold me a little Closer
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Dracule Mihawk x Reader Request: Yes gif credits: @timlaughlin @cydonian-knight-in-gallifrey @soranatus divider credits: @cafekitsune @rookthornesartistry @firefly-graphics Summary: Mihawk and Y/n are old flames; when Y/n leaves to pursue her dreams, they meet again at the Baratie, where Y/n is now a member of the Strawhat Pirates, where they have a lovers reunion. Warnings: 18+ (MDNI) built-up feelings, y/n and mihawk are very touch starved, mentions of using yoru inappropriately, love confessions, tooth-rotting stuff, soft sex, riding. Word Count: 2.7k Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or its characters, nor do I claim them as my own. Comments, likes, and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
edited: 10th june
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Y/n wiped her wet eyes, feeling the sting of heartbreak as it entered her body, the hot tears cascading down her cheeks. Her feet carry her down the grand steps of the once-home she shared. Shared with him. Looking back once more, she took a breath and closed the large doors, leaving everything she had held dear behind, approaching the docks and hearing the lively chatter of market sellers and pirates and non-pirates alike sorting their ships and boats. Giving a brief smile at each person she passed, she noticed a large ship with a ram’s head and a young man swinging his legs back and forth happily. His straw hat made a smile appear on her face. Y/n shielded her eyes from the sun. 
“Hi, excuse me!” She shouted, waving her hand and catching his attention; he ran down and stood at the opening. “Hi miss, are you in need of help?” He grinned, his hands on his hips Y/n shrugged. “That depends, sir. Are you the captain of this fine vessel?” She questioned; he nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, I am the Captain. My name is Monkey. D Luffy and I’m going to be King of the Pirates!” He shouted, his arms spread wide. Y/n giggled at his excited tone while looking around. “Well, Luffy, I am hoping to seek some passage away from here; I have berry to pay you for your troubles” She fished out some money when she heard a voice speak, “And why should I ask a pretty girl to pay when it would be our honour to aid her” Y/n looked back seeing another man standing beside Luffy. His green hair caught her eye, and his three swords attached to his hip made her raise a brow in curiosity. “Why thank you….” She trailed, walking up the ramp towards them; the man stuck out his hand, “Zoro. Roronoa Zoro at your service” He bowed with a wink, and Y/n nodded. “Hmm, Roronoa Zoro, I’ll remember that for the future” She smirked.
After sailing a year with the Straw-hat crew, who often stated they weren’t a crew but were most certainly a crew. Y/n found herself enjoying her newfound life and friendship with the crew. Zoro and Luffy were her favourites, but she would not say it out loud to any of them. They had just narrowly escaped Luffy’s grandfather. Luffy frowned, looking at the Marine’s ship and uttered the word, “Grandpa?” Y/n’s eyes widened when he explained his history with Garp Y/n knew that name. He often asked for favours from someone of her past to take care of wanted pirates.
Docking at the famous Baratie restaurant in the middle of the ocean, the Straw-hat crew made their way inside. Filled with laughter and lovely-smelling food being cooked in the kitchen, Y/n felt her stomach grumble as they were seated in their booth. Y/n eyed the fellow patrons around the room. Their waiter came over, and a smooth voice broke her thoughts, her lips parting, caught in a daze at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed man. He sighed deeply. “Hi, welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food. My name is Sanji; what can I get for you?” He asked, looking around the table. Luffy stuffed his mouth with the bread; his voice muffled by the food. “One of everything, please!” Y/n giggled lightly as everyone put in their order. Sanji made eye contact with Y/n, and he smirked. “And for you, darling? Something sweet for someone sweet?” He winked, and Y/n blushed at his flirting and leant forward. “Your finest wine and whatever the waiter recommends is the most delicious on the menu.” She flirted back. Sanji bowed his head with a grin. “Right away, darling, anything for you.” he swerved around and walked away. 
After Luffy’s little misunderstanding landed him in to work in the kitchen, the rest of the crew decided to go to the outside bar and have a few drinks. Y/n leant on the railing, breathing in the salt air, a smile on her face. Closing her eyes in contentment, the smell of sandalwood and leather filled her nose, making her shiver; her breathing stilled, the familiar heartbreak resurfacing; shaking her head lightly, she couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes or turn around. Two hands slowly grasped her arms, pulling her in; she heard a familiar voice behind her. “I never thought I would see you here, my dear.” Feeling a body pressed into her back lightly, Y/n let out a small sigh at the touch; she knew who it was; she was no stranger to his touch. Her head slowly turned, looking over her shoulder to gaze into the piercing golden eyes. “Mihawk”, she whispered his name. Mihawk wrapped his arms around her body. His hand trailed up her arm, his fingers grazing her neck and moving towards her cheek.
A hint of a smile appeared on the corners of his lips; he leant in his lips, pressing a featherlike kiss on her neck. Breathing in her sweet scent, “This past year, I have searched for you, the letter you left about your desire to see all the world’s wonders. How you felt you came second to me and my work with the Marines. My heart and soul have been solemn without you, my love; it pained me each day waking to not see you beside me in the mornings. Or in the night, when I thought you crept in from reading a book into the early hours, you would wrap yourself around me. When the Vice Admiral asked me to bring in this Luffy, he said he saw you on the ship; my interest was no longer in finding the self-acclaimed pirate.” He breathed; his hand cupped her cheek, his thumb tracing her bottom lip. Y/n smiled gently, tears pricking her eyes, shaking her head. “You are one of the Seven Warlords and the world’s greatest swordsman. I don’t want to get in the way of your-” she began. Mihawk shook his head, his eyes closed tightly. “No. You are my first priority, my first love. I will always choose you first before anything; I may be a ruthless man in my taste of work. But I, too, am fond of the love and affection I crave and give to and from the woman I have shared my deepest desires and secrets with.” His smile grew as Y/n shakily cupped his face before kissing him passionately. Mihawk moaned into the kiss, pulling her closer, his lips cascading down her neck and collarbone. Y/n’s head was thrown back, moaning softly, gripping his leather coat for support. 
“Mihawk”, she murmured his name, tapping his shoulder; the swordsman halted his actions, looking behind him and rolling his eyes. “It appears you have grown shy in your absence with me, my dear”, he smirked; Y/n tilted her head and laughed lightly. Mihawk pulled away, and Y/n grasped his hand and guided him to the Going Merry. “My dear, I don’t intend to have my way with you in a ship’s quarters; you deserve better” he kissed her neck from behind, kicking open the door to a cook’s bedroom. Closing the door and locking it, Mihawk’s golden eyes shined. Y/n breathed tremendously before jumping into his arms, her legs and arms wrapping around him. Pushing her against the wall, Mihawk removed his hat and sat it on the counter, his body grinding Y/n into the wooden planks. Y/n gasped, her fingers digging into his shoulders. “Mihawk, please”, she begged breathlessly; the swordsman moved away from the wall and laid her on the bed, removing his coat, his kogatana shining in the dim glow of the light. Y/n’s fingers delicately grazed his chest, suddenly becoming timid. Mihawk placed her hand on his chest on top of his heart. “Little dove, your shaking; it is quite alluring”, his smooth voice turned raspy Y/n blushed at his words whilst Mihawk’s other hand unlaced her shirt, removing it from her body and throwing it on the floor, undoing her pants, leaning down to kiss her thighs slowly. Y/n’s soft moans filled the room, her fingers raking through Mihawk’s hair. “Mihawk!” She gasped, her head raising to look down, meeting his lust-filled gaze before her head falling back on the pillow. Mihawk kissed down her legs, groaning deeply. His teeth bit down gently on her skin, his tongue soothing the light sting after each bite mark. His lips made their way back to her stomach and hips. “Y/n, please don’t leave me again”, he murmured, rubbing his cheek along her stomach. Breathing heavily, the two shared a moment of silence, halting their movements. Y/n stared at the ceiling, her fingers threading through his black locks. “I never did want to, but I thought I was doing what was best”, she whispered. Mihawk leant on his arms above her, his gold eyes softening, sighing heavily. “My love…” he pressed his head to hers, kissing her lips, swallowing her moans, a smile on his lips at her sounds. “Mihawk”, she breathed, breaking away from the kiss. “I need you”, she kissed along his jaw. Mihawk’s eyes fluttered closed, his cheek pressed to hers, and his mouth brushed the corner of Y/n’s affectionately. 
“I missed you,” Mihawk kissed her feverishly. Y/n’s hands worked down his chiseled torso and his pants. Fiddling with the belt with trembling fingers, the lovers both panted their desired building. “I missed you too so much”, Y/n murmured against the swordsman’s lips, a deep chuckle emitting from his chest. “Did you truly miss me, or did you miss something else?” He raised a brow with a tone of amusement in his voice, making Y/n let out a small broken moan at the question; her eyes widened with a sparkle in her irises. “What do you think?” she teased him, making him hum in response. “I think you missed something else more than me, my darling”, he smiled, standing off the bed and removing his boots. He maintained eye contact with Y/n as he removed his pants; she licked her dry lips, leaning on her arms and watching him intently. “I’ll admit it; I did miss your sexual appetite” Y/n bit her lip, her eyes trailing over his body, watching him climb back on top of her, the coldness of his kogatana sitting between her breasts ripping her underwear in his hand Y/n gasped. “MIHAWK!” she laughed at his eagerness, slapping his arm before kissing him again. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Mihawk grasped one of her legs, draping it over his waist and lining his hard cock with her wet entrance. Y/n and Mihawk stared into each other’s eyes. “You should know by now I am not a patient man. Not when it comes to you,” his gold irises glittered, making Y/n take in a sharp breath, her head thrown back by the familiar feeling of being filled by him once again. 
It had been a year, and she had never forgotten how big he was. A low grunt rumbled through Mihawk’s chest as his arms caged her beneath him. No matter the time apart, the lovers fell into one another again as if they never parted. Each knows their weaknesses and strengths. Mihawk, being the man he was, always thought never to settle down, but he did, and his heart belonged to the sea. But it was shared with his love for Y/n, and nothing could change that. His thoughts were disturbed when he heard her voice bring him back. “You were lost in your thoughts again, Dracule”, she murmured his first name. A blissed smile graced his face, which he adored when she called him by his actual name. “My thoughts were of you” he kissed her, moving his hips slowly, the sensation overwhelming her senses, drowning in his embrace, breathing him in, feeling his skin on hers. Their bodies fit perfectly as one Y/n moaned, her fingers running up his back to the nape of his neck. Tangling into his raven hair, tugging lightly, Mihawk panted heavily in Y/n’s neck, his thrusts increasing pace. “Dracule”, Y/n arched her back, her fingers intertwining with his “I’ve been thinking how pretty you would look…” Mihawk began moaning deeply, his lips ghosting Y/n’s. A growl was emitting from his chest, and his eyes closed tightly. 
