#yes this is about Morrigan and Cassandra
You can recognize a dragon age game by the fact that there is always one character that LOOKS like a raging lesbian, only for her to be painfully heterosexual.
So who will it be in dreadwolf 🧎
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shem-fatale · 3 months
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Dragon Age Inquisition: "Canon" Choices Survey Results!
Tell us about your personal "canon" Inquisitor who will make an appearance in The Veilguard? What were their choices? Answers to this short survey were collected via a tumblr post between June 11th and June 22nd 2024. I have since found out which of the choices mentioned will and will not affect DA:TV but I will include all questions anyway. Text version and tags under the cut!
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1. Who is your "canon" Inquisitor and are/were they in a relationship with another DAI character? Female Adaar/Blackwall - 1% Female Lavellan/Blackwall - 1% Male Lavellan/Josephine- 1% Male Lavellan/The Iron Bull- 1% Male Trevelyan/Cassandra - 1%
Female Lavellan/Josephine - 2% Female Trevelyan/Josephine- 2% Male Lavellan - no romance - 2%
Female Adaar/The Iron Bull - 3% Male Adaar/Dorian - 3%
Female Trevelyan/Blackwall - 4%
Female Adaar/Josephine - 6% Male Trevelyan/Dorian - 6%
Female Lavellan/Cullen - 7%
Male Lavellan/Dorian - 12%
Female Trevelyan/Cullen - 13%
Female Lavellan/Solas - 33% Added headcanon comment from @spiders-scribbles: Male Adaar/The Iron Bull "Kas is played with the female model cause I hate how bulky the male Qunari body is and also trans reasons" <3 And another one from @doves-wing: Female Cadash/Josephine "i think they have an open relationship and so my quizzy has dated iron bull though that relationship ends before trespasser. she is still with josie though." <3 2. What combat class and specialisation apply to your "canon" Inquisitor?
Warrior/Two-Handed/Templar - 0% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Templar - 0%
Rogue/Daggers/Artificer - 1% Warrior/Two-Handed/Champion - 1% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Reaver - 1%
Warrior/Two-Handed/Reaver - 3% Rogue/Archer/Tempest - 3% Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Champion - 3%
Mage/Necromancer - 4%
Rogue/Archer/Artificer - 5% Rogue/Archer/Assassin - 5% Rogue/Daggers/Tempest - 5%
Rogue/Daggers/Assassin - 8%
Mage/Rift Mage - 30%
Mage/Knight-Enchanter - 32% 3. Did the Inquisition form an alliance with the Mages or with the Templars?
Mages - 86%
Templars - 14% 4. Who was left behind in the Fade?
Alistair - 5%
Loghain - 9%
Hawke - 29%
Stroud - 57% 5. Did the Inquisition give the Wardens a second chance?
Yes - 89%
No - 11% 6. Who rules Orlais?
Gaspard - 1%
Celene - 10%
Gaspard as Briala's puppet - 14%
Truce between all parties - 32%
Celene and Briala - 43% 7. Who drank from the Well of Sorrows?
Morrigan - 48%
The Inquisitor - 52% 8. Who becomes Divine Victoria at the end of DA:I?
Vivienne - 7%
Cassandra - 18%
Leliana - 75% 9. What happened to the Inquisition at the end of Trespasser?
The Inquisition continues in the service of Divine Victoria - 17%
The Inquisition was disbanded - 83%
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A big thank you to:
@precious-gem-of-a-cat @onlypartiallystars
@spiders-scribbles @titanwolfackerman @nervousparsnip @sowrongbutsowrite @argonian-at-heart @too-caught-up-in-moves @yjannu @lilywasx and also to everyone who didn't want to be tagged, plus everyone who spelled their user names wrong! I figured out some of the typos but some of you left me some crazy riddles hehe. <3
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notebooks-and-laptops · 4 months
I've now seen a few posts saying Neve is just nicer Vivienne and they're the same and I...guys Neve has ENTIRELY different motivations and reasons for doing her things and a different personality. Neve is a disillusioned detective working for a group who is trying to end slavery in Tevinter, Viv was a court mage constructing her own freedoms within a system that didn't want her but that she actively liked and wanted to uphold. Viv was shaped by southern Thedas and it's systematic abuse of mages, Neve was raised where mages are the elite class and deemed 'better' than others because of their magic. Presumably they have different religious views coming from countries that have completely schismed chantries. They have very different jobs (court mage/pope vs. detective). Yes they're both high fashion beautiful black woman and yes they're both really interesting characters but they're not the same anymore than like....Carver and Blackwall who both have angry openings and are warriors are the same. Or anymore than Aveline and Cassandra who are both sword and shield no nonsense warriors who secretly have a romantic side are the same. Or Solas and Morrigan. Etc. etc. Just. Think about why you are reducing them to the same person after spending less than 10 mins with Neve maybe?
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morrigan-le-faye · 4 months
Likelihood of companions showing up in Veilguard: my thoughts
So, I was thinking about Veilguard and who I want to come back, so here’s my take on who I think is coming back!
Warden: lol no bitch, we’re never seeing them again. That would require giving them a voice and personality. Likelihood is we get another letter.
Alistair: We’re pretty far from Ferelden, if you made him king I could see him getting a mention but not marching his ass up to Tevinter/Rivain/Antiva/the Anderfels. Possibly another letter. If you kept him a warden, he’s either dead or could possibly show up in the Anderfels? I could see whoever got left in the fade tying in with the Veil Jumper plotline, maybe.
Morrigan: Possibly? Theres a possibility if she drank from the well she’s now bound to Solas because of him killing Mythal. I could see the Veil fuckery doing some weird shit to Kieran though.
Leliana: If you made her Divine, definitely. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t say so. She had such a big role in Inquisition, I don’t see her playing a huge role here.
Zevran: We’re in Antiva, we better see the boy! He is canonically with a romanced Warden in Inquisition, but I could see him taking a break from that to take care of Antivan things for a bit.
Wynne: canonically dead. Sad for her. RIP mage granny.
Sten: He’s the Arishok now, I see him tying into the Qunari plotline.
Oghren: please god no.
