#you are both right they are both poker but you are coming from different life experiences to expect what poker is
baejax-the-great · 1 year
I think some of the arguments about fan interpretations of characters and OOCness forget a fundamental part of human nature which is this: each of us perceives the world and the people in it in slightly different ways based on our own experiences.
Most people have certain characteristics they consider fundamental to their Blorbo and some characteristics that are less important and could be changed, ignored, or scrapped for AU purposes. Unfortunately, which specific characteristics fall into which category are not going to be the same from person to person. Sometimes the overlap between two people's interpretations will be huge, and those two people will probably enjoy the same fan content. Sometimes not so much.
Personally, I write for a ship that were childhood friends that became lovers. In many AUs, people have them meeting for the first time in adulthood, and for me, that changes the nature of the ship and their characters so much that I can't really get into it. I consider their childhood friendship fundamental to them as people, and those authors don't. Which is fine. Many other people like those AUs. Nobody here is really in the wrong, we just have different opinions on what makes these particular Blorbos them.
In almost all cases, someone out there will find your interpretation of a character OOC. And that's fine. Hopefully they are polite and simply choose not to read your fics/engage with your HCs/whatever. But I think all of us have had the experience of reading a wildly OOC take and seeing other people enthusiastically going along with this "wrong" interpretation of the characters and thinking, "What??!?!"
It's fine. It's normal. It's annoying as hell (people are wrong on the internet), but it's inevitable. And if you find that interpretation particularly heinous to your Blorbo sensibilities, the block button is your friend.
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lymtw · 3 months
hello! can you write about mafia Toji being a stern and serious guy when he's with other people and his men, but when he's with you he's like a softie teddy bear. And then one day he was tired, laying on your chest in his office. And then his men walked in, noticing Toji acting like a baby with you and when Toji noticed his men, he quickly got off you and wore a stern mask again
Thank you!! 💕
Toji got so used to being told 'yes sir' and 'right away, boss', each response finalized with a well-deserved bow of respect to him. Those responses were all he heard every day as he managed his less than small group of criminals.
He had about ten men roaming around, all partnered with different purposes. To put it in simple words, they are his senses, divided, even though in the end, all of them share something in common. They are his eyes.
Despite the certain level of respect Toji holds for his subordinates, he does not treat them like friends. He doesn't smile at them, he doesn't sugarcoat his words for them, and he will not hesitate to sock them in the face if he feels offended by something they say to him. He can be cruel in the way that often makes his men wonder if there's an actual heart that is keeping him alive.
You are his heart.
With your gorgeous smile, and the pretty lullaby you have for a voice, and your pretty hair, and that scent that lingers around you that drives him just a little bit insane when he can't hold you the way he wants to. You are everything to Toji. His doll, his sweetheart, the love of his life. You are the only thing that could make his heart race with a single glance. He makes sure to have his finest men guarding you when you leave your house.
Whenever you want to come see him, you're escorted by two of his men. You try to make conversation, but they both just stare ahead and ignore what you say. They have nothing against you, personally, and it does make them feel a little bad when you ask them questions and they don't respond, resulting in a more silent walk towards Toji's office. They think you're the sweetest girl, but Toji forbid them from talking to you about anything outside of your security. It seemed like it was more of a threat, with the way he played with a knife the entire time that he relayed the instructions in regard to your protection.
There are three knocks to the wooden door. The men step aside and stand at each side of the doorframe while you wait for the green light from Toji.
"Enter." You hear from the other side of the door. You turn left and right to thank the men, before opening the door.
You're met with a straight face, from Toji. Intense eye contact as you take a few more steps into the room, until you aren't in the way of the door. You replicate that unfaltering poker face of his. To anyone who's seen this showdown of a scene, it appears like you're some brat that Toji's been charged with babysitting. He has the most deadpan expression. He doesn't even look happy to see you, nor you him.
All of that changes the second the door clicks shut. You get to see his eyes soften and the way his lips curl upward, in real time. He nods in the direction of the doorknob, a silent request for you to turn the lock. He can visibly see how giddy you are, your smile growing before you turn to lock the door. All the weight on his shoulders is dropped when you turn back around and look at him with those adoring eyes. He pats his desk, a gesture that has you running to him. You crash into him, making him stumble back a little bit which makes him chuckle as he lifts you by the backs of your thighs, onto his desk.
You pull at his white button up, and his hands settle on your waist. He's kissing you eagerly, like this visit from you is exactly what he needed. You can't keep up with the affectionate assault so you're giggling into the kisses, your lips occasionally slipping from his.
He exhales after breaking the kiss. "How's your day going, sweetheart?" His hands go down to your thighs, thumbs brushing back and forth against your soft skin.
"Mmm... well, it's going okay. Could be better, but, it's fine," you say, running your hands over his chest.
"Yeah? Why's that?" He asks, surveying the small, almost nonexistent pout on your lips. He would miss it if he wasn't so used to seeing it.
"Well... I haven't seen you all day. I woke up and you were already gone." Your eyes go down to where your hands rest on his chest, before you look up at him again. "Just want you to know that I miss you, I guess."
"I know, mama. I'm sorry." He leans forward to kiss your forehead. "I'll make it up to you, tonight. 'Cause you know I'm missing the way you love on me."
"Really?" You chirp, enthusiastically, your hands absentmindedly balling his shirt up, again.
"Mhm," he hums, a sly smirk taking form on his lips. "Gotta make sure my pretty girl is taken care of in every way, right?"
"Why not just take care of me here?" You ask, sultrily, as you guide one of his hands beneath your dress and between your thighs. "The door's locked," you say, the reminder adding a glint to your eyes.
"You're a little devil, pretty girl," he whispers, chuckling lowly at the small sigh you release when he drags the pads of his middle and index finger over your heat.
Then there's a knock, to which both of you sigh, frustratedly.
"Promise we'll pick this up later, alright, doll?" His eyes search yours for understanding.
"Okay, baby," you say, a soft, comprehending smile on your face. "Love you."
"Love you," Toji instantly responds. He fixes your dress, before setting you on your feet again.
He looks down at you like he doesn't want you to go, so in an attempt to help him let you go for now, you reach your hand up and give his cheek a gentle pinch. "See you in a bit, handsome."
He grins and watches as you walk away. You turn the lock, turning around once more to blow a single kiss at him, before turning back. You drive him crazy in all the best ways.
You open the door and there are twice as many people swarming. Two more of Toji's men are escorting an important looking man. The two guys who brought you there are by your side again, walking you back down the hallway. The second you're out of sight, Toji's hardened exterior is rebuilt all over again.
Sometimes Toji needs a break from everything. From being surrounded all the time by people he doesn't want to see, from having to be the brains of every operation, from having to meet with multiple people every other day. It's exhausting. He really just needs to stop thinking so hard for a little while. What better way to relax than to have his pretty girl by his side?
You're summoned under the guise of needing to discuss important matters. Once again, you're being guided through that same hallway to Toji's office. Normally, you would make one sided conversation with your escorts, but you can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Have you lost your value to Toji? Did you do something wrong? It's all so terrifying, the void-like feeling only deepening as you reach that familiar wooden door. You knock three times, and are permitted to come in by that same voice saying "enter".
You look at him, that usual initial poker face now overtaken by concern. You shut the door and make your way towards his desk. "Is everything okay? What important matters need to be discussed?" You lay your palms flat on the table.
"Calm down, baby." He sighs, standing and walking around the desk to meet you on the other side. He takes your hand and leads you to the leather couch on the right side of the room. "Lay down. Get comfortable," he says, calmly.
You do as he says and lay down, not expecting him to follow you and plop himself right on top of you.
"Is this comfortable for you?" He asks, muffled by your chest. His feet are dangling off the armrest of the couch, but he doesn't care.
"Sure, baby. What about you?" Your smile is evident in your tone. He's being extra clingy and it's adorable.
He lifts his head a little. "Fuck yeah. So comfortable, doll," he says, before planting his face back into your chest. He sighs, tucking his hands beneath your back. "Can you do that thing you always do with your nails? Please?"
"Of course," you say, raking your nails over his back, taking your time to reach his head. "What's wrong, my love?" You coo.
"Nothing, doll. I'm just so tired. Not feeling anything but you, today." Another sigh leaves him when your nails start dragging over the back of his head, threading through his hair, carefully.
"I completely understand, baby. You know you can always call me and i'll be here as fast as I can."
He hums and you take that as one of his nonverbal forms of gratitude. He could fall asleep for a couple minutes like this. Your warm body against his, your comforting touch on him. It's all so peaceful.
Until it isn't. The sound of the door opening snaps him out of his state of serenity. For a situation that was so innocent, he made it appear as though you both were about to get it on, with the way he quickly crawled off of you and sat on the opposite end of the couch.
"Oh, sorry. Didn't know you had company, sir."
You smile at the man and give him a small wave, a huge contrast to the way Toji looks at him.
"Ever heard of knocking? It's a common courtesy that should have been drilled into your pea sized brain when you were a brat." Toji was pissed. He looked like it, too, with his furrowed brows and the scrunch of disgust in his nose, but, you must be imagining the bulging vein in his neck.
"My apologies."
"What the fuck do you want?" He asks, his tone riddled with impatience. "Why are you here?" He spits. His hand discreetly goes to your ankle. He gives it a small squeeze to assure you that none of this lashing out is towards you.
"This envelope was sent for you. We've already taken the measures necessary to determine whether it's safe for you to open or not. There is nothing harmful in there, sir."
"Thanks for the speech. Just leave it on the damn desk." He keeps his eyes on the man the entire time. Since you're in his presence, he feels it's his job to guard you from anyone and everyone. Even his most trusted workers. The man bows and shuts the door, leaving you and Toji alone once again.
"Baby," he says, his tone reverting to the calmness he reserves for you. He sounds somewhat in disbelief of what just happened.
"I-I'm sorry. I was just scared when your guys told me that you needed to discuss important matters with me..."
"...and I walked here really fast because I was so scared..."
"...and when I got here and I saw you I just had to know what was so important and I forgot to lock the door and-"
"Baby, stop. It's fine." His hands cup your cheeks, and he looks into your worry-filled eyes. "I'm not mad at you. I know it was an accident." He's starting to think you thought you were going to catch heat next. He can't have you of all people be scared of him. It wouldn't sit right with him when he sees people who are scared or intimidated by him every day. He can't let another one of those people be you. "Sweetheart, I would never yell at you. I could never be mad at you. You can do no wrong. Alright?"
"Okay," you say, softly, a smile tugging at your lips. "Love you."
"Love you, doll. Now, go lock the door so I can lie down on you, again."
A/N: Thank you for the request, anon! 😊 I had fun writing it 💙
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justatinycatgirl · 10 days
Oaths & Loyalties
link to ao3 version
(direct fan content of @havanillas' roleswap au)
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“No.”  A terse and firm rejection.  Lapis Lazuli had expected this from Sapphire, his coworker known for his unwavering dedication to his oaths.  The oath to treasure his cornerstone like his own life is no different.
“Oh come on Sapphire, it’s not that terrible of a plan, is it?” Lapis groaned.  It wasn’t such a terrible plan to himself, deceiving The Family with two cornerstones that are not his own.  It was a gamble whether they would take the bait, but that’s what Lapis specializes in.
“It’s a horrible plan!  Not only do you intend to put I and Miss Topaz’s cornerstones at risk for your scheme, but also risk your own life at the end of it all.  Are you even sure any of this will work?”
“Well of course not, no scheme is ever one hundred percent certain to go through as planned.” Lapis shrugs.
“Mine always are.” Sapphire retorts, causing Lapis’ face to twist into a sneer.
“Well, aren't you a genius.  Perhaps I could make some ends meet and get you hooked up with the Genius Society?” Lapis derided, leaning forward with his hands on his hips.
Sapphire’s eyebrows raised at Lapis’ contemptuous mocking, before letting out a derisive huff of his own.  He leans back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Did I mistakenly probe at an old wound, Lapis Lazuli?  As far as I knew, you had cut ties with any and all factions related to Nous.” Sapphire quirked an eyebrow at the man before him, who’s shoulders now tensed at his pointed statement.
Lapis’ gaze leaves the slender man in front of him, now resting on his shoes. “Yes, I did.  I was only being sarcastic.” His gaze shifts to the side now, brows furrowed in irritation.
“While we’re on the topic, your loyalty is…concerning, to say the least.” Sapphire begins, rising from his seat and slowly making his way to the broader shouldered man. “You gave up on Erudition after the Genius Society rejected you, you couldn’t fully dedicate yourself to The Hunt, I do wonder how long it will take until you break your oath to Preservation as well.” He was now standing directly in front of Lapis, looking down his nose at him with a contemptuous glare.
Lapis grit his teeth, clenching his fists at his sides.  He wanted to say many things to this man, things he knew he couldn’t if he wanted his plan to work out correctly.  They need to at least tolerate each other for things to work out.  But this proud bastard is making that really difficult right now.
He takes a deep breath, steadying himself before speaking again. “I can assure you, my loyalty to the IPC is unwavering.  This corporation has done a lot for me, I have no reason to be so fickle.”
“Now,” A swift topic change, lest he blow a gasket. “As for my plan for Penacony.  I can assure you that your and Topaz’s cornerstone’s will be safe.  Even if The Family despises the IPC, they should know better than to mess with our property.”
“I suppose you do have a point…” Sapphire reluctantly admits. “But what of yourself?”
“Well,” Lapis smirks, shrugging his shoulders. “We will just have to see on that.  If all goes well, both the cornerstones and myself will return unscathed.  At worst, only the cornerstones will, and Penacony will still be back in the IPC’s grasp.  Either way, it will be a success.”
Sapphire narrows his eyes at the man, lips pressed together tightly, until he sighs.  He hangs his head and his shoulders slack, and he uncrosses his arms to hold out a hand to his coworker. “Fine then.  Against my better judgment, you shall have my cornerstone.”
Lapis could almost jump for joy at Sapphire’s delayed acceptance, but he knew better than that.  He had to keep his poker face.
He takes his hand in his own, and gives it a firm shake. “You won’t regret it.”
“I hope you won’t give me reason to.”
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misdeliria · 1 year
bkg slowburn partners to lovers excellence
fyi: aged up, drinking, not beta'd, deal w it
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Cupid's Chokehold (3.7k)
"I'm falling in love with you."
It rolls off your tongue without a second thought, and you relish the relief of your confession. Katsuki can't control his surprise, and you can read his answer off his face, and for a brief moment, you regret making your move.
The sting of rejection is quickly numbed purely by willpower, and you laugh airily.
"You have a terrible poker face," you tease lightly. You steel yourself for the next part by deeply breathing through your teeth. "You aren't interested in me."
"It's not like that," Katsuki mumbles quietly, his ears turning pink. "I need to focus on my career. We both do."
"Gotcha," you whisper, looking off into space, head turned away from him. "No, you're right." You clear your throat and begin to wrap up your trash from your forgotten lunch.
Katsuki seems to want to stop you, but he's silent as he watches you step out of your seat and make a quick visit to the nearest trash bin.
"Look, we're good," you assure him as you prepare to end this shared meal. "Nothing's changed. We're partners."
Katsuki raises a brow at you, remaining in his seat. "Then how come you're leaving?"
You respond with a dry laugh, fighting down the pit in the back of your throat. "Give a girl a second to wallow, Bakugo," you huff. Shrugging, you awkwardly shift your weight back and forth between your stance. "At least I won't be so distracted during patrols anymore."
It's your weak attempt to lighten the mood. Although, it's hard to commit when trying to come to terms with your rejection. Unfortunately, Katsuki doesn't find it amusing, and his expression remains a combination of surprise and confusion.
"I won't be as weird tomorrow," you brush off sheepishly. "Get home safe." With a single nod, you turn to leave before anything can stop you.
You feel like you can breathe again once you shut your door and feel your car engine rumble to life. Before you can shift gears, a wave of embarrassment and shame washes over you, and you throw your head back against your seat.
Pressing your hands against your face, you let out a sound of anguish, feeling like a fool. Raking your fingers back through your hair, you sigh.
"You just can't shut up sometimes, can you?" Your voice is quiet as it disturbs the otherwise silence in your car. "Brush it off. You're not dying." You shake your head and quickly note where the alcohol in your apartment is for when you get home.
Katsuki doesn't notice anything different about your dynamic in the days following your confession. You make eye contact easily and banter with him like nothing has happened. You're civil and, for the most part, stay on task during patrol.
You're the perfect partner, and yet, Katsuki can sense something has shifted.
"You're late," he grumbles, glaring at you as you stride to your desk with a compostable coffee cup in your hands.
"Would you relax," you dismiss him with a flimsy wave of your hand. You drop your bag onto your chair and start peeling off your layers. "We don't start for another ten minutes. I'll be right back."
You disappear to change into your uniform, and Katsuki takes this opportunity to invade your privacy.
"You don't drink coffee," he states skeptically after bringing your cup up to his nose and taking a whiff. The stench from the coffee is strong but not enough to cover up the scent of your lipstick coating the mouthpiece. He didn't even realize you wore makeup.
"Hey, don't drink my drink," you chastise as soon as you return, adjusting the sleeves of your uniform.
"You don't even like coffee," he accuses, setting your cup back on your desk. You respond with an incredulous laugh.
"No, you don't like coffee," you correct him. "I'm perfectly happy drinking coffee."
"Why would you need to drink it anyways? Didn't you get enough sleep?" Katsuki's glare softens as he gives you a quick scan, picking up the exhaustion clouding your eyes and the tentative way you handle your stationery. "Did you at least eat something? I don't need you passing out on me during a fight."
"You almost sound worried," you say with a dry tone, covering it up with a hollow chuckle. "Where's the trust, man?"
"There is none," Katsuki bites back quickly, but the humored glint in your eyes relieves him. "Are you almost ready to head out?"
"Can we ever just start when our shift starts?" You groan with a roll of your eyes as you return your stationery to their respective spots on your desk.
"Being on time is being late," Katsuki reminds you of what feels like the millionth time since he's met you.
He can hear you poorly imitate him behind his back, but when he turns to glare at you, you're inspecting your nails and obviously feigning innocence.
It's all too normal for his liking, and he's unsure why. He should feel grateful that you're not awkward after your confession and that you've moved past it and carried on your professionalism, but he's not. Not entirely, at least.
A little part of him can't stop hearing your confession.
"I'm falling in love with you."
Every time he meets your eyes, there's a brief pause, and Katsuki can't tell if it's imagination. You glow whenever you smile, even if it's not directed at him, and he can't look away from you.
You still grab lunch with him after your shifts, although now there's a thin blanket of tension veiling your conversations. And, outside of work, there's no contact from you.
Katsuki misses the days when you'd message him in the morning before your shifts, asking if he wanted anything from the shop that you stopped by for quick meals. He'd never take you up on your offer, but now he'll see you walk in with a to-go cup and wonder if you forgot to text him. He knows the truth, though.
You're trying to get over him. He can see right through your efforts, no matter how subtle you're trying to be. Katsuki notices the way you freeze up whenever he brushes his hand against your arm or grabs at you to check for injuries.
Every time, without fail, you'll clear your throat and yank yourself away from him, avoiding his accusing glare.
"I'm fine," you grit out, holding your arm that's obviously in pain. "I'll be good. Thanks."
Just let me take care of you, Katsuki will think bitterly to himself, watching you stagger away and doing nothing about it. You never used to be this difficult when he was just trying to do his job.
You'd argue that caring for you wasn't part of the job, and he'd find every fiber of him disagreeing with you.
"What are you doing this Friday?"
You're obviously surprised once you comprehend what Katsuki is asking towards the end of your patrol. You look flustered and waging an internal battle in your head.
"My idiot friends are having their monthly get-together," Katsuki explains, uncharacteristically mumbling. "They asked if you wanted to join."
"What?" You laugh, amusement washing away your nerves. "You're inviting me? What are they holding over you to do this?"
Katsuki glares at you, irritated that you guessed correctly. Mina threatened him to invite you, otherwise, she'd show up unannounced at the agency and introduce herself.
Normally, he'd go unphased by her threats, but ever since your confession, Katsuki's felt a shred of anguish that you'll disappear one day.
Even if he couldn't give you the relationship you hoped for, he wanted to provide for you somehow. And, if he had to expose you to his personal life a little more, then he was okay with that. As long as it meant you'd stay with him.
"They threatened to ambush us during a patrol if I didn't."
You fail to stifle your laugh, and Katsuki hopes to elicit more of that from you.
"I appreciate the offer," you eventually answer, and Katsuki feels elated at your initial positivity. It quickly dissipates when you reject his invitation. "I have plans this Friday, actually. For once." You laugh at your deprecating allusion, but Katsuki maintains his aloof expression.
"Suddenly, you're too good for my friends?" It was meant to be a joke, but his abrasive tone reveals his vulnerable ego.
You visibly hesitate to respond, and Katsuki wonders what you're fighting yourself on. What are you holding back from him?
"I have plans already," you repeat with more force, finalizing your explanation, and Katsuki feels irritation bubbling in his stomach.
You didn't make plans that required you to leave your apartment often – Katsuki knew this. You lived with your best friend, so most of your time outside of work was spent at home. Whenever you managed to come across real plans that involved wearing nicer clothes than sweatpants, you'd normally chat Katsuki's ear off about your anticipation.
"Do you have a date?" He blurts his question out before he can comprehend the thought, and he can feel the tips of his ears get warm with embarrassment.
You can't fight back the surprise from reaching your face, and Katsuki knows the answer before you nod.
You laugh sheepishly at getting caught, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear – a nervous habit Katsuki has caught on to after two years of working with you.
"Yeah, I do," you murmur, looking everywhere but at him. "My roommate set it up with her boyfriend's friend."
How come you didn't tell me, he wants to ask, but he already knows. "Is he nice?"
"Yeah, he's..." He watches your eyes glaze over as you get stuck in your head before clearing your throat. "He's nice. Why?"
Katsuki shrugs, feigning indifference. Inside, he's frustrated, but he knows he shouldn't be.
You're his partner. His work partner.
As long as this random head that's taking you out doesn't distract you during your patrols – when you're with him – then he can't shouldn't complain.
"Will you tell me how it goes?" His question is quiet because he's embarrassed to ask, but he wants to know. He knows not knowing will bother him, and he can't explain to himself why.
"Um, sure," you hesitate to answer, almost questioning yourself.
You keep details of your date private from him after Friday comes and goes. The curiosity eats at Katsuki whenever he catches you glancing at your phone or smiling at yourself at your desk, but he keeps it to himself.
Your shift today was harder than usual. A few minor misdemeanors followed up with a villain attack.
You could tell that Katsuki was frustrated throughout the whole time, keeping quiet and growling to himself more often than usual.
After, when you were packing up your things to leave for the day, you noticed Katsuki sitting at his desk with his head hanging low. His arms are relaxed against the chair handles and you think he looks defeated as people walk past him without a glance.
"Trying to get food?" You pipe up, sliding past him to lean back against his desk. You keep your demeanor light, resting your hands against the surface and keeping your chin up. "I'm starving."
"You head out without me," he mumbles, flicking his hand.
"Nah," you hum, smiling at him with encouragement. "Come eat with me."
"Wouldn't that make your boyfriend uncomfortable?"
Boyfriend? You frown at your partner, tilting your head with a curious look.
"My nonexistent boyfriend would probably be more concerned with my obnoxious partner giving me attitude when I'm hungry."
Katsuki finally looks up at you, and you widen your eyes in exaggeration.
"Oh my god, finally," you rasp, holding your hand against your chest. "I was planning on getting you a vest for your birthday to help you with your posture."