Mihawk gave a few harsh thrusts, a soft cry escaping Y/n’s mouth. Mihawk’s eyes opened, his hand cradling her face. “Riding Yoru hmm? Would you like that?” He purred Y/n held his forearms tightly, her hips rolling to meet his. “Perhaps next time, I’ll have you ride Yoru, my two prized possessions. You would look so pretty, my love.” he grinned, and Y/n nodded, moaning loudly. Mihawk rolled them over, laying underneath, holding Y/n’s hips firmly. Y/n placed one hand beside Mihawk’s head while the other was on his chest above his heart. “Your heart is racing”, Y/n pointed out, her body falling forward slightly. Mihawk groaned. “It always does in your presence, just like I know yours does for me”, he replied, thrusting up, hitting Y/n’s sweet spot. Y/n rolled her hips faster, feeling her body tense, her climax building. “Oh, Mihawk! Oh, so big I missed you so much,” she cried, her walls clenching around his cock; the swordsman chuckled Y/n leant down, nudging her nose against his Mihawk sat upright, his arm wrapping around Y/n’s small body, his hand raking through her hair. Her arms draped over his shoulders behind his neck, her thighs beginning to ache. “Fuck Mihawk”, she panted, her head pressed to his, both their hairlines damp with sweat Mihawk grunted, gripping under her legs and throwing her onto her back. Y/n gasped, feeling her body shatter like glass, a broken sob leaving her mouth, her walls fluttering around Mihawk’s cock. The swordsman moaned, finishing inside her his thick ropes of cum coating her cervix, his hips stuttering. “Well, that was rather eventful, darling” He smiled lazily, and Y/n’s eyes fluttered open in a blissed daze, nodding. “It most certainly was; I do feel sorry for whichever cook has to be welcomed with this”, she giggled. Mihawk kissed her head softly. “Don’t worry; I’ll see we are not disturbed.” 
When morning arrived, Y/n rolled over in the small bed, feeling Mihawk’s warm arm wrapped around her waist. Sighing with a smile, she closed her eyes, then opened them widely. “Shit! Mihawk, wake up,” she said, tapping his shoulder. The swordsman groaned. “Don’t wake me from my nap. You know I hate that,” he mumbled into the pillow. Y/n climbed off the bed and got dressed. “If I don’t hurry, someone will find us”, she whispered, rummaging through her pile of clothes with Mihawks. Hearing Luffy’s voice outside, she froze. Mihawk sat up, his eyes opening slowly, looking toward the door. “Luffy”, she murmured. Mihawk raised a brow. “That is Luffy?” he questioned Y/n nodded, handing Mihawk his clothes. “Come on, we gotta leave now”, she urged him. Mihawk laughed before getting dressed. Y/n opened the door slowly before creeping out. Mihawk followed behind her as they walked past the numerous rooms to the bar. Spotting Usopp, Y/n quickly turned, but it was too late. Y/n put her hand up for Mihawk to freeze, and he paused, a smirk forming. “Y/n, where did you go last night? We looked for you” Usopp walked over as they approached Nami and Zoro. “Yeah, we got worried” Zoro looked up, and Y/n smiled. “Aww, you were worried about me. Don’t worry, I was taken care of”, she winked. Zoro hummed. “Yeah, in what way?” he questioned.
“Because she was with me. And I always ensure she is taken care of,” Mihawk’s smooth voice said as he walked up behind Y/n. The three other crew members of the Strawhats looked in surprise.
“Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me”, Zoro grumbled.
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tags: @sircrocodilesandflower
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midnight-black2 · 2 months
hii so like i just like so wnated another kai fic where hes like a heavy masochist if thats okay?
its not like something where hes being punished like thtf more js like a gf whos just naturally as mean as him and shes like doing him like harshly while he loses his shit over it
pairing : kai (from voyagers) x reader
synopsis : turns out all along kai only wanted someone who was just as unapologetic as him to properly ruin him
disclaimers : sub!kai, dom!reader, degradation, masochist!kai, mean!reader, fem!reader, riding, p in v, imaginary condom (wrap it before you tap it you guys !!)
note : i know they're on a ship, don't ask me where they got condoms cuz idk. also, i listened to shut me up by mindless self indulgence while making this, so that's where the title comes from. just know this oneshot has nothing to do with the title, really. also sorry it's so short, haven't been finding much time lately, unfortunately.
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everything you did or said was incredibly, utterly insatiable to kai. the way you walked, head held high with brimming confidence. the way you spoke, you seemed to have this little twang at the end of every sentence that made everyone fall captive to you and your ways. whatever you said, normally went. why? well, in short, most were a bit afraid of you. you'd never really physically hurt anybody, but it was what you said. backhanded comments, snarky remarks, they all came naturally to you. with kai? even more natural.
that's why he liked you so much.
you were even meaner than he was, and it was pretty rare, especially when you live on a ship in the middle of outer space. he would go absolutely animalistic whenever you inflicted a little pain on him. no matter the time. but especially when you two were fucking.
you had your right hand firmly (not too hardly) wrapped around his throat. it restricted his airway, but god did it feel so good. your left hand was placed on his hips, preventing him from moving. you bounced up and down on him effortlessly as he let out choked groans and whimpers.
"please," kai begged. you quirked a brow, curiosity piqued.
"please what, kai?" you asked, in an (faux, yet convincing) annoyed tone.
"t-tighter please." you weren't quite sure what he meant, until it suddenly clicked.
"you want me to choke you...harder? oh my god you're such a whore," he whined at the name, throwing his head back. you were amused, so you did what he asked. you rolled your hips a little, and watched the way he shuttered.
it was peculiar, to say the least. not many people put up with you like kai did. you were conniving, defiant, and independent more often than not; at least ever since everyone stopped taking the blue.
he smiled, through it all, he smiled. he was genuinely smiling at the pain. a stupid grin plastered across his face as he was being utterly slutted out. you laughed, mockingly, but you laughed. everything you did seemed so condescending.
he loved it.
you finally pulled your hand away from his throat, and he was sent grasping for air immediately.
"looks like you've bitten off more than you can chew, hm?" you smirked down at him, speeding up your body. you squeezed the flesh of his waist unknowingly, as you let out a groan. his eyes opened, and he was quickly overwhelmed by the sight of you. looking so smug, complacent.
"fuckfuckfuck," he murmured out, almost incoherently. you could tell he was getting close.
"you want to cum, don't you?" you queried, a mean smile on your face.
"yes, please," he answered, nodded frantically.
"then beg." he whined for the nth time that day. he hated (loved it) when you made him beg. it felt so degrading.
"please, y/n. please, i need you. so so bad, let me cum, please," he begged, as you bounced up and down mercilessly.
"good enough, i guess," you said, though unconvincingly. "we'll come at the same time. just make it for a bit longer." he didn't even know if he could do that, but God so help him, he would try.
"three," you began.
"one." and as if a switch turned on, you both came in unison; kai's mouth agape in a silent moan of pure ecstasy. you let out a string of curses, some directed towards kai, some not. hell, you weren't even sure what you were saying anymore.
and kai was certain, that might've been the hardest he'd ever came, ever.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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snippychicke · 9 months
It's Just Business Part One
Go ahead, say it. 'Eliza, don't you have enough WIPs?
Yes. I do. But One Piece has brought me the most productive Muse I have had in a long time. And who am I to resist? Especially this face
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Hopefully my last WIP for One Piece LA, and I can get all three done.
Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen so far
Pairing: Sanji/Reader
Warnings: No real warnings, but god, I hope you like pining
Summary: You felt like you had known Sanji forever, considering your family had been the main merchants Zeff used to supply the Baratie. You had a small crush on him, but knew it was hopeless considering you were the one woman he didn't seem to pine over. 
It was fine. Or so you thought until you ended up on the Going Merry as a bookkeeper and supply manager. Being around him 24/7 was a lot more difficult than just a few days a week.  
(Please note 》°《 denotes a scene in the past while -*- will be a regular scene break. Because yeah, I like my non-linear story telling.)
Masterpost | Ao3
You grew giddy as you saw the lights of the Baratie against the darkening violet sky. The trip had been longer than usual after getting blown off course by a squall you had encountered midway, and you had worried it wouldn’t be until late in the night before you were able to reach your destination.  
Lining up your ship with the deck at the back of the restaurant was pure muscle memory at this point. You had been doing this run since you were a child living on your parent’s merchant boat, after all. Patty called your name as you approached, a large grin on his face as you threw the rope to him to pull the ship in and anchor to the floating deck. "We were beginning to think you weren't going to make it tonight!"
"A small squall pushed me off course," You explained as he boarded, and you gestured to the barrel before grabbing a much smaller package along with your bag. "But you can rely on me, promise!" 
The dark man huffed as he picked up the crate. "Uh huh. Just make sure to tell the others to come help before you fall too deep in Sanji's blue eyes." 
"Patty!" You hissed, face burning as you paused. " I don't--It's not like that!" 
The cook's laugh echoed across the deck and into the night. "I was young once too." 
Theoretically, you knew he was right, yet at the same time to think of him, or many of the other veteran cooks of the Baratie as young seemed wrong. 
Like Zeff. 
The aforementioned chef greeted you by name as you entered the kitchen not long afterwards, his eyes crinkling as he smiled towards you. "Good to see you made it, I was starting to worry!" 
"Just took a minor detour!" You excused over the clamor of the kitchens, your eyes scanning discreetly for the other blonde chef. (Sous chef, chef, cook, you still were confused by the differences.) 
"Eggplant is waiting tables tonight." Zeff called, meaning your attempt at being subtle had failed spectacularly. 
"Oh no," You laughed despite the blush at being caught red handed. "What'd he do this time?" 
"Bein' a little shit like always,” Zeff finished whatever he was working on and washed his hands before bellowing out over the clatter of the kitchen. “Those not actively working on orders go unload Lil' Miss' ship! And you, lil' lady, let's go discuss business." 
You carried your package with you back to Zeff's office. The place was nothing like the clean organized chaos of the kitchen. Instead it was pure chaos with papers and log books piled everywhere. It felt like home to you, honestly. You had been raised by merchants, after all. Your parents had taught you the motto that if a person’s office was clean and well organized, business was bad. Chaos meant business was booming and they barely had time to keep things tightly organized. 
And business was always booming at the Baratie. 
You took a seat across from Zeff’s desk and you two quickly fell into a heated discussion as you haggled over prices, giving each other needlessly hard times for the hell of it. After finally settling on prices, the topic moved onto what was needed for the next run. 
"Alright then," Zeff said as you placed the order in your bag, along with the stack of money as payment. "You run off and find Sanji. I'm sure by now he's heard you're aboard and getting antsy." 
Your smile faded as you blushed. It was a very common tease from the crew, and you were fairly sure they were just playing around. Giving everyone a hard time seemed to be the cooks’ mutually favorite pastime.  "Hardly. I'm sure he's been chatting up some pretty gal or three and hasn’t even noticed." 
Still, you held the package close to you as you made your way to the restaurant proper. Nemo, the Maître d’ smiled as you entered, showing you over to one of the smaller tables on the second floor balcony where you could watch the rest of the restaurant. One of the benefits was always having a table reserved on the days you were due to come in.   
Even with the late hour, the Baratie was still rather busy. Couples mainly filled the tables, though you saw a few groups you assumed were friends and others that were likely business meetings. With the melting pot that was the baratie, there was no way to really tell who was civilian, marine, or pirate. 