Shale: I hope so, but since she was DLC I would doubt it.
Loghain: He’s dead babe. Either you killed him in Origins or I’m assuming like nobody saved him in the Fade in Inquisition, and see what I said about the Veil Jumpers in Alistair’s section.
The Awakening Squad (minus Anders/Justice): doing this as a collective cause I’m not typing all that out. Probably not. Might see a couple of them if we go to Weisshaupt while we’re in the Anderfels.
Hawke: If you left them in the fade, again, could show up with the Veil Jumpers. Since there is a possibility they’re dead, I could see them just sending a “hey I’m fine in Kirkwall” message if they’re alive.
Anders: maybe, maybe not. This game seems like it’ll have less emphasis on the Mage/Templar conflict, but we haven’t seen him since 2, so who knows.
Fenris: We’re in Tevinter, I’m hoping he shows up! Let us help him kill slavers please.
Merrill: Seeing how Solas’s agents use the eluvian network, I could see her showing up again. Possibly with the Veil Jumpers
Isabella: I don’t think so. If she shows up, might be part of the Lords of Fortune plotline.
Sebastian: No. Might get referenced, but he is DLC.
Aveline: I don’t think so either. I think she’s too busy keeping things together in Kirkwall. Also ACAB includes Aveline.
Carver/Bethany: If you made them wardens, possibly show up in the Anderfels? But seeing how customizable their appearances are, I doubt it.
Blackwall/Rainier: Again, possibly in the Anderfels. Or elsewhere if he didn’t get recruited into the wardens.
Bull: I hope so, I wanna see the chargers for at least one mission. But since he can be dead if you kept him loyal to the Qun, don’t have high hopes.
Cassandra: if you made her divine, sure. I could also see her leading remnants of the inquisition if she isn’t divine.
Dorian: We’re in Tevinter. If Varric or Harding don’t mention they have a magister friend that can help, I’m going to be very disappointed.
Vivienne: Again, if she’s divine, yes. If she’s not, probably a letter writing cameo.
Cole: I could see him having a very cool plotline with the Veil breaking down and him either being a spirit with human elements or a human with spirit elements.
Sera: I could see the Friends of Red Jenny playing a role, if not her specifically.
Bonus Advisors:
Josephine: Maybe. Could see her helping with Inquisition remnants like Cassandra.
Cullen: No, cause Greg Ellis is an asshole.
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cadaveerie · 1 month
the things i'm the most and least excited about for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
includes DATV spoilers from the trailers and articles
i might continuously edit this post until the game actually launches as we receive new info!
all of these have been confirmed by the devs, except for those in which i clarify the opposite (ie: those that i write with a "possibly", which have probably been only suggested). if you want the source for any of these specifically let me know!
and a big shoutout to felassan for answering my question, because i started wondering if i just made up the 'pause during cutscene' thing, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where I'd heard that lol
anyway, here it is!
no EA app or online mode/internet to play the game
pause during cutscenes
interruptible and resumable banter
no micro-transactions
the character creator!!! - more diverse bodies, better (and darker. and better dark) skin tones and afro-textured hair!
change of voice pitch for Rook!
trans Rook! they/them Rook! and the ability to express that in-game!
b-bulge slider.......? t-tittie slider?????
different lighting options in character creator :]
in-game name suggestions for rook :]
nudity :D:D:D SEXOOO
PURPLE ROOK!!!!! (sarcastic/charming, like hawke. im gonna be insufferable to solas specifically)
"not that skeleton, but we're not saying no skeletons" as an answer to whether we can romance manfred (..... the fuck. idk what that means but... im game)
bi/pan romanceable companions! - it makes me happy, especially as someone non-binary and genderfluid. i'll die on this hill
paraphrasing: “the most romantic game yet”..... mmmm… yes….
the companions overall... i rly like both the designs and what we know of them
"are there companions gifts again" John: "(...) you very well might find things in the world that certain companions would appreciate!"
John: "Not going to get into specifics on interactables, but there is more to do in the Lighthouse than conversations with companions. The Lighthouse does have a kitchen, and your companions acknowledge it/use it both narratively and ambiently. Some maybe better than others."
more focus and intentionality on the companions' stories and relationships! yay!
inquisitor presence :D
maybe solas and inky? - not confirmed that they'll interact, but pleaaaase let them. no matter if it's a romance, friendship or hateful relationship, i need to see a reunion
the relationship between solas and rook! - from what they'd said it looks like they're gonna have a fun dynamic!!! i hope that it's kind of a bad relationship but that at some points there can be some appreciation, or respect. i think they said that it could be change, depending on you
cameos!!! - we know there will be some. confirmed morrigan cameo! my bets for others are on dorian (and mae), fenris (copium), zevran (copiumx2). and maybe these are reaches but... perhaps cassandra? leliana? illario? alistair? sten? either way im looking forward to it!
700 characters (wtf)
140,000 lines of dialogue (wtf x2. almost double of Inquisition's (80,000))
visiting places we have never seen before like Tevinter, Antiva, Anderfels, Nevarra, Rivain, etc
more thedas deep lore!!! - elven gods! and this hasn't been confirmed, but since we'll go there... will there be tevinter lore? anderfels lore? rivain lore? antivan lore? titans lore (my theory is because of Harding)!?
possibly a camera mode
beautiful textures!
beautiful landscape!
very nice hair physics! (big improvement)
gear customization + transmog
enable/disable helmets for cutscenes
I rly like the subclasses… they feel so…. gothic
combat looks more dynamic overall!
combos with the companions!
finisher animations!
mages can move while attacking apparently?
and they^ can use staffs, daggers and orbs :0
parry + shield toss :0
and i'm just excited to see how it actually feels while playing and how everything progresses!
things I'm kinda sad/disappointed about. just a little
only can bring two companions along (probably a 3 party total?)
