#you give me adequate food and exercise
mercurialmalcontent · 2 years
Even though I have been trying very hard since spring to get out on regular 3 to 5 km walks and succeeding well enough my stamina and core strength is the best it’s been in years, SAD is kicking my ass way worse than usual, and I really resent that.
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issuesntissues · 6 months
141 if they were dogs
and you can headcanon whatever breed, but this is just how their behavior would be to me :>
the tail never wags
he is stoic, your standard guard dog
he basically lives for his duty, and then mopes on the floor
he doesn’t give any bite warnings, if you’re messing with him he’ll bite—
if he’s sleeping, leave him alone 😬
definitely not a family dog, but a good dog for loners or people who don’t have a lot in life
he loves raw steaks. if he is not fed raw steaks he will be grumpy
Stoic like Price, but a calm approach and a head pat will earn you a small tail wag
a good guard dog for a small family!
he’s always on his feet but when he’s asleep, he’s out like a rock—
has an incredible nose, perfect for sleuthing
knows how to be gentle with small people and animals
definitely sleeps in the kids rooms
loves a variety of raw foods. must pay him the cheese tax
may god help you
he is hyper, he is built for outdoor activities
absolutely massive appetite, will eat whatever you give him and more (lock down your trash cans, and prepare to push him off counters)
if there’s something he’s not used to, he’ll chase it down immediately—
* always alert and vocal, if anything steps foot within his area of awareness, you’ll hear about it
although he wouldn’t be great in a family household, he gets along well with older kids (or anyone with high energy tbh)
he’s a working dog at the end of the day, and needs high activity daily exercise 🫶
unapproachable— keep your hands and fingers to themselves
pure guard dog, and everyone can see it with how many scars he has
he has adequate hearing and smell, but impeccable eyesight
once he’s on the trail of something he won’t ever let it go—
eats nothing but raw meat of any kind (he needs protein 😳)
definitely not for any average dog owner, he’s handled by scary individuals
!! BONUS !!
a big dog, but he’s skittish—
was meant to be a guard dog, but got kicked out of service for being a big silly
has poor spacial awareness but an amazing nose
drools when he sleeps
if you have food, he’ll invade your space and take it (like a cow. look up a cow stealing food—)
definitely isn’t afraid to bite intruders (will mow them down and maul them if he wants to—)
💯 safe with kids of all ages (just make sure you have enough food, eats enough to fill 3 teenage boys. could eat a small human—)
the most domesticated and least aggressive in the entire list tbh
love swimming, if he’s near any puddle or pool he’s diving right in—
excels at fetch, especially with frisbees
is the gentlest with kids, you can leave them alone with him—
has intimidating barks but they’re never aggressive, he’s mostly quiet—
loves the beach, gets all sandy and smelly ✨
has a good balance between guard dog, and family dog 💚
you know outside cats? well he’s like that, only a dog—
comes back for food or if he’s injured/really dirty
he always stays near your home / around your neighborhood at night (he got a lil of that guard dog in him)
very quiet, never barks or whines, but if he’s fighting he’ll sound like a monster—
hunts rats for fun (doesn’t eat them though)
he would not be happy if someone took him off the street, he’s happy with his life style
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Whatever You Say, President-nim
Part Two of "So You Can Do Yours"
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part one: "so you can do yours" wc: 2.6k pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: mentions of food-- specifically gunwook saying he skips lunch to get to work quicker (he's fine, he's just in love), lots of fluff, reader is a bit angsty bc they are missing out on being a kid/young adult/student summary: younganddumbCEO!reader offers to pick up assistant!gunwook at his university one afternoon to "help get him to work on time" ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ so after you read this... you will notice its still open-ended. i really liked this little story i'm crafting for wookie so i think i'll have one more part to it! i really wanted to write this; i definitely got a lot of intrinsic joy out of it and that is what i've been missing from my writing recently. it was super fun to write-- i hope the couple of friends who have asked about a part 2 enjoy this too!! thanks for supporting me on this quasi-break, it means a lot. please give me any feedback you have no matter how small; i just love hearing that you liked it. :)
“It’s almost there, but...” You whisper to yourself, carefully dotting your paint brush to the canvas to touch up the mossy bank in the bottom right corner. Creating a deeper shadow in the greenery, you smile as you imagine what your assistant will say when he sees your progress.
Gunwook typically requests that you save your painting for when he’s working so that he can adequately cover all your job-related duties for you. You know you should be responding to your emails or reviewing the paperwork he finished for you yesterday to better familiarize yourself with it, but you just couldn’t help yourself. The idea of adding deeper shadow to the green areas of the painting had come to you last night in a dream and you’d been bursting at the seams to follow through on it since you woke up this morning.
What time is it? You wonder, glancing up at the clock above your doorframe to find that it’s almost 1 P.M. On Thursdays, Gunwook clocked in at 1:30 P.M. after finishing his classes at his university for the day. Just a little bit longer...
“President-nim?” The voice of Secretary Lee over the intercom breaks your focus from your painting. The small brush you're holding tumbles from your hand, a dot of dark green landing onto the perfect pale blue sky. You close your eyes, inhaling for four seconds and exhaling for six-- the breathing exercise that your assistant had introduced to you last month to cope with your frustration and anxiety at work.
With the amount of times you’d had to use it to keep yourself from impulsively firing his own mother, you’re sure Gunwook was glad he’d found the right one for you.
You pick up your paintbrush calmly and place it into the mason jar of water on your desk before leaning over to the intercom and pressing the microphone button. “Yes?”
“Could I come have a word with you, President-nim?” She asks politely, but hurriedly. “It’s a bit urgent.”
“Come in, Secretary,” you agree, shutting the top of your desk quickly to conceal your artspace. You throw some papers that Gunwook had completed yesterday for you across your desk in an attempt to make yourself look busy. 
With a soft knock at the door, Secretary Lee enters as you pretend to study some of the papers-- tapping the base of a ballpoint pen to your chin in faux concentration.
“President-nim,” Secretary Lee greets with a bow as she makes her way up to your desk. She glances down at the papers you’re pretending to fill out, eyes lingering a bit too long. “Are you very busy with paperwork?”
“Oh, um,” you start, nodding a bit too hastily. “Yes, but please share with me what you need to.”
After a moment of continued suspicion, Secretary Lee finally moves on, responding, “I have to leave now to get the plans you approved from the Engineering Sector this morning to Board Executive Han in Incheon. He requested they be delivered immediately to his office.”
“That sounds great,” you reply with a nod. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll get back to work now.”
“Well, there’s--,” Secretary Lee says quickly, bowing slightly in apology for the continued interruption. “There’s a slight problem that I have to make you aware of.”
You frown, an eyebrow raising expectantly. 
“The drive isn’t too long and I don’t mind making it,” she prefaces, clasping her hands together. “But it will interfere with my lunch break and... That's when I pick up my son from his university and bring him to work. He can take the bus, but there've been long delays recently so I’ve been driving him to and from school so he isn’t late.”
“Ah,” you reply, placing your pen down on the table. 
“So I wanted to apologize and warn you that Gunwook could be very late today,” Secretary Lee says, fidgeting with a button on her coat. “I’m sorry about this, President-nim.”
To your embarrassment, a flood of disappointment hits you. You’d been really looking forward to showing your assistant the new additions to your painting.
And drinking his expertly-made coffee. And being both offended and impressed by at least one unavoidable and perfectly crafted new insult. And seeing that genuine, absolutely magnetic smile...
“I can pick him up.”
