#you guys it’s okay he only mentioned hook because he’s the more famous dad as was trying to impress Sophie
beetlesanbutterflies · 6 months
Back on my movie Hort has two dads and a mom shit.
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homochampagne · 2 months
pls drop the gossip (the more horrible the better)
you’re a bad influence. but okay!!
all of this is about the used and girls/dating/love life rumours so if you don’t want to know, don’t read!
i’m not providing sources for the gossip because frankly this all just exists in my brain from a hundred different livejournal communities/forums and comments over the years and it would be literally impossible to find most of it ever again. also i do not think people should get credit for saying some of this stuff 😂
that quinn dated ashley grobmeier (mildly famous hair stylist in the late 2000s/early 2010s)
i’ve mentioned this before so you probably already know, but the katie cupcake blog/exposé about pegging jepha that she posted after they broke up does technically count as gossip because afaik no one has actually ever found an archived version of the post or even a fragment of the post in any capacity. it seemed to be so widely accepted as fact back in the day, with many eye witness reports claiming that they saw the post (allegedly on the suicide girls myspace page) that i do believe this one to be true simply because of all of the conversation revolving around it on old forums, combined with jepha’s fairly obvious … submissive tendencies(?) (his “choke” and “please” tattoos, the guys never hitting him, etc). it’s just crazy that, if the blog post was actually real, she thought it would like… ruin his career or brutally embarrass him or something. i think even back in the day by the livejournal used bloggers it was like not even that big of a deal it was just funny/interesting. i would love to read the infamous post but unfortunately i think it’s one of those things that’s been lost to the sands of time 😞
that jepha had a kid with a girl when they were both in highschool, but that he’s not in the kid’s life at all. i do not believe this at all and am like 99.9% sure it’s fake but the reason this was so crazy to me is bc it was included on one of the biggest used primers in the bandom_primers community, so it was probably viewed by like thousands of people, and other than this one statement and a few other minor errors (like slightly incorrect dating timelines) the primer overall is like amazingly constructed and they have a lot of lesser known info about the early days of the band that i know to be true. which leads me to believe that this person is credible but of course they didn’t provide a source for the “jepha’s kid” statement which they worded as if it was fact. i think it’s a pretty big deal to allege that he is/was a deadbeat dad and i’m really curious where they read/heard about this. again, i don’t believe this at all, but it’s still intriguing
that the girl that bert said was some “crazy chick he dated” that he got matching tattoos with in florida (“love” on the inside of his right wrist) was zui suicide. it is confirmed that they dated, but not that she is the “love” tattoo girl. regardless of whether or not it was with zui, you can mark this down as the second girl he dated for a very short period of time that he got matching tattoos with - kelly osbourne being the first (lol)
conflicting reports that bert’s “a hoe” but also multiple eye witness/first hand reports of him rejecting girls. there seemed to be a sect of the community back in the day whose goal was to hook up with the band members and then they would report on how they failed to do so, while also calling bert a hoe. i just found this funny
there was a report from a roadie circa 2010ish that bert had his arm around a girl that was a fan/saw the used perform that night, that he took her into the tour bus and then she came came out later and talked to the roadie, helped them pack up some gear, and then left. the roadie didn’t explicitly say that bert and this girl hooked up, and normally this would be a non-story because who cares, but bert had been married for 2 years at that point so that’s the only reason i found this notable. maybe they didn’t hook up but also like. seems kinda flirty for a married man imo
the only reports from girls who were successful at hooking up with a member of the used was with dan. i believe this is because, for a period of time in the late 2000s, dan was the only single one, so this just makes sense. he would be the most sloppy when it came to hooking up with fans and he was also new to the band at this time. girls reported that he would “hook up with them but not have sex with them” … in my life i’ve always used those two terms synonymously but i guess that they mean that he would do hand stuff/accept BJs, and not actually fuck them. if this is true, i can imagine he’d be scared about getting girls (esp fans🤦‍♀️) pregnant so, this makes sense to me.
when dan first started dating brittni (who is now his wife) there were majorrrrr brittni haters. they didn’t like that she was younger than him (i don’t think she’s that much younger)- the reason they had a problem with this was not because of problematicness but because they thought she was stupid/not hardcore/preppy aka “i’m cooler than she is”. there was a post flaming her for liking miley cyrus and the fact that she took dan to a miley concert. they were like “he probably hated it/wanted to kill himself the whole time”. yeahhh… dan who said his favourite song to sing in the shower was wannabe by spice girls would hateee miley’s music during the “can’t be tamed” era (sarcasm). 1. ALSO WHO CARES 2. PEOPLE DO THINGS FOR THEIR PARTNERS ALL THE TIME that maybe they don’t fully love. anyways him and brittni have been married for many years now and have 2 children together so
that bert apparently “stalked/wouldn’t leave allison (his now wife) alone until she agreed to go out with him”. again, i think this is a completely unfounded rumour that is based purely on jealousy that bert had a love interest that wasn’t [insert livejournal bloggers name here]. someone would have to personally know allison to know that this was true which i highly doubt.
there were rumours that bert&allison had a kid like two years before they actually did (2011/2 instead of 2014). i think this was probably just fuelled by the common belief that married couples should have children right away and they’d already been married for like four years at that point.. i vaguely remember someone saying that bert said something or alluded to having a kid around 2012 but again- they never provided a source for their claims so. it is a 100% fact that bert has 2 children born in 2014 and 2018.
the most braindead rumour was that quinn had beef with gerard because gerard “””broke bert’s heart”””.. this was obviously perpetuated by bert/quinn truthers with zero proof as to quinn’s beef and more of a headcannon than anything because it would be “romantic” for quinn to care or whatever. i do consider myself to be a bert/quinn historian but this one has zero evidence and is just stupid. also, bert and gerard’s falling out had nothing to do with love or romance, or even addiction or drug use to any significant extent. bert felt that the band, not just gerard, changed significantly after fame, and that gerard was not who he thought he was when they first became friends. some important context to this is that the used is largely responsible for launching my chems career in the early days. the used was already a popular touring band when they took mcr out on the road with them (back in mcr’s bullets era). the used is also one of the reasons that mcr even got signed to warner in the first place, because they vouched for them. anyways!!! i got so annoyed the other day by a tweet saying that pretty handsome awkward is a complimentary song about gerard like. HES OBVIOUSLY BEING FACETIOUS. it’s about how bert thinks mcr’s “art” is shallow, that the band is a money grab, and that fame changed gerard into a stuck-up asshole (not my feelings, just my song analysis). also they apparently text each other now and are friends again so literally who cares (i say after writing an essay)
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savethelastdan · 4 years
Yashahime Is Over Party: Contribution #2
“All right, all right!” 
The crowd of villagers quieted (some with a wince) as the high-pitched shout rang around the village entrance. Ten-year-old Moroha gave them one last warning glare for good measure. 
With, as her Great-Grandpa on the other side of the Well would say, “more gusto than should be necessary”, she then leapt upon the nearest height-offering surface - one of the tourists’ suitcases, emblazoned a dozen times on every side with “FRAGILE” - and began her welcome speech. 
“Shut your mouths and hold onto your butts, folks, because this is a real treat! The coolest village ever to exist in any timeline, on a sunny day! Since my big brother is at kitsune academy today, you all have the honor of yours truly acting as escort around this prime piece of feudal real estate!” 
Dramatic pause for emphasis. (Yes, she’d taken some liberties with the script that Shippo had left, and she didn’t quite know what ‘prime piece of real estate’ actually meant, but her cousin Towa agreed that it sounded fancy and fancy always worked with humans.) 
A soft-faced young woman glanced around the crowd self-consciously before raising a hand. “You mean, this is the village where priestess Kikyo - “
“Ahem!” Moroha held up the wooden sign hanging from her neck, tapping the carved-in letters spelling ‘Village Tour Guide #2” with one nail. “Are you wearin’ the sign?”
“Oh. Uh, sorry.” The woman blushed. 
After a moment, Moroha cleared her throat. “Okay, yeah, it is. But there’s a bunch of other super-cool people here, too! If you wanna meet them - follow me!” With that, she jumped from the suitcase to land solidly in the dirt. A few tourists reared back from the cloud of disturbed dust, putting them at the back of the moving crowd. 
“First up, the sister of the blah-dee-blah-famed-priestess-blah-dee-blah Kikyo - Lady Kaedeeeeee!” She swung both arms in a dramatic half-circle towards the healer woman’s hut; the crowd ooh-ed and ah-ed appropriately. “On days like these, she’s either healing a sick patient, birthin’ a new baby, or taking a long nap! Since she’s awfully old, the napping’s more frequent.” Hooking an arm around a teenage tourist’s shoulder, she hissed in a spooky tone, “Some say she’ll live forever, getting older and older until she’s like a living zombie-” 
“I heard that.” With a cross expression, Kaede leaned out of the window.“Don’t think I won’t curse you for those bad manners.”
Moroha waved the group on with a nervous chuckle. 
“And this is the home of the most famous demon slayer known to womankind - Sango!” Cupping both hands around her mouth like a bullhorn, Moroha drew out the last syllable of the woman’s name to emphasize her coolness. Several of the humans perked up with excitement; it wasn’t hard to imagine that they had themselves benefited from some of the woman’s work. 
“Her husband Miroku lives here too. He used to be a monk, but now he’s a family guy! My papa says -” She straightened, putting on a deep, gruff tone - “it’s a damn miracle -” Dropping the tone, she grinned cheerily at the group - “nobody will tell me why!” 
As if on cue, the door to the house opened to reveal a group of tall, bickering young adults. The loudest were two women with matching features, the only visible difference to a stranger being that one’s slayer outfit was trimmed in pink and the other’s in green. Behind them trotted a younger boy, also wearing a slayer outfit in red.  
“I’m taking the kusarigama, you’re taking the wakizashi!” The green-outfitted slayer said, ignoring her sister’s attempts to talk over her. “Otherwise you and Mom will have two long-range weapons, and that makes no sense!” 
“Plus that’s Uncle Kohaku’s specialty!” Their brother piped up; he dodged the twin elbows that swung back at him as easily as if they’d warned him. “She wants to impress him with it so he’ll take her on his trip to the mountains with Rin this summer!” 
Through the left-open door, came the sweet smell of treats baking - one of the many hobbies Miroku had taken up with his time, now that he wasn’t going to up and die (Moroha knew she wasn’t technically supposed to know about that. Or probably phrase it like that… But if her godfather Koga said it that way, why was it any different for her?)
The group of slayers stopped short upon seeing the crowd; with awkward bows, they quickly skirted their way around the gaping tourists. 
““That’s Sango’s kids; every one of ‘em demon slayer prodigies.” Slinging her arm around the same teen from earlier, Moroha shook her head with a dramatic sigh. “Makes me almost want another sibling. Except then I’d have to share my room, nooooo thank you!”
“Excuse me.” A mustached man in the middle of the group raised one arm curiously. “I heard one of those women mention Rin - is that the human who died twice and was resurrected by the sword Tenseiga?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. That’s Rin.” Moroha tapped her own head thoughtfully and muttered under her breath, “Was it really only twice…”
“Does she still live here?” The man’s mustache drooped in a frown. “Or did she go to live with that dog demon?”
“Dog demon? Ohhh, you mean Uncle Sesshomaru!” A smile stretched across her face. “I almost forgot about him! Nah, after she got married she decided to stay in town -” 
“Married?!” The group erupted in murmurs of horror. One kerchiefed mother clapped her hands over the ears of her daughter; the mustached man turned green.
Moroha’s face fell. “Well, yeah. She wanted to keep taking healer lessons from Kaede, and even though he travels a lot, she wanted to stay by Kohaku’s side when he comes home. Be a team, and all that.” 
“Ohhhh, so she’s Kohaku’s wife!” The human mother’s shoulders slumped with a sigh. “How lovely and age-appropriate.” 
Moroha wasn’t sure what that meant, but if it made the negative energy go away then she was all for it! “Rin’s super cool, anyway. She knows how to heal demons, not just humans, and she tells really good ghost stories, and she’s actually really good at arm-wrestling -” 
Suddenly she ducked her head to whisper, “She’s probably my favorite cousin, if I’m bein’ honest with ya.”
 “Do you have other cousins?” A man who appeared to look a thousand years old squinted in her direction. Perhaps in confusion, but it was hard to tell with all the wrinkles. “I doubt a full-blooded dog demon like that Sesshomaru fella would leave his legacy in the hands of a human girl.” 
“My mom would say that’s prejudiced,” Moroha said helpfully, causing the old man to blanche. “But Rin’s got two little sisters, who you can see riiiiiiight now!” 
With a dramatic twist, she whirled around to point in the opposite direction with both hands, adding a low growl that was meant to mimic the roar of an excited crowd. 
The moment was slightly underwhelmed by the confused looks of the tourists as they took a moment to figure out where exactly to look. That’s okay; she’d work on it. 
Down the road, her twin cousins leaned against the wall of a house (Moroha’s house, which she was saving for last because you always save the best for last). Towa was smiling and pointing out something up in the sky, while Setsuna wore a very predictable scowl. From this far away, the red streaks in their hair were little more than smudges. 
The extremely old man with an attitude problem made a weird hacking noise, most likely in surprise. 
“Did he adopt them like your other cousin?” asked a teenage girl. 
“Kinda!” Both hands landed on her hips; Moroha then modeled her expression on her Uncle - stoic, dismissive, oh-so-cool. “On a cool spring night, Uncle Sesshomaru walked into the darkest, deepest forest on the planet, waved his sword over a really old and creepy tree, and when he cut it open - there they were. Two lil’ hanyou babies.” 
Dramatic pause. 
“Just kiddin’.” Laughing loud enough to bring back the wincing from the group, Moroha slapped her knee. “They’re full demons. I can still take either of ‘em in a fight, though. Oh!” She pointed up in the air with a wide, excited smile. “There’s their mom right now!” 
Murmurs of confusion filled the air as the tourists moved their heads this way, that way; only when a chilling breeze morphed into flesh and bone, right before their eyes, did the group exclaim in collective understanding. 
Moroha waved. “Hi, Auntie Kagura!” 
“Yo.” Clearly taken aback by the crowd, the wind demon gave a tiny salute. The side of her neck bore a half-moon symbol tattooed on the skin; Moroha thought it was neat, even if her dad thought it was a dumb, archaic wedding ritual. “Do your parents know you’re doing this?” 
“Uh, duh!” She held up the sign with a cheeky grin. 
“Fair enough.” Upon spying her daughters across the way, Kagura’s expression softened a bit. “Well, I’ll see you later.” 
“No, wait! We’re actually heading the same way.” Gesturing to the not-moving crowd, Moroha repeated, “The same way. Meaning the best part of the tour - come on, folks, work with me here -” 
Kagura snorted, walking quickly as though to avoid the gawking humans and their nosy questions about how she had been resurrected or could still live now that Naraku was dead or got Sesshomaru to admit he had feelings much less have kids with her. A curt “none of your business” was all they’d get, no matter how much Moroha tugged on her sleeve and whined about “giving people their money’s worth.”
Luckily, once they reached Moroha’s house, it was easy to escape. After all, a much more awe-inspiring attraction awaited the group of lucky, lucky tourists. 
“And now! The Greatest Love Story Of Our Time!” With a winning grin, Moroha landed a kick on the door, sending it slamming open. 
“Oh.” Kagome blinked at the group from where she sat on a futon in the middle of the house, surrounded by magical artifacts. A scroll marked with ink rolled from her lap all the way to one side of the room. Behind her, halfway through helping her put her hair in a bun, Inuyasha froze “Uh, hello?”
“My parents! Dumdedumdummmmm!” The warmth of her pride felt like it was going to burst in her chest. It was the absolute best to come home to people who loved her! Whether it was tickle fights before bed, or her dad taking her and Shippo out on demon-tracking trips, or her mom humming a lullaby if she felt sick on the full moon night, Moroha was certain her family was the best of anybody’s anywhere. “One fell through time, and one fell -- fell, uh, for her -- sorry, I’ll work on it.” 
Inuyasha huffed in the way that meant he was going to complain later. Kagome just chuckled and waved. 
For once, the humans reacted exactly the way Moroha wanted them to - smiling, clapping, appreciating the wonder of her super-beautiful-and-also-hella-powerful mom and grumpy-but-still-amazingly-brave papa. She launched into the story she knew by heart, of how they had come to be together and saved the whole world while they were at it. Some parts were probably missing or misrepresented, from the laughter in her mom’s eyes, but she had enough of it right that half the tourist group was in near tears by the time she was done. 
“And now, they have one more accomplishment to add to the long list - parenting the greatest warrior this world has ever seen. Moro-uh, Beniyasha!” Swirling the ends of her fire-rat robe, she twirled. “The Crimson Slayer!”
“Slayer of my patience, maybe,” Inuyasha snapped, though he was unable to hide his smile as he marched over to grab her by the collar. “Come ‘ere, kid. You’ve got chores to do!” 
Tossing her over his shoulder, he waved dismissively at the group of humans. “Sorry folks, the show ends here. Yeesh...” 
Moroha cupped both hands around her mouth, screeching to be heard over her parent’s laughter before the door shut.
“Make sure to leave your comment cards in the box at the entrance!”
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mydearesthrry · 4 years
places we won’t walk (chapter one) || peter parker
summary - the doors at midtown seem a little boring, but when you get introduced to someone you seem to remember, what happens when they seem to remember you too?
word count - 2.9k (wow shes gettin better!)
pairings - peter parker x fem!reader
warnings - like mild mention of s*xual assault, angst if you squint really hard, mj being a softy for you, mj being a lowkey bi, peter being stupid as always, y/n calling peter a colonizer.... thats it ok enjoy
a/n: so i know i last updated in october, but as u all saw i have a 25 days of xnas thing going on (PLS I WROTE THE A/N LIKE A MONTH AGO PLUS I FORGOT ABOUT THE XMAS THING DISREGARD) so pwww updates will be slow (as if they werent already omg) but the next chapter will be arriving hopefully, fingers crossed, on xmas eve or xmas! also, are you guys watching the new euphoria episode? also, i’ve stopped using the word ‘stuttering’, as it may be ableist, and i’d never wanna come off as insensitive. anyway lmao, enjoy chapter one, the trials and tribulations of hitting someone in the nuts.
also side note psa: biggest thank you to @blossomparkers for helping me so much w this chapter. i owe it all tooooo u lani yani. thank u for everything !!!!!
series masterlist | regular masterlist | series playlist
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when y/n y/m/n stark was in her early years, she was never aware of the impact her father would and did hold over her life, and in turn, the whole world. for the longest time, you’d always assumed that your father wasn’t real, and everything that had been told to you by malicious family members who were jealous over your father’s “successes” had been lies, and you had it believed yourself. no one would even think that you were tony stark’s daughter until it had been mentioned. tony’s snarky attitude had been a character trait that you’d gotten, and you always took pride in your humor and attitude.
the story of your mother and tony had been messy and all over the place. from a drunken hook-up followed by multiple days of morning sickness, to a surprise pregnancy test, the storyline of your parents had been.. well.. interesting to say the least. you never focused on your family’s history, solely based on the fact that you didn’t have two fucks to give about your family history, but you also never knew your father which was-- bizarre. 
when tony had found out about you, he claimed it was a drunken accident, a mistake, and one he made when he was “less responsibly a stark”, which was actually just some fucking bullshit, but he didn’t wanna admit that he hooked up with some random chick at a bar that he thought was hot.
since you had been raised by a mother who was barely there, you had to raise yourself. you were kinda street smart and book smart, and you were always smart when it came to books, because you were the type to want to learn-- unlike others.
when you were in your teen years, you had tabs on you and the media on you 24/7 to make sure you didn’t royally fuck up. the unwanted attention became too much when you started realizing that people didn’t want you for your personality, they wanted you for your title. but this was after you moved from brooklyn. nuvale and peter never saw you as some “movie star”, or some famous person in the media because you weren’t. but when you had grown to learn what your father did, he had forced you to not fuck up to maintain his-- somewhat okay reputation. 
you always wanted that superstar life, as a fantasy of course, but when you got to it, you realized the cliche-y-ness of it all. you’d idolized the famous women in the media-- idolized how they looked like. you realized fairly quick how fucked up the media truly is. you realized how things really aren’t as they seem. its not just the galas that look extravagant, or getting to wear a fancy new gucci outfit every night. it honestly was a whole bunch of other shit you wouldn’t even imagine. it comes with the no privacy thing- people stalking you in public, the death threats, so much shit that wouldn’t happen as common if you were just anonymous.
being an avenger (basically), your dad had natasha teach you the ropes; the basic rules of how to kick someones ass. it was a handbook that the women of the avengers had created, and it had all the rules and regulations of how to spar someone on the team, and basically how to righteously beat someone's ass up. it was never really something you found too important, but as you grew older, you realized that it was very important to know, especially since you were a girl.
despite your harsh remarks and snarky attitude, your father always knew how to hit a sensitive point in you that always managed to break you down. you never quite understood why he would want to make you feel worse about yourself than you already felt, but regardless, you always felt underappreciated by him. being a stark, you were expected to be a genius, get over the top grades, and constantly be able to keep up, but with your luck, you were graced with depression, social anxiety, and a 4.0 gpa. fun, right? 
when you were 11, you had made friends with the kids in your apartment halls, and you learned that their names were nuvale jones and peter parker, and you were basically the golden trio. you were hermione, peter was ron, and nuvale was harry. which, now that you look back at it, makes much more sense than any other arrangement. you also had another friend, harry osborn, but once he moved away, there was no way for you to talk to him anymore. he had moved across the country to california, and from then, it was just you, peter, and nuvale. your best friends ha been there for you for what seemed like decades, although you only knew them for about three.
peter was the boy with the rosy cheeks who little 12 year old you would get butterflies in her tummy. or the type of boy to bring you an extra snack if you weren’t able to pack it the night before. he was the type of boy to walk you to the nurses office if you got hit with a dodgeball. he was the type of boy to fall for someone like you. but he didn’t. or so you thought. 
little prebubescent y/n was an awkward girl who thought the world would be on her side when she needed it the most, or that whenever you needed peter or nuva, they would be there. you didn’t think your best friend would stop talking to you after you had moved away. you were too naive to know that peter liked you, and you were too naive to know that he had liked you back, but you wanted to believe what your brain would tell you, so you decided to flush your feelings down the drain and forget about them, which, in hindsight, was a pretty shitty idea. who would’ve known?
your alarm clock blared loudly from beside you, causing you to let out a loud groan in protest. you hit the side of your head angrily, then whining and rubbing the spot which you hit. whines and loud sighs fell from your lips as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and pulled the covers over your head, knowing what would come next after you would try to snooze your alarm.
“good morning, miss stark, how could i be of service to you this morning?” friday’s voice echoed through your large bedroom. you peaked your eyes and forehead from beneath the covers, your eyes slowly starting to adjust to the light that was pulled through the big blinds which were now open. 
“mmm, fri, just tell happy to get the car ready, ill be ready in a few min- nevermind, tell him to get ready in thirty, im probably gonna fall asleep in the shower.” you croaked, taking your phone from the charger which was on your nightstand. you slipped on your bunny slippers and turned on the heater in your room, the draft filling your room with cold air throughout the night.
once you walked through the large industrial doors of midtown’s cafeteria, everyones voices started to drop into sharp hushed whispers, making you roll your eyes and pull your hood up over your face. you pulled your airpods from your pockets into your ears and tried your best to avoid any and all eye contact with anyone you did end up coming into contact with. you walked over to the food bar where you grabbed a red school tray and plastered on your best smile to the lunch ladies who work oh so hard to make sure you all were fed. as you walked through the line, you could feel the intensified stares on you, making your back erupt in chills. you didn’t like to be watched, and the fact that you were a so-called celebrity didn’t help your cause in any way. 
“hey.” a low voice called from behind you. it was a girl with curly hair with gorgeous light brown skin, and a jawline that would cut you. you were almost astonished by her beauty, but you remembered the facade you had to hold, especially to strangers that you didn’t know.
“hey?” you asked unsurely, wondering if she was with the media or not. which was something that tended to happen quite a bit.
“don’t worry, i’m not with the press. you just seem interesting.” she said in a monotone voice, but still with a strong look of seriousness on her face. you giggled softly when your eyes locked and your faces went totally still, making the girl in front of you laugh as well. she held out her hand in front of you, while also balancing her tray and book in the other hand. you placed yours into hers and shook it, smiling when she told you her name.
“michelle jones.” she smiled, your throat getting a little tight at her last name, and you had to admit that it struck a little chord within you, but you quickly cleared it from your thoughts and introduced yourself as well.
“y/n stark. pleasure to meet you, jones.”
“pleasure to meet you too.”
“so, i get that you’re new here,” she started walking, inviting you to walk along with her. “what- what are you doing here? i mean i get you’re smart and all, but this is a nerd school; you literally could’ve gone anywhere, so, might i ask, why here?”
“hm, interesting question. seriously i don’t know. my dad and i don’t really get along so he makes the decisions and i tell him if i like it or not. which by the way, i’m gonna have to stay near you-- you’re the only one making this bearable for me right now.” you snorted, nudging your elbow to hers. 
“hm, daddy issues. great song, love the artists.” she smirked, making you shoot your head back in loud laughter, gaining some side eyed glances from a few people sitting at the tables around you.
“so, where are we sitting? i usually nev-”
“hey mj!” you were interrupted by a boyish laugh and hoots and hollers coming from a table two tables ahead of you. 
“jesus fucking christ. what? just because i got some and you didn’t doesn’t mean that you have to be that fuckin’ loud about it.” she grumbled, placing her tray down, slinging the backpack on her right shoulder beside her. you looked at her with a nervous but curious glint in your eyes. she gave you a knowing look which said, ‘just go with what i say’, making you nod in understanding.
“woah! holy shit! i m- i mean woah- nice to- nice to meet you!” the boy fumbled over his words, looking at you and michelle in disbelief, shaking his friends shoulder and poking at his cheek.