probably no trans, they/them or they/x companions? :( (im assuming there will be characters that are trans (mae) and go by them/them or multiple pronouns, but i mean companions specifically)
only 7 companions. i was a little disappointed at first but tbh im fine w it now haha
they haven't talked about rook as a character much so im a little worried about that, their personal journey, their dialogue etc :')
that rook doesn't seem to have different beginnings depending on his origin :( not a huge deal but tbh i loved that about origins
can't choose multiple pronouns :( perhaps it's possible? they've explicitly said that you can go by he, she or they, but i don't think that implies multiple at the same time. it can't be that hard to program it so that it randomly changes between two or more pronouns, right? idk about game development so i dont actually know, sorry if i'm ignorant
this is suuuper nitpicky but in relation to the graphics.. i kinda wish the skins looked slightly.. different? idk how to put it, but they look kind of smooth? maybe too much? i just wish they had a little bit more texture, it kinda looks like they have a beauty filter, imo, and i think it would look better if they look slightly differently
and i have mixed feelings about how the characters are stylized overall. like... y'know, the whole "cartoony" discourse. at first i didnt like it at all, but since we've seen more im way more on board. still... i kinda feel like some things could look a bit nicer
idk how i feel about how the darkspawn look. like it's not a huge deal to me either, but... i just wish they looked different. lol. they do look a little bit goofy
and idk if i like the... veiny/nervous system looking-thing in demons either? like, i like it in theory but tbh in practice im not too sure
the remake of the warden's logo :((
that's it!
tbh im just happy about most things they've said and shown so far. i think a lot of these things are a good sign. also, things like the "not ea app necessary" make me inclined to believe that this is something they've had to fight for (cause you know, if ea could choose they'd do things their way) and that's something i appreciate a lot. that's why i think this and a lot of other choices and changes they've made in relation to the last game, are good signs that they've listened to our feedback in a lot of things! and i hope this reflects in the entirety of the game. i hope it's the case. idk i'm positive about this game! a little scared ofc, because i care and i want it to be as good as possible, but excited nonetheless!
are there things i didn't include but that you are excited about? what are you looking the most forward to, overall? i'd appreciate to see your excitement and know what you like the most!
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new-austin · 1 year
Would the dragon age characters cry after sex?:
Alistair: Yes. Absolutely. Shocked this isn't canon.
Morrigan: No but she probably should. Just cry in general. Girl.
Zevran: No.
Leliana: No?
Wynne: No. Circle thotty. Sorry I said that
Oghren: Sure.
Sten: No.
Nathaniel: Perhaps. I could see it. Depends.
Sigrun: No
Velanna: She would be really embarrassed and angry about it but probably.
Justice: For sure. Extremely new sensation.
Anders: Yes. Circle thotty in the opposite direction of wynne. Especially with Hawke. + Justice adds to this
Fenris: Isn't this basically canon? Yes.
Isabela: No
Merrill: No
Aveline: Any sex she's having us boring. So no.
Varric: Duh. Sobbing.
Cassandra: Yes
Iron bull: No. Well maybe after a really intense scene. Actually yes I change my mind.
Dorian: Yes while quietly facing away on the other pillow
Blackwall: If the pussy is good enough to make him confess to war crimes he was definitely crying during and after.
Cullen: Yes. For sure.
Solas: Obviously.
Vivienne: No I wouldn't think so.
Sera: No...
Josephine: Yeahh
Scout harding?: No. Idk. Maybe. I don't know her very well.
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an-excellent-choice · 7 months
I was recently gushing at a friend about bg3 but didn't want to spoil her in the romance and the characters backstory.
So, I started comparing everybody with Dragon Age companions to give her an idea on everybody's personality.
Now I need to complete this list just for the sake of it.
Astarion: Zevran, Isabela, Morrigan
I know a lot of people compare Astarion and Fenris but honestly, I personally don't see them being similar enough( yes even with the slavery and white hair) they are just two different flavors especially in personality. They are similar in broad strokes but in the details not really.
Now with Zevran and Isabela, I can see. These two very sexual characters both use their sexualities and their daggers to manipulate those around them.
They both cope with their trauma with putting a mask of light heartedness and sexual freedom. The main difference of between Zevran and Isabela to Astarion is that Astarion is more upfront with his trauma.
The Morrigan aspect is his pragmatism. Astarion's killed or killed is similar to Morrigan. They both hate helping people as they don't see anything beneficial it. They are so used to the absence of kindness that any they see from the protag is seen as naivety or even fakeness because if there truly kindness in the world why did they never experienced themselves.
Gale: Anders, Merril, Solas
So the common trait I established from these characters that I see in Gale is them being blinded by their goals. These 3 all kind and mean well but they think their way is the only way to fix things. All these three are self serving to their selfish desires to the point it overwrites any kindness they have. They want to do something drastic to help others. Solas with elves, Merril her missing friends and Anders with mages but in the price of themselves.
Personality wise,Merril is also similar to Gale with her akwardness and naivety. Gale has a tendency to do akward moments in his enthusiasm and lackk experience in socializing. While the Solas is love information and informing others, he's very welcoming in sharing experiences.
Now, Anders. Specifically Anders dao and da2 Act 1-2 because Gale would never justify the means justifies the end mentality in act3 of da2. The basics commonalities: cat dad, mage, time bomb but the most damning similarity is that both Gale and Anders thought that they know better even though they were already warned. Gale with the piece of weave and Anders with Justice. They both essentially shot themselves in the foot by ignoring the warning signs.
(I'm not including Merril in the shooting of foot because her ritual was tampered she knew her risks and had actually prepared a kill switch just in case)
Wyll: Cassandra, Merril, Varric
The main thing I focused on this trio is responsibility. All these 3 has certain responsibility or expectations set upon them with a main conflict of whether they should just follow expectations or do their own will even at the price of losing support or their people
Wyll has heavy expectations on him and he himself always tries to put the well being of others before him even at the price of his soul.
Now personality-wise, Cassandra is an old romantic. Just like Wyll they both enjoy poetry and wooing. They both live for the romance even though they try hard to focus on only their duty they cant hide their soft squishy hearts.
Merril is kind and is always torn with her abandoning her duty to do what she thinks is needed to be done. She loves her people so much she will bear being seen as a monster to try to help them. *cough* wyll is the same*cough
Varric is charming as fuck but he also is kindaa running away from his responsibility until finally he was forced to take a stand. He accidentally helped start aspects of the mess but he will be damned if he doesnt try to help.