The offer slips out impulsively. Looking up at Secretary Lee, you notice that she’s somehow much less surprised by it than you are.
“Are you sure, President-nim?” She asks with a small smile. “That’s a lot of trouble to ask of you. You’re so busy right now with all of this paperwork!”
“I am so busy with paperwork, yes," you nod, putting on your most convincing performance. "But I... I actually was going to run something over to my mother’s office, so...”
“Ah,” Secretary Lee affirms with a nod. “Then if it’s no trouble, I’m sure Gunwook would love that, President-nim.”
Your face flushes slightly at her words. You wish she hadn’t told you that her son had finally agreed to be your assistant after he’d seen a picture of you. It was wildly unprofessional.
But even worse, it sometimes made you... think things.
Like maybe when Gunwook smiled at you, he wasn’t just trying to please his boss. Like maybe he actually liked you. Even just as a friend. Maybe he really meant all of his niceties. That wasn't something you often experienced in your life.
“Right,” you reply finally, shaking your head a bit to stop the thought spiral. “Well, have a safe drive, Secretary Lee.”
“You as well, President-nim,” she says, glancing at your paperwork one more time. “Do you need new pens to be ordered for you?”
You tilt your head to the side confusedly. “Why do you say that?”
“Your writing isn’t as neat as it usually is, President-nim,” Secretary Lee says; the hint of a smirk appearing on her lips. “You’re starting to write chicken scratch... just like my son!"
“Very funny,” you deadpan, shooing her towards the door with your hand. “I do my own paperwork, Secretary Lee.”
“Of course, President-nim,” she allows with a laugh as she opens the door to your office and steps outside. “Whatever you say, President-nim!”
Like mother, like son.
Pulling into a parking spot in front of Yonsei University’s Yonhee Hall, you quickly notice a small group of students in front of you ogling your car. In your high hopes to feel nostalgic and comfortable on a university campus again, you’d completely forgotten about the spectacle that is your baby blue 2024 Porsche 911.
Grabbing your phone and keys and stuffing them into your back pockets, you open the car door and climb out-- a chorus of excited whispers when the three students in front of you see your face.
“Whoah,” one boy says in disbelief. “Expensive car AND good-looking? That's just not fair."
“A student could never afford that car,” the girl next to him whispers back as you start to walk over to where they’re standing in front of the steps to the building. 
“I’m not a student,” you reply, which visibly shocks the girl and her friends. “Did you guys just get out of class?”
“At 1:15, yeah. Public Policy Analysis,” a shorter boy next to her replies. With a timid smile, he continues, “We’re heading to eat. Do you wanna join us?”
The girl hits his arm. “Don’t be so desperate.”
“Sorry,” the boy says quickly.
“Let’s just go,” the taller boy says. “Gunwook never comes to eat with us anyway-- I don’t know why you continue to insist that we invite him.”
You notice how the girl looks away in what appears to be embarrassment. Had this girl fallen for Gunwook, too?
You did not just think ‘too’.
You clear your throat, quickly repeating, “Gunwook?”
“Yeah, he’s our friend, sort of, who--...” The shorter boy starts to explain for you (which is very kind of him, considering you’re a total stranger), but his attention suddenly shifts to the top of the building steps behind you. “Oh there he is. Gunwook-ah!”
You turn around slowly to find Gunwook staring back at you wide-eyed. Noticing his black university hoodie and his Adidas joggers, his backpack slung over one shoulder, and his un-styled hair falling into his eyes... you have to physically swallow down the lump of anxiety that’s formed in your throat.
“(Y/N)?” Gunwook asks, running down the building steps to you. “What are you doing here?”
“Y-your mom had to deliver something in Incheon,” you reply nonchalantly as your downright adorable assistant flops his way down to you; towering over you from the step above and smiling.
"So you came to rescue me?" He asks with a smirk.
“Gunwook-ah,” the girl beside you calls, the slightest air of annoyance in her voice. “Is this your friend?”
“Yeah-- or... Um,” Gunwook stumbles as he grins at you. “My boss, actually.”
“You’re Gunwook's boss? I thought you worked for the President of KCTech Company,” the taller boy replies, eyeing you up and down suspiciously.
Gunwook nods-- not once taking his eyes off of you. “I do.”
“The President of KCTech Company is a teenager?” The girl scoffs, folding her arms in front of her chest.
“I turned 20 last month,” you correct with a grimace.
“Whoah,” the shorter boy whispers in awe. “So are you part of a chaebol family?”
Both of his friends issue a punch to his arms. “Sorry,” he says quickly.
“It’s okay. I am,” you say, shaking your head dismissively. “But I anxiously await you political science majors striking my family down with new policies in the future.”
“Okay, and we’re leaving,” Gunwook says, taking your arm and dragging you the rest of the way down the stairs with him.
“But I meant it,” you protest, trying to keep yourself from fully processing that Gunwook has now engulfed your hand in his gigantic one and seems to have no plans to let it go.
“I know you meant it, but we don’t need three university students selling a story to a tabloid about how the President of KCTech challenged them to economic warfare after class,” Gunwook explains with a sigh. As he pulls you towards your car, you hear the group of friends still mumbling about the interaction they just witnessed.
“Am I going crazy or is Gunwook... holding his boss’s hand?” The taller boy asks, wiping his eyes with his fists to make sure he’s seeing clearly.
The shorter boy laughs. “I'm pretty sure he also used informal speech.”
“Whatever,” you hear the girl huff sadly as Gunwook opens your car door for you and gestures for you to get in.
Once you’re inside your car, Gunwook shuts the door for you and makes his way to the other side. That’s when you realize... you’re sitting in the passenger’s seat.
Gunwook opens the driver’s side door and hops inside; watching as his classmates talk amongst each other-- debating whether or not to start to head to lunch. Your assistant waves to them happily through the front window.
“What are you doing?” You ask, shocked at your assistant’s actions.
“Waving to my friends,” he answers dumbly.
“Why are you acting like you’re about to drive my car!?” You exclaim, hand flying to his shoulder to shake him a bit.
Gunwook smirks at you. “Because I am.”
“No, no, no, no,” you squeeze his shoulder harder. “No, you are not.”
“You wouldn’t embarrass me in front of my classmates,” Gunwook challenges, batting his eyelashes cutely. “Would you, President-nim?”
Every time you think your assistant’s gone as far as he can go, he always pushes you a bit further. And you’d be bold-faced lying if you said you didn’t love it.
“Gunwookie,” you whine rather unprofessionally. “Ugh, fine. But if you crash this car, I swear I’m gonna--.”
Gunwook presses the start button on the car excitedly, fastening his seatbelt before pulling out of the parking space without looking both ways.
“Please, Gunwookie,” you beg, fastening your seatbelt frantically. “I really like this car. It’s the only present my father’s ever gotten me that I actually liked.”
The boy tenses a bit, meeting your gaze and nodding quietly in agreement before pressing the gas pedal with his foot at a responsible velocity. Gunwook drives through the campus and out onto the main road diligently, stopping for 3 seconds at stop signs, minding crosswalks, and breaking gradually. He’s a good driver-- which shouldn’t come as much of a shock to you, considering he’s good at pretty much everything he does.
He’d even painted some pretty convincing trees last week when you’d shown him the brush technique before you left work. 
“How come you don’t drive more often?” You ask, reaching to your back pocket and pulling out your phone. “Your mom has to drive you to work every day.”
“I don’t have a car,” Gunwook answers, signaling a turn. “Or a license.”
Your phone drops from your hands into your lap. “WHAT!?”
