#you cannot leave any of them in a room alone together or someone Will die
dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Ten - Duel at dawn
Meanwhile, at the art studio, Benedict was still lingering around. Most of the artists had vacated the room by this point, but Benedict Bridgerton was still present.
"You have great potential." Henry said, coming up beside him.
"It's nothing," Benedict says sharply.
"Though, for such a staunch critic of others, you certainly lack a clear eye for your own work."
Benedict sighs. "It's the lines. Not what they're supposed to be."
"Take the compliment, Bridgerton. There is no expectation or judgement here. You left all of that back in Mayfair. You can feel free to be yourself here... if that's what you should like."
Benedict smiles.
"It's what works for me, at least. And I haven't been dissatisfied with my lines in... well, quite some time."
Benedict chuckles again. "Well, I've done worse, I suppose, really."
"Mm. Fair enough."
"I seem to have enjoyed myself too much this evening." Benedict looks around at the empty room. "I should be on my way."
"As you wish," Henry says nonchalantly. "But know you are welcome back any time for practice or even conversation."
They both chuckle.
By the time Benedict gets home, Anthony and Daphne are talking very seriously in the hall. He stops and looks at his two siblings.
"What is it?"
Anthony marches over and grabs him by the arm. "You and I need to talk. Daphne, bed."
Anthony drags his brother to his study.
"I will need you to stand as my second," he says after explaining everything to Benedict.
"What if you get yourself killed?" Benedict asks. He wasn't exactly thrilled about what had apparently transpired, but even less so about the thought of losing his brother.
"Then the title and estates will pass to you," Anthony tells him.
Benedict didn't want that.
"And if you kill Hastings?"
"I shall have to leave the country, and you'll be head of the family in every way that matters."
Again, he didn't want that.
Chuckling I the hall draws their attention to the door.
You laugh with Colin as Violet hangs off the both of you. She's clearly been drinking a lot tonight. She can't even walk straight. You've never seen her so uncomposed before.
The door opens behind you, and Anthony and Benedict are standing there.
"You're clearly sover," Colin laughs with his mother.
"And I'm sober enough to know when you're being impertinent." She chuckles. "Good night, dear."
You giggle. Violet waves at you lazily, and you chuckle again at her inability to remain composed.
You turn to see the two brothers still standing there and nudge Colin. He looks at you and then at them. They wave him over.
"Good god. Did someone die?" Colin asks.
You look at Anthony, who glances at you, his sowlnt thank you for helping bring his mother home. Then your gaze shifts to Benedict, who looks at you with a strange expression. You wonder where he's been all evening.
Colin turns to you. "Get home safe, okay?"
You nod, knowing your maid was waiting outside. You watch him walk toward his brothers and then leave.
You arrive early to the Bridgerton house the next morning. You had snuck out alone. You had hoped to be there early enough before Anthony left to duel the duke.
Unfortunately they had already left.
You had, however, arrived in time to see Daphne and Colin leaving. When Colin saw you he sighed.
"You cannot be serious."
"I am."
Daphne says your name as she looks at you. "You do not have to witness this."
"I want to. As your friend. I will not allow this stupid, and mind I remind you illegal, activity to take place."
Colin sighs and helps you up into his horse. "Hold on."
He spurs the horse on, leading Daphne to the agreed spot. You hold on tight to him as he rides.
All Daphne can think about is Simon.
"Anthont won't... kill him, right?" You ask, watching Daphne ride.
"No. Sound him, surely."
"Are you worried?" He asks.
"Yes. Are you not?"
Colin doesn't answer.
By the time you arrive within diat ne of seeing them, the two are already stood feet apart with their pistols aimed. It's Daphne who rides faster to get between them.
Anthony fires his pistol as soon as she shouts, the horse his sister's on rears back and Daphne falls to the ground.
"Daphne!" Simon shouts.
Both men run toward her.
Colin pulls his horse to a stop, and you both climb off, rushing to them. Benedict drops the pistol case and does the same. He doesn't have time to ask why you're here.
"Are you hurt? Tell me!" Simon demands.
"I am perfectly well, no thanks to you idiots," she says, standing up.
"What are you playing at?" Anthony asks.
"Says the man who just shot at me!"
"You just rode into the middle of a duel!"
"I require a moment with the duke," Daphne says softly.
Anthony tries to stop her, but she stops him in return. Benedict pulls Anthony back and says, "make it brief."
Daphne and Simon walk off to talk.
"What are you doing here?" Benedict asks once they're out of ear shot.
"I came to help stop this ridiculous display."
"You could have been hurt," he says.
"No one got hurt, luckily."
Benedict looks a little lost for words. You sigh and look at him and then at Anthony. The eldest looks at you and nods once, softly. His eyes then flick back over to his sister.
"We must resume before someone should find us," Anthony says to the pair.
Simon nods at him.
Daphne watches him walk and then says, "there will be no need to resume."
Everyone turns to look at her.
"The duke and I are to be married."
You look at her and then turn to the duke. You're not sure what they discussed. He stares at her.
The three brothers look between the duke and their sister.
Whatever they discussed, Daphne made up her mind.
When Simon does not speak against her statement, it becomes clear to everyone that the matter is settled.
Now you all just need to get home before someone sees you all.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen -
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM REIGN *  assorted dialogue from the television show
you don't sound very enthusiastic.
now's not a good time.
i opened my heart to a liar.
you are a necessary evil whose orbit i can't seem to escape.
there is always risk.
what happened between us can never happen again.
do you flirt with everyone?
how do you feel?
if the price is my life, i will give it.
my heart says i should be with you, no matter what.
you shouldn't be here.
we belong together. i won't lose you to another.
we can only love each other.
i can't bear to think about a future anymore, not without you.
i'm scared of being alone.
are you alone? are you with someone?
i know it's not what you want to hear.
i never said i was a good man.
it's not about that.
we were supposed to dance under the stars.
i can't believe this is goodbye.
to see your smile is to feel the sun.
you don't want to marry me.
you want to hear something honest? i would do anything to keep you.
i love you. i am your equal.
those memories are a part of me. but i am stronger than they are.
there were other ways of handling this.
you must continue to sacrifice.
history is written by survivors.
you will blame yourself, most of all.
i am quite happy with my view.
i don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
you have no intention of marrying me.
i refuse to surrender.
you're beautiful and clever and unpredictable.
danger surrounds me here, and i am in your debt.
are you in danger too?
i never saw any ghosts.
whatever happens, i'll never leave you.
now i am lying to you.
i love you, and i thank god for the time we've had.
i lose everyone i love.
i'm not sure i trust my own fate anymore.
what odd turns our lives have taken.
do we trust each other?
love is irrelevant to people like us.
there are forces that conspire, forces of darkness, forces of the heart.
your taste in men always did leave something to be desired.
how awful must you find me to do this.
you do realize that we're going to be married someday, don't you?
i don't know who you are, or why you hide, but your warning saved me.
i'm sorry we've come to this.
tell me why you're so afraid.
i am yours this night.
love is never simple. not that i'm any expert.
it makes me feel better.
my spirit is inside you as yours is inside mine.
you don't want this at all.
you fought so hard for me.
stop shutting me out.
this is the most dangerous thing you have ever done.
i'm not scared of death anymore.
i've learned to live with wanting things i can't have.
ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
what if they saw you?
i show no mercy.
i don't know how much time we have left, but every moment matters.
you are so beautiful.
i want you to know i did not mean those words i said. i didn't even mean them in the moment.
our love will die here.
i take no pleasure in being right.
we've been over this already.
i don't know who to believe or to trust.
i'll protect you.
i can barely bear to have you look at me.
is this how it's going to be from now on? both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
things could change.
you seem shaken.
i'm still in some pain and i prefer not to be touched.
why is this so difficult?
take a stand, my love.
have you learned nothing?
i want you to listen to me carefully.
we're alone. there's no need.
you're not charming me tonight.
you crushed the rebellion by yourself.
love like that doesn't just disappear.
we can't do this.
may god have mercy on your soul.
is that what you want to hear?
do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
what have you been discussing, the weather?
you cannot relent.
to what do i owe this surprise?
i won't let you do it.
the more we try to help each other, the more harm we do.
safe choices don't always make us safe.
i want you forever.
i think i shall never see you again.
when you came into my room, i shouldn't have said what i did.
i know you had a life before i got here.
stop being so strong, so perfect...
it's not that simple.
real love never fades, not truly.
tell me, what would hurt more? knowing the person you love will die, or knowing they're alive but you cannot have them?
i'd probably try to kiss you.
i love you. and one of us should be happy.
we have been given a miraculous second chance.
i thank you for your protection last night.
this was not an action of passion.
if i'm as responsible as you say, i will never forgive myself.
you must leave immediately.
i take things sometimes.
i had sex in that greenhouse once.
tell me when you want me to stop.
your life is more valuable than this.
just know whatever happens, this is not the end i dreamed for us.
men in general like to win.
why are you here?
i pay attention.
i love you. you do know that, no matter what i've done.
look where that love has brought us.
i'd rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else.
i was only interested in claiming you.
your heart was my light.
you just said something about my ass.
i will spill blood to defend what's mine.
you must love again.
without you my heart is closed as tight as a fist.
why do you dismiss me?
you do not need to seduce a man who already wants you.
i wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and i still believe you will.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 month
PMMM episode 9-12 recap
Mami's story is about how being a Magical Girl is tragic. Sayaka's story is about what happens when a Magical Girl cannot handle the despair of their life. Homura's story is about clinging to hope even in a hopeless situation.
Prior to this point, the Magical Girl system was presented as flawed and broken. Girls are chosen to protect the world from witches and in exchange, they are granted a wish to fulfill some great desire of theirs.
However, being a Magical Girl is an ultimately thankless job fraught with peril both from witches and other Magical Girls of dubious morals.
But with the reveal that Magical girls are just juvenile witches, we learn that the system is neither flawed nor broken. It is working exactly as intended. And now the mask comes off.
If I had prior knowledge of the series, it would be more appropriate to include episode 9 in the previous recap because episodes 5-9 are a whole arc to themselves. But I guess that's what happens when you do blind discussions.
Sayaka and Kyouko's arc is focused on the duality of hope and despair. Both made a wish to bring hope to someone only for that wish to bring them despair. And they had opposite reactions to it. Kyouko decided to shut herself away and live only for herself while Sayaka doubled down and continued to let herself be hurt in some vain attempt to say her life has meaning.
If I were to make an allegory to any real world aspects, Sayaka and Kyouko's story is about suicidal depression and episode 9 is when it reaches that point where the victim has decided to go through with it.
Kyouko's entire strategy to save Sayaka essentially boiled down to bringing the people who care about her together to help Sayaka recover from her heartbreak and sorrow. But when that fails because everything has become too much for Sayaka to handle, Kyouko chooses to stay by Sayaka to the end so that she won't die alone and think she wasn't loved.
With each episode, Kyubey becomes more and more open about how the entire system is intended to exploit girls rather than help them. And he ultimately intends to abandon humanity to be destroyed by the witches created by this system when he has everything he needs.
It's kind of like a corporation coming in saying it will boost the local economy so you should let it do as it pleases. And over time, it drives out the local population because people start moving in to work there, land is torn down to make more room for the corporation, and the soil, air, and water become polluted because the corporation controls the system and can do what it wants.
But all the money goes to the executives and when there's no more value to be had, the corporation abandons the area leaving behind destroyed land and a destroyed community that will now die because of what the corporation did.
Kyubey's remarks that his species calls emotions a mental illness just adds even further to the exploitative nature of the system. The system is meant to target beings who by his definition would be more vulnerable.
And his method of only giving half-truths or withholding information unless explicitly asked is an aspect of this exploitation. He's deliberately presenting things in a way that preys upon human vulnerabilities. He even admits that his species studied humans and found that young girls going through puberty were the ideal targets and then catered the system specifically to target them.
Kinda like how games with gacha elements are designed to exploit people with gambling addictions.
And since the power that is made from a magical girl becoming a witch is tied to her role on fate, Kyubey is really only interested in targeting people born into high positions or with great skill. Basically, Kyubey is propping up those who exist because of survivorship bias.
I'd wondered why he didn't just go to some war-torn nation and offer a contract to every girl about to die, and I guess it's because they would offer so little power that Kyubey deemed them worthless.
Meanwhile, girls from prosperous nations have far more potential to have an impact on the world, so Kyubey hangs around nations like Japan where he can look for big potential targets while also getting some decent secondary targets.
Anyway, I'm going to move onto Homura. I got really into talking about episode 10 and how it recontextualizes the entire series so I'm going to focus more on episodes 11 and 12.
Everything Homura is doing is to save Madoka. At first, she wanted to restart when she met her so they could fight side-by-side. But then she discovered the truth of the system and fought to save Madoka from her fated death or transformation after the walpurgis night.
And since hope and despair exist together, the more Homura fought to save Madoka, the more aggressively Kyubey tried to make Madoka a magical girl. With each new timeline formed, Madoka's potential grew because every timeline tied back to her.
Homura's story is about her fighting against the despair that comes with being a magical girl. She tries to cling to hope in a situation that is hopeless. Each time she fails to save Madoka, she tries again, only for the next attempt to become even more difficult than the last one. She always managed to push back the inevitable, but in the end, she always lost.
And at the end of this story, Homura still never achieved her goal. She never managed to stop Madoka from becoming a magical girl, and it ultimately resulted in Madoka vanishing from existence. This should be the moment of ultimate despair for Homura where all her efforts come to nothing.
Madoka struggles with feeling inadequate. She initially wanted a rather tautological wish. She was going to become a magical girl by wishing to be a magical girl. She thought being a magical girl would give her the chance to help others, make the world better, and ensure her life mattered in some way. And her wish ultimately is an extension of that. She wished to be helpful to all magical girls who ever did and would exist by becoming the hope that drives them and chases away despair.
In the new world Madoka created, Mami, Kyouko, and Sayaka still became magical girls; and Sayaka still despaired over how her wish turned out. But instead of becoming a witch - a being that represents despair - Madoka took Sayaka from the world and showed her what happened to Kyousuke because of her wish.
Madoka showed Sayaka that her life mattered in some way.
Homura's wish and desires ultimately can never come true. But instead of giving into despair as she would in the old system, she's been given a new hope and purpose. Madoka became the very embodiment of hope thanks to Homura's efforts. And as the only person who will ever remember Madoka, Homura is now able to start the next phase of her life where Madoka's words echo in her ears and she shows that Madoka's life matters.
Homura should try spreading Madoka's name around as the patron saint of magical girls. Madoka is literally the goddess of hope who protects magical girls in this new universe.
