#you get 50% of your note
efteris · 2 months
Picture this
you're in the last year of your degree, you only have one last course outside of projects. And everytime you ask something, the prof open chatgpt and show you how you should use it instead of interrupting his class
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beatcroc · 6 months
hi. vore on main. no that's it that's the post this is straight up genuinely and unironically voreposting on main. mostly just a lot of cutsey dumb goofy shit, but monsterfucker brain did get ahold of me for a bit there so there's also a handful that are uhhhh Spicy. nothing explicit, but like, It's Vore Dude, so if you look under the cut that is YOUR problem ok? ok.
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ok listen before i move on i have to put it out there look i KNOW i drew the funny rat skeleton comic with this guy but that was ONLY because it was funny. thats not my real belief, he doesn't have any organs at all he is just a sack of gunk. he is harmless. it's basically just the same inside as on the outside but slightly more damp since it's not exposed to air to give him that drier 'skin' layer.
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also i already typed this out in my friendserver so im pasting it here now too. my stance on fp re: horniness is i really can't see him as a 'sexual' being, per se, especially with how non-biological he is, but also he really really really likes physical intimacy so if you are giving him permission to be weird and touchy on you in any context, let alone one both parties would enjoy, i mean. he's not gonna say no. this Could be about sex or w/e if someone wanted to fuck him but more relevantly here yeah it's about vore. i think that's categorically about the Most you can be touchy/in contact on a guy so yeah thats always what he's going to go for. tangentially he just thinks it's fun to make peppino* flustered so since pep does not particularly Enjoy being vored, fp has other options to Get Up In There for something else pep might enjoy *spoken generally for whatever theoretical partner, just peppino is the one that's readily available here and fun to use
also while im here id like to say. no peppino is not a monsterfucker are you kidding me. he is not going to ever go out of his way for weirdness. weirdness really has a way of finding him though, and he's shockingly tolerant of it as long as he doesn't clock it as a threat. anyway what im saying is if you got a big clingy beast around and al up in your business all the time shits just gonna kinda Happen sometimes. he's certainly not going to Encourage it but if hes already in that situation, might as well at that point.
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mysteryboy1249 · 7 months
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Finally went and watched Zero Tea Time and like, how is this man still functioning at all??? If we're to assume that Furuya sleeps about 2 hours a night regularly, I'm sorry but this man would in no way shape or form be able to do what he does. - Sincerely, someone who has legitimately slept 3AM to 5AM regularly for several months due to having pre-existing sleep issues and a job that started at an ungodly time.
Like, yes I get that I shouldn't be thinking too deeply since anime logic, but also on this same schedule I felt like I was about to die by week 3 and was essentially a human zombie with my mental health down the sink by week 6(and technically I was sleeping more than 2 hours since I would take some naps as well) so I have some strong feelings about this. Hell, there's no way this man would be able to keep track of what time it is let alone all his jobs and secrets with that amount of sleep. Even if we go under the assumption that he sleeps 3-4 or even 4-5 hours usually and the 2 hours was a special case this man would still not be able to make all those deductions and chase all those criminals. Sure you won't feel as shit, but you definitely will still be feeling quite shit.
No wonder this man depressed and insane with a sprinkling of anger issues and seems to be constantly lowkey disassociating in Zero Tea Time. Yes most of it is because he's the only one left and is horribly traumatized but also like Furuya, have you considered taking a nap? It doesn't solve the trauma, but give yourself 8-10 hours of proper sleep and you'll be waking up ready to take on god.
As a side note, are there fics where Furuya is severely sleep deprived and how that impacts him? Because so far I haven't seen any but I also don't usually go out of my way to find Furuya centered fics. Because if there isn't I'll write one myself, not enough chronic sleep deprivation rep round here in general. Mans mother hens everyone around him, he deserves someone to mother hen him back to force him to sleep because the world will not in fact end if he takes some time off.
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sickly-sapphic · 10 months
dont u love it when you go in the aroallo tag and then theres like fifty posts by aces calling sex disgusting and immoral. i love this community its so fun (sarcasm)
READING LITERACY TEST: - This post never said sex repulsed aroallos don't exist!! - This post never said that you, tumblr user frog78 that ive never heard of, have personally encountered sex repulsion in the aroallo tag - This post never said that I hate asexual, sex repulsed people or anything similar - This post never said asexual people don't like sex - This post never said all aroallo people feel this way, or that all alloaces are using the aroallo tag
What this post did say: tag your posts correctly!! Unless you are specifically an aroallo person talking about sex repulsion, your post about sex repulsion don't need to be in the aroallo tag!!
