#you'll fit in fine sweetie!
ghostlyarchaeologist · 6 months
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"We have to cover every angle. Eliot will work the boat from the inside."
Leverage Redemption S01E03 The Rolling on the River Job.
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shhhsecretsideblog · 2 months
Hi, i hope you don't mind if i request to combine 2 prompts in one scenario.
8. "There's so much pressure..."
12. "Come on, you'll be fine. First labour's take ages.
Scenario: a pregnant woman got kidnapped by her obsessive ex-boyfriend, went into labor and begged him to take her to the hospital because she can't be having the baby in his basement, but he refused. Go as wild and dark as you want.
Thanks 💌
Thanks for the request anon, this was delicious to write. Only prompt no.8 has been included as the other didn’t naturally fit in to wherever the hell this story went. I swear I have no control, these stories take on a life of their own. You said go wild and dark, so… 😈 Trigger warnings; kidnapping, vomit, blood, violence, mental instability, death (not mum or bubs dw), oh and of course fpreg & birth. Hope you like it
Libby’s eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for her vision to focus but when it did she realised nothing was familiar. The room was dimly lit, no natural light source, only a singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Dark grey bricks formed each of the four walls and the floor below was concrete and rough. She was lying down, on old discoloured bedding on a rickety metal bed. Where the hell was she?! She tried to push herself upright, but she discovered one arm could not be moved. It was handcuffed to the bed!
“What the hell…” Libby muttered.
“Ah… you’re awake.” Came a voice from the shadows.
Stepping into the light Libby saw a man walk towards her. It was Scott, her ex boyfriend. He looked awful. She’d not seen him since they broke up 18 months ago. His hair had grown, now matted and unkept, dark circles hung beneath his eyes and his usually clean shaven chin now sported a severe and dishelved five o’clock shadow.
“…Scott? Where… where am I?” She asked confused and still a little bit groggy.
“You’re at home darling. I rescued you.”
Libby’s brain whirled into overdrive. She remembered going to a midwife appointment, it was her final check up before her due date, she finished the appointment and headed back to her car. She had stopped just before opening the door, hearing something behind her, and then…. everything went black.
“Rescued me?! From what?” Libby asked, managing to push herself to a sitting position with her one free hand.
“From making a mistake. Did you really think you could keep me away from my baby?” Scott drawled, his eyes staring hungrily at her pregnant stomach.
“What the fuck are you talking about? We broke up, I moved on. This isn’t your baby!”
Libby’s outburst was rewarded by a forceful smack across the face. The distinctive metallic taste of blood soon filled her mouth. She was shocked into silence.
“We were great together! We were happy; we were going to get married, have a family, and then… Brendon came along. Poisoning our relationship, turning you against me, stealing you for himself. No! I won’t let him take this away. I’ve brought you home baby… so we can be together.” Scott’s hand touched her bump and his eyes widened in glee. “Where we can be a family.”
This man was insane, Libby thought, realising the true danger of this situation. It was one thing having an ex that still held a candle towards you, but this was way beyond that. She knew Scott hadn’t taken the break up well, but since the split he’d clearly disappeared into a realm of utter delusion. The baby in her womb shifted, feeling the fear of its mother. Scott’s mouth twitched into an uncomfortable grin, feeling the child move. Libby daren’t say anything, it was clear he was unstable and there was no telling what might set him off.
“Rest up sweetie. I’ll get you some food, you must be hungry. Eating for two and all that.” Scott said cheerfully, removing his hand from her stomach and disappearing upstairs.
Libby looked down at her stomach and her handcuffed wrist. She didn’t feel hungry at all. Only nauseous.
Scott returned and brought her food. Libby didn’t say anything, didn’t move, too scared of accidentally provoking him. He left the tray of sandwiches and crisps on the side table next to the bed and disappeared upstairs, offering a firm “Eat” before he went.
Her memories had returned as she gradually came around from whatever drug Scott had administered. Brendon and Libby had decided to have a little trip away this weekend before the baby came. A baby-moon as they say. They’d told all their friends and family they’d be out of town and without signal for a few days, but this morning Brendon called to say he had a work emergency and they’d have to cancel. That was fine, Libby would just go visit her parents instead. Only she never got a chance to call her parents after the midwife appointment. Everyone thought her and Brendon were away, and Brendon thought she was at her parents - no one would realise she’d been kidnapped.