Okay, I'm running out of steam now. I'll do a part 2 for the ladies as this is also too long now.
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elderwisp · 4 months
YOU LIKE DRAGON AGE??? TASTE!!!! do u have any info about your protags up (and would u like to share some if not 👉👈) another wisp w fr
GOD YES! Such a beautiful game with characters that have rich storylines! I've replayed DA:I so much just because of the feeling it gave me exploring each region and unlocking everyone's backstory! I did some digging around in the old DA Tapestry as well as pulled up some screenshots! The only pictures I couldn't find were from DA2 so that's from the Wiki 💀
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DA: Origins: For Origins, I played as an elf mage named Warden Neira. Her romance was Leliana after breaking things off with Alistair. Alistair became king. Uhm, sad news, bestie didn't make it. 😗😗😗 It's weird because this game was super enjoyable for me but I remember it the least. I think I was overloaded by each decision and quests that everything became a bit fuzzy! I'd love to replay it again, I like the idea of different intros based off class and race so it felt very immersive!
DA: 2 I played as a rouge for Marian Hawke and romanced Fenris. It was my first time playing a rouge in the DA series but after knowing how being a mage and romancing Fenris brings up different dialogue, I've always been curious! I did uh,m, k*ll Anders after the whole debacle. I just- After like processing everything I was like DUDE!! Isabela stayed with us while Bethany became a grey warden. I actually loved the romance in this game, especially the intensity of Fenris colliding with a sarcastic Hawke LIKE THAT WALL PIN WAS EVERYHTING-
DA: I Inquisitor Thalionelle specialized as a Knight-Enchanter. Ok so this was the first game I played, so a lot of the decisions I made, I look back and SCREAM! I took the route of Champions of the Just. In Here Lies the Abyss, Hawke was left in the fade... (I absolutely hated myself after play DA: 2 I WAS LIKE U BASTARD!!) In What Pride Had Wrought, Morrigan drank into the well. Cassandra became divine. The wardens rebuilt annnnnd I declared for the Inquisition but we disbanded after Trespasser. I was friends with every companion and completed each quest. (Iron Bull didn't try to kill me in Trespasser, thank glorb!) Hmm so romances, because it was my first time, I didn't progress them in a linear sense. So I romanced Blackwall first but then I broke things off and stayed friends. Then there was Solas and I was like pfft, what could come from this? He practically hates me- Anyways bro literally ripped my heart and ran off with my arm!
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
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been thinking about which of the companions - from all games - would join solas
now, for reference: i do not think his plan will literally destroy the world. i think it will destabilize the world on a social, cultural, and political level. i also think it likely that the evanuris will be a threat, but even if they weren't, war is likely throughout thedas.
with that said...
morrigan - she wants more magic in the world, and to preserve what is already there; she is fascinated by elven/elvhen history and power
wynne, maybe? she's experienced circles and their oppression, but also she's bonded with a spirit - the latter may sway her (obv i'm ignoring some relevant canon here to even give her the option of joining)
leliana but not really this leliana, more dai era
merrill - wants to restore elven/elvhen history; respects but does not fear magic; respects but does not fear spirits/demons; is willing to go to extremes
fenris - deeply anti-slavery which i tend to see shifting over time to being more broadly anti-oppression; he'd still be a tricky one to get on solas' side, but if he was approached just so, i could see it happening
anders - his whole Thing is working against mage oppression - the idea that magic could thread through the entire world, that many, many more mages may occur as a result of this, so many that the chantry/templars can't possibly stop them all - yeah, he'd be on board with that. he's also willing to take extreme measures when he sees no other choice. plus, i mean, justice. anders knows personally that spirits =/= evil, and justice would want to join as well i think
isabela... maybe? tbh i've always struggled to get my head around her character, but she is opposed to slavery and appears to be pro mage freedom. i could also see her being wary of the massive disruption this would cause, though. would need a very particular approach and may end up leaving - although i don't think she would betray their location/plans even if she did leave
cassandra - i know, i know. just hear me out for a minute. she always does what she thinks is right, is willing to change her mind, and is repeatedly willing to move against convention. after the whole seeker reveal, she begins working to see if tranquility can be reversed. yes, she's wary - yes, she doesn't necessarily trust mages. but she listens to cole, she listens to solas, and dorian, and probably vivienne altho now i realize i've never played with them together (to be rectified....). another one that would require a very careful approach, but i could see her being swayed over time
leliana - she's openly pro-mage and values many mages more than she values herself. she also values elves, although she can sometimes have a... savior-esque attitude towards them. but if she could help to recreate a thedas that saw those two groups uplifted rather than oppressed? i think she'd be willing
dorian - he's a mage who comes from a culture of mages; yes, tevinter is bad in other ways, and he openly protests that they make for a good example, but i think he'd be willing to see it through - and frankly, he'd be so intrigued by the idea of a joined world, of magic everywhere, in everything. he also increasingly questions slavery as a practice throughout the game, and values elves; i think he'd be wary, fascinated, and ultimately willing
non-companion bonus round:
calpernia - she's staunchly anti-slavery, is a mage herself, and seems to have a perspective of intense disruption/change and manipulating the way things become afterwards. she saw the venatori as the best route forward to a tevinter without slavery - i think she'd see solas' plans as the best route forward towards a world without slaves, and magisters without a unique power and iron grip on tevene society, and she'd want to be part of that and have input
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greypetrel · 6 months
Hiiii, this is for the dragon age questions and for your darling Aisling
04. What is their moral alignment?
06. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
12. How efficient are they with things like crafting potions or repairing their own armor?
06. How did they behave at the Winter Palace? Who did they support in the political scheming?
12. Did they respect the rituals in Mythal’s Temple? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan or your Inquisitor?
13. What do they think of Flemeth? If they drank from the Well, how do they feel about being now beholden to her as Mythal?
Hello! Thank you so much for asking Kat! :D
There's a cut because you made me speak about my two favourite missions (with all its flaws, but I write fanfictions to fill gaps in a story, and the Arbor Wilds is the perfect match of a map I love, lore, fun banter -Solas and Morrigan should co-host a talk show where the guest inevitably tries to stop them from turn the other into a toad... and my brain is on fire.)
