#yoosung x 707 perhaps
Pairing: Choi Saeran/Reader, 707 | Choi Luciel/Main Character
Description: Was there faith in a false paradise with a savior that spilled honey sweet lies to make you agree? There is no life to be found amongst those in a rotting flowerbed, only those clinging to the roots as the world awaits your demise. Why is he still here when others had long been plucked from the dying earth? And better yet, why are you still here after everything, clinging to his roots as if he’ll bring you life? Or is he the one clinging to you?
SE Saeran x Former Believer Reader
Word Count: 6400
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[Read On AO3]
Chapter Eight
There weren’t many chances for you to leave the workroom. When you did, you would aim to do the bare minimum. The bedroom that was connected to his workroom had anything that he’d need to stay in there at all times… a bed, a bathroom, a closet, and anything else that you could think of that a hacker might need to get his work done.
The only thing that he didn’t have on hand was a fridge or a place to keep food. Which is what dictated one of the few tasks that you were in charge of, now. You were the one that was to make sure that he was eating and taking care of himself that way.
You’d realized at the start that as you were starting to get to know him and what he did, that he barely lived off of water, sweets, and the occasional savory snack. You knew this because he would pull the wrappers from his desk drawers, eat something, and then toss the trash away, which would pile up and you would have to clean up.
Unknown was making a mess on purpose and he wanted to demean you and make you feel like some kind of butler or maid. Well, it was a shame for him that you had the habit of keeping all of the spaces you lived in tidy. You once struggled with that, but when you moved into Magenta, it was obvious you needed to clean more to stay content and happy.
You would pick up anything that was sitting out of place and you would make sure that it was meticulously swept up and removed. It took a lot of extra work, but you already spent a lot of time in the gardens trying to tend to messes. It felt good to be able to have some control over the room that you lived in when you weren’t working.
What was the difference in taking care of a few more things on top of that? There wasn’t any real difference when you thought about it. There was always going to be something to take care of and something to mend, and the more that you worked, the less that you thought about being alone and isolated.
Before now, you hadn’t had to cook for yourself. Most of the believers would grab what they needed from the cafeteria if it wasn’t their duty to cook… since labor was shared in paradise to some degree, and everyone had to take care of everyone else.
How else could you not be better than the rest of the world that shunned you? You had to give back to paradise to prove that things were better, right? It had been some time since that duty fell on your shoulders, though. You would spend most of your day working and when you weren’t in the midst of that, you would wander the hedge maze to find solace in isolation.
You were alone, but at the same time, you were free from judging eyes and the stares of a world that thought you were nothing but trash.
Free from prying eyes and judgment, that is.
You worked like a well-oiled machine, everybody in paradise did as they learned their place and became stronger people for it. But, there were some things that you never even had to think about dealing with.
You never had to worry about food or water, that would always be there if you needed to have it within your hands again. You could go and find it when you had a break or when you finished at the end of the day.
Unknown didn’t exactly have that because his duty was meant to be continuous and constant. He couldn’t take breaks. You weren’t even sure that he took breaks when he left his monitors. It didn’t have to make sense he was doing the work of what a team should’ve been doing and you only realized that within the last couple of weeks that you had gotten to know him.
He didn’t have the time to eat or take care of those habits. The only thing that he could do was focus on typing, clicking, and every once and a while, getting up to take a shower and take the shortest nap that you’d ever seen. You didn’t know how anyone could live like that. It just didn’t seem plausible. Underneath that anger was someone who was exhausted, no wonder he was so damn crabby.
How he was continuing to survive in the darkness was beyond you. He would take vitamins that the Savior gave him, alongside his elixir, and he would keep working and working without fail. You had taken great care to scold him for living like that, but he laughed in your face and said that you’d not had the chance to understand just how truly busy he was. He didn’t have time to stop and think or waste his energy.
Still, you figured that he needed to eat something much more substantial than that. So, when you left the workroom to get something to eat, you would take the time to prepare enough to bring it back for Unknown. He might not say thank you, but you always noticed that he would be a little less bitter when he had something to eat.
You’re not you when you’re hungry, who knew?
It was late at night when you entered the kitchen, but you never expected to find anyone in there given the hour. You paid them no mind and they said nothing in return to you as you started to cook and work around the large area. Most believers had a curfew to follow and only a handful of people were allowed to be wandering around at this hour. You had a curfew before you were given this upgraded keycard.
Though, you were allowed to stay out an hour later than everyone else as a gardener, because there would be times where certain blossoms needed to be tended at night. That might’ve been an excuse of some sort, but hey, you never complained about being able to see the moon at its peak. That has always been nice.
Not everyone had the right to view it.
You felt like you were one of the luckiest members of the group. Even if your position was different now, there were luxuries that you had that you never had before.
It was nice to be able to travel around as you wanted, even if your card denied you access to places that were still beyond your reach.
You never thought that you would be able to see these sides of a paradise. Even from the inside out where normal believers could not travel, you would take care to turn your eyes away if you weren’t told that it was okay to see it.
You didn’t want to disrespect the Savior’s trust and faith in you… she had looked at you and told you that she expected a great deal of response. You wanted to be worthy of that, even if you were questioning why things were the way they were. That was to say, why was Unknown treated like this, and you were held to a different standard?
If paradise was great, why was Unknown the only one that could work on this assignment? Why was he working into the ground alone? Why was he able to take his elixir on his own whenever he wanted or needed it? How did he continue living in the darkness knowing that there was nobody there with him?
This form of isolation felt like—
Well, to some degree, you wanted to say that it felt like torture. But, why ever would the Savior put someone in a position that would hurt them? It didn’t make sense. Even if there were things that’d be there to help guide you to salvation that wasn’t always pretty, there was always a kind of reward at the end of the line that tasted so sweet.
For Unknown, you thought as you fiddled with the cooktop and adjusted your hold on the pan in your hand, it seemed like his benefit was being able to destroy the people that wronged him. These people that you didn’t know, that you were just starting to learn more about, these people who had seemingly nothing to do with paradise in the slightest, and yet, they had everything to do with it at the same time.
Ever since Unknown pulled you closer and let you get a first glimpse at what he was doing, you had started to see more snippets of something that he was hiding. You saw the names of these people in the organization he was following, none of the names looked familiar but you weren’t exactly the kind of person that kept up with the rest of the world.
A name was just a name, and without the context for the name, it was just that.
Yoosung Kim, Hyun Ryu, Jaehee Kang, Jumin Han, and… there were two other names in those files he was making but you weren’t allowed to touch them. He told you nothing when you asked about a name that you hadn’t seen before, only that he was taking care of that problem personally on his own. It was nothing for you to get your pretty little head into, he said.
Whoever they were, he was burned and scorned about something that they had done to him. You had no clue what it was, you had no clue what any of them had done to Mint Eye or what they could provide to Mint Eye, but the fact stood that he was keeping information away from your eyes for a reason.
Why was that?
Every time you had questions, you would just keep finding more of them. There was never any answer to be found. You wanted to find solace in your thoughts, but even sitting in the middle of the sanctuary wasn’t bringing you peace. Every week, you would have a moment to stop thinking in the blue rivers of elixir that you took.
But, when the burn started to leave your veins and the world felt desaturated, no part of you felt… right. Perhaps you were just bitter that you weren’t adjusting fast enough to your new position… or maybe it was the fact that you kept butting heads with Unknown whether you liked it or not?
It happened every time you got into a deeper discussion with him. He would push you and you would start to push him back. He would think he had the upper hand, you’d bite your tongue and push through everything to show him wrong. Sure, you respected that he got his job for his skills and talent, but you couldn’t deny that his sorry attitude was the reason why nobody wanted to get close to him.
His attitude of lashing out and hurting others did him…
Well, who were you to judge someone else for being angry? You were just the pot calling the kettle black. Anything that you said about Unknown, you would very well be implying about yourself in the long run. If you said something about him that bothered you, it could easily be said that you hated those things about yourself.
It was like being trapped between a rock and a hard place. It was for that reason that you were trying to see things differently.
You were giving Unknown a chance to show you things that nobody ever got to see. You wanted to see and understand him in ways that only the Savior had seen. Even now, you had seen sides of him that were beyond the angry monster that everyone claimed him to be. You saw someone inside of a melting pot who was on the cusp of grasping at what he desired to hold within his hands forever.
You wanted to know… curiosity would never kill the cat if it gave you the satisfaction of knowing what you wanted all along. You thought of the way that his hand grasped your wrist a few weeks ago, urging you to drink your elixir in front of the Savior until the very last drop was gone and out of sight. He didn’t let you do it yourself…
Any time that you’d drag him out of that room for service, he would always drink until he couldn’t drink anymore and then he would make sure that you did. You felt like he was trying to treat you like a baby but there was always something in his eyes that made you stop and hesitate, even if only momentarily.
What was that look in his eyes, anyway?
Breaking from your thoughts, you found yourself beginning to plate what remained of the food as you always would, taking the time to bundle things out to be easy to carry since Unknown would never come to meet you here to eat. That’s when you noticed that the believer that you saw when you came in was still lingering in the corner of the room.
You met their gaze once again, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to see their face from underneath the hood they were wearing. Though you saw the faintest tufts of mint hair, not that it meant anything to you but it was a rare hair color that you didn’t see all that often. Of course, the Savior would want people who were shunned for being different amongst the group as much as she could bring them in.
That, specifically, made sense to you.
You could’ve flaunted your power and made them tell you who they were if you wanted, you were in a position to control others and push them around now. Yet, you didn’t feel compelled to do it at this point. It was only when you were angry and standing by Unknown’s side that you wanted to act on an impulse. That was when control felt delicious.
“C404,” the believer said to you, almost as if they knew who you were. “I hear that you’ve left the gardens to join Unknown on his mission. You must be disappointed to leave the task that meant a great deal to you, huh?”
You raised a brow but continued to pack away the food that rested in your hands. That wasn’t any of their business but you were sure that people noticed whenever someone was spotted walking the building with the one and only believer that was meant to be above everyone else due to his power and skills. It wasn’t like you hadn’t felt eyes on your back before.
This was… different, though.
“I am honored that the Savior allowed me to join Unknown,” you responded, automatically without a second thought with a curious nod. “While I am grateful that my duty to paradise was within the garden since I started working my required duties when I recovered from learning my true self… it was far greater to be given the honor in giving back everything I can for our salvation and paradise.”
“Of course,” he said. “Anyone would be warmed by the chance to dedicate themselves to the Savior in such a fashion.”
It was an almost fluid response since every believer knew that they had to think before they said something. You had to know what you were saying, how you going to say it, and what to say after that fact to ensure that nothing got lost in translation. It was a common issue with believers still tainted with the swell that came from living in the world that was outside of the protected area.
You were grateful for your position. You were meant to be and that’s how the rest of the group needed to see it. You didn’t want to be punished for this and you didn’t want to let the Savior down in any fashion. A lot was riding on this, otherwise, it wouldn’t be such a dedicated and laborious duty meant to only be handled by people that the Savior herself trusted to work on.
“I’m afraid I don’t recall you, what’s your number?”
“And your duty?”
“I tend to cultivate and care for the landscape a few times a month. Whereas you tend to the gardens and the flowers, I take good care of ensuring that any expansions and former projects are seen to fruition, be it with the maze or any ground-breaking that will come as the Savior’s private garden is built..”
“We’ve met before, then, haven’t we?”
“Once or twice, but I am nowhere near your skill in giving life to the land itself. I understand why the Savior wanted you to work on this task with Unknown. Because you can assess how to bring light to those lost in the darkness. You can mend any wounds that a flower may have suffered, correct? ”
That was an interesting way to describe what you were doing. You raised a brow at that, but you’d decided not to pay it any mind. It didn’t matter if a believer was curious or not, you knew that it’d never hurt to at least ensure that any possible rumors were met with nothing but the truth of your feelings. You were grateful to be given such a task.
It would be rude to assume that you were given this task as a punishment, or that you were given it because you tricked the Savior or made her believe something wrong. You were thrust into this for a reason by Unknown’s hand, but nobody needed to know that. They just needed to know what the Savior said and nothing else mattered. You knew that to be the truth and you would stick by it until you burned.
You lifted the small bundle into your hands and spared that A306 another look, because you felt like you had seen him before but the memory was so far out of your mind. You didn’t bother to remember faces, names, or anything of that nature… even with those that you worked with in the garden. You were going to end up alone, anyway. You preferred it that way.
It was easier that way.
You spared him a parting look, “Some flowers aren’t able to be saved, A306. You should do well to remember that if you’re trying to take up my former duties. You can give them warmth, praise, and shelter, but if they don’t wish to grow in their condition, then they’ll wither and die whether you’d like it or not. Excuse me, for eternal paradise.”
“I’d like to believe that a flower can be saved, C404. After all, I saw you bring the Daffodil back to life after they nearly died in the condition they were left in. Enjoy your evening, as you were…. For eternal paradise.”
By the time that you returned to the workroom, it was still pretty late into the night. You truly expected your boss to be working when you got back, but he wasn’t. He was slumped over the ground with his breath ragged and out of sync. You nearly dropped what you were holding at the door shut behind you and you realized the state that he was in.
He was sick, and nothing had told you that he was before now. Was this just out of the blue? It wasn’t like he had been anywhere recently that could’ve gotten him sick. Was his immune system just weaker than yours this time of year? You didn’t know, but it didn’t seem like this was the time to play twenty questions. Your responsibility was his health.
You set the food down on the couch and rushed to his side, rolling him over onto his back as you lowered your body to check his temperature. You brushed your palm to his forehead and nearly let yourself recoil in shock. He was burning up, and it was the kind of heat that made you feel like it was going to burn off your hand.
His skin was clammy and his eyes were dazed, almost as if he wasn’t even there. You wanted to ask him what happened, but you doubted there was going to be an answer from him anytime soon. It felt like he was unconscious. His hand was limp when you went to check his pulse, but you sighed in relief when you felt the thump in response.
He wasn’t dead.
He was just incredibly sick.
You needed to do something for him even though he might scream at you for trying to take care of him when he was like this. It hadn’t gotten this bad before. He would have coughing fits now and again but never anything to this caliber. This is what you told him would happen if he kept this up and never took a break. You wanted to say you told him so.
But… you knew that gloating was pointless and it would do nothing but add more stress to the situation. You looked around the room, trying to remember what you were supposed to do when someone had fallen sick and that was when you noticed it. There were two bottles of elixir sitting empty on the desk. He had taken two full dosages of his elixir and it was making this so much worse.
Why did he take more?!
The elixir was meant for cleansing and salvation weekly, he had already had his elixir for the week two days ago. You couldn’t believe that he had taken more. Why? Why did he take more when he had no point in doing so? Something wasn’t adding up. Was he trying to reach a higher level of his salvation that way?
Was he trying to find comfort in the numbness that came from it? Was he looking for an answer for why the plan wasn’t working the way it needed to? You had known that he changed some of those plans after you spoke to him last, as he had been muttering that he needed to keep looking to find a person that could help him.
You thought he meant you, as in, finding a replacement for you, but as it turned out, he had been talking about something else. There was another plan going on that you didn’t know about, and it was chalked up to the same thing that you’d heard before. He didn’t need or want you close to his part of the plan, he just wanted you to keep your eyes on the targets as much as you possibly could manage.
You spent all of your time monitoring these strangers on cameras and pilfering facts about their lives whenever you got the chance and relayed that information to him, but there were things that he wasn’t telling you that you couldn’t deny. Things that had to do with the people that his plan were intended for personally. The ones that his vendetta was working against tenfold.
Was that why he was working himself into the ground?
Was that not working out the way that he wanted?
You were irritated that he was keeping things from you when you were meant to be his assistant in the first place. He might have toyed with the line of what it meant to be close, but there were many things that you were on the cusp of demands he tells you. Given the state that he was in at that moment, you weren’t going to let him get away with this anymore.
If he wanted to make decisions that were going to hurt him, fine, but you weren’t about to let it get in the way of everything that he told you about. He told you that this was the ultimate goal of this paradise and he was the one that said that everything had to keep going the way that it was. He was the one that said this goal couldn’t be stopped.
If he wanted this to work properly? He needed to give you more information to make this work like a running machine instead of one that was running on broken screws and rubber bands all the time. So many questions were flooding your mind but all you knew is that you had to make sure that he was taken care of for now.
This is why the next thing you did was drag him into the bedroom so he could lay properly on that instead of the floor. He groaned and hissed whenever you nudged him the wrong way, but you just clicked your tongue and kept moving. If he wanted to be a baby and hurt himself, fine, then you would treat him like a spoiled brat. You managed to remove his jacket to lessen some of the heat that he felt.
Your eyes paused as you realized just how pale his skin was. You hadn’t seen him in the sunlight before but he looked like you could see through to the veins if you were to lift his arms for even a minute. There was a tattoo, as well. You hadn’t seen that before. It looked like he had set the design up himself, but you didn’t know if any other believers had inked their skin with the mark of the group.
How committed was he?
Again, you were left with more questions than answers.
What else was new?
You went to fetch a rag from the bathroom as well as a bucket of water to try and cool him down. You weren’t sure that you would be able to get him to drink anything after drinking that much of the elixir. You always felt parched for hours but nothing ever helped. You accepted the burn as it was a price of salvation, but this was another level of salvation that you didn’t understand the slightest.
Was he trying to prove to his Savior that he was better than everyone else? Was this a ploy to try to seek approval? A lot of factors weren’t making sense but you had to pay it no mind. You had to go and take care of this first. That was more important than anything else. You brushed the bangs off his face and carefully smoothed the rag against his skin.
The elixir burned from the inside out. It would keep burning until you could either pray you slept it off, or you found something to drink that would be so cold you couldn’t think. A shower might have helped but he was in no shape to do that… and you had no way to ensure that you could do it for him. Ice would’ve been nice but you didn’t have any to give him. You doubted he’d agree with that.