Her stomach rolled with fear. She needed to think, find a way out of here. Wherever “here” was…. Where the fuck had Scott taken her? She didn’t recognise the room, it could be anywhere. She looked over at the plate of food and her heart sank. She recognised the crockery - this was his family’s cabin, in the middle of the woods.
Days. She’d been there days. Her family and Brendon would hopefully know she was missing by now. But they’d never find her here.
Scott continued to visit, to bring her food, to talk the baby in her womb. He’d offered to bathe her once, disgusted by the thought she refused. When he tried to get more forceful, hitting her again, she faked practice labour pains and he thankfully left her alone to rest.
She barely spoke to him anymore, too fearful to say the wrong thing again, of which she had learnt the hard way. She tried once to play along with his delusion, that he had “rescued” her from Brendon and now they could be a family. Believing her, Scott eventually unlocked the handcuffs, but when she made a break for it towards the stairs of the basement Scott went ballistic. They got into a fight; she kicked and screamed and hit, but he was stronger and in the carnage she fell forward against the wooden stairs she was trying to climb.
Scott was stricter with the handcuffs after that. Libby swore to herself not to try it again for fear of what might happen to the baby if she fell again.
She had been feeling cramps ever since the fall. They weren’t too bad or debilitating, thankfully she wasn’t bleeding which Libby hoped was a good sign and that her baby was okay. The fall was a brutal reminder of the precious cargo she was carrying and she had to be careful.
The next night Libby was awoken by a forceful cramp rolling through her middle, much worse than any of the others she had felt. Curling round her stomach she breathed heavily through the wave until it passed, and she promptly fell back asleep.
It happened again shortly after, pulling her from her slumber and waking every cell of her body as it peaked, like a coil twisting tighter and tighter. She pushed herself up to sit on the bed. The room was pitch black - Scott controlled the lights and was the only way she knew if it was day or night. She rubbed the aching cramp rolling across her tightened belly with one hand, the other remaining chained to the bedpost. She wished she could move, to walk it off, but with the handcuffs and the darkness she had little options. Instead she got on her hands and knees and rocked steadily through the pain.
“Please be practice contractions…” she whispered to herself. “You can’t come now baby, you’re safe in there. Wait until we get outta here okay?”
The cramp eventually eased and after a few minutes waiting for the next, Libby let herself sink sideways back onto the bed. The baby had got the message, it was just practice pains, she thought to herself as she drifted back off to sleep.
The light to the basement flickered to life followed by the familiar stomping of feet on wooden steps.
“Morning sweetheart. How’s the mother of my child today?” Scott said in such a cheerful caring tone it caused a shiver to roll up Libby’s spine.
She glared at him from the bed, lying down under the covers half asleep and curled around her bump.
“Still not talking to me eh? Oh well. It won’t be long before I have a son or daughter to talk to.” Scott drawled, as he placed a cup of water and slice of toast onto the bedside table.
Another cramp squeezed her belly and Libby sucked in a breath, hissing through her teeth. She could feel her stomach hardening beneath her fingers as the practice contraction squeezed.
“Honey, are you alright?” Scott’s eyes pinched in cautious concern.
“Just a kick.” Libby said, schooling her face back to a neutral expression.
“Excited to meet their daddy no doubt.” He gleefully said making Libby feel sick.
This baby is NOT yours! She cried in her head.
“Get up and have some breakfast. I’ve got some things to show you today.” Scott said, offering a hand to help her up.
Libby ignored his hand and pushed herself upright. “What things?”
“All in good time my dear. It’s a surprise.” And with that he disappeared back upstairs with a gallop.
She could hear banging and thumping above her and wondered what on earth he was doing. Her stomach growled and she reluctantly nibbled on the toast that was provided. After eating she was left solely with her thoughts and the noises from upstairs. Plus the occasional cramps that continued to plague her. Sitting down became too frustrating and she managed to get herself to standing right beside the bed. Her arm was pulled uncomfortably far forward by the handcuffs, but at least it relieved the pressure in her hips.
The baby felt so low, like it was grinding on her pelvis. But she did feel like her breathing was better now. Libby tried to focus only on the positives and did not dwell enough to realise this meant the baby had dropped into position for birth.
She stayed standing as long as she could beside the bed, riding out the braxton hicks and swaying her hips side to side, but eventually her legs ached from the awkward position so she return to sit on the bed.