Tis the Prompt List
04. What is their moral alignment?
Neutral Good.
06. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
The sense of community. Acting like you're part of a group, your actions aren't really just yours, but can influence everyone else. The sense that you can survive only together, and everyone has a part to play, no matter how small.
12. How efficient are they with things like crafting potions or repairing their own armor?
Potions: she's pretty good. Her Keeper was a very skilled herbalist and she learnt well from her. She's not exceptional or a talent, and it doesn't come naturally to her, but she studied enough to be highly proficient. Repairing armour: She can keep her armour in good conditions from fighting. As a Storm Witch, she doesn't wear much metal in her gear (too conductive, and she uses armours in enemies enough to know exactly what happens if she makes a mistake). She knows how to to maintenance, but for bigger repairs she definitely needs help.
06. How did they behave at the Winter Palace? Who did they support in the political scheming?
Contrary to most people's belief, seeing her wearing her heart on her sleeve, she behaved very well. After long, LONG weeks of Josephine training her for the task. With the super-power of the people-pleaser, she won Belle of the Ball. On the support... With the Well of Sorrow, it's the one choice that keeps haunting her in the future. She couldn't bring herself to trust Gaspard to stay put and let Briala tell him what to do without any retortion. In her opinion, if the man launched his country in a civil war out of ambition, he isn't one to be trusted with a throne, and he isn't one to be trusted not to try and gain some more power for himself. She hated it to guts, but she supported Celene, believing that out of love, she'd be a little less prone to assassinate Briala than De Chalons. Kept every single scrap of paper she found in her studio as a safeguard and is ready to take everything out and blackmail the Empress should the need occur. Yes even after she disbanded the Inquisition, Leliana is instructed to call her immediately if Celene looks at another Alienage for more than 10 seconds.
She is still not sure it was the right decision, even if she really despises Gaspard too.
12. Did they respect the rituals in Mythal’s Temple? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan or your Inquisitor?
Respected every single ritual, defined the floor puzzles as "quirky but fun", quarreled with Cassandra and almost broke her friendship with her over it.
Another decision that haunts her even after: she let Morrigan drink, thinking she was readier than her to face the consequences (after being assured thrice that Kieran would have been taken care of by a trusted person should something bad happen). For her, it would have been a jump in the dark with risks she hadn't considered before, and respected Morrigan enough to trust her with it. Add the fact that Solas was a little too much involved in that choice... Which never happened before. She took it as an alarm bell and trusted him thinking that at least Morrigan was prepared to face risks, knew some of them... She didn't. If hurt and it felt bitter that she didn't, but she stepped back. Kept her sister back too. Continues with motivations in the next question.
13. What do they think of Flemeth? If they drank from the Well, how do they feel about being now beholden to her as Mythal?
Terrible mother, struggles to connect Flemeth to the Mythal she's been taught about. It was the first crack in her faith. It kept up for 2 years thinking that she did it for the greater good and was thinking on the long run... And then well, Trespasser happened, and it's part of the reason why she took it so bad. If she had actually drank from the Well, she'd hate being beholden by her. But like, hate to the point of asking Solas to fix that and leave the Anchor, leave her to die instead. She feels horribly guilty about having left the Well to Morrigan. If she could turn back time again, this is the one choice she'd change in a heartbeat. If she knew from the start, she would have pushed Morrigan away from the Well and jumped in herself, Pocahontas-style to spare her being beholden by her.
But I played that mission without knowing so go Aisling you can have one horror more.
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daitranscripts · 7 months
What Pride had Wrought Pt. 9
Giving Chase
What Pride had Wrought Masterpost First: Speaking With Morrigan First: Meeting Kieran Previous: Temple of Mythal
The PC enters the next room and is greeted by an explosion. Samson/Calpernia stands nearby.
Samson: Hold them off! Calpernia: Don’t let them pass!
They leap into the hole they created in the temple floor, leaving the party to fight red templars/Venatori.
PC: Come on. We might catch them
The party approaches the tunnel, but Morrigan stops them and gestures towards a nearby door.
Morrigan: Hold! A moment. While they rush ahead, this leads to our true destination. We should walk the petitioner’s path, as before.
Party Comments:
Cole: People are dying outside while we stand here. If we use the tunnel, more of our soldiers can flee.
Iron Bull: You forget that army fighting for us out there? Longer we play around, the more Inquisition soldiers die. There’s a hole–jump in.
Vivienne: Lady Morrigan was wrong about Corypheus seeking an eluvian. Do we trust her now? While we dally with “rituals,” Inquisition soldiers die outside these walls. Down is swifter.
Cassandra: An army fights and dies for us. The longer we tarry, the more soldiers we lose outside. Let’s jump down and be done with this place.
Blackwall: You’ve an army dying out there, Inquisitor. We’re wasting time fiddling with this magic. If jumping down will get us out faster, we should do it.
Sera: Right. Slow down. Give the baddies a chance. That’s fair and dumb! If we’re going in, let’s get in. Jump already.
Varric: We’d have to figure it out first, right? While Inquisition soldiers die in the forest? The faster we get out of here, the more people go home.
Solas: In this case, I must agree with the witch. This is ancient ground, deserving of our respect.
Dorian: Just a thought: maybe rushing through this place like a mad bull isn’t the best plan?
Morrigan (Solas or Dorian in party): You see the urgency. We cannot find the Well of Sorrows unprepared. Morrigan (neither Solas or Dorian in party): Performing these rituals may mean the difference between reaching the Well before Corypheus’s minions and not at all!
Dialogue options:
General: Are you certain? [1]
General: You want the Well, don’t you? [2]
General: We’re here to stop Corypheus. [3]
1 - General: Are you certain? PC: We don’t know what’s behind those doors. They might have a reason for going another way. Morrigan: Had they the option, they would have proceeded. That must lead to their goal. PC: Their goal? Or yours? [4]
2 - General: You want the Well, don’t you? PC: You’re very eager to reach our destination. Morrigan: Are we not all eager to stop Corypheus from achieving his mad plan. PC: It sounds like what you want is that well. [4]
3 - General: We’re here to stop Corypheus. PC: We don’t need to reach the Well first if we stop them before they find it. Morrigan: Reach the Well before they do, and their plan is ended! PC: And your plan? [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Morrigan: There is… a danger to the natural order. Legends walked Thedas once, things of might and wonder. Their passing has left us all the lesser. Corypheus would squander the ancient power of the Well. I would have it restored.
