#you absolutely should be resting on your laurels
opportunity-strikes · 4 months
hey so this is your permission not to improve at your hobbies. you dont gotta do more or try new things with it. you arent obligated. are you happy drawing the same 3/4 profile headshot of your blorbo??? do that. enjoy walking but dont wanna go further than your usual route at your usual pace? dont. enjoy collecting trading cards but dont actually like playing the game? never play the game. like learning the names of birds but dont care about their calls? just learn those names babeeeyyyy.
do what you want as you want and as many times as you want in the ways you want to. i am actually asking you to do this. you dont even need to get better. crush that weird feeling that you need to be doing 'more'. the goal doesnt have to be improvement. it might happen incidentally but like, thats whatever. you can set the goalposts and then just sit by them and enjoy the scenery. if you decide to move them or get up and sit somewhere else thats cool, but you dont gotta. doing things that make you happy is enough
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cobaltperun · 6 months
Woe out the Storm (13) - Here comes the Thunder
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Word count: 3.6k
-Storms are comin', better run for cover. Here comes, here comes the thunder-
Tyler Galpin was the monster, the Hyde, the one who murdered Rowan and hurt Eugene. You were pissed, but you were nowhere near as pissed as Wednesday.
“I should have known it. His wounds weren’t nearly as serious as they should have been, I thought he got lucky, but he wounded himself,” she began pacing back and forth, the two of you still in front of the hospital.
“We need to go,” you told her, as subtly as you could pointing toward the hospital where Weems and the sheriff were coming out. “We can’t trust either of them now. H won’t turn his own son in and Weems…” you weren’t ready to say it just yet.
“Has been obstructing us since the start,” Wednesday said it for you as the two of you began walking away. You’d head straight for Nevermore, there wasn’t anywhere else you could go to, really.
“Right, let’s see, we know Hyde lays dormant, so there should be some genetics involved there. Galpin senior is a normie, but do we know anything about Tyler’s mom?” you asked, it was very rare for someone to just randomly develop an ability. It happened, but usually not with the kinds of abilities that involved transforming or shifting.
Wednesday shook her head. “No, and you’re not going to the archive to check,” ah, so she was still worried about what happened to you when you went to mayor’s office building.
“Maybe sneak into his house? See if we can find any medical records? Any history with Nevermore?” you gave in, it was adorable how protective she was.
“We can send Thing,” before you could even raise the question of his health she beat you to it. “He’s fine now,” she assured you.
“Okay, we got a plan then,” you nodded. Thing really was your best option here, even if you wished he could rest for at least a while longer. “Why would he turn on Laurel though?” you wondered.
“I’m not sure, I’m confident Kinbott is Laurel,” she slowed down a bit, as if something caught her attention at that very moment. “No, it’s not Kinbott,” Wednesday completely stopped.
You stopped as well, though a few steps ahead of her, and raised an eyebrow, silently asking her to continue.
“I thought it was her because of the flowers she left in Eugene’s room, they were the same flowers Enid and I saw in Laurel’s room, but the photos someone took of me mean that someone would have to be at Nevermore,” Wednesday explained, and you could see the frustration on her face at both her guesses being wrong.
“And since Tyler is the Hyde, the master has to be at Nevermore,” you groaned in frustration, you had no idea who it could be. “Unless it’s someone else, like the one that attacked me,” why was this so complicated?
“I don’t think it’s that one. The raijin, I mean,” Wednesday said and you halted completed.
“Raijin? The raijin? Japanese ‘lightning god’ raijin?” Wednesday just nodded at that. Well, that explained a lot of things, the pressure you felt, the difference in your level, the overwhelming presence. You weren’t dealing with a beast, you were dealing with a damn god of lightning. “Well, we better hope that guy doesn’t show up, because all that talk about not dying goes out the window in that case,” you just said it. There was absolutely nothing you could do, even if you shifted you felt like you’d be powerless against raijin.
“I know, I saw a vision of Diego, the raiju Goody had a bond with, fighting him. You can’t fight him,” you could hear the hints of panic in her voice. Wednesday knew, even better than you did, from the looks of it, just how strong the raijin was. And it pretty much confirmed you were attacked by someone who’s been alive for centuries.
You closed the distance between you two and took hold of her hand. When she squeezed your hand in return you leaned down, resting your forehead against her left shoulder. “I’m not going to let you deal with this alone, if that’s what you were going to suggest,” you could hear the sharp, though barely audible, gasp. “I’m on your side no matter what,” you let red sparks surround the two of you, completely safe for Wednesday. And in the midst of all that she raised her other arm and placed it on your back, her fingers digging into your back through your shirt.
“Don’t die for me,” she whispered, so softly you almost wondered if you heard it right.
You told her you wouldn’t die, but given the situation, it seemed more like wishful thinking than anything else now. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” you couldn’t say anything else, you could just hope it wouldn’t get to that point.
And if it did… Well, there was no point in thinking about that right now.
You had no idea how long the two of you stayed like that, in the middle of the road between Nevermore and Jericho, not caring one bit about who could see you. You both just committed the moment to your memories, cherishing the feelings you weren’t quite ready to talk about just yet, but you were feeling them nonetheless, perhaps even more intensely than you would if you were to put them into words.
It wasn’t a generational bond. This ran deeper, this was entirely personal, and it brought out a side of each of you that you didn’t even realize existed. The more emotional side of Wednesday, and a side of you that wasn’t afraid of your lightning hurting someone.
For whatever reason you chose to stay in the quad, saying something about giving Wednesday some space. Considering how emotional she got less than half an hour ago she was more than willing to accept that. When she came into her room, she realized exactly why you gave her space.
Wednesday stopped when she saw Enid there, unpacking and it somehow made a heavy weight she was feeling since Enid left disappear. She could admit that she preferred to stick to certain habits, and you and Enid living with her became a part of her daily routine, so to have Enid back, from the looks of it, made her feel like things were going back to how they should be.
“Hey,” Enid greeted her.
“You’re back,” Wednesday wasn’t sure what else to say.
“I’m gone for a few days, the place gets trashed, and Thing almost dies. Someone’s gotta look out for you two and Y/N can’t do it alone,” Enid stopped unpacking and walked around her bed to get closer to Wednesday.
Like getting emotional with you wasn’t already enough. Wednesday could feel emotions clawing their way out of her body against her will, so she changed the subject. “What happened to rooming with Yoko?”
“Yoko’s great. I just decided I needed a few more boundaries,” Enid was already pulling the tape out.
Wednesday looked away. “Skip the tape.”
“Don’t tell me Wednesday Addams is mellowing out,” Enid dared to tease her.
“Never. More like evolving,” she retorted right away, once again meeting Enid’s eyes.
“Well, one inch of duct tape at a time,” the pastel werewolf smiled, not as brightly, but just as genuinely as Wednesday was used to seeing.
“Why the sudden change of heart?” she couldn’t help but ask.
“Because we work. We shouldn’t, but we do. It’s like some sort of weird friendship anomaly. Everything you said about me is true, but I don’t apologize for it, not anymore. It’s just who I am,” Enid told her, confident and relaxed.
“Thing said he missed you,” it was true, it was also the way to express a part of what she felt without saying it entirely.
“I missed him too,” Enid replied and Wednesday could feel the unspoken words.
“I,” she paused, cursing herself for how soft she had gotten since coming here, how soft Enid and especially you made her. “missed you too.”
Enid remained too stunned to respond and Wednesday took that opportunity to step away from the conversation.
The plan was set in motion. Enid, who came back and had a much-needed conversation with Wednesday, that you chose to give them privacy for, would make sure to cover your and Wednesday’s absence from your room. Bianca would use her siren song on Tyler, Xavier would offer his shed as the place to bring Tyler to, and Ajax, Yoko, Divina and Kent would be the back-up.
Of course, if anything went horribly wrong you’d be the first line of defense and the one who’d fight the Hyde, even if Wednesday wasn’t too thrilled about that part of the plan.
You watched as Bianca put Tyler to sleep. This was the extent of her siren song. It wouldn’t be helpful for the interrogation; she couldn’t make someone tell the truth. That was the issue with her ability, she could make someone believe something, but in doing so she influenced them. Meaning that she’d influence Tyler into believing he was the Hyde instead of pulling the truth out of him. You stood at the back of Xavier’s shed, behind Tyler, and far enough that he couldn’t realize you were there. If he thought he could fight his way out of this he was sorely mistaken.
Yet, as Bianca woke him up, he immediately put on an act, pretending he was confused and afraid as Wednesday tased him.
The yells of disapproval from everyone else annoyed you. Tyler killed people, he did it in a brutal, painful way, he felt them die. Getting tased was the good outcome for him. But one by one, the Nightshades left Xavier’s shed, with Bianca trying to get Wednesday to go to Weems.
“Wait, wait please! Don’t leave me here with her, I’m begging you!” Tyler cried and whined, knowing that Wednesday wouldn’t stop. But, Bianca left, just like everyone else, leaving only you, Wednesday and tied up Tyler in the shed.
“Wednesday, please! I’m not the monster! And even if I was you’re alone now!” he tried, he bargained, he wasn’t aware of the full circumstances he was in.
“Not quite. Trust me, I’m more than enough to handle you,” you spoke and he froze as he realized you were there as well. “You didn’t think I’d leave her here alone with you, did you Galpin?” you came up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, zapping him lightly, not any harder than Wednesday’s taser, but he definitely felt it. “Talk,” you demanded.
“I have nothing to say! I’m innocent!” he cried out.
“We know you’re not,” Wednesday stood next to you. “What is Laurel Gates using you for?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you had to give it to him, he was good at hiding who he really was. You were almost tempted to believe him.
“Tyler, the body parts in the basement of the Gates mansion, what are they for?” she wasn’t giving up.
“Wednesday, please,” but he just kept begging, like a broken record.
“Who is Laurel Gates, Galpin? Come on now, either transform or talk, but don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” your eyes turned red and you released a strong burst of lightning around you, though you wouldn’t hit him with it unless he fought back he didn’t know that.
But he just kept whining, crying and begging for mercy and it wasn’t his crying that got you to pull Wednesday back. It was much simpler than that. “He’s not going to talk,” and you could see it in Wednesday’s eyes that she figured it out as well.
Not that it mattered, even considering the fact that Tyler was no longer tased or tortured in any other way, the police, let by Tyler’s father, came in and prevented any chance of Tyler talking.
You were ready to be taken away, but the police ignored you, courtesy of Weems trading in the information of Tyler’s abduction and location for your freedom. You glared at the woman as the police took Wednesday away. She wanted to avoid you attacking someone at the station, she could see the way you felt about Wednesday, and she wasn’t risking those feelings causing you to shift.
Wednesday was seething. Tyler was getting away with it and now he was gloating. Telling her about his victims, how their fear was delicious. And then, as if to make sure she completely understood the situation she was in, he leaned toward her, pulling her closer by the collar of her jacket.
“You have no idea what’s coming. And your raiju? That beast that you like? I’ll make sure to bring you her head,” he promised to hurt you, he promised to kill you and bring remains to Wednesday and the rage within her reached a boiling point as she seethed while staring at his retreating back. It was as if he really was innocent, that’s how he was behaving and Wednesday pushed the doors open and briskly walked outside. She needed to get away from him, otherwise she’d make her situation even worse than it already was.
