#tyrus who waits for love
imagineitdearies · 2 days
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Read it on ao3 😊
Pairing: Astarion/Tav, Astarion/Original Male Character, Astarion & Cazador Szarr
Summary: A low-born drow, with aspirations for necromantic wizardry, finds none of the hospitality he expected from his new noble patron, Cazador Szarr. Quickly he loses his life and future, his hopes and dreams—only to find something new to fight for in the unlikely arms of Cazador’s least favorite spawn. Aka let's throw a Tav into Astarion's backstory!
Length: 219,595 words (complete!)
**Very dark content/themes, please check the tags!!
Excerpt from chapter 40:
Another thing the wolf handled better than Tyrus was so much open space. It took in its environment with a simpler, more directed kind of awareness, whereas his true mind found it hard not to feel utterly exposed with nothing to put his back up against. Especially with so much noise all around them. Of course, there were places in the Underdark that felt nearly as large and unsafe, but even then Tyrus could usually find a crevice or small cave to retreat to within a minute. In the surface world, his only retreat was within his own mind. But he didn’t want to Polymorph again and leave Astarion to face the rest alone. He just waited till Astarion had shed his cloak with a dramatic groan and stuffed it into their bottomless bag before Tyrus interlaced their hands with an overly-tight grip.  Astarion gave him a look before sending via Message: However much I still disapprove of this scheme, that did go much quicker and easier than I’d thought, love. Who knew you were such a negotiator? Only because I had you there, Tyrus answered back, smiling at how pleased the words made Astarion right before he leaned in and gave Tyrus a quick, pronounced peck on the cheek.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Good Day for It Thugs x Reader || Excerpts
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Plot: Lyle gets stolen from, again, and he's taking his anger out on his men. You know you should stay quiet, you know you need to stay quiet, but when he goes for Him- you cant.
Includes: Dale Acton, Norman Tyrus and Wayne Jackson.
Warnings: Lyle being violent and RUDE.
Tagging: @marinerainbow and @slxsherwriter .
Dale Acton:
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You could see it coming, the way Lyle was walking around with that 'everything belongs to me' air about him. When he started to wander too close to Dale for your tastes, you kept your eye on him from you spot sitting very very still on the couch. You wonder- would he d a r e? Would he d a r e hurt Dale in your house? Under your roof??
He's really mad, you think. He very well might. And a morbid part of yourself wishes he would try; see what happens.
You kept your eyes on him, but were too slow.
Dale had a cut across his cheek bone from the metal ring Lyle wore after he hit him, and you saw red.
After checking on Dale, brushing your knuckles against his cheek and asking are you okay?... quietly; getting a huffy nod from him, because his pride smarts at getting hit like that by an old guy and not being able to do shit about it, you nod and promptly turn around. You take two steps, one past Norman and one past Wayne, and then lunge.
-Norman catches you and drags your ass back to Dale kicking and wriggling and cursing at Lyle, but you're not afraid of Lyle fucking Tyrus. Or you just love Dale that much. Either way- now he knows it; staring at you being held back by Dale with his arms around you, in breathless disbelief.
"Baby, c'mon- you gotta calm down, please. You cant hurt him, he'll getcha back. He'll fucken kill you. Calm down, please, c'mon. Please please, baby, please. Listen to me. Listen- t's not worth it, its just a scratch. C'mon- I need you- I need you to-- fucking calm down- "
Norman Tyrus:
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"- Excuse me?" Lyle asks, turning to look at you over his shoulder. You said something you shouldn't have, but you're too pissed right now to take it back.
"You heard me- " Norman tries to stop you, put his hands on your shoulders and make you calm down right now- remember who you're talking to- but you're perfectly well aware of who you're fucking talking to and you shrug him off of you. "Norman does everything around here. And what grunt work he doesn't do, Dale or Wayne do. You don't do shit except talk big. You're just the weird guy who just has to take his clothes off when he kills someone but they let you do it anyway cuz it makes you happy- and thats how you deal with delusional people. You placate them."
"... watch your bitch." Lyle tells his brother, not even addressing you directly, and your anger fire gets even hotter.
"You watch me. And- and how dare you try to hit him?? How does you decrepit, senile ass assume you have any right? How dare you."
After a moment of silence inside the dank barn; you glaring hard at Lyle and him looking pissed off and disbelieving back at you, finally, and Norman just standing there waiting to see what Lyle (Or you, apparently) will do next... Lyle shifts his gaze heavily off you and to his brother again. You get ready to open your mouth and yell at him again, but this time he beats you to it. "Get them outta here. Or I'll kill them."
"No- " Before you can even finish the single-syllable word, Norman's forcing you out of the room. Actually forcing you, you think your arm's gonna bruise! When you're out and the door closes though he immediately lets you go. "... what?" You spit defensively when you notice him looking at you with that same monotonous second-in-command look he was giving inside.
... after a long, impregnable moment, Norman bursts out into an amused smirk, chuckling. "Jesus christ, Y/N."
Wayne Jackson:
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You were shocked stick-still and wide eyed to see Lyle hit his own brother, giving him a blood nose, but when his evil gaze fell on Wayne your eyes narrowed.
You didn't even realise you'd moved until you were face-to-face with Lyle and his terrifying soulless eyes; You'd stuck yourself directly in front of Wayne. Put yourself immediately in Lyle's path.
And you're not at all scared; settling Wayne's even worse cousin with a terrible glower of your own. The look on your face reads 'try me'.
"... get out of my way."
You reach back and pinch the cuff of Wayne's jacket between your fingers, almost as if to demonstrate ownership. "Back, the fuck, off." Why are you suddenly so protective of Wayne?? You're not entirely sure he needs it and he certainly doesn't deserve it, but the thought of this man attacking him - making him bleed, making him hurt, - , fills you up with a hot, frustrated, pissed-off feeling something like anger but worse. Meaner. When Lyle doesn't back up at all, and instead his eye twitches out of irritation, you raise your chin up and show him how determined you are.
Wayne's behind you and you can feel his presence as loudly as if he spoke, which he doesn't. He doesn't utter a damn word, uncharacteristically, but when Lyle's gaze shifts to something behind you you imagine the scary stony look on his face backing you up (again, uncharacteristically).
When Lyle's gaze shifts back to yours Wayne squeezes your arm and you give Lyle one last silencing look, daring him to say anything, before taking Wayne's hand in yours and guiding him away.
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nescamonster · 7 months
Not terrible moment
So I am in love with @asterbae 's amazing Fic "Perfect Slaughter" on Ao3. Unfortunately I was not blessed with the artistic streak, all I can do is offer up is a non cannon, fanfiction of Their fanfiction to give the Boys a tiny sliver of a not terrible moment in their eternal lives cause boy does Tyrus and Astarion got it rough and i love it but also wanna let them take a breath.
Any who hope I didn't butcher the characters too badly, Don't judge on my work, check out Perfect slaughter for yourselves! (Though beware dead dove, definitely take in the tags before you read)
It had taken 87 years, but finally, the stars aligned.
Tyrus couldn't let the chance pass them by, as he didnt know when another perfect night would arrive. Cazador so rarely let Tyrus bring in prey, and rarer still on the same night as Astarion.
"Come, darling, I'll help you find a mark." Astarion called to Tryus as the spawns started dispersing after receiving orders.
"Surely he doesn't need his hand held anymore astarion." Violet teased, her sharp eyes going between them wonderingly.
"It's about not being punished. Do you think the master will stop at tyrus' incompetence or would he then look to the one who trained him?" Astarion gave a sarcastic tap against his temple, "i know you rarely use it darling, but if you don't stretch those mental muscles they will degrade you know."
Violet hissed, showing her fangs but she left without another word. No doubt fearing standing there arguing was eating into her hunting time.
Astarion flashed a victorious smile then looked more softly at Tyrus who happily fell into step beside the older vampire spawn. This was what he wanted after all.
"Lets try the elfsong for you I think." Astarion mused aloud only to raise a brow when Tryus shook his head, "oh? You've something else in mind?"
Tyrus had felt ill when he made this plan, but he knew now after so many years that there was no enjoyment without pain. His, astarions, someones. There had to be suffering to equal the scales.
"Homeless twins. Near the wyrms rock last I saw them." Tyrus wanted this part over as quickly as possible, "they run a scam where they pretend to be the same human, but their blood scent betrays them."
Astarions eyes lit up with interest and his step increased, "I guess we could spare an hour to look…"
Tyrus kept the pace, his eyes down and Astarion noticed, slowing slightly and clearing his throat to have the younger drow look up at him.
"Any particular reason why you've waited until now to speak of such prey?" A warning tone entered his honeyed voice, "you weren't attempting to spare-"
Tyrus couldn't help the burst of bitter laughter that spilt from his lips at the thought.
"This is the most selfish thing I have ever done." He admitted, "I saved them for when we could hunt together. I knew you would do better at securing them quickly."
"Well a night in our bunks is preferable too-"
"No." Tyrus was firm with his denial. He didn't do this, offering up innocent siblings so they could lay in the dark and wait for the next atrocity. Astarions step faltered but he caught himself and they kept moving at a quick pace through the city.
As Astarion stayed quiet, Tyrus knew he was waiting for an explanation.
"I-I wanted at least an hour… to-to show you something." Why were the words so hard to say? Why did astarions guarded look cut him to the core?
Tyrus was not well fed enough to blush, but he kept his eyes on the road they walked and pushed through, "i would like if we could secure our offering then- take a, a moment, before…"
No doubt astarion was burning with curiosity but tyrus was thankful he asked no more. Instead he had the drow direct them to these homeless vagabonds.
The twins were comely, by no means beautiful but their identical faces made for an interesting gimmick that was sure to please Cazador. Astarion took the lead, for which Tyrus was grateful.
He didn't need to do more than smile and wrap his arms around one woman's waist before her sister was drugged and asleep. She squirmed as she saw this, but Tyrus knew better than to let her go. He just held her still as Astarion force fed her the drugged wine and helped his fellow spawn stow them both in a secure location they could return to in an hour.
Astarion brushed off his doublet and smiled at Tyrus when the drow used his cantrip to clean the dirt desperate fingers had left on him. They were taking a risk not immediatly returning but Astarion said nothing of that, instead cocking his head at Tyrus.
"So, where too now?" He asked.
Tyrus lead the way, checking homes as they found one that didn't prevent them entry. An abandoned home filled with dirt and vermin that Astarion eyed with distaste and thirst warring in his face.
"You cannot be thinking of sneaking a drink." Astarion in an unbelieving tone, "you cannot be that dense even after all these years."
Tyrus was cleaning up a small amount of space, using the weave to clear the dirt and scare away the rats, "no,no. I would never." He shuddered, remembering with vivid detail the consequences of taking blood from anywhere but cazadors' hands.
Instead he sat down in the cleared space and pet the floor next to him. Astarion was cautious but less so than any of their siblings. He lowered himself with grace and looked about warily.
"A nice little hovel. I can see why you just had to show me."
Tyrus gave a shaky breath and smiled at the Spawn who had made the years just slightly less terrible then they could have been. He pulled from his pocket some fleece and reached into the weave as he spoke.
"Close your eyes for a moment, they might take a bit of time to adjust…" then he spoke the incantation, pulling the impossible through to the possible.
Astarion hadnt closed his eyes so it was with a fearful shout that he slammed his shoulders back against the wall as the major image illusion unfolded around them.
Grass sprung up, earsing the floorboards, as the world expanded, grey skies and dark trees filling a twenty foot space. Tyrus held onto his concentration even as Asatrion swore, gazing up a stormy sky just before the rain broke, sunlight diluted by the clouds but clearly day in a forest clearing.
They could smell the ozone, the scent of wet foliage strong in the air. A light breeze tingled their skin but no illusion could ruffle their clothes which stayed static in this moment. They could hear the soft rumble of the thunder and the rustle of the leaves. Tyrus turned to look fully at his companion once the spell was fully cast and was horrified to see tears starting to spill.
Astarion lifted a shaky hand to clasp over his mouth as his eyes were blown wide, taking in the sight. He had only shed two tears but as starved as they were kept, he may as well have been sobbing.
"Oh, I'm sorry! This-this was meant to be- i-i'll cancel it, hold on." Tyrus prepared to drop it, but astarions hand shot out, grasping his forearm.
"Don't you dare!" He hissed, "don't you give me this just to take it away!"
Tyrus stopped, then carefully and slowly placed his hands over astarions, nodding his agreement, "I won't. We can stay here for as long as… well twenty minutes or so anyway."
Astarion paid no heed to the time limit, instead taking in the view, seemingly trying to imprint it into his mind. He didn't move his grip, so Tyrus settled for petting Astarions hand gently and looking around himself.
"I don't remember… where this is." Tyrus felt he owed Astarion an explanation but it was difficult. So much was gone, so many important things.
"I think I had a family? And, and we were… i've no idea why i was here, or when… but i remember the storm" they both looked at it now, rolling lazily towards them, "i remember thinking it was beautiful."
"It is…" Astarion suddenly gave a choked laugh, "we can never speak of this."
