#yes its been reclaimed by many
youngpettyqueen · 8 months
sure youre a revolutionary trannydyke genderfag but are you normal about people who dont want to be called queer.
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theabstruseone · 11 months
I slept in and just woke up, so here's what I've been able to figure out while sipping coffee:
Twitter has officially rebranded to X just a day or two after the move was announced.
The official branding is that a tweet is now called "an X", for which there are too many jokes to make.
The official account is still @twitter because someone else owns @X and they didn't reclaim the username first.
The logo is 𝕏 which is the Unicode character Unicode U+1D54F so the logo cannot be copyrighted and it is highly likely that it cannot be protected as a trademark.
Outside the visual logo, the trademark for the use of the name "X" in social media is held by Meta/Facebook, while the trademark for "X" in finance/commerce is owned by Microsoft.
The rebranding has been stopped in Japan as the term "X Japan" is trademarked by the band X JAPAN.
Elon had workers taking down the "Twitter" name from the side of the building. He did not have any permits to do this. The building owner called the cops who stopped the crew midway through so the sign just says "er".
He still plans to call his streaming and media hosting branch of the company as "Xvideo". Nobody tell him.
This man wants you to give him control over all of your financial information.
Edit to add further developments:
Yes, this is all real. Check the notes and people have pictures. I understand the skepticism because it feels like a joke, but to the best of my knowledge, everything in the above is accurate.
Microsoft also owns the trademark on X for chatting and gaming because, y'know, X-box.
The logo came from a random podcaster who tweeted it at Musk.
The act of sending a tweet is now known as "Xeet". They even added a guide for how to Xeet.
The branding change is inconsistent. Some icons have changed, some have not, and the words "tweet" and "Twitter" are still all over the place on the site.
TweetDeck is currently unaffected and I hope it's because they forgot that it exists again. The complete negligence toward that tool and just leaving it the hell alone is the only thing that makes the site usable (and some of us are stuck on there for work).
This is likely because Musk was forced out of PayPal due to a failed credit line project and because he wanted to rename the site to "X-Paypal" and eventually just to "X".
This became a big deal behind the scenes as Musk paid over $1 million for the domain X.com and wanted to rebrand the company that already had the brand awareness people were using it as a verb to "pay online" (as in "I'll paypal you the money")
X.com is not currently owned by Musk. It is held by a domain registrar (I believe GoDaddy but I'm not entirely sure). Meaning as long as he's hung onto this idea of making X Corp a thing, he couldn't be arsed to pay the $15/year domain renewal.
Bloomberg estimates the rebranding wiped between $4 to $20 billion from the valuation of Twitter due to the loss of brand awareness.
The company was already worth less than half of the $44 billion Musk paid for it in the first place, meaning this may end up a worse deal than when Yahoo bought Tumblr.
One estimation (though this is with a grain of salt) said that Twitter is three months from defaulting on its loans taken out to buy the site. Those loans were secured with Tesla stock. Meaning the bank will seize that stock and, since it won't be enough to pay the debt (since it's worth around 50-75% of what it was at the time of the loan), they can start seizing personal assets of Elon Musk including the Twitter company itself and his interest in SpaceX.
Sesame Street's official accounts mocked the rebranding.
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flametrashiraarchive · 10 months
Succor 2
Muzan x GN!reader
Content warnings: oral sex, anal fingering, prostate milking, profanity, Muzan Kibutsuji.
Part 1
Follow up drabble to Part 1
Taglist: @hiraethsdesires @verose-tb @blamedbisexual @tsukiran
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Muzan was livid. One of his upper ranks had fallen for the first time in more than a century, and the remaining demons of his so-called elite class were nothing more than pathetic fools, serving him with nothing but disappointment. 
He let Gyokko's severed head plummet to the platform below, taking grim satisfaction from the wet thud it made when it landed. Hantengu yelped in fear, Akaza flinched, and Douma’s perpetual smile faded. Nothing could quell Muzan’s rage. Nothing. 
"Muzan," you whispered from beneath his desk. He hadn’t known you were there, and your sudden appearance was nothing short of disarming.
You were his most depraved and alluring creation; a demon who was repulsed by the consumption of human flesh, but who garnered strength from Muzan's own fluids. And what strength it was. His breath caught as your hand slowly worked its way up his thigh.
Surely you couldn't still be hungry? You'd already sucked him dry not two hours ago.
And yet, as the fools groveled below, whimpering apologies and empty promises, your hands went to the fastening of his trousers and deftly undid it. 
"Stop that," he hissed through his teeth, glowering at your pretty face. "Cease at once, you infernal slut. Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a mee–"
A shuddering breath escaped Muzan's throat as you took out his cock and used the very tip of your tongue to tease his opening. 
Oh he could have torn your head off for such insubordination, and perhaps he should have, but as his knees buckled and he was forced to brace himself on the edge of his desk, he couldn't bring himself to stop you.
He fought to regain his composure as your hot, wet mouth surrounded his rapidly hardening cock and he tried to keep his voice level as he addressed the upper ranks. “I’d advise you all to act with more urgency from here on out. I suppose you’re not entirely at fault for your inadequacies.”
You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock and the veins in his forehead began to throb. He raised his voice once more to address the demons. “I’ve been too lenient with you because you’re upper ranks.”
He chanced a look down at you, and immediately regretted it. You gazed up at him with tears shimmering in your eyes as his dick grew to tease and nudge the back of your wretched throat. Oh, you were an abomination, a vulgar disgrace to demonkind, but he could not walk away from you. For all his power, he was devastatingly weak when it came to you and your depraved mouth.
He had to end the meeting.
“Gyokko, once you’ve confirmed that information to be true, you are to head over there with Hantengu at once."
No sooner had he finished speaking than a partition closed the pair of you off from the upper ranks, and he could finally let loose the growl caged behind his teeth. “You will be the death of me,” he hissed. “How many times must I feed you, my greedy slut?”
You simply sucked him harder in response. 
"Curse you." His legs trembled beneath him; his weakness and helplessness only adding to his fury. 
“Oh, fine, you licentious leech,” he snapped, putting his hands on the back of your head and thrusting into your mouth. 
He pumped his hips, brutally fucking your face as you gagged and drooled over his cock, your eyes rolling as your tongue lapped at the precum weeping from his slit. With every thrust he reclaimed a little more power, a little of his tattered dignity. His toes curled inside the butter-soft leather of his shoes as exquisite pleasure built and spilled over.
With a grunt he unloaded down your throat. Your greedy tongue lapped at his cum as a deep groan burst from his throat. “Yes… swallow it all. There. Now I truly have nothing left to give you. Leave me be.”
His eyes widened as you yanked his trousers down entirely, exposing his backside. 
“What are you– Oh I should destroy you,” he groaned as heat prickled along his cheeks and the top of his chest. He released his grip on your head to try to pull his trousers back up. “How dare you, how–” 
His blood-red eyes widened. Your strength was truly astounding as you stood, catching him off guard and spinning him around before you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back onto the desk. The song of smashing glass and falling equipment drowned out his gasp. 
“You dare–!” Muzan’s protest died on his tongue as you slipped your finger past the barrier of his lips and laid it flat on his tongue. His pupils narrowed to reptilian slits as indignation and arousal battled for dominance. He could bite your wretched finger off– in fact, he should have, but he found himself simply moaning around it as you lowered your head to take his cock into your mouth once more. 
He licked the underside of your digit as his eyelids fluttered.
“Mmhh–” he sucked your finger, biting back a mewl as you pulled it free from his lips. “What are–” His body tensed as your finger delved between the plush cheeks of his ass, circling his hole, lubricating it with his own saliva. 
You simply raised your eyes to meet his frantic gaze. 
“You aren’t… fffuck.” His head lolled back as you continued your ministrations, your moan reverberating around his cock as you pushed past the taught ring of muscle to finger the soft flesh within. 
He was helpless then; eyes wide, mouth agape around a silent cry, chest heaving as you fingered his hole. 
“Damn… you…” he choked out, voice cracking as he lifted his legs higher, allowing you to press deeper. You hit a spot deep within him which made him see stars, “Oh… ohhpleasepleaseplease fuuuck…”
You seemed obscenely pleased as his cock started to weep, and you greedily swallowed down every drop which spilled out of him. Never in over a millenia had he been treated with such disrespect and made to feel so utterly helpless. He whined as he bore down on your degenerate fingers, furious as hot tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
Bringing up his arms to shield his face from your gaze, Muzan let his tears soak into the sleeves of his shirt as he rocked his hips, fucking himself on your fingers, taking you deeper.
"More, curse you. Another."
You obliged your king's request, pushing another finger past the barrier of his hole, scissoring them to widen him. His eager body responded to your touch, allowing you to push deeper and massage that exquisite spot deep within him.
His cock erupted onto your tongue as you milked him, pulsing pleasure and heat consuming him as he choked out your name. On and on, the pleasure consumed him, seemingly never ending. His mouth fell open, his lips drawn back to expose his fanged teeth as his groans turned to frantic whimpers. “I can’t I can’t I can’t I don’t… Gods, curse… you… I… oh fuck oh Gods please. Please. Please~”
His orgasm exploded then, sending sparks of scalding pleasure shooting throughout his body as you groaned in satisfaction, your wicked tongue lapping up every drop of his seed. His hands grasped at anything he could find, tearing pages from his notebooks and sending vials of ingredients flying from the desk.
“Mm,” you crooned as he lay on the desk, gasping for air, his body still pulsing with the aftershocks of your torment. “Such a good master, cumming so much for me.”
His crimson eyes widened at your praise, a muscle in his jaw leaping as he bit down the whine pressing at the back of his throat. “Silence.”
Forcing a deeper breath, he placed a hand on the back of your head and flexed his fingers in a muted show of affection. "Mmh… curse you." 
You were by far the best and the worst demon he had ever created, and in that moment, he would gladly keep you by his side for eternity. 
Thank you for reading! If you liked this, you can check out my other fics on my masterlist
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nothorses · 3 months
I think one of the ways that tranandrophobia seems to distinguish itself from the other forms of oppression it is connected to is in the way it attempts to convince you it is indistinguishable and that transmascs are always just collateral damage to everyone else's "real" problems.
One example is the very blatent tirf claim that transphobia on its own isn't real, that it is all misdirected transmisogyny, and that transmascs only experience oppression due to our association with transfemmes.
But there is also the insistence that anti abortion laws and similar things are targeted at cis women and therefore are "women's issues" - transmascs shouldn't complain about being excluded because it "isn't about us". Same with homophobia and butchphobia. Even the terf talking point that they are just protecting "little cis girls" from making irreversible mistakes pretends that actual the transmascs being harmed is just an accident and not the goal.
Trying to talk about transandrophobia is a constant stream of "It's just transphobia. It's just misogyny. No, you can't call your experiences misogyny because that isn't about you. You can't call yourself a lesbian or a butch or compare your oppression to lesbophobia. It isn't about you. Yes, terfs hurt you, but you aren't their main target. This isn't about you. Yes, you need abortions and experience medical misogyny, but you can't talk about it because this isn't about you. You were sexually assaulted because of misdirecred misogyny. Don't make it about you. You've never contributed to the history of gay men, or lesbians, or the trans community. It isn't about you. Those cross dressers weren't trans. Stop trying to make women's history about you. You can't reclaim cunt or faggot or dyke because those words aren't about you. I don't care how many times you've been called a tranny. That word isn't about you. Why must you make everything about you?"
Because sure, transmascs exist, and we might be impacted by everyone else's oppression, but it is always thought of as a theoretical consequence of what is really going on, if it is thought of at all. Transmascs are not considered to be oppressed in our own right.
This idea gives the lawmakers plausible deniability, allies an excuse to ignore us, and feeds into transmasc erasure. If we are never the actual target to begin with, then clearly, we can't be uniquely targeted. The law makers don't need to be held accountable for their transandrophobia because it isn't like they are trying to hurt transmascs, right? We need to let the real victims speak, the ones being targeted on purpose.
Nobody ever sees the way it all piles up, and even if they do, they think "well it's just an accident, right? If we fix the main problem, then this fringe issue will go away on its own" without ever considering that transandrophobia isn't as rare, fringe, or accidental as society wants it to appear and that actual effort needs to be put into dismantling it.
It isn't that they actually believe that transandrophobia isn't real. It's that they just don't believe it is about transmascs. Because even if we are the common denominator, we are still just collateral damage and could not possibly have anything of value to say. Because as collateral damage, our issues are never our own and thus never need to be discussed on our own terms.
100%. And I think this is exactly what this sort of cycle of erasure depends on.
We are erased, our problems are erased, and our oppression is erased, which means it's easy for people to ignore us, our problems, and our oppression. There's so little evidence, so few people talking about it, and they never really see or hear anyone name us in this violence, so surely, it isn't about us at all! It must be about the people they know about already, the problems they know about, and the ones who are always readily named in these conversations.
If we're speaking up, there's no reason to believe us; if anything, we come under scrutiny for trying to talk about these issues nobody else can see. We must be crazy, hysterical, whiny and overdramatic, or perhaps malicious. We're stealing attention, stealing space, and stealing help. We might be victims, but we are incidental and unworthy victims.
And ignoring us, our problems, and our oppression means we continue to be erased. Which makes it easier to ignore us, and erase us, and easier to perpetuate violence against us. And so on.
It's understandable, in a way, for people to ignore us; most people don't know about any of this in the first place, and when they do, they're not inclined to take any of it seriously. Even if they do see convincing evidence that our problems are real and worth talking about, it's easy for that to be a one-off that they eventually forget about. Everyone else is talking about everything else, so we sort of fade away.
It's not their fault; they're not trying to ignore us. They just haven't learned to recognize violence against us, and they just don't seek us out, and can they really be blamed for that? Can they really be blamed for the violence that continues because they and others don't see or try to stop it? We're so hard to find in the first place. You know, because we've been so thoroughly erased.
There are a lot of people who've been fighting this for a long time, and even more we don't-- and probably won't-- ever know about, who've been fighting for even longer. I think it's getting better; the organized backlash against us is, imo, a sign that our reach is getting stronger and wider. But it's a hard cycle to break.
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owliellder · 9 months
hybrid!bunny!f!reader x leon kennedy?
any genre u want :)
yes!! thank you so much for throwing me a bone! i'll write a quick one just for you, lovely anon (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
again, sorry for such a long wait. i got my nails done and typing has been a bit of a learning curve.
Leon Kennedy x fem Bunny Hybrid! Reader
MDNI 18+
When Leon first adopted you from the shelter, he expected to have a quiet, innocent little bunny hopping around the house. At least, that's what everything online said about bunny hybrids. You were anything but, though you were fun.
It's become an almost daily thing, him coming home to you practically begging to be fucked. He'd catch you humping the arm of the couch or his pillow, usually holding one of his shirts up to your nose. Adorable, but you knew better. You were suppose to wait for him.
At this point he was sure you were just trying to get him riled up; always trying to hide that cheeky little grin of yours whenever he'd give you a stern look, crossing your arms, pouting, even thumping your foot with a loud thud whenever he told you off. Living true to the phrase 'fucking like rabbits', Leon made sure to give you the proper punishments and treatment for starting without him.
Bent over the side of the bed, he had your face pressed into the blankets with one hand, the other keeping a tight grip on your hip as he ruthlessly thrust into you. "Naughty.. You know better." Leon breathed out, letting out a loud groan as he buried himself to the hilt inside of you and held still. He leaned over your back, grabbing the base of your long, furry ears with one hand to pull your head back.
You involuntarily gasped at the sudden tug on your ears, watery eyes peeling open to look at the man hovering over you. "I-.. I'm sor-" You were cut off by another yank, lip quivering as his dark eyes looked into yours.
"No you aren't." He chuckled lowly, brow furrowed as he loosened his grip to run his fist up the length of your ears, "You always say you are, but how many times have I had to teach you the same lesson?"
Once his hand slipped away from your ears, it quicky found its way around the front of your neck to gently grip your throat, keeping your head up. He looked down at where he connected with you, sighing with a faint smile as your cute little cotton tail wiggled against his groin. Slow, shallow thrusts is all you got now and it wasn't enough.
"Ple-ase," You choked out brokenly, small tears running down your cheeks. "more, more.. please..."
Leon clicked his tongue, only continuing with the torturous pace. "Please what? You know you won't get anything from me unless you ask the right way, bunny girl." Even though your eyes had fallen back closed, you could hear the smirk in his tone.
