#you played a great Daphne too!
dhampiravidi · 1 year
me, realizing that Buffy Summers would've been 1 of those gay awakening/"do I wanna be her or date her"/“holy shit so pwetty” people for me: 🤗😛😍🥰
time to go watch it on whatever streaming service has it--
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It Was Enchanting to Meet You
Lord Debling x Fem reader
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Lord Alfred Debling x female Bridgerton reader
Synopsis - You’re the second eldest Bridgerton daughter, being forced by your brother to finally debut. You believed the ordeal would be terrible, that was until you meet the handsome Lord Debling, the handsome stranger soon captivates your mind and heart.
Warnings- fluff, period drama, feelings, very small amount of angst, confessions, great sibling relationships, suggestive themes but no smut. Still 18+ though please.
Word count- 4.7K
Today was the day, the day you were coming out into society, you’d put it off long enough. Being that you were only a year younger than your elder sister Daphne, and a year older than Eloise who were both already out. But your mother hadn’t pushed you and for that you were thankful, your eldest sibling Anthony though was another story. He had all but told you enough was a enough, and even though he would not ever force you to take a husband, you needed to be out in society despite your disagreement with it.
He did not want the great Bridgerton name tarnished, with people starting to talk of the strange girl in the family who did not conform to society’s norm, who did not like social situations, a girl who spent her time fencing, reading and horseback riding. You were a free spirit, one who preferred the wind in her hair, rather than constricted dresses, dancing and polite conversation.
So now just having turned 20 you were being launched into the world around you. This brings you back to today, your mother was flapping making sure both you and Francesca looked perfect, creamy white gowns adorning your bodies, lace perfectly placed, your dress was accentuated with gold floral embroidery and tiny puff sleeves. You adjusted your long white gloves once more before exiting your room, “Ah y/n there you are my love, have you seen your sister I can’t find her anywhere, she is not in her room!” Your mother Violet frets, she’s looking pale and exhausted. “Calm down mother, I’m sure she is about, I can hear music are you sure you haven’t checked it is not her playing?” You ask.
“Oh! No I have not, come, we shall go check together.” She replies, gently grasping your wrist and tugging you down the staircase In search of your sister, you are sure she only holds onto you so she cannot loose you too.
Walking into the drawing room you find it was indeed Francesca playing the piano forte, your mother breathing a big sigh of relief, she is also dressed ready to go. “Well then my children let’s get going shall we?” She asks as she ushers us all out to the carriages, turning to you and Francesca she says “You both look so beautiful!” Voice full of emotion. “Thank you mother” you both say in unison, she nods before you all enter the carriage and head off to the queens palace.
The whole thing went by in a blur, you walked down the aisle, bowed to the queen then exited out to the side, you’d all entered out into a garden party where people were mingling happily. Your brother Colin who had just returned from travels, was boasting to the young ladies, causing them to fawn over him. Penelope Featherington sadly watching from the sidelines, you were very aware of how she felt for your brother, being the same age you had spent many moments together. Although you wouldn’t call her a close friend, it saddened you to see her aways watching him with such hopeful but sad eyes.
You decided she could do with a distraction so you made your way over to her, “Hey Pen, how are you? I haven’t seen you about the house recently?” You ask, she jumps, obviously you’d caught her very much deep in thought. “My goodness y/n you scared me” she gasps hand on her chest, “Sorry Pen, we were both on our own so I thought I’d come talk with you” you explain. Her face softens then “Of course, you can always come talk to me, I know how hard this must all be for you” she replies her face now sympathetic. “Yes, I do so hate public attention, but alas my brother thought it was necessary” you sigh, nodding Penelope gave you a look of understanding, “We must all be pushed out into society sooner or later, I was just 17 when my mother decided I needed to be out. And look over three years later and I’m still just sat here with no suitor prospects, I wish I could find a husband” she groans, “What? Why? You’ve never seemed too interested before?” You ask.
With a sigh she turns to you “In all honesty I need my privacy, and I just cannot stand living with my family any longer, at least your family is supportive and kind, mine can be just awful” she complains. You nod, you understand, her family have always been difficult especially her mother! “Well then Pen I hope you find a kind, loyal man to be your husband this season, you deserve some happiness” you tell her in earnest. “Thank you y/n, you do too, whatever that is for you, you deserve happiness too” she says as she walks off, leaving you once more to your thoughts.
Would you find happiness? What was happiness to you anyways?
That evening you were attending your very first ball, nerves settled deep within your stomach. There would be many people attending Lady Danbury’s ball, and you were hoping to quietly blend into the crowds, not causing any reason to warrant any unwanted attention. Anthony had insisted on you being present, he had also given you a list of people he had chosen for your to converse with.
Your dress though, that you had chosen for yourself, it was a deep maroon, corseted down to your waist, it then flared out into a subtle A line ballgown. It had thick off the shoulders straps, sparkling embroidery and a skirt that swished as you moved. You wanted something that felt more freeing, compared to the tight empire line gowns that were the norm. Giving yourself a last once over you sighed, although you looked like a princess, you felt absolutely ridiculous.
Entering the party was as equally nerve wrecking as bowing to the queen this morning, walking down the steps after your brothers and sisters you felt all eyes shift to you, you held your head hire and floated down with all the grace you could muster, it must have worked because once you’d reached the bottom all eyes were still glued to you. Your mother came rushing to meet you, “You did well, you entered as gracefully as a swan” she gushed, you rolled your eyes at her enthusiasm, “Well mother my plan is to not cause any unwanted attention, I don’t want them thinking I am some wild animal that cannot be tamed” you sassed back. Tutting she guided you through the crowds to meet some new people, what you hadn’t noticed though, were a pair of very entranced blue eyes belonging to the one Lord Alfred Debling watching your entrance.
“Who is she?” Lord Debling asked Lady Danbury, “That would be Miss Y/N Bridgerton, second eldest daughter of the Bridgerton family” Lady Danbury answered. “I see” he replies eyes still watching you intently, Lady Danbury smirks knowingly, “I may also add, she only debuted this morning so from what I gather she is very much on the market, so to speak” she smiled. “Is that so?” He asks eyes still enchanted by you. The pair hadn’t noticed Cressida Cowper Joining them, not until she spoke up causing them to both jump slightly, “I’ve heard she’s a strange girl” she abruptly interrupts, “And where have you heard that Miss Cowper?” Asks Lady Danbury, her voice full of exasperation.
“Well I’ve heard she prefers the outdoors over social gatherings, she rides her horse bareback at some speed I may add, I’ve seen it myself. When I’ve called on Eloise this summer she’s either sprinting through the country on her horse or she has her nose in some weird book” she explains amusedly. “I don’t see how that makes her strange, but rather it makes her unique” Lord Debling affirms, “Well also” Cressida stutters out trying to find something more vexing to say about you, “Ah she also fences, she sword fights with her brothers, isn’t it incredibly odd, incorrect even for a young lady to sword fight?” She points out. “I dare say! Does she really?” He asks Lady Danbury, “Yes I believe she does” Danbury replies, the smug look is soon wiped off Cressida’s face though when he turns back to Lady Danbury, “That is incredibly impressive, what a young lady she is! I will go introduce myself” and with that he leaves in search of you.
He finds you over by the drinks helping yourself to one before retreating to the corner, “Miss Bridgerton? Are you quite alright? You appear to be hiding in the corner” he asks. You bow quickly “Lord Debling, I’m quite well thank you, just not one for large social gathering's” you answer honestly. “Ah, no me either actually, I prefer to be outdoors” he responds. You smile up at him shyly “I do too” you agree, “Riding Percy gives me much more joy than this” you continue, choking on his drink Lord Debling gasps “I beg your pardon you what?”, “Percy, he’s my horse, a Suffolk punch, my brother Anthony bought him for me for my birthday a few years back, I most enjoy riding him through the countryside, where it’s nice and quiet” you explain,
“Oh of course, I heard from Lady Danbury that you enjoy riding, he conveys, cheeks bright red now from his misunderstanding. “Lady Danbury spoke of me? To you?” You ask confused, “Umm yes, I happened to ask after you” he admits, you offer him a smile “I see and what else did she happen to say about me?” You question teasingly causing him to smirk, “Nothing much else, just that this was your first season” he stutters out now feeling very put on the spot, “Oh yes well I put it off as long as I possibly could, but my brother is forcing me to try this year” you confirm, “Is it so very bad?” He asks, teasing smile on his lips, “Well maybe not as bad as I had made it out to be in my head” you admit.
“Well then, would you care to dance?” He offers, hand outstretched towards you. “Yeah ok, why not, in the name of trying new things of course” you smile, “Of course” he repeats, clearly amused by you. He walks you out to the dance floor as everyone lines up, ready for the dance to begin. As the music plays he spins you around the dance floor, your eyes never leaving one another’s, its almost as if there’s static energy between you, your hearts pounding in your chest, you can tell everyone is watching you both, but in that moment all you can see is him.
“Is that your daughter Violet, dancing with Lord Debling?” One of the mothers asks, “Yes” your mother laughs, “I dare say it is” her face is lit up at the way your both staring at each other, thoughts of Daphne and Simon’s first dance entering her mind. This looked very promising, she thought you’d be the hardest to convince to give this whole ordeal a try, but you were entranced by the man before you, and it was Francesca who had made a rather hastily exit home already.
Lady Danbury joins your mother, “He asked about her you know, the second she entered the room” she tells your mother, knowing smirk still plastered on her face, “Did he?” Your mother asks, “Yes, he seemed very much intrigued by her, maybe we’ve made a match already” she implies, “Maybe…….. I will speak to my daughter once we are home” you mother decides. Nodding in agreement Lady Danbury takes her leave.
Once your dance comes to an end you bow and move to walk away, thinking he would have other young ladies to dance with, a soft grip of your hand causes you to turn, coming face to face with Lord Debling once more, “May I call on your tomorrow?” He asks, “Yes you may” you give a curt nod before leaving with your family.
This night had gone much better than expected, you thought to yourself whilst laying in bed, you felt excited to see what else was to come.
The next day you’d woken up early, to get yourself dressed for your sword fighting lesson, hoping you’d have time to freshen up before anyone had any callers, you smile to yourself at the thought of seeing Lord Debling again today. Bounding down the stairs you met your instructor Henry, “Good morning Miss Bridgerton, are you ready?” He asks, “Yes I am” you affirm, “Very good, although I don’t see how you need any more lessons now, I’ve taught you everything I know, and you have mastered it all”, you grin “Why thank you Henry, but I can tell you why I need my lessons” you reply, “And why is that Miss Bridgerton?” He asks, “Because I enjoy them” you laugh as you get into position.
Your two eldest brothers had joined you now, you were currently practicing against Benedict, completely loosing track of time. “Why do you encourage this Anthony?” Your mother asks, “Well dear mother I think it’s good that a lady knows how to defend herself, no one will ever mess with our little y/n now will they?” He questions playfully, rolling her eyes she waves him off as she leaves the room.
“Ha! I win again! Really Benedict are you even trying?” You goad, sweaty and exhausted he gives you the are you kidding look, “Yes dear sister unfortunately I am!” He grumbles, Anthony snorts out a laugh “Well I dare say these lessons are paying off, you have quite the talent” he praises you, “Thank you brother” you smile. Just then one of your maids enter the room, “Someone’s here to see you Miss” she announces, realisation hits you! Oh no Lord Debling has arrived and your still in your fencing clothes.
Walking in he smiles at you, you bow nervously before rambling out, “I’m very sorry I lost track of time my lord, please excuse me for a moment while I go change”, “Nonsense don’t worry about it, I’d love to see you in action” he answers, “Really!?” You ask surprised, he nods in response, you look to Anthony motioning for him to come join you, but he puts his hands up in surrender, “Oh no, watching Benedict loose all credibility was quite enough for one day, I will go find my wife, as I promised her a walk this morning.” He replies, “I’ll spar with you” Lord Debling offers, “Oh I couldn’t ask that of you my Lord” you hastily reply, “You’re not asking, I’m offering” he affirms before removing his jacket and placing on Benedict’s fencing armour.
Anthony lets out a laugh, “Perfect” he announces, before turning to Lord Debling “Don’t let her win, she will know. She is incredibly able” he confirms before leaving to find his wife. “Well are you ready then?” Debling asks you, “Yes, quite ready” you smirk back. As the two of you spar the static energy returns from last night, you fall into an effortless rhythm against one another, he fights well, there is technique and power to his moves, but you are just too quick for him, eventually knocking the sword from his hands and pointing yours to his chest in victory,
“I say! You are rather good at this aren’t you” he laughs, “Yeah I think it’s because I enjoy it so much” you agree.
“You Miss Bridgerton are an incredibly rare flower indeed” he says, “Thanks” you reply warm blush adorning your cheeks, “Will you save me a dance at tonight’s party?” He asks. “Yes of course” you reply maybe a little too hastily, “Well then, until tonight” he offers placing a delicate kiss to your knuckles. Before leaving he looks back towards you once more, giving you the most endearing smile.
You were very much looking forward to seeing him again tonight.
Over the next few weeks the two of you became much more acquainted with one another, you danced together at every party, usually more than once, you took chaperoned strolls together in the park and your family had also invited him over a couple of times for dinner.
You’d learnt much about him, his love for animals and wildlife, the fact he didn’t eat meat, all his adventure and conservation ideas, you’d become completely enamoured with this man, It appeared he also was with you too.
Today you were both taking a stroll in the park, the sun was warm and the smell of blossoms filled the spring air. Your maid was walking a few steps behind you, keeping a watchful eye. “Beautiful day is it not?” You ask him cheerfully, enjoying the sunshine on your skin. “Yes it is, but I can see something much more beautiful” he replies watching you carefully, you turn your head to hide your reddening cheeks. “Will you be attending the garden party tomorrow? I hear there will be a new form of transport being showcased” you ask, “Yes I believe I will be attending” he responds while smiling at you, grinning up at him you offer a nod in response.
“Well I bid you farewell Lord Debling, I have promised to help my mother this afternoon, I will see you tomorrow?” You offer, “Yes I shall see you tomorrow, good afternoon Miss Bridgerton” he replies. You spare him one last glance, before you walk off with your maid.
It was the day of the garden party and you were stood looking at the enormous ballon in awe, was that really supposed to be able to carry people through the sky? “Quite spectacular isn’t it?” Lord Deblings voice cut through your thoughts causing you to jump, “My Lord, you gave me a fright!” You gasped, “I am sorry, that was not my intention” he responds “That’s ok, it is spectacular yes, although I do worry how it’s supposed to transport people” you reply.
“Yes quite, but I suppose only time will tell, are you well Miss Bridgerton?” He asks, “Yes, thank you my Lord I am very well” you affirm, “Good” he nods.
