#you know what i’ve had this in my drafts since the season started just waiting. waiting for the right time
no-moremusic · 6 months
if eddie wants me to stop calling him gay then he better stop acting like it
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cuttergauthier · 8 months
Fresh Start
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Jack Hughes x Female Edwards Reader
Warning: cussing, fluff
word count: 1.0k
let me know what you guys think🤍
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I was starting my last year of University, I used to go to the University of Michigan but after a bad break up I ended up transferring to Columbia University. 
Columbia university is only a few minutes from Jersey, the team my brother was drafted by. My younger brother and I are pretty close, I could have stayed in Michigan and spent my last year with him there, but I needed a change, and to be somewhere I wouldn't run into my ex.
My brother will be in Jersey in a few years and I can't wait.
Since my brother started playing for the Michigan Wolverines he became close with his teammates, he’s pretty close to Luke Hughes, who was also drafted by the New Jersey Devils, now there roommates in Michigan, Luke playing in his last year before he joins his brother jack in Jersey who already plays for the devils.
Because both Luke and Ethan got to Michigan at the same time, along with a few others they stuck together, and are really close.
My brother introduced me to his teammates and I became friends with them, mostly the older ones. Now when I told the guys I was transferring to Columbia they were all sad but they understood why. Luke and Ethan both made it their mission to tell Jack, Luke’s brother to make sure he looks after me, they don’t think I know but it was pretty obvious.
Last summer when Ethan was invited to the Hughes Lake house, they also invited me, since according to Luke I became like a sister to him. That’s where I met Jack for the first time, Luke introduced us. Jack and I didn’t talk much that summer but I know for a fact that Ethan and Luke told him to look after me when I was at Columbia, I’m not stupid even tho both Ethan and Luke are younger than me, ever since my break up they’ve been protective.
Now I've been in Jersey for about a month and a half. University started a few weeks ago, Jack came by my apartment during my second day here, he said he wanted to show me around but I knew Luke told him. 
Jack showed all the best places to go to in New York, he also introduced me to his teammates, they're all really nice and welcoming, so is Jack.
Ever since I got here, we’ve been spending a lot of time together when he doesn’t have practice and I’m not busy with homework. 
Today is Wednesday. I had class from 8:30 to 10 a.m. This morning, Jack had the day off so he asked if I wanted to hang out after class and I agreed.
I just got back to my apartment. It's now 10:30 p.m. Jack said he’d be here at 11 a.m. so i went and changed out of my jeans and put on a pair of black Lululemon leggings so I could be more comfortable.
Once I was done I went and sat down on my couch, I turned on Netflix and put on the new season of Outer Banks so I could watch before he got here. 
Thankfully I didn’t have any homework to do since I finished it last night. Ever since i’ve gotten close to jack i started to get feelings but there’s nothing i can do about it since i doubt he feels the same way. My brother will be his teammate in a couple of years and I also don’t want to make things weird between them.
At around 11:02 a.m. there was a knock on the door, I paused the show and went to open the door.
“Hey, this is for you” Jack greeted me smiling with an extra coffee in his hands, when I opened the door.
“Hey, come in and thank you, you didn’t have to get me a coffee” I replied smiling and taking the coffee from him, while opening the door wider so he could walk in, once he did I closed the door. Jack took off his shoes and we made our way to the living room.
“ it’s nothing, i know you had class this morning so i thought you might need one” 
“I really did, so thank you” 
“ What are we doing today?” He asked 
“I have no clue, what do you want to do?” I said
“I was thinking maybe if it’s okay with you, i could take you on a date” he said looking at me waiting for my response. I was shocked. I didn't think he felt the same way.
“I’d love that” i said smiling softly
“Perfect, do you want to go after we're both done with our coffees?” He asked
“That’s perfect” i said nodding
“How have you been? How are your classes?” 
“I’m good, my classes have been a bit stressful but it’s normal since it’s my senior year.” 
“Makes sense, are you excited to be graduating in May?”
“Yes, I can't wait,” I said eagerly, making him chuckle.
“Jeez, it is that bad” he said sarcastically making me chuckle 
“No, i’m just excited to be able to do what i love full time” i said smiling
“I’m glad”
“Are you ready to go out?” He asked once I took the last sip of coffee.
“Yeah, let’s go” i said smiling
We put on our shoes and jackets before making our way out of my apartment. I grabbed my hand and I looked at him smiling.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked curious
“It’s a surprise” he said smiling
Jack ended up taking me out to one of my favorite restaurants that he showed me when i first moved here, it was an amazing date, i had a lot of fun. 
Now Jack dropped me off at home. He walked me up to my door.
“I had an amazing time tonight” I said, turning and looking at Jack who already had a smile on his face.
“Me too, any chance I can take you on another date soon?” He asked.
“I would love that” i said blushing 
“Perfect,” he replied. 
He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
“I’ll talk to you later, have a good night Yn” he said before leaving.
Once I made it in the apartment and closed the door I couldn't stop smiling.
Another date? I like the sound of that!!
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doodles-bi-tea · 10 months
Hey I’m 🌱🫖 Anon the one that asked for that detailed Brad Bakshi fic, and I wanted to ask if you are going to release it or if you don’t feel like writing it anymore (it’s totally fine either way) is mostly just to know.
Also I love how you have decorated your blog with a F1 theme. I’m a fellow F1 fan (since childhood) and I’m also Spanish so seeing that you have a Carlos profile picture always makes my day ☺️
crying lightning (unfinished/pt. 1)
Brad Bakshi was by no means a warm person. At least, not that you had thought until now.
pairing: brad bakshi x coworker reader [second person, no y/n]
warnings: a couple of cliches, fear of dark and thunderstorms, power outage, profanity, developing feelings. mostly fluff/comfort. brad is a little bit of an asshole, as expected (and now you’re caught up!), but not the whole time. one mention of c.w.
(unfinished) word count: 2.3k
a/n: based off of this request here! heyyyy 🌱🫖 anon, I really appreciated the request! hope you don’t mind I focused it more so on season one/two brad. sorry this took so long to post and I didn’t even get to finish it, I got caught up in the struggles of daily life smh 😔 but thank you so much for your patience, I might finish it if I get the motivation but at the moment I’m not sure… also yes I’m into f1 now!! I might write for some of the drivers if people really want that but I’m not sure since I’ve been very busy. let me know if you’d be interested in that!
Your keys clinked together as you locked the front door of your apartment. After that was done, you slipped them into your bag and began the ten-minute walk to work. The sounds of Los Angeles were blocked out by the headphones you wore, listening to music and podcasts as you crossed streets and walked along the pavement. People, although no more than faces and outfits, passed you every day on the same route you went to get to Mythic Quest headquarters. It felt like just another day.
“Fuuuuuuuck.” You groaned, slouching down and letting your head hit the desk with a thud. The rain was absolutely pouring outside, you could hear it.
Being on the writing team wasn’t as glamorous as you had hoped it would be. C.W., as much as you initially admired his works, was an incredibly lousy head writer. That was normal, but especially today, he or one of the other slightly psychotic department heads were extra adamant on making sure you couldn’t get any work done. Thus you’d needed to stay a little later than normal.
It was only an extra half hour to revise a rough draft and a couple storyboarding charts, you’d told yourself. That was before the rain started twenty minutes into those extra thirty minutes. If you had left on time, you would have been able to get home – and with time to spare! – without needing to get rained on. Since you’d waited, though, the rain started, and forced you to stay in the building until it dissipated. When you checked your phone that morning, the forecast was only clear and sunny. That was clearly not the case now. Locked in your workplace, you decided to continue working until you either finished or the rain stopped.
Back to the present moment, you had just finished the work you needed to do, but the rain hadn’t let up. It didn’t seem like it was going to any time soon, either. If anything, it sounded like it was getting worse. You sat up, leaning back into the rolling chair you had, and pressing your hands to your closed eyes in frustration.
“What are you still doing here?” It was almost like Brad could smell the despair emanating from your being.
Not expecting his sudden presence, you nearly jumped at the mere sound of his voice.
“Jesus Christ, Brad,” You abruptly pulled your hands away from your face and gripped the armrests of the chair. “Scared the shit out of me.”
He scoffed. “I try. But what are you doing here? Work ended an hour ago.”
“I could say the same for you.”
“Yeah, you could. But I asked first. And you still haven’t answered.”
You inhaled through your teeth before pursing your lips. “Okay, fine, I wanted to just finalize some stuff the writing team and I were working on today. Poppy and Ian wouldn’t leave me alone because they were having one of their little… piss fights and were bothering everyone to see who was ‘right.’ I wasn’t gonna stay for that long, but the rain clearly had other plans.” You halfheartedly gestured to the windows in the main room that showed the overcast sky and harsh rain happening outside.
Brad didn’t even bother looking behind him. “And, what? You don’t have a ride or something?”
You furrowed your brows at his response. “Dude. I literally walk to work every day. It’s easier because it’s not that far and I get to avoid the issues of traffic and having to park in the parking structure, you know? And the gas prices, have you seen that bullsh-”
“Yeah, yeah I get it, whatever. Just shut it. I didn’t come here to listen to you complain.” He waved a hand around aimlessly as he began to roll his eyes.
Neither of you said anything further for a moment, you just sat there watching as he studied the ground. If you hadn’t been looking at him, you wouldn’t have noticed the very subtle twitch of his eye and the little exasperated sigh he let out as he seemed to be weighing his options. He opened his mouth, but paused. Then he went on to speak.
“You don’t even have like a flimsy little umbrella or something? A raincoat? Nothing?” He hung his head slightly lower, talking with an air of disbelief.
“Does it look like it, Bakshi?” You held your hands up and swiveled around in the chair a little, glancing quickly around the room with furrowed brows. “If I had either of those I would have left already.”
“I don’t know what goes through your mind,” He scoffed again. “I’m not a lowly writer. I’m the HOMIE.”
You didn’t really have any words. You wanted to so desperately insult him but you knew he would easily be able to destroy you with less effort. Instead you opted for just biting your tongue.
“Whatever. I’ll probably just wait it out. Even if it means I have to sleep in my office.” You moved your chair closer to the desk and laid your forehead down, quietly groaning in defeat.
Although you couldn’t see him, you could tell Brad was fidgeting slightly from where he stood in the doorway. The rain pattered onto the pavement outside, but you could hear the slight rustle of whatever sweater he was wearing, the tapping of his shoe on the carpeted floor, the liquid he swirled around in his mug. Eventually he spoke.
“Did you…” He trailed off, clearly reluctant. “Did you need a ride?”
Your brows furrowed, again, against the cold desk. “Really?” You were in disbelief as you sat up in your chair. “The infamous Brad Bakshi, greedy, heartless bastard of MQ, offering to give a ‘lowly writer’ a ride? Is this real? Am I on a prank show? Where are the cameras?” You gave him an exaggerated gasp as you quickly whipped your head around the room and spun around in your chair.
“Do you want that car ride or not?” His blank expression said it all. Brad was not amused.
“Fine, fine, just let me get my stuff real quick.”
Brad walked briskly, not waiting for you to catch up as he practically sprinted through the staff parking structure. “Pick up the pace, writer.”
You grumbled little insults under your breath so he wouldn’t hear, and began walking faster to keep up. “Fine, ‘homie.’”
The two of you eventually got to his car. It was nothing too extravagant. Fairly generic, but sleek enough for his taste.
[I’m so sorry I don’t know or remember what car Brad drives/would drive – if anyone has an answer for this please hmu LMAO. I feel like it would be either silver, blue, or black (some of the most generic car colors but with somewhat deeper connection to him as a person/character).]