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cosmichoneibeee · 2 years
Viper’s [y/n] dying on field
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, torture and depression. Very angsty
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No one wanted to give the news, fearing for her reaction.
But when that happens, she looks normal, no overreactions, just a neutral face.
But that's just outside
On the inside, when she finally realizes what was really going on, she felt like had she died with you.
She alternates between the stages of grief, being anger, bargaining and depression. But she'll never be able to accept and get over the fact that you're really gone.
She goes back on the fraternization rules and much stricter. If she knows of something going on between two agents, the punishments are...terrifying.
It might sound like a sour thing to do, privating everyone of having a loved of because of the lost of hers, but she genuinely doesn't want anyone to go through what she's going now.
What is ironic that she herself broke her own rule and suffered the consequences of her “imprudence”
Sometimes she wishes you weren't as sweet and loving as you were. Everything would have been easier if she hadn't fallen under your spell.
No one will touch your room. She made sure to make it clear to everyone that everything that belongs to you will remain in that room, locked, forever.
In the dead of night, when the sadness is too strong, she goes to your room and lies on your bed in search of a solace, but noticing that your perfume is subtly disappearing from your belongings no matter what she does, it only makes the pain in her chest get worse.
She's definitely going to go after your killer, and she's not going to kill them fast with a headshot; no, she will torture them as cruelly as Viper can until you are avenged, then leave them to die and rot in a place where they cannot be found or remembered.
After the revenge, she feels an even greater emptiness. What was still holding her steady was the hope of getting her hands on your killer, now that it was all over… what's left for her?
Days working non-stop, just on automatic, wanting to find a way to overcome what happened
The agents went more than a full week without seeing her, locked in her lab and honestly? Everyone was worried about her mental health but again, no one has the courage to say anything
Security protocols on missions have also been intensified and training is almost obsessive.
Sabine can't let anyone die in combat anymore, there's no Brimstone or Sage or Omen to change her mind about the new protocols
Many have tried to talk to her about her attitudes, but she just can't change. She couldn't protect you from death and remembering that you died alone, scared, makes her determined to protect others like a big ferocious lioness.
Viper will always be the shell of a woman who has lost the love of her life.
She won't and doesn't want to move on, find someone new. You'll always be her partner and she'll try her best to honour you.
There is no more sparkle in her eyes or the will to make a better world if you are no longer by her side, ready to share the happiness of a life together.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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soracities · 1 year
i dont know if it is just me but i feel like art is dying. there’s like a lack of space for the artists to explore. a lot of limitation surrounding making art right now.
* I dont if i were able to articulate my thoughts well 😅 (english is not my first language)
oh no your english is fine, lovely, don't worry 💕
it's interesting to me because i think "art is dying" is a statement that is as old as art itself; it has existed in one form or another in every century--people have said this for as long as humans have been making art and for as long the art being made has differed from the art that came a few years before it, and also for as long as the societies it is being made in have changed. i don't necessarily believe that art is dying, because to me art isn't something that can die—it simply cannot be measured in that way; it's a fundamental part of being human and it is always going to be made, no matter what the external circumstances look like.
sometimes, when we talk about creativity and its current state in whatever society we're in, we tend to lose sight of the bigger picture because we measure so much by works and artists that are already "established" (often without examining what factors allowed them to be established): Art™, as we perceive it in its finest and therefore "purest" state, is what ends up in galleries, or the books that top the bestsellers or the "must read" lists, or the songs that become "anthems of the summer" or endure for decades. but for me those divisions aren't set in stone; i don't draw a distinction between the working father who gave up music and the established musician who didn't; one may only sing and play for his kids now and then and the other may get to sing and play for hundreds or thousands regularly, but the intent behind their craft is the same, the moment they create is the same: you are making something and it is reaching someone and it is, in that moment, binding you together and allowing a moment of joy (or relief or community, the possibilities are many). that is art to me: a moment where the world inside you finally becomes bigger than yourself.
that said, i do think there are growing threats to how art is made and to who gets to make it and how that art then finds its way into the world--creativity requires freedom, not just financial, but also psychological and emotional and you cannot make art when you are run off your feet with a zero hours contract, or living paycheck to paycheck, or grappling with mental health issues, or your mind is crowded with endless to-do lists that leave very little room for you to even just get back to yourself, let alone art-making. i can only speak for what i see in most anglophone western countries and in that regard i agree with you in that there is a lack of space for artists to explore, because that space is only available to those who can afford it: those who do not worry about finances because they have an established safety net, those whose time is not tied up in work commutes or full-time or part-time caregiving etc., those who have access to the resources / people / know-how necessary to succeed commercially in their chosen field, and so on.
art--and the freedom to make art, of any kind--are a necessity for our wellbeing but it is, right now, being made into a commodity that only a few people can have access to: this is not to say that someone lucky enough to be well-off cannot write a beautiful story or paint a beautiful picture or articulate a startling philosophy, but that when the only people who are able to put their art out into the world are all from the same world, or from off-shots of, or sharing in, an already similar experience (middle or upper class, for example), it narrows the potential landscapes that the art surrounding us can contain and the experiences it is informed by (i think it also sends a deeply disturbing message; art is the single most human activity, the single most enduring heritage we have as a species, regardless of race or gender--it has persisted for millenia and established the very notion of our humanity and all the facets of whatever a soul might be; so for it then to be cordoned off like this with the implication that something so primal and species defining belongs only to a chosen few, is deeply insidious). art can be a door or art can be a mirror, but what kind of a world will it be when those lead you, always, to the same place?
i'm deeply against the idea of art as something to put on a pedestal, so when i say that i don't believe art can die, i don't mean that i believe art is something too deep or eternal or transcendent to be affected by the world around it; i just mean that human nature is, quite frankly, stubborn (i don't even mean this in a conscious way, i think it's something that is just blindly instinctive): we will always find a way to make something and this something happens across a spectrum of circumstances--it happens in spite of censorship & totalitarianism, in spite of poverty and in spite of shackles, in spite of the dead-end job with the boss you hate and in spite of boredom in the classroom. in spite of and through all these things people have made art and they have couched it in metaphor, or dressed it up with humour or veiled it in irony, and some have been blatant in their refusal and others have been more circumspect and, yes, some of it has been public and enduring, but a lot of it has been private: lullabies passed down, origami roses made of napkins, a busker at a street corner you share 5 minutes of your life with as you listen to them and then never come across that musician again, a scarf knitted for a friend, a hole in a shirtsleeve stitched over in a heart shape and etc etc etc. some has been big, and some has been small, and some has been made, not for the sake of any kind of endurance or legacy, but simply because: because i am an i and i am in this world and it is what it is (grief-stricken, astonishing, painful, lonely, incomprehensible) and i lend my existence whatever shape i can, even if it's just drawing aimless patterns in the sand on the beach. when i say i don't believe art can die i just mean that, no matter what is happening in the world, someone, somewhere, will crack a dick or a sex joke or craft the most godawful pun known to man and it will still be hilarious.
this is longer than i intended but to sum up i think for me, more than anything, it's the structures around art, the mechanisms through which it engages, actively and widely, with its society as a whole, that are being limited or threatened (or are changing in order to do the limiting and the threatening). and even then, when you get down to it. i think that itself is about something more; i think the only real threat to Art, as it stands, is an existential threat which, ultimately, is not so much about art as a whole but the broader ramifications of what it means to be human, to be a collection of humans, bound together and interacting with the world we are currently living in, with the trajectory it currently has. i think the real focus of whether or not art is dying should be there, because it's not so much about art as an isolated activity: it's about us. x
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I’ve always wanted to do an alternative version of Entry 80 so this is my excuse to do it >:)
Content Warnings for: Canon Typical Behavior, Guns, Gunshot Wounds, Non-graphic Injuries, Blood-loss Induced Delirium, Hurt/Comfort (of course), and Angst With A Happy Ending (Or at the very least a heavily implied one).
Word Count: Roughly 2.6k
— —
Everything is spiraling out of control. Brian knows that a good chunk of it is his fault. He brought Alex here and could not find the will to kill him, even after all this time. He asked Jay and Tim to come here and now Alex is loose and all of them are in danger.
It lurks around every corner, within every shadow, and Brian isn't safe from it's reach anymore. It's stronger, it feeds off this situation, warping reality to its whims, and it intends for most of them, if not all, to die here. And it very well may succeed.
It’s been haunting Brian the most lately. When it finally leaves Alex’s side, it shadows him, pulling him in all directions and warping him to other planes of existence entirely.
The Ark awaits. It wishes to swallow him whole.
Brian wonders if it’s not a matter of if he will end up there, but rather when. Nonetheless, he fights to escape it, to keep it all together, but deep down, it feels inevitable. Hopeless. Like Brian can no longer control any of their fates, much less his own. He should have killed Alex when he had the chance but even now, even with this bastardization version of him who spits curses and bears his teeth at him, he cannot find it in him to pull the trigger.
Brian remembers—
(“And that’s a wrap!” Alex lowered the camera when the red light stopped blinking. He was sweating a little from the heat, the sun beating down on them relentlessly, but his grin doesn’t waver and the pride in his eyes is genuine. “That was fantastic, Brian! Seriously, if you ever wanted to get into acting, you could pull it off.”
Brian laughed then, rolling his eyes a little. “You’re just saying that— I know I sound cheesy.”
“You’re just following the script.” Alex waved him off. “I’m being serious! You could make it if you really wanted to! Plus,” Alex nudged him playfully, “You’re good looks are a bonus.”
“More flattery, Kralie?”
“I speak only the truth, Thomas.”)
—and he really wishes he could forget. The past doesn’t matter when he’s trying to salvage the present. And yet, it still haunts him, ever present and reminding him of the days he will never get back and the person he can and will never be again.
He has had so many chances to kill Alex Kralie, and the fact that he has been unable to go through with any of them will always haunt him.
Brian stumbles through the rooms of Benedict Hall, static receding from his mind as it finally leaves him alone. He doesn’t know if it’s giving up or merely choosing an easier target but it’s difficult to think about anything but finally getting a moment to rest. He staggers into one of the rooms in the basement, just barely remembering to close the door before he slumps against the wall and feels unconsciousness pull him under.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been running, nor how long he rests for. What he does know is that when he awakens again, there are footsteps nearby and he tenses on instinct.
Brian waits a few beats before managing to get up, unsteady on his feet but pressing forward. He opens the door just a crack to look out at who has joined him and lets out a small huff when he sees it’s just Jay. Someone he can handle— at worst, he might need to get him to back off, but Brian will burn that bridge when it comes.
Jay doesn’t seem to notice him, too busy looking through the rooms and not quite getting to his yet. However, he also doesn’t notice when silent footsteps descend the stairs into the basement, and Brian’s breath hitches when he sees Alex standing at the bottom of the stairs with a gun in his hand.
When Jay does notice, he freezes. Camera in hand, he stares at him and lets out a cautious and almost disbelieving, “Alex?”
Alex raises his gun.
Brian knows his role has always been to stay in the shadows, be cold and calculating, always one step ahead and always doing what is necessary in order to ensure the survival of who is left. He knows that he is the man with the plan, the haunting wraith, and the one who has to maintain control above all else. He knows.
But Alex raises his gun and Jay is just standing there like a deer in headlights and Brian can no longer think.
He acts.
The door is yanked open and Brian throws himself at Jay in an effort to get him out of the way. He succeeds on that front, but the gun still goes off and pain rips through his shoulder and suddenly, they’re both on the ground. Jay scrambles to get Brian off of him, panicked and attempting to ask questions that Brian can’t really hear. Alex is yelling now but Brian can’t tell what he’s saying either.
He just knows one minute, he’s lying on the ground, trembling and unsure if he has the strength to get up again, and the next, there’s hands wrapping around one of his wrists and yanking him somewhere else. Either he’s light or Jay is tapping into some hysterical strength, or a mix of both, because another shot just barely misses him and suddenly, he’s in another room with Jay using his entire body weight to keep the door closed. There’s pounding on the door, more yelling from Alex, and a camera is discarded on the floor.
Brian struggles to keep his consciousness. Everything passes by in a blur and when static rises to his mind, he isn’t terribly surprised. His body goes involuntarily limp, eyes struggling to open at all, and he can feel invisible tendrils beginning to curl around him, claiming him as theirs.
The Ark awaits. They whisper. The Ark has been waiting for you, Brian Thomas. You cannot deny it any longer.
All fight in him starts to drain away. Static builds, numbing him to the point where Brian thinks he’s gone for a moment there.
But then there’s a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him but getting more frantic. Brian lets out a shudder, feeling something tugging him back and urging him not to leave yet. That his work is not finished, that he cannot go into the Ark and feed it, and that he is not the Ark’s to claim.
Someone else has claimed him, needs him, and is not letting it take him. The invisible tendrils (were they ever really there to begin with?) recede, and Brian feels the familiar feeling of being warped somewhere else but the grip on his shoulder only tightens. A cool breeze passes over him, and it is welcomed.
When he falls into unconsciousness, it is with the knowledge that it has not taken him yet, and that he can rest easy for now. The uncertainty of where he is now and what comes next falls away, and it is a problem for when he wakes up.
Consciousness is a hazy thing when he returns. At first, Brian feels nothing at all, but the moment he stirs, pain shoots through his shoulder and he lets out a low and pained hiss.
Ragged breaths escape him. His skin feels cold and clammy and when he cracks open his eyes, his surroundings are blurry. Sunlight hits his face and blinds him, but he can’t move without aggravating his shoulder so he just squints and tries to put his thoughts together. Nothing quite makes sense but the greenery around him tells him he’s outside, though something about what he’s seeing is off. He can’t quite put his finger on it however.
A blurry shape moves closer to him. Brian stiffens, ready for a fight but their hands(?) are raised as if to try and convince him they’re not a threat. It confuses him slightly— definitely not Alex then— and his gaze doesn’t waver from them as they inch closer.
Slowly, a hand is pressed against his forehead as if checking his temperature. Something in him crumbles at the contact and hazily, he leans into it, causing them to freeze for a minute but steadily relaxing.
Something is off but he can’t quite place what.
“Hey uh— can you hear me?” A hesitant voice asks. Brian knows that voice. He blinks lazily, racking his brain for the answer before it hits him.
“Jay?” He manages to slur out. It’s rough on his throat to speak but it almost feels nice to speak at all. To be heard by someone for once.
Jay’s breath hitches a little. “Uh, yeah. It’s me.” He’s awkward and tense. Brian can’t remember why. He can’t really remember why Jay is here at all but his hand moves to keep a steady hand on his uninjured shoulder and it keeps him from drifting. That’s enough for now.