As the afternoon goes on Penelope, Eloise and Cressida join in your conversation, Cressida going out of her way to try and impress Lord Debling, not even caring how desperate and contrary it makes her appear. Penelope spends the whole time staring at Colin and Eloise is pretty much rolling her eyes at everybody’s antics. Cressida continues to laugh at something he said, almost hanging off his arm, causing a pit of jealousy to stir in your stomach.
You turn your attention once again to the large ballon, which is now rocking very unstably in the wind, creaking and groaning as the ropes loosen. Just as they snap your brothers are rushing over to pull them back, using as much strength as they can muster to pull the thing back into place. All you can do is watch in terror as they lose control and the ship comes hurtling towards you, it all happens so quick, one miniute you’re watching terrified, the next you’re on the floor Lord Deblings body shielding you.
“Are you quite alright?” He asks gazing into your eyes, “Yes all thanks to you”. He carefully traces his fingertips down the side of your jaw, you watch him with wide eyes, wanting nothing more than to lean in and kiss him. Someone loudly clears their throat behind you, you both jump apart, turning to see Cressida and Eloise watching you both.
Lord Debling jumps up before offering you a hand up too, “What luck you were there to save my sister, thank you my Lord” Eloise states, “Of course, it was nothing” he replies before walking off.
“What was that y/n?” Eloise gasps, “I hardly know” you reply, completely shocked yourself.
That very evening you arrived at the ball still very much in shock, more so by Lord Deblings behaviour than nearly being squashed by the heavy ballon. Your mother currently had you making small talk with every eligible Lord in the room, “Mother is this really necessary?” You grumbled as you made your way over to yet another man, “Yes my darling daughter it is, until Lord Debling actually proposes you must keep your options open” she insists, “But Anthony said I do not have to marry this season, only that I must be out in society” you ask confused.
“Yes I know my sweet girl, but every year you’re on the market the less desirable you become, now make haste” she commands, you roll your eyes at her as she drags you through the crowd, “Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton, how nice to see you both” Lord Cambell greets, “Lord Cambell, lovely to see you again” you reply with a very forced smile. “Would you have any space left on your card to include a dance with me?” He asks, you stutter before your mother replies on your behalf, “My daughter would be delighted”, you resentfully offer your wrist and card for him to write his name on, before bowing and leaving to find some corner to hide in.
After no empty corner is found you retreat to the gardens in hope of some peace, leaning against the cold stone of the house you close your eyes, taking a deep breath. “Miss Bridgerton you should not be out here alone” Lord Deblings voice causes you to jump, “My goodness my Lord! Must you always startle me so.” You gasp, “Sorry I never intend too” he replies in earnest, “But you really shouldn’t be out here alone” he repeats as he steps closer, “Yes I know, but I need a minute to breathe, it’s awfully stuffy in there, and my mother is being a nuisance….” You trail off, voice stuttering as he steps closer once more, “By nuisance you mean by parading you around the room, like a prized animal?” He smirks, “Yes” you stammer, feeling more breathless than before if that was at all possible.
He carefully moves a piece of hair from your face, “Do you not wish for the attention of the Lords here tonight Miss Bridgerton?” He asks, “No, not from those ones anyways” you whisper, then in a flash his mouth meets yours, it’s passionate and gentle, it’s fire but also calm. Your fingers grasp his jacket as you pull him in closer, moulding your body to his own, his fingers move from your face to your neck, tilting your face to give him better access. His other hand grasps your thigh as he pulls it over his hip, grounding down into you causing a low whimper from your lips, moving from your mouth he kisses down your neck, nipping at your sweet spot, your hands slide into his hair as you grind into his hips once more.
Your movement causes him to gasp before quickly pulling himself away from you, leaving you a breathless mess. “I shouldn’t have done that” he worries, “My Lord?” You ask confused and worried, “I shouldn’t have put you in that position I am so very sorry” he repeats and your heart sinks, was he going to reject you now? Were you about to loose all credibility? Sensing your despair he quickly comforts you, “What I mean to say is that shouldn’t have happened before I asked for your hand, I do not wish to dishonour you, if you will have me and your brother agrees to it, I would very much like to make you my wife” he confirms, “Really?” You ask.
“Yes really, I am quite enamoured with you my dearest y/n, I came here to the Ton to seek out a wife, I thought I could find a match of convenience, one where I could travel and my wife would happily stay at home managing my estate. I did not think love was in the cards for me, I believed that my work would take up too much space in my heart for that, but then I met you, and my goodness did you change everything” he explains.
“Is this a confession of love my Lord?” You ask still very much breathless.
“It is yes, I didn’t come here to seek it which makes this as much a surprise to me as it is to yourself” he replies.
“I love you too” you admit, which causes his handsome face to light up, “I too did not believe this would happen, when my brother asked me to debut this season, I admit I hated the very idea, but I’m so very glad I did as it lead me to you” You confess.
“Well then my love, I believe I have a question to ask your brother” he replies, his hand seeking to find your own, grasping his with yours you reply “I suppose you do”. He gives you one last kiss on your cheek before heading inside to seek out your brother. You are still stood against the house, breaths still racing as you trace your lips with your fingertips, the tingling of his kisses still present.
Upon entering your home that evening Anthony stops you “Y/N may I speak with you a moment?” He asks, “Yea of course brother what is it?”
“Lord Debling has asked for my permission to propose to you, he says he has the deepest of feelings for you and he wishes you to be his wife, I know him to be a very kind man, one who obviously wouldn’t ever hurt an animal or a woman, he has a great estate and great prospects, so if it’s what you want I will agree to it at once, but I told him I had to talk with my sister first” he explains.
You smile knowing how deeply your family cares for each other, this is something you will never take for granted. “Truth is brother, I love him very much, I didn’t think it were possible to find someone I could fall for so deeply, but here we are” you reply.
“Very well then I shall give him my permission” Anthony affirms. You walk over and give him a chaste kiss to the cheek, “Thank you brother” you respond, he nods giving your shoulder an affectionate squeeze before wandering off.
You were going to be married! Not only that to a man you love, you felt such happiness in that moment your chest could burst.
The next morning whilst reading your maid walked in announcing Lord Debling was here to see you, you nod at her to let him in.
“Hello my love, are you well this morning?” He asks as he enters the room.
“I am quite well my Lord thank you” you smile.
“Please call me Alfred, such formalities feel no longer necessary”
“Very well Alfred, but then you must call me y/n so we are on equal terms” you reply.
He laughs, “Of course, my dearest y/n, so I’m guessing it’s no secret to as why I am here?” He asks.
“Well I have an idea, but I will need you to clarify” you respond with wit.
“Very well Miss y/n Bridgerton” he begins before getting down on one knee, “You have bewitched my heart, and I’m asking if you will do me the extraordinary honour of becoming my wife?”
Walking towards him you kneel down in front of him, reaching out and tracing his stubbled cheek, “Yes Alfred, I will marry you” you gush before moving in and placing your lips against his, in a sweet soft kiss.
Just then all your family enter the room offering congratulations, you thank them all but your eyes never leave his, as you think to yourself yes you believe this will be a very happy marriage indeed.
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hjparisian · 8 months
mistletoe or mistlefoe- theodore nott x reader
p: theodore nott x fem!slytherin!reader s: after seeing her best friend pine after a certain slytherin boy, pansy decided she would take matters into her own hands w: fluffy, slight drinking mention a/n: i know its not the holidays anymore but i wanted to write for theo soo oh well
Theodore and (Y/N) were returning from the kitchens, with food piled in their hands.
Pansy had thought it would be a great idea to have a small party for the start of the break, seeing as most of her friends were staying at Hogwarts during this time.
While she and Daphne were commanding the boys to get the common room more festive for the holidays, she sent her best friend and Theodore to ask the house elves for food for the get together.
Pansy knew of (Y/N)'s crush on the quiet Slytherin boy, so what better way to bring the two together than having them run an errand by themselves?
When Pansy told the two their job, (Y/N) saw the smug look on her face, knowing what she was trying to do. Little did she know, that was not the only trick up Pansy's sleeve.
The walk back to the common room was quiet, the sound of their footsteps filling the halls.
Until Theodore broke the silence.
"How come you stayed?"
"My father had matters to attend at the ministry and my mother is visiting family in France," (Y/N) replied. "What about you?"
"I didn't want to deal with my father right now."
(Y/N) just nodded. She knew how harsh Theodore's father is towards him, especially since his mother passed away.
"Well, at least you have us," (Y/N) said to him.
"Yeah. But unfortunately I have to deal with Mattheo's snoring," the boy said, smiling a bit.
"Really," (Y/N) asks, chuckling a bit.
Theodore nodded. "Threatened to use the silencing charm on him."
At that point, they made it to the entrance of the common room. Theodore uttered the password, letting the two of them enter.
Pansy was the first to notice the twos arrival, smirking a little.
"Welcome back you two, got what we need?"
"We did," (Y/N) assured her.
"Good, now we can get started."
The group began grabbing from the pile of food that (Y/N) and Theodore brought. Everyone was enjoying it. But of course, Pansy was trying to figure out how to set something in motion.
Mattheo tapped on the girl's shoulder, bringing her out of her thoughts before whispering in her ear. Pansy started grinning before taking the bottle that was in his hands.
"Alright everyone! I want to play a game with you guys!" Pansy called out to them. "Come sit in a circle!"
"Now what dumb game are we going to be playing this time?" Draco grumbled as he sat down next to Blaise.
The dark haired Slytherin rolled her eyes at the boy. "Well I was thinking we play spin the bottle."
"The muggle game?" Questioned Crabbe.
Mattheo nodded. "I say we should add a bit of a twist. You and the person you get have two options. Either kiss or fight to see who can pin the other to the ground first."
"Mistletoe or mistlefoe," said Enzo, laughing at his own joke.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at Enzo's words. "Let's get started then before I have to hear Enzo crack another dumb joke."
Mattheo started, landing on Theodore. The two looked at each other with a smirk on their faces.
"Oh this is gonna be fun," Mattheo said before jumping on Theodore.
The game went on, Theodore gave a kiss on the cheek to Blaise, Blaise fighting Goyle, Goyle attempting to kiss Pansy, Pansy kissing Draco, Draco fighting Crabbe, Crabbe fighting Enzo, Enzo kissing Daphne, Daphne kissing (Y/N).
Then it was (Y/N)'s turn.
She spun the bottle. Everyone watched it spin. (Y/N) was anxious, but she wasn't the only one. Pansy was too. The bottle began slowing down, appearing as though it were to stop on Crabbe. Mattheo noticed the panicked look on Pansy, discreetly pulling out his wand and making it stop on Theodore, who sat two people away from Crabbe.
"Well, its Theo, so you guys have to kiss."
(Y/N) looked at Mattheo quizzically. "Wait but don't I choose if I want kiss or fight him?"
"Nope. There's mistletoe." Mattheo said while using his wand to place mistletoe above Theodore's head.
(Y/N) felt her face burning. Was she going to kiss Theodore? Or would she avoid that by fighting him? Either way, she would probably embarrass herself. She looked towards Pansy to see what she would tell her.
The dark haired girl was looking right at her, mouthing her to just do it.
(Y/N) got up towards Theodore, the boy staring at her with his blue eyes. She crouched down in front of him, eyes flicking between his eyes and lips. A million things were going through her head. But there was a voice telling her what she should do.
She kissed him.
She kissed her crush.
And he was kissing her back?
She felt a hand on her cheek, pulling her in, deepening the kiss. The cheers from the gang were drowned out by her focus on Theodore.
The two had departed, taking time looking at each other's eyes.
"I like you Theo."
The boy smiled. "I like you too (Y/N)."
"Fucking finally!"
The two turned to Mattheo, Pansy standing next to him. Both having smug looks on their faces.
"Been waiting for you to admit it since forever," Pansy laughs.
"Same with Theo," Mattheo chuckles.
A cough fills the room.
"Well I'm happy for Theo and (Y/N)," Draco began. "But we still got a party going on."
"Firewhiskey for everyone!" Enzo shouted while passing the drink to everyone.
(Y/N) stood by Theodore, who's arm was wrapped around her.
She lifted her drink towards him. "Cheers Theo."
Theodore did the same. "Cheers. To the holidays and to us."
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redheadspark · 3 months
i would like for the june prompt to request benedict bridgerton with dialogue #1 and prompt #7
A/N - This is cute for Benedict! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Benedict always spoke from the heart, unless it was about his childhood crush
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Warnings - Fluff :)
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It started in your childhood.
Your family moved into the estate next to the Bridgerton home, being instantly welcomed by Violet Bridgerton and her plentiful children.  It amazed you to see 8 children at your doorstep, Violet at the helm of course, and making sure her children were all well-mannered in their introductions.  It was a contrast to your family, you being the only child and rather shy when it came to meeting new people, mostly your parent’s friends and associates.  
However, each one of the Bridgerton children was pleased to meet you: Serious and yet kind Anthony, boisterous and playful Benedict, sweet-natured Colin, friendly Daphne, intelligent Eloise, timid Francesca, and playful Gregory and Hyancith.  You were envious of them and how they were great siblings together, but they “adopted” you into their world so to speak.  You were invited over to play with them several times, thanks to the growing friendship of your parents and the Bridgerton Matriarch.  
One Bridgerton latched onto you rather quickly: Benedict.
Whether was his playful nature or his boyish charm, you fell for it all the same when you two would chase each other and read side by side in his parlor.  Although you were more of a reader than he was, he never minded reading with you since you were telling him all the good parts in the books that he would like.
“I thought there were pirates in this book!” 
“There is, you must wait for the good part, Benedict!  Or would you rather read it yourself?”
“No, I prefer your reading it to me!  You know the bigger words than me,”
Of course, your parents were trying to raise you into a proper young lady, and yet you would return home from a playdate at the Bridgerton home with mud on your dress and your hair askew.  It wasn’t Violet’s fault, you were the one who would sneak off to run around with Benedict or learn how to draw with him too.  He becomes your favorite Bridgerton as time goes on from childhood to pre-adolescent. 
You both would still read together, though it was mostly you reading out loud to him as he would rest his head in your lap. He loved hearing your voice, vent using different voices for the characters in the book and knowing how to make the action scenes exciting.  It was one of your favorite times of the day with him, the pair of you almost tucked up with one another in the parlor.  You love this company, his light heartiness when you were stressed and his eye for creativity when he would talk about his art.  
When he started drawing with charcoal, you saw a new shift in him, a new spark.  He would be hunched over his pad and charcoal stick, etching out nature or something more abstract.  You would watch in fascination while he would bring art to life, thinking of him as a genius as his fingers would be strain black and his smile to widen even more.  Sure, you would say every single piece of art he drew was amazing and mind-blowing, but it was true. You saw the passion in him and in how he drew the curves, 
It was Eloise who first planted the seed inside of Benedict as you left for your home for the day.  She leaned over to whisper to Benedict, “I sense you have a crush on our neighbor,”
Benedict was flushed, whipping his head over to his younger sister who smirked at him as he huffed, “What makes you say that?  I simply enjoy her company!”