The practice contractions continued to wash over her whilst Scott was banging away upstairs. Libby was starting to get hot and sweaty and could barely sit still through them. She found herself biting her lips and humming through them, trying to keep the noise to a minimum. She didn’t want to attract Scott’s attention. She ended up back on all fours on the bed, one hand awkwardly attached to the bed while she rocked forwards and back through the rising waves. It was getting harder and harder to stay silent through these pains and it was getting more and more difficult to convince herself these were only practice contractions.
“Ohhhh… we had a deal baby. You have to s-stay in there…. It’s not s-safe…” Libby moaned quietly to her child, the pressure in her hips mounting with every contraction.
The sounds of movement from above made her panic. Scott was coming. Quickly, she moved from all fours and returned to her sitting position on the bed. Sitting down made everything worse - the heavily feeling of the baby so so low caused the pressure to spike. So much so she nearly threw up, gaging slightly at the same time Scott opened the basement door.
She could hear him huffing and puffing as he stomped every step, he was clearly struggling with something, and she saw the “surprise” before she saw him. It was a crib! Oh hell no, she thought to herself. There is no way my baby is being born here and it will never go in that thing.
“Darling…” he cooed as he got down to the basement “I got you something. Well, I got our baby something - a crib!” He said proudly as he placed it at the foot of the bed.
Libby didn’t say anything; saying something negative could earn her a slap, saying something positive he’d think she was up to something.
“Well?” He asked, clearly getting frustrated with her silence.
“It’s… nice.” She said timidly, he didn’t seem any calmer so she added “thank you.”
With that Scott broke into an unhinged smile. “Only the best for my baby. Made it myself!”
Libby felt the familiar tightening of another contraction approaching. Breathing steadily through her nose, she tried to keep any pain showing on her face.
“What do you think of the design?” He urged, unaware of the struggle happening inside Libby’s womb.
“Great.” She gritted out as calmly as she could.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Scott rushed upstairs leaving Libby alone for a minute.
The second he was out of sight her eyes scrunched and she panted erratically. Her hips were on fire, the baby sinking lower and lower. This was no false alarm, Libby finally admitted to herself.
Scott came bounding downstairs with a pile of baby clothes and blankets. “I also got these. I wasn’t sure if we were having a boy or a girl so got a selection of different clothes. And lots of blankets and toys. Everything we could possibly need.”
Libby couldn’t help it but she groaned loudly and curled over her contracting stomach.
“They’re not that bad!” Scott said, referring to the pile of clothes he’d now dumped into the crib.
“Ooooooh Scott….” Libby whimpered, the pain still barrelling through her body.
“Lib? What is it? What’s wrong?” He crouched down in front of her and placed a hand on her knee.
“I think… hooooo- I think I’m in labour. You have to take me to the hospital.” Libby pleaded.
“What? Oh no, you’re not fooling me again.” Scott recoiled away from her, and started pacing. “You- you tried that before remember. And then you tried to run away, to take my baby away! You were going to leave me Lib! No!! I’m not letting you out of my sight again. No way. No one else can have you. You and that baby are mine!”
“Scott… please. I’m having contractions… I need help… I need doctors…”
“No… I can’t. You’re just going to leave me again. I can’t lose you.” Scott shook his head, like he was trying to reorganise the thoughts inside. “You’re just pretending again, you’re not really having the baby, you’re just trying to escape. Well you can’t trick me twice. Nuh-uh. I’ll come back when you’ve stopped the act.”
“No! Scott!” Libby cried but the door slammed before she could say anything else.
Libby shouted and pleaded for 10 minutes straight after Scott went upstairs, but he never came back down. She stopped when her voice started to crack and when she thought she heard the front door slam.
This baby was coming and she was trapped - handcuffed to a bed in a basement in the middle of nowhere, the only person for miles was her crazy ex boyfriend who was convinced the baby was his.
Despite her wishful thinking, the contractions just kept on coming. It was as if accepting they were real had made them more frequent and stronger. There was no clock down here, she had no clue how often they struck, but Libby was aware of the gaps in between getting shorter.
Being in labour was bad enough but the fact she couldn’t move due to her restraints made everything a thousand time’s worse. In desperation she tried to squeeze her hand out the metal handcuff, twisting and pulling, but when it started to peel the skin off the back of her hand she screamed and gave up.