"Well, there's the lady of the hour," A familiar voice stated, pulling your attention back. Sanji smiled at you as he placed your favorite drink in front of you. "I was relieved to hear you made it safe and sound, though I did miss our usual lunch date." 
"Me too, but the weather wasn't very cooperative today," You smiled as you offered the package to him. "Fresh from the tailors, as requested." 
Despite being on the clock, Sanji took the seat across from you before opening up the garment box, revealing the silk button-up shirts he had ordered. There was a faint smile on his face as he examined the shirts--he had left the color and pattern choices up to you so you had went with ones that would make those sky blue eyes pop. 
"You never disappoint," he said softly, apparently satisfied with your choices. 
"Gotta keep my favorite business partners happy." Which was true in a sense. It was just business. He had paid you in full last time for you to go buy the shirts. But seeing Sanji smile at you like that, his blue eyes sparkling from behind fine blonde hair, woke the butterflies in your chest and was a payment of sorts all in itself. 
"Well then, let me go see if those lazy asses have your usual ready. If not, give me a minute and I'll whip it up myself." 
You could remember first seeing the fishshaped restaurant emerging from the fog as a child. The Baratie wasn't quite as famous as it would be, but your parents, both descended from profitable merchants themselves, could sniff out a good partnership in the making.
That's when you met the infamous Zeff. You could remember peeking out from behind your father's leg to look at the tall muscular chef, amazed by his braided mustache. 
And also when you met Sanji--not much older than yourself--and at the time a fair bit thicker. 
And you got along like cats and dogs. 
Years passed and while you and Sanji were more likely to glare daggers at each other then say something nice, he was also the only person your age you saw the most. Your merchant ship visited every few weeks with produce, and both of you were usually roped into unloading and putting things away. 
"Damned oregano," You heard him mutter as you stocked the spices. 
"Doesn't that go in spaghetti?" You asked as you carefully poured sugar into the large barrel. 
The look Sanji had could've killed, but you were used to him shooting daggers at you whenever you were in the same room. "What did you say?"
"Oregano,” you repeated as if he was dumb (in your defense, you were eleven and firmly believed he was.) “I do know how to make spaghetti sauce now." 
"I'm just going assume you mean some kind of marinara sauce you put on spaghetti noodles," He sneered as if you were the thick one, making you roll your eyes. 
"Oh right. Sorry Mr. Fancypants, but not all of us literally live in a restaurant." So many sauces and different types of noodles hardly meant anything to you when you typically ate the same thing every day when out at sea. 
"Yeah, some of us weren't allowed in the galley until she was ten,” Sanji muttered under his breath not-so-quietly. “And can barely boil water as it is." 
You lost your temper despite promising your family you would be on your best behavior, and impulsively grabbed a handful of the white crystalized sugar before throwing it at Sanji.  
He yelled as the sugar hit him, glaring at you with murderous intent before giving another yell as he tackled you. 
And the fight was on.  Punches, kicks, spit, everything flew as you tussled on the floor, trying your best to make the other conceded.. 
"What the hell is going on here!" Zeff boomed as he pulled you both apart by the back of your shirts just minutes later, swearing both of your names. "The fuck do you think you were doing?" 
"She started it by throwing sugar!" Sanji snarled.
"He was making fun of me!"
"I was just stating facts!" 
“I don’t care who started it!” Zeff snarled. “But that is the wimpiest fighting I have ever seen! Absolutely disrespectful. I’m dragging both of you outside for a lesson.”
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
I recently had a dream that wouldn't leave me alone so I feel the need to share it with someone else.
I can't remember the name of the fic that had been rereading at the moment but it's a crossover DC/DP/MLB. In the fic Danny, Damien and Marinette are called the three headed beast. At the time I was also reading a fic with Captain Marvel and I got it stuck in my head that what if Danny, Marinette and Billy were the three headed beast and Damien was their baby sibling.
Like hear me out they were made by Ra's without even Talia knowing. He wanted to raise his potential heir without even his daughter interfering. When the three are about 7 some magic bs with a Lazarus portal happened resulting in them living in a separate dimension for decades away from Ra's before being de-aged and sent bad under their grandfather's thumb (honestly I don't really remember what happened, my dream confused me). Once back they quickly jump ship and fake their deaths making sure nobody's are left to try and revive.
Roughly 2-3 years later Talia had Damien. I don't remember why but he knew about the triplets and had been on multiple family bonding trips with them without Ra's or Talia knowing so when Tim said Bruce was alive he just said ok, called his older siblings sounding sad and said find him. And then I woke up (and thought about it a lot).
Sorry for the rant this idea just wouldn't leave me alone.
I can just imagine Phantom and Marvel being entirely different people. Like Captain Marvel doesn't happen until after leaving the league neither does the portal incident so both Phantom and Marvel are completely different heros. The three went their separate ways once out of the league, yes they love each other (and the baby sibling they occasionally pop in on and kidnap for a few weeks to month to for adventures in dimensions that have different time flows) but they are grown adults they have their own lives they want to lead and they definitely haven't needed a parent in decades.
Anyways I'll stop now I just need to share this.
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That's honestly such a cool dream. I don't read a lot of Miraculous Ladybug crossovers with DC but I do know the show.
It's interesting how all of them would be extremely powerful for their respective hero personas, but no one would link them as the Three Head Beast.
Also since Danny and Billy would be different heroes, I like to think that maybe Danny would have become more like a meta-human instead of a halfa. Maybe it was due to all his dimension-hopping as I can see him being the triplet that would enjoy exploring the Infinite Realms.
Danny has wanders lust- he hates lingering in one place too long so he is always on the move, always wanting to see new worlds and new timelines.
Maybe he would become Clockwork's human lesion as he can't be King. He happily goes to the living realms of the timelines Clockwork needs him to observe for the stars.
Danny believes the stars are a reminder of his freedom because it's one of the first things he saw the day they faked their deaths. He loves seeing new constellations and can't wait to jump lines again to discover new ones.
Billy meanwhile would fall into Magic again but this time it would be his own magic. He has the highest potential in magic to make him a candidate for the Wizard, but his past of being in Ra's thumb mucked up his purity soul bit.
Still, he finds out that "You're a Wizard, Billy" while traveling dimensions and unlike Danny chooses to stay in a lot of them for long periods just learning all he can of magic.
Marinette, unlike her brothers, is much more willing to stay in one place. Yes, she'll sometimes join them on trips or go looking for an adventure but she wanted to build a home. Danny and Billy see it as a cage, far too used to Ra's locking them up to not get itchy to move about, but she saw it as having control.
She picks her house. She picks the dimensions. Marinette is the one that decides when and where she wants to go. Nothing is bigger "I made it out. I survived you" then staying in their native dimension with Ra's on the other side of the world. If he finds her and tries to bring her back, welp she escaped before she can do it again.
But she didn't want big adventures or conflicts with Ra's, she was comforted. So Marinette opens a bakery in France, living as mundanely as possible but with years of deadly training under her skin and a strong link to Spirits.
Marinette didn't get her Kawami when the Guardian needed to pass them on, because she wasn't there, but years of Lazarus Water, Ectoplasim of the Infinite Realms, and just her aura she can see them.
Alongside thousands and thousands of Spirits that are everywhere. Some get attacked by her and her little bakery. Marinette allows them to live with her and respects them and their domain, so it's not really a surprise when they start bestowing small Blessings on her. She may not possess a miraculous that powers her up but she has a bag of tricks that are close and her own training that practically makes her a miraculous holder anyway.
And that's them the three heads of the Ra's Three-Headed Beasts- monsters, killers, weapons from birth- who lived on as what they wanted.
An explorer with a love of stars.
A mage with a love of study.
A Baker with a love of everyday life.
One day, when a little ninja wanders into Marinette's bakery on a break from his first real mission, the three gain a new love for their little brother.
Damian may not understand his older siblings desire to not be a cape but he respects them all the same. He still trains every day in the hopes of one day besting them but not to prove his worth.
Only to make Danny, Marinette, and Billy proud.
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matchadobo · 6 months
Hot sexy welder here!
Could i get uuuuh headcannons kid or killer with a fem reader trying to woo them with her crafting skills? Like bringing them little handmade trinkets or stabby doodads?
Please and thank you 🙏,
A very down bad welder
KIDD & KILLER; gifts
wc: 1264 warning/s: suggestive in the end but completely sfw! fluff?? steamin?? this is my first time writing for a 2 person x reader kinda thing so forgive me if it sucks </3
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"have you seen captain? killer-san too?"
you had gone around the victoria to look for kidd and his vice captain, frantically asking each face you see for the two. even the rookies who were too scared of you and the boys were in daze as you held a crate of overflowing contraptions you made over the week.
"why? gonna court 'em with that?" heat teased with a bastardly smile on his face, reaching over to touch the trinkets in the heavy crate.
it had been a known FACT around the ship that you have a MASSIVE crush on the two of them. though kidd and killer know it too, they never shut your feelings down nor ignore it. it's not the first time you've brought over some trinkets you made.
you pulled them away with a raised brow, "don't touch it! i didn't make 'em for you!" you stuck your tongue out. "and yes, i plan to give it to 'em. got any problem?"
heat surrendered with his hands leveled above his chest. "absolutely not, ma'am." he cleared his throat before finally answering your question. "but i think they're in kidd's workshop, they're planning shit for the next island."
"thanks! now, answering properly isn't so hard, right?!" you nudged him goodbye and strolled to the last room in the hallway.
you knocked a few times, waited for a while before the bickering stopped, and saw these two towering men welcome you. except that kidd has a scowl and killer has his mask on.
kidd placed his human arm at the top part of the door frame (that's how tall he is ☹️) and leaned down at your height. "what's so important, buttercup?" there was a hint of irritation in his tone, but you're used to it. you knew he wasn't annoyed, in fact the shift in his gaze from you to the shit you're carrying proved his curiosity.
killer peeked over kidd's shoulder, giving you a wave to which you smiled back at him since your hands are full.
"i brought gifts!" you beamed, trying to lift the heavy crate you're carrying. killer saw you struggling so he stepped over to carry them for you.
"gifts? last i check christmas was in the 25th, name." killer skimmed through the crate, one hand carrying the bottom of the crate, to which you were absolutely struggling on with two hands, while the other shuffled through the pile of metalworks.
"it doesn't have to be christmas to give gifts, okay? i was just..." you fiddled with your fingers. "working on something for a long time and i wanna give it to you guys."
"you love givin' shit to us that much, yeah?" kidd reached over to ruffle your hair as you looked down to try and hide your blush. "come on now 'ere inside, shortcake. let's see what you got."
as you three get settled inside, the two have began to rummage through the crate of your handiworks. "so, love it, huh?" you broke out, anticipating their reaction.
"you really wanna fill up my shelves with your shit, aye?" kidd lifted a ballerina you made from nuts and screws, it spun with the lever attached on its base when it was pulled by him.
killer played with the cars you made, wheels spinning with oiled up nuts. "don't keep them all to yourself, kidd. i'd want some of the cars too."
you were between them as they examined each trinket you made, you held stuff up for them as you showed how each of them works. they've selected those they want to keep for themselves, praising the way each piece was constructed.
