#yoshiko black
jessicamarianasocs · 1 year
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 4 months
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Farewell to Dream (Keisuke Kinoshita, 1956)
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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Thinking about the artists team. Rewatched the Goseiger/Shinkenger crossover recently. Let Ryuunosuke dance, he loves it.
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Don’t insult a samurai’s lord, Haruka…
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cinemaobscura · 3 months
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Black Rain | 黒い雨 (1989) dir. Imamura Shōhei
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bennettmarko · 28 days
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azzo0 · 5 months
The following is a snippet from Always.
Summary: Bakugo wants to kiss the gloss off her lips.
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Bakugo woke up extra early that morning since he had to get his gauntlets repaired and wanted them back by evening. He held one of his gauntlets under his arm, making his way to the support department to ask Power Loader to fix his gauntlets. Another reason why he came to school early was to study in peace. Tutoring his friends made him want to rip out his hair with how stupid they could be sometimes.
Unknown to him, a certain silver-eyed girl had the same plans. Sort of. Yoshiko sat on her usual seat in the empty classroom, math textbook and notebook opened in front of her. She arrived at class early to avoid running into Shinsou. She wasn't sure she wanted to bother looking at him just yet. And then there was Bakugo.
She couldn't get the way he gently held her out of her mind. Just thinking about it made her insides a mush again. She rarely cried in front of anyone. She refused to let her tears out. But when Bakugo suddenly pulled her into him, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. He was so comforting.
She started daydreaming about his handsome face again, his maroon eyes, fluffy and spiky hair, and his delicate touch that wiped her eyes. Yoshiko grumbled to herself when she realised she'd begun daydreaming instead of focusing on the books in front of her, willing her heart to calm down.
He's so stupid. She aggressively jotted down formulas. Who does he think he is, making my heart race like that. Not that I'll let it happen again. He can't keep making me feel like that.
Yoshiko had moved on from thoughts of Bakugo and finally focused on her work, going along with the flow of the study session. That's until the boy she was daydreaming about a few seconds ago decided to show up. She felt the desk behind her shift and glanced back to see Bakugo. She gave him a blank look, expressions neutral.
"We havin' a staring challenge now?" Bakugo grimaced, annoyed when she simply stared and said nothing.
"Why are you here so early?"
"Had to get my gauntlet repaired." Bakugo huffed, taking out his math textbook from the bag.
"You're going to study math? I'm doing that too. Maybe we can study together." She said, getting up and turning her chair so it faced his desk.
"Nice try, I 'aint tutoring ya."
"I don't need tutoring." She scoffed, putting her notebook on his desk. Bakugo looked up from the pages he was flipping, taking a quick glance at her face. She looks pretty. She had her hair in two dutch braids, lazily sitting on her chest. He couldn't help but admire how the braid shifted from black to white. Then his eyes lingered on her clear-gloss-coated lips. Oh, God, that shine made him want to devour her lips.
"So, what chapter are you doing?" Yoshiko asked.
"What chapter are you going to do? Or should I say it in English?" Bakugo rolled his eyes at her sassy attitude.
"Watch your mouth. I'm gonna do the third chapter." Bakugo skipped over to the topic exercise when an idea popped up in his head. "Oi. Let's do this exercise and see who gets the most answers right."
"And what does the winner get." She asked, clicking her pen.
"Free lunch from the loser, which, by the way, is you."
"Uno reverse, bitch. Bring it on."
They two fell into silence, solving the math exercise, doubling-checking every answer twice to make sure they got it right. Yoshiko liked the idea of studying with a challenge. It riled ber up. She also knew Bakugo was the only one with whom she could study like this. Because he, too, like her, had a love for challenges.
Bakugo looked up from his notebook when he heard Yoshiko crack her knuckles, biting her lip, eyes focused on her notebook. He held his pen in his fist, almost crushing it. Why did she have to wear gloss? It was distracting him.
"Why the fuck do you wear that?"
"Wear what?" Yoshiko frowned.
"Gloss." He stated.
"Because I don't want crusty lips like you?" She mocked with a mischievous grin.
"My lips aren't crusty, fuck you."
"Dudeski, the gloss is on my lips, not yours. Why does it bother you?"
"That's exactly why it fucking bothers me. Because it's on your lips." Bakugo said, locking his eyes with hers.
"Uhuh? If you want lipgloss like mine, just say so. I'll buy you one." Yoshiko said, unsure where the conversation was going. Bakugo smirked, leaning forward. Yoshiko was taken aback by this sudden movement.
