#you have an AuDHD Brian
my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Walking through why I can't just DO the THING
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xikyuu · 4 months
“our family isnt neurodivergent wdym?”
my pawpaw infodumping on a volkswagon beetle right next to me:
me: i beg to differ
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Time for some general info about each Manager!
Here’s an important note going in: in this world cogs are born either the natural way (which surprises toons because they didn’t realize that toon and cog reproduction wasn’t all that different) or are commissioned to be built using their parents genetic material/coding
William Boar
Late 30’s-early 40’s, bi trans man, white boy, autistic, shares a dad with Desmond but different moms since Will’s mom passed away before his dad remarried to Desmond’s mom, dating/eventually marries Rain and has what’s (to their knowledge at the time) the first documented cog/toon hybrid post main story, daughter is named Olive and she's more cog than toon
Buck Ruffler
Mid-late 30’s bi man, Chilean, AuDHD and (family inherited that manifested after the stress caused by his failed toon up) Schizophrenia, mom is still alive but dad passed away, married to Dave and has one daughter with him whom they commissioned to be built named Gliss (short for the piano term Glissandro)
Brian (Monarch but shhh he doesn’t put that last name in his records bc of their secret shady dealings)
Early to mid 40’s, bi man, white boy, Autistic (I plan to potentially add more considering what he does in the story so I wanna see if more than just autism explains his behavior besides psychopathy) mother is alive but dad “mysteriously “ died, has a lot of siblings and he’s one of the youngest, married to Ben and they commissioned a daughter together whom they name Chime
Misty Monsoon
Mid 30’s, bi demigirl, Afro-Hispanic, AuDHD OCD and Bipolar, mom is a single mom, marries Mary and Holly and I plan to give them at least two bubbies (kids)
Mary Anna
Mid to late 30’s, Filipino, AMAB intersex bigender bisexual individual who uses he/she, has a mom and dad and a few siblings, married Misty at first and eventually maybe Holly too if the two develop feelings for each other lol, has a kid with Misty
Holly Grayelle
Mid to late 30’s, British with a medieval inflection, bisexual woman, Autistic, has a mom and dad and younger brother, marries Misty first then maybe later Mary too, has a kid with Misty
Alton Crow
Early 40’s, Texan white boy, bi man, AuDHD (which means autistic and ADHD btw), comes from a big family, is married to a buff and tall cow based cog lady and has a son and daughter with her
Prester Virgil
Late 50’s to early 60’s, cishet, white boy, Depression and PTSD, comes from a big family, is a struggling divorced dad to his one daughter whom he eventually gives custody of to Chip and his partner after situations that cause Prester to realize he’s not mentally well enough to be a father
Winston Charme
Early 80’s, cishet, white boy (subject to change may make him and Dana black), possibly AuDHD with a form of Dementia and PTSD, only living relative is his great niece Dana whom he ends up in the care of after a legal case between the ye olde toontown elders and the lawbots
Benjamin Biggs
Early 40’s, bi man, British, OCD in the forms of obsessive love and organization and possible either sociopathy or psychopathy (still working out that one), mom and deceased dad, married to and has a kid with Brian
Cathal Bravecog
Mid 20’s, pan demiboy, white (subject to change though I’m tempted to make him half asian from his mom’s side) might also make him autistic but idk, divorced mom and dad, honestly haven’t put much thought into him yet but I wanna maybe give him a partner
Dave Brubot
Mid 30’s, bi man, Haitian/Brazilian/Italian, AuDHD, has a mom and dad and four younger siblings, married to and has a kid with Buck
Belle Dama
Early 70’s, cishet, white (possibly subject to change but I also kinda want her to be an ally white grandma who doesn’t like any form of discrimination and will give you hugs and cookies if you need it), possibly autistic but idk, comes from a big family, widower with several children and grandchildren, eventually dates Cosmo
Cosmo Kupier
Early 70’s, cishet, Italian, comes from a big family, widower whom can’t have kids so his mob is going to his henchmen when he dies, eventually dates Belle
Flint Bonpyre
Mid 30’s, bi demiboy, Afro-Venezualan, Autistic and General Anxiety Disorder, two moms, married to and eventually has a kid or several with Graham
Chip Revvington-Campbell
Early to mid 40’s, bi man, white boy, Autistic and PTSD, adopted by Spruce’s family when he was very young but has since regained contact and is friendly with his bio mom, dating/married to and eventually has several kids with his assistant Bubblegum Pop along with their adopted child from Prester named Nixie
Spruce Campbell
Mid to late 40’s, pan man, white boy (Scottish mostly), comes from a big family, thinking of giving him a partner eventually
Tawney C. Esta
Mid 60’s, genderfluid heteroasexual, tempted to make them either Mexican or Hispanic or from another Spanish speaking country bc of how their name is a pun for siesta, comes from a big family, wife but no kids
Graham Ness Payser
Mid 30’s, bi (male leaning) man, mixed (mom is white dad is black, his older sister looks more black than he does and it’s a running joke that she took all the melanin leaving Graham looking white) ADHD and Narcissistic, has a mom and dad and an older sister, married to and eventually has one or several kids with Flint
Desmond Kerosene-Boar
Early 30’s, bi man, white boy, half brothers with Will, in a poly relationship with Buck Wilde and Dana and whom I may eventually give three kids
Buck Crow Wilde
Early 30’s, bi man, Texan white boy, Alton’s cousin, in a poly relationship with Desmond and Dana and whom I may eventually give three kids
Dana S Charme
Early 30’s, pan genderfluid, white (subject to change), Winston’s great niece, in a poly relationship with Desmond and Buck Wilde and whom I may eventually give three kids
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Seeing as I’m nearing 1400 followers I thought I would reintroduce myself!
My name is Vix
I am 27 and from the midwestern United States
I am a writer, but I no longer post my writing on this blog.
@teelagurl558 is my wife. She is allowed to bully me because she’s a scorpio coded Libra, that’s how they show affection. @microplasticsubmarine is our third counterpart. We have a fan club for her bunny. Together we make up the LCT or the lesbian crab triplets.
This blog contains two braincells. One them is named Brian and Teela and I keep him a little jar and rattle him around sometimes. Key is in charge of the second one, we haven’t seen David in weeks.
Some ground rules:
If your blog is blank or you do not have your age in your bio, you will be blocked
As of right now my anon is on but if you are rude or try to start a fight, I will take that away. I have done it before and I will do it again if I need to.
Jeep Shirt is the fight club of this blog, and what is the number one rule of fight club? Exactly.
My fandoms:
Criminal Minds
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1justsomeweirdo1 · 1 year
[Diary of a Butch]
* Hello, my name is Meziane (Meh-z-yaan) but you can call me Mez, I use Xe/xem, He/him and/or They/them pronouns^^
* Im 19 years old and a Libra and INTJ-T
* I am Aromantic, Intersex(?) Transexual Butch and a lesbian!!!
*Im AuDHD and i have a tic disorder and BPD
* Im Native North African (Amazigh), specifically Algerian 🇩🇿 and im an atheist
* Here is my pronouns page
What I post
* I post my art, I enjoy music but dont make any, occasionally ill post poems. But mainly just repost and random shit. Im rarely consistent lol
*Bigots, any type of bigotry is shamed and not tolerated on this page, this is not a safe space for it.
*Minors, leave if you are under 18!!! I block liberally!!!
A song I like is
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