"you really amaze me with these, name." kidd started, taking the miniature globe you fiddled with. "tell me somethin', why do you keep making this for us?"
both of their eyes were fixed on you, earnestly anticipating your answer. your cheeks felt hot and you felt so little under their gaze. as a member of the kidd pirates, you're used to feeling little around towering men in the crew. your crushes are two meters for fuck's sake! but you never felt so overwhelmed by them at this moment.
"don't get us wrong, name. i personally love these!" killer exclaimed, giving you a nudge. "it's just that... you do these things for someone more than once and it starts to mean something else." killer shifted in his feet, the blue in his eyes peeking through the holes of the helmet.
"like what?" you raised a brow. alternating gazes between the two men. "what kind of message does it give?" you crossed your arms, getting closer.
"name," kidd responded, getting one step closer to you. "i know you and how you don't give a fuck about anything else that you don't care about. these consistent things, these gifts and baubles, you take time in them, cooped up in your room. and don't get me started on your lingering gazes, alright? we're not fuckin' blind, sweetheart." he finished with a grin.
"so tell us," killer started, now both of them were too fucking close to you, you can smell their colognes that fucked with your brain too hard. "is this your way of confessing and saying i love you, princess?"
there was silence. and for a moment, you thought the world had stopped spinning. you cleared your throat because it felt like shit got stuck on it. "what if i said yes? what if i said i do love the living shit outta the both of you it drives me fucking insane and the only way i know how to say it is by flooding the both of you with stuff i make when i think about the you two and i can't do anything about it because making these bullshits is the only way i know how to express myself, okay? then what will happen, huh?" you frantically monologued, word-vomiting everything. once you realized what you had done, you felt all the heat in your body rise in your head and you suddenly felt lightheaded.
"i'll tell you what'll happen, i'll pull you close like this." kidd grabbed your wrist as you crashed in his embrace. "have you in my arms. tell you that i feel the exact-fucking-way. and this, is the part where i kiss you." he leaned in close pressing his lips to yours, that's where your heart fucking stopped and your breathing became irregular. his lips tasted like rum and raspberry, the latter taste must be from the lipstick you gifted him back then.
"come on now captain, you're not the only one she confessed to, right?" killer interrupted. "give me a chance to say i love you too."
kidd smiled through the kiss, pulling away. "you okay with being shared?" he joked as you got even redder before he handed you to killer. "make it fast, i might not contain myself and make out with the both of you."
killer first removed his helmet, you've seen him before without it but god was he like a goddamn greek god with those eyes and cheekbones. killer held you by your waist while his other hand was at the back of your head under your hair, "i'm gonna kiss you now, that okay?" he asked, searching for any denial in your eyes but all he saw was utter anticipation and need. you nodded, closing your eyes. his lips tasted like peach and whiskey.
it was sublime. you didn't sleep in your bed that night and let's also say you three did other things than sleep.
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hellooooo thank you for introducing yourself 🌷 hope this is okay for you?? i realized why not both?? both is good?? LMAO I LOVE THIS SM THANKS FOR THE REQ 🥰
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Dating Advice
Ship: Leo X Reader
A/N: Leo can't catch a break it seems lol I am going to continue bully him for a lil bit more. With the help of his fam ;)
Tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch
Anyone else want in let me know!
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Recently Leo has been a bit antsy. A bit more... jumpy? But only in the presence of one person.
April noted his behaviour as you left the lair and immediately pulled him aside.
"Okay, spill." She sat him down in the kitchen and gave him her best 'big sis time' look.
"I- don't know what you mean," he said slowly, clearing his throat and looking away. "Now if you excuse me-" he started getting up.
"Sit," she ordered and he sat back down. "Come on Leo," she softened her tone. "I want to help."
He sighed heavily and tapped his finger over the table. "Fine," he sighed, finally giving in. "It's- well,... How do you ask somebody out? Asking for a friend."
April smiled and was about to answer when as if summoned Mikey popped up behind them.
"Who is asking who out?" He asked.
"No one!" Leo tried to stop the train from crashing but too late.
"I think Leo likes your new friend a little more than 'just friends'," April informed him.
"That's nothing new." Suddenly Donnie spoke up from the coffee spot. He had crawled out of his science cave to inject more caffeine in his blood stream. "You aren't that hard to read Leo," he added seeing the shocked face of his brother.
"Can we stop with the bullying?" The blue masked turtled sighed.
"Who are we bullying?" Raph asked as he emerged freshly post work out with a towel around his neck.
"Leo." All three replied.
The terrapin in question sighed again leaning his head down and rubbing a spot on his forehead. He could feel the headache coming.
"Oh, really?" Raph grinned. "What about?"
"He wants to ask Sweetness out," Mikey informed him.
"I never said I want to! It's for a friend!" Leo protested.
"Really? What is his name?" April asked with a wide grin.
Leo opened and closed his mouth. He then made an undignified noise and slid lower in his chair.
"That's what I thought," she said smugly.
"Bro, you could like make a song for her, chicks are into this kinda thing, right?" Mikey looked at April.
She made an 'eh' face. "Depends."
"Or a poem." Raph placed one hand on Leo's shoulder. "I got one for you bro."
"Don't." Leo glared at him.
"Roses are read, violets are blue." Raph ignored him and continued. "Guess what, my bed has place for two."
"Good one!" Mikey snickered. "How about - twinkle, twinkle little star, we can do it in the car."
The two hollered with laughter, even April had to bite her lips not to join them. Leo was suffering.
"Mikey, if you get anywhere near the turtle tank with that intent I will cut you off the WiFi for life and set your hover board on fire," Donnie spoke up.
"Yes, sir!" Mikey immediately sobered up. Donnie threats were no laughing matter.
"Thank you!" Leo called out, hoping the torment was over. He was wrong.
"That being said -," Donnie took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat.
"Oh, no." Leo sunk further down.
"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream," purple terrapin sang. "Merrily, merrily, I can make you scream."
"Oh, my god," Leo groaned. "You are my family, but you are all terrible, you dicks."
"Eh, you love us," April patted his hand.
"Hey guys," you re-entered the lair. "I forgot my bag." You took the scene in and frowned. "Is something wrong?"
Suddenly all the eyes were on Leo and he just wanted to disappear.
"Nope," he jumped out of the chair. "Everything is peachy! Let me walk you home." He rushed to your side and threw a death glare at his snickering family.
You were very confused as Leo escorted you out.
"What was that all about?" You asked. "It looked like you guys were having an intervention," you joked.
"It was nothing, they just thought they were being funny," he huffed.
"Were they giving you shit because you haven't asked me out yet?" You smirked, giving him a side eye.
Leo felt like a scratch record. "What?" He blinked at you, stopping abruptly.
"You aren't that hard to read Leo." You took his hand. "Also I was listening to the whole thing for quite a while. The sewers do carry sounds well."
His heart was about to jump out of his chest. "And um, do you, would you mind if I did?"
"Nope, so come on, shoot your shot." You nudged him gently.
"Alright," he took a deep breath in. Here it goes. He will not mess it up. "Do you take out game?"
"I mean - Will you check me out? No!" He pinched the bridge oh his snout.
You tried so hard not to laugh.
"I can do this," he said probably more to himself than you. "Will you. Go with me. To the Knicks game this Saturday?"
You giggled and stood up on your tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, with pleasure."
"Great!!" He smiled brightly. "I can pick you up at 6?"
"Sounds perfect. See you then." You gave his hand a squeeze and exited the sewers. A smile never leaving your face.
Once you were gone he fist pumped, excited. You said yes! That was such a relief! He felt so good he was going to clean the dojo!
Figuring out how to prevent his brothers from going to the game was future Leo problem.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
tsamsiyu ta'em - old names, new faces
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Masterlist - part two
Summary: Jake is preparing for war while also learning about the arrival of someone he thought he'd never see again
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
Word Count: 4k+
posted on ao3
Taglist: @mooniequeen (Thank you for requesting to be tagged! The fic is up now both on here and on ao3. First chapter was already posted but I went ahead and tagged you there as well!)
Warnings: canon-compliant, canon-typical violence, mature language, adult content, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, alien/human (technically avatar), jake sully sister agenda, time skips, I'm trying to hurry up and get to the good parts so bear with me, fluff, angst, adopted spider, tags to be added
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Jake didn't want to waste a second of time. After General Frances Ardmore sent out a transmission to the natives of Pandora, warning the Na'vi and humans occupying Hell's Gate to surrender the former RDA facility before her arrival, he made sure to abandon it... but not before planting a few bugs.
Listening devices and motion alarms were placed, then Toruk Makto ordered the Na'vi and all humans who live among them to retreat to the forests, and just in time, too. A week later, one of the motion alarms pings and Norm informs Jake immediately. The two launch a small war party and swarm their former headquarters, attacking the RDA retrieval team Ardmore had sent out to inspect Hell's Gate. The foot soldiers were overwhelmed within minutes, and Jake covers Norm -who was using his human form- and Max while the two go through the new bit of technology provided while the other Na'vi and human warriors keep the RDA hostages contained.
Jake crouches until he can fit into the doorway of the control room, assault rifle nestled in his arms, "Think you can do this?"
"Of course not!" Norm snapped, his attitude spiking as he and Max frantically look through the database, "I told you I'm not a hacker, Jake--"
"--Do you think every scientist has to go through a Hacker Course in the Academy of Code in the Land of Computers just to get into Yale?" Spellman asked sarcastically.
"Got it," Max exclaims without looking away from the screen, "And yes, Norm, that's exactly what happens."
"Dick," Norm muttered, running over to hover over one of Max's shoulders while Jake hovers over both of them in size.
"I'm impressed," Max mentions while looking through the database, "Everything is neat, tidy, brand new--"
"Don't be getting any bright ideas," Jake muttered, one of his dreadlocks moving down his shoulder.
"I'm just saying, though I can easily tell they weren't expecting someone on this moon to be capable of hacking into their data files. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that they underestimate us. No firewall, no password, not even cookies. Should be easy to download as much intel as we want, but only within that small window before the RDA react and come running when they realize what we're doing."
"Let's start with an inventory count," Jake takes a breath into his oxygen mask, "How many guns and ships are we looking at?"
"Ten shuttles, easily. No telling what each of them carries. Let's see. Missile batteries, gun emplacements. Armed to the teeth. Uh..." Before he could look further, the computer screen freezes and reboots, "Shit."
"What was that?" Norm asked.
"They caught us in their systems. They shut me out."
Jake grits his teeth and his gun, "Max, get back in there."
"I can't!"
"Try! And when you get back in, try and at least download any information they got on Ardmore and what she's planning before the system shuts down again. Forget the weaponry."
Max huffs, anxiously blinking away the sweat dripping down his forehead and fogging up his glasses. He furiously works as the three men start shuffling nervously, man and Na'vi alike. The computer makes a new sound and Max smiles brightly, "I got it, I got it! 'System is back up and running!"
Jake huffs out a bit of air before pressing into his throat microphone, "Alright, people, we got five minutes before the RDA realizes Hell's Gate is back online and responds. Let's go, let's go!"
