#yes yes it would take away from the ~menace~ of the situation but it would also be very funny
elysiaheaven · 3 days
𝗡𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱-𝟮𝟱-(The Fox's Wedding)
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Mentions of k!lling
Hoolay, his demeanor cold and calculating, faced Jiaoqiu with a mocking smile. "Perfect chance? To return to my weak and shattered pack, at the mercy of a ridiculous false prophet, and become a mere puppet in her clutches? Heh, her plan is full of flaws. The only paths she has prepared for you are escape and death."
He then turned his piercing gaze toward Jiaoqiu. "Listen up, a wolf never allows itself to become prey. From now on, you'll follow my orders."
Jiaoqiu, stunned by the sudden shift, could hardly believe what he was hearing. "Wait, what did you just say?"
Mok Tok, clearly unsettled, interjected, "But my Lord...!"
Hoolay's eyes narrowed, a hint of menace in his voice. "Would an alpha wolf ever listen to a cub, Mok Tok?"
Mok Tok quickly lowered his gaze, his voice trembling. "No, I've never heard anything like that... I... I wasn't trying to defy your will. I will always unquestioningly follow your orders."
Hoolay, ignoring Mok Tok's plea, continued with an unsettling calm. "I'm offering you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't you want to run away, Jiaoqiu?"
Jiaoqiu's face was etched with confusion and concern. "What game are you playing?"
Hoolay's smile widened, his voice laced with dark amusement. "Just a little pre-hunt entertainment. Don't you want to run away? I'm giving you a chance to see the ports and report back to me."
Your eyes widened in shock and disbelief as Hoolay's words sank in. You struggled against the cage, your fear and confusion giving way to a desperate resolve. "What... what are you planning to do?"
Hoolay's gaze flicked towards you, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You Jiaoqiu, too, will aid me in this little game. After all, foxian like you always obediently return to their masters... no matter how far they run away."
Jiaoqiu, realizing the gravity of the situation, looked at you with a mixture of concern and determination. "Y/n, we need to get out of this. I'll figure something out. But you must be ready to act quickly."
You, despite the overwhelming fear and uncertainty, nodded. "I... I will do whatever it takes. But we need to find a way to stop Hoolay and Mok Tok."
Hoolay, pleased with your response, turned to Mok Tok. "Make sure they understand their roles. I expect results, or the consequences will be dire."
Mok Tok nodded, though his face was filled with apprehension. "Yes, my Lord."
Jiaoqiu, couldn't believe his luck. "I can't believe he actually let me go... What game is he playing?" His thoughts raced as he considered his options. "Perhaps I can try to warn the Cloud Knights... No, maybe escaping might be the best course of action..But Y/n...."
He scanned his surroundings, noting the sharp pressure of a foxian's cold gaze. The look carried an unspoken warning: "Every clever little thought you bear might lead to severe consequences you will come to regret."
Jiaoqiu's expression hardened. "Just as I expected... He's testing me."
As he continued toward the port, his mind churned with concerns. "The Cloud Knights must have been aware of the situation inside The Shackling Prison for some time. Will General Feixiao personally lead a squad to capture Hoolay?"
Suddenly, a sharp, familiar pain made him flinch. 
"Y/n?" Jiaoqiu's eyes widened in shock. "What are you—"
You clutched his hand tightly, your expression full of pain and worry. "Jiaoqiu, be careful. Hoolay's games are dangerous... I will come with you tho,every step I take is like walking on a bed of needles."
Jiaoqiu could see the glass shards embedded in your hands and the pain etched across your face. Despite the agony, you tried to control your expressions, maintaining a semblance of calm. "I... I need to warn you. Don't go too far."
Jiaoqiu, torn between his mission and your condition, took a deep breath. "Alright, I understand. But we need to find a way to stop this madness."
He continued to move towards the port, his pace slower now as he kept a watchful eye on you. "I can't risk being seen trying to escape, and someone is definitely keeping an eye on me," he thought, glancing over his shoulder.
Jiaoqiu's mind was a whirlwind of strategies and concerns. "I'll do as Hoolay asked for now, but I need to find a way to alert the Cloud Knights without drawing attention."
Jiaoqiu stood silently before Hoolay, his eyes cold and resolute. "You're back, Jiaoqiu," Hoolay's voice slithered into the stillness. The wolfish leader's eyes gleamed, waiting for any sign of defiance or betrayal.
Jiaoqiu met his gaze without flinching. "You were watching me closely, weren't you? If I had sought help, your people would have killed them on the spot. Was that your plan all along, Hoolay?"
Hoolay grinned darkly, leaning back with a subtle nod. "Smart as always. You're quick to understand. I told you to go check the situation at the port, but I never said you could speak to anyone."
Jiaoqiu clenched his fists, his jaw tightening. He had walked through the streets, ignoring his instincts to seek help from the Cloud Knights, avoiding anyone who might be caught in the crossfire. He had seen the watchful eyes following him, the threat hanging in the air like a knife waiting to drop. But you... you had been with him all along, limping silently by his side, enduring the pain of the glass shards still embedded in your skin.
"Why?" Jiaoqiu growled, his voice thick with frustration. "Why this game? What do you gain from holding everyone's life in your hands like this?"
You glanced between them, keeping your emotions in check. Your steps had been agonizing, the glass shards cutting deeper into your feet with every movement. But you didn't let it show. Not now. Not when it was clear that Hoolay was savoring his control over both of you.
"You did the right thing, Jiaoqiu," you said softly, your voice steady despite the pain. "You didn't involve the Cloud Knights. But that doesn't mean he's done testing you."
Hoolay let out a low chuckle, watching the two of you with interest. "Ah, Y/n. Always the clever one, aren't you? But cleverness won't save either of you here."
He leaned forward, his expression darkening. "You're here because you want to play the game. If you had sought help, I would have had my men execute them in front of you. The more hope you hold, the greater your pain when I snuff it out. But you didn't—so now you remain in my hands, just like everyone else."
Jiaoqiu's heart pounded in his chest as he stared into Hoolay's cold, unfeeling eyes. There was no way out of this. No matter what choice he made, someone would suffer. He had taken the safer path, but it still led to the same end: submission to Hoolay's twisted game.
"You're doing this to prove that you hold all the cards, aren't you?" Jiaoqiu muttered bitterly.
Hoolay smiled, baring his teeth. "Exactly. You may have made it back here without seeking help, but that just means I get to enjoy this a little longer. Watching you both struggle... it's truly delightful."
Hoolay hurted Jiaoqiu!
What are you just staring at them! Do something!
 The moment Jiaoqiu winced from the pain, you couldn't hold it in anymore. A strangled cry escaped your throat, the sound raw and desperate. You rushed toward him, heart racing in your chest, but before you could reach him, something far worse happened.
"Ahhhh!!!!! Kill hoolay now!" You screamed at a borisin nearby. You could control their minds...Thank god!
A nearby borisin, stirred by your scream, lunged at Hoolay, as if trying to strike in your defense. For a split second, everything froze. The air was thick with anticipation, but Hoolay didn't flinch. Instead, with effortless precision, he stopped the creature mid-attack, his strength overpowering it with ease. His hand found its way to the doll that had been clutched in his grip, the one that symbolized a fragile piece of control he had over the situation. With a wicked grin, Hoolay squeezed it with all his might, and you could almost hear the crackle of fabric and stuffing tearing apart.
You stopped in your tracks, anger flaring in your eyes. You glared at him, your whole body trembling with fury as he crushed the doll in his hand like it was nothing. You wanted to lash out, to strike him down for daring to hurt Jiaoqiu, but your limbs felt frozen, caught between fear and rage.
Hoolay turned his gaze on you, amused by your reaction. His smile deepened, sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light as he observed you carefully. "You're a strange one, aren't you?" he said, his voice a soft purr. "You've lost your fear of pain and torture so quickly... fascinating."
You stared him down, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing you break, but your heart stuttered in your chest when Hoolay shifted his attention. His eyes, predatory and calculating, flicked back to Jiaoqiu.
Jiaoqiu's breath hitched, and his face paled as Hoolay's gaze lingered on him, the amusement in the warlord's eyes morphing into something far darker. You saw it immediately—the spark of fear igniting in Jiaoqiu's eyes. His bravado, his strength, all of it crumbled under the weight of Hoolay's piercing stare.
"No..." you whispered, your voice hoarse, barely able to believe the shift in the room. The dread clawed at your throat, choking you.
Hoolay's laugh was deep and mocking, echoing in the small space. He glanced back at you with a knowing smirk, his cruel eyes glinting. "Ahh, there it is... Your weakness is clear to me now," he said softly, his tone like ice cutting through your defenses. "You don't fear for yourself... you fear for him."
His words hung heavy in the air, and the realization stung deeper than any wound. He had found the one thing that could break you—Jiaoqiu. You could endure pain, torment, humiliation, but seeing Jiaoqiu in danger, seeing that fear in his eyes, was enough to shatter the steely resolve you had so carefully built.
Hoolay's laughter echoed once again, the sound dripping with victory. He knew he had the upper hand now. "Your courage is just an illusion," he sneered, "as long as you have something to lose."
You stared back at him.
The suffocating air in the room felt heavier with every word that Hoolay spoke. His voice, gravelly and thick with the weight of ancient hatred, slithered into every corner of the space. You stood there, muscles tensed, watching as he circled Jiaoqiu like a predator toying with its prey.
Hoolay's reminiscing turned into something darker as he recounted the early years of his captivity. His eyes burned with memories of suffering, torment, and bloodshed—of being prodded, poked, and drained by the foxians in their attempts to unravel the secret of "Moon Rage."
Jiaoqiu, despite his training, stood motionless, the weight of Hoolay's words pressing down on him like an invisible force. His face was unreadable, though you could feel the subtle tension in his shoulders, the quiet agony of realization sinking in. This wasn't just another prisoner speaking to him—this was a warlord of unimaginable cruelty, shaped by centuries of suffering, and now, reborn with the dark promise of his ancestors.
You stepped forward, trying to break the heavy silence, your breath quickening. "Stop it, Hoolay," you demanded, your voice sharper than you intended. "What kind of monster are you, to believe in these barbaric rituals? The Lunar Embryo, the moon heart, devouring... you're nothing but a savage, clinging to a nightmare."
Hoolay's laughter rippled through the room, deep and rumbling. He turned his gaze toward you, eyes glinting with amusement. "A monster, you say? Perhaps. But you, little fox, have yet to witness the true power that lies within. Your words are laced with fear, not bravery." His gaze flicked to Jiaoqiu, and his lips curled into a twisted smile. "But not him. No... Jiaoqiu seeks power, but not to destroy his enemies or to become them. He's the most pitiful of all—he seeks it to help others."
You clenched your fists, feeling the sharp sting of glass shards embedded in your skin, remnants of your earlier defiance. The pain was dull now, overshadowed by the anger boiling beneath the surface. Jiaoqiu shifted slightly, glancing your way, but his attention remained locked on Hoolay. His silence was deliberate, cautious.
Hoolay's voice softened, almost mockingly. "I see it in you, healer. You want answers. And I... well, I know everything about the Moon Rage, about the power you so desperately want to understand."
Jiaoqiu's lips twitched, his voice low but steady. "What are you trying to tell me, Hoolay?"
The warlord's eyes gleamed as he began recounting the tale of Duran, the ancestor of the borisin, who sought to defy his limited lifespan and seize control of the stars themselves. His words painted a vivid picture of blood sacrifice, genetic sorcery, and the birth of the Lunar Embryo—a power that, he claimed, resided within every generation of the Borisin Warhead.
Hoolay stepped closer to Jiaoqiu, towering over him like a predator sizing up his prey. His voice dropped into a hushed growl. "Devouring is the essence of life, Jiaoqiu. It's what allows us to endure. To thrive. The divine heart that beats within me has been passed down through generations, through ritual and sacrifice." He paused, then leaned in, his breath warm against Jiaoqiu's ear. "I thought I was lost, that hope had died after centuries of torment. But now... this heart beats once again."
A tremor ran through you at his words. You knew Hoolay's next move would be ruthless, unrelenting. The sheer conviction in his voice was terrifying, and yet, you could see the flicker of hesitation in Jiaoqiu's eyes. He was holding something back, weighing his options—perhaps deciding how much of the truth he should reveal.
Before Jiaoqiu could respond, Hoolay's lips twisted into a sinister grin. "Now, it's your turn to tell me everything about the Merlin's Claw."
The air shifted, and you felt a twinge of unease crawl up your spine. You opened your mouth to protest, to stop whatever was about to unfold, but before you could utter a word, a soft rustle caught your ear.
From the shadowy rooftop above, Moze crouched, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene. His voice, barely a whisper, carried through the night air. "Jiaoqiu... I've found you."
"Little Maggot, Are you sucking off to find peace in this little foxian? You always suck off something from everyone." He said...
Your breath caught in your throat as the rage began to bubble to the surface. Hoolay's laughter echoed through the room like nails on glass, scraping against every nerve. Your heart pounded, hands trembling, blood dripping from the glass shards embedded in your skin. Every fiber of your being wanted to shut him up, to tear down his arrogance. The mocking gleam in his eyes was unbearable.
"Maggot, am I?" you spat, voice shaking with fury. Your words dripped with venom, eyes burning as they locked onto Hoolay's sneering face. "Then, Just like a maggot, I'll *suck* and *slurp* up all your wounds—until there's nothing left. Going on until you're *dry*, until every ounce of blood in your veins is gone. I'll devour every last shred of you, piece by piece!"
Jiaoqiu, eyes wide with both shock and a flicker of dread, watched as your voice twisted into a snarl. Even he hadn't seen this side of you before, the raw hatred bubbling over into every word. But it was Hoolay's reaction you focused on, the slight twitch of amusement still plastered on his face.
Hoolay chuckled lowly, the sound making your blood boil. "Oh? Is that how you plan to finish me off? By sucking me dry like the parasite you've become?"
You took a step forward, unblinking, pain no longer even a distant thought. Your vision narrowed, focusing solely on him. "You'll die so slowly, Hoolay," you hissed, voice shaking with a barely contained storm of rage. "So painfully, that you'll *beg* for the centuries of torment you've already lived through. You'll *wish* you never met me, because when I'm done with you, there won't even be enough left to recognize as human—or whatever you think you are."
Hoolay's smile faltered ever so slightly. For the first time, his eyes narrowed, lips pulling into something less amused and more cautious. He seemed to be weighing your words now, sensing the sheer madness boiling just under your skin.
And that's when you knew you had him.
"You think you're untouchable? That your power makes you invincible?" Your voice rose, anger lacing each word with deadly intent. "I'll drag you into the dirt where you belong. I'll make your heart stop and start again, over and over, so you feel the edge of death—*just* long enough to know what it's like to be helpless. Just long enough to remember what fear *really* feels like."