“Relax! I have a permit,” he says with a laugh as your hands fly to cover your face in despair. “You’re supervising me, President-nim. I know you won’t let anything bad happen to your favorite assistant.”
“The ice is so thin, Wookie.”
The nickname leaves your lips before you can consider its implications. Gunwook clears his throat awkwardly, focusing back on the road. You continue in silence for a bit, looking out the window as Gwanghwamun approaches. But there’s something you still want to say before you reach the office building.
The boy glances at you expectantly. “Yes, President-nim?”
“Those kids,” you start, watching as his grip on the steering wheel slips gradually to a more comfortable position. “They said they keep asking you to go to lunch after class with them.”
“Oh,” he replies, nodding as he sucks his teeth. “One, they're not kids-- they're literally a year younger than you and so am I. And, two, I don’t really have time. I have to get to the office by 1:30 to--”
“One, you're two years younger than me. And two, come at 2:30 from now on,” you interject. Gunwook’s eyebrows knit with confusion, but you continue, “Eat lunch with your classmates while you can.”
Your assistant’s expression softens as he meets your gaze, but you think you would prefer that he didn’t look at you with this much pity again any time soon.
“You’ll regret not spending more time doing fun things like that when you can’t anymore,” you explain, tugging at the skin around your nails. “You should be doing things you enjoy, is what I mean.”
“Thank you, (Y/N),” Gunwook says with a smile. “I’ll eat lunch with my classmates more often. But...”
You raise an eyebrow as Gunwook pulls into a parking spot on the street-- one that luckily doesn’t require him to parallel. He’s a good driver, but you’re not ready to test his skills that much. Pushing the engine button to turn the car off, Gunwook leans back in his seat and turns to look at you.
“I hope you know I also enjoy working, too,” he says; a cheeky grin lighting up his face as he adds, “With you.”
You pout at him to combat the smile that’s desperately trying to creep onto your face. “Who wouldn’t enjoy working with me?”
“Literally every person you’ve ever hired,” he throws back at you.
There’s not much you can say. He’s right. Which begs the question...
“Why do you like working with me?”
Gunwook hums contentedly. “There’s a lot of reasons.”
“Huh,” you reply, still admiring him in his street clothes. Unfortunately picking up Gunwook after class had only made your desire to be normal grow stronger. If things were different, maybe you would’ve met Gunwook in the dining hall on campus-- stared at him in his round glasses until one day you finally worked up the courage to speak to him. You’d have friends instead of employees. Art classes instead of meetings. Parties instead of paperwork. “They must be pretty good reasons to ditch lunch with your friends.”
“I actually usually skip lunch altogether so I can see you quicker,” he rebuts; eyes widening in panic as soon as he realizes what he’s just said. “I--... I mean, get to you quicker. You know... For work. And stuff.”
Gunwook was not known to throw an “and stuff” around very often-- he’s usually more eloquent and thoughtful when he speaks. The way his cheeks start to flush as he blinks at you; lips pouted like a baby chick... It's enough to make you wonder if his words might not have been a simple misspeaking, but rather a truth that slipped out accidentally.
“Come on,” you call, unfastening your seatbelt and opening the car door-- stepping out onto the sidewalk and waiting for your assistant to follow. Gunwook hops out of the car before sheepishly joining you on the sidewalk. You head towards the doors of your office building, but then, much to Gunwook’s surprise, continue to walk past them.
“President-nim?” He calls after you. “Where are you going?”
“To lunch,” you answer over your shoulder. “My assistant’s been going hungry in order to report to his boss on time! We don’t want a headline about that, do we?”
Hearing footsteps pounding against the pavement to catch up with you, your arm brushes against Gunwook’s as he falls into step beside you. “He does it willingly, though, (Y/N).”
“Not anymore, he doesn’t,” you reply, eyes focused on the road ahead of you in an effort to ignore his use of your name. “From now on, my favorite assistant will eat well and he’ll like it.”
Gunwook laughs next to you and you make the deadly mistake of looking up at him. He smiles at you fondly through the fringe that’s falling in his eyes and says softly:
“Whatever you say, President-nim.”
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
How I Practice Self Care (As a Disabled Witch)
As someone with fibromyalgia, persistent depressive disorder, and chronic fatigue, taking care of myself can be one of the most challenging things in the world (on top of everything else I have to get done). I still have days where I struggle, but I wanted to list out what helps me in hopes that maybe it’s able to help someone else in a situation similar to mine.
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Make Myself Move
One of least surprising difficulties of having chronic pain and fatigue, is that getting yourself up and moving can be almost impossible some days. However, low-impact exercise is one of the best things for your body, especially as someone with fibro. Doing pilates, yoga, and going for daily walks are simple ways to get yourself moving. Pilates and yoga can both be done at home with a simple mat if you have an aversion to the public gym, and both can offer that gentle movement that fuels your body while also minimizing the drain on your energy. 
Eat Good Foods
Research into foods that cause potential fibro flare-ups is important. Processed sugars and carbohydrates have been noted to potential cause fibro symptoms to worsen, increasing fatigue and pain. Focusing on protein intake alongside fruits and vegetables (avoiding the nightshade family) is one of the best ways to fuel your body towards feeling even just a tad bit better. 
Putting Energy Into Yourself
You can’t just give all of your energy into working, especially if you have depression. It’s important to make the daily effort to try doing things that bring you joy, even if just momentarily. For myself, my most consistent moment of doing something just because it makes me happy is doing fun makeup in the morning. It makes me feel more confident about myself, but it also is a short-lived artform that feeds into my creative side without the stress of permanent mistakes and performance pressures from more traditional mediums. 
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!
Alright, admittedly this is one of my worst habits I have yet to break. Getting adequate sleep is one of the best ways you can serve your body, and I have a horrible habit of staying up until 1 a.m. in hopes of relaxing without the pressure of the daylight-seeing world. Your body can’t function without proper rest, and if you have a chronic illness getting sleep is all the more critical. 
Practice My Faith
Giving myself permission to openly practice my witchcraft and faith at college was a decision that opened a floodgate of serotonin. I find so much safety and comfort in my practice, so I try to engage with it whenever I can. 
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fayeandknight · 1 year
Hi! First of all i hope you're having a good day/night, and if you don't mind the question (no pressure to answer, no worries! especially if this is something that was asked before) my partner is disabled and we've had the tought of getting a SD in the future for physical and also likely psychiatric aid, and since we're also interested in belgians, i've been wondering what it's like to have one as SD. Energy and exercise needs aside, because that's a given, what are the pros and cons to them in the context of them being a service dog? I'd love to hear about Forte, but if there are other people you know of that could give some insight on this topic, i'll also be grateful for that.
Sorry that i don't have more specific questions than this atm, i'm mainly wondering what the likelihood of getting a dog of that breed or similar as a SD is, and what some challenges (or maybe advantages?) might be. (i know other breeds are often the go-to for this for a reason, but still curious as i have seen them being used as SDs). Thanks and take care!
Hey, thanks for reaching out to me, I'm happy to answer questions! Hopefully I adequately answer everything but if not please feel free to ask follow up questions.
What are the pros and cons of having a Belgian as an SD?
First, my standard heads up that SDs bring attention. It's unavoidable even if you have the most generic looking dog in the world. So I advise people to really consider how they will deal with attention/the public being weird.
That's not meant to discourage pursing an SD, just something to keep in mind. On my good days I'm educational about SDs for the curious. On okay days, I'm monotone and boring in my answers or just ignore people. And on less than okay days I carefully evaluate my tolerance for nonsense and have a plan for leaving immediately if I need to.