"You don't even know when my birthday is," he answers with a sneer, but it doesn't phase you.
"Of course I know when your birthday is, Bakugo," you tell him. "Now, can we please go eat?" You bounce off of his desk and pat his bare shoulder, shortly relishing the satisfying warmth that emits from his body.
Katsuki catches you by surprise when he holds your hand against his arm, squeezing gently.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, knowing what his answer will be but hoping for a rare moment of vulnerability.
"Just tired," he mumbles, not looking at you. You smile softly, understanding where his exhaustion might be coming from, and use your other hand to pat his spiky head.
"You're working hard," you remind him with sympathy. "You did a good job today."
Katsuki doesn't say anything, just responds with a nod.
You start to pull away, but he holds you in place for another moment. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you're hit with a familiar wave of infatuation that you've been desperate to avoid.
"We did a good job today," he finally says. "We're partners."
"I know, Bakugo." As badly as I want to be more, we're just partners. "You're not getting rid of me, unfortunately."
You're forced to yank your hand out of his, avoiding his glare when he turns back to look at you.
"Let's head out already," you plead, creating some distance between you before checking back to see if he's following you.
You can't fight back your smile when you find him out of his seat and pacing over to you.
Katsuki hates seeing you in Mina's apartment. It's like his worlds are colliding, and he's still not mentally prepared after a week.
He's grateful you let him pick you up and take you instead of finding your way there. He's also quietly pleased that you're glued to his side because you don't know any of his friends.
"I hope your friend likes this wine," you nervously babble in his ear, and it makes his skin vibrate with how close you are. "How do you not know what alcohol your friends like?"
"Cause I don't care," he bites back, arms crossed over his chest and sending you his normal glare. "And you shouldn't either. Not like they're your friends."
That was obviously not the right thing to say, and Katsuki immediately regrets it when he watches your expression fall.
"Then, why did you invite me?" You sound frustrated and lean away from him slightly. "What am I doing here?"
"Saving me from a night of nuisances."
Katsuki thinks he hears you mumble "Typically," but doesn't respond because Mina and Eijiro approach.
"Hey, Bakubro," Eijiro greets with a wide smile, clapping a hand against Katsuki's arm. "And hello to you too!"
You give them your name with a polite smile and present Mina with your gift. Katsuki has to fight the urge to put his arm around you – to protect you from his friend.
"I didn't know what to bring, but I hope you like this wine."
Mina squeals in delight, taking the bottle from your hands and inspecting it before throwing herself at you. Katsuki's skin prickles at the sight.
"I love wine!" She cries with glee. "You're so considerate! Bakugo never brings me anything."
"When do you ever bring me anything?"
"When do you invite me over?"
The glare Katsuki sends Mina is fatal, but she's unbothered, much to your apparent satisfaction.
"Let's open this right now!" Mina drags you away by the arm, and your panicked expression is enough to bring a soft smile to Katsuki's lips.
"So, she's the partner?" Eijiro takes your spot next to Katsuki and nudges his arm. "Think she's into you?"
The question makes Katsuki scoff, sending his friend a silencing look.
"She is? How'd you find out?"
"She told me," he answers gruffly. "Over a month ago."
Eijiro's eyes almost bug out of his head with how surprised he is.
"Why didn't you say anything? That's awesome, dude."
"Why would that be awesome?"
"Because it's obvious you're into her too?" Eijiro's brows furrow as he looks at Katsuki, who feels a burning fire in his chest light up.
"Excuse me?"
Eijiro sighs, scratching the dark scruff under his jaw. "Come on, man."
"You invited her to Mina's shindig," Eijiro points out. "You've been her partner for, what? A few years now, and you're finally bringing her around to meet us?" Katsuki just glares at him.
"Maybe you should mind your business," he tells his friend.
"You're defensive because you know I'm making a good point."
"When have you ever made a good point?"
Eijiro feigns offense when he puckers his bottom lip out in a pout. "I've been known to have good insight occasionally."
"This isn't one of those occasions." Katsuki notices you reappear from the kitchen with Mina, carrying four glasses of wine between you. He clears his throat obnoxiously, successfully silencing Eijiro with a look this time around.
"Hey, here's a glass," you tell him, handing him one from your hand. Katsuki takes it but isn't sure what to do with it.
"I didn't ask for this," he mentions as Mina hands Eijiro his glass.
"He means, 'thank you'," Eijiro answers for him.
"You don't speak for me," Katsuki barks, but your soft laughter kills his irritation.
"Don't worry, I know how he works," you tell his friends as you sip your drink. "He's actually holding my second glass for me."
Mina giggles at your statement, but the smile on your lips tells Katsuki that you aren't joking.
A short while later, after Mina moves on to her other guests and Katsuki has resituated you and him on the couch, you swap glasses with him.
You're invested in a conversation with Sero, angled away from Katsuki, but your legs are curled under you, and the fabric of your socks flick against his legs.
"I'll be back," he mumbles as he rises to his feet, empty wine glass in hand.
He finds himself in Mina's kitchen, a few guests lingering around and chatting. He comes across the wine you brought, empty in an ocean of half-drunk bottles.
Before returning to the couch, he refills your first glass with another wine he finds himself hoping you'll like. You're alone and on your phone by the time he comes back.
"Decide to join in on the fun?" You ask with a beaming smile once you realize he's returned. Katsuki finds himself pleased at the sight of you dropping your phone into your lap without hesitation as he falls into the cushion next to you.
"For you," he says plainly. "For when you finish that glass."
You frown at him playfully, taking another swig from his original glass. "You trying to get me drunk?"
"God, no," he exasperates. "Wanna make sure you're having a good time."
"Good call filling up another glass then," you laugh.
I know how you work too, he finds himself thinking.
"I am having a good time, though," you confess, resting your hand on his leg and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Thank you for inviting me. I like your friends."
"I think they like you more than they like me."
"Everybody likes me more than they like you. That's how our dynamic works."
Our dynamic. Everything you tell him comes out more meaningful than he assumes you intend. Katsuki doesn't know when that started to happen.
He cherishes the dynamic between you, and for the first time, he's worried that it's in jeopardy. That it's been strained since you confessed to him, and, right now, he's on borrowed time with you.
"Thank you," he tells you. "For coming. You didn't have to."
"I did, though, " you correct him. "Mina tells me she would have shown up unannounced at the agency if you kept me from her any longer."
"Well, she's an idiot."
You give him a knowing smile, leaning against his arm. "Then, you're an idiot by association."
"Shut the hell up."
Your gentle laughter is muffled by the wine glass against your lips. You finish your drink in a single sip and immediately hold the emptied glass to Katsuki. He wordlessly switches your glasses.
He watches intently as you take an experimental sip from the wine he chose for you, and the satisfied hum you release tells him you approve of his choice.
"This is really good. Nice choice," you tell him, holding it out for him. "Did you try it?"
"I'm driving us, remember?" He glares at you for your ridiculous question, but you roll your eyes.
"It's a sip, Katsu-" You stop yourself midway, and Katsuki notices the flush in your cheeks, but not without actively searching for it. "it's just a sip, okay? Try it."
You're shoving the rim of the glass to his lips before he can call you out on your mistake. He reluctantly takes a little sip and his face twists in disgust.
"I don't like wine," he tells you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after you spill some against his face.
"Well, that's a shame," you sigh dejectedly, throwing back the remaining wine with a few swigs. Even Katsuki knows wine isn't chugging alcohol. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom."
And when you return a few minutes later, Katsuki notices you curl up in your seat a little further from him.
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an: wrote this for @/sarahlovesseb ♡
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sashi-ya · 10 months
東京 NIGHTS mini event
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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑰𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑬ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𓂃 ࣪˖ toji fushiguro x f! reader
⤹˚ synopsis. a miserable Toji founds the living image of his death wife in you, a sex worker at Kabukicho.
requested by: Anonymous ➡ omg i've been waiting for you to write for jjk!!! please Sashi, can you write an nsfw toji x f! reader with the prompt The red lights of Kabukichō. tw: MNDI. dark! content. reader is a sex worker from the kabukicho red district. toji has no respect for you. oral, rough, spanking, slapping, unprotected sex, cream pie implied, you look like Megumi's mom. first time I write for Toji pls be soft on me. wc: 2k masterlist
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A lucky round, for the very first time at Pachinko. Fushiguro Toji feels pleased; he lies on the backrest of his seat, right in front of an old machine and next to many other people desperately trying to win something. The more desperate they get, the more they lose.
Poker, Mahjong, horse races. money, lose the money. lose your life, lose the time until it is over.
“It looks like you have a lot of luck tonight, mister” a woman whose face he simply ignores, paws his wide frame.
“Get off, bitch” he mutters, scaring her away with his sharp -but really tired- eyes.
The lady walks away, spitting expletives that Toji couldn’t hear -nor cared to do so-. However, consequences were about to hit him.
Two guys, or maybe gorillas, appeared right behind his seat. “Sir, I must ask you to leave” one of them says, trying to snatch him from behind, passing one of the arms around his neck.
Unfortunately for them, as well as for Toji, the strength and speed of his Zen’in body  allows him to not only avoid the attack but also smash the head of the aforementioned gorilla against the Pachinko machine.
“Fuck you” he grunts, knowing too damn well the aggression didn’t come because of him disrespecting a lady but rather because his “luck” wasn’t welcomed into their business.
Honestly, given the right moment, Toji would have killed them both in no time… but tonight was different; some years -he doesn’t even remember how many- have passed and today marked the anniversary of his wife passing.
Toji stole a bun from the guy that was sitting by his side and walked away from the Pachinko parlor before the astonished looks of the people there. Nobody dared to follow him, they knew death would find them if they dared to mess a single second more with that man.
His steel blue eyes shine red as the lights of Kabukichō receive him in their sensual embrace. The attractive concupiscence of beautiful women dancing on windows catches his attention, but no woman is enough to make him feel any type of pleasure.
He is well aware of the many scams there, but he is sure nobody could scam him more than he could scam them.
Many women and men come closer, wearing revealing suggesting outfits; they touch him, they call him inside their “shops”. Yet, Toji still walks unaware, as if possessed. Some even offer him their services for free, his handsomeness is undeniable; his strong physique, delicious and tempting.
“Sir, sir!” you call him, tapping insistently on his wide shoulder. “SIR!” you repeat, as he seems not to hear anything around.
Toji turns around, all of a sudden, grabbing your hand to stop poking him. “What the fuck do you want, I don’t wanna fuck you… you…” he angrily barks, stopping immediately after watching your face.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to… your… your wallet just fell from your pants” you tell him, scared and feeling the tight grip intensify around your wrist.
His eyes burn holes into yours, his expression turns troubled, darker. He is not blinking, and perhaps even not breathing.
“Do you work here?” he asks. “It’s my first night… I was promoting that- bar” you point out to the entrance of a quite ratchet facility of red and pink lights and semi naked woman pictures on their walls.  “I… your wallet” you murmur, showing him the black ragged leathery pouch that feels light and empty.
He lets your arm go and takes the wallet with absolutely no interest. His eyes, however, never let go of your face… you must be an interest to him?
“You… what’s your surname?” he asks, as if he was waiting to hear something revealing.
You frown; why would a complete stranger ask for your surname? Men in here only want one thing, and to them what’s your name is totally irrelevant for that purpose.
“It’s (Surname)” you tell him, either way. You had nothing to lose, after all.
He seems relieved but also a little disappointed. Truth is, that you look incredibly similar to his late wife… “Come here, I want you” he simply states, pulling from your hand to the inside of your work place.
You follow him with no time to say no… you wouldn’t say no anyway.
There is not much your boss can do either; he is in fact pleased to know that right after he hired you, you have already given him a client.
You open the door to the “rooms”. Precarious looking places that no man cares about as they only care the true purpose of his visit.
Once inside one of them, you close the door, and the red lights bathe both of your bodies as if it was a blood bath.
“Sir, which service would yo-“ you ask, but you are immediately silenced by his hand on your mouth. He pushes you to a round bed, making your back hit violently the mattress. You blink twice before he could pounce into you.
Toji is big enough to smash you with his body, and you honestly would love to die underneath his prominent chest tonight.
“I don’t care about the services you give, spread those legs” he orders, slapping the inner side of your knees.
You let your legs open wide, falling to each side. The short skirt you were wearing invites him to taste you; the buffed man with a scar on his lip sees everything you have to offer.
He smirks, so dark. And then, takes his black shirt off. His body is by far better than what you thought that tight shirt had already revealed to you. Each muscle perfectly showing like it’s been sculpted on his skin. The wide shoulders and prominent collarbones and pecs… he is the total embodiment of carnal desire.
Toji’s brute hands rip your almost transparent thong now; the elastic band snapping on your hipbone makes you squirm owning yourself to get his hand around your neck. “Stay still, bitch. You will have enough time to squirm around once I fuck you”
Your insides tremble, your core tenses. Such a disrespect makes you hornier instead of mad.
“Y-yes…” you stutter, finishing your words with a loud moan as his fingers penetrate you. Your back arches, and the more it does, the more he squeezes your neck.  
With lack of air and probably blue lips, your eyes turn white from pleasure. Your legs tend to close but you can’t as Toji prevents them to shutting.
“Hold on there, don’t close them. I need to prep you, you are too tight to me” he spits, reaching deeper with curled beckoning fingers hitting your top wall. You clench to the sheets, coffing and trying to grasp for some air… this man will kill you, and you will be smiling at him.
He takes his fingers out of you, giving you some seconds to rest. You watch your own arousal dripping down his hand and forearm. Toji sticks his tongue out in a disgusting, yet absolutely sexy way, and licks your salty products right from there.
“Not as good as my wife, but still good” he murmurs, leaving you startled… he has a wife?
Well, not exactly.
He turns you around from your right ankle, this man’s strength surpasses any limits. Your face hit the mattress, leaving you a little bit dizzy from the fall. Immediately after you could react, you feel two big hands lifting your ass from under your lower belly.
Knees carved on the bed, and also head as one of his heavy hands pass from your waist to your nape.
You sense two fingers spreading your folds, and the wet tongue of him licking from your clit to your ass. He has absolutely no decorum to do it, he does it so disgustingly lustful. Toji’s nose buries in your perineum as he sometimes focuses on your throbbing clit, sucking hard until your inner thighs begin to spasm and tremble.
Some spanks are added, that leave your cheeks burning. He goes even down, hitting the back of your thighs, a place that hurts but makes it even better. You are sure by now you must have created a pool of your fluids underneath you, and if not… well, you are most likely about to.
“Ehj… so wet…” he pants once he stops eating you out.
With difficulty you see him through the mirrored walls cleaning his mouth with the back of his forearm. Slanted eyes peek through black strands of hair, they meet yours and It’s both scary and hot.
Toji smirks, so devilishly and turns you once again around from your leg. You are like a mere doll to him.
He buries his fingers in your cheeks, making your lips pout and your eyes widen. You are still panting, so your breathing sounds loudly in between your fingers and a drop of saliva pools right in the middle of your lower lip.
That man has the look of a murderer, of a devil. With just one hand he gets rid of his grey pants along with his underwear. Your eyes confirm why he mentioned the need of you getting “prepped” as he exhibits his hard sex.
Purplish tip, veiny. It is not gigantic, but still constitutes a challenge for anyone to be able to take it. He is not going slow, nor carefully… and you know that for sure.
“I’m going raw, hope you are ready to become a single mother” he lets you know, as if you didn’t know already. You limit yourself to nod. You are honestly more worried for the integrity of your insides than that.
Toji kneels on the bed, sitting on top of his heels. He grabs you by your hips, pulling you over his lap to get your sex closer to his. A sex that with the simple touch of his warm precum covered tip makes your already overstimulated you to shiver.
His fist, also veiny, clench around his shaft. Toji pumps up and down two or three times and then plays with your wetting mess and his, giving you little slaps with his tip.
Strings of transparent lubrication mix; your neediness is that big you squeeze one of your breasts… it seems eternal, the wait, the desire…
The penetration. “Ngh…”
You arch your back while Toji penetrates you deeper and mercilessly, there is no escape as he has you trapped by the sides of your hips. Your toes curl, feeling the stretching of your cunt, and swearing his tip has probably reached a place nobody has ever reached inside you.
He begins fucking you, without moving a single muscle but his muscular arms. He is using you as a fleshlight, and his eyes are fixed in your beautiful pleasure façade.
“Keep moaning that way, you are almost identical” he grunts, moving you in and out faster and harder.
You aren’t very sure to who you are almost identical, but your brain has become nothing but a mere dumb slave of that lustful sexual torture.
He lifts from his heels, along with you. Your face and barely any of your nape remain on the mattress. To him moving your body, he adds his own hip thrusts. The sound of your skin slapping is almost as loud as your whining.
His forearm is the only thing holding you up by the small of your back, while his free hand now rips your little shirt open. Your breasts bounce in pure freedom, calling him to bite them so brutally. And so, he bends over to reach for your hard nipples.
Toji’s eyes never leave your façade, he seems possessed as he enjoys and also suffers.
“Fuck you bitch, how come you are that similar to her… you do the same fucking face” he spits, slapping your face and then burying his index and middle finger inside your mouth.
You choke but suck desperately. Your moans get muffled by his salty fingers; your sex has already undergone the stage of climax more than twice.
He can go for hours, pumping deep in you, biting your breasts, slapping you… and he does, until your conscious begins to fade, and he wishes to fill you up.
“Hold my cum inside, maybe I can give the fucking clan another kid” “Sir…? Which clan?”
I only touched her; I only fucked her because she looked just like you… I miss you, I miss you, I miss you so much...
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pjoxreader · 1 year
could i get jason, percy, and leo looking after an overly affectionate drunk reader (fem pls)
Drunk Reader (Fem)
Jason Grace
-The second he realizes you’re a bit too drunk he decides it’s time to go home. You were clinging to his neck making Jason hold your waist to ensure you wouldn’t fall.
-”But Jason I don’t want to go yetttt.” you complain to him slurring your words. Jason huffs a little fondly at that as he sweeps you off your feet carrying you bridal style. 
-”Not even if we binge your favorite show and I cook you some breakfast?” he suggests. That was all the convincing you needed as you grumbled something into his chest, pressing yourself as close to him as you could get.
-Jason gives a goodbye to the rest of the group as he gets you home, carrying you the entire way. When you get home he works on making breakfast, but he has to work around having you right in front of him, since you could still be close and cuddle up with him.
-Even with that challenge he manages to get breakfast done, thanks to some cooking classes from Leo of course. You had been really thankful for that because Jason’s cooking was awful before…
-He gets you over to the sofa getting on your favorite show, while making sure you get plenty of water and eat a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, and plenty of toast to help with your eventual hangover.
Percy Jackson
-Everyone knew that you were clingy while drunk, it worked out sense Percy was just as clingy if not more. He’ll cling to you like a koala bear while the two of you take turns telling each other how much you love each other.
-The two of you were just having the time of your life dancing to Poker Face, which made you nearly cry laugh since Percy had told you about the whole Lotus Casino incident. 
-You had plenty to drink and we’re busy drunkenly arguing over who loved the other more. “I love you to… To the bottom of the ocean!~” you huff unhappily at that crossing your arms as you were competitive. “Well… I love you to the moon and back!” That went on longer than you’re willing to admit.
-You both enjoy the night until the end of the night partying, drinking and eating plenty of food. You have to use each other for support and thankfully have Grover drive you both home. Though it was a bit of a struggle to get you away from Percy long enough to get you buckled up.
-When you get home you both crash into bed, knowing well that you were going to suffer a horrible hangover the next day. Which you did.
-Thankfully Percy was nice enough to make you pancakes in the morning. You were too hung over to care that they were radioactive blue.
Leo Valdez
-Ever had someone explain to you how a mechanical dragon works in less than an hour? Well you sure had now. Leo would go on longgg rants about things he was working on and different things that annoy him during his project.
-Not that you mind you were just contently snuggled up into his arm, enjoying your buzz as you listen to Leo rant. You decide you want to cuddle more and shift into his lap to cuddle up into his chest. 
-He nearly catches you on fire but he quickly pats himself out, putting his arm on the top of the chair. “you uh, come here often?” he says, trying to play it off. You can’t help but laugh at that as you snuggle into his chest.
-He smiles lovingly and softly as he wraps his arms around you “I’m so lucky…” he mumbles as he presses a kiss to your head. “So damn lucky… Promise you won’t leave…” his voice was soft as if this was a secret between the two of you.
-”I promise…” you muttered softly as you were starting to nod off into the warmth of Leo’s arms. And just like that you were out like a light. It didn’t take long before Leo fell asleep soundly too, holding you close as if you’d leave him in his sleep.
-The other seven had to work on carrying you both out, since you both were out cold no matter how hard they tried to wake you up.
~Masterlist & Rules~
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soapybutt17 · 1 year
Then There Was Three
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Summary: A surprise had brought heartbreak and pain for everyone in the base. But Capt. Price would do anything to get back on your good side, one way or another. Character: John Price x F!Wife!Reader. Simon "Ghost" Riley. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. John "Soap" MacTavish. Word Count: 6,441 Chapter Warnings: Mention of Unplanned Pregnancy. Arguments. Sad Gaz, Soap, and Ghost. Mostly Angst but Happy End. Smut. P in V. Oral (Female Receiving). Creampies.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist || Request are Open
You carefully make your way down the base hallway, trying to conceal the discomfort from your injuries as best as you can. The mission had been tough, and the wounds you sustained were a constant reminder of the dangers you face as the Lieutenant. But that wasn’t the only thing on your mind; there was something else, something you had just discovered during your time in the infirmary.
Pregnant. Seven weeks.
It’s been days since the mission, it had left you battered and bruised as any other mission did. But this time it was different, your injury was not the main problem you had but the test result that came along with it just before you were prescribed your medicine.
The news of your pregnancy had hit you like a bolt of lightning. It was both a moment of joy and immense fear, knowing that you were carrying a new life within you, but also all too aware of the challenges and responsibilities that came with it. How could you even begin to explain to anyone how it had happened, you had been on missions and settling in the base for months now, it would bring more question than answers to anyone that would become aware of the situation.
You hadn’t truly had the chance to process it fully, with everything else going on, you were desperate to find some peace to collect your thoughts and to get the much needed strength to finally face your husband and tell him the truth you had been hiding for days.
As you walk down the dimly lit hallway, you instinctively try to avoid your husband. You know you can’t keep this news from him forever, but right now, you need some time to yourself to come to terms with it all.
Your footsteps echo softly, and you can hear the faint hum of the activity around you, but it all seems distant. You knew that the rest of the team were having their weekly poker night and you were already certain they were looking for you. Your mind is preoccupied with conflicting emotions – the exhaustion and pain from the mission mixed with the dread and nervousness of impending motherhood. Each step becomes a battle with yourself, and you silently hope that you won’t run into anyone who might ask too many questions.
You recognize the voice immediately—it’s John. Your heart skips a beat, and you quickly put on a stone cold gaze. He was more than capable of seeing through your lies if you weren’t careful. It was better to stonewall him in this moment.
“My office.”
He requested and without a shadow of doubt, you know he already know without him saying anything.
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded, following him closely in a short walk to his office, hoping that whatever was to happened behind closed doors.
Eventually arriving in his office, you had quickly locked the door, fearing that anyone else would be made aware of whatever conversation you might have with him. You stand in the dimly lit office, the weight of the discussion heavy on your shoulder as you husband stood in front of you with his own blank face. His hips leaning against the table and his arms were crossed against his chest.
His face slowly dissolved from a stern blank look, to a look of complete sadness that broke your heart.