There’s a long pause before Jay hesitantly asks, “Brian? Brian Thomas? It’s you, right?” Like he can’t quite believe it.
Brian blinks a few times at that. It’s been a while since anyone called him that. He can’t remember how long. “Mmhmm.” He hums after a beat. There had been a reason he was hiding his identity at first but he really can’t remember it. Maybe he should stop worrying about what he can and can’t remember. “How’d you know?” He finds himself asking.
“I mean, your face is kinda a dead giveaway?”
Brian pauses at that. Then slowly raises one hand to brush against his face. It finally clicks then, what’s wrong. The cool breeze against his skin, the skin to skin contact, the ability to see clearly without anything blocking his vision— his mask. It’s gone. Jay probably took it off.
That’s probably a problem. Brian is struggling to care right now though.
“Huh.” He says instead. “Guess Brian is out of the bag.” A snicker escapes him at his own joke and he tilts into Jay’s grip more than he intends to.
“Shit.” Jay swears under his breath. “Questions later— you owe me and I have a lot of them— but we need to get out of here and to an actual first aid kit or hospital because I kind of just tore my jacket and used that to tie it off but you still got shot.”
That’s what happened. He knew he was forgetting something.
“Can you stand?” Jay asks. Brian makes a noncommittal noise. Jay grimaces but says, “Well, we don’t really have a choice right now.” And steadily helps him to his feet. Brian hisses when his shoulder is jostled but manages to stay standing with Jay helps. After a second of hesitation, Jay slings one of Brian’s arms around his shoulder and carefully, he leads as they stumble through the woods together.
Brian squints, trying to think. “We’re in Rosswood?” He mumbles.
“I think so. I haven’t really had a lot of time to think about it.” Jay glances at him. Brian stares back, tilting his head. “You— you saved me. Why did you do that?”
Brian frowns. “You were gonna get shot. What was I supposed to do?” The words come out slow but clear enough for Jay to understand. Jay searches his eyes for something. Brian isn’t sure if he found it when he finally looks away.
They walk in silence for a little while. Brian’s eyes glaze over the trees and his eyes flutter a little when he hears the soothing sound of a nearby babbling stream.
“Stay awake.” Jay reminds him. Brian’s eyes open a little wider obediently. He thinks he missed having someone else around him. Someone who made him have to think a little less. Someone to rely on.
“Where are we going?” Brian manages to get out.
Jay stops, staring straight ahead and lost in thought like he just realized that himself. “I… Was going to head to Tim’s house. I don’t have anywhere else to go but,” his gaze drops, “I don’t know how welcoming he’ll be.”
“‘s Tim.” Brian points out, trying to blink the sleepiness out of his eyes. “He’s not gonna kick you out if you don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Maybe.” Jay pauses. He then uses his free hand to fumble for his pockets. “I should— call him first maybe?”
Brian nods, leaning against his shoulder. “Probably.”
Jay scrolls to Tim's contact on his phone. He stares at it. Keeps staring at it. Doesn’t stop.
“You’re not calling.” Brian points out.
Jay grips the phone a little tighter. “I’m still kinda pissed.” He admits, hissing through his teeth. “Why did he lie? Why didn’t— why didn’t he trust me?” His furious gaze turns to Brian, bitterness seeping out into his voice. “Why didn’t you trust me? What was with the code bullshit, why— why did everyone else know what was going on and all of you collectively decided to leave me in the dark?”
Brian thinks of scrambled thoughts, beyond what he’s experiencing even now. Codes upon codes upon codes, masking what needed to be said. He needed to hide his messages— too many eyes were watching, never alone, always watches, can’t trust anyone but desperately needing to at the same time— like a cycle. One that repeats over and over and over and over and—
And he needs to break out of it. Because it spirals his thoughts and has him self sabotaging himself like a snake devouring its own tail until there’s nothing left, is there anything left, how much of you is really left—
“I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes as me.” Brian says slowly, feeling out the words as best as he can. “But I don’t think I did a very good job of that, did I?”
The angry look is gone now, replaced by a guarded one, but almost… Hopeful, he thinks. Like Jay doesn’t think it’s going to immediately crash and burn.
“I’m sorry.” Brian finds himself saying. “For… A lot of things.”
Jay doesn’t say anything. His gaze drops to his phone and after another beat, he presses the call button and brings it up to his ear.
Tim picks up on the third ring. “Jay?” Brian can hear him well enough, being in close proximity and all. He sounds hesitant, almost disbelieving.
Jay swallows before speaking. “Tim. We need to talk.”
Tim pauses for a long moment. “Is this gonna be like the last ‘talk’?” He sounds almost weary but there’s something else there. A wall he’s put up.
“No, I—” Jay lets out a breath, “It’s important. Alex almost—”
“—shot you.” Tim finishes. “I found your camera. I wasn’t sure what the hell happened or if— if you really got out or not but… You should know I’m glad you’re alive, alright?”
“Thanks.” Jay’s gaze flickers to the ground. “I’m not looking to fight but we really need to talk. All of us.”
“You, me, and— and the Hooded Guy.”
“The— he’s with you?” Tim’s voice raises an octave higher.
“Long story. He’s kinda the reason I didn’t get shot but he got shot instead and he needs medical attention. I did what I could but— he lost a lot of blood, Tim. He’s barely standing.”
“‘m fine.” Brian insists.
“You’re delirious— look, Tim, we’re in Rosswood right now. It took us here but— can we meet you back at your place? It's better to do this in person.”
“That’s a long walk. I’ll pick you up— meet me at the parking lot, alright?”
Jay agrees and hangs up soon after. They take off again, now with a new purpose, and the rest of the walk is uneventful.
Tim is just pulling up when they finally get there. He takes one look at Brian and his mouth drops open. Jay tells him to focus on the more important matter and they lay him down in the back of the car to rest. Brian feels sleep dragging him down and finds it hard to resist.
Tim and Jay’s voices wash over him. All tension bleeds out of him and Brian finally sleeps, trusting that they’ll make sure he wakes up again.
— —
Listen. LISTEN. I wanted Jay taking care of a half delirious Hoody!Brian so I know he’s a little more relaxed than he should be but bloodloss and suddenly being in contact with somebody after all that isolation are some powerful drugs. I’m being indulgent, as a treat.
Hope this satisfies your Hurt/Comfort Brian desires, feel free to send more writing requests if you want! I might put this on AO3 too but unsure yet! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thank you very much for the request!!
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ask-undercare · 2 years
Hey, I realized I never gave you the notes I made when making Undercare. So here’s all the info I wrote down, if ur interested:
* The humans cursed the monsters before putting them underground, making their overall health deteriorate. This leaves a lot of monsters with sicknesses, lower health, falling down, and in some cases dying. Boss monsters are more resilient to this, and are unlikely to get very ill.
* Both Frisk and Chara are in and out of the hospital a lot on the surface, mainly from getting hurt while adventuring, getting bullied, and overall it’s pretty easy for Chara to contract diseases. Yet the sicknesses that are spread underground doesn’t affect humans, although they don’t really know that. Therefore, the humans that fall underground can very easily take care of monsters without any risks. Although, it also means it’s easier to kill without any risks as well.
* Genocide route usually involves medical & stealth kills. Considering how huddled together and protected everyone is, it’s a little difficult to section them off and killing them without monsters stopping you before you can do anything. Most common way is to poison someone, either they die from how sick they get from the poison (can last days or weeks), or they die rather quickly (couple minutes-to a few hours).
* The monsters that nurse others have quite a lot of medical knowledge (at least medical knowledge about monsters, it’s probably different for humans considering they don’t have the same structure.) The helpers/nurses also know a lot about souls, (monsters specifically, since not that many humans come to the underground.) Although the higher ups like Undyne and Asgore know a little more about humans than the casual doctors.
* In genocide route, people assume there’s a mass sickness going around killing off monsters, only the ones who are suspicious/scared of humanity suspect Frisk of murder.
* Most people are in some type of protective wear, either for themselves or others. Some wear masks, although some don’t have to - since they cannot breathe in (or out) anything that can be contagious via air.
* Geno route chara with comically large syringe.
* Toriel spends most of her time taking care of monsters in the ruins, since there's not many down there - it's a bit easier than other areas. Yet she works alone and that's still a lot for one monster, she's still a very caring of the human in this au but she is very stressed & works a lot. The spare rooms are usually for patients that need more time to heal.
* The royal care (guard) is for emergency care, those who are about to die or in extreme need are taken care by them. It’s rather hard to make sure someone doesn’t dust, this job is extremely stressful. Papyrus has always been someone who wants to help, he cares a lot about others and wants to be there for the ones in need. He’s one of the monsters others go to if they need a little help, or if someone’s sick. Nothing too crazy, but he really really wants to be apart of the royal care.
* Undyne is still fiery and determined, but she’s still a protector - and always has been. She wants to help the underground. Her personality will not go away because it’s not just about “fighting”.
* Chara died of a sickness they got before falling into the underground, eventually they died from it despite the monsters care.
* A lot of monsters don’t want to fight you, some are too weak to try. Although the ones that are trained to use their magic a lot and have the intention to harm - are a little harder to beat than they are in undertale.
* Alphys keeps the most patients, a lot of them stay there, the royal care visits quite often, especially since a lot of their patients go there. It’s kinda more like a hospital then anything. They also have some rooms dedicated to finding cures and researching the curse and how to get rid of it. This involves research on human souls as well.
* This causes monsters to be inside way more often, and magic food is in even higher demand.
* Everyone is working… so much…. so much stress.
* Surgeons typically inspect on the soul rather than the body.
* Sans is.. still tired, even more so than Classic! He avoids doing any work if he can, he knows the others will take care of it. He helps out with his brother so he doesn’t get overwhelmed with work.
* A lot of places have supplies, masks, protective wear, etc to keep others safe.
* Sanses eye is in a hospital + sign when healing & generally glows green instead of yellow & blue.
* The curse gets lifted when a monster can break the barrier and become god.
* Although a lot of monsters won’t attack you, some definitely will - specifically if they aren’t ill or weak, or afraid of you.
* Alphys, Sans and Flowey have the most medical knowledge in the underground. Although the only monster out of those three to not full on operate on a someone is Sans. (Unless you encounter Malpractice sans)
* Tearaphil is the name of the monsters disease/curse. Might change this, I don’t know.
* Undyne doesn’t let Papyrus into the Royal care because she doesn’t want him to witness monsters dying all the time, she wants what’s best for him, and she worries that him seeing people he’s cared for die would take an extreme emotional toll on him.
* You can recover from the sickness when you have it, there’s around 4 stages. Although it’s easy to catch again once you already have it once.
* Papyrus gets sick sometimes because he takes care of monsters in Snowdin, of course none of them are extremely ill - therefore Papyrus will only be sick for a few days or so, and it will be akin to a cold.
* Instead of Papyruses spaghetti, it’s soup!
And the rest, you already know from asks lmao
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
Paranormal Encounters [Part 2]
König x Poltergeist!OC
Warnings: Fluff, gaslighting, concerned Ghost, cuddling, slow burn multipart series
Summary: A few months have passed since Katya and König first met. The tension between them gone by now, and König can’t help but become more curious about who she is… well was. Just as it gets interesting, someone intrudes on their privacy.
A/n: For the sake of this story, König stays at the same base as the 141 team.
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It’s been a few months now since Katya revealed herself to König. At the beginning it was tense between the two of them, he still had to get used to the idea that he doesn’t know where she was at any given time in his room. Feeling uncomfortable most days knowing his privacy was no longer his own.
When Katya did reveal herself, she would often scare König getting him to grab at his combat knife. Each time she’d apologize while he just sighed, putting the knife away.
Due to the amount of times this happened, König summoned her out one day to make a set of rules for the two of them.
Katya was sat on König’s bed, as he stood in front of her holding a piece of paper. He held a pen in the other. “If I’m going to allow you live- well… reside here. I made a set of rules you need to follow” she chuckled at the change of word choice but nodded. He then began to read from the contract.
“Rule 1: you will not steal any of my belongings, if you want to borrow one you need to ask first. Rule 2: when you are in the room, while I’m here, you have to be visible. Rule 3: if you take a nap on my bed, just make it again afterwards. Rule 4: Do NOT scare me ever. Intentionally. Rule 5: you cannot be anywhere near me during training or missions”
Once he was done he looked at her, she couldn’t help but giggle as she furrowed her brows teasingly. “I shouldn’t scare you? What, do you frighten easily or something?” He couldn’t help the blush that dusted his cheeks, of course she couldn’t see it due to his balaclava but he looked away nonetheless.
He cleared his throat. “Nevermind that. J-just sign it” he handed her the paper and pen, she took it with a smile, signing it before handing it back to him. Her hand grazed his and a shiver went through him at the coldest of her touch. “Good” he was curt before walking off and putting the contract away in a drawer.
Now, the two of them found a comfortable rhythm. She was no longer scaring him when she appeared and he has slowly opened up to her, greeting her when he sees her. They would even sometimes sit on the bed together talking about their day, König telling her about his missions.
It became a daily routine, he’d come back to find Katya on the bed, relaxing, or napping, or reading a book. They would then get comfortable, maybe enjoy a coffee together if König grabbed them from the common area, and just talk.
“I’m glad that it went well König” Katya smiles as she sips from her cup. König nods his head before randomly asking “How did you die?” Looking her in the eyes, compelling unwavering. She clears her throat and puts down the cup.
“U-uh well… I died on a mission” she says shrugging her shoulders. Those words immediately peaked his interest, he shifted so he was facing her directly, now invested in her story. “You… you used to be a soldier?” She shook her head and corrected him. “Lieutenant actually”
“Really?” She merely nods at his question. “Wow. What have you been doing these last 3 years then? Were you just… alone?” at this question Katya pauses for a moment. Debating how much to tell him. I mean, it’s not like he could tell anyone… plus she had no one else she trusted anymore aside from him. Even if she didn’t trust him endlessly.
“Well… actually. No. Call it a ghost task force” she chuckles, swirling her cup of coffee, watching the liquid swirl slowly. “Found me a week or so after I died, and since then I’d been a part of their team. That was until… I decided to leave. Even if they wouldn’t let me. I had to” her expression drops, recalling what became of her after she died.
His eyebrows furrowed at her words. “What do you mean? You had to? And why wouldn’t they let you?” He was only more curious and had so many questions but before she could answer them, there was a knock on the door, he looked at it, turning from Katya, watching it open slowly. In walks Ghost with a confused expression.
“Hey König… who are you talking to?” This question causes König to look back to where Katya was sitting, seeing that she vanished. “O-oh I was talking to…” König tried to think of an answer before looking back at the Lieutenant. “Myself” he decides to say but Ghost looks unconvinced, making it clear when he says “I heard another voice. A… female voice” König only shrugs. “Alright then… I’ll go” Ghost then begins to turn.