"I know." Of course Tyrus knew that. Cazador was strict with how much access his spawn had to the weave. He'd be furious they had experienced even a second of sunlight, illusioned and storm dimmed as it was.
Tyrus looked down as Astarion moved his hand from forearm to clasp with Tyrus' fingers. The High elf looked him in the eye as he gentle brought the drows hand to his lips, a chaste kiss planted on his knuckles, featherlight but filled with emotion.
"Thank you… Tyrus…" Astarion sounded breathless, his voice hushed as another roll of thunder broke, "I will never forget this… thank you."
The image faded around them, a silence falling as reality reasserted itself. Astarion still had his hand and Tyrus realized that neither of them were breathing.
Astarion closed his eyes then took a shuddering breath before opening them, his face a mask of mischievous once more. He kindly returned tyrus' hand to its owner and stood in one graceful movment.
"We should be off"
"I-i have one more-" Tyrus stuttered, trying to offer another casting. He didn't want the moment to be over, did not want to return to their lives so soon.
Astarions smile was sad but kind as he offered a hand to the drow, "best not live in dreams darling, magnificent as they are."
Tyrus squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the burn of tears unshed for a long moment before he too let go of the dream. They had a single moment where they were not spawn, but free under an untamed sky. A moment that was as illusionary as the spell itself.
He took Astarions hand, standing and nodding. It was time to return to what was real for no amount of trickery would stop cazador from finding them if they didn't return themselves.
Their hands fell apart, palms still carrying the warmth of the other. Then the two left the hovel and went to collect their offering to their cruel master.
Above the city, a storm crackled, beginning to roll across the night sky…
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succyobsessions · 2 years
My Fav MLM Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
1. Harringrove—Steve x Billy (Stranger Things)
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False God— Lover
“We were crazy to think
Crazy to think that this could work
Remember how I said I'd die for you?”
“And I can't talk to you when you're like this
Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town”
“But we might just get away with it
Religion's in your lips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship”
“I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me
Honey hell is when I fight with you
But we can patch it up good
Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness”
“And you can't talk to me when I'm like this
Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you”
2. Gallavich—Ian x Mickey (Shameless)
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Call It What You Want— Reputation
“Nobody's heard from me for months
I'm doing better than I ever was
My baby's fit like a daydream
Walking with his head down
I'm the one he's walking to
So call it what you want, yeah
Call it what you want to”
“All my flowers grew back as thorns
Windows boarded up after the storm
He built a fire just to keep me warm”
“And I know I make the same mistakes every time
Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right
I did one thing right
I'm laughing with my lover, making forts under covers
Trust him like a brother, yeah, you know I did one thing right”
3. Philkas—Philip x Lukas (Eyewitness)
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Out Of The Woods— 1989
“You took a Polaroid of us
Then discovered
(Then discovered)
The rest of the world was black and white
But we were in screaming color”
“Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Twenty stitches in a hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you”
“Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said ‘I'm setting you free’
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up you were looking at me”
4. Evak—Even x Isak (Skam)
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Everything Has Changed— Red
“And all I've seen
Since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now”
“Cause all I know is we said, ‘Hello’
And your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed”
“And all my walls
Stood tall painted blue
But I'll take 'em down, take 'em down
And open up the door for you”
5. Ennis x Jack (Brokeback Mountain)
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Cowboy Like Me— Evermore
“And you asked me to dance
But I said, ‘Dancing is a dangerous game’
Oh, I thought
This is gonna be one of those things
Now I know
I'm never gonna love again”
“You're a cowboy like me
Never wanted love
Just a fancy car
Now I'm waiting by the phone
Like I'm sitting in an airport bar”
“Now you hang from my lips
Like the Gardens of Babylon
With your boots beneath my bed
Forever is the sweetest con”
6. Tyrus—TJ x Cyrus (Andi Mack)
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Ours— Speak Now
“Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you”
“And it's not theirs to speculate
If it's wrong, and your hands are tough
But they are where mine belong”
“So don't you worry your pretty, little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard”
“The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours”
7. Merthur—Merlin x Arthur (Merlin)
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Seven— Folklore
“Cross your heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Your braids like a pattern
Love you to the moon and to Saturn
Passed down like folk songs
The love lasts so long”
“And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why”
“And just like a folk song
Our love will be passed on”
“Please picture me
In the weeds
Before I learned civility
I used to scream ferociously
Any time I wanted”
Click Here For My Fav Sapphic Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
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maplequinn · 8 months
🍃tag nine people to get to know better 🌾
thank you @ostrobothnianoccultist and @nunight for tagging me love you <3
🌊 three ships: tyrus, no matter the time no matter the day you il forever be my first choice. dnf, despite my occasional anger towards people who truth you, I cannot not agree that you two are soulmates in your own way. dramione, the influence you had on me is crazy.
⚓️ first ship: stephanie and sportacus do not attack me I WAS SEVEN. although I guess the first ship that I legitimately spent weeks thinking about (and not just a passing "I wish" thought) was ezekiel and cassandra from the librarians.
🎬 last movie: we watched scoob! last friday night with fam (we do movie nights every 2 weeks) although I did fall asleep 30 minutes in
📖 currently reading: waiting for updates for "I wanted to leave" by garnet on ao3
👀 currently watching: hypno and grian decked out 2 runs and tango's streams
🥦 currently consuming: last thing I consumed was a peach iced tea, but rn my ears are consuming my newest stim song Mood by DPR IAN
🥞 currently craving: a nice and fluffy dnf multichap fic (feel free to leave suggestions)
I'll tag @luminal-space @burnedjoy @laumerisa (I don't have any more friends 🥲 I'm lying I'm just nervous to tag anyone else)
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badshah-cornelius · 2 years
The Destruction of Cardiff: A Star Wars Fan-Fic
I generally do not write fanfic, but I’ve been inspired to write this story since reading about the Imperial Civil War in the old Expanded Universe. I hope you all enjoy, and I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any to share!
Chapter 1
10 ABY.
The 102nd Sector Army hovers in orbit over the modestly wealthy planet of Cardiff.
Nothing is remarkable about either the planet or the fleet defending it.
Save that Cardiff now sits on the border between the territories held by Moff Gideon and Moff Tyrus.
Years ago, that would not have mattered. Cardiff has been untouched by war since the days of Revan. It sat comfortably deep within Republic, and then Imperial, space for millennia. Not even the Separatists, or the Rebellion that followed them, ever came within striking distance.
With the fall of neighboring Xiongdu and Elladi to Moff Tyrus’s marauders, Cardiff became a border town overnight.
The 102nd, meanwhile, has two unique misfortunes. Firstly, it is not a heavily-armed fleet. Only three Imperial Star Destroyers, accompanied by two Acclamator-class and two Victory II-class cruisers. It is more of a deterrent against raiders than an actual threat. Secondly, it is one of the few fleets still at full strength in the Azure Sector. It, and the rest of Cardiff’s garrison, are needed to reinforce the defense of Moff Gideon’s capital, Axum.
Moff Gideon and his cohort see this as a strategic withdrawal to defend more vital positions. Admiral Algernon, the 102nd’s commander, sees this as a necessary evil. Pull back now, and hold the line at Axum. They can always retake Cardiff once Moff Tyrus is beaten back.
Of course, no one asked the people of Cardiff what they think.
Once the final shuttles from the surface land in the hangar, Admiral Algernon gives the order to jump to hyperspace.
One by one, the cruisers of the 102nd depart.
All is quiet over Cardriff.
 Chapter 2
Echelon Square. It's crowded for the late afternoon. Families lounge on the grass. The restaurants are packed. Children run across the length of the courtyard. Not too humid, not too chilly - the weather is as pleasant as a summer day can get.
 Zayd Sansour is almost back home. He strolls past the shops, the fountain, and the crowd huddled around the HoloNet display. 
Sounds like they're listening to the news. He pays it no mind. It's all lies and hysteria as far as he is concerned. He's almost at his house now.
Once exiting the square, he's right by the riverside. Home. He crosses the street, then works his way down the stairs. His condo is a real pain to enter at times, especially for his aging knees, but it's worth it for him to have a house right on the River Zans.
Gorgeous view, lovely fresh air, and plenty of opportunity to sail up and down the river in his free time.
Zayd rounds the corner. His business partner, Sabur, is already waiting for him by the front door.
"Beat you again, you old goat!" Sabur bellows.
"Oh, stuff it, you croak." Zayd barks back.
"Who else has made it so far?" 
"Glad you asked! Rakha, Enzaro, and Dishamur have already made themselves at home. Marsha and Raqi'i have been hard at work in the kitchen."
"Lovely- excuse me for a moment." Zayd takes a seat on the bench right next to the door. Sabur plops right next to him.
"And what about Malik and his girl?”, Zayd inquires.
"Ah, I have not seen either of them since I got here. I think they're up in his room, doing who knows what."
"If I know my son, he's probably filling his mind with HoloNet nonsense. Bad enough he spends his free time with that junk. Now he's not even showing up in the office! I swear, I'm doing the work of two men. Were it not for Marsha, I'd kick him out of the damn house! That would teach him!"
"Hey, hey, my friend, relax." Sabur intervened. "I know it's a lot of work, but we're still doing good. The Magistrate wouldn't have commissioned us if we weren't."
"And no thanks to Malik!" Zayd huffed.
"Ah, forget him! He'll get over himself, give him some time." Sabur rises from the bench, and opens the door.
"Now come, we got the deal with The Magistrate, let us celebrate. That is why we are here, after all, let's take it easy."
"You are right, my friend. Let us." Zayd follows suit, and they both enter the house.
The Sansour household is as fragrant as it is ornate. The scents of a thousand spices permeate the air. Marsha and Raqi'i, Zayd's wife and daughter, are to the left of the entrance in the kitchen. Both parties exchange a quick wave, then each went about their business. Zayd and Sabur round the corner, to where their associates are gathered around a Hookah, but they hear two footsteps storm above them.
Malik, Zayd's son, comes into view as he descends the stairs.
"Father! We need to leave now." 
Zayd turns to his partner. "Give us a minute, Sabur."
He pivots to Malik while Sabur leaves for the Hookah.
Yudit Al-Mansiyya, Malik's fiance, follows suit down the stairs.
"Malik, my son, what are you-"
"Father, the fleet in orbit is gone. Cardiff is defenseless."
"The- the fleet?"
Malik struggles to contain himself. Yudit places a hand on his shoulder; she worries he is about to collapse.
"Yes, it's all over the HoloNet. With Xiongdu and Elladi gone, Moff Tyrus is about to-"
"Oh, forsaken! Enough with this Tyrus nonsense!" Zayd shoves Malik off him, and starts to walk away.
"Father Zayd", Yudit speaks. "Malik and I have been watching the local news. Even they say the fleet is gone."
"Yudit, my dear, you studied at Coruscant. Surely you know better than to trust such rumors."
Malik interrupts. "Father, why won't you listen? We've been arguing about this for weeks now, it's not safe here anymore."
"Of course we are safe! Everything is fine with the Imperial army!" Zayd raised his voice. Marsha and Raqi'i, and his business associates, drop what they are doing to observe the conversation.
"Thrawn made us strong again! Emperor Palpatine, may Heaven rest his soul, has kept us safe through the eons! All this dung news about the rogue Moffs is Rebel lies! Propaganda to make us fearful!" 
Malik is about ready to get on his hands and knees in response.
"Father, Tyrus is not just a rogue Moff. Even official Imperial channels are saying the entire Imperial Command has broken down. All the major generals and Moffs are at each other's throats. They're saying it's all-out war."
"Again, they are lies! The Grand Moffs are loyal to the memory of the Emperor! We must remain loyal to the Empire too! We cannot give in to the fear and doubt that the Rebels are spreading! All that you see on the HoloNet is a hoax! They lied about Alderaan, they're lying about this too!"
"Father, please listen!"
"No more! It's bad enough you are paranoid over these lies. Your obsession nearly cost us the deal with the Magistrate today!"
"Deal? What deal?" Yudit cut in.
"Surely Malik has told you, my dear." Zayd whips out his datapad, flashing the screen to both her and Malik. "We are to supply the Imperial corps in this sector with fresh produce! Keep our men in tip top shape against the Rebels! Magistrate Kaisel sealed the deal with us today."
Malik snaps back. "Father, the stormtroopers are gone. They left us. Kaisel might have already left too."
"Enough! I've had enough! You will not undermine our success with your fear! Out of my sight!" Zayd storms off. Malik wants to pursue, but Yudit pulls him back. He’s at an absolute loss. He storms off up the stairs. Yudit follows. Marsha and Raqi'i return to their posts, while Zayd and his associates gather around for more jovial conversation.
  Chapter 3
The alarm goes off. Yudit wakes up first.
4:09 AM.
She and Malik had already bought tickets off-world days ago, to her family on Eriadu. They were hoping they wouldn't have to use them so soon, but they cannot wait any longer. 
They bought five in total - one for her, one for Malik, and one each for his family. 
Zayd would never agree to leave willingly. Fortunately, Raqi'i and Marsha already agreed to leave with them beforehand. They are not as fearful as her and Malik, but they saw the news.