“nice cut, g. looks nice.” you said to him, giggling as you stuck your straw into the mini juice box.
“o-oh, thanks… g?” he said back to you, observing your looks with a confused expression written on his face making you giggle at his confusion. 
“peter! look! y/n stark is at our table!” he whisper shouted to his friend, making you look at michelle with a smile on your face and playfully rolling your eyes. she looked back at you, rolling her eyes as well, gesturing to her head as if saying ‘idiots’, making you giggle and turn back to them. 
“so, bowl cut dude, what’s your name?” you nodded to him, picking at your salad with the blac spork that was so cordially given to you by mj. 
“n-ned, ned leeds.” he smiled sheepishly.
“and you, colonizer, what’s your name?” you tapped on the table, alerting the boys attention. you could hear michelle and ned hollering and snickering from their seats, but decided to keep your poker face rolling. but i mean, how couldn’t you? the look on his face was absolutely priceless. 
“peter park- wait did you just call me a colonizer?” he cut himself off in his own sentence, looking at his other friends for confirmation, to which they nodded, still cackling at the fact that you had indeed call him a colonizer.
“peter park, hm?” you teased, ignoring the way you hesitated and ignoring the way your chest felt heavy when the name of peter was said.
“n-no thats not my name-” he said, tripping over his words, making you let out a chuckle. 
“i’m messing with you. with what you’ve given me, i could only guess your name is peter parker?” you rested your chin on your hand, engaging in the awkward conversation.
“yeah. thats my name.” he said more confidently, giving you a tight lipped smile.
“nice to meet you, parker.”
“you too, stark, my pleasure.”
after the small encounter with your new found friends, you had gone back to your respective classes, which meant that your next class had peter in it. after you had split up, you decided to get there early to avoid any commotion surrounding you.
as the boring class continued, you heard the loud clicking of high heels in the hallways, which had to be one person and one person only.
“stark,” someone shouted from the door which swung open. low and behold, in front of you was the prickly bitch, your principal, mrs cunningham. “come with me, eugene’s parents have requested a meeting with you and your father considering that you had just hit their son in the private areas!” everyone snickered and laughed. finally someone had stood up to flash’s shit. 
“y- you punched flash in the nuts? i thought that was just a rumor?” peter stuttered, looking at you in disbelief.
“yeah, the fuck was i gonna do? let him flirt with me? no. that bitch tried to grab my ass. i’m a stark, i was raised better than that.” you whispered to him, packing your bag as you did so.
“hm, guess you’re right. well, good luck stark.” 
“thanks parker.”
once you arrived in the principals office, you saw what seemed to be his mother in one of the seats decked out in expensive pearls and diamonds. typical.
“little miss over here punched my son in the privates! i will not allow this to happen!” fuck. you thought; another one of those stuck up cunty parents.
“pfft, probably paid to get their son into here.” you muttered under your breath, playing with your protection bracelets incase anything was to ever happen.
“wHAT? mrs cunningham, i will not allow this child to talk about my son this wa-”
“hello! i was called in?” a voice interrupted, one you could only peg as your father.
“ahh! mr stark! you’re finally here!” your hilarious excuse as a principal said cheerfully.
“i am! and i am here to.. come and have a meeting about my daughter's- behavior?” he asked questiongly, already seeing the triumphant and cocky look on your face. he knew you weren’t at fault, and you were gonna lie your pretty ass out of it.
“well, mr stark, we have a student in the nurses room due to the actions of your daughter!” she looked at him menacingly. he shook his head with a smile on his face and walked over to you, grasping your shoulders in his hands.
“well kiddo, wanna explain what and why you did what you did?” he smiled, giving you two taps on your shoulder, already knowing what was next. you two had a pretty good acting schedule when it came to it, when in reality, you despised eachother.
“sure daddy! eugene had been hitting on me for several days now, and even found my private social medias in use to.. how can i say this, use me for my fame? he tried talking to me, very inappropriately on several occasions, and even went as far as to try and grab me in areas in which i find extremely inappropriate, without my consent, might i add, which doesn’t seem okay with me. does it seem exceptional to you, mrs thompson?” you asked, while only keeping your eyes on his mother.
“why, i am so sorry miss stark! his father will be in contact, i did not raise my baby to be this way! im sorry for any inconvenience he may have caused you!” she gasped, raising a hand to her heart. 
“it’s okay, i just request, may this never happen again? i would not like my privacy to be invaded, much less from your son, and can i please ask that he never try to hit on me, nor any girls at this school ever again? i can only imagine how many other girls this may have happened to, mrs thompson.” you sighed, your eyes filling up with fake tears. you reached up to touch your fathers hand, tapping it twice back, knowing that you both had just won.
“never again miss stark, once again, i am so sorry this happened to you.” 
“it’s okay. now mrs cunningham, shall we see our way out?” your father answered for you, looking over at the old white woman who looked like a piece of cheese. she could only nod in awe, giving you the cue to pick up your bags and walk proudly to the door.
“thanks i guess.” you muttered, pulling out your airpods once more, hoping to seal the conversation with your father.
“yeah yeah, no problemo.” he muttered back, avoiding eye contact and stuffing his hands in his  pockets. 
once you reached the door, you remembered that you had left something in your locker, and informed your dad that you’d be going back to get it. he all but nodded and looked back at his shoes before trudging to the car.
once you entered the seemingly halls, much to your surprise, you saw a scrawny teenage boy lifting open a set of lockers, which you didn’t even know was possible, and pulling out a red and blue suit. once you saw who the hands belonged to, your mouth fell agape as you gasped,
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Free Head Pats!
Patton loves giving the sides head pats! It IS hidden in Patton's name, after all. An adorable fact he learned from giving out head pats, was that Roman loves them! But not just because they felt good...
Eventually, it's discovered that Virgil holds the exact same secret! And Virgil didn't even know it was possible!
This idea was inspired by something that happened in real life. Hope you guys like it!
Patton and Logan were curled in together on the couch, cuddling and reading. Patton was giving Logan a long head massage, while Logan was attempting to read while enjoying the feeling of Patton’s trance-inducing head scratches. The world seemed to have slowed down a lot as they spent time together. It was very quiet in the house. The only sounds that Patton could identify were the faint noises in the background, but those faint noises rarely lasted long. The noises usually faded away and rarely came back.
Soon enough, Patton lessened his head pats and removed his hand from Logan’s head. Logan smiled, closed his eyes, closed his book as well, and leaned his head on Patton’s arm. “Thank you Patton.” Logan said softly.
“No problem Logan! Glad I could soothe you!” Patton replied nicely.
After a while of laying on Patton’s arm, Logan stood up and walked towards a different chair with his book, so someone else could have some head scratches from Patton.
That person turned out to be Roman.
Patton smiled and held out his arms to Roman. “Come hither, my prince! I’m giving out free head pats!” Patton told him.
Roman gasped and practically lunged himself for the couch. Laying himself down, Roman snuggled himself in and hummed at the warmth. “Thanks Pat.” Roman said calmly.
“I didn’t even start yet!” Patton reacted before starting to pet his head.
“I know. But you basically reached out to me when you knew I would want them. And that’s wohorth thehe- HEhehehey! Cahaharefuhuhul!” Roman explained. He was quickly interrupted by his own laughter however, due to Patton’s inability to keep from scratching his head as well.
“What? What’s so funny?” Patton asked innocently.
“Yohou’re tihihicklihihing mehe! Ihihihi thohought thehey wehehere juhust hehehead pahats?” Roman asked, giggling with a wobbly smile on his face.
“They are! But they’re also my world-famous head scratches as well!” Patton replied.
Patton started moving his dull fingernails towards the sides and back of the head. That was when Roman’s giggles increased dramatically. “EEEEEEHEHEHEK! Pahahahahattohohon, cohohohome ohohohohon!” Roman giggled as he shook his head.
“I don’t understand what’s so funny about this. I’m just trying to give my special little dragonslayer a few head pats to keep you stress free.” Patton explained.
Roman reached up and grabbed Patton’s hand. “Stohohop. Ihihihit tihihihicklehehes! Yohohou knohohow thihihis!” Roman reacted.
“Know what?” Patton asked with an innocent smile on his face.
Roman narrowed his eyes at him. “...I feel tricked.” Roman told him.
“You can just let me give you head pats. Or I can do this:” Patton reached down and started skittering his fingers on Roman’s exposed armpit.
Roman squealed and let go of Patton’s dominant hand right away. “NAHAHAHA! YOHOHOU SUHUHUHUCK!” Roman laughed.
“Now how in the world do I suck? I thought you like armpit tickles?” Patton stated.
“Oooooh! Well in that case:” Patton removed his hand from his armpit and started lightly scratching his fingers on the back of Roman’s head.
“EEEEK! NOHOHOhohohohoho!” Roman bursted into giggles.
“Tiiiickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~” Patton teased while he scratched right in the back of Roman’s skull.
Roman threw his head back and bursted out laughing. “HAHAHAHAHA! NOOOOHOHO! PAHAHAHAHAT! KNOHOHOCK IHIHIHIT OHOHOHOFF!” Roman begged.
“Here’s a cute little fact! You can love yourself away from my hand at any time. Isn’t that amazing?” Patton mentioned.
“You really can! I even left your arms free! You can reach up and grab my hand anytime you want to!” Patton explained further.
Patton gasped and paused his tickling. “Really?! You like it?!” Patton reacted.
Roman’s laughter turned back into giggles as he started to calm down. “Ihihihi...Yehehes...Ihihi lihike ihihit.” Roman replied calmly.
Patton’s smile grew even wider as he clapped his hands rapidly. “OH MY GOSH THE DRAGONSLAYER HAS HIT ULTIMATE ADORABLENESS! I’M SO PROUD!” Patton shouted before pulling Roman into a big dad hug.
“Ohohokahay. Buhut dohon’t go around telling people. Alright?” Roman warned. Patton gave the back of Roman’s head a few scratches in reply. “EEEK! Pahahat! Whahahat dihid Ihihi juhust sahahay?!” Roman bursted.
Patton stopped his ticklish scratches and looked Roman in the eyes. “You told me you love getting ticklish head scratchies, and you don’t want me to to tell any one of the sides.” Patton replied.
“Mm hmm. And...are you going to comply?” Roman asked.
Patton, in response, fluffed Roman’s bangs. “Of course! Why would I ever expose a HoRriFyInG weakness of Roman’s like that? That’s just CrUeL!” Patton exclaimed dramatically.
Roman’s hopeful facial expression dropped at the sarcasm. “...Are you secretly Janus? You’d better not be...” Roman asked.
Patton giggled. “Would Janus be able to say ‘Tickle’ without cowering away all flustered?” Patton asked.
Roman remembered the last time Patton tried to get Janus to say ‘Tickle’. It was really funny to see Janus all blushy. The side's laughter only increased when Janus started cowering in behind the couch in order to hide his face and ticklish spots. That just made them HOWL!
Roman had started laughing along with Patton. “You have a point.” Roman muttered.
Patton soon let the prince go do his own thing while he sat on the couch with his phone. He had been getting bored of his book and had decided to play some Frogger on his phone. Ever since a remastered version of the arcade game came out on the app store, Patton had been hooked. Soon, Patton’s 10 minutes of free time had been wonderfully interrupted by the dark, the strange: Virgil.
“...Did I hear something about free head pats?” Virgil asked.
Patton looked up and gasped. “Hi Virgil!” Patton greeted. “Is that your way of asking for head pats?” Patton asked.
Virgil nodded. “Yes please.” Virgil replied as he walked over.
Patton patted the empty left side of the couch. “Come. I’ll give you some head pats.” Patton offered.
Virgil sat himself down on the empty spot and laid himself onto Patton’s lap like a cat. Patton started gently patting his head and fluffing his hair gently. Virgil almost immediately smiled at the feeling. This meant the feeling was already wonderful!
As Patton continued fluffing and massaging his head, Patton began to smile as he gazed upon his dark strange son. It was really nice of him to come to him for head scratches. He hasn’t really done that at all, before now. Virgil was a bit hard to get, in a platonic way. He often hid his need for love through blunt, and subtle reactions. But Patton could see past it. He wants friends, but is afraid to ask for love because of judgement reasons. Perhaps he should start offering up love and affection to him more often? That might be a nice idea.
Patton was pulled out of his thoughts when he started feeling head shakes. Not to mention there were subtle tittering sounds coming from the emo. “You...You okay Virgil?” Patton asked, leaning his head to the side so he could look at Virgil.
“Mmmmmmmm-fine.” Virgil muttered.
Patton lifted an eyebrow, and slowly resumed his head scratches.
Virgil’s smile seemed to have returned. So, Patton ignored his suspicions and resumed his head pats.
But it didn’t take long for Patton’s hand to start drifting a little to the left. More specifically, to the lower back of Virgil’s scalp. Virgil’s titters quickly returned and started falling into giggles. To stop them, Virgil covered his mouth with his hand to at least muffle all the giggles.
“What are you thinking about, that’s so funny?” Patton asked.
“Mmmmhmhmhmhm-nothing-...ahabsolutelynothing.” Virgil attempted to reply.
“...Really?” Patton asked.
Virgil shook his head and moved his head away from Patton’s hand. “Ihihit tickles. You’re tickling me.” Virgil explained.
Patton’s eyes widened as he processed what Virgil had said. “...It...tickles…” Patton slowly clarified.
Virgil gulped as he realized his mistake, but decided to just let it out now to save himself from getting interrogated about it later. “Yes. It tickles too much. My scalp is too ticklish for head pats, I guess.” Virgil explained.
Virgil let out a breath of air in relief before glancing his eyes over to Patton. Almost immediately, Virgil regretted it: Patton was staring at him with an evil smirk, twirling thumbs, and a mischievous glint of light in his eyes. The first thing that ran through Virgil’s head was…
Virgil attempted to roll himself off of the couch, but Patton’s hand had already tweaked his right side. This caused his instinctive body to turn towards the cushioned back of the couch, rather than the carpet-covered floor. With this amazing response working to Patton’s advantage, Patton wrapped his left arm under his left armpit and grasped Virgil’s right shoulder, before tucking his right hand under giving Virgil’s lower scalp and giving it some tickles and scratches.
“NOOO! NO-AAAH!” Virgil yelped. Virgil held his breath in an attempt to not laugh and dissatisfy the evil Patton.
“Oooooh! So you’re gonna try and not laugh then?” Patton asked with his villainous smirk.
Virgil frowned at him in confidence. He was ready to try and hold all his laughs in. It’s just a little tickling on the neck, right? He can handle this.
Patton tried tickling the hollow skinned spot on the upper part of his neck. Virgil let out a muffled squeal, but calmed himself down really easily. Yeah! That right there, was proof that he is a big man! If he can hide his need for love and affection, he can hide his laughter induced by tickling. It’s easy!
...Theeeeen Patton scratched right behind his left ear.
“Awww! Your ears are ticklish too!” Patton squealed excitedly.
“Is it because your poor, poor ears are highly too ticklish for this?” Patton asked.
“YEHEHEHES!” Virgil shouted back.
“Would you like me to stop?” Patton asked.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Virgil begged.
“Okay.” Patton stopped tickling behind his ear and wrapped his other hand around Virgil calmly and started rubbing his back.
Virgil took a few moments to calm himself down before asking Patton to give him more head massages. Patton happily accepted, and started testing out where exactly he was ticklish. After some tests, Patton discovered that Virgil’s lower scalp and ears were very ticklish, while the rest of Virgil’s scalp was only the slightest bit ticklish. When they finally finished the little test, Patton cuddled Virgil as he calmed down for good.
“Wanna know something?” Patton asked.
“...Okay.” Virgil replied.
“You’re not the only one who has a ticklish scalp.” Patton told him.
“I’m not?” Virgil asked.
“Roman has a ticklish scalp as well.” Patton told him outright.
Virgil’s eyes widened in surprise as he processed the brand new information.
With one swift move, Virgil stood up from Patton’s cuddle session and walked up to Roman’s room. He opened up the room without knocking, picked up Roman, and walked to the living room with Roman in his hands bridal style.
Patton looked over and bursted out laughing at Roman’s sudden appearance.
“Wow! I...I knew my prince would come, but...It didn’t know my prince would be an emo…” Roman muttered.
“Here Patton. Have a prince.” Virgil offered before plopping Roman into Patton’s lap. “Meanwhile, I have to test this out myself.” Virgil declared.
With smooth, quick fingers and a surprisingly high-pitched voice, Virgil started baby teasing him and tickling his scalp. More importantly: the back of the scalp.
“Wooooow! You really DO have a ticklish scalp. How unusual...how fascinating. How-”
“Adorable!” Patton added.
Virgil yelped anxiously and sent Patton a flustered glare. “NO!” Virgil yelled at him.
“Yohohou’re tihihicklihing mehehehehehe!” Roman giggled as he shook his head back and forth.
“I’m surprised your hair hasn’t killed you with tickles yet.” Virgil noticed, increasing the tickles as he gained back focus.
“Is it now? Then tell me...” Virgil leaned into his ear and whispered the following sentence: “Is it protecting you now?”.
Roman felt a shiver run down his spine from the breath and only curled in and laughed further thanks to the teasing. “STAHAHAP IHIHIHIT! NOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASIHING!” Roman begged.
“But why? Do you make your face turn the same shade as your sash?” Virgil teased.
“HOHOHOW DAHAHAHARE YOHOHOU!” Roman yelled at him in an attempted angry tone.
“Ooh! Now you’re angry at me?” Virgil reacted.
“That’s ironic, considering you like it so much.” Patton added.
Roman shrieked and shot Patton the biggest hairy eyeball he could muster. But Patton wasn’t concerned in the slightest. “Aww, come on Roman. Just sit back and enjoy it!” Patton suggested as he skittered his fingers on the right upper side of Roman’s scalp. Roman squealed and curled in as he giggled. Virgil, catching on, started massaging both sides of Roman’s head in a similar way to spreading shampoo in the shower.
“NO! NAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Roman bursted out laughing, falling into cackles soon after.
“Who knew the man responsible for the death of nearly hundreds of dragons, can easily go down with a few scritchy-scratchies on his precious widdle neck?” Virgil teased.
“MEHEHEHEAN! MEHEHEHEANIHIHIHIE!” Roman shouted at him, before reaching up and grabbing Virgil’s wrists.
But Patton was one step ahead, and started tickling his now-exposed underarms. “Ooopsies! The princey’s ticklish armpits are freeeee for the tickling!” Patton teased further, switching back and forth between the left and the right armpits.
Roman fell into another round of cackles and dropped his arms down, trapping Patton’s fingers in his armpits. But with the fingers still moving the slightest bit, Roman started squirming back and forth and shaking his head helplessly and desperately. It felt amazing! But boy, did it take a toll on your lungs!
Soon, Virgil and Patton stopped their tickling and teasing to give the poor man a break. But Roman had calmed himself down a little quicker than Virgil had expected. The thing is, Roman’s lungs were in killer condition for long fights. So tickle fights were barely sweat inducing!
“You know Roman...you’re not the only one with a ticklish scalp.” Patton told the prince.
Roman blinked and tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy. “Really?” Roman asked.
Virgil knew EXACTLY what Patton was planning. So, Virgil took off running.
“Aaaaaaand there he goes.” Patton muttered.
“Wait...It’s Virgil?” Roman asked.
“Yup.” Patton said with a smirk.
“Wait, REALLY?!” Roman reacted, unable to believe it.
“He took off to your room. Go get him!” Patton cheered.
And off he went! Roman had sprinted after Virgil and practically body tackled the door out of the way. It didn’t take long for Virgil’s deep, but loud laughter to leak itself out of Roman’s room. Patton smiled at the nice sound and allowed himself to enjoy the lovely sound.
A job well done is always rewarded with a good half an hour of Frogger!
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sestra-inestro · 4 years
Just A Really Big Mistake (1/?)
Jane the Virgin!AU 
Pairings: Detective!Steve Rogers x Fem!reader (June is not an OC), Hotel Owner!Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: What happens when you accidentally fall pregnant with your boss’s baby, but you’re a virgin?  
Warnings: Swearing, cheating, accidental insemination, mention of smut. 
A/N: You can thank @whatcouldgowrong-ohthat​ for the brilliant idea. I hope this is at least something you hoped for! This was also eight pages long and not even half of the first episode. 
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Ever since you were a young girl, Pepper had taught you about keeping your purity and innocence. You had been the product of a unplanned pregnancy after your mother and father had sex. Now your father wasn’t around anymore and Aunt May felt horrible and took you in as her own. She told June that you dad was a military man. A military man who obviously couldn’t be around to be a dad. But alas, every year a man in a uniform would come to the house and speak with Pepper and May. A dark skinned military man who you painted to be your father in your head. You knew him as the name on his uniform , Col. J, Rhodes. You always watched from the window as he spoke with Pepper and May, never speaking or interacting, always just watching him walk to the house and walk away again. You grew up thinking that he never wanted to see or speak to you, that he regretted having you as a daughter.
Pepper had drilled it into you mind since you got your period. Keep yourself pure, do not damage that sweet white flower that you was blessed with. Sweetly, meaning don’t do the bullshit that your father did if he can’t handle being a father.
“Look at the flower, June.” Pepper stood in front of 11 year old you, who looked up at her with a small flower in your tiny palm. 
“Pep, is this necessary?” May asked from where she sat on the bed, watching them. 
“Shush, how else is she going to learn?” Pepper dismisses May, who rolls her eyes. 
“Yeah, shush May.” You glared at the woman before looking up at Pepper. 
“See the flower, so pretty and un-withered?” Pepper asked. 
You looked down at the flower in you hand. You notices it’s small delicacy and pure white petals. 
“Now scrunch it up in your fist.” Pepper told you. 
You looked up at Pepper shocked. Your eyebrows frowned in confusion by Pepper only raised her brow and nodded. 
You glanced at May with concern before looking back down at the flower, scrunching it in your hand with all your might. You squeezed its petals in your hand before releasing it, the flower falling back into place, all bunched up and brown at the tips. 
“You see it crumple? Does it still look new?” Pepper asked the girl. 
You shook your head. “No.” 
“That’s what happens when you lose your virginity.
If you’re not careful, you will crumple and be like that flower.”
That idea scared you to death. You couldn’t imagine falling pregnant and not being able to look after the baby. You could barely look after yourself. The image of the white flower of purity crumpling brown flooded your mind every time you made out with someone. And now, was no different. 
Steve hovered above you on your bed. Lips connected and his legs between yours. Your lips moved in sync as Steve’s hands ran up and down your waist, feeling over your clothed skin and practically begging for more. You hum in his mouth at his touch and Steve moves his kisses across your jaw and down your neck. 
You wrap your arm around his neck, feeling his lips against your skin. 
“We should...” You trail off at his movements.
“I know.” He mumbles against your skin. 
You moaned as he pushing his hips against yours. You feel your body run hot against his. You open your eyes to see the white ceiling of your bedroom. The paint of your roof reminding you of those white petals. The brown withering petals crept into your mind. 
“Okay!” You yell out, your body going stiff and your hands push Steve away from you. “We should stop.” 
Steve stops all movement and sits back against his thighs, breathing heavily. 
You pull yourself up to sit, also breathing heavily. 
You both looked at each other, clothing rumpled and hair askew. 
You took a deep breath and gave Steve a smile. “Phew.”
Steve chuckles at your discombobulated self. 
“No matter how frustrated I get, I can never be mad at you.” Steve said softly, buttoning up his shirt again. 
“And that’s why I love you.” You leaned forward to press another quick kiss on his lips. 
Steve always understood that you didn’t want to have sex until you were married. He knew your fear of unwanted pregnancy, even though he called it over the top, he understood and waited. 
You walked him to the front door to give him a proper goodbye. You sweetly kiss just outside your door, cupping his cheeks. 
You pull back and give him a smile. “Don’t forget this.” You lifted his detective badge in your hand. 
He smiles back as his hand closes around the badge to take it. 
“Thanks for stopping by.” You gave him another kiss. 
“No problem.” He pecked your lips again. “I will see you tomorrow at dinner?” 
“I wouldn’t miss it.” 
You let him go as he walked to his car and waved as he drove away. 
That man had caught your heart the minute you saw him at her front door. Even if it was to report to a noise complaint on your birthday. 
You smiled to yourself and skipped your way back into the house where May was seated on the couch. The theme music of the show she put on could be heard from outside. 
“Jeez, you couldn’t turn that down?” You asked as you leapt over the back of the couch to sit next to her. 
“Nope, just shush and eat your grilled cheese.” She handed you a plate with two grilled cheeses on it. Peter emerged from his room and sat on the other side of you, taking a slice of your grilled cheese. 
You all watched as the screen faded into light, showing the main character played by the famous TV star, Tony Stark. May always watched his shows. 
“Do we have to watch this?” Peter complained. 
“Yes we do.” You and May said at the same time. 
“She’s got me hooked on this stuff. You’ll like it.” You told Peter, but instead of agreeing, he groaned and got back up to trudge to his room. You shrugged and got comfortable next to May to watch the horrible but addictive romance show. 
Only 8.2 miles away from where you lived, and 2 hours later, James Buchanan Barnes stood on the balcony of his hotel overlooking all of the open pool area as it got ready to open. He was very stressed about owning this one and began to doubt himself as he took in the setting. 
“Buck, babe?” His wife’s voice rang from behind him. 
He cringed on the inside before turning around to face her. 
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asked him. 
He shook his head. “Nothing. Just...thinking.” He gave her a tight lipped smile. 
He fiddled with his hands as she stepped forward. 
“You’re worrying about the hotel.” She said, knowingly. 
Bucky sighed to himself. No matter how trapped he felt, they still had a connection that he had found with no one else. And in a way, he owed her. 
“You know, you worry too much about what other people think of your accomplishments. You think you do too little so you try to overdo it.” Nat said on a soft voice as she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her chin on his chest and looking up at him with her green eyes. Her velvet red hair blew in the wind and Bucky thinks about how he first fell in love with her. It only happened twice. 