"Oh, no." He said his voice husky, his nose inches apart from hers. "That's not how I want your lipgloss on my lips."
Yoshiko stared into his eyes in confusion. If he did not want her to buy him the same gloss as she wore, how else was he expecting to get the gloss she used on his lips? Realisation dawned on Yoshiko, and her lips parted in surprise. Did he mean he wanted her gloss on his lips by kissing her?! Was she looking too deep into things, and he actually meant that Yoshiko did not have to buy him a new one and just lend him the one she had in her bag right now?!
Yoshiko's cheeks flushed seven colours of red, her heart soaring up in the skies, but she did not break eye contact. Just when she said she wouldn't let herself feel this way again, he had to go and pull something flirty. Since when did he get so flirtatious? He wasn't like that when we first met, it's so unfair! He wants to tease me? Fine.
Bakugo was going to ask her if the cat got her tongue when, to his surprise, she tilted her head and leaned towards him, their noses now touching. "If you want my gloss by kissing it off me, be my guest, Bakugo Katsuki."
WHAT?! Bakugo internally screamed.
With how close they were now, Yoshiko almost wanted him to kiss her. She felt like her senses were clouded just from being this close to Bakugo as if he were some sort of drug she hadn't tried yet. Flinging her desire to kiss him aside, she continued to fluster him.
"Awh, what's wrong, Katsuki. Scared?" She leaned further into him, their lips dangerously close now. One wrong move, and they'd practically be kissing.
Bakugo didn't bother responding. Not when she was this close. His eyes were half-lidded, ready to push his lips onto hers when he heard the door sliding open.
Yoshiko and Bakugo pulled back at the speed of light and grabbed a book, each covering their faces with it, pretending to study while both flared bright red.
"Oh, hey! Didn't think you two would arrive to class on time." Sero chirped, walking up to the two.
"Mm, yeah." Yoshiko gave out a small response.
"Yes." Bakugo responded.
"You two are acting weird..." Sero said, shocked by how calm the two were. He caught how Bakugo was staring at a blank page, and Yoshiko was holding her math book upside down. "So... are you guys studying?"
Sero noticed how both of them had red cheeks. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked back and forth between the two, letting out a gasp. "Did I interrupt something?"
"No. Fuck off!" The two yelled in unison.
"So I did walk in on something!" Sero exclaimed, slinging an arm around Bakugo. "Is our Bakugo finally growing up?"
"I will choke you with your own tape." Bakugo threatened.
"Since Bakugo refuses to let me in, mind telling me, Akimitsu?"
"I will help Katsuki choke you with your own tape."
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
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retrosofa · 25 days
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I've finally collected the four issues of Tanoshii Youchien that feature Yoshiko Suganuma's Cutie Honey manga! I honestly never thought this day would come, considering how rare these back issues are. These little comics will probably never be released again, so I'm very thankful to own them.
The Tanoshi Youchien manga was marketed to little kids and basically an advertisement for the TV series. Each chapter is two pages long and usually holiday-themed for whatever reason. Aside from the first chapter, there is almost no action or violence. There is also no nudity, which is rare for any Cutie Honey product! We don't see Honey's iconic "Honey Flash" even once.
Suganuma's artwork is absolutely stunning. Her drawing style is truly the epitome of classic shoujo manga. I can't find a lot of information about her but it seems she was last active in the 80's, drawing horror manga. Not sure how she got involved with drawing a Cutie Honey manga.
Below are summaries of each chapter, along with some additional information on each issue:
November 1973 (New Serial): Honey Kisaragi introduces herself and stops Panther Zora from stealing jewels. Zora requests the help of Sister Jill and swears she'll make Honey pay in next month's issue.
December 1973: Panther Zora tries to steal Christmas cake from Honey but is easily thwarted. Zora and her subordinates are mounted like decorations on Honey's Christmas tree. Honey tells the readers to look forward to her New Years story.
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January 1974: Honey is getting ready for New Years with Mami and Junpei, when a Panther subordinate attacks. Honey and Junpei drive him away. The final panel is a coloring page. The next chapter is advertised as "It's Setsubun, Honey." This was the only chapter printed in black and white.
The furoku for this issue included a "Hikari Train", which featured Honey as one of the passengers. This issue also included a full-color two panel comic about Honey losing a game of hanetsuki.
February 1974: Honey, Seiji, Mami, and Junpei celebrate Setsubun. Sister Jill and her minions try to run off with stolen jewels, but they slip on fukumame. Honey and Seiji laugh, and then warn children to be careful of where they're walking.
