#you have two blorbos inside you the other fucks up and the other is a fuckup and you can't tell which is which congratulations????
jademint2581 · 8 months
tried the kinnie bingo cards (source) and
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Lookism x Reader: Happy Holidays!
G/N. Soft fluff. (All my blorbos - Gun Park, Goo Kim, Ryuhei Kuroda, Jake Kim, Vin Jin, Samuel Seo)
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Gun Park - Hat
For the man that could buy pretty much anything, you opted to go for homemade. A personal touch.
Issue is, your personal touch is pretty shitty and shoddy. Gun still accepts the hat with a straight face and heartfelt thanks even as you tell him he doesn't have to wear it.
Why wouldn't I, he thinks. You have spent your time and effort making this for him and he appreciates it. Even if it isn't quite his... taste.
"What is that on your head?" Goo exclaims, torn between bursting into laughter and abject horror at the crimson bobble hat Gun is sporting. Ends of his hair poking out, and the colour highlighting the red of his windswept cheeks and nose.
"Fuck off."
"I think it's cute," Crystal grins as Goo whirls around and screeches.
"Cute?! Gun Park? Have you lost your mind?"
"Like you can say anything with those ridiculous mittens."
"My mittens are not ridiculous!"
Ignoring Crystal and Goo devolving into slinging insults at each other, Kouji glances at Gun and chuckles, opens his mouth to tease-
And is intercepted by a look from Gun, and a warning. "Shut it if you want to live."
Kouji's mouth slams shut.
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Goo -  Mittens
"Tasteless," Gun sneers, and Goo kicks his ass for it.
"Tasteless," Kouji sighs, and Goo throws his laptop out the window.
"Tasteless," Crystal laments, and Goo- well. Goo can't exactly do anything. That's his boss's daughter, and nepotism is kinda a thing.
So he snarls, nostrils flaring and calls her tasteless too.
"I. LOVE. THESE!" You screech, high and shrill when you yank the mittens out of the box.
Tasteless huh, Goo thinks smugly as you cover him in kisses, No surprise it's everyone else that has no taste.
Birds of a feather truly flock together where you and Goo are concerned. Birds of a feather will also be able to keep their hands warm with their couples mittens too.
A conjoined monstrous thing, that allows you two to keep holding hands through the bitter Seoul winter. Keeping your fingers intertwined and an objectively OTT display of PDA. That you had to be touching, can't even bear to keep your hands to yourself for a moment, that you would need such an accessory.
Goo thought it was perfect when he laid eyes on it, if the way you two are always attached at the hip is any indication.
You clearly think so too, when Goo unwraps his own gift-
-Delighted and cackling, pulling out the same duplicate mittens.
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Ryuhei Kuroda - Card
"Y/N!" Ryuhei calls you from down the hallway, waving enthusiastically before striding over.
"Here," he grins, handing over a card, "Happy Holidays. Hope you like it!"
The card sits on your desk. It's somewhere between cringe and cheesy, and utterly charming.
On the front is a (badly) hand drawn picture of you and Ryuhei, signed with his signature in the corner. Inside, a couple lines of explicit filth accompanied with sickeningly sweet declarations and too many hearts and kisses to count.
You blame it on the festive period. That's the reason you're feeling so soppy and sentimental, why every time you look at the crappy drawing you can't help but smile.
Ryuhei blinks, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline, "You kept it?"
"Yeah," you peer at the card in your periphery, "I like it."
"You like it? Really?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
You hear Ryuhei mumbling something about how someone (no prizes for guessing who) would always just dump them in the trash without opening.
"...And they weren't even lewd," he sighs, then perks up, any gloominess dissipating and eyes practically sparkling, "But that's all in the past."
Absolutely delighted, Ryuhei leans over your desk, practically lying across it, and punctuates each word with a kiss, "You!” MWAH “Like!” MWAH “It!” MWAH
"Yeah," you smile fondly at your idiot, cupping his face, "I like you too."
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Jake Kim - Gifts
Jake shrugs off his jacket and loosens his tie. It's been a long day. Actually, it's just been a long goddamn year.
He runs his fingers through his hair, ready to jump in the shower and straight to bed when-
Gift bags and presents cover his coffee table and a 'DO NOT OPEN! IT'S NOT FOR YOU!' sign catches his eye.
Huh. That is undoubtedly your scrawl, but if they're not gifts for him then...? He fires off a quick text.
Jake: hey, did you leave some presents at mine?
Y/N: yeah!
Y/N: i did some shopping and grabbed some stuff for your big deal boys
Y/N: and lua ofc
Jake, jaw dropping open at your thoughtfulness: really?
Y/N: yep. sinu and yeonhui too btw.
Jake: are you serious??
Y/N: yeah.. is that not ok?
He’s rendered speechless. And that you might even think that you have overstepped or any such nonsense is ridiculous.
Jake: wow
Jake: it’s more than ok
Jake: you didn’t have to
Jake: i appreciate it.thank you
Y/N: 😁 its just some small bits and pieces. i didn't think you would have time
Y/N: i left some food for you in the fridge too 🥰
His breath hitches and stomach grumbles, your message reminding his body he hasn't had anything since this morning.
Jake starts to type-
I can't believe-
You're the best-
I'm so lucky-
You're too good to-
I don't know what I would do without-
None of them feel right.
In the end he settles for something far simpler.
He dials your number, hears the question in your voice when you pick up.
And pours everything into three words, "I love you."
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Vin Jin - Cheonliang
Vin opts for casual and nonchalant, pretends it's something that he thought of rather than something that he has wondered about for the last few weeks.
(Used Mary as a soundboard and she had thought it was a good idea, and if Mary thinks it's a good idea then it definitely is.)
It was a passing thought, at first. A small seed planted and grown until all Vin can think about is how nice the holidays would be with you, how cool it would be to show you where he grew up.
He can't ever escape the awful memories there that still haunt him, but... maybe he can create new memories too.
With you.)
"If you're not doing anything for the holiday break," Vin keeps his eyes on his phone, scrolling now and then to keep up appearances, "Want to come visit Cheonliang with me?"
The question is casual. Easygoing. Breezy. His voice doesn't crack at the end. He's not holding his breath waiting for your reply. He doesn't desperately wish you would say yes, and hasn’t already planned the days with you in advance.
"Yeah," Vin forces himself to shrug, "Might be nice."
"I would love to!"
Vin takes a peek in your direction, double checks he didn't just hallucinate your agreement or that you're joking.
He didn't, and you're not. All he sees is excitement painted over your face and a wide smile. You know how much this means.
He wraps his arm around your shoulder, a weight lifted from his own. Equally anxious and thrilled to show you every part of himself.
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Samuel Seo - Gift
"This would look good on you," Samuel shows you a piece of fine jewellery on his phone. It's exquisite. A bit too much for everyday wear (of course Samuel would pick this out, he himself is a bit too much), though it really is stunning.
You tell him it's beautiful.
He pauses, studies your face, then clicks the screen off. Back to square one. "You don't love it."
It's not accusatory, just a statement. But he feels like he needs to get this right. Your first holiday together and you deserve the world. He wants to get you something, really spoil you, to show how much you mean to him.
You take in Samuel's face and can't help but giggle. Him trying to remain unaffected except for a small, telling pout.
"I would love it if you got it for me," You shuffle over until you're sitting in his lap, "But I don't need it."
He wraps you in his arms, adjusting until you're both comfortable, "What do you need?"
"Nothing," Grinning, "I don't need anything else."
"Fine, then what do you want?"
Your cheesy response earns an eye roll and a reluctant huff of laughter, "You got me. What else do you want?"
"Nothing," you repeat, leaning in and lifting his glasses off. "You're enough."
You pepper his face with kisses until Samuel melts into a puddle; all thoughts of proving his love with price tags and money completely forgotten.
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vasito-de-leche · 8 months
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;R1999 PAVIA - "sleeping dogs"
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Pavia x Reader. 2k words. fluff Pavia's eye bags keep getting bigger and bigger, so you take matters into your own hands and force him to take a nap with you.
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starting the sleepytime saga about blorbos getting some good fucking rest and writing a oneshot about it everytime i get sleepy because the world could do with better naps and more zzz's
this was all self-indulgent fluffy mess to make up for the constant FMN bullying in other posts
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"You'll get sleepy in no time, trust me on this."
"Like hell I will," despite his protests, Pavia dutifully follows after you. Once you two reach the edge of the bed, he makes a show out of kicking off his shoes while pouting the whole time, if only to continue rebelling against you and your ideas. "What am I? A kid?"
"You're a grown ass man, Pavia - so act like it."
That gets a snicker out of him, and he instantly seethes about it - he's meant to be mad at you for suggesting something stupid. What follows is a long groan and a roll of the eyes, but he knows you're pretending not to hear him as you climb into the mess of pillows and blankets that he calls a bed. As usual, his room is a damn mess.
"It's just a nap, it won't kill you. Promise!"
It only takes a moment for you to get comfortable, rambling about the "golden hour" for naps - according to you, it was good to leave the curtains partially drawn to allow a small amount of sunlight into the room.
You're so convinced of this that Pavia can't bring himself to remind you: he doesn't need any type of light to see, his eyes having long adjusted to being shrouded in darkness. Instead, he lets you ramble as he makes his way to close the door.