The most you could do was sit at his side and keep trying to cool down his skin, touching his pressure points with cool liquid and praying that it worked. It was the only thing that you knew how to do from your childhood, and while it seemed to help a little, his face was still contorted in pain and misery. It sucked, clearly, but he put himself in this position as far as you knew.
“Ugh, Unknown,” you grumbled underneath your breath.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there trying to help him. It could’ve been hours or minutes, but since you had no clock and no windows, you weren’t sure of the hour anymore. You were still very hungry but you couldn’t afford to leave his side if something went wrong. It seemed like this was a rough spot to be in, but you hoped he’d wake up eventually.
At some point, your exhaustion began to climb and you dozed off, only to snap your head up as you felt something grip your wrist. You looked back at Unknown, his eyes staring at you, almost right through you, as foreign tears lingered in his eyes. It was like he was someone else entirely to the man that you knew and you didn’t know why.
The elixir brought out those sides in people but this… this was different than anything that you ever had dealt with.
“Stop… stop… I’d rather be gone,” his voice was raspy and broken, which indicated to you that during the time that you were gone, he had been screaming until his voice was hoarse.
This was an almost soundproof room… no amount of screaming and shrieking would ever be heard by the rest of the people in Magenta.
You never would’ve known, either, not if you didn’t have access to the room.
It sounded like his fever had left him in a state of delusion and delirium. You had never seen any kind of fear in his eyes but this was a genuine fear that he was feeling. His voice couldn’t tell a lie to you if he wanted it right now. You knew better than that. “Don’t go… don’t go… Saeyoung… don’t leave me...”
Just as you started to remove his hand from yourself, that was when Unknown moved faster than you could react. He slumped forward quickly and collapsed into your chest, his hands barely able to climb to the back of your shirt. The way that he wept made your heart anxious as if you hadn’t been prepared to see this man that challenged you to break down before.
“Can’t… can’t be alone… don’t go… don’t go… don’t go….!”
He told you that he was the strongest of the strong… and yet, he was doing exactly what he said that he would never do. You told yourself once before that you wouldn’t pity him if this were to happen but… you did. You felt horrible for him. You knew what it felt like to scream like that and the rest of the world said it was a needed pain.
You had only ever felt yourself after a cleansing.
You had never seen someone in the aftermath of their own doing. You’d never seen someone cry or beg like this in person. You always ignored the sounds from the basement.  This made you feel sick to your stomach, and despite everything, you felt yourself raising a trembling hand to brush against the back of his shirt, trying to comfort him as his tears reduced you to cry.
“I’m not leaving,” you managed the energy to say that much to him. You didn’t have anywhere to go, anyway. Why would you leave now? Even if you weren’t the person that he was begging to stay, you could offer this much. If he didn’t want to be alone, you would give him some company until it subsided. “I promise I’m not leaving.”
Neither of you moved for the longest time. He let you hold him and you held him… it was closer than you’d ever allowed yourself to get to someone in your entire life. Yet, something about it just felt right. It felt like something that you needed to do. You weren’t doing it because you had to, it was something that you wanted to do.
That was saying a lot because you rarely decided what you wanted to do. People always decided your life and its path for you, and that was something that had changed some when you had come to Mint Eye. Even if you couldn’t have everything you wanted, you still got the right to make some choices in how you lived.
And despite how Unknown acted, you wanted to hold him.
The next thing that he did surprised you, in a moment of clarity, he lifted his head and looked at you with those eyes that pierced your soul, “Iris… you were looking at the iris… like a messenger from heaven sent to paradise…”
“...Excuse me?”
"You were worried about the dying iris…”
“The iris?”
“When we met…”
“The iris I planted,” you realized what he was saying after the memory struck you. When you first met him, you had been staring out of the window at the flowers. You had been worried about the tiniest buds in the soil that weren’t growing right. You hadn’t been skipping out on the ceremony, you had been trying to figure out how to heal the iris to keep the garden alive. “You knew what I was doing?!”
His eyes fluttered close as his head came to rest against your chest again. He seemed a little more lucid but his words were slurred and broken. If he was aware of any of this that he was saying at that point, you weren’t sure. “You were... dying iris… saved you… Savior s’gonna… get rid of the g’rde’ers… you’re… iris…”
She was going to get rid of the garden staff?
Unknown had no more answers. He went silent and so did you. There was a lot in his words that you couldn’t cast aside, and yet, for some reason, your heart fluttered when he said the word Iris to you.
As you sat there in the corner of your hotel room that had been provided for you, you buried your face into the fabric of your jacket. Someone had picked up the mess that you had made and every detail was back where it was meant to be. A part of you felt bad about it, but another part of you just didn’t care anymore. It had been a couple of days since you had last seen him. You hadn’t let yourself leave the hotel room since that day.
It was a messy reunion.
You said things that you couldn’t process at the time and he blurted out what he was thinking. It wasn’t a beautiful meeting. It was messy… filled with tears, regret, and mistakes. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. You felt disjointed, detached, and all wrong. You couldn’t get his face out of your mind anymore. It was like seeing him… brought everything back.
He had changed in every way someone could change, but the crook of his lips was the same, the color to his eyes was the same, and that familiar way he held himself with an awkward gaunt was still there. There was something else in him that you couldn’t explain but all you knew was that those features would flood your mind if you dared to close your eyes.
You couldn’t describe how badly you had wanted to touch him. That’s all you had been thinking about the guilt you felt within that was immense. After everything you went through back at that place, you paused only to think of something that you had longed for. You never even had the time to think about what Unknown—no, Saeran—wanted. You just wanted to hold him and not let go.
But, you saw the discomfort in his body and the pain that he was feeling. You knew that you had no right to make him give you something like that. He didn’t ask for the jacket back, but he knew that you had kept it. You kept it and hissed at anyone that tried to take it away from you back in the hospital. It was the only thing you had left of him because he was no longer there to keep you company.
Your therapist had commented that it was almost an unhealthy attachment that you had to it simply because you would yell at anyone who touched it that wasn’t you. You just didn’t want his scent to be gone anymore and you didn’t want to live in a world without him. You knew it was an unhealthy coping mechanism, but it was the only thing that brought you peace of mind when you had panic attacks.
You finally had a name.
What a beautiful name it was. You wanted to hold onto it and never let go.
He trusted you with something that he never trusted anyone… for reasons that you still weren’t sure of. Maybe it was because that added a layer of security that others simply couldn’t deny? He’d never had to worry about people knowing him as he was if they only knew a mask, and you found comfort in knowing that only you saw something that nobody else ever could.
Back at Mint Eye, labels didn’t matter so much anymore. Names didn’t matter so much. Every believer and every person could exist in some capacity away from the identity that they once had in the outside world, and with Unknown, you had found there was one shred of comfort in that fact.
Anonymity wasn’t so bad.
It protected you from people who could cut through to the soul and see the parts of yourself that you were afraid of or that you hated. That’s why when he decided to call you Iris and give you that new name, you felt like you could live stronger than you ever had.
It was a name given to you not because it was forced, but because it was a gift. Unlike the name that you were given at birth, this was a name that was given to you without the need for it to be something that you were required to have. It was given as a token of something that couldn’t be denied.
You’d never gotten gifts like that.
Unknown hadn’t been the kind of man to give something out to people without wanting a gift or task in return. Yet, he gave you something without expecting anything. It had changed the way you had started to view him tenfold. You stopped looking at him as someone cruel, and you’d started to see him as someone who was suffering just as you were.
Lonely… angry… isolated…
You felt a kinship with Saeran unlike anything else that you’d ever felt and that’s why his feelings had meant so much to you. But, now that you were beyond the walls of Mint Eye and things had changed, you wondered if those feelings had been real. So many of the things in that place were a farce and built on lies,  but…
You didn’t want to believe your love for Saeran was a lie. You didn’t feel like it was a lie but a part of you was so scared that it had only been because you had no choice but to stay together, and it was a matter of survival, maybe. Realistically, you knew better than that, but it didn’t stop the fear from hounding you nightly.
What was real?
What was fake?
Again, you felt like you were in that place where you were only going to be hounded by questions and never the answers that you wanted to have. Maybe you weren’t ever going to know everything that you wanted, but this was a step in the right direction, right? If he was willing to give you his name, that meant that he hadn’t given up.
It meant that he may have wanted to see you again. Just as you had wanted to see him again… by giving him a way to contact you or track your phone if he wanted. He hadn’t used it yet, but you were holding out for it. It might’ve happened. It might not. You just wanted the reason to have some hope.
You were, at the very least, happy that he was looking healthy.
One time, he had woken up from a nightmare after you had managed to get him to go to sleep in the bed with you. You had curled into his side and dozed off, only to wake up when he jolted up and began to breathe heavily. He hadn’t said a word but you could hear him grumbling and very much hissing things underneath his breath.
You tried to ask him what was wrong, but he slapped his jacket over your sorry excuse of pajamas and took you outside to the gardens. You had both sat there in the dirt, looking up at the mirror as he tried to catch his breath. It was obvious that he was recovering from a panic attack but you knew better than to pry.
After a while, he had admitted that he hated being confined to the darkness. He bore it because it made him stronger but he missed the sun. He was doing all of this so he could have the right to see the sun again. He couldn’t have the sun in that tiny room, but he could have the moon if he edited the entry and exit logs before the Savior checked them in the morning.
He was claustrophobic, you realized.
Seeing his face kissed by the sun… seeing faint traces of freckles… you had felt yourself begin to cry as you left him that day. He had finally gotten to see the sun. That’s the only thing that you could focus on at that moment. He had gotten what he wanted. You just wished that maybe someday, it would be okay for you to join him in that wish.
As you pondered these things, your phone began to buzz and you stared at it as a message relayed something that you hadn’t expected to see today. You were exhausted, tired, but you couldn’t bring yourself to avoid answering this specific text. There were only three people in this world that knew this phone number that you had, and only two of them had contacts in your phone now.
Unknown Number : It’s me.
Iris : Saeran?
Saeran : Yes.
Saeran: I hope it’s not a bad time.
Iris: It… It could never be a bad time when I’m talking to you.
Iris: What’s up?
Saeran : I was wondering… what ice cream would you recommend?
Saeran : I remember you talking fondly about your favorite flavor.
Iris : For a post-panic attack breakfast or a dissociate milkshake party?
Saeran : …
Saeran : Both?
Iris : I have just the flavor, then.
Saeran: :)
Despite everything, you found yourself smiling.
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commander-yinello · 4 years
Guardian (Jumin x Zen)
Happy Birthday @maniart1o9​!!! For you, I wrote some JuminZen with one of your favorite themes (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I hope you will enjoy it! Read more under the cut ♥♥ ~_^
Word Count: 1945 Warnings: Mild swearing, smoking, references to a car accident
Jumin knows he’s seen him.
Even upside down, with the airbag so closely pressed to his chest that he couldn’t move, his vision spinning, and the overwhelming scent of gasoline making him dizzy, he sees Zen outside the front window. And he’s glowing, so bright his eyes water. Then, as someone pulls him out of the car, he’s gone.
That’s not possible, assistant Kang insists next to the hospital bed he’s sitting in, both waiting for the doctor to come back. Zen was nowhere near C&R International, and she only just warned the RFA 5 seconds ago of the crash. He could not have possibly arrived here that fast.
Ah. The crash. The car crash. The one Jumin was in because Driver Kim had his day off, and Jumin saw no issue driving to the client himself. The one where Jumin had to swerve to dodge another car cutting off his lane, and caused his own car to topple over and crash against a tree.
She’s right, Jumin thinks, there’s no way Zen could have been at the crash. Most likely stress from the crash, a concussion, his panicked imagination going in overdrive.
Yet, not a minute later, the doctor tells him he doesn’t even have a bruise. As if he never was in a car accident. That should not be possible, the doctor says, and assistant Kang is equally confused. Jumin however, is not.
He is certain now, he’s seen Zen.
And he has a suspicion why.
Jumin Han:
Do you sometimes find yourself in places you weren’t before when you travel?
ZEN: Dude it’s 1 AM why are you messaging me
Also wtf are you going on about
Are you high???
Jumin Han: You still replied.
ZEN: Go to sleep and leave me alone, asshole
He’s always wondered what was up about Zen. He knows about albinos, they often took great care of themselves when going outside, and sometimes had other health issues. Not Zen, who is so handsome, not that Jumin would admit it out loud. Who is so fit, he jogged daily. Who has no problem taking selfies in broad daylight with no sunscreen or sunglasses in sight. It had been only after Jumin made the last comment, a year ago, that Zen suddenly mentioned jogging at night, or an extensive skincare routine.
Back then, he stopped caring very quickly. It wasn’t any of his business, of course, what the narcissistic man did.
Now he cares again. He remembers how Zen had gotten into an accident, and V told him in full detail how Zen had healed insanely fast.
A handsome albino with super fast healing skills. How very strange, he tells Elizabeth, and she meows in agreement. He pets her while leaning an elbow on his mahogany desk, laptop showing a website of occult creatures.
Maybe he is a vampire. The ones in that one teenage movie sparkle. Which is not a glow, his brain reminds him. Plus the whole sun thing would still be an issue.
He entertains the sexy albino vampire idea a bit too long, before he realizes and cuts his thoughts off on purpose.
Maybe he is too paranoid. Maybe Zen is human. Zen’s allergy for cats seems real, at least. Even though Zen is an actor, Jumin thinks, he hides his emotions poorly.
And then Zen mentions that, sometimes, he has prophetic dreams.
Strange. Very, very strange.
Too many things don't add up for Zen to be human. And Jumin wants to know who he truly is - very much so.
Jumin Han: Do you often glow?
ZEN: Of course I do, my beauty is radiant Blessed by the Gods themselves
Jumin Han: Gods. Interesting. Tell me all about them.
ZEN: What? What do you mean? You’re creeping me out Also why are you messaging me again what the hell
Jumin Han: You always reply to me.
ZEN: No I don’t, stupid jerk
Jumin Han: And yet you did it again.
ZEN: Argh! I can’t with you! Screw you!
Zen is calling him a weirdo in the chat again. Jerk. Freak. The words have never mattered to him, but now Jumin wonders if it’s a smokescreen. He’s paid very close attention to all of the chatrooms with Zen in it, to the point it felt like stalking. It’s interesting how often Zen brings him up as a topic, even when it’s completely unnecessary.
He starts to understand why Luciel thinks Zen is obsessed with him. Perhaps because there is more than Zen shows.
But Zen denies everything he asks. He denies whatever screenshots Jumin sends him. He insults and denies and rants, and Jumin doesn't get any closer to the truth. At some point, Zen mentions that his behavior is akin to his older brother, but it comes over as an excuse to make Jumin shut up.
To the outside world, it seems that Zen truly despises him. Jumin is just not convinced.
There’s only a few things Jumin knows for sure. Zen was there when he crashed. And it had to be connected to the fact that Jumin came out of the crash completely unharmed. That’s it.
It drives him mad that he is denied more knowledge.
So he makes a decision. He tells assistant Kang to watch over Elizabeth. Heads down to the garage. Opens the car door. Takes a deep breath and wonders if he’s gone insane.
He gets behind the wheel again.
~~~~ Yoosung☆: Hi Zen!!
Jaehee Kang: Hello Zen, good to see you!
ZEN: Hey guys Where’s Jerkmin?
707: Lololol why do you ask~ Could it be.... You miss him??! (~˘▾˘)~
ZEN: What?! Of course not Why would you say that I’m glad he’s not around to spoil the mood! I just find it suspicious he’s not here
Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han said he had something important to do Now I have c-fur on my suit again T_T
Yoosung☆: Poor Jaehee, hopefully you’ll be free soon - Zen has left the chatroom -
Yoosung☆: Ehhhh????
707: Zen suddenly leaving? Now that’s suspicious ರ_ರ
Jaehee Kang: I hope nothing happened to him. ~~~~
Jumin never crashes. The moment he turns on the engine, Zen is there, in front of the car lights, scaring the hell out of him. In a split second, the lamps in the garage flicker, and Jumin swears he sees a faint glowing outline of feathers behind Zen. 
Zen is wearing his trademark turtleneck and holds a cigarette in his hand. He takes a drag and blows out the smoke, looking bored, as if he had been waiting.
“You're such a jerk, you know that?” Zen’s voice echoes in the large garage. They are alone. He hears nothing in the background, as if time stands still.
Jumin is too stunned to reply. Zen sighs, and walks to the side of the car, opens the door and takes his place in the passenger seat. He grabs the key from Jumin’s fingers and turns the engine off. The smell of tobacco and cologne fill Jumin’s nose, yet he doesn’t find the will to tell Zen not to smoke in his car.
“If me sitting here will stop you from killing yourself, then so be it,” Zen says, and takes another drag after closing the door.
Jumin realizes his hands still grip the wheel, and he slowly lowers them to his lap.
“What… what are you?” he asks.
“I can’t answer that. You already know way too much because I fucked up. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you,” Zen replies, and the smoke surrounding him makes him look more human.
“And to you?”
Zen looks out the open window instead. “It’s fine,” he finally replies.
That isn’t what he wants to hear. But if nothing would happen to him, then possibly Zen’s punishment wouldn’t be too severe.
Zen’s words do confirm other things - there is some higher power at work keeping Zen in check. And Zen did protect him, he’s sure of it now, from dying. So much so that Zen is in trouble for it.
“You protected me… too much. I should have had some damage,” Jumin says, inadvertently licking his lips. He’s nervous, because the bratty vain actor had been the one standing between life and death for him.
Zen runs a hand through his hair. Maybe Jumin is projecting, but he feels Zen is nervous too.
"I know that, trust fund. I just… couldn’t deal with… that." Zen waves his cigarette-free hand at the air in front of them, trying to stay as cryptic as possible.
He cares too much, Jumin instantly realizes. He watches Zen cross his legs - a defensive stance, Jumin notes - and wonders how much Zen has said in the chatroom is real.
“For someone like you, you aren’t exactly good at keeping it a secret.”
Zen chuckles. “You’d be surprised how much people accept. In fact, the stranger you seem, the less likely they suspect.”
