#you know I can see things on your account right?
lyrenminth · 1 day
A new life
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"Why don't you use the credit card?" Joe asked, entering in the living room where you were sitting down comfortably on the couch crocheting a sweater for your dog Mikel. He was in his office with his accountant talking over the phone about his state, he was so confused to see that you have only used the credit card one time; to buy a really expensive couch. In fact, it was the one you were sitting on in that moment.
You stopped your activity looking confused. "I don't want to buy anything right now" you said. It was his turn to look confused. "But why?" he sat on the couch next to yours. He was wearing again those ugly slippers. Overall he looked real comfy, he has always like to dress like that in the house. You shrugged and continue crocheting the neck of the sweater. "Is that Mikel's sweater?" he wondered paying attention to your hands. You nodded and display the sweater for him to contemplate. "That's really nice babe" he flatter, a warm smile on his lips. Joe always loved how creative you were. "I gave you the card as a gift, and I would like you to use it" he said, going back to the topic.
You didn't like to buy many things for the sake of buying. Your purchases were based on the things you really needed, and occasionally in things that you consider great quality or durable. Joe knew this, it was the way you were raised, coming from a family living paycheck to paycheck and prioritizing food and housing over anything else. However, you weren't living paycheck to paycheck anymore, you could buy things you always wanted. It didn't made sense but it bothered him you felt like your solvency wasn't enough. Didn't he make you feel secure? He didn't let you pick the house because security was important for him, but you picked your car and he tried really hard not to say something. Besides, many of the things you were using were gifts from him.
"Well, I was planning to buy this really nice jacket for my mom" you added after some thinking, when you saw Joe's face you started laughing nervously "What?"
"Things for you" he clarified "I mean, yeah, it's nice you want to buy something for your mom but I know you baby, you would buy a store for your family and a frickin chewing gum for you" you laughed because he was right. "You can buy the jacket if you buy one for you too. Okay?" he said, touching your leg for a moment. His eyes were candid. Something fluttered in your belly, heavy and warm. It was so nice to be loved and cared for.
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koiir · 2 days
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Synopsis; After the end of another winning game, sae itoshi takes notice of who is interviewing his opposing team. The person who he broke the heart of when in Spain, so why is he growing jealous when he sees you with another man in spite of his rejection?
sae itoshi x fem!reader
Notes. Reader is a sports journalist . angst to fluff/comfort . Asshole Sae? . Reader wears a dress . Aged up characters . Jealous sae . Classic bad itoshi communication . 3.6wc
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Itoshi sae doesn’t halt when it comes to his career, unlike many he isn’t easily tempted nor willing to take time for himself. Football being the core of his life, so when he’s in Spain with a three month break, his mind is lost.
“Seriously, stop working sae. You’re good enough as is.”
Lukewarm, his mind repeats. His determination grows more as he sees another football league near, his mind curious as he jogs over to the area keeping a mindful distance.
Some continue playing, some rest, and some…are being interviewed?
His eyes run through the person who writes down in a notepad, eyes focused as you gaze into the player as he speaks. Sae takes in your appearance, it’s casual for the most part. Though still professional enough to make you seem accountable.
It’s over before he knows it, and he feels like a stalker since you’re now walking back to your car before you spot him. Your eyes meet his, and you immediately know who he is.
“Sae itoshi?”
The tone of your tongue has him in a chokehold, it’s idiotic. He clicks his tongue, not saying anything before nodding.
“…I’m assuming you must be on a break after that successful season right?”
“Yeah, though I’m still continuing my training.”
You nod, you didn’t expect anything less from the workaholic the itoshi has been known for. The atmosphere in warms due to the geography, though there lingers another feel that you can’t exactly capture. He feels it too.
“Well, work hard and don’t over do it! I just might interview you one day!”
Sae nods, he takes into notice the bag of yours that sags down. Most likely to all of the work material held in it. He sees you shuffle, starting to turn around before he calls out to you.
“What’s your name?”
Your head looks back, chirping out an answer.
“Y/N L/N.”
He’s heard your name before, from others in the industry. As you wave goodbye, sae ends his workout for the day and heads back to his apartment.
He ends up reading through most of your works to fill in his gap of time.
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The last thing Sae expects is seeing you again, will all of his teammates present this time.
When he was told of the email sent by his manager, Sae for the most part did not care. Not until the mention of a journalist was brought up.
He tells himself he is not getting nervous, it’s just the adrenaline in him for seeing his teammates again. Thus, he is not nervous.
When greetings are done and explanations are given, Sae feels a shift in his mind. But he doesn’t know what to think of it. He can’t be nervous, can he?
When his turn is up, his fist bawl together as you approach him.
“Seems like it’s fate.”
“Yeah! Remember? When I said I would interview you some day.”
He very much remembers, Sae doesn’t know why he keeps thinking about the interaction you two had. It was three weeks ago, almost four now. Silently, and still not knowing it, but the itoshi is glad you could interview him.
To your surprise, you pull out a generous amount of information from Sae. The player usually is known for his little if at all, acknowledgment to journalists. But seems you hit the jackpot with this one.
His teammates and even assistant are astounded by his willingness to talk and answer your questions with full truth. They tease the man for his change of heart.
It’s short spent time, the interview being wrapped up and his teammates are all huddled together. But sae keeps his distance, his figure itching to move. To you. You’re about to leave with your manager before once again, you’re halted by Sae Itoshi.
“Can you give me your number?”
The blunt truth is given, and your face reveals your shock by the said action. Saw blinks, but this overwhelming feeling overcomes him again as he stares at you.
When he reaches his apartment, he now has a new number in his contacts.
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The weather in Spain is unbearable, that’s what Sae hears your mouth ramble about almost nonstop when he’s with you.
How many months has it been? It feels short, though 6 months have passed since the friendship between you and the player arose. It was slow for the itoshi to warm up to you, but no matter what he kept close.
The highlights for him that have changed him are many, in your friendship he means. He’s not one to keep close ties with many, solace one he wishes to keep.
Three months into this newfound bond, Sae thinks as though his mind has been altered when he saw you tending to a stray. The cat hungry and meowing nonstop, until it was graced by the food you had.
Usually he himself wouldn’t pay mind to a stray, most likely not even noticing, but he doesn’t tell you how that small action has changed him. Now when he sees a stray, he lets a scrap of food fall towards the animal.
It’s as if he subconsciously chooses to, having a slice of hope that it might pull your closer to him.
When a week of straight work was jammed into your schedule, you couldn’t talk much with the itoshi. His eyes darting to his home screen seeing no reply from you, an irk appears on his forehead.
You invite him to a cafe. Telling him that he doesn’t have to come, since you most likely won’t chat with him as you work away.
“Then why bother asking?”
“I don’t know, I just feel bad that you’re waiting for me to reply or be done.”
For once, Sae hears from another about how impatient he is, but you don’t say those exact words. Just sparking at the implication.
Contrast to his words, the day of he walks into the cafe eyeing the table you sit at. You’re working as diligently as ever, it’s almost a direct copy of himself when he’s immersed in a match or practice.
His cup is being destroyed, his hands gripping the poor cup as his foot taps the ground. He really is inpatient. He’s never noticed up until now, or has but just doesn’t dare to admit it. Especially since you’re the one getting the rise out of him.
You haven’t said much, as he expected. But he wishes to hear your voice maybe, but that wish will only lead him to disappointment. He’s at least somewhat satisfied, your presence being a bonus he thinks.
Sae grows curious, more so about and how his mind works whenever he’s basked in your presence. It’s unsettling, new for him.
So his mind wonders the possibility of his whirlwind of emotions, he thinks. Very deeply. But nothing pops up.
Maybe soon he’ll understand.
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“So, what’s up with you?”
The irritation in Sae only grows more as he hears the voice of shidou, his palms clenching around his products that are daring to spill out if he continues.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He’s been off, more so than usual. Just two weeks ago it’s been no contact, and he hasn’t been the best since. His plays are still good, that much hasn’t been affected. Though everything else screams different about Sae.
Those three words tick in his brain.
“I like you.”
He made you repeat them, the logic in his mind being gone in a flash as he deals with a situation that he can’t control.
He’s too quick witted for his own good, he did the worst thing he possibly could.
“Why would I feel the same?”
“You’re only going to get in my way.”
“Why would I waste my time on you?”
Yeah, Sae itoshi is only a mouthful of daunting words. But he’s not all that bad, he knows the worth in his words. And he they have broken your heart. He knows that this is on him, because why say such words if his heart opposes?
It’s a sea of void and uncertainty, waves crash and a storm can be made by a simple act. Somehow Sae feels as though he was the storm that caused the crash. It collapsed so fast and quick, can he even repair such a thing?
An emotion of love is wicked, it’s a whirlwind that surges through the person and Sae doesn’t like it. He doesn’t accept it. Involving yourself into a relationship only weakens the rest of you, so why risk it when he’s gotten to the golden age of his career?
He can be selfish, but this need is different. As if he desires it more than he thinks.
“God dammit.”
“Woahhhh someone’s mad.”
“I fucked up.”
The night of, Sae lets the newfound realization pull him deep. Though he can’t find it in himself to act on it, Sae itoshi can’t pursue this.
It takes months until he actually grows the courage to admit himself to the truth and be honest.
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“You’re too sweet you know?”
“Oh, stop it.”
The uproar of the crowd is still raging strong, his thoughts and heart race only intensify as he glares at the opponent he faced.
It’s not like he lost against the other male, by game terms no. He was victorious this match, but that mindset shattered the minute he saw him getting interviewed by you.
He noticed you at the beginning of the match, and the deep voice in him told him to not look at you, to keep his eyes off of you and focus.
