#yes the ‘those are good arms to have’ line is from buffy I couldn’t help myself
haledamage · 4 years
Breakfast at Haley’s
A coffee date between two detectives just before the start of Book 2, OR two best friends sit in a cafe and talk about boys. Kira Kingston is mine, Abigail Jenings belongs to @queen-scribbles <3 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAIT!!! I was going to post this tomorrow for your actual birthday, but my internet’s gonna be down, so have a slightly early present :)
It was late morning, but quiet enough in Haley’s Bakery that Abigail and Kira managed to grab a window table. They sat in companionable silence, watching the town go about its business like nothing had changed, the murders only a couple months ago already fading from collective memory. Only the two women at the table truly knew just how much had changed.
Haley delivered their drinks and pastries before wandering off to take another order, and once she was gone Kira finally broke the silence. “It’s too fucking quiet here now,” she admitted reluctantly.
Abigail grinned, wrapping her hands around her coffee mug to let the warmth seep into her fingers. “Kira Kingston, complainin’ about th’ quiet! Wonders never cease.”
“Oh, sod off, Red,” Kira said, but there was no heat behind it. “You know what I mean.”
“You miss ‘em.” AJ didn’t need to say who ‘they’ were. Neither of them seemed to be able to think about much else besides ‘them.’
“Maybe,” Kira muttered to her lemon scone. “I didn’t say it.”
Abigail chuckled at her friend’s sour tone. “I miss ‘em too. Apartment’s too empty now, with just th’ two of us.” She took a bite of her chocolate chip muffin and glanced subtly around the bakery, making sure no one was close enough to listen in. “Have y’ heard anythin’ since…”
Kira shook her head. “No. Not even from Mum.” She leaned across the table, dropping her voice. “It’s all very suspicious, innit? What do you think they’re up to?”
“Dunno,” Abigail said with a shrug, tugging idly at a loose curl. “They said they’re stayin’ in town, right? T’ keep us safe. So they’ll be back soon.”
“I hope so. Though not as much as you do, I think,” Kira said slyly, taking a sip of her tea to hide her grin as she added, as casually as possible, “So you and Nate, hmm?”
“What?!” AJ sat up so quickly the table wiggled, making her coffee slosh in her mug, though it didn’t quite spill over. Her face turned almost as red as her hair. “How did--what are--did he say somethin’?”
“He didn’t have to. I hope you don’t think you’re being subtle, the way you stare at each other. I can see the little cartoon hearts in your eyes. It’s adorable. And nauseating.” Despite the bite to her words, Kira smiled warmly at Abigail and her clear infatuation. If anyone in the world would ever be good enough for her in Kira’s mind, it would be Nate. Still, someone had to say it and she knew Agent Jenings wouldn’t, so she added, “If he breaks your heart, I’ll kick his arse. Vampire superhealing be damned.”
“He wouldn’t,” AJ said immediately.
“No. But if he does.” Kira nudged the toe of Abigail’s boot with her own. “C’mon, AJ. Spill. You’re dying to talk about him, I know it.”
“Alright, you asked for it.” Abigail chuckled and took a drink of her coffee and then the floodgates opened. “But, I mean, you know him, Kir. He has t’ be th’ sweetest person I’ve ever met. He’s so nice--genuinely nice, not fakin’ or anythin’--t’ darn near ev’ryone I’ve ever seen him meet, an’ he’s so charmin’ and sincere about it. An’ he really cares about people, doesn’t want them hurt. He’s so empathetic, ‘specially with those eyes…” She sighed wistfully, her own dark blue eyes shining. “He has the best eyes, Kira. They’re all warm an’ carin’ an’ the most beautiful brown on God’s green earth, an’ when we’re talkin’ he looks at me like I’m th’ only thing that matters, an’ he makes me feel all special--which no one’s ever done before, not like this.”
Kira nodded encouragingly, though she knew AJ didn’t need encouragement on this particular subject.
Sure enough, she continued, a wide and happy smile spreading over her face as she did. “An’ the looks don’t hurt--you know I like tall guys, an’ those shoulders--but they’re just icin’ on th’ cake. He’s gorgeous an’ strong an’ that plays second fiddle to him bein’ so open and sweet. It’s the kindness an’ compassion an’ deep brown eyes that got me. Oh, an’ his smile. His smile makes me all warm an’ gooey inside, an’ not just ‘cause I’m fallin’ for him harder’n a rotted tree in a storm.” 
She paused long enough to take another drink of her coffee. “It just…. immediately puts you at ease, makes you feel safe, yeah? Safe an’ valued an’ like you have his undivided attention however long you want it. An’ I want it a real long time. He’s just so wonderful, Kir.” She gestured to the huge, giddy grin still on her face. “Can’t stop smilin’ whenever I so much as think of him. An’ I don’t want to, neither.”
Kira chuckled, unable to keep from smiling herself at Abigail’s infectious joy. “Oh, is that all? Don’t hold back on my account,” she teased.
AJ blushed, drawing a random pattern on the tabletop with her finger. “Well, there’s also th’ way he always knows what t’ say when people are mad or upset or other… emotionally fraught situations and checks with me if he thinks he’s makin’ me th’ least bit uncomfortable--he never is--oh, an’ his hands.” She flexed her own fingers almost subconsciously, like she could almost feel Nate’s hand in hers, but she didn’t elaborate further.
Kira was grateful. She hadn’t given much thought to Nate’s hands before, it seemed like a weird time to do so now.
“Wow.” She smirked and made a show of checking the time on her phone. “You sure that’s it, Red? We’ve still got a few minutes before we’re due to be at the station.”
Abigail chuckled, curling her hands around her coffee mug again. “You asked. Twice.” Her sweet, smitten smile turned playful. “An’ now that I’ve let m’ mouth an’ heart run away with me again, your turn, yeah? What about you an’ Adam?”
Kira scoffed, but she blushed at the same time. “Don’t be daft. There’s no me and Adam. He’s made that very goddamn clear. Doesn’t matter what I feel about it, it isn’t up to me.”
“You don’t see the way he looks at you when y’ aren’t lookin’,” AJ said encouragingly, trying to get her normally closed off friend to open up a bit. She knew she needed to, and just as much she knew that it would take a bit of a push for it to happen.
“Well, no, I wouldn’t, would I?” Kira said, a little sharper than she intended. Then, in a tiny voice, speaking more to the table than to her friend, she added, “How… how does he look at me?”
“Th’ same way I look at Nate.”
“Really?” Kira hated how hopeful that single word sounded. She scowled at no one in particular - or at least, no one in the bakery; it wasn’t hard to figure out who she would be scowling at, if he were there. “Ugh. He’s the most pig-headed, arrogant bastard I’ve ever met. I’m glad you shot him. I should have fucking shot him.”
“An’ you’re in love with him,” Abigail said plainly. One of them had to say it.
“And I’m in love with him.” It took a second for the words to sink in, and when they did Kira covered her face with both hands and groaned. "Oh fuck, I am, aren’t I? How do I make it stop?"
Abigail reached across the table to pat Kira on the arm. "I don’t think it works like that."
Kira was quiet for a long time, long enough that AJ started to wonder if she was going to say anything at all, but she waited her out, eating her muffin in silence while she put her thoughts together.
"He’s got the prettiest eyes," Kira muttered all of a sudden, as if the words escaped against her will. But once she started talking, she couldn't seem to stop. "You know wintergreen’s always been my favorite color. I didn’t know eyes came in that color. And have you seen his arms? Those are good arms to have. And his jawline might as well have been chiseled out of marble, just… fucking perfect." She paused, chipping restlessly at her nail polish, leaving a neat pile of black lacquer on her napkin. "And I… feel safe with him. Like nothing bad could happen as long as he’s there. Obviously, that’s not true, if it was, Murphy wouldn’t have… but it still feels that way, you know?"
"It’s just--I’m--he’s--fuck!" She dropped her head onto the table with a dull thud, but only stayed there a second before sitting up again. "When he looks at me, it’s like the rest of the world just disappears. Like it’s just him and me. And sometimes it’s so intense I can barely breathe. Just from him looking at me! If he ever touched me--like, actually touched me, with intention, not just when he’s trying to protect me--I might literally combust." 
She closed her eyes and sighed. "I could live a thousand years and never feel as special as I do when Adam smiles at me." She covered her face again. "Oh god, that’s awful. If I start reciting poetry, hit me with something."
“Y' know I'm not gonna do that,” Abigail chuckled. She bit her lip in an attempt to hold back a smile. “It's not such a bad thing, havin' feelin's for someone. Y' might even like it if y' try.”
“It doesn’t bloody matter anyway, does it? He doesn’t want me. Or he doesn’t want to want me. There was a moment when I thought, maybe…” Kira’s light brown eyes were distant, full of something an awful lot like longing. Then she shook her head, and it was gone, “but nevermind. Whatever. I think he’d be happy if he never saw me again. If he didn’t have me around complicating things for him.”
AJ shook her head. “You don’ believe that, Kir,” she murmured gently.
“Maybe. I don’t know. It’s fine, I’ve accepted it.” Kira combed her fingers through her hair as she slouched down in her chair. “Can we go back to talking about you and Nate? Or, like, fucking absolutely anything else?”
“How ‘bout Felix an’ Mason?” AJ finally unleashed the smile she’d been holding back.
“Felix is great,” Kira said immediately, relieved in the change in subject. “He’s what you’d be if you woke up one day and stopped caring about what people think about you.”
“Funny.” Abigail arched an eyebrow playfully, her grin widening to match it. “I was gonna say the same about you an’ Mason. Y’ even dress alike.”
Kira smirked and rolled her eyes. “Oh, please, I’ve seen him wear at least one red shirt. That’s too much color for me.”
Abigail’s phone beeped and a second later Kira’s buzzed as well. They reached for them in sync. “That’ll be Tina, I s’ppose. Looks like breakfast is over.”
They quickly finished their coffee and tea and pastries. AJ took their empty mugs and plates up to the counter while Kira took their trash to the bin and then Kira held the door for them both as they waved goodbye to Haley and stepped out into the cool morning streets.
Abigail linked her arm into Kira’s as they fell into step together for the walk to the police station. “Thanks for listenin’, Kir.”
“Anytime. Really. You can talk to me about Nate anytime you want, as much as you want.” She squeezed her arm fondly. “I’ll bitch and moan about it, but I won’t mean it. I’m just jealous you won the emotional availability lottery when it comes to hot vampires.”
AJ lit up with a bright smile and an even brighter blush. “I did, didn’t I?” They walked the rest of the way to work in comfortable silence except for occasionally greeting people who said hello as they passed. Only when they arrived at the front door did she draw Kira to a stop, waiting until she met her eyes to gently say, “Y’ know you can talk t’ me about Adam anytime too, yeah?”
“I know.” Kira smiled warmly, then slipped her arm out of Abigail’s to wrest the door open. “But don’t get your hopes up, Red, I doubt there’ll be anything worth talking about.”
Abigail chuckled, her smile knowing as she followed Kira into the station. “We’ll see about that.”
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7-wonders · 5 years
Creature of the Night
Summary: Michael indulges one of your secret fantasies on Halloween.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Happy Halloween, witches! A special vampire Michael Langdon fic, just for you!
Warnings for dub-con (it’s established that this is consensual and something that reader wants before the scenario), sex, blood, vampires, unprotected sex
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Music pumps through the speakers set up at each corner of a dance floor, the heavy bass being felt in even the bartender’s chest. Flashing, strobing lights cast a variety of colors and patterns across every open surface. The club is packed with people, all dressed in their best costumes for Halloween festivities and dancing through the night where the veil separating the living from the dead is at its thinnest.
Little do they know, the undead walks among them.
You can feel that he’s watching you even before you’ve turned around to search the crowd for his face, the familiar feeling of heat boring into your shoulder blades becoming more uncomfortable the longer you ignore it. Even when you scan the room for any sight of him, it still takes a minute to locate him. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn back to your drink, ready to tell whoever it is that you’re not interested, that you come face-to-face with the man you’ve been looking for.
He’s gone all out for tonight, the one night of the year where he can dress as gothically Victorian as he’d like and not be seen as out of place. His cloak has elaborate silver embroidery lining the edges, the collar of his silk black shirt still remaining high even with his top buttons undone. His eye makeup is even more dramatic than normal, and you’re pretty proud of the red smokey eye you managed to pull off for him. His long blond hair is effortlessly wavy, the ends reaching just past his shoulders. Tonight, he’s certainly earned his nickname of ‘Lestat.’
“You look lonely,” he comments, choosing to stand instead of taking a seat on the barstool next to you.
“Sorry, I’m actually waiting for someone.” You’re apologetic, and he stares at you with narrowed eyes for a long moment before grinning dangerously, white fangs glinting in the multicolored lighting.
The idea for this little...scene had originally come around accidentally. You were laying in Michael’s arms after a particularly eventful experience involving candle wax (who knew that could be so sexy?) when he gently said, “you know, if there’s anything you would like to try sexually, you don’t have to be afraid to ask.”
You had shifted to look up at him, biting your lip as you nervously thought whether or not you should bring up what had been on your mind.
“There is something, then?” Michael had asked with a smirk.
“Well,” you trailed off, embarrassed. “I just...think it would…” you hid your face in his chest, hoping your next words would be muffled, “be kinda sexy if you were to seduce and compel me like I was one of your victims.”
He heard you loud and clear, however, and his chest swelled with a dark arousal. “As in, we pretend we don’t know each other and you’re my next meal?”
You wrinkled your nose in shame, but nodded nonetheless. “I know it’s dumb, and you probably have no interest in it, but--”
“Your assumptions, my love, are wrong.” Heat pooled in your lower abdomen.
“Really?” you had squeaked out. He chose to remain silent, simply raising an eyebrow at you and leaning down to nip at your throat.
Although he hadn’t explicitly told you that tonight would be the night, you had gotten the assumption that it was when he insisted you go without him, and that he would meet you later. And when you saw him, you just couldn’t resist playing dumb. 
“Well surely I can wait with you,” he says haughtily. “After all, a beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn’t be alone. One never knows what could happen.”
You shrug, gesturing to the empty seat next to you with the glass in your hand. “Nice costume, by the way, you make a very realistic vampire…” you trail off.
“Michael,” he supplies.
“You make a very realistic vampire, Michael.”
“And what are you supposed to be…?”
“(Y/N).” Your name rolls off of his tongue, sending shivers down your spine. “You don’t seem to be wearing a costume.”
“When you’re Buffy the Vampire Slayer, that’s the point,” you tease. In reality, you look more like Mina from the original Dracula movie with your long, flowing dress and perfectly painted lips, but you can’t pass up the opportunity to talk about being a vampire slayer to an actual vampire.
“Hmm, and where’s your stake and holy water, Miss Slayer?” He leans his head down just slightly so that he’s almost at eye level with you.
You drop to a whisper. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Michael runs his tongue over his fangs, carefully deciding his next move. “Why don’t you come outside with me, and you can show me?”
“I already told you, Michael, I’m waiting for a friend. I’m sorry.” 
He takes your chin in his hand, forcing you to look at him. Your lips part just slightly when his thumb swipes over your bottom lip, but other than that you remain still. His eyes dilate rapidly, and your heart speeds up when you realize that the feeling of fuzziness creeping in your mind is the beginning of Michael’s compulsion. You want to look away just to make sure that this isn’t just your mind psyching you out, but your eyes are locked onto Michael’s.
It feels near dreamlike as your mind starts to feel more and more like it’s full of cotton. Everything is subdued, except for the man in front of you. He’s vividly real, and everything about him sets your senses on fire. 
“How do you feel, (Y/N)?” Michael asks softly, smiling at your enraptured gaze and disoriented eyes.
“‘M fine,” you mumble, breathing slower as you fall further under Michael’s compulsion.
“Good,” he coos. Although this is fun and erotic for both of you, he would never want you to be unsafe. “Now, you’re going to come outside with me, and you’re not going to fight. Isn’t that right?”
“I won’t fight you,” you reply breathily, responding to Michael’s question almost immediately.
He lets go of your jaw, but your eyes still remain locked on him as he grabs your hand and helps you to stand from the stool. You’re a little wobbly, knees feeling as if they’ll give out at any second from the lack of control you’re experiencing right now, so Michael’s other hand goes to your waist to help keep you upright. You don’t quite remember the way that Michael takes to get out of the club, the lights and sounds disorienting you further, but suddenly your back is pressed up against the concrete wall of the alley directly outside of the club.
Your arousal is near-instantaneous, causing you to clench your thighs together as Michael begins to kiss you like he’s wanted to since he first saw you from across the club. Even under the compulsion you still have some semblance of free-will, so you’re able to grab at the collar of Michael’s shirt and pull him even closer to you. Michael hitches your right leg above his waist, grinding his hips against yours. When he nicks your lip with his fang, drawing a few beads of blood to the surface, you gasp and moan his name.
“I’ve wanted to fucking devour you all night, love. If it weren’t for that club full of people I would have just taken you right on the bar.” He smirks at your pleased whimper. “You’d like that though, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes.” You don’t know if it’s the compulsion or just your own mind, but the answer doesn’t warrant more than a passing thought.
“Good girl,” he praises, kissing down your neck and paying extra special attention to the pulse point at the juncture of your neck and your shoulder. 
His large hands go to your legs, grabbing at the fabric of your dress to push it up past your thighs (no panties, of course; he had told you not to wear any, and you would never disobey him). For a moment, Michael lets his gaze wander back up your body, and he takes in your wide, blown-out eyes and flushed expression with an admiring smile.
“Get my belt for me, (Y/N), I know you’re desperate to get those little hands of yours on something.” 
He has to admit that watching you fulfill his commands with no sort of hesitation, unable to resist even if you tried, has him harder than he’s been in a while. Michael chokes back a moan when you pull his erection out of his pants, the material against his sensitive skin already making him buck his hips forward. You try to sink to your knees, to pleasure him the way you know how, but he stops you.
“No, baby. I’m going to fuck you right here, against the wall, because isn’t that what you want?”
“Please, Michael, I need you so bad,” you whine, letting Michael lift your other leg up around his waist so that his firm hands on your ass and the wall behind you are the only things keeping you upright.
“I know you do.” He forgets himself momentarily as he roughly thrusts into you, and for a second he worries that he’s hurt you, but the way your head falls back against the wall and your cunt clenches around him let him know that you’re enjoying this just as much as he is. 
Michael begins to ruthlessly snap his hips against yours, pulling almost all the way out before thrusting back into you. Your nails dig into the cloak that he’s wearing as you grip his shoulders, weakly attempting to meet each and every thrust. It’s a hopeless endeavor, as it’s always been, to keep up with him, so finally you just let him have his way with you.
It’s like you’re being split in half with how thick Michael is and the brutal pace that he sets. It would be almost painful if his length didn’t hit you in just the right spot every thrust. You lay kisses all over his face as he drills his hips into you, needing to show your affection in some way.
When Michael’s hand wraps around your throat and pushes you back against the wall, you gasp in excitement. He’s truly not messing around tonight, and you love it.
His eyes are bright red when you make eye contact with him again, black veins extending down his face and onto his cheeks. “I’m going to bite you,” he growls, giving you barely any warning before sinking his teeth into your neck.
No matter how many times you allow Michael to bite you, the surprising amount of arousal you feel from the immediate bite still catches you off-guard You and Michael groan simultaneously, his heart syncing with yours causing you to feel everything that he does. This combination of what you’re both experiencing is overwhelming, and an accidental brush of Michael’s cloak against your clit has you cumming harshly with a loud whine.
You call out Michael’s name like a prayer as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, moaning against your neck when his own hits him and has him spilling inside of you. Even after he’s fully spent, he continues to drink from you desperately. It’s only when your heart starts to beat faster and your breathing quickens that he releases you. He’s pleasantly surprised to hear you moan and cum again when he lets go of your neck, the final rush of arousal from both of you sending your exhausted body over the edge.
Michael’s gentle with you as he unwraps your legs from around his waist, holding you to him as the dizziness from cumming and losing blood overtakes you. “You did so well, love. Are you okay?”
You smile at him, nodding tiredly and looking at him with heavy lids. “I’m better than I’ve ever been.”
“And you’re feeling okay after the compulsion? That can be tough on some people.” Michael had released you from his compulsion when he came, too much happening at once for him to focus on keeping you under.
“Michael, it was magical. Thank you for this.”
“If this is what all your hidden kinks are like, I’m more than happy to help you explore them.” Once you both look presentable and like you didn’t just fuck in a dark alley, Michael leads you towards the street. “Let’s go and find you some Halloween candy to make sure you don’t pass out.”
Tag List: @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @lichellaw @ajokeformur-ray​ @pastel-cloudz​ @ultragibbycentralworld​ @grim-adventures58​ @dandycandy75​ @langdonslove​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @starwlkers​ @jimmlangdon​ @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26​ @1-800-bitchcraft​ @venusxxlangdon​ @storminmytwistedmind​ @lvngdvns​ @ccodyfern​ @wroteclassicaly​ @divinelangdon​ @forgetting5sos​ @antichristwrites @michaelsapostle​ @izuniias​
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cosmiceverafter · 4 years
Sprinkled Surprises of Hope and Love
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Summary: Michael Guerin isn’t one for surprises, especially when it comes to his birthday. However, that won’t stop the love of his life and their friends from celebrating this curly-haired alien.
A/N: This fic is a birthday gift to my best friend, Beka! I am so unbelievably grateful that this fandom brought you and our friendship into my life. You’re my person forever and always. I hope you enjoy this fic! Happy Birthday, hun! Love ya lots! @i-never-look-away​
Read on ao3
Sprinkled Surprises of Hope and Love
Summer nights in Roswell, New Mexico were some of Michael’s favorite times in this place. Ever since he was younger, he’d drive out in the middle of the desert and just watch the stars shoot across the dark night sky. He would make a wish or two, but truthfully he’d never actually believed them to be true.
That is until he met Alex Manes.