Dialogue options:
General: You’re a romantic? [5]
General: You know nothing about it! [7]
General: Why should I trust you? [8]
5 - General: You’re a romantic? PC: I wasn’t expecting your answer to be so… romantic. Morrigan: Trust me. Your surprise is matched only by my own. [8]
6 - General: You know nothing about it! PC: You barely know what the Well of Sorrows is, but you want to restore it? Morrigan: Yes! Is Thedas so full of wonders that we should leave them to die one by one? [8]
7 - General: Why should I trust you? PC: I should take your word that this is altruism and not hunger for power? Morrigan: Ah, yes. Far easier to believe the Witch of the Wilds full of greed. [8]
8 - Scene continues:
Morrigan: Mankind blunders through the world, crushing what it does not understand: elves, dragons, magic… the list is endless. We must stem the tide or be left with nothing more than the mundane. This I know to be true. I read more in the first chamber than I revealed. It said a great boon is given to those who use the Well of Sorrows… but at a terrible price.
9 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What’s this boon and price? [10]
General: Why not tell me this earlier? [11]
General: Of course there’s a price. [12]
General: Do you want the Well yourself? [13]
10 - Investigate: What’s this boon and price? PC: What exactly did that altar say about the Well of Sorrows? Morrigan: Like most elven writing, it was insufferably vague. The term I deciphered was “halam’shivanas”—“the sweet sacrifice of duty.” It implies the loss of something personal for duty’s sake. Yet for those who served at this temple, a worthwhile trade. [back to 9]
11 - General: Why not tell me this earlier? PC: Did you not trust me enough to tell me about this price when you read it? Morrigan: I hoped to find more information. If I intended to cheat you, I would have feigned ignorance entirely. [14]
12 - General: Of course there’s a price. PC: What sort of curse should we brace ourselves for if we use the Well? Morrigan: ‘Twould be easier by far to advise you of a curse. This price is not so well defined. [14]
13 - General: Do you want the Well yourself? PC: Is your real goal the power inside this Well? Morrigan: Yes, if that is the only way to preserve it! [14]
14 - Scene continues.
Morrigan: My priority is your cause, but if the opportunity arises to save this Well, I am willing to pay the cost.
PC: And gain what?
Morrigan: That is what we must discover. The rituals may point the way.
Next: The Ancient Crypts Next: Hall of Shrines
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Re the power struggle between the Grey Wardens and the Chantry. You can also snatch Anders right from the templars grasp and it's possible that a big reason why he's left alone in DA2 is because he's a Grey Warden. Anders hardly makes his actions in DA2 a secret. He is loudly rebelling, yet the templars leave him alone.
That's why the whole Warden arc in DAI makes no sense. The Chantry and kingdoms of Thedas have no authority over the Wardens, but an upstart order who is effectively nothing but a branch of the Chantry does?
YES! i started writing the post abt the wardens in the middle of collating more info about it but i was so gobsmacked at how much there was just pre-ostagar that i wrote the post before getting to the rest of the series and then the post blew up LMAO
i think part of anders not getting snatched up by templars when he's in the party with you is just nonsense mechanics stuff (they should've had a quest like they did in dao -- tho i think that quest was deleted lmao -- where if you try hand morrigan over to the templars, she leaves the party permanently, or even like in lothering where they can ask that templar what he'd do with an apostate and he susses out that you and morrigan are mages and goes "ive got bigger problems than apostates atm") BUT there is dialogue & quest stuff confirming that the templars raid darktown fairly often looking for him outside of whenever he comes on quests with you, so i dont think he was untouched because he was a warden.
if anything, i think him being a circle mage seemed to be more important than him being a warden since the chantry explicitly sends templars after him while he's with the wardens. to repeat: the chantry sends templars to hunt down warden mages, which is fucking illegal. wardens exist outside of the jurisdiction of the chantry! they have no right to drag warden mages into the circle, even if the warden mage was originally an apostate OR if they were a circle mage. AND justinia was canonically looking for the warden to become inquisitor before she sent cassandra looking for hawke -- the implications for a surana/amell are pretty horrifying.
i hated HLTA for so many reasons, but mostly, i hated it because it justified the inquisition taking action against the wardens, as if they had a right to it. "we're going to stop the wardens from summoning demons to fight the darkspawn and kill the archdemons" and that's a bad thing because Summoning Demons Is Bad, as if blood magic isn't the most effective thing against darkspawn (which! considering the implications of red lyrium being magic repelling is so fascinating. does being a grey warden mean some of your connection to the fade is messed up???). as if wanting to end the blights is bad -- we have solas calling the wardens ignorant and stupid as if the wardens killing archdemons and fighting darkspawn isn't the only thing that has saved the world every time a blight has erupted. and it pisses me off that no real reason is ever given for WHY it's a bad idea, we're just supposed to take it at face value that because solas, an elven god who definitely knows more than we do just trust bioware ok, says its a bad idea, it's a bad idea. the warden's plan is a bad thing because Someone Else Will Use The Demons To Take Over The World and Only The Wardens Could Ever Summon This Many Demons as if kirkwall doesn't have shades popping up outside of the hanged man every other day. corypheus was literally in kirkwall???
it would've been something if corypheus was using the wardens to get the location of the archdemons. wouldn't it tie into his crisis of faith and the sense of danger so much more? he's gone looking for his gods but raising them is definitely going to cause a double blight. but why bother raising the stakes or creating any level of danger for corypheus, right? that's not the point of the game :)
and yeah, the inquisition 100% has no authority or leg to stand on to engage with the wardens or even to kick them out of orlais. yet the quest -- and most of the game -- is framed in such a way that these actions seem justified. in general, this quest was a clumsy way to end a conflict that's been building over the course of the entire franchise -- which can be said about any of the longstanding conflicts addressed in dai tbh.
