#you seem to be lacking! anyway šŸ„°
harrowharkwife Ā· 2 years
I canā€™t believe I just woke up to this šŸ˜… Does the whole sperm donor theory comes just from the TVline snippet? Fandom absolutely skipped over the obvious threesome suggestion (quite possible as Eddie ā€œgets involvedā€ with the singer and if it implies something even remotely romantic for Eddie we know how Buck gets) and jumped straight to sperm donor thing? Threesome is sort of close to Buckā€™s current storyline of being single and realising heā€™s better being alone for now but the last time he talked about being a father was in season 1 maybe. No offence but itā€™s the most outlandish theory ever since ā€œMaddie is actually Buckā€™s motherā€. Am I missing something that makes it so believable to others?
cranky cause you can't handle fun theories, huh?
POV im washing this rancid ask down the drain
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sylusjinwoon Ā· 3 months
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{ 188 }
wrapped around your finger.
kenji (ken) sato x fem.reader
warnings: currently unedited; alcohol mention.
dedicated tags: @luneariaa since she adores kenji sato šŸ„°
{ you keep me wrapped around your finger | wrapped around your finger | i was caught up in your orbit | spinnin' like a bullet | i was wrapped around your finger | wrapped around your finger | then i shot back down to earthā€¦ }
there was a boredom felt coursing through your veins, and despite how you were living in a country where superheroes and monsters existed, it wasnā€™t enough to spice up your lackluster life (unless you counted running for your life when these said monsters appeared, but you digress).
you were a young woman living in the heart of tokyo, working a simple 9 to 5 job as you came home to your cozy, one bedroom apartment. it was a mundane life, filled with your usual routine-
but every once in a while, when a giant kaiju was seen within your city, your life would take a turn for the worse as you had to run to avoid any collateral damage caused by ultraman and his less than savvy way of defending the country.
you had no idea what had happened to the beloved hero. one moment, he was as competent as can be, always successfully leading the kaijus safely out of the city with minimal effort-
and the next, ultraman would actively be struggling to defend the city from these attacks, more often than not causing the k.d.f. to enter the scene and clean up the mess made by the struggling ā€˜superhero.ā€™
on several occasions, you considered leaving the country of japan to move to a more peaceful part of the world void of any kaiju attacks, but with how badly the current ultraman was doing, (and knowing your luck), the monsters would probably end up invading all parts of the world.
so, you decided to save yourself the hassle and simply stayed in tokyo.
currently, you were eating a simple meal of cup noodles, seeing the time read 8:16pm. while slurping up your noodles, you kept changing the channels on your t.v., the boredom felt seeping into your very soul as it made you a bit listless. a yawn escapes from your parted lips, with tears felt running down your cheeks. letting out an annoyed grunt, you slam down your half eaten cup of instant noodles, your gaze burning with a strange determination to finally get out of your apartment.
"how pathetic can i be, anyways? it's a friday night, and i'm here eating instant ramen like a loser."
you grumble while speaking to yourself, heading into your room to find a cute outfit to wear before heading out. the night seemed calm, with zero monster attacks, and with the lack of monster attacks meant that you wouldn't be witnessing the pure incompetence of ultraman.
when you were dressed cutely while wearing a light sheen of makeup, you grabbed your purse and placed the essentials within it: your keys, cellphone, and wallet. ready to have the absolute night of your life, you finally left the confines of your apartment after what felt like centuries.
the warm, spring air brought the scent of cherry blossoms as you walked with a bounce in your step across the sidewalk. you weighed your options of what you could do tonight, yet ultimately settled on getting some drinks at a bar somewhere. and who knows? maybe you'll attract some guy and have him pay for all your drinks the whole night. it's not like you had work the next day, so you were going to let loose tonight and allow yourself to enjoy whatever the night had to offer.
you enter the first bar that you saw, walking in with a smile on your face as you slide towards a free space seen on the counter. the bartender greets you with a nod while asking for what you'd like. you tell him your favorite drink, and before you could say anything else, you were aware of a tall man that stands beside you, sliding what appeared to be his sleek black credit card across the marble counter.
"put it on my tab, i'll take care of her."
you could feel your eyebrows raise up in response, meeting the man with the cocky voice as he takes a seat beside you. he was handsome, with ebony locks of hair and matching eyes coupled along with an even cockier smirk.
"what's a cutie like you doing here all alone?" his arrogant tone and manner of speaking was enough to make you want to shut him out, with you grabbing the cold glass of your drink before taking copious gulps from it.
"whoa, sweetheart, you might want to take it easy. don't want you getting sick after one drink."
"i'm sorry, but who the hell are you again?"
your question succeeds in making the gorgeous annoying man do a double take, clearly caught off guard by your question before visibly relaxing once more. a lazy sounding chuckle was heard from him as he extends a hand out to you, "my apologies for being rude, i'm ken sato, but you may also know me as the sole man that will make history in baseball."
you feign disinterest, acting like you had no idea who he was just to knock him down a peg or two. "sorry, i'm not sure who you are. i'm aware of how there are many baseball teams, but your name has never once come up."
ken ends up letting out a painful grunt while dramatically clutching at the front of his chest. "my lady, you wound me."
you hold back the urge to roll your eyes at him, managing to finish your drink as you thanked the bartender for his time before getting out of your seat and away from ken. seeing the way his gaze widens at the sight of your retreating figure, he quickly takes back his card from the bartender before chasing after you.
"oi, don't you think it's a little rude to leave without at least telling me your name?" you purse your lips upon witnessing his persistence, already hearing the smirk in his voice as he catches up to you. due to his long legs, he manages to reach you within seconds, the lazy grin still on his face as he saunters beside you. "come on, babe, don't leave me hanging."
"don't call me babe, sato."
"heh, i won't as long as you give me your name, babe."
you stopped walking, meeting his shit-eating grin as you folded your arms across your chest. letting out a gentle huff, you finally tell him the syllables that made up your name, watching as ken's smile grew even wider, happy that he was victorious.
ken steps closer to you, brushing back a few strands of your hair while repeating your name a few times, as if wishing to taste them against his lips. you felt your eyes go wide when his handsome features lean closer to you-
only to freeze completely when a beeping sound was heard coming from his watch. from your periphery, you saw it glow an almost painful shade of red, nearly blinding you from how bright it was compared to the darkness of the night.
"shit, i gotta go!"
as you were left absolutely dumbfounded in the middle of the street, the sudden roar of a kaiju's cry followed by the brightness of ultraman's suit was what finally broke you out of your reveries as you let out a string of curses while running back home to your apartment.
i should have just stayed home. you thought to yourself in an almost bitter manner, feeling angry when you couldn't seem to get the image of ken's stupidly handsome face from your mind.
{ ... }
it had been a couple of months since your first meeting with the egotistical ken sato, and you were happy to see him get some well deserved karma.
for starters, each time he was in a game with his team, the giants, ken was the one who seemed to struggle the most. (you tell yourself the reason you watched his games was because you wanted to laugh at him, not because you held the tiniest bit of concern for him.)
he still kept up his cocky personality, but you could tell that he was exhausted. the dark circles seen beneath his pale skin became more prominent as his body appeared to be a bit more gaunt than usual. it was obvious that he was losing weight, and you feared for both his physical and mental health.
but truly, regardless of how much concern you had for him, it wasn't like you could just go up to his house and check up on him. since he was technically a celebrity, you were certain that even he had some set amount of boundaries set in place.
in the end, you decided to simply mind your own business, not wishing to disrupt kenji sato's life-
at least, for now.
{ ... }
it was currently your day off, and you had kept your t.v. on to a random channel when you heard the announcement;
"don't change that channel, since after our commercial break, we will head to ms. ami wakita with her first exclusive interview with the star of the giants, kenji sato himself!"
hearing those words makes you stop wiping at your countertops, your head tilted in response to the announcement. admittedly, work and your own personal life had distracted you from keeping up with the news pertaining to ken sato. you had kept the baseball player in the back of your mind, and truly felt curious about this interview.
wiping the slight sweat from your brow with a handkerchief, you let out a sigh before grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge, uncapping it as you nearly drained half of the bottle with your fervent gulps. letting out a sigh of satisfaction, you return to your couch just as the interview between ami wakita and ken began.
to say that you were absolutely shocked upon seeing ken again would be the understatement of the century. not only did he appear better (aside from what you assumed was a broken arm), but there was a kindness seen in his gaze. he spoke softly and respectfully in reply to each and every one of wakita's questions, and you found yourself becoming mesmerized by the tranquility of his voice.
your eyes were glued to the screen of your television, watching ami as she continued along with her interview.
"you've proved the skeptics wrong, brought the team together and rallied the giants to their first championship title in years. that's got to feel good."
"haha, i can't take the credit, it was this team- these guys. i'm just happy to be a part of it."
ā€œearlier, i spoke with shimura who said 'ken sato might be the finest player i have ever coached. he exemplifies what it means to be a giant.'
many critics, including myself, have noticed a change. what do you attribute that to?ā€
ā€œi wouldnā€™t be here without my family, simple as that. my dad, mom, they made this possible. i just wish she could be here to see it.ā€
ā€œiā€™m sure sheā€™d be proud.ā€ wakita reassures ken with a genuine smile on her face.
ken takes a moment, adjusting himself on his seat before taking out his phone.
ā€œshe used to leave these messages, little things to help me get through tough times. mind if i share?ā€
wakita simply nods in response, allowing ken to press play on his phone as his mother's voice was heard:
"kenji, you're probably not even up yet, but i was thinking about you and i wanted to share a little list of hopes. i hope that you'll give your father a chance. whether you believe it or not he loves you with all his heart. i hope you'll understand us better- understand that we were just trying to prepare you for all the challenges headed your way.
and as time passes, and we fade into memory, i hope that you'll pass some of those memories, some of those lessons along. because in the end, it was all done with love, kiddo. i miss you. see you soon."
your eyes began to water, feeling the tears well up from within them after hearing such a heartfelt message. wishing to pull yourself together, you wipe away at your tears and shut off the television screen. your heart was felt glowing with a strange warmth, recalling ken's kind smile during such a heartfelt interview-
was this the same ken sato you interacted with all those months ago?
no; the pompous ken you had first met was merely a mask he had made for himself. the ken that spoke to wakita- now that was his true self. you were certain of it now.
deep down, you knew that you probably would never see him again, yet still, you couldn't help but feel immensely happy for him. there was a kindness and a light seen in his gaze now, making your prior worries pertaining to him melt away in response.
{ ... }
despite how the kaiju attacks still occurred, the world surrounding you seemed much more peaceful now-
especially since it seemed like ultraman had finally gotten his shit together.
his gigantic form walked with more confidence now, as he was able to send each wandering kaiju back into the depths of the ocean and away from the city of tokyo. his popularity has spiked yet again, especially after his heroic actions seen when he shielded the city from a bomb that was meant to take out what seemed like the entirety of the country.
altogether, you felt considerably safer now while living in this city.
once you clocked out of your job, you figured you could treat yourself to a nice restaurant, searching through your phone for some places nearby. you were so focused on searching for the best restaurant to eat at that you were unaware of the tall man standing in front of you, making your form collide with his as the impact left you gasping a bit.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry!"
"heh, don't worry about it, pretty lady."
your eyes go wide, recognizing that casual voice anywhere as you looked up to see a pair of gentle, dark eyes looking down at you. his face was partially covered by a baseball cap, but the way his hair fell across his face (further accentuating his handsome features) was a dead giveaway.
you had no idea what prompted you to do this, but you couldn't stop yourself from throwing your arms around his neck. feeling your sudden embrace catches ken off guard as he takes a step back, steadying himself when he wraps an arm around you.
"hey, it's good to see you again, too." a rich chuckle was heard coming from him, and you found yourself trembling in response. hearing him speaking to you so gently now filled you with an inexplicable warmth. recalling his injury, you gasp and take a step back, "i'm so sorry, i forgot about your arm!"
"no worries, look." ken then holds up both of his hands in response, "see? i'm all healed. no harm no foul, really."
you felt the heat dye against your cheeks, clearly flustered now while speaking to this achingly sweet and soft version of ken sato. "t-thank you, really. uhm, so... like, i was wondering... ah..."
you found yourself struggling to get the words out, making ken look down at you while placing both hands into the pockets of his jeans. he waits for you to continue speaking, and you let out a deep breath before continuing, "i'm sorry, for being a bit cold to you when we first met-"
yet ken cuts off your apology by holding his hand up, "don't be, i was a complete and total asshole to you. you had every right to be annoyed with me, and honestly, no offense taken when the cold shoulder was well deserved."
you both end up laughing at the memory, taking a second to bask in the moment before you spoke once more, "listen, i was going to head out somewhere to eat dinner. would you like to join me?"
ken's eyes go wide as he gives you an eager nod, "would i like to join you? hell yes i would like to join you. did you have somewhere planned?"
you shake your head in response, "not exactly, but i figured we could decide together, maybe?"
a wide grin was then seen on ken's face, "are you in the mood for some amazing tonkatsu? if so, i know the perfect place."
"yes! i don't mind some tonkatsu at all!"
"perfect." ken then takes a hold of your hand, walking beside you as he remains on the side closest to traffic while striding across the sidewalk with you. by now, your heart was felt skipping its beats when you softly called out his name.
"hm?" ken faces you, and you gathered your courage before standing closer to him to press a kiss against his cheek. the kiss was a quick one, barely lasting a second before you immediately stepped away from him. you felt the heat return to your cheeks once more, catching the way ken touches at the spot where you had kissed him with his hand.
another rich chuckle was heard coming from him before he tells you, "you missed."
"eh?!" you turn around to face him again, only to see ken slowly turning his baseball cap around before leaning closer to you with a smile on his face.
"i said... you missed." finally understanding what he meant, you felt your gaze slowly narrow before closing your eyes completely, allowing ken's lips to meet with yours in a sweet kiss, setting your heart aflame with adoration for him as you gently kissed him back, completely and utterly engrossed in your own little world with him.
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a.n. - so i just finished watching ultraman: rising just a mere few hours ago and had to write something for the new boyfriend material šŸ˜­ ken sato is so sweet and cute, and i get why he has tumblr in a chokehold right now. this is unedited, but i hope you readers still enjoy this!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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pepperyduck Ā· 15 days
EXCUSE ME MAā€™AM but your angst kills me itā€™s sooooo good. would you ever write anything like toji being really distant and out of it for awhile, but saying heā€™s fine, and him accidentally calling reader his late wifeā€™s name? and then fear and hurt and sadness ensues šŸ„°šŸ˜­šŸ„²
hey queen yes i got u. i was high as hell writing this so apologies if it's bad!!!!
word count: 1.1k
warnings: hurt/no comfort, abrupt ending, age gap, toji's wife is referred to as "mama" cus i didn't know what name to use, female reader.
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something was off with toji.
you had dated him long enough, at least you thought, to know when something was on his mind, when something was bothering him relentlesslyā€¦ but he never opened up about those feelings, it wouldnā€™t matter how much you pestered and pressed him, he was never going to tell you if he had any negative emotions.
that should have been expected.
toji had a good 10 years or so on you, the extra time in his life was filled with family matters and the tragic loss of his wife ā€” that was seven years ago. he only told you these things plainly; there were never any hints behind his words or tone that he even grieved her. he didnā€™t even tell you her name, simply referring to her as ā€œmamaā€ or ā€œmeguā€, something you assumed were nicknames he gave her in their time together.
toji loved and grieved his late wife in silence ā€” there would always be a part of her in him. but since she had gone, he had never found a way to express his feelings, simply pushing everything ā€” sadness, grief and pain ā€” to the back of his mind and focusing on what was in front of him.
you had been his focus for a few months now.
you really thought you were something special to be able to have a guy like toji be interested in you. he was attractive, and cold towards pretty much everyone ā€” except for the women he wanted to get with. but you didnā€™t know how easily he flipped that switch when it came to women. so, you just assumed yourself as the luckiest girl in the world, striding with a big, scary man on your side everywhere you went.
the two of you were like missing puzzle pieces, almost. often, you gushed to him about your feelings and bothered him into doing the same. his replies were stern and short, a simple ā€œiā€™m fineā€ made you content. he didnā€™t talk much, and you seemed to take control of all the conversations. you thought he was a good listener.
toji tried to spare your feelings as much as possible, but he couldnā€™t help but revert back to his old ways. it never failed, he would always screw up what he had with ease, like he was used to ruining his own life.
but anyways, back to the problem.
something was wrong with toji. it took you a while to place that something was off. you noticed small things at first, a missing bill out of your wallet or toji not coming home until the early hours of the morning. you knew he had a dangerous, time-consuming job, but it never really bothered you at first.
he helped you pay rent ā€” until he didnā€™t. you wondered where his money was going; where your money was going. the cash you kept in your purse began to disappear slowly, you just thought you spent it and didnā€™t remember where. you trusted toji enough to not blame him. you loved him enough, too.
yet the late nights and lack of calls began to bother you. resentment grew over time, until you finally had enough. so when you and toji were finally home alone, late at night, you decided to confront him.
and how badly youā€™d end up wishing you didnā€™t.
ā€œtell me, toji. youā€™ve been acting weird.ā€ concern in your voice, you tried to pry an answer out of your boyfriend. he sat next to you on the loveseat of your shared apartment, fist mushed into his cheek as he rested his head on his hand. toji didnā€™t even look at you, just cut his eyes away from you at every question.
ā€œi told you, iā€™m fine,ā€ toji sternly replied, his tone was one of those that told you to drop it.
ā€œyouā€™re not, somethingā€™s going on,ā€ you look at him with your body turned towards him, and he continues his stoic stare into the wall.
toji looked so bored, with his scarred lips turned into a slight frown. he had begun to form small dark circles under his eyes, too, and the stubble on his face had began to grow to new lengths. he simply looked disheveled.
ā€œtoji, please,ā€ you pleaded, not knowing exactly what you were asking for ā€“ you just needed something, anything to go off of and help him. you inched closer to him to wrap an arm around him, but he quickly tried to move your arm off him.
ā€œlisten, mama ā€“ i mean-,ā€ toji stuttered, too fast before he could realize his mistake, ā€œshit.ā€
you drew yourself away from him quickly, looking at toji with wide eyes. he turned his head away from you in shame, not allowing you to look him in the eyes ā€“ as he knew it would only make him feel guilty.
what the hell? ā€“
you knew he didnā€™t mean it as a cute nickname. he was calling out to his wife. you felt the small shattering begin inside your chest, a painful pang of heartbreak forcing its way into you.
no, it was just an honest mistake, right?
just a small indicator that toji still thought about his wife, maybe a lot, more often than what you hoped.
just a small indicator that youā€™ll never be the woman he loves.
make no mistake about that.
silence fell over the room, piercing nothingness filled both of your ears as you began to grow upset. upset wouldā€™ve been an understatement, though. you were devastated.
toji curled up into his side of the couch in shame for a few minutes, minutes that felt like long, strenuous hours. you just looked at him in shock, then down at the ground, genuinely unsure of how to react to what he said.
everything was clear,
you werenā€™t the woman he thought about. his thoughts were constantly filled with his wife, he looked for her in every woman he tried to settle down with ā€“ but to no avail, of course. toji would never find the woman he was looking for; because the woman he was looking for was gone.
toji fixed his posture after a few moments, ā€œlisten, iā€™m sorry, i justā€¦ā€ he trailed off, raking his fingers through his hair in shame and confusion. he didnā€™t know what to say, or how to make the situation any better. he had ruined it all by the slip of his tongue.