As far as having a Belgian SD in particular, he's incredibly perceptive and can pick up subtle mood shifts or small behaviors quite quickly. And he's good at putting the pieces together even if I'm not able to show him the whole picture. This is super helpful for disassociation interruption where simulating it is difficult. He's not easily discouraged when he's sure about a response. Meaning he'll keep trying to help even if I ignore him or try to send him away. He also loves to work and in addition to food and play/toy rewards works well for praise and affection.
He also just jives really well with my lifestyle. So even if service work didn't end up being his path, there's still a place for him in my life.
The cons really boil down that he's sensitive, environmentally alert, and keenly attuned to me. I shielded him a lot as a puppy/younger dog from my big moods. There were a lot of days when I had to quickly stop what I was doing, put puppy Forte in his pen, and run upstairs to fall apart in private. Because continually bearing witness to that can stress any dog out, but the risk is greater for sensitive breeds like Belgians. I also do a lot of work using people he knows and likes to keep him from becoming suspicious of people. Because he is naturally clocking everything happening and I get easily uncomfortable with people in my space. So I have to keep on top of not letting him put those two together in a way that makes him feel the need to keep people away from me in an unfriendly manner.
This is where I strongly advocate for finding a top notch breeder, Belgian or otherwise, and being honest with them about what you'll be asking of the dog. While I didn't disclose my disability, I did write out the main tasks I'd be needing and what they looked like exactly. Be prepared for breeders to say no. Better to know up front they aren't going to be a good match. Forte's breeder told me that if I'd asked a few years previous, she'd have said no. But that she had a current bitch (Forte's mom) she thought could produce the right puppy for me. Forte's litter is considered very social/friendly for the breed.
Hopefully this gives some insight. I tried to keep it on the shorter (ha) side but could easily ramble on about the subject. If there's specifics that come to mind or you're interested in a typical day or the like let me know.
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reginrokkr · 9 months
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» @maquiscursed asked: "Do not open your eyes yet." Neuvillette repeats for the third time, as though Dainsleif bears any chance of doing so, when the Iudex's gloved hand is covering closed sapphires as he guides him by the arm down a sinewy path. The Chief Justice of Fontaine has never been one for surprises -- but, over his many years spent dwelling among humans, he has learnt that surprises were, in fact, an appropriate, and even recommended occurrence for birthdays.
Neither he nor Dainsleif bear much importance to their so-called birthdays, but something this particular year compels the sovereign to, for once, try his hand at this particular custom.
The Iudex and the Bough Keeper leave the trodden path and soon find themselves in high grass, before their steps quickly find soil and sand again; and at last, Neuvillette brings their excursion to a stop. "You may look now." He commands, with a voice so softened, it might as well be a mere request. His hand falls back to his side, and he lets his companion take in the view before them; a tall weeping willow, towering over a crystal clear pond, dying sunlight shimmering between the branches like a cascade of early stars. Upon the 'beach' surrounding the pond, lays a table and two chairs, and a meal expecting its two guests (how the furniture and food were transported and kept at adequate temperature, shall remain a secret of the Palais Mermonia's best staff).
"I thought we might enjoy some time away from the madness of the Palais." Neuvillette muses, before extracting one last surprise, much smaller, but possibly more effortful, from his coat. A small box is handed to Dainsleif; upon opening, he shall find a locket, made of gold and bronze, delicately engraved with azure markings closely resembling the sourcewater patterns adorning his own person (few people know the Iudex to be a craftsman - Dainsleif is now one of them). If the Bough Keeper were to open the locket, he would find, entrapped in sturdy glass casing, a single drop of Spring of the First Dewdrops, shining a faint, pearl-like light within.
"You gave me something to remember you by; I thought it would only be appropriate to return the favour." The dragon of water smiles fondly at his companion - may this droplet of hope and optimism guide him even when his own unwavering hope wavers. "And I promise this dinner is not only made of water. Happy birthday, dearest Dainsleif."
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Suspense is not necessarily one of Dáinsleif's cherished things, were he asked. In fact, it brings memories that aren't yet behind him in his long-lasting strife against the Abyss Order where this factor is nerve-racking at best until a clearer outcome shines through. However, when in combination with a presence soothing like holy water to his curse and a gentle touch calming like a balm, Twilight can tolerate it better without opposing resistance nor offering a huff of complaint.
The wait comes to an end at long last and so albescent lashes flutter open to take in the breathtaking sight before them. An emanation of what's been his biggest support for a very long time until his soul encountered repose in another primordial one standing pride and tall in all its cyan glory that pierces through the dyeing orange of the heavens as the sun sets down, all to give room to shy stars to glow crowned by a solemn moon. The clear water of the pond reflecting all colors like aquarelle —how in tune with Neuvillette, to search on purpose a body of water nearby to grant them its beauty— and the table right in front of them, clashing with the scenario in an amusing manner, teller of what the sovereign's insistence to exercise patience and trust in him was about.
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And truth to be said, for all the surprise and confusion previous years when this day neared would cause Dáinsleif, Neuvillette never fails to surprise him with something new next. For the longest of time, the abandoned seraph took this day whenever it was possible as a moment of respite and to seek out the comforting presence of the rex, to heal from the solitude that every time becomes heavier the more he grows accustomed to linger in a trusted companion's presence. And today, in commemoration of their new union as lovers, the manner Neuvillette sought to do something for his birthday has bloomed in a different kind.
The Iudex's voice rouses him from his train of thoughts, thus does the knight look at him with interest and nigh puerile curiosity as he watched him fish something from his coat until he's presented a small box. You didn't have to— comes a thought born from small guilt that he has already done enough by bringing him here and arranging dinner for both, but a thought that would never pass past his lips, nevertheless. Dáinsleif opens the box with delicate care, as if his touch would suffice to break it if he weren't careful enough, and so the box reveals a locket that draws the luminary's attention even more.
He takes the little thing in his gloved hand and looks at it, takes in every delicate detail engraved so reminiscent of the innocent culprit that brought him here in the first place. Astral pupils look at primordial echoes for a silent confirmation that he can open it upon noticing that it must conceal something within before he does just that. Sapphire eyes soften at the sight of the dewdrop within and the immediate sentience of Neuvillette's power coalesced within. So small and hidden from external threats, but brilliant and precious when one takes the time to gauge the enormity of its meaning. The locket closes as Dáinsleif's hand closes around it to bring it to his chest, albescent lashes fluttering to a brief close before they open anew to look into draconic eyes.
◜I will treasure it, always.◞ Just as I do you— and our blossoming relationship. As the Iudex' attention returns to the table set for the two of them, Dáinsleif tucks the little locket inside the waistcoat, close to his heart. An amused smile plays on his lips as the Bough Keeper deafly reaches out for Neuvillette's hand to hold in order to guide him to the table as he guided him to this place before, not without pressing a gentle kiss on the back of his hand first. ◜That is for me to judge if it's the case, do you not think?◞ He huffs a soundless chuckle, then he squeezes his hand a tad. ◜Since we're here, let us enjoy this moment, shall we?◞
For filling the void in my heart that would never be filled, and for making me find happiness in a life that knew no justice... I thank you, ol Mph Arsl Gaiol.
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best-smartwatch · 2 years
Smart Watch Series 7 : A Luxury Brand For All Mankind
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Fortunately for you a new brand has emerged “Address Tech” With Smart wearable Gadgets including Smart Watches at a very competitive prices with only 4,999 INR Giving you complete features and look alike feel of top brands in the industry
This review is focused on Smart Watch Ultra for Men and Women.