König’s eyes then shift to look behind Ghost, where he notices a hand phase in reaching towards the knife in his pocket. König stands up quickly as he shouts out “NO! Don’t do that!” Causing the hand to quickly phase away again. But also Ghost to turn back around in shock.
“W-What? Why?” Ghost stops dead in his tracks but König then awkward chuckles before saying “nothing! I thought I saw uh… I thought…” he couldn’t think of an excuse so he just settled on an awkward shrug causing Ghost to eye him up and down. “Get some rest. You had a tough mission today” and he then leaves the room.
König sighs before sitting back down on the bed. He notices Katya phase back so he can see her. She’s blushing and just floats in the air in front of him. He looks up at her shaking his head “You can’t do that, Ghost would’ve felt your presence in a heartbeat” making eye contact with her.
She floats down to stand in front of him. She shrugs with a cheeky smile simply saying “Even if he did, it’s not like he can hurt me” She had a point. But König looks at her unimpressed, she sighs and then nods, letting her smile drop slightly. “Alright. I won’t do it again. I just wanted to see his knife…” König looks at her, tilting his head.
“Why?” At his question Katya shrugs, floating back over to the bed. “It’s identical to the one I had. The serrated blade, leather handle, gold embellishments” She sits back down on the chair, crossing her legs and looking at her lap.
“When you’re a soldier so long, it’s the only thing you can really fidget with whenever you’re bored” Katya let’s out a soft chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. “I get it. It only feels like another limb to me now” König says in a soft voice, hoping to ease her discomfort. She looks up at him and smiles.
“I’m guessing it didn’t stay with you once you died?” He goes on to ask and she just shakes her head. “Only thing I kept was my body and the clothes I died in” he looks down at her clothing, noticing how it was regular clothes… not military gear. ‘She said she died on a mission…’ He furrowed his brows as he thought to himself, intending to ask her about it.
But as he looked back up at her face, he noticed her unease, recognizes her growing discomfort from talking about her past. He just nods his head and decides to save his other questions for another time. He watches her grab for her coffee before shifting on the chair, trying to get comfortable.
“How about we watch a movie hm?” He wants to remove the tension from the air, thinking a little down time was perfect for that. Katya looks at him before thinking for a moment, she then gives a smile “That sounds great” He nods and reaches for the remote for the tv in his room.
He notices her shift again and then pats at the open space on the bed. “It’s more comfortable” at that she just smiles and floats over to sit next to him. When he felt her cold presence, he scooted over slightly to give her more space. “What movie?” He asks her but she just shrugs, taking a sip from her drink.
“Anything released in the last 3 years? I haven’t really been able to keep up with any new movies” She spoke with a joking tone and he nods, after selecting a movie they sit an watch till they’re about a quarter of the way through.
The whole time he was debating whether to ask her for a favor… not wanting to make her uncomfortable with such an odd request. After a while he decides to simply do it, because what does he have to lose. He turns his head slightly, not enough to look at her but enough to signify he was talking to her.
“Hey Katya…” he begins to say and she looks at him, waiting for his next words. “Remember the day we first met?” He spoke quieter than usual, as if unsure whether he should even be asking this from her. She was taken aback but nods hesitantly.
“Could you… give me a massage? Like you did that day?” He paused for a moment, waiting nervously for her response. Katya smiled and nodded “Of course König, it’s the least I can do” before floating up into the air slightly, watching as König scoots forward on the bed giving her space behind him.
She floats behind him, moving higher up in the air, in order to be able to see the tv over his large figure. While he waited for her to position herself he shifted in his spot anxiously. Before she can begin, he suddenly asks “s-should I take off my gear?” A blush creeping up his neck, onec again not wanting to make her uncomfortable with the situation.
“No, that’s alright” she reassures him before placing her hands on his shoulders, phasing them through the gear to touch his bare shoulders. They’re cold, causing him to tremble slightly, but they feel soft and gentle against his skin. He relaxes under her touch. Her hands able to massage into his muscles expertly.
“Mmmmm…” König can’t help but groan out as he feels the tension in his body leave him, only making Katya more comfortable and confident in her efforts, digging her thumb into where she can feel a knot of tension. When she presses against it he can’t help but flinch lightly and groan out loudly.
“G-god… right there” he says softly making her smile. She continues to massage him, feeling him relax slowly. Even noticing how his eyes closed, completely entranced in the feeling of her touch. She was just glad that he felt comfortable enough to ask her for this. She wanted to help him… I mean, he was letting her stay in his room for free always checking in on her.
As time passed she could feel König lean back towards her, she then slowly phased her body into the bed. Allowing his body to fall and rest again his bed. She massaged him a little bit more until she heard his soft snores and his heavy breathing.
At that, she floats out of the bed, turning off the movie, pulling the blanket over him, and then going to lie on the bed next to him. As she lies there, silently watching this behemoth of a man, who she’s sure has killed hundreds of people, sleep so peacefully… she couldn’t help but feel at peace.
As the seconds past she scooted closer and closer to him. Feeling the heat practically radiate off him, she suddenly felt very cold. Well… she always felt cold but right now she felt cold and alone.
“He won’t mind if I…” she thought and slowly shifted to lie right next to his body, carefully resting her hand on his chest and throwing a leg over his own. Trying her best not to wake him up and hoping her cold presence won’t do the same. She let out a soft breath as she was finally comfortable, before closing her eyes.
She can’t help but feel that she found a new home… glad she was able to escape her old one. “I think I’ve found my Token… it’s you König” If only the others could see her now.
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poiboi133 · 2 years
What If… The Emily and Afton kids were criminals?
“Judging a book by its cover doesn’t only harm the judge, it harms the one who is convicted. It can happen to anyone, and anywhere. It can be caused by the actions of others that are like the convicted, or based on the way the convicted looks.. Or, in this universe, the convicted can be judged by the actions of those before them.” Old Man Consequences looked down into the pond, and flicked the water.
– – –
“The jury found Mr. William Afton guilty of the deaths of five innocent children within Fredbear’s Family Diner. His wife has been charged with tampering of the evidence, since many former customers claimed that the two often stuck together. Along with them, Henry Emily along with his sister and wife, have also been charged with tampering with evidence. The jury claims that the Emily’s had ensured that all evidence was hidden in order to keep the diner open.”
The reporter turned to her companion, who was apparently someone who had been in the court hearings of the five individuals.
“That’s right. And tonight, they will all be executed for their crimes. This is a tragedy and a serious crime that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Five children would still be alive had it not been for the Afton’s and Emily’s actions. You ask me, this is exactly what they deserve-”
The TV switched off, followed by something hard hitting Michael’s head.
“Hear that? You son of a bitch?” Called a voice.
Michael turned to see another one of the orphan teenagers, who was glaring right at him. And was preparing to throw his other shoe at Michael.
“Your folks are gonna die! And if the boss wasn’t keeping you safe, we’d strangle you to death right now!”
Cheers came from behind the two, the other orphan teenagers clapped their hands and began to throw other objects at Michael. They sneered and threw names at him. Such as “Willy Jr,” “monster,” “freak,” and any other bad word they could throw at him.
Michael grabbed his belongings and rushed out of the room, but the headmistress stopped him in his tracks.
“Get back in your room, Afton.” She commanded him.
She always acted like a military sergeant towards Michael, but she was kind and motherly towards the other teenagers in her care.
“I don’t want to hear it.” She cut off Michael, and pointed back to his room, where the other teenagers were waiting for him. “Your room, now.”
Michael sighed and walked back in, the headmistress slammed the door shut behind him.
In an instant, Michael was crushed beneath a crowd of teenagers. All of them beating on his back, kicking his sides, and punching the back of his head.
All while they were shouting insults at him.
Just how things usually went in the orphanage.
Michael being jumped, and couldn’t fight back.
– – –
“Where did the other children go?”
“Away from you, Afton.” The headmistress sneered.
Elizabeth was supposed to be eating lunch with the other kids, but she was alone.
Except for the headmistress, who never seemed to like her.
“I don’t understand! Why won’t you let me play with them?” Elizabeth demanded, pushing away her lunch tray.
“How dare you raise your tone at me?” The headmistress shot back. “I cannot trust you with the other children, especially after what your parents have done!” She slammed her hand on the table, gesturing towards Elizabeth’s lunch tray. “Now eat your lunch, I cannot let a child ruin my perfect reputation.”
“But I didn’t do anything wrong!” Elizabeth pleaded, she stood up from her chair. “Oh please! Let me play with them! At least Sammy and Charlie!”
“OH!” She gasped. “And what? Leave the three of you to murder other innocent children in cold blood?” The headmistress exclaimed in shock. “You are all monstrosities and abominations, like your parents, you can never belong.”
Elizabeth was about to open her mouth to respond back to the headmistress..
But nothing came out.
Instead, she sat down patiently and began to eat.
The headmistress walked away from the child, leaving her alone.
– – –
The plush didn’t respond. No familiar, calming voice to soothe his fear.
“Fredbear, please..” Evan pleaded, he shook his favorite plushie a bit. But nothing happened, there was no response.
He was all alone.
Nobody was allowed to see him, not even Michael and Elizabeth.
He didn’t understand why this happened at all.
Why were they taken away?
Why did Fredbear not talk anymore?
What happened to mom and dad?
Why did everybody else in the new home hate him?
Wasn’t he allowed to be happy?
Can he be happy again?
“Evan, will you please cease speaking to that plush bear?”
Evan looked up, the headmistress was standing in the doorway. “It’s not a real bear, it will not speak to you.”
“He used to talk to me, he just doesn’t now for some reason.” Evan responded, he turned back to Fredbear. Hoping that he would finally say something.
“Alright, that’s enough.” The headmistress grabbed Fredbear by the head and turned to leave with him, much to Evan’s dismay.
“WAIT! NO! GIVE HIM BACK!” Evan cried. He jumped out of his bed and ran towards the headmistress.
“You cannot be serious.” She shot back in response, grabbing Evan by his ear. “This thing cannot speak to you, and it likely never has been talking to you! For all we know it could’ve all been in your head. After all, what else am I to expect from the spawn of a serial killer?” She let go of Evan’s ear, and stormed out of the room. Then slammed the door shut, and locked it.
“Wait!” Evan yelled, banging against the door. “Please let me out! I’m sorry! I won’t yell at you again!”
The headmistress didn’t return.
“Please..” Evan whimpered as he fell to his knees.
There was no answer.
Evan slumped down to the floor.. And began to cry, hearing a signature line that Fredbear would use to say;
“Tomorrow is another day.”
– – –
“Charlotte!” The headmistress boomed. “Where are you, you little abomination?!”
Charlie remained in her hiding spot, the janitor’s room.
The door was shut and the lights were out, she remained as quiet as she could. Holding in her breath, and not moving a muscle.
She had successfully collected all of the parts that she needed for her robot, now she just had to get to her room without being seen.
“CHARLOTTE EMILY!” The headmistress called out once again, her voice was becoming distant. Along with her footsteps, meaning that she was getting farther away.
Charlie opened the door slightly, just enough for her to peek out into the hallway.
The headmistress was nowhere to be seen.
Charlie crept quietly out of the room and down the hallway, heading back to her room. It wasn’t far, she just had to walk past a few doors in order to get to her room. As she tiptoed to her room, she made sure that the headmistress couldn’t hear her moving.
She quickly closed her room’s door and carried the pieces she collected towards her bed. Charlie set the pieces onto her bed, and reached underneath her bed for her robot.
It wasn’t much, just a few pieces of excess kitchen utensils that would run through using a rotor. It just needed a few joints and moveable cogs in order to function. Which were what the spare cogs and pieces that Charlie collected in the janitor room were for.
Keeping as quiet as she could, Charlie began to work on her miniature robot.
But was cut off by the sound of footsteps marching towards her room.
Charlie hid everything beneath her bed, and tucked herself under the sheets.
“..there you are.” The headmistress’s voice said. “Trying to fool me by pretending to sleep are you? Well it certainly won’t work again, young lady. You’re staying inside this room for the entirety of tomorrow.” With that, she slammed the door shut and locked it.
Charlie jolted out of bed, and tried to pry the door open. But it wouldn’t budge.
“HEY! COME BACK!” She called through the door. “YOU SAID THAT I..”
She dropped to the floor.
“You said.. I could be with Sammy tomorrow.. How am I supposed to give him the present I made for him..?” She turned to look at her bed, she had planned to give Sammy the robot as a gift.
After all, neither of them could be together, or in the same room.
Especially after what their parents had done.
– – –
“Where’s Charlie?” Sammy asked, looking up at the headmistress.
“She’s in her room, where she belongs.” The headmistress responded, glaring down at Sammy. “And if I wasn’t putting my reputation at risk, I certainly would have locked you in your room too.” She walked away from Sammy, leaving the boy speechless.
Sammy walked over towards the playroom window, nothing better to do in the playroom when you’re the only kid there. He stared out into the small town of Hurricane, wishing that he was out there rather than being trapped in here.
It felt like a prison.
Like on the TV shows Sammy used to watch with Charlie, he wanted to escape from this prison. The prison that they didn’t deserve to be in.
Sammy looked around the window, searching for a way to open it. But the window seemed to be completely shut, the only way out would have to be through the playground. But even then, it would be way too risky to try and escape through the playground. The headmistress would be keeping an eye on them, especially Sammy, Charlie, Michael, Elizabeth, and Evan.
Not that it could really work anyway..
Each of them were allowed out on the playground at different times of the day. They couldn’t be outside together, or with the other kids.
Who weren’t big fans of Sammy.
He didn’t understand.
He didn’t deserve their hatred, he didn’t even do anything wrong to them. But they all walked away from him when he wanted to play, they ran to the headmistress. Who would scold Sammy and send him back to his room.
Everyone besides Charlie, Michael, Elizabeth, and Evan hated him.
And the others hated them as well.
But Sammy had enough.
He wouldn’t let them stay within the walls of this prison any longer. Sammy couldn’t do this on his own, he needed help.
– – –
“Mikey! Mike-”
Sammy’s hopeful tone died out upon discovering Michael’s face. He had one black eye, and there were several scars along his face.
“..Samuel?” Michael asked, turning around to look at him. “What is it?”
“I.. come on, we can’t let her hear us.” He pointed to the headmistress, who was observing the other kids at the moment.
Michael followed Sammy into another room, and ensured that the headmistress didn’t see them.
“What is it?” Michael asked, rubbing his injured eye.
“We have to get out of here.” Sammy responded. “Look at what they did to you, if we stay here any longer we might be dead!”