A knock at the door.
Raqi'i is fully dressed, a satchel in her arms. 
"Is it time?"
Yudit nods.
Raqi'i nods back, then turns and whispers to her mom.
Yudit nudges Malik. "It's time, my love."
Malik dreaded this day. 
The family enters the garage. They pack all they can carry into the Speedervan.
As they are about to set out, Zayd barges in.
“What in Heaven are you all doing?”
Marsha confronts him.
“My love, we cannot stay. We need to go, at least for a little while. Please come with us.”
“No!” Zayd can barely contain his rage. “You have let this brat poison your minds with his lies! There is no danger, and you will not leave!”
Raqi’i backs up her mother. “Papa, we will only be gone for a little whi-”
“NO! I am not abandoning our lives! You will all go back inside! And Malik!”
Zayd lunges towards Malik and grabs him by his collar.
“You insolent child! You are no longer welcome in this house! Bego-”
Mother Marsha throws herself between them, and shoves Zayd to the ground.
“Malik, start the speeder!”
Malik and the girls rush into the van, and power it on.
Marsha turns to her husband, still on the ground in shock. He tries to get up, but his aging knees are not cooperating.
“You will be lucky if we come back at all. Get yourself off-world, we are leaving without you.”
Before he can respond, she rushes into the van and slams the door. The speeder takes off out of the garage.
Zayd rises to his feet and hobbles outside. As they drive off into the distance, he yells:
“Smite! I will smite all of you! Leave, and never come back!”
  Chapter 4
The four of them drive through the rain to the nearest space port - three hours away. By the time they get to the station, it is 7am. 
Yudit fidgets with the ticket tokens in her hands. They are silent all the way there, save for one brief exchange.
“Your mother knows we are coming, right Yudit?”
“Yes, Mother Marsha.”
“Good. Malik, are you sure Eriadu is safe?”
“Yes. It will take us some time to get there, but we should be passing through New Republic space. They say those sectors are less chaotic.”
Once they arrive, they encounter a mass of people and speeders at the space port gates.
A security guard approaches their speeder.
"We're only letting ticket holders through right now. There's too many people and not enough shuttles today."
Malik addresses him - "have you not seen the news, you need to-"
Yudit cuts Him off - "We have the tokens, sir.”
The guard nods. "Step out of the vehicle and follow me."
The four of them follow the guard up to the gate. They march past a crowd of people, all of them shooting a dirty look.
They reach the gate.
"These four are clear to proceed", the guard informed his colleagues.
The family works their way to the terminal without a word. It is much less crowded inside.
"We'll come back for papa, right?", asks Raqi'i.
"He's made his choice. We must worry about us first", replies Marsha.
They wait around in hangar 2C for two hours. Finally, the shuttle is cleared for launch. The tension in the air is palpable as they board the craft. As Malik waits in line, he hears chatter from a couple dockworkers nearby. They’re trying to keep their voices down, but he can still pick up what they’re saying:
“These people have no idea what we’re going through to get them off-world.”
The launch itself is routine. For just a moment, the family is calm. Then they hear from a few seats away, "Look!"
They turn to the starboard side.
A humongous mass of ships is concentrated on the far side of the planet.
 There are at least two dozen Imperial Star Destroyers, accompanied by a hundred smaller cruisers and frigates.
But they aren’t gray, like the Imperial fleets they are all used to seeing.
They are dark red.
Moff Tyrus is here.
Panic strikes. People try to call down to the surface, but no one can get a signal.
Finally, the intercom comes on.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry, but for your safety, we are scrambling our communications to avoid detection. Please remain calm, we will be entering hyperspace as soon as possible."
As everyone else looks on, Raqi'i asks, "Papa will be safe, right? Papa will-"
The fleet begins its bombardment.
Scores of explosions erupt across the surface.
The turbolasers are silent as they shot volley after volley.
The wailing on board is deafening.
Raqi'i breaks down crying, as do so many other passengers.
Yudit and Malik look on in horror.
Cardiff disappears from view.
All they can see is the blue of hyperspace.
The shuttle makes the jump.
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still-day · 1 year
I have felt called to write since I was in fifth grade. In eighth grade I wrote a third of a book, more than a hundred pages of amateurish fiction, and then somehow my dad's computer basically melted internally and I lost it all. In high school I wrote poetry (being honest, though, who doesn't?) and then some things happened, which maybe I will share at some point if I'm ever brave enough, and I stopped writing anything at all.
In my journey towards living as my authentic self, the call to write came back full force. I signed up for this blog, and I wrote a bunch of posts. Or, well, I wrote a post, and then I thought "I don't know, this doesn't seem right" and I saved it as a draft. It felt like I was writing what I thought that other people would think that I should write, if you know what I mean. It felt silly. There were references to MarioKart.
Then, I spent a week thinking "what is it that I want to share with the world?" I had an idea and I wrote another post. That one was too much, though. Like, a fiction, but it wasn't a fiction. A story about myself, but packaged as though it was fantasy. It made me uncomfortable, like telling a lie, so I saved it as a draft.
Then I spent two weeks thinking, and then a week writing. This time, I told the truth, the real truth, about me and who I am and where I came from. It started with third grade, when I would tell curious adults that I wanted to grow up to be a Saint. It started with the time I watched a video about Saint Bernadette at school, and came to the conclusion that one of the steps toward Sainthood was eating grass. But that's about the time when things got dark, in my life. Or at least the part of the darkness I remember. A sick, sick feeling in my stomach told me "If you tell your story, your real story, and the people who are a part of that story somehow see this blog, well... some of them are going to be very very upset." The idea of that, I guess I won't lie, scares me so much it makes me nauseous. So, I saved it as a draft.
There is a story I've been "writing" in my head for a long time. Whenever I have trouble falling asleep, I write the story. It's about another world, and a boy who will end up saving it, even though he doesn't know that yet. It's about his best friend and the people he meets along the way: Nan and The Mother and Tyrus and Ellie (who, believe it or not, he does not fall in love with). It's about new skills and introspection and the battle of light versus dark, but not exactly the same way that dichotomy is usually portrayed. In summary, it's about the Hero's Journey, which every good book tends to be about in one way or another.
I figured I could write that, instead. No one will get mad at me for the things I will say in a fantasy story, at least I hope not. However, that's not what I want to share. That doesn't feel right in my soul, or my heart, or my spirit, or whatever you want to call it. I enjoy it, and if I'm being honest I'm a bit proud of it, but that's not what I feel pulled to put out into the world. At least, not right now.
I've lived a life, as we all have, of course. A life with a lot of struggles, a lot of hard work, and a lot of lessons. I don't think my life, or my struggles or work, or the lessons that I learned are special, and that's exactly why I want to share them. There are many people with the same struggles, going through the same work, the ups and the downs, the wondering if you'll ever reach a point at which you can genuinely say that you're ok. I don't think what I would share is unique, but maybe I hope that sharing it will add something to the world. For someone. I hope.
Having made that decision, I ran into another big problem. I waited, and waited, and thought, and ruminated, and procrastinated, and wondered, and never wrote. I felt like I have to reach some kind of finish line, some kind of aha! moment, because otherwise why would what I share mean anything to anyone but me? There are more self-help books out there than there are stars in the sky, or so it seems, and all of them (or at least most of them) have an ending. A conclusion. A "I am sharing these things so that you can do these steps and be in the better place that I'm at now" kind of intention.
But when will I get there? What if I never do? Does that mean that I can never write? That I can never share? Do I need some kind of denouement, some kind of epic battle, some kind of resolution? Does this odd sort of feeling, this strange call to write and to share, require an "And they lived happily ever after. The end."?
I guess, what I've finally decided, is that I don't think so. Or, rather, I hope it doesn't. I want to share about the messy middle, as Glennon Doyle would say. I want to share about those days where I think I have it all figured out, where my vision seems clearer, both literally and figuratively. Where I feel that I am moving toward a goal, toward a place of contentment and worthiness. And I want to share about those days where it feels like all this work, all this struggle, all this hope that any of this is worth anything at all, seems meaningless. I want to share about the nights where I wonder "what the fuck am I even doing? Who am I to think I'll ever be worth anything at all? Why can't I just give up? Why can't I just lay down, just quit trying, just die the slow death of capitalistic ritual and dissociation?" I feel called to share the feelings, the thoughts, and the process. Because, whatever anyone wants to say, growth is always a process. It's not linear, it's not a step-by-step, it's not a prescription that you take every day and suddenly everything is better.
I guess I'll have to get over the fear of people seeing this. I don't expect anyone to read it at all, to be honest, but I am very very scared that they will. It's on the internet, after all. And just in case someone does, and just in case someone who is a part of my story reads it, I guess I'll have to get over the fact that they won't always like the way I tell it. It's my story, and I am telling it as honestly as I am able to do so I shouldn't be afraid (I tell myself), but the fear is visceral. And I guess that's part of the process, too. I guess maybe I'll just write, I'll just write the things I feel called to write. And I'll just hope, and I'll just be as strong as I can be, and I'll cross whatever bridge needs crossing if and when I get to it. I guess.
So, here I am. This is me. This is the beginning, which I am beginning in the middle. I hope there is something here someday, for someone, but maybe I'll just be writing for no one, or maybe I'll just be writing for me, and that's ok, too.
This is me, I guess, today. Tomorrow, we'll see what comes. But right now, here I am.
It's nice to meet you.
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-19 · 1 year
CLAIMED - Chapter 18
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*Warning: Adult Content*     
"And then he used his big-ass needles to draw my blood. You should be proud of me, I almost didn't pass out this time," Beta Jaxson Ortiz grinned, flashing his pearly whites proudly up at the Crescent Moon Pack Warrior Tyrus who smiled back, raising a teasing brow back down at the Betta as they walked alongside one another down the hallway that led to the elevator.
"Oh, yeah? I'll tell Doctor Benji to miss a few times before he sticks you next time, then."
Tyrus' comforting chuckle resounded through the hallway as Jaxson nudged his side with his shoulder, his hands coming up in surrender as he stumbled a few steps away.
"I'm never telling you anything ever again," Jaxson groaned, arms crossed firmly against his chest as he glared at the larger man.
"I was jooooking, it was a joooke, ease up on a guy," Tyrus chuckled again as he went to fall back into step with Jaxson but not before slinging his heavy arm across the Beta’s shoulders and pulling his body unceremoniously into his broad side, "Goddess help me, I've got a drama queen for a future brother-in-law. You'd think we have enough of those in this family already but I guess you'll fit right in." the Pack Warrior added, winking down at Jaxson, grin only widening as they approached the elevator.
"I liked you a lot better when I thought that you were dumb," the Beta grumbled as Tyrus' leg simultaneously flew up, only to mash his big toe down on the up button. "Actually... maybe I spoke too soon."
"I am not dumb," Tyrus retorted as he lowered his leg, drawing out the last word. "I just choose the use of my brain cells wisely."
After Jaxson’s first bout of therapy with Dr Benji this morning, he was shocked to see Tyrus and not Head Warrior Corey Cahill, waiting for him with a giant grin on his playful face. 
He explained that Corey had planned to pick him up afterward but his mate had somehow gotten coerced into taking care of the Alpha twins by his Omega brother, Luna Berlin Cahill while he and Alpha Oasis Amador went on what they called a ‘much-needed parenting break.’
On their way toward the Alpha Suite, where Jaxson’s Mate was allegedly being held captive, he'd explained some of the basic things Dr Benji and he were planning on working on during their sessions. 
One of which was genetic testing to determine if he had any indicators for mental health disorder susceptibility.
‘What can I say, after our little talk in his car outside of the restaurant, there was a new level of unspoken trust between the two of us.’ 
Tyrus was easy to talk to and gave damn good advice, even if he did still have a few brain cells loose.
However, despite his new friendship with his Mate's loyal brother, there were still many things that he kept to himself. 
For example, he doubted Tyrus wanted to hear about the budding Dominant and Submissive relationship that he had with his brother, or the fact that the 'genetic testing' that Dr Benji was doing was also looking for any abnormalities to explain how in the ever-loving fuck he managed to make slick.
After he'd yelled out their safe word at the top of his lungs last night, Corey's entire demeanor shifted. 
Jaxson could've cried with the way that his heart swelled as he witnessed Corey force his Wolf, Dashiell, his Rut and his very genetic makeup back as his immediate priority became his Mate’s safety.
To comfort him, to hold him through his stress, to respect his desires.
To do so was not easy by any sense of the word, as Alpha Instincts are known to be the hardest of all to subdue. 
But as Jaxson had steadily learned over time, Corey's ability to control and command his own psyche was a feat to behold.
But, as the Jaxson’s breathing slowly calmed with the help of his Mate's guidance, the Beta had begun to notice the slip of Corey’s mental capacity in the slightest tremble in his thick, strong arms that encaged him against his body and the incessant flickering of the Warrior’s eyes to the Beta’s neck, to his Bond Mark.
"It's okay, you can still mark me," Jaxson whispered as he lifted his hands up to cup Corey’s sharp jaw, his stubble scraping across the planes of his palms. 
