#you don't have to lose her forever just because she doesn't have to rely on you anymore!
zhongscara · 3 months
in MY opinion... i think that aside from being a diversion tactic (to make sure the fatui dont find out about the primordial sea), wrio threatening lyney could have also been him subtly checking on the dynamic between arlecchino and the house of the hearth orphans.
like wrio knows manipulative adults Pretty Well, and the fact that he knows the fatui sent orphaned "children" undercover instead of grown agents already tripped alarms in his head.
Wriothesley: Mr. Lyney, the cards are stacked against you right now. Miss Lynette is in my hands, and Mr. Freminet is still slowly being pickled out there in the brine. You know just as well as I that he cannot last out there forever. Wriothesley: You need do but one thing to guarantee their safety. I would like you to contact your superior, and ideally invite her over for a cup of tea with me. Lyney: You want to see "Father"? Ha, but why should she bother giving you an audience? Wriothesley: Well, if she cares for the well-being of her dearest children, she should have plenty of motivation to join me for a parents' evening. Wriothesley: I've heard that the bonds between the members of the House of the Hearth are like the bonds of family. I don't see why she would refuse.
(emphasis mine)
"call your parental figure or your siblings will be in danger" would be a relatively easy decision to make if your parental figure... yknow... cared about you. but lyney insists that arlecchino shouldn't be involved in this and breaks from the stress of possibly losing his siblings. which makes ME think like... how much value does arlecchino place in the orphans if lyney refuses to "trouble" her with possible imminent torture or DEATH.
Lyney: …Was this the extent of your master plan to get to "Father"? No matter how much pressure you may put on me, I won't allow you to use us to blackmail her. Lyney: I… I shouldn't ask "Father" to do anything because of us…
(emphasis mine)
like... lyney... if she really cared about you she would willingly help you... you know...
and yes later on arlecchino is like Well he shouldve called me :/ but its way easier to say that after the fact.
The Knave: [...] It's unfortunate that Lyney's so eager to prove himself that he can't learn to rely on others... including me.
i mean lyney came to rely on the traveler pretty easily..? i think deep down he doesn't trust arlecchino.
so wrio noticed that something wasn't right pretty quickly, and could have also set this up as a sort of test - both for him, and for lyney - in a way - to take a better look at the dynamic between arlecchino and the siblings.
basically i think that specific part of the archon quest shows us that the house of hearth isn't a Found Family Despite All Odds situation and definitely has something much darker (aside from, you know. the orphans basically being FATUI AGENTS). i keep saying this but i think the fact that the previous head of the orphanage was "even worse" means that traumatized children/teens/young adults can easily justify a different kind of abuse as "well at least it isn't (x) which is even worse!" and based on the siblings' profile stories, it seems arlecchino leans more towards emotional manipulation/neglect, which, again, if compared to the physical abuse from the previous head, can be pretty easy to justify in the eyes of already traumatized and vulnerable people.
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
Snippet - Ask the Experts - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Vi learns a thing or three...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"I need her back, Nao," she whispered. "My sister's all I have. She’s kept me going for seven fucking years. And if I can't save her, then—then I've got nothing left."
Nao cradled her close, and whispered, "Maybe she doesn't need saving."
"Huh?" Vi blinked wetly. "What do you mean?"
"Maybe she's where she wants to be." Nao's fingers tipped Vi's chin. "Maybe she's throwing up walls because they're what's keeping her safe."
"Safe from what?"
"The past," Nao ventured. "Or you. It doesn't matter. Maybe she's in the middle of her own maze, and she's scared. Until she finds a way out, she'll keep those walls up. Maybe she's afraid to lose sight of where she's headed, and how far she's come. Maybe, to her, looking back means losing sight of the future."
"Who's future? Hers—or Silco's?" Vi's teeth sunk into her lip, but the words slipped out. "Look, I...I gotta ask. Do you know anything? About them?"
Nao's expression, beneath the softness, seemed to calcify. "Them?"
"Jinx," Vi said, hating herself for it. "Silco."
Nao was silent a moment. Then she said, softly, "He's devoted to her."
"That's not what I'm asking." Vi fought down a hot surge of bile. "There's rumors. So many fucking rumors. That he and Jinx, they're—together. In the worst way. Jinx denies it, and Silco, too. But—the way they act, sometimes, it's like they're the only two people in the world. They're always together. Like a package deal. She's always clinging to him. Always looking to him, like he's the one holding her up. It's—it's like they've got this..." She groped for the word. "Intimacy." 
Nao stayed quiet. When Vi met her eyes, they were shadowed. Nao knew something, but the knowledge ran deep.
"The Eye," she murmured, "has someone in his life."
Vi's pulse spiked. "Are you saying—?"
"It's not Jinx. She's his family. And like family, they keep each other close. Close like a knife under a pillow." Her eyes slid away, and her voice dipped. “But there's someone else. Someone he relies on. He doesn't show her off, but when she's by his side, he's different. He's... not softer, but steadier."
"Who," Vi pressed. "Who’d be crazy enough to be with him?"
"I can't tell you. But I'll say it's serious."
"How serious?"
The smile was back, but the shadows remained. "As serious as it gets without a ring."
"Then you've seen it." Vi's gut churned. "Seen them. Together."
"I see plenty. I hear more." 
Nao slid a leg over Vi's waist. Straddling her, she arched over Vi’s recumbent body. Dark locks fell in a perfumed curtain. Vi could smell the musk of sex beneath the sweetness of mint. Her body was a warmly debauched garden. And it should've aroused Vi, except Nao's face was a polished oval. All her tells carefully hidden.
Vi wondered if this was her visage, her persona, for Silco. Or if there was a different self beneath the façade.
One reserved only for his enemies.
"I'm good at what I do, Vi," she said. "And the Eye knows it. He values my services. And my discretion."
"I'm not asking for dirt."
"You aren't. But he would." Nao's fingertips traced her jaw. "We all have a part to play. And I have to play mine right. I won't be in this life forever. Three years from now, I won't be his favorite. But I'll have what I need to walk away. And when I do, I want it to be on my terms. No loose ends."
Vi swallowed. "Loose ends?"
"Something that can be used to yank me back." A phantom of pain flitted across her face. "Or force me under someone's boot."
"And that's why you chose Zaun," Vi surmised grimly. "Why you chose Silco."
Nao's brow arched. "Is that jealousy I hear? Or judgement?"
Vi's cheeks heated. Her palms, skating down the hourglass dip of Nao's waist, starfished her full hips. "I just don't get it, is all. You could've had any heavy hitter in the world. Instead, you've got a guy who's—" The words stuck like paste. "He's fucking awful, Nao. A monster. You can't tell me you enjoy being with him. Even if you're just playing a part."
Nao's head tipped, as though pondering the clumsy words. Then she shook it. "It's not about enjoyment."
"Then what is it about?"
"Power," Nao said simply. "The Eye controls the underworld. I control his pleasure. With one hand, I give. With the other, I take. It's a balance. And in between, for a little while, we're both satisfied." She shrugged. " I've had clients far worse. Men who can't be bothered to shower, let alone groom. Others who think their cocks are magic, or a woman's body is the mouth of hell. The most tedious are the ones who need to be coaxed out of their shell, and coaxed to sleep after." She gave a wry laugh. "They don't need a fuck. They need their mother."
Vi's heart gave a sick patter. "And him? What's he need?"
"His needs are—complex. There's a labyrinth where his mind should be. You never know what turn he'll take or what door he'll slam shut. You're always left second-guessing. Always waiting for the blow-up." A strange smile slinked across her lips.  "In the bedroom, that's not without its merits. Sometimes, he reminds me of you."
Vi bridled. "Ugh, that's sick."
"That's the truth." She leaned in, the tips of her breasts ghosting Vi's. Between them, her pendant was an icy lick. The Eye's insignia flashed, and her own eyes glinted. "He's harder to read than you are. Harder to satisfy. But in a good mood, he can be generous. Patient. And very... inventive."
Revulsion crept through Vi. The idea of Silco and Nao, in bed, doing the same thing she and Vi had shared, was beyond the pale. She didn't even dare contemplate what perversions he might be capable of.
And yet...
"What's he like when he's not?" she said, then instantly regretted it. "I mean—he doesn't... force you, does he?"
Nao laughed, but it held no mirth. "It's not about force, Vi. It’s about loyalty. That's the currency he deals in."
"Blood and bullets."
"No. Those are tools. What he's willing to trade. What he wants?" A beat. "That’s simpler."