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Although the 46mm version is a little bigger, I found it to be pretty comfortable on my wrist, and the advantages are rather clear: A larger screen and a longer battery life are two things that are particularly essential to me. And occasionally, the stainless-steel silver shine still manages to capture my eye. in light of this, regardless of your wrist or gender
Our new Smart Watch Series 7 and Series 8 is all equipped with Latest 1.15GHz Exynos 9110 dual-core processor and 4GB of storage. The noncellular editions, however, have 748MB of RAM while the LTE editions come with 1.5GB.
Main difference between the Smart watch Series 7 New Smart Watch Series 8 series are the new founf GPS Tracking System and Bluetooth Calling Features found in the inside
The Smart Watch for men Series 8 Ultra is waterproof up to 50 meters. This Smart Watch for women is specially designed to be swim-proof, detect their periods including those who love to swim in salt water. Rinse a little your Smart Watch belt or strap and Display after swimming in such conditions.
You will get around four days of battery Life in Series 8 and 3 days of Battery life from Series 7 Smart Watch models. I will provide more details of Smart Watch Series 7 battery life further below.
The fact that former Smart Watch FK88 models now track 39 tracked workouts in total and 21 indoor exercises is a result of significant upgrade in the technology. The Address Tech Smart Watch — Health app is connected to the fitness and sleep tracking functions, and there are also tie-ins to other well-known fitness applications like Under Armour, MayMyRun, Speedo, and others. As promised, Your Smart Watch Amoled Display is Crack Proof and also comes with a stress-management software that I have undoubtedly found helpful when situations call for a few deep breaths.
I’ve used this smart watch for kids at my homes for my offsprings specifically, and over that time I’ve seen the sleep-tracking feature get better thanks to recurring upgrades. When your Smart Watch monito heart rater continually as opposed to the battery-saving once every ten-minute setting, I found it to be more accurate. Although the Smart Watch for men, women and kids performs admirably overall, keep in mind that BoAt and Garmin watches offer less accurate sleep tracking for people for whom this feature is important.
The same caution applies to exercise experts who, for a variety of reasons, strive for perfection in their Smart watch Fitness workout monitoring. All of these watches are undoubtedly a motivational component to meet daily goals for steps taken, activity performed, and calories burned. Additionally, to better understand the relationship between your calorie intake and burns, I advise manually recording your intake of food, water, and coffee. For those Apple Watch devotees, I must say that the step and distance monitoring in Address tech Smart Watch needs no improvement to match that of Apple or Samsung For that matter.
Adequately tracked by Address Tech Smart Watch Workout regime of 3–4 mile runs along with a few simple workouts, especially with its software update improved GPS performance. With a weekly and monthly schedule, I am always motivated to accomplish my daily goals as well as make them better. I do have to admit, though, that the hourly reminders to get up from my desk and move around are far simpler than the 250 steps required by Firebolt.
To those who like to use voice commands, Edith is AddressTechs voice assistant at your service in the New Smart Watch Limited Edition. You can voice various commands such as “Play music” and “Start workout,” and also ask questions such as “What’s the weather?” To the delight of many — especially my neighbor’s kids who like to bug me by answering to text messages on my watch — you can reply to text messages. Search on Google Smart Watch Series 8 Ultra on Flipkart and Amazon with your voice command and Book your colour of choice today.
If you have a Smart Watch Series 7 , you’ll be just fine with a variety of different pairings and apps with your Kids Smart Watch Series 7. The optimization is also good with other Android phones and to some degree with iPhones.
Like me, you could have the impression that the smart watch industry is intensifying its competition with the Apple Watch by introducing a number of mobile brand items to entice consumers to buy their goods in bundles. Apple and Samsung are the market leaders for wearable goods and have achieved extraordinary success in this area. However, Apple and Samsung are both becoming aware that consumers’ attention is turning away from traditional fitness trackers and toward the new Series 7 and Series 8 smartwatches, which offer an all-in-one, variety of everything in a single gadget package.
There are already some areas where the AddressTech Smart Watch outperforms the Apple Watch and still draws buyers. The primary characteristic and distinction between AddressTech watches and Apple watches is their circular faces as opposed to their square counterparts. Simply a question of taste, this is a contentious subject among my friends. Numerous round-table arguments at dinner have really caused some of my friends to stop talking to me for a few days! I’m kidding, but it’s still the subject of a heated discussion.
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wxrmlust · 2 months
I just wanna share a little win today 🥺
It's going to be under the break, though, because there is talk of weight and fat loss. I'm going to try to add correct tags for blocking but if I miss any please feel free to let me know.
So, back in May, I went to the doctor thinking that I would leave with a scheduled gallbladder removal surgery. Instead, I walked away with news of a more complicated-to-resolve condition, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).
I had been on metformin for about a month due to recently discovered insulin resistance that I have likely been struggling with since I was very young, based on symptoms. I've been overweight since I was probably around 5ish.
I had been having symptoms that I believed were a bad gallbladder, my body reacting to the pregnancy hormones that had just dropped, since late February. By May, I was struggling to eat, struggling to stay hydrated, and I was scared. But that was the earliest I could be seen by any doctor.
Since that visit, I've adopted a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet. I don't eat more than 12g of added sugar most days. I don't have more than an oz of dairy. I can't eat almost any of my autism-safe foods because 99% of them were ultra-processed and finding adequate substitutes has been complicated. But I am still eating, and I am doing my best to exercise more than I had been (which was mainly zero, because I was severely depressed).
Well, I did some low-level research so that I could give myself a goal to reach; bc 'lose weight' on its own is discouraging. My wife and I joined a health program that gives you 24/7 access to a health coach and a specialist and they are great at motivating. And, today, I've surpassed my goal of losing 3% of my body fat (by a lot, actually, I don't weigh every day because it stresses me out). This should mean, hopefully, that my liver is now healing itself again because I was in early stages of the disease.
I was nervous about how quickly I'm losing weight at first, but my doctors are not concerned and the combination of meds I'm on facilitate weight loss at least x3, plus I've cut out almost all added sugar, so I'm trying to not be too worried unless the doctors tell me to be. Therefore, if folks comment here, I would very much appreciate not being told I'm losing weight too quickly. I know it's fast. And I am always worried about it in the back of my mind because I know it can also cause problems, but I'm here today to celebrate achieving something I have been fighting for, for the last couple months, and I was told I needed to lose 30lbs this year.
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health-is-wealth1985 · 5 months
A Gut Feeling of Success: My Positive Experience with Vive Biotics
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Maintaining a healthy digestive system can feel like a constant battle. Bloating, gas, and occasional constipation were frequent companions, leaving me feeling sluggish and uncomfortable. Seeking a natural approach to support gut health, I discovered Vive Biotics, a probiotic supplement gaining traction online. The focus on promoting digestive health and overall well-being with a blend of beneficial bacteria appealed to me.
A Natural Approach to Gut Health
Vive Biotics appealed to me because it offered a comprehensive blend of fifteen probiotic strains known for their potential benefits in supporting a healthy gut microbiome. The formula boasts strains like Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium Lactis, recognized for their ability to promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria, improve digestion, and contribute to a strong immune system.
The focus on natural ingredients resonated with me, as I preferred a gentle yet effective way to address my digestive issues. Vive Biotics offered a way to potentially address my gut concerns without the risks or drawbacks associated with some medications or harsh digestive aids.