“Sammy.. nobody leaves this place.” Michael responded sadly. “Even if we could, what would we even do?”
“..I don’t know.” Sammy hadn’t thought ahead of escaping from this prison. Escape was the only thing on his mind. “But all of our siblings are hurting! We can’t let this go on any longer!”
“Sammy, I would love being able to live out in the world.. but we can’t.” Michael turned to leave.
“But we’ll never know unless we try!” Sammy said, running in front of Michael to cut him off. “You’re a great planner. You can come up with something!.” He looked up hopefully at Michael, who appeared to be reconsidering what he previously said to Sammy.
Michael’s eyes were closed, and he took a deep breath in.
“..right. Give me time to think.”
– – –
“Okay. On my count, you make a run for it.” Michael advised, pointing towards the headmistress’s room. Elizabeth nodded once she heard her part of the plan.
“Sammy, I want you to make a distraction. You know what that distraction is, right?”
Sammy nodded, he was to run out to the playground and throw stuff around.
“Charlie, your robot will be the one to unlock the headmistress’s door. Is it ready?”
Charlie nodded in response, and handed her miniature robot to Elizabeth.
“And Evan, make sure nobody gets in our way.”
Evan nodded nervously.
“Don’t worry, we will get Fredbear back.” Michael said, patting his little brother’s head. Earning a smile from Evan.
“Okay.. Sammy.. Go!”
Sammy ran down the hallway towards the stairs to get outside.
“When the headmistress goes outside, Elizabeth, get ready to run.” Michael peeked out of the janitor’s room, waiting to see if the headmistress would come out. Which did happen, the headmistress stormed out of her room and hurried outside to the playground. Muttering as she hurried past the four.
“Okay. Go!” Michael said, slightly pushing Elizabeth.
Elizabeth ran down the hallway as fast as she could, carrying the robot in her hand as she hurried.
“Charlie, go meet us at the front door, okay?” Michael said, earning a quick response from Charlie as she bolted out of the janitor’s room.
“Evan, I’m going to keep an eye on the headmistress out on the playground. I want you to stay outside her office, and if you hear me whistle, that means she’s coming back inside. Okay?” Michael stepped out of the janitor’s room and was about to hurry to the playground, but was stopped when he saw Evan shaking whilst peeking out the door. “Evan? ..don’t worry, we can do this!” Michael assured him.
Evan took a deep breath in, and nodded slowly. He quickly tiptoed towards the headmistress’s office door. Once he arrived he stood outside to make sure that nobody entered to see Elizabeth.
Michael ran down the hallway to the playground, leaving Evan alone standing outside the headmistress’s door.
“I’ve got it!” Elizabeth said, shaking the headmistress’s keys in the air, and Fredbear in the other.
“Okay, let’s get out of here before we get killed!” Evan exclaimed, he grabbed Elizabeth’s hand and ran for the front entrance.
As they ran through the halls of the orphanage, they discovered Sammy and Michael running towards the front entrance from another hallway.
Charlie was already at the front door, jumping in glee at the sight of seeing her friends running towards her with the keys in hand.
– – –
“They didn’t think ahead of escaping.. and what happened next? ” Old Man Consequences asked, staring down into the pond. “After escaping their prison, the five were never smiled upon for their bravery. They were always to be frowned, pointed, and shamed by others. Because to the outside world, the five children were exactly like their parents. Nobody wanted to take them in, they were homeless for so long. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months became years. Living on scraps in alleyways, stealing clothes from drying racks between buildings, and only got the chance to drink water once the rain settled in..” The scenery of the pond turned into a street store, late at night, and hardly anybody was around. “But on this cold and fateful evening, five years after their escape, their lives would change forever..”
– – –
“How long has it been since we last ate?” Sammy asked, holding his grumbling stomach. It felt like it was about to fall apart.
“..can’t remember.” Charlie responded, huddling against her brother as they slouched against the walls of the store. “Feels like it’s been years..”
“It has been years, three years to be exact.” Elizabeth said, shivering in the cold breeze. “Believe it or not, I’m craving those crumpets the headmistress would make every now and then..”
“We’re not going back.” Michael responded. “We have to keep moving..”
“But we’re hungry, Mikey..” Evan said, holding his brother’s arm. “We need something to eat.”
Michael sighed, then kept his vision directly on the food within the store in front of them. There wasn’t much, just a couple of fruits, chips, and muffins.
But it would have to do.
“Wait here.” Michael said. “I’m going to get food.”
“How?” Sammy asked, standing up from where he was seated. “We don’t have money. Besides, they’re not gonna just give it to you.”
“He’s right.” Elizabeth commented. “It’ll just be the same thing over and over again..”
“I don’t care.” Michael answered as he reached for the front door. “We’re all getting something to eat.” With that, he stepped inside the store. It smelled of cigars and the place was completely stacked, shelves full of magazines, old books, newspapers, and headphones.
Basically everything you’d find within a convenience store.
“Can I help you?” A voice called from the checkout table.
“...I need a favor.” Michael answered, turning to look at the clerk. Whose face turned from curious to concern and anger.
Then he pulled a gun from beneath the table.
Michael was about to bolt out of the store before the clerk stopped him.
“Ah! AH! Don’t move! Don’t make me shoot you!” He warned, aiming the gun directly at Michael’s face. “You’re worth a ton of money.. Along with the other four kids you ran away with..”
“Please.. We’re.. We’re not what you think we are!” Michael pleaded, holding his hands up. “We just want something to eat!”
“Then prove it.” The clerk said, still aiming the gun at Michael. “Empty your wallet.”
“I.. I don’t have any money on me.” Michael answered innocently.
“Don’t bullshit me.” The clerk shot back. “You’ve gotta have some inheritance from your old man.. Your sick.. murderous old man..” The clerk growled as he settled another finger on the trigger.
“Please..! We’ll just take–”
“I ain’t giving you shit, kid.” The clerk sneered. “Except for this bullet in your head..”
A bang ran through the air.
Michael fell to the floor, face forwards.
When he opened his eyes, he expected to see blood..
But there wasn’t any.
All there was.. Was the screaming of his brother, charging past Michael towards the checkout table. Then, he was suddenly lifted off the ground. Charlie and Sammy helped him up, whilst Elizabeth charged at the clerk.
Punches and a few more gunshots ran throughout the store. But the bullets had all missed, as Evan was holding the clerks arm above his head. Each bullet fired was shot into the ceiling.
Michael ran towards the clerk to help his siblings. Charlie and Sammy followed behind him. Elizabeth was pulling the clerk by the back of his shirt, causing him to lean back. Michael leaped over the table and began to deliver a fury of punches to the clerks face. Charlie and Sammy kicked at the clerks legs, which made him fall to his knees.
Michael delivered one last final blow to the clerks neck.
The injured clerk fell face first to the floor, coughing and hacking wildly.
Charlie picked up the gun the clerk dropped, and threw it across the store towards the entrance.
“Are you okay?!” Evan cried as he hugged Michael tightly.
“Yes.. I’m.. I’m fine.” Michael answered, completely out of breath. As he caught his breath, the clerk was getting his back stomped by Charlie and Sammy, keeping him from getting up.
Elizabeth hopped over the table and ran for the food on the shelves, Sammy turned around and opened the cash register, emptying out all the money the store had.
“Wait!” Evan exclaimed, letting go of Michael.
“We need food! Besides, this halfwit deserves this!” Elizabeth responded as she filled her pockets with as much food as possible.
“But we need to find our getaway car!” Evan searched through the clerk’s things. “Michael, you can drive right?” Evan asked as he quickly moved things out of his way.
“Uh.. yes. But-”
“None of us but you can drive! I’ve seen you do it before!” Charlie said as she delivered her final stomps to the clerk’s back.
“..alright, just find the key and let's get out of here!” Michael helped Evan search through the items behind the clerk, he had to have had a car key or something!
“I found a key!” Evan exclaimed as he shook a key in the air.
“Good! Let’s get the hell out of here!” Elizabeth said as she headed towards the door. Charlie and Sammy followed behind, Michael and Evan grabbed a few more of the clerk’s belongings and headed to the door.
“GET BACK HERE.. THIEVES!” The clerk yelled as the group ran away.
– – –
“Their first heist. Though it was mainly out of desperation and not intentional, they had successfully robbed the store, and had gotten away with it.” He tapped the surface again, changing the scene to a sidewalk. “But with every upside, there is a downside, because now everyone has confirmation of one thing.. That the descendants of the Aftons and Emily’s were, in fact, criminals…”
– – –
“Now, we turn the mic to our next guest. The victim of a robbery by the children of the Afton’s and Emily’s, an innocent store clerk who was attacked while trying to defend himself from them.”
The newswoman turns to look at the clerk from the store, who had a slightly purple eye from Michael’s punches.
Which he was very much proud of, but wouldn’t show whilst out in public. He needed to lay low, and brought a large hoodie with him to help hide his face. The other four wore similar disguises, just to keep themselves from being identified.
“Thank you for being with us today, sir. How would you describe it when you noticed that it was Michael Afton who entered the store that evening?”
“Well, I was completely shocked and terrified.” The clerk answered. “My heart was racing, my feet shaking, I thought I was gonna die!”
Michael clenched his fist in his coat pockets.
“What did you think Michael was going to do to you?” The newswoman asked.
“I thought he was gonna pull out a knife and stab me!” The clerk said. “He threatened me! He told me that if I didn’t let him steal all of the food I had on sale, he was gonna rip my tongue out! And you wanna know what else? I wasn’t even going to pull the trigger, until I saw his gang come barging into my store! Then.. they jumped me! Beat me to the floor! And robbed me!” He slammed his fist on the table. “We all knew that they were dangerous, and all it took was a little temptation for them to give in to their inner demons!”
Murmurs of agreement ran throughout the crowd watching the TV from the window, that was all Michael needed to hear.
He walked away, full of rage and resentment. The other four quickly followed.
“Fine..” He growled. “They think we’re the bad guys?”
“You weren’t paying attention to the TV?” Elizabeth asked as she caught up with him.
“Well.. there’s nothing we can do to change their minds now.” Michael said, he turned around to look at the others. “I’m tired of being nice to them. Aren’t you?”
The others nodded in response.
“Yeah, they don’t deserve our kindness!” Evan declared, stomping his foot on the ground.
“That man almost killed you, and then said that he was innocent. Whatever you have in mind, Mikey, I’m in.” Elizabeth said, giving Michael a face of approval.
“Dad used to tell me to follow the ‘Golden Rule..’ well that ship’s been burnt down!” Charlie cracked her knuckles with a wide grin.
“If we can’t be the best, maybe we should try being the worst!” Sammy said with a face full of excitement.
“Thanks guys. Now let’s give the people what they want!” Michael said as he hurried down the sidewalk, with the other four in pursuit.
– – –
“There. That’s the moment that decided the future of this universe.” Old Man Consequences reached into the pond and pushed the water from right to left. Changing the scene of the sidewalk to a large city. “Nine years later, they became what many would describe as the greatest criminals of all time.”
Everything was peaceful, all was well, everything was prospering and grand the city.
Until people ran out of the local museum, followed by two familiar individuals barging out of a window.
– – –
Michael and Sammy raced to the truck, carrying artifacts worth thousands. The truck was blocking a nearby parking space, and there was a line honking and yelling at the vehicle.
But it all died down when they saw Sammy and Michael running past them and getting into the truck.
Michael backed up quickly, pushing the cars behind him to the sides of the entryway, then quickly drove away.
“WOO!” Michael yelled. “Beep beep!”
Sammy laughed maniacally as they drove away. “You think they’ll be able to pay for that?”
“What? The stolen artifacts, or the cars?” Michael responded, smiling madly as he sped up. “Alright, let’s go get Charlie!”
He turned multiple curves, causing multiple accidents along the way, which were surprisingly non fatal.
“Hey, Mike. We got a tail.” Sammy said, looking out the window.
The police and swat team were heading straight towards them, speeding up to catch up with Michael and Sammy.
“Heh, we can lose them.” Michael said assuringly, putting more pressure on the gas pedal. “Watch this.” Michael honked his horn three times.
The leading swat truck suddenly began to spin in circles, blocking and crashing into the other police vehicles behind them. In doing so, creating a cloud of dust and smoke. And the same swat truck headed towards them.
Michael slowed down as Sammy opened the back door.
The swat vehicle caught up with them, and the person driving dived into the open door.
“Not bad, Lizzie.” Michael commented as he sped up again.
The swat member removed their mask, goggles, and helmet, revealing Elizabeth.
“Not bad?” She asked. “I might’ve just saved your arses!”
“You mean asses, and how the hell did you even pull that off?” Sammy asked. “Didn’t you have to go through the FBI or something?”
“I have my ways and I got all the evidence the government had against us.” She teased, and handed him several files with their faces and names on them.
“She’s my sister, Sammy.” Michael said, looking back to them in the rearview mirror. “If anyone should know it’s–” Michael suddenly hit the breaks, causing the two to hit the seats in front of them
“OW! THE HELL, MICHAEL?!” Elizabeth exclaimed as she rubbed her forehead.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry! I almost passed by Charlie!” Michael answered, pointing to the bank they parked beside.
The sirens were going off, and two endoskeletons were standing guard outside. They were holding smoke grenades in their hands and appeared to be waiting for someone.
Then the doors barged open, and Charlie ran out with three smaller endoskeletons holding duffel bags of money.
Sammy opened the door and helped them inside.
“Okay! GoGoGOGOGO!” Charlie said, rapidly patting Michael’s shoulder.
“What about them?” Michael asked as he hit the gas pedal.
“Don’t worry, they’re old models anyway.” Charlie responded. “Besides, I managed to break my record!”
“What?! No. You’re lying!” Elizabeth said as she inspected the duffel bags.
“Five hundred thousand dollars!” Charlie replied, relaxing back into the chair.
Sammy and Elizabeth’s mouth gaped open upon opening the duffel bags. Their mouths let out gasps that turned into laughter.
Charlie grinned proudly.
“Waaaait. What?!” Michael said, turning around to look at the money. “Charlie! You fucking legend!” He gave Charlie a fist bump, ignoring the cars that he was pushing aside. “Alright, one last stop.”
Michael headed for the local boardwalk, which was only just one straight drive down the road they were on. Michael honked the horn, but that didn’t stop him from crashing and pushing other cars out of the way.
And the smooth feeling of the truck driving on concrete turned into a slightly bumpy feeling, they had reached the boardwalk. Michael made a hard right, passing by several stands, but not hitting anybody.
People screamed and jumped out of the way as the truck came their way, but the four in the truck seemed so nonchalant as they sped down the boardwalk. Then they stopped once they reached a purple stand..
