#you would not believe how difficult it was to get a full body shot of Joe
vivid-ink · 11 months
Kinktober #31 - A/B/O Omegaverse "I See You"
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fem!Sub!OmatikayaReader x dom!Alpha!Neteyam
Story Summary: Neteyam is your best friend & he seems intent on keeping you that way only... But he's the only alpha male that you truly desire... Will you succeed in convincing him to let you in, to let you show him what a perfect omega you could be to him, while he battles with his inner demons to resist you?
Note: No use of 'Y/N' in this - I've given the reader a name. So, your name in this is 'Leiko'.
Based off THIS REQUEST and incorporated with the Kinktober Omegaverse prompt.
Warnings: 🔞Sexual content 18+, MDNI 🔞 Word count: 10.4k Content: Smut, rough sex, squirting, slick, knotting
Author's Note: I know this prompt is early, it's not quite the 31st yet. However, I'm heading overseas and I won't have my laptop or the internet to post this after today. So, here is the full piece! Thank you to all those who showed their interest from the teaser snippet I posted! I believe I've tagged all of you who asked to be below (and a few others who might be interested 😋). Enjoy the ride! 🥰 Thank you to @cinetrix-deactivated20231007 for the render of Neteyam I've used in the cover shot.
Tag list: @marriedtolike18fictionalmen @taintedlovesworld @vintaqestar @ntymavtr @plooto @rav3nh3aven @crazy4books1 @investedreader @qcswrites @neteyamssyulang @neteyamsyawntu @glimmering-darling-dolly @erenjaegerwifee @oasiswithmyg @delacruzyari @daeneeryss @nilsavatar @pandoraslxna @blue-slxt @wheneclipsefalls @adrianarose7 @tallulah477 @itchaboi-itchyboy @neteluvr @live-laugh-neteyam @itssomeonereading @bluecooki3 @pandorxxx @notnat02 @spicymayyo @iman-lu @creepytoes88 @flyingspacewhale @justonesadlonelymoth @oasiswithmyg @luvteyams @teymars @akoyaxs @c-h-i-l @ele-sme
It was getting more and more difficult for Neteyam to smile politely in acknowledgement at the women who lingered around him. Their loitering presence was becoming a nuisance and his patience was wearing thin. He attracted them all currently, alpha, beta and omega alike. Their delicately twitching noses sniffed the air around him and his scent told them everything they needed to know.
An unmated alpha male in his prime, approaching the time of his rut, was a very juicy temptation for females indeed.
The women batted their eyelashes at him, lips dancing in demure smiles. Their tails skimmed his calves interestedly as they passed him and several bolder females even made direct offers of assistance, hoping he would accept. However, Neteyam turned them all down.
The females were only doing what was natural to them, what was instinctual. After all, his body was emitting pheromones that called to them like bees to nectar and his own instincts were urging him to respond in kind, his body also acutely aware of how good they smelled and how appealing their slender bodies were.
Smaller, softer bodies that would so willingly bend under his… arched backs and flushed faces… rumps pressed against the front of his thighs as he rutted into the sweet heat of them…
Neteyam vanished the thought.
No. He rebelled against his instincts, protested the impulse to give in to his animalistic desires like a creature with no sense or thought. He hated feeling out of control and that was exactly what he was during his ruts, wild and unrestrained. His ruts were an agonising dichotomy that made his body war with his mind. How could something that felt so unbelievably good also make him feel like a complete stranger to himself?
Neteyam quickened his pace, hastening on the path back to his family’s kelku (home). The sooner he got back, the sooner he could get his dose of suppressant tincture from Kiri.
A long-suffering sigh sounded from behind him and a firm hand clapped him on the shoulder, “Honestly bro, it’d be so much easier if you just agreed to see out your rut with a woman. There are plenty of females who’d be more than happy to assist.”
Shrugging his brother’s hand off, Neteyam continued his speedy trudge, “No. I won’t be a slave to my hormones and treat a woman like a piece of meat for three days.”
Lo’ak snorted and scoffed, “They enjoy it. What about that don’t you get? They get pleasure out of it too. I mean, I didn’t see Mali complaining after that one rut she saw you through a couple of years ago. She’s offered again since, hasn’t she?”
Neteyam chewed on his bottom lip and his forehead wrinkled in a deep frown. He remembered that rut. It’d been his second one. Ruts started in males around the age of eighteen and occurred approximately once every year. The first one usually came on suddenly and unexpectedly with little lead up. As a result, most males spent their first rut alone in one of the clan’s designated havens. Thankfully though, first ruts were also milder in general as the body slowly accustomed itself to the potent rush of rut hormones.
Despite the milder intensity of his first rut, Neteyam still remembered it being an unpleasant experience. Hot, bothered and painfully aroused with no partner to slake the burning of his flesh, he’d struggled through it to ease his elevated desires on his own. So when the symptoms signalling the impending arrival of his second rut had surfaced the following year, he’d gratefully accepted Mali’s offer of assistance.
Mali was a fellow hunter-warrior and they were familiar with each other, having worked alongside each other for years. She was an attractive beta female and he got along well with her. Overall, the one rut he’d spent with her could be called a success. She was warm and willing and despite him not being able to knot her due to her beta designation, the sex had still been incredibly satisfying and it had done a lot to soothe the raging lust in in his veins. However, there’d been an unexpected side effect to his experience.
All through the lust-filled haze of his rut, his body riddled with aching desire, Neteyam had felt feral and unbridled. He’d felt so detached from and unlike his usual calm and measured self, that it had alarmed him. It’d felt like being trapped in a stranger’s body, looking out through his own eyes and yet unable to stop himself from behaving like an untamed beast. He’d demanded and performed so many lecherous acts on Mali and while the pleasure had been intense in the moment, he’d been revolted by his own behaviour after his rut had passed.
“Bro,” Lo’ak said when Neteyam didn’t answer, having clearly gotten lost in his thoughts.
“Sorry, what?”
Lo’ak pursed impatient lips and gave several disapproving clicks of his tongue, “See? The rut fog is starting.”
“I haven’t got rut fog.” Neteyam grouched, “I’m just thinking.”
“Mm hmm,” Lo’ak didn’t sound the least bit convinced, “Yeah right. You’ve been spaced out for days, bro. You can’t keep staving your ruts off with the suppressant. Something’s going to have to give, sooner or later.”
“I know.” Neteyam snarled tetchily, “I’ll just get through this week’s work and then I’ll just get it over and done with after.”
“And you need to let a woman help you this time.”
Neteyam emitted a soft growl, “No, bro. I’m going to see it out on my own.”
“For the love of Eywa! Why are you such a stubborn ass about this? No other alpha male sees his ruts out alone. It’s unheard of!” Lo’ak cried in exasperation, “Why would you suffer through it on your own? It’s fucking horrible, especially when there are so many willing women, willing omega women who are eager to help!”
“I feel so out of control during my ruts that I don’t recognise myself! And the things that I did to Mali…” Neteyam exclaimed before he paused, his face twisting into a grimace, “She’s a person, and I didn’t treat her as such.”
Lo’ak would have rolled his eyes and proclaimed his brother a righteous asshole, but he knew Neteyam wasn’t behaving like this to be better than everyone else or to prove he had more control than other alphas. His brother had spent his last two ruts on his own and Lo’ak knew they’d both been difficult and harrowing experiences. No alpha male would suffer like this for the mere sake of sanctimony. As an alpha male himself, Lo’ak knew this for a fact. Neteyam was genuinely distressed by his own behaviour.
“This is going to sound so bad, but the women want to be used and abused. The omegas want to be pinned down and knotted.” Lo’ak offered mildly, maintaining quick strides to keep up with his brother, “They wouldn’t offer otherwise. You’re the most sought-after male in this clan. Future olo’eyktan. The opportunity to be noticed by you and potentially chosen by you as a mate is very enticing.”
“I don’t want to do to another woman what I did to Mali.”
“You didn’t do anything to Mali, you did things with her. She was perfectly happy and she’d do it again.”
“Nope.” The ‘p’ in the word was uttered with an audible pop of Neteyam’s lips, “You’re not changing my mind, Lo’ak. Drop the subject.”
Lo’ak had never been a quitter though and being annoying was his forte, “You know, what you need is an omega to knot. Mali’s a beta, maybe you wouldn’t feel like that now if you’d been with an omega female during your first rut. Great Mother, knotting feels so fucking good-”
“Lo’ak.” Neteyam’s hiss was a warning.
“Seriously, bro. Maybe try an omega you’re familiar with. Leiko is an omega-”
Lo’ak’s didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. His words died on his tongue when his brother whirled around to face him with an aggressive and rumbling growl, “Don’t even say it! She’s my best friend!”
Hands held up in surrender, Lo’ak dropped the subject, “Alright, alright!”
Reaching the threshold of their family’s kelku, Neteyam pushed the entry flaps aside testily and strode into the space. His mother was stirring a pot of what smelled like sturmbeest stew over the central hearth and his sisters were seated not far from her, chopping vegetables and grinding herbs. Muttering a greeting of return to them under his breath, his eyes sought Kiri’s and he tipped his chin up at her twice in an unspoken query.
Kiri knew exactly what her brother was asking for and she shared a disapproving look with their mother. Neytiri merely shook her head and breathed out a deep sigh, noting how her eldest-born son was studiously avoiding her gaze.
Kiri rose gracefully from where she was crouched to rummage through her chest of medicinal supplies. Finding the bottle she was after she uncorked it and decanted a dose of its contents into a small drinking vessel. Approaching Neteyam she held it out to him, her nose wrinkling uneasily, “It’s losing efficacy. I can smell you from a mile away.”
Tipping the vessel’s contents into his mouth, he ingested the full dose in one astringent gulp. He grimaced at the foul tang of it, “Thanks. I know. I just need more time.”
The sudden sound of wood clattering harshly echoed in the kelku, shattering the previously peaceable atmosphere. All eyes turned to their mother, who’d intentionally slammed the wooden ladle she’d been using onto a platter at her side.
Neytiri was irked, her ears pinned and her breaths were deep, “How much longer will you deny your nature, son? This is the path the Great Mother has chosen for you to walk. You are an alpha male! Your ruts are a natural part of you. Your strength and dominance, your virility, they are all gifts to be embraced, not repressed!”
The Sully children collectively winced at their mother’s bark. It was at times like this that Neteyam was reminded of his mother’s own alpha designation. Female alphas were not extremely rare, but they were uncommon, as were male omegas.
Females typically presented as betas or omegas when they came of age, and males tended to present as betas or alphas. Though out of the three classes, betas were the most common. Alphas were inclined towards more dominants traits and behaviours, while omegas displayed more passive traits. Betas were a mixture of the two.
Individuals were free to mate whoever they wished, and while you did see alpha-alpha matings and alpha-beta matings around (like their parents, their father being a beta male), betas typically mated other betas and alphas tended to mate omegas. The physiological presence of an alpha male’s genital knot appeared to influence this, with only omega females possessing the bodily capability to be knotted and tied.
Neteyam clenched his jaw and shuffled apprehensively on his feet, “I understand that, sa’nu (mother). But the hunter-warriors have a busy week this week and I have duties to tend to at work. It’s only for the next couple of days until the new week begins. I’ll stop the suppressant then.”
Neytiri gave a reproachful hiss of frustration, “You are grown now. I pray to Eywa that she will bring you a good match soon, a good omega female to take care of you. She will bring you comfort and such a match would breed strong children to ensure the clan’s line of succession.”
Taking the empty drinking vessel from Neteyam, Kiri huffed and grumbled something under her breath as she moved to re-pack the medicinal chest, something about him being stupid, blind and stubborn. Annoyed, Neteyam was about to demand that his sister repeat what she’d muttered aloud, but another severe glare from his mother stopped him. Neytiri wouldn’t take kindly to any bickering from her children under her roof when she was already in a fractious mood.
The Sully children knew that if they wanted dinner, they’d better be on their best behaviour or there would be nothing but twisted ears and empty bowls awaiting them.
You sat on the woven mat in the tsahìk’s hut, grateful for the quiet day. Mo’at was out visiting her usual schedule of older patients in their homes and apart from a little one who was recovering from a particularly nasty bout of fever, there were no other patients about and no one else had come through to be tended to. The little boy was napping in the far corner behind a wooden partition while you and Kiri milled about peeling fruit, steeping roots and making herbal pastes.
It would’ve been a wonderful opportunity to catch up with Kiri, perhaps indulge in some girlish gossip, but Kiri was not in a chatty frame of mind. She hadn’t whined, she hadn’t grouched, but you knew her like the back of your hand and you knew she was grumpy. You were close with the Sullys. Your parents had been fast friends with Jake and Neytiri since their younger years. You’d grown up alongside the Sully children as a result and you were closest in age to Neteyam and Kiri.
Being the oldest of four yourself, you and Neteyam had gotten along well, bonding over the mutual responsibilities of being the eldest and having to simultaneously watch your siblings. You’d both pursued different paths from an early age; Neteyam knew he wanted to be a hunter-warrior, whereas you’d always found solace in nursing and healing the sick and injured. Despite these differences in schooling and interests, you remained close friends as you both grew up. You were close to Kiri too, but Neteyam was your best friend. Not a single day had gone by where you hadn’t hung out and spent time with each other.
Until the day you’d officially presented as an omega a few moons after your eighteenth birthday…
Neteyam had started putting more distance between you then. It had been three years since and while you were still close to him, it wasn’t every day that you hung out anymore. It was more like once a week, but you both made the time still and blamed everything else on the busyness of adulthood. While that wasn’t untrue, you knew that it was also his alpha designation and your omega designation that caused him to distance himself.
“You’re cranky.” You pronounced playfully, a small smile dancing on your lips as you watched Kiri sigh over her bowl of mashed roots.
“I’m cranky because everyone at home is cranky, and everyone is cranky because Neteyam is cranky.” Kiri complained, her beautiful face wrinkled and pouty in annoyance. “Honestly Leiko, you need to talk to him. He won’t listen to any of us. Not even Grandmother.”
You chewed on your bottom lip pensively, knowing full well the reason for Neteyam’s touchy demeanour, “You know that I’m the last person he wants to see right now given his circumstances.”
Kiri decanted her masticated blob of roots into a bigger vessel and testily plopped more boiled tubers into her bowl to begin the mashing process all over again, “Yes well, unfortunately you might also be the only person who can convince him to stop his madness and accept the nature of his designation. I’m not saying that you need to be the one to see him through his rut. It can be anyone else! He just needs to let it happen!”
Kiri’s exasperation was clear and you frowned in sympathy, “I don’t know, Kiri.”
“The both of you are close. Best friends right? That’s what you always say?” Kiri pleaded, “He trusts you. He listens to you. See if you can talk some sense into that skxawng.”
You pondered Kiri’s request, hesitant because it was a very touchy topic between you and Neteyam. You’d confronted him once, years ago when the distance between you had first begun to grow. You’d been hurt and confused by his avoidant behaviour, and you’d eventually cornered him one night after communal last meal. You’d sought him out for two reasons. One was to confront him around his strange behaviour and the second was to ask him to see you through your next heat.
You’d had your first heat the year before that and as it had come on very suddenly, another alpha male in the clan had seen you through it. Even prior to your official presentation as an omega, you’d known that it would be your likely designation. There had been signs in your behaviour and your manner. Neteyam’s own alpha designation had been similarly predictable and he’d never shown any sign of discomfort at the idea. In the back of your young mind, you’d always known that you wanted Neteyam to be your heat partner.
Gentle, responsible and charming Neteyam... You knew he’d take care of you… You recognised back then that your feelings for your best friend had grown into more than friendly. However, when you’d cornered him that fateful evening and confronted him, what had followed was the most heated row you’d ever had with your best friend.
Neteyam had confessed to you what had happened during his second rut with Mali. He’d condemned his behaviour, rejected his designation, and told you he wanted you both to spend less time around each other, especially when either of you was approaching a heat or a rut. Shocked and confused, you’d called him silly followed by all sorts of stronger words when your argument had continued to escalate.
When you’d offered to see him through his next rut, thinking the close bond you shared might quell his uneasiness, Neteyam had recoiled with such aversion to the idea that it had stunned you speechless. And you’d been quietly hurt by it. He’d been so adamant. Perhaps it was your natural submissiveness, or the fact that you’d been so afraid to lose his friendship, but you’d acquiesced and pushed him no further. Needless to say, you never asked him to see you through any of your heats after that.
Even now the thought was sore, but you buried your feelings and carried on.
“Please?” Kiri’s voice beseeched, interrupting your train of thought, and you realised that you hadn’t answered her yet.
“He won’t want to see me. We have an agreement that we keep our distance at times like these.” You countered, tucking one of your stray braids behind your pointed year. You resumed your task of peeling, avoiding Kiri’s eyes in the hope that she would give up on her attempt to convince you.
Kiri sagged in defeat and her expression turned troubled, “It’s unhealthy, what he’s doing. He can’t change what Eywa has given him.” She was growing in upset, her large doe-eyes shining with tears, “I just want him to be happy, and he’ll never be if he can’t accept this part of him.”
Hating the sight of Kiri’s distress, you reached out to pull her into a tight hug, “I’ll try, OK? I can’t promise anything, but I’ll talk to Neteyam.”
You weren’t a hunter or warrior by any means, but here you were, rather successfully stalking one of the clan’s apex warriors.
To be fair, the rising intensity of Neteyam’s rut hormones were likely clouding his senses, dulling them, but you gave yourself a mental pat on the back nonetheless. You may have ultimately chosen to pursue the art of healing under the tsahìk, but all young clan members were required to learn survival basics as part of passing their rites, and those skills were not entirely lost on you even after all these years.
The mossy bark was both soft and rough in parts against the skin of your front. You kept your torso low against the large tree bough you were perched on and the tuft of your tail weaved in a mischievous dance behind you. You raised yourself a little on your forearms, watching your prey as he moved in the woodland glade below you.
Neteyam’s hair was pulled back and secured by a loose tie, which was very unlike his usual preference for having his braids free. However, the tie kept his hair away from his neck and you could see the swollenness of his scent glands on either side of his neck, raised and sensitive. You watched soundlessly as he knelt on the bank of a small clearwater spring, cupping handfuls of water and splashing his face, chest and forearms, likely trying to alleviate the prickling burn of his skin, another symptom of his impending rut.
Neteyam had retreated from the rest of the clan after last meal and you’d trailed him here. You’d called on every single lesson you could remember around the basics of hunting: soft and sure feet, quietly measured breaths, keeping enough of a distance etc. You’d ensured to stay downwind from him the entire time so that your scent would not carry towards him and alert him of your presence.
However, staying downwind from him meant that his scent was washing over you in a constant stream in the light breeze and Great Mother did he smell amazing. He was on the brink of his rut and his elevated alpha pheromones beckoned to your omega senses like the most delectable fruit; sweet, spicy and juicy. But Neteyam was forbidden fruit to you... He’d set that boundary, clear as day, all those years ago. You were his best friend… And he appeared to want to keep you that way only.
Your lips turned into a small pout and your face twisted into an unhappy moue at the thought. Deep in the darkest, most hidden part of your soul, you knew he was the only alpha male you truly wanted. He was your best friend and you loved him as such, but you wanted to love him too as more than that…
Your last two heats had been spent with another alpha male, Nalu. While Nalu was lovely and being knotted by him served to assuage your raging heat hormones well enough, it was always Neteyam’s face and form that you fantasised of in place of his. Another alluring waft of Neteyam’s scent drifted up to your nose and you reminded yourself sternly of Kiri’s assignment: Convince him to accept a partner for his rut and nothing more. 
Deciding that now was as good a time as any other, you shifted to balance yourself on all fours, creeping back along the large bough towards the tree’s main trunk to climb down to the forest floor. You intentionally shuffled noisily as you descended, not wanting to startle Neteyam.
“Who’s there?” His deep voice called.
“It’s just me.” You replied calmly, letting go to hop to the ground once you were low enough. Approaching him gradually, you could see he wasn’t pleased to see you. You attempted to broach conversation with a light-hearted jibe, “Gotcha! I’ve never been successful tracking you unnoticed before.”
Neteyam’s tail was stationary, hanging stiff and straight behind him. His ears were pinned so flat you almost couldn’t see them and his nostrils were flaring intermittently. You maintained your cautious approach. Little rivulets of water were cascading down his muscular chest from where he’d splashed himself earlier and you quietly rebuked yourself for ogling. But he looked so good, so perfectly alpha male… And he needed you… His pheromones were screaming for you, for an omega…
“What are you doing here, Lei?” The words were ground out tightly from Neteyam, but a soft part of you thrilled at the use of his shortened nickname for you. Only he called you that.
Stopping just over an arm’s length away from him, you felt saliva pool hungrily in your cheeks as his alpha male scent swirled around to envelope you in an invisible embrace. His scent was so concentrated at this distance and it was making gooey warmth pool in your tummy and farther below. Your eyes met his and you saw his jaw was clenched tightly, his nose wrinkling and twitching involuntarily. He could definitely smell you too…
“Kiri asked me to try and talk some sense into you.” You stated in as even a tone as possible. You wanted to reach out and touch him, trace the pads of your fingers over the hot skin of his brawny chest and impressive biceps.