"What do you mean?"
Nao swooped in, and nuzzled her ear. "Everything."
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the-most-faithful · 4 months
Yesterday's discussion continues
I asked the person who said Snape wanted to possess Lily and not protect her about the canon evidence
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This is what he replied to me. "Snape tries to alienate Lily from everyone" but as said yesterday this is false, Lily has other friends, even if Severus is her best friend. the only one who tries to distance Lily from someone is James, who irremediably destroys the relationship with Petunia and bullies Snape for years
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All of Snape's hallmarks aren't really canon. But hey I mentioned James Potter and that's the rabbit hole. It amuses me too much to see how Snaters easily lose the plot and contradict themselves.
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So they admits that James was a bully BUT... James doesn't push her away from those close to her. FALSE. As I said before he bullies her best friend for years, humiliates him and actively causes the end of their friendship. He destroys her relationship with her sister forever and is the main reason Vernon hates Harry.
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In canon James asked Lily out several times until she accepted. This is psychological pressure, THIS is a warning sign.
The fact that they say "he only asked once" is patently false. Or are you telling me that we should ONLY rely on what we actively see in canon? Because in this case all the things told don't count, everything that COULD have happened doesn't count. And then the bad guys are actively bullies without any ifs or buts because we only see the worst. But this doesn't suit the Snaters so they try to mix things up. "Snape attacks James tons of times without provocation." When? at that point or occasion? When do we see this thing? NEVER. Are we told? Never.
The only time (and the fact that I should say this is worrying) is when Lupin tells us that LAST year Snape started attacking James. So 6 years of bullying should be forgotten because at the last minute Snape starts to react?
Bullying remains bullying even if the victim reacts, even if the victim is not a good person
"james is everything Snape isn't and probably wants to be (though I'll admit that last is my own thought)"
Once again FALSE, this is something Lupin tells us but it's not true, he only tells Harry to try to justify James. Snape has never been envious of James, quite the opposite. The author herself said it
James Potter's hostility toword Severus was fueled partially by his jealousy of Snape and Lily's friendship
The jealous one was James, not Snape.
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do you know what they replied to this?
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Having no handles, he says that James didn't bully Snape because the two of them attacked each other. Remember what I said at the beginning? They are contradicting themselves, just above they wrote, and I quote: "James is a bully aye" And now the two have a rivalry, it's just ridiculous.
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And here ends the conversation (for now) Do you understand how ridiculous and senseless this all is? I asked for evidence that Snape wanted to possess Lily and not save her and what I got were FALSE facts, which I debunked, contradictions and finally the accusation of ignoring canon when everything they told me was not canon. This is the attitude of someone who doesn't really know how to have a discussion. I'll leave it up to you to judge
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deeism · 10 months
it fascinates me how fundamentally similar dennis' relationship with mac is to his relationship with dee. not necessarily how mac and dee respectively view him, but the ways that he views both of them are so incredibly similar to each other it's kind of insane. it all comes down to dennis needing to be needed and being afraid to relinquish his grip on two people that, at one point or another, have come to terms with the fact that they might be better without him (or at least without him as a centerpoint in their life). there are a lot of examples of this but the one that sticks out to me the most is the direct parallels between FVR & the gang broke dee. for example:
in the gang broke dee, dennis can't stand to see his sister succeeding without him, so he tries to pair her up with a man to settle down with. in his words, this is in order to "take [her] off of our hands forever." his clearer-than-day reason for doing this is less about actually removing dee from his life (however much he pretends to idealise this) and more about keeping her under his control. he's forcing her into a decision that he approves of rather than doing what she wants—thus taking back an independence that dennis tries his best to hold over her head. he insults her attempts at pursuing her dream career—not because he can't stand to see her succeed, but because he can't bear the idea of her succeeding without him. and this is a common theme throughout the show—dee's success is reliant on her joint success with dennis (which is something i have a lot to say about by itself, but that's for another day). her independence inevitably results in ridicule and failure, often because of dennis' manipulation. he tries his best to keep her reliant on him and convinces her she doesn't have anything without him, because he doesn't know what he would do if she realized he's only her brother. this is pretty obvious throughout the show if not explicitly stated—and, formulaically, dennis usually wins whatever mind game they're playing with one another.
but in TGBD, he loses. in his attempts to make her stay he only pushes her away from him further and inevitably ends up groveling at her feet. we don't see this specific sort of desperation from dennis a lot, but when dee is getting on the plane, he genuinely admits that he was wrong and that he loves her. he knows he's about to lose her and he has to compensate for it. it's a rare moment of vulnerability for him.
all that said, when it comes to dennis, it's impossible to extricate the genuine from the manipulative. he's such an untrustworthy person that he's almost manipulating dee without trying to despite the truth in his words. when he tells her "you can succeed, you will be a star" he isn't lying, necessarily, but the rest of his confession says it all: "you have to take me." the unspoken goes: you can succeed, as long as i'm there. you can follow your dreams, but you can't catch them without me. and because he can't just admit to needing her, this is what he resorts to instead. the truth is that dennis needs dee in his life so badly that he would practically have nothing without her, but the most obvious way that this manifests is that he needs to be needed by her. to be relied on, in dennis' understanding, is to be loved.
that was very long and convoluted but unfortunately i'm not done. i feel like dennis' relationship to mac in frank vs. russia is less explicitly spelled out for us than in TGBD, but there are a shit ton of similarities between the two. to begin with, it's pretty well established by like s15-16 that mac's crush on dennis has died down, and in FVR he's actively moved on and is dating other people. dennis should, supposedly, be fine with this, based on how he's previously reacted to mac's romantic advances. he was uncomfortable with mac even touching him for a while, and mac continued to violate that boundary—it would make sense for dennis to be pleased that he's moved on. except that he obviously isn't. when it's finally revealed that dennis is johnny, he says he's only doing it to get mac out of the apartment, but this is an almost embarrassingly seethrough lie because. dude. there are other ways to get your roommate to leave the house than sexually manipulating him via remote controlled anal beads.
johnny is a mask dennis wears in order to keep mac directly in his orbit—to prevent him from moving on and finding love with someone else. dennis may not be ready to address the fact that he has any kind of feelings for mac that aren't anger and hatred—at least, not as himself—but that doesn't stop him from manipulating mac into staying in love with him. not only this, but johnny allows dennis to be vulnerable through text in ways he can't possibly be on the regular; he's afraid to be. we've never seen johnny and mac's texts but there was obviously a level of intimacy there that mac and dennis have never properly shared. through johnny, dennis is able to confront how he feels about mac without actually having to address it as the truth. once again, his manipulation and genuineness are inextricable from each other. it's impossible to tell where the love begins. sound familiar?
that's what it all comes down to. dennis treats the people he loves the most in all of the same ways: he tries to control them. when he has them, he pushes them away, towards other people, but when they actually relent he panics and tries to reel them back in. he idealises a life without them but in reality he'd probably crumble. so he attempts to prevent them from finding other relationships or any viable options apart from staying with him. it's textbook abuse and manipulation, obviously; something being "out of love" doesn't mean that it's good or even justifiable in any way. but it does come from a genuine fear of being rejected by dee and mac—the two people he is actually afraid of losing. dennis is too afraid to treat them with kindness because that would mean opening up his heart and running the risk of getting hurt, but he's afraid to let them go because without them, what does he have? the only option in his mind is cruelty. it's a strange kind of symbiotic relationship, this weird mix of mutualism and parasitism, where clinging on is the only option.
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sssusuki · 9 months
Would just like to announce to the JJ fandom that I never realized until my fourth (FOURTH!!!) Playthrough how similar each character is to eachother.
SPOILERS FOR SOME ROUTES! (Not Kai's and Neji's obviously because I haven't done them yet—)
Fugio is obsessed with Chichi and has been for a very long time now, and yet besides this he had never been found out until the very end and when Fugio goes to repent, we never know how his feelings are resolved or if he ever loses interest. Sou's whole reasoning to going to Univeil was because of Kisa, and the others don't realize his feelings towards Kisa until after Oh Rama, Havenna and that's why Mitsuki is originally chosen as Al Jeanne, because they realized the extent of Sou's feelings for Kisa and wanted to atleast make it a bit less obsessive until that was thrown out the window by Sou figuratively trying to throw the performance. In the end he learns how to control himself and not discount others for Kisa similar to how Fugio repents and invites Jire with him, the very man he was fighting with when courting Chichi.