You clenched your fist, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. It had now become clearer to you why your emotions this past few days have been all over the place. It had almost cost everyone the mission had it not been for your husband’s quick thinking and demands for you to finally move back.
You did not want to say anything, hoping that even for just a fragment of a moment that whatever he wanted to talk about wasn’t what you’ve been fearing. The military has always been your life, your passion, and now it feels like it’s slipping away from you and you’re leaving everyone high and dry because of it.
“I’ve finally got around to read the Doctor’s report on you.” He began, his arm falling to his side before he turned and picked up a folder you already know what it contained. “Imagine my surprise when I find out you shouldn’t even be here in the base and you were advised to go home for the time being.”
“It was suggested that I don’t go on missions, Sir. It never stated that I am not allowed to be on base to handle drills and paperwork.” You were quick to respond. It was a hole you somehow find yourself digging deeper into.
“That is not the point, Rookie.” He spat voice raising a few octaves and had you standing stock still. Your husband would never intentionally raise his voice at you and this was much of a concern to him than anything else. “You have lied about your medical record to me, your superior. I could have you kicked out of this base and banned from ever stepping foot here ever again.”
You blinked, fury at the threat he was presenting to you right now.
“I did not lie about anything.” You spat, your own voice raising at his threat. “I followed what the doctor wanted. I am not allowed to go to any missions that’s it.”
“That is not the point!” He screamed walking further towards you.
“Do not raise your voice at me!”
“You don’t get to order me in my office, in my base, and anywhere that I am deemed your captain.”
You took a step back, the tears now fully falling from your eyes now.
“You don’t get to threaten me, not in this moment. Not as my Captain and not as my husband.”
He paused, a flicker of regret danced on his face before he returned to the fury that you were more than certain wouldn’t leave until he gets what he wants. But in moments like this, moments where you know it shouldn’t escalate in the way he would want, you would fight.
“You don’t get to decide about this all on your own.” He spat, moving closer to you. “You’re leaving the base and staying home. No exception.”
“No.” You said simply, to this very moment, you will fight to the very end. You were not leaving until you were good and ready, when they were good and ready.
“No?” He chuckled, amusement lacking in his voice. “Then what are you going to explain to everyone? How in bloody hell are you going to tell everyone how you got yourself pregnant then, hm?”
You said nothing, it was something you had hoped you would plan once you get to that point. Not when you were being cornered like this, not with the emotions on both sides rising more than it needs to be.
“Are you gonna open more problems than it needs to be right now?”
“Why are you treating me like I’m a liability?” You question.
“Because. You. Are.” He spat. “You are a liability to me as the Captain and even more so as my wife. I will not be able to work or handle my team if all I am thinking about is you and the baby.”
Somehow his statement further turned into a screaming match between the both of you. Accusations of neglect from both parties and you were more than certain that Poker night was ruined and the three boys would be close by listening in to the whole commotion with you and your husband missing.
“You’re leaving first thing in the morning. End of Discussion.”
“Just know that if I leave, if you force me to leave I swear to God that I will never return here ever again.”
“I don’t care if you don’t. My priority as is it is in my authority that you will leave the base and go back home—even if it means I have to drag you out of this base myself by the hair and keep you chained to the bed throughout your pregnancy.”
You gasped at his words, the anger of your husband was sometimes that of a man fighting for his life, arguments could be brutal and you had learned so early on in your relationship to never take what he said to heart. But not this time, not when his words held so much truth and brought so much trauma you had once tried to escape from.
“Just like what my father did to my mother.” You spoke.
He realize the mistake of his words. But as you shook your head, there was no getting back from it. You wouldn’t allow him.
The silence of the room was deafening, more than the actual screaming match between the two of you. He hurt you, more than you had once believed he would refused to do. You wonder if there was ever going back from his words.
How could he stoop so low just to get his point across? Of all the moments that he could hurt you, why did he choose to do it now, when all you had hoped to gain was comfort from him, a compromise, and even just a moment of control especially after the failure of the last mission you led.
The silence was broken by the sound of John’s phone ringing. Without skipping a beat, he answered the phone his eyes still glued to you, afraid that you would disappear from his gaze.
It was Laswell, she was simply inquiring about the upcoming mission. But the last statement finally made you realize that you had enough and it was better to be as far away from the man as possible.
“Rookie is out, she’ll be on leave for the foreseeable future per the Doctor’s order.”
Without waiting for the call to end, you turned and opened the door and leaving John behind, ignoring him as he tried to call for you. You ignored him as the tears continued to fall as you made your way back towards your room to pack and to never see him for the foreseeable future.
You had to stop for a moment at the sight of the three boys waiting by the Rec hall, different levels of worry lingering in their faces as they caught sight of you. Before any of them could even say a single word, you had walked further away, ignoring them as you did not have the heart to tell them that you would be gone for a while and you were letting them down.
Soap MacTavish was just enjoying Poker night with Gaz and Ghost, all three of them were waiting for you and Price to finally join them to finally get the ball rolling but still you both were missing.
“Where the hell are they?” Soap was almost pouting as his eyes looked at his cards then up towards the door, waiting still for everyone to finally be here.
Ghost grunted the same time that Gaz shrugged. Neither of them seemed as fazed as him about their mother and father being away for such a long time. They were usually the first ones here.
Before Soap could continue to press the issue on, the sound of Price’s voice echoing the empty hallways had everyone on edge and immediately standing to attention. It was the sound of your own voice that came after that made all three of them realize why the both of you were missing at that point.
“Mom and Dad are getting divorced?” Gaz asked playfully but more and more the voices had grown and had all three of them making their way out of the room and closer towards where the source of the screaming match was.
Soap could barely understand what the argument was all about, but before he could find himself walking towards Price’s office, Ghost had held him back with a shake of his head.
“It’s not something we need to get involved with.”
Poker Night was now officially over it seems and with the Lieutenant’s order, the room was cleared out and all three of them had found themselves walking just outside of the Rec hall, but neither of them wanted to head inside, waiting for even a glimpse of you and Price after the screaming match.
“We need to see what’s going on.” Soap tried convincing Ghost, but the man was not having it, allowing him and Gaz to remain outside of your room to wait instead, but nothing more.
“It’s not our place to intervene with their argument, Johnny.” Ghost began. But having known Soap for a little longer now, Soap knew the man had heard something that neither him nor Gaz did and it was bigger problem than any of them could help resolve.
“But Rookie—”
“Is a big girl and can handle herself as best as she could.” Ghost interrupts him. “This is not our battle to fight. Not this time, Johnny.”
Soap was now left to wait, there was no use in arguing in with Ghost on this, he would either continue on to deny Soap of his request or hold him hostage if he had to. It was now a waiting game, and no one had to wait for long as you stumbled out of the office, slamming the door behind you and making your way towards them.
The tears that fell from your face brought anger and panic for Soap. Captain Price might be his Captain, but if he ever finds out what reason for the tears in your eyes, he wasn’t afraid of throwing hands just to protect you.
You stared at all three of them for a moment before walking further away, to your room or office from the looks of it.
“What if—”
“She will tell us, just give her time.”
Ghost reassurance did nothing to assure him as the following morning, you were gone. Neither Price nor Laswell were able to give them a good reason for your temporary departure. The lost look in Laswell and the pained one in Price somehow says it all.
Soap would never forgive Price for what he’s done to you.
To Simon “Ghost” Riley, he would never admit that he had found a family in his team. It would make him weak. It would put a target on everyone’s back, if he gets too close. But somehow in the months of being in the Task Force, he had found a family he never thought he still deserved to have in this world.
A pair of chaotic brothers in Soap and Gaz that was hellbent of making his life a living hell. But they always meant well, protected him and cared for him more than anyone would even admit would. They’ve literally took a bullet for him in countless of missions and now he was more than willing to do the same should the need ever arise.
Then there was Price. A man that understood him in a way that he had once wished his own father did growing up. The man was everything his father will never be. He was a man that cared for him and helped him be the man he was now. To be better, both in missions and in his own retrospective life. He was an ear he could talk to at times when he was too scared to give Soap and Gaz mental scars from his own mental breakdowns. He listened, and gave him advice that he still lived up to up to this very day. It didn’t hurt that the man would affectionately call him Son when talking to him about his problems. But it also meant that he did not hesitate to give him an earful if he fucked up on missions or caused so much trauma for either Soap or Gaz. In a perfect world, where he would have a second chance in life, he would wish to have Price as his father instead of the one that was given to him.
But amongst the chaos of his team, the one that stood out the most and made him truly realize the family that he had come to love in the base was You. A woman that had refused to allow him to act formal in your presence. You were the first to calm him down from nightmares when no one, not even Price would be capable of helping him. You helped him in whatever he would need even without asking. The calm and often reassuring face always brought him memories of his mother, of the woman that had cared for him at times of trauma from his father. You did the same with his nightmares. Always being the shoulder he could cry on when he was so tired of showing the façade for everyone to see. You were only one that was allowed to see him metaphorically without his mask. The real Simon that still craved a mother’s love, freely giving it to him when you weren’t even supposed to.
This was the reason why your departure hurt him so much. You were the life of the base. With you gone to God knows where, the base was a desolation of what it usually was. The night that you left, he had never saw you, he was not even able to say goodbye to you and learning about your absence for the foreseeable future.
It hurt him and everyone in the base knows as much. Soap and Gaz had done their best to cheer him up but it did nothing to appease the doubt in his mind that he might have something to do with your absence.
He had turned his attention away from the open skies, his cigarette was lit for God knows how long but he was yet to even take a whiff of it. His mind was too preoccupied about your absence.
In front of him was the Captain, a man that tried his best to keep the stress and worries away from his features but since your absence the façade was no longer in place. It had affected the man more than he ever lets on.
He grunts a response, measured as he could. The man was still his Captain and he had some few choice words that would land him in hot waters if it was put out in the open for the man to hear.
“I know with Rookie gone, things have been tense in the base.” Price began.
He said nothing, but nodded in acknowledgement. A part of him knew if it was Simon, it was Price’s fault why you were gone. The screaming match was also something to take into consideration to.
He had heard bits and pieces of the conversation. But he did not want to make his own guess in the event that it was far from what was the truth. But one thing was clear in the conversation he had heard. Price wanted you to head home but you didn’t want to—not yet at least.
“She isn’t cleared to go back for missions and it’s best she stayed home. It would be safer for her.” Price’s explanation had layers that truly wasn’t he was about to discuss. “But there is more to it and as much as I’d love to tell you lot, it’s better if she does when she is good and ready.”
“What did you do?” It was a question that was now directed at the man more than it did you.
“I made the mistake and will deal with the consequence later on.” He chuckled dryly, the meaning behind the words brought more questions for Simon but he was not in the mood to dabble upon.
“Choices have consequence.” He agreed.
“But I’m sorry, to you and everyone. It’s gonna be hard for the next few months. But once everything is settled, she’ll be back. That is just how she is, no matter what I do, no matter what I say to make her leave, she will always find a way to come back to all of us.”
For now, all Simon could do was nod. He trust Price’s words for now, as the only thing that could ever truly break your promise was death itself. Nothing more and nothing less.
It’s been well over months now since you had left the base. No words from Price about your exact return, but things were slowly getting back to normal—as normal as it could be without you in the base.
Gaz was somehow the one that had it the hardest since you’ve left. He had been the closest to you and to Price, but with you gone and the notion that Price had been responsible for your absence, he resented the man.
It shows when Price that usually noticed him being the last to leave the meeting for missions would now be the first to leave without giving the man a chance to talk to him. It showed when conversation between him and Soap in the Mess Hall would die down the moment the Captain had arrived and joined them for Lunch.
It was brutal for him, it took a lot out of him that was so used to the notion of you greeting him and asking about his day and about the chaos he and Soap would somehow get themselves involved with.
He hated this, hated the feeling that it was his parents’ divorce all over again and he had no way of helping in mending the broken pieces back like when he was a kid. But this time, it was much crueler for him, to know there was no good reason why you were gone just that you were.
Then he heard it, the sound of his phone ringing. Usually he tried his best to reduce the times he checks on it while on base. But somehow he did and he was lucky enough to do so, it was you. After months and months of no answers here you were giving him a much needed call.
“Hey, Mama.” He answered after the second ring. All the emotions somehow escaped from the two words.
‘Hey Gaz, how have you been?’ Your voice was a lot chipper than the last memory of you in the base, the same familiar reassuring voice that helped him calm his own set of demons and doubts.
“Good. Just—good.” He could truly tell you about the hole you’ve left out in the base since you were gone. He did not want to put more weight on your shoulder for what happened. “But enough about me, how are you?”
There was a moment of silence before he heard you sigh through the other line.
‘Doing good, better than I would have expected.’ You respond. ‘I know I’m not supposed to be calling while I’m dealing with personal stuff, but I just had to make sure you and the boys are okay.’
“We are.” He tried to reassure, but he knew his voice failed him in the lie. “We miss you, Soap misses you, and I’m certain that even Ghost does too.” He took a chance to see if that would be enough to reassure you. “I’m sure the Captain misses you too, he’s isn’t the same without you in the base.”
He could hear the snort that escape from your lips at the mention of the Captain. Good to know that it was a sore subject to discuss over the phone with you.
‘I’ll deal with him when I come back.’ There was a promise in your tone, a promise that Gaz as much as everyone else knew well enough to know you were more than willing to keep when you get back.
“When are you coming back anyways?” He inquired.
‘A few more months, maybe after the holiday.’
“Injury was that bad huh?”
‘More or less, it’s more about the personal stuff going on back home that I need to deal with too.’ You brushed off. ‘Now I want to know what you three had been doing while I was gone.’
Somehow the call lasted longer than he expected, what he had thought would be a quick chat with you turned into hours. Talking about everything you’ve missed since you’ve left and you had supplied him all the secrets stash of snack and food laying around the base for him and the boys to share while you were gone.
But as the sunlight through his window slowly turned into darkness, he knew it was time for him to let you go and prepare for the mission.
‘Promise me something, Gaz.’ You requested.
‘Don’t be too hard on Price. He did what was best for me and for the rest of the team. He made the right call and it took me a while to realize it.’
“Okay.” He agreed, he had his doubts and hesitations but if it was you that made the request, he would try to the best of his abilities.
As you both said your goodbye, Gaz could only hope that the months would finally pass quickly than anything else. He misses you just as much as everyone else did.
For the first time in a long time, John Price took a much needed leave. He doesn’t usually use it as much since the formation of the Taskforce, with his wife also in the base there wasn’t truly a reason for him to come home. But this time it was different, it’s been months since the verbal dispute between the both of you and all forms of communications had been through text. You had somehow refused to answer any of his calls and had deemed it better to communicate through email or text.
Memories of the fight that had you crying still haunted him in his time in the base. It was filled with people of different walks of life, but it was an empty void of its former self without you in it. It was also difficult to shoulder the brunt of everyone’s anger at your absences.
Ghost, Soap, and Gaz had been cold since you’ve left, colder when they had realized it was your call that you were to be sent home immediately. He truly did not have a choice at the matter, he wasn’t acting as your Captain when he made the decision, but as your husband that knew it was safer for you and for their unborn child to be at home, away from the blood and violence that came with their line of work.
He knew you wouldn’t take it well. It comes with your love for every single one of the people in the base. You were leaving them behind and John understood as much, but he did not truly have any other choice. He wanted to protect you and the baby and he wanted to make sure no questions would come your way on how you’ve gotten pregnant on the base without any of them knowing.
As he stood in front of his home, the familiar smell of your cooking brought back memories of the both of you escaping the world and living in the world you’ve both created for yourselves away from everything else. Memories of promises of a family when the loose ends were tied up and the life you had once only hoped of having when all was finally said and done.
Neither of you planned for all of this. It was too early for either of you to experience but John understood that it was something that they both need to deal with from now on. John would also be a hypocrite if he denied the fact that he was excited about this new chapter in your lives.
He had always wanted to become a father. Dreaming of being able to have a couple of kids that were spitting images of you who he would love and protect with all his life and with all of his soul.
With his key, he had open the door and the smell intensified. A fucking Sunday Roast that he had been craving for months now. A meal he had been bemoaning to you often in your time in the base. A meal you had promise to make him the moment he had arrived back home. Even with the situation between the both of you, you still kept your promise of a Sunday Roast for him.
“Welcome Home.” You spoke the moment he had plopped his back and toed his boots off.
You smiled at him sheepishly and John took the chance to get a good look at you. In a silk robe that he had hoped hid more than your naked skin, you were the epitome of every man’s fantasy combined. Your hair was longer than what he had last seen from you and was tied in a messy bun. But most prominent thing about you in this instance was the bump that was bigger than he would have ever expected when he came back to you.
All the emotions of the last few months have washed over him and he was left in tears as he made his way towards you. Wrapping his arms around you, he took in your scent, the smell of your perfume and just the smell of your skin against his nose. He was a mess of bloody embarrassing proportions as he wept onto your shoulders.
He was sorry. He made sure you knew that as he apologized to you over and over again as you cooed for him. Rubbing his back and reassuring him that everything was okay now. No longer did you have anger like you once did when he made the call.
“I was scared…” He whispered against your neck. “When I found out, all I could remember were your injuries in the mission, what harmed could it have done to the baby. I did what I thought was best for you and the baby.”
“I know, its okay.” You tried your best to reassure him now. You pulled him back and pulled him into a kiss. “You did the right thing.”
He closed his eyes, pulling you back into a kiss. He truly missed this, being able to be so close to you, to be able to have you in his arms and in his presence. No one was greatly affected in your absence than he was.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated as he pulled away and open his eyes to look at you. A reassuring smile resting on your face.
“I forgive you.” You smiled cupping his face, your free hand holding onto his hand and placing it on top of your bump. “Now let’s get you something to eat, I know you’ve been craving a Sunday Roast for months now.”
He allowed you to pull him to the table where everything was setup. Conversations had been mostly on catching up, stories about the boys’ shenanigans while you were away and your Doctors’ Appointment and everything you had to deal with during the pregnancy.
“Here.” You smiled sliding a small photo towards him mid-bite.
Taking his attention away from the food, he took the photo and the smile grew bigger at the sight before him. It was your sonogram. Slowly but surely the small little bump was forming and turning into a baby that was you and him together.
“I didn’t ask for the gender, I wanted us to find out together when I go back to the Doctor in a few days.” You explained.
He nodded looking through their shared home and his mind already planning all the needed changes to make sure you and the baby would be safe here even without him here.
“Have you bought the crib yet?” He inquired.
“No. I wanted to wait for you to do it with me. I got a few plans I wanted to do for the spare bedroom but I wanted to make sure we do it together.”
He nodded, even after everything, you still thought of him.
“I’m sorry, for leaving you here all on your own to deal with this.”
“John, shut up.” You requested making him look right back at you in surprise. “What’s done is done and it was better for me being here. If anyone finds out I’ve been puking my guts out every morning we’d have to answer more questions than we’re even ready to answer. It’s safer for me here, safer for the baby to be here in a normal home instead of the home we’ve made for ourselves in the base.”
He nodded.
“I’m sorry too. I know we haven’t planned on having a kid just yet with everything going on, but I should have told you the moment I found out about the baby and we could have discussed it better together than you being forced by your hand to do it for me.”
“Apology accepted.”
“But you still owe me for shouting at me.” You pointed out and the heated gaze was all John needed to know about what he could possibly do to make it up to you.
With the leftovers stashed in the fridge and the plates thrown into the dishwasher, John lifted you into his arms bridal-style much to your surprise before carrying you right back to your bed for the much needed apology he still owes.
Buck naked on your back, what a way for you to welcome your husband home from Deployment. His head resting in between your legs, lapping onto your juices after your first orgasm. Your hands brushed against his brown hair, holding onto his hair pulling him away as you were getting closer to your second one.
You tried to pull him away as you whimpered your protest but he continued to lap onto you. The burn of his beard against your inner thighs, his tongue and mouth that was eating you out like his life depended on him, and his eyes, his smoldering blue eyes that were glued to you all throughout brought you into your second release. The shiver run through your spine before washing through your entire body and you were left into a whimpering mess for your husband that has finally pulled away.
Your eyes glued onto him even in your daze. Watching him as he removed his clothes, one by one. His own eyes were glued to you, his beard wet from your release and his chest rapidly rising and falling in his pants. He craved you just as much as you craved him.
“Am I forgiven?” He teased.
“Just fucking me already, John.” You pleaded for him now.
“Yes, Ma’am.” With a mock salute and the last of his clothes discarded you watching him hover on top of you, making sure to push most of his weight onto his arms that caged between your head.
Your legs immediately finding their way around his narrow waist, urging him to finally make good of his promise.
Breaking from eyes contact with him, you looked down, watching him rub himself for a moment before he rubbed himself against your core, tapping his cock against your lips coating himself with your release before finally slipping himself straight into you.
You gasped, welcoming the aching familiarity of his size. It’s been so long without this, without him. Your arms found their way onto his shoulders, wrapping yourself around him as he finally moved.
His movement was slow, letting you get used to his size all over again and the cautious movement of not hurting you or the baby now.
“Look at me, Love.” He pleaded, voice whimpering in his own desperation for you.
You did, looking right at him and saw him in his most vulnerable state for you. You pulled him in for a kiss. A kiss that took the air out of your lungs and brought you back to the familiar sanity that only your husband could bring you back into.
Slow his movement becomes quick and it brought you into a whimpering mess as you felt your third release creeping in.
“John,” You pleaded for him, pulling him tighter to you with both your arms and legs. “Harder, please.” You pleaded knowing it was how you would want him.
He grunted and his movement becomes quicker and harder as you wanted from him. The climb for your release was drawing closer as his hand moved down and fingers rubbing into your well abused clit.
“Let go, Love.” He pleads from you and with just his words, you screamed onto his neck as your third release washed over you. You cried at how John was still at it as your arms and legs went limp onto the bed, he was chasing for his own release now at this point.
You watched with blurry eyes as his eyes were on you still, closing only as he stilled and you felt spurts upon spurt of his cum paint your inside. He took a deep breath before maneuvering the both of you until he was on the bed with you on top of him. He hasn’t pulled out yet, but you felt him grow softer inside of you.
“I missed you.” He whispered after a few minutes of silence.
“I missed you too.” You sighed nuzzling your face against his sweat covered chest.
“Once this next mission is over and done with, I’m gonna take my paternity leave and cash in the rest of my leave.”
You blinked knowing if he does that it would mean everyone would become well aware of this private part of his life. It would also mean your own secret would be exposed in the collateral.
“Are you okay with it?” You asked looking up at him.
“It’s better that way, I trust them to keep their mouths shut when they need to, but it would avoid this kinds of arguments moving forward.” He sighed, arms wrapped around you and his hand resting on your stomach. “I think it’s about time that we told everyone. We can’t keep this secret up for longer.”
You thought about it too, but you weren’t so sure if your husband would also be fine with it if the need was to ever arise.
“Okay. I trust you.” You agreed moving until you were laid on top of him now. “I love you, John.”
“I love you too.” He smiled kissing you in the forehead.
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adonis-koo · 1 year
sweet nothing • 6
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(in which, you should have listened)
↳ Description: being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself.
His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader, ???/reader
↳ Genre: slice of life AU, mafia!AU, pregnancy, there’s like…a little bit of a plot but not a lot, future smut? maybe? it's very domestic!
Word Count:
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Note: last regular update before I drop off for awhile <333
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Two Years Ago
Red Light
To say you were nervous, was an understatement of the century. 
You had been concerned about Wonho’s involvement in illegal things for a long while now, but it was always the same excuse with him, ‘I’m fine! You know me, i’ll weasel my way out of anything!’
Or something akin to that dismissive statement.