The adrenaline and rush in him must be due to the game, the thought of crushing the opposing team. Although his heart tells him otherwise. The thought of you watching him overwhelms him in a way that makes him score three goals.
Why must you impose such a huge impact on him?
It’s sickening, it’s pure torture to not walk up to you as if everything is normal. Or how the past once was.
You must be avoiding him, because multiple others are dying to report him but his answers are little to none. They aren’t the ones who can spew answers out of him, you are.
“Why’d you tell me such so much when you usually make comments so vague?”
“Because you’re not like the rest.”
He watches your every move, and sae knows the player is getting every chance to butter you up. A flirt alright, and you play back with charm. It’s natural for at most, in order to show a genuine connection. Though to Sae, it has his mind in a fury as he’s a bystander watching the interaction.
“Stop glaring at your ex like that.”
He’s slapped on the shoulder by Aiku, the irk on his forehead grows as he mumbles out an insult to the male and shifts away from him.
It’s almost a relief, the mention of you being his “ex.” Because no, you aren’t. All that it was is you liked you, and he rejected that.
Now he knows how much of a fool he was, he rejected the idea. Not you. To many, that ideal is a stupid one. But in the moment, it was a valid point that made his decision come about.
He’s really an idiot, because he should have at least asked to stay in contact. But maybe his ego got to him, making him believe he was in the right. All those months without you just proved him wrong.
He watches you, and sees a man come closer to you. His attire is casual but formal, similar to yours in all black as he calls out to you. You beam a smile at him and sae feels his nerve break.
It’s in the way he laughs with you that makes Sae’s body turn cold.
He can tell the two of you are close, body language clearly showing a sense of ease and clarity for trust in the other. He feels the need to pull you away, Sae feels the grow of something in his throat, a grimace overtakes him.
The fixation on you keeps him unclear from the way you notice his stare, your eyes meet his and the gleam in them disappear in an instant.
He looks away, keeping his distance from anything and everything as a way to collect himself, he still has to deal with the after party for the game.
He wonders if you will be there.
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It’s a ruckus, something Sae doesn’t wish to deal with today. The day has seemed long enough as is, though a ting of curiosity was infiltrated in his brain. It eats him alive, it’s only a couple hours of his night gone to drinks and a nuisance of people.
Besides, shidou does a perfectly well job enough keeping him entertained.
“Ooo, you might wanna see who came.”
Sae takes in the way shidou’s tone is one of tease and playfulness, it gets under his skin but he has an idea of what he could mean. Or who he meant.
The lighting doesn’t seem to work on you, cause Sae can still see the glow you carry as you enter in. He’s in a trance, because for the first time he’s seeing you all done up rather than in casual attire which still looked good on you. Clothes only being an accessory that showcased your true beauty.
He sees you wore a black velvet strapless gown that held a slit, it’s clear that it will draw some eyes. And his are one of them.
His desire for you grows strong, and now he allows himself to comprehend that need. No longer trying to sugarcoat the problem that has set him in a trance.
It shatters though when he sees who walks in with you, the same guy from the game who whisked you away. Most likely a coworker, but why does he stare at you with so much adoration?
“Woah chill, you look like you’re about to explode.”
The remark has him lift his fist, showing shidou the growing angry in him if he doesn’t keep quiet. Sae knows that now, he’s doomed for an unrelenting amount of jealousy.
It’s tempting, to say something unforgettable to the male at your side. Though he doesn’t wish to sour his reputation even more with you, he already broke your heart.
What place does he have to interfere?
It’s not as though you’re paying him any mind.
Despite the thought, it doesn’t last long the minute he sees the contact of his hand on your back. Keeping you at bay from all the commotion inside. The filter on his will breaks, his body uncontrollably stands to his feet as he turns a heel.
But a force of fault keeps him still, it’s as though his heart is keeping him from moving. From you. It’s seconds of contemplating as he watches, the itch in his body beings to grow as he sees you leave.
His fear of this potentially being the last time he sees you sets in. Who knows when you two will even be in the same proximity again.
“What are you doing sae!!! Go get her!!”
“Keep your mouth shut.”
Still, by contrast Sae has his figure swing by others in order to meet yours, it’s a distance worth the call outs that he ignores. Their voices cancel out to the point he has to reach.
His presence hits hard, the male at your side turning his attention to sae that waste no time in grabbing your hand. Your yelp one of surprise before your mouth trembles.
The task to drag you outside was one he expected with bickering, though you kept quiet as his hand was holding yours. The contact enough to make his ears red.
“Are you going to explain this?”
He hears your voice come out In a tone that reminds him too much of himself. And he immediately thinks there’s a big chance you’ll leave without him saying anything.
He’s quick to open open his mouth, preparing to speak, until he notices how close your face is to his. It’s cliche, the concept of “took my breath away” when referring to someone. Maybe he can understand it now.
Your lips are placed into a thin line, making him wonder if that smile of yours earlier was just in his head. But still, the patter of his heart, the warmth spreading through him, it tells him the truth about your smile.
“Who is he?”
“That’s your first question?”
Yes, because that’s all that has been occupied in Sae’s brain. Consuming his every nerve and eating away at his heart. This is the first thing he has to know.
A line caresses your forehead as your hands ball into a fist. You’re getting worked up. He knows it, because why you must wonder “why is he doing this?”
“He’s a coworker along side me. Joshua.”
“Well he seems like he has an eye for you.”
The words are blunt and enough to set you off, it makes you wonder just why does he wish to know so much? You two aren’t friends.
Does he not recall that day? The day his words were a statement of, “I don’t want you.” The words spilling out until you told him, “I get it.”
Because he truly had no reason to tell you every reason on his list why he would ever think about dating you. A simple rejection would have done the trick, not nights of tears and insecurities growing.
“And why is this your concern? We’re not friends.”
It stings, a sharp ache growing in him makes his eye widen. He doesn’t know why that caught him off guard so much. The cold tone? The words reminding him of his from then? The reality sinking in? It’s a shame on your end, that you haven’t left yet. He doesn’t know why you even stay, but he knows he still has time.
“I’m an idiot yeah?”
The self proclaimed question raises your brow, a smile comes to your face before it falls.
“Yes? Why do you need me to state it for you?”
“Because I’m just now realizing how stupid I was for being in denial.”
His sentence is vague, he doesn’t have it in him to say the rest. You take a moment to think, but the only situation he can be referring to is the rejection of yours. Were the words said in spite of his denial?
“Seems I don’t understand, you tell me since you started this.”
He wants to fight back, but he knows it would only be a matter of time before you can handle his attitude towards this. Admitting his wrongs, being truthful to what he wants.
“I don’t mean the words I said.”
If anything, I wanted you more than anything.
“Then why did you have so much to say? You told me to my face that I would only drag you down.”
He halts, because the words were nasty and harsh. He basically lashed out on you, his rebuttal to this has to prove it. That he reciprocates and is wanting to fix what he has damaged.
“I don’t know how to deal with my feelings, and I’m career driven. The idea of a relationship screams disaster to me and I was just in the mindset of, why change something already good?”
The aspect of your friendship with him was a change, though it doesn’t compare to that of a relationship. The idea of having you hanging, having days or weeks without seeing you, he didn’t see the need to hurt you because he thought that would be the outcome.
He never considered that it could be a beautiful change for the better, even with the challenges facing it. He copes with the fact that you’re going to be disappointed, but he might as well try.
“So you thought that pushing me away was for the best? Not even telling me about your feelings truthfully and just lashing out?”
He nods, his mind blank for a way to justify himself. But he can’t. He starts to feel desperate, and for once his mind is coming to terms with the idea of his loss.
“I’ve never bothered to speak of my feelings, in regards with things such as this. Because I don’t know how to or what I can do.
“Well, if you can’t figure out a way to prove yourself, I’m just going to leave.”
Your words are a challenge, because Sae knows you will make your leave if he doesn’t let his heart speak for itself. The act of words will be repeated, and he’s going to mess up what he truly means if he keeps this up.
His hand moves voluntarily to your wrist, pulling your closer with an arm wrapping around your waist. The hitch in your breath comes out, before your lips are sealed away by his.
It’s soft, the idea that Sae can be soft is one that seems fake. Far from reach, but it’s being presented to you right now as he deepens the kiss with a tinge of fear that you might leave.
You can’t, and you won’t leave. Your heart wins the battle of sorrow as you think that you understand what he means. His act of choice telling you enough, that he wants this.
“Please, l can wait for your love, all I need is a chance.”
His face remains almost stoic, but with how close he is, you see the soften in his eyes as his cheeks tint pink.
“Don’t be an idiot and try. Change.”
He knows what you mean by change, not change himself completely, but change his behavior to this new feeling. He can do that, with time. It’ll be worth it, if he can experience the sensation of this love his heart has.
A kiss sealed, and the event forgotten. For once he sees the good in coming to this one.
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a/n; we can’t be friends, but I’d like to just pre tend, you cling to your paperss and penss wait until you likeee mee again
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oureuphoria · 3 days
The Battle — JJK
⟿ Note: Hiii!! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted on this account, and I am very sorry! I’m in uni now and my writing has improved (in my opinion) drastically, so I’m very excited to return bc I love posting here. To kick off the new era, I’m sharing a small fic I’ve worked on recently. I really hope you like it.
⟿ Synopsis: Your relationship with Jungkook has been strained for far too long and you’ve decided to do something about it.
⟿ Genre: Just angst, sorry </3 but possible part two!!
⟿ Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Reader
⟿ Word count: 1,387
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“Jungkook.” You called out to your boyfriend the second you heard the door to his apartment open. You were supposed to hang out together, you’d been waiting for him for over 40 minutes.
“Yes, babe?” From his sing-song voice, you could tell he was tipsy.