The inside smells faintly like an air freshener but more like something more comfortable and just there. Somewhat like dust, but not unpleasantly so. You get into the passenger seat as Brad gets into the driver’s. He hands you his phone, already open to a navigation app for you to put your address into. You begin doing so, but a weather advisory appears. At the same time, you can feel your own phone vibrate inside your bag, presumably giving you the same notice. “Harsh rain and possible storms in the general LA area. Staying home is recommended.” it read. Brad leans over a little, just to see the notification.
“Hm. Would have been nice to know before I left for work this morning.” You scoffed, a little weary but continuing to type your address before you gave him his phone back.
He took it and began the route, the two of you leaving the parking structure in silence. It was a little uncomfortable, you had to admit, but not for long.
“If you want music you can put something on. Just connect your phone with bluetooth.” Brad said softly.
It was unexpectedly quiet and gentle, a stark contrast to his normal brash demeanor.
“Oh, okay.”
You pressed some things on the dashboard, before connecting your phone and playing some of your favorite music. It didn’t seem like Brad had much of an opinion on it. Rain continued to patter on the windshield as the car was stagnant.
“Thanks, by the way.” You kind of blurted out, but it was genuine. “I forgot to say it earlier, but it means a lot.”
His response was brief. “It’s whatever.”
The temporary silence returned. Another buzz sounded from your phones. Rather than taking yours out, you just leaned over to look at Brad’s phone. Another notice, but this time a warning. “Expected storms within next twelve hours. Power outages in some areas of LA and southern California. It is advised to stay off the roads during this time frame.”
“Shit.” You murmured, clearly more worried now. “My apartment’s still another ten minutes away because of the traffic…”
“Yep.” Brad was still stoic.
“Hey, by the way, where do you live? Are you far away from here? ‘Cause I don’t want you to have to drive to my apartment and then all the way back if it’s like the opposite direction.”
“It’s like five minutes away from MQ.”
You were silent for a moment, out of disbelief. “What?”
“Yeah. I live five minutes away.”
“And you don’t just walk?”
“Why not?”
“God, Brad, you’re such a-”
“An environmentally apathetic asshole? Self-centered douchebag? Lazy bum? I’ve heard it all and I really couldn't care less.”
“Okay, but seriously, I don’t want you to, like, hydroplane and-or get into an accident on the way back to your place. You might as well just drop me off here and turn back now.”
Brad turned to you, an eyebrow raised and head cocked slightly to the side. “As ‘on-brand’ that would be for me, that’s an actual asshole move, and I don’t want your death to be on my hands if you get swept up and away by some random gust of wind.”
“Oh, wow, so he does have a heart.” You quipped.
Brad rolled his eyes again, looking out at the cars in front of you. “As much as I hate to admit it, yes, I do. All humans do, because it pumps blood throughout their fucking bodies. I thought you were smarter than this, writer.”
“You know what I mean. I’m not that much of a dumbass.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
“Oh, my god, just… shut up. Also are you not in any way worried about our current situation? We’re bound to get into an accident at this rate, we need to get to our places as soon as we possibly can.”
“Okay, well, the traffic to get to your apartment is still not clearing up, so if you’re so worried, I’ll drop you back off at MQ and then I’ll head to my house.”
You shook your head at the notion, groaning. “No, no, no, no, I can’t stay at MQ overnight…”
Brad turned back to look at you. A strange hint of a smile graced his lips as he scoffed.
“What happened to ‘I’ll wait the rain out even if it means I have to sleep at my desk?’”
You felt the heat of embarrassment rise up your neck and to your cheeks, turning away from him and facing the window to avoid eye contact. “I don’t know, I didn’t think I’d actually have to do it. Especially after you offered me a ride! And now we’re in the car, it seemed pretty unlikely that it would still be happening.”
For the first time in you ever knowing him (your two years at MQ), Brad Bakshi laughed. It wasn’t one of his sarcastic chuckles, nor a strained noise, but a genuine laugh. You had a puzzled look on your face, and whipped your head around to see him. His eyes were shut, he was slightly hunched over, and his smile was clear as day. He continued to laugh–presumably at you–but for once, you didn’t mind. The sight was a joy to see. Sure, Brad was an asshole, but he had his moments. A smile of your own crept its way onto your face as you watched him laugh for a few seconds longer. As his laughter wound down, a sudden crack of lightning flashed across the sky, a rumble of thunder following immediately after, startling the both of you.
“Shit!” You hissed, jumping in your seat. “Okay, okay, we really need to get to safety, like… now. This shit is actually dangerous, Brad. I don’t want you getting injured or worse because of my lack of preparation. If you really need to drop me off at the office on your way to your place, that’s… fine.”
Although unhappy that the start of your weekend would be ruined by having to sleep over in your office building, you figured it would be better than causing Brad to get stuck in the storm. You awaited his response, once again watching him as he thought for a moment.
Suddenly, he let out a quiet groan, tilting his head down, leaning his forehead lightly against the wheel. “I can’t believe I’m about to offer this to you, of all people, but if you’re so god damn worried about my safety… I have a guest room at my house.”
His sudden generosity confuses and delights you. It’s strange, that’s for sure, but it’s a welcome surprise.
“Why else would I have said it?” It was a question but it came out as more of a statement.
“I don’t know, it’s just… weird. Not to say that I don’t accept, but it’s oddly kind of you. Not something commonly associated with the image of Brad Bakshi.”
He shrugged. “I know. So do you accept or not?”
“I do, thank you so much.” You spoke quickly, hoping he wouldn’t rescind the offer. “I’m sorry to cause you so much inconvenience.”
“I’m sorry too. I’m sorry you’re so dumb that you didn’t prepare a way back home.”
“Oh, my god.”
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outtherecreations · 1 year
Heyysyehehekssidj ok so I was obsessed with your Yakko fics and then I saw you accept requests for Bender from futurama!
So I was wondering if I could request a Bender x Reader where she’s a robot but she looks like a human and bender has feelings for her but doesn’t want to seem robosexual. Then planet express go to deliver something and she gets injured and people freak out and she’s just like I’m fine? And bender worries so much he confesses
Sorry for rambling I’ll go now
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts forever (oops). Well, since the new season is out, might as well post this now.
To Love a Human (that’s really a robot):
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A high pitched roar could be heard from a box in Fry’s lap. Bender, Fry, and I stare at the box with wide eyes “So…what are we delivering again?” I ask nervously. “We’re not allowed to ask questions.” Leela sighs “Does it have to be in my lap?” Fry asks “That is a question. What did I just say?” Leela asks “But that’s a question!” Fry huffs.
“…Well, I’m captain. I can do what I want.” Leela says with a shrug. I giggle quietly, turning my attention to Fry “Sorry, but you were the last one on the ship. And the last one’s gotta be the one that’s in the most danger.” I state, Fry only sulks in his seat before the box rattles and shakes. Fry frowns nervously and grumbles to himself, I scoot away from him and a little closer to Bender.
I accidentally brush my elbow against him, “Watch it, Meatbag.” Bender says, glaring at me a little. I smile faintly and back off a little “Heh, sorry Bendy.” I snort, Bender looks away with his arms crossed. It’s always funny how he calls me Meatbag. The ship becomes quiet, the only sounds were the high pitched roars from the box. We yelp when the ship comes to an abrupt stop, “Leela! Ease up on the brakes, you’re just making it angrier.” Fry whispers.
The box shakes harshly and growls erupted from it, Bender and I move away from Fry. “Sorry, but it is too quiet in this ship. It’s distracting.” Leela sighs, the ship starts to move again “Wait, aren’t you always saying how us being to loud is distracting?” I ask, “Knock it off with the questions.” Leela huffs. I laugh a little, “I hope we’re almost there, Fry looks like he’s about to pee his pants.” I state, hoping to get a better response.
“We should be there in…3 hours.” Leela announces. Fry whimpers while Bender and I groan “Boo…” I sigh, Bender pulls out a beer and starts to chug it down. I look at him, he glances at me “Want one?” He asks “I want one.” Fry says “Shut it, you.” Bender says firmly. “Yeah, I’ll take beer. It’s been too long since I’ve had one anyway.” I state. Bender tosses me a beer and we both drink in sync. And funnily enough, burp in sync.
~Small Time Skip~
Fry lets out another nervous sigh, that’s all he had been doing that the past hour. “Lee, please tell me we’re almost there!” I groan. She hums, looking down at the map “Mm…it should be…” Leela gasps and quickly slams on the brakes. My eyes widen when the box goes flying out of Fry’s lap “Oh crap.” Bender says with wide eyes. The box opens, revealing a small white creature with pink eyes, “That’s what was making all that noise?” Leela gasps.
She stares at it in awe, “Wow…that doesn’t look scary at all. Fry was whining for nothing!” Bender groans “Looks can be deceiving.” I hum, elbowing Bender playfully. Leela slowly reaches for the creature “How can something so cute be so dangerous?” She coos.
The creature growls at her, sparking and glowing. “Whoa! I don’t think you should touch it Leela, he looks dangerous.” Fry says, frowning nervously. “How do you know it’s a he? It could be a she for all we know. Don’t assume pronouns, Fry.” I say with playful seriousness “Yeah!” Bender shouts, slapping Fry. “Owwww.” Fry whines.
I laugh, earning a grin from Bender. Fry rubs his cheek and rolls his eyes. “You two need to get a room.” I just giggle more while Bender starts to panic “What are you trying to say? Let me tell you, I like my women with a metal p-” “Alright! You don’t need to go into detail.” Fry says quickly. The creature continues to hiss at Leela. It’s eye twitches as it lets out a high pitched growl, “Um, Lee, I think French Fry is right…” I warn.
Fry, Bender, and I all watch carefully as Leela reaches towards the creature “I don’t know what you guys are freaking out about. This little creature is probably scared. Y/N, you’d be growling too if you were trapped in a box.” Leela says “Thank you for bringing up my claustrophobia…” I laugh weakly with a nervous grin. The creature’s growls only worsen the closer Leela’s hand gets.
Leela gently strokes the creature’s ear, it purrs for a moment. “See, look at that. It’s harmless.” She coos, she wraps her hands around the creature to pick it up-and it bite her. “Ow!” She yelps, dropping the creature. It yelps and growls, sparks start to surround it. “Oh crap.” Bender sighs, he and Fry back away slowly.
The sparks worsen, effecting the lights of the ship. “Um, maybe we should put it back in its box.” I suggest “I say with throw it out the wind-OW!” Fry yelps when the creature shocks him. Leela looks at the creature with a nervous pout as she back away too. “Ok…anyone want to get it back in its box?” She asks, we all share silent glances. “I nominate Bender.” Leela states seriously “WHAT?!” Bender shouts
“You’re a robot, the sparks won’t hurt you…that much.” Leela states, Bender crosses his arms “Why should I risk my shiny, metal *ss for your fleshy, squishy-” “I’ll do it.” I say, picking up the box. “Wait-Y/N, you can’t just-” “Too late I’m doing it.” I say confidently. Everyone shares a concern look, Leela and Fry back away a little “Be careful, Y/N. You don’t want to hurt it.” Leela whispers.
Bender scoffs at her, “I say hurt it before it hurts us. Don’t be stupid, Y/N, it’d really suck if you died. If you die, I’m killing the other two.” He states nonchalantly, Leela glares at him and Fry frowns nervously, everyone watches me-the whole ship was quiet. I lunge towards the creature, trapping it in the box. Fry and Bender cheer, the box starts to glow. I stare at the box with wide eyes. We go quiet again, Leela frowns nervously “Y/N, you might wanna-”
I shield my face from the bright explosion.
S Y S T E M S H U T T I N G D O W N…
R E B O O T I N G…
R E B O O T I N G…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S Y S T E M B A C K O N L I N E.