Bucky’s chest rumbles as he chuckles at her words. 
“You just need to relax.” Her voice changes from soft to seductive and her fingers trail over his belt and unbuttons his pants. Bucky watches her as she slowly sinks to her knees, taking the belt and his pants with her.
Bucky leans back against the railing as he feels her hands pull him out of his restraints and slowly rubs him til he hardens and take him in her mouth. He leans back and looks at the sky, just letting himself think of anyone but her, wrapping her lips around his member. 
Downstairs in the women’s changing and storage rooms, you were getting ready to meet the new manager of staff. But your friend Wanda was hell-bent on pursuing a conversation you were uncomfortable with. 
“I’m telling you, he’s gonna propose.” Wanda pointed out from the locker next to you. 
“No he’s not.” You told her once again. “He knows my timeline and I haven’t even gotten my teachers degree yet-“ 
“You guys have been dating for two years!” She cut you off. “And you still haven’t boned. He doesn’t give a shit about the timeline anymore.” 
You went to say something say something back to her when the door opened and a man with a big grin walks in. 
“Ladies! Everybody decent?” He asks with a big smirk, disregarding the fact he’s already in the change rooms. 
“Who are you?” Wanda asked, crossing her arms. 
“I’m Sam Wilson, part of the new management team of this hotel and, well, I guess your new boss.” He said, smiling widely at his words. 
You frown at his enthusiastic behaviour at those words. In his hand is a bunch of red straws he holds out to everyone. 
“Pick a straw please? Anyone one is good and it doesn’t matter what straw as long as you are spectacular at your job.” You walked around to all the girls who took a straw from him. “It benefits us all which should be good because we all have the same goal. And that goal is...” he offers one to you with a wink. “To make bank.” He stepped back and observes everyone. “Alright, lets see those straws.” 
Everyone lifts up their straws, and without failure, yours is the shortest. 
Sam walks back up to you with his same grin. “What’s your name?”
“June.” You say quietly. 
“But everyone calls her Jaz.” Wanda butts in. 
You glare at her as Sam smirks at you. “Well, Jaz. You’re gonna be a great tail.” 
You frown at his words. 
You soon find out what he means as you lay, gracefully over a plastic clamshell in the hotel pool with a mermaid tail attached to your lower body. Everyone comes up to you, offering their empty glasses and you fill them up. 
“This is bullshit.” You murmur but a co-worker who is in the pool next to you frowns. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, as if he is also wearing the tail. 
You slowly turn your head to glare at him and he shuts his mouth, stating quiet. 
You go back to staring into space, hating the position you were in. You certainly did draw the short straw. 
Bucky sits on one of He circular couches next to Becca. 
“Buck, if you’re not happy, end it.” She says simply. 
“But she stood by me.” He says, running his hands over his face. 
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you owe her your whole life.” Becca says a-matter-of-factly. “You changed, of course you did. The whole cancer thing is going to change you and now she’s dangling it over your head. If it’s this toxic then just leave. It’s not going to make you our father if you do.” 
Bucky sighs because he knows she’s right. He lets Natasha hold the cancer situation over his head and now he’s stuck. 
“I know. Thank you.” He turns his head and looks at his sister. “Now go home to your wife.” 
Becca smiles at him. “I will.” She stands up with him. “Try to enjoy your party.” 
“I will.” They hugged before she made her way out of the party. 
What they both didn’t know was that Natasha sat behind them on the other side of the circular lounge, her head against the back as she listened to their conversation. She knew their marriage was stale but she knew she couldn’t leave yet. If she was going to be divorced she was going to be walking out of that courtroom with 10 million to her name. Thank god for prenuptial agreement. 
Bucky walked towards a waitress who held empty champagne glasses on a tray, a few people stopped him to shake his hand and he made his way over to her to take one, then she pointed him over to you, who still sat miserable on the clamshell. 
You lifted your head to see his figure walking towards you and a rush of anxiety filled you. Before you could think, you rolled your body off the clam and threw the bottle into the pool. 
Bucky frowned and stopped at the splash, watching you kick your way to the other side of the pool. The bizarre action made him turn back to the waitress who also frowned and led him to where a fresh bottle was sitting on ice. 
You ripped the bottom of your tail open so your feet could poke out before getting out of the pool. 
Wanda caught you getting out of the pool and approached you. “Um, what the hell?” 
You lifted yourself out of the pool and moved the wet hair from your face. 
“Do you remember a guy named James Barnes? He worked at the yacht club, he was like a member?” You asked her. 
She raised an eyebrow and put her free hand on her hip. “The jerk You had a major crush on five years ago?” She questioned you. 
“I didn’t have a major crush on him.” You said. 
Wanda scoffed before continuing to walk, you shuffled alongside her in your mermaid costume. 
“Are we talking about the same guy?” Wanda places her tray onto the bar bench for more glasses. “You had a magical kiss-“ 
“I was young, it meant nothing.” You said fast. 
“What meant nothing?” For, another co-worker butted in. 
“I need someone to run champagne to the pool ASAP.” The bartender addressed everyone. 
You rolled your eyes but took it as an opportunity to get yourself out of the hole you just dug with Wanda and Dot. 
“I got it.” You reached out for the bottles. You took them from his hands and quickly shuffled away to the small tent nearby the pool. 
You really thought you would never see him again. And yet you wondered how the hell he managed to be staying at the same hotel that you were working at. 
You began filling the champagne glasses as your mind ran over the reasons why he would be at the opening party. 
People were filling the tent and you felt a presence behind you. 
“I’ll hand out glasses.” He suggests. His voice sends shivers down your spine. You give him a small nod before going back to pouring. 
Bucky looks down at you, curious to know where he has seen you before. 
“You look familiar.” He tries to say in the most polite way he can. 
“Really? Not sure.” You shake your head in denial. 
“No, I really think we’ve met before.” He pushes. 
You stop for a second and pull your lips into a tight smile. “I’m not usually wearing clamshells.” You give him a small laugh and shift on your feet.
Bucky frowns for a second before gasping in realisation. “Oh, the strip club on Birk Street.” 
You whip your head around to look at him in horror. “Jerk.” You say in disgust. 
Bucky is shocked again at your sudden anger. Okay he was definitely wrong. He went to apologise when he heard Natasha’s voice over the speakers. “Can I have everyone’s attention? I would like to make a toast.”  
You both turn to face her and she raises a glass in your direction. “To my husband. For already making this hotel great.” 
Everyone clapped but you gaped in shock. 
He was the new hotel owner. And you just insulted him. 
Natasha came over to Bucky to pull him down into a hard kiss.
As he was distracted, you slipped out of the tent and headed back to the change rooms. You believe it’s time for you to go home. 
Becca moves through her front door, quietly closing it behind her, knowing her wife was asleep. She kicked off her heels in the living room before making her way down the hall to her bedroom. But a sound slowed her down, the sound of moaning was coming from her bedroom. 
The door was open ajar and light shone through into the hallway. Becca pushed open the door to see her wife’s legs entangled with another woman’s. Dread literally overcame her and her wife’s head popped up from the bed at the squeak of the door. 
“Oh god, Becca.” 
You finally settled into your bed. May lay next to you, it’s one of those nights again. 
Your phone buzzed from your nightstand and you picked it up to see Steve had messaged you. You looked at the time. It’s 4:23am. 
You back?
You smiled. Yep, In bed. 
Phone sex?
You scoffed and lightly laughed. 
May’s sleeping in here tonight. 
You softly laugh at him again. 
Ew. So...I called the new hotel owner a jerk tonight. 
WHAT? Why? 
Long story.
Get some sleep. You have to be up in 3 hours. Doctors apt at 9 and a class at 12.
You frowned at how he knew your schedule. 
Finally enjoying our conjoined calendar. 
You smiled at him. He did still know your timeline. 
Love you. 
You too. 
With that you finally put down your phone and turned the lamp off, drifting to sleep. 
It felt like only a minute since you fell asleep that your alarm woke you up. 
You groaned and pushed your face off the pillow, getting up to get ready for the day. 
Becca tried to console herself in the work bathroom before heading outside. The pain was still very much panging in her chest since she’s woken up. Looking in the mirror, she saw how much of a mess she was. 
Hating her life and needing to work was going to break her but she would fight against it. 
She rubbed at her eyes and splashed water in her face to try and make herself look better. 
She huffed, giving up before exiting the bathroom and heading into the doctors hallway. 
A nurse approached her almost immediately. “Dr. Alver, there you are. You are running a little behind. 
Hearing the nurse mention the name she had taken in marriage almost broke her again. The stress of today was already weighing on her. 
“Yes I know, rough start to the day.” 
“Yes, well as you should know you’re filling in for Dr. Peters today. You have an insemination in room seven and a pap in room eight.” The nurse handed Becca over the tools as Becca’s phone rang. Blindly, Becca collected the tools and picked up her phone in the other hand, seeing her wife’s name on the calling screen. 
“Doctor, did you hear me?” The nurse asked. 
“Yes, I did. An insemination and a pap. Thank you.” Becca said dismissing the nurse and turning away from her to answer the call. 
Her wife’s voice flooded her ears. 
“Becca, please. I’m so sorry, she didn’t mean anything! I’m a screwed up person, I don’t even car-“ Becca hung up the phone as her voice became too much for her to handle anymore. 
Trying to compose herself again, Becca walks straight into room eight. 
“Ms Parker, how are you. Are you ready for you’re insemination?” Becca asked, not looking up from your file as she enters the room.
The door closing woke you up from your nap on the examination chair. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry.“ Becca apologises as she sees you startled. 
“No, that’s fine. Sorry I’m a little tired.” You say, noticing that the doctor is a little flustered. “Yes, I am ready.” 
You smile at her. 
“Okay good.” 
“I thought I had an appointment with Dr Peters?” You asked. 
“Oh yes. I’ll be filling in for her while she’s on her...honeymoon.” You noticed her get a bit spacey as she said that. But she was quickly shaken out of it. “I’m Dr Alver.”
“Are you okay?” You asked as she took a seat in front of your spread legs. 
“Oh yeah I’m fine. I’m just going through some personal problems.” Becca tried to give you her best smile. 
Becca reaches to put on the gloves. “Did you bring anyone with you?” She tried to distract herself. 
“Here?” You frown. “No, just me.” 
“Oh you’re doing it alone. Good for you.” You could tell she was trying hard not to break down again. “It’s probably easiest that way.” She tried hard but the tears pushed through her eyes again. 
“Dr Alver, we can do his another time of you want to?” You asked her, a little concerned. 
“No, no I’m okay.” Becca pulls herself together and grabs the insemination tool. 
“Are you sure? Because I can come back later if it’s better- Oh okay, you’re already doing it.” You grasps the sides of the bed as you feel the tool enter you. 
“No it’s not fair one you. Because you’d have to wait a whole month and it’s just a waste of your time.” Becca smiles at you reassuringly and finishes the insemination. 
She slowly pulls the tool out and puts it on the tray. “And you’re all done!” 
You look down. “That’s it?” 
“That’s it.” Becca nods taking off her gloves. “You should get your results in two weeks.” She smiles at you before collecting her forms. “You have a good day, Ms Parker.”
“You try to as well, Dr. Alver.” You smile at her as you let your legs down, feeling glad your first pap was over. 
Becca walks across from room eight and into room seven. 
“Hello, Ms-“ Becca looks up to see Natasha sitting in the examination chair. “I didn’t know that you were coming.”
“I had the nurse unfreeze Bucky’s sperm.” Nat’s words fell onto Becca’s ears as a curse. “That’s why I didn’t tell you, you guys are so close I didn’t want to put you in an awkward position.” 
Becca goes through the appointments she has this morning in her head. An insemination and a pap. Here Natasha is, talking about her brothers sperm after she just inseminated you. 
Her body feels weak as she puts the horrible reality together in her brain and her heart beats hard and fast out of fear. 
“Look, if you don’t do it, someone else will. And I know from the internet that you can’t refreeze the sperm, so...unless you want the sperm to die.” Nat’s threats push more dread through Becca’s body. 
She just fucking inseminated the wrong woman. With her brothers sperm
Let me know if you liked it!
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skelebonecentral · 4 years
Hothouse rose chapter 1
a reverse harem with the lust boys
first we gotta meet the basic skeles
words under cut
Frisk was your cousin.
They’d run away, a week after their mom passed away. Your aunt, their other mother, was frantic and your whole family had gone out searching, as well as most of the town. You’re so glad it was your dad’s oldest sister who first caught sight of the monsters and not the sheriff or someone not quite as sensible.
Frisk came back from the mountain that loomed above your town with a whole civilization behind them.
Yeah, they tried to hook their mom up with Toriel, the strong, kind, and welcoming goat woman who was the Queen of the monsters, but Frisk was just a very romantic kid in general. They flirted as a hobby, it was hilarious and you were so glad they were back and safe to continue cracking you up with it.
They hugged everyone and apologized for scaring them, that they figured out that just because they were hurting didn’t mean it was okay to hurt other people, when they finally got the chance to exit the monsters’ camp after the police and government and all kinds of things showed up.
Still, you had to admire them for how much they grew up if that was what they wanted to say right away. Well, sign. Frisk was mute, after all.
Having them home was so nice, and their new friends were awesome.
You met Toriel first, of course, and her ex-husband, Asgore. You felt sorry for the big fluffy guy, he looked so hopeless and sad when Toriel would glare at him. And Frisk called him Dad, that was so cute, cause he just lit up. It was weird, though, feeling so pitying toward a ten foot tall goat man with huge horns and a long golden beard who had been alive for centuries longer than you.
Still, you liked both the goat people, and Monster Kid, Frisk’s new bestie who ran around with them. He was…well, he was a monster kid. Lizardish, with a tail and yellow-orange scales, but no arms to speak of. It made him top heavy, since he was humanoid, so he fell over often. Frisk seemed very fond of him, and you were glad. They hadn’t had a lot of luck making friends with other human kids at school before all of this.
But Frisk, being the eternal matchmaker they were, decided YOU needed to get in on this whole monster friend business.
Of course, you didn’t realize it until Gyftmas. It was a monster holiday from Snowdin, a small town Underground, that centered around gift giving and involved Santa for some reason? Anyway, the monster community was holding a carnival inside the local event center (it was mid-September so there weren’t any OTHER holidays to do) and your little cousin, being the ambassador, was of course invited and they brought you as their plus one.
Did you forget to mention that Frisk was the ambassador for monsters? They are. Well, at least in name. That’s their official title, is Ambassador, but they’re more like a figurehead while Toriel and Asgore handle the actual statecraft. The adults do let them cut ribbons and make speeches, but they’re just not ready for something that complicated. They are only six, after all.
But back to the carnival, Frisk brought you, and took you to a particular booth.
The booth was decorated with several action figures from an old 80’s cartoon that you used to love watching reruns of, and the sign above said, “THE GREAT PAPYRUS’ TRIVIA BOOTH!”
Frisk beamed as they dragged you, and looking in the booth, there was a very tall soldier-looking fellow who seemed to be a skeleton.
“HELLO, DEAR FRISK! I SEE YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN WITH YOU!” he called exuberantly, waving with bright red mittens. He had a black something or other on under the white chest piece of…oh that’s not actually armor. As you got closer, you’re now aware its made of fabric and the lines and emblem on the front are felt pieces sewn to it. The big round shoulder pads are attached, too.
Frisk signs eagerly, “Hi Papyrus! This is my cousin, Y/N! I wanted them to try your trivia!” Their hands are going very fast, and they’re bouncing, so they’re very excited about this.
“OH!” the skeleton stands up, showing his very obvious spine in his black whateverthatis and the odd ultra-short shorts that match his chest piece. “HELLO, HUMAN Y/N! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET A RELATIVE OF MY DEAR FRIEND, FRISK!”
He holds out his hand, and you shake it, feeling the long fingerbones underneath and finding yourself grinning like an idiot. Holy heck, an actual skeleton was talking to you. Your inner child was screaming with joy in their Jack-skellington slippers. Frisk had to have known…well, how could they not, your room is covered in Halloween and skeleton themed knickknacks.
“H-hey, Papyrus, I’m super glad to meet you, too!” you didn’t mean to stammer but you’re trying not to freak out as your arm is nearly shaken from its socket. He’s so STRONG!
Frisk giggled and signed something too quick for you to parse, and Papyrus let you go, “OH, ALRIGHT! HAVE A GOOD TIME, FRISK! YOUR COUSIN AND I WILL HAVE A BATTLE OF WITS!”
They scampered away and left you with the skeleton, who pulled out a fold out chair, setting it in front of his booth and then sitting in his own behind the counter, “ALRIGHTIE THEN! HUMAN Y/N, YOUR CHALLENGE SHALL BE TO ANSWER TEN QUESTIONS ABOUT MONSTER CULTURE. THE MORE YOU GET CORRECT, THE BETTER YOUR PRIZE! BEING FRISK’S COUSIN, YOU SHOULD DO VERY WELL!”
“Don’t be so sure, Papyrus. I have some wicked test anxiety,” you joke, and he blinks his sockets at you.
“NO NEED TO BE NERVOUS!” His smile seems set in his long jawed skull, but it actually tilts up a bit more, “SOMEONE WHO LOVES OUR FRISK IS BOUND TO BE A GOOD LISTENER AND KIND SOUL, SO I HAVE FAITH IN YOU. FIRST QUESTION!” he whipped out a set of cards, “WHAT IS KING ASGORE’S FAVORITE DRINK?”
You smile, happy it’s one you know, “Golden Flower Tea. He likes tea in general but that’s his favorite.”
“Ah,” you had to think a moment, then said cautiously, “I think it was the Ruins?”
“YOU’RE RIGHT.” Papyrus then set two further action figures from the same set as his decorations, “THESE WILL MARK YOUR SUCCESSES! ALRIGHT, NEXT!” He shifted his sockets in a comical manner that you had to fight your instinct to laugh at, “HOW MANY MOVIES HAS METTATON, OUR BELOVED STAR, PUT OUT AS OF TODAY?”
You blink…and you have to guess because you honestly don’t care for Mettaton’s version of movies, “28?”
Papyrus’ jaw just falls open, and he sets another figure on the counter, “I THOUGHT FOR SURE THAT WOULD STUMP YOU! I’M FLABBERGASTED. YOU MUST BE A VERY DEDICATED FAN OF METTATON, JUST LIKE MYSELF.”
You blush, “N-not really. His music and dancing are great, but the movies go over my head, I guess. I only watched one because Frisk wanted me to…”
“Oh, yeah, I did notice that. I bet a lot of Broadway plays would love to get his input on that front.”
“Kind of?” you quirk your mouth a bit, not really smiling but thinking about it, “It’s a street in New York City with lots of theaters on it that’s famous for having the best in plays and musicals in the country. It’s really a cool place, from what I hear.”
You were getting excited now, wondering what he could ask.
You frown. That was a serious question, and you think back to Frisk’s descriptions they would give you now and then of their time under the mountain. “Asriel.” You remembered thinking his name sounded angelic.
“ANOTHER FIGURE FOR YOU!” Papyrus plops the next figure on the desk and…
“Is that the villain? I didn’t know they even made a figure for him.” You can’t help yourself, not when you’d loved his antics as a kid. “Lord Verminator, looking good.”
You nod eager, “I know I haven’t been able to see every episode. I only got a few episodes they put on an old cable channel but it was so good. I managed to salvage some merch from antique stores, but it’s never been enough.”
You finally laugh and nod, “You’re so peppy! How did Frisk manage to keep you a secret? I wish we’d met sooner now.”
He takes a notecard and asks, “WHAT IS THE SYMBOL OF OUR KINGDOM CALLED?”
“The one Toriel wears, right? I think…it was the Delta Rune?”
“YES!” the card was set down, a figure was placed, and another card picked up, “WHO IS THE CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD?”
“Undyne.” You sigh, “She tried to suplex me the first time I had to go to Toriel’s to pick up Frisk.”
“OH, THAT WAS YOU?” Papyrus tilts his skull, and you notice his sockets are slightly uneven. You also notice you like hearing him talk, even though he’s very loud. “SHE TOLD ME SOME HUMAN CAME AND MANAGED TO DODGE HER GRAB. SHE’S BEEN TRYING TO GET FASTER AFTER THAT.”
You want to comment, but Papyrus gets another card, “WHO CREATED THE CORE?“ he stops, frowns, then tosses the cards behind him, “THAT ONE WAS ACTUALLY A TRICK QUESTION, BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS WHO DID IT! AND AS MUCH AS I LIKE TRIVIA, I’M MORE EXCITED ABOUT TALKING WITH YOU.”
Smiling, you take his elbow when he offers it, despite him being two feet taller than you, even in his flat bottomed red rain boots, “That’s pretty flattering. What was the prize for the quiz, though? I’m curious.”
Papyrus led you around the event center, pointing at the various booths and explaining them, even sometimes introducing you to the monster manning it. You didn’t see hide nor hair of Frisk for the rest of the evening, but you didn’t really notice. Papyrus’ enthusiastic rambling and genuine glee at showing you around kept you glued to his side gladly.
When the crowds had thinned out considerably, you asked, “Papyrus, this has been the most fun I’ve had at a fair in years. I’d really like to do more cool stuff like this with you, so maybe we could exchange numbers?”
He froze, then turned, big sparkles appearing again, including inside his sockets, “WOWIE, REALLY?! OF COURSE WE CAN! I REALIZE IT IS LATE AND HUMAN BEINGS NEED PLENTY OF SLEEP TO BE HEALTHY, UNLIKE THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SO LET US HURRY!”
He shoved his phone into your hand and you gave him yours, typing in your number and naming yourself with a balloon emoji on the end to remind him of the fun fair you’d shared together. You get your phone back as you hold out his, and it says “THE GREAT PAPYRUS” with a skull emoji and a gold medal one on the end.
“Perfect! Feel free to text me whenever, but I might not answer if I’m busy or sleeping.”
You nod and bid him goodbye, getting a back-cracking hug, before he rushes off into the fair and you head toward your car. Frisk had texted you earlier to say they were going home with Toriel, so you rode back alone, glad for the break so you could process your night with the personification of optimism that was Papyrus.
You got texts from Papyrus every day. Multiple texts in a row, about ten different times a day, and about just about any subject that was on his mind at the time.
That was the general gist of his messages, just little windows into his day and topics that related back to earlier conversations.
You would answer him between classes, since you were a freshman in the local college, and once you were off around noon, you’d head to Smile Mart and see Papyrus in action.
The first time you actually were able to see him at work, he was meticulously arranging the dairy section, making every gallon of milk have the handle facing the same direction in his white button up, black pants, and bright pink apron.
Hearing you approach, he snapped upward and his face lit up, “HUMAN Y/N! HELLO!” Standing to hi full height and brushing himself down, he posed like a soldier at parade rest, “HOW DO YOU LIKE MY DAPPER WORK ATTIRE?”
You smirk a bit, just in an effort not to laugh out loud at that pose and speech combined, but answer honestly, “You make it look good.”
“THANK YOU! I’M AWARE!” he grinned, then got back to his task, “THANK YOU FOR COMING IN. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR TODAY?”
That sounded suspiciously like a work script rather than just Papyrus being himself, but you shrug it off, “I don’t need anything in particular at the dorm, so I’m just gonna grab one of those yogurt and fruit smoothie drinks over there when I head out. best breakfast treat.”
He looks at the items you’re pointing at, then nods in approval, “FRUIT AND YOGURT ARE GOOD CHOICES FOR A MORNING BEVERAGE. AND DORMS? ARE YOU PERHAPS A MEMBER OF THE CLERGY?”
You do laugh at that, “No! No, I’m a first semester freshman at the university. You have to spend your first semester on campus if you live more than a certain distance away and unfortunately, my house isn’t in the right range.”
“Is that the brother you told me about at the fair? The one who sleeps?” Papyrus had mentioned he had a brother who was lazy and slept a lot, but not the name.
You grin as he waggles his brows. He had noticed how you didn’t like his wording when he’d said the same line about “napping all night” at the fair, and now he teases you with it. “Still called sleeping, Pap.”
He chuckles good naturedly and shrugs, “WHATEVER IT’S CALLED, THAT’S WHAT SANS DOES. SLEEP, EAT, AND EMIT SLIME.”
“He emits slime?”
The visits become routine after that first one. When you get a break during his shift, you just go to the store and buy some kind of single serving drink. Yeah, you wish they were in cardboard cartons or glass instead, but all your bottles do go into your recycling bucket at your dorm. It’s more an excuse to talk to Papyrus, anyway.
He asks more about the university, and when you ask him what he’d major in if he did attend, he has a very good answer already, “SPORTS MEDICINE! I’M A VERY GOOD HEALER NATURALLY, AND I LOVE ATHLETICS OF ALL SORTS, SO WHY NOT COMBINE MY TWO PROCLIVITIES INTO ONE CAREER PATH? UNDYNE DOESN’T NEED ME ANYONE ELSE IN THE GUARD NOW THAT WE’RE UP HERE, AND I WANT TO BE HELPFUL.” He scratched his chin a bit before adding to the end, “WELL, MORE HELPFUL THAN I AM CURRENTLY ANYWAY.”
That’s a great idea, you think, and you encourage him to go for it. After all, he’s got so much energy, you’re sure any course of study will be a breeze.
It’s kind of surprising when, a few weeks later, he texts you excitedly, “I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER! NEXT SEMESTER WE’RE GOING TO BE CLASSMATES! ONCE IT’S TIME, LET’S CHOOSE OUR SCHEDULES TOGETHER!”
Wow, he really does go for what he wants, doesn’t he?
Great was definitely the least you could say about Papyrus by the time you two were meeting up on the first day of the semester.
He had already invited you over to his house several times, Frisk had dragged you along on lots of outings with the skeleton, and you had braved a meeting with Undyne and her adorable wife, Alphys, as part of a celebration for Papyrus’ acceptance into college.