Despite being a bit of a brat, this man always knew how to break you. You couldn't keep up the attitude with his cock deep in your pussy like this. ".. please, daddy..." You quietly pleaded with a whine.
He knew just as well that you weren't one to hold up this bratty little act of yours, but who could blame him for having a little extra fun with you?
"Louder, princess~.." Leon's grip tightened ever so slightly on your neck, halting his thrusts once more to force it out of you.
"ghh- p-please, daddy!" That sweet little cry from you was enough to have him pounding into your sloppy cunt again, balls wetly slapping against your clit as you'd been dripping around his cock for what felt like ages now.
"Ya make this so difficult, bun.." He leaned a tad closer to whisper into one of your ears, letting go of your hip to give your ass a loud slap before it reclaimed it's previous position. "All ya have to do is be patient, and yet we do this every. Single. Night.." He punctuated each word with a rough thrust, grinning to himself as moans were practically ripped out of you.
The wet slapping of skin resounded in the room, accompanied by your ever so precious noises and Leon's own moans, grunts, and the occasional chuckle while watching your ears flop back and forth with the force of his thrusts.
Coming close to his high, he stood back upright, hand moving off your neck to push your head down against the bed again, fisting his hand into your hair so he could turn your face to the side. He didn't want to muffle your moans, hell, he wanted everyone to hear just how good he treated you nightly.
"Ya gonna be good f'me? Hm?" Leon groaned with clenched teeth, sweat breaking out and dripping down his forehead. "Gonna let me cum you? Breed that pretty bunny pussy?" Always so mean to you.
You nodded as best as you could, drool dribbling from the corner of your mouth as he pounded into you harder. "Words. Say it." He growled, nails digging into the plush skin around your hip.
"Cum-ngh~.. cum in me, daddy..." You panted, "breed me, please. Need it.."
"Yeah you do. Want daddy to give ya a whole buncha baby bunnies, huh?" Your hands weakly grasped at the blankets surrounding you, body trembling with a cry as you came around his cock. Oh how you loved when he spoke to you like that.
Feeling your walls tighten and suck him in further was enough to push him over the edge only seconds later, keeping his hands firm on you until his dick softened inside of you.
You laid limp on the bed as you tried to catch your breath, legs having given out long ago. You let out a pitiful whine from oversensitivity as you felt Leon pull out, his cock suddenly replaced by his fingers prodding around your sore entrance before two of them entered you.
"I wanna keep ya nice and full, baby bun~." Leon's hot breath tickled your fuzzy ear as he whispered into it. Not long after, his fingers were removed in favor of putting your panties back on you, making sure to slot your round tail through the small hole in them. He repositioned you on the bed so you were now laying with your head on one of the pillows and your body under the covers.
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, drifting off with a tired smile as you felt Leon brush your hair out of the way to plant a gentle kiss to your forehead.
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the-orion-scribe · 3 months
Points below the cut! Feel free to vote and help reblog for larger sample count!
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Dipper is always a fan of the supernatural, so its a great opportunity for him to do further research of his interests
Ford has 12 PHDs, so he's a suitable teacher and mentor for Dipper
Dipper also has friends (Soos and Wendy) in Gravity Falls rather than Pidemont (from Escape from Reality it's implied he didn't have as many friends). He would be able to craft a better social life in Gravity Falls
Throughout the show we see how their actions are dependent of each others'. If Dipper stays in GF. It not only allows him to grow independently of his sister, but similarly for Mabel. Also, Mabel letting Dipper go would be a key development of her arc, for she had mainly been selfish towards her brother during the show.
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No Mabel by his side. But they can still compromise with video chat. This isn't the 50s or 60s when the separation means more for the Stans.
The Mystery Shack would be no more as Ford reclaims his home for scientific research. Stan might be forcibly removed unless the two somehow worked out their issues.
Dipper is only 12/13 and isn't old or mature enough to be away from his parents
While a decent teacher, Ford doesn't seem to be a competent caretaker. He currently still sees Dipper as a lab assistant; essentially another adult, rather than a child who despite being mature in some ways, is still woefully underdeveloped in others.
Ford does not, currently, exist in any legal sense thanks to Stan assuming his identity for the last 30 years and faking his own death. No form of education he could offer would be recognized as legitimate until he can reclaim his identity, which would likely take at least a year if not more.
Apprenticeships in this day and age are *secondary* education, like a trade school. Dipper still need to graduate high school or its equivalent first, or resolve plenty of legalities and so on.
Thanks to @theoryofweirdness and @detectivejigsawpines for sharing more of the points for deliberation! Feel free to vote and reblog for larger sample size!
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sky-kiss · 9 months
prompt: Raphael giving a genuine love confession to tav (that is unintelligible due to him being a devil…a too subtle love confesion?… maybe something that sounds like a threat or an attempt for deal for their soul? i just would like if you could show me this clown being a failure at emotions XD)
Raphael kept his word. 
There’s no ambush waiting for her in the House of Hope. It’s only Raphael, resplendent in a black silk shirt. It’s a far cry from the elegant doublet he favors, simultaneously more expensive and relaxed. Relaxed is what she fixates on; a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. The devil’s smile could nearly pass for genuine. 
He offers his arm, helping Tav into her seat. Raphael has left nothing to chance: the table is set, lavishly. The wine is rich and decadent, the finest vintages in his expansive cellar. The cost must amount to a small fortune, but the devil spares it no more than a passing thought; what Tav has provided is infinitely more valuable. 
The Crown of Karsus. The key to his freedom and his heart's desire. One thousand years of longing brought to a suitably climactic conclusion. The cambion settles into his seat with a small sigh, massaging his forehead. The nightmare will pass. He will establish himself as Archdevil Supreme. He will…
“You’re more subdued than I would have expected,” Tav says, tracing the rim of her glass. A bruise stretches from the curve of her jaw to the bridge of her nose, splotchy and ugly, a blemish on an otherwise lovely face. It must hurt; when she smiles, she winces. “No theatrics? I’d have expected an impromptu poetry recital if nothing else.” 
“Loathe as I am to disappoint you, pet, I have nothing to offer.” 
“I understand.” Tav slumps in her chair. The newly christened hero of Baldur’s Gate looks small, hair wild, bags rimming her eyes from too many sleepless nights. “It’s wonderful to reach the end. But…” The smile and its accompanying wince. “I just find myself feeling tired.” 
He dislikes seeing her like this: small, delicate, and yielding. It isn’t his mouse. His pet is fire and drive, her ambition mated to his own. The cambion hums, tapping his jaw. “And still you’d return to the Gate. You’ll play the hero.” 
Tav chuckles and finally sips the wine. He considers slipping a restorative draught into her next cup if only to deal with the damned bruise. He hates looking at it, hates seeing his toys marked by a hand other than his. “Someone has to restore the city.”
“Shall it be redemption, mouse? Striving to set right sins you barely remember?” She doesn’t respond. He knows he’s struck a nerve. In a perfect world, she’d rage at him, all her delicious fury brought to bear. Raphael cocks his head to the side. He speaks the words carefully, slowly, as if tasting a fresh dish and still determining the flavor. “Let it die, hero. Wretched as your mortality may be, it is full of such delicious potential. If you must tie a millstone around that lovely neck…” he frowns. Tav watches him, eyes narrowed, and lips pursed, as if she’s waiting. As if she expects what he’s about to say. He loathes it; the damned little thing should never have been allowed so close. “Let it be mine. Serve me.” 
“Serve you?” She laughs. “Raphael, I’ve only just reclaimed my life. Why would I put it in your hands?” 
“Why not? Have I not been reasonable? Have I not treated you well?” 
“For a devil.” Conditional approval. Fury roils in his belly. 
“You would have power and wealth. Everything a mortal desired. Under my yoke, you will be kept young and beautiful. We will dine like this every night.” 
Tav licks her lips. The House is too warm, and she is so mortal. Her eyes glitter with something. Not desire, not strictly, but something like pity. “And what? I kill your enemies? I run your errands? Warm your bed?” 
The stab of want threatens to choke him. When he speaks, it’s only just above a growl, the words rumbling through them. “Yes. Eternally.”
“Raphael.” she sighs, scrubbing a hand through her hair. Messy, like all her kin. He wants so badly to impose order. If he could only have her if she would only submit. The hero stands, crossing to him. It’s a strange twist. The mouse touches his cheek. Her skin is warm. An inane voice in his head chants to him: take her, taste her. He wants to taste her. “I should go.” 
He could make her stay, could break her. But it would taste like ash on his tongue. He holds his head high, smirking. “You will receive no better offer.” 
She doesn’t backpedal, just presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “You’re probably right. Give them hell, devil.” 
And as is so often the case, he’s left alone. 
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lathalea · 10 months
The Arrival
Yes, my beloved readers, it's time for another Thorin fic from yours truly!
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Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield x Reader/OC (pick one) Rating: G Warnings: none Author's notes: Thorin and his Company have reclaimed Erebor and started rebuilding their kingdom. Everything seems fine except for the fact that the King Under The Mountain is eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone very dear to him... Also, I want to apologise to Peter Jackson for stealing some lines from An Unexpected Journey and J.R.R. Tolkien for appropriating and rephrasing one sentence from The Lord of The Rings.  I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say? You can find this fic on AO3. For @legolasbadass 💙💙💙
Khuzdul: Iglishmêk - dwarven sign language Kurdelê - my heart Lukhdelê - my light of all lights
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The King Under the Mountain, Thorin, son of Thráin, son of Thrór, the second of his name, also known as Thorin Oakenshield, the king of Durin’s folk, was not a patient Dwarf—and yet he waited. He had been standing on the main terrace above the Great Gate of Erebor since the moment when the first rays of the morning sun gilded the distant peaks of the Iron Hills. His eyes, however, were turned towards the west, where the jagged tops of the Misty Mountains grazed against the pink sky. As he took a deep breath, fresh spring air filled his lungs. It was his—and his people’s—first spring in Erebor since it was reclaimed. The winter after the Battle of Five Armies passed in a blink of an eye. The kingdom was being rebuilt and prepared for the returning Dwarves, food stores had to be replenished, new trade agreements had to be signed… but among all those duties, something else kept Thorin awake until late on many a night. His memories.
The memory of a pair of hands gently resting on his shoulders as he sat behind his desk, and the sweet timbre of the voice that went with it, “Come, Kurdelê, it is time we reposed for the night, those reports can wait until the morning.”
The memory of those soft, sweet lips pressing innocently against his cheek and murmuring something scandalously indecent into his ear.
The memory of how her body felt in his lap, his arms around her waist, her arms around his neck, her forehead pressed against his, her silver laughter as she pretended to scold his rash behaviour, so unbecoming of a king.
The memory of her bare skin in candlelight.
But there were other memories, too. Their lengthy late-night conversations about anything and everything. Their secret escapades to the market, or to an inn, dressed as common folk, pretending to be a couple of travelling merchants. Their wanderings through the Blue Mountains in search of the best view of the sea in the west (his choice) and the most beautiful flower glades (her choice). 
During the lengthy council meetings he had to hold almost daily in Erebor, he would recall how much her presence changed the dynamics of similar gatherings back in the Blue Mountains. Her reasoning was swift, and her no-nonsense approach to the matters of state made even the most ancient council members nod in approval. Even now, he would—out of habit—turn to his right, wishing to discuss a matter with her or ask for her insight. But she was not there, and so he would give out a dissatisfied grunt and return to the matter at hand. 
He knew that the only thing he had to do was wait, and he abhorred it. But there was nothing to be done. No sane person would risk crossing the Misty Mountains in the middle of winter. Now, however, the spring came into its own right. And he sent his best men to the High Pass to oversee the approach of the first dwarven caravan from Eriador. It was supposed to bring the first group of his people returning home, merchants, masters of craft, their families and belongings… and her. The whole Erebor was waiting for the arrival of their kin—the symbol of a new beginning for the Mountain and its dwellers. Many eyes turned to the west, counting the days, making wagers, discussing the route the waggons must have taken, and the current road conditions. It seemed that in those days, only one topic existed: the caravan.
But Thorin could only think of her lovely hand in his.  Of her kindred touch.
As soon as a raven brought word from the caravan, reporting that they have succesfully crossed the mountains, he could not stop himself from looking to the west, and hoping. 
This was the fifth day he spent on the terrace, waiting for any signs of the caravan’s approach.
On the first day, Gloin waited with him in hopes of seeing his wife and son, but was called away due to some issue in the treasure chamber. Thorin stayed, cursing the enchanted forest (and its haughty king, for good measure) for daring to obscure his view. Sadly, neither the forest nor its king moved out of the way.
On the second day, Dwalin asked Thorin whether he was growing mawkish in his dotage, staring at the edge of Mirkwood like a lovesick whelp—a question he had to take back on the training grounds. 
On the third day, Dori asked whether Thorin would rather wait inside, on account of that nasty rain, and drink some warm tea with honey. No, said Thorin, he would not. And that envoy from the Iron Hills could join him there, on the terrace, by the way.
On the fourth day, Nori, Bifur and Bofur kept Thorin company, amusing him—and themselves in equal measure—with the latest gossip straight from the taverns of Erebor (all two of them, for now). He had no idea that several hundreds of dwarves, mostly newcomers from the Iron Hills and the White Mountains, could wreak such havoc. And marry so swiftly and in such numbers. Spring was truly in the air.
Now, on the fifth day, he stood alone, and waited. Roac was circling the Long Lake below, giving out a single caw from time to time, “Still nothing.”
And then, a hunting horn rang out in the air. Thorin knew its sound all too well.
“Balin!” he exclaimed to his friend who sat in the hall beyond the terrace. “Sound the alarm!”
The elderly dwarf raised his head from above a piece of parchment, slightly puzzled.
“Call out the guard,” Thorin insisted, feeling his impatience take the better of him. “Do it now! 
“What is it?” Balin rose from his seat, his scroll forgotten.
“The caravan!” Thorin gestured excitedly—perhaps a tad too excitedly for a Dwarf of his stature—towards Mirkwood, where a long line of waggons started emerging from the forest. “They will be here soon!”
She will be here soon. 
Over a year passed since the last time he held her in his arms, since he braided the silky dark waves of her hair, and since he looked into the brilliant, wise eyes of the woman he loved. To him, it felt like an eternity, and in that very moment, as he hurried down the stairs that led towards the Great Gate, he made a solemn promise to himself.
When the caravan arrived, most of the Dwarves were already gathered outside of the mountain. The guards held their heads high, presenting their weapons in an honorary salute, not leaving their posts, but even they cast curious glances at the newly arrived, trying to find familiar faces in the crowd. Thorin smirked at his thoughts. They looked as impatient as their king.
He knew the protocol of such meetings like the back of his hand, requiring him to stand by the gate, look regally, and welcome the newcomers to their new—old—home. His resolve wavered, however, when he saw a familiar figure clad in a green, fur-lined gown getting down a waggon, helped by one of the guardsmen. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Without thinking, he took a step forward, and then stopped, recalling who he was and what he was expected to do. He was also not allowed to leave his post, just like his guards. Instead, he observed from a distance, admiring the way the waves of her hair fell down her shoulders as she looked around, perhaps slightly disoriented, taking in the surroundings. Thorin saw the exact moments when her gaze rested on the mossy stone shaped by his ancestors into statues of warrior kings. Then her gaze moved down, focusing on the green marble of the Great Gate. Her eyes widened, her lips formed an “O” and then moved, she spoke something, but her words were lost in all the commotion. In that very moment, she reminded him of that bright-eyed maiden he had met for the first time in a mountain meadow half a world away; the maiden who laughed at his abysmal jokes, who fit so well in his arms when they danced, and who accepted his awkward courting efforts. The time that passed between then and now did not take away her ability to wonder and enjoy the world around her. She endured so many hardships on the way from the Blue Mountains to Erebor, so many cold nights on the road, faced so many dangers, and yet she never wavered in her decision to leave the Blue Mountains behind to be with him and their people. Now, she was finally here and, at last, he felt complete. Being able to see his own kingdom—their kingdom—through her eyes, and to see how amazed she was at the view, was a reward on its own. 
Thorin could not stop himself from smiling when her eyes finally met his. 
“Welcome home, my…” he began signing in iglishmêk, in that discreet way they often did on official occasions when the eyes of many would rest on them.