Neteyam’s sigh was mixed with a growl of frustration, “We’re not going to talk. We agreed that we wouldn’t go near each other at times like this.”
Steeling yourself you fixed him with an obstinate glare, “I wouldn’t be here if you listened to Kiri and your family. Take a partner this time for your rut. You’re being ridiculous riding it out on your own like this every year. It’s not healthy for you to do this.”
You watched while Neteyam pawed vexedly at his eyes, irritation scrawled across his usually handsome and charming face. His fingers moved to press at the scent glands on his neck and you knew, no doubt, that they were aching.
“Just leave me alone. I don’t want to be lectured. I’ve ridden things out on my own the last two years. This one will be no different.” Neteyam grumbled tightly. He turned then and began to walk away from you.
Nope, you weren’t having that.
Striding after him, you snagged at one of his wrists to stop him and Neteyam recoiled, wrenching his wrist from your grip with a snarl. An apology was quick to leave you when you realised you’d grazed the other set of sensitive scent glands on his inner wrist in the process, “Sorry! Just stop walking away!”
“I can’t be near you right now! You should know better than to come and find me!”
“I’m worried about you! As are the rest of your family!”
“I’ll be fine. Leave me be!”
The tension was rapidly escalating between you. Neteyam was growing more and more agitated with each passing second, but so were you.
“This is part of you, Neteyam!” You scolded, purposely stepping into his path so he came face to face with you, “I know the rut you spent with Mali was disturbing for you somehow, but what you experienced was completely natural!”
“It’s natural for me to be a mindless brute?! Out of control and like an animal?”
You had to suppress the urge to roll your eyes and tug at your hair in exasperation. The healer in you bullied its way to the forefront of your mind and you exclaimed, “Yes, that’s why it’s called a rut! Your hormones need to peak in their cycle and they will influence your actions and urges. This is the Great Mother’s way of ensuring future generations!”
Neteyam’s laugh was caustic and he spat in response, “Ugh, you sound like my mother.”
“Well, your mother is right!” You pressed, and your clenched fists mirrored Neteyam’s own as you both stared each other down.
“No. It’s not who I am! I don’t want to use a woman’s body like that!”
This was the same battle his family had fought with him for the last two years. You didn’t understand where Neteyam’s distress came from. It was unusual; no other alpha male behaved like this or had any qualms about undergoing their ruts. Kiri had a theory that perhaps Mali’s beta hormones hadn’t gelled with Neteyam’s the way an omega’s might have, resulting in an out of kilter experience that had harmed more than helped him.
“Kiri thinks things might be different if you let an omega help you this time! Please don’t be stubborn!”
“Oh, and I suppose that’s why my sister sent you along to convince me?” Neteyam hissed, his face marred by a disgruntled scowl. To your surprise he stepped towards you, his much larger frame looming over yours.
“No, that’s not why she sent me. It’s because I’m your best friend and she’s hoping you’ll listen to me.” You muttered quietly, swallowing the lump in your throat. He was so close to you, his chest heaving while his deep breaths fanned over you.
You could feel your own omega instincts taking hold of you. An alpha was in need of an omega; your chosen alpha… The alpha that your inner omega had craved for the last few years… You wanted to yield to him. You wanted him to dominate you, bend you into a mating press and slake his rampant lust with the use of your body, and to hell with the rest of it.
Neteyam gritted his teeth and he backed away from you then, shaking his head, “No. I’m done talking. Leave.”
“I can help. Let me help you.” You entreated. This wasn’t part of your plan, but your instincts were working in full force now, urging you to serve your alpha, “I don’t want you to suffer. It’ll be different this time.”
A tormented groan left Neteyam and he pressed his hands to his face in aggravation. His tone was brusque and he was clearly losing his cool, “No, go awayLeiko!”
“Neteyam please-”
“NO! What part of ‘go away’ do you not understand?!” Neteyam bellowed harshly, “I DON’T WANT IT TO BE YOU!”
The alpha-tone was clear in his command and you flinched hard at his shout. You shrank from him, hurt by his words. You would have sunk to your knees in complete submission if not for the last shred of your dignity that you were desperately clutching on to. He’d refused your offer to see him through his ruts once before. Despite already knowing his outlook, hearing the words again didn’t dull the sharp sting of them.
He didn’t want to be your alpha and he didn’t want you to be his omega… Your arms intuitively wrapped around yourself and you kept your head bowed in submission while your vision blurred, your eyes pooling with unbidden tears.
You fought the sob that was making its way up your tightening throat and you stammered out, “It doesn’t h-have to be me. There are other omegas who are willing. I spoke to Nani earlier. She’s on standby if you want h-her instead.”
You swiped at your eyes with the back of your hands, desperately trying and failing to hold back the streams of wetness that were determined to trace a path down the planes of your face. Your mortification at being so plainly rejected burned hot on your neck and cheeks, but even so, every fibre in your being was compelling you to convince Neteyam that he needed you, that you would be a good omega for him, that you could be everything he needed to soothe and satisfy him during his rut.
The scent glands on your neck and wrists tingled emitting your own potent scent into the environment. Your closed stance and bent head screamed your submission, and you heard Neteyam grate out a harsh and muffled curse. Lifting your gaze a bit to peer at him, though your head remained dipped, you saw that he appeared to be fighting a battle of wills within himself. His face was a grimace, but the pupils of his eyes were dilated wide and you didn’t miss the way they scrutinised your body hungrily.
Neteyam’s gaze lingered on your chest and his throat bobbed as he swallowed. The conscious effort of restraint was evident in his voice when he spoke, “It’s not that you don’t appeal to me. That’s not what I mean when I say that I don’t want you to see me through my rut.”
A little frond of hope unfurled inside you and it gave you enough courage to lift your chin to look him in the eyes. Perspiration was beading along his hairline and his breathing was too controlled, almost as if he was resisting the urge to pant.
Meekly, you asked, “Then why won’t you let me help you? I want to.”
His expression turned aggrieved, “Because I don’t want you to see what I’m like. You’re important to me, Lei. You’re my best friend and I can’t bear to have you think less of me.”
You shook your head at him slowly, your feet shuffling closer to him, “This is only one part of you. I would never think less of you for doing what’s only natural.”
Neteyam didn’t move and he showed no objection to you inching closer to him. His eyes tracked yours as you drew nearer until you were so close that he was looking down his nose at you, your forehead a scant hand’s length from his chin. With the height difference between you, your head was tilted a fair way back to maintain the eye contact.
Eywa, he was so much bigger than you… Neteyam had always been taller, but his alpha hormones had really taken root in the last few years. He’d shot upward, his chest and shoulders had broadened, and his torso had filled out with bulky muscle. He was the very epitome of an alpha male: Strong and dominant, protector and provider.
The omega in you would do anything and everything to please him if it meant you’d have a chance at mating him one day, a chance at him fathering and raising young with you. Of course there were societal customs that had to be abided by too. Having children outside of a mated bond was frowned upon, so while instinctual heat and rut cycles had to run their course, there were various medicines that could be used to prevent conception.
In alpha-omega pairings, conception was also at its most potent when both male and female were simultaneously in heat and in rut. It was not uncommon in mated alpha-omega pairs for the female’s heat to trigger her mate’s rut and vice versa. And while conception was still possible outside of this mutual spike of fertility, it was less common. Your last heat had already been and gone a couple of moons ago, so the risk of pregnancy was low. Not that this in any way diminished your inner omega’s desire to see Neteyam through his rut and enjoy the mindless pleasure you knew would come with the experience.
Parting your lips, you let your breath sip in simultaneously through your mouth and nose, smelling him and tasting his captivating scent on your tastebuds. Neteyam’s lips were parted too, no doubt scenting you the same way.
“You reek.” Neteyam’s statement was frank, but despite his undesirable choice of words, his tone was unconvincing. His words came out like more of a rough moan than a growl.
Unable to resist your yearning to touch him any longer, your fingertips grazed the jut of his hip bones where you settled your palms against him. You whispered in response, “You smell really good too.”
You stepped right up to him, slotting your feet between his wider-placed ones to press yourself against his front. Your fingers tantalised his sides and you splayed your hands against his ribs, relishing in the feel of his scorching skin beneath your palms as you smoothed them up towards his shoulder blades. You hugged him, rubbing your cheek and jawline against his shoulder, marking him with your own scent glands. You could smell nothing except the heady and enthralling aroma of his pheromones now, and your thighs clenched with your rising desire for him.
A quiet and strangled sound escaped Neteyam, “Last chance. Get out of here.”
In spite of his words, his body was playing a very different tune and you almost laughed at the contradiction. One of his arms had shifted to snake around your back, trapping you against him, and his other hand had slid down to squeeze at one plush round of your derriere. He was nosing through your hair, sniffing you, and you could feel the unmistakeable hardness of his arousal pushing against your abdomen.
You sighed out a breathy moan. The solid strength of his body against yours wasn’t enough; you wanted his heavy weight bearing down on yours and you wanted to be entangled in the cage of his strong arms while your bodies joined and moulded to each other’s in the most carnal of ways. Intoxicated by your primeval craving for him, one of your hands skimmed down to caress the skin of his hip while the other encircled his tail near its base, stroking it in a crude mimicry of what you could be doing to his cock instead.
Angling your head up you nuzzled at his jaw, “I don’t want to get out of here. Take me. I’ll be good to you, Neteyam.”
Neteyam’s tail tensed, arcing into a stiff curl towards his upper back as he enjoyed the tormenting stroke of your hand over one of the most erogenous zones of his body. His pelvis rolled lightly, rubbing the clothed length of his erection against you. His breathing was coming in harsh pants by your ear now and his frame juddered with barely reined control.
The fragility of his restraint was palpable in his voice when he growled out a final warning, “I won’t be gentle or patient. I will use you, fuck you and knot you until you’re overflowing with me, in your hands, in your pussy, from your lips; you’ll taste me on your tongue for weeks.”
You pushed your nose into the crook of his neck and took a deep inhale of him, followed by a daring lick of your tongue right over one of his scent glands. Your response was a wanton hiss, “Yes, alpha.”
You both felt and heard Neteyam’s restraint snap. He crushed your slighter frame to his with a coarse growl that sent hot shivers prickling through you. The thin ties of your delicately strung top strained against your skin for only a brief moment before they gave way in a burst of beads, feathers and leaves, as he tore the garment from your body to expose your breasts.
Your nipples kissed the cooling night air and your gaze tilted skyward when he fisted one hand in the braids at the base of your skull, bending you backward with a strong arm around your waist to support your weight entirely. You only managed a glimpse of his eyes, ravenous with lust, before he delivered a swift and biting kiss to one of your breasts. The rasp of his tongue over the pointed bud made you cry out and molten heat began to liquefy at the junction of your thighs.
You’d succeeded in awakening the rutting alpha and you knew that you would be devoured tonight and for the next three or four days until his rut subsided.  
Neteyam’s hands were vise-like around you, clutching you to him as you arched backward, partially suspended in the secure cradle of his hold. You had one leg hitched around his hip while the other remained grounded. He growled feverishly as he feasted on your breasts, nipping, sucking and leaving purpling love bites that would mark your skin for days. You could feel yourself descending into a lust-filled haze of your own and a sense of urgency speared through the deepening fog when you remembered you were both in the middle of a glade where anyone could walk in on you.
Your fingers squeezed at the firm muscle of his shoulders and you urged him with a gasp, “We need to get to a haven.”
Neteyam’s only response was to scoop a forearm under your bottom to lift you upright and back you against the trunk of the nearest tree. The skin of your neck was the next location of his desirous assault. His tongue laved against your scent glands and when he sucked on the sensitive spot in an open-mouthed kiss, you felt the first gush of slick wet your inner thighs. One of his arms loosened from beneath your rear and he palmed at one cheek of your bottom with his freed hand. His fingers snaked towards your core to probe at the drenched fabric over your pussy and you felt more than heard the animalistic rumble of approval in his chest.
“You smell so fucking good.” He remarked, his voice deep and gravelly, “Bet you taste good too.”
You gave an involuntary squeal when two of his fingers pushed roughly past the side-seam of the fabric to penetrate you down to his last knuckle. Though sudden, the entry was easy, your slick making your core slippery as a river eel. Your pussy clenched down around his fingers, welcoming them into your snug heat. Neteyam pumped his fingers several times and your head lolled, thudding back onto the tree bark behind you, your eyes rolling into your skull at the pleasure.
Your inner walls pulsed and throbbed while his fingers worked and when he withdrew them moments later, the whine of protest you let out was pitiful. Through half-lidded eyes you watched him bring his fingers, shining with your slick, to his mouth where he then sucked the digits clean with a primal groan of satisfaction.
He fixed you with wild eyes as he licked his lips and smirked, “You taste like the sweetest nectar.”
You whimpered at his salacious action. There was no trace of restraint left in the burning amber of his eyes. He’d succumbed fully to the impulse of his rut and there would be no stopping him now. You needed to get to a haven or he’d take you with wild abandon here on the forest floor of the glade.
You squirmed against his hard body, still thoroughly pinned between his torso and the tree, “Neteyam, let’s go. There’s a haven not far from here.”
He brushed your comment off with a scoff, busying himself with nibbling at the delicate shell of one of your ears instead. He murmured, “No, I want you here. Now.”
Great Mother, you wanted to just give in to him… But the risk of being walked in on was only one of your concerns. Neither of you would be thinking straight soon and it was dangerous out in the open where predators lurked. Havens provided a safe and sheltered space for individuals and couples to weather the blissful storms of heats and ruts. They were also well-stocked with food, fruit and plenty of water to last several days. It went without saying that a lot of moisture was lost during these liaisons, so water to rehydrate was of great importance.
However, convincing a rutting alpha male using logic wasn’t going to work, so you had to work smart.
Gathering what was left of your wits, you purred to him, “Yes, alpha. Take your tewng (loincloth) off and have me then.”
Neteyam’s grin was a leer of endorsement at your suggestion and he shifted to remove his clothing. The moment he stepped back enough to allow your feet to touch the earth, you seized the opportunity darting out to the side away from him and broke into a run towards the nearest haven. His roar of outrage at your escape was thunderous and it echoed through the canopy above.
You pumped your legs as hard as you could, knowing that you were ultimately no match for his warrior athleticism and male strength. He would catch you sooner or later. You could see the thatched roof of the haven hut in the distance and you could only hope you reached it before he caught you. His heavy footfalls were swift at your back and your body thrummed with exhilaration at the chase. Your pussy throbbed and tingled in anticipation and another gush of warm slick trickled down your thighs. Your loincloth was ruined you were sure. You didn’t think any amount of washing was going to remove the pungent scent of your arousal that had thoroughly soaked its fibres.
Neteyam’s growls sounded like they were right behind you and you didn’t know if it was your imagination, but you swore you could feel his hot breath against the nape of your neck. Your nipples prickled, erect, as your pert breasts bounced while you ran. A little spark of triumph burst in your chest when you realised you’d succeeded in getting Neteyam to accept a rut partner. The fact that you’d seduced him into accepting you as the partner in question was just an added bonus.
Eywa you couldn’t wait for him to touch you and consume you in his desire… You’d fantasised about this countless times…
Reaching the draping flaps of the haven, you burst into the space just as you felt Neteyam’s limbs tangle with yours when he reached out to grab you. You tripped over one of his feet, falling to your knees when he didn’t manage to grab your upper arms in time to stop your tumble. The woven rug on the haven floor cushioned your knees, thankfully, and apart from a slightly painful thud from the impact, you were otherwise unhurt.
Spinning on all fours to face him, you were forced back onto your haunches when you found him looming over you, barely an arm’s length from you. His chest was rising and falling deeply, but it wasn’t because he was out of breath. No, a warrior’s stamina was unmatched. His uninhibited desire was the cause of his heaving breaths. He was completely naked, having managed to rid himself from his loincloth, and his arousal was clear from the jutting length of his impressive erection.
Still on sitting on your heels, you peered up at his towering form. The look in his eyes was voracious, feral, and you thrilled in anticipation. Eywa help you, his cock was gorgeous… It was long and girthy, and abeautiful striated blue with swirling tanhì adorning its length. You could see the beginnings of his knot at the base of it, though it hadn’t yet begun to swell. His cock was topped with a fat and blushing mauve head, its slit already dribbling a tantalising string of pre-cum.
Neteyam approached you, his teeth gleaming in the diminished light of the haven’s interior. He grouched petulantly, “Don’t you fucking run from me again.”
“I-I thought it was best that we settle here.” You stuttered in response, your eyeline still very focused on his rigid cock as it neared your face with his approach.
“You thought it best, huh?” Neteyam mocked, and his expression turned wicked as he proceeded to run the head of his cock against the seam of your lips, “I think it’s best if I stuff that mouth of yours, omega.”
Your mouth popped open in unrestrained agreement and you moaned when he pushed the fat tip into your eager mouth. You felt your jaw stretch to its limit as he pushed the remainder of his length past your lips and you fought your gag reflex as the head of him hit the back of your throat. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen an alpha through his rut. Your arrangement with Nalu was a mutual one; he saw you through your heats and you assisted with his ruts. So, the deep blowjob wasn’t new, but Neteyam wasn’t small by any means. Like his tall stature and brawny frame, he was proportionate here too.
The taste of him was tangy and musky on your tongue while you swallowed him down as best you could. Neteyam’s groans of pleasure rang out around you, and he threaded the fingers of one hand through your braids at the crown of your head while his other and cupped your cheek. His hips began to piston, fucking your face in a slow and deliberate drag of his hard flesh in and out of your mouth. You encircled the base of his cock with one hand where the bulbous tissue of his knot was burgeoning.
“Fuck, you look so pretty with your mouth full of my cock.” Neteyam hissed tightly, his upper lip curled upward in a carnal snarl of enjoyment.
You groaned around him and your free hand moved to tweak at one of your nipples, which sent electrifying jolts of pleasure straight to your clit and core. Your slick must be pooling on the rug beneath you now, you were certain. Your pussy burned with molten pleasure and every nerve ending there was impatient to be touched, but you had to serve your alpha first.
Neteyam picked up the pace of his hips and tears stung in the inner corners of your eyes as you concentrated on breathing through your nose while choking on his cock every time he bottomed out. You continued to massage his knot, loving the way the length of him pulsated in bliss in your mouth.
“You’re a good girl. Good little omega. You like choking on your alpha’s cock, do you? Yeah, that’s it. Reach down into that tewng and play with yourself for me.”
Great Mother, Neteyam’s dirty mouth was so sexy… This certainly was a side of him you’d never seen, the alpha male side that he’d fought so hard to keep hidden from you. You loved it… This was better than any fantasy you’d ever had…
You loosened the ties of your loincloth with your free hand, letting the sodden fabric peel away from the hottest part of you. When your fingers ghosted past your swollen clit you whined wretchedly, earning a strangled grunt from Neteyam as your whine vibrated around his cock. You rubbed at your clit whilst intermittently fingering your sopping pussy and the bliss your actions wrought on your core caused another squirt of slick onto the rug.
You could feel Neteyam’s pre-cum sliding down your throat as mumbled words of encouragement spilled from his lips, telling you how good your mouth felt, telling you how he loved that you were so slick for him.
“Oh I’m going to fill your mouth up so good and then I’m going to fuck and fill your slick-drenched pussy up too.”
You knew his first release was nearing by the way his cock hardened impossibly further and you gripped his swollen knot tightly, squeezing it to coax his first orgasm from him. It worked almost instantly and he tensed with a final thrust into your mouth, a choked cry escaping him as he spilled his seed down your throat. You rubbed frantically at your clit, thanking Eywa when you were rewarded with a small orgasm of your own.
Neteyam withdrew from your mouth and you swallowed down the remnants of his release, gasping a little for more breath now that you were able to fill your lungs fully. Reaching for you, Neteyam clasped hold of your upper arms and hauled you to your feet, and your loincloth slipped off your hips and tail to fall to your ankles.
He cupped your cheek with one hand, his thumb stroking your cheek, “You’re being such a good girl for me. Do you want me to fuck you now? Do you want me to knot you, little omega?”
Your legs were wobbly and you almost wanted to cry from the relief of his question. Of course you wanted him to fuck you… You wanted to be stretched out and locked onto his knot… So it was an easy answer, “Yes please, alpha.”
Neteyam’s mouth found yours in a fiery kiss and you opened your mouth to allow him to plunder it. His tongue swept against yours as your heads twisted and melded, flooding your mouth full of his alpha pheromones.
An alpha’s saliva was sweet and saturated with rut pheromones that could bring on an omega female’s heat if she was close enough to that part of her cycle. In other cases, the pheromones would signal the omega’s body to produce a copious amount of slick to aid and enable the knotting process. Not that you needed any encouragement, mind you. Your pussy was clenching and squeezing impatiently and your slick was already running down your thighs to your lower legs.
You’d daydreamed before of what it would be like to kiss Neteyam. Somehow you’d always imagined it to be soft and sweet; maybe after an evening meal in the fading light of the bonfire on your birthday, on his birthday, or maybe just one day in your dreams when he decided that he wanted you too. Perhaps it was his adamance in the past that the two of you would never share heats and ruts together, but you’d never envisioned your first kiss with Neteyam to be like this; passionate, wild and full of unbridled lust. The reality far outweighed your dreams, you decided.