At this point, the Warrior's eyes were glued to his Mate’s neck, unwavering and piercing. 
If looks alone could bite, he undoubtedly would have marked Jaxson about twenty times by now.
"But you said -"
"No," Jaxson cut Corey off before he could finish, tilting his neck to the side as he offered himself to his lover. "I can feel your stress too and your emotions are just as valid as mine." 
Corey’s eyes flickered back up to capture Jaxson’s own at his honest words, the corners of them twitching as the Warrior’s brain refused to allow him to change his facial expression to match what he undoubtedly felt inside. 
"Mark me, Corey. Mark me, Dash."
It took not a moment more of contemplation for Corey’s head to snap forward and canines to pierce Jaxson’s skin, to reclaim his Mate as completely and utterly his.
Jaxson jumped as the elevator doors slid open in front of them and Tyrus pulled him out of the small elevator vestibule to turn into the short hallway that led to the Alpha Suite.
"Alright, this is where I leave you," Tyrus finally released Jaxson’s shoulders but not before annoyingly ruffling his curls. "I've got to get back to Daffodil before he somehow finds a way to use that cute face of his to convince the kitchen staff to give him sugar again. That stuff is straight crack to the Fae, I swear."
"You mixed up the words cute and creepy,” Jaxson retorted, a reflexive shiver slithering down his spine as he recalled Daffodil's giant, creepy eyes or the odd way that he spoke, as if all semblances of grammar went completely over his little yellow head.
"Nah. Daffodil is the cutest little thing to ever grace this Goddess given earth and that is a fact. I'm just the lucky guy that gets to witness his cuteness every day." Tyrus' grin grew wider, surely at the thought of his Fae Mate. "I'm sure that Corey feels the same about you. Speaking of, you'd best get going before he comes out here looking for you and then I'm the one who gets in trouble."
“Ugh, fine," Jaxson tried to feign annoyance but he couldn't help the blush that betrayed him as he felt it working its way up his neck at Tyrus’ comment about how Corey feels about him. "Go find your little mutant before he activates his tractor beams and abducts somebody or somethin'," he sarcastically chided.
Tyrus, un-phased, simply flashed Jaxson an amused smirk before he turned toward the other corridor that held his room, one that he pretty much fully shared with Daffodil at this point. 
However, before he could go more than a few steps, Jaxson’s arm suddenly jolted out to grab the hem of his orange hoodie in an effort to pause his exodus.
Tyrus's head snapped back around to the Beta as his eyes found the place at which he grabbed him, waiting patiently for an explanation of his actions. 
Jaxson cheeks flamed even brighter under the heat of his inquisitive gaze but he quickly swallowed the stress-spit that had accumulated on his tongue along with his toxic pride as he quietly murmured...
"Thanks for everything, Ty," Jaxson breathed, his eyes flickering up to meet the Tyrus’ own before the Beta finally released the hem of the Warrior’s hoodie. "I mean it."
"I'm always here if you need me, O," Tyrus flashed his teeth as he grinned down at Jaxson, his expression unequivocally genuine, before he finally disappeared down the other hallway.
Puffing out a breath, the Betta turned and continued down the short walkway that led to the tall double doors of Alpha Oasis’ Suite. 
Quickly typing in his pin number, Jaxson pushed the heavy doors open, only to be met with the high-pitched sound of excited screams and baby babble, as well as a sight that he wished that he could somehow photograph with his very own eyes.
Hale and Cassius somehow looked even smaller against the backdrop of Corey's huge body. 
The Alpha Wolf gently swayed each infant as they laid, one in the crook of each strong arm. 
A low voice undoubtedly vibrated their tiny forms as he... sang to them?
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.You make me happy, when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away."
The heavy sound of the door clicking shut immediately triggered Corey's freaky Warrior reflexes as his head snapped up to face Jaxson. 
A brief sparkle flickered across his eyes as they took in his Mate’s figure and a barely noticeable blush simultaneously filled up his cheeks at being caught in the act.
“Ah... They were being fussy and my parents used to sing that song to us when we were scared or needed comfort, so I thought..." he trailed off, shifting in his spot as he continued to bounce the twins with the gentlest of movements.
"Don't let me stop you, super uncle," Jaxson teased, snatching an apple off of the kitchen island before making his way over to Alpha Oasis' couch. 
He had a plan to make himself at home on it’s leather surface but not before sending an urgent prayer up to the Goddess that they'd had enough courtesy to disinfect it from all of the bodily fluids that surely had been spilled on it in the past. 
"Plus, you have a really nice voice. I, on the other hand, probably would've just dropped 'em or something."
Corey made his way toward Jaxson as the Beta kicked what looked to be some sort of weird ass rattle out of his spot on the couch, wiggling his butt to get comfortable and taking a generous bite out of the apple he'd stolen. 
Alpha Oasis' family was so baller that they must have had some kind of access to the rich people fruit black market too because that shit was bomb.
He literally would have moaned if it wasn't for Corey's voice distracting me.
"You would not drop them, Jax," he started, taking the opportunity to steal my personal space and sit right beside me on the couch. "In fact... you should hold Hale, he has been staring at you this entire time."
"Well, duh he's staring. He can already sense that I'm the coolest motherfucker in this entire pack, its called having taste," Jaxson said, rolling his eyes and slumping down in his spot. "But I'll pass. I doubt Oasis and Berlin would appreciate coming back home to their babies asking for me to be their dad instead. It's just this magnetic personality I've got, even infants aren't immune," he bragged, wiggling his brows in an effort to subdue the flight of butterflies in his lower stomach.
If he was being really truthful to himself, this vibrato was just a... somewhat sad... attempt to distract from the fact that he was scared as fuck of kids in all ways, shapes and forms that they came in.
‘Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have some irrational baby-phobia. Even a somewhat rational person knows that they aren't going to kill you in your sleep or some stupid shit like that. No, my fear stemmed from another place entirely. That place being... a lack of trust in myself.’
‘It's easy as hell to fuck up a kid, I mean just look at jolly old me as a prime example. Just a few slip-ups and a kid could be addicted to opioids, crying alone under a weighted blanket and unable to accept the reality that they might just like the occasional dick up the old ass.’
‘Therefore, with my unique knack for doing and saying all of the wrong things, I had absolutely no doubt that somehow, all the shit that I faced as a kid would inevitably find a way trickle down to any kids I even so much as touched, like I was some fucked-up, modern King Midas.’
Corey's eyes were red hot lasers as they seared into the side of Jaxson’s face and the corner of the Beta’s eye twitched as he could almost feel them boring straight into his brain, revealing the entirety of his thoughts.
"Jaxson, you will not hurt him."
The Beta abruptly paused in the middle of his assault on his rich-people apple, staring straight at the wide, wooden floorboards as he realized just how fast Corey clocked him.
This man seriously had to be some sort of mind-reading wizard, some kind of real-life Edward Cullen with the way he could seemingly read his thoughts as if they were his own.
Jaxson gently set down the apple next to him on the couch, closing his eyes for an excruciating moment as he contemplated how to respond.
"How do you know that?" came a broken whisper, Jaxson’s voice almost unrecognizable to even his own ears as he maintained eye contact with every single grain in the wood below their feet.
Corey did not hesitate at all to respond, apparently not needing a single moment to gather his thoughts on the matter. 
Instead, he just leaned slightly closer to his Mate and lowered his tone of voice to a soft caress.
"Because you are gentle and kind. Because you are my Mate and I know your heart. Because you are not Ortiz, you are Jaxson." 
Jaxson’s eyes shifted up to take in Corey's handsome, blank face as he stared right back down at him, a strong emotion that was not his own zipping through their bond. 
"Jax, you are more than the weight of your darkest memories. Do not let them dictate your now."
The Beta had to force his esophagus to function as he swallowed down the salty tears that threatened to work themselves up his throat, instead focusing on filling his lungs full of air for a few breaths as he took a moment to process the way Corey’s words made his heart palpitate uncontrollably.
‘You are more than the weight of your darkest memories.’
Instead of replying with the jumble of incoherent words that he’s sure would come out if he attempted to speak, he simply held out his arms as an invitation, very likely failing miserably in his attempt to mimic the angle that Corey expertly utilized to hold the babies safely.
Jaxson was pretty sure that he blacked out in the time between Corey transferring Hale's tiny body into his waiting arms and wrapping his Mate’s now-free arm loosely around his waist to keep him grounded.
As the Beta gazed down at the little one that was somehow not crumbling to dust at his very touch, the little one whose tiny lips opened with the smallest yawn known to man, the little one whose hand reached up to grab onto Jaxson’s index finger for dear life, the little one who stared up at him with eyes of amazement and trust... 
It was as if another dejected corner of his burnt up brain lit up with sunlight for the first time in forever, shining an inescapable spotlight on yet another set of feelings that he forgot even existed.
Some of the many, complicated things that Jaxson had absolutely zero perspective about how to provide to others because it simply wasn't his reality throughout his life.
But... he could do his best to give it to them.
The wonderful, fun, loving life that he never had.
The life he always craved.
"Hi Hale," Jaxson jiggled the tiny hand that held tight to his finger. "I'm Jax, your papa's crazy best friend," he croaked, unsure when the tears got past his esophageal dam as they dripped down his chin in a steady rivulets. "It's so nice to meet you."
Corey's arm tightened around Jaxson’s waist as he held him tight to his side, chin resting atop his curly head as he whispered, likely intended only to be heard by himself but the Beta still caught it.
"You are going to make the best dad one day."
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Who Waits For Love? (Chapter 1)
Summary: T.J. Kippen lost his chance to tell Cyrus Goodman how he felt when they were in the 8th grade. Now, they are in their junior year of high school and Cyrus is on his 3rd relationship. Is it time to give up… or continue to wait for love?
A/N: I know, I know, I haven't finished "The Perfect Moment" yet. But, I am hoping that I would this week (there are only 2 chapters left). And I was super excited to write this next story that I absolutely could not wait. However, I am only posting the first chapter for now, just to get it out of the way and to get everyone excited. I will be working on "The Perfect Moment" very diligently this week so Chapter 2 for this story won't be posted until next week. 
So, please enjoy this new story of mine and let me know what you think! And if you want to be on the tag list, please let me know!
The blaring of his morning alarm rudely roused T.J. Kippen from his slumber. Groaning, he grabbed a second pillow and pressed it to his face but his phone wasn’t one to back down and continued to ring, hurting his ears. Blindly, he reached out with a hand to try and turn it off. After much fumbling, he finally took hold of it and, after much random tapping on the screen, managed to turn it off.
Sitting up, he stretched and stared at nothing for a while, not moving. He had the weirdest dream but couldn’t remember what it was. He stayed like that until his mother knocked loudly on his door, screaming that he was going to be late if he didn’t get up soon.
So, he got up and got ready for the day.
After an invigorating shower that finally woke him up, T.J. bounded out of his room and into the kitchen.
“Good morning, honey,” his mom greeted as she set a plate of toast on the table.
“Morning, mom.”
He grabbed two pieces of toast and shoved one into his mouth before pouring himself a glass of orange juice. He spied a plate of chocolate chip muffins next to the carton. He swallowed the toast and washed it down with juice.
“You made muffins?” he asked, turning to open a drawer to grab a Ziploc bag.
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep last night,” she answered, watching as he grabbed three muffins and put them in the bag. “For Cyrus?”
T.J. grinned. “You know it.”
He zipped the plastic bag close, slung his backpack on his shoulder, and kissed his mom on the cheek before bounding to the door.
“You’re not eating?” she called out after him.
T.J. wordlessly raised the second toast in his hand to show her before heading out. He jogged to his car, a second-hand gray sedan, and got in. He placed the muffins on top of the storage compartment beside him before shoving the entire second piece of toast into his mouth. Chewing, he started the car, turned the stereo on, and began to drive.
Fifteen minutes later, he pulled up to a familiar two-story house, like he had been for the past couple of months when he finally got his Driver’s License. On the steps of the house, a familiar face was already waiting.
“Hey, Underdog!”
Beaming, his best friend, Cyrus Goodman, bounded down the steps and jogged towards the car.
“Morning, basketball guy,” he greeted, shutting the door and getting himself settled.
T.J. picked up the Ziploc bag and handed it over. “Mom made chocolate chip muffins. Not your favorite, but close enough.”
“Oohhh, I love your mom’s muffins!” Cyrus accepted the bag and excitedly opened it. He took a large whiff then sighed. “Heavenly.”
He took one out and took an enthusiastic bite, releasing a loud moan of happiness.
Chuckling, T.J. began to drive them both to school.
“Did you eat breakfast?” Cyrus asked.
“Yes, I had some toast. Don’t want someone to be on my back about it again,” T.J. replied, playfully.
“Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I will nag you until you make breakfast a habit!”
Ever since he got his license and his car and started picking up Cyrus every morning, T.J. tended to skip breakfast so he wouldn’t leave the other boy waiting. Unfortunately, Cyrus found out and went on a 10-minute lecture about how important breakfast was and why he needed to absolutely have something in his stomach before going to school. Needless to say, he now would try to at least have some toast before picking his friend up.