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olberic · 1 month
so the first time i played the da games 9 years ago i just picked the romances based on who i as the player liked, and my characters had very little depth bc i was just playing to try and maximize approval for everyone. but this time around im letting my characters develop more. im picking dialogue options that result in disapproval bc my characters are sticking to their beliefs. it also means the romance stories come about based on who my character ends up getting along with. heads up for talking abt my characters, itd be under a readmore if i wasnt using an ancient version of the app lol
so my city elf warden, lev, picked zevran. she had a hard time trusting humans after what she’s been through in the alienage, and though she comes to see morrigan as her closest friend, she doesnt warm up enough to leliana or alistair to pursue their more serious romances. did have the threesome with isabela. when zevran has the choice of going back with the crows, she realizes she cant stand the thought of losing him.
this time around, my marian hawke ended up being down bad for aveline, which surprised me, tbh. just so put out when aveline liked donnic instead (but i DID get the kiss scene. heheh). she eventually ended up with isabela, though i interpret the specific events of their romance a little differently than that first main romance convo. my hawke also flirted with merrill a bit, and was definitely fond of her, but it never sparked. this particular hawke is also a lesbian even though my first playthrough had hawke as bi. her absolute best friend ended up being fenris.
im still working through inquisition so im not sure who teolin (dalish, and the keeper’s second, not first, thank you very much) is interested in. im playing him as bi, and flirted a lot with cassandra at first, but rn shes mad at him for being so pro-mage. otherwise thinks josephine is cute and has been enjoying flirting with dorian, but is very much an impulsive sort than what the dialogue options strictly let me choose. highest non-romance approvals are with varric and solas, and has been getting along well with leliana, as far as he can tell.
im also not as invested in the romance as a whole this time playing the games. as a teen it was really exciting to have romance options, so that stuck around in my memory of the games. this time its not as important to me. yes im making a post about it because it is a commonly discussed element of the games but its not my main thing with them this time.
im appreciating the other relationships a lot more. lev struggling with deep distrust for humans while learning to trust alistair as an ally, her respect for morrigan, her appreciation for oghren’s straightforwardness. hawke’s love for her mother and sister, her unconditional support for anders and the mage underground, her honest discussions with fenris as her best friend. and while i cant say much for teolin yet, as the player im really enjoying interpreting his approval levels based on his beliefs and how that makes others see him.
and when my warden struggled for half the game to drag alistair’s approval up, and my hawke stood her ground when defending apostates against people she cares deeply about, and teolin’s pride in being an elf and a mage means hes shooting down his “inner circle”, its still really satisfying to me. not everyone needs to be uncomplicated besties like i thought they had to be when i played it the first time. the games are so political and give you enough freedom of expression to stick to what you believe (for the most part), so why not embrace it?
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What are your thoughts on Vivienne?
wasted potential mostly.
The fact is that Vivienne, unlike Sera, IS a very well written character... its just that because Inquisition is the way she is, Vivienne has no character climaxes of any kind. she's not the only character withouth any such finales, but she is far and away the one that is hurt the most by the lack of one.
If you like competent schemers who wants to attain power with understandable, well written, and incredibly humanly flawed character motives, chances are you'll appreciate Vivienne. having an evil party member is not by definition a bad thing, provided its well written.
The problem comes from the fact that her character isnt actually building up towards anything, wheter for or against her.
if you like vivienne, there is no climax you can help her work towards, nor are you able to change her character traits in any way the way you could with morrigan.
Her one, big reward she can actually get, is becoming Divine, and its not in any way a result of her own actions, but rather random choices you make in game, that has nothing to do with her. it really feels like, oh shit, we need a third divine option between leliana the reformer, and cassandra the wellmeaning, but ultimately unsuited seeker, who the hell do we have? ... What about Vivienne? she's powerhungry. Yes, excelent, an extremely pro chantry, pro circle evil option, she's perfect!
Problem is, that unlike Cassandra and leliana, Vivienne has NO possible reason why anyone would realistically choose her of all people as a successor to justinia, and more damningly, she makes no actual developments herself to make it happen. it just falls into her lap, so its completely unsatifactionary.
Thats not really a problem for the other two, as their entire arcs are about the question of religion and their relationship to the chantry, but man is it a probelm for vivienne, who isnt exactly related to religion at all.
on the other hand, if you just HATE vivienne, or feel that her character needs to end at her failing spectacularily to actually work(like if you like anders or fenris as characters, but think their stories work best if they end tragically at the end of act 3), you are in even worse off, because there is absolutely no such thing in the entire game.
there are no dramatic final encounter the way there can be with leliana, wynne, and most of the DA2 companions. you dont get the option of having her executed like with alistair, or anders, and you cant even give her a satisfactory ending by just refusing to hire her on, like you can with sten in lothering, leaving him to the darkspawn.
You don't even have the option of kicking her out like you can with sera, meaning that if you hate vivienne, you are STUCK with her.
Most of the DAI cast can stand on their own feet in some regard, even withouth a climax to seve as the final point of their character, but vivienne can not.
Vivienne is written as an evil character, and to that end, you need to have the option of either changing them, or kicking the feet out from under her, the way you can morrigan.
Morrigan worked so well because you could do either. You could genuinely befriend her, romance her, and change her outlook on life. Or you could tell her to get bent by betraying her to the circle, refuse the ritual, or at the end of witch hunt, you could stab her in the gut for her only using you.
or if you wanted to go the truly tragic route, you could romance her, impregnate her, but not go through with the ritual, leaving her with your child while you yourself died. or refuse, and instead send alistair or loghaine off to die in your place.
There were SO MANY OPTIONS with morrigan, and the end result is that regardless of how you felt about her, the player was left happy at the end, because they got to choose a route that they were happy with.
Vivienne has no such climax, or thematic ending. she has the single worst personal quest in the game, because all it does is highlight just how unchanging she is.
if you poisioned her lover, regardless of motivation, that should BREAK any sort of friendly relationship you have with her to pieces, the way destroying the urn did in origins... but it doesnt. at all. and that more than anything showcases how there are no true development with Vivienne in this game.