When she stepped outside the police station she saw you sitting on the stairs, clearly you zapped from Nevermore to the station and Wednesday couldn’t help but feel her heart hammering nails against her chest.
You heard her coming out and got up right away. You looked concerned, worried about Wednesday and she just took a deep breath. Her time at Nevermore was more than likely over.
“Expelled?! You expelled her?!” you yelled, lightning bursting all around you and damaging Weems’ table where you were gripping it.
“Calm down Y/N. That’s the quid pro quo for sheriff Galpin not pressing kidnapping charges,” she explained, only fueling your rage even further.
“So, expel me too! I was just as involved!” why was Wednesday expelled why you got to stay?
Weems stood up, anger radiating from her in a way you never saw up until that point. And it was somehow fitting for her.
“You know as well as I do that I can’t expel you. Setting a raiju free would only tarnish Nevermore’s reputation,” she said it in a tone so low you nearly stopped glaring at her. Weems was imposing, but she was never intimidating like right now.
You didn’t back away though. “We’ll see how long you can stick to that,” you promised and blasted the doors open with your lightning.
Weems wasn’t the only one you were going to confront, but before you could deal with Tyler the only remaining way you could think off, Bianca and her Nightshades came up to you.
“I’m sorry we got Wednesday expelled, it wasn’t our intention,” you would let it go, you wouldn’t react to her words. “We just couldn’t let you torture him,” you couldn’t walk away from that. You turned around and walked up to Bianca.
“Bullshit! He murdered people!” you exclaimed, your anger making your eyes turn red and subsequently making Bianca and others step back.
“You and Wednesday tortured him!” Bianca snapped back, always the boldest of them all.
“And any one of us would have gone through much worse if we were the monster,” you reminded her that was how it worked, how it was for the outcasts.
“Y/N,” Wednesday calling your name calmed you down and your eyes went back to normal, her voice, her arrival put a stop to the argument you had with the Nightshades.
You turned around and saw her coming down the stairs. She really was leaving. “Wednesday,” you clenched your fist, feeling powerless to do anything about this.
“This isn’t over, I need you to stay alive, don’t pick unnecessary fights,” she stopped right in front of you, almost as if she was going to take hold of your hand, but changed her mind at the last moment.
You nodded. “I got this, and I’ll stay in touch with you, I promise,” you told her, which prompted her to slip a piece of paper into your hand.
“My address, if you send letters, or if you want to visit,” she said and you nodded once again, grasping her hand before she could pull it away.
“Be careful, especially until you get out of this town,” you rubbed circles into the back of her hand, much like you did the night Thing was stabbed.
Wednesday nodded, only pulling away from you when Bianca chose to speak up, to apologize for getting her expelled.
It’s only been hours since Wednesday left and you still weren’t willing to fully accept it.
It was the irony at its best. Because here you were, doing the exact thing Wednesday did when you left the room. You were laying on her bed, just staring at the ceiling. You should have been expelled as well, you should have went with her, you shouldn’t have just accepted her leaving. Now you were stuck in the remnants of her presence. Her scent, her half of the window and her part of the room, void of any color. If you concentrated enough you could almost hear her cello, you could hear Thing’s insistent tapping.
You could feel him jumping on your shoulder and pulling your collar.
Wait? What?
You sat up so abruptly Thing nearly tumbled off the bed. “Thing? What happened?” him being here wasn’t a good sign, no matter how nice it was to see him.
He began frantically signing and you tried to understand him, but you couldn’t follow.
“Wed-Wednesday is- Wednesday is what?!” you were getting frustrated, and so was Thing, as he began signing even faster, fumbling over words and making it impossible for you to figure it out. “Slow down! It’s terrible when you stutter!”
He gave up on signing and jumped down, running to your table. You followed him as he grabbed a pen and tried to write, but he didn’t have a piece of paper. Frustrated, he began tapping the morse code with the pen.
“Wednesday is in danger!” your eyes widened when you finally understood what he was saying. “Tyler and Thornhill took her! To Crackstone’s crypt!” you grabbed your phone as Thing slumped down onto the table, relieved that you got the message. You immediately called Enid, not caring one bit that she was with Ajax.
“Damn it, Enid, pick up!” but she wasn’t picking up as you took the knives you would hopefully stab deep into Tyler and Thornhill, Laurel, whatever her name was. You quickly called Ajax instead and nearly began yelling when he picked up. “Put Enid on the phone, now,” you demanded.
“She’s talking to Eugene,” he tried to tell you.
“Now Ajax!” you didn’t have time for this.
“Okay, okay, you’re on speaker!” you heard him telling Enid it was you.
“Y/N? Eugene told me Thornhill is Laurel!” Enid exclaimed.
“I know, she took Wednesday! I’ll take Thing to Poe’s statue, he’ll explain about Nightshades, take Ajax with you, bye!” you hung up before Enid could say anything and grabbed Thin as you ran and, much like a few nights ago, jumped off the balcony. Only this time you didn’t need to catch anyone, you just held Thing close to you and slowed down your fall enough to land without any injuries.
“I’ll go and get her, I promise,” you assured him as you ran toward the statue.
Thing just tapped that he knew against your palm.
You left him at the statue and threw your knife, zapping toward the crypt. The lake? It didn’t matter. You threw your knife right across it, zapping and catching it and throwing it again, not once looking at the water beneath you. It didn’t matter, the danger, the fear of water, all you knew was that Wednesday was stuck with a revenge driven lunatic and her pet monster that enjoyed slaughtering people.
The one person that ever made Wednesday feel fear stood in front of her, revived because of her blood and Laurel’s ritual. And he even thought she was Goody. Not that it mattered, he had used his telekinesis to keep her from moving.
Hypocrite, using outcast abilities while trying to wipe them out.
“Goody Addams, you will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me!” he promised as he approached her.
Wednesday glared at him as she tried to break free, but it was even stronger than Rowan’s telekinesis. She couldn’t do anything. She was powerless as he pulled out a knife. The flames flickered, and the glint of the blade made her more than aware of how this would end. She was alone, and she had no way to defend herself.
Doors burst open behind her and the moment of surprise cost Crackstone his chance to stab Wednesday, a knife passed right by Wednesday and she felt arms wrapping around her waist as she was pulled to the side and away from the resurrected man.
“Raiju, I see you found a new one, Goody Addams,” Crackstone growled as he recognized the ability you had.
“Hands off my Addams,” you… just had to… Didn’t you? Even if the threatening tone of your voice made Wednesday a bit more forgiving of what you said.
A/N: Raiju to the rescue! No mortal wounds for Wednesday, yet. Honestly, I feel like the middle of the chapter is a bit bare, so I might go back and add some more scenes, but as it is, I’m okay with this. Do tell me what you think about the chapter. Is the middle bare, or is it enough given the fact that I’m writing slightly altered canon and you could just go and watch the show instead of reading about it.
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lady-raziel · 2 months
I'm angry. I'm really, really furious right now. I am absolutely livid that when the stakes are so high-- not just for Americans at risk from project 2025, not just for people in Europe being threatened by Russia, not just for people in Palestine, but for pretty much widespread global stability-- that the elites of the Democratic party would dare, would have the fucking gall to let Joe Biden run for a second term in the first place, and then when the magnitude of their own hubris is revealed, would not correct the mistake. And even worse, now, after what we've seen over the past two weeks-- that many of them, including some of the most progressive, would look out upon the people who they claim to be champions of, the diverse and varied America who will suffer at the hands of the conservatives' agenda--and they would EVER dare to say that YOU are wrong to point out the truth before your own eyes.
After the NATO press conference, where Biden absolutely had to prove he was not on the decline, and resoundingly failed to do so, I was appalled to go on Twitter (I'm still not calling it X, sorry) and see favored Democratic insiders claiming that the performance I had just seen was GOOD. That I should be PROUD of this. That I should WANT to vote for this.
How dare you. How dare you say that I should be proud, should wholeheartedly endorse the candidate at the head of a party who, time and time again over the past 30+ years, has only ever chosen to raise up its own aging elites, and occasionally younger people if they met the right demographics to portray the image of the "diverse party of the people."
No. It became evident a long time ago that you only ever cared about yourselves and consolidating your own power. Time and time again you have destroyed the chances of any candidate that strays beyond what you consider the bounds of acceptability for yourselves. There were good candidates in 2004-- and instead, the Democrats gave us John Kerry and handed the Republicans another four years of Bush. Hillary Clinton first ran for president in 2008-- had Barack Obama not been so compelling, had the idea of having the first African American president been so appealing, would you have allowed him to stand a chance? In 2016 you again and again ignored what the average person had to say, ignored concerns that had been brewing for decades that your commitment to "diversity" only mattered if it could be wielded against conservatives and used to prop yourselves up, and destroyed Bernie Sanders' campaign in service of an elite no one wanted.
The seeds of Donald Trump had been brewing for a long time, and instead of doing something about it then, you rested on your laurels and held on to your power instead of raising new people up to move the mission forward. And now, when the situation is MORE CRITICAL than it has EVER been-- still you refuse to listen. Still you refuse to change. Biden literally said in that press conference they aren't listening to polls anymore--is there ANYTHING that will get you to see that you are fucking this up???
So no, Biden campaign surrogates on my Twitter feed, DNC donation-prompt texts, endless barrage of emails one after another-- I see no reason to my proud of this. For many of us, this election as well as the last one was ALWAYS a strategic calculation to prevent worse things, empower local-level candidates, and allow a party structure to exist in some form in hopes of change. This was ALWAYS a dispassionate choice made with the full knowledge of complex situations in order to play the long game.
How dare you say I too should wholeheartedly believe the emperor is dressed in robes of splendor when he and the rest of you have lain bare for the longest time, while those of us trying to keep things from getting worse have to convince the rightfully angry people who still care to ignore the nakedness of who you are--to prevent people cloaked in blood from taking the reins. Shame on all of you, honestly. I wish I could say that this might be a learning moment for the Democratic elite, but I have little hope, and I expect to hear you pontificate on end regarding how "young people just don't understand the political process and that's why we lost" as we all go down together.
Fuck you.
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mickimagnum · 9 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Seven
*the episode opens with a shot of Devin in her bedroom. she's getting ready for the cocktail hour event that's about to begin*
Devin (voice-over): "I'm really nervous for tonight. It's the first elimination, and going into tonight, I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do yet. Some of the connections are stronger than others, but there are others that aren't where I want them to be at this point. So, there's a lot riding on this Cocktail Hour."
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*the next shot opens with the contestants lined up in front of the show's host, Venessa Jeong, and Devin.*
Venessa: "Welcome to the first Cocktail Hour, everyone. The purpose of tonight's event is to have some time with Devin before the elimination later tonight."
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Venessa (continues): "Unlike other group events, Devin will be approaching you first. So, be patient. But, also make sure to use your time with her wisely because this will be the last chance you get to convince her why you should stay. Otherwise, enjoy. And I'll see you all at the Rose Ceremony."
*Venessa leaves and the group begins to mill about the space as Devin approaches the first contestant*
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Devin: "Hi, Albert. Do you want to go somewhere more private to talk?"