“We need to talk.” You were aiming for a serious, sobering tone, but it appeared nothing could dull his vibe when he got it going,
“‘Course, love. Not now though, I’m busy. Just getting changed and heading out with the boys.”
“But you said we’d have tonight together.”
“I know baby, but we always celebrate big wins together. You know you’re welcome to join us.” Jungkook knew very well that you were still really nervous around his bandmates. You specifically asked for some time alone.
“But we need to talk and it can’t wait.” Your voice was unwavering, but you could feel the resolve you’d spent so long building up begin to slip away.
It was hard to fight with Jungkook. It was harder when he didn’t fight with you.
“What? Are you okay?” His voice resonated throughout the apartment from your bedroom to where you were sitting in the living room.
“No, Jungkook. I’m not.” There was a moment of silence.
“What’s wrong, are you sick?” His head peaked out from the room, harbouring slight concern on his otherwise bright face.
“No, it’s about us.” You averted eye contact, unable to watch the happiness drain from his face.
“That can wait.” He went back into the room, and you could feel your frustration return.
“I’ve been waiting, but you’re always busy and I can’t wait anymore.”
“Can I not have one night? One night where you’re not on my ass about everything?”
“That’s not fair.”
“Y/N, we fight every week.”
“And I want to talk about it.” He came out of the room, fully dressed in his favourite jeans and a tight black turtleneck sweater. A month ago, this would’ve been the part where you joked about him looking like that one picture of The Rock. Now it just made you wonder how many people would throw themselves at him, and just how many he’d reject before he’d finally realise you might not be worth the trouble.
“No, see you say you want to talk and then it turns into you making me feel like shit for living my life.” Jungkook continued arguing with you while pacing around the apartment looking for his keys, his wallet, his sunglasses.
“That’s not my intention.” You stood up from your seat on the couch, but he continued to avoid looking at you.
“Your intention doesn’t matter, your actions do. And right now, I’d really love it if you didn’t start a fight.”
“Fine, if that’s what you really want.”
“Great. I’ll see you later.”
You sighed. “You won’t.”
“Stop with the dramatics, Y/N.”
“No dramatics, I’m done. We’re done.” You weren’t sure how you managed to get the words out, considering the fact that they felt like shards of glass dragging across your tongue.
“Seriously?” He looked at you, one hand on the door knob, the other by his side.
You thought about taking it back for way too long, and when you said nothing, he shook his head, letting out a sardonic chuckle.
“Alright, Y/N. We’re done.” And with those parting words, he was out the door.
You sat back down on his couch. Tears were flooding your eyes, and you could feel the pressure on your chest, affirming the end you saw coming but tried so hard to avoid.
You could have continued begging for a morsel of his time to work things out, but as he said, he viewed any and all criticism as an infringement on his right to party and celebrate his success.
You were the same age, but you lived vastly different lives and you had no idea how to reconcile the gap between the Jungkook who loved you, and the Jungkook who was in the public eye. There was only one you. You didn’t have a second life, and that was what made it so hard to relate to him.
He didn’t even want to try.
You wiped away your tears, grabbing your coat and bag from the armchair. You had one arm through the sleeves when the door opened again.
For the split second that you heard the keypad beep and the door’s hinges creak, you allowed yourself to be filled with hope. He came back, and in that moment you let yourself believe that it was for you. That he’d tell you he can’t live without you, and whatever there was going on between you two, he’d be willing to fix it.
But you and him hadn’t felt partners in so long, and the problems you used to tackle together, as an inseparable unit, began to feel like termites eating through the foundation of your trust.
“Oh, you’re still here.” His voice didn’t sound remorseful. It didn’t sound like the voice of a man who was prepared to lay the ugliest parts of your relationship bare so that you could work through them. He sounded indifferent.
“Yeah sorry, I was just leaving.” You quickly shrugged the coat on properly, grabbing your bag and hastily rushing toward the door, but Jungkook was blocking the doorway, and he didn’t move away when you approached. “Um, Jungkook, you’re kind of in the way.” You tried your absolute hardest to keep your voice level and your tears at bay, but the longer he stood there the harder it was.
“I am, aren’t I?” His tone was so hard to read, you had no idea how to respond. “I’m always in your way, Y/N. And a better man would let you go, but I can’t.”
Before you could grasp onto his words, he grasped onto you. Jungkook wrapped you into a tight hug.
“Don’t do this, Jungkook. Please.”
“I don’t know what to do, Y/N. I feel so guilty, all the time. I don’t know how it fix it, so I go out, and I get wasted and I convince myself you’re happier without me.” He sounded so vulnerable, so bare, and for a moment you saw your pain reflected in his.
How could you fix it? There was only so much turbulence a relationship could take, and the strain on your own mental health was beginning to feel like less of a side-effect and more like a direct bi-product.
Sometimes, the best way to get rid of termites is to burn it all down and pray you have the strength to rebuild.
You weren’t sure of much, but you were sure that you weren’t strong enough to rebuild.
“I’m not happier without you, Jungkook. But lately I haven’t been feeling happier with you either. I love you, you know that, but I can’t keep pretending like it doesn’t hurt me when you pretend I don’t exist. And I know the only other option is to go public, but I don’t think I could cope with that kind of attention.”
“I could say I’m in a relationship and we could keep your identity secret. I’ve seen other idols do that.”
“Idols much less famous than you, Jungkook. Its unfair of me to expect you to carry the burden of the negative attention you’d inevitably get.”
“What are you saying?”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough. And I can’t watch as we tear ourselves apart trying to make each other feel better.”
“Y/N, I don’t know how to do this without you.”
“Me neither, but I think we have a much better chance of figuring out how to live apart than together, don’t you?”
“I— I could take a break from the group until we figure this out.”
“You’d resent me for it.”
“You can’t give up on us just like that?”
“You gave up a long time ago, Jungkook.” There was no hostility in your voice, so Jungkook knew you weren’t trying to hurt him with that remark. In fact, the sincerity of what you’d said, and the tears that began to flood your eyes and his, told him you might just be right.
So, without another word, Jungkook moved out of the doorway and watched as you gave him a tight-lipped smile before walking away.
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picturejasper20 · 5 hours
Another thing about Steven Universe as character (and the series) that has been mischaracterized over the course of the years and the source of a good chunk of discourse online is the relationship that Steven has with the Diamonds.
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A lot of videos, posts and memes have spread around the idea that Steven went to Homeworld in the final arc of the series because he wanted to ¨be besties¨ with the Diamonds, when what happens in the actual show is very different.
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In the episode "Legs from Here to Homeworld"-which takes place after the episode ¨Reunited¨ that Blue and Yellow Diamond find out that Rose Quartz was in fact Pink Diamond- Steven shows to Blue and Yellow one of the corrupted gems (Centipeetle) and helds them accountable for making a lot of gems end up this way and orders them to fix the mess they caused.
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Steven: ¨Do it again! It was working!¨ Yellow Diamond: ¨How long do you expect us to hold her together?¨ Steven: ¨I don’t know. Forever! You did this! So you have to do something!¨
Seeing they need White Diamond to fix the corrupted gems, Steven thinks of going to gem Homeworld to see if he can talk to White about the corrupted gems and convince her to come to Earth and help them.
That's the main reason Steven goes to Homeworld- he doesn't like the Diamonds nor wants to be friends with them- he just wants to see if White Diamond can listen to him and help to heal the corrupted gems.
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He is aware that the Diamonds listen to him because he himself is a Diamond-Pink Diamond. So he goes along with this little game pretending to be Pink thinking that way White Diamond and the others will listen to him. He believes that maybe as ¨Pink¨ he can make them see the errors of their ways and stop this mini war conflict that he has been caught on in the last few years.
Others have made more detailed analysis about this in the past, that a good part of this arc has a huge trans/queer metaphor for Steven's character- where he keeps being refered to and imposed an identity he doesn't see himself as. He gets called by the Diamonds and other homeworld gems as ¨Pink Diamond¨ and refered to as ¨She¨, when he often corrects and clarifies that he prefers to be called ¨Steven¨.
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The final showdown against White Diamond is about this: White keeps trying to play mind games with Steven, making him believe that Pink/Rose is still alive in him and he is in fact Pink/Rose. Because Steven doesn't know this for certain, it proves to be effective for a while, making him feel very confused.
White believes that she is perfect in every way- it is what all her identity is about. She is obsessed with her own perfection so much that she doesn't allow herself to think that she has flaws nor she can't be wrong about something- and because she thinks she has to be perfect, that means that she is right about Pink Diamond still existing inside Steven.
The reality proves her wrong when she takes out Steven's gem and everyone sees that the gem part turns into Steven. As a way of metaphor to a trans allegory and self love, Steven sees that he has always been himself and he shouldn't let other people define what his identity should be, that only him should decide that.
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So, in a way, the Diamonds Days arc is intended to be seen as a metaphor to a LGBT+ kid/teenager standing up against their relatives, grandmothers or aunts in this case- and prove them wrong about their identity, that they are what they are and their family can't change that.
Okay, so Steven proves the Diamonds that they are wrong, they change their minds and they help with healing the corrupted gems by the end of ¨Change Your Mind¨.
Does this means Steven becomes friends with them after this?
Well... no
In Steven Universe The Movie, during the song sequence ¨Lets Us Adore You¨ the Diamonds beg Steven to stay with them a bit longer because they miss having Pink around, Steven is seen very uncomfortable around them and wants to get out as quickly as possible to return to Earth.
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He sees them as somewhat allies and tries to persuade them in different ways to improve the current situation on Homeworld but he doesn't seem to like them much and doesn't enjoy being around them even if they aren't acting antagonistic towards him anymore.
