#you have to get the system ironed in before you focus on the details
southstand · 2 months
also personally something i really appreciate is knowing the things we’ve got to work on in order to become a better version of us. i’d say the most glaring things are defending set pieces and defending on the counter. the first can be solved with a specialist coach and some time and the second can be solved by bringing in a proper dm in the summer. our defense is genuinely good and defend well in open play but the nature of the system is that they’re pushing up as high as possible, we’ve got to have a midfield that protect the ball and take some of the pressure off the back line. so many of our problems will be solved once the players properly click in with what ange is trying to tell them, which is that a good offense is the best defense. it’s much better knowing what the details are that we’ve got to improve on than having a chelsea or a man united where you just look at the squad and at the results like “not quite sure what it is tbh”
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sincerelybubbles · 24 days
i've noticed you
pairing: spencer reid x profiler!reader
warnings: fluff, not proof read (as is the usual oops), slightly slightly suggestive
word count: 2.6k
it's a late night in the office. dim light casts shadows across the bull pen. you squint your tired eyes to focus them on the document in your hand. hours have passed since everyone else went home but you stayed behind. something about pushing into the early hours of the weekend to finish off a long week is better for your mental health than leaving the documents for monday. the totality of closing the folder, marking it complete, and filing it away allows you to push the details of your cases to the back of your mind. you can't forget them entirely, of course, and nightmares still haunt you, but this is the best system you've found to make yourself feel better, even if only marginally.
a call of your name, soft and familiar, startles you. you jump, chair pushing back a few inches. you look up to see spencer standing in the doorway, giving you a confused look. his bag is strapped across his chest, hands clutching it, eyebrows raised. he's dressed more casually than you're used to: a plain blue shirt, khaki pants, his usual dress shoes. his hair is messy and his eyes look sleepy behind the confusion, like he'd only just woken up.
"hey, reid," you say, catching a yawn in the middle of saying his name. "you scared me."
"i could say the same to you. what are you doing here at," he checks his watch, flicking his wrist to right it in a movement that has your chest tightening. "3:46 in the morning on a saturday?"
"i could say the same to you," you mimic him, sending him a wide smile. you lift up your documents when he sends you an unamused look, waving the folder. "just finishing up before the weekend."
"you have over two weeks to have those reports filed, though?"
"helps me sleep better to have them done, i guess. you never answered me, though -- why are you here?"
"ironically, to help myself sleep," spencer answers, crossing the room in swift, long strides to reach his desk behind yours. he deposits his bag and turns to you, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes. "i get nightmares and sometimes the best thing to do is try to get some work done. helps my conscious, i guess. or, at least keeps me busy."
you nod and watch him make his way to the kitchen. "that makes sense."
"i'll be back," he calls to you over his shoulder.
you hear his return a few minutes later, eyes trained on your file again. you don't look up this time, now that you know who it is. you're too focused on finishing these last few documents and fully aware that it's sort of hard to stop looking at spencer once you start.
the gentle click of a mug hitting your desk grabs your attention, though, and you tear your eyes from the page to look up.
spencer is leaning across your desk, nudging a yellow mug toward you, smiling widely. your throat tightens, a quick flash of pleasant awareness of him, and you swallow it away.
"what's this?" you ask, reaching for the mug. he doesn't let go as you expected and your fingers brush against each other. he shrugs instead of answering, leaning back against the desk next to yours and taking a sip from his own mug.
you take a sip, surprised to find it made exactly how you like. you can't remember ever telling him what you like and your cheeks heat at the gesture. you're grateful that the only lamp on is yours, hiding the heat from him.
"how'd you know how i like it?" you ask, taking a sip.
"i pay attention," he says, eyes trained on yours.
"to people's coffee preferences?"
"to yours, sure."
before you can properly allow that to sink into your exhausted mind, spencer sets his mug on your desk before grabbing his own files. "mind if i join you?" he asks, dragging the nearest chair over. "at least until you go home for the night."
"yeah, sure, i could use the company," you say, clearing space for him.
5:53 AM
you: [attached image]
you: i promise i'm on the way, just having the worst morning. once i get this tire fixed, i'll let you know
you sigh, throwing your phone in your bag and squatting down to examine your blown tire. you don't know what you hit but you do know it's the start to an already sour morning.
you slept with your window propped open, despite how many times you've seen that go poorly for victims, and it rained, drenching your curtains. you didn't get to pack a lunch after dealing with that and usually, you eat breakfast at the office, so now you're on the side of the wet road, blown tire, and late for the first time in years.
your phone buzzes twice and you stand to dig it out of your bag.
5:55 AM
morgan: bad morning, pretty girl?
hotchner: don't worry about it, stay safe.
you roll your eyes at morgan, chest feeling lighter at hotch's reply. you hadn't expected him to be angry, this wasn't something anyone could foresee, but his answer still lessens the anxiety in your chest.
you climb into your car, turning on the heat and holding your hands to the vent for a few moments. you sit there for a few minutes past when you've thawed, dreading reentering the wet morning to change the tire.
the sound of a car door opening and shutting grabs your attention and you look in the rearview to see spencer walking toward you, hitting the button to lock one of the company vans. he's holding a bag in his hands, walking briskly to avoid getting too wet in the morning mist.
you throw open the passenger door when he gets close enough and watch as he folds himself in the car, shutting the door and adjusting his jacket.
"hello," you say, amused, "fancy seeing you here. did hotch send you?"
"i volunteered, here." he hands you the bag. you look at him for a moment longer, watching as he fixes his hair. you return your focus to the bag when he looks over at you, embarrassed to be caught.
you find one of the kitchen muffins and a banana in the bag. you stare at it for a moment, fully aware that this is exactly what you eat most mornings at work.
"i know you usually eat at work and didn't know if you had anything here," spencer explains.
"you noticed that?"
"i noticed you," he says. your eyes snap up to meet his, heart fluttering in your chest. he doesn't look embarrassed, eyes meeting yours steadily.
you struggle to find words, heart beyond touched by the gesture. you end up muttering, "thank you, spencer."
"you're welcome." there's a moment's pause while you come to terms with the fact that this can no longer be considered one of your worst mornings. "also, there was betting about if you could change a tire."
"ah, so you're here because you didn't believe in me?"
"well," he says, cheeky, smiling over at you. "you are just sitting in your car, decidedly not changing your tire."
"i was working myself up to it!" you say in defense. it's insane to you how quickly he has shifted your mood in just a few minutes.
he shakes his head at you, smiling slightly, and pops his door open, "open the back," he says, stepping out.
you do as he says, opening the trunk and getting out after him.
"i really was going to do it, you don't have to," you say, following him around the back of the car and watching him shift the things around to find your spare tire.
"i got it. go sit in the car, it's cold." he rolls his sleeves up, sending you a look.
you watch his hands as he moves the fabric up, exposing his forearms. you swallow, mouth dry, as he moves to the other arm, wrists flexing and bringing his veins into focus.
"i'm not sitting in my car while you do all the work," you refute, voice wavering, tearing your eyes away from his hands. you feel like a silly schoolgirl, ogling at her crush. or, better yet, like a scandalized victorian man seeing a hint of ankle for the first time, entranced by the barest hint of innocent skin. still, under the heat of embarrassment, you can't stop yourself from shifting your weight from foot to foot watching him lift the tire from your trunk.
"why not?" he asks, carrying the donut under one arm and walking over to the flat tire. you watch him, entranced, as he crouches down to examine the flat.
"it feels wrong! really, spence," you say, walking over to him and leaning down to catch his forearm and get his attention. "you don't have to change it for me, i'm more than capable."
"i know," he says, turning to look up at you from under his lashes. he smiles, still just a hint at the corner of his lips, and nods toward the car. "still, go sit, it's cold."
"spence-" you start and he rolls his eyes, standing up so he can look down at you and crossing his arms.
he says your name lowly, leaning back against the car and raising an eyebrow. "get in the car, this will only take me a minute."
he doesn't wait for your answer, pushing himself off of the car and walking to the trunk to grab the tool kit. stunned and slightly turned on, you slowly walk back to the drivers side of the car.
"good, now eat, too," he calls.
you grab the bag of food when you sit down, letting your legs hang down outside of the car. he stands up straighter to see you over the hood of the car and grins at you, "thank you."
hands sweating and heart racing, you press the button on the elevator and watch the door close. you clutch the little bag between two of your hands, rolling your head back to stretch it and stare at the ceiling.
you're a profiler, you know people, you know that your ever-growing crush on spencer is reciprocated. his face as he said "i noticed you" is the last thing you see before you sleep and you know you aren't misinterpreting the signs. still, anxiety pools when the elevator dings and you step off.
you roll out your shoulders and step into the bull pen with confidence you have to fake, putting a smile on your face and holding the little bag behind your back slightly.
"morning angel," penelope calls to you, swinging around the corner and linking her arm with yours. "did you have any fun hot dates this weekend? please say yes, i am in desperate need of someone to live vicariously through -- my love life is dry in all definitions of the word."
"sorry love," you say, patting her arm and sending her a sympathetic look. "still working on that plan i mentioned a few weeks ago."
"wait," she says, suddenly stopping and forcing you to as well. "really? because you were all gung-ho about maintaining a sense of workplace appropriate behavior and all of that other blah hr speak."
"well," you say with a shrug, smiling at the ground, "i don't know, can't a girl change her mind?"
"she most certainly can. in fact, i have right now!" you look up at her suddenly ultra cheerful voice and see spencer walking into the room, hands in his pockets and heading right for you with a smile as a greeting. "i have decided that i'm not walking you to your desk and we'll chat over lunch instead. bye!"
just as quickly as she arrived, penelope left, scampering away to her office with a grin stretching across her face. she's your best friend, the one person you tell everything, and also the source of your greatest annoyance, leaving you alone in the hallway.