She couldn’t sit down anymore, the pain in her hips too great. All fours was bearable but her arms ached after too long. She tried squatting and kneeling against the headboard, standing and swaying beside the bed. Nothing helped. She felt like a caged animal; frustrated, angry, scared. All the while every contraction brought the baby closer and closer to being born, a fate she was trying desperately to avoid. She feared something might go wrong, and she was scared what would happen the moments after she delivered. Scott was clearly unstable, would he leave her here chained to the bed bleeding out and take away her baby?! She needed medical help, not only for the birth but for her best shot at escaping.
When Scott returned he found her on her knees beside the bed, slumped over the mattress and groaning heavily.
“You can stop this charade Libby! I’m not taking you anywhere!” Scott shouted from the steps of the basement.
“Mnnnghhh! It’s not a charade Scott! Oh god…. So much pressure….” Libby whimpered into the mattress, her knees widening instinctually.
“Come off it. You put on a good show but I know you’re faking it.”
Libby could only grunt, roaring against the building pressure between her thighs. An unmistakable splashing sound hit the concrete floor and she cried out. “My waters…. Hooo- I’m not - faking - it…” she panted and turned around to face him.
Scott’s face had paled and his eyebrows shot up. “Y-you really are in labour?”
“Yes,” Libby breathed, turning around awkwardly with the handcuffs and her large bump, sitting down heavily on the now-wet floor “please please take me to the hospital now.”
He didn’t say anything, instead he disappeared quickly back upstairs.
“Scott!!!” She cried out, worried he would just leave her there forever.
He returned a moment later carrying a plastic box. “It’s happening! Don’t worry darling, I have everything we need for our baby to be born.”
It’s not your baby!!!! Libby shouted in her head.
Sitting on the floor, one arm slung up over a shoulder stuck in the handcuffs, she rubbed her low and heavy stomach with the other as Scott began to unpack the box onto the table opposite.
“Towels. Gloves. Scissors. Clamps. Ooh more towels. Little sucker thing. Wow it’s got everything we need in here. Great Amazon find.” Scott commented as he rattled off everything inside the box.
Holy shit! He wants to deliver the baby here! Libby stopped breathing for a moment, panic squeezing at her heart. He was never going to let her go. She was never going to get her baby out of here before it was born.
“Scott… you can’t… be serious…” Libby said with strained breath.
“Shhhhh. It’s okay sweetie. I’ve done all the research, watched loads of videos. I know exactly what I’m doing and I will deliver our baby here.”
“But Scott I need a hospital, with nurses and medication.”
“No you don’t. Women birth babies every day. I’ve had months to prepare for this. It’s going to be fine, it’s going to be perfect.” Scott’s sinister smile chilled her resolve and another contraction struck before she could continue arguing.
He checked his watched and frowned. “You shouldn’t be having another contraction just yet.”
“I can’t hooooo control it!” Libby snipped.
“Oooo is this the part where you get all angry at me for doing this to you?” Scott joked with glee.
“You didn’t do this to me! This isn’t your baby Scott, please just let me go.”
“Don’t lie!!!!!” Scott shouted, an angry fire flashed briefly in his eyes and his fists clenched tight, but a second later the ire quickly disappeared. “You’re just scared, but it’s okay sweetie, I’m here and our baby will be fine.”
“Ohhh god…..” Libby grunted, the baby slipping lower and pressing against her cervix. She had to move, this position was unbearable, but her legs were useless during the raging contraction. She tried to push herself up, yanking her hands forward but the handcuff rattled and left her arm twisted backwards. “Mnnhhh- handcuffs…. Please undo the handcuffs…”
“You know I can’t do that Lib.” Scott said reluctantly.
“Please…. Mnghhhhh the baby…. I need to move. Can’t stay like this Scott…” Libby groaned and whimpered as the contraction peaked and gradually faded.
“I’m sorry honey, I can’t risk it. But let’s get you back onto the bed shall we, you’ll be much more comfortable there.”
The contraction had left her winded, Libby didn’t have the strength to argue anymore. But when Scott approached and went to help her up she managed to grit “Don’t touch me!” batting his advancing hands away.
“That’s gonna be difficult when I’m delivering our child.” Scott sarcastically replied.
Libby’s stomach rolled, not from a contraction but at the disgusting thought of Scott between her legs. Nausea bubbled inside, rising up her throat. She retched. “I think I’m gonna be sick…”
Scott jumped back as she dry heaved. “Erm…. I’ll get a bucket. Hang on.”
Libby struggled up to her knees, clinging sideways to the bed, and vomited all over the floor. The force of her stomach expelling its contents pushed the baby against her dilating cervix and towards the birth canal. She couldn’t stop herself from bearing down at the same time.