Your fingers scrabbed for purchased at his shoulders as you pushed onto the balls of your feet to return his ardent kisses. Neteyam had looped an arm around the small of your back again, securing your front to his, and the drag of your pebbled nipples against the skin of his chest was torturous. He slipped a hand between your bodies to run the flat of his hand over your core, deftly letting your swollen clit slip between two of his fingers while he stroked you back and forth.
A high-pitched keen was your reaction and your hips bucked into his teasing touch. Your pussy ached to be filled and stretched to full capacity. You felt desperate, almost more desperate than Neteyam appeared to be, which was unexpected considering he was the one in rut. However, the roguish smirk on his handsome face while he watched you pant and whimper told you that this alpha enjoyed a bit of a build-up; he liked to play with his toys.
“Alpha, please.” You importuned, your body releasing yet another squirt of slick as Neteyam rubbed insistent circles around your sensitive bud, “I need you. I need your knot.”
He hushed you with a kiss, whispering a taunt against your lips, “So eager, you poor girl. Does it hurt that I’m making you wait?”
“Yeah,” Your voice was breathy and unstable, and you backed your response with several nods of your head. It was so agonisingly good, what his fingers were doing, rolling and rubbing your sweet nub.
“Show your alpha where it hurts, go on.”
Neteyam gently pushed you away from him, indicating with an upward tip of his chin towards the lush pile of bedding behind you. You backed up towards the little nest of blankets and mats, and you hastily settled yourself on your back in the centre of it all. Spreading your lithe legs wide and hitching your knees up as high as they would go, you put yourself on display for him. You didn’t need to look to know your pussy was puffy and swollen, glistening with slick.
A harsh groan grated out from him and you watched as he began to stroke his still erect cock. That was the thing with ruts. Alpha males had little to no refractory period during this time. They were able to copulate multiple times and ejaculate repeatedly without issue. Neteyam’s knot was an angry-looking purple now and his cock was littered with veins and ridges that stood out along its shaft.
Your fingers found your core again and you penetrated yourself with all three fingers of one hand while its twin took care of your clit. The squelch of your pussy was lewd, your slick pouring out of you now as your inner walls clamped and released with pleasure.
With a whimper of his own, Neteyam knelt between your parted thighs, fisting his cock furiously, “Is that all for me, sweet thing? You hungry for my cock?”
Your answer was barked out in desperation, his teasing too much for you now, “Yes, just fuck me now!”
The pressure low in your pelvis was unbearable where your fingers pressed and rubbed at your g-spot inside you. And you squeezed your pelvic muscles outward, forcing a gushing squirt to splatter all up Neteyam’s front. You might have made even more of a mess, but it did the trick.
Neteyam surged over you in the next instant, slamming his pelvis into yours within the cradle of your hips. His elbows and forearms caged you on either side of your head as he settled over your body. You could feel the thick tip of his cockhead probing through your slippery folds, and with a sharp and unforgiving thrust, the full length of him breached you, tip, shaft and knot.
Your scream of gratification was hoarse, as was his cry of pleasure. His knot was swollen but not yet to its full extent and with each brutal roll of his hips, the bulbous flesh of it pushed in and out from your lower lips with a fleshy pop. As a healer and spiritual priestess in training, there were many times that you gave thanks to Eywa, but never more so than in this very moment. The extreme pleasure was dizzying, the ridged girth of him kneading against the walls of your pussy while his knot continued to stretch your entrance.
“You feel like heaven.” Neteyam moaned by your cheek and you turned your head to claim his lips again in a searing kiss.
He was hot and hard over you and your inner omega revelled in the sensation. You never wanted this to end as his hips continued their onslaught. His thrusts were becoming slowly becoming shallower. He was deep inside you, but the main point of friction between you was focussed on his swollen knot pulling and pushing from your tight entrance. Your nipples were hard, tingling peaks; your pussy was fluttering, your clit was throbbing and even your toes were curled inward tightly.
“Alpha, I’m close.” You mewled, clutching at his torso, your fingernails scoring lines down his back, “I’m almost there!”
With a fluidity and an ease that was testament to his brute strength, Neteyam sat back onto his haunches and without pulling out of you, he threw one of your legs over him and manoeuvred your hips to elevate them. Your rump was raised high in the air while he knelt behind you. You moved onto all fours to accommodate the new position, but you felt him reach forward to grasp your kuru (neural queue) tightly and push your face back against the bedding.
You emitted a soft cry of discomfort at his tight grip on your kuru, but you bore it because the pain only seemed to heighten your pleasure. Neteyam set a brutal pace of thrusts then, rutting into you roughly. The furious snap of his hips against your bottom caused a series of jarring wails to leave you, the lascivious sound muffled only because your face was partially obscured by the bedding beneath you.
“Fuck, you good little omega. I’m going to knot you so hard after you cum for me.” Neteyam vowed, rumbling curses and growls falling from his lips as he sped you both to your inevitable climaxes.
His knot was bigger now, engorged to its maximum and when the bulbous round of it slipped past your entrance on his next thrust, your orgasm slammed into you. Your pussy squeezed and clamped down hard around his knot, locking him into place within you as several streams of squirt spurted from you with each glorious pulse of your climax.
Neteyam’s roar of ecstasy was uncontrolled and ear-splitting. His strapping frame collapsed over yours, his front aligned with your back, and his thighs quaked against you while he ejaculated. His knot left you both tied to each other and prevented any of his semen from escaping your locked bodies. You felt the viscous build-up of it within you like an aching heat in your lower pelvis.
Thoroughly spent for the moment, Neteyam gingerly rolled onto his side, taking you with him into a spooning position. Your tail lay limp over his hip and your breaths were noisy while you recovered from your high. Immense contentment and satisfaction washed through you and you smiled to yourself and brushed several damp strands of hair from your cheek. His knot still pulsed lightly, emitting more semen periodically into your body.
You both lounged in blissful silence for a while until Neteyam spoke.
“Lei?” Neteyam’s voice was quiet, meek almost, and the sound was a stark contrast to how he’d just been.
Craning your neck back as comfortably as it would allow, your turned your head to look at him. His gold eyes were wide and anxious, and there was a clarity in them now that was absent before in the raging heat of his rutting. There was always a period after sex and knotting when an alpha’s rut hormones would wane, before escalating again to repeat the entire cycle. Neteyam was clearly experiencing this moment of lucidity.
“Hey you,” You breathed with a shy smile, “Feeling better?”
Neteyam swallowed tightly and his forehead was wrinkled in a worried frown, “I’m sorry, was I too rough? I couldn’t help it. I don’t know what came over me, I just- It’s so-”
Silencing him with a gentle nibble of his bottom lip, you soothed him, “Shh, it’s alright. You weren’t too rough. It was wonderful and natural, and everything it should’ve been. Don’t apologise. I enjoyed it a lot.”
“Not so gentlemanly after all, am I? Now you’ve seen what a brute I can be.” Neteyam fretted and his shame could be heard in his voice.
“Hey, stop it!” You hissed, rebuking him sharply, “This is only one part of you. It doesn’t define you. You’re still my charming and gentle Neteyam. You’re my best friend, I know you. I see you.”
Neteyam’s frown faded, relief colouring his handsome features. He rested his forehead against yours and returned the sentiment tenderly, “I see you. You’re my best friend too. Maybe a little more than that now?”
“No more stubbornness.” You declared matter-of-factly, though a delighted grin stretched your cheeks at his words, “You’ve filled me to the brim once now, might as well do it every time you need a partner from now on.”
You smirked wickedly at him then and intentionally clenched your pelvic muscles around his knot again. Your action forced another round of ejaculation from Neteyam and his groan was piteous as pleasure wracked him once more. His knot wouldn’t subside for at least another hour and you settled back against him, comfortably tied. Your eyes felt heavy and you knew the smart thing to do was to take a little nap to recharge. After all, that was only round one. There would be many more rounds over the next several days and you planned to enjoy them to the fullest.
Author's Note: Thank you all for reading! 😘 Your support means the world to me. As always, your reblogs, comments & likes are all very appreciated. Much love to you all. 😍 (Reblogging especially helps circulate content better, so remember to always reblog an artist's work if you enjoyed something.) I'm going to head off on my trip now & while I won't have much internet, I'll check in periodically. Gosh I'm going to miss ya'll until I'm back! xx
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laurenairay · 1 month
so tell me to leave - W. Nylander
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Summary: once is an accident, twice is coincidence, and three times is a pattern. You really needed to stop falling into bed with your ex-boyfriend William.
Happy (early) birthday @cellythefloshie – here is my entry for your birthday bingo celebrations! I managed to hit bingo too, with: one night stand, pining, quickie, ex’s to lovers, autumn birthday. I had a lot of fun writing this one, so I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: implied smut (off screen), poor communication, William being a flirt, William being an idiot.
Title from July, by Noah Cyrus
“This was a mistake.”
“Good morning to you too, käraste.”
You huffed, moving his arm away from your waist so you could get out of his bed. It took all of your strength not to roll your eyes as you saw blatantly check out your bare body.
“I’m serious, William. This can’t happen again,” you said firmly, shimmying back into your dress from last night, eyes desperately searching for your panties.
Three times would be a pattern, after all.
“Ouch, full name before coffee,” he groaned, “Just come back to bed, it’s so early.”
“Not going to happen,” you shot back, giving up on the lost panties in lieu of getting out of his apartment as quickly as possible.
You had other underwear at home – the sacrifice of one black lacy pair wasn’t the end of the world. Even if they were his your favourite. The longer you stayed here, the likelier you were to crack. You knew it. William knew it. It was a downside of having dated him for three years – he knew you far too well. Three months as exes was hardly going to change that all that quickly.
“I missed you this summer,” he murmured, propping his head up with a hand, bicep unfairly bulging.
“You looked like you were having plenty of fun in the UK, I doubt you missed me,” you snorted, picking your phone up from the floor.
The moment those words left your lips, you knew it was a mistake with how his face lit up in delight.
“And there I thought you’d deleted me from your social media,” he grinned.
“I have,” you said dryly, “But I still follow your brother.”
His grin dimmed slightly, but he just shook his head.” You always did like Alex more than me.”
You just rolled your eyes. It wasn’t difficult to like his brother more than him right now – Alex wasn’t the one who’d left you in pieces.
“I have things to do, people to see. Or is it things to see, people to do? I always get that mixed up,” you said simply, eyes wide and innocent.
William just snorted. “You’re breaking my heart over here.”
“You broke mine first.”
He inhaled sharply, his composure visibly cracking, before a smooth grin slid over his lips. “I’ll see you soon, käraste.”
You hated how the words made your heart flutter.
From: DO NOT ANSWER I believe these are yours? [image]
Your jaw dropped at the message your received three days after the night you’d sworn to forget. The lost black lace panties. He’d had them all this time?
To: DO NOT ANSWER You thief. Why did you keep those?
Your eyes darted over to your coworkers, exiting out of the message thread with William while you waited for a response. The last thing you wanted was for them to see your waylaid underwear on your screen.
From: DO NOT ANSWER I didn’t keep them on purpose. Don’t you remember I shoved them in the back pocket of my jeans when I dropped to my knees by the front door? I definitely remember.
Your cheeks flushed with heat. Of course you remembered his hungry gaze looking up at you and the way he muscled his shoulders in between your thighs. How could you possibly forget that?
To: DO NOT ANSWER You are the worst. I want those back.
His quick response left you breathless.
From: DO NOT ANSWER You want them? Come and get them.
“You know, when I said come and get them, I didn’t necessarily mean straight after you finished work. That’s got to be a record for how fast I’ve gotten you from my front door to screaming my name,” William mused.
He just had to ruin the moment.
You lifted your head from the pillow, glaring down at him and squirming as he dug his chin into your belly button, your bare thighs framing his face like the artwork it was.
“And have you keep them like a weird trophy? No thank you,” you shot back, ignoring the jibe about the lightning-fast speed of your rendezvous.
He just cackled, smacking a kiss to your bare hip before rolling out of your hold. You shivered at the lack of body warmth, trying to keep your cool as he crawled up beside you to thump himself down on the pillow next to yours.
“I know you miss me, käraste.”
Something about the way he looked into your eyes, skin all flushed from your recent activities and a small smile on his lips – well, it left you feeling vulnerable.
“William,” was all you could murmur.
“I miss you,” he said firmly, “I miss you so much and I’m pretty sure my whole family is sick of me talking about you.”
He talked about you to his family still?
He missed you?
“You’re the one who broke up with me, remember?” you said shakily, pulling the sheets up to cover your chest.
“And I regret it every day. I was an idiot,” he said softly.
“You can’t just say these things! It isn’t fair!” you groaned, sitting upright.
William sat up next to you, running a hand through his tousled hair. “I know okay, I know. But I’m holding onto hope that you still miss me too! This is the third time we’ve fallen into bed together since we broke up. The first, when you came to pick up your belongings before I left for summer – once is an accident. But the second time three days ago? Twice is coincidence. Three times now…well, it’s a pattern. Three times when I didn’t deserve it, you still graced my bed with your presence. So I’m sorry if I’m not making things fair right now, but this is hard on me too.”
He was pining. William Nylander was pining.
Tears stung at your eyes and you turned your head away from him, but he placed a hand on your thigh over the bedsheet, staying silent. As much as your hated to a admit it, he had a point. Three times was a pattern. But was it a pattern you needed to break, after the way he treated you?
“You tossed me aside like old trash, William. You broke up with me out of nowhere, when all I’ve ever done is love you, and support you, and care for you. All because I dared to smile when Steph and Mitch joked that I’d be the one walking down the aisle next. A joke. A simple joke, because we’d been together for three years and they could see how much I loved you. But that wasn’t enough for you, or it scared you, or whatever the hell it did to make you break my heart and run away,” you said angrily, tears making your voice watery.
William’s hand tightened on your thigh briefly before it slid away, and you finally looked back at him to see tears in his own eyes.
“You’re right. I panicked. I messed up the best relationship I’ve ever had because before you I’d never thought about marriage, not seriously. And then they brought it up and it was all I could think about and I spiralled and I panicked. I’m sorry, käraste. I’ll never be able to make up for how sorry I am.”
Your lips parted in surprise at the raw emotion in his words, speechless for once. His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, and he took a shaky breath before smiling sadly.
“I’m sorry that I hurt you, and I’m sorry for breaking your heart, and I’m sorry that my insecurities and panic took control. I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, let alone even having you here right now, but I don’t know what I can do to convince you that I mean it. I love you. I love you and I miss you,” he murmured.
He loved you.
He loved you and he missed you.
Fresh tears spilled down your cheeks at the honesty in his words, every ounce of him genuine and soul-destroying. A whimper tore from your throat at the very thought of him still loving you, and it was all you could do to clutch at his shoulders as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in the gentlest of kisses, barely able to catch your breath as he rested his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you are,” you managed to choke out.
William smiled sadly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before leaning backwards to look into your eyes properly.
“Is there any chance that you can forgive me, and give me a second chance? Even the slightest sliver of hope?” he asked, chewing his bottom lip.
“I don’t know if I could cope with that kind of heartbreak again,” you said hesitantly.
He let out a shaky breath but nodded. “I understand.”
If ever there was a time to trust your gut, now was it.
“It would take a lot for me to trust you again.”
His lips parted, a stunned expression seeping across his face.
“And we shouldn’t sleep together until I feel like you won’t break my heart again.”
“You mean…”
He trailed off, eyes wide as he ran his hand over his hair.
You winced. “If that’s a deal breaker then-”
“No no no you’ve given me hope, don’t stop now,” William grinned, making you huff out a laugh, “It’s your birthday next week right? Do you have any plans yet?”
“I don’t have any plans yet, no. Why?” you said, raising an eyebrow.
Where was he going with this?
“Let me take you out for dinner. There’s this great Thai place that’s just opened up. They use seasonal produce and I’ve heard their fall menu is incredible. There’s no-one I’d rather go with, other than you. So let me take you out for your birthday, please?”
“You want to take me out for my birthday?” you asked, surprised.
“I want to take you out on a date. It just so happens that I can spoil you for your birthday at the same time. I want to treat you just like you deserve, käraste, just as I should’ve always treated you. And you deserve the world.”
How could you say no to that?
“You only get one second chance,” you warned him, unable to stop the smile that spread over your lips.
“That’s all I need. I’m going to make this up to you, I promise,” he grinned.
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hangesdarling · 5 months
Can I ask for hate sex with hange?
(Hope this fits within your rules!)
commitment — h. zoë
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PAIRING. Hange Zoë x female reader SYNOPSIS. Commander Hange find it difficult to commit into a relationship with you. CONTENT. 18+, MDNI, biting, leaving bite marks, vaginal fingering, oral sex (hange receiving), overstimulation, panty stuffing, scissoring, angst, alcoholism, teasing, dirty talk (lmk what else) WORD COUNT. 4.1k (i got carried away 😭) A/N. School may be killing me but at least I get to write this angsty smut for Hange (sorry for taking so long anon, and yesss, this fits with my rules 💕)
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Your privilege from birth remained an indelible mark and only strengthened when your father rose to rank in the military police brigade. Those itchy elegant clothes at private parties, or of wearing a proper pin-up dress when you want to cross the road without a word of judgment became a pervasive familiarity.
Maybe even freedom contorted itself to your comfort and safety for you only saw Titans in those publications. Hange thought of you as an entitled woman untouched even by the dust from Shiganshina as expected from someone who lived in the inner walls from birth. 
But you love playing with fire. You love Hange's esoteric yet strangely fascinating eye bored through you across that expansive room. It was full of people in the usual fancy setting you were used to. Empty words were exchanged through them as if a common meeting could create another layer of peace to prevent such bonds from breaking. 
However, tonight was not so tasteless when you're exchanging wordless conversations and suggestive glances with the Commander of the Survey Corps. 
The party was not fascinating but the eventual meetings that followed were. For some time, your father almost believed you were interested in a position in the military from how you frequented the headquarters. Your surreptitious meetings with Hange came once a week, turning twice or thrice later on. Eventually, their vision of you as an entitled woman shattered under one kiss followed by sloppy lovemaking in their office. 
"So you weren't so stuck up after all," Hange mused, their lips stained with the gloss from your lips. 
"And you weren't so sophisticated, Commander." A teasing smirk rose on your lips, fingers circling the angry kiss marks trailing up from their chest to their neck. Your hips mounted to reposition yourself in their lap, earning an appreciative smile from them just for your boldness. "Taking me right here in the office? Really?" 
Your banters flowed like fluid robbed of viscosity, a free-flowing connection to the soul. Hange has this charming, relaxed smile, a glimpse of their youth smothered by the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. Your presence became a prying tool, each loving word uttered lifting the heaviness within them. 
You relished on those weekdays you had to pretend that you were not fucking the Commander. A sensational thrill shot through your body, even to the tips of your toes just from writing each lipstick-stained letter, each lewd word placed upon paper to be mailed directly at their office disguised as a formal letter. 
Lately, your meetings have thinned to twice or thrice a month, putting intense yearning upon waiting for a familiar letter in your mailbox. It wasn't frequent but Hange had a way with words, and it was enough to make you read their letter the way a devotee reads their bible. 
However, upon another chance of meeting after such intense longing, you found Hange in haste, bounding your conversation into half an hour based on how the clock on their wrist ticked. 
So you hugged them, you nestled your head on their chest like you always used to as if doing so would merit their stay. 
"Sweetheart, I really have no time for this," their tone sounded apologetic, as if in repentance for your yearning bounded by their time. "Say what you want to say, Y/N."
"Tell me, Hange. What are we?" It was soft yet so pointed that Hange stirred from your touch. They can't find a way to scoot around the topic with your tone of adamance. Their lips pursed into a thin line before sighing. 
"Y/N, we've talked about this." 
Your fists clenched at their olive uniform, your face remained buried on their chest. 
"But Hange... We've been seeing each other for such a long time now. And I..."
Hange knows you cannot finish your sentence, each word snatched from your mouth for fear of sounding pathetic. 
"Y/N, look, I wasn't carved out for such a commitment," they pulled away gently, lifting your chin to look at them and letting go eventually when you shook their hand off. "I care for you, Y/N. But we can't do this now." 
That's what you always say, you wanted to scream out. That this wasn't the right time, that it would be best to keep things this way not to hurt each other. You always do this as if there was always a better time than now.
Your hand clenched around their coat once more then let go all at once. Hange's watch ticked twice.
"I hate you," your lips moved in scorn, in an angry desperation to not burst into tears. It took all Hange's strength to not argue back, to resist your statement and pull you back in their arms so this parting wouldn't hurt as much. Their watch ticked again and like any other meetings, they didn't have time. 
Hange sighed, squeezing your hand and letting it go as they stepped back. "I'm sorry, Y/N. We'll talk about this when I get back."
Your eyes welled with tears as their footsteps grew fainter from where you stood frozen. You tried to walk away silently but the sound of their train leaving clutched you in an urge to scream. 
Maybe Hange was right that being in an official relationship wasn't any better.  I have to grow up, you told yourself. Hange has this mature view of things that smothers their imaginative side. Their decisions felt like the safest yet most terrible ones you couldn't wrap your heart around. You grew up knowing that things you want would materialize the moment you wished for them. It contrasts all the harsh experiences Hange had outside the walls all those years ago, not only fighting titans but the corrupt humans themselves. This isn't a fairy tale, Y/N, your mind spoke in Hange's voice. 