So for Wonho to come home with a serious expression on his face and ask you if you’d be willing to come out with him, something had happened. He never came to you for help, so in that moment you couldn’t possibly turn him down. 
It’s how you ended up here, following behind him into the seedy looking building, there were no signs on it that even indicated it was open, in fact, it didn’t even look vacant. 
Wonho told you they called it the Red Light though, and you quickly realized why once you entered inside, a mixture of perfume and cologne in the air along with the smell of sweat, you could hear the faint moans through the walls. 
This was a brothel. 
It made you anxiously wipe your hands against your jeans as you both squeezed through the long narrow corridor into the main building where you quickly felt undressed, many people wore masks concealing their identities. 
“Stay away from them,” Wonho whispered to you, “Supposedly they’re government officials and things of that nature, the only people who conceal their identities here, is for a reason.” “Wonho,”
He paused at the sound of your strangled word, your expression morphed into one of pure fear and anxiety, “Why did you bring me here? What’s going on?” 
Despite your distraught expression your words were nothing more than a whisper, Wonho frowned, “Nothing major is going on I just…” He frowned as he glanced away, “I’d feel better having someone I trust with me for this, you don’t have to do or say anything, just…be you.” 
You searched over his expression in hopes of finding some glimmer or truth or lie in them, but as always, Wonho has a good poker face. 
You say nothing more, allowing him to take the lead once more through the main room, the discomfort not leaving you but it did lessen once you entered into a back room where the moans had finally become silent. 
This room however had a different kind of tension. 
“Ah there he is. Just in time Wonho, you be dealed in?” 
It was a small room, much nicer than most of the building so far, a small group of men sat at a round table, poker being played at the moment, not with chips but a multitude of things, pill bottles had been carelessly thrown on the table, a few pistols, and of course, dollar bills. 
“I would’ve brought something of value with me had I know,” Wonho flashed a charming grin at them. 
“You got something of value right behind you.” Another man commented, nodding his head slightly behind Wonho only for you to realize he was gesturing to you. 
“Excuse me?” 
He looked amused at your reaction. 
“Don’t tempt me Jungkook.” Wonho chuckled as he gave you a pat on the head, “But my little sister isn’t on the table tonight.” 
You peered over Wonho’s shoulder only to watch the man’s expression- Jungkook- if you had heard correct- dimmed by a fraction until an unreadable expression crossed his face, dark eyes flickering between you both. 
“Sister huh?” He flicked his cigar into the ashtray before setting it inside, “The fuck are you bringing her here for? Cus’ it better not be for what I just joked about.” 
You felt yourself visibly shrink back at the cold glare that drilled into your brother, even if he wasn’t looking at you, you could still feel the frost from here. 
“Consider her my partner for the night, you have Yoongi,” Wonho pointed a finger at the man who sat beside him, “I have Y/n.” 
The man- Jungkook shifted in his seat, a large hand set on the table over his cards, his pointer finger tapping on the table, adorned in various rings as his expression remained stoic. 
“That the truth?” His eyes flickered to you. 
It felt like electricity shooting in the air as you both stayed silent for a long moment, shifting in your spot you hesitated as you stepped forward to stand beside your brother, “Wonho would never do that to me. I’m here because Wonho asked me to be here.”
Jungkook stared at you for a long moment, then you noticed his eyes, they softened a little,  “Good.” Only to harden once more as he looked at Wonho, gesturing to the empty seats at the front of the table.
The meeting had taken around an hour, you had stayed silent the whole time and nobody paid you much mind, aside from Jungkook, who’d occasionally let his gaze wonder to you before Wonho would say something that would make him stiffen. 
You had deduced who was hot headed partner and who was the relaxed one out of the two very quickly, but aside from the rash display of emotions on Jungkook’s part, everything seemed to go off without a hitch. 
You didn’t understand much of what was being said, aside from some more familiar drug names and logistics, something about running a crate to Seoul…?
Before the meeting officially closed Jungkook had nodded to one of his lackey’s who grabbed a brief case, opening it up nearly made your eyes pop out of your head. 
It had to be at least 300 million won. 
“We’ll pay the rest after you’ve delivered, and remember,” Jungkook frowned, “Part of this is going into your stock, so don’t blow it all.” 
“You can count on me!” Wonho grinned confidently, “Thank you both for your time. We can meet again after I’ve delivered the crate.” 
The two men nodded and the meeting ended, the door opened once more and people began to shuffle in and out of the room. 
“Here, for you.” Wonho grinned as he pulled a rubber band stack on won out of the brief case, handing it to you. 
You swallowed hard shaking your head, “Oh no, I’m- I’m okay…” It was one thing witnessing this, it was another actively spending money that came from illegal dealings. 
“No, no I insist.” Wonho shoved it into your hand as he winked, “I always told you I’d find a way to provide for us Y/n, you deserve some spending more, maybe you could even buy that set of canvas’s you’ve been browsing online. I’m gonna go spend mine in a less creative way though.” 
He peered outside the room but before you could stop him he had already disappeared, leaving you in the hustle and bustle. 
Clearly three am was the busiest time of the night, you hesitantly walked out of the room into an even busier main lobby, the bar counter has littered with people and even more masked figured had appeared, prostitutes weren’t difficult to spot, some naked, other scantily clad clinging to cloaked figures and others had already gotten busy.
All of the sights had your fingers shaking and uncertain of where to look, or where to go, this place was surprisingly large on the inside, leaving you lost as how to leave.
“You looking to use that money sweetheart?” A girl called out to you, she couldn’t of been any older then yourself, clinging to a masked figured as she reached out to you, “We’re looking for a third, I’ll make it a hell of a time.” 
“O-oh um…!” You stuttered out, trying very hard to not look at her large chest that was on display. 
You weren’t looking at them! They were looking at you!” 
“She’s with me.” A large hand pressed against your back delicately, behind you towered the tall figure out the very person your brother had just made a deal with, Jungkook. 
You hadn’t realized how tall he was when he was sitting down, but now standing you quickly got the impression that he was just an intimidating person all around, his was in a mix matched suit, a black loose button up top, the last five buttons were undone though, fitted against a dark maroon jacket.
His hair was black and bangs dusting over his eyes, his hair had a slight curl to it though, grazing close to his sharp jawline and chiseled features. 
The prostitute glanced between you both before she scoffed, “I guess I know who’s paying who.” She eyed you before walking away with the masked man as you scoffed, feeling a bit indignant that she insinuated you would pay Jungkook to...!
“Don’t mind them.” Jungkook said as his hand dropped back to his side, “They get upset the moment they can’t get money from someone.” 
You turned to fully face him, glancing back into the crowd were the prostitute disappeared and then back to him. 
“I apologize for not formally introducing myself sooner. I’m Jeon Jungkook.” He held out a hand to you, your eyes dropping once more, he wore about seven rings all together, multiple on each finger.
Carefully you shook his hand, his hand was rough and calloused, at least twice the size of your own, “Kang Y/n. I’m Wonho’s sister, but well you already know that…” Your smile was a bit sheepish, eyes darting away, finding it near impossible to maintain steady eye contact with him. 
He nodded before glancing towards the crowd, “Where’s your brother?” 
“Oh um…” You frowned, “He…” You weren’t sure how to word it. 
“He left you.” It was an accusation, a plain one that Jungkook frowned while saying.
“Not technically I mean…he’s still here, sorta…”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched for a brief moment as he shook his head, saying no more, “Do you need help getting home?” 
“I’m sure I’ll manage…” You rubbed the back of your neck, “I don’t want to bother you, I’m sure you’re very busy.” 
“This was my last event of the night,” Jungkook replied, “At least let me walk you out of the building.” 
You shifted a little…you did need some help…”Okay,” You nodded, “I appreciate your help.”
Jungkook only nodded, walking beside you as he began to weave you through the corridors, and once again the noise slowly faded into nothing as you arrived at the entrance once more.
The cool night air hit your face in a reliving gust of wind as you sighed in relief, having not realized how much tenison you had been holding until now.
You paused however at the cold drops of rain that begin to patter on the ground, lightening shooting across the sky quickly followed by thunder. 
You both stood in silence as the rain began to pour down as you sighed, “Um…I’m…I’m sorry but…about that ride home…?” 
Jungkook’s lips curved into a small smile, and for the first time you noticed a thin piece of metal adorning his lower lip and one dimple pressing into his cheek. He had a very pretty smile. 
It was a short wait before his car had been pulled around, a sleek black Corvette, the door opened with an umbrella. 
“Sir,” The man greeted him with a nod, walking under the rain cover to them before handing off the umbrella.
“Yeonjun, I want you on watch tonight, do what you want, just pay attention.” Jungkook said, the man gave one nod before walking into the building behind them. 
Jungkook gestured you forward, you weren’t too sure how to act, you never had someone walk you to the passenger side of a car before, opening the door for you, let alone hold an umbrella over to make you didn’t get wet. 
The seat’s were warm and comfortable, the air still had that new smell about it, and finally it dawned on you. You were in a Corvette with somebody that, you didn’t know for certain, but you had the assumption could easily make you dead if he felt so inclined. 
Anxiety spiked through your body as you shifted uncomfortably, the door to the drivers side opening as Jungkook got in, closing the umbrella as he set in on the floorboard. 
“You comfortable?” He asked, eyes glancing over your figure, once again as if making sure you were fine. 
You nodded, but your lack of verbal reply made him frown, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You replied, clearing your throat, “I um…being in something this expensive makes me nervous.” Jungkook snorted, “You won’t do anything that I can’t fix with spare change, promise.” 
Spare change…
He hummed in response as he began to drive.
“Do you mind if I ask a question?” 
“Depends on the question.” He shrugged. 
“...How do you afford this?” 
Jungkook laughed, you were taken off guard, his expression even relaxed a little as he sunk further in his seat, “I’m a CEO sweetheart, not to sound like an asshole but that makes generally a lot of money on it’s own, not including under the table.” 
It felt like a knot formed in your stomach, Sweetheart? It sounded like dripping honey off his tongue that had you clearing your throat, “Then why work under the table?” 
Jungkook shrugged, “Why not?” 
You weren’t dumb enough to not understand he was evading the question, and so you left it alone, “Thank you again, for driving me home.” 
Jungkook said nothing for a long moment as you glanced at him, before to his fingers that were drumming on the steer wheel, something in his eyes that gave you the impression he was annoyed. 
It made you worry for a moment until he spoke, “Your brother…” His expression remained, “He’s good at what he does. But I don’t appreciate his constant concern for saving his own skin though.”
You frowned at his insinuation, “He’s always taken care of me.” 
“He left you just minutes ago,” Jungkook replied, his tone the same as if laying out facts and you supposed in a way he way, “People who care about you, don’t leave you somewhere you’ve never been and know is a dangerous place.” 
You shook your head, “It’s not like that.” 
“Is it?” Jungkook’s voice softened a little before he sighed, “My apologies. I just don’t like seeing innocent people dragged into this side of things, one wrong move, one wrong interaction and you could be a prostitute in that brothel in a matter of minutes.” 
You didn’t say anything once more and Jungkook briefly glanced at you and then back towards the empty road, “I’m not trying to scare you, I just want you to be aware of what’s going on, those girls? They aren’t there because they want to be, they’re there because they’re paying off a debt of some kind. Because they didn’t have any other way to pay it off besides their bodies. It’s fucked,” Jungkook shrugged, despite his words he looked nonpulsed, “But that’s the way it works. All I’m saying, is tread carefully.” 
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Tread carefully….You think about those words often these days. Laid out on the sectional in the foyer your hands rested on your bump as you had been nodding off. It was monsoon season meaning another large bout of rain had come in. 
It had made you reminisce about the first time you had met Jungkook, you had forgotten all about that car ride, how it felt being in such a closed space with him, his kind but stern words so…Him. 
At the time you had dismissed a lot of things, hell, even up until the last week you had dismissed a lot of things, but the more you thought about it, the more you wondered. 
A lot of what if’s had been crossing your mind. 
What if you had crossed that line with him? 
Many questions had remained unanswered though, questions that you were still hesitant to ask. 
His words kept ringing in your mind though, it made you frown. 
Tread carefully…
You should’ve listened to him when you had the chance. 
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@btseverafter7 @scuzmunkie @zae007live @cynicalbitch666 @somehowukook @bartisedrew @princess-sunshyn @jungk-shook-iiee @chickpea-jimin @hoseokteardrop @guk97butterfly @givemethemaknaes16 @bxcndd @yoonchrisgull @aloverga @whipwhoops @nadzzzblog
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lovelylogans · 1 year
the parent trap
the masterpost
“So,” Remus says slowly. “If your Dad is my Dad…”
“...and your Pa is my Papa…”
Remus stares at the seam of the wedding photo, made whole again after more than a decade. His Pa, Patton, familiar with his cowboy-handsome, weather-beaten face and his dimpled grin and his big, calloused hand resting over his new husband’s, even if Remus has never seen him look this smitten ever. 
“And we’re both born on October 11… then, Roman. You and I are… like… brothers.”
And his Dad—Janus—smiling coyly, handsome in the way of magazine models, so completely a stranger to Remus with just this scrap of a photograph to serve as any way to know him, really know him. The way Roman knows him. The way Remus has been dying to know him all his life.
“Remus,” Roman breathes out, disbelieving. “We aren’t just brothers. We’re twins.”
Remus wonders, in a daze, if seeing the opposite life he could have had is as strange for Roman as it is for him… if they’d just been switched at birth, it’s the life Remus could have had, knowing his Dad instead of his Pa, but then…
But then it clicks.
“Roman,” he says, turning to grin at his brother—his brother! “I have a completely perfect, totally awesome idea!”
or: it's a parent trap AU for @tss-storytime with fanart by @tastic-in-its-finest!
warnings: pranks and practical jokes, smoking, drinking, brief mentions of underage drinking (in the context of a child trying a sip of wine), sibling rivalry and bonding, please let me know if i've missed any!
pairings: janus/patton, logan/virgil, brief patton/male oc
word count: 80k
notes: a few notes before we begin: first, thanks so much to morgan for their fanart for this fic!!! it's so cute, please like and reblog and do all that fun stuff!!! second, thanks to the folks over at the big bang for organizing this whole event—i know firsthand how complicated that can get, and you are so appreciated!!! this is technically a '90s au, but a '90s au in terms of the fashion and lack of social media/cell phones, not any of the homophobia. i hope you all enjoy!!!!
chapter one: prologue Across the world from each other, two very different families help two very similar boys pack their bags.
chapter two: welcome to camp walden! Welcome to what we like to think of as the most beautiful spot on God's green earth—Camp Walden.
chapter three: en garde The boys come to blows. (With practice épées, but in their minds, it’s equally as serious.)
chapter four: riposte The boys come to blows. (With words and stitching.)
chapter five: black card The boys come to blows. (With a temporary reversal of gravity, oodles of chocolate sauce, and finally, some semblance of adult interference.)
chapter six: isolation station The boys spend a great deal of their time considering coming to blows. Until suddenly, they don’t want to fight at all anymore.
chapter seven: operation augustus The realization of having an identical twin does quite a bit to spur some out-of-the-box levels of creativity.
chapter eight: let's get down to business! The boys begin to plot. Camp Walden trembles in fear.
chapter nine: to defeat… the family civil divisions of napa and london respectively! The boys plot. The world all over ought to be trembling in fear.
chapter ten: domine dirige nos Remus spends a great deal of time weighing the most British way to say hello. He’s going to have to repress throwing in a what’s all this then, guv’nor? the entire time.
chapter eleven: eureka! Roman spends a great deal of time weighing the most American way to say hello. He thinks he probably shouldn’t come right out of the gate with howdy, y’all!
chapter twelve: a wench in the works This absolutely was not in their multitude of blueprints!
chapter thirteen: riding is magic and friendship is power and love is everything to everyone Roman gets to meet his pony. He should, by all rights, be much more excited about it, but someone had to go and ruin it for him.
chapter fourteen: in which virgil attempts to hold a poker face (and fails miserably) Virgil curses being so observant.
chapter fifteen: all of my change spent on you Remus has a particularly fun run-in. Well. Fun for him.
chapter sixteen: so your sons have swapped places and are in foreign countries This particular subject was not covered in the parenting books.
chapter seventeen: hopped off the plane at lax with a dream of civil reconciliation with my ex-husband Remus plots. Grandfather aids and abets. Janus panics. Logan suffers them all.
chapter eighteen: small world and getting smaller Janus is officially the father of the two most troublesome twins in the galaxy.
chapter nineteen: you got me tripping, stumbling! sinking, fumbling! Patton makes a splash.
chapter twenty: the queen elizabeth the second the second The twins attempt to revive the past. The parents wish to change it.
chapter twenty-one: i said a boom chicka boom! Logan’s swept off his feet. As is Maddox, in an entirely different way.
chapter twenty-two: i said a boom GO TO YOUR ROOM The twins’ plots bear oh-so-satisfying fruit.
chapter twenty-three: where dreams have no end A hello, a goodbye.
chapter twenty-four: the concorde(ance) A goodbye, a hello.
chapter twenty-five: epilogue Two very similar boys help their two very different families assimilate into one.
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P8
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Medical stuff, family issues and Violence.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part ….. Next part >
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After taking the pills you got washed and headed straight to bed, today was eventful to say the least but your glad you at least got somewhere with figuring out what is going on. Groaning you roll over onto your side while rubbing your head, it's still hurting but hopefully the pills you took will take the pain away soon but until then you need sleep. Closing your eyes that image from before comes back making your head hurt more but your eyelids are too heavy to reopen so you can't do much other than let your body and mind fall into a deep sleep. After finishing the mountain of paperwork at the local bakery you finally have enough money to buy what you need to fix the fire damage to your ship, the only problem is your gonna have to fight to get the right price. The town's people here are more than happy to over price an item to outsiders, heck they'll over price bread if it'll make them more money but over the past month of being here you've managed to come to a compromise with the bakery, a free piece of bread and a bit of money in exchange for you doing their taxes, its better than nothing but you still wish it was more. Walking into the parts shop you spot the rugged shop keep talking to two people you haven't seen before, both were quite tall and thin but muscular, they differently weren't normal travelers, maybe bounty hunters or pirates? One of them has red hair that sticks up, something black strapped around his head but from the back you can't make out what they are, he has a long black coat on with a red feather collar and gold spikes on his shoulders. He seems to be getting more and more angry at the price the shop keeper is giving for each item but the shop keep wasn't budging on the price. The other man sighs with his arms crossed over his chest, his black and white poker dot shirt slightly open, even though he was more side on you can't see his expression with that white and blue striped mask covering his head. His blonde hair is extremely long, longer than yours before you cut most of it off, It stretches past his knees but looked well taken care of, it amazes you a little.
Turning your eyes away from the two you head over to the shelves close by looking for what you need. The man with red hair sighs as the shop keep tells them the overall price, it's way higher than it needed to be and you didn't blame the red haired man for getting angry, you want to help out but with the shop keep right there you knew it's a bad idea, the man wouldn't sell you anything after losing money because of you. "At least throw in some scrap metal for free" The red head growls slamming his hand on the counter causing what metal parts are on there to shake violently, he glares down at the shop keep who doesn't seemed fazed by the man's gaze or out burst. With a heavy sigh the shop keep nods "Fine, I'll grab all you need and add some scrap metal for free" The shop keep then turns leaving the room and heading into the back "This is fucking ridiculous, 50,000 just to fix the ship's engine?" The red haired man sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. You truly feel sorry for them now, they were in the same position as you, with a ship that won't work and people who are unwilling to give you a decent price but maybe if you help them they could give you a ride to the next island, maybe then you can buy a better boat and leave that shitty one here. It would be much easier than spending another month earning the money needed to fixing it up. There is a chance that their pirates but all you have to do is be useful and not let them know about your past and who your parents are, it should be easy since you hate your parents and want nothing to do with them so not talking about them won't be a problem.
You take a second to compose yourself not wanting to show any kind of weakness to the two. "He's overpricing you by 30,000" You call out earning a Huh of anger in response from the red haired man who turns to look at you "What the hell you say?" Turning to look at the two pirates you can now see the red heads face and that strap thing on his head are goggles, you move your eyes down to look at the counter and point to the giant cog "Its takes 500 Berries to make a cog like that but their sold to places like this for 1,000, the market price after that is 2,000 to 2,500, but he's selling it to you for 5,000." You state before moving your eyes to look at the red haired man who raises a brow at you before looking down at the cog on the table. "Let me guess he gave you a deal too? Don't worry he does that with every newcomer" You sigh only for the red haired man's eyes to burn with anger his hands gripping into fists as he growls but the man next to him places a hand on his shoulder to stop the red haired man from destroying the shop in anger. "We should just go somewhere else" The masked man tried to calm his friend down but you let out a sigh catching their attention again "Sorry to be the barer of bad news but every shop around here is like this, even the bakery, you could try intimidation but i find blackmail or outsmarting them to be more effective" you smile at the two hoping to built up some kind of rappor with the two before offering your deal but with how the red haired man shakes with anger your starting to think he might destroy the shop before you can help.
The masked man turns to look at you then turns to look at the red head who glares at you, the two seem to think for a moment before you sigh and step closer to them "I can help if you want but i'm gonna need something in return" You state earning a low growl from the red haired man who shrugs his friends hand off his shoulder before stepping closer to you almost towering over you "First i don't need your help and second like hell I'd give you any kind of money, I don't even know if your telling the truth, now back off pip squeak" His stare and looming presence is scary you have to admit but you've dealt with people like this before, keeping calm and maintaining eye contact you raise an eyebrow at him "Who said anything about money? You have a ship right? All i want is to get to the next island with a village, you can keep your money" you state crossing your arms over your chest. The red head looks you over trying to decide weather he should trust you or not until the masked man walks over placing his hand back on his friends shoulder "You just want get to the next island?" The masked man asks which you nod at unfolding your arms "One with a village yes. I don't want to be dropped off on an inhabited island, i'm not stupid" You let out a small laugh hoping to lighten the mood but to your surprise the red haired man chuckles before throwing his head back in laughter. It catches you off guard and little so you raise an eyebrow at him not understanding what's so funny but too afraid to ask at this point.
Looking back down at you the red haired man stop laughing and places a heavy hand on your shoulder before leaning down to be eye level with you, "Fine pip squeak you have a deal but you'll have to work on the ship, i'm not having you lazing around" With a smile you nod agreeing to his terms just as the shop keep comes back out with a large crate of parts and a few small pieces of scrap metal "The hell?" The red head yells storming over to counter and grabbing the small pieces of scrap metal "This is all i can spare" The shop keep shakes his head while crossing his arms over his chest, with a sweet smile you walk over placing your hand on the counter "That's not very nice of you Mr Conway" You state getting the man to look at you, he bites his tongue knowing what your like, you always fight him for the best deals so doesn't want you involved "I'll be with you in a minute" He waves his hand at you hoping you'll go away but you stay put "You and i both know you have way more in the back, i mean didn't you just come back from salvaging a ship wreck?" you ask knowing that isn't the case. The masked man walks up behind you crossing his arms over his chest as he watches you work while the red haired man goes through the parts checking their quality. "Its all gone, i used it to make other parts" The shop keep says through gritted teeth his body starting to stiffen, You were going to wait to use the information you gathered from the bakery later on but now that you'll be leaving the island you might as well use it now.