“Yet you would let her read to you for hours on end when you wouldn't let me do the same for more than 5 minutes,” Eloise replied smoothly and with no hesitation, Benedict was quiet for a moment as she raised a brow at him, “I wouldn’t dwell on it too much since it would only bring you a headache,”
Benedict thought back on that conversation every once in a while, thinking back to those smaller moments when he would be next to you.  You were a breath of fresh air for him, someone who made him laugh constantly and would take on one of his rants and quirks.  It made him feel special to be with you for hours on, on how you would choose to be with him over any of the other Bridgerton Siblings.  
But as times passed and you both became teenagers, feelings started to shift on both sides.  You were finding him attractive, his dark brown hair and bright eyes, the way he laughed and joked daily, it was all becoming a crush that you could no longer ignore.  Even with the impending notion that you were going to come out and go to balls in hopes of finding yourself a suitor, later on, a husband, Benedict never left your mind.
It was just was same with the second eldest Bridgerton.  He watched you blossom from a young girl with gangly knees and smudged cheeks into a beautiful young lady...  Even as the pair of you still read together or did art together side by side, it was a shifting change of tides for Benedict to see you as more than a friend.  He too knew the life of young women coming out and making their singles known in upcoming balls and throughout the season, and the thought of some random stranger of a man taking you away from him sickened him. 
He wanted you to be on his arm, to call him your husband, to choose him every day, and beyond that.  To him, it was more than friendship and comradery, it was love.  He was deeply in love with you and he couldn’t picture his life without you.  Then he was petrified, not knowing what to tell you or how to tell you. 
But leave it to his older brother Anthony, who was good friends with you, to tell him exactly what he needed to hear:
“You will regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t tell the girl of your dreams how you feel,”
So during the ball, the third ball you’ve been to with your dance card filled to the brim with suitors and hopefuls, Benedict saw you into the crowd.  You were dancing with another bachelor, though the look of your face was proper yet uninterested.  Benedict felt his stomach drop to the ground from the view of you in your gown, your hair in its curls, and how you looked more radiant than the rest of the ladies in the ballroom.  To him, you were still the little girl who laughed and played with him, who encouraged him to grow in his art and told him to never give up on his passion.  
You were the little girl who stole his heart.
Finally, as the song was ending and the couple bowed to one another, Benedict made his move.  He weaved through the crowd and kept his eyesight on you, seeing you look a bit grimaced as the bachelor was still lingering and attempting some small talk on you.  Now he was moving a bit quicker, Benedict thinking that he had a small window to do what he wanted to do.  He finally made it to you, giving you a slight bow and seeing the suspicious look on your face as he cleared his throat uncomfortably.
“Apologies for interrupting, but I was told to accompany Ms. L/N to her parents for a serious discussion that cannot wait,” He explained, both yourself and the bachelor looking at each other in confusion.  But Benedict held out his arm for you to take, giving you a look to follow his lead.  You knew him well enough to take his arm and apologize to the potential suitor, yourself and Benedict walking away and moving out of the main crowd.  Benedict would see Anthony out of the corner of his eyes, a massive grin on his face as he was talking to his mother and your hand clutched his arm with uncertainty.
“Follow my lead,” He whispered to you, not wishing to cause a scene with the look you were giving him.  You nodded, remaining composed while he finally led the pair of you out to one of the main hallways that led to the garden.
Once you two were out of earshot and out of sight, you whirled around and glared at him, “What has gotten into you?”
“I have something I wish to say to you before it is too late,” He said to you, making you freeze from what he said and now look at him in confusion.  Benedict could only remember what his brother told you, how to tell you how he felt about you.  Seeing you there in front of him, looking beyond beautiful and radiant for him to only see for a few small moments.  He finally felt his heart settle in, and he opened his mouth.
“You have been a big part of my life, ever since we met as children.  You see me past my jokes and banter, you see me wishing to be myself and you accept it wholeheartedly.  I cannot deny how I feel as though I can fly every time you’re in the room, when you smile at me, simply looking at me.”  He explained, his lands slipping into your own as you were listening and watching him with undivided attention with your own heart beating fast and erratically.
“But seeing you tonight being pursued by others, others who do not know the real you and how authentic you are.  They see only one side of you when I have seen them all: when you nearly broke your wrist climbing after me as I went up a tree, when I taught you how to paint and sketch, and even when we first met so long ago.  We can’t go on like this.  Like friends is all we are.” He explained once again, his heart pouring out to you and perhaps he was lost in his own words.  Not realizing that you were grinning from ear to ear, that you were scooting a bit closer to him, that you were thinking the same thing too.
“It’s brash for me to tell you this since you probably have others who have already caught your affection and attention, and it must be worse since we have known each other for far too long to cause questions, but I am willing to take on any—“
You silenced him with a passionate kiss.
Benedict’s mind swept away as you were pressing against him and left your lips along his, his own passion for art was now dimmed and replaced with something ten times brighter.  At first, he thought that he was demeaning and this was something he made up within his own mind, but then again a dream would not feel this real.  Smelling the perfume that was on your skin your mother inside on your wearing, feeling the cooling touch of your dress against his fingertips that seemed so soft like a cloud, and the touch of your lips that would be his new favorite taste that he will never forget in his lifetime.
Yet it also seemed short-lived, you were about to pull away and Benedict inwardly feared that to happen.  So he tucked his fingers under your chin to keep you there, kissing you back softly and making you almost whimper from the kiss itself.  Benedict felt you smile, making him smile back as you pulled away to peer up at him.  He saw the shift in your eyes, how bright they were compared to before, and how they now almost glittered in candlelight.
“It took you long enough to do something, Mr. Bridgerton,” You teased, Benedict’s eyes going wide as you gigged and went on, “I thought I would be a spinster by the time you shared your feelings for me, and I would have said the same about you,”
“You….you had…now hold on!” Benedict questioned as you crossed your arms in front of yourself with slight annoyance, “You too had feelings for me?”
“Of course, I always had feelings for you!” You explained, seeing him cock his head in confusion while you gestured to yourself, “I would have thought you asked sooner to court me!”
“Oh,” He replied, you grinning back at him as he smiled liked a fool hopelessly in love, “Well…and I mean this with the utmost respect…why did you not voice your feelings for me before,”
You sighed, looking down rather sheepishly, “First, I was told it was unlady like.  And…I did not know if you mirror those affections as I did,”
Benedict saw the flushness of your cheeks, the inner conflict that you had to say how you felt.  He then realized that you both were tip-toeing around one another, willing to stay friends with one another, and having the ultimate fear of being rejected or seen as foolish.
So Benedict tucked his fingers under your chin again to coax you in for another kiss.  You took it willingly, leaning into him as the small light of the candles gave an ever-loving glow over the pair of you.  Almost a shield from the rest of the ball that seemed to have melted away as you kissed.  Feeling nothing but bliss floating between you two as you both were finally living out the dreams.
Neither of you noticed both Eloise and Anthony watching while they were hiding around the corner, both with massive grins on their faces.
The End
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June Prompt Session
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deliontower · 11 months
How about a request where Anthony is head over heels for the reader because of her motherly nature. First, he sees how she would play with Daphne’s son, and he just feels how great it’s like to be taken care of (like the reader would take care of him when he’s sick and help him with all the family duties) since all this time he took care of his siblings. The Bridgertons (and Simon) sees how in love Anthony is with the reader and they help with the proposal plan.
falling for ya | a.b
pairing: anthony bridgerton x gn!reader
warnings: none just fluff
word count: 1.2k
a/n: this has took me an embarrassing amount of time to get to but here it is! Anthony being an idiot in love
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The season was over and you had been invited to the Bridgerton country home, Aubrey Hall. At this time in the year it was just the family and close friends. Eloise had invited her close friend, Penelope Featherington. Your invite had come from Benedict, you had met him at the Royal Academy of Art and became fast friends.
Of course you knew that his and your own families wished for an offer, your own mama was sure you’d come home with such news but it wouldn’t happen. He was a friend and nothing more. Besides, you were in love with his older brother.
Over the course of your friendship, you had also grown closer to the other Brigerton siblings, and their own children.
Small giggled laugher followed you, as you ran across the lawn, you turned seeing two small Bassett children running after you on small chubby legs, both holding small play swords. “You’ll never catch me” You declared, waving your own sword in the air.
The laughing increased, as they hit back.
You gave a cry of dismay and carried on running, over by the house, under the refreshment tent, the older siblings sat, the children were off begging Violet for something sweet.
“They’re quite good with them, don't you think?” Daphne asked the others, Simon gave an agreeable nod. Benedict and Colin were too busy in an argument over something unimportant, Eloise and Penelope were discussing the latest Lady Whistledown. 
Anthony though was watching with alarming personal interest, he had never seen you in this light before, you were Benedict’s art friend. Always off with him painting or looking at paintings or discussing paintings. 
Then he saw himself as a young boy, playing with his siblings when he carried the weight of everything on him. He had never blamed them for that, he loved his family with all his heart. But he couldn’t deny how he’d like to be taken care of for once. 
For the first time, he longed to fall ill, nothing series of course, just a head cold or something like that. Where you would sit by his bedside, reading to him and holding a cold cloth to his head. Maybe you’d sit by his bed and draw. 
Just this morning, very early in the morning, he had left the house to have a walk through the gardens and had found you sitting on the wet grass, in your dressing gown and slippers. Coloured pencil spread across the ground around you, on your lap the most beautiful sunrise he had ever seen. 
Anthony felt a blush spread across his neck. 
The day he had first met you, you had been a bundle of nerves. Meeting his family had been the easy part but the head of the household, meant moving up. He had made some comment or joke over dinner and  you laughed and laughed. 
And then there was that time, he had run into you in the park. 
With a cousin, the second you spotted him you beelined for him, leaving your poor cousin to tail behind.
Then at the last ball of the season, his mother had made him dance with you, he believed your mother did the same to you. The whole dance you played a game where he and you would guess what the other couples were discussing and the way you smiled when you had made him laugh.
By god he loved you, he, Anthony Bridgerton, he who swore he’d never love, had fallen in love with you. 
“I give in, I give in” you exhaled, dropping the sword, the children giggled, you picked up a glass of lemonade, “God they can run fast on those little legs”.
The others laughed, Simon seemed to straighten his back with pride, Daphne was looking at Anthony smirking. Someone at the house called your name, “Dear, a letter for you has just arrived”
“It will be from my mama” you roll your eyes, “Better hurry and write something back”. You left the group and thanked Violet. 
The second you had entered the house, Daphne grabbed her brother so fast he jumped, “You’re in love with them, aren’t you! I knew it”.
Anthony blushed harder, failing to speak, Colin and Benedict looked uninterested. Then Anthony realised he was the last to know. Each one of his siblings knew and  just didn’t care enough to tell him. 
After afternoon tea you had found the most puzzling note, attached to your door. Asking you to meet someone in the gardens. 
Across the grass was a blanket and two drawing pads, “Hello?” you called out. As you walked closer you found Anthony waiting, “Anthony?” you asked, kneeling to sit beside him, “What is this?”.
He smiled, handing you a pad and some pencils, “Let’s call it a private art lesson”.
“Why not ask your brother?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t tell him I said this but you’re the better artist”.
A warm feeling spread across your face and down your neck, you flipped open the pad, “Well draw something and we’ll see what needs work”. 
You looked up from your drawing, Anthony was frowning, the pencil working hard, it was sweet you had to admit.
“No no its…..” you gave up, you think he tried to draw a flower, “It’s a start” you smiled. 
“What did you draw?” he asked.
You hadn’t planned on showing him, you didn’t plan on showing everyone, but he was looking at you and waiting and it just felt rude not to. Slowly and feeling more heat all over, you turned the pad around. 
“Is that me?” he asked.
You closed the pad hard, “It means nothing.. You were there and- I” you couldn’t find the right words and felt more flushed as you went on. 
“It’s beautiful, you’re beautiful” 
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I know this may seem like it’s coming out of nowhere but I didn’t know how I felt until now. You see I have felt something for you ever since you laughed at my joke during the first dinner, and then today when I saw you playing with Daphens children it made me see things for how they really are”
Your mouth was still open, his words coming as a complete shock but not unwanted. He was everything you could want, he made you laugh, he talked with you with real interest not the half listening other men did, he was an amazing dancer and now this, trying to do something you loved.
His art was poor but still he had tried for this moment. 
He said your name and you swore your heart skipped. “I- I did not mean to overstep”
“Anthony” you smiled. 
He looked hopeful, “yes?”.
“I think I should be the one saying that” you said, unable to stop grinning. 
You leaped into his arms, he caught you right away. 
Without a second thought you kissed him, falling deeper into love with him. 
After the kiss and the ones that followed, you lay in his arms. “We’ll have to thank everyone, they helped set this up” Anthony said. 
“Benedict will call himself cupid until the end of time” you laughed. 
Anthony linked his hand with yours, “As long as I’m with you, I can face my brother”.
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alotofpockets · 11 days
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Crazier things - Finding our way back | Katie McCabe x Reader
Where you and Katie take it slow to rebuild what you once had
A/n: part 2 to 'What if we're still meant to be?'
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.5k | Read part 1
Putting on the Arsenal badge for your first training back felt like a dream. You could not wait to get back out there with your team. Stepping onto the pitch clad in your Arsenal gear felt like coming home. While Barca had been an incredible experience, and a place you felt very comfortable, a part of you had always belonged with the red and white. 
Your old teammates and current England ones greeted you warmly. Reuniting with them, even if you had met up with some yesterday, felt extra special while wearing the same badge on your chest. 
“Welcome back everyone!” Jonas started the first speech of the season. “It is great to see you all. I hope everyone had a good break and got the rest they needed. A lot of familiar faces, and also some new ones. Daphne, Rosa, and Y/n, welcome to the team, I hope your teammates will do great work in making you feel at home.” 
Then it was officially time for your first training back at Arsenal. Leah immediately claimed you as her partner, she of course wanted to train with you as the two of you were good friends, but she also wanted to know how things went with Katie. 
You updated her on where the two of you stood. While you did so, you glanced up to find Katie. A smile immediately on your face as you watch her laughing with Kyra at the end of their drill. 
With the players you had already played with around you, you quickly fell back into the familiar Arsenal rhythm. As for your new teammates, you made a point in getting to know them, and watch their playing styles closely. 
Between your first couple of training sessions, you spend some time with your family before you head off to America with the team. It was so nice to be able to just hop into the car and be with them within an hour. 
You had also met up with Katie over coffee again, spending a couple of hours talking and catching up some more. There was a lot to catch up on from the past four years, and you were interested in every bit of information that she had to share. 