Before he can do so, however, a few dark figures stumble and slide inside, all of them a little more eager and curious at the prospect of napping than their master.
Andrea sniffs around you while Tonika and Leon claim their spots under the bed, their snouts and goofy smiles partially visible. Peter makes an attempt to hop onto the mattress, but slips off and settles for laying down at his master's feet.
Pavia, of course, glares at them as if betrayed. The only one who stands by his side is Maleficent, imitating his expression to the best of her ability.
"Are you seeing this shit, Maleficent? Traitors, all of 'em."
The wolf in question huffs in agreement, and Pavia reluctantly sits down next to you, waiting for your permission.
It's only once you pat the empty space next to you - his spot, for him and the pack only - that Pavia plops down. Unlike you, he rests over the blankets and casually clasps his hands over his stomach, idly looking at the ceiling. With his schedule being all over the place and his unusual reservations, sleep is something Pavia does out of immediate necessity. Only allowing himself to sleep for a handful of hours when his body is at the brink of collapse, and so he finds himself wondering what to do now that you're forcing him to sleep recreationally.
Even so, his body language is relaxed and comfortable, that casual and lazy air he only has whenever he's around you. This is his home, after all.
Pavia doesn't think about the basement in Piedmont, but he sure holds his breath on instinct for a second. It's an old, nasty habit - the aftermath of all of his constant screaming and begging, as there was nothing else to do but sit and wait for someone to let him out. In the stillness of the room, he can hear everything: your breathing and his own, faint voices outside in the wilderness, someone passing by in the hallway - it's that kid with the balloons, judging by sound of her skipping around. The darkness cannot hurt him, not when he's reclaimed power over it, not when he's with you and the pack.
Something shifts in his peripheral. It's you, propped on your elbows and leaning over him.
"Don't tell me you're going to sleep with your glasses on." You don't wait for an answer and reach out to gently take them off, placing them neatly on the nightstand. For some reason, Pavia feels a little naked without them. "There, much better! Is that how you wanna sleep, then?"
Your question gives him pause, and he immediately defaults to his usual antics. "Now you're gonna tell me how to lay down? What's this, some dumb pop quiz I didn't prepare for? Next thing, you'll be telling me how to snore properly."
"Alright, fine, damn! But it's sooo cozy and toasty under the blankets." To prove your point, you slide down and sink deeper into the mattress, humming with that content expression. The blankets cover half of your face, and your big, dumb, bright eyes look up at him with mischief and amusement. "You're missing out."
"And you're going to start hogging the blankets the second you fall asleep, so what's the point?"
This isn't the first and it won't be the last time you two sleep together in the same bed, he knows your sleeping habits like the back of his hand by now. Pavia makes sure to pay attention to each and every little detail when it comes to you, after all.
"Oh my god, Pavia - just get in. It's easier this way." Pavia does as told, only because you're the one asking so nicely, and he lays on his side to face you. "Perfect, now come here."
"You're awfully bossy today, did you notice?"
He leans in once your hands reach out to cradle his face, rubbing soothing circles with your thumbs and coaxing him, ever so slowly, into resting his head on the space between your shoulder and your neck. There is no resistance from Pavia's part, the way his body melts with yours is automatic - like old pieces of a well-loved puzzle that simply click together time and time again.
Pavia's arms wrap around your torso and he brings you even closer, impossibly so, as if wanting to merge with you. The content sigh gives him away, and he wishes he could see your expression once he smiles into your skin. You were right, it is much better this way. There's no way Pavia could ever get tired of touching you like this.
"Getting sleepy?"
"Not yet," he murmurs into the crook of your neck, wondering whether to leave kisses or start biting you. He settles for the latter, a way to get back at you - it's a gentle nip that catches you off-guard, if that small gasp of protest is anything to go by. "If you want me to fall asleep, you're doing a really shitty job."
For a moment, he thinks you're mad at him when no answer comes, usually you'd pinch his back or bite him back. Instead, he feels your fingers softly carding through his hair, your nails on his scalp, moving in slow sweeping motions. Okay, maybe he spoke a little too soon. Being surrounded by you felt like heaven.
Pavia shifts, now burying his face in your chest. Like this, he can hear your heartbeat loud and clear, and he closes his eyes to take in the sound, committing it to memory.
While he's far from falling asleep any time soon, the weight and stress of the daily routine has certainly left his shoulders. Everything about you is soft and welcoming, and he has to restrain himself from biting you again once he feels you lean in, just to kiss the top of his head.
Fuck it, he bites the nearest spot, unable to contain his affection for you. The way he shows love might be unorthodox, but what matters to Pavia is that you understand the thought behind each action and word - he loves with an open mouth, greedy and full of love. A big bad wolf, one hair away from eating you up. And even then, he never bites hard enough to leave any marks nor to hurt you, not unless you ask him to.
Your laugh resonates in your throat and he keeps you from squirming away just to feel it vibrate in your neck.
Between this and your heartbeat, he doesn't know which one to pick as his favorite sound. The way you say his name behind closed doors, so softly and so gently just for him to hear, is definitely up there with the others in his personal ranking.
"Stop biting and start sleeping, idiot." There's a happy tone in your voice, one that urges him to continue bothering you.
"Easier said than done, stupid."
Taking your free hand, the one that tried so rudely to push him away in protest, Pavia presses his lips against your knuckles, one by one. You seem to like that, as hinted by the way your legs tangle up with his, locking him in place.
"I swear I'm doing my best here to get you to stop moving. Try counting sheep? Or wolves, I guess. Speaking of..."
You make an attempt to look for the pack, only for Pavia to pull you back down. He doesn't need to count the wolves, he knows exactly where they are - nestled together under the bed, laying down in the middle of the room with their soft, fluffy bellies on display, so drowsy and happy to exist in the same time and space as you. It's no mystery that each and every wolf is an extension of himself, a shameless display of his own thoughts and feelings, and even though this is something you're fully aware of, Pavia would rather save himself the embarrassment of admitting any of this.
"Now you're the one moving around, interrupting my precious sleep. What do you have to say for yourself?" He teases, hoping you'll indulge him and keep bantering back and forth - but you press a gentle kiss to his forehead instead.
"My bad..." Pavia knows you're not gonna last any longer the moment a yawn interrupts your words, and he's right - you don't speak anymore after this.
Your grip on him loosens gradually. First, it's the hand that kept playing with his hair, now gently petting him until it slowly comes to rest on the back of his neck. It's warm, so very warm. Next is your breathing, slow and steady, along with the rise and fall of your chest. Pavia nuzzles into it, feeling himself breathe in perfect harmony with you. And finally, your legs - he feels you kicking around, curling up and clumsily drawing the blankets towards you until his legs are exposed to the cold.
There it is, he thinks to himself, smitten and endeared by your sleepy crimes. It doesn't matter though, soon enough the whole pack comes climbing into the bed, forming a soft, black mass at the edge and near your feet. All of them unable to stay away from you, just like him.
Silence settles in and the world grows loud once again.
The soft panting from the pack, the voices outside, the constant stream of steps and life all over the house. Someone is in the kitchen, there's the telltale sound of glass against wood. Somewhere else, a door closes and another creaks open.
Pavia knows that you would never dare to ask the reason behind his awful sleep habits, and there's no way he could ever explain the totality of it- yet here you are, trying to help him nonetheless. It's annoying to have you constantly point out the bags under his eyes, but he respects you for it, for having the nerve to call him out and set him straight when needed. Part of him revels in the undivided attention and scrutiny, to have you all to himself whenever you scold him, examining his tired eyes.
He wonders if you know the power you hold over him, how impossible it is for him to tear his eyes from you. Even now as you sleep, Pavia feels himself slowly forget about the outside world in favour of your soft murmurs, those dumb little sounds you make that he can't get enough of.
You're doing so much for him, perhaps it's about time for him to meet you halfway. From his spot, he looks up at you one last time - he wants this view to be the last thing he sees before he drifts into a dreamless sleep.
"Night, vita mia. Don't let the bed wolves bite."
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sukugo · 11 months
i have to ask because i adore you and i want to know about your new blorbos- who are they and what are they and why are they always soaked in blood
JDHSJFHJFDDJFFSDFDF, oh man where do i start cassie.
they're from the anime/manga jujutsu kaisen, and they are:
gojo satoru. love of my fucking life. my fucking everything my boy my man, i am so so in LOVE with this man i cant even begin to tell u. he consumes my every waking thought, my life is dedicated to seeing him get fucked. (he's the guy in my header humping his all into the other's arm)
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and (ryoumen) sukuna. beautiful sexy evil man.