So when his unique figure came striding up the sidewalks on campus, you immediately ran to meet him and got scooped into a twirling hug with your mutual giggles echoing off the old gothic revival buildings around the ovular clearing.
As you were set down, you beamed up at him, “I’m so glad I didn’t start my gen ed until now. We have all semester together.”
“I KNOW! SURE, I HAVE TO TAKE THAT ONE NUTRITION CLASS WHILE YOU’VE GOT CHEMISTRY, BUT OTHER THAN THAT!” He’s bouncing on his heels and utterly pleased, and noticing his bouncing is what draws your eyes to the shorter figure next to him.
Another skeleton, about your height and blinking at you with white lights in his large, round sockets, stood next to Papyrus and waved lazily at you, “heya.”
“Oh my gosh, you must be Sans!” you were excited to finally meet Papy’s brother. “I dunno how it took this long for us to end up in the same place but I’m so glad to meet you!” You offer your hand and it gets taken with a long “pffffffffffffffffft” sound.
“SANS! I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THAT TODAY!” Papyrus sounds equal parts furious and embarrassed, as the bright orange glowing on his cheekbones betrays.
“had to, bro. can’t skip the classic gags,” Sans takes his hand back, revealing a small red whoopie cushion in it.
You stare, surprised, “Oh my gosh? I didn’t know anybody even used oldies like that anymore. Or did actual harmless pranks like that. Consider me impressed; you’ve got better taste in humor than most of MeTube.”
That seems to shock the smaller skeleton before you, making him lower his hand slowly. He was wearing a blue hoodie jacket over a white shirt with small stains on the chest, and black basketball shorts with white socks and pink house shoes. “uh. thanks.”
“I thought Undyne was your best friend?” you say as he speeds away from a perplexed looking Sans, who you wave to with a helpless expression.
Classes go smoothly, but you begin to notice….
Well, you see Sans pretty much everywhere.
Leaving your one class you don’t have with Papyrus, you see him snoozing on a bench outside.
While leaving your part time job sorting all the incoming books for the library on campus, there he is again, at one of the computers looking up jokes.
Even while you’re out getting a haircut, you find him running a little hotdog cart. Finally, you have to ask him what he’s doing.
“Heya, Sans,” you go up to the stand, which is currently empty. “Been seeing you around a lot.”
“why didn’t ya say hi, then, kiddo? my brother sings your praises daily, wouldn’t have minded saying hello.” He’s just got a green apron on over his outfit from before, and you smile.
“I don’t wanna intrude. Just thought I’d ask what was up, y’know? Normally it’s just students at the library. How’d you even get in the computer without a student id?” That had been bothering you for a bit.
“oh, easy. I’m faculty.”
Your brain shorted for a moment, “You…are?”
“yep,” he chuckled, waving you to a seat next to his cart. “turns out a monster phd converts pretty well to a human one. Just consulting with the physics department right now, but once the political climate settles some more, who knows?”
Something bubbles up to the front of your mind, “Oh. Oh! Papyrus said you liked physics once. I guess it’s more of a passion for you than he let on.”
“heh, used to be. might be again. dunno yet.” He looks across the street, away from you. “anyhow, frisk and pap both seem to think you’re the bees’ knees.”
You tilt your head a bit, but then see the little buzzing insects around a flowerbox on the other side of the street. “Oh! hahah, good spot. Yeah, I’m pretty lucky two really cool people decided I’m interesting enough to look after.”
Sans hummed as you both watched the bees, “yeah, they’re both kinda neat folks. My bro’s the coolest though. biased, I know, but it’s true.”
“I can’t argue there,” you feel happy thinking about Papyrus, “He’s taken to school like a fish to water. I really love finally having a friend who’s so positive. Not that my roommate’s not cool, but she’s as tired as I am usually.”
“you got a roomie?” he hums, “then why spend time with my bro? surely you’ve got more in common with her?”
“Hah!” you actually laughed. “I’m a linguistics major, Sans. She’s a botanist. Her side of the room is covered in so many plants I have to take sinus medication 24/7. Nah, she’s a good person but we have nothing in common other than living space and shared love for cheesy family-friendly rom-coms.”
You had gotten so involved with watching a particular bee rolling around a tulip that you didn’t notice when Sans faced you again. “so if she decided to get into a fight, you wouldn’t back her up?”
“Oh, no, I’d pull her out and tell her off for fighting. But she’s always in the greenhouses or labs, so I doubt she’d find anybody to fight with even if she wanted to. More likely to squeak like a dog toy and hide, if we’re being totally honest,” you turn to Sans smiling, but his expression makes you freeze.
His lights were out and the haunting blankness of his huge sockets made you shudder.
“kid, you better be telling the truth. My brother’s the best, but people take advantage of his kindness. If you hurt him, you’re gonna have a bad time.”
Nope, you were not going to stand for that. Getting up, you bolted, and as soon as you made it back to your dorm, you texted Papyrus.
You: Papyrus, we need to talk about your brother.
You: We talked today and he threatened me.
It takes more than two seconds for an answer. Clearly you’d managed to rattle Papyrus (heh).
You explain yourself, how you kept seeing Sans around when Papyrus wasn’t there, and the incident after your haircut today.
Papyrus doesn’t answer in text, and after a moment or two you get a call from him.
He’d threatened a child?! Not just any child either, your COUSIN! Who saved his people from captivity! You were about to ask about that when Papyrus continued. “FRISK SAYS IT WAS JUSTIFIED, BUT I’M NOT SURE HOW. BUT YOU? YOU HAVE NEVER HARMED ME, NOR ANYONE ELSE, AND HAVE DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE IT. SO, NOW THAT I’VE SAID MY PIECE, WHAT DO YOU THINK?”
You have to turn your brain back on to think for a moment. Papyrus was very dear to you, he was sweet and lifted your spirits no matter what. Still, with a scary protective brother, you weren’t sure if you wanted to be near him anymore.
“Papyrus, I like you. You’re my best friend. But I can’t feel safe around Sans and I’m kind of scared to come to your house ever again. We still have classes together, but I think if we’re going to be friends still, we can only meet out in public or at my place.” Even saying that makes you nervous. Nobody’s ever done this before, threatening you just out of nowhere.
Tears were starting to leak out of your eyes at this point, your adrenaline leaving you tired and scared, but you smile, “I have faith in you, Papyrus. Just…I’m just scared now. I’m gonna try to calm down and I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
“YES, THAT IS A GOOD PLAN. TRY TO BE KIND TO YOURSELF UNTIL I CAN BE KIND TO YOU INSTEAD…” There was silence, and then a very soft, worried, “I love you.”
That was enough to get you sobbing, “I love you, too. Be safe.” You had to hang up now, and you curled up under your covers to hide from the world.
As soon as he hung up the phone, Papyrus quickly wiped his sockets. He, too, was crying at the thought of his dear friend, who he loved fiercely, being terrified and menaced by HIS BROTHER of all people. But he was going to fix this.
Yes, he’d been far too late to fix what happened with Frisk, and Frisk themselves didn’t seem too upset by it, but YOU certainly were. He could feel it in the way you’d spoken, how very close he’d been to losing his best friend. He still might lose them.
But he’s going to make the effort to try not to.
Taking several deep breaths, Papyrus left his room and went down the stairs. Sans was on the couch as he’d expected, flipping channels on their TV.
“hey bro, what’s up?” Sans had his normal expression, and it made Papyrus furious.
Sitting up, Sans looks confused, “what do you mean?”
Papyrus took another breath, feeling his ribs fill to capacity with the cooling air that helped calm him, “SANS, I JUST GOT SEVERAL VERY FRIGHTENED TEXTS FROM Y/N, AND THEY WERE ABOUT YOU.”
Ah, there, the permanent smile on Sans’ face drooped significantly, “oh.”
“n-no, no that’s…I don’t want you lonely, paps, I just want you to be safe.” Sans’ voice and eyelights were both small and shaky. Good, he realized how serious this was.
Sans was just staring at him, but he finally found his voice, “but paps, they aren’t like other folks. They’re humans, they have a lot more power and-“
Sans just looked at his hands, bones looking ashen as Papyrus tried to hold back his sobs. Had…had he been hurting Papyrus more than helping him all this time? Yeah, Frisk had posed a threat but the kid had made good. Really good, if he had to be honest. And he had seen nothing to really make Y/n any more dangerous than they were. And now Papyrus was crying.
Escaping back up the stairs, Papyrus quickly packed three days’ worth of clothes and essentials, then ran out the door. He just couldn’t believe his older brother had betrayed his trust like this.
It was pretty awkward with you and Papyrus after that.
You tried to talk like normal, but he was sad, and you were scared.
Two months after the incident, you got sick of it. “Papy, let’s go to Bungle Land.”
“OH?” he perked a little, “WE HAVEN’T BEEN FOR A LONG TIME. OKAY.”
Grinning, you took his hand and ran to your car, giving him the option to drive if he wanted. He had his license, but just hadn’t gotten around to buying the perfect car for him. But he refused, wanting to save driving for his own dream car, so you let him move the passenger seat back as far as he liked while you drove to the local theme park.
And you had fun. Papyrus was an adrenaline junkie and took you on every ride, while you were a game shark, trying your hand at the carnival games and loving the useless and low quality plushies you won from them. You both had a lovely collection of little birds, though Papyrus had exchanged five of his for a larger plush of a super hero, more to his tastes, from this trip alone. Thank stars for your yearly pass, and the lovely guest vouchers that came with it.
Finally, as the sun was going down and you were hungry, Papyrus guided you toward one of the stands before a familiar voice made your heart freeze, “hey you two. Pretzels and lemonade?”
Papyrus’ expression soured, “SANS, DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS THE TIME FOR ONE OF YOUR ODD JOBS? WE WERE HAVING FUN.” He’d gotten an apology from Sans a while back now, and a Promise not to repeat his blunder, but he still wasn’t sure of Sans’ intentions for Y/n.
“I really didn’t think you’d be here today, pap, swear on my bones,” Sans looked exhausted and held up his hands. “but tell me what you want and I’ll make it while I do something I’ve been meaning to.”
You just say you want a pepperoni pretzel and a cherry lemonade, and Papyrus goes for a normal pretzel with a blue raspberry lemonade, but you’re nervous. The skeleton had threatened you, after all, even if your fear of him had mostly shifted to annoyance at his cheek in doing so.
Getting your food, Sans said softly, “I know I’m nobody’s favorite person right now, so I’ll make it short. I realized I’ve been overbearing, stepped over a lot of lines, and need to work on myself. I’m really sorry, y/n, for acting like you were going to hurt papyrus when I don’t even know you. it was wrong, and I’m going to try and see a therapist to get a hold on my…paranoia.”
That…was honestly one of the best and most sincere apologies you’d ever had. You can’t help smiling, and you can almost feel the pride radiating off Papyrus for his brother. “Okay, Sans. That was a proper apology, and you haven’t done any stalking that I’ve noticed so…apology accepted. I hope your therapy goes well.”
He looks so relieved, shoulders sagging noticeably, but his smile turns more genuine and he nods, “okie dokie. Go have fun, and I’ll see you at home, paps.”
“YES YOU WILL! YOU’RE GETTING THE IMPROVED VERSION OF SPAGHETTI TONIGHT FOR THAT!” It’s heartwarming to hear the excitement in his voice, and the brighter smile on his face, “YOU DID A GOOD THING! BYE, SANS!”
“Bye, Sans,” you add, and he waves you both off. Even if he was the one who finally apologized, you felt a weight off of yourself as well, and his gaze no longer made you feel like demons were on your back.
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years
your parallel universe or mine? (part 1)
Or, the Heathers/OUAT crossover that nobody asked for but everybody gets because 2020 is like that I guess
The diner is half-full when Emma pushes open the door, the little tinkling bell barely audible above the evening chatter, as well as the patron greeting her good morning. Truth be told, she wasn’t planning on getting dinner from Granny’s today. She had started seeing that maybe, maybe, Killian’s points that eating out for dinner for half the week is not economically a very sound plan, nor is it actually healthy. And today in particular, her house was so warm and the idea of sitting on the couch while he makes his famous omelettes and watching a feel-good movie with her daughter really did sound like a nice way to spend her evening. So no, she wasn’t actually planning on going to Granny’s.
The only problem is that she happens to have a very ambitious 6 year old who decided she was old enough and big enough to not just make dinner for herself, but also for the cat. And for some reason, she had concluded that cats must like Coco Pops. Only problem is that the Coco Pops are on the highest shelf, which she had climbed up to like it was the rigging on her father’s pirate ship. Only problem is that it isn’t, and Hope isn’t exactly blessed in the grace department. And as everyone knows, a panicked mini Saviour plus falling plus uncontrollable magic plus electronics nearby is a recipe for disaster.
Which is why she came knocking on Emma's bedroom door and explained from behind her hands that the oven was wasn’t working and, after some questioning, she may have sort of kind of accidentally sent a magic bolt heading straight for it. And as it turns out, that panicked her so much that everything else went with it. As was punctuated by the lightbulb in her room going off as Hope confessed everything and pleaded with her to believe that she didn’t really mean it.
Ah, Storybrooke. Never a dull moment.
Emma can’t be mad at Hope. Not really, since she was trying to impress her and it was something that can be easily fixed when they get home. She didn’t mean anything bad by it anyway. And��� well, she gets some of Granny’s fries out of this deal. Even Killian agrees that their new home-cooked dinners can wait until Monday.
“Hey guys,” Ruby chirps, her dark hair pulled into a braid. Seeing her old friend is a bit of a surprise to Emma, and a welcome one. Not that Ruby never visits, but she’s dividing her time more unevenly lately, spending most of her time in Oz. “What can I get you?”
“Didn’t know you’d flown back in,” she comments.
“Ah well, Granny wants me to train up some new recruits,” she explains with a shrug. “Lots of kids looking part time jobs here, and since Granny’s going into retirement soon, she kind of needs all the help she can get.” She gestures to behind them, where some kids Emma recognises from the high school are milling around wearing Granny’s aprons, all with varying degrees of enthusiasm. She even spots Dorothy, a pencil tucked behind her ear, taking an order from the dwarves.
“Well look at that,” Emma mumbles. “Okay, so I’ll get cheeseburger, side of onion rings and a Coke.”
“And the grilled salmon, please. With a side of potato cakes if you don’t mind,” Killian adds. “Although if it weren’t for this one-” He pokes Hope in the belly. “We’d be eating our boiled mackerel, wouldn’t we?”
Emma hides her laugh behind her hands as Hope nods, pulling a face the moment Killian’s eyes leave hers.
“And I want a hot dog,” Hope adds. “With loads of fries. Please,” she adds after Killian gives her a look. He raises an eyebrow at her and she rolls her eyes. “And a fruit salad for dessert. Please.”
“I’ll see if I can cover the fruit in chocolate for you,” Ruby adds with a wink, swirling around before Killian can protest. One of the most important parts of parenting is knowing where to pick your battles, and one of the most amusing parts of parenting is watching Killian try to pick all of them and failing miserably. Who know that the dastardly Captain Hook, terror of the high seas, would have met his match in the form of a six year old?
Her point is proven when Hope slides one of the colouring pages in front of him, green eyes wide, and he can do nothing but grin and pick up a crayon. Emma smiles as she takes a sip of her freshly-delivered Coke, making a mental note to bring this up to Killian later. If they didn’t eat out, how do they get perfect family moments like that.
But, as with all things in Storybrooke, their perfect evening doesn’t last. Emma has barely finished her bacon when the door swings open, and the hairs on the back of her neck stand up even without turning around. She’s been in this diner enough to know that door, and to know that when it’s opened like that, it means trouble.
So she’s somewhat unsurprised when she turns to see Alice panting heavily and her eyes wide, her mouth moving a mile a minute.
“Emma! Thank goodness I caught you! You see Robin and I were walking home from work, and just as we were walking, a girl fell out in front of us! And she doesn’t look okay. She’s really, really confused I think. And scared. I think she was scared. All frowny face. But not quite angry frowning, I don’t think. I don’t know it was five whole minutes ago, I can’t remember. Point is; new girl in town appeared out of nowhere and we need help!”
“Okay,” Emma says, sifting through the load of information Alice just threw her way. “A girl? And you say she just fell out in front of you.”
“Yeah. Like one minute she wasn’t there and the next minute she was. Just appeared in the middle of the road.”
“Okay.” She eases herself off her chair and picks up her coat, despite Hope’s puppy eyes. “Could you lead me back there?”
“Uh-huh. Robin’s with her now anyway.” She sticks her hands in her pockets and rocks back and forth on her heels. “I don’t think she’s really bad. I think she’s scared.”
“Well I’ll be the judge of that.” She turns to Killian, a silent apology in her eyes. “You think you can hold down the fort while I play Sheriff?”
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” he asks. “I know you can take care of yourself but-”
“I’ll be okay,” she replies. “Not like I’ll be alone. I’ll call my dad in too.”
“Okay,” he says. He gives her a small, one that feels made just for her. “I’ll make your order to go and heat it up later for you.”
“You’re a Saviour.” She pecks his lips quickly before moving to Hope, who doesn’t even bother hiding her scowl. “Hey, baby. I just need to go sort this out and then I’ll be right back, okay?” Her face doesn’t budge. If there’s one thing Hope took from both of them, it’s that petty stubbornness. Feeling Alice hovering behind her, Emma takes Hope’s hand softly, running her thumb over her knuckles. “Hey kid. I know we were meant to play today. I just need to go be Sheriff for five minutes and then you and me can play all night. Deal?”
Hope shifts at that, her eyes moving up to meet Emma’s.
“We can watch Super Bugs?” she asks.
There are few things Emma dislikes more than Super Bugs. It only has one redeeming factor; how much Hope loves it. And she really, really needs to go.
“All day long,” she promises. “Sound like a plan?”
Hope relents at that, the promise of Super Bugs winning her over, and Emma drops a kiss to her head before letting Alice lead her out of the diner, following her down to where this mysterious appearing girl is.
As she and Alice run through the streets and out of the main street, stores and bars slowly giving way to houses which grow fewer and further between. Emma has never been more grateful for the amount of running she’s done in the past years. Alice must have done her fair share too; the girl barely breaks a sweat as she leads her in the direction of the town line, the pavement giving way to the forest floor. It’s there that they come into view, Robin standing on the side of the road, her hands half extended towards a young, freaked out girl. More than freaked out, Emma thinks as she slows to a halt. She looks like she’s been to hell and back; her face streaked with thick black dust, her jacket torn open and from the look of it, she’s struggling to hold herself up. And that's not even mentioning her eyes, which hold far too much for someone her age.
“Who’s this?” she demands, her voice weak and unsteady. She can’t be more than eighteen. Up close, Emma sees the blood across her face, mixing with the dirt, and the way her shirt and jacket both seem badly torn and burned on the edges, and her heart clenches.
“This is Emma,” Robin says quietly. She’s handling it well enough, despite being completely out of her depth. “She can help, she’s a friend of ours.”
“She’s right kid,” Emma says. “Thanks girls, I’ve got it from here.” The girl doesn’t move as Alice and Robin leave, the two casting last looks at her and Alice mumbling thanks to Emma. Emma is ready to grab her in case she runs, but to her surprise, she doesn’t. She just stands there, arms wrapped around herself and her eyes darting everywhere. “Okay, kid. I take it you’re a little confused.”
“A little?” she asks. Her mouth opens and closes wordlessly, hunting for the right questions. “Where am I?”
“Good first question,” she says. “You’re in Storybrooke, Maine.”
“I’m in where?” she asks. She almost laughs. “How the hell am I in Maine?”
“This happens around here more often than you’d think.” She goes to ask her where she’s from, but a car pulling up behind her distracts her. Her dad gets out of the Sheriff’s car, looking to Emma for answers. Unfortunately for him, she’s yet to get anywhere. The girl on the other hand sees the car, probably taking in the word painted on the side, and tenses even more than she already is.
“You guys are cops?” she asks, her voice shooting up.
“Yeah, we’re cops,” Emma says, wincing. The girl’s eyes are wild and frantic as they meet hers, and Emma worries that she might snap and bolt in the other direction. “But it’s okay, you’re not in trouble. We just want to get you home.” She breathes in and takes another step towards her, and after a moment, moves to block her dad from her view. She lowers her voice and her fingers brush against the girl’s. She flinches at the touch, and Emma takes the message. “Hey, you can trust me, okay? I don’t know where you came from, but we can get you back there. I promise.” As the girl dips her head she does the same, trying to get a look at her. “But I can only do that if you co-operate with us here, okay?”
It’s either seconds or years before the girl nods and lets out a weak ‘okay’.
“Now we’re getting somewhere.” She looks over her shoulder, to where her dad is sitting on the hood of the car, his eyes not leaving Emma. She looks back at the girl, this fragile looking young girl whom she doesn’t know, but she knows she’s been through some shit. She can’t even imagine everything that led her here, but she can imagine how she must be feeling. “Do you have a name? Cause I’d like to call you something other than kid.”
She nods and lifts her head so that her eyes meet Emma’s.
“It’s Veronica,” she says. “Veronica Sawyer.”
And Emma grins.
“Good to meet you, Veronica Sawyer.”
Veronica doesn’t say a word to either of them the whole ride to the station. But she isn’t rude. She’s not like other teenagers Emma has picked up, who sit in the back with their arms tightly folded glaring daggers into the back of Emma’s head, nor is she throwing out sarcastic remarks in the hopes that one or both eventually snaps. Instead, she’s quiet, sitting there with her eyes trained on one particular spot, her grip on herself not once slipping or loosening. More than anything else she looks exhausted; the kind of exhaustion that seeps into your bones and stays there and the kind you can’t get rid of with a quick power nap or a cup of coffee. An ache builds in Emma’s chest the more she looks at her, past memories flickering up against the present, and so she tears her own eyes off her and looks out at the road instead, not feeling settled until Storybrooke Main Street is in sight.
As they pull up outside the Sheriff Station, Veronica visibly pales; her already white skin turning practically translucent. Her legs barely hold her up as she stumbles out of the car, her knuckles white as she grips the door, yet she flinches away from Emma’s hand when she reaches for her.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Emma tells her softly. She doesn’t move any closer, not when Veronica looks so damn scared, but she tries to reassure her anyway. “No one’s going to hurt you. I promise. We just want to get you back home as soon as we can. Wherever home is.” Veronica doesn’t budge, her eyes trained on the station. The worst part of all this is Emma can’t blame her. It would be so much easier if she could. “You can hold my gun if it makes you-”
“No!” That has to be the strongest Emma has heard the girl’s voice since they met. There’s so much force in it that it actually takes her back a little.
“Okay,” she replies after a while. “Not a fan of guns. Me neither.”
“S-sorry,” she mumbles. She takes a shaky step out and closes the door behind her, swallowing thickly. “I just…. Sorry.”
“It’s okay kid.” Veronica nods, the gesture tiny. Emma takes in a deep breath, looking back over at the station, her father already inside. Veronica must be thinking the same thing she is because she takes a step closer to her and waves in that direction.
“I guess we don’t have all day, do we?”
Just like in the car, the sight of Veronica sitting at the table in the station brings back memories Emma would rather forget. Maybe she’s younger than Emma thought she was, because she looks so vulnerable just sitting there, so lost. She wonders for a second if she might have to excuse herself from this and leave her dad to deal with her. He’s got all that charming warmth anyway. Less prickly than she is. He’s probably better suited to the task than Emma is.
But something in her freaks out at that idea. Somehow she just knows she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if she left this girl’s side, even if it was with her father.
“Okay, here’s your coffee,” she says, placing the cup in front of her.
“Thank you,” she says, her voice breaking. As she sits down across from her, Emma shares a look with her dad, glad to see that they’re at least on the same page here. “Okay… so getting the obvious out of the way, you aren’t from here.”
“No,” she replies with a shake of her head. “I-I mean you said I was in Maine, right? We’re in Maine? But I was in Ohio! How did I get from Ohio to Maine?”
“Ohio?” Charming echoes, realisation dawning on him in time with Emma. “You mean you’re from-you’re from America? From here?”
“I-yes?” she replies, blinking helplessly. “Is…. Is that optional?” David takes Emma’s arm and turns them both around, glancing at Veronica with anxiety evident in his eyes.
“Emma she’s from here,” he states quietly. “From here. Not the Enchanted Forest or Neverland or anywhere else. She’s from this realm.”
“Not from the where now?” Veronica asks. She looks from Emma to David, hoping one can give her an answer. Her mouth hangs open like she’s on the verge of laughing. “Did you just say the Enchanted Forest?”
“You really need to work on your subterfuge,” Emma mutters to him. She leans on the table, looking over at Veronica, trying to find some way to put all this. It’s one thing she just appeared in Storybrooke, but if she’s from the Land Without Magic, that means she has no idea about other realms. And there’s only so much a person can take. “It’s a long story. And it’s not important right now. What’s important is getting you home.”
“Do you remember what you were doing before you got here?” David asks. “Anything at all?”
Veronica lets out a long, ragged breath, her fingers tapping noiselessly on the table. Just as Emma wonders if she should ask again, she speaks, her voice impossibly far away.
“Yeah, I do,” she answers. She takes a long drink of her coffee and squares her shoulders, taking a deep breath in. Emma clenches her fist under the table. She doesn’t know what version of events they’re about to hear, but she’d wager there’s some ugliness that she isn’t going to share. Maybe it has something to do with the dust and blood smeared across her face. “I was at the school. We were having a pep rally. And I had been talking to my friends and then I just had to go… be by myself for a little bit. So I was going home. Then the rain got really heavy and… and I couldn’t see for a minute. I think I tripped over something- no I stepped in a puddle. Then next thing I know… I’m here. And those two girls are talking to me.” Her shoulders shake, her hand presses to her mouth as a whimper escapes her, and Emma is overcome with an urge to go and sit with her and hold her. It’s not maternal or anything close. It’s something else; something that comes from deep within her.