On the drive to school, Cyrus chattered on and on about his classes and upcoming assignments. T.J. didn’t mind just listening to him talk, it made the drive less boring. He chimed in when needed but otherwise, he concentrated on driving while still keeping his ears perked.
Finally, they arrived at Grant High School. T.J. parked in the student parking lot and together, the two entered the school. Cyrus continued to talk, telling him about how unfair his Physics teacher was on his last lab report.
“… so I marched right in there and demanded he gives me the grade I deserve!” he finished with a flourish.
T.J. chuckled. “Did he give it to you?”
“Of course, he did! And if he didn’t, I would have made my points known in a PowerPoint presentation.”
“Did you tell him that?”
T.J. laughed and nudged his shoulder. “You’re getting braver and braver every year. I’m proud of you, Underdog.”
Cyrus beamed up at him and T.J. couldn’t help but smile back. It always amazed T.J. how the simplest things could make Cyrus happy.
“Oh! There’s Lance!”
And, just like that, his mood darkened at the mere sound of the name.
“I’ll see you later, okay, Teej?”
T.J. forced his voice out. “Yeah, see you later.”
With one last cute wave, Cyrus bounded down the hall. T.J. watched in quiet jealousy as he jumped onto the back of another student, his lips parted in wide laughter. The guy turned around and wrapped his arms around Cyrus’ waist before leaning in and pecking his lips.
At this, T.J. turned his head away for a moment but was unable to resist. He looked back just in time to see them holding hands and walking away, eventually disappearing in the crowd of students.
“Wassup, Kippen?”
T.J. sighed and turned his head. “Hey, Marty,” he greeted with a small smile.
The two walked down the hall together, since their lockers were near each other.
“Judging from your murderous-looking face, I assume you witnessed our little CyGuy jumping into his boyfriend’s arms again, huh?” Marty said, casually.
T.J. felt a prick of irritation but he knew Marty didn’t mean anything malicious by it. Ever since they met through Cyrus and Buffy, the track star had surprisingly been a good friend and confidante to T.J. They were both athletic and considered the best in their respective sports. They were competitive. And they both liked a member of the Good Hair Crew so he supposed their bond made sense. Unlike T.J., though, Marty actually succeeded with dating Buffy. Meanwhile, T.J. remained as the best friend.
From the moment they met back in the 7th grade, T.J. knew that he was smitten by the cute Jewish boy with the pretty brown eyes and the smile that rivaled the sun. In the 8th grade, Cyrus came out as gay to him and he was over the moon with joy because it meant he had a chance. But, sadly, even though he also came out to the other boy with confidence, he didn’t have quite as much when it came to confessing his feelings.
“Marty, don’t even start with me,” he mumbled, finally reaching his locker and hurriedly putting the combination in.
A few lockers down, Marty was doing the same. “It was just an observation,” he said. “And I still don’t trust that guy.”
Neither did T.J. but he wasn’t going to say that to Cyrus’ face. Not when his friend was so happy.
A locker slammed and in a few beats, Marty was beside him. “You know, you could try to steal him away. They’re probably not even that serious.”
T.J. chuckled, humorlessly. “They’ve been dating for a month and a half. That seems pretty serious to me.”
“Pshhh. You know that’s not true. How long did Cyrus’ longest relationship last?”
“A year,” T.J. answered, immediately.
Of course, he knew. He kept track.
“And his shortest?” Marty continued to prod.
“A month.”
“See? Lance hasn’t even come close.”
He was correct about that. But, that didn’t mean that this new relationship wouldn’t last, either.
T.J. regretted being a coward back then. By the time he managed to gather the nerve and strength to tell Cyrus how he felt about him, the other boy started dating someone else. And because of that, T.J. had no choice but to back off so Cyrus could enjoy his first real relationship. It lasted a month and the two only broke up because they were going to different high schools. Back then, T.J. thought it was best to give Cyrus time to heal from his breakup before attempting to confess his feelings again.
But he made another fatal mistake: he waited too long. They started high school and Cyrus met someone new at the GSA Club. They hit it off and started dating. This one lasted a year and they were on and off throughout. They broke up when they realized that they were better off as friends and Cyrus got tired of the breakup and make up routine.
And, now, they were Juniors and Cyrus - after taking a year off from dating to concentrate on his studies and heal his broken heart - was dating a new guy...who still wasn’t T.J.
Lance was also a jock, a lacrosse player. They met a few months ago through Cyrus’ second ex (whom he was still friendly with, interestingly). Lance had, according to Cyrus, “the softest dark hair and the sweetest brown eyes” and had never dated a boy before but found him cute and sweet enough so he went for it and asked him out.
Cyrus seemed to really like him.
Cyrus’ friends did not, but they wouldn’t dare tell him that and ruin his happiness (Buffy had quite a lot to say about Lance but only around T.J. and Marty and occasionally Andi and Jonah). Besides, the guy seemed to treat Cyrus pretty well. Maybe it was their own distrust and worry for their bubbly friend that made them so protective (and the rest of them may or may not be aware of T.J.’s feelings, but he wasn’t quite sure).
T.J. stuffed the things he needed into his backpack before slamming the locker door closed.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, walking down the hall to homeroom with Marty next to him. “Besides, I’m not the type to steal other people’s boyfriends, no matter how much I like them.”
Marty whistled. “You, my friend, are a martyr.”
T.J. snorted. “Why do you say that?”
Marty whistled again. “Four years of pining after the same guy? Anyone would go crazy.”
“Well, Cyrus is first and foremost my friend. So, it’s not a big deal if I never date him.”
Saying that out loud, though, really put a damper on his already dark mood.
“Like I said. Martyr.”
“At least I didn’t ignore him for six months just cause he wouldn’t date me,” he threw back.
Marty hissed. “Low blow, Kippen.”
T.J. chuckled. “You have to admit, it was a crappy thing to do.”
“I was 13! Do I need to remind you of the shit you used to do?”
“Your girlfriend never fails to remind me every day.”
Finally, T.J. reached his homeroom. “See ya later, Mr. Driscoll.”
“Dude, I told you, my last name is-.”
The bell rang, cutting him off. Cursing under his breath, Marty ran off to head to his own homeroom.
T.J. lightly chuckled as he settled himself on his usual seat. He propped his head on his arms on the desk and let out a soft sigh.
During study hall, he made his way to the library. He had an English report to finish writing and there was a book he needed as a reference. He placed his things in a single desk by the window before going up to the librarian’s desk to ask where he could find the title he needed. She directed him to some bookshelves in the back.
He scanned the shelves, finger brushing the spines of the tomes as he carefully read the titles. Finally, he found the one he needed and pulled it out. He opened it up to a random page, scanning quickly before deciding that it was definitely the right one.
He was about to head back when hushed voices caught his attention.
“Do we have to meet here? What if someone sees us?”
“No one comes here.”
“How do you know?”
“Just, trust me, okay?”
Now, T.J. wasn’t one to pry in other people’s business. In fact, he preferred to stay out of them. But, the voice was familiar.
He took a few steps towards the end of the bookshelf and peeked around the corner.
A familiar face stood there with an unfamiliar one.
“Hey, Lance,” T.J. called out.
The two swiveled to look at him.
Cyrus’ boyfriend looked like a deer caught in headlights. “T.J. Hey. Um, we’re just working on a project.”
T.J. raised an eyebrow. He didn’t ask, but okay.
The girl with Lance flashed him a soft smile before turning around to scan the bookshelves.
“Okay, cool.” T.J. tilted his head at him before turning on his heels and walking off.
He settled back in his seat with his book. For the next 20 minutes, he forgot about Lance and the girl, too immersed in finishing his report. Finally, he ended it with a period and a satisfying crack of his fingers.
He had another 10 minutes to kill before his next class so he subtly fished his phone from his pocket. He went through his social media accounts, replied to a random text from Cyrus about his perfect score on his last History quiz, and scanned his e-mail.
There was one from the Red Rooster, so he tapped on it.
Hi T.J.,
Your order of “Cyndi Lauper "Time After Time" Demo 45 rpm” is ready for pick-up at The Red Rooster. Below is your order #.
T.J. cheered on the inside. He bought the record for his mom for her birthday and he was paranoid that it wouldn’t arrive on time.
Quickly, he took a screenshot before exiting his e-mail and opening up his messages. He tapped on Cyrus’ contact and quickly texted.
Do you mind if we stop by the Red Rooster after school? My order came in.
He put the phone away as soon as he was done, knowing that Cyrus was in class but would see it two periods from then. For now, he would just relax. He still had 5 minutes.
“I can’t believe you won’t go to the Red Rooster alone,” Cyrus teased as they walked to T.J.’s car.
Well, T.J. could but he liked spending time with Cyrus.
“It’s not like I won’t,” he tried to explain himself. “I just prefer going there with you. Andi’s dad likes you.” He grinned. “He might give me a discount for being your friend."
Cyrus’ mouth fell open in mock offense. “Are you using me, T.J. Kippen?!”
“Of course not, Cyrus Goodman.” T.J. smirked as he unlocked his car. “I’m just using your connections.”
Cyrus made a face at him before breaking into a smile and getting in the car.
The drive was pleasant. They talked about their day, what happened, and what they expect for tomorrow. Normally, they sat together at lunch along with Andi, Buffy, Jonah, and Marty, but after Cyrus started dating Lance, he had been taking most of his lunch hours with the lacrosse player and his friends. Some days, he ate with them, but that day was not one of those days.
“So… how are you gonna surprise your mom?” Cyrus asked.
“Well, I was thinking about making her breakfast in bed and then giving her the record,” T.J. replied. “I probably have to wake up early, though, cause that’s a school day. You wanna come over and help me?”
“I’d have to sleep over the night before then 'cause I don’t have a car, remember?”
“Ahh, speaking of that, when are you taking your driver’s license test?”
“I'm taking my time to be mentally prepared! Driving is no easy feat, you know!”
T.J. laughed and winked at him. “Then, how come I can do it?”
“Because you’re T.J.! You can do anything.”
He had so much faith in him.
The jock hummed. “Not everything. I still suck at Math, remember?”
“But you’re getting B’s. Doesn’t sound like sucking to me.”
Ahhh, Cyrus always managed to find a way to make him remember that he was fine just the way he was. If only he would apply that notion to himself too, sometimes.
“You warm my heart,” T.J. replied, giving him a quick glance to smile at him before turning his gaze back on the road. “How about this? Whenever you’re ready, just give me the word and I’ll help you with driving, okay? That way, when you get your license, you can pick me up for once so I can sleep in now and then!”
He tried to sound annoyed but truth be told, he really didn’t mind picking Cyrus up. In fact, he volunteered.
“You volunteered!” Cyrus exclaimed.
Could you blame him? He liked having extra Cyrus-time in the morning before everyone else did.
“But… I’ll take you up on your offer… when I’m ready.”
T.J. nodded. “You got it.”
They were nearing the Red Rooster and luckily, there was an empty parking space a block away. T.J. put two quarters in the meter, figuring they wouldn’t need more than an hour. They walked side-by-side, hand lightly brushing each other’s, like they always did.
The little bell rang out when they entered. The story was practically empty. Andi’s dad, Bowie, was at the counter, talking to a couple with their daughter.
T.J. and Cyrus walked up and stood behind them to wait their turn.
Bowie looked up at them, anyway. “Hey, guys. What brings you here?”
T.J. held up his phone. “I got an e-mail about my order.”
“Oh, yeah, I think I saw the record out back earlier. Give me 5 minutes while I finish up with these lovely folks here. But, feel free to browse. I’ll bring it right out for you.”
“Thank you, Bowie!” Cyrus piped.
Cyrus looked around before gasping. He turned to T.J. “I spy some new flutes!” he exclaimed, practically skipping over to said instruments, excitedly.
“Don’t get lost!” T.J. called after him.
Shaking his head, he turned the opposite direction and headed for the back where he knew the sales items were. Maybe he could find some bargain records while he was at it.
He found a box filled to the brim with the item and mindlessly thumbed through them, his eyes sharp for anything he recognized or had an interesting title. His mind was so occupied that he almost didn’t hear the strange sounds and the scuffles, only a few feet away, until something sounded like it fell on the floor.
T.J. curiously looked up from the box. He didn’t know why but something was telling him to abandon the records and check out the noise.
He followed his instincts and took careful steps towards the back.
He frowned when he came upon a couple, in the throes of passion as their lips seemed to be glued to each other’s, in between the shelves of old CDs and vintage cassette tapes. A CD was on the floor by their feet.
Of all places to make out, it was at the back of the Red Rooster.
Red mostly from being caught off-guard by the scandalous sight, T.J. rolled his eyes and turned to leave but stopped. He just realized that the guy was wearing a Grant High School Lacrosse Team jacket.
He narrowed his eyes as he zeroed in on a familiar hairstyle… the height… the blue worn-out sneakers… and the threaded bracelet that he had watched Cyrus labor over for two weeks.
T.J. felt himself go cold. He stood there for god knows how long, just watching and trying to control the overwhelming urge to hit something.