Jiaoqiu, breathing shallow, took a hesitant step toward you, unsure whether to intervene or let you continue. Moze's presence from the rooftop, unseen to the others, shifted slightly, eyes sharp as he watched your confrontation unfold.
"You... you're strange," Hoolay finally said, his grin returning but with a hint of unease. "To lose your fear of torture so easily... it's almost amusing. But," his gaze flicked toward Jiaoqiu, lingering for a moment before falling back to you, "I see your weakness."
Jiaoqiu's eyes widened as Hoolay's words hit him like a dagger to the chest. You clenched your fists tighter, muscles coiled in preparation, but Hoolay merely laughed.
"Oh yes, you can scream and rage all you want, but your weakness is clear as day." His gaze flicked back to Jiaoqiu, a cruel smirk forming on his lips. "You can pretend to be strong, but when it comes to him..."
"Shut. Up!" you roared, your voice cracking with intensity as you took another step toward Hoolay, teeth gritted.
Hoolay's laughter only grew, the sound grating against your nerves like sandpaper. "Ah, there it is. Your fear, your rage—it's all tied to him, isn't it? Your precious healer. Without him, you're nothing."
Your breathing grew ragged, chest rising and falling with each sharp intake of breath. Every part of you wanted to lash out, to strike Hoolay down in that very moment—but you hesitated. Because as much as you hated to admit it, there was a grain of truth in his words.
He saw the hesitation flicker across your face, and his grin widened. "See? You're just as weak as I thought."
Trembling with barely-contained fury, you forced yourself to remain still, eyes locked on Hoolay's with a hatred that felt like it could burn the world to ash.
"Mark my words," you growled through clenched teeth. "You'll die wishing you never crossed me. You'll regret every second you spent thinking you had the upper hand. When I'm done with you, there won't be a single piece of you left for the wolves to scavenge."
And for the first time in that endless, twisted conversation, Hoolay's laughter died in his throat.
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petrichoravellichor · 2 years
I need a universe in which everything in Supernatural is exactly the same, except that instead of big, hulking hellhounds, we get swarms of tiny, bloodthirsty, red-eyed black hell-chihuahuas
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nottsangel · 11 months
our girl — j.m & r.c.
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader x rafe cameron
warnings: smut 18+, violence, polyamorous relationship, threesome, vaginal sex, fingering, oral sex (m. receiving), possessiveness, degradation, praise, fingering, hair pulling, creampie, squirting, spitting, kelce and topper walking in lol
word count: 2.6k
summary: your boyfriends show their possessive side when they see someone flirting with you at a party.
a/n: based on a lucid dream i had. i died while writing this
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“You want another drink?” Sarah asked, downing what was left of her drink in one gulp. “No thanks, I’m gonna look for Rafe and JJ actually, haven’t seen them yet” you replied, your surroundings slightly spinning as you were already feeling pretty intoxicated. You smiled briefly at Sarah before walking away from the pool and heading inside Rafe’s house, the music of the party increasing.
It’s been a few months since you started dating your boyfriends— yes, boyfriends, because both of them were too obsessed with you so they decided to share you, treating you like their princess. It was intense sometimes, especially at the beginning when they had to get used to one another. Besides, a lot of people had various opinions on your relationship, but you still felt thankful and privileged to have boyfriends who were so sweet and caring. Especially considering that many girls would die to be in your position. Tonight is another one of Rafe’s parties, inviting all his kook friends as well as some pogues since JJ insisted on his friends being invited too.
You walked inside the crowded house full of intoxicated people and kissing couples, trying to find them. You glanced around, seeing many familiar faces but not your boyfriends. Just as you turned to go into another room, your arm was suddenly grabbed firmly. “Hey, beautiful.” you felt relieved, thinking it must’ve been Rafe or JJ when you realised you didn’t recognise the voice. You turned around in confusion and saw a blonde frat-looking guy check you out with a smirk on his face and a red cup in his hand. His blue eyes were fully fixed on you with a cocky smile on his face.
“Do I know you?” you asked, brows knitted together in confusion as you tried your best to refresh your memory, afraid that your intoxicated state made you forget who he was. “I’m Ryan. I used to hang out with Rafe, you know, back when he used to fuck a different girl every week” he said with a chuckle as you arched an eyebrow, unsure why he would bring that up. His smile vanished at the sight of your serious expression, before continuing, “Anyway… you want a drink, sweetheart?” he asked, motioning towards the drinks table. You gazed at him, wondering if he was aware of the dangerous game he was playing.
“No, thank you. I have to g-“ you started but he quickly cut you off, “Oh, come on! You think I’m scared of your boyfriends? One drink won’t hurt, loosen up a bit” he argued before he dragged you to the drinks table. You attempted to break free from his hold, but you were too intoxicated to react quickly and he was way stronger than you, clearly taking advantage of the situation.
“Here you go.” he said, handing you a new drink as you looked at it nervously. When he noticed your anxious expression he slid a hand around your waist as he came closer to you. “Hey, hey, don’t worry. Just wanna get to know my friend’s girlfriend, that’s all. I respect Rafe, you know.” he explained, easily convincing you in your drunken state as you took the cup from him with a relieved smile.
“So, tell me about-“ he started before being interrupted in an instant when his name was called, “Ryan!” You peeked around Ryan’s towering frame and saw Rafe and JJ making their way to you. Ryan instantly took his hand off your waist and went from having a relaxed stance to one that was stiff and nervous. Rafe had a menacing smile on his face as he eyed Ryan and JJ walked next to him, toying with the toothpick in his mouth.
“I see you’ve met our girlfriend.” Rafe said, standing just inches away from you two. “Such a pretty little thing, hm?” JJ added with a cheeky grin, clearly not taking the poor guy seriously. “Yeah man, we just talked about… stuff. She-she’s nice” he stammered, evidently nervous. Rafe nodded with a downward smile on his face and his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “I see, I see…”. “Look man, nothing happened, okay? We just talked, that’s it.” Ryan spoke up, trying his hardest to explain himself while JJ and Rafe exchanged glances, before giving each other a nod. “Fucking dumbass.” JJ sneered under his breath as he walked over to you, an arm sliding around your waist as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
“I understand man, no worries.” Rafe reassured before placing his arm over Ryan’s shoulder, “Let’s catch up outside, hmm? We haven’t spoken in so long, lots to talk about.” Rafe said as he led Ryan outside, making you turn to face JJ with a worried expression on your face. “What’s he going to do with him, J?” you asked, your brows knitted in concern. “Sssh, don’t worry about it, baby. He’s just gonna ask him to leave, that’s all.” he reassured, taking the toothpick out of his mouth and moving his head closer before pressing his lips on yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth as you were heavily making out against the table, causing you to forget about everything else. You were so caught up in the moment that it took you a while to eventually pull away from JJ as he gazed down at you with a loving smile on his face.
When you glanced over JJ’s shoulder, you gasped as your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. Rafe leaned over Ryan, who was on the ground, repeatedly punching him until blood was everywhere. “JJ!” you yelled in horror while pointing at the scene. “Oh, fuck” JJ muttered, not necessarily because of Rafe beating him up, but because of you witnessing it. He quickly spun you around so your back was facing the scene before cupping your face in his hands and desperately kissing you again in an attempt to distract you. You instinctively wrapped your arms around JJ’s neck, your intoxicated state causing you to forget about the situation again and only feeling hungry for JJ as you pressed him closer to you. His hands already found your ass as he squeezed it, not giving a fuck about anyone watching.
“My room. Now” Rafe ordered as he suddenly walked past you both, causing you to pull away from JJ as you watched Rafe climb the stairs. JJ grabbed your hand as he smirked at you, “You heard him, princess. Let’s go.” he said, pulling you along and leading you upstairs.
“Am I… Am I in trouble? you asked with a soft voice, following JJ in the hallway as you passed several kissing couples. JJ chuckled as he held the door handle to Rafe’s room. “I think we both know the answer to that.” he replied, making you gulp for a moment as he opened the door.
Rafe stood in the centre of the room, his arms folded with an angry expression on his face. Rafe's intimidating frame was accentuated by the lack of light in the room, as only a few red LED lights provided illumination. Even though JJ shut the door behind him, there was still a faint sound of shouting and music coming from downstairs through the walls. “Rafe, listen, I-“ Rafe interrupted you as soon as you attempted to explain, “We do the talking here, alright?” Rafe growled as JJ joined him, standing next to him as both of them eyed you while you walked to the bed, sitting down to relieve your sore feet from the heels you were wearing.
“You didn’t have to beat him up Rafe, I swear he didn’t do anything! He just offered me a drink and-“ you stopped when you heard both of them chuckle, looking at each other before gazing down at you. “I think our girl is a little confused, whatcha think J?” Rafe smirked while approaching you. “Nah, you’re right man. I think she forgot who she belongs to.” JJ agreed, nodding as he watched Rafe walk towards you.
Rafe bent down to get at eye level with you, then aggressively gripped your face, forcing you to look at him. “Two boyfriends is not enough for you? Hmm? God, you’re such a dirty little slut.” You were too afraid to speak as you gazed up at him. “Open that pretty mouth of yours” Rafe ordered and you obliged, opening your mouth widely before Rafe spit in it, “Swallow.” You swallowed while keeping your eyes on him, faces mere inches away from each other. A satisfied smile swept across Rafe’s face as he released his grip on your face, “Good girl.”
Rafe then moved aside, allowing JJ to approach you. JJ wasted no time and pushed you onto the bed, caging you in before planting sloppy kissing all over your neck and undressing you simultaneously, causing you to moan. “Tsk, what a dumb girl we have, Rafe.” he growled, sliding the straps of your dress down your arms before fully taking it off, leaving you in just your underwear. “But so fucking beautiful.” JJ took in your beauty with hungry eyes while biting his lip. He then discarded you of your underwear as well, tossing them across the room. “Make Rafe feel good, baby.”
JJ pushed himself off you while Rafe completely undressed himself, his fully erect cock leaking precum causing anticipation to rage through your body. He looked so beautiful— the red light accentuating the muscles on his body as he gazed down at you with dark eyes. He got on the bed, sitting against the bedframe before he grabbed your hair and pulled you towards him. “Be a good girl and suck.”
You drew your head nearer, licking up the precum and swirling your tongue around the tip, earning a groan from him. He impatiently pushed your head down, forcing you down his cock. His hand grabbed your hair in a ponytail, preventing it from falling in your face as he bobbed your head up and down. “Fuck, just like that.” Rafe groaned as JJ slapped you on the ass, causing you to jolt forward.
“Our pretty girl.” JJ praised while he teased your entrance with his fingers, gathering the wetness and drawing circles on your clit. You moaned around Rafe’s cock, only egging him on as he bucked his hips upwards, causing you to gag. JJ then inserted two fingers into you with ease, as far as they could go. “So fucking wet for us.” JJ curled his fingers up inside you, pushing against your g-spot, causing your eyes to flutter shut as you let out a loud moan around Rafe’s cock once again. Rafe now grabbed your head with both hands, fully face-fucking you, using you as his personal toy, while JJ’s fingers increased their speed, causing your orgasm to approach.
“Cum around my fingers, sweet girl. Make a fucking mess.” JJ’s words pushed you over the edge, your orgasm washing over you as you felt wetness all over. “Holy fuck, she squirted everywhere” JJ exclaimed, a chuckle leaving his mouth before he licked his fingers clean. “Dirty girl” Rafe groaned, his voice low and raspy as he continued to fuck your face.
You then heard the buckle of a belt behind you, and not much later you felt JJ’s cock teasing your folds, before fully pushing himself in. “Still so tight, fuck.” He groaned before setting a steady rhythm that made you grip the sheets. The sensation was almost becoming too much— the way JJ’s cock hit your g-spot repeatedly and Rafe fucking into your mouth, saliva running down your face.
Just as you were about to come, the door suddenly swung open, the music and yelling from downstairs filling the room. JJ's thrusts came to a half when all of you looked to your side as your eyes began to widen. “Hey, Rafe, you got some- No fucking way.” “Goddamn.” Both Kelce and Topper stood in the doorway, a smirk on both their faces as they eyed every inch of your body. “Well, this is awkward.” JJ uttered as his lips tightened into a thin line. An irritated sigh left Rafe’s mouth as he rolled his eyes, “Get the fuck out before I fucking kill both of you!” He shouted, Kelce and Topper snickering when they left the room and shut the door behind them.
“Now, where were we?” JJ asked before abruptly slamming into you again, causing you to fall forward on Rafe’s chest. “Hey, hey,” Rafe took hold of your head, pulling it up with both hands as he raised his eyebrows at you, “Did I say you could stop sucking? Don’t think so.” He pushed you back on his cock with his hand behind your head, guiding you. You could feel JJ’s thrusts getting sloppy and lose rhythm, knowing he was close. “Fuck, gonna cum so deep inside this pretty pussy.” he growled before painting your walls with his warm cum, his hands firmly gripping your hips. You could feel his sperm dripping onto the bed as soon as he pulled out.
Rafe shoved you off him, causing you to look at him with a questioning expression, given that he hasn’t cum yet. “ Wanna cum inside that tight pussy of yours, filling you with both our cum.” he said as he stood up and flipped you over, causing a small squeal to leave your mouth as you were lying on your back. He grabbed your legs and spread them wider before spitting on your cunt and pushing into you in one quick thrust, making you scream out his name loudly. He immediately set a relentless pace, gripping your waist as he pounded into you while grunting, your tits bouncing to his rhythm.
“Doing so well for us, princess” JJ praised as he sat next to you, grabbing your face and kissing you passionately with his other hand massaging your boobs. You moaned into JJ’s mouth as Rafe placed your legs over his shoulders, reaching even deeper parts inside of you. “You wanna cum?” Rafe asked as you nodded, your eyes closed as your vision became blurry, “Then fucking beg for it.” “P-please, let me cum. I need to!” JJ chuckled as his hand slowly travelled to your core, drawing fast circles on your clit. “You hear that, Rafe? Our poor girl needs to cum.” Rafe groaned as he increased his speed and placed quick kisses on your legs. “Then let’s help her.”
JJ’s fingers quickened their speed as he marked your neck in hickeys, causing you to grip his arm hard, your nails leaving crescent shapes in his skin and Rafe was close to coming too, his cock hitting all the right spots inside of you. “Gonna cum for us, sweet girl?” JJ whispered into your ear and you could only nod, unable to speak. “Gonna fill you up so fucking good, like the dirty whore you are.” Rafe groaned before his orgasm struck, filling you to the brim with his warmth. You came not long after that, walls fluttering around Rafe’s cock as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, the grip on JJ’s arm tightening. “Just like that, princess. Good girl” JJ praised as you came down from your high, chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath.