ā€œitā€™s fine, toji,ā€ you mumbled, looking back up at toji with sad eyes.
he looked utterly ashamed of himself in that moment, a pathetic mess of a man you hadnā€™t seen from him before. so much vulnerability radiated from him. he pitifully looked you in the eyes, leaning back against the couch tiredly. he just looked so sad. there was a pain behind his eyes you hadnā€™t seen over the months of you dating.
the next words he spoke to you broke you indefinitely,
ā€œyou just remind me of her, so much.ā€
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taglist: @kundere20000000 @missakward123 @lagataprrr @cherriee-ee @ourfinalisation @shiroganekagami
let me know if u want to be added!
231 notes Ā· View notes
melodic-haze Ā· 4 months
anyway. How about a belly bulge from a strap with Robin? Like, trying out different straps with Robin and the one is bigger then the bigger belly bulge on her stomach is!!!
ā˜† ā€” DEMO TRACK: sub!Robin x dom!fem!Reader
ā˜† ā€” TYPE: NSFW
ā˜† ā€” CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a strap but that's probably evident HAHAHA, squirting
ā˜† ā€” NOTES: I JUMPED ohhh šŸæ how I love your mind ik you sent this when I last opened my askbox I'm so sorry it took this long šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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I went crazy insane before sitting down to write this bc HOLY FUCK
For the record I'd like to think that this was Robin's initial idea. She got way too curious and decided to just maaaybe suggest experimenting with sizes :3
And maybe she wants to see how it feels to be stuffed silly but shhh you don't need to know that (you probably already know LOL)
You start with a smaller size before buying new ones that are bigger than the last......but you just can't help but notice that whenever you both look around the site for another one, she always seems to linger at a particularly large one before you gently nudge her and snap her out of whatever train of thought she was in
So you end up buying that exact one in secret before surprising her, in which case?
The moment you revealed your 'mystery gift', you find that you've never seen Robin's eyes practically sparkle this much in such a peculiar way; it shined with a humorous mix of surprise, amusement and heated desire.
"Is this..?"
"I've noticed your eye on it more than onceā€”for a multi-talented performer, you're not exactly discreet," you joked.
She smiles bashfully, "I suppose I've let my excitement show once or twice..."
She laughs in that melodic tone you've easily grown to love, "Oh, hush, you!"
But then her eyes drift back to the new toy you've bought her.. and her hand idly strokes the false appendage, the size comparison between it and her hand being.. definitely something.
You hadn't even realised you were staring at her (and her movements) until you heard her clearing her throat, "Y-Yes? Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."
She gives you a light smirk, the wings on her head lightly flapped as if it were tittering, "I was going to ask if you'd like to try it out on me but if you're preoccupied with something, then-- mmph! ..Mm..."
You had silenced her with a quick yet deep kiss, the dildo pressing down on both your stomachs and earning you an excited moan before you drew back, "Was that enough of an answer for you, angel?"
"Mhm..." Her hand went to feel the toy leaning on her stomach, as if a prelude for the real event, "More than satisfactory."
Oh god when you get down to it, it's like she's absolutely hypnotised. Robin's DEFINITELY a lot more, for the lack of a more eloquent term befitting for such a lovely lady šŸ„°, sluttier and you've found that out for a bit now, but you've never seen her like thisā€”all that's happening right now is Robin blowing you and yet it's as if she's already so dumb and eager as she drools on your cock. Can't even fit it in her mouth, what's the chance that she'd fit in her cunt????
Turns out she's determined to have you (and your new toy) inside of her no matter what šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø gotta respect the woman's perseverance šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
She winces when you try to put it in at first (with a LOT of questioning her beforehand about whether she's sure she can handle it, which she says she can but still) and you take your time with it, letting her adjust to the stretch little by bit. Something inside her wants you to just shove it all in but she 1) knows better and 2) doesn't want to worry you šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
It takes a while but when you finally bottom out inside her she is WEAK AS HELLLLLLLā—ļøā—ļø Her eyes are half-lidded, her breaths fast, drool gathering on the corner of her mouth.......oh she's already gone and you haven't even started moving yet
The moment you do though??? Ohhh boy oh boy oh BOYYYYYYY her wings are a DEFINITE tell on how she's feeling. With the way they're flapping and twitching as you piston her deeply, you can easily say she was enjoying it ā˜ŗļø
And alsooo the moment you've all been waiting for :33333
You had been so distracted with your Halovian lover's reactions that you almost didn't notice the very noticeable bulge on her...
Oh. Oh.
"Robinnn..." You cooed with a clear smirk on your lips, "I'm sure you can manage to look down here, right? It'll be worth it."
You accentuate your point further by gently grazing your hand onto the evident bulge on her stomach disappearing and reappearing every time you plunged the strap inside her. She looks down at the feeling with unfocused eyes before they widen at the realisation...
And then you push.
The reaction you get is one you wish you recorded for preservationā€”she screams as her nails claw on the sheets underneath her, hips shaking up and pushing herself even further into your cock. The tip ends up hitting a particular spot and her eyes roll back as you feel some sort of pressure hitting onto your strap.
The moment you pull out, a jet of liquid squirts out and hits you and the strap both. It takes a while before her orgasm actually starts to recede.
And you need her to do that again, you resolve within yourself, as you use the wings on her hips as handlebars and pull her back on your dick without a warning.
You don't stop for a while, that much is clear
Yk what else is clear? That Robin's a SIIIIZE QUEEEEEN I love her šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° She's soooo stretched out and fucked out by the end of it and yk what the best part is???
She makes sure to show you just how much she appreciates her very big gift in any way you'd want ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø
She's gonna have so much fun the day after when she goes to work ahahahah no fr I'd say jokes but I'm really not. She'll think about what you've done and what you now have and she'll feel her pussy clench as she gets distracted by her own thoughts when she REALLY shouldn't be šŸ˜­
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wonwoosthetic Ā· 5 months
Helllooo! Could we please get a nana tour update? šŸ¤
a/n: I know this update took longer than expected! Iā€˜m trying to get the episodes out now quicker but writing TV programs takes quite a while so excuse it if it takes a bit longeršŸ˜…šŸ«¶šŸ¼ it also doesnā€™t help that I canā€™t hold myself back from writing long ass chapters haha; but anyways, I hope you enjoy itšŸ„°šŸ„°
series masterlist
word count ā€“ 11.1k
warnings ā€“ none Ė™įµ•Ė™
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Go Together NANA Tour EP3-1. - EP3-2. šŸŒ· Minnie
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italics is always just bonus content for you guys and wouldnā€™t be seen on camera Ė™įµ•Ė™
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EP3-1. Silent Screams Part 2
"Okay!" Na PD exclaimed, "Minnie, next."
Sitting between Vernon and Dokyeom, the trio was whispering to each other, chuckling at whatever they seemed to find funny.
Mingyu, Jeonghan, Vernon and Joshua had chosen their dream activities for the following day, leaving Minnie toĀ chooseĀ now. There were three more spots for the hot air balloon tour, one free seat in the car to FlorenceĀ andĀ five peopleĀ were still able toĀ enjoy the wine tour just down the hill.
"What are you going to do?" The producer nagged.
With a mischievous smile, she glanced at Vernon, who was already grinningĀ at her,Ā nodding his head.Ā She turned back to the producing team in front of them before answering,
"I'll take Florence, please."
The two oldest, along with the '98 Liner, erupted in cheers, stepping closer to her to reach out and shake her hand while the young rapper bopped his head inĀ clearĀ excitement.
"Woah...," Hoshi gasped out loud. The rest of the group gazed aroundĀ perplexed. "I thought you would choose the wine tour."
"Same," Dino agreed with the sub-unit's leader. The other members nodded in agreement, glancing at the small group that had formed around the ones sitting on the kitchen counter.
"Then," the producer announced, "Florence is completely sold out!" Another round of clapping and cheers filled the room.
"You didn't want the hot air balloon?" Joshua leaned back to smirk at the female member, who looked at him in shock.
"Are you insane?!" She chuckled, "Between possibly falling fromĀ likeĀ ten thousand feet in the air or visiting a pretty old city, I think I'd prefer the latter. Thank you." The older member smiled, patting her dangling leg before turning back around.
Vernon scoffed, "I don't think it's ten thousand,Ā to be honest."
Minnie just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "It's too high. Period."
Seungkwan and Minghao surprisingly chose the hot air balloon tour with pure excitement, surprising the female member as she thought her fellow '97 Liner would enjoy a comfortable day in the city.
"There's only one spot for the hot air balloon, right?" Wonwoo asked into the round, sitting up in the chair he had occupied.
Yeongseok nodded. "There's one spot for the hot air balloon. And with the wine tour...," his change of tone got a laugh from the rest of his team. "The people that are left are automatically going there!"
"Isn't it a punishment for Soonyoung to go on a wine tour?" Seungkwan wondered with an entertained grin.
With his hands intertwined, Hoshi had sunken in his posture, a painful smile decorating his face as he thoughtĀ to himself. Minnie noticed the lack of reaction coming from the leader.
"Aww," a sympathetic chuckle left her lips as she leaned forward, patting his shoulders, hoping to somewhat comfort him.
The producer of the group, along withĀ theĀ maknaeĀ were able to pick next, thanks to their high score in the game they had just finished playing.Ā Woozi opted for the hot air balloon, even after asking Dino for his preference, ripping the dreamĀ rightĀ out of the youngest's heart.
His decisionĀ made the room filledĀ with whole-hearted laughter and fingers pointing at the maknae as he stood still, showing no reaction.
"He's not even interested and still chose the hot air balloon!" Jeonghan giggled out loud.
Minnie dared toĀ take aĀ glance at Dino, pushing herself off the counter to walk over to him.Ā Not ableĀ to hide the amusement on her face, she wrapped an arm around his frame, patting his back as sheĀ intoĀ his side.
"Look at his face!" Mingyu called out, pointing directly at the member left standing.
The girl looked up, her handĀ immediatelyĀ reaching to pat the top of his hair with a chuckle.
"Don't be mean to him," she mumbled with a pout, her other arm snaking around his front toĀ give him a quick squeeze.
Even the producing team wasĀ clearlyĀ amused and in awe of the '99 Liner.
Na PD laughed at his reaction, "I think he'sĀ really angry." Making Dino respond quickly,
"No, no, no," he brushed off. "No, no, no. Disappointment!" His palm touched the left side of his chest, "Only my disappointment is strong." Minnie shook her head with another chuckle, running a hand up and down his arm beforeĀ she got backĀ to her place between Dokyeom and Vernon.
After the groups for the following day were officially decided, the idols were dismissed. Each of them made their way out of the kitchen to walk back up the stairs to the main floor of the house. Some went straight into their designated roomsĀ whileĀ others decided to chill in the main living space.
"Ah, guys... I'm so jealous," Hoshi sighed out loud. His disappointment wasĀ clearĀ in his voice.
His statement got a loud chuckle out of Vernon as Woozi wondered,
"Why?" Within a second, it hit him. "Ah, because of the hot air balloon," followed by a good laugh from the producer.
Minnie and Jun stopped one of the carton boxes they had brought in, filled with the stuff they had gotten in the grocery store a few hours before.
"Yeah, jealous," the '96 Liner chuckled to himself. The girl's eyebrows scrunched up,
"You're jealous too?"
The older member turned his head towards her, "Aren't you?" To which she just shook her head wide-eyed, getting a giggle from him in return.
"I think I might become jealous of you guys tomorrow," she admitted. Her hands reached into the box, grabbing the underwear and socks she had gotten for herself.
Jun tilted his head, "You wanted to choose the vineyard?"
Minnie shrugged. "It sounds fun. Getting to drink as much wine as you'd want."
"Why didn't you choose it then?"
"I don't know if I could start drinking that much in the middle of the day."
Her fellow unit member scoffed, "As if you haven't done that before!" Smiling at theĀ reaction of the girlĀ asĀ sheĀ looked at him with an open mouth.
"But not that much!"Ā In the next second,Ā Minnie's clean socks smacked across his upper arm.Ā "Don't make it sound so bad!",Ā getting another chuckle from him.Ā She was quick to join inĀ too, shaking her headĀ along with it.
"I think you'll have fun."
Jun nodded, "I think soĀ too."
Just as she was about to leave to find her room again, she pointed a strict finger at the dancer. "But don't drink too much," squinting her eyes at him.
"You should say that to Hoshi," the '96 Liner smiled at her, passing her as he walked straight ahead.
"Oh my God...," she quietly gasped, mumblingĀ to herself.
Minnie had gotten comfortable in her room, thinking about whether to shower or brush her teeth first, when a loud voice rang through the entire floor of the house.
"Who's doing the laundry?" Seungkwan wondered out loud. The girl's ears perked up, making her push herself up from the bed and rushĀ overĀ to the doorway.
"Are you washing your clothes?" But before the younger member could answer her, Mingyu beat him to it.
"Let's do it together if the members do it," he called out from his room on the opposite side.
"But where do we do it?" Seungkwan asked, looking around the room before turning back around to go back to the other end of the house.
Minnie retreated back, gathering the minimal clothing she had brought to the country,Ā along withĀ the underwear she had bought and the shirt she had gotten in one of the small shops in the city.
Right as she went back out again, her eyes found a small group of the guys walking in a straight line right behind Vernon, heading towards the stairs.
"Are you doing the laundry now?" She called out, making the '98 Liner stop in his tracks. His hand was holding onto the metal railing as he was just about toĀ take aĀ step downstairs.
He glanced up. "Yeah, you wanna do it too?" To which he got a nod from her in response. Vernon nudged his head towards the lower floor, "Come downstairs."
"Alright," sheĀ let him know, stepping out of her room to follow him, but not before stopping by the room directly across from hers. "Mingyu,"Ā the sound ofĀ her voice made the '97 Liner peek his head out of the attached bathroom. "Should I take your clothes downstairs?"
"They're washing them now?" He wondered, making her nod her head in return. With a big step out, heĀ reached out to grabĀ the bag off the chair in the corner, handing it over to the girl in silence. It was onlyĀ then,Ā he showed off his naked torso as his shirt was ready for the laundry run.
Just as she wanted to head back out, his voice made her stop.
"Who are you in a room with?" He asked her.
"Wonwoo." They talked about everything and anything during dinner, yet this didn't even come up once.
"Hm." Mingyu nodded quietly, opting for a hum to be his final answer. His silence got a giggle out of the girl, making her take a few stepsĀ forwardĀ to get closer to him as he was already back in the bathroom.
"Jealous?" She eyed him through the mirror, leaning on the doorframe as a sneaky grin spread on her lips. Her teasing made the '97 Liner turn around, his hand coming up quickly as he tried to get a hold of her arm, but she swiftly moved out of the way, stumblingĀ slightlyĀ as she walked backwards.
Her laughter echoed through the house as she jogged towards the stairs.
Back in their shared room, the female member was lying on the bed, her phone in her handsĀ as she wasĀ texting her mum about anotherĀ passedĀ day in Italy.
"Where's shampoo and body wash?" Wonwoo called out from the bathroom to her right.
She directed her sight from the bright screen over to the open door. "Isn't it in the shower?"
The rapper came out of the room, shaking his head as he glanced around, trying to see if they had placed itĀ somewhere else.
"Are you sure?" She scooted off the bed to head into the bathroom, taking a quick peek before she came back with a frown, "But I remember putting it there. We got enough in the supermarket."
"Someone probably took it," Wonwoo explained while heading out.
With a soft sigh, the girl exited the roomĀ as well, crossing the entryway to walk into the shared bedroom on the other side. Her eyes immediately fell on Dino, who was relaxing on the mattress.
"Did you guys take the shampoo and body wash?"
The maknae glanced up at the female member. "We had it, but Seungkwan took it."
"What?"Ā Mingyu asked as heĀ came back, wondering what the two wereĀ talking about.
"Did you take the shower gel and shampoo from our shower?" Only getting a shake of his head in return.
Minnie was about to pass her fellow '97 Liner to continue the questionnaire when Mingyu added,
"But Jun had some earlier."
"Where did he get it from?" She wondered, but the other guys in the room just shrugged, "I thought we bought enough..." she mumbled as she went back out, only to find Wonwoo already meeting her halfway. In hisĀ grip,Ā were threeĀ differentĀ bottles of what seemed to be toiletries.
"I got it," heĀ let her knowĀ as they walked into their room again. "Body wash, shower gel and conditioner."Ā Knowing they were only looking for the first two things, but since Minnie would have to take more care of her longer hair, conditioner was essential.
The thoughtful act brought a soft smile to her lips. "From who?"
"Seungkwan," heĀ simplyĀ told her, bringing everything he had gotten to their shared bathroom.
Both of themĀ washed up one after the other, with Wonwoo going first and Minnie last. While the girl was taking care of her long mane in the bathroom, Wonwoo found a few of the guys in theĀ backyard of the house. They had gathered around one of the tables on the terrace, allĀ of themĀ sitting in comfortable silence, sharing a piece of thought every now and then.Ā He joined them for a few minutes, exchangingĀ someĀ thoughts about the countryside of Italy and the clear sky they were blessed with thatĀ night,Ā before they all headed into theirĀ individualĀ rooms, wishing each other a good night.
The moment he entered the shared room, Minnie chuckled as she came out of the bathroom, "You know what I realised?" getting a hum from the rapper in return as he claimed the side of the bed closer to the door leading into the entryway. "You're gonna spend an entire day with a drunk Hoshi." The girl was still occupied with brushing through her somewhat dry hair, thanks to the blow dryerĀ whileĀ Wonwoo was getting comfortable underneath the duvet.
Just as quickĀ as he lifted his head, he let it fall again with a soft sigh, getting another giggle from the female member.
"You'll have to take care of him."Ā 
Not only both ofĀ them,Ā but every other member knew the drastic change in personality that came with a drunk Kwon Soonyoung. He could go from laughing to crying within a mere split second. If you think you know where he is and what he might be doing, check in on him a minute later, and he'll suddenly be on the other side of town or rolling on the ground for no apparent reason.Ā 
"Why me?" His eyes followed her movements as she got closer to the bed, settling down on it with one knee. "I'll let the others do that. Who's coming again?"
The girl stayed quietĀ for a moment, puckering her lips as she thought. "Ehm... you, Hoshi... Jun, Dino, and... Dokyeom."
With a groan, Wonwoo hid his face behind his hands, making the girl laugh out loud and smack his leg underneath the covers. "I'm just gonna drink a lotĀ too," he commented.
"Really?"Ā Minnie pulled the other leg inĀ as well, getting into a comfortable sittingĀ position,Ā andĀ looking at the manĀ next toĀ her with a surprised expression.
"If I already have to do a wine tour, might as well," he shrugged. "I was surprised you didn't choose it."
"Jun said that too," she straightened her back. "But... I can drink here with you guysĀ too. So whether that's in a vineyard or here doesn't change much for me."
"Probably better," Wonwoo admitted, "I don't know if I could take care of Hoshi and you."
Minnie gasped, "Taking care of me?! I'm not that bad when I'm drunk!"
"You get really emotional, you know that," the '96 Liner chuckled at her reaction, reaching out to take her hand in his grasp.
"Yeah, but like... loving emotional. Hoshi is... a rollercoaster." Wonwoo joined her giggles, remembering the evenings spent together drinking with the rest of the members and playing rock-paper-scissors to decide who wouldĀ make sureĀ Hoshi got home safe.
Crawling across the mattress, Minnie gotĀ herselfĀ comfortable on the other side of the bed, sliding right underneath the covers.