A light flush bloomed on her cheeks, she responded with a smile, and began walking towards him, oblivious of her escort and the joyous crowd around her, forgetting about the protocol, moving faster and faster, a giggle escaping her lips, her braids danced in the wind, her cloak flowed behind her, and…
“Thorin!” she called him in that melodious voice of hers, and there were diamonds in her eyes, or perhaps it was only his vision that suddenly turned very blurry, and he opened her arms, and thought “the Abyss take the protocol!”, and he rushed towards her, ignoring Balin clearing his throat in embarrassment, because she was finally here, and he had waited long enough—and they finally met halfway.
He wrapped his arms around her and felt her pressing into him, and there was laughter, and more tears in their eyes, the diamonds of happiness, those most precious among gems, and he was finally able to finish that sentence.
“Welcome home, my wife,” he rasped out, pressing his forehead against her, breathing in her familiar flowery scent, the one he adored so much. This was her, finally her, in his arms, and only she mattered in this very moment, not the crowd cheering around them, witnessing this moment of tenderness between their ruling couple, not even his kingdom, nor the world around them—now, it was only her.
“I missed you, my love,” she murmured, holding tight onto him, as if she wanted to make sure he would not disappear, and a wave of warmth washed over him. “I can’t believe I’m finally here, with you, after all those months…”
“Neither can I,” he agreed, cupping her cheek tenderly and eliciting a small sigh from her. “It was much too long, Lukhdelê.”
“Aye, it was,” she nodded, her eyes searching his face, as if learning it anew.
“I made a promise to myself,” Thorin continued. “Never again.”
“Oh?” she tilted her head in that alluring way of hers, and he had to suppress the improper urge to kiss her passionately in front of his people.
“Never again shall we part for so long. I crave you by my side, my heart,” he stated, bringing her hand to his lips.
“Then I will be looking forward to you upholding the promise,” she graced him with a teasing smile that made his blood run faster. “We have been apart indeed for too long, and so were our people. I believe it is time for us to work on improving their morale, would you not agree, my king?”
“Your wish is my command, my queen,” he agreed and took her in his arms again, and then their lips met. Sweetness intermingled with warmth, tenderness fueled the fire inside them, and he cared not that they stood in front of the gate in the sight of many.
After all, who cares about protocol when you have to properly welcome your wife home?
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sachiko1309 · 4 months
The Kings plaything - Part 2/2
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Summary: After the dwarves have been imprisoned, Thranduil wants to take care of his wife, but gets interrupted by their escape. After deciding to come to their aid at the reclaiming of Erebor, he finally gets to have his wife, more than once...
Word count: 11965
Warnings: smut, rough, Dom! Thranduil, sub! reader, oral both receiving, gem play, dirty talk, slight BDSM, slight battle descriptions, Minors DNI this contains adult content!
Part 1:
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“You know what I was thinking about?” My husband asked, still holding me tightly to his chest in the bathtub. It was a big bathtub, embedded in the ground, big enough for me not to fully reach the ground, or touch the edges, when I was in the middle.
Letting my head roll back on his shoulders, I opened my body further to his touches. “That you are incredible greedy and cant let go of your wife?” I teased, watching his hands roam over my body. He chuckled at my words, rolling my nipples between his fingers. “Something of that sort, yes.” He answered, his voice nearly drowned out from my moan. “But it does not seem to be a complaint of yours.”
“The day I complain about your touches, is the day I have reached insanity.” I simply stated, pressing my back against his body. “Promising words to hear from your mouth, little petal.” He murmured into my ear. I turned around, straddling him. His eyes twitched, when my core touched his hard member, the light in his blue orbs turning lustful. “What is it, that crossed your mind, herven?”
“Remember what the dwarf said?” He asked, a sly smirk on his lips.
“He said a lot.” I simply stated, raising an eyebrow at my husbands antics. The smirk on his lips just grew bolder, reaching his eyes. “That he did… But I was referring to the idea he gave me.” Thranduil whispered lowly, still not clarifying what he meant.
“An idea of what sorts?” I pressed on. Thranduil just lifting me up, until I sat on the stone edge of the tub. Luckily the floor was warm, heated through a complicated system of hot water running below.
I looked at my husband confused, who stood in the water, covered up to his chest. His hair neatly pinned to his head with needles and rods, he looked at me. Lifting himself out of the water, he walked through the room towards his little secret wardrobe where he kept his most worn jewels. I watched as the water ran down his body in little droplets, the sun reflecting in everyone of them, giving my husband an even more ethereal look. He turned around holding something in his hands.
Letting himself sink into the water, he walked up to me, putting something on my stomach. I gasped in shock, realizing what it was. It was one of his bigger white gemstones that he usually wore on a clasp. He must have taken it off and now it was roughly the size of two or three curled fingers. “You are mad!” I breathed out, watching the grin form on my husbands face in shock.
“Maybe.” He admitted. “Lean back, meleth.” Softly pushing me back down, his eyes raking over my body. Shaking my head, I sunk back. If my husband had set his mind upon something, there was almost nothing that could force him away from his path. And only seconds later, I could feel the cold stone press against my folds and making its way into my body. It was a weird but fulfilling feeling, and I let out a soft gasp.
“Spread your legs.” Thranduil softly ordered, his fingers ghosting over my body. I did what he wanted, now laying fully open for him to see. Propping myself up on my elbows, I watched him. “You look so beautiful.” He whispered, touching every inch of my body. “So, so beautiful…” Then his gaze wandered to my face. “I will have someone make more gemstones for you to wear.”
“I already have so many.” I argued, but he shook his head. “I am not talking about those, little petal.” A sly smirk sunk on his features, the arrogance in his eyes nearly swallowing me whole.
A sudden knock on the door made his head snap around. Heaving himself out of the water, he wrapped a cloak around him, answering the door, without opening it too far. “What?” His sharp tone made even me flinch and I felt sorry for whatever soldier had to endure his wrath now…
“I am so sorry, my king. But… But the dwarves. They have escaped.” Came the silent voice from Feren and I rose to my feet as well. The stone sitting inside me, now weighing down, threatening to fall out of me. I clenched my walls, slowly walking towards my cloak to get dressed as well. After I was dressed decent enough, I joined my husband at the door, then pressing out to take a seat in one of the chairs to find some sort of relief. Sitting down however was another story, because the new position caused the stone to massage my walls again.
Just fast enough to suppress a moan, I listened in on Feren explaining what had happened. The longer he talked, the more the expression on my husband changed from annoyed to amused, until he even wore a small grin on his lips. “That filthy little hobbit…” He murmured, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I just tilted my head. “Seems like they are very persistent in getting back that mountain. We might as well grand them some aid.”
Thranduil sighed deeply at my words: “We shall see if they manage to get to the mountain and then we shall decide whether to come to their aid or not.” I didn’t complain about his statement, knowing that this was the closest I would get him right now to grand anything. Feren looked at me with a smirk, silently shaking his head. I just winked at him, knowing full well that he was mostly amused by the way I simply held Thranduil in check.
It did indeed not take long until we received word of the dwarves reclaiming Erebor, unleashing the fire of Smaug upon the small village of Laketown. That’s when I raced to my husband, finding him already discussing details with Feren. “Herven…” I breathed out, sucking in the air into my lungs from my long race. “The dwarves… Laketown… It got destroyed. We must help.” Thranduil quickly rushed towards me, taking the scroll out of my hand and steadying my body. “Careful, meleth. Please sit down. We are already discussing how to help them.”
I gladly took the chair and water that I was brought, then taking a look on the map and all the little figures standing in to represent war strategics. It did indeed not take us long to figure out what to do, most of the work already having been done by my husband and Feren before I even reached them.
And when Thranduil gave the orders to his people to get ready, I also rushed towards our chambers, packing my armor and spare clothes as well as my weapons. “Ithil, what are you doing?” The voice of my husband interrupted me in my doings and I turned around, two daggers in my hand. “I am getting ready to accompany you.” A soft smile spread across his lips. “No you don’t. You have to stay here and rule the kingdom while I am gone.”
I shook my head. “You know that’s not happening. Through good and bad. Remember?” Turning, I kept on packing my things, until his warm arms wrapped around me, holding my hands in place. “I will not let any harm come to you.” But I interrupted him: “You said yourself it would be easy to reclaim those jewels. What are you fearing that you are not telling me, herven?”
“Nothing my dear. I just want to spare you from the sights of a battle field.” He argued back, loosening his grip around me. I turned in his arms. “I have had a life before you. I have seen battle. Let me ride with you. We both know that I am a good fighter. Not as great as you, but I can take on your son with ease.”
He smiled at those words, and I knew it wouldn’t take much more for me to convince him. “It is true that you can stand against my son, but still…”
“No buts, herven. I will accompany you and that’s my last word.”
Sighing deeply, he shook his head, letting go of me. “As you wish, meleth. Just promise me to stay at my side and be careful.” I kissed him on his chest, not reaching much higher with him standing at full height of nearly 7ft. “I always am. We don’t want you to succumb back to your cold self, do we?” He raised an eyebrow, bending down to me: “A kiss to the chest is all I get after letting you accompany me into battle? I think I deserve way more than that.”
Seeing the jest in his eyes, instead of giving him a real kiss, I sunk to my knees. “I think you do. How about you make me show you how good I am at following your orders?” Looking at him through my lashes, I started to softly palm his cock through the fabric, feeling him already growing hard under my touch. Thranduils smile grew wicked, but he kept his composure: “Would this have been your last resort if I had not agreed to you riding with me?” I tilted my head, slowly opening the strings of his pants. “Maybe. Who knows…?”
“Open your mouth!” He growled and I did what I was told. He easily held my head while he pushed his member down my throat, beginning to fuck my mouth in a slow teasing pace. His thrusts were controlled but hard, making me gag, but I managed to suppress the urge to vomit. “By Valar… You look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock, pin iell. Taking your kings cock so obediently down your throat.” I let out a strangled moan and clutched the hand that held my head.
“You like this, do you?” He teased, shoving my head down on his cock until my nose was pushed against his pelvis. “Sucking on my cock like the greedy little whore you are, serving me as the good girl I trained you to be. I should really take you in front of others more often. It seems to make you even more obedient than I thought it would.” Ripping my head back, he allowed me to breathe, the sudden overflow of air making my head spin and I had to close my eyes to regain some control.
“Look at me!” A sharp pain shot through my cheek and I opened my eyes again. Instantly my body screamed for more, the pleasure of the pain immediately shooting down to my core. I closed my eyes again, not before winking at him. I felt his hand land on my cheek again, forcing a mewled sound to leave my mouth. “Don’t tell me you like this…” He muttered in shock, the grasp in my hair softening a bit. I looked away in shame. “I do… More than I should…”
“Fuck…” He growled, squeezing his eyes shut. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know… I didn’t… I didn’t want you to think of me badly. What you give me is already enough, I didn’t want to sound greedy and demanding…” Whispering, I looked to the floor, not finding the strength to stand under his gaze. His demeanor completely shifted after my confession, a soft stroke to my cheek making me look up to him, nearly being kicked out of reality by the love and passion in his blue hues. “You never have to feel guilty about asking me for something, you hear my meleth? I wish to fulfill any desire of you, please don’t deny me that honor.” His smile grew cocky with his next words: “Besides, I love my wife to be greedy and insatiable. It brings great pleasure to me, knowing that you love to be taken and used…”
I just stared at him, my mind reeling over the things I wanted to say, but I was incapable of wording my thoughts. Thranduil just cocked his head, the grip on my head growing stronger again. “Tell me, little starlight. Do you want me to be rougher with you. Use you even more to my pleasure?”
“Yes…” I whimpered silently, not bringing the strength to speak up. He tapped my lips with his thumb. “Yes what?”
“Yes, my king. I want you to use me. To be your little whore. That you take me at your will, please, herven. Have me.” I begged, my eyes conveying the desperate need I felt pooling between my legs. He hesitated for a moment, but then he used his forefinger and thumb to squeeze my mouth open, thrusting back down my throat without a warning.
A moan escaped me, as he picked up fucking my mouth to his pleasure. This time he was rougher, holding my head in place with one hand, while the other wiped away the tears that rolled down my cheeks. Drool started to drip down my chin and I tried to breath through my nose. His cock kept thrusting deep into my throat, causing me to gag, but he didn’t care. “Just like that. Be my little slut.” He praised me, his head rolling back on his shoulders.
I hummed with pleasure at his words, feeling the wetness pool between my legs, surely making a mess inside my pants. Thranduils movements were methodical and strong, barely giving me any room to relax or breathe, but it felt way to good for me to complain. The feeling of his cock laying heavy on my tongue the salty taste of his precum showing his pleasure. I felt like I was in heaven. But it was over way to quickly. Pulling me back from his cock, he pulled me to my feet handling me through the room and bending me over a shelf that was at my hips height.
Pushing me down on the wooden surface, he arched my back, forcing me to turn my head and look at him. “If you keep that work up, I wont be able to please you, bereth.”
“Yes please…” I whimpered, getting up on my toes to give him a better angle to thrust into my pussy. “Take me, please, just take me. I need you herven.” He didn’t need to be told twice, without a warning, he forced my knees apart and thrusted into me. I cried out in shock and pleasure as my walls were stretched so unexpectedly, but Thranduil didn’t react. Forcefully he pushed my hips into the position he wanted me to be in and held me down.
“If you are begging me to take you, you better live with the consequences.” He growled into my ear, setting a reckless pace. “You will take what I give you, like the good little whore you are. And you don’t come until I allow you to, understand?”
“Yes, my king.” I whimpered, trying to flee his hard grip, but there was nowhere to go but just take it. Tears started to form in my eyes once more, running down my cheeks. But Thranduil didn’t even think about giving me any mercy. “You brought this upon yourself. Now be a good girl and let me use you. You know your safe words, use them if you want out, but don’t think your crying will make me feel sorry.” He hissed close to my ear, giving my hair a harsh tug, so that I had to arch my back even further.
The new angle allowed him to fuck me deeper and much more intimately than before, making me see stars in seconds. His grip tightened around my hip, once he felt myself spasm around his cock, keeping me on my toes, while his hand in my hair kept my upper body pressed against his chest. The position was anything but comfortable and yet it gave me a kind of relief that I had never experienced before.
“Im mel cin.” He whispered into my ear. “More than anything in the world, you hear me?” I whimpered as a response, pressing myself even closer to him. His utter dominance leaving me breathless and overwhelmed and I hadn’t even realized how fucked out my body already was. But Thranduil just kept talking in the sweetest voice to me, while he literally took advantage of my body and his strength compared to mine. “You are the best thing that happened to me in my life. And I will never let any harm come to you. I have promised to protect and love you with all my heart and lightening shall strike me if I ever deviate from that path. Nothing shall ever come between us, my little starlight.”
I couldn’t help the emotional wave that his words triggered, beginning to cry uncontrollably in his arms, as my body continued to react to his touch. The cliff between emotional relieve and physical desire completely throwing me of my course. My legs began to give in, as my whole body started to shake and spasm, walls flickering around his cock uncontrollably. “Thranduil… Please…” I pressed out, incapable of formulating a straight sentence, as my orgasm approached me in big steps.
To my luck, he understood what I wanted from him, loosening the grip on my hair. Slowly he let me sink down onto the shelf, stroking my back with soft little touches. “Go on, meleth. Come for me. Let me feel that pussy grip my cock while you scream my name.” As soon as the words left his mouth, I broke. My orgasm shook me to the core, his name ringing through the room in a mixture of scream and moan. I tried to hold onto something, but there was nothing besides the wood I was pressed upon and his hand gently drawing shapes on my back.
Thranduil didn’t even seem like he had enough, he kept thrusting into me at the same pace as before, still holding me down with one hand. Now his free hand wandered to my throat, playing with it. “Open up for me.” He growled silently and I could hear the strain in his voice indicating that he did indeed hold back for me. Opening my lips, I let him force down his long digits into my throat, so far that it made me involuntarily gag. His fingers were long enough to cut the airflow to my lungs, leaving me breathless once again, as the tingly feeling in my core rose again.
At varying intervals, he took his fingers out of my throat and shoved them back down again, controlling the way I breathed and how much air I was allowed. My vision grew blurry and I started to perceive everything else more intensely and if he knew it, he let go of my hips, hugging it and pressing two fingers on my clit. He turned my head with his fingers in my mouth, forcing me to look at him, as he began to teasingly paint little circles on my most sensitive spot, grinning down at me like a predator. I began to spasm around his cock once again.