Finally, the two must have felt his presence as they finally broke apart and the guy in the Lacrosse jacket turned around.
Lance’s brown eyes, the same ones that Cyrus gushed over, flickered from annoyance to fear.
And, T.J.’s vision turned red.
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mcousland · 4 years
moved on and now i'm staring at the ceiling, thinking about elide's guilt complex has her 100% blaming herself for ulrich usurping the syllerian throne
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emmamc24 · 5 years
@ all the people writing my favorite tyrus fics please update them ASAP because I’m feeling deprived but you know take you’re time
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imagineitdearies · 4 months
hiii, it's me, anon who sent ask abt Astation's pov. thank god for your achilles heel 😏 can't wait for the next part - just as you can talk about Astarion for hours, I can listen/read about him for just as long))
mayhaps i should read through PS again just to bombard you with questions ahaha
Part 1 of this Ask
Haha well thank you for your patience, considering how long it took me to get to your second question 😂
What prompted Astarion's breakdown in the second half of chapter 22?
As mentioned before, Astarion had already been thinking about Polymorph as a way to assuage his feelings of 'owing' Tyrus, for 1) Using the spell to feed him in the first place and getting entombed for a year, 2) giving him access to the comfort and privacy of the favorite spawn room, which Astarion would never have earned otherwise, and most importantly 3) offering him affection, love, kindness, care, etc. without ever asking for sex in return.
While Astarion objectively knows by now Tyrus doesn't expect anything back, he still feels this inequality with a keen uneasiness, borne of decades and decades of transactional and abusive relationships. So when Tyrus gives him a 'sexual favor' so to speak at the beginning of ch22 (ignoring the fact Astarion never asked for it, and the whole thing is the fault of Cazador) and he accidentally ended up enjoying himself, Astarion is all the more desperate to even the 'score.' If Tyrus hadn't flinched away from his touch afterward, he might have offered right then to return the favor.
Polymorph is a better option, though, considering the huge minefield around sexual intimacy for them both at that point. So when Astarion fails to submit to the bite and goes into a brain-muddled PTSD flashback of Cazador instead, and Tyrus doesn't want to ever try it again, it's the catalyst needed for Astarion to face that there is nothing he personally can do to ensure Tyrus's continued love and support. He cannot pretend he has control of this situation and view it as transactional anymore. He can only move forward with Tyrus if he gives up the last of his doubts and defensive tactics, and trusts him.
Considering this is a man who's main logo in bg3 is "Trust no one"....well, it's a big moment.
And the fact that Tyrus only shows compassion in the face of Astarion lashing out, and his only response to Astarion questioning his motives is to repeat that he loves him, is the last nail in the coffin.
Astarion can't help but trust him. He can't help but (almost) feel safe enough to admit his own love in return.
Cue all the catstarion cuddles!! Lol. Thanks again for this ask 🥰
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malepresentingleg · 2 years
for some reason, I'm kinda gaining followers so I thought I'd make a pinned post with some of my fanfics info and links!
The fandoms are ordered from new to old, so I'm probably only open to the newer fandoms for requests, but my feel free to send an ask or a msg anyway!
All my fics are rated Teen or below, and the rating is for mild swearing or mild implied sexual content but nothing further.
Haikyuu!! (Kagehina)
People Keep Trying to Play Matchmaker For Tobio (series, 2 fics, complete) (only anime knowledge needed)
Fix Me Up Never : (multi-chaptered, 19.5k, complete) After Tanaka and Nishinoya try to set Tobio up with a stranger, in a panic he says he's already in a relationship. For some reason, they immediately assumed the relationship is with Hinata. Fake dating idiots to lovers with a pinch of pining and lots of fluff!
I'm Already Fixed: (one-shot, 4.4k, complete) Started out as the epilogue for the previous fic: Kageyama's mom thinks he and Hinata would make a great couple and keeps trying to push them together. What she doesn't know is that they already are. More fluff, supportive mom, and oblivious idiots.
(Manga spoilers) I thought maybe to add another one, post time-skip, post Adlers-Jackles match where maybe the media thinks Kageyama is dating Yachi or something, sort of a social media fic...?
How To (maybe series but only one fic so far)
How to Kiss Your Tall Boyfriend When He's Stupid: (one-shot 6.7k, complete) Hinata is short, his boyfriend is both tall and oblivious. Shenanigans ensue. A 5 + 1 fluffy fic about smooches, avoid if you don't have a dental plan.
I thought maybe to add more "How To" fics, like maybe "how to give a compliment to your insecure boyfriend". I'm open to suggestions and requests :D
Oceans Between Us (multi-chapter, 15k, WIP) - manga spoilers The one I'm currently writing in hopes of getting back into the groove, currently 15k in, hopefully I will finish soon :) Hinata is going to move to Brazil in a year and Kageyama is moving to Tokyo now so they navigate the long distance and their relationship while being fluffy supportive boyfriends. But it's hard and not as simple as they thought. Tons of fluff and a little angst in the middle.
Butterflies series This is kind of my baby, it's supposed to have at least 5 (or more) fics that follow Kagehina throughout the years and their relationship and personal growth. I have a huge doc and google sheet with a timeline and snippets of scenes and I plan to one day finish and post it :') it's going to follow the events of the manga plus some.
no-name getting together fic It's the first in the series, with the trope "wait are you flirting with me?" "have been for the past year but thanks for noticing". I need more flirting ideas if you have any ;)
ATLA (but not really, it's just an idea)
The gang finds out about Zuko being the blue spirit. That's the idea so far.
Spiderman: Far From Home (but also not really, it's just one snippet)
Me being mad at the post-credit scene direction (drabble, 0.5k, complete) Basically, I thought it was very stupid how seriously they took Mysterio's message and reveal I mean why would anyone believe it? So this is Peter giving an interview about it.
Andi Mack (all G rated, they are KIDS)
Friends Really Know Better (series, Tyrus and Bandi, 2 fics, complete) This is like the same events from 2 POVs- Buffy's POV is Tyrus centric, and Cyrus's POV and Bandi centric.
Friends Are The Best Matchmakers: (one-shot, 3.6k, complete) Buffy is trying to meddle because pining gays are being stupid (but maybe she's also a stupid pining gay).
Who Will You Tell If Not Me?: (one-shot, 3.5k, complete) Cyrus is on a mission to get his two BFFs together, just because he loves them and wants them to be happy and not at all as a distraction from his own totally one-sided crush on TJ.
Thought We Were Friends: (one-shot, 1.9k, complete) Welcome to sad-town :( This is angsty and teenage emo dramatic because they're 14 and exactly that. This is just Cyrus's thoughts after the costume day events.
The Bright Session (Adam/Caleb)
At Least I Have You: (one-shot, 1.9k, complete) It's been a few weeks since the Safe House Incident, and our boys are trying to get back to normal but it's not that easy. tw for panic attacks and football. Half of this is fluff tho :)
Young Justice (cartoon)
I have like 12 published fic in this fandom, most of them are Birdflash and the most recent one is 4 years old so I don't feel the need to list them all... maybe just a couple that I like and are not as old (and bad):
Charms and Wonders: (one-shot, 3.3k, complete) Wally's parents are SURE he is dating someone from the team. The problem is they think it's a girl. A little angst (and homophobia), some fluff, and a happy ending.
Practice: (one-shot, 2.3k, complete) Dick and Wally don't wanna suck at kissing so the logical thing to do is obviously practice with your best bro.
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ckneal · 3 years
So, there’s this one angel story in the back of my head that I know I wont write. I wont write it, because it’s utter nonsense, with very little regard for the canonical timeline of Supernatural, and a willfully blurry view on what is and is not “in character.” It’s fluff. It’s all fluff, in the form of a bunch of smaller stories that gradually weave together, following the Love, Actually style of storytelling, but instead of problematic love stories, it’s all about angels playing hooky from Heaven after the Fall.
(Seriously, there is no substance here, I swear.)
Stories include Abner, living out the first half of the movie Family Man, struggling to figure out how to be a good father and house husband after he steps into the life of the raging alcoholic who agreed to be his vessel. There’s also a very minor story about Esther (not to be confused with Hester, who is not in this story because she never deserted her post in Heaven) learning to play the part of a little girl and navigating schoolyard politics, but kids can be mean and Esther learns the hard way that Michael’s approach to asserting dominance in Heaven does not translate well. There’s also Daniel and Adina, who both settle into vessels in the same movie theater where a romantic comedy is playing, and fall into a very innocent, play-acting sort of love after they leave the theatre—like little kids pretending to be in love, recreating the scenes from the movie, but at the same time not really understanding it. Balthazar, Gabriel, and Anael each trying to roll with the luxurious high roller life style, and awkwardly running into each other at VIP poker games, exclusive spas and clubs, and the occasional orgy that they promptly leave IMMEDATELY after running into a sibling (don’t give me weird looks, Balthazar and Gabriel canonically include that sort of thing in their definition of luxury, and the whole thing of their story is their siblings keep cramping their style). Tyrus is in there bowling, somewhere. Benjamin’s playing arcade games with his wife. And then there’s Thaddeus, my pet favorite minor angel character, realizing what’s happening as he’s falling with all the other faithful angels during the Fall and seizing the opportunity to abandon his life as a guard and torturer, settling into a pop star for his vessel—initially for the sake of the cushy lifestyle, but then gradually looking back, before the garden and Lucifer, before everyone was assigned a job in Heaven, like it or not, and the options were to adapt or to be smote, and remembering that back then, he could sing.
And of course, Michael and Adam get a story too—in which Michael lowkey gets into a pissing contest with death, as he and Adam travel the world, hitting up hospital after hospital to heal people. Because the first thing Adam wanted to do after getting out of the cage (okay, second thing—burgers came first) was go to the nearest medical center and start healing people left and right. And at first, they’re having a great time. Adam steals a white jacket he finds in the breakroom somewhere, and anytime someone says he looks a little young to be a doctor (Adam still looking nineteen years old, because I say so), Michael wipes the poor sap’s mind. But eventually—sometime after they’ve cleared out the children’s ward, the cancer ward, the cardiac ward—Billie shows up, sniping at them that they can’t just go around healing people who are destined to die, because there is an order to life and death that cannot be shoved aside. And Billie tries to make a show of it, as Terra did with Dean, by having several people who Adam had healed over the course of the day inadvertently cause several massive accidents. The news suddenly comes pouring out of the television, channels flipping as newscasters talk about tragedies occurring in several different parts of the city they’re currently in. The sound of approaching ambulance sirens fills the air, as in the hospital hallway, doctors and nurses begin hurrying to receive a rush of ER patients.
Adam’s horrified.
Michael does not take kindly to this. He snaps his fingers and makes it so that the carnage has never happened. Because he is the archangel Michael, only two steps away from being a god, and if he says that all of these people are going to live, then they are going to live, and he WILL NOT be intimidated, especially by an amateur reaper whose only qualification for her position was dying at the right time.
Billie in turn lands Michael with a cold stare, and points out that the order to life and death is beyond even God’s authority, let alone daddy’s blunt, sniveling instrument.
As Michael’s eyes start to glow, Adam steps in and says, “So, to be clear, you want us to stop healing people on the verge of death? We can do that.”
After Billie leaves, Michael is outraged, but Adam says, “No, Michael, THINK about it.”
We then cut to other stories, where newscasts in the background reveal that ailments that are not IMMIEDATELY fatal (AIDs, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, etc.) are mysteriously disappearing overnight, worldwide.
Billie is not amused, and tells her reapers to be on the lookout for an archangel at every major hospital in the world.
Cut to Michael throwing open the door of the bunker, muttering aloud to Adam that he’s going to do it, he’s going to bind Death, just like Lucifer did—how hard can it be? Sam and Dean see him as he goes stomping off toward the cabinet where they keep all of their magical dry goods, but Michael snaps his fingers and the two of them are abruptly half drunk in Dean’s man cave, sitting in front of Dean’s flat screen TV, watching some campy monster movie, because that’s lowkey what Michael and Adam assume they do all day.
As they’re raiding Sam and Dean’s supplies though, Adam says, “Wait, I have an idea.”
Cut to Abner looking up while pushing his vessel’s daughter in a park swing, and literally seeing Michael and Adam chasing an ambulance, so they can technically heal the person inside before reaching the hospital.
Yes, I’m aware that Abner was dead by the time Michael and Adam got out of the cage. But see, this story? This story is like when someone gifts you a goldfish unexpectedly, and you put it in a bowl, checking in to feed it a couple times a day, lowkey expecting it to die. But it doesn’t die, it gets bigger. And you’re not a cruel person, so you put it in a bigger tank, but it just gets bigger again, and you don’t really know what’s going on, but you know, you just kind of keep checking in, meeting the minimum requirements but not really getting in there as a guiding force because it’s a goldfish and it’s surely going to die any minute now—but then you look over and there’s giant tank taking up your living room, and you’re thawing out bloodworms twice a day, and looking into tankmates to keep Charles company, and realize that “Oh wow, I guess this is a thing now.”
In short, the story says we’re ignoring the timeline, and it’s calling the shots. I’m just keeping the tank clean.