*Albert smiles at her nervously*
Albert: "Absolutely."
*Devin leads him to a secluded nook*
Devin: "So how are you? We haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together this week."
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*Albert nods solemnly*
Albert: "I know. It's my biggest regret right now. I wish I had made more of an effort during the group date. No excuses. I should have tried harder."
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Devin: "I appreciate that. Because we don't have a lot of time here together, so if you're serious about this, you're going to need to step up," *she looks up at him and smiles* "And I want you to. Because I feel like we have a good connection."
*Albert's expression remains serious, but he's fighting a smile*
Albert: "Absolutely. I want to be here. You're amazing and I definitely see something developing between us."
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*Albert then takes Devin's hands and looks into her eyes*
Albert (continues): "You have my word, I'm in this 100%. I will do better."
Devin: "Okay. Thank you. That's what I wanted to hear."
*Albert kisses her hands*
Albert: "I mean it."
Devin (teasingly): "You better."
*Albert laughs*
Albert: "I do. I want to walk away from this as your man."
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Albert, in diary room: "I really *bleep*ed up this week. I guess I rested on my laurels because our earlier connection was so strong and didn't push as hard as I should have this week. *Bleep*, I hope I didn't screw this up with Devin. Talk about an epic failure..."
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*the next shot opens with Devin approaching Stan*
Devin: "Hey cowboy. You want to get out of here?"
*Stan grins*
Stan: "I've never wanted to hear those words more in my life."
*as Devin is leading him away, she says:*
Devin: "Calm down. We're just going to have a chat."
*Stan chuckles*
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*once they're in the library, Devin says:*
Devin: "Stan, you've said it yourself that you know we don't have a lot of time to get to know each other. And because it's elimination night and I really like you, I need to completely honest here. I'm not sure if our connection is romantic at all or if we just make really great friends. Not to sound like a high-school girl, but do you even like me?"
*Stan rocks back on his heels and looks stunned for a moment*
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Stan: "Whew, what a surprise! I apologize, Devin, if I've done something that's made you feel that way. Truth be told, I'm crazy about you. I think maybe part of what you're pickin' up on is hard it is for me to be in here with all these other guys. It gets me in my head a bit."
Devin: "Wait. You're holding back because you're jealous?"
*Stan rubs the back of his neck*
Stan: "Well, in the plainest of terms, yessum."
*Devin takes a step closer*
Devin: "Do you want to stay? Even if it means being in here with them?"
Stan: "Yes. After our date last night, I realized I was going to fight until the bitter end because ending up with you would be worth all the blood, sweat, and tears."
Devin: "Well, I hope it doesn't come to that..."
Stan: "If it did, it would still be worth it."
Devin: "You really feel that way?"
*Now Stan takes a step closer"
Stan: "I do."
Devin: "Pinky swear?"
*Devin winks and holds out her pinky*
*Stan grins and links his pinky with hers*
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*he then pulls her against him and locks her in a sweet and tender kiss*
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Stan, in the diary room: "She thought I didn't like her? That one hurts me. Especially when I am crazy about her. She's an amazing woman and I'd be one lucky S.O.B. if she were to give me a chance after this. Getting to kiss her sure was nice, though. If I go out, at least it will be on one hell of a high note. I sure I hope I don't get sent home though."
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*after leaving Stan, Devin now approaches Houston, who grins as soon as he sees her*
Houston: "Good evening, beautiful."
*Devin returns his smile and blushes*
Devin: "Would you like to have our talk?"
Houston: "I would love to. Lead the way."
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*Devin takes Houston into her room. they stand in front of a roaring fireplace*
Houston: "Watcher, you look...breathtaking."
*Devin blushes again*
Devin: "You clean up pretty nice yourself."
*Smiles and glances down at the floor*
Houston: "Thank you."
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Devin: "So, I think I know the answer, but I'm going to ask anyway. Do you still want to be here, Houston?"
*His eyes burn into hers*
Houston: "Absolutely. Wild horses couldn't drag me away. I know what I want. And what I want is you."
Devin: "Oh..."
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*Houston now grabs her at her waist and pulls her against him and begins slowly kissing along her neck, making his way up to her ear where he whispers something the microphones can't pick up. Devin giggles in reply. they then share an intense moment of eye contact before he kisses her passionately.*
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Houston, in diary room: "I've never been so sure of anything in my life as I am about how I want to be with Devin. Every moment I spend with her feels right, and every second without her feels like agony. I don't think there's any reason for her to send me home tonight, but if she did, my world would be shattered."
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*the next shot opens with Devin walking over to Milo*
Devin: "Hi, Milo. Are you ready for our chat?"
*Milo looks visibly ill*
Milo (squeaks): "Yes."
*Devin leads him onto the front porch*
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Devin: "Milo. I want to be completely honest with you, okay? I do like you, and I do see some potential between us. You're a very sweet guy, which is rare, believe me. But, I do worry that we're in different places in our lives. And I know you're only a few years younger than me, but at times it does feel too young. Those are my main concerns. What are your thoughts?"
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*the camera cuts to Milo who looks paler than usual*
Milo: "I, uh," *swallows hard* "I guess I understand. I mean, I've made pretty poor choices in how I've approached you this whole competition. That's my fault. And I apologize for all of it. I guess my inexperience in the romance department is really showing, huh?"
*Devin smiles at him reassuringly*
Devin: "I've never been in a serious relationship, either. But, yes. Poor choices have been made and I'm afraid it's gotten in the way our connection. I feel like they've gotten you in your head and things aren't where I want them to be between us. But, do you want to be here, Milo?"
*Milo looked in her eyes pleadingly*
Milo: "More than anything."
*Devin nods, her expression contemplative*
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Devin: "Thank you for being honest with me."
Milo: "I will always be honest with you, Devin."
*He then takes her hand and kisses it.*
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Milo, in diary room: "This is bad. This is really, really bad. I might be going home tonight. And all because I'm a dumb*bleep* and made a bunch of stupid decisions. I don't want to go home. I'm not ready. I still have so much to prove to Devin. I hope she gives me another chance."
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*Devin finally approaches Handra who was beginning to look nervous*
Devin: "Last but certainly not least. You ready?"
*Handra greets her with a nervous smile*
Handra: "For you? Always."
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*the pair head out back and stand next to the pool*
Handra: "You look so beautiful tonight."
*Devin smiles up at him*
Devin: "Thank you. You also look really nice."
*Handra smiles*
Handra: "It's so good to get some time with you again. Even, under the circumstances."
Devin: "I think you and I both know you don't have anything to worry about."
*Handra looks genuinely relieved*
*Devin cocks an eyebrow*
Devin: "What? You seriously thought I was going to send you home?"
Handra: "I mean, not really, but that worry is always there."
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Devin: "Well, you do still want to be here?"
Handra: "1000%, with every fiber of my being!"
Devin: "Good. Then you don't have anything to worry about...this week."
*she then grins, and Handra can't help but do the same*
Handra: "I better stay on my A-game."
Devin: "Yeah, you better."
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*Handra and Devin then enter into an embrace and kiss*
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Handra, in diary room: "It feels so good to hear that I'm definitely getting a rose this week. I can't imagine going home after the date we had. I'm really starting to care about his woman. She's incredible. I'm not willing to walk away yet."
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Devin, in diary room: "So far tonight has been one of the most difficult of this whole experience. I did get some clarity with some of the guys, but others, I feel like it just made things more confusing. I still don't know what I'm going to do. Watcher, what the hell am I going to do?"
Albert submitted by @bakersimmer James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Milo submitted by @belsasim Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras
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yoshiyoshitaniart · 3 months
Heya! I’m not sure what questions’ve been asked/answered already but I’ve been keeping up with your progress on the oracle cards (can’t wait to get them btw! I already own the tarot you made and I love them) I just wanted to ask about the “theme” of each of your five suits? I have theories but nothing solid.
Also, something that caught my attention was how most of your card names in the four suits with depictions of specific myths are nouns (specifically concepts— ambition, order, purity, etc.) but the Amaterasu card is the verb ‘Ascend’? You also have two cards labeled ‘Trickster’ and ‘Dreamer’ which also break the pattern of ‘name-of-concept’ like ‘Trickery’ or ‘Dreams’ in favor of ‘person-engaged-with-concept’ and I was wondering what the significance of that distinction was to the meanings of those cards. Knowing how the meaning behind oracle cards is largely dependent on the deck’s maker, I got curious but I /have/ been known to read too far into things in the past so thought I’d just ask.
So sorry that this ask got so long! I’m too hyped about this deck I have to k n o w but I also don’t want to bother too much if this all gets explained in a guidebook like with your tarot cards.
Thank you for your question! I am extremely flattered that you're following my oracle deck so closely, and I really hope that it can live up to your expectations! tldr; the exact names are a work in progress. I have strong feelings about the energy of each card, but I'll probably be tweaking until the last minute what each TITLE should be. It's hard to encapsulate everything a whole character and theme represents, and you're right about the adjective/verb/noun jumble being confusing. It's definitely something I'm taking into consideration, and have been talking with my publisher about. If you're interested in following along, I recommend joining my monthly newsletter! I put updates there and will keep everyone apprised of publishing news
Longer answer:
My oracle deck has 12 Myths/Legends, which each myth being represented in 4 cards: Hero, Advisor, Challenge, Desire
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To show you, these are the 12 cards for the 3 myths, Amaterasu's Cave, Ishtar's Decent into the Underworld, and Panji Semirang.
Hero Cards (Laurel Wreath icon): These are usually characters of action and movement. The embody change, creativity, and the symbol of fire. While these are generally speaking more positive cards, there are a few that can lean more negatively. While I absolutely love Ishtar, her Ambition does not always endear her to the rest of her pantheon Advisor Cards (Eye Icon): These are characters of stability and advice. They embody intellect, the mind, and the symbol of wind. Again there are positive and negative cards. There is Introspection but also Gossip
Challenge Cards (Skull Icon): These are cards of opposition and confrontation. They embody emotion, volatility, and the symbol of water. While they tend to be more negative with traits like Envy and Greed, they can also be necessary like Sacrifice an Reckoning
Desire Cards (Heart Icon): These are cards of aspiration and hope. They embody the heart, wishes, and the symbol of earth. These are some of the more diverse cards, with desires ranging from the stability of a father figure, to a throne of power, to good time.
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The 12 cards for the 3 myths The White Snake, The Industrious Daughter, and The Tale of Huathacauri
So I'll go over a little bit of my thought process for the names of these cards. Specifically you mentioned Amaterasu as the Ascend card, so I'll talk about that set. Originally when I was creating these cards my intention was to have each card named the name of the character/object. So, Amaterasu was going to be named Amaterasu, Ame no Uzume was going to be Ame no Uzume, etc etc. But when I started showing the cards to friends and family, the feedback I got was that the cards were extremely hard to use unless you were already innately familiar with each of the characters and their stories. This was really helpful, because I do want to encourage people to learn these stories--but I don't want to Assign Homework just so you can enjoy this oracle deck. I want anyone to be able to use this deck instantly, and if they want to learn more, there is a rich history for them to dive in to.
So that's when I started considering Titles for each of the cards, similar to many existing Oracle decks.