Jumin hates to admit that it made sense. “Are you always fighting me because you have to distance yourself from me on purpose?”
“I can't answer that.”
Can't or shouldn't? Either way, Jumin is content with the answer. Yet, he can’t stop asking questions.
“Does everyone have… someone like you?”
“Not me specifically.”
Jumin makes a mental note to check all sun-loving albinos in the country. “Do you know who else is like you?”
Zen shook his head. “I know there are others. No idea who.”
“Sounds… lonely.”
“...It is.”
Jumin knows all about loneliness. He imagines Elizabeth on his lap, and sees the photo of V, Rika and him on his desk, and hears his father’s voicemail on his phone. So many days he’s convinced only Elizabeth would be there to catch him, when he comes home tired from work and falls down the abyss in his mind. Awful, lonely thoughts.
He wants to ask more. Menial questions like is Zen truly allergic, or deeper ones asking about the forces unknown. Jumin decides that he doesn’t want to push it.
“So… what now?”
“You,” Zen points at Jumin’s chest, “Will stop trying to drive, you menace. I actually like it here, so don’t make it worse.”
Jumin grins. “You like it here? Even with me?”
“Yeah, I know, must suck being guarded by someone you hate.” Zen rolls his eyes.
“I never hated you.”
Zen whips his head towards Jumin, eyes wide. 
“Never. Not even when you tried your worst. And now, knowing it is you watching over me… It is a blessing. Thank you, Zen.”
He means it. There is a happy light feeling in his chest, knowing there’s a very logical reason for Zen to act so irrationally towards him. And he knows that he’ll have to act irrational back in order to keep up the facade, so Zen can stay.
He wants Zen to stay.
Zen blushes, and tries to hide it poorly by looking out of the window again. Jumin can’t help but find it endearing. ���When you say things like that, people will think you’ve gone crazy.”
Jumin smirks. He doesn’t care what people think of him. Wasn’t there still that rumor of him floating around?
Zen flicks his cigarette stub away and sighs. “Well, I need to go. Take care.”
“Should I, when I have you?” Jumin sasses. It’s too close to flirting to be misconstrued otherwise.
“Wh- N- Whatever, just don’t drive!” he yells. His cheeks are redder, and Jumin notices before the car is filled with a bright light.
Once again, Zen is gone. A very typically Zen to do. Jumin smiles, and sits in the car for a while.
He still has no good excuse when Assistant Kang finally finds him there.
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curiousherbal · 4 years
In Hands We Trust(fund)
Mystic Messenger
In Hands We Trust(fund)
Han Jumin x Reader ; Han Jumin x MC
Fluff & Humor
3.7 k
Rated: T
Summary:  Jumin had large hands. He was a tall man, of course. And you know what they say about having large hands, right?
*read on ao3 for animated emojis :3*
Jumin had large hands. He was a tall man, of course.
And you know what they say about having large hands, right?
ZEN: come on jagiya, don’t make me ask again..
You quirked a small, side smile to yourself. The chat had been active all morning and afternoon. Everyone must be in a good mood. Your most recent RFA party had only been two nights ago, and it was arguably one of the most successful ones to date. It was exhausting, yet rewarding, and you hypothesized that everyone’s lighthearted temper was a direct effect of being relieved that all of the extensive preparations and tedious social engagements had come to fruition, and quite smoothly at that.
707: ooohhh eager are we? did someone get a new role>> B)
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ZEN: how’d u know??
Always happy to seize the opportunity to play off Seven’s bouts of humor, your fingers scrambled to reply, rapidly flying over your phone’s keyboard:
You: Telekinesis!
707: Ah! My lady doth speak after all!
ZEN: Your lady?
707: But Zen
ZEN: Yes??? What??
707: You’re playing the part really well
707: I’m impressed!
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Yoosung✰: Huh? I thought Zen was just acting like himself?
ZEN: yeah Seven, are you on drugs or something?
707: Mis-ta Steal Yo Girl! You’re playing the role real well!
707: I’d be wary of the fearsome iceman though…
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Yoosung✰: I’m so confused…
Oh no. Panicking, you hurriedly went to turn down the speaker volume on your phone –
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Satisfied that you managed to avoid Yoosung’s … disturbingly bawdy bawling, you tucked your feet beneath your legs as you adjusted your position on Jumin’s bed.
Our bed.
It was still something that you had to get used to. Your relationship with Jumin was something that was intense; it accelerated at a rate which had everyone surprised. But you were happy. And Jumin was finally freed from the tendrils of loneliness that had haunted him all of his life.
You finally had someone that not only treated you like the princess that you were, but someone that was mature, responsible, and respected you as not just as a woman or lover – but as a human being.
He was your best friend. Your best friend that shared a mutual love for cats.
And if you were being completely honest, his handsome visage and comfortable living arrangements were nothing to complain about either.
Jumin Han has entered the chatroom
Your face flushed red. Your fiancé was currently at work. He must have just gotten on his lunch break to log into the chatroom. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t at least somewhat apprehensive of how Jumin would proceed. He has always been just a bit too protective…
707: AHHH! Yoosung run!!
Yoosung✰: WHAT WHY
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707: THE
707: I
707: C
707: E
707:  O          /|\          / \
Yoosung✰ has left the chatroom
Your head fell back with bellowing laughter that reached the high ceiling of the penthouse. Poor Yoosung.
Unphased, your fiancé made his presence known in chat:
Jumin: Ah, ma chérie. How lovely it is to see you here. I take it you’ve had lunch?
Jumin: …
Jumin: Zen, it is truly regrettable that I cannot say the same to you.
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ZEN: What’s wrong with you??
707: Yeah!
707: No greeting for me?? What am I, chopped liver??
Jumin: My sincerest apologies, Luciel. How are you?
707: Doing just dandy, thx thx (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
ZEN: blegh, gross. Don’t flirt with that man, Seven.
707: whattttt
Like a well-oiled machine, you and Seven both responded at the same time:
You: but he flirts with everyone!
707: hey I flirt with everyone!
Your eyes widened and you couldn’t help but shake with laughter. You and Seven were like two sides of the same coin, finishing each other’s sentences whilst copying each other’s mannerisms and phrases.
707: JINX!!!
You: OMG
Jumin: Love, I’m happy to see you enjoying yourself.
Feeling slightly guilty at having delayed answering Jumin’s question, you blushed and gave your lover a reply:
You: Darling! Yes – I am well. <3 I hope work has been going well. <<33
You: And no – I haven’t yet. Zen was just trying to convince me to go get lunch with him lol
707: lolol
707: gonna go get popcorn 4 this lololol
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Jumin: Zen, is that true?
ZEN: So what if it is! You don’t own her! She can make her own decisions
Jumin: Of course she can. And of course I don’t. Are you, by chance, projecting?
ZEN: Are you being smart with me?
Jumin: Just curious. I find it interesting how you are defaulting to assuming the worst in me. Perhaps you are subconsciously ashamed of your own beastly tendencies, no?
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ZEN: Jagiya, can you believe this guy??
Sensing the growing tension, you decided that it would be best to windmill the conversation. Usually Zen’s and Jumin’s bickering was fairly harmless, but you didn’t want to take any chances in ruining the positive atmosphere that graced the RFA recently.
You: Zen, I appreciate your concern for me.
You: But we are kind of engaged, lol
Jumin: Correct.
707: Affirmative.
You: Glad that’s settled then, boys!
ZEN: Hey I wasn’t done –
You: I’ll meet you at the Parisian café halfway between yours and mine Zen 😊 15 minutes?
707: Oh la la, French cuisine ? How romantic~
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You grimaced slightly. You hadn’t meant for it to be romantic. You were just really craving an egg and cheese croissant, that’s all!
ZEN: Sounds picture perfect, princess.
ZEN: And I should know, since I take the best selfies haha
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ZEN: I’ll see you there.
ZEN has left the chatroom
You rolled your eyes at the 180° change in Zen’s mood. He’s too easily pleased when he gets what he wants. Despite his mercurial tendencies, you did genuinely like Zen. You just couldn’t imagine being in a relationship with him; your nose crinkled slightly at the thought. The actor was too much like an older brother to you. Which is why I have Jumin. Your heart fluttered at the mere thought of the dark businessman. Many and most regarded him as cold, aloof. But you knew better, and he knew you knew. And that was all you both needed to be happy.
Jumin: Please be safe on your way, sweets. I will call Driver Kim to assist you there.
You: Thank you my love! I will be waiting for you when you get home this evening~~
707: Awhh how cute
You: You’re welcome to come too, Sevs
707: unfortunately I got a lotta work to do
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707: I am but a hacking slave
You: haha okay. Well you’re welcome anytime. I’ll get going then
You: Love you, Ju xx
Jumin: Enjoy your afternoon. I expect to see you later.
You have left the chatroom
Not wanting to be the last one out, you left before Seven or Jumin did. You briefly wondered if they’d talk any to each other, but you supposed you could always log back in later and see for yourself.
As you started getting ready to leave the penthouse, you couldn’t help but worry your bottom lip between your teeth as you thought about your fiancé’s parting wishes. No emoji. No kisses. No pet names.
You sighed.
Jumin had made leaps and bounds regarding his borderline obsessive nature over you, but he still could be quite moody. It was obvious that he wasn’t pleased with you having a lunch date with Zen, no matter how strictly platonic it was in your eyes. The tight-lipped business heir was making an effort to put on a cool, calm façade in the chatroom so as not to upset you. You appreciated his efforts, you truly did. It was all you could ask for – that he make an effort, that is.
You slipped on your sneakers and slung your crossbody bag over your shoulder. Giving the flat a onceover to ensure Elizabeth was comfortable and the windows locked, you exited the penthouse.
Surprisingly, Driver Kim was already waiting obediently in the hallway outside of the door.
He gave a polite bow. “Are you ready, Miss?”
With a smile and warm thanks, you exited the building and slid onto the cool, leather backseat of the car.
I’m on my way! 😊 You pocketed your phone after texting Zen, your stomach growling in anticipation.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
Jumin Han arrived home precisely at 5:15 PM. Less than ten seconds upon entering his penthouse, he could already tell from the dark hallways that you had yet to return from your afternoon rendezvous with a certain musical theatre actor.
Jumin’s lip curled in distaste.
Peeling off his suit jacket, Jumin made his way to his bedroom.
Our bedroom.
His heart gave a sudden pang in his chest, and Jumin sat gingerly on the bed. He undid the buttons to his waistcoat and exhaled. He laid back on the bed, his legs still bent at a right angle over the edge. He settled his large, slender hands atop his flat stomach.
He sensed the soft pitter-pat of Elizabeth stealthily slipping into the room. His senses were proved right when he felt her rub herself against his calves, her lithe body weaving in and out of the man’s lanky legs.
He sighed once more. One lethargic hand reached down, just barely nosing at the soft tips of Elizabeth’s dainty ears.
Jumin was annoyed. In truth, he was jealous, but he had been working hard to remedy that feeling specifically, especially when it concerned you.
Oh, how he hated to disappoint his love.
He turned his head, his left cheek now resting against the cool top of the comforter. His stomach growled hungrily.
He hated to disappoint you, but… I cannot control myself any longer… he suddenly thought hazily with a loose and smug smile: I am going to punish you when you get home.
The lonely man wove his fingers together, stretched them, and rested them against the back of his head.
Yes, he knew just the appropriate punishment for you.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
It was half past 5 when you finally unlocked the door to your shared penthouse. Zen had insisted that you watch part of his rehearsal right after lunch. Not having anything else to do, and not looking forward to returning to an empty nest, you agreed easily.
You hadn’t meant to extend your lunch date several hours; it just so happened that way.
And you hadn’t meant to spend essentially the entire day with your handsome, celebrity actor friend whom your fiancé didn’t entirely fancy – it just so happened that way. Or so, you told yourself.
To be honest, you were feeling apprehensive. Jumin had most likely already returned home, and you were unsure what state of mind or being he would be in when he discovered you not there.
The man was desperately concerned for your safety and whereabouts. More so than he needed to be.
The door swung open on its smooth hinges, you toed off your sneakers, and draped your jacket on the minimalistic coat rack that stood plainly by your front door. You took note of Jumin’s briefcase and loafers sitting idly by. I was right. Another sigh. He beat me home.
“Jumin?” You called for your lover softly into the open space. “I’m home. I’m sorry that I took so long – I just didn’t have anything else to do.”
You walked through the penthouse and into your bedroom; you surveyed the California King sized bed, only to find –
Well, nothing – excluding the spoiled white ball of fur that currently lay curled up in the center of the bed.
How could your 6 ft something Mr. CEO rich business heir fiancé disappear?
Did he go out again after dropping off his work stuff?
No – he always wears his loafers, and they’re still here…
Perplexed, you spun on your heel and began to walk back towards the hallway.
Maybe he was lounging on the couch –
Bright light suddenly filled the bedroom.
A tall, dark figure dashed out from the space behind the open door and ensnared you with its long arms. Large hands spread their spindly fingers over your stomach, interlocking with one another. A pointed chin dug into your shoulder. An angular nose pressed against the right side of your face. Black, glossy hair tickled your neck.
“My love.”
The silky baritone rumbled from the large chest currently pressed up against your back. “You’re home.”
“Ju-Jumin…” You reached a hand up to cup your lover’s cheek, trying to pivot in his embrace so that you could properly greet him.
“I think not.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment. “What?” You breathed out airily, not sure what was happening.
“You’re late.” Jumin pressed a single, deliberate kiss to the pulse point on your bare neck.
You shivered, not expecting this development, but not exactly displeased either. “In my defense,” you felt him press another delicate kiss to your skin, “I never said what time I’d be home.”
The large hands abruptly spun you around.
Suddenly, your back was to the wall. Jumin towered above you, his palms resting on either side of your head.
“You see, my love,” he leaned in closer, inhaling your gardenia perfume that you applied earlier; his stomach curdled at the thought of you putting it on for anyone other than himself, “That is where you are wrong.”
You were being kissed. Passionately. With lots of pressure.
“You said you’d be waiting for me at home, did you not?”
The hairs stood up on the back of your neck as you stumbled out a lame “Ah, yeah – you’re right.” You licked your bruised lips and made eye contact with his dark irises, only an inch or two away from your face. You gulped. “I’m sorry.”
Jumin let out a dark chuckle.
“You know, my dear… I’ve been working so hard to please you these past several months. I’ve been attempting to tame the beast as Zen so likes to call it. Exterminate my unhealthy feelings of obsession. Possession.” He slipped a knee between your legs. “Even… aggression.” He nipped at your neck. You closed your eyes. He leaned back. “But when you don’t make similar efforts to help me out,” He brought up a large hand to cup your face, you opened your eyes again at the touch, were his hands always so huge??, “it is rather difficult for me to not stray course.”
You blinked before voicing meekly, “is it?”
Jumin gave a curt nod, placing his other hand at the curve of your waist. He breathed your name softly, followed by an inquest: “…do you know what they say about having large hands?”
Your face went beet red. Is he really asking that? So much for maturity…
“Uh… um...”
“Hmmm?” He patiently waited for your answer.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
“Would you prefer I show you in a more… direct manner, then?” Jumin arched a perfect eyebrow, studying your flustered expression, challenging it with his unbothered one.
Still not able to form words or sounds, you gave a single, timid nod.
And then: “Ahahahahah!” Your raucous laughter burst from your chest suddenly, your body reacting before your mind had even processed what had just happened.
That’s when you felt it – those large hands… on your body…
Tickling you. Hard. Frenzied. Up and down your sides.
“AHH hahaha, Jumin!” You shrank down trying to bat away his persistent palms. “Jum- hahaha! Oh my god hahahha,” you craftily pulled yourself from his embrace and ran from the room, still giggling, clutching your tickled sides.
“Oh, you think you can escape that easily ma chérie? This is your punishment!” Jumin shouted heartily at you, laughing himself as he gave chase to your retreating figure.
You rounded the couch, clutching at its backside, panting playfully, not entirely sure what your next plan of action should be to escape your fiancé-turned-tickle-monster.
“Oh? Have you gone into hiding my love?” Jumin loftily proposed to his living room, taking slow steps in a circle as he surveyed the room. “You know that for every second you delay your punishment, the reprimand gets extended twice as long.”
Oh fuck. There was nothing for it. You had to give in now. You weren’t sure how much longer you could endure his tickling once he inevitably trapped you.
“Gotcha!” Jumin appeared at your side suddenly, circling your wrist with his deft fingers. He crouched beside you behind the couch.
“Oh, did I scare you?” He pouted petulantly, his eyes giving away the merit that he actually felt.
“Yes, how did you even sneak up on me like that?”
Jumin jerked his head to his left, pointing out a certain feline that was staring directly at you, her tail flicking to and fro. Leave it to the cat to give away your position.
“Elizabeth!” You brought a palm to your chest. “I am betrayed!”
The next thing you knew, strong arms had scooped you up bridal style, and you were cradled against an equally solid chest, clothed only in a thin, dress shirt that was unbuttoned at the top.
“Just because you’re cute doesn’t mean that you can escape your fate so easily,” Jumin chastised with a gentle breath of your name.
You looked up at his dark eyes. They peered down at you. Despite his pedantic words, nothing could erase the genuine tenderness that his irises beheld when regarding you.
They narrowed. A smirk overtook his features. His eyes glinted with mischief.
Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted…
Jumin suddenly dropped you.
“Ah!” You landed gracefully onto your bed, bouncing a bit as the mattress dipped to accommodate your form.
Jumin straddled you, pinning your elbows by your sides with his knees.
“Oh, it looks like I’ve trapped my little songbird,” Jumin sighed in contrived melancholy, “There’s nothing for it – she looks so sad. I must give her what is due.”
Your eyes widened in alarm – “wait Jum—!”
He was upon you like a ravenous wolf. His large hands flew over your body once again, surrendering you to his ticklish torment. You let loose uncontrolled giggles, your own small hands desperately trying to prevent his large ones from continuing their delighted assault. Your body responded in involuntary spasms, your breath hitching and releasing peals of laughter. You pounded your fists weakly against his chest as he heightened his tickling by nuzzling his nose into your neck.