He has a similar reaction when they come to Earth near the end of the movie. He is very done with them and says that they staying to leave on Earth isn't a good idea on the long run. Instead he shows Spinel to them and Spinel sees this as an opportunity to make a new friend again.
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Well, about SU Future? How does Steven feel about them in that series?
In Future is where Steven begins to show real strong PTSD trauma symptoms (something he has had for a while except it wasn't nearly as strong). He knows that he has a problem most of the show but he avoids going to ask the Diamonds for help because he just feels very uncomfortable around them and it reminds him of traumatic experiences he had with them in Diamonds Days arc.
He doesn't go to them until after he accidentally shatters Jasper in ¨Fragments¨ and sees himself as a monster because of this. He separates himself from the rest of the crystal gems, feeling like he is as terrible as the Diamonds were. In ¨Homeworld Bound¨ he interacts with the three Diamonds, asking them for any way they can help him with his powers.
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Most of the episode he feels frustrated because A) He can't find a solution to his problem and B) Sees that the Diamonds and Spinel are doing pretty well and he has been getting worse. It makes him get more and more angry the more time he spends in there.
The scene that leaves pretty clear how he feels about them, specially White, is when he talks to White. As shown in the gif above, when White touches Steven near where his gem is, Steven pushes her hand off from him, clearly being reminded of the time White ripped his gem off him in ¨Change Your Mind¨.
White uses her powers so Steven can talk to own self. This leads to an iconic scene that Steven gets angry at himself and White. He has a very strong intrusive thought of crashing White's gem into a pillar for what she put him through. He gets shocked for this and makes him run away scared as result.
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This scene leaves clear that Steven has a lot of buried resentment for what the Diamonds did to him, mainly White. Being around them reminds him of his trauma, it makes him deeply uncomfortable and he would rather avoid them as much as possible.
The Diamonds get concerned about Steven and show up during the events of ¨I Am My Monster¨ when Steven transforms into gem like monster. The Diamonds and Spinel blame themselves for Steven feeling this way because of their past actions. White feels it is her fault because of how she hurt Pink Diamond and this brought problems to Steven.
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They help with calming Steven down and him returning to his human form. Now there is some argument to be said about why they took part of this hug aside from using their powers to help the gems. I have talked more about this in here but i think it is to represent Steven accepting himself as being part Diamond and maybe forgiving, realizing that he isn't an ¨irredeemable monster¨ because of what he did, that way he stops seeing himself as one and goes back to his normal form.
After this, it is a bit unclear where Steven stands his opinion on his relationship with the Diamonds. I would assume that it is probably not much different than it was before. He still doesn't like them and probably doesn't want to be around them even after all that happened.
In short: Steven sees the Diamonds as allies and post the events of ¨Change Your Mind¨ he shows to be uncomfortable being around them, he doesn't seem to like them and mostly prefers to avoid them. He is glad that they are changing their ways for the better but he would prefer to not interact with them if he doesn't have to due to his own trauma.
The Diamonds regret how they have hurt Steven (and Pink) and care about Steven but he thinks it is better for him to have a distant relationship with them for the reasons i discussed. They can still improve and make amends for everything they did and Steven doesn't have to feel forced to have a relationship with them if he doesn't want to.
There are other things that could be discussed, about how the Diamonds Days arcs should have been longer or how the Diamonds needed more screen time- However, the point of this post is talk about people have mischaracterized Steven's relationship with the Diamonds, saying Steven is best friends with them when in reality he doesn't like them and spends most of Future series avoiding them.
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humbledragon669 · 3 days
S1E3 – Hard Times Write Up P4 - London (1941) and Soho (1967)
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So, was anybody actually fooled into thinking that our angel was really working for the Nazis in this scene? It was a little confusing at first I’ll grant you, but the moment we see him giving away books, particularly first editions, and especially first editions of books of prophecy, that should have given the game away to all and sundry. I do love how much Aziraphale is enjoying himself in this scene though, like it’s all just a big, exciting game that he’s winning at.
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His use of the phrase “our side” is interesting to me, particularly if we take into account the conversation he has with Crowley about sides at the end of this episode. But I’m getting ahead of myself. In truth, I’m not sure whether he uses the phrase as part of his own Heavenly cover story or because he really does believe that his “side” is now with the Allies in the war. If it’s the latter, it would suggest that his allegiances sit more squarely with humanity in deference to Heaven at this point. That said, he very quickly switches to it being “your people” when he realises he has no control over the situation. I’d just like to take a moment to appreciate the extreme reaction we see on Aziraphale’s face at that point – it actually feels like it’s over-reacted to the point of falsity, but it’s clear from the following dialogue he was not aware he was being double crossed. I can’t help but laugh every time I watch this little clip:
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Ah, what a surprise! Crowley has arrived to save Aziraphale at exactly the right time, despite not having seen or spoken to each other since their disagreement over the holy water in 1862 (as confirmed in the Script Book). It’s like he somehow knew exactly where the angel was and that he was getting himself into trouble… Not only that, he’s putting himself through some severe discomfort to come and save the day. (Side note: anybody else find the image of Crowley walking on a hot beach in bare feet extremely amusing?) Aziraphale genuinely appears surprised to see him, so as with Paris I don’t think he knew the demon was within his proximity - although there is a look of recognition on his face as he realises who it is walking down the aisle towards him (and what a cute image that is), his first question is to demand to know why he’s there.
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Crowley is more than happy to declare that the ONLY reason he’s in that church is to stop the angel getting into trouble. No excuses, no stuttering, just a flat-out statement – I am here for you. I’d really like to think that we might get a bit of backstory about how Crowley is always in the right place at the right time for Aziraphale in season 3 – it’s just one of those little bits of canon I’d like to have more detail about (I know, I know: “what and see”).
I have to hand it to Crowley in this scene – he still has the dignity to be insulted at the suggestion that the Nazis are working for him even, not lose his temper that the suggestion has been hurled (rather thoughtlessly) at him by his only friend, and reiterate that his reason for being there is for Aziraphale, all whilst trying to preserve the skin on his feet. Having seen how quickly the demon can lose his patience (and temper), this feels like it would have taken quite an effort to achieve.
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We find out two things from Glozier here: first, that Crowley is “famous”, presumably amongst the Nazis, though we don’t find out what he’s famous for. Whatever it is, it’s not so impressive that they’re not prepared to kill him. Second, that he has changed his name again – retaining the “Crowley” as a last name, implementing a first name (Anthony) and a middle initial (J). I’m sure I’m not the only one that enjoys the lovely bit of small talk that goes on between them both as Crowley hops around, as if discussing this bit of news were the only thing on either of their minds. I also love that the demon seems genuinely invested in whether Aziraphale likes his choice or not, and Aziraphale’s response that he’ll “get used to it” says so much about how he feels about their relationship at this point. He actually doesn’t look particularly impressed with the new name, and perhaps it’s telling that we never hear Aziraphale refer to him as Anthony (even though he did adapt the new name when it was changed from Crawly).
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Crowley’s realisation that there’s a whole font of holy water, completely unguarded, serves as a poignant reminder of the previous scene, despite the fact that he’s still hopping around in a now vaguely irritating way. It makes me wonder if this is where he gets the idea that he can get hold of his “insurance” without Aziraphale’s help by robbing a church (as will be seen in 1967).
We’re back in the land of hidden communications in this next exchange:
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This feels like the angel and demon partnership that we have, so quickly, come to love. Teamwork, understanding, and a little bit of sacrifice to achieve a common goal, without the need for explicit declarations of intent. It’s so very different from the strained conversation we saw in 1862, but this definitely feels like it’s a truer representation of their partnership.
I want to take a moment here to talk about something that feels inconsistent to me in the scene that follows the explosion. I had initially wondered about the fact that the ground no longer appears to be consecrated after the bomb has hit the church (Crowley has stopped hopping around like a madman), but having done some (very shallow) research it would appear that churches can only be considered consecrated if they are suitable for worship. Seeing as that bomb pretty much obliterates the building, I think we can probably declare the ground now deconsecrated. My brain however is focussed on that font of holy water. When the church was blown up, that font, including its contents, would have gone everywhere. And I mean, everywhere. There’s no way that Crowley was getting through that explosion without some of it getting on him, or something that he touches (like the book bag he’s about to tear out of a dead Nazi’s hand). I have supposed that there is a possibility that it would have evaporated in the heat, but I’m not sure that fixes the problem – water evaporated becomes steam and Crowley would likely have inhaled some of it. So we’re left with two possibilities here – either Aziraphale did something that would cover these eventualities in his own miracle or Crowley actually can come into contact with holy water. Not that he’d ever be able to test the latter theory of course, it’s a pretty deadly experiment for a demon to be carrying out. I think the former of the two possibilities is probably the right answer, even then it seems like a bit of a stretch – what exactly did Aziraphale’s miracle do?
Moving on, we have another instance of Aziraphale calling Crowley a name that the demon would not wish to have as a label – “kind”. And as with Paris, the reaction is a very different one from what we see from him at Tadfield Manor, this time simply attempting to brush it off but this time the exchange happens without his glasses.
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Not only that, there’s a little smirk on Crowley face suggests he’s actually rather pleased with the outcome of his actions.
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Aziraphale seems very humbled by Crowley’s intervention here too, which is not something we’re used to seeing from him. I suspect he knows that he was in genuine danger during the meeting with the Nazis and is well aware of what a huge favour he’s just been afforded. And I’m sure he’s probably thinking about how badly things ended between them the last time they met. He also knows that thanks and appreciation are not something that Crowley does, so tries to make light out of it pointing out the most trivial of the consequences that this act of kindness has granted him – the paperwork.