"Who are you going to Florence with?" The rapper changed the topic.
"Vernonnie, Shua, and Jeonghan," sheĀ simplyĀ answeredĀ gettingĀ a grunt from the rapperĀ in return.
"You're gonna have an easy time."
Minnie chuckled, "Yeah, butĀ you're gonnaĀ have a lot to tell afterwards."
"Maybe," Wonwoo smiled to himself, already dreading the following day. "It'll be interesting."
The female member nodded in agreement. "Always drink responsibly."
"Of course."
EP3-2. The optional tour day
The shrill sound of a phone alarm blasted through the shared room of the young couple. Groaning sounds came from the bed as Minnie tried to detangle herself from their intertwined legs underneath the shared blanket. She had a tight grip around the man's arm but had to let go to reach the nightstand and turn off the alarm.Ā The room wasĀ basicallyĀ completelyĀ dark, with only a faint ray of sunshineĀ coming in, barely lighting up the space.
"What's going on?" Wonwoo's deep voice made Minnie look behind her as she satĀ upĀ on the bed.
"Sorry," she whispered, "I forgot to turn it down." Explaining why the ringing sound could've woken up the entire floor with the volume it was set on.
He pushed himself up, rubbing his eyesĀ as he triedĀ to get them to focus in the dark. Minnie was already moving around the room, heading towards the windowĀ rightĀ in front of the bed first, pulling the curtains to the side to let the sunlight in. Her action got a loud groan from the rapper on the bed, making her chuckle,
"Sorry." He let himself fall back on the mattress with a huff while the girl stretched out her arms, covering her mouth with her hand as a yawn escaped her.
"Are you leaving now?"
"Not yet," she told him, "It's 9am. We're leaving at 10, I think."
In the shorts, they had gotten from Na PD after winning the game they played during their first night in Italy and the NANA tour zip-up sweater, along with a sports bra she had bought in the grocery store the day before, MinnieĀ made her wayĀ downstairs into the kitchen. Right behind her was Wonwoo, wearing one of the Mona Lisa shirts they had bought while sightseeingĀ alongĀ withĀ the same sweat shorts.
Right as she came intoĀ the kitchen, the female singer glanced to her right, finding some of the producers already hurled up around a table, all enjoying their breakfast.
With a tired smile, she waved at them, followed by a "GoodĀ morning," from both members.Ā 
Turning around, they came to sight with a breakfast menu, set up just for them, prepared by a group of chefsĀ that wereĀ still working in the kitchen.
"Oh!" Minnie's eyes went wide, "Thank you so much!" She grinned at the producer, who proudly smiled back at her. "We don't have to play games for this?" She teased them, getting a round of chuckles in return before one of them spoke up,
"Are you that suspicious?"
Minnie giggled. "I watched all episodes of 'Youth over Flowers'! I know what you used to make others do!" The producers joined her in whole-hearted laughter.
"But Minnie-ya," Hoshi suddenly spoke up as he joined them in the kitchen. "This is a different program. They're treating us here."
"I don't know yet..." she quietly joked with a grin, but still loud enough to let the others hear.
"What elseĀ do we have toĀ do to make you trust us?!" One of the male producers called out desperately, making everyone around him start laughing, along with Minnie and Hoshi on the other side of the room.
The unit leader gave the girl a comforting pat on the head and one to Wonwoo's bottom as they switched their focus back on the breakfast items.
"We need to go drink some wine later," the rapper let a nervous chuckle fall from his lips.
"You should eat a lot now,ā€œ Minnie advised them, ā€œthen you won't feel the alcohol too much.ā€œ But Hoshi just let his head hang.
"I'm already scared," he admitted, making the girl laugh at him and place a hand on his upper arm.
"You just have to drink responsibly." To which he shook his head.
One after the other came in to grab their ownĀ variety ofĀ breakfast items while some had already gotten together to eat together. Minnie and WonwooĀ decided to bringĀ their plates upstairs, along with cups of teaĀ inĀ each of their grip. On their way, they walked past Dokyeom, who seemed to have just woken up, letting him knowĀ there was a menuĀ waiting for him downstairs.
Outside, they sat down their plates andĀ cups,Ā before falling into the dark wicker chairs. For a second, the female dancer let her eyes fall shut, taking a deep breathĀ inĀ to enjoy the gentle morning breeze.
"Imagine waking up to this weather every day and justĀ getting to eatĀ your breakfast outside," she dreamily spoke.
"Must be nice." Wonwoo chuckled next to her, "But what about winter? Doesn't Italy get cold thenĀ too?"
"Well, that's when you'dĀ goĀ travel to Hawaii or Bali. They're warm all year around, I think."
"Just travelling all the time to go to warm places?" He laughed at her explanation while she seemed toĀ justĀ enjoy the moment. Minnie nodded excitedly, a big grin brightening up her face.
"But you like cold weather too," Wonwoo stated, reaching out toĀ take a sip ofĀ the hot tea in his cup.
"I do," the girl shifted in her seat, "But right now I'm enjoying the warmth soĀ much,Ā that I want a lot of it."
Without another word, the girl got up from her chair, taking a few steps ahead to stop at the railing that held her from falling down the shallow slope that stopped at the bottom part of the garden, where the pool was. She got out her phone from the side pocket of the shorts, lifting it up to get a picture of the scenery in front of her. The Italian countryside was decorated by small hills, different colours in the grass, bright green blooming trees that grew on the side of the old streets, and different-coloured glowing flowers and bushes garnishing the gardens of the Italian-styled country houses.Ā 
"This is so beautiful," she mumbled under her breath, turning in circles, trying toĀ somehow capture even justĀ a bit of the beauty of nature she was surrounded by.Ā 
"Mum asked me for pictures," she explained, walking to the chairs again to get back into her seat. "Because I told her it looksĀ a little bitĀ like in France."
"Where your grandparents live,ā€œ Wonwoo nodded, getting a hum in return.
During their shared breakfast, Jun came to join them, his own plate in his hands as he settled down on the other side of the table.
"Woah," he took a deep breath in and out, his eyes wandering around the garden, "it's so pretty."
"Right?" Minnie excitedly turned towards her fellow unit member. "It looks like a painting."
"Like we're living in a painting, yeah," Jun agreed, getting up from his seat to copy what the girl had done mere minutes ago and got his phone to snap a few good pictures of the scenery.
"I think I can stare at this all dayĀ longĀ and space out. Because it's so pretty," Wonwoo commented before a complete silence could fall over the trio.
Minnie nodded. "I could get used to a view like that."Ā 
The rapper hummed in agreement, making her turn to glance at him, chuckling at what she came toĀ sight with.
"What?" He asked about her sudden reaction.
With a grin, the girl reached out, her fingers brushing through the unrulyĀ set ofĀ hair on top of his head. "Your hair looks crazy." She glided her palm over the top, trying to straighten down some of the strands that had decided to stick out into different directions - and he let her.
"Noona!" TheĀ sound of theĀ maknae's voice made her turn around, finding him sitting by a table behind them along with Hoshi. "When are you leaving?"
After a quick look at her phone screen, she answered him, "I think at 10. In likeā€¦ twenty minutes."
Dino nodded. "Are you excited?"
She couldn't help but smile at the youngest. "Yeah," only to let her grin getĀ evenĀ widerĀ as soon as theĀ nextĀ question popped into her head. "AreĀ youĀ excited?"
"Ah... noona...," he sighed, getting another loud giggle out of the girl. "I really don't think it's a good idea to let me drink."
"Nooo," she tried to calm him down, getting out of the chair with her plate in one hand and her now empty cup of tea in the other, "You shouldn't think like that. You're gonna have fun."
With a shake of his head, he got up, taking his plate with him as he joined her on the way back into the kitchen.
"I have to be really careful."
Back in her room, Minnie was looking around at the very few pieces of clothing she had to choose from, now spread out on the bed, along with Wonwoo, who had busied himself with his phone.
A sigh escaped her lips as she ran a hand through her hair. "IĀ reallyĀ don't have anything to wear for a trip like this." The '96 Liner didn't react to her complaint, only taking his eyes off hisĀ phone,Ā theĀ moment,Ā she opened her mouth again. "What if I just leave like this?"
Looking into the mirror, she grinned to herselfĀ standingĀ there in just her jeansĀ theĀ sports bra she had worn before.
"You can't leave like that," Wonwoo simply told her, focusing back on the screen in his hands.
"Says who?" Teasingly, she turned around, finding the eyes of the rapper already back on her form. With her arms crossed, she got closer to his side of the bed, another sighĀ of hersĀ ringing through their ears. "I don't have anything else."
"You're not leaving in your underwear." He pushed himself up from the mattress. "Didn't you guys buy something yesterday?"
"Yeah, but I haven't washed that yet," she answeredĀ him, following him out of the room, where they suddenly met Joshua and Jeonghan already waiting for them in the entryway.
"Oh-," she came to a halt, "Are we leaving?"
"In a minute, yeah," the oldest turned around, frowning as soon as he saw her outfit, but Joshua bet him to speak up.
"Are you leaving like this?"
Minnie chuckled, "No, don't worry," before passing them to enter the room on the other side. Carefully, she opened the door, her suspicionĀ beingĀ confirmed as soon as she found her fellow '97 Liner cuddled up in his bed. With quiet steps, she walked inside, making sure not to startle him as she tapped his arms,
"Mingyu," she whispered, trying to wake up the rapper. But he didn't budge. "Oppa," she tried to again, getting slightly closer.
A soft hum escaped Mingyu as he squirmed around, opening his eyes with a frown.
"What?" His groggy voice made her smile.
"Where's your cardigan? The one you wore on the plane."
The '97 Liner shifted on the bed, getting his arm out from underneath the blanket to point towards the chair in the corner of the room across from the bed.
Without another word, Minnie walked over, lifting up one of the pillowsĀ that wasĀ placed on top of it to find the thin piece of clothing she was looking for. She stopped in front of the mirror on the wall, throwing the cardigan over her frame to see what it would look like on her.
"Why do you need it?" Mingyu suddenly asked her, making her look at him through the mirror.
"I don't have anything to wear to Florence."
"Why don't you wear the white blouse you bought at the store?"
With a huff, she took the piece of fabric off again. "I haven't washed it yet," and placed it back on the chair.
"I did."
Minnie's head snapped towards him. "What?"
He turned his headĀ justĀ slightly, begrudgingly opening his eyesĀ a bitĀ to look at her.Ā "It was in my pile of laundry."
"Oh, then it should be outside, right?" To which Mingyu just nodded.
With a wide grin, the girlĀ got on her way to rushĀ out of the room, "Thank youu," only to be stopped by the call of her name.
A wave of his hand told her to come closer, which she did, getting surprised by the sudden grip on her hand. She had no time to react before she got pulled in, steadying herself on a free spot on the mattress with herĀ hand,Ā so her entire weight wouldn't fall on top of the rapper.
"Mingyu," her giggles filled the room as she held onto his arm that he tightened around her frame, pulling her in even closer. Her hand gave upĀ tryingĀ to hold herself up, giving into the embrace as she tried to wriggle out of it. "I have to go," she whispered, knowing he could hear her clearly due to the proximity.
He was just about to turn with her in his arms, ready to pull herĀ fullyĀ onto the bedĀ whenĀ the door suddenly opened, exposing Dino coming in.
"Mingyu," she repeated with a chuckle, "Please."
"Nini!" Jeonghan called out, "We have to go!"Ā Coming in, a laugh tumbled from his lips as soon as heĀ came to sight ofĀ the two on the bed.
"I'm trying!" She desperately called out before she finally felt the grip around her loosen. A dramatic gasp of air left her mouth, getting a chuckle from the guys in the room.
"What are you doing?" She glanced over at the maknae, rummaging through something in the corner.
"You need money," he answered, turning towards her to hand her the amount he had picked out.
Jeonghan's chuckle made the attention shiftĀ wordsĀ him while his eyes were fixed on the man in the bed.
"I thought you were sleeping," he grinned at Mingyu,Ā taking a stepĀ forward to switch places with Minnie.
"I am," the rapper simply told him, shifting in his position to start snoring playfully.
Suddenly, the '95 Liner leaned down, placing a peck on the younger member's cheek, getting a round of chuckles from the people in the room.
"What are you doing?" Dino wondered as the oldest just smiled,
"He's pretty."
In a hurry, the girl quickly handed Jeonghan the money she had gotten from the maknae before finally making her way towards the door.
"I need to get dressed," she notified them before running down the hall and down the stairs, past the kitchen to head to the outdoor area where they had put up the clothes from the washing machine and left them to dry.Ā SheĀ quicklyĀ found the white short-sleeved blouse Mingyu had mentioned, smiling to herself before grabbing her underwear and socksĀ thatĀ seemed to be dryĀ alreadyĀ too.Ā 
WithĀ bigĀ steps,Ā she was upstairs again, jogging into her room to change in a hurry - and within a minute, she was back in the entrance area, now withĀ a pair ofĀ sunglasses on top of her head.
"So you did wash it?" Wonwoo addressed the top she refused to wear only a few minutes ago. He looked up from the phoneĀ in his handsĀ as he was still sitting on the small couch in front of the entrance door. Together with Dino, he was waiting to send the small group off.
Minnie shook her head, adjusting her jeans. "Mingyu threw it in his pile of clothes he wanted to wash. I didn't even know it was there."
"The top?" Vernon asked her, pointing at the white blouse, making her nod with a smile.
Only a second later,Ā Jeonghan and Dino exited the shared bedroom, joining the rest of the Florence trip group.
"Everyone ready?" The oldest asked into the room, looking at eachĀ of the membersĀ to see them nod in return. "Okay, then let's go!"
"Have fun, guys!" The maknae stopped by the door, right behindĀ himĀ Wonwoo, who waved at the four leaving the premise. "Take good pictures!"
"We will!" Minnie called out as she turned around, sending a flying kiss towards the two men, who smiled back. Dino dramatically reached forward, proudly showing her the kiss he had caught, and sent her a final finger heart before they disappeared around the corner, leaving only Minnie's warm laughter to be heard.
Together, the four left the property, walking down the short private lane before they reached the main street, where a car was already waiting for them. Joshua and Jeonghan decided to sit in the middle row, leaving Minnie and Vernon to share the very back seats. As soon as the car started, all eyes were fixed on the windows. The passing countryside was too breathtakingly beautiful to miss by closing your eyes and trying to get a quick nap, which they would usually do.
In an almost dreamy haze, Shua admired everything he could catch as they passed by, speaking loud enough to get the attention of the other members in the car.
"Oh, it's so hot," he noted, getting the girl to nod in agreement.
"I hope I don't burn," she spoke up, half-jokingly, making the '95 LinerĀ chuckle,Ā while Jeonghan frowned.
"Are you wearing long jeans?" Genuine concern dropped from his lips as he turned his head to the side to direct his voice at her
The female member nodded before she realised he couldn't see her. "Yeah-"
"I didn't want to wear the sweatshorts to Florence! And the jeans are the only other pants I have," she quickly defended herself as soon as she noticed his voice getting more whiny.
Jeonghan shook his head with an almost curse coming from him a mumble. "Tell me when you're getting too hot. We can buy other shorts."
"Okay, okay," she agreed, slightly brushing him off. Minnie knew he was coming from a good place, but she also remembered the multiple lectures she had gottenĀ in the pastĀ from the older members about different topics. The possibility of a speech about taking care of oneself and not joking about potentially burning in long clothes while it had a good 35+ degrees Celsius outside was just around the corner.
"It's a hot vibe," Joshua suddenly threw in again.
Minnie nodded, "The perfect summer weather."
"Shua likes hot things." Jeonghan's out-of-pocket comment got a chuckle out of the girl, making him realise what he had just said, therefore quickly adding, "Because he lived in LA."
A look of amusement was shared between the two younger members in the backseat, holding in their laughter before continuing to sit by themselves, focusing back on the worldĀ rightĀ outside their windows.
A few more minutes into the drive, Joshua continued his commentary,Ā keeping the car filledĀ with conversations and chuckles.Ā Vernon stayed quietĀ forĀ most of the time, glancing over at the girl whenever she had something to say or show himĀ andĀ JeonghanĀ enjoyed Shua's liveliness, answering his remarksĀ every now and then,Ā keeping a contained smile on his face.
"The internet is so...," Joshua spoke again. "It being slow is kinda a vibeĀ too." The three members in the car smiled at his gentle complaint, but Minnie added a roll of her eyes.
"You're spoiled from the fast internet in Seoul," she nagged at him, making him turn around with a surprised facial expression before he continued the discussion.
"You're just as spoiled," he warned her withĀ a raise ofĀ his eyebrows.
The girl scoffed, "I'm not complaining because of the internet."
"He's not complaining," the other '95 Liner grinned, "He... he has a good vibe."
Joshua teasingly nodded at Minnie, agreeing with the oldest member quietly, while she couldn't help but shake her head with a smile.
"I learned that vibe from you," he said to Jeonghan. "Everything is a vibe."
The moment the streets of Florence openedĀ upĀ right in front of their eyes, the car filled with gasps and exclaims of admiration.Ā ForĀ every shop,Ā every building, everyĀ street lamp, and evenĀ each and everyĀ flower on the cornersĀ could an acrostic poem be made, and not even then would words be enough to describe the beauty of the tourist city.
"It's nice that Shua is so happy today," Jeonghan's comment made the girl look up. While his words were supposed to be endearing, his voice sounded anything but that. His unusually dull tone brought a frown to her face.
"Oh, I'm so happy that I'm here today," JoshuaĀ nodded with a smile.
"Jeonghannie-hyung doesn't soundĀ like he'sĀ happy today," Minnie suddenly spoke up from behind them.
One of the female producers in the very front of the car agreed with her. "You seem like you're having a hard time compared to the first time in the car."Ā WhichĀ made the '95 LinerĀ justĀ chuckle before he focused back on the view outsideĀ ofĀ the car.
After a good hour of complete silence from the left side of the car, Vernon jumped into the conversation. "He needs a new type of simulation." Commenting on Jeonghan's character trait of turning suspiciously quiet if a scene stayed too monotone for too long. He did enjoy the calm timesĀ every now and then, butĀ especiallyĀ long car rides were not his cup of tea.
"I need to walk around in the streets," he stated, describing his current state in more detail.
"We'll get to walk around a lot today," Minnie assured him, already fidgeting in her seat as she couldn't wait to finally get outside.
On his phone, Joshua found a food market in theĀ heart of the city, knowing that a regular restaurant might not be enough for a good experience as Jeonghan was still dull next to him, evenĀ though he was slowly blooming up theĀ moreĀ they drove into the centre.Ā 
Mercato Centrale seemed to have been the perfect decision as the moment they steppedĀ footĀ out of the car, the oldest member was already smiling brightly at the sun directly hitting them. He made sure the backpack he had brought was secure on his right shoulder beforeĀ he started to walkĀ ahead, knowing the rest would follow him.
"Let's walk around the market once and around the outside too!"Ā His exclaim brought a smile to the girl's face, happy about the change of mood as they were met with his usual bright personaĀ again.Ā TheyĀ were quick to agreeĀ to his idea, Minnie and Joshua slightly behind the other two members in the front as they took their time looking around a bit more. With their go-pros propped up on a stick, the groupĀ made their way intoĀ the food court.
StartingĀ offĀ in theĀ mainĀ area, they looked around the various restaurants lined up on the side, passing different stalls that prepared everything your heart couldĀ possiblyĀ desire - from fresh fruit bowls to pizza, grilled meat or pasta dishes.
