#yes this one is about me lmao this is absolutely targeted at myself
wreckingtickles · 9 months
If you’re still doing the scenarios, what would you do for Kaminari? He’s one of my favorite lees cause he’s just ticklish everywhere and he’s such a screamer lmao you can’t tell me he doesn’t get ganged up on when he’s being an annoying little shit almost as much as Midoriya
Oh, he's a screamer indeed! He has absolutely no ability to restrain himself, but unless you're targeting one of his worst spots (abs and back of the knees), he'll run out of steam eventually. But he tires himself out so quickly screaming and thrashing, he becomes so much easier to tickle afterwards, creating an incentive to keep doing just that lol
Now, I believe that Kaminari absolutely hates being tickled, since he sees it as unmanly (yes, for real), which, given his screeches... fair enough. And he'll probably shock you if you try. Kirishima can go at it with his Quirk, but everyone else probably wore rubber gloves at some point, and that incident stuck because now when his friend group wears them and shoot him that glare, you can see him cower and begin to backtrack lol Oh, and he'll probably avoid shocking his ticklers if a girl is among them, though this has almost surely caused him to shortcircuit.
Sorry, got ahead of myself. Some time ago I read a story where Kaminari discovered the ticklish potential of his Quirk and abused it, causing the tables to be turned on him... that is sure to have led his classmates to gang up on him. Little did he know that it actually endeared him to the girls, or he might have volunteered. And why not, maybe he did ask Kirishima to wreck him when Jiro was around so she'd see that softer side of him - Kiri would have surely been happy to oblige. As adults, he's certainly been on the receiving end of Jiro's earjacks.
Actually, he probably did get wrecked by the girls once when he flashed his abs at them for the umpteenth time lol Mina would have led the charge, but also directed Jiro to tickle him there (just in case, you know), and when shy Jiro sent the first few vibrations rippling through his stomach, how he must have shrieked!
Now, Kaminari is also not the best at self-restraint, and I think he's capable of being petty at times. So, once he got over his fear of Bakugo, I can see him getting too carried away and joining Kiri in wrecking him. He probably made the mistake of teasing him about his ticklish piggies...
Now, Bakugo's worst spot is generally thought to be his ribs, but he has a secret: under the right conditions, his whole body gets even more sensitive, especially his feet, so they can get worse than even Todoroki's! Kaminari didn't know, but this got Bakugo hungering for revenge. So one movie night, Bakugo went "Sero. Get him," and pulled out the famed rubber gloves. Kaminari was outmatched. Kirishima, Sero, and Mina joined in at first, but when they saw just how brutal Bakugo was, they left him to his own devices... still didn't push him off Kaminari for a good while after he started wheezing, though. Bakugo surely spent a lot of time on Kaminari's feet and ribs to get him to admit they were more ticklish than his own, though no one bought that, but he certainly got his fill when he targeted his stomach and knees!
Finally, I like to imagine a scenario where the villains hang him from a winch, get the car battery ready, hook it to his toes... and Kaminari explodes into laughter, baffling them. But he is pleading for it to stop, so they attach more cables to his nipples and his, umh, and he loses his mind! Then, out of curiosity, they hose him down, it's supposed to make the elctricity worse after all, right? And Kaminari just goes into silent laughter, it's too much, as the water spreads the tickles all over his body!! So they just keep at it, thoroughly entertained, until Jiro saves his ass.
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carmenized-onions · 1 month
I’ve been thinking about rereading the series and actually writing in to you for each chapter. Most times when you drop I’m reading it at like 1 am cause I have no impulse control and I’m feeling like I need to get back to it with fresh eyes.
I think I’ve only written in for one, two maybe? I honestly can’t remember, but I love it and you deserve all the praise. I know constructive criticism is important, but I can’t bring myself to find things that I don’t agree with.
Also, not me taking therapy advice from tumblr- like, what?!👀
I’ve been reading Running On Empty (and by reading I mean listening to the audiobook while I’m cooking dinner🙃) and I’m learning a lot. I’m the middle child and only daughter in a very dysfunctional boy family so I have actually found the recommendation helpful and I look forward to reading the others. Thanks, Dr. CO🫡
I don’t think I registered how much your story has creeped into my waking life until I found myself in the deodorant isle at target reaching for the Bearglove. The curiosity took over.😭 I am an Old Spice girl, but I’ve always done Timber w/ sandlewood or Oasis w/ vanilla notes. (If that says smth bad about me, sorry. I feel like I’m failing a personality quiz.) Anyway, you got me there. I think reading it right before bed has caused it to seep into my subconscious. And Wolfthorn- I can totally see it.😂
I know people normally send in memes for the story, but I did see this and think of you lmao
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This is how I picture you in your time away.
I’m excitedly waiting for your next chapter and I can’t wait to start the reread.
I know you’ve had some transitions going on. I’m wishing you all the best and I hope you’re taking time to yourself to enjoy it!
- Elli🌿
This is so goddamn sweet. First of all. That's all I gotta say SO SWEET!! Before I get ahead of myself, I must reply to things in order so my brain doesn't nix something.
First of all: I'm not going to pretend I wouldn't love a reread and getting your thoughts-- I love your analysis! love your takes! i love everyones takes but yknow. i love your takes!! I'd also say, honestly-- I think after Chapter 13, re-reading is very fun because there's little bits that with the flashback in mind really make them hit a LOT harder!! hehehehehe
And listen critique is important and I myself have found a bunch of grammar errors/timeline errors that I will have to edit upon the series finishing but FOR NOW! WE WILL SIMPLY JUST ENJOY MY STUPID MEDIA CONTENT.
THE IDEA of someone taking anything from my little fic really means so much. Some of my favourites Qs are what's the rosemary water recipe? curly hair routine? etc etc. I'm happy to add books to the self-help list. CO IS A FUN NICKNAME IT TOOK ME A SECOND! I was like am i... a commanding officer? Yes. Yes I am. no i'm Carmenized Onions.
As the youngest daughter of an all boy family (and I mean. All boy. Cousins. All boys.) getting hit with the Running on Empty + It Didn't Start With You recc from my real doctor? Murdered. (I CAME IN THAT DAY TO ASK FOR MEDICATION ADVICE ON MY MIGRAINES BRO... WHAT!!!) I have also been listening to Running on Empty and yet to start It Didn't Start With You, but I'm sure it'll fucking kill me.
It's the little things,,,, it's the little things of creeping into the lives of strangers via changing their hair routines and giving them book reccs and making them feel like i am haunting them while they pick out deodorant.
TIMBER AND/OR OASIS ARE ALSO GOOD!! The wolfthorn thing comes from my real life of every real lesbian I know using it, however I think it got discontinued in some countries? Fucked up if true. Bearglove I had to do for Carmen because it's fucking Bearglove but the notes did seem like it would smell good. If you got it let me know if it is to your taste I'm curious.
that IS me! that's me on the fuckin subway absolutely dissapearing on my commute in my mind, making edits on the train.
Which speaking of, can I be so fuckin forreal? i'm struggling sm with this next chapter man i'm dying. no one volunteer but this onion might have to accept defeat and look for beta readers i'm fucking IN HELL!!!
it's probably just the massive life transitions talking. Life wise I'm doing great! Finally finished setting up/decorating/unpacking my room. I've got two roommates (my dear friends) and a cat, and this is the first time we've had SO much living space room, so we're slowly figuring all that tf out.
Who knows where to get a good kitchen island that isn't 600 dollars please. girl please. ikea failed me for the first time baby please.
again this was so so so so sweet and I can't wait to see thoughts pour in should they come should you choose to reread!! fuck it, WIP for u:
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what the hell are they talking about!!!! LOVE YOU BYE!
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holy3cake · 3 months
Twenty Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @lord-aldhelm! :)
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 47, and some of these were absolute fever dreams lmao.
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 297,357 (some of these are multi-chapter, but my current TLK fic is set to be the longest one chapter and word wise)
3. what fandoms do you write for? This doesn't cover all of the fandoms of my AO3 because I wrote a random mixture when I was younger but my main ones currently are:
The Last Kingdom
13 Reasons Why
I've done a few random ones like Sex Ed, Squid Game, TMR, AOTD but the ones above are the main ones I try to stick to!
4. top five fics by kudos:
Your Dreams are my Reality (FNAF)
Don't ever betray me again (Squid Game)
Take Care of me? (AOTD)
Jealousy in the Office (Saw)
One Man's Worst Week is One Man's Greatest Rescue (13RW, this is the first fic I ever wrote so it warms my heart that this is still in the top 5!)
5. do you respond to comments? Yes! If I don't respond on AO3 I respond to people on tumblr, as I tend to seek out people in similar fandoms and make the most amazing friends :)
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I meaaaan no spoilers, but In His Father's footsteps will have an angsty but happy ending. I think the angstiest one I've done so far was Runaway Bride (Saw).
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? A release of toxic masculinity (13RW) was a super sweet one to write, and ended quite happily :).
8. do you get hate on fics? Not exactly, but I have been the target of bots (unfortunately).
9. do you write smut? I used to write nothing but smut lmao and about 9/10 of my fics are smutty, but I'm trying to include a bit more plot these days, mainly as I'm not great at writing smut haha.
10. craziest crossover? Uhhh probably Saw x Titanic? It was a bit bizarre haha, but I did do a 13RW x Circus thing which was also super fun to write.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, I really hope I haven't!
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Someone asked to translate one of my Squid Games fics into a Chinese version, and I was given the link to the page. It was really nice that they asked and showed me the final product :)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope, but I do theorise/write snippets with friends sometimes!
14. all time favorite ship? Oooooh difficult one. I mean I really have only started getting into it recently but Aethelstan x Osbert from TLK have me gripped even though it's a rarepair, and Charlie and Alex from 13RW are my lifeblood.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Uhhhh there's a few lmao. There's a couple of Saw ones that I really want to get back to, but the inspiration hasn't returned just yet.
16. what are your writing strengths? I would like to say descriptions (imagery wise) and maybe light smut?
17. what are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with dialogue even though most of my fics are dialogue heavy lmao.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? I don't mind reading it, but I don't write it myself. There's no particular reason I don't write it, it just hasn't come up.