With a sigh you lean on the counter looking up at the shop keep with a small smile "Mr Conway, do you know what I've been doing the past week?" he raises an eyebrow at you and shakes his head wondering what your up too "I've been doing the bakery's taxes and funding reports. Miss Kelly is your wife's best friend right? So imagine my surprise when finding that you sent her a check for 10,000 which was spent on a weeks vacation for her and… someone else" His eyes start to widen as you talk, realizing that you've caught onto him "Its kinda a coincidence don't you think that she would go away at the exact same time as you and come home at the exact same time" you tilt your head to the side giving him a knowing smile "Yes, its just a coincidence, you have no idea what your talking about" he glares at you as his breath catches in his throat trying to remain calm, you know now is the perfect time to strike so you stand up straight "Really? Because the boat tickets and hotel recites say different.. Both have your names on them. Now I could give you the benefit of the doubt and say your not having an affair with your wife's best friend but it's hard to explain away that you two stayed at Deplar Farm for a week" You state seeing his eyes widen in shock, It's a well known and expensive romantic hotel, mainly filled with honeymooners and engaged couples. You can see his breath quicken at you knowing but his eyes turn to anger.
Before he can start an out burst you lean closer to him "Take 30,000 off the bill or I'll send your wife the recites and conformation of the check." Your smile drops showing how serious you are about it, The red haired man next to you leans on the counter his smile wide as he watches you work but your eyes stay focused on the increasingly angry shop keep "You fucking Bitch, you wouldn't dare… I'll fucking kill you before that happens" You don't flinch at his threat, you know his type all too well, he's a coward who likes to act tough but when it comes to fighting he'll let someone else do it. The masked man behind you reaches for something but the red head next to you holds out his hand signaling to his friend not to do anything. Reaching into your pocket you pull out a thick folded up piece of paper "Mr Conway, i'm not stupid, The stuffs already in the mail just waiting to be sent out, now i can cancel it but… i have to be alive to do so" You know he'll assume the piece of paper in your hand is conformation from the post office "Fine, 30,000 off the bill" he states getting the red haired man to smile more and let out a laugh "I appreciate that but i'm still hurt that you would threaten my life so, i hope you can make it up to me by giving us the rest of the scrap metal in the back" you act hurt while placing a hand on your heart, the shop keeps eyes widen at that but sigh and look at the piece of paper in your hand "Tell you what in exchange I'll give you the code that cancels the postage, its on the letter" The man growls at you but nods looking down at the paper in your hands before walking off to the back to get what you want.
Once he's gone the red head slaps you on the back forcing you forwards with a yell of shock and slight pain "Fucking hell girl, You've more than earned your place now" He laughs as you rub your back and look over at him with a groan of annoyance "Kid" The masked man sigh shaking his head at his friends actions but the red haired man who you know is now called Kid waves his hand at his friend not caring that he might have hurt you "Kid.. I'm Y/n" You smile at the red haired man who turns to you at his name, you hold your hand out for him to shake but instead he folds your finger in to make a fist, so he can fist bump your hand instead. You laugh a little at it before turning to the masked man who holds out his hand for you to shake, you take it and let his firm grip shake your hand "Killer… Thanks for the help" he states before letting go "No problem" you smile at the two before the shop keep comes back with a much bigger crate of scrap metal, Kid slams the money down on the table and grabs some crates starting to walk away as Killer grabs the rest, you hold out the paper to the shop keep who snatches it out of your hand and gives you a death glare "Thanks Mr Conway, it's a pleasure doing business with you" you wave while walking with Killer out the door, Kid goes to say something to you as you three walk away, when the shop keep starts yelling profanity's at you while seeming to throw a fit inside the shop. You can't help but laugh as the noise gets further and further away "The hell?" Killer asks as you managed to calm down "I never put the stuff in the post… The paper i gave him was my shopping list" you hold back your laugh as Kid throws his head back in laughter and Killer's shoulders shake.
The morning sun hits your eye startling your body awake but you can't sit up since there's something pressing on your head, with wide eyes you look around the room soon spotting the doctor next to you his hand on your forehead keeping you down "There you are… You had us worried" He states with a smile but now your even more confused, something to your right gets your attention so looking over you stop another male doctor although he looks a lot younger. "Wh-what?" You ask unsure of why there are two doctors in your room when you feel fine, your not in pain and your headache is long gone. "You had a Seizure but its over now… Its seems the seizure medication we've been giving you isn't enough, so we're going to have to up the does" The main doctor tells you before helping your sit up, with a gasp the young doctor runs over from where he was tying back the curtains to quickly grab a tissue and hold it under your nose. Cold red liquid drips from your nose and onto the bed sheets before the young doctor can react but you manage to catch most of it with your hand before taking the tissue and pinching the bridge of your nose. "I-I think i remember something" You state but your voice sounds very stage as your fingers stay attached to your nose, the main doctor sighs before handing you a small paper cup with three blue pills in them "There's a chance what you saw was a seizure dream as we call it, your brain making up strange occurrences that don't make sense so please take it with a grain of salt. These are the seizure meds, you'll take three, twice a day along with your other meds."
Pulling the tissue away from your nose and letting your finger slowly release the bleeding seems to have stopped so you take the paper cup and a glass of water the young doctor hands you. The main doctors words confuse you but you shrug it off and take the pills making the two smile while standing up straight "We'll take our leave, the nurse will check on you in half and hour" The main doctor sates before turning and walking out the door followed closely by the young doctor. Placing the glass down you sigh and rub your head while trying to think about what just happened, is it normal top feel perfectly fine after a seizure? Yes you had a nose bleed but other than that you feel fine. There's also what he said about the memory you had, there's a chance what he said is correct but it wasn't confusing, it was clear as day and made sense, Kid and Killer look at lot different than they did in your memory but you didn't get a look at yourself so have no idea how old you might have been. Maybe you should bring it up to the two and your parents separately and see what answers you get, although you doubt your parents will give you even a second alone with the two men. Sighing you get out of bed and head into the bathroom deciding to get a wash and changed, it's the first time you've been alone and awake enough to look at yourself without prying eyes so taking the time you look yourself over. Your glad your hair's somewhat short still, having it as long as it was would be a nightmare, how does Killer do it?
Laughing to yourself you shake your head wondering why he popped into your head all of a sudden, looking over the rest of your body there are some tattoos on your thighs that are intact giving you an idea of what you have been into or what you liked but the two that stuck out made you blush. On your inner left thigh is a red kiss mark tattoo , there's a slight gap between the bottom and top lip but no cupids bow, there's also hardly any lines on the ships making them look smooth. For some reason Kid slips onto your mind making your cheeks go bright red and your stomach flutter. Shaking the thought of him out of your head you continue to look over only to be surprised yet again by a kiss mark tattoo on your inner right thigh directly opposite the other one, It's different to the other in many ways though for instance their thinner, its color is a pale purple and the cupids bow is very defined, the peeks coming to a point instead of a curve. This one doesn't bring any kind of image to mind so you continue looking, over your stomach, your chest and your arms, removing the bandages you look over your scared, tattooed and stitched up sink before placing the bandage back around you. They'll be replaced again today anyway so there's no point in trying to put them back the exact same way to hide what you've been doing. The scars are old while the cuts and stitches are most likely from the explosion but the tattoos are expertly done, showing that you went to someone who knew what they were doing, not just some random person who decided to tattoo one day.
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bg-brainrot · 8 months
Of Bets, Bluffs, and Briefs
Featuring: Astarion x Rogue!Tav
Series: Fits into Love at First Knife, AO3 link here
Summary: It's another night at the Elfsong for your group of intrepid adventures. After a hard day of fighting evil, you find a way to sit down, unwind, and undress through a game of strip poker.
Tags: POV Second Person, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Fluff, Strip Poker, Nudity, Alcohol, Innuendos, act 3 unascended Astarion
Word count: ~3.2k
Partly inspired by this amazing piece of fanart from @krembruleed, ty to @thedomesticanthropologist for putting it on my feed!
It's hard work being a hero. Though you suppose one could hardly tell by the current state of your group.
What you had originally thought would be a harmless game of cards– a way to destress with your companions after yet another life-threatening situation– had turned into quite a different type of danger. Right now, you are perilously close to losing your last two items of clothing in a high stakes, winner take all, game of strip poker.
It had begun innocently enough.
"Soldier, what do you think?" Karlach had asked you, pulling you out of your thoughts. You were all sitting together playing a game of cards, drinks in hand, crowded around a circular table in your room at the Elfsong. 
You'd lifted your eyes from your hand to look at her, directly on your right, and asked, "About what?"
"About raising the stakes a bit," she'd responded with a little eyebrow wiggle.
In your defense, your hand was fantastic. Your mind was mired in all of the possibilities it could afford you. That being said, maybe you should have gotten clarification before agreeing. "That sounds like a great idea, Karlach."
So now here you are, wearing only a pair of underpants and socks, regretting the fact that a single good hand led you to this sorry state of undress. You’re no stranger to being naked, but something about being half-naked, elbow to elbow with your friends, with nothing but a few flimsy cards between you? Well, you are starting to feel a touch exposed.
The rest of your team doesn't seem to be faring much better: Wyll is down to his white briefs; Karlach has a pair of bracers and her underpants left; Lae'zel is down to just a headband she'd nearly forgotten about; Shadowheart has both a bra and underwear left; Gale is wearing his purple underpants and an amulet; Halsin is already out of the game, completely nude, sitting at the table and simply appreciating the freedom of it all. You rather suspect he wasn’t trying as hard as the rest of you to keep clothed.
There is, however, one among your crew who is nearly no worse for wear, save a pair of missing boots and a missing cape. Astarion, with all of the pride of someone who has had four winning hands in a row, smiles wickedly at the group over his latest hand of cards.
“Come on, Astarion,” Karlach whines, leaning forward on the table. “You cannot possibly have another flush or I am calling bullshit.”
“My dearest Karlach,” he starts, voice coated in only the sweetest of honey. “You wound me. I am simply playing with the hands that I’ve been dealt, same as the rest of you.”
“And your hands just happen to include a full house or two?” Shadowheart questions, raising an annoyed eyebrow at him as she crosses her bare legs.
Astarion’s fanged grin grows. “Maybe I’m just lucky?”
You have begun to strongly suspect foul play as well, given the vampire’s downright unbelievable ‘luck’ so far. “Astarion, if you are cheating, I will be incredibly cross with you,” you say as a way of warning. He doesn’t need to strip in front of the group if he doesn’t want to, of course, and he could just as easily have avoided the game altogether. No, he seems to have another motive behind his near-perfect playing.
“My darling!” he exclaims, placing a single pale hand on his chest. “The rest of these jealous dimwits I expect, but you?” He makes an exaggerated show of wiping away a fake tear with one of Gale’s many forfeited articles of clothing.
“Excuse you!” Gale cuts in. “You may have won the hand, but I expect my robe to be in perfect condition once you return it to me.”
“I thought we were playing for keeps?” you ask, turning to Karlach. Or was this not as high stakes as you’d expected?
“Of course we are!” the tiefling answers with gusto. “Otherwise where’s the fun! The fear! The excitement!” She punctuates each statement by pounding on the table, nearly jostling everyone’s flagons onto the floor. 
The point was made though and you simply hear a resigned sigh from the wizard. “I cannot lose my last pair of enchanted underwear,” he grumbles.
“Then maybe you ought to try winning,” Astarion retorts, the gleeful look never leaving his face.
You take a sip from your drink, surveying the situation. You’re playing 5-card draw, a simple version of poker, rife with opportunity for Astarion to cheat. But why cheat? It’s a game for fun, despite the silly fear it’s clearly instilled in you all. And it’s not as if he’s wearing his best gear or outfit.
You take a look at your hand, another dud– no opportunities for a straight, no pairs for a full house. Your best bet is to draw and hope for a pair, but you suspect that won’t nearly be enough to beat whatever Astarion is crooning over. With only a pair of socks and underpants to your name, you know when you’ve lost. So you know it’s time to do what you do best. “Well then,” you say, placing your cards face down on the table and leaning back. “What happens if I fold?”
“Fold?” Lae’zel asks with a glare. “Would you truly abandon your efforts this deep into the battle?”
Little does she know that you plan on losing the battle to win the war. “Yes,” you respond easily. “What does that do?”
Karlach’s face scrunches up as she considers the possibilities. No one has tried to back out yet, but surely, you need some kind of punishment for trying to avoid the ‘strip’ part of strip poker.
“How about you buy the next round?” Wyll offers, ever the gentleman. His eyes are carefully trained on yours, and you’re not sure if the blush that colors his cheeks is from the drinks he’s had or the proximity of your bare chest.
“Hells no!” Karlach answers immediately. “That’s getting off too easy– we need actual consequences here.”
Astarion, to your immense suspicion, has yet to say anything. When you look over to him, he’s inspecting you with narrowed eyes, hands folded over his facedown cards. The corner of his lip lifts as you make eye contact with him, and he asks, “What’s the matter, love? Running away from me, are you?”
It’s as you thought. He doesn’t want to strip everyone down– he wants to strip you down. “Why would you think that?” you counter, crossing your arms in challenge. “Are you so certain you’ll win again?”
“I’ve got it!” Karlach exclaims. “You need to be the one to strip someone else down. And you’ve got to go real slow.”
You’d already been staring at Astarion’s face when Karlach made the declaration, so you immediately clock the slight bit of annoyance that furrows his brow. Everyone save Lae’zel and him was down to their underwear, so it was easy enough to imagine how that particular exercise would go.
Karlach, you’re a genius, you think. Aloud, you simply say, “Sounds fair to me.”
“Ridiculous,” Astarion mutters. You strongly suspect he would rather you reserve any undressing for him, but you’ve already folded and he’s likely already cheated his hand.
Everyone completes their draws, hands are placed face up on the table, and Astarion’s ludicrous bout of good luck is staring at you all once more– this time in the form of a straight flush.
Lae’zel slams her hands on the table. “You swindler,” she growls, pointing at Astarion with an accusatory finger.
The vampire raises his hands in defense, leaning away from the table. “I am nothing of the sort!” He does shoot you a wary look before clearing his throat. “And what of our lovely leader?”
It’s time for your punishment. “Do I get to pick, Karlach?” you ask, looking between your companions in turn.
“Of course not!” she says, clapping you on the back. “Let’s draw cards for the privilege of your nimble fingers, shall we?”
Everyone agrees easily enough, and it’s not long before they’re all pulling from the stack, the highest card to be the ‘victor.’ Lae��zel draws a queen, Karlach an eight, Gale a four, Wyll a jack, and Shadowheart an ace.
You turn to the cleric, who seems entirely unaffected by the whole ordeal. “Would you prefer the top or bottom?” she asks you, with a slight purse to her lips.
Despite his earlier misgivings, Astarion’s quick with a sultry sounding retort, “Oh I think we both know which you prefer, darling?” Karlach can’t help the snort that escapes her any more than Gale can hide the startled cough.
You ignore him and the rest of your companions, getting up and walking to where Shadowheart is seated. “Let’s just do the top,” you say, moving her hair out of the way.
“Very well,” she responds, sitting up a bit straighter for you. “But be quick about it.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Karlach immediately interrupts. “Be as slow as possible, soldier. Or you’ll have to do it again!”
“Don’t worry, love! You know exactly how slow to go,” Astarion quips, looking at you through his lashes.
You ignore his quip. To appease Karlach, you make a show of it: delicately removing each strap, undoing the back latch. All the while, you hold eye contact with your vampiric lover, as if taunting him, saying ‘this is what you get for cheating.’ He watches, lips making a hard, annoyed line. Shadowheart’s top removed, you return to your seat.
Once everyone else has relinquished their articles of clothing, the game is down to you, Karlach, Shadowheart, Gale, and, of course, Astarion.
Halsin places an arm around an embarrassed Wyll’s shoulder. “Don’t you worry, my friend. Now you are free of any constraints, allowed to observe and appreciate the game as one would the natural world.”
“Sounds lovely, Halsin,” he answers, ducking his head a bit. “I think.”
Lae’zel, for her part, seems perfectly fine to have lost the headband, not any more naked than she was before. “Tchk, hurry and finish the game. Why is everyone in Faerun so interested in the nude form?” It’s a fair question, but none of you answer it as another set of hands is dealt. 
You observe Astarion the entire time, noting every subtle movement of his hands, watching as you try to pin down an extra card or a slip of his sleeve. But he’s ready for this, looking at you as he inspects each new card. “So, darling,” he drawls. “Are you planning on folding again?”
“That depends,” you reply, looking at your cards quickly. Nothing too impressive, but better than the last hand. “Are you planning on cheating again?”
“Gods above,” he mutters, fanning himself with his cards. “My poor, undead heart can’t take much more of these accusations.” Your eyes catch a slight jerk of his hand, and you know what you must do. 
“I’d like to fold again,” you say, looking back to the tiefling woman on your right.
“Alright, soldier,” she agrees with a snicker. The glimmer in her eyes is enough to show that she knows you’re up to something. 
“May I fold too?” Gale grumbles, now truly down to his last magical pair of underpants.
Karlach thinks about it for a moment, realizing the flaw in her plan. “No,” she finally states. “Only one person per round.”
Everyone finishes drawing and plays their hands. Unlike last time, everyone turns to Gale, who has won with a pair of tens. “I won?” he asks, turning toward Astarion, whose expression is quite blank. His hand had been miserable, as if he’d drawn for worse cards– which you suspect he might have.
“Let’s see who I shall strip then,” you say, laying out the stack for the remaining three. You already know who will emerge victorious, sure that there’s an ace up his sleeve at this very moment. Shadowheart draws a seven, Karlach a ten, and, low and behold, Astarion draws an ace.
“Aren’t I the luckiest vampire in Baldur’s Gate?” he says, smiling up at you as you walk around the table to him. “What will you be taking?”
You tilt your head at him, debating the possibilities. But you start simple, slowly, carefully removing the blouse from his head. The entire time, you smile with satisfaction. Because you know you’ve won.
Shadowheart and Karlach now sit there, naked as the day they entered this realm of existence. The tiefling gives you another clap on the back with a laugh, as she whispers loudly at you, “Avenge me, soldier!”
And avenge you will. 
You fold another four times. Each time, Astarion somehow, miraculously, loses. And each time he sighs deeply, dramatically as you approach him to peel off yet another piece of clothing. 
The second time, he whispers, “You cheeky thing, how could you?
On the third time, he whispers, “Don’t you want me to win?”
On the fourth time, he whispers, “Fine, but don’t think you’ll get out of this.”
That’s how he loses his greaves, his pants, his socks, and a necklace, leaving him in only his bright blue briefs.
When you go to fold for a fifth time, ready to remove Astarion from the game once and for all, the man sighs before even viewing his cards and says, “I fold.”
You look at Karlach, as if she might be able to save you, but she only shrugs at you. Her eyes seem to say, ‘It’s in the rules now!’ 
And you suppose it is. So you and Gale each discard, draw, and play your hands. Your three of a kind beats his pair, and Astarion reluctantly strips the wizard of his last, purple pair of enchanted briefs.
I’ll return it to him after the game, you think, as Astarion deposits the pair in front of you with a smirk.
“I’m a few articles of clothing poorer, but I do believe I did rather well, didn’t I?” Gale says, sitting back down, wincing slightly as his bare cheeks make contact with the wooden chair. 
“As well as you can when that one cheats,” Shadowheart says, gesturing toward Astarion with her glass of wine.
“I am innocent until proven guilty,” Astarion replies, sitting back down in his seat, ready for the final showdown.
Now it’s just you and Astarion facing off. You, with a pair of underwear and socks. Him, reduced to his underpants.
“Oh, darling,” he says, leaning back enough that his entire bare torso is on full display. “Do you really think you’ll be able to defeat me in a game like this?”
“I think I like my odds,” you say, leaning back in much the same way. “Karlach, would you do us the honor of dealing?”
“My pleasure,” she responds, cards shooting out of her hands at an alarming speed.
Everyone watches on bated breath as you both draw your hands, look over them silently. You really do like your odds now. Cheating will prove hard for Astarion to do without sleeves to hide cards, and everyone is watching him carefully, waiting to catch the pilferer in the act.
Good, you think, slipping a few cards out from under the table. Two can play at this game, and only one of us waited until the right moment to cheat.
You deposit your extra cards subtly back on the discard pile when no one is looking, and fan your remaining hand out– what stares back at you is an impeccable, unbelievable royal flush. You know you’re going to win, there’s no doubt about it, so you allow yourself a little taunt. “Now that you’re about to lose, my love… whatever compelled you to cheat? What do you gain out of this?”
Astarion looks back at you, eyes straining around the edges as he debates what to discard. “Not that I cheated,” he starts, with a smile that comes out more of a grimace. “But I thought it might be nice to rightfully win one of your undergarments. And perhaps to keep it out of the hands of these lecherous fools.” He gives everyone else at the table a glare in turn before discarding and drawing back up.
Oh, you think. That’s sweet, in a weird, slightly concerning way. Much like the man who now turns back to you, a wide, unabashed smile on his pale face. “I see,” is all that you say in response. You look down at the royal flush in your hand. You can’t lose with this, and you can’t very well try to cheat again when you’re both done drawing.
You turn to Karlach. “Can I still fold?”
“What!?” she cries, looking at you like you’re insane. “Why would you do that, soldier? You’ve nearly got ‘im!”
“Darling,” the man calls from across the table. You look into his fierce, red eyes, narrowed with determination. “Don’t you dare lose to me on purpose. Especially when I know that you’ve beaten me at my own game.”
The smirk he gives you is all the encouragement you need. “Fine,” you say, laying out your preposterous, beautiful hand. Everyone at the table gasps, save Astarion. He only looks at you warmly before laying out his sad, single pair of nines.
“Well played,” he says, standing up. A second later, his blue underwear is off, like a flag of surrender. In all of his naked glory, he walks around the table, places his briefs in front of you, and smiles. “I’ll get you next time, my sweet.”
You look up at him, aware that all of your companions are watching the exchange with rapt attention, but also finding that you can’t bring yourself to care. “You can have me now, if you’d like.”
“Lady of the Moon save me… please control yourselves,” Shadowheart says, downing the rest of her wine glass. She stands up, ignoring the dizzying display of love next to her. “That’s enough of that game, wouldn’t you all say?”
“Yes, why don’t we find something a bit… warmer to play?” Wyll suggests, standing up after Shadowheart. Halsin, Lae’zel and Gale follow, leaving you, Karlach, and Astarion behind. 
The tiefling usually knows when to leave the two of you to your own devices, but can’t resist one last comment. “Thanks for avenging me, soldier,” she says, wrapping you in a warm, bare bear hug. At Astarion’s low, annoyed groan, she releases you, laughing. “Join us again once you’re done doing whatever weird flirting you get up to!”
She leaves the two you be, and you turn toward Astarion. “So,” you say, scratching the back of your head ruefully. “Was that too much?”
He shakes his head at you, white curls bouncing lightly. “No, I’d rather say I deserved it a bit– But only a bit.”
You laugh at the admission and hold out a hand for Astarion to bring out of your chair. He takes it, pulling you up and into his arms. Your bare chests press together a moment, and the chill of his skin on yours leaves goosebumps all along your arms. “Thank you,” you murmur, realizing that your faces are too close, skin too exposed.
Astarion doesn’t seem to mind, leaning a bit further into you. “You’re quite welcome, my dear.” He drops his voice to a whisper, meant only for your ears. “What do you say we finish our ‘weird flirting’ before we rejoin the group?”
“Only if you promise to keep the sleight of hand to a minimum in our next game,” you whisper, looking between his red eyes.
He sighs, his cool breath tickling your face. “Very well.”
“And next time, just ask me for the underpants,” you grumble, before finally pressing your lips into his.
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finalgirlfae · 2 years
slow ride, randall floyd
genre: smut
pairings: randall “pink” floyd x afab!reader
summary: a late night drive with randy floyd turns into a teenage dream.