Miguel is IN LOVE LOVE with Rukiora, that much is obvious. In Fumi's ad-libbing of Miguel, he speaks of spending his nights awake thinking of Rukiora before he is forced to sleep. Alongside this, Miguel puts in flippant flirting with his true feelings to Rukiora. This completely mimics Fumi and how it's revealed that he has wanted Kisa the entire time and how he was mixing stupid flirting with his real flirting. And you know what happens in the end? Miguel gets enough money to move back to his home. Fumi graduates and gets a place to live in for the Tamasaka theater, not including how he resolves his family situation after Oh Rama, Havenna just like how Miguel went back to his family. Except Miguel didn't get the girl and Fumi does.
Shirota... oh my goodness the implications. Rukiora is probably the only character who genuinely doesn't know Chichi's lies and still cares for Chichi. She will go out of her way for Chichi, as shown in singing another song because of Chichi, and even gets mad at herself when she feels betrayed for Chichi lying to her. Shirota, while not such a happy go lucky person like Rukiora, he cares for Kisa immensely. He gets protective when Minorikawa gets a little too comfortable with Kisa and always accounts for Kisa. He is the person who is constantly watching her and making sure she is okay, as shown in the summer when he noticed she wanted to swim but for some reason couldn't and so instead they both find shelter in a nice cave that reflected the water. Another similarity is how Shirota feels betrayed by Kisa in at least two of the affection events, but still cares for her. He feels betrayed because Kisa doesn't trust him even though Kisa has helped him, and so now he wants her to rely on him. He is upset she can't trust him, similar to how Rukiora feels betrayed because of the lack of truth with Chichi. However, both end the same with Rukiora and Shirota forgiving Chichi and Kisa and it ends happily. The final scene with the priest even makes sense as well! Shirota forgives Kisa, like how Chichi is forgiven by Rukiora, but Kisa and Chichi continue to lie. However, now with the way it's framed, with Shirota knowing Kisa's secret and being okay with her lying, it feels more like Rukiora knows and actively accepts this fact about Chichi like Shirota who knows Kisa's secret and still lets her lie. He no longer feels betrayed by this fact, and he even admits after the performance that he knew for awhile, but was more hurt by the fact that Kisa didn't trust him with that information, which puts Rukiora into even MORE perspective. Rukiora says when Miguel lies about the Bakuu cookie being Mugwort flavor that at least he was being honest, indicating that if Chichi came out with the truth instead of having it forcefully come out, Rukiora probably wouldn't have felt so betrayed. I could go forever on this character haha
Suzu, while I haven't completed his route yet, is almost an open book in this. The biggest thing of note is how his feelings are kept so far away from Chichi. Jire cares for Chichi, loves her even, but never actively shows it until it blows over in his face. So far, Suzu seems to have liked Kisa for awhile, but has constantly pushed it down and away, constantly keeping it out of his— and by extension Kisa's— reach. Similar to how Jire doesn't let Chichi know his feelings till the very last moment. Also interesting to note the dynamic of both Jire and Fugio, because they are complete opposites to Suzu and Sou but if you look a little closer they are very much similar. Fugio is a showman first and foremost, but underneath lies heavy love and even heavier obsession, and that is Sou. Despite Sou being awkward and shy and nervous, in the final performance he can break out of it and become someone he is confident to be, and that is a showman. Now Jire, Jire layers his feelings with other things, hides and squashes it because he doesn't want to have hive feelings blown back into his face by a rejection because he knows he has nothing to offer Chichi, and that is Suzu. Suzu however is bright and cheerful and definitely shows his emotions, yet he also buries them. He likes Kisa but can't admit it to himself, he suspects Kiss is a girl but can't come to terms with that. He layers these feelings with training and cheer and jokes, because at the end of it all he is scared to lose what he has with Kisa. He cares for her, likes her, and doesn't want to ruin that friendship with her during Oh Rama, Havenna. It's also really interesting how often Jire and Fugio butt heads, especially because Sou and Suzu aren't like that unless you count the Fall Performance, which is where I bet Neji definitely got inspiration. However if you take into account how both of them like Kisa, and both of them are first and foremost worried about Kisa when they have a falling out, it makes a bit more sense. Anyways I love all of these kiddos and I will do something more indepth with Suzu when I finish his route (HOPEFULLY SOON!!!!)
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Sweet S/O gets a cruel punishment
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[ ONE-SHOT ] [ Chiaki Nanami ] [ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain spoilers
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This was requested by @sleepyone2three, thank you for requesting it!! The version of the other characters requested you can find it in the masterlist
The fifth trial it still hurt me a lot, is just... it was too much, but still I love it, Chiaki was so sweet and determinanted ❤️ and Monomi's last words really bring me hope ❤️
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At the start of the trip Chiaki was more relaxed with everything and just enjoying everything on the misterious island with the rest of your classmates (specially excited to be able to enjoy it with you), but when Monokuma appeared and started the whole killing game she was really worried for everyone
Even when she were worried that doesn't really stop her from trying her best to enjoy the place and the company of her classmates, and since Twogami was the one who take the role of the leader she was glad to be able to rely in someone
Also, she were relying a lot in you too, Chiaki is easily distracted and sleepy, even being able to just fall sleep while being standing, so you just stay with her and make sure she is alright most of the time, something for what she is forever grateful
Chiaki truly loves your sweetness and gentleness not just towards her but everyone else, the killing game and Monokuma were stressing out everyone and even when not everyone were willing to cooperate or not so kind you never stoped being sweet and kind to them and that was inspiring her a lot too
It doesn't take much time before you were known between everyone as a really cute couple thanks to your sweetness and Chiaki's cuteness (and, of course, thanks to Ibuki too), and that gives a sense to normality to everyone, making them feel somehow a little more comfortable with the situation having just normal situations
Although Monokuma wasn't going to let the killing game end without even started and was just matter of time to finally start, things were slowly starting to be a chaos, distrusting each others, the insults and offences, the bewilderment and fear for what will happen and for not knowing if someone will really try to kill you, as well as the denial of one's own possibility
And despite everything you two continue trying to bring hope to the group, after what happened on the first trial Chiaki tried to quietly lead everyone to a better, while you were more direct, offering a hand with a smile to everyone, both of you were helping everyone to don't lose hope, and even if it was just a little it was bothering Monokuma and still he can't do much for a while since he doesn't attack the students just for no reason, he has clear rules that even he will follow, so he just awaits for the perfect oportunity to put a incentive on your way
The day finally come when he let out the despair disease, a disease that changes the personality of the affected, it was perfect because not just will affect you but other too and that will just make things more funny! (or at least for him)
That day you wake up feeling sick, your body hurts and it was like the day was way too hot, you were already mad for the pain but everything seemed to just annoy you more, your sweet smile with which you always greeted everyone was gone and replaced for a grimace and narrow eyes. Chiaki was one of the first to greet you, getting worried when you just passed by her, she followed you to the dining room and it was then when it become more evident the change on your behavior, getting mad at everyone and even insulting them when they tried to ask you what is wrong
Once Monokuma explained that this was strange and special disease was the next incentive Mikan doesn't waste time and take everyone to the hospital to be able to take care of them, the problem is that you manage to sneak from her and just go away taking advantage of the fact that the ones that weren't infected were trying to plan on what to do
Chiaki decided to follow you, she wanted to lead you to the hospital and make sure you were taken care of, you were always helping her so is the least she can do for you, she follow you quietly until she manage reach you, it could be that she surprised you or that you noticed her before, that doesn't matter because you reaction is still really bad, pushing her away and demanding to leave you alone
Chiaki tried to reason with you, telling you that you really need to be attended and even saying that you don't have to worry because she will accompany you to the hospital, just for you to call her an annoyance, complaining about her for meddling in what she shouldn't and even calling her a pest and a weirdo when she insisted on the topic. Your words hurt her, make her feel bad and even wonder if she is really just being annoying, and still it doesn't take her long to remember that all what are you saying is because the disease, it isn't really you
She was on the middle of trying to convice to go to the hospital when Monokuma appeared, laughing at the situation, pointing out how funny it is to see the cute couple of the Jabberwock island having their first fight since they arrived, Chiaki tried to just ignore him but in the state you were whatever he says just makes you more and more angry, you were so annoyed already that you didn't even care what he is saying you just don't like this teasing tone nor his laugh, now focusing on him instead of Chiaki
She tried to take this opportunity or at least catch your attention again because knowing Monokuma he doesn't have good intentions, but Chiaki isn't really stronge or with a loud voice so as much as she tried to make you pay attention to her you were too focused on the fact that Monokuma was laughing at you, and now even more for the failed attempts of her to help you
It reached a point were you were just so annoyed that you can't take it anymore and take it out on Monokuma, hitting him as hard as you can while screaming him to shut up, Chiaki get startled by the situation so she isn't able to react quickly, leaving Monokuma enough time to stand up and remind the two of you the rules with an angry tone, leaving you two with just enough time for her to understand the situation but before she could say something Monokuma attacked you, making you shut up before you could insult him once again
Chiaki was shocked for what she was seeing, is a horrendous view, she doesn't want to see you bleed and suffer the way you are doing it but she can't look away neither, even when your body fall on the floor and Monokuma laughs once again she still has troubles to react. Somehow Chiaki finds the strength to slowly approach to you, kneeling by your side and taking your hand, in this moment Chiaki is too shocked to say something, to cry, to even realice that you, with the last strength you have you still are just looking at her with annoyance and complaining about how you can't believe that that stupid bear had attacked you or how she isn't doing anything, and still when Chiaki manage to react is just in time to when you lose consciousness completely, Chiaki just smiles at you and promise to put an end to this, to save you
After what happened Chiaki still doesn't let herself get down, she still has to see for the rest of her classmates and, at the best of her habilities she tries to explain what happened as well to ask what is the plan to take care of the rest, she doesn't let anyone stop for what happened or try to ask her how she feels because it isn't until she is sure that the plan is underway and she can be completely alone when she finally let herself break, and she does break, Chiaki will spend a long time just crying, she just feel the need to be alone it isn't something that she want to share because it hurt her in a way that she can't explain to anyone, for the second time she lose the opportunity to be able too see you again, to be with you
She cries quietly and alone, and it isn't until she is done crying that she goes out of her room to see the others again, she accepts his words of encouragement and condolences but doesn't say much about it, it still hurt her and will still hurt for along time but she is determinante to continue with her mission, what motivate her to continue and to even smile again is that she is fighting for you and for her beloved classmates, she is fighting for you to have a bright future, even if is a future where she won't be able to be
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hiiii can you do a deep dive into hawkeye's attachment styles pretty please :') i don't know much about attachment styles but i love psychology and i'm super normal about that guy (lying) so this is all fascinating 2 me !!!