When the team departed for the pre-season tour in Washington, the plane was filled with excited chatter. Match wise you were especially looking forward to the Chelsea game. You had recently faced off against them in the Champions League, but nothing compared to a London Derby. While it wouldn’t be on London grounds, still it meant a lot to you being a part of one again. 
Beyond the matches, you were excited to explore the city, and get to know your teammates better. The schedule was packed with training, and team activities, but also left time to explore on your own. You intended to use the time to connect with your teammates, and continue to figure out where you stood with Katie.
As soon as the team arrived at the hotel, the room assignments were handed out. When you found your name on the list, your stomach dropped. Katie McCabe. Without thinking, you rushed over to Kim. “Why did you room me with Katie?” Kim heard the panic in your voice, but raised her shoulders. “It wasn’t up to me.” You furrowed her eyebrows. “The pre-season rooming assignments were done by the staff, so no getting out of this one I’m afraid.”
You cursed whoever planned this, but picked up your key nonetheless. Since you did a little detour to complain to Kim, Katie was already in the room when you entered with your bags. “Hey,” She said from her bed with her bags still packed. “I can see if anyone wants to change rooms, if you’re not comfortable sharing.” 
With a shake of your head, you put your bags down on the other bed in the room. “No, it’s fine. It’s just a room, right?” Katie nodded and you both started unpacking your bags, before the team would head out on their first small training to make sure the flight didn’t take too much toll on their bodies.
After a long day of travel and training you found yourselves back in your hotel room. Katie pulled out a deck of cards, “Wanna play?” You spend a lot of hotel room nights, while travelling with the team, playing cards with Katie. The thought of playing cards again like old times, made your stomach fill with butterflies. You ignored them and plopped down on her bed with her, “Bring it on.”
The evening was spent laughing with each other and multiple wins and loses on both ends, all in all you had a lot of fun. Something you had really been craving, maybe rooming with Katie wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
You could not have been more wrong.
Everything had felt so familiar. The games on her bed, the laughter shared, and then brushing your teeth side by side. It was something that had always been a part of your routine, and without thinking, after putting your toothbrush down, you pecked Katie on her lips like it was the most natural thing in the world.
You froze, “Shit, I am so sorry.” Your heart was racing as you realised what you had just done. Katie’s eyes wide in shock as well, not expecting it. Before she could respond, you bolted out of the bathroom, and out of the room, heading straight for Leah’s room.
You knocked frantically until someone opened the door. “Calm down, what happened?” Leah says as she pulls you into the room. “I kissed Katie.” You blurted out as you sat down on the closest bed to you. “I promised we’d take things slow, and now I’ve ruined everything. I kissed her out of habit and-”
“Take a breath.” Leah interrupted. “Wally, can you grab some water?” It was only then that you realised Lia was there as well. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your night.” Lia shook her head, “Don’t you worry, just drink up.” She says while handing you the water bottle. 
You ended up spending the night in their room, not yet ready to face Katie. Leah did send Katie a quick message.
Leah: Hey, I don’t want to come between anything, but I just wanted to let you know y/n staying here tonight.
Katie: Thank you for letting me know. Goodnight
Leah: Goodnight
The next morning you knock on your bedroom door. In your haste last night, you had forgotten to take your room key. Katie opened the door and let you in, to your surprise she didn’t look upset. Still you started apologising right away.
“I am so sorry Katie. I shouldn’t have kissed you, I promised we’d take things slow and I messed it up already. Everything felt so familiar and it just happened.” Katie let you ramble on while she was putting on her trainers. “Are you done?” She chuckles when you’re out of breath from apologising. You furrow your brow, “Yes, you don’t hate me?” She shakes her head and sits down next to you. “I didn’t hate you before, why would I start now.” She had a good point of course, but you still felt like you had messed up. “Look, I agree. It was probably too early to kiss me, but I understand it came from everything being so familiar. I don’t blame you, and I did not mind the kiss.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, glad you didn’t mess up again. “But what now?” You asked. “We just keep doing what we’ve been doing. Taking it slow, talking, and spending time together. We’ll figure it out.” 
Her reassuring words combined with her calm demeanour eased some of the nerves you felt. “That sounds good, thank you.” Katie nods, “Of course, we’re in this together, remember?” You smile and nod, “Yeah.”
“Come on, get dressed. We’re gonna be late.” Your brow furrows. Your mind had only been on kissing Katie, so you had completely forgotten you had an actual itinerary for Washington. “We’re sightseeing with the team, remember?” The cheeky smile you loved so much now on full display. “Right.” You say nervously, quickly grabbing some clothes and changing in the bathroom.
The two of you were the last ones to enter the bus and already giggling over some joke that Katie made. Leah and Lia share a knowing look, the two of you were going to be alright. 
With the whole team you spend a couple of hours exploring Washington. You travelled from monument to monument and took in all the sights around the city. It really was a great way to bond with your new teammates. 
“Alright team, as I’ve said before, this pre-season tour is all about bonding so go out and have some fun. We’ll meet back here at five, and take the bus back to the hotel.” Jonas said and the bustling of your teammates making plans began. 
“Hey, do you have plans already?” She asked looking between you, Leah and Lotte, who were chatting together. “No, nothing yet. Did you have something in mind?” Her smile grew. “Yeah, my followers on snapchat gave me some restaurant recommendations, and I was wondering if you wanted to try one out with me for lunch.” 
You loved the idea and told her just that. “Ah, well looks like you two have plans then, we’ll see you later!” Leah quickly said and pulled Lotte away with her, making sure the two of you would get your alone time. She might be your biggest supporter right now, she knew how happy the two of you had made each other in the past, and wanted nothing more for the both of you.
Spending time with Katie was easy, and something you wanted to do forever you thought when you were sitting in a corner booth of the cosy restaurant that had been recommended to Katie by the fans. 
“Hey Katie, what is this?” You ask her out of nowhere. “Ehm, your food?” Her eyebrows raised and a chuckle left her mouth. “Sorry, I left the context in my brain.” Her smile grew, “Yeah, you always had a tendency to do that.”
“I mean are we just having lunch or is this a date?” Katie is quiet for a moment. “Would you be okay with it being a date?” She questioned shyly. “Yeah, would you?” She smiled, “Yeah, I would really like that.”
The rest of your stay in Washington, you went on a couple more dates. The two of you were figuring it out and you really liked the way things were going. On top of that, you got to play your first minutes for your club, and couldn’t be more proud to put on the Arsenal kit again.
On your last night in the States, you were watching a movie in your room with a couple of the girls. You and Katie sat together on her bed, while Leah, Lia, and Beth were sitting on yours. About twenty minutes into the movie, you started getting uncomfortable just sitting up against the headboard, so you started wiggling around until you were comfortable, which was leaned into Katie’s side. “Is this okay?” You whispered. In response she lifted her arm and put it around your shoulder, “More than.”
When the movie was over, you had already fallen asleep with the steady beat of Katie’s hard next to your ear. Leah, Lia, and Beth had said goodnight to Katie and left the room, all without you even realising. 
Katie woke you up with a gentle shake. “Hmm too comfy.” You said, still half asleep. “It’s okay, you can stay comfy. Let’s just lay down under the covers.” Katie moved the both of you down and pulled the covers over you. “See, way better.” She joked when you were already getting comfortable cuddling up to her again. 
You had laid in her arms for a few minutes, falling back to sleep when you felt Katie’s heartbeat raise. Just as you were about to ask if she was alright, she pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. The gesture made your whole body feel warm, you looked up from her chest and let your eyes meet. “Hi.” She said, and even though the room was dark, you noticed the light blush on her cheeks. “Hey.” You smiled.
“Was that okay?” You nod slowly in response, while looking between her eyes and lips. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” Your heart was beating out of your chest at this point. “Yeah.”
Katie placed her hand on your cheek, and started leaning in. You smiled and closed the distance. Her lips on yours were soft and she kissed you slowly. It felt new and familiar all at the same time. One feeling you were certain about, was that you felt on top of the world. 
When you pulled away, you cuddled back into her chest, and she held you close. It wasn’t long until you fell asleep to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat again.
Back home, the two of you still took things slow. Just taking it step by step, in a way that felt right for the both of you. Which for the moment meant, going on dates, cuddling, sharing some kisses, and spending a lot of time together.
After plenty of pre-season matches, it was time for the first match of the season. You were playing Rosenborg at home in the first Champions League qualifying match. Like it was meant to be, Katie swung in a ball from the left flank to you on the right. You hit the perfect volley, and kick the ball into the back of the net. 
Your teammates surrounded you, and the crowd went crazy for your first goal of the season. The goal that put your team ahead in the qualifying match, but there was only one person you wanted to celebrate the goal with, and she was patiently waiting behind the group of your teammates that was celebrating with you.
While Katie had joined in on the team huddle as well, she wanted a moment for just the two of you. She lifted you up and spun you around. “My Gooner.” She whispered in your ear. The familiar words brought a big smile onto your face. 
“Yours?” You say when she puts you down. “Yeah, if you’d like that.” With a smile you nod, “Yes, I do.” With her arm still around you, the two of you made your way back to your starting positions. 
This time when the whistle blew, not only was the match starting again, but so was your relationship with Katie. A new start you couldn’t wait to explore more. You were hers and she was yours.
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plussizefantasia · 3 months
Don't Cry over Spilled Lemonade pt.2
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Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x f!reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: A little bit of dread on the reader's part but mostly it's fluff and yearning, just the way I like it.
A/N: hahaha I finally finished it!!!! Thanks for all the love on part one it really made me so happy to see so many people liking the little story that I wrote half asleep <3
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Anthony wrestled with his thoughts for the rest of the evening. He hated himself deeply for hurting you and even more for not remembering it. Knowing himself though, he knew that his actions were probably fueled by a desire to leave the gathering and visit Siena, she had been his refuge in the years before and during Daphne’s debut. 
He would never forgive himself if the reason you would not ever stand to be in the same room with him was his naive infatuation with the opera singer. Especially given the fact that as soon as he met you all thoughts of her flew from his eyes and he never thought of her in that way again. Deep down he knew that his heart now belonged to you although that thought was much too terrifying to dwell on for more than a minute.
You on the other hand were reeling with the new information. You had vowed to hate Anthony Bridgerton until your dying day but his pleas for forgiveness had shaken your will. You still held a deep anger towards him, one that you didn’t think would go away any time soon. But it was becoming harder and harder for you to find the detestation in yours that had once been bubbling at the surface.
You didn't know what to expect from the Viscount anymore, you had always had a pretty clear picture of the man in your mind, and in one fell swoop he had shattered it like glass. Seeing him playing with his younger siblings in the park the day after your conversation in the hallway certainly didn’t help settle your mind.
If there was one thing you knew about Anthony Bridgerton it was that he loved his family. Sometimes he goes about it in the wrong way but you could tell that he does everything he does for them, even getting grass stains on his trousers because Hyancithy and Gregory are insistent that he plays tag with them in the great park.
It is their laughter that draws your attention first followed shortly by a sharp shout and even more giggles. You are fortunate enough to catch sight of the Viscount tripping and landing on his backside, his hands falling to the side of him and right into what looks to be some freshly planted flower beds. His head hangs and he takes a heaving sigh before pushing himself back up. You can’t help but laugh at the sight.
Anthony would be able to recognize your laugh anywhere, he hears it flowing through the halls of his home enough that it’s become ingrained in his mind. His head turns to where you are and your eyes meet. He is taken aback by the warmth he finds in them. How long has it been since you’ve looked at home with anything but detached coldness?
It is Hyancinth who bridged the gap between the two of you, with a shout of your name she comes bounding across the green and practically leaps into your open arms. 
“Hello sweet girl, having fun are we?” Your hand runs down the back of her head and you smile down at her.
“We were playing a game of tag, would you like to join us.” Sometimes you forget how innocent the young girl is. Her smile is contagious as it spreads across your own face.
“On any other day my darling but I’ve only cut through the park on my way to visit with Lady Danbury and you know how she is about punctuality.”
“Oh.” Her face falls and your heart follows.
“How about this? Once I am done calling upon her ladyship I shall stop by and you can finally show me the new dresses you got for dolly Molly okay?”
Her smile returns full force and she squeezes you a little tighter before conjuring up a mask of faux indifference.
“I suppose I can accept that.” 
“You’re starting to sound like Viscount grumpypants over there.” You tickle at her side.
“I heard that,” Anthony calls from a ways away, Greg held under his arm.
“I was not trying to keep quiet my Lord.” Your eyes meet his once again and Anthony cannot help the little bubbling of hope that builds inside his chest when he sees the lightheartedness contained in your gaze.
“That’s Lord Grumpypants to you.” He shoots back and delights in the way your smile widens. 
“Very well Lord Grumpypants, I must be off but I’ll see you all later.” You say the last words down at the young lady still wrapped up in your arms. You give her one final squeeze before releasing her and bowing your head slightly at her older brother. You try not to dwell too much on how much you enjoy the viscount’s smile.
Anthony takes the day in the park as a sign, one that shows him all hope is not lost. All he needs to do is fix his mistake. He craved you, that much he knew. He craved your smile and your laugh, he yearned for your kind eyes and the way you seemed to float when you walked. He has never considered himself a particularly creative man but the images his mind conjures of the two of you make him second-guess himself.
He did not have time to imagine for very long, however, as Colin was due to return today for the start of the season and Eloise seemed to need constant supervision lest she run away the first chance she got. The Danbury ball could not come soon enough.
The Danbury ball was one of legend, the older woman’s opening ball was not one to be missed as it set the tone for the rest of the season. Young women not lucky enough to gain the Queen’s favor had a second chance at the Danbury ball, a chance to show themselves off to the ton once more in the hopes of catching the eye of an eligible young man. 
You were no different than those young ladies, primping and preening all day long with the hopes that you would be able to secure a match this season before you become too old to do so. Your mother was adamant that this season had to be spectacular, you had to look and act your best always. She was weary and weeping, moaning about how you’d be letting down the family if you were unable to secure a match.
It was interesting you thought, how quickly she changed her tune. During your debut season, she had spoken dreamingly about a love match and finding happiness and now you were sure that she would shove you off to whoever if it meant that you would be married. It seemed your Mama’s greatest fear was you becoming a spinster. 
You obliged her whims, after all, you did wish to find a match. You had always dreamed of a love match. With every year that passed by the candle of hope held within your heart flickered, it was small now, but you had to admit that it still burned. You still soothed your restless nights with dreams of a husband and children, a loving home full of laughter and joy. That is the future you want, that is the future you will fight for.
Tonight you aim to make an entrance, any attention at this point is better than being snubbed. You wore a gown of deep red, with golden lace around the bodice and black and gold beading around the waistline and down the back. Your maid pulled and twisted your hair, piling it upon your head and creating a bold and dramatic look. You were going to pull attention, you had to.