The furoku for this issue included a Honey paper doll. This issue also included "Popular Manga Karuta" which featured Honey on several cards.
The final chapter tells the readers to check out next month's issue but doesn't imply the continuation of Honey's adventures. It could be the editorial staff were unsure if they were continuing the serial or not.
Please do not repost these images without my permission.
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
My image of Katai working is him sitting in a gaming chair infront of a laptop.
He's wearing freshly cleaned pj's and a baggy black hoodie. There's a pair of pink cat ear headphones on his head, playing calming music.
Yoshiko (his futon) is bundled around him and he's sipping tea Kunikida made for him.
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punk-stitches · 2 years
Visible Mending
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Based in the Japanese art of Sashiko embroidery, visible mending is an art form that embraces the wear and tear on garments, turning them into their own art. Mending is a skill that has gotten a bit lost amongst industrialization and fast fashion, but it's an incredibly important life skill that is ! It extends the life of your clothes, saves you money, and is a form of self-expression.
Traditional Sashiko is done using running or single stitches in white or blue thread on indigo-dyed fabric, there are many traditional motifs and forms created through the manipulation of the main stitches. While modern Sashiko and visible mending mix colours, patterns, and stitches. Sashiko artists use specific needles and threads on cotton fabric, but visible mending can be done with any needles and threads on any material.
My mending journey started with wool socks, which are expensive these days, but in my opinion are the very best socks for brutal winters. I had several pairs of socks or knit slippers from my late-aunt, which they were the last pieces she made me and so, I taught myself how to mend! To me, mending embraces the history of the garment, the maker, and you, the wearer. Personally, my favourite type of visible mending uses whatever scraps I have in the same colour as the garment stitched using contrast threads, such as the red and black in the second photo. Although, if you want a more subtler mend, the greens and blues of the first photo strike a nice balance.
Links to learn more:
Wada, Yoshiko Iwamoto, “Boro no Bi : Beauty in Humility—Repaired Cotton Rags of Old Japan” (2004). Textile Society of America 9th Biennial Symposium. 458.
Visible Mending - MEND!
Sayraphim Lothian author of Guerilla Kindness and Other Acts of Creative Resistance. (Very good if you are like me and prefer a physical guide).
Caldecott, Sophie. “A Beginner’s Guide to Mending Your Clothing” (2021). Sustainably Chic.
EGA. “Introduction to Visible Mending” (2020). Embroiderers’ Guild of America.
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queerasfact · 1 year
Queer Calendar 2023
We put together a calendar of key (mostly queer) dates at the start of the year to help us with scheduling - so I thought I’d share it around! Including pride and visibility days, some queer birthdays and anniversaries, and a few other bits and bobs. Click the links for more info - I dream one day of having a queer story for every day of the year!
This is obviously not an exhaustive list - if I’ve overlooked something important to you, feel free to add it in the reblogs!
3 - Bisexual American jazz-age heiress Henrietta Bingham born 1901
8 - Queer Australian bushranger Captain Moonlite born 1845; gay American art collector Ned Warren born 1860
11 - Pennsylvania celebrates Rosetta Tharpe Day in honour of bisexual musician Rosetta Tharpe
12 - Japanese lesbian author Nobuko Yoshiya born 1896
22 - Lunar New Year (Year of the Rabbit)
24 - Roman emperor Hadrian, famous for his relationship with Antinous, born 76CE; gay Prussian King Frederick the Great born 1712
27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day
LGBT+ History Month (UK, Hungary)
Black History Month (USA and Canada)
1 - Feast of St Brigid, a saint especially important to Irish queer women
5 - Operation Soap, a police raid on gay bathhouses in Toronto, Canada, spurs massive protests, 1981
7 - National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (USA)
18 - US Black lesbian writer and activist Audre Lorde born 1934
12 - National Freedom to Marry Day (USA)
19-25 - Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
Women’s History Month
1 - Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day
8 - International Women’s Day
9 - Bi British writer David Garnett born 1892
12 - Bi Polish-Russian ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinsky born 1889 or 1890
13 March-15 April - Deaf History Month
14 - American lesbian bookseller and publisher Sylvia Beach born 1887
16 - French lesbian artist Rosa Bonheur born 1822
