#yoga benefits for mental health
longevityoga · 7 months
Longevity Yoga
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Website: https://www.longevityoga.co.uk/
Address: Twickenham
Longevity Yoga, rooted in traditional Yoga Therapy practices, offers a holistic approach to promote healthy living and improve various chronic conditions. The therapy encompasses lifestyle, diet, physical practice, meditation, and specific yogic breathing practices, notably Pranyama, which is especially effective for many chronic diseases and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Available in small group classes and individual private classes, Longevity Yoga Therapy is not only for elderly individuals but also for any person, including children, who have health conditions that are challenging to manage. With a focus on a 365 approach, it aims to strengthen health, prolong longevity, and improve chronic conditions, providing support through both online and in-person sessions.
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shivacor · 1 year
Want To Know About The Best Yoga To Reduce Stress And Anxiety?
According to a study, nearly 73 percent of women and 81 percent of men live under stress due to an overload of work and insufficient rest. With the help of Yoga, one can overcome stress and anxiety quickly. Practicing yoga reduces your blood pressure and ameliorates symptoms of anxiety. It is a great stress reliever and also effective in releasing physical tension. Continue reading to find out the best yoga to reduce stress and anxiety.
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5 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Overcome Stress And Anxiety
Doing yoga regularly can have a significant impact in one's life if practiced regularly as yoga balance your life. Let's read about various yoga poses.
1. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)
Paschimottanasana will stretch your spine and lower back. Apart from relieving stress, this pose will ease the symptoms of PMS, improves digestion, stimulates the liver, reduces fatigue, and relieves symptoms of menopause.
2. Child's Pose
 It is also known as balasana. This yoga pose is known to be the best Yoga to reduce stress and anxiety. It can have a refreshing result on the body. The yoga pose can also be done to get relief from back and neck pain.
3. Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Sit on a mat with legs outstretched to the sides. Breathe out as you bring the bottoms of your feet together. Pull them toward your pelvis. Drop knees to the sides. Continue to press your heels together as you take several deep breaths.
4. Corpse Pose
This pose is one of the best yoga to reduce stress and anxiety, reducing depression symptoms. Shavasana can be the last or closing pose to your yoga session. One can also ponder while conducting the corpse pose. It relaxes and recharges your body.
5. Standing Forward Bend
It is also known as uttanasana and will relieve mild depression and stress. It will soothe your brain and boost your kidneys and liver. It will also bolster your knees and stretch your hips and calves
Overcome Stress And Anxiety Today!
Practicing yoga helps evolve the body and mind, yet it is not a replacement for medicine. It is crucial to learn and practice yoga under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher. If you want to know about yoga benefits for mental health, you can contact Shiva Cor. Visit their website today to get more details about them and their services.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
YOGA SESSION: बेली फैट दूर करने के लिए करें कुष्‍ठासन का अभ्‍यास, इस तरह योग को करें दिनचर्या में शामिल
YOGA SESSION: बेली फैट दूर करने के लिए करें कुष्‍ठासन का अभ्‍यास, इस तरह योग को करें दिनचर्या में शामिल
Yoga Session With Savita Yadav : आपने यह अनुभव किया होगा कि आप जब पॉजिटिव रहते हैं तो आपके आसपास भी नकारात्‍मकता नहीं आती. आपके साथ रहने वाले लोगों का नजरिया भी सकारात्‍मक हो जाता है और लोग खुश रहते हैं. ऐसे में अपने अंदर पॉजिटिविटी लाने के लिए योग काफी अहम भूमिका निभाता है. आज न्यूज़18 हिंदी के फेसबुक लाइव सेशन में योग प्रशिक्षिका सविता यादव (Savita Yadav) ने कई योग और आसनों का अभ्‍यास कराया और…
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gopalbhuiya · 1 year
The benefits of yoga for physical and mental health
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Yoga is a practice that originated in ancient India and has been gaining popularity all around the world due to its numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. The practice involves a combination of postures, breathing exercises....Read More
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smirse · 26 days
What are the health benefits of yoga?