And pull attention you did, from the moment you entered the ballroom all eyes were on you. Ladies whispered and hid behind their fans. Men stood in circles with their peers but you caught the glance of more than one bachelor. And yet, nobody had approached you. You were beginning to feel the flash in your cheeks. Perhaps this was too much, such boldness was offputting and you should have stuck to the known. Dressed in soft pinks and whites, proclaiming purity and softness. 
Anthony was beside himself. You were the most ethereal creature he had ever had the privilege of laying his gaze on and he wished to spend the whole night by your side; catching up on all the lost time. He knew though, that you would never allow that, and he would rather die than hurt you again. 
So he watched and watched and watched. As time ticked on those cowards kept you waiting. Dances began and ended, people arrived and left and all the while you were stood, bathed in candlelight and alone. 
The sun had long since set and you were done. No longer would you endure this embarrassment. You had followed your gut and put yourself out there and it had failed. You were destined to be alone you suppose.
Just as you were getting ready to turn away and retreat back to the safety of your family home a hand entered your sight. Palm up and inviting, your eyes traced slowly up the arm and towards the face of the gentleman who had finally put you out of your misery.
Anthony Bridgerton stood before you, arm outstretched and a small smile on his face. “A lady as beautiful as yourself does not deserve to spend the whole night without a single dance.” 
“Are you offering?” You looked him in the eye and raised a brow. This was the first time since your conversation in the hallways that Anthony had approached you without one of his siblings present to be a buffer.
“I’m giving you an opportunity.”
“And what might that be?” You tilted your head to the side and watched as a smirk slowly spread across his face.
“You have a choice, right here and right now. Either grasp my hand and we dance the rest of the night away, opinions be damned. Or you snub me, snub me like I snubbed you that night, and get your revenge.”
You exhale a laugh and look at him. His face held a smile but also a certain seriousness that belayed his intention. This was him making it up to you. He would accept rejection if that is what you wanted. 
Here he was, the man who had hurt you and who you still held a flame for offering himself up to like a lamb to slaughter. 
You must’ve been taking a long time to answer because the Viscount began shifting on his feet. He looked around the room at the other couples who began to take to the dancefloor.
“I do not mean to rush you my lady, but the dance will be starting soon.”
“Anthony you must promise me.”
“Anything, name it and it’s yours.” 
“Promise me that you will never hurt me again, I don’t think my heart could take it.” You took his hand. And let your lips curve into a gentle smile.
He pulled your hand wrapped within his own close to his heart, and vowed, “I will do everything in my power to protect you for the rest of my days, even if the one I am protecting you from is myself.”
“I don’t need protection Anthony,” you looked deeply into his eyes, “I just need your love, honest and true.”
“Then you shall have it.” 
Anthony pulled you to the dancefloor and led you in far too many dances to be appropriate that night. And every night for the rest of the season. And neither of you cared about what the rest of the ton had to say. You had each other, finally, and neither of you was letting go anytime soon. 
taglist: @ilikestuffs-stuff @cat-lockwood @wolf-phoenix-lover
@tenshis-cake @bridkesby @divergentalwaysandforever-blog @lillysfrogsandbogs @unholyhuntress
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gay-wh0re-slut · 8 months
can you please write a rhea x fem!reader where they are both at a friends for their birthday, and everyone ends up playing seven minutes in heaven and rhea & reader end up having to play together and end up just having a good convo (maybe some makeout time too😏) and later that night sneak away and secretly hook up (smut pleaseee😍)
shut upppppp this is so goodddddd im giggling and kicking my feet right now omgggg
after writing: this turned out to be a bit long but i couldn’t stop writing. i got a lil flustered writing this one so i hope you like it too eeeee
rhea ripley x fem!reader
content: meeting a hot buff goth wrestler at a friends party but of course you get picked to join her for 7 minutes in heaven. will it get spicy? will there be kissing? who knows?!
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You’ve know Zelina since high school and you’ve always been kinda close. Not close enough to where the two of you would hang out everyday but enough to where you could get lunch and it not be awkward. One day at a lunch, she invited you to her birthday party and told you that there was someone that she wanted you to meet.
“I’m not sure if she’s your type but I think you two would get along at least,” she said.
“I don’t even know my type anymore, seems like everyone is either taken or just plain weird,” you fired back.
She left it at that but you both laughed at your statement. You had been struggling to find someone to find you interesting enough to at least to keep a conversation going past two days. Who knows, she might be a great matchmaker.
The day came and her theme was cartoons, of course. So you decided to lazily dress up as Daphne from Scooby Doo. You bought her a gift card to a local craft store as her gift because she’s always making something for a cosplay.
“Hi!! Thank you for coming!” Zelina embraced you carefully so that she wouldn’t mess up her Sailor Moon cosplay too much.
“Of course! Happy birthday!” You followed her in to the kitchen to place the gift by the others. “Do you need help with anything?”
“As of right now, I think I’m good, thank you though!” she smiled as she carried a platter of snacks to the living room.
“Zelina!” you heard an australian accent, “Where are napkins?”
“I’ll get them, one sec,” she said but was quickly cut off.
“Please it’s your day and you’ve already done so much, let me get them. Where are they?” You heard shuffling from the other room.
“You’re too sweet. They’re in the cabinet, under the island in the kitchen.”
“Be right back,” the accent was deep but you could tell that she had lived in the states for a while. She sounded familiar but you couldn’t make it out.
As you were pouring a drink for yourself at the Punch Bar that had cutouts and stickers of WWE things, you heard heels clicking on the tile floor. So you turned to see who it was. A dark figure was crouched at the island. She was wearing tall black platform heels, fishnets, and from behind all you could see was a dark purple cape draped over broad shoulders.
She quickly grabbed the napkins and stood up facing you, “oh, sorry,” her light blue eyes stared into you as purple eyeshadow complimented them perfectly. The hood on her head was placed to frame her face just right, “just needed napkins.” She gave you a smile as she raised her shoulder and scrunched her nose before clicking away again back into the living room.
You were frozen. She was so enchanting. You couldn’t even process what she was supposed to be. You stood silently barely holding onto the cup in your hand, your mouth ran dry, and your heart was beating faster.
“Y/N! You good in there?!” you heard Zelina yell.
“Y-yeah,” you gathered yourself as quickly as possible and walked towards her voice, “couldn’t decide what I wanted.”
“All good! This is Rhea, the girl I was telling you about,” she gestured to the same dark figure that was in the kitchen moments ago.
“Aw you talk about me?” her accent flew to your ears gracefully.
“Don’t let it get to your head Mami,” Zelina laughed before turning back to you, “but you know everyone else right?”
“Hi, yes I do,” your voice was higher than usual because you were nervous, which you quickly fixed, “nice to meet you,” you finally glanced down at the black body suit and the belt she was wearing, “Oh you’re Raven from Teen Titans!”
“I am!” Rhea flicked the cape behind her dramatically. “I’ve only seen a few episodes but I know Z really likes it.”
“Yeah it’s good!” you couldn’t think of anything to say you were so taken aback by her beauty.
“I’ve heard! Nice to finally meet you,” she giggled before turning back to the party.
The party went on as usual. Talking, drinking, yelling, dancing. Everyone was just tipsy enough to think that playing Seven Minutes in Heaven was a good idea.
“Alright let’s spin this bottle to see who goes,” Zelina slurred her words a bit, it was quite funny to be honest.
So she spins and of course it lands on you, why wouldn’t it.
“Oooooh!!” everyone chimed in.
She spun the bottle again and of course it lands on Rhea, why wouldn’t it.
“Okay you two! I don’t have a closet in here so the bathroom will have to do,” the birthday girl pointed to the door just outside the living room, “Go on! You only have seven minutesssss!”
You let out a big sigh before getting up to walk towards the bathroom. Rhea follows and clicks behind you. Your heart was already beating so fast you felt like it was going to pop out of your chest.
Rhea locked the door behind her, “Well…”
“Well,” you choked.
The two of you leaned on opposite walls. Her muscular arms were crossed as yours were behind you. It was silent for a good minute or so before the australian broke it.
“How do you know Z?”
“Since highschool, but we’ve only recently gotten close. What about you?”
“We work together.”
“Oh you wrestle too?”
“Yeah, on Mondays though, she’s on Fridays,” she chuckled.
“Oh, nice,” you sounded interested but it was so hard to talk to such a pretty person.
“It might be the alcohol talking but I think you’re really pretty,” the wrestler blurted out.
“W-what?” you almost choked, “I-I mean, uh thank you.”
“You’re like…so hot,” she covered her mouth as if she didn’t know she was going to say that either.
“Yeah I think it’s the alcohol,” you laughed. “But for what it’s worth, I think you’re really pretty too.” Where the sudden confidence came from you didn’t know but, it was now or never to shoot your shot.
“Yeah, you’re like…so hot,” you mocked.
“Thank you,” her face got a little red so she readjusted her stance, “We only have like four minutes left.”
“Yeah,” you wanted to make a move so badly but you didn’t want to push it.
“Do you wanna kiss?” she said in the most confident tone ever.
“Sorry?” your face also turned red at the thought of her close to you.
“Well we gotta do something if we both think the other is hot! But if you don’t want-”
“Oh, well,” she took a deep breath and took the one step it took to get to you, “you sure?”
Your breathing was labored, your heart was pounding, you were getting hot, “yeah.”
A devilish smile grew on her face which sent you overboard. She gently held your face and kissed you softly. She held it for longer than you thought she would. When she let go, you knew you needed more. So you grabbed the collar of the cape and pulled her in again. This time your lips danced together like they were meant to be. Her hands roamed your body as you held her close. You loved the feeling of her on you, it’s been so long since someone has done anything remotely close.
The way her loud breathing made you feel so weak in the knees, you needed to hear more of it. You pushed her back against her wall with a thud and small moan came from her.
“Didn’t take you to be the dominant type,” she said out of breath.
“I can do both,” you smiled.
“Good to know,” her voice was deep.
That alone made you go crazy. You knew her lipstick was smearing onto you from how her lips looked but you didn’t care. It had been so long since someone simply wanted you that you couldn’t control yourself. Your hands were on her waist holding her back as hers were in your hair pulling you toward her as your lips danced once more. When you remembered that she was wearing a one piece you were pissed, you had it all planned out to sneak your hand where you wanted to most. Instead you opted to just sneak it above the fabric, very thin fabric at that.
A small gasp left her lips as her icy blue eyes rolled back before she fluttered them closed. You started to gently caress her center, her labored breathing-
“TIMES UP!” Zelina yelled as she knocked on the door loudly before trying to open the door.
“Fuck,” Rhea said hitting her head on the wall.
“Glad you locked it,” you joked kissing her once more before peeling yourself off of her.
She stayed on her wall looking defeated while you wiped off her lipstick from you before unlocking the door.
“He- ooooooh, helloooo,” Zelina giggled while playfully biting her finger.
“Not a word,” the wrestler said behind you as she placed her hands on your shoulders before moving past the both of you.
“Whatever you say Mami,” she giggled again before heading back to the living room.
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly thinking that this was the craziest thing that’s happened to you maybe ever.
The party goes on, people get chosen by the Goodness of God, AKA the wine bottle that they were spinning.
Rhea had silently handed her phone to you with the contacts app open, ready for you to add your number in. Your heart pounded with happiness as you shakily typed it in. She already had a heart with flames emoji by your name.
About an hour went by and you received a text from an unknown number. When you looked around the room, you saw Raven staring back at you with a sly smile, licking her teeth. You shivered at her stare so you read the text assuming it was from her.
Meet me at my truck in 10 min.
You watched her get up and silently walk out the door. The others were too drunk to notice her slip out.
So you waited. Somehow patiently, but you got more nervous as time went on, it felt like hours that you were waiting but you had one eye on the clock on the side table the entire time.
Ten minutes finally passed but you waited an extra minute to not seem so desperate. You stood, “I’ll be right back,” you whispered to the birthday girl. She gave you a drunken smile with a nod.
Once you walked out the door, you realized that there were a lot of trucks and you weren’t too sure about which one was hers. You walked around a bit looking for any sign.
“Took ya long enough,” you heard her accent.
Your heart jumped a little, “how was I supposed to know which was yours,” you gestured to the multiple trucks surrounding you.
She was leaned against her ride, arms crossed and one foot over the other. She stared for a few seconds then let out a sigh, “get in.”
“You’re not gonna murder me are you?”
“We’ll see,” She said. You could feel her devilish smile from there.
As you got closer to her, she opened the door to the back seat for you. You gave her a look of appreciation before climbing in. To your surprise, she followed you in and closed the door behind her.
After a slight awkward silence of her adjusting herself, you broke the ice, “What did yo-”
“Sit,” she patted her thighs.
You hesitated, blinking at her, silently asking if she was serious. She raised her eyebrows at you to answer your question. It took a good minute for you to get comfortable but you obeyed. Her threat from earlier seemed a little too real so you didn’t want to risk it.
Her hands immediately clung onto the sides of your torso, slowly running them down to your hips and down your thighs. A shiver ran through you instantly.
“We don’t have long until they notice we’re both gone,” she whispered before removing a hand from your thigh and pulling at the back of your neck. Her soft lips traced your jaw line down your neck as far as she could reach without getting uncomfortable before going back up.
A small moan fell out of you. You were bracing yourself on the headrest with one hand while the other was tangled in her black hair. “I think we will be alright for a while,” you said weakly.
“This shouldn’t take long,” she scoffed.
You backed away from her, looking into her dimly lit eyes, offended, “so you think I’m easy?”
“No, I’m just good at what I do,” she fired back proudly.
With how she was making you feel and you’ve barely done anything, obviously she was right but you couldn’t let her know that, at least not yet. “Riiight,” you rolled your eyes.
A hand quickly found your neck, gripping it tightly, “don’t underestimate me, princess.” Her breath was heavy on your lips as she glared at them.
You didn’t know you liked that until this moment. It caught you off guard but you liked it so bad. “I’m s-sorry,” you choked out. You couldn’t think of anything else to say.
Her hand alleviated the pressure but moved to the side of your neck pulling your head with it. She took the opportunity to bite at your ear, “quick leaner.”
Without you realizing it, her other hand had slipped under your skirt. As she continued to nip and kiss at your neck, the tattooed hand began to caress where you needed her most.
“Mmm,” she breathed, “that’s what I thought,” as she felt you soaking through the booty shorts you wore underneath.
All you could respond with was a moan louder than before. Arching your back at her touch, she began to draw small circles on your center.
“Mmmfuck,” you whined.
She chuckled deeply sending another shiver through you and straight to your core. Going back to kissing your lips, her free hand was now bracing your lower back wanting to sneak to your ass. Both of your hands were cupping her jaw, pulling her in as close as possible. Your hips began to grind on her hand ever so slightly as she matched your rhythm perfectly.
Minutes went by but you couldn’t get enough of her, you needed more. So you grabbed her hand and guided it under the waistband of your shorts hoping she would get the hint.