My eyes open, I look around the room. I lay on the floor, “I can’t believe it. She’s dead!” Fry says “That wasn’t my fault…it wasn’t!” Leela snaps with a panicked tone, Fry flinches “No one said it was your fault…” He says, trying to calm her “Well…I’m just making sure everyone knows it…” Leela sighs, looking down sadly. The creature is box in its box, and this time, it's taped shut.
Bender hovers over my body, his eyes were shut. “Look here, Y/N, I know I’ve never said it but you’re my favorite of all the Meatbags on this stinking crew. If things were different I would’ve definitely…” Bender sighs “Um, Bendy?” I mumble. “Great! Now that regret is gonna haunt me forever! I’m already hearing her ghostly voice! It’s still so sweet and innocent! That’s it, now I’m really killing the other two!” Bender shouts, backing away from me.
I sit up, “Guys.” I say. Bender tenses and slowly turns to me, he lets out some unintelligible noises before falling on his butt “You’re alive?” Leela asks in shock “Um, yeah…why wouldn’t I be?” I ask. “You were electrocuted then your eyes went black.” Leela says nervously “Are you a zombie now? If you are, you should think about going vegan.” Fry says, hiding behind Leela.
“Oh, I’m not a zombie. I didn’t die, I just short circuited.” I tell them. It’s quiet for a moment, “What?” I ask, breaking the silence “Short circuited?” Leela repeats. “Yeah.” I say, everyone just stares in shock “I am a robot after all. It’s not really that surprising.” I snort “Oh yeah it is!” Fry shouts. “If your a robot, why do you look so…fleshy?” Leela asks.
I look at my hand, pinching the fake skin, “I was a prototype for a new generation of humanoid robots Mom was working on, but she got super frustrated with one of her sons and set all her progress on fire. I was luckily able to get out before dying a fiery death.” I tell everyone, there's a pause. “Oh, that makes sense…” Leela says, staring at me blankly.
“So, you’re not going to eat us?” Fry asks carefully, “Ew, no. Humans taste disgusting, trust me, I know.” I snort “What?” Fry asks, blinking at my statement. Bender quickly stands up, “You-you-you mean all this time…-I thought you were a Meatbag like the rest of them!” Bender says, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me. “Well I’m not, Bendy.” I chuckle, Bender lets go of my shoulders.
Bender stares at me with wide eyes, “You mean I’m not a robose-” Bender pauses “A what?” I ask in confusion. Bender lets out a frustrated sound, "Go out with me!" He says firmly, I look at him in surprise before giggling "Yeah, ok." I say, Bender looks slightly taken aback. "Ok...good. Come on." He says, hooking his arm with mine and walking toward the exit of the ship, "Where are you two going? We haven't finished our delivery!" Leela calls "I'm not doing anything until I know what Y/N's shiny, metal *ss looks like!" Bender shouts, he pick me up and jumps out the ship.
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cementcornfield · 21 days
Brandon Aiyuk just signed!! Could this be a good thing for Ja’marrs case? (I hope so Bengals twitter is making me mad)
i saw!! thank god that particular saga is over lmao. but unfortunatley i’m not sure this is really going to move the needle much for ja’marr’s case since, i think in general, aiyuk is considered at least one tier below the caliber of receiver that justin, ceedee, and ja’marr are at. (but maybe this firms up the market a bit? one tier below = 30 million per, establishing that ja’marr NEEDS to be making more than that) 
and oh my god bengals twitter has me ENRAGED (going to use this ask to rant a bit under the cut, sorry!) 
ok like. i get it. the majority of us are never going to see the kind of money ja’marr is set to make, so i can understand the frustration people might feel. Especially with the fact that he WAS practicing, he WAS set for week 1, and now that rug has been pulled out from under us. everyone is understably upset. but being upset at ja’marr??? that’s bullshit in my opinion. he has so little power and leverage here, and he’s using what he can to advocate for himself against a CORPORATION with all the power! i’ve said it on here before, but it is insane to me to be on the billionaire owner side compared to a worker who is only ever going to make a FRACTION of the profits he brings to the league. 
and ugh, i keep seeing the argument: oh he has 2 more years on his contract! he’s being selfish for not honoring that! blah blah blah. ok, first of all, joe got a new deal when he had two years left on his rookie deal. no one batted an eye on that! and then you might argue, well, QBs operate under different rules, but! at least two receivers that i know of from ja’marr’s draft class, devonta smith and jaylen waddle, got their extensions this year! and that is GOOD for the team btw, it allows them to spread out all that money over more time, and eases the cap hits!! and waiting until the next year will ALWAYS raise the price! 
i’ve been doing some research on this and here’s what i understand about rookie contracts per the collective bargaining agreement by the nflpa…the owners negotiated the current system because they were mad that rookie contracts were getting out of control. guys were coming fresh out of college, never hitting the field, and were being paid absurd amounts of money!! and then sometimes, they’d be complete busts! but they’d still have to get paid. so the owners and nflpa collectively agreed on our current rookie contract structure, which is that rookies would make very little (comparatively) during their first four years (with first rounders have an added fifth year option that would add yet another year of control by the team). it became all about reaching the second contract for rookies, which is when they would really get paid what they had proven was their worth. PART OF THIS AGREEMENT!!! IS THAT ROOKIES ARE ALLOWED TO START NEGOTIATING A NEW DEAL AFTER THEIR FIRST THREE SEASONS PLAYED IN THE NFL!!!! this is part of what the owners agreed to!! this is one of the only advantages players get in trying to control what little they can!!! so FUCK EVERYONE who pulls that “he has two years left he needs to honor his contract” bullshit. this is part of the system that was agreed upon by everyone. ja’marr has EVERY RIGHT to negotiate for a contract that better reflects what he’s currently worth. and he is one of the best receivers in the league still making rookie money. why shouldn’t he try to get more?? 
why does he want it now? i was a little confused by that myself at first, because again, price only goes up, cap only goes up, he WILL get more next year (and if he has to wait until then, then fuck the organization and i hope he robs them blind tbh) (well no i don’t. i want him to get what is fair! which will be more next year unfortunately, sorry mike!!) and okay, we can’t know for sure, i always try to emphasize that we don’t really know any of these players and what their thoughts and motivations are. but if i had to guess, he’s just watched one of his best friends (tee) get completely screwed over by the organization (with a chance of him getting screwed again by a second tag btw!!) he saw another close friend, joe mixon, take a pay cut to stay with the team last year, have a productive season, and then the team got rid of him anyway. he saw jessie bates get tossed aside. he just saw evan take a deal that was definitely below market value. sure, the bengals say that ja’marr is different, that they’ll bend over backwards to pay him. but what proof does he have of that? how does he know that if he takes the risk of playing this year, he won’t get screwed over like the majority of players by this organization. and yes okay, that’s loaded language, the bengals aren't maliciously fucking everyone over of course, they’re just doing good business. but that’s what ja’marr wants to do for himself! and there’s no reason he shouldn't be able to! 
the bengals eventually (way way too late into the process) gave joe the deal he wanted. mike brown called joe the most important player and said that ja’marr was right after that in importance. so ja’marr wants to see if he means that. he wants to see if he really is respected and valued by this organization. good for him! and while he’s been using this "hold in" negotiation tactic, by all accounts he’s still been present and involved in the meetings and at practice as a coach-like figure. he’s been upbeat, positive, and DISCRETE (unlike other receivers this contract cycle 🙄). he finally starts practicing again, per his agent as a sign of good faith. and i can only imagine that the organization threw this back in his face with some lowball offer or refusal to continue negotiating, so now he’s back to holding in. so fuck mike and duke for that! in particular! 
woof ok this was way too many words and no one will read this. but god i just hope they get this resolved. i want ja’marr to practice. i want him to play in all the games he can. i want him to beat the chiefs!!! let’s just hope the organization finally comes around and gets their shit together. and until then, bengals twitter better put some respect on ja'marr's name!!
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buttercupjosh · 1 year
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(Gif credit to @fivehole)
word count: 5,152
warnings: none
genres: strangers to lovers to ex’s, a bit sad, somewhat happy ending
A/N: To start, I know that Nolan’s not as popular anymore and his future in the NHL is looking a bit bleak but despite that, this story exists. This story is based off of the songs, the Hayley Williams cover of Nineteen by Tegan and Sara, (which is where the title comes from), You All Over Me by Taylor Swift feat Maren Morris and Last Kiss by Taylor Swift (I highly recommend listening to those songs before reading. I’m taking vibes, elements and references from them and putting them in the story and listening will also help with understanding the plot). I’ve wanted to write a fic based off of those songs for a while and my vision for the story works best with Nolan. It’s set in a timeline format by the hockey season. It’s written with a female reader in mind because I’m a female of color but the reader doesn’t specifically have to be a POC or a woman and there’s no dialogue. As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌
(P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
“You were mine, always but now you’re gone. Look what we’ve become, just another sad song of a love gone wrong.” -Pictures by Judah and the Lion feat. Kacey Musgraves
Nolan could feel you in his limbs before he ever met you and he could feel you in his life before he ever thought to. How can you feel someone that you don’t even know yet? On the day you met, Nolan felt an unexplained tingle in his body. He was dreading having to go to the DMV but he misplaced his license so on a rare weekday off, he went to get a replacement license. Nolan really needed his license; he legally couldn’t drive without it. He could only imagine the chaos that would ensue if the recently 2nd overall NHL draft pick was pulled over and caught driving without his license so he couldn’t put off getting it done. To top it off, Nolan felt this weird tingling sensation in his body so he mentally made a note to talk about it with the team doctor. Travis (TK) kindly dropped Nolan off at the DMV and continued with his other plans for the off day. For you, you had some time after your classes to pop into the DMV to renew your license, which was going to expire soon because your birthday was coming up.
That tingling feeling that Nolan was experiencing went away when you first interacted with each other in that crowded waiting room back in 2018, in the middle of his first season with the Flyers. The softness in your voice asking if the seat next to him was taken directly contrasted with the deepness of Nolan’s voice. It was going to be a long wait so to pass the time, you and Nolan started talking to each other. Nolan usually was against unnecessary small talk and preferred to keep to himself but chatting with you felt different. Throughout these conversations, you learned little details about each other; details that would be held onto throughout the course of your relationship. You learned that Nolan was actually a funny guy behind his intimidating demeanor and he learned that you deeply valued family. The connection that you had made in the hours of waiting felt special to Nolan. You didn’t even know each other for that long and that well but it was almost like you could feel each other in your hearts as you talked. Since Nolan had arrived before you did, his number was called sooner so he left first. Before leaving, he quickly wrote his number down on the back of the waiting room ticket.
Later that same day, you sent Nolan a text to check in on him and that started a long text chain between the two of you. In the beginning of your friendship, Nolan definitely had his walls up but as you got to know more about each other, the walls came down. Nolan enjoyed talking to you because you made him feel like a regular person, not some superstar; the pressure of being a high NHL draft pick disappeared in the chats that you shared. Over time, he became more comfortable and trusting with you, even inviting you to his games and team events and telling his teammates about you. You began falling for each other and your relationship grew from texting buddies to friends to lovers. Your relationship with Nolan was quiet but it worked well that way. There was a slow introduction to the most important people in your lives; you’ll never forget how your father complimented Nolan’s handshake and how that handshake indicated to him that Nolan was a strong man and your mother admired how Nolan treated you so well. Nolan didn’t want outsiders to judge and ridicule his relationship with you so there were no direct social media posts of your presence in each other’s lives –only small snippets of his face or hands in your Instagram story posts, listening to songs that you liked or that reminded him of you on his story posts and location tags of being at the same place– but the right people knew you were together. There were also fun things, like surprise flowers and other gifts at your door, inside jokes, and secret road trips down to the beaches on the Jersey Shore. You were down so bad for Nolan and he could make you melt like ice cream on a hot June day with just one look. Nolan was down badly too; he tried to be all cool and push it aside but as soon as you walked into the room or opened his car door, the heat in his cheeks would rise and it was game over. The first year of your relationship together was so amazing until things changed.