No no no… don’t push. Her brain cried but it wasn’t something she had control over.
By the time Scott returned with a bucket Libby had crawled back into the bed, leaving behind a puddle of amniotic fluid and vomit on the floor.
“Jeeze Libby, you’ve made a right mess. I’m glad we’re down here now, that would have been a nightmare to clean the carpets upstairs.”
“…water…” Libby panted, curled up on the bed and holding her hardened stomach, too exhausted to do anything other than bear through the labour pains tearing apart her body.
“Okay, sure.” Scott picked up the glass from the table and gently poured it into Libby’s dry mouth. “Everything will be okay Libby, our baby is nearly here.” He whispered, placing a grimy hand onto her bump and feeling the swell, his eyes hungrily lighting up as his fingers caressed the curve.
She was dying. This was how it would end; trapped in the dirty basement of her crazy ex boyfriend. She never got to meet her baby, or get married, never got to buy her own home, or travel the world. The pain was so much she could barely see. Curled up on the bed Libby groaned into the pillow as the latest contraction squeezed her body in on itself. She was vaguely aware of Scott flapping around the room, he was talking but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. The only thing she could focus on was the mass of the baby’s head sitting right behind her opening, and she was doing everything she could not to push.
The last few hours had been torture. She’d thrashed around the bed, screaming and begging to be freed, to be taken to the hospital. When transition hit she was brought back onto all fours, grunting and pushing without any semblance of control. Scott rubbed her back and encouraged her through it. She didn’t have the strength to bat him off but she did manage to aim her next round of vomiting onto his feet. And all the while Scott refused to unlock the handcuffs and she remained chained to the bed.
Now she was lying on her side over the covers, exhausted, her body completely and utterly drained. Her knees were curled up as much as she could, her bump squashed between her thighs and her breasts. The contractions were right on top of each other and she panted heavily through each one.
Don’t push! Don’t push! Don’t push! she told herself again and again.
“Right, the waters boiled, everything’s disinfected. Clamps and scissors ready. Towel, check. All we need now… is the baby…” Scott muttered, organising and reorganising the equipment.
Ever since the well-timed vomit, he had kept a grateful distance from Libby. He looked through all the toys and clothes in the crib, talking about all the things he would do with his child, trips they’d make, sports they’d play. He was in his own little world, Libby was just a background character.
Relentless contractions kept hitting her one after the other, she breathed as quietly as she could, tears leaking past her lashes from the effort it was taking not to push. She could feel the baby start to stretch her lips, the head inching further and further even without her active pushing. He’d removed her underwear not long after her waters had broken but her dress remained on her sweaty body, thankfully covering her lower half as she laid on the bed. Libby’s legs slightly parted of their own accord as the baby slipped lower. Still curled up on her side, the baby had a clear exit from its mother, but she couldn’t bring herself to move. Scott was ignoring her when she was lying like this and it was the only position that didn’t make her scream. And yet it also proved to be aiding her delivery.
When the next contraction barrelled straight after its predecessor Libby found herself holding her breath and it was only when the burning feeling started that she realised she was pushing. But she couldn’t stop. Gasping another breath she pushed once more, the baby stretching her wider and wider. An involuntary grunt escaped the labouring mother and alerted Scott to her actions.
“Are you…. Libby - are you pushing?! Is it time?” Scott jumped and rushed over to the bed.
Libby curled further over, her face burying into the pillow, squashing her bump and raising her backside. She groaned long and deep as she pushed the baby further out.
“Oh babe, you can’t push like that! You need to get in the correction position for delivery.” Scott said assuredly with all the delusional confidence his “research” had given him.
He took her bent leg, rolling her over onto her back and she screamed. “Scott! No!” The pain was excruciating, her spine was being stabbed, the fire burning between her thighs. She needed to push but she couldn’t when he kept moving her body.
“You need to be in the right position. Come on now, I know what I’m doing.”
“Stop… I can’t… I need to push…” Libby grunted.
“Wait a minute darling, you’re not ready just yet.”
Scott pulled her up to a sitting position and pushed her back against the headboard, pointlessly fluffing the limp old pillows behind her. Her legs were dragged apart and knees were bent and he jumped onto the foot of the bed and looked up her dress.
“Oh my gosh I can see the head!!!” He squealed. He threw her dress up higher, creasing the fabric just below her baby bump, fully exposing Libby’s vagina and the oval shaped crown of the head.
“Push Libby! You can push now!” He urged.