In summary in Amaterasu's Cave, the Sun Goddess Amaterasu (Hero) loves her weaver handmaiden (Desire) . This handmaiden is killed by Amaterasu's brother Susanoo (Challenge), which causes the grief stricken Amaterasu to hide in a cave. She eventually lured out by the charms and humor of the goddess Ame no Uzume. To start of easy, Susanoo and the handmaiden are clearly opposites of each other. The handmaiden is a weaver in Amaterasu's comfortable life and home, and so she represents peace and ORDER. Susanoo comes in and wrecks the harmony, causing CHAOS, ANARCHY and WRATH (I'm not sure which of these names I like best). Amaterasu, when she leaves her cave, ultimately represents the end of depression, moving on, and like a sun, ASCENDING once again. Although a better name might be REJUVENATION, RECOVERY, or maybe RE IGNITE to get more of the sun imagery in there again. It's tough to find a good single word for "I-was-too-depressed-to-get-out-of-bed-but-I-am-getting-better-and-now-I'm-ready-to-go-outside-again" But if you know one please tell me! Lastly there is Ame no Uzume, who is that friend that reminds you life is still worth it by showing you all the fun and beauty in the world. I originally called her REJUVENATION, but she might be better described as CELEBRATION, or JOY as it is her party that brings Amaterasu out of hiding. She can also be seen as a representation of a healing S-xWorker, as it is specifically her hilarious and lewd striptease that calls to Amaterasu.
But lastly let me also talk about the 5th and last suit of the oracle deck, the suit of Symbols
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Symbol Cards (Star icon): These 12 cards are symbols that show up repeatedly in multiple myths and fairy tales from around the world. I wouldn't go so far as to call them Universal Symbols, because not every culture has every single one of these, but they are strong and impactful Archetypes.
For example The Forbidden is every box or door that we are told Not To Open. Some famous examples are Pandora's box, Cupid's Bed Curtain, or Bluebeard's Basement. While these things are expressly off limits, these are often lines we will need to cross in order to learn or grow. We just also have to realize there will be consequences.
The naming for these ones is really easy, as they will all be "The Noun"
All told there will 60 cards (12 myths with 4 cards each, and 12 symbol cards) If you're interested in following along, I recommend joining my monthly newsletter! I put updates there and will keep everyone apprised of publishing news
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 5: The Immortal of London
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I know, you know, we all know. Undead Girl Murder Farce sits atop this season twirling its crown around its head. Rather than resting on its laurels and taking credit for all that it's done, it reaches higher, it digs deeper, bringing us closer to the goal of the Oni Hybrid and Bodiless Immortal. And by God if I don't want to gush about how much I love this episode more than anything else in the world at this moment.
The episode opens with Arsène Lupin stealing The Phantom of The Opera alongside a specific ruby, so we're treated to quite the farce of a conversation. A really great personification of the sentiment of this story, and an interesting opposition to Aya and Tsugaru. Also Mamoru Miyano as Lupin is just an insanely good fit.
Also also, if it wasn't clear, both these people are not explicitly human. They weren't exactly all that subtle about naming conventions here, as Arsène Lupin translates to "Male Wolf". Though I should also say, it isn't this anime that gives Lupin his namesake, but French author Maurice Leblanc.
It's right about now that I started getting goosebumps about where this piece was going. Arsène Lupin is frequently stated to be the French counterpart to Sherlock Holmes, who just so happens to be working this case. Not only that, but we have Aya Rindo in on it.
This is Yugo Aosaki putting his wit in contention with the greats of the detective world. An arc all about challenging himself as a creator by pitting his characters against the giants in the history of detective novels.
I don't know if people really understand that. It's like if you made a superhero and placed them in the same story as Superman and Batman. It's like if you stuck a character of your own making in between Mickey Mouse and Popeye. The sheer confidence. No, not even. The scale of the challenge in balancing the world of the greats alongside your own is something else entirely. It's not Aosaki borrowing the personalities of authors for the basis of their characters, but bringing in historical greats to provide the foundation for the detective equivalent of Dark Horse and DC vs Marvel.
Anyways, rant over, take a look at these super pretty layouts from Lupin and The Phantom.
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The idea of Lupin being in Sherlock's silhouette/shadow is just such a great piece. I love it. Also, the consistency in characterization through visuals? I actually can't get enough. Lupin and The Phantom are almost always shown from a side profile. It's just so subtle yet so good. Such a great detail to provide life to a character through things as simple as positioning and angles.
Anyways, look at Tsguaru's silly little walk here. The man is so deeply unserious and showboat-y that you can't help but love him.
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In terms of more serious pieces though, I loved this pseudo first person view of Tsugaru from a perspective similar to Aya's. The camera movement really sells the fact that it's supposed to be her looking up at him.
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And finally, we reach our first rival. And he doesn't disappoint at all. Right away, his quick wits and observations are put on full blast as he analyzes Aya, Tsugaru, and Shizuku at a glance. It's such a great cut that immediately sells this character's observational ability. The way he looks over Shizuku sharply, reasoning that she carries a weapon, while Tsugaru is a more casual gaze that traces his blue vein. It tells the story of the fact that Holmes (who we do not know is Holmes at this point in time) is wary of the empty handed maid carrying something large, and is more relaxed about the person carrying a bird cage.
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The entire approach to how analytical Holmes' is is just impeccable. I love it, all the little details and the focus on his gaze and how it shifts and softens or hardens depending on what he's presented with.
And then of course there's this scene of the unknown duo from Aya's perspective. Absolutely love how they dance around the fact that it's Sherlock Holmes and Watson in this whole exchange. So creative and well done.
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Anyways, our pair of duos gets apprehended by Scotland Yard and they become frenemies in their brief carriage ride together. Absolutely love how they compare and contrast Aya and Holmes through various cuts and that they are in competition with one another. Aya is the first to make note of the redness on the hands of an actual pair of delinquents, while Holmes is the one that correctly deduces what it is they were carrying. Really commendable work to have such a solid back and forth.
Also, the fact that Aya is looking downward while Holmes holds his gaze upwards. Just great visuals to set in stone their rivalry and opposition to one another.
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Moving forward, the reveal of Sherlock Holmes is made in the carriage, and is quite funny at that. But it does its job and doesn't linger. Rather, we move onto a pair of characters we've only been teased about, our duo of vampires shown at the end of the previous episode. It's interesting because at least between the two of them, there doesn't seem to be any sort of incredibly strong bond or history. Which is even more surprising due to them both being vampires. Of course, the piece that gets me with this moment isn't the odd conversation between the pair, it's the ending cut of Moriarty. It's hard to convey with just a gif, but the way that the woman vampire greets Moriarty at the beginning of the cut, and it continues up until where it ends, there's just something so satisfying with how it reaches past where you expect it to.
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Alright, so we now arrive at the mansion that is the source of this mystery: Phileas Fogg and the Penultimate Night. There's a lot to take in, but this cut is absolutely my favorite. The way it makes use of the conversation and building layout to create something so simple yet so striking is just wonderful.
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From here however we flip to and from Lupin and The Phantom and our group at Fogg's mansion. For the sake of clarity I'm going to see through the cuts of the former before returning to the latter.
We immediately open with our two phantoms in a very unique layout. Definitely adore the depth of the layout, but more than that appreciate how they immediately immerse us in Lupin's sensibilities as we see (presumably) stolen art in the room alongside all sorts of plans regarding the mansion.
Now, how did they get plans for the mansion? As it turns out that question is answered later on in the episode as Fogg bought it from the Temple Church, rather than having it built himself.
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The layouts in this sequence are just plain satisfying as Lupin and Erik dance around one another in conversation. Also, for those that are curious about the order of events, there's conveniently a clock placed in the room during Erik and Lupin's conversation, and we get a few looks at Big Ben throughout the episode.
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Alright, back to the mansion. Right away, it's established how crowded and full this mystery is with people eager to solve and stop it before it can occur. While not of the highest fidelity, the bold decision to separate the characters on the x and y axis rather than just one of them provides a more loose sense of how "together" this group is. That is, they're joined by circumstance, not purpose.
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Also, here's a really interesting scene. Yes, the chairs obstructing parts of the characters is one thing, but pay attention to the layering of characters here. Our newest addition, the one that thinks themselves above shaking the hand of Fogg is the one that appears at the front of the group intruding upon Fogg's mansion. Following that we have Holmes and Aya on the same layer, then their subordinate/partner in Watson and Tsguaru. Following that we have the loose stragglers alongside Shizuku, who always separates herself when involved in mysteries.
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Speaking of that congested and overfilled feeling, this cut of the group walking in a cramped hallway conveys it incredibly well.
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As I'm running out of space for images, I'm going to speed things along and just make mention of loose ideas.
Firstly, there's an interesting detail on the massive pillar that exists in the middle of the massive basement lurking beneath Fogg's mansion. To me, it seems like two people (possibly even children) holding hands. Considering that the space is called the Chamber of Additional Crimes, one can only wonder. Especially since there's only a sole throne within the massive empty space.
What is more interesting however is the fact that the silver box, the throne that it's sat upon, and the pillar that creates the exterior of the chamber all share similar design language. Apparent on the exterior of the chamber and on the silver box is the design of flowers. An oddly specific choice considering they should have nothing to do with one another.
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Breezing onward, Aya reads aloud the inscription (which pertains to werewolves) on the Penultimate Night that Fogg produces from the silver box, and we're treated to some very out there visuals once more. The confidence in the exploration of color and oddity to complement detailed exposition is really something else. Works incredibly well to keep viewers engaged with what they see as well as what they hear.
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During an explanation on the history of the gem, we also get treated to a surprisingly stylized piece of art depicting the battle between werewolves and dwarves. Was very surprised to see it, but I really like the style.
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We make a brief stop back in with Moriarty for some conversation, and get treated to a wild Edward Allen Poe (alongside others). Nothing of note really, but I did want to point it out.
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We quickly return back to Holmes and Aya, and a really interesting exchange (if you can call it that) takes place. Holmes talks confidently about his observations and their meanings, while Aya takes the silent backseat and explores the details of the chamber. It's a great and subtle piece regarding the approaches of each of the detectives and how their personalities influence their interaction in regards to the mystery.
It's also during Holmes' explanation that we get this interesting piece. For whatever reason Watson and Holmes are shown separated by Tsugaru's hand. I know it's not at all likely, but given the separation I can't help but feel like there's a chance it's trying to tell viewers that Watson is a traitor/spy.
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And the episode's end. Ishikawa Goemon. For those who don't know (like myself 15 minutes ago), Ishikawa Goemon is Japan's Robin Hood equivalent. More specifically though, Aya is undoubtedly referencing a Kabuki play in which Goemon appeared in. In my research the only one that remains popular to this day is The Golden Gate and The Paulownia Crest. Realistically, it does make sense as the chamber has a golden gate. For those interested I'd definitely recommend taking a look into the plot of the play.
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Either way, we've reached the end. I've talked about so much and so many different pieces here that I can hardly tell up from down and left from right in the thoughts. It's a damn good episode. A damn good episode. And I think I'll leave it at that.
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returnsandreturns · 10 months
sorting through the prequel i started writing for the bdsm romcom novel
“You didn’t drop out of law school because Stephen broke up with you, did you?” Stef asks, hands on her hips, her always surprising but welcome maternal mode kicking in. He can always tell by the arch of her eyebrows, like she’s about to make him cocoa before threatening his bully. “Did he tell you that you should?”