Due to your summer internship commitments, you only got to spend 2 weeks in Winnipeg with Nolan before school started back up at the end of August. Nolan was anxious about you coming to his safe space of his hometown; it rained the day you arrived and the smell of rain brought comfort to him. As both a test and a joke, you ran towards your boyfriend in the airport to see how he would respond. Nolan saw you running at him and his first reaction was to open his arms to catch you; having you in his arms meant everything to him.
Nolan isn’t a man of many words but being with you made him want to sing. On your first night in Winnipeg, Nolan took you to a bonfire party to meet some of his friends. At the party, you mixed and mingled with the people who Nolan trusted the most. Nolan even pulled you in for a dance, which surprised you because he knew that you weren’t much of a dancer and also that he would bust out a move in front of so many people. After the party flamed out, you and Nolan drove back to his house and by the time you arrived, it was almost 2 am. Before going inside, Nolan had looked at you with those blue eyes of his that you adored and you could sense that he was nervous; something was up. Nolan took a deep breath and told you that he loved you for the first time in that same deep voice that captivated you when you first met and you repeated it back to him. You always knew in your heart that you loved Nolan but hearing him say it meant so much more.
Summer Nolan was much more laid back and chill than Hockey Season Nolan. During your time in his hometown, Nolan showed you around the place that shaped him into who he was and let you meet the people who impacted him along the way; he even drove you all the way out to Brandon to see his old stomping grounds before he was drafted. It wouldn’t be summer unless he also took you fishing, hunting, and out for a day on the golf course as well. You got along well with Nolan’s family and meshed great with them. By the time you left to return to Philly, Nolan was already looking forward to bringing you back home to Winnipeg for many summers to come.
After you had left, Nolan was doing some summer training and unexpectedly started experiencing some migraines; he had experienced injuries and concussions before but this wasn’t like that. Due to Nolan’s career choice as a hockey player, he had access to the best doctors and specialists in the country so that helped relieve some of the stress that came with having a chronic illness. His migraines came with good and bad days and one of those bad days came as a test when you were together.
The first time you had ever spent the night at Nolan’s place in Philadelphia, he had a random migraine. Thankfully, it wasn’t so bad that he would miss time from playing; Nolan was still trying to navigate his newfound diagnosis but he handled it the best way that he could. At the time, he was living with Kevin (you were taking things slow and hadn’t talked about moving in together yet) so you weren’t originally planning on staying overnight but Nolan really needed you there. You weren’t trained like a doctor or nurse to take care of him but you did everything in your power to make him feel as comfortable as possible and to help to alleviate his pain. The only thing that helped Nolan was laying down in the dark with no light and you cautiously lay beside him in the darkness of his bedroom. Whenever you were sick as a child, one of your parents would come into your room to make sure you were breathing okay on your own and you did the same for Nolan. You watched him as he slept and could feel him breathe. That evening was a bit rough but Nolan was so grateful that you sacrificed your time to be with him during an unexpected, difficult situation. Like anything else in life, there would always be ups and downs but you would always be there to take care of him, no matter what.
2019-20 and 2020-21
Nolan continued to miss time away from the team and he did his best to try to get healthy enough to return to play but it took more time than expected. Patience would end up becoming an important, key virtue throughout your relationship. During this time, you graduated early from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s in Public Health and Nolan was super proud of you, beaming with joy from watching his lover achieve such a great accomplishment. You decided to take a year off from school before going back to get your Master’s degree in Epidemiology but then in early 2020, a pandemic hit; suddenly, you were hunkering down in Canada with Nolan and his family, your hope-to-someday-be in-laws. The world that you all knew was changing dramatically. The NHL season paused for a bit and started back up in a bubble-style tournament but due to his extended absence and health concerns, the Flyers and Nolan’s doctors felt like it was best for him to continue his recovery instead of having him come down to play in Toronto and Edmonton. You could sense the hurt from Nolan having to watch his team play in the playoffs without him and you felt that same pain, both sharing the hope for things to get better.
After the Flyers season concluded in late 2020, Nolan’s health had stabilized by then and he felt confident about returning to play so the Flyers gave him a contract for the shortened 2020-21 season. That condensed season was a bit brutal on Nolan since he hadn’t played professionally in over a year and the team wasn’t in the best condition at the time but he tried his best to persevere through it. He had a minor setback when Phillippe Myers accidentally hit him with a puck mid-game but thankfully, Nolan only missed 2 games and finished out the season without another injury. You saw a light in Nolan’s eyes when he played; a light that both shined and dimmed as time would go on.
The Flyers missed the 2021 playoffs and Nolan was so appreciative for the time off to recover but he also felt fearful for what was to come for the future. Nolan wanted to escape the criticism and pressure from being in Philly so during the 2021 off-season, he talked to you about his plans for leaving. He thought your input was super important and you were supportive of whatever he chose to do and were open to moving wherever he ended up.
The trade to Vegas was a bit surprising because there was no solid guarantee of where he was going to play but you were both grateful for the chance that the team took on Nolan and to open to this new chapter. It wasn’t easy leaving everything you knew behind in Philly but there was something exciting waiting for the both of you in the desert. You originally wanted to finish grad school in Philly but took a pause on your studies to move with Nolan to Vegas; this was also going to be the first time you had lived together. Living in Vegas had its expected highs and lows but you both made the best of the new city. You still kept in contact with some of the Flyers WAGs and made new friends with Golden Knights ladies, discovered new things to love about each other and the new place you lived. Yes, there still were some setbacks with Nolan’s health and his play needed some adjusting but it was okay because he was glad to be back on the ice and starting over somewhere new. Things were looking fine for both of you until February 16, 2022.
You had a rare weekday off so you trekked down to T-Mobile Arena to go watch Nolan play. That game happened to be against the Colorado Avalanche; conference rivalry games always had some sort of chaos and drama but this time, that drama and chaos hit too close to home. As you sat in the stands, chatting away with the other WAGs, something devastating happened. Early in the first period, Nolan got hit. The hit was brutal to watch and you angrily cursed Nathan MacKinnon’s name for what he did to your man. You had always known that hockey was aggressive and physical but this hit ignited both a rage and sadness within you. During the game, you left to meet with the team doctor to discuss Nolan’s prognosis; it was a head injury so you knew what was coming ahead and you had to drive him home. You always liked when Nolan let you drive his car but this time it was different. The car ride back home was very quiet, the only noise was the sound of the other cars around you and the clicks of the turn signal. Every time you saw Nolan hurting, it made your heart break a little. You loved him so much that seeing him in pain made you feel pain and you wished that you could just erase the pain that Nolan dealt with and make him 100% better.
Nolan eventually did return to play before getting hurt again and playing his last game on March 24. After his final game, there was a shift in Nolan and the light in his eyes disappeared. His migraines continued to be on and off but the time away allowed them to stabilize for a bit. During his hiatus from hockey, Nolan became more distant and less affectionate with you. You tried to let his actions not bother you but it silently hurt you. You knew Nolan was upset with the way how his hockey season ended and you tried to comfort him and distract him from his pain but it wasn’t enough for him; it was terrifying to watch him fade away like that. Nolan was hurting a lot, not only physically but emotionally. He couldn’t quite fully escape the injuries and the lingering pressure of returning to hockey was always there. Everything in his life was centered around hockey; his identity, his goals, and the conversations people had about and with him. It was almost like he resented the sport that he was the most grateful for; hockey was the only thing people seemed to know him for and that was gone. The loss of Nolan’s hockey career would be a very challenging loss that he would grieve over but you were right there by his side to support him during this difficult time.
Throughout his recovery time, Nolan began to get rid of anything and everything that reminded him of the life that he once had but didn’t have anymore. First, it was removing the social media posts. Then, it was unfollowing his old teammates and so-called friends who never checked in on him. Finally, it was hurting you. At the end of the 2022 season, Nolan requested that you have a deep serious talk together. In the back of your mind, you knew that something big was coming; Nolan was already distant with you so maybe he needed some more time and space from you. He dropped the already expected and painful news but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Nolan expressed that you deserved better than him and being around you, unfortunately, reminded him both of his past and of a future life that he couldn’t give to you. You didn’t care about those things and it didn’t matter what he could or couldn’t do because all you wanted was him but Nolan already made up his mind to end the relationship.
You couldn’t believe that he would just give up on what you had but he did. Nolan told you he loved you so frequently but now, the feelings of love were going away. You already knew Nolan was devastated with the way his hockey career and life derailed but you never would have imagined him hurting you because of that. You were already there with him through some of the toughest moments for him and were willing to continue to stay through them; if you didn’t love Nolan as much as you did, you would have left sooner. Naturally, you tried to reason with him but everything was pointing towards the end of your relationship. It frustrated you that Nolan wanted to break up for good instead of just taking time apart from each other; you were willing to give him the time and space he desired and the hope of you possibly come back together lingered around throughout the air. You had Nolan but he ended up burning you; you thought your relationship was so solid and strong, that these setbacks and other things wouldn’t break it down but it shattered everything you built together.
Nolan blamed being young in love and wanting to meet new people as a reason for wanting to separate. Deep down, he wanted to be with someone who didn’t know or had any connection to his hockey days so that he could leave that part of himself behind; Nolan just wanted a blank slate to start over from it all but that came at the expense of the beautiful relationship you spent years in. Breaking up with you was like watching a part of himself die; you and Nolan were always separate individuals but your relationship interconnected you together in such a profound way. Nolan’s honest confession to end the relationship hurt so deeply; you could feel the pain in your chest and Nolan could feel the pain of what he did rattling in his bones. It was almost like that tingling feeling Nolan felt the day when you first met returned back.
This breakup was 100% one of those “it’s not you, it’s me” moments. Nolan felt bad about breaking your heart but he felt like the only way for him to get peace from his past wasn’t to carry things from it into his future. He wanted out because of himself, not because you were a bad person or something you did; Nolan truly did have a catch on his hands being with you but he couldn’t hold on much longer so he let you go. You held out and held on to your relationship with Nolan for so long; you sacrificed so much to be and stay with him but Nolan just didn’t want to continue. At the time, it was hard to understand why he didn’t fight for your relationship harder but maybe it was a sign that Nolan wasn’t the one for you and you were never really meant to be.
At least once every day since the first time it was shared, you would tell each other “I love you.” Now, all you could say to each other was goodbye. You could see in Nolan’s eyes that he was trying his hardest to not cry but he did anyway. For one last time, Nolan held you in his arms in a tender embrace as the both of you lost tears. Normally, a couple that just broke up wouldn’t do this but Nolan tilted your head up towards him and sealed the end of your storied relationship with a final tear-soaked kiss.
Over the course of the next few days, you packed up your respective things and began the separation, silently removing things from your shared space. Throughout your packing, you both found little mementos from your relationship; things like the paper ticket Nolan wrote his number on when he first met you, the gold N necklace Nolan gave you on your first anniversary, the birthday card you gave Nolan when he turned 23 last year, a bottle of your perfume that was Nolan’s favorite. You had also found some of Nolan’s clothes that he had given you over the years you were together. The world that you had known together had turned around and it was a lot to process; you really were beginning to enjoy your new home but now, you both had to return back to your old one. Thankfully, one of your local friends let you stay at her place in the meantime until everything was in place for you to return back to Philadelphia and Nolan stayed at the apartment. You were all his and Nolan was all yours but that was all gone. Leaving you behind wasn’t easy but he did it anyway. It was wild how you moved to Vegas at the start of the 2021-22 season and by the time the season ended in April 2022, the relationship was over.