“And… all that?” David asks gently. “Did you get all that just from coming here?”
“What?” she asks before realising. She looks down at herself, like she’s seeing the torn clothes for the first time and reaches up to touch her face, looking at her fingers coming away stained black. “Yeah. Must have been from coming here.”
She’s lying. Emma can tell. But she can also tell she has good reason to do so, so she decides not to press.
“But you’ve never heard of this place before?” David asks her. “Ever?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “No offence but what kind of town is called Storybrooke?”
“We’re not on most maps,” Emma says before leaning back in her chair. This is a tricky one. Everyone else who’s shown up here in the past has done so with some chunk of their memories missing and being from a fairy-tale. Sometimes needing help, sometimes with a plan to destroy them. But Veronica doesn’t fit into any of those categories. She’s from this realm, she remembers how she got here, and while she could be wrong, Emma doesn’t think she’s here to hurt any of them. So where do they go from here? Maybe it is as simple as her getting in the bug and driving her back home, but that doesn’t sit right with Emma. How could someone from the Land Without Magic get here? What-or who-could have sent her here?
Her phone buzzing interrupts Emma’s thoughts, cutting it off before she can go full Sherlock Holmes. Maybe in this case, having Sherlock Holmes around wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but they’re unfortunately yet to come across him. She pulls out her phone, finding only two texts from Killian; one showing a picture of her wrapped up dinner and the other asking if she’s okay.
“Who’s that?”
“It’s just Killian,” Emma explains, sending a quick ‘I’ll fill you in later’ as a reply.
“What is that?” Veronica asks. Emma’s head snaps up, having not expected her to say anything. Little rude of her maybe, but she didn’t exactly strike her as the chatty type, at least not in the current circumstances. Veronica presses her fist into her hand, nodding at Emma’s phone. “Sorry. I’ve just never seen something like that before.”
“This?” Emma asks. “It’s just my phone.”
“That’s a phone?” she asks, eyes going wide. This is the closest to a normal teenager she’s sounded since Emma met her. Far less broken. Less scared. There’s even a hint of a smile on her face. “But it’s tiny. There’s no antenna. I didn’t know they made phones that small! Where are the buttons on it?”
With every new word, Emma’s mouth falls open more and more, and she turns to David to see him come to the same realisation. Like with most things in Storybrooke, this might be a bit more complicated than she thought.
“Veronica,” she begins slowly. “What year is it?”
“What?” the other girls asks.
“Humour me,” Emma says. “What’s the date? Before you got here, what date was it?”
Veronica looks from Emma to David as though she’s expecting one or the other to laugh and say it’s a joke. When neither one says it, she tells him, confusion creasing her face even more than it had before.
“November 25th,” she says. “1989.”
Emma calls it a night not long after that, in part due to her own helplessness and partly due to Veronica’s. She has no idea what the poor girl went through before she came here, but she does know that having her sit in a police station with questions she can’t answer isn’t helping. Anyone can see how shattered she is; the shadows under her eyes becoming more pronounced and her eyes getting heavier no matter how much she tries to hide it. What she needs is a nap, a shower, and a good breakfast. So Emma stands up, puts her jacket on and instructs Veronica to do the same, despite her father’s mild, hushed protests.
“Emma,” he whispers as he follows her to the door. “Are you sure about this, I mean we still know nothing about her.”
“Yeah and she know nothing about us,” she tells him firmly, taking a look back at her. “She clearly has no idea how she got here or what happened. Plus, look at her. Leaving it a few hours won’t hurt anyone.” David’s eyes follow hers, his face softening almost as soon as he looks over at her. Maybe there’s something in her that reminds him of what he once was; lost and running and scared, stuck in an unfamiliar place. Or maybe she reminds him of what Emma was too. Or maybe he’s just kind. Whatever the reason, he nods at her.
“Okay,” he says. “You’re right. But the question is now what do we do with her?”
“Don’t worry,” she replies, grabbing the car keys. “I have the whole thing worked out.”
The Sheriff’s car pulls up outside Granny’s inn, Veronica sitting in the backseat. Just as she asked, Killian is already sitting on the front steps, although she doesn’t remember asking him to bring their daughter. Nevertheless, Hope jumps up the minute she sees the car, Killian’s hand around her waist the only thing stopping her from fully jumping on Emma.
“Well hello little miss,” she says as she approaches. “Surely at this point you should at least have your PJs on.”
“I heard you were going to Granny’s,” she says, her smile soft and warm and all butter-wouldn’t-melt. “And I missed you tonight.” Emma shakes her head and looks at Killian, who only offers a helpless shrug.
“She can be very persuasive when she wants to be, love,” he tells her.
“I’m sure she can.” Killian’s eyes move behind her, as do Hope’s, and Emma turns too, holding her hand out. After a moment’s hesitation, Veronica steps forwards, although her hands remain to herself. Emma relates. “Killian, this is Veronica. She’s going to be hanging around town for a while. Veronica, this is my husband Killian, and my daughter Hope.”
“Hi,” she says quietly, shifting nervously on her feet.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, love,” Killian tells her. “Come on in. They’ve got your room all ready for you.”
“My-my room?” Veronica asks.
“Yeah, your room,” Emma explains. “You think we were just going to let you sleep in the woods? Or the Sheriff station? No way, kid. We pulled some strings and put you up at Granny’s until we can send you back home.”
“Oh,” she says. She shakes her head slightly, the movement swift and sharp. “No, no that’s okay. I mean really, you don’t have to go all out for me. I can find somewhere else.”
“Oh yeah with what money?” Emma asks, and that stops her in her tracks. She takes another step closer to her then, her hand slowly and gently coming to rest on her arm. Veronica stiffens, but she doesn’t pull away. “It’s okay, Veronica. You need a place to stay for a while and I’d feel a lot safer with you being here than anywhere else. And it’s a really nice place too. Granny will take good care of you.” She still looks unsure though, her hand fidgeting at her side. “Besides, it’s not like we’re paying. I’m the Sheriff, so this is coming out of taxpayer dollars, okay?” She runs her hand up and down her arm. “It’s just for a while until we get you back home.”
Emma holds her breath and after what feels like a lifetime, Veronica nods.
The gruffness they’ve come to expect from Granny is completely gone when she greets Veronica; acting more like her fairy-tale counterpart than the Granny she knows and loves. She’s all rosy cheeked smiles and gentle eyes, welcoming her like she’s one of their own.
Actually, scratch that. She wouldn’t be so polite to her own family.
Emma follows them as she leads Veronica to her room, Killian and Hope in tow. The latter seems more than a little disappointed that the attention is focussed on someone else for a change but manages to keep it to herself. Killian is a great distraction for her anyway and Emma does have a sneaking suspicion that her promise of Super Bugs is still in Hope’s mind.
“And here we are,” Granny says, unlocking the door. It’s a very nice room; double bed, fresh sheets, bathroom attached, cookies on the table and a view of the sea just to name a few. It’s lovely, and she’s glad of it, but it’s also far more extravagant than what she paid for. So much so that she has to take the old woman by the elbow and pull her aside.
“Granny,” she says in a low voice. “This is…. I only paid for a single room. I told Killian to-”
“Now you stop right there,” she tells her strongly. She looks back over at Veronica, engaged in some sort of conversation with Killian, and there’s a faraway look in her eyes that Emma can’t place. “I heard what you told Hook about that girl, and from the looks of her, a big bed and some treats is the least we can do. Besides,” she adds with a shrug. “Not like anyone was using it.”
“Granny. You’re an angel,” Emma sighs before crossing back over to Veronica. She keeps looking around the place, her gaze never stopping on one thing, like she’s expecting everything to blink out of existence. Emma nods at her and places her hand on her shoulder. “This okay for you, kid?”
“Yeah, it’s great. Thank you, Emma,” she says. “Thank you for… you know, all of this, you didn’t have to-”
“No problem,” she says. “You get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll meet up with everyone and try to work all this out.” She nods, but her face falls as she does so, what little light there was fading from her eyes, and Emma gives her shoulder a squeeze. “Hey, don’t worry. We’ll get you back home before you know it. Trust me, it’s what we do here.”
She doesn’t get an answer, at least not in the traditional sense. Veronica doesn’t give her a response or anything like that. All she gets is a nod and, after a pause, she reaches out and squeezes her hand. And that means more than anything she could say.
After getting Veronica settled and another two confirmations that she’ll be okay, plus another thank you to Granny, Emma heads home, a tired Hope on her hip and Killian’s arm around her waist.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Killian asks when they’re home, handing her a coffee. She sits on the couch, Hope sprawled across her lap and fast asleep with Emma running her fingers gently through her dark hair.
“Well, she’s not from the Enchanted Forest,” Emma says. “Or the Wish Realm. Or Neverland or anywhere like that. She’s from Ohio.” He frowns slightly, unused to her map, and she has to grin. “That’s sixteen hours from here. Not factoring in bathroom breaks.”
“She’s from the Land Without Magic?” he asks, his eyes widening. “How can she have gotten here without magic?”
“That’s not the only thing,” she says. She half turns towards him, mindful of Hope on her lap. “She thought it was 1989, Killian. She might be from this world but she’s not from this time.”
“You think she time travelled here?”
“I don’t know,” she sighs. “That��s the thing… I don’t know. I don’t know how or why she could have come here.” She runs her finger around Hope’s back, tracing invisible patterns, and lets out a sigh. “She seemed really scared, Killian.” He hums in agreement, his hand wound tightly around his mug.
“You like her.” he asks. States. It takes Emma by surprise either way; her head snapping up. It’s so much that she accidentally jostles Hope; the little girl shifts on her lap and murmurs something incoherent before settling back down, her breath ruffling her hair.
“What?” is all she can say.
“Just… a mysterious girl shows up out of nowhere, we have no idea who she is, and your gut reaction is to put her up in a nice room at Granny’s and pay for her meals,” he says. “Just seems like you care for her.”
“I barely know her,” Emma mumbles in a reply, before her lips turn up into a smirk. “Anyway, it was the honourable thing to do, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it was.” He presses a kiss to her hair, causing a faint warmth to spread over her cheeks. He plays with her hair, eyeing her knowingly. Open book, of course. “There’s something else, isn’t there? Something else about Veronica?”
Emma sighs, looking into her coffee. Of course there is. She felt it the minute she looked at Veronica. She may be older than Emma was, and she may look different, but when Emma saw her in the woods, in the back of their car, at the station, all she could see was herself. The look she saw in Veronica’s eyes is one she knows all too well. The look you have when you’re let down, badly. When you were floating on cloud nine one minute ago but now you’re laying on the concrete, broken and bleeding in ways no-one can see but you. She knows it. She’s had it. They might look different, and Veronica may be a little older than she was, but that was her, years and years ago. Standing in a train station, hearing that Neal was gone, taking the future they had planned with him. She doesn’t know what Veronica’s story is, but she’d bet there’s overlap there. And looking at her, she felt every moment of that heartbreak all over again. The second Emma saw Veronica’s eyes, a connection was forged for her, one she can’t shake even if she wanted to. Because even trying to walk away feels like she’s not better than everyone else who let her down in her life. And she’d rather die than be that person.
But she doesn’t feel like saying all of that right now. And Killian knows anyway, he always knows. So she takes a deep breath and says,
“She’s just a kid. And she needs someone to help.” She blinks then, only to find fresh tears in her eyes. “How can I resist?” Killian nods, all understanding eyes and gentle smiles, and kisses her again before offering to carry Hope up to bed, agreeing to meet Emma in their room once he's done. She dumps her coffee down the sink and leans against the counter, her eyes closed tightly as her mind once again drifts to Veronica. Her hand twitches for a moment, reaching for the phone to call her, but she stops herself just in time. She might be the Sheriff and the Saviour, but one thing she isn't her mother, so she'll have to dampen that instinct and focus on the task at hand; getting Veronica Sawyer home.
Veronica Sawyer. While she can't place it, there's something so familiar about that name.
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Slides and Serendipity
Part 6 (4.2k)
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AN: Back to back updates what is going on and also happy reading. I hope everyone is doing okay during quarantine
Warnings: pretty sure there’s some language in there but who is even surprised anymore
I was really excited to finally see Mia again because she was this amazingly sweet girl. She’d moved to New York in pursuit of her career as a graphics designer after graduating and then contact had fizzled out not soon after.
That was the sad part about graduating. It was impossible to keep up with everyone because after years of spending so much time together everyone was starting their own lives. We all got caught up in our own things and I lost touch with many great people from college. I always told myself I’d reach out when things would quiet down but at this point it would mostly be awkward.
I arrived a little early at the restaurant and asked for a table where I could watch the door so I could wave Mia over. She arrived not soon after, a bright smile on her face as soon as she spotted me. She looked good, still perfectly styled and her make up on point. She’d lost her baby face like most of us by now and her look was more sophisticated but overall I’d have recognized her anywhere.
“How is it possible that you’re even hotter now than you were three years ago?”, she greeted me with a laugh and I joined her, standing up to hug her tightly. She was taller than me, even with the heeled booties I wore, her model height had always had her towering over everyone else in our girl gang during college.
“You’re one to talk, I’m pretty sure your boobs make every porn star jealous at this point.”
“Don’t even get me started on these babies, my back is killing me to the point that I’m actually considering a reduction. I’d rather have your boobs, big enough to turn heads but not to the point where they’re constantly fighting gravity.” She winked at me and gave me a playful once over, an approving look on her face.
“God I’ve missed you. Now we only need Lisa to complete the Holy European Trinity so we can wreak havoc over this city”, I sighed and she agreed before sitting back down. With Mia’s cute Irish accent and Lisa’s passionate Italian heritage we’d turned quite a few heads during our time in college but we’d all been very picky with our choices.
“Perhaps it’s good that she’s still in Denver, Dallas can’t handle all three of us.”
We ordered our drinks and then quickly decided on sharing one of the menus the restaurant offered for couples. She was about to show me something on her phone when I did a double take at her background picture.
“Holy shit you have a son?!”, I exclaimed, looking at the picture of a toddler in her arms. It had to be her son, the resemblance was uncanny even if he didn’t share her red locks.
“Yeah this is Elias, he just turned two. I totally forgot that we stopped talking right before I found out that I was pregnant”, she said sheepishly and I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, 25 and enjoying the single life while one of my closest friends from college had started a family. I couldn’t spot a wedding ring on her finger though and while I usually wouldn’t dare ask this question in most cases, Mia and I had shared far more personal details before.
“Who’s the dad, the guy you met at the supermarket?” I was pretty sure that she mentioned liking this guy but I could be wrong, it had been a while after all.
“No not him, some guy I met before him but he doesn’t even know that I got pregnant after hooking up. Supermarket guy fled as soon as I told him that I was three months pregnant and that it wasn’t his. It’s been Elias and I ever since but now I moved back so my parents could watch their grandchild grow up, they always complained about not seeing him enough.”
“He’s too cute, such a stud already because he gets his looks from you. I really want to meet the little guy, I’ll be the best auntie ever since he doesn’t have any real ones. And if you ever need a babysitter I’d love to watch him”, I said excitedly. I loved kids but wasn’t ready to have any on my own, besides the fact that I also didn’t have a baby daddy in sight either. Mia was an only child so I’d decided that it was now my responsibility to spoil her kid.
“He’s with my parents right now but I’ll come visit with him sometime next week if you want.”
I agreed of course and then she told me all about him until our food arrived. Elias sounded hilarious and I already loved him without ever having met him. I waited until after we finished eating to talk to her about what I really wanted.
“I don’t know if Lisa told you anything yet, but I’m starting my own business and I really want you to work with me. I want you to be in charge of the graphics and we can get started as soon as I find someone else to help me with the coding because I have so many requests lined up I can’t do them all by myself.”
“Yeah she hinted at something like that. What kind of stuff would you want me to do and where would we work?”, she asked and I knew that I had her.
“At first I was planning on renting an office somewhere downtown but then I realized that that would be wasted time and money. I have a big house now so I turned one of the big rooms into an office with a conference table and everything. The table is set to be delivered tomorrow and then we’re ready to move in. The designs are really up to you, of course there are requests but you know best so I won’t meddle in any of that.”
She asked me how we’d do it payment wise but I knew that unless I’d really screw her over in that department, which I would never do, she’d agree.
“Okay I’ll do it. And I might also have someone to help you with the programming part. His name is Jason and he works with me right now. He’s really good and also knows a thing or two about marketing if you ever want to fly solo again and if that doesn’t convince you already, his wife Madelyn rivals your cooking skills so there’s always going to be amazing lunch to go around.”
I’d been convinced that she’d agree, yet I couldn’t help the feeling of relief coursing through me right now. I’d tried to convince Lisa to move with me but she didn’t want to leave her family in Denver behind and I understood that. Now I’d have Mia by my side at least.
I’d moved to Texas to be closer to the Bumble headquarters, finally feeling ready to step up again but ultimately liking Dallas better than Austin. Most of the meetings could be done via Skype and for everything else I’d just have to bear the drive down.
“Do you think this Jason will go for my offer?”, I asked unsure, Mia was my friend so perhaps she was more inclined to leave her safe office job for a startup business but I didn’t know this guy.
“Of course, especially with what you’re offering to pay. He wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to work with the Olivia Haller either, you’re famous in our circles. Plus he’s probably sick of following orders too, I know I am at least.”
Tonight couldn’t have gone any better and I was so happy. Mia decided to call this Jason on the spot and I talked to him for a bit before inviting him over to the office at the beginning of next week. I trusted Mia’s judge of character but I still wanted to see if he really was a good fit because I really wanted this to work.
She had to leave a while later to pick up Elias and we agreed that she’d be there for the meeting with Jason so I would see her in a few days again. I hugged her tightly as we said our goodbyes, happy to be reunited with an old friend.
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Tyler texted me on Saturday morning to see if I wanted to hand out with him tonight, but I told him that I’d already made plans with the girls to go out.
Tyler: See I told you that my friends like you better than me already. They’ve never asked me to go out with them
Me: Maybe they’re afraid that you’ll hit on them
Tyler: Very funny but probably also true
I laughed at his response because at least he was honest with himself, something that I really liked. He knew he’d fucked up before and wasn’t shy about admitting his mistakes.
Katie had told me to dress up for the club we’d be going to and I picked out a satin wrap-style dress that I’d loved in the store but never had the chance to wear since. The material was so soft and flowy that I couldn’t stop my hands from running over it. I even took the time to do my make up properly, gluing on fake lashes and applying bold red lipstick, a color that I’d come to love over the past few years.
I looked hot and after I sent a pic in the group chat Lisa told me to get some tonight so I could get sleeping with Tyler out of my head. I told her that I’d think about it but I already knew that I probably wouldn’t do it because I’d never been a fan of one night stands. I also didn’t want to pursue a hookup in front of Katie and the other girls, that would be a little weird after all.
After thanking my Uber driver I got out and spotted the girls immediately. I recognized Katie, Dominika and Alandra but there were three other girls I hadn’t met before.
“Liv I want you to meet Anna, Fanny and Taylor. Girls this is Liv, the one that has Tyler going absolutely crazy”, Katie introduced everyone and I had to laugh at the last part because I knew that she couldn’t be telling the truth.
Tyler was so chill with me lately I couldn’t imagine him ever losing his head over anyone, especially me. The only apparent lapse in his judgement had been at the party but ever since he’d only been friendly with perhaps a touch of affectionate.
The cold breeze that hit our exposed legs quickly made all of us walk inside, where we were immediately greeted by thumping music and bodies writhing to the beat.
“Drinks first?”, someone shouted and we all nodded, slowly making our way over to the bar. Even with my heels on I was still smaller than most and I was nearly hit in the face by elbows more than once. I didn’t mind masses of people per se, but I didn’t like the feeling of people closing in on me to the point of me feeling like Jon Snow at the end of season six.
The bar was crowded and I knew that there was no point of me being the one up front ordering. Usually I flirted with the bartenders to get my drinks faster but there were so many tall guys that no barkeeper would even be able to see me throwing a smile at him.
Dominika soon turned around with two glasses of Tequila for everyone and we quickly downed them. We ordered some more drinks and then set out to find a booth so we could relax for a bit before we’d make our way to the dance floor. I’d ordered a beer instead because I knew that the small opening of the bottle made it harder to slip something in when dancing, something I had to learn the hard way. Unless I knew that I could leave my drink and that it would be watched I always stuck with beer and shots.
Tonight seemed to be our night because just as we walked over another group of girls abandoned their booth to go dance and we quickly slid in, spreading around the table. I tried my best to ignore the disgusting sticky surface in front of me and joined the conversation on which type of heels was best suited to go clubbing.
Eventually I got up to order more rounds of shots for us, this time determined that the barkeeper would notice me. I found a free spot next to a big guy and waved over to the barkeeper, giving him my brightest smile. My plan worked as he immediately came over, abandoning a group of guys to my left.
“Two rounds of tequila for seven please”, I yelled over the loud music and he winked at me with a flirty smile.
“Add that to my tab Jake”, the tall guy on my left said as the barkeeper asked for my credit card. I quickly hid the black piece of plastic back in my tiny purse and looked up at the guy for the first time. He was decently handsome but I didn’t like the way he smiled at me though, as if offering to pay for the drinks was the single greatest thing to have ever been achieved by mankind.
I wouldn’t turn down free shots though so I gave him a coy smile and thanked him before grabbing the tray and making my way back, years of waitressing paying off.
“Courtesy of a dude at the bar so bottoms up everyone”, I said and they all cheered.
“Only you would get a guy to spend well over 50 bucks on your drinks without saying a single word to him before”, Alandra laughed after I told everyone how we snagged those free drinks. I just shrugged and winked at her which made everyone laugh.
Everyone was starting to feel buzzed enough to hit the dance floor and I was glad to have finished off my beer a while ago, nothing stopping me from dancing now. We had a great time, swaying our hips to the beat with our arms thrown around each other and the others took multiple videos of everyone dancing for their stories. We asked a girl to take pictures of us to commemorate the evening and I posted one where all of us looked super hot, tagging the girls after everyone was now following me.
Of course the male population had to ruin the amazing time I was having as a pair of hands grabbed my hips from behind. I immediately slapped them off and turned around to give whoever had the audacity an ear full, sighing as I realized that it was the guy from the bar earlier.
“You never properly thanked me”, he said, probably trying to sound sexy but failing miserably because he was creeping the hell out of me.
“I already said thank you back at the bar”, I responded coldly, not wanting to put up with this shit when I’d been having so much fun up until now.
“I spent so much money on you and you can’t even be nice to me?!”, he exclaimed and I could tell that he was pissed. He’d balled his hands to fists and taken a step closer to me, I really hoped that he wouldn’t get violent.
“No one asked you to do that, that’s all on you buddy. I don’t owe you anything and I’ve been nothing but polite up until now but if you don’t leave us alone right this second I will make sure that you’re kicked out of this club for good”, I threatened, switching my posture to a more intimidating stance and already calculating in my head how much I’d need to bribe some bouncers to get what I wanted. It was still a little shocking what money could achieve. He seemed to realize that he better not mess with me because he backed up and left with a huff and a dirty glance back.
I turned around to the girls, all of them staring at me in shock.
“What?”, I asked, subconsciously reaching up to fix my hair as if that were the reason they were looking at me like that.
“The way you stood up to him, despite being like half his size. Girl I love you already”, Anna said and I laughed at her comment but I couldn’t stop the blush from spreading on my cheeks.
“I need more alcohol after this and this time I’m actually buying”, I said, needing this night to get back on track. I managed the trip without any incidents this time, returning not soon after with a full tray of shots.
As a German I wasn’t a lightweight by any means, the American night out our pregame but even I could feel the buzz of the alcohol by now. We continued drinking and dancing until our feet screamed at us to take a break.
Back in a different booth I checked my phone to see that Tyler had texted me a while ago. I was surprised to see that he was still up as it had gotten pretty late.
Tyler: Looks like you’re having all the fun without me :(
He’d attached a screenshot of Fanny’s Instagram story where you could see me practically grinding on Dominika.
Me: Don’t worry we can still have lots of fun if you want
I couldn’t help it, alcohol made me horny and my alcohol clouded brain had forgotten to put my don’t-hook-up-with-Tyler-filter on.
Tyler: Sounds promising
Tyler: Do you want me to come pick you up?
I had to read the message twice, not really sure if he really meant it the way I thought he did.
Me: To have fun?
Tyler: Fuck no I didn’t mean for this to come out that way I swear
Tyler: I just don’t want you to have to catch a ride alone this late and I know that none of the girls live close to us
My alcohol clouded brain had now proceeded to make heart eyes at Tyler’s sweet gesture.
Me: Look at you being cute and shit but I don’t want to keep you up
Tyler: Don’t worry about it just text me when you’re ready to go
I looked at the girls, noticing that most of them looked just as exhausted as I felt at this point. We had been in here for hours and I knew that we would probably head out soon so I texted Tyler to leave now. By the time he’d get here we would probably be outside already.
“Do you want me to call an Uber for you too?”, Taylor asked me a bit later and I shook my head no, telling them that Tyler would pick me up.
“Wow that’s really sweet and unusual of him, you really got him good.” Katie’s comment had me lost in my thoughts until we were outside again. It had cooled off even more now and I was glad that we didn’t have to wait long.
Tyler pulled up to the curb almost at the same time as the Ubers and we all hugged goodbye, promising to go out again soon. I opened the door to the G wagon and smiled happily at Tyler, my judgement still a little woozy from too much tequila.
“As much as I’m enjoying my view right now you should probably put on the jacket that’s on the backseat, you must be freezing”, he said, probably noticing my slight shivering in the short dress. I nodded thankfully and tried to reach back but the damn car was so big that I practically had to climb on top of the middle console to finally get my hands on the piece of clothing.
This way I’d basically pushed my ass in Tyler’s face but I didn’t realize my mistake until I turned back and saw him look at me with a wild expression on his face. I tried to act as if I didn’t notice what had happened and after shaking his head to snap out of it he shifted to drive and pulled away from the club.
