#you can get amazing tarot or spiritual readings
astrologylunadream · 4 months
How Their Higher Self Feels About You💍💎🩷 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream~😇 We will be "diving into" a reading on exactly how your person's true higher self feels about you!🌊🩷 hope you find your message ^^
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of yourself, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌊💞
Pile 1🫧
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Pile 2🪼
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Pile 3⚪️
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Pile 4🐋
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🌊💍🩷
Pile 1🫧
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Sign energy: Soul connection, Demand, Cheeks, Suspicion, Offer, Libra, 8th house, Neptune, 4th house, 11th house,🩺🧖‍♂️🫰📱
🩷Your person's energy: So this is a very dreamy and lovely person, they have really soft cheeks I'm hearing😇💕 Some of you may have met them online, through friends or possibly a dating app🤭 I can see a lot of my pile 1's falling in love with them through your phone. Your person is very kind and sweet, they feel spiritual aswell as emotional. Sign placements are Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius. There is a very soft feminine aura to your person in this reading!💗😭 This is someone you have a soul connection with, they can be psychic when it comes to you and you are the same with them. This person is very intuitive, and they may have a sneaking suspicion about their connection with you.🔍🫢 They are comforting and gentle, also they seem friendly and good to you. Now some of you may have an obsession with this person, and you can't get enough of them.💓👀 They have a refreshing vibe, could be a water rising or neptune aspecting ascendant for some in this pile. You feel comfortable about this person, they feel safe and protective.🫂💖 Your heart rate may increase when you two are alone together or when you feel an intense energy from them.😮‍💨 Their fingers are really hot just saying😂 Some of my pile 4's like their posts or stalk their social media, or just fantasize about them a lot. This person has a lot to give especially in their relationships with people, they just give out so much love and kindness.🤗💞 But they may expect something deeper in return from their lovers. They can be a little pushy when it comes to getting back what they give. So they can be really sweet but they then want the other person to return their kind gesture🫴👀 Lol they may spend a lot of time on their phone, or with friends. You see this person as a soulmate or a potential forever partner which is so sweet.💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Flower, Keep a secret, One and Only, Unrequited love, Practice, Water, 10th house, Capricorn, Pluto, 9th house,🎨🏃‍♀️‍➡️🐝🦵 Okaaayy they know you like themmm🙈💞 You are the only one for them!! They're keeping you like you're a secret PILE 1😝 You're just so soft and cute to them they wanna pick you up and bring you home😭🥰 Their higher self is aware of your feelings towards them and they aren't mad about it either😏💖 They actually really enjoy you feeling that way about them, it makes them feel reliable and admired.👑 Also they wanna make all your dreams come true, they bee-lieve in you haha because the bee emoji😂 I just realized the emojis is a girl running towards the bee, the bee movie anyone?🤣🤣 LOL now I can't stop laughing maybe that movie resonates with you. If you're going through a time of unrequited love they want to encourage you to confess and go through with it! Your person's higher self really wants to keep you in love with them, because it feels so good.😭 Their higher self also sees your spiritual or occult practices as something very intelligent and knowledgeable, like wow pile 1 knows all this that's amazing😢💗 You are unlike any other to your person's higher self, they feel you are so creative and ambitious! They have very delicate feelings for you, so soft for my pile 1's!💭 Their higher self is very drawn to you, there is a deep attraction to your legs and thighs🫢 They kinda want to be the only one to own you, there is this magnetic attraction towards you they can't ignore. They want you to be able to depend on them, and care for you. Their higher self does want to warn you to be careful of falling into deep obsession and hiding it, they want you to focus on broadening your horizons with knowledge instead💡🥰 Their higher self hopes you can keep running towards your goals and make it to the top!🔝🎉✨️ You can do it pile 1 and their higher self believes in you. They feel so much love and care towards you, they see you as something so pure and gentle that must be protected by them.😩👏💓 They feel you are the "only one of your kind" so maybe you're different than the people around you, family or your cultural background. Pile 1 this person is cheering for you so hard! Their higher self is supporting you every step of the way and that is so adorable and sweet I'm gonna cry🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Hug me, We have a past together, I can't tell you, This happens every time, Can we be together? Thinking of you, It's so hard to resist you, I wanna steal your kiss (Hug me then I wanna steal your kiss CUTE😖😫💗💞💓) Extra cards: Melody, My everything, Corner, End, Autumn, Cancer, 8th house, Gemini, Eros, 2nd house (You are their everything pile 1!!! Their higher self desires you so much, they are here for you!🫂💗)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🪼
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Sign energy: 5th house, Material, Dance, Violate, Foreign country, Saturn, South node, Sun, Mercury, 11th house,💍🏃‍♂️‍➡️🔊💀
🩷Your person's energy: Wow so pile 2 this is interesting your person is a very unique individual🤭 Sun energy just jumped out first thing from your person, they have a powerful presence about them! There is Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius energy here.✨️ Could have 5th house placements, Sun-Mercury conjuct or aspected, Sun or Mercury in 11th house those are some placements I'm picking up on for some of my pile 2's person.💞 I personally love that energy so it makes me want to assume they're automatically really attractive to you guys!😩🫶 I just knowwww lol. They could speak a different language than you, or learning one just for fun.😁💬 For some of you this person is from a foreign country, others they are just simply interested in other cultures and languages.💗 I feel like your person is very reliable and stable with money, they may work hard and it's giving husband/wife material💲💍✨️ There is something creative they like to do, could be dancing or something artistic for a hobby or work. Oh for some of my pile 2's this person has a dancing career. With the sound emoji and mercury coming through, maybe a singer for some of you too.🎤🎼 They could be an investor or entrepreneur or that's something that they would be good at. Some of you may have had a past with this person, there could have been problems surrounding boundaries or barriers in communication.🔇🚫 Your person is very successful and far from ordinary, they have a lot of worth👑🥰 I'm picking up on another scenario for some of my pile 2's, who this could have been a short romamce kinda thing. So the passion started out strong with this person and it may feel like it ended as quick as it started, so the romance with this person may have fell flat.💔 For others your person is not in contact with you. Some of you may be manifesting them, manifesting marriage even.🫢💭 Your person could be chasing their dreams and ambitions for their career, they are very talented and focused.🌟 They have a lot of passion, also come off flirty and smooth. They do shine and I think they have very high standards. They could be running away from something, possibly commitment.😬 They give a busy vibe too, they may tell themselves they don't have time for a long term romantic partner.
💎How their higher self feels about you: Cage, Drop, True, Comfort zone, Chaos, Fire, 4th house, Gemini, 3rd house, 10th house,🎧🪫🫡☹️ I think their higher self is a little worried about you, as they have a perspective on how everything is playing out.😭 They feel you are very hyperactive and hard to contain, they know you think of them a lot...😳 You appear a bit chaotic in the eyes of their higher self, they may see potential problems surrounding around you and their reputation or career.💼👤 Aw but this is so sweet they would drop everything for you pile 2, because you are like home.🏠💗 Their higher self find you sweet and caring as much as energetic and fun. They wanna hold your hand😫🤝 I'm kinda getting like a shark cage imagery you know when it drops into the water and that can seem scary, your person's higher self sees you in that cage and they want to keep you safe. Maybe they represent the cage, not to trap or contain you but to protect you and keep anything harmful away from pile 2.🥺💕 Okay so your voice gives them so much comfort, they love hearing you speak and if they had your voice on recording they would drain their battery so much just from listening to your voice LOL that's what I'm seeing with them.😂 You could be going through a hard time with your professional/public life, there could be rumors about you or things feel very unorganized and problematic.😵‍💫 Your person's higher self has a lot of empathy for you, I can picture them so sad just thinking about what you're going through. Their higher self misses you if you're apart, they feel everything is moving too fast. Some of you moved away from this person, their higher self feels the time is running out.⏳️😢 You are like a true best friend to them, I'm also getting even though you make them feel comfortable I think their uptight nature is challenged by your seemingly unpredictability. Everything feels new with you, they are faced with things they aren't used to or questions they never had before.💬 They are on the edge of their seat with you sometimes I'm hearing. Their higher self may feel like you are a handful, but they're willing to free their hands just for you.🩷 I think there is just a lot going on for you both in 3D and they know it's a tough situation with you.😞🌧 But they want to give you comfort from their higher self, and they would hold you in their arms if they could.💞😭 They definitely wish to communicate and talk with you my pile 2's. They want you to know it's going to be alright, and all the bad things that are keeping you from smiling will soon dissolve. They would give you head pats OMG pile 2 their higher self is really there for you, they just really wanna keep you safe.🫂🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Tell me more, Your fantasies are achievable, I wish I had you, You have so much worth, I want to comfort you, I'm going to steal your heart, You make me look bad, I was wrong (YES pile 2 they want to comfort you as said and they wanna hype you up!!👏🥰💗) Extra cards: Unrequited love, Hands, Purpose, Chains, Cutie, Sun, 1st house, Juno, Air, Leo (They don't want you to be held back from what you can achieve!! Also they really wanna hold you😫✊️ You have a purpose in their life and they do in yours, likely commitment!! They think you're cute😉 And a little something else but it's not that type of reading~😏)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the jellyfish emoji~🪼 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3⚪️
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Sign energy: Care taker, To the grave, Prediction, Maturity, Jealousy, 5th house, Leo, 2nd house, Gemini, Saturn,🌃✍️✌️💐
🩷Your person's energy: Okay pile 3 this is someone responsible and sweet, physically your person is really eye-catching and appealing.😘💕👀 They could be a bit older than you, or that is just the vibe they give off. Mature, caring and very polished💅 There are significant 2nd and 5th house placements in their chart, Leo, Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn energy. I am getting a mostly masculine vibe, just because they are quite stable and efficient.✨️ They give off some feminine aura too. You could be intimidated by this person's presence, status or maturity. They just come off like they know what they're doing.😩 The vibe they give others is like untouchable. Lol They look like they mean business I'm hearing lol, they could have capricorn mercury or mercury-saturn, mercury in earth sign or 10th house those are some aspects take what resonates.🤗 They are quite commanding and naturally authoritative, their neck is also something very attractive😳 I'm hearing "dictator", feel like this person looks like they have a lot of money, they spend well💸💰😍 Also they put pride and effort into their appearance, they're big on self care. They are a wise thinker and can plan ahead nicely.⌚️⏳️💭 Pile 3 your person is HOT😭 They're just so snazzy, they could be a writer for some of you. Also night owl, they could enjoy journaling at night before bed. For some of my pile 3's they're in the entertainment industry, director, producer, brand ambassador or business owner. Those could be things they're interested in starting as side gigs/hobbies omg something really impressive okay lol😍 They could be a singer for some of my pile 3's. They could like to invest, also their time is an investment I'm hearing.✨️ AH pile 3 your person also has such a romantic smooth side, like they can win you over so easily with their words😩💋 I'm seeing that a lot of people want to take from this person, your person has a hesitation to give to others and they find it hard to trust. They're like in their own spotlight so they could have a lot of people jealous of what they have, some more harmful than others😬 Your person could have a hidden/secret hobby, could be writing, something that helps them settle down in calm and quiet. also they have a specific scent or perfume/cologne. They are not only phsyically attractive but also mentally too.🧠👀