Hi! I can certainly try!
I'm by no means an expert on attachment theory but I guess I can maybe talk about it since I'm studying it right now and have for a few years. I'm a psych major specializing in psychological development, and a lot of my interests and papers in the last few years have been on attachment theory specifically in adults bc believe it or not, most people think that it's only a thing when you're in infancy and early childhood. False! You actually grow an attachment network as you go from adolescence into adulthood and that's how it stays essentially, but your attachment style is important for the people you choose to be around and how relationship dynamics work (there's more nuance to this but I'm not really sure how to explain it without going super in depth). Anyway... Maybe I should do a general post about attachment theory.
For Hawkeye I think he's definitely in the preoccupied type, but he can also sometimes be a bit dismissing. Let's be real, Hawkeye has abandonment issues. If you think about it, he lost his mom when he was a kid, and it was pretty sudden. She got sick and he didn't really know what was going on, and his dad didn't tell him how bad it was. Then a few days later she was gone. Not only did he very suddenly lose a primary attachment figure, but he likely felt a sense of betrayal from his other primary attachment figure due to his dad not being honest with him. Yes, he was only a kid, but that doesn't stop him from feeling that way. That is still the case to a degree, he mentions it in that one episode... I think it's called Sons and Bowlers? When his dad was going into surgery for something serious and Hawkeye thought it could be cancer but he didn't find out until his dad was already in surgery and he spent forever trying to get through to the hospital. He was rantic and said something about his dad doing it again, likely meaning holding back the severity of an illness from him to protect him.
The loss of a primary caregiver is devestating to a young child even if they don't really understand what happened. The person they've relied on, who they knew was going to keep them safe and take care of them is just no longer there, whether they know why or not doesn't matter. Now, hawkeye I think was a bit older... 10, maybe? So he understood that it wasn't his Mom's intention, but that doesn't stop the pain. It seems very much like he clung to his dad after that, and he seems to have a very secure attachment to him. But I don't think that overall he has a secure attachment style. Definitely not.
The preoccupied attachment style is typically characterized by people who have positive views of others but negative views of the self. This usually means that they want close relationships but don't feel they're deserving of it necessarily or that they can trust others. In a modern sense, they'd be the person who'd text you a thousand times if you didn't respond. They can be clingy and they need reassurance. And while Hawkeye can be arrogant, I don't think he really likes himself that much. I can't think of anything speciifc he says but he definitely seems to think he's not a good person. He probably doesn't think he's ideal for a relationship. And we can see that in his interactions with his ex.
Carly and Hawkeye lived together for over a year, and he was devastated when she left him. Again, abandonment by another primary attachment figure. When she showed up at the 4077th he was hurt and a bit bitter, but when he talked to her he was desperate. He would do anything to keep her by his side, including marriage. And she knew it was desperation. A lot of it was his work that got between them, as she said, because he isn't someone who can put his work second. But another piece of those commitment issues might be that doubt or anxiety around relationships that are more than just sex.
This isn't just in romantic relationships. Think about how he reacted when Trapper left. He was so hurt that Trapper didn't even leave a note and chased after him to try and catch him before he left despite knowing he had little chance of catching him. He and Trapper were always together and he seemed a bit more secure in that friendship... but that went out the window when he left. Now, I don't really know that much about Trapper, esp since he was only in 3/11 seasons. But the effect he had on Hawkeye was immense.
You can see that in the way he interacts with BJ. He's clingy. He needs validation. He's scared of being abandoned again, whether or not he wants to admit it. And in GFA, he gets so irritated when BJ won't say goodbye. Hawkeye knows they won't see each other again, so leaving without a goodbye and a promise of seeing each other again is the same as being abandoned. BJ is important to him.
This validation isn't even just with BJ. It's pretty much with everyone. He cracks jokes and the laughter is validation. Sleeping with one of the nurses is validation. To me at least, he seems to feel inferior when comes to anything that's not surgery. Just as a person. But he also seems to have a defense against that, acting like all he needs are one night stands. Keeping the nurses at an arm's length, never going further emotionally than just sex. Which is why I said he could also fit the dismissing style a little bit, too. It's a defense mechanism so he doesn't get hurt. Dismissing is when someone has a positive view of self and a negative view of others, usually relying on being self-sufficient and independent, not needing close relationships even though they desperately want them. He just thinks people will leave him so he doesn't let people get to close to him. That seems to more be the case with women.
I hope this makes some sense! He has a bit of a mix of styles but I think more preoccupied than anything else. I wanna give poor Hawkeye a hug :(
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lilac-gold · 1 year
Headspace Thoughts
I've been thinking about Headspace again and the deeper meaning everything in it seems to have, and just recalled a little detail from the game about Doughie and Biscuit.
A running theme throughout HS is that of isolation. Spaceboy isolates himself in bed and later on a mountain. Rococo is isolated for years in Sweetheart's walls. SWH isolates herself on her quest for love. And the Unbread Twins have been isolated for all eternity in Breaven.
It seems that at one point they must have spoken to people- it seems that the belief in them has existed for centuries, their murals are accurate and bread is still offered to them (seemingly as a sacrifice). They're respected in Orange Oasis as deities, its citizens aware of their existence, but nobody makes any attempt to find them until Omori & co.
Even then, it's dependent on chance. The gang's intention was never to find Doughie & Biscuit and set them free- it was just something they chose to do for the heck of it, but without their visit, the twins would likely be in Breaven for at least years after. Kind of like how Kel decided to visit Sunny and see if he wanted to come out- neither Sunny nor anyone else ever asked him to, but without it, Sunny would've gone down the Hikki route for certain.
When first looking at the Unbread Twins, they're funny characters. 12-year-old Sunny looked at Daphne and Bowen and his only thought was that making bread forever had to be a miserable existence, so here they are! But then I started looking deeper at some of their quotes, and began to notice a few things.
This line in particular caught my eye: "I knew that our bread would come back to haunt us eventually...". It reminded me of Sunny's denial, and of the way his guilt haunts him through the forms of Something, Stranger and Black Space.