He asked me if I’d had fun and I giggled before telling him that he sounded like my parent right now, at which point he pulled a face. I could swear that I heard him mutter something like ‘fucking parentzoned’ under his breath but perhaps the alcohol was making me hear things.
He told me about how he had spent his evening skyping with his sisters and I loved that family man aspect about him. One could only dream of being as close as the Seguins.
Once in a while he’d quietly sing along to the songs playing over the speakers and I slowly found myself growing more tired by the second. It was really all his fault with his comfortable car seats and his stupidly soothing voice.
By the time he pulled into my driveway I was so close to falling asleep that I didn’t want to open my eyes anymore. Tyler laughed at me but then he surprisingly got out and walked around the car before picking me up and carrying me bridal style towards the front door.
“Tell me your code”, he said and I was more than happy to supply him with the numbers if that meant that he’d carry me for a while longer. Yogi greeted us excitedly and I told Tyler to let him out before I demanded he take me upstairs. I could feel his chest shaking with laughter but he didn’t complain, instead gripping me tighter so he could move around better.
“I still need to take off my make up”, I stopped him before he could lay me down on my bed, finally opening my eyes to look up at Tyler.
“Alright I’ll set you down on the bathroom counter and then leave so you can work your magic.” He smiled his adorable smile at me but I wasn’t quite ready for him to leave yet.
“I need your help with the dress though, I tied it really well so it wouldn’t come loose and I don’t know if I can get it off by myself now”, I pouted at him, hoping that he’d agree to take my dress of for me again. Just like the last time I was fully capable of doing it myself but I wanted to tease him for a little bit before he left.
From my angle I could watch Tyler visibly gulp but he still agreed before gently setting me down in the bathroom. Reluctantly I let go of his neck and turned to the side so he could access the part where I’d tied the fabric of the dress together.
His big beautiful hands were now struggling with the knots and his nose was scrunched up in concentration. I’d never seen anyone look so hot and cute at the same time.
He finally managed to get the last part and as soon as he let the strings go the flowy nature of the dress made it slip down my body, exposing my underwear. I’d expected something like this to happen and it may have been one of the reasons why I’d asked him to help me.
Despite having told Lisa that I wouldn’t hook up with anyone I’d picked out a matching lace set for tonight just in case and I could see that it took everything out of Tyler to avert his eyes. Not before looking me up and down though. I let the dress fall down the rest of the way and reached for my robe by the door, catching Tyler checking me out as soon as I turned my back on him in the mirror.
“Thanks for coming to pick me up, you really didn’t have to”, I said as we walked down the stairs again. I needed to let Yogi in again and I also wanted to escort him to the door.
“I didn’t mind, really it’s nothing”, he shrugged and I smiled, knowing that it definitely wasn’t nothing.
“Well in my books I owe you one now, so if you ever need me to pick you up or anything really, just let me know.” I tried to get my point across, already knowing that he’d probably never drunk call me in the middle of the night to ask for a ride.
“I’ll try to remember but I’ll let you catch some sleep now. If you want to you can come over for breakfast tomorrow, we didn’t get to hang out today after all”
I wished he wouldn’t leave and instead climb into bed with me but I knew that there was no way. Instead I settled for a kiss on his cheek and a hug.
“Of course I’ll come, I might need some grilled cheese after all. Goodnight Ty.”
“Goodnight Liv, see you in a few hours.”
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sassysnowperson · 4 years
I really want to know about First Date to Book Signing with a Smidge of Kidnapping and/or I Do Crime Now
This is an ask from @tobermoriansass - noted in case tumblr is still messing up the way asks are formatted.
I will happily yell about BOTH!
First Date to Book Signing with a Smidge of Kidnapping
This was my favorite title, so I'm chuffed you asked about it. So! Forever ago I wrote a fluffy little Luke/Bodhi story where Luke was a very famous astronaut and Bodhi was a washed out Astronaut Candidate. They hooked up, once, and then when Luke became and astronaut and Bodhi didn't, Bodhi kinda sorta ran away forever.
It worked out, they reunited when Luke write a bestselling “My Life as an Astronaut” sort of thing. It was a cute little fic and, miracle of miracles, short. But short and I don't always get along, so I outlined and noodled with a sequel, pretty much shooting for goofy rom-com vibe with my love of space and flying shot through it: 
Luke and Bodhi go on a nice date where they are awkward dorks but eventually realize they have grown up and are probably more compatible now. No more running away after sex, we promise.
They have sex 
That night, Bodhi gets pulled onto an emergency flight and Luke gets pissy because they *just said* they weren't going to run away after sex anymore. 
Bodhi is like, okay, fine, put your pants on and lets go. 
They are halfway to the airport before Bodhi realizes he never actually told Luke he was getting pulled into an emergency flight, and Luke realizes he is being a little bit kidnapped for an International Adventure. 
They have a very nice date, which is only slightly marred by Bodhi’s occasional panic that he has kidnapped NASA’s rising star.
Epilogue happens at Luke’s European Tour book signing - Bodhi is in town and crashes the party to tease Luke. In the spirit of things, he buys a copy of the book and takes it for Luke to sign. Luke scribbles something quickly and hands it back to Bodhi, blushing furiously. Bodhi is expecting something very raunchy and instead he opens the book to find: 
Bodhi, there is a moment, before the launch, that is full of fear and breathtaking possibility. You are waiting for something to go wrong but certain that if it goes right you are going to have an experience so extraordinary it will define your life
...Here's to our launch
 -Luke Lars
I haven’t managed to get the thing written, but I still love that line.
I Do Crime Now
Sooo, you know that whole thing where the sequel trilogy gave their Latino star a history of drug smuggling? (the longest, most drawn out sigh) 
Well, I took one look at that and went "Oh, he was undercover." 
So, this is the fic where I play with that. 
Poe is on Kijimi because their kids are being stolen by the First Order - but of course, its not the nice upper class families' kids that are getting stolen, but the families that are too poor or too criminal to get the wider galaxy to take them seriously. 
So Poe has to integrate with Kijimi's underbelly to find out what's happening to the kids. He uses the very real excuse of his desertion and subsequent bounty to justify his turn to the underworld. He gets to chew through the emotions of suddenly not having the respect of the universe, and while he's utterly sure he's doing the right thing, he's also dealing with the dark morality of doing something he hates for a greater good. 
In the middle of all this, in walks Luke Skywalker, totally unaware that his sister has put Poe undercover on Kijimi, and genuinely thinks that Poe is a Lost Soul that has Thrown His Life Away. 
Kinda. Turns out, at least as far as Luke is concerned, Poe is a terrible liar.
"You think I don't know that the main industry on Kijimi is spice running?" Luke said, his voice a low rumble. 
Poe stuck his chin out, quirked his rogue's smile, and said, "I didn't think you were stupid, but there are some things you don't say in crowded bars." 
"Does your father know—" 
"Seriously, Luke?" Poe cut him off. "You're trying to bring my dad into this? Don't be that guy." 
"You are drug running and you expect me to not mention your father?" 
"I am an adult," Poe snapped in response, which he recognized as the words came out was probably the worst thing he could have said at the moment. 
"Your best friend did the same job," Poe hissed, in a desperate attempt to pivot the conversation. 
"If you're trying to use Han Solo's career as an example—" Luke stopped, his eyes flicking over Poe. 
Poe had to fight the urge to flinch, as Luke's eyes lingered on Poe's hands, firmly in his pockets, then up to the hunch of his shoulders. 
"You're lying," Luke said, leaning back a little, and raising an eyebrow. 
Poe forced himself to relax, and then realized that was the most suspicious thing he could have possibly done in the moment. He was normally a much better spy than this. Luke was just very good at catching him off his guard. 
"What are you really doing here, Poe?" Luke asked again, his voice a little softer.
I’ve actually got about 12k of this one written - it’s got a better shot than most of seeing the light of day, eventually :D
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calpalirwin · 4 years
And Baby Makes Three
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Summary: Anon request- I have a request if you have time! One where y/n or oc is famous too and she finds out pretty early in her relationship with Ashton that she is pregnant. Maybe include announcing it to the guys and then announcing it to the world? Thanks so much
A/N: Used this as my plot for my final part of my Luke’s twin sister series. So, she’s not technically famous… hope that’s okay!
Content: Sibling dynamics. Pregnancy.
Word Count: 1k
And away, and away we go!
Leia cursed as she looked down at the pregnancy test. Having a baby had not been what she meant when she announced she was moving to LA to live with Ashton to get a new lease on life. She wasn’t worried about Ashton’s reaction, or anyone else’s for that matter. But she couldn’t shake the feeling of suffocation that came with it. With moving in with Ashton, there was the freedom of moving out. She could run if she needed to. There was no running with a baby. She cursed more for even thinking that she would need to run from Ashton. He had always been kind to her, right from the start, and dating him for the last eight months had felt like the most normal thing in the world.
“Leia?” Ashton’s voice called out to her from the other side of the bathroom door. “You okay in there?” He could hear her cursing up a storm.
The door pulled open and she smiled brightly at him. “Yep! All good!”
He frowned. “You sure?”
She nodded, “Yeah. Course Ash. So, any big plans for today?”
He shook his head. “Nah. It’s a slow day.”
“You should invite the guys over, then.”
“Yeah?” He had plans that didn’t really bode well for company.
“Yeah,” she laughed. “C’mon, Ash. This tour was the longest time I got to see you guys in years. I want to hang out with everybody as often as I can. I didn’t realize how much I missed you all. Please? It’ll be fun.” Plus, it’ll be a lot easier to tell you all at once, she added silently as an afterthought.
He laughed as she pouted up at him with her bright red lips and big baby blue eyes. How was he ever supposed to say no to her? “Alright, alright. I’ll call everybody over.” His plans could wait.
“Have I mentioned that I’m happy for you both? Because I am. Truly. You’re both important to me, and I want you both to be happy. But for fuck’s sake, STOP MAKING OUT WITH MY SISTER!” Luke’s voice had climbed louder to the point where his last words were a bellow.
Leia pulled back from Ashton and tilted her head to look over at her brother. “No one said you had to watch, creep.”
“She’s got you there, mate,” Ashton laughed, hooking his finger under Leia’s chin and bringing her lips back to his.
“Oi!” Luke shouted again, grabbing a pillow and launching it at the couple. “Seriously, Ash. Boundaries!”
Leia snorted. “Boundaries?! Need I remind you of all the years I dealt with you snogging your girlfriends? Or hiding tabloids from Mum for you?”
“That was different! You weren’t friends with those girls!”
“Yes, thanks for reminding me that you left me in Australia.”
“I didn’t fuckin leave you in Australia!”
“Well you didn’t ask me to come with you to London or LA! Ashton had to do that for you!”
“Ash only asked you because you lied about Wyatt to the rest of us!”
Leia noticeably flinched at the name drop. “Too far, Luke,” Ashton warned, his own voice a low growl.
Luke sighed. “Leia, I’m sorry. We wouldn’t have even moved here if it wasn’t for you. I never thought to ask because you seemed so comfortable back home. You should’ve told me. Hell if you did, I’d have bought you the first ticket out, you know that.”
“I know, Lu,” she nodded. “And you’re right. I didn’t care enough to follow you guys to London or out here. I wanted to prove that I was more than your shadow.”
“Leia, you’ve never been anyone’s shadow. If anything I was yours. For fuck’s sake I had to run away from home to figure out of I could stand on my own two feet, and I ended up with Ashton.”
Leia laughed at that. “Maybe Ashton’s just really good at taking care of the Hemmings twins.”
“He better be,” Luke said with a fake-glare at Ashton who coughed uncomfortably. Luke groaned. “Ew! No! Don’t wanna know! Boundaries!”
“It’s my house, mate,” Ashton laughed.
“Mine too,” Leia put in proudly. “Our house, our rules.”
“I lived here first!” Luke fake-pouted.
“Shouldn’t have moved out,” Leia shrugged.
Luke rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.”
Leia laughed. It felt good to bicker with Luke again. “Anyway… I wanted to tell you guys all something.”
“You finally got a job?!”Luke asked with teasing excitement.
Leia grabbed the pillow he had thrown at her and chucked it at his head. “I already had a job, you giant don’t stop.”
Ashton snickered into his fist while Calum and Mike howled with laughter. “What’s the news, baby?” Ashton asked her, his body still shaking from held back laughter.
“Nice word choice,” Leia said, patting the man’s chest affectionately.
The laughter of Calum and Mike cut off with a choke of bewilderment as all the eyes in the room snapped to Leia. “Uh… Leia?”
Leia shifted in her seat to dig her phone out of her back pocket. She unlocked it and passed it off to Ashton. Her teeth worried her bottom lip, her eyes studying her shoes as the phone was passed around. “So a baby, huh? I’m gonna be an uncle?” Luke’s voice was thick as he broke the silence.
Leia just nodded.
“I'm gonna be a dad?” Ashton croaked, not believing his luck.
Another nod. Then, the tears slide down her cheeks.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Ashton said softly, holding her against his chest. “I’m on your side, no matter what you want,” he murmured into her hair.
She pushed against him, her chest tightening. “I’m feeling tired. I’m gonna go lay down.” The words spilled as she rushed out of the room.
Ashton moved to go after her, but Luke held up his hand. “I got it, Ash.” Ashton sat back down and nodded.
Luke found his sister sitting on the edge of her bed, head in her hands. “Talk to me, Le-le,” he gently coaxed as he sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“I’m suffocating, Lu,” was the whispered response.
“We’re not gonna let anything happen to you. He’s not getting anywhere near you ever again. And Ash isn’t him.”
“What happens when the story breaks? I can’t keep this a secret forever.”
“We’ll deal with it however you want.”
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comfcrt · 4 years
rome flynn   ,   cis male.  ,   he & him.   ––   if you hang outside of the rits for long enough , you might catch dominic davis leaving. you know , the twenty-eight year old model   ?  i hear they’re in apartment 13B and have lived here at the rits for one year.  tenants seem to deem them as rits’ resident dynamo , seems pretty fitting to me.   &   perfecting his daughters pigtails , long photoshoots , charming smiles , posing for paparazzi pictures , & hidden guilty pleasures. 
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hello   ,   hello.   ––      gray   again.   pleased   to   introduce   you   to   my   second   character   ,   dominic   davis.      a   kind   man   with   a   beautiful   smile   &   an   adorable   daughter.   much   more   likable   than   mattias   ,   i’ll   admit.      i   don’t   remember   if   i   said   this   last   time   ,   but   if   you   like   either   of   my   intros   you’re   signing   a   permanent   contact   to   plot   with   me      ––      sorry   :/
basic statistics :
name : dominic jamal davis - nic , dj. 
age : twenty - eight.
occupation : model.
orientation : bisexual  ( privately ) 
hometown : hoboken , nj. 
appearance :
faceclaim : rome flynn.
height : 6′0
build : muscular
style : casual gym wear at home , business casual when out. 
background  &  personality. death & pregnancy mentions. 
dominic grew up to a single mother in hobeken , new jersey.  they didn’t have much growing up , but she loved her son with her whole heart  &  did anything she could take make sure he was raised right.  nic never had a dad in the picture  ,  but he never felt like he needed one because his mom provided him with everything he needed.
they struggled a lot of most of nic’s life , he started working a few odd jobs when he was starting high school just to bring home some money for his mom.  it wasn’t a lot , but it helped. nic didn’t really spend a whole lot of time focusing on school  ––  he’s quiet smart , but he always feels like he missed out on some education and it always trying to further his intelligence as an adult. 
when he was nearing his twenties , he was working as a mechanic.  graduated high school but never went to college & immediately started a trade to bring home money for his mom.  still lived at home and wanted to be able to take care of her.  worked long , long hours & was running himself dry.  also , very good with his hands. wink wink.
anyway. in the next few years , dom started to post casually on instagram.  it wasn’t really for any specific reason , but just because he’s a confident guy and wanted to post on social media.  a famous celebrity got ahold on his picture & posted it on their social asking who he was.  then ensued a crazy journey for nic.
death tw.  he signed on with a modeling company & commuted half an hour to manhattan to work.  quit his job as a mechanic & just took the leap , which was a risk but he decided to take it.  spent a lot of time in new york & away from home , lots of overnight stays and long nights working but it was paying off.  within this time that he was focused on building his career , his mom had fallen ill.  after only a year or two of nic being in the modeling scene , she had passed. 
death tw.  losing his mom was super hard on him and he decided to take a break from modeling for a year.  his manager advised against it , heavily against it , but he knew that he needed to take time for himself to grieve. after his year break , he decided to get back into modeling , which was a pretty big times news tabloid - nic davis back in the modeling scene ! 
pregnancy tw. and then , not too long after he decides he’s going to be back into the lime light , he finds out that he’s going to be a father.  one night stands aren’t usually his thing , but as he was getting back into the scene of things , he ended up hooking up with ciara at a party & found out that she was pregnant.  growing up without a dad , nic knew that he wasn’t going to be that. so , he moved into the rits to be closer to his daughter & has spent the last year trying to be a good dad.  their daughter is truly the cutest  &  nic spoils the hell out of her. 
to sum up this long ass background , nic is just a kid from new jersey who got lucky & has an adorable daughter.
y’all can keep ur daddy jokes , i can hear them in my head already. keep them !!!!  (  but its ok . i see him . i get it . )
okay i’m separating personality bc that was long as fuck.
nic looks like he would be an asshole player ––  comes off like he kinda sucks & a lot of people assume that he’s a dick. however , he is quite kind & generally a nice dude. he knows he looks like that & will take advantage of that for career gains , but never personal. 
his smile really could change the world. it’s so bright. so pretty.
anyway.  his mom raised him to be kind & respectful and he tries really hard to be that  ––  just wants to be a good guy who makes people happy. 
however , he’s not a pushover.  will easily stand up for himself & anyone he cares about. 
label is the dynamo because he’s very much that type of person  ––  energetic , indefatigable  ––  gets shit done.  very focused and on point with anything he has in his mind.  super impulsive , doesn’t really think about he makes big life decisions. 
he is a huge romantic at heart but is pretty bad at dating , he either gets bored or gets a little insecure & nothing every seems to last for him but he loves the idea of love & just wants to have a family. also feels like being a single dad is something people won’t like. 
also ! dominic is bisexual but it’s not something he’s ever shown in public or showcased – i wouldn’t say he’s closeted , but he’s also not out. 
oh ! and he’s very proudly afro - cuban. felt like that was important to add. 
wanted connections. 
anything , honestly.
he grew up in hoboken which is very close to the city , so anyone who grew up in the area. 
exes : i imagine he’s dated quiet a bit in the last few years , so this could vary in all sorts of ways.
private fwb / ex : a male that he dated or was sleeping with but kept it private because he’s not out. 
best friend : can y’all tell i love best friend connections ? this would be someone who helped him especially in the year his mom passed.
enemies : can someone just hate this good hearted man please 
model friends : anyone else in the modeling industry , maybe they modeled together before.
other industry friends : maybe he modeled for your muses respective job ( music video , website , etc ). 
anything !
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norixprincess · 5 years
Blacked Out Part 2
Characters: Park Jinyoung (Got7), Lim Yuna (OC), Lim Jaebum, got7
Rated: 18+
Part 2 / ???
First | Second | Third 
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Yuna was at her desk cursing herself for not getting his name. He was right there and she once again didn't get to say or ask the things she wanted to. After she had saw him earlier he smiled at her "You need to be more careful," he said as he started walking away "Wait! You...what are you doing here?" He stopped and turned to her, raising a brow "I...work here? And I assume you work here as well?" Yuna nodded.
He was about to turn away again "Wait I have to ask you some things!"
"You can ask me later, I have a meeting to get to," He walked away, waving his hand back at her. Yuna sighed in defeat.
"Ugh I'm so stupid" She buried her face in her hands when her desk neighbor popped her head in "What's up?"
"Nothing, Sohee-ah don't worry about it,"
"Psh you never tell me anything, we need to have a girls night, let's go out Friday night! I heard there's a club bringing in a famous DJ, DJ...um...mash-mallow?"
"Right! So you heard about it?"
"Yeah, my brother has been bragging about how he booked him all month,"
"Your brother booked him?"
Yuna nodded "My brother runs that club," 
"Oh. My. God." Sohee gave a grin "Can you get me in for free...and maybe free drinks too?" Yuna rolled her eyes, everyone she ever tells always ask the same thing "No, ladies night is Wednesday night's, you want to go for free, then go then," 
"Aww come one, I thought we were close..." 
"If I do this for everyone then my brother is going to be the one who get's hurt by it and lose money, not me, the entry fee isn't even that expensive,"
Sohee pouted and sunk back into her seat "fine fine, you're right, sorry I asked," 
the work day was over Yuna stayed by the building entrance hoping to catch the guy "from marketing" again. She smiled when she saw him and quickly made her way over to him "Hey! So do you have time to finally start answering questions for me?" He looked annoyed and glanced at his watch "I have an appointment with someone soon, maybe another time," Yuna grabbed his arm "Are you avoiding me or something?" Jinyoung sighed and pulled his arm away "I have an appointment, I'm not going to cancel it for you, now if you'd excuse me..." He, once again, walked away and Yuna let out another heavy sigh when another co-worker of hers came up to her "Oh my god, were you just talking to Jinyoung?"
"Yeah! That's Park Jinyoung, he's the head of the marketing team, he's so hot~" 
"Yeeun, you know him?"
"Yeah but he doesn't know me, a lot of girls here are head over heels for him,"
"Well I'm not, he's irritating..."
The two women began walking out of the building, making their way to parking lot "Why? Did he do something?"
"I need to ask him something important, but he keeps avoiding me..."
"Oh girl, don't worry about it, he's always busy no one ever has a chance to speak to him unless it's about business..."
"Tch, well I'm going to make sure he can't avoid me, I will keep pestering him till he gives me answers..." 
Yeeun laughed at her statement "Good luck with that, he's hard to get through to, not to mention he's pretty straight forward, so he'll probably throw some insults if he needs to," Yuna shrugged "I can take an insult...anyway see you tomorrow, drive safe," Yuna smiled and waved at Yeeun "You too!" the two separated and got into their cars.
In another car there was a man watching the two ladies talk, his finger tapping on the steering wheel, eyes focused on Yuna. When Yuna pulled out in her car he started following her. He kept a good distance from her car as to not catch her attention. He watched her pull into the lot of a chicken restaurant. He parked his car as well and waited for her there as she was oblivious to his presence.
Yuna grinned as she saw her old friend waiting at a table with some food already ordered, she sat across from him "Hey Mark, thanks for ordering already, I'm starving!"
"Who said this was for you, this is all mine, go get your own," He made a face at her and she rolled her eyes before grabbing a drumstick, taking a bite from it "How was work? Oh wait right, you don't work you game," 
"Hey hey hey! I'm a professional gamer! I'm making good bank, you're just jealous," 
"Mark-oppa, I-....okay maybe only a little, but you'll never meet a cute girl that way," 
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm surrounded by cute girl," He grinned, giving her a wink. Once again, Yuna rolled her eyes.
"You're going to be 26 this year, I've been letting you do as you wanted up until now, you studied what you wanted got the job you wanted you could at least do as we say and get married already,"
"Father...please I will get married but I'm still young and I'm not ready for it, just wait-"
"Wait until when? You're our only son, you don't like any of the girls we've been setting you up with, you'll never get married at this rate!"
"Mother, I'm not trying to disappoint you, of course I don't like any of those girls! They're all stuck up and full of themselves, do you get that they only care about what's in my pocket?"
"So what? All girls are like that! They need a man to support them!"
"No, you're wrong, the girls who think like that just care about being lazy and leeching off of men, I don't want a woman like that, and then they have the guts to go and have affairs as well while leeching off the one they married,"
"Jinyoung!" The woman shifted in her seat glancing over at her husband "That's right mom, I'm talking about you, every time dad leaves on a business trip you bring a young guy home or you go and fuck the CEO of C&F Hotel,"
"You what?" The man glared at his wife, "Ah Honey! He's just saying things to upset us! He saw me get picked up in his car for a dinner with him and his wife, Jinyoungie probably just misunderstood, right sweetie?" The woman desperately looked over at her son. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and got up from the dining table "All I'm saying is, you only care about your reputation and money, that's why you married off Sooyoung against her will, you know she's not happy at all right? Every time she visits me she ends up crying,"
"That girl, she visits you and doesn't even visit her own parents?"
"Mom it's because you brush her off every time she tells you about how she's suffering, you don't care about her, and every time she sees you all you do is nag and ask her to buy you things with her husbands money! She would rather stay at home and get beat up by him than see you guys,"
"That girl is just being whiny, all she does ever since she was young is complain, she probably did something for her husband to hit her,"
Jinyoung bit down his lip, clenching his fist as he held himself back from going off "Whatever, I'm done here, I'm going home," He left immediately, slamming the door shut behind him as he got into his car. He sped down the road back home, every time he visited his parents he would leave full of rage. Jinyoung was the son of a wealthy family who ran a successful hotel and resort business, they had locations all over Asia. Jinyoung never felt happy around his parents, he was close with his uncles and aunts who were much kinder and taught him everything he knew. His parents barely raised him and his younger sister, Sooyoung, they were both raised by nannies. Jinyoung was supposed to be the heir of the family business but he managed to convince his parents to allow to follow his own career path.
Well, he more like threatened them than convinced them. But that's not important. 
Jinyoung arrived back to his apartment, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as he loosened his tie. "I should probably stop going back there," He sighed to himself after drinking from the bottle. He set himself down on the sofa, and undid the top three buttons of his shirt before resting his head back against the sofa closing his eyes. 
Jinyoung stepped out of the elevator, about to make his way to his office when he noticed a group of people grouped up by the wall. "What's going on?" A young woman looked up at him "Someone posted all these pictures of one of the accountants here..." Jinyoung pushed through everyone.
"Yooo bro she's banging, think I can get her to hook up with me?"