20 - Bi US musician Rosetta Tharpe born 1915
21 - World Poetry Day
24 - The Wachowski sisters’ cyberpunk trans allegory The Matrix premiers 1999
Jazz Appreciation Month
Black Women’s History Month
National Poetry Month (USA)
3 - British lesbian diarist Anne Lister born 1791
8 - Trans British racing driver and fighter pilot Roberta Cowell born 1918
9 -  Bi Australia poet Lesbia Harford born 1891; Easter Sunday
10 - National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (USA)
14 - Day of Silence
15 - Queer Norwegian photographer and suffragist Marie Høeg born 1866
17 - Costa-Rican-Mexican lesbian singer Chavela Vargas born 1919
21-22 - Eid al-Fitr
25 - Gay English King Edward II born 1284
26 - Lesbian Day of Visibility; bi American blues singer Ma Rainey born 1886
29 - International Dance Day
30 - International Jazz Day
1 - Trans British doctor and Buddhist monk Michael Dillon born 1915
7 - International Family Equality Day
7 - Gay Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky born 1840
15 - Australian drag road-trip comedy The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert premiers in 1994
 17 - IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia)
18 - International Museum Day
19 - Agender Pride Day
22 - US lesbian tailor and poet Charity Bryant born 1777
22 - Harvey Milk Day marks the birth of gay US politician Harvey Milk 1930
23 - Premier of Pride, telling the story of the 1980s British activist group Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners
24 - Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day; Queer Chinese-Japanese spy Kawashima Yoshiko born 1907
26 - queer American astronaut Sally Ride born 1951
29 - Taiwanese lesbian writer Qiu Miaojin born 1969
Pride Month
Indigenous History Month (Canada)
3 - Bisexual American-French performer, activist and WWII spy Josephine Baker born 1906
5 - Queer Spanish playwright and poet Federico García Lorca born 1898; bi English economic John Maynard Keynes born 1883
8 - Mechanic and founder of Australia’s first all-female garage, Alice Anderson, born 1897
10 - Bisexual Israeli poet Yona Wallach born 1944
12 - Pulse Night of Remembrance, commemorating the 2012 shooting at the Pulse nightclub, Orlando
14 - Australian activists found the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands in 2004
18 - Sally Ride becomes the first know queer woman in space
24 - The first Sydney Mardi Gras 1978
25 - The rainbow flag first flown as a queer symbol in 1978
28 - Stonewall Riots, 1969
28 June-2 July - Eid al-Adha
30 - Gay German-Israeli activist, WWII resistance member and Holocaust survivor Gad Beck born 1923
1 - Gay Dutch WWII resistance fighter Willem Arondeus killed - his last words were “Tell the people homosexuals are no cowards”
2-9 - NAIDOC Week (Australia) celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture
6 - Bi Mexican artist Frida Kahlo born 1907
12 or 13 - Roman emperor Julius Caesar born c.100BCE
14 - International Non-Binary People’s Day
23 - Shelly Bauman, owner of Seattle gay club Shelly’s Leg, born 1947; American lesbian cetenarian Ruth Ellis born 1899; gay American professor, tattooist and sex researcher Sam Steward born 1909
25 - Italian-Australian trans man Harry Crawford born 1875
8 - International Cat Day
9 - Queer Finnish artist, author and creator of Moomins Tove Jansson born 1914
9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
11 - Russian lesbian poet Sofya Parnok born 1885
12 - Queer American blues musician Gladys Bentley born 1907
13 - International Left-Handers Day
22 - Gay WWII Dutch resistance fight Willem Arondeus born 1894
24 - Trans American drag queen and activist Marsha P Johnson born 1945
26 - National Dog Day
30 - Bi British author Mary Shelley 1797
31 - Wear it Purple Day (Australia - queer youth awareness)
5 - Frontman of Queen Freddie Mercury born 1946
6 - Trans Scottish doctor and farmer Ewan Forbes born 1912
13 - 1990 documentary on New York’s ball culture Paris is Burning premiers
15-17 - Rosh Hashanah
16-23 - Bisexual Awareness Week
17 - Gay Prussian-American Inspector General of the US Army Baron von Steuben born 1730
23 - Celebrate Bisexuality Day
24 - Gay Australian artist William Dobell born 1889
30 - International Podcast Day
Black History Month (Europe)
4 - World Animal Day
5 - National Poetry Day (UK)
5 - Queer French diplomat and spy the Chevalière d’Éon born 1728
8 - International Lesbian Day
9 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day (USA)
11 - National Coming Out Day
16 - Irish writer Oscar Wilde born 1854
18 - International Pronouns Day
22-28 - Asexual Awareness Week
26 - Intersex Awareness Day
31 - American lesbian tailor Sylvia Drake born 1784
8 - Intersex Day of Remembrance
12 - Diwali; Queer Mexican nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz born c.1648
13-19 - Transgender Awareness Week