19. first fandom you wrote in? 13 Reasons Why! And it helped me through a really rough patch in my life, so I'll always be intensely thankful for the people I met at that time with Chalex (@aeonwing-blog @closetfascination)
20. favorite fic you've written? I have mixed feelings about it, but I really love my FNAF one for the couple, I just felt I rushed the story a bit lol. And maybe it's just because I adore the fandom so much, but my Last Kingdom one has a GRIP on me.
My AO3, in case you're interested in any of this madness:
No pressure tags: @aeonwing-blog @closetfascination @jayalover @book-and-music-lover
@waterfallsilverberrywrites @redacted-thething @lancedoncrimsonwings @cheesyficwriter @persephones-journey @billystoilet
and anyone else that would like to participate!
I've tagged a few of my favourite writers that have been with me through the fandoms, just wanted to say an extra thank you for your works <3
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haejjoon · 2 years
Hi I’ve been really enjoying your art and ex machina and I’ve been reading through the asks and I wanted to share my thoughts on something that’s been coming up.
Ok I love Makoto- she is my bae, i romanced her on my first play through and I still love her. That being said… I HATE that she still plans to be a cop. And I do think she’s smart but you’re right that it’s mostly booksmarts and she is rather impulsive at times, but I think that’s ok. They should probably try to stop shoving the idea that she’s smart down our throats tho, but I have to say I find it very relatable as one of the “smart” kids in my high school friend group. When you get told you’re smart like that, your whole identity depends on it. And I think they could’ve explored that a lot more rather than shifting the focus to Eiko. And the fact that Sae’s palace didn’t have a cognitive Makoto or anything feels like such a letdown (tho I love that palace).
Btw she did figure out the phantom thieves enough to know to follow us around but just didn’t blackmail us until she had proof so there’s that.
But yes makoharu! And in an ideal world, I think she’d be a great teacher like Kawakami once kawakami stops being a maid.
To reiterate I’m really enjoying your content and I do agree with a lot of the points about Makoto I just love her anyway lol
hi rose!! thanks for liking my content it really does mean the world to me aaa ❤️❤️
i agree with ur points about makoto being stereotyped as the smart one. i'd also been branded as one of Those Kids growing up, and like makoto, it was really hard breaking out of that mold and creating an identity for myself that wasn't just about grades or studying. heck, that's probably the biggest reason as to why she's so popular in the first place: she's relatable, and realistic in her struggles. i absolutely adore that aspect of her, and plan to expand on it a Lot More in ex machina.
that being said ... again, she had so much potential, and ended up falling flat because they couldn't decide on what they wanted her character to be. i'd say she suffers from burnt out gifted kid syndrome, but she doesn't even quite fit the bill—she's still a gifted kid, through and through, and remains having excellent grades even with juggling thieves work and other things. it almost makes me wish she did suffer from it once she awakened to her persona—she realizes that she doesn't find the point of studying and grades, and loses her only reliable pillar of identity with that realization. it would've made for such a lovely character arc.
(she did figure out the phantom thieves to stalk protag but to be fair, they did make it... very easy. i mean. who else wouldve fit the bill other than the three misfits who had PERSONAL ISSUES with their first target LMAO)
i agree that she wouldve made an excellent teacher!!!! i'd totally see her as a uni professor, teaching law or philosophy to the bright eyed youngins of the next generation...
im glad you like her so much, genuinely :] she's not a bad character by any means, just an unfortunate one. crossing fingers that atlus will do a better job with tying up loose set ups in their future games <3
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SGU Week Day 2 (I promise I can count; I'm just behind!!): Favorite Character
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Leave it to me to get fixated on a character who only shows up in 4 episodes of a show that got cancelled 12 years ago. 😫 I thoroughly enjoyed SGU from its inception, but Amanda Perry is what took the show from something I really enjoyed to my current hyperfixation (yes, it's her fault I'm here, this fictional lady). She lives rent-free in my head. 💖
(Also fair warning this is gonna be long as hell)
I'm aware that her primary function is that of "love interest," but her character resonated with me on a much deeper level. Maybe I didn't travel a billion light-years to be with the person I love, but I did move 1,000 miles away from everything I knew to make a life with the man who became my husband. I know what it's like to feel rejected because the person you love shows their love differently (though I've been married for almost 6 years now after 3.5 years of long-distance, and then a lengthy engagement, so I know from experience that loving differently doesn't mean loving less). I know what it's like to feel like I'm not valued as a person, though in my case, I was mistreated because I'm autistic as opposed to being paralyzed, and I was regularly used and taken advantage of for my musical abilities, with little respect for my health or needs. I wasn't a person, I was a thing. I've been targeted by people I couldn't fight back against, even for things I didn't do. I know what it's like to be left behind for a lot of social milestones (driving, dating, etc.) I know what it's like to finally find that one safe person who sees you for you.
Amanda is relatable as hell to me. I do want to focus on her specifically in this post, though obviously her romantic endeavors are a factor. Tbh one of the main reasons I like her so much is, in addition to all the other stuff I just mentioned, is that she was the one to initiate things with Rush. I have little dating experience, myself, but I was the instigator in most of my relationships, especially with my husband. Gotta love those ladies who are active instead of waiting around for a guy to make up his mind!
Anyway, I make a lot of SGU memes and dumb lil comics that I share on Facebook, and a decent chunk of them are about Amanda (she even has her own multi-episode arc!!), so I'll share some of them here. I guess if people like them, I can put them on tumblr. I'll add that the vast majority of my content takes place post-stasis, so this Amanda inhabits her own meat body, cloned from DNA the SGC had on file, and is not a computer ghost or a body-swapper with questionable ethics. 😂
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I have generated A LOT of memes lmao
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Well that didn't turn out to be a metaphor for anything... 😏 I didn't catch this the first time, but I ugly-laughed on my second watch-through.
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When the lockdowns were first imposed in my town, I had no idea what that meant, and I was literally about to get in my car and commit a crime because I thought my husband was going to be trapped at work for 2 weeks. Obviously, that wasn't the case, but I felt this scene.
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Since my brain has chosen to attach itself to a character with minimal backstory, I'm obligated to fill in the blanks. One thing I find disappointing in media is that even the nerdy women tend not to have nerdy interests, which absolutely is not what I've experienced in real life. My thought is that Amanda was already something of a prodigy ("Little Miss Brilliant" probably isn't a nickname you get for being a regular genius lmao) before her accident, probably skipped a grade or two in school, private tutors in math and science, that kind of thing, and was later homeschooled before starting college as a teen. She was probably pretty lonely because of that. I'm not quite a "genius" (I have a Master's in music and an Etsy shop, and I uhhhhh make memes about an old TV show for fun), but I am a former gifted kid. Even though I took gifted classes from 4th-12th grade (academics, not that pull-out enrichment crap), I felt very lonely even among my gifted classmates, and I struggled with making friends throughout school because I was just too different. I was weird. I liked weird stuff. The girls were mean. The boys that were my friends didn't like the girly stuff I enjoyed, so I had to lock that part of myself away to fit in. The kids a grade ahead of me obviously left, and the kids a grade below me didn't want to keep in touch when I moved on to high school or college. It was lonely. I see similar things in Amanda's brief appearances. She's on the Destiny for 3 weeks, and she pretty much just sticks to Rush because he's "safe." She tries to be friendly with Eli, but he ends up making fun of her, and he's not very nice to her later on, either (sometimes for good reason; she's my fave but she's no saint). TJ isn't exactly in a position to be socializing during a complicated surgery, so she gets a pass. 😉
This was rambly, but my point is that a lot of lonely nerds are drawn to sci-fi, even the girls. I know for a fact that I'm projecting, but come on, she designs hyperdrives. You really gonna sit there and tell me she never watched Star Trek? 😂
As a side note (oh boy even more rambling), in my fan content, she and Eli have a very sweet friendship based on their shared nerd interests. I really don't think they'd get along in canon as things were left.
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Speaking of sci-fi, I like to think that, after getting recruited for the Stargate program, Amanda watched all of Wormhole X-treme to prepare herself. I also like to think that no one else on Destiny's crew has seen it except Eli, who saw a handful of episodes randomly. I just really need him to see a stargate for the first time and be all like WOW JUST LIKE WORMHOLE X-TREME 😂 These are two separate excerpts, one mentioning the show and tying it back to actual events in SG-1, and the other showing a snippet of an episode. Replicators are kinda like Legos, so of course the humanoid Wormhole X-treme versions would be Lego people (I'm not creative, I'm just silly).
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Going back to feeling lonely, I do think Amanda would be pretty imaginative, even if she's kinda one-note. In a fic I'm working on, she confesses that all of her fantasies involve Rush and having working legs (disclaimer that there's obviously nothing wrong with using a wheelchair and that disabled people can and do have fulfilling romantic relationships and sex lives, but it seems clear in the show that she would like to be able to walk again, so I have stuck to that for this particular story), and the narrative quality of her fantasies is very much on par with dollar store romance novels. She reminds me a little of Tina from Bob's Burgers and her "erotic friendfiction," so I made a few crossover memes. That's Tina's copy of "Buttloose" in the 4th panel. Panel 3 is also a borrowed quote from Tina. I do think Amanda might struggle with tidiness since she spent a good 25 years not being able to pick up after herself at all. I also struggle with this due to executive dysfunction and growing up in a borderline hoarder environment, so I guess I'm projecting again RIP 😅
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No, really, Camile, what do you mean????
I guess in Amanda's defense, she doesn't find Rush off-putting in any way since he's not unnecessarily mean to her. 😂
I'm not sure if I'll ever complete my fic, but one thing I'm exploring, both there and, to a less complicated degree, in my memes, is Amanda's use of the neural link while she's a computer ghost. In Seizure, she seemed to use it with ease (apart from that one colossal fuckup lmaooooo), and I'd really like to see what she could do with it after her file is no longer quarantined. I've done a lot of cringe rambling and infodumping (congrats to anyone who's actually made it this far), so I won't go into detail, but she does work on expanding use of the link so she and Ginn can use it at the same time and connect to multiple people so they can socialize and function more as crew members instead of something like a guardian angel or familiar spirit. I'd also like, as mentioned in a previous post for this event, if she could help Lisa "see" again via the neural link. Another possibility, as alluded to in the above photo, is making "holograms," which aren't really holograms, but are more like skins for the ship's AI. What's cooler, accessing a medical database in the infirmary, or asking the EMH from Voyager to give you the info you need? If you're a loser like me, it's absolutely the second one.