“A lil desperate, are we?” she smiled into the next kiss.
“Yes,” you kissed her, “fuck,” you kissed again, “please,” you kissed her once more.
“I don’t know, I think I like hearing you beg,” her devilish smile grew back as she ran her tongue over her teeth. The tongue piercing glinted in the street light. Your eyes grew wide at the sight, somehow you didn’t notice it before.
“Are you really gonna make me?”
“If you want me to fuck you,” she said so confidently.
Your mouth fell open. Fuck, here we go. “Fine. Please fuck me,” you said in the blandest tone.
“Oh c’mon, at least act like you want it,” and with that her hand snuck under the shorts and found your wet center, toying with your clit.
You gasped at the new sensation as you threw your head back.
“Now, do you want to try again?” she growled.
“Mhmm,” you bit your lip. The hand started to slowly work its magic, “please,” you whined this time.
“Aw, you can do better,” she added more pressure, “What do you want, princess?”
You rested your forehead on hers, barely holding yourself up from the amount of oxygen you were losing by holding your breath to not let as many moans escape but you couldn’t hold back anymore. You needed her…immediately. “God, please fuck me. I need you so bad, please.”
“I usually go by Mami but God works too,” she chuckled, “but good enough.” So she gently plunged two fingers inside of you.
“FUCK,” you cried out throwing your head back again before letting it drop back forward onto her shoulder.
She slowly pumped in and out of you as best she could. Your hips automatically found their rhythm. Breathless moans were spilling out of you as the familiar knot in your stomach was quickly forming. Her free hand was now on your ass helping you ride her fingers.
You gained some strength to lift your head up to start kissing her again. Moaning into her mouth, your hand tangled themselves in her hair once more. A few more seconds and the knot was almost undone, “Shit, I’m go-”
“Prove it,” she cut you off knowing exactly what you were going to say.
Repeated whines filled the truck as you were sweating and breathless, your arms were weak and your legs were weaker. Finally, the knot was free and you came, hard, “OH GOD,” your eyes rolled back as your back arched, your hands anchoring you to her neck. “FUCK!” as you slammed your head back onto her shoulder. Waves of pleasure shot through your body as you continued to ride it out.
She noticed that your legs began to shake so she slowly pulled out, letting you catch your breath. You heard a noise next to your ear so you lifted your head to find her sucking her fingers clean.
“Holy shit,” you breathed.
“Told you I was good,” she cooed.
“Shut up.”
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
I’m sorry but just IMAGINE Eloise and Cressida as parents?!
Cressida would 100% be a full blown PTA mum, planning all the best events for her children’s school.
Eloise would inevitably be dragged along to help decorate and somehow end up agreeing the directing the school play - because she’s read the book a MILLION times! And “Couldn’t possibly let them butcher it.”
They’d have two daughters and a son. Aged, 5, 3 and 6 months. Lunet, Maeve and Benedict Jr.
Eloise would try sneaking treats that Cressida had baked for a fundraiser. Getting caught with frosting on her mouth, she swears blind to her wife she a no idea where it came from.
Cressida baking special cookies just for Eloise to eat! 😭
Eloise would read to the children every night, Cressida insisting she’s just there to tuck them in but ultimately sat across the bottom of the bed to listen too.
Cressida will often insist Eloise continues reading despite the fact the kids are already asleep, and they will have to reread that chapter again the next evening!
Uncle Benedict would love taking care of the children so their mothers may enjoy a walk or weekend alone 🥹 “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Though I suppose that doesn’t leave a lot.”
Uncle Colin and Aunt Pen would already arrive with an array of wonderful gifts. Eloise has a shelf of trinkets, many from Cressida and her family. Stemming from rocks, sea shells and pressed flowers to tiny figurines and bottles of sand from Colin’s travels.
Eloise secretly adores that Cressida insists on hanging Benedict’s painting’s in their home.
Eloise will often return home to Cressida and Violet sharing tea in the garden - Violet cannot go more than a few days without visiting her grandchildren.
Aunt Daphne and Cressida would take great pride in buying the children the cutest shoes and outfits - much to Eloise’s dismay when she finds her youngest in a ‘hideous’ bonnet. “Well what has she got this monstrosity on her head for? Oh my sweet girl don’t worry mummy will protect you from the taffeta.”
Eloise often getting emotional when spending time alone with her wife and children, free of any distractions. Forgoing her book to simple watch Cressida and their toddler play in the grass with wooden blocks.
Cressida tired at the breakfast table a child on either knee, as Elouise and their eldest read the newspaper out loud. Gently kissing their temples and stirring her tea.
Eloise and Cressida often indulging in a sneaky cigarette together at the end of a long week. Hidden out on the balcony to their room - their children fast asleep in the next room. Often shushing one another when their giggling threatens to wake them.
Eloise nearly having a ‘heart attack’ seeing her child on a horse for the first time, insisting her wife is insane and she’d prefer both ‘her girls’ back on the ground.
Cressida being the good cop, Eloise bad cop in many matters. I truly believe Cressida would be the biggest softy towards their children.
Eloise helping the children with their school work, whilst Cressida knits across the room (Cressida is utterly no help academically.)
Violet often insisting on taking the children for the evening because her home is simply ‘too big’ and Cressida and Eloise are ‘still young’.
Cressida and Eloise often opting to enjoy their meals in the form of picnic. Packing up the children to spend the evening down by the river.
Cressida rolling up her sleeves and teaching the children to skim stones.
Eloise sat waiting to aid them all in drying off when they’re done. The baby resting upon her chest.
Eloise often scolding Cressida more than the children, her wife simply brushing her off with terms of endearment or a kiss.
Cressida taking birthdays very seriously, waking up early to decorate the house. They keep Violets birthday hat tradition well alive. Eloise made her one their first birthday spent together and she still has it. Violet cried when they did the same for her.
The entire family often visit for long weekends and dinners - Eloise and Cressida opted to live in the country where there is more privacy and space for them.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 4 months
this is from the prompt I think I saw about fanfic
Aubrey hall
Great! Thank you :)
1) SHIP: Penelope x Colin
20) LOCATION: Aubrey Hall
39) SCANDAL: secret pregnancy!
more Bridgerton-themed fic prompts
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Bridgerton Mothers
Pairing: Penelope x Colin Rating: T Word Count: 1115
Summary: Colin has brought Penelope (now his fiancée!) to Aubrey Hall with a secret. Violet believes she knows what it is.
“If you should ever want to tell me something, Penelope,” Violet encouraged, “I hope you will feel that you can.”
They were taking their tea quietly, in the drawing room. The sun spilled beautifully through the windows and there was a freshness to the estate, every room having been aired out in advance of their family’s arrival. Though Violet felt quite content on this morning, in this drawing room, at Aubrey Hall, she was aware that the young lady across from her was not equally at ease. She believed she knew the reason, but as Penelope was not yet one of her daughters, Violet refrained from prying. She would simply make the girl comfortable. If Penelope then chose to divulge her secret, that would be her own decision.
“I��” Penelope’s gaze plunged to the cup she held delicately in her hands. “I find the tea delicious.”
Violet smiled warmly at her.
“I am so glad. I want you to feel entirely at home here. I always have.” She laughed softly, casting her mind back to summers gone by. “I remember you as a girl here, rambling through the woods with Eloise.”
“I wanted to play princesses,” Penelope recalled, smiling too. “Eloise said we ought to be knights instead. She was so put out when Anthony would not lend her a sword.”
“That’s right! You were such a good friend to go along with her rather strenuous games.” They shared a look of amusement. “My son sometimes intervened, did he not?”
Violet pretended to be unclear, though of course, she remembered perfectly. She raised her cup to her lips and sipped as she waited for Penelope to colour in the scene of childhood fancy.
“Colin did not have much difficulty in detecting my lack of enthusiasm,” Penelope said, gaze far off. “I believe it might have been the only case of a princess rescued from a knight instead of by one.”
“Gallant little Colin! How lovely,” Violet said slyly, “that you return to Aubrey Hall this summer as an engaged couple, and that, one day, you will bring your own children here.”
Penelope made a sputtering sound as she choked on her tea, clearing her throat with a soft cough. Her cheeks were quite pink, Violet observed. No doubt the result of momentarily losing her breath. Nothing more.
Visibly attempting to compose herself, Penelope shakily agreed, “One day.”
Violet gave her another approving smile. Her suspicion was all but confirmed.
“The wedding,” Violet remarked casually. “It is soon.”
“It is,” Colin agreed.
And yet, as they ambled about the grounds, he appeared entirely unperturbed. Having a fiancée suited him, Violet thought. But no, it was not that. Having Penelope as his fiancée—that was what had made her son so happy. They were astonishingly well-matched, she felt, and that was saying something; he was her third child to be so lucky in love. However, where Daphne had kept her true feelings (and scheming) terribly close, and Anthony had attempted to convince both her and himself that love was an emotion he was not prepared to experience at all, Colin was as clear as glass, with none of its coldness. And his love for Penelope was just as clear. Violet had found it to be, anyway, and had been immensely relieved when he had acted upon his feelings, asking the girl to marry him. Of the three happy matches her children had made, this was the one in which she had had the most confidence. It was as she had always told her sons and daughters: true love began with friendship as its foundation. The friendship between Penelope and Colin was very strong indeed.
“I know you do not desire a longer engagement,” Violet said, giving her son’s arm a light, affectionate squeeze. “Would you, perhaps, have wished for a shorter one?”
“Like Daphne and the Duke had?” She watched Colin’s thoughtful expression. “No, that would not have been right for Penelope and I. The only time there has been any haste between us was when I asked her to be my wife, and that was entirely my fault, waiting so long to give voice to my feelings that she believed herself uncared for and nearly entered into an engagement with another.
“Marrying now is what we both wish for, and what Penelope deserves. I have been proud to flaunt her on my arm.” Colin smiled to himself. “I suppose I longed to prove myself to her, and a public courtship that allowed her to be seen—not as an object of pity, but as a woman in love—well. It has been my great pleasure to give her that.”
Violet’s eyes welled with pride as she praised her son: “Well said.”
As though he had, though, said more than he had intended, Colin looked suddenly, lovably awkward. Violet patted his arm in reassurance.
“Do not fear my opinion, dearest. I will only ever champion you. A love match is all I could have hoped for any of you. It is apparent to anyone with eyes that you and Penelope have found that in each other.”
Colin smiled.
“We have.”
“And the wedding will come just soon enough,” she hinted.
He turned to look at her, observably puzzled.
“For what?” he asked.
“For what!” Violet laughed.
When her son continued to appear perplexed, her laughter died. She stopped walking, halting them both.
“Colin,” she said. “You know to what I am referring. Do not be alarmed. Penelope said nothing.”
“I do not know what she could have said, because I am at a loss!”
“The reason,” Violet prompted. “The reason a young couple might want a short engagement… Colin! I have eight children.”
He stared at her as though he did not comprehend how her vague allusion related to her statement of fact. All at once, she saw that he did understand; she watched the knowledge alter something behind his eyes, watched the parts of him communicate with one another, contemplating and questioning and, finally, verifying this information.
“Penelope is with child?”
“You are asking me?” Violet questioned back, bewildered. “Please do not say your brothers have taught you so little of the world that you are uncertain whether you and Penelope have—”
She was grateful when Colin raised a hand to bid her stop speaking. She saw that her panicked words had mortified them both.
“I know how a woman comes to be with child.”
“Good,” Violet said shortly.
“Penelope… I must speak with her!”
“Yes, I rather think you should.”
Colin made to dart off, then turned.
“Do you think she knows?”
Violet laughed.
“Oh yes, dearest. No one knows better than a mother.”
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spaceorphan18 · 8 days
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x07 Ocean's Apart (Part 2)
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Welcome back, Gentle Readers, to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
Ocean's Apart
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It just occurred to me that this scene does not take place in the normal Bridgerton drawing room. Is this Hastings House? Or another room in the Bridgerton home? I haven't paid enough attention to Daphne's story line to notice.
Anyway... Daphne makes good on her promise and has arranged a meeting between Colin and Marina. And I should note the title of the episode -- ocean's apart. It is, of course, a nod to Daphne and Simon's issues, but also to Colin and Marina. And... as I brought up in the previous post -- a nod to the Leander and Hero myth, where the two lovers are split by the ocean. Simon and Daphne, obviously, will find their way back to each other. But Colin and Marina truly are ocean's apart. They are just not meant for each other, and this scene is going to close the book on their romantic story.
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Colin starts out by asking for confirmation about the pregnancy. But his wording of it is interesting -- Lady Whistledown cannot be true. Right? Right??? He's so deeply in denial, despite everyone around him telling him otherwise. There was an ounce of hope he had in the faith he had in his own love that the pregnancy was a made up lie to scorn him (them).
Marina is done with the lying. She didn't even want to be there, and is only there because Daphne requested her and she can't really say no to a duchess. She tells Colin the pregnancy is real, and Colin's whole world shifts in that moment (and a nice bit of physicality as Colin himself shifts).
He kind of stutters, asking her really - you're with child? He looks her up and down, too, as if wanting physical proof of this.
Then he says something that is very telling -- 'I do not understand, we were to be wed. You said you loved me.'
And this is where Colin's romantic nature is his undoing. First of all, marriage and love are inextricably linked. You agree to marriage than you agree that love is its basis. In a time where it really was rare, that is one of the values that is at Colin's core. And it shakes him to his very core that Marina lied to him.
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Marina tells him - I hold you in the highest regard. Admitting, though, that she does not love him. And that is when Colin's heart is truly breaking. If she had been pregnant and still wanted to get married, was actually in love with him, he could continue playing the romantic hero, could continue drowning in his own love. But she's ripping the mask of the rouse now. She used him, yes manipulated him, and yes used his own love to her advantage.
He gets angry, but it's retrained but emotional. Colin isn't a lash out kind of guy, not like Simon or Anthony. But he does show his hurt visibly, and the words come pouring out as he tries to sort out the situation. He is at an utter loss that she doesn't feel the same way, he's processing all the lies, and claims she's committed a great sin - and it's funny, that yes, the sin is being with child out of wedlock and using someone to cover it up... yes, the sin is, in general, lying. But what it is the most for Colin -- what hurts him the deepest, is lying about love him back.
Colin lives for love. He feels love deeply. He wants to be loved back just as deeply. And for Marina to cast that all aside, to claim she was not there in it with him, feels like the biggest part of the betrayal.
Marina lays down a huge dose of reality though. She stands up for herself, claiming she's not going to allow herself to be shamed by either Colin or Daphne (who isn't really reading in the corner). And while they may think she's a villain, the situation just isn't black and white like that. She takes a moment for herself, when she says that no one ever led her in the right direction, and no one taught her any better - so she's been trying to do what's best for herself.