Where the sounds of people fighting and glass breaking were heard.
Then, Evan appeared from the dust and rubble, letting out a war cry.
“Evan!” Elizabeth yelled, cutting off Evan’s war cry. “Let’s go!”
Evan hurried to the vehicle, and threw the stolen jewels to Michael. He sat next to Michael in the passenger seat. “NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE, BITCHES!” He screamed out of the window to the ruined jewelry stand.
“Dear god, Evan! Your face!” Michael said, once again ignoring what he was crashing into.
“What?” Evan asked innocently.
“You have splinters everywhere!” Elizabeth said, plucking out the visible pieces of wood sticking out of Evan’s face.
“Well at least it’s not as bad AS THEIR SPLINTERS!” Evan cried as he leaned to the window.
“Alright, you made your point. Now calm yourself.” Elizabeth demanded as she continued to remove splinters from Evan’s face.
“You should’ve seen the look on their faces!” Evan continued, triumphantly. “I bet everybody thought that I was still the little coward I was back then!”
“Alright, let’s see how your confidence handles this.” Michael made a quick left, smashing through empty stands and back into the city, and Michael honked the horn several times.
Revealing their location to a police helicopter above them.
“Uh… Mike?” Charlie asked as she took notice of the flying vehicle. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What? Aren’t you in the mood for a high-speed chase?” Michael asked.
“You couldn’t have gone for police cars?!” Elizabeth demanded as the car made several sharp turns in every direction.
“Don’t worry, we’re near our exit. We’ll make it out of here easily!” Michael answered reassuringly as he headed towards the highway. “Let’s put some music on, that’ll make everything better!”
“DIBS!” Evan called as he hit the play button on the truck’s radio.
Any Way You Want It started playing on the radio.
“Oh! I love this song!” Sammy said, shaking his head to the beat of the music.
The five began singing the lyrics loudly as they speeded on the highway, passing several cars and almost causing multiple car crashes. But their music began to drown out when they heard the whirring of the helicopter get closer. Yet they still continued singing on, because their escape route was coming up ahead. The truck drove through an underpass on the highway, cutting off the helicopter’s pursuit.
“See? I told you that I can handle it.” Michael said as he made a right turn in the underpass, crashing past traffic cones and into a blocked off path in the underpass.
The path led them through darkness, and eventually, an abandoned parking lot where construction workers used to stay.
Michael parked the truck in the middle of the lot. Everyone grabbed a stolen item and headed towards an old elevator on the far side of the lot.
“So what do we do with these?” Charlie asked, waving their FBI files in her hand.
“Burn them, blend them, whatever you guys wanna do to get rid of them.” Michael responded as the elevator went down.
Down to their home and base of operations.
“And these?” Evan asked, shaking the bags of jewels.
“Let’s split them!” Sammy suggested, eyeing the bags.
“Oh no, these are all mine. I changed my mind.” Evan said, huddling the bags.
“Evan.” Elizabeth said sternly.
“Alright, alright, I’ll share them.” Evan said disappointingly.
“Y’know what? If I didn’t know you better, I figured you might’ve killed one of the guys in the stand and hid the evidence in the bags.” Sammy said.
“What? No! We follow our moral code!” Evan shot back defensively. “I didn’t kill anyone or anything, we just got into an argument that turned into a fight!”
“Okay, okay, let’s cut the drama. I’m hungry, what’s for lunch?” Michael said as the elevator reached the bottom. The doors opened, revealing a vast room that had a kitchen, living room, and five bedrooms separated by concrete walls.
Around the entire place were stolen artifacts, money piles, stolen art pieces, stolen trophies, and anything that was worth stealing.
“They didn’t have donuts in the station, just make yourselves sandwiches.” Elizabeth said while grabbing the matches from the kitchen table.
“Good idea, I can’t remember the last time we had s’mores.” Evan said while digging through the pantry.
“S’mores?” Sammy demanded. “Sandwiches are made up of two pieces of bread and have either meat, cheese, or vegetables inside of them.”
“Graham crackers are made of wheat, same as bread. It still technically counts.” Evan responded, roasting his marshmallow over the fire set by Elizabeth using the FBI files.
“No it doesn’t.” Elizabeth countered, adding one more match to the little fire.
“Here we go..” Michael sighed as he rested on the couch.
– – –
“Nine years of robbery and stealing, delving further into this world of being the villain. Accepting what the world saw them as, playing the role that others had unfairly bestowed upon them. And without anyone from outside their group to help or guide them, the five saw themselves as destined to be the bad guys.” OMC tapped the surface of the pond again, changing the scene of the liar to a busy street. “But it wouldn’t last long. After all, what goes up, must come down.”
– – –
“You sure this place is worth robbing?” Evan called to Michael, in front of Elizabeth. His voice echoed throughout the vents, ringing within all of their ears. “Security around the vents is way too light.”
“Trust me, it is!” Michael answered back. “I mean, why else would the CIA consider this a place of ‘utmost importance?’”
“Probably hiding some government secrets down here.” Sammy said, behind Charlie who was behind Evan. “Maybe even the nuclear war codes!”
“Imagine that.” Charlie responded. “Not only would we be the greatest criminals of all time.. We’d also be the most dangerous and strongest!”
“Okay, okay, let’s stay on track here. I don’t want to be the only one still in contact with reality here.” Elizabeth said. “That’s usually Sammy’s job.”
“Hey, no it isn-”
“Wait! I think this is it..” Michael said, cutting off Sammy. Michael had his eyes on a grate in front of him, which was illuminating a teal color. “Charlie, pass me that mechanical fist you were working on!”
Charlie handed said mechanical fist to Evan, who handed it to Elizabeth, and then gave it to Michael. Mustering up all his strength, Michael used the fist to punch the vent grate open. The grate fell from its place and crashed on the floor, which only seemed a few feet below the vent.
“Alright, let’s go.” Michael said, hopping down into the room. The other four followed..
Only to find that the room was empty.
“Great. Nice work, Mike.” Evan grumbled. “Now we gotta find our way back up there.”
“No.. this can’t be it. There’s gotta be something-”
Michael stopped dead in his tracks, staring off at something in the distance.
“..Mike?” Charlie asked, walking in front of him.
Michael walked past Charlie towards one end of the room, where the shape of Fredbear could be made out.
Once Charlie laid her eyes on it, she too was speechless. And then she noticed that there were four other large shapes in the room.
“..like seeing the face of God..” Evan whispered as he headed over towards where Michael was standing.
“Amen, little brother.” Michael responded, staring up at the lifeless yellow bear. “It’s been.. ages..”
“I remember when he used to sing and dance every day..” Evan said, smiling up at the old memory.
“Yeah, and how scared you were of it.” Michael teased, elbowing his brother.
“Hey! I was still a kid then!” Evan shot back.
“Guys? You might wanna see this!” Charlie called from the other side of the room.
Sammy and Elizabeth hurried over to where Charlie was, Michael and Evan followed.
When they got to Charlie’s side of the room, they saw three large animatronics and a big blue and purple box.
One of the animatronics appeared to be a fox, completely covered in red fur, except for its brown pants. It had a hook in its right hand, an eyepatch over its right eye, and an open gaping maw. Giving it the impression of a pirate.
The other looked like an enormous clown girl. Standing taller than the fox and Fredbear, she had red-orange hair, a red top and tutu. Her skin was mostly white, and her body appeared to be in several pieces and plates. She held a microphone in her left hand, and had a happy smile with human-like teeth.
The third large animatronic in the room was much larger and longer than the fox, clown, and Fredbear. This animatronic looked like an enormous snake, covered in green-scaled metal. However, two pairs of claws could be seen around its long body, like hands and feet. Its eye was a fierce yellow, and a striking black pupil. It had little red diamonds on its green scaly-body, and had several spikes on its back which were connected by pink sails between each one.
“Bloody hell.. what were they doing in here?” Michael whispered at the sight of each animatronic.
“Probably trying to hide whatever else our families had to show..” Sammy responded, looking at each animatronic. “..brings back memories..”
“What? Of the orphanage?” Elizabeth asked.
“No, I meant before that. When we were all living with our parents, and when nobody..” Sammy’s voice trailed off. “...nevermind.”
Following that, there was a long period of silence.
It irked each of them to think about the past.
The silence filled the room with gloom and tragedy.
Until it was broken by the sound of a music box.
Which was being wound by Charlie.
She had her hand on a crank on the left side of the blue and purple box, which slowly caused the top of the box to split open into two pieces. As Charlie kept winding the box, something began to rise from within the music box. Seemingly mesmerized by the sight, Charlie didn’t stop winding the music box, and her crew didn’t stop her.
From within the box, rose a white, smiling face. Its face was shaped like a human, and had black empty eyes and a gaping smile. With two red cheeks on either side of the mouth, and red lips. As it was rising, the rest of its body was revealed. A short neck, with a slim torso with three buttons running down it. Two long arms with white stripes reaching from the center of them to the animatronics hands, which had three fingers.
And then it stopped rising, not exposing the rest of its body.
Charlie wound the box faster, but that only made the music go faster.
And nothing else happened.
“..yeesh. You’d think our parents would try to make something more appealing..” Michael commented as he gazed upon the animatronic.
“I dunno, I kinda like it.” Charlie responded, inspecting the animatronic and the mechanisms within the music box.
“Yeah? Well I think I like Fredbear out of all of them.” Evan said, walking back towards the yellow bear. “What about you three?” He called, looking at Michael, Sammy, and Elizabeth.
“Eh. I guess the pirate fox is cool.” Michael answered, eyeing the fox.
“I’ve.. personally never felt like I could connect with a fictional character before.. But this clown is changing everything..” Elizabeth said, looking up at the white and red clown animatronic.
“Have you all forgotten about this guy?” Sammy asked, pointing towards the enormous snake animatronic. “I mean, look at him! He looks amaz-”
Sammy was cut off by the sound of mechanical whirring coming from the animatronics. Each of them began to adjust their heads to look towards whoever was looking at them.
Nobody moved a muscle, they were too stunned and shocked by the sudden movement of the animatronics..
And then each animatronic lunged at whoever was in front of them.
Mouths open, arms stretching outward, claws extending, faceplates opening..
And not one of the five had time to react..
– – –
“It’s over..” The officer breathed as he looked upon the fallen Afton’s and Emily’s. “We.. we actually got them!”
“Very good.” The chief of police said triumphantly. “Get our agents in there to clean the scene, and move those freaky robots back to the prison basement.”
– – –
“It was a swift and effective action of justice.” OMC commented, looking down at the officers in the security office. “Using old memories, the law of this city was able to bring down five of the most wanted and infamous criminals ever known.. But, accessing what just happened, I think that some may know what’s coming next..” He tapped the surface of the pond, changing the scene to a dark basement.
– – –
“Well, like I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes, and this place gives me the creeps. Can we just get this over with?”
“Don’t worry, all we gotta do is burn the animatronics. After that, we can just fill this room with whatever we ca-”
The technician stopped in the middle of his sentence and his path.
“What?” His companion asked.
“..where’s the Puppet?” The other technician asked. His flashlight was focused on the music box, but its lid was wide open.
And the Puppet was gone.
The sound of the music box came from nowhere, but it was much faster than it normally should be.
“All bets are off..” A voice whispered from the dark.
The two turned around quickly, flashing their lights in several directions..
But they weren’t fast enough to catch the Puppet before it leaped from the darkness towards them.
It grabbed hold of one of the technicians and pinned him to the floor, strangling him by his neck.
And just as his friend came to his aid, he was cut off by something fast ramming into him. He fell back and tried to get away, but wasn’t fast enough to avoid Foxy’s hook stabbing him repeatedly in the face.
Foxy didn’t stop until he ensured that the technician was dead.
As for the other technician, the Puppet snapped his neck.
Foxy wiped his hook clean of the blood from a handkerchief from the technician. Then, he grabbed his keycard and headed towards the door. The Puppet followed behind him.
– – –
“Oh.. Oh god..” The security guard panicked inside his office, frantically reaching for the phone.
The two technicians had just been killed!
“..Ch-Cheif?! Are you there?! We’ve got a sit–”
Something yellow appeared from the corner of his eye. He slowly lowered the phone to see what it was.
Standing beside him was Fredbear.
Looming over him, staring down at him with black eyes and small white pupils.
Before quickly taking a bite out of the security guard’s head.
– – –
Gunshots ran throughout the hall, but they couldn’t stop the unleashed sea dragon, Zeus.
The large green animatronic bit into every officer that stood in his way, and tossed them aside. Each bullet bouncing off of his metal hide, he seemed invincible.
And nothing could stop him as he crawled and slithered his way through the basement halls towards the exit.
He didn’t even hesitate once whilst on his revenge-fueled rampage. Every guard that stood in his way was now an obstacle that had to be eliminated.
He continued through each bullet that struck him, until he reached one final door.
– – –
The door broke down in front of them, creating a cloud of smoke as it crumbled on the ground. The impact caused a few guards to tremble..
And some were grabbed by an extending claw from the ruins of the doorway. Reaching for them, digging into them, and pulling them back towards the scrapped clown.
Her glowing green eyes stunned even the bravest of the guards, long enough for her to kill each one.
Scared for their lives, a group of guards fled the scene towards the prison cells. Running faster as they heard a terrible screech behind them, and the sound of something crashing and rolling through the halls. None of them dared to look back, fearing that doing so would only slow them down.
– – –
The doors to the cells barged open, launching several guards far into the jail cells. Bricks on the wall fell down, creating a large hole in the wall and a blocky red carpet for five large figures emerging from the rubble.
Prisoners cheered from within their cells, which called forth a large riot squad. The cheering turned into roars of laughter and excitement. The prisoners banged on the bars of their cells, clapping and whooping the five animatronics heading towards the SWAT team.
The clown charged right at the team, throwing and swinging her mechanical claw, slicing and cutting into the team. Followed by the team releasing several gas bombs and tear gas. But it didn’t have any effect on the machines, as the silhouettes within the smoke continued their attack. The quarry continued until the last swat team member drew their last scream of pain. And ended with the clown breaking outside into the courtyard.
From there the animatronics began to head for the nearest wall, breaking through barbed wire as they hurried. Bullets began to fire from the watchtowers upon the group, followed by the screams of officers as they desperately tried to stop the five from scaling the wall.
Fredbear had no trouble at all, the yellow bear instantly teleported to the top of the wall. In response, several more SWAT members arrived on the scene, firing at Fredbear. Who in turn began teleporting in their direction, distracting the SWAT team from firing at the other four.