“I’m not-having a contraction-” Libby panted, furious she had been moved into this ridiculous and torturous position. Nothing about it felt right to her body, she wanted to go back on her side, to kneel, squat, anything but this.
“Oh… erm… well on the next one then. Push. No wait, I forgot the equipment.” Scott bounced off the bed and collected all the sterilised equipment he’d been preparing in readiness. “Ha! All that excitement, nearly forgot these.” He placed the items next to him, by her feet. The metal scissors glinted as they caught the light.
A desperate idea began to form in her head, but a contraction soon swept over her and pulled her focus to the burning ring between her thighs.
“Yes!!! Go on Libby! Push!!!” Scott cried.
Curling forward Libby pushed, her body squeezing the baby lower, its head stretching her wider. She grabbed her thighs, gulped another breath, and pushed. The scissors caught the light again with the movement on the bed. If she could just grab them…
“It’s coming, keep it going honey!” Scott yelled and she could feel his trembling hand between her legs.
Libby huffed releasing the push. It was too much, it was too big…
“Come on baby, go again, you’re so close.” Scott urged.
“Hooo-hoooo- okay…. Here it comes….!!!!” Libby threw herself forward curling over her bump once more. With Scott’s focus on the crowning baby she quickly grabbed the scissors and hid them in the gathered fabric of her dress. She screamed as the baby reached a full crown. Panting frantically her body twitched as the baby stretched her so wide she thought she’d be torn in two. Then it slipped further and with a sudden wail the baby’s head was delivered.
“Wow! The heads out, my baby’s head is born.” Scott awed.
Leaning closer his hands trembled towards the newly born head sitting between her thighs. No! You are not touching my baby! Libby thought, and she grabbed the hidden scissors and plunged them straight into Scott’s neck as she released an animalistic maternal wail.
Scott’s eyes bulged out, roaring in agony as the sharp scissors pierced deep into his muscles. He jumped back, standing for the briefest second staring in horror at her, before collapsing to his knees. A drowning choked sound gargled his throat and when he pulled the scissors from his neck the jets of blood sprayed across the room.
Libby watched, in shock at what she’d just done, as Scott clutched his neck, choking and bleeding. After a few strangled seconds he collapsed face first on the ground.
“Oh my god… oh my god….” Libby trembled, adrenaline and fear pumping through every cell in her body. She had to get out of there.
Twisting awkwardly around, she held the handcuff steady with her free hand and pulled her other through the tiny gap. The skin ripped from her hand, the metal scraping bone, she yelled out in pain but didn’t stop pulling until her bloodied hand was free.
It was as if she had left her physical body, the pain a dull echo compared to the survival instinct to get out of this basement. “I’m gonna get you outta here…” she panted, putting a gentle hand over the baby’s head between her legs. She scrambled off the bed, legs bowed as she cupped the head, and rushed toward the stairs of the basement.
Libby was careful, her previous encounter with this wooden staircase not ending well, climbing wide legged step after step towards freedom. She barely made it halfway when she was struck by another contraction. Holding the head with one hand and gripping the bannister tight with the other, her body squatted as it tried to push.
“Mnghhhhhhh! Oohhhhhh hang on baby…. Mnghhhhhh…. Not yet.” She could feel herself pushing hard, the shoulders starting to press against her, itching to come out, but with a firm hand and heavy panting she made it through the contraction.
When she reached upstairs she was surprised how familiar it all was, Scott had taken her here once when they were dating. It wasn’t much, the furniture and decor were dated, but it was a nice family holiday home in a nice rural location. She shuddered when she thought of the secret prison that was hidden below her feet.
Being familiar with the property made her escape easier, she knew the layout and of course where he kept the keys - in the side dish by the fridge. Grabbing the car keys Libby headed for the door and threw it open. But the baby didn’t want to wait any longer.
She hung on to the doorframe for dear life as the raging contraction took hold. “No no no!!!! We’re so close mnnnnnghhhhhh!!!!” Her legs widened as she squatted, pushing uncontrollably against the wall of her hand that held the baby’s head. The shoulders were slipping through… she could feel them stretching… “Ohhh fuck!” She cried, desperately pushing and holding the baby in at the same time.
When the near constant contraction let up just the tiniest bit, Libby made a break for it and ran to the car, both hands between her legs cupping the emerging baby. Unlocking the car with the press of the button she threw open the back door and clambered inside. She quickly locked the door, scared that Scott would somehow still be coming after her, and when she heard the reassuring click of the locks she huffed an exhausted cry.