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quitefair · 3 months
All the questions for the dragon age reblog
astagah bro susah ni..... (tak susah pun you know me too well huhu.... thanks for asking!!!!)
gonna have to keep track of what ive not already answered. also half of this is going under a cut because as always, it got too fuckin long.
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
I need to go back into the Keep and take a look. There's some stuff even within Tashak's canon run that I think I need to tweak.
Main plot
Denies being chosen by Andraste
Recruits mages as allies
Grey Wardens recruited as allies, rebuilt
Stroud left behind in the Fade
Alliance between Celene, Briala and Gaspard
Morrigan drank from the Well of Sorrows
(Softened) Leliana as Divine
Shared the truth about Ameridan and the first Inquisition with the world
Vowed to stop Solas at all costs
Blackwall becomes a Grey Warden
Saved the Chargers, Bull is Tal Vashoth
Cassandra didn't rebuild the Seekers
Cole becomes more spirit
Sera kills Harmond on her own
Varric tracks down the source of the red lyrium
Dorian did not reconcile with his father
Helped Vivienne with the Snowy Wyvern (people that don't do this, we can't fuckin be friends)
Helped Solas with his friend
Softened Leliana
Cullen stopped taking lyrium
Du Paraquettes elevated to nobility
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
I've been talking a bit about her in the previous asks, but I have a somewhat vague idea rotating in my mind. Don't want to commit too much until I've played the game though.
(Those that want to peruse her tag, it's here.)
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
I'm going to be real with you guys. If I had it my way, I don't want any of the previous characters to be in DA4. I've been scarred too many times with Bioware fucking up their characters in subsequent media.
What I'm trying to say is, keep your hands off Fenris or I'll come to your offices and kill every single one of you.
Then again, having said that. Maevaris Tilani, the woman you are. The moment she appears on my screen I'm going to need a defibrillator.
10. Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
Antiva. Bioware, please. I need to see. Antiva. Rivain too but I have too much of an emotional attachment to the Antiva in my head.
12. What’s one thing you’re hoping we DON’T see in this next game?
As mentioned above, characters from previous games that are written badly. I don't want it. I don't need it. Let me play and be at peace.
13. What’s one thing you’ve seen confirmed so far that you’re a fan of?
The Veil Jumpers. God. I can't stop thinking about them, I need to know EVERYTHING about them. Veil magic, Rift magic, the science of the push and pull between Thedas and the Fade, separated only by a thin sheen of fabric. I'm going insane.
14. What’s one thing you’ve seen confirmed so far that you’re NOT a fan of?
At first glance, the combat and the interface really reminds me of a combination of God of War (2018) and the newer Assassins Creed games. And... I don't like that at all. As much as I adore GoW 2018, I want Dragon Age to be it's own thing. Yes yes you could say games can be inspired by other games, but I know for a fact that development of this game has been a nightmare, and shit has had to change last minute. God of War 2018 has been referenced as a game that made EA execs change the direction of what this game would've been, alongside Jedi Fallen Order.
We don't need another Soulsborne Action Adventure game. We need another Dragon Age. And this... really doesn't feel like a Dragon Age game so far.
15. Do you have any unpopular opinions about DAV so far?
Kinda answered in 14. I've refused to look at anything after I saw the gameplay reveal. I didn't think I was going to be as excited for this as I am. I didn't think I would have as visceral a reaction as I did to the character reveal trailer. The loredrops have been So Fucking Interesting. The characters are driving me insane. All of this already feels like the Dragon Age I know and love, and I don't want anything to spoil that for me until I can get my grubby little paws on the actual game.
I'll reserve my judgements and griping (oh there will definitely be griping) for then, my friends.
20. Post a picture or gif that conveys your current level of excitement for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
Tumblr media
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cityandking · 5 months
7, 8, 12, and 46 for the Inq asks! Tell me abt them gals!!!
thanks!! // 50 inquisitor asks
7. Did they tell Dorian about the letter? Did they get him to forgive his father?
VESPER — yes and yes. she’s not going to lie to her friend, and as someone who is all about fixing mistakes and second chances how could she not encourage Dorian to at least talk to the man? NARAYANI — yeah she told him about the letter. she lowkey tore mother giselle a new one too, for suggesting she spring an (unwanted) family reunion on dorian—and they weren’t even friends at that point. it was just a cruel thing to ask in her opinion. and she encouraged dorian to forgive him—she had a bad falling out with one of her mentors in the clan as a teen and then the woman died before they could reconcile and rani still regrets it. she gives dorian the advice she’d give her younger self if she could
8. How do they relate to Sera?
VESPER — sera’s fun, and surprisingly astute, you just have to get through sixteen layers of innuendo and joke to understand what she means. vesper appreciated her lightheartedness and the assurance that sera would keep her honest if she got too big for her britches—losing control of herself and her power is one of vesper’s bigger fears, so it’s honestly comforting to know sera will call it like she sees it NARAYANI — mostly just finds sera way too young. they clashed early about some elf stuff, which rani found annoying but not worth getting into a fight about, but overall they just Did Not Interact and it was better that way. she never got the cookies cutscene
12. Did they drink from the Well of Sorrows? Why or why not?
VESPER — no. it was a little tempting to have all that knowledge at her fingertips (boot-tips?) but she has enough going on right now. plus it’s not her place, and given everyone’s warnings and morrigan’s clear desire for it, letting morrigan drink was the clear choice NARAYANI — yes. it’s her people and her history and she’s trying so hard to hold onto and there’s no way in HELL she was going to let morrigan snatch it all up. they had a proper fight about it
46. Which companion/adviser makes them think twice about their choices, if any?
VESPER — kind of all of them and none of them. vesper's the kind of person who will take on everyone's opinions and try to make everyone happy, so she spent a lot of time trying to take everyone's advice into account. in terms of who actually made her second guess herself the most, probably cassandra. NARAYANI — rani has the exact opposite issue in that she's not interested in pleasing anyone and she doesn't care about playing nice. she has some good conversations with bull, though — they have just enough of a similar perspective on things that they can actually get into some properly nuanced conversation, and she values his insight.
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