💎How their higher self feels about you: Words, Activity, Past, 9th house, Throne, Eros, Cancer, Sun, 9th house, 2nd house,😬🧯🫗👏 Okay so 9th house came out twice lol there could have been a lot of spontaneity within this connection, their higher self may have seen it as something unstable or costly. I think they feel very uncertain about you, because on one hand they find you very charming, but also difficult to manage.😳 Some of you could be cancer sun or cancer placements. They see you as someone very soft and sensitive, with the cup spilling their higher self sees you as someone with many emotions.😢💗 They could feel like you are too giving, which is a reflection of their own fear of giving too much. You appear very different from them at first glance, but you both share similarities aswell.👥️ Your person's higher self has an admiration for your sensual beauty and they kinda put you on a pedestal tbh😏👑💞 They feel very drawn to your sweet and calming aura, they also feel you are someone of very high worth. You feel precious to them, and they would pay anything for you if you had a price tag😭🏷💖 Their higher self knows how much you care about this connection and that really touches their heart.🫶 But I think the thing is, they are quick to defuse these feelings you give them. And they prefer to keep a distance from it, mostly because their higher self does not want to pour their heart out more than they should. They are very cautious and considering the possible outcomes from these feelings.💭 Ah but the things you say really turn them on honestly😩❤️‍🔥 Their higher self is really good at resisting, but it seems like you make them waver. You're like that really expensive and high quality item on sale that they can't ignore.😘 I love that they see you as something precious, because this pile is represented by the pearl!⚪️💕✨️ I think if there was an unpleasant situation in the past, they have worked past it with you. Their higher self feels a little bad, because you may give so much of your energy and they wish to give you the same in return. They want to pay you back for your love and/or kindness to them.💗🔙 Their higher self almost feels like a charity case to you, and may feel bad if you pity them ever or from caring about them for whatever reason. You radiate a beautiful soft aura and it definitely has them curious.💭 Your person's higher self feels inclined to treat you like royalty, they think you're really classy😉✨️ I think they see you as a loyal and kind person, and feel drawn to you physically as well as emotionally. They may worry about their power or status if they fall for you too much, afraid of letting their guard down for someone. They have a lot of respect for you, I'm picturing them slowly clapping for you like a sophisticated individual at a classy event.👌🥂✨️ Their higher self feels as you are on the same status as them, and that makes them both intrigued and concerned. They are uneasy with someone matching their level, and they may not know how to approach you. They're worried that their superior presence won't phase you.😧🙊 You are just so valuable to them, admirable and lovely💞💕💗
💌Messages from them: Things didn't go as planned, I can't hide it from you, I don't want to decieve you, You make me mad, I wish I could, I wish I could stop thinking if you, I would kill for you, You're wrong (Haha things didn't go as planned and yeah they're such a planner like mentioned before so this is just freaking them out😭 They have a knack for investing and they do NOT wanna miss out on a limited deal which is pile 3!!!😍💓 They could be at a loss for words or repeating themselves a lot, because they are just so stuck on this situation🥺💭) Extra cards: Ability, Tongue, Beginning, Let go, Intense, Aquarius, Aries, North node, Eros (Ohh we really have some spicy energy here. Intense passion and aggression from your person.🥵 Not that type of reading but you can head over to one of my spicy pacs for that!!!🫢)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the pearl emoji~⚪️ (actually just a white orb lol) Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🐋
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Sign energy: Restaurant, Childhood, Acceptance, February, Last, Earth, 1st house, Pisces, Air, Water, North node, 4th house, 10th house, South node, Saturn,🆓️🤷‍♂️🏖☀️
🩷Your person's energy: There is a lot of summer/beach vibes in this pile! Your person has a lot of bright vibes🥰 This could be someone some of you know from childhood, but I think your person's past is significant to their personality. They could be born in february or that is a significant month, signs that came out are Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn. Air, earth and water sign energy, there is also sun symbolism so Leo placements are also possible. They could have saturn in 4th house, pisces in 10th house, or earth rising. They could live in a coastal region, or interested in those locations.🏝🛶💗 Your person may not have the best self esteem, they also don't have a very solid reputation. They could own a restaurant or love to eat out.🥗 For many of my pile 4's this is a water sun, but not for everyone in this pile. They could have bad a strict or limiting childhood, I'm hearing "lack of freedom"😭 Your person is on the inside artistic and sensitive but they may have restricted that behavior from themselves when they were younger. Maybe they couldn't really express themselves to their family.😢👤🚫 They don't have confidence in their identity because of how they grew up, they could have felt unaccepted or unacknowledged for the real them. I think they have become so positive and bright despite the odds!🥺💞 This person could be from an island, also I am really getting heavy hawaii energy from this pile lol that may resonate for some here😂💫 This person is often confused and feels like they lack direction. They hide their feelings. They may have not had enough stability when they were younger, so that is something they are working towards having themselves.🥹 They have such a comforting and welcoming presence about them, but it doesn't come for free I'm hearing. This person may be hesitant to easily trusting anyone, they really have to make sure you are a safe person. Because they can be taken advantage of if they aren't careful😭🫂 I feel like people never believed in them enough! They are so sweet and have so much to offer, they are a hidden gem💎💕 For some of my pile 4's this person acts oblivious, or just doesn't notice things much. They could be a bit childish, or wish they could be like a kid again. They are very funloving🌟 I feel like this person is just sort of stumbling through life trying to find their place and where they belong🥺💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Zoo, Prince, 7th house, Happiness, Consume, 6th house, 1st house, Jupiter, 5th house, Fire,🍫🛫♑️🥗 OHH pile 4 you are in for a wonderful surprise!!! (Unless you already know it😉) Your person's higher self sees you as a romantic partner, you literally bring them a ton of happiness like it's in the cards!😍💓 This is so sweet, you make them feel better instantly. There is so much love and passion for you, their higher self feels like you are so nice and dependable, you are a stable source of happiness for them🥺❤️ Also their higher self feels like this is a very healthy connection you two share, you are nothing but good for them! They think you're so sweet, and also consumable😳 I won't go into detail since it's not that type of reading BUT, let's just say there is a lot of physical attraction from them. They can't get enough of you❤️‍🔥 They want a taste of you y'know....😉 It's kinda naughty of them. Besides that! Their higher self feels like you complete them, you make them wild honestly. They feel so lucky that you exist, and wanna work so hard for you😫✊️ Their higher self feels so much passion and romantic feelings for you, their emotions just off like a flight.✈️ They may want to travel with you. Pile 4 you make them smile so much omg it's so cute💗!!! Their higher self thinks and even overthinks about being in a relationship with you, there is such an urge to date you. You make them feel looked at as something worthy, also they really want what's best for you. You are so sweet to them, and they are just so charmed by you😭❤️‍🔥 I'm hearing "fly away with me" they wanna go so far with you. Another thing I'm seeing is your person really wants to eat out with you😆🥪🍵 They wish to experience so much with you guys, like they wanna make sure you're theirs too💍😭🩷 All they want is to see you smile. The may want to visit a zoo with you aswell, I see many fun trips they wanna take you on🥰 Their higher self sees you as their person, they think you're so pretty and lovely. They would do anything to make you happy that is WHAT IM HEARING😭💗
💌Messages from them: Would I be asking for too much? Think of the things that make you happy, You'll do anything, I want to please you, Your eyes are beautiful, You will find happiness, You should smile more, I am your future (Omg🥰😍💞 Pile 4 they love your smile, honestly there is so much love in this pile it is so sweet!😭) Extra cards: Cage, Matching, Bad habit, Past, Comfort zone, Gemini, North node, 9th house, 10th house, Earth (They feel like you guys just FIT together, and you literally heal wounds from their past, you make them feel so safe pile 4 their higher self absolutely loves you with all their heart.🫂)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the whale emoji~🐋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 2 months
emotional attachment and distorted perceptions...
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although embracing emotions and giving ourselves time to experience them fully is highly necessary, we owe it to ourselves to be responsible, and make sure those same emotions are not blocking our ability to have a clear vision of our lives. this tarot reading is aimed to give you some guidance if you feel like something about the past is still impacting your thoughts negatively.
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pile one pile two pile three
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images from pinterest and dividers by @pommecita
꒰ঌ ✦ scroll down for the results ໒꒱ ༘*.゚
-ˋˏ ༻ ❁ Masterpost and Tarot Menu ❁༺ ˎˊ-
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Soon, you will face situations where you are not expected to put your emotions first, as you are now too compromised by ruminating thoughts regarding your past. You need to understand that part of your healing journey involves moving forward when it comes to more material and seemingly superficial notions of success. You must begin allowing yourself to experience the joy simpler things can bring into your life, as they will signify deeper manifestations of emotional and spiritual growth. It is understandable to feel disappointed and disenchanted by apparently mundane things, but you have the mental strength to think more positively about the little things you miss out on enjoying from your daily routine.
It’ll become more noticeable to you that many things have already fallen into place once you get yourself out of toxic thought patterns influenced by emotional scars that you are not allowing to heal properly. Be kinder to yourself and be patient, stop expecting certain things to move faster and enjoy the actual process of healing. Anxiety won’t produce any helpful thoughts, so it’s better to be aware on how those ideas are affecting your wellbeing and sabotaging your growth before allowing them to take so much space.  
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Major turning points in your life might be accompanied by long periods of introspection, but it’s also key that you develop better abilities to understand the emotional depth of others around you, especially when dealing with the consequences of other’s impulsive emotional decisions. You might not be taking into consideration that even if you are great at solving problems and creating new ways of dealing with them, other’s are too reliant on your strength, which is making you tired due to rightfully not being willing or able to provide support or company for everyone.
Being someone who is naturally generous and nurturing is amazing, and valuable. But this shouldn’t be taken as a defining characteristic of yours, you don’t owe the same level of care to everyone, even if it’s natural to you, it doesn’t mean that is not affecting you negatively. It is completely normal to want to walk away or to not know how to process absolutely all of your emotions as long as you don’t hurt anyone on the process. Stop allowing yourself to be carried away by the emotional immaturity of others.
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During this moment of your life, the independence you might have fought for in the past is not giving you the freedom of choice you expected. This disappointment might get you in an overly defensive state where you are in denial of actually wanting and needing some help, especially when it comes to situations that involve conflictive ways of dealing with them. The need to advance in your life path is heavily influenced by fear of being stuck, instead of ambition to grow further.
Expect your problems to be solved in rather explosive ways soon. Many things in your life will begin to happen in order for you to move past the anxiety of loosing what you already have. You do have control over what happens and how it happens, yet this power won’t manifest unless you become more confident when dealing with mistakes, the ones you made and the ones from others, as it’s not healthy to remain resentful if you are not willing to learn from the experience.  You might not realize it, but any kind of abundance you have in your life, won’t be taken away by others, but will rotten if you are not transcending the fear of loss and abandonment.