20 - Trans American writer, lawyer, activist and priest Pauli Murray born 1910; Transgender Day of Remembrance
27 - Antinous, lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian, born c.111; German lesbian drama Mädchen in Uniform premiers, 1931
29 - Queer American writer Louisa May Alcott born 1832
AIDS Awareness Month
1 - World AIDS Day
2 - International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities
8 - Pansexual Pride Day; queer Swedish monarch Christina of Sweden born 1626
10 - Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners host Pits and Perverts concern to raise mining for striking Welsh miners, 1984
14 - World Monkey Day
15 - Roman emperor Nero born 37CE
24 - American drag king and bouncer Stormé DeLarverie born 1920
25 - Christmas
29 - Trans American jazz musician Billy Tipton born 1914
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jessicamarianasocs · 1 year
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 2 months
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Farewell to Dream (Keisuke Kinoshita, 1956)
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gayelderstourney · 11 months
Bracket Be Upon Ye
This was really hard to seed because I know half of them will be eliminated round 1 but I don't really want any of them to lose lol. I ended up deciding to dedicate entire quarters to (mostly) yaoi or (mostly) yuri, with yaoi and yuri only going up against each other starting in the semifinals. This is just because most of the yaoi pairings are more popular and if I seeded solely on popularity most of the yuri would be eliminated immediately.
(I'm not trying to misgender Raine, and I'm not gonna label that specific pairing "yaoi" or "yuri"; it's just their partner is a woman and there's no easy way to split up the contestants otherwise.)
Round 1 on the left side will start Sunday, July 23. Matches will start being posted at 10:00 AM CST (15:00 UTC) and last for a week. Right side will be next week after the left side concludes.
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[Image description: A 32-contestant tournament bracket labeled "old man yaoi + old woman yuri bracket!" with multiple exclamation marks. The background is a pink and lavender gradient. The matchups are as listed below. End ID.]
Hemithea/Josephine (Percy Jackson) vs. Grace Hanson/Frankie Bergstein (Grace and Frankie)
Gertrude Robinson/Agnes Montague (The Magnus Archives) vs. Buddy Aurinko/Vespa Ilkay (Penumbra Podcast)
Red/Blue (This is How You Lose the Time War) vs. Arcee/Aileron (Transformers)
Ms. Bitters/Countess von Verminstrasser (Invader Zim) vs. Miriam Forcible/April Spink (Coraline)
Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Sheo/The Nailsmith (Hollow Knight)
Jean-Luc Picard/Q (Star Trek) vs. The Once-ler/The Lorax (Lorax 2012)
Ilya Tchaiko/Seichirou Agawa (Our Dreams At Dusk) vs. Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Dr. Coomer/Bubby (Half Life VR But The Ai Is Self Aware) vs. Statler/Waldorf (The Muppets)
May Parker/Olivia Octavius (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) vs. Aunt Holiday/Auntie Lofty (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Raven Darkholme/Irene Adler (Marvel) vs. Maggie Radcliffe/Jocelyn Knight (Broadchurch)
Hanayo Nishida/Yoshiko Dojima (Hanamonogatari) vs. Navani Kholin/Raboniel (The Stormlight Archive)
Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror) vs. Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Sir Alistair Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs (Borderlands) vs. Irving Bailiff/Burt Goodman (Severance)
Jean Valjean/Javert (Les Miserables) vs. Ravenpaw/Barley (Warriors)
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Xehanort/Eraqus (Kingdom Hearts)
Bob Zanotto/Helmut Fullbear (Psychonauts) vs. Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio (Splatoon)
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chuunibyou-showdown · 5 months
So far, we have 54 unique entrants! Assuming they are all chuunis (They are not) that means 18 of them will have to be cut, unless that number gets up to 64 in which case I may make this a 64 (+ Anghel) chuuni bracket. So to help with bolstering submissions for those who may get cut (Like Grimnir :( ) Here's a list of chuunis with more than one submission.
9 - Shun Kaidou 4 - Fischl, Omoharu Nakanaka 3 - Owain, Abyssal Black Flame Dragon, Gundham Tanaka, Wilhelm von Clausewitz Halcyon HISUIMARU, Yoshiko Tsushima, Ako Udagawa 2 - Celestia Ludenberg, Don Quixote (Limbus Company), G'raha Tia, Iana Magnolia/Konoha Satou, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Kim Namwoon, Uto Nakaji
Feel free to submit a character featured above as long as you haven't submitted them already, it helps me seed this properly and you can give propaganda that may be featured on their character slide. (Or even a general description. Please, for some of these webtoon characters.)