"I think pizza would beĀ really good," Joshua commented as they passed a specific food stall.
Minnie nodded. "If we're in Italy, pizza is always a good idea. You have to eat authentic food whenever you're in a specific country."
"That's right," Jeonghan said from where he had fallen behind her in line.
They passed one more place that seemed interesting to the four, a dumpling stall,Ā yetĀ in the end,Ā all of themĀ decided on the classic Italian cuisine.
"Let's go with pizza then," Vernon agreed as theyĀ made their way towardsĀ one of the many restaurants that offered them.
"Minnie!" Jeonghan's sudden call out of her name made her turn around as her eyes were locked on the other side of the food court, her eyes fixated on just howĀ bigĀ the spaceĀ actuallyĀ was and yet how many people still managed to find spaces to sit and eat. "Is pizza okay?" He waited for her quick stepsĀ overĀ to join the group again, excited nods making her hair bounce and him chuckle. With a soft push forward, he let her walk ahead while keeping close behind her.
"Fresh from the oven," Joshua read out one of the signs that hung above the stall they had stopped in front of. That sounded good.
"Oh, shiiit," Vernon commented, getting an immediate laugh from the girl, making him realise what he had just said. "Oh! I'm sorry," he quickly said into the camera he was holding before he felt a push to his back.
"You can't say that!" The girl admonished him.
The younger member whipped his head around to meet her eye, "I justĀ said,Ā I was sorry!" He whined out loud, only making her chuckle again.Ā Only a moment later, they were greeted by a waitress, whoĀ let them knowĀ they could find a table on the second floor, rightĀ above them.Ā 
Their gazes glided over the area, finding more empty seats than downstairs.
"Let's sit all the way at the end!" Jeonghan called out, pointing towards a free table for four right by the railing that overlooked the entire lower floor. Another waitress came along to hand them four menu cards and left them some time to settle on what they would eat. Joshua asked into the roundĀ withĀ the oldest telling the group to choose whatever they'd want - he had never been a picky eater. While Minnie and Vernon were still going through eachĀ page of the menu, Shua had already found something, immediately asking the others what they thought of it. They settled on a mozzarella mushroom pizza.
Thanks to his confidence, the '95 Liner was chosen to order for the table, telling the waitress what they had chosen when she reminded themĀ that theyĀ should also look for something to drink.
"We also have Aperol Spritz," she proposed, making Minnie's head shoot up.
"Oh,Ā yesĀ yesĀ yes!" She excitedly nodded, making the guys chuckle.
"Should we take Aperol Spritz too?" Joshua asked her, only making her bop her head.
"Trust me," she told him, "Yes."Ā With a smile, the waitressĀ took the menus back intoĀ her grasp, telling them she'd be back in a few minutes.
Once they were alone again, Vernon switched his attention towards the girl. "Is Aperol Spritz that good?"
Minnie's eyes widened the second those words left his lips, but then she remembered that he hadn't had an opportunity yet to try the alcohol mixture in Europe.
"Yep," she assured him. "It's a bit... bitter, depending on how you mix it, but if it's madeĀ wellĀ it's literally the best thing you could drink in the summer."
"Better than somaek?" Jeonghan joined the two, sending the girl a teasing grin, knowing how much she enjoyed the soju-beer mix.
"So much better than somaek," her remark made the oldest lean back in his chair with a gentle gasp.
"Woah," he huffedĀ out, "the moment we're in Europe, Korean Minnie is gone." The entire table erupted in laughter while the female member looked at him in shock.
"What?!" She couldn't hold back joining in the holer.
"Her European side comes out more," Joshua explained. "That's true."
"You guys...,"Ā with a grin,Ā she shook her head.Ā She went to lift her head again, ready to continue the conversation, when the ring of her phone on the table cut her off. Snatching it off the surface, she turned it around, frowning as soon as she saw who was calling her.
"I'll be right back," excusing herself without another word and answering the callĀ rightĀ as she stood up.
"Who called her?" Vernon shot a question at Joshua since he was sitting right next to the female member, but he just shruggedĀ turningĀ in his seat to follow her silhouette as she stood in a corner, covering oneĀ ear,Ā so she could hear whoever was on the other end of the call better.
While Minnie was busy with her phone call, the Aperols they had ordered arrived. Jeonghan showed them off proudly to Dokyeom, who had calledĀ in that time, but the older member abruptly ended the call to go back to conversing with the table.
"I'm so interested in how it's going to taste," Shua commented, leaving Vernon and Jeonghan to nod in agreement.
"Should we wait for Minnie?" Jeonghan wondered, but the female member was already on her way back.
"Wait for me for what?" She askedĀ butĀ then her eyes found the glasses on the table, "Oh!" Making her slide back into the chair excitedly. She got a hold of her own, lifting up to make the others join her.
"Cheers," she started, which the other three copied, bringing their aperitifs into the middle to clank together before each took their first sip.
The moment the taste hit Minnie's lips, she groaned.
"Ah...," she sighedĀ after gulping down, "I love it."
"Wow... it'sĀ really good," Shua agreed.
"It's like orange champagne, it'sĀ good," Vernon remarked. "What's in it?"
All eyes switched to Minnie as nobody else knew the answer.
"Aperol, Prosecco and sparkling water," she explained. "Some also put in a littleĀ bit ofĀ Orange juice, I think. But I don't know what the original recipe is like."
"And what is Aperol?" Shua now wondered.
"Like a liquor. I don't knowĀ exactlyĀ what's in it, but I think rhubarb and bitter orange and something else."
Vernon shrugged, "It's good." Making the others nod.
For a second, the four enjoyed a shortĀ moment ofĀ silence before the oldest spoke again, his nosiness getting the best of him.
"Who called you?" To which the others' ears perked up as well.
"Oh yeah," the '98 Liner mumbled, remembering he had wondered about it too.
MinnieĀ chuckled,Ā as she wasĀ justĀ about toĀ take another sip again, deciding to put the cocktail glass down first. "Hoshiā€˜s mum."
"Really?" Joshua's chuckles rang through her ear as she joined him, noddingĀ her head.
"What did she want?" Jeonghan questioned her more, taking another gulp of his drink.
"Just asked how I was doing," Minnie shrugged. It was no rarity for her to get phone calls she declared as random in the past from the other members' parents. After a while of it repeating, she came to the understanding that they were anything but random.Ā The mothers and fathers of the members were just as interlinked with each other as the idol singers, even calling each otherĀ from time to time as well.Ā So, wondering about their kids wasn't something all too uncalled for.
The girl chuckled to herself. "She got really irritated with meĀ though."
"Why?" Jeonghan grinned.
"I asked her, 'You do know we're in Italy, right?' because the phone call would beĀ really expensiveĀ for her," another giggle fell from her lips. "And she snapped at me, 'Why would I care about money if I want to talk to you!'" She raised her arms in defence, "Sorry."
The imitation of the older woman's voiceĀ gotĀ a burst of laughterĀ from each memberĀ in return.Ā 
"All of our parents really like talking to you," the oldest commented. "Even my sister tells me you talk to her on the phoneĀ a lot."
"Well," Minnie flipped her hairĀ dramaticallyĀ over her shoulder, "They just love me."
[The favourite child]
"It's because they don't know how you really are," Shua jokingly added, getting a gasp and a shove to his arm from the girl.
She pouted in her seat. "That's something Cheol would say...," The chuckles from the other members were agreement enough. "Ugh, I miss him." Dramatically, she let herĀ face fallĀ into her hands.
"Didn't you talk to him yesterday?" Vernon asked, pure confusion lacing his voice.
Minnie lifted her head again, fixing her hair swiftly along the way, "What was yesterday?" Thinking for a second before she remembered the breakfastĀ she, Minghao and the member in front of her shared, "Oh, yeah! But that was yesterday. Today's a new day."
"But you don't always get to talk to him every day," Jeonghan tried to reason, but she looked at him with a frown.
"I do." Her confession gained her multiple straight faces staring directly at her.
"You talk to him every single day?" In a clearly slightly concerned, yet amused and surprised tone, Joshua asked the girl, making her turn towards him. For a quick moment, she just looked at him before letting her gaze meet the other members and speaking up again.
"Wh- you... you don't?" Getting three clear shakes of heads.
"Every other day, yes, but not every day," Jeonghan explained, followed by Vernon,
"That's not normal, Minnie."
"What do you mean?" Chuckling at the reaction from the three guys. "Don't judge me like that!" But despite her exclaim, the '98 Liner sent her a face that told her more than she needed to know, so she pointed a strict finger at him. "I'm gonna tell him you cursed in front of the camera today!"
"Not without your phone you won't-" Before she could even realise what he had said, Vernon leaned forward, snatching her phone away from her to put it into the pocket of his jacket that was hung around the back of his chair.
Minnie could only look at him with her mouth hanging open. While she glared at him, the rapper kept up a contained grin. The two older members watched the young duo in amusement, smiling at their antics but keeping quiet.
Silently, the female singer propped her arm up on the table, her palm open in front of them. "Give it back."
Vernon reached for his drink to take another sip. He nodded as he enjoyed the alcohol going down his throat. "You have good taste." Reaching his hand out, he slapped her palm with his, smiling, "High five."
Minnie's chuckle didn't hide her warning tone, yet it didn't seem to face the younger member. "Give me my phone."
"I don't have it," heĀ simplyĀ shrugged. His dull comment made the girl laugh out loud, yet desperation dropped from her lips as she whined,
"Vernonnie..., please." The older members continued to watch in giggles, not able to focus on anything else as they adored the interaction between the two youngsters.
"I really don't have it," he continued to stand his ground, knowing he was getting a raise out of the girl as she fidgeted in her seat, her tone getting stricter.
"Minnie-ya," Jeonghan suddenly interrupted, "if heĀ says,Ā he doesn't have it, then you should believe him."
"Huh?!" While she glanced at the oldest in pure shock, the '98 Liner couldn't contain himself in his seat, his shoulders starting to shake as laughter took over his body. Joshua joined him, shaking his head along with his chuckles.
"You guys-" the girl exclaimed, her eyebrows shot up as she looked around the table. She was once again stopped, this time by Shua, who tapped her arm and nudged his head towards the waitress who was coming back with the pizza they had ordered.
They quickly thanked her and were about to dive in, but MinnieĀ continued to shakeĀ her head in disbelief.
"I really don't like you, guys." Letting the chuckles that followed be the end of the conversation before they started eating.
The four enjoyed their meal, conversing onlyĀ a slight bitĀ to comment on the taste of the pizza while Joshua continued to admire, "the vibe", making the girl smile in return. While Jeonghan and Minnie were full quickly, having had a filling breakfast not too long before, Joshua ate aĀ tadĀ bit more before leaving the rest to the youngest, who skipped the earlier meal to sleep in. The alcohol was only helpingĀ feeling more full, so they decided to get it in a plastic cup to-go, letting them move on with their exploration day through the city.
They left the food court to walk around the outside of the building just like the oldest had suggested when they had arrived.
"Where should we go now?" he asked into the round.
They tried to find a free space to stop and think about their next journey, but the mass of people was making it harder for them to keep together, making Minnie interlock her arm with Joshua's,Ā who wasĀ right beside her.
"Well, what kind of vibeĀ doĀ you want to go for?" He asked his fellow '95 Liner.
"Don't you think we need to go to the cathedral?" He wondered in return, catching the attention of the younger members.
"Yeah, let's go there!" Minnie exclaimed.
"Cathedral?" Joshua turned to her, wondering if he had heard the other member correctly, so the girl nodded while Jeonghan continued,
"Okay, then let's go towards the Duomo cathedral!"
"We can see what's along the way or decide on what to do next once we're there," the female member proposed, which the member seemed to agree with as they started to walk together.
Vernon, who appeared to have become the designated navigator, held onto his phone as he walked straight ahead, leaving the other three to stay right behind him, following his every step.
"What do you think about the streets of Europe?" Jeonghan wondered out loud, directing his question towards Joshua, who seemed overlyĀ captivatedĀ by the architecture around him.
"It's so nice," he spoke dreamingly. "It really has a vibe." His choice of words brought another chuckle out of Minnie as she continued to sip onĀ the plasticĀ cup that she almost finished. "You're lucky you got to grow up in areas like that," he said toĀ her, but she shook her head.
"It didn't look like that where I grew up," she defended herself, but Shua was quick to speak up again.
"But most of Europe has old architecture. And just a lot of history behind buildings and stuff."
"I guess, yeah... but when you grow up in Europe, surrounded by older buildings, you don't really realise just how 'lucky' you are and how... unique it is for others," she explainedĀ inĀ detail. "I only noticed how different it was when I came to Korea. But then the way that you think about Florence nowĀ isĀ how I thought about Seoul. Seoul was really really cool to meĀ becauseĀ it was so different."
"Yeah... you're probably right," he told her.
Minnie chuckled, "I know I am," answering him with a bright grin, earning her a nudge to her side with his hip making her slightly stumble as they laughed in chorus.
It didn't take long for them to find it. The curved rooftop of the building came into view as the height overshadowed most constructions in the city. Joshua and Jeonghan got their phones out of their pockets, holding them up to get a few pictures of the cathedral. Just as Minnie was about to do the same, reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, she found itĀ empty. Then she realised-
"Can you take good pictures andĀ sendĀ them to me, please?"Ā A chuckling Vernon passed her as she decided to stand still, her eyes following him with a glare he couldn't see,Ā thanksĀ to her sunglasses. Her gaze followed the entire front of the construction, trying to find the very top of the roof up in the sky.
The guys couldn't believe their eyes, gasping and throwing out exclaims of admiration as they looked around the open space.
"This is the heart of Florence!" Jeognhan cheered as he walked a bit further ahead than the others. They decided to follow him as he continued their journey deeper into the city centre,Ā making sure to admireĀ every passing building as moreĀ marvellousĀ churches followed.
They stopped in front of a specific one, taking a closer look at the statues that decorated the front. In awe of the stone carving, the guys made sure to not let a corner of it get un-photographed. The producers that came along with them were able to answer most questions that the group had. Mostly about the hand carving of each stone and stature rightĀ in frontĀ of them.
Each member seemed to have found their own way as they slightly parted, leaving the different cameramen to disperse as well, following them individually as they roamed the streets around the cathedral.
Suddenly, Minnie turned towards the producing crew thatĀ followedĀ right behind her.
"Where's Yongseok-hyung?"
[All of a sudden?]
Vernon, who was next to her,Ā eruptedĀ in chuckles, leaving the two older members, who were further ahead, in confusion, but their attention was on something elseĀ anyway.
One of the producers, holding a typicalĀ tour guideĀ flag in his hands, laughed at the girl's question. "Minnie-ya, you're watching these beautiful buildings and you're thinking of Yongseok?" The realisation of busting the question in that situation hit her, making her laugh as well.
"No, I- I just realised I didn't even see him in the morning."
"He's preparing more things for all of you, you'll see him later," he assured her, making the girl nod quickly as she dropped a,
"Ah, okay," before she turned her focus back on what was ahead of her.
[To Na PD: please always make sure Minnie sees you before you leave <3]
They found each other again in a smaller side street, that was home to local artists who were able to portray their artwork - everything from oil paintings to pencil drawings and evenĀ caricatures, which seemed to have caught the interest of the two oldest.
"Jeonghan-ah!" Joshua called out, "Can I do a caricature?"
"I was going to ask you to do it together!" He shouted back, turning towards the younger members who were standing close by together. "You guys wanna do it all together?"
Minnie chuckled at the excitement radiating off him. She couldn't say no to a happy Jeonghan. "Sure," she nodded, glancing over at Vernon, who joined her as they made their way over to one of the artists who was unoccupied at the moment. Together, the four sat down in front of the man, takingĀ offĀ their glasses as they posed for the drawing. Minnie sat down between her fellowĀ English-speakingĀ members, running a hand down her blouse to straighten it out.
"Let's not look until it's done," the oldest suggested, to which Shua happily agreed, nudging his head at Minnie and Vernon, who were just amused at the two members next to them.
Quicker than expected, the artist finished the pencil drawing, turning his board around to let the group get a glimpse of what he had created. The singers immediately erupted in laughter, with the female member having to lean onto the '98 Liner as she hid her face in his shoulder.
"We're all the same," Vernon chuckled, slanting forward in his seat.
"I don't look like you guys!" The girl gently hit his arm as she couldn't hide her amusement as well.
The rapper shook his head. "The only thing different about you is the hair, other than that, we all look the same." And a closer look at the picture just confirmed it, only making her start giggling again.
They thanked the man and Jeonghan took the picture with him before they continued their journey.
"Ah, that was so funny," Vernon breathed out, the other members smiling along with him. "It was really unexpected."
"That's why it was fun," Jeonghan answered, still clearly amused at the drawing in his hands.
TheĀ producersĀ asked the group to find a good spot to take a picture of them holding the caricature before they would decide where to go next. With the sun now shining directly onto them, Joshua, Vernon, andĀ MinnieĀ were back to wearing the sunglasses as they quickly posed for the asked picture, making sure they were standing in the same order as they were on the drawing.
They found themselves at the highest point of the city again after getting the recommendation to go there from the tour guiding producer. TheĀ PiazzaleĀ Michelangelo was the perfect decision, they realised, the moment the view of the entire city hit them.
"Woah...," Minnie gasped as they got closer to the railing overlooking the rest of what was in front and below them.
Joshua nodded, "That's crazy."
"It must be insane to be here at night," the girl commented, being only able to imagine the lights that would illuminate the darkness. A clear view of an ancient city skyline was not something to be taken for granted. They continued to walk around the space, stayingĀ tooĀ close to each other as they continued to talk about the view. Joshua suggestedĀ takingĀ a few pictures of each other in front of the railing, so they looked out for a free spot to occupy. Jeonghan led them towards one, pushing Shua forward first so he could snap some pictures of his fellow '95 Liner. Vernon followed close by, getting a few shots taken ofĀ himselfĀ before the oldest pushed Minnie forward too.
"Let me take some pictures of you guys together."
The rapper had one hand on the railing, leaving enough space for the girl to come in closer as they posed together.
"Hehe," Jeonghan chuckled, "cute."
Vernon left only a moment later, leaving the female member alone for a last few pictures.
"I'll send them into the group chat." Doing exactly so only a few seconds later.
A sigh from the youngest made Minnie turn towards him, her eyebrows in a slight frown as he pulled something out of the pocket of his jacket.
"Your phone keeps ringing." In his hand now, her phone, making her scoff as she tried to get it out of his grasp. Damn his reflexes, he shot his arm up in the air, leaving the girl with a sulk as she now had to look up to where he was tightly holding onto it. The girl just sent him an unamused glare while the smile she was trying so hard toĀ suppressĀ was making it hard to take her seriously. Still, Vernon lowered his arm again and handed her her phone back.
"So youĀ didĀ have it?" She sarcastically asked him, but he just shrugged with a soft grin making his lips curl.
"I found it just now." To which Minnie rolled her eyes.
She had already seen the name on her screen, so she was quick to answer it.
"Where are you? Why did you take so long to answer?" His immediate concern brought a chuckle out ofĀ her.
"Vernon had my phone," she spoke as she glared at the man in question who just sent her a thumbs up, making her shake her head. "He gave it to me now because it wasĀ annoyingĀ him that you were calling all the time."
"Well, I was trying to reach you for a while. Are you still in Florence?" Mingyu asked her from the other end of the line.
The female member smiled in amusement, "Obviously."
"Where are you right now?"
"Ehm... I think it was called PiazzaleĀ Michelangelo. It's like an open space on top of the city."