The 2022 off-season was supposed to be different this time. At the start of the year, you and Nolan had made plans to explore Europe for an off-season couple’s trip but before the start of the summer, that trip never happened. Flights and hotels were refunded; the diamond ring Nolan had planned on proposing to you with on the trip was returned to the jewelry store. Nolan went back to his happy place at home with his family but returning to Winnipeg without you this time did hurt him a bit. As expected with returning back, Nolan had to deal with the whispers and rumors that came from people who had no idea what he was going through.
The only bright side of the otherwise sad off-season was that Nolan’s quality of life improved a lot as his migraines continued to get better with the time off; he eventually found a good regime to help him cope and he was able to do some of the things he loved, like golfing and listening to loud music. While he was home, Nolan cooked up a good plan to fly back to Philadelphia to convince you to take him back but that was all in his head; he hadn’t been to Philly since you both moved to Vegas for the trade and he never did return to play a game there. Nolan couldn’t bring himself to go back to the city that was home at one point but isn’t anymore so he let the plan go and let time pass by.
The 2022 off-season turned into Nolan not returning to the NHL at all. The Vegas Golden Knights ended up winning the Stanley Cup in 2023 without him; it hurt the both of you to see Nolan’s old team succeed at achieving one of his goals. Despite the progress made in Nolan’s recovery, playing hockey full-time unfortunately never really made its way back into the picture for him.
Nolan still quietly kept tabs on you, watching you from the sidelines. You finished up your Master’s degree program and he was proud of you again, just like he was when you graduated with your Bachelor’s degree. It had been over a year since you last talked to Nolan. You tried to keep tabs on Nolan but he wasn’t really close with anyone from his old teams anymore and you only saw brief glimpses of him through his Winnipeg friends. You romantically moved on with someone new, someone who fulfilled the “if he wanted to, he would” that Nolan chose not to meet. Nolan moved on too, he met a girl in an online support group for athletes whose careers were derailed by injuries. His new girlfriend met the requirement of no hockey connections and she was great; he deeply loved and cared for her, just like he did for you.
Despite the amount of freedom you had from each other since the break up, you weren’t fully clean and still had pieces of each other left lingering all over you. You would never look at a vehicle with muddy tires the same way –they reminded you of when you and Nolan went to Hawaii for All-Star Break, rented a Jeep, and explored the island–, you would never look at anything related to ham and cheese without thinking of Nolan’s pre-game meal and how you missed going to watch him play, the migraine medication commercials made you think about the treatments that didn’t work and wondered what was helping him now. Nolan was notoriously known for his privacy and for being a lurker so you had no idea if he had truly missed you.
Sometimes, Nolan did miss you but he wasn’t going to let you know that. When the Italian restaurant that you had gone to on your first date closed down, Nolan wanted to talk to you to reminisce on those good times but he didn’t reach out, he couldn’t see orange juice without thinking about how he always kept a bottle in the fridge for you, plaid always reminded him of the flannels you wore in the fall, hearing certain songs on the radio made him wonder if you would like this song. One day, while figuring out what to listen to, Nolan came across the playlist. During your relationship, Nolan made a secret playlist called “y/n-core” and it contained all of the songs you liked and songs that reminded him of you. He listened to it whenever he missed you; when you found out about it, you made a similar playlist for him. Music was something important to both of you so deleting the playlist was hard so you both kept it; Nolan would secretly listen to it whenever he missed you and look back at old photos from when you were together and when you missed him, you would put on one of his old shirts and play it as a coping mechanism.
Looking back at the relationship, some questions began to arise. Were there any warning signs that you missed beforehand that could have indicated that the relationship was doomed? Could you blame Nolan for wanting a change? Could you blame Nolan for not changing his mind and not wanting to reconcile what you had? Could Nolan blame you for moving on when he didn’t want to stay together? Neither of you would have ever thought your relationship would have ended the way it did. It started off like a beautiful love song but it crumbled like a piece of paper when it ended. Neither of you would say that you wasted your time being together because you lived and learned throughout your relationship; you both carried those things into your new relationships. Even though you’re not sure if you’ll ever see or hear from him again, you had hoped that Nolan was doing okay and he had the same hope for you. Over time, you forgave Nolan for what he did and Nolan forgave himself for his actions. You understood why Nolan broke your heart the way that he did; he did it because he loved you so much that he willingly walked away from you so that someone better could come into the picture. Nolan’s capacity for love was enough for you but he saw it differently so you had to fully accept his decision.
Even though you’ve both moved on to new partners, your name and Nolan’s name still lingered on each other’s lips whenever either of you kissed your new lover. Sometimes, you missed the moments when Nolan would randomly interrupt you with a kiss (your new partner wouldn’t attempt such a thing) and Nolan actually missed doing it to you and couldn’t bring himself to continue that with his new girlfriend. Every now and then, the feelings of missing each other would occasionally sink in and you both would miss and think about the other. You both hated missing each other because you both had new lovers, but that didn’t prevent those feelings coming up. Sometimes, you both wished that the other would call but those calls would never come and you had to let each other go. If you somehow did end up back together, it would cause more pain than love; how do you fully trust someone who hurt you so much? You both still carried a little of the love you shared together but things would never go back to being the same. After being out of touch for so long, there was no point in trying to revitalize the relationship you had together or to even try attempting to be friends because you were both on different roads and chapters in life. The last drop of rain from the storm of your relationship dried off the pavement and there were no physical stains left behind.
20xx-xx (Epilogue)
Many years later, when you were chilling with your new partner at your apartment, they accidentally spilled water on their shirt so you gave them one of Nolan’s old practice shirts to wear. Seeing your new lover wear something from your old lover made you short-circuit for a minute. How can someone that you love now look so good in something that belonged to someone you loved before? Your new lover also asked you to marry them underneath a pillow fort while wearing Nolan’s old shirt with your dream ring and the date this occurred was the 19th. On a warm sandy beach somewhere, Nolan proposed to his new girlfriend on the exact same day with the same ring you wanted (his now fiancee’s dream ring). Throughout your relationship with Nolan, the number 19 started appearing more in your life and started holding more importance to you because of him. It was Nolan’s jersey number in Philadelphia (changed to 41 in Vegas), his birthday was on the 19th of September, it was part of the address of the first place you lived together, and it was the age that you fell in love with each other. The number nineteen meant something significant to the both of you and neither of you would ever forget it.
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Weekly Wrap Up #2
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This Week’s Fic Recs
These are just a few of the fics I’ve enjoyed this week. As always. please be mindful of any content warnings and I believe all fics/ blogs are 18+. I haven’t read as much this week so for this week I’ve included some fics on my TBR as well.
Frankie Morales Aren’t repulsed by me - @undercoverpena started her new fwb!Frankie series and it is 🔥🔥🔥
October 500 @trulybetty is marking October with a series of short fics (500 words) every day I can’t wait to check out
take the weight off his shoulders @thetriumphantpanda has started a new Javi P series I cannot wait to dive in to
Surrender @ezrasbirdie Joel Miller/OFC fic is on my TBR for next week
Paranoid Heart @goodwithcheese just started her new Javi P series and I have been anticipating this a lot
Stay In Bed @psychedelic-ink updated Stay In Bed which is a brilliant Joel Miller series
My Writing This Week
No updates this week but I’m over 4k into chapter 3 of Your Hand In Mine and I’m hoping to finish it this week. I’ve also started a one-shot for Javi P (think secret relationship, I Can See You by Taylor Swift vibes?) and I’m revisiting the ex!Frankie at the beach wip too.
Here’s a snippet of the Javi one shot draft so far:
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What I've Been Up To This Week
I have not had a great week if I’m honest and this weekend I haven’t felt as well as usual, but I’ve watched some cosy films and managed to have some relaxing moments.
Next week, I’m hoping things will settle down a little at home and work and that I’ll have some good writing time. I’m also trying to get back into my spin classes and yoga where I can too. Finally, I’m very excited for the Lessons in Chemistry adaption to start on the 13th, I think?
What I've Been Up To
It’s October which means Spooky Season is here. I watched Practical Magic for the first time this weekend after seeing it on some of my moots’ dashboards and thinking it looked like my sort of film. I loved it so much and it's a new favourite.
I’ve been enjoying some dirty chais recently so I’m buying some chai latte so I can make my own at home.
I didn't finish any books this week but I did start a couple of books. I’m currently thinking about starting the new Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning, too as it’s on my tbr and the cover is so pretty.
I’ve been watching Still Up - a lovely UK comedy series about two insomniacs who chat on FaceTime in the middle of the night. By the way, I did not know about this before Your Hand In Mine and the vibes of this show are very different - but I have said since I was about 15 there is a story there with people meeting with insomnia so I’m kind of glad the collective universe agrees.
After friends at work and on discord encouraged me, I’ve succumbed to trying out Baldur’s Gate 3. This is not my usual type of game, but I’m enjoying the story based approach and richness of the characters and the fun of playing something new and different to me.
How was your week?
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @mistmarauder @rmd-writes and @marjansmarwani! I've had this in my drafts for weeeeks because life lol, but I finally got a chance to do it.
Bold all that apply:
*adding in some notes for context just because*
APPEARANCE: i’m under 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
(Notes: I’ve worn glasses since 6th grade—yup got them right at the start of middle school. Good times 😂. And I typically wear makeup during the work week or when I'm going out, mostly to hide the bags under my eyes from my shitty sleep pattern lol.)
HOBBIES AND TALENTS: i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks (if i can afford it) // i can do a handstand
(Notes: When I say I am artistic, I mean that in the loosest definition of the word. One of the things I like to do is go to one of those pottery studios and sit there and paint. I'm not very good at it; all of my pieces end up kind of streaky lol, but I like the single-minded focus that comes from painting. It's one of the very few things I do that actually quiet my mind, otherwise, it's just going and going and going--always whirring and on to the next thing. It took me a while to learn that you can love something and embrace it as a hobby, even if you aren't the best at it. Who knew?! Certainly not the perfectionist in me lol. Also, I've won a few trophies from my very exciting adventures on the Scholastic Bowl team in high school (I was so cool, friends 🤓); I enjoy writing in the sense that I enjoy and admire the craft itself. I am not myself a writer unless all those years of journaling in my youth and presently writing endless work emails count?
RELATIONSHIP: i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for (more than) ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
(Notes: I am very fortunate to still be friends with my two best friends from high school and my best friend from college. It's a privilege to have people in your life who have literally grown up with you and walked through various life stages with you. Along those same lines, it's been a privilege to make new friends, and I am grateful for those of you I've had the chance to get to know online and meet up with in person! 💕)
AESTHETICS: i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season 🍂
(Notes: My daily commute involves a lot of waiting on train platforms, and sometimes, I pass the time by looking up at the sky and watching the clouds move, especially in the morning. Also, I am a city girl through and through, but I love hikes--especially in the fall.)
MISCELLANEOUS: i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend// i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities //i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
Notes: I enjoy singing, but I'm not good at it, so I do most of my singing in the shower lol. I am definitely the mom friend in my group, always making sure I have snacks in my bag because my friends are known for getting hangry, and we are not the speediest at deciding where to eat when we are together, so I come prepared. I love quotes, I tend to buy greeting cards with quotes on them and pin them to my bulletin boards at work or at home.