“Fuck… How I love this…” He murmured, his jaw clenching in determination. “The way your body reacts to me… How it twitched underneath me, no chance to avoid me. It makes me hard just thinking about that, but feeling it… That is so much better. And those very little moments are everything to me. Give me the uttermost satisfaction that I own you and all I have to do to have this pleasure is give one single command and you will kneel in front of me, ready to take what I give you.” He was visibly affected by his actions, sweat dripping from his forehead. His breathing was shallow and I wondered for a short moment, how he was still able to keep his pace and speak to me that powerfully.
I whimpered against his fingers in my mouth, bucking against his hips. “Take it easy, myril. I will guide you.” He whispered and I did. Letting go completely, I only focused on the feelings he made me feel. That hot ache in my stomach slowly spread through my body, taking hold of every string of my being. I clenched around his member, the air deprivation leaving its traces, causing him to momentarily lose the rhythm of his fingers.
Although his movements had lost their methodical rhythm, he was still able to hit my sweet spot and in conjunction with his fingers, that drove me further up the cliff to my orgasm. When he pulled back his fingers once more, I begged: “Please… Thranduil… I need to come. Please. I cant hold it anymore. Please let me come.” Without answering, he slowly pushed his fingers back down my throat, not letting his gaze slip away from my eyes. I was caught by his blue hues, pulled into his soul as he spoke to me with the softest of voices I had ever heard: “Now, meleth. Come now. One last time.”
I closed my eyes, letting the orgasm wash over my body. Whimpering and twitching I came undone again. I was completely drained, mentally as well as physically. Collapsing down onto the shelf, I wasn’t able to hold me up again, only his arm around my waist keeping me in place. With the last mental capacity, I felt him twitch inside of me, pouring his seed deep into my pussy, while he leaned over me, smothering my back and neck with gently little kisses. “Thank you, meleth. You did so well. Took me so so good.” He whispered into my ear, before he carefully pulled out and let me sink to the ground.
Then he picked me up, holding me close to his chest, while he walked towards the bathroom. “Lets get you cleaned up and relaxed one last time, before we leave for battle.”
I sat in front of Thranduil, securely wrapped inside his cloak on his elk Moose. We were riding through the ruins of Dale. The golden armor of the elven soldiers shining in the bright winter sun. Suddenly there was movement in one block, a slight rift being made for a darkhaired well looking man to step through. He eyed the elves around him carefully, making his way through the soldiers. Stopping in front of him, he looked at my husband: “My lord Thranduil. We did not look to see you here.”
“I heard you needed aid.” Thranduil said, pointing towards the wagon with food behind him. Quickly the hungry and traumatized faces around us lit up, making a ring around the food to get their fair share. I couldn’t help but feel horrible to see so many people in need, only able to imagine the horrors they must have faced. I jumped down from Moose, instantly regretting it, as the cold made its way through my thick robes. Climbing on the wagon myself, I started to give out food, much to the surprise of my people and Thranduils amusement.
“You have saved us. I do not know how to thank you.” I heard the dark haired man say. But my husband, the stiff man he was around others dismissed his gratitude rather quickly: “Your gratitude is misplaced. I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine. There are stones in that mountain that have been stolen from me.” With a nod of his head, he ordered his army to march towards the mountain, riding Moose with his people.
The other man ran behind my husband, calling out for him: “Wait. Please wait!” Thranduil did indeed stop, turning his head ever so slightly towards the human next to him. “You would go to war over a handful of gems?”
Without looking at him, Thranduil answered: “The heirlooms of my people are not likely forsaken.”
“We are allies in this.” The man pleaded, rougher this time. “My people also have a claim over the riches of this mountain. Let me speak with Thorin.” That made Thranduils head turn and even though I was not able to see his face, I knew the questioning look on his face far to well. “You would try to reason with the dwarf?”
“To avoid war? Yes.” Came the simple answer.
Some time later, I found myself in Thranduils tent, desperately wrapping his cloak around my shoulders to find at least some warmth against the cold air. Usually elves weren’t as affected by the cold than humans were, so my husband quickly gave me his robes when he saw me freezing. But I was an exception to that. My long life in Rivendell making me rather fragile against the cold. “Meleth.” Thranduil pleaded. “You should have stayed home.”
“And let you ride to war alone? Nonsense. I will grow accustom to this weather. I am an elf after all. This should not bother me to that extent it does.” I argued back, earning a low huff from my husband. Our discussion was quickly interrupted, before he could retort anything. Gandalf and the human man that I learned to be Bard stepping inside the tent.
“You must set aside your petty grievances with the dwarves. War is coming. The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. You are all in mortal danger!” Gandalf thundered through the tent, making me, Bard and even Thranduil flinch at his words. Bard stepped forward. “What are you talking about?”
“I can see you know nothing of wizards.” My husband rose from his seat. “They are like winter thunder on a wild wind, rolling in from a distance, breaking hard in alarm.” He handed a goblet of wine to Bard and then to me, before he poured himself one as well. “But sometimes, a storm is just a storm.” He said, looking Gandalf straight into the eyes.
“Not this time.” The old wizard held against. “Armies of orcs are on the move. These are fighters. They have been bred for war. Our enemy has summoned his full strength.”
“You should listen to him.” I threw in, watching my husband over the edge of my goblet. He sighed, walking closer to me. Bard suddenly snapped his head around, looking at me, as if he was only now realizing, I was in the tent as well. “And who are you?” He asked, a curious look on his face. “Clearly no elf. You are far to small. But you are not one of my people. I know them all by name.” I chuckled as his words, striking aside the high collar of my husbands cloak that hid my ears.
“I am an elf.” I answered holding out my hand. “Elanore. Thranduils wife.” Bard stared at me with wide eyes, bowing his head rather than taking my hand. “Your majesty. I am sorry. I did not know…” I interrupted him. “Fear not, my friend. How could you? I have never been to your lands, nor have you been to mine.” Taking my hand, Bard offered me a smile, that was soon disrupted, by Thranduil grabbing me and simply pulling me into his arms. “Why show his hand now?” My husband asked, turning back to Gandalf, his eyes filled with a mixture of disbelief and arrogance.
“Because we forced him. We forced him, when the company of Thorin Oakenshield set out to reclaim their homeland. The dwarves were never meant to reach Erebor.” Gandalf said, walking out of the tent, expecting us to follow him. “Azog the defiler was sent to kill them. His master seeks control over the mountain. Not just for the treasure within, but for where it lies. Its strategic position.” We were now standing on a small platform, watching over the mountain. A harsh wind howling through the ruins around us. “This is the gateway of reclaiming the lands of Angmar in the north. If that fell kingdom should rise again… Rivendell, Lorien, the Shire. Even Gondor itself will fall.”
My face contorted in fear, thinking of Elrond and Arwen and all the other elves I once called my people. My husband was a bit better in keeping his face in check, but I knew from the look in his eyes that he was also very fearful of what was about to become. “This orc armies you are speaking off, Mithrandir. Where are they?” Gandalf just sighed deeply, his eyes giving answer enough.
“Since when has my council counted for so little? What do you think I am trying to do?” Gandalf and Thranduil where discussing for a while now and I had retreated to the fire of the tent, not really wanting to take part in it.
“I am thinking you are trying to save your dwarves friends. And I admire your loyalty to them. But it does not persuade me from my course. You started this Mithrandir; you will forgive me if I finish it.” Then he walked out of the tent. “Are the archers in position?”
“Yes, my lord.” An elven commander stepped in front of my husband, who stood there rigid as ever. “Give the order. If anything moves on that mountain, kill it.” The Commander left in a hurry, Thranduil mumbling to himself: “The dwarves are out of time.”
“Herven!” I intervened. “You can not just kill them!” Rising from my seat next to the fire, I stepped towards him, but he was unmoving: “I can and I will. They have been offered help and a treaty. And still. They fled our borders, spat on my late wife, and insulted you in front of all my people. I will not have them disregard my warnings and not pay the prize for it.”
“You heard what Gandalf said! War is coming. We should stand together. Fight the army of orcs and then we can discuss the matter of those stones.” I pleaded, but to no avail. Thranduil simply scoffing, before he wanted to speak again.
But a little hobbit racing into the tent, interrupted him: “If you think, the dwarves will surrender, they wont. They will fight to the death to defend their own.”
Gandalfs eyes lit up: “Bilbo Baggins.”
But my husband just threw a look at the hobbit that would have scared the fiercest of men. “If I am not mistaken, this is the halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards.” Taking a seat, he signaled me to come over, propping me up on his lap. I watched, as Bilbo looked to the floor in a mixture of sheepish naivety and regret. “Yes…” He gritted out. “Sorry about that.” Bard and Gandalf wore a smile on their lips, and I could help myself but giggle.
“I came to give you this.” Bilbo said, stepping forward and opening up a leather package. Inside of it there was a stone of the size of a fist, sparkling and glowing by itself. Thranduil rose from his seat again, holding me close to him, as he inspected the offer in front of him. “The heart of the mountain. The kings jewel.”
Bard stepped next to him. “And worth a kings ransom. How is this yours to give?” He asked looking at Bilbo, who just shrugged as if it was not a big deal. “I took it as the 14th share of my treasure.”
“Why would you do this?” Bard pressed further. “You owe us no loyalty.”
“I am not doing it for you.” Bilbo shook his head. “I know that dwarves can be obstinate and pig headed and difficult. Suspicious and secretive with the worse manners you can possible imagine, but they are also brave, and kind and loyal to a fault. I have grown very fond of them and I would save them if I can. Now, Thorin values this stone above all else. In exchange for its return, I believe he will give you what you what you are owed. There would be no need for war.”
Thranduil and Bard looked at each other, a silent agreement being formed between the two men.
The next morning, I found myself on a horse, clothed in armor. My sword and bow weighing heavily on my body, as I stood besides Thranduil. Suddenly another army appeared behind us. Orders being yelled in Khuzdul. Thranduil quickly turned Moose around riding through the path that was created by his soldiers. I followed him as fast as I could. “Ribo i thangail!” He yelled, ordering them to form a second shield wall towards the back.
Immediately the army moved in their positions in unison, shielding itself against the outside. I was now next to my husband, facing the dwarf that came riding towards us on his war pig. “Ai, Thorin. Ironfoot has come.” He yelled out, waving his hammer above his head. “Good morning. How are we all?” The dwarf asked, stopping a bit away from us on the slope of the hill on top of a big stone. “I have a proposition, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider, just vanishing? All of you! Right now!”
“Stand fast!” Bard ordered his people that were standing between the elven lines.
“Come now, lord Dean.” Gandalf began, walking towards the dwarven Lord.
“Gandalf the grey…” He was greeted. “Tell this rubble to leave, or I will water the ground with their blood.” Gandalf did not stray from his path, angrily hitting his walking stick on the ground. “There is no need for war between dwarfs, men and elves. Aliened orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down.”
“I will not stand down before any elf.” Dean answered. “Certainly not before that faithless woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he choses to stand between me and my kin, I will split his pretty head open. See if he is still smirking then!” Turning around his pig, he rode back to his army and I couldn’t help myself but laugh. “You have to leave it to them. Their insults are quite the charmer.”
Thranduil just rolled his eyes, but I could see his lips twitch a bit. “Let them advance. See how far they get.” In the distance Dean turned on his pig: “You think I would give a dead dog for your threats, you pointy eared princess? I have heard how you prefer to fuck your wife rather than help my kin. You hear that, lads? We are on! Lets give these bastards a good hammering!”  His army yelling war cries in Khuzul over the distance.
Thranduil signaled his army to march, riding towards Bard: “Stand your men down, I will deal with Ironfoot and his rubble.” Before us the dwarven army split a horde of goats riding to the front. “Prepare your bows!” Thranduil yelled, the elves drawing their weapons in unison. I as well aimed for the dwarves, even though I did not really want to fight them. But the goats came rushing towards us with full speed. “Shoot!” Came the order from my husband, and I let the first arrow fly through the air, followed by the many others of my people.
Dean yelled something in Khuzul and several rotating arrows made their way, slicing ours in the air and forcing us back when the hit the ground. “How do you like that, you old twidledy whirlies?”
And then the war began. The army sorted itself new, building a shield front behind which I steered my horse around, looking out for a better angle to shoot. But all of the sudden, the floor began to rumble in the distance. Everyone stopped their fights, turning to look at the hill. And what I saw made my blood freeze on the spot. Wereworms I thought to myself. Watching in fear as the big long tentacles burst through the grounds.
The orc horn ringing from the Ravenhill was signaling the arrival of Azog the defiler. “Come forth, my armies!” Azog yelled in the black speech. His words alone sending shivers down my spine. The dwarves immediately turned their back on us, facing the new enemy with great fierceness. I looked at my husband, who just staired at the hill in disbelief and I knew he was not able to give orders. “Pada godref! Dag i glam!” I yelled, riding with the dwarves as well. The elven army immediately started to move, racing after the dwarfs and the battle of the five armies began.
At the side of Thranduil we searched through the Ravenhill, turning every body to see, if it was Legolas. Suddenly he came walking around a corner, stopping when he saw us. But I couldn’t help myself. Racing towards him, I pulled the taller elf into a hug, forcing him to bend down to accommodate my arms. “Legolas!” I yelled out. “I was worried sick. I thought… I thought you were dead…” Crying into his shoulder I held him closely not wanting to let go of him. He patted my back awkwardly. “Its alright, naneth. I am alive. There is nothing you need to worry about.”
“Nothing I need to worry about?” I let go of him, smacking him across the head. “You left to accompany the dwarves. No letter, no warning nothing. And the next thing I hear is you scouting out Dol Guldur with Tauriel and fighting here against Borg. There is quite a lot I had to worry about! Speaking of Tauriel. Where even is she?”
That made Legolas look to the side and I feared the worse. “She is out on the platform.” Was all he said, before he walked passed me, slowing in front of his father. “I cannot go back. At least not for a while.” Thranduils shoulders tensed, the blue eyes filling with worry and regret: “Where will you go?”
Legolas stopped and turned back to look at us: “I do not know.”
“Go north. Find the Dunedain. There is a young ranger amongst them. You should meet him. His father Arathorn was a good man, his son might grow to be a great one.” My husband turned, reaching out for my hand, pulling me to his side as comfort. Legolas smiled sadly while looking at us, before he averted his gaze: “What is his name?”
“He is known in the wild as strider. His true name, you must discover for yourself.” Watching as Legolas walked away, I nudged my husband, who immediately got the hint. “Legolas, you mother loved you. More than anyone. More than life.” Stiffly bowing towards his son, he nearly missed the outreached hand of Legolas. I shoved my husband closer, making the two man shake hands, before Thranduil pulled his son in for a hug. “Come back to us when you are ready.” He whispered and I could hear the pain in his voice.
“I will. But not in the near future. Tauriel… I… I need distance.” Legolas answered, before he let go of his father, looking me in the eyes. “Thank you, naneth. Take care of him.”
“I will.” Was all I could press out, before the tears overtook my body, springing from my eyes in silent pain. Thranduil bowed his head, his eyes also filled with tears, but he held them back, hiding his face in my hair, hugging me closely. We cherished each others comfort for a while, before my hearing picked up the faint sobs of a female.
“Tauriel.” I murmured, stepping out of my husbands arms and following the noises. Thranduil was hot on my heels and soon we stumbled upon Tauriel, sitting besides one of the dwarves that were captured by us some time ago. “I want to burry him.” She said, her voice laced with pain and anger.
“Yes.” Thranduil answered her request, lowering his head.
“If this is love, I do not want it.” Tauriel whispered, looking up at my husband with the uttermost pain in her eyes. “Take it from me. Please. Why does it hurt so much?”
Approaching her slowly, Thranduil bowed his head, his voice a soft tenor, trying his best to soothe her pain: “Because it was real.”
That made her head rise again, her expression changing from painful to confusion, to realization and back to pain again. She bent down, pressing her lips on the dead dwarf, before a sad smile crossed her face, sniffling away the tears. Not really knowing what to do, I stayed in the background, watching as my husband knelt down beside her, offering to carry the dwarf down himself.
Weeks later, after the ranks of dwarfs, elves and humans slowly started to find back into their normal life’s, a letter from Elrond reached me and Thranduil. His daughters 2743th birthday was coming up. Lord Elrond had invited us to not only celebrate his daughter but also the reclaiming of Erebor. He even invited those of the fellowship, that survived the battle.