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More backstory!! My hc is that Amanda's parents were killed in the accident that paralyzed her (on the way to some math tournament with the high school mathletes or something idk I'm a musician I don't know what STEM people do for fun), and she was raised by her grandparents. We all love to make our faves suffer, and I'm no exception. This is just a silly little comic, but there is a certain sadness of being intellectually advanced but emotionally immature, something common among gifted kids and neurodivergent people (and I'm both, wheeeee). Things are thankfully getting better now. I love seeing more acceptance. But it was difficult in the early 00s when I was a teen, and I'm sure it would have been harder for Amanda in the '80s and '90s. It's also difficult when you have to rely on someone else for transportation, but they are unwilling to take you places (I went nowhere in college except school and church and my parents were still always mad at me, which is weird of them because they actively discouraged me from driving and would not teach me or help me get over my fears, so uhhhh yeah).
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Last one~
So yes, I'm definitely salty that my top 2 SGU ladies got fridged twice (Ginn's my second fave because of course she is). I do think it opened up a lot of interesting possibilities for both characters, but as the show was tragically cut short, we have to rely on fan content. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that Amanda and Ginn would have been fine had Amanda simply studied Bobby Hill's Guide to Self-Defense. Yes, it's bad, but I am a bad person and I generate irreverent things.
If you made it this far, then congratulations, you're an obsessed weirdo like me!! I know Amanda isn't exactly popular, nor is SGU, especially not so long after the fact, so I don't really expect anyone to read all this. If you do, I hope I was able to convey why she is so special to me. If nothing else, I hope you enjoyed the memes.
Also this took me like 5 hours to write, Jesus Christ I need to sleep
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noramoons · 2 years
tysm for tagging me and thinking of me @end-hyphen and @petrichor-han ! i am late to the game as always 🤡 bc i did let this marinate in my drafts for a week for absolutely no reason but !! this was fun hehe i loved reading yalls too <33
this is also super long so answers under the cut!
october 17
dark blues and pastels
one cat! he is staring up at me from across the room as i write this lmao
5’5 (165 cm)!
i think between 10-12 but there’s only 5 pairs i wear regularly. literally wear the exact same loafers to work every single day 👍
literally changes every day lmao but rn it’s probably between good life by wayv, back down by p1harmony, or avalanche by walk the moon
everything everywhere all at once OR kiki’s delivery service OR scream (1996) LMAO i love watching all different kinds of movies but horror has rlly been my fave over the past year or so <3
lee seokmin OR someone who makes me laugh, is patient, kind, caring, and a good listener. someone who i don’t feel like i have to put on a performance for and who i can be myself around. and who understands all my little interests! like tv and movies and kpop hehe
absolutely not! LMAO the cat is enough <3
i’ll copy genie’s answer and just say i was a very stupid teenager who thankfully never actually went to the police station BUT i try to be a smarter adult now bc of it HAHA
blue and white striped!
i rlly do listen to just about anything but since this IS a kpop blog i’ll say kpop. honorable mentions include 70s dad rock, alt/indie rock, anime osts, and classical (study playlist my beloved)
two! one for my head and one beside me lmao
on my side usually. or curled up in a ball since my room is always freezing cold ahaha
when i can see light coming under my door from another room in the hallway…drives me absolutely bonkers i need complete darkness to be able to sleep or i cannot 💀
if i have time to eat i usually just make cereal! sometimes my work brings in bagels and cream cheese too which is always a treat <3
yes! HAHA my parents tried literally any and every sport/activity they could get me in as a kid bc surely i had to be good at ONE, right? (answer: no 💀) i was decent but definitely not a sharpshooter by any means lmao. i do still have my bow and arrows and the target we used to practice with (and this is also why the reader in frw&d shoots w a bow n arrow — since it’s the only ‘weapon’ i have any real experience with for writing 🤭)
strawberries, kiwi, and mango!
absolutely not lmao i have tried for many years but apparently i just look incredibly obvious when i try to lie 😐
literally what does this mean. my bellybutton??? do i like going outside????
poppyseed chicken! OOO or i had lemon bars the other day and they were absolutely 🔥
omg there’s a thai restaurant literally 2 seconds away from my house that is SO damn good. i’d eat there every day if i could LMAO
i think i’m very selectively clean bahaha like my bathroom has to be nice and organized or i’ll lose my mind but my room is always in some state of disaster
do i have one?? idek actually 💀
i don’t put in a ton of effort for work these days LMAO so like 10 minutes probably?? if i’m going out for dinner or something else w other ppl tho between 20-30 minutes
100% HAHA this is the best way to get fic ideas and also sometimes i think i’m funny y’know 😻
every time i get in my car it’s a concert babey !!
absolutely not HAHA but that’s why it’s fun to just jam in the car or in my room <3
drowning, caves, letting ppl down
🍵🍵🍵 bring me the tea PLS i think a healthy dose of gossip is good for you actually
on me i think i prefer short (even though it’s growing out again rn). long hair for literally everyone else though HAHA
any english or writing courses and history!!
having to drive long distances and making phonecalls 😧
one of those mfs from newsies (1992) most likely LMAO or nick from walk the moon 🫶
just two on my earlobes for now! not going to do anything else until i figure out if i can get more with my job HAHA
none </3 i wanna get the homunculus tattoo from fmab SO BAD
if i’m running i’m either on the treadmill or being chased so. probably not that fast
brown. rlly want to get skunk hair with blonde underneath but once again……need to see if my job will allow it lmfao
many things but today it’s the governor of my state and ppl who are rude to service workers
yes! i picked out beck a long time ago bc i liked the androgyny of it and i still rlly like it <33
no kids babey!! my cat is a boy though and he’s enough
i’m resourceful, creative, and i don’t give up on things that are important to me.
why is this a job interview i can’t shut up once i start talking and have a hard time being able to tell when i need to stop. also mega perfectionist and tend to overanalyze every other conversation i have lmao
white with purple flowers!
it’s this purplish grey (which doesn’t sound super appealing but i promise it’s a very calming color LOL i painted it over the summer) and i have brown wood floors.
tagging: @seung-scrittore @decembermoonskz @sulfurcosmos @lotus-dly @lixesque @txtkids and anyone who would like to or hasn’t already done this! as always, no pressure on the tags — these are just for fun and nothing serious 🤍
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bubble-masquerade · 1 year
I'm bored and can't get myself to work on any art so here's this.
I do have an idea for a rottmnt au, but have no idea if I'll do much with it. Guess it depends on how interested people will be. For now I want to get it out there cuz, personally, I think it's cool.
We're All Mad Here
It's based off my favorite fairytale, Alice In Wonderland with a splash of American Mcgee's Alice: Madness Returns. So, essentially it's going to be fun (at least for me) and dark. I love that game with all my heart, and I'm genuinely so sad we aren't getting a third instalment :( it's messed up what happened and I'm genuinely so sorry for the team.
For the cast. I had some ideas but unfortunately not every role has been filled.
First and foremost, out dear Alice. I immediately thought of the darling April O'Neil for this, hands down. I have some design ideas my head that I just haven't gotten down yet. So yes, it would've been April centric which (from what I've mostly seen) would be pretty different.
The Mad Hatter. Again, without even a thought, I thought of Michelangelo. We've all seen him. He can be absolutely unhinged. I wanted to use that to the absolute best of my ability and make an awesome character. And honestly he just gives me Mad Hatter energy, I can't really explain it.
The Cheshire Cat. This took a little bit of thought before I settled on Leonardo. So I would be going with, essentially, the blue version we got in the live action Alice In Wonderland movies and also the Alice: Madness game. Leo is cunning, a bit of a trickster. He fits with what I have in mind purrfectly... I'll see myself out.
The Queen Of Hearts/The Red Queen. I didn't really feel like I had to think much on this one, I went with Big Mama. Cuz like... Come on. Have you seen her??? Yes of course there's also her husband, the king, whose role would probably go to Splinter.
Of course there's still the remaining two brothers: Raphael and Donatello.
With Raph I thought at first to go with the March Hare/Thackery Earwicket. He's the best friend of the Mad Hatter, and of course, equally insane as him. But unfortunately I also thought of Donnie for this as well down the line. I love the Raph/Mikey and the Donnie/Mikey dynamics so much I wasn't sure which to choose. And I'd hate for either of them to get a minor part.
Of course there's also the Caterpillar, the White Queen and other characters to think about.
Why this?
Well..Why not? 🤷🏼 Honestly. And as I've stated prior, I feel in love with the story and concept when I was a kid. I watched the movies and fell in love even more. And with the game, it was the first one I really bought by myself haha. I felt so cool doing so. I saw it was an Alice inspired thing and immediately had to have it. Then I played it and my mind was blown.
The horror, psychological horror, the art style, the aspects of it... It holds near and dear to my heart still to this day. I mean, fucking hell I'm replaying it on my old PS3 (hang in there old girl don't catch on fire pls). I probably was a bit too young, considering the target audience of it, but still. I'm happy I was allowed to have that experience... No matter how buggy it was and still is 😅.
I think I mostly enjoyed the ability to escape into another world and be able to just... Leave this one for a while. I'm talking about the original story here lol.
Anyway one day I was just thinking and decided on this concept. I love the turtles and AIW. Putting those two concepts and medias together would definitely take a lot of time and planning but I pretty much have a basic layout of what I want. I just really need to have it physically wrote down lmao.
Everyone has such cool AUs and I kind of wanted to join in...? I know this probably won't blow up and get popular, and I'm okay with that. I just mostly enjoyed getting this idea out there. Trust me, I've had this in my pocket for a long while.
End Notes
I guess that's all for now. It's a very shitty basic layout but it's something that still took me a bit of thought. It's okay to ask questions if you like. Bye for now!