But you want to stop longing, to await for a love that does not dither, for a piece of commitment you could hold onto each time you wait for Hange to come back. Just the slightest verbal evidence that you're the person they come to as a lover. But your attempt to get their heart in your care failed once again. 
Maybe you were never their lover. You're just another one of those women they invited over for a fortnight of pleasure. You just happen to last long enough because they weren't tired of you just yet. You scoffed to yourself, pouring yourself another drink later that night day when Hange left. They should be getting on the ship as of this time based on your estimate. Another few weeks of not seeing each other, but this time parting with such bitter words. 
I hate you. 
Did you truly mean it? Maybe you hate their choice, but not them. Or perhaps it was irritating how much you cannot fully place hate on their name even if you tried.
You drank the bottle of wine to the last droplet, mind considering a visit to your father's headquarters early that morning. 
Not long ago, you earned a temporary job in the headquarters as an excuse to see Hange. It was rather tedious but you're not aversed about reading lengthy reports and sorting them when you could always meet the Commander afterwards. But with Hange's absence, the papers were getting more difficult to bear that you had to avert your eyes from the pile for at least an hour. 
However, you left the room later on, remembering you shouldn't have to bear with such things when you have a privilege placed on your name. You could always pay that kind soldier trying to help you out. But later that noon, he won't accept monetary payment, but rather a chance to take you out on a drink until night. 
Perhaps it wasn't such a bad offer since you needed a drink yourself. A splash of alcohol might hopefully erase Hange's face from your mind. You haven't even written a single letter since they left and planned to keep it that way. 
The bar where soldiers of low ranks weren't as sophisticated, and the cheap drinks tasted unique. Your first drink burned your throat but you were too thrilled by the new environment to even protest. You tried to imagine Hange in place of the guy next to you. Hange would have looked at you in amusement, maybe even tried to down a bottle to show you a glimpse of their previous life before they became Commander. 
But that daydream blurs and vanishes into a tasteless reality as you down a few drinks. This place only reminded you of Hange's absence, an environment far too cruel for you to bear. It was clear that you wanted to leave the bar and cut that night short. The man who brought you here has been a help in your tipsy state, and much to your distaste, he began a shaky confession of why he brought you here. 
His hands were cold when they met yours, you wanted to roll your eyes at how he was trying to meet your eyes. You're beautiful, you're friendly enough. I always see you frequent the headquarters. 
Shallow confessions, you thought to yourself, and yet it all sounds tempting especially now that the alcohol was kicking in. 
You tried to kiss him mid-sentence, tasting the cheap beer on both of your lips. His lips felt strange, unfamiliar, and almost cold from the air outside. You retracted almost immediately, the tempting whispers of the alcohol in your system diminished all at once. It was a terrible kiss and it will never feel good when your lips keep searching for Hange's sweet and loving ones. 
You're not one to toy with other people's feelings but the kiss stirred and hazed your mind back to soberness that you ran away into the frigid night. You tried to wash away the taste with another glass of wine when you got home but the feeling of betrayal lingered.
But then again, it wouldn't be a betrayal to Hange because you were never theirs. They've made it clear a few more times than enough. 
We can't do this now. There wasn't an ‘us’ to begin with. 
Later that midnight, you tried writing several letters addressed to Hange but none felt right. All ended up in a discarded pile beside your bed, your inked hands unwashed as the alcohol inched you closer to slumber. 
Returning to Paradis without you in sight made the morning all the more bitter for Hange. Not a letter from you, nor an answer for all the letters they sent while they were away. They remember the hatred laced with your words the last time you saw one another. 
Against all the bitterness nestled within them, they remained wishing that you never meant your words. 
Later that afternoon in the headquarters, they wanted to come to you but decided against it at the last minute. They need a few hours to themselves. Maybe for sleep or other things. However, Hange cannot sleep now that their mind is occupied not just by the pressing issues in the military, but also by you. 
They thought of your sweet, blushing face in their hands whenever they kiss you, or how you make a seat for yourself in their lap whenever you're in the mood to be playful, but above all that, they longed to feel you after such a tedious time away. Their mind was plagued with questions of where you were and what had happened while they were gone. Do you still resent them? 
However, their questions were beginning to be answered in such an unlikely manner when they overheard a conversation among soldiers drinking at work. The Commander wanted to burst in and admonish them for misbehavior when they heard your name being spoken along degrading words. A slut. A woman easily persuaded by an invitation to drink. Hange proceeded to listen, fists clenched as the soldier you kissed not even a week ago decided to warp his story of rejection to your disadvantage.
Hange glanced at these soldiers, remembering the names and faces they would subject to grueling military work later that day. They forgot their tiredness and went out of the headquarters to look for you.
Hange didn't want to believe that man's words. They placed their trust in you to that extent. However, their reasoning shattered when they heard it from your mouth. 
You resent them because seeing them makes your heart ache. You wished to hurt them the way they did when they broke your heart. 
 "I was never yours, Hange. You've made that clear several times so why bother to snoop around to what I'm up to?" you glared at them when they stood blocking the way out of your room. 
"Are you telling me these things because you're bored of me and wish to have a new plaything, or is this your petty attempt to make me mad?" Hange gave you a tired glare, arms crossed over their chest. They were too exhausted to deal with your temper at that moment and wished for a more civilized conversation. 
Your brows rose from their claim and said, "I'm not one to find playthings, and toy with them until I'm satisfied. Maybe you should look at yourself, Hange."
Your attempt to storm out of the room was interrupted when Hange caught your arm and brought you back to face them. "You think I'm toying with you?" Their tone only indicated that you managed to anger them with that statement. 
"What am I supposed to think when we only met several times just to fuck each other and yet you seem revolted by the idea of even calling me your lover?" you jabbed a finger on their chest, your tears more unbridled than that of your last meeting. "Was it easier to dedicate your life protecting a hopeless, godforsaken land than loving me?" 
Your claims were making Hange snap but they couldn't let themself lose control now. 
"You misunderstood me entirely," they muttered as if speaking any louder would prompt them to break. "And don't you dare call Paradis hopeless. You know nothing about it."
"You think so low of me, don't you? You think I'm too stupid to know what's happening here?" you argued, hastily wiping your tears so they wouldn't blur your vision. "It's obvious we don't understand each other. Maybe it's better if we stop all of this entirely."
Their grip on your arm tightened unconsciously. "You don't mean that," they scoffed. 
"Don't challenge me, Hange. You must be a fool if you think I can't replace you," you said coldly, earning a glare from them. Hange couldn't hold themself any longer, the frustration from work coupled with your behavior towards them irritates them further. 
They swiftly locked the door and pulled you towards them, arms circled tightly on your waist. Their face was centimeters away from you, their warm breath brushing against your lips, "This is not what I'm expecting when I come back here, Y/N. You're such a clever girl so you must know what I'm feeling right now."
Their hand went to the back of your head, lips touching yours as they whispered, "I'm so damn fed up and not just that..."
Hange dragged you back to your bed, forcing you to sit down. Their silent aggressiveness scared you when they slowly pressed their body against yours, their frame caging you firmly like one would do to a prey. Your legs dangled over the edge as their knees pressed on your sides. The bruising kisses they gave dug into your skin, almost like Hange was trying to tear the soft surface apart until you bled. 
"Hange, not here," you hissed, pushing on their shoulders. They groaned on your neck and gathered your wrists over your head.
"Don't act like this is the first time I fucked you here," they retorted, completing the cruel necklace of love bites surrounding your neck. Hange rolled up your skirt to your waist, their other hand pushing at the back of your thigh so you would lay open for them. 
"My father's at home, you asshole."
"I don't care," they replied almost immediately. "Let your father hear us. Let him know I'm already defiling you so he'd force me to marry you. After all, that's what you want, right?" 
"You twist my words," you argued. 
"I'm just learning from you," Hange muttered, their desperate lips now kissing on your chest. Hange could feel that your wrists were starting to relax on their grip. "Do you know how much irritates me when you think I don't love you?" 
"Maybe you should ask yourself why I think that way," you shot back. 
"If I'm so terrible in your mind then let me prove you otherwise," Hange told you like a firm promise, letting go of your hand to undo your clothes to the last button. Their hand kneaded on your waist, finding their way to settle on your breasts. 
You hated how much your body leaned into their warmth, of how you let yourself become so vulnerable and bare in their eyes. Your resentment felt so shallow when you fall apart every time their hands touched you.
Hange breathed onto your neck, their hand passionately locked around yours while the other glided over your folds. You gave their neck the same treatment from earlier as you left bruising kisses on their skin, making sure that their subordinates will see through the marks even with their uniform. 
Hange kept your moans muffled with their mouth, their usual loving whispers gone and replaced by a desperateness to have you, to make you come all over their hands once more. Your fingers gripped and dug into their uniform, the coil on your stomach tightening with each thrust. 
"Hange..." you whispered their name and repeated it like a fervent prayer as their lips never left your body. You clamped a hand over your mouth as your hips rocked against their fingers.
"Louder, sweetheart. You want people downstairs to hear you, right?" Hange smirked, their lips and thrusts both deepening as if in punishment for the moans you were trying to muffle. They tore your hand from your mouth and bit on your skin, earning a whimper from you.
You desperately closed your legs in between their hands but Hange only pulled them farther apart.
Come again for me, sweetheart, they would whisper, and you would collapse onto them over and over again the way rocks gently wear away against the crashing of waves.
Hange pulled their calloused fingers from your dripping cunt, groaning when they felt your teeth biting them again once more.
You wrapped a leg around them, shifting your body weight so you could straddle them. Hange felt your hands ripping at the zipper of their pants, the button securing the band disconnecting from the fabric.
 "Ease down, Y/N, damnit," they grunted as you strip off their button in haste. You bite on their lip as you kiss, letting them know you're in no mood to be gentle nor loving like you always used to. Your passion was coarse and carnal, grating through their flesh. Your hands found their underwear, slipping it off their legs without letting them say a thing.
You balled the fabric into a loose gag before stuffing it on their mouth. Your lips curled into a smirk before kissing their forehead, saying,  "You talk too much, Commander, it’s irritating. So you better keep that on until I'm done with you."
Hange groaned softly, patiently watching you settle in between their thighs. Your eyes bored onto theirs as the soft pad of your thumb circled their clit. Their hands found your hair, gripping onto them the moment your tongue glided along their slit. Hange whined at how torturously slow you used your tongue, getting them to the edge and pulling away when they needed it most.
Hange kept their mouth stuffed as you wished but proceeded to brutally use your mouth later on in accord with their liking.
"That's right, put your mouth to good use," they grunted, spitting out the gag later on, their inner thighs pressing on your head as their cum smeared your lips and chin. They delivered a wet, warm kiss on your lips, fingers resting on your chin as they said, "That's a lot better than arguing with me, don't you think?"
You groaned at that remark, yet your stamina was too depleted to protest when they're shifting you into another position. 
"I'm tired, Hange," you mumbled. 
"And I'm not, Y/N," they answered back, lifting your leg so they could settle in between. "I'll stop once you cease this bullshit with me, and handle your temper so we could talk."
"You wish," you rolled your eyes. 
Their hand circled around your throat as they inch closer to your face and spoke, "Then shut your mouth and take it."
Hange pushed your legs further, your soaked entrances meeting. Hange groaned as they felt the friction building up close to their pelvic region. They gave your throat a light squeeze as their hips moved against yours. You pulled onto their collar for a kiss, distracting both of you from how the bed creaks just by your movements escalating to roughness. 
Your intimacy was full of marks, of bites that drew blood. Your bodies moved in such a way where a stronger emotion could be felt other than desire. Perhaps it was longing, or an immense unresolved yearning of two hearts who could only find understanding through the flesh. 
Hange's lips trembled against yours as they came, their grip loosening so their hands could trail along your back. They placed a band of love bites that turned to purplish bruises, their tongue licking along the ones that managed to bleed. It took a while before your breathing stabilized enough.
Hange untangled their body from you and dressed up silently a few minutes later, mumbling about how it was getting too late, that it would be suspicious for them to stay. You're too tired to sulk as you shift your body to turn against them, finding comfort from the warm sheet encasing your body. Fine, just go, you wanted to mutter in defeat. 
However, Hange walked over to you, kneeling down so they could meet your eyes once more. They tucked the stray hair from your face as they spoke, "I'll talk to your father first thing in the morning."
You were alerted, brows creasing as your eyes tried to scan their intentions. "For what?" 
"Well," Hange sighed softly, playing on the loose strands on your face. "You have quite a traditional family so I'll formally talk to your father about us. I hope to merit a positive response."
"But I thought you don't want a committed relationship with me..."
"I know I told you that several times before," Hange traced a thumb over your cheek. "Truly it scares me because I know what I'm like. I can't give you all my attention, Y/N, and I don't want that to hurt you. But I've hurt you several times already because of my refusal. My fear is not worth breaking your heart over."
Their solemn gaze met yours, and you could feel another layer wearing away from them. Another vulnerability they're willing to hand over to you. You couldn't have guessed that they would bare their heart this way.
"Hange..."  There are things you wanted to say but couldn't find one where you could subdue your intense, profound appreciation. Your hand went to their cheek, gathering their warm skin onto your hand. 
"Y/N, you deserve more than I could give you. I can't promise to be everything you wished for. And perhaps it scares me terribly that you'll end up hating me for it," Hange continued, their gaze softening. "But I'll try, alright?" 
"Alright," you smiled, absentmindedly fixing their collar and tugging on it as a subtle plea. "Could you... stay for a bit longer?" 
Hange's responsibilities await like an undesirable visitor at their desk, waiting for them to get through their office door and pounce upon them. It thins their energy and will, a fuse burned into blackness within their heart. Staying with you would only create another opportunity for work to pile up higher, and yet, they couldn't find the heart to refuse. They felt like a charred, pitiful wick that once burned brightly. Your loving embrace, and intoxicating touch, your insistent love they cannot shut down for much longer— all made them forget their inanition and diminished vigor within.
"Of course I can stay," Hange smiled before letting themself sink back into your embrace, drowning themself into your depth until they couldn't breathe. 
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated, sweethearts <3
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
statting out the rat grinders
this analysis is based on what we've seen of the rat grinders and their abilities in ragenarok. a few assumptions: if we follow my original xp analysis of the rat grinders that puts them at a comfortable level 19. however, we know that they've been doing far more than that, and that they may be unevenly leveled.
we know from the adventuring party that they have 20th level class/subclass features, without the benefits of leveling through it: no ASIs or feats, no additional hit dice, no hit points reflecting 20th level. the rat grinders are glass cannons to the extreme. i would guess that their stats and hit points are roughly equal to the bad kids at level 14, which leaves them vulnerable to being taken out within a round or two: if they fail a couple of saves they're stuck. what they do get is high level spell slots and the improved proficiency bonus for their best skills.
i'm presuming that the rage stars have this effect; granting access to power that your body can't support, using rage and deep emotion to sustain this state. they're functionally equivalent to the bad kids, given the bad kids' other resources and tactical cooperation. the bad kids do big damage every time because their resources are more measured--they don't have a 9th level spell to drop on the first turn.
kipperlilly copperkettle
class: mastermind rogue
level: 20
estimated hp: unknown (21 damage taken)
abilities: 10d6 of sneak attack, expertise to stealth, bonus action help, insightful manipulator (read for abilities), misdirection (move attacks to others in your space), reliable talent, soul of deceit (mind can't be read), elusive (no advantage against you unless incapacitated), stroke of luck (turn a miss into a hit/check to a 20)
i can believe she's a level 20 rogue based on her damage output. i don't think her weapon is enhanced, so it's likely not adding much to her output. riz regularly does more damage because he has magical enhancement to his weapons.
she seems more like an assassin rogue than a mastermind--she does a lot of sneaking around the battlefield to get the drop on people. she could have thrown bonus action help but stayed out of range despite having ranged options. she also doesn't have magical means of her own to hide, presumably because she wasn't using it during this fight. not much on her hp at the moment, but i'd guess she's squishy based on her strategy.
buddy dawn
class: light cleric
level: 20
estimated hp: unknown (75 damage taken)
abilities: full suite of spell slots, warding flare (impose disadvantage on an attack roll), channel divinity, potent spellcasting (wisdom modifier added to cleric cantrip damage), divine intervention, corona of light (enemy disadvantage against fire/radiant damage)
buddy has spent two turns of this battle holding concentration on a banishment and trying to dispel a slow on ruben. not really doing too much to help his party. he could have healed oisín but didn't. it speaks to their priorities as a group that he wasn't healing. he was there to banish the poll box and participate in the ritual, not really as a functional combatant.
honestly he's the purest example of what the rage stars do; they can give you power, but that means nothing if you don't know how to effectively use it. buddy hasn't protected himself or his allies at all
ivy embra
class: gloomstalker ranger | arcane archer fighter
level: 11 | 9
estimated hp: ~78 (78 damage taken)
abilities: action surge, hunter's mark, dread ambusher (extra attack on first turn), extra attack (1), iron mind (wisdom save proficiency), 4 arcane shot options (2 uses), indomitable, land stride (no difficult terrain), indomitable, stalker's flurry (on a miss you can make another weapon attack)
i split her at 11 | 9 because we know she doesn't have 2 extra attacks, and she attempts stalker's flurry but fails. the arcane shot she used (halving an opponents speed with a con save) isn't technically a standard arcane shot option.
she really doesn't have the hit points to suggest she's 20th level. even assuming no bonus to con, average hp from from 20d10 (10 from ranger, 10 from fighter) would be 110. it's closest to 14d10 with no con modifier. also this would put her on even ground with the bad kids. this is what i used to estimate the rat grinders being similar to the bad kids.
oisín hakinvar
class: conjuration wizard
level: 20
estimated hp: ~90 (121 damage taken)
abilities: full suite of spell slots, arcane recovery, minor conjuration (summon an object), benign transposition (30 feet teleport swapping with a small/medium creatures), focused conjuration (concentration can't break on conjurations), durable summons (all summons get 30 temp hp), spell mastery and signature spells
even though he died before his turn, i can believe oisín is a level 20 conjuration wizard, based on what we saw at the party. i'd guess what he did is some sort of ritual on top of a control weather.
hp-wise he falls in the range of for 14d6+40 assuming he has +2 to con. it works on the high end. i'd guess his actual total is lower than the damage he took, since brennan said he was on death's door after taking 86 damage, so i'd say no higher than 90, even though he took a total of 121.
ruben hopclap
class: whispers bard
level: 20
estimated hp: ~75 (75 damage taken)
abilities: full suite of spell slots, bardic inspiration, psychic blades (psychic damage from weapon attacks), words of terror (1 minute to seed paranoia), mantle of whispers (steal shadows of the dead), magical secrets, shadow lore (charm a creature for 8 hours)
the only spellcaster of the rat grinders to actually use their high level spells in this fight, with the psychic scream that didn't stun the bad kids. he actually did get both spells off despite the slow, but couldn't counterspell or grant inspiration.
hp-wise he's in the normal range for a 14th level bard at 75. he did roll nat 1s on both the slow and the fireball saving throws, and failed synaptic static by 1. man is bad at saving throws.
mary ann skuttle
class: berserker barbarian
level: 20
estimated hp: unknown (52 damage taken)
abilities: rage, frenzy, mindless rage, intimidating presence (action to frighten a creature), brutal critical, resistance to psychic damage, relentless rage (drop to 1 while raging instead of 0), persistent rage (rage only ends if unconscious), primal champion (STR & CON go up by 4, for a max of 24)
we haven't seen very much of mary ann--she got slowed and then couldn't effectively get anywhere for 2 rounds of combat. i'm excited to see what she has in store. i'm guessing she has more hp than the rest of the party by virtue of being the barbarian, but as a berserker she only halves bludgeoning/slashing/piercing, and the bad kids have a lot of other damage types that they work with.
i'll be back with more next week: covering the gaps in this analysis and maybe hitting jace and porter.
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chatterbox-73 · 13 days
Simptember 2024.
Day 11 - Last straw.
Tenya Iida x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story for simptember, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for simptember and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary: what happened when you teased a strict and stuck-in-his-ways man, well you find out after relentlessly teasing your husband and till his left with no choice but to punish you.
Word count: 1.4K
CW: NSFW and adult content, swearing, unprotected sex, oral (m!receiving), sex toys, anal play, double penetration, sexting/nudes, sending voices, DD/lg, restrains/handcuffing, grinding/dry-humping, eating cum, spanking, squirting, lingerie, implied aftercare.
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Tenya Iida sat in his office scrolling through his phone, he had finished all his meetings and work for the day, now he patiently waited for the day to end, he always liked to wait until 11pm on the dot and he’d never leave a minute before… however you were making it very difficult.
You had been sending him dirty messages and pictures all day,
“Tenya please I need it…”
“Please I’m so desperate…”
“Look how soaked my panties are…”
And it only continued now, all the messages were still fairly modest, as you had the decency to not send him full view nudes while he was at work, at least he believed you were decent enough to not act in such manner.