Fredbear fought his way brutally through the SWAT team, dealing devastating blows to each of them. This gave the other four the window they needed to reach the top of the wall, and quickly jumped off the wall towards their freedom.
Fredbear teleported off the wall towards them, joining them as they hurried away from the prison to their freedom.
– – –
“I...I think we lost them.” Charlie slowed down from running after what seemed to be an hour. “No sign of the helicopters, and I can’t hear the sirens anymore.” It was easier to run when she had regular human legs, not striped long mechanical legs.
“Hear that, guys?” Sammy called to the other running three animatronics. “We’re in the clear!” The others seemed to have heard him, because they stopped running and turned to look back at the large sea dragon and his puppet sister.
“I still don’t understand why we ran away!” Elizabeth claimed as she hurried back towards the Emily’s. “We’re robots now! We can take on the entire police force with our bare hands!” She clamped her claw open and shut as if she was cutting someone’s head off.
“Is that supposed to mean all of us, or just me?” Evan asked, crossing his arms while looking up at his sister.
“What?” Elizabeth asked.
“The whole ‘bear hands’ thing.” Evan responded. “Is that referring to just me?”
“Of course not!” Elizabeth pat Evan on the back. “You surely don’t think I would just let you have all the fun, would you?”
“Why are we taking this so casually?!” Michael suddenly exclaimed, spreading both of his arms out wide to mention the entire crew. “They used robots to murder us! We can’t just take this lightly!”
“You really think I’m not happy about this?” Charlie demanded, mentioning down to her legs. “Look at these! I can’t run like this!”
“Well don’t look at me for a piggyback ride.” Sammy said.
“They can’t do this to us!” Michael exclaimed again. “This is an injustice on so many levels! We’re respected and feared criminals! A shining pillar of crime! So a couple of banks went under and people all that they had.. IS THAT ANY REASON TO KILL THE MOST BELOVED CRIMINALS OF ALL TIME?!”
“Beloved?! The mayor hosted an entire week as a school holiday just so every student in the city could join together to help the police catch us!” Evan responded.
“What? So we DESERVED this?” Michael demanded.
“Don’t know why you’re complaining, I’m the one with sticks for legs!” Charlie waved her arms down at said sticks for legs.
“I also have sticks for legs! And you snapped someone’s neck with ease!” Michael shot back.
“Stop fighting over who has it worse! We’re all people stuck as robots for all eternity, we shouldn’t be deciding who has it worse!” Sammy intervened between the two. “We should be working together to get back at them for what they did to us! Not letting their actions divide us!”
“..right.” Charlie said defeatedly.
“But what are we gonna do now?” Evan asked. “We can’t just rush in and bite the heads off of all of the police officers in the city.”
The silence hung in the air for a while, only one of them had an idea.”
“Continue robbing?” Elizabeth suggested, looking in the direction of the city. “It’s still what we do best..”
“Well…it is wha–”
Michael was cut off by the sound of helicopters approaching them.
The five ran off into the woods, continuing their legacy of being the most infamous criminals of their time.
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goblin-waifu · 2 years
Welcome to the new age Part 11
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Arisu and Asuna had crossed paths a few times throughout their stay at the beach, but nothing major to really leave an impact. She watched as he defended Usagi in front of Niragi and Aguni, thinking he was stupid but brave. He seemed to care for the young girl, and that showed in his actions around her. Usagi seemed to care for him as well but was just as closed off as the rest of the people around.  
When an executive meeting had been called, she wasn’t shocked to see Arisu there. He was Hatters favorite at the moment, and that seemed to work well for him; especially when it came to keeping Usagi safe from her brother. Sitting on the arm of Chishiya’s chair, she watched her brother’s eye twitch as he glared that them, Chishiya looking innocent as always. 
It went unnoticed by most that Chishiya had his hand on her leg under the table, but it seemed like Niragi noticed the position of the blond man’s arm and the faint blush on his sister’s cheek. Since the kiss on the roof, the two ended up sharing a bed for the night. It seemed like they couldn’t part from one another and so they decided to curl up in each other’s arms and sleep. 
Waking up next to Chishiya was different. She had grown used to sleeping alone and once the moment of panic faded, she realized the arms around her waist belonged to someone she was starting to care for deeply. She watched him sleep, noting how relaxed he seemed as he slept. The contraptions they had been working on were forgotten not long after they started working on them, finding they wanted to spend time together. 
Hatter droned on about the cards, explaining that the last one aside from the face cards was the 10 of hearts. Ann mentioned it was hard to pinpoint which arena would hold that card, much to Hatter’s annoyance. Leaning back slightly, Asuna sighed, turning her attention to the number one man. 
“Consider what Hearts games entail, and the fact that it happens to be a card no one in Borderland has ever come across, logic dictates that it would be somewhere least expected. Probably some place where there is already tension rising. If there is already tension, then anything the game masters have in mind will make things worse. It could make or break us.” She stated simply, the bored expression on her face never leaving. 
Everyone seemed to take this in for a moment before Niragi started to laugh, leaning against the table. His nose was taped up, but you could see the bruising forming under his eyes. “You think you’re so smart Asuna.” He sneered, leaning back in his seat with a scoff. Asuna shrugged, her hands in her lap, one hand resting on Chishiya’s. 
“Well, I am a doctor.” She stated simply, earning a side glance from Ann. “Phycology.” She added, earning a nod from the other woman. Aguni glanced at Niragi who had rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath. Chishiya had to cough to cover up the laugh that had started, looking away from everyone for a moment. 
Hatter sighed after a moment and stood up. “Either way, my visa is about to expire. I’ll have to participate in one of the games to extend it, and I hope it is the 10 of hearts.” He seemed so excited at the idea but failed to notice the shared looks between the three militants in the room. Glancing at Chishiya, Asuna frowned slightly before looking at Hatter.  
“I’ll go with you. If the game requires someone to die, better me than you.” Asuna said as she stood up, earning a glare from Niragi and Chishiya. Hatter simply laughed and walked over, putting his hands on her shoulders. 
“Do you have little faith in my abilities?” he asked, the smile wide on his face. He was a cocky man, and it seemed that the longer he stayed as number one, the further from reality he got.  
“I know you can pass any game. But think of everyone here at the beach. They need you to keep us safe and get us home. You gave them hope when Borderland took that away. These games are life and death, and we cannot afford for you to die.” She stated simply, feeling the glare burning into the side of her head.  
Hatter patted her shoulders before looking at Aguni. “I’ll have the head of the Militants with me. I’ll come back safe. Don’t you worry your little head.” Turning, he walked to the wall with the cards painted on it, looking over it. “Tomorrow night, I will attend a game.” He said finally, motioning the end of the meeting. 
Walking out of the room, she caught the look Chishiya gave her and knew she had to find Kuina. Whatever he had been planning, she was now part of it, and it was time to get everything in motion. Finding the tall woman was easy, motioning for her to follow. In Chishiya’s room, they saw that Arisu was there as well, all four of them sitting in various spots. 
“Aguni is going to make his move tomorrow night.” Asuna said simply, running her fingers through her hair. Kuina hung her head while Arisu seemed confused. “The militants have wanted power over The Beach for some time. Whatever bond between Hatter and Aguni has been the only thing keeping the peace, but that bond is breaking. They plan to kill Hatter tomorrow night and take control.” she added, seeing the realization cross his face. 
Chishiya sat down, hands clasped in front of him. “That means Usagi will no longer be safe.” He cut right to the chase, looking at Arisu. The one thing the hopeful man had cared about in this broken world was the key to getting him to agree to help. “If you want to keep her safe, we need your help.” 
Arisu thought for a moment before nodding his head. “What do I need to do?” he asked, a fire in his eyes once more. 
“We need to steal the cards from Hatter’s room and leave.” 
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silassinclair · 6 months
Yandere Ghost x Reader
CW// NSFW (MINORS DNI WITH PART OF THIS POST), Dub-Con, Obsessive Behavior, Masturbation, Stalking, Mentions of Murder, Religion, Somnophilia
Introduction here for more context
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When you spoke to Dante for the first time he felt more alive than when he was living.
You could see him. For the first time in centuries someone could see him. He could finally interact with somebody.
“Y-You can see me?”
He could never let you go now. No… this must be fate. God brought you to him! The Lord denied him access to the heavens and sent you instead!
Well, now you have a ghost following you around your own home 24/7. Tell him to leave you alone and he’ll just whine and beg for you to let him be in the same vicinity as you.
“Dante please leave me alone. I’m trying to write.”
“Amore mio, my love, please let me stay. I promise I won’t disturb you. Just let me be in your presence.”
The perks of being a ghost means Dante can choose whether to phase through objects or touch them.
Meaning he can touch you.
You’re so warm. It’s been so long since he’s felt such warmth. You’re the sun in his new life. Yes, he sees his death as life now thanks to you.
“Dante your hands are freezing!”
“I’m sorry dearest but I can’t control it. I’m a ghost after all.”
“Could you maybe not touch me then while I’m trying to work then?”
He’s madly in love with you, obsessed with you, and would die again for you. He prays that you feel the same way for him. But you’re just so dense towards his advancements!
“I would die a thousand deaths for you amore.”
“Please don’t do that, dying once should be enough for you.”
He cannot blame you though, no no you’re a doll! Absolutely adorable. Nothing is ever his amore’s fault.
Dante blames himself. When he was alive he could have any woman he wanted. But that was when he could show his gorgeous face. Now, he has a Venetian mask permanently attached to his face because it was what he last wore when he died during the party. If only he could take it off and show you how flawless he is.
“Dante, why do you wear that mask?”
“It was what I wore when I died, along with what I am wearing now. I… cannot take any of it off.”
“How come?”
“I don’t know mi amor but I wish I could show you my face.”
“Are you handsome?”
“Oh I’m absolutely ravishing. You’d fall in love with me immediately.”
Physical affection is his love language and not being able to kiss you is as painful as dying to him.
Your lips are so soft and it breaks his heart being unable to feel them on his.
So instead he’ll trace the lips of his porcelain mask along your neck while you sleep. He’ll touch your body while you’re vulnerable and asleep.
“I wish I could feel you… I want all of you.”
You notice some of your things start to go missing. Your bat necklace, blood red lingerie, and even a pair of your panties. It was weird. It wasn’t like you traveled and lost your things, you were always home after all.
The only room you cannot access is the attic. Dante says that it’s his private area so you respect his privacy. This was his home originally after all.
But you have no clue that he has put together a shrine dedicated to you in the attic. All of your missing things are in their respective spots in the shrine built in your name.
“If I pray hard enough will you give yourself to me as I have given myself to you?”
He’s a religious man. He believes in God and was raised Catholic. Dante prays every night, begging the lord for you to love him back.
Dante can’t stand it when you leave the manor!
He makes up many excuses for you to stay. He needs you! You’re his life! Yes you work from home and are home 90% of the time but he can’t stand seeing you go even for a second!
“Amore mio please don’t go! You have everything you need here. You still have milk in the refrigerator.”
“But I’m running out of eggs..”
“That is no problem my dear. There are many recipes you can make without eggs. I have my Mother’s cookbook somewhere. How about we try and make something together?”
“Oh that sounds cool.”
Adores your aloof personality. You don’t mind it when he cuddles you at all! Plus your smiles are rare so it makes him all the more merrier when he sees you smile. He thinks of your smile like a shooting star. Rare and more beautiful than any other star in the sky.
But he does wonder where your attitude came from. You don’t like to talk about your life before you came to the manor. The ghost wanted to know if there were any previous suitors. He has tried to pry once but you became angry. He never pried again.
“What was your life like before you came here? Any… special someones?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it Dante..”
“So was there someone?”
“Just be quiet about it already! Stop being so damn nosy and mind your own business!”
Cried for the rest of the day after that. He hates seeing you anything other than your neutral or happy self.
His green eyes glisten with tears when you apologize to him. They peer at you from the dark holes of his mask.
“Sorry I snapped at you… Who I was with in my past is a sensitive subject and I don’t like talking about him.”
“Was he a bad man? Did he hurt you amore?”
He wants to kill him. As soon as he heard you say that one word he had the bloodthirsty urge to kill. It’s a sin but… but whatever. It’s for you.
Anything for you.
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Can’t resist you any longer. But… He doesn’t want to scare you off.
Dante wants to fuck you so badly. He’d treat you so so right! He already kisses the ground you walk on.
But he’s afraid of rejection. If you leave then it’s over. Once you’re off The Verona Manor property he cannot chase after you.
Dante may be a depraved animal for you but he’s still a gentleman. He wants you to fall in love with him as all couples in love do.
But you’re taking too long. Would you be mad if he just so happened to slip into you in your sleep? Your s/c thighs are so tempting in those lewd little shorts that hide little to nothing.
“J-Just the tip… Just a little bit.”
Slides your shorts down slowly. He watches your expression carefully, green eyes gaze piercingly at your resting face. If you just so much as whimper he’ll freeze and continue once you’re relaxed again.
Once your shorts are down to your knees he practically drools at the sight of your lace panties.
“Amore mio, did you wear these just for me? You knew I’d do this huh? Such a vixen you are.”
Massages your clothed clit with his leather bound gloved fingertips. Rubs soothing circles into you that make you squirm where you lay helplessly.
Stares at your dripping cunny like a desperate, thirsty animal who has found an oasis in a desert. He wants to lick up your slick so badly. But that damned mask is in his way.
His fingers will have to do.
Your pussy flutters around his fingers as he gently eases your hole. He doesn’t want you waking up with his dick in you after all. He needs you to get used to the feeling. You haven’t had sex in so long, you may was well be a virgin!
Dante’s dick leaks pre at the thought of taking your virginity. He knows you aren’t, you have had past partners. But he wants to imagine.
Just for tonight.
He tugs his pants down, his erect cock slaps against his tummy. The tip is red and angry, begging to be put into your sweet little cunt.
“A-Ah~ Mmggph… W-Wish you were awake s-so I could hear your pretty little moans~ I know they would sound so pretty from your lips m-mi amor-“
Whispers dirty little things into the night as he fucks your tight little hole slowly and gently.
Even when asleep you’re dripping wet for him. Your unconscious arousal turns Dante on like a light switch. But he has to maintain control.
Just the tip after all.
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移植片拒絶 // DR. DENDA // C.02.005 [RE: RESULTS]
—You don't seem like a great person. Maybe I feel a bit of a kinship. We're just assholes.
—If you think you’re permitted to feel even kinship, you haven’t been listening at all.
Of all the things she finds objectionable about that man, Ikko has never minded being hated by him.
She wouldn’t mind if he did it right, anyway.