More importantly, if there's a chuuni you like but haven't submitted who isn't on the above lists (Like Grimnir) send them in! They may not make the cut otherwise, or possibly have not even been submitted yet.
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sifasdt · 4 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-04
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-04
Nice Choice!
Yoshiko: I think I failed...... Dia: Hmm? Isn't it almost finished? Yoshiko: Yes, but! I felt that I made the wrong choice of color to begin with! Dia: A handmade hair ornament made with delicate black lace and feathers... I'm quite sure that Hanamaru-san will be pleased... Yoshiko: But, Zuramaru... She doesn't really wear dark-colored clothes... Dia: ... You do have a point. Yoshiko: Right!? Arrrrgh! Her birthday is todayyyy! If only I had realized this earlierrrr! Dia: I do have a suggestion. Yoshiko: Eh? Dia: How about suggesting to Hanamaru-san to join Yoshiko-san in a twin collaboration? Everything from the clothes to the bags, and even the shoes and accessories would be coordinated by you. Then, this hair ornament would be a perfect fit! Yoshiko: I - I see... That could work, too! Dia, thank you!! Dia: Fufu, I am pleased to have been of some use. Yoshiko: Ahh, but the name's not Yoshiko, it's Yohane!
[End transcription.]
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 150-59 (Translations by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Third part of Report 6.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 150 The Space Arena · Super Ulala Dimension C
Ulala’s Stars: 7 Ulala, President Peace, and everyone else here joined together in a chorus. In our effort to save the galaxy, our song was projected across time and space. Purge's plan had finally run its course. The finale is almost here.
[Purge: “La, lalala-” o o o]       “Come on let’s go!” 054 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ o o o [Purge: “La, lalalala-” o o o]      “That will be enough!” 055 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ o o o [Purge: “Lalalalalala-” o o o]     “Yeah, baby. Yeah, let’s go!” 056 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ o o o
Groovemaster 2000 145
p. 151
[Purge: “Laala, lala-” x x x]      “Sing to-ge-ther!” 057 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ x x x [Purge: “Laala, lala-” x x x]      “You join in, too!” 058 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ x x x [Purge: “La, la, la!” x x x]     “U, la, la! 059 ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ x x x
“Come on, everybody, let’s go!!
Pine’s Comment: I’m sure you already know, but you sing by pressing any of the direction inputs, not just down. Additionally, after Ulala says, “let’s go,” you can sing along using any button you like, provided that you can stay on beat. Match the vocals to the beat until the very end!
Filthy Groove 146
Up Left Right Down Meow Meow Meow
p. 152
Purge: “Chu chu chu”            ··· Ulala: “Sing with Us
Purge: “Chu chu chu”           ··· Ulala: “Sing with Us”
Purge: “Sing with Us”          ··· Ulala: “All at Once”
Purge: “Sing with Us”           ··· Ulala: “Heart to Heart”
Filthy Groove 147
Up Left Right Down Meooow Meow
p. 153
Purge: “What is Heart?”           ··· Ulala: “We’ve got Power”
Purge: “What’s This Power”          ··· Ulala: “Power of Love”
Purge: “ Power of Love ”          ··· Ulala: “Power of Love!”
Filthy Groove 148
Meooow Meooow Meooow Meow
p. 154 The Space Arena · Over the Arena
Ulala’s Hearts: 1 Now get going!  Focus the power of the 86,429 fans into one funkified force!
“Roger! Purge, enough of your trash TV!”
“Strength without love won’t change anything”
“I’m gonna heal that sick mind of yours!”
“You’re the one who isn’t happy”
- Filthy Groove 149
Meooow Meow Meow Meow
p. 155
Ready to Fire!
Chu! Chu! Chu!
“See you next week!“
“I'm Ulala, broadcasting along with all my friends here! “Space Channel 5!″
- Filthy Groove 150
Meow Meow Meow
p. 156 Purge's Master Plan Dance Performers
Space Channel 5
Ulala's Swingin' Report Show
General News Team
News Presenter (Male)
News Presenter (Female)
Go! Go! Channel 5!