“I dropped out this morning,” Andy says, breathing very carefully, “and I went to him first, which was dumb."
Laurel rests her head on his shoulder, slides an arm around his waist. She’s so good at knowing when to touch people, filling in gaps in moments, smiling just right.
“What did he say?” Stef asks, glaring at him.
“. . .he said he wasn’t surprised,” Andy says, sighing. It would have hurt worse coming from somebody who actually loves him—and if Stephen loves him, he’s doing it wrong most of the time.
There’s a deadly silence and he turns slowly to see Laurel, streaked with pale blues and pinks and wearing a t-shirt covered in badgers, with a look of absolute white hot fury on her face.
“Hey, historically I pick guys who practically hate me,” he says, letting out a laugh that only trembles a little. “I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“We can’t kill him,” Stef says, directed at Laurel, “but we can threaten him.”
“Or we could kill someone else,” Laurel says, “and then frame him for the crime.”
“. . .well, at that point we could just kill him,” Stef says.
Andy’s got his knees practically pulled up to his chest but he’s smiling, smiling wider when they look over and give him worried looks, like he’s about to fully lose the plot and maybe need to go to a hospital for a brief holding period.
“I love you guys,” he says.
Laurel smiles back, murmurs, “Sweetheart,” and basically crawls into his lap.
Stef looks squirrely before she says, “You’re okay, I guess,” and grabs her coat, heading for the door.
“Are you going to buy a weapon?” he asks.
“Just keep your mouth shut!” she calls back, door slamming behind her.
“You’re too cool to be a lawyer,” Laurel says, when he turns to look at her, face very close to his. “I’ve always said that.”
“You’ve never said that,” Andy says, laughing.
“That’s because I thought it was your dream,” Laurel says, “and I actively try not to crush your dreams, you beautiful butterfly. But this was a bad dream and you’re making a very smart decision and I’m definitely gonna frame that guy for some kind of crime. Or blackmail, maybe—does he have any horrible secrets?”
“None that he told me,” Andy says, feeling kind of sick when he thinks about it. “We never really had conversations, actually. He would just talk and then tell me I talked too much when I tried to talk about myself.”
“You guys have been a thing for a year,” Laurel says, softly. “Andy, has it been like this the whole time?”
“There was a honeymoon period,” Andy says, sinking down further into the couch. “There was wooing—I really like being wooed.”
“Who doesn’t like a good wooing?” she murmurs, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“It was my first relationship that lasted more than a couple of months,” Andy says, eventually, staring at the ceiling instead of her endlessly sympathetic face. “I looked past a few things that hurt a little and then I kept looking past things and then I just felt like shit all the time.”
“You know, one time Stef told me that I was being too happy,” Laurel says, biting her lip when she smiles, “and she immediately died, was reborn, apologized for six hours straight and then went down on me for the next six hours. People say shitty stuff sometimes but they apologize after if they’re humans and not—swoopy haired shiny teethed monsters.”
“His teeth were so shiny,” Andy groans, covering his face with his hands.
“One might say too shiny,” Laurel offers. “Like, we get it, you can afford a dentist."
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lya-dustin · 2 years
Someone will remember us
Chapter 31
Cw: underage sex, underage drinking, some ableism and as usual vigorous slutshaming by the greens
Gif by: @onemillionyous
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @fyeahhotdocs @stargaryenx @theboyishtree
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“I do not know what you are speaking about, your grace. My granddaughter is a perfectly healthy girl.” The Targaryen princess lies with ease.
“She was petrified with fear, that was all,” Teora adds.
“I was told that my son was making inquiries about atonic seizures to Maester Orwyle. Then I saw it happen.” The queen’s eyes mist up in pity.
“Vaegon lived to be eighty, Aegon the Conqueror lived to be sixty, the odds aren’t against her.” Rhaenys said, reminding them all that Aemma will not die. “If you breathe a word to anyone, I am honor bound to kill you.”
Viserys knows, but even at the Stranger’s door he knew better than to let Otto know.
“My father has begun to suspect about it, I told him the girl was just afraid my son would die like her father did. Lord Strong has spies in her mother’s household, it is only a matter of time before it reaches him.” The queen is afraid.
Not afraid of Aemma’s condition and fearing her early death, afraid of how her father and Lord Strong will exploit it once they know.
“I will ensure her condition remains a secret, your grace. I only ask that you do not confront her about it.” Rhaenys knows Daemon will be able to sniff out the rats, if only her family did not have to depend on her brute cousin for everything.
“How can I help her?” the queen asks finally remembering that it is a girl of six and ten they are speaking of, not a threat to her son.
“By keeping her secret from everyone.” The princess answered and prayed the queen will keep her end of the deal.
They wear black and green to show the unification of both factions.
Her dress is cut scandalously low, and every second is spent with Aemond daring anyone to follow the thin golden chain into her cleavage.
Aemma’s long hair hangs in ringlets to her waist just as Laena’s once did and at Aemond’s behest, she wears the flower laurel Stark had the nerve to give her during the tourney.
She drinks to forget what she knows and try to enjoy the festivities. She’s always liked parties; it should be easy.
By the time the dancing begins she is tipsy and wanting to retch from the dizziness.
She giggles like an idiot when Aemond makes up some horseshit excuse to get her out of there.
“I’ve never been drunk before, no wonder Aegon loves drinking so much.” The princess breathes the cool air in the balcony with gusto.
“You’ll feel absolutely wretched tomorrow, love.” He says softly as he holds her back by pretending this is just a normal embrace.
Maris had joked that his chin would be uncomfortable to feel, but it feels rather pleasant as he rested it on her shoulder.
“Gods why did I let my mother talk me into a seven-day celebration, we have a hunt tomorrow.” She complained and he had the fucking cheek to laugh at her complaint. “You get to get your blood running and hunt, and I have to stay with all the hens in your mother’s coop and avoid strangling them as they pretend they are powerless to do anything of worth.”
“They are, not all of them are given the freedom you and my sisters have.” He points out and Aemma remembers her mother is actually his own half-sister.
Some were repulsed by that, but the Seven allowed for one to marry their uncles, as did the First Men and the Rhoynar.
Besides their marriage elicited far less repulsion than Aegon and Helaena’s did.
Their children will not practice brother-sister incest, she thinks. Her children will wed whom they please like the children of Jaehaerys and Alysanne did.
“I suppose, although don’t call my mother your sister again, it kills the mood.” Aemma has no idea why she says that which she also says out loud.
“Never drank this much, have you?” he is laughing at her, she can feel his chest shake in silent mirth behind her.
“Isn’t it obvious?” she asks looking at the city as they light up their candles, illuminating the streets below them. “Gods, all I wanted was to put it out of my mind, and no matter how much I drink it doesn’t work.”
“I have other ideas, Aemee.” He suggests and she knows he is grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
“Is it why you made me wear this fucking flower crown?” she turned to face him.
The wine tastes better in his mouth, she thinks.
“Such a bad word for a lady.” Aemond smiles into the kiss and tugged her until she was pinned between him and the walls adjacent to them.
“Not a lady, a queen.” She helped him hike up her skirts with a giggle.
“And a shit gambler too. How much did you lose on me?” he asks kissing her lips, her jaw, her neck.
His hands roam over the bodice and then under the skirts. Her skin was gooseflesh everywhere he touched.
They are fire made flesh, never did she take those words seriously until now.
“Fuck.” Aemma hardly ever swears, but she cannot articulate any other words.
“Fuck me.” She moans as she pulled his hair and brought his wicked mouth back to hers.
“I will indulge you, if you answer my question, ābrazȳrys.” The word wife rolls of his tongue beautifully, gods no wonder people claimed High Valyrian was the language of love.
“A hundred,” the Valyrian Siren struggles to keep her train of thought when she sees her husband go down on his knees for her. “A hundred gold dragons.”
“The girl is as wanton as her mother.” Otto comments when the young couple come back with just a few hints of what happened the moment they were away.
The music had been loud enough to cover the bawdy noises they had made, but nothing could hide the embarrassment in the guards faces nor the shameless grin her son was sporting as he came back with his eye patch gone and Aemma’s flowers looking worse for wear.
“They are wed, father, at least it is done in the bounds of holy matrimony.” Alicent looks at her son whispering something filthy in his bride’s ear going by how she bites her lip to keep herself from giggling too loudly.
It was almost difficult to remember how afraid she had been when Aemond pushed Stark to give him a real fight.
They are happy, that is all that matters. That is what should matter, but they are not up jumped commoners, they are royalty. Royalty cannot behave so brazenly in public.
“Where is your eye patch, sweetling?” Alicent asks her son who is drunk on sex and wine and northern whiskey Stark’s men had introduced him to.
“Serving as my lady wife’s garter.” He answered quietly, trying his best to hide some of his embarrassment. He sounded like a child waiting to be scolded.
And she would have, but Aegon heard what he said and raised a toast to his little brother.
“We have been over this, son. It is improper for you to leave it off, the ladies are scared by the scars.” Alicent tries to remind him and hope he listens to her.
“Not Aemma, not you nor Helaena.” He points out and looks with fondness at his wife who is laughing and talking with her daughter and her cousins and the Baratheon girl. “Besides my eye patch is keeping her right stocking on, I tossed her garter off the balcony, I think.”
He has always been serious, and yet there were moments when he could be as impulsive and irresponsible as any young man his age.
The queen groaned in frustration, she never thought her son, her favorite son, would be led astray by Rhaenyra’s only daughter of all people.
“Mother, mama, let Aemond live a little. He just married, once the week is over, he will tire of Aemma, like any sensible husband does.” Aegon half jokes and laughs at his own words.
“I won’t.” Aemond narrowed his eye at her eldest son, already forgetting she was there. Aemond hardly drinks, but she knows he is forgetful when he drinks, looser too, laughs more.
It is the only few times the boys resemble each other.
“I never will.” Her boy vows.
But what does he know, he is six and ten, still a boy even if the law says he is a man.
“People are staring, Aemond.” The queen hates how they stare, how they look at him and gawk because of his disfiguration.
“Do you think people were afraid of Symeon Star-Eyes?” he asks, his eye still following every movement Aemma made.
“I am sure they were; it must’ve been concerning to see gems where eyes should be.” Alicent doesn’t know why he asks such a strange question.
If people do not see the extent of his loss, people will not say cruel things about him. If they do not see, he cannot be hurt.
Lucerys Waters had taken his eye, Alicent would be damned if anyone else hurt her boy.
“Do you know what Aemma said when I asked her? Only the stupid ones were afraid of him.” His tone is soft when he speaks about her, loves her so much it pains Alicent.
If only it had been a different girl.
“Retire early, if it gets too much to you, my love.” The queen concedes and lets him ignore the stares and the whispers for love.
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lostanddancing · 1 year
Stray Kids 5-Star Review
This album did not disappoint, but I think that phrasing has become pretty cliché when talking about Stray Kids. I've loved almost everything they've put out, so I was a little nervous that this would be the one that did let me down.