Her wording seemed to have confused the rapper. "On top?"
"Not directly on top. It's on a hill- wait, I canĀ FacetimeĀ you." She pulled the phone away from her ear, clicking on the button that let her turn on the camera. Her face lit up the moment she came toĀ sightĀ withĀ two of her fellow '97 Liners on the screen.
"Hi, Hao!"
"Hi, Minnie! How's Florence?" He wondered.
"Woah... honestly... you would love it here. Both of you would."
"You haven't sent any pictures yet," Mingyu told her.
Minnie had to hold back a roll of her eyes as she remembered just why she wasn't able to do so just yet. "Yeah, Vernon had my phone the entire time. He didn't let me take it."
"Oh," he just said before laughing, the other member joining in.
Suddenly, another voice from behind the phone camera spoke up, "What did you do to him, Minnie-ya?"
"Yongseok-hyung!" The girl called out in cheer," Mingyu turn the phone around!" With a chuckle and a scoff, he did as she asked. "Hi!" The girl shouted into the phone, getting a whole-hearted laugh from the producer.
"Are you enjoying your time in Florence?"
"Yes! Thank you, really. We had a really nice time here. I even asked about you," she admitted.
"Me? Why about me?"
Minnie leaned against the railing behind her as she continued the conversation. "I didn't see you in the morning, so I was wondering where you were."
"Aw, Minnie-ya," the producer chuckled. "That's very sweet of you. I'll see you when you come back."
"Okay!" She grinned into the phone.
"I'm gonna give the phone back to Mingyu." To which she nodded, smiling as soon as the mentioned member was back in view.
"Look," she turned her camera around to give him a peak of what she was currently seeing. An echoed gasp came from the speakers of her phone as Mingyu and Minghao were able to get a look at the city far ahead of them. "It's for real so beautiful." The camera was back on her when she was suddenly joined by the younger member next to her.
"Shua-hyung said it has a romantic vibe."
Minnie frowned at his remark. "Then I don't know why I'm here with you guys." Getting a chuckle from the other end of the line.
"Can you send some pictures?" Mingyu wondered, making her nod.
"Yeah, I'll do it now," she wavedĀ intoĀ the camera. "I'll see you at home."
"Have fun!" Hao shouted out.
"Stay safe," the rapper added before the girl ended the call. In a swift motion, she turned around to take a few pictures of the view before tapping on the icon that would lead her to her gallery.
With a quick suck in of air, she glanced up at Vernon.
"You took pictures with my phone!" Finding different pictures he had takenĀ overĀ the course ofĀ the day, some ofĀ the buildingsĀ and streets they passed and some of her as she unknowingly wandered in front of him.
"Yeah," he simply just told her, his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Minnie shook her head in disbelief, "You... really..." chuckling as she clicked on a few she would want to send all while his eyes followed each movement of her fingers on her screen.
"You have aĀ separateĀ group chat?!" He suddenly called out, making her gaze at him in slight confusion.
Minnie chuckled at his reaction. "We live together. Of course, we have aĀ group chat." Defending the chatroom she shared with Wonwoo and Mingyu, to which she sent the pictures she had just taken along with Vernon's photos, adding a quick message underneath before sending it.
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gabessquishytum Ā· 10 months
You know what concept doesnā€™t get explored enough in Dreamling fic? Dream teaching Hob how to read. Like, Iā€™ve seen one or two off mentions of it in canon adjacent fic, but nothing that really gives focus to that idea, yā€™know? And while I think it would be fun in canon, Iā€™m gonna go au real quick.
So Hob as one of those kids unfortunately left behind. Probably a combination of living in poverty and his undiagnosed adhd. And heā€™s definitely way too embarrassed by this to actually ask anyone to teach him. So now heā€™s an adult who doesnā€™t know much more than his own name and his numbers. And while that probably wouldnā€™t be enough for most people to get by, what Hob DOES have are people skills. His ability to charm people and talk around them letā€™s him get through life well enough.
Then thereā€™s Dream, mister wet cat himself. If heā€™s not an Authorā„¢ļø then heā€™s definitely a voracious reader. But he has a personality of a damp paper bag. Like, even he has to admit his lack of social skills is actively hindering his life and relationships at this point. Probably add some autism for āœØflavorāœØ
But Dream does have moments where heā€™s too observant for his own good. Which is how he clocks that Hob avoids reading like the plague. (Iā€™m envisioning Hob as a bartender at the pub Dream goes to to try and learn human behavior. But idk if he could avoid reading with that job.)
So Dream corners Hob and proposes a trade off: Dream will teach him how to read and Hob will teach him some social skills. Once Hob realizes heā€™s not being threatened (seriously, Dream really sucks at this talking to people thing) he hesitantly agrees. At least itā€™s less embarrassing if Dream also needs to be taught something? And it would be rather helpfulā€¦
Obviously during the course of their lessons they fall in love šŸ„°
This means so much to me!!!! I love it. The idea of Hob hiding the fact that he can't read is so heartbreaking but actually so real and its way more common than people imagine.
I also love the idea of Hob + Dream = One Normal Functioning Adult. That's my favourite thing, when they're each other's missing puzzle piece <3
I figure that Hob might have picked up a few words from around the environment of the bar. Like, each tap has a label on and he knows exactly which is which and he can technically read "Guiness" and "Wherry" and a few others, but they're not the most useful words. Anyways, Dream gets the idea that he'll keep using things around the pub to teach Hob to read: menus, newspapers, posters for old gigs, crisp packets. It's a good way for Hob to build confidence before Dream presents him with an actual book.
And similarly Hob uses the bar as a place to teach Dream about social skills. He coaches him through identifying body language and expressions, quizzing Dream on how he thought each customer might be feeling. Then he encourages three way conversations between him, Dream and regular customers. He gives Dream topics to focus on and gives him safe ways to get out of an interaction that he's not vibing with.
By the time Hob stumbles his way through his first novel, Dream is able to talk to a stranger about the weather without any issues. And they're both mutually crushing on each other so hard!! It only seems fitting that the pub which has been such a cornerstone for their friendship and some pretty awesome personal milestones, is also the place where they have their first date.
Hob reads love sonnets to Dream in a hushed undertone. And it's like the whole building sighs happily at the sights of them together <3
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lady-bess Ā· 2 months
Miller's Mountainous Adventure Park - A Secret Springs Activity!
Joel Miller x F!Reader Words: 1.8k Mature (references to sex - minors DNI please!) Tags: Joel Miller!Adventure Guide, Rope Climbing, Tree-top Assault Course, Protective!Joel, Flirty!Joel, Shameful Flirting, Joel is an ass-man in my canon, References to Sex, Reader is definitely scared of heights, and Joel fkin knows it, Explicit Language.
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My contribution to @secretelephanttattoo's Secret Springs project! Submitting a short one-shot showcasing our beloved Mr. Miller being a treetop adventure park guide for week four's prompt, 'See, Stay, & Do'. Big thanks to our mayor for giving me this prompt! Enjoy! šŸ„°
A/N: This was heavily based off a recent trip to a similar adventure park I went to not long ago, in which I sustained rope burns on my arms from going down the zip-line a bit too quickly. I also got stuck in the middle of one of the horizontal lines and was suspended mid-air for a good 20 minutes while a member of staff had to come rescue me. Alas, it was not Joel who turned up...
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Millerā€™s Mountainous Activity Park
ā€œClimbing walls, bungee jumps, and zip lines - Millerā€™s has it all! Come along for fabulous views, a day of laughs, and fun challenges for all!ā€
The advert for this place seemed appealing at the time when you booked it. Youā€™d been wanting to challenge yourself to try different things, instead of your usual tendency to resign yourself to your own little bubble of introvertedness. Thatā€™s what this whole trip was about, anyway. Booked on a bit of a whim after your recent breakup, you had told yourself that this time you were not going to allow yourself to wallow in self-pity, and instead youā€™d have fun as a singleton.Ā 
But now, several rounds of activities later, you felt like you were ready to throw in the towel and say fuck new experiences. You were tired, exhausted after an afternoon of group orienteering activities, climbing walls, treetop walkways, and rope courses. Your legs felt like they were about to give way after youā€™d just climbed your eighth rope ladder in the last hour, and youā€™d never felt so unfit in your entire life.Ā 
Which was great for your self esteem, as you stood panting at the top of the platform, panting like a dog in heat.Ā 
ā€œFuckinā€™ hell,ā€ you whispered to yourself while you caught your breath, but you took relief in the fact that it was almost over. Standing up tall, you were finally at the highest point of the course. From here, you could see out across Secret Springs, and admire the views - the tops of every building, filled with all the independent businesses youā€™d ventured to throughout your stay here this summer; the rolling hills and stunning views that surrounded the town; and even the mayorā€™s office, who you understood took great pride in the community theyā€™d built - a pride you felt with them. You knew that the pain from this activity park was fleeting, but the memories youā€™d gain from being here were forever.Ā 
Part of you never wanted to leave.Ā 
ā€œYā€™allright, darlinā€™?ā€ came a sultry drawl from behind you that made your hair stand on end. You jumped slightly, then turned to meet eyes with the instructor who had been taking you and the rest of your group around the whole park - Joel.Ā 
ā€œSorry, just admiring the view!ā€ you said, smiling sweetly at him. He nodded, stepping closer to you, holding onto his guidelines and keeping them secure.Ā 
ā€œYou sure thatā€™s all it is, doll?ā€ he asked.Ā 
Your eyes danced down to watch him fiddle with the clasps on his safety lines, twisting the caps on one line at a time before re-attaching it to the line you were also fastened to. He coughed subtly when he noticed your wandering gaze and a lack of response.Ā 
ā€œI-uh, yeah! Why?ā€ you asked.Ā 
Joel shrugged, chuckling to himself as he finished detaching his lines from the rope ladder safety guideline and securing himself next to you on the platform. He was now able to get closer, and he approached you slowly, bringing one hand up to rest on your shoulder in a kind of comfort.Ā 
ā€œJust a hunch. Iā€™ve done a lot of these tours - you wouldnā€™t be the first person to chicken out of doing the final zip wire,ā€ he said, a small grin on his face.Ā 
He clearly loved his job, but he perhaps loved watching how you squirmed underneath him even more. Even in spite of how unfit you felt, and who knows how God awful you looked after hours of physically demanding challenges with a group of people you didnā€™t know, Joel had kept close to you the entire time. At first you thought it was just because you werenā€™t here with anyone else, with the rest of your group being made up of couples, or small groups of friends. But the more youā€™d gone round the course, the more heā€™d hung back to chat with you; all the while throwing in small physical touches, flirtatious banter, but never overstepping.Ā 
Youā€™d be lying if you said you hated it. In truth, it was rather welcome.Ā 
ā€œOh! Thatā€¦,ā€ you trailed off, your eyes now moving to dare look down at the final challenge remaining. Youā€™d been so distracted by the views that youā€™d completely missed every other person already completing the 200-metre zip wire that stood between you and finishing the course. It was now just you and Joel stood here in the trees, the distant chatter of the rest of the group unbuckling themselves from their harnesses and heading off being just a faint noise.Ā 
ā€œYes, that,ā€ he chuckled, ā€œNervous?ā€.
ā€œA little, I guess. But Iā€™ll be fine! You go ahead, Joel. Iā€™m sure the rest of the group are waiting for your instruction,ā€ you smiled. Joel squeezed your shoulder slightly harder and shook his head, his eyes never faltering.Ā 
ā€œTheyā€™ll be fine. My brother is on hand at the bottom to get everyone out. You, darlinā€™, are my priority,ā€ he said.Ā 
You felt a shiver run down your spine, and you werenā€™t entirely sure if it was the anxiety of the oncoming zip line, or horniness from that damn pet name he seemed to only use for you, which somehow lit a fire underneath you in a way your ex had never quite managed. Either way, you were nervous.Ā 
ā€œI am?ā€ you stammered.Ā 
ā€œYeah,ā€ he drawled, ā€œThat okay?ā€.
ā€œY-yes,ā€ you swallowed, hard. Even if he did just mean from a professional point of view, that he couldnā€™t legally leave you up here alone, you didnā€™t feel like that was where he was coming from.Ā 
ā€œGood,ā€ he said. ā€œTell you what, Iā€™ll sweeten the deal for ya,ā€ he said, his hand now dropping to the fastening on your harness. His fingers glided over the buckles, tugging them slightly to make sure they were still in their proper place after so much activity. The force moved you ever closer to him, and suddenly you found yourself mere inches from his body. The only thing that snapped you out of the trance of watching Joel, and made you realise heā€™d asked you something, was the sound of your safety lines clanging together on the guideline above you.Ā 
ā€œHow so?ā€ you asked. Joel winked at you.Ā 
ā€œYou get your cute butt down that zipline in the next two minutes, and Iā€™ll take ya out for dinner, darlinā€™,ā€ he chuckled.Ā 
You couldnā€™t hold back the small giggle as Joel began detaching your safety lines one by one to the main zip wire, taking extra care in making sure that they were attached properly. Heā€™d given everyone a crash course on fastening their own lines before you even started, and everyone had got the hang of it by the time you reached the main course - so this extra attention was definitely not because he didnā€™t think you could do it. No, he wanted to make sure you were secure himself.Ā 
And something about that was quite arousing.Ā 
ā€œI have a cute butt?ā€ you asked, acting like you werenā€™t relieved youā€™d picked the good leggings to do this course the second youā€™d seen how cute your instructor was. Joel laughed lowly behind you, with you now facing the descending zip-line, him tugging on your lines to make sure you were fastened in properly.Ā 
ā€œSure, thatā€™s what you focus on,ā€ his words skimmed the shell of your ear, and his strong hands landed on your waist from behind. You sucked in a breath at the closeness, and the feeling of warmth that seeped into your body from his touch. It was a kind of comfort mixed with a desire to say screw dinner, come back to my hotel.Ā 
ā€œYes, you have a cute butt. But you also have a beautiful smile, a gorgeous laugh, and a personality Iā€™d very much like to get to know a bit better,ā€ he said, his voice now lower and almost a whisper behind you. ā€œIs that alright?ā€.Ā 
ā€œJoel, Iā€™m only here for another week, and then Iā€™m gone. Whatā€™s in it for you?ā€ you asked.Ā 
ā€œDarlinā€™, Iā€™d like to make your last week here the most memorable. Pay no heed to ā€˜whatā€™s in it for meā€™. I wanna spend time with ya, and live in the moment a bit more, starting with taking you out tonight. How does that sound?ā€.
The smallest bit of guilt crept into you at the thought that Joel was willing to spend the next week with you only to then potentially never see you again. There was a nagging voice in your head that still wanted to say no to him, even after heā€™d made it clear that he didnā€™t care about the ā€˜what ifsā€™ and what would come after you would leave for home next week.Ā 
But then you remembered why you came here. To push yourself, to live outside your comfort zone - the old you might have insisted on saying no, but you did wonder how many opportunities youā€™d missed in your life by playing it safe.Ā 
ā€œOkay,ā€ you said, ā€œIā€™d like that, Joel.ā€
You turned your head to smile at him, and were greeted with his soft brown eyes firmly on yours. He flashed a cheeky grin back at you, then leant in and quickly gave you a peck on the cheek. The scruff of his facial hair brushed against your soft skin, and it was over far too soon.Ā 
ā€œGood,ā€ he chucked, ā€œNow, off you go!ā€ he said, tapping your ass and pushing your lines down the zip wire, setting you on course for the ground. You screamed and laughed as your body dipped off the platform and you were sent careering down the line at a rate of knots, the wind rushing through your hair and the horizon disappearing behind the treetops as you got closer to the landing platform on the ground.Ā 
You could hear the faint laughter of Joel in the distance as he unclipped his wires and got ready to go down after you once youā€™d landed, and even while rushing down the line you could feel your cheeks burn as a teenage-like crush began making itself known. It might not be anything, but you wouldnā€™t know until you tried.Ā 
You crash landed at the bottom of the line, your heels digging into the bark-coated flooring to slow you down, but you still unceremoniously landed on your ass. With nobody around, you let yourself flop down onto your back, still attached to the line, and let out a laugh. Your whole body ached, and youā€™d now definitely need a shower before going out with Joel tonight. But you didnā€™t care about that. You were happy.Ā 
And, for the first time, you felt free.Ā 
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chanif-art Ā· 3 months
Itā€™s time to..
Happy Birthday to the GREATEST CHANIFāœØ
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(I love everyone equally šŸ§ŽšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø)
Thank you for being here with me. It is such a long way to continue, yet, you guys are still here. I am truthfully thankful for your support and tons of love that I have received :-)
I started this blog in 2021 becauseā€¦ I saw there was a few yandere art to consumeā€” so, I drew. Initially, I drew for the reason that I wanted to make myself happy (with self-insert, yesšŸ„ŗ). But surprisingly, everyone seemed to enjoy it too..? At that time, I was so happy to know that everyone loved my art. Before I started this blog, I actually gave up drawing once. Maybe it was because of burnout or my low self-esteem. Anyway, I actually wanted to thank me in 2021 for decide to ā€˜just give it a go, draw for your satisfaction. No one hurts.ā€™ something like that.
And the result went too beyond my expectations. My blog has growth. I got to know there are a lots of people who support me thoroughly during my hardest time. I am so grateful for the community I am part of. Even though I had gone for quite some time, there are still people who waiting for me to comebackā€” as always. And thatā€¦ I do not know what to sayā€” I know that I receive so much love. My english cannot elaborate how thankful I am. So all I can say is I appreciate you guys so much! Thank you as always :-)
Despite of the unstable of quality art, you guys still enjoy them. I am grateful for that. Despite of the lack of posting an art, you guys still waiting for me to post. I am grateful for that.
And if I cannot draw the bias that you love (yes, I noticed that I start to draw less Leon and recently start to draw Satoru more oftenā€” not to mention others that I barely draw) I am so sorry. I promise that I will draw others if you guys request it.
Nowā€¦ now.. I would like to thank you:
@alexex8sts for being the biggest supporter!! You have supported me continuously that it becomes invaluable šŸ©µ it means a ton to me knowing that there is still a person whoā€™s always be here with me. Alexie, thank you as always! Your ideas have inspired me a lot. I, Chanif, thank you for being friend with mešŸ„°
@yune1337 thank you, Wolfie. For supporting me :-) Feel free to chat with me sometimes! I am always available!
@maleyanderecafe and how could I forget the person who makes me so popular?? LOL im kidding, please forget the part where i am popular šŸ˜‚ Anywayā€” thank you for reblog and liking my art! I am always thankful for your supportšŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Thank you šŸ„€ anon for being part of Chanifā€™s family!! Always feel free to come and chat with me anytime you want!! I am here for you :-)
And shoutout to those I have not mentioned! Tons of thank for loving me and my artšŸ©µ if it wasnā€™t for you guys, I wouldnā€™t know that the Cucumber007 would receive this much love and appreciation!! Not to mention that the people who followed me(at the time I wrote this) is now 2,222 individuals???? I gasped! Thank you as always!