Alex Manes was the love of his existence. Often he would think that the cosmos themselves brought the two of them together. Perhaps coming to earth was written in the stars long ago so he’d find this special human man. Alex was nothing short of a miracle to his life. He gave Michael all the reasons to hope and dream, and basically…want to be and do better.
Sure, they had their ups and downs, but Michael always believed that it was worth the journey to get to this final destination with his one true love. With no regrets made, he had stayed on earth for Alex.
“What are you thinking about, Guerin?”
His thoughts of the perfect man were interrupted by the man himself. Michael looked over and saw his love smiling over at him, the crackling fire illuminating that breathtakingly beautiful smile of his. “You, as always, Darlin.’”
“You’re such a charmer,” Alex laughed as he leaned in for a kiss.
Awe yes, kissing Alex Manes. There was nothing quite like it. He was always taken back in time to their first kiss at the UFO Museum. Truth be told, he wanted to kiss Alex long before that, but unfortunately, he had been too scared to let those feelings come in. Michael had been so vulnerable in those moments. When Alex had leaned in to kiss him after giving him a safe haven and the gift of music, he had pulled away not just out of fear, but out of hope for something more than the life he had been dealt. Michael knew he would’ve messed it all up, so he hadn’t wanted to give in to the dream of wanting someone like Alex Manes.
However, he was not that strong. All it took was one look of the guy in his alien-green painted visor to know he was a goner. Without thinking of all the complications it could bring to their life, he had given in to desire.
It was the greatest move of his life.
He was brought back to the present moment as Alex’s hands moved into his curls. Every kiss they shared seemed to take away his breath yet fill him with life at the same time. It was familiar and comforting, but unique and mesmerizing. Soft lips nipped and sucked as his; Alex’s tongue licking to be let in, which of course he would always extend an invitation for.
Their tongues moved together as the crickets serenaded them in an orchestra of the warm night. He pulled away breathlessly, “God, I love kissing you.”
Alex followed him and smiled against his mouth, the warm breath of his lover hitting his face gently in an embrace, “It never gets old, does it?”
“Never,” Michael answered honestly, “I could kiss you forever and it still wouldn’t be long enough.”
“Then we’d better take every opportunity we can then. We’re living our forever,” Alex whispered, moving his mouth to Michael’s once more.
Yes, this opportunity would not be wasted on drifting thoughts of years past.
But then Alex pulled away, as Michael whined, and looked down at his watch, “Oh! It’s officially midnight. It’s your birthday!”
“Hey! It’s a big deal, Michael!”
He shook his head. Another year had come and gone on a day he wasn't even sure was his real birthday, “It’s just another day.”
“Not to me it isn’t,” Alex replied as he kissed Michael’s cheek.
“You have to say that because I’m your boyfriend.”
“Nah, it’s because you’re my boyfriend that I can tell you that you drive me absolutely crazy!”
Michael grinned, “In bed?”
“In all ways imaginable.”
“As it should be,” Michael answered with a sly smile.
“Happy Birthday, my love,” Alex whispered softly into the night.
They embraced tightly; this was what made Michael felt safe. As he held Alex in his arms, he looked up at the beautiful speckled sky not wanting to be anywhere else but here.
“A BBQ?”
“Yes, Alex, a BBQ at the cabin! We haven’t been there since lover-boy moved in with you,” Isobel laughed on the other line. “I want to see how you’ve made it your own, and to see if Michael trashed it yet.”
“I wouldn’t let him,” Alex replied with a shrug to no one. Truth be told, having Michael move in with him was the greatest gift a man could ever wish for. All walls were down between them. They were finally comfortable being with each other in every way. It was literally heaven on earth.
“That’s my boy!” Isobel exclaimed as Kyle gave a cheer in the background. The two of them had recently started dating, and Alex couldn’t be happier for the two of them. They both deserved some happiness in their life. Kyle was his best friend, and Alex was growing closer with Isobel by the day. He enjoyed her sassy spirit—it matched his own.
“What’s Kyle going to bring?”
“He’s going to help manage the grill and I’ll be marinating the steaks of course.”
Alex smirked, “Since when did you learn to cook, Iz?”
“Please, Alex, I’ve always been a good…” He heard a sigh in the background, “Kyle has been teaching me. But fine… we’ll let Max marinate, he lives for this crap, which you know thrills Liz!”
“Ahh, that’s what I thought.”
Isobel huffed, “He won’t even let me use my powers. Not even a bit.”
“Well, that’s just rude,” Alex laughed as he shook his head, “You’re Isobel Evans, when have you ever listened to expectations?”
“Hmm, you know something, my dear friend, you’re right! I’ll work a little magic with our drinks!”
“Sounds perfect,” Alex smiled widely. Then he took a small breath, “You think Michael will enjoy this?”
“It’ll be the best surprise birthday that alien’s ever received! Just you wait and see.”
Alex sure hoped so. He wasn’t sure how much his alien lover enjoyed… surprises.
Michael looked up at the clock high on the wall of the Wild Pony and groaned. It had already been almost two hours.
“What’s your problem, man?” Max asked as he took a long swig of his beer.
“Brother, as much as I love sitting here listening to you talk about Liz and the latest felon, there’s a certain human I’d like to spend the rest of my birthday with.”
“Awe, c’mon, Michael!” Max replied with a smirk, “When was the last time we just got to sit and hang out together?”
“Like three days ago at the Crashdown, remember? And you kept stealing my curly fries and it pissed me off.”
“I gave you the rest of my shake, I don’t see what the problem is.”
Michael shook his head, “You never steal a fry, my friend. It’s the Food Law—Code 3. You’re a police officer. Don’t they teach you these protocols at camp?”
“Yea, you all run around and shoot cardboard people… maybe a few aliens in the mix. Then you get evaluated so you try to explain that the aliens are in fact the good guys, not the young little girl out at 3 am.”
Max laughed loudly and shook his head, “You watched Men in Black again, didn’t you?”
“It’s a classic! Even Alex agrees. Plus, you and I both know that organization exists.”
“How many times are you going to make that poor human watch that movie?”
Michael slyly smiled with a wink, “Until he forces me to stop. You know how I love when he takes charge.”
“Okay well, I hate to break it to you, partner, but the Academy wasn’t like that,” Max shrugged looking down at his phone. “But fine, I’ll get you to your man.”
“About damn time!” Michael said standing up quickly, almost knocking his hat off his head. Max gave him a ‘really’ expression, the one he excelled at and was most likely born with. “I mean, I had a wonderful time with you and we should do it again soon.”
Max grabbed him by the jacket and put an arm around him, “Yeah yeah, c’mon, you.” Michael couldn’t help returning the gesture.
“How many balloons do I need to blow up? I thought I was managing the grill,” Kyle mumbled as it was clear the good doctor was getting lightheaded.
“Um,” Liz looked over her shoulder, “Only about 16… maybe 20, to go.”
Kyle groaned as Isobel leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, “Honey, you’re doing a fabulous job. But um, they need a bit more air. They’re looking a bit… I don’t know, lopsided.”
“You have powers, why don’t you do it? It’ll go so much faster.” Kyle replied with a wink as he kissed Isobel.
“Ugh, do we need to see this all night?” Rosa groaned as she rolled her heavily lined eyes.
“Nope. Soon Michael will be here and you’ll get to witness the Cosmic lovers go at it,” Isobel exclaimed as she motioned to Alex. “And I’ll be using my powers for something else, thank you very much!” She winked his way and handed Rosa some green streamers.
Smiling, Alex shook his head as he heard a meow. He looked down to see Boots rubbing up against his leg. Scooping the small kitten up he said, “Hi little fella, is this too much excitement for you?”
Boots purred loudly and rubbed his face against Alex’s cheek in reply. He wasn’t just happy Michael moved in because he was in love; he was also happy because he just so happened to love Michael’s cat as well. Alex stroked the black and white fur. Boots touched his face softly with his white paws as Alex cradled him in his arms.
Just then he heard a bark and he looked over at his dog Buffy, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’re still my number one girl.”
He bent down, still holding Boots, and rubbed Buffy’s ear gently as her tail started going back-and-forth wildly. She rolled over and he gave her a big belly rub, the ones she loved.
Alex sat Boots down, and he curled up nice and close to Buffy, who not only allowed it but seemed to welcome the warm snuggles. The two of them really were the best of friends. Just like Milo and Otis.
“Hey! Max just texted me, they’re on their way,” Liz called out from the kitchen, looking flushed in the cheeks as she continued running around.
Isobel jumped and down and clapped excitedly.
Grabbing his guitar and taking a big breath, Alex hoped like hell Michael would forgive him for all this. He really did.
Michael was getting annoyed. Really annoyed. He loved Max, truly he did, but the guy was driving slower than watching paint dry. He kept his mouth shut though, resisting the urge to use his powers, not wanting to ruin their now healed relationship.
He just wanted to be with Alex. It was hard enough to be away from the guy at any point, and this was his birthday, not that he cared much about that fact, but he knew Alex did and probably planned a nice dinner or somethin’ for the two of them.
Finally, they arrived at the cabin. He was about to turn to Max to say a quick goodbye and thank you, but Max was unbuckling and stepping out of his car. What the hell?
Max clearly caught on, “Oh, I’m not going to stay or anything. I know you probably have birthday plans with Alex. I just have to ask him something.”
Since when did Max ask favors from Alex?
Shrugging with a curt nod, ignoring the awkwardness, they walked around back where he knew Alex would be. The first thing he saw was twinkling lights hanging down from the trees.
As his mind was slowly comprehending what was happening, he was stunned into silence at the….
Michael jumped at the word, literally getting air off the ground, and looked around. You have got to be kidding me, he thought as he saw all of their friends standing there. But where was Alex?
Just as he was about to ask the most important question, he heard the music start to play.
Alex was sitting on one of their barstools next to the trees, holding his guitar. He blew a kiss in Michael’s direction, a wink, and started to sing.
It was the song A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman, a movie they both had enjoyed. This song though...the way his voice hit the notes was mesmerizing. This was his gift for Michael; it meant so much to them both.
The first time they had watched it, they went to the local Roswell movie theater for date night, and when the song came on, their fingers had intertwined and Michael had leaned over whispering to Alex, “It’s like our journey and our future.”
Alex has nodded and pressed his lips to Michael’s, “Kind of like a song meant for us.” Their song.
He had remembered. Alex always remembered everything.
When he was done, everyone clapped as Alex smiled and nodded to Michael. Alex knew. He knew. Michael tried to ignore the tears forming quickly in his eyes and looked away, pulling his cowboy hat way low.
He was just so unbelievably touched at that moment. Music had always brought them together; it was the foundation of their relationship.
But before he could go kiss his boyfriend, Alex started playing again. This time “Happy Birthday.” They all joined in and he felt touched in another way.
They had all had their ups-and-downs with each other, especially with Kyle Valenti who sometimes he was still unsure of, but they had overcome so much. They were a family; they had made it so.
When they were finished, Michael cleared his throat. “Y’all, thank you.”
“How mad are you on a scale to 1 to 10?” Isobel questioned with a sisterly smirk, raising an eyebrow.
“You don’t wanna know,” he replied, narrowing his eyes.
“Perfect! That’s what we were hoping for!” Isobel exclaimed excitedly as she rushed over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He hugged her, never wanting her to change her eccentric ways. She was one of a kind.
He looked over at Max, “Guessing you were in on it?”
“I took you day drinking, Michael,” his brother from another mother replied. “How you didn’t question that, is beyond me.”
They both laughed and hugged. The guy really wasn’t so bad after all, was he? Max had a heart of steel… literally.
The others came over one-by-one and shared a hug or in Kyle’s case, a handshake. It was touching really.
But there was one person he wanted to get to, above all the rest.
Alex was still sitting on the stool, letting their friends have this time with him. But Michael made his way over and grabbed Alex’s chin lightly, tilting it up, “Thank you. Thank you for the song, it meant the world to me.” Alex nodded and closed his eyes. “And thank you for planning all this.”
“You aren’t mad?” Alex opened his eyes and winced slightly, as he put his hands on Michael’s wrists. It didn’t take a genius to know this was mostly Isobel’s doing. Alex would’ve been more than fine sitting by the fire and eating together. They never needed to have showy things; they had each other and that was more than enough.
“Nah,” Michael replied, shaking his head. “Because I know you’ll make it up to me later. In so many different ways.”
Alex’s eyes widened, then filled with desire. When Alex looked at him in that way, Michael wanted to rip his clothes off. He had to control himself so he didn’t do it with his powers, something he had recently done.
“Kiss me,” Alex answered softly, his bottom lip full and pouty. It needed to be sucked on, and he volunteered always as that tribute.
As they kissed softly, Michael felt as though he could finally catch his breath.
He heard Rosa groan in the background and Isobel chuckle, “Didn’t I tell you we’d witness some ‘Cosmic exchanges?’”
Now Michael shook his head and turned to glare at the group, “It’s my birthday and I’ll kiss my man if I want to.”
Liz laughed, her long hair swaying, “Should we just be on our way then?”
Michael grinned and looked towards their cars, “Well….”
“Absolutely not!” Isobel said with that party planner gleam in her eyes. “The party is just getting started!
And party they all did. It was a wonderful evening, to Michael’s relief. They ate delicious food, which Liz, Kyle, and Alex managed. The three humans laughing over old memories. The drinks were exceptionally tasty and he kept noticing Isobel winking at Alex; information he’d pry out of his lover later. He enjoyed the fire with Max and Rosa, who talked old bands and good music as Rosa played some music of her own with Alex’s guitar.
The cake was a special one that Liz, Rosa, and Arturo made. It had an alien on top, with green frosting running down the sides. It was delicious, and his alien insides were very happy. There were lots of candles on top. Michael smiled knowing very well, he could possibly be older or younger than that.
They gave him some gifts. A really nice whiskey, a new belt and shirt that he actually really liked, and a few books. He loved to read, especially at the cabin. The people surrounding him knew him better than he ever realized.
He enjoyed the conversations, the music, and the company of his furry pets as he rubbed Buffy’s ears; the red kerchief he gave her was tied loosely around her neck. Occasionally he’d look at the window and see Boots staring sadly out the window clearly wanting to join the party. He’d go into the cabin and give his kitten some lovin’. Boots was too small to be let outside, so he’d have to bring the attention inside. Rosa and Isobel were so fond of the cat and demanded to also share the affections of his little one. Boots was thrilled, purring loudly.
They all eventually made their way around the fire, telling jokes and stories of the adventures they had all gone on together. It had been one wild ride. He was grateful for all of it, even the rough times. They shaped who he was and you know what? That was more than enough.
After everything was cleaned, and they had gone deep into the night, everyone finally said their goodbyes.
Alex had found him on their porch, as he was looking up at the night sky once more. Leaning over, Alex put his arms around Michael and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “Did you have a nice birthday, sweetheart?”
Michael sighed and leaned back so he could look at Alex from within his arms. “You know what? I really, really did, baby.” He smiled softly and kissed Alex’s hand gently, “Thank you.”
“It was Isobel’s idea really,” Alex replied with a grin, “but I did think it was a good opportunity for you to see how loved you are.”
“Guess I do need you all to remind me from time to time.”
“I’ll help to do that, my love, always.”
They gazed up at the night sky, the beginning and the end of their night.
Michael held tightly to Alex’s hand, his lifeline, and his anchor that kept him grounded. Michael looked up at Alex as his love looked down at him.
“I love you, Michael.”
“I love you, Alex.”
They spoke the words at the same time; double the meaning, double the love.
Michael grinned as Alex sat down next to him, “Maybe they were right about our ‘Cosmic exchanges.’”
“That’s how it’s always been with us.” Michael nodded in reply at the truth of Alex’s words. He was right of course; the course of their relationship was written in the stars. As if by magic, a shooting star suddenly danced across the night sky. “You better make a birthday wish!” Alex said as he looked up at the heavens.
Michael looked at his beautiful Alex and felt his heart swell. So this was what true happiness felt like, sprinkled with a dash of hope. What more could he ever want when he had the whole world next to him? He brought Alex’s hand softly to his lips once more and said, “It already came true.”
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tyrus-has-my-heart · 5 years
Butterfly Heartbeats
Pairing: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen
Rating: G
“Cyrus could hardly believe what was happening. He resisted the urge to pinch himself just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. When Cyrus realized he was gay, he wasn't sure when or if he would ever get to have this. And now this handsome, blonde-haired, green-eyed boy sat in front of him, holding his hand and smiling that special smile.”
My bench scene continuation. :)
Also posted on AO3 @StarstruckScorpio
"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
TJ felt his heart flutter at the other boy's words. Cyrus liked him. Cyrus liked him. TJ Kippen.
TJ has had these confusing feelings for such a long time. He didn't really fully understand them. He never really thought about whether or not he liked boys. Well, until Cyrus came along.
He remembered the day he saw Cyrus swinging and built up the courage to walk over him. As they grew closer, TJ realized he wanted to be around Cyrus all of the time. As he had expressed to him before, Cyrus was the only person TJ felt like he could really talk to and really trust. Heck, he even told him his name!
He didn't fully know what these feelings meant or what it made him, but he knew one thing: he really wanted to hold his hand.
Cyrus wasn't exactly sure where his feelings for TJ started. At first, he just wanted to help him realize that he can be a good person who is capable of great things. He wanted Buffy to see that as well.
If he had to guess, his feelings for TJ probably began around the time he realized that he didn't have feelings for Jonah anymore. But it wasn't until Costume Day when TJ walked away with Kira that he realized how he truly felt for the other boy.
His feelings for TJ were always stronger and more complex than they ever were with Jonah. He might even go as far as to say that he could be in love.
So now, he was sitting across from the boy he liked so much, and said boy had just basically confessed his feelings for him. He looked down and noticed that the athlete's hand was slowing inching towards his, and that's when he realized, no matter how hard it was to believe, TJ actually liked him back.
TJ's heart pounded in his ears as he moved his hand closer to Cyrus'.
'Come on, Kippen' he thought to himself.
So, he very tentatively reached out and interlocked his hand with Cyrus'. He mustered up the courage to look him in the eye and let out a nervous, shaky breath as he returned the other boy's calming smile.
This was it. TJ felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Like- like he could breathe again.
Cyrus could hardly believe what was happening. He resisted the urge to pinch himself just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. When Cyrus realized he was gay, he wasn't sure when or if he would ever get to have this. And now this handsome, blonde-haired, green-eyed boy sat in front of him, holding his hand and smiling that special smile.
They say in comfortable silence for what felt like a long time, though it was probably only about a minute.
TJ felt his heart pick up speed once more as he licked his lips to speak once more.
"So- about what I wanted to tell you..." he trailed off, looking anywhere but the smaller boy's eyes.
"You don't have to say anything, not if you're not ready" Cyrus shook his head, a small smile gracing his features. TJ smiled at how supportive he was and how it was just so... Cyrus.
"No. I-I am" he gave Cyrus another smile as a took a deep, shaky breath.
Here we go.
"I like you, Underdog" TJ still refused to look Cyrus in the eye. He stared down at their linked hands.
That was the first time he had said that out loud, or really even admitted it, even to himself.
"Teej, would you look at me?" At Cyrus' request, TJ slowly brought his eyes up to find the other boy's big brown eyes full of complete understanding.
"I'm so proud of you" Cyrus let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in.
"And I like you too" Cyrus gave a grin, feeling positively giddy.
They stared at one another for a moment before breaking out in a fit of giggles.
They calmed down after a few moments and fell into another comfortable silence.
TJ's smile fell, and Cyrus watched as TJ swallowed hard.
"Would you... maybe want to go see a movie or something tomorrow night?" He asked, forcing himself to keep eye contact with the smaller boy.
Cyrus grinned.
"Like a date?" He asked, unable to contain his excitement.
TJ matched his smile and nodded slightly.
"Yes" he breathed.
"Like a date"
They stared with those dopey grins, both not quite being able to believe this was really happening.
After a moment, Cyrus realized they were still holding hands. His eyes widened.
"Are my hands sweaty? My hands get really sweaty when I'm nervous. Also we're next to a fire which isn't really hoping the whole sweaty situation. Oh god I'm rambling, aren't I? I'm so ridiculous I- what?" Cyrus cut himself off as TJ burst out laughing so hard a tear rolled down his cheek.
TJ wiped his eyes as he replied.
"Nothing, Underdog. You're just so- you. And I love that. You're perfect" Cyrus blushed furiously at the compliment, looking away as he stared at the fire blazing next to them.
TJ's features became serious once again.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked, causing the smaller boy to look up at him. Cyrus nodded as his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
TJ leaned in closer to him as he spoke, voice barely above a whisper.
"Can I- Can I kiss you?" He asked, eyes searching his.
Cyrus couldn't summon a response and only nodded, eyes as wide as saucers.
With all of the confidence he could gather, TJ slowly leaned in closer to the other boy, his eyes beginning to shut. Cyrus felt himself leaning in as well as he followed suit.
Next thing the boys knew, their lips met in a sweet kiss. They sat frozen for a moment before pressing further, their lips moving ever so slightly.
Cyrus brought his hand up to grip TJ's arm, heart pounding in his chest.
Wow. He was kissing TJ Kippen. A boy. He never thought this day would come.
TJ had been so confused about everything lately. But there's one thing that he definitely wasn't confused about: He absolutely adored kissing Cyrus Goodman.
After a few moments they pulled apart, both of their faces adorned with a heavy pink blush and huge smiles.
"That was exhilarating" Cyrus whispered, and TJ let out a small laughed at the reference from when they first met.
"You want another one?" He continued with the same line from that day, and Cyrus blushed even deeper at what he was insinuating.
"Maybe after our date tomorrow" He replied, his heart fluttering at the word 'date'.
He, Cyrus Goodman, was going on a date with TJ Kippen.
"Promise?" TJ asked, grinning as he quirked his eyebrow.
Cyrus nodded and laughed, and with a cheeky grin, he replied:
"Sure thing, Thelonious"
Be sure to leave a like/follow if you enjoyed!