It was the first blossom of spring breaking over Rivendell, so I gladly took the opportunity to dress down on the layers of fabrics I had to wear over the course of winter. Much to the joy of my husband as it seems, because he had a special dress made for me. Another see-through silken dress, this time with a dark green touch to it. For the human and dwarven eye, it might seem modest, but I knew that elven eyes would be very aware of the transparent fabric. It had a deep plunge neckline as always only held in place by a corset, the skirt fanning out in many single trains overlapping to keep me covered but to allow easy access.
Knowing full well that my husband not only picked this dress with a purpose for his own pleasure, but to also show off what he possessed, I wore the dress with pride. It was a silently accepted fact, that neither him nor I were exactly private about our relationship and the course it had taken. Nobody talked about it, but everyone gossiped.
When it was time for the feast to start, Thranduil guided me down the paths of Rivendell. We had arrived the day prior to get accustomed to the new realm and that I could get ready in peace for the great day. I hated being stressed, especially when it came to taking care of my looks. Lord Elrond and his daughter were already to be found at the great clearing where the feast was to be held, and I stepped out of my husbands arm, to greet them.
Hugging both of them, I linked my arm under Arwen to take her on a walk, wanting to catch up on that whole Aragorn thing that was going on in her life. “Soooo, tell me. What's it with Arathorns son that has your father write me letter after letter?”
“My father writes you letters over something this unimportant?” She gasped and I shrugged. “I am his cousin and married to the elven king. It was probably his last resort to ask me out of all.”
“Oh yeah, with your reputation no doubt.” Nudging me slightly, she giggled at her words. Scoffing with a fake hurt expression on my face, I clasped a hand in front of my chest. “My reputation? I sure hope it is only the best.”
“Absolutely. There is only good word about the kings whore that spreads the realms.” Arwen kept on teasing and I stayed in my fake offended persona, calling out for my husband who was only at the end of the long table: “Herven?” He instantly snapped his head around, giving me a soft smile: “Yes, my starlight?”
“Have you heard that I am apparently called the kings whore in these lands?” Letting my eyes convey the jest I put up, he caught it fairly quickly, puffing his chest a bit. “No, I have not. Show me those wicked, that dare to speak ill of my wife. I will have Feren see to them as soon as he is back.”
Seeing all the other elves stare at us in a mixture of disbelieve and slight fear, I had to fight hard to suppress my laugh. I knew that not many believed the king to be a jester himself, so I could only imagine the worry that must run through their veins, seeing him so openly speak a threat. But seeing that Lord Elrond scowled at me, I decided to reveal my bluff, giggling like a child. “I love you, herven. For what you are and thrive to be.” Thranduil knew I was trying to ease the tension, but of course he had to set another stone to the grave: “Your love only fuels my need to protect you from all harm. For as I have promised to cherish and take care of you for all eternity.”
His confession of love, made my giggle subside into a soft smile and I couldn’t help but stand in utter awe of him so openly speak about it. He wasn’t a man to show his emotions that openly through words, but it seemed that the interaction with Tauriel after seeing her in absolute grief over Kili must have made him realize that his previous action had cause much harm to many. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see all of the surrounding servants and early guests stare at us, some even talking behind their hands. But my absolute focus laid upon my husband.
It wasn’t until now, that I realized he had come closer, drawing me in by my hips. “You are the best thing in my life, bereth. Never forget that. I don’t care what others might say, to me, you are the queen I worship.” That’s when he simply bend down, letting his hands rest on my lower back and waist, to kiss me. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, but it also was far away from a chastise peck on the lips. Only Lord Elrond clearing his throat got us to part again, a slight blush creeping up my cheeks. But Thranduil just proudly wrapped his arm around me.
The afternoon changed into the evening and after dinner was served, Lord Elronds servant had the clearing freed from the tables to enable dancing and simple talks and walks through the realm. I found myself wrapped into my husbands arms once again, relishing in his warmth as the spring wind seemed to have dropped a bit in temperature. “Are you cold, meleth?” He asked me, cuddling his head into my neck giving me hot little bites along my collarbone.
Turning in his arms, I took his face into my hands. “Not when you are with me, herven.” I gave him a peck to the lips, which made him smile softly. He tasted like elven wine. Heavy with sweet berries, a flowery note to it. But my body shivering with another breeze, made him sigh. “Feren.” He called out. “Could you please bring my cloak for my wife to warm up?”
“Of course, my king.” Feren answered in his usual soft tone. Moments later he came back with the heavy silver cloak, holding it out for me to slip into, but Thranduil had other plans. Taking it from his servant, he wrapped it around his shoulder and then pulled my back against his chest, closing his arms and the cloak around us. “That’s much better.” He whispered into my ear and I could feel him press me against his crotch.
He was hard, pressing his cock against my lower back. “Are you perhaps drunk, herven?” I asked, letting my hips innocently stroke over his hard member, when I leaned forward, freeing my hand under his cloak to reach for my goblet of wine. Thranduil growled silently behind me, the grip on my hips growing harder. “Of course not. My senses are very clear, meleth.”
“Is that so?” I teased, guiding one hand of his up to my chest underneath his cloak. Still watching the other elves dance freely, I slowly emptied my goblet, letting my husband grope me underneath our cover. The longer I took, the bolder he got, letting his fingers wander underneath my dress and between my legs. “You are not wearing anything else.” He silently stated, one finger pushing itself between my folds. I just emptied my goblet in one last gulp, stepping out of his hold and turning around. “Dance with me, herven.”
I could see his jaw tighten, as he took a deep breath taking a moment to take of his cloak and handing it to Feren. My eyes quickly snapped down to his crotch, seeing that he had sorted himself out, but for anyone looking longer than just a brief wandering gaze would see, that his manhood wasn’t that subtly longing for me.
He was quick to close the distance between us, holding me close to his body when he led us over the dance floor. “You are playing a dangerous game, ithil.” He threatened close to my ear, gently biting my ear lobe. I suppressed a moan, but my voice betrayed my played confidence: “I do? How would you come to that conclusion?”
“The way your eyes are literally undressing me, that ass pressed against me and maybe even the wetness I have already felt between your legs.” Thranduil whispered, forcing his knee between my legs. The music has switched from an uplifting song to a more sensual, intimate one, probably played to coax more couples onto the dance floor. But when my eyes met Arwen who was standing besides Lindir, giving me a thumbs up, I knew she had watched me and Thranduil.
Knowing full well, that she was testing my self-control with this song, I decided to give in to her challenge, letting myself fall even more into the arms of Thranduil.  He didn’t seem to have noticed Arwen being responsible for my change in demeanor, but based on his hands wandering from the modest position on my shoulder blade down to my hips, I knew he had gotten my subtle hint to make this dance much spicier.
He not only guided me over the dance floor, but also made our bodies connect in the most sensual way possible, sparking my longing for him more and more. His eyes were trained on my face, eyes cockily challenging my control. A soft sigh left my lips, as he once again whirled me around, letting my core slide down his thigh, when he turned me outwards. “Please.” Was all I said once we were close again and he immediately stopped the dance, literally dragging me from the dance floor. Passing Feren, he grabbed his cloak from his servant. “I will take a hold of that for a while.” Then he just yanked me along, not caring about the many irritated looks we collected on our way out.
We made it down several paths, until we found ourselves beneath the festivities and on the edge of a small collection of trees. Thranduil let go of me, caging me in between a tree and his chest. “I need you.” His voice was coarse, just slightly above a snarl. His demeanor was harsh, the king in him breaking through. “I need you to obey me, meleth. Need you to be my little girl.”
I sank on my knees before him, nestling with his belt. “Let me take care of you.” I whispered, while I pushed down his pants and underwear. His cock was hard and dripping with precum. I wasted no time, taking him into my mouth. And as soon as he sank down my warm throat Thranduils head fell back. Steadying himself on the tree behind me, he loomed over me. A total mess; hair disarranged, eyes closed, lips hanging open.
Slowly I began to move my head up and down, as I watched him through my eyelashes. I wanted him to become agitated. Teasing him with my tongue dancing around his tip. His head fell back, an animalistic moan on his lips. He grabbed me by my hair, immobilizing my head and pulling back. With a sweet pop his member plopped out of my mouth. “Meleth… Please. Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” I asked innocently.
“Like a vixen. I can barely control myself. And if you keep looking at me like that, I will lose it completely.”
“Then don’t. Take me. Control me. Make me yours. I am willing to give you everything I have.” The way he clenched his jaw, desperately holding on to the last bit of control he had over his mind, made me feel things I never imagined to feel. My whole body felt like it was set on fire, slowly burning its way to my middle, soaking me with my arousal.
Another growl ripped through his chest as he pushed his cock down my throat. I gagged as he forced himself down. Quickly I relaxed my throat. Drool started to drip down my chin, mixing with tears running from my eyes. Again and again, I choked on his size, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was him taking me as he liked it, as he needed me.
“Your mouth feels so good, my little starlight.” He moaned. I hummed with pleasure. His movements were strong, leaving me little room to breathe, but the heavenly feeling of his cock laying heavy on my tongue suppressed everything.
“Oh god, Elanore…” His grip on my hair grew stronger and I could feel him twitch in my mouth. I let my tongue dance around his shaft and tip, sucking in my cheeks to create more friction. I wanted to taste him, feel his hot seeds trickle down my throat.
His thrusts became irregular and he sucked in a sharp breath. I could see him holding back, waiting for my consent, which I eagerly gave him by nodding as much as he would let me. Again, I felt his member twitch rhythmically as he painted my throat with his seed. I swallowed all of it, without letting my eyes go of his, devotedly licking his member clean.
“Fuck…” He breathed out, carefully pulling me back by my hair. I just smiled at him, seductively wiping my lips with my thumb. “I love the way you get, when you are a little drunk.” I confessed, snuggling into his hand, that was still holding my head. He raised an eyebrow: “What do you mean?” Shrugging I got up from my knees. “You become much needier, openly showing how much you want me.”
“Do I not show my desire enough?” He asked, while putting his pants back on and I could see the tease in his eyes.
“You do.” I scoffed. “I just like both sides on you. The controlled and calculating and the soft and longing one. It just depends on the mood I am in.”
“And what mood are you in right now?” Studying my face intently, he grinned down on me. Winking at him, I stepped under his arm, bringing some distance between us. “One I want to be conquered in.” He got the hint, putting his cloak on the floor, spreading it out for me. Then he prowled around it, fixating me with his eyes. “I will see to ease your desire then.” Without giving any hint beforehand, he pounced at me, closing the distance between us in the blink of an eye.
With an ease, I wasn’t prepared for, he simply hoisted me over his shoulder, giving my ass a slap, before he carried me back to his cloak. Handling me roughly to be positioned beneath him. Then he started to slowly open the buttons of my corset one by one, kissing the skin he freed with every hook that came undone.
“I need you, herven.”  I mewled, desperately wriggling underneath him, but he just ignored my pleads, keeping his slow pace of undressing me. Once he had opened my corset, he put it aside, to then mind meltingly slow push down each sleeve of my dress, until I could slip out.  Now my upper body was freed for him and his lips immediately sank down on one nipple, sucking on it until it grew hard in his mouth. I moaned at the little relief it brought me, desperate for more. Playing with my other nipple with his fingers, he teased me, until I was sure to lose my mind. “Herven…” I pleaded, but he just rose from my chest. “Yes, my little starlight?”
“More.” I whimpered. “I need more.” But he just shook his head. “No, we will take it slow today. I want to savor you.” Kneeling back on his ankles, he started to undress himself, taking his time, while he watched me wriggle on the ground. Only when he had taken off all of his clothes, did he lean over me again. I couldn’t hold it back anymore, wrapping my legs around his hips, I pulled him in. “Stop playing with me and fuck me already.” But he was unmoving like a mountain.
“Beg.” Was all he said, the smile still plastered over his features. My eyes widened in shock. He wouldn’t dare to make me beg for him to fuck me, while we were in the open like this. Any moment someone could stumble upon us, but it seemed like Thranduil did not care one bit: “Beg, or I am stopping it right now.” He repeated, the tone in his voice now sharper, smile changing from cocky to arrogant. I shook my head, feeling the blush creep over my chest and cheeks. “Don’t make me do this…” I whispered.
“Do what?” He asked innocently.
“Herven, please… they are able to hear us.” Still whispering.
“They will hear whole other things coming out of that pretty mouth of yours once I am starting to have my fun with you. So go on, be a good girl and beg your king to fuck you properly.”
The sheer confidence he had, saying those filthy things, made my head reel in desire for him, but I decided to lean a bit further in his game. “Make me.” Those two words were his nemesis and I knew it. I knew that the moment I spoke those words would be the moment he would lose it. And I was right. The smile vanished from his lips in a split second.
Grabbing me under my right knee he flipped me over, pressing me down with as much force as he could muster to not hurt me. Now I had him where I wanted him to be, pushed into the ruthless commanding side of him. My core was throbbing in willing anticipation, sleek being spread all over my thighs. Forcefully, Thranduil pressed my legs apart, kneeling between them. One hand wrapped in my hair, turning my head to the side, while the other held his weight not to crush me. “You wanna play this game? You want me to stop being nice and treat you like a slut?” His voice was raspy, audibly running on the last string holding him together.
“Yes, please.” I moaned, spreading my legs even further and raising my ass up in the air. He let out a rough chuckle, seeing me melt in his hands like butter. “Look at that. All it took was a little force and you are behaving like a bitch in heat. Tell me meleth, do you think you deserve to be fucked like a good girl?” I tried to nod, earning a slight tug on my hair. “Words, little girl.”
“Please.” Was all I could whine, desperately trying to get some release.
“Again.” He rasped.
“Please, Herven. Fuck me. I need you, please.” I begged, not caring how desperate I sounded.
“Finally.” He whispered. “You are begging. Sometimes I wonder if you are putting up this act just to rile me up further. Be honest, is that true, bereth?”
“Hmm.” I hummed, not really caring about his words.
A deep sight came rumbling from his chest. “Do you even know what you do to me?” He asked, pressing a wet kiss on my shoulder. “The hold you have on me is bordering on insanity. I should be the responsible one, taking care of you. And yet here I am, pinning you down on the forest floor, desperately fighting to keep control over myself.” After a short pause he gained his stance back. “And I am the only one who gets to have you. This is all mine. My good little girl.” By the end his voice once again turned into a deep growl, fed by the jealousy of other men looking at me.
Stroking his cock through my folds, he teased me again. Forcing me to be this whining mess underneath him. Lining himself up with my entrance he slowly pushed into me, careful not to hurt me, since he didn’t prepare me before. But I was so riled up by him, that he had nearly no resistance gliding into me. When he bottomed me out, he let out a low groan.
Then he finally started to move. Rolling his hips forward and pressing me down even further. I let out a delighted hum, closing my eyes and gripping the cloak underneath my head harder. “Fuck…” He hissed above me, intertwining one hand again with my hair, while the other stayed pressed against the floor. “Look at me, bereth nin. Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours.” Following his command, I opened my eyes. Getting locked up in his deep blue eyes, now nearly blown black from lust.
Slowly he picked up the speed, not letting go of me. He was now hitting my sweet spot deep inside me at a steady rhythmical pace, that I let out another suppressed moan. “Don’t hold back. Let me hear you. Show me how good I make you feel.” Once again, his whole demeanor shifted. Had he been rough and commanding just a second ago, he was now as soft and loving as he could be. Letting go of my hair, he started to caress and stroke my body with feather light brushes. Just ever so slightly that it had me yearning for more.
The way his movements, his thrusts and touches played with my body was pure bliss. I was riding on a hot wave of love and lust toward my abyss. “Oh please…” A loud moan forced itself past my lips, much to the pleasure of Thranduil. He liked, when I was severely reacting to him, always making sure to pull as much pleasure out of me as my body could handle.
He started humming, bending down to kiss me. His lips were hot and hard against mine, still showing that he was indeed holding back for me. Giving me this lovely start. But underneath his well-kept attitude I could feel the need to possess me starting to boil. Him openly holding himself back, to fully commit to my pleasure, send so much love and lust through my body.
The knot in my stomach started to grow immeasurably. This mixed with Thranduil treating my so softly, pushed my emotionally agitated self over the edge. With tears running down my cheeks, I called out for him, now finally not caring about who might be able to hear us. He answered my call with letting go of my head. Only to then bury me underneath him, while pressing down my hands with his bigger ones. “Its alright, starlight. I am right here. You can let go.” He whispered against my ear. “You are doing so good. Such a good little girl. Taking me so well, so obedient. Go on. Come for me. Make a mess on my cock, I know you want to.”