Happy birthday to me, Chanif :-) you are 21 now and surround by people who adore you
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yourheart-inmyhands Ā· 1 year
Oh and btw i love love LOVED the last post you made :3 wasnt able to like it early since i was at school but can i please req a Zoro reader with a yan Yelan , Beidou , Alhaitham (all hail the ham XD) and Neuvillete (idk how to spell his namešŸ˜’šŸ™„) ANYWAYS PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME REMEMBER TO EAT REST AND DRINK WATER <<<333
Plus points if reader is in luffys pirate crew , has 3 swords and stronger than Beidou and Yelan šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
(stan chuu šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±)
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LOVE YOU POOKS šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
i didn't wanna answer this one cause it's so cute and i wanted to keep it in my inbox foreverrrrr but i really appreciate the compliments ;v; <33 also i won't lie, Zoro is not one of my favorites from One Piece (i like greasy/deranged men) but i love his character, i was also binging some episodes while writing this and also this is pre-timeskip zoro cause that's where i'm at currently and brainrot be real but i hope you enjoy :D <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, implied being held against will, mentions of violence, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Yelan would be stressed out, not only do you wield three swords and seem to always get yourself in trouble, but youā€™re always getting lost. Sheā€™s at least glad that you can take care of yourself if the need arises but your obsession with being Teyvatā€™s Greatest Swordsman is a little out of control. She prefers that you donā€™t go out without her because she knows youā€™ll get lost, but if you should otherwise sheā€™ll be sure to send out someone to follow you, keeping her informed of your location and every move.
Yelan smiled to herself as you trained in the backyard. While your bizarre workout routine often had her a bit worried, she admired your dedication to her work. There was a lot about you she loved, but your dedication to your goals was what drew her in, reminding her of herself sometimes. She had to keep you on a tight leash though, your lack of direction often leaving you in places you shouldnā€™t end up in. She never minded though, it was just another of your adorable quirks, something she found keeping her on her toes. Yelan loved you and all your strange, unique quirks.Ā 
Yandere!Beidou would find you very admirable, chasing so strongly after your ambitions as she had. While killing a Leviathan and becoming Teyvatā€™s Greatest Swordsman are two different life goals, she thinks you're an amazing individual for chasing your dreams so wholeheartedly.
Beidou smiled down at you from the top deck, watching as you polished your blades. While she didnā€™t understand the need for three swords, she knew you enjoyed it and so she never questioned it. She was grateful you didnā€™t put up a fight when it came to traveling on the Crux with her, not that you ever seemed to know where they were headed. It just made it easier for her to keep an eye on you, with your habit of wandering off and getting lost just to end up in a fight that she later patches you up from. She loved you and all your quirks but sometimes she wondered how you came to be this way, it wasnā€™t something you seemed keen to talk about.
Yandere!Alhaitham would find a beloved like this both a blessing and a curse. He loves your passion for swordfighting, often fighting with you for a bit of practice. While you certainly outmatch him with just one sword alone, he uses his intellect to spar with you, learning your moves and putting you into positions where you have to adapt and overcome. He finds the exercise to be an enjoyable break from his work, allowing him to keep his physical skills as sharp as his mental ones. He refuses to let you go anywhere by himself though, worried youā€™ll get lost and run into trouble, again.
Alhaitham smirked as he blocked another attack from you, having memorized every attack youā€™ve ever used against him. It was times like this that he enjoyed most with you, a proper challenge between brains and brawn. While your workout routine was intense, his mind was equally as polished, leaving the duels between the two of you relatively intense. On afternoons where you werenā€™t dueling, it was common to go into town, with Alhaitham usually picking up books or other things at stores while dragging you along with him. Even if he knew you were going to nap the whole time he was gone, he still didnā€™t trust you to not fight something or get lost while he was gone. So instead he took you to every store with him, keeping a tight watch over you and oftentimes tying a ribbon gently around your wrists that connected to his belt.
Yandere!Neuvillette has no choice but to keep you locked up inside while heā€™s gone simply because he knows otherwise youā€™ll get lost and heā€™ll be seeing you in the courtroom for yet another fight you got into. He doesnā€™t mind it though, knowing that at home you only do a few things, train, polish your swords, and nap. And while he admires your dream to be Teyvatā€™s Greatest Swordsman, he thinks you should settle for the strength you currently possess and simply stay here in Fontaine with him.
Unlocking the door and stepping in after a long day in court, Neuvillette isnā€™t surprised to see you napping in the livingroom. He will admit that the first few times he saw you napping, simply sitting on the floor up against a wall with all three swords nearby, he thought it was strange, insisting that you sleep in the bedroom or at least on the couch. Now though, he understands that itā€™s simply the way you are, quietly approaching and smirking as your eyes flicker open, looking up at the man. ā€œYour senses are as sharp as ever I see.ā€ Neuvillette offers you a hand, gently pulling you to your feet as you stretch, asking about his day. He enjoys the quiet life he has and he prefers to try and force you to comply than let you roam free, after all heā€™s doing this for the betterment of society. Youā€™re simply too dangerous.
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bunnys-babies Ā· 1 year
Talk To You, pt. 2
Megumi Fushiguro x gn!reader
wc: 1.2k
pt. 2 / ?
warning(s): mentions of puke, mentions of taxidermy - so if any of that really icks you out tread lightly :)
a/n: itā€™s been a while, but if anyone recalls pt. 1 of this, itā€™s just a continuation šŸ„° (feel free to read hehe) but itā€™s not necessarily required! Could be read as a stand alone :)) just a silly and nervous first date šŸ¤šŸ¤ reblogs and comments are always appreciated!! I hope you enjoy :3 also, I am very behind on JJK, please do not spoil anything in the tags because I do see them! So if this is ā€œcanon divergentā€, thatā€™s why LMAO
pt. 1
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Heā€™s going to puke. Heā€™s absolutely, 100%, sure of it.
Heā€™s so sweaty that heā€™s certain he must stink, he hates his outfit, and why is his hair so frizzy? He knew he shouldnā€™t have listened to Kugisaki and let her ā€œdo him upā€.
The bus seat vibrates beneath him and emits one of the most brain piercing rattles he thinks heā€™s ever heard as he impatiently waits for his stop.
Oh god, they arenā€™t gonna think Iā€™m a loser for taking the bus, are they?
Sighing and picking at the cuticle along his thumb nail, he does his best to focus on keeping track of the colors of the cars passing by. What good would dwelling on your perception of him do when itā€™s only making him continue to profusely sweat anyways?
Itā€™s been a week since he got your number. Well, since Yuuji got your number for him, sort of.
And over the course of that week, Megumiā€™s convinced himself heā€™s done nothing besides behave like a fool.
Heā€™s spelt your name wrong, twice, and then wondered why he even felt the need to address you by name in text. He sent you a list of options for dates, listing location and expected cost, as well as sending them in order of ā€œmost to least activeā€. And then, when you surprisingly agreed and made a choice, he sent you a calendar invite.
Nothing about this even seemed remotely out of the ordinary to him until Kugisaki asked how you both ended up deciding on going through a ā€œlocal, close up walkthroughā€ of a taxidermistā€™s home.
ā€œHuh?ā€ Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open after she spoke, eager, and a little scared, to hear Megumiā€™s response.
ā€œWell, out of our options, it was the most cost effective and productive choice. Lots of conversation starters. They seemed pretty interested.ā€
Doubt and embarrassment began to knot his stomach at the lack of response from Kugisaki.
ā€œWhat? They picked it. So clearly they wanted to go to this thing.ā€
Still no response.
Pressing her mouth into a thin line, she stops her relentless fidgeting over Megumiā€™s hair and clothes and crosses her arms over her chest instead.
ā€œFushiguro,ā€, she spoke slowly and softly, ā€œcouple questions. One, did you offer this idea? Two, if so, what were the other options?ā€
Something about the way she spoke only increased his anxiety.
Oh, he messed up.
Unfortunately, after explaining himself, there wasnā€™t any time left to get some sort of reassurance from her that he hadnā€™t completely fucked this all up.
And god, why did he have to approach this soā€¦ professionally?
He stopped himself from letting out a groan before the brakes squealed at an alarming volume as the bus came to a stop.
Muttering out a nearly silent thanks to the driver, he takes a step out onto the darkened sidewalk. It must have rained earlier.
It takes him about 20 minutes to locate and walk to the house, his shoes covered in a shine from the dew still fresh on the grass.
As he waits, part of him is wishing you just donā€™t show up. This has just all played out in the worst way, and heā€™d rather take the embarrassment of being stood up than being around you for an hour, possibly multiple, while you pretend he isnā€™t a freak and that you arenā€™t showing up out of anything but pity.
His stomach churns at the sound of a car door shutting, and heā€™s back to that god forbidden feeling like heā€™s going to hurl, when he hears a soft ā€œFushiguro?ā€ being called out to him from his left.
A visibly strained smile is offered to you as Megumi turns to greet you.
God, you knew this sweater was too gaudy.
ā€œHow was the drive for yo-ā€œ
ā€œLooks like it rain-ā€œ
Awkward laughs are exchanged at the sudden silence you both sit in after accidentally interrupting each other.
After, Megumi silently insists you continue to speak with a few hand gestures and nod of his head.
ā€œYeah, I was just gonna ask how the drive was for you! It rained pretty hard where I was coming from, and I swear my wipers were ready to fly off.ā€
ā€œOh, yeah, I didnā€™t drive.ā€ He turned his body to face the front of the house, hoping his embarrassment was less visible from the side of his face.
ā€œOh nice idea, I hate driving in the rain. I totally shouldā€™ve considered that.ā€ Turning to face the house yourself, you wait for him to take the first steps before walking forward.
A mixture of relief and bashfulness wash over him at your simple response and unexpected, but welcoming, flattery.
Nice idea.
Fighting back the small smile and pride swelling in his chest, he begins to walk forward, doing his best to strike conversation as you make your way to the front door despite the nagging stomach ache heā€™s gotten.
Heā€™s never been so nervous before.
Kugisaki has no idea what she was talking about, this is going to be simply lovely.
The vomit covering the top of your shoes as you rub the spot between Megumiā€™s shoulder blades is staring at him. And if it could laugh and point itā€™d probably be doing that, too.
ā€œYou okay?ā€ You speak so soft he almost doesnā€™t hear you ask.
No, heā€™s not okay.
He just blew chunks all over both of your shoes (and the eclectic manā€™s maroon carpet), vomited again at the smell, and then nearly tripped his way down the front steps as he continued to puke into the Taxidermistā€™s front lawn.
ā€œYeah, ā€˜m fine.ā€
Maybe it was a little more than just his nerves making him nauseous.
ā€œYā€™know, if I knew you were gonna get this freaked out over the ā€˜Pope Mouseā€™, I wouldā€™ve gone with the bird watching option instead.ā€
It takes him a minute to realize youā€™re joking. Youā€™re actually joking with him and trying to salvage whatever this is.
Whether it was out of shock, sympathy at your mediocre attempt of a joke, or the image of that poor dead rat dressed up as the pope, he let out a low chuckle.
He kept his posture leaned over and his head down, waiting to make sure he truly was all done, when you realized your hand was still rubbing gentle circles into his upper back. Gingerly, you lifted your hand and placed it in your pocket, trying not to focus on the vomit on your shoes.
All things considered, you really were having a great time.
Heā€™s strange, definitely a little shy, maybe even abrasive, not the best at conversation, has interesting ideas of fun, and literally threw up on your shoes, but he was such a sweetheart. It helped he was more than nice to look at sure, but his nervousness and slightly off-putting personality did nothing but attract you even more.
Youā€™ve never been on a more eventful date, thatā€™s for sure. And youā€™ve never met someone who clearly put so much thought into spending time with you, and his anxiety was more than obvious. Did he really like you that much?
Regardless, you thought he at least deserved another chance at a second date, one where you could actually get to know more about him other than the fact he might have a weak stomach.
ā€œIf you promise not to puke in my car, and help me clean off our shoes, we can try again. Probably somewhere we can sit and chat instead of stare at poorly done taxidermy.ā€
Unfortunately, before you could offer up any good ideas, he was back to busying himself with vomiting.
At least heā€™s really cute.
taglist: @plutowrites @lunarsap @alonezz @softjaegerhours @onismikasa (if youā€™d like to be removed/added please let me know!)
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sheltereredturtle Ā· 1 year
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Here's a sneak peak of my collab for the supercorp big bang 2023!! go check out the full art piece and the lovely fic itā€™s all for you (everything I do) by @scullys-laughter on AO3 šŸ„°ā¤ļø
ā€œĀ She always took pride in putting a lot of thought into gifts, she did, but what if from Lenaā€™s point of view, they lacked in meaning, or maybe just seemed like polite generic nothings? She is, after all, from a totally different background, and Supergirl, as the so-called most powerful being on earth, could surely cook up something better than a knit scarf? It did look so cute on Lena though, so Kara couldnā€™t bring herself to regret that gift, and the picture of Lena burying her pretty pretty blushing face in it was one of her warmest memories. Come to think of it, Lena did wear the scarf even when the weather got kind of too hot for it. Anyway. A romantic grand gesture. Something that would show Lena how much she appreciates her, and hopefully, hint at her feelings without putting Lena on a spot.ā€
and big thank you to team who helped make this happen @supercorpbb your hard work is very much appreciated ā¤ļøšŸ’™
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panlight Ā· 3 months
hi! iā€™ve been really enjoying hearing your thoughts on the whole ā€œolympic covenā€ thing (tbh it wasnā€™t something i had really thought about a lot before ā€” i always just thought of them as ā€œthe cullensā€ lmao so iā€™m learning lots of new things)
but omg let me just say re: your possible alternative names post ā€” ā€œst. carlisle and his disciplesā€ is canon!!!!!!! to me!!!!!!!!
i feel like to a lot of the other vamps the cullens do seem kinda cult-y, and even to the ones who know/like carlisle, it does kinda feel like thereā€™s a little bit of an eyeroll and a ā€œyeah my weird friend carlisle who likes helping humans ā€” strange but charming i supposeā€
i guess maybe it wouldnā€™t be like an ā€œofficial nameā€ but i absolutely 10000000% can see other vamps calling them that casually, or maybe itā€™s one of those things that was a joke one time and then it stuck
anyway, i just wanted to say that reading ā€œst. carlisle and his disciplesā€ sent me into absolute hysterics and then i was like ā€œoh shit thatā€™s so good tho like thatā€™s literally themā€
i hope you have a lovely day!! šŸ„°šŸ„°
I'm sure I'm not the first person who has used some variant of that, but I find it so funny too and it seems like human nature--or, well, vampire nature--that Carlisle's whole deal would rub some vampires the wrong way, or they'd be inclined to tease him.
I sort of imagine it really started in Volterra, with its proximity to Rome/the Vatican and the seat of the Catholic power. Carlisle's not Catholic, but I'm sure to ancient vampires who pre-date Christianity, that distinction is hardly important. "The Vatican's that way, Your Holiness," etc.
I also suspect that early on Carlisle was probably a bit more "preachy" in the sense that he was 'young' and native and idealistic and the first few times he met another vampire he had probably assumed they'd be THRILLED to learn the Good News that animal blood was enough and they didn't have to kill people. And he'd give them this pitch that probably sounded like the vampire equivalent of someone knocking on your door and trying to convert you to their religion.
There's also this thing people do where they get kind of . . . defensive, in a weird way, when they meet someone who opts out of doing something that 'everyone' else does. For example, I don't drink alcohol. Not for religious or moral reasons, but more about family history, mental health and a genuine lack of interest. But some people get SO WEIRD when this comes up, like they think I am judging them for drinking or think I think I'm better than them for not drinking. And I imagine Carlisle gets this from other vampires, too that even if he's not proselytizing, other vampires still get this defensive reaction and respond with "okay St. Carlisle we get it, you're pure and holy and we're soulless demons."
But yeah, pre-BD I wouldn't have guessed he has as many friends as he does; I had kind of gotten the impression that only the Denali coven and Aro liked him and everyone else found him kind of annoying, the Ned Flanders of vampires. BD paints a different picture of vampires who like him, would risk dying for him, but I imagine there's still an element of teasing there, especially with the likes of Siobhan and Garrett. Maybe less the off-putting religious zealot who tries to convert you and more like the weird hippie vegan friend who lives on a commune. Nice guy, means well, but super weird.
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v3nusxsky Ā· 1 year
Hello :) love your stories and you whole blog, I spend so much time on here šŸ¤­
I have a request for a story about Dom Larissa and sub reader, where reader wants to try new things in the bedroom ( maybe some buttplay or something like that) and is very insecure about it, but Larissa is all comforting and is all in to try new things, in the end they do all the smutty things but comfort each other and the aftercare ist fully as hell :)
If you are not up for that, itā€™s totally fine :) thank you for all you Stories anyways and have a nice day šŸ„°
Letā€™s try something new 18+
*Authors note~ we seem to love the smut around here guys and I'm sorry darling I took some creative liberties here, changing the new act they try. I hope that's okay.
Trigger warnings~ dom l sub r, somnophillia shifted dick, fluffy after care slight fingering, dirty talk pure filth ;) daddy kink breeding kink
Prompt~see ask^^^
You and Larissa had always been fairly open about your needs and desires in the bedroom. And surprisingly to most, the principal was incredibly kinky. Not that you minded, you remember how shy she was about telling you some of her kinks, but you shared some of your and the conversation just flew. Soon enough you'd created a list of things you could try with one an other. As of now neither of you had got any braver to do any more than what was considered typical lesbian sex.
You couldn't help the dreams you had of your girlfriend, purely steamy and so fucking hot that you'd given up wearing underwear to bed. What's the point of wearing them when you knew you'd soak them as soon as you entered your dreamlike state. Larissa knew this of course, she'd questioned you one night on the lack of sleepwear. You blushed through your explanation, unknowingly inspiring the perfect plan to try one of her desires.
This one particular night, you were having one of the best dreams your mind could concoct, your thighs drenched to indicate just how much you enjoyed it. Larissa was unable to sleep when the scent of your slick caught her attention. The perfect opportunity. Larissa slid down the bed, underneath the covers silently thanking all the gods above, that you liked to sleep on your back. Gently, Larissa managed to cox you into spreading your gorgeous thighs and exposing your soaked pussy to her.
With a quick peak to see you still sleeping soundly, completely unaware of what she was about to do, the blonde brought her fingers to tease your folds. She had to bite back a moan at just how slick you were, clearly you were enjoying your dream very much and she couldn't help but wonder if it was the one where she had a shifted cock again. Carefully, she brought her lips to kiss at your thighs before finally bringing her tongue to your slit. As if you knew, you let out a whimper which caused the older woman to moan against your cunt before bringing her lips to your bundle of nerves to suck.
"Mmmm" sleepy moans tumbling from your lips as she lapped at your cunt, sleep slowly leaving your body from what you thought was a very realistic dream. "Isa?" You whimpered only to be cut off by a moan as she slipped her tongue into your fluttering walls. "Oh fuck daddy" you mewled bringing your hands down to her hair. "Oh god" you whined as you felt her mouth move, being replaced by two long slender fingers. "Oh fuck me daddy" you whimpered.
"Oh love, you're so wet. Dirty girl, getting soaked by daddy using you while you sleep hmm" she taunted you while her fingers worked in and out of your core, curling to hit that special spot inside you. "Daddy please!" You whined getting closer to the edge of your climax. "Such a dirty girl for me baby, go on cum all over my fingers like a good little whore" she demanded, eyes drawn to your cunt greedily dragging her fingers deeper inside it as you came. "Good girl baby, you're such a good girl for daddy aren't you?" She purred as you whimpered and nodded in response, coming down from your high.
Larissa emerged from below the blankets with your cum dripping from her chin and the biggest shit eating grin known to man. Knowing you'd enjoyed one of her kinks as much as she did was truly magical. "Are you okay darling" she murmured kissing you gently, letting you taste yourself on her tongue."mm good Isa, love it" you murmured the sleep still thick in your voice. "You can go back to sleep now darling, daddy just couldn't help herself, you're so irresistible."Ā  Sleep was the last thing on your mind right now, knowing your girlfriend would have so much more in her, you pulled her body down to yours and kissed her hard enough to make her toes curl.