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The More You Know About Someone
Bloodbound/Adrian Raines x MC + friendship
Summary: Adrian and Lily help Buffy feel closer to her heritage.  
Author’s Note: I hope that this gets some notes lol. I wasn’t sure how to feel about my last Bloodbound story, so I hope that this gets a little better. For day 29 of the 41 Days of Cheer Challenge, Far Away. There is a little Harry Potter character shout out, I hope someone notices. Enjoy!
Adrian Raines finished up his business and then down the calendar for his next task that he would have to set aside. Right now, he was ready to clock out and make his way down the block and into the night. Today was a rather special day as he just chuckled at the next order of business. In bright red for his plans was the words bowling in all capital letters.
There was a knock at the door as a face peered into the room. His ‘assistant’ if he should really call her that, had peered into the room.
“Adrian, it’s time to meet up with everyone else,” said Buffy as she set aside a clipboard. “I have the present you ordered already sent to the alley. Business letters have already been sent out and an interview with Ana de Luca.”
She looked pretty proud of herself as she tossed her dark auburn curls over her shoulder. Then smiled at him before stepping into his office.
“And I might have something for you to wear that’s a little more, well, not suit like,” she said producing a bag from behind the door.
A bit amused he looked to see a clean and pressed pair of jeans. Then a simple white polo shirt. It was still classic but not overtly so. Grinning at her he took the clothes to turn to change. Buffy just watching him if a bit shyly but still bold enough to look.
His eyes settled on her as she was already dressed and ready to go herself.
“Are we bringing Lily in?” asked Adrian and fixed his outfit. “She is who we are trying to surprise after all.”
“I just hope that she kind of forgets that it’s her birthday since she’s been so busy. I think I might be wrong though,” she said looking at her phone and showed him her post. It included many many emoji’s that included party hats. “I think we’ll have to tell her so she can at least act surprised.”
He just chuckled and nodded before giving her a quick peck on the lips. She had just closed her eyes and pressed hers a bit harder wrapping her arms around him. A bit eager he thought before wrapping one arm around her waist. Then the other around her bum lifting her onto the desk.
“Too bad it isn’t my birthday,” she teased. “Let’s just get Lily down to the bowling alley for her birthday before we go over the top.”
Nodding he straightened out his shirt and tugged her top to cover her butt. She just laughed before heading down to the lobby. Lily had looped her arms through Buffy’s arm and headed out.
“So, for my birthday, what do you think about take out and a light-hearted comedy?” she asked. “After all we went through, we just might need it. Unless of course, I’m always up for a Xenia marathon.”
Adrian shared a look with Buffy as she just shrugged. At least she had no idea about the party that they had planned. Flashy bowling balls and all. They had to take the long way around as Buffy had formulated some kind of plan.
“Hey, I heard of this bar and bowling alley that’s not too far away. Want to check it out?” asked Buffy
“Oh my gosh yes, plenty of shots to go around!” she said fist bumping and turned the corner. Well it was glad to see that Lily was going to enjoy herself.
Adrian had taken Buffy’s hand and squeezed it gently as she just bumped into him softly. They were definitely going to have to sneak out a bit later. They had passed by several colorful store fronts and an empty construction lot. He bit his bottom lip and contemplated on stopping to keep Lily from getting there too soon.
“Hmm,” said Buffy breathing in a smell of something.
She had stopped to investigate a store front as he stopped with her and Lily. Buffy had stared long and hard at the window with a small sweet smile on her face.
“Buffy?” asked Adrian as Lily stopped to stare as well.
“Wow those look amazing,” she said. “What are those?”
“Yakgwa,” said Buffy pointing to something that looked like salted caramel, but probably wasn’t. Then to something else that was in fun shapes. “Dalgona.”
Adrian stepped back and looked up at the front. Judging from what he knew that this was a Korean Bakery. Buffy had stopped with a sad smile on her face but still a smile. He just squeezed her hand once more to tell him what was wrong.
“How did you know that?” asked Lily.
“Right, it never came up,” she said looking at them. “I’m kind of a quarter Korean? My grandfather had escaped Korea back when there was war in the country. He started out in San Francisco before making his way to Missouri with my grandmother. My mom’s maiden name is Chang if that helps at all. Grandpa used to teach me all kinds of stuff about my heritage growing up. We used to make Dalgona together.”
He just smiled thinking about a young Buffy spending time with her grandfather in the kitchen. Baking up sweets after coming home from a long day at school. He had only known her for about a year and a half or so now? There was still so much that they had to learn about each other.
“I can picture you being the type to sneak sweets here and there,” he said. “I guess you were close?”
“Very,” she said touching. “He lived long enough to see me graduate high school.”
“Aww,” said Lily. “Let’s go in and get some. It won’t be like your grandpa’s but I bet it’ll be good. We don’t have anywhere else to be right now anyway?”
Adrian just looked at Buffy raising his eyebrows at her. She just pretended to think about it before pulling the door open. Together they had entered the shop a woman sweeping up for the night and a few customers still lingering around.
“I like learning more about you like this,” said Adrian to Buffy once they were away from Lily and she had a tried a free sample. “It’s like unwrapping a present with a new surprise on the inside.”
“And I think you might have stolen that line from Full House,” she teased as he just looked at her a bit puzzled, that sounded a little familiar to him. “Never mind.” She had pulled him into a kiss as he could taste something sweet on her lips. He didn’t know what it was, but it tasted nice.
“Now I still have to know, how did you end up with this gorgeous shade of red hair?” he asked grinning at her. “I feel as if we’re flirting more then usual.”
“It’s because we are, things have finally settled down after what happened. Everything is back to normal and we’re in a relationship. It’s what couples do,” she said bouncing a little on her feet. “The red hair because my dad has red hair.”
She tossed her auburn locks once more to show off the vividness of it.
“I will never apologize for being a redhead,” she said smirking some. “I represent two percent of the population.”
He just chuckled and looked around at the sweets. It was sold by the pound as he found a bag and started to fill it. Buffy filling in the gaps of what would good ones to get. Their bag being filled with treats and goodies.
“Wow, Buffy I’m glad you found this place,” said Lily with a bag of her own. “I swear we will probably spend a lot of time here.”
Adrian’s phone pigged as it was Kamilah telling them to keep Lily away for an extra twenty minutes or so. Apparently, they were having some electrical problems and would be fixed by around nine. He checked the time to see it was only seven. Good thing day light saving’s time was being observed as it wouldn’t be out and about otherwise.
“I have an idea,” he said. “Let’s go to that Korean restaurant down the street. After all we do have a translator now.”
Buffy looked at him a bit confused and he just forwarded Kamilah’s text to her phone. He watched her face as she skimmed over it and nodded.
“Hey what makes you think that I can speak it,” she said as they paid for their snacks. Well the party will have some extra food there.
“Can you?” asked Lily slightly impressed. “I mean the closest to me speaking it, is that I once saw a show where a nun has to pretend to be her twin brother and join a boy band. He has to recover from a botched plastic surgery job.”  
Buffy just laughed and nodded. “That show is called You’re Beautiful by the way. Yes I can actually speak it.”
With that she said something that he could barely keep up with. Okay now Adrian really couldn’t help but laugh a little as he pulled her into a hug. Buffy was just wonderful and glad to be part of her life. Lily just smiled and watched them a bit amused but pleased with herself to learn that show.
Together the three made their way down to the restaurant and ordered something for a light take out.
“So why don’t’ you tell us something about you?” asked Buffy. “I mean there’s still plenty I don’t know about the illustrious Adrian Raines.”
“I don’t know about illustrious,” he said before thinking about something. “I speak French fluently and I’ve…” He paused to think of something that would make her laugh. “I’ve taken a nap once in every state in the United States.”
Lily snorted and Buffy just laughed.
“I like learning more about you Buffy,” he said. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been this close with someone.” He brushed a hair from her face and looked down at his phone with a text from Kamilah to start heading over. They had fixed whatever the issue was early enough.
“Well thank you guys,” she said looking at them. “I never felt so far away from my grandfather before. Part of my heritage that I’ve loved being apart of with him.”
“I hope we don’t make you feel that far away again,” said Adrian kissing her forehead softly.
“And talk about it with me all the time,” gushed Lily pulling her friend into a hug. Adrian had made a show of looking at his phone and then at the girls.
“Now let’s head to this bar bowling alley. It sounds like your kind of scene Lily.”
She just got excited and started to run ahead before following right behind with their stuff. Buffy and Adrian exchanging a smirk of their own. Not only did he get a chance to learn more about her. He also got a chance to throw a nice surprise party in the end.
Tag list: @flyawayboo @am-i-invisible777 @adrianadmirer  @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @paisleylovergirl @elainew13 @itsbrindleybinch @brightpinkpeppercorn  @darley1101 @mfackenthal @jlpplays1 @writerapprentice @wildsayeed @princess-geek @perriewinklenerdie  @lilyofchoices @radlovedreamer @symonde @indescribablechoices
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heart-eyes-kippen · 6 years
Background noise
Hi! School is crazy rn so I haven’t had the time to finish those prompts, but I promise I’m working on them!! In the meantime, here’s a lil thing I wrote a while back bc I was lowkey crying about that ‘Jonah. Like I had to ask.’ line from ep 6.
Cyrus was fairly used to being background noise. There was always someone more interesting than him, and really - his personality just didn’t lend itself to being popular. Even when he was with his friends, Jonah often seemed to capture a lot of their attention - which was perfectly fine - but he’d definitely be lying if he said it didn’t get to him sometimes.
“Do you guys wanna hear about a thing that happened to me yesterday?”
Andi and Buffy exchanged an exasperated glance at that, but they pocketed their phones nonetheless.
TJ, who had been watching Cyrus anyway, grinned and nodded enthusiastically.
“Great! I have to warn you though - it’s sad. So yesterday I was walking home and I saw something on the other side of the road. I thought it was a dead animal and I got really sad but it started moving, so I walked over. Turns out - it was a chipmunk with a broken leg! Actually - it wasn’t ever confirmed that he had a broken leg but he was kinda limping around. So anyway! I-“
Cyrus faltered for a moment when he saw Andi and Buffy glancing around distractedly, but then he looked to TJ, who was nodding rapidly and gesturing for him to continue.
With a soft smile, he did just that.
“Um - so I got a jacket from my bag and used it to pick the chipmunk up and support his leg. Oh my gosh - it was so cute! It was such a tiny baby! But the situation was tragic, so I wasn’t really thinking about that. Anyway - I bundled it up and walked home so I could find out where the nearest animal shelter was - turns out it’s actually kind of close to The Spoon! My mom-“
He stopped again when he noticed both Andi and Buffy staring blatantly over his shoulder. He turned around with a small sigh and nodded when he saw Jonah standing near the front entrance.
“Jonah. As always.”
Buffy whispered something to Andi, who shook her head furiously and whispered something back. Buffy rolled her eyes, and the other girl stood up with a begrudging sigh.
TJ’s eyes hadn’t left Cyrus at all, except now he was frowning slightly at the dejected look on the boy’s face. He placed a hand on Cyrus’ knee.
“What happened to the chipmunk?”
His face immediately brightened again at that, and he beamed at TJ before continuing.
“Well, my mom drove me to the animal shelter and on the way there I was kinda getting worried because it was moving less and less. We dropped the little guy off, and then this morning we got a call from the animal shelter saying he had died overnight.”
TJ winced. “Wow. That’s a very sad ending.”
“I did warn you.”
The athlete paused, before hesitantly holding his arms out. “Do you need a hug?”
“Yes, actually.”
Buffy, who had been watching Andi and Jonah intently, shot the pair an amused glance as Cyrus got up and walked into TJ’s outstretched arms.
They remained like that for a few moments, and Cyrus was very sure that his heart was going to explode with how fast it was beating.
Briefly, he wondered if TJ could feel the same butterflies in his stomach, but he was quick to brush off the hopeful thought.
TJ pulled away with a smile. “I’m guessing you named him?”
“Yeah. Bubbles.”
“Well...I bet Bubbles is probably living it up in animal after-life paradise right now.”
Cyrus couldn’t help but grin. “Definitely,” he agreed. “With an unlimited amount of nuts, seeds and berries, of course.”
“And a small disco ball if he wants to dance.”
“And a small library if he wants to read!”
TJ laughed and nodded, unable to keep his eyes off the boy despite the drama he could hear unfolding between Andi and Jonah behind him.
Buffy stood up then. “I think I need to mediate. I’ll be right back.”
With that, she began walking over to the pair.
Cyrus frowned slightly. “I guess I should probably go too-“
“I’m pretty sure they’re good for now - if they need you they can call you over, can’t they?”
“Stay? Please?”
As Cyrus watched a hopeful smile come to TJ’s lips, he realised that there was an exception - he was never background noise to TJ, and for some wild reason, not even Jonah could divert the athlete’s attention.
He smiled giddily at that thought.
“Okay,” he responded after a moment, sitting back down and placing a gentle hand on TJ’s arm. “I’ll stay.”
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felassanis · 5 years
Everything I love about Assassin’s Creed
1. Ezio da la la la
2. If you idle for long enough in Odyssey Ikaros comes and lands on Alexios’s/Kassandra’s arm and then alexios/Kassandra will greet him.
3. Edward’s outfit is by far my favourite Assassin robe. It looks so fooking cool.
4. Alkibiades
5. The first mission in Assassin’s Creed III. Finding the temple and it coming alive with all the lights and the humming was so fucking cool and the theatre with Haytham was such a good way to start the game, I loved the environment that went with the theatre and the parkour was really good too, everything was good even though I had no idea why we were there in the first place lol.
7. Edward’s tattoos being the only reason why I go whaling in AC:Black flag
8. The dynamic between Jacob and Evie, I’ve always wanted a twin duo in a game and Jacob and Evie Frye were awesome and y’all keep sleeping on them.
9. The different colour schemes in Assassin’s Creed 2 for the different cities gave the locations their own feel and vibe and it differentiated them from each other while also ensuring that the landscapes were utterly gorgeous. For example, Venice had cooler colours, very blue and silver while Florence was warmer, with more orange and brown thrown into the mix. It really gave those maps their own identity and it was great.
10. All of Lineage. all of it, it was flipping fantastic and I know it’s not a game but it was brilliant and the other Assassin’s Creed movie will never top it despite Michael Fasbender being in it.
11. That cutscene in Black Flag where Blackbeard lights his beard on fire, I love that historical accuracy because it was very likely true and it’s so SO bad-fucking-ass
12. Alkibiades
13. How quickly I fell in love with Frederico Auditore despite the fella only having about 5 lines.
14. Also just how quickly I came to love the Auditore family, that was how well written they were, that I fell in love after 30 minutes with them. 
16. Desmond Miles’s snark.
17. ‘Hey whatta matta with you altair,’
19. How buffy Kassandra is
20. The hookblade was actually amazing in Revelations and I’m in full support that it shouldbe brought back. The noise it made was also oddly satisfying too?
21. The Glyphs in AC2 were spooky and ominous and I refused to do the last mission until I had found all of them and uncovered the Truth. Because that entire side quest was full of anticipation and the creepy vibe the Glyphs gave off and how the footage of Adam and Eve was cut up and glitchy was just really interesting and it peaked with a climax.
23. The golden beads in Alexios’s hair.
24. And Alexios just being an overall gorgeous human being who’s face was chiselled by the gods.
25. The flying machine mission in AC2 while really aggravating if you didn’t do it the first time was also really fun and getting to see Leonardo all giddy and happy made it worth it.
26. I don’t know if it’s just me? but Connor’s hair? like I know for a fact that I like men with long hair but something about his hair and the feather intertwined into it was just really appealing? and while I know why Connor shaved his hair I couldn’t help but screech when he did lmao but that’s because it’s obviously not my tradition and it’s abnormal to me. pfft
27. Revelations is one of the best AC games and I’ll fight anyone on this. It was phenomenal given how it finally concluded Ezio’s story (and remember Ezio was the face of the franchise for years and he was fan favourite and still is so there were some pressure and expectations) and how it also concluded Altair’s story.
28. Altair wasn’t that interesting in the original game but Revelations added depth and layers to his characters and made him way more intriguing. The game also gave this character important significance to the lore and I think that’s the perfect way to honour the guy who started it all. As much as we love Ezio, Altair came before and without him, Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t quite be the way it was today. (although it’s up to you if that’s a bad thing or not lmao)
29. And seeing Ezio old and matured, becoming this wise legend of a man was really cool and getting to play as him in his final journey was both heartbreaking but satisfactory.
30. I have to give a massive applause to Ubisoft for making Leonardo gay as well in Brotherhood prominently. I don’t think it was ever proven historically if he was? but it was rumoured? and yet Ubisoft went and made it canon giving that representation while also having Ezio outright say he’s okay with Leonardo dating men?! Like, in that time period if you were gay you could go to prison and the general view of homosexuality was that of disgust and yet Ezio is just here supporting his best friend? hell yes.
32. I have certain feelings with Unity, but I won’t lie that the parkour was spot on in that game.
33. Gideon Emery....just Gideon Emery as Reginald Birch. The character’s a massive prick but god...that voice.
34. Connor mentioning his grandfather Edward as he’s sailing the Aquila.
35. Getting to see the wreck of the Jackdaw in Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry was gut-wrenching.
36. Finally getting to pet animals in ACIII.
37. Finally getting to feed pigs in a video game ^^
39. OKay, I like Shaun because the guy is really entertaining and he’s British like me and I need to see this fucker in future games again...because after Syndicate he just vanishes and we got...Fucking Layla ugh.
40. The Naval combat in Black Flag is unmatched, fighting other ships never felt like a chore and it was fun and thrilling and the rewards felt deserving. And the feeling of taking down your first Man’o War is RIVETING.
41. Rebecca calling the Animus ‘Baby’
42. She’s another character I want to see come back. And she and Shaun better come back and be alive.
43. Lucy being a Templar was a plot twist I never saw coming but I was all for that angst especially when it seemed like they were setting up what I thought was the inevitable Desmond x Lucy romance. But I guessed wrong.
44. Yusuf Tazim being the joy and light of Revelations. fuck you Ubisoft
45. Ezio’s family theme song is the most iconic video game songs ever.
46. The introduction of Alkibiades in Odyssey, what a great way to introduce a character. like seriously, I fell in love with that fucker the moment he started speaking and felt up Kassandra’s arms while being half naked and wasted.
47. Bayek being a breath of fresh air in wonderfully written complex characters whose story was powerful and tragic. He needs a sequel.
48. Assassins Creed Brotherhood’s trailer being iconic.
49. When returning to Florence to retrieve the apple and you bring Ezio back to his old home only to see the ghosts of his entire family waiting for him. I was gobsmacked when that happened and it’s such a beautiful detail.
50. Mary Read/James Kidd being one of the best characters in Black Flag and leader in the ‘did not deserve it’ club. Every minute of her was flipping terrific and her significance in Edward’s story as one of the driving points that turned him into a better man was great.
51. I cried at the end of Black Flag.
52. The little text about Shaun sobbing when you look at the database on Desmond the dog in Syndicate.
53. The lip scar being shared between Desmond, Ezio and Altair was a cool detail.
54. The interchangeable cloaks in ACII.
55. Henry Green was so soft, kind and lovely and I honestly adore him.
56. Cane swords in Syndicate WERE AWESOME
57. NO fall damage in Odyssey. Keep this feature I don’t care how impossible it is for me to survive a jump off of a giant statue of a naked god it’s cool and I want it for every other game about to be released.
58. If you walk through grass in Origins Bayek sticks his hand out like that scene in Gladiator.
59. The scene in ACII Where Ezio uncovers his father’s robes from the chest and holds it up, It’s an incredible scene and the music fits so well with it and if you’ve watched Lineage it’s all the more amazing.
60. Rosa being pretty and terrifying in ACII.
61. The Bleeding effect being that other thing in lore that is SO BLOODY INTRIGUING and I wish it was explored a bit more. Can you actually imagine having the bleeding effect? where you can’t tell the past and the present apart? where you see ghosts from the past and hear voices no one else hears? jesus,..
62. getting answers about Clay/Subject 16. Ever since he left that writing in the wall with his own blood I was hooked on his story and thank god we got answers and a face to the legendary name. I wouldn’t mind more of him though.
63. I’ve always been fascinated with Native Americans and finally getting to explore them a bit more in ACIII proved to be interesting and I hope it was satisfactory representation for Native Americans.
64. finally getting to play in the present day in assassin’s creed brotherhood and 3, like actually getting to run around and explore as Desmond.
(I did a post like this on my old blog and I’ve rewrote them on here but I also got some new things, I just like having a post like this on my blog and I like seeing people who also agree with these brilliant features in this franchise, you can pretty much tell which two games are my favourite lol, Black Flag and 2 will always have a special place in my heart,)
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fearofflamingos · 6 years
The Freckles Fic
Summary/AN: the ghc, Jonah, and Tj go to the Spoon and Cyrus notices Tj’s freckles. To be 100% honest this is my favorite fix that I’ve written because I feel like I wrote it bad but I love the concept so much. This was requested by quite a lot of people!
Before that is some (uwu) cute fluffy stuff before they arrive. (this is based on my headcannon from a previous post)
Includes: Tyrus, fluff, Jonah, the GHC, tater theater, boy friends being boyfreinds
Warnings: none really, just that your heart might melt
Word count: 922
Genre: fluff/one-shot (I’m definitely not continuing this, I’m sorry but I think it’s cute as it’s own thing)
I felt two hands from behind me cover my eyes
I smiled already having an inkling of there being a tall dirty blonde behind me
“I wait for you and this is how you pay me back? I really hope you’re not trying to kidnap me, Tj.” I teased.
The hands faltered and I turned around to see him putting his hands in his pockets. “Sorry! And thanks for waiting” he smiled.
I sighed and looked to the sky
“Why am I such a good person?”
“Stop asking the universe things.” he said ruffling my hair.