The overstimulation, the excess of sensation, it was all too much. Pain mixed with pleasure, your mind and body interpreting the experience in two completely different ways. It was pleasurable. It was torture. It was pure nonsense. It was stinging. It was true gaiety.
“Jumin—!” You wheezed, fighting to string together a coherent sentence despite the hellish delight he continued to inflict upon your vulnerable form, “ahah Jum—aha –in! St—op!”
Out of ideas, and incredibly overstimulated, you decided you had no choice but to play dirty:
“You’re hurting me!”
Immediately, he stopped.
Gone were the conniving eyebrows, replaced with ones knit in concern instead. His open-mouthed smile was instantly exchanged for a downturned frown. He eased his pressure on you, his hands stilling as they now hovered over your body in hesitation, as if afraid you would break at his slightest touch.
Oh no. No no no.
“Jumin, I didn’t actually mean – “
“Darling, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Oh Lord, he sounded miserable.
Your heart leapt in your throat at the anxious tone in his voice.
“It was just a lot, love. I enjoyed it; I really did. You didn’t do anything wrong, please don’t be sad.” You suddenly felt very guilty as you looked at the fretful expression on your lover’s face.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…” Jumin averted his eyes.
Oh no he doesn’t.
“Jumin,” you placed your hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at you, “I like this side of you. The playful side. The lighthearted side. The affectionate and silly side. I love every side of you. Never apologize for coming out of your shell. Especially to me. I’m your best friend before your lover.” You smiled invitingly. “I shouldn’t have said you were hurting me… I’m sorry. But, we should maybe establish a safe word next time, yeah?”
Jumin’s face morphed into one of gentle bliss, his mouth turning slightly to kiss your palm.
“Deal.” He acquiesced easily. “You know, you’d naturally make quite the good business negotiator with rhetoric like that.”
“Oh?” You liked the sudden vitality in his eyes.
“Would you like me to prove it in a more…” He swallowed thickly, his gaze now hooded by lust and love, “ahh… direct manner, then?”
“God yes.”
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
ZEN has entered the chatroom
ZEN: Hey Ms. Party Planner, did you get home safely??
You were lying on Jumin’s bare chest, both of you long exhausted from the sheer physicality of the day’s events.
You: Yup yup! Thx for asking 😊
Jumin was also on his phone, his arms long enough to wrap around your shoulders and text with both hands at the same time. He gave you a quick peck on the crown of your head. You looked up at him briefly and grinned lovingly.
Jumin: Thank you for entertaining my fiancé today, Zen. I would have hated for her to be lonely.
ZEN: Humph! Yeah yeah. I don’t hang out with her for your gratification.
ZEN: She’s my friend too.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly at the young man’s characteristic defensiveness. Even Jumin chuckled slightly above you. Ever the mediator, you sought to cool things down again for the evening.
You: you know, I can never tell when you two are actually arguing vs. just bantering
ZEN: I’d hate to distress you princess...
ZEN: We can’t have you developing worry lines in your precious skin!
ZEN: perhaps we should come up with a sign that let’s you know what’s up lol
Yoosung has entered the chatroom
Jumin: Oh, you mean like a safe word?
Jumin: Sounds easy enough. Her and I established our own just an hour or two ago.
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ZEN: Safe word…….
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Yoosung has left the chatroom
Wooo! My second MysMe fic! I really loved how adorably fluffy and humorous this one turned out. I have a major soft spot for Jumin -- and I think he is most adorable when he allows himself to act silly. I also was growing tired of the ultimate-daddy-dom-jumin fics (which are great! but I thought, well what if he led MC on like that and then... ATTACKED HER WITH TICKLES AND CUDDLES) As always, you can find me on tumblr @curiousherbal And you may request prompt ideas either here or there :)) I hope you enjoyed this self-indulgent nonsense xxx
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Chapter 1 - Beginning of an End 
Pairings: Zen x Mc 
So, the Zen fraction won and I am pretty happy!  I am sorry for posting so late, I was watching Romantic Dr Kim 2 the whole day (Season 1 is better, please someone talk with me about it!) ENJOY!
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,,Ajushi, Ajushi! Are you alright?“ you asked the old man on your right side as his breathing became heavier. You checked his heartbeat and placed your index finger on his neck. ,,Excuse me, you in the blue shirt. Could you call 119?“ you asked a young man who nodded and did what you asked him to do. The bus stopped and you asked three men to help you out since you were sure that the man needed help right now. When the medical support came, you explained everything you checked in the few minutes you were next to him. Since they were surprised by you, you explained that you studied medicine. Of course, this was everything before you entered the RFA. Because afterwards, you became Zen‘s girlfriend, changed your major, and became his manager. The young paramedic smiled at you and asked you if you would like to go with the man you just saved. Somehow, this man had something that reminded you of Zen and so you felt the strong urge to stay by his side and support the man. ,,Yes. If I‘m not troubling you,“ you decided and smiled as you sat down next to the sick man in the ambulance.
While the driver of the ambulance was going as fast as possible to the nearest hospital, you decided to call Zen. You had to tell him that you were heading to the hospital and that you would probably come home late. You quickly opened your lock screen, which showed a picture of you and the RFA together at your third Party. You were so grateful to them... They practically saved you from your lonely life since you were now living happily with these new friends you made. But of course, you would never tell them… it would be way too embarrassing. You searched for the call app. The next background showed you and Jaehee at your girls evening. She kissed your cheek as you held up a glass of champagne. After so much time, you still had to chuckle at the picture. You were wearing an odd wig and Jaehee was wearing new star glasses. You chuckled and opened the RFA app. You were so deeply in love with your picture there. It showed Zen while he was asleep and you laying on his chest. Once again, you remembered the beautiful moment. After your night together, Zen fell asleep and you took the chance to take a picture. Of course you also took a few fan girls' pictures and sent them to Jaehee, knowing that she would love them.
After you tried to call Zen, you came to the conclusion that his phone wasn’t nearby and so you decided to enter the chat room. The blue background made you feel secure as you typed in to please notify Zen that you would come home late because of an accident. You also described that you were heading to the hospital.
,,Excuse me...“ the young boy talked to you again, making you look up totally shocked Your cheeks turned red as you noticed how rude you had been, being on the phone while riding in an ambulance.. Without looking at your phone, you tried to leave the chatroom and smiled at the man. ,,I‘m sorry for my rudeness, but I had to notify my boyfriend, however, he seems to… not hear the phone I guess, and so I asked my friends to tell him about it,“ you kindly explained. The man nodded as the atmosphere suddenly turned awkward. ,,We will be at the hospital in a few minutes. I just wanted to say to please be ready so that we can get out as soon as possible,“ the man explained and you nodded to show him that you understood him. You just noticed now that the young man had a bright smile, which made him look very handsome. Once again you blushed, but soon managed to ignore the feelings since you had to rush out. You jumped out and then went away from the door in order to make space for the old man.
He was taken into a room right away, leaving you behind. You looked at them and felt agony as you missed those times. When you went there, sleepy after a hard workday, exhausted by the operation and hospital smell. Just in that moment, you got reminded that you were writing something into the RFA chatroom and couldn’t finish the message. As you took out your phone, you found out that something was wrong ,,Ugh…’’ you moaned. 5 missed calls from Yoosung, 3 from Seven, 5 from Jumin, 15 from Jaehee, and 20 from Zen… and of course the chat room was… messy.
Mc: Hi there…. 707: I found her location oh my! Jaehee Kang: Mc?! How are you? Where are you? What happened? Zen: How could this happen? Princess, I’m going to pick you up right away!!! Who hurt you?!?! Mc: Calm down, guys. Nothing happened to me. I saved an old man. I’m at Doldam Hospital Zen: Oh god……. Yoosung: I just cried so much whaaa i’m happy that you’re fine Jumin Han: I’m happy too, Mc. You really scared us. Mc: I know, I’m sorry…. Can someone pick me up? Zen: Coming! And so, after you excused yourself, you left the chatroom. It took Zen a long time to come. But the good thing was, that as soon he was there, you were allowed to visit the man you had just saved. Well, perhaps you should have ignored the man’s request. He had requested for you to visit him. This meeting was the biggest mistake in your life… A mistake which turned your life upside down. It was a mistake that would make you feel pain; too much pain for you to handle on your own. ,,Dad?’’ ,,H-Hyun?!’’
AND CUT!! Wanna read more? 5 Comments and 5 Reblogs and the second chapter will be online XD  
Chapter 2 
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dilucsrevenge · 4 years
Upon Holy Ground - chapter one
fandom: mystic messenger ship: yoosung x 707 (luciel/saeyoung choi) warnings: explicit content, catholic guilt, churches/priests in general notes: very indulgent priest!707 and yoosung that i absolutely decided to write because i personally needed it wc: 1,901
Yoosung wasn't a stranger to regularly visiting the church; first with his parents as he grew up, eventually evolving into volunteering with his cousin Rika. The one thing he wasn't used to was seeing a new face among the line of priests active within the congregation. Especially the face of a redhead that appeared to be close to his age. Yoosung studied the man from the back of the row of pews, intently focused on the way the others' jaw clenched and released when he was introduced as a new priest to their church. He felt Rika's elbow pressing against his side, her eyebrow slightly raised when Yoosung switched his attention to her instead of the redhead at the front of the room.
"He's cute," Rika had a devilish smile on her face as she mouthed the words to Yoosung, a pang of jealousy coursing through his veins at just the thought of someone else finding the new priest attractive.
His attention was quickly taken back by the new voice that was flooding his ears, the voice that he quickly placed with the redhead that he had been greatly distracted by moments ago. His voice was sweet like honey, smooth enough to cause chills to spread across Yoosung's skin. He was addicted to the mans voice like a drug within seconds, and the thought scared him more than anything.
"My name is Luciel Choi, you may refer to me to Father Choi or just my first name if that is more comforting to you." Luciel's gaze wandered the eyes of the patrons watching him intently, his eyes locking with a blond in the back of the room that he quickly found comfort in. A small smile made its way onto his lips when the blonde's cheeks flushed a soft pink, the other turning away from him to focus on his hands in his lap. Luciel paid close attention to the blond, admiring how the other would smile every time the girl sitting next to him spoke to him. There was something almost sinful lingering in his eyes, bringing out the darkest of intentions into Luciel's mind.
Throughout the sermon, Yoosung still couldn't keep his eyes off of Luciel; the way his fingers flicked across the pages of the Bible in his hands, how his hand gently rested on his chest as he spoke to the crowd. Every movement from the priest was intoxicating to Yoosung and he was tipsy just from breathing the same air as him. He had never had these thoughts about someone in his life before, especially someone who was a male. Despite what his previous pastors had mentioned, there was nothing about this that felt wrong. To him, any sin he could commit with Luciel seemed right. Even when his mind started wandering to thoughts of him on his knees in front of Luciel begging for redemption.
His body was brought back to Earth when he felt Rika's touch on his shoulder, a familiar smile bringing his thoughts back down to Earth to follow. With one quick gaze to the redhead that was at the head of the room, he caught the gaze of Luciel before the other quickly looked away with cheeks as red as his hair. Yoosung was just more than certain at this point it was related to Rika anyway. She was the one who always got attention from men when they were out, she was the one that filled the room with a brightness that resembled the sun.
Yoosung was stuck sitting in the pews as Rika left the church, his fingers toying with the hem of his shirt before he finally managed to look up from his locked gaze on his fingers to watch Luciel stepping into the confessional. He had wanted to get some time to talk to the new priest, not for any sinister intentions, but simply because they were close in age and he looked like someone he could just get along with. He quickly cleared his throat, giving Luciel time to get settled before he made his way to the visiting side of the confessional.
Luciel could just barely make out the features of the person on the other side of the screen of the booth, but he could not mistake those lavender eyes for anyone else. The blond he had been watching for most of his sermon was now just sitting inches away from him, and his senses were overwhelmed with the other. From the way he smelled of fresh laundry and vanilla to the soft, yet nervous, breathing coming from him. Luciel cleared the air with a quick clear of his throat, noticing that his sudden action made the other jump in his seat.
"Forgive me, ah... Father, for I have sinned." Yoosung's voice was soft and uncertain. He had no real reason to be in the confines of the confessional booth besides his own selfish reasons to get closer to the redhead.
"Go on," Luciel spoke confidently, the edge in his voice just tempting Yoosung to indulge and continue speaking. Luciel was more than satisfied with the innocent edge to Yoosung's voice, the softness speaking to the darkest corners of his mind.
"I'm not entirely good at this confessional thing... Not that I've never done it before! Don't think that, I've definitely done this before. I just... I don't really have anything to confess! I don't mean to waste your time, I promise." Yoosung was rambling and he knew that, but he was suddenly cut off when he heard Luciel laughing from the other side of the booth.
"There is no need to feel pressured to confess to me, ah, I didn't catch your name."
Yoosung instantly felt embarrassed right in that second, he had never even introduced himself to the redhead that was causing him to stumble over his words like a toddler would stumble over their own two feet.
"Oh! I'm Yoosung. I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself in the first place. It's what I came here for. Not for... any strange reasons or anything. You just seemed nice! And close to my age. And it's really rare to see anyone around here close to my age." Luciel had a smile on his face as he listened to Yoosung rambling once again, he wanted to reach out and stroke the blond's hair to calm him, but the restrictions of the barrier of the booth made it nearly impossible for him to do anything that he wanted to.
Luciel was stuck on just a few words from Yoosung, the other had pointed out that he wasn't there for any strange reasons, and that had his mind wandering. Despite his need to keep himself calm and collected, he couldn't help but wonder what other things Yoosung had been thinking about. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to be a fly on the wall inside of Yoosung's mind.
'Do tell me, what has been on your mind, Yoosung. Clearly, something has brought you here to feel the need to repent for your sins." Luciel's voice had an edge to his tone that caused Yoosung to swallow thickly, his fingers digging into the edge of the wooden seat in the confessional.
Luciel could tell he had struck a nerve with Yoosung, and he couldn't help but let a sinister smirk curl up the corners of his lips, shifting in the confessional to just inch closer to the grate of the barrier of the booth.
"Are you here to tell me of thoughts you had regarding someone else? Something you find to be so dirty you just had to confess to?" His voice was nothing more than a whisper to Yoosung, chills raising bump on the blond's pale skin.
Yoosung had no clue what had changed in the air between the two of them, but the room felt thick and heavy and it made it impossible for him to breathe. Not to mention, he found it impossible to sit comfortably. He could feel Luciel's eyes on him, which he didn't mind. But he couldn't ignore the feeling of thinking that Luciel was inside of his mind, crawling in the dirtiest of corners where the thoughts of Luciel were hiding.
"Ah, you're such a shy one. It's quite endearing, Yoosung. But you can be bolder with me. I'm certain anything you could come up with to say, I've heard many times before." Luciel had leaned against the wall of the confessional, almost hoping that he could suddenly move through walls just so he could hear how Yoosung's breath hitched every time he spoke.
Yoosung was still quiet despite his heavy breathing, the skin around his nails becoming the evidence of his anxiousness coursing through his body just by how much he enjoyed the way that Luciel talked to him. He liked the edge the other had in his voice, he liked that he felt he was constantly being watched, and he liked how obvious that he wasn't the only one with thoughts that didn't belong in a sacred building like a church.
Luciel had never expected to be speaking to someone like this, but there was something that he couldn't control when he was confronted by the innocence laid in front of him within Yoosung. He wanted to get his claws on it, he wanted to devour every inch of Yoosung that was still in the light and bring it into the darkness with him. All these reasons were the things he had been scared of for years until he pushed them into his darkest corners to devout himself to the church.
"Speak up, Yoosung. You will never be able to confess to your sins sitting there playing with your hands. If you're going to waste my time, you should make it more enjoyable for me." Luciel was bored now. He was sick of watching Yoosung fiddling with his fingers in his lap, he wanted to see those fingers on the zipper of his pants more than anything. He wanted to see those lavender eyes looking up at him with tears down his cheeks.
Luciel's harshness earned a soft sigh from Yoosung, his fingers now running through his hair as he hung his head down. He mumbled out a soft apology before he pushed himself off the confessional bench, reaching for the handle of the door. He was seconds away from stepping out of the booth until he stopped dead in his tracks when Luciel spoke.
"There's nothing that I want more than to hear what you have to say, Yoosung. You are here for a reason, aren't you? But perhaps you haven't even confessed that reason to yourself yet." Luciel's voice was missing any form of emotion, but that just intrigued Yoosung even more. It made his blood rush with just how little interest the other was showing in him.
Yoosung found himself sitting back down on the confessional booth, clearing his throat softly. "I... I just thought you seemed interesting. And... I guess, oh, I don't know. I just thought you'd be fun to talk to! Which, you are. You definitely are."
Luciel cut off Yoosung with a laugh once again, shaking his head. "Oh, fun to talk to? Yoosung, I can assure you that there are many other things I could show you that are more fun than just speaking to me."
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RFA Members X Reader (Soulamate AU)
Zen : [the first words your soulmate says to you tattooed onto your wrist]
*taken from Deep Story Route, as I wanna play 707 again lol*
You could barely sleep the night before your eighteenth birthday, knowing that you’d be able to find the first words your soulmate would speak was all you could think about
Imagine how you felt when “WTF. How did it get in here?” Showed up the next morning
Your older brother found it fucking hilarious, your sister was sympathetic and your mother was concerned your soulmate was the abusive type
You tried to hide it, and avoid looking at it
I mean, come on, if your soulmate had that reaction to you - were they really your soulmate??
You continue through your life, eventually moving on from finding your soulmate
You try and date a couple of guys, but, expectedly, nothing feels right
Until, seven years later, you download a messaging app to be able to text your online friends when... something goes wrong
You’re talking to someone called “unknown”, guiding you to an apartment building and, having nothing else to do, you follow along
As soon as your inside an apartment, the chat changes into a normal group conversation between people talking about nepotism
You’re about to leave the chat and the apartment when someone called 707 notices that you’re there
“WTF. How did it get in here?”