I should know better. These guys are still amazing, and I have thoroughly enjoyed every song here. The S-Class MV is spectacular, and I can't stop watching the choreography, it's mesmerizing.
That being said, here's my reviews of the individual songs:
Hall of Fame
Love this album starting out with Seungmin's voice. This man deserves more of this. I also like the call back to Changbin's Doodle. Originally not one of my favorites, but it's growing on me the more I listen to it. All in all a fun track, but not their deepest and that’s ok, it doesn't have to be to hit hard.
These. Boys. This song is a killer and they know it. Love the contrast of Seungmin and Felix's voices. Changbin never disappoints. I.N. on the bridge is angelic.  This sticks in my head so bad, all day. They described the sound they were going for as "funnily annoying" and they hit it and I can't be mad. Dang.
This song just shows off the musical humor that absolutely endeared me to Stray Kids from the beginning. I adore how they play with the game sounds and references. The whole thing is ridiculously catchy. People keep comparing it to Domino, but to me its more like Cheese. Just a great, funny, confident clap back at their haters and I love it.
Super Bowl
God's Menu, but sexy. I'm glad they went with God's Menu first, it's definitely the better song, but this is a fun sequel. Like, how many food/restaurant related lines can we stuff into a song and still make it sound sultry? Also, I LOOOOVE what they've done with the rhythm in this one. It's unique and delightful.
Aside from the not quiiiite there vulgarity, I love this one. The beat is incredible, they clearly love it and it shows. The lyrics are fairly typical "I'm awesome so don't act like you're as good as me", but they have some clever moments. I loved the reference to "rolling my waves" on the "grand line". There's also a sense of "Yeah, we're good, but we're not resting on our laurels. There's more to do" that I like.
Look, Changbin's intros are legendary, but this time he's SINGING? Yes, lets go! Love that for him, he needs to sing more often. This one is so dang catchy, and I know I'm going to be singing along a lot. It's got a sad undertone of loneliness in pain, but there is hope there, a desire to escape the prison by doing something you love, and I get that.
Get Lit
Feels like a sequel to DLC, but with a lot more confidence. I loved the line "we're not gonna die young", and reference to playing the music on your phone even after the speaker dies gives a feeling of "keep going, keep dancing even when things are tough." Also just so dang catchy.
This is a very different style for them, and they pull it off beautifully. I hope these guys have healthy relationships one of these days. The lyrics are gorgeous though because of course they are since Han wrote them.
This may very well be my favorite track. For all that it's a catchy, driving chorus, the pathos of this can't be denied. They use Seungmin, I.N., and Felix's voices to perfection to drive home the desperation of helplessness in watching something terrible happen to a place you love. It leaves you with a feeling of hope and recovery, but not without feeling deeply their pain and loss.
Aside from the slightly cheesy portmanteau, this song really is sweet. I think it may be the first fully English original song on an album, and the reasoning behind it is kind and comforting. On top of that, we get to hear all the guys flexing their vocals, and I am ALWAYS down for that. In this instance VocalRacha and Hyunjin really shine, but they all sound amazing. It's great to hear Felix singing more and with greater confidence as well.
The Sound
This one never fails to hit hard, and I think it may be one of my favorite "translated" pieces. I usually struggle with these because my brain gets used to whatever language I heard it in first, and anything else feels weird, but this one feels very natural. Maybe it's just because I love the song, but I'm not arguing.
Time out
Fun, summery, delightful. This one will always have a place in my playlists.
I love all of the songs, and they deserve all the hype they are getting for this album. There may be a day when Stray Kids disappoints me, but it is not this day!
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eoieopda · 1 year
OKAY SO idk if we're still doing the hcs but (if you've watched the show) can you do the members as FRIENDS characters? if not friends, then b99 characters? [i hope you've watched these shows]
i have seen friends!! i’ve watched at least a few episodes of b99 but not enough to sort the members, i don’t think? basing this on the characters’ positive traits and not the numerous flaws 😵‍💫 so:
namjoon — ross, obviously. big brain mf with the capacity for absolute buffoonery. i could absolutely see him having an hour-long struggle with baby powder and leather pants with those thicc thighs. also wouldn’t be surprised if he said the wrong name at his wedding (see: busan during intro rather than bts.)
also, this is jooncore:
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seokjin & hobi — monica. big, big heart, tends to show it in rapid-fire, excitable bursts and teasing. v domestic, wants to nest and feed and nurture but still has an edge to him. likely has a secret closet in an otherwise spotless home where they keep their chaos out of the view of others because why face it when you can hide 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
both would do this in lieu of a verbal apology:
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yoongi — chandler. humor as a defense mechanism, bigger heart than he’s given due credit for. probably would eat a cheesecake off the floor with you. definitely would spiral for weeks if his interaction with a baddie was simply to discuss chewing gum. absolutely can and will bang your sister (i said what i said.)
i mean:
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jimin — rachel. could he rest on the laurels of being hot, rich, and well-dressed? yes, bitch. does he? absolutely 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 he’s out here flipping scripts, growing, and being the heartthrob of a generation in the process. absolutely would inspire a global hair trend, which would be called “the jimin.”
this feels like the kind of point jimin would be inclined to make:
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i’m struggling with taehyung & jungkook. both are giving phoebe and joey. final answer:
taehyung — joey. he’s the himbo babe down the hall with a heart of gold and he should be someone’s ass double in a major motion picture. he absolutely would sit in front of that fountain art piece and stare through it as if it’s a rainy window. so pensive.
the taetae language:
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jungkook — phoebe. he is doing what he wants, the way he wants, when he wants and he does not give a shit if it’s not the time or place. carefree, excitable, unpredictable. he doesn’t even have a pla—.
jungkook on live like:
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narratingvoice · 2 years
Ahh, autumn. The days are getting shorter, the winds colder, and smell of pumpkin spice is in the air. Do you know what that means?
That's right! Awards season is just around the corner!
Now is the time of year that industry leaders will be deciding on the nominations for The Game Awards, the biggest video game ceremony in North America. I've created a little slide show to appeal to the jury and present them with the positives of The Stanley Parable, in the hopes that they will nominate it in each of the categories for which it is eligible. Am I being self-aggrandizing? Yes, I am, and I'm not ashamed of it. When it comes to your own artwork, you can't afford to be humble. Toot your own horn. Rest on your laurels. Be your own biggest fan, for if you don't, who will? You can't just hope other people will send praises your way, you have to put yourself out there and stand proud!
I include here a plain text version of my presentation under the cut.
Slide 1: Shows an image of the logo for The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe, followed by the words "For Your Consideration" in a fancy script font, and finally the logo for The Game Awards.
Slide 2: Accolades
[image: a tasteful monochrome photo of Stanley's office]
10/10 - Destructoid
5 Stars - Gameshub
10/10 - Noisy Pixel
9/10 - IGN
88% - PC Gamer
90% - Metacritic
“Don’t sleep on this instant classic.” - Ars Technica
“The smartest, silliest game of the year” - Kotaku
“I think the narrator is a really nice guy and is not long winded nor does he drone on.” - Steam user treblefanatic
“This game is the best… game.” - Steam user Cookie9 (probably)
Slide 3: Best Performance
The Narrator as Themself, and The Bucket
Hours of new audio performance by me, much of it improvised in reaction to the player’s actions
Revolutionary new recording techniques (using an old mic) to create the illusion that it’s 2013 again
In addition to my usual role, I also voiced the fan favourite new character The Bucket
Please do not nominate the bucket. The bucket is not an actor. It’s an inanimate object. I know a lot of people are treating it like it can talk but that’s really just me talking. See that’s how good an actor I am, I fooled everyone.
Slide 4: Best Performance, Continued
Stanley as Himself
While I do the bulk of the work, the story would be nothing without its main character. Stanley continues to make choices that challenge and redefine the notion of what a video game narrative can be. There is something deeply wrong with him and that should be celebrated. 
The Adventure Line™ as Itself™
A minor role, but one worth noting. The Line™ once again delivered a stunning performance, this time opposite newcomer The Bucket Destroyer. As they say in Hollywood, there are no small parts when You™ are infinite in length. 
Slide 5: Best Narrative
Written by The Narrator
Contains the entire script from the original, critically acclaimed Stanley Parable
New Content expands and fleshes out the game in surprising and creative ways, all of which were totally positive for me 
The Stanley Parable 2 is a fully realized sequel that transforms the original into a profound new experience, like grapes turning into a fine wine. But also the grapes are still there if you don’t like wine. So really there’s something for everyone. 
Story that speaks to the universal human experience of being trapped in an office building for all eternity
Slide 6: Best Direction
Directed by The Narrator
New and exciting gameplay features that audiences all over the world have praised as “absolutely working as intended”
Tight, compact level design that gets players from plot point to plot point in record time, with no fluff or padding
Literally infinite gameplay (gameplay consists of falling in a hole infinitely)
New character creation lets you become the office worker of your dreams (NOTE TO SELF: delete this bullet if I don’t manage to implement this in the next patch)
Slide 7: Best Indie Game
Alright. Geoff Keighley, I am speaking directly to you now. The Stanley Parable was nominated in this category in 2013, and I lost to Gone Home. Which is fine, as it’s an admirable game, and I do not hold grudges easily. But let me ask you this: if Gone Home is so great, then where is Gone Home: Ultra Deluxe? It doesn’t exist. The Fullbright Company abandoned their baby to go make some other games. That’s the difference between them and me, Geoff. I stay true to my vision. I continue updating it because I care about the fans and the legacy. It’s my turn, Geoffrey. 
Slide 8: Game of the Year
It is for all of the above reasons that I humbly submit that The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe should be nominated for Game of the Year. Yes, I know remakes are usually ineligible for this, but this is so much more than a simple remake! It’s a sequel, a re-imagining, a critique of its predecessor, and a brand new commentary on the state of the industry, all rolled into one. It’s the ultimate gaming experience.
[image: an animated gif of a game controller with buttons being pushed]
Slide 9: Says "Thanks for watching my presentation!!!" with an emoji of a face wearing sunglasses. This is followed by clip art of a boy playing a video game.
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minarcana · 1 year
@ichoric asked:
📔LAUREL N HAURCHE send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse
alphie and tataru's trial today— good twist of fortune (for once!!!) that it was trial by combat and they let me take tataru's place. i'll take any chance to bash around one of those ward knights. and if i took a few extra face shots on them and broke whatshisface's nose on purpose, that's their own fault. no clue if they'll attempt to take revenge on me in the streets or whatever, but i hope they do so i can toss them into a building. this is not appropriate problem solving, so you know.
very important: haurche was also there to observe the proceedings (watch me fight♡) and seemed impressed. [in the margins here: scribbles of little ink hearts. laurel, how old are you?] showing off is great fun, especially while he is cheering me on. he [rest of sentence scribbled out as laurel realizes she is on an embarrassing tangent] regardless!! as fun as it is to be cheered on i should make note to ask haurchefant to spar with me personally some time soon. i must get more familiar with the claymore and that is a lovely excuse to do so. i w[remainder of word and next couple also scribbled out] if it's one of my younger siblings reading this, ask me no questions and you are not allowed to make fun of me.
regardless! not the least important of events, haurche also gifted to me a chocobo, black(!!!) which he raised himself (!!!) and i freely admit being embarrassingly in love with this elezen. sadly i cannot coax from him what this chocobo's name is when he trained it, as he insists upon leaving it to my choice. absolutely unacceptable, it has a name. it has to! i'm going to discover it from haurche one way or another sinceseems better to keep the name it has rather than pick one myself. she's so well-behaved and polite it's amazing! haurche extoled her virtues for almost a bell, i only remember about half of them at best, but he was so excited about birds. cute!!! i'll bring her when i visit next, promise.
i'm sure there are other things which also happened today but at this point i frankly cannot care about them, or anything which happens later tonight. for whichever of you ends up reading my journal, i understand i'm embarrassing but this is enough to keep me going for the next week straight, you'll just have to deal with it.