Somehow during your kiss, you missed your girlfriend shifting her pussy into a cock. Only when you felt the odd sensation of a bulge poking your thigh did you realise. "Oh daddy fuck. Really? Can we oh fuck" you moaned happily, this happened to be one of the things you wanted to try. You often wondered how she'd look, what size she'd be, would she shift with balls too? The possibilities were endless and you couldn't help but crave the answers.
"Gonna be good baby? Gonna take it all for me? Let me stuff it in that tight cunt ?" She murmured against your neck while she peppered it with kisses and bites. "So good please. Wanted it for so long" you whined trying to reach between your body's to grasp a hold of it. "Greedy slut for daddy. You can't even wait for it" she tutted at you before reaching down to line up with your slit. "Please daddy please please please" you whined, looking up at her with your biggest puppy dog eyes. "Didn't even need to tell you to beg, such a good little slut deserves a good dicking down by daddy" she purred before gently slipping int your tight cunt. Your walls stretching to fit her in.
"Oh fuck baby! You're so warm wet and tight. Practically suffocating my cock. Such a whore for it" she moaned while your adjusted to her size. A few stray tears falling at the sting. "Oh baby I promise it will feel really good soon darling, you're doing so sp well for daddy. Daddy's best girl" she praised while wiping the falling tears.
Only when you bucked up against the older woman, feeling her balls deep into your aching pussy did she start to move. "Oh fuck me! I can barely move your that tight darling. Oh god I won't last long if you keep squeezing me like that" she moaned as she found her rhythm. "Daddy feels so good" you whimpered. "Oh baby daddy's gonna fill you up with her cum, gonna make you take it all. Make you my breeding bitch! God you'd look so perfect all round with my baby" she taunted you loving how you couldn't even form words anymore, just a puddle of whimpers and sounds. "Gonna cum baby. Cum with daddy. Don't you dare waste it" she moaned bringing one hand down to circle your clit.
You came first, squeezing her dick for all its worth, Larissa a few seconds after, shooting thick warm spurts of cum into your fluttering core. "That's it take it baby! Take it" she moaned as her thrusts began to slow in order to work you both down. "Daddy don't take it out" you whined in protest feeling it slip out slightly. "Dirty girl, daddy's gotta take it out baby, it's late you need sleep" she murmured before gently removing herself from your cunt.
On shaky legs the older woman made her way to grab some water, a chocolate bar and a washcloth before returning to the bedroom. "Gonna clean up darling" she whispered giving you a sweet kiss before setting out at the task at hand. When she'd finished she immediately came to hold you. "You did so so well darling, I'm so proud" she murmured offering you the water and chocolate to which you took. A few sips and nibbles were had before you felt tears trailing down your cheeks. "Isa?" You whimpered confused. "Oh darling it's okay! Come here baby, you're okay and you're safe. You did amazingly baby. So so good. You just let it all out. I'm here" she reassured as you worked through the emotions of coming back from ecstasy. "Didn't want fuzzy go way" you whimpered cuddling into the older woman. "I know darling, daddy will give it to you again soon okay?" She murmured kissing your forehead. "Love it so much" you whimpered yawning into her neck. "Well then darling, we will have to do it all again soon hmm?" To which you nodded and drifted off to sleep nuzzling into her neck as she held you, before joining you in your slumber.
Word count 1534
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savagewildnerness Ā· 2 months
Quick, daft improvise to this wee scene todayā€¦ so I did. I donā€™t like it so Iā€™m not gonna listen, Iā€™m just gonna post!!!!
I am SO excited to watch Nicolas in full! I canā€™t articulate it completely. But Iā€™ll say itā€™s exciting to me both for what I know in my bones of Nicolas AND for what I donā€™t know!
I started playing violin aged 8: just free lessons in school (I never had a proper, paid for, private violin lesson in my life. Not even one.) then piano aged 12 - so OLD to begin (& incidentally around when I read The Vampire Lestat.)
I danced from before I was 3 years old & through that, always loved music. But I also always knew I was *too old* when I started playing instruments (coupled with my free lessons & nobody in my family being musicalā€¦ & my own extreme quietness & lack of self confidenceā€¦ & knowing other children, both objectively better than me & more popular as humans than me & who perceived themselves therefore as incredibly superior to me) to ever be a musician.
I canā€™t even explain in words how I, even aged 12 related to Nickiā€™s sense of what can & will never be. It made me feel impossibly ancient. I can tell you that I refused to learn how to ride a bike, even though my Dad was an excellent cyclist aged FIVE as I knew a friend who could already ride a bike at 5, thus was convinced I was *too old* to add to the essence of my self. But I imagine, if you are not me it may seem slightly silly?
Aged 12, I likely didnā€™t understand the full depth of Nicolasā€™ cynicism. And, as, even now, an idealist who related to Nicki so deeply in some ways, I do feel thereā€™s a part of me unable to fully comprehend Nicolas beyond how my 12-year-old-self resonated with him. I canā€™t fully imagine the depth of Nicolasā€™s existential despair & cynicism as I personally relate to his self so deeply in some ways, yet the idealism in my nature dampens my personal existential despair. But I do despair nowā€¦
Anyway; that makes me even more excited to experience Nicki on TV, brought into reality! Because I do not know or understand him fullyā€¦ yet! But I see Joseph Potterā€™s acting & I feel the feeling in it & so I know that Nicolas, and how meaningful he is to me shall be deepened. What joy. šŸ„°šŸŽ¼šŸŽ»
To extend the why of why I relate to Nicolas - My piano teacher went into semi-retirement when I was 13 & cut back on most pupils. I was obviously still a beginner, having only just started playing at 12... so she was going to cut me & told my Mum so. Then I had that weekā€™s piano lesson with her & something about the musicality or emotion in how I played my simple stuff that week meant she told my Mum she simply couldnā€™t stop teaching me. So I kept having lessons with her till I left school at 18.
I do not consider myself a musician at all. Iā€™m not good enough. But some people felt *some thing* from how I played even as a teen: another way I related to Nicolas! And I knew my failings & all Iā€™d never be, like Nicki knows. And I know how that feels.
Lestat talks of beauty & emotion in Nicolasā€™ playing. But when you personally know your playing is technically lacking, a compliment is lovely, of course. But Nicolas & I both know the truth: that we are lesser and not-enough and failures.
For me though, never fear - that I know my limitations is a huge part of why I share music here! I want everyone to feel they can create. Not necessarily music, but whatever they feel - to transform it in whatever way to some thing.
And the errors & imperfections donā€™t matter. The act of creating is being alive šŸ„°.
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Request:Ā  fuegoleon nsfw fic with wife s/o who's really hot? Fuego has been really busy with work lately and s/o feels neglected and sadly tells him one day that she's the only one who wants him but he doesn't want her? And it kinda hits a switch in fue, because he just can't fathom his wife thinking that HE doesn't want her, and he goes feral? Overstim, breeding kink, Dom!Fuego Lots of adorable aftercare too of you're okay with itšŸ„°
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A/N: Hiya! I got immersed into this while writing it, and itā€™s not 100% on with her telling him that sheā€™s the only one wanting him, but the theme is there. This is also the hardest smut Iā€™ve written to this day, I think, because while my Fuelara smut has been longer and more romantic, this is harder. Anyways, I do hope that you like it. And now I need a cold shower šŸ„µ
Pairing: Fuegoleon x f!reader (written in 1st person POV)
Fanfic type: Oneshot
Genre: Smut, hurt-comfort
Length: ~3.0k
Warnings: smut, cunnilingus (reader receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, no mention of birthcontrol, overstimulation (reader receiving), breeding kink, one mention of face fucking but no actual act, implied cervix fucking, crude language (ā€fuck meā€), reader and Fue and married (established relationship), Fue saysĀ ā€œI love youā€ mid act, Dom!Fue, aftercareĀ minors DNI
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Itā€™s quiet. Well, if you donā€™t count the crickets. A part of me is surprised that there are already crickets at this time of the year, even if the summer is warm, which is why I have the window open in the first place. And another part of me is still glad that I can still hear them.
Another, much smaller, part. The part is muffled under the sigh that leaves my lips in an effort to relieve the restlessness in my body. But even if I wandered off from the open window, Iā€™d find my way back to it soon enough Iā€™m sure. Because the cool night air feels as if a caress against my skin.
A caressā€¦ that I crave for. The caress that Iā€™ve longed forā€¦ for too many nights.
They say that the time your relationship is passionate is short, a few months, a year if youā€™re lucky, and then it starts to die down. I suppose I should say that I am luckier than most people then, granted that it took so long for us to get to this place. We had a good runā€¦ But that makes is sound like we would be heading for a divorce, which is far from the truth.
Itā€™s notā€¦ badā€¦ our relationship. Itā€™s just more like a partnership. A business deal. And I could certainly do a lot worse, which argues against divorce.
Plusā€¦ I still love him.
And I hopeā€¦ I hope that he still loves me. He says that he does, but the lack of touch, more than the generic hand on the shoulder in passing, speaks a different tale.
I hope that he loves meā€¦ and I hope that he still wants me.
Thereā€™s a thought that occurs to me, a very distasteful thought that makes me nauseous for a passing second.
But I know that heā€™s not the kind of a man to cheat on his wife. Heā€™s not the type of a person to go behind oneā€™s back and seek comfort in the arms of another.
I still love, and trust, my husband.
Heā€™s simply a busy man, thatā€™s all. And he is busy. There is a lot on his shoulders. I want to trust that, thatā€™s all there is to it. I want to believe that heā€™s just tiredā€¦ But there is not even a gaze to my direction anymore. Before, his busy schedule didnā€™t stop us. Though a long, sweaty night, or just a few hours of passionate, romantic love making was preferrable, a quicky was never out of the question.
And I swear, all the times I went down on him in his office, behind his desk, despite him feeling conflicted about doing such a thing in his office, he loved it. The way he smile, and the glimmer in his eyes told me that he drank it up like a starving man.
Besides, he never seemed all that ā€¦ un-eager to do so. If anything, he seemed more concerned about my integrity than anything else. But we were married, and me going down on my husband was far from a scandalous thing. Though the rumours, and the noble circles might blow it out of proportions for some time, who cares? They can blow it out, and I can simply blow my husband.
Come to think of itā€¦. How long has it been since the last time I went down on him?
How long ago was it that I lastā€¦ satisfied myself?
It doesnā€™t feel right doing so in our bed, when heā€™s in deep slumber right there. And he could walk in on me in the shower, though I suppose thatā€™s just wishful thinking.
I no longer know. All I do know is that itā€™s been longā€¦ far too longā€¦ And I have to wonder if he really does want me anymoreā€¦ Becauseā€¦ though Iā€™m only a few years younger than he is, maybe my body has changed away from his liking. Maybe Iā€™m notā€¦ firm enough, perky enough, thin enoughā€¦ Though I donā€™t think I have changed all that much since we met.
Iā€¦ thinkā€¦?
I donā€™t think I have changed that much. But maybe thatā€™s just him losing his rose coloured glasses.
I sight to myself again as the loneliness I feel wraps around me as if a blanket, but that blanket just makes the warmth between my legs intensify and a knot form into my lower stomach which is trying to grasp onto something that isnā€™t there.
The door opens and closes behind me, and I hear another heavy sigh.
ā€œMy love? You didnā€™t need to stay up and wait for me,ā€ his tone is warm and caring, but it is also tired.
I canā€™t blame him for it. I canā€™t blame him for being tired.
ā€œI knowā€¦.ā€ I tell him as I walk away from the window and closer to him with my arms wrapped around myself, pressing the silken fabric of my nightgown against my skin even tighter. ā€œAnd I know that youā€™re tired, butā€¦ thereā€™sā€¦ something I want to talk to you about,ā€ I admit, because this has gone for long enough. And there seems to be no end in sight to his schedule, so this night is as good as any.
ā€œWhat is it?ā€ He asks, and the question is fair. Itā€™s frank, on point, and it is fair.
ā€œIā€™veā€¦ beenā€¦ Iā€™ve been wondering ifā€¦ā€ I glance at the ceiling, because though this is hard, itā€™s a lot harder than I think. Because I donā€™t want to admit that I feel neglected. I donā€™t want to admit that I feel a yearning for him, even if I do. Though some time back I wouldnā€™t have as much as blinked about telling him that I want him.
Because I did. I doā€¦ I do want him.
ā€œYes?ā€ His eyes are full of worry. There is a small frown on his face as he stands there, so close to me.
I can feel his warmth radiating through the air, and I can smell the faint scent of his lavender hair oil.
By gods how I miss that scentā€¦ I miss busying my nose into those auburn locks as his hands run over my body and Iā€¦ miss him moving over mine, under mineā€¦ in mineā€¦
I missā€¦ him. All of himā€¦
ā€œTell me, whatā€™s wrong,ā€ he implores again, this time with a tone that is both concerned and unwavering. He wants to know. He wants to know, because he cares. I know as much.
But it doesnā€™t make it any easier. However, regardless of whether itā€™s easy or not, I need to tell him. This is something that just needs to be discussed.
ā€œIā€¦ā€ I utter while looking to the side. ā€œI know that youā€™ve been busy lately, but Iā€™veā€¦ā€ I trail off again, because though thatā€™s true, itā€™s only loosely connected to what I want to say.
So, I take a deep breath, and swallow, before whispering: ā€œDo youā€¦ stillā€¦ want meā€¦?ā€
He takes a moment. But the moment, which must be no longer than a few seconds, feels much, much longer. It feels like an hour, a day, one fifth of an eternity.
ā€œDo I stillā€¦ want you?ā€
There is amusement in his tone. It is disbelieving amusement. It sounds like the question is absurd to him. Much more than to me.
ā€œMy loveā€¦ Every night that youā€™re not next to me, I ache for you. Every day I long for you. Andā€¦ I know that Iā€™ve been tied to my job far too much as of late, itā€™s every day that I find myself craving for you.ā€
He takes a step closer to me. The warmth radiating through the air grows stronger, and I can hear his breathing growing lower, heavierā€¦ louder.
His hands take a hold of meā€¦
ā€œI craveā€¦ for youā€¦ā€ he whispers like sin, like the words that drip from his lips would be sweet like honey, decadent and filled with lust that he is feeling, just as me.
I turn to look at him, and I press closer to him, but thatā€™s the last thing I realize before finding myself on our bed.
His frame, which is much broader than mine, is over me. His eyes, in the dim light of the bedroom, seem dark, like velvet, but the spark cast by the light of his flames, makes him seem hungry. It tastes like passion, feels like lust, and sounds decadent, like sin itself.
But I donā€™t mind the sin, not if itā€™s him.
I donā€™t mind the way he rips off my nightgown with an apology.
ā€œIā€™ll buy you a new oneā€¦ā€ he half whispers, half growls.
But I donā€™t mind.
I most certainly donā€™t mind.
I donā€™t mind as he pressed his head between my legs, and licksssssā€¦
But itā€™s just a tiny, little kitten lick with the tip of his tongue.
I can still feel his breath gliding over me, over my clit, over my folds and his right there! But all he does is make the little lick that doesnā€™t satiate my hunger.
ā€œPleaseā€¦ā€ I utter, but thatā€™s when I realize that heā€™s just admiring me, becauseā€¦
ā€œYou look gorgeous from every angle,ā€ he tells me before pressing his mouth against my lower set of lips.
And he is hungry.
His tongue dances around, dips inside of and swirls around as my walls try to hold onto him. I try and I try as I clench the sheets in my fists. Itā€™s been so long, and it feels so goodā€¦ The way his tongue moves in and out and around in meā€¦
And I want him in!
ā€œPlease!ā€ I cry out to him and all he does is press his face harder against my folds as his fingers press harder against the tender flesh of my ass.
He hums, sending vibrations through me, and thatā€™s when my toes curl and I see stars.
But thatā€™s not enough for him.
I can feel his tongue licking around everything that flowed out of me with my orgasm, as heā€™s casing another high of mine.
His nose is pressed against my clit, and occasionally he flicks it with his tongue. And every time he does, I canā€™t help but mewl at him. Be-cause! Becauseā€¦ I need him, I want him, inside of me!
And his tongue isnā€™t enough. It is just not enough!
ā€œHoney! I want-,ā€ I manage through my pants, and Iā€™m sure he can hear the desperation as my legs tremble. As they shake under him.
He lifts his head, and my hips jerk up, as if theyā€™d crave for the touch as much as I do, and my legs open wider for him. Which makes his eyes glance down to my trembling, wet core, and then to my eyes as a smirk, a proud, grinning smirk frames those purple eyes that look like lust and velvet.
ā€œI canā€™tā€¦ take this teasing anymore,ā€ I tell him as my body is already on edge from the stimulation.
ā€œWellā€¦ā€ he utters, looking pleased, and a bit smug, I have to admit. But then again he has every right to look as smug as he does, because he just make me cum for the 4th time tonight. ā€œIf you so wish,ā€ he continues as he climbs on top of me and takes off his pants.
His cock is hard. Itā€™s pointing upwards and the tip is oozing with precum.
It is twitching.
And it takes everything in my not to crawl down, shift down under him, against the sheets, and engulf that cock into my mouth.
He has never, properly, fucked my face, and he probably wouldnā€™t because he prefers me to be able to breathe. But if I did, thatā€™d probably be the closest weā€™d get to it.
It might be, but I donā€™t have time to think about it more, as his cock is already sliding over my wet slit effortlessly, teasing my sensitive bundle.
I moan, and I gasp, but not in the way I would if he had inserted it.
Heā€™s teasing me more, and as much as I love it, I hate it. Because this isnā€™t-, itā€™s not what I-
I donā€™t use crude vocabulary in bed. I donā€™t curse. And Iā€™m bad at dirty talk, butā€¦
ā€œFuck me,ā€ I tell him.
His eyes open wider. He seems surprised by my words. But the surprise is quickly overtaken by more amusement.
ā€œBreed me!ā€ I tell him.
And he chuckles. He chuckles, but there is devilish intent in those eyes that stare down at me.
ā€œYou wish my seed to paint your insides that badly?ā€ He asks with a smirk, and he has every right to smirk.
And then he pushes in. With one. Swift. Motion.
My back arches, and I see stars again as I cum.
And through the white noise, through the sound of blood rushing in my ears, I hear him chuckle with a pleased sound. He is pleased. Because the way he has stimulated my body to this point, made it possible for me to cum with just him inserting himself inside of me.
ā€œIā€™m going to cum inside of you,ā€ he tells me, and I love that he tells me, that he whispers it against my ear with that low, sultry voice of his. ā€œAnd then Iā€™m going toā€¦ā€ he pauses, to choose the words, but instead of what I might expect, he chooses the words, the crude words that I chose a moment before. ā€œI am going toā€¦ fuck you, with my sperm still inside of you.ā€
And by the gods, this man, this man who is my husband, who has talked so eagerly about starting a family with me, is driving me to oblivion in the best possible way.
He pushes in, and out, and in and out and Iā€¦ loose track of how many times I cum. But when he pushes down once, and hard, and warmth spreads within me, the corners of my lips tug up because I know that he came.
He came and heā€™s still in me, plugging me up so that all of his seed stays inside of me.
ā€œAnd now, my loveā€¦ā€ he murmurs against my ear as his hand settles onto my cheek.