But the baby was coming, and it was coming now. On her hands and knees in the back seat Libby finally gave in to nature and pushed in earnest, grunting long and deep as the shoulders stretched and slipped out. Lifting up onto her knees to catch the infant she released a primal roar with the final push and the baby slipped into her bloodied hands.
“Ohhhhhh hey baby, it’s okay it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Libby cried, pulling the little boy to her chest. Wiping his face clear he gave a little cough and started crying, soon matched with the tears of his mother.
“We did baby, we got out.” Libby panted and cried, safe with her baby inside the locked car. After a few minutes she wrapped the baby up against her chest with the towel, umbilical cord still connecting mother and child, and she hesitantly opened the door and got into the drivers seat. Starting the engine, Libby drove herself and her new baby to safety.
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fallingfor-fics · 2 months
Jewels: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
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this is so rushed and not proofread
warnings: no smut :( ,a man hits on you:(( ,teasin n kissin n grindin :)))
word count: 4.5k
summary: you loose an earring before a wedding you have to attend, you and melissa are flirty all night and you put a little fit on for her.
Melissa was going to be arriving any minute to pick you up for the wedding you two were going to tonight. However, your getting ready was forced into a screeching halt when you went to put your earrings on and the tiny silver backing fell from your hands and rolled into your closet. Your jaw dropped and your eyebrows scrunched together. 
“NO. fuck, fuck, no no please be here please.” you exclaimed as you got on your hands and knees to search the floor for the small piece of silver. Normally it wouldn't be this huge a deal and you would grab another pair, but these earrings were given to you by Melissa and were very special. They were your most treasured pair that you only wore on special occasions or for good luck. The backs were very specific and didn’t fit with any other earrings so not finding the back wasn't an option.
After five minutes of crawling around, moving furniture, and using a flashlight the guilt and added pressure of needing time to finish getting ready caused your cheeks to turn red and a lump form in your throat. This was an important night and you needed to make a good impression on some of Melissa's family that you haven't met yet. You kept searching the floor of your closet as your vision grew slightly blurry from the frustration, pressure, and worry taking form as tears that slowly dripped down your cheeks. Unbeknownst to you Melissa had already arrived and let herself in since she got there a little early. She had sat her stuff down and made her way upstairs to find you, stopping at a mirror in the hallway to check herself before going to your bedroom. 
“Hey hon, I got here a little early, how's it going?” Melissa called as she entered your room and frowned when she didn't see you. She heard sniffling from your closet and furrowed her brows as she walked over. 
“You okay baby?” She peeked in slowly and saw you on the ground with a flashlight, your hair done and draping elegantly over your shoulders, your makeup clearly started but threatening to run down your face if it weren't for you using the sleeves of your silk robe to catch your tears. She knelt down and laid a hand on your arm rubbing it up and down to comfort you. 
“What happened?” she asked and you let out a sigh. 
“I lost the back of my earring.” you said not looking up at her. 
“Oh, sweetie, you had me scared to death. It's fine we can get you a new pair of earrings.” she said softly, humor laced in her words. You shook your head and opened your shaking hand to reveal the earrings, showing her why you were so upset.
“Oh. Hon it's not that big a deal, it happens. We can keep looking later or I will get you a new pair dont even worry about it. Come on, you gotta finish getting ready.” You shook your head and moved to keep looking. 
“No you don't understand. I have to find it. I have to wear these tonight for..” You paused and froze before clearing your throat and continuing your search.
“For what?” she inquired and you could practically hear her smiling through her tone.
“Nothing. They are just my favorite pair and they mean a lot to me.”
“I understand honey, but I think you'll be okay not wearing them tonight, the world won't end.”
You closed your eyes and let your head drop before accepting defeat and getting up off the floor, meeting Melissa's eyes as she stood leaning against the door frame.
“Ok fine.” you said and she smiled. You finally took in her appearance and your cheeks grew pink as you stood admiring her. She had her hair curled and it hung gloriously around her face and drove your eyes to her chest. The dark green dress she wore hugged her in all the right places, her cleavage slightly exposed and the fabric taut against her hips before flowing down to her ankles, gold heels shining below to match the gold accents within the dresses fabric. The colors complimented her skin tone and hair color so well, and her green eyes were sparkling amongst it all. 
“What, are you going to stand there gawking at me for the rest of the night, sweets?” she laughed, straightening up and getting slightly flustered by your relentless gaze.