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Can we get directors commentary on not a house but a home and strange exhilaration please? They stories are so cute and so well written I’d love to hear your thoughts on them
Yes omg!! Sorry this took a bit to answer, I got sidetracked. Thank you for asking!!! Putting these under a cut so i can go ham LOL
Ask for more director's commentary here!
Not a House, But a Home
AHHHH ok ok this was SO fun to write because it's pre-musical Maitlands!! As someone with a deep love for technical theatre, it was fun trying to imagine what the house would be like before the events of the musical. Scenic design is a fun hobby of mine and I love what a set will say about the characters that interact with it!!
Okay so usually when I'm first encountering a prompt/idea, I get clear image of like...the center of the fic? or at least one very specific scene that I can sort of stretch like taffy and build on. The one for this fic was Barbara with the wallpaper! The very first decision I made was that they'd be fixing up the house a bit. It felt in character to me for the Maitlands to literally fix every goddamn thing they could think of instead of like...confronting their mortality LMAO so I wanted to go to a period of their life that felt new and fresh! Also I really love the pastel green wallpaper that they use on the set for the show and I thought it would be sweet if Barbara was the one to put that up. Something something she wears green the house is green something something good luck charm
Then of course the JOKES!! I'm a dad joke connoisseur myself, so it was really fun getting to pick ones for Adam to use. All the jokes in the fic are ones I've used myself, but I looked them up online for specific phrasing. It was really fun getting to play with Adam's delivery actually! To me, Adam has absolutely zero doubt that he's hilarious and will just keep on truckin' until he makes someone laugh. He's so fun to write! He's mischievous and loving and so very white, bless his heart.
I think the core of their relationship is 100% that Barbara and Adam are each other's best friends, y'know? They feel like high school or college sweethearts, or the result of a meet-cute--something sweet and forever-binding. They can't leave Target without buying a million useless things and they take turns either pretending the baby section isn't there or going in and cooing over the little onesies. They slow dance in the kitchen with no music. They have loud, dramatic sing-alongs in the minivan. I think part of that comes from being married/together, but a lot of it is just loving each other's quirks and company.
Also I wrote this in the tags of the og post but I kept making myself laugh writing it by imagining Beetlejuice like...in their walls commenting on the events and such. He's such a wretched little creature I love him dearly. During Ready Set, Not Yet when you see it live, he's bopping around and scatting with 3-D glasses and popcorn literally waiting for them to die it's so fucking funny
Strange Exhilaration
baby's first wicked fic! Wicked will always have a special place in my heart tbh and it was fun bringing back those memories.
This fic was a gift that I whipped up in a couple days, so I didn't sit with it as long as I do some of my other prompts. It was actually nice to do that. It forced me not to overthink what I was doing.
Writing Glinda was a challenge but a welcome one? She speaks in such a specific way but because the show's been running so long, it's basically a new role each time a new actress steps in. I've only ever seen it live once and that was four or five years ago? So it wasn't super fresh in my mind. It was fun trying to reconcile what I remember with what I needed from Glinda. Her vocabulary is everything to me. I stole 'seriosity' (which is a real word but hasn't been used in ages) from Newsies because I had literally just seen it, but the rest were sorta off the cuff!!
okay so first: girlies. jot that down. I love Glinda and Elphaba's friendship and all the tropes that they encompass both together and apart. Whether or not you actually ship it, I do think it's important to write them as if they're a little in love with each other...because they are! I approach the center of their dynamic like this (and I write a lot of deep friendships this way) and it really makes their intimate moments shine ;w;
Elphaba having ticklish hands and Glinda being a teasy sunshine ler were both happy accidents but so fun to write. RIP Elphaba, me too buddy. Hands are mean. But I think it speaks back to their friendship in a sweet way? Elphaba being startled and embarassed by her own softness and Glinda being genuinely 100% delighted by it is so wholesome and true to them, I think. Then of course the reverse of Elphaba allowing herself to be playful and mischievous and Glinda clearly having the time of her life. Ahhhh I love them!!!!
I was fighting for my LIFE not to use 'wicked' or 'bubbly' as adjectives in case it was corny...I think I only did it once or twice each though. I'm so brave.
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aria-ashryver · 1 year
Sooo... how did it go? 👀
mmm,, there's been some updates. Good news and bad news really, but mostly good!
Incoherent rambling under the cut bc I spent 7 hours at the hospital today and my brain is full of bees from all the information 😅
I was able to chat to my oncologist before I started to go over the results of my CTs / bone scans / MRIs / echocardiograms and stuff.
Cool news! I qualify for that new drug now! My treatment plan has been updated - we've jumped from a 45% chance to a 75% chance of completely shrinking Caesar's lame ass by the time I'm scheduled for surgery!
The uhhhh... less cool news is the reason I qualify. It's not stage 2 cancer anymore. The feisty little bitch seems to have spread to my bones. Doctor is about 80% sure I have stage 4 cancer. Need another type of CT to confirm. Big yikes?
More cool news though! It's only in my bones in one place! And super small! So, less yikes 😊 And the chemo treatment I'm getting anyway will attack that directly as well, so hopefully that wipes it out completely. Caesar tried to send out troops to annex my hip joint and instead of leaving a unit of cavalry like a cancer that knows what its doing, he was like "eh, one dude with a slingshot and will do". (Spoilers: it won't) What a dumbass 💅
The upshot is, instead of having chemo every 3 weeks like originally planned, I'm now getting it weekly. Stage 4 sounds terrifying, yes, but it's not in my brain, not in my organs, it hasn't spread widely in my bones, so even though in the past, a diagnosis like this would have been incurable and given me a projected lifespan of like `15-20 more years to live at best, research and treatment options have come a loooong way. My awesome funky Doctor is still very convinced that a full recovery is on the cards.
Also, weirdly enough, having chemo every week will mean a more consistent routine that should actually leave me less fatigued than my initial treatment, so, another win!
We dicked around so much with changing my drug treatments and pre-and post-chemo meds that I only got to run 2/3rds of my treatment today (they didn't want to give me the final, riskier bag of poison juice bc it was after hours by the time I got through my first few bags, most of the doctors were headed home for the day) (looong day, oof) so I'm heading back in for more chemo tomorrow lol.
Tumblr media
(Yes, my shirt says "HELL & BACK". I thought I was being hilarious. Also haven't done laundry in a minute)
Also, my Doctor just casually told me that one of the anti-nausea meds that he prescribed for me was $6K a pop 🤯 I GET A NEW PACK EVERY WEEK CAN YOU IMAGINE IF I LIVED IN THE US OMFGGGG. even the PET-CT scan he's ordered is like a $3000 procedure. I love this guy. He's getting me all the bougie shit 😂
Oh! Oh and another thing! If I do need surgery on my bone cancer (which, even a few years ago could have rendered me permanently unable to walk, just with the kinds of approach they'd have to take of physically cutting the affected area out), now there's a minimally invasive surgery they can do called SABR (its a targeted radiation thing) so now im straight up imagining myself being operated on with lightsabers which is high-key hilarious.
Been a bit of a rollercoaster today, but I'm still in ass-kicking mode and despite being concerning, things are looking weirdly good 💪💪💪
Thank you for unintentionally being my cancer diary vent space for the day kitty lmao. You're an absolute gem 💗💖💕💝
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luescris · 2 years
i remember specifically seeing this group of really annoying weirdos who claim to be sonic fans but literally do nothing but shit on sonic material.....well thats actually not my point. i remember vividly that these people HATE surge and kit, which is one thing like to each their own, but oh my god
do u remember that issue where surge is depicted as having an emotional breakdown, nearly a panic attack? they fucking dogpiled her and called her "bad and inconsistently written for being so weak out of nowhere" like. literally shaming her for being traumatized
so. thinking its bad writing that a character is written as traumatized and emotionally unstable is so incredibly stupid. but also its legitimately chilling the....the absolute lack of empathy. the way they refuse to be at all compassionate just because they dont like her character. the fucking nerve to call her displaying symptoms of mental illness "WEAK"
i hope these people are completely alone in their lives and i dont even mean that in a trying to be mean way, i mean that as in the way theyve shown their asses, the way theyre willing to be so senselessly cruel and mean just because they disagree with it and its not their taste, like. its scary. i dont want these people near anyone else, the idea of them even thinking of another person the way they talk about surge is horrifying to me
...... What the hell???
That's all kinds of gross.
So, this is getting to a point where idk if it should continue. Sending asks about how bad anti-idw haters are. While I like interacting with people, I also would like to focus on more positive things (This isn't targeted at you anon I promise!!). Yes, I suppose I did start talking about it myself, but I'm gonna be honest. I didn't expect people to respond, haha. 😅
I will say that you all are still allowed to send me asks! Just maybe more about what things we do like about the IDW comics, so we can put more positivity in the tag?? If we keep talking about the hate, I don't know if we'd be any better than the anti-IDW haters (Though I will say, I went back to the anti-IDW post I commented on, and I'm pretty sure my comment got deleted /: That's so mature smh)
I will also say that I agree with you, Surge having a panic attack makes sense with everything she went through, and the way those people responded was toxic as hell. For those of you out there (like me LMAO) that have mental illnesses, you are not weak for having them. And you are certainly not alone. <3
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servin-up-surveys · 7 months
survey #202
Last time you went on a rollercoaster: Never. At least, not a legit one, because I'm terrified of those. I've been on like, one kiddie one, but even that was as a kid.
Whose birthday is next, out of all the people you know? My younger sister's.
Would you eat a live cockroach if it made you a millionaire? A millionaire? Yes. I'd probably puke in the process but you'd bet your fuckin' ass I'm trying, being poor sucks.
Who do you think about most? Besides myself and what I have going on, Girt.
Do you have embarrassing parents? My dad can be.
Are you any good at writing? I think writing is probably my strongest talent. I don't feel as good as I once was, but I can at least acknowledge I'm above average at it.
What’s something that really matters to you? My mental health.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid, I hate bar soap.
Do you have high or low self esteem levels? Very low.
Do you like mint or orange flavored chocolate? I love mint chocolate! I've never tried orange.