What this post did say: aromantic and asexual are still getting used interchangeably, even within the aspec community. This is a problem and it does affect both sides of the community, we should be working together to stop it.
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okcoolthanks · 2 days
I’m rewatching it so here’s some shitty drawings of the suckers
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oneway-closet · 2 years
i’ve been listening to blush on loop for hours so now i’m assigning songs to characters like a normal person <3 (yeah these songs have been making me cry)
generous heart: robin -> nancy. your help, i can’t last, all in a frenzy / i have nothing to say about love anymore / love is nothing / i am yours
by myself: max. and i’m beating up myself / i’m beating up myself / woe is me, i’m black and blue / at least i always tell the truth
animal enough: joyce. and i hope you find something you like / in what lies behind your “never mind” / i hope you find some way to see / no one is animal enough for me
coverage: mike. growing up a memory / becoming who i used to be / cover me, uncover you / is that really what i’d do?
hold the sun: will -> mike. i know that she loves you / so i wouldn’t dare to try / hold you like soft water holds the sky
river like you: max. i’ve loved a river like you before / if only i were wise / i never learned to turn and run / when i saw the water rise
bringing me down: eddie -> steve. feeling so tired and lonely / trying to believe kind words you told me / guess i’m okay if you look around / so i must be weak if it’s bringing me down / i have lied, i have lied and hidden / i have done things they deemed forbidden
cricket: the mf idfk. there are prayers you can share / it’s your fault, it’s not fair / and in the end, no one can really make you / if you’re bleeding from a bite / or basking, burning in the light / you see, really anything can break you
menace: el -> mike. well i don’t wanna be a menace anymore, what could a menace be good for? / so i will catch my wandering eye, watch the roses pass me by / and i’ll try to make my menace into someone you’d adore
goodbye rocketship: s2 el -> hopper. you know all the reasons why / i’m sorry and i love you / all we can do is try / you didn’t know how to raise me / any more than i know how to grow up / and childhood is over / and it wasn’t enough
mirth: nancy -> jonathan. well, in a thunder breath i coughed up my heart / a life in my hands, a good place to start / little creature born of joy and mirth, loving without the help of anything x2 / on earth / it’s not you, it’s new york that works
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bunnyb34r · 5 months
Afsgsgsg I started donating to charities both to help people bc I can (I check em on that website to make sure my money is actually helping people) and to get address labels and cards and shit bc my mom gets so many and I was like 👀
Well be careful what you wish for when you have no one to send mail to and now have a gazillion cards and address labels 😭
#it's not actually a problem agsgdgdg i just think it's funny like oh yes give me all the labels! this is great! oh no... oh no what have i#done... and even if you stop sending money regularly they still send you shit after a certain donation threshold (i think at $50 or $100#over a couple months donations is when i got stuff)#and you can opt in to let them send your info to other charities and im greedy so i said yes and now i have a gazillion labels pads of#paper and cards 😭 i got a t-shirt once from a charity i refuse to donate to shdhdhd they were like GIVE US $15 AND WE'LL SEND YOU#ANOTHER SHIRT! and another mailer from them was like $15 and we'll give you a hat agdggdgdgdggd#my aunt had so much of this shit it was hilarious bc she donated a lot of money to different charities over decades of time#and she had like a box full of them along with wrapping paper sheets and shitty bags they send a couple blankets too agdgdgdg#imo the coolest was the long pad of post it notes pbs sent me :D i was like holy shit this rules shdhdhdg#funny that when i finally get address labels and shit i have no one to send mail to bc they either passed away or i dont talk to them#anymore. like in high school my friend and i would mail back and forth the same card and add to it every time agdggdgd it was so fun#anyway it feels nice to be able to budget in some money for charities every month or whenever i remember to mail em#feels like im helping bit by bit#also i really just like getting mail lol#marquilla
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mortimer · 1 year
Can you like fuck off
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Holy shit I just went to someone's blog and they had their follower count in their bio?