Max begins to download files under titles he thinks are important. He catches names like Ardmore, Na'vi, Bridgehead, and Avatar. Out of curiosity, he clicks the last one and a name pops up, one that Max has to read over and over again before he grasps it, "Jake... does the name Makayla Sully ring a bell?"
Jake felt as though someone had just punched him in the gut, spinning back toward Max and the computer, "What did you just say?"
Max transfers the information from the computer screen and onto his datapad with just his hand motion and a flick of the wrist. He reads the name out loud again before Jake crotches over his and snatches the tablet from his hands, "Gimme that."
The former human now olo'eykan nearly stood to full height, forgetting he was too big for a human-made compound, and bonked his head. He grimaced and his eyes trail over the data file, reading it once, twice, the name sticking to the forefront of his mind for the first time in years. A picture attached to the file draws out his reaction, his breath was nearly taken away, "Holy shit."
"Relative?" Max asked.
Norm looked at the name from the original computer screen and noticed the picture attached to it, eyes growing comically wide, "Oh, shit. That's his sister."
Max looked between Jake and Norm, eyes wide in shock and sympathy while Norm read the file out loud, "'Corporal Makayla Sully. Avatar driver.' You know, Tom mentioned something about his sister showing interest in joining the Marine Corps. She might be here because of you."
He says this last part to Jake and immediately begins to sputter and backtrack when Jake's ears lowered, "I-I-I mean-! Not that it's your fault or anything--"
"Gunships inbound!" A voice is heard over the radio, warning the three men in the control room.
"Shit, they're early!" Max proclaims while grabbing the datapad from Jake along with the rest of their things.
His shock now shattered, the marine part of Jake takes over and he grabs his assault rifle again, "Go, get outta here!"
He lets Norm and Max run out in front of him while they frantically pull their exo-masks and packs on. Jake takes up the rear and together they run out of the Hell's Gate facility. Outside, other Na'vi and humans await them, calling and whooping out in warning at the sounds of gunship blades coming from a distance. Jake hears the familiar echo of Neytiri's call and he runs in that direction, finding his ikran waiting for him alongside his mate and her mount. Jake forms the tsaheylu and jumps up onto Bob's back, waiting until he's sure Max and Norm have jumped into their respective gunship before shouting the order to leave and scatter, instructing his people in the radio to rendevous to make sure no one was followed before returning home. The entire way back, his mind was troubled, clouded, and angry, the name and picture still haunting the forefront of his mind.
She woke up that morning with a headache, feeling uncomfortable pressure behind her eyes and forcing her to close them again. 
But Makayla didn't want to close them. She didn't want to go back to her dream, the one she had been having for a while now, even in her cryosleep. After waking from that hibernation, they had told her that it wasn't possible. You can't dream in cryosleep. She decided not to question it further, afraid that some doctor would find her mentally unwell and send her back to Earth when she had only just arrived on Pandora. So Kayla kept her mouth shut, never mentioning the ocean waves she remembered flying over in her dream, bluer and cleaner than she had ever seen back home. 
The woman stood up and got ready for the day, alone and basking in the silence of her one-bedroom quarters stationed in Bridgehead City. Gelling her hair back to fit into a bun and donning her uniform, she tucks her tank top into her standard-issue army-style pants and combat boots before throwing over her jacket. Grabbing her exopack and spare, she headed out into this new world, reporting to the control room of this vastly growing city. 
No one looked up from their duties when she entered the control room, but she looked on and made a beeline for the person she was meant to report to, keeping her posture stiff and back straight when she stood behind another woman in uniform, saluting her in respect, "General Ardmore."
An older, blonde-haired woman, hiding said hair under a hat turned at her name, hands behind her back while nodding down to the younger woman, "Corporal Sully. How was your beauty sleep?"
"Well rested and ready to go, ma'am."
"Excellent. Right this way."
Moving from the control room, Ardmore leads her new recruit into the bio-lab, crossing over to an amino tank, tapping the glass, and turning back to address the corporal, "So this is your vehicle here." 
Makayla stepped forward, staring into the tank and inspecting her new ride. She paused, nearly stunned at the floating Na'vi-looking woman in the tank. The creature's eyes were closed, frowning, curled around herself like a fetus in the womb, but still obviously much taller than her human counterpart. She twitched occasionally, but otherwise never acknowledged her avatar driver's presence. Makayla refrained from touching the glass but stood in awe while inspecting the avatar's face. Pale blue skin with darker blue stripes, thin, dark eyebrows, a small flat nose, and long ears pinned to her skull. Makayla had the urge to touch her own cheekbones and small lips when looking at what was essentially a reflection. She recognized certain features on the avatar that was definitely hers whenever she looked into a mirror, astonished at how well-designed her Na'vi body looked to mirror her human self.
Ardmore didn't appear to notice Makayla's amazement, droning on while slowly swarming the tank, inspecting the creature inside with an upturned nose, "She's not much but it'll be passable. You've read up on avatar training, have you?"
Kayla's spell is broken and she straightens her posture, looking dutifully ahead and not at her avatar, "Yes, ma'am. Enough to know the controls."
"Good. Have you logged in time on the simulator?"
"Yes, though not as much as I wish I could. I still get nauseous."
Ardmore nods, "Time and gravity are different here, Corporal. From what I hear, it'll help with the brain link. Now I know I said when I first recruited you that this would be a simple in-and-out extraction, but things have changed and now the real test is whether or not you can adapt to that."
Kayla keeps her eyes forward despite wanting to show the general her determination, "I can adapt to anything you throw at me, General."
"I like to hear it." Ardmore moves her hand to pat Makayla's arm almost robotically, but the corporal took the hint and followed the general back outside, never daring to look back at her avatar. After instructing her recruit to follow suit and throw on an exopack, the two women step outside, casually strolling together on the catwalk standing high above the city. Ardmore points out to the jungle far beyond the dry landscape circling around the city, "Now, with the plan to bring the majority of humanity here, I need soldiers out there learning to adapt and become experts in this new world we intend to call home. Unfortunately, this atmosphere and environment aren't really friendly to our kind, hence why we formed the Kill Zone."
"The Kill Zone?"
"It's what that barren two-mile-wide field is. It surrounds the city to keep the native lifeforms at a safe distance. Everything here-- the plants, the animals, they want to kill us. So for now, we use the Kill Zone to keep them away and regularly treat it with herbicides to keep anything from growing."
"And to keep anything from attacking?"
"That's what the automated weapons surrounding the city wall are for, Corporal. We're not taking any chances, but we can't be in the defensive position forever. Eventually, we'll have to fight back. With the entire flora and fauna of this moon wanting to attack us, we need to compromise it. Hence why we brought back the Avatar Program. We need avatar soldiers whose DNA will not trigger this moon's immune response. With new soldiers trained for the most hostile environments, we believe that if we link them with these avatars, we can assess and observe whether or not it will be easy for normal civilians to take on avatars."
Kayla's stone expression slips temporarily, eyes widening for a fraction of a second, "You want everyone to have an avatar eventually?"
Ardmore shrugs while tapping on the glass of her mask, "Humanity can't adapt overnight. If we want this place to be our new home, we'll need to be able to breathe the air and hunt and gather resources safely. Unfortunately, it is unclear how long a human could possibly link to their avatar before they have to disconnect. That is where you come in. We'll be testing this experiment through you. Any questions?"
"Just one, General." She hesitates as Ardmore turns to her, but Kayla blinks, rolls her lips, and says it anyway, "My brother's remains. When will I be able to go and search for them?"
A shadow passes the older woman's eyes before it retreats to the corners of her whites. Kayla knew it was a stupid question to ask, but Ardmore's usual stone voice changed to ice cold and she answered it anyway, "Once the labcoats are confident you can withstand longer link periods, we'll fly you out and drop you off at your brother's last known whereabouts before he was deemed killed in action. Understand that we can't waste a ton of manpower on this impossible body retrieval, but a deal's a deal. I'll send you out and send you a ride home once you call it in, but that's it. Otherwise, you're on your own, Corporal."
"Yes, ma'am. I understand."
The war party returns to their stronghold in the Hallelujah Mountains, and Jake's mind is still far away from him. After landing his ikran and breaking the bond, he felt his feet moving over to Max after the scientist hopped off the gunship with the same war paint Trudy's ship bore as a tribute. Jake easily towers over Max, asking him if he could have a look at the datapad he carried with their newly acquired information. Max flashed a look of understanding before handing the tablet over and walking away without another word.
Jake turned to leave as well, only he did so in the direction of his mate. Neytiri broke away from her ikran when she noticed Toruk Makto approaching her with a troubled look on his face, her ears stiffening at the sense of something being wrong.
"Ma Jake--"
"I have something to tell you," he gently cuts her off, and something in Neytiri's stomach drops, "Something I never told you before."
Subtly and easing into conversation had never been her husband's strongest suit. Neytiri felt cold and slightly fearful while staring down her mate, conflicted, trying to figure out what he could've hidden from her. It wasn't the first time he lied to her, earning her trust and betraying her, even when he had the best intentions. Over the years, Neytiri learned to forgive her mate for his past mistakes, including the one that concluded the death of her father and the destruction of her home. Still, hearing Jake admit that he hasn't told her everything made her heart sink with worry.
Nodding off to the side, she moves away from the campsite and Jake dutifully follows. Once they were out of earshot, she silently turned to him and folds her arms, waiting for him to spill, and he does, "I have a sister. Her name is Makayla."
Her tail curls in attention, lips parting in a silent gasp as she stares at him in disbelief, "You... you told me you had a twin brother."
"Yeah, I did. Tommy," Jake indicated toward himself, "This body was meant to be his avatar before he died and I took his place."
"And your sister?" The words felt strange on her tongue, her mind not yet convinced that Jake even has another sibling, much less a sister, "Why tell me now?"
His eyes swam with guilt, an emotion he knows better than to hide from his wife. Neytiri hadn't seen guilt like that on his face ever since he accidentally stepped on Little Kiri's tail and made her scream bloody murder. His eyes were wide and sad as if he had just accidentally killed the most beautiful, innocent creature in the world most sacred to Eywa. He looked as though he had betrayed Neytiri's trust all over again after telling her the truth behind the Sky People wanting the Omatikaya to leave Hometree. Decades worth of sadness and regret were evident in his eyes and aged him beyond his years, "Because she's here, with the Sky People."
He swipes across the screen of the datapad and offers the tablet to her. Neytiri stepped closer and caught sight of a picture on the screen. It was the picture of a human woman, with a blank expression as she stared directly into the camera head-on. She was middle-aged at most, likely more around Neytiri's age than Jake's, but she carried her shoulders and eyes to appear much older, kind of like how Jake looked now when examining the picture. 
Neytiri is not sure what the Sky People deemed 'pretty' among their own species, so she didn't bother complimenting the picture, especially since she wouldn't have meant it. "That is her?"
"Why is she here?"
Jake scrolls down the screen as he read, "This file mentions that she was recruited for the next step in the avatar program. Which means she'll most likely have a Na'vi body of her own."