How often do you get spots? Like, pimples? I will almost always get at least one blemish during my time of the month. Otherwise, they're very rare in my adulthood.
Do you prefer instrumental songs or ones with lyrics? Ones with lyrics, usually. But I'm perfectly capable of enjoying instrumental, too.
Do you carry a bag around with you often? What does it look like? Yes, it's a small white purse shaped like a ghost, with two black ovals for its eyes. It's a biiiit smaller than I'd prefer, but I mean, it came from Temu for a very low price, I'll take what it gave me.
Name one of your favorite memories. Early morning fishing trips with my dad as a kid, especially if he was taking us out on his little blue boat.
Have you ever had braces? Do you need them? I did as a pre-teen/teenager.
Are you a subscriber to any magazines? Which? No.
What is something you want but can’t afford to buy? I'd LIKE a 4x2x2x PVC tank for Venus. That would be her final, "perfect" enclosure.
Do you usually eat wheat bread or white bread, or are you gluten-free? Wheat.
Which lost friend do you most wish you could be friends with again? Megan. She lied about the bulk of her life for pity, but... our friendship was very important to me. I don't feel like she did it maliciously, she just... wanted someone to feel sorry for her and took advantage of being an online friend to do so, I could never truly see that she was lying.
Do you think you would be happier if you had more money? YES??????????? I know I would be, not just "think." No, money would never solve all of my problems, but be poor and THEN come back to me with "mOnEy DoEsN't BuY hApPInEsS!!!!!"
What is something currently on your wishlist from Etsy? lmao there's this shirt featuring cute-ass lil kittens with a pentagram in the middle and the text is "tax churches, hail satan" in like the Iron Maiden font and I am DYING for it
Is there a Target near you? Yeah, maybe like, 7-ish minutes away.
Which is closest to you: Target, Walmart, Kmart, or Meijer? Walmart.
Who do you go to when you’re lonely? Or what do you do when you’re lonely? My mom or Girt.
What do you dislike about the house you live in? It's in a cookie cutter neighborhood with absolutely zero charm or interest and I just hate it.
Have you ever been clubbing? Did you have fun? No. I can't imagine myself having fun.
Have you ever volunteered? Yes.
What holidays do you celebrate? Valentine's with my partner, I'm very serious about this year beginning a tradition of doing something for Earth Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas. On New Year's Eve Mom and I will normally have a drink, but that's the extent of it. For the 4th of July, last year we did hot dogs on the grill and s'mores, and I'd like to do that again, even though I don't really give a shit about Independence Day.
Do you have a best friend? How long have you known them? Yeah, my boyfriend. I've known him since my freshman year of high school, so like... since I was 15-ish.
How often do you take selfies? Very rarely.
What was your favorite way to spend a summer day as a kid? Swimming.
Do you have any uncommon interests or hobbies? Forum animal roleplay.
Have you ever drank so much that you passed out? No. I don't enjoy alcohol enough for that.
What is your favorite way to eat rice? (white, steamed, fried, brown, sweetened…) Fried.
What’s your favorite horror movie? The OG The Blair Witch Project.
Have you ever had to have a tooth cut out? My only two wisdom teeth that came in, yes.
What video games did you play when you were growing up? The OG Spyro trilogy, Crash Bandicoot, lots of games based on kid movies and TV shows, hunting games (I know), etc.
What pet names do you use for your friends/loved ones? "Hun," "love," "darlin," "sweetie," stuff like that.
What’s your favourite Disney movie? The Lion King.
Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Diet sodas are a fucking travesty, I just can't
Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yes. Tez and Mazzy are both 100% invited to my wedding, so hopefully one day I'll meet them both. I'd love to meet Shaz too, it'd be dope as hell if we both visited the KMP at the same time and met. There are other online buds that'd be cool to meet, but those are the three where I'm like, I REALLY would like to meet them.
Are you a fan of garlic bread? Bitch I am more than a FAN, I'd trade you my soul for some fuckin garlic bread lmao
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? Yeah; ideally I'd love to be vegan, and I had a vegetarian streak, but my extreme pickiness that I just can't shake makes surviving without meat (nevermind adding other animal products to that!) impossible for me. I'd be so malnourished.
What is your boss’s (or school principal’s) name? N/A
Do you like eggnog? No.
Do you know anyone with celiac disease? Yes, my aunt and her daughter both have it.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? No, we're very similar.
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? I'd probably pick a major RP plot to base it around.
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? Dude I'm an adult, I'm not wasting time or energy on that bullshit. Even if I WASN'T an adult, I wouldn't.
Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? Besides having very poor eyesight without my glasses, no. I have astigmatism, but I wouldn't call that a serious issue, it's very common.
Do you have sensitive teeth? Not so much anymore, I only did at the worst of my teeth neglect.
What are your views on our current president? I voted for the guy and I hate him lmao. I'd rather have him in office than Trump though, hence why he got my vote.
What is your biggest responsibility in your household? Clean the litterbox, feed Roman, feed and water Venus/maintain her terrarium.
Who did you last worry about and why? My boyfriend, because it took him longer to get to my house from his work than it normally does, and it was very windy outside. I wasn't like, SUPER worried, but the concern was still there. Turns out he stopped at a gas station.
When was the last time you ate/drank something gross just to be polite? I genuinely can't do this. I'll just use the excuse of not being hungry, because my face WILL say if I don't like something, and my gag reflex is immediate. If I try swallowing something I don't like, I'll involuntarily shudder, like it's super obvious.
Do you have a mouse for your laptop? (Assuming you have a laptop) Yes, I hate trackpads.
What was your high school mascot? A firebird.
What was your first job? Sales associate at GameStop.
Do you remember your first time? No because I haven't had it. I was abstinent through my first serious relationship and my boyfriend now has crippling performance anxiety + we live with our moms so conditions just haven't worked out.
Favourite home-cooked meal growing up? Spaghetti.
What is something you don’t have any natural talent for? Mathematics.
How do you feel about your body? I despise it. It humiliates me.
What are three things you like that are blue? Birds, the sky, sometimes water.
What is one sad song that you enjoy listening to? One of the saddest songs (imo) that I enjoy a whole lot is "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade.
Do you like butterflies? Butterflies look like they should be mythical creatures, I adore butterflies.
Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? I greatly prefer fiction. I read books to escape.
If you have a significant other, what is his/her name? It's actually Donald Jr., but I've always known him as Girt.
Have you ever had to use a wheelchair? Only for very short instances. When I had my asthma attack, I had to be wheeled inside because of how low my oxygen was; my body wasn't properly oxygenated at all and it was making walking almost impossible, it was the strangest feeling. I also recall when I did some terrible shit to my ankle, I was wheeled into I think urgent care.
Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? In my very brief period of driving, no.
What are three things you would change about your body if you could? I wish I was slim, had much lighter/less body hair, and clearer/less dry skin.
Who was the last person who gave you a hug? My boyfriend.
Have you ever questioned your gender? No. I'm very unattached to the concept and identity implications of gender so I'm just content with the sex I was born as.
What is your favorite thing to do in the snow? Wander around and take photos!
Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yes, I LOVE swimming in the ocean, for real.
What were three of your favorite things to do at recess as a kid? Dig tunnels in the sandbox, the swing, and playing Four Square on the basketball court.
What is one thing you’ve gotten for free on your birthday? Desserts at restaurants.
Have you ever been to Tennessee, USA? Yes, my brother lives there.
What are some things that fascinate you? Animal behavior, caves, outer space, stuff like cryptids and conspiracy theories, etc.
What did you last remember dreaming about? I actually had a tornado nightmare last night.
What did you last watch on TV? Cunk on Earth with Girt.
What is one of your toxic traits? I can take things very personally.
Have you ever found a skeleton while outside? I've found animal remains, yeah, not like, a human skeleton lmao
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rainy-astrology · 8 months
thank u sm for replying to my ask about hongjoong, hope u are doing well!
do u think certain members are meant to be together? even tho a lot of ships on groups are obviously put on to draw in fans who might ship them do u think theres any genuine relationships between group members or do they see themselves as being coworkers? again i think woosan and seongjoong are quite interesting but idk if its real or not or if delulus just want it to be real.
do u also think kpop is deliberately aiming for younger generations with its constsnt flood of tiktok related junk that it puts out? altho i find myself being fond of a few members of every other group or maybe i like their songs idrc for the latest trendy tiktok things its just gimmick after gimmicks nd i think kpop is profitting so much off younger groups who are more willingly going to get hooked on such trends to promote their groups. theres barely groups my age to follow literally even gidle have been a let down, is that just the members self sabotaging? lately their songs quality seem to be going downhill to the point where if a group releases noise its not remotely interesting enough or i might listen a few times but i dont feel any sort of vibe from it. oh its another thing theyre doing for tiktok to get hooked on another dance yadayadayada do u have any similar thoughts on why so many songs are just badly done auto tuned as heck and generic lyrics that arent inspiring? kpop couldve had so much going for it just to be like ehhh heres more of the samey groups where all members look dress and sound similar.
idk no ones ever really asked me to date so im like ehh whatever to dating atm if i was supposed to be in relationship someone wouldve asked me by now but they havent so i will take that as a means of being single until the day i die or some shit. also maybe my looks or facial expressions just arent pretty or not expressive (i have that glare that the likes of lee know tends to have, might put someone off from approaching me) or im underskilled in a lot of aspects that some ppl may judge me for as being talentless or behind in life, hbu?
Ofc, no prob, I hope you are doing well yourself.
I think it's a mix of both. Some groups have genuine friendships with each other and some groups are simply coworkers. Both are fine. As long as they are mature about differences and treat each other with basic respect and decency (literally the bare minimum), then I don't see the issue at all. Being an idol is just a job after all. If they are able to form a genuine connection with a member or all of them, then that's great.