Originally, rather than living bread, Doughie was supposed to perceive Omori, Kel, Aubrey and Hero as ghosts, saying, "Are you a ghost?" and "Perhaps they are here to exact their revenge? That would be most..." / "Unfortunate." (Biscuit)
On one hand, it makes sense that she might think this. There were creatures like Hush Puppies in the sacrificing area, she clearly hasn't spoken to anyone but Biscuit in years, and ghosts have been confirmed to exist in Headspace. On the other, this is similar to how Sunny seems to perceive Something almost as the ghost of Mari, a physical manifestation of his guilt that reminds him of what he did. Judging by the three fear battles, it's not a stretch to say that Sunny could view Something as trying to get revenge for Mari too- potentially his subconscious punishing him for what he did.
When Doughie and Biscuit find out that the HS Gang aren't there to hurt them, they simply rejoice for a moment about their safety before continuing on as they always have. They've fallen into a routine: endless, repetitive, miserable, but familiar. The thought of leaving doesn't even occur to them; they rely heavily on the system they've made, scared of leaving and viewing the idea as preposterous.
Similarly, Sunny hasn't left his house in years, and doesn't intend to until Kel comes knocking. He's also fallen into a routine, every day the same as he locks himself away, isolated and too scared to leave alone. He doesn't want to face what he did, or see people again, or look at all the places where he used to go with Mari. He doesn't want to leave, but then Kel appears and flips that all on its head because then he actually has a reason to.
"Alright, we've changed our minds... We want to leave... This place sucks!" / "BISCUIT... We've always been afraid to use the portal." / "But perhaps it's time for change..."
They don't want to stay, and they haven't for a while, but they were too afraid to leave. Then, they're motivated to, and they finally gather up the courage and willpower to go outside of their self-imposed prison.
...And immediately lose everything.
They go to the Last Resort and lose all of their clams to gambling. They decided to break the routine, and suffered as a result of it. This could potentially be symbolic of how Sunny chose to leave but just ended up getting more hurt in the neutral/bad endings. Perhaps 'gambling' has a double meaning; they took a chance on going outside, and it backfired. Perhaps I'm looking too deeply into it lol.
It's interesting to look into how each character can parallel another (e.g. Hero & Spaceboy, Rococo & Sunny, Sweetheart & Mari, etc.), and I had fun writing this! Of course, this is all just me theorising; nothing is concrete, and plenty of it is probably just nonsense, but I wanted to get it out of my system :)
Thanks for getting to the end! Expect more analysis posts to come in the near future :)
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teddybeirin · 2 months
I am in a similar situation to yourself but with no opportunities to escape just now. I have siblings relying on me and emotionally abusive Stepmom. I am autistic, recently diagnosed and heavily mask. I had a small collection of dolls and plushes. I get comfort from them. I feel like I protect them even when noone protect me. But a few days ago she took them from me as punishment . I did not know she actually threw them out. She told me this morning deliberately after rubbish lorry came so it would hurt extra. It's sound so stupid but it's killing me inside to think they were scared and suffering wondering where I am and not saving them. That they might be still suffering. I don't know if the rubbish collection crushed and killed them. They were only quite small and some old. They were very timid and don't like loud noises. It just kill me knowing they are gone when they do small and helpless and I wasnt there. I made the mistake of telling my dad and he said I was crazy. I just don't know what to do. They made things bearable because I had a purpose to protect them. I know that sounds weird. I just don't know how to deal with the pain. Have you experienced this and how did you deal with it or did you manage to take your dolls/plushes with you. You don't have to answer and I am sorry for the long letter. I am happy at least one of us got out
Hello lovie, I'm so so so sorry that you are in a similar situation to how I was in. I hope you & your siblings will get the opportunity to get away soon.
It doesn't sound weird at all - I'm the same way. I see a lot of objects, especially stuffed animals & dolls, as having feelings. I had lots & lots of them, and they comforted me while I was living with my abusive family, and they were often taken from me as punishments too. I'm so sorry your dad wasn't caring or understanding of you, it isn't fair, it isn't right
I couldn't keep any of mine, because I couldn't carry them.. but I know in my heart they knew what was happening. It was so hard to let them go, and go without them, but stuffed animals are very clever and very kind. They never want their people to suffer or to stay in bad places for them - and when their loved ones aren't there, they go away into new selves, that is how I see it. Like the velveteen rabbit becoming a real bunny, away from the boy.. it isn't something we can see.
It makes it easier to deal with losing them because I know that they aren't having to witness my suffering anymore either. I think they probably could recognize your stepmom is no good, such that they would not blame you for her actions which you cannot stop. But truly it comes back to that they are good-natured and want what's best for us, and sometimes that means letting us go too.. they can always go into someplace else, but we as fleshy humans can only live one fragile life.
It is okay to feel the grief. It doesn't mean you are wrong or crazy or that you are in your own way. Loss is never easy, even when we have certainty they went away okay it's hard to bear it, all the more when we don't have that. If my answer doesn't make it feel any better it doesn't mean you are wrong either.
Right now I have 2 stuffed animals, one is a gift from a precious loved one, a small teddy, and the other is especially special because he is handmade just for me. They don't replace the ones I lost but they took up the torch that the stuffies I once had had passed on.
Thank you for reaching out, and for not giving up. Please keep going, I wish to lend some of my strength to you, and I know your stuffed animals and dolls would want to see you happy and free too. It won't be this way forever. It can be so difficult to see a way forwards when you are still stuck and hurting, but I promise it is there. I am wishing for your happiness & freedom with all my heart!! Please feel free to keep sending in letters as much as you want to.
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fandoomrants · 2 years
Ok, so many hopes and predictions for season 4 of tua. Many people (can't say I'm not one of them) wishing for Reginald to die, some prediciting they're all gonna die. Everyone basically wondering if they'll be once again facing some apocalypse.
And, thinking about it, another end of the world would seem sorta logical, right? Now, the question is, what is going to happen if that's the case again.
I personally hope they all (not Reginald, tho) get out of it alive, with or without powers.
I believe they'll get their powers back somehow, but maybe it won't be so bad if in the end they after all lose them forever? Especially if this time it's some conscious decision they make to get rid of them?
Bear with me for a second here. What if the season ends with either another apocalypse where they all die (please, please no)
Them letting go of their powers and somehow saving the world doing so? Because, if you think about it, they are literally causing it every time because they do something with their powers. So, maybe them losing them is going to give them a chance of a normal life.
That might be good for them??
Luther and Sloane (if they find her, I personally believe she's not gone forever) having a normal life, travelling the world together. Or, for Luther, in general, not being ashamed how people are going to react to his body and him being half a monkey and having to hide his body at all times, just having a normal life that he's in control of. Basically doing what he wants to do, not what his father says.
Diego and Lila having their family and living in peace with their child (let them have one!) , not having the shadow of their upbringing looming over them and threatening them all the time, making them question their ability of creating a normal family.
Allison... Idk, I think she was better and happier in season 2 when she was just trying to lead a normal life with Ray without using her powers. I personally think she's relying on her powers too much but would live better without them. I don't really know what's gonna happen with both Ray and Claire as they're from other timelines and don't make sense in the same one, but I hope she finds some peace.
Klaus!!! Klaus might need some getting used to not being immortal, even though he found out that pretty recently, he is still leading a pretty risky life so he basically never understood how many times he has died. BUT he doesn't like the ghosts! Losing his powers would mean he could have the chance to get clean, start a normal life!! He wouldn't have to get drunk or high in order to escape the ghosts constantly bothering him! I think that's gonna work for him well! He's smart, he's really smart, he'll find a good path for himself. I think it'll be great for him to get rid of his powers!
FIVE CAN FINALLY RETIRE, Y'ALL! Especially if somehow he gets to get his body back (I love the 58-year-old in a 13-year-old body but I believe he would hate to remain like this forever).
Ben... Idk, Brelly!Ben also wasn't a big fan of the Horror, now we have Sparrow!Ben who doesn't seem to mind it, but maybe when there are no Umbrella or Sparrow Academies anymore, he'll just wanna lead a normal life. It's confirmed it was Sparrow!Ben on that train, and he looked so peaceful and happy there. Maybe he'll like to have a normal life without being a superhero or having to prove himself in front of everyone.
And Viktor. Viktor... Really spent most of his life without powers. And, I believe he was actually doing pretty well. He had an apartment, a job. He was actually living better than some of his siblings. So, maybe if he ended on good terms with his siblings this time, and didn't feel like an outcast (AND GOT TO PLAY HIS VIOLIN, OMG, PLEASE. Let the boy get his violin and show his talent properly this time), he would actually live well without powers.