“Hey wait you knew it was me!” to which I nodded. “So I’m not exactly 007, I guess?” he questioned.
I shook my head “Sorry to crush your dreams but you’d be a terrible spy.”
He held his hand to his heart in mock pain
“Ouch. I can’t say that didn’t hurt.”
I stuck my tongue out at him and we laughed.
He set his elbow on my head, using me as an armrest
“I’m willing to forgive you if you share some of your baby taters.”
We were about to head over to the Spoon to meet Buffy, Andi, and Jonah for lunch. I don’t want to share my baby taters...
I pushed his arm from my head
“You don’t look like you’re dying but nice try.” I exclaimed.
He gestured “one second” with his pointer finger and proceeded to pretend to choke.
I stared wide eyed and looked around hoping nobody was witnessing this embarrassing sight.
“Please stop.” I requested while tapping his shoulder.
Why does he take things so literal!
Once he was done with his little show he asked “Now can I have some of your Baby Taters?”
Why is he like this?
“As long as you never do that again.” I answered.
Anything is worth getting Tj to not show these terrible acting skills again.
Tj took his phone from his pocket and went wide-eyes then put the phones’ lock screen up so I could see the time while remarking
“Okay well we’ve got to get going cause we were supposed to be there 5 minutes ago”
Hopefully Buffy won’t have our heads.
I nodded as we briskly began making our way to the Spoon.
While we fast-walked I remembered the lock screen again and asked “Tj?”
To which he answered quickly “What?”
“Why am I your lock screen?” I observed. He looked down at his phone and quickly answered “It was a really cool shot of you dirt biking so I thought, why not?”
I stopped and looked at him for a moment with a raised eyebrow.
“Come on, we’re gonna be even later.” he noted walking faster.
I’m his lock screen... I couldn’t help but smile.
After a couple minutes of me asking “So I’m that cool?” with no answer from Tj we reached the Spoon.
No offense to my coolness but how can that be the reason?
“This isn’t over.” I said.
Tj held the door open and gestured me inside “Yes, it is.”
I stuck my tongue out at him once more before entering.
I looked around and waved when I saw those familiar faces sitting at a booth to my left. I gestured Tj over with my hand and we approached the table.
Jonah stood up to let Tj and I sit across from Buffy and Andi while stealing a chair from another table to sit at the tables edge.
I patted the table top and asked “So what did we miss?”
Tj handed me a menu as he got comfortable on the aisle seat of our side of the booth.
Buffy shot me a death glare but she was clearly wasn’t that mad cause she didn’t say anything.
The slayer won’t have my head today! Thank god.
“Jonah was telling us about this weird show he watched.” Andi responded with a laugh.
“The guys cried over a burrito!” Jonah exclaimed.
Tj and I looked at each other with a confused face then burst out laughing. What the hell?
We laughed and talked and laughed more.
That’s all we did until our food came. Then Andi asked me “Will the great Cyrus perform some Tater theater?”
Buffy gasped “I think it’s very much owed for being late.”
Buffy, Andi, and Jonah burst into a fit of larger while I sat there facepalming. Now Tjs gonna ask-
“What’s Tater theater?”
The table went silent.
“Only the most profound show created in the 21st century.” Buffy answered confidently.
“Cyrus made it!” Andi added.
Tj smiled and gestured to my plate of Baby taters. “Well?”
“I promise to show it to you some other time if you get me out of this.” I whispered to Tj quickly.
He shook his head and looked over at the 3.
“Anyway you three could just give me a sneak peak? You can’t force art.”
Andi and Buffy smiled before grabbing two baby taters and re-enacting the trailer from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.
“Thank you.” I mouthed at Tj.
As he watched Andi and Buffy’s attempt at tater theater I noticed something and my body leaned in before I cold control it. He raised his eyebrows as I got closer.
“Whatcha doing ?” he asked with an awkward smile.
“Shh.” I answered trying to concentrate. I cupped his cheeks and pulled him forward.
For a second I heard everyone at the table stop talking but it was hard to notice when I realized Tj was holding his breath and staring at me. He slowly let his eyes lids fall.
“I never noticed you had freckles” I murmured.
In the middle of his face were freckles, like a little constellation between his eyes.
Tj’s eyes shot open and he stuttered “w-what” from between my hands.
I tapped his nose with my finger “right there on your nose.”
They were like sprinkles on a cupcake. How sweet.
After a moment, I resumed back to eating while thinking about those little dots. How come I haven’t noticed them before?
I realized after a couple seconds that everyone was gaping at me and to my right Tj was sat red-faced.
“What?” I asked glancing around.
Did I do something wrong?
Why is everyone acting like-
I felt my own face turn red.
Did I just-
I cleared my throat. “I just thought-I mean I never noticed-you-okay wait.”
I covered my face in my hands.
Why in the world did I have to do that...
Tj coughed from beside me.
“So... baby taters, am I right.” he laughed awkwardly at the other 4.
Everyone silently nodded.
I let my body go lax and laid my head on the cold table service.
“Kill me now.” I said, voice muffled by the wood.
Why does the universe hate me?
//////////Bonus (after the last line): Imagine Tj silently held Cyrus’ hand from under the table to comfort him after.
Please send me feedback and feel free to send Headcannons to my inbox !! <3
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Summary: Buffy reminisces about her relationship with Andi, the events of their past, and the fate of their future. Inspired buy the song She by Dodie Clark
Word Count: 1836
also this is for @bandi-mack since it was her idea ilyy <3
Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong, when she’s just so nice to look at?
Buffy stared at her phone screen. She had Andi’s Instagram pulled up, and just like all normal people do, she was scrolling through and analyzing all the pictures. So it was a typical Saturday night. She’d begun to sketch one in her notebook. Granted, it wasn’t great, but she worked hard on it.
She smells like lemongrass and sleep,
She tastes like apple juice and peach,
She gravitated towards the warmer colors, as colored pencils in reds, pinks, peaches, and yellows rolled on her bed. Tapping her phone again, she zoomed in on one section of her face, concentrating on trying to get Andi’s eyes just right. They were mesmerizing, even in photos; her chestnut eyes, soft and welcoming, and could read right through you. It was a quality Buffy had always admired, even if it bugged her when she tried to repressed any of her own feelings.
You would find her, in a polaroid picture,
And she, means everything to me, oh,
She glanced over at her nightstand, where there was a small picture frame that she and Andi had made years ago, when Andi was just getting into crafting. It was, admittedly, a little messy, but Buffy loved it nonetheless. Inside was a photo from when they were both little, probably in elementary school, where they both tried to do their makeup.
“We’re fashion queens!” Andi exclaimed, scampering into her mom’s room to grab her polaroid camera.
Buffy followed after the trail of giggles, grinning from ear to ear, with a smudged line of red lipstick staining her face.
“Strike a pose!” Andi shrieked, reaching out the camera as far as she could and snapping the photo. Both girls felt like they were nearly blinded by the flash, covering their eyes with their hands as the photo printed out.
“You can keep it,” Andi said, handing it to Buffy, “my mama always said that sharing is caring,”
It was still one of Buffy’s fondest memories to date.
I’d never tell,
No, I’d never say a word,
Grabbing a peachy pencil, she started to shade in Andi’s face, treading lightly at first, before deepening the color by her cheeks. Andi always blushed this particular shade of pink when she was embarrassed or when someone made her laugh. Buffy wanted to make sure she got it right, so she blended a few more colors into the mix of peaches and pinks.
And oh, it aches,
But it feels oddly good to hurt,
She remembered the day that Andi went redder than she’d ever seen her before. Naturally, her group of friends were at the Spoon, when Jonah walked in. And it was like a switch went off, because Andi just didn’t seem like herself anymore. It was like she’d forgotten how to speak and how to act. Buffy remained quiet, choosing to play with the napkin in front of her rather than intervene.
“Do you wanna come play mini golf?” he asked, a smile brighter than the sun gracing his face.
“Oh, yeah, totally! Buffy do you wanna come?” Andi had asked.
“Oh, I-I meant, just you and me. If that’s okay,” Jonah mumbled, looking to her with hopeful eyes. Andi’s cheeks went red hot turning to Buffy for approval, supposedly.
Buffy gave a small nod, squeezing her best friend’s hand quickly before she scooted out of the booth, and let them both walk out. Pinching her lips together, she gave Cyrus a small smile before they continued their conversation.
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep,
She tastes like apple juice and peach,
Buffy tapped on her phone again, zooming out a little on the photo in order to have a better idea of how the colors blended. Andi’s hair was swooped down onto her forehead, a few locks of it behind her ears. Grabbing the black colored pencil, she thought back to the day when Andi had decided to cut her hair by herself: short. It was a disaster, evidently, but Buffy had come over and helped her calm down about it.
“It looks good, Andi! It’s a new you,” she exclaimed, pushing a few of her bangs aside.
“I look like a boy,” Andi sniffed, turning to look at herself in the mirror, “this was a mistake,”
Buffy fished through one of Andi’s many drawers, before finally finding a blue headband with a bow that Andi had made a few years back. “Here,” she offered, slipping it onto the girl’s head, “better?”
Andi shifted the headband a little, turning to look at herself at different angles. “A little,” she admitted, turning to face Buffy, “thanks. You’re the best,”
She leaned forward to hug the other girl, and Buffy couldn’t help but feel a magnetic pull towards Andi.
Oh you would find her, in a polaroid picture,
And she, means everything to me,
Oh, oh, oh,
She paused, setting her pencil down and grabbing her eraser to try and soften the edges. She wanted nothing more right now than to call Andi, to hear her voice on the other line. To know that things were okay, that things were going to be okay. But she knew she couldn’t.
And I’ll be okay, admiring from afar,
‘Cause even when she’s next to me,
We could not be more far apart,
Buffy opened her phone again, scrolling up to the more recent photos of Andi; one with Libby, a few with Jonah, a bunch with her and Cyrus, and one with her and Buffy. The last one. They were at the library, and Buffy could recall the day like it was just yesterday.
“Shh, are you insane?” Andi giggled, running through the shelves of romance novels, “they’re gonna kill us!”
“Not if they don’t find us,” Buffy chuckled, grabbing Andi’s hand and dragging her along, and ending up by all the CDs and records. They hid under a display of them, both trying to contain their laughter.
“Do you think Cyrus and Jonah will find us here?” Andi whispered, pressing her body against Buffy’s.
Buffy swallowed, breathing in so softly, as though not wanting to scare off Andi like a deer. “I don’t think so,” she mumbled, pulling out her phone, “selfie?”
“Always,” Andi replied, leaning her head in a little closer and smiling as Buffy took the photo, “send that to me,”
She did, and Andi quickly posted it on Instagram, with the caption ‘best friends hide better’.
Needless to say, Cyrus and Jonah found them rather quickly after that.
And she tastes like birthday cake and storytime and fall,
But to her, I taste of nothing at all,
Buffy quickly turned off her phone, shutting her eyes tightly. No. She had been down this road far too many times, lingered on that moment far too long for her liking. But no matter how much she tried to push it from her memories, it seemed to creep up to the front. Grabbing a few more pencils to finish Andi’s shirt, her memories came flooding back.
“I think the lights add a nice touch, don’t you?” Andi asked, leaning back in the beanbag in AndiShack.
Buffy nodded, not even paying attention to the lights. Her eyes didn’t leave the girl in front of her, almost mesmerized by her beauty. Buffy knew that she’d fallen, hard, and there was no way that she was going to be able to get back up.
“Hey Andi?” Buffy whispered, earning the girl’s attention.
Buffy hesitated, reaching her hand up and tugging on a strand of her hair. Boldly, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on Andi’s lips. It was quick and childish, but the fire that tore through her body was not ignorable. Immediately, she slapped a hand over her mouth, fingers trembling. Why did she do that? What was the matter with her?
“I-I’m sorry,” she squeaked out, before she started sprinting out of the small shack, not stopping until she could see her house in the distance. Her lungs were aching, her breathing sharp and laborious. She couldn’t see much as she walked into her house, the tears blurring her vision. Her feet stung, her arms felt numb, yet her lips were still on fire.
She wanted to text Andi that this was all some mistake. That she wasn’t thinking about what she was doing. That she regretted it.
But the truth was, those were all lies. She’d wanted to kiss Andi for a long time, but she never did. She didn’t regret the kiss, but she did regret how it had happened.
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep,
She tastes like apple juice and peach,
You would find her, in a polaroid picture,
And she, means everything to me,
Buffy swiped at the the tears that started to fall, cursing herself under her breath. She’d finished the sketch and quickly pushed it aside, not wanting to ruin it. It was a disgrace of a drawing, if you asked her; she really didn’t do Andi’s beauty justice.
Yes, she means everything to me,
Buffy tentatively reached for her phone, clicking on Andi’s story. It was a snapshot of her in her room, listening to music. Sad music, Buffy concluded after a little bit of squinting. She couldn’t help but think back to what Andi had said about sad music.
“Because who wants to listen to happy music when they’re sad?” she pouted, crossing her arms.
“Doesn’t listening to sad music when you’re sad, just make you more sad?” Buffy pointed out.
Andi shook her head. “No, that’s what happy music does. It reminds you of how not happy you are. Sad music gets you. It understands that things are hard, and that it’s okay to feel like that,” she explained.
And suddenly Buffy had a new outlook on sad music.
Swiping up, she hesitated on replying, her fingers lingering on the keyboard. She’d texted Andi for over two weeks, not daily, but still; there was never a reply.
bdriscoll: are you okay?
Buffy turned her attention back to her sketchbook. Taking a pen, she jotted down the date in the corner, and shut the journal with a gentle click. Her stomach grumbled, signaling her to get out of her room and to stop wallowing. Her phone buzzed, and at that moment, it felt like the world stopped spinning, and it was moving too fast all at once. She felt dizzy with anticipation, unlocking her phone with a shaky swipe.
andiman: ...not really.
bdriscoll: do you wanna talk about it?
andiman: no that’s okay
bdriscoll: if it’s about what happened, i’m sorry
andiman: it’s okay, don’t worry about it
bdriscoll: you’re my best friend andi, i want you to be happy
andiman: thanks. i think i just need some time
bdriscoll: i get that. i’m here whenever you’re ready
andiman: thanks buffy
bdriscoll: no problem
read at 3:26 PM
She means everything to me
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tyguygoodman · 6 years
Mystery Man
At Jefferson high’s masquerade ball, Cyrus follows a trail of notes to find his Prince Charming 
The repetitive pitter-patter on the window was all Cyrus could hear as he drove his gray Honda Civic through the pouring rain.
He was currently on his way to Andi’s house to meet up the rest of the GHC so they could get ready for the dance. OK, well it wasn’t just any dance. It was a masquerade ball. And Cyrus was so undeniably excited for it.
His cheeks hurt from smiling so much. And even though his suit was slightly tight, he couldn’t care less.
Ever since he knew it existed he’s dreamed of finding some beautiful girl and making her his Cinderella. And he still wanted that! Except now, his plans had changed a little.
Instead of finding some beautiful girl and sweeping her off her feet, he wished more than anything that TJ Kippen, basketball team captain, the most attractive guy in school, his best friend, would be the one to sweep Cyrus off his feet.
The thought made a strange mix of sadness and happiness stir up inside his brain.
Of course, this always happened when he thought about being in a relationship with TJ. Cyrus really truly liked him, but the boy was so obviously straight, it actually hurt.
Girls would come up and flirt with him after games and give him their numbers, although he always denies them, that didn’t mean he didn’t like girls. In fact, One day when Cyrus asked why he always denied the female companionship, He said that he already had a crush.
Probably some beautiful cheerleader with blond hair and perfect blue eyes with a really nice personality…
Cyrus let out a sigh as he realized he was already at the house and had probably been sitting there for a moment or two without moving. He parked the car and grabbed his umbrella, as he stepped up to the front door.
He pushed the cold plastic doorbell into its slot, alerting the girls that he was there, but instead of squealing, he could’ve sworn he heard someone say “Thanks for the help guys, I’ll leave through the back door.” And it was a boys voice too.
It couldn’t have been Bowie’s, it was too high pitched. It couldn’t be Jonah or Walker because they were already at the dance together taking pictures.
It didn’t really matter though, so he let the thought pop out of his head as the door opened up, revealing an Andi with one half of her face covered in makeup and a robe over her dress. “Cyrus! Thank god! Uhm, me and Buffy were just having a disagreement on which mask I should use. Come on in!”
As the girls worked their magic on Cyrus’ face and outfit, making him a huge glittery mess, somewhere in the middle He felt his phone ding in his pocket.
“Stay still!” Buffy groaned when he tried to retrieve it but as soon as he pulled his hand away from his phone, Andi elbowed her harshly, giving her some look that Cyrus didn’t understand.
Buffy’s eyes widened and she stepped away,“ Actually I’m gonna go get some water. You check your phone or whatever.”
He chuckled awkwardly as he shuffled around his back pocket in search, pulling the cold screen out after a second.
It was a Text from TJ.
“I’ve never understood how people can’t recognize a friend under a mask.”
45 terrifying minutes later, the trio was stepping into the school. Cyrus told them to act like they weren’t friends, which would be an obvious give away to who they were, seeing as the whole school knew them as the GHC, but they both stood planted at his side.
“Hey,” Buffy nudged him motioning her head in the direction of the lockers, “I was wondering if I could have back that book I lent you? It’s in your locker right?”
“Well yeah, but do I have to get it right now? I could get it before we go home-”
“Yes!” Andi piped in, seeming overly intrigued by the situation, “I need it now! B…Because I wanted to borrow it! And I need it right now. How could you deprive me of the wonderful world of reading for one more second Cyrus?!”
“Wow, okay…I didn’t realize you wanted to read about basketball so much…”
He walked away tentatively. He was honestly a bit worried about their health at this point.
As Cyrus swished the pesky metal knob back and forth, even failing one time, he finally got it. But instead of immediately grabbing the book from his bottom shelf, he watched a white piece of paper float down to his feet gracefully.
“What the…” his voice trailed off as he leaned down to pick it up, folding open the white material.
‘I heard you talking about a dream’ -Mystery Man
Something so strange was happening…he just didn’t know what.
Who in the world was mystery man? And why did he put a note in Cyrus’ locker? Was it just Andi and Buffy playing a trick on him?
He let out a bit of a laugh, shaking his head slightly. it must’ve been them. That’s why they were acting so suspicious! “Excuse me?”
Cyrus jumped, spinning around suddenly to look at whoever the voice belonged to, simultaneously hiding the note behind his back.
There was a short-ish boy with ginger hair standing in front of the first locker in the row, looking at him.
It was like…incredibly creepy
“Uhm–hi? D-did you need something?” He stuttered, mentally facepalming for tripping up so much.
“This might seem a bit strange,” he started, even taking a deep breath before he started talking again,“ But I’m supposed to give you this.”
The boy pulled out a rose with another piece of paper attached to it. As soon as it was in Cyrus’ grip, the boy ran back into the party.
Got it…Andi and Buffy, we’re really trying to weird him out here.
Maybe they were actually having fun with this. Of course, why would Cyrus wanna ruin their little joke? He read the note on the rose, giving an overdramatic reaction to the girls, who were probably watching him from around the corner.
But when he looked around, he didn’t see either of his friends, but another boy smiling at him. Not creepily, just…happily.
Even if he was smiling creepily, Cyrus wouldn’t care because– oh my god
The teen had a dark gray suit with a red lining and a white undershirt. Tucked in his chest pocket, was a rose. The rose with the most beautiful shade of scarlet covering it. Not to mention it fit his body like– perfectly.
“What did you find?” He asked, motioning to Cyrus’ hand. “Oh, just something…my friends are pranking me. At least I think they are.”
The boy cracked a smile, “I Don’t think that’s the case. If your friends were the ones that gave you those, how do I know about the Dream?”
“Oh…” Cyrus felt his face flush, “You put them in here? What’s your name?”
“Be creative Cyrus. You’re going to have to figure that out yourself.”
The guy walked away after that, leaving him dumbfounded, so Cyrus turned to his note.
'For someone to love you at every seem.’ -Mystery Man
So, he wasn’t being pranked, 'the Fancy-tux-mystery-guy was the one behind the rose and locker note, but Andi and Buffy were still the ones that told me to go there, so they must know something’ He concluded.
with a sigh, he walked out into the dance room, coloring his locker door in the way.
As soon as he spotted Andi’s dress he walked up to her, giving a slight slap on the back of her head.
She turned around with a pout, making Cyrus feel slightly bad. But at least she deserved it.
“What is this about?” He groaned, holding up the notes.
“Who’s mystery man?”
“Don’t play coy with me, Andi! I know you know who he is. He told me.”
“He did?”
Cyrus Smirked, “Not really, but you just confirmed it.”
Andi rolled her eyes, punching him in the shoulder.“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry Cy.”
“Do I at least know him?”
“I mean you would know if you knew him.” Cyrus glared at Buffy as she walked up behind Andi with a smug look on her face.
“Don’t use that with me. Don’t you have some boyfriend to be getting punch for?” He mocked, sticking his young out at her like a mature 17 year old would do.
Andi gasped, pointing to the bottom of the stage “No, but you do!” She handed him an empty cup as she grabbed Buffy’s arm and dragged her away “Enjoy the party!” She yelled back.
He followed where her fingers went, leading him to the same perfect tux boy that he had met before. The boy pointed down to Cyrus’ cup, then winked at him. Leaving the same way Andi did.
He peered into the cup, gasping at the piece of paper taped to the bottom.
Did they plant these things before the party?!
'A boy to make you feel like royalty’ -Mystery man
Now that Cyrus was sure it wasn’t one of his friends being dumb, he really wasn’t sure who this guy was. All of the notes that were given to him made a poem, but the poem didn’t give any hints away as to who the mystery man was.
For half a second, a thought popped into His head that maybe…just maybe, his mystery man was none other than TJ kippen, but he shoved it down as hard as he possibly could. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, and even if He isn’t TJ, he sure is going through a lot to get this message to Cyrus. So he must be a hard working person at least.