But Crowley’s not done with his gifts, is he? If we set aside the question hovering around how he even knew there were any of Aziraphale’s prized books to be rescued in the first place (no seriously, how does he know? Maybe he saw them on the table before Harmony bundles them into the bag in the church, but he doesn’t seem to be paying that much attention), there’s no doubt that this is probably the most thoughtful gift someone could ever give the angel. And Crowley knows it very well – the relish on his face when he knows he’s about to deliver something that will give Aziraphale so much joy is absolutely previous.
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And here we are. You all know what’s coming. In fact, there has so much coverage been done of the rest of this scene, that I’m not even going to bother talking about it.
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What kind of fan would I be if I didn’t gush about the finger touch and Aziraphale’s look?! I’m going to try not to spend too much time on it though, purely because it really has been talked about by every single person before me, and will continue to be discussed by many.
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So, the things I love about this are everything the fact that neither of them flinches when their fingers touch (this despite us not having seem them physically touch in any of the previous historical scenes); that they establish and maintain eye contact for the touch; and (last, but most definitely not least) that Crowley actually lifts his thumb to stroke Aziraphale’s finger when their digits meet. Seriously, that last one really gets me – it says so much about his knowledge of his feelings and his intent with the saving of the books. In all honesty, I watched that GIF about 10 times before moved on with the rest of this write-up, this tiny moment genuinely makes my heart sing. I also happen to love the extreme nonchalance of Crowley asking Aziraphale if he wants a lift home, as if none of the previous 5 minutes has just happened. Side note: this will be the first time that Aziraphale will meet the Bentley. He likely doesn’t even know that Crowley has a car, so being asked if he wants a “lift home” will be a first in their 6000 years of friendship.
And then of course, there’s Aziraphale’s look as Crowley leaves the scene.
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He’s so adorable isn’t he? Only finally realising how important he is to Crowley, and that the feeling is mutual, after he’s been handed a bag of old books prised from the hands of a dead Nazi. Silly angel.
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So the first thing I’ll point out about this scene involves a bit of gazing into the future (as far as the series was concerned anyway) – the pub that Crowley meets his cronies in is the Dirty Donkey. Which means he was conducting this meeting directly across the road from Aziraphale’s book shop. And has probably been hanging around in the general area of Aziraphale’s book shop. Like, a lot. It’s never talked about (or not yet anyway) so we have no idea of how frequently Crowley is in the area or why he picks this particular pub to conduct his criminal activities from, but it’s certainly worth noting.
Let’s give David Arnold another tip of the hat for his treatment of the theme tune for scene setting. This time we hear it in the stripped back tones of a 60s guitar sound, not so dissimilar to Buddy Holly’s style (apologies, that’s another bit of future gazing, unless you’ve read the Script Book, in which case you’ll know that Buddy Holly should have featured very prominently throughout season 1). Holly actually died in ’59, but that doesn’t stop this piece of soundtrack doing what this soundtrack always does so beautifully – enhance the setting of a scene.
I also quite enjoy the fact that the format of this scene appears to mirror the one from 1941 – opening with just one of our heroes, who appears to be getting themselves into potential danger, with the other coming to rescue them. There’s also a symmetry in the giving of gifts – Aziraphale’s presentation of the holy water mirroring Crowley’s saving of the books. It’s a lovely way to communicate to the audience that we are meant to view them as equals, and that they balance each other out (just as Crowley says way back in the Kingdom of Wessex).
We shouldn’t be surprised that Crowley refuses to tell his “employees” what exactly it is they’re going into the church for – I should think they would consider there to be something highly suspicious about breaking into a church to steal holy water after all. And I would dearly love to know what it was that Shadwell spent time in prison for, I mean I know he’s a distinct oddbod, but criminal? I wouldn’t say he had it in him. And for the record, £300 (the amount being paid to each criminal to do this job) equates to about £5.5K in today’s money. Not a bad little earner.
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Let’s talk geography for a moment, shall we? Specifically, I’m talking about the alleyway that Shadwell has squirreled himself away down. Which looks suspiciously like the alleyway that runs down the side of Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death in season 2 (again with the crystal ball, I know. There is a point, I promise).
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The picture doesn’t make it painfully obvious, but the ramp, steps, and barrier that you can see on the left-hand side of the alleyway are a match – 1967 on the left, season 2 present day on the right. Not only that, we get a glimpse across the street from the alleyway entrance when we see Crowley turning towards his car.
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Knowing what we know about Whickber Street from season 2, the positioning of the Bentley would appear to be directly outside Aziraphale’s shop, though the shop fronts tell a different story. What would seem to confirm that Crowley has in fact parked his car directly in front of the angel’s shop is the entrance to the corner unit – again 1967 on the left, season 2 present day on the right:
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Perhaps this is just “the magic of television” and the need to re-use the same set for multiple different settings for cost purposes. I’m not so sure about that, but it seems almost too obvious for Crowley to be hanging around Soho in such a blatant way if he was trying not to be seen by Aziraphale. After all, the angel has been in the Bentley in 1941, so would know what it looked like, and it’s not like they would have been a common car in 1967.
I also want to take a quick moment to consider that Shadwell is hanging around an area in London that is painfully at odds with his views on sex workers, as we see in the way he speaks to Madame Tracey later. Perhaps those views are established later in his life, maybe even as a result of his spending time in London’s Red Light District (or at least, it was in the 1960s).
If you didn’t know something was about to happen as Crowley opens the car door, you should perhaps feel a little ashamed of yourself because… it’s the magical miracle noise! We know it’s not Crowley doing it because we can see him getting into the car, so I think it’s fair to say we should be assuming it has something to do with Aziraphale before we see him on camera. What I don’t understand is why he apparates inside the car. Or possibly why he bothers to apparate at all – as he’s about to point out, he works in Soho so it would be easy enough to simply approach Crowley on the street at any time. Perhaps it’s to ensure that the demon can’t make a hasty get-away? That doesn’t make a lot of sense in the declared canon of the series at this point. However, it’s my belief (and that of most of the fandom I think) that something happened between them after the scenes we get to see of 1941. I also think Aziraphale got spooked by it and left sharpish (more of that in the 1941 apology dance fanfic when I get to it). If we take that as canon, Aziraphale’s cautionary tone and covert apparition, along with Crowley’s look of surprise and longing at Aziraphale’s appearance make a lot of sense all of a sudden.
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It looks as if Aziraphale is really struggling to say what he knows he must here, and the way Crowley reacts when he realises that the angel knows exactly what he’s planning makes it pretty clear that he’s not exactly comfortable with the topic of conversation either. I actually find it painful to watch this whole conversation (and I don’t think I’m the only one, though it’s not as tough as some we’ll come to later in both seasons). From the subtle revelation of how much Crowley has taken Aziraphale’s refusal to provide him with the holy water to heart (seeing as he knows exactly how many years have passed since that disagreement), to the searching look Aziraphale gives Crowley after he hands over the thermos (almost as it he’s trying to memorise his face), and everything in between, this is the most emotionally available we’ve seen the couple being with each other. And it takes its toll on them both – Crowley is rendered speechless and Aziraphale almost in tears, breathing heavily to try and stave them off. The angel is making a personal sacrifice to ensure Crowley stays out of danger here and Crowley knows it. What really is there to say, other than “thank you”? Alas, Aziraphale draws the line there (in a vaguely symmetrical fashion to what we say in Paris, when he asks Crowley if he can say thank you for the rescue), so he has to come up with something else. It’s such a desperate little gesture too - the only thing that he can offer to show any sort of favour in return is to offer Aziraphale a lift.
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There’s a little reflexive noise from Crowley in response to Aziraphale’s refusal of his offer that really does convey how disappointed he is, and for once the angel is paying attention. I suspect he tells him not to look so disappointed because he finds it very hard to deny Crowley anything when he knows he really wants something. He even offers an alternative, something with promise and future in it, something that sounds suspiciously like a date.
Perhaps one day we could… I don’t know… Go for a picnic… Dine at the Ritz…
Crowley’s not done though, he’s going to keep trying to string out this meeting as long as he can. Let’s just bear in mind that his offer to take Aziraphale anywhere he wants to go is rather a moot point – they’re in Soho, a very small area of London, which is where Aziraphale works and lives. Even if we ignore the fact that the Bentley appears to be parked within 6 feet of the door to the book shop, there really wouldn’t be any need to drive to get from one place in Soho to another place in Soho. As such, I think this offer is simply Crowley wanting to spend time with Aziraphale, and it’s something he wants so much that he almost pleads with the angel to reconsider the invitation.
Tiny side note: the bullet holes you can see in the driver side window are referenced in the book. They’re actually a sticker, tied to a James Bond film promotion. The only time Crowley has ever put fuel in the Bentley he did to get it.
Aaaaaand we’re here. At the line. You all know the one.
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The first time I watched this show, I was only half paying attention and I just thought he was talking about Crowley’s driving. It wasn’t until I rewatched prior to bingeing through season 2 that I realised he really isn’t, and I can tell you it hit me like a tonne of bricks. If we assume it’s likely they haven’t seen each other since 1941, which makes sense if we’re also assuming that something happened between them at that time, Aziraphale has only been in the Bentley once before this (well, maybe multiple times in one evening, but you get the drift). What’s to say that one experience was typical of Crowley’s driving? Decades have passed since that evening, so it’s not out of the question to consider that his driving style might have changed in that time. And why not just say “yes thank you, but do you think you drive a bit slower”? Or even for Crowley to offer to drive slower on his behalf? No, this heartbreaking line has nothing to do with the driving at all, and Crowley’s lack of resistance to it and look of resignation says he knows it but has no idea who to talk the angel down from his position. This scene ends in the Script Book with Crowly driving away and Aziraphale watching him go, but my head canon has given me a different outcome here (which fits with what we actually see in the show), which I’ll be writing a fic about in the future.