"what was that about?" spencer asks, reaching you and stopping only half a step away.
"just garcia being garcia," you say, shrugging.
"well, goodmorning," spencer says, tucking his chin down to look at you better. "have a good weekend?"
"i did," you say, swallowing in a deep breath to steel your nerves. "i actually managed to go to that bookstore you told me about."
"oh really?" spencer asks, excitement animating his face. "did you talk to the store owner? she's super cool, i actually learned a lot from her about book binding last time i visited. she has a little workshop in the back."
"i did, actually. i had to get her help finding a specific book," you say, holding the bag out to him.
"oh, which one?"
"open it and see."
"it's for me?" spencer asks, looking genuinely caught off-guard. he takes the bag slowly, as if expecting you to rip it away. you nod encouragingly and he takes the cue to lift the paper out of the bag and then the book. "wait, no way. this is so cool! i've been searching for it for ages."
you watch as he opens the book and his eyes widen finding it signed. he slowly, reverently, flips the pages to look at the publication date and his eyes flick to meet yours.
"this is a first edition?"
"this is- how did you know?"
"i noticed you, too," you say, voice soft and hesitant. you take the half step forward so your toes are touching. surprisingly, your anxiety is nowhere to be found as you look up at him, smiling, chest warm and fingertips tingling. "i hope that's okay."
"beyond, actually," spencer answers, voice softer. the hand holding the bag and book falls, his other one lifting to your cheek, hesitant. he brushes his fingers across your cheekbone gently before moving his hand to cup the back of your neck and bringing you in for a hug. .
it's exactly how you expected hugging spencer to be, warm and all-consuming. he laughs, gentle, a vibration you can feel through his chest and into yours.
"what?" you ask, face buried in his chest.
"it's amazing how hard i'm fighting to not kiss you right now. i always thought i would be too nervous - i mean, obviously, i've kissed people before. not that that's what i should be talking about right now, but, i just mean, it's different with you. you make me happy in a way that makes me nervous, you know?"
"i know," you say, softly, cutting off his rambling with a hidden smile. he's still holding you in the empty hallway and you would love nothing more than to hear his rambling but you're also very aware that someone could walk in any moment.
you just hope that whatever this is leads to more of his thoughtless rambles - you've missed them, noticed how he's held himself back more, and you think nothing will make you happier than being the person he turns to with them.
"yeah. um, thank you. but now i'm not nervous, i'm just annoyed we're at work."
you laugh, pushing away from him, fixing his tie. "we have plenty of time, it's okay."
he doesn't say anything, his hand still on the back of your neck. instead, he slowly leans down to press his lips to your forehead. it's gentle, as if he's afraid the wrong move will break you or send you running, and you melt from it.
part two of it's a date will come soon!! i hope!!!! please take this as a peace offering <3 i got the idea of spencer changing a tire on my head and could NOT LET IT GO !!!! like i'm ngl, i made myself blush w this so i hope u all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
also also!! i usually like to keep my notes short but this is a reminder that my asks/inbox are always open!! and i read every reblog and comment and smile and giggle like a little kid when i see them. you all make my day every day and ily u all
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distort-opia · 1 month
What kind of non lethal crimes do you think Joker would pivot to in a relationship with Bruce? I'm thinking about your REMS characterization. Also thinking about a line from Joker in the last chapter, about not throwing his career down the shitter and killing to defend himself. What would a career look like for him being with Bruce? Surely he would still be incredibly silly about them, with varying levels of violence that *just* teeters the edge. Love your work!
Glad you like my work, thank you! Hmm, what I had in mind when writing that in REMS (or for a sequel) was Joker's penchant for... well, breaking people and exposing hypocrisy, but minus the murder. With his love of drama and performance sprinkled on top, of course; as you say, he'd never stop being silly.
He usually kills indiscriminately, yes, because he considers himself as just playing into the cruel meaninglessness of the world. But the reason why Joker fixated on Batman, and why his M.O. includes using a gas that basically forces people to see the world like he does right before they die, is Joker's need to prove a point. He wants people to admit that there's no order to life and that tragedy can strike at any time; he wants Gotham to realize how arbitrary rules are, and Batman happens to be the perfect embodiment of that.
So I think that a Joker who won't murder anymore would basically create situations in which people's darkest sides are exposed, to various degrees of seriousness and violence. And not only that-- he would do things that would expose the ridiculousness and heinousness of the world people live in. Capitalism and its self-cannibalizing focus on profit, the skewed interests of the government, the suffering of the poor... Joker's already done this sort of thing, it's not much of a stretch. For example, seeing how many people we're being hurt as a result of superhero fights, one time Joker promised to pay the medical bills of each Gothamite that posted a video on the DC equivalent of Facebook... but only if they shouted the word "Balyushka" and then did something ridiculous to make him laugh:
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Batman: Gotham Nights #6 ("Balyushka!")
And he keeps his word! But of course, this creates utter chaos, because people are doing fucking crazy shit to get that money. And the thing is, he doesn't do this just for funsies. He has a point, and Bruce can't help but admit it:
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Batman: Gotham Nights #6 ("Balyushka!")
Joker exposed the problems that Batman could not tackle with fists, and then Bruce listened. He actually used his money and influence to help.
Ironically, again, it's not the first time Joker did something that made Bruce go "Hmm, maybe I should look into the systemic corruption":
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Batman: Gotham Nights #4 ("The Dragnet")
I won't go into too much detail, but Joker paid Harleen Quinzell's tuition without much prompting, he went and helped (in his own way) a child who wrote to him and was clearly being abused... it's about the cases he can empathize with. And they're all connected to his own life-ruining trauma. Red Hood fell into the vat most of all because of poverty. Because he had no choice except to turn to crime-- otherwise him and his family would not have had food to put on the table. So of course he hates the society he lives in, one that had no safety nets or mercy for people like him who were drowning.
This is a very long-winded way to say that I imagine a non-lethal Joker being a mix of this and... stupid ass pranks on a massive scale, because let's be honest, he wouldn't give them up. He just wouldn't kill people at the end (because it'd make his boyfriend sad).
fanfic writer ask game - director's commentary
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demonslayedher · 2 months
Nerdy cultural details about the Hashira
Some details can be hard to pick up without context or in translation. Here's a handful for fun:
Breath names:
The "Mushi" (蟲) of "Mushibashira" (蟲柱) does not necessarily mean "insect." It's also not the more commonly used "mushi" kanji (虫). Kanji is often formed with many components compounding together to make new meanings, and 蟲 is a crowd of three 虫. While it might be tempting to simply say that this is a whole bunch of 虫, I've also heard this described as 蟲 being the more abstract idea of the concrete 虫, or that 蟲 went through a resurgence in popularity shortly before the Taisho Period. 虫 is preferred nowadays for its simplicity.
In either case, it's not necessarily "insects." Rather than being limited to six-legged creatures, "mushi" is a catch-all term for many kinds of creepy-crawlies that simply do not fit in other categories of animals, so spiders and centipedes and worms are all part of it. Actually, the term was originally used for snakes!
Next, what are picturing when you hear "Stone Hashira"? Something in your hands that you can throw? A big stone to lay on for warmth after training in a waterfall?
You could think even bigger than that, because the "stone" kanji used is "iwa" 岩. This is usually something at least as big as the boulders Himejima pushes around to train with, but it could just as well be a whole cliff.
So then how about that issue raised about how you can never refer to "Flame Breath" as "Fire Breath"? This might be a review since it gets brought up a lot, but it's worth restating because it makes a lot of sense in context.
First, we have two kanji to work with: 炎 for flames, and 火 for fire. To make a long linguistic history short, Japan adopted written pictographic characters from China, smashed and smooshed them around to fit the spoken Japanese language, and eventually many kanji wound up with multiple pronunciations. Case in point, 炎 is "hono'o" in the context of Flame Breathing (Hono'o no Kokyuu), and "en" in the context of "Flame Hashira" (En-bashira).
火 likewise has multiple pronunciations, but a common one is "hi." Another simple kanji that can be read "hi" is 日, the sun.
Therefore, even if they are written differently, "Sun Breathing" and "Fire Breathing" would sound the same, as "Hi no Kokyuu." This also makes it easy for "Hinokami" to be construed as "Fire God" instead of "Sun God." But why stop there, really? If you want to get into older Japanese, sometimes phonetic "hi" was used in simple reference to the power of gods.
This is still somewhat linguistic rather than symbolic, but you know how Sound Breath is derived from Thunder Breath?
It's worth pointing out that "Kaminari" (雷) in "Kaminari no Kokyuu" is in reference to the sound, as opposed to something like "Ikazuchi no Kokyuu" for "Lightning Breath" in reference to the sight. We can get really, really nerdy about Japanese words for thunder and lightning and how they relate to Kimetsu no Yaiba, so I already did that here.
What's more interesting to me in regard to Sound Breath is that it takes the "sound" concept of thunder and pushes it--this time with a bit of a firework motif, again in a way that would stress the sound instead of the dazzling light. Both Uzui and Zenitsu have exceptional hearing and are exceptional users of their Breath techniques, so this is either curious that a discerning sense of hearing might help, or ironic that they use such loud styles with their sensitive ears.
Moving on to snakes! There's really no shortage of serpent symbolism, so we'll just focus on a handful of examples. I have already written extensively about the positive associations snakes have with riches, especially white snakes. This is ironic, given Iguro's distasteful paste driven by riches.
Some of the other positive associations with snakes are that they are a water element animal on the geomancy system borrowed from China. Makes sense that this Breath would be derived from Water Breathing! There are many shrines dedicated to snakes and their gifts of rain and clean water, however, water can also be dangerous. A common interpretation of a major legend about an eight-headed giant serpent, the Yamata-no-Orochi, is that it symbolizes the destructive power of a flooded river. But hey, at least snakes are often equated to dragons for having the same water association, so that's pretty cool.