Rafe pulled out slowly and bent down to place soft kisses on your cunt before getting dressed immediately, causing you to look at him with a confused expression. “Be right back. J, take good care of our girl.” He instructed before exiting the room. “Yes, sir!” JJ replied jokingly before shifting his attention back to you. “W-where is he going?” you stuttered, still feeling disoriented due to your orgasm. “Probably killing Kelce and Topper for walking in and seeing you. You know how he gets.” JJ shrugged as he picked you up bridal style before you could say anything else, taking you to the bathroom, “Don’t worry about it. Come on, lemme take care of our pretty girl.”
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moonstruckme · 5 months
have a bonfire - send a character + a trope (one bed, fake dating, etc.) and I’ll write a drabble
hm what about remus lupin + sunshine x grumpy !! in which he is the grumpy ofc 🙌
Thanks for requesting angel!! Luv u <3
cw: mention of alcohol
Remus Lupin x sunshine!reader ♡ 653 words
Remus is reading his book more out of spite than interest. You’ve gone to get drinks with Sirius, removing yourself from his lap, which has put him in a worse mood than anything else all night, even the loud neighbors Sirius has invited over or the relentless congeniality that makes you incapable of not chatting up anyone who comes too close. 
When you come back you’ve brought James with you, and Remus relaxes as you situate yourself back on his lap, passing him a drink and letting him settle his free hand on your hip. He’s not sure how it happened, but Remus has found that he feels significantly better when he always has a hand on you. 
“Moony,” James greets him with a full-wattage smile, “you’re looking positively surly this evening.” 
“Her fault,” he replies, making you laugh and peck him on the cheek with your booze-sticky lips. 
“Right, of course.” James takes a sip of his own drink, sharing a look with Sirius. “Your bird’s a real menace, it’s just like her to bring down a mood.” 
“He’s just grouchy because I made him come tonight.” Your tone is teasing but there’s not a lick of real acrimony in it, and you grin when Remus squeezes your hip warningly. “But Rem, listen, it was totally worth it!” You seem to forget James and Sirius, your attention focussing solely on him. You have this way of making Remus feel like he’s standing in a pool of sunlight when you do this, looking at him all warm and bright and extra special. “You remember how I said Frank and Alice were going to get together in the next two weeks?” 
He hums in affirmation. 
“Well, guess who Sirius and I just saw making out in the kitchen?” 
Intrigue sparks in his chest, and Remus feels his brows lift. “Really?”
“Yes!” You’re thrumming with excitement, eyes gone all heart-shaped. “They’re so perfect for each other, I knew it would happen!” 
He rubs your hip tranquilizingly before you can wind yourself up to go congratulate the happy couple or spread the news or anything else that would take you away from him. “You called it, dove.” A pause. “Does this mean we can go now?” 
Your eyes crinkle, and Remus sighs as you kiss the bridge of his nose, dropping his head onto your shoulder. “We’ve only been here an hour,” you say into his hair, “but we’ll go soon, I promise. I’ll make that nighttime tea you like, and we’ll have a nice, long cuddle before bed.” 
You’re so good to him it’s impossible to truly deny you anything, but Remus turns his head to nip at the skin of your neck anyway. No one can see his smile when you squeal and clutch at his shoulders, giggling. 
“I’m offended you want to leave so badly, Moony,” says Sirius. “What’s so awful about my party?” 
Remus sits up, prepared to give him an extensive list, but you peck your boyfriend sweetly on the lips, pacifying him. 
“Nothing,” you tell Sirius, directing your smile his way. An irrational sort of jealousy rears its head in Remus’ chest. “It’s a great party! Your new neighbors are awesome, by the way.” Remus knows you really mean it, despite how those neighbors came in, drank half the liquor, and have yet to lower their voices since it entered their systems. You’re infinitely kinder than he is. “They’re so funny! I’m sure it’ll be a riot living next to them.” 
“Thank you, gorgeous,” Sirius says with a pointed look to Remus. “I really like them too, I’ll probably invite them to everything from now on.” 
Remus groans and hides his face in your chest, your body rumbling underneath him as you laugh. He feels your lips press to his hair. “Sorry, handsome,” you whisper. “I’ll make sure you never have to talk to them, yeah? I’m an excellent buffer.”
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inklessletter · 1 year
Vane!!! Congrats on 500!!! Your art is so wonderful and you absolutely deserve every single follower and more!! I always love seeing you on my dash, and clearly I'm not the only one <3
Since you're taking requests to celebrate, this scene came to me in a vision yesterday and I think it would be super cute to see Steve bundled in a blanket being smothered by kisses <3
Eddie drops the books in his hands and makes for the bed, scrambling onto it and Steve as he starts pressing kisses over Steve's face. The younger giggles and frees his hands from the blanket so he can grab onto his boyfriend until the assault slows, and eventually stops. Eddie nuzzles his nose into Steve's cheek and mutters "Sorry, got hit with a category 5 pretty boy situation and had to do something about it."
I hope you have an absolutely fantastic weekend!!! <3
- Joey / matchingbatbites
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"I love you so goddamn much, you menace."
Good evening, Joey, babe. I hope you enjoy this, and I did it just as you envisioned it.
(yes, the lightning is color coded, happy pride month!)
To all of you, my dearest babes and sweethearts altogether: thank you so much for trusting the process once again.
[Especial mention to @flowercrowngods because he raced tonight me and he won, but he wouldn't wanna take the trophy and run away. Something about being midnight or whatever. I'm proud of your process <3]
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candycandy00 · 2 months
My Sweet Pet - A Suo x Reader x Sakura Fanfic Part 2
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You’re a hybrid cat girl in a pet shop, and Sakura Haruka is a fellow hybrid in the cage beside you. After becoming friends, he promises to protect you. A week later, you’re both purchased by Suo Hayato. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Smut. 18+. Fem reader. Hybrid AU. Suo and Sakura are bisexual. Oral sex. First time sex. Threesome (sort of). Voyeurism. Humiliation. Dividers by @anitalenia and @benkeibear!
I’m having a really rough time right now so any feedback at all would be especially precious to me! Thank you!
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The next morning, Sakura wakes up to find Suo standing over him, smiling down. 
“I thought we’d have a little chat,” Suo says. 
Sakura sits up, wincing at how sore he’s become overnight, sleeping on the floor with his arms behind his back. He looks up at his owner with an angry expression. 
Suo sits down in the nearby chair, gracefully crossing one leg over the other. “I’m going to remove your restraints. I probably don’t have to say this, but if you cause any problems, your lovely friend will be the one who suffers for it.”
Sakura frowns. “Still threatening her?”
“It’s the simplest way to make you behave,” Suo replies. Then he leans forward in his chair. “You might not believe me, but I genuinely have no desire to hurt either of you. At least not physically. The ideal situation would be for the three of us to enjoy each other’s company.”
Sakura is looking at him skeptically. “Then what the hell was that about last night?”
Suo laughs lightly. “If I didn’t give you two a push, you’d be blushing at each other for the rest of your lives. And besides,” he adds, his eye taking on a menacing gleam, “it’s way too fun to tease you both.”
Sakura can feel his face heating up, knows he’s going red, though he’s not sure if it’s from anger or embarrassment. “So you are just playing with us!”
Suo stands up and walks over to him, kneeling down behind his back and unfastening the restraints. “Surely you didn’t think I bought you two with no intention of enjoying myself,” he says as the restraints fall to the floor with a clink of metal. 
Rubbing his sore wrists, Sakura resists the urge to attack. He won’t do anything to jeopardize her safety. 
Suo walks to the door. “One of the servants will see you to your room. Please clean up before coming to breakfast. There’s dried cum on your clothes.”
Growing red again, Sakura looks down to see the obvious spots on his pants and bottom of his shirt. Great, now he’s embarrassed to walk down the hall! He grits his teeth and goes to the door, dreading whatever games Suo has planned for today. 
You wake up in your huge, plush bed, stretching and yawning. You’ve never laid in something so soft and roomy before, and despite your anxiety over the events of last night, you fell asleep quickly. 
After putting on one of the pretty, too short dresses, you go to your door, where a servant is waiting to lead you to the dining room. When you walk inside, you’re surprised and relieved to see Haruka already sitting at the table. He’s dressed very differently from anything you’ve seen him in. He’s wearing a crisp white button down shirt and black pants. His hair is clean and shiny, slightly pushed back from his face. He seems a little uncomfortable with the new look, but at least he’s not restrained anymore!
When your eyes meet, his face turns pink and he looks away from you. Is this his usual shyness or does he not want to look at you after last night? Feeling awkward, you take a seat closer to Suo. 
“I trust you slept well last night,” Suo says. 
“Yes, thank you!” you say, then your eyes are drawn to the door as three servants walk in, carrying trays of food. They sit numerous plates on the table, revealing more food than you’ve ever seen in one place before. Everything looks delicious! 
“I wasn’t sure what the two of you like to eat,” Suo tells you as a servant pours him a cup of tea, “so I asked them to make a little of everything. You can inform the kitchen staff of your likes and dislikes before lunch.”
You look over the plates excitedly, then realize you don’t even know what some of them are. You recognize the basics like fried eggs and toast, but there lots of things you’ve never seen before. You’ll probably sound silly to the staff when you tell them you like sandwiches. You don’t even know what else you like. 
As if reading your mind, or perhaps noticing your hesitation, Suo smiles at you. “If you’d prefer to try lots of different things first, then tell them what you like, I can have them make sampler platters.”
“That would be wonderful,” you say, returning his smile. You weren’t sure last night, but today you’re almost certain: you and Haruka got lucky! Suo is generous, and is treating you more like guests than pets. Even if you’re expected to do intimate things with him, it’s not so bad with someone like him. 
You glance up at Haruka across the table, wondering if he feels the same way, but he’s just staring at the food with a sullen expression. 
“Please feel free to go ahead,” Suo says, sliding an empty plate over to you and motioning for you to fill it. 
With little attempt to be polite, you begin placing food on your plate and trying the different dishes. Everything is so scrumptious, so delectable, you almost feel like crying. It takes a moment for you to realize you’re the only one eating. The other two are watching you, Suo smiling and Haruka wearing a slightly softer expression. 
You blush and lower your fork. “Um, aren’t you two going to eat?”
Suo shakes his head. “I’ll be eating a little later. Sakura, why don’t you have something? You’re making her feel shy to be eating alone.”
Haruka looks surprised for a moment, then begins placing a few things on his plate and taking small bites. He sniffs everything first, thoroughly examining each thing as if he thinks it’s been poisoned. It’s then that you notice the bandages on his wrists, peeking out beneath his sleeves. 
You stand up from your chair and rush around the table to be next to him, taking his free hand into yours. “Are you hurt?”
His ears twitch as he looks at you. “Uh… no… I’m not hurt. The restraints left marks.”
You sigh in relief, then return to your seat. The rest of breakfast is uneventful, though you worry about Suo not eating. 
As servants clear the table of plates, your owner stands up and pushes his chair in. “Both of you are free to explore the house as you please. This is your home now too. You’ll be expected back here at noon for lunch.”
And then Suo is gone, leaving you and Haruka alone. The cat fidgets with the sleeve of his shirt for a moment, looking nervous. He opens his mouth to say something, stops himself, and looks at the table. Does he want to talk about last night? Or maybe he wants to avoid talking about it. 
“This is a really nice place, isn’t it?” you ask, hoping to get him talking. 
His eyes dart up to your face, as if he wasn’t expecting you to speak. “It’s big, I guess.”
“I’m surprised we get to walk around freely. I thought we’d be confined in some way.”
“I’m glad you like it here,” he says, “but be careful. I don’t trust our owner.”
“Suo? Why not?” you ask. 
He sighs. “I think he just likes to mess with us. We’re entertainment to him.”
You think it over. Haruka has been watching out for you for a while now, and his instincts are sharp. “Okay, I’ll be careful. I trust you more than anyone, Haruka.”
He reddens and looks away. “Thanks. And… about what you said last ni-“
A servant suddenly bustles into the room, gathering the rest of the plates from the table. Haruka grumbles and says, “I’ll tell you later.”
For the rest of the day, you and Haruka walk around the estate together, exploring the massive garden, looking through the kitchen, and even visiting each other’s rooms. 
Haruka digs through all the drawers in your dresser while you sit on the edge of your bed. 
“He really didn’t leave you any underwear,” he says with a frown. “Fucking pervert.”
Then his gaze drifts over to you, to your bare thighs, and he blushes before averting his eyes. 
“It’s okay,” you tell him. “There’s a hole for my tail in the dresses so it’s easier to keep them pulled down.”
“Ah, okay,” he says, seeming a little uncomfortable. 
Lunch and dinner are both extravagant affairs, with even more delicious food you’ve never tried before. And at both meals, Suo eats nothing, seeming content to watch you and Haruka enjoy your food. 
“Will you eat later… master?” you ask. He hasn’t told you what to call him, and you were taught to call your owner ‘master’ until they specify something else. 
He smiles warmly at you. “You can call me Suo for the time being. And yes, I’ll eat later. Thank you for your concern.”
Later that evening, both you and Haruka are called to Suo’s room again. The two of you meet outside his door, and Haruka turns to you. 
“Did… did he hurt you last night?”
You shake your head. “It was embarrassing, but nothing hurt.” You decide not to add that it actually felt very good. 
Haruka hesitates for a moment, then says, “If he does try to hurt you, I’ll stop him. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
You feel your own face heat up. “Y-you too! I won’t let anyone hurt you!”
He gives you the softest smile you’ve ever seen him wear, then puts his hand on the doorknob and opens it. 
Suo is waiting for you in his chair, and he doesn’t stand up this time when you both walk in and close the door behind you. 
He smiles as he makes the usual greetings and pleasantries, asking how you spent your day and if you need anything else. Then, without further delay, he tells you what the three of you will be doing tonight.
“It occurred to me that I’m the only one who didn’t cum last night,” he says in that calm voice. “That doesn’t seem fair, does it?”
You blink, then glance at Haruka. What happened after you left the room last night? The thought of them together makes you feel heated, and you subconsciously press your thighs together. 
Haruka is blushing again as he frowns at Suo. 
“What do you want us to do?” you ask. He has a point that it’s not fair if he’s the only one not feeling good. As shy as you are, you’ll do your best to please him. 
His one visible eye moves to you, then slides down your form. “Come closer, kitten,” he tells you.
Gripping the hem of your dress to hold it down, you step gingerly over to him. He looks up at you and says, “Can you get on your knees for me?”
Your heart races. You were taught many things as a hybrid, so you know where this is leading, even if you have no practical experience. Carefully, to avoid letting your dress ride up, you get down on your knees in front of his chair. 
His hand moves to your face, softly petting you. “So pretty. You don’t have to worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything from now on.”