Tenya looked down at his phone and noticed a video file, he clicked the file and waited for it to load, when the video clip started you came into view, in nothing but a pink thong, you turned around and climbed onto the bed, wiggling your hips for the camera and turning to looked at it while you fondled your breasts, then the video cut off.
“Please come home, I’m so lonely…”
Tenya looked over at his clock and sighed 9:50pm, it was still so early and yet he was actually fighting himself, for what he wasn’t sure, his mind was weakly telling him to ignore your advances and save everything for the time he’s supposed to be home, while his body was telling him to forget his schedule and leave so he could take you, until you learnt your lesson. “Fuck…” Tenya huffed under his breath and clenched his fist.
Another video file, he opened it and there you were, on the bed straddling a pillow, you moaned and whimpered as you ground your hips on the pillow, “daddy… oh I’m so close” you cried out throwing your head back and picking up your pace, your body suddenly stiffened and your fell forward, you looked into the camera, huffing and smiling before the video cut out again.
“This pillow is nothing like your leg, daddy”
“But it’ll do”
Tenya suddenly stood to his feet and slung his bag over his shoulder, before leaving the office without allowing his mind the chance to rationalise the situation anymore, Tenya knew one thing for certain, he’d be going home and teaching you to respect his work hours.
You sat at the dining room table in a lavender babydoll slip, that was almost completely transparent, it left nothing to the imagination, the slip came with a matching thong that surprisingly gave you more privacy then its matching top, and too tie everything together you wore a pair of soft mint coloured heels, your watched the door and wondered with Tenya would be doing now, had he seen your videos, was he pleased with them or furious about them, had it been enough to get him to leave work early. You questioned to yourself but just as you where about to start spiralling into your thoughts, the front door swung open and in came Tenya in a huff, before you could say for do anything he dropped his bag and looked at you, “get in that bedroom now” his voice was strong and dangerous, you quickly stood and walked into the bedroom before kneeling next to the bed, you and Tenya had played his game before, though it was always so planned out and never like this.
Tenya walked into the room silently the only notice coming from him being his heavy footsteps, you watched as he walked into the closet and returned with a relatively large box, dropping it onto the bed and opening it he looked inside. Tenya reached in and grabbed what he wanted, you swallowed and tried to calm yourself but his next words only made your panic worse, “remember the safe word?” He asked and you nodded frantically, “say it…” he demanded and you took a shaky breath in, “kiwi..” you spoke clearly, however once he lifted the handcuffs your resolve left you, “hands” he spoke and reached out a hand for yours, you placed your hands in his one large hand and watched anxiously as he locks those cuffs on you, once on he grabs them and pulled you onto the bed.
You held your ass up as he pressed his hips into your rear, he rubbed his hands over your cheeks before raising his hand and sharply bringing it down onto your cheek, you cried out and he repeated this action again and again, “if only you have waited, I’d have made you feel so good and special, like your the only girl that matters” he hummed and rubbed a hand over the mark his made, you felt him pull back slightly before he pulled the string on your thong down, he pressed the thin fabric to his nose before he discarded it across the room. “So sweet, it almost makes me forget the way you tried to humiliate me” he chuckled and something wet and cold rubbed against your tightly puckered ring, “relax baby, daddy has a surprise for you” he laughed and began to force the object into your rear, by the feeling of it you recognised it as the pink beaded dildo, you whined and gripped the bedsheets, you tried to relax as he thrust the toy in and out of you slowly.
Just as you started to relax and it became easier to take it in the back he started to rub his thick dripping tip against your entrance, “I can’t take both… please don’t” you moaned and Tenya rolled his eyes, “now if you actually believed that baby, you’d use our special little word” he hummed and began to slide into you, dropping your face and chest onto the bed you cried at the fullness but didn’t say that word, how could you… it felt little heaven, never did you think he’d be filling you this much after sending those videos, his thrusts with slow and in time with the try how he suddenly started thrusting faster and in alternating movements with the toy, never once were you actually empty.
Your pleasure began to build, tipping you close and close to the finish line, and just as your reached your peak and began to cum hard, sudden pull the toy and himself out quickly, this caused a large explosion in your loins and a gush of liquid to flow out of you and all into the bed, “your a dirty slut, babygirl” Tenya hummed watch the last drops of release drip from your aching cunt, “turn and face me, now” he demanded and you moved as quickly as your shaky limbs would move you, Tenya sat back his legs open and one bent so he could rest his arm on it, “get that smart-arse mouth to work” he grunted.
You leant down immediately and began sucking his tip, however this wasn’t enough for Tenya as he wrapped his fingers into your hair and pushed you down onto his cock, you gagged and he held you there, watched you struggle before quickly pulling you back up for air, you gasped and took a few deep breaths before he started using as a human fleshlight, he groaned as you desperately swallowed around him and whine, despite the abuse on your throat this was turning into, it was fun and so damn hot… and better then what you imagined he’d do to you.
“Fuck baby… oh shit” Tenya huffed as his hips shuddered and you drank down every last drop of his cum, sitting up you smiled at him, “you should come home early more often…” you chuckled and Tenya leant forward, removing the handcuffs and tossing them into the box, “possibly… though maybe you could put on a little show, like the one you sent me, when I’m actually home to fulling enjoy it” he hummed and you nodded tiredly, before moving into Tenya’s arms and drifting off you sleep.
When you woke up a few hours later you noticed you were in a nice warm and clean bed, you were now dressed into a comfortable set of pyjamas, you looked over to your husband who sat reading a book, as if he felt your eyes on him, Tenya looked to you before he leant down and kissed your lips so warmly and passionately, you slightly craved more.
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Simptember Masterlist
Day 10 - Hatsuharu Sohma: Closest distance
Day 12 - Itachi Uchiha: Gifts
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thicctails · 16 days
Hidden Saplings | Under The Falls AU
A lil ficlet of Stan discovering the twins after the death of their dad, Sherman Pines. Tw: Minor character death, unintentional child abandonment, vomiting
It was early September when Stanley got the letter.
He'd just gotten done helping Rico with some "friendly negotiations" and had pushed open the door of the run down motel he'd been staying at, intent on jumping into the shower and then passing out for however long his body allowed him to, when he noticed an envelope resting on the dingy carpet.
Ignoring the way his bruised knuckles ached, Stanley scooped the envelope up and squinted at it, trying to make out the writing in the dim evening light. His brows raised when he saw his mother's frilly, flowing handwriting printed on the face of the envelope, and he quickly produced a small knife from his pocket, slicing it open as he made his way over to his bed.
He hadn't spoken to his mother in... God, six, seven months? He always feared that it would be his father who picked up the phone, so although his gambles had paid off so far, he wasn't about to tempt fate. He wondered what was so important that she would go to the effort of writing to him.
Sliding the letter out, Stanley set the knife and envelope aside before rubbing the grit out of his eyes and glancing down at the paper.
"My dearest Stanley,
I'm not entirely sure how to write to you about this, but I know that I must somehow find the words.
Your father and I were visited by the police the other day. They told us that Sherman's home had been broken into by a violent criminal while he and his wife were sleeping."
"I don't know how to-
They're gone, Stanley. Someone found out our secret and murdered them. My little angel is gone because someone wanted to take his scales or have some kind of sick trophy. Thankfully, the magic is still working to trick everyone, so everyone believes that Shermie was just a Halloween enthusiast.
Words cannot describe how I'm feeling, and I'm so sorry that you have to find out this way.
I know you didn't get to know Sherman very well, since he came home so little, but I have a favor to ask of you. The funeral is being delayed while the investigation finishes, but the police are allowing us to visit the house to retrieve some personal items and photos. I'd like you to go to Sherman's house and pick out a few photos for the funeral and send them to me. I know it's far for you, but your father and I have to organize the funeral, and your brother hasn't been answering my calls.
I've put Shermie's address below. I'm so sorry, my little free spirit. I know you probably won't be able to come to the funeral. I know you want to, and that you loved your brother. I miss you, I love you, and again, I'm sorry I had to write to you about this.
Stanley dropped the letter, eyes still locked on the spot where it had been. It felt as though time had stopped, and he wasn't sure if he was going to throw up or pass out.
'Throwing up it is.' he thought numbly as nausea bubbled up in his gut. Stanley shot up and staggered into the bathroom, just barely managing to grip the seat of the toilet as his dinner came rushing back up his throat. Stomach acid and cheap liquor burned like fire as he heaved into the toilet, wincing and hacking.
The contents of the letter jostled around like a jar of shaken hornets, and forming a cohesive thought seem to be as difficult as keeping hold of sand. Once his stomach stopped rejecting everything, Stanley wiped ah his mouth and shakily pushed himself up. Turning, he reached for the shower taps and set them both to full strength. Shucking off his grimy clothes, Stanley all but threw himself into the water as his glamour slipped.
A long, powerful red tail bashed painfully against the filthy shower wall, his tailfin curling to accommodate the lack of space. His earfins lay flat against his head as Stanley slumped down, letting the lukewarm water spray onto him. His gills fluttered, relieved that he was finally allowing them to be out. Carding his claws through his greasy hair, Stanley let the shower water soothe his aching body as he tried to come to terms with what he'd just learned.
Stanley hadn't expected to find himself standing outside his older brother's house in the early hours of the morning under these circumstances.
Well, to be honest, he hadn't ever pictured himself standing outside Sherman's house at all. The two of them had never been close, and Stanley had only ever seen him a few times throughout his life. Shermie had been in the war, and he'd come back different, more distant and reserved, but even before then he'd never been around much. He and Pa just... never seemed to get along. The last time Stanley had seen him was at at his wedding years ago.
'Well, at least it wasn't just me he didn't like.' Stanley thought, before taking a deep breath and turning the door handle.
Shermie's house was almost picturesque. It was a little townhouse, light yellow in color with white shutters and a matching white picket fence. A garden was growing well in the front yard, and Stanley could see a few little decorative animals sprinkled here and there. It was soft and cutesy; the exact kind of place where no one thought anything bad could ever happen.
Ironically, places like that often ended up being the backdrop of the most horrific crimes possible.
The interior of the house was pleasant enough to look at, but there was a strange air of wrongness that put Stanley on edge. There was something inherently chilling standing in a place that had once held life, and now lay empty.
Brushing off the feeling, Stanley made his way inside, kicking off his boots and setting off down the hall. He looked over the various pictures on the wall; all featuring Shermie and his wife, Sally. Stanley hardly knew her, but she'd seemed like a nice gal when he met her at her and Sherms' wedding, and his brother clearly adored her, what with how he'd looked at her that day like she hung all the stars in the sky.
Seeing their smiling faces laid out before him just made the knife of misery and grief twist deeper. They were a young, happy couple. His brother was a good man, and he'd gotten outta Glass Shard with someone who loved him.
Neither of them had deserved this.
Turning away, he noticed a flight of stairs. Figuring that was a good place to start searching for more photos, Stanley made his way upstairs, peering down the hallway that met him at the top. There were two rooms; a bathroom, decorated with all manor of sea creature paraphernalia, and a bedroom.
Stanley pushed open the bedroom door, stepping onto the room's plush, carpeted floor. The room was as charming as the rest of the house, painted a light cream colour and decorated with lavender purple curtains, a king sized bed with a comforter that matched the curtains, a wooden dresser, and a closet in the corner.
'Guess I'll check the dresser first.' Stanley thought to himself, walking over to it. It looked worn, likely purchased second hand, and sported three drawers. Pulling open the top one, he found a bunch of women's clothes and a few socks. Not wanting to mess with Sally's things, he shut the drawer and moved onto the next one.
This drawer looked like it belonged to Sherman. Stanley gently moved some of his brother's clothes around, but there was nothing else to find. Sighing, Stanley shut the drawer and crouched down to open the final one.
This drawer was far more bare than the other two. There were no clothes inside, only a few small, soft blankets and, perplexingly, baby toys.
Stanley stared at the contents of the dresser drawer, confused. He plucked one of the toys from the drawer, a blue teddy bear, and sniffed at it. He could pick up the mildly familiar scent of Sherman, the chemical-laden scent of vanilla perfume, and...
Stanley sniffed the toy again, not sure if he was really smelling what he thought he was, or if it was just his imagination.
The scent of milk hit his nose, sweet and rich.
Stanley froze, alarms bells suddenly screaming in his head. He stood up as fast as he could, ignoring the swooping rush of dizziness that washed over him, and began to scent the air, praying that his brother was just holding onto the toys for a friend or something.
Now that he was looking for it, however, the milk scent was everywhere. It permeated the air in the same way that Shermie and Sally's scents still did, fading but noticable. There had been a pup here.
Shermie didn't have a pup.
...did he?
Stanley ran a hand through his hair, pulling at it slightly. Sure, Shermie and Pa didn't get along at all, but surely, surely he would have let him know if he had a fucking kid, for Ma's sake at least. Right?
'You wouldn't.' a quiet, vicious little voice hissed, 'You wouldn't say a damn thing, because that would mean facing Pa again. Who's to say Shermie just didn't want to deal with him yet?'
But if that was true, if Stanley wasn't just finally going crazy from loneliness...
...then where was the pup?
Panic began to build in Stanley's chest. Sherman would have hidden his pup, just in case they had an unexpected visitor, but that meant that no one knew that they were even here. How long had they been alone? How long had they gone without food?
Stanley sniffed at the air once again, trying to track down where the scent was strongest. He prowled around the room and stopped by the closet door. He yanked it open and ripped all the clothes off their hangers, ducking his head inside. It was dark, but that wasn't a problem to Stanley, and after a few moments he spotted something out of place. There was a small dip in the wall, like there was a door or panel.
Stanley reached for it, and his fingers found a handle. He pulled, and the wall opened, revealing a hidden doorway. He waisted no time, stepping into the short hallway and poking his head into the room that waited at the end.
The room was a small nursery. It was painted a pleasant blue color, and the room was illuminated by the gentle glow of a night light. There was a modified baby pool on the ground, the bottom padded with soft foam. The water, likely once pristine, looked muddied with filth.
And in that pool were two tiny, mewling pups.
A pair of twins, shivering and shaking, barely able to open their eyes, curling around each other for comfort. They had curly brown hair, just a few shades lighter than Stanley's own, and were coated in the pale white spots that all young pups had. One had pink scales and purple-pink fins, while the other had blue scales and orangey-red fins.
Stanley's body moved before his mind did. He crossed the room in record time and scooped the pups up into his arms, shaking as he did so. They were so, so light and so tiny, barely weighing anything as he picked them up. The pups twitched at the sudden sensation, chirping and crying loudly when they realized that someone had finally come back to them. They looked pale and washed out, their scales faded and their little bodies far too thin. Stanley wasn't an expert on pups, but his instincts were screaming at him that this was bad.
'Shit.' Stanley blanched as he realized that he wasn't just "not an expert" on pups, he had no idea how to care for them, 'Shit shit shit SHIT.'
Okay, he couldn't afford to breakdown right now, not while he was holding two pups that were probably starving and definitely needed to be cleaned up.
"Fuck. Okay, food first, then a bath, then... God, I don't know." Stanley murmered to himself, quickly leaving the nursery and heading back out into the bedroom. The bright lighting and open layout of the room made Stanley's hackles raise, and he had to fight the urge to find somewhere dark and defensible to hide himself and the two squirming bodies in his arms away.
The pups needed to eat. He could suffer through his instincts going haywire for a bit. He had long since learned to take his fear and shove it wayyyy down deep within himself.
Oh so carefully, Stanley made his way back down stairs and made a beeline for the kitchen. Shifting the twins so that he was holding both pups in one arm, he set about rummaging through the cupboards in search of formula. That was something pups ate, right? He didn't think that they could chew fish or anything like that yet.
God he hoped Sally didn't breastfeed.
'Fucking score.' Stanley mentally cheered as he spotted a can of the coveted formula tucked in behind various cans. He snatched it up and peered at the instructions for a moment before setting to work.
He awkwardly washed his hands, tore up the kitchen looking for bottles, and put all of his focus into not fucking up making the actual bottles. Once they were ready, he warmed them up a bit under the tap, tested the milk temperature, and eased himself onto Sherman's couch as he gave the twins the formula.
The pups all but snatched the bottles from him, their screeching quieting down into hungry growls as they suckled. Now that he wasn't worried that they would drop dead in his arms from starvation, Stanley took a minute to gather himself and actually look at the pups.
They were definitely twins. If you ignored the color of their scales, they looked the same. Close as they were now, Stanley could tell that the blue scaled twin was a little boy, while the pink scaled one was a little girl. Both of them had pudgy pup fat, but there was far less than there should have been.
"Sweet Moses, you poor things." Stanley croaked, nuzzling the pups, "I'm so sorry. I'm probably the worst person you coulda ended up with. God, I hope I haven't screwed things up somehow."
As he pulled back, he noticed something on the boy's forehead. Stanley brushed his brown locs aside and sucked in a breath.
A perfect recreation of the Big Dipper was on the kid's forehead, a striking birthmark that set him apart from his twin.
An anomaly.
"Heh, I guess it isn't just twins that runs in the family." he laughed wetly, "Man, Sixer would love you, kid."
Holy shit, Ford. He needed to call Ford. His twin needed to be caught up on what had happened.
Stanley felt his stomach flip at the thought, and he blew out a long gust of air. He had tried calling his brother a few times over the years, but he'd always been too chicken shit to actually do it.
Now, though, he couldn't afford to hang up again. He was going to have to man up and actually talk to his brother.
"Fuck." he cursed, slamming his head back against the couch. "I really don't wanna do that."
A quiet sound made him raise his head again, and he saw that the pups had finished their bottles and were now gnawing on the rubber nipples. Stanley sighed and got to his feet, gently pulling the bottles away. He didn't want to talk to Ford, but he had to. His twin deserved to know what had happened, and these pups deserved a guardian that wasn't a total fuck up.
But first, he was going to give these kids a bath. Bath first, dealing with deep personal problems later.
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nordschleifes · 7 months
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body work
➝ maybe agreeing to go to saudi arabia wasn't a bad idea…
➝ word count: 4,5k
➝ warnings: dakar!fer, flirting, mentions of bdsm, hot weather
➝ author's note: this last week has been extremely difficult for me, both emotionally and physically. i had a terrible migraine attack that left me practically unable to do anything other than cry or want to vomit. however, when she gave me a break, i managed to finish this one shot. i would really like your feedback, if possible!
You could feel your white t-shirt sticking to your skin, as well as your hair on the back of your neck. The desert sun made even the slightest effort feel Herculean, the hot wind doing little to alleviate the heat you felt even under the tent pitched on a stony plain near Al Wajh.
This was definitely not the way you wanted to start your year, but it wasn't like you had much of a choice. With a practically free schedule and a colleague unable to travel due to personal problems, it was up to you to go to Saudi Arabia to take care of one of the clinic's most famous patients.
— Fernando is almost here — you heard someone murmur next to you. Turning your face, you found a man with wavy hair messed up by the wind and his eyes half-closed as he looked at the horizon, searching for something on the horizon.
— Are you sure, Alberto? — you asked the businessman, raising an eyebrow — It's been ten minutes since people started arriving and nothing about them...
— From what they said, they were right behind another Toyota — he said, while a cloud of dust rose in the distance, indicating that another competitor was arriving at the competition camp — Ah, look at him there.
After crossing the finish line, you accompanied Alberto in an attempt to take the red, white and black painted Hilux to the closest point to the motorhome that had become your base of operations. As you approached the vehicle, which smelled of hot oil and gasoline, you saw the door suddenly open, revealing a figure wearing a blue helmet and a black jumpsuit with white and red trim.
— How it was? — Alberto asked, while the driver disconnected something from the central panel.
— Sand, stone and dust for ten hours — Fernando replied, as he unbuckled his seat belt and removed his helmet, revealing a tired smile — Ten hours! Can you believe that?
— I do — the businessman said, while helping the driver out of the truck. After throwing his helmet on the seat and hugging Alberto, Fernando headed towards the reporters who were crowding around a railing to talk to him.
Watching the driver take off his sandy coveralls, leaving his sweaty white Nomex in full view, you felt something warm rise up your cheeks, teeth finding your bottom lip.
You had never been carried away by the physical nature of your work. The barriers you had placed for yourself were always firm, as were your ethics that dictated that you should never get involved with anyone who requested your services. But since you had set foot in Jeddah, you have seen your own conviction tested every day.
And it was getting harder and harder to resist.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and headed towards the tent set up next to Fernando's motorhome. Upon entering the space, you realized how much needed to be done there before the driver arrived for his much needed physical therapy session. You still had to set up the table, arrange the materials and put on the instrumental playlist you loved. “Let’s go”, you thought as you headed towards your bag.
You were whistling some tune while lighting the scented candles when you heard a clearing of your throat coming from behind. When you turned around, you met Fernando's dark, curious eyes.
— Which song is that? — he asked.
— Ah — you smiled, while shaking the match you had used to light the last candle — I don't know, actually...
— It doesn't sound like that Ayurvedic nonsense you listen to during sessions — the driver slowly approached the massage table, resting one hand on it.
— It's not nonsense, Fernando, it's a way to help you disconnect and relax — you replied — Lie down.
— Edo doesn't put things like that — he murmured, as he sat on the kind of stretcher you had set up in the middle of the tent. Wearing a black coat over a white shirt and shorts of the same color, his hair had damp ends, probably from the shower — He knows that doesn't help.