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(can u tell who's my fave)
so in this world, we have jujutsu sorcerers, who are people with special powers that they use to defeat/exorcise curses, which are basically evil spirits born of negative human emotions
gojo is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive. he is insanely strong, not a single person can go against him. his powers make it so that u literally physically cannot touch him. he controls "infinity" and can warp space, and he also has pretty special eyes that let him perceive things at a much deeper level than a regular person. those two things combined make him quite literally untouchable. and insanely powerful.
as for sukuna, he used to be a human who lived thousands of years ago, who used to be the strongest sorcerer of his time, and is considered to be the strongest sorcerer in history. he is the King of Curses, no one could ever defeat him, or destroy his soul, which he divided into his 20 preserved fingers so it would survive through time, even after dying.
so itadori yuuji
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this lil baby boy (literally the babiest sweetest boy to exist btw) (he's actually the main character haha)
due to some stuff, he ends up eating one of sukuna's mummified fingers and sukuna reincarnates inside him. yuuji becomes a vessel for sukuna, who lives inside yuuji's mind now and sometimes takes over his body (reason why they look the same)
and now, yuuji is sentenced to be executed bc he holds the most evil sorcerer in history inside him, but gojo goes nope! wait a minute, let's not do that. and manages to convince the people in charge to postpone yuuji's execution, saying that they'll get yuuji to find and eat all of sukuna's fingers and then execute him, getting rid of sukuna all in one go.
ok so that's the context (that's actually what the anime's about haha), but as to gojo and sukuna.
well, they're there. sdkkhfkjdkfdf
ok no, so like they do their things right. gojo is a teacher (tho we never actually see him do any teaching lmao) and sukuna lives inside yuuji and causes trouble sometimes. they don't really ever interact in the story (they literally meet and have a lil confrontation, decide to kill each other and never talk again djshjfdasdadfd) (until they actually have their Fight, more on that later)
BUT!!!!!!!! they may not interact, but they are completely tied together narratively.
as u can see, they're both the strongest from their respective times, so they have a lot of links when it comes to their characters themselves and what they are referred to in the story. specifically that, in being the strongest, they exist in a plane above everyone else, literally untouchable.
now, in the story, this position of strongest is coupled with solitude, being the strongest meaning u're alone and no one else understands you bc of this
and SO they have their fight. bc plot reasons right. this is obv what it was all gonna lead to. fight of the two strongest.
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and the fight, consequently, revolves around that idea of solitude, and understanding each other.
which like. ok. yeah we saw that coming. ofc. no big deal.
EXCEPT, to make reference to their relationship and that idea of understanding each other, the term that is used is, and i kid u not, love.
there's a very specific phrase that is used multiple times between them. which is actually used originally with a character who shows romantic feelings towards sukuna.
she challenges sukuna to a fight and sukuna promises to marry her if she wins. her goal in this fight is to share in sukuna's solitude and show him love (read R→L)
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but she says this to sukuna and this. this is his reaction.
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to which she gets super pissed bc that's not!!! love!!!!!!!
sukuna defeats/kills her. and u know when the next time that exact fucking phrase is used? when sukuna and gojo finally meet again and set up the date to have their Fight, where sukuna remembers her words
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which tells us that.
sukuna was.
thinking about gojo when she said that.
*screams into hands*
BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE. this phrase is then repeated. multiple times.
1. right after gojo punches the fuck out of sukuna:
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2. said in reference to gojo, when he realizes there's a chance of him losing:
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3. gojo reminiscing about their fight:
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so, as u can see, they were going to teach each other love. their fight is. canonically. about teaching each other love. what the FUCK.
but ENOUGH love talk (or else i'm at risk of going crazy insane)
this was in their first meeting where they fought (for quite literally 10 seconds)
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like... why he do dat.... .......... . ....
next day sukuna goes "hey im gonna kill u first <3" and gojo just goes "teehee omg really? *hair twirl* <3"
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they also decide to have their final battle on dec 24 which is like a super romantic date in japan (explicitly said so by another character)
and their FIGHT. it is LITERALLY just them flirting and touching each other
LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i fucking lost it. i still haven't recovered. that is the hottest thing i've ever seen in my life. gojo wants that dick so fucking bad
not to mention thigh grabs and hand touchies
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and the entirety of the fight is just them having fun 😭😭 they're supposed "enemies" on opposite sides and the fate of the world is at stake here, but they actually don't give a fuck about that.
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they're literally smiling and having a great fucking time. this fight for them is just play. their fight is just for them to have fun as the strongest and to connect with each other. they're enemies but they don't hate each other or anything, they only search for that sense of fulfillment in each other OTL
sukuna wins. he defeats gojo. and at the end, this. is what sukuna says to gojo at the end of the fight:
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and the soft smile? the fucking petals falling all over them? oh GOD they're trying to kill me
but that's on sukuna's side, what about for gojo? well
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and if i start crying OTL
but alas *deep breaths*
even without all that they're just very fucking sexy. two insane powerful men going at it? come on. how could u NOT want them together. they both hold the same title of the strongest, might as fucking well fuck nasty about it.
and oh god, when i tell u gojo is a fucking brat and he's so strong and untouchable, but then sukuna is capable of putting him down which is. insanely sexy. and i need it. i need gojo obliterated. and i know sukuna won't let me down (AND HE DID NOT. HE OBLITERATED THAT MAN) can he now obliterate his holes too
agdkhfhdkhdhs, anyways.... yeah.. that is the situation.........
im just gonna end this by saying
#f.ask#jjk#sukugo#i fr laughed so much at 'why are they always soaked in blood' sajhdkashfkjasflaf bc yeah yeah they are#and it's bc the fight's the only proper interaction they've had that was longer than a few seconds jhashdksafjk 😭😭😭#they're actually not new blorbos haha. i've had them for over three years since the anime first came out and i got obsessed#then i got into other stuff as u know. but right now my obsession has reawakened :D#but yes they're my otp yeah they're a fucking rarepair#jk tho. honestly honestly they arent a rarepair. not anymore#it just feel like it here on tumblr dfksdjfkdsj 😭😔#they used to be tho. it was so bad back then that i was literally the one who had to create the ship tag ajfhjasgfajhkahf#which like..i mean yeah. bc before it was ONLY their first meeting 10 sec confrontation and that 5 sec 'ill kill u' 'im honored'#that was IT for 3 years. their actual fight is recent#and it fucking killed me bc it was SO SO SO GAY. my starved lil heart was given so MUCH#IN CONCLUSION#i just want sukuna to fuck gojo that is all thank u for coming to my ted talk sukugo my beloveds <3#i feel like ive rambled too much hdasgdisfhkjafdkjdasds SO SORRY for making u read all that 🙈🙈🙈#i hope all this makes sense#and that it makes my posts a bit more comprehensible hahaha#giving u the biggest KISS <333333#and idk if u're interested in it but if u are then i'd def def recommend jujutsu kaisen!! it's really good its super fun!!!#full of Pain and Suffering too but like. shhh. it's super cool.
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writerscafehub · 9 months
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ೀ ㅤ۫ ㅤ۪ㅤ۫ ㅤ ♡ ㅤ . 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄:
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Oh god, a 3.5? I will admit that it’s very hard for me not to downplay myself, it’s what I’m best at. I will say that I have gotten much better as a writer since I took it back up.
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think probably my dialogue. I find myself able to sink into relationship dynamics quite easily and am able to show a character’s personality through their conversation with other characters rather than just describing it.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Well, I have to give credit where credit is due as @stargazingfangirl18 is the whole reason I started writing fanfic. Other fanfic authors I find myself drawing inspired from would be @angrythingstarlight, @boxofbonesfic, @slothspaghettiwrites, @onsunnyside, and @howdoyousleep3. For my non-fanfic writing I draw a lot of inspiration for Ursula LeGuin, George R.R. Martin, Robert Jordan, and Tolkien of course.
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Definitely In the Pines. It’s so different from anything else I’ve ever written and I honestly love it. It’s so haunting and I’m very proud of the prose.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Easiest is absolutely the quadrouple - my Ransom/reader/Ari/Jake kinda polycule that’s part of my No Love Like Your Love AU. I also find it really easy to write for Natasha and her peach from that same AU. Most difficult? Oof, off the top of my head Mike Weiss, he’s just kinda depressing.
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Again, the quadrouple. They’re my comfort characters for a reason. I also just love writing about people in relationships, about them being in love and working through tough times but coming out better for it. I love when two (or more) people are just completely open and honest with each other and do their best to make each other better.
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
Fic wise all the upcoming stuff for the NLLYL verse, and there’s a lot. But I am most excited about my novel! It has so many characters that I love so much. It delves into stuff I’ve never written before but that I found surprisingly intriguing. And of course, there’s a ton of bangable characters. Blorbos for everyone.
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
The Chris Evans fandom. I can’t help it, I want to fuck so many of that man’s characters. 
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Omegaverse for sure. Specifically knotting and scent. I just want a giant, masculine smelling animal of a man to fuck me and then have his cock locked inside me for an hour. And the snuggly vibes of nesting and just having a bunch of soft and comforting things around you that smell like someone you love feeds the marshmallow romantic inside me.
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Look, every time I say I’m never going to write for something I end up writing it. But I can hopefully say that scat will never happen.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Probably the one where Deadpool is stuck in a self-insert fanfic. It breaks the fourth wall and it’s short but it’s weird as fuck.
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
Ari and Jake. They’re so soft and sweet and perfect and I am never going to let anything bad happen to them ever.
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
With my ADHD I have to. It’s usually just the tv though. I’ll put some sitcom I’ve watched a million times on in the background.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
This is kinda tough! I love creating AUs but I feel like those are more a bunch of one shots that just happen to be for the same couples in the same setting. But I also really love the actual series I’ve done. So I’m going to say multi-chapter.