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pristine-starlight · 1 year
i have decided that if anyone wants me to deal with a fucking pdf ever again they should pay me. i don't care what it's about. give me money or i'm not touching your penis dick file
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cordiformity · 1 year
I swear to god I’m going to start jumping on walls how can one person be so stupidly adamant WHILE KNOWING FULL WELL HE IS BEING UTTERLY UNREASONABLE
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my dad breaking gender roles by being a huge karen ✊🏻
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prozach27 · 2 years
Morrowind really took a few days to get comfortable with but honestly it’s so fun once you do?? I can see why people enjoy it. It has so much just straight up weirdness and a million factions to join and stuff. You can tell Bethesda or whoever embraced the weird with this game, and then oblivion sorta streamlined it and made it more lord of the rings, then skyrim made it fully unstoppable. Morrowind’s really alien and rough around the edges but once you get used to the mechanics it’s low key so addictive lol
#basically the big one that took getting used to is that you miss when you attack a LOT#if your stamina is low (and it often is because you move at a snail’s pace and have to run) your character is exhausted#and so if they try to cast a spell there’s a decent chance it’ll fail and if you use a weapon there’s a good shot it won’t hit#if the weapon or school of magic is low level it then becomes much harder to hit also#level 30 or so is when it’s pretty consistent and by 50 you pretty much always hit#but level 5? 10? 15? no. you will literally never once hit your target#which is actually kinda neat mechanic wise because it’s the first time in an elder scrolls game where you really do need to use the trainer#like having a trainer level up your skill is a necessity and idk I think that’s so cool#also you can wear rings that are basically free spells to cast that always work#BIGGEST DIFFERENCE BY FAR: it’s from 2002 and quest journals just didn’t exist then#so basically they tried by giving you a journal that updates with a lil bit of info when something important happens but it misses details#so like… everywhere online says you legit need to get an actual physical journal and take notes#not even for basic quest stuff but also you have to buy directions to towns and stuff rather than aimlessly explore#and it’s honestly so weirdly fun to flip back to your actual real life journal and be like ah yes I took good notes I know what to do#or follow the directions you wrote down after someone told you and then end up at the right town#idk it took a minute to get used to but it’s the most weirdly satisfying part of the game to me now lol
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tanoraqui · 2 years
Fealty, honor, nonsense, exasperation, lizard
no (explicit, named) fealty, actually, nor exasperation nor lizard.
What honor, to be sole witness to this intimacy that rang in her heart like a refrain of the Great Song itself!
“Oh, no,” Celechwes said in dismay. “No, absolutely not. I didn’t put on so much effort to stop this nonsense at home just to deal with it here!”
– Celechwes Fixes the Noldor
And Blackbird, hero of River City, first-among-equals leader of the Honor Guard, got to run around in front of it, annoying it as much as possible until it tried to chase him down and squash him flat.
– Heroes and Villains of River City
A pointed cough announced Aragorn’s arrival with the day’s true guest of honor
– Maker's Marks
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
I love being ghosted by HR lmao
#i’m going on long term sick because my knee decided to say ‘fuck it’ and fuck itself up again#because apparently fuck me. i guess#and i told hr about it and told them it seemed like a good idea for me to actually just resign since i don’t know when i’ll be back#and to be honest i don’t really like working there anyway since it plays absolute havoc with my anxiety and also i piss away like £50 a week#on train fares. which is insane considering that i work minimum wage#so i basically tried to tell them like ‘hey i know i need to give 4 weeks notice but can you actually just process my resignation asap#since i really doubt i’ll be coming back and i don’t think it’s fair for me to take a bunch of sick pay when i know i won’t be back’#the way they just haven’t responded#i managed to get my manager to agree to 22nd march as my last day (which.. girl i hate to break it to you but i won’t be in that day either#but okay.) and i sent hr proof of that and they haven’t responded to that either#like HELLO???? are all my emails just going into the void like WHAT IS THIS#bro i’m trying to save you people money and rid you of a substandard employee. you could at least just tell me ‘nah you can’t leave#until the end of your notice period’ like that’s fine. i can very easily get a sick note til then. but just GHOSTING me is crazy#i keep emailing absences like ‘just to let you know i’m still not there’ and they’re not even getting back to me either#makes me wonder what is happening#anyway i’m going to go back to freelancing. no travel expenses and no requirement to be able to walk on two legs#and it pays better than my current job. sure i will go insane in my home by myself but it’s fine#personal
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argreion · 3 months
Creating this post so everyone can spam me with boops idc who you are BUT DO IT
(reblog if I can spam you with like 100 boops or smth)
EDIT 4: I'M ALMOST AT TUMBLRRRRR HOLY SHIT?? Y'all are so sweet :((
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Does anyone know anything bout this... Anything above Tumblr?
EDIT 7: Maybe like 8 hours later? Y'all are wild for 5k notes on this singular stupid post. Tbh I can't boop everyone in the comments but I'll try when I get on my laptop 😭
EDIT 8: I don't care if you autoclick my account to actual hell, ok! Literally just have fun booping! I'm never mad 😭
Please do it! 🙏 Let's use the boop power to help others as well!
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