Setting aside the water association, the serpent itself can likewise be considered in negative lights. In the centuries leading up to the Taisho Period, it became commonplace in Buddhist teachings and entertainment to compare jealous women to snakes. This association with woman also adds another layer of cruel irony to Iguro's past.
On a happier note, let's move on to cherry blossoms!
Well, not always happy, seeing as they are known to scatter tragically soon (I am shaking my fist at you, Gotouge). Cherry blossoms are also heavy with all the directions you can go in with symbolism, and I don't have any particular take on why they are part of the overall motif of the Love Hashira (see here for a little commentary on why it is "Koi" 恋 and not "Ai" 愛).
However! I do want to point out something very clever Gotouge did!
You know how Mitsuri's hand guard looks like four hearts that all meet at their pointy ends? This is actually a traditional cherry blossom motif!! Not a very common one, which is why I find it so sly.
Personal Names:
Bear with me, this section will get slightly more speculative, as names are always up to interpretation. I should know, I've done a lot of that for this series.
Remember how kanji can be read in multiple ways? Here's something simple you'd see right away in Japanese but that gets lost in translation to most other languages. Both Sanemi and Genya have 弥 as the second character in their personal name (as "mi" or "ya"). This was not the case for all their siblings, but it's cute that the two of them share it anyway.
So what does it mean? In modern kanji dictionaries, it's pretty bland: "increasingly." However, this kanji has more interesting use and associations that that. It was originally 彌, which carries more of an image of a stretched bow, or how something might go wide and disperse. As a child's name, this might include some hope that they might grow big and tall and go to great places. It is also commonly used in expressing the names of Buddhist deities in Japanese, but it is used only for the "mi" sound instead of the meaning in these cases. (Still, 弥 is one of the "Namu Amida Butsu" characters all over Himejima's haori, which also adds a little cuteness to his associations with Genya.)
So how about someone else with a name that closely matches his brother's? We get a pretty good explanation of Yuichiro (有一郎) and Muichiro (無一郎), with 有 and 無 being opposites (to exist/to not exist). While 有 might be more straightforward in wishing for Yuichiro to have all his needs met, the "mu" in "muichiro" is for "limitless/infinity/etc, etc."
But also!!
It bares distinct resemblance to a common Zen phrase, "Honraimuichimotsu" (本来無一物), with "muichimotsu" meaning "nothing exists" (and therefore, you have nothing to worry about, just be happy).
Speaking of resemblances, "Tomioka Giyuu" has two kanji in common with the name of the mangaka of Hunter x Hunter and I sometimes wonder if he was named in homage. But that is neither here nor there, and I'll just finish today by focusing on "Giyuu" (義勇).
This is pretty basic and straightforward: "loyalty/justice" and "bravery/courage." Pretty lofty. Put them back together and it's basically a set term for "heroism."
However, put it together with other terms for squads or armies, and this is the now the word for "volunteer soldier" or "volunteer army." Historically, it would continue to be used a few decades after Kimetsu no Yaiba takes place, but the decades prior, there were "Giyuutai" organized volunteer troops as well. Perhaps Giyuu had ancestors who fought as volunteer soldiers? Who knows.
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poppyandzena · 2 months
I've noticed you mentioning that many creators have covered the P&Z stuff, and that many have gotten the details wrong. What would *you* recommend creators focus on? Is there a specific order of events you'd recommend? For context, I'm a trans man in the creator space. Relatively small, but I also have BPD (and many other things) and am polyamorous and I hate how Poppy is playing into all the negative stereotypes. I want to help. Especially because one of Poppy's victims was a very close friend of mine. I'm currently working on a video essay script about the situation. If you, or anyone else wants to reach out, I'd greatly appreciate it, but I'm well aware that everyone's spoons are lacking right now so no pressure.
The main problem is a lack of organization. Many creators think they can gloss over an introduction and then dive into the docs, and most of the misinformation is in that expositional intro. But when you do that, you make yourself and the situation as a whole look less credible.
And, frankly, covering everything Poppy and Zena have done in a single stream will contribute to this unless you are especially dedicated. Luxander spent a LOT of time asking for clarification and organizing its points so that their arguments made sense.
Here's some facts I've noticed streamers get wrong, at least when they first cover it. I'll list them so creators have a cheat sheet:
Poppy is an AMAB transgender woman who has recently undergone bottom surgery. The bottom surgery is important to note as Poppy regards intercourse with Noeh as "her first time." This is her having vaginal intercourse for the first time, which is something she places value in regards to her trans experience. Poppy has used this as emotional leverage to paint Noehflake as a malicious person who took her virginity and left.
The entirety of the relationship with Noehflake lasted approximately four months and ended in late December 2023. Poppy wanted Noehflake to move in with her either at or a little under the two month mark. I find this extremely important as it highlights how quickly Poppy tries to enmesh herself into people's lives. I personally think its a combination of typical BPD attatchment issues and lovebombing to speed up the process and "skip steps," something Poppy ironically has called out in other people.
Poppy is NOT Spawn (her kid's) biological parent. Poppy was present since Spawn was in utero and took up the role of their father before she transitioned. Spawn's mother died in a horse riding accident at around age 3/4, during which Poppy became their sole caretaker.
PLEASE stop headlining your videos with "child abuse." It's inaccurate. As much as I do not like PZ, we have to be correct with how we criticize them. Spawn was not a minor during the time the abuse ocurred. Spawn has also stated PZ have NEVER sexually abused them and that their childhood was relatively fine before Zena arrived. Please stick to what was alleged. Call it "parental abuse" to be accurate, please. Child abuse brings to mind a minor being harmed which is not accurate to this situation.
Spawn was NOT coined by Poppy. That's the name Spawn gave themselves so their privacy would be respected, something Poppy purposefully violates online to endager them.
Spawn is a 24 year old they/them nonbinary person with POTS, which severely impacts their cardiovascular system and makes labor and even basic tasks difficult. Around 2022 when the brunt of the abuse ocurred, Spawn was around 5ft and 80lbs. They claim a doctor cleared them of health issues in relation to being 80lbs and that it wasn't a weight Poppy and Zena starved them to. I personally find issue with a 5ft person being 80lbs in general and believe it was a contributing factor to their chronic pain, but I do not believe they were at a higher weight and PZ starved them TO that point. I believe they were naturally lithe, but that PZ did absolutely nothing to help manage Spawn's weight as the crux of their abuse was food restriction. According to Spawn, their weight has steadily increased as they've gotten older which I can relate to. Being at that weight puts stress on your body, but to add POTS on top of it significantly disables you.
Spawn has autism and a dissociative disorder, the latter of which Poppy has gaslit Spawn into underplaying in spite of a mental health professional agreeing with Spawn. (This is in the Spawn doc) This disorder is OSDD-1B which Spawn met the criteria for (fact checked with Spawn), which is a disorder that is often obtained through significant, persistent, or otherwise intense trauma. This is ESPECIALLY concerning to me as someone who has researched DID and the sister disorders since I was 15. I have a space in my heart reserved for those people as DID is one of the most misunderstood and culturally manipulated disorders since it's "debut" with the book Sybil. I digress, but the fact that Poppy refuses to see eye to eye with Spawns dissociative disorder despite allegedly having one herself is concerning.
Poppy alleges she was diagnosed with OSDD, Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder. I myself have actually made the mistake of saying she has DID. The two are different, but under the same umbrella. OSDD is sort of the "misc." option when you don't meet the full critera of DID and you don't qualify for psychotic disorders. I actually believe OSDD is more prevalent than classic DID due to the fact that disorders are spectrum-based and can be highly specific to the person if they are traumagenic. People with OSDD tend to have alters like DID, but there is a distinct lack of amnesia between alters and a lack of amnesia blackouts. These people will still dissociate to a degree that counts as a disorder. I have known people with OSDD and it is very real and oftentimes painful, coming to terms with the fact that you've been so traumatized that it necessitates dissociating from reality. It is not fun at its core and I do not wish that on anyone, but it doesn't mean these people aren't valid if they embrace or highlight the positive aspects of their condition to cope.
What makes me sussy-wussy is Poppy's insistence as a "professional" to conflate OSDD/DID with Tulpamancy, the former being traumagenic and the latter being pseudo-spiritual. The topic of endogenic vs. traumagenic alters is one I do NOT want to debate here. I will say I dont appreciate when she combines medically recognized disorders with spirituality, as doing so can contribute to misinformation that we ALREADY have to deal with. If you believe in tulpamancy, I won't argue with you, but you have to be precise in the language you use as to not spread misinfo. Sometimes people have traumagenic disorders that they frame with a spiritual lense, which I can respect, but please be mindful when comparing your experience with others. That's all I ask.
Noehflake, Hayleigh, is a transgender woman who also has a dissociative disorder with at least one alter. In the docs, this alter is referred to as "Max." That is not their current name and I do not feel comfortable airing it out. Hayleigh is not a separate alter to "Noehflake." Hayleigh is simply Noehflake's name. Their experience is not fun and Max has to intervene in especially stressful situations. Hayleigh dissociates, and you can tell in her dedicated doc just how much Poppy and Zena disregard her pain and push her into dissociating more.
Also if I have to hear someone pronounce Noehflake as "Noh-ee-flake" I'm going to eat my fucking hands. It's nitpicky but it's aggravating to listen to over and over. It's pronounced "Noh-flake." Like snowflake. I've made the mistake of pronouncing it as "No-ah-flake." Just saying "Noh" is fine.
Zena is an AFAB transmasc person with agender qualities that goes by they/them, though I have heard they have given the "she/her pass" to close people. Stick with they/them, out of basic respect and to prevent confusion. Zena is significantly younger than Poppy, to the point where an anon pointed out they have less than a decade difference in age from Poppy's child. I can't believe I have to specify this, but Zena is NOT the biological father/mother of Poppy's child. I heard that in one of the worst videos covering this topic and I had to leave out of pure frustration.