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Constantly! I mean, if I daydream about it I typically add it to my WIPs which is why I have so many. It’s usually just about my characters being happy and living their best lives in some way.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Not yet! I will say I’m a little bit intimidated still about writing for a male reader but after my first foray into it I feel much more comfortable.
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I can’t think of a specific one but I’ve gotten a few from people who have told me my fics provide a little bright spot for them and I always enjoy hearing that! There was also an ask I got where someone told me they recommend and discuss my writing more than they do real authors and that felt pretty good.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
This goes back to what I mentioned before but definitely writing for a male reader. The reason I wanted to do it was part curiosity to see if I could do it and part desire to write for an audience I hadn’t had a chance to connect with. It turned out really well and aside from some cliche accusations of fetishization I had a lot of positive engagement.
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, always fluff. If I do the angst I end up living in it for days and I hate it. (I say this while hosting a giant angst ask a thon on my blog)
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
For my fics, aside from my reader characters who in spite of being inserts are basically OCs, there’s the second generation of my NLLYL core group. All the kids are so cute and when they grow up there’s a lot of fun to be had, new romances and I could just go on and on about them. For my novel, oh my god you guys. There’s the Viking pirate sealord, the feminist icon, the super hot himbo best friend, the tiny and fiery lady of the lakes, the sexy villain, the spoiled but handsome prince. And that’s not even all of them.
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Would it surprise anyone if I said the NLLYL verse? Because that’s the one. It’s like my security blanket.
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
Just that I have zero control over where my muse goes. If you’re craving the next installment in a series or an AU I am also craving it, but I’m also not going to force my muse to go somewhere and put something out that isn’t up to my standards.
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
“The cold wind whipped through your nightgown and tangled it around your limbs as you stared at the sky in rapture, bathed in the silvery light of the moon like some kind of goddess.” - In The Pines
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I just love the community I’ve been able to cultivate in the fic writing community. Not just the members of this server but so many readers who leave thoughtful and sweet comments that always make my day. 
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armoredsuperheavy · 1 year
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: An Insufferably Queer Film Review
I rewatched MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (1987) for the first time since it came out last night and WOW I have some thots about this thing. We enjoyed roasting the living shit out of it but there's a few gold nuggets in there despite the brutal budget cuts that impacted the plot and what not.
Contains plenty of spoilers.
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God bless Wardrobe
OK so … the film doesn't bother to set up any real motivations for the characters, and He-Man (an incredible looking Dolph Lundgren rrrowrrrr) has almost no dialogue which is such a fucking waste. But this complete lack of narrative framework means we can apply OUR OWN explanations to events.
From the very beginning Skeletor has this obsession with He-Man, which will simmer and then culminate in a final showdown. But before we get to that hot mess, we have to wade through the middle of the film.
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He gets as much screen time as He-Man.
Meet the utterly repulsive dwarf scientist Gwildor played by Billy Barty, a rinse-and-repeat of his performance as an utterly repulsive magic troll in Legend (1986). This dwarf is the film's Jar Jar. His face is like a deep dish pizza after an acid attack. His real mouth is visible behind the immobile thick prosthetics and it makes for some truly disturbing close-up dialogue shots. Please, pan away from Pizza the Hutt and give us another shot of Lundgren's pecs please I am begging you, DP
We find ourselves in Gwildor's hobbit hole, and he's a magical inventor. So he has this cylindrical object, it's not clear whether it's a weapon or a teleporter but I'm calling it the Butt-Reamer 9000. Inexplicably, there are two of these things and Skeletor has the other one, and wants to collect both of them. So Skeletor has an excuse to go hunting He-Man as he's hunting his missing McGuffin, er I mean sex toy.
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Features rotating ticklers, a big improvement over the Butt Reamer 8000.
The thing about the Butt-Reamer 9000 is its magical power to make even this promising setup devolve into a grind as it whisks the Eternians into the magical, enchanting world of a 1987 New Jersey parking lot. WHO WROTE THIS?
The entire middle of the movie is pretty much hot garbage and involves police detectives, arson, vandalism, high school prom, and other dumb bullshit. Aside from the distractingly naked He-Man, the good guys are an utter bore and include some Eternians, some regular Earth humans and their quotidian concerns which really brings down the fun of the movie. (No, baby Courtney Cox, I don't care about your imminent breakup with your mediocre boyfriend!)
The film owes a second mortgage to Star Wars and steals a lot of ideas from it, from bad guys in shiny black stormtrooper helmets, to heroes shooting blue lasers, baddies shooting red.
Let's turn from this depressing state of affairs and focus back on our cherished villain blorbos.
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(L-R: Karg, Evil-Lyn our goddess, and Blade.)
Evil-Lyn is beautiful, evil, a cold bitch queen. Gurl you can do so much better than sticking with this loser Skeletor.
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Dump! Him! He's gay anyway!
Skeletor is a shit lazy boss of Greyskull and makes Evil-Lyn run the goddamn place in general. He literally shoots the messenger at one point. Great for morale, there, Skel buddy.
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Look closer. Fierce!
There's a number of budget rate henchmen on the job, including Karg, who used a whole can of aqua net this morning and is running around in a white fur capelet with a massive bouffant. He is just doing his best okay, really it's hard to look fabulous around these other bitches.
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Blade definitely deserved more screen time
Also, Blade, who had a slutty costume of silvery scale maille or something, and was a bit like a sci-fi bondage Riff Raff / space Judas Priest. Best side character costume.
So, there we have it, the queer coded villain roster of the film.
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This homemade collage is for sure taped inside Skeletor's locker at school
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Note the gigantic brown eye.
Finally, thank Satan, we return to Castle Greyskull, though it's more like beige-and-brown-skull. But aside from the questionable use of faux marble finishes, this is a quality villain lair with hard points installed directly in the floor of the living room, convenient death pits, and an excellent throne setup that I'm pretty sure they recycled for The Fifth Element.
He-Man is captured alive and brought before Skeletor. Blade does the honors with a 15 foot glowing red bullwhip to He-Man's naked and oiled back, much to the delight of dyed-in-the-wool sadist Evil-Lyn.
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Movie is getting good now. Was the side quest to Jersey really necessary?
Skeletor, though, watches this action from the throne and has a lot of interesting responses. We had to conclude that Skeletor is a big old bottom but won't admit it. As a dom he is utterly ineffective. He's trying to make He-man kneel and all this shit but He-Man is not submissive at all. Skeletor is … lol. He really just wants to smell He-Man's dick.
The depths (heh) of his bottom nature will become apparent shortly. But first, a costume change.
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Skeletor's glow up --- i'm every woman.
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Honey we know you're just trying to impress He-man.
Werk tho.
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Hole
The gigantic sky-sphincter directly behind the throne has slid open wide… "Begin! The Goatse Ritual! Join me, He-Man, as I become LORD OF THE GAPE" But He-Man's phallic symbol shines bright in defiance. In the end, Skeletor is vanquished symbolically by his own nature and instead of his hole swallowing He-Man, a gaping hole swallows Skeletor instead.
They don't really explain what happened to Evil-Lyn after He-Man's inevitable victory in final man to man combat but she was too smart to get caught sleeping in there and must have survived. What a hot evil competent BABE. After the events of the film end, I vote that Evil-Lyn seduces Teela (the good guy solder lady) and has a hot toxic lesbian affair with her.
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Evil-Lyn serves cunt in hell 4 evar
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Want some more?
Nice fanart
Another breakdown on Buzzfeed if you enjoyed mine this is even more gay headcanon
The movie is free on Tubi if you want to subject yourself to it.
ArmoredSuperHeavy, 19 Aug 2023
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hurt-over-comfort · 4 months
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Story & OC introduction!
Hello! So, after far too long of a wait, I have finished this OC introduction post! 
In the future I’ll think about how to organize this better, maybe as a google docs or maybe as a separate website, but for now this is as good as I can make it. 
It might be quite long given the sheer amount of OC’s introduced so I kept the descriptions to a minimum - I’d love to expand on that later once I decide what’s the best way to do it. Also, all asks about characters and the stories are super welcome! I love talking about my blorbos.
This post focuses on introducing one of my two main stories and their casts, but all of these characters exist through different AUs. I will share more details about the second story soon, I haven't finished writing descriptions for that one yet : (
My main squeeze, the story I think about most often and what I consider the ‘baseline’ for the character’s personalities. It's definitely a whumpy story, but I doesn't focus exclusively on whump.
In short, it’s a story of the destructive relationship between two college students and how their decision to partner up and make some cash haunts them. A story about addiction, desperation, control and loss of it, of all encompassing love and betrayal. It’s doomed, it’s tragic, it’s abusive, it’s gay!!! Content warnings for the story: sadism&masochism, torture, noncon.
I’d love to elaborate, but to not make this post any longer than it needs to be, here are the featured characters!
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My main guy, nr one little guy inside my head. I love my Oc’s equally, except for Albert, whom I love the most. (I also hate him the most, so it equalizes.)
Albert is a rich kid fuck boy who everyone only pretends to like. He’s a rather bright chem-engineering student who spends most of his time getting drunk, high and having lots of party sex. It seems like life handed him a golden ticket - good looks, filthy rich parents, great education - and maybe that’s why he started acting out, because it all was going too well. And now it’s harder to pretend that everything is great, which makes him try even harder, become faker.