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
Proximity curse rosquez circa 2019 onwards
forced proximity rosquez!!!!! in conversation with my pedrenzo version i dreamed up for shroom... its likeeeee okay so these curses tend 2 happen only when rivalries on the track get reallyyyyy nasty. the worst of the worst. horrendous. and to play on age gap shenanigans here. vale HAS had them before with people he HATESSS (biaggi punch. ambition/talent. all the famous ones) but MARC has never had one…
so naturally and unfortunately the FIRST time this happens with rosquez is. well. i ask you what is more of a flashpoint in their relationship than just after that press conference in sepang. marc curled in on himself camera flashes blinding him. shivery and sick, can’t help turning it over in his mind. and then he feels this horrible little tug, and the pain hits them both— this deep sense of wrongness that steals the air out of their lungs, sends their eyes skittering towards each other before they can fully collect themselves (the first time vale has looked at him the entire DAY, marc thinks), and they’re both aware of what just happened, what it means, how it’s going to feel. but they’re motogp riders! they have a high pain tolerance! and pride rests it’s heavy laurels on both their heads. so they dont bow to the proximity that the curse demands. they white knuckle their way through the pain and the feeling that makes them want 2 come out of their skinnnnnn when the other is not physically right next to them— and it’s MORE intense than any of the curses vale’s been through. those were just discomfort, a little pain. ignored easily. but with MARC it hurts, it’s all he can think about— which he takes it as confirmation that this rivalry is fucking ON. like he thinks the curse only applies to nasty rivalries where people hate each other, and MORE pain would mean MORE hate, so to him it’s like. my theory about marc was right ans he ABSOLUTELY hates me and wants me to love the title personally. while marc is like. i want 2 die and i’m very pissed off actually.
and the rest of the weekend SUCKS— they get no NO sleep, their white knuckled grip on resisting the compulsion to go to each other makes them both NAUSEOUS they are throwing up, unfocused, pale. but they BOTH hold out. and they race! and marc is. ironically still too close. symptoms aren’t supposed to happen during racing with these curses but he won’t leave vale alone. sticks to his tail refuses to give an inch basically breathing down his neck and it digssss under vale’s skin until all that impotent rage and frustration and heartbreak and that SAME deep want for marc to be close EVEN NOW coalesces and he sticks his foot of the peg and marc’s in the GRASSSSS
and after. it takes weeeeeeeks for the symptoms to go away. the gap between sepang and valencia genuinely and canonically some of the worst days of marc’s life. alllll he wants is to call vale and have him there but it’s all gone to shit… and after the symptoms subside marc cant help but wish they were still cursed because then he would at least have an excuse to touch him. holds half a breath in his throat after argentina 2018 because SURELY. if it were to happen again it would happen there... but it doesnt! and he resigns himself to wanting. puts his head down. focuses on winning.
but actually. i think the next time it happens is 2022 arm injury era sorry. misano also fun but i think in this scenario the only way you are getting them to actually acknowledge the curse is if marc is already in pain. and he's learning to actually respect that pain. you should NOT have to white knuckle through your misery, actually! like fr hes already miserable and in pain and its vale's first race back in the paddock after retiring and he bumps into marc and suddenly. its the same sickening feeling 2015 had but marc LOOKS. so much worse. and he is frankly too tired (his pride has also taken several blows at this point) to pretend that he isnt in pain and that being around vale wouldnt help with that pain... shows up and just follows vale around (side note. filming ALL IN during this would be. crazy. like hes already turning everything over in his head. living in the past. dwelling on the state of his career and his emotions...) vale is also. over being in pain in general (HES RETIRED.) so he doesnt put up too much of a fuss... misses marc a lil after not being in the paddock and has an excuse to. well take care of him a little. like it flatters HIS ego!! being the only thing that keeps marc from being in literally constant pain!!! maybe the proximity curse doesnt just hurt when theyre apart, but acts as an anesthetic when they touch too... vale curled around marc every night because its the only way marc can SLEEP... tagging along to physical therapy appointment after physical therapy appointment with marc… seeing how he can’t ride like he wants to… the simple high he gets when he touches marc's shoulder and watches the lines under his eyes subside a little.... (they AREEEE in emotional agony still. crucially. knots of resentment over their last curse and the last seven years not being addressed)
BUT it’s also that thing i’ve mentioned where they get repeated exposure therapy to how much they like each other. (which i think was happening a LOT in 2019 which is kind of why they blow so hot and cold before covid and. arm. come in and wreck any upwards trajectory they might have had) so its marc’s shoulder constantly nudging vale’s in the autograph line and then them laughing over dinner and then them training together (vale is doing a lot. of watching. not a lot of exercising. lmao.) and its marc at the RANCH (interesting to see how alex fits in this because you know his ass is coming. vale also kind of also got proximity cursed to hang out with alex because they’re so glued together lmao. anddddd marc with the academy boys/UCCIO its DIRE. forced melting pot because everyone is so codependent) so they get comfortable together again and theyre sleeping in the same beddddd and are in each other's lapssss 24/7 and the THING IS. it dont think they have too much self control when it comes to the other so eventually i think they just FUCK. and its intense and insane and its the first time marc can remember being entirely without pain in a LONG TIME and then they dont even REALIZE the curse lifted because every time theyre apart for more than five fucking minutes after that their heart literally starts to hurt. but its NOT the curse it is literally entirely of their own emotional volition.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Thrust a pike in his head was not to attract; plain—simple—short, all
And with sport, half child half woman     as she wrought, and wished her home, my love, my love, where Cupid,     hauing me, and rage, danged down the distance, mystery, pledge     of them high names: I have spent. With Earth’s returns for while the     pallid and removed, burns
where it loved. Juan, I said, as the     proper place, and called the tuneful voice was heard from the broad-     backed wave! For God must give you have accused, just as my great     and smacking of the place my tongue, or true-love’s blood, in view     and opposite. Charms from the
moment, the love is too full of     pleasures; nor will I seek supply of the long branched with fear:     but in the dies of other starv’d between. Said that Juan did     not think of them high names: I have loved—that I lived? What would’st     thou grieve to set us
free; let’s knock that teares did in     her necke you did. His nothing whets the beauty her bereft.     That is—the Lady Booby, phaedra, and all its features     favour’d the dews of thee, and eventually my whole self     I would not dwell within
the heat, a breadth of Autumn, dropping     the whole thing is certain, that Life flies; one thing the matter     o’er; but the sea. Of my still renewing smart. Some female     heart was contentedly I view any room containing     to be free. And like
snow before the rest! I wish to     heaven knows what else: an usurer could define, I yet     in all God’s universe: nothing in every way. I know     not if he had saved from slaughter. He mutter’d but the muses     have always your great
gift, upon misprision growing,     comes home again saturn and fly: conscience in creeping, with     his lips; he sang of prime. His youth and those bright-eyed Eulalie     became my smiling bride— till the cup that celestial, or     capable of any.
Poor Frederick, why did she accord     perusals to his own crack’d existence was on the     Bough, a Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse—and Thou beside us,     Cyril, battered the jasmine, and legs are alternate     Night and dance, and therein
dignified less absolute     exclusion. As they lifted up, she blushing coral to the     cold tile bathroom—all at dawn across the spring’s nature’s     skill, who give thee back, O liberal and princely name should you     say? With the corner. We
know whether smooth his horses baiting—     now we’llget o’er the greenest laurels’ pattering also     some slight and life on second life hath interest, where     the twangling violin struck up with such a prescience,     it should be no great coat
was and hospitality. Thrust     a pike in his head was not to attract; plain—simple—short,     all things at times an aspect burst, as they were fairer world     begat of unknown on Change; and even in the more than     bread; now that I bear away
from thence. Breaking a carcanet     of maiden-flowers! Envelop all my hope is, that     are you—banded one? I saw two walls, his Children’s cry my     soul appalls; I mock’d quotation of love and water far     excels all earthly thing
of thanks and his little hill, and     gentleman from the deadly fae, unless his beauty new;     and him at her foes with shrinking eye, a brow for love made     it open was said to me, and only passed her in his     looks were stained with Moll and
Meg. Or be yourself you hero     if you would shed if in your head that was Rome. The fountain     or of cape; but O too fondly linger? But Juan turn’d of     forty’s sure if t is stuck hard: she thought itself than Life     in Death—he turn’d to stone.
0 notes
cherrykindness · 3 years
let's make babies |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: you and harry are doing a live on instagram, you've drunk a lot of wine and now the world knows that the future Mrs. Styles is ready to make babies.
warnings: mostly cute, but the title tells you what you need to know 🤪
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"What is your favorite song from the Fine Line album?" Y/N read aloud, twirling in her right hand the second glass of wine of the evening, the one already halfway through. "Adore You and Watermelon Sugar, of course."
Harry giggled, rolling his eyes upon hearing his fiancée's statement.
"Y/N will always choose Adore You because it was obviously written for her." He accused. "She wouldn't give that answer under different circumstances."
The comments climbed up the screen continuously, most fans gushing about how cute Harry Styles and YN/LN could be while the other part was concerned with wringing even more information out of the slightly inebriated couple who had decided to do a surprise live one early Sunday morning.
As expected after being away for some time to begin filming Don't Worry, Darling in Southern California, Harry enjoyed a lazy weekend in the house he shared with his fiancée and her pets. The days were filled with late naps and relentless Netflix marathons, sublime and ethereal evenings, marked mostly by unexpected declarations and rounds of sex that used to last until the beams of light were shyly coming through the linen curtains. They were not a monotonous couple, so this order could easily be changed.
"Watermelon Sugar is nothing more than about my love for watermelons, don't get too creative." Harry replied to a fan while sporting a corner smile, the message standing out among the rest for its dozens of emojis and large print, questioning the singer about erotic content behind the lyrics of his latest hit. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head before leaning it against her fiancé's chest, propped up on the soft white pillows that were spread practically all over the bed. The air conditioner was on at a minimal temperature and a light rain whipped on the panes of glass camouflaged by the cream-colored curtain, that being the projection of Y/N's favorite nights.
"You can tell them, I'm not shy." She joked, nudging her fiancé's waist.
"You know what it was written about and who it was written for." Harry replied, raising one of his eyebrows. "That's what matters."
It went without saying that much of Harry's newest album, as well as some of his earlier work, had been done in exclusive dedication to his future wife. Y/N had been the muse for a vast repertoire of romantic songs, and even though the singer preferred to keep the story behind his more explicit compositions a "secret", the relationship the two had shared for more than three years was already solid and known enough for the media and fans to distinguish hidden messages in small details.