A loud cry on my lips, I came hard. The wall of my orgasm hitting me with pure force. Dragging me over the cliff without any resistance. I was now in a free fall of blissfulness. Slipping in and out of reality, only being grounded by Thranduils low, raspy voice praising me. Bucking against his body I shakily came back to senses, to then get my breath knocked out of my lungs by his hungry kiss. He slowed his movements, letting me regain my stance, giving me a chance of further consent or to stop him from moving on. That’s what has struck me deeply about him from the beginning. No matter what, he was always focused on me giving my consent, to never step over any barrier I had.
“You can let go, herven. Its okey. You wont break me.” I said, my voice still shaky from my orgasm. Pushing the hair out of my eyes, he asked: “Are you sure about that? You don’t have to...” I interrupted him, before he could get caught up in his thoughts too much: “Yes, I am sure. I can feel how you want to go rough with me. Take me. Make me feel good. Make me yours.”
Instantly changing his demeanor, he pushed himself up, effectively pulling me to my knees as well. Then he leaned over me, pressing my face into towards the ground. “I want to hear you. Don’t you dare hold back, understood?” His voice didn’t let any room for discussion, so I obediently answered: “Yes, my king.”
“Good girl.”  He rasped, wrapping my hair around his hand to get a better hold of me. Then he picked up a ruthless pace, forcing me to help steady myself with my arms spread out on the floor.
His fast pace had me forget any dignity that might have been left inside my body. Hitting my sweet spot with every thrust, now stretching me deeper than before, had me yelping and moaning out in pure pleasure. The lush sounds he was drawing from my body, mixed with my heavy breathing and his low groans. I could feel my juices from my previous orgasm running down my thigh, getting smeared around with every of his moves.
This right now was far away from the soft, sweet way he had thrusted into me before. He was now railing me without mercy, using me to his full pleasure. But that’s exactly how I wanted him to treat me. As an answer to his behavior, I twitched around his cock, implying my next upcoming orgasm. He pulled me up by my hair to his chest. “You ask before you come, you hear me?” He growled into my ear. Voice strained in sharp control over his inner needs.
“Yes.” I whimpered, not thinking about the consequences of not addressing him with his title.
“Yes what?” He snarled, shoving me down. A sharp slap on my left butt cheek, had me yelp out in pain, but that only seemed to spur him on further. “Answer me!” Another slap followed onto the right side of by behind.
“Yes, my king.” I cried out, again tears pricking in my eyes.
“Good girl.” He praised. “Don’t you dare forget my title, whore.”
“I am sorry, my king. Please…” I begged, squeezing him with my throbbing pussy, not daring to speak the words to beg for another orgasm.
“As you should be. Does a good girl disobey her king?” He pressed on further.
“No, my king. Please. I am close… I cant…” My cries were getting more and more desperate. I couldn’t hold back for much longer, silently praying he would release me. But it was Thranduil we were speaking about. The king of sass and teasing.
“Then what makes you think you get to have another orgasm? Havent I already given you enough? And yet here you are, begging to give you a second one.” I could hear the pure pride of having me at his mercy. It was what got him off the best.
“Please, herven. I cant… I am too close. Let me come, please my king.” I squealed, holding myself together by nothing more than a thread and pure willpower. Luckily, he knew how close I was, because he pulled me up against his chest again. Wrapping his warm arms around my body. “Come, pin iell. Let go for me.”
And that I did. Relaxing into his hold, I let the second wave hit me with all the force and turbulences it brought with it. Far away I could hear myself, moan or much more cry out his name, clawing my fingers to his arms, to gain at least some stability. Only a few moments later, I could feel his cock twitch against the shuddering walls of my core. Spilling his hot seed deep inside of me.
With a deep growl, Thranduil sunk onto the ground, burying me underneath him. I could feel him pressing me down, but luckily, he had enough senses left to support his weight to not crush me. We stayed like this for a few minutes. Dwelling in the existence of one another, before he slowly pulled out. I hissed at this movement, because it now made me painfully aware of the roughness, he had fucked me with. Great, now I wouldn’t be able to walk properly for a few hours if not days…
Carefully he helped me back into my dress, cleaning me as good as he could with a hanker chief, before he took care of himself. When we were dressed again, I tried to sort my hair, him immediately helping to redo my braids. After he had deemed me presentable again, he wrapped his cloak around me, protecting me from the cold that had only now hit my senses again. Slowly we walked back to the festivities, me trying my best to get my stability back and him making sure I would make it back in one piece.
When we had reached the clearing again, I could feel several eyes rake over us, inspecting our appearance in great detail. Lord Elrond stood there, only a few steps away from us. And the look on his face spoke more than I wanted it to be. Scolding both of us with his eyes, he didn’t even walk over to us, when he spoke. It would have been pointless anyways, as it seemed, everyone knew what had happened.
“I know you both are very… indulging in each other. But was there really no other way as to do it in public? This close? Everyone was able to hear her.” Lord Elrond, breathed out, the anger visible on his features. I was averting my gaze, not having the strength to stand up against him. My husband however stepped forward, shielding me with his body. “Oh, did we get heard? What a shame. My apologies.” He said, a fake gasp to his words and I knew that he was wearing the most sarcastic smile on his lips.
Lord Elrond just stuttered, not even caring to address Thranduil by his title anymore: “Thranduil… By Valar I swear…” But he didn’t get any further, my husband interrupting him once again: “There is nothing to worry about anymore. I doubt my wife would be able to handle a second round.” And with that being said, he pulled me over the clearing and towards a small table at the side. Everyone was staring at us and I should have felt embarrassed, but the simple way my husband had turned the accusation around, making it seem as if it was the most normal thing to happen, made me feel way better. And in a way, a great wave of pride washed over me, knowing that Thranduil had just made everyone question their sanity.
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marlynnofmany · 29 days
Double Dog Dare
“Are you warm enough?” I asked Paint as we walked. My fingers were chilly against the box I carried, but it was small enough that I could reach to rub them together.
“Yes,” Paint said firmly. She pulled her heat shawl close, nuzzling her scaly orange face into its yellow warmth. “This is fully charged, and much better than my old one.”
“Well, no falling in the water for you today.”
“No falling in the water for me ever!” she said. “Unless the water is warm. Then it would be nice.”
I looked around at the industrial ruins that we walked through, all damp concrete and convoluted passageways. Even the sunlight on this planet felt thin. “I don’t think anything around here is warm.”
“Not yet,” Paint said with a lift of her snout. “I’m sure they’ll get things back in working order soon. That box probably holds a key heating circuit or something, and the area will become more hospitable in no time.”
I smiled at her priorities. As a coldblooded Heatseeker, she could hardly be blamed for expecting warmth to be high on the to-do list. I would have focused more on landing pad repair personally, so visiting couriers didn’t have to walk through this maze of alien architecture to reach the inhabited area, but that’s just me.
At any rate, our delivery timeline was short but so was the best route, at least according to the map on my phone. If we kept up a brisk pace, we’d get there well before the client started to grumble. And in this chill there was no reason to dawdle.
Sudden voices echoed off the walls: laughter from a few people at once. Distinctly human laughter. The locals were Frillians, so who were these?
Paint craned her neck to pinpoint the source of the voices, looking just as curious as I was. Then we walked around a corner and met a cluster of humans in blue jackets with a logo that I recognized immediately.
“Hey, it’s the crew of the good ship Hold My Beer!” I said in greeting. “How’s the droid jousting business?”
“Hello again!” said Captain Parker, flashing that bright smile set off by his dark skin. “We’re here for an outdoor tournament. Just on the way to check in now. You guys making another delivery?” The handful of other humans nodded at us.
Paint said, “Yes! It’s probably important! But we don’t know for sure. They wanted it in a hurry.”
Captain Parker pulled out a holo map of his own, and pointed down a concrete corridor. “This is definitely the fastest route that we can see. Pretty bonkers city design.” He started walking with a glance at the gray sky.
I hitched the box up and fell in step with the group. “I don’t think it was a city originally. No idea what, but these don’t look like stores or houses.”
Paint took short-legged strides beside me, offering suggestions for what these reclaimed ruins could have been, and the walk passed quickly. We’d moved on to discuss the jousting crew’s latest wins and new uniforms — those Stabby the Roomba emblems were very stylish — when we passed through an open doorway and discovered a problem.
The passage ahead of us was a deep chasm between concrete walls, open to the sky and devoid of branching passages, with a doorway at the bottom of several concrete steps. The door was closed. And the steps were filled with water.
I stopped. “Hm.”
“Aw man,” Captain Parker exclaimed, getting out his map again.
“What do we do?” asked Paint, clicking her scaly knuckles together. “This was the fast route! Our client is on a timeline!”
I thumped my chin against the box. “I knew we should have used the hoverbike.”
“You would have crashed into a wall! These walkways are far too narrow.”
“No I wouldn’t.”
A sturdy woman from the jousting crew shone a pocket flashlight into the murky water. It was all in shadow, thanks to an awning up top that seemed ironically meant to protect from the rain. Like everything else around here, it was janky and broken, but made of metal that hadn’t rusted through yet. Canvas would have been long gone.
I eyed the many cracks in the walls, with pipes and alien rebar sticking out. “I don’t suppose anyone feels like climbing over?”
“The box doesn’t have a carry strap,” Paint pointed out. “And I am not one of you climbing experts.”
A heavyset man with gray hair chuckled at that. “You’re not the only one.”
This turned into a side conversation about how Paint was under the impression that all humans were talented climbers by her standards, until Captain Parker interrupted.
“While this would be the most direct route, I see three other possibilities that shouldn’t take us in too many circles. It really is a shame, though. This one’s a nice straight shot if we could get the door open. Can you see the catch, Ruby?”
“Barely,” the woman reported. “This light is garbage. But it looks just like those other doors. Too bad we don’t have a long pole or something to work the catch with.”
I looked up. “That awning looks like it has a couple poles! I wonder if they come off.”
Paint yelped, “The water is rising!” She pointed, clutching her shawl. “It was below that step before!”
“Dang, you’re right.” Ruby stepped back. The other crewmates gestured to cracks that reached above water, which could easily be causing leaks below.
“We should go,” decided Captain Parker. “Get a head start on one of the long routes.”
“But our client!” Paint exclaimed. “They need the package in a hurry, and will tell everyone we’re unreliable!”
While everyone voiced an opinion, ranging from “Route B” to “Route C” to “rock-paper-scissors for who gets dunked in the hypothermia water,” I shoved the box at Paint. “Hold this,” I said. Then I got a running start and leapt up for a good grip on a crack in the wall.
There were plenty of footholds. Some of the metal bits sticking out were loose, but not enough to fall out. I focused on making sure each step was secure as quickly as possible, and reached the top in no time.
Thankfully it was wide enough to balance on without too much worry. That water wasn’t deep enough to land in safely, never mind the temperature.
Speaking of water, I thought with dawning horror, This is about to be bad.
Several rows away in this maze was a broken pipe the size of my torso, spewing water into a reservoir that was near to overflowing. Some of the water was leaking out through cracks in the sides already, leading to a puddle that was dripping through to make the one on our side.
The route back is in the danger zone too! Maybe if we’re fast enough, we can get to that open area over there. Or get everybody else up here. But I don’t trust this wall to stay intact if that dam fails all at once.
My phone buzzed, making me jump. It was Paint. I realized she’d probably been yelling for my attention, and I didn’t hear. There were sounds of pouring water up here, not to mention the blood rushing in my ears. I answered the phone.
“What are you staring at?” she demanded. “Get the pole!”
“Right,” I said, hurrying along the wall. “We may not have enough time, even if I can get it free. There’s more water that could flood the area at any moment. I think somebody has to swim for the catch.”
“What! How much water?”
“Lots. Hang on.” I stuck the phone in my pocket to free both hands for the awning. Up close, it looked much rustier and ancient than below. The pole at the side was welded on. I braced my feet and gave it a good yank. That produced a metal screech and a rain of rust particles, but not much else. Pushing and pulling to work it loose let me fold the awning back so watery sunshine illuminated the door catch far below. The jousting crew shouted about it indistinctly.
I leaned against the awning, holding it back while I got my phone out. “It’s not coming loose,” I told Paint. “Tell him there’s a dam about to break, and one of his people needs to open the door.”
There was lots of indistinct shouting at that. I couldn’t make out all of the words, especially since the water sounds were increasing, thanks to a new crack the water levels had just reached. Captain Parker was shaking his head at Paint, who’d set down the box so she could hold the phone and gesture wildly. He waved at me to come down, and pointed back at the way we’d come. I shook my head and pointed at the reservoir, but he was already looking away.
“Paint!” I called into the phone. “Tell him he’s got to!”
“He wants to turn back!” Paint cried.
“Wait!” This was a dumb idea, but I’d had worse. “Paint, tell him you double dog dare him to do it.”
“Human thing. If he doesn’t, he’s a coward. Use those exact words: you double dog dare him.”
Paint didn’t answer me, lowering the phone and jabbing a finger at Captain Parker. I could just make out her words over the water.
“I double dog dare you to do it! If you don’t, you’re a coward!”
He gaped at her for a moment while his crew burst into laughter. Ruby clapped him on the shoulder. A smaller man waggled his fingers like he was offering to hold the captain’s jacket. Captain Parker looked up at me, arms spread in a clear WTF.
I held the awning back and pointed emphatically downward.
Water rushed faster out of that new crack. People were laughing below. Paint repeated the phrase like an incantation.
And Captain Parker took off his jacket, handing it to the other man.
“Yes!” I breathed in relief, leaning harder against the metal. It really wanted to fold back down. But the captain would need light to see.
In moments he’d left his jacket, shoes, and pocket valuables with the crew, and was striding forward, shaking his head. Ruby aimed her flashlight at the door, though it was pretty visible now. I pocketed my phone and crossed my fingers. With a worried glance, I sent strengthening thoughts toward the dam.
Captain Parker stuck a foot in, swore loudly, then cannonballed directly into the deep end to the approving whoops of his crew. He surfaced, gasping at the cold, then took a few good breaths and submerged, going straight for the door.
The catch didn’t turn easily. Of course it didn’t. Why would any of this be easy? I watched him struggle with it, flicking my eyes back toward the straining reservoir. Water was starting to spill over the side. The big crack was spreading.
Then something clunked below me, and the door grated aside, gushing water and a very cold human into the corridor beyond.
I yelled my own wahoo along with the crew, and left the awning to jolt back into place with another rain of rust while I hurried back down. One of the pipes almost jerked out of the wall while I was holding it. I jumped the rest of the way.
“Take the box!” Paint told me. Humans were rushing down the wet stairs. I took it just as a thunderous crack filled the air, and the ground shuddered.
“Run!” I said. We dashed down the stairs to the sound of rushing water. The wall I’d just been standing on sprouted dozens of leaks, creaking ominously.
There was still a bit of a puddle at the bottom, but Paint bravely dashed through it with her heat shawl held tight. I was right behind her with the box. The other humans were already climbing dry stairs on the other side.
We made it through the door just as the wall collapsed, sending water and debris slamming into the place we’d been standing moments before.
I don’t think I’ve ever climbed stairs faster. Two of the nearest humans hoisted Paint up, her small legs kicking in the air. Water splashed behind us, wetting one of my pant legs in a terrifying moment that made me think we’d all be washed away after all, but then we were out of range and still standing.
Everybody stood in an open courtyard, breathing hard and staring. The water rushed in every direction below us, filling more passageways than I’d thought it could. We’d reached an area of high ground with the reconstruction offices in view, all freshly painted and gold in the sunlight.
But only just.
“We’ll need another way back to the ship,” said Ruby.
“Good thing we left all our stuff behind.”
“Hey Captain, you can use my shirt to dry off with.”
“Mine too.”
Captain Parker looked a little paler than his skin tone was really meant for as he rubbed his hands together for warmth. “Thanks,” he managed, sounding like he was keeping his teeth from chattering by force of will.
Paint approached him and made an elaborate bow, which I’m pretty sure she got from some media about old Earth customs since that’s not the kind of thing her people do. “Well done, Captain Parker,” she declared. “Your honor is unquestionable; you are not a dog this day.”