The Vive Biotics website provided clear information on each probiotic strain and its role in promoting healthy digestion. They also offered explanations of the science behind the chosen bacteria and their potential benefits for gut health, immune function, and overall well-being. This transparency and the emphasis on a natural approach instilled confidence in the product's potential effectiveness as a safe and supportive option.
Easy Integration into My Daily Routine
The convenience of Vive Biotics is a major advantage. The product comes in a user-friendly dropper bottle and the liquid formula is easy to add to a glass of water or juice. The recommended dosage is four drops daily, ideally taken before breakfast. This simple routine easily integrated into my morning routine alongside my usual breakfast.
Improved Digestion and Increased Energy Levels
Within a few weeks of taking Vive Biotics consistently, I noticed a significant improvement in my digestion. The bloating and gas that used to plague me became less frequent, and my bowel movements became more regular and comfortable. Perhaps the most rewarding benefit was a noticeable increase in my energy levels. The sluggishness that often accompanied digestive issues seemed to lessen, and I felt more energized throughout the day.
This newfound sense of well-being motivated me to continue using Vive Biotics and prioritize gut health as part of my overall wellness approach. I started making more mindful food choices, focusing on a diet rich in prebiotics to further nourish the beneficial bacteria in my gut.
Important Note: It's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to probiotics. While my experience with Vive Biotics has been positive, it's always advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep remains crucial for optimal gut health and overall well-being. However, Vive Biotics can be a valuable tool in your journey to support a healthy gut microbiome, improve digestion, and increase energy levels, contributing to a more balanced and comfortable you.
A Reliable Partner for Gut Health Support
Overall, I've been very impressed with Vive Biotics. The convenient format, the natural blend of probiotic strains, and the noticeable improvement in my digestion, energy levels, and overall well-being have made it a valuable addition to my health regimen. If you're looking for a natural way to support your gut health, I highly recommend giving Vive Biotics a try. Remember, consistency is key, and Vive Biotics can be a helpful companion on your path to a happier and healthier gut.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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art-of-manliness · 9 months
What You Can Learn About Shedding Pounds From the Vacation Weight Loss Paradox
Over the holidays, the McKays took a first-ever trip to Hawaii. While on this week-long vacation, I loosened up my usual diet. I didn’t track my macros like I usually do. We ate out every night, and always followed these big dinners with dessert.  Yet, when I got home and weighed myself, I found that I hadn’t gained any weight. Instead, I had lost two pounds. It reminded me of an observation strength coach Dan John made in our interview about fat loss. John’s noticed the same paradox with his clients that I experienced: people often come back from vacation lighter than when they left, even when they stay at buffet-heavy, all-inclusive resorts and feel like they ate and indulged more while on the trip.  John thinks this paradox comes down to the fact that while you’re on vacation, you often: Move more. I think this was the biggest factor in my vacation weight loss. When you’re on vacation, you frequently do much more physical activity than you do back home, walking many sightseeing miles across a city, strolling for hours through museums, or trekking the vast landscape that is Disney World. I spent each day in Hawaii swimming, boogie boarding, and hiking; even though I didn’t do any dedicated workouts while I was away, I was probably 10X more active than I am in my usual sedentary routine. As Dr. James Levine shared in our podcast about non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, research shows you can manage your weight simply by moving your body more outside the gym. Match an increase in calories with an increase in NEAT, and you won’t gain weight. Make your caloric expenditure from NEAT exceed your caloric intake, and you’ll lose weight. Feel less stressed. I found that, even though I was much more active on my trip, my appetite was actually reduced. Though the meals I ate were bigger and richer than usual, I had less of a propensity to snack, so while it felt like I was eating more than usual, I’m really not sure whether my caloric intake went up significantly or not.  This decrease in hunger may have to do with the way physical activity has been shown to regulate appetite, to the increase in the quality of my sleep (see below), or to the significant reduction in stress I experienced in waking up and going to sleep to the sound of the ocean’s waves. Stress increases cortisol, and cortisol makes you hungry. Less stress = less hunger. A reduction in stress can also provide a healthifying boost to your metabolism overall. Sleep more. Being sleep deprived has been shown to have a negative effect on weight. When you don’t get adequate sleep, the hormones that make you feel hungry go up, while those that help you feel satiated go down. This leads to an increase in appetite, and you particularly crave high-carb food, as your body looks to sugar for energy to fight its fatigue. Additionally, insulin sensitivity drops and cortisol rises, making your body more apt to hang on to fat.  Getting sufficient sleep helps regulate hunger hormones and improves your metabolism, and you’re likely to get more sleep on vacation.  I’m not sure my quantity of sleep improved while I was in Hawaii because a (cursed, cursed) rooster woke us up each day at 5:30 a.m. But I do think all the physical activity greatly increased my sleep pressure each day, which significantly deepened my sleep.  As Dr. Levine also noted in our conversation, sleep and NEAT create a virtuous cycle: when you move more during the day, you get better sleep at night, and when you get better sleep at night, you have the energy to move more during the day. What’s great about recognizing the vacation weight loss paradox is that you can apply it to losing weight outside of vacation. It shows that you can lose weight without giving a lot of attention to and getting really strict with your diet (though, of course, dietary changes will enhance your results). Increase your sleep and physical activity while reducing your stress, and it’s possible to trim down naturally. While it may be easier to improve your stress, sleep, and… http://dlvr.it/T18vdv
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pablice · 10 months
How I Lost 30 Pounds and Kept It Off By Tracking Steps - My Success Story
What Motivated Me to Lose Weight After years of living with the burden of being overweight, I realized I needed to make a change. Seeing friends live healthier lifestyles spurred me to follow suit. I wanted to wake up in the morning feeling energized and excited to start my day instead of feeling run down and exhausted from carrying extra weight around. I took it upon myself to focus on being the best and healthiest version of myself that I could be. I set a goal to lose a certain amount of weight and stick to a regular exercise regimen to make sure I stayed on track. I knew it was going to take dedication and perseverance to reach my goals, but I was determined to make it happen. Even though there were times when I wanted to give up, I kept pushing through and reminded myself why I was doing this in the first place. My Weight Loss Plan My weight loss plan involved several steps and I took my time in making sure every one was executed correctly. To start, I figured out the amount of calories I should be consuming, depending on my weight and the amount of daily exercise I was doing. I made sure to adjust these numbers over time as needed. I then created a meal plan that was both balanced and beneficial for my situation. This plan included eating smaller portions throughout the day, consuming meals in a regular schedule, and eating more nutrient-dense foods. Additionally, I drank a lot of water every day in order to keep myself hydrated. Tracking My Steps to Stay Accountable I started tracking my daily steps using a step-counter on my mobile. It was a useful tracking tool that inspired me to go the extra mile and consistently complete my goals. When I stayed active, I noticed I could easily move around and used the confidence to push myself to complete my tasks. I also did this to replicate and achieve the same results for fitness tracking. I found my ability to hit daily goals kept me motivated and provided me with a sense of accomplishment. It also helped me better understand the areas which needed improvement and provided realistic expectations on how active I needed to be. This knowledge allowed me to adjust and prioritize my diet and fitness goals. This type of motivation and motivation from seeing results were key to my success. Eating Habits That Helped Me Reach My Goal I began by taking the time to plan out my meals. Every day I would sit down and structure an eating plan. This was important for ensuring that I had adequate nutrition while making sure I consumed the correct amount of calories. I was also mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. I was also diligent in ensuring every meal contained a healthy balance of proteins, carbs, and fat. Eating these three macronutrients had a huge impact on my energy