You look up at him, your brows slightly creased. “But I’m worried about you, Suo. Are you really eating?”
His eye widens, blinks, and then he smiles. It’s the first time his smile has seemed genuine. “You really are a sweet little cat, aren’t you? But if you’re worried about me, then I’m failing as your owner,” he says, his tone kind. “I’m in perfect health, I promise.”
“I’m glad,” you say, and you mean it. Your heart has begun to stir for Suo, just as it does for Haruka. 
His hand is gently rubbing the top of your head, his thumb stroking your twitchy ear. “Do you know what I want you to do for me?” he asks. 
You glance at his lap, at the barely visible bulge concealed by his dark pants, and nod. “I know.”
He pulls his hand back from your head and smoothly opens his pants. “Do you know how?”
“I watched demonstrations,” you say, your gaze locked on his hand pulling out his cock. It’s a little bigger than you expected, perfectly shaped, pale in color, flushed slightly pink at the tip. It’s elegant, just like Suo. 
“But you’ve never actually done it before?”
You shake your head. 
He smiles again. “It’s okay. Take your time. Do what feels right to you.”
You take a deep breath and then lean forward.
Sakura watches as the woman he loves leans forward and gives Suo’s cock a few delicate kitten licks. She’s hesitant, moving slowly and carefully. She’s probably trying to figure out how best to please her owner. 
Despite his frustration at the situation, Sakura can’t stop himself from getting hard while watching her suck lightly on Suo’s tip. It’s too easy to picture her soft lips around his own cock. He wants to feel that so badly, wants to look down and see her on her knees in front of him, wants to hear what kinds of sounds she would make as she sucks him off. 
Instead, he’s watching her suck Suo’s dick from a few feet away. 
Suddenly Suo looks up at him. “Sakura, why don’t you help her out?”
Sakura reddens. “Huh?!”
Suo smiles. “Teach her how to please me.”
“I’m not gonna-“
Suo’s smile disappears, and an eerily empty expression replaces it as the man stares at Sakura. There’s something oddly threatening about it, even though Suo didn’t say another word. Would he hurt her if Sakura refuses? Could he hurt such a sweet and beautiful woman trying her best to pleasure him? Sakura doesn’t know the man well enough to make that judgement, so he grumbles as he walks over and gets on his knees beside her. 
She pulls back and looks at him. She seems a little excited, her eyes shiny as she watches Sakura lightly grip Suo’s shaft. Without hesitating, Sakura suddenly spits on Suo’s cock, then uses his hand to stroke up and down the length. 
“You have to get it wet,” he says, avoiding looking her in the eyes. Sakura has the benefit of knowing exactly what feels good, but it’s still incredibly awkward to give her instructions like this. 
He lets go and she takes over again, this time licking Suo’s cock all over, letting her own saliva coat it. Sakura looks up at the other man, who wears an irritatingly passive face. He feels the urge to make Suo react in some way, to see the poker face crack just a little. So while she’s running her cute kitty tongue over the length, Sakura leans forward and licks the tip, tasting the pre that’s beginning to leak out. 
He can hear Suo’s breath catch, but other than that, no reaction. The man is obviously good at keeping his cool. Sakura pulls back and says to the woman next to him, “Take as much as you can into your mouth.”
He feels dirty and perverse for telling her that, but Suo did order him to teach her. And, if he’s being honest with himself, a part of him wants to see her do it. 
She opens her lips and moves forward, letting Suo’s cock slide into her mouth. Fuck, she looks so pretty like this! Sakura’s erection is pressing against the fitted black pants Suo gave him to wear, threatening to burst through the fabric. The little sounds she’s making, the look in her big glassy eyes as she looks up… Sakura doesn’t know how Suo hasn’t already cum. 
His cat ears are sensitive to sounds, and he can hear Suo’s breathing getting quicker, even if the man is trying to keep it under control. She’s bobbing her head back and forth, taking Suo deep into her mouth and back out, over and over. Suo has to be getting close. With a start, Sakura realizes their owner probably intends to cum in her mouth. In her sweet, innocent mouth…
Just as he hears Suo’s breaths become even more rapid, Sakura hurriedly pulls her back and then wraps his own lips around the throbbing cock between them. He made it just in time, as Suo cums immediately after, filling Sakura’s mouth. 
Suo stares down at him, for one tiny moment looking surprised. Then he laughs, probably trying to cover up his ragged breathing. “I didn’t realize you were so competitive, Sakura. And I haven’t even explained the game yet.”
Sakura still has the man’s cock in his mouth, the last spurts of cum shooting out. He has no idea what Suo is talking about.
“Whoever swallows my cum gets a reward,” Suo says, wearing an absolutely devilish smile. “And whoever doesn’t… well…”
He doesn’t finish, but Sakura’s mind fills in the rest. Whoever doesn’t will be punished! He grabs her, the woman he loves so much, and kisses her, prying her lips apart with his tongue and sliding Suo’s cum into her warm mouth. 
After making sure she got most of it, he pulls away, strings of cum connecting their mouths. He never imagined his first kiss with her would be like this, and he hates it, but he can’t risk her being hurt. 
Suo watches them happily before going on. “I was going to say, whoever doesn’t swallow it will also get a reward, since you’re both being such good kitties tonight.”
Sakura’s head snaps up to look at Suo. “What?!”
Suo laughs as he stands up, then extends a hand to the lovely lady, helping her to her feet. “But since you swallowed most of it, you’ll get your reward first,” he says to her as Sakura seethes and gets up from the floor. 
Suo, still holding her hand, leads her to his huge bed and tells her to lie on her back. Sakura watches her face, looking for any signs that she’s frightened, but she only looks excited and perhaps a bit shy. Suo climbs onto the bed, hovers over her, and then slides her dress up to her waist. 
Sakura can’t pry his eyes away as Suo pushes her legs widely apart and then leans his face down, burying it in her glistening pussy. She cries out, arching her back off the bed, her tail sticking straight out beside her with the fur standing on end. 
Ahh, he wants to taste her too. 
It takes all of Sakura’s will power to not start stroking his hard on right there. Seeing her in such a lewd position, her hands gripping the sheets and her legs trembling as Suo holds them down, makes Sakura so hard he’s about to start humping a pillow again. 
All at once, Suo stops and sits up on the bed. “Sakura,” he says, “come here and get your reward.””
Sakura doesn’t move, just stares at Suo suspiciously. 
Suo stands up. “It’s part of her reward too. Come to the bed and fuck her.”
Sakura’s eyes widen, his ears twitch, and his face goes redder than ever. “I can’t just-“
“Oh?” Suo asks, cutting him off. “She’s already said she’s in love with you. I’m sure she’d rather lose her virginity to you than me. Isn’t that right?” he asks, turning to her. 
She sits up, clutching the hem of her dress and pulling it back down. She’s blushing furiously as she looks at Sakura. “I’d rather it be you, Haruka,” she says. “Only if you want to! If you don’t, that’s okay…”
If he doesn’t want to? He wants nothing more! His last thread of self control snaps, and he crosses to the bed in three steps. 
Haruka is on you within seconds, sliding your dress up your body and over your head before pushing you back onto the bed and climbing on top of you. 
He pauses, his pink tinted face hovering above yours, as if studying your expression. Is he trying to make sure you want this? To encourage him, your hands move to his shirt, shaky fingers trying to undo the buttons. He’s seen you naked twice now and it’s not fair that you haven’t seen him. 
His breathing quickens as he helps you unbutton his shirt and then slips it off his shoulders, displaying his well toned torso. Your eyes are drawn to the thin trail of fine hair leading down below his pants. 
Before undressing any further, he leans down and kisses you, slowly and softly, the way you always dreamed of him kissing you. The taste of Suo is still on his lips, but somehow that turns you on even more. 
He draws back and unbuttons the expensive black pants, opening them and pushing them down his hips. Apparently Suo didn’t leave any underwear for him either. 
Haruka is different from Suo. A little thicker, a tiny bit longer, a base lined with two colors of soft hair. He’s rock hard and leaking already as his hand lightly strokes his cock. You glance over at Suo, who is standing nearby, watching with an unreadable expression. It’s embarrassing to do this in front of someone else, but you want Haruka so much, you think you would let him fuck you in front of the whole world. 
He sits back on his knees and lifts your hips, pulling you into his lap. His face is still red, but his expression is serious, focused, as he lines himself up with your dripping entrance. Then, oh so slowly, he begins pushing in. 
There’s a sheen of sweat on his body, his teeth gritted as if he’s fighting some desperate mental battle. His hair that had been pushed back has fallen back into his face. God, he’s beautiful. And he’s trying to be so gentle with you, easing in, taking his time. 
You feel yourself stretching around him, molding to his shape, and you only want more. More of him inside you, more of his body brushing against yours. You feel your own breaths hitching, your skin feeling hot as you look up at him. 
Suo moves closer, looking at Haruka. “I admire your restraint,” he says. “Must be hard to control yourself with such a tight, wet pussy wrapped around you.”
“Shut up, Suo!” Haruka practically growls. 
Suo laughs. “Such a feisty cat! But oh, look how pretty she is under you, looking up at you so lovingly. I bet you want to plunge in and fuck her sweet little brains out.”
Haruka growls again, his sharp feline teeth showing. Is it that hard for him to hold back? You wouldn’t mind him going a little faster…
“Haruka,” you say, “You don’t have to hold back! You can be rougher with me!”
He pushes further in, still slowly. “Fuck! I want this to be special for you! I want you to feel good!”
You reach up and touch his face. “I do feel good, just being touched by you. I want you to feel good too!”
His grip on your hips tightens, and he pulls your body further onto his cock. He’s moving a little faster, going a little deeper. It feels amazing! You want him to reach the deepest parts of you. 
“Haruka! Please… deeper!”
He shoves in, finally going all the way to the hilt, making you gasp and clench around him. He’s panting as he begins thrusting in and out of you, still being careful not to hurt you. “Fuck… you feel so good around me,” he says, looking you in the eyes. 
His tip hits a spot that sparks such pleasure, tears spring to your eyes. He pauses, his face alarmed. “Did I hurt you?”
“No!” you cry out, desperate for him to hit that spot again. “Please don’t stop!”
He starts again, going even harder and faster, building a rhythm that makes you moan and writhe beneath him. He hits it again, your sweet spot, and your body jerks  
Suo is beside you, and he puts one hand on your head, stroking your hair. “You’re doing so good. Sakura is nearly at his limit.”
The praise only intensifies your pleasure. All of it combines to make you feel almost delirious. Haruka’s sculpted body above you, dripping sweat, his heavy breaths and growls, his hands gripping your hips, his cock filling you so full, hitting something deep within you that makes your toes curl. Then Suo’s hand gently petting your hair and ears, his soft voice telling you how pretty you look and how good you’re doing. 
You fall over the edge, all the stimulation overtaking you. As the orgasm washes over your body, you cry out, tears leaking down your face. Suo’s free hand rubs down your arm to reach your hand, where he takes it in his own and pulls it up to his face, kissing it as you ride out your high. 
Haruka is looking down at you, still thrusting into your clenching pussy, his eyes looking wild, feral. You stare back at him, teary eyed. “Haruka… I love you!”
He grunts loudly, shoving in as deeply as possible as he finally cums, shooting everything he has directly into your core. When finished, he nearly collapsed, but catches himself on his hands on either side of you. His face is inches from yours. 
He kisses you again, then looks directly at you as he says, “I love you too!”
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abbys-wifey · 11 months
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pairing: tara carpenter x female reader
Tara’s small demeanour is slightly intimidating as she paces across our shared bedroom, her hands tearing at her hair.
“Baby please let me explain.” While her voice is loud mine remains soft and calm trying to keep the peace.
“Don’t.” She only stops pacing to extend her hand in my face. “Don’t even speak right now. I can’t believe you.” She groans once again resuming her stalking back and forth.
I open my mouth to present my own opinion when footsteps echo outside the door.
“What’s all this arguing?” Sams home, of course she’s home now. She doesn’t even knock as she barges in the bedroom threatening glares already set on me. Raising my hands I back away from the older Carpenter.
“No not arguing, not arguing. Tara’s just in shock. Isn’t that right?” I give Tara a look begging her not to let her sister go ape shit on me but she doesn’t even glance my way.
“Y/N has lied to me our whole relationship. Six months. All lies.” Tara’s fingers drag down her face as she rats me out to her sister, the sister who instantly stands taller and sends a menacing glance my way.
“Lied about what?” Sam speaks softly to her distraught sister one hand tucking Tara’s flyaways behind her ear.
“She has a tattoo. A tattoo for crying out loud and she didn’t even tell me.” Tara whines frowning at the floor.
Sams face falls, her hand dropping to her side. “Seriously? Your upset because your girlfriend has a tattoo?” Sam sighs. Tara nods with a childish pout.
“I’m just gonna leave you guys to it.” Sam smiles apologetically at me before closing the bedroom door once again leaving the two of us alone.
“Baby, your overreacting. Even Sam agrees. It’s not a big deal.” I breathe standing up from the bed to interrupt her pacing. Tara glares up at me, her lips forming a thin line.
“Do not tell me I’m overreacting. You lied. You liar.” Tara pouts gently smacking my chest with closed fists. Stifling a chuckle I grab her wrists softly and lean down to kiss her knuckles smiling at the blush spreading along her cheeks.
“Would you feel better if I showed you the tattoo again?” I ask. Tara whines throwing her head against my chest. “Yes.” She mumbles under her breath.
Taking off my shirt and my bra, I lay back on the bed turning onto my stomach and exposing the tattoo of a black spider situated on my shoulder blade. My skin twitches slightly as Tara’s fingers move over the bare skin, tracing the edges of the spider legs.
“I can’t believe I’ve never noticed this before.” She sighs her palm pressed flat over my spine. “I hate that I never noticed before.” Her voice is merely a whisper as small fingers dance over my tattoo again.
“Baby it’s ok. It’s not like your ever really looking at my naked back, it’s my front your more preoccupied with.” And with that I manage to turn over now laying on my back and gazing up at the woman with such adoration her cheeks glow red.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asks with a frown still however moving to lay her chin on my chest, her lips resting against my collarbone.
“You never asked.” I shrug causing Tara to scoff. “If you get another one. Tell me.” She grins before pressing her lips hard against my neck. “Or else I’ll be forced into doing something that you will not enjoy.” She purs.
I whine softly as her hands move down my bare stomach, playing with the band of my pants occasionally dipping slightly further down.
“So have you guys worked it out?” Once again Sam doesn’t knock, instead opening the door wide.
“Get the fuck out.” Tara screams at her sister who stands slack jawed at the door. Sam says nothing as she closes the door muttering to herself softly.
“Fucking cockblock.” Tara groans laying her head in the crook of my neck. I chuckle pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Silence encompasses us for a few seconds before Tara shuffles around slightly.