Anywayy, I got a bit carried away! I actually started this post wanting to say that, whatever happens, whoever gets to live or die, we'd better not end up with a dead Ben once again..
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paleparearchive · 2 months
My Precious Friend
El Greco's 2nd initial 3★ story (2/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: Manet's room ; garden (morning) | Characters: El Greco, Munch, Manet, Aoi/MC
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Manet: Hm? El Greco? What is it?
El Greco: I'm looking for Munch's friend. Have they been here?
Manet: Hmpf, there is no way I would have welcomed one of the commoners.
El Greco: I see. Then let me know if you see them.
Manet: … You want me to join you in your search for this commoner? There is no way I would have time to waste like that.
El Greco: It's not a waste. What I'm looking for is Munch's precious friend. I have to find them, even if it means falling off a cliff.
Manet: Why are you so desperate? I don't understand it at all. You are an artist that I recognize. If you have time for that, you should paint your own pictures.
El Greco: No, it's not that. When a friend is in danger, all the islanders gather together with their familiars... That shouldn't be just in my hometown.
Manet: There is no such culture in this country.
El Greco: Is that so? … Apparently, I haven't studied enough. But it doesn't change the fact that friends should be helped. I got in your way.
El Greco: I have searched all over the museum since then, but Munch's friend was nowhere to be found. Even the familiars I relied on still haven't gotten any information. I've even asked other artists and they all say they don't know… Where could they have gone…
I can't be one of Munch's friends if I fail to save a friend in danger…
… No, there is no time to be discouraged. Munch must be feeling anxious as I speak. I'll look for them once again–
Munch: Hey, why are you hiding? C'mon, get out!
El Greco: ! That voice…
Munch: Finally! You're really quick, aren't you? You were sooo hard to find!
Aoi: Munch-kun, I'm glad you found your friend safely.
Munch: Yeah! Hey, the director said she was worried about you. Why don't you thank her?
El Greco: Talking to the ground... Looks like you successfully found your friend.
Munch: Ah, it's Niko-chan! Helloooo!
El Greco: Hi. You too have been looking for Munch's friend, right, deputy director?
Aoi: Rather than looking for them… I was curious to see how Munch-kun was doing, so I followed him. Then he was here talking to his friend.
El Greco: I see… I'm glad you found your friend, Munch.
Munch: Yeah! You looked for them too, didn't you, Niko-chan? The director told me. Thank you!
El Greco: Of course, because you're my friend…
I know what it's like to lose a friend, too. I used to see them too.
Aoi: Uh, is that so!?
El Greco: There are spirits in my hometown. I used to talk and play with them when I was a child.
Munch: Those spirits were important friends to Niko-chan, weren't they!
El Greco: Right. They're precious friends who I can trust. However… One day, the spirits became invisible. I always thought we were meant to be together forever… So when I heard that Munch's friend was gone, I felt a resemblance with my old self.
Aoi: Is that so…
(Maybe Munch-kun's friends and El Greco-kun's spirits are two different things. Still, they must have been important…)
El Greco: I can no longer see them, but they were my friends, no, they're still my friends. You should cherish the friends you can see now, Munch.
Munch: Right! But… It's not just my friend I just found, you know? Niko-chan, Director-chan, eeeeveryone is my precious friend!
El Greco: Munch… Right, thanks. For me, you, the deputy director, and all the artists– you're all my precious friends.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
Would u be willing to share any tidbits about the faaf variant where Flower goes thru with the sealing?? (I’m p sure u said that exists and it’s not just the brainrot of my post sealing au that’s telling my brain that)
So there's two variants, one where they break out after 5 years or one that follows Embrace The Void ending
After they're sealed, Hornet delivered the message they left to their boyfriends and family. They're shocked to see the goddamn princess at their doorstep at first. There are lots of tears and Hornet apologises for not being able to change their mind, but she's quickly hushed by Flower's partners and Lummis' parents. They share their grief and comfort each other, and Hornet is just as readily accepted into the family as her sibling was.
She tries to tell their father the truth, which is what they planned from the beginning because they were aware it was very likely they wouldn't be able to fight Radiance off forever, but Pale King wasn't taking their loss well so when faced with the possibility that the child he mourned all over again was alive all this time... He just couldn't accept it. It hurt too much to even consider. He couldn't. He had to be right.
This led to him and Hornet quickly falling out as she desperately tried to get him to believe her and he eventually snapped at her about being delusional and disrespecting her dead sibling's sacrifice. He immediately regretted it but the damage was done and she stormed off. Their relationship was never the same again, even when she gave up on nagging him, and once she grew up she just stopped visiting him or White Lady in the palace altogether, save for very sporadic occasions.
She spends a lot of time with Flower's family, practically becoming a part of it. Nobody back home understands what she's going through, nobody but she knew her sibling as a person, nobody knew who they were or how much they meant to her. But these people do, they're going through the same pain. And it's a little easier when they've got each other to rely on.
They frequently visit the temple and sit in front of the egg, talking to Flower as if they could hear them and catching them up with things that happened. They don't know if Flower can actually hear them, but it helps them cope, and if there is a small chance that they do they wouldn't want them to feel alone. (I have. A little dialogue written up for Hornet's visit, if you want your heart torn out)
So in one branch, Flower manages to win against Radiance after 5 years of torment.
She manages to break the chains and tries to stagger out of the egg, but Flower fights with her for control, they stumble over to their sword and stab themself. She wuns back control soon after, but realising they're losing Flower reaches out into that vast emptiness they always felt inside them since the day they were born. For that ancient, sleeping thing they were always terrified of.
The Lord of Shades is a separate character here. It's an ancient higher being, an actual sub-type of one that I very originally called void beings, it was the last one and its kind died with it after it lost to Radiance many eons ago; that is, until PK started to fuck around with its corpse and created the vessels. It basically allowed them to reawaken (since death doesn't work the same way if you were never alive to begun with) and it helps Flower, as in it possesses them and absolutely wrecks Radiance's shit. (I actually wrote this entire fight if you wanna see, I just don't wanna plop it down here bc its LONG)
Flower passes out and wakes up shortly after with no recollection of what happened past their initial fight with Radiance. They stagger back to their feet, and find that not only is She gone but the seals are also gone and the door is wide open. So they stagger back to the White Palace.
Pale King first figures out something's up when Radiance's dying scream literally shakes the entire kingdom to its core. Then, he gets the news that the dreamers are awake. He sends Dryya to fetch the queen from the gardens and talks with the other knights about going to check the temple, only for Dryya to return shortly after, telling him that the vessel has returned.
He rushes to see, and sure enough there they are. They look at him, for a moment everybody's tense, until they drop into a bow...and then shortly after pass the fuck out.
They're carried off to a room and taken care of.
The Pale King has to juggle a lot as the entire court just goes into chaos, and he's talking to the dreamers and a few other people, trying to figure out what the hell happened, when Hornet storms in and slaps him right in the face. She basically goes "I told you so" then storms off to go see her sibling.
They recover over a few weeks and when they wake up their little sister is pressed up close to their side fast asleep. They shake her awake and the two have a very happy reunion, and Flower gushes about how much she's grown only to then immediately make a joke about her height.
They've got a lot of shit to heal from and their parents avoid them like the plague after finally realising they are alive, so they've got that entire thing to worry about. And then there's also the fact that the Shade Lord never left and they have a fucked up venom-like situation on their hands. And they also have to figure out the entire thing of being the new god of dreams now.
That all can wait for now, though, as they finally get to go home and reunite with their lovers. There are a lot of tears and hugs and kisses, and they apologise so much for leaving them, but Petunia and Lummis quickly hush them saying they are just happy to have them back.
Another branch follows more along the lines of Embrace The Void ending, except more characters are alive, mainly the five great knights, The Pale King, as well as Broken Vessel (Spring) and Greenpath Vessel (Basil). Spring and Basil end up joining Ghost for a large portion of their travels, until the tail end of it where they just sit it out in Dirtmouth after Spring gets injured, leaving Ghost to go beat up their dad for the second part of the charm, go to the abyss, all that jazz.
After the infection dies out, it's mainly PK and his knights that try to rebuild the kingdom, while Hornet takes care of her sibling up in Dirtmouth.