I'd say there are two quotes that underline how I try to live my life, both from the phenomenal Maya Angelou:
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
I don't know who's already done this game because it has been almost a month since it was making the rounds, so no pressure: @sunshinestrand @nelsonnicholas @iboatedhere @first-kanaphan @scienter @celeritas2997 @cha-melodius @strandtk and anyone else who would like to participate, please tag me if you do!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I would be really sad if you quit honestly, personally I don't mind seeing the same accounts posting most of the things in the tag because y'all are carrying it. I know a long wait like this can be boring at times but something that really helped me was only checking the tag at established times everyday (like I check it when I wake up, then after lunch and before I go to sleep). That way, the posts accumulate and each time I check it I can scroll on the recent posts for about an hour and I kinda trick my mind into thinking that it's still really active. For the rest of the day, focusing on other shows or movies or hobbies of mine is what's also making time pass by so quickly for me (since it's been a year already and it feels like yesterday to me). Also being busy with school really helps me having my mind elsewhere. But I'd suggest you don't give up (take a break if you feel like it), but you can still contribute with your posts at certain times of the day, like you go on with your life but every now and then you come to the community again. Also the good part is about to begin because even if we won't be getting teasers for a while, we'll have set pictures leaked, and we'll see the characters' outfits and hairstyles, and also we can analyse sets. All of that makes me really excited, and we'll finally be able to start picturing how season 5 is gonna look like and what the plot will be!
Thank you! This means a lot!
I know there’s a decent amount of people still here despite some that have taken a step back. And we all have our reasons!
But I do love seeing both fans I recognize in the tag and new ones, doesn’t really matter if it’s repetitive to me, so I feel the same about it.
Even if I do step back a bit, I don’t think I could leave completely. If I tried I feel like something major would happen and I’d be running back anyways 🤣
I would like to utilize the scheduling posts feature though.! I have quite a bit of drafts I’ve been stalling on bc I have to get a bunch of pictures for them and that takes time. I also tend to get distracted with other ideas while I’m working on a specific post, so maybe just focusing on those big ideas I had and expanding on them, bc I do think they’re interesting concepts and they’re worth discussing in the tag.! Especially bc we’re in hiatus and all we can really do is analyze what we already have.
I’ll try to go with the same approach you have though, coming on to check the tag only a couple of times and then scrolling through it all. Then it wouldn’t feel so deserted, and then I could still contribute without being gone completely.
Thank you anon!
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imaginespazzi · 4 months
Niviii, bestie, how are you? Hope life’s treating you well, and especially as well as you treated us with part 6!
As always, my thoughts:
Was waiting on when Katie would make an appearance again and you did not disappoint! Someone needed to finally talk some sense cause god knows we were getting nowhere leaving it all to those two dumb gay idiots (affectionate) to figure it out.
But for real, I loved this scene between mother and daughter and hearing others acknowledge that the bond between them was always just different. More. Katie’s like “honey please, it was too obvious”.
As always, I love when real events bleed into the story so absolutely loved draft night getting incorporated here. I could feel the tension as Paige inched closer and closer to Azzi on the carpet like oof the writing was- *chef’s kiss*.
Then them escaping to finally get that moment alone together again and Azzi finally giving in 🥹. Also, their dramatic ass goodbye being only two weeks or so prior to this LOL. Were just absolutely kidding themselves thinking they could really survive staying away from each other.
You already know how I feel about a Drew cameo!! Pleassseee, the whole “you are gonna get married right?” killed me in the best way. He will accept no other outcome, that’s his pookie for life and P will absolutely not mess that up for him again!
The UCLA team finally welcoming P with open arms- we really have come so far.
But omg this whole scene – them finally getting to have the date. What dreams are made of. But P was so done with Azzi here lmao, the NBA quip (tbh, Azzi definitely has a case cause like how is she meant to know that games start late October and not early October?! Like ntm on pookie now 😩). And then the stray that P’s Lebron posters caught – very valid.
For real though, that scene was so healing after everything we’ve all been through with this fic 😌. And P flying all the way to Cali during school – DOWN BAD.
And then just when I thought you’d written my favourite fluff scene, you go ahead and write the dancing in the snow scene.
I don’t even really have much more to add for that specific scene because I wouldn’t be able to do it justice. Just know that dancing in the snow/kissing in the rain scenes have my whole heart and this was no exception.
Then the final scene. I was actually wondering whether you would have Azzi winning the natty because I didn’t know if you could do that to UConn, even if just in a fic, but I appreciate you doing it for the plot (I know it must have killed you a lil writing them losing- and NOT EVEN MAKING IT TO THE NATTY GAME) 😭.
But it was only fitting that we got Paige in Azzi’s jersey this time around (side note: something I badly need to see irl at some point).
And the ending – THE ENDING – look, that may also be how I’ve imagined next season panning out irl (the kiss) but obviously with them both on the court… and since I know there’s almost no chance it would actually happen, I’m glad we got to live it out here.
What’s next?
First of all, I can’t believe we’re coming to the end, like from one offhanded comment about “what if Azzi had chosen UCLA?” being my roman empire to this? Insane.
Not that I had a single doubt but whatever expectations I had coming into this, trust, you more than exceeded every. single. one.
I’ll prolly go on a much longer thank you after the last chapter or epilogue so I’ll save it for then!
But yeah, in terms of what’s next, imma leave it to you, Nivi.
The “or so she hopes” at the end has me a little worried, but remember “everything changes, except the ending” and you did promise us a happy ending 😌.
Favourite lines:
Taking the picture is a task, both of them bickering about angles and lights. It’s unnecessary arguing, in true Paige and Azzi fashion really but there’s something so mundanely domestic about it that Azzi finds herself wanting to memorise this moment too. They finally get the frame just right, somewhere in between what they both wanted. Azzi smiles at the camera, her Paige smile, as the blonde in question presses her lips against her cheeks.
Bonus (also because this is how I want it to play out irl next season when they win the natty lmao): 
“On a scale of one to ten, how bad would kissing you right now be?” Azzi asks, still a little breathless. 
A myriad of emotions flicker through Paige’s face before settling on a mischievous smirk, “probably pretty bad but you should do it anyways.”
Alternate lyric/song (I fucking love arms tho, that song just fits this entire fic so perfectly):
In the darkest night hour, I search through the crowd. Your face is all that I see, I’ll give you (I've given you) everything, baby, love me lights out.
Side note: I was a little high when I first read part 6, and it was an experience (in the best way)!!!
As always, thank you. You already know.
Much love,
Bestieeeee, I'm good love, thanks for asking and I hope you're good too! Can you believe I finally wrote a chapter without breaking your heart?
If we left it up to Paige and Azzi, this fic would end up running in circles for another 10 chapters but thank god for Katie and common sense. I really love Katie and Azzi's relationship and she felt the perfect person to make Azzi see sense
The draft scene is probably my favorite scene to have written throughout this whole series, an accumulation of everything else and I'm so glad you liked it because I wanted to do the confession justice and I hope I did
LMAO okay so I was fully gonna drag it out a little longer cause 2 weeks is so short but a) I wanted to include the draft and b) let's be honest these idiots definitely are the kind people to only make a dramatic goodbye last barely 2 weeks
I love Drew so much so you know I had to add him in here but yeah that's their no.1 supporter and you best believe he will drag them to the aisle if he needs too
I threw in that UCLA team line for you, I knew you'd appreciate the growth!
Even though I've been teasing my anons with sadness for most of this fic, the date recreation was always gonna happen from the minute I wrote the call lol.
Honestly as much as I love writing angst!Pazzi and fluff!Pazzi, bickering!Pazzi is my favorite and I just had to add that in
I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE SNOW SCENE. It truly adds nothing to the plot but it popped into my head and I was like fuck it, the people deserve their dance in the snow moment lol
You know me too well. It physically hurt to write UConn losing (at least they'd already won in this universe) but for the plot, and because it's Azzi, with a heavy heart, I wrote another team winning it all.
I put all my hopes and dreams for next season into that ending and yeah look it's not happening, but life imitates art right? Why not manifest?
I have to go back and find your ask because man I can't believe we've come this far. WE DID IT BESTIE! We lived your roman empire out just a little bit and there's just a little bit left to go!
Alright, there's maybe just a little bit more turbulence to come but I think you're gonna like the actual ending I have planned (you have to or I will actually cry)
XO!! Fantastic song choice!
LMAO I love that for you babes! And thank you for always, always having such a detailed review for me. They mean the world to me and I appreciate it so much. Til next time my love <3
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beauty-and-passion · 1 year
What am I currently doing?
What am I even doing? Am I dead? Have I left the fandom?
The answers are writing, no and no.
The long answers are:
What am I doing?
First I collected all answers from the survey for the fanwriting of Sanders Sides Season 3 (aka Fanders Sides Season 3). I checked them all and planned what to do. I already wrote a post with all the details, so I won’t spoil too much here: everything will be explained in due time.
I also finished the analyses of the remaining episodes.
And in the last weeks, I’ve started writing Fanders Sides Season 3. Today I finished the first 9 episodes which ideally close my first “arc” of the season finale. One third (more or less) is done.
However, these things should still be reviewed and proofread and I can do it only after I finish writing the whole FSS3. So for now it’s just a good draft.
Am I dead?
Eurovision 2023 almost killed me and the aftermath left me crushed. It has been a couple of terrible weeks and I managed to get out of them, only after a while - and after the true winner got back on his feet.
In the meantime, my job contract ended and the company did not renew it. Why? Oh, no idea. They need a person and yet, they decided to fire one they spent 6 months training for that role. The bullshit they told me was “there is no money”, which is ridiculous coming from a growing gas and oil company.
The truth is probably that the heads of administration are complete idiots and have no idea about the situation. The place I worked for is a branch of the company and the administration center for the whole Italian division of said company.
When I started working there, the administration office was down to three people (they had retired) and they really, REALLY needed help. I did my best and, thanks to my and another person’s help, the workload was reduced.
So, since now things are somehow normal, they told me that hey, the problem is solved. Which proves they have no idea how an administration works, because reducing the workload now doesn’t mean the workload is reduced forever.
And even though they do not know that, my colleagues do. And they’re all pissed. They protested and did everything, so... who knows?
In the meantime, I decided to try another route, which means teaching. I am currently studying to take a few exams and, hopefully, get into a course. If a company calls me, I will ponder the decision, but in the meantime, I’m focusing on my studies.
And writing, of course. Always writing.
Heck, this sudden change in my life gave me somehow the idea I was looking for for 10 years. I don’t know how, but I just... thought about it, wrote down a couple of things and bam, in less than one hour I had a working plot. Just like that. As if I haven’t spent YEARS thinking about how to make that fucking plot work. But that’s another story I will probably explain one day.
Have I left the fandom?
Of course I haven’t left the fandom, I’m writing FSS3!
And even after that, I will still keep an eye on Sanders Sides, waiting for the faithful day in which Mr. Sanders will finally decide to work on the season 2 finale. I will post other stuff too and other analyses I’ve planned long ago, but one part of me will still wait for the next update.
However, since FSS3 might take a while, I would like to start posting the episode analyses. But I’m also on a writing spree for FSS3 and I don’t want to lose the momentum by shifting my attention to something else.
So the answer is that, for now, I probably won’t post anything. The analyses should be proofread first, but I’m writing now and I don’t want to lose the moment. I will keep going on with FSS3 until I’ve finished it, then I will start proofreading and once an analysis will be ready, I will post it.
So if you’re still following me, please wait a little bit longer. If I start something, I finish it. All you need is just a bit of patience.
In the meantime, of course, you can ask me for updates, details or anything else. It might take me some time to reply or I wouldn’t be able to tell you everything, but I will try my best as always.
And, of course, thank you all for your time and your patience 💖
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deanwritings · 2 years
Guess whose back
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Can you believe it’s been FIVE whole years since I was last active on this blog?