Her eyes narrow but she doesn't say a word against the statement. 'Na'vi' is a loose term when it comes to the Sky People creating avatar bodies to walk among Neytiri's people. They never got certain features right, such as their hands and eyes. However, Neytiri can't find it within herself to be disgusted by those features anymore, not like she used to. Not when the man she fell in love with had those same features. Not when one of her sons and adopted daughter bore those same features. It was hard for Neytiri to imagine what an avatar would look like for Jake's sister and part of her didn't want to find out.
"What is the plan?" She sternly asked her husband, carefully watching his eyes, "Hm? What do you want to do?"
His ears are still lowered, definitely sensing the distrust in Neytiri's voice while he carefully answered, "I want to grab her and pull her out of there."
"Jake." She pitied her husband, detecting the hope in his eyes and she hated the fact that she must be the one to squash it, "Your sister is of the Sky People."
"So was I. Once," he tucked the datapad under his arm and placed both of his hands on her shoulders, keeping their eyes locked as he gently spoke, "But everything changed when I met you. If I can meet with her, I'm sure I can convince her to stay with us."
"... Older or younger than you?"
"Younger." He knew by then, he had won his wife over. Her tail flicked with curiosity at his answer along with her eyes before she tried her best to mask it. Both of them knew what the other was thinking, and the Na'vi woman was currently thinking about how much she missed her own sister. "Neytiri... I let her down once. I can't do it again." 
"... And you won't."
Over the next few weeks, Makayla had been syncing with her avatar and learning how to move in her new body before heading out of the safety of the city. She kept close at first, not wanting to push it, and went one day at a time. Eventually, one mile became two, and after the first couple of weeks, she had branched out to a couple of hundred leagues. Thankfully, there weren't any mirrors out in the wilds of Pandora. She still had difficulty looking at her reflection, not expecting blue skin, big ears, and yellow eyes. However, she appreciated the new body in other ways, such as speed and agility. Kayla managed to pull stunts that she could have never done back home, least of all in her own body.
With the speedy progress she was making, Ardmore and the RDA scientists granted her permission to venture out days at a time, entrusting her with a radio and food rations but not much else per Ardmore's warning of little supplies available to be wasted. Makayla didn't mind. She had plenty of training to prepare her for survival, and although those survival tips were meant to help her thrive in climates unfamiliar to Pandora, she considered this as a challenge. 
There were well-known sites of Pandora in the RDA database, stretched around familiar areas and marked as 'forbidden'. Kayla found herself at some of these sites, thinking of the possibility of finding her brother's body in these marked places. She had gone to Hell's Gate but found nothing other than whatever was left abandoned there. RDA had already cleared out what had been left by Na'vi and their human sympathizers that Ardmore warned Kayla about... though they took heavy losses because Hell's Gate had been rigged before their arrival. Unbeknownst to Kayla, she herself had set off an alarm when scavenging through the old military base, but she never saw or heard anything. The alarm had gone off elsewhere, far out into the floating mountains hundreds of miles away.
Taking her time around the abandoned base, Kayla kept her rifle under her arm and her newly-acquired, sensitive ears on high alert, turning this way and that at even the slightest of sounds. So of course, she immediately hears the sounds of bird screeches, only... they sound bigger, coming closer with multiples echoing off each other, along with the heavy sounds of large wings.
Kayla immediately takes cover, hiding in a large hangar meant to store gunships during those violent electrical storms she was warned about. Trying to make herself small by pressing against the wall as tight she could, she tried to calm her breath and slow down her heartbeat as she hears the thunderous sounds of dozens of large animals landing on the ground. Kayla could feel the stomps with her own two feet, not liking the idea of the danger being so close, she made sure her weapon was loaded, trying to stay quiet. 
"Fan out! No lethals. We capture alive."
A loud voice booms and it's echoed by several yips and calls of acknowledgment. Makayla tried counting but lost count after six. Multiple footsteps can be heard scattering around the entire facility, and to her horror, a handful was coming in Kayla's direction. She takes a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. Slowly, carefully, she turns on her heels until she's fully facing the open hangar door, hoisting her rifle up until she's able to peek into the sights. She was ready to take out whoever came through that door, her eyes flickering down at the long shadows slowly approaching the doorway.
Too bad she had no one to cover her six because, with one flick of her ear, she realized her mistake. Spinning around, she's met with a swift kick of someone's leg, throwing her back and forcing her hands to let go of her gun, letting the weapon skitter across the floor. Kayla grunts at the impact, trying to quickly scurry to her feet as loud war cries echo all around her, bouncing off the walls of the empty hangar. Standing up and unsheathing her knife, she's completely surrounded by Na'vi, snarls and hisses being spat at her feet while having dozens of weaponry pointed at her. Spears, arrows, knives... even heavy artillery of human-make, like a shoulder-held grenade launcher. Kayla had to admit, that made her pause and stare oddly at the Na'vi warrior holding a weapon she was more familiar with before the sound of more people running into the hangar drew her attention away.
Kayla spun around at all the people surrounding her, pointing her knife at each of them as she screamed, "Stay back!" 
They only hiss or ululate in response, glaring sharply at the female marine with bright yellow eyes that now match hers. They begin to close in around her, tightening up their formation, and she could feel her heart beginning to sink to her stomach as she gripped her knife tighter.
"Waitwaitwait! Hold your fire!" 
The Na'vi all pause, slowly calming down and some break out of the circle to make way for their leader. Or, at least, that's who Kayla figured this particular male Na'vi was. He looked like the leader, with his war paint and many feather and beads adorning the braids of his hair and loincloth. However, there was something about his attire that made him stand out and that was the army-green vest, clearly of human fashion. Kayla fully turned to face the Na'vi male, her eyes briefly shifting to the side when a Na'vi female walked close behind him, otherwise, Kayla kept her eyes forward and focused on the leader.
The leader appeared hesitant, even hopeful, his ears flicking curiously to the side while closely inspecting her, "What's your name?"
She clocks in on the accent, recognizing the clear words to be something from her home world. And... oddly, it sounded familiar, though she couldn't place it. Lookely closely, she realized that this Na'vi was different from the others, apart from the fashion. This leader bore five digits on each hand and bore eyebrow hairs, much like herself. This wasn't a Na'vi at all. This was an avatar. 
"... You sound American. You know English."
He flashed a brief smirk of amusement, "I know a lot more than that. Your name?"
She shifts her gaze around at all the Na'vi people staring menacingly at her. What harm could her first name be? "Makayla."
Something deflates in the leader's posture and expression. Shock and relief mix together in his eyes, "Jesus. It really is you."
Her eyebrows furrow, head tilting ever so slightly with curiosity, "Do I know you?"
"Kayla, it's me. It's Jake."
Her entire posture stiffens, face freezing in the expression of curiosity. She didn't move a muscle let alone remember to breathe, eyes only ever staring at the leader ahead of her, now calling himself Jake. Slowly, she takes a careful step forward, growing nervous, inspecting the man's face every time she stepped closer to get a better look. Jake's posture continued to soften, trying not to appear intimidating so that she would bravely step up to him. As she got closer, Jake clearly recognized her in certain features her avatar inherited, but he didn't voice it. Instead, he remained patient, letting his sister take her time.
What he wasn't expecting, however, was when she got close enough, Kayla quickly reached out and grabbed him, roughly spinning him around and holding him in front of her body like a shield while yelps and hollers of distress sound out all around the pair. The Na'vi all cry out in warning as they raise their weapons once more, becoming infuriated when Kayla remembered her knife and pressed the blade against Jake's neck, snarling into his ear, "How the hell do you know my brother's name?!"
"Tell me!"
Neytiri's bow was raised, an arrow aimed directly at Kayla's head, but she appeared hesitant, "Ma Jake--"
Jake lifted his arms out to his people, trying to block Kayla from their weapons, "Hold! Hold! Don't hurt her."
When none of them moved, Jake tried his best to talk down to the woman currently holding him hostage. Height wise she was a couple of inches shorter than him, but the knife pressed into his skin told Jake that height clearly didn't matter, "Kayla... calm down. It's me, I swear."
Her voice cracked, but in rage or distress, Jake wasn't sure of, "No, you're lying. My brother was killed in action!"
He grimaced, "That's likely a lie the RDA came up with for insurance reasons. There's a lot you don't know but if you--" her knife knocked his skin in warning, but he forced his words out, this time louder and less calm, "if you would just let me explain!"
"You're not him!" She screamed in his ear, her breaths becoming irregular, "You're not-- you can't be--"
"I can prove it," he spoke sternly, confidently, getting right down to the point, "You tried wine for the first time when you were sixteen, stealing a small glass from Mom. Instead of spitting it out, you tried finishing the glass like an idiot because Tommy told you not to. Mom and Dad locked you in the bathroom the next day because you were so sick and they made him clean it up because he didn't stop you."
The whole world felt as though it paused mid-rotation, the ground, and sky beneath them holding their breath, awaiting a response. He couldn't see her face, but Jake noticed the grip around her knife had loosened a fraction, and it was slowly moving away from his neck. Slowly, he slipped out of her hold by his own accord, slowly turning around so as not to spook her. Kayla's knife clatters to the ground and Neytiri forces herself to relax, lowering her bow and nodding for the others to follow suit.
Makayla studies Jake's face more closely this time, depicting certain features that she recognized to belong to a Sully, in some way shape or form. She couldn't explain how she knew... but it was the same reason why she was able to identify her avatar as her own, knowing certain features stem from both avatar and human form.
"Jake..." She exhaled under her breath, her voice quieter than before. Kayla took a step closer and the Na'vi people shuffled nervously. Jake kept perfectly still, remaining under her observation until something clicked behind her eyes like the gears had just suddenly shifted into place. Her eyes widen in shock, relief, and above all, joy, "Jake!" 
She jumps into his arms, her full body shaking being the only sign of the woman ever crying.
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A/N: If you'd like to be tagged, lemme know!
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gemini-magic17 · 9 months
Entanglement Chapter Three
"Kit you act like it is the end of the world. You knew this day would come why are you acting so surprised", my mother said.
"I am surprised because, for the first time in my life, you decided to bring this up. You didn't even tell me you were planning on doing this!"
"I am your mother Kit as well as queen I do not need your permission. Your marriage to Y/n will be beneficial to Tir Asleen and to you", she said.
"How do you expect this soon-to-be sham of a union to be beneficial to me?!?"
"Instead of you having to move to her Kingdom after the wedding you both will be residing here."
"Oh so you are saying I get to stay here but be married to a girl I don't even know who will be looking for me as a sense of comfort", I exclaimed.
"Don't be so dramatic! Now listen Y/n and her family are coming for my birthday celebration where you will have an ample amount of time to get to know each other before the wedding in three months."
"YES, Kit three months you are to be married. So, you have plenty of time to come to terms with it", she said and walked out of my room.
As she left I could feel my blood starting to boil and all the things she said running through my mind made me lose it. I started to throw whatever was in reach of me trying to release what I was feeling inside. After my room looked like it had been trashed I stormed out of there. In my anger-filled haze, I didn't see the person in front of me and crashed into them.
"Hey, what's wrong? Why do you seem so angry", Jade asked with a deep sense of worry.
"My mother sprung the worst possible news she could have on me that could destroy my life", I said.