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 7 months
Looking for a sign?
a pick-a-card reading
Take a deep breath and let your intuition guide you. In the end, only you know what is truly best for you.
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P I L E 1 P I L E 2 P I L E 3
pile 1
"You are a badass being, full of life, love & possibilities. Through this deck, may you find a path to your best self." Modern Witch Tarot Deck, Lisa Sterle
Page of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, The Emperor, Seven of Swords
It seems you are looking for the joy in life and you have been working really hard to find it. The thing is, you might be looking in the wrong places. You're looking right when you should be looking left. You aren't seeing your potential and how powerful, beautiful and magnificent you are. The things that you are trying to manifest want to come to you but you first have to look within.
Card from the Angel Answers Oracle Deck: Don't Stop!
I am reading this as your angels telling you that you are doing so well, even if things are uncomfortable right now. You have made amazing progress, and you should acknowledge that. If you look back on who you used to be and where you used to be, you will notice that you have made some amazing strides forward. Don't give up on you. There is a reality that you want to live in and it's calling for you, but it can get to you if you don't meet it in the middle.
I hope you enjoyed this reading, if you would like to get a more person look into your situation, see this post.
pile 2
Six of Swords, Three of Swords, Five of Wands, Death, The World, Ace of Swords
Change is inevitable. There is a change that you have been resistant to because you don't want to be uncomfortable. You're so used to one side of the river, you're afraid to even think about going to the other side. This thing you are avoiding, it's not what you think it is. Change, good or bad, can be uncomfortable. It's still going to happen, though. You will not be able to please everyone but you will be happier, in the end. It's not your problem if there are people that don't understand what you're doing or what you want. They are either along for the ride or they can stay home. You know what the right choice is.
Card from the Angel Answers Oracle Deck: YES
There's your answer. The answer is yes. I'm hearing Say Yes by Floetry; all you gotta do is say yes, don't deny what you feel. Once again you know what you need to do, what you want to do. You just wanted someone else to say it so I'm saying it. Don't think of all the reasons why you think it's a flute. Your angels/guides/the universe doesn't do flukes. If it's for you, it will find you. The answer is yes. Yes.
I hope you enjoyed this reading, if you would like to get a more person look into your situation, see this post.
Pile 3
Queen of Wands, Ace of Wands, The Devil, Temperance, King of Wands, Justice
First thing I heard was, "leave him alone." Now, this is a general reading so apply the pronouns and genders this will apply to. You are doing something that you know is wrong but it feels damn good. It makes you feel powerful. You're aware that something is off. Maybe a power imbalance. If you don't cut this out now, it will bite you in the ass very quickly and painfully. It's time for you to take control of the narrative again and do right by yourself.
Card from the Angel Answers Oracle Deck: NOT THE RIGHT TIME and NO!
This has HEEEEELL NO energy to be quite frank. Whatever you are doing or planning to do, just don't. Just avoid the mess and drama while/if you can.
I hope you enjoyed this reading, if you would like to get a more person look into your situation, see this post
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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tuliptic · 5 months
My Way: Finding My Place in Adulthood
Don’t be afraid, dreams are everywhere, just keep going as I always have, this is my way.
Henlo adults here, this is another reading for y’all. This reading is specifically targeted to all adults: young adults to ease their minds; regular adults to get used to adulthood. Adulthood is really… Something… And this is coming from someone who’s turning 30 soon. I still have no grasp about what I’m doing, how I’m living my life, etc. Adulthood is still scary to me, though I have to say I’m seeing myself getting better and better day by day. Taking baby steps is important, as we all grow from what we experience.
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: How am I supposed to move around in adulthood, being an adult? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1 - Pile 2
Pile 3 - Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. Also, I do not consent to my work or images being used by third parties on this platform or other websites as well.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck.
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Pile 1: Don’t be afraid, dreams are everywhere
One card to represent you: The World
I feel like there’s some sort of fear and enlightenment here. Some of you have an idea of what you want to do or achieve in your life, some of you know your life purposes, most of you are content with how your life is right now and are just going with the flow. However, all have a certain discomfort in common, which is fear of uncertainty. Most here may have earth influence in your chart, where stability is needed, where you are able to hold certain control over your own life. What if I do this and I could no longer go back? What if I give up my job and pursue something else? You have the answers to these questions, but you’re not ready to take the first step because of how certain you are that things will not go as you planned and hence, you’re in a standstill. (PS: Some of you may be into spirituality as well, and you might be called to use this gift to achieve enlightenment for yourself and the people around you.)
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - Four of Wands rx
For some reason, I feel that… You expect difficulties. You don’t expect or believe good things can come to you without lessons or pain. You believe in fairness and balance, that amazing things can only come to you if you put in the effort and work hard. Hence, you tend to not take certain opportunities either because you think you don’t deserve it or you don’t think you’re capable of it. In a sense, I’d say that this way of thinking has caused quite some conflict and tension, not allowing you to enjoy the peace and security you usually like. What has brought you comfort in the past is now hindering you to accept new happiness in.
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - Seven of Cups rx
Seven of Cups is a card of illusion, but with it in reverse, it is a card of choice. This relates back to the first card pulled, the card to represent you. You know what to do, you are capable of doing it, but there’s fear holding you back. Or maybe, fears. To you, you’re not only jumping out of your comfort zone, but into a danger zone where you have no idea how to manage the risks. Accept your fears, let yourself fall, let yourself fail. Have courage, believe that you’ll still be able to stand up after the fall and grow better from it. You’ll be surprised with what you’re capable of.
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - Death rx
This card here is very self-explanatory: You fear change. That’s it. You prefer stability over anything else, and you fear losing control over what you have. What is yours needs to remain yours. This may stem from insecurities that were caused by traumas when you were younger, may it be people leaving you, or being disappointed by others, or something else. It has definitely affected your thought process, your understanding of the world and your way around it. The first thing that came into my mind was therapy, because there are some deep-seated issues that you may have. You’ll need to identify your fear, the root cause of it, work it out, and step out to try something new, constantly regenerating yourself on the way.
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Nine of Wands
You’re resilient. You may not think so, thinking that how you function is just the norm and everyone else does the same. No, you’re different. You have gone through a lot of things and those experiences help you manoeuvre yourself around the present issues, and you learn as you grind through the challenges presented. People may see you as an inspiration with how you manage to not dim your lights through the darkest nights. You need to know that you have a side like this, and that you’re able to encourage others through you being you. Shine. Accept yourself and shine brighter, be the inspiration you’ve wanted to be. You’ll be surprised with how things will fall in place and come to you.
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - Eight of Wands
I’d say building connections would help you in the long run. Eight of Wands is a card that talks about action, which is… Again, self-explanatory. But what sort of actions should you be taking? In what field? Connections and networking. I’d say most of you have a way with words, or some may even have 3H or 11H placements. By building a web of connections, you’re able to gather information and help from various parties that will help you to get on the right track. Some may even push you towards the direction that you want to head to. Be proactive in making friends, talking to people, and taking the first step. Once you throw yourself out, people will know you and will be able to provide the support you need. And then you can vroom your way.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Five of Pentacles rx
One comforting message here is that difficult times shall pass. You may think you overcame something but there’s more to work on, which you’ll realise that the issue you face is still affecting your decision making as of current. You’ve got to review your past and learn your lessons, know that you can’t afford to stay in this mindset for long. This card acts as a sign that it’s time for you to move from feeling insecure to a more adjusted mindset, which will be prompted when you see new perspectives. You will be receiving messages from your guides and higher selves in various forms. Trust your gut feeling, believe in every reason that makes you feel better.
Overall energy: The Tower, Five of Cups rx
The themes of lesson, growth and replacing things and values that no longer serve you. Liberation will come to you when you move past that phase that’s holding you back. Hmm… Lemme reword myself. This pile gives me the feeling of something promising is coming, but you’ll need to go through the lessons (aka accepting that good things can come to you without your expected cost, it’s alright to fail, the need to find out the root cause of insecurities, etc). Life will present opportunities to learn, and will bring in new people for you to grow together. You know you are loved. If you don’t know it, now you do. Believe it.
Pile 2: Finally we begin
One card to represent you: The Empress
I would say that you have a gentle energy, you’re the person others go to when they’re feeling down or when they need some advice. You radiate a warmth that’s calming, providing a space of comfort for the hurt and wounded to rest and heal. You are intuitive, tho I have to say that your wisdom outshines it. It’s not just wisdom, it’s not just gentleness, but also a sense of belonging, a place where one returns to. Your intuition is what gives you the ability to see through things, people as well as the unknown. Some of you may have clair abilities, especially claircognizance. 
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - Ten of Pentacles
I would say that you expect to build a life, build a family of your own, to be your own source of whatever you want. You do not want to rely on other people for things, especially financial abundance and happiness. You want to be your own provider so that you would feel secure with it, and that you’ll be able to contribute or give out what you have without needing to be conscious of how others look at you. There’s a hint of family themes among this, so it could also be you wanting to be the provider in your new found family without losing your own independence, if this makes sense.
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - Ace of Swords rx
It’s doable, but it’s difficult. I feel that there’s quite some conflict between you and your family, resulting in you wanting to build a new family or to have your own found family. There’s this tension in you that is blocking a lot of blessings, I’d say. There’s a lack of clarity and undefined goals, preventing you from achieving success and happiness (depending on what you define them as). You will need to review your expectations, to set clear and measurable goals, only then you’ll be able to see your progress and further decide on how you want to proceed or to make changes along the way. Do not try to cover up facts or find excuses. You know that it’s not going to help you in the long run. Face it, accept it, work with it. 
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - The Sun
Optimism is great, but being overly optimistic is not good. You tend to see the good side of things and may end up beautifying them, exaggerating them, or even fabricating them unconsciously. For some reason, I’m also seeing that you may be beautifying self-sacrificial tendencies, or attempt to attract people with your pain. You want to shine, want others to pay attention to you. Some of you may be prideful, but some would use whatever they’re “lacking” to attract attention. Example: Your friends use iPhone, and you use Android. Instead of saying you want to be different, you probably will go with the approach of “people who use iPhones are just keeping up with the trend and thinking that’s the higher end”, when in reality you can’t afford an iPhone. This is just an exaggerated example illustrated here for you to have an idea.
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Death
Change is your forte. Some of you may not know it, but some of you do (and perhaps do not accept it). It’s not flexibility that we’re talking about, but more of an open-mindedness along with acceptance. Once you’ve overcome your weakness, you will be more open to listening to what others have to say, and forming your own opinion based on whatever information you’ve gathered (from others, from your own research, as well as updating outdated data). The transitioning phase will be smoother during then, when you shift from the old to the new. Right now, I’d say that there’s still a part of you who’s unable to accept that you’re wrong, or incorrect at certain things. There’s no fault in having pride over your knowledge, but if it is hindering you from improving, then you may need to work on that. 