Zen - you’d heard that name before, but your heart stopped
Was this it? Your soulmate?
You were in shock for moments until you decided it best to say something before they lose they’re minds
As soon as the chat ends, someone’s calling you - you see it’s Zen and before even letting yourself think, you pick up
“Hey...” his voice is breathy and you can feel your heart pounding and your head swimming, so you sit down.
“Hey...” you sound shyer than you meant to.
“I... I know this might sound strange, but I just have to check... what do you have tattooed on your wrist?” His voice sounds hopeful. Had he been waiting for this? You smile at the hope in his voice. So I guess this was your soulmate
“I have WTF. How did it get in here? Tattooed on my wrist.” He laughs. “Seriously? I hated you for that when I woke up with that on my wrist. My mum thought you were gonna be abusive!”
“At lease you didn’t have to question everyone who greeted you.” You gigle at the image.
“I’m sorry.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll make it up to you someday.” You feel your heart flutter
“I’d really like that.”
Saeyoung/Luciel/707 : [you can finally see colour when you make eye contact with your soulmate] (AU where you meet at the party and nothing bad happened lol)
You had gotten used to seeing black and white by the time you turned 25
However, as you watched your friends fall in love, find their soulmates (small world - most of them found their soulmates in college), you kind of started feeling a little lonely
Saeyoung however, hated the black and white. It made his eyes bleed and his chest hurt. His computer screen was black and white - full of coding. He knew, because many of his co-workers told him so (they tried not to talk about their ability to see colour, it never ended well for them)
His chest hurt, knowing this was all he’d ever see. Black and white. He thought it was a perfect contrast to his life
Statistically, most soulmates were to be found in college classrooms - same interests and such
Perhaps your soulmate wasn’t the college type
You thought about him a lot, even while you applied for your masters
You made friends with people you had stumbled across online - a party planning committee that you actually quite enjoyed talking to
Especially one guy - 707, who never failed to actually make you smile with his hilarious comments
As you both grew closer, as did the date for the party, you felt part of you hoping that this was it. He could be it...
Saeyoung would never let him admit it to himself or god forbid, say it out loud, but he wanted the same thing. You were hilarious. And cute - when he saw you, hacked into your tumblr account and saw the private photos of you with friends and family on your Facebook, part of him wished he could see colour. What hair colour did you have? What colour eyes...
When the day came and you tried your best to choose something nice to wear - trusting your mother who helped choose the colours.
It took Saeyoung ten minutes to tie his tie as he was leaving. He was gonna be early at this rate - and while his hands were shaking, he took his damned time. He didn’t want to know. But he did. And he didn’t.
If you weren’t it, then who could it be?
And if you were... then, he was doomed.
You stood near the door, flinching every time someone walked through. Your whole body was tingling - barely able to talk for the heart that was pounding in your throat
Zen and Yoosung were so sweet, and you felt slightly terrible when you kept turning around to look at the door, but they didn’t mind. They could tell something had changed between you and him
He stood outside, pacing. He just had to do it. Had to get it over with.
So he walked in
And for a second, your heart broke - you saw him in black and white
Until he saw you
The eye contact was blinding when suddenly there was colour
And it was beautiful
And you were walking over to him, smiling
He thought you were beautiful - in colour and grace and how could he be so lucky to have you as his soulmate?
“Oh God 707, it’s a pleasure to finally meet thee.” You curtseyed and your hair fell off your shoulder and he shivered
And he laughed
“I can’t believe it was you.” He says, softly, barely louder than a whisper and you smile, pushing your hair away from your face
“I had a feeling when I met you.”
Yoosung : [a wristband clock that counts down until the moment you meet your soulmate]
You wake up, feeling nervous
You and your mother (practically one of your best friends) have been waiting for this day since you learnt what it meant
Nearly as soon as you’ve woken up, your phone is ringing and your mother is talking your ear off, about how to act and what to say and you don’t have the heart to tell her you aren’t listening as you doze off into nervous day dreaming
What would he look like? What would he say when he saw you? Would he be disappointed? You were hardly a model... a little chubby actually
You used to be teased about never finding a soulmate, despite the fact that your clock was counting down
They said it was a glitch, but you had enough faith to last you
Your first day of college. Today.
Would he be in your class? Or would you bump into him around the campus?
You got ready, heart pounding as you checked your wrist almost obsessively
Yoosung has been waiting for this moment since high school. At least, that’s what he’d tell people (truth was, he’d been dreaming about his soulmate way back in primary school)
He felt nervous as heck - couldn’t sleep, eat or even play LOLOL in the days leading up to today. The day.
1 hour and 10 minutes and 15 seconds
He couldn’t wait to meet them.
But he was worried they’d be dissappointed when they saw him. He wasn’t “hot” or anything particularly special. He didn’t have much going for him when he thought about it...
But he tried not to think about it as he locked his front door behind him
30 minutes left and you realised that you were definitely going to be meeting them on campus. You were 10 minutes away, so you’d have twenty minutes to spend, anxiety ridden and nervous as fuck
20 minutes left and his hands were sweating. He couldn’t stop it, so he wiped his hands on his jeans, hoping to god it’d stop before he met them - what a great first impression
10 minutes left and you were heading to class, heart pounding in your throat
5 minutes left and he started heading to class, taking one last drink from a water fountain (he was stalling)
A minute to go... excitement and anxiety
5 seconds to go and your eyes were glued to the door
3... 2... 1...
The door was halfway open when your clock reached zero and fell to the floor - people around you hear the soft clink and try and find the matching pair
You see their hand, frozen on the door handle, and he walks in, his face red
He’s actually really fucking adorable, and you smile
The girl who had sat next to you moved out of the aisle and motions to him that he should sit next to you
His soulmate
Sat in the third row to the front, smiling and blushing and a part of him dies
He manages to walk to you, sitting down next to you and because of the chairs, his thighs brush against yours and his breath hitches in his throat
“Hi, my name is [Y/N]” you say softly
“I’m Yoosung Kim.” He replies, still red
Jumin : [whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your soulmate’s skin]
The first thing Jumin learnt about you was that you really needed to get a planner
You scribbled appointments and assignment dates all over your hand
At first he was rather annoyed by it - people constantly assuming he was doing it to himself.
So he got himself a pair of gloves and forgot about it
He had to focus on business and... learning about business
Although, occasionally, when he felt lonely in his large home with no friends or no real family to talk to, he’d take his glove off and trace the doodles and cursive font
He liked to imagine that his soulmate and him.. they’d be different from his father, trying to ignore his heart in favour of the young girls he fel privy to
He’d make sure that when he found them. He’d never let them feel second best
A couple years into your twenties, you decide it’s best to get some kind of job or internship as you complete your PhD
Coincidentally, C&R International was hiring for interns in college looking for some extra credits and you jumped on the opportunity
They had assigned you to work with a wonderfully hardworking lady named Jaehee Kang
It was a stressful job, and you barely ever saw your boss, Mr. Han, however you didn’t mind that based on the effect he had on others around the office
It wasn’t until two months into your job when Mr. Han has apparently lost a pair of gloves that you actually met the man
Jaehee was swamped with work when he called her in, however you jumped out fo your seat, telling her you’d handle it, to which she gave you a grateful smile and started back on her work
“Mr. Han, you called?”
“Yes. I need you to go and retrieve a fresh pair of gloves from my home. As soon as possible.”
You nodded swiftly and left, asking Jaehee for his address and scribbling it onto the inside of your palm before grabbing your coat and leaving
Junk sat at his desk, typing when he felt the all too familiar scribble on his skin and looked down instinctively (it was reflexive, even with his gloves on)
His address. In cursive. With a small ‘gloves!’ Written next to it
His soulmate was his intern
You came back in record time and knocked on his office, waiting for a couple moments for a calm “yes, come in” before entering
He sat where you had last left him, and gave him a professional smile as you reached out to hand him his gloves
He held out his left hand and you saw scribbles across it
I didn’t know Jumin wrote on his hands — wait, that looks like...
You glanced down to your hand and your eyes widened
You looked back up at him and he smiled in a way you’d never seen before
“I think we should get to know eachother, Miss. [L/N].”
Jaehee : [you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts when you want to]
When you were young - too young to know how to control the thoughts that popped into your brain every once in a while - you’d let them talk
Whoever they were calmed you down
You’d be in the middle of hiding in your closet from the arguing downstairs when - pop - they were back
I need sugar and flour and...
They were baking... you smiled whenever their thoughts invaded your mind. They took you away from reality
An escape you welcomed whole heartedly
Years later, when you were diagnosed with anxiety, their thoughts didn’t come to you as often as they used to
Apparently, stress can have an effect on the ability to hear and transmit thoughts
No wonder they hadn’t tried to reply to your thoughts... who are you?
So.. she was stressed
And you fell into a numb state of mild depression - no real desire to go out or eat or.. anything
Your mother eventually forced you to find something - anything to do. So she took you to her favourite coffee shop on a Monday morning, before the big rush of customers came and you followed
You hadn’t bothered to brush your hair or anything - what was the point anyway?
So when a woman dressed in a sharp form fitting suit came flying into the store with purpose and grace, your heart skipped a beat without you realising
Your anxiety lifted for a moment
Wow, she’s gorgeous
Your thought was loud, almost echoing inside your head and she flinched
Could she hear me?
At that, she began looking around, and as soon as her eyes landed on you...
You both knew
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shadowreine · 6 years
The Art of Falling in Love - Chapter 4
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: V x MC (reader/custom MC)
Chapter Summary: In which MC has a chat with some of the boys.
Note: Finally an update! October was kind of a busy/stressful month, so I apologize for the wait. Thanks so much to everyone who’s been reading/liking/commenting on this fic so far. It means a lot to me. <3
Chapter 4: Candid
Once you returned to your apartment after dinner, you were ready to finally collapse into your bed and sleep, especially after such a long, eventful day. However, sleep eluded you. You lay wide awake, tossing and turning, your mind running at a million miles a second. You thought about the party, what went well and what didn’t, and what suggestions for improvements you could posit to RFA. You thought about the GCA and made a mental checklist of all the paperwork you had to submit in order to obtain a visa for working abroad…which brought to mind the fact that even before you could start that step in the process, you needed to stop procrastinating on working on your lesson plans for the upcoming semester—which was two weeks away, no less—and you needed to do a good job. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be needing a work visa at all. You let out a groan in the darkness of your bedroom, knowing that these anxious thoughts would never let you rest.
Ever since Hana had suggested your class could focus on art this semester, you couldn’t shake the idea. It was a good idea, and you were very low on ideas at the moment. The only problem was that you never really considered art as one of your strong suits, so you didn’t think you could excel at teaching it… But Hana was right, children love doing art. Maybe she was also right about asking Jihyun for a little help…
“Jihyun, Jihyun…” you said out loud, testing out the name. “Jihyun…”
V was a punchy name, short and straightforward. It was a good moniker for a hip photographer. But Jihyun was soft, almost a whisper, a pleasant sound sliding off the tip of your tongue. Now that you thought about it, it suited him better than V ever did.
Part of you regretted declining his offer to have dinner with him because you didn’t know when you’d have the chance to see him in person again. You imagined he’d be busy trying to get resettled into the city. He’d likely want to find a new place to stay. Maybe he wanted to meet up with others he might’ve lost contact with. He’d probably be caught up doing his own thing for a while, and you’d rejected your only chance to catch up with him.
Though, you couldn’t have just canceled on Hana. You had responsibilities, you had your own life. You had to make compromises. Wasn’t that adulthood? You couldn’t just drop everything because someone from your past decided to turn up again.
But… you just really wanted to see him.
You let out a sigh and turned onto your side, frustrated that your thoughts were keeping you awake. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and checked the time. It was half past midnight.
Might as well check the messenger, you thought. Throughout the evening you’d received RFA app notifications, but you hadn’t been able to check any before now. Opening the app, you logged in and read the past chat logs. Only Zen and Yoosung had been there. Zen had entered the chatroom sometime after he finished his show, and Yoosung was taking a break from LOLOL. Zen told Yoosung about how Jaehee had waited for him outside the backstage door with her girlfriend Soomi (along with a dozen other rabid fangirls clamoring for his attention), and he sent a selfie of the three of them. Zen was the focus of the picture, of course, while Jaehee and Soomi stood together behind him, leaning so that they were in frame. This was the first time you saw what Soomi looked like. She was cute and petite, her blonde hair cropped short in a stylish bob. Jaehee and Soomi had matching poses, both winking at the camera and holding up their hands in a peace sign. They looked like they were having a great time, and you couldn’t feel happier for them.
Zen and Yoosung then spent the rest of the chat lamenting how much they wished they had girlfriends too and feeling sorry for themselves. Your eyes glazed over as you scrolled to the bottom of the chat. By now you knew very well how much the RFA boys, except perhaps Jumin, regretted the lack of romance in their lives. Sometimes it was cute that they had so much love in their hearts that they wanted to share it with someone, but more often than not, it got repetitive and eye-roll inducing, so much that you wished they could just find someone already so they could stop moaning about it.
Once you reached the bottom of the chat, you logged out to the main user interface to check everyone’s status updates. As you looked at the row of user icons, you started to feel like something was missing. The icons felt too big, as if there could be room to fit one more comfortably among them.
Then you realized why: Jihyun’s icon was missing. It had been missing for a long time, actually, but now that he was back in the country, it felt wrong not to have him in the messenger.
After Jihyun left to go overseas, Jumin asked Seven to revoke his access for security purposes. He wouldn’t have had time to log into the messenger on his travels anyway, so there’d been no point in keeping his profile active. Even though you were about to travel abroad yourself, you couldn’t see yourself staying away from the messenger for too long. RFA had become like family to you, and you’d want to keep in touch no matter how far away you went.
You wondered if Jihyun still had the same phone he used two years ago, or if he’d deactivated his service altogether. Come to think of it, since he wasn’t on the messenger, you realized you had no way of contacting him.
A window popped up on your phone screen indicating that a new chatroom had been opened. You looked at the time–it was almost one o’clock in the morning. Who could be online at this hour?
You entered the chatroom. Seven greeted you.
707: Hello, pretty lady!
MC: Seven, you’re still awake.
707: Yup. So are you, I see.
MC: Can’t sleep.
707: Me neither. Still reeling from the high of the party?
MC: lol sort of. I got a lot on my mind right now. How was your evening?
707: Fine fine. It was pretty good actually!
He sent the emoji of him excitedly shouting “yahoo!”
MC: Good day at work?
707: Yup! I was super productive. Got everything done in record time… I see Zen and Yoosung are complaining about being single again. SMH. They’re just jealous that Jaehee has more game than them.
You laughed out loud. Sick burn, Seven.
MC: You’re not wrong, lol. Jaehee can be very sweet and charming when she has the chance to relax every once in a while. I’m happy that she and Soomi found each other.
707: They wouldn’t have met each other if you didn��t push Jumin to give Jaehee a vacation.
MC: Yeah… That’s true…
As if summoned, Jumin Han entered the chatroom.
707: WHOA that’s creepy, dude.
Jumin Han: What are you talking about? Good evening, MC.
MC: haha hey Jumin...that is a little creepy.
Jumin Han: ?
707: We were just talking about you.
Jumin Han: I see. I just read the log.
MC: I think you’ve read enough books on witchcraft that you’re starting to become a witch yourself, Jumin. Speak of the devil, and all that.
707: Hehe where’s your broom, witch boy?
You didn’t ask Jumin what he was doing up so late because he was always awake at this hour, either spending time with Elizabeth the 3rd or doing business with investors and companies in different timezones. On the rare occasion that you had a bout of insomnia, he would be in the chatroom, keeping you company until you finally fell asleep.
Jumin Han: Will Yoosung and Zen ever get tired of complaining about not having significant others?
MC: Probably not. Though, I feel like once they do get girlfriends, that’s all they’ll talk about on here.
Jumin Han: You’re probably right. I don’t know which is worse.
707: Jaehee is pretty modest about her relationship. They should act like her! Speaking of Jaehee, as I was saying before Jumin interrupted us with his creepy black magic, I think Jaehee has you to thank for meeting Soomi, MC.
MC: Oh, that’s more credit than I deserve. I just yelled at Jumin.
707: lmao you did yell at him
Well, you had typed in all caps in the chatroom, which was just as good as yelling. A few months ago, Jumin had swamped Jaehee with so much work that Jaehee broke down crying on the phone with you. You felt so awful and helpless at first, but after you did your best to console her and hung up, you decided that the only way to fix the problem was to go straight to the source.
Jumin was unreceptive to your suggestion at first, which you’d expected, but once you laid out all the reasons why it was a good idea to give her a break and why she deserved one, his cold, distant attitude started to irritate you. You tried to be civil, but the man was as stubborn as a mule sometimes. So you snapped and capslocked on him. Then once you said your piece, without warning, you logged out of the chatroom and called his phone to tell him off some more.
Jumin Han: I’ll admit I’ve never been yelled at like that before.
MC: I didn’t *yell*.
Jumin Han: You gave me a very stern lecture.
MC: Well, Zen yells at you on here all the time.
Jumin Han: I correct my previous statement—I’ve never been yelled at like that by someone whom I respect.
You knew that was high praise coming from someone like Jumin Han. Sometimes you couldn’t help but have the utmost respect for him too. After the incident, you learned that Jumin had been so stressed due to his father’s current romantic engagements and the prolonged absence of his best friend, and he had taken it out on his assistant. You felt bad for yelling at him, and you apologized to him personally on the phone the next day.
After that, he decided to give Jaehee three weeks of vacation. Jaehee was resistant at first, but you convinced her to take the offer. She spent those weeks off the messenger and met Soomi at one of her favorite coffee shops downtown. They hit it off rather easily, and the rest was history.