The angels all eventually wind up running into each other. Abner and Esther happen upon one another in a park, where Esther is morosely realizing that she is terrible at being a human child but she does not want to go home to Heaven, and it just happens to be the same park where Abner goes with his “little nibblet” once a day to let her toddle around the playground while he chats with nannies and other house parents. Anael, Adina, and Daniel meet up when the latter two’s game has reached the point where they’ve decided to get married, and they apparently need to buy something new—preferably blue—as per this very important rhyme someone told them about. Esther and Gabriel run into each other in an ice cream parlor. Thaddeus gets recognized while doing an interview on TV that everyone sees. And, while out joyriding in a Lamborghini, on their way to meet up with the growing community of angels who decided to opt out of their responsibility to Heaven and their father’s legacy, Balthazar, Gabriel, and Anael are all startled to see Michael land on an ambulance stopped next to them at a red light.
Balthazar and Anael are both terrified, as if they’ve just been busted by a parent, because Michael, of course, is the guy who enforces the rules, and isn’t he supposed to be in Hell? They both shoot Gabriel looks as if to say ‘what the hell are you doing’ when Gabriel, watching as Michael climbs down and matter-of-factly wrenches the ambulance doors open, calls out, “Hey, Mike! Is that you?”
Michael looks over, freezes for a second—not prepared to be suddenly thrust into a social situation in the middle of his self-imposed mission to spite death—then his eyes flash and Adam takes over. “Oh hey, you’re Michael’s family? What a small world! I’m Adam, I’ve heard so much about you. Wait, hang on—”
The light starts to turn green, but Adam snaps his fingers and it promptly reverts to red.
Three jaws drop in the luxury car, and they don’t even hear Adam politely explain that he and Michael are in the middle of something, as he ducks into the ambulance, because Michael’s evidently letting a tiny human use his powers like it’s nothing, and what does that mean?
“Sweet dad in the unknown, Michael’s shagging a human. . .”
“Hey, kid, you like weddings?”
At some point in the story, all the MIA angels are together, and Benjamin or someone comes running in saying, “Quick, they’re coming! Everyone hide!”
And everyone scatters, except for Michael, who stands in place, saying, “Gabriel, we’re archangels, two of the most powerful beings in existence. Why would we—”
And then Gabriel picks Adam up like a sack of potatoes and sprints off, calling back, “Trust me, you do NOT want to get involved with them!”
Being a projection, Michael is obligated to follow.
Team Free Will then walks by, looking constipated from whatever Big Awful Thing is currently threatening to destroy the world.
The story, of course, culminates in the wedding of Adina and Daniel, who still don’t quite understand what marriage is beyond promising to love each forever, which of course they will, after all, they are the very best of friends—which is about the same concept that most of the other angels present have. Adam is the first one to actually approach the big awkward question, upon finding out who the bride and groom are.
“Wait, aren’t they brother and sister?”
To which Serafina’s Adam, (who is of course there since Serafina was the original angel to play hooky) whose sons married his daughters, and all the angels, who do not understand what that has to do with anything, all cock their heads in unison and respond with, “So?”
Adam struggles to find words, looking into so many innocent faces. Then Benjamin’s wife puts a hand on his shoulder, whispering, “Shhh, let them have their fun.”
Benjamin’s wife and the two Adams wind up sitting at the venue’s bar, where they order nachos from a very confused bar tender, and watch as the angels go about setting up a wedding. But given that most angels haven’t been on earth regularly in roughly two thousand years, none of them have a clear grasp of what a human wedding entails.
“I heard it’s traditional for the father to give away the bride.”
“I think they’re supposed to kiss over bread.”
“Do humans still slaughter cows at these things?”
“I’m pretty sure someone is supposed to break a glass—”
Several angels promptly throw glassware on the floor.
At no point do the angels ask the humans for advice.
Occasionally, Gabriel knowingly throws out obscure details to keep the confusion going.
“You know, the groom needs to stand with the right arm to the aisle in case a sword fight breaks out.”
“Right! . . .How do we know which one’s the groom?”
At the bar, Adam open’s his mouth to say something, but the original Adam shushes him.
“No no, son, let them get there.”
The angels agree that being the better fighter, Adina should be the groom.
They’re nearly ready to start when Michael suddenly doubles over with his hand over his mouth. It coincides with the sound of Adam pounding the bar top, having just eaten a Carolina Reaper pepper on dare. Michael’s eyes quickly flash silver-blue as he straightens, and both he and Adam are abruptly fine—even if their eyes are still watering somewhat. But a different sort of damage has already been done, as Anael, Balthazar, and Gabriel all abruptly turn toward the triad of humans, having been reminded that the Michael walking around with them is actually a projection. In actuality, Michael is anchored to the human ex-college student sitting at the bar.
All three of them rush toward Adam, but Serafina gets there first, asking Adam if he’s ever tried mushroom tea.
Balthazar gets there next. 
“Adam, was it? We didn’t get to talk in the car, let’s fix that. Are you over twenty-one? You know what, this is a family affair, don’t worry—CAN I GET TWO SHOTS OF DON JULIO OVER HERE?”
From that point on, any time Adam turns around, there’s one of Michael’s siblings, wanting to get to know him—by consuming some sort of beverage. Because Adam and Michael are sharing body—and that means they share a liver too. A bet ensues as to how much it will take to get God’s alleged favorite wasted.
Gabriel’s actually one of the first out, having been convinced that Michael would be a lightweight. Little does he suspect that Benjamin and his wife caught onto what was happening soon after Adam was fed his third long island iced tea and second jager bomb, and began quietly cleansing the alcohol from his system through casual shoulder pats and high fives.
Adam does not know what to make of any of this, but it’s Michael’s family and he wants to make a good impression, so he just goes with it.
Thaddeus, of course, is in charge of music, Gabriel and Esther consume the majority of the cake, and Michael catches the bouquet (he may have cheated after finding out what the bouquet toss is for).
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sapphosclown · 3 years
Treat You Better - Tyrus AU
Part XIV: i guess we carried each other
Cyrus and TJ present their history project.
Cyrus was woken up by his alarm, a pleasant scene where birds are chirping quietly in the background and a soft melody crescendos into a lovely morning song.
It absolutely infuriated him.
Nothing against birds or happy music, but it’s 6am and Cyrus has been studying for midterms all week and and now he has to present a project with the guy who is mad at him for whatever unknown reason and quite frankly, Cyrus didn’t want to leave his bed ever again.
The memory of his and TJ’s rehearsal on Monday has been haunting him all week. Andi and Buffy said not to worry about it so he’s really been trying not to, but he can’t.
He misses how it used to be. TJ was always so open and talkative during their study sessions even Cyrus was rude and dismissive. He made Cyrus laugh anyways, made him feel relaxed. It didn’t feel like a school project, it just felt like hanging out with a friend. And now that he can enjoy that atmosphere, it’s taken away from him. Because of course it is.
Cyrus begrudgingly got out of bed and threw on his clothes before going to brush his teeth.
He got to school 15 minutes before the first exam period and saw Andi and Buffy in their usual spots and Jonah sitting on the table across from Buffy in the cafeteria.
“Hey, Cyrus!” Jonah smiled wide at him and held his hand up for a high five to which Cyrus responded with a weak tap as he slid into his seat.
“C'mon man you can do better than that.” Jonah said disapprovingly as he held his hand over to Buffy who slapped his hand without even looking.
“I’m sorry, I’m so tired today.” Cyrus groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“Good thing I got a present for you,” Buffy sang as she slid an iced coffee across the table to him.
He looked at the coffee and back to buddy, eyes wide. “I love you.” He deadpanned, causing his friends to laugh.
“Today’s our last day and then it’s winter break, you got this!” Jonah nudged his shoulder gently.
“I think he’s just not excited for today in particular.” Andi replied, breaking apart each syllable of “particular”.
“Why, what’s happening today?” Jonah asked.
“He has his presentation with TJ today.” Buffy whispered loudly to Jonah.
“Oh.” Jonah whispered loudly back.
“You guys are so subtle.” Andi mimicked their voices.
“Whatever. I’ll be fine. Can we talk about something else?” Cyrus dismissed and took a sip of his coffee.
That lit up something in Buffy. “Oh yeah! Andi, tell him.”
“OH YEAH! Cyrus, you know how I was gonna ask Amber for her number?” She said excitedly.
“I do. Did you chicken out?” Cyrus teased, taking another sip of his drink.
Andi glared at him. “No.” she said quickly before shifting her eyes to the ceiling. “Well, I didn’t really get a chance BECAUSE SHE ASKED ME FIRST!”
Cyrus smiled at Buffy. “Called it.” He whispered loudly. Andi hit his arm playfully as he giggled and flinched away.
“Whatever. I still don’t know if she’s—”
“She is.” Jonah interjected.
Everyone turned to him with confused expressions.
“How do you know?” Andi asked.
“She told me. She doesn’t try to keep it a secret, did you not see the rainbow pin on her bag? Or the rainbow sticker on her name tag?” Jonah explained.
Buffy snorted.
“No I saw— She told you?” Andi asked again, still very lost.
“Yeah we’re friends.”
“Not the development I expected but a good one nonetheless.” Buffy joked to Cyrus.
“Since when?” Andi yelled.
“A while now. Our moms are friends and we have a lot in common. She told me she was gay like 2 years ago, I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out.” Jonah replied.
Andi stared at him.
“You knew her this whole time, and didn’t think to say anything?”
“I didn’t realize she was the girl you were madly in love with.”
Buffy snorted again.
“I AM NOT IN LOVE W—” Andi got cut off by the 5 minute warning bell and Buffy Cyrus and Jonah all started grabbing their bags to head to class. Andi stares at Jonah, grabbing her own bag. “We’re finishing this conversation later Beck.” She threatened before walking away.
Jonah looked at Cyrus with fear in his eyes.
“Don’t look at me man!”
“What did I do!” Jonah laughed as he and Cyrus headed to their first exam.
The good news is Cyrus had English for his first exam to distract him from his impending doom. The bad news is English is is over and now he has to go to history.
Under regular circumstances he’d be glad that his teacher is taking these presentations for their midterm grades, but he’s kind of too busy cursing whatever god is out there controlling his life to worry about his grade.
Cyrus subconsciously walked ever so slightly slower to his history classroom, knowing it doesn’t actually make a difference to what’s gonna happen but it’s worth a shot. Turns out it kind of worked, but in the worst way possible.
Cyrus got to the room at the exact same time as TJ and they practically ran each other over trying to get through the door at the same time.
“Hey, what the hell— Cyrus!” TJ said much louder than he probably meant to.
Cyrus stood at him in shock for a second. Of course he thought to himself. “Um, sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” He forced a smile and walked into class as TJ called after him.
“Wait, Cyrus—” TJ said, taking a seat next to him. “Can... Can we talk?”
Cyrus opened his mouth to respond but the only sound that came was from the bell signaling clad to start. Cyrus looked to the front of the room where their teacher had already started talking.
“Alright, we don’t really have time to waste so, look for you and your partners names on the board. If each presentation is 3-5 minutes we should have some time leftover to watch a quarter of a movie. Sound good?”
The class mumbled in content agreement.
“Great. If you and your partner feel like you’d like to go over your work one more time, you can practice in the hall QUIETLY, while the group before you is presenting. Alright, first up—”
And so Cyrus spent the first 15 minutes of class sitting awkwardly next to TJ as they kept looking over at each other in what was supposed to be sneaky glances but they’re kind of bad at being subtle and make contact almost every time. Eventually the people before then stand up to present and TJ turns to Cyrus.
“Hey, can we—” He whispered pointing to the hallway. Cyrus pressed his lips in a straight line attempting an awkward smile and grabbed his bag, TJ following him suite.
TJ quietly closed the door behind them and turned around.
He took a deep breath. “Um— I just wanted to apologize for how I acted the other day.”
Cyrus shifted a bit. “Okay...”
They stood in silence for a beat.
“That was it.”
“Have you ever heard an apology? Like ever?” Cyrus tried to joke but he knew it came off more bitter than he meant it to.
“I’m sorry, you’re right.”
“So you’ve apologized for not apologizing, but you still haven’t apologized.” Cyrus stated.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re hard to apologize to?” TJ retorted.
“No, actually. This would be a first.” TJ smiled at that.
“Okay. I’m sorry for how i acted the other day. That wasn’t fair to you. I guess I just thought that if I pretended like I didn’t care it’d make things easier but I was... very wrong.”
“Yeah. No kidding.” Cyrus snorted.
TJ looked at his shoes and Cyrus stared at him. “It’s okay. I mean, I guess I understand where you were coming from but it still kind of sucked. I thought you hated me.” Cyrus said.
“I know. I’m sorry.” TJ said again.
Cyrus nodded.
A soft smiled tugged at TJ’s lips before he tore his eyes to his notebook. “Um, good job on your section by the way, I don’t get a chance to say it but yeah. Not that I thought you’d do a bad job or anything because you’re really smart and I’m actually surprised you stuck with me as your partner because—”
“Thanks, TJ.” Cyrus cut off his rambling, laughing quietly. “You did a really good job too. And you pretty much nailed all the dates too so, congratulations.”