He lowers down, and pressed a kiss onto my lips. One, hard, passionate kissā€¦
And then his hand trails down to my neckā€¦ his big, broad hand that could wrap around my neck effortlesslyā€¦ It trails down, and down, and down, until he scoops my legs and he presses me into a breeding press.
ā€œIā€™m going to rid any loneliness from you,ā€ he promises as his hips pump up. And. Down.
His hips slap against mine, as he pins me down. And his cock reaches all the way to my cervix. Itā€™s like he wants to give it a French kiss.
And he can. He can. He can, he can, he canā€¦
My walls clench around him, and I can feel my fluids mixing together with his between our legs. The damp, sticky feel that I donā€™t mind.
I donā€™t mind.
I donā€™t think to mind.
Because Iā€™m focused on every groove, every vein of his cock as he slams in, and out, and back in me again. The way my body clenches around him, trying to keep a hold of him. Desperately tries to embrace him as he slides out, and then back to me again.
Drool drips from the side of my face as my eyes roll back, and all I can think is the building ecstasy in me.
His breathing rings next to my ear, and itā€™s growing unsteady. And stillā€¦
ā€œI love youā€¦ā€ he murmurs, nearly growls as he slams his hips against mine for oneā€¦ last, time, pressing himself against my cervix.
My toes curl, and my fingers press against the skin of his back so hard as I scream out his name while coming undone under him.
I can feel my body twitching from the pure bliss. Trying to clasp onto him again. But Iā€™m also growing relaxed as Iā€™m coming around from the orgasm.
He pulls out and lays down next to me as his fingers trail over my skin with a feather light touch. His eyes are on me, looking around, trying to spot any signs of discomfort while simultaneously admiring me.
I turn to my side while catching my breath, and snuggle close to him, against his chest.
ā€œAre you alright, my love?ā€ He asks as his fingers draw circles onto my back; his words cascading onto me like a dawn, like silk and every good thing in the world.
ā€œYes,ā€ I tell him, while still trying to gasp for air, but there is a smile on my face.
He leans down to place a kiss onto my head before laying down properly next to me, head on the pillow. His eyes are still looking over me, but now the gaze is filled with almost only admiration, no searching for signs of discomfort. Because there arenā€™t any.
Only those of fulfilment.
He still loves me, and wants me. Just as I still love and want him.
And even when I close my eyes, I can still feel him lying there, his hand carefully tracing over my skin. Heā€™s so close, so very close that I can almost feel his heart beating for me through the air.
But the thing is, I know that itā€™s there without feeling it. I had simply forgotten it. I had forgotten how he, how this stern, loyal, loving and caring man is when he is in love.
Now I remember, and I never intend to forget again.
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nahoney22 Ā· 2 years
Eeeeeee Honeyyyy!!!ā¤ļø
Please donā€™t stress yourself out with these okay? Your needs come first alwaysā¤ļø
How about something fluffy with Crosshair? I know you wrote about a lot of firsts with Tech, but what would giving Crosshair his very first kiss be like?šŸ„° I am so curious what you think! Female reader if possible pleaseā¤ļø
Sending so much love and positive energyā¤ļø
His Secret
Crosshair X F!Reader
word count: 3.2k
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When Crosshair accidentally confesses heā€™s never kissed anyone before, youā€™re stunned and canā€™t help but wonder what it is heā€™s waiting for.
warnings: none other than that is a sexual innuendo. fluff. Crosshair being a grumpy grump sometimes. First kiss trope, idiots in love . šŸ˜Š
Masterlist šŸ¤
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ā€œWait, what?ā€
When you learnt that Crosshair had never kissed anyone it was a huge shock. Not only to you but to Hunter, Tech, Echo and Wrecker as well.
Youā€™re all at 79ā€™s and you werenā€™t too sure how the conversation came up in the first place. Crosshair had said something along the lines of ā€˜I know who my first kiss will beā€™ and it stilled you all completely. Wrecker spat the rest of his drink across the table, Hunter and Echoā€™s eyes went wide in surprise whilst Tech seemed uninterested but still queried a brow.
Crosshair turns to you, eyes a little red and he had a coy smile on his face. ā€œWhat?ā€
ā€œYouā€™ve not kissed anyone?ā€ You ask in shock and watch as his smile fades.
ā€œIs that a problem?ā€ He hissed, taking another swig of his stiff drink.
You grew hot under his powerful gaze and looked away. ā€œNo, just interesting.ā€
Crosshair grumbles something under his breath before he swipes up his belongings and stands. ā€œIā€™m goinā€™ back to the ship.ā€
And just like that, he had disappeared.
You had hoped you didnā€™t upset him by asking about his first - or lack of first kiss - but it just seemed so unusual. Out of all the boys you had truthfully (and painfully) thought he would have been the most active so to speak.
When you all piled back into the ship, you glanced around for Crosshair but he was nowhere to be seen. A small sigh escapes your lips and you tense as you feel a hand on your shoulder and turn to see Hunter. ā€œHe wouldā€™ve gone for a walk.ā€
You relax upon seeing your Sergeant but then frown a little. How would he know you were looking for Crosshair in the first place? Then, a sickening thought came to your mind as you worried if Hunter had sensed how you felt around Crosshair. You knew his senses involved being able to detect electromagnetic frequencies but is it the same for humans? Or any species? ā€œWho?ā€ You asked dumbly.
ā€œCrosshair, of course.ā€ He almost smirks, folding his arms over his chest as he watches you shift and kick at the floor with your feet.
ā€œI donā€™t care where he is.ā€ You try to say it casually but judging by the lack of eye contact, he didnā€™t need his senses to read you like a book.
ā€œSure.ā€ He says, tone sarcastic. He steps back as Wrecker comes stumbling by, having a little more to drink than the others as the pair of you watch him sway until he tumbles into his bunk. ā€œYou should take a note out of his book and get some sleep too. Crosshair will come back soon.ā€
You hoped it wasnā€™t noticeable your slight attraction to the Marksman but clearly Hunter knew. Tech despite being the smartest could be the most oblivious. Echo wouldnā€™t say anything about it anyway for your sanity and Wrecker wouldnā€™t have taken any notice anyway. As for Crosshair however, you knew how observant he was.
There had been many a time you would sit near him and he could scope out anything suspicious a million klicks away it seemed. He observed, stayed quiet and listened intently to others without anyone even realising. He seemed uninterested half the time but when something comes up later in conversation, he makes it known he paid attention. Maybe thatā€™s why you liked him. Quite significantly.
So when you learned that he had not kissed anyone before, it piqued your curiosity. Sure enough he was reserved but he was incredibly handsome and too mysterious looking to have not had any suitors. In a sense, it kind of gave you some hope; wishful hope.
He had been going on walks quite recently on this planet and you couldnā€™t blame him. There was a beautiful trail that led down to a calming stream which you believed he found serenity in whenever he was tense. You hoped he was okay, he wasnā€™t one to ever express his feelings unless deeply intoxicated and even then it was always vague and you never knew how he truly felt about things. Maybe one day you can join him on one of his walks.
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Being roused from your deep sleep was not a welcoming comfort. Wind howled through the ship and chills ran under your thin bed sheet making you shudder and open your eyes.
You hear a hiss and sure enough you heard the retreating footsteps of someone walking down the steps of the ship. Sitting up, you check all bunks and sure enough it was Crosshair who had swiftly departed.
It had been days since his confession and days since you last spoke so in a rush, you pull on something more appropriate than your nightshirt and shorts and make a quick dash after him.
You pause at the door to the Havoc, contemplating if you should go after him and you silently curse how long his legs were because he was further than you had imagined. Yet, he was still in sight.
ā€œScrew it.ā€ You grunt as you bound down the ramp and do a light jog after him. You think about maybe sneaking up but as he came to the tree line he stopped and so did you, rather abruptly.
He glances over his shoulder, watching you practically skid to a halt. Your breath hitches as he gaze penetrates you, tingles roaming down your spine as they usually do. Awkwardly, you give a timid wave at him. ā€œMind if I join you?ā€
Given the fact he rolled his eyes and carried on walking, you saw it as a ā€˜suit yourselfā€™ kind of response.
When you finally caught up to him, you followed behind him down a narrow path and took in the area around you. The moon was bright tonight, as it has been every other night since you arrived. The wind was a little strong, creating an almost musical sound as it bristled through the foliage.
Youā€™re so caught up in everything around that you didnā€™t see a mean looking bush with sharp bristles ahead of you, clumsily bumping into it.
With a sharp hiss you stop and this caught the attention of Crosshair who turns to you and sees your predicament.
ā€œYou alright?ā€ He asks carefully, stepping towards you and even crouching as you try to free your leg from the entanglement of teeth like thorns.
Truthfully, it was hurting but you quickly nod your head but in your flushed and embarrassed try of getting your leg free, you prick your finger.
With a wince, you bring your finger to your face and inspect the small droplet of blood. ā€œKriff, that hurt.ā€
Crosshair is silent in your fight against the bush but alas pulls out a blade and quickly slices the foliage away from your leg and sets you free. He takes a hold of your leg, quite firmly yet also with a hint of tenderness and brings your leg over until itā€™s clear.
He stands and looks down at you, brooding but you were unsure if it was his natural face or if the shadows of the night gave him that cold look.
ā€œWatch where youā€™re stepping.ā€ He rumbles, about to turn around and carry on walking until he halts says, ā€œSuck on it.ā€
ā€œW-what?ā€ Your eyes widen, clearly not paying attention to the fact he was gesturing to-
ā€œYour finger.ā€
You're mortified that you would think he could have meant anything else and you bashfully look away but little did you know that his neck up to his ears began to burn.
When you began walking again, you ended up walking beside him. Youā€™re panting, hating how big his strides were but youā€™re a little surprised to see him slow down, even if itā€™s only slight.
ā€œItā€™s nice to get away from the others. You finally break the tense atmosphere between the two of you but Crosshair didnā€™t reply like you had hoped. His head was straight forward at the path ahead and as you look at him, you can tell his thoughts were elsewhere.
ā€œCrosshair?ā€ You nudge him only softly with your arm when he replies in an instant.
ā€œItā€™s nice to walkā€¦ not talk.ā€
Well, that did wonders to your confidence. Youā€™re used to Crosshair being occasionally short with people, although not as much as with you. Perhaps this was a bad idea. Perhaps he wanted to be on his own after all and youā€™re just burdening him by being clumsy and annoying. ā€œIā€™ll uh, I will just go back to the ship.ā€
Youā€™re turning around to walk back to where you came from when a hand clasps around your upper arm to stop you from moving a single inch. Looking at the hand and then up the arm, Crosshair's gaze is strong as ever. Drawing you in, intoxicating you.
ā€œBut you just said-.ā€
ā€œI know. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like walking beside you or listening to you.ā€
Oh. Oh.
You smile at his words and turn your body full back to him and for a moment you swore you saw him smile. A beautiful rarity. Or, it was the leaves of the canopyā€™s above you tricking you with the wind to cast shadows of things that may not be there. Youā€™d like to think it was there; just for you.
When the stream came in view after ten more minutes of walking, you were blown away. No wonder he came here at night. The moonlight rippled against the calm and shallow waters. It was in an opening, wide and had a few trees dotted around.
But, there were no sounds. No critters chirping, no winds howling and no water trickling. It was pure silence.
ā€œCrosshairā€¦ this placeā€¦.ā€
ā€œI know.ā€
He couldnā€™t find the words to describe this place either when he first scouted it out. But, it made him calm. All the troubles of war and whatā€™s to come seemed to have vanished and he kind of felt warm that he now had someone to share it with. If youā€™d walk with him again that is.
He sits down along the grassy embankment, blessed that the skies have been sunny rather than drizzling with rain like on Kamino so he didnā€™t get wet. You stood back for a moment, unsure whether or not to sit by his side but then he looked at you, raising a brow. ā€œYou gonna sit or gawp at me?ā€
ā€œYou gonna sit or gawp at me?ā€ You mimic in a comedic tone, smirking at him before you take a spot to his right and bring your knees up to his chest. ā€œIt is lovely here.ā€
His legs were laid out flat, leaning back a little on his arms to keep himself raised as he gazed out to the stream in front of you both. ā€œSure.ā€ He confirms with a nod.
You find yourself laying back on the grass, gazing up at the stars and every now and again you will glance over to Crosshair who stayed where he was and every now and again, frowned. But then, he would smile as if reliving an old memory. It was somewhat surreal to see him at one with nature. No snippy remarks, not even chewing on a toothpick.
Feeling like you wouldnā€™t have the opportunity again, you had to ask, ā€œCrosshair, can I ask you something?ā€
ā€œYou just did.ā€ He quipped smoothly, not taking a moment to look at you.
Laughing, you nudge his side with your knee. ā€œOkay a different one then?ā€
ā€œYou just did.ā€ He repeats and when he hears you let out an aggravated sigh, he smirks to himself. ā€œGo on then.ā€
Your hand rests on the ground, fingers grazing through the blades of grass until you pick at it almost anxiously. ā€œWhy havenā€™t you had your first kiss?ā€
You regretted asking literally a second after. His shoulders tensed and he was white knuckling the ground but then, he sighs.
You want to tell him that he didnā€™t have to answer you because after all, it was none of your business. In fact, you wouldnā€™t blame him if he were to get up and walk away but he didnā€™t. Instead, he glances down at you. ā€œNot had the chance.ā€
Surprise was evident on your face, your mouth making a small ā€˜oā€™ shape. You wouldnā€™t tell him but there was a small pang in your chest as if each of your heart strings were slowly snapping one by one. ā€œBut, you said you knew who you were gonna kiss so I imagine itā€™s someone youā€™ve met.ā€
Crosshair watches you, eyes narrowing. ā€œI suppose I did meet her a while back.ā€
Boom. There it was. The realisation that Crosshair had met someone and longed for them. Maybe he still kept in touch with her?
In for a credit in for a million of them. ā€œWhatā€™s her name?ā€
He had looked away at this point, eyes trained on the stream ahead. Crosshair can feel your eyes burning into his back, a strange knotting feeling rapturing his stomach.
As he decides whether or not to tell you, you think of all the times you had to tell him how you felt. How you find him funny and gentle when he wants to be, how you found him as a protector and shield. You sincerely wanted to tell him how beautiful you thought he was whether to see him agree with you or tell you to shut up.
Then he said your name.
You look back up to meet his gaze, confused for a mere second. ā€œSorry, what?ā€
He sucks on his inner cheek, realising he had roused you from a set of deep thoughts. ā€œHer name.ā€
ā€œā€¦ But you said my name?ā€
His heart is hammering against his chest, hoping you would shut up and get the hint. The longer he stares at you, the quicker the credit has dropped.
Your face is burning and youā€™re sure if itā€™s because an intense blush was crawling up your neck or because his gaze is more penetrating than ever before. Your stomachs doing flips and you found your hands on the grass began to shake. ā€œY-your first kiss is going to beā€¦ me?ā€
ā€œProbably.ā€ He keeps his voice quiet and of course a little too casual. ā€œIā€™ve always thought about kissing you.ā€
You canā€™t believe what youā€™re hearing and find yourself idly pinching yourself to see if it was a dream. Nope, not a dream. ā€œIā€™m confused.ā€
He blinks, probably for the first time in a while. ā€œClearly.ā€
Youā€™re trying to think of a response but your thoughts are all tangled in a cobweb and nothing is coming out. As youā€™re thinking, youā€™re chewing on your lower lip and as he scans your face until his hues land on your lips, he suppressed a noise that he didnā€™t think was possible for him to make. Eventually, you say something.
ā€œWhy me? W-why have you never told me before?ā€ Your voice is quiet, scared to break Crosshair out of his surprising secrets and true feelings. You wish it were true and that he wasnā€™t just teasing you.
ā€œIā€¦ I think youā€™re a good match for me. Stubborn.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not stubborn.ā€ You mumbled.
ā€œSorry, obstinate is what I meant.ā€ He rolled his eyes and you grew a little warm in embarrassment and decided it best to just let him talk. ā€œI didnā€™t tell you because I canā€™t imagine hurting you.ā€
A confused expression crosses your features and ever so gently, you sit up slowly and wrap your arms around your knees. ā€œHow could you hurt me for wanting to kiss me?ā€
He looks away once you get too near, finding something to take his mind off the sensation that always ran over his body whenever you came too close. The urge to just wrap his arms around you had become unbearable for months and now that he was revealing his secret longing for you, he didnā€™t want to scare you away. Heā€™s half tempted to get up and walk away from the conversation but when he finally looked back to you, you looked at him with those eyes.
Eyes he had fallen for. Eyes he had wished to see whenever he woke. Eyes he had the pleasure of seeing laugh, cry, show surprise and mischief.
His lungs are heavy with shallow breaths. Heā€™s trying to hold himself together. ā€œBecause thereā€™s more I want to do to you. For you. With you. But I canā€™t.ā€
ā€œWhy canā€™t you?ā€
ā€œOur lives, this war.ā€
You let out a heavy, constrained breath you didnā€™t know you were holding. Fingers trembling. It was everything you want to hear yet he thought it was a bad idea. You sensed he felt pained to even admit it.
Shyly, you move your hand down until it hovers barely over his until your fingertips slowly traces over the back of his hand.
He had flinched at the touch but as he looked down to see what you were doing, he slowly relaxed and then looked back at you with curious eyes.
ā€œWhat if I told you that I wanted this? That I want to kiss you just as much.ā€
He bites down on his tongue for a moment, feeling his world collide but thought it was too good to be true. ā€œSweetheart, Iā€¦ā€ he doesnā€™t know what to say but he could notice the way your voice was almost hushed and you were sitting closer to him than before.
You could feel his warm breath against your skin, eyelids drooping as he looked to your inviting lips. It was just you two, nothing could disturb you both now in the dead of night and under the moonlight.
And he leans in, breathing but also not breathing. And his lips finally, after so long, touch yours. Theyā€™re careful against yours and youā€™re certain that you could not feel any limb on your body. His lips are soft, surprisingly. Smooth like the edge of his blade but knowing they could draw blood if given the chance.
Heā€™s the first to pull back, gauging your reaction. Crosshair is panicking a little as your eyes remain closed, dreading the awkward realisation that maybe his first kiss was dreadful. But, it wasnā€™t.
ā€œKiss me again.ā€ Your voice is a hoarse whisper and he obeys your shy command with every fibre in his being. He turns his body better to face you and kisses you as a hand comes up to the back of your head, enthralling his long fingers in your hair.
You donā€™t know how long you kissed for but you were now laying back down on the embankment, Crosshair half-way leaning over your body as his lips moved expertly against your own.
It was perfect. He never imagined his first kiss with you to be this sweet, so tender, but it was. He feared that he would get ahead of himself, overstepping his boundaries once his tongue wanted to find refuge in your mouth and his hands biting gently into your hips. However as you groaned against him and let your lips part, he dominated your mouth in a needy, desperate state of affairs.
ā€œMeshā€™la, Iā€¦ā€ he wanted to say it, those three words that had been harbouring inside him but he cursed himself as they couldnā€™t quite fall from his lips. Not just yet.
ā€œItā€™s okay Crosshair,ā€ you whispered against his lips, a smile forming so elegantly, ā€œme too.ā€
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tags (tagged some Crosshair whores too so hope u donā€™t mind) @thesunwof @moonstrider9904 @twistedstitcher27 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @jennamelinda12 @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho o @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @sadspring @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @salaminus @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @in-the-crosshairs @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @agenteliix @fiveshelmet @the-good-shittt @photogirl894 @buddee @s1st3r @cosmic-persephone e @imalovernotahater @rain-on-kamino
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