Petunia and Lummis are also still alive, mostly because Hornet convinced Grimm to take them in as part of the troupe and troupe members age differently in this AU. I don't wanna get too much into it, basically Lum and Petunia and some of their family get to live longer but don't retain their memories of the time in the troupe after they're released by Grimm. I just need them to reunite with Flower okay.
Hornet also tells their father and the knights that Flower died to keep them from seeing them, and PK doesn't realise this isn't true until he goes to see his wife and she tells him she can still sense them up on the surface. He figures Hornet must have had a good reason to lie though so he doesn't pry.
Flower deals with a lot here and is much more bitter and angry and quick to choose violence, which actually terrifies them. They apologise so much to their partners, because they left their entire lives behind for them and they're not even the same person that they fell in love with. Lummis and Petunia of course tell them that's rubbish.
Basically, Flower's an emotional mess and has anger issues now that they've got to work through.
I could go in more detail but I've been writing for around an hour now and my thoughts are all over the place KDBDJDJD, if ya wanna know specifics of things that would happen like idk their reunion with their parents, just lmk
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Honestly, I feel like for the purpose of Akudama Drive's overall narration, an Executioner who's a stronger mirror to Hoodlum would have been a good character to have.
This role could easily have been given to Junior, who does share such traits as "trying to make himself look tough when he's clearly a coward" (this is obvious from Brother's point of view scenes*) but the Junior we got is largely... lacking in actual flaws. (King of giving us nothing, as usual.)
*"Now I know that some cops are nice" scene not canon to me because sometimes Rokurou Ogaki makes mistakes
Whoever wrote the first draft for Hoodlum's "Personality" section on the Wiki used the phrase "if you can't beat them, join them." This is a good way to put it - and because of that, I believe Hoodlum is someone who could have easily joined the Execution Division if that had been in the cards for him.
Notably because later down the page, I used this sneak peek page of Hoodlum surrendering to the cop robots because he knows he can't beat them. Wouldn't something in his head have told him "it would be a good idea to join them instead?"
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I think Hoodlum should stay a hoodlum. I don't think "it would have been better if he had been a cop" - he plays an important role as the character that he is. What I think is that he could have easily, with just some small differences, joined the Execution Division as it is presented to us narratively, and as such, an Executioner who mirrors him would be a great character.
An Executioner who joined the Execution Division not because they believe in their duty, but because they know that if they were against them, they would lose. They try and somehow succeed at passing for yet another proper Executioner but only really rely on their partner. If their partner dies, their next partner might be a new challenge to use and cause a great change in how they have to behave if they want to survive.
This role could also have been given to Pupil, who already has parallels to Hoodlum - largely the partner death thing - but maybe the parallels would have been a bit much at that point. We don't know Pupil's intentions as an Executioner, but we know she actually believes in her line of duty, and that's why she's in for a shock - she's not at all a character like I'm describing in this regard.
Because the greater narrative of Akudama Drive is about revealing the Execution Division's wrongdoings and weaknesses, I feel like such a character would play a great role - if Master used his role as an Executioner for the thrill of fighting, this would be another Executioner who "misuses" the Execution Division. In order to give themselves a better place in society, in order to be safe, they don't hesitate to follow orders to kill blindly, not because they think it's right, but out of a selfish, misled sense of survival. In that, they wouldn't be that dissimilar to an Akudama... or a fraud.
I honestly feel like Junior could have been characterised this way. Keep the cowardice and awkwardly trying to make himself look tough - add an obvious habit of knowingly hiding behind Pupil because he actually doesn't intend on fighting. To mix up my idea with Junior's canon characterisation - keep his innocence. Scrap the "partner who dies" idea and keep him a noob. Despite his cowardly intentions, he actually does get caught by Doctor easily, he actually does get shot by the little girl easily, because he didn't realise the serious implications of this line of work; he thought he could just play it safe forever, but he also didn't have a good grasp of what is unsafe when you're an Executioner. When he thankfully survives in the Director's Cut, these experiences lead him to grow and make do with his situation, especially aided by Pupil's growth.
But it's fine, I also like the real Junior. He's cute.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
You all know the usual! Jokes are made, me being shamelessly being a fangirl, some thoughts are made. All that jazz!
And now... ON TO THE EPISODE!!
Being a manga reader... I am prepared... but that doesn't mean I will handle anything any better! 😆
I'm just realizing Encounter, Part 1 was when Shigaraki met Midoriya at the mall.
They really showed Mt. Lady's butt again... still Fatgum's reaction to her will forever be hilarious to me.
Geten, Geten, Geten. Why in the hell are you so pretty? He is really Ice Prince pretty. ❄️💙
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I know I don't see someone with a gun for a head!!!
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"This plating at military thing isn't really working anymore." OH, REALLY?! WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Now, that I'm thinking about it, it's funny that the villains give the heroes slack for having kids being pulled into fights like this... as if Toga isn't a whole 16 year old girl. Oh, I guess with villains, it's okay? Isn't she a lieutenant?!
Like almost everyone is a hypocrite in this series. But it amuses me.
"I can't believe Toga would lose her cool like that." I can. I can believe it. At most, she just gave them paper cuts.
Ugh, that is a nightmare fuel face. 😬
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"One for All... One for All..." Me: You shut up... You shut up...
Shigaraki, you okay there, buddy? (No, no, he's not.)
"FOOSH!!! 🔥🔥🔥 I like the sound effects!
"But why I'm not satisfied??" Ask yourself this, my guy... was it really something you wanted in the first place?
"One For All..." I thought I told you to shut up.
I NEVER want to see that face on my green boy again. Okay, but it's a meme-able face.
I need to stop. I already made memes from Hawks' scary face. I can't do this to Izuki Midoriya, my green boy, my sunshine.
Aaand... he's using Ragdoll's quirk... oh that's just great! 😐
Shigaraki, jumping like that is not your thing. It's Miruko's and Deku's.
Midoriya prioritizing the safety of others... 😭😭😭
Bakugou tagging along with him, love to see it!
OMG, Shigaraki has his card!!!
THANK YOU FOR THE BAKUGOU CARD! I WAS HOPING FOR THAT!! BECAUSE IF THEY HAD PUT SOMEONE ELSE... I'm joking, I'd be fine. BUT I'M GLAD TO SEE BAKUGOU THIS TIME. Nice detail to put his given name since his hero name is unknown. Unless you're a manga reader!!!
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"Kacchan, why you're following me?!" 🤣🤣🤣 YOU'RE JUST ASKING THIS?! I GET IT, BUT... 🤣🤣🤣
"I'll send you flying!!" Katsuki, my gremlin, no! 🤣🤣🤣
This whole exchange is hilarious, their faces!! It's moments like this I do love between these two because now they're at this level of understanding. Since their fight at Beta, there has been comedic moments like this.
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Even though we know what Katsuki will tell Izuku... we know he's following you because he is worried about you.
"What, you think you're the main character or something now?" I love lines like this. Also, HE IS. It's funnier coming from Katsuki because he's been #1 on Popularity Polls since forever. 🤣🤣🤣
"I'm gonna get him back for that day!" As you should, go for it.
Honestly, I feel like Katsuki doesn't just want payback for himself, but for All Might, too. He does... used to (?) blame himself for All Might retiring. It's one of the moments that while it seems like Katsuki is only doing what he does for his ego and he just might be, I feel like it's because he does care about others and what they think. It's like... how can I explain it? He doesn't want others to see him as a failure, but as someone people can rely on. Someone (more importantly Izuku) can see as a hero. Not because of his ego, but because deep down he really does care.
It's odd to me that people in this story view Katsuki (a teenager who's behavior was enabled by ADULTS yet owns up to his own mistakes without even blaming adults, this fandom can't seem to see that) as a villain sometimes like he's incapable of being a hero because of his personality... yet Endeavor, people who are aware of his personality, is currently the #1. Yes, he got there due to his work as a Pro, but popularity also plays a part. So when anyone is like "Katsuki is such a villain", I'm like "yet, there's Endeavor???"
Now back to our regular scheduled program!!
*purple tubes light up* Me knowing what's coming: 😬😬😬
Gran Torino, coming in clutch! Someone had to save those kids!
Oh, the Pros are here! LIKE ROCK LOCK!! 💚💚💚
They... they didn't have to show Crust dying again, come on. I actually liked Crust.
Showing Oboro... showing that scene in Vigilantes... yep, I didn't need to be happy today... THANKS FOR THE PAIN!! 🥲
"Don't lay a finger on my students!" We love to see a protective Eraser Head! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
"You really are cool, Eraser Head." I know, right? Careful though, Shigaraki. Your fanboy is showing.