"What do you mean? What did she tell you."
"She just told me I am to be married in three months", I said knowing that this could hurt her.
"What? But your mother never said anything to you about marriage before", Jade said with a shakey voice.
"I know she said it has to do with it being beneficial to the kingdom and some other bullshit", I started to yell.
"Jade I need you to know though my marriage to her will not change anything between us or how I feel about you. I will always love you", holding her face in my hands and looking in her eyes letting her know this.
Jade nods and asks,"So, who is it that you are marrying"?
"Her name is Y/n Ravaryn of Zemira", I said.
"When is she to come here"?
"She is coming for my mother's birthday where she will be staying before and after we are married", I say with disdain.
"So you don't have to move to her kingdom once you are married"?
"Yes, my mother made arrangements where Y/n and I would stay here after the wedding. I guess you could say she was trying to soften the blow or trying to make me feel somewhat accepting of this union", I say sarcastically.
"At least you won't have to leave and you will be home", jade smiles.
"Yeah except for the marriage part", I laugh.
"I have to go I promised to meet up with Boorman. I will see you later on", Jade says and then proceeds to walk off.
All I could think about at that moment was how her heart must be hurting just like mine is.
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** Time skip to the fourth day on the ship
Being stuck on this damn ship has given me anxiety to the point where I want to throw myself off it. If I have to spend one more day on this boat I may go mad. Looking up at the night sky and seeing all the stars scattered across it made me think of the time when I was a little girl and would go searching for the brightest star out there.
All of a sudden I hear footsteps behind me just to turn and see my father.
" You couldn't sleep either could sweetheart", he said.
"No, I could not. I have too many things on my mind."
"I assume this is regarding your betrothal", he remarked.
"Yes, and among other things", I said hesitantly.
"I don't understand. What else is bothering you"?
"Father have you ever heard of a Great War where the realm fell into chaos and dragons were utilized as warfare", I asked.
He seemed rather shocked at my question. As if this topic has never been brought up before.
"Why would you ask about that"?
"I was in the castle's library the day before we left and came across a book where it was mentioned", I said.
" Y/n I don't know why that book would ever be in our library. After all, those were dark times and nobody likes to discuss what happened. There should not even be any written text on the subject. The war was so gruesome it is too horrible to even be spoken about", he said making sure no one was around to hear.
"If there is supposed to be no written evidence or that it is not to be spoken about, how do you know about it"?
"In each Kingdom, the soon-to-be king or queen is given this knowledge by their parents. It is best that the people don't know because if they do they will be afraid of those days coming back", he said.
"But why? From what I read all the dragons were killed. Why would the people have to be worried"?
"Even though they are all gone we cannot take the chance of the people discovering the truth."
"Does James know anything about this", I asked.
"No, not yet. He has a ways to go before he is crowned King. You are the only one who knows and I am urging you not to tell anyone what you have learned about", he said.
"I understand", I didn't understand though. How is this something you could keep from our people and why would this be so damaging now? It just doesn't make sense.
"Father I also read in the book something about a prop--", the sound of footsteps cut me off as we both looked for any sign of someone.
My father and I could hear the footsteps coming closer and low and behold it turned out to be my mother.
"What are you two doing up here you both should be sleeping", she said with the sound of sleep in her voice.
"I know dear we couldn't sleep so we just talked for a bit. We are heading back now", my father said.
"Alright", she said then made her way back to her compartments.
"Remember what I said Y/n you have to keep it a secret."
"Yes, father", I smiled.
"Ok, I am heading back. Are you coming"?
"Not yet I will be down in a few minutes."
"Ok, I will see you tomorrow morning then", he kissed my forehead and returned back to his room.
Letting out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding my mind was circling with questions about what my father had told me. Looking back up at the sky my mind started to wonder after a while. I started thinking about what would happen in the next couple of days and how it would affect not just me but everyone else.
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sleepymccoy · 2 months
(Spock Prime is pov, McCoy Prime is referred to as Leonard, the aos trio are here too) (here's the full fic, this is the last chapter (spoilers!) and I'm posting it as a teaser cos I'm now releasing a sequel from the aos pov) (the tos one is really good tho you should read it) (if you like spones) (even if you don't actually)
“What’s the plan, Ambassador?” Kirk asked. 
“Yes, Ambassador?” Leonard asked. His had traveled down slightly, resting just above Spock’s arse. Spock blinked once, steadying himself, and found the few remaining threads of his restraint. 
“I might,” Spock said, hesitantly, “perhaps, retire my commission. Captain, would you facilitate a conver- ”
“What?” the other Spock asked. 
“Yeah, what?” Leonard repeated. He tapped Spock’s arse gently. “They told me about Vulcan, Spock, you’re working there. Good work.” Leonard’s frown was genuine, no glint of secret pleasure in it. He grimaced at Spock and addressed Kirk. “Ah, he’s just confused, ignore that.”
“Ambassador?” Kirk asked. 
“Take some time off,” Leonard cried out. He let go of Spock. “Shit, call in sick. I’ve been thinking about this longer than you.” He bent and fished his walking stick up off the floor. Spock went to pick it up first, but by the time he realised that Leonard was on the way down he’d already nimbly stood back up. “On that note, Doctor Me,” Leonard continued, waving the stick in the air as he stepped towards the trio, “how do you feel about having an older you running around? Well, caning around.”
Doctor McCoy laughed breathily, then frowned more seriously. “I’m not threatened by you, Doctor.” He nodded to the side, as if agreeing with Leonard, although Leonard had said nothing. “It is a bit strange.”
Leonard hummed doubtfully. McCoy broke the eye contact first, grimacing at Kirk. 
Leonard spun on his heel, using the walking stick to balance himself. When Spock had left the stick was new, now it acted as an extension of him. He had known Leonard would continue living, and had felt the grief of not knowing him. Seeing just how he had done so was simultaneously heartbreaking and joyous. 
“I could take your name,” Leonard said.
Could he possibly mean- ? Spock smirked. “Take it where?” he asked.
Leonard grinned. Spock’s heart jumped. He was definitely resigning his commission, he would not spend another moment separated, but they could discuss it later. 
“Cute,” Leonard said. His eyebrows raised high, his forehead creasing with wonderful age. “That marriage proposal still on the table, Mister?”
“Ah,” Spock breathed. He felt his counterpart’s eyes on him. “I never proposed to you.”
“Ooh, don’t be tricky now, sugar, I’m exhausted.”
He was leaning rather heavily on his stick now. “Of course it is, Leonard,” Spock whispered.
Leonard’s grin grew. “Ambassador and Doctor Spock!” 
Spock went to him, taking his elbow. Leonard heaved a sign, resting his weight on Spock’s hand. He had new sun spots on his cheeks, greyer hair, deeper wrinkles. But his eyes were precisely the same.
“Captain,” the other Spock muttered, “is this the best solution for- ”
“Quiet, it’s their choice,” Kirk said.
“Also,” said their McCoy, “three Spocks is hilarious.”
Leonard pulled Spock in for a kiss. He was alive and intimate. Spock was dizzy with this all. 
“I don’t wish to marry for function,” Spock said, lips dragging against Leonard’s. 
Leonard kissed him again, just quickly. “I got romance a’plenty for you, love.” He turned, throwing his head back to Kirk. “Can we leave?” He face Spock again, his hair mussed. “Do you have a ship?”
Spock smiled to himself, enjoying how Leonard’s eye caught the quirk of his lips. He positioned Leonard, directing how he stood, so that they both faced Kirk. Leonard winked at him and did not resist being moved.
“Yes, certainly,” Kirk said, with barely a beat of hesitation. He addressed Leonard. “We’ll beam your luggage aboard.”
Leonard nodded, patted Spock on the arse obviously then raised his hand to wave his farewell. He made his way steadily onto the transporter pad, muttering to himself. 
Spock addressed Kirk with a small bow. “Thank you, Captain. Means more to me than you know.”
Kirk put his hands up. “I was just the taxi driver, he did all the work.” He nodded warmly. “Good afternoon.”
“Sir,” Spock farewelled his counterpart. He met poor McCoy’s uncomfortable gaze. “Doctor.”
“Ambassador,” Doctor McCoy said stiffly. 
Spock accepted the farewells and followed Leonard. Leonard winked at him again. Spock’s heart fluttered, and the transporter took them. 
Spock still had his eyes on Leonard as they arrived on his ship. Leonard touched his own chest and abdomen, checking his wellbeing. 
“Do you require anything?” Spock asked quietly. 
“Ahh,” Leonard groaned, “it’s hot in here! Thank God, they keep that ship very cold, don’t they?” He tottered off, leaning on his cane and inspecting the walls. “I wonder how trim and stern deals with it.”
“Trim and stern?”
“Is this alright, Spock?” Leonard asked quickly. Spock wasn’t going to find out who trim and stern was, then.
Spock stood straight. “You had a whole life without me,” Spock said.
Leonard nodded. “I still do,” he said. “I said my goodbyes. I knew what I was doing, love. I’ll find something to do, probably on New Vulcan with you, they’ll need to start mixing up the gene pool to- ”
“Leonard,” Spock snapped, almost scolding him. He didn’t want to hear about work.
“Sweetheart.” Leonard hesitated, rubbing his hand against his mouth. “Listen, Spock, I don’t need you. I just want you.” He met Spock’s eyes slowly and licked his lips. “I want you every night, every morning. And I do what I want, damn it, so I’m here.”
Spock breathed out slowly. 
“Is it good?” Leonard asked, his voice tense. “I hope it’s good, my dear, I can’t take it back.”
“Very good,” Spock said, desperately quiet. He held his hand out, two fingers extended.
Two sharp cracks sounded as Leonard came to him immediately, his cane loud as he stepped. His fingers paired up and joined with Spock’s, as they finally, truly, kissed. 
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 months
X-men 97 episode 7 *SPOILERS*
Gambit's funeral
I didn't recognize everyone at the funeral, but are they his friends from his past or his family? Cause I have no idea.
Nightcrawler with the eulogy. He sure has a way with words. Plus, him being there as a priest makes sense. Also, he looks so adorable with the robes.
Logan comforting Jubilee was sweet, bit it got me thinking that her screentime has been spent most with Roberto than the other X-Men.
Rogue going solo
Honestly, I don't blame her for hunting down Gyrich and Trask. Especially when it was later on revealed that they were involved but not the mastermind.
Cameos of Thunderbolt Ross and Captain America. Now, last time I saw 90s Steve Rogers was in the Spider-Man animated series during that show's own version of Secret Wars. Before that, he was trapped in a vortex with Red Skull. So, I guess he got out which is why he was there?
I was bummed that he didn't go help Rogue get Gyrich, but I get that he has to do things by the books. Cause that's who he is. Although, Rogue did him dirty by throwing his shield far into the mountains. It was funny and I don’t blame her for doing that. But I do kinda feel bad for him.
Her fighting Ross's army was cool. Also, if the base was durable against the Hulk, does that mean she's stronger than the Hulk?
Nightcrawler best brother! The way he talked to Rogue, hugged her when she was finally mourning over Gambit and Magneto (still don't like the Rogueneto ship), and even called her "sister"! God, I love this blue devil man! 😭 And if anything bad happens to him in the next three episode, Imma be pissed!