Jinyoung stared at the pictures, they were images of the girl he ran into the previous day. Shots of her stripping off her clothes. Jinyoung clenched his fists "I call dibs man, I'm hitting her up after work," Jinyoung closed his eyes, resisting the urge to punch the man "You're all disgusting, she's not an object, these photos were clearly taken without her permission," he began to rip off the photo's from the wall and crumble them up "I don't know who did this, but this is a crime, and if I find out who did it I'll make sure to have my with them before I turn them in, seriously you're all god damn adults grow up and have some respect." 
Jinyoung tossed the images into the trash "if these images are not all gone within the next two hours I will report all of you as accomplices for sexual harassment," he left the group of people and made his way to his office. Jinyoung hated people who did stupid pranks like this. It was childish, and evil. He hated that these people were so ready to completely ruin someone's life just for their own pleasure. He's seen it happen too many times. He already knew of the girl they took photos of as well. He knew when she first started working there were rumors going around about her and how some were jealous.
That night he went to the party he saw someone slipping something into her drink, he couldn't see their face but Jinyoung stayed quickly swooped in between her and the man acting as if he was a close friend "Hey! I've been looking for you all night, glad you could make it, come with me my sister wants to meet you," He grinned at her and she blinked in confusion. He gently placed a hand at her lower back and led her out of the crowd, having her sit on the sofa, handing her a glass of water "You feeling okay? I'll take you home..."
The girl squinted "I thi-think I'm dwunk," she looked as if she was about to doze off, Jinyoung stood up and helped her up, supporting her as they walked out "I'll take you home, where do you live?" she responded but her speech was slurred "fuck...okay I'll take you back to my place then," he helped her into the passenger seat where she soon passed out. Once they arrived at his place he carried her up and set her down on his bed, keeping her on her side in case she threw up. He constantly checked on her that night to make sure she was breathing and that she was okay. He had called a family friend, a doctor, to come over and check on her as well. The doctor assured him that she was fine and to just make sure she drank water. 
And that's what he had done. He eventually fell asleep on the sofa while taking care of her.
After the photos though he had a hunch that either someone was after her or she had a stalker from the company. But then again, the two situations may have not been connected, either way, she wasn't completely safe. There was nothing he could do about it though, he was just an employee like everyone else. 
Yuna had seen them, the photo's, her photo's, she froze as she stared at them while everyone was busy talking between themselves about it. Her breathing grew heavier as the anxiety inside her grew. She ran to the women's bathroom and locked herself in one of the stalls. She sat down on the toilet and began to cry into her hands. She was at a loss of what to do. 
Do I just go to work and act as if nothing was going on?
No...they're probably all making fun of me right now. 
No one will see me the same again. 
How am I supposed to face everyone? I should just quit...I want to go home...
Yuna got out of the stall after a while and washed her face "I'll just go home..." She pulled her phone out and texted her manager saying she was sick before quietly making her way out to her car. "Could it have been Jinyoung? Does he have something against me?" she chewed on her bottom lip before calling her friend Mark "Oppa...I need to see you..."
"What's wrong? You can come over if you need to,"
"Okay I'm on my way,"
When Mark opened the door Yuna didn't hesitate to let herself in. Mark closed the door and turned to her "Don't you have work?"
"I...don't think I can go back to work," she was fiddling with her fingers as she tried to stay as calm as she could "did you get fired?" she shook her head "then what is it?"
"Someone....someone took pictures of me undressing...they printed them out...it was all over work every-" her breathed hitched but swallowed as he tears slowly started forming again "everyone saw them, it was humiliating, I don't know what to do," she couldn't hold back anymore as she started crying again, mark quickly pulled her into a hug "do you know who did it?" she shook her head as she cried onto his shoulder. 
"That's fucked up, but you know you can't just avoid work, you have a great job at a great company..."
"I'll quit, I'll quit and find somewhere else, I don't care where I just can't face any of them again!" She pulled back to look up at him "Please don't tell Jaebum, he'd be furious and I don't want him to keep worrying about me so much..." Mark let out a soft sigh before wiping her tears away "He's going to find out eventually, you know?" She nodded and moved away from him sitting down on his sofa "I'm...for now I don't want him to know..."
Mark ran his fingers through his hair before sitting beside her "I'll help you find a new place to work,"
"Thank you..." 
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
⏳ Chaos ⏳
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Genre: Idol Life, Fantasy Adventure, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG-13 Warnings: mild language, Tae’s dad is a jerk Pairing: Taehyung x reader Notes: demigod!bts au but also idol!bts. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: I know a lot of the idols’ activities are not chronologically correct but just go with it. XD
Tagging: @temptaestions because she’s a cutie who requested something fun~
Summary: Kim Taehyung of BTS just wants someone to go with him to the Seoul Fashion Week event. But when everyone else is busy, he’s left with no choice but to hire an escort.
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“Sorry, buddy. I’ve got a movie I’m just starting to film. But maybe try Tiffany? She always goes to those. Never misses a year.”
“Ooohhh. Sorry, TaeTae. But I’m actually in America right now on tour. Maybe next year? I’m super bummed I’m missing it, though!”
“Hey, Tae! Ah--- Sorry, my friend, but I just started promotions for my solo. You’ve listened to it, right?”
Call after call, friend after friend, it all had the poor boy coming up short. All Kim Taehyung wanted was for someone to go with him to the Seoul Fashion Week event so he wouldn’t have to go alone. Now.....One would think that living with six other guys and a contact list long enough to circle the globe three times......Surely someone was available?
Namjoon was too busy being Bangtan’s amazing leader. Jin claimed he’d rather watch paint dry. Yoongi was napping and you don’t dare wake Min Yoongi when he’s napping. Hoseok was already treating himself to a spa day.
Jimin would have gone but Jeon “The Brat” Jungkook snatched him up first. They were off doing lord knows what. That of course left the youngest out too which was fine because he had horrible fashion sense anyway. The kid’s closet had to be nothing but t-shirts three sizes too big and baggy pants to go with them. Oh.....and bucket hats.......
Since his six brothers were unavailable, Taehyung resorted to his long list of idol friends. This proved to be futile as he went down the list faster than he expected. Everyone was just so gosh darn busy. Whether it be acting, touring, solo promotions, and even military service! It never ended! However, when he was just about to give up while on the phone with his good friend from VIXX, Hakyeon, it was then that the darker skinned male spoke up.
“Try hiring an escort. You can’t go wrong there.”
“An escort?”
“Yeah! Basically you contact a company who specializes in that kind of stuff. You know, someone to keep you company for an event of your choice. You tell them what you’re looking for and they’ll hook you up with one of their employees.”
The young man sat there at the end of his bed as he thought about it. Sure, Taehyung knew of those types of companies but he had never ever considered using one before. Then again, he never really had a reason to. He had always been surrounded by either Bangtan or his other famous friends. There was never any need for a complete stranger.
“I’ll think about it. Thanks for the idea, hyung. Stay safe out there, okay?”
“Will do, Tae. Good luck with everything! Gotta go. Duty calls.”
Just like that, the young lad was left alone once more. He sat there fiddling with his phone in his hands as he contemplated on whether or not he should seriously consider the idea of hiring an escort. A complete stranger. Granted, Taehyung could be quite the social butterfly, but still. Given his extreme social status, would it be safe? What if he got stuck with some employee who was a crazy fan? There was so much that could go wrong here.
Then again......There was also a lot that could go right. Just like with anything else. He had to weigh the pros and cons and decide from there. Even though he could get stuck with someone crazy, he could also end up making a new friend. Perhaps the person would be pleasant and professional? Not to mention he really really didn’t want to go alone.
“Oh why the hell not? I won’t know till I try, right?”
That was how Taehyung found himself just a few days later standing in front of his full length mirror. He adjusted his tie as he tried to decide if it was the one he actually wanted. Did it go with the rest of his outfit? Did it complement his suit jacket? His hair? Should he go crazy and color it before the event?
While he bustled around making sure he was completely ready, he thought about his escort. Upon calling, he had been 100% up front with the receptionist and explained that he had no idea what he was doing. They simply asked him a few questions and mailed him various forms to fill out and sign and poof, instant companion for the event.
During the small questionnaire, Taehyung was asked if he had a preference of male or female for this event and he spoke up honestly that it didn’t matter. He just wanted polite company that he could gush about fashion with. So it was no surprise to him when he got an email confirmation from the company stating details that his escort was a female in her early 20s.
The plan sounded simple and looked simple on paper. Have a nice meal in a secluded place to help break the ice, go to the event, have a good time, and part ways. But Taehyung was smart enough to know that it wasn’t going to be quite that simple. Again.....So much could go wrong or it could go right. Only time would tell. Speaking of, it was time for him to head out.
“I can do this.”
To try and keep things as secret as possible for as long as possible, the plan was to have a BigHit Ent vehicle take him to the back of the agency building where he’d meet his companion for the day. He’d then hop in to join the escort company’s vehicle where they’d drive to the restaurant of his choosing.
He wasn’t a complete idiot. Taehyung knew the minute he arrived at the carpet with the escort that the media would go crazy. All he asked was for a nice, quiet meal with this stranger beforehand. Being sneaky and secretive like this was the only way he knew how. Sometimes being a idol was very exhausting in the sense of trying to enjoy simple things such as a nice meal with someone.
The closer he got to the agency building, the more anxious and nervous the poor boy was becoming. He figured his companion for the day would be pretty but would they match? Hence why he kept his outfit fairly neutral as far as colors go. He appreciated the company but this was a fashion event and he really didn’t want to arrive looking like a mismatched pair of socks.
This was it. They were here. Time to get out and face the music. Taking a deep breath to help center himself, Taehyung climbed out of his agency vehicle and made his way for the back of the limousine where he carefully opened the door and climbed inside.
“Greetings, Mr. Kim. I am your escort for today.”
Whoa. You were absolutely gorgeous. Everything from the shape of your face, eyes, nose, lips. Despite you sitting down, he could tell you had amazing curves. That was when he finally took in your attire for the event. Thank goodness! It would appear either yourself or the company he hired you from was knowledgeable in the fashion industry. Dare he say, the two of could end up being the best matched guests there today.
“He-Hello. It’s nice to meet you.”
You had to admit, when the company you worked for explained that you would be assigned to thee Kim Taehyung of BTS, you were a little surprised. Upon hearing that it was for the Seoul Fashion Week event, you did your research and was glad to see that it paid off. He seemed pretty impressed by the look on his face. You found it cute and endearing.
“It’s my understanding we’ll be eating first, Mr. Kim?”
“Ta-Taehyung is fine. There’s no need for being formal. But, yes, that’s right. I thought we could maybe take that time to smooth over any awkwardness.”
“You mean like right now?”
You smiled at him and couldn’t help how adorable he looked all flustered like that. It was more than obvious that it was his first time using such a thing as an escort company. Not that you were here to judge. The same warm smile still on your face, you decided to help break that ice cube of awkwardness and asked casually,
“Where to, Taehyung?”
That seemed to be enough to snap him back to reality. Blinking a couple times, he pulled himself together and with a soft cough to help clear his dry throat, he looked between you and the driver and said casually,
“Yes. There’s a nice place that’s secluded just down the road a few blocks from here.”
After stating the actual name of the restaurant, the driver instantly knew where the young man was referring to and so began driving from the back parking lot, out onto the streets. Trying not to seem as awkward as initially, Taehyung looked over at you and smiled a bit timidly.
“So how long have you been in the escorting business?”
It wasn’t till the words had already came flying out of his mouth that he considered the question might come across as being insensitive or rude. Just as he was about to backpedal and apologize, you perked up with a smile and replied casually,
“Not that long, actually. I’m in my early 20s and I applied as soon as I was of age. I still believe it was my looks that got me in and not my smarts.”
“Well----If I may say, you really are beautiful. Gorgeous even.”
You thought he was extremely cute with the way the tips of his ears were turning pink. After watching so many interviews and following BTS in the news and your free time, you never would have imagined that this young man would be nervous about anything. But then again......Even Kim Taehyung of BTS was human.
“Thank you, Taehyung. And you look handsome as always.”
The small talk ended sooner than the young man would have liked. Thankfully it wouldn’t be long before they could pick things back up as he was now carefully getting out of the vehicle and jogging around to help you out of the car but you had already beaten him to it; getting out yourself.
“What’s with the pout, Taehyung?”
“I was going to be a gentleman and open the door for you.”
You smiled warmly at him only to nudge your head towards the restaurant entrance; silently telling him to follow you. It was now more obvious than ever that the poor boy was a first time user. Still smiling, you explained casually but with a tone of endearment,
“I’m trying to keep you out of trouble, Mr. Kim. If you know what I mean.”
The gears were turning and you could practically hear them as the greeter out front passed along two menus to another employee and they had the two of you follow to somewhere further back in the restaurant. A place far more secluded to where no prying eyes could watch you.
Upon sitting down, the employee placed down the menus and politely explained who their server would be and was off in a flash. It wasn’t till he finally had a chance to sit down that he looked up at you sheepishly; understanding clearly hitting him now.
“Thanks for.......I never even thought about the media seeing us like that.”
“It’s okay, Taehyung. Your heart was in the right place and that means a lot. In my few years at the company, you’re the most sweetest client I’ve ever had.”
The way you worded things gave him a huge reality check. One that he probably needed. Client. That’s all he was. This wasn’t a date. This wasn’t a date. He had to keep reminding himself of that. It was his own fault, really. Choosing such a nice restaurant like this to have a nice meal before heading out. But.....did he want this to be a date??? Why was he even thinking about that right now? He knew darn well dating wasn’t plausible for him right now.
“I think I’m going to take the salad. It looks good.”
“Hmm. Sounds good. What else are you getting with it? Their steak looks good.”
“Oh I’ll be getting just the salad. Nothing else with it.”
For the first time since meeting, it was now your turn to become sheepish and nervous. Usually there wasn’t an issue. Mostly because your clients didn’t care. You were just a bag of flesh meant to look pretty on their arm for a number of random events. But this man right here......he was different. Kim Taehyung was definitely different.
He stared at you with furrowed eyebrows and a look that was the perfect mixture of worry and confusion. Sure he had said the salad sounded good but that was just him being polite. He had been here plenty of times and he’d seen the salad you were referring to. There was practically nothing to it. There was no way that was going to fill you up for the rest of the day.
“I’m really not that hungry. So I’m going to eat light.”
As if higher power was against you today, your stomach growled an ungodly sound and you wanted nothing more than to fall through the floor and never see the light of day again. Oh how the tables have turned. There you sat with a huge pout on your face while he looked amused but was trying to remain cool about it.
“Look----It’s the company. I have to retain a strict diet and certain weight if I want to stay employed.”
It was highly unprofessional but the words just came flying out of your mouth before you could think it through. Not to mention Taehyung carried this aura about him that just made it so.......easy. He was so easy to talk to. He held a special warmth in his eyes that practically begged you to open up and spill all your worries and fears.
“Oh gosh---I’m so sorry, Tae. I should have never told you that. I----”
“Screw the company.”
“I said......Screw the company.”
There the two of you sat. You in shock and him giving you a stern but......There was something else in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place. Regardless, you could tell he was serious about his words. Gosh were you blushing??? Kim Taehyung was definitely your most interesting client so far. That’s for sure.
“Eat what you want.”
“No buts. Part of my request was that I have a nice meal with good company. You work for me today and I want to see you eating whatever you want.”
He had no idea where this sudden boldness was coming from, but he found himself leaning back into his chair with his hands clasped behind his head; cradling his skull and a smug smile on his face. Now this was the Kim Taehyung most people were used to seeing. In a warm but teasing tone, he asked softly,
“You wouldn’t want to disappoint your client now, would you?”
Oh he was good. You had to give him that. What a sly young man he was. Biting your bottom lip and glancing back down at the menu, Taehyung knew he had already won the battle. It was honestly ridiculous, though. What kind of......well.....who was he kidding? It was all about looking the prettiest and thinnest these days. It was sad but the harsh reality all the same.
“The steak does sound pretty delicious.”
“That’s what I was thinking. Good choice.”
With that, drinks were ordered and two steak meals were placed. You sat there in disbelief and it was evident all over your face. There was a split second where the poor boy thought maybe he had sent you into some kind of frozen state of shock. Blinking out of your stupor, you cleared your throat and spoke up softly, almost timidly.
“Thank you.....”
“For what?”
What exactly were you thanking him for? Even you yourself weren’t sure. But as you sat there and thought about it while sipping on your ice water, you cleared your throat once more and replied slowly as if still thinking about it,
“For treating me as a real person and not someone you hired to keep you company.”
The whole atmosphere seemed to soften as your words lingered in the air between you. Never before had you spoke such words during a job. Then again.....there was nothing normal or routine about this particular work order. No. Kim Taehyung made sure of that. Said male sported a soft and warm smile as he spoke just as much,
“That’s because you are a real person.”
The rest of the meal went by fairly well with no more awkward confessions about your job being less than perfect. Although Taehyung did learn that you actually went to school for cosmetology and that you’d one day like to try and get a job as either a hair or makeup stylist. The young man found you interesting and often found himself ignoring his meal just so his full and undivided attention was on you as you spoke.
The ice had definitely been broken and the two of you were on your way to the event. In fact, things were so chill between you two that you had actually started calling him Tae or even TaeTae. It was cute how his ears tried to turn pink every time you said it. Yep. Out of all the work orders how had ever fulfilled, this one was definitely your favorite. You could get used to being Taehyung’s escort.
“Wow......That’s the best meal I’ve had in.......”
“Since you became of age?”
The two of you looked at each other and soft laughter and chuckles filled the vehicle. Nodding, you sat there buckled up but gently patted and rubbed at your stomach. How long had it been since you felt so warm and full before? Gosh you could totally take a nap right here. However, sleeping would have to wait because you still had a job to fulfill.
“So are you into fashion? I hope this won’t be boring for you.”
You lightly waved your hand as if to swat at a fly while shaking your head. Wanting to further explain, you spoke up casually,
“I have specific tastes but I have no doubt that I’ll be able to appreciate the work we’re about to go see. Honestly I’ve always wanted to go to this event but I’ve always had to work.”
Relief internally flooded through the boy’s veins as he listened. Good. Good good. The last thing he wanted was to sit there next to someone who was incredibly bored with something that he found extremely interesting. Dare he say it but......It was almost like you were......perfect for him.
As he expected, the minute he arrived at the outdoor carpeted entrance, cameras were all over him. He wanted to give you a glance but fortunately one of the media employees was practically demanding that the two of you look at each other. Finally given the perfect excuse to check on you and see how you were holding up with his fame, he was surprised to see you doing very well.
Your smile was warm and bright and so.....natural. Was it a genuine smile or one that you reserved for work? If Taehyung was any kind of bold, he’d love to ask you the minute they got a moment alone but nope. Too chicken. Not gonna go there. The media kept asking who you were and how long you had known the idol but you kept things professional and just remained silent. You were good. Really good.
“Wow. Sorry about that. They were crazy out there.”
With soft laughter, you simply shook your head and leaned over to speak so that you could be heard over all the noise.
“You’re Kim Taehyung of BTS, it’s to be expected.”
The event went smoothly. Both of you just as adamant and into it as anyone else. The young man watched your eyes light up with the most beautiful kind of innocence he had ever seen. You were like a child as you watched model after model walk down the runway. Whenever Taehyung would explain a certain piece to you, he could tell you were listening with your full attention; genuinely interested in what he had to say.
Yep. You were perfect for him.
“Wow! That was so much fun, Tae! I had no idea fashion could be so exciting!”
You were giddy and it was one of the most adorable things Taehyung had ever witnessed. It was as if you were literally high on happiness. Your smile was brighter than the night sky as the two of you sat in the limousine driving back to the BigHit agency building. For some reason.....his heart was sinking the closer they got. It was then that he suddenly asked,
“You wanna go somewhere else? I........I’m not ready to......to say goodbye.....”
It was bold. He knew it. You knew it. You both knew it. Yet....You wanted it too. You weren’t ready to say goodbye either. This had been the most enjoyable day of your life in several months. Years even. It didn’t even feel like a job at this point and the young man certainly didn’t feel like a client. No. This.......This felt like a.......like a.......
And you were here for it. All of it. Shamelessly so. Even if you were playing with fire, it didn’t matter because clearly the young man wanted this too. Smiling widely, your eyes softened and you nodded gently before speaking up in an honest tone,
“I’m not ready either. Where do you wanna go, Tae?”
Call him crazy. Call him insane. But Taehyung knew exactly where he wanted to take you. It was gonna be a long shot but he was practically itching to show you. To show you a part of him that only few other people knew about. A part of him that sometimes.....He wasn’t always so proud of. But still. He wanted you to know.
“It’s something inside the agency building. But you’ve got to promise not to tell anyone, okay?”
Grinning widely and feeling more than adventurous, you held out your pinkie finger and the young idol immediately linked his with yours. It probably seemed silly but he held a lot of respect for the famous pinkie promise.
Before either of you knew it, the vehicle was stopping once again in the back of the agency building and this time you allowed the young man to open the door for you. Giggling like a schoolgirl, you allowed him to help you out and tugged down your dress to help keep it smooth against your skin. You had since then changed out of your expensive heels and into comfortable flats that still matched your dress.
“Come on. I can’t wait to show you. Under the impression that you’ll believe me, of course.”
“I don’t see you having a reason to lie so of course I’ll believe you, TaeTae.”
Oh you say that now but he couldn’t help but remain nervous. Thankfully his palm wasn’t sweaty as he held yours while guiding the two of you to the elevator located in the lobby. Your heart was pounding with excitement and anticipation. However, upon standing in front of the contraption, you watched him turn towards you and asked softly with the utmost sincerity,
“Do you trust me?”
For a slight moment, your mind went straight to the gutter. Despite his seriousness and sincerity, you couldn’t help but immediately picture the two of you making out and even going further in an elevator. But-----That was ridiculous! If he wanted to do that with you, it could have been anywhere far better than an elevator. Mentally shaking your head, you blinked up at him and nodded immediately.
“I trust you, Taehyung.”
His smile was bright and warm as he gave your hand a squeeze. It was meant to be reassuring but honestly you were still trying to get over the fact how.....comfortable, you were with the idea of making out with him. Where was your head? He was your client! Get your act together! Gripping his hand back in return, you watched him press the button and the doors immediately opened.
Walking in, still hand-in-hand, you watched him press a button that would have looked like a normal button.....Had it not looked like a pyramid. Hmm....That was interesting....and oddly familiar. You glanced up at him to see that he looked a bit nervous. As if he were second guessing his decision. But all he said was---
“Hang on tight.”
Still caught off guard, you ended up letting out a soft scream of surprise when the compartment suddenly jerked and started ascending at a much faster speed than a normal elevator should go. Not thinking anything of it, you latched onto the male and he gently encased you in his arms. If you weren’t so disoriented, you would have thoroughly enjoyed the embrace.
And suddenly-----It stopped. It stopped with a soft ding.
The doors opened and sand immediately started to blow into the compartment. There was a nice breeze and a warmth that encased you like a warm, fuzzy blanket on a cold winter’s day as you finally opened your eyes to look behind you. Whoa.
Sand. There was sand everywhere! And pyramids! Beautiful structures withstanding the test of time and all of them tipped with gold. Real, pure gold. The river flowed and the water looked crystal clear against the sun’s beautiful rays. Wow. Wow wow! You could hear people in the distance. Some trying to sell their merchandise while others were just having normal conversations about their day.
You were in Egypt.
“You’re a demigod?!”
“Wait----You believe in demigods???”
“Dude! I’m a demigod too!!”
Okay. Hold the phone. Stop the presses. Everything was happening way too fast and things were escalating quickly. The poor boy looked utterly lost and confused, perhaps even frozen with shock. Meanwhile, you were glowing. Glowing with happiness at this sudden realization. He was perfect for you. He was everything you wanted in a guy. Not only was he fun to hang out with, but he shared a secret same as yours. Well......almost.
“Yeah! I’m the daughter of Aphrodite! You know----The Greek Goddess. She’s my mom!”
Well dang. This was definitely not how the idol saw things going. Granted he wasn’t complaining. Heck, this was going to be way easier than he thought. But the whole idea that he was staring at someone who was just like him.....It was pretty surreal to say the least. Smiling a bit timidly, he spoke up with honesty.
“No wonder you’re so beautiful and pretty. It’s in your genetics.”
Despite having heard similar compliments, you still felt your face growing warm. It was just the way he said it. Or was it......the fact that it was him who said it? Either way, you enjoyed it and ended up smiling timidly. Turning around to face the view, you asked in an almost teasing manner,
“So----Gonna show me around?”
With that, he took your hand once more and this time you boldly laced your fingers together. This was definitely no longer an escort job and was a full blown date. Or at least that’s what you were calling it. Not that you’d tell him that. Thankfully he didn’t make a move to untangle your fingers. So perhaps he liked it too?
“Wow! This place is so cool! Look at all the pretty jewelry!”
Taehyung had decided to take you through town first. Mostly to help buy him some time. The thing was.......while your Greek mother was something you could be proud of......The poor boy wasn’t exactly.....proud of his Egyptian bloodline. Of all the gods and goddesses that could have been his parent, he had to be the lucky guy who got stuck with the infamous god of chaos. Set. And he was not excited to tell you that.
Thankfully he found another distraction and it came in the form of one Jeon Jungkook.
The younger male turned around upon hearing his name and his doe eyes grew wider; clearly not expecting to see one of his band mates here. Let alone seeing him with someone else. Jogging over to the two of you, he sported a sheepish smile upon seeing you; clearly unsure of how to approach the situation.
“What are you doing here, Kook?”
“I um----Well I um........I’m here to see dad. I want to get my girlfriend a puppy for her birthday and I figured if anyone could help me pick the perfect pup, it’d be him.”
“Your dad is Anubis?!”