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“man i totally forgot we went to the same junior high man.” pink spoke, shaking his head and laughing a bit. he rested his free hand on car tray, picking up the joint you had lit. you two were currently driving down the practically empty freeway, just letting the wind in your face and some music play through his car’s speaker.
“who would’ve thought that i, randall pink floyd, would you be here, smoking a joint at midnight with the class of ‘77’s valedictorian? that’s crazy.”
you giggled a bit as you watched a car zip by. you and pink never really talked but you both ran into each other while party hopping and had been smoking in his car since and he was a cool dude. “we aren’t much different.” this was the first time you ever got to talk to him for real, and in the few short hours you were getting to greatly enjoy pink’s company. he was fun to talk to and nice to look at.
“we aren’t much different?” pink asked after taking a hit. he passed it back to you and took an exit. he then began to pull into an empty parking lot behind a closed down restaurant just off the highway. the top to his convertible was off, allowing the both of you to feel the slightly chill of a cool breeze whipping past your face due to the tall green trees that surrounded you.
he rested his arm that was on the wheel on the door of the car, looking at the trees in front of you in an almost deep thought. “you are the valedictorian..never seen at parties. never seen smoking a J. never caught dead in the bathroom with a cigarette. i didn’t even know you smoked!”
“it’s the 70s. who doesn’t smoke?” you shrugged, taking another hit and letting it flow out your mouth. the air felt so nice and the soft sounds of crickets chirping was so relaxing.
he nodded. “true. but still, you were kind of distant. just far off.”
you nodded slightly, recalling your last four years at lee high and acknowledging the slight solitude you allowed yourself to live in.
“i wasn’t a complete stranger, pink. we just ran in different circles, that’s all.” you shrugged again, why did he care so much about this?
“i ran in every circle-” he began but you cut him off with a laugh.
“but never to me!” you spoke. you unbuckled your seatbelt and turned to pink fully. “i’m friends with cynthia, mike and tony. i played poker with them all the time. you were there, you never spoke to me. i kind of just thought you just didn’t like me.” there was a slight teasing tone in your voice that made him lean a little closer to you.
pink denied this, shaking his head “that’s not it. i was just scared.”
“scared?” you laughed, “of what!”
“of you!” he laughed back. “you terrified me!”
you looked at him like he was crazy. “i terrified you?”
“yes,” he exasperated. “don’t look at me like that, you’re intimidating! you’re smart and you know what you want in life, you don’t take shit from anyone and you’re talented. you’re making it out of this town. i just thought you were great and it made me realize i wanna be great too.”
how did this drive turn into a compliment session? you smiled at him, slipping out of your heels and curling your legs up onto the passenger seat. pink watched you hug your knees and lean forwards to him. “if you think i’m so great then how come you never talked to me? intimidating or not, what did you have to lose?”
“yeah right. then i’d say some stupid jock shit and just embarrass myself in front of the pretty girl.” his tone was laced with sarcasm and he turned away from you and back to the steering wheel, almost putting the car in drive.
“you think i’m pretty?”
he laughed and took his hands off the wheel, turning back to face you. he leaned closer to you, looking at your lips and then back into your dazed eyes. “i think you’re pretty.” he confirmed like a common known fact. “i think you’re really sexy too. in this, smart and beautiful way. this powerful way. you walk into a room and people stare at you. you’re captivating. what’s not pretty about that? come on y/n, you know you’re the shit. act like it.”
you put the joint down on the ashtray and looked at pink before pulling him into a kiss by his jaw, running a thumb over his cheekbone. your lips moved against his slowly and you couldn’t beleive you were kissing randall floyd right now. “i always liked you, pink.” you muttered against his soft lips. “i always did.”
“really?” he asked after slowly pulling away from the kiss. he looked you up and down.
“yeah.” you nodded and laughed a little as he moved some hair out your face, something about that gave you butterflies.
“when did you like me?”
you cringed stay the answer you had to his question. “7th grade english class, you sat at the table over and i stared at you so hard that period i almost failed the class.” you laughed recalling how mad your mom was when you told her you’re failing english because you can’t stop looking at the cute baseball player at the next table.
“well, if it’s any consolation i flunked bio twice on purpose so they’d make you help me make up lab hours and i could be near you.” he put his arm behind your head rest and smiled at you. he was being serious.
your jaw fell slightly. “really? god pink you’re such a loser.” you giggled, smiling fondly at him.
“yeah,” he nodded. “i am.”
you shook your head. “think about how much time we wasted. i literally swore i was gonna marry you in 8th grade.”
“really?” he laughed.
“really!” you scooted closer to him and he watched your movements. “i wanted to fuck you so bad when i was younger.” you whispered the last sentence even though no one was around to hear you.
pink’s mouth slowly fell open. “..what?”
“why are you so shocked?”
“man i thought you just liked me. i didn’t know you wanted to do it.” his voice was pure confusion and shock.
you laughed and shook your head, turning away from him and looking at the trees in front of the car again. “guys are so stupid.”
“seriously pink? you didn’t know i wanted to have sex with you?” you turned your head to meet his utterly shocked face.
“i didn’t! frankly i didn’t know girls wanted to have sex at that point. when we were in high school i kind of figured that out but i never would’ve guessed that you of all people would’ve wanted me like that.”
you shrugged. “i still want you like that.”
the music stopped abruptly and you looked over to see pink pulling the keys out of the ignition and tucking them into his pocket. he stared out the window at the trees like you we’re doing before.
“get in the backseat.”
“what?” you laughed a little, leaning back in absolute shock at the bold statement. you felt the need to clench your thighs, your heart was beating a bit faster and your mouth had gotten sort of dry. there is was again, that school girl pining from junior high that followed you through high school. in the back of your mind, you never stopped like him.
“what.. what do you mean?” you babbled like a complete idiot. he smirked at you.
“i mean shut up,” he leaned over to you and then pressed a kiss to your lips. “turn around,” he kissed you again, “and get your ass in the backseat so i can fuck the shit out of you.”
you jaw dropped and he smiled at you. he could tell you’d never been spoken to like how he just had. truth be told, yeah you had sex once or twice in your entire high school career, but it was just so lame and you hadn’t found anyone else you wanted to fuck. the town was small. pink however was a desire through most of your teen years, you had started liking the boy all the way in 7th grade.
you climbed over the seats until you were in the back. pink he kicked off his shoes and crawled back there to you, he then moved next to where you were sat. his hands flew to your waist and you began kissing him, excited to see what he would do to you.
“i’ve always wanted you, y/n.” pink spoke in the kiss. his lips were the softest. “even in junior high.” he placed soft kisses down the right side of your neck earning a breathy moan. “fuck i had it bad for you then.” with closed eyes you hummed at what he was saying to you. pink was good at this, he knew how to talk to you in ways that were sure to make you wet.
you gasped as his you were being pulled on to his lap and he began to suck a hickey on to your collarbone. his hands slowly unzipped your jeans, giving you time to back out before pulling them off with ease and rubbing to fingers against your clothed pussy. “i would go home from baseball practice and think about you all night. wouldn’t get any sleep, just think about you and wonder what it’d be like to kiss you, touch you, taste you, fuck you.”
“pink-” you gasped at the sudden attention to your clit. he could definitely hear his fast your heart was beating
“i would have dreams about you...” pink muttered, slipping his hands into your panties. he rubbed your lips with two fingers before gently slipping one inside you. “you’re so wet.” he went back to kissing your lips, slowly pumping and curling one finger inside you. when felt your body relax a bit more, began to rotate his thumb on your puffy clit.
it was almost pathetic how your fucked your hips to meet his hand, you could feel his smile against your lips when you did this. “need me?” pink asked, kissing your jaw. he added another finger and curled them, pulling them out and slamming them back in a little rougher than he had done before. a moan escaped your lips as he began to hit an entirely different angle, a spot that made you clench around his fingers. you put your face into pinks neck, kissing it in attempt to hide your whimpers but you couldn’t. the more you tried to hide them the faster he fingered you.
“come on, let it out baby. i wanna hear you.” he slipped a third finger inside which made you absolutely lose your mind. you whined, pulling up from his neck and tossing your head back. his fingers fucked into you at a fast pace, calloused thumb circling your clit as your hands gripped on to his red shirt. you were basically riding his fingers. it was so desperate and needy like he had said.
“i’m gonna cum.” you let out another whine, sort losing control of your body and falling forward on his chest. pink sped up the motion on his fingers, holding your hip in his hand and coaxing you through your orgasm. you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him as you came all over his fingers. he slowly helped you ride out your orgasm, pulling his three fingers out slowly and making you whimper at the lost of contant.
you caught your breath and leaned back, watching as pink took her fingers and licked them clean. you clenched your thighs again and moved off his lap, opting to sit next to him. the two guys you fucked before never really fingered you before sex, it was always after when they failed to make you finish.
pink moved his fingers to his lips, sucking on them to taste you. your jaw fell a little and shock. you’d never seen someone do this.
you turned to press your back against the side of the car and grabbed his collar, pulling him into a kiss. your legs spread a bit, allowing him to crawl between them. the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing against your pussy called your body to twitch a bit. pink noted it and smiled. you began to unbutton the boy’s red shirt, pulling it off to reveal his toned chest underneath.
you looked him up and down before running a hand across his chest. “i want you in me.”
he smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your lips. “soon, not yet. lie down.” pink grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it off and gazing at the way your boobs sat.
“you’re so pretty.” he muttered, beginning to kiss and suck your left boob while playing with the right. the way his calloused fingers rolled harshly against your nipples made you push your chest forward, wanting more from him. he kissed down your stomach, moving your legs apart and leaning down until he was face to face with your pussy.
pink took his time with you, he was in no rush. he slowly kissed up and down your thighs, nipping them at some point just to keep you excited. he brought his lips to your pussy, kissing your clit before licking a stripe up your pussy. you moaned softly and relaxed a bit, his heavy tongue was soft and slowly as he began to eat you out.
your head clouded a bit as your hand reached up to grip the seatbelt holder behind you. pink moved his face up slightly, circling his tongue on your clit before taking it into his mouth. your back immediately arched at the way he sucked on your clit. his eyes were closed in deep concentration, listening to every moan you made.
“fuck, just like that.” you moaned, reaching your free hand down to tug at him hair. you pulled his face closer to your pussy, grinding against him and showing him how you wanted to be eaten.
his hands squeezed at your boobs for a moment before gripping your hips. pink opened his lips from around your clit and flicked his tongue at it for a few seconds before sticking his tongue inside your pussy.
another moan spilled from your lips and you pushed him head up and down, using his face to get off. he thought it was so hot, the way you took control and used his face to please yourself. you came again, this time on his face and with a shiver.
you both pulled away to catch your breath, that was your second orgasm of the night in a very short time. the cool air tussled pink’s hair as he looked at you with pure lust and adoration in his eyes. you flipped over to your stomach, closing your eyes and taking a second to catch your breath again.
“we’re not done.” pink spoke. your turned your head slightly to see him from your peripheral vision. there was the russle of papers before felt hit fingers hit a small square. he showed you and you nodded your head, giving him unspoken consent to do as he said. fuck the shit out of you.
your heard him pull his belt off and saw it tossed on the floor, next the tug of his pants and boxers. finally, both of you were naked.
pink rolled the condom on to his dick, you hadn’t turned to see it so you had no idea how much was about to go inside of him. he saw your body stiffen as he mounted you.
“relax,” he leaned up, moving your leg to get a better angle of your pussy. pink moved hair from the left side of your neck, kissing slowly down your neck and back. “i got you.” he grabbed your hips, putting your legs to spread on either side of his body so he could fuck you with more control.
he lined himself up with your entrance before pushing in and making you take a shallow gasp. pink ran his hands up and down your back to try and help you relax.
“you feel so fucking good.” he muttered softly, playing with your ass. he sat in your for a second before pulling out and pushing back in again. this time you moaned a little and he could feel your body relax again.
pink began to set in at a slow pace, bringing his hips to your ass with every stroke. he let out soft groans with every other thrust he gave, quickening his pace a little bit as your pussy gripped around him.
“that feel good?” he asked in an almost teasing tone, leaning forward on your body and pressing himself against you as his hips continued to move against yours. you twitched underneath him, biting your lip in pure bliss at the angle he was hitting.
you could only let out a mumbled moan of pleasure as you closed your eyes. pink laughed a bit, pulling your hips up to bring you into doggy style. his hand went to your hair, tugging it back and beginning to fuck you much harder.
losing strength in your arms, you left your body dropped and your face push up against the mirror. he felt go of your hair and moved his hands back to your ass, rubbing it slightly before slapping it. you let out a straggled moan, “pink, fuck. do it again.” you whined, earning another slap on the ass.
you moaned loudly in pain, face now smushed against his window. pink laughed and you moved your hand down to your pussy, beginning to play with your clit. his thrusts sped up and the only thing you could think about was how good he filled you up. how perfect his cock fit in your pussy and how good he fucked you.
you felt tears brim at your eyes when he moved your hand away, beginning to stimulate your clit for you. he used his other free hand to play with your nipple. so much was happening at once and you couldn’t even warn pink before you came around him with a sigh. you felt bad, he had made you finish three times and you couldn’t even wait long enough for him to catch his release.
“ ‘m sorry.” you muttered. he laughed a little and slowly pulled out of you.
“it’s okay.” pink sat on the seat, putting his head back as you both collected yourselves slightly. you crawled over to pink, sitting in his lap and straddling his waist.
he looked at you immediately, putting his hands on your hips and drumming fingers against your skin.
“i thought about you too. you reached behind you and gently touched pink’s cock, stroking it slowly as you moved it to like you with your entrance.
you dragged the head back and forth between your folds. “i wanted to jump your bones. then high school came and i saw you in the football uniform.” you both let out a groan as you sunk on to him, ass now pressed against his balls.
you dragged your hips back and forth, bouncing on his cock. pink’s eyes fluttered close and he pressed his lips together, breath heavier than before. you decided to mimic him. you used your hand to tilt his head forward to you. he opened his eyes when he felt your thumb brush against his lips. “come on, let it out baby. i wanna hear you. i wanna hear your pretty moans.”
pink moaned at your words immediately making you give yourself a proud smile. your core and thighs burned, and your pussy felt overstimulated but it didn’t matter. he had fucked the shit out of you so now you were returning the favor.
“the girls and i used to have chats after your games, each talking about how they wanted to fuck you.” you smoothed your hands over his chest. “they said so many dirty things about you, pink. i was thinking the same things as them.” you giggled at the way his hips rutted to your body. he was fucking himself into you.
“now i’m here in the backseat of your car riding you, and you feel so fucking good.”
pink let out a broken moan. “please y/n- fucking- shit!” you let out a yelp when both his arms wrapped around you and lifted you up with ease. he pressed your back against the front seat which folded forward, immediately allowing him to climb on top of you. he threw your leg over his shoulder, slamming his hips into yours. his eyes were closed and his lips were parted, saying your name like a prayer.
“fuck i’m cumming.” he moaned. pink’s thrusts soon became messier as both of you came together. there was a moment of silence, the only sound being your uneven breaths and the crickets of the night. pink’s face was pressed into your neck and your arms hugged him to your body. he was keeping you warm on the cool night.
“…did i really just have sex with the quarterback in the back of an el camino?” you asked yourself out loud. staring at the sky.
“did i really just have sex with the valedictorian in the back of my el camino?” he muttered from the side of your neck. you both laughed and stayed like that for another moment before he pulled out of you.
“that was the best sex i’ve ever had.” pink breathed, looking around the car to find his clothes.
you smiled. “really?” he was an attractive guy so definitely had girls in bed before.
he nodded and pressed a kiss to your lips. “really. do you wanna drive around and get some breakfast?” he knew the sex was better because of the previous crush he had on you and how much chemistry you two had.
you nodded. “there’s a lake just pass the trees. wanna freshen up first?”
pink looked at you. “are you asking me to go skinnydipping with you into the lake?”
you nodded.
he smiled. “definitely.”
you two grabbed your clothes, took your keys and headed down to lake. the cool water refreshed you both and you got a good look at the sunrise. usually after sex it was kind of awkward, but with pink it was fun. the two of you swam around the lake, giving each other kisses and playing around until finally deciding to get out.
you both got dry and got dressed, smoking another joint on the way to a diner near the center of town. undoubtedly, both your friend groups were there, each nursing some kind of hangover or ache from the wild night before.
you sat in the booth next to pink, a cup of hot chocolate in your hand. you took a sip and then rested your head in his shoulder, giving a content sigh and closing your eyes.
“tired?” he asked, looking at you.
“very. you?”
he shrugged. “for you? i could go another round.”
you laughed and snuggled into him closer. pink put his hand in your thigh, rubbing it up and down before holding your hand and pulling it on to his lap. he kissed the side of your temple and allowed you to fall asleep on him whilst your friends chatted around you. it was peaceful.
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writingcold · 6 months
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Hello!  Welcome to Chapter 4 of CD&FE.  
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Pairing: Jake X Female Reader 
Summary: This is an AU that starts with the release of GVF’s first EP, Black Smoke Rising, and follows along life paths over the course of twenty plus years.  We have both her and Jake’s POVs in this posting.   
Content warnings: Language, smoking, drinking, adulting? Mentions of sexual situations, but no smut in this part.
Word Count: approx. 7.8K 
If you haven’t taken notice, but I so love @edgingthedarkness and @takenbythemaddness.  They are amazing human beings. 💚 😘💚
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CD&FE, Part 4.1:  Her POV
     I stared out the frosty windows in a furious attempt to adjust my brain.  I had been blanking out on the theme for a gala, finding little inspiration in the frigid February morning.  Especially since this event was not to happen until the following year in the summer.  I had promised a rough sketch presentation in two weeks, but honestly, I was too distracted to really be able to focus on much.  
      “Hey, Boss,”  Billie said as she breezed into my office.  “I have results of Saturday night’s opening in Nashville.”
      “Oh thank god,”  I sighed as I tossed my pen down and stretched out.  
      She set her laptop down in the middle of my desk and brought up the video shots of the gallery opening before the huge event and during.  I couldn’t help the smile that crept across my mouth seeing our work in any job, but this one was definitely one of the cooler ones.  A whole gallery dedicated to historical musicians and their art work.  All the signage, all the advertising - that was all handled by my company.  Our reputation was growing across so many different areas that our staff had more than doubled since I had started in with them.  It really was satisfying to see our work - some of it my own - out there in the world.
      “Oh, this is the red carpet portion,”  Billie chirped as she pulled up a chair next to me.  “They had some really big talent show up.  It was one hell of a party from what the clients said.”
      We watched for a few minutes as musicians and a wide variety of other entertainment figures began to flow through the shot on the screen.  It held my attention for a bit.  Billie appeared to be all in as I turned my gaze to my own screen to a big fat blank page that was begging for something - anything - to be spilled across its surface.  
      “Mermaids, huh,”  she laughed as she caught on that my attention was elsewhere.  
      “‘Magic of the Big Blue’ doesn’t have to mean mermaids,”  I touted, knowing right well that was one thing the next project was labeled as.  “It’s an aquarium.  I get they want fantasy, but come on.  There’s gotta be something…”
        My words dried in my throat as I caught sight of the gallery event once more.  It was a mix of a red hot poker and an ice cold dagger simultaneously jammed under every inch of my skin.  
      Billie touched my arm in an attempt to catch my attention.  “Hey, you okay?”
      Jake stood off to the side.  I didn’t see any of his brothers, just that he stood close to a woman.  She was beautiful with flawless hair that tumbled down her back and a body that curved in all the right places.  His hand was dangerously low on her back with a familiarity that could only come from being together.  She was smiling her perfect red lips at him with a thousand watt shine and he seemed to return it.  
       “Y/n?”  she asked again, leaning closer to try to see what I was looking at.
       “Sorry, yeah yeah,”  I breathed finally.  “I’m good.  Sorry.  Just someone I know.”
       He looked good.  His hair was shorter, brushing just past his shoulders.  His easy smile was full of warmth and comfort.  He was dressed in a black blazer with a dark cranberry button up and black trousers with his Chelsea boots.  Sunglasses were in place until he took them off to hang precariously on the front of his shirt.  The woman looked back at him and I saw it:  he had found his badassed vagabond.  I think it would’ve been easier to have my skin flayed off with a spoon than to look at the happiness that was before me.  I watched as the couple disappeared into the doors, hands entwined and smiles in place.
      Billie continued on, skillfully navigating my shift in mood to wrap up the finalizing steps of the account and make her way out.  All the while, I nodded and pushed my most professional persona forward.  She knew.  It was obvious in her gray eyes that she saw the deep, resounding ache that my insides seemed to be screaming.  Alone, I reached for my phone and brought up his private social media.  It had been more than six months since I had laid eyes on his page.  Six months since we had reached out and talked.  So it came as no surprise that it was close to six months that ‘Clara’ had popped up in his feed, starting with an innocent candid of her with Josh and Danny.  There was another posting of just her and it looked like she was in London.  It was tagged ‘badassed vagabond queen’.  
        “Motherfucker,”  I gasped, quickly closing out the page and setting the phone to the side.
        I blew up across my presentation, my mind suddenly clear on what to do - and no there were no damn mermaids featured.  I left late that night, unable to really turn off the brain as it spilled out in furious, anxious energy.  Patrick had called, but I feigned a headache and passed on his little outing with the group of his professor friends.  When I got home, I turned off my phone and slid into the bathtub.  The last time I had allowed myself the luxury, I had been debating with myself whether to ask Jake to go on vacation with me.
       I was the source of this injury.  I knew what it was to love that man.  I knew what it could have and would have been.  I swirled the rich red wine in my glass before sipping at the liquid with a stiff lip.  There was no way for me to cry over my choices.  It had taken weeks to process my time in the cottage.  I had scrolled through my pictures repeatedly, finding nothing but a joy that was so very pure with a man that could not be mine.  Not really.  Right?  Jake’s use of my own words to describe Clara was his way of letting me know he was happy - right?  It was not meant to harm.
       Due to project deadlines, I couldn’t take my spring trip to the north.  Summer came and went and I was eyeing up October and a well deserved break.  I was not going anywhere.  I had a stack of books and a few dinners with friends planned.  It would be enough.  I had steered clear of Jake’s socials - private and public.  I did not need to torture myself with smiles that I had called my own for hours only.  I had not reached out, but neither had he.  Somewhere in my brain there was a lament.  Why hadn’t we talked about meeting in a different time - kind of like that old movie with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr?  I didn’t need the top of the Empire State Building, but maybe to say if we were still unattached two years from now…
     Stupid.  I was being stupid selfish.
     Day three of my time off was a very mild Friday evening.  Patrick had invited me to be his plus one to a university dinner.  I had spent the better part of the day trying to clean my very neglected kitchen cupboards.  I was just slipping into shoes when Pat knocked before gliding in with a loud hello.
      “That’s what you’re wearing?”  he asked, hands on his hips and eyes narrowed in on me.
      I looked down at my outfit.  It was actually not dissimilar to his own: trousers and dress shirt.  I shrugged as I was reaching for my cardigan.
      “Oh shit no,”  he sighed.  
      “What?  What’s wrong with this?”  I asked, feeling defensive as he strolled down my hall to invade my personal space.
       “Well, if you wanted to look like Annie Hall, great, but not tonight,”  he sighed as I followed him into my closet.
       “You don’t need to be in here, Pat.”
       “Obviously, I do.”
       I smacked at his shoulder, but stopped and stepped back.  “Why?  I’ve worn this very outfit before to one of these things.  What’s going on?”