And it's important to note that Marina did like Colin as a person. She picked him because he was kind and empathetic. That she does appreciate the depth of how he loves. But in all of this, not only was she needing to look after herself and her unborn child, her heart had been utterly broken. And she just cannot with the idyllic love. She cannot with how Colin lives in the clouds with his fantasies. Her reality is a much, much darker place.
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The more she talks, the more his heart breaks, and you can see him start to well up. And this is when the emotion, the betrayal, the hurt, the anger really come out. He mocks her a bit when starts saying that he should feel lucky that she chose him? And, it's interesting, as he yells at her, it gets more emotional and for a moment slightly unhinged, and then he immediately pulls himself back and recomposes himself. Another reminder that even at the height of emotion, Colin always pulls inward.
After he collects himself, he tells her, basically, that he's done with her. (It's deliciously dramatic, lol)
She doesn't really have anything else to say, either. But she's upset, too. It's an emotional confrontation. She's sad for herself and her situation. But she truly never really wanted him to be hurt by any of it either. She wasn't being malicious. She was looking out for herself. And now it's all unraveling and she's alone again.
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As Colin moves to leave, he pauses and turns one more time to her to say -- the ironic thing is that if she had told him about her situation, he'd have still married her. Because he loves her that much.
And here's my thing about that....
First of all, note the present tense when he says 'that is how in love I believe myself to be'. His heart is shattered, but that love he (thinks he) feels is still very real and still very present. And it's going to take going to Greece to get over it (and even then he won't really be over it until she again firmly shuts the door on him a second time).
Colin loves love and wants love so badly that he's holding onto things that aren't good for him because the alternative is not having that love at all, and he really just doesn't know what to do with it.
The second thing is that hero complex that's coming into play -- the fact that saving her from her predicament means that he'd have self worth. He places a lot of his self worth on his ability to help others, and it's reiterated in this sentiment. If you hadn't deceived me, I would have helped you, I would have been your hero, I would have done anything and everything for you. Because Colin seems to believe that is conditional - and if he isn't helping you, isn't saving you, well then, what good is he? (ah, we will be revisiting this later...)
But here's the thing, the thing that really gets me. As romantic as this sounds? It's TERRIBLE.
If Colin had married Marina, either knowing or not knowing of the pregnancy, he would have ended up utterly miserable. His love would always be unmatched. Even if she did grow affection for him -- and who knows, maybe she would have, but I kind of doubted it. Colin is a bit smothering when in love. And he really needs a partner that not only can cope with that, but doesn't mind getting lost in that themselves.
Not only are Marina's feet a bit too firmly on the ground (she is a practical realistic, who would always burst Colin's bubble) her heart belonged to another and it got shattered. And I don't know that she'd ever really allow anyone to hurt her in that way again, so there'd always be something between them.
Their marriage would end up being incredibly cold. Marina would push him away. Colin would become resentful. And he'd probably throw himself at his kid or traveling or whatever work he could find. But would never really feel that sense of connection that he so desperately desires.
Marina only sees him for her use to him, not for who he is himself. And he may not realize it yet - but he does need someone who likes him for him, not someone who needs him.
But... (I say because I can't shut up about this scene) Colin needed to go through this. It's not a bad thing that he's dosed with reality every once in a while. It's not a bad thing that he gains the experienced of not having been loved back. It's not a bad thing that he learns the difference between infatuation and real love - because he'll be able to recognize real love for what it is when it finally presents itself.
It's all, really, a part of growing up. And Colin is, after all, a young man in that awkward stage between child and adult, where you do go through all of this stuff.
So, we end the scene with a heartbroken Colin rushing away. This is the last time they'll see each other (until Season 2), and it closes the book on the Colin side of this story. (Marina's story will go on without him now...)
But this whole experience not only gives great insight into the type of character he is, but it's going to shape his world in a fundamental way, and have effects to his stories in later seasons.
And... that's where I'm going to stop for now.
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gulnarsultan · 2 months
i missed you!!! ❤️ do you write yandere for the bridgerton siblings x reader
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Hello dear. I miss you too. I hope you like it. Yandere Platonic Bridgertons and gender neutral sibling Bridgerton reader.
He is an extremely determined and focused on success. He is determined to fulfill his duties as a viscount. He is concerned about his family's social standing and how people perceive him. Anthony is especially meticulous about your social standing. He will make sure that nothing and no one harms your social standing. He will make sure that you are healthy, well-nourished and well-cared for. He tries to be a father figure in a way. He is protective and territorial. He does not want to let you have a lover. However, if you insist and if the man is really a good candidate for you, he may allow it. Even if he never says it out loud, you are his favorite among his brothers and sisters.
He is the person who cares about emotions the most among the brothers in the family. He works very hard to establish true and reliable emotional bonds with you. Sometimes he thinks that the other family members do not understand him. He is very meticulous about playing the role of your father emotionally. He will never let you feel fatherless and unloved. He will especially never let your feelings be hurt by others. It doesn't matter who the other party is. He will always try to surround you with people who will truly understand and care about your feelings. If he truly believes that the person who wants to be your partner is honest about their feelings. He will allow you to have a relationship.
He is an expert at making you laugh. He always tries to put a genuine smile on your face. He is proud to be the source of your joy. If you asked Colin, he would say that his purpose in this world is to make you laugh without thinking. Colin gets very jealous when someone else cheers you up and makes you laugh. He pouts and wanders around like a child. He probably doesn't want you to have a partner. He is trying to encourage you to love being free like him. After all, who needs a partner when you can have fun with a great big brother like him?
She is a mother hen. Your childhood is spent with her struggling around you as a protective mother hen. Your health and happiness come before anything else. Moreover, she needs you to support her and be by her side. She is ready to do anything for your love and appreciation. If you see her as your role model, believe me, Daphne will be happy for the rest of her life. She never gets tired of talking about you. If someone upsets or hurts you, Daphne's anger will burn and destroy everything. She really has to believe in your partner to let her have a partner.
She is the quickest witted in the family. She does a great job of eliminating many problems with her intelligence. She often spends most of the day having intellectual discussions with you. She helps you with your homework and many other subjects that require intelligence. She thinks she is the best choice to be your mentor. She will let you have a partner on one condition. Your potential partner has to pass Eloise's test. She will protect and save you with her intelligence.
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leclerc-s · 1 year
series masterlist
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september 29, 2019
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liked by maejones, maxverstappen33, danielricciardo and other
daphnejones the long awaited song with my little sister is yours now. seven featuring maejones is out tonight at midnight. this song is very special to my little sister and i, not just because it's our first song together but because it's about one very special person in our lives. special thanks to charles_leclerc for helping out with the piano on this one.
tagged: maejones, maxverstappen33, charles_leclerc
alexalbon he’s crying in his room. i can hear him.
charles_leclerc it was an honor to be apart of this. thanks for having me and a happy early birthday to maxverstappen33, see you tomorrow for brunch!
user18 they wrote a song for max, i’m soft, i love the jones sisters
↳ maxverstappen33 i too love the jones sisters
lewishamilton this song is wow, i’m speechless
user18 max verstappen being immortalized in a daphne jones song ft mae jones was not on my bingo card this year
↳ user72 i honestly think this friendship is one of the best ones i’ve seen in hollywood today. a lot of them seem fake and pr-like but not this one. this whole friend group seems genuine.
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liked by daphnejones, maxverstappen33, daniel ricciardo and others
maejones about 10 months ago i came up with a small sample of a song that i figured would go nowhere until my sister got ahold of it. together, the two of us, with the help of charles_leclerc on piano, we came up with a beautiful song. seven, written with my older sister daphnejones, is out tonight at midnight. max, this one is for you, i know we don’t talk much anymore, but this is my gift to you. for the last time, i love you to the moon and to saturn.
tagged: daphnejones, maxverstappen33, charles_leclerc
maxverstappen33 best birthday present ever. to the moon and to saturn always ❤️
georgerussell beautiful song, i know max will weep like a baby when he hears it, i sure did and the song isn't even about me
↳ user65 have you all heard it but max?
↳ nataliaruiz its his birthday surprise for a reason. we can't be crying in front of him when the song plays
landonorris i'm still not over it. i expect you two to pay my therapy bill.
user89 so this song is sad and will break me in two, great nothing new from daphne but mae? oh, i'll be forwarding my therapy bills to them
↳ landonorris same
↳ alex_albon same
↳ georgerussell63 same
↳ danielricciardo same
↳ freyavettel same
↳ isabellaperez same
rowantodd i hate you two for making me feel emotions, but its a beautiful song nonetheless
charles_leclerc it was an honor to be featured on this song, especially one about my biggest "rival" 😄
↳ pierregasly when will you help write a song about me charles?
↳ charles_leclerc stop being a dick to your ‘not girlfriend’ and maybe i’ll help her write a song for you
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liked by maejones, pierregasly, nataliaruiz and others
charles_leclerc it’s my duty to give some behind the scenes on the making of seven. featuring photos of mae, daphne, and i hard at work, the muse himself, and of daniel bringing snacks while also thinking he’s helping. (find a new place to live daniel, stop mooching off daphne & mae)
tagged: maejones, maxverstappen33, daphnejones, danielricciardo
danielricciardo i did help! i came up with some chords
↳ maejones no, you didn’t. you only brought snacks, that picture was taken so everyone could think you helped.
alex_albon did daphne get a new cat?! and i wasn’t introduced to it?!
↳ daphnejones i would never get a new cat without tell you alex.
↳ danielricciardo it’s my cat actually his name is joey.
↳ charles_leclerc and he’s my godson!
user80 daniel living with the jones sisters is hilarious to me but like why?
↳ danielricciardo because i couldn't find an apartment in monaco, daph and mae had a spare room for me to use, i’m never leaving this place, i love it here.
↳ maejones he got a cat too, there is no getting him out now.
maxverstappen33 where the hell did you get that picture?
↳ charles_leclerc mae.
↳ maejones 😁
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max verstappen how likely am i to cry on a scale of 1 to 10?
lando norris i’d say a solid 12
lance stroll yeah i’m going to agree with lando here
mae jones can we talk about how daph and i managed to render sir lewis hamilton speechless? that’s my biggest achievement.
isabella perez what about winning a grammy? mae jones that’ll be a close second freya vettel wouldn't it be hilarious if charles won a grammy before a wdc? charles leclerc sometimes i think you hate me but you're not wrong
12:12 am
max verstappen i hope you 3 are proud of yourselves…
charles leclerc did you cry? max verstappen of course i fucking cried!
daniel ricciardo can you open your door? i kinda forgot my key and we’re all standing outside your apartment in a super awkward formation.
george russell open up super max!
max verstappen well it all started when i was 4 alex albon THE DOOR MAX! HE MEANT THE DOOR! daniel ricciardo you let him finish albon! lewis hamilton geez, that young?
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¡leclerc-s speaks! congrats to max on becoming a 3x world champion! seven has always been a song that reminded me of max and i wanted to write a small chapter about this. everyone always says max’s taylor album is reputation but i see him more as folklore. this is one of the few bonus chapters in my series.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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virisdescently · 1 year
— ⟡ draco malfoy x f!reader
✎ summary: the slytherin gang decides to play truth or dare.
• notes: set in 6th year, mentions of alcohol, mentions of prison, gets a little heated but not much
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The Slytherin common room was peaceful as the six 6th years sat in silence, each in their own little world. Pansy and Daphne were sprawled across the floor, magazines in hand as they skimmed through the pages mindlessly. Theodore sat in the arm chair studying for the upcoming History of Magic exam while Blaise laid on the couch across from him, resting his eyes. On the other couch, Draco sat deep in thought with (Y/n) next to him reading a book. The six of them were used to relaxing and unwinding nights like this, having been friends since childhood.
“I’m bored” Pansy nonchalantly announced. The others turned their heads to her.
“Pans, you’re always bored unless you’ve got gin in your system” Daphne teases. Pansy slightly chuckled and rolled her eyes.
“Very funny, Daph” said the raven-haired girl, sighing. Pansy clicked her tongue, thinking of activities to cure her boredom. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head.
“Oh, I have an idea!” Pansy announced, sitting up, “let’s play truth or dare!”
“We aren’t 13 anymore, Pansy” Draco said, rolling his eyes. He’d been in quite the pissy mood lately. Nobody knew exactly why, but everyone figured it had something to do with his father’s imprisonment.
“You don’t have to be 13 to have fun with your friends, Draco” Pansy said, huffing at the blonde boy.
“I for one think it’s a great idea, Pansy” Daphne chimed in, now sitting up as well. Pansy smiled at her.
“I knew I could count on you, Daph” Pansy said, “what about you, (Y/n)? Up for a bit of fun?” Pansy leaned toward the (y/h/c) girl, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
“Oh, why the hell not” (Y/n) said smiling, putting her book down next to her. Pansy and Daphne smiled as they began to bother the boys about joining in on the game.
“Blaise? Theodore?” Daphne prompted. Theodore set his notes aside as turned to the blonde girl.
“I suppose a study break is in order” he said smiling, and Blaise nodded, sitting up on the couch.
“I guess I’ll join, as long as Mr. Grumpy-pants over here does too” Blaise said, smirking at his friend. He knew that Draco was stressing about something, and figured the game could distract the blonde from his worries. Draco turned his head to Blaise, a look of do I have to? written on his face. Blaise then returned with his own look that said yes, mate, c’mon don’t be a party pooper.
“Fine, I’ll join - but only because I wouldn’t want Blaise to bother me for the next bloody hour about this” said Draco. Blaise laughed as the others rolled their eyes at the blonde’s stubborn nature.
“It’ll be fun, Draco, you’ll see” said Daphne, playfully winking at her gloomy friend. Draco returned with an eye roll of his own. Daphne thought that if he would’ve done it once more, his eyes would be stuck in the back of his head. She slightly giggled at the thought.
“Shall we begin?” asked Theodore. Pansy nodded eagerly.
“I’ll go first” she said, “Daphne, truth or dare?”
“Truth” Daphne responded. Pansy smirked.
“Is it true you had a thing for Neville Longbottom last year?” Daphne gasped and playfully shoved Pansy.
“How did you know about that?!” exclaimed Daphne. Pansy chuckled.
“So it is true, then?” she prompted.
“Yes, but I don’t have a thing for him anymore - and stop dodging my question! How did you know?!” Daphne inquired.
Pansy gave her a mischievous smile and said, “a girl never tells her secrets.” Daphne shook her head in disbelief. Pansy always had a way of finding out gossip before anyone else. It was like a sixth sense or a superpower.
The game went on for a few minutes, with the group sharing some laughs and giggles. Even Draco seemed to finally relax and enjoy himself. It came time for Blaise to ask a question.
“(Y/n), truth or dare?” he asked, a mischievous smirk on his face. (Y/n) shot him a warning glance, hoping he didn’t make her do or say anything too stupid.