This one has run a little long (hardly surprising given that it covers the 1941 AND 1967 historical scenes). I toyed with the idea of splitting into two parts but that felt excessive, particularly given I still have to deal with, what I think, is the first of the ineffable divorces later in this episode. As always, questions, comments, discussion, all welcome!
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Rise of Lyric has by far some of the most consistently expressive character animation of any 3D Sonic game ever, and frankly I think Frontiers should be embarrassed that it isn't at minimum on the same level as it, if not better.
Because here's the thing: RoL still looks awkward at times. Mouth shapes can feel a little weird, the eyebrows don't always seem to know what they're supposed to be doing, little things that give off the impression that it wasn't quite as polished as it wanted to be. But it's still LEAGUES above Frontiers, even with the progress it's made over other mainline games.
And look, I really can't claim to know how the models they're using work because I don't have the ability to mess around with them myself, but at this point I'm starting to wonder if they're just... not particularly stretchy by nature?? Because I can't imagine any other reason for them to be so stiff even when the animators are doing their best.
To prove my point, let's compare a very similar expression and pose of Sonic's from Frontiers and RoL respectively.
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In both of these scenes, Sonic is expressing determination to fight in order to save his friends. In Frontiers, this is from the Final Horizon update, right after Amy, Tails, and Knuckles sacrificed their corporeal forms in order to bring Sonic back from corruption. Sonic is currently feeling the weight of that sacrifice full-force, lamenting that they gave up their chance at freedom for him, and uses that pain to push himself forward to really save them this time.
In Rise of Lyric, Sonic is staring down a robot army led by Metal Sonic as the door in front of them closes. He's already ushered Amy, Tails, and Knuckles behind him into a suspicious temple of sorts, but he's prepared to fight in case it doesn't close fast enough. He was told twice not to open the door in the first place, but he was concerned for his friends, and decided to prioritize protecting them over their own desires to keep fighting.
With such similar framing, it's hard not to see how Frontiers' expressions fall short. Both Sonics have their eyes narrowed, the bridge of their eyebrows scrunched down to separate them into two distinct shapes, and they're holding their fists up. But in Frontiers, it's not very clear what emotions he's feeling just by looking at him. Sure, he looks kinda determined if you squint, but at a glance, he looks almost more neutral than anything.
And it just gets worse the more you think about it because by all accounts, he should be having a MORE intense expression than the one in Rise of Lyric! I mean come on, the guy practically died five minutes ago and is gearing himself up for another round of Titan fights. He should be looking exhausted and utterly spent but like he's still gonna keep going somehow.
It got to the point where, halfway through writing this, I decided that it wasn't enough to just talk about what his expression should have looked like, and that I was going to put my money where my mouth was and redraw it myself.
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I scrunched his eyes and brows down closer to how they are in the Boom screenshot for the determined look, made him look upwards with his irises instead of staring blankly ahead, and pulled up his lower eyelids to add an edge of desperation to him.
I kept his mouth in the same position, but tried to make it look a little more... angry? by curling it up on one side and showcasing his top teeth more. Finally, I changed the position of his body and arms a bit, to make it look like his whole body was tensing up along with his face.
These are all Extremely Doable in 3D animation - the only part I'm uncertain of is the mouth, since I tend to draw mouths with a very 2D mindset. But on principle, it should not be hard to shape his eyes to match his emotions. That is the absolute bare minimum of what you want your character models to be capable of in a professional setting.
And it's driving me nuts that Frontiers, savior of the Sonic games' credibility among the masses, is still being outclassed by what's considered the "second 06" of the franchise. What is happening over there that this keeps being a problem
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Limbo - part 9
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader x Han Jisung
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 /
Synopsis: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Spoiler: Happy ending, eventual poly minsung.
MDNI / smut
Chapter Summary: I don't want to spoil anything.
a/n: This was meant to be the final chapter, but I haven’t got around to adding everything to it. So I’m posting it as is. I hope you have enjoyed this series so far. I will be back with one final chapter after this.
Reblogs are super helpful, but I'd love for you to leave a comment if you enjoyed it. Should I write more Minsung?
Taglist: open.
A/n: this story may be familiar to some. It’s a rework of one of my older stories where I’ve now changed my fem lead to be reader.
“You’ve been avoiding me, and now I know why!” Han sneered. Anger burned in his eyes as he glared at Minho.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing Minho. You string me along anyway, telling me it’s friendship. You say you don’t want me. But then I see the way you look at me. It’s not fair of you, but I can live with it.
But Y/n? She deserves better than what you’ve done to her? Fucking her and then giving her no explanation as to why you ended things like you did? Do you know what she thinks?” His voice was full of bitterness.
Minho finally met Han’s eyes.
“She thinks you hate her.”
“That’s not true.” Minho’s eyes were full of despair as he stared at the man in front of him.
“Then what is it?” Han growled, grabbing Minho by the collar and shoving him against wall of Minho’s office.
“It was inappropriate to date your ex. Han, it would’ve made things…strained… between you and me. I broke it off as soon as I found out. Besides, I thought that maybe you two would probably get back together.” Minho lowered his head feeling ashamed.
This was not how Minho wanted things to turn out. All he wanted was to protect the people he cared about, the people he’d fallen in love with. He thought distancing himself would be the right thing to do.
But Han had stormed into Minho’s office, and now Minho had to finally deal with the mess he’d caused.
Han was right. Minho had strung him along. He hadn’t meant to. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with the messed up, broken boy that had come into his life.
Fuck, how he had to control his feelings when Han had shown his interest in him. But it would have been wrong to allow Han to get close to him like that. He was his mentor for fuck’s sake, it would have been taking advantage of him.
But he couldn’t not see him. Under the guise of wanting to be just Han’s friend, Minho could continue to selfishly be in Han’s world long after their program ended.
Oh how he would often wish that someone would come along that would catch his attention. That there’d be someone else out there for him.
And then he started is new job and met you. A welcome distraction. A new beginning. Minho was hopeful that you would be the person that he could have a future with. He could see it in his mind’s eye. He really could.
What were the chances that you were Han’s ex girlfriend?
And now you were gone too. He’d managed to fuck that up before it even properly began.
All he wanted to do was get over Han, and now he had to get over you both.
Han gripped Minho’s jaw, holding it so he couldn’t look away. “Y/n's an incredible woman. You two could have made each other happy. There was no reason you couldn’t have made it work, even if you knew she was my ex.” He whispered.
Minho stared into Han’s heartbroken eyes. “Hannie,”
Han released Minho, dropping his hands to his sides. Minho, without thinking reached up and cupped his cheek. “I broke it off with her… and I’ve been avoiding you because… fuck,” Minho looked up the ceiling and sighed, then returned his gaze to Han. “I’m fucking in love with you both.”
Han made to take a step back, but Minho held him in place, still cupping his cheek. His thumb traced over his trembling bottom lip, and then he leaned in connecting his lips with Han’s and taking him in a soft kiss.
He was sure Han would pull away and punch him in the face, but instead he started to kiss Minho back. He even slightly parted his lips allowing Minho to gently deepen the kiss.
This was wrong. Kissing Han was only going to complicate things further. But he couldn’t stop. He wanted to remember the feeling, the taste of his lips forever. Who knew if once this was over he would ever be able to be this close to him again?
You entered the cozy restaurant and closed your umbrella, leaving it the bucket at the front door. You were grateful to be out of the rain. It was definitely not the kind of weather you wanted to be out and about in, but Han had said Mina wanted her to come to dinner with them, to say thank you for her support with their mom.
You followed the waiter as he ushered you through to a table in the back corner of the restaurant. You were nervous about seeing Han again. You hadn’t seen him since you slept together, although you had been texting. Things had seemed good between you in the written form, but you had no idea how you were going to feel face to face.
“Here you are.” The waiter said, gesturing to the table in the corner. You stopped dead in your tracks. Han was already seated, but next to him, backed turned to you, was not Mina at all. It was… you walked around the table to find…Minho.
You had so far successfully avoided him since returning to work. Actually, you only ever left your office to use the bathroom because quite frankly you didn’t want to see anyone who might have heard that audio of you having sex.
Your eyes widened at the situation before you. Han looked up at you hopefully, but all you could do was shake your head ready to walk straight out of there.
Minho was just as surprised at seeing you. He glanced at Han confused and then angrily up at you. He stood as if to leave too.
“Y/n, Minho… please…” Han stood up and gestured for both of you to sit.
Tears welled up in your eyes. Han had tricked you. Half of you wanted to run away, the other half wanted to hear him out. What was going on? Why did he ask you here? Why was Minho here?
You lowered yourself into the chair, and poured a glass of water from the jug on the table. Minho hesitated a moment longer before he also sat himself back down. An awkward tension filled the room as you waited for Han to speak.
“Look. I know I lied to you to get you to come here. I’m sorry.” He paused. “Actually, no I’m not sorry at all.” His voice turned assertive.
Both you and Minho sat in silence and waited for Han to continue.
“Minho,” Minho looked to Han confused. “Tell her why you broke it off. She deserves to know the truth.” He insisted.
Minho opened his mouth with a horrified look, “What? Hannie? I can’t.” he shook his head. You had never seen him look so…scared.
“Minho,” Your voice was soft and soothing, but inside you were scared too. What was he going to tell you? “Please…” you urged.
Minho paused for what felt like an eternity, then cleared his throat. “Y/n. When you and I met, I didn’t know you and Han were, used to be, together.” He started nervously. He looked between Han and you. “Then, when I found out, I thought it would be for the best if I kept my distance.”
You nodded solemnly.