Do I think certain members are meant to be together? No. I don't think anyone is meant to be together tbh. The idea of fated partners and soulmates is cute, but I don't think exists. It works best in fiction. But I know some people's bonds and compatibilities are so strong that it can feel like they were fated and that's totally fine. It's sweet. Even my best friend and I joke about us being meant to be and being "married". And yes I do agree that some ships are definitely pushed more to the public to draw more attention. Some ships may be close, some ships may not be, and we'll never 100% know as we are not those people. If you want my own thoughts on WooSan and SeongJoong though, I do think they're actually close, just not in the way some delulus try to say lol. WooSan have a matching tattoo (it would be absolutely insane to have something permanent with a person you're not close to lmao) and SeongJoong have expressed deep care to each other several times. Even though astrology isn't everything, it's interesting how SeongJoong's synastry is so harmonious.
Yes most likely, I think kpop has often been targeted towards younger audiences. Especially now with so many young people debuting. The industry is saturated and very competitive, so maybe that's why a lot of songs lately are a bit generic and uninspiring. Its heavy use of TikTok I'm sure is just a way to promote and gain attention since it's one of the biggest social media platforms rn. I can't speak much for gidle as I don't follow them...I don't think it's self sabotage though, it just sounds like you are not vibing with their music anymore. Sounds like you are losing interest with kpop in general and that's ok.
Why do you want to wait for someone to ask you out? Why don't you pursue someone? Maybe it's you who has to make the move - don't wait for it. But only if you care that much lol. I don't think you have be very pretty and expressive to get a date, but looks can def play a part in attracting someone. You don't have to be the prettiest or the best in general really to get someone though.
I'm aro ace with no interest in pursuing romance, so it isn't a concern of mine at all. I also have the same deal of having an angry face unintentionally at times + also quite expressionless and I don't consider my looks to be traditionally pretty (not calling myself ugly, i do think i'm pretty, just not by society's standards), yet I've still had people crush on me somehow 😅 if it's possible for me then it's possible for you lmao.
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lesless · 2 years
After a lot of trial & error over many years, I've tried cheap vs expensive stuff & found that some stuff just isn't worth it...but some stuff is. This list is more to do with QUALITY for the price vs enjoyment so, grain of salt.
Expensive shampoo - yes. I like Moroccan Oil shampoo but I water it down by about half & my hair likes that better + lasts longer
Expensive chapstick - absolutely not. I got a trial of this Summer Friday's (& others) that smells great but it makes my lips peel vs Walgreens lip balm with a little tint is great!
Expensive makeup - mostly no. The 1 expensive makeup product I like is a tinted sunscreen (Ilia), everything else is whatever. Most of the expensive stuff I tried were gifts bc my friend had an ipsy thing.
Expensive lotion - also no. I live in a cold, high-altitude place after years in humid sea-level conditions so my skin does not do well & Neutrogena Hydro Boost Body Moisturizing Gel Cream with Hyaluronic Acid ($10-14) is the best thing ever. I like a good-smelling hand lotion too, so The Naked Bee Orange Blossom is a wonderful, effective, good-smelling alternative at $8 for a bag-sized tube.
Expensive skincare - mostly no. I like IT Cosmetics Glycolic Acid Peel which is normally like $50 but you can find it elsewhere for half the price. I put some of the Neutrogina face lotion ($18, the Walgreens or grocer knock-off's work just as well for around $10) on on top & my skin is super happy in the morning.
Expensive soap - No. I like to buy hand-made bar soaps from local shops or the Farmer's Market & they are cheap & delightful.
Expensive perfume - no. Just no. I was gifted some & splurged on some a few times & the smell fades just as fast as normal perfume imo, my favorite perfume is from Old Navy & under $20. I mean unless you're getting some ambergris shit I guess? I read that is salvaged without hurting the whale but idk man. Never tried, but someone much more bougie than I am said it's legit lmao.
Expensive deodorant - also no. I know this sounds strange but I was looking for a natural deodorant for a while bc I don't want aluminum on my lymph nodes but Old Spice is more effective & aluminum-free
Expensive shoes - most of the time, worth it. I have a really sturdy pair of hiking shoes that I got on sale for $50 but retailed at $140-ish & they are important. I also have a thrifted pair of leather booties ($20 vs $130), a pair of leather work shoes ($80 I think) that still look great after loads of walking & keep my feet warm. My favorite sneakers are expensive ($80?) but I wait until I get a coupon or they are on sale, I just bought a backup pair of Cole Haan's on sale because they have lasted beautifully & comfortably after 60K steps. However, I'd NEVER spend big $ on heels unless you wear them regularly for work, my $20 Target heels with an ankle strap have served me well for weddings & date nights & still look new!
Expensive bags - not typically. I'm not a purse girly so spending more than $30 on plastic seems ridiculous to me. However, I did invest in a nice hiking backpack, & a little leather backpack I found on sale for day trips. The vast majority of the time however I just use a $5 linen tote. I found my luggage at a discount store for $25.
Expensive sunglasses - no. I really don't get this one, my friend likes nice sunglasses but I never brought myself to try. My favorite pair of hiking sunglasses were $30 & that was the most expensive pair I owned, but they are Humps & are nigh industructable. After a year of heavy use when they started to show ware, I still didn't feel like it was worth it to re-invest.
Expensive clothes - this one is really, really variable. A good, all-purpose coat is worth the $$. I have a Carhartt that is my go-to but I live in a cold climate & I don't tolerate the cold well. Alpaca, wool, canvas, denim, are worth the cash. Leather mittens are a good buy, but I don't have a pair yet (just borrowed). T-shirts--not so much, you can find $5 100% cotton tees at various stores, & some of my favorite shirts were $3-10 at the discount store. I also invest in nice denim pants, because I have such few pairs (4) & I wear them TONS, shorts not so much. I mean, they don't need to be durable. Linen tops are a great buy if you live in a hot climate, I found mine for $23. Expensive workout clothes are a joke tbh, the nicest pair I have I bought second-hand for the cost of a cheap pair & they are only marginally nicer to wear if you have a texture thing, & no more durable. My cheap swimwear looks good & lasts forever, but I have learned that more pricey sweaters are worth it if you live in a good climate--but again, the material really matters. I don't think expensive undies are worth it either, again 100% cotton underthings are easy to come by cheap & since you should replace those every few years I don't get the allure of spending the money, though I do have a mid-range bra for good support & comfort! If you get a good leather belt in black & brown you'll never need another. Socks are socks & you can buy these cheap (my friend likes expensive socks??? why??) even if you are getting wool.
Expensive bedding - yes. Okay but I will caveat this with I am a texture person, & I don't like sleeping in blends, & blends pill, so we split the purchase of a good set of cotton sheets that I've already repaired via hand-sewing; these are perfect during hot summers with no AC. A nice quilt is warm & a work of art. A hide blanket is extra warm in winter. A soft duvet & sturdy insert are nice in winter, too. A good pillow is important. All of these will last forever with care & maintenance. Learn how to sew at least minor repairs!
Expensive cars - I don't get this one, & I've never invested in a nice car but my dad was a car guy & it seems a waste of money to me. My car was second-hand, runs great, looks nice, who cares? GOOD TIRES are a yes though.
Expensive gear - depends on what you do & how much you do it. A good hiking backpack was a life-saver for me, but I do a lot of hiking. Our tents were on the low end & both are functional. My sleeping bag/mats are high-quality & a blend of new & second-hand. A good laptop is something you shouldn't have to buy more than every 8 years imo but that depends on what you do with it, too. Our kayaks, second-hand and self-repaired, float just as well as our friend's $800 kayak. Our 2-for-$20 paddles move water just as well, too. My secondhand snow shoes walk fine.
Expensive journals/sketchbooks/pens/etc. - no. I like my Moleskin & I have a cute quill pen with refillable ink, $20 for a journal seems like a lot but they last through years of carry & use. My pens were $8 & 20 refills are $20 but these also last forever. I don't get the market for other stuff though. My sketchbooks are great & from the discount store, my cheap paints & brushes work just as well as nice ones I was gifted, but I'm not a pro painter or anything. I might change my tune if that were the case?
Expensive cookware - in moderation. We split the purchase of stainless steel pots/pans set, I think it was $60 which isn't bad for something that will also last forever. Cast irons are plentiful, cheap, durable, repairable. I don't get the appliance game though, I think appliances are a silly thing to spend a bunch of money on, then again I'm renting sooooo I might just be ignorant.
Expensive furniture - no. We have a great couch from Ikea, tables/chairs are all second-hand. Bookshelves were on sale, as was our bed frame. I think our house looks nice, & my friends $3,000 couch isn't special at all to me, just anxiety-inducing.
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theasstour · 3 years
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© 2021 - 2022 / AU / SPORTS / ON-GOING Fem!Reader x Harry     -     Total word count: 30k
As Great Britain's best hope at winning Men's 400m Hurdles at the Olympics next year in Tokyo, Japan, Harry Styles' future is looking especially bright. However, his coach has some secrets come out into the public eye that ends in Harry sacking him immediately. Now, he needs a new coach to take him to the very top. Enter Y/N. She won numerous gold medals running Women's Hurdles years ago and was at the height of her career when she was in a plane crash, causing her to live a life in utter solitude on the Somerset countryside to deal with her many losses. Now, years later, Harry's team is desperate for a good coach as the Olympics are only months away, and for some reason, when she is given the opportunity to coach Harry Styles for the Olympics, Y/N says yes. She has not been to Japan since the plane crash, and so travelling back there makes her need to face many fears, relive a lot of memories, work through more than she would like to, and it also - much to her utter dismay - makes her develop feelings for the person she should absolutely not have feelings for.
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1. November 2019. 2. December 2019. 3. January 2020. 4. SUNDAY 13 FEBRUARY 9PM GMT! 5. SUNDAY 27 FEBRUARY 9PM GMT! 6. SUNDAY 13 MARCH 9PM GMT! 7. SUNDAY 27 MARCH 9PM GMT! 8. SUNDAY 10 APRIL 9PM GMT! 9. SUNDAY 24 APRIL 9PM GMT! 10. SUNDAY 8 MAY 9PM GMT!