He smiled while the crew laughed again. “Thank you. Your challenge was well-timed.” He stripped off his wet shirt and toweled dry with someone else’s, then rolled up his pant legs instead of taking them off.
“Do you need to borrow my heat shawl?” Paint asked tentatively.
Captain Parker frowned, shivering violently. “You’re coldblooded. Don’t you need it?”
“I’ll be okay,” Paint assured him. “You need it more right now. The air isn’t as bad as that water.”
“You’re not wrong.” He accepted it when she handed it to him, settling it over his shoulders with a deep sigh of relief.
When Paint met my eyes, I gave her a smile of approval, and she beamed. Crew members were busy making calls: to their ship, to their local contact, and who knew where else. It occurred to me that we should do the same.
Paint told me, “Everyone’s going to want to hear about this. And you’ll have to explain the details of the double dog thing; I’d never heard of that before.”
I shrugged one shoulder, still holding the box. “It’s not a big deal. More of a kid thing, honestly. I’m sure there are lots of cultures with similar stuff.”
“Not mine,” she said thoughtfully. “Blip and Blop would probably appreciate it. And Trrili would probably appreciate it too much.”
“Oh man, Trrili would be an unholy menace.” I thought of our most frightening crewmate’s love of scaring people. “Let’s not tell her about double dares.”
When the captain had his shoes back on and his jacket thrown over the heat shawl, we all moved on toward the reconstruction office, leaving a trail of water droplets and honor in our wake.
Captain Parker and co made their other appearance in this story.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
They're shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include some characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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sen-ya · 3 months
um hi hello I wrote a fic for the first time since I was like 16 and this is probably the first time I’ve ever put prose anywhere on the internet oops. I did a very scribbly comic abt this a few weeks ago and instead of finishing it I did this I guess.
Grounding Exercise
The panic didn’t leave Law’s body, but he managed to slow his movements, grip tightly at his first mate’s sleeve. “Bepo?” he huffed. “Real?” The question hung heavy between them. 
“Yes,” the word was dripping with sorrow, with apology. “Not dreaming. I’m sorry, Captain.” 
Tattooed fingers curled deeper into Bepo’s sleeve. Law leaned forward into him, his body screaming in protest. He didn’t care. How could he? Here he was, alive amidst tragedy. “Again,” he hissed, vocalizing the thought. “Again?''
Warnings: suicidal thoughts
Word Count: 2589
When he woke, it was violent. 
Law jerked upright in bed, black quickly reclaiming his vision as it all washed over him. Yes, his bones ached, and he could tell several were broken. Yes, he could taste a bit of copper in his mouth. And yes, he could hear a few sharp pops as he threw his weight forward. But the worst of his pains gripped at his chest, a squeeze not unlike when his heart had been abused outside of his body, in the hands of someone who took pleasure in hurting him.
“Where are they?” he breathed urgently.
Heavy hands guided him back to the bed amidst his thrashing. “Captain,” a familiar voice pleaded. “Captain, stay down. You’ll make your injuries worse.”
Slowly, the world came into focus. Not all of it, admittedly, but he tried to focus — to find an anchor. Bepo’s fuzzy face made a home in Law’s vision, the polar bear’s brows knitted together and his eyes heavy with exhaustion. The panic didn’t leave Law’s body, but he managed to slow his movements, grip tightly at his first mate’s sleeve. “Bepo?” he huffed. “Real?” The question hung heavy between them. 
“Yes,” the word was dripping with sorrow, with apology. “Not dreaming. I’m sorry, Captain.” 
Tattooed fingers curled deeper into Bepo’s sleeve. Law leaned forward into him, his body screaming in protest. He didn’t care. How could he? Here he was, alive amidst tragedy. “Again,” he hissed, vocalizing the thought. “Again?'' The word tasted like poison. 
“No, no,” Bepo soothed. “The crew is strong. It won’t be like —“
“Yes it will, Bepo!” Law buried his forehead into the bear’s chest, the fact that he wasn’t in his usual orange jumpsuit somehow making it even worse. “I wasn’t strong enough, I let us get in over our head — damn it I did it again.” The declaration was venomous, his voice loud and sharp. Were his mind clearer, Law would have recognized that Bepo was a part of that crew, too. That as his captain — could he call himself that now that the Tang met its end? — he should be the one to insist on the safety of their nakama. He would have started crafting a plan, letting Bepo sniffle as he listened. 
But in this moment his thoughts clouded. He felt small and cold and sick, like they were back on Swallow Island, before it would have been inappropriate for Law to lose himself in front of his dearest friend. “I’m a curse,” he shouted. He wasn’t sure when the tears started but now that the seal had broken it felt like they’d flow forever. “I doomed all of you, pretended for years that I hadn’t —“
“Stop it,” Bepo pulled Law into himself, his larger than life captain reduced to what he was — his brother. “You did everything. You always have.” His voice was steady and firm, a tone unusual for him. Somehow that only made it worse, yet Law melted into him, allowed himself to drown in his weakness. He cried, Bepo’s unfamiliar sweater soaking in the tears. 
“How many times do I have to lose?” he wallowed, his voice barely audible. The mink only held him tighter in response, and slowly Law’s breaths started to steady. He began to smell the sterile tinge of the infirmary, to feel the way the fresh bandages clung to his skin, to hear —
“…Torao?” it was hesitant. 
“I’m hearing things,” Law whispered. “How pathetic.”
A hand rested gently on his back and he tore himself from his brother’s hold, the sudden movement causing him to jerk in pain and fall down to the bed. As his vision unblurred he slowly made out a third figure in the room. Wait, had he even processed yet that they were inside somewhere? A familiar somewhere at that. It fell into place as Luffy’s face came into focus, the worry that had made a home there making him look so much unlike himself. Law’s eyes grew wide and the panic began to creep back in.
“Torao,” Luffy reached for him slowly this time, like he was approaching a scared animal. 
“Get out,” the order was low, with no force behind it. The other two might have even missed it, it had been so quiet. But as Luffy’s hand drew closer and Law’s face pulled into an expression as feral as the spooked creature he was being addressed as, the command was undeniable. “Get out!” 
Luffy recoiled as though he’d been hit. “You can’t be here,” Law continued, struggling to prop himself up. You can’t see me like this, bounced around his head. 
“Captain,” Bepo protested. “It’s Straw Hat. He helped us, he — “
“I know who he is, and I know what I said,” was the growled response. I can’t handle your smile right now, was the echo. 
“It’s his ship,” Bepo continued. “He can —“
“I’ll go.”
Everything was still for a moment. When the Straw Hat captain made his swift exit, the click of the door was only a whisper.
Law was insistent on treating himself. The only person he would acknowledge entering the infirmary was Bepo, and even that was scarce. The bite he’d shown when he awoke ebbed and flowed, sometimes the anger was the only thing left behind his golden eyes. Other times, most times, those eyes were dull, empty, surrendered. 
He knew that his first mate must be hurting too, but Law couldn’t muster any empathy. He could hear muffled “sorry”s beyond the infirmary door, sniffles meant to be private in the corner of the room, worried muttering being exchanged. It was rare that the bear wandered much further than the hallway just outside. It was on one such rare occasion, three days after he’d come to, that the door swung open violently. 
“That’s what I thought,” Luffy crossed his arms, his eyes fixed on the tray full of food on the table at Law’s bedside. “Listen, I’m happy to keep eating your leftovers but if another plate comes back to the kitchen full I think Sanji’s gonna kick your ass.”
The declaration wasn’t even met with a glance. 
“What’re you even doing in here,” Luffy continued, irritation clawing at his words. “I know you’re supposed to rest but even you don’t listen to that.” 
Law stirred. “I’m a doctor,” was the muttered response. That’s all I am.
“Yeah, a doctor who’s always got somethin’ else to do,” Luffy huffed, throwing himself to sit at the foot of the bed. “You got plenty to do now.”
Law couldn’t argue. Not because he thought the other captain was right, per se, but more because arguing took an amount of gusto that he didn’t have at the moment. As that became evident to Luffy, the mounting anger melted from his face. 
“You don’t have to grieve, Torao,” he soothed. “They aren’t gone.”
And there it was — a spark. Law’s chest burned as the words settled in. His features lit up with the only feeling they’d been able to find since he’d stopped crying a few days ago. So fierce was the look that Luffy recoiled in surprise. 
“What do you know about grief, Straw Hat?” Law seethed. The other captain found some anger of his own at that, his mouth dropping open to protest. Law wouldn’t let him. “I was there when your brother died,” his voice was too steady for comfort. “That’s your body count. One. One person who’s gone. Did — did you know —“ he surged forward, ignoring the bolts of pain reminding him he was still tied to this mortal plane. “Did you know I had a little sister?” Luffy’s eyes grew wide, the anger not quite letting the shock override it. 
“We took music lessons together every Wednesday evening. And when I got too wrapped up in my studies she’d come tell me I was boring. Sing with me, Lawli — she was so damn insistent.” Something bubbled in his chest at hearing the name Lawli out loud for the first time in sixteen years. “I loved her. And our parents loved the both of us. Did you know that, Straw Hat? That the first thing I was, was happy?”
The air was heavy in the infirmary, Luffy’s lips a tight line as he listened. 
“The world government took my parents before disease could,” Law spit. “I left my sister to die by herself. Told her she’d be safe, that I’d be back — but instead she suffocated on smoke. Or burned. I’ve imagined both. Either way, she did it alone.” His voice dropped as he leaned in ever closer to the other captain. “On the day I escaped Flevence I angered whatever powers that be that marked me for death. And ever since then I’ve been followed, pretending that crossing the border was all I needed to do to escape it. Pretending not to be the harbinger that I am. Pretending to not notice that it seems I have nothing to outrun myself, that the worst thing that can happen is that I live.”
“You survive,” Luffy’s voice was gentle, a soft whisper against the rage he was faced with. His hand slipped forward, resting lightly on the tattooed fist clenched tightly before him. And this — this was not what Law expected.
Like Flevence, like Cora, like the Tang and like his crew — Law crumbled.
He was ten again, surrounded by flame and gunfire. Crying for his parents. Helpless. He was just a boy. A boy who wanted only one more time for his mother to wake him gently, far too early in the morning, and ask would he like to join her at the hospital today? A boy who wanted to read the most boring books with his father again and again, be corrected when he didn’t retain the information, have gummy bears positioned tactfully on the page to encourage him to read just one more paragraph. A boy who wanted to hear sour notes on the piano followed by the inevitable tug on his shirt — sing with me, Lawli. More than anything he wanted to sing with her. 
“I never asked to survive.” It could have been a breeze, the admission was so scarce. “I don’t want to anymore.” 
And at that Luffy’s calloused hand drifted up to brush tears from Law’s cheeks. When had he started to cry? “You have to.” Gentle, still so very gentle. “They’re counting on you. Not just your crew. Everyone you've grieved. Doflamingo’s brother. Your sister.” Law was sobbing now, thick tears bubbling out of him like waterfalls. His shoulders shook and he bit his lip, somehow through all of it still not wanting Luffy to hear him cry. “They still love you.”
That — that was too much. Whatever was left of the dam burst and Law fell into Luffy, who curled his arms around him protectively. Law knew the sounds were spilling out of him, but only by the vibration he felt in his throat. All he heard were soft whispers in his ear — these things aren’t your fault. You’re so easy to love, Torao. Thank you for living. Thank you.
The sea breeze was grounding. 
His eyes closed, Law took stock of his senses. It smelled like salt. The wind was cool on his face. He heard the waves crash on the side of the Sunny as it sailed forward, always forward. He took a deep breath, let out a long sigh. 
“I’m sorry I shut down,” he admitted, eyes fixated on the water.
“It was long overdue,” Bepo dismissed.
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
“You’re right,” the mink hummed. “It makes it necessary.”
They looked out over the sea in a comfortable silence for a while, the two leaned on the ship’s railing. 
“We’re chartered to Pirate Island,” Bepo offered eventually. “It’s the best lead. If Blackbeard wants your fruit he’s going to keep them as hostages.”
Law gave a firm nod. 
“We’ll get ‘em back, Captain.”
Another nod.
“Well, I believe we will anyway,” Bepo sighed and sunk his head into his arms. “You don’t have to. I’ll believe for both of us.”
The corners of Law’s mouth twitched upwards at that. “You’re getting comfortable with that,” he mused. “Not listening to me.”
The younger was suddenly on alert. “I’m sorry!” he poured. There they were, Law thought, the tears he was entitled to after the week they’d had. “I had to. I had to. You’d die for less than our nakama. You’re always so…so…” The submissive pout took a turn towards a grimace. Had Law ever seen his brother like this? “Self destructive and stupid.” He decided, his eyes glued to his feet, tears soaking the fur around his eyes. 
“Is that so?” The response was surprisingly steady given the way the words shook the captain.
“Yeah it’s so,” Bepo scoffed. He was on a roll now — for him at least. “How long will we have to show you we need you before you stop trying to leave us?” 
“Bepo.” It was choked, Law’s throat felt dry.
“I know how you look when you want to disappear. Those feelings — they belong to you, I know that. You’re not gonna just…” he sighed. “Change. Get over it.” The last sentence was said in a mocking tone, the both of them understanding that Shachi didn’t always understand the nuances of certain ideations. “But if you get to want to die, I get to want you to live. And I get to be happy about it when you do. I’ll always be happy about it.” Only then did he lift his gaze, a fierce determination burning there. “I don’t care if you hate me for it. I’ll always give everything I’ve got to keep you here with us.”
Law did the only thing that felt right — he threw his arms around his brother in a show of affection far more blatant than he’d given out in a long time. “I could never hate you,” he kept his voice as steady as before, grateful the other couldn’t see the tears pooling in his eyes. He’d had his turn to cry. “I love you. I love you.”
Bepo squeezed him tight. “I love you too,” he cried. “We’re gonna get ‘em back. We’re gonna —“
“You’re right,” Law insisted. “We’ll get them back. And we’ll build a new ship. We’ll be okay.” 
Bepo nuzzled into him like he had when they were children. Bepo had always been a crier growing up. Law had always let him, scolding Penguin and Shachi when they’d giggle. Don’t be jealous just because he knows how to have a feeling, he’d scoff. And Bepo would cry louder, eliciting even more boisterous laughs from their other brothers. Today, there was no laughing in response. As the breeze carried away the sniffles and sobs, Law patted his back.
Living for other people was never a sustainable option, he’d thought. Law wanted autonomy in his life where he could get it, and opportunities for that felt woefully few and far between. Here on the deck of the Sunny, even with his brain still swimming with ways to disappear, he supposed maybe he could learn to let those who cared about him keep him tethered here. They were real. As good an anchor as any. He closed his eyes — Bepo’s fur was soft, the sweater he had on clearly was borrowed from Franky since it smelled of oil and cola, and he could hear his cries begin to calm. 
Possibly against his better judgement, Law decided he’d stay grounded.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 7 months
I will share one secret to the universe of the female body. The female body is deeply receptive. It is always looking for inspiration and direction on where to go, how to be, or how wide to open, heart or otherwise. So when I eat, especially when I eat really heavy, I always curate my body and tell it where to direct the food energy. I don’t just let my body eat heavy food and be idle on its own with no decrees or instructions. I give it declarations like a sculptor's hands does to clay, rounding out my face or thickening up my breasts, hips, belly (yes sometimes belly—beyond conditioned notions…as a belly dancer, there is so much vitality ignited when you have a larger soft belly to dance with), feet, or ass. The instructions are based on what tasks I have to accomplish or whatever simple aesthetic desires I want to play in. Here is an example: I eat slow, digest the food, and do some squats to give the energy of food direction to make my legs thicker like tree trunks. I sometimes go for a sensuous walk in the park after eating, feeling the generative qualities of trees with every step—imagining my body directing the food where ever I desire for it to go. There are many avenues to accessing the magic in our femaleness that have been hidden or lost. This specific body-shaping charm isn't a means to exalt fitting into society's thin and perfect body standards of beauty. It is to express that there are many doorways to reclaiming the magical aliveness inherent in our female bodies which helps us wake up ancient memories that bring us into right relationship with greater present-day possibilities. —India Ame’ye
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Embracing African Heritage: The Significance of Shrines and Religion
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Africa, often referred to as the cradle of humanity, boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and spiritual beliefs that have endured for millennia. Central to this heritage are the sacred shrines and profound religious practices that serve as pillars of community, identity, and connection to the divine.