— And that must be why you're always stressed — you said, giggling — Do you prefer forest sounds, then?
— I prefer the lovely chirping of a V10 engine — Fernando said, as the table he was sitting on creaked under his weight.
— Sounds of the forest, then — you concluded, taking the phone and connecting the device to the small speaker that was next to you. It wasn't long before the rustling of leaves filled the tent, contrasting with the engines and conversations coming from outside.
Putting your cell phone in your pocket, you brushed your hair away from your face as you approached the massage table, assessing Fernando's expression, who seemed bothered by something.
— Any points I need to focus on today? — you asked, resting your hands right next to his leg.
— On the left ankle — the driver replied, the crack drawing your attention to the spot below him. Moving the foot in circles, the sound repeated itself in an almost sickening way — It doesn't hurt, but it didn't make that noise before, so...
Standing next to his foot, you began moving it, trying to understand where the sound was coming from. Your fingers pressed Fernando's skin in search of the tendons and joints, the precise touch in search of what was bothering him.
After a few minutes of thorough exploration, without the driver making a sound of protest, you pressed your lips together. Although the absence of pain was a relief, unusual and frequent sounds meant there was an injury waiting to happen. And considering how much he must use that foot, having a strength problem at that point wasn't a good thing.
— Well, you aren’t injured…
— Excellent.
— Yet — you added, while letting go of his ankle — I think you'll have to do some tests when you get back home to see if you really have any problems.
— Could it get worse in the next few days?
— In theory, no, especially since you're not feeling any pain. But I'll talk to Edoardo and see what we can do. Any other points that worry you? — you asked, receiving a refusal from Fernando — So let's move on.
Turning to the small table you had requested to place your materials, you picked up the bottle that held your favorite massage oil and dripped a few drops into the palm of your hand. Then you walked back to the massage table where the driver was lying, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent.
— Let me know if you feel anything — you murmured, before taking your hands to his calf and starting to massage it.
The movement of your fingers under Fernando's skin, searching for the small nodules where the stress and, consequently, the pain were, was something that relaxed you, in a way. Maybe it was the way you repeated the movements, the way your chest filled with satisfaction when you found a point where you could release the tension that was built up in his body after ten long hours of driving in the middle of the desert.
When you pressed a specific spot near his ankle, you heard him hiss.
— Did it hurt? — you asked.
— A little — Fernando replied, still staring at the ceiling.
— I'll be careful.
— No need — he murmured, which made you look at his face.
— Fernando…
— I’m fine, you can continue. Pain is good, sometimes...
You couldn't hold back a smile.
— Is there something bothering you? — you began, while pressing his calf muscles again in search of stress points — Or is this your way of revealing to me that you are a masochist?
The driver suddenly raised his head.
— Masochist?
You felt something warm rise up your cheeks. That kind of conversation was definitely not in the appropriate category, as your professor of ethics and deontology in physiotherapy had put it on the blackboard in one of the classes.
— It's just a guess — you replied quickly, turning to the table in search of more oil and a few seconds to breathe.
— Based on what? — Fernando asked.
When you turned back to the driver, you found him raised on his elbows. His gaze had a gleam of curiosity and something you couldn't identify.
— You just said the pain is good — you said, placing one of your hands just above his knee and below the edge of his shorts — I think it's a rather obvious hint of what you like in bed.
Fernando raised an eyebrow.
— You mean you think about what I like in bed?
A nervous laugh escaped your lips, fingers starting to work on his rectus femoris.
— Please, Fernando — you murmured, feeling your heart pounding inside your chest. That wasn't right, you couldn't think about those details about your patients, especially when it came to him.
— Come on, do you think or not? — he insisted, in a challenging tone.
— I'm not going to answer that — you just said, trying to focus on the tension points on his leg — Now you can lie down straight, I need to work on your thigh.
Lowering his head again, Fernando let out a long sigh, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent. However, if you expected him to remain silent after your denial, you were sadly mistaken.
— I think about it…
— About what you like?
— About what you like — the driver replied, emphasizing “you”.
The statement made you swallow hard, hands running up and down his lightly tanned skin. It wasn't like you tried to get Fernando's attention all the time, quite the opposite. You always thought you were invisible to his eyes, just a face among the entourage that accompanied him during his participation in that competition.
— I wonder if you like to take it slow or if you prefer to get straight to the point. If you like to dominate or if you prefer to be at the mercy of your partner. If you like being touched or prefer to just touch — Fernando said, his voice getting lower, almost hoarse, as he explored the possibilities — I think about your eyes rolling, your mouth open, the noise you would make if I were inside you.
— Fernando — you murmured in an almost reprimanding tone.
He suddenly sat on the massage table, his face close to yours.
— Tell me you don't think about that either. Tell me you don't think about me.
You blinked, cheeks growing hotter.
It was obvious that you thought about him. There wasn't a day that went by that you didn't think about the way he smiled, the way he ran his hand through his hair before putting the white cap with black and red details on his head. There wasn't a moment where you didn't fantasize about what it would be like to kiss him.
— I — you stammered, about to give the answer he wanted, when you realized a particularly important detail at that moment. The most important thing, actually — Linda.
Fernando blinked, looking confused.
— Linda? What about Linda?
— She's your girlfriend, you're not...
He snorted.
— She's in the past, Y/N.
— But, you…
— Just answer me, do you think about me?
The air escaped your lips shakily.
— Yes, I do. All day. All the time.
Your confession made Fernando smile, bringing his hand to your face. The look you exchanged for long seconds spoke more than any dialogue you could have had. There were no ethics classes or girlfriends that could stop what was about to happen inside that tent.
And it was to the sound of the artificial rustling of the tree leaves that you kissed Fernando.
His touch was gentle at first, as if the driver wanted to make sure you were on the same page, wanting this as much as he did. And, the moment he realized that you didn't move away from his touch, Fernando deepened the kiss, his tongue touching yours for the first time.
There was something different in the way he kissed you, a kind of thirst, as if you were an oasis in the middle of that desert. His hands held your face tightly, as if you were going to run away from his touch at any moment. As the sound of the birds was drowned out by your own pulse, you were sure you would never leave that place as long as you were there. And you made sure to make that clear by nibbling on his lower lip when Fernando pulled away slightly, completely panting.
Opening your eyes, you met his green-stained gaze. That made you feel the same heat as the first day, when you introduced yourself to him as the physiotherapist who would accompany him during the competition. There was an intensity that permeated it, a glow that you hadn't identified until that moment, but that became clear in a split second.
It was desire. It always had been.
— Fernando? — you heard someone say.
You didn't have time to say anything before he turned his face away, running a nervous hand through his hair. His gaze went to the entrance of the tent, his expression undeniably tense, as if he had done something he shouldn't have done.
And, in a way, he had. You both had.
Alberto's smile as he entered the tent made his stomach turn. Did he know what you had done? Did he imagine that his best friend had just kissed the physical therapist?
— Is there a problem, Galle? — Fernando asked, in a calm, almost natural tone — Y/N is finishing looking at my foot.
— The one that's clicking?
— Yeah, that one — you managed to say, your hands cold as ice.
— Injured?
— Not yet — the driver replied — Apparently it could evolve if I’m not careful. I'm going to see Edo to do some tests when I’m back.
— Well, if you say so — Alberto murmured — The mechanics were adjusting the axle and wanted to talk to you. Are you done there?
Exchanging a brief look, Fernando knew the answer almost immediately. You wouldn’t be able to touch him again, especially after that kiss.
— Yes, Y/N is done here — he said, while you nodded — Tell them I'm coming.
Alberto just said 'ok' before leaving the tent, leaving you two alone. Fernando's gaze on you seemed to burn into your skin, trying to read your body expression and, above all, your face.
— Y/N?
— Yeah, Fernando?
— See you later? — he asked, in a low voice.
— Later?
— In your motorhome. I think we can… Continue our conversation there.
An involuntary smile appeared on his lips.
— After dinner? — you questioned, as he got up from the table.
— Don't you want me to prepare my omelet for you? — he smiled, before putting on his flip flops.
— Definitely not — a laugh escaped his lips — It's disgusting.
— It was Edo who recommended it to me.
— Because he is crazy. You both are.
— Maybe we are — Fernando replied, walking towards the entrance of the tent — See you, Y/N.
— See you.
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aechawrites · 1 year
200mph: part two | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.6k
rating: pg13
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol and sex, angst, jungkook and jimin fight but he's just looking out for you :((
summary: you find yourself going to another race, and jungkook can’t help but get very jealous.
series masterlist
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It was Monday. The weekend had unfortunately blown past faster than you would've liked it to, with projects and studying occupying the majority of your time. It was luck that you were able to focus on completing any of the schoolwork that seemed to be piling up rather quickly. A certain boy didn’t want to find his way out of your mind.
Part of you wanted so desperately to just shake these thoughts away; Jungkook didn't matter, and you shouldn't be thinking about him 24/7. Hell, you have literally seen him before! Why now are you all of a sudden head over heels for him?
But the other half of you wanted to keep thinking about him. You wanted to revisualize just how good he looked when he opened that car door, sweat falling down his body as he showcased his million-dollar smile. You wanted to relive the moment, rushes of adrenaline pumping through you and everyone around as he swiftly took first place.
You sighed heavily as you sat back up in your bed, pulling your laptop closer to your legs. Trying to shake those thoughts of him away permanently this time, you buried your face in the bright screen. An attempt at studying, for the nth time today. Why was he affecting you this much?
“Jimin, you were probably drinking too much.. a-and you probably wouldn’t even remember but it’s been botheri—”
“What the hell are you going on about?” Jimin shot at Jungkook, words muffled from his mouth full of grapes while his eyebrows stayed furrowed together.
Jungkook huffed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “The girl! She was with you Friday night, holding onto your back, remember?”
“Okay, yeah. But what does she have to do with anything?”
Gazing towards to ground, Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, muttering quietly, “She just.. looks familiar, that’s all.”
Lies. That was such a lie.
As much as he wanted to believe that her knew you from somewhere, he didn’t. God, he didn't even know your name! But just because you two haven’t been introduced doesn’t mean you can’t! For right now, however, Jungkook wouldn’t even dare bring up the fact that he had no idea who you were, already knowing what Jimin would say.
It wasn’t like he was trying to seem like a creep, but when Jimin never brings anyone along with him to these races, and now suddenly there’s a girl wrapped around him like a lost puppy, it was (in Jungkook’s mind) fair to question it.
It was hard not to notice you, the only girl there dressed with her decency in mind, at least, that’s what Jungkook assumed. Now it was even more difficult to get the thought of you out of his head. There was just something about you that made Jungkook’s mind run wild that night.
And as much as Jungkook wanted to push this conversation further, hoping to find out more about who you were, he knew Jimin was going to shut him down sooner or later.
“You don’t know her.”
“But that doesn’t mean I can’t. Maybe you can introduce us! Invite her to mor—”
Jimin quickly interrupted, annoyance painting his face as he spoke a little louder. “I brought her because I wanted to get her out of the dorms for a night, not because I want her around that crowd of people. It’s bad enough that I bring her to the parties here, around all of you guys.” Jimin exhaled sharply as he set his fork down, glancing up and making eye contact with Jungkook. “I don’t want her getting reeled into something she shouldn’t.”
Now it was Jungkook's turn to get annoyed, conversation clearly going in the opposite direction he wanted it to. “She's an adult! I'm sure she can make her own decisions just like I can. Is it that much of a crime that I can't even ask one thing about her?”
Jimin flared his nostrils, getting up from his seat at the small table. “Jungkook, you've screwed way too many girls over these past semesters and you're not gonna screw with Y/n as well.”
So that was your name. Y/n. He made a mental note to remember that for later. But for now, Jungkook was getting even more pissed off as the minutes ticked by. He chose not to say any other snarky comments to Jimin, just turning his back on him and walking upstairs to his room.
His shared room, of course, with Jimin.
Jungkook slammed the door shut, collapsing on his bed now that he finally had a moment just to think. Was that the way he wanted the conversation to go? Absolutely not. He was hoping to at least get your phone number, maybe even going so far as to ask Jimin what you were majoring in, or what hobbies you were into.
All he got was your damn name.
It was great in the sense that he can now put your face and name together, but he can't just stand outside on campus screaming for you. Well... technically he could, but he could see the judging looks already.
What crushed him even more was that if Jimin was planning on taking you to another race, he probably wasn't anymore. Jimin was a smart guy, he knew Jungkook would try to talk to you one way or another if he were to see you there, and he wasn't going to let that happen.
As Jungkook laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he began replaying the conversation he just had. What did Jimin mean by 'it's bad enough he brings you to parties here'? Had you really been here before? Maybe he really is just that oblivious.
But if you had been here, most likely multiple times, maybe someone else in their frat knew who you were. There was no way that you only talked to Jimin!
Grabbing his phone, he rapidly began shooting text messages to everyone in his frat, there had to be someone else who was friends with you. There was no chance he could go through Jimin again trying to get to you, so maybe he could get someone else to help him out.
The week went by pretty quick, surprisingly. The presentation you had spent weeks on turned out better than you would have thought, some of your classes had been cancelled, and Jimin had actually finished your English paper on time. Thank god. It was smooth sailing after leaving the science building, trudging back to your dorm room.
Throughout the week, Jimin’s frat had thrown two parties, however, Mr. Grumpy wouldn’t even let you come. ‘You need to study,’ he said. Lame excuse but okay.
You noticed that he wasn’t acting like himself either, he never didn’t invite you to their parties. Maybe you shouldn’t be dwelling on it, but it was weird! And it’s not like Jimin to care more about your education than his. If he could party, then so could you.
And what better party could you think of than the one being thrown during the race on Fridays. Sure, it was intimidating, but you could get used to the crazy atmosphere from the crowd.
You chuckled to yourself as you briskly walked along the sidewalk, the chances of you going again were pretty slim to none. But if Jungkook was racing again this Friday, that could possibly change your plans. Jimin didn’t need to watch a movie with you every Friday night, and it’ll probably be one that you’ve seen a dozen times before.
You made your way into the large brick building, taking the elevator to the fourth floor. As you got closer to the door, a familiar sound bled through the walls and into the hallway.
Jimin was here, in your dorm room. Once again, watching that stupid reality show.
You made your way inside, shrugging your little sweater off and lightly pushing your shoes against the wall. “Hey stranger, last time I checked you didn’t live here,” you smiled at him.
He was laying on his stomach, sprawled out like a starfish on top of your tiny bed with his eyes focused on the TV. “Just didn’t be around the guys, too loud sometimes.”
“Oh they’re too loud but all of the partying isn’t?”
He let out a laugh and looked up at you while munching on some chips. “I can tolerate them when I’m having a good time. But when I’m lying in bed and they all have to scream for no reason, it’s not too relaxing.”
“So instead, you come over here.” You whispered to yourself, playfully rolling your eyes.
You wanted to ask him if he’d be willing to take you to another race tonight since the two of you didn’t really have anything else to do. The thought of Jungkook not racing every week had crossed your mind, but he looked so professional out there last week that it seems like he races a lot.
Plus, you could tell that Jimin was friends with Jungkook. It would be hard for him to say no.
You walked over next to where he was laying, taking a seat in your desk chair.
“I was thinking we could go to another race tonight.” You nervously spat out, receiving a glare from Jimin as he turned away from his phone and focused on you.
“And why would you wanna do that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? It was fun, we can get drinks, and I know what to expect now from last week.” You unconvincingly said to him, biting your bottom lip.
What you didn’t know was that Jimin had gears turning in his head, almost identical to you last week, trying to come up with any excuse not to go.
He wanted you as far away from Jungkook as you could get. And since he would be racing tonight, that was the last place the two of you were going. Jimin didn’t want to come off as overprotective, like a helicopter parent, but he also didn’t want you getting together with any of his frat brothers. Especially Jungkook.
When he first met Jungkook, he seemed like the average college guy. Jimin witnessed him with the occasional hookup every so often, had to help him back to their shared room some nights after too many games of beer pong, and they even studied together a few times. He was a great friend if you were a guy. But you weren't, and Jimin was worried that he would look at you like he did with every girl he saw.
Jungkook seemed to have not paid any attention to you the past semesters, even though the two of you had been at the same place many times before. He was drinking and had his eyes focused on someone else, if only that were the case a week ago. Now that he saw you sober, and had actually begun to ask about you, Jimin started to get nervous.
It wasn't that he didn't want you and Jungkook to be friends, the two of you would actually get along really well! It was just difficult for Jimin to ever introduce you both because he knows Jungkook would snatch you up for a night and would more than likely never talk to you again.
Yes, you were tough and could handle getting ghosted after a one-night stand, but it would put Jimin in an awkward situation. So, the best solution to him was just to keep you two as strangers.
“Maybe we should just stay here tonight.” Jimin shrugged, going back to scrolling on his phone.
If he wasn't going to cave in, you could just go by yourself. You remembered the way he took you to get there, and you could drink just enough so that you would be able to get back to the dorms.
Before he could even reply you interrupted his thoughts. “Actually, I just remembered I have to study for this anatomy exam next week.”
“Oh I took anatomy last semester! I could help yo—”
“No!” You said way too quickly. “I love you, but I know you're gonna distract me too much and I just need as much time to myself as I can get.”
“Okay..” He said, suspicion painting his face. Grabbing his phone and snacks, he got up from your bed and made his way to the door. “Text me if you have any questions,” he said with a smile.
Once hearing his footsteps down the hall, you bounced up and headed towards your dresser. You knew if you wanted to get Jungkook's attention without Jimin this time, you'd have to start dressing a little less than you normally would.
You slipped your clothes off and replaced them with some of the skimpiest items you owned. A baby blue skirt hugged you so tight but it made your ass look so good. You paired it with a white cropped sweater that had a deep V-neck, as well as white stilettos. Your hair and makeup were already done from earlier today, so you didn't stress about doing anything else to get ready. You grab a small purse and made your way out of your dorm room.
Hopefully, Jungkook would be there tonight.
On your drive over to the abandoned streets from last week, you had started to get nervous. But once your car was parked and you had started walking over to all of the partiers, you couldn't even remember why you were doubting coming tonight.
People were singing along with the loud music as lights flashed from all directions. You made your way over to a group of girls, immediately welcomed in with hugs from all of them. You didn't know them, you didn't even recognize them, but they were too drunk to know that or even care. You made small talk with a few of them, accepting offers of drinks as people came around to you. You were starting to feel the alcohol have an effect on you, but that's what will make your night better!
The girls you were talking to started to quiet down as they heard the announcer begin to introduce the drivers. Where the group of you had been standing gave you a straight shot at who you had been wishing to see, the man you could not stop thinking about for a week.
Jeon Jungkook.
Once you noticed him, he was already staring at you. He was happy to see you here again, but what the hell were you wearing?
Aggression was visible on his face, but no one paid mind to it, brushing off his behavior as a way to intimidate the competition. But how could he not be angry when any guy could be looking down your top right now, getting a picture-perfect view of the top of your breasts. And that short skirt you were wearing, did you plan on getting him this riled up so quickly?
It wasn't that you didn't look good, you look stunning as you showed off your hour-glass figure, but Jungkook didn't like sharing, and right now seemed like the worst time for you to dress like that. If only you would've worn another modest outfit similar to last week.
It aggravated him that all he could do was watch as guys came up from behind you, lightly rubbing their hands up and down your back, while he had to get into his car and attempt to win a race with you watching him yet again, except this time he knows beforehand that you’re here. If you were still there after the race was over, he'd have to figure out a way to get you home with him, not any of those other guys.
a/n; hehe part two is hereee!!! and i'm so excited things are starting to move forward in this series, please leave me feedback and lmk if you want to be added to the taglist, tysm for following along🤍🤍
2023; © aechawrites
taglist; @braindump-of-the-braindead @itstash @thvlover7 @uwusunwoo @imnotherebye28 @tatamicc @mochilover1995x
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 1 month
Parley part 3
Tav stirred, silk cool against her back. She tried to sit up and instead found herself held in place by a gentle, firm hand.
'Ah-ah,' said Raphael, tutting. 'You're still fragile, my sweet little mouse. Don't move.'
'The hells am I doing here?' She blinked, attempting to orient herself. The sparkling, inviting waters of the rejuvenation pool flowed musically before her.
'Resting,' he said, an edge to his voice. He stroked a soothing thumb across her shoulders; the wounds had become raised scars, undeniably permanent and faintly purple against her skin. 'So sorry,' he said, not sounding sorry at all. 'It's my understanding you wear your scars with pride. How on earth are you going to explain these to your friends? The wizard and the vampire, my goodness. They will be so angry.'
'Not at me,' she said, trying to extricate herself from his grip and failing.
'Stay,' he said sternly.
'I don't take orders from you,' she spat.
'You do tonight,' he said, pushing her back. 'Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be, foolish girl. I've healed your wounds but you still need rest. No arguments.' He held a goblet to her lips. 'Drink.'
She had no choice; if he wanted her dead, he would've just let her bleed out, she reasoned. When she took a mouthful, it was just wine, sweet and heady.
'Trying to get me drunk, are you?' she croaked.
'Much as seeing you drunk would be utterly delightful,' he said, smirking a little, 'it's simply a kindness. It tastes good, yes?'