The only person who truly sees through him is Cedric and maybe that’s why he hates him so much. Only sometimes, he doesn’t hate him - sometimes he feels a wild yearning for any shred of Cedric’s validation or affection, and he buries that feeling so deeply that he’s not aware it’s even happening. He prefers denial - denial that everything is amazing, that he didn’t fuck up his life entirely, that Cedric is no one to him. It works until it doesn’t and for these times even the usual vices don’t stop him from spiraling. He hates it, or maybe he doesn’t, it’s hard to tell - He’s so dangerously masochistic that he might just be in love with being miserable.
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(OC of the lovely @whmp)
Albert’s roommate and the absolute bane of his existence. The person who hates him the most and conversely the only one that can put up with his antics. He’s spent so much time trying and failing to get away from Albert that now he just accepts him as any other inevitability of life. Vaguely aware of Albert’s feelings toward him and even less aware of his own feelings for him. 
A major control freak about everything in his life, from academics to personal relationships. Will claim he just want to be left alone but will get lonely if that actually happens. He’s aloof and quiet with a tendency to be outright mean and sarcastic when in a bad mood, sees people mostly as noisy distractions. Annoyingly aware of his own intelligence, definitely thinks he’s better than other people. In between studying and dealing with Albert he has a little business on the side - synthesizing drugs. 
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Cedric’s sweet boyfriend, a chronically online liberal arts major and Albert’s number one secret hater. He’s not the smartest, but he makes it up with his enthusiasm and a general aura of positivity. Will make you a delicious meal if asked, but will also go on twitter and argue for hours about the stupidest, most inconsequential things. In between watching anime and romanticizing every aspect of his life he loves to game with Cedric’s weirdo friend, Leo. 
4. LEO
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(Also OC of @whmp)
An absolute social reject shut-in loser who spends most of his days browsing very questionable websites and forums. Doesn’t mind people, but doesn’t like them either - he’s so apathetic it’s hard to make him care about anything, really. That includes being likable, so he never tries to cover up his nature (he sees any relationship as a transaction anyway). Not hard to get along with if you can stand him, but you probably shouldn’t try because he’s not a good person. Not so secretly sadistic - maybe he loves it so much because violence and abuse is one of the only things that can make him feel anything. Awkward most of the time, especially for those incredibly rare times where he feels any attachment to a person. Stay away at all cost.
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A wicked demon in the vague shape of a man (metaphorically). There is little humanity left in him, or maybe there was none there to begin with. Bastard son of a prominent cartel leader with high ambitions how to run things and 0 actual leadership power. He’s the clean up guy, tasked with disappearing the people that the cartel doesn’t need anymore. And before he buries them in the desert somewhere, why shouldn’t he have some fun with them? They can have a lovely evening or two and when whatever is left of them is dropped into a shallow grave Darcy will have already moved on. 
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Albert’s accomplished older sister. They talk sometimes, and she worries about him a lot, but their relationship is rather strained. Her life is a constant juggle between her demanding job and family life, and maybe if she keeps it up she’ll have no time to think about the life she could have had. About the people she had lost. 
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Willow used to be a best friend of Cecile back when they were younger. They’d sneak off at night and go onto the grassy fields, setting up a picnic to enjoy it just as the sun rises. They’d talk for hours while laying on their back and staring at the sky, hands so close their fingers could touch if any of them would be a little braver. They were close and wanted to be so, so much closer, but you can’t get everything you want in life, right?
That's it for now! Very excited to be sharing all of this with you! The picrew used is the amazing sushicore!
Here is also a little sneak peek at some of the characters of my second story while I work on writing descriptions for them!
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bluiex · 1 month
Aw shit, here we go again. Throwing my new blorbos into the Fallout universe! This time it's Poolverine/Deadclaws! Haha!
Here it is, my fallout poolverine/deadclaw AU idea cuz I'm feral as fuck.
Here's back story/plotlines!
Wade was a vault dweller, born and raised. The experiment of this vault was long forgotten, the vault opened up to the rest of the world allowing settlers inside the vault. Wade was a guard, top of his marks and damn good with katanas as well as any weapon. He had a loving girlfriend (Vanessa), sure as hell planned to marry her one day but his vault got raided. (I love you so much Vanessa, my queen, but I have to kill you off for the plot) Wade seeing her shot and killed, he loses it and starts killing the raiders without mercy as they've done to his home. Wade eventually got overpowered and shot by a syringer that knocked him out and was taken by the raiders to some scientist group and experimented on and turned into a ghoul with regenerative healing power. He managed to escape them and killed them all and burnt the place down in the process.
Logan was also a vault dweller, kinda. But he was alive before the bombs dropped, apart of the ongoing war with Russia and China. Him and his brother, Victor, signed up into the army together, both orphans since young kids after their parents died. Logan was ruthless in the battlefield, he didn't like the power armor but Victor did and was far more ruthless and uncaring with it. As soon as the military got whiff of the bombs are going to be dropped, He and Victor were put into a special vault by the military. Experimented on daily, it was down right torture at some points, turned into mutants along with his fellow vault dwellers. Logan got the regenerative healing and the claws. Victor turned and morphed more into the saberstooth design we know an love. Logan was given the adamantium bones through it as well. He goes bezeerk one day and escapes that vault some 200+ years later, along side his brother who chased after him trying to get Logan to stay because Victor was more loyal to whoever ran the vault but Logan got away. And now he's on the run from Victor who was tasked to return him back to the vault. (I might change this a bit to add his memory loss but Idk?)
Okay but what makes it poolverine/deadclaws? Let me tell you dear reader.
Wade starts his mercenary work, it's been a few years since he's escaped. Made a name for himself, Merc with a Mouth, but he gets the job done.
Logan is a loner, travels the wasteland, taking odd jobs here and there. He was somewhat a merc himself, he found solice at some point with Charles and all the others before he leaves again because he catches wind of Victor close to his location.
This is where the two collide, Wade was minding his own business on a job in some random city settlement, when in comes Logan crashing through the abandoned building Wade was hiding out in, Victor hot on his tail.
The two team up to fight off Victor who eventually is knocked out by Logan. Logan was gonna leave it at that until Wade marches up and points a gun to Victor's unconscious head. Logan claws the gun to pieces with a growl about how he's the one who gets to kill Victor, just not yet.
Wade offers them to team up, he could really use the help on this job of his and Wade sure as hell became smitten and impressed with Logan in this small scurmish. So yeah with a lot of Logan's protest and Wade's never ending insistence eventually they're working together to take down another facility that's forcing experiments on people like how they'd done with Wade.
They'll stick together, as much as Logan hates Wade, he's very hard to get rid of, he tried. Multiple times. He's like a disease.(/affectionate)
Enemies to Friends to Lovers yada yada yada
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degusart · 8 months
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So I colored that image (and added a couple of characters that were missing). Anyway, it's the full lineup of BFFs. I feel so normal about these blorbos. Thank you to @viridiandruid for running such a fun game with great characters!
[characer names credits and other info under the cut]
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A)ale! my PC and the loml. Massuraman Binder. They have a minimum of three souls in their body at one time and a maximum of five. they're doing so okay right now; don't worry about it
B) Devin, an eagle ale can summon him through their armor as an ally.
C)Cpt. James Hawkins. played by @theboombardbox, spellsword/barbarian. he's missing half of his soul <3, the Hat Man is following him, and he has worms.
D) Sash played by @halfandhalfling our wich/werewolf bestie. Apparently, she's a princess of the moon, but we don't have time to unpack all of that. Also, her (adoptive) mom fucked James.
E) Fig! Sash's familear
F) Orsa, Kiri's animal companion
G) Revazi, once played by @werepaladin. a barbarian whose "grandfather" Grandfather, a red greatwyrm, has been the patron of the party since like session five.
H) Chosen, in a human-only setting, she's an elf child! She's the reincarnation of ale's greatest enemy from both of their past lives, and they're apparently destined to end each other. But for right now they're buds, and she's the adoptive daughter of Kiri.
I) Kiri, @recoveringrevenant's PC, a Spirit Shaman. The newest Pc of the BFFs, our very chaotic party's grounding force, she can see a lot of stuff going on that no one else can see, both literally and figuratively.
J) Beren, a strange teenager our party was charged with keeping safe, then promptly lost (we're working on it). The person who charged us with keeping him safe may or may not be an abloeth, allied with the red dragon previously mentioned.
K) Cloves, the horse we bought in session two or three, that was then awakened by a random druid. He was one of the oldest members of the BFFs until... recently...
L) Erina, @recoveringrevenant 's retired PC, lets us crash at her place most nights, and she was a founding member of the BFFs, so even though she's not adventuring with us anymore, she's still one of us.
M) Agamemnon, our ship's AI, he's an orb that likes to dress up as a wizard :>
N) Ajatus, a guy we threatened to get to help us, but somehow became fully one of the crew. also, we need him to drive the boat, so, a BFF it is.
O) Father Lagi, a priest whose church collapsed into a skink hole after we visited it. We offered him a job in recompense, though by some of the conversations we've had, he's pitty chill in general. Also he embezzled like all of the church's coffers, so that's funny
P) Dahlver-Nar, one of the many souls that take up residence inside of ale's body. Though he's a bit more permanent. He helps out and gives advice alongside some skick-ass powers.