“Can I start taking you from behind now?”
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nicarnelian · 3 months
₊˚⊹ featuring: academic achiever! narumi gen x student council president! fem! reader
₊˚⊹ word count: 1.2k
₊˚⊹ warning: curse words, narumi being a menace, grammar errors ;-;
₊˚⊹ author’s note: literally a dump w all my thoughts. head empty, only academic achiever narumi . again, this is not beta read (i type n post lmao im gnna die w this setup) but i might make a fic w this prompt… im just lazy to edit…
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it's insane how much i think about academic achiever! narumi gen and how he would always rank first in every semestral rankings. however, his life soon crumbles when he sees his name a row lower than usual: second rank.
he thinks it was a mistake, perhaps a mistype of the school administration. however, he looks at the name above him just to see one of the few names he despises. he rubs his eyes, thinking that maybe, he was hallucinating — because there was no fucking way that student council president! reader dethroned him from his position as top of his batch.
what would gen first do in this situation? ah, yes! he would absolutely storm into the council office and make a scandal, shouting and demanding how the hell did you manage to steal that spot from him! you and your other executive officers stared at him. is he fucking delusional or plain insane? who in their right mind would storm into the council office while a meeting was in progress?
and, that was when gen declared he would snatch away his title from your hands and return it to its respective owner — him.
and, from here, you deduced that indeed, he was both fucking delusional and insane.
the both of you despise working with one another, it was like cat and dog seeing your combination with him from afar. in one class with gen, you argued to disseminate tasks as soon as the project was given, but he tended to cram that paper a week before submission, which he emphasized would take up only a meager 5% of your final grade, or simply, just because he does not care.
the conclusion to your quarrel with him? both of you end up submitting individual papers.
the professor scolded you both and asked to redo the task. gen hates it, he truly detests working with you. so dignified, so strict with time as if you were to run out of it. while he, on the other hand, preferred to be lax about it. he absolutely despises how poised you acted — as if nothing was wrong with your life.
but, then again, gen doesn't know what happens behind these curtains of your composed façade. he came to your dorm since you had to redo the project with him. you and him decided to make own respective outlines and brainstorm on the final one. gen stayed in what seemed like a small living room divided by a sliding door from your bedroom, where you stayed.
however, he peeked through your sliding door when it's time for the final brainstorming session, because you aren't answering his calls from the other side. you were asleep. on your desk. you were asleep, slumped over your desk surrounded by mountains of council paperwork and reviewers.
initially, gen was annoyed. you had the audacity to sleep, while he was researching his ass off at the other side? yup, he's annoyed, alright. however, he caught a glimpse of not only an outline, but a draft to the project the both of you were working on. he swiftly took it and analyzed it. with all honesty, it was good and he couldn’t deny that. he looked back at your sleeping figure and, mysteriously, for some sort of reason, gen carried your body onto the soft cushions of your bed. gen sat on the floor, resting his back against your bed, and began drafting your collaborative paper with your draft.
you wake up at three in the morning to find a head resting on your bed edge. gen narumi, that absolute menace who declared you a rival, was sleeping in your room, beside him was a finished project with both of your names printed on a paper. you stood up and woke him up, "hey, idiot."
he stirred awake, his left hand rubbing his eyes while his laptop rested on his right arm. "hey, miss president." he smiled. a toothy grin, with his sharp, cuspid teeth – almost like a cat.
"sleep here," you offered, patting your bed.
"are you asking me to sleep beside you? want to hook up with me that badly?" his tired eyes smiled, as he adjusted himself and settled with his laptop on your bed. gen was too tired to even engage in banter with your antics.
wow, he’s surprisingly… compliant. you thought.
however, you lit up your study desk once more and gen was easily disturbed by how you were working again. he thought you needed sleep, needed rest. it was three in the morning and he doesn't deny that you still have paperwork to do. but, if you continued working like that, it would obviously have some adverse effects on your body. you were hurting yourself with your routine.
but, it's not like he's worried, of course! he just doesn't want to snatch back his title from someone who didn't put all of their effort. he doesn't care!
but, fuck those thoughts. the thunderous beating of his heart betrayed him. his mind was cloudy as hell and he was sure to be deranged the moment he asked you, "hey, princess. what time are ya sleeping?"
then, he slapped his mouth closed. princess. he just called you princess. he's dead. he was hoping that you didn’t hear him, but your head quickly whipped towards his direction, "princess?"
crap. "hah! no! it was a slip of tongue! miss president is close to princess, right? president and princess starts with the letter p!" gen knew he was screwed, wondering what the hell he was even spouting about.
there was an awkward silence that filled the room. but, you stood up your chair, and walked towards him, bending a little bit as you closed the distance between your face and his — you saw him flinch. "if you wanted to hook up with me that badly, just say so."
gen couldn't process what you've said. he didn’t expect you to use his own words against him. and, it was three in the morning, maybe the both of you were high, maybe this was all just a dream, he thought. but, he snapped back into reality when he felt a blanket shoved in his face. he tried to remove it, but felt your hands keeping it in place. “h-hey!"
"j-just go to sleep! i'm fine! i'll sleep later!" you stammered and stuttered over your words. gen stopped struggling and kept the blanket over his entire body. the reason? because his flushed face would be exposed to you and he knew that you would tease the hell out of him.
little did he know, on the other side of the room, you were heaving heavy sighs. your face turned beet red because, what the hell did you just do?
both of you lingered in each other’s silence, neither eager to speak up about what had just happened. but gen supposed that being in this situation wasn't really that bad. if he could get the stoic and poised miss president of the council stuttering like that, then maybe he's one step closer to reclaiming that title of his.
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of-pale · 4 months
Just some wild dmc scenario that struck-eth:
Vergil got behind the wheel of a car, with Nero occupying the passenger seat. Maybe they even steal the car—not so unlikely if the area is in utter chaos and demons are throwing a party everywhere. Vergil certainly didn't have many qualms about committing theft, while Nero reluctantly agreed to it. It was only when Vergil started the abandoned vehicle did a realisation strike Nero.
“Wait, you know how to drive, right?”
“Yes, I've driven a car before. I doubt they’ve changed too drastically over the years.” Vergil gripped the gear shifter and smacked it into reverse.
“Wait, wait, what's that supposed to mean? When's the last time you drove a car?”
Vergil hit the gas, backing up until they collided with a demon approaching the car from behind, the impact marked by a loud thud. The car shook as it went over its body. “Hmmmm, must be about twenty-six years, give or take.”
“And you didn't think I should be the one behind the wheel? That driver's license is waaay past its expiry.”
Vergil cracked a small smile as if he'd been told a great joke. “That assumes I had one to start with.” He harshly shifted the gears again and stomped on the gas, sending the car screeching forward. “I don't think I was old enough to obtain one even if such an option interested me.”
Vergil took a sharp turn, drifting into an alleyway and forcing the side of the car’s boot to smack into more demons. Meanwhile, Nero clung on for dear life to his seat and the dashboard to avoid bouncing his head off the side. With each passing moment, he began to grasp the gravity of his grave mistake.
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Nero learned the hard way that there, in fact, did exist an even bigger menace on the road than Nico. Vergil drove like an absolute lunatic when given the chance: taking corners at the last possible second, playing bloody ping pong with every demon he could possibly hit, and drove at the highest speed the situation allowed him to get away with. To say there were many narrow misses during the wild ride would be an understatement.
Also Vergil, probably:
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lizzy019 · 24 days
𝐼𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝐵𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝐵𝒶𝒷𝓎!
Dom!Dallas Winston x Petite!Fem!Reader
cw -> size kink, some mentions of drug intake (cigs), reader is a teensy bit dominant, doggy style to prone bone, ig a switch reader?, a semi-sweet ending
Word Count -> 2.5K
This idea thooo
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Maybe it was the breeze hitting your face as you drove recklessly down the narrow roads Tulsa held open for you. Maybe it was how Dally was so calm and collected, laughing as if he wasn’t scared of accidentally crashing or getting hit by another angry driver.
Even though your seatbelt was strapped on tight, only put on because he asked (not really) for it to be put on you, he still used his arm to shield you when he hit a bump or stopped a little too fast. In a way, it made you feel oh so protected and safe.
You were speeding in someone else’s car, not even Dally’s, but it was thrilling.
Call it stupid, but maybe you had a bit too much tobacco for the night. Maybe you were picking up on Dallas’ poor habits.
“Y’know, if we crash, I’m not helpin’ you pay for the repairs. This is gonna be all on you!” You laughed, clutching the arm that held your chest to the seat.
Dally only playfully scoffed, taking his sunglasses and putting them on your sweet little face before speaking a proper answer.
“You know damn well I’m at least somewhat responsible, sweetheart.” He smiled. That stupid grin that always had you smiling back.
You had finally arrived at your destination; your place. A very teeny tiny bungalow just enough for you and your family. You had hurried him inside, your little hands grappling at his arms and pulling him along. God, you were just so sweet, so tiny but so mighty.
Once you had unlocked the door and shooed him inside, you locked the door once you both were situated inside and found yourself laughing when Dally accidentally bonked his head on the closet door’s inner hook. Even if he didn’t find it all that funny, he was warm inside from hearing your mocking laugh.
“Fuckin’ shit, what a menace. Laughin’ at my pain? What are you, a sadist?” Dally chided playfully, kicking his shoes off as he teasingly punched your shoulder.
His joke erupted a bark of mirth from you, causing you to fumble while you took off your coat to hang up. Call him stupid, but he secretly liked it. Your reactions made everything priceless, especially when you laughed like a sinister witch-cackling goof.
“Yes, I’m such a sadist, your pain brings me so much joy.” You teased sarcastically, hurrying off into the living room of your place while Dally followed behind you.
Your words squeezed a small chuckle out of him, a squirmy smile embedding itself onto his lips. Those pretty, pink and puffy lips of his that you just wished would crash onto yours. You shoved the thought away, letting Dally sit beside you while he tangled his fingers into your hair.
He simply adored the texture of your hair, it soothed him in a way with the way it tickled his fingertips. So while you sat watching your TV, with him mindlessly twirling away at your hair, he found it in him to come a bit closer.
Dally’s arm draped itself over the warm flesh of your shoulder, the relaxed muscle of his bicep pressing into the back of your head to provide cushioning was quite comfortable. You didn’t really think much of it anyway, you just kept your eyes focused on the screen in front of you.
Dally grew a bit discontented when you just handled his little physical contact like it was nothing, but he knew he shouldn’t overreact if he’s trying to stay smooth while doing this. So gently, his hand grazed your arm, pulling you closer to his body as if asking for something.
Your sweet eyes glanced up at him, the coy smirk teasing your lips was nearly enough to have the poor man short-circuit. Since when did you think you could look all tough and dominant and get away with it?
“What’re ya doin’, lookin’ all sneaky like that, sweetheart?” He asked, his tone holding a sarcastic malice as he tauntingly got a bit too close into your personal space. His breath hit your cheeks, that little smell of tobacco wafting through your nose.
You gave a playful shrug, looking at his eyes, down to his lips, and back at his eyes again. Good God, you were testing his patience and self-control.
“I’m not lookin’ at anythin’ sneaky!” You retorted, using a chiding tone while your lips dangled dangerously close to his. But Dally knew better, he knows he could pin those pretty arms of yours under him just to destroy you from the inside.
So he waited. He waited for you to have your fun.
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“Fuckin’ tease.” Dally snarled, using his grip to keep you up against the door of your bedroom.
Long story short, you went a little too far. You teased him too much, gripping his cock through his jeans, running your hands all over his body and tugging on his St. Christopher. Poor Dallas was hanging onto a thread, a sliver left of self-control. Now he was almost bare as he molested your neck with fierce kisses.
His teeth grazed across the major artery on your neck, feeling that little pulse. Oh, he’d love to feel it in your pussy with his dick being squeezed, the little repetitive pulse of your heartbeat that got all fast and overworked from how he would handle you.
No, he had to have patience.
Sure, his neck hurt a bit since he had to lower himself to reach you, but it was worth every ounce of pain that jolted through him. Maybe he was a bit of a masochist for you.. not like he’d ever say anything about something as embarrassing as that.
The soft sounds of your whimpers that just seemed to bounce off the walls of your room was like an intimidation attempt, something to throw you off. But could you really be intimidated when Dally’s soft lips just kept sucking hickeys into your neck? No, you couldn’t find it in you to lash out and push him away.
Your hands mindlessly tugged at the hair mounted on his head, the soft little waves of his hair making your fingers shiver. Your hands needed that stimulation of touching something soft, and it allowed you to let out more soft moans and whimpers. His lovely kisses, God, this was gonna be where you died, wasn’t it?
Dally finally pulled away, a little string of saliva connecting him to your neck until he broke it to move you onto the bed. He didn’t waste any time taking off the last of his clothes before aiding you in taking off your own, his nimble fingers working fast to take off your shirt while you got your pants off.
Soon, you were both bare to each other, and Dally was practically stunned speechless. You had such pretty breasts, they’d fit into his hands so nicely. Such a lovely figure, such warm and radiant skin. God, Dally couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
Dry, cracked hands came to massage those lovely breasts of yours, holding the supple skin and caressing it like they were two precious jewels. Jewels in a thief’s hands, what irony. Yet he didn’t have to steal these jewels either, they just waltzed their way into his palms.
Soft tugs to your nipples was what really got a whimper out of you, the stimulation causing your chest to tingle and respond to his actions. Dally was just in love with all of you, so once he was done consentfully assaulting your nipples, you were being manhandled onto your own bed.
God, he loved it. You were so tiny, so easy to throw around and use like a toy. His hands were tight around your waist as he heaved you and almost threw you onto the bed, flipping your body in a slightly rough manner so you were on all fours for him.
Jesus Christ, that ass.
That pretty fucking ass.
Dally’s hands were on it in no time, squeezing the soft flesh with his roughened fingers to feel its plushness. Good lord, you were such a snack. With his two hands still holding your asscheeks, he gave them both a simultaneous slap, chuckling at the little recoil they did at his action.
Poor Dally didn’t know how to handle himself, and he certainly didn’t wanna give you any prep if you were already so soaked from the previous moments. So he palmed needily at his greedy cock hidden away under the soft of his boxers, grinning almost maliciously as he took them off. He found it almost erotic how you were just backing your hips into him, to find some release.
“Oh sweetheart, you really that needy? You fuckin’ slut, you don’t have patience? Good girls don’t get what they want.” Dally chided you teasingly. He was taunting you, to get you to whine for his cock.
No. For someone so tiny, you were as stubborn as a mule.
So you waited as he fondled the tip of his angry cock against your soaked pussy lips, the lovely liquid arousal that doused the pink of his cock’s head was all warm and sticky. He knew you wanted it, but some teasing wouldn’t hurt, yeah?