Minho gulped. “But there’s more.” His eyes darted to Han and then to you.
“Go on.” Han encouraged him.
“I can’t.” Minho squeezed his eyes shut as though he was willing himself to disappear.
“Please, Minho. Please just tell me.” You whispered. You wanted to understand. You wanted closure.
“I had…have…feelings for Han.” He dropped his head as if waiting for you to explode in anger.
That was not what you expected to hear. “Hannie!” You turned your attention to your ex. Your mind was buzzing with a million thoughts. So many conflicting feelings raced through your body. On one hand you were heartbroken that Minho left you. You'd felt like you'd been kicked in the guts. But you wanted Han to be happy. Maybe Han and Minho could find a way to be together after all.
“So are you two…like….together now? Wait.” You paused as a revelation hit you. “Han? Did you bring me here to give you both some kind of blessing or something? Because, honestly, I’m fine. I really am. You two would look amazing together. It’s really… wonderful. It’s amazing.”
Your voice was becoming more forced and shrill the more you spoke. Your skin burned. Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes, and you felt like you were going to vomit. You were happy for them. You really were. But it hurt. It hurt to be a rebound. It hurt to be rejected.
You didn’t feel like you were in your body as you walked out of the restaurant. You didn’t pick up your umbrella, you didn’t care that the rain was pouring down outside. You didn’t get into your car. You just kept walking up the street. Your hair was drenched. Your makeup ran down your cheeks. Your barely heard the voices calling after you, getting closer.
“Y/n, please. Wait.” Minho stepped in front of you stopping you by grasping your wrists and pulling you under the awning of a Thai restaurant for shelter.
“You have my blessing, I told you!” You wailed, trying to free yourself from his grip.
“I hadn’t finished, y/n! Stop running away.” He growled gripping your wrists tighter, and you fell silent. His hair was sopping wet, droplets of water were running down his beautiful face.
“I can’t just be with Han when I’m fucking in love with you too.”
You stood frozen. He was in love with you? He was in love with Han? He was in love with both of you?
You shook your head. “So what are you saying? You want to date us both?” You said sarcastically.
“I hope that’s what he’s saying.” A voice behind you said. You turned to see Han, also soaking wet, and panting from running to catch up. He took both Minho’s and your hands in his. “Y/n,” Han started. “Maybe Minho can have us both?” He said hopefully and shrugged.
You turned back to Minho. Was that really an option? Could you and Han really both date him? Could it really work? How would it work? What would that mean for you and Han? Things were complicated. What if this fucked everything up even more?
“I slept with Han.” You blurted out. “After you started ignoring me.” You regretted saying it as soon as it left your lips. “I’m so sorry Han…. I shouldn’t have said that.” Your hand covered your mouth.
Minho pulled your hand away and his mouth was on yours. He kissed you like he never wanted to let you go. At first you wanted to push him away, tell him to fuck off. But then a burning heat coursed through your veins and you found yourself melting against him. You'd missed him more than you knew. You kissed him back, finding his tongue, communicating with him how much you needed him. You didn’t know what you were doing, or what was going to happen after this, but for now you held onto this moment for as long as you could.
He eventually peeled away only to take Han in an equally heated kiss. Han still had one hand holding yours, squeezing it as his other snaked around Minho’s waist. Minho held his face in his hands as their mouths explored each other. Their perfect lips connecting in the most beautiful, passionate way.
You thought sex with Minho was the most erotic thing you'd experienced, but that paled in comparison to watching the two men in front of you. It stirred something inside of you. Curiosity, yes. But there was something else. It was love? A love for both of them. You wanted them both too.
They eventually pulled themselves away from each other, and gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Han?” You whispered. He turned to face you. You took both his hands in yours. “If you’re not one hundred percent okay with this, I won’t do it. But if you are…” your concern turned into a smile and Han smiled too. It had been so long since he smiled like this, like in the photos hidden in your drawer. It was a smile you'd missed and it lit up your heart.
Then you did something you didn’t expect. You kissed him. Not a hungry, wild kiss. Just a small, careful, hopeful kiss.
“I’m one hundred percent okay with this.” He whispered.
Minho cleared his throat. “So, kittens, think maybe we should get out of the rain. Maybe go back to-
“Let’s go back to my house.” You offered. “I’ll make coffees, we can get some takeaway dinner, and maybe we can talk more about how we’re going to do this throuple thing, yeah?”
A/n: I will be back with a final smut scene but please be patient because I’m going through a writing lull.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @starr-lvst @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @newhope8 @chuuchuu1224 @vanillacupcakefrosting @3rachasdomesticbanana @fun-fanfics @palindrome969 @wolfennracha @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @rixenluv @yaorzu-blog @drunkewok @igetcarriedawaywithyou @minh0scat @kiaralynn3838 @everythingboutkpop @sannieluvrr @jiminssluttyminx @lunearta
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serenitybygodsmack · 3 days
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Mama! Abby Headcannons !
Mom! Abby Anderson head-cannons !
Abby is absolutely stern and/or strict. Not strict in the way that her kids aren't allowed to do anything but she's very adamant that her children show her the same amount of respect she gives them
Saying ma'am/sir is required in her household
When her kids act out she has no problem taking a traditional approach — bar of soap in the mouth, taking off her belt, spanking — but she will never go too far with punishments
She always makes sure that her kids know why they're in trouble and why they're getting punished
Abby does not tolerate disrespect or lies of any kind
The only person who's more strict than Abby is her father Jerry
Abby knows how to stop her kids in their tracks with just a look
Sometimes she won't yell and scream, but her kids see the poorly contained anger in her eyes behind her calm demeanor.
When she gets like this, she'll be eerily quiet — "Yeah?" she'll say, "Is that your final answer?" she'll shrug, cross her arms, and lean back, her kids will have unknowingly stepped into a trap. "Get up to your room, then." she'd say, and kiss her teeth. "I'll be up there to talk to you in a minute." — the only thing that'll be talking is that belt, though.
She loves to do her kids hair, especially in French braids
She loves to make tea/coffee for them
She loves to give her kids forehead/cheek kisses
Abby literally patches up their wounds if they get hurt playing or roughhousing, she'll kiss the scrapes and bruises.
Her kids call her Mommy
Her kids will dress up as her for career day, coming to school in blue scrubs, her stethoscope, her pens in the pocket, and her badge
She 100% curses in front of her kids and does not care, they just better not repeat it in front of her cause they know better
"But—" "But nothing!"
She does that gritted teeth mom thing
She finds out her kid did something bad because they told her themself — "You better be fucking joking, so help me, you better be."
She does that other mom thing where she's in the other room and calls for her kid but when they answer she wont respond and just wait for them to come — unless it's urgent:
"[Full Kid's name], get your ass down here! Now!"
"Do I need to take off my belt?"
"Don't lie to me."
"Do I need to call your father?"
"Did you brush your teeth before bed?" "Yes." — she'll just shoot a glare at them until they get it right, raising her eyebrow — "Yes, ma'am. Sorry!" "Yeah, thought so."
She has cute little petnames for her kid/kids — baby, sweetheart, doll, their first initial, dove, honey/hun, diva/sassy, bossy, bubba, love
She has asthma, so her kids have asthma too — she got it from Jerry
She will comfort her kid through their asthma attacks — "Deep breaths, baby. That's it, you got it."
"I know that's not a fucking hickey on your neck." — for teenagers
"Mommy, can you help me rearrange my room, please please please?" "Yeah, sure, hun." — she ends up doing all of the work.
If she has more than one kid, the oldest one is always trusted to look out for the others.
She'll pay for her kids to try any hobby they want, she has no issue with it
"You said you have a project due tomorrow?!" She's absolutely fucking livid, "And you only thought to tell me now?"
Everyone does their part with chores, including her
If she has a child who inherited her attitude she's able to humble them every time — "Don't dish it out if you can't take it, yeah?"
"Oh my god, you better clean up this fucking room."
She calls her kid up, "That room better be clean by the time I get back, or you're getting it. You hear me?"
"Do you understand me?"
"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
"Get all of that?"
"Think I'm playin' with you?"
She's very, very protective of her children
She will always hear her kids out, but ultimately she knows best
will always listen to their side of the story and take it into account, even if she's angry with them
Abby values honesty and integrity above all else
"You know you can tell me anything, absolutely anything, right?"
"Hey, can you make sure to take the meat out of the freezer? I'm planning to cook today." — but when she gets home, the meat is definitely still in the freezer.
She sets boundaries and expectations for her kids and expects them to be followed
"Go lay out your clothes for tomorrow."
"How was Owen's?"
When her kids bring friends around, she know's who's good and who's not. — "Yeah, I don't like that boy Kevin. Steer clear of him, maybe."
Abby can read her kids like the back of her own hand
"Baby, what's the matter?"
She does that nose bridge pinch
"Get your fuckin' act together, alright?" 
If her kid starts acting up in public, she'll give them that look and if they don't stop she'll grab their shoulder and pull them close. Abby would bend down, "Tread lightly, yeah?"
"You better straighten up, hun." she'd say, "Or you're in hot water."
"I'll tan your hide if you don't cut it out, now."
"Shape up, or ship out."
All of her kids look exactly like her with different coloring
"Is that the route you wanna take?"
"You have like, five seconds, to remove yourself from my line of sight before I reach out and grab you."
"Don't tempt fate, hun."
"Can you tell that you're pissing me off right now? Or no?"
(If you like Ellabs) They call Ellie Mama
She loves to read books to/with her kids
She carries her kids around on her back or to her chest with ease, no matter their age
"Watch your tone, Okay?"
"Watch yourself."
"Have you eaten today, love?"
"Who are you talking to?!"
she is an amazing mama
That's all I've got 
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rap541 · 2 months
You Know I Can See Your Records, Right?