Oh, hey, Kido! You know, I'd love to see like a mini series of just sidekicks. Like the Midnight Boys, the Flaming Sidekicks...
MANUAL!!! 💙💙💙
This shot of Shigaraki smiling and going "Oh, no" is my favorite Shigaraki shot now.
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*The Doctor talking again* OMG, lock this guy up already!
MIC! 💛💛💛
"I'm awake now." You were sleep-causing havoc this whole time then?
That is a joke. Some people can't seem to catch humor. Someone was bound to go "He meant it metaphorically..." I am aware and you should shut it.
Okay, wait. So can Manual control water (like he carries around small water capsules or something) or can he conjure up his own and control water?
Not the Nomus!!!
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Hm, do I have something to say for this episode? Um... no, not much once more.
I am scared for what's coming though...
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pridelessdaydreamer · 8 months
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taken from: nat's linoan!
tagging: flutters my lashes like a funny lil guy :eye::sparkles:
write about how our muses could connect with each other! ex. what does your muse like to do that other people would be involved in? do they have interests that other people might share?
Linhardt is a Black Eagle, and one native to Fódlan. Any who decide to study the politics of the continent would easily stumble upon his house, and connections can be drawn from there (accurate or otherwise).
She is a frequenter of the library though, even if she's most often found there late at night. Aside from her chronic reading, she also likes to fish! Not competitively though. She's not that competitive.
If you can't find them in class, the library, or at the Fishing Grounds though, just wander around the monastery a bit—they're probably asleep underneath a tree somewhere. Or in their room asleep, in which case, good luck finding them.
write about your muse and their concept of friendship. ex. how is your muse like with friends? do they make friends easily or do they find it difficult to connect with others?
Friendship for Lin is... interesting, to say the least. They'll regard you much the same as they would any other person, but perhaps with slightly less rudeness/sass (unless you're really close, then it's worse *cough cough* CASPAR *cough cough*). The chance of summoning them with the click of your heels increases by 0.5%, so that's also a neat bonus! Really, the big thing is that they'll consciously worry about you now (when they think it's necessary to worry, otherwise, you're on your own).
The thing is, once you actually manage to pin him down, so long as you aren't asking him to do work all the time, you'd be pretty alright in his book! The threshold for 'friendship' though is rather hard to pin down—one day you're acquaintances and the next you're friends. It's not really easy to draw the line.
I can't say she makes friends easily considering she... doesn't exactly try, to be quite frank (it's part of the reason the previous bullet is so nebulous). She'd be completely content being alone forever (minus that one hamster), and she doesn't really rely on others that much except to do work she'd rather not do! Actively seeking out a friend isn't really something she does. I can't say she struggles either though—there is simply no effort made at all. Alas.
write about your muse and the conflicts they have with other people. ex: who are they on bad terms with? what kind of people do they not get along well with? how do they act around people they don’t like?
Hubert. Also Ferdinand. Edelgard to an extent. Caspar sometimes (it's a best friends thing) /j. Yeah. Yeah.
To elaborate, anybody who expects her to put in more than the minimum amount of effort gotta be joking fr! It's not that bad if it's a misunderstanding, but if you try to force it? Yikes. (Edelgard ain't that bad fr cuz she knows when to quit! Also when to appeal. She's cool ong)
Admittedly, antagonism for Linhardt is basically the same as their normal behavior, just snarkier. More witty rebuttals and sharp comments—this man can never be anything but blunt! They're already very likely to just walk away from a conversation, but if they don't like you? Ohoho!
Won't lose sleep over it though. That's a bit too much.
write about your muse and their relationship with romance. ex. are they searching for love or not interested in it in the slightest? what’s their dating history like? how do they act around crushes? how would they treat their partner if they were in a relationship?
Okay 'cause this is hilarious when the muse is aromantic gwahaha!
This is an aroace lil guy—completely disinterested in romance for romance's sake (because someone tell me how he tells how many different girls they're gonna have kids together in his A-supports? Also in basically every instance it's got something to do with crests and studying them. He's a bit insane).
Their dating history is completely blank. There is actually nothing to see here.
Similarly, there are no crushes for her to act different around! This one is fairly normal (<- this post was brought to you by the Aspec Gang)
As for how he'd treat his partner if he was dating—the same way he would act if they were friends? lol? Literally nothing has changed in his mind except that there might be kisses or something. (Is there a book he can read somewhere on this? Probably.)
Oh well she's probably gonna get married off for political purposes anyway. (This post was brought to you by the Noble Clique.)
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Just wanted your thoughts on this.
Meeting One's Match - A Yan!Ganon x Sheikah Fem!OC fic idea.
Not a request, just wanna hear your thoughts & critique.
We love a bad bitch! More under cut since this got pretty long-
I'm not really an OC blog but I do love making and seeing others OCs. I think you have all of your ducks in a line with her.
I think this part: "She's also very hands-on & has a philosophy of 'why ask someone to do something that you can do yourself, but the right way?'" would strike the most friction between her and Ganondorf. I could be misinterpreting this but it sounds like Nemma would be the type to go off and do her own thing. Like while everyone is around planning the best way to go forward she would just go ahead and do it her own way. While this may be be the most efficient way to do things, I feel like there will be this need for control with Ganon as well as a "what if something happened to her?" in the back of his mind. I feel like he'd see her as not only his wife but also his strongest warrior so losing her would be not only emotionally crappy but also tactically crappy as well. This coupled with her backstory sounds like Nemma doesn't like to rely on people and might be prone to trying to take on everything and everyone on her own. Maybe part of her character arc could be learning how to work in a group?
It also sounds like Nemma might be slightly inspired by Miyamoto Musashi (thank you Puppet History). If not I think it'd be really helpful for you to look into him.
As for her design, I think you should maybe add a hat if she travels often. She can still have a top knot with her daggers if her hat has a hole at the top for it. I'm a sucker for historical fashion so I think you should do research on what time period(s) Sheikah dress is inspired by in TOTK and go from there. I would also recommend thinking about what kind of lifestyle she lives when designing her. However, don't think too hard because honestly making OCs is about having fun!
I don't really know too much about weaponry and it seems like you put a lot of thought into Nemma's weapon. This is not a critique on your weapon choice personally, but I kind of roll my eyes a bit when I see a katana. Again! YOU PROVIDE EXCELLENT REASONING FOR HER CHOICE OF WEAPON AND THIS ISN"T A DISS ON YOU! Maybe you could look into other types of Japanese weaponry for Nemma just a way to explore some options? Or don't if you really want her to have a sword! Everybody has their own attachments to weapons and fighting styles (polearms and crossbows my beloveds). There are also other Japanese style swords you could look into if you want! I'd keep in mind her lifestyle and which would be more practical for her to have. If she is traveling alone it might be more practical for her to have a one handed weapon and a shield since a two handed weapon would leave her open to attacks. I know more about European medieval junk than Japanese military history so idk? I also tend to look to a lot of history when creating OCs since humans have had very common ideas and have been in similar situations since forever. I also only bring up Japanese history because that's what I'm assuming the Sheikah people are inspired by seeing that Nintendo is a Japanese company. I could be wrong since pretty much all of my art history knowledge and fashion history knowledge is based on Europe.
The story sounds interesting and I'd love to read it! Reading through it and before getting to the end I was thinking "oh this is not going to be a healthy relationship." I think that Ganon would want Nemma primarily for her strength and abilities over her as a person. I think Ganon's character arc within the story could be him getting out of his war mentality, or Demon King mentality like you said, and seeing Nemma as a person and not as a weapon. While I see Nemma's character arc being her finally being able to let loose so to say. Being able to rely on another person and not have to carry the weight of the world all on your own.
You mentioned a size kink so I only bring this up because I assume there's going to be some NSFW details in the story. I see sparring being a sort of foreplay for these two. Maybe a wrestling kink? I also get some vibes of Ganon being willing to let Nemma dom him. I also just love seeing a big scary man get dommed by his wife.
Also don't worry about your art style not matching the universe you're trying to fit your OC into. You're not story boarding for a company so just have fun! Unless you want to experiment with different styles then go ham!
All in all, thank you for choosing me to critique your work! You've put so much thought into this it's pretty amazing! ahsdjgsdfgsdjfgdhf I just write about peepees and boobies so I feel really honored that you'd ask me to do this. And while I don't post my own art on here nor do I post my own OCs, character design and development is something I go feral over. xoxoxo
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