Space Cheerleading Captain
Space Cheerleader 1: Hitomi
Space Cheerleader 2: Futaba
Space Cheerleader 3: Mimi
Space Cheerleader 4: Yoshiko
Space Cheerleader 5: Satsuki
Space Cheerleader 6: Moonie
Channel 5 Peon
Evila (Upgrade)
Channel 5 Security Robot
Former Chief
Space Michael
Channel 42
Pudding Bodyguard
Eastern Sector Police
Sexy 1
Sexy 2
Western Sector Police
Morolian Leader (Drummer Man)
Rescue Police
Space Symphony
Cook (green)
Cook (aqua)
Cook (yellow)
Bartender Girl
Space Tour Conductor
Space Guide
Space Granny
Money Bags
Chorus Lady
Mr. Dreadlocks
The Heart Woman
Nice Middle
Neo-Japan Astronaut 1
Neo-Japan Astronaut 2
Neo-Japan Astronaut 3
Neo-Japan Astronaut 4
Neo-Japan Astronaut 5
Big Momma
Afro Dude
Couple (man)
Couple (woman)
Green Circle
Black Square
Spaceship Lounge Girl
White & Yellow Woman
Woman in Black
Woman in White
Woman in Yellow
Space Park
Space Park Staff Worker
Space Primary Schooler (One-piece red skirt)
Space Primary Schooler Pink
Space Primary Schooler Green
Space Primary Schooler Cream
Space Primary Schooler Blue
Space Music Primary Schooler 1
Space Music Primary Schooler 2
Space Music Primary Schooler 3
Space Music Primary Schooler 4
Glockenspiel Primary Schooler
Recorder Primary Schooler
Accordion Primary Schooler
Drum Primary Schooler
Mr. Nervous
Class President Nervous
Space Bird Mistress
Birdman 1
Birdman 2
Birdman 3
Birdman 4
Birdman 5
Space Dog 1
Space Dog 2
Space Dog 3
Space Dog 4
Space Dog 5
Space Synchronized Swimming Team
I'm Too Sexy
- Filthy Groove 151
Meow Meow Up
p. 157
Channel 01
Reporter: Tachibana
Cameraman (Channel 01)
Channel 88
Reporter: 88Man
Cameraman (Channel 88)
Moro Chan 5
Moro-Swingin' Report Show
Morolian Eight
Morolian Cameraman
Morolian Red
Morolian Green
Morolian Blue
Morolian Yellow
Morolian Pink
Morolian Purple
Morolian Boss
Space Pirate Broadcasting Station
Action Star
Space Kung-Fu Man
Rhythm Rogues
Action Captain
Shadow Imposter
Rhythm Robot (Black Walker)
Rhythm Robot (Black Flyer)
Rhythm Robot (Silver Walker)
Rhythm Robot (Silver Flyer)
Rhythm Robot (BuffBot)
Rhythm Robot (Dark)
Mass-produced Peace Carrier
Rhythm Robot (Bodyguard)
Kin, Kon, Kan (Singing mode)
Kin, Kon, Kan (Berserk mode)
Pon Piriri (Plant mode)
Pon Piriri (Robot mode)
Purge Hovercraft
Peace Carrier
- Filthy Groove 152
Up Down Meow
p. 158 Space Channel 5 Part 2 Staff Roll
Ulala: Herself
Fuse: Takashi Thomas Yuda
Noise: Ken Okazaki
Purge: Akira Ishida
Jaguar/Shadow: Show Hayami
Pine: Yoshiko Sakakibara
Peace: Toru Ohhira
Pudding: Kae Iida, and
Space Michael: Michael Jackson
Director: Yumiko Miyabe
Story & Gamedesign Director: Takumi Yoshinaga
Game System Director: Hideki Anbo
Game Designers:
Takao Esaka,
Emiko Sunaga,
Toshihide Ozeki
Programming Director: Hitoshi Nakanishi
Space Programmers:
Yoshio Inoue
Ise Susumu
Yuuki Hatakeyama
Ko Midoro
Technical Support
Osamu Hori
Koji Kaifu
Satoru Takeshima
Michio Yokomizo
Technical Director: Takeshi Hirai
Art Director: Mayumi Moro
Total Scene Director:  Ken Okazaki
All Character & Back Ground Design by All Members
Background Modeling:
Yoshiro Shimizu
Rie Miyauchi
Issei Komura
Takehiko Miura
Character Modeling:
Shinkichi Tanahashi
Mihoko Yanaka
Nahoko Nezu
Andre Fuentes