“Ha, thanks.” TJ clearly didn’t believe him.
“Seriously Teej,” Cyrus took a step forward and put his hand on the other boys shoulder. “You should be proud of yourself.”
Cyrus saw TJ’s cheeks turning a light shade of pink s he felt his own face burn a little. If nothing else, one thing hadn’t changed— TJ still had the prettiest eyes Cyrus has ever seen.
They were interrupted by the door opening and their teachers face popped through. “You boys are up!” He whispered enthusiastically before slipping back into the room.
The boys looked at each other a again and laughed awkwardly, both still extreme shades of red but pretending they weren’t.
Their presentation actually went pretty smoothly. The biggest issue they ran into was stuttering every here and there, but this was already ten million times better than their practice run had been. Both of them quickly melted into their dynamic and everything else came pretty naturally and they were done in about 3 and a half minutes. The class snapped quietly (as to not disturb the other classes) and they both sat down, continuing the rest of class “sneaking” looks at each other and smiling when they made eye contact every time.
Cyrus stared at his phone while his friends talked around him at Andi’s locker. It started with Andi scolding Jonah for not being her wingman earlier on but Cyrus lost tack pretty quickly as his mind wandered back to TJ.
He was staring at his contact in his phone and debating on sending a text. On one hand, he wasn’t entirely sure where they stood now. Were they friends again? Were they just school acquaintances again? They weren’t project partners anymore so should he keep TJ’s phone number? Cyrus could already feel that he was about to drive himself crazy and just pushed aside all his thoughts and typed out a message.
Cyrus: good job on the project today!! all things considered i think we did pretty well :)
Cyrus shuts off his phone and puts it back in his pocket as he tried to ignore the part of his brain screaming at him. He heard about 3 words in the conversation unfolding before him before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He yanked his phone back out and read the message in the screen
TJ: thanks :) i can’t take too much credit tho, you definitely carried me the whole way through
Cyrus: you’re simply incorrect. you carried me
TJ: i guess that means we carried each other then huh
Cyrus: i guess it does
“Oooooooooo, who ya textin?” Buffy sang, poking at Cyrus’s arm.
“No one!” He tried to say but the smile on his face begged to differ.
“So did you and TJ make up then?” Andi asked.
“Yeah. We talked before the presentation and it helped.” Cyrus blushed harder.
“You should invite him to the spoon with us!” Jonah proposed.
Cyrus looked at all his friends. “Really? Are you guys sure its okay?”
“Of course! Andi’s invited Amber, who’s one more gonna hurt!” Buffy replied.
“Okay...” Cyrus turned back to his phone, his friends watching him intently. Cyrus stood still and cleared his throat aggressively. Catching the hint they all turn back to their own little conversation.
“So, words amirite?” He hears Andi say.
Cyrus: my friends and i are getting some celebratory end of semester shakes at the spoon, if you’re not doing anything you can join, if you want
He clicked his phone off again pretending like nothing was happening because technically, nothing was happening. He invited his friend to get milkshakes with his friends, big whoop. Except everyone had gone silent again and was staring at Cyrus.
“What we’re you saying about words, Andi?”
“Oh, uh—”
Their fake conversation quickly turned into a very real and heated debate about phonetics which Cyrus had invested himself in hoping to forget about the fact that a full minute and a half has already passed and he still hasn’t heard anything back.
Another minute passes and Cyrus was just about ready to call it quits when he felt his pocket buzz.
TJ: sounds fun :) i’ll meet you guys there?
Cyrus: cool :)
They get to the Spoon and see Amber sitting the the largest corner booth in her normal people clothes. She stands up and waves them over with a smile on her face.
“I already ordered some baby taters but I wasn’t sure what milkshakes you guys wanted because I can never remember who likes what.” Amber said nervously as everyone took their seat.
“That’s ok. There’s one more joining us so we’ll order when he gets here.” Jonah reassured her.
“Oh, who is it?”
As if on que, the door rang as TJ stepped inside and scanned the room, and then waving excitedly when he sees Cyrus.
“You’re joking.” Amber laughs in disbelief and stands up again, making eye contact with TJ who’s face drops like hers before they both start laughing hysterically leaving everyone feeling confused and kind of left out.
“Wait... that’s...” TJ laughed before Amber shushed him.
“I didn’t realize you were talking about...” Amber started before TJ shushed her.
“Hey, what’s going on...” Buffy whispered to the two of them.
“Oh, um, Cyrus remember when I told you I have a sister—” TJ said simply, gesturing towards Amber.
Amber turned to Cyrus and smiled and waved weakly.
“No way.” Buffy said to no one in particular as she smiled widely. She was gonna have a field day with this.
Jonah looked like he was about to pee his pants trying not to laugh and Cyrus and Andi were completely stunned and just stared at each other for a second before also laughing, the rest of the group doing the same.
“I hate it here.” Amber joked as she sat down next to Andi.
“I’ve literally never been happier in my life.” Buffy laughed as she moved so TJ could sit next to Cyrus.
“Jonah, why didn’t you tell them?” Amber yelled at him.
“I THOUGHT THEY HAD FIGURED IT OUT! Cyrus has been to your house multiple times how did you not know!” Jonah yelled back.
They dissolved into more playful yelling and despite being way too loud for this little diner, Cyrus still felt happier than he had all year.
A waiter came over after they had quieted down and took their orders. Everyone started talking about something but Cyrus had noticed that TJ’s pinky was touching his own and that was all he could focus on. It was the lightest touch and yet if felt like his skin was on fire. As if that wasn’t enough, TJ must have noticed it too, because he looped his finger over Cyrus’s, making Cyrus’s face heat up involuntarily and he hoped no one had noticed. When Cyrus didn’t move away, TJ carefully flipped his hand over and intertwined the rest of their fingers. Cyrus looked at him but TJ had gone back into the conversation. Cyrus smiled at him and then tuned back in himself.
He never wanted this to end.
He was happy.
previous // next
a/n: happy boys for today me thinks 😌 the angst is finally dying down and there’s i think gonna be two more chapters (excluding the epilogue) and our boys are gonna get the happy ending they deserve but for now, they hold hands under the table at the spoon and enjoy the company of their friends. ALSO I WAS LOOSING MY MIND WRITING THE PART WHERE W TJ AND AMBER OH MY GOD i hope you enjoyed lmao
also i’m updating my tag list to make sure the notifications are getting sent and if you want to be added or taken off just lmk!!
tag list:
@secretly-of-course @abg-blah @maybeldontwantheaven @thebisexualweirdo @randomsmilingpotatoes @iam-johnlocked @ohnoitsamistake18 @im-mormon-and-not-straight @unrequitedambi @marriedtobigfoot @fairygclds @c-ristopher @tylercamebackyes @tyrus-is-canon @craftyceleb @ana-lana-ding-dong @dancinglifeboat
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rainbow-spiral · 4 years
Lost Glasses
“You need to fix this,” Cole said, in a low, upset voice.
Tyrus, who had opened the door expecting a package, took in what had happened.  Cole, who was Candace’s fellow lawyer, who worked with her as a legal observer for protests, back before nightfall.  Candace—no, Candi Lee.  She had her glasses off.
“Oh, thank fuck,” Tyrus said, realizing.  Something must have happened at the protest.  Candace must have had her glasses broken somehow.  And Cole—bless Cole, he really was a stand-up guy—had brought Candi Lee home, rather than take her to the hospital and assume she was concussed.  “Come on in.  You all right, Candi?”
Candi Lee pouted.  “Cole is being a dink.”
Meaning, Tyrus deduced, that Cole hadn’t let her suck his dick.  “Cole took care of you.  You should thank him.”
More pouting.  “I’ve been trying!”
Tyrus ushered them into the living room.  “Maybe not like that,” he said, “unless he wants it.”
“No,” Cole said, “but you need to fix this.”
Tyrus sighed.  “Do you think I haven’t tried?”
“Having her glasses off, that’s a stupid trigger for her bimbo side.  We did it when we were about nineteen, in college together, and just figuring out that we were both hypno-kinksters.  I’ve been trying to refine the trigger for ten years now, but Candi Lee still comes out every time the glasses come off, and you know what that tells me?”  Tyrus didn’t wait for an answer.  “It tells me that Candace really likes this particular trigger, that she’s probably worried on some level that I’m going to take it away from her and make her be serious and smart all the time, and so she’s held onto it.”
“She’s held onto it,” Cole repeated.
“Not consciously.  But yes.”
“I don’t wanna be Candace all the time,” Candi Lee put in.  “All those big words.  Candi can just watch them pop—pop—pop—it’s like bubbles, the thoughts just go pop—and they’re pink.  I think they’re pink.  Do you think my thoughts are pink?”
“I think you have lovely, bubbly pink thoughts,” Tyrus assured her.  He sat down.  “C’mere, sexy.”
Candi Lee practically threw herself into his lap.
“She said that you hypnotized her to be like this.”
“Yeah, but—hypnosis is cooperative.”
“I’m co—op—thing you said,” Candi Lee pointed out.  “Want to see?”  Her hand crept towards Tyrus’s fly.
“Hands to yourself, sexy.  We’ve got a guest.”
“Well, yeah,” Candi Lee said, “and Candace has wanted to have him fuck her for just ages, and he keeps saying no.”  She bounced up and down, suddenly, which didn’t do good things for Tyrus’s equilibrium.  “But you’re here now, and maybe you can both fuck me!  What do you think?  You could take my ass, and Cole could take my cunt—or my mouth?  Cole, do you want my cunt or my mouth?  I don’t want you in my ass because I don’t know how big you are, yet, and sometimes that’s an ouchie.  I think you’d like my mouth, I’m really good at taking a big, long cock there—“
“Candi,” Tyrus said gently, “let us talk for a minute, okay?”
Cole shifted position, and Tyrus noticed that he had a tent in his trousers.
Well.  If Candace had been wanting to fuck him for “just ages,” Tyrus wouldn’t stand in her way.  How to explain the situation in a way Cole would understand?  “Look,” he said.  “The thing about Candace—and you would know this if you had gone to school with her—is that she has no idea how to turn off.  She spent her childhood identifying as a ‘gifted kid,’ to the point where she used to sort of teeter constantly on the edge of nervous breakdown.  I guess a lot of people would think her way of dealing with it is extreme, but it works.  She enjoys it.  And this is still her, you know.  Just another side of her.”
Cole shook his head.  “Candace isn’t interested in—“
“In you?  If Candi Lee says it, you can believe it.  It wouldn’t be a new thing for us.  We’ve been actively poly, as well as kinky, for at least a decade.  We’ve had parties where Candi Lee is the party favor.  And believe me, I’ve rarely seen Candace so relaxed and happy than the night after.”
Cole had an interesting expression on his face.  It was upset, but Tyrus thought it was more that he thought he should be upset.
Good.  “I understand that you may not want to go along with what Candi Lee wants,” Tyrus said, his tone just short of coaxing.  “But she’s sincere, and she’s happy, and she’s not being coerced—and as soon as I get her a spare pair of glasses, when she goes back to Candace, she’ll be interested in the more intellectual side of having a relationship with you.  Sometimes, Candace really likes it when Candi Lee pushes the issue and acts on some impulse that she has.  Candace overthinks, constantly.  Candi Lee just does things that make her happy.”
“I’ll have to think about it,” Cole hedged.
“Snacks!” Candi Lee said abruptly, jumping up.  “I’ll get you snacks.  You can eat them while I blow you, if you want.”
“You’re a good hostess,” Tyrus said, “but a good hostess doesn’t blow someone until they’re ready, does she?”  Candi Lee pouted.  “Yes, get snacks, love.  To thank Cole for bringing you home.”
Candi Lee practically skipped into the kitchen.
“I’ve got to thank you for taking care of her,” Tyrus said sincerely, as Candi Lee went through the door.  “I think she could get home by herself, but she’s flighty, and distractible, and very eager to please.  She could get into some trouble.”
Candi Lee emerged from the kitchen again, breasts out and resting on a tray with the snacks.
“Candi,” Tyrus said sternly, “you need to put those away.”  He turned to Cole.  “I’m sorry.  As long as you’re here, she’s going to keep attempting to seduce you, and she has all the subtlety of a truck.  I think that’s part of why she needs the Candi Lee personality.  She can just do what she wants.”
“I don’t want to take advantage of her,” Cole said.
Tyrus couldn’t help but notice he wasn’t leaving.
Well, good.  In about an hour, if Tyrus was any judge, he and Cole would be balls deep in either end of Candi Lee, with her whimpering and moaning and letting the pleasure boil off what little was left of her mind.  In the meantime, he had to be gentle.  Careful.  Make sure that Cole knew he wasn’t taking advantage.  “If anything, she’s the aggressive one,” Tyrus pointed out.  “Take a mini-quiche, anyway.  Candace cooks them.”
Cole did.
My buymeacoffee link!  Right now, I’m donating anything I get to a Black Lives Matter related fund.
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