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - The Emperor
Focus on your goals and what you want to achieve. For you, I’d say, one of your goals would probably be something that’s legacy related, may it be inheriting something (finance, career, skills, connections, etc.) or starting a new legacy (starting your own company, building network from scratch, starting to take up a very specific and niche role, etc.). I would also say that you’ll need to look straight ahead. The Emperor can’t afford to look around, only focusing on the path that’s in front of him where he tread carefully but boldly, carving the steps out for his people to follow (somewhat a legacy too). Do not be distracted, do not easily give in to temptation.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Eight of Cups rx
First thing I’d like to say is that your journey is going to be lonely. It’s not just going on that journey alone, but it’s something akin to a burden or a mission that you can’t tell anyone. You may have tried telling a family or a friend about it, and they don’t think it’s a big deal, resulting in you swallowing the pain alone, no longer willing to trust. The disappointment and disillusionment has uhhhh thicken around you. Think of them as fogs around you, and as they thicken, the more difficult it is for you to see your path. That. Communication with boundaries is very important for you right now, where you can put a balance between the socialisation and exposing yourself thoughtlessly. It’s difficult for some people, where you unknowingly overshare too much. Learn from it, find out a way that works for you. Open yourself to things, allow yourself to be open to inspirations from things and people around you.
Overall energy: Strength, Six of Swords rx
You’re strong, knowing where to go and how to reach your destination. Just that whatever that’s happening around you is preventing you from moving forward. You’re holding a lot of things back because whatever situations you’re in, but your passion and faith in life is strong enough to support you. You are doing your best with whatever you have right now, looking for opportunities in life’s challenges and learning the lessons. It is a difficult time, but have faith that things will turn for the better. Prepare your boat, and once the wind blows, set sail.
Pile 3: No matter what I’m going my way, to the place I’ve dreamed of every night
One card to represent you: The Chariot
I would say that you’re someone who’s goal oriented. You know what you want and you'll work towards it. I would also say that you may be impatient at times, wanting to achieve things in a short time. It feels like you feel that you're running out of time, especially when you compare yourself to your peers. For example, people your age have been talking about career advancement while you're still figuring out what to do, or your friends are married with kids and you're still single and feeling miserable. You know you're on the right path at your own pace, and you appreciate your days and blessings, but sometimes you just feel anxious about being “left out”. 
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - Three of Swords rx
You expect yourself to be healed from your wounds and traumas soon. You want it quick, you want it urgently, and you’re pushing yourself far more than you can deal with at the moment. You probably may have gone through some childhood traumas and you’ve left them as they are. It may be due to the society or environment you grew up thinking that whatever you experienced was normal (Asian families, perhaps?). You thought vulnerability was a fault until recent years, where you learn to accept and honour them, and from there you proceed to heal your inner wounds. You may have thought that once you’re done with Phase 1, you can immediately complete Phase 2 of your healing, and… Sorry to break it to you, it’s not gonna happen that way.
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - Two of Swords
It feels like you’re asking yourself the question: Am I healed or not? And your answer to it is either yes or no. Which… Is not how healing works. Healing is a process; a journey, not a mathematical equation which is either right or wrong. You may think you’ve been healed but in reality, you may not have achieved that yet. You’re not seeing a lot of things yet, which is why you need to rely on your senses, especially hearing. You need to learn to listen to the whispers of others, may it be your friends or your guides. You are not alone, you have people accompanying you through this journey because you are loved. Healing is not linear, so take your time.
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - The Fool rx, The Devil
I would say that you have expectations and you may think you’re living up to that, believing that you’re better and you live like it. … Lemme rephrase myself: You think you’re alright and that you’re living as how you expect yourself to be when you are not. It’s like you’re putting on a mask to deceive yourself and to show others that you’re doing fine. There’s this saying that you’ll need to fool yourself first if you want to fool your enemy. That’s you. You’re pretending and putting up an act, which will eventually cause your downfall to be greater than what you’ve experienced. Your insecurities are devils in disguise, which you probably know of. Now that you know of this side of yours, you will need to think and use your brain to figure out as you go. 
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Four of Swords rx, Eight of Pentacles rx
I would say that you’re very action based, and you think a lot. One thing that’s special about you is that you know when to stop thinking. Unlike most people, once they start thinking, they spiral into their thoughts and have no way out. You, however, know when to stop and how to pull yourself out from that headspace. From there, you then use that energy and time to focus on earth-themed items, such as career, work, fame, building something, etc. You’re basically the healthy combination of brain and physical energy, making sure both of these aspects are taken care of, working on them when others are still trapped in their heads. If you think that you do not have this trait, maybe you can try it out. I believe all can achieve this, but your pile is able to tap into it easily as compared to others.
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - Four of Pentacles
Learning to focus on yourself, to put yourself first before others. I’m not sure if you’ve been called selfish for putting your needs above others, but you’re not. You can only share when you have extra/excess, and that’s when sharing becomes something comfortable and meaningful. Remember, you are not supposed to burn yourself to warm others. Let yourself have your own time, build connections with yourself and with others. Collaboration is something that you can work on, may it be work related projects or personal projects. Passion projects are things that will help you redirect your energy, and for you to keep yourself occupied when you realise your thoughts are jumbled up again with the excess energy.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Three of Cups
I would say that you will need to build your own home with people you trust in, with people you’re comfortable with. You may have gone through quite some family trauma, and your safe space may no longer lie with it. Remember, home is where the heart lies. As long as you feel comfortable, comforted and safe, you are home. For some reason, you may have been seen as the black sheep of your family. You have been told that you have great communication skills (may also have 3H placements), and it would be great if you know how to use that skill to its full potential. There’s more you can do with it, may it be drawing people to you, or drawing people away from people who harmed you. 
Overall energy: Judgement, Wheel of Fortune rx
I feel that you tend to judge yourself a lot, or people may have passed their biased judgement onto you when you’ve decided to not go their way. There are also some… Remnants? Of feelings of unjust? You have felt that life was unfair and things have not been going your way. Though you may have put that thought aside real quick cuz you believe in yourself more than what the stars or fate has said. You prefer to take things into your own hands instead of whatever higher beings there are out there, and I’d say that you’re doing a good job with it.
Pile 4: I admit it now life is a long marathon, the difference is that I set the course
One Two cards to represent you: The High Priestess, The Lovers rx
The first word that came to me is intuitive. You know you’re intuitive and you have used your intuition on a lot of things that came into your life, may it be making decisions or using it to discern those who come close to you with agendas. But still, you probably have some… Troubles with love? Not necessarily romantic ones, but platonic and love towards yourself as well. For some reason, I feel that you may feel called to be a lover. It can be self love, but personally, I feel that the energy here is more outwards, where you are supposed to love others, and yet there’s no one out there deserving of your love. Some of you may have 12H or Pisces placement as well, which may give others an impression of being dreamy or drunk in love. (My logical head thinks so, but for some reason I’m feeling that heart-clenching feel, as well as a sense of loss. Not sure how to phrase it well tbh.)
1. What are the expectations I have for myself? - The Moon rx
Weirdly, for some reason, I’d say that you expect yourself to be… Different? You know you’re different and that you may sometimes feel that you are unable to align with how this world functions. Hence, when you feel you’re becoming too “earthly”, you may feel torn, because you expect yourself to do or achieve “unearthly” things, eg: to be a spiritual guru, to do reiki healing, etc. You are definitely one pile that is more prone to the spiritual side of the world, where you’ll often have a nagging feeling at the back of your head when you’re not doing anything of that sort. 
2. Feasibility on achieving those expectations? - The Empress
It is definitely something achievable, that is, if you focus on healing yourself as well as creating meaningful bonds with the people around you. One of the main themes of The Empress is to nurture, which you are called to not only nurture the people around you, but also to nurture yourself. You will also need to be with the right group of friends who will be able to help you flourish (and of course, you helping them as well, as this is a mutual relationship). I honestly don’t know what else to say about this because the message is repetitive, and I think you know it as well. 
3. What are my weaknesses and how do I compensate? - Two of Cups rx
This card in this position talks about tension, deception or even lack of trust between you and your spiritual side. For some reason, I’m feeling that you are holding too strongly to a certain thought or a belief. It causes stress and fatigue, making you lose hope in the process. Instead of taking a forced “temporary” approach, it would be better for you to reflect on what it brings you, and to let go of past beliefs that no longer serve you. Two of Cups is supposed to be a card of joyful celebration, a union between two parties. You will need to turn the card upright. It’s time to release the old and embrace the new, only then you’ll be able to grow into your very best self.
4. What are my strengths and how do I get better at them? - Six of Swords rx
I would say that one of your strengths is special, because it is not so to a lot of people. You do not let your problems push you, but you work your way with it. See, most people’s first reaction is to solve the problem or to run away from it, but you choose to live with it and rebuild your life around it. There’s a part of you that is unwilling to make your life a mess by running and avoiding the problems. You surrender. Not in a negative way. You surrender the pain and stress, you abandon the old, limiting beliefs, and you live in the present. The best way I can describe it is… It’s like you’re a monk, where you live with whatever that is happening around you. Waves (troubles and challenges) are around you, and you’re on the boat, keeping yourself calm, not bothering with what the world is doing, keeping your calm. It's like you know there's a life after death and that you're working on it right now instead of being present in the current earthly life.
5. What is it in adulthood that I should focus on? - Ace of Wands
Ace of Wands is the first card in the Minor Arcana. What I’m picking up from here is that you’ll need to create a new beginning for yourself. I wouldn’t say it’s The Fool kinda journey, because The Fool’s journey is of meeting people and learning the lessons on the way. Your kind of journey is understanding what you want, seizing opportunities, and turning your enthusiasm into actions. You have an idea of where you want to go, when you want to reach there, how you’re going to move, with whom you will want to travel on this journey. I would also say that it would be a great time for you to filter your circle so that you’ll be able to go on this journey with the least distraction.
6. What are the directions and advice that I need to know/hear? - Four of Pentacles rx This is a time where you should consider relaxing your mind and remember that you cannot control what others are doing or holding. You know you have enough, and instead of focusing on the action of others, focus on yourself instead and how you can block out the noises. With this done, you will be able to move from a period of control and fear and anxiety to a stage of being more open (and blank). It’s like… Once you are able to clear your mind, those noises no longer mean a thing to you, and you’ll be able to focus on yourself and what you want to achieve. I’m also picking up words like “zen”, “calm” and “enlightenment”. … Yeah the word “monk” too.
Overall energy: The Devil, The Chariot
I am feeling some self-sabotaging themes here. It may sound difficult to accept but I do think The Devil here talks about you, where you’re embodying some traits, thoughts or beliefs that you’re unwilling to let go. Y’know how some things turn toxic when there’s excess or if you hold onto it for too long? That. It’s burdening you and you probably are actively trying to run away from it. I’m having the image of you being annoyed at how you’re not progressing, and you end up flipping the table, scattering all the plans you’ve made for yourself. Probably some big changes are bound. Clear up the space and welcome your spirit guides to show up in wondrous and unexpected ways.