'Yes. But-'
'I know. You need water. But first, the wine.' She drank, watched him set it down.
'Why am I here? Why didn't you take me back home?'
'You think I trust those fools with your care? Come now, sweetling. They had no faith in you coming here, they didn't trust you, and yet they let you walk into my House. If I am as terrible as they believe, they have knowingly condemned you to death. Think on that.'
Tav's lips pulled back in a snarl. Weak as she was, she was not so pliant as he thought her to be. 'You're taking advantage, Raphael.'
'Of what?' His eyes narrowed. 'If I wanted your body I would simply take it. If I wanted your soul i would simply rip it from you,' he growled. 'You vexing girl-'
'Well, I'm at your mercy now, aren't I? My body is weak, my head is full of fog, I'm in your bed for fuck sake- my plan went so wrong. So catastrophically wrong. So whatever chance you have, this is your best shot.'
'I don't want to take what I want.' his hands either side of her head curled into the silks, crumpling them into his fists. 'You lie to yourself constantly. I know you do because every time I near your heart quickens. Stop lying. Stop lying to yourself, stop lying to those hapless fools, stop lying to me.'
'What the fuck are you talking about?' she asked in genuine bafflement.
'Oh, little mouse. Little mouse. You...' He closed his eyes, breathed out through his nose in frustration. For several long moments he simply hovered over her, and then he spoke. 'Surrender.'
'Never,' she said immediately. The cold dark power within her chest purred in satisfaction.
'Such a brave little thing,' he rasped. 'But alright. I respect that. You leave when you are healthy, and not before.'
She considered. 'Fine.'
He snapped his fingers, a contract appearing. 'Be fair, now.'
She sighed in annoyance, signed the paper. 'Alright. And I suppose you want to seal the deal.'
'Of course,' he whispered, dipping his head to kiss her soundly. His weight pushed her into the mattress, and her head swam. A spark of something in her chest, something cold and hungry, woke. Tendrils of shadow crept from her mouth, freezing and sharp, and the devil jolted backwards, eyes wide in shock and, to Tav's astonishment, fear.
'No. No, that can't be- he didn't-'
'Who? What's happening? What the hells are you talking about, Raphael?!'
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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TV Guide Dan Vol.49, October 2023 Issue ft. Kamen Rider Gotchard Cast Members Junsei Motojima x Yasunari Fujibayashi Interview (translations below)
Publication: October 20, 2023
"You two are currently appearing as rivals in "Kamen Rider Gotchard." Would you please describe each other's role?"
Motojima: Kurogane Spanner, played by Yasu-kun (Fujibayashi), is a cool and mature kind of character. If Houtarou Ichinose, who I play, has the mental age of a 10 year old, Spanner would be that of a 25 year old. I think it's interesting that they're rivals.
Fujibayashi: Well, they're rivals, but I'd say that Spanner is overwhelmingly stronger.
Motojima: No, I don't think so! In episode 3, Spanner loses to Houtarou.
Fujibayashi: He didn't lose.
Motojima: It was Houtarou's win!
Fujibayashi: Ahaha! Since the details aren't clear, we'll leave it up to the viewers to decide (laughs). Houtarou, played by Junsei, is a true to life version of Junsei, or rather, he's just as he is. He's mischievous, an airhead, and a lively person! Gotchard is Junsei's first full time acting role, so he's got alot of room to grow. I think you'll enjoy watching Junsei's growth and development alongside that of Houtarou's.
"What's the relationship between you playing these roles?"
Fujibayashi: We get along really well, huh?
Motojima: Yeah. Also, when I was having trouble with my acting, Yasu-kun would give me advice like, "Try this kind of movement here," so I really appreciate it.
Fujibayashi: I don't have that much acting experience either, and I'm not in a position to give advice, so I'm just saying what I feel from an objective point of view. Junsei has his own unique style, so he's able to express it through his acting.
"What specific scenes do you think Fujibayashi-kun's advice helped improve?"
Motojima: The one in episode 3…
Fujibayashi: Ah! The scene where Houtarou and Spanner fight with shinai's in the dojo?
Motojima: That one! For that scene, we read the script over the phone the day before filming, and before we shot that scene, we talked for about two hours in the waiting room thinking, "If we did something like this here, wouldn't it turn out better?" I never learned how to sword fight, so Yasu-kun taught me how to swing a sword.
Fujibayashi: It was really difficult to move around while saying those lines. But, both of us were determined to make it a great scene. We practiced holding umbrellas instead of swords while saying the lines. In that scene, I personally thought, "Junsei's so amazing."
Motojima: Eh! Where, which part?!
Fujibayashi: There's a scene in the dojo fight where Houtarou did a jumping head butt toward Spanner's stomach, and I thought such an attack would be absolutely terrifying and painful. Actually, Junsei squirmed the moment the footage cut to that scene. Still, I believe that the viewers could feel Junsei's determination to put his body on the line and his passion for the show. In that sense, episode 3 became an important episode for us.
Motojima: It's a scene that we absolutely can't leave out when talking about this show. Also, there's a scene in episode 5 where I did pro wrestling. I had to act as if I was in pain when I was subjected to a technique, but I didn't know what it was like when a person really feels pain. So, I asked Yasu-kun, and he told me, "When people get hit in the lower back, they arch their body and feel the pain."
Fujibayashi: We actually hit each other on the back of our thighs to see how we would react (laughs).
Motojima: That's right (laughs).
"In contrast to the relationship between Houtarou and Spanner in the show, we can see that you support and get along well with each other during filming, do you also hang out in your private lives?"
Motojima: Next time, all the cast members promised to go to an amusement arcade!
Fujibayashi: It's just a plan though. Everyone's schedules don't quite match up….However, everyone's made good progress and have become friends. Besides, I feel like the two of us will have a relationship that lasts a lifetime.
Motojima: Oh~! That makes me happy!!
Fujibayashi: Junsei's current "weapons" are his freshness and his will to "Just give it a try," and he has the most important passion for an actor. I myself have my own pride as an older person. I'm confident that we can maintain a good relationship as acting rivals even after this production is over.
Motojima: Yeah. I hope we can continue to improve each other through friendly competition.
Fujibayashi: It's still early in Gotchard's story, but looking ahead to the ending, I'm already kind of sad! But, I'm really looking forward to Junsei's growth.
Motojima: Oh, I appreciate that.
"By the way, do you know each other's views on love?"
Motojima: We talked about love once before, right? On a train ride home after filming, I asked him, "What kind of person is your type?" It was because I was curious (laughs).
Fujibayashi: If I'm remembering right, Junsei's into pretty girls, right?
Motojima: Yeah. I think Yasu-kun said that was the type of person he'd fall in love with.
Fujibayashi: That's right. Also, I guess Junsei likes quiet people.
Motojima: Yeah, I like quiet people.
Fujibayashi: I like cheerful people, so I don't really have a type at all.
"How do you go about approaching someone you like?"
Motojima: I feel like I'm a proactive person. For example, as a student, I might ask someone, "Would you like to go to the cultural festival together?
Fujibayashi: That's good! But, I'm as proactive as Junsei. I also reply to LINE messages very quickly.
Motojima: That's right, you're really quick.
Fujibayashi: Without messing around, maybe I would straight up ask her, "Let's go out to eat!" and start meeting up more often.
Motojima: I see. I really want to talk on the phone with the person I like. I'm aiming to do a "fall asleep phone call" (he awkwardly laughs).
Fujibayashi: What, that comment was too cute!
"Now then, please tell us about the benefits of becoming your lover."
Fujibayashi: Since I can speak English, I can take you on trips to various countries!
Motojima: Eh~? That's not fair! I definitely can't win against that! But, I can play the guitar. It would be nice if I play and she sings.
Fujibayashi: You're going to make her sing?! Isn't it about Junsei playing the guitar?
Motojima: Ah, I want her to listen!
Fujibayashi: Well, you know, Junsei's really cool when he plays the guitar! He has a very soft expression…When I saw Junsei's guitar video, I was so moved that I couldn't help but send him a LINE.
Motojima: Fufufu~ Well then, I'll play the guitar for you. On a beach overseas!
Fujibayashi: No, you don't have to compete with my English (laughs).
"In the future, If you were to co star in another production, what kind of production would you like to appear in, and what kind of relationship would you like to play?"
Motojima: Houtarou is also a second year high school student, so I'd like another school story.
Fujibayashi: Junsei can still play student roles. I think I'm limited to playing a college student…
Motojima: But, I'm also a college student, and it would be nice to play college classmates. It'd be fun to compete with each other for lovers!
Fujibayashi: I'd like to fight as two historical kings. Something like, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."
Motojima: That sounds good, I want to try it!
Fujibayashi: Junsei in the form of a military commander…Hmmm, his dark face would suit it…maybe?
Motojima: Yasu-kun also has a dark face, right?
Fujibayashi: I had the opportunity to wear a wig when I performed in a 2.5D musical, but I have thick eyebrows, so I sometimes have to clean up my eyebrows with makeup. So, as a member of the "eyebrow tribe," I'm alittle worried about Junsei's eyebrows.
Motojima: Eyebrow tribe (laughs). But, I really do hope we can co star in a historical drama someday!
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untikthen · 2 years
find me
inspired by the song: (superman) by Eminem
word count: 1054
(random song lyrics placed in this)
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“Find her.” 
His voice rang throughout the guild hall. Laxus was upstairs talking to a member of the guild. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Are you deaf? I said find her,” Laxus answers sarcastically. 
“Find who? Your imaginary lover?” You scoff, arching a brow at the overly-confident man. 
“If she were imaginary, then I wouldn’t have felt her slick, spotless body in my hands.” 
“Are you sure you weren’t dreaming?” 
The two of you continue gnawing at each other’s throats as Mirajane explains the situation to the curious people downstairs. 
“What is he ordering about now?” Natsu grumbled. 
Mirajane giggled. “Haven’t you heard? Apparently he had a one night stand with this woman and now he’s desperate to find her again.”
“Honestly, he’s such a player. He’s going to want her one day, then he’ll lose feelings and throw her away as if trash.” Erza rolls her eyes, overhearing the conversation. 
“You never know,” says Mirajane. “Maybe it’s his soulmate.”
“You actually believe in those things?” Lucy asks.
“Of course! It makes me have hope that it’ll find someone!” Mirajane grins, her eyes full of hope. 
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Why now. Out of all the girls he slept with, why does he want me to find a girl now? And most importantly, why the hell is that girl me?
It was an accident. You had never―and by never, you absolutely meant that not for a minute―thought the first time drinking would also be your first time hooking up with the person you hate the absolute most. 
Your face was beet red as you hurried out of the guild, accidently bumping into random strangers along the way. You were too nervous and shocked to even register anything. 
How would you explain to the guy who had major anger issues that you accidently slept with him. Worse, you practically see him every day, except the days where you hole up in your room. 
I’m doomed. He’s master’s grandson and I bet he’ll kick me out of the guild. I can’t go back now and confess that I slept with him. 
“I have no other choice,” you mumble, attracting strange looks from passersby's. “I’ll find someone who looks similar to me and I’ll bring her to Laxus.”
With your (H/C) and (S/C), it wasn’t very difficult finding someone who looked like you. The only difference was the voice and the eye color, but that could be fixed, right? 
“Let me get this straight, you want me to pretend to be you?” The random stranger―apparently she was called Amia―repeated. 
“Yes, I’m so sorry but please help me with this. It’s a huge favor,” with you practically begging, Amia had no choice but accept. 
“So, I go with you to the guild tomorrow?” She questioned. 
“Nope, today. Actually, let’s go right now!” you exclaimed, grabbing her wrist and tugging her over to the guild. 
Eyes were on the both of you as you entered the guild, dragging a girl by the wrist. 
“LAXUS!” you yelled and the golden haired man peered his head over the railings of the upper floor. Raising the girl’s hand, you proudly grinned, “Found your little girl.” 
Laxus arched a brow and smirked. “Is that so?” 
“Of course, with my tracking skills, no one can escape.” So proud you were, and also oh so dumb. How didn’t you see the unconvincing look he shot you. How stupid.
Laxus studied the girl behind you. Realizing you were still holding her wrist, you quickly let go. You weren’t used to human contacts. Amia ducked her head under his unwavering gaze. 
Deciding your role was done, you wanted to walk away until a warm grip was on your wrist. 
“Where are you going?” Laxus’s eyes flickered over to you
“Where else? To my friends,” you jabbed your thumb over to Mirajane, who was happily talking to Lucy and Natsu before you came in and disrupted the talking. 
Laxus leaned in close, his mouth inches away from your ear. He whistled and whispered, “I don’t think so.” His breath warmed your ear, which you never noticed was cold. You shivered and took a step backward. Your face held all your emotions and Laxus knew. 
“You really think you can trick me with this little lady here?” His eyes glared into yours. 
It was what your instincts were telling you, yet you never moved an inch from your spot. It was as if your feet was glued to the ground. Your breathing became more noticeable and your heart started to speed up. 
“What...do you mean?” Pretending not to understand was extremely stupid of you. How much dumber could you get?
“I know everything that happened that night. Don’t try to deceive me, Y/N.” Laxus said, this time louder. Perhaps he was trying to embarrass you in front of your guildmates, could they still be called guildmates now? Everything was now done and nothing could be returned how it used to be. Now they know you had a one night stand with Laxus, it was over. You were going to be thrown out and you were sure of it. 
You heard several gasps, the loudest and most noticeable being Mirajane. Your face was now beet red. The thing you hated was attention centered on you, and now the greatest thing you hate was happening to you. Good lord could anything get any worse? 
“Alright, I admit. It was me, but I swear on my name that I was drunk and it was never on purpose. I have a very bad alcohol tolerance,” sighing, you admit your defeat. No point in hiding it anymore when it already leaked out. 
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈  YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME, BABY
“Hah,” Laxus sneered. “Caught you.”
“It’s no secret now.”
“Then I guess this isn’t a secret anymore too.” 
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈  I THINK I WANT YOU TOO
Warmness. On your lips. You opened your eyes to see Laxus’s face pressed against yours, lips connected with yours. 
Oh. My. Shit. 
He tugged away and smirked at your shocked appearance. His friends were cheering for him while half the guild stood in shock. Mirajane was the first t recover and she clapped in congratulations. Soon, the whole guild―even master―was clapping. 
“What the hell Laxus,” you semi-whispered to him. His eyes stared down at you, trailing from top to bottom before he shrugged. 
“I guess I just loved the way you felt in my arms”
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cookies-and-music · 7 months
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Ghost. - part 9: Toxic.
I suggest listening to Mery on a Cross by Ghost reading this.
Part 1 here - part 10 here .
WARNINGS: Captain America wouldn't approve the language
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
To solve the chaos that had erupted at the TVA and set everything right before it collapsed, a series of answers were needed, none of which anyone present had; therefore, while Loki and Mobius were busy trying to find X-5 and consequently Sylvie, Lydia was tasked with finding Renslayer and Miss Minutes. A burden that had come along with her promotion to analyst.
"We haven't found any trace of Renslayer's tempad," Lydia approached briskly, accompanied by Casey and B-15, to Mobius's desk where he and Loki were busy with X-5's tempad, "but we traced the recipient of her last message: Miss Minutes."
"Moreover, Renslayer and He Who Remains are in cahoots," Loki nodded, "I found out while I was in the past."
"What a woman... full of surprises," B-15 scoffed.
"What... are you two doing?" Lydia leaned in close to Loki. Not because she desperately wanted his proximity, especially after believing him dead, partly because of her. Absolutely not. It was to get a better look at the tempad, of course.
"We're trying to figure out how this modified tempad of X-5 works," Loki turned to her, and Lydia could hear his breath with every syllable he uttered. Not that it affected her.
"A man accustomed to using 80s technology and an alien god from Asgard?" She asked amusedly, glancing from one to the other.
"Hey, look, we're doing just fine," Mobius retorted.
"No, not really," Casey shook his head.
"I think my team could get better results," she reached out with a smirk, her hand open towards Loki, who exchanged a glance with Mobius before handing the tempad over to Lydia.
"Also, I'd like to be present when you question X-5" She passed the object to Casey.
"What?" Mobius spread his arms.
"He might have relevant information about the Minus/Renslayer issue, which is my case."
"Our case" B-15 emphasized.
"Sure" Lydia rolled her eyes, and Loki shot her a glance, amused at how she was turning work into a personal competition with Mobius, "anyway, it's a request you can't refuse, Mobius," she smiled, "it would be unprofessional."
Mobius rolled his eyes, "Am I ever going to get rid of you? How do you manage to worm your way in everywhere?"
"I'm very flexible."
Loki's imagination projected a couple of images of how flexible Lydia could be, but he pushed them back before anyone could notice.
"Bred is an asshole, so don't let him provoke you," Mobius had said, but it was very difficult. And Loki had just offered the opportunity to sting by saying his help was needed because there were "lives at stake."
"Lives at stake," Brad repeated. "You've got a lot of nerve... everyone here knows what you're doing, you're just trying to make up for all the terrible and horrible things you've done in life. You're pathetic."
Lydia clenched her jaw but didn't speak. Provocation, it was just provocation.
"I've read your file. You're the problem. Every time we've found one of you. You think you're special, but you're not. No matter what you wear or what lies you tell, in the end, all you do is destroy those around you," Brad glanced towards Lydia. She just looked at him with disgust before glancing at Loki, who kept his low.
"As it happened with your mother."
Lydia snapped.
"You ugly piece of shit," she managed only to take a step towards him before Loki blocked her with his body.
"You know that's what he wants," he said into her ear, "don't let him win." Lydia shifted her gaze to him and took a deep breath, trying to internalize all the calmness his blue irises conveyed.
"Don't listen to him, Princhett," Brad jeered, drawing her attention again, "what does he know about victories when all he can do is losing?"
Loki grabbed her chin, bringing her eyes back to him. Lydia swallowed and nodded slightly. She could handle it, she was fine. She was a professional.
"Stop trying to be a hero, buddy. You're a villain, and you're good at it."
Loki let her go, turning back to Brad.
"Thanks, Brad.” Loki let out a bitter laugh “Thanks a lot. I'm very touched. You're right. I've done terrible and horrible things," Lydia clenched her jaw again, to contain herself, "Yes, maybe that's who I am, they know it well. It's the real me... a loser," he smiled bitterly "I always have been and always will be."
Lydia glanced from him to Brad, trying to understand Loki's strategy.
"And perhaps I was... holding back something," he dangerously approached Brad, "maybe I was just waiting for the right moment, a moment like this, to do terrible and horrible things," he looked down at Brad, "to you."
Lydia hoped he would punch him. She really wanted to see that smug bastard's face distorted. No, it wasn't professional, but it was fair.
"So I'll ask you again: where is Sylvie?" He stressed her name.
"You're too fixated on her," Brad sneered.
"Okay, that's enough," Mobius grabbed Loki by the shoulder, pulling him towards Lydia who approached him, putting a hand on his arm. Not to stop him but to let him know she understood the discomfort he felt.
"You need a psychologist," Brad sneered, watching the scene, "I know one who does couples therapy, or maybe group therapy would be better since there are three of you."
She could have killed him. How much would it cost her? She was dead in the sacred timeline, and the TVA was about to collapse, she had nothing to lose.
"There's too much tension here," Mobius tried to lighten the mood, "Brad, cooperate with us, and we'll send you back to your beloved timeline, as if nothing ever happened. What do you say?" he offered with a smile.
"Would you?"
"Of course, I promise."
Brad let out a fake sigh before bursting into laughter, "Did you see? Damn Mobius, you should be an actor."
"I'm not, I'm an analyst."
"No, you're not!" Brad blurted out, "You're not an analyst because none of this is real. Do you know who you are at least in the timeline? The TVA isn't your real home. Do you have any idea who you've left behind? What your life could be like? You know they've taken our lives, you need to wake up."
"I'm awake."
"No, you need to wake up."
"I'm awake," Mobius repeated, this time more annoyed.
"You're asleep until you wake up, you're nothing. I'm nothing. She's nothing. I don't even know where to start," he looked at Loki, "You're nothing, and until you wake up, you're nonexistent, you're-"
Mobius jumped on him, with a speed Lydia could never have predicted, punching him square in the face.
"It's you who's nothing!"
Loki grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him away as Mobius continued to curse.
“You heard me? You’re nothing”
Lydia followed them out, letting B-15 close the door behind them.
Mobius walked away from the room quickly, still swearing about how Brad was, in short, an asshole.
"Is he okay?" Lydia looked up at Loki who shook his head, sighing.
"I'll go see. I'll update you later; I need to ask you some things."
Lydia nodded, smiling in his direction, before Loki ran after Mobius.
Lydia spent the whole afternoon at the desk, unable to work, spending hours tapping the pencil on the wood. Her head kept reminding her of how Loki had tackled her with his body. They had never been so close. They had never touched so much.
Then he had approached Brad, and the tension she had sensed before had only increased when Loki had donned the villain's mask. Could it be true that she, the one of the sacred timeline, had really fallen in love with him, as Loki had claimed? Lydia shook her head, what she had seen in the footage was a confused, delirious, and fragile Loki, while the one she had seen a little earlier exuded power.
And then there was what Brad had said. "There’s three of you."