Yoga is an ancestral practice of well-being and relaxation based on the liberation of the chakras to resolve psychophysical tensions. Its benefits on mental and physical health are numerous. Benefits, dangers, prices, different types of yoga, price of a class… We take stock with an expert.
The term yoga means “union” in Sanskrit . This ancestral practice originating from India advocates the union of body and spirit and the union of the individual soul (ours) and the universal soul (the Creator) . This practice was originally transmitted from master to students.
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enchantedpen01 · 2 months
You know in the current times that we live in, we generally believe in working fast, easting fast, being competitive, knowing what’s going on around in the world with a few clicks and in a few seconds and most of all we have come down to making a small world of stress, anxiety and scrolling through the phone without worrying about our sleep. And in most of the cases now people just can’t sleep…
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self-care-tips-free · 2 months
Unfold Your Inner Light: How Yoga Can Enhance Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing
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discoverybody · 3 months
Learn How to Stay Awake and Energized During Yoga
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Yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual exercise that promotes balance and harmony. However, many practitioners experience drowsiness and tiredness throughout their yoga sessions, limiting their capacity to fully participate in the practice. This article offers practical ideas and tactics for keeping attentive and energized during yoga, allowing for a deeper connection with oneself as well as physical and mental restoration. Understanding the concept of energy in yoga is essential for staying awake. Energy, known as prana, circulates through the body and can be harnessed through breath control or pranayama exercises. Practitioners can increase their energy levels and stay awake and aware during their practice by focusing on their breath and encouraging the flow of prana. Certain yoga poses, including Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), are especially beneficial for boosting energy. These postures increase blood flow, flexibility, and strength, allowing practitioners to remain alert and energized throughout their practice. Additionally, appropriate alignment and balance are critical for avoiding injury and increasing energy levels.
To promote awareness and mindfulness during yoga practice, it is critical to remain present in the moment. Focusing on breathing and physiological sensations increases mental calm and decreases tension. Meditation and deep relaxation techniques, such as Yoga Nidra or deep breathing exercises, can help boost mindfulness and reduce anxiety.
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elementalevolutions · 3 months
"Harmonizing Elements: Navigating the Path to Greater Enlightenment"
Introduction: Journey Through the Spectrum of Resilience Harmonizing Elements: A Dance of Bliss and Energy” – Curated by Shianna S. Interactive Quiz: Navigating the Path to Greater Enlightenment Embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the harmony between bliss, energy, and your path to greater enlightenment with our interactive quiz. Each question is designed to guide you closer to…
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divyyoga · 3 months
Yoga Day 2024: Stretch Your Way to Increase Heights with Yoga
Introduction: The Affiliation Between Yoga and Stature As the yoga community around the world plans to celebrate Yoga Day 2024, interest has risen around the potential benefits of yoga and its well-documented impacts on mental and physical prosperity. Among these is the captivating credibility that certain yoga sharpeners can contribute to extended height. This web diary jumps into the…
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lifeisperefct · 4 months
Yoga Poses for easing Diabetes | Life is Perfect
Strike a Pose to Ease Diabetes! 🧘‍♀️
Embrace this yoga posture to enhance your well-being and manage diabetes effectively.
Let's flow towards better health! 💪
Visit : Life is Perfect Rishikesh Join WhatsApp group for queries on +91- 8750685175 . . #yogaexercises#yogafordiabetes#yogadiabetes#yogaposesforbeginners#yogabenefits#yogaposestoday#yogabenefitslove#yogatraininginrishikesh#yogatrainingcourses#yogaandmeditation#yogateacher#healthylife#HealthierYou#JoinUsToday#lifeisperfect
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targetstudy · 7 months
Medical Benefits of Laughter, Physical and Mental Health, Yoga, Therapy & More
What is Laughter
Laughter is a precious gift given by nature to man. This ability is not available to any other creature, whereas it is one of the fourteen main tendencies of humans. Laughing or laughing out loud is a powerful exercise and is also a tonic provided by nature for health.
This saying in English seems right “Laughter is the best medicine”, that is, laughter is the best medicine, while it is also a decisive means to make family and social life successful by making human relationships sweet and pleasant.