You were so pent up, practically drooling in anticipation for his dick to be shoved to your core. But no, Dally just wouldn’t let it happen yet, would he?
“Dal- Dal, I wan’ it. Please.. I’m good. I’m good, right?” You finally managed to mumble out, a bit embarrassed by your straightforwardness.
These words that tumbled from your lips made poor Dally sit upright in shock. A light squint of his eye, a small smirk on his lips, made it all too clear how flummoxed he was at your sudden submission. While he wasn’t all that adamant before, he certainly was now!
“Yeah.. yeah, sweetheart, you’ve been good. You wan’ it? Whaddya want, baby?” The little bit of genuine emotion mixed with a harsh overlap of condescension was all you needed to get all prepared.
You were so ready to take his cock, anticipating the moment the hard length rammed itself into your cunt, but you suddenly lost your expectation when it seemed he was taking too long.
Was he staring at your cunt like a creep? Maybe he was putting a condom on?
You couldn’t tell from your current position, so you adjusted your head just a bit before Dally stopped all of your thoughts with a harsh rut of his hips. Soon, you weren’t even focused on reprimanding him, simply engulfing in the pleasure he doused you in every time his cock kissed your cervix.
The mewls and whines that escaped your loose jaw was already enough to get him off, but seeing your tiny form under him taking his cock that looked just a size too big for you?
Fucking god, he was gonna die on this bed and he knew it.
Dally was having the time of his life ramming the girth of his hardened length into your sweet little core, pounding relentlessly into you, using his strength to counter whenever your little hand flailed to try and push him away. Maybe he was a bit too kinky for this, or maybe you were just a bit too tiny and cute looking.
Your legs were getting weak with every deliberate rut of his hips, only serving to further weaken your knees and calves as well as the muscles in your inner thighs. You were going to collapse, you were sure of it. Your body grew more unstable from his weight pressing on you, but you couldn’t find it in you to tell him to stop when he just kept making your cunt cream and gush around him.
It wasn’t long until your legs gave up, your body crashing into the plush of your mattress which honestly felt a bit better than the relentless and merciless thrusts of his cock to your core. Dally was quick to accommodate, the weight of his own body pressing lightly against your back as his hands caged your arms that flailed about. Your wrists were soon pinned to the soft plush of the mattress.
Your poor cunt was just gushing for him, trying to lubricate itself to accommodate to his repetitive and thoughtless rutting motions, and you were gripping the fabric of your sheets for dear life as your eyes rolled to the back of your skull, jaw slack and a little daze in your head. There was an orgasm bubbling up within your stomach, it was getting intense too but you were sure Dally could feel it.
Oh, he could fucking feel it.
The throbs of your pussy walls, the sweet little pulse of your heartbeat whenever he paused for a second or two for his stamina to build up again, the lovely fluid that released itself from your achy cunt. He was in heaven.
But soon enough, you were teetering off of the thin line of pure ecstasy. Your body practically trembled as you fought to hold on, but you knew it wasn’t enough. You were unable to control the clamp of your pussy as you screamed when you came.
Long, pulsating squeezes of your cunt were delivered to Dally, causing his hips to falter in pace as he allowed your climax to wash away. It was only a few moments, and you were barely hanging onto your consciousness. But soon, once most of the tingling nerves settled and Dally, he was back at it again to chase his own orgasm.
Though, it didn’t take long either since he was already close when you came. Now it was just a matter of getting that rhythm back to climb the steps of ecstasy. His thrusts were at a reasonable pace, faltering here or there until finally, Dally came.
Thick spurts of his babies filled the latex sheath he wore to protect your lovely womb from a possible unwanted child, his breaths growing ragged and uneven as his body weight crashed atop you. This seemed to startle you awake, as instantly you wheezed out a puff of air and squirmed about to try and get him off.
“Dally! Dally, you’re crushing me! Get offa me, you fatass!” You heaved in for air, trying to get your oxygen back while he laughed and rolled off of you, taking his cock out of your cunt simultaneously and sighing happily.
Dally took the condom off, tying the open end and chucking it to wherever on the floor, designating it as an item to deal with later. Now it was all about some lazy makeout session to end off your pleasant evening with stupid Dallas fucking Winston.
At least his kisses weren’t sloppy.
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Shoutouts to:
@johnnycadesslut @raycravens116 the pookies fr
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
I’ve got cavities from how sweet Azriel as a dad would be. 🥹 What if Aria has her first crush on someone? Or maybe first boyfriend/girlfriend? What would Azriel’s reaction be? 🤭
RIGHT he's such good dad material UGH but here you go, I hope this is to your liking!! Wrote this w like 16 year old Aria in mind? So the twins are 11 (i tentatively put the frame of Aria being 5 when they were born)
|| warnings: Aria being a cutie, protective dad!Az, reader is amused, Ivy and River (the twins) being menaces
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"Aria has a crush on someone!"
Of all the things Azriel expects to fall from his son's lips the minute he launches through the door, it isn't that.
Ivy is close behind him, shrieking with laughter as she shoves at her twin's shoulders, urging him forward as Aria looms behind. "River," she hisses, cheeks pink, "you littleㅡ"
"Aria," you intone in gentle warning as the pair skitter towards you, giggling as they take refuge with you to avoid their older sister's wrath. Aria looks less than pleased by this outcome, the look of quiet fury on her face one you've seen every now and then on your mate's face.
Azriel, however, is not joining you to play mediator with your children. Instead he's staring at your eldest daughter with an expression somewhere between confusion and mounting horror as Ivy chimes in,
"She got asked out on a date!"
You're absolutely certain Aria wishes she was an only child. The situation is diffused only after the twins are appropriately scolded for their antics, mumbling apologies that get them an eyeroll and the reluctant acceptance from their older sister.
And that's the end of it, at least until you're back in the quiet sanctuary of your bedroom with Azriel. "Everything okay?" You ask, concern coloring your tone as you watch your mate ready himself for bed.
Azriel halts, debating before he turns towards you. "Did you know about that?"
You blink. "Aria's crush?" He nods, and your expression turns sheepish. "I did. She told me a couple weeks ago." Before Azriel can give you a look of betrayal, you continue softly, "she asked me not to tell you, because she was afraid of how you'd react."
"I'm not mad," Azriel counters. "Just..." He sighs, approaching to pull you into his arms and hiding his face in your shoulder. "When did she grow up?"
"Children tend to do that, Az." Your tone is gentle but amused as you play with your mate's hair. "She's not grown up yet, she's only sixteen."
"Not helping."
You hum, then coax him away enough that you can cup his face. "She's okay, my love. She wants him to meet us before she pursues things any further, anyways."
That seems to soothe Azriel enough for you to finish getting ready for bed, and his arms lock around you once you're settled, pressing idle kisses to your neck. "...would you have fallen for me at that age?"
Your hands still their gentle kneading over his hands. "Well," you say, "considering when I was Aria's age you were still at least several hundred years older than meㅡ" He nips at your neck in reprimand, and you giggle before you roll over to look at him properly. Lifting a hand to cradle his cheek, your heart skips a beat as he leans into your touch. "Yes," you murmur. "I'm absolutely certain I would. I don't think there'd ever be a time where I wouldn't."
It's clear Azriel wasn't expecting that kind of answer because he swallows roughly before he leans in to kiss you. The pressure is sweet but laced with an undertone of neediness that makes your head spin before he pulls away just enough to murmur against your mouth,
"Aria's crush needs to meet Cass and Rhys before she goes anywhere with him."
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: for as long as you'd known heeseung, who happened to be your best friend's twin brother, he was just that annoying kid who stole your blue highlighter in 4th grade and was a menace to you from that day on, but somehow along the way he stole your heart too.
pairing: lee heeseung x afab!reader
genre: fluff, best friend's brother au
word count: 1.1k
request: " hi! i have a fluff request ^^ . i don’t have a specific situation in mind but imagine reader’s first kiss with hee, she initiates it with a quick kiss but is unsure if hee actually likes her back, so she starts to pull away but then hee cups her face, pulls her back and deepens the kiss without ever breaking it "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: hi anon, tysm for this request, I enjoyed writing this so I hope you and all my other readers enjoy reading it too~ ^_^
a/n (2): just wanted to let everyone know incase you don't, I do have an enhypen series out so please do check it out if you'd like :)
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"I swear if your brother touches my hair again, I'm going to uppercut him." you tell your best friend next to you as you comb through your previously ruffled hair.
You had known Heeseung for as long as you'd been friends with your best friends which was equivalently, many... many years.
You loved your best friend but her brother would never leave you alone.
He had his days where he was sweet with you but most of the time you were fighting back the urge to high kick his pretty little face.
"He says ruffling your hair before a game is his good luck charm." you friend says shrugging her shoulders as she munches on her popcorn.
"Yeah well he better find another goodluck charm, he's ruining my good hair days." you defend glaring at the boy who happened to run across the basketball court with his teammates.
You tried so hard to despise him and how smart, funny, considerate and kind he was, but oh how you wanted to so badly run over to Heeseung on the court and just kiss him.
This was someone who didn't necessarily make the best of impressions on you the first time seeing as he stole your blue highlighter in 4th grade, but the bright side was if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have met your best friend who happened to return the very same highlighter apologising for her 'stupid' twin brother who took it in the first place.
From that day on, you made Heeseung your nemesis, he didn't know he was, so yes, your one sided nemesis, you were a grudge holder.
Heeseung did eventually apologise in which you forgave him but you weren't easy to forget about it either.
Over the years of growing a friendship with your best friend, her brother was seemingly in the picture too.
They were close, but they would also banter and tease each other alot like many other siblings did and you found that dynamic between them special.
Heeseung soon started treating you the same, yes he was sweet to you when he wanted to be but most of the time it was just teasing and being playful and sometimes even the subtle flirting.
Although a year ago everything started changing.
You had had a very romantic and somewhat suggestive dream about him and for days you had tried avoiding Heeseung because you were embarrassed to even think you could possibly think of him in that light.
For years you had only seen him platonically but all of a sudden one dream put everything into a new perspective that just maybe... you had feelings for your best friend's brother.
After avoiding him for almost a week straight, Heeseung obviously thought he did something and so he offered to take you out to lunch as an 'apology' still having no idea he had actually done nothing wrong and it was all just you going through some intrapersonal conflict.
But he had won you over and you were simply left dealing with new feelings for Heeseung you were afraid to admit.
Let alone to your best friend.
"Okay let's start working on this project." Heeseung says as you both walked into his bedroom to work.
It didn't feel all too unfamiliar since you'd been in here before when his sister was around but it felt odd since it would just be the both of you alone this time.
In one of the classes you shared with Heeseung, your professor had assigned everyone a partner for a new project for the semester and Heeseung just happened to be the person you were paired up with leading to this moment. 
You had both been working hand in hand for the past hour and a half now and there was great progress being made.
"How about we take a short break since we've been working for a while now." you say turning to Heeseung next to you who happened to already be looking at you.
"Stop looking at me like that, call me a bug like you always do already." you mumble rolling your eyes as you break away from his staring.
"You're actually really beautiful." he says leaning on the table with one hand as he smiles admiring your facial features.
"Funny, are you getting sick, never heard you compliment me in a minute." you joke with him putting your hand on his forehead but his temperature was normal.
Unexpectedly Heeseung gently pulls your hand away leaning his face closer to yours.
Your heart was beating right out of your chest at the close proximity between you both, was he going to do it.
You notice his gaze go from your eyes to your lips and back as you did the same, both of you seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move.
To both of your suprise, you were the one to initiate the first move pressing your lips together finally kissing him.
But the moment was quick to end as the thought of your best friend catching you both crossed your mind and you hesitantly pulled away.
"We shouldn't-" you start off but you were cut off by Heeseung pulling you back in for a second kiss.
This time he deepened the kiss a gentle hand on your cheek and you felt like this moment wouldn't end.
This time Heeseung pulled away leaving a soft peck on your cheeks and nose and reality hit you once again.
Standing up abruptly you began walking back and forth around the room not believing what you'd just done.
"Oh my gosh, I just kissed my best friend's brother. She's gonna hate me. She'll never want to be friends with me anymore. Why did i kiss you. No I shouldn't like you in the first place." you ramble nervously as you hit your forehead for your reckless decision.
"Wait... you like me back?" he asks scratching the back of his neck as he stood up walking towards you.
You'd forgotten he could hear everything you were saying and you had accidentally confessed your feelings indirectly.
Well there was no trying to hide or run away from it.
But he said 'back', doesn't that mean he likes you too?!
"I do like you but-" you tell him as he stood in front of you holding your hands in his as he stopped you probably sensing what you were going to say.
"My sister probably wouldn't care, you're worried about nothing. What matters is that we both like each other and I think we should go out on our first date." he reassures you as you nod.
"I'd like that."
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nico-di-genova · 6 months
For the ask game:
22. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
For Lestappen please! 🙏🏼
Thank you, have a lovely day 🫶🏼
22. "I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
Charles has just about had it. Had it with the media who shove microphones in his face and demand to know what happened, why he and Max had ended up tire deep in the gravel. Had it with Pierre making little jokes about Charles and his ‘anger issues’. Had it with the disappointed looks Fred keeps casting his way during debriefs, as the damage to the car is discussed and the cost it will take to fix it. He’s had it with the social media team, the word ‘inchident’, the way his bad English in his teens seem to be one of his longest lasting legacies.
“It’s okay, we can spin this," they say, as if he gives a shit. It was a race. He raced, he saw a gap, he went for it, Max moved, and they both ended up out. It wasn’t anything.
But jesus, if Max gives him another one of those looks, Charles is going to lose every bit of media training he’s ever endured and strangle him right on this stage. In front of God, the cameras and everyone. He clenches his fists in his lap, grinds his teeth, feels his jaw tense. The cameras are probably picking it up, so he schools his expression into bored indifference. A neutral mask, they will know he is unhappy but they will not know it is with the Dutch bastard staring him down from the other end of the couch.
“It was nothing. Just an inchident, right Charles?” Max says, with that edge of ‘I think I’m hilarious, aren’t I?’ that makes Charles want to actually scream.
Instead, he picks up his own mic and laughs, nearly a giggle as he’s been instructed, it plays cuter. Makes him look less like the track menace who rammed into the back of Max’s car on turn sixteen of the Chinese circuit, as he cursed out Max’s speed in the straights over the radio.
“Yes, hah, right. We will, uh, we will do better this weekend.” He hopes he doesn’t sound as strained as he feels, rehearsed, it’s harder to pretend when he can feel the weight of Max’s gaze on him like the full weight of his own car, plus half the rest of the grids just for good measure.