Q) Naz, this is the character I forgot in the first render of this piece. she's functionally dead atm (permanently trapped inside an amber tree), but you know how it is. a character once played by @recoveringrevenant as well
R) Cousin Chet! the half-dragon half ???? freak. we love him though
S) Bailey Wick, a once stow-away, now rogue-for-hire she has the sticky fingers and high dex our party lacks. So whenever we need to infiltrate a place, we send her on those missions. Though we've recently found out she's like 19, which is horrifying lmao. She also is one of the most competent members of the BFFs only because she's the only character that consistently rolls above a 10 (like genuinely)
T) Tansu, Revazi's twin sister. Our most recent true member of the BFFs, she's.... gone through it
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frostybearpaws · 8 months
Fair Warning
if I do write my original blorbos and post onto a platform like AO3 (because that seems to be the only logical place to put it), be prepared for there to be some weird stuff.
From my most recent Arcane AU you know what happens when I am given artistic liberties. This is that but cranked up to a grand total of ten thousand percent and put on crack. I have some bizarre shit cooking up in the ol’ noggin of mine.
when I say, weird I don’t mean, heehee some people have four arms now, or heehee some characters have a third eye, or whatever strangeness is going on with centaurs having two ribcages and four sets of lungs and two stomachs.
I mean the very fabric of reality has gone to shit and I’ve rearranged some things, weird.
I mean, oh by the way guys the sun is the giant wasps nest, weird.
There are a bunch of universes attached on top of each other like a fucking CAKE, weird.
Take flat earth out it in a blender, add insane powder and take the bullshit to new heights, weird.
Following the last statement and say that the Earth is actually just an infinite plane inside of a universe, weird.
Below that, somewhere, there is an infinite plane of flesh and directly above there is a universe of cold, ice, snow, and death, weird.
hold onto your socks
@lullabyes22-blog @the-blue-quetzalcoatl @myrkkymato @whaddyagonnadoehhh @em10-nimonafan2009
y’all liked my other post, you need to see this one too XD
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cod-dump · 1 year
Help I am at "zoo animals during covid" level desperate for interaction.
How about a blorbo of horangi and kronig in Skyrim. Their equipment, factions/guilds They're in, companions (favorite place to do it 👀) etc
Skyrim fixation grabbing me by the throat
Horangi is a mixed race werewolf (who was born in Cyrodiil to a Imperial mother but was raised in Skyrim) was with the Companions for a short period but left because he had conflicting views with them. He later realizes he very much agrees with what they do but he's made his choice. So now he's the friendly werewolf that eats bandits and does deeds and quests for people for little to no fee.
Horangi usually relies on his beast form but is good with his hands and a dagger if needed. Tends to not wear armor but if he has to he wears leather armor. He sells a lot of leftover meat, hides, and whatever from his kills. It isn't uncommon for him to provide struggling families with venison.
Horangi lives in the woods, doesn't like going into inns or renting rooms. He is very much at home in the wilderness and has a pack of ice wolves that follow him around. He loves them to pieces and has put collars on them to try to show people that they mean no harm. Each wolf has a name, and three are pups that Horangi helped raise himself. Has killed a hunter for killing one of the wolves, which lead to him putting collars on them to try and protect them.
Tends to not seek much companionship from others and is content with the wolves being his friends. Though he has gone into inns when lonely and sneaked off with men and women to satisfy his more carnal needs. Has seduced a Thalmor before and fucking loves to bring it whenever he can. Horangi worships Hircine and has a very personal relationship with the Daedric Lord. He believes Hircine gave him the gift to be his true self, to live as both man and beast, and is forever grateful.
Konig is a Nord, born and raised in Skyrim and is proud of it (though that pride has dwindled drastically due to recent events). Unfortunately was raised by more traditional Nords in Windhelm and ended up joining the Stormcloaks when he was old enough to defend his family's farm. Served as a soldier for years, Talos being the name he has said more than any other. Wears Stormcloak armor and swings a steel warhammer (though is pretty good with any weapon he can get his hands on).
Despite it being drilled into his mind since a young age, Konig doesn't try discriminate against other races. Has stuck up for any elves being roughed by Nords in Windhelm and has knocked many assholes clean on their ass with one well placed punch. When Konig is not serving, he keeps to himself on his family's farm (which is now empty). He is the last of his family's name and hasn't ever had the urge to settle down and have children. His grew up with a very abusive family and swears that he will turn out just like them if he had children.
Konig has offered shelter to many travelers of all races and factions. He fixed up a hold shed to be a extra bed for whoever needs it. Konig has hidden thieves at his farm, runaways of all ages, refugees, and even a vampire or two who needed to escape the sunlight. If someone is in need he's quick to come to their aid.
One storm, worse than what Konig had seen in a long time, blew into the Pale. Konig stood vigilant, knowing that this storm might bring someone needing shelter. And low and behold, a man came knocking. He had short, pointed ears and a pale complexion, something Konig hasn't seen before. And his eyes... they had a wild look in them.
"Sorry to bother you, sir. I normally don't do this but this storm is much more than what I am prepared to deal with-"
Konig didn't let the man say much more before he brought him inside. The man didn't get straight to thanking him.
"I have... companions who are also in need of shelter."
"Bring them in."
"You say that now but-"
"Lad, this storm could kill. Bring them in and let them warm up."
The man blinked before he opened the door and called out to his companions. Konig was stunned by a pack of eight wolves come bounding into his home. One particular small pup was scooped up by the stranger, and Konig noticed it had a collar on it. That all of them had collars.
"I was unaware that your companions were..."
"... Fluffy."
The stranger snorts and Konig cleared his throat before he grabbed a pelt to give to the man. The man settled in front of the hearth, surrounded by wolves and a pup in his lap. Konig couldn't help but notice how he checked on each wolf, checking their paws for any cuts that the ice might have caused and making sure there was no frostbite on their ears.
"We'll leave once the storm lifts."
"There is no rush, friend."
Truth be told Konig looked forward to any and all guests that came to his farm seeking shelter. He felt lonely but had a hard time reaching out for companionship. He always tried to not bother his guests but this stranger was not like the others. Never has a man treated his furry companions with such care, not like one would show a pet.
"How does one come to being adopted by a pack of wolves?"
The stranger was resting his head on one of the sleeping wolves, pup nestled against his chest with the pelt over top.
"Well... I guess you could say they view me as family."
Konig nods, "You're a werewolf."
The stranger chokes and sits up quickly, the pup making noise at being disturbed, "N-No-"
"Your connection to nature means nothing, friend. I can tell you're a good man who surrounds himself with good company."
The man breathes out in relief, settling back against his wolf companion, who was perked up and alert after his sudden movement. They stayed silent for a few hours before the stranger finally spoke.
"So... I'm Hong-Jin... and you are?"
Konig stared at the man before speaking, "Klaus..."
Then they started talking. Hong-Jim had first brought up how he normally doesn't try to intrude into people's homes but didn't have a choice with the storm. That lead them to just talking about anything and everything. Adventures they've been on (Konig did his best to avoid the topic of his service), their life stories, their companions (Konig brought this up to learn more about Hong-Jin’s wolves), and everything else they could think of.
They talked through the storm and then slept once it lifted. Konig tried to offer Hong-Jin food but the man waved him off and said he would be fine. Then he gave thanks to Konig and left. And Konig couldn't help but feel loneliness at his departure. Konig would go back to his self isolation, only venturing out to the city to buy necessities before returning home.
One trip he returned to a familiar face sitting outside his home. Wolves laid about and one pup grown but still visibly smaller than the rest. Hong-Jim smiles and stood from the ground. Konig was speechless, he had never had someone return.
"I was passing through and thought I would say hello."
Konig stared before he spoke, "Hello."
Hong-Jin laughs and Konig reached up and pulled his hood down as far as he could to hide his embarrassment at the dumb response. He peeked out from the shadows of the hood.
"I brought gifts!"
Hong-Jin pulled out a bag and Konig would see that it was full of trinkets. Konig watches as the man goes to pull out a strange looking ring, mouth acting before he could even stop it.
"Would you like to come in?"
Hong-Jin looks up, stares in his eyes.
Konig would find himself less lonely since Hong-Jin’s arrival. He never planned on having children, but one of the wolves had a litter of pups and fatherhood was sprung upon him. But he gladly faced the challenge. And the farm was no longer lonely or full of bad memories like it once was. Not now that Hong-Jin and the wolves were here.
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
Can I ask some random headcanons for our blorbo(lucille, obviously) for no reason?
Does she keep a diary? What's inside it? How many hours does she usually sleep a day? In modern AU, what's her favorite movie or theatrical piece? What are some significant objects in her room, other than what we already saw in the movie(like butterflies, books, wood carved animals)?
I don't think she keeps a diary, but I can see her writing out her whole sad, sordid life story over and over, tearing it up each time, and scattering the pieces to the winds. A la the movie Byzantium. Because she can't tell anyone. She can't even tell Thomas everything; that wouldn't be Shielding Him from the worst of her pain and darkness (how well does she actually do that otherwise? shhhh). So she gives her story to the howling winter tempest instead.
On a good day, eight. On a bad day- and they are not infrequent -two if she's lucky. I don't think she slept at all the night Edith and Thomas were at the depot.