Dormiyu is the asexual victim that Poppy and Zena brought to their house. Dormiyu uses it/its pronouns. Poppy wants you to think there was only one instance where Poppy walked out in her underwear to get clothes and Dormiyu freaked out. There were two instances. One was when she was in her set of underwear and Dormiyu looked away, to which Poppy chided it for its "asexual bullshit." The second incident involved Dormiyu being in her office. Poppy entered the office with her bare breasts out and sat in front of Dormiyu to get it to notice her. This, obviously, made Dormiyu very uncomfortable, to which Poppy argued that they "were just tits." I don't have to go into fine detail as to why showing your bare breasts to a guest in your home is inappropriate, especially when the guest does not have the transportation to leave your house. Poppy has since blackmailed Dormiyu into deleting everything as it is an immigrant and her delving into its personal life on stream would not only put Dormiyu at risk of doxxing, but at risk of deportation. You will find the archive of Dormiyu's testimony in my masterlist.
This is especially important to highlight. Poppy admitted in a video to "reproducing" CSA onto a family member. To others, this may seem like a smoking gun. Unfortunately, this is a case I cannot in good conscience speculate on. I can't. One, we ONLY have Poppy's vague testimony on camera. Any surrounding info is secondhand. Second, we do not know if this victim wants their story told by us. I'm not sure they even know who we are. I cannot perpetuate what is essentially a ghost of an accusation when I do not know if the victim is even comfortable having that public. All I can say is that I do not trust Poppy. We have so much more tangible evidence to prove Poppy is all-around abusive, and I will stick to what has been substantiated.
Thank you for listening to me. I know this is a lot and some of it seems pedantic, but I care a lot about how we cover this.
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cornbake · 6 months
The Moon Will Sing PT 5
Master List Yea i haven't gotten to Caz Mans yet so i'm just doing my best here LOL Granted I'm already taking a lot of liberties in other areas at this point. WARNINGS: Angst, Violence, Gore, Blood and Injury, Cazador get's his own warning, minor character death.
The sun had stood behind you as your shadow stretched over the cobble stone. A fine iron fence had been the only guard between you and the large estate house that you had spent a good amount of time to find.
The interior was finely furnished. Once fit for one of royal standing. If the blood, fire and ice didn't completely ruin the property value.
For a den of vampires, it was certainly lively at little past mid day. Granted, you had used a fireball scroll on, what you assumed to be, the middle of the damned house. A rude wake up call, as not soon after you had parried a blade from hitting.
Whether or not a stealth approach would have been smarter was not something you concerned yourself in. You had your head up in blades and red eyes. Harsh glowing reds that aimed to kill the wasp that entered the hive.
You had managed fine with the humanoid servants, either killing them, or as close to killing as you can to something already dead, or knocking them out. You had some cuts from lucky hits but over all, you felt the fire of determination burn inside of you grow. You'd rather not admit to yourself that is was a hollow sense of determination. Something you patched together just so you didn't have to focus on the hurt it was covering. You didn't want to admit that every time you thought about returning to Astarion the fire only grows brighter. Something in you deeply hurt at the idea that once you return he would continue to give you flax affection, words that mean nothing to him. Words that you had once hung on to by each letter. Yet with each thought, the determination to complete your side of the unspoken bargin. You weren't truly angry at him, you new that, the rage you felt wasn't out of anger. You wanted to see him happy, sure, when didn't you. You still loved him, even if your heart hung heavy in mourning.
You bring the back of your hand up to wipe away the few tears that escaped your harden glare. You step away from the fallen servant you had been unconsciously staring at. You stood in a large room, open with a platform risen at one end with an over detailed large chair place in the middle of it. You had just barely made your way into the room, pushing the double doors open at the other end. The high valued ceiling held an expensive looking chandelier, the crystals daggling from thin wire made what little light in the room fracture in faint lines across the empty room. If this wasn't owned by a completely entitled bastard, you would have thought it was beautiful.
"So the Gur come to take the corpses of their family back.... how pitiful...."
The voice was a shock to your system, pulling your weapon up, readying to swing at anything you saw. Eyes making a frenzied search for anything in the still empty room. A deep chuckle sounded throughout the lengthy room.
"A sheep wondering into the lion's den... how sweet it will be to taste that of a foolish hero...." Red eyes flash in the dark, in a speed in-human as it made it's way to the throne. "Though, I am in dire need of entertainment... you might yet do..." The finely dark dressed man rose his head only to look down upon you. His eyes glowing the same crimson as the servants, yet his smile was something they didn't hold.
"I'm not a Gur, but still someone that's going to use your head as a door knocker all the same...." you hiss at him through clenched teeth. His laughter only fueling your anger. "Your reign of abuse is over Cazador! And your damned ritual of yours will be broken." You felt a stir of pride as the vampire lord's face twisted in an odd display of anger and shock. His eyes ran over you before glaring.
"I see.... so that sad little boy found himself a hero to slay the evil tyrant did he? My..." He turned away from you as his hand danced over the arm to his seat. Your gaze never leaving him, picking up every inch of detail your little pupils could. His back facing you for a seemingly long stretch of silence. "Mayhaps he will remember his teachings when his hero falls into their own grave..."
You only catch a glimpse at his shining red eyes before strong claws of a wolven creature slams you into the polished wooden flooring. You have to take a moment to steady your mind from your skull slamming into the broads. The deep snarls around make you hyper aware how out numbered you are.
You move before the next creature had a chance to strike at your downed form. Claws digging into the finely crafted wood, bright golden eyes all watch as you swing towards them.
"It's always interesting to watch the reality creep into one's mind." You can hear the pacing of finely cobbled shoes click on the wooden boards. "The bright mind of a warrior is sharp, calculating outcomes in split second timing. It's a rather impressive feat, to come up with something from nearly nothing in a matter of a moment..."
Jaws snap around your arm, the metal bracers denting, being crushed by the force. You smack the hilt of you weapon into the face of the werewolf, the shill cry from it allows you to free your arm. Yet it blocked out the growl of the other behind you. As you focus on making a second attack on the one that once held your arm a pair of claws digs into the flesh of your back. The thick keratin running over the bones of your ribs as it cuts through the armor you had on.
"Yet even will that skill, I've seen the same outcome. They slip up alone the way..." Red eyes look upon your semi-crumpled form. "They always seem too confident in their own skill to consider I am simply untouchable..."
Your breaths are ragged. You can't take a break as two other rush you at the scent of your blood. Quick reflexes smack one with a well timed attack, sending it reeling into the floor. The other catches your next attack in it's jaws, trying to pry the weapon from your grasp.
"I am as close to god-ship any mortal will ever meet. And soon I will be a god among men." His pacing stops, his full focus set onto you. "That is... once I get back what rightfully belongs to me..."
You let go of the weapon, the wovlen creature stumbling back with the sudden lack of resistance. Pulling two daggers out, you rush froward, thrusting your hand into the exposed belly of the beast. It cries as the life leaves it's features, it's jaw slackening. You're eyes barely catching notice of your discarded weapon falling from it's grasp as the weapon cracks into your shoulder. Your cry is drowned out by howls as the remaining few beasts continue to jump at you.
"My elven little star....."
Your eyes meet his as you are slammed into the floor at his feet. You aren't sure if your fight was arranged closer to him or if he had made is way closer to you. All you knew at this moment was his black dress shoes stood in the crimson pool your face was shoved into. Burning red eyes stare down at your pathic form.
"Aw... don't feel so sad, young one... I'm sure you have use yet..." His smile was sweet despite the look hidden in his bright eyes. "I find it so heart warming that the little pet found someone to... indulge in... while he was away from home... It makes what I want to do next oh so enjoyably..." You hate that your body shivered at his tone, the expectation of what's to come sinking into your mind along with a devastating thought.
"Take them to the kennels... I have some tomes to consult before I am to come for them."
You didn't here much of his words as large rough paws dug into you flesh, peeling you away from the floor.
"I had fail him.... did I..."
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liketolaugh-writes · 1 year
So there’s a video on YouTube that’s a list of mistakes fanfiction writers might make when making the jump to original work. That list is stupid. Those are generically amateur errors, not fanfiction errors.
Here is an (incomplete) list of actual errors that I’m now ironing out of my work:
- You need to describe things. Tell the readers how old your character is. Tell them what they look like, what they’re wearing, what their room is like. Keep the juicy bits for later, but you need all the basics up front.
- You need that setting. You need clothes. You need a house and a precise time period and a societal system. In fic, all of those are provided for you, and your readers know them. But you’re in charge of those nuts-and-bolts details now.
- Your first draft is garbage. Seriously. With fanfiction, you can pull together a reasonably good first draft, because you have a vivid and colorful framework to work with. In original fiction, you need to build that framework before you can write those glowing, emotional scenes that you’re used to.
- You need to work to get readers invested in your characters. In the beginning, you can’t start with the vulnerability and the insecurity. You can allude to it, but not focus on it. They need to see that your character can be strong or clever or kind before their heart can break for that character. (This is also a mistake that many writers make with OCs in fanfiction!)
- If the scene doesn’t achieve something, cut it out. We here in fanfiction love marinating in the feelings of a work, we love our 300k slow-burn stories, we depict everything in loving detail - but original work isn’t like that. You have your plot, your character arcs, and your relationships, and every scene needs to move at least one of those forward in a tangible way. The first Harry Potter book is just under 80k. Keep that figure in mind.
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations - Complete series
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The results of the poll I put up are so far inconclusive (pretty much every category got the same amount of votes), so I'm probably going to do all of them but I'm going to start with complete series. As a note, for now I'm trying to not repeat books, so at the end I'll mention books I have already covered that also fit the criteria.