I often talk to people at my place of employment who are indignant with rage over how they’ve been wronged by either Ye Olde Credit Card Company or by That Evil Company. Or both. Typically, they are closing an account because they’ve disputed a charge and feel righteous anger over how they aren’t getting their money back. I rarely reveal that I can sometimes (not always) pull up the dispute and…
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babypuffinzoe · 5 months
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thursdayg1rl · 9 months
killing myself in front of the houses of parliament to change their life tragectories forever. and then maybe they will consider trying to make life easier for people in abusive situations
#why is everything so hard to DO#just registered to vote idk if i did it right#bc i searched up my name in her emails bc my school said we need to stay on top of all of it this year#and saw one asking me to register to vote and it said reply by the 19th but obviously she didnt tell me so i might just not get to vote idk#and didnt want to sign up for a postal vote bc of course they have to post the application to you and then she would be like why are you#trying to vote who do you think you are youre not allowed to be a person outside of what i allow etc etc#so ig when the time comes itll have to be in person#and you need id for that#and of course i dont have a driving licence bc im not allowed to learn how to drive so WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO#at least i can access my passport but there could be people whose parents/spouses hide their documents..#like dp you see what i mean . everythning is a trap#also im getting so much anxiety about not knowing how to drive#bc she'll never let me learn under her roof so wtf am i supposed to do like genuinely#ill just have to go about life not knowing this basic skill#at least my brother knows how to from pakistan so he can just do the tests#i dont even KNOW#theres just so many things like that which make my skin crawl#like the fact that my bank account is linked to her phone and this address so thats a level of control she has over me like for years#and this is my address for everything official basically#and i have no idea how id even start changing it when i do leave#think the only option left is to kms maybe then ill be free
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sunriseverse · 2 years
still incredibly weird to me how people are just. being normal and not even flinching at how instagram apparently doxxes location information of big accounts??????
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I think it’s time for some good old fashioned journaling since I can post again
#so. as y’all know the reason I’ve been largely avoiding posting and interacting with me is bc one of my friends thought it was funny to#find my account right? however as a joke a few weeks ago she was like haha look at what I can see#naturally that made me incredibly unhappy and until I could have a serious conversation with her I all but stopped speaking to her#i had a conversation with her and pretty much put it down to there are things I do not want to share with you and you severely went against#my privacy and this is not something I will get over if forgive. hopefully eventually I will move past it#and she was pretty much like oh yeah my bad it was a bad taste joke didn’t know u cared so much#like. I’ve been saying for Years. do not come find me or it will end our friendship. to any close friend I’ve come across#i genuinely don’t think she understood why I was so upset just due to the fact that she fundamentally doesn’t care about things#like she does not have interests. that’s not something she does. when she has an occasional one she would rather die than admit she cares#and in general it’s whatever. u do u. but when that stops you from seeing how much other people care about things? we have problems#she literally said to my face oh sorry I didn’t know tumblr was your deepest darkest secret#like. you’ve got to be kidding me#she wasn’t defensive when I tried to talk to her. but I really don’t think she got why I’m so upset about this. like not a clue#she was just like. ok. my bad. i won’t be back and I haven’t been back#which. was a lie she has been and I called her out on that and she literally was like. well. except for that#and she asked me like oh do u have anything else u wanna say and I was like not now but maybe later#i knew I wasn’t going to just forgive her. i know my trust isn’t just rebuildable I have trust issues as it is. but I don’t think that#conversation fixed a single thing. i pretty much just let her know I was upset with her. that is all that accomplished.#i don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget this honestly. and quite frankly I have no wish to continue to speak to her as it is#unfortunately my future sits with her as she’s moving to college with me next year where I’ll have to rely on her for rides and then to#cali where we’re moving in with several friends#this isn’t something that can be fixed. and she just keeps FaceTiming me like we’re good and I keep declining#I’m just so torn bc honestly my go to for this situation is cut off contact no one is worth me losing my sense of privacy. no one#but I don’t think I can here. as it stands I will be relying on her. i guess I could do it myself but it will be a massive pain#as cold as it seems to weigh someone’s existence in my life in an unemotional pros and cons list unfortunately I haven’t the luxury of#looking at this from an emotional standpoint. though to be fair. I’ve learned to not rely on my emotions for decisions#soup talks#girl hit me right in the worst sort of trauma I have and I finally have the opportunity to do what I wish I could have done years ago. leave#start fresh. start with people who don’t know me yet who will respect my privacy. who make me feel safe
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rivilu · 5 days
The more I think about the story through Daeran's pov the more insane i go. btw.
#on so many levels#the whole courting Elluin itself is already bonkers as a choice#nevermind the actually falling for him thing despite him spiraling mentally the entire time after act 3#(not beating the actually sweet allegations with that one I'm afraid king)#but what im mostly crazy about is like. you know the mask motif ellu has? how he's a lying liar who lies?#and like. Dae knows. Hells the Spark achievement happened when elluin tricked those cultists into killing eachother#he's seen him lie and deceive OTHERS time and time again#even if he is apprehensive- which honestly i can't tell if he is he's too good at not letting me understand his feelings -#he probably doesn't think too much of it until perhaps. it affects him?#aka the encounter with liotr .#that. i dont care about you (lie) quote that has been spinning in my head ever since#he's SO good at lying- acting- that even someone that close to him- someone that expects it- can be convinced of what he says#it's such a huge red flag if you think about it because well#when can you ever know if he's being truthful? You can't. He hardly knows how to be himself!#to then have threshold happen. Dae pov you've just proposed and he's said yes. All is well. to then see him walk toward that edge#and AREELU IS RIGHT THERE. THERE WAS NO NEED. this was something he did because he planned it#and you can only look back and realise how many things he did and said were cries for help in disguise.#wonder if it couldve been prevented if you noticed but it's far too late now#even if we take trickster multiverse into account and find a version of the story where ellu could've been talked down#what happens afterward? i imagine it'd be different if he was talked out of it early vs while On That Edge#just. what a fucking situation to find oneself in. what a person to choose to court. Daeran i need to pick at your brain#even if everything HAD worked out perfectly fine Ellu's .. not exactly the kind of person that would fit well in any royal setting.#which may be part of his appeal to Pissing Off The Rest Of The Royalty- The Character- but still. long term how would they make it work?#im frothing at the mouth if only i could write canon characters AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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benevolentslut · 14 days
#i'm in like. a weird grey area.#i know that I'm not like. a uniquely horrible person.#there are people out there who've done the same thing as me but fully intentionally and without regretting it#but also all these posts that are like 'your past actions don't define you!' 'forgive yourself and move on!'#don't really take into account someone who's done something as awful as i have. so like.#no actually i don't think that raping my ex is something i can just forgive myself for and move on#i think if it Was then that'd be even worse#'don't carry your guilt forever!' okay then what am i supposed to do with it.#i definitely don't want to put it on him lmao. he's suffering enough without having to deal with my bullshit too#and it's not exactly something i can just bring up to vent to friends about.#only two of my friends know the full story bc i'm just too ashamed to give anyone else more than just#a vague 'i unintentionally crossed an important boundary and betrayed his trust#i know if i ever dated someone new then they'd have a right to know. it's not something i could hide in good conscience#so every time i see posts like that i'm just. what do you want me to do with it then#i feel like anything Other than carrying it forever would be unfair to him. why should he have to suffer ptsd for life while i'm fine#idk. i just needed to throw thoughts into the void. I'll shut up now.#if any of my followers see this and decide to unfollow or block me i understand. i wouldn't want to associate with me either.#rape tw#vent
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featherymainffins · 1 month
Family is clearly just prolonging my and my mother's misery by forcing me to text her on special occasions and send her gifts, which is giving her false hope that her only boxing bag might come back and endure whatever she decides to take out on it again.
#if it were up to me I'd block her number and never even hear anything about her again#she made her choices and I swear to god i tried to be a good daughter and take them#when university told me that we should try to stay in contact with people in cults because it's much harder to get out without#a support system i tried to take it because of that if nothing else. i told myself that I'll take it. that I'll take it because maybe one#day she'll want out. i tried to.#maybe I didn't try hard enough I don't know. and if that's right then the universe can add it to my endless list of sins which makes me#not a human. the universe can add it to the list of reasons for why I'll never lead a happy life and why I'm better off dead.#that's what I've been told when i was growing up after all.#i tried to but it's just. it's her life or mine. and if she were mean just to me I'd let her take it. if it were just me I'd let her say all#those horrible things to me and I'd stand there and let her punch my limbs until they go numb like i always have#and I'd let her tell me that nobody will ever love me and I'd let her do her invasive checks of my body and I'd let her have those#episodes of searching through my entire room and breaking into my accounts to see if I'm saying anything about her ever to anyone#and calling my doctors and telling them that I'm crazy and not to believe a word i say.#I'd let her do all that as i always have. but she's horrible to my friends and horrible to strangers and it's just too much for me.#I don't want to hear that my friend killed herself in vain and I don't want to hear that you'll never use her name because#'it was just a year before he offed himself so it doesn't count.'#I don't want to hear any of it. i don't want to hear that all my friends hate me and I don't want to hear how horrible they are#and i don't want to hear slurs you use against them and I don't want to hear you say those things about random people you#meet on the street and i don't want to hear you passing moral judgement on strangers because of the way they do their hair#or the way they dress or the way they were born.#I don't want to hear that all my friends with tattoos are rotten and that cancer awaits them as punishment#I don't want to hear any of it. I'm sick of it. i don't want to hear 'youre a censoring bootlicker' whenever i say that i would like you#to tone it down. 'its my opinion. i have a right to free speech.' free speech is not saying that my friends should die.
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