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thewitcheslibrary · 5 months
Types of divination
Please note: Not all of them are going to be here. I will be covering ones that Beginner witches can use and learn as a starting point! This also isnt a guide on how to do it, its is just some ideas and what they are.
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Tarot and cards-
People who are unfamiliar with divination may believe that reading Tarot cards means "predicting the future." However, most Tarot card readers will tell you that the cards are only a guideline, and the reader is simply interpreting the likely outcome based on the forces at work right now. Consider Tarot as a tool for self-awareness and contemplation, rather than "fortune telling." Here are some simple steps to get you started reading and utilising Tarot cards in your divinatory practice.
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Norse Runes-
According to Norse epic sagas, Odin created the Runes as a gift to humanity a long time ago. These sacred and holy symbols were originally etched in stone. Over time, they grew into a collection of sixteen letters, each with a metaphorical and divinatory significance. Learn how to create your own set of Runes and read what they say.
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Reading tea leaves-
People have utilised many different ways of divination from the beginning of time. One of the most recognised is the practice of reading tea leaves, often known as tasseography or tasseomancy. This divination method, while not as ancient as some of the other famous and well-known methods, appears to have originated in the 17th century.
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Pendulum reading-
A pendulum is one of the most basic and easy types of divination. It's as simple as asking and answering yes/no questions. Although pendulums may be purchased commercially for between $15 and $60, they are simple to create on your own. Most people use crystals or stones, but you may use any object with some weight to it. There are various methods to utilise a pendulum for divination, and you'd be amazed what you may learn from "yes" and "no" replies. The secret is to learn to ask the appropriate questions.
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For thousands of years, tribes throughout the world have used bones for divination, a practice known as osteomancy. While there are several approaches, the goal is usually the same: to predict the future using the signals revealed in the bones.
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Numerology is a discipline that many Pagan spiritual groups utilise. According to the basic concepts of numerology, numbers have a tremendous degree of spiritual and magical importance. Some numbers are more strong and powerful than others, and combinations of numbers can be created for magical purposes. In addition to magical correspondences, numerals have planetary importance.
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Intuition is the capacity to know things without being told. Many intuitives make outstanding Tarot card readers because their ability offers them an advantage when reading cards for clients. This is sometimes known as clairsentience. Of all psychic talents, intuition may be the most frequent.
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vamptarot · 1 month
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Get To Know Your Reader
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— ⭑.ᐟ this post will detail information about me and about my journey with tarot, and it is made with an effort to create a bond with my followers that relies on trust.
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Hi sweet little darling, thank you for reading this post and being interested in me and my journey. While I do not enjoy talking about myself too much, I never enjoyed being cold towards people I interact with, could possibly friends with or form any sort of connection with.. so with that in mind, I wanted to make a post in which you get to know who is doing your readings for you, with the utmost friendly manner possible.
To start off, you probably must have read my pinned already in which you get to learn that my screen name is Rory, and that I am a 03 liner! What’s not there though, is that I am genderfluid and prefer he/him pronouns, but I really don’t care if you use different ones for me. At the end of the day, no one will die from it.
I love tarot, but I am interested in anything that is spiritual. The world is full of wonderful things, and I want to explore what’s real and what’s not. [Okay, Dipper Pines.]
I, for one, believe in God, Jesus, Mary and so on.. However I am not Christian. It’s not a community I am proud of, neither do I have enough hate in my heart to be called one. Although, I did use to be one, until I have seen parts of the community I will never be proud of. Though, that is a story for another time, as I don’t want to go on a vent about it on this post. I also admire the teachings of buddhism, although I am not one either. As Thich Nhat Hanh once said, ‘you don’t have to convert to buddhism in order to respect it’s teachings. just apply it to whatever you are right now.’, or you know, something like that. It’s what I try to keep myself to, so I can have a peaceful heart.
Aside from that I believe that the only limit to spirituality is the lock that you put on your mind. If you don’t believe in it, why would you experience it? You are the universe, if you don’t believe in it you sure as hell won’t see it.. So therefore, I do my best to be open minded and believe in as much things as possible. I will never miss out, unless I wish to 🙂‍↕️
Unfortunately that mentality has led me to quite a few encounters with spirits, pretty sure demons a few times, but at the end of the day I survived so it was fun.
I believe in all the Gods and Goddesses, manifestation (I am amazing at this btw), clair-gifts, reality jumping/shifting, astral projection, witchcraft and so on.. name it, I probably believe in it.
Although, I was cursed with a rational mind.. for the spiritual, I am too rational.. for the non believers I am too in the clouds. Is there a way to win? Well, as long as I am having fun and living well who cares. That’s sorta my motto.
Anyway, one thing you don’t know yet about me though is that I have the most common sun sign on planet earth, which is Virgo, with the second most common sign on earth having a strong influence on my chart.. which is Leo! So you already know I am meant to be a hard working star, that stays in the sky for millions of years, making people look at it with awe. 🙂‍↕️
Some people call that egoistic, I call it having confidence. My only enemy is my speech disability... BUT HE IS LOSING !!! 🗣️
Jokes aside, I have made this blog for important reasons. Important to me, at least. First and foremost, of course I want to have better finances, save up for important things and feel a bit more free. I want to achieve this through hard work. That is my most selfish reason for it, and it’s not something I feel bad about.. everybody has the right to live, and that includes me!
As for my other reasons, that all has to do with things I dislike about the community and which I want to change. Not everything about it, but make little steps towards a brighter future.
This is where I will vent, as the things I will mention are important to my journey towards creating this blog. I am a pretty passionate speaker, and as you can tell I talk a lot. So if that’s something you don’t enjoy.. well prepare mentally or click of the post beautiful, those probably won’t change about me. I don’t mean this from an ill place of my heart, but don’t you think you have the right to know?
Anyway, one of my main reasons for starting this blog is due to how judgmental some tarot readers are. I am of course, not speaking about those who have boundaries, I believe everybody should have them in a healthy manner.
I am speaking about those tarot readers that belittle you over your differences, that say that you can ask any question because they will answer each one but purposefully delete yours while answering everyone else then lie to your face about it, those who immediately rule you out as a bad person as soon as you speak your mind because they cannot handle anything about this community that’s outside their fantasy bubble, that give you inaccurate readings because they are judgmental of your lifestyle and their mentality effects the result of cards, those who don’t hear you out on your experience and rule it out as something else despite claiming they are open minded, the ones that are fake kind to you but judge the kind of reading you buy… as if you cannot tell that their energy is off.
I know hate is a strong word, but I hate the behaviour of those sort of people. Not the people themselves, I don’t know them, but the behaviour is so displeasing in my eyes. [Personally, I don’t feel sorry for saying this, if the shoe doesn’t fit you, don’t wear it.]
That is why I want to create a blog that is a safe space, a judgement free zone.
To be honest with you my dear, I am not the most open minded on this planet despite being a diverse person. I prefer to dress modestly, hook up culture was never for me and never will be for me, I don’t get the appeal of smoking, vape, drinks or drugs. Matter of fact, if you do drugs, even if it’s “just” weed I will assume that you are going through it. One thing I am never going to do is judge you though. As long as you are not irresponsible with it, it should be fine. Watch out for your health and for those around you.. That’s what I think the key is, having manners. Like sure, you will make mistakes along the way but it won’t stain your heart. Besides, who doesn’t make mistakes? I for sure have made mistakes before, as I am a human. What right do I have to judge you so harshly? None.
I am not God, I am just me.
That is why I never want to become someone that makes you feel unsafe and judged even if I have my own opinions. What’s the point of being a spiritual healer if you, yourself inflict pain on others? It might be small, but pain is pain and everyone carries it within their heart differently. What doesn’t matter to me, could move mountains for you.
That is the reason why I also didn’t start posting here until I have healed from my past hurts. Maybe not for you, but to me my current personality is very bubbly and much different from who I used to be. Which, although makes me a feel a bit unusual, I am glad about! I now have more strength to be kind and accepting of people.
I am aware this doesn’t really sound convincing, and some followers of mine could be anxious of how they are perceived.. Which is valid, but what if you are different from me? So what? There are many people who I love dearly despite them not sharing my beliefs or life style.
Matter of fact, let me tell you about a few examples where I have done readings for people that were majorly different from me.
The very first one is about a friend of mine.. she is someone with very interesting kinks. I will not be writing them out, because it makes my stomach turn and I don’t want you to read that. However, one day she asked me if the person she is in a situationship with is into the same.. gore related stuff as her. You know what? That honestly shocked me, I needed like half an hour to calm down and do her reading, which luckily ended up being ‘a no, but willing to try out other things’ sorta answer. A few months later she told me I ended up being right.. Proud of my intuition, and a few days later I could just accept that some people are into that. Do I get it? Nah, but as long as both parties consent, who cares. [I wanna state no one got hurt during this, they are just kinky mfs 🫡]
Or, let me tell you about another friend of mine who happens to be an online friend! She was going to a concert of an artist she likes and told me she will be giving the guy her number. To be honest with you, I wasn’t clear of her intentions I just knew it wasn’t malicious. Like any person, I reacted out of surprise, ‘okay, yeah, sure’.. because when would you have the time to do that during a concert? But being the kind of friend that I am still did a yes or no reading for her upon her request. To my surprise the lovers fell out with the star.. I was like, that cannot be right.. So I shuffled another three times. The same cards kept on falling out… Which actually made me mad, she thought I was lying! After that, we didn’t speak for a few days. Until the day of the concert! Where she told me she was successful! Now I accused her of lying, lmao. Then she sent me a picture of them hugging as proof, and you know what? I was actually excited for her, like go girl. I do not know if she got to sign an NDA that day or not, but I have enough common sense to finish the story here 🫡 [for my obsessive little princesses and princes that worry that was their celebrity crush.. it wasn’t, this about, is at that time, in his mid 30s white man. for those into that, not the jones brothers bby. my friend is also his age, so don’t worry about it. I do not intend ‘princess’ and ‘prince’ as mocking, they are nicknames I like! I also call my friends these]
I have also done readings about how xyz will die, messages from Gods, past life readings, why is __ acting weird, reading about cults.. lot of diverse things.
Either way, I have strayed away from the point a bit which I don’t want to further do…The point is, I never want to be the sort of person that makes you feel belittled. So even if your reading is not my style, as long as it doesn’t affect your or anybody’s health in a bad manner, I will happily do it. Even if you or other people think it’s weird!
After all I am a weirdo too, lol. I believe we all are in somebody’s eyes. What’s normal for me, can be weird for you and vise versa. That’s why I just decided to be unapologetically myself on this blog! And if you decide to do the same, I am proud of you.
My goal when making readings for people is to let them know they are safe, understood, respected and will get the best that they can get from me.