I almost always buy books before the series is complete. I'm not sure why, though I do find it more convenient to not have to buy a six book series in one go because that can get expensive even if they're all out in paperback. Not to mention getting matching editions can be a struggle. There's also the issue that books might nog get sequels if not enough people buy the first book.
But sometimes it's nice to be able to read all the books in a series after each other. You can go into book two still remembering what happened in book 1, something I regularly struggle with. I went into Chain of Iron not remembering what was going on with James and Cordelia and why they were getting married and had to look up a lot. And you won't have to wait 1-2 years for the sequel after reading a book that ended on a serious cliffhanger. For that reason, I have put together this list of complete series that I would recommend. There are a little more books in this picture than usual, mainly because they're all complete series.
All of them are duology's or trilogy's, interestingly enough I couldn't find many series that are longer and I feel like duology's especially have been popular lately.
I'm starting with Black Wings Beating by Alex London
This is a trilogy set in Uztar, a land that worships birds of prey and falconers, and follows twins Brysen and Kylee. Brysen wants nothing more than to be a great falconer, but is not particularly talented at it, whereas Kylee, who does have the gift to speak the hollow tongue of the birds, would rather escape falconry forever. When Brysen's boyfriend gets in trouble, he needs a ghost eagle to get out, something he'd promised a debtor he'd get, and so Brysen sets out to the mountains to capture a ghost eagle, whereas Kylee follows him to keep him safe. This is a very underrated series, which is sad because it's very good. An interesting and unique magic system that relates to the language of birds of prey, a heavy focus on the complicated sibling relationship between twins who grew up in an abusive household, two queer main characters. Brysen is gay and Kylee is ace/aro. Brysen is kind of a dumbass who regularly needs to be saved from himself but I loved him regardless, whereas Kylee is very protective of him and mainly goes along because she wants to keep him safe.
Also by this author: Proxy duology (YA); Battle Dragons series (MG), neither of which I read
Next up is Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
This is an alternate history duology with the premise of the American civil war ending in a zombie apocalypse. The solution to this problem? Training Black and Indigenous people to fight the zombies. Jane McKeene is a Black girl going to school to become an attendant, a personal bodyguard for rich ladies, which is a better option than fighting in the frontlines. But people are going missing, and Jane finds herself caught up in a conspiracy by people looking to return America to former glory days. I think this series was an interesting take on zombies. It's been a while since I read this one, so I don't remember the details as well, but I do remember Katherine being one of my favorites in this series. She's also on the cover of the second book, which is on the picture, and I thought her and Jane's friendship was one of the most interesting developments, especially since they dislike each other at first. One of the main villains was also really interesting and really unexpected, I won't give too much away about this character but it was very well done. It's also a queer book series, with Jane being bi and Katherine ace/aro. It's fast paced, especially in the second book, and there's lots of action, making this an easy series to get through.
Also by this author: Dread Nation was her big breakthrough, but she's published several relatively unknown YA books before that, which I haven't read, including Vengeance Bound and a Promise of Shadows. Her most recent book is a Rust in the Root, which I haven't read yet but is on my wishlist.
Then I have the Girls of Paper and Fire series by Natasha Ngan
Somehow with this series I ended up having three different editions. I didn't even realize I'd ordered the last one in paperback, but the hardcover was so expensive I'd just left it this way. Could look better on my book shelf, but it could also be a lot worse. Sometimes publishers publish a regular UK edition paperback and then for the next book it ends up being a very big UK paperback much like the one I have for this series and it looks terrible.
This series is sapphic fantasy trilogy set in an Asia inspired world ruled by demons. Demons in this case are antropomorphic animals, also known as the Moon caste. In between are the Steel caste which are humans with animal traits and the lowest and most vulnerable caste are the Paper caste, which are humans. Each year, eight human girls are chosen to serve the king as Paper Girls, which are essentially concubines. This year, there are nine, and the ninth is Lei, a wide eyed country girl who lives in a village with her father and is taken away to the palace. There, she falls in love with one of the other Paper Girls and ends up caught in a rebellion against the king and the caste system. This book deals with heavy topics, including sexual assault, and I do not remember 100% if there is rape on page but I think there might be, so be careful with that. The first book is mainly set in the palace, but the second and third explore the rest of this world a bit more, and I think the world building was very well done, and the world building is very complex, with lots of issues with some people on the rebellion side too rather than just king bad rebellion good. The love interest especially ends up being rather morally grey at times.
Other books by this author: The Elites and The Memory Keepers were both published before this series, neither of which I read
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia is a dystopian duology set on the latine inspired island nation of Medio.
This world is divided between the inner and outer parts of the island with a wall seperating them. The outer parts are barely habitable due to the salt on the land, but the wall keeps them out of the inner part, whereas the inner part is wealthiest. The upper class of Medio has a tradition that all men, who are in power, have two wives to support them. A primera is more intellectual, she keeps track of the household, servants and supports her husband in politics. The segunda is more emotional and sexual. She is the one who has sex with the man and has his children and raises them, but Segunda's are also taught to be charming, to play with other people's emotions and soothe the husband etc. The main character, Dani, was born on the outer side of the island, but her parents fought very hard to get her a better life. They got her a forged upper class pedigree and got her enrolled in a school for Medio girls to train them in one of the two wife roles, in Dani's case as a Primera. At the beginning of the book, she marries the son of an important politician, and is approached by a rebel organization to spy for them, leaving her with a difficult choice. What I thought was very interesting about Dani as a character is that she's so conflicted about her role in this world. Her first instinct is to cling to the privilege her upper class position grants her, after all, her parents sacrificed so much to give her that, but she also has the chance to fight for a better Medio for everyone, and has to make a choice. Along the way, she grows closer to her husband's Segunda Carmen, a girl she used to hate in school, and falls in love with her. I won't give too much away about book 2, except that in book 2 Carmen is the protagonist, which worked really well in this duology and I liked her POV a lot, perhaps even better than Dani's.
Other books by this author: Paola Santiago series, a middle grade published by Rick Riordan's imprint.
Upcoming: Lucha of the Night Forest, a YA fantasy coming 3-2023
Crier's War by Nina Varela
This is a duology in which humans made a race of automatae that look exactly like humans but better looking, smarter etc. And eventually, the automatons took over from humans. This duology is told from the alternating POV of Crier and Ayla. Ayla is a human girl who lost her family to the Automae and wants revenge. And she intends to get it by killing Crier. Crier is the daughter of the Sovereign, which in the case of Automae means she was constructed by his wishes since Automae are made and not born. Crier was to follow in his footsteps and become the new Governor, but her father might not be as good a person as she always believed, and her betrothed Kinok is definitely not someone she trusts. And then she meets Ayla. This book is an enemies to lover between Crier and Ayla, except that it is really one sided enemies. Ayla wants to kill Crier at first, but Crier is kind of a useless gay from the beginning, which I think creates a hilarious dynamic. There's lots of twists and turns in this series, especially with Crier finding out more about her origin and about her fiancé Kinok's plans for this world, but also Ayla's family's origin and their role in the creation of the Automae.
Upcoming by this author: Juniper Harvey and the Vanishing Kingdom, a middle grade fantasy
The last duology I'll be discussing is A Song of Wraiths and Ruin, which seems like a very stereotypical YA fantasy title, but is the first book in a very good fantasy duology set in a west Africa inspired world (the author is from Ghana specifically).
Ziran is a prosperous city in the desert surrounded by many poor and war stricken areas. Malik has fled from his home with his two sisters to go to Ziran and start a new life, but his younger sister Nadia is abducted by a vengeful spirit in exchange for passage into the city. Desperate, Malik strikes a deal with the spirit to get his sister back - if he kills princess Karina. And so he enters the city's Solstasia competition to get close to her.
Princess Karina is far from ready to take on any royal responsibilities, but when her mother, the Sultana, is assassinated, Karina has to take the throne. Far from ready for this role, Karina decides that instead she's going to bring back her mother from the dead. She finds an ancient spell to help her. The only problem, she needs the heart of a king. So during the upcoming Solstasia competition, she offers her hand in marriage to the victor.
During the first book, Karina and Malik meet a couple of times and have their own plot, but their stories also intertwine a lot, and during this whole time they are essentially trying to kill each other without the other having any clue, making this an interesting take on enemies to lovers. Nor do either of time really want to kill the other, it's more of a necessity for their respective goals in saving family members, which I guess is understandable? I loved Malik immediately. He's sensitive, anxious, traumatized, and will do anything for his sisters. Karina took a little more time since she's a little unlikeable at first but she's really one of those characters who grows on you.
The plot of this book is also very good and there are some well thought out plot twists that I didn't see coming and interesting world building that deals with topics such as immigration. The second book especially is rather long and it's not a very fast paced series, which is often the case with more world building heavy stories so that has to be your thing.
Other books by the author: Serwa Boateng's guide to Vampire Hunting, which is the first in a middle grade series published with Rick Riordan presents
Complete series I've covered in previous recommendation posts: This Poison Heart & This Wicked Fate by Kalynn Bayron
Let me know if you've read any of those, and it's still possible to vote on the poll for which category books I'll cover next.
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @bottomdelioncourt @ikissedsmithparker
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fixxitforward · 1 year
Hey Guys,
You can call me Pixurl!
My Team and I have recently created a small mental health community website. Its run by myself and a few other individuals (we all are suffering /seeking some form of help, so its a place to be heard and understood. Our focus is to create a supportive and understanding place for people who struggle with all kinds of issues, while still having a great experience.