Animation Supervisor: Shigeru "Pigeon" Araki
Animation Technology Supervisor:
Takanori Ohnuki
Character Animation
Yusuke Kashiwagi
Kenya Suzuki
Camera Works:
Kanji Suto
Kenichi Suzuki
Visual Effects Supervisor: Taro Hino
Visual Effects: Yuji Yamaga
Film Editor: Ryutaro Sugiyama
Ken Okazaki
Yumiko Miyabe
Art Team's Special Thanks To:
Hideaki Takamura
Haruka Yoshida
Jake Kazdal
Motomu Hayashi
Deen Guns Project
Sound And Music Design by Wave Master
Sound Director: Naofumi Hataya
Kenichi Tokoi
Mariko Nanba
Tomoya Ohtani
Naofumi Hataya
Sound Effects
All Sound-Staff of Channel5
Takashi Endo
Chief Recording Engineer: Hirokazu Akashi
Recording Engineer:
Yoshitada Miya
Sawako Sogabe
Recording Producer:
Hidetaka Carl Shibata
Fumitaka Shibata
Recording Director: Tadashi Ohtsubo
Masahiro Kobayashi
Futoshi Kobayashi
Trombone: Wakaba Kawai
Sax:  Kohji Orita
Horn:  Gizaemon Huruta
Yuuichi Togashiki
Mitsuru Kurauchi
Kenji Takamizu
Takeshi Taneda
Guitar: Chew-Taro Moritake
Curtis Gaines
Ebony Fay
Andrea Hopkins
Jun Takeuchi (VL)
Takuya Mori (2nd VL)
Shin Motoi (VLA)
Kaori Morita (VC)
Scores: Hiroshi Aso
Keyboards: Yutaka Minobe
- Filthy Groove 153
Down Up Meow
p. 159
Space Children:
Anna Sakaguchi
Akane Uchino
Kanako Nishimura
Mai Onose
Daiki Saitou
Kento Kouda
Keiya Sakamoto
Kouji Fukumoto
Space Soprano:
Tamami Shiraishi
Space Cheer Leaders:
Eriko Tadaoka
Kaoru Oda
Kaoru Miyazawa
Mayu Kasahara
Mutsumi Tonegawa
Kaoru Akino
Yuuko Kitaide
Mika Matsumoto
Other Voices:
All Sound-Staff of Channel5
All Staff of Channel5
Wave Master's Special Thanks To:
Miki Nagase
Teruhiko Nakagawa
Fumie Kumatan
Seiro Okamoto,
Tatsuya Kohzaki
Takenobu Mitsuyoshi
Shigeharu Isoda
Gekidan Tohai Corporation, Impression Music Co.Ltd
Witch Craft
Sound Producer: Yukifumi Makino
Desk Support: Ai Muroi
Recording and Mixed at WAVE-MASTER STUDIO
Mexican Flyer: Ken Woodman & His Piccadilly Brass (Woodman)
This is My Happiness:
Words: Tomoko Sasaki
Translate: Kan Hashimoto
Music: Naofumi Hataya
Arrangement: Yutaka Minobe
Vocal: Danny Ishio
Motion Capture Support
Image Studio 109
Yusuke Aoki
Yoshiya Nagata
Hiroyuki Ishiguro
Hiroyuki Motai
Ryouta Tokuyama
Chiharu Suzuki
Sega-AM2 Motion Capture Studio:
Hans van Veenendaal MSc.
Takeo Iwata
Hideaki Fukai,
Katsuhiro Fujita
Sega of Japan Publishing Unit:
Masanao Maeda
Seigo Tabira
Hiroyuki Miyazaki
Mitsuru Takahashi
Yasunobu Masahiro
Seijiro Sannabe
Emi Sasaki
Naoko Ooka
Shinobu Shindo
Junichirou Takahashi
Takayoshi Ohuchi
Yasushi Yamashita
Yasushi Nagumo (Sega)
Junji Yamazaki
Tomoe Akama (Sega)
Mineko Okamura
Promotion Art Director: Masahiro "Magic" Kobayashi
Production Management:  Hayato Watanabe
Budget Management: Seiko Yamaguchi
Desk Support:
Sayuri Yajima
Rio Toyoda
Very Special Thanks To
All UGA members and their families
Shuji Utsumi,
Kazuhiro Terasawa (T's Music)
Sarugakucho Inc.
Toru Hashimoto
Noboru Mastumoto
Atsushi Miyake
Miyuki Sato
Supervisor:  Takashi Thomas Yuda
Technical Producer: Ryuichi Hattori
Assistant Producer: Mineko Okamura
Executive Producer: Tetsu Kayama (Sega)
Producer:Tetsuya Mizuguchi
For All People Who Hope For Peace In The Universe.
Groove Guru 154
Up Up Down Down Toyota Toyota Toyota
32 notes · View notes