As in, I will always try to make my readings good and accurate. Since I talk a lot, I will make every reading long by default, and I will never do them when exhausted, stressed or overwhelmed in order to make sure that they actually do resonate. I have a lot of passion for this, so my ultimate goal is to be sincere and hardworking since tarot is something I take seriously.
Since there are people who use AI to do readings, I will work twice as hard to show that it will never be as good as when someone actually cares for the person the reading is for. I know they think nobody notices, but I do. And I will create a better environment for people in the community out of pure spite!
So, even if it will take a while to do that.. take a seat! I will be here, doing my best.
I do sincerely wish that you will find me a refreshing person, and a good reader! Well, I know I am good, I have been doing this since I am 8 years old, practicing it every week! But, if our bond can become stronger through readings that’s always good! I am happy to be reading for any of you.
If you still don’t like me after this.. that’s completely okay! You are not obligated to. Maybe in a few months, or years I won’t like the person I am today either! Maybe my humour will change, or I will find myself egoistic, or perhaps too bubbly and annoying. Who knows! For now, this is the person that I am, and if you don’t like it, that’s okay! I hope you will find a reader that you can connect and click with like it’s meant to be. I think everyone deserves that! 🫶🏻💓
If you have made it this far… are you not exhausted reading this much? Have a drink, and a snack if you want! Take a break if you have been scrolling on tumblr for long. Or don’t, it’s up to you what you do with your time 🫡
Thank you for reading, I sincerely appreciate you from the bottom of my heart with each passing day where the sun rises and falls.
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daught3rofyahweh · 5 months
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Ways to give Jesus vibes to your craft 🕯
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ᶠᵒʳ ʷⁱᵗᶜʰᵉˢ ʷʰᵒ ʷᵒʳᵏ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʰⁱᵐ ♡
Practice green magic, love magic, and healing magic
With being a form of God, Jesus of course is connected to all things nature and spent a lot of time living in it due to living conditions in his era, so green magic could definitely grab his attention! Love magic that consists of self-love and friendship work, is a great way to involve Jesus into your spells because he is all about love and teaching people to be better versions of themselves and bring people together, though I'm not sure he'd appreciate you doing romantic spells as it might go against the other person's freedom. Jesus was an amazing healer, from wounds, to exorcisms, etc., so I'm sure he'd love to help with some anti-illness and mental health spells for yourself and those close to you.
Get a tarot deck that you feel resonates with him
Find a deck that reminds you of him due to it's art or you just feel like would draw him in. I have seen many christianity themed decks around the internet and they can be SOOO PRETTY!!
Buy crystals that remind you of him
A great way to feel closer to Jesus in your craft, is to carry crystals that resonate with his personality. Crystals that represent peace, love, tranquility, protection, and spiritual awakening and psychic development very much suit Jesus's personality. The most popular stones associated with him throughout history have been bloodstone and amethyst.
Do home blessings and protection spells
Jesus was known for bringing peace, cleansing, and protection to all places and people he visited. Do home blessing spells and protection spells to clear spaces, yourself, and loved ones from harm done by evil spirits and people and bring comfort. It could be as simple as sprinkling salt or holy water around or having some iron laying around. The cleaner the space, the more welcoming it is for Jesus's presence.
Incorporate the bible into your practice
The bible can do more than just teach you ways of life, it can also bring blessings and protection. The bible is very powerful as it is the word of God, verses and psalms can be used in many kinds of spells from jars, charm bags, witches bottles, etc. Verses and psalms could even just be used in picture frames as decor as a easy way to let their power into your home.
Here is a pdf from pinterest that is very helpful with the usage of psalms:
Read books about Jesus and the religion
Books can be very helpful when it comes to learning more about Jesus and the ways you can connect with him. I love my book about the catholic church because it has explained so much to me about God.
If you don't own a rosary, knot magic is your friend
Knot magic is a great alternative for those who don't own a rosary yet but would really like to do a prayer meditation. I have actually made one of these but I made an anglican version due to those rosaries only having 33 beads so its faster to make. Using knot magic as a rosary allows the user to pray to Jesus while also practicing their craft at the same time due to being able to use any color, annoint with oils or holy water, and add charms to the rope.
Get herbs and plants that remind you of him
Buy herbs, spices, and plants that remind you of him due to their properties. Use the herbs and plants in spells, as decor for altars, etc. A spice that I commonly associate with Jesus is mustard seed due to him mentioning it a lot in the bible. Mustard seed represents growth, dependence, and faith.
Listen to worship music during workings and divination
Listening to worship music while practicing your craft can help energize your spells, rituals, and divination while also bringing protection and calmness to you while doing so. It can also attract Jesus to help you in the working and can be used as an offering.
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plutonianeris · 2 years
Pick a card: reclaiming what was taken from you ⛓
this is a general reading & for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Interpret & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
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artwork credit: Alessandro Amoruso
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Your time was taken from you. Someone expected you to put them and their needs before yours at all times and you got nothing in return. It made you resentful. It made you feel isolated and alone. there was a lot of empty promises. “I’m so sorry” “all I want is you” “please don’t leave me” “I’ll call you back.” It’s like when they were OK you were never in the picture but once their life was going to shit they suddenly needed you desperately. It made you feel like a puppet like you were being manipulated but at the same time you try to give other people the benefit of the doubt. you’re so loyal but to a fault and the way you reclaim your time is by putting yourself into a practical and logical mindset. And only then through that strength and consistency you will see yourself starting to level up. You will see these dreams that you’ve had that you keep to yourself or that you suddenly daydream about before you go to sleep can come true but you have to leave all this deadweight behind. Being on the sidelines is never going to work in your favor. It never has in the past but especially now. You’ve moved past that. Time to consider long-term goals and stability. Maybe getting that praise from people that undervalued you was enough of a self-esteem boost at the time but not anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised that once you talk to focus on yourself you’re gonna start getting a lot of “I miss you” texts. This could be old friends or maybe someone you had a crush on and you never really were sure how they felt. Putting yourself first isn’t selfish. It’s liberating and chaotic and beautiful and nothing like you have ever experienced I promise. You’re strong enough to do it.
ᘛ♰ᘚ tip jar ᘛ♰ᘚ
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Your sense of identity was taken from you. Whether it be some thing to do with your personality or the way you express yourself to even your religious and spiritual beliefs. There was someone on the other side that told you that you were wrong that what you believed was wrong or maybe that you were just wrong or broken. Getting the sense that you’re into very alternative type of music or forms of dress, you may like tarot or crystals. You may be into astrology or the ocult. you were disappointed and hurt by the rejection. You were already a little bit afraid to share things about yourself in the first place so that really was the nail in the coffin. you’ve tried to seek alternative methods of finding yourself or maybe getting a response. You’ve been waiting for someone with more knowledge or someone that is wiser than you to give you the answers when in reality that’s not going to help you. this pile really is all about helping yourself. It’s calling you to take time to yourself and maybe to be a little bit reclusive for a while to figure out your shit. This is a rebirth. In a way it’s like you’re halfway there. It’s like your split in half. A part of you wants to completely change and do what you want and say what you want and find your own people but another part of you wants to stay around to convince others that what you care about is worth it. Don’t do it. don’t push back against this change and stop ignoring that little voice inside your head telling you FUCK IT!!!! that hair color or that change in behavior or anything else, I promise just do it. You don’t have to explain yourself or give anyone a warning before hand. “Why are you acting like this?” “Oh they’ve changed” “oh they’re acting brand new” “they’re so weird” you’re going to hear all of that but you’re gonna be too busy feeling amazing to even give a fuck. Stand up straight when you walk even if the confidence feels fake it’ll eventually feel normal.
ᘛ♰ᘚ tip jar ᘛ♰ᘚ
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Your sense of trust was taken from you. Someone betrayed you, maybe a lover or a friend but you never saw it coming. the song “somebody that I use to know” just popped up. The person that betrayed you could’ve been from childhood or someone that you’ve been close with since you were a teenager. if you were feeling nostalgic or you already trusted them, maybe that’s why you were letting your guard down. I know it hurts and this may not offer any comfort but this is telling me two things. The first thing is that the world is a much bigger place in this tiny box you’ve been living in. Believe it or not all that grief and disappointment and frustration can be transformed into something else. I’m not trying to be corny or say that it’s suddenly going to go away but you need to get out of your comfort zone. You’re not trusting your judgment and now I need to get more in tune with your body so that when you have a gut feeling about some thing you don’t end up in a weird ass situation anymore. And the best part about that is that once you trust your gut and you’re in tune with your body not everything is going to feel like a threat. SO THEN when there is an actual threat you’ll be able to save yourself and avoid any bs. Whoever that did you dirty is going to get their karma. i’m not saying they’re gonna break every bone in their body but once you’re gone they’re going to notice that they had some thing special. then it won’t be you stuck thinking about the worst or the “what ifs” anymore. after this you’re going to feel more powerful and beautiful and you might be a little bit colder but it’s just that not everyone is going to have a chance to experience you. They’re going to have to earn that.
ᘛ♰ᘚ tip jar ᘛ♰ᘚ
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Pick-A-Pile: Your self-healing status message
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Hello and welcome to Kleo’s really quick Pick-A-Pile reading.
This time I have short messages for you regarding your self-healing process and progress. 
This is a timeless general reading so pick what resonates with you and dismiss the rest.
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
Tarot isn’t an exact science, your life is in your hands
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
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Pile 01
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You have been hurt and it still gives you pain. You might even feel left out or ostracised by others, maybe you have outgrown your friends or your soul family. Maybe somebody mistreated you repeatedly. Or maybe you mistreated yourself and didn’t listen to your own voice.
That needs to stop now. You are advised to cut ties with those who are toxic in your life, with projects that go nowhere and your own doubts about yourself. Forgiveness is the gift you give to yourself not to others. Let go of the past and allow your healing to start.
You are your own healer. Pamper yourself, build your self-esteem, become the person you always wanted to be. This is your time to steal the spotlight, to let people know how amazing a person you are. Don’t worry you will be alone when you get rid of the toxic people. Show yourself to the world and the right people will come to you. You are attractive, you are worth it, you are well prepared to embrace your own beauty and you deserve sweetness in your life. Your soultribe is out there but they will never find you if you don’t take the risk and present yourself. Start small, go for a walk and start a small talk with a dog walker perhaps (praise the dog, we dog lovers love other people praising our pets, you can’t say anything wrong as long as you say something nice about our dog, it’s the easiest way to actually start talking to a stranger), join a gym and make friends there, or join a group chat or online community based on your interest, become a creator of content and attract like-minded people into your life. The first step is the hardest one but believe you are ready to start!
Pile 02
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Congratulations to you, dear Pile 2! You are mostly done with your healing, the cycle is over, you have made you are ready to make the next step. Your own soul is mended and fixed, your heart is overflowing, your life is on track (more or less).
It’s time for you to shift from self-healing to giving. You have a new interest or even basking in the light of the loving gaze of your new sweetheart. You have found your tribe, your soul family, there are people deeply attached to you and you are attached to them. You can now start creating something amazing together, be it a project, art, adventure, home or family.