We have some fun challenge events every Friday were we urge our community to participate in simple events to earn tokens for various uses. these are low or no competition events. hosted every Fix It Forward Friday, challenges can range from drinking a glass of water all the way up to focusing on meditation for 15 minutes and beyond. a wide variety of challenges will be suggested for the purpose of including everyone.. you can even make you OWN challenge! As long as you are safely challenging yourself to do what you can do. Can be a personal goal like just getting out of bed. Other times its ace the job interview. We can respect all levels and efforts equally. While we encourage posting your success, we do understand privacy is a factor and other things can hold others back! However we work on the honor system at FFF. Your able to claim one token a day for logging in and two on Fridays if you mark your challenge complete! Occasionally posters will be chosen at random to be rewarded extra tokens. So post your progress if able. We havent quite gotten that portion of the site functional but will post updates onsite and across social media as they come. in the mean time anyone who signs up before then will receive a special thanks gift when the tokens go live :)
We have some other features as well. Themed pages like "Mental Health Cafe", "Recovery & Healing", and "Self-Help & Self-Care" Are LIVE!! weare slowly but steadily building formal and informal article content for informational purposes and for topics of discussion. Most pages will have comment sections unless the Mod of that section has requested them to be turned off.
There is actually Also a portion of Self Help that focuses on "Step By Step Guides" I personally struggled learning alot of pretty basic things in my teen years.. with everything going on it was just not something I could focus on. Later in life i was to embarrassed to ask for help or a walk through of things like word processor or making a resume for a job.. or really even how to act and dress at an interview! Yeah sure, you see movies and you may know some friends, but it can become debilitating and nerve wracking to face without support (as many things can be) google doesnt always have great very detailed stuff and same with youtube. and normally the person who make that guide would be able to assist if you get stuck!
we are still working on upgrades as of now and ironing out the kinks but we would so greatly appreciate if you could user test the site a bit? Give some feedback and notify of any bugs or issues you run into? That would be wonderful
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diaryofanangrybitch · 4 months
I’m not crying, you are.
February 2024
I haven't been doing well. I've been struggling to get up in the morning and struggling to complete everyday tasks. I've been crying – a lot. I cry on my way to work and on my way back. I cry in bed and in the shower, in the kitchen and on the couch. Every day I wake up, and an overwhelming sense of dread seeps into every crevice of my body. I carry it with me for the rest of the day. It's heavy. My head weighs a tonne and my shoulders slump. Holding myself up is exhausting. I'm tired. So fucking tired. With all my energy spent on just getting through the day, there's none left to help me enjoy it. Everything is a chore.
How I ended up here is complicated, with a multitude of minor obstacles building up into one giant jungle gym. It's a maze with booby traps, loopholes, and jump-scares. I fucking hate jump-scares.
First and foremost, the environment where I spend majority of my time has changed – my workplace. Typically, I enjoy my work. It's complex, fast-paced, challenging and entirely conducive to my ideals. However, at the moment, it's entirely unstable, and I don't function well without a solid base. It's reached the extent now that I dread going to work in the mornings. This isn't uncommon for me. I go through clear ups-and-downs with work, but this down is pervasive.
Work and I have a complicated relationship. The entire concept of having to engage in wage labour in order to access basic human necessities. like shelter and food is absolutely absurd. We aren’t given much of a choice but to adhere to and/or enforce capitalist structures. That’s bad enough in itself (and I have no doubt I’ll be writing more about this in the future), but the fact that work takes me away from what I actually want to be doing is just the cherry on top.
Writing is what I truly want to be doing. I want to write books and novels, both fiction and non-fiction. I want to write about my fantasies and my daydreams, my critiques of theories and rallying cries to activism. I want to write my thoughts and opinions and imaginative worlds to fuel my need for sweet, sweet escapism. Unfortunately, writing doesn't pay the bills, and I'm therefore forced to squander my creativity and become a cog in the capitalist machine, ironically in a role dedicated to fixing the disasters it causes.
I've been trying to tailor my writing to be more marketable, more attractive to the everyday consumer and appealing to publishers, but that's not as fun as writing what I actually want to. I'm used to writing heavy, traumatic literary fiction about young women overcoming trauma, and balancing this with some YA fiction and cheesy romance. My stories are always set in other countries, never Australia. It feels too real to me, too close to home. But, I've decided to give it a go. It probably isn't the right time to challenge myself emotionally in this way, but I've been wanting to do it for quite a while and never had the guts to. If I have them now, I don't want to wait.
On top of that, I've been writing about my own experiences of trauma. I've been recapping all my experiences of violence, detailing exactly what happened to me, from the injuries they caused to the look in my perpetrator's eyes. This was going to be triggering for me. I knew that. It had been fine right up until the point of my involvement in mental health services, and the systems injustices that followed. It's been so upsetting to me, I've needed to take a break. I haven't been able to get through it. It's made me angry.
Now, I'm struggling to write both fiction and non-fiction, leaving me in a state of frustration. My usual outlets aren't as available as they were before. I'm being harsh on myself, too. I could take a break from writing an Australian novel and focus on some Americanised romance, but that feels like a cop out. It also won't fix the problem. I'm already half-way up the mountain. I'd be stupid to back down now.
Life doesn’t consider these things. It doesn't stop. It doesn't give you a break. Your responsibilities at home don't ease off when you're struggling emotionally, or when you're having a rough time at work. It doesn’t care if you're having an existential crisis or trying to overcome trauma. The world around you keeps on spinning. At home, there's always something to do, whether it's doing the dishes, changing the sheets, or vacuuming the carpet. A certain part of my brain is always dedicated solely to what needs to be done at home – what groceries need to be done and what bills need to be paid.
My physical health isn't great at the moment, either. I've been having some pain around my spleen, where I had surgery last year. The doctors don't think it's anything major, but it still needs to be followed up and will still need to be monitored. More things to organize and be mindful of.
When I was catching the train to work, these responsibilities were more manageable. I had nothing to do but sit and wait to arrive, so I could easily make a to-do list, order the groceries, or make appointments. That's not an option anymore. The trains are down, so I'm driving 45-60 minutes each way just to get to work. That's almost two hours a day gone.
It was my car that sent me over the edge this week. I was driving home from work when a rock hit my windscreen and chipped the glass. I called my insurance to lodge a claim, but it wasn't confirmed the first time so I had to go through the claim again. They sent some guys out to fix it, but it wasn't done properly. Now I need to follow it all up again. It's nothing major, but in conjunction with everything else, it was too much. It's another setback – another thing requiring space in my brain. It pushed me over the edge.
It's the way the situation just doesn't seem to let up that's bothering me. It's things not going to plan, and consistently going wrong, despite my efforts to fix them. If just one thing could go smoothly, that would be great.
I feel like a bad girlfriend. Liam hasn't had the easiest time lately either, but he hasn't once complained about my sour mood or lack of emotional presence. He's kept things stable and consistent. He's been on the rollercoaster with me, giving me love when I need it and space when I don't.
This can't last much longer. I want to do better and be better. Something has got to give. Either things ease off, or I learn to manage it better. Both sound impossible.
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setupwindows145 · 4 months
Is Cricut AutoPress Right for You in 2024?
You’ve heard of the Cricut AutoPress if you want to focus more on crafting and less on heat transfer. But if you’re concerned about whether this machine is right for you, this helpful guide is for you. I have tested various projects and researched this machine in detail. Then, I prepared this easy guide to help you decide whether you need to buy it.
Read my guide and learn about the features, performance, price, setup, specifications, security measures, and design of AutoPress, and I will share my personal experience. As soon as you’ve completed this guide, you’ll know if it suits your crafting style or not. So, let’s get started; follow this guide until the end; otherwise, you will only have half of the confusing information.
What Is Cricut AutoPress?
The first thing you need to do is know what an auto press is. If you already know about it, then you can skip it. “The AutoPress is a Cricut heat press machine that can automatically apply pressure and heat up to 2 inches thick simultaneously. Its ceramic-coated heat plate covers 15 inches by 12 inches and can heat up to 400 degrees.” It is used for adhering iron-on vinyl, infusible ink, or sublimation print to various flat blanks, such as T-shirts, tote bags, coasters, and more.
Cricut AutoPress Design & Build Quality
I know you’re curious about the design, build quality, and how it differs from the Cricut EasyPress and other heat presses. In fact, every Cricut heat press machine is different and is used according to the need. However, AutoPress shines when we want to do a large number of projects and large surface projects with consistency and ease.
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Additionally, it uses a hinge system when moving the heat plate and applies pressure autonomously depending on the thickness of the material, making it the easiest heat press on the market.
Features & Performance of Cricut AutoPress
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I’m a full-time crafter and have done different projects with this machine. I found the heat press to be the easiest to close because it applies pressure automatically. As far as the project outcome is concerned, you will get visually attractive results.
First, this machine offers a zero-effort system that allows us to close the iron with just two fingers.
Moreover, it has an Intelligent pressure system that adjusts the pressure simultaneously to heat according to materials.
Subsequently, an AutoPress has a ceramic-coated heat plate that ensures clean results and heats up to 205°C.
Next, we will get an Automation power-off function to ensure safety.
Last but not least, it offers a large opening angle and fan-assisted ventilation for larger projects.
Cricut Auto Heat Press Safety Measures
As we know, it is a heat press, so it is important to know the safety measures before investing in the Cricut AutoPress heat press machine.
Firstly, an LED indicator on the machine informs us what is going on.
Secondly, the press will turn off automatically after 13 minutes
Third, the AutoPress has an internal fan that keeps the handle cool.
Fourth, it is made with certified temperature plastics that resist heat.
Cricut AutoPress Setup
Trust me, as I mentioned below, setting up AutoPress after purchasing it is very easy.
First and foremost, remove the machine from the box and place it on the table.
After that, we will plug the power cord into the power outlet and turn it on.
Then, connect one end of the USB to the computer and the other end to AutoPress.
Moreover, download and install the Cricut Design Space from cricut.com/setup.
Finally, select the heat press> AutoPress and complete the on-screen prompts.
Finally, select the heat press> AutoPress and complete the on-screen prompts.
Cricut AutoPress Price: Should You Buy or Not
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Frequently Asked Questions
HTVRONT auto heat press vs Cricut, which one is best?