The thing about truly hating someone is that it will never put them at a distance from yourself. He’s been employing it like a pointed tool, when really, hatred is the most shatter-proof pair of shackles. Every time he wishes death upon her in the same breath as he wishes it upon himself, the chain between them draws in imperceptibly.
—Oh, hush. I still think you're a real dick. Treating me like a rat in a maze. I don't know why anyone would like you beyond thinking you have good fashion.
—Don’t get any ideas — you’re not my project, and you’re not allowed to skitter around my maze. If I see you in there, I’ll electrify the maze walls.
—I hope you do. I hope it kills me.
Even if she wanted to, Ikko couldn’t profess to love him in the same way that so many here now are. If it were up to her, she would have stayed at a studied neutral, and the two of them would remain unbound. Unfortunately, he’s tethered them together with his pure spite, and the unique type of intimacy it brings.
The two of them should know better than anyone that hatred is just as strong a bond as love.
In despising her so thoroughly, Imai’s shown her parts of himself that others didn’t get to see — parts that were too ugly for his vanity to permit, or too deep in the labyrinth to find without chasing him through it by force.
Of course he’d hated being seen by her, Ikko thinks. For all his narcissism, he hated truly looking at himself.
—On the small chance I get out of this flying death trap then I'm just going to go back to life as normal. I will have learned nothing and remained the same, and then return to my life as normal. Why would I put in the effort? Who am I impressing?
—If you escape this place, you certainly won't be the same. Surviving this might actually be the one thing capable of derailing a machine like you from your course.
Normally, being right is the thing that satisfies her most. Where is that feeling now?
She’s right, but she’d forgotten the other thing capable of moving him from his course — the thing that isn’t surviving this. It may not be satisfying to pronounce, but it puts her heart at ease on a level far deeper that he tried to survive to begin with.
Ikko says, with a nod that looks almost approving:
“You’ve changed.”
What more to say? After his confession, Ikko had stepped in front of him to defuse the room. She’d honestly expected something more explosive to occur, but surprisingly, nothing had been ignited. (If she were Jinpachi’s age and in Jinpachi’s position, she probably would’ve tried to throttle Imai before the rabbits could; she takes a moment to admire his patience.) Now, what Imai needs is palliative care, and there are far more capable practitioners here than Dr. Denda.
She takes a step back — away from the knot of tenderness that’s formed around Imai — and doesn’t feel the shackle pull on her wrist.
She has an idea of what’s coming next, in the execution-chamber. As far as personal complexes go, Hisakata Imai’s are ideal to ironically exploit. They’re going to attempt to undo everything that makes him want to survive, likely with the thing he cares and fears for the most. But whatever imagery or memories they employ… that’s also the proof that Imai will not and cannot die alone. With a glance over her shoulder, she leaves him with the final words:
“Whatever they use against you — that’s the proof you have something to survive for, with pride.” (...) “Fight for your life.”
(What are enemies for, if not to remind you why you’re still fighting?)
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milo-is-rambling · 2 years
Don't want to sleep bc when I woke up this morning it was too early so I went back to bed and spent like two hours falling in and out of sleep and in and out of a dream about my dad where he was alive again (weird as fuck to say that cause it still has not actually clicked in my brain that my dad is dead) and he kept trying to do things in the dream like go to sleep or go into a different room and I was like talking him out of it and I kept my eye on him constantly so he couldn't leave and it was like he got away from me and went to bed or something and the second he walked out of the room we were in I woke up and then I just kind of stared at my ceiling feeling bad for like an hour and it fucking sucked and my mom wasn't home when I got up again cause it was like noon and she had a work lunch today and left at 11 so I was home alone with my dog and I had that dream and then felt really truly alone and I realized that my dad dying fucked with my already bad abandonment issues and like I know that he didn't die and leave me on purpose obviously but like he's missing from my life now and he's not gonna be with me through all these future experiences I imagined having him there for like I'm not dating anyone and haven't dated anyone like long term serious recently so he's not gonna be able to ever meet the person I truly fall in love with or like be at my wedding and he's never gonna be able to have a Christmas together with me and my future family or even have grandkids and my dad loves kids and my neighbor (his best friend) has grandkids who knew my dad and like I played with them in the pool and we hung out a lot this last year and there's one kid who has the same name as my dad so they always said little bill and big bill for my dad and his friends grandkid and next time they come to visit we have to tell them something happened to big bill and he's not gonna be around anymore and it just fucking sucks. Death sucks Greif sucks I keep saying y'know "love doesn't go anywhere" "the pain of grief is just all the love you have to give still" "blah blah blah you're supposed to cry" but like I can say it as many times as I want I am still definitely not dealing with this at all. I barely legitimately cry about it like I'll drop like three tears when a specific song comes on Spotify shuffle but I haven't cried hard really and I avoid looking at pictures of him or anything or letting myself have any emotion about it and I think it's bc of this big huge shame monster I have in my chest that I call my heart but it truly does not let me experience emotions around other people like god damn I didn't realize how bad it was like I thought I had more control over it and I was just being edgy or whatever but I legitimately cannot handle crying in front of another person even my mom who I am the closest with out of anyone in my life like it's just me and my mom and millie and that's my whole fucking world and even with them I just can't let myself cry or feel actual emotion and the second I start crying I immediately lose all sadness I had cause my body just turns it off like someone fucking turned off a faucet like I cry a little bit completely alone when im driving and I can't really fully let it out cause I need to focus on driving that's the only way I can cry anymore cause even completely alone I am judging myself from my head and won't let myself cry and I keep trying and trying and I just do not know how to let myself cry and I feel like I have this giant inflatable swimming pool filling with so much water that it actually rips the plastic and explodes that's what I feel behind my eyes and nose at all times it's one big emotion blob right there and I can't fucking let it explode no matter how hard I try and I've been fucking trying. I rewatched all my crying shit and haven't been able to get an actual breakdown started at all it's pissing me off I want to just feel my feelings so I can work thru them but also every time I cry I feel so much shame like how do u fix that so I can cry really hard for like two months straight
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foucaults-trebuchet · 2 years
draft: what are we to animals
earlier today a roommate woke me up to deal with a baby mouse that had wandered into his basement room. he was super fuckin neurotic about it, trying to logically exhaustively check every area the mouse could have gone. i crawled under the bed and tried to hold and calm it, but he subsequently shoved both of us with a broom and scared it away.
i tried to describe to my roommate how to think like a mouse. mammals all share this basic framework of psychology, we can all understand each other if we try. for a young mouse you have to understand a few basic alterations of the terror of being alive:
- prey animals cannot see the world as a picture like predator animals can, their retinas are adapted to perceive motion, they see in the first derivative - a young mammal has no ability to perceive the their environment in detail, like a toddler they see sounds and visual stimuli with no clear rules to bind them together, they need more experience to learn rules of this kind - rodents cannot perform second-order reasoning, and a mouse fundamentally cannot decide to make new hiding spaces to taunt you - prey animals have very high baseline anxiety and seek any source of calm slow motion they can find
this of course did no good. you can't teach men anything. but it made me think a lot more about how these intuitive skills hint at our ability to imagine other intelligences. we can deeply empathize with a lot more than just other humans, and anyone who claims we cannot is just an asshole. we can understand the internal psychological experience of other mammals we would usually consider lesser, like dogs, and we can also understand the experiences of mammals we would (or should) consider greater, like sperm whales. we are not unique in this respect. the canines and cetaceans can understand us too. not just that, they can develop cross-species languages and rituals to communicate with us.
in the braindead american eugenics inspired discourse on intelligence we tend to think it is impossible to have both an idea of being "more intelligent" and "mutually intelligable" as ways to talk about the interaction between two different patterns of cognition. according to traditional wisdom, a species that is more intelligent should possess concepts that a lesser species cannot comprehend. this does not seem to be how it works in practice, mammals share a fundamental set of concepts and reactions that can be used to communicate across species lines. there are things that we do not share with small rodents but when we start to define the boundaries of any specific aspect of human cognition we are forced to recognized we are not unique.
i have a chihuahua. people make fun of me for being the blond bitch with the tiny la dog. until they spend time with the dog. i trained her like a hunting dog and she devotes all of her 9cm^3 brain to developing social protocols and collaborating with the people around her. she's currently mad at me for leaving her alone too often and she has started staging protests where she grabs someone's attention and then pretends to die. she wandered out onto the street without a leash a few months back, and then returned after conning another family to pay for her rabies vaccine booster and becoming a short-lived instagram meme. she's also a fucking idiot. she can't figure out how to walk on wood floors and she has absolutely no idea how to interact with other dogs.
i shaped the dog's intelligence in an unusual direction for an animal of her size and position in inter-species society, but it turns out that 9cm^3 brain is perfectly capable of understanding human emotional reactions instead of other dog's responses. she has an extremely limited capacity to reason about theory of mind but it doesn't matter. we actually aren't very complicated and our emotional responses immediately follow from our environment. even our long-term plans and emotional priorities can be extropolated from our facial expressions in most cases. are you going to divorce your husband? my dog can tell you.
there are vectors of intelligences, different directions in which we can use our capactities to specialize. for a "lesser" species like canines we know they have different vectors of intelligence too. we know they are not foreign and can empathize us even though we are "greater". what makes us greater then? we can do a lot of philosophical faffing about but it's just the cubic area of the mammal brain dedicated to environmental perception and intuitive reasoning. the canine anterior cingulate cortex is fucking tiny and the hippocampus barely even exists. as primates we have an enhanced ability to be caught in our own heads because we have thousands of extra layers of processing abstract information when it has no direct relationship to the world. we also specialize ourselves into our own vectors of intelligence but the dimensionality of human specialization is so high it is more convenient to deny its existence and think about iq scores.
looming in the future is a wake-up call. 50 years the most transformative moment in society will not be the development of artificial intelligence, or the discovery of extraterrestrials, or even the moment that humanity establishes itself as multiplanetary. it will be the decoding of whalesong. we now know with strong confidence that the only difference between our primate brains and other mammal brains is the volume of different cortical structures. we also know there are other species with much larger brains that possess language and complex grammer that we struggle to understand. there are existing species on earth that are "greater" than us and even evaded us killing them by hiding in places we didn't have the ability to explore. they are smarter than us.
but we can still empathize with them. sperm whales have lived for milleniea in a world we only just invented. everything they travels across half the world and is heard by every member of their species. they propogate patterns of their grammar on a totally global scale, regardless of their location they understand how to phrase a statement so that it follows the patterns of the wider community. they cannot open their mouths without engaging with their own sphere of memes even for short-form statements. they live *inside* of twitter.
there is currently a project to decode whalesong into a human-comprehensible grammar but it may be necessary to rely on artificial intelligence to assist us in the translation. we can empathize with the whales, but we cannot currently speak to them and it is very possible that their grammars are just more complex than ours, similar to how my writing is more complex than my dog's performance art. i will not comment on what the consequences of talking to a higher species will be, because i cannot even hope to comprehend.
it is worth noting that everything here is just about mammals. our own branch of life and close ancestors. who the fuck knows what birds are thinking
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wroammin · 4 years
Thoughts on anarociet (aka 3 way enemies to lovers hard mode)
just like you said, it’s basically enemies-to-lovers^3. it’s perfect.
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visceravalentines · 2 years
Needful Things III: Touch
Michael Myers x GN!Reader
Michael Myers POV
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800 words
Part 1 Part 2
Stalking, obsessive behavior, brief reader masturbation mention, murder and mild gore, Michael being Michael
Looking won't be enough forever.
I don’t like that man who’s been around you lately.  He spends too much time with you.  He looks at you like he wants to devour you and I would like to pull out his throat.  He doesn’t get to look at you that way. 
I wonder if you realize we live together in your house, you and I. 
It has been a very long time since any place has made me feel at ease.  But I can move through your house with my eyes closed.  I know which stairs creak.  You have your spot on the couch, and I have mine.  Maybe you just don’t know about the lock on the living room window, but I prefer to think you leave it open for me. 
I watched him touch your skin today.  He touched your arm.  I wanted you to scratch his face.  You didn’t.  I wanted to see you get angry and defensive.  I think about that often.  The way your face would change, whether your voice would shake. 
But you smiled at him. 
It was easy to imagine two things at once:  you, your smile, his blood, your face, his face, his pulse, your pulse, you, his corpse. 
Sometimes I think about my fingers in your mouth.  I want you to taste me.  I would like to wrap my thumb under your chin.  Do you know I could rip your jaw off?  I wouldn’t do that to you. 
You touched yourself last night.  When you do that you make little sounds.  Sounds that you think only you can hear.  I hear them all. 
I watched your fingers.  The way you moved them.  My hands are much bigger than yours.  I can imagine the way your skin feels.  I could squeeze you and leave bruises.  I could bite you and leave a mark. 
If he touches you again I am going to kill him. 
We are out of milk.  I drank it all. 
I don’t like to be touched by most people.  For a while, Loomis thought this was important.  He would try to hug me or hold my hand.  I broke his wrist and three of his fingers, and then he moved on to something else.  He doesn’t like to be wrong, but being wrong is a crucial part of his identity.  I don’t like to be wrong either, and so I am not. 
You cannot touch me, but I would let you try. I am making no promises about my reaction.
I like the way you move.  The way your limbs work.  Nobody walks or moves like you.  I can pick you out of a crowd from far away.  There is everyone else, and there is you.  It’s like you are on fire, all lit up, and no one can see it but me.  Even when you turn off the lights to go to bed, you shine through the windows. 
If I reached inside you, I would find something new in between your lungs, hidden under your stomach, tied up in your innards.  But I know you couldn’t live without it. 
I would like to carve my name into your skin.  You are so beautiful.  If you weren’t so beautiful, people would leave you alone.  Leave you to me.  
I am going to kill him even if you never see him again. 
This expanding in my chest irritates me.  I have never wanted so much.  It feels like sickness.  Like weakness.  Other people want things and it disgusts me.  Wanting something connects you to it.  I do not want to be connected to anything.  I want to be connected to you. 
When you are gone, I lay in your bed.  It smells like you and when I breathe I can taste you.  The sheets have touched your skin and mine. 
Do you feel me when you lie there?  Do I leave some shadow behind?  Do you feel it wrapping around you?  Do you feel my eyes on you?  They are always on you. 
I would still like to watch you die.  When someone dies, they make little sounds only I can hear.  They look at me like I am something they’ve never seen before, something new.  There are no more thoughts.  There are only feelings, and pain.  And then they fade. 
I want you to look at me.  I want you to look at me like I am something new.  I want you to make little sounds for me.  I can make you feel, make you hurt, more than once if I am careful.  All blood does not taste the same.  I want to taste yours.  I want to taste you. 
You have made me greedy.  I can never forgive you. 
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