Jumin Han: Anyway, I am glad that Jaehee has found someone she cares about deeply. It seems to have made her more motivated in her work.
707: …
MC: sigh
Jumin Han: What? It’s true.
707: Only you would make something that’s supposed to be romantic into something totally not;;
Jumin Han: I don’t understand romantic relationships myself, so I see no point in commenting on it.
MC: I guess I can understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had enough of talking about romance for one evening.
707: Oh?
Seven sent his heart eyes emoji.
707: Who else are you talking about romance with, MC?
He sent the same emoji again.
“Oh crap,” you said to your screen. Suddenly the whole awkward conversation you had with Hana came back to you. You couldn’t very well tell Seven or Jumin that you and Hana had talked about Jihyun. You had to play it cool.
MC: Oh… I just had dinner with Hana tonight. She told me all about her new boyfriend.
Seven sent his gasping emoji.
707: The hot new actor Hojin Park! He and Hana were spotted smooching down in the Maldives last week!
Again with his heart eyes emoji.
MC: …Are you stalking my best friend, Seven?
707: It’s not stalking when paparazzi pictures of them are posted on every celeb gossip site!
MC: I am not going to talk gossip about my own friend. If I did, you’d probably try leaking it to the media for a quick buck.
707: They pay a lot of money for ~insider info~ you know.
You sent an emoji that depicted you giving a very unamused side-eye.
707: Fine, fine. I won’t ask about Hana’s love life. You need to lighten up, MC. Maybe you need a l-o-v-e interest of your own, eh?
The heart eyes. Again. You dropped your head into your hand. Why was everyone so hung up on romance this evening? You needed a change of subject, quick.
Thankfully, Jumin seemed to have the same idea.
Jumin Han: I think this conversation has derailed quite a bit.
MC: Thank you! Can we talk about something else, pls?
Jumin Han: I actually came onto the messenger to make a request of you, Seven.
707: Hmm, ok. What is it?
Jumin Han: I’d like you to grant Jihyun access to the messenger again.
Your phone almost slipped out of your hand.
Jihyun...on the messenger again? Weren’t you just thinking about that only minutes ago?
MC: Oh?
707: Oh, I didn’t even think of that. Does he want to get back on?
Jumin Han: No, but I imagine he’d like to be, once he gets a new phone, that is. He deactivated his old phone some time ago, and he needs to get another one first. I’ll pass on the information once it’s available.
707: …Do you think it’s a good idea?
Seven’s question took you aback. Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? You asked him what he meant.
707: …never mind. It’s nothing. When he gets a new phone, let me know, and I’ll add him back onto the messenger.
You didn’t know what to say. Where had his sudden hesitance come from? You would have thought Seven would be one of the more enthusiastic about his return. You remember Seven once telling you that he considered Jihyun almost like a father to him despite their relative close age gap. He trusted him more than anyone. In fact, back when you first met the RFA, you noticed there were secrets that Seven and Jihyun had kept between only them. Seven had come to Jihyun’s rescue at Mint Eye, after all.
...That was two years ago, though. The more you thought about it now, the more you realized that since then, Seven hadn’t spoken much about Jihyun at all. He certainly never brought him up in the chats of his own volition, and whenever someone else would mention him, he didn’t have much to say.
But he seemed happy to see Jihyun at the party earlier, didn’t he? Well, now that you thought about it, perhaps he wasn’t so much happy as he was shocked and…confused. Almost as if he had truly believed he never would see his old mentor ever again.
“We have a lot to catch up on, I think,” Jihyun had said. And Seven had agreed.
There was something tense about the exchange, some underlying thoughts and feelings that you couldn’t begin to decipher. That must have been what bothered Seven now. What was the missing link between them?
MC: You ok, Seven? You sound weird.
707: I’m fine. Gotta go, though. Long day.
He signed out of the chatroom before you could type another message.
Jumin Han: …
MC: Is it just me, or did something sound off about him? Does Seven not want Jihyun back on here?
Jumin Han: He seemed hesitant about it at the very least.
MC: Why? You don’t think it’s because he doesn’t trust Jihyun, do you? I know he had trouble with keeping secrets from everyone, even to Seven, but he just doesn’t seem like that kind of person anymore…
You weren’t sure if that were entirely true, but everything you knew about what he’d gone through seemed to indicate that Jihyun had had enough secrecy for one lifetime. The man you saw at the party didn’t look like someone who would harbor any secrets.
Jumin Han: I agree. I’ve been with him all evening, and he is definitely changed.
MC: …wait. You’ve been hanging out with Jihyun?
Jumin Han: Yes, he’s with me right now.
“What?” you said aloud. Jumin had been chatting with you all this time and Jihyun was with him?
MC: Really? Where are you?
Jumin Han: At my penthouse. I invited him over as a guest, since he currently has nowhere to stay.
You were typing to ask what he was doing, but your fingers froze over the screen when a picture popped up in the chat.
This time, your phone actually did fall out of your hands...and landed right onto your face, since you were lying in bed. You let out a pained shriek and massaged your nose. Then you jolted up into a sitting position and looked back at your phone.
Jihyun was in the photo. He was standing next to the dining table, across from where Jumin seemed to be sitting. He was pouring himself a glass of red wine. You could tell it was a candid picture because Jihyun’s eyes appeared as though he’d looked into the camera just as it was being taken, his brows raised in a half-expression of surprise. It was cute, actually. But that wasn’t what got your attention.
What got your attention was the fact that his hair was wet, sticking to the left side of his face. He had a towel draped over his shoulders, and he wore gray lounge pants and a white tank top...
MC: …
Jumin Han: He just got out of the shower. He’s jet lagged, so that’s why he’s still awake, if you were wondering.
You were actually wondering why his bare arms looked appealingly firm and smooth, and why his tank top clung so tightly to his slender but lean torso…but you weren’t going to type that.
MC: Um, thanks for the pic haha
Jumin Han: I thought I should prove to you he was in fact here.
MC: You didn’t need to do that lol. I believed you.
Jumin Han: He’s asking me who I sent the photo to.
MC: Oh...what did you tell him?
Jumin Han: You.
You blushed. Should you take a selfie of yourself just to make it fair? You couldn’t do that. You probably looked like a mess after tossing and turning in bed for a few hours… Wait, why did you care what you looked like? You’d sent less than flattering pictures of yourself through the messenger before.
Jumin Han: I need to go. Elizabeth the 3rd should be put to bed soon, and I’m going to keep Jihyun company.
MC: Okay. Tell Elizabeth the 3rd hello for me.
You debated whether you should add another line. Oh, why not?
MC: ...and Jihyun, too.
Jumin Han: Will do. Goodnight.
Jumin logged out, and so did you. You lingered in the main UI a little while longer, wondering what Jumin and Jihyun were up to right now, what they were talking about. Jumin must have liked having the chance to catch up with his best friend, especially considering how much you knew he’d missed him and worried after him since he left. You could only hope you got your chance, too.
You went into the messenger’s photo folders. Even though Seven had taken away Jihyun’s access to the app, he kept his photo folder untouched. You opened it and looked at the newest picture of him. Out of curiosity, you told yourself. Once it expanded across your screen, your heart did a flip in your chest, which was a sensation that utterly confused you. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to being friends with so many pretty people. Part of the reason why it was so easy for you to initially believe that the RFA were AIs in a dating simulator was because they were all too good-looking to be real. Even now, you would catch yourself admiring just how beautiful Zen looked in his selfies, how well Jumin wore his business suits, how cute Yoosung and Seven were in an adorably nerdy way. Even Jaehee was exceptionally gorgeous.
Yet somehow none of them made you react the way you reacted to this picture of Jihyun. What was happening?
You reasoned it was because you’d never seen him like this. So candid, so...underdressed. You felt as if you shouldn’t be even be looking at it.
Get a grip, MC.
You exited out of the app, tossed your phone onto your comforter, and collapsed onto your pillow, trying desperately to wipe the image out of your mind so you could finally, finally, get to sleep.
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Waiting to Meet You
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707 x Reader | ☁️ + ☔ + 🌠 | 1.4k | Soulmate AU
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Sending a warm goodnight message to Yoosung, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh as you closed the chatroom. For the past few days after discovering a strange, mystical messenger app and talking to ‘Unknown’, your life had been changed drastically.
Despite all the doubts and concerns surrounding your sudden addition to the RFA, you were rather optimistic to your situation. The timer on your wrist had been ticking closer and closer to meeting between you and your destined significant other.
Currently stuck in Rika’s old apartment, you looked around the place. It was a small place, but there was so much you didn’t dare touch - Seven and V had warned you there was sensitive material that would trigger alarms. You couldn’t help but wonder, would this be where you would meet your soulmate?
With your timer reading 43:52:03, you couldn't help but make that assumption.
Grabbing a late night snack, you thought back to what happened today. Everyone had been receiving strange notifications and emails, leaving the job of figuring things out up to Seven. From what you could tell, the poor red haired guy was already super busy with work as a hacker and having to deal with the security of the messenger app was probably another layer of stress.
Not to mention the calls from V every 2.35 seconds...
Sitting down at the desk, you munched away on your snack and plugged in your earphones. As much as you wanted to help Seven, there was only so much you could do in your position. Playing some music, you sang along, hoping to keep your mind off of things and stay out of trouble.
“Please be well, Defender of Justice,” you murmured, closing your eyes. “I believe in you.”
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After another day of growing trouble among all the other RFA members, you couldn’t help but worry that you were next. You had yet to see any emails or receive any strange messages since ‘Unknown’, but a gut feeling told you that there was something foreboding coming.
The happy façade you were keeping up with Seven was hopeful - but you knew things were troubling the boy too. How long would it be until he completely broke? Despite only knowing him for a few days, you couldn’t help but want to protect and help him no matter the cost.
Rubbing your wrist out of habit, you couldn’t help but look down at your timer.
With all this trouble around, was meeting your soulmate now a good time? Fate must have a strange way of arranging things...
You just had a heartbreaking conversation with Seven over the messenger about keeping your distance from each other... Was he losing hope? Seven was good person no matter what he said. He was keeping you safe.
You didn’t know if Seven was your soulmate or not, but you couldn’t help to feel concerned for him. Your relationship with him was strange, sure, but you treasured it.
If only Seven felt the same way.
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You just closed a chatroom with NAME when a sudden robotic voice filled the apartment startling you off your chair.
‘The special security system will be acti- acti- act... act...’
Frightened, you mustered up your courage and tried to find the source of the notification.
Glass shattering filled the apartment as you spun around to stare at the window. The apartment was pretty high up, who would be trying to break in at this height? 
A strange voice filled the air.
“Gosh... I didn’t plan on making a sound but I supposed I failed on that. Hey miss, just stay there. You’ll hurt your feet if you step on glass. I’m climbing over the window.”
A guy with white hair with tinged red tips slipped inside. Wearing a black face mask, red tank top and black leather jacket, you wearily stared at him. The tattoo on his shoulder looked really familiar to you - and you then remembered why, Mint Eye.
“Hello. You know who I am?” the stranger greeted. 
You glanced down at your wrist before answering him.
“The hacker?” you guessed calmly.
“Smart lady. You might be able to understand me then.”
He slowly approached, walking over the glass in with his boots. 
“Wow, it feels so strange to see it like this. Do you know that?” He paused, eyes glinting. “I’m the one who first talked to you about that missing phone. I left that strange message a couple days ago... And I’m the one who sent that email. How was the email I sent? It is an invitation. Our paradise, where everyone is happy. Magenta of hopes and dreams.” 
“Mint Eye,” you murmured and Unknown nodded.
“I’ve come to take you there... The RFA is only filled with false hope. Especially those men named V and Luciel, they are all lying. I will explain everything once we get to Magenta.”
You stepped back, defensive.
“What are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere!”
“Sorry, but you don’t have any say. You entered the RFA because of me. And thanks to me, you’ll be able to get out.”
As Unknown approached, you backed away, trying to find a way to escape.
“I’m no going anywhere!” you repeated. Hoping for the best, you called out the one person who could help you. “Seven! Help me!”
“He will not come. Even if he does, he’s already to late,” Unknown sneered. 
‘The special security system will be acti- acti- act... act...’
“What is this...?” Unknown asked, puzzled. His green eyes narrowed.
‘The special security system has been deactivated.’
“No way...! Where is this sound coming from?!”
There was a bang, and the apartment door flew open. Gold eyes made contact with your (E/C) ones and you felt time freeze. A tingle ran through your arm and you looked down to see your timer finally stopped.
Trying to register everything at once, you listened to Seven confront Unknown - his twin brother. With the threat of a bomb and reaching Seven safely, you now had a heavy secret to carry and a soulmate who was avoiding you.
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So far, the past day with Seven had been tough. He was constantly trying to look out for you and keep his distance at the same time in this small apartment. He didn’t show any signs of noticing his timer stopped, probably having been caught up in the moment and the long sleeves.
The entire time he’s been in the apartment, you had been persistently trying to communicate with Seven. He kept telling you that he didn’t deserve happiness in life - there was no worth to his life.
As his soulmate, your heart was breaking.
Seeing the Robot Cat, Meowy, chatting with Seven, you decided to approach him. You couldn’t help but flinch as Seven lashed out at the poor robot and broke it.
Listening to him rant about his worth, your eyes welled up. He carried so much with him and now the person he trusted the most betrayed him. Seven was enduring the worse moments of his life and all you wanted to do was be there for him. 
Through thick and thin.
“The person you like is the 707 in the chatroom, not me...!”
You ran up, giving him a back hug. Pressing your face up against his back, you could feel his warmth as tears slipped down your cheeks. 
“Then let me understand the person in front of me...!” you cried out. “I’m your soulmate. This entire time, I’ve been waiting to meet you. I don’t care how dangerous and complicated your life is, I like you. I can’t change my feelings for you or change fate! Please, I’ll give you time to accept me, but, please, don’t push me away.”
Eyes filled with tears, Seven looked down at the timer on your wrist. He didn’t expect to have a soulmate, but knowing it was you made it harder to reject you. In all honesty, he cared for you - he really liked you - but there was too much going on and his life was too dangerous... But you were so hopeful... Perhaps...
“Saeyoung,” you breathed out pleadingly.
Seven looked into your (E/C) hues, muddled among his own confusing feelings with a definite answer on his tongue.
“Okay. Give me time.”
Because all this time, I’ve been waiting to meet you too.
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 6 years
A Piece of You: Chapter 1
Pairing: Zen x MC
Synopsis: After the death of his sister, Zen is entrusted with raising her daughter. Six years later and MC has settled into RFA, but she just wants to be back on the roof with the love of her life like she was two years before. But dealing with teenage years, dragged out engagements and a lot of unsaid feelings, you start to lose a piece of you. Or, perhaps, find a piece you had that had been missing the whole time.
Brief mention of alcohol misuse.
Song: I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
⇦ Prologue
It took a bit of getting used to. Four years ago, Zen’s life had consisted of stage door signings, going to clubs five nights of the week and more one night stands than he cared to count. He had lived the typical life of a young rising star, but that life had come to an abrupt stop when another little life waddled along. Which, Zen had noted, was for the better..
Although it hadn’t seemed that way in the beginning. Zen was infinitely grateful that little Gi was far too young to understand what had happened to her mother, but he was still cursed with that burden. Jaehee had to babysit her for the first week after Mi-Sun’s passing, since Zen had turned to his preferred method of coping: alcohol. Endless nights of drinking himself into oblivion and screaming at the wall were the only ways he knew how to numb the pain that cut through him like a blade. He smashed eight glasses and a window in that week.
After seeking professional help and after all the legal aspects of the adoption were sorted, Zen was ready to raise Gi as his own, and he was loving every minute of it.
“Gi, what is this!?”
Well, almost every minute.
As it turns out, Gi had inherited her mother’s eyes, but had acquired Zen’s…artistry.
She stood proudly next to the kitchen wall, a sharpie in hand and ink scribbled on the white paint, as well as all over her skin. Zen was about to scold her, but it got lost in his throat when she beamed up at him. She was so pleased with what she had created, and where most adults saw a mess, she saw art. He couldn’t bare to crush her passion for creating, like so many others had done to him when he first became an actor. Scooping her up in his arms his fingers danced over her chubby tummy, their house filling with laughter, “Next time let’s use paper, shall we?”
Gi’s big brown eyes stared fondly into Zen’s crimson ones and his heart ached. So much of Mi-Sun was held in her eyes, and whilst the ache was somewhat painful, he felt more in that moment than he ever had in his life of rising fame. He placed her back on the floor and crouched to her level, giving her a little boop on the nose, “Why don’t you run along to the bathroom and we’ll get you cleaned up, hm?”
Giggling her approval she stumbled into the next room. Zen couldn’t help but snap a quick picture of Gi’s masterpiece and posting it into the RFA chat. It was funny, he couldn’t remember when the selfies stopped and the baby pictures had begun.
Jaehee: Oh my! Is that sharpie? You will certainly need to paint over that, no amount of scrubbing will clean that off.
ZEN: I think I might leave it, the kitchen needed re-decorating anyway haha;;
Yoosung: So cute!!! When are you guys next coming by??
707: yes! Godfather Seven misses his goddaughter <33
Yoosung: Heyyy I wanted to be godfather!!!
707: u snooze u lose hehehe
Zen rolled his eyes good-naturedly and chuckled at his friends, though he felt a twinge of guilt within him. Discussing who was godfather only reminded him of how he could never provide a normal family for Gi by himself. Whilst a ‘normal’ family didn’t guarantee a happy one, growing up in his far from normal household gave Zen a determination to make his own different.
Despite the fact that he was technically Gi’s uncle, Zen was much more of a father in her eyes, though she still lacked a motherly figure. Jaehee was always up for babysitting and cared greatly for her when she did so, but she wasn’t around nearly enough for Gi to see her as a mother, and Zen didn’t view her in a way that meant they could become a pair.