This is all awesome but keep in mind to stay balanced and fair. Make sure your boundaries are respected, make sure your progress is not done at others’ expense. Be loyal and dependable but don’t let others abuse your kindness. You’re in a good place now but that doesn’t mean you are immune to heartaches.
Pile 03
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The game is afoot, the healing and transformation has begun for you. Does it feel scary to face the past traumas and hurts within you, process them and let them go? Nobody said the healing process is easy. You might need a lot of strength and courage to deal with your spiritual baggage. Maybe you’re still carrying some difficult karma with you as well. 
However, the power of transformation and growth is in your hands, the seeds of happiness, love and abundance are already present in the fertile soil of your soul. Tend them and be generous. Make a plan for your future. What kind of person do you want to become through this healing? Start planning the steps to achieve your goals and dreams. Be ready to face challenges, overcome obstacles and accept assistance from the universe. If you are open to embrace the support, it will come to you like a healing summer rain, washing all the dust of your past away and leaving you feeling all fresh and rejuvenated. Your own inner power to reinvent yourself and restart your life is infinite. Once you know what your goal is, the path unfolds in front of you. Don’t be hesitant to accept help when it presents itself to you. This is your healing but nobody says you have to do all the labour by yourself. If you feel stuck with an issue, seek guidance and assistance from those who can provide it.
I hope you found something useful in this reading, let me know your thoughts and opinions.
Thank you for participating and be blessed regardless of the level of healing you are currently at.
Kleo 🦄
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butterfly-loa · 1 year
𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃: 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
hello & welcome to this pick a pile ! in this pick a pile reading you’re going to receive messages you need to hear from the universe/source. i hope you enjoy & find this helpful ! do make sure to leave a comment on which pile you picked & whether it resonated with you or not.
if you wish to tip me for my services or would like a paid oracle / tarot reading, add me on discord: butterfly#1111
for legal reasons: this pick a pile is for entertainment purposes only, therefore take everything i say with a grain of salt as the future is not certain & can change at anytime depending on your choices.
pictures: all from pinterest, credit to the rightful owners/artists.
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏:
kuan yin oracle cards: turquoise lotus mother, reveal the peacock beauty, blossoms of the sky dancer.
turquoise lotus mother: with this card present as your first card, it seems as though you’ve gone through a very challenging time in your life. this challenge could’ve involved some sort of a spiritual awakening, breaking old patterns, struggling to love yourself, coming to terms with the fact that you deserve love, and more. in fact it could be as simple as having your heart broken by a loved one or getting betrayed by a trusted one. either way, through this card. the universe wishes for you to know that you are deserving of love, care, & compassion. you deserve the same effort of love & care that you give out to others, but before you start accepting the love that is around you. you must start loving yourself, remember that love comes from a place of belonging & you must start feeling as though you belong in this world. always remember that you belong to be here. doesn’t matter what mistake or ‘sin’ you’ve done, you deserve to be here ! so, start focusing on yourself. go to the gym, start creating healthy habits, eat healthy foods, start journaling every now & then, and start being the real you ! don’t hide your true self behind this mask, this real you also deserves to see & experience the world.
reveal the peacock beauty: with this card present, i can see that you have a lot of insecurities about yourself. you might be insecure about how you look, how you dress, how you act, how you hold certain things, & more. it’s almost as though you’ve been criticized so much throughout your life that you’ve forgotten who you truly are. seriously, ask yourself this & reconsider your values: what’s one hobby you truly enjoy that the society didn’t force you to do? what’s one favorite food that you actually enjoy without having to fake it? who’s that one favorite artist that you would love to meet if society wasn’t so against it? with that, remember that behind this fake smile of yours, there is a beautiful soul that deserves to be loved & expressed. this beautiful soul wants to be heard & have fun. they want to go to the park, go to a flower garden, go to the library, go to that one concert, go eat at this amazing restaurant without any constraints. this beautiful soul wants to be expressed & that beautiful soul is you ! therefore stop trying to fit into this criteria the society wants you to fit into, instead be bold & creative. think & grow outside this box, and be you ! be the you that is happy, be the the you that won’t have any regrets later in life. who cares what the society says, just listen through one ear & take it out the other !
blossoms of the sky dance: with this final card, you are just being reminded that it’s finally time to stop striving to be this perfect person & instead just allow this manifestation to come true. simply let go, and allow your creativity to come true. stop stressing so much as to whether your manifestation will come true or not, because it is. in fact it’s already happened, you just need to let go.
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐:
kuan yin oracle: shining lotus, bamboo moon, to the celestial mountain.
shining lotus: with this card present as your first card, it seems as though you’ve been struggling for a while to find inner strength. it’s almost as though you’re feeling very stressed about work, school, education, family, or something that is very important. i also feel like part of the reason why you’re stressing so much is because time plays a huge factor into it, for example you might be stressing because you’ve yet to decide which university/college you want to go to or perhaps it’s time for you to move out & live on you own. therefore the universe/source suggests that you take a risk and do what you wants you to do, like you will never know if something is for you unless you give it a try. moreover life is a gamble in a sense like whether you actually gamble or not it’s time to realize that you’re always making choices & hoping that something goes right or in your favor, so what is one more risk going to harm? literally take a huge leap of faith & come of the closet, like those who are going to disagree with you will disagree with you and talk behind your back but those who truly believe in you will stick with you so in a sense it’s a win win situation. moreover, i’m also behind urged to mention that you need to stop bottling your emotions so much ! bottling emotions is very harmful to your emotional health, so try to talk to a beloved/closed one & who knows they’ll know how you can solve your problems or matter of fact you’ll feel much more at ease knowing that you aren’t alone & that someone else is there with through this experience.
bamboo moon: with this card as your second card, it seems as though divine timing is highly being highlighted. therefore like i said earlier take a leap of faith and do what your heart wants to do. stop confusing yourself and overcomplicating things for yourself because the more you think the more you’re going to spiral & get into this toxic/unhealthy mindset that is harmful. moreover, you might be thinking or feeling that this is just a reading so obviously it’s not actually going to happen or you might be like “oh this isn’t true, i know myself best” then you can stick to that mindset if you want but literally all your guides and your spirit team is urging for you to take this leap of faith because it’s past due & they might just be tired of you always repeating the same lessons & not taking your own advice. 
to the celestial mountain: with this card, it’s basically just the universe saying that if you feel alone scared or confused, always feel free to call on your spirit team because they’re always with you & are always guiding you in the right path. for example you can call on them or connect with them through meditation or simply by saying “i call upon my spirit team(higher self, spirit guides, etc) to guide me & help me through this journey because i’m ‘xxxxxx’. thank you!”. or you can even come up with your own invocation or another way to connect to them. but um, for now the universe & your spirit team wants you to know that you aren’t alone even if it seems lonely at times & that you are loved.
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑:
kuan yin oracle: to the celestial mountain, gates of heaven, eight immortals.
to the celestial mountain: with this card present as your first card, it seems as though the universe along with your spirit team is saying that you’ve been feeling a bit lonely & maybe even spiraling a bit because you might be feeling lost/unsure as to what to do regarding a certain situation. therefore the universe along with your spirit team suggests that you ask someone else for help & maybe even your spirit team since all they want is the best for you. but, they’re generally saying that asking someone else for help or assistance isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a sign of confidence because you’re standing up & asking for guidance. so, there’s no need to feel ashamed for asking for assistance since it’s completely normal & understandable. moreover the universe wishes to remind you that you are a strong soul and that you’ve already lived multiple lives already (if you believe in reincarnation) and that this life/obstacle is just a lesson that you need get through. i believe i’m also hearing that some of you in this pile have been suffering with severe depression and or anxiety for quite some time and that you have also been debating getting professional help i assume, so in regards to that your spirit team definitely urges that you seek professional help as it will definitely help you & make you feel understood.
gates of heaven: with this card as your second card, it definitely seems as though you’ve been suffering with depression, anxiety, or some other type of mental health issues that might be getting in the way of your daily life. perhaps the people in this pile may even be spiritual & have a spiritual view in life, if you do it seems that you’re going through a transition(possible awakening in the horizon). but your spirit team and the universe wishes for you to know that life & suffering are both vital parts of life and that for a human to exist. it is very important for one to go through the 7 states of suffering, therefore wish to remind you that this suffering you’re going through at the moment too shall pass & soon happiness will follow bearing many gifts. at the same time you’re being advised to detach yourself from lower vibrational beings/things.
eight immortals: in general, your spirit team and universe want you to know that they are always there for you so if there is ever a time that you feel alone, feel free to call them & ask them to give you some comfort and they’d be more than willing to do so especially during this transition that you’re going through. but they also wish for you to know that they truly love you like their child because technically you are their child as they’re watching over you & aiding you. just know that you are loved and cared for & are on the right path even though it might not seem like it at times !
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nico-esoterica · 9 days
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Btw, if you ever get a tarot reading and someone tells you something's in divine timing, that's because you're being indecisive about it, don't think you're good enough to have it yet, or put some other limit on it. The implication is that you need time to get ready for it. You haven't decided you're ready now so you have to wait. 🔮
It can be a source of comfort and that's fine. But you can have it now and nothing would go wrong if you don't think it would btw.
It's about how you perceive your timing and your personal growth. Most people self sabotage and don't genuinely believe they have any control over their outcomes in life. Especially if it's in love or career.
If you say the timing's NOW, then you'll see it reflected. The right people, perfect situations, etc, will be waiting for you.
But some people, whether they're spiritual or not, again, prefer to project their power into knowing the 'right opportunity' will find them in the midst of trials or lessons they believe are empowering them. I'm not knocking that. I'm just saying that if you feel as if you're caught in a cycle of that, it's good to honestly look at how you think your universe works. Do you think success for you comes easy or do you think pain and hardship make the fruits of your labor more sustainable? When we get into astrology or divine beliefs, that's how a lot of people think.
Timing is in the mind. You don't have to be healed, skilled, talented, or have any qualifier to get what you want. It may be hanging from the sign in front of the door that you've created, but it isn't necessary. The anxiety, imo, comes from a fear of failing or of being overwhelmed and unprepared. What I'm saying is you can bullshit anything and it'll still come out amazing. Perfectionism implies you'll never be enough or good enough. You're perfect already. You can successfully manifest something and grow along with it. People spend years toiling away trying to manifest perfectly, try to be the perfect applicant for a position, perfectly healed partner. Growth is inevitable because we're ever evolving. It's not a punishment. It's a part of life.
Your timing for everything is now. If you want to mire over it, push it back for mental health reasons, or whatever, you can. Because at the end of the day, you're saying something is yours no matter what. So it is.