So, both the Cricut and the HTVRONT are heat press machines, but the HTVRONT is lighter and can reach higher temperatures than the Cricut. However, the Cricut is perfect and better for those who like manual controls and customer support, like me. Additionally, we also produce stunning results on the Cricut Machine and can offer the Cricut Heat App and the Cricut Heat Site.
How to use Cricut AutoPress?
Below, I have mentioned a brief step on how to use Auto Press Cricut easily.
Initially, set the machine and cut the design on HTV or infusible ink sheet.
Then, position the base material on the heat mat, follow the Cricut Heat Guide, and adjust the time and temperature.
Moreover, apply the heat on the surface until the design is infused.
Finally, switch off AutoPress and leave the project to leave cool down.
What is the heat setting on the Cricut AutoPress?
A Cricut auto heat press machine can heat from 170° to 400°F (75° to 205°C), and it is mostly used to transfer heat on big projects. The following are the steps to get exact time and temperature information.
First, go to the cricut.com/heatguide and select this machine.
After that, we will select the heat transfer material & also choose your base material.
Finally, select the Apply option; detailed information will appear on the screen.
Final Thoughts 
If you do many HTV, sublimation, and infusible ink projects with Cricut, you will face difficulties as it takes time and more energy. Cricut has introduced the Cricut AutoPress machine, a perfect machine made for home use. Above, I have told you everything about this machine that you will need to know. If your budget and project requirement match this machine, then you should invest in this machine.
Source Url :- Cricut heat press machine 
Visit here for more Information:-  Cricut AutoPress
cricut autopress machine
cricut autopress machine 2024
Cricut heat press machine
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marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
Delta Review – Get Free Traffic And Sales By James Fawcett 
Welcome to my Delta Review Post. This is a real user-based Delta review where I will focus on the features, upgrades, demo, pricing and bonus, how Delta can help you, and my opinion. You’re Just Simply click to get ‘Done For You’ AI Funnels that generate free traffic and sales in 90 seconds! This results in a passive income of $820.45 Every Day.
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>> Click Here to Get Delta + My $20000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
Delta Review: What Is It?
Delta is a powerful tool that can substantially increase your sell anything with ‘Done For You’ AI Funnels, generating free traffic and sales in only 90 seconds! Delta is in a league of its own, unlike anything else now accessible. Delta’s innovative AI engine powers sales smoothly, even without the typical selling method. Admittedly, it may seem puzzling at first, but it did for me. However, it is exactly what distinguishes Delta.
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Delta Review: Overview
Creator: James Fawcett Product: Delta Date Of Launch: 2024-Feb-04 Time Of Launch: 09:00 EST Front-End Price: $17 Official Website: Click Here Product Type: Website / Membership Support: Effective Response Discount : Get The Best Discount Right Now! Recommended: Highly Recommended Skill Level Required: All Levels Refund: YES, 360 Days Money-Back Guarantee
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Delta Review: Key Features
Activate Your Delta “Stealth Funnels” in 90 Seconds or Less.
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Delta Review: How Does It Work?
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Delta Review: Who Should Use It?
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Social Media Marketers
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Video Marketers
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Website Owners
Delta Review: OTO And Pricing
Front End Price: Delta ($17)
OTO 1: Unlimited ($67)
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OTO 3: Cash Automations ($67)
OTO 4: Limitless Buyer Traffic ($47)
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Delta Review: My Special Bonus Bundle
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>> Click Here to Get Delta + My $20000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
Delta Review: Money Back Guarantee
Our 365 Days Iron CladMoney Back Guarantee
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Delta Review: Conclusion
Delta Tools is a game changer when it comes to generating free traffic and increasing revenue. Delta Tools’ all-in-one solution, superior AI technology, and user-friendly interface enable organizations of all sizes to experience extraordinary growth. Whether you’re an experienced marketer or just starting out, Delta Tools offers the resources you need to succeed. So, why are you waiting? Take advantage of Delta Tools’ free traffic and sales tools now to help your online business prosper!
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None, all you need is just internet connection. And you’re good to go
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Depends, If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo It’s up to you.
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Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Delta.
Q. Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
Nop, Delta is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
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While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried Delta and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid And send you $300 on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time.
Q. How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page and secure your copy of Delta at a one-time fee.
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Thank for reading my Delta Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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bylightofdawn · 10 months
WIP Sunday
Okay so I'm TECHNICALLY 30 minutes late but ya'll I think this is the first WIP Sunday I've done in three weeks so we're not going to dither over the nitty gritty details.
Jaster is meeting with Plo and Tyvokka regarding his frustrations in finding a trade negotiator and broker who is willing to stand up to the Trade Federation goons. Afterwards, their talk shifts to other topics and he royally puts his foot in his mouth because he has -100 speech sometimes. Story spoiler characters beneath the cut, you have been warned. I'm also SO FUCKING CLOSE to ending this chapter but I have a blinding migraine and I just...cannot brain any further. I guess this way ya'll don't have to deal with any cliffhangers cause this was gonna end on one. As always, this is super rough and not edited yadda yadda
“Aside from stress regarding trying to iron out a fair trade agreement for Mandalore, how are things going otherwise? Jango looked in fine health when I saw him.”
“He’s pretty much fully recovered, he’s been pestering me to let him join the patrols.”
That earned him a sharp look from Arla because apparently her brother hadn’t felt the need to inform her of that. And judging by the way her eyes narrowed angrily, she wasn’t pleased with this development.
“Have you…had any further issues with Death Watch?” Plo Koon asked carefully.
“They seem to have gone to ground. I’m not sure if they are reinforcing and preparing for an all out assault or what.” Jaster very pointedly didn’t glance in Arla’s direction. “Coruscant is a nightmare to try and track anyone.”
“Honestly, I’d much prefer to conclude our business here and fight with them just about anywhere else in the galaxy. And I’m sure the CSF feel the same way, the sooner we get off of their planet with the minimal amount of damage to the city or its citizens, the better.” Jaster admitted, rubbing at his face tiredly.
Tyvokka growled something and the crisp Coruscanti accent of the translation program echoed his sentiments. “We would prefer to avoid outright warfare in the streets as well.”
“I understand, Master Tyvokka, which is what we are trying to accomplish because I can assure you, I don’t want any collateral damage or blood on my hands either. We aren’t Death Watch where civilian lives are considered an acceptable cost for victory’s sake.”
Belatedly, he realized how thoughtless a thing to say in front of Arla and he slanted a guilty look the blonde’s way. “Sorry, habit.”
Her chin jerked up in a belligerent angle.
“Don’t apologize; you’re right. The slaughter of my family proves that. Death Watch doesn’t care about innocent bystanders or collateral damage. I should know; I was one of them. What do you think my kill count is?” She spat the last part before turning coldly on her heel and stalking out of the room.
“I know, ner kar’ta.” He’d already jumped to his feet when Plo called his name. “Excuse me, I’m sorry.”
“Of course, go focus on Arla.”
He needed no further convincing and jogged out of the room in search of Arla. He knew he was on the right track when he ran into a wounded-looking Jango.
“What the kriff did you say to her?” His son hissed at him.
“I screwed up, ad’ika. Where is she?”
“She was headed up to the roof. You might want to wear a jackpack in case she decides to push you off!” Jango called after him as he pushed by.
“You missed your calling as a comedian, Jango.” Jaster shot back over his shoulder as he reached the turbolift. Unlike Arla, it was coded to give him full access to the condo’s lift system. Jango had joked about her throwing him off of the roof but a more realistic scenario and one she thankfully had not tried so far was for her to overpower one of them, maybe knock them unconscious--or worse--and use their biometrics to try and escape.
There had been a reason all of them had been armed around her for the first few weeks though she hadn’t really made any earnest attempts to escape.
Now, he had no idea what emotional state he’d find the young woman in now that he’d so thoughtlessly triggered her trauma responses. Belatedly, he realized there was a smattering of blood in the corner of the lift which looked worryingly fresh.
Jaster was concerned Arla might have hurt herself somehow and the moment the lift door opened, he ran out of them, desperately searching around for the blonde.
“Arla!” He spotted her near the rooftop’s edge on the lounge she seemed to favor. She sat with her knees curled up to her chest and her face buried in her arms.
“Go. Away!” She snarled at him and Jaster could hear the waver in her voice.
Guilt flooded him as he cautiously approached.
“I’m sorry. I am a complete and utter ass.”
“I don’t care about your stupid apologies. Leave me alone!” Arla shouted at him.
“I can’t, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean you when I said that, Arla. None of us blame you for what you did when you were in Death Watch. You were kidnapped, tortured, and brainwashed into doing what they want. They had to pump you full of drugs to keep you compliant. You are not responsible for what you did with them.”
“Maybe that’s good enough for you, but it’s not good enough for me.” When she raised her head to glare at him, Jaster could see the tears running down her cheeks and his heart ached for the girl.
“We’ve all done things we regret. You have the choice to drag that around like chains holding you to your past, or you can choose to acknowledge what you did but also that you were manipulated and abused until it was easier to comply than fight Death Watch.”
The dark-haired man carefully approached and finally knelt in front of Arla on the deck so they were more or less at eye level. “We Mandalorians…we understand that sometimes your past contains so many awful and painful memories that you long for a fresh start. If you want, when we get back to Mandalore, we can arrange for you to perform a cin vhetin.”
“That only works with non-Mandalorians.” The blonde argued somewhat weakly and this close, Jaster could see the shivers running through her frame.
“I”m the Mand’alor. I make the rules and deem an exception will be made here. Let the old you die so that you can live a healed life with a happier and more honorable future. Because you might try and convince me you’re a monster, Arla Fett, but I know better. I’ve known true monsters, and you are not one of them.”
After a moment’s hesitation, he reached out and touched her shoulder gently.