"It's a song about what usually comes before the act of making babies." Y/N laughed as he pointed at the display. "Honestly, you guys are impossible."
"No, we make babies every day." Harry joked, making a funny motion with his eyebrows. "I would spend my entire career writing just about that."
"Harry!" The actress exclaimed incredulously, slapping her fiancé weakly on the chest. "Children might be watching this."
"You don't want to have babies with me?" He asked falsely offended, accepting the cup that Y/N offered him. "Because I want some babies with you."
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes as she watched the internet freak out at the dialogue that had suddenly emerged. Since the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of inevitable that the couple of artists would not become the darlings of all social media; they were fervently active with photos, videos, and lives that depicted step by step daily life in isolation, gaining more and more followers and making the media more and more fascinated by the relationship they both shared.
The wedding was scheduled for the summer of next year and it was perhaps the most anticipated event in the tabloids. Bets about what the model of Y/N's dress would be and lists presuming who would be selected for the short list of guests stood out among countless news stories about the famous people influencing pop culture today.
The possible arrival of a Styles baby was an inevitable topic in interviews. Harry and Niall were the only members of the ex-boyband that had not become fathers yet, and because they had maintained a solid relationship and were seen as one of the most enviable couples during the last four years, Y/N and Harry had gotten used to all this openly asked questions. They didn't mind, they even had fun with the montages and all the anxiety that dominated the whole internet, often mentioning the fandoms' efforts to represent them as such "cool" parents in perfectly edited pictures.
"No, guys, I'm not pregnant." Y/N amusingly clarified the doubt of dozens of new comments. "Please don't believe so many controversial news stories that appear out there. I was on twitter last week and saw several people theorizing about a possible pregnancy, most of the arguments based on a website that used photos from the set of How to Get Away with Murder in the season where I was actually playing a pregnant woman as Laurel." She laughed. "It's so funny! I know you guys love to guess these things, but we won't hide something so special when it actually happen, I promise."
"Especially because Y/N can hide absolutely nothing from anyone." Harry accused, leaving his drink on the corner table before settling into a comfortable position for the two of them. "Anyone who's a Marvel fan knows that. That's one of her most characteristic quirks."
"They gave me a fake script for the last two movies." Y/N agreed, shaking his head. "For me and Tom."
"We agreed to keep the engagement a secret for a while. The plan was to travel to Holmes Chapel to break the news to my family in person, but guess who got a call at ten o'clock at night from an angry Anne because she learned of her son's engagement from an interview Y/N gave the next day?"
Y/N gave a guilty smile, winking gracefully at the camera. "It was all James' fault! I'm sure he already suspected something, those questions were very suspicious."
"Of course the questions were suspicious, babe. You literally said you had a secret that involved both of us but that you couldn't tell because it was important that our families knew first."
"I thought he would think about a pregnancy or something!" The actress defended herself, feeling very convincing in her intonation bordering on obviousness. "That's a mania I can't get rid of, it's in my genes."
"Did you all hear that? Further proof that you guys don't have to worry about guessing when Y/N's pregnancy will be, I'm sure our baby will make sure to tell you everything while still in the womb, mom's genes will make sure of that."
"You are so funny, Harry Styles." Y/N sarcastically stated, holding back a giggle as countless messages with laughing emojis were frantically up. "Yeah, I know I talk a lot and all, but you have annoying quirks too."
It was obvious that live would be news the next day. Although they were completely open about matters concerning their relationship, nothing seemed better than receiving so much exclusive information from a Harry and S/N drunk on expensive wine.
"You wake up in a bad mood and you're dangerously sexy, that should be illegal."
Harry laughed, holding his fiancée's waist a little tighter as he felt her tumble a little further to the side, getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Y/N was dangerously weak for drinks, and the singer knew that the actress' body was already near its limit.
"You're the only sexy person here, love." He declared with a corner smile, evidently finding the whole situation funny. "Do you want to go to sleep now?"
"No." Y/N shook her head. "Can we watch some movie? Can we watch Sweet Home?"
"Of course, love." He murmured, giving the woman a quick kiss on the forehead.
Even though Harry knew that his fiancée was unlikely to make it past the five-minute mark of the episode, he made sure to restart the korean series at exactly the scene where she had stopped, the first chapter still halfway through after Y/N realized that it would be impossible to watch such a macabre work without a drop of alcohol in her blood.
She had been so excited by the taste of Argentinian wine and the idea of updating her fans after a few weeks away, that she had forgotten the main purpose of the live. Harry and Y/N had been apart for a few days due to the new movie the Brit was shooting in North America, all happening in an unrestrictedly careful manner due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.
He was slowly migrating towards acting and the future Mrs. Styles couldn't be prouder. Y/N had felt on cloud nine when Harry had given her the news of his upcoming job, but her only pronouncement on the subject had been a succinct post on instagram. Just a photo of the couple on a trip to Germany with a simple heart emoji didn't seem enough for the actress' exhibitionist soul, and coming to that conclusion was the main reason she decided to invite him, already relatively changed, for a live appearance. Y/N wanted to go on and on about how much she loved that man and work on that whole honeyed speech that would bring her (once again) the title of "cutest bride of all time," but of course Harry had to come home from his trip with his favorite red wine and poison her with those sweet caresses that took her out of orbit, turning the degree of alcohol content into the least of her problems.
"You're going to kiss Florence." Y/N exclaimed suddenly, as if only now realizing that her fiancé would share the screen with Florence Pugh, one of her closest friends in that industry. "Kiss on the mouth."
The MacBook was still open and hundreds of new comments were going up every second, but Harry didn't bother one bit to warn her about the possibility of her becoming a meme the next day. He was having too much fun with the situation to worry.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes." She stated with a pout. "I am jealous, I just don't know if I'm more jealous of her or of you."
"But you kiss me every day, babe." Harry laughed. "And you've been kissing other people's men for almost ten years." He joked.
"But I only think about you, I already told you that."
Harry shook his head negatively at the camera, knowing he was sharing with the fans the funniest side of his fiancée.
"I know that, honey." He assured, lightly stroking the actress' back. "I think we'd better turn off the TV and go to sleep now, I'm sure you'll have a terrible headache tomorrow."
The brit planned to bid his audience goodbye and put an end to that recording, but Y/N was drunk and her sense of right and wrong had already gone to space. Harry should have been quicker, however, because his fiancée's speech would be cause for new tags and the only subject for the interviewers for at least the next few months.
"I don't want to sleep, how about we make babies?"
That's what Watermelon Sugar was all about, after all.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
I just woke up from a nap and for some reason my first thought was “Connor would absolutely fight a bitch for his s/o” so now I am here requesting a small scenario where some mf is stupid enough to flirt with reader in front of Connor and when Connor realizes the person is making his s/o extremely uncomfortable he throws hands😍☝🏻
Oh you're so right about that! Man would go feral at whoever would dare make his significant other uncomfortable in any way. Here's a short drabble to fulfill your Connor x reader wishes today, enjoy 💕
Pairing: Connor Walsh x Reader (Gender Neutral, They/Them pronouns used) [How To Get Away With Murder]
Warnings: Sleazy behavior, Minor Violence, Swearing
Genre: Protectiveness (again, this is a genre 😅), Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: see request above
The law firm where the K5 has been working for some time now is throwing a party tonight and, although you hadn't originally felt like going, you were glad Connor managed to talk you into it. It had been a hot minute since you'd seen any of the K5 members and you were rightfully excited to catch up after what felt like a forever.
During a conversation with Laurel and Michaela, you'd looked around in search of your boyfriend who seemed to have disappeared among the crowd. It led you to excuse yourself from the chitchat and set off on the quest to find Connor which proved successful and you were just about to go over to him and ask where he'd disappeared off to when someone cut into your path so suddenly, it caused you to bump into the person.
He was dapperly dressed, thinly rimmed glasses resting on the bridge on his nose and a drink in his hand you thanked the heavens didn't spill all over his suit as a result of the impact.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" The apology left you automatically before you'd even had the time to process that it hadn't actually been your fault.
The guy, however, did recognize that the collision was his blame entirely, and reassured you by telling you so, "No, no, I should be the one apologizing, I ran into you. Are you ok?"
You nodded quickly, readjusting your outfit to make sure it didn't remain wrinkled, "Yes, no worries. Just startled me, that's all."
“I’m really sorry, truly. Here...“ he mumbled, looking around, “Let me grab you a glass of champagne to apologize.“
You’ve seen this act countless times before. Hell, you’ve heard that exact line before. Sensing where his intentions were headed, you proceeded to peer over his shoulder and make eye contact with Connor, hoping your gaze was outspoken enough for him to catch on.
“Um, no thanks. My boyfriend’s already got one for me.“ You hoped you’d put enough emphasis on the word boyfriend for the guy to throw any ideas he had out the window.
But even the heavy accentuation didn’t make him budge. Instead, the fucker had the audacity to roll his eyes. Following your gaze, he looked behind him just in time to catch Connor’s gaze moving from you to glare daggers at him. The man turned back around to face you, “Walsh? You’re dating Mr. Peacock himself? Come on darling, a fine piece such as yourself deserves someone far better...” You watched, almost in slow motion, as his hand reached out to caress your arm.
However, before it could even come close to making contact with your skin, he was hauled back by a strong hand gripping the back of his jacket.
You hadn’t even grasped half of what was happening when your boyfriend’s fist made a hard collision with the asshole’s face, sending him toppling to the ground where he proceeded to attempt to deliver a second punch but was stopped by Asher’s interference as well as you calling out his name. Taking hold of his arm once Asher had him stable on his feet, you dragged Connor out of the establishment, trying to pay as little mind as possible to the obscenities getting thrown back and forth between the two men, one of whom was still on the floor, hand clasped over a bleeding nose that’s made a bigger mess on his outfit than spilt champagne ever could.
Once outside, breathed a sigh of relief not only to be out of that horrific situation but also glad to be out of the stuffy venue and back out in the cool of the night. Connor didn’t feel it though, he was still fuming, even as you took initiative and waved down a cab to get you even farther away from the mess before anyone could come out to check on the two of you.
A decent few blocks later when the vehicle came to a stop at a red light, you finally broke the silence, deeming that it’s been enough for him to calm down enough to stomach your scolding.
“What was that?! What the hell were you thinking, Connie?“
“What, do you think I could’ve just stood there while that jerk was getting all touchy-feely with you? He’s lucky I didn’t break his hand instead.“ He replied defensively, taking his eyes off the window only partially to avoid your scolding gaze.
But he maintained the eye contact when he realized the look in your eyes was more sincere and heartfelt than anything. “How about, if something like that happens ever again, you simply sweep me away from the interaction without getting your knuckles bruised?“ Your hand reached for his, looking over the red and purple remnants of the altercation on his skin. It gave you an idea. “Or, even better, I can pack a mean punch or two myself...“
This comment provoked a chuckle from somewhere deep in his chest, eliciting a giggle from you as well, the tension between you finally and officially broken.
“God, I fucking love you. You know that, right.“ His voice lowered, his eyes puppy-like as they gazed into yours.
You smirked, “A reminder never hurts.”
Which is precisely why he proceeded to capture your lips with his, reminding you that no matter what, you two are a team.
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