Nothing is controlling your timing. It's your perspective :)
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icyg4l · 3 months
Hello beautiful people! I hope you all are doing alright cause I am! This week I will be having a Five Dollar Friday Sale. It will be my last Five Dollar Friday Sale for a while as I will be stepping away from Tumblr temporarily. I will still post pick a card readings for the remainder of this month but I am going to have to step away to focus on school/life in general. However, for this Friday, if you are interested in a reading, please don’t hesitate to dm me! I will get to you in a timely manner. Also, if you have more than one question that will be an extra $5. :) If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to dm me! You can purchase a reading beforehand if you don’t want to wait, but it will be regular priced! Thank you guys in advance for the support and thank you for all the support that you have given me these past six months. I really appreciate it. Stepping into tarot has boosted my confidence and allowed me blossom into a more spiritually mature being. I will never regret opening myself up to this opportunity to create a platform where I can connect with kindred spirits. You all are truly amazing! Thank you once again!
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1tarot1with1k1o · 8 months
Hello, I’m here, I’m alive, and I didn’t disappear.
I’m gonna be straightforward with you all. The reason why I didn’t come on the blog or post readings for the past few months is because I stopped believing in tarot.
I’ve likely subconsciously blocked myself when it comes to spiritual matters, and I haven’t been able to connect with my intuition or tarot at all.
It’s like I have experienced a backwards spiritual awakening, and I genuinely have no idea on how to get things back like they were before.
The tarot block came because I realized that whenever I got a reading, I would be told that all of these amazing opportunities would come and that things would get better, and yet they never did. If anything they keep getting worse, and that really disappointed me. Keep in mind that I was patient for years, and specific situations I got positive messages about, ended up turning out very negatively. So I got frustrated with tarot, because I felt like I was just being deceived again and again. So I wanted to take a break since I didn’t want to do something for others that even I myself didn’t believe in.
I thought I would be able to get back to it just fine, because similar moments had already happened to me sometimes in the past, and usually after a month or two at most, I would be able to pick up my cards just fine. So far, I’m still unable to grab my cards without feeling physically sick or exhausted. I can’t even watch PAC readings anymore. I can’t stand getting readings or receiving channeled messages. I physically react negatively to any kind of tarot reading. I can’t even connect with my intuition at all. I’ve currently lost all the spiritual connections I had with people I deeply cared about, and it feels very isolating at the moment.
I tried meditation, taking walks in nature, journaling, going to spiritual stores in hopes to buy a new deck, etc… . But nothing.
I’m very frustrated at the situation, which in return I think is not helping me get back to spirituality. I’m sorry for disappearing in the middle of a game, but for a while I was completely out of it.
I don’t know what else to do; so if anyone has suggestions, I’ll gladly listen to your advice.
I’m still definitely planning on sending out the readings from the last game and from the previous game, especially to those who gave me an exchange. I’m just not sure when I’ll be able to do the readings, considering that this is the situation I’m in. I’m deeply heartbroken. I’ll keep trying to do whatever I can, and hope for the best.
I’ll be inactive for the meantime. But I’ll try my best to update you every now and then. Thank you again.
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atmymercy · 2 months
Hello lovely, Ahh I'm just to excited to write my feedback!! Well just so all you know recently I won @atmymercy monthly tarot giveawa, the topic was-"what is the connection with my future spouse like in the 5D right now?" and as always the reading was amazing and perfect leaving me speechless! She picked up on a lot of stuff that has been going on currently, and cleared my doubts as well as my anxiety..giving me a good insight of the situation and helping me out. The reading was long and detailed, the way everything made sense and resonated I wanna kiss her hands rn. Like the reading just gave me the direction i required. So what are you all waiting for take the reading now and know it too, there are lots of blockages or information that we can get about the connection with our fs in 5D, especially people who believe in spirituality it's a wonderful reading for them and i mean it. It's definitely not there to feed anyone's delusion tho but to rather guide you so that even in the physical you can connect with your fs soon, and ofcourse in the 5D make the connection stronger or build a connection. So I'd highly recommend you all getting this one (trust me i ain't biased tte reading was so accurate and reality one not something sugarcoating either it had both the aspects, positive too which made me feel more connected) thankyou so much for doing the reading for me lovely and giving my question and opportunity, it means like alot to me. Greatful-!! 🫂✨🧿
Hope you have a wonderful day/night ahead!! Sending good energy 🫶🏻🤍
hello jasmine!
oh gosh! okay! i'm going to attempt to not cry as i write this but honey, you've been such a sweetheart to me this month! i almost can't stand it but don't you dare stop! lolol your heart is just making my heart feels so much bigger! i'm so enchanted to get to do this reading for you this month because i really loved getting to pull out my cards and you gave me the perfect opportunity to do so! with the question you chose! and already i've had a handful of other people also order that question so my thanks is with you! you don't know how much i appreciate you, honey! not even this month! you've been a star for months now and i've noticed your beautiful spark and how you share it! makes me feel star-struck! thank you for sharing so much love with me!
okay! i want to thank you for the more detailed feedback you gave me as well, honey! omg! it's the reason i was crying before i even arrived to this feedback as well! you are just so sweet! which makes this reading even more sweeter that my reading could leave you feeling speechless, clear your doubts and good insight and direction! eee! that's so amazing!
i really work hard to make it clear yet realistic as you work through your love journey and that you can notice and see that extra effort i throw in makes me feel so special that you took the time to point it out and appreciate it in me! thank you so much, honey! eee! i can't wait to do another reading for you!
and remember you do have a clarifier if you need anything cleared up! i know you said you don't need it because of the reading but it's there if you need it! i feel so spoiled, knowing you said you don't even need it after my reading! i'm so glad you loved the long length of the reading too! it was so fun to just go on and on! lol
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book this reading! ♡
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT 2007 Headcanons: Their Type (Fem!Reader)
Because I’m fulfilling 2 requests at once rn and I need a break lawd
Anyway enjoy
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Loves, LOVES soft-spoken girls
A lot of hcs say leo may be into confident/leader girls or some shit
but opposites attract guys
He probably couldn't date anyone who's brutally honest. There's a way to say things and there's a way not to say them
I've said before that Leo likes a girl who's spiritually enlightened
Likes to meditate with him, is into tarot readings and crystals, all that good stuff
This is for all the spanish gals out there who've read fanfics where the reader is described to be white (like the "long straight hair" etc etc b.s) but um
that man loves his arroz con grandules gtfoh
Ahem, anyway
girls that are intuitive, self-aware, all that. He doesn't like women that don't know any better. You HAVE to know better wtf.
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Really likes nerdy girls idc what ya'll think or say
Not nerdy like Olive from A.N.T Farm nerdy, but ones that are similar to 2007 Donnie
Really enjoy science or math, really into college/school or their profession, things like that.
even though he may not understand it, he doesn't mind listening.
Definitely prefers you geeking out over Donnie
sidenote but 2012 Donnie does too much i swear LMAO idc
But lowkey, loves women that are book smart AND street smart (iykyk)
like, knows their way around a city and knows what to look out for, that kind of stuff.
Isn't that too much into books or literature, but a guilty pleasure of his are those serial killer documentaries and True Crime, so if you're into that stuff???? LORD
cue wedding bells rn
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lowkey LOVES confident women
ones that can literally STOMP him if they could
jk (not rly)
since Donnie is usually the timid one, an outgoing/confident s/o would be amazing for him!
I'm talking getting him out of his comfort zone, helping him experience new things, everything!
honestly would love it if a woman asks HIM out first, it would seriously give him goosebumps
like wow she really isn't afraid of assertion yk?
does what she wants, isn't afraid of anyone, ykwim?
kind of like Mikey, jokes around a lot, and he would
rly rly love it
if his s/o understood his advanced humor
also could match his sarcasm to a T!
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honestly, I think Mikey's type would either be someone JUST like him, or NOTHING like him
there is no in between
likes those tsundere girls
but not the rude for no reason ones, just the ones who aren't the joking type? That are kind of like Leo most of the time
very serious, but knows when to step out of that and be more free
someone exactly like him-- jokes EVERYWHERE, not a serious bone in their body, loves to have a good time
he would love a tsundere woman, someone that he can get out their comfort zone- sort of like Donnie!
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lolahaurisfw · 5 months
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Emily: Random Headcanons:;
Would be vegan if Pelican Town had the resources for it
Knows how to read palms/tarot decks/birth charts, is a crystal girl, and can see auras
Probably psychic in some way
Only has lucid dreams
Has a dream interpretation book
In modern days, she'd eventually find out about reality shifting online
Proceeds to shift her first try
Law of attraction enthusiast
Heavy into astrology and knows way too much about it
Cleanses the house with incense every week
Salts the windows
Spell bowls
Has brass witchbell's on the front door and her room door
Moon and sun water
Does an egg cleanse on the last Sunday of each season to clear her energy for the beginning of the next one
Candle magic
Favorite music is Folk, Jazz, and Psychedelic Rock
But also obsessed with the band Toto
Maximalist when it comes to interior design
Organized clutter, but make it aesthetic
Everything she decorates with is colorful and homemade (or bought from a small business)
Etsy lover
Commissions Robin to make every single piece of furniture she owns instead of just buying it from a store
Also commissions Leah for paintings, small carvings, and sculptures as often as possible
Buys everything Elliot publishes
All of her clothes are either handmade by herself, or bought from Sandy
If you have sheep, she will buy ALL of your cloth
If she ever moved out of Pelican Town and to the city, she would either start a spiritual shop that hosts group meditation classes, or an animal rescue & rehabilitation place
Climate change activist, hosts and joins protests in big cities
Green Party member
Rarely watches movies that aren't Studio Ghibli
Doesn't drink except for special occasions (like a graduation or bday party)
But does microdose shrooms and smoke a little weed every now and then
Amazing cook
Specializes in turning meat dishes vegetarian friendly
Gets a lot of "exotic" spices and ingredients from Sandy's shop and the Desert Trader
Makes her own oat milk
Has to make vanilla oat milk for Haley
Sandy imports peanuts and almonds so Emily can make her own nut butter
Makes a lemon pig every New Year's
Would feed the pigeons and squirrels in Zuzu city
Heavy pusher of buses and bikes
Is friends with Krobus and Dwarf
Dwarf still steals from her like everyone else, but she's fine with it cause he's silly and adorable
Buys your void eggs/mayo to gift to Krobus
Tries to make Dwarf and Krobus friends but it doesn't really work
Wants to be friends with Rasmodius but he's a major introvert & hermit
Will bother him until he let's her in though
He'll eventually become Emily's teacher and give her that forest spirit potion he gave you
The Junimo's adore her and see her as both a motherly and spiritual figure
Also after drinking the potion, she'd visit the talking bear in the secret woods every weekend, making sure to bring him fresh syrup in exchange for stories of the magical world & his life
Naturally clumsy and accident prone
It stresses Harvey out
Is Shane's only friend, besides you
They get along surprisingly well
Probably because she was so persistent in getting to know him
And she's very accepting and caring
Opposites attract i guess
She bought a blue chicken from him and let's it live free-roam in the house
Haley hates the chicken
It pecks her when Emily isn't around
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