Before you could attract anymore attention than you already had, the two boys started to drag you off towards the palace entrance; both looking a bit embarrassed and maybe even a bit mortified. Oops. Well you couldn’t exactly help it. You were in shock. It was two for two now with both Bangtan boys being Egyptian demigods. What were the odds. Once inside the palace foyer, the two males turned to you and nodded with the youngest speaking first.
“Yes. Anubis is my father. But.....Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of Tae’s and also a demigod. My mother is Aphrodite.”
“Ah cool. Well it was nice to meet you. Have fun here in Egypt! I’m gonna track dad down. See you guys later!”
Taehyung stood there in surprise while you politely waved goodbye to the other boy. Why hadn’t you been more honest and explained that you were just a hired escort to keep him company? Furthermore, did you really consider the two of you friends? Why did that thought make his heart flutter? Gah. Too many questions.
“So---Who’s your Egyptian parent? You haven’t mentioned them yet.”
“Well I----”
“Ah! Nephew Kookie! Good to see you!”
Oh lord. Speak of the devil.
The voice came from just down the hall and it was the last voice Taehyung wanted to hear. And poor Kook. Glancing over at you only to see you wearing a confused expression on your face, he offered a sympathetic smile and stated softly,
“We should probably rescue him. Come on.”
Lightly jogging alongside each other, you were now more than grateful for switching into your flats. But your cocktail dress was definitely making you stand out among all the other town folk. Even in the palace. Actually, since when had Taehyung ditched his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves on his dress shirt? Wow......he looked really good that way.
Rounding the corner, you were met with a sight that you could only dream about. There stood small-looking Jungkook as not just one, but two Egyptian gods towered over him. It wasn’t that the youngest member of BTS was short. Heck no. He was one of the taller ones. It was just that the two gods were that tall.
There stood in all their sun-kissed glory, was the Egyptian gods Anubis and Set. Anubis, the god of embalming and determining who was worthy of the glorious afterlife. Head of a jackal. And then there was Set. Lord of chaos. Head of an anteater. You knew from your studies that these two gods had an.....interesting history. But it was the words that left the anteater’s mouth that rendered you speechless.
“Well, well, well. First I get a visit from my beloved nephew and now my own son graces me with his presence. To what do I owe this rare occasion?”
“Hello, Set.”
You should have kept your cool. But it was impossible now. Your initial reaction was to look over at the young man next to you. Oh poor Taehyung.....His father was Set? One of the most evil gods in Egyptian history??? Your heart immediately throbbed for him. It was true what they say, you can’t pick your family. Just as you were about to reach out for his hand, the mischievous god asked playfully,
“Are you here to tell me I’m going to be a grandfather? Hmm?”
Well that was a fine start to a father and son conversation. You were now extremely warm and it wasn’t from the sun’s rays. Next to you, Taehyung was on the verge of boiling over. But before either of you could say anything, the other god came to your rescue.....with the help of his godly staff in his hand. A staff made of pure gold with a jackal head as the topper.
“Ouch! What was that for?! It was a legit question!”
However, Anubis paid him no mind and Jungkook had to bit his lower lip to keep from snickering in amusement. While one god was gently rubbing at his head, the other was kneeling with his head bowed as he spoke with a grace that only a god could pull off.
“Daughter of Aphrodite. Allow me to welcome you to the glorious sands of Egypt. And furthermore, I would like to apologize for my......colleague’s inappropriate behavior.”
“Again---It was a legit question for a father to ask his son.”
You wanted to ask the jackal headed male how he knew you were the daughter of Greek decent but chalked it up to probably just being a god thing. Smiling sheepishly and subconsciously sticking closer to Taehyung, you nodded and spoke up a bit more timidly than you would have liked.
“It’s okay. I get it. A father’s curiosity.”
Just as the anteater shouted a thank you, the other three males in the room all said at the same time as if rehearsed,
“You’re being way too nice to him.”
“Oh come on! At least someone here likes me!”
“And now she’s leaving. Goodbye, Set.”
You could tell from the way the poor man’s jaw was clenched that now was not the best time to argue. With a sheepish smile, you gave everyone a wave and spoke timidly but politely,
“It was lovely to meet you all.”
Anubis had since then risen once more and was wrapping a fatherly arm around his son Jungkook who politely waved back at you. Meanwhile, Set just had to get one last jab in as he waved dramatically and shouted after your retreating forms,
“Likewise, daughter-in-law. Let me know if it’s a boy or girl! I love baby showers!”
While you were still a soft giggling mess and a blush to match, Taehyung waited till he was long out of ear shot and groaned with embarrassment. Now down a completely different hallway and even on a different floor of the palace, he pulled you to stand in front of him and you could see just how embarrassed he really was.
“I’m so sorry about him. I was really hoping we could avoid him.”
“TaeTae. It’s okay. He’s your father. The odds of us not running into him were going to be very slim to none.”
You could tell there was something else bothering him and your eyebrows subconsciously knitted together. Letting go of his hand only to gently rub at his upper arms in what you hoped was a soothing fashion, you asked with genuine concern,
“What’s the matter, Tae? Talk to me.”
“It’s just......You don’t think I’m like him, do you? That I’m like......Like my father?”
“What? No! Not at all! You’re nothing like him. What makes you say that?”
Rather than answer you right away, the young man instead decided to take your hand in his once more and started leading you both in a new direction. It was only until he reached a balcony that you realized the sun had settled and stars were starting to pop up in the night sky. Letting go of your hand so that he could lean on the railing, he finally answered your question.
“It’s just......demigods are supposed to harbor traits from their godly parents, right? You for example. You look absolutely gorgeous. And Kook? He has a way with dogs and I know it’s because of his dad. Me? What do I get? I get urges to create chaos. I want to cause trouble.”
He paused for breath before continuing.
“But I don’t want that. I don’t want to cause problems for others. I want to help people. That’s why I enjoy being an idol so much. Because I get to help people with my music. I sing and it soothes people. I don’t want to become a monster like my father.”
It was silent for what felt like minutes when really it was only a couple seconds. For a split moment, Taehyung felt that perhaps he had said too much.
“Oh Tae......”
The moment felt incredibly intimate for just being an escort but you could care less. Acting on pure instincts and emotions, you found yourself wrapping the poor man up in a hug. A hug that he returned immediately. There was something extremely comforting about being in each other’s arms like this. Again, probably too intimate for a client but it didn’t matter to either of you. This was what the both of you wanted. You wanted each other’s company. More than just professionally.
“Kook----I swear. If you don’t sit still you’re going to end up looking like the bride of Frankenstein.”
“I can’t help it! It tickles!”
It had been one month since your day with Taehyung. You’d never forget how the two of you stood on that balcony in ancient Egypt and he asked you to quit your escorting job so that you could come work as a stylist for BigHit Ent. At first you played it off thinking he was just being silly but nope. He was dead serious.
There was a mutual attraction there and the two of you wanted to get to know each other better. Taehyung voiced his feelings about how he hated seeing you starve yourself just because of a job. Not to mention he had discovered earlier that day during the meal that you wanted to pursue a career in what you went to school for. So it only made sense for you to agree and take on a job at the very company he worked for.
Today your members were Jungkook and Yoongi. Out of the two, the elder was a piece of cake but the youngest always managed to squirm like a worm. Meanwhile, your boyfriend was smirking next to him as he watched you struggle. Catching his side glance, you whined and pouted while saying as you tried to apply more eyeliner,
“You hush over there. Or I’ll make you look ten times worse.”
With a sudden sigh of relief, you waved your hand that still had the brush and said with just as much relief,
“Okay, you’re finished, dog boy. Now go play with Tannie while I work on Yoongi.”
Just like a kid, the doe eyed male hopped out of the chair and started his search for his little distant cousin as he liked to often refer to the pupper as. While you watched for the cat eyed male to take a seat, you carefully leaned on your boyfriend who chuckled softly and rested a loving hand on your cheek.
“Being your guys’ stylist is exhausting. How do you all do this every day?”
“Eh. It’s not that bad really. It became a lot easier once you started working here.”
“You’re so cheesy. Shush it before I shove this eyeliner pencil up your nose.”
“That’s got to be the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.”
The two of you laughed and you itched to kiss him. But then again there were plenty of cameras and not to mention you didn’t want to mess with his makeup. Your coworker and fellow stylist was amazing at what she did and had taught you way more than any class would have. So you could appreciate her hard work and didn’t want to ruin it.
Taehyung couldn’t have been happier. He’d have to ring up Hakyeon and thank him for the suggestion of hiring an escort.
Who would have thought, right?
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krreader · 6 years
like a butterfly | chapter 5
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; single dad!yoongi ; language ; mentions of smut genre: fluff ; angst ; smut previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
summary: you never planned on becoming the babysitter of min yoongi’s daughter, one of the richest and most famous man of south korea. you also didn’t plan on becoming so attached to the little girl, as well as her father. (Or: hot, successful and single dad hires broke babysitter.)
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Finally, after weeks and weeks of studying, you were done with the semester and could relax at last.
Or at least, not worry about grades and all that for a little while. Because you still had to work, after all. With you now being at home, you decided to not only play the nanny, but the housekeeper as well. It wasn't that the apartment was dirty, Yoongi did have someone employed for that specifically. But there were still things, like laundry and buying groceries, that someone had to do. And it most certainly wouldn’t be Yoongi.
You had dropped Mei off at school earlier, went grocery shopping straight after and were now about to do the laundry, when you realized that you couldn't find Mei's tutu. Which was a problem, because she had a performance later tonight and you hadn't washed it yet.
You went through every drawer, looked through every bathroom (Yes. Plural. Because obviously this apartment would have more than one bathroom) and even looked in your upstairs area, but it was nowhere to be found.
Yoongi was still at home – which was unusual, because he usually left relatively early for work – so without thinking twice, you grabbed the laundry basket and balanced it on your hip when you opened the door with your free hand, not bothering to knock. 
Which you should have.
“Hey Yoongi, have you seen..- Oh,” you stopped talking and began smirking, one eyebrow raised at what you saw in front of you, “Hello Sarah.”
There she was, on her knees for him, while he was sitting at the edge of his bed, his hands fisted in her hair.
“(Y/N), get out!” Yoongi said, trying to put everything back into his pants, while you let your eyes roam over his hard length for as long as you could, before looking back at Sarah.
“Still being the rude bitch that you are, I see,” Sarah got up and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Still sucking his dick, I see,” you retorted like a shot, while you smiled sweetly.
Before this could escalate any further, Yoongi had grabbed your arm and dragged you outside, closing the door behind him.
“Ever heard of knocking?” your eyes were still glued to the bulge in his pants, until he grabbed your chin and made you look up at him, “Hey!”
“I told you I was going to see you naked. I just thought it would be when you and I finally have sex,” you said sarcastically and pretended to pout.
“Because that's going to happen,” he snorted and shook his head, “What do you want?”
“I need Mei's tutu for her ballet performance and can't find it.”
Without wasting a second, he walked into his bedroom and the bathroom that was only his, before coming back out before you could even say a whole sentence to Sarah, the tutu in his hands.
“Anything else?” he put it into the laundry basket.
“Nope,” you looked to the tutu, then back up at him, grinning, but not making a move to leave, until he grabbed your shoulders, walked you back until you were outside his room, then he went back in and this time, he locked the door, “Remember to protect yourself, kids!” you yelled, laughing while walking off to the laundry room.
You were glad that you and him were finally friends, or at least something like it. After that night a couple of weeks ago, the dynamic between you two had shifted. He was more open towards you and you and him often shared a drink at night. He often asked you about your opinion on his music and he often wanted advice when it came down to Mei.
Whatever label your relationship now had, you were happy with it.
But that didn't mean that you wanted to hear him have sex with Sarah, so as soon as the laundry was in the washing machine, you had grabbed the car keys and left the apartment.
Spontaneously, you and Jimin decided to meet for coffee an hour later, both of you already missing each other, despite having last seen each other only three days ago.
“So you walked in on him? While he was.. you know?” his eyes were wide, looking for the tea, but not wanting to hear all the details, apparently.
“Yeah,” you laughed and leaned back in your chair, “He wasn't even embarrassed about it, though.”
“How can he not be embarrassed about it? I still remember when Hoseok walked in on me once. I was mortified.”
“Oh, right. I still remember his detailed story about that,” Jimin blushed, lowering his head and playing with his fingers, “Awww, don't be embarrassed, love. I was glad to hear you finally got laid again.”
“What's that supposed to mean?!” his head shot up in an instant, his eyebrows furrowed, “I get more than you do!”
“I'm living with a child. What do you want me to do, sneak in one-night-stands?”
“Why would you do that when you're living with Min Yoongi?”
You rolled your eyes, “Not again, Jimin.”
“But don't you see how perfect it would all be? You told me how much the girl loves you.. just imagine.. if you were with her father and you would eventually marry each other, you'd be her step-mother! She'd be the happiest girl on earth.”
“It won't happen, okay? And besides, I'm happy with how things are right now. We're at that stage where I can walk in on him getting a blowjob and I'm shrugging it off with a grin. It's like we're.. friends,” the corners of your mouth curled into a smile at the thought of how you and him acted around each other. How he would now greet you with a smile when he came home from work. How he would laugh at something stupid you said when you were watching TV after Mei was already in bed. How he would carefully listen to what you had to say when it came down to his kid and how he now always tried to be his absolute best for the girl.
“Right.. friends,” Jimin muttered under his breath, while he watched you daydream about Yoongi.
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“Why do all women take so long,” Yoongi whispered to himself, getting up from the couch and walking towards the stairs, “Hey! Can you hurry up? We're going to be late!”
“Just give me a minute, goddamn it!” you yelled back and he let out an annoyed huff, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants and pacing around the living room.
You had dropped off Mei at the venue of her performance two hours ago and had went back home, since she wanted tonight to be a complete surprise for you and therefore, didn't want you to stick around. You took that time to take a nice, long bath and get ready without any time pressure. But maybe you took a bit too much time in the bath, since you were actually running late. Not by much, but still..
You made your way down the stairs, your black over-knee boots clicking against the wood beneath you, while rummaging through your purse, not seeing the way that Yoongi was staring at you with his mouth slightly agape.
He had noticed your beauty before, how could he not, but now that you were all dressed up, your make up done, wearing a tight-fitted, black turtleneck dress and those shoes? Well, maybe he had underestimated just how beautiful you really were.
“Alright. I think I got everything,” you looked up at him and he immediately tensed up, clearing his throat and acting like he hadn't just been staring at you like you were his dessert for the night.
“Finally. Can we go then?”
“Yes,” you hooked your arm with his and grinned up at him, “It's like a date.”
“You wish.”
Or was it maybe the other way around? From the way he had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road throughout the entire ride, it seemed like he was the one that wanted to take you out on a date right now. Or, you know, stay at home and do other things.
“I'm so excited. She's been working so hard for weeks..”
“Hm? Who?”
You slowly turned your head to look at him, seeing him gulp just in time. You began smirking knowingly.
“If you stopped staring at my legs for a second, you might have heard what I said.”
His head turned to you when he stopped at a red light, but you just wiggled your eyebrows at him with a grin.
“Don't think anything of it. I'm just worried that other people might think that the dress is too short.”
“That is so thoughtful of you, wow. Thank you so much, Yoongi. I appreciate the concern.”
“You're welcome,” he knew it was sarcasm, but he didn't want to admit that he thought you looked ridiculously sexy tonight.
It's not even that your dress was as short as he made it out to be and it wasn't the boots or anything like that. It was just.. you.
Your perfume, that made him want to bury himself in your neck, your make-up, that he wanted to admire for a little while longer, your face, that he wanted to kiss, your body, that he wanted to touch, your looks that he wanted to implant in his mind.. your personality, that he wanted to get to know more. 
It just all fit.
And how come he only now started to realize all of that?
It wasn't long after that he parked on the parking lot of the venue, both you and him making your way into the hall like all the other parents. It was a big performance, hence, a big hall and even more people. And Yoongi knew none of them.
He didn't know a single face around here, even though there surely were parents of his daughter's friends here, right?
“Min Yoongi? I'm surprised to see you here,” a man walked up to the two of you, extending his hand with a friendly smile, “I'm one of Mei’s teachers. Kim Namjoon.”
Wow. He looked.. young. And good? How come you never had such young and good looking teachers like him? 
“Ah. Nice to meet you,” he tried to keep it as friendly, even though he really wasn't interested in talking to this guy, especially because of the way you were eyeing him.
“And you are.. Mei's mother?”
“No,” you giggled when he smiled at you. Something that Yoongi noticed. And didn't like one bit, “I'm just her nanny.”
“Oh, you are the nanny that she keeps talking about these days. She's infatuated with you, you know? At least now I finally understand why.”
Yoongi wanted to throw up into his face for flirting so blatantly with you, even though he was standing right next to you both. And he wanted to punch him for being able to make you giggle and blush like that.
He wasn't having any of this tonight. And he wouldn't stand around here and not do anything, while this guy was practically undressing you with his eyes. Not on his watch.
So he wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you closer. So close that you could smell his cologne and feel the heat of his body. So close, that you had to look up at him and would only have to lean forward to press a kiss against his cheek.
“I think we should go and find our seats.. excuse us,” he pulled you with him, but since you didn't try to stay behind, it wasn't a hard task.
“Jealous?” you asked with a smirk, when he still wouldn’t let you go.
“Just concerned he'd fuck you right there and then. There are children here after all.”
“Don't worry,” you both sat down in the first row and you smiled sweetly at him, “You're my date tonight, remember?”
He laughed as if you had said something ridiculous, but he liked the sound of that. And when Mei's math teacher walked by, he smiled triumphantly at him and put his arm on the back of the chair behind you, as if he wanted to say: 'Try harder next time.'
The rest of the night, both you and Yoongi focused on Mei.
As expected, she did fantastic. All that hard work really paid off and even though she was still so young and you'd expect it not to look professional, she managed to pull it off so effortlessly. The last and first time you had met her ballet teacher, she had told you that if Mei kept practicing so hard, she would have a bright future ahead of her. And finally, you could understand what she meant. She was a natural.
And you couldn't help but watch Yoongi out of the corner of your eyes, a happy smile on your face each and every time you saw how proud he was of his little girl.
And when the performance was over only an hour later, he was the first to get up and clap, Mei waving her little arm with excitement at you and her father.
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“And did you see my pirouette, daddy?” she pulled on his hand and jumped up and down when you entered the living room, “Did you?”
“I did, love,” he laughed and picked her up, spinning her around once, earning a happy laugh from her.
You could only watch them with a smile, until Mei ran towards you and jumped into your arms, “I want to be a ballerina when I'm older!”
“You'll be whatever you want to be, pumpkin,” you kissed her cheek and continued chatting with her about the night, when Yoongi suddenly received a call.
Even though your eyes were focused on Mei, you couldn't help but listen to the conversation Yoongi had, especially when you realized that it was a business call.
“What do you mean? Listen, I promised my kid I wouldn't stay away for that long anymore. Why can you not do it yourself?”
As if on queue, Mei turned around and watched her father end the call with a sigh a moment later.
“What's wrong, daddy?”
He lifted his head and waved her towards her, sitting her on his lap, when he settled on the couch.
“I know I promised I wouldn't do any trips anymore.. or at least not very long ones, but..-”
“No, daddy,” her lower lip already trembled and he didn't even have to finish the sentence, “You promised me!.”
“I know, Mei, but this is important work.”
“I'm never important to you,” gone was the happiness and excitement her body had filled her before. How quickly her emotions could change always fascinated you.
He looked at you with desperation, especially when the first tears began rolling out of Mei's eyes. So you sat down next to Yoongi and asked: “Where to?”
“The trip. Where to?”
You grinned and brushed Mei's hair out of her face, “What if we went with your dad, hm?”
“A family trip!” she screamed with excitement, already wiping away those, now, unnecessary tears.
“No! I have to work there, I can't..-”
“You work, Mei and I enjoy ourselves. She's got a break soon anyways, which means she won't miss school. And I think a little vacation would do us all some good.”
It was two against one and Yoongi knew that he was outnumbered by his girls. And how could he refuse when one: his daughter was already beginning to talk about the beach with the biggest smile on her face and two: when there was a possibility he would see you in a bikini.
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mocurlyshepard · 6 years
My Life | Sodapop Curtis
"I'm taking you to the Doctors." Soda said softly to his twin.
Y/N was curled up on the couch in the living room watching early morning cartoons as Soda sat beside her on the floor.
It was a little weird with Soda sitting there being calm because he was usually rough with her, playing around, knocking her left and right. Now it seemed as if he'd die worrying about his sister. He hadn't left her side since early this morning.
"Soda, I don't need a damn doctor." She says while rolling her eyes.
She turns and faces the wall, her back to Soda and the tv, hearing him huff in response.
"Y/N, you've been throwing up for days now." he reasons.
"Its probably just a bug." She replies flatly. "Anyway, go to work why don't you?"
She turns and looks at his worrisome face, realizing he wasn't going to work and that he took off. Knowing Soda, he probably took off for the rest of the week.
"I'll cook you some food, then we'll go to the doctor. If they say you're clear I might go into work. You don't want me to call Darry, do you?"
Y/N rolls her eyes. As if she needed both her brothers on her back about her feeling sick. She didn't want to stress Darry out even more, lately he hadn't been himself.
"Don't call him.. And don't make me nothing."
Just the thought of food made Y/N want to throw up. She couldn't even imagine how it would be if it actually settled in her stomach, she hadn't ate in days besides water and crackers. She barely even left the house, Evie and Sylvia hadn't seen her in days.
"I'm not hungry. 'Sides, I can't keep anything down."
"Then we're going right now." Soda said while tying his sneakers on.
"Okay, Dad." Y/N snorted.
She hated when Soda tried to have some type of authority over her. They were twins, and if she remembered right, she was born before him, but that didn't stop him from being over protective.
The ride to the Doctors was uncomfortable, smelly, and bumpy. Y/N was wearing a pair of Sodas old pants, that now belonged to Ponyboy and an old shirt. Darry had the car so it would make no sense if she wore something nice to the bus, the outside world had constant triggers to make her sick. Soda made her carry a paper bag "Just in case".
Y/N and Soda sat patiently together in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting to hear the results of the random tests they decided to do. Y/N rested her head on Sodas shoulder as he read a newspaper talking about work and a person Ponyboy liked at school. She listened to his voice, closing her eyes occasionally to ease the burning from her lack of sleep.
"Thanks for taking me to the Doctors." Y/N said softly.
"Don't mention it." Soda said before flashing his famous grin.
Y/N sat up one the doctor came back into the waiting room. He had a stern look on his face and y/N felt her palms getting sweaty.
"Ms. Curtis. We have your results." he said. His eyes scanned the folder a few more times before looking up at y/N and Soda. "It says that you're pregnant."
Y/N looked at Soda and the doctor. It had only been one time, she couldn't even imagine being a mother right now.
"I'll leave you guys to talk about it."
Y/N didn't know how to react, all she could feel was her heart pounding through her chest, her stomach becoming uneasy yet again. She could barely meet Sodapops eyes, his hands were balled into fists and the only emotion he was showing disappointment.
"Soda-" Y/N begins.
But he doesn't bother to hear what she had to say, he quickly storms out of the doctors office and walks to the bus stop with y/N on his heels. He storms on the bus, throwing the coins in the slot and sitting in the back. He never looked at her, not even once. He kept his eyes staring out the window.
Even when the bus dropped them off at their stop, Soda kept up his face walking pace, Y/N was lucky to just barely be keeping with his long strides.
"I'm sorry." y/n says once they get into the house.
"You're sorry?! Y/N, that's all you have to say?" Soda asks while throwing his jacket on the couch. "Who was it?" He asks.
Y/N doesn't say anything, instead she looks on the ground. She can remember who it was and the person wasn't worth remembering. He was lousy and rude and she thought that she had been done with him. He was a kid from the Shepard Gang, a person she had went out with a few times and they hooked up at a party. It had only been once.
"Who was it?" he asks louder.
"Bobby Miller." She replies.
She flinches when Sodas hand hits the wall. Although she isn't worried about herself she's worried if Ponyboys home, he thought the world of Sodapop and seeing him like this would for sure change his views on him.
Y/N walks to Ponyboys room, and is relieved to see that he isn't home yet so he doesn't have to hear the screaming.
" You need to get rid of it." Soda says from behind her.
She quickly turns around, shocked that Soda would ever suggest that. It was hypocritical to say the least, being that he wanted to raise Sandy's baby and he wasn't the Dad.
" No!" y/n says.
"Yes! Bobby Miller won't take care of you, not when he's knocking up half of Tulsa! And we sure as hell can't afford it, Y/N."
Y/N pushes passed Soda to get to her own room. She couldnt imagine herself getting rid of her baby, especially because she had been too careless to use protection.
"I said no Soda. I ain't getting rid of the baby."
"Then put it up for adoption! We'll send you to Grandma's, right off the country side and you'll come back once you have the baby."
"I'm raising my own baby, Sodapop! There's nothing you or Darry will be able to say about it."
"You ain't having this baby here!" Soda yells.
"Then I'll leave!" Y/n screams back at Soda.
She furiously opens her closet and pulls out a bag, throwing all her belongings in there and things she'd need for wherever she tried to go. She didn't have a destination in mind, only the angry and hurt thoughts ran through her brain.
"I can take care of myself. I'm hardly a baby." y/n says.
She reaches into her drawer and pulls a roll of bills out that she had been saving from babysitting and doing laundry. She figured it would come in handy one day, that day was today.
"If you leave, don't come back." Soda says quietly.
Y/N flinches from the words, she knows he probably doesn't mean it. But the thought of him saying that, kicking her out where she's got nowhere else to go back her break down.
"Fine, I won't." She sobs. "Tell Ponyboy I love him. And Darry too."
Y/N throws the heavy bag over her shoulder, slamming the door behind her. She feels the pain in her heart and she wonders if she should turn around, go back and apologize. But it was Sodapop who told her to leave, and she didn't need him. Not anymore.
I did not like the way the ending turned out ugh.
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