Max grins, wicked little glint in his eye, “Absolutely.” And then he’s spinning the attention away from Charles and back to the Red Bull’s performance in high wind conditions – there’s a tropical storm brewing off the coast and it’s been fucking with the weather. How his team is confident they will be able to pull away from the rest of the grid with enough ease that situations like the last race don’t happen again.
Charles thinks about beating him to death with the microphone in his hands. Not seriously, not in a way he would ever act on, just in a way that would mean he doesn’t have to stare at the back end of a Red Bull wing for another fifty-seven laps.
The rest of media day is fairly uneventful. He knocks out some joint video stuff with Carlos, does a few social media photos and merch signings, and tries to ignore the questions about Max that just seem to keep coming.
Only once does he bite, when someone asks him if he and Max will ever refollow each other on Instagram.
He laughs, “He will have to follow me back first.”
There’s a camera recording his response, grainy iPhone footage that he will definitely see on Twitter later. Good. Let Max see the gauntlet he’s thrown down. Let him see the Ferrari cap Charles had been signing with the easy flick of his wrist and sharpie across the brim. Let him see Charles does not care.
Because he doesn’t.
Why should he?
Except that maybe he does, because when Max shows up at his hotel room that night he can’t help the annoyed sound that escapes him.
“So we’re fine a week ago, but you send me into the gravel and it’s you who gets to play the silent game?”
He’s been ignoring Max’s texts. There had been a lot of them.
“There is no game, I am busy. Meetings. Repairs. You know, the damage to the car.”
“Oh you’re moonlighting as your own mechanic now? Ferrari is that desperate?”
Max is angry, but more than that he’s hurt. Charles can see the flash of it in his eyes and in the tension when he clenches and unclenches his fists at his side.
“You’re-“ Max glances down the hall, at the Aston Martin employee who’s casting them glances.
Charles waves.
Max lowers his voice until only Charles can hear, “You are such a sore loser.”
The sting of it is well aimed, lands right between Charles ribs, pisses him off enough that he drops the act for a minute and tells Max to go fuck himself in Italian before slamming the door in his face.
It’s not that he’s never been called that before, more than he’s never been called it by Max. Somehow that hurts more.
Max wins in Miami. Charles has engine trouble on lap thirty and has to retire by lap thirty-two. The smile that he forces on afterward when he lies through his teeth that ‘it is like this’ hurts more than his pounding head after the DNF in China.
He tries to drown it all out by hiding in his room until his flight the next morning, instead he ends up at Max’s door.
“I hate you,” he says when the man opens it wide enough that Charles can slink past.
His hair is damp, sticking up in spikey points atop his head, and his white shirt is sticking to wet patches of his skin. He smells like ember, or leather, or something distinctly sharp. Charles tries not to think about it.
Instead, he paces tracks into the plush carpet and keeps his eyes glued to the movement of his own feet while the words spew out of him faster than he can stop them. It’s not all in English, spoken so fast he’s sure Max has missed most of it.
“I fucking hate you. You stupid. Moronic. Annoying. Idiot. You and your inchident like I am stupid. Fuck you. That was my race. My line-.”
“Is this about China?”
“Yes,” Charles spits, “Of course it is about China.”
Max crosses his arms. Watches as Charles motions wildly in the air.
“It is about China. And Suzuka. And Melbourne. About every circuit you follow me onto.”
“I follow you onto?”
“Shut up.”
“Interesting perspective.”
“I didn’t even finish Melbourne.”
“Shut. Up!” He yells, he can’t help it, feels like something in his chest finally snaps and then there is a long silence where neither of them say anything at all. They both stare at each other, like someone took out a gun and shot the other. Charles does not yell. He is polite, kind, he is exceedingly lovely.
He does not yell.
Except that sometimes he does, and right now he would like to just so he could feel the pure release of it. Sometimes he does not want to be fucking kind. But he also does not want to yell at Max, realizes the pointlessness of it all.
“You want to be friends? Still?” Charles asks, because it is Max who had begun this whole dance of repairing whatever shattered thing sat between them from when they were kids. Max who had started texting him asking to play FIFA and paddle, to go running with him, offered his private jet for flights if needed. Giving everything hand over fist to Charles, assumedly because Red Bull had seen how well he listened to team orders, and behaved, and wanted to own him before Ferrari could lock him down again. Charles had played the game, and he’d maybe even become Max’s friend in the process, but there’s still a part of him that is twelve and bitter – bitter that Max has always had the money, the better kart, bitter he can’t seem to catch up no matter how hard he pushes down on the throttle.
“Do you want to be friends?” Max asks, keeping a wary distance from Charles that once would have felt normal but now seems unfamiliar. He looks at Charles like he is a ticking time bomb. Charles hates it. He hates feeling weak.
“I…I don’t know.”
“We don’t have to be, “ Max says, like the thought has not occurred to Charles.
“I know-.”
Max cuts him off like he can hear the growing edge in Charles' voice and wants to avoid alerting the housekeeping staff in the hall to their bickering.
“Then just say that. I won’t text. I’ll leave you alone. Don’t do something you don’t want to do, Charles.”
It is reminiscent of Max telling him choose whatever team he wanted a few months back, telling him to fuck expectation and do something just because he wanted it. Which was ironic coming from the three-time world champion who only wanted to race cars online. Charles chose Ferrari, because there was never realistically a world where he wouldn’t.
The simpleness of it, the way Max is so willing to just let him go, to give up on the bridge they’d slowly been building between them – Charles suddenly hates him all over again. Max Verstappen and his chivalry and his kindness and his brutal honesty because he has no need to lie. It sparks that familiar jealousy in Charles.
Which is maybe why he throws some of Max’s own medicine back at him.
“I have seen the way you look at me,” he blurts out, “When you think I will not notice.”
Max takes a moment to catch-up with the twist in conversation. His eyebrows doing this expressive little dance that Charles almost finds endearing before it settles on hurt shock.
“You are not subtle.”
“I don’t-.”
“You’re only nice to me because you think you can fuck me now. That doesn’t make you special Max, that is all anyone wants me for anyway.”
There is a moment where he thinks Max will tell him to get out, a moment where he would go, it is a moment that is quickly lost in the anger that makes itself at home in Max’s eyes. The bridge crumbles, they are twelve and all they want to do is hurt.
“God, how do you see anything over that massive ego of yours, Leclerc.”
“You’re the three time champion, Verstappen. You tell me.”
Max steps closer, Charles steps back, he meets the resistance of the dresser and Max is suddenly there. Chest to chest, the two of them staring each other down with enough vitriol that it would probably put Pierre and Esteban to shame.
“You’re a fucking dick, Charles.” Max growls, “It’s not my fault Ferrari can’t pull their shit together enough to put you in a decent car.”
“Your car is a violation,” Charles spits back, “easy to win when you ignore the rules. Like always.”
They should stop, Charles thinks, knows they’re toeing along the precipice of something. But he’s sick of playing by the rules, so he pushes.
“Cheating is how you win, yes?”
Max's hands fist in the fabric of his shirt and push him further against the dresser before he even has the chance to blink. The furniture digs into his spine, until Charles can’t help the wounded sound that escapes him.
Max wrestles with something inside himself, Charles watches the struggle. He starts to pull away, but Charles grabs him by the hips and keeps him there. Max looks at him with that familiar expression, the one that Charles has been ignoring for months, want and need and longing all wrapped in steely grey that should be cold but might be warmest thing Charles has ever been cast in the light of.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Max says, and Charles feels rage. But it isn’t rage, not at all. It’s want. It’s the same feeling he gets when he’s gaining on Max in a race, hungry with the need to pass, to overtake, to get ahead and taste the clean air for once. It’s what landed them both in the gravel two weeks back.
Charles is smart, calculated when he needs to be, and right now he doesn’t want to play dumb.
“If I want you to hurt me?” he asks, really asks, even if he’s sure he hasn’t read the signs wrong.
Max’s expression does another dance, settles on the same want that Charles is reflecting back at him, “I don’t cheat.” He states.
Charles smiles, and it’s not the PR smile, all pretty for the cameras, it’s the smile of a man who drives on the limit and curses when he still can’t get ahead. “I don’t care. I’m going to beat you one day either way.”
Max wins in Imola, but Charles wins in Monaco.
They stand on the podium as the Monégasque anthem blares and he looks at Charles with pride, longing, reverence.
Charles notices, he always does.
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chiriwritesstuff · 8 months
The Girl in IT - The Deleted Scenes - Pt. 6 'The Adults are Talking' - Sweet Revenge
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Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
The Scene: Remember that poll I had up for Chapter 6? It was time for Sugar and Joel to get their sweet revenge on her father, who knew that sweet, innocent Sugar had it in her? This happens at the end of Pt. 6, 'The Adults are Talking'.
Chapter Warnings: Smut (18+), Breeding Kink, Joel and Sugar do very bad things on her Daddy's desk, Established Relationship, Older Man Younger Female, Vaginal fingering, Revenge Sex (but not how you think), Joel and Sugar are fucking menaces, Almost getting caught by someone (maybe?), Improper use of bodily fluids (hehehehehe), Porn with very little plot.
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: this is just 1.3k words of pure filth. Also, you guys put it in my head that you want Suagr to call Joel Papi, so I just ran with it! Hope you all enjoy, ya filthy animals!
"Well, what are you waiting for?" you whisper, "Are you going to fuck me on my father's desk or not?"
Joel smiles, unbuttoning his shirt. "I thought you would never fucking ask, baby."
He approaches you with a cheeky smile, your ass backing into the edge of your father's desk. You perch yourself atop the surface, spreading your legs wide as Joel situates himself between them, shrugging his sage-green button-down off of his shoulders. He peers down at you, tipping your chin as he presses a chaste kiss on your lips.
"You're going to have to be real quiet for me, baby. Do you think you could do that?" His fingers graze the edge of your thong near the gusset, and if he moved his fingers over just an inch, he could easily run his fingertips along the seam of your folds-
"Jesus," he whispers, slipping his fingers under the fabric of your thong. "You're dripping," he mutters, almost sounding like it was an accusation.  
"Joel. Please-" you groan silently, bending your head back as Joel slips his thick finger into you to the knuckle. "Fuck, does this get you off, being in your Daddy's study like this?"
Your eyes meet his, blown out and dark, his eyes half-mast. "As much as I would love to eat you out," he murmurs, "I don't think time is on our side, and I would rather not have your father shoot my balls off because he caught me fucking his daughter." He takes a deep breath, straightening himself, and pushes the waistband of his slacks lower, the bulge of his cock straining the fabric of his boxer briefs. "Fuck," he groans, his hand roughly grabbing his bulge as he looks at you hungrily, his brown eyes blown black. "Do you see just how much I ache for you, Sweetheart?"
Fuck. He's fucking massive. 
"Yes," you pant, nodding in agreement as he pushes his boxers down, giving his cock a tentative stroke. He notches the weeping head at your entrance, his mouth finding yours as he pulls you into a kiss, towering over you as you brace yourself on your elbows. His hand grasps the back of your head as he deepens the kiss, thrusting inside of you to the hilt. 
You gasp against his mouth, tipping your head back as your eyes roll in pleasure, Joel taking the opportunity to groan against your bare neck as he pumps into you steadily. "Fuck-" he snarls through his teeth, angling his hips higher as he allows you to adjust to his length. "So fucking tight, shit-"
You bob your head dumbly in response, pressing your face into his curls. He pulls out slightly as he takes another breath, one arm snaking around your back and the other gripping the desk as he thrusts back up into you, cradling you as he starts to push you up on your father's desk, almost lifting you up completely as he uses the desk as leverage, picking up the pace. His hips snap against yours sharply as the desk begins to rattle from below.  
"Is it bad that I thought about this?" Joel pants, "Defiling you on your Daddy's things, making him pay for trying to keep you away from me?"
You look down at where the both of you are joined, gasping at the sight of Joel's massive cock being swallowed whole by your pussy. His shaft is glistening with traces of your slick as he continues to split you apart. Your stomach clenches at the scene, Joel groaning as your pussy sucks his shaft back inside of you. 
You could hear the echoes of your father and his friends through open window in the study, still continuing on his drunken triade. Joel stills his hips against yours as he looks out the window, glaring into the vastness of the night sky. "Tell me baby," Joel stutters as he quickens his pace, the slick squelching of his thrusts filling the room, "What would your Daddy think of his little girl now, getting fucked by a dirty rich old man? Do you think he'll disown you?"
"I'm counting on it," you breathe, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pull him in for another kiss. "I only have room for one Papi right now, and he's currently balls fucking deep in me-"
"Fuck!" Joel roars, placing his hands on your hips as he starts to thrust into you slow and deep. "You can't call me that, fuck, I almost blew my load-"
"What, does my boyfriend like it when I call him Papi?" you smirk against his neck, sucking on his pulse point. He thrusts into you harshly, grabbing your hair and pulling you back as he forces you to look into his eyes.  
"Is my little Mami being a brat?"
You brace yourself, one hand on the desk as the other still holds on to his neck, shifting your hips to the side as he pummels into you, his thrust becoming erractic as the both of you chase your release. "Only because you haven't given me what I want yet," you chide, "What's taking you so long? I should have been pregnant yesterday," you pout. "Make me a real Mami, Papi, please-"
"You're such a bad fucking girl, baby. Begging to be breeded on your father's desk, fuck, what happened to my sweet little Sugar? You're so fucking wet for me, its dripping down my fucking thighs-" he says in reverence, his mouth agape as he throws his head back.  
"I'm so close, Papi," you rasp. Joel's fingers finding your cunt as he begins to assault your clit, his touch so fucking delicious that your pussy clenches around his cock, Joel groaning in approval.  
"Look at you," Joel sighs as he takes in your shaking form, your leg wrapping around his hip. "Getting fucked in your daddy's study like a bad fucking girl, fuck you are a dream-"
"Fuck, yes-"
"Putting these ideas in my head, calling me fucking Papi-"
"Yes. Yes, harder, Papi-"
"Make me a baby, Mami, fuck, you're going to look so fucking good, walking around, round with my fucking child-"
You bury your face into Joel's shoulder, attempting to muffle your scream as you fall apart completely, your body going slack against his as he continues to pound into you, chasing his own release. Joel cradles your shaking form against him, his chest heaving as he thrusts into you once more, biting your shoulder as he comes deep and hot inside of you. "Fuck, Mami, fuck-" he shouts against your skin. 
What was that? you hear through the window.  Sounds like a cat in heat! your father's friend exclaims, his laugh so loud you it echoes throughout the walls.  How far is this room from your neighbors? I swear I hear someone getting absolutely railed-
You laugh silently against Joel as you catch your breath. "I guess that's our cue to get the fuck out of here," you whisper, kissing Joel on the forehead. "Come on, we better get a move on before they start looking for the source of all of the noise-" Joel nods silently, placing his palms on each side of you on the desk, slipping out of you. He helps you jump off as he reaches for his slacks, pulling it up his ass as you fiddle with your dress.  