“Would you like a snack with your drink dude?”
The black haired boy silently thanked whoever this was for pulling him out of his head.
Now, in front of him was one of the dance waiters. Yes, waiters. They were usually kids that got in detention days before the dance, used as a luxury for the good kids. They weren’t allowed to wear masks so Cyrus was pleasantly surprised with a familiar face.
“Hey, Reed!” Cyrus took a cookie off of the silver platter he was carrying with a polite smile. “You get detention again for smoking weed in the bathrooms?”
Reed cackled, nodding triumphantly. He started to walk away but after a second he backtracked quickly, switching the platter to his left hand,“By the way, I was supposed to somehow get this note on that Cookie,” he mumbled, fishing something out of his pocket and handing it to Cyrus, “But uh, I was kinda high when I did that too and I tried to bake the note into the cookie. Needless to say, it didn’t work, so I thought I’d just hand it to ya. Bye kid!”
He probably should’ve expected that.
'To show ultimate loyalty’ -Mystery man
Two hours Later, a very tired boy was sitting at a table, head down with a massive headache.
As cute as this was, and it really was cute, Cyrus couldn’t figure out for the life of him how he was supposed to find this boy.
All throughout the night, there were people giving him notes. It almost seemed like the whole school was in on it! When he had gone to get pictures with Andi and Buffy, Amber (she was taking the pictures for extra credit in journalism class) gave him the pictures with the note somehow already written on the back!
It had said, “I can give you what you what.” -Mystery Man
And not to mention, can you guess how was talking to her after they left? That’s right! Fancy tux guy himself.
He felt a pout slide on his face as he rearranged the pieces of paper on the tablecloth. It was easy to tell that the poem wasn’t written by any Edgar Allen Poe, or maybe it was because Edgar kinda sucked at love poems. And yes, the poem wasn’t the most creative thing, but it was still sweet.
He liked the most recent pieces he got from Walker and Jonah that said
'It’s all I want to do’ -mystery man
And 'I will sweep you off your feet’ -Mystery Man. They didn’t seem like much on their own, but it sounded like the poem was coming to an end. Maybe he could finally figure out who his Prince Charming was!
“Are you getting worn out?”
The shorter boys head popped up, with a smile. It was TJ! Accept, when he made eye contact, it wasn’t. It was fancy man…
'I must be hallucinating.’ He huffed
“What? Not happy to see me?”
“No, I just thought you were someone else,” Cyrus said with his most respectful smile. He didn’t want to make the one person that might actually like him, feel bad.
“And who would that be?”
His voice almost sounded hopeful and happy, even though Cyrus wasn’t talking about him. And he knew that.
“My friend TJ. I wanted to talk to him tonight.”
He gave a nod a stood up from his chair. For an odd second, Cyrus panicked because he though tux guy was gonna leave him alone, instead he walked up to him and held out his hand. “How about I distract you for a bit? I like this song.”
A sigh a relief exited his mouth as he got up with a slight hop in his step. If he spent time with the taller boy, maybe he could figure out who it was.
Cyrus was absolutely burning red as Mystery Man put his hands and his waist. He was hesitant to put his arms around the other boy’s neck, but when he smiled at him encouragingly, Cyrus relaxed and slotted his hands behind the taller boys head.
The Smile seemed strangely familiar, which was easily a sign that he knew this person, but who’s smile was it? Cyrus titled his head slightly, observing the other boys facial features. He felt as if the name was on the tip of his young, but it got swept away as Mystery man started to speak.
“Any clue who I am yet?” He nudged on.
The dark haired boy rolled his eyes at the irony and giggles, “I would if you didn’t interrupt my thinking process.”
“My whole goal tonight is to distract you. I’m glad I’m succeeding.” Something seemed a bit off about that. Why would Cyrus need to be distracted?
“What do you mean?” He prodded.
“If you weren’t distracted, I wouldn’t be able to finish this part of the plan.” Mystery man spun Cyrus around, letting him expand to the edges of the dance floor, the grabbing him again and pulling him closer than before. “Nobody else is dancing, cutie.” He whispered, sending shivers down Cyrus’ spine.
He looked around frantically realizing that he and the taller boy were, in fact, the only people on the dance floor. Everyone else was standing around the edge, smiling at them.
He noticed a very energetic Buffy and Andi standing at the front of the crowd giving him a thumbs up, but it barely made him feel less nervous.
“Who did you say you were looking for again?” Although Cyrus was somehow positive that he remembered the name, he repeated himself.
“My friend TJ kippen…” he murdered, flushing at the realization that TJ could very well be watching him from the crowd.
“And why can’t you find him again?”
“Well everyone is wearing masks…it would be hard to spot him in the crowd.”
“You know,” he started, leaning in closer, “I’ve never understood how people can’t recognize a friend under a mask.”
Why did that sound so familiar?
“I mean, if you’re close enough, you should be able to tell easily.”
Where in the hell had he heard that before?
“Do you think you could do that for me underdog? Do you think you could look slightly closer?”
Cyrus had almost missed it. But with the close proximity, every word that was being conveyed and processed, was clear as water.
And then, he looked closer.
The taller boy stayed silent for a moment, then smiled nervously.
“I heard you talking about a dream, for someone to love you at every seem.
A boy to treat you like royalty, to show ultimate loyalty. I can give you what you want, it’s all I want to do. Thanks for looking closer so I can say that I love you.”
He took a hand off of Cyrus’ waist and untied his own mask, gripping it in his hand as it pulled away.
“Yeah…I know it’s cheesy.” He sighed, “But I wanted to give you your Cinderella story.”
Cyrus was dumbfounded as he studied the other boys face. Just to double check, that yes, standing in front of him, holding his waist, confessing his feelings, was TJ kippen. His best friend.
Cyrus retracted his hands, pulling his mask off with a small tug.
He felt his cheeks dampen, overwhelmed with happiness.
“Maybe it was.” He whispered, “But at least it was from you.”
He stood up on his toes, closing the distance, and moving his lips along TJ’s.
The entire room erupted in cheer and Cyrus found it hard not to break the kiss by smiling entirely too much.
—————THE END—————
Thanks so much for reading this! I had a masquerade ball idea in the drafts so quite a while, so I decided I would finally write it. 💗
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Who Waits For Love (Chapter 3)
Summary: T.J. Kippen lost his chance to tell Cyrus Goodman how he felt when they were in the 8th grade. Now, they are in their junior year of high school and Cyrus is on his 3rd relationship. Is it time to give up… or continue to wait for love?
A/N: This is so much longer than I thought it was going to be. A lot going on here!
When T.J. pulled up to the Goodman home that morning, the porch steps were empty. Furrowing his brows in confusion, he decided to give it another minute or so. Cyrus was rarely late in the mornings but then again, after everything that happened the day before, T.J. couldn’t blame him if he was a little delayed.
When five minutes passed and the door never opened, T.J. grabbed the bag of chocolate-chocolate chip muffins from the compartment beside him and exited his car. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.
Cyrus’ mother opened the door. “Oh, good morning, T.J.,” she greeted with a kind smile. “I’m sorry but Cyrus isn’t feeling well enough to go to school today.”
The way she flashed him a knowing look after saying that made T.J. realize that she was aware of what happened.
“He told you?” he asked, hesitantly.
Sighing, she nodded. “Thank you for taking care of him yesterday.”
“Yeah, of course. He’s my best friend.” He looked down at the muffins in his hand before handing them over to her. “Can you give him these? My mom made them last night.”
Dr. Goodman nodded, taking the bag. “Of course. I’ll let him know you stopped by when he wakes up. He went back to sleep.”
“Thank you.”
He gave her a polite nod before turning on his heels to get back to his car.
For the first time since he got his license, he was driving to school alone. The absence of enthusiastic chatter made the silence all the more glaring so he turned up the stereo.
It felt a little strange arriving at school alone and just following the crowd. He had gotten used to Cyrus being next to him. Alone, he went to his locker to grab the things he needed for the day.
T.J. froze upon hearing the voice he knew and despised so much. 
Scowling, he turned around to see the brunette Lacrosse player who broke his best friend’s heart standing there. T.J. felt a smidge of satisfaction at seeing a bruise marring the corner of the guy’s lips and a little regret that he didn’t do more than just one punch.
“You got some nerve showing your face to me after what you did,” he spat, making sure to lace his words with poison.
Lance’s confidence faltered before he schooled his features to that of the cocky bastard he was.
“Whatever. Where’s Cyrus? I need to talk to him.”
At that, T.J. barked out a sarcastic laugh. “And you think I’d let him talk to you?”
“Pfft, you’re not his boyfriend, Kippen.”
Low blow, but he didn’t let it bother him.
“Neither are you. At least at the end of the day, I’m still his best friend.” He chuckled without humor. “You think after what you pulled, Cyrus would want to get back with you? You’re over, remember? He said so.”
“I can get him back if I want to,” Lance replied, cockily.
T.J. raised a brow. “Really? You think he’d take you back? A little overconfident there, aren’t we, buddy?”
Lance’s gaze flared. “Look, here, Kippen-.”
“No, you look here, Parker.” Squaring his shoulders and standing tall and intimidating, T.J. took a step forward. “This is what’s going to happen. You’re going to stay away from Cyrus. Don’t look at him. Don’t talk to him. Don’t even think about him. Or so help me, I’m going to make sure you’ll never play another game of Lacrosse again. A shame to miss out on those college scouts, right?”
It was an empty threat. T.J. would never actually hurt him (much). But, his old reputation as a middle school bad boy still preceded him. Not to mention, his height allowed him to tower over the Lacrosse player. 
Lance seemed to have lost all his confidence and swagger from earlier. He knew that T.J. had the physical capabilities to render him unable to play another game. He had proven it the day before.
He scoffed. “Fine. Whatever. Keep him, then.” He looked T.J. up and down, wrinkling his nose. “He was boring, anyway.”
T.J. made to lunge at him in anger, school rules be damned.
“Whoa there, Kippen.”
A hand landed on his shoulder and forcibly pulled him back. He turned his head to see Marty, flashing him a warning look. When T.J. turned back to Lance, the bastard was already walking away.
T.J. shrugged Marty’s hand off. “You shouldn’t have stopped me,” he said, heading back to his locker.
“If I didn’t and you got in trouble for beating him up and Cyrus found out, you know you’d regret it,” Marty replied, harshly.
He was right. Unfortunately.
T.J. just huffed, choosing not to respond. After getting heated from that encounter, he needed to clear his head.
Marty leaned against the locker next to T.J.’s. “How’s Cyrus?” he asked, more gently.
T.J. sighed, shutting his locker and swung his backpack over his shoulder. “Not good. He’s not in today. His mom told me he went back to sleep.”
“He’s really broken up about this, huh?” Marty stated as they began to walk together.
“He got cheated on Marty, of course, he is!”
Marty raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry, I just… they didn’t seem serious. At least, Lance didn’t seem to be.”
“When Cyrus likes someone, he gives it his all. No matter what his relationship with Lance was like, I know he gave it his all. That’s why this is breaking him. That… that bastard doesn’t deserve him.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
They walked in silence for a moment, T.J.’s fury slowly being replaced by worry for Cyrus again. He wondered if he should text him just to check in.
“How are you doing, though?” Marty asked.
“Me? I’m fine. It’s Cyrus who’s hurt, Marty.”
“Yeah… but when Cyrus cries, you’re unfocused until he feels better.”
It was true. He hated whenever Cyrus cried. He wanted to cheer him up until he smiled again. For all of Cyrus’ past breakups, he was there as a shoulder to cry on. But, this time, he knew it would take more than just muffins and a High School Musical marathon to take away the pain.
He sighed. “I don’t know, man. I just… I can’t get his face out of my head. How hurt he was and all I want is to just…”
“Kiss his tears away?” Marty teased.
T.J. glared at him but didn’t deny it because, yes, that was exactly what he wanted to do. All the time.
“All I can do right now is just be there for him, like I always am,” he replied.
“At least now you have a chance with him,” Marty tried to help.
“I… wasn’t even thinking about that. You know, too busy being worried about my best friend while trying to not destroy his asshole of an ex.” They finally reached his homeroom. “Anyway, I’ll text him to ask how he is before the bell rings. I’ll see you, guys, at lunch.”
Marty nodded. “See ya.”
T.J. found his seat and sat down before taking his phone out to text.
Underdog Cyrus: Hey. Just checking in if ur OK. I gave ur mom muffins. Let me know if u want to talk. I’ll come right over. Luv u, underdog.
He felt his lips twitch at the last line. He wasn’t shy about telling Cyrus he loved him, anymore. He just wished he had the guts to tell him how deep that love really went. But, as long as Cyrus was okay, he would do everything in his power to make him happy again.
Time seemed to drag on the entire day. T.J. had History with Cyrus and he normally enjoyed the class. But, that day, his friend’s absence was felt even more as he didn’t have a seat partner to do the day’s class activity with.
Lunch couldn’t have arrived sooner and when it finally did, he bought his food and made his way to his usual table with the Andi, Buffy, Jonah, and Marty. (Some days, he would sit with the basketball team for socialization purposes, but that day was not one of those days.)
They were already seated and digging into their food when he arrived. Andi, Buffy, and Marty were seated on one side so he slid into the seat next to Jonah across from them. He sadly stared at Cyrus’ empty spot next to him and sighed.
“Did you hear from Cyrus?” Andi asked him.
He nodded. “He texted me around third period. He said he was feeling better but he’ll probably skip school for the rest of the week. Good thing it’s Thursday.” He stirred his bowl of chili. “I brought him muffins this morning. I hope it helps.”
“We should try to see him after school,” said Buffy.
“That’s a good idea, we can bring his homework,” added Jonah.
T.J. groaned in disappointment. “I have basketball practice today.”
Jonah nudged his arm with his elbow and grinned. “Don’t worry, we’ll tell him you miss him.”
T.J. blushed but before he could respond, Andi let out an excited squeal. She was looking at her phone and Buffy leaned over to look.
She snorted. “It’s just Amber,” she said, exaggeratedly rolling her eyes but she was smiling.
“She said she did really well on her Sociology test!” Andi squealed as she enthusiastically texted back. Finishing, she put her phone down and sighed, forlornly. “I miss her.”
Andi and Amber were a surprise to everyone. Last year, Andi realized that she might also like girls… and by girls, she meant one specific girl: Amber. And, apparently, Amber always knew she liked girls and tried to date boys to get rid of those feelings...until she met Andi, that is. They started dating last year and were currently in a long-distance relationship, since Amber was away in California for college. But, they seemed to be holding on pretty well.
T.J. always wondered how Jonah felt about both his exes dating, but he still hung out with both girls whenever he could so he probably got over it.
As they all dug into their lunch, T.J. took a moment to observe everyone around him. At first, he only really hung out with them because of Cyrus. After Reed and Lester pretty much abandoned him back in the 8th grade, he didn’t really have any other real friends.
He wondered...Would he have found another group of friends? Ones who actually liked and supported him?
It took him a long time to gain this group’s trust. And, now, even without Cyrus there, he no longer felt shy and out of place when Andi handed him her box of fries to share or when Buffy stole a piece of grape from his fruit cup.
“What are you smiling about?” Buffy asked with a raised eyebrow.
T.J. realized that he was, chuckled, and shook his head. “Nothing. Now, can you please stop stealing my fruit and start getting your own?”
“Nah, it’s not as fun.” And to demonstrate, she reached over and stole a pineapple.
Yep, these were his friends now. 
He couldn’t help but stare at Cyrus’ empty place again.
He really hoped he was okay.
Thursday ended and Friday passed. Before he knew it, the weekend had arrived. T.J. went to work Saturday morning and by the time he got off in the afternoon, he still didn’t feel like going home. His mom was working until very late, anyway, so he had the day to himself. So, he drove to Cyrus’ house.
He parked across the street from the driveway and made his way to the backyard. Finding Cyrus’ window, he stood under it as he took out his phone and called him.
It took three rings for Cyrus to answer.
“Hello?” His voice was a little raspy.
“Hey,” T.J. greeted. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, thank you. I didn’t cry today.”
T.J. smiled at that.
“Sorry about yesterday,” Cyrus continued.
T.J. had tried to see him after school the day before but Cyrus had shooed him away, saying that he didn’t want to see anyone. T.J. was a little hurt by that but he knew that his friend was going through something that he couldn’t dare to imagine or understand.
“It’s okay, I get it,” he replied. “Are you okay enough to hang out with me today?”
Cyrus chuckled. “Yeah.”
“Great! Then, come out.”
There was a pause.
T.J. smiled to himself as he looked up at the closed window. “I’m outside your window. Come out for a drive. We can go anywhere you want.”
He heard shuffling and kept his eye on the window until it slid up. Cyrus poked his head out and found him fairly quickly.
T.J. waved. “Hey.”
Looking confused yet elated to see him, Cyrus replied, “Hey. Why didn’t you just go through the front door?”
T.J. shrugged. “This is more fun.”
His friend did look better, though his eyes still looked droopy and a bit swollen, probably from all the crying. His hair was a messy mop, like he just got out of bed and didn’t have time to brush it.
“And cheesy. What are you? Romeo?”
He was happy to hear that Cyrus was feeling well enough to joke.
“If I’m Romeo then you’re my Juliet,” T.J. couldn’t resist flirting.
To his delight, Cyrus blushed and lowered his head, shyly.
“So… you wanna drive or what?” T.J. asked.
Up on his window, Cyrus nodded. “Okay. I’ll be down in 10 minutes. Just gotta get changed. Come through the front door, you savage! Mom’s home.”
“Okay, see ya.”
Cyrus waved before shutting his window and hanging up. Meanwhile, T.J. bounded back to the front door, a skip in his steps.
Dr. Goodman let him in with a smile, asking how he was and if he would like something to drink. She settled on an armchair in the living room while T.J. plopped himself on the sofa, making small talk.
There was a moment of brief silence where they could hear Cyrus pottering about upstairs as he got ready.
“Is he really okay?” T.J. had to ask.
Dr. Goodman leaned back in her seat. “Well, it’s the first time in days where he’s willing to leave the house. On Thursday, he just slept all day and only came out of his room when Andi and the others stopped by to drop off his homework. Yesterday, he didn’t leave his room at all and was listening to sad music on full volume. I would have reprimanded him but… well… I think he needed to let his emotions out, one way or another. So… I think he could use a distraction today.”
“I’m hoping to do just that. We’ve been worried.”
Footsteps coming down the stairs silenced them. T.J. turned his head towards it to see Cyrus neatly dressed and his hair now brushed.
He flashed T.J. a faint smile. “Hey,” he greeted.
T.J. stood up. “Hey, ready to go?”
Cyrus nodded.
They bid Dr. Goodman goodbye, promising to be back by dinner, and Cyrus followed him out to his car.
“So, where do you wanna go?” T.J. asked as soon as the doors were closed.
Cyrus shrugged.
“Park?” T.J. suggested. “We can go on the swings.”
T.J. reached over and ruffled his hair, fondly, before starting the car and driving.
Cyrus was silent during the ride, only staring out the window.
“So, you wanna hear something funny that happened in history class yesterday?” T.J. casually said.
“So we were watching a documentary on the Great Depression…”
Cyrus hummed to indicate that he was listening.
“… and Mrs. Shapiro fell asleep!”
T.J. flashed him a quick look from the corner of his eye and was pleased to see Cyrus breaking into a small smile and chuckling.
“Of course, she did. She finds her own class boring!”
The mood after that turned lighter, even if Cyrus barely spoke.
They arrived at the park and headed right for the playground where, thankfully, their swings were empty and devoid of children. Cyrus immediately went for his swing, sitting on it, and kicking his legs, silently.
T.J. settled on the one next to him, still watching him.
He didn’t like seeing Cyrus so… devoid of life. He wasn’t like this with his past breakups.
Tommy was more of a friend than a boyfriend and sure, Cyrus had been sad, but it was a mutual split. His feelings for Freddie went deeper but they broke up and made up so much that Cyrus didn’t even cry when he broke up with the drummer for the last time. Lance must have been special.
Not for the first time, T.J. wished it was him, instead. He wouldn’t break Cyrus’ heart the way Lance did.
“Legs go up, legs go down,” T.J. began to sing. “That’s how you make the swing go ‘round.”
Cyrus’ lip twitched.
“Come on,” T.J. prodded. “You gotta sing it, Underdog.”
His friend flashed him a look that asked, “Really?” But, eventually, Cyrus sighed in resignation.
“Drag your feet, you go slow,” he sang. “The more you drag, the less you go.”
Smiling, T.J. sang along with him, kicking his legs into the air, enthusiastically.
The sight of two high school guys sitting on the swings and singing what sounded like a nursery rhyme was probably comical to the outside view. But, T.J. didn’t really care what other people of them thought because Cyrus needed this. He needed to feel and be reminded that things would be okay again.
They rarely went to the swings anymore. High school made sure to get in the way of that. But, the rare times they did, it was always for a good reason. Either they were celebrating something or one of them needed comfort. The swings were always there, waiting for them.
“Remember when we first really talked?” T.J. asked, out of the blue. “It was right here.”
Cyrus chuckled. “I thought you were going to make fun of me.”
“Nah, you were too cute. I couldn’t make fun of that.”
Cyrus blushed. “It’s amazing how much things have changed since then, right? Except for these swings. I’m surprised they haven’t fallen apart yet. Unlike my heart.” He dug his feet into the ground, stopping his swinging, and let out a loud sigh. “I’m sorry for being such a downer.”
T.J. shook his head. “It’s okay. You’re allowed to be.”
“I don’t want to feel this way anymore.” Cyrus’ voice cracked as he spoke. “I want to stop crying. I want this pain here.” He placed a fist against his chest. “To stop. I just… want to move on already.”
“And you will, Cy. I know you will because you always do. You always pick yourself back up.”
Finally, Cyrus turned his head to look at him. “Really? You think so?”
T.J. grinned. “Definitely.”