Raising Gi made him notice the hole in his lonely heart, a hole that no amount of one night stands could fill. He had dreamed about finding his someone and settling down, raising Gi together and working as a team, as a family. Unfortunately, his looks meant that Zen had never found someone who genuinely cared for or wanted to share this life with him, and therefore he had never properly fallen in love. And as much as he wanted to fall in love, he had no time for dating right now, so he had come to accept that maybe love just wasn’t made for him. He wasn’t particularly old, but he wasn’t getting any younger either. Maybe he had missed his chance, perhaps being a father would have to be enough.
However, as the two boys were occupied with their squabble, Zen noticed something strange in the chat…
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jaeheekangimagines · 6 years
jaehee x oujidere/himedere!mc headcanons pls ?
lol I had to look this up bc i forgot what those words mean, but here we go I’ll try my best!
as this MC, you don’t actually pay much attention to Jaehee at first
instead you’re a little more in tune with Jumin (barf) because he understands the high class lifestyle better - he has similar principles, dignity, etc. (except not)
when tasked with organizing the party for the RFA, you accept with grace and determination to see the task through
MC: Thank you all for trusting me with such an important project. I’m confident you will be pleased with my results.
(707: lol lighten up/Zen: ooh i love confident women ;)/Jaehee: …)
Jaehee: MC, should you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.
MC: Thank you, Jaehee, but I’m sure I can manage on my own.
It’s not too long, however, when you realize this might be a little more than you can handle. The emails start flooding in, and a lot of these people seem very strange?? You hardly know how to respond half the time, and you start to worry you may not collect enough guests in time
You don’t let this slip in the chat, though. As far as the rest of the group is concerned, you’re doing just fine! Totally fine!
Yoosung: Wow, MC, you’re so mature. You and Jaehee must be very similar.
MC: Why Jaehee?
Yoosung: Well, she’s always working overtime for Jumin and completing a bunch of different projects at the same time.
a little light bulb goes off in your head - perhaps you really should reach out to her.
Jaehee is very polite and formal with you at first, but you two slowly bond over your workloads. Before you realize it, your cold facade starts to melt away when you’re talking to Jaehee.
Eventually, you admit that you’re completely over your head with the RFA party. MC: Jaehee, forgive me, I brushed you off when you first offered your help. But I have to confess that I’m totally overwhelmed…..PLS help ;__;
Jaehee can tell it’s not easy for you to appear so vulnerable in front of others, and part of her feels privileged to see this side of you. 
Jaehee: Happily, MC.
The rest of the group can sense you guys growing closer as well.
Zen: Jaehee, I’m jealous :((( You’re hogging MC all to yourself.
MC: I like it that way.
Zen: :0 how cruel! I think I’m going to shed a tear.
Jaehee: Oh, Zen’s tears. That would truly be a moving sight.
MC: Take a selfie, Zen.
Zen: You two are terrible! This will be dreadful for my skin ;;
When the time for the party comes and everyone meets, you take Jaehee’s hand and kiss her fingers.
MC: I’m so pleased to meet you, at last, Jaehee.
(Zen: *whispering in awe* that was so smooth)
Jaehee: The pleasure is all mine, MC.
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leoandnemmie-blog · 6 years
hello! can i request hcs with the rfa members,v & saeran with a MC who is a painter and really likes drawing gore/horror paintings? thanks if you do this x
I haven’t had access to a desktop for a while so I wasn’t able to write this up.
Also I swear quite a bit in this? ^^;; Perhaps I’m unconsciously in a bad mood… ~Leo
He knew you were good at art.
Heck, he was even jealous of your skills to a certain degree.
Not like he’d ever admit that though.
When he sees your artwork he shits himself.
Drawings of dead deers and creepy dolls.
He prays that you don’t hang them around the house.
Flinches the second you turn around to look at him.
“PLEASE DON’T KILL ME!” He instinctively yells at you and you burst out laughing.
“If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it ages ago.”
You tell him that it’s just your style and carrying on drawing.
He doesn’t really get over it, is still scared like fuck of your drawings.
But he manages to look past it for you.
Zen / Hyun Ryu:
Always asks you to draw him.
After he sees your art, he takes it back.
Fucking scared.
Doesn’t ask you again.
But he doesn’t really question you either.
He kinda just backs the hell away whenever he sees you draw or paint.
Definitely locked himself in the bathroom on more than one occasion to hide from you.
You figured it out eventually and told him that you just liked drawing creepy things.
That’s not weird at all(!)
Somehow gets past it.
Sometimes uses you as a threat.
Jaehee Kang:
She really doesn’t care all to much. You have amazing skill and you can use it anyway you want.
Just… Don’t include her in one of your creepy ass paintings.
Has seen you draw a picture of a person being eaten by a wendigo.
Blinked and walked away.
Surprisingly chill about it.
Just tells you not to draw anyone from the RFA.
You don’t plan to anyways.
Not now that is.
Jumin Han:
He doesn’t mind it all too much.
If you like it, who’s he to stand in your way.
Buys you new supplies and even asks you if you want him to get you some lessons.
Admires your art but he can’t really talk in depth about it.
Offers some advice on your artwork though, how your shading is a bit off or if your drawing looks strange in general. 
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung:
Creeped out a little?
Doesn’t take him that long to get used to though.
He starts making jokes about it as soon as he’s used to it.
Also really likes your artwork.
Thinks you’re really talented and gory artwork is the way you express yourself.
Really hopes you don’t plan to kill him.
Jihyun Kim / V:
I wouldn’t put it past him to have drawn some creepy ass shit.
He shows you his work and you show him yours.
He gives you some tips and helps hone your skills.
Is completely unfazed by any of your work.
Even if you draw someone murder a newborn child in cold blood.
Probably because he can’t see properly rip.
Probably framed your artwork somewhere.
People are scared of coming to your house. 
Unknown / Saeran: 
Loves all your art but would never admit it.
“That’s OK I guess…”
“That’s good… For someone like you.”
He just tells you in really subtle ways ^
Even though you draw really fucked up crap he’s cool with it.
Kinda turned on a bit too
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Hey, if you’re still taking requests could I request some fluff with Eun x Jumin and bora, please?
Bora: No, really. Dad’s been making goo-goo eyes at Mr. Eun for a good twenty minutes. 
Bora: I thought they were talking about Elizabeth and Baron but it seems it’s turned into a deeper debate on something I don’t even know. But, uh, they’re having fun! 
Bora has sent a photo. [Jumin and Eun smiling and chatting away from some tea]
Bora: It’s nice to see it, honestly....? 
Bora: I never thought I’d ever see Dad so interested in someone. But, Mr. Eun is a nice person and I don’t think either of them has figured out that they’re like... flirting.
Bora: We should really do something about this. 
707: Ohohoho? You wanna make a big event for them where they’re forced to figure out their feelings?
Bora: No... Saeyoung! Give Dad the time to figure it out. 
Bora: Although, that would be kind of like a mission...
Yoosung: Maybe it would be more obvious if they had more a reason to admit it?
ZEN: CEO-in-Line will never get the hint. Eun’s been at it for weeks. I’m pretty sure he knows.
Jaehee Kang: Or, perhaps you could not interfere in their love life? 
707: ...Wait a minute.
ZEN: Was anyone going to tell me that Jumin is in this chatroom right now, too?
Jumin Han: I’m glad the foray of my love life concerns you greatly. While it is none of your business, you should know that such matters have already been discussed. As matter of fact, this is a date, as you will.
Jumin Han: Of course. Anything can be such. After all, if Eun is in my life, I wish for him to get to know you as well.
ZEN: ...Guess he does have a heart. 
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kirachama · 6 years
decoded (707 x reader, part iv)
summary:  As one of the newest recruits for Hackers Chasing Hackers, one of your goals is to help recruit the infamous hacker 707 into the ranks. When other members of the group start dropping off the radar, a misunderstanding leads you to being banned by the group. Determined to clear your name and get to the bottom of the disappearances, you end up working with none other than the great 707 himself.
rating: 13+ (hacker au, spoilers involve 707′s real name, which are probably not spoilers anymore at this point. /shot)
notes: ah. hello! so i meant to get this out before november, aka nanowrimo, started, but as always things don’t go as planned. anyone from around that time may remember a poll that i put up concerning this fic and the... results from that have been incorporated, perhaps in a way none of us expected. /shot
please enjoy and once again thanks to my friends kamu and @cannibalisticskittles for their help with this chapter! 
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There are reasons why 707 is known as one of the best hackers in the world.
His attention to detail is one of them. It comes with the territory though. One tiny mistake can lead a myriad of errors within a function. And an error ridden function is likely not work, which could result in the weakening of the program as a whole. So naturally, when something has been changed, especially by another person, he’s quick to notice.
Like right now.
Someone has altered the code for his defensive systems. Saeyoung has programs set up for these kinds of things, and while he doesn’t doubt their effectiveness, sometimes it’s good to manually check things. He skims over the the code, sipping at his PhD Pepper. There are minor changes here and there, but for the most part everything is still the same. None of the changes are inherently harmful; even with them, everything still works, albeit less efficiently than what he prefers. Whoever is doing this is trying to be discreet about their mischief.
The keyword here being trying.
Saeyoung checks to see if he can track the source and, of course, they covered their tracks. Not that it’ll help them much. It takes him a couple minutes to uncover the hackers. The IPs look familiar, and when he checks he finds they belong to two members of Hackers Chasing Hackers. Saeyoung’s lips tug upward into a grin. It looks like she’s one of them.
“Interesting…” he murmurs. Normally, Hackers Chasing Hackers takes a while to nurse their wounds when he actively retaliates after one of their attacks, so he wonders if maybe this is something orchestrated by either her or her partner. It wouldn’t be the first time that one or two members of the group has gone after him on their own.
He leans back in his chair and stares up thoughtfully at the some of the glow in the dark stars he’s stuck to the ceiling. Of course, he can’t just let the two get their way. After all, he has a reputation to uphold. Bets are they’re trying to weaken his defenses a little before they attack so that they have a better chance of taking him down. Saeyoung scoffs. It’s a viable effort, but in the end, it’s not going to work.
His hands hover over the keyboard. If he wanted to, Saeyoung could crush them and all their hard work almost instantly.
But then the image of that girl’s flustered expression as he remembers it from the party comes to mind.
And with it, an interesting idea.
“...just how much more of this is there…” you grumble lowly, clacking away on your laptop. It’d been a few days since you and Minji had decided to take on 707. For the most part, things have been going rather smoothly, with the only issue being that his security system is much, much larger than you had anticipated. To compensate, you’ve been spending every spare moment trying to get as much done as you can. But you can already tell that it’s still going to take way longer than you had hoped to execute this plan. And the longer you take, the more likely 707 is going to figure out what you’re up to. The thought of whatever retribution he might have in store for your efforts sends shivers up and down your spine. You don’t think that you could take another week without your baby. The possibility of that alone powers your fingers to move a little faster.
Your stomach growls, protesting your decision to use your lunch break to hack instead of eat. You’ll get a sandwich or something you can eat on the way to your next class. For now, you’d rather use the time you have sitting down to hack.
The sound of Yoosung’s voice makes you nearly jump out of your seat. You scramble to finish the little bit of code you’re working on, not wanting Yoosung to see what you’re doing. To be honest, you doubt he’d be able to tell, but better safe than sorry. Once you’re done, you look up to find two things, or rather, two people. Person number one is obviously Yoosung, who plops himself down right next to you and person number two… is the red haired guy from the party, grinning from ear to ear.
Every hair on your body stands on end as you watch the redhead settle himself on Yoosung’s other side. You’re pretty sure he’s not a student; that red hair of his sticks out like a sore thumb so you definitely would have seen him before. Then why is he here? Yoosung seems to realize that you’re staring at his companion and introduces him to you. “This is my friend, Saeyoung!”
“Hello~” the redhead bows his head, not bothering to hide the mischievous grin on his face. “Nice to meet you again!”
All the color drains from your face as Yoosung swings his head around to look at you, clearly confused. “Again…? Have you guys met before?”
“Uh… ” you mumble, unsure of what to say. Should you just lie and say that maybe Saeyoung has mistaken you for someone else? Or do you tell him the truth? But if you do that, you might just have to tell Yoosung everything… Before you can even make the decision yourself, Saeyoung decides to make it for you.
“We met at the party,” he answers in nonchalant tone.
“Party…” It takes a moment for the light bulb to go off in Yoosung’s head. “Oh! The RFA party! You were there too?”
“Um… yeah,” you nod sneaking a glare over at Saeyoung. His grin only widens in response.
Yoosung doesn’t seem to notice the dirty looks you’re shooting at his friend and pouts at you. “I was one of the hosts… Did you see me? Why didn’t you say hi?”
“You… looked kinda busy when i saw you,” you reply. It’s not entirely a lie, but you also had been actively trying to avoid him as well. “So I didn’t really get a chance…”
That answer seems to satisfy Yoosung, “Oh! I see!”
“Yeah, sorry about that…”
“It’s okay! I hope you still were able to have a good time!” Yoosung gives you a warm smile, which makes you feel a tiny bit guilty. Maybe you should have said hi to him after all… “I don’t remember seeing your name on the guest list, though… Did you come with an organization?”
You nod slowly, not liking where this seems to be headed.
“Oh cool! Which one?”
“Uh…” If possible, you’d like to avoid a slip up like you had last time, but since it’s been a couple weeks you can’t even remember any of the other groups that were there. Maybe you should just come clean after all… It’s not like Yoosung finding out you can hack would be the worst thing in the world.
“Didn’t you say you were part of that group selling keyboards?” Saeyoung interjects, in a surprisingly helpful way. Obviously, you didn’t, and you know Saeyoung knows that. Despite the fact he pushed you into this mess, the fact that he’s throwing you a lifeline is strange. But you’d be a fool not to take it.
“Yeah! Yeah! That’s right!” you agree, a little too enthusiastically.
“Ohhhhh,” Yoosung’s head bobs up and down in an enlightened way and you inwardly sigh, relieved that he seems none the wiser. Then, after a beat, he adds, “I remember you saying you were looking for a new gaming keyboard, Saeyoung, is that how you guys got to talking?”
You glance over at Saeyoung, who’s smile wavers just the tiniest bit, and respond in a careful sort of way, “Yeah, that’s right… he told me that he needed a new keyboard…”
“I thought so!” Yoosung nods again takes a big bite of the sandwich he’d bought for lunch. “Oh, did you know Saeyoung plays LOLOL too?”
“Does he?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. It doesn’t surprise you that a friend of Yoosung’s would play LOLOL, but if you remember right, Saeyoung told you at the party that he was absolutely no good with computers… Was he exaggerating when he said that? You look over at Saeyoung who gives you a tight smile. Something about his expression feels… off, but you can’t seem to pin your finger on it.
Yoosung chirps, “Yep! He’s even on our server!”
“Oh really?” That makes sense. Usually, people tend to play on the same servers as their friends. “What’s your username, maybe I’ve seen you around or something!”
Saeyoung laughs a bit and scratches the back of his neck looking a bit shy, “Ah… I don’t play that often…”
Yoosung nearly spits out the food in his mouth, “What!? You play a lot!”
“...in comparison to you, not really~” Saeyoung teases. You have to stifle a giggle. You don’t know anyone who’s as addicted to LOLOL as Yoosung. It’s a miracle that he’s made it this far in the real world. Sometimes you think that he should just become a professional LOLOL player instead of whatever it is he’s planning on doing in school.
“...you say that, but you’re the best player on the server,” Yoosung retorts, puffing out his cheeks in a pouty sort of way.
You blink, surprised by Yoosung’s comment. The best player on the server is Saeyoung? But that would make him… “Awesome Hacker?”
“Yeah,” Yoosung huffs. “That’s him alright.”
Your breath catches in your throat at the confirmation. You were willing to believe that maybe, despite his lack of computer skills, Saeyoung can still play LOLOL on a casual level. But there’s absolutely no way that someone like that could be the top player on your server. You’ve never played with him personally, but you’ve heard the stories. Awesome Hacker’s skills are known to be unparalleled. Any party that raids with them is guaranteed to be world first. Hell, there are some rumors that Awesome Hacker may have two extra arms and that’s how they’re so good. And you’re supposed to believe that this godly player and Saeyoung are the same person?
One of them has to be lying. And between Yoosung, your friend who you’ve known since the beginning of this semester and Saeyoung, this handsome stranger who you’ve probably known for a total of fifteen minutes or so, it’s clear who you’re going to believe here. You glare at Saeyoung, who meets your gaze with a quiet chuckle. He must be able to tell that you’ve figured out his little ruse. If it weren’t for Yoosung, you’d be giving that liar an earful right about now.
“So, anyway, what were you doing?” Yoosung switches topics, completely oblivious to the stare war going on between you and Saeyoung. “I was calling out to you for a while.”
“Oh, just some homework,” you lie automatically.
“Lunchtime is a good time to do homework...” Yoosung mumbles thoughtfully as he munches on his food. Then, suddenly, he starts coughing like he’s choking. Alarmed, both you and Saeyoung both pat Yoosung on the back, trying to help him clear his throat.
“Yoosung? What’s wrong?” you ask, voice saturated with worry.
“Home...work…” he repeats weakly. Then he snatches his bag and begins rifling through it like a madman. Yoosung doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for and then looks up at you, like a helpless child,  “I...I think I left my homework in my last class….”
“Oh.” Knowing him, he was probably working on it during class instead of paying attention to the lecture. “Maybe it's still there…”
Yoosung’s eyes begin to dart around, as if he’s trying to figure out what he should do. Then he suddenly stands and sputters, “I… I’ll be right back!”
Then, before you can say anything else, he dashes out of the lunchroom.
“I really hope he finds it…” you say quietly, staring at the door he ran out of. It’d suck if he had to redo it, especially if he’d managed to actually get a lot done.
The sound of the other voice causes you to freeze. Yoosung's impromptu departure means that you're alone with him. You turn your head to find Saeyoung staring back with an owlish expression. You have your reservations about being alone with him but at the same time since Yoosung’s gone now, you can actually give this guy a piece of your mind.