She wasn't in anything, not with Loki and least of all with Sylvie. And even if this absurd triangle were real, was Lydia the other woman? No, it was unfair. She had known Loki first, and then he had declared himself to her, sort of. And she had rejected him... more or less. Well, not really, she had rejected the him from the past. But she had, in fact, insulted the present him.
And if this particular interest in Loki was only due to the fact that he had distanced himself? That his focuns was on someone else? Was it possible that she was that toxic?
Her brain was exploding, and after a while, her eyelids began to droop, and Lydia decided to give up, burying her head between her arms on the desk.
When he arrived, Loki found her still asleep.
He smiled, his expression softening. Lately, Lydia had returned to having a scowling expression, always serious, like the Lydia he had known on Earth, while asleep she seemed to radiate so much tranquility and peace. Maybe it was really him making everything worse, ruining everyone's lives.
Loki reached out, caressing her head, and Lydia jerked awake, opening her eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
Lydia blinked for a moment, focusing on him.
"Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping," she yawned.
"I was resting."
A chuckle escaped Loki, disappearing immediately, leaving a sad expression on his face.
"Are you okay?".
"I was thinking about Brad's words," he leaned against Lydia's desk, supporting himself with his hands, "when I met you here at the TVA, your life was going smoothly, and the same was on Earth, before I met you-"
"Loki," Lydia put a hand on his, "you shouldn't give weight to what Brad said; he was trying to provoke us. He knows our stories and what can hurt us, and he uses it to his advantage."
Loki covered her hand with his other one and looked at her, smiling faintly. With Lydia, he felt like he had someone on his side, not alone, but he had felt this before, and in the end, it had been just a deception.
"How did you know... about my mother?"
Shit. She knew that question was coming. The horrible put-down Brad had said to Loki, she was not supposed to understand what it was referred to.
Lydia widened her eyes, withdrew her hand from Loki's, clutching it with the other and lowering her gaze.
"When I thought you were dead, I felt very guilty and... well, you could say I missed you... I wanted to see you, and the only thing I had of yours was the file," her cheeks colored slightly red, and if she had raised her gaze, she would have seen the same embarrassed expression on Loki's face, "I know it was a terrible invasion of your privacy... I’m sorry about that" she timidly raised her eyes towards him.
"It's okay" Loki shook his head, "in fact, maybe I'm glad... that you've seen the real me."
"There's no real you, Loki. There's only you, here and now. Ignore Brad, please, he's just an asshole, one who looks through the keyhole, sees brown, and thinks it's chocolate when it's just shit."
He laughed, nodding.
"By the way, any news? How's Mobius?"
"He's okay, for now... I think," Loki swallowed, "as for Brad, he confessed to knowing where Sylvie is."
Lydia clenched her jaw, nodding.
"We need her, Lydia. When I was in the future, I saw the TVA collapsing, and she was there. She must know something" he leaned towards her.
"I didn't say anything" she vaguely said, keeping her gaze low.
"I know you didn't exactly start off on the right foot, you two, but there's no room for likes or dislikes here."
"Where is she?" Lydia looked up at him.
"In a McDonald's in Oklahoma, on Earth," Loki paused for a moment, "Do you want to come?"
"I don't think I'd be very useful" Lydia shook her head, "but I have a request."
They looked at each other for a second that seemed endless and yet too short.
"A milkshake" she said after a moment, "strawberry flavored."
"I think I can do that."
But when Loki appeared in the control room upon later that day, he didn't have any disgustingly sweet strawberry milkshake; instead, he brought something much more indigestible for Lydia. Sylvie.
Guys, thanks a lot for the support you've shown me, again feel free to leave a heart, a comment or to reblog, this really helps a lot. I had reached a point were I thought this ff was completed. I changed my mind and hopefully we'll have an happy ending. Actually, I've really no idea how it'll end. I'm but an humble narrator of other's adventures.
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my-plastic-life · 24 days
Behind the Scenes: Rumiko Takahashi
This idea bounced around in my head for a while, and I finally decided to take the plunge!
Not only is Rumiko Takahashi the creator of my favorite manga/anime, Inuyasha, which introduced me to the entire genre and sparked my interest in all things Japan, she's the best selling female comic artist in history. And since I'd made custom dolls of so many of her characters, I thought she was worthy of a doll of her own. Plus, when I heard of her honor of being named a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters in France - the only female mangaka to receive the honor - it just sparked inspiration.
First up was finding a doll to use as a candidate. I'd considered using the Happy Family Grandma doll because she already has the aged look, and her hair was a pretty similar style already (though it would need to be colored, if not rerooted), but she didn't have the Asian eyes:
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I have several Asian dolls, but they all just looked like regular Barbies. Fine, but not quite what I was going for.
Then the live action Little Mermaid movie dropped, and the only good thing to come out of that was this doll - she was my candidate.
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I'd been saving those glasses (they came with a fashion pack, I think a Jurassic World one), and upon putting them on the doll's face, I thought they were perfect. Plus this doll looked more like an actual person than a regular Barbie doll. And she already had the black hair! Yes!
Next up was choosing a body. I knew a curvy body would be fitting for Rumiko, and the Inspiring Women dolls have either Made to Move bodies (but that's mostly for the athletes) or bodies with articulation at the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, and knee. I opted for the latter. I had some Barbie Extra dolls saved, so I started comparing skin tones. These two were the closest:
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I picked one, and once the head was on the body, it looked way off in person... so then I put it on the other body and that looked much better. It looks off on camera, but thanks to Photoshop magic, no one will know that LOL. It's a much better match in person.
Next was the outfit. I knew if I couldn't get an outfit made, this entire ordeal would be for nothing. And you wouldn't believe how difficult it was finding a full body shot of Rumiko! All her interviews and profile stories and what not, they only seem to show her from the waist up. But I did manage to find this one:
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That was the ribbon cutting ceremony during the 30th anniversary of Rumic World, back in 2008. Not a recent photo, but something. But I was hoping to get an outfit based on this one because it's what she wore when receiving her most recent honor (the aforementioned knighthood):
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I don't know how, but somehow I managed to find that picture, which showed her legs LOL. I don't know what shoes she was wearing with that outfit, so I went with the ones in the previous one. The shoes in question came from a random curvy Fashionista - they were orange and I painted them a more neutral color to match the source photo.
Then I had another conundrum - I couldn't decide which outfit I liked better!!! Fortunately, my seamstress (Molita's World), was kind enough to make both!
The next step was the face. While I didn't use the Happy Family Grandma to create this doll, I did use her as a guide. I needed to make the doll look older, and Grandma has painted age lines on her face. So I kind of went off those - after finding a hopefully good color that looks natural and not like random makeup - to create the face. I also used acetone and a toothpick to remove the heavy pink eyeshadow to give her a more natural look.
Next up was the hair. Since the doll already had the right hair color, all I had to do was cut and style it appropriately. I think I managed to pull it off quite well, if I do say so myself:
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(The plastic wrap around the face is meant to keep the hair shape)
The outfits didn't take long to complete and arrive, so I got her dressed and started on the props. All the Inspiring Women dolls come with a prop, and I knew what I wanted this doll to have - her special Colors book that was set to release in December 2023 commemorating her 45 years as a mangaka. But something happened and that particular book was postponed, then renamed Colors 1978-2024 (rather than Colors 1978-2023) and released this past March. So I had to wait for that to release, and then I had to wait to find good pictures of the front, back, and spine so I could put it together, scale it down, print it out, and make a book out of it LOL.
While I was waiting on that, I thought it would be a cool idea to have some of her sketches with her. Plus I had an extra first volume Inuyasha manga from when I made the series for ani-ME, so I threw that in there too. There was another book released for Rumic World's 35th anniversary, so I thought it would be a cool idea to make it like a folder that her real sketches could go inside. So I managed to find some decent photos of the front, back, and spine of that book, then I created a pocket for it, then I found a bunch of Rumiko's sketches from various series, sized them to fit inside the book, then printed them out. So the sketches she comes with are real ones she's drawn, and they fit right inside one of her books!
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I wasn't going to make a box for her, since I don't keep my dolls in boxes, but I had a spare one and thought I could use it as a template to create one. So I gathered photos of actual Inspiring Women boxes (I could have used the latest one, Kristi Yamaguchi, because that's probably the newest design and Kristi, like Rumiko, is an Inspiring Woman who's still alive whereas the others have passed, but I like the original style better), created a template, and made my own box. Fun fact - the box was made but not printed. So the doll's pose and everything in the box is all digitally edited LOL.
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I created it all from scratch - I looked up fonts, found Barbie logos, made all the name boxes, etc. I'm pretty pleased with how it looks considering it's not a real box lol. I did the same thing for the back, and I even made a design for each side of the box:
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And with that, the doll was done! I think the most time-consuming part of this one was the props. I printed a TON of those little sketches because I wasn't sure how many would fit in the book, and then I had to remind myself to use more than just Inuyasha because she did create several other series LOL. But overall, I'm pleased with her and she's now displayed in my cabinet! Thanks for reading!
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cosmicarchivist692 · 3 months
Radiorose Week Day 7: Falling Together
Wow, I can't believe it's day 7 already. I had so much fun writing these and just building this universe. I hope you enjoyed seeing it develop too! Thanks for tuning in!
He kept to the shadows until the man stumbled a little too close to the woods. Alastor swooped out and grabbed him, quickly binding his hands with rope. It wasn't difficult, he had one too many drinks after all. Alastor led him deep into the woods and then, when no one could hear him, fired a shot and killed him.
Alastor had been watching this man for a while. He had started following him as he left the speakeasy. Alastor had seen him slap that woman and it reminded him of his dad and mom. He was going to kill him, the world would be better off without him anyways.
Then a woman released a quick gasp.
Alastor quickly turned and saw a tall woman with full eyes, a long dress, and a sunhat looking at the dead man on the ground. Sighing he cocked the revolver again and turned towards her, it really was a shame what he was going to have to do.
"Hm, do you want him, or can I have him?" A smile appeared on her face as she walked closer to the body. Alastor looked confused and lowered his gun. "What do you mean?"
The woman licked her lips and said, "His muscles look tasty, I'll take care of the body if you don't want to." Alastor cocked his head. "Darling, are you a cannibal?"
"Already calling me darling, hmm?" The woman laughed, "The name's Rosie, and yours?" "Alastor." "Alastor dear, are you the one who keeps leaving corpses out in these woods?"
Alastor blinked, "Yes, that would be me." "Ah! Well it truly is a pleasure to meet you then. Before, I found the occasional corpse you left, and I'm quite glad you left them. I always felt guilty putting down my meals."
"So you're why I haven't been caught and no-one has found any bodies yet? I must say thank you, even if I don't quite agree with your disposal method." Alastor had a bit of a disgusted looking on his face as Rosie knelt close and started to calculate the yield she would get.
"Perhaps you'll come around to it later. I do believe we could work out a bit of an arrangement too." Rosie stood up and dusted her hands off. "You continue your hunting, let me know where to find them, and I'll dispose of them. What do you say dear?"
Alastor stuck a hand out and Rosie shook it. "Deal."
It was a couple years later. They had to move towns a couple times and find new hunting grounds, but they had only been here a couple weeks, they had about 2 months or so before they would have to skip town again.
Rosie was enjoying a meal when Al rushed in the door. Al glanced at her plate before quickly looking away, he had tried it once, but it made him very sick. There was a hint of panic on his face and so Rosie asked, "What's wrong dear?"
"I was trying to take out another target, when gunshots rang out and almost hit me. I ran, but the person survived, they know where we live. The police will be here sooner rather than later." Alastor was slightly worried. "It might be in your best interest to skip town, I'd hate to drag you down in my mistake."
Rosie sighed and hid her panic, "It's alright, we will deal with this and I'll just have leftovers while we skip town again." Rosie knew this was a big deal and wasn't sure if Al would make it by himself.
Al nodded and went to the backroom where they stored extra bullets and he reloaded his revolver. He didn't truly realize how big of a deal this was.
A couple hours later, Rosie looked out the window and chief and his deputy trying to sneak their ways up to the house. She whisper yelled, "Alastor! They're here, prepare for a scrap."
Alastor quickly ran up and hid by the backdoor. They both stood there for 5 minutes before all of a sudden-
Both doors were slammed open and the two police officers entered the building. Rosie got the drop on the chief and their struggle began. The back door hit Alastor and he dropped his gun as the deputy saw him.
The deputy quickly kicked the gun away and charged Alastor. He slammed into the wall and he responded by punching the deputy a couple times in the side. The fight continued.
Meanwhile, Rosie was kicking the chief's butt. She kicked him to the floor and grabbed her cleaver, slowly walking up to him with a smile on her face. She swung at him a couple times, before finally managing to hit him in the shoulder. She pulled it out and prepared to deal a finishing blow when-
Rosie, hearing the gun shot. looked over and charged the deputy. He grabbed a decoration off the table and bashed her in the head with it. Two parts were at the perfect distance apart to hit both of her eyes. She was instantly blinded but kept swinging anyways. The deputy cocked the gun again and shot her to the right of her heart. She slowly bled to death as the deputy made sure the chief would live.
The deputy brought Alastor to the floor and quickly ran for the gun. Alastor grabbed his ankle and brought him to the ground. He held on with all his strength, but he was still overpowered by the deputy. The deputy grabbed the gun and-
Shot Alastor point blank between his eyes.
Alastor had blinked, one moment he was fighting the deputy and the next he was here in... well, wherever here was. He was in the middle of an open field with blood red grass. The sky was gross smoky red and the sun has rings circling it. He only had a moment to look around when Rosie materialized beside him.
Or at least, he thought it was Rosie. She looked different. Her wide eyes were now fully black and almost soulless, her skin had become a gray tint, and her canines had grown. He held a hand out to help her up when he saw his own arm. It was dark gray and... furry?
He quickly pulled back his arm and Rosie just sat up, rubbing her eyes. She was content not standing yet. "Rosie look at me, describe me, what do I look like?"
Rosie stared at Alastor and her eyes widened. "Dear.... you have antlers... um, your hair is red, you have massive ears on the top of your head, and... to put it simply, you look like a deer."
Alastor became dizzy and sat on the ground. He looked around and saw the sign, 'Welcome to Hell.' He turned to Rosie and said, "Rosie look, we're in Hell..."
Rosie simply tilted her head and shrugged, she knew she was going there anyways. Alastor, on the other hand, was in complete disarray.
"Rosie... this is all my fault, if I was more careful, if I had beaten the deputy, I- I- I-" Alastor started rambling, a filter suddenly starting to layer on his voice. Rosie stopped him, "Alastor, I would have left if I didn't want to die. I expected it to happen, but I wanted to try and help you anyways."
"Rosie... I'm so so sorry." Alastor started crying, he didn't want this to happen. He just sat there while tears streamed down his face. Rosie was stunned, she didn't realize Alastor could cry.
She pulled Alastor close and he cried on her shoulder. He wouldn't let anything like this happen again, he would be more careful, more deliberate, stronger. He would become the most powerful demon in Hell and no-one, no-one, would get the better of him again. If they did, maybe then he truly deserved to die.
Author's Note:
Yup, this was late. I got tired last night and fell asleep before I finished. Oops.
This one alone, went through so many revisions and so many different plans, it's ridiculous! But I got it done! I'm glad I started working on all of these early, I would not have made it if I wrote each the night before. In good news, I got a custom desk from IKEA! I've been moving (so I'm quite busy lol) and now I finally have a desk I can use an office chair for! (Instead of a stool and a kids table I used to use lol (horribly uncomfortable, do not recommend))
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I think I might have endometriosis and I dont know what to do. Is it worth trying to get a diagnosis? Because I feel like they cant do anything about it either way. On one hand i feel like it would be a relief to hear that it isn't normal and that i am not weak just because I cant deal with some regular period cramps. I dont think its normal to throw up because of the pain and lay on the bathroom floor half passed out because of nausea and pain for hours in the middle of the night, but at the same time muy cramps only lasts for like a day or two so I feel like im just exaggerating. I want to be validated in a way but im nervous about it not actually being anything wrong if that makes sense.
Also i feel like the only thing doctors can do is prescribe birth control and I have been on one kind (one with only one of the ususal substances) and while it have lowered the pain to only very occasional tame cramps I dont really like it because of the spotting because it is so irregular that I have had to wear pads for like a year and i dont really trust that it works, i would like it to get rid of the whole problem and stop all pain. And the doctors wont put me on regular birth control because im fat so my bmi is too high which means a higher risk for blood clots. Is there anything else they can do? I know some people get hysterectomies but I dont want that now at least cause i think I might want to have kids in the future. Is there anything else they can do that makes it worth it to fight for a possible diagnosis since that may take years and be difficult or should i just cope with it since my symptoms isn't really that bad?
(Also i just ran out of birth control and haven't decided what to do so im really scared that my period will come back now and it will hurt)
First of all, I think you should find a new doctor. I am also “fat” and I NEVER had any doctor refuse to put me on regular birth control. BC has risks and it has pros and cons, as long as your doc is explaining all of that to you they should let YOU make that decision about your own body.
If you are in horrific pain it is not normal. If you are puking and passing out because of cramps that isn’t normal. You are not exaggerating or overreacting. You deserve to get treatment. You deserve to be in less pain. You deserve to have more convenience.
I urge you to try to get a new birth control (for example I’m on the depo shot, least amount of pain I have been in for years on this BC) and if your doc won’t do it find a different one who will. Remember doctors are there to listen to you and help you.
There are various home remedies to try for endo but there is no cure. Birth control will help. The only sure fire way to get rid of it is laparoscopic surgery, and this will only help for some time because the endometriosis will just grow back. (And how much it will help depends on the competence/experience of the surgeon doing it.) I believe I’ve read that even a full hysterectomy doesn’t cure endo.
I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope you can get the care and treatment you need.
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anti-psycomics · 21 days
I can't believe I missed it! Yesterday marked 1 full year since I really started dedicating myself to digital art, after I drew this image because I wanted to play bomb rush cyberfunk. Pretty sure I started drawing it because I saw Twistcmyk made her own custom decals for that game and I wanted to make something like that too. So uh. Thanks for that Twist. Still haven't played bomb rush cyberfunk tho
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not a bad starting place I'd say. Although maybe that's because it's not really the starting place and I've been drawing off and on again pretty much since I was born
I think this drawing really helped get my feet off the ground when it came to finding a style that works for me, and learning how to make other styles out of it. See, I've always had shaky hands so I've tended to gravitate towards a more scratchy style since smooth lines are often a challenge for me. And in a lot of cases I'd just leave a drawing as a sketch because finalizing it was very difficult.
being able to draw fast and loose like this is really a boon to get the creative juices flowing. It's the easiest way to draw for me, and I still like to leave it at that if I have a day where I want to draw but I don't want to dedicate more than one night to it
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But nowadays I'm usually making art that's a lot smoother and takes a few more nights to finish. But that's still using the rough style. Usually I'll get a vague idea in my head and throw it on the screen with minimal care, and I'll zero in on how it's supposed to look draft by draft. Sometimes it takes 3 drafts, sometimes it takes, like 10
shown here a swordsmachine drawing I made a month or so ago, I still have the krita file on hand (because it's not technically finished yet, needs a final draft with color) so here's the drafts leading up to it
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This process often involves a lot of cutting and pasting, resizing and the perspective tool to get a thing exactly where it needs to be. As for making lines as smooth as possible, I just have to take it really slow and sometimes go back, erase, draw it back, erase again. I won't lie it can still be a really tedious process
Like that swordsmachine, I've been making a lot of character portraits lately. Which has been a great exercise in posing, perspective and shading. Shading especially was something I've been needing practice with. I used to draw only with pencil of paper so using color in drawings is still somewhat a new thing for me. Having to figure out the lighting for each shot and which surfaces are whatever is very difficult but doing shading right can make a drawing look that much better
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This is the thing I've been working on most recently, I think the shading looks pretty good, especially on the scarf. But I'm not really too sure about it.
Ok I've lost the pacing for this longpost. I wish I had a special drawing for the one year but I forgot until today. Maybe I'll make Anti in a birthday hat sometime later. For now here's some of my favorites over the past year
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was a pretty early drawing, but I still really like it because of the unique perspective of peeking into a closet. Also the first time I drew Anti with a body!
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I remember when I drew this design in my sketchbook and I knew I had a banger design right away, she barely changed from paper to digital. Unlike Solos, who had quite a few changes, and honestly I might still want to change a few things. Still pretty astounded that I managed to render it so well. Might be my overall favorite of the past year
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I still think it would make a great album name and cover. Hire me psychedelic music artists
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This one was made because I told my friends I'd make myself a fursona if a poll about me being a furry reached 15 votes. Love stealing valor. This might be the highest layer count piece to date, I think it clocked in at over 60 with so many small details that you have to super zoom in to see. Regardless, I'm really proud with how I got the rotting flesh to look in this one
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Also a massive undertaking and probably the only one that can rival the layers on malazirot. Idk if I have much to say on it other than, I think it looka pretty neat
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A real recent one, Probably my most grotesque one to date too. I really think I nailed how disgusting the skin on it is, my only regret is I didn't make any hair follicles poking out of the skin. Oh well, missed opportunities
here's to the next year of art!
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