Shrines, both natural and constructed, hold a special place in African spirituality. These sites are often nestled in the heart of communities or hidden within the vast landscapes of the continent. From the iconic pyramids of Egypt to the humble groves of the Yoruba in Nigeria, each shrine reflects a unique blend of history, mythology, and reverence for the ancestors.
One of the fundamental aspects of African religion is the veneration of ancestors. Ancestral shrines serve as focal points for prayers, offerings, and rituals aimed at honoring those who came before. These ancestors are believed to possess wisdom, guidance, and protection, and their spirits are invoked for blessings and assistance in times of need. In many African societies, the bond between the living and the dead is deeply cherished, with rituals and ceremonies reinforcing the interconnectedness of past, present, and future generations.
Moreover, African shrines are often associated with specific deities or spirits, each embodying different aspects of the natural world or human experience. Whether it's Oshun, the Yoruba goddess of love and fertility, or Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, these divine entities are revered through elaborate ceremonies, dances, and sacrifices. Through these rituals, devotees seek communion with the divine and seek guidance in matters of health, prosperity, and spiritual growth.
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However, the significance of African shrines extends beyond the realm of spirituality. They are also repositories of cultural knowledge, oral traditions, and historical narratives passed down through generations. Within the sacred precincts of these sites, elders impart wisdom, storytellers weave tales of heroism and creation, and artists imbue their craft with symbols and motifs that speak to the essence of African identity.
Unfortunately, the colonial era and the spread of Christianity and Islam have often marginalized indigenous African religions, dismissing them as primitive or pagan. Despite this, many communities continue to uphold their traditional beliefs, adapting them to the challenges of modernity while preserving their core values and rituals. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in African spirituality, fueled by a desire to reclaim cultural heritage and reconnect with ancestral roots.
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In conclusion, African shrines and religion embody the resilience, diversity, and spirituality of the continent's people. They are more than just places of worship; they are living testaments to the enduring legacy of Africa's past and the enduring power of its traditions. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, embracing and honoring Africa's rich heritage is not only a matter of cultural preservation but also a celebration of the human spirit's boundless capacity for faith, creativity, and reverence for the divine.
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molsno · 5 months
there's a troubling tendency in feminist spaces to rehabilitate radical feminist theory. this isn't surprising coming from actual radfems, most notably terfs, but this tendency exists even among trans people - most often tme (transmisogyny-exempt) trans people, but also occasionally among tma (transmisogyny-affected) trans people as well.
I fail to see the need to use feminist thought put forth by, for example, adrienne rich or andrea dworkin, as the foundation for further theory. both of these authors, while very influential, both contributed to or supported janice raymond's book, "the transsexual empire", in which she infamously asserted, without exaggeration, that trans women's passive existence constitutes an act of rape.
as a disclaimer, I have not directly read any of the three authors that I named above, as the research I've done about them indicates that reading their extended works would be psychologically harmful to me as a trans woman. I have tried to learn as much as I can about their beliefs and worldviews, but I admit it is possible that I may be misrepresenting them at some points. regardless, this post is not specifically about them anyway. unless I name them, this post is about general trends I've noticed in feminist circles.
now, whether or not a given radical feminist author claims to be trans-inclusive is ultimately meaningless, as radical feminism inherently relies on biological essentialism as its explanation for the oppression of women by men. if simply being born with a penis means that one is biologically predisposed to perpetrate acts of gendered violence, including rape, then what does it mean to be "trans-inclusive" with this worldview? most often, the answer that I find to this question among radical feminists is that they only support people on the transmasculine spectrum, while still essentializing them as women who transition to escape the oppressive forces of misogyny.
I dislike this perspective for many reasons. most obviously, I believe it's blatantly transphobic to reduce transmasculine people to their assigned gender at birth, even while paying them lip service by using the correct pronouns for them. but moreover, I find that it's predicated on largely white and tme perspectives on femininity.
perhaps femininity may seem innately traumatizing for white people who were afab. after all, it's essentially forced upon them from the moment of birth. but this experience is not universal. women of color, most especially black women, are routinely and systematically denied femininity in a violent act of degendering that seeks to protect the gender binary, which itself is a white supremacist, colonialist invention. however, for the aforementioned women of color, reclaiming the femininity they've been denied and making it something all their own can be highly empowering.
I find it ironic that adrienne rich, for example, is cited in feminist circles that uphold (whether knowingly or not) this radical feminist belief, as she was quite vocal about how her perspectives were taken more seriously than her black counterparts due to her white privilege. yet, the feminists today who parrot the beliefs of her and her white contemporaries largely ignore the perspectives of nonwhite, and especially tma feminists.
my previous paragraph about femininity is not new information; it has been written about extensively by feminists of color - tme and tma alike. and yet, there is very little discussion of these works in white- and tme-dominated feminist spaces. yes, we've all heard praises of leslie feinberg's "stone butch blues", but where are the quoted passages from, for example, "women, race, & class" by angela davis, or "decolonizing trans/gender 101" by b. binaohan?
in case I haven't made it clear, I, as a white trans woman, am more than happy to read works written by tme feminists. however, far too often, I find that the writings of tme feminists that are most widely circulated represent a very narrow understanding of feminism, mostly feminism put forth by white radical feminists and their allies in the 20th century. these perspectives very frequently leave behind, and often outright exclude, people of color and transfeminine people, whose struggles are inherently linked. not only are many people of color transfeminine and vice versa, even the mechanisms which are used to deny tme women of color femininity are also used against trans women - julia serano, a white trans feminist, says this in her book, "whipping girl"!
attempting to rehabilitate radical feminist thought, even the kind put forth by feminists who claimed to be allies of people of color and colonized peoples, seems futile to me when those same feminists gave janice raymond their full support in writing one of the most violently transmisogynistic works in the feminist sphere. personally, I have no faith in people who find transmisogyny anything other than absolutely abhorrent to say anything meaningful about women's liberation. the fact is, when the only feminism that receives widespread discussion is the kind written by these people, then women of color, trans women, and ESPECIALLY trans women of color will continue to suffer under a white supremacist, transmisogynistic, colonial regime.
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drabblesandimagines · 4 months
reader comforts Clive after a nightmare?? I love ur writing sm <3
Thank you, anon! I've had this in my drafts for a while. Just some soft comfort, maybe a bit angsty! I hope you enjoy x
Clive Rosfield x reader
You awaken from a dreamless sleep, too exhausted by the day’s activities to dream, to find the chambers in darkness and dawn still a few hours away. You nuzzle your face back down into your pillow and close your eyes, expecting sleep to reclaim you quickly, dismissing whatever woke you up in the first place when a heartbreaking whimper echoes around the room.
You sit up then, wide awake - surprised you don’t rouse him from how you make the bed shake in your haste. Clive’s lying on his front, topless, a hand nestled under his cheek. His hair is more disheveled than usual, though you thought you would have awoken earlier if he’d been tossing and turning to such a degree. His brows are furrowed and his face twitches and a whimper of your name emits from his lips.
You’re struck by indecision – should you attempt to wake him, or is safer to let him wake himself? You wrack your brain, trying to remember if Tarja had ever shared any advice on the matter over the years spent together, moving cautiously to the edge of the bed to think.
There is no further time for deliberation as Clive wakes with a gasp, reaching out with one hand to your side of the mattress, hoping to find your slumbering form. When he can’t find the solace he so desperately craves, he pushes himself up, flustered – heart pounding, lungs heaving, eyes darting around - to find you sat nearer the edge of the bed, watching him carefully.
“Clive?” Your tone is cautious – not sure if he’s truly awake or still in the throes of his dream.
“Oh, thank the Founder,” he twists round and pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you, pressing his face into your hair. “You… You’re all right. It felt so real.”
“A nightmare?”
“Yes,” he says on the exhale, sounding breathless.
“Do you wish to talk about it?” You ask, cautiously.
“In a moment. I just…” He presses a long kiss against your crown, and you can feel his heart pounding through your cheek upon his chest. “I just need a moment, my darling.”
“Take as many as you need.”
You stay in that position for a while, your arms looped around him as best you can, sitting in the quiet as he keeps his chin upon your crown, trying to steady his breaths.
“It was…” He swallows. “I dreamt that Barnabas… He… He had you in fetters.” An arm drops from around you, seeking your hand instead to press a kiss to the pulse point of your wrist. “He’d… He’d taken you.” His other hand begins to rub up and down your back, attempting to ground himself once more with your presence, the warmth of your body. “His sword at your throat. And I was close, I could see you, and he demanded for Ifrit to show. But… he wouldn’t come to me, no matter how much I willed him to. And you were screaming my name, begging me for my aid – and I… Founder, I…”
His voice breaks and you pull back at once, wrapping your arm around his head to pull him down against your own chest, pressing the side of his face against your heart in the hopes that hearing its beat would bring him a semblance of comfort. Warm tears soon soak into the fabric of your nightgown, Clive’s frame wracking with soft sobs.
You can say it wasn’t real, that it wouldn’t happen… But there’s no denying the way Barnabas Tharmr’s eyes had flitted between you and Jill in Kanver - moments after he’d sliced a building in two, moments before Clive had barely escaped with his life, followed by a chase across the sea to rescue Jill from the bowels of his ship.
How Odin had taunted that he’d taken the wrong treasure with the way Clive screamed when the Enterprise was attacked.
You know what you need to say because he would never ask you to, so his subconscious has done it instead - but the words don’t come immediately. You settle for rubbing your palm in wide circles on his back, press kisses to his crown – try to give him any semblance of the comfort he gives you when you’re wrapped up in his arms, feeling the world is too much.
There’s a soft hiccup, a loud sniff as he lifts his head from your chest, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.
He looks beautiful.
You chase his retreat and place a hand on his scarred cheek, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. He places his hand over yours, kissing you back in return, though not with his usual vigor - tinged with salt.
You’ll do this for him, no matter how much the idea hurts.
“I’ll stay.” You whisper.
There’s a pause. “What?”
You lean your forehead against his, wet your lips with your tongue even though they’re not dry.
“I won’t go to Ash. I’ll stay.”
He kisses you, fiercely.
“Thank you.”
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
Comments, follows, likes and reblogs make my day!
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tmntxthings · 1 year
would you ever consider making a donnie version of the fanfic oneshot you made with leo? :)
∑一Literature At Its Finest*・。
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author’s note: long time no see ( ´▽`) idk if this has been noticeable but i’ve been slowing down with posting overall, im struggling with motivation to write esp with the semester starting up, maybe i’ll get back into it once things have settled down c: with that being said I hope you enjoy dear anon
warnings: fluff, short drabble, donnie pov, unedited
〈 leo’s 〉
Donatello Hamato was many things, an inventor, a scientist, and obviously a genius. So he would say it’s in his nature to be curious about the unknown. Now whether that unknown be of the scientific nature… or perhaps whatever it was that had your eyes glued to your screen for approximately one hour and twenty seven minutes..? Was there really a difference between the two? Donnie didn’t think so. Neither did his growing curiosity.
He had gotten halfhearted responses from you, like “yeahhh” and/or “cool Dee,” any time he tried to broach one of his latest and greatest projects. Usually you gave him your undivided attention and Donnie loved to just soak up your beautiful gaze. Sometimes he’d lose track if he glanced up into your eyes for too long, to which you would kindly tell him where he had left off.
So what was so important (on that stupid iphone 11 that could totally be upgraded by Othello Von Ryan himself if you ever let him) that you would dare ignore him for over an hour! In. His. Presence. He cleared his throat once more,
“Dearest? Are you listening?”
You didn’t glance up but you hummed in a tone that said, yes. Donnie narrowed his eyes. You were so absorbed you couldn’t even part those gorgeous orbs of yours off of your phone for a second? Just a tiny glance his way? He huffed, and pushed out of your chair. His usual spot when he came over was at your desk. You never really used it so Donnie had a few of his things there, it was like his own work place outside of his lab. He frequented this desk whenever you couldn’t make it to the lair.
He ventured to your bed, where you lay on your back, phone in front of your face unaware of your surroundings or your boyfriend.
“Then what did I just say?” Donnie challenged and you murmured something along the lines of “listening?” The purple turtle was quick to rephrase, “No, no! Earlier Y/n, my project!” He whined, getting a little desperate now for even just a crumb of your attention. Donatello watched with baited breath as you were as still as a statue. Eyes growing wider as you looked at your screen. A tiny smile forming on your face. Completely ignoring him. And that was Donnie’s breaking point.
One of his robo hands quickly unsheathed from his battle shell (yes he wore it everywhere) and snatched your phone right from under your nose. Funnily enough your hand was frozen in a state of holding the square device as you blinked and shock overcame your expression. And finally, finally, those eyes of yours met his. “Donnie!” You lurched forward almost falling out of your bed to reclaim your phone. “Yes darling?” Donnie feigned innocence as his robotic hand moved out of your reach. He smirked as he watched you steady yourself. You breathed in a quick breath.
“I was reading!” You said as if that explained everything and made grabby hands for him to return your technological property. “Must be pretty enthralling writing for you to ignore me, your handsome boyfriend!” Donnie sniffed and his metal hand moved to allow him to peer at your screen. It was like all hell broke loose, you screeched “No no no you can’t read it!!!”
Now as a full fledged nerd, he knew these were the telltale signs of someone reading something embarrassing.. and he deduced it was fan fiction. He may or may not have had his own similar experiences… Atomic Lass was his weakness. One that Leo loved to make fun of him for. “Well now I’m intrigued!” He saw you were using one of the main sites for such literature, ao3. His smirk only grew wider, “Doth mine eyes deceiveth me? Darling what are you reading hmmmm?” He continued to tease as his eyes roamed for more information. All the while ducking and dodging your mad grabs for your phone.
“Donald!!” You gave him your warning tone. But he didn’t care. You had ignored him for too long and if this is what it took to get your attention, by Newton he would do it! Plus, truly he wouldn’t shame you for your tastes in reading, it wasn’t like he was a pure soul when it came to reader x atomic lass..! “Let’s see,” Donnie cleared his throat dramatically and you audibly gasped thinking the worst: he was about to read aloud.
“I’ve waited all my life to find someone like you,” Donnie caught onto the scene and the emotion immediately growing more romantic (and dramatic). “You are the only one for me, in this life and all the rest! His hands unclenched from fists as he gently cupped your face-“
Donnie almost got a face full of pillow if a second robo arm hadn’t shot out to bat it away. He stole a glance up from your phone finding your face heated in a pretty blush, which only goaded Donnie to continue. “He only hesitated for a moment, looking into your eyes to find love and joy overflowing, he kissed you so heatedly, drawing out a—“
“DONATELLO!!!!!!!” You howled and finally snatched your phone away from his green grasp. Quickly closing your phone and the screen darkened. Donnie raised an unimpressed eyebrow, “That won’t stop a tech genius like moi” he said hand covering his chest. “Donnie!!” You exasperated, eyes pleading for him to stop the embarrassment. He threw in the metaphorical towel, robo arms hiding back in his shell as he sat down next to you on your bed. “Dearest you must know I read such things too,” he placated you, even though his cheeks felt warm admitting it out loud.
“So you must know how I feel!” You said insinuating that reading such private things aloud were a no-go. He sighed, “even amongst us?” You wavered and that was all it took. Donnie eagerly reached forward, wanting to prove to you that you needn’t be embarrassed.
“You are the only one for me,” he quoted from the dialogue he had just read earlier. His hands caressing your cheeks gently as he leaned forward. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to touch/kiss/hug as was the customs of dating, but it may have been odd for Donnie to be the one to initiate. So you were in a sort of frozen state as his lips murmured, “in this universe, and all those after it. I am yours,” he put his own little spin on it and sealed such romantics with a soft kiss.
You were moving after that, he was rewarded with a shy smile and your lips chasing after his. Making the heated kiss from the story come to life. “Okay maybe I won’t be so embarrassed..” you admitted after the both of you pulled away. It was quiet for a moment and then you continued, “Now what was that about your project?” A twinkle in your eye told him that maybe you had been paying more attention to him than he originally thought!
“Welllll, since my darling one is oh-so curious!” Donnie winked, making you smile brighter. The two of you moved to lay back against your pillows and he restarted his speech from the beginning. Getting all excited and making lots of hand gestures, with his real and robo hands! You were attentive once more, on your side and eyes never leaving him. He maybe blanked a couple of times, truly he lost himself within your gaze. But that was okay, you knew exactly where he left off!
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