I wasn’t totally gone, coming back from the shadows every few months to check out Tumblr, but now I’m officially back for who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The last five years have been a ride. I’ve had some once-in-a-lifetime work opportunities, I’m officially doing the “adult” thing and I’m am married with a house and a dog, and feeling much better mentally after a few tough years with COVID, personal loses, and anxiety. 
What inspired me to come back, was not the downfall of Twitter (though I’m throughly enjoying watching Musk crash and burn something that isn’t a Tesla), but my computer almost dying on me and me realizing I have a lot of writings saved on it that could have been lost. Thankfully my laptop is good now, but going through my old work made me realize how much I’ve missed writing. I really haven’t done any non-work writing since I stopped writing for this blog, and it’s like a part of me is missing. 
So, I’m dusting off the keyboard, revisiting my drafts, and going to get back to work again! I’m definitely going to be rusty, but hey, it’s like riding a bike (I hope). 
My biggest goal is to finally end Night Falls for y’all. I did y’all dirty not finishing it five years ago. On a personal note, I’m actually going to start working on it again and see if it’s something worth publishing when I’m done. 
On a SPN note, I also fell out of watching the show around season 12 or so. To be honest, the writing just felt lazy and I felt like they were using the same plot lines over and over and had really dumbed down all of the characters and using them for cheap laughs except for the final big episodes of each season. I did however push through the rest of the series after it ended, just to know what happened. And definitely wasn’t happy they way they did our Dean. 
But, that’s what the fanfic world is for, and I’m looking forward to contributing to it again. 
Very excited to be back and can’t wait to start posting again! I already have one fic ready to launch so keep an eye out for it! 
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
New Jersey Three
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Jack Hughes x Female Reader
This is chapter Three of Four
Can read chapter 1 | 2 here
Warning: Ex, fluff, cursing, Non supportive parents? Let me know if i missed any.
This has been in my draft for a while, I finally finished it.
word count: 1.7k
let me know what you guys think🤍
Today was New Year’s Eve, it’s always been a big celebration in Time Square except I didn’t want to go alone. This will be my first New Year’s Eve I’ve spent alone, ever since I was a kid, I was either with my parents and brother celebrating or in my teenage years I was partying with my friends.
This year was going to be different I just didn’t know exactly how. I talked to Luke earlier this morning and I had told him that I saw Jack yesterday, he was happy that we talk, he started jumping up and down which made me laugh, he even ran to tell his parents. I was happy that we finally talked again, I never should have waited a year to talk to him, but I guess running into him yesterday was meant to be.
I got ready for the day and decided to hang out on my couch and watch some movies. It was around 12 p.m. when I got a text from Jack asking if he could come over, I gave him my addressed and he said he would be right over.
I’m guessing he might want to talk more, we didn’t have a lot of time catching up yesterday, I just thought since it was New Year’s Eve he would have plans but I guess not.
About an hour later there was a knock on the door, it was Jack standing there smiling with two coffees.
“I brought you a coffee, do you still like cold brews?” he asked as he handed me the coffee
“I do, thank you” I replied smiling
We made our way to my living room and sat down on the couch.
“What brings you here? It’s New Year’s Eve I would have thought you’d have plans” I asked curiously
“I only have a team party tonight, I had time, thought I’d come over and we could catch up some more.” He said smiling
I’ve missed seeing that big smile of his.
“I’m okay with that”
“Did you still like going to Michigan? or did it make you want to leave even more?
“It wasn’t bad… but I was miserable, my friends were there but I still was following my dreams”
He nodded smiling
“well I am happy you’re in New York now”
“same here, how’s life been for you since you’ve been in Jersey?”
“pretty great, the team hasn’t been doing well but we’ve got some pretty great guys on the team”
“as long as you guys have a good group, I’m sure you could turn the season around”
“true, I still don’t think we’ll make the playoff’s this year though”
“There’s always next year Jack” I reassured him which made him smile.
“Do you have any plans for tonight?”
“Does drinking wine and watching movies count?” I ask making him laugh
“I guess it does but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the teams New Year’s Eve party”
I was surprise, this is only the second time seeing him in over a year, I didn’t expect him to invite me to meet his team already.
“are you serious?”
“Yeah why not, I’d love to have you there plus the guys that saw you yesterday… well more like PK wanted me to invite you”
“well we haven’t really been close in over a year and I don’t want to impose”
“trust me y/n you wouldn’t be imposing, plus everyone will love you, you’ve always been a social butterfly” he said making me chuckle
“Okay then… I’m in” I agreed smiling
“good, I can pick you up before, or you can bring your stuff to my apartment and get ready there if you want? It’s only going be Ty and I. we also have a guest bedroom if you want to spend the night.”
“if you and Ty really don’t mind me getting ready and staying the night it would be great actually, I’m guessing it’ll be hell trying to get an uber on New Year’s Eve” I said laughing
“probably” he chuckled
We spend the next 2 hours talking about our lives, what we’ve been up to since the last time we had seen each other, at around 5 p.m. I grabbed some my clothes for the party and to sleep in along with my makeup stuff, I put everything in a bag and grabbed my keys. Jack droves us his and Ty’s apartment after he picked us up some food.
Once we got there, he let himself in, you could tell this apartment building was new it looked modern. once we got in his apartment it was big, I was not surprise I mean two hockey players live here, there was no way I could ever afford a place like this.
“Y/n this is Ty, Ty this is Y/n” Jack introduced me to Ty
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you” I greeted Ty
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you” Ty said smiling
I talked with both of them as we ate our food, once I was done Jack showed me where the bathroom was so I could start getting ready.
I did my makeup natural I didn’t want to go all out, since I was going to be meeting Jack’s team along with their families. I also decided to wear Black leather pants with a sparkly silver thank top that I would pair with some black boots along with a black crop blazer. It took me about an hour and a half before I was ready.
I made my way back to the living room with Jack and Ty, I saw Jack staring at me.
“what?” I asked chuckling
“Nothing, you look beautiful” he said making me blush
“Thank you” I smiled
“I ordered an Uber it should be here in 10 minutes” Ty told us
Jack and I both nodded as I joined them sitting on the couch.
Once the uber got here we made our way to the party.
I was still nervous to meeting everyone, but I knew Jack would have my back. Even after all these years I knew he’d always have my back no matter what.
Once we got there PK saw us and came over.
“Glad you guys could make it. You must be Y/n I’ve heard a lot about you” PK said
“It’s nice to meet you too” I said smiling.
“Make yourselves at home, drinks are in the kitchen” he said before leaving us there.
Jack introduced me to his teammates and their other half’s everyone was so sweet. Nico’s girlfriend Jenna (made up name) dragged me with her and the other girls.
“How long have you and Jack been dating?” Clare, Ryan graves girlfriend asked.
“Oh were not dating… I mean we used to when we were teenagers, but we broke up when he moved to Jersey” I said
“Oh sorry, it’s just Jack never brings any so we just thought maybe you were dating” she said embaressed.
“It’s fine don’t worry, were just friends” I said smiling. The girls nodded.
“Well from the way he looked at you, I can tell he really cares about you” Jenna said smiling.
I continued talking with the girl before they all went to find their better half’s since it was a few minutes before midnight.
“Hey” Jack said smiling when I made my way to him.
“You having fun?” he asked
“I really am, thanks for inviting me” I said smiling.
“I’m glad you said yes”
The countdown started
“Can I kiss you?” Jack asked I looked at him
“yes” I said smiling
Jack leaned in a kissed me. Our lips moved in sync. Everyone was cheering
“Happy new years y/n” Jack said smiling when we pulled away.
“Happy new years Jack”
We ended up making our way back to Jack’s apartment
We were just cuddling in his bed, both of us were smiling.
“This is a big city and we still happen to find each other again” I said smiling
“Maybe it was meant to be?” he said smiling before kissing me again.
“Maybe it was” I said smiling when he pulled away.
“I love you so much Y/n” he said nervously.
“I love you to Jack”
“Can we try this again?” he asked
“I’d love that” I said smiling, he smiled back.
“Can I take you on a date tomorrow night?”
“Yes, you can”
“Are families are going to be so happy” he said making me laugh.
“Oh definitely, Luke was begging me to tell you I moved here”
Jack chuckled.
“That does not surprise me one bit”
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esperata · 1 year
Rules:  list your wips with a brief description
I was tagged by @tj-dragonblade and I always enjoy airing some ideas that are waiting in the pipeline. It feels especially timely since I’m nearly done drafting one wip, although editing it will still take some time. Regardless, here’s a look at what else I might choose to work on.
First up, those which are at least started:
I’ll make a man out of you [riddlebird] - Arkhamverse and a continuation of my existing series. Building on a proposal made in an earlier fic.
Every Breath You Take [hattercrow] - Arkhamverse and detailing the start of their relationship in that universe.
In the air tonight [riddlebird] - A first foray into the Batwheels variation of the characters.
You Only Live Twice [riddlebird] - A continuation of my Telltale series and continuing to build the relationship.
Bathing the Duke [Resident Evil Village] - Exactly what it says. A second person pov and focusing on the sensual.
Secret Admirer [riddlebird] - A concept I’ve had in mind a while, not one but both secret admirers.
The King Is Dead [riddlebird] - Rather more angst than my usual fare but considers how Ed might react to Oswald’s sudden death.
Western AU [hattercrow] - Jonathan Crane should have a horse is the basic premise and I built a plot around that.
What Is Reality? [riddlebird] - This idea has been on the back burner ages. Looks at the aftermath of the episode of the same name.
Living Doll [riddlebird] - Burton-Schumacher and a hint of Coppélia.
The Hands on Approach [octogoblin] - TSSM. I guess this is porn with plot. A way for two difficult people to admit their feelings anyway.
Suit [octogoblin] - TSSM again and another way for guys who don’t know how to communicate to convey affection.
TSSM dynamic [octogoblin] - How I see them working together. I was wondering why these all ended up sidelined and remembered I never saw season 2.
Are We Friends? [riddlebird] - Gotham and I’m not entirely sure where I saw going with it. General confusion about their relationship status I guess.
Gotham Gazette [riddlebird] - Gotham five times plus one styled like a gossip column. I’d like to finish it but got uncomfortable with this area of fandom.
 Now on to some which are decidedly more nebulous:
Fate or something like it [octogoblin] - specifically following No Way Home and how events may play out in the altered timeline from when Norman got dropped back.
Nola Riddler does riddles [riddlebird] - prompted by a comment by the AU creator that he hadn’t delved into his penchance for riddles yet.
Phone Call/Past Midinght [riddlebird] - Two subsequent stories in my Arkhamverse series.
Wrap you round my finger [riddlebird] - A general idea about how Ed expects to deal with Penguin only to be surprised.
Gotta Shape Up [riddlebird] - Post season 2 Harley Quinn series but ignoring season 3.
Late Night, Fast Food [multiple ships] - a regular person’s pov on the late night antics of some of Gotham’s notable regulars.
Siren’s Call 3 [riddlebird] - how does one get along with a genuine siren on board?
Limo prompt [riddlebird] - a miscommunication situation arising in Gotham.
Hand kink [Resident Evil Village] - The Duke has very dextrous hands.
Olga my Queen [riddlebird, Egghead/Olga] - A crossover of sorts between Gotham and ‘66.
Trans Ed [riddlebird] - I’m curious how Arkhamverse Oz would deal with that but writing it requires a careful balance.
pre-criminal meeting [hattercrow] - self explanatory really but what if they knew each other before Arkham and all.
skyscraper [octogoblin] - porn. That’s it.
Batwoman [riddlebird] - I wanted to explore just what happened to our guys and how Enigma fit into that.