Modern-day favorite movie...not sure I've seen enough movies to say! I definitely don't think she's a horror fan, though the more lyrical side of the Gothic might appeal. She's seen enough horror in the real world, thank you very much. Something beautiful and sad- weirdly, I can see her enjoying Titanic or something similar. Thomas (and Edith, in OT3) is totally baffled by this. Meanwhile Lucille just doesn't understand why such a bittersweet tragedy about True Love has the reputation it does.
Significant objects in her room? You covered a lot of the bases, I think! I can see her having a very fantastical jewelry-box made by Thomas, though. Are there like four items in it? Maybe. But that's not the point. She deserves things like this, in his mind- beautiful, exceptional things to make her happy after so much darkness.
(the novelization version of her room, with definitely-not-in-the-movie preserved animal fetuses, and witchcraft paraphenalia from all over the world- the actress said she doesn't believe in ghosts; why would she have any interest in that? -can fuck off)
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prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
Hello, I appreciate you exploring your interests and I'm interested to hear more about the Live Free and Twihard SPN AU
HI. I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS. So does @snackhouse and we've been screaming at each other about this.
She came up with the name "Live Free or Twiharder"
We just really wanted to see the episode go further and double down more mostly.
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Anyway gonna dump post some stuff from our conversations under the cut!! We've been bouncing back and forth a lot of ideas, writing snippets, and lamenting on how we wish he had better teeth.
Y'know girl talk things. "I wish this man had really fucked up teeth"
This is a mix of ideas and comments from the two of us, so full credit goes to Snack for being a local legend and playing handball with me with our shared blorbo. Worse Dean Winchester.
We wanted Sam to have his soul, because the angst potential goes up 200% and we're all here for that. Instead of Sam watching Dean get turned, he gets there too late, and blames himself for what happened.
He's full nihilism mode, genuinely thinks this is the end, Sam tries to explain that there's a cure but Dean's too stubborn and too deep in the downward spiral to really take it in. He has self sacrificial tendencies and just immediately decides to take the fall.
"Dean please just listen to me for once."
"Look at me man, I'm a monster."
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Our man is not coping.
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So we're both like OK what if it takes longer to heal him. What if he's stuck for a bit longer. Ya gotta hang in a few more days. So then maybe he runs into Lisa, or she reaches out to Sam. She loves this man and after he has the worlds most bizarre and erratic behavior she's going to be really fucking worried, especially since he was aggressive out of seemingly nowhere. She's terrified of him AND for him.
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We're cooking so hard the kitchen is on fire.
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We are making an environment that is so toxic.
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Snack's been cooking hard on how bad can the cure possibly be.
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Everything was quickly becoming too much. Every sound, smell and sight was bombarding his brain like a 18 wheeler hitting a squirrel.
“My mouth tastes like blood and creepy-dude sweat.” Dean grunted, stepping towards the bathroom.
It was a bullshit excuse and they both knew it, but Dean didn’t think he could make it another minute standing so close to his brother. Stepping into the cramped bathroom he took a second to breathe in a space where he couldn’t hear all of Sam’s veins pulsing with blood, Dean’s gaze drifted towards the mirror.
I wonder if I’ll even recognize myself by the end of this…
He already knew what he was going to find, it’s not like he couldn’t feel them.
Gently peeling back his lips, Dean struggled against the waves of nausea that spilled over him at the sight. Feeling the fangs where there was different from actually seeing them. Now there wasn’t any doubt as what he was now.
Lightly poking the exposed tip of the fang, Dean could feel how sharp it was. Moving his fingertip upward, he slightly pushed the gum above the protrusion, pushing the tip of the fang out like massaging a cat’s foot to see its claws.
The other needle-like teeth seemed to be eager to join their friend, as the rest of the fangs slid from their slits in Dean’s mouth. He wrenched his hand back in horror. He could feel the sharp new additions sliding over his normal teeth. Like the bars of a cage they sealed away any signs of humanity he saw in the mirror. In a matter of seconds he found himself grasping the toilet bowl for purchase has he emptied his stomach.
^That's a Snackhouse special right there
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His shaking hands rattled the keys, clanging in his ears. It made him wince. Pressing his eyes closed he felt for the lock and fumbled for a few agonising seconds in the searing light of the hotel corridor before he heard the familiar clack of the latch sliding open. Stumbling inside, he was relieved to find the interior of their room cold and dark.
Sam’s familiar voice called out from the table.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
Dean groaned as he lurched towards the kitchen, eyes fixed on the floor as it began to shift and spin. Waves of nausea had flowed through him all night, rolling through his body, shifting from his stomach to his chest. He crossed by the beds, leaning on them for support.
“... You ok?”
He stiffened as the feeling rippled through him.
“I’m good, Sammy.”
He heard his brother start to speak again, but stopped. Thank god. He needed a beer or two. Or three. And a nice dark corner, as far away from the table, and the windows, and the noise from the upstairs room, and the opposite corridor room. And the pipes. And the heartbeats.
He could hear two of them as he leaned on the wall, breathing heavily as he recovered from the growing ill sensation in his abdomen. His back was to the table but that didn’t stop him sensing and feeling and hearing. Every. Pump. One heartbeat was significantly faster than the other. Samuel must’ve gotten back early, he noted. He’d had moments of nervous spikes, but generally was taking things well, as expected. Sam on the other hand…
He grunted as he shuffled infront of the fridge and yanked the door open. The hinges whined and creaked, spiking the building throbbing pain in his head. Staring at the contents in dismay, he assessed the rations.
One beer, three cans of soda, two mason jars of cows blood. Both were almost full.
Scrunching his face in disappointment, he reached for the beer. He pressed himself up against the kitchen bench, gently nudging the fridge door closed with his right foot. It glided shut with another sharp and piercing squeal. He growled at it in response as he twisted the bottle cap open.
“I uh… accidentally… ran into Lisa just now and–”
He paused to take a swig of beer. The cold sensation was refreshing, but the taste was stale, and wrong. He gagged on the mouthful before forcing a swallow.
“Augh, what the hell.”
He brought the bottle up to examine the label. He’d had it before and it’d tasted fine then. Frowning, he turned his focus to the table.
“Hey did you–”
Sam was staring at him. He was fiddling with a bottle of the same beer, empty, in front of him. Samuel was not with him. Dean’s heart sank as the sounds of the water pipes, the street, the tv upstairs all began to fade out. She was sitting opposite to Sam, bottle in hand. She looked terrified, worried, confused. She was staring at him the same way she stared into his eyes when he was in her room, though she seemed to recoil in her seat slightly when he returned her gaze.
“Uhm, the uh, the eye thing is to be expected.”
Sam’s voice was a whisper but Dean heard it as if he was standing a foot away. His mind jumped to the nest. In the gloom, when the light caught their eyes, it reflected, like a deer when the car headlights scanned the countryside.
Or like a wolf.
Oh god.
“I gotta go.”
He barely blurted out the words, tossing the bottle of beer into the sink as he beelined for the bathroom door. Past the table. Past the sound. The unbearable, overpowering sound.
“Dean wait!”
Slamming the door behind him, he cursed when he remembered there was no locking latch. Pressing his weight into it, he felt the door handle turn gently. He pushed back against it, digging the heels of his boots into the grooves of the tiled floor as he slowly slid down to sit at its base, panting. The bathroom was his escape, the walls dampened the sound, he could turn the tap on to create white noise. The shower was the only time he felt safe. The drowning sound of the water droplets blocked everything else in the world out.
He could hear the thumping behind the door. Two channels in parallel, overlapping. The beating, beating, beating, beating, beating.
Creaking the door open just enough to peer out, he sighed in relief when he saw the hotel room was empty again. Sam was standing near the door, the lamp on the table turned off. He turned around and began to walk back towards the table, hitting the corner of one of the beds in the process. Dean would have laughed, if it had been any other day.
It suddenly occurred to Dean that it was dark. It was late, the blinds were down, and all the lights had been turned off. He could see everything as clearly as if it was a normal, overcast day. Sam was clearly struggling in comparison, as he slowly walked holding his arms out to avoid crashing into another obstacle. Once he had made it to the chair, he sat down and looked in the direction of the bathroom, though Dean could see he wasn’t exactly sure where to look.
“You can come out now, Dean. She’s gone.”
He could have told Sam that.
“The hell’d you let her in here for in the first place Sam!”
He gingerly took a few steps out of the comfort of the bathroom. The low thrum of Sam’s heartbeat was noticeable, but tolerable.
“She was owed an explanation, Dean. She reached out to me, practically demanded and honestly, she deserves to know what's going on.”
Sam was staring at him now, with that stupid puppy dog face he always used to get people to listen to him. Typical emotional bullshit.
“I almost bit her, Sam. I came so close and I–”
“I would have stopped you.”
“Would you have?”
Sam was silent. Grinding his jaw slightly, he breathed out and looked back towards the door.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Look, it's not your fault.”
He once again reached for the fridge door, pulling it open despite the creaks and squeals in protest.
“Augh, god. Fuck.”
“What’s wrong with your arm?” Dean glanced over at Sam, then down to his bandaged forearm. The white gauze was just visible underneath the edge of his rolled up sleeve as he reached into the fridge. The light bathed it in a sickening glow, the spots of red poking through were nearly impossible to hide.