levels. I could easily power through my workouts and felt less sluggish during my day to day activities. I found that this was the best way to keep my metabolism firing. Strategies to Avoid Plateaus Finding ways to continue to make progress is vital if you want to reach your ultimate weight-loss goal. One way to avoid plateaus is to make sure your body is challenged on a regular basis through exercise. This could include changing up the pace and intensity of your workouts, trying out new activities, or increasing the weight you lift with each session. Being adverse to routine and comfortable with embracing change can be a powerful tool to help you make continuing progress. Shock your body in other ways by manipulating your caloric intake. A few days of eating at a high calorie equivalent may be required to activate your metabolism again and get the scale moving once again. Tracking your calories is important to ensure you don’t eat too many in the process of trying to shock your system. Making sure you are also eating nutritious, whole foods also matters. Eating the right types of food help ensure it won’t be stored as fat when the body thinks it’s in a calorie surplus. Struggles I Faced Along the Way The journey towards health is rarely an easy one. While it can be exciting to set a goal and start taking action to reach it, there are often obstacles along the way. Even for someone with high levels of motivation, there can be roadblocks in the form of temptations and mental issues. I experienced several struggles during my weight loss journey. Many cravings would creep up, and I had to stay on top of them. Additionally, I faced an internal struggle with self-discipline and accepting the weight I was at pre-weight loss journey. It took a lot of time and dedication to seeing results before I felt more encouraged and proud of myself for my accomplishments. Benefits of Achieving My Weight Loss Goal Reaching my weight loss goal allowed me to experience a multitude of health benefits. My blood pressure, pulse, and energy levels improved, which in turn led to better sleep. I discovered that I felt better all-around and had more energy to accomplish daily tasks. I was also able to avoid many health-related issues, as a result of losing weight. I found myself with more confidence and a greater sense of accomplishment. It was a big milestone that made me proud to see how far I’d come. I was also able to do more physical activities with increased energy, strength and agility. By being patient and staying consistent with my program, I was able to see much success in my goals. Dealing with “Cheat Days” I often find myself tempted to give in to cravings on a cheat day. On these days, I remind myself to be strict about portion control and not to indulge too much. I also try to make healthier versions of the food I am craving where possible. For instance, if I am craving french fries, I bake potato wedges instead. I also use calorie-tracking apps to monitor my weekly calorie intake. This helps me to understand when it’s okay to indulge and when I need to be stricter with myself. I also rely heavily on self-discipline and setting fitness goals to motivate me. For every cheat day I allow myself, I am sure to exercise off the extra calories the next day. I try to plan thankless activities so that I am not tempted to quit. When I complete them, I reward myself with encouragements and positive reinforcement to motivate me to stay on track and keep me going. What is a "Cheat Day"? A “Cheat Day” is when you take a day off from your healthy eating habits and indulge in foods that you usually don’t eat as part of your regular diet. What are some strategies for dealing with “Cheat Days”? Some strategies for dealing with “Cheat Days” are to ensure that you only indulge in moderation and that you don’t go overboard, to make sure that you get back on track with your healthy eating habits the next day, and to plan out your “Cheat Day” in advance so that you can better control your eating. Is it okay to have a "Cheat Day" as part of weight loss plan? Having a “Cheat Day” can be beneficial as part of a weight loss plan, as it can help to prevent feelings of deprivation and can help to keep you motivated. However, it is important to practice moderation and to ensure that your “Cheat Day” does not become an excuse to go overboard with your eating. Read the full article
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Effective Tips For Managing Stress
Stress is a physiological and psychological response to a change in a situation. It can be overwhelming due to the fast pace of work and home, technology, and lack of time to connect with others. People often ask themselves how to manage stress. For effective recovery from stress, you may approach a stress management coach.
Building emotional strength, being in control, having a good social network, and adopting a positive outlook is the key to good stress management. Let's see some effective tips for managing stress in brief:
1.         Maintain a healthy balance between work and recreation:
Make time for tasks and goals, but also for things you enjoy, such as playing music, working out, playing with a pet, or spending time with friends. Daily time to relax and recharge lowers stress.
2.         Make a daily plan:
Having a plan and a daily routine lowers stress by creating a calendar or planning app to keep track of class times, tests, and assignments.
3.         Stick to your plan:
Please stick to your plan and make it a routine to check off what you've done, prepare for what's coming up, and study regularly to reduce daily schoolwork stress.
4.         Utilize the motivational force of stress:
Let stress motivate you to get moving on a task and give yourself a positive mental push if you have a deadline. Think "I'm on it" and get started and approach if you are stressed in a relationship.
If you are stressed due to a problem in your relationship, feel free to approach Couples Coaching and get benefits through Coaching.
5.         Eat healthy foods:
Eat healthy foods to improve your mood, energy, and stress levels, and avoid sweets as a primary fuel source.
Once you feel that you are stressed while eating, go and consult Certified Health Coach immediately for recovery.
6.         Get adequate rest:
Stick to a set bedtime and wake time, turn off screens before bedtime, and wind down with quiet activities to avoid a stressful morning rush.
7.         Engage in daily exercise:
Exercise is essential for managing stress, lowering anxiety and depression, and improving your mood.
Bottom Line:
Hopefully, the above-mentioned tips will be useful. Carry your smile always to be free from stress. To recover quickly from stress and save time, search certified life coach near me by enabling your location.
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healthhivers · 1 year
Protein Power: Fuel Your Fitness Goals
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Hey, fit fam, are you looking to take your workout game to the next level? Proper nutrition is just as important as your gym sessions when it comes to building muscle, getting more robust, and improving overall fitness. I want to highlight one essential nutrient that should be a focus in your diet - PROTEIN!
Consuming enough high-quality protein sources is vital for giving your body the right fuel not just for your workouts, but also for recovery and muscle growth afterwards. Protein provides the amino acids that are the building blocks for repairing and building lean muscle tissue.
According to research, those who are active with exercise may need more like 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. I share some examples in the post of how much protein that equals for different body weights. Make sure to spread out your protein intake over meals and snacks throughout the day for optimal use by your muscles.
I give the scoop on excellent protein-packed whole foods to eat including eggs, fish, dairy, beans, nuts, seeds, and more. I also have tips on timing your protein intake around exercise - before, during, and after workouts. Post-workout is prime time for getting in a good dose of protein to replenish and build up muscle tissue.
Finally, I include some recipe ideas for protein-fueled breakfasts, snacks, and meals. I know many of you may have special dietary needs, so there are also tips for getting adequate protein if you are dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian/vegan, or lactose intolerant.
Let protein be your powerful fitness fuel on your journey towards strength, muscle gains, and reaching your peak performance. Check out the full post for all the protein-powered info!
Remember to share the knowledge gainz. What are some of your favorite protein-rich foods to fuel your active lifestyle? Let me know in the comments!
#fitness #health #nutrition #protein #musclebuilding #strong #exercise #workout #gainz #proteinpower #workoutdailyroutine
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Find Your Furry Friend: Labrador Puppies for Sale
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If you're looking for a new furry friend to add to your family, Labrador puppies might be the perfect fit for you. One reputable source to consider is www.jimmycholabradorretriever.com, a website dedicated to connecting Labrador retriever enthusiasts with high-quality puppies.
Labrador retrievers are one of the most famous breeds on the planet, known for their well-disposed and faithful characters. They make magnificent family pets, as they are great with children and coexist well with different creatures. They are also highly intelligent and easy to train, which makes them a popular choice for service and therapy dogs.