Batman vs Dracula [riddlebird] - It was suggested to me to rewrite this film as having Ed involved and I liked that idea.
kids museum meeting [riddlebird] - some comics have shown the young Penguin and Riddler so obviously I ask myself, well what if they met then?
Santa Clause 4 [riddlebird] - Based more on the Krampus. Will I or will I not write this come December.
Pecking Order 2 [riddlebird] - Picking up where part 1 left off and investigating how things proceed.
The Batman [none] - what if a trans Oswald had to give up a kid when he was younger? And what if that kid later found him.
Gamer Oz [riddlebird] - In order to impress Ed, Oswald pretends (badly) to be a gamer.
P.I. Riddler [riddlebird] - sort of turning the femme fatale trope around so Ed falls for the husband.
60s bookshop [riddlebird] - Penguin runs a bookshop and is pursued by Bookworm and Riddler.
Streamer Ed [riddlebird] - he habitually comments on Oswald’s Iceberg Lounge promotional videos.
Rumour Mill [hattercrow] - Jonathan comes to Jervis’ defence when rumours spread.
Pax Penguina 2 [riddlebird] - A continuation where I intended introducing Martin.
Angel!Ed/Demon!Oz [riddlebird] - Another continuation building on my first story.
Circus Crew [riddlebird] - An idea to do something with Nola Oswald’s circus crew.
Rogues go skiing [multiple ships] - Cute piece probably involving the lego version.
Arkham sitcom [multiple ships] - episodic story featuring their lives and antics in Arkham.
If you made it this far, thank you! My ask box is open if you want further info on any of these.
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potatotalksculture · 1 year
More thoughts on Disco Elysium
[SPOILERS for Disco Elysium ahead.]
I’ve been dubbed the “pretentious wanker” for internalizing the though about a art gallery with a name similar to some chocolate bar out of Charlie’s Chocolate Factory. I was hoping for something absurd or maybe written in an imaginary language. What I got is a (quite accurate) critique of the modern, high class art world. Like in Velvet Buzzsaw. Or the latest season of You, if you’re feeling pretentious.
And also my “Actual Art Degree” consists of colorful invectives. Nothing is good enough for the Art Cop. He criticizes everything. Everything is mediocre for him. Why is he like that? Is he part of the milieu at the Art Centre? Or was he never allowed to enter and that made him bitter?
I learn the philosophy presented in Disco Elysium as I go. At the beginning you wake up as a dude who knows nothing. He’s literally and metaphorically NAKED. You, the player, know as much about the character, the identity, the story, the cloths and the surrounding of this protagonist as much as he would know himself. Isn’t this a perfect starting point for an RPG?
I know nothing about RPGs. I never played any kind of pen and paper, nor did I engage in similar games that include creating an identity for your character and sticking to it. In theatre, at work, I prefer the logistics and managing over imagining stories and creating meanings. Communication is hard enough as it is. No need to over complicate it by including made up stories and character traits in it.
This are two reasons why Disco Elysium was perfect for me. (I have finished playing the game as I’m writing this post. The origin of this post is a draft I’ve written sometime while still playing.) I DIDNT HAD A CLUE HOW TO PLAY THIS KIND OF GAME. I was as lost as the protagonist.
As I moved through the world, interacted with figures and objects, I was learning the philosophy implemented into this game. Without looking into the fandom.com wiki, I think about communism and capitalism. There’s also moralism. And some form of neoliberalism, I think. Somewhere around the first or second in-game day I got the task to Rebuild the Communism. Me? The guy, who assumes he’s a detective but is not completely sure and who just some hours ago has found his second shoe? Sure, comrade! Let’s go! But wait! Now I also have some moralist pants on and… we’ll, get points for saying this or that.
The points system was the first thing that made me think more about the representation of the four different school of though within the dialogues. Capitalism is about making money, having money and seeing people though their monetary value on the market. Neoliberalism is about wanting the state to leave the people alone. Moralism is about being somewhere in the middle and trying to keep everyone calm. Communism is about sharing everything and eating the rich. Easy! Or is it?
As I was progressing, I kept losing track of the thoughts. I felt really drawn to the whole rebuilding communism concept, as a strong anti-capitalist myself, this school of though was closest to my own believes. But as soon as it was about violence and killing, I took a step back. This was not in sync with me. And since that’s how I’ve chosen to play the game, I started choosing the less violent, more non-descript dialogue options. This has brought me onto the Moralintern though. This got me thinking:
In real life, when your looking for a moral compass, it’s hard to a stick to one principle. Cuz usually the universal definition of the chosen philosophy is not completely in harmony with your personal believes. So more often that you’d like to you are confronted with some personal inconsistency. And with every consistency you learn something about yourself. The most of it being: You are not black and white. And so is the world you live in. Inconsistency is part of the reality. Evolving is part of being a human.
(Interestingly enough, when you interact with the books about Dick Mullen often enough, you enable a new perspective on the world. A black and white perspective, which proposes an insightful contrast between the real world and the fiction. You are not a fictional detective with all the evidence in front of you. And you also contradict yourself.)
And also: no philosophy within the game is only good or only bad, or rather explicitly positively or negatively coded. There’s the “lucky” racist that was supposed to grant wishes. There’s the brutality and bloodthirsty of communism which was supposed to be about sharing. There the brutality of the humanistic Dolores Dei, who was trying to do some people not human.
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fersrsbizniz · 2 years
The next episode is called “Double Jeopardy”.
I remember nothing but I see Blackarachnia and I’m all in. She was one of my favorites, too, and I can’t wait to see why and how she will be a favorite again!
*Note: this was in my drafts for a minute, but since the new news is out regarding the movie, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to continue on. I’m having fun at least.
Opening song, guitar riffs, sound effects, etc…
They’re cold 🥶 and something about that is adorable and I don’t know why. I mean, it makes sense. Their insides are machinery that can very much freeze up, but it’s just…awwww, they’re cold!
I’m also thinking about how harsh I’ve been regarding the Maximals (and here I thought I’d been going easy). I rewatched a few episodes before touching on this one (yeah yeah, I just started and have two more seasons after this one, but it’s the principle of the thing) and they are just some serious newbies, aren’t they? Like they have “training” because their world (that to be fair I know absolutely nothing about other than it is robot planet off in the distant ether that is no time or budget to touch on right now) seems like it needs at least some for whatever reason, precaution? idk, but these are just some space nerds with only a few of them having any sort of combat experience and a batch of half-formed Maximals in stasis pods who had the misfortune of just being those unlucky bitches to come across the ship everyone is losing it about.
No wonder it’s a shitshow out there in battles. Honestly, Optimus, I should buy you a drink or something. I’m sure being commander of what might have been some maybe minor scuffles running into jackass supreme really made you want to renegotiate your contract at some point. If you could, that is.
And now it makes sense as to why they have little “teenage” Cheetor over there. Or however old he is supposed to be.
Tbh, makes me more critical of Megatron, though. Clearly, you can plan things and past performance has been a little embarrassing for you. I don’t want you to win, but come on, you’ve got the upper hand in a lot of this.
Okay, back to the episode…
And here we see a good application of that Predacon upper hand.
“Our strategic disadvantage is considerable”
“Work with it!” *promptly gets shot in the back*
I’m dying with that timing.
Omfg, I had to rewatch but Dinobot fell as if he got hit before he got hit with anything. Oh good old cgi…
Now the race continues with Optimus and Waspinator, while Dinobot gets a good shot in.
Yeah, no. Like I know they lose it, but it really was clear from the start they weren’t going to save this one. While Optimus and Dinobot are possibly the two most prepared for such a fight, there’s too many shenanigans (and they already got Tigatron) going on.
OH WAIT! Is this the one where they find out the place is…?
Oh it IS. I DO remember some of this.
Lol, Cheetor’s “Well, I never” hand gesture when Optimus plays at not trusting Rattrap.
I think that this is a pretty good example of how Optimus has some special bonds with everyone, and how some of it is off screen growth. Being able to pull this off with Rattrap means he could trust him not to just lose it by putting on a show, and be savvy enough to pull off looking like he is angry while still getting things done. In turn Rattrap is actually participating in something he very much would not have been inclined to do in the first few episodes, when he flat out would disrespect Optimus’ orders. Now look at him, getting ready to go into the enemy’s lair. Well, territory, but the lair is going to have info they need.
I know I’m also going to be reacting to this now with a better memory, and knowing the end game, but I do want everyone to know as a child I was SCANDALIZED at Rattrap’s mid-episode choice.
“Everything we could desire”???? Well, just telegraph what you wanted there, buddy. I’m so glad she has a mind of her own because, like, for real, Tarantulas is striking me a blend of “mad scientist” (something I’m all for mind you) and a variant of a certain type of individual who would perhaps use a jar and collectible figure in a very non-wholesome way. Which is concerning.
Really, though, she is pretty awesome. Dunno if you needed the chest area to be so pronounced, but hey, she looks cool as a whole, so that’s my complaint for the day. Let’s just watch her…do whatever that was. Checking out her abilities? Being a little weirdo? Idk but she did that.
Megatron may be calling him thirsty here but there are also a lot of other things he could be saying with that. I’m going to keep with my interpretation. Tarantulas is not being subtle in the slightest.
Ouch…low blow Rhinox. Dinobot might not be right but he was trying to help…in his destructive-no chill way. At any rate, I love the whole drama in this scene.
Terrorsaur being full of himself and easy to manipulate, as per usual
Hahahahaha…yeah he wanted someone pretty to look at. Was that why I didn’t like him? No, probably something more substantial. I feel you on that sigh though Blackarachnia
On the Maximal side of things, They’re talking about getting Rattrap, while I’m here nursing a budding feeling for a certain pair up. During a basic perusal I found some fandom shipping material—as one inevitably does—and admit that a particular ship that I never would have thought too hard about is growing on me like ivy…or perhaps more like a burr throwing flower. Is there much to go on here? Of course not. But Dinobot agreeing with Optimus, and the growing respect he has for him IS growing the interest necessary to delve further.
Oh I’m in the toils that is a fixation. I feel it.
In other news Dinobot is saying Rattrap needs to be brought to justice which is just so…Maximal of him if it weren’t a blatant suggestion to have him killed after he’s been interrogated.
See Megatron, these are the smarts I expect from you. Is it really your ego holding you down that badly? The answer is yes. Yeeeeesss.
There’s not too much to say about this other than this is the episode when I was younger that solidified my like for Rattrap (once I realized what was going on), and it is once again confirming that he is just a bad ass and I love it. He’s the reason that they are able to stop the whole internal spying thing, and does it with the style of my favorite class in any rpg.
And he even has a wrist blade. That’s cool and you all know it.
AND he shoots Tarantulas before he becomes a bigger issue. Smart. Sure it’s more of a knock out than anything lethal, but it’s the thought that counts.
Here comes the big fight, and I will say, I feel highly energized by it. Also, count me as torn between amused and logistically concerned about Rattrap being accurate when hitting Optimus. Guy had his reasons—but it could have screwed them over.
Cue the moment where Blackarachnia was almost unfazed by being shot multiple times, and Cheetor actually hit her a few times, again not lethally.
Huh, that makes me wonder…who is the most accurate shot in this show as a whole?
Then cue Dinobot head butting Terrorsaur (who I stg just said “oh no”), Megatron’s ultimatum, and Rattrap showing his true Maximal colors.
Cool move Rattrap, cool moves Dinobot. Like no joke, in that short amount of time they both did more damage than in half of a regular old shoot out.
And yaaay handshakes and jokes!!!
Be honest, though, Rattrap. You hit him a little on purpose (I don’t want to take away my previous praise for your aiming abilities so I’m just going to go with that).
And with that the episode is over. That was fun!
Also, Blackarachnia just like, fucks off and I love the audacity of it. Yeah, she’s a fave.
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