“Dare” she responded. Whatever idea Blaise had, the curious side of her wanted to know - even if it meant embarrassing herself.
“Hm… let’s see” Blaise pretended to ponder, “oh, I know! (Y/n), I dare you to give Draco hear a kiss.” Blaise’s smile was as big as could be, while (Y/n) was rendered nearly speechless and Draco’s eyes went wide, involuntarily blushing a crimson red.
Blaise knew that his best mate harbored deep feelings for the (y/h/c) girl. Ever since 2nd year, he’d had to listen to Draco’s long, drawn-out speeches about how much he adored (Y/n), and judging by the way (Y/n) always seemed to care for Draco in a different way than the others, he suspected she reciprocated Draco’s feelings. Besides, everyone always figured the two would end up together at some point, this was just Blaise’s way of hurrying up the process.
“I- uh- well, I suppose if Draco is okay with it” (Y/n) said, gaining some composure, “it would be silly to use a chicken so early in the game.” Blaise wasn’t buying her reasoning for wanting to complete the dare, but he had no complaints.
“Well, a dare is a dare, right (Y/n)?” Draco said smirking, putting on a nonchalant and cocky facade, even though internally he was panicked. He was finally about to kiss the girl of his dreams after years of pining and waiting. He wanted this kiss to be absolutely perfect.
“I suppose so” said (Y/n), blushing madly as she smiled at Draco. Truth be told, (Y/n) always had a bit of a thing for the blonde. He somehow managed to capture her heart with his sarcastic remarks and signature smirks, as well as his caring and protective nature that he tries oh so hard to conceal in front of others.
“Well, get to the kissing!” Pansy interrupted the awkward staring between the two anxious teens. Draco gave (Y/n) one more smirk, before cupping her face and leaning in to begin the dare.
“Are you sure about this, (Y/n/n)?” Draco whispered, his breathe fanning across (Y/n) cheek. She nodded bashfully and smiled sweetly.
“I am, Dray” she whispered back, making Draco blush at the use of his nickname, “kiss me.”
That was all Draco needed to hear before connecting his lips with hers. The world around the two seemed to stop for both Slytherins as their lips met for the first time. Neither of them were prepared for the intensity of the kiss, caused by the years of waiting and pining from both ends. Draco felt like a starving man who had finally eaten a ravishing meal, while (Y/n) felt like everything in her life just clicked. Before she knew of her attraction to the boy, whereas now she was certain he was her home.
Beginning passionately, yet gently, the kiss soon morphed into more, as their tongues danced together while their lips told stories of love and lust. Draco’s hand slid down from (Y/n)’s cheek down to her waist, pulling her even closer to him. He needed more of her. He needed her forever.
Ahem. A noise of discontent suddenly interrupted Draco and (Y/n)’s intense make out session. (Y/n) leaped back from Draco, and turned around to see her friends looking at the two with knowing looks on their faces.
“You know we are right here, correct?” Theodore said. He had a look of slight irritation on his face, but deep down he was happy his friends seemed to enjoy the kiss so much. It was about time those two got together, he thought. It seemed as if Pansy was thinking the same thing, as she had a small smirk on her face.
“Sorry” mumbled Draco. He slowly removed his hand from (Y/n’s) side and turned to face the others. His cheeks were decorated a dark red, even darker than before, and he was slightly embarrassed at how intimate he got with (Y/n) in front of their friends. Surely was worth it though, he thought, smiling to himself.
“To be fair, the dare was for us to kiss” (Y/n) said, shrugging. Blaise chuckled.
“Yes, I dared you two to kiss, not have a pg-13 make-out session in front of all of us” he said laughing. Daphne giggled from beside him.
“I mean for Merlin’s sake, get a room!” she said, still giggling. Pansy looked at her and gave her a sly look.
“You know, (Y/n), Daphne and I could always gather up the other girls for a day in Hogsmeade if you two do indeed need one” the raven-haired girl said winking. The other three bursted out laughing as Draco and (Y/n) mentally face-palmed.
“Very funny, Pansy” (Y/n) said, although deep down she was hoping she would be taking Pansy up on the offer.
After everyone settled down, the game continued for another few minutes before Blaise announced he’d be retiring to bed.
“I think I’ll join you, Blaise” Theodore said, following Blaise towards the dormitories, “big exam tomorrow. Need my beauty sleep.”
“You are such a nerd, Theodore” Daphne giggled. Theodore shot her a playful eye roll before the two boys disappeared into their dorms.
“We should probably get to bed too, Daph” Pansy said, “we barely studied at all and if we want any chance of being sharp, we better listen to Theo.”
“I guess he is the exam whizz” Daphne said, getting up and following Pansy to the girl’s dormitories, “you coming, (Y/n)?”
“I‘ll be there shortly, I want to study for just a bit more” said (Y/n), who was hoping Draco would join her. The girls shrugged and bid the two a goodnight before going to their dorm.
Once they were alone, Draco and (Y/n) sat in a tense silence. They both so desperately wanted to talk about the kiss, but neither knew how to bring it up. Finally, (Y/n) decided to break the silence.
“So…” she began, unsure how to bring it up. She turned to Draco to look at him, a smile on her face. Draco returned with a small smile of his own.
“So” he responded, “that was… fun.” He blushed as he awaited the (y/h/c) girl’s response.
“Definitely” she chuckled. They subconsciously scooted closer to each other, wanting to be as close to each other as possible.
“Um… look, (y/n)” Draco began, finally deciding to put down his walls and talk to her about how he felt, “I really like you. And not just in the way you think. I mean I really, really like you. I know that the kiss may have been just a dare to you, but to me, it was so much more. I just thought you should know that.”
Draco looked at (Y/n) with a look of want and nervousness on his face. His heart was beating twice the rate it normally was, and all he wanted was for her sweet touch to soothe him of his worries, and let him know she felt the same.
Like the angel she is, (Y/n) granted his wish, putting a gentle hand on his arm, rubbing gentle and calming circles on his shoulders. She smiled at him with a look of warmth and light in her eyes that could’ve illuminated the entire room.
“Dray…” she said, letting her other hand come up and stroke his cheek, “I feel the same way. I’ve always had a bit of a thing for you, I just never knew how you felt.”
Draco looked deeply into her (y/e/c) eyes, and leaned in to brush his lips against hers.
“Well, now you know” he smirked. With that, he closed the gap between their lips. Their mouths danced together in harmony and the two finally said everything they’d been holding in for the past few years. Their kiss continued for what seemed like hours, although neither teen seemed to mind. Once they finally pulled away, both had big cheeky grins and bright red cheeks.
“I guess all we needed was a push from Blaise” (Y/n) said giggling, “perhaps if he’d dared us sooner we wouldn’t have had to wait so long.” Draco chuckled.
“Well love, it certainly was worth the wait.”
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greenerteacups · 6 months
my heart aches for one Theodore Nott after reading the latest update 😭 GTC, could you tell us more about your thoughts on him, his characterizations, how you manage to write him so poetically and beautifully, and (a shot in the dark, but i'll bite) the role he'll play in books 5, 6 and 7? congrats on another chapter GTC, i love you tons 🩷
Thank you so much, friend. I love talking about Theodore Nott. I'll gladly bite on that question.
To start off, Theodore's middle name might as well be "THE FOIL," because everything about him is tailor-made specifically to Say Things About Draco Malfoy. He practically hands Draco a card saying "I AM YOUR JUNGIAN SHADOW SELF, PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE" upon introduction. They meet when they're both fresh off the train. (Hermione beats Theo to Draco by a matter of hours; there's a ton of ways this story spins differently if minor details about the first chapters were changed, and that's definitely one of them.) Then Theo and Draco ride in on the boats together. (Admittedly, I was not aiming for subtlety points with this intro. They are literally "in the same boat.") Immediately, Theo is throwing out narrative parallels like he's getting paid for it: they both have a dead parent. Both parents died under weird circumstances. Their fathers were both Death Eaters. Both of them are the sole heirs and only sons of great wizarding houses. Then they go into the Great Hall together, standing in line, but — and @piedrafundamental left a really banger analysis of the Sorting Hat scene in the comments on that chapter, but I'm going to crib just one line — crucially, "M comes before N." Draco's sorted before Theodore is, and he goes into Gryffindor. Immediately after that, Theodore's shunted into Slytherin, and their paths diverge. Call this the prologue of their relationship. They're not actually gonna get to know each other until Book 2 and Book 3, but this is the part where the narrative is basically jumping up and down and waving its arms at you, going "HEY! THIS GUY! IMPORTANT TO THE STORY! GET WORRIED ABOUT WHAT HE'S DOING, OKAY?"
Then we meet him again in Book 2, and just like Draco, a year at Hogwarts has changed him. He's a little more confident, a little more cocky, a little more comfortable, and — hey, look! He's got a weirdly intense friendship with a girl around his age, too! (Surprise, surprise, Draco is with Hermione when he meets Theo again, and who makes her debut in that moment but Pansy Parkinson?) And there's Daphne, the third leg of the Slytherin Trio, the kind of girl Draco probably would end up with in Slytherin — pretty, sociable, cunning, knows his family history (literally cites it to him in their first introduction, like c'mon), is the sister of his canonical wife, etc. etc., we got layers to this shit like lasagna but this post ain't about Daphne so we gotta move on — point being, either way he flips, Draco's going to be the fourth of a quartet. Which is the entree into the Slytherin politics storyline of Book 2, a.k.a. "the temptation of Draco Malfoy," where Theo is — I mean, to be honest, for once he's really not doing anything that sinister; from his perspective, he's kind of just putting his fucking back out trying to make a friend? He's drawing Draco in a regression towards prejudice and comfort, naturally, but that's not how he sees it. But there's a counterpoint between what Theo's offering and what waits for him in Gryffindor.
So that's the starting block of his character. The rest of the work is building a real person out of that; obviously, you can't just go "this is Foil Man, does whatever a Foil Can" and expect people to be interested. Part of what makes Theo interesting, to me, is that the traits he shares with Draco include a lot of what we tend to like about him — he's driven, intelligent, cunning, and brutal in the defense of those he loves — it's just that the people he loves, the people he surrounds himself with, are deeply prejudiced people committed to doing profoundly bad things. He's been trained from birth in the art of making bad people happy, and he's gotten good at it. And he's just enough of a coward (again, pot and kettle) that he can't imagine a world where that's not the case.
And it drives him fucking crazy that Draco won't admit that. Because I think Theo thinks if he can get Draco to admit they're similar people, it'll validate the choices he's made — like, yeah, he's fucked up horribly, but anyone would do the same, if they had to face what he has. Even Saint Draco. And of course, Draco is absolutely unwilling to go there with him, because:
(a) he very much does not want to believe that his years of grueling internal growth and struggle for betterment are just the product of some good luck with a hat; i.e., a suggestion that is not just insulting but terrifying because it suggests how very close he could be to regression at any time; but also:
(b) it is a fundamental tenet of Theo and Draco's dynamic that Draco does not like Theo as much as Theo likes him. Because where Theo sees his mirror in the light, Draco sees his mirror in the dark. And it's an increasingly ugly picture.
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easybrainrot34 · 3 months
🩵Bridgerton Girlies Headcanons🩵
Characters : Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Hyacinth. Bonus Kate and Penelope
Briefly Mentioned Characters : John Stirling, Philip Oliver and Amanda Crane, Anthony, Violet, Gregory, and Madame Delacroix
Note : Everyone gets 2 headcanons with one being modern and one period. Also spoilers (from the books) on Eloises period headcanon, so skip if you want. Also Hyacinth was shockingly hard to write for, but i tried my best!
A/N : I’m back!! I took pride month off bc i had real life things going and i basically spent the month being extra bi lol. Hope y’all had a good month and lets get back to writing and having fun ☺️🩵
P.S my request are open :)
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🩵 I feel like Daphne would become a little bit of a match maker. I feel like she wants everyone to have what she and her mom has, which is a love match. If she say that a lady was crushing on a lord or the other way around, she would become a wing woman lol.
🩵 Eloise would take every and any classes where she can learn about social issues and history she can get her hands on in college. I feel like El would get her doctorate and become a professor in literature. She also took time in between degrees to travel the world.
🩵 Ik it’s a pretty popular headcanon that El is such a good mom but I truly feel like Philip married El bc she took Oliver and Amanda under her wing. It takes time for Eloise to not feel like she’s not replacing Marina, but once she does she loves them like they r her kids. Yes she would teach them how to become respected members of the ton, but also how to be kind, not to be scared to have a sharp tongue, and to never be afraid to be themselves.
🩵 I feel like once Fran found her voice she would frequently have no problem holding her own in debating her siblings. It’s Anthony and Eloise r the most shocked by it but welcome it nevertheless. I also feel like El would be secretly proud of her.
🩵 Fran would become a private piano teacher to the local members of high society in Scotland. She would take all kinds of students from children to young debutantes. I feel like she would convince John that this isnt for money, but truly for her love of playing music.
🩵 I feel like Hyacinth would become a writer. She keeps some of her childish wonder and with the help of the family she finally would publish her work. She specifically writes young adult romance and fantasy books.
🩵 Once Violet lets her finally read Whistledown she👏🏻goes👏🏻HAM👏🏻!! She had her governess keep all copies for the moment she was finally aloud. And lord, does she run to Pen. She talkes to Pen about all of her work; not only giving her endless praise, but also seeing if there was anything she didn’t include. She also tells Gregory about all of it (of course against his will, but he secretly doesn’t mind).
🩵 It’s incredibly important to Kate that her children grow up knowing both her Indian culture and Anthonys British culture. I feel like she is one of those moms that will teach and speak Hindi at home so her children r bilingual. She just overall is a classic Indian mom lol.
🩵 I’ve talked about this before but i feel like Kate would really take Hyacinth under her wing. As the lady of the house, she wants her to have a great debut, not just bc it reflects on her but bc she knows Hyacinth deserves it. She also prepares her for the ups and downs of society. She knows how Hyacinth lowkey has rose tinted sunglasses on when it comes to being part of the ton, but she stresses to her that it’s ok if she isn’t perfect. I also feel like she does the same for Gregory, preparing him as much as she can, and they regularly practice on how to talk to ladies (she also gets Anthony to help him too).
🩵 Ik this is cheesy but i feel like even in the modern world Pen would be a writer, and would go under a false name. It would start with fanfics (something tells me she was writing Harry Potter and Twilight fics on fanfic dot net lol) but as she got older she would take it more seriously. She would write romance books and once she had a following she would do a whole face reveal and would do events. She would also have undercover accounts in her fandom to see what her audience really thinks of her work.
🩵 She definitely keeps her friendship with Madame Delacroix even after everything comes out. They have a weekly catch up and would even shout her out more in Whistledown now that everyone knows. She would even invite her over to her and Colin’s estate, not caring about what the ton thinks. (Bc lets be real Pen really doesn’t give a fck lol)
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