When looking for Labrador puppies for sale, it's essential to find a reputable breeder who focuses on the well-being and prosperity of their canines. At JimmyChoLabradorRetriever, they highly esteem breeding healthy, blissful puppies that meet the breed norms. They likewise offer a well-being assurance to ensure that their puppies are free from hereditary deformities.
If you're searching for Labrador retriever puppies for sale near me, JimmyChoLabradorRetriever is situated in Southern California and offers delivery inside the US. They have different colours accessible, including Fox Red Labrador puppies for sale, which are known for their beautiful red coats.
In addition to Labrador puppy for sale, JimmyChoLabradorRetriever additionally makes Labrador retrievers available for purchase for people who are interested in taking on a grown-up canine. They have various varieties and ages accessible, so you can track down the ideal fit for your loved ones.
When looking for Labrador breeders near me, it's critical to investigate as needs be and find a breeder that you can trust. JimmyChoLabradorRetriever has a long-standing reputation for breeding high-quality Labrador retrievers, and they are dedicated to providing their puppies with the best possible start in life.
When buying a Labrador puppy, it's fundamental to think about the breeder's reputation, the well-being and temperament of the puppy's parents, and the day-to-day environments of the puppies. At JimmyChoLabradorRetriever, the puppies are raised in a loving and nurturing environment, receiving daily socialization and interaction to ensure they are well-adjusted and friendly.
Labrador puppies are known for their high energy levels, so furnishing them with adequate activity and playtime is fundamental. They flourish in a functioning family, where they can partake in exercises like climbing, swimming, and retrieving games.
As with any pet, it's crucial to consider the financial commitment of owning a Labrador puppy. Along with the initial purchase price, there are ongoing expenses such as food, veterinary care, and grooming. However, the love and companionship a Labrador can provide make it a worthwhile investment for any family.
In conclusion, if you're interested in bringing home a loyal, friendly, and intelligent companion, consider buying a Labrador puppy from a reputable breeder like JimmyChoLabradorRetriever. With their commitment to breeding healthy, cheerful puppies and their emphasis on giving the most ideal care to their canines, you can feel certain that you're settling on a responsible and cherishing decision. For more info: https://jimmycholabradorretriever.com/
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peysk · 2 years
at one point. in highschool. i went on an improvised diet which i'd later in life learn to be a ketogenic diet. at the time i just decided to cut out the types of foods i knew i ate too much of and that i assumed were evil, based on the modern folk taxonomy of healthy vs unhealthy foods that diet culture taught me. I also started doing some generic exercises every single day, something that i'd later learn to call a "one punch man reference". after having spent a (short) lifetime hating my body i finally not only liked it but loved it. I didn't even realise, but there was a period of my life in which i gladly took selfies. it's not even the distant past. My current allergy for my reflected image is rooted in unhealthy thoughts so old that they encircled then suffocated a whole ass section of my formative years in which my reaction to a camera was different from the one of a cartoon dracula making contact with the sun. it's bananas.
anyway, It wasn't healthy then and it wouldn't be healthy now for me to try and get back on my bullshit again but like it sucks. Im supposed to fix my habits, my character, my ideas and learn how to be a good person for myself and others. at least starving yourself and swearing off pasta bread and cookies is simple to conceptualize.
Like culturally we give shallow people so much shit but can you blame them. The world is so complicated but you can navigate it so simply and with so much less friction if you decide that a rigorously maintained regimen of diet, fashion and affectations can be an adequate substitute for actual social behavior. How can you possibly persuade someone playing a social game well to instead log off from it and embrace a whole world of pain confusion and uncertainty. I dont think questioning every accepted norm and actively pushing against them has done me that much good.
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jackleviblog · 2 years
Keys to Long Lasting Health - How to Maintain Excellent Health? New Tips
Excellent health is not only the absence of disease but also a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Many people believe that excellent health is a matter of genetics or luck. However, this is not the case. Excellent health is something that can be achieved by following certain lifestyle measures and making Beauty Store Near Me choices. Here are some tips on how to maintain excellent health:
1. Engage in regular physical activity
2. Eat a healthy diet
3. Get adequate sleep
4. Avoid tobacco and substance abuse
5. Manage stress
6. See your doctor regularly
The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is important for many reasons. It can help you prevent or manage health conditions and diseases, feel better about yourself, have more energy and improve your overall quality of life.
Making healthy choices isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. Investing in your health now will pay off in the long run. Here are some tips to help you make healthy lifestyle choices:
-Eat a variety of nutritious foods. Make sure to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy in your diet.
-Limit saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium) and added sugars in your diet.
-Get active! aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. You can break it up into smaller chunks of time if that’s easier. For example, take a 10-minute walk 3 times a day.
Tips for Maintaining an Excellent Health
There are many things that you can do to maintain excellent health. Here are a few tips:
1) Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats.
2) Exercise regularly. Exercise not only helps to maintain your weight and body composition, but it also promotes good cardiovascular health and helps to reduce stress levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity most days of the week.
3) Get enough sleep. Sleep is important for overall health and well-being. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
4) Practice stress management techniques. Stress can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. Learning how to manage stress through relaxation techniques, deep breathing, or meditation can help you to stay healthy both physically and mentally.
5) See your doctor regularly. Regular checkups with your doctor can help to identify any potential health concerns early on so that they can be treated before they become more serious problems.
A Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is one of the key components to maintaining excellent health throughout your life. Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods helps to keep your body functioning properly and can help to prevent chronic diseases.
Some tips for eating a healthy diet include:
-eating plenty of fruits and vegetables of all different colours, as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
-choosing lean protein sources such as grilled chicken or fish, tofu, legumes, and eggs
-avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats
-teaming up with a registered dietitian or nutritionist to develop a personalised plan that fits your unique needs.
There are a few key things to remember when exercising for long lasting health. First, it is important to find an activity that you enjoy and will stick with. If you dread your workouts, you are much less likely to keep up with them in the long run. Second, focus on quality over quantity. It is better to have fewer, more intense workouts than to log hours upon hours at a low level of intensity. Finally, be sure to give your body adequate rest and recovery time between workouts. This will help your muscles repair and grow, and prevent injuries.
Stress Management
Stress management is one of the keys to long lasting health. When our bodies are under stress, they release hormones that can lead to physical and emotional health problems. Learning how to manage stress can help you maintain excellent health.
There are many different ways to manage stress. Some people find that exercise helps them to relax and relieve stress. Others find that meditation or yoga is helpful. And still others find that simply spending time with friends and family can help reduce their stress levels.
Find what works for you and make sure to incorporate it into your daily routine. If you don't have time for a formal exercise or meditation session, take a few minutes each day to just breathe deeply and relax your body and mind. When you make relaxation a priority, you'll be on your way to excellent health!
Quality Sleep
There are a few key things you can do to make sure you're getting quality sleep. First, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Both of these substances can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to fall asleep. Second, create a bedtime routine that includes winding down for 30 minutes before you turn in for the night. This will help prepare your body and mind for sleep. Third, make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. This will create an environment that is conducive to sleep. Finally, get up and move around every few hours to keep your body active and prevent stiffness.
If you follow these tips, you should be able to get quality sleep each night. This will help you maintain your health and improve your overall well-being.
There are many keys to long lasting Health, but the most important ones are staying active, eating healthy foods, and managing stress. Staying active helps to keep your body strong and prevent diseases. Eating healthy foods gives your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Managing stress helps to prevent anxiety and depression. By following these three simple tips, you can maintain an excellent level of health for many years to come.
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