“So,” you begin. “You have some explaining to do.”
He shoots you a playfully evasive grin. “Do I?”
Something about the look on his face makes you feel a little tingly, but you ignore it and hiss, “Don't play dumb with me! You said at the party that you were no good with computers, but just now Yoosung said that you're the best player on our LOLOL server.”
Saeyoung merely shrugs and dramatically declares, “Maybe my love for LOLOL transcends my non-existent computer skills!”
“I'm not buying it,” you lean in a little closer to glare at him.  “Why did you lie? Do you have something to hide?”
“If you’re trying to convince me otherwise, you’re going to have to try harder than that!” You look up into Saeyoung’s eyes, trying to see if maybe you can find something there. But all you can see amidst the golden hue of his eyes is your reflection.
He chuckles a bit and leans in toward you,  “Maybe you’re the one who needs to try harder? Your seduction technique needs a little bit of work~”
You squeak when you realize just how close the two of you are to one another and jump backwards so that you’re at a more respectable distance. Saeyoung laughs and despite the fact that you’re red with embarrassment, you continue to glare at him. “I wasn’t trying to seduce you!”
“Oh?” he cocks his head to the side, eyes alight with amusement and a dash of confusion. “That’s too bad.”
You blink. Too… bad? What does that even mean? Did he think you were trying to actually flirt with him? Did he want you to? The thought of it makes your face feel warm and you look away, flustered. You were just trying to intimidate him into telling you the truth, but it- Something clicks in your head and you turn back to Saeyoung, glaring through narrowed eyes, “....are you trying to distract me?”
“Damn, my plan’s been foiled,” he responds in a lighthearted tone that makes it clear that he’s still toying with you. It’s a bit frustrating, but you’re not ready to give up.
You click your tongue in annoyance, “Too bad. So sad. Now out with it, I’m not letting you go until you tell me what you know.”
“...don’t you have class soon?”
He has a point. You look away from him, contemplating for a bit before you mutter, “I… I’ll skip it.”
“...what about when Yoosung comes back?” he adds, still clearly amused by all this. “Are you going to keep grilling me then?”
You groan. He’s got a point there too. Of course, you could just reveal to Yoosung that you’re a hacker, but you’re still not sure if your friendship is with him is on a high enough level for that reveal yet. Saeyoung still had that damn grin plastered on that smug mug of his. You can’t help but wonder where a nice guy like Yoosung met a dude like this.
“Give up yet?” he asks in a mockingly sweet voice.
“No!” you sit up straight and continue to glower at him. “Listen, obviously you must know something because if you didn’t, you would just tell me and be done with it.”
“Oh, you think so?”
For a split second, you doubt yourself. There’s the chance that this guy is just some weirdo who knows nothing and is just enjoying screwing with you right now. But he was at that party and he’s here right now. You don’t think that’s some coincidence.
“No. You definitely know something,” you tell him firmly. “Tell me what you know. Though, even if you don’t, I’ll find out one way or another-  I am a hacker, you know.”
Saeyoung’s catlike smile is replaced with a contemplative stare. Is that… a bad sign? You’re not quite sure, so you peer into his eyes again, trying to see if you can find a trace of what he could possibly be thinking. Once more you find nothing, and he says nothing, you feel a ball of nervousness begin to grow inside you. Then, he begins to speak, and you brace yourself for whatever he has to say.
But what you hear isn’t an explanation, but a loud cackle. Saeyoung holds his stomach as he dissolves in a fit of laughter. You can’t help but feel a bit embarrassed sitting next to him as he’s starting to gain an audience. Once he starts to calm down, he speaks, wiping at the tears that had formed at the corners of his eyes, “...okay, you got me.”
Your pulse quickens at the sound of his words.
“I’ll tell you what I know.”
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unleashthebeast606 · 7 years
One of your previous ones was "RFA reacts to a tiny MC" Could you do RFA reacts to big MC (and I don't mean "tall" though that's fine as well) I kind of mean perhaps a more chubby or curvy MC. I see so many tiny, slim girls in media being adored! and when a woman is on the bigger side.. they are usually only there for laughs/comic relief.. So could you do and RFA bigger girls please? Only if you want!! (Sorry for the long message!! omg)
Ohhhh I love this idea!!!!! Hopefully you enjoy this x
                    RFA REACTS TO CHUBBY/CURVY MC
Yoosung is such a sweetie
When you first meet, he’s just in awe at how beautiful you are
And oh boy is he blushing 
He is as red as a tomato 
He was expecting a cute girl
He loves absolutely everything about you
He admires you so much because you just radiate confidence 
because why wouldn’t you???
Cuddling with you is his fave thing ever
He does not stop bragging about you to his LOLOL friends
If you ever do feel insecure in the slightest 
Poor boy gets so upset
Deffo sheds a few tears
Cause he doesn’t understand how you couldn’t love every inch of yourself like he does?
You were really nervous to meet Zen at first
Well he looks like a God
But when you did meet him and he saw you for the first time
He couldn’t hold back an enormous smile
He was fighting so hard to control the beast 
This man worships you
‘I always thought I was the most beautiful person on this earth, until I met you MC...’
He loves to kiss your stomach
Its just so soft
He loves it when he lifts you and you wrap your thighs around his waist 
He loves to be the big spoon when you cuddle
Because he loves your body and wants to be as close to you as possible
And because that ass tho
But whenever you wear a low cut top or a skin tight dress
He gets so worried that so worried about other men looking at you
‘Hey MC?? why don’t you just wear my jacket?’ 
Jaehee loves your curves
Enough said
She loves to rest her head on your chest when you cuddle with her
Because titties
Especially after a long day of work
She always rests her head on your tummy whenever you watch Zen’s DVD’s 
If you ever feel insecure
Jaehee will write up a report on why you should love your body 
And present it with a power point god i love her so much
Jumin isn’t superficial enough to care about looks anyways really
Because he has seen his father obsess over women and their looks his entire life
But when he first meets you, he cant stop smirking to himself 
He didn’t expect you to be so amazing
His favorite part of your body is your thighs
And your bum
He loves to kiss them and bite them
He loves to shop for you
Picking you out the most beautiful dresses
When you do feel insecure like he’s proper confused??
‘There’s nothing for you to be insecure about Mc???’
He DESTROYS your body in hickeys
He loves kissing every inch of you
It is almost impossible for him to get up for work now because he doesn’t want to leave the warmth of his bed with you in it
Don’t you know he gon spoil you 
Almost a much as Elizabeth 
He loves waking up before you and watching you sleep because your just so gorgeous
Seven would’ve adore you either way lets be honest here
When he first saw your pictures he accidentally crushed his can of Ph.D Pepper
He didn’t show anyone the pictures of you because 
He fell in love at first sight and didn’t want any other of the RFA members to see how beautiful you were 
Saeyoung loves to use you as a pillow 
‘who needs a pillows when you have MC? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯‘
He loves to squish and play which your cheeks
And he loves to tickle you 
Whenever you kiss, his hands love to hover over your entire body
He literally lists off all the things he loves about you and your body everyday
Loves going over speed bumps whenever you are riding in one of his babies ;)
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Oo Oo! Can I request a Saeran x reader where the reader works at Seven’s agency and helps Saeran to track down Seven after he’s kidnapped? ❤️❤️
Dream Team Hacker 
Hiii~ I really liked this idea! I hope you can enjoy the OneShot! Please feel free to tell me your opinion! Have a nice day!
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,,Again. This rascal…“ you mumbled as you looked at your phone. You were currently in a pretty difficult situation. The agency you worked for wanted you to infiltrate Mint Eye, which was somehow connected to the RFA. And as if that wasn’t enough, you were slowly falling in love with a boy you weren’t allowed to love, Saeran Choi, twin brother of Saeyoung Choi, your coworker who didn’t know anything from all this. He didn’t know that his brother Saeran was seriously ill and had two personalities. He still didn’t know that the one he asked to protect his brother, put him into danger. And you were currently between them. Ray turned into Saeran and your life was, perhaps, in danger. He was violent and his words hit you deeply, but you couldn’t lose now. ,,Aish,“ you complained, feeling like crying. You remembered the day both of you kissed in the garden. The atmosphere wasn’t the best, but you enjoyed it, and you knew that he did too even though he blushed.
Suddenly someone barged into your room, making you shriek a bit. You and Saeran were going to flee. You were scared and you couldn’t believe it. After all, you still had a job to do. The agency still had an eye on you. After all, they kidnapped Saeyoung!
,,How are things going over there?!“ you yelled. ,,BAD!“ Saeran yelled back. You were currently under the protection of Jumin Han after the agency tried to kidnap you too. Your plan failed after you and Saeran escaped. Zen couldn’t achieve more than you at the RFA Party and Saeyoung was still nowhere to be found, but you knew that he was still alive. As quickly as possible, you typed in something into your keyboard. All the data you knew was quickly typed in. You knew perfectly well that deceiving the agency would mean death to you, but you couldn’t help yourself. You simply had to save the one who was the brother of the love of your life.
,,MC, I THINK I HAVE SOMETHING!’’ Saeran yelled. You tried to type even quicker. It wouldn’t be long until you finally found Saeyoung. ,,CALL JUMIN HAN AND JAEHEE KANG RIGHT NOW!’’ you ordered. A few seconds later the people you requested were already behind you. ,,Jumin, we need every bodyguard you have on standby right now!’’ you told him. Jaehee acted immediately, even though no one knew what was going on. You also told Jumin that there was a need for protection and guns for the safety of everyone.
Luckily, everyone was ready by the time you hacked into the agencies computer. ,,I’m in…!’’ you almost whispered. Everyone stayed silent. Saeran observed you while you hacked in the footage. ,,Building 503886, third room, on the fourth floor…’’ you told them as you finally found Saeyoung. He was in bad shape. His lips were bleeding and he was breathing heavily. He was looking down. His red hair was wet while his clothes were damaged. You quickly took your laptop and went out to go into a van with Saeran and Jumin while Jaehee handled things in the company. You put on the bullet proof vest while you kept observing Saeyoung. He was closer than you all thought.
The ride didn’t take long until you went out again and barged into the building with your walkie talkie. ,,FOURTH FLOOR! TO THE FOURTH FLOOR!’’ you yelled as some men were already taken down by Jumin’s men. You, Saeran, and the black haired man ran up, followed by your bodyguards. In shock, Saeyoung looked up as you barged into the cold room. ,,Jumin…?’’ he asked with a weak voice as he looked at you and Saeran. He tried to look better, but before he could say his brothers name, you walked over to him, freeing him from the rope that made it impossible for him to flee. ,,Agent 707, I’m Agent 2002 and I deceived the agency to save you. We will have a huge problem if you don’t move immediately!’’ you snapped, helping him up. ,,Agent 2002? Are you crazy?! You were one of the best?! Why did you throw that away?!’’ Saeyoung managed to hiss. With a cold glance you responded:,,I had the same reason as you,’’ ,,Where do you think you’re going…?’’ someone asked you. You immediately knew who was talking. Saeran put his body in front of his while the bodyguards stood in the first row.
,,Agent 2002, I’m disappointed in you,’’ the man laughed. ,,Saeran, that’s okay,’’ you mumbled, passing by and standing in front of the man who made your life hell. ,,Father, I’m leaving for good,’’ you said, shocking everyone. ,,I can understand if an ugly woman wants to leave my side when she tried to take you along with a policeman, although she failed, but I can’t understand how my own daughter can do that to me…’’ he laughed, pointing the gun at Saeran. ,,Mc…’’ Saeran mumbled. ,,Trust me…’’ you whispered. As you stepped out of the crowd, a silent ,,Sorry’’ was heard, before a shot was heard. You somehow managed to hit your father with a bullet, making him stumble and take him down with the help of the bodyguards. ,,CARRY HIM OUT AND LET’S HEAD OUT!’’ you yelled, intending to take along every agent.
,,I can’t believe that Mc was the daughter of the agency you guys were working for…’’ Yoosung gasped. ,,Yes. My actual mission was to take down Mint Eye and the RFA once I infiltrated both groups, but I couldn’t live with that weight anymore,’’ you explained, holding Saeran’s hand. Saeyoung’s wounds were healed and no one got injured. Your father was getting punished by the law, along with everyone else who did hurtful things. ,,We just have to take down your father,’’ Zen said. You looked at the group. The RFA thought that nothing had a connection, but they were wrong. This all was done on purpose. ,,My actual job was to take you all down. Don’t you want to know the reason?’’ you asked them. Jaehee looked at you.
You took a deep breath:,,The best friend of my father, the Prime Minister, wanted me to take care of every obstacle,’’ you confessed. ,,You’re saying that there’s a connection between the agency and our father?’’ Saeran asked you. You simply nodded.
Everyone thought that the fight just ended, but in reality the fight hadn’t even started...
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Mysme + Ollivanders
Inspired a lot by this post, here are my thoughts about which wands would choose each of the individual characters in mysme. Full credits to @faeriexqueen who wrote the original in regards to D Gray Man characters.
All core and material information is from Pottermore
Pine, Phoenix Feather, flexible,11 1/2 inches
The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. [x]
The independent, mysterious loner sounds a lot like how Jumin comes across at the beginning of the game. What’s more, we know he’s creative and willing to try new methods, as he is very good at his job, in which adapting to new markets and strategies sits at the core of  e v e r y t h i n g.
I chose phoenix feather for the core, as its best known trait is detachment and the fact that it is so difficult to win their allegiance. Jumin is one of the most emotionally detached of the RFA and it can take a little longer than most for him to open up out of his shell.
Black Walnut, Unicorn Hair, slightly flexible, 10 3/4 inches
It has one pronounced quirk, which is that it is abnormally attuned to inner conflict, and loses power dramatically if its possessor practises any form of self-deception. If the witch or wizard is unable or unwilling to be honest with themselves or others, the wand often fails to perform adequately and must be matched with a new owner if it is to regain its former prowess. [x]   
I think we all know why a wand attuned to inner conflict would be perfect for V. I chose unicorn hair for the core as they are “prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled”, which again. Is perfect for V. ;w;
Ebony, Dragon heartstring, rigid, 10 inches
Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose. [x]
Zen is proud of his individual looks and history, so much so that he often comes across as a narcissist. He is also very stubborn when it comes to the handling of his career, sticking firm to his beliefs about accepting handouts, even when such decisions potentially do more harm than good.
Add to this the fact that dragon heartstring cores have the most power and are associated with flamboyance, and I think it is perfect for Zen.
Maple, Unicorn Hair, slightly rigid, 12 inches
I have often found that those chosen by maple wands are by nature travellers and explorers; they are not stay-at-home wands, and prefer ambition in their witch or wizard, otherwise their magic grows heavy and lacklustre. Fresh challenges and regular changes of scene cause this wand to literally shine, burnishing itself as it grows, with its partner, in ability and status. [x]
The conflict in Jaehee’s route is the fact that at some point in her life she fell into a rut in her career and stopped following her dreams. A wand that grows lacklustre over time if not given the proper chance to really shine sounds perfect for her.
I chose unicorn hair for the core, as they are known for consistency and are the least capable of being turned to the Dark Arts, which I think rings true of Jaehee, who has the fewest reasons to join Mint Eye. 
Sycamore, Dragon heartstring, flexible, 9 3/4 inches
The sycamore makes a questing wand, eager for new experience and losing brilliance if engaged in mundane activities. It is a quirk of these handsome wands that they may combust if allowed to become ‘bored,’ and many witches and wizards, settling down into middle age, are disconcerted to find their trusty wand bursting into flame in their hand as they ask it, one more time, to fetch their slippers. [x]
Yoosung lost a lot of his spark while studying at college, allowing his studies to fall apart while eagerly seeking out the thrill of LOLOL. A sycamore wand sounds right up his alley, especially given that in every route, his actions have very similar consequences to a wand bursting into flame.
I chose a dragon heartstring for him, for dragon heartstrings are prone to accidents and temperamental in the same sense that Yoosung is constantly falling for pranks, but also because dragon heartstring wands are the easiest to turn to the dark arts.... but never of their own accord.
Hawthorn, Phoenix Feather, flexible, 10 inches
Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic, but they are also adept at curses, and I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous. Hawthorn wands have a notable peculiarity: their spells can, when badly handled, backfire. [x]
Seven has a conflicted nature, of which we are very familiar. Add on the period of turmoil that...well...is basically his life from the agency onwards and the hawthorn wand is pretty perfect.
I added the phoenix feather core both because of its detachment but also because of its tendency to act of its own accord, which reminds me a lot of Seven’s tendency to pull pranks on the other members as well as his activities as a hacker.
Hornbeam, Unicorn Hair, slightly rigid, 11 3/4 inches
hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession (though I prefer the term ‘vision’), which will almost always be realised. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, and will become so personalised, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honour, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand. [x]
Saeran has always had one singular passion. When he was younger, it was seeing the sky. When he got older it was having revenge on his bro. In both cases, it was one, singular obsession. Similarly, Hornbeam’s capacity to personalise itself to its owner sounds very similar to Saeran’s enthusiasm for getting the Mint Eye tattoo in what was likely an underground parlour, having taken on Rika’s code of honour not of his own accord of course. Saeran’s conflicted nature, going from an innocent kid to Unknown within the space of a few years would be very interesting in light of a hornbeam wand.
I chose a unicorn hair core because they are known for loyalty and are not swayed to the dark arts easily. 
Vine, Phoenix feather, rigid, 9 1/2 inches
Vine wands are among the less common types, and I have been intrigued to notice that their owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. Vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and I have found them more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match. [x]
I chose vine for Rika because she sought a greater purpose and constantly astounded the other members of the RFA in terms of her seemingly bright personality and desire to help other people. She also did have other depths, of course. 
Originally I was going to give Rika the dragon heartstring core because of its tendencies to fall into the dark arts. In the end, though, I chose the phoenix feather core, as it is detached and acts of its own accord. Rika was far more detached from the RFA than she appeared to be and created Mint Eye despite V’s warnings not to do so.
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