Roberto "coming out" of the Mutant closet to her mom
Well, it went better than when Iceman told his family in the X-2 movie. It was a relief to see his mom accepting of him and not hating him.
However, it's unfortunate that she told him to keep it a secret because of their business reputation l. It would've made more sense if it was to protect her son due to the humans' stances on mutants and what happened in Genosha. At least, that way, it would've been more of a good reason than about their business.
Jubilee being supportive and being there for him was sweet.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Jubilee isn't really part of the main plot, though, so I don't know if we'll see her in action, nor if we'll see Roberto use more of his powers.
Genosha aftermath
More of Jean and Scott talking, so that's good. They're communicating and are still working as a team despite what happened. So, there may be hope that their relationship will survive, but we won't know for sure. So much crap has happened, and I blame Sinister for all of it.
Emma Frost survived, and she got her diamond form! She must've been stuck in all that debris for days. Also, how is she gonna react when she finds out Sebastian Shaw is dead?
Beast and the reporter. Considering how all these relationships have been going in this show so far, I was very, VERY worried about Beast. But, because of what Trish (I think that's her name) said, it ended before it even started.
Y'know when he said he didn't want to be made a monster more than what Sinister did, I thought he was talking about Genosha, but I think he was talking about him turning him into a human sentinel.
Also, yes, we're getting Prime Sentinels, which is very very bad. They ain't no joke cause Trask as one took out the X-Men one by one. Rogue was knocked out with a single hit!
Speaking of Trask, I have no sympathy for that sunuvabeech. But, it was messed up how his body was twisted.
And, all because Rogue dropped him off the building! Like, DAMN ROGUE! Again, I have no sympathy for Trask, and I get why she did it but it was still a holy crap moment. Also, everyone else could've tried to save him, but they just stood there. I think only Wolverine was cool with it.
Thank god, Cable was there to save them. Doesn't seem like he likes Scott despite him being his dad, even though he cared for his mom back in episode 5. Then again, daddy issues have been a thing in the Summers' family. But, I hope that's not the case cause animated Scott is cool.
This whole time, Bastion was the true mastermind?! God dammit, how did I not see this coming! OZT was Operation Zero Tolerance, I should've seen this coming, but I thought it was Apocalypse or Nimrod!
This is his first animated debut, btw. And, I'm surprised he was working with Mr. Sinister cause he's a mutant, and Bastion is a human looking sentinel thing. That explains the Genosha massacre cause, of course, he'd wanna exterminate them.
Magneto's alive! But, he's held captive by Bastion. Okay, I don't know how the hell he survived or how he got captured when he was in Genosha. I hope that'll be explained. But, if he's there then where's Leech? Where are the Morlocks? Cause they were there with Magneto.
I'm really really worried for Magneto. He must've been captured for days or weeks, and I think Bastion is gonna turn him into a Prime Sentinel like Trask. That would be so so terrible if that happened. He'll become the thing he fought against. The thing he despises. God, what's taking Xavier so long?! He gotta go save him!
So, a good episode again. But next week begins the three-parter finale which I'm really nervous how it'll turn out. I hope the show will stick the landing, but I can't handle it more of my favorite characters get killed or worse.
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thelunarfairy · 6 months
Hey I LOVE your Yugi twins analysis post!! ( not because I like the toxicity/ incest I just think it’s a great analysis of tbhk) and I wanted to ask your opinion on a thing
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun as a series is a Gothic Romance
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I’ve been going insane about because I’m a huge fan of the genre
( some examples: Crimson Peak ( movie), Jane Eyre, Dracula, Rebecca ( novel and movie), The Fall of The House of Usher, etc)
and I’m 100% convinced by now but I need validation
agree or disagree?
Oh! Thank you!! I'm happy to know you liked it :3
Yeah, I don't like incestuous relationships either, but if it's in the story we have to analyze it.
I don't know if this helps you, but here in my country, this anime is within this genre. Even if elsewhere it does not have this classification, the story itself leads to this path.
"How is the Gothic novel characterized? The Gothic novel is an essentially hybrid manifestation, a link between the novelistic and the novel in which an atmosphere of mystery, affliction and terror prevails."
There's a strange duality to the relationships in this series. If I were to ask you if you could name me any JSHK romantic relationships that are TOTALLY HEALTHY, could you name them for me?
Mitsuba x Kou It's not canonically romantic yet, but even before it is, Kou is aggressive and demanding of Mitsuba, not to mention that he puts Mitsuba's wants above his own. Mitsuba, on the other hand, demonstrated a desire for "death together", which Kou tried to do without hesitation. A guy tried to take his own life for someone else, and Mitsuba wanted to trap him in the PP arch along with him.
Aoi x Aoi Akane is extremely possessive, aggressive, jealous and intolerant. When I say intolerant I am referring to anyone who has a romantic interest in Aoi. He doesn't give her the power of choice, he simply decided that she is his. Traces of an EXTREMELY abusive and DANGEROUS relationship, yes, imminent risk of death. Many REAL LIFE cases start like this. Aoi is jealous of Akane's popularity (in terms of friendships), and doesn't think twice before impaling him.
Hanako x Nene It follows a fine line between Aoi x Aoi, the difference is that Hanako is not aggressive, BUT, he is vengeful. We constantly see him punishing Nene when she shows interest in other guys. He makes decisions about her life alone without consulting her and without allowing her to choose what is best for her or not. He is jealous, possessive, insecure and needy. Hanako would be able to kill Nene if he believed it was the best option for her. I don't need to mention the PP arc or the number six arc. Nene is a girl who tends towards disrespect, she flirts with other guys in front of Hanako, even though she is about to enter into a relationship with him.
This is just a SUPERFICIAL summary of the three main ships in the series. They all seem to want to culminate in tragedy, something that fits into the gothic genre.
Besides of course, the relationship between the twins, a mysterious and dark relationship, you can't follow this relationship without thinking that there is "something strange"
If we compare, for example, the relationship between Edward Elric and Alphonse, we see here a healthy and common relationship between brothers, with its ups and downs and with great brotherly love between them. Remembering that Edward's entire journey is dedicated to his younger brother. Ed made a mistake in the past and his younger brother suffered a serious consequence, Ed took responsibility and promised to solve the problem. They are together almost all the time and yet you clearly see that it is a healthy relationship.
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Not in the case of twins. There's a strange ambiguity in what they consider "love", it doesn't feel like sibling love, and it's not ordinary love, it's something more obsessive, more… how can I say… suffocating? There's something I still can't see. It's not just "maybe it's incest" it's something more than that. Maybe one day I will be able to organize my ideas and think more clearly.
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So yes, JSHK fits into this genre, it fits into many other things in this genre too, I only focused on relationships because you talked about the twins' relationship.
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whomadewaffles · 4 months
PART 3 of 3 of my Pjhazel incorrect qoutes! Sadly the last part.. at least for now. I won't say for definite there won't be more cos I adore this movie and this ship especially, but may take some time.
Same things apply to this one as the others, hope these were as fun to read as they were to make! This one became longer than I intended because I just had to add a few new ones too it especially the code names one because It made me chuckle and fit so well.
Pj: I’m in lov—
Pj: Lov—
Pj: I have feelin—
Josie: It’s okay, take your time.
Pj: ...Hazel.
Pj *to hazel*: If I have developed a huge crush on you, that's my business. It literally has nothing to do with you.
Hazel: Autism speaks?
Hazel: Yeah, I never shut the fuck up.
Pj: Horny doesn’t always mean wanting to have sex. Sometimes it means wanting to be beat up or stabbed or something.
Hazel: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
Pj: I- hm...
Hazel: be nice
Pj: Of course! I'm finding kind words.
Hazel: ... it takes you that long to find-
Pj: It does! I'm trying!
Ms. Callahan: You're not good enough for my daughter
Pj: YOU'RE not good enough for your daughter
Ms. Callahan: Excuse me?!
Pj: You heard me
Hazel: I set off explosives to feel joy.
Pj: That's adorable.
Pj *delusional from a punch to the face during fight club*: You have... beautiful eyes..
Hazel *flustered*: She's lost her mind!
Hazel: I have no idea what's going on but I am being so brave about it.
Pj *to hazel*: Why do you keep looking me in the eyes? My huge tits are down here
Hazel *is sad*
Pj:*looks up “how to comfort someone”*
Website: “Do not make insensitive comments or mock the person”
Pj: Fuck.
Hazel: Are you okay?
Pj: In what aspect? Phisically, no injury whatsoever and no signs of exhaustion. Appearance wise, I'm not just okay, I'm a whole ass meal. We're talking three courses, five stars.
Pj: But mentally? I could use some therapy I guess.
Pj: it may have been a stupid decision, but it was MY stupid decision and I could never turn my back on it
Hazel: please, stay out of trouble
Pj: Not my strong suit
Pj *about Hazel*: *sighs* God, what a loser. I can't believe I'm gonna sleep with her.
Josie: I mean, you don't have to.
Pj: Nah, I'm gonna.
Pj: Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?
Hazel: Yes. It's February 14th.
Pj: I- Nevermind.
Pj: I wanna sleep with you.
Pj: But like in the innocent way.
Pj: ...
Pj: Get your bitch ass over here and cuddle with me you little shit!
Hazel: Damn Pj, calm down, I'm putting my shoes on.
Pj: <3
Hazel: Sometimes sarcasm is laid on so thick that even I can detect it.
Hazel: This was not one of those times.
Pj: I love you.
Hazel: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*pj and Hazel make out passionately*
Sylvie, to annie: You owe me 20 dollars.
Hazel *after Pj insults someone*: I know Pj is very sorry and didn’t mean it.
Pj: Very sorry.
Hazel: See?
Pj: But I did mean it.
Hazel: pj!
Brittney: Why are you ignoring Hazel?
Pj: I’m playing hard to get.
Brittney: Why would you do that? You’re already hard to want.
Pj: Not much could ruin today.
Jeff: Hey overall bitch #2
Pj: Oh, Fuck. I forgot saying that summons him.
*just before josie and pj find the other fight club members at the game to apologise*
Josie: Talk to Hazel first, and apologise. That's what friends do.
Pj: Urgh, I really don’t want too. I was just gonna wait til' I'm on my deathbed, get in the last word and then die immediately.
Josie: That was your plan for dealing with this???
Pj: That's my plan for dealing with everything. I have seventy-seven arguments I'm gonna win that way.
Josie *drags her to the football game*: Nope, we're doing the apology instead.
Pj: Quick, Hazel, start talking about boring nerd shit!
Hazel: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist.
Pj: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
*backstory: the cheerleaders are at practice and the rest of the club are getting together to help plan a perfect promposal for josie to give to isabel*
Pj: From now on, we'll be using code names. You can address me as 'Eagle 1.'
Pj: Hazel is 'Currently doing that.'
Hazel: *high fives pj*
Pj: Sylvie is 'It happened once in a dream.'
Pj: Annie. Codename - 'If I had to pick a republican.'
Pj: josie is... 'Eagle 2.'
Josie: Oh, thank god.
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