Cyrus’ smile widened. “Thanks, T.J.”
“Anytime.” T.J. pushed himself off his swing. “I’m in the mood for ice cream. What about you?”
“I’ve eaten so much ice cream in the last three days, I feel like my stomach is gonna pop.”
T.J. raised an eyebrow. “So… yes?”
Cyrus stood up. “Lead the way, basketball guy.”
They bought ice cream from a guy with a cart and sat on a bench to enjoy their treats. T.J. regaled Cyrus with stories of what he missed at school, all the shenanigans of their schoolmates, and how he missed the rare day where the cafeteria served curly fries for Friday lunch. At some point, someone came by, walking their puppy, and it resulted in Cyrus getting on his knees on the asphalt to pat and briefly play with the little critter (T.J. took photos and videos).
By the end of their hangout, the color and vitality were back on Cyrus’ face and he was laughing and bouncing as they made their way back to T.J.’s car.
“Today was fun!” he exclaimed. “And that puppy was so cute! I have got to convince my parents to let me adopt one!”
Meanwhile, T.J. placed the key in the ignition, getting ready to drive Cyrus home.
“Hey, thank you, again.”
He turned to his friend, who was watching him, softly.
“You’ve always been there for me, Teej.”
T.J.’s heart fluttered at the complete faith and trust Cyrus had in him.
“I don’t think there’s anyone else in this world I trust more than you…don’t tell Buffy and Andi I said that.”
T.J. chuckled. “My lips are sealed.”
Cyrus sighed and leaned back in his seat, his smile faltering. “I always thought that… Lance would become someone I could completely trust. I’m kind of glad now that I never introduced him to my parents. Can you imagine the humiliation?” He chuckled, humorlessly before sighing again. “Damn, why do I have such bad tastes in guys?”
T.J.s heart began to quicken. “You just haven’t found the right guy. You never know… he could just be… right around the corner.”
Or right beside you, T.J. wanted to say but kept his mouth shut.
Cyrus huffed. “Where? They should just come out and sweep me off my feet.” He flashed him a grin. “I sound demanding. Sorry.”
T.J. shook his head. “It’s fine.” He paused, a lump forming in his throat as he turned his head to look at the wheel, instead. “Actually… Cyrus…”
“I… um… if you want, you can…”
Go out with me. Date me. Be my boyfriend.
All those words ran in T.J.’s mind. He wanted to say them so badly.
“I can…what?”
Cyrus sounded like he was anticipating his next words. But, they only made T.J. even more nervous.
Cyrus had always said he was an athlete with boundless confidence but he couldn’t be further from the truth. T.J. was a coward when it came to him.
“You can… skip school on Monday,” he ended up saying, mentally kicking himself. “If you’re not feeling better, you shouldn’t go.”
“Oh. Yeah, I thought about that. But, I already missed two days. I don’t want to miss any more. Besides, I need to show Lance that he didn’t break me.”
T.J. finally chanced a peek at him to see Cyrus looking determined.
“I’m strong, right?” he asked, almost tentatively.
Feeling a little brave, T.J. reached out and placed a hand over his. “Very,” he agreed, squeezing his hand before pulling back. “So… ready to go home?”
Smiling, Cyrus nodded.
The drive back to the Goodman home was still silent but it lacked the tense atmosphere of earlier. Cyrus was feeling okay and relaxed enough to turn on the stereo and sing along to a few songs.
Meanwhile, T.J. was in turmoil, mentally scolding himself for being a coward. But, then he reasoned that Cyrus just got out of a relationship and probably wasn’t ready for a new one right off the bat. Besides, he didn’t want Cyrus to go out with him just because he was heartbroken. He wanted Cyrus to go out with him because he wanted to.
He pulled up to the house and parked. It was late afternoon now but he managed to bring Cyrus home before dinner so that earned him brownie points with the Goodmans.
“See you Monday?” Cyrus asked.
He nodded. “Monday.”
Cyrus leaned over and wrapped his arms around his neck and T.J. instinctively brought his own arms up, wrapping around his waist.
“You’re my best friend, Teej.”
T.J. swallowed. “You’re mine too, Cy.”
They hugged for a beat or two before pulling away and Cyrus got out of the car.
T.J. waited until he was inside the house. When the door shut closed, he let out a loud groan, leaning back on his seat, head hitting the headrest.
“I’m an idiot.”
“You’re an idiot!”
“I know!”
“You said he can skip school on Monday?!”
“It wasn’t my brightest moment, I know!”
Huffing, Marty dropped himself on the bed next to T.J. “He was practically giving you an open invitation to ask him out!”
“I highly doubt it’s that.”
“Dude, you are hopeless.”
T.J. snorted. “Don’t I know it.”
After dropping Cyrus off, T.J. had the bright idea of texting Marty and coming over to his house to rant.
He wasn’t sure if it was a bright idea anymore. Marty just kept on going about how he missed an opportunity to finally make his move.
As they both stared forlornly at the ceiling, the door opened.
“And this is why your moms think I’m some sort of cover-up for your secret relationship with T.J.”
Both boys looked up to see Buffy standing by the door, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, babe, we’re totally in love,” said Marty as he sat up and opened his arms invitingly.
Buffy rolled her eyes but nonetheless, walked over and plopped herself onto Marty’s lap. Meanwhile, T.J. continued to lie on Marty’s bed.
“So, what’s going on?” she asked.
This allowed T.J. to relay the story again, complete with arm gestures and his inner thoughts of the moment sprinkled in. Buffy listened, nodding or rolling her eyes in response to his narration.
When he was done, she was shaking her head.
“I agree that maybe asking him out right in this moment is a little… inappropriate,” she said, carefully.
“Ha!” T.J. blurted out, pointing at Marty. “I told you.”
“But!” Buffy continued, flashing him a pointed look. “You also shouldn’t waste time like you did after Tommy and Freddie. You’ve been crushing on Cyrus for years, T.J.! You’re a better choice than all of his previous boyfriends! And that’s saying a lot coming from me! So, why don't you just make a move?!”
Yes. Why didn’t he? Ever since 7th grade, there had always been this strange… pull… between him and Cyrus. He never understood what it was. He just knew that he liked him. A lot. Between then and now, he could even say that he had fallen in love. Hard. 
“I’m… scared of losing him,” he replied, softly as he stared at the ceiling. “I should probably just give up. You know how relationships go. Honeymoon stage. Then, you get comfortable. Then, you realize you don’t have feelings anymore. Then, you break up and never talk again. I can’t… I can’t handle it if Cyrus and I stopped talking.”
Buffy and Marty were both watching him now, sympathetic to his plight.
“Is that what you really believe would happen to you, guys?” Buffy asked, gently. “Your entire friendship is not that shallow, T.J.”
“I know… it’s just… I’d rather have him as just a friend and not lose him than go out with him and have things go wrong.” 
He let out a loud and long sigh.
“T.J.-,” Marty began.
“Guys.” He sat up and leaned against the headboard. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” He managed a smile at them. “And, I’m not going to give up. I’m just… going to let him heal a bit. You know, get rid of all the Lance pain before I swoop in and put his heart back together. That’s a plan, right?”
He sounded confident on the inside but on the inside, his hope felt like a dry desert.
And judging by the looks the couple were throwing him, they weren’t buying it either.
It was worth a shot.
True to his word, that Monday, T.J. picked up Cyrus for school and he was waiting for him on the doorstep.
The drive was normal with Cyrus chattering, T.J. listening, and the two of them play fighting over who got to choose the next song that played.
This time, Cyrus didn’t leave his side to greet a boyfriend but simply to go to his own locker.
“Are you gonna be okay when…. You know…. When you see him?” he had to ask.
He didn’t have to say a name but Cyrus stiffened before loosening himself up and nodding. “I’ll be fine,” he replied. “Don’t worry. See you at lunch?”
With a smile, Cyrus bid him goodbye and bounded off.
T.J. went about his morning routine of being greeted by Marty, walking to homeroom, and settling in his seat to wait for the morning announcements and other stuff to start.
The announcements were a blur – updates on school events, wins and losses of their sports teams, and what they were serving in the cafeteria that week.
T.J. doodled on his notebook, bored.
Finally, announcements were done and they had a full fifteen minutes to do homework, study, or chat before the first bell.
And, then, the door opened. Everyone in class, including T.J., looked up to see the Vice Principal entering with a guy in tow. He was tall with distinguished curly brown hair and really thick eyebrows (that reminded T.J. a bit of Cyrus’ eyebrows, they were really cute).
The Vice Principal briefly spoke to Mr. Singh, T.J.’s homeroom teacher, before clapping the new guy on the back and leaving.
“Okay, kids! Eyes up here!” Mr. Singh called out, but everyone already had their attention on him, anyway. “We have a new student joining our homeroom. Please introduce yourself to your classmates.”
The guy grinned and lifted a hand in greeting. “Hi, everyone. Name’s Aidan. Aidan Ross. Moved here from Florida.”
From sunny Florida to breezy Shadyside? Quite a change.
“Okay, Aidan, there’s an empty seat right there by the window.”
The rest of the class murmured to each other and themselves as they watched the new guy make his way down the aisle. By this time, T.J. went back to his doodling, no longer interested.
He raised his head to see the new guy in front of him, still grinning.
Oh, right. There was an empty seat next to T.J. right by the window.
“Um, hey,” T.J. greeted back, politely.
The new guy held out a hand. “I’m Aidan.”
T.J. knew that already, he was just introduced.
Nonetheless, he took the hand and shook it. “T.J.,” he provided.
Aidan squeezed his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He let go before proceeding to the seat next to T.J.
Confused, T.J. managed a, “Um… you too.”
That was odd.
A/N: So, I imagined this guy to be... Joshua Bassett. I just really adore his friendship with Luke and while I was setting the story up, his face popped into my head so... here he is! I even used his character name from “Stuck In A Middle”. (Super creative, I know. But I do like the name.)
Tag list:
@completelysterling  @theobligatedklutz
@justeilona @literally-just-for-fanfics
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bumper-boi · 6 years
My Favorite Color Is You Part 2
Author’s Note: I got an ask saying they wanted a sequel, so sequel I wrote! Word Count: 1865 Pairing(s): Tyrus, background Ambi, Muffy, Wonah Genre(s): Fluff Trigger Warning(s): N/A You can find the last part here: https://cxrus-kippen.tumblr.com/post/182716221615/my-favorite-color-is-you-part-1 ——— Tj opened the box, staring at the ring that sat inside, sparkling brightly. The silver band with the engraving, ‘To My Muffin’ holds a deep blue gem, bigger than Tj’s bank account would prefer. He heard walking down the stairs to the living room he shared with his boyfriend, hopefully soon-to-be-fiancé Cyrus. He snapped the small black box shut, shoving it in his pocket quickly. “What’cha doing there?” Cyrus asked, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing!” Tj said quickly. “Okay… Should I make dinner tonight? Or do you want to?” Cyrus said, flopping onto the couch next to Tj. “I actually wanted to take you out to dinner tonight! I set up a reservation at Cheź Gote.” “Oh really? What time?” “7:30 pm,” Tj said with a smile, thinking back to all the meticulous planning of this night. “I’ll be ready by 7:00.” ——— Tj’s heart raced as he sat with Cyrus at dinner, laughing lightly at some remark Cyrus made. “So Teej, how has work been lately?” Cyrus asked, staring into Tj’s eyes fondly. “Same old, same old. The students still want to meet you. They desperately want to know the guy who makes me this happy.” “Aww Teej! I would love to meet your students! What about on Wednesday? I don’t have any appointments lined up so I can totally come in,” Cyrus said with a smile. “Great! I’ll tell them you are going to be there!” The two started sitting in comfortable silence, waiting for their food to arrive. Once it did, they continued to eat in silence, only making small comments about how good the food was. They got to dessert, Tj eating ice cream, Cyrus eating lava cake. They let each other take bites of their dessert. Eventually, they paid the check and left. “Want to go somewhere? I already have a place I would love to take you. It will be quick, I promise,” Tj said, thinking of the perfect place to propose. “Sure, where?” Cyrus asked, smiling. “You’ll find out,” Tj said smugly. He drove them to Jefferson Middle School. The school Tj and Cyrus had gone to many years ago. The school where they first met. The school where they fell in love. “Why are we here?” Cyrus said, staring at the familiar sign proudly displaying the school’s name. “I wanted to see what they did to our swingset.” “Oh,then let’s park and head to the park where it is!” They made their way to the swingset that had long since been replaced with a newer version, and they sat down, swinging slowly. ‘Now or never, Tj,’ Tj thought, standing up. “Teej?” “Cyrus, I need to do this before I lose the confidence. I have planned this for months, and Andi and Buffy may have helped a tad. I love you, and you can probably see where I’m going with this, but anyway,” he lowered onto his knee, taking the ring out, “I want to marry you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?” Cyrus pressed a hand to his mouth, tears falling quickly. He nodded, standing up quickly to hug Tj, “Yes! I would love to marry you Tj!” He said as they hugged. When they separated, Tj kissed Cyrus passionately. He grabbed Cyrus’ hand, slowly sliding the beautiful ring onto his finger. Cyrus stared at the ring, noticing the engraving on the band. “To My Muffin,” He said, smiling wide, “Tj. I love you.” “I love you, too.” ——— Wedding planning was in full swing. They had picked a venue, a cake, even their tuxes! Cyrus was very efficient, and managed to keep their plans on track, which Tj was very thankful for. It took him forty minutes to decide on a color for tablecloths(eventually going with blue, Cyrus’ favorite color), and another twenty for the theme of the centerpiece(simple white roses). He had finally managed to pick a best man, though he had a lot if trouble doing it. Now it was just time to tell Cyrus who he picked. “Babe! I picked a best man!” Tj yelled to his fiancé. “Finally!” Cyrus yelled back as he ran down the stairs, arms full with a stack of papers, “Who did you pick?” “I want your approval on this, but I wanted to ask Buffy to be my best man.” Cyrus squealed, dropping the papers he was holding, “Tj that is the best idea ever! We need to call Buffy and get her over here so we can tell her!” “You really think she would want to?” “Definitely. And if she doesn’t I’ll make her.” ——— Buffy arrived twenty minutes after their brief phone call. She had just come from work, still in her pantsuit that she had worn to the firm that day. “Hey what’s up?” She asked as she stepped inside, fixing the top-knot bun she was sporting. “I have an important question to ask you,” Tj said, standing up to face her. “Yes?” “Will you be my best man?” “But I’m not a man?” “That never stopped you.” Buffy smiled at the sentiment, looking to Cyrus, who was nodding frantically. She looked back to Tj, shrugged, and said, “What the hell? Sure, I’ll be your best man.” Tj hugged Buffy, who groaned, though quickly returned the hug. “Thank you,” Tj said, letting go of Buffy. “No problem. What are fiancé’s best friends for?” She said with a laugh, “Do you guys need me for anything else? Marty said he had a surprise planned for me.” “No, that was all. Go be with your boyfriend!” Cyrus said, hugging Buffy before she left. ——— Tj stood at the altar, wearing a traditional black tux, waiting for the wedding procession to walk down the aisle. Andi made her way down, arm linked with Amber. They parted once they got to the end, Andi moving to Cyrus’ side, Amber to Tj’s. Next, Jonah and Buffy walked down the aisle, copying what Andi and Amber did. Finally, Cyrus stepped out, arms linked with both his parents, wearing a deep blue tux, one much like the one he wore to his bar mitzvah. Tj gasped, then smiled wide. Cyrus smiled back, as “Here Comes The Bride” played over the speakers. He walked slowly with his parents, eyes wet with tears. He made it to the altar, eyes locked with Tj, who was also close to tears. Cyrus’ father shook Tj’s hand, just before handing Cyrus off to him. Tj smiled at Cyrus, then mouthed, “I love you.” Cyrus mouthed, “I love you, too.” ——— Tj pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolding it nervously. He looked up at Cyrus, starting to speak shakily, “Cyrus, from the moment we met, I knew there was something about you. I saw you, a boy who couldn’t even get a muffin, and I was in love. On the swings, when I told you about ‘my stuff’ I fell harder. Everytime I would talk to you I would fall harder. I had been planning my proposal since basically the day we got together. I had my first kiss on that bench all those years ago with you. I knew I loved you from day one. Underdog, I love you so much. I promise to give you all the love you deserve, though you deserve way better than me. I should probably finish soon, so all I’m saying is I love you, and I hope you feel the same.” “Tj,” Cyrus said slowly, crying, “I love you so much. Anyway, my turn! Tj, I love you. I constantly wonder how I managed to be this lucky, how I got with you. For a long time, I wasn’t even comfortable saying that I was gay. I now know that being around you has made me so much more comfortable being myself, and I thank you so much. I love you so, so much. My vows could never compare to yours, so I guess I vow to never stop loving you and helping you to become a better person, just like you have done to me.” ——— “Do you, Tyronius Jackson Kippen, take Cyrus Goodman to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.” “Do you, Cyrus Goodman, take Tyronius Jackson Kippen to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.” “You may now kiss the groom.” Tj quickly pulled Cyrus into a kiss. The crowd cheered loudly, applauding quickly. ——— Cyrus held Tj’s hand, stepping on the cloth bag, hearing the sound of the glass inside breaking. Everyone cheered again, some people standing to congratulate to couple. “You better not fuck this up, Kippen,” Buffy said from behind Tj, making him jump. “Oh wow thanks,” He said jokingly, turning to face her. “Just, please don’t hurt him? Please?” Buffy said seriously, clapping him on the shoulder. “I promise not to hurt him. I really love him.” “I know.” ——— The reception went by quickly, everything blurring together due to all the congratulations and things they received. Cyrus walked up behind Tj, turning him around to kiss him lightly, “Hey,” He said as they parted. “Hey.” “Congrats to the happy couple!” Buffy said casually as she hugged Cyrus. “Thank you Buffy!” “Speaking of happy couples,” Buffy said, looking to the ground as she grabbed Marty’s hand, “Marty and I got engaged!” She shoved her hand into Cyrus’ face, which was sporting three blood red diamonds on an intricate, dark grey band. “Wait really? Buffy I’m so happy for you!” Cyrus said as he pulled Buffy into a hug. “Did you tell him the news?” Andi asked, walking up in the middle of their hug. “Yeah! I’m so happy for them!” Cyrus said. “Me too!” Andi responded. “Andi and Cyrus, I want you two to be my maid of honor and my man of honor! Would you do me the honor?” “Of course!” Andi and Cyrus said in unison. “Hey Tj?” Marty said from next to Buffy. “Yeah?” Tj asked while putting his arm around Cyrus. “This may seem like a random thing to ask, since we barely talk, but I really don’t know who else I would ask, so will you be my best man?” “Sure, I’ll be your best man. It can be a ‘You’re Welcome’ for Buffy being mine!” “Thanks dude!” “No problem!” ——— Cyrus danced with Tj to some pop song that no one knew the words to, but was singing anyway, as his friends all danced at his side. The music changed into a slow song, people starting to move from the dance floor, or pair up with their significant others. Tj grabbed Cyrus, who looked to his sides to see his friends all pairing up. Andi giggling as Amber peppered kisses around her face while they swayed to the song, Buffy taking the lead over Marty, who was blushing and laughing at her taking charge, and Jonah setting his head on Walker’s shoulder, closing his eyes, smiling while they slowly danced. Cyrus looked back up into Tj’s eyes, who was looking back at him. He smiled, leaning up quickly to kiss his husband. When they pulled away, Tj grinned, “So, when’s the honeymoon?” “Tj!”
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forestwater87 · 6 years
Gwenvid Week Day 5
Day 5: Community Appreciation / Favorite AU
To celebrate the amazing Gwenvid community, I took the really fascinating Ghoul AU that @color-theorist (or @color-theorist-art ) created, which has no explicit Gwenvid as of yet, and then somehow accidentally created several pages of momgwen with very little Gwenvid in it. Oops. And probably fucked up the lore. Double oops. Oh well, I hope y’all have fun anyway! :)
It wasn’t anything like Buffy, was the first thing Gwen realized about fighting monsters.
For one thing, it was a lot less fighting -- she wasn’t exactly built for dealing out pain -- and a lot more researching. And not in weathered tomes blanketed with a thick layer of dust with crinkled pages full of secrets. Sure, there was some of that, but ghouls in particular seemed to be a relatively new phenomenon, or were just so uninteresting to the ancients that they didn’t bother writing about them. Mostly it involved trawling internet forums and trying to arrange interviews with the leads who seemed the most promising. Which in itself required a great deal of convincing paranoid heroin addicts that she was neither a ghoul intent on devouring their flesh or a member of the government who would haul them off to Super Guantanamo. All that work, only to have her work dismissed by every publisher she’d recommended it to, and a pointed recommendation by the History Department chair that it would be best for her career at Sleepy Peak Community College if she found another subject to focus her studies on.
“‘It’s really all about the branding,’” she mimicked quietly, shifting her weight in a futile attempt to get comfortable. ”’Just call it “folklore.”’ That’s academically dis-fucking-honest, Mr. Bishop.” Gwen grabbed her bag from where it was dangling off the arm of a marble angel and hauled out a binder and a flashlight. “I’m the only professor under thirty who hasn’t gotten the fuck out of here after three months, Mr. Bishop. This shitty school wouldn’t even have a goddamn newspaper if it wasn’t for me, Mr. Bishop. Fuck, this is cold,” she muttered, glaring down at the polished granite with distaste before sliding down onto the grass, leaning back against the tombstone she’d just climbed off of. “I’m doing important work, here.”
Gwen opened the binder, eyeing the hand-drawn map of the Long Sleep Cemetery and tracing the scraggly line of bright red X’s that marked out fourteen ravaged graves, then flipping to a map of the entire city, which was covered in yellow dates around the church, hospital, and veterinary clinic. She glanced from these to the mausoleum she was staking out, like the ghoul would just appear there if she looked hard enough.