She looked at him with red-rimmed, tear-filled eyes and Jaster suddenly found himself nearly back onto his ass when she slid off of the lounge and threw herself at him with a sob. Shocked but unwilling to ignore that silent plea for comfort, he wrapped his arms around the crying woman and did his best to soothe her as she cried into his shoulder.
He had some experience of this from when Jango had been much younger and less likely to squirm in the face of any affection, so he drew upon those old tricks and smoothed his hand up and down Arla’s back soothingly and just let her cry herself out.
If she was anything like her brother, she wouldn’t spill her guts or tell him what was going on inside her brain, and trying to pry it out from her would probably send her skittering away like a skittish tooka.
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Mastering Your Green Card Interview: A Guide to Conquering the Most Common Questions
You're one step closer to your American Dream - the green card interview! This might be the final frontier before you're officially welcomed into the United States as a permanent resident. But this process can seem daunting, especially when facing an interview with a USCIS officer. However, with the proper preparation, you can turn this experience from nerve-wracking to just another tick on your checklist.
Getting Ready for Your Interview
The key to a successful interview? Preparation. Start by knowing what you're in for. Visit the USCIS website for information on the interview process, the required documents, and the potential questions you might face. Even consider giving USCIS customer service a ring if you have specific questions - they're there to help!
Next, it's time to gather your 'evidence.' This includes your passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate (if applicable), and any other documents relevant to your application. Make sure to organize them neatly for your interview. If you're missing any paperwork, work on obtaining them ASAP.
Then, double-check your application. Ensure all your information is accurate and up-to-date. This might seem trivial, but you'd be surprised how often people trip up over discrepancies between their applications and interview answers.
Finally, it's rehearsal time! Practice makes perfect, so don't shy away from mock interviews with friends or family. Get used to speaking clearly and confidently; iron out those nervous tics!
Tackling the Common Questions
Now let's talk about the actual interview. While each interview is unique, some questions are almost universally asked.
Tell me about yourself: Keep it concise and relevant, focusing on your background and qualifications.
Why do you want to live in the United States? Be honest, genuine, and focus on the opportunities you're looking for in the US.
What do you do for a living? Here, they want to assess your financial stability. If you're not working, have a plan to show how you'd support yourself.
How did you meet your spouse (if applicable)? The goal here is to determine the legitimacy of your marriage, so be prepared to share your love story in detail.
Do you have any children? Describe your family situation and plans to support and care for your children in the U.S.
Facing the Curveballs
Life has a way of throwing us curveballs, and USCIS officers are no different. They might throw in some tricky or unexpected questions. The golden rule? Stay calm, composed, and, most importantly - honest.
If you don't know the answer, don't try to bluff your way through. It's perfectly okay to ask for clarification or admit that you're unsure. The officers value honesty over fabricated answers.
Remember always to stay respectful and polite, even if the officer seems doubtful about your application. You can provide additional evidence or calmly explain any irregularities in your case.
Wrapping Up
The green card interview might seem like a gigantic hurdle, but it's entirely manageable with the proper preparation. Remember, the officer's goal isn't to trick you or make your life difficult. They're just ensuring the integrity of the system.
Prepare, practice, and stay true to yourself - that's the secret recipe for a successful green card interview. So, here's to your future as a U.S. permanent resident!
If you or your family members have any questions about how immigration and nationality laws in the United States may affect you, or if you want to access additional information about immigration and nationality laws in the United States or Canada, please don't hesitate to contact the immigration and nationality lawyers at NPZ Law Group. You can reach us by emailing [email protected] or by calling us at 201-670-0006 extension 104. We also invite you to visit our website at www.visaserve.com for more information.
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zammyrinepicr · 1 year
The Most Creative Minecraft Mods You Need to Try
Minecraft is a game that has been enjoyed by millions of players around the world minecraft download.
One of the reasons for its popularity is the endless opportunities for customization and creativity.
With the help of mods, players can take their Minecraft experience to a whole new level.
In this article, we will be taking a look at some of the most creative Minecraft mods that you need to try.
Introduction to Minecraft Mods
What are Minecraft mods?
Why are mods popular among Minecraft players?
Are mods safe to use?
The Most Popular Minecraft Mods
Optifine: Improve Minecraft graphics and performance
Biomes O' Plenty: Add new biomes to Minecraft world
Tinkers' Construct: Create custom tools and weapons
Twilight Forest: Explore a new dimension with unique creatures and structures
Pam's Harvestcraft: Add new crops and foods to Minecraft
Chisel: Customize Minecraft blocks with a variety of designs
Storage Drawers: Organize items in a compact and convenient way
Iron Chests: Upgrade Minecraft chests for more storage capacity
JourneyMap: Navigate Minecraft world with ease
WAILA: Get detailed information on Minecraft blocks and items
The Most Creative Minecraft Mods
1. Decocraft
Decocraft is a mod that adds a variety of decorative items to Minecraft, such as furniture, paintings, and toys.
With Decocraft, you can create your own customized home or building with a unique and personal touch.
2. Botania
Botania is a mod that adds magic and mystical elements to Minecraft.
With Botania, you can create your own garden filled with magical flowers, and use them to cast spells and create powerful items.
3. Buildcraft
Buildcraft is a mod that allows you to automate various processes in Minecraft, such as mining, farming, and transportation.
With Buildcraft, you can create complex systems that do the work for you, freeing up your time to focus on other tasks.
4. Galacticraft
Galacticraft is a mod that allows you to explore outer space and visit other planets.
With Galacticraft, you can build your own spaceship, travel to the moon, Mars, and other planets, and establish your own colony.
5. Pixelmon
Pixelmon is a mod that adds Pokemon to Minecraft. With Pixelmon, you can catch, train, and battle Pokemon, just like in the original Pokemon games.
How to Install Minecraft Mods
Where can you find Minecraft mods?
How to download and install Minecraft mods?
How to troubleshoot Minecraft mods?
Are Minecraft mods free to download and use?
Yes, most Minecraft mods are free to download and use. Are Minecraft mods safe to use?
While most Minecraft mods are safe to use, it is important to download them from trusted sources and use caution when installing them.
Can you use multiple Minecraft mods at once?
Yes, you can use multiple Minecraft mods at once, but it is important to make sure that they are compatible with each other.
Do Minecraft mods work on all versions of Minecraft?
No, Minecraft mods are usually designed for specific versions of Minecraft, so it is important to make sure that you have the correct version of Minecraft before installing mods.
Can Minecraft mods be used on multiplayer servers?
It depends on the
Minecraft mods are a great way to enhance your Minecraft experience and add new elements of creativity and fun.
Whether you are looking for improved graphics and performance, new biomes and dimensions, customized tools and weapons, or magical and mystical elements, there is a Minecraft mod out there for you to try.
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akashkesari1 · 2 years
Internal Medicine  The Benefits of Having a Primary Care Provider
Generally, internal medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing, treating, and preventing various diseases in the human body. This branch of medicine is also known as general internal medicine. The term internist or physician describes a doctor specializing in this branch of medicine.
Among the many benefits of having a primary care provider is the ability to prevent common ailments. A primary care provider is responsible for determining a patient's overall health status and identifying and referring patients to a specialist if necessary. They are also on the front lines of population health management.
In addition to diagnosing and treating illnesses, the best primary care providers monitor their patients' overall health and recommend changes to improve their quality of life. This is especially important for patients over the age of 50. A primary care provider will also recommend various treatments, such as medication, iron supplements, and flu shots.
The essential service provided by an internal medicine doctor is treating patients with chronic illnesses. Doctors trained in internal medicine can diagnose and treat conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoarthritis. They also provide continuing care in ambulatory and hospital settings.
Other medical services an internal medicine practitioner provides include treating acute medical conditions, such as pneumonia, hepatitis, and anemia. Some internal medicine practitioners specialize in treating adults, while others focus on pediatrics or geriatrics. Some internal medicine practitioners specialize in a specific body system, such as gastroenterology or pulmonology.
While it is not uncommon for an internist to spend a few years working in a hospital, they are also trained to treat patients in various ambulatory settings.
Getting a primary care physician is necessary to maintain healthy lifestyle. However, most people should see their primary care doctor more often. Having a doctor in your corner is the best way to prevent illness before it starts.
A physician can help you make sense of your symptoms, determine if you need treatment for a specific disease, and recommend a specialist. They can also give you the low down on the latest medical breakthroughs. As with any medical care, the best time to see your doctor is when you are well.
A physician can tell you the best way to keep your heart healthy. However, many people need to learn how to keep their cholesterol levels in check. If you want to stay fit and healthy, get enough exercise. A healthy diet is also a good idea. As for avoiding disease, some people may be unwitting victims of a genetic disorder. As with any health condition, you must ensure you get the proper vaccinations.
Many other diseases may affect you and your family. In some cases, prevention is the best cure. If you're the lucky type, you can find a primary care physician specializing in preventing and treating many illnesses.
During an internal medicine consultation, a doctor will ask patients detailed questions about their symptoms and medications. They will then use the patient's medical history to diagnose. Some diagnoses can be made in a short amount of time, while others may take months.
The diagnosis process involves collecting information, probabilistic reasoning, and narrowing diagnostic possibilities. The goal is to reduce diagnostic uncertainty, which allows clinicians to make the best decisions.
In addition to information gathered during the physical examination, the diagnostic process may include medical imaging. Imaging can provide evidence to confirm a diagnosis but also indicate the presence of a complication. An imaging study can also be used to identify coronary artery disease.
In some cases, a disease may present with a constellation of symptoms that can be difficult to recognize. These symptoms may also change over time. This is particularly true for rare diseases. Rare diseases can be associated with severe morbidity and mortality. This can lead to a more conservative diagnostic approach.
The pathophysiologic reliability of diagnosis involves checking on the consistency of pathophysiological principles and the reasonableness of causal linkages between clinical events. This is an essential check, especially when considering invasive testing.
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