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That banner is temporary until I get my photoshop to work again lmao
DISCLAIMERS: 1) If you are under the age of 18, please be aware that this work is not for you. It targets adult themes, written by an adult, for adults. This is nothing against you as a person, but this story will deal with alcohol, violence, sexual content, etc, in short, themes not ideal for minors to be delving into. 2) The main character will be Japanese, meaning that parts of the fic will be heavily influenced by Japanese culture. However, I am Norwegian, so if you find yourself unsatisfied with the portrayal of the Japanese culture in this work, please do tell me! 3) This story will go into depth and explore the loss of a loved one, please take caution if this is something that might trigger you. 4) It will also deal with the memories the main character is left with after a very traumatic experience. 5) I have never tried hurdling myself, but I have watched it for a few years. If you have and know loads about the sport, please do pop by my inbox if you feel like something I’ve written isn’t right! 6) Asking me to update more often than when states above will not happen. I have a life outside of writing that – shock! – is a bit more important. Any ask or comment requesting me to update more frequently will be deleted. 7) Soz for sounding rude, just fed up with entitled twat anons.
WARNINGS: This story features explicit language, sexual content, alcohol, body image, death, and triggering topics (anxiety/depression etc.). Read at own risk if you are uncomfortable with any of those.
For any other questions regarding the storyline, characters, setting, etc, do not hesitate to drop by my askbox! Happy reading!
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shelleysmary · 2 years
#austenread22 / mp final thoughts
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This is probably going to be a very disjointed set of thoughts I had while reading MP. I think I raced through the last half on the wings of sheer rage, lmao. I did suffer a fair amount of whiplash going from P&P and the fascinating look into Darcy and Elizabeth and the dysfunctions of the Bennet family to the absolutely rage-inducing series of events which befalls Fanny Price (and which she faces with a lot more aplomb than I ever could have). As always, there are spoilers below the cut!
@astridcontramundum​ did mention in a comment that Fanny faces her trials entirely alone, whereas Elinor had her mother, Marianne, and Colonel Brandon to lean on, at least some of the time (and though she does have a habit of putting her foot in it, Mrs Jennings is an invaluable help to her and genuinely has the Dashwoods’ best interests at heart). When Elizabeth is going through a lot of internal changes and experiencing the turmoil of Lydia’s scandal, she has the Gardiners on her side (Mrs. Gardiner is a particular favorite of mine) and Mr. Darcy going disinterestedly all over town tracking down Wickham and convincing him to do right by Lydia. But Fanny!! Dear, dear Fanny is alone from the outset, and I found it so incredibly sad and jarring to get to the first few chapters and read the callousness, the indifference, and the neglect which is directed at Fanny even before she has arrived at Mansfield. This is a child who never asked to be displaced from her home, who was taken from everything she knew and, yes, placed in the lap of privilege and given more of an education than she ever could have afforded or been given in Portsmouth, as the daughter of a mere marine lieutenant, but the fact remains that she is taken in with the intention - the decided, deliberate intention - of never being seen as an equal. Mrs. Norris is worse even than Fanny Dashwood; the latter is a vain snob, but Mrs. Norris is horribly self-centered, constantly stepping over everyone in the hopes of making herself seem more important, and Fanny Price is an easy target. Maria and Julia Bertram are only too good at following her example and picking on all the ways their poorer cousin is different to them, poking fun at her ignorance, her shyness, her looks, at every turn so that they, too, might feel superior. And Fanny receives no quarter from her aunt and uncle - Lady Bertram is neglectful in her duty as Fanny’s aunt, being too indolent to defend her from Mrs. Norris or her daughters, and Sir Thomas is emotionally neglectful of all his children, though Austen does set him apart in the beginning by pointing out that he did always intend to do right by Fanny, at least materially, and to provide for her future and William’s as best he could.
Edmund, being six years older than Fanny and the only one with more than bare minimum decency, is therefore the only option for Friend and Favorite Person. I’ll admit, he’s got a preachiness about him which he shares with Emma’s Mr. Knightley, but I happen to like Mr. Knightley a hell of a lot. Ultimately, Edmund is the victim of an overall lack of charisma, at least in my estimation, and I cannot bring myself to like him despite how kind he is to Fanny. That said, I appreciate the way Fanny feels about him and I’m glad she gets her man in the end, but it’s more of an Edward/Elinor case to me, where I am glad on the heroine’s behalf because she deserves some happiness, rather than feeling, like in Darcy and Elizabeth’s case, that he earned our heroine’s heart fair and square.
Speaking of Elizabeth, it was interesting to feel in the beginning that I could draw a few comparisons between Mary Crawford and Elizabeth. HEAR ME OUT! There is a passage in Chapter 7 specifically, a line spoken by Edmund in regards to Mary, which goes: “The right of a lively mind, Fanny, seizing whatever may contribute to its own amusement or that of others; perfectly allowable, when untinctured by ill-humour or roughness; and there is not a shadow of either in the countenance or manner of Miss Crawford: nothing sharp, or loud, or coarse.” Elizabeth Bennet, I daresay, is one of those lively minds who seizes on amusement. She herself says she loves to laugh at others, but Elizabeth is never, ever mean-spirited; she loves to laugh, but she does so for the most part in private, and she never intends to cause pain. While Mary Crawford is neither loud nor coarse, neither ill-humored or rough, she is thoughtless, and deliberately so. For the most part she seems entirely indifferent to the personal feelings and considerations of others - and I don’t mean ignorant, because there are moments when Mary shows that she understands with perfect clarity what she both says and does, it’s just that she chooses not to care and can therefore get away with doing what’s best for her, looking after her interests and hers alone. There are hints of her upbringing not being a good one, of her being more affected by the domestic scenes she witnessed between her guardians than even Henry professes. In this regard, I find the Crawfords thus far the most fascinating of Austen’s “villains.” Their thoughtlessness is on par with Wickham’s and Willoughby’s, their craftiness as apparent as that of Miss Steele and Miss Bingley. But there is something almost.... pathological in their behavior? Mary gives me the impression that she could have been an Elizabeth if she’d had better paternal figures and had chosen better friends.
...But boy, oh boy, can Austen write family dysfunction. It’s the thread that has united her novels thus far, and if memory serves, it will continue all the way to Persuasion. I loved the bits while Sir Thomas was in Antigua because, without his presence, the Park shows its true colors - via playacting, the Bertrams, the Crawford, and Fanny herself show their mettle. Mary and Henry are left to scheme to their hearts’ content, Julia and Maria lose all sense of propriety, Mrs. Norris becomes ultra-indulgent of their misbehavior and justifies it to herself because she saved some money on the theatre curtains, and Fanny... I know I might get some pushback on this, but Fanny shines! She is miserable, yes, and it’s not a flawless execution - we see peer pressure wearing her down just as Sir Thomas returns - but she holds out like a champ! Elizabeth’s journey was about self-knowledge; Fanny’s is less of a journey and more a trial of endurance, like a diamond under pressure. She is surrounded by people who are louder, more assertive, and Fanny always caves because she has been taught to be grateful, because she wants to not be ungrateful. But when it comes to violating her own principles, Fanny is immovable. Actually, I would say Fanny suffers for her principles more often than not - not to quote Batman on a Jane Austen post, but Fanny endures mistreatment because she knows she can take it, because I imagine that it’s integral to her self-worth and dignity to feel that she is a good person. Ought she stand up for herself more often? Of course! But the play debacle shows us that indeed Fanny does know how to stand up for herself when she feels called to do so, and she holds onto her principles as best as she can under the circumstances, thereby highlighting Edmund’s weakness, his willful blindness when it comes to Mary.
This is why I think Fanny is seen as passive by many readers, a boring doormat when compared to the Lizzies and Emmas of the world. But guys! It’s 2022 and we know what introverts are! In modern-day parlance, I would even say that Fanny Price is a bona fide Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). She is neither weak-willed nor emotionally bland - she expresses great, very great feeling; she is moved by music, books, and nature; is perceptive when it comes to people, their behaviors, and how they interact with each other. In short, she isn’t dumb! She is outwardly passive, but internally Fanny Price is always evaluating: herself, those around her, adjusting her internal environment in order to resist the external changes that are constantly set before her. Selfish, vain, ungrateful is Fanny Price constantly being called by Mrs. Norris, and in an especially crushing moment, by Sir Thomas when she refuses Henry’s proposal. But Fanny knows the truth, and as long as she is being true to herself, she can withstand anything. I for one think Mr. Darcy would respect the hell out of someone like Fanny, and so do I.
I did not have a nice time reading the Portsmouth scenes. It was mildly heartbreaking to see how unwanted Fanny was there too, especially by her parents. It seems she’s lived her entire life being made to feel like a burden and still she is a sweet, patient, good-hearted young woman who hasn’t let any of it embitter her and honestly... give me your recipe. Better yet, I will gladly take her as a roommate, appreciate her, make her my best friend. All the adults in her life are FAILS.
Do I even want to talk about Henry Crawford? Must I explain why I don’t find him redeemable in the least and completely unworthy of having Fanny for a wife? I don’t doubt for a second that he fell in love with her - Austen doesn’t put it into question and I take her word for it. But Henry lacks Fanny’s conviction, her integrity. He always takes the easy way, and having never been expected to curb his desires or his impulses, he falls into the trap of Wickham and Willoughby, and really, the trap of all of Austen’s idle men of privilege. Get a job! seems to be her prescription; find something to do, learn responsibility! She wasn’t around to understand the nature vs nurture debate as we know it now, but Jane has the effects of one’s upbringing down to a T. She believes inherently, I think, that people can change, but also that change requires willingness and most of all will, two things Henry Crawford does not have. He doesn’t have Fanny’s endurance - under pressure, he cracks.
This is the final one, I promise; I’ve probably kept you far longer than you intended: Listen - I am not a fan of the conclusion of Mansfield Park. I find it rushed and a bit deus ex machina to think that - pardon my French - the almighty clusterfuck that came before could be so easily solved. Like I said, Edmund’s change of heart is hard to believe, but it’s clear that Austen classes him as one of those “not greatly in fault” and so she lets him have his coveted Mansfield living and the other Bertrams (with the exception of Maria) fare pretty well, all things considered. Again, I take these as “Fanny doesn’t have a spiteful bone in her body and would be happy to know that her relatives are happy” but I reserve the right to be spiteful on her behalf - Mansfield Park doesn’t deserve her.