“Come on, asshole,” she said, flopping back against the tombstone and turning off the flashlight. “I know I did this right, so just show up where you’re supposed to.”
It was crazy, she knew all that. Knew her meticulous tracking of local robberies and vandalism looked from the outside like the scribblings of a madwoman fraying her last nerve. It was why she took so much care in repackaging every piece of evidence into a series of respectable, ponderous, academic -- boring, if she was being perfectly honest with herself -- books.
A series of respectable, academic, unpublished books.
Because this was all crazy. Believing in undead monsters that needed to consume the living (or recently-dead) was crazy. Objectively, she was probably rather crazy.
The thing was, she was right.
She just had to find a way to prove it.
“You’re not good at this, are you?”
Gwen jumped at the voice and whipped around, brandishing her flashlight in one hand and her binder in the other -- before she overbalanced and had to drop both, catching herself before she fell flat on her back in the dew-drenched grass. “Whaatherfucke --”
So. Not much like Buffy at all.
Her attacker was thin, stretched out and lanky like a very short Slenderman. As he stepped around the gravestone and moved towards her, his eyes reflected the light from a nearby streetlamp like a cat’s, gleaming out from underneath the dark hoodie that obscured most of his features.
Human eyes don’t glow like that.
She snatched up her flashlight and flicked it back on; she tried not to shine it in his face, but he flinched away from it anyway, hunching his shoulders and shoving his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. The light revealed a narrow brown face that was sickly yellow underneath the eyes and nearly gray in the hollows of his cheekbones. “Kids aren’t supposed to be out after ten pm,” she said, narrowing her eyes. She took in the teenager’s slouchy grace, the way he walked as though every movement was both naturally easy and indescribably exhausting.
“No one’s supposed to be in the graveyard after it closes, but that didn’t stop you,” he replied, slumping against the marble angel and watching her with those unnerving catlike eyes.
She’d found her ghoul.
Gwen drew herself up, standing so she could look down at him. “I have permission,” she lied. “I’m conducting research on the series of grave-robbings in the last few wee --”
“My dad’s a cop with really shitty password protection. You don’t have permission for shit.” He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. “You’re one of those nuts who wants to hunt vampires.”
“Ghouls aren’t vampires,” she corrected before she could stop herself, the pedantic need to be right temporarily overpowering her common sense. “Blood is evidently not an essential component of their diet, and -- you know what, this is a stupid conversation and I’m not having it.” She settled back against her tombstone and turned her gaze to the mausoleum her ghoul was supposed to be raiding instead of making snide comments about her profession. “Go get your dead person snack.”
The kid jolted, and she watched his look of horror out of the corner of her eye. “How the fuck --” He shook his head, a shock of floppy black hair escaping the hoodie and falling over one of his eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
She pulled her binder back into her lap with a small grunt of effort. Christ, this thing was getting heavy. “Whoever’s been raiding the cemetery’s been really smart about it,” she said, refusing to look up at him. “Always hits it just as the attention is beginning to die down -- pardon the pun -- and always far enough from the others that the area is totally isolated. But they do it without making it look like a pattern.” She glanced up at him, a little gratified to see him leaning over her map curiously. So this was what validation felt like! “I’d been wondering how they knew when to sneak back in here, but . . . having a dad in the police force might do it, if the cop was dumb enough.” She turned to another section of her notes, an alphabetical list of everyone in the SPPD. “I knew I should’ve paid more attention to their families,” she mumbled, flipping through the officers. “Which of you is the idiot with an undead son?”
“Hey, fuck you!” he snapped, stepping away from the binder and back to the marble angel. “You can’t just go around calling people monsters because they’re wandering around a graveyard. Hell, that makes you sound just as much like one of those things as me.”
Gwen ticked off on her fingers without looking up from the police directory: “Alarmingly thin, glowing eyes, a bit of a nasty undead pallor -- bet people are constantly asking if you’re sick --”
“Again, fuck you.”
“-- and a tricky-but-predictable pattern of raiding cemeteries, morgues, and . . . have you been eating dead animals?” She glanced up at him then with a frown. “I didn’t know ghouls could do that.”
“They can’t,” he muttered, kicking at the grass, “but it was worth a shot.”
She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride. This was her first legitimate monster sighting! She wasn’t crazy! “It’s all circumstantial, of course. You never really know if you’ve got a ghoul or just someone with, like, lupus. But the cat-eye thing was a big tip off. Also, you know, hanging out in the cemetery when no one in their right minds would go anywhere near the place.” He looked at her for a long moment, and she cringed. “Yes, fine, I heard it.”
“So you’re like an expert in useless information no one gives a shit about, huh?”
She thought about getting offended, but he was kind of right. At least, a boatload of publishers would agree with him. “Yeah . . .”
He looked back over at the mausoleum thoughtfully, and she couldn’t help but be curious. “Does it taste good when it’s been dead for a while?” she asked. She was sorely tempted to grab her pencil and notebook, but that might scare the kid off. “I’ve read it’s not supposed to be as . . .” Nutritious just felt gross, in this context, so she let the sentence trail off.
He shrugged. “A little bland, but I kinda like it better. Got this weird kind of . . . cheesy aftertaste? Not like I’ve had cheese since I was a kid, but like that really smelly stuff rich people put on everything.”
“That’s pretty disgusting.” She couldn’t quite keep the note of appreciation out of her voice. (She’d always been a sucker for gory movies.) “So what’s with the change?”
“What’re you talking about?”
That was in her other binder. Gwen rustled through her backpack until she found the right one and opened it up to a spread of newspaper clippings. “All the killings. Two this week, three in the last two months. I haven’t put a map together yet --” and god, she already felt tired thinking about it, “-- but they don’t seem to have any sort of pattern. I figure it can’t be you because, well, all my research suggests that if you were eating fresh kills you’d be a lot more . . .” She gestured vaguely at him. “Alive-looking.”
He bared his teeth, and if they were sharper-looking than normal she was almost positive that was just her imagination. “You don’t have a lot of friends, do you?”
She didn’t, but that was beside the point. “So do you know who’s doing this?” she asked, scrambling to her knees and finally giving in to the urge to grab her pen. “Can you tell me? I interned as a police sketch artist, so even if you just describe them I bet I could --”
“You expect me to narc?”
“They’re killing people!”
“Eh, I --”
They were both blinded; squinting past the flashlight, Gwen could barely make out a male figure. The newcomer lowered the light, stepping forward. His eyebrows drew together as he took in the scene: a kid lounging on a tombstone, having a conversation with a woman kneeling in the damp grass surrounded by open books and binders. “What are you doing out here? You know it’s past curfew!”
The ghoul -- Max, it seemed -- rolled his eyes and sighed. “It’s not like you’re gonna arrest me. I just saw this weird lady sneaking into the graveyard and wanted to see what she was doing.”
As surreptitiously as she could, Gwen glanced down at the list of police officers in her lap, comparing the smiling photos to the grim-faced man shaking his head at Max. Officer David E. Greenwood. On the force for about ten years. According to some gossip she’d scribbled in the margin, he’d turned down the opportunity to become a detective a few years ago, holding onto his lower-paying desk job for the sake of his --
His son.
“Miss?” Greenwood waved the flashlight, dragging her attention back to the conversation. “I’m going to need to ask you to leave the --”
“Yeah, fine,” she grumbled, shoving her work back into her bag. “You know, I should get a special pass or something for doing research,” she said, more to herself than to the officer.
He cocked his head to the side, looking for all the world like a big puppy wearing a police badge. “Well, I’m afraid we can’t do anything like that, but I’d be very interested in learning what you’re researching!” He frowned. “Actually, you look familiar . . .”
“I used to be the department intern,” she said with a shrug. She was a little older than Greenwood, so it wasn’t like he’d have been working there to remember --
“Oh, Gwen! Yes, of course I’ve heard all about you!” He took a step forward, like he was about to wrap her up in a hug, before his smile dimmed a bit and he coughed lightly into his fist. “Mr. Campbell speaks very highly of you! He’s been saying he wishes more people would be willing to work for no money, but I’m sure he just meant that you did such a fantastic job! You work at the college now, right? You know, I’ve been meaning to take some classes but I just haven’t had the time --”
“Dad,” Max interrupted, “it’s cold as fuck. Can we just go?”
“Right! Sorry, Max.” He shot his son -- though they really looked nothing alike -- an apologetic grin before turning the smile toward her. “If you’ll just follow me, ma’am. Goodness, isn’t it lovely out here at night? Sometimes I wish . . .”
When they were outside, Max broke through Greenwood’s stream of pleasantries. “Hey, can I talk to her for a second before we go?” When they both shot him a confused, surprised look, he shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket, hunching his shoulders defensively. “What? We were in the middle of a conversation.”
Greenwood hummed thoughtfully, glancing between the two of them. “Well, I suppose there’s no harm. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Gwen.” He shook her hand enthusiastically.
“You too, officer.”
“Please, call me David!” He winked, then strolled along the outer cemetery wall until he was well out of earshot, his hands clasped behind his back like a military at-ease. Max scuffed his shoe along the asphalt; Gwen had dealt with enough students to know not to push him, so she watched the clouds slide like molasses along the sky and waited.
“You know a lot about this stuff, huh? Like, it’s useless, but you still have a lot of research.” She nodded, watching curiosity wage war with misanthropy across his face. Finally he blurted out, “So can I read some of it sometime? I mean, it’s probably mostly bullshit, but . . .”
She’d given up on carrying copies of her books around with her, on the off chance that someone might be interested if it came up in conversation. “I’m usually on campus at noon,” she said. “Stop by my office. I’ve got a couple things you could borrow.” She fought to keep the eagerness out of her voice, but the thought of her self-bound books actually being read by someone was way too exciting.
Even if that someone was a moody undead kid with the most improbable home life she’d ever heard of.
He nodded, a little awkwardly, and started to walk away before she put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, are you gonna be all right without eating?”
He shrugged. “Isn’t the first time.”
Gwen hesitated. It could get so so fired, but . . . “Listen, I work some nights at the hospital morgue. Just like, processing bodies and stuff.”
“I thought you were a professor.”
She sighed. “Adjunct,” she admitted. “Only part time. Anyway, I can’t always . . . like obviously we’d have to be really careful, and there’s no real good way to . . . but if there’s actual murderous ghouls around you probably shouldn’t be so hungry they’ll kick your ass or something --”
“How did you make offering help come out so insulting?” Max sounded impressed. He glanced over his shoulder at David, then raised one shoulder in a half-shrug. “We’ll work something out, yeah. Beats digging up coffins all night.”
David meandered back in their direction. “Would you like to be walked home, Miss Gwen? It’s not safe to be out alone at this time of night.”
She couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, sure.”
She knew how dangerous it was. Had written hundreds of pages on the subject, in fact.
But it was nice, for the first time in her life, to feel like she’d actually accomplished something useful.
“Dad wants you to come over for dinner again.”
Gwen jumped; Max had an infuriating tendency to just appear in doorways without a sound, usually when she was deep in concentration doing something else. She thought maybe he enjoyed scaring her. “I have class tonight,” she said, taking the book he held out, “but tell him thanks.”
Max slouched into the chair on the other side of her desk, watching her dig through her books for the next one in the series. Over the past few weeks he’d been going through her research, and while his habit of writing corrections or commentary in the margins -- with pen, no less! -- was unbelievably annoying, she was making more progress in two months than she had in years. “Second time this week,” he observed.
It took her a second to realize what he was saying. “Huh? Oh, yeah, I appreciate it. Seriously, make sure you thank him for me.” Dinners with Max and David were a little awkward, mostly because only David seemed to really want to be there, but it certainly beat microwave dinners in front of her computer.
“I think he likes you.”
She made a dismissive noise. “He likes everyone,” she said. In fact, she’d made it a personal goal to hear him say something unkind about somebody. It was unsuccessful so far, but she had faith. She handed him the next book, watching him turn it over in his hands appraisingly with something almost like nervousness. It was one thing to have someone read your life’s work -- it was quite another when the person reading your work was also literally the subject of it.
“So you’re gonna stop by after class, right?”
“I -- no?” Sure, sometimes Gwen did, if she’d forgotten to give Max something or if David’s texts had seemed especially plaintive; she got the sense that his life wasn’t as sunshine-and-rainbows as he tried to make it seem, and watching TV or sitting out on the porch after Max had disappeared into his room wasn’t much of a sacrifice. But it wasn’t a habit or anything. “Maybe I have shit to do.”
He snorted. “No you don’t.”
She didn’t, but she didn’t need to be reminded of the life she didn’t have by an obnoxious kid who literally had no life.
When she didn’t respond he stood up, tucking her book under his arm. “So I’ll tell Dad you’ll be by after class. And I’m gonna be at Neil’s tonight.”
She raised an eyebrow. “So?”
“Ugh, don’t make me say it. It’s fucking gross.”
Gwen watched Max lope out of her office, wondering if he was aware that he’d just told her his father was lonely. And that it worried him.
“For fuck’s sake, just go out already!”
Her pen jerked a scraggly line across the paper, jagged and uneven like the sudden spike in her heart rate. “Why can’t you knock, you shitty excuse for a Halloween monster?” she growled, shoving her notebook aside and glaring up at him.
He set her book on her desk with surprising gentleness for someone who reportedly didn’t care about anything. “First, Dad is so goddamn annoying, and if I have to hear him talk about how ‘sweet that Miss Gwen is, don’t you think so, Max?’ one more time I’m gonna eat him. Second, it’d probably be easier to sneak me food if you were dating, since it’d be less weird for me to hang out with my stepmom.”
“I’m not going to ask David out so it’s easier for you to feed,” she said, bristling at “stepmom.”
“No, you’re gonna do it because you keep staring at him like a creep whenever you think he’s not looking. That’s third, by the way,” he continued, holding up three fingers. “The only thing more annoying than him being all moony and stupid is you being all moony and stupid.”
“That . . .” is not true was on the tip of her tongue, but somehow she just couldn’t bring herself to say it. The problem was, she’d gotten accustomed to spending more evenings a week at the Greenwoods’ house than her own, and had started to find it more comforting. Which didn’t mean that she was interested in David, of course, but she’d been . . . surprised, by him.
By his genuine interest in her, and his support of her research even though it clearly made him uneasy. (Which was fair; “hey I think those murders you’re investigating are undead monsters” was a pretty uncomfortable thing to talk about, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to listen.)
By how he remembered stupid little things, like her favorite foods, and how even when he was thoughtless and absent-minded it never seemed to piss her off the way it should.
By his horrible sense of humor and his worse taste in TV shows. By how his eyelashes were longer than hers, and framed his eyes so prettily. By the freckles she could only see when they were sitting thigh-to-thigh on the couch, or when he pulled her in for a goodnight hug. By --
Well, fuck.
“Everyone I know is a fucking idiot,” Max groaned, tugging her out of her heart-attack-inciting epiphany. He ran his hands through his hair -- glossy and sleek because he’d eaten last night; everything about him was glowing and lively compared to usual, making him look almost human -- and stood. “Don’t even bother getting me the next book. You can drop it off with Dad tonight.”
“But he didn’t invite me to dinn --” She cut herself off at the look of pure exasperation he gave her, one that implied he couldn’t even deign that with a response.
“Fucking idiots,” he muttered, slipping out of her office.
“Okay, I know I basically made this happen because you’re both too dumb to function, but I’m hating every second of this. I take it all back.”
David practically leapt out of Gwen’s chair, almost knocking her out of his lap and face-first into a concussion courtesy of the corner of her desk. “M-Max! What are you doing here?!”
She just sighed, adjusting her position so she wasn’t in danger of falling and brushing her hair out of her eyes. “He does this.”
“I’m a student, Dad. I belong here.” He held up the binder -- Gwen’s most recent book in the making -- with a sharp, sarcastic grin. He was looking a little gray and drawn, and she made a mental note to grab him some intestines or something that wouldn’t be missed at work that night. When he was looking sick like this, his inhumanness stood out in stark relief, like the crisp lines of his teeth that were too big and too pointy for his supposedly-human mouth.
“In high school! Why aren’t you in class?”
He shrugged. “Lunch break,” he said. Gwen and David exchanged a look, because neither of them knew if that was true. It’d been a while since either of them had been students, after all. Dropping the binder on Gwen’s desk, he retreated to the door like he was afraid to coming too close to them. “What’re you doing here, anyway?”
“Um . . . lunch break,” David replied weakly, his face flushing.
Gwen picked up a stress ball and lightly tossed it at Max’s head. “Get out of here, you little shit.”
“I hate you both. See you at dinner,” he said casually, ducking out of the office and letting the door bang shut behind him.
David sighed, shaking his head. “Do you think he looks sick, Gwen? I’m worried he’s coming down with something.”
She winced. “Probably a 24-hour bug. Bet he’ll be fine tomorrow,” she said, ducking her face into the crook of his neck and kissing behind his ear. Sometimes she couldn’t fathom how someone who knew about ghouls could miss the fact that his own son was one.
But then again, David wasn’t an academic, and he certainly wasn’t trained in this kind of thing. And he had a tendency to ignore red flags when it came to people he cared about.
It was one of the things she loved most about him.
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undead-park · 5 years
Application - Kenny McCormick
About the mun!
Name/nickname: Buffy or Sqwid
Age: 20
Discord: {Removed for privacy reasons}
Pronouns: They/She
Extra: Hm I’d probably either take up Thomas (Le Petit Tourette) or a goth kid as a second muse but not sure yet
About the muse! 
Name: Kenny McCormick
Gender: Fluid, usually leaning towards he/him
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi
Faction: South Park {Leader}
Five or more headcanons:  -Kenny isn’t afraid of death at all. He’s ready to die for real whenever that time may come, and he’ll stand before death as many times as necessary in order to protect the people he cares about. However, in times tough as these, he’s willing to be more cautious in order to be alive for those who need him. But if the situation calls for it, he won’t hesitate to sacrifice himself. -Despite his vulgar and perverted exterior, Kenny’s much smarter than he lets on. He’s often quiet and introspective, good at reading people and observing situations. He is usually very aware of other’s emotions, it’s hard to hide what you’re feeling from him. -He’s taken on a very parental role since the apocalypse and does his best to take care of the kiddos who have had their families taken from them by the undead. -He has a surprisingly good singing voice. He’s had a lot of practice from singing Karen to sleep. -Kenny isn’t always happy, in fact, there’s a lot of pain and sadness in that blonde head of his, but he maintains a grin as much as he can. -Kenny will always be the shoulder to cry on if someone needs it. He know what it’s like to need someone like that. -Whenever anyone needs to fight, he’s the first to volunteer to go to the front lines with blunt weapons. However, he’s also very proficient with guns, he’s honestly pretty proud of his ability to snipe. 
Roleplay example: (At least two well written paragraphs) (From another zombie group lol) “Dinner!” Kenny calls out, and at the sound of the “d word,” the kitchen isn’t as empty as it was for long. The mismatched chairs around the old table fill up quickly, Karen filling in last, making sure everyone else was seated first. He couldn’t help but be proud of his sister, she had grown up to be such a good person and she demonstrated her goodness everyday since the outbreak happened. If only he could do more for her. Food was scarce nowadays, and it was especially hard to be able able to feed a large group of people. Today, much like everyday, it was a mix of canned food. Kenny fixed plates with a small portion from each can, passing them out everyone. As children do, they all complain. It was reasonable, eating the same gross food day after day wasn’t what you wanted. However, when you spent everyday hungry, you took what you could get. “You’re lucky you get to eat at all. Complain, and I’ll eat your share.” He gives the group around him a teasing smirk, reaching over with a fork to taunt it over the children’s plates. They cry out in protest, pulling their plates away from Kenny’s hand and quickly start to eat themselves. He huffs in amusement, turning his attention to his own plate. He always made sure the others had enough food, leaving only what he could scrape from the bottom of the cans himself. However, that was enough for him. He could get by just fine. When dinner was over, Kenny cleans up, letting the children, led by Karen, scramble away to get ready for bed. Those kids were certainly messy eaters. It takes him a bit to clean up the mess left on the table and scrape the plates clean (he wasn’t about to waste precious water on washing dishes after all). After a while, he steps out of the kitchen to a group of children gathered around the ratty couch waiting in anticipation. It was story time again, of course. With the lack of most forms of entertainment that kids had back when things were normal, Kenny was pretty much the new center of amusement. If they couldn’t watch T.V. anymore, the next best thing to a serialized story they were going to get was bedtime stories with Kenny. He rolls his eyes eyes with a smile, plopping down in the middle of the couch as everyone else closes in around him. “Where was I…” He muses, rubbing his chin for a moment before raising a finger in playful realization. “Ah yes… So, there Mysterion was, face to face with his arch-nemesis, Professor Chaos. He was corner by his minions, but he wasn’t going to let him win that easily….” Eventually, Kenny tuckered himself out just as much as the kids from talking for so long. They all protested against bedtime, as children do, but their yawns betrayed them. With the help of Karen, he helps tuck them all in in the room they had set up for them in what used to be Kevin’s room. Kenny had no idea where he was, and he tried not to think about it. Finally, he says goodbye to his sister before retreating to his own room for the night. With a deep sigh, he flops down on his bed, his smile fading. It was hard work, putting on a brave face all day. With a deep breath, shuddering, he lifts a tattered orange sleeve to cover his eyes. He was doing his best, but it just never felt like it was enough. Kenny’s eyes open again from the darkness, Karen’s there. She’s screaming, an ear piecing scream, it makes him feel sick, and he panics. What the hell was happening? Then, there’s a crunch, and his mouth is filled with warmth, the taste of iron on his tongue. He looks down, it’s an arm. He’s biting into an arm. His eyes travel up the arm. It’s Karen’s arm. Suddenly, the scene changes. He’s watching himself. Kenny  has one hand over Karen’s mouth, muffling her screams as she thrashes and cries. His other hand is holding a bone saw just below her shoulder, and he’s sawing. Back and forth. He’s sawing off the arm that he bit. Back and forth. It’s his fault. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth– Then he wakes up, sitting upright in bed, drenched in a cold sweat and breathing manically. Kenny runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair, that dream again. That same fucking nightmare. It was so real, too real. He knew all too well what it meant, how possible it was for that to come true. Kenny’s eyes waver over to the handgun on his bedside table. “Don’t waste your bullets Kenny,” He mumbles to himself, crawling out of bed, “It’s another day.“ 
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layla256 · 6 years
Key to Her Heart Chapter 3/52: Wants and Needs
A/N: Chapter 3! I was actually really excited to write this episode because I wanted to talk more about the different characters besides just Spike and Buffy, who were pretty much the main focuses of the last two chapters.