       He glanced at me - and there it was.  A glimmer.  Now the question was - was it mischief that he was up to, or was it something I needed to really be worried about.  He ducked and shifted around like a guilty puppy.
       “Damn it, Patrick.  No.”
       “What?  Nothing’s going on.”
       “Bull. Fucking. Shit.”
       He tugged out an eggplant colored dress then shuffled around the shoes.  “Just please.  For tonight.”
      I grimaced.  I hated the dress that he was trying to shove in my direction.  He had even started pulling accessories out.  That’s when I knew.
      “No, Patrick.  No.  You’re not doing a pity set up for me.  Forget it.  Especially with one of your nerdy little professor friends.  That’s the last thing I need.”
       “Y/n - it’s been months.  It’s getting painful.”
       I stomped out of the closet with hands raised and anger in my belly.  “It’s fine.  I’m just not into seeing anyone right now.”
      “And there’s nothing wrong with that,”  he replied as he tossed everything on the bed.  “But there’s something about this one that I think you’ll like.  He’s new this year.”
      I saw how he perked his eyebrow before looking at me.  “You can’t judge a book by its cover, nor a person by their name.”
      “Oh this just gets better.”  I folded my arms across my chest and dug in.  “Name, Patrick.”
      “Dr. Francis Aaberg.”
      I rolled my eyes like a teenager and shook my head.  “Sounds like he has a twelve foot pole of pretentiousness up his ass to me.  Let me guess, he’s a professor of poetic studies or medieval literature.  No thank you.”
      “Medieval historical studies, actually.  Frank is a nice guy,”  he argued, holding the outfit out to me.  “Just try.  For me.”
      “Why for you?”
      He squished his eyes closed for a moment with a grimace.  “Because it’s been four months since you’ve been on any kind of date.  Even then, you shot the poor guy down before the dinner check arrived.  I just -”
     “How very asshole of you, Patrick,”  I groaned.  “I think I’ll stay in tonight.”
     “Sometimes I miss the days where you’d come out with me for an album,”  he sighed.  “Oh wait - the last time you did that you met a man that you refused to run away with.” 
      Ouch.  That fucking hurt and he knew it would fucking hurt.  It made me stop and root down to the spot I stood upon.  “Low blow, friend.”
      “On purpose, friend.”
      “You’re infuriating.”
      “And yet, you still love me for it.  Get pretty.”
      I took the outfit and retreated back to the bathroom.  I was grumbling that I would give this guy two seconds to prove himself, although I knew for a fact he was not listening.  I said it for myself.  Was I wallowing?  Maybe a touch.  
      Despite feeling awkward, I walked into the fancy-smancy cocktail hour of the evening with an enigmatic smile and a false confidence that no one could see as total bull shit.  Well, save for Patrick.  He kept his hand in mine in an attempt to keep me with him instead of following the absolute need to sprint home and don my rattiest pair of sweats and eat the pint of ice cream in my freezer.  
     “There he is,”  Pat replied as he was handing me my Tito’s + cranberry.  “Dr. Aaberg!”
      I turned to catch sight of a man who looked to be over six feet tall with neatly groomed long hair that was tucked into a bun at the nape of his neck.  When he turned his face towards us, I felt a fire ignite in my throat.  Ridiculously handsome was the phrase that tore through my brain.  From the stern brows to the sharp wit of his eyes, to the soft smile and strong jaw - all of it - all of him - was causing my axis to shift in the opposite direction.  Somehow, I made it through introductions and survived hearing his voice for the first time.  His smooth baritone struck and I couldn’t help but to picture sitting before him just losing myself in him as he talked about the weather.
       I retreated to my quiet space during the dinner, listening to Patrick converse with different colleagues.  Dr. Aaberg was actually seated nearly across from me, but the distance was vast due to the stupidly wide round table.  It gave me an opportunity to see how he interacted with others.  Somehow, I had turned to put in my requested opinion, putting my focus on the woman on the other side of Pat.  When I turned back to lift my drink, I discovered that ridiculously handsome man was smiling at me like I had caught him looking.  Instead of a grin and perhaps a blush, he doubled down, fully turning his body towards me.  He pointed to the chair next to mine which was suddenly vacated.  I nodded.
      As he stood and moved, Patrick pinched my knee under the table.  He shot me a smug look as Dr. Aaberg sat down.  The evening had just turned a corner.  It was like the rest of the night faded into a blur of laughter and what seemed to be polite getting to know you style of conversation.  He insisted his friends call him Frankie, poking at his name in the smoothest of fashion.
      “My parents were a little pompous when it came to naming their children,”  he laughed.  
      By the time we left, I had discovered many interesting things about that man, including his number.  Effortless.  It was strange that there was so little effort into how we clicked.  Over the course of weeks, my life turned into one of those film montages, each scene contained the ridiculously handsome Frankie.  Coffee shop.  Check.  Movie night out on the town.  Check.  Movie night camped out in his adorable, very cozy living room.  Check.  Him delivering flowers to my office, personally.  Check.  Me surprising him with a visit during one of his lectures.  Check.  Running through a thunderstorm to get to his car after a fabulous dinner out.  Check.  Taking in a crappy little band at the pub and loving it.  Check.  Even a damn road trip with his sister, Eponine.  Check.  That greeting card company’s movies had nothing compared to us.  Just saying.
      The holidays were rolling around when I found myself looking at the schedule of projects coming up.  I may have been in the planning stages of my next getaway, that may or may not involve my now steady company.  The air whooshed out of my lungs as my eyes landed on a very familiar name and venue.  The management for GVF were listed, along with the cursory meetings with a tag of {inserted names} of the band.  I had been on this side of the ticket before, but I was lower on the totem pole.  I would be the one handing this order over to Billie.  It did not mean that I would have nothing to do with the project, but I…  I had to be the boss now.  
      Jake would be in town at the end of April.  The thought struck hard.  It would mark two years since our vacation together.  I had not heard from him in any form of communication.  I had also not extended any kind of acknowledgement either.  My heart constricted with pain that was fainter than it had ever been, but it was there.  The corners of my mouth curled down.  My eyes traced over to my phone as my fingers itched to just take a look.  Just one look to see if he was still doing all right.
      I looked out across my office like I would be caught.  I was the boss, now, wasn’t I?  I could tell them to fuck off.  A few minutes on the socials wouldn’t be detrimental.  I opened up the app and typed in his private account.  I sucked in a breath at the sight.  The most recent post was from Thanksgiving.  Jake was wearing a smile that was blazing with electricity.  And there was his Clara with a big assed ring on her finger.  My brows shoved together.  He had told me that marriage was not something he had expected to have - especially with his job.  I stared at the scene like a beggar, so wanting to feel that level of happiness once more.  I covered my mouth in an attempt to stave off the hiccup of emotion.
      I retreated back to my own page, seeing there was a private message, I opened it to find a single word sent from Jake the same day of his post announcement of his engagement.  Happy?  I let out a searing, cloying breath.  I knew he did not mean it any way other than to simply ask if I was okay.  My mind trailed back in time to those last hours of our time together.  We were all tangled up in my bed, every inch of skin pressed against each other.  Our emotions were on full display to each other.  I was so close to begging him to stay just a little while longer.  I cursed my own stubbornness for weeks after I had watched him walk out my door.  I think he felt the same.  But that’s all I had - I thought he felt the same.
      I collected myself and turned my attention back to the screen.  I bit at the corners of my mouth as I filled in the schedule, keeping my name out of the line up for anything to do with the GVF graphics team.  
      I was rescued by a notification on my phone from Frank.  I picked up the phone to find him standing dressed in a very tailored suit giving Thor a run for his money.  Epi was getting married New Years Eve and he was walking her down the aisle.  Amazing did not really seem a good enough word to describe how he looked.  The ache for Jake stabbed a bit, but it was slowly being replaced by a warmth for the man who was here before me.  It was after all, what I had promised him I would do if ever presented a chance if it was not with him.  Frank was a good man.  Kind.  Intelligent.  A rather intense, crazy fuck.  But he was above all - good.  I could survive on ‘good’.
      Time moved on.  My relationship with Frank progressed.  It was moving towards the center of March and he had whisked me away to an extended weekend in San Francisco.  It was beautiful.  Between eating, drinking and fucking, I thought for sure there would not be a more perfect getaway.  We were on the beach at sunset, walking huddled together as the sea breeze still held a tinge of cold.  I don’t know what came over me - be it the romanticism of the ocean, or the time together, or the man before me, but the words came to me.  I was in love.  The hollow space that Jake still resided in was there, but to be honest, it was a spark that went unkindled, hadn’t it?  I had promised to love who was before me.  That man was not Jake.
       It felt good to allow myself this happiness, this intimacy with him.  He allowed me to feel like I was human once more.  Of course, Patrick was one smug bastard over the matter.  His litany of female companions were dwindling down, and he was finding himself in the same company of a woman that none of us expected - Sidney.  Somehow, they had reconnected.  Jake’s question all those years ago if love prevailed over all had struck me over the head.  It was sweet to see that their love became realized, in the end.
      The first week of April brought my nervousness to an all new high.  Billie was doing a brilliant job on the GVF account.  She had everything set up and ready to go a few weeks in advance and had versed me in the entire process.  The day before the scheduled meeting, she called in sick.  Billie had come down with something pretty bad and there was no way I could allow her to be in that meeting, even with it being virtual, looking like she had been dragged through a lake of fire and drenched in swamp water.  
      “Y/n, I’m so sorry,”  she was saying over the phone in between sniffles and coughs and wheezing.  “I can try, but-”
      “No, no,”  I was trying to get words to roll off my tongue like a normal person, but the thought of being in that meeting was making all sorts of knotted up.  “You’ve been so good about documenting everything.  Really.  Just stay home.  I can’t have you getting worse.  I have enough time to comb through it to wing it.”
      “I will owe you everything,”  she said before falling to a coughing fit that made my own lungs burn.
      “Just get rest, please and thank you,”  I replied as I was bringing up all the presentation files that she had prepared.  “I’ll fire you if you don’t.”
      “Yes, boss,”  she said with a congested laugh before saying her goodbye.
      I had just over two hours before the meeting.  I had to get my shit together.  I had all of Billie’s notes, files and the schedule in front of me when I noticed that the {inserted names} had been replaced by actual names: Josh and Sam.  A wave of relief struck that left me feeling much less frantic.  I repeated to myself over and over that I was going to be alright.  It was just a formal meeting - exactly like what I had already lived through a few years prior.  
     I swear the clock was against me.  Suddenly it was five minutes before I was to be in the conference room.  I checked in with the tech team, and there I was faced with the GVF graphics team.  I apologized that Billie could not be with them, but reintroduced myself, reminding them of our time a few years before.  This was kind of like the pre-meet before going before what Jake had called the suits of the management team.  I was immediately shifted into overdrive professionally as I discovered that there would be a few last minute changes in what the show would need.  I was scrambling to include these changes when the display board lit up before me to cast the view of a conference room live from Nashville.  
      I buried the minor panic from the moment and smiled into the camera as a welcome came through the screen.  I listened as their graphics leader explained the situation as I realized I was not looking at Sam and Josh.  Jake was sitting next to his twin, his eyes squarely on my position on the screen before him.  I felt every drop of moisture dry up inside of my mouth.  I fought to maintain my smile.  I said my hello and my introduction, with the preface that I had been team leader the last visit GVF had had to the Twin cities, and was well acquainted in what their needs would be when it came to the venue.  
      Josh let out a chuckle before his hand landed on Jake’s arm.  “Y/n!  So good to see you.  Hope you are doing well.”
      “Hello, Josh.  Jake.  It’s good to see you both once more,”  I said, keeping my tone reserved and professional.  Though in my head I was screeching and screaming and perhaps even experiencing more than a few voice cracks.  
      I watched as Jake swallowed hard, his eyes were hidden by his sunglasses.  He did not smile.  He did not give any way for me to know what he was thinking.  “Deep Purple,”  he finally said, and the room around him stirred with an uncomfortable shift.
      The team leader stepped in and started going over the logistics.  I picked up his thread and ran with it, incorporating the changes and moving on with the meeting at hand.  The whole time, he did not move.  He did not seem to register any emotion.  It was easier when I was having to talk, but when it was not my turn, I could not help where my gaze fell.
      I could not honestly say if Jake was angry.  His whole vibe certainly made it seem like he was upset.  Was it me?  Was it because something happened and he was forced to be in the meeting with the suits that day?  I broke eye contact long enough to take a drink of water and scan across the documents and visuals that were being shown.  When I looked back, I discovered that he had pushed his glasses to the top of his head, fanning his hair out from his face.  Jake was one of those men whose age only strengthened his features.  The depth of his gaze pierced me.  My mind drifted against my will…
      I was snuggled into his side and breathing in the sex we had just had.  He was catching his breath, eyes closed, lips parted, with a flush across his cheeks that no artist would be able to capture correctly to equate his beauty in my mind.  He turned his eyes to look at me and in the moment, I knew.  I knew all of me was for him.  He gently tucked my hair behind my ear as he ducked his chin to kiss me.  The tenderness enraptured me.  The way I felt like I was his hallowed ground was unlike anything that I had ever felt before.  If he would have asked me at that moment…
      “I see our changes were received,”  Jake remarked, his voice void of familiarity that I had half hoped for.  “Will there be any issues on the part of the venue?”
      I shook myself back to the present.  I looked at Jake like I had just broadcasted what had been only in my thoughts.  I cleared my throat and assured that the venue would be prepared and able to accommodate whatever was needed.
      The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched as the management team wrapped things up.  He turned his attention to his phone, going so far as to push himself back from the table.  Josh frowned at him, but smiled and waved as assurances were made and compliments were passed around.  The GVF team wanted to extend a get well to Billie, and I smiled with a warm ‘thank you’.
      My phone pinged and the screen lit, taking my attention away for a moment as we were saying our goodbyes.  I could see Jake’s name in the text alert.  I failed to stop the frown before looking back at the group.  He was already standing up to excuse himself.  I blew out a breath as the end screen replaced the live meeting.  I chewed my lip a bit, unsure if I really wanted to see what he had texted.  I collected everything and exited the conference room to retreat back to my office with the door closed to really look at the message.
     “Just tell me that you are happy.”
      My hands shook as I held the phone.  Every emotion possible was flooding my system in an open threat to overwhelm me.  I counted to twenty with my eyes closed.  When I opened them, I was looking at the lovely picture that was on my desktop screen of me and Frank at the Golden Gate Bridge Park.  His arm was wrapped around me, and I was holding onto him for dear life as a huge gust of wind had come up as he lifted the phone to take the picture.  I grinned at the thought - I was so afraid we were going to be knocked back into the water.  But, he had me.  He had me wrapped up and safe and made me feel every ounce of security that he could offer.
      I typed a single line in with a sniffle that I was glad Jake could not see.  “I am happy.”
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CD&FE, Part 4.2: Jake’s POV
      I was at first pissed as hell to have Sam call at midnight, while I was three drinks in and dancing my girl around the kitchen while we waited for the delivery of food.  But then, to hear that his Noah was in the ER with a high temp and bad cough made me realize I was just being a shit.  I grimaced knowing that I would surely need to cut myself off and…
      “Shit,”  I grumbled as I set my empty tumbler into the sink.
      I successfully passed it off on having to sit with the suits the next day.  The angel that she is, Clara brushed it off, instantly switching her own drink to water with me and eating side by side on the island as I was buried in work in order to catch up with everything that was going to be expected of me.  I had avoided looking at the schedule until after she drifted to bed with a promise of a smile in the morning.  
      We had met in Seattle through a mutual friend.  Clara was the kind of spirit that lit the room when she entered and made it darker when she left.  She was an artist that painted what was before her and sketched what was behind.  She found beauty in the ordinary and in beauty, she could create something beyond the ordinary.  She did not tolerate my moods and I didn’t tolerate her cheerfulness in the morning.  It was a great fit.  After Duluth, and my time with Y/n, it was a few months of what could only be described as wallowing.  If we hadn’t been busy cutting the next album, I probably would have been crawling back to her home in a vain attempt to beg her to change her mind.  
      Clara was a free spirit, following the wind and her heart - no matter where it led her.  Somehow, after missed calls and fumbled attempts of meeting up, we landed together and had been side by side every day since.  She truly was a vagabond queen.  She bought into coming on the road with me with an enthusiasm that surprised me.  And the family adored her.  A year later, we were walking through shops in Rome and stumbled upon this ring that I said looked like an engagement ring fit for her.  It had surprised us both.  However, it was honest and I had meant it. 
      I had never wanted to marry.  Not really.  I didn’t think it would be fair to ask a partner of any kind to put their life on hold.  Clara certainly was not interested in getting married, but the thought of engagement was good enough for both of us.  If asked when the wedding was - the answer was simple: someday.  It was enough of a commitment for both of us.
       I looked at the schedule and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Y/n was not listed as the contact for the graphics team for St. Paul.  In the stillness of the moment, however, my gut twisted.  There had been a time where her name would make me melt like a fangirl.  The morning I left her, I dreaded what was to come.  I knew there was love there.  I expressed it.  I felt it as she flayed it apart and returned it to me in unpalatable pieces.  I wasn’t angry.  That wasn’t it.  It was like we were the same piece of paper folded over; but instead of lining up, the crease wasn’t just right so we were just ‘off’ where we met on our edges.  It took weeks to realize it was a form of disappointment that was hard to shake and even harder to accept.
      The morning rush turned into the morning stand still as I waited in traffic to get to the offices.  I still beat Josh by half an hour, to which I reminded him that he owed me lunch since he was last to show.  We slogged through the first hurdles, knowing that we were stuck in that room for the next five hours talking about logistics.  Definitely not the sexiest part of the show, but necessary.  I had filled pages of sketched doodles as I struggled to engage with the suits, most of it going right through me, around me, above me.  Josh was being his typical self.  Sometimes I admired his ability to smile and nod his way through just about anything.  
       The graphics team was after a fifteen minute break.  I was outside, a smoke on my lip, and texting with Clara about meeting up for dinner out when Josh was already waving at me to hurry up.  I was relaxed as I made my way back inside.  I even smiled as I returned to my seat and laughed at the joke that Josh was cackling over.  
      The room quieted as the display came to life.  I took a quick sip of my water before resigning to sketching once more.  There was a pause that I did not expect.  I looked up and found myself in a spiral that I did not want to be caught in.  Y/n was in the corner of the screen, her face filled with her mix of professionalism and warmth.  Josh did not move behind me, but he knew I was totally fucked as he said his hello.  I swallowed hard.  My skin bubbled with heat as I froze.  I couldn’t look away.  It was like everything with Clara over the past fifteen months was voided out and I was back in that era of limbo. 
      “Deep Purple,”  I felt my tongue let out as I fought to breathe.
      At that, Josh did push me in the back over my own idiocy.  Regardless, she carried on, with the explanation that the original team leader, Billie whatever her last name, was ill and that for the purposes of this meeting, Y/n would just handle the presentation.  Billie would be the sole contact leading up to the show. 
      Fuck.  She was truly distancing herself from the account.  At the thought, every part of me was screaming for every part of her.  I couldn’t move.  I couldn’t divert my attention away from her being before me without a way to touch her, to convey that all the love that I had for her was just waiting to be stoked and nurtured.  I was pretty sure I was giving off full on stalker vibes, but I didn’t really care.  I couldn’t stop.  It was like my brain was soaking up every bit it could like a goddamn addict.
     “I see our changes were received,”  I said, trying to be as professional as possible while hating how cold my voice sounded to my own ears.  “Will there be any issues on the part of the venue?”
     The edge of her tone caught me off guard as she was running through the bullet points of needs that we had accumulated over the course of the last seven shows.  Apparently, our team had delayed relaying those changes, so she did not have a clear example of what it would translate to, but would get us the information as soon as possible.  
      Josh leaned forward, tapping my shoulder.  “Fucking blink, will you?”
      It was enough of a distraction to break me from my gaze at the display.  I reached for my water but hearing her laugh brought me up short.  The note of it clenched my heart with memory and my thoughts fogged over with it.
      We had been tangled up all day on the couch.  Most of that time, we were in our own little worlds that were encapsulated in our own books.  However, just to have her presence meant everything to me.  It was a glimpse into the stillness that was her.  To feel that we didn’t need to stuff all of this ‘togetherness’ within every day, or fill it with going places that would keep us from being this close?  Somehow the quiet of those hours had permeated my skin with a calm that I had desired every day since.
      She had begun to drift to sleep, her book falling against her folded up knees.  The tinge of a flush on her cheeks sent my heart to racing.  I had set my book to the side and held my arms open for her.  The wisp of a smile joined the blush.  She didn’t hesitate and curled up with me.  The feel of her weight against me, the smell of her perfume settled me.  Made me realize that though she was yanking every bit of domestication from me, I liked it.  
      I had brushed my fingers across the exposed skin of her arm over and over as she quickly surrendered to sleep.  She was fragile.  She was a brawler.  She was smart and strong as hell and yet, to be in such a vulnerable state she imbibed in the one thing that hadn’t been given over for some time - trust.  She trusted me.  How had I been the kind of man for her that she would just -
     It was over.  The graphics team were saying goodbye.  I felt my lips thin against my teeth.  I fell heavily into the back of the chair.  Josh was chatting along with the suits in his all too loud manner.  My head was splitting with too much thought.  I excused myself and drifted out of the conference room.  I looked at my phone and saw a text from Clara about reservations.  I was practically biting through my lip at the sight.  I swallowed hard as I looked around the busy offices before opening her contact to text her.
      “Just tell me you are happy.”
      It was all I could put into a single sentence without sounding like I was ready to fucking run all the way to St. Paul and throw myself at her like an idiot.  I caught Josh’s eye as I shoved my way through the door.  I needed a smoke to calm my nerves.  I had Clara.  We were committed to each other, right?  How the hell could a single 23 minute meeting with a room full of people that Y/n was not even physically present make me want to throw everything that I had built with a rather gorgeous spirit to the shit can?  It was wrong.  It was so wrong.  I needed to get my head clear and back on track.  That was all.
      I was just about to light up a second cigarette when my phone pinged.  I saw her contact picture and felt emotions stab as I struggled to push away.  Whatever her answer, it didn’t matter.  Happy. Sad.  Alone.  It was not on me.  I had goodness in my life.  I had a partner that was on the same page and actually wanted to be with me.  
      I stopped.  The phone fell to my side.  When the fuck did I start sounding so selfish?  Worse than selfish.  I knew two year olds who could be more selfless.  Being with me had nothing to do with why we couldn’t be together.  
      I took a breath in and unlocked my phone to see Y/n’s single line answer:
      “I am happy.”
      Three words.  Eight letters.  But it filled me with such a rush of emotion that gripped my internal organs and squeezed until I wanted to say ‘mercy’.  The rest of the afternoon moved slow and I moved all the slower because of it.  Josh tried to make me see the positive side of it, but I wasn’t ready to see it yet.  I made it home before Clara.  I sat down and just stared at the scratch that was on the top of the coffee table.  I allowed my heart to bleed for more than a few moments.  I felt small in the corner of the couch.  I felt like I was hollow.  I had gotten very good at filling all the spaces that Y/n had left blank when we parted.  
      I heard the garage door grind through its mechanical lift but couldn’t get myself to really move.  I had fallen too far into the hole of what could have been.  Clara banged around as she dumped her bag and kicked out of her boots and finally appeared with a huge smile that should have lit the sun.  I watched as the corners of that smile faded like a sunset before she sat down next to me.
     “Time with the suits must’ve been rough,”  she said as she threaded her hand through my own.  