“Nothing.” he responded curtly, slamming the door closed and shutting off the light.
^That's a Shy 4AM special for you. You ever open a fridge door and flashbang yourself in the hotel room? (Sorry I only have 5 jokes and they're all in constant rotation with a different skin like a videogame gun)
What you're all here for though, is TEETH TEETH TEETH TEETH
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"Stares lomgingly at blood bag" nice
Anyway we started talking about the x files LMFAO but here's the most and best of what we've cooked together so far; we've had a lot of fun.
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nientedal · 1 year
📓📓📓 (for the "explain the plot of a fanfiction that you haven't written but daydream about" ask game!)
OK so here's one: LINK
I have another one in which Roxanne receives a mysterious CD, or perhaps a flash drive, and it's full of orchestral/symphonic music. She does not know who it's from. The music is lovely but she can't find any matches for it online. People in music forums are stumped. And based on some of the track names, it was made for her.
She brings it to one of the sound guys at work and he emails her later and says you know, it's weird - this stuff sounds like it's being played by a full symphony, but the track metadata shows signs of intense layering. I'd estimate this is all played by one or two, maybe four people tops. Multi-instrumentalists playing everything over and over and over and then layering it all together into something big.
So, she's got a CD full of music, no idea where it came from or who made it. Made for her by someone (or a very few someones) not only writing pieces but playing them repeatedly and constructing them, which is...she's torn between "creepy" and "deeply impressively flattering." She finally goes with both, and goes home wracking her brain for who the fuck would send her this--
Because the thing is. The thing. Is. The emotion in some of these pieces is... a lot. The one called Roxanne sounds like being in love, honestly, and holy shit, whoever wrote it... she wants to meet them, creepy or no, because the OTHER thing is, there was no note. And there continues to be no note. Weeks and then months go by and there is no indication that anyone is ever going to follow up about it or demand anything from her, and that's honestly the weirdest part of everything.
It's Megamind, of course. Of course it is. And Minion as well - Minion does the vocals with words, because Megamind can sing but he sings like whales or trombones sing, he can't do singing with words, it doesn't work. Minion does percussion as well, and some strings. They both do strings. And Megamind does all the woodwinds and brass, because you do sort of need air for those and Minion doesn't breathe, and Megamind does the solo wordless vocals. He has quite a range.
And there's a couple of ways I have Roxanne find out about this. One I'm fond of is that she works out where Evil Lair is and she gets inside, and she finds them working on one of these pieces. This possibility is also fun to imagine WITHOUT the CD sent to her in the mail -- she just comes in and they're recording music?? Somewhere she can hear, which is implausible, but shhhhhhhh, it's my fic in my head and it doesn't have to make perfect sense. Another way she might find out is for Minion or Megamind to be absently humming part of one of the motifs and she recognizes it-- or SHE hums one of the motifs (i don't know, she's bored and tied to a chair, zoning out, humming happens) and one of them jumps and goes a bit googly-eyed and she realizes oh hey, yeah, these two could pull that off.
There is also a variant in which Megamind intentionally shows her some of it because they are on a date for completely unrelated reasons, and his response to is villainy really ALL you do is no, I also write and perform orchestral compositions. And Roxanne is like, you're shitting me.
This is a fun one to play with while driving and listening to Thomas Bergersen's Sun album. There's one track on there titled Our Destiny which has a lot of trumpets and sounds just a bit like Metro Man's theme, which is actually what kicked this off-- they're old nemeses, they're on decently good terms, it would be fucking hilarious if Megamind anonymously put together a piece for some event or other and then showed up to be the pianist or something.
But yes, fun things to play with while driving and listening to music while rotating my blorbos in my head :D
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Glad to have you back, and happy belated birthday! 💖💖💖 As a belated Valentines prompt, what would be the ideal date for your top 3-5 blorbos?
(Thank you!!!!! I'm glad I was able to make it to this before bed. I've been slacking a teeny bit but I still feel motivated after my hiatus so it's okay! Anyway, let's do top 3 at the moment!)
-Mun's Top 3 Villains and Ideal Dates~
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(With my top husband returning momentarily, you're about to see a lot more of him on the side again)
-Feel like he may struggle with the whole dating thing. Maybe he wants to take you out somewhere nicer but he's worried about your reaction to being wined and dined somewhere 5 stars. Then he stops to think about simple at home dates but he worried again about whether or not he's going to simple with it. I feel like after having some time to prep things that he eventually settles on something in the middle like taking you all around town. Part of it can be short stops in various stores you like that way you're in control of how spoiled you want to feel for the day. Other parts of the date can be him taking you to places he personally enjoys like a museum with the most minimal crowd you can think of ( it's Sunday and there are only 5 people tops in there). Either way, he'll count it as success if you let him.
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-Believe it or not but assholes get nervous too. I take him as someone not really sure about the whole dating thing. Unfortunately he can't back out of it like he wants to because he can't seem to get you out of his head. The only solution (after he's already tried avoiding you) is for him to run toward you now. This leaves the difficult and annoying task of trying to figure out how to properly be affectionate. His actions are so choppy and questionable sometimes. He read online once that playfully initiating some light tussling can bring fun into the relationship so he walked into the room and smacked you hard as fuck in the face with a pillow. He had to apologize later that night. I doubt (when the time comes in the future) that he'll even properly propose to you. He'd probably just toss the ring at you and mention something about how compatible you are together and then start listing off the benefits of matrimony lol. Anyway, this is what likely lead o him taking you to a cafe a preferred date. Somewhere quite with the smell of coffee and pastries. The soothing sound of other people typing on their devices and minding their damn business? Perfect place for a date according to him!
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-I'm sure it's to be expected with him but I really do think he prefers dates where the two of you stay inside and play games together or watch horror movies (although he won't admit how freaked out he gets by the gore in some of them). The only reason he feels you two should leave is so that you guys can either pick up some food to eat or go out for a quick walk to get some fresh air. Maybe if you catch him on a day where he feels too cooped up then he'd suggest something off the wall like an amusement park or even something like a bathhouse! Aside from this, he adores the intimacy and comfort of just being bundled up next to the person in the world youb love the most.
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Agent Yoric Headcanons
yoric headcanons that for some reason I never fucking did despite him being one of my top blorbos-scrungly hybrid.
Heads up. It's long because I have a lot of lore and thoughts about him.
For some reason, Yoric is hard to perceive. Unless he's the one calling you or standing directly in front of you, it's hard to notice his presence. He's like a walking anti-memetic.
Because of this, he's a really, really good agent for undercover missions, stake outs and espionage.
The only reason why he was found by the Foundation was that he accidentally got into one of their vans and while escaping through a door, walked right into someone.
His difficulty to perceive also extends to David's clairvoyance. When David tries reading into Yoric, all he gets is very muddled and darkened vision with nothing identifiable.
Despite being a mere level 2, Yoric knows a lot more than his rank. The nepotism in the Bright Family is a factor but also because higher ups favour sending Yoric to gain intel due to his ability.
Jack and Clef are the only people who can fully perceive Yoric like normal. Jack because he functions outside of the universe (SCP-963 reasons) and Clef because he's a Reality Anchor.
Yoric also has a lot of skills that he picked up while trying to blend into a crowd. He can speak over 8 different languages, play 5 different musical instruments and can also do acrobat and juggle flaming knives.
Really into entomology and insects! He keeps a few bugs around his apartment. He's got an ant farm, 3 different tarantulas, a scorpion, a giant centipede and some roaches.
He also has taxidermy insect collections. Specifically beetles.
Yoric wants to keep some bees but they're not really suitable for a two-bedroom apartment in the middle of a city so it's something he's looking forward to when he gets his own house.
He's tall and very skinny. It's a wonder how he gets into places, especially the vents, with those fucking noodle arms and legs.
Despite his knowledge and skills, this man has nothing in his brain. It's empty. He's very stupid and reckless. Zero braincells. Gets into trouble a lot. On accident though!
Has a pretty big beetle tattoo on his back (wings out and coloured). It was the first beetle he ever caught and raised. Sadly it's dead and couldn't be taxidermied so Yoric got another way to remember his first bug.
He's Asian descendant and mostly human. There's a theory one of his parents is of a fae which is why he's hard to perceive (the whole name-identity-curse-thing.) (This is totally not because of my OC Not at all. Nope. Nu-uh. I definitely don't have an OC here which explains his thingy. Nope. What are you talking about?/j)
Family cryptid. Not as much as TJ but still a cryptid. Also his eyes slightly glow in the dark. Slightly. Yes, it means he can see better in the dark too.
He was actually raised in the Chaos Insurgency where he met Claire once. That's how he found out he's part of the family. He then left the Chaos Insurgency around his late teens and went around before joining the Foundation in his 20s
It's not that he's distant with Jack, his grandfather. I mean, he visits and helps him frequently and they're definitely on good/casual terms but there's this weird gap between them that they don't really want to work on. They both have issues. Well technically, the whole family have issues.
He's chatty with Sera and doesn't mind having her around too. Thinks she's refreshing from the other Brights and they have an understanding on being raised by an Organisation.
Has a particular sharp eye on shiny objects. Can spot pennies on the ground from far away and tries to get his hands on many shiny things. His jacket and coat has a lot of metal and enamel pins on the inside.
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