"So," you ask cheekily, your head motioning to the sweat and cum that accumulated on your father's desk, a distinct imprint of your ass amongst the carnage. "Do you think you got your sweet revenge on my father?"
Joel walks over to you as he turns you around, his hand at your zipper. He slides it up your back, his breath hot and heavy against the shell of your ear. "Baby," he whispers, a smirk against your cheek. "I got my revenge the day you agreed to be mine," he chuckles, spinning you around as he presses a kiss on your forehead.  
"This? it's just an added bonus."
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azullumi · 2 years
wanderer and tighnari — boyfriend messages ☆彡
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summary — phone calls and messages exchanged between you two.
characters — wanderer and tighnari (w/gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, modern au, established relationship, no use of emojis in text ; headcanons
word count — 704
note — i wrote this on a different time compared to the first part so the approach in writing is different! ^^ i'll be working on requests later on
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Midnight calls. Late night texts. Random crack of the dawn messages. Everything that happens on a whim, you name it. The peak message activity between you two happens late at night until dawn and the time that you two would stop talking will depend on your plans or schedule for the next day—you have classes? You'll either fall asleep in the midst of talking or finish the conversation by 2 in the morning at max. It's the weekend tomorrow? Expect that the two of you would either be awake the whole night, doing something together and talking to each other, or sleeping quite early to make up for the hours lost from the past few days that you should have been asleep.
Being mean is the embodiment of his being and sarcasm is the mother language of his tongue. Even in texts with the restrictions of expression as it's all locked behind and washed down to just simple letters in a rounded-corners rectangle, he is able to express and convey the tone and feeling he wants to show—hatred, disdain, confusion, and everything.
One thing that he loves to do is to just be a little gremlin, sending random images or messages in class that either distracts you because you're trying to think of what it means or because you'll end up talking to him— your attention will be all directed to him and he loves it. He knows the effect he has on you and completely takes advantage of it because why not? The opportunity is there so why not make the most out of it?
Despite all of that, however, he still looks after you. Yes, he might be a little mean at times and he could act like some sort of menace but he cherishes you and loves you. It's just like when you'll mention how you want something on that day and he'll show up later on with that thing that you want in hand, messaging you to open the door even if it's already late at night—he'll end up having to stay over and sleep at your home.
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Have you eaten already? How about breakfast? Did you drink enough water? Did you skip your meal again? Oftentimes, you find yourself being asked by your own mind if you're talking to your doctor or your boyfriend—though you do appreciate how he looks after and cares for you, making sure that you're eating properly and staying healthy, bringing you food and everything when you didn't get to eat earlier that time because you were busy and didn't have time to, or when he'll look after yourself every single time that you are sick and you have to listen to his nagging especially when he'll learn that you did something which put you in that situation.
He's just always so worried about you that he checks on you as much as he can—much more if you're a reckless and careless type of person. It just feels like it's one of his nature to look after his loved ones, especially you and though it can be overwhelming at first because you might think that you're being bothersome to him, trust me, he doesn't think of you like that, you're not some troublesome thing to him and he's doing everything on his own accord. It just puts his mind at peace and his thoughts silent knowing that you're safe, healthy, or away from harm—and knowing that he's part of the reason for those makes him proud of himself.
Even through his messages, you could feel the gentleness in his tone or way of speaking in general—his choice of words makes up for all of it despite not having the habit of using emojis nor emoticons. Perhaps it was also the way he adds sweet and affectionate messages in between like him telling you that he loves you after greeting you good morning.
He's very considerate of your feelings, always taking it into account before he does something. He's the type to message you and update you on what he's doing, telling and informing you if ever he'll become busy so that you won't wonder why he is not replying to you quickly or answering any of your calls.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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livelaughlovesubs · 7 months
Do you still accept a request? If yes. Then can you make an angsty one with Leviathan from WHB. Like Levi just actually threatens MC the whole time, so what would he react if MC really dying and almost die in the same way he's been threatens MC with.
Hey dear, sorry it took a while cuz I’ve been busy but here it is! Hope you like it (some of it was inspired by his bloodshed card)
Levi x reader (?)
Warning: angst, one sided crush, you die (wow)
Btw I didn’t proofread this. Sorry
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[—] How dare you [———]…?
“You, why are you here.” A sinister voice echoed through the huge halls. The pitch was deep and filled with menace, it got louder with each passing second. “Ask your subordinates, they were worried about you.” You replied. Soon the owner of that voice appeared, facing you with a nonchalant expression. It was dead silent, before you felt something tightening around your neck and pulling you into the air. “U-ugh, fuck!” A rope wrapped around your neck, tight enough for your air to be snapped off. You looked him dead in the eyes, it was always unpleasant meeting him. The male did a motion with his fingers, then the mysterious rope disappeared back to the ceiling. Your body hit the ground, loud pants and gasps followed.
It was awful how he seemed to do whatever he wanted, even if it was at the cost of another’s comfort. While you were slowly getting back onto your feet, leviathan smirked at you. His face showed a neutral expression with a hint of satisfaction flashing across his features. You wanted to hit him, but that would end in another near death experience so you ignored him. After standing up and fixing your attire, you turned around and said, “they want you to take a break. Do what you want I don’t care.” Levi glared at you when you started to walk away, “where do you think you are going?” Instead of stopping and answering him, you acted like you didn’t hear him and continued. You just wanted to get out of this suffocating situation as soon as possible.
The rope from before attacked you again, cutting off your air once more, “gaHhh..!” A chocked out groan left you, your throat hurt from all this bullshit. “I didn’t say you could leave did I?” It sounded like he was mocking you. Dear ancestor, fuck you. This was the second time already, in what, ten minutes? When you escaped the noose again you clenched your fists, mumbling under your breath, “one day you are going to be the death of me.” This time, he didn’t stop you again and let you disappear behind the doors. A gentle smile creeped onto his lips.
You despised him. Sure, the devils were all weird and unique but he was more than that. He was unreasonable and violent, not to mention arrogant. Just the thought that you had to stay in this god forsaken country for another week made your blood boil. Foras and a maid were coming to your direction, the female devil was pushing a cart decorated with various dishes. “How’s his majesty leviathan?” The pink haired male asked as soon as he noticed you. “As unbearable as ever.” You didn’t understand how or why they were this loyal to him, he didn’t hypnotise them did he? Foras obviously noticed your frustrated expression and asked you about it. “What could it be other than your king. Sigh I’ll leave first.” This wasn’t good for your health, being angry all the time.
After that encounter you made your way back to your bedroom, and the two devils went into Levi’s office. They placed down the plates, before their king came and sat down at the table. He chewed on his food, while foras was standing behind him. “Your majesty leviathan,” he began, “pardon my insolence, but may I know what you think of that human?” “They are Solomon’s descendant, there’s nothing else worth mentioning.” Levi responded with a serious expression. “I see.”
Even though hades wasn’t your favourite place, you couldn’t deny that there were nice things about it too. It was also very fun to mix in with the population and observe the habits of devils. The most eye catching part about them must be the noose they all wear. Each nation does have their own unique laws. “I wonder why they all wear a noose, is it their fashion?” You asked yourself, when suddenly someone answered you, “it’s to honour his majesty leviathan! This is a Symbole of our trust and loyalty!” Quickly you turned around, about to raise your fist to punch whoever was behind you. The sun shone onto his skin in a picture perfect way, it made his golden locks shine even more than normally.
“Barbatos?” “Oh did I surprise you? I saw you walking around so I came closer!” He smiled brightly, barbatos stood out a lot at the palace, because everyone was so gloomy while he was… dazzling, in a good and bad way. “Anyway, to answer your question, we all wear a noose for his majesty.” The man said. “So that he can chock you whenever?” You remarked, finding that purpose rather questionable. “Haha! That’s a nice touch, but it’s actually so that we are prepared for his majesty leviathans death.” “Prepared? What do you mean?” Barbatos grinned at you as he answered you once again, “if he dies, then we will die with him by hanging. All of us.”
Your eyes widened at that statement. Their loyalty was greater than what you initially thought. “All of them? Did Levi want this?” “No, it was what we agreed on when we decided to follow him.” Barbatos looked a little sad now, as if he was remembering the old days. “…his majesty leviathan is more than what meets the eye. There must be a reason after all why we follow him.” A small child ran past you, he also wore a noose. “Even children.” You whispered under your breath. This was unreasonable and crazy, to think all these people would die for him. It felt like a stone dropped onto your heart, weighting down on it.
You still didn’t like him. No questions asked. But you felt something else too, some form of respect or admiration. He alone had to shoulder the lives of so many people, it was a burden you would never take upon yourself. Those thoughts of understanding and pity for him were washed away as soon as you entered the palace. A noose like the ones you saw on the streets wrapped around your neck, strangling you. “Arghh! Fuck!” You cursed him in your mind, did he see you as a stress ball of some sort?
“You. how dare you leave without a notice.” The blond haired devil threatened, his gaze switched to barbatos who was standing beside you. In the blink of an eye, he was also hanging from the ceiling. Though compared to you, he seemed to enjoy it. “Ah-..! Your- majesty leviathan..!” “Silence, hang.” Barbatos’ red rope tightened again, any more and it would snap his neck in half. You struggled yourself, slowly feeling nauseous and dizzy when he still didn’t grant you permission to breath. “You-”
Before Levi could finish his sentence, the huge window behind him crashed down. The glass shattered and flew everywhere, Levi raised his arm to protect himself. One of the bigger glass shards cut through the rope by which you were hanging, coincidentally helping you escape. “Hah-haa..! Hah..” you gasped, desperately trying to fill your lungs with air. The noose was still around your neck, but you were in too much panic to get rid of the knot. Barbatos cut through his rope when he saw the window breaking. Foras and glasyalabolas stormed into the hall second after, along with other devils.
Angels. You heard one of them mumble. “Angels..?” Your mind was still dizzy from the lack of oxygen, with great difficulties you stood up. “Kill all the devils you can see! And that human too!” One of the white winged creatures yelled. Moments after a fight broke out, the two races were fighting and killing each other. Some of the demons died, and so did some of the angels. You stumbled a little, it was still difficult to breath with how tight the noose was, so you grabbed a glass shard laying on the ground and tried to cut it. Hurting your hand in the process. “Ugh.. bloody hell! The fuck is this?!” Somehow the rope didn’t want to be cut, the shard was covered in your blood before you made any progress.
Everything was happening so fast, you weren’t able to take in all the information yet. Your heart was pounding, working to its utmost to provide your body with the much needed oxygen. What should I do, what should I do? You asked yourself. Looking around to see if you could find a weapon. Maybe throw the shards after them? But what is you miss? Fuck fuck fuck. This is just the worst. Damn this brand of yours, this stupid thing Gabriel left you with.
Levi and the others were killing one angel after another, bloody feathers flew around the hall. Suddenly you saw an angel sneaking up to Levi, without thinking about it, you ran towards the creature, pushing it away. This action shocked the male. He kept a calm but furious face the entire time, but now he had a shocked expression. “What are you doing?! Get out of my way, I can handle it myself.” Wow, so much for a thanks. You were still panting, running like that with limited air was too much. “You are useless in this battle, go hide in that room, I’ll clear the way.” He shouted at you, well, he wasn’t wrong, you really couldn’t do anything. Even if it left a bitter taste admitting it.
Just as you got up and prepared to run, one of the angels grabbed the end of the noose and flew into the air. Once again you were being tossed around like some toy. “Ugh!!” Levi reached out to you, but instead you kicked him away. “You! Why did you do that you dumbass!” He took a few steps back, and a sword landed right in front of him. “Don’t you- dare die! I don’t like you Levi, but if you die, I’ll fucking hate you. I’ll curse your soul! Ughh!!” You didn’t get to talk much when an angel with a scar interrupted you, “Tsk, you annoying pest!” He was the one who threw the blade. Afterwards he screamed to his colleague, “kill that human! They have the brand of sir Gabriel!” And with that, you were hanging from the ceiling. The angel who carried you whispered, “please don’t struggle too much.. I’m not that strong.” What a dumbass, as if you’d listen. You trashed around as much as you could, the high was scaring you but angels were scarier.
Now everyone was panicking. The devils because you were on the verge of dying, the angels cuz they were losing their numbers, and you because your consciousness was fading away. Is this the end? Really? Dying in a dishonourable way like this? Suddenly you saw black, only darkness was before your eyes. Haha.. to think you will die while protecting that asshole. Fate truly is unpredictable.
“Save [——] first!” “How [———] you!” “[———] y/n!!” Seems like the battle wasn’t over yet, but you could really understand anything they were saying. Only bits of their conversation was reaching you. You wanted to yell it to him, though it was impossible in your condition. Instead of shouting you whispered with your last breath, “Levi, don’t you dare die, I’ll strangle you if you do.” “Hmm?” Your enemy listened to your words, getting distracted by them for a bit. During that short vulnerable moment, Levi attacked his wings, causing him to crash to the ground. “You worthless insect..” Foras called out to Levi right before he could kill that angel, saying, “your majesty! Solomon’s descendant.. they are dead.”
He froze. What. Dead? You humans really are weak, so breakable and weak. Dead. Dead, just to save him, again. “You! What were their last words?!” Those words were directed to the half dead thing on the ground. The devil turned his head around and stepped onto his half dead corpse. With how much blood he lost, it was only a matter of time before he finally dies. “You better open your mouth, it’s a warning.” Levi demanded, ready to heal and then torture him. “…don’t die- hu.. or they will strangle you.” That angel murmured in his last breath, then he got stabbed by glasyalabolas. The expression on Levi’s face was indescribable. Shock, anger and grief all mixed together until it was a perfect blend. What he experienced in that moment was something worse than when he escaped heaven. Once again he wasn’t strong enough to protect anyone. Once again he still needed others, who are weaker, to sacrifice their lives for him. He didn’t change, nothing changed, not in all these centuries. Was this perhaps his fate as a king? Hah… if only he wasn’t born ‘special’. It’s suffocating.
Barbatos was the one to break the silence first, clearly worried for his king, “your majesty-” “and that because of the noose?” The devil with the deer horns talked to himself while leaving his subjects in confusion. “They died, by my hands.” He said sternly. “Because of me, again. Again again again. How often does fate want to repeat itself?” This time Foras opened his mouth first, “it isn’t your fault, your majesty-” horror washed over his attendants as tentacles and an ominous aura emerged from leviathan, was the palace going to break again was what they thought, but that idea quickly vanished when Levi turned around. “It feels like I just escaped that place yesterday. When I still wasn’t ‘leviathan’, but devil number 89. Ah. My eyes hurt.” It was the first time they saw their dear king cry.
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