      I couldn’t voice my thoughts.  The last damn thing I wanted to do was hurt her with my dumb ass not being able to slog through whatever hold Y/n still held on me.  I was chewing the inside of my lip as she turned my chin so I would look her in the eyes.  She looked across my features and it was like all her warmth, all her love for me wrapped me up in a blanket of comfort.
      “Jake,”  she whispered.  “Trust me.  Just talk to me.  Holding this in, whatever it is, does more harm than good.”
      My brows pinched as my gaze fell away from her.  “I, uh, um…  I saw someone today that I wasn’t expecting.”
      “Oh, during your meetings?”  she asked, turning her body to fully face me.
      I nodded as I fidgeted with her hand. 
     “Is this person an old girlfriend?”
      I couldn’t stop the little snort that slipped through my nose.  “I wouldn’t call her girlfriend, but she was… special to me.”
     “Jake,”  Clara said, her tone firm enough to capture my attention.  “It’s alright to talk about other women.  It would be dumb to think that I’m your first love.  Tell me about her.  What’s her name?”
     It was odd, but then again, it was Clara.  She threw one arm over the back of the couch and leaned towards me like a friend.  “Y/n,”  I finally said just to see if she would react in a negative way.
      She grinned.  “Pretty.”
      I felt disarmed.  There was no need for defenses in this conversation.  I started with how we had met and how we parted this last time - and why we parted.  It felt good to have the words cross through my mouth in such a way that wasn’t hindered or muted.  It had to have taken effort for her to listen to me work through how I had been in love.
      “I think I get why you feel this way right now,”  she said, turning so that she could lean against me.  I wrapped my arm around her, holding her close.  “It had to hurt to come to the conclusion that you were both on a path that would never really be together.”
      “Yeah,”  I whispered.  “I’m sorry, I kind of killed the mood for going out tonight.”
      “It’s all right.  I think you’re more important than a reservation,”  she said plainly.  “Can I ask you a question?”
       “Didn’t you just do that?”  I chuckled at my own joke but she just rolled her eyes.
       “If she would’ve gone with you - on the road - do you think that you would still be with her?”
       “I’m not sure how to answer that.”
      “Okay, how about this.  Would you give yourself up - your career, or at least change it so that you could have been with her as she worked on her career?”
       I couldn’t answer.  Not honestly.  Give up music?  Give up touring?  There were too many aspects to even consider.  Music was all I knew, but did that mean leaving it behind?
    “Jake,”  she whispered.  “You love me still, right?”
     “No question about it,”  I said and it was the truth.
     “But you still love her, in some way,”  Clara said across a blown out breath.  “I have a feeling you always will.  Those people don’t come around too often.”
     I watched as she stood up from the couch, asking if I wanted a drink before she started to root around in the kitchen for something to eat.  I felt lighter, but it left me to wonder if I had done damage.  Had I asked too much of her to just listen to what was fully inside?  And her question to give up music had shook me.  There were about a million ways to stay in music - even stay in the band, just slow things down.  Families were involved now.  Children.  Education on the road was one thing for them.  But what about friends?  Were we asking too much of our kids to continue this life?  Sam and Danny had no qualms working their asses off for their families, but surely there would be a point where their wives would call it time.  And the folks were fine watching the kids, but their own wanderlust was itching them into retirement.
     “I’m just going to call for delivery,”  she said, her voice full of defeat after rummaging for a while.  “Tacos?”
     I nodded, but my mind was absent.  I allowed my brain to go into the spaces that we as a band had only glazed over in conversation.  I hated it.  I hated that I couldn’t see what was going to happen and be able to plan for it.  None of us wanted to leave a path of destruction behind us just to achieve what we had set out to do - not with our loved ones at least.  We hadn’t been raised that way.  It would’ve been easy to fall into the failed relationships trap, but so far, none of us had.  We were able to move along through our careers with the support of everyone around us that we absolutely treasured.  
      I rubbed my hands across my face as she walked back into the living room with a low ball of whiskey for me.  I kissed her.  Honestly kissed her.  She was my ‘now’ and I accepted it.  I could wait to see if she was my forever.
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Yeah.  Life’s a bitch right?  So much for Nordic Gods and Vagabond Queens.  I know.  I miss them too.  Just hang in there.  I promise - this will sort itself out soon.
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
A few days ago, I got a request that asked for Shadow Company and KorTac team up tickles with reader getting wrecked. I posted the Shadow Company fic yesterday, so I'm gonna post the KorTac fic now. This only includes Horangi and König, though.
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KorTac Team Up Tickles
You brought your Switch to the base, planning on spending some of your evenings in a comfortable solitude, accompanied only by Italian plumbers, alien puffballs and Hylian heroes. You were quite content, never having been too much of a chatterbox in the first place. You truly preferred the company of fictional characters over that of the tryhards at base. If you weren’t forced to spend time with the others, then you weren’t going to either. No meetings this evening, dinner has already been had, no training scheduled either. It was perfect to just blow off some steam for once. And thus, you pulled out your beloved gaming console, opening Stardew Valley. The life in Pelican Town seemed so utopian, sometimes you wished you could exchange your life as a mercenary for a farm somewhere in the countryside, surrounded by cute bachelors and bachelorettes to date.
Petting your dog, cat and turtle as you poured water into their bowls, you smiled. The cauliflowers were doing well, the animals seemed as content as always, and your spouse was still sleeping in bed. You bought some seeds and immediately planted them. This was the ideal life. Why kill people when you can water crops? Why destroy towns when you can talk to your neighbors? Why bring death and despair to others when you can complete tasks for friendship points and rewards? Even in the mines, you were lucky enough to have found a prismatic shard. Life was good. Completing another bundle, you were in no hurry to do so even though you were in your second year already, you watched the Junimos dance on the screen, reminding you of the plushie you had yet to retrieve. All was peaceful, all was quiet as you ignored the shouting outside of your room. Real life has never interested you much anyway.
And yet, that peace was short lived as your door swung open, before immediately closing again. It could have only been one of two people.
“Have you seen König?”
“Not since dinner.” A short reply, you were busy. If Horangi wanted to be with König so bad, then he could always go look for him somewhere else.
“I’m going to wait here. I know he’ll come by.”
You didn’t take your eyes off your Switch even once, too engrossed in beating some ghosts and skeletons with your sword. “Can you two turtle doves secretly meet somewhere else? I’m in the middle of something right now.”
Horangi huffed in response, amused by your sass. “You’re part of this, whether you like it or not. What are you playing this time? Finally a shooter?” He sat down on your bed, leaning back against the wall as he watched you play. “Seriously? You’re such a boring person. Poker in Mario was much better than that.”
“Ah, the gamer-gambler has spoken. I am happy, though. Can you say the same? Can you say the same when your behemoth boyfriend is chasing you again? Picking you up and throwing you onto my bed? Putting his entire weight on you and crushing you like the pathetic bug you are? Furry boy, I’m only going to say this once: Don’t you ever make fun of my virtual farm. We’re both living a life that expects us to be miserable. We’re both coping in different ways.”
Horangi took off his sunglasses, putting them on your nightstand and placing his head on your shoulder. He watched you intently as you played your little game. For as much displeasure as he voiced about you playing a children’s game, he thought it to be quite calming to watch. It was a nice change of pace from seeing the blood of his comrades. “Put your forked tongue behind your teeth, snake. He’s your boyfriend too. Plus no one suspects us being in your room every evening.”
“Mhm. One day, I’m going to rat you out to our superiors and then you’ll never see me again as I fuck off to a real farm after having been discharged for fraternization. You can visit me. I’m going to make you some sashimi with the fresh fish I’ve pulled ashore.” You put your head on top of Horangi’s. His hair was kind of damp and it smelled of some weird shampoo.
“And then you’re going to go to space and fight some pink fucker?”
“No, he’s my friend. I’m going to fight Satan with him.”
“My bad.” He pulled you closer to him, throwing one of his legs over yours for maximum comfort.
Again, the door opened and closed. Mining iron ore was much more important, though.
“Good evening you two.” The strong German accent was all too familiar, you didn’t even need to look up to know who it was. Well, it could have only been one of two people. Horangi was already here, so it could only have been the colonel.
“Evening, König.” You tilted your Switch aggressively as you were swarmed by Dust Sprites, trying to get away from the cute little critters. Now you really wanted to watch Spirited Away with those two goobers.
Horangi didn’t even flinch. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”
“Sorry, I was held up in one of our meeting rooms. I should be free for the rest of the evening, though.” Another weight plopped down on your other side, another pair of arms snaked around your chest as another head rested on your other shoulder.
“Don’t worry. Anyway, colonel, you should punish sergeant Kim, he was being mean to me and said that my farm was ugly. I think one million years of being put in a meat grinder should suffice.”
Horangi closed his eyes. “Y/N, I’m going to poison you with a real vegetable.”
König sighed. “I will consider it if you pay attention to us. You’ve been spending a lot of time with your Switch. You’ve been paying more attention to it than us.” He moved away from you for a bit and took off the shirt on his head, taking a deep breath.
“Aha, so my boyfriends are harlots for my attention now, I see how it is. But have you considered that my virtual boyfriends and girlfriends don’t threaten to kill me with a vegetable?”
“So the pixels are superior?” Horangi stroked your stomach with one of his thumbs. Although he could feel it quiver under his touch, he decided to weaponize this later. If you kept on being a dick towards him then he would have no choice but to betray you, however.
“Hong-jin, don’t enable Y/N.” König put his hand over Horangi’s, hoping to stop the way that was going to occur. Yet, he wasn’t going to put much effort into doing, doing less than the bare minimum. As much as he loved you, he would have loved to see where this was going. If he was being a harlot then he’d love to fuck with you just a little bit. He had a feeling that this was going to be fun, more than willing to join in on whatever was bound to happen.
“I can feed the pixels my cooking and they don’t complain.” You were well aware of what you were doing. Horangi and König were too. This was a game you liked to play from time to time when you wanted special attention. You’ve never once regretted it. Neither of them would take offense to you being a little brat like this, they were going to get that attitude out of you for some time anyway. For as much as you pretended to ignore them, it was them who had been neglecting you for some time now, always busy with work. Three could play that game, and thus you decided you’d be acting up yet again. Horangi was a ticking time bomb, the fallout only amplified by König. If you kept this up, you were going to get what you wanted.
“But would your little pixels really treat you better than us, who have had your back in literal wars?” Horangi was tapping away at your stomach as your breath hitched a little bit. So close. König watched, amused by your exchange. He didn’t necessarily need to add anything to it. Taking his hand off Horangi’s, he wrapped his arm around your chest yet again, holding onto your ribs. You were going to pay attention to them soon enough.
“My pixels actually talk to me. Can you say the same, little kitty?” You got a little nervous. Normally, Horangi would have blown by now, but he was holding himself back. You could see your punishment from a mile away. Never before has your exchange been this long. A few words at most, not a full blown conversation. You tried to pull your legs closer to your chest, but König’s hand quickly stopped you from your endeavor. You were in for it this time.
“So this is not enough for you? And you say we’re the attention whores here?” Horangi moved, sitting down on your legs. König was kind enough to take your Switch from your hands and put it on your nightstand. Leaning on his arm, he looked down at you, a small smirk gracing his lips. Horangi’s brows were slightly furrowed, but he seemed entertained regardless. You knew what was coming, swallowing a lump.
“Alright, Hong-jin, maybe you’re right! Maybe this is nice enough after all!”
König bit back some laughter as Horangi raised an eyebrow. You held onto the latter’s hands, intertwining your fingers in his.
“Aw, adorable. Is our little bunny scared? Scared of the ravenous tiger and the colonel?” König was having too much fun already. “Let me have a go first.”
“The stage is yours, colonel.” Horangi scoffed, taking pride in making you surrender despite not even having touched you yet.
König took his sweet time, eyeing you up and down as he considered his first move. He knew from the beginning what he was going to do, but the suspension should kill you on its own. And just like that, he pretended to start the highlight of this little game. Quickly, he moved his hands towards your ribs, but not doing much else, only holding onto them. You, however, squealed, thrashing around as you started laughing already.
“Y/N! Look at me! I’m not even doing anything. Are you really that ticklish? Poor little thing. What do you say, Hong-jin? Should we have mercy on our little bunny?”
“Fat chance.”
You stopped laughing as you locked eyes with König, feeling his hands on your ribs. It was enough to make you want to squirm away. “Well… You were going to tickle me…” You looked so meek and pathetic in your current predicament.
König leaned down to kiss your forehead. “Don’t worry, we’re going to tickle you plenty. Just get com-”
You screeched as Horangi started aggressively squeezing your hips, sides and ribs, trying to get away from him.
“You didn’t even give me a chance to get Y/N good. You’re so unfair.”
“Nothing stopping you from doing so now. Get the armpits, our little prey will stop trying to grab my hands if you do.”
And that König did, matching Horangi in aggressiveness and speed. Naturally, you clamped your arms down, trapping his hands. An unwise decision, but a reflex you couldn’t help. Although you may not have wanted this to stop, enjoying yourself as much as your boyfriends were, you were certain you couldn’t take this forever. In fact, you weren’t even thrashing around, lying almost completely still with the exception of sometimes moving from side to side. Or trying to, rather. Once you had gotten accustomed to the feeling, you were even able to move your shoulders up a little bit, inviting König to reach for another spot as well.
Horangi twisted himself to be able to have easier access to your knees, squeezing them rigorously. As bad as it was, you never kicked your legs. König took notice of you releasing his hands and opted for scratching away at your sides, not wanting to leave them neglected for too long.
“Did your meeting go well? Are you being deployed again soon?”
“Not yet. But don’t worry, I’ll be taking you both with me if I can. They just told me that I should be nicer to the newbies. Not my fault if they’re too incompetent to be here. One of them spilled coffee on our network equipment. How he even got into that room is beyond me.”
“Damn. Sounds like he’ll be in for a rough time. You’re gonna have a word with him? He’s gonna shit his pants, I can tell you that much.”
“Haha, I still remember when we met for the first time. You did seem kind of intimidated by me too.”
“I was considering whether or not I could take you in a fight.”
“What was the conclusion?”
“...Probably not.”
Lovely. Even as they were playing by your rules those two were more obsessed with work than you. Had you not been enjoying yourself you would have smacked them both. König turned to you.
“And about you… Have you learned your lesson yet? Are you satisfied? Don’t pretend to hate this. This has happened far too many times for you to even slightly dislike it.”
The tickling ceased on both ends for a few seconds, allowing you to catch your breath.
“Can you please keep going for a little bit longer? I’m having a good time. Neither of you need to be anywhere, right?”
König grazed your cheek with his knuckles. “No, we’re both done for the day. We can do this a little bit longer. Right?”
Horangi sighed, squeezing your hand a little bit. “Yeah, we can. You seem pretty tired already, though, so I’ll be a bit more gentle.”
“Thank you. That’s fine by me.”
Putting one of your arms over your eyes, you took one last deep breath before the tickling continued. As Horangi promised, it wasn’t nearly as rough this time, just enough to make you giggle. But the electric shocks running through your body were nothing short of pleasant. König joined in as well soon enough, running his fingers across your underarms. For as little time as they’d spend with you from time to time, they would always try to make it up to you, if just with little things like this. As annoying as they could be at times, they made for some pretty loving boyfriends after all.
This continued for a few more minutes, slowing down more and more until they stopped completely. Horangi got off of you, assuming his previous position. König did too, with both men wrapping their arms around you.
“Sorry for neglecting you like that. I hope you feel a little better now.”
“You could have just asked for our attention. König and I always try to make time for you.”
“I know, but I didn’t want to disturb you either, what you did seemed important. But thank you. I feel a lot better now.”
Horangi glanced over at your Switch. “You wanna continue playing?”
“I think I just wanna sleep for now. But if you want, you can play a little bit.”
König sat up and grabbed it from the nightstand. “I think I wanna give it a go. I can’t really do much wrong, right? Besides, the music is really nice.”
As exhausted as you were, you still had to have the energy to change your position. With König lying in the middle, you lying to his left and Horangi to his right, you and the sergeant cuddled up to the colonel, watching him play a little bit. Completely worn out, with the soundtrack doing nothing to keep you awake either, you just gave him some advice on how he should play the game. It was a quiet evening, but you didn’t mind that as much. At the very least you were being paid attention to again.
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Who is coming into your life in 2023 💞
( could be platonic or romantic)
Masterlist ✨ paid services
NOTE : I'm offering new year readings for different topics. link here. If you're interested in getting one, please DM me. Have a nice day!
This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest ;)
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A very rich man is coming into your life soon. This person might be an air sign or leo. They have heavy fire influence in their chart with a little earth, air and water. They might have their rising and sun or moon in fire and the rest in water or air. I'm picking up Pisces too. You might meet them online or they will be from a different place than you. I don't think this is a romantic relationship more like a business partnership but it might result in something more in the future. But at the starting period it'll be a partnership. If you're into spirituality, tarot or the occult then this person will be money minded and materialistic but in a good or vise versa. Also I'm also seeing a new pet for you, a kitten to be more precise.
For some people here I'm getting a child, so if anyone around you is pregnant they'll give birth to a healthy child soon or in January 2023 . The child will bring a lot of abundance in your family. This child is very intuitive.
Also I'm seeing a new relationship forming with someone you had a beef with. Like a enemies to lover relationship. But this could be more like a enemies to friends relationship. Take how it resonates. I feel like you guys have been in the hermit mode for too long and now the universe is sending new people in your life.
Random messages : Rose ( romance) , American, frenemies, Daisy ( innocence) celebrity or famous, kitten / cat, Lily ( purity ) , innocent face, mole on their hands, money path, older woman, a man, heart, long torso.
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Hey pile 2 ! I feel like you have recently cut ties with someone or just lost someone close to you. I'm sensing an older male like a grandfather or a father. And you're not in a very good place right now. I can literally feel your energy and it's very heavy. The message I'm getting is that you have to give yourself time for recovery before starting something new with someone new. I feel like your past was not the best and it has given you someone insecurities about yourself like if someone will ever love you fully or you have the fear that people will leave you. However you have to let go of this mindset because it's not true.
I'm seeing new romantic cycle begining for you but it'll be in the last months of 2023 . And this person is your Divine counterpart. So give yourself time to recover in this year. Spend on yourself. Buy things for yourself. Do things that you love. This is random but if you recently got your eyebrows pierced or changed your hair color , it looks good on you.
Let me tell you pile 2 , year 2023 is all about self love for you. You have to let go of the old toxic patterns and that toxic mindset. And it's all about you building confidence , gaining achievements etc.
I see a person coming into your life to help and guide you on your journey . I'm sensing both male and female energy. So it could be male for you or female, take how it resonates. I'm getting that a lot of you are going to have a great transformation more like a rebirth.
(I feel like some of you were attracted to pile 1 too)
Random messages : a year from now, recovery, ask your angels, water lily, divine feminine, wild flowers ( strength) , destiny, I love you - fs, Vietnam, poker face Alien to me, message, Dimples / pretty smile, colored hair, curly/ wavy hair, younger, broad shoulders, good luck, dolphin.
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I feel like a lot of you manifested a rich male partner into your life or had a relationship with an older male. At first the things were going great but after sometime to know that they were actually cheating on you or just not being honest with you and you had to cut things with them. And now you're waiting for someone new or just waiting for them to come back, but at the same time your scared to meet someone new because of your past relationship.
I'm sensing that a younger male is coming into your life and this person has a lot of love to give and is emotionally available . This can be a friend of yours or someone you know of. This person is a water sign. But I'm also getting that you'll be confused about what to do because you don't want to get in a relationship after your past relationships not working out the way you wanted them to. So pile 3 let me give you an advice, when you don't know to choose, choose yourself. Listen to your intuition.
I'm sensing that some of you are manifesting your ideal partner and they are coming into your life soon. But i feel like you're very concerned about your situation will improve. And don't doubt yourself. Doubting yourself with slow down your manifestation results.
There is going to be a new romantic cycle but you'll have to recover yourself.
Someone is travelling to see you and this is going to be a surprise for you. ( sorry to spoil your surprise) maybe they study in a different city or country. But yeah you won't notice at first.
Random messages : Peaceful resolution, 1111 , square face, street style, fair skin, older, e-boy / e-girl, Hazel eyes, tall height, tattoos, oval face , Dimples, lotus, Power, singer , dancer, beetle, handshake, stepping towards success, Poppy, heart, romance.
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Hope you enjoyed it and please ignore the typos!
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Hello there
I would like to request a namor x reader where she is youngest child of the wakandan royal family and they tend to look over her sometimes or A LOT so when attuma n namora ambush the crew on the bridge she volunteers herself to be taken to protect her sibling and Riri as well as come to a diplomatic solution.
When Nakia finally rescues her, namor vows to go retrieve her by any means necessary
Oooh,,, I like this idea!! 👀💞💓
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Pairing: Namor x youngest royal!sibling
You knew the risks of taking this mission, but there was a determination to prove yourself. It seemed simple at first. Get the young scientist, keep her safe, and move on from there.
Despite the risk of encountering Namor on the shore and now escaping those hot on your trail, you couldn’t let that deter you or risk your mother’s nerves.
Seemed simple enough, right?
At least that’s what you thought at first. Lying face down on the asphalt was the irony of this whole situation. You had seen Okoye give it to her last in defending you and Shuri, but you had to think fast.
You could see your sister Shuri’s hand starting to gain movement, but you saw the two elite warriors with their band advancing towards Riri. It had to be quick and now, or else you would regret this.
Coming to a wobbly stance, you faced the ones called Attuma and Namora.
“I’ll go.” You offered to them. “I’ll go with you…,don’t hurt her.”
Both looked at each other inquisitively before the taller one summoned their steed and brought you and Riri forward. Hoping they wouldn’t notice, you left behind the bracelet as means to track you.
Before the darkness of the waters consumed the group, you whispered a small prayer to Bast but you didn’t know what for exactly. Strength? Clarity?
Anything seemed feasible at this point.
Back home, your Queen Mother’s grief knew no bounds. Still, it would not deter her from getting you, youngest of the family, back to safety.
In Talokan, the nerves of your entire being were sharper than any knife. Sure this king and leader of his people was charismatic, but you still couldn’t form an opinion about Namor. Especially when the young girl’s life depended on you.
“Why do you look at me like that?” He asked upon your quick introduction.
Poker face may not have been your strong suit but you mastered it on impulse.
“Like what?”
“As if you are afraid. I do not wish to harm you, but I have my loyalties to protect those who rely on me. By any means.”
You sighed heavily. “That’s what I’m afraid of. What if we came to an agreement? Me, in the place of the scientist. But please, let me see my family as well. I know they’ll be worried for me.”
His face seemed unreadable at first but underneath that facade was a growing curiosity. If this was under different circumstances, Namor would have wanted to get to know you. A bright mind with a promise that glimmered in your eyes. He admired your spirit. Maybe there could be a chance still…
In his invitation to explore Talokan, you were amazed. It was beautiful. Intricate architecture and a liveliness that reminded you of home. Such beauty
Namor watched your reaction with softness. Once this was all over, he’d give anything to see that smile of yours again. In gifting you the bracelet of his mother and a necklace personally crafted for you as well, Namor dared to have hope that there could be a future.
You thought the same too. It was a relief to see you and Riri’s savior in Nakia, but it felt sudden to be reunited with your family so swiftly. You were grateful to be back with your family, but it felt jarring to be taken back so soon.
Upon hearing of your rescue, Namor’s heart became caged by its walls again. It felt foolish and naive of him to even think that—
No matter. He would return to have you back again, or if you wised it, to come and go as you pleased. You let him think there could be a possibility for anything and the surface world’s forces would not take that away.
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