For reference, in the universe, Giles never becomes a Watcher because of his dark past. Instead he continues to study magicks while assisting the Council on a consulting basis only. We also get to see a bit more of SoleSlayer!Faith in this one.
I know a lot of people really like Faith, and I know she gets redeemed in season 7 and some in Angel, but funny story . . .
So I got to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer on rented DVDs from Hollywood Rentals, and yes, I type this knowing I’ve dated myself in the process. We didn’t have any kind of streaming subscription because my mom was scared of entering her card number on the internet, and the episodes only aired while I had dance class, so I only had access to the first four seasons of Buffy for years, and none of the seasons of Angel. Meaning that, from middle school until college, I never saw any indication of a redemption for Faith.
Now that I have seen everything, I don’t hate her nearly as much, but she still sets off a lot of red flags for me as a character, and I know I’ll never really get over those several years of thinking of her as the girl who took over Buffy’s body and slept with Riley using it. Then again, after watching seasons 6 and 7, I just generally don’t like anyone past season 5. They kind of become assholes.
The prompt this time was:
“You really think this is a smart idea?”
“Good. I’d be concerned if you did.”
And that, to me, just reeked of the Angel-Plan. I should be posting the fourth chapter tomorrow at the latest!
. . .
Giles was totally wigging, and Buffy was worried. It’s not that Giles never wigs. He’s in a constant state of wigging, but there was something different about this panic-fest.
And Buffy wasn’t just saying that because he went to Faith instead of her. Either way, that seemed like a problem/conversation for after Giles was being hunted by the demon of the week.
“Look, B,” Faith said, brushing off Willow and Buffy’s concern with a wave of her fingers, “We’ve got this, all right? We’ve got a whole plan and everything. Once we get the big bad demon out of Ms. Calendar, it’ll jump to Angel who can fight it off with his own demon. Then it’ll be dead, your would-be watcher can play his Get Out of Hell Free card, and everything’s five by five.”
For a solid ten seconds, Buffy considered bashing Faith’s head in with a four by four. It probably wouldn’t stick (Slayer healing and all), but it would certainly make her feel better about the situation overall.
“And Angel’s sure he can fight Eyghon off?” Xander questioned, raising a disbelieving brow. “Doesn’t he have a big ‘I can’t fight my demon without curse-y help’ problem?”
This was apparently the worst thing Xander could have said because Faith was immediately in his face. “Angel’s more man than you can manage to be Harris,” she growled. “Way more. So just shut your breakable face and stay out of our way.”
“Not gonna happen,” Buffy declared, drawing their attention to her. “If it was just Rayne, I’d say go ahead, but it’s not. If Giles is involved, we’re all involved.” Stepping between the Slayer and her best friend, Buffy made sure her voice was firm and clear, almost mimicking her mother when she threatened a grounding. “There’s no version of this where we don’t get involved. Got it?”
Faith looked like she wanted to argue, but Amy cut her off. “Let them tag along Faith,” she sneered, looking down at Willow and Buffy over her nose. “See how actually protecting the Hellmouth looks for once.”
Big talk for a girl who got possessed by her own mother the year before, but Buffy wasn’t enough of a bitch to throw that in the other girl’s face. Just barely.
“They don’t need to,” Jesse complained, glaring daggers at Buffy. She held back a scoff. Frankly, she much preferred him glaring daggers than staring at her tits.
“I don’t care what you think,” Buffy growled. “That ‘would-be-watcher’ is our friend, and we’re not turning our backs on him and just hoping you three aren’t gonna toss him to the wolves to save your own asses.”
Faith scowled at Buffy, chest puffing up in aggressive arrogance. “Fine. Just remember this: your ‘friend’ got himself into this mess, and he came to me to get out of it.”
“Only because he didn’t want us in danger!” Willow protested, looking just as annoyed as Buffy felt, but Buffy put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. They needed each other.
In the end, everyone agreed to run home, lie to Mommy and Daddy, and make it back to the library for the main event.
Except Buffy didn’t go home.
. . .
 “Have you lost your bloody mind you stupid bint?” Spike growled, prowling carefully in the shadows of the refinery with a furious look on his face. “This close to fucking sunset an’ you walk to a demon nest like you own the bloody place!”
“Giles is in danger,” Buffy said quickly, pulling Spike out of his wrath. “Some Emo-thingie demon is chasing him and they’re main plan hinges on Angel beating it.”
Spike stood for a moment, blinked twice, and sighed heavily. Something he seemed to be doing often in Buffy’s presence. He held no malice for her pseudo-Watcher, but he was getting a little tired of this white hat that kept getting dropped on his head.
Still, it seemed the man cared for Buffy at least.
. . .
 Spike had been enjoying luring some idiot blonde named . . . Melody? Something like that. Name didn’t matter, just that she was stupid and full of delicious human blood. Suddenly though, his meal was out of his arms and a crossbow was pointed at his chest.
He looked up, expected the Slayer or one of her annoying little shit friends, but instead looked at the face of a furious Would-Be-Watcher. Rupert Giles looked like a bloody demon hunter the way he was decked out, not a hint of tweed in sight. Yes, he looked every bit the man willing to fight his own battles.
Odd for a Watcher.
“What the fuck are you planning with Buffy?” Watcher growled, tightening his grip on the crossbow.
Spike was honestly surprised. From his own experience with Watchers, he assumed that they weren’t even allowed to know a curse any worse than damn. More and more, this man was moving up in Spike’s esteem.
It didn’t mean Spike wasn’t going to kill him, but he’d at least do it in a respectful way.
“Ain’t got a problem with the girl Watcher,” Spike finally said, putting his hands in the air. “She an’ Red are fine by me. Know better than to piss off a couple of witches.”
Watcher obviously wasn’t buying it. “Ah, yes. That would be why you murdered the entire Frat house they partied at last night then. Angry you missed your intended dinner perhaps?”
Now that was a line crossed. Spike moved faster than the other man could see, knocking the crossbow out of his hands before slamming him into the nearby brick wall.
“Now you listen ‘ere,” Spike snarled, face deformed into his usual demonic visage. “Now, I like me a good slaughter. Screams every which way, blood soakin’ the soil. Get’s me all touch-y feel-y with the Brit deep down in me.” His mocking smirk turned into a frown, “But I don’ touch girls like that. Any bint comes to my bed comes willin’ or not at all. That’d be your boy Angelus’s schtick.”
The Watcher’s face, now red from a lack of air as opposed to anger twisted in disgust. “Not . . . my . . .” He didn’t finish, but he didn’t have to; the point was made clear enough.
“Ah, you don’ like the lad either then. Good, then you’ll understand.” He lessened his grip. The human wouldn’t be able to escape, but he’d at least be able to breathe. “I don’ do the ‘rape’ bit Angelus was so keen on back in the days. Don’t let my boys do it either. They know better.” He looked down, focusing on the water puddles at his feet. “Those bastards at the Frat should ‘ave as well.”
Suddenly, he released the Watcher, pacing in front of his gasping form. Spike’s hands clenched and unclenched while his fangs pricked at his lips. His demon howled angrily, demanding blood and retribution. More than had already been taken.
“Buffy an’ Red, they’re good chits, yea?” he asked, turning to stare at a shocked Giles. “Genuine good ones. Ya don’ see that shit often. Girls that strong or kind. Showed some kindness to a soulless shit like me. An’ what’d they get for it? Bunch of arrogant fuckin’ shits slippin’ ‘em roofies and—and—”
Spike couldn’t finish. Much like Buffy the night before, he couldn’t seem to get the words out of his mouth, seeming to find them caught behind his fangs. He kicked at the wall opposite the Watcher, watching the bricks breaking under the force.
It didn’t make him feel better.
Not like their blood had.
“They—” it seemed Giles couldn’t handle it either, staring at his knees in disbelief as he knelt on the filthy ground of the alley. “Those repugnant little cunts,” he finally ground out, knuckles white as he gripped his hands tight. “I’ll—”
“Whatever you wanna do Watcher, I promise I did it already,” Spike said, face fading back to his human image as he came back to himself, shoulder slumped and heart still heavy. “Every damn thing I could think of.”
Giles nodded, standing up and brushing his knees as that good, old British upper lip kicked in. “I’d best check on them then,” he said. Though his stance and face were neutral, the shaking in his voice belayed his true emotions. It seemed the git genuinely cared for the girls, unlike the actual Watchers of Spike’s past.
The two began walking away, Spike not feeling like a meal after having his stomach turn the way it did. “Thank you.”
The words stopped him. Spike turned around, shock on his face as he stared at the still neutral Watcher. “Wha?” he said, not understanding.
“I said ‘Thank you,’” Giles repeated, picking up his crossbow, but not pointing it at Spike. “You defended my . . . charges when I could not. I may not approve of your methods, but . . .” the words were left hanging in the air.
Watcher may not approve, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t grateful in the end.
“How’s Peaches ‘sposed to help you lot then?” Spike asked, taking out a fag to pull on so Buffy couldn’t see his worried face. “He’s killed plenty o’ demons ‘fore. Sure even a poofter like him’ll be alright in the end.”
Buffy shook her head, not looking convinced. “Faith and her merry band of muck ups think it’ll be a great idea to have him get possessed by the demon and fight it back with his demon. You know, like a shitty WWE match that no one wants to see.”
Spike almost choked on the puff of smoke he pulled in, saved only by the fact that he didn’t need to breathe in the first place. “You really think this is a smart idea?”
“Good. I’d be concerned if you did.” He threw his finished fag into a puddle nearby, biting the inside of his lip in thought. She was right to be concerned. Angelus couldn’t control his own demon, let alone another. Either he’d keep his own demon too far at bay and lose to the interloper, or he’d let it loose far too much, and Spike doubted that good ol’ Angelus was all there after a hundred years trapped with a soul.
“I’ll let them try, though,” Buffy admitted, folding her arms over her chest. “Faith is the actual Slayer. Even if she doesn’t act like it half the time.”
Spike snorted. The Slayer acted it often enough to get on his last bloody nerve.
“But I want you there, in case something goes wrong.”
He stopped and stared at her for a moment. Want. It was an odd word to focus on, one he rarely heard in reference to himself. Drusilla had needed him. Needed her Dark Prince to shield her from all the dark monsters that prowled their world, but she had never wanted him. No, she only wanted her precious Daddy. Anything she said differently, he knew, was either a momentary delusion or an attempt to placate him.
Buffy though—Buffy meant it.
“I’ll be there.”
 Spike was almost disappointed to see his Grand-Sire manage his feat, pouting at the thought of a lost fight. Still, he figured this was for the best. Watcher was safe and sound, Buffy had been appeased by his mere presence, and the Slayerettes had no idea about Buffy’s “special friend”, meaning they wouldn’t be giving her any kind of hell.
Catching her eye as she carried a harried Watcher between herself and the Whelp, he gave her his signature smirk before sinking into the shadows, glad to see her smile in return before he disappeared from sight.
She hadn’t needed him tonight, and, deep down, he was sure both of them knew that when they’d come up with their little “Plan B”.
But she had wanted him there, and that was the important part.
The part about want vs need was added in completely last minute, but I loved it so I kept it. I recently had a talk with a friend about relationships and how some people prefer to be wanted over needed and vice versa and how that can say a lot about a person. 
Spike always seemed, to me, like the kind of person who would prefer to be wanted. In my headcanons, going to those awful parties was a requirement for both him and the hosts out of polite obligation. No one but his mother ever really wanted him around, meaning she was the only one who ever gave him positive affection. As a result, I think he spends the rest of his life and unlife chasing that dragon; wanting to  be wanted.
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theajaheira · 6 years
regarding honor and honesty in the workplace (15/?)
read on ao3!
this chapter: jenny takes faith and tara out, and runs into an old...well, “friend” definitely isn’t the right word.
from the personal files of Jenny Calendar:
I know that things with Lilah are very obviously more complex than they seem, and I know that I should give her the benefit of the doubt, especially since she was the one who hired me. I guess it’s just difficult for me to handle the fact that Lilah’s guilt doesn’t seem to weigh her down as much as I think it should. It’s not fair for me to make those arbitrary decisions on how she should and shouldn’t behave. I know that. I’m going to call her in a little bit and apologize, and maybe we can talk this out, because we both want the same thing in the long run.
Right now, though? Right now I’m taking a much-needed, much-deserved day away from case work. It’s been a long and exhausting few weeks.
“Yes, I am relaxing, but I can’t relax when I’m being fussed over,” said Jenny patiently, sticking her head into Faith’s room (Faith and Tara were doing a jigsaw puzzle on the air mattress and giggling at how difficult it was) and giving both girls a big grin. “And if you want, you can come over and relax with us. Isn’t Dawn off school early today?”
“You Americans have too many holidays,” said Rupert matter-of-factly. “And if I come over, we’ll just start working on the case again, and I want you to have a truly relaxing day.”
“So what, I can’t relax around you?” Jenny laughed incredulously. “Rupert, you’re the most relaxing thing in my entire life right now.” Behind her, Faith started making kissing sounds. “Stop that,” Jenny added over her shoulder.
“No,” said Faith.
“That’s—very sweet,” god, it was a mark of how well they knew each other that Jenny could hear Rupert cleaning his glasses, “but still—I don’t want to run the risk of distracting you from relaxation with case work.”
“Then I will just keep you on the line for six hours,” said Jenny promptly.
“Jenny, you are supposed to be taking a break from being a detective—”
“And what, just because our breaks coincide, we’re supposed to spend them apart?” Jenny immediately volleyed back.
There was an awkward pause. Then Rupert said, “Considering—how things are going with Lilah, Jenny, I rather want to become a bit more used to being by myself. You, ah, take up a significant part of my life without realizing it, and, and goodness knows I prefer it that way, but your life seems to be going in a different direction, and I want to make the transition easier on me.”
“Nothing with Lilah is even close to set in stone right now,” Jenny pointed out, not sure why she felt the need to clarify that to Rupert, who should know that fact better than anyone. “I mean, god, the woman on a so-called path of redemption still hasn’t called Professor Burkle back to tell her—”
“You should keep in mind that Lilah is still at great risk,” Rupert reminded her gently. “It seems more than likely that personally notifying all these people of her change of heart isn’t something that she can easily do while she still works for the company that hurt them.”
Jenny exhaled. “Yeah,” she said, “but why are youthe one telling me this? Why not her?”
“Because I am significantly more in tune with the way your mind works,” said Rupert simply, “and because I know what you need to hear in order to understand. Lilah, unfortunately, doesn’t have the same luxury.”
Jenny felt a warm flutter in her chest. “Thank you,” she said softly, almost without thinking. “God, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I’m sure you’d manage,” said Rupert awkwardly. “I think you’ll do quite a fine job of managing with Lilah, once you two get over the new-relationship bumps in the road.”
Something about his answer made Jenny feel disappointed; she’d been waiting for some kind of reciprocation, or at least some warmth in return. “Yeah,” she said, laughing uncomfortably. “So, um, I should get back to actual relaxation, huh?”
“I expect so.” Rupert sounded a little sad too. “Take care of yourself?”
“You bet,” Jenny agreed, and heard the dial toneless than a second after she’d finished speaking. “Gonna be hard to relax now, though, now that he keeps on hanging up on me,” she muttered.
“Hey, Mom, does this puzzle have all the pieces?” called Faith from the bedroom.
Jenny, very grateful for the opportunity to be a mom and not a disaster detective, entered Faith’s room. Faith was lying on her stomach, staring with a frown at the half-finished jigsaw, while Tara hunted through the puzzle box. “You know,” said Jenny, “it might help if you guys didn’t do the puzzle on an air mattress. Just a little.”
“Takes all the fun out of it,” said Faith. “Besides which, we didn’t want to bother you if you were on the phone. Tara’s idea,” she added, nodding to Tara, who looked up with a small smile.
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound like you,” quipped Jenny, sitting down next to Faith and looking down at the puzzle. “Are you two already committed to this puzzle, or do you both want to go out somewhere?”
“Oh, I’d love to go out!” said Tara excitedly. At Jenny and Faith’s surprised looks, she blushed. “Um,” she said, “I really like your apartment and all, but hiding out in here is getting a little bit—and Faith keeps telling me about how nice LA is—”
“I gotcha,” said Faith, who was blushing too, though Jenny suspected that it mostly just had to do with Tara’s soft, reassuring smile. “That actually sounds pretty cool. Where’d you have in mind, Mom?”
“Honestly?” said Jenny with relish. “Absolutely no idea.”
Faith and Tara were in the backseat of Jenny’s Bug, watching cat videos on Faith’s phone and giggling. Tara was wearing her hair up and tucked under a large sun hat, as well as a pair of quite nice sunglasses that Jenny was pretty sure had once belonged to Buffy. Technically, it was something of a risky move, taking Tara out of the house, but Jenny was very much of the mind that the girls needed an outing, and there wasn’t anywhere safer than the Magic Box.
From behind the counter, Anya looked up, surprised, when they entered the shop, beamed at Tara, and then scowled at Jenny. “This isn’t safe,” she said, “you all should know better, and that disguise is absolutely pointless, I can already tell it’s you, Tara. You have a very distinctive mouth—somewhat pointy but still round.”
“More soft than pointy,” said Faith, realized what she’d said, and winced.
“I missed you,” said Tara affectionately to Anya, crossing the room and ducking behind the counter to give her friend a hug. Anya hugged Tara back, sending Jenny a death glare that most likely held the power to murder someone and then smirking at a now-visibly-blushing Faith, who busied herself with examining some of the novelty magic items.
Jenny decided to take this opportunity to step outside for a breath of fresh air, trusting that Anya would keep her eagle eyes trained on the girls and knowing that Tara could probably use a little bit of space to enjoy time with her friend. It was sunny out, and warm, and it felt incredibly wonderful to not be worrying about a case or a girl and just be Jenny. Rupert, frustratingly, had been right about her needing a day off.
Smiling a little to herself, Jenny gazed across the street. The Magic Box was in a surprisingly nice part of town, complete with hipster cafés and an expensive-looking clothing store right next door, out of which was exiting a well-dressed blonde who almost looked like—
Holy fuck.
Jenny should have backed off and away and gotten back into the store, because that would have drawn less attention. But she couldn’t handle the thought of just hiding in the Magic Box with her girls, and if she blocked the door, there’d be no way for anyone to get to her girls anyway, so she flattened herself against the front door and hoped like hell that she wouldn’t be noticed.
Over the tops of her expensive designer sunglasses, Darla looked up, smiling in that slow, predatory way that Jenny was pretty sure neither she nor Rupert had ever forgotten. “Goodness me,” she said. “You’re like a scared little bunny rabbit, Calendar. Calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down,” snapped Jenny, crossing her arms tightly against her chest and glaring at Darla, “the last time we saw each other in a non-court scenario, you tried to shoot Rupert’s daughter.”
“Purely personal,” said Darla, waving a hand. “Besides which, that little tiff didn’t involve you in the slightest.”
“Buffy was in therapy for almost two years after that stunt you pulled—”
“Are we really going to rehash all the stuff you already yelled at me in court over?” Darla asked with a long, irritable sigh. “Because I was hoping I’d be able to manage a few more shopping excursions before the day’s done.”
“Get out of LA,” said Jenny.
“Oh, sweetheart, you can’t keep me out of the city,” said Darla, sounding genuinely amused. “You more than anyone should know now that Wolfram and Hart’s protection can let me do absolutely anything I want.”
Jenny, very ready to come up with another angry retort, froze. Not at all willing to admit that Darla had caught her off guard, she said coolly, “So you know I’m working on a case involving Wolfram and Hart.”
Darla snorted. “Please,” she said. “You’re on Wolfram and Hart’s payroll, Calendar, and I don’t like that at all. That’s why I’m here.”
“Your intel fucking sucks,” said Jenny matter-of-factly, then remembered belatedly that no one but Lilah Morgan (and Calendar-Giles Investigations, plus kids) actually knew about the plan to take down Wolfram and Hart. It did seem possible that Lilah might have come up with some kind of cover story for all the time she was spending with Jenny.
Darla, surprisingly, didn’t look fazed. “She told you some sob story about how you’re not like the other girls, huh?” she said, smirking. “Told you that you’re the only detective she trusts to help her take down Wolfram and Hart?”
Jenny faltered. “I don’t—”
“Amazingly,” said Darla, “I’m here to help you. Hard as it is to believe, I don’t want you up in arms against Wolfram and Hart once this thing with Lilah inevitably breaks bad.” She waited, but when Jenny (still unable to find words) didn’t respond, she continued, “You’re a dedicated detective, and even though Wolfram and Hart is obviously going to rip you and your cute little family business to shreds, you’re definitely going to do some serious damage to them before they manage to take you down. Hell, the only reason I didn’t get jail time was because Wolfram and Hart bribed the judge, the jury, and some of the witnesses—I don’t want to see what you can do to that firm with some actual evidence from honest people.”
Jenny stared, then scoffed. “You’re trying to cover your own ass,” she said, half-relieved by the revelation. “You just want me to drop the case so that Lilah and I don’t destroy the only thing keeping you out of jail.”
Darla didn’t look troubled by Jenny’s statement. “Ask yourself this,” she said. “How much of herself has Lilah Morgan really let you see?” Without waiting for an answer, she swiveled, turning on her heel with the shopping bags and striding gracefully away.
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