Last-last one!!! For real this time: I love Susan. I wanted more Susan.
tagged: @agir1ukn0w​, @carylmeanslove​, @thatscarletflycatcher​, @mossy-stones​, @dumbfrogbrain​
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 305: Worst Intervention Ever
Previously on BnHA: Shinomori, whose name took me an entire week to memorize, was all, “nice to meet you Deku, I’m ten feet tall, do you want to know how I died?” and without waiting for an answer explained that he kicked it from old age at forty thanks to good ol’ OFA. Deku was all “wait a minute, then how come All Might, who’s fifty-five and is definitely dyeing his gray hair, is still alive?” First and Shino were all, “we really have no fucking clue but we think it’s cuz he’s quirkless, JUST LIKE YOU!” So basically, since quirkless people don’t exactly grow on trees these days, Deku is probably going to be the last user of OFA. The chapter ended with Nana being all, “psst, Deku, about my grandson. Uh, can you kill him?” which is sure to lead to a very interesting conversation this week.
Today on BnHA: Nana And The Gang are all “so, Deku, how can we put this delicately. The thing is, we’re pretty sure that AFO really fucked my grandson up, so on the off chance you can’t save him, how would you feel about, you know... [throat slitting gesture].” Deku is all “idk you guys, I kinda feel like he’s really just a traumatized child at heart and he’s in a lot of pain and stuff and so I should try to help him.” The Vestiges are all “BUT WHAT IF YOU CAN’T” and Deku is all “BUT I WANT TO TRY, DAMMIT” and the Vestiges are all “well when you put it that way, we, uh, were just testing you, so congrats, you passed!” The chapter ends with First being all, “ANYWAY SO WHY DON’T YOU TWO SHY BOYS STANDING OVER THERE IN THE SHADOWS COME SAY HELLO” before we CUT AWAY FOR ANOTHER WEEK, goddammit.
seriously, Nana
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just... have you met Deku?? look, if you really want Tomura dead, just sic him on the U.A. first years and tell Shouto and Honenuki that it’s a training exercise
oh my god lmao
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we’re too far away to see Nana’s face here so I will just assume that she turned and is staring DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA for this one line lmao. “I just wanted to clarify in case anyone felt inclined to take my dialogue out of context and spend an entire week complaining about it”
oh my god?! are you all purposely trying to make me sad??
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someone stop me before I launch into an impromptu rant about all my Tomura feels. WHY IS NOBODY STOPPING ME. oh my god but yes, exactly. he’s just in pain all the time. this is exactly why I think Tomura has such high redemption potential even though so far he seems to lack so many of the redemption arc essentials such as feeling remorse, wanting to change, and taking responsibility for his actions. the reason why I’m willing to overlook all that in his case is because Tomura has essentially had zero agency his entire life. AFO molded him into a killer by making sure he was in constant mental agony, and making it so that the only thing that even slightly relieved that agony was killing peeps. like, please don’t think I’m making excuses for him or anything, but if you take a child and manipulate their existence to make it virtually impossible for that child to grow up as anything other than a killer, and basically never give him the chance to be anything else, then no shit he’s gonna be a killer?? he’s basically never had the choice not to be. it’s never been an option for him. anyways I feel like I am EXPLAINING MYSELF SO BADLY but nonetheless I am prepared to die on this hill
anyway so now Nana is all “that’s a rhetorical question btw because Our Hearts And Minds Are One so we can feel everything you feel bro.” so yeah, that’s interesting
now Banjou is getting started on the “let’s try and talk Deku out of wanting to save Tomura because it’s insane” part of their OFA Mystical Space Void Reunion agenda
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look, Banjou, I feel you, I really do. you guys don’t think it’s realistic that Deku can defeat Tomura without killing him. so if it’s a choice between killing Tomura vs letting Deku and everyone else in the entire world die, then duh, you think Deku should kill him. I get it! and if this were a real life mass murderer I’d totally agree with you. but the problem is that this isn’t real life, this is a sympathetic shounen villain with a tragic past who might as well have FUTURE REDEMPTION ARC RECEIPIENT stamped on his forehead at this point
so First is all “look, there’s absolutely no doubt my brother has fucked this kid up good and proper by now”, which, again, fair
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though, that’s kind of exactly my point though. everything that Tomura is, everything he’s done, he’s done because of AFO. AFO has so effectively shaped his personality and his worldview by this point that it’s all but impossible to penetrate that. he’s AFO’s puppet. but the problem is that rather than treating him like a victim, you all are treating him like a casualty. like he’s already a lost cause. but good luck trying to convince Deku of that
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way to still not reveal Sixth’s name, btw. THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW, DAMMIT. but also so this confirms something we basically already knew already, which is that not even AFO can steal OFA. it literally can’t be taken away by anyone unless the owner wills it. SO SUCK ON THAT AFO YOU EGG
(ETA: so I have no idea why this was omitted from this translation, but apparently the Sixth’s name was revealed as “En”, which is obviously not his full name but at least it’s something. also he most likely has a fire or smoke-related quirk based on the kanji used, 煙.)
so Banjou is saying that Deku’s “lack of an iron will” could be a disadvantage against AFO. hahaha what?? Midoriya “I’ll break all of my bones without blinking an eye just to protect someone” Izuku lacks an iron will? do tell
he says this is going to be a test of Deku’s determination. well yeah, no shit. but just not in the way you guys think
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darker hair again here! but I don’t trust the contrast in these scans at all after last week. his coveralls are way darker than they looked before too, and you can clearly see he’s standing in the shadows now
(ETA: yep, once again the raw shows that his hair is considerably lighter than what’s shown in these scans here. although there’s no mistaking now that his hair is consistently being colored in this slightly darker shade, and it’s not just the lighting.)
anyways lol First was saying something about how AFO can’t steal OFA, and they’ve spent all this time cultivating it as the ultimate weapon against AFO, and blah blah blah. go on then, keep lecturing
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girl what?? you did everything in your power to protect your family, and AFO, fucked up man that he is, targeted them anyway. there is one person and one person only to blame for what’s happened to Tomura, and that potato-faced asshole needs a good kick in the balls
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so now Nana is all “I’m just going to call my grandson a Thing to ensure that fandom has only the freshest, grass-fed no-hormones-added discourse this week”
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I don’t even need to drop into the tags to know exactly which specific people are going to respond to this, and what kind of posts they are going to write lmao. everyone’s all caught up in the “that thing”, and meanwhile I’m over here completely hung up on this “nay” that’s appeared out of NOWHERE you guys. look at that. she really said “NAY”
Nana, my love, my dearest, I feel you girl I really do. but he’s not an unforgivable manifestation of pure evil, Deku is exactly right actually, he’s a boy in pain. you guys need to stop questioning Deku’s shounen protagonist instincts here and just let him work his sparkly magic. “let’s try and convince Midoriya Fucking Izuku that he can’t save someone” is a plan that is NEVER going to turn out well you guys
“DEKU GODDAMMIT WHAT IF WE CAN’T SAVE HIM” lmao it’s like an intervention
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(ETA: I was too distracted with freaking out about Two and Three to really appreciate how ridiculously handsome First looks in this panel. but on my second readthrough it stood out so much that I had to go back and add an extra bullet point just to talk about how hot he is. look at him. wtf.)
so now Deku is launching into what will undoubtedly be a “saving people problems require SAVING PEOPLE SOLUTIONS” heroic counter-speech!
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I mean, they can already feel the “lol nah I’m gonna try and save him” feelings running through him lol. ~OuR hEaRtS aNd MiNdS aRe CoNnEcTeD~ and all that. this is just a formality, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love a good shounen protag speech
oh wait hold up, do you mean to tell me that the whole “hearts and minds are connected” thing I was just mocking just a paragraph ago actually allowed Deku to feel what Tomura was feeling?? like literally feel it??
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YET AGAIN these Tomura feels are pounding on my front door you guys?? they just will not quit?? people my house is already full of feels, does it look like I need you to sell me any more of them?? -- what do you mean, they’re free??
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I appreciate the contrast here between the Douchebag Triumvirate of Overhaul, Muscular, and Stain versus the Misguided Twosome of Gentle and La Brava. never let it be said that Deku doesn’t know the difference between a redeemable villain and an unredeemable one
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someone please help me I need directions to the OFA Spooky Galactic Nebula Realm in this fictional Japanese manga land. it’s not on google maps. I need to give these two babies a big hug and wrap them up in a blanket and treat them to some McDonalds Happy Meals please help
I just randomly remembered that Deku is still saying all of this in his muffled “FMMPHHMMPHMM” voice and I’m somehow cracking up lol. so actually it’s a very good thing Their Hearts And Minds Are Connected, otherwise they’d no doubt be all, “...what?”
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(ETA: so I completely missed this on account of it literally not being visible in the scan at all, but in the raw you can clearly see Baby Kacchan and Baby Shouto fanboying over All Might in two of these panels, and excuse me, ma’am??
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thank you very much Deku for including them in your montage, particularly since you’ve never seen Baby Shouto before lol. amazingly accurate image you managed to conjure up, all things considered.)
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HE’S SO ADORABLE HELP?? Trippy Space All Might looks like he’s about to cry, and First is all “don’t crack a smile... you have to be Firm and Serious here... dammit, don’t smile” omg
anyways! YOU GO DEKU. “MY QUIRK MY RULES, BITCHES” damn, son
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Deku is literally all “sure, maybe I’ll have to kill him, but have you guys also considered, MAYBE NOT??” it’s no use Nana he’s too powerful
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“like I’ve been saying this whole time, you should definitely try saving Shigaraki Tomura.” “but, uh... First, didn’t you just -- ” “shut up”
(ETA: clearly it’s not just his brother who inherited those smooth-talking genes.)
so now Deku has turned back into a sixteen year old and his clothes have gone missing again. just OFA things
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yes... sure... “testing” you...
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(ETA: and two-to-one odds that we cut away to some other scene once they finally start to turn around next week. I’M CALLING IT NOW. giving myself a week to brace myself for the rage.)
fucking hell. well if anyone needs me I will be adding Horikoshi fucking Kouhei to the list of irredeemable villains, peace
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