What causes Laughter in the Brain | Reason Behind Laugh
With laughter, a hormone called endorphin is released in the body, which awakens activity, energy, and happiness in the body. Apart from this, hormones like epinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine are also activated, all these are very effective biochemicals from the point of view of physical health.
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5 Health Benefits of Laughter  
Laughing loudly provides good exercise to the internal organs of the body.
Laughing not only massages the internal organs but also relieves mental stress.
Laughing openly increases blood circulation in the body, hence there is more sweating, with which the foreign fluids easily come out of the body.
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maxinhealthcare · 7 months
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Benefits of Vajrasana: A Guide to Improved Health
Vajrasana, also known as the Thunderbolt Pose, is a yoga asana known for its numerous health benefits. This simple yet effective sitting posture is renowned for its positive impact on physical, mental, and digestive health. Exploring the advantages of practicing Vajrasana can lead to improved overall wellness and a better understanding of the transformative power of this yoga posture.
Physical Benefits of Vajrasana:
Improved Digestion: Practicing Vajrasana after meals aids digestion by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region and stimulating the digestive organs, thereby reducing indigestion and bloating.
Strengthened Pelvic Muscles: Regular practice helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, promoting better bladder control and supporting reproductive health.
Relief from Lower Body Ailments: Vajrasana helps alleviate knee pain, strengthens leg muscles, and can be beneficial for those suffering from sciatica or varicose veins.
Enhanced Posture: Regular practice of Thunderbolt Pose helps improve posture and spine alignment, reducing strain on the back and shoulders.
Mental Health Benefits of Vajrasana:
Stress Reduction: The calming effect of practicing Vajrasana aids in reducing stress and anxiety, promoting mental relaxation.
Improved Focus and Concentration: Regular practice enhances focus, concentration, and mental clarity, aiding in better cognitive function.
Balanced Energy Flow: This pose helps balance the flow of energy in the body, promoting a sense of equilibrium and harmony.
Digestive Benefits of Vajrasana:
Stimulated Digestive Fire: Vajrasana activates the Agni (digestive fire), improving metabolism and ensuring better absorption of nutrients.
Relief from Gas and Acidity: Regular practice aids in preventing and alleviating gas, acidity, and other digestive discomforts by facilitating proper digestion.
How to Practice Vajrasana:
Start by Kneeling: Kneel on the floor with your knees close together and the tops of your feet flat on the mat.
Sit Back on Your Heels: Slowly lower your buttocks down, sitting on your heels while keeping your back straight.
Place Hands on Thighs: Rest your hands on your thighs or let them rest gently on your knees, palms facing downward.
Hold the Pose: Breathe deeply and comfortably in this seated position, maintaining a straight spine and relaxed shoulders.
Duration: Begin with holding the pose for a few minutes and gradually extend the duration as per your comfort level.
Individuals with knee injuries or recent surgeries should avoid or modify this pose as needed.
Pregnant women should practice Vajrasana under guidance and avoid excessive pressure on the abdomen.
In conclusion, incorporating Vajrasana into your daily routine can offer a multitude of health benefits, promoting physical well-being, mental calmness, and digestive health. Remember to practice yoga under the guidance of a qualified instructor, especially if you're new to these postures, ensuring safe and effective practice. Embrace the transformative power of Vajrasana and reap its holistic benefits for improved health and vitality.
For more information visit - https://maxinhealth.com/
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pmohan · 7 months
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elevateyourwellness · 9 months
Hiring an online yoga or meditation instructor can be a great way to improve your physical and mental health, especially in these stressful times. Online yoga or meditation instructors can help you learn and practice various techniques and exercises that can benefit your body, mind, and spirit. Our Online yoga or meditation instructors can also provide you with personalized guidance, feedback, and support that can motivate you and enhance your learning experience.
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
10 Most Surprising Benefits of Yoga for Men || Yoga Challenge || #fitne...
Yoga classes are good for men's health in general. It aims to tone our muscles, strengthen our bodies, and improve our mental well-being. It comes as no surprise that it is receiving praise all over the world. However, there are still some skeptical individuals, particularly men.
Read More:  A Celebration of Mind, Body, and Spirit
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