“I can't help it. You are… beautiful.” You let out softly, still unable to get the starstruck look off your face. 
“Well try, you have to finish gettin ready.” She said moving past you into your closet to look through your dresses. You follow her and point to the one you planned on wearing.
“I don't know, babe this might be cutting it close, it's got a lot of white in it.” She frowned, handing it to you and reaching for another.
“What? I cleared it with so many of my friends they all said it was fine!” you said panicked, brushing through your other options.
“What about this one?” You turn to Melissa and your cheeks burn and eyes widen at the sight. Melissa is holding up a one piece lingerie that she bought for you. It was light pink with lace and bows. You hadn't put that on in awhile and you snatched it from her hands, throwing it back on the rack with a smile.
“Focus Melissa.” You said trying to contain your flattered giggles. 
“Go finish your makeup and ill bring you a dress.” she laughed and you nodded, turning to leave your closet. You paused and turned around walking over to Melissa and wrapping your arms around her waist from behind. You nuzzled your nose to her cheek gently with a hum and her hands came to rest on your arms. 
“Thank you my love.” you said softly, pressing a light kiss to her cheek before pulling away and heading to your vanity, Melissa placing a smack to your bum as you walked out. 
You were finally ready and Melissa had gone to get the car ready while you put your shoes on and locked up. You grabbed your purse and keys before walking out the door locking it behind you. Melissa was waiting outside her car for you and a bright and genuine smile graced her face upon seeing you and your face grew red. 
“My god, darling you look stunning.” she said, walking over to cup your cheek and place a kiss to the other. You thanked her and she opened the passenger door for you, admiring your frame as you stepped in. 
The wedding was a forty-five minute drive from your house, the venue being a large fancy hotel that was out in the middle of nowhere and it was an outdoor ceremony. The couple was one of Melissa's cousins and her soon to be husband. You watched as the sky grew orange and you passed through the trees causing the hue from the sky to flicker along your faces. You smiled to yourself when you remembered a surprise you had for Melissa and she saw you grinning from her peripheral. 
“Whats got you so giddy?” she asked, her hand moving from the wheel to your leg, gently squeezing your thigh. 
“Nothing.” you said calmly and resisted the urge to push your thighs together in response to her touch. You contemplated telling, or rather showing her now, but you knew if you did that you would end up pulling over and then would be late and disheveled at the wedding. 
“You look hot driving in those heels babe.” you quipped, allowing your eyes to meet hers with a small smile. She sucked her teeth with a brow raised and then looked back to the road.
“Oh yeah?” she said not taking her eyes off the road and you hummed in response, turning your thighs towards her and leaning on the center console to face her.
“Yup, It's going to be a looong night.” you whined resting your head on your hand. She finally looked at you and you smiled, her lips moved to hover over yours. 
“Watch it.” was all she said before pulling away and looking back at the road. 
You were able to get good parking but there weren't many people around since most were already inside. As you collected your things, and checked yourself in the car mirror, Melissa came around to open your door. You smiled up at her and one of her eyebrows raised slightly. 
“I have something for you.” you said softly as you grabbed her hand and stepped out of the car, brushing over your dress that complimented Melissa's tremendously. Your deep plum dress hugged your curves and was elegant yet sexy and reflected off Melissas, the deep jewel tones causing a rather luxurious appearance on the pair of you. 
“Oh?” she said, grabbing your hand to link through her arm as you walked towards the hotel. You nodded but didn't say anything else and went to hold the door open for her. 
“So that's how it's going to be huh?” she scoffed and you pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Patience, love.” you said coyly and she rolled her eyes.
The ceremony started right as the sun started setting and it was in the hotel courtyard, there were flowers and a beautiful orange glow from the sun, illuminating the environment and creating a truly magical scene. You weren't one for outdoor weddings, but this one did everything right. You and Melissa sat towards the back and while the couple read their vows, you looked at Melissa, sitting back in your chair so she couldn't see you admiring her. You noticed her eyes tearing up but she blinked them away before they got a chance to fall. You furrowed your brows slightly, surprised by her reaction. You placed your hand on her lap and she looked down at it, not turning away from the couple but placing hers on yours.
By the time it was over and the reception started it was night and the sky was full of stars, you could see them through the glass dome that encapsulated the reception room, which was a large ballroom with tables and chairs sat around a quartet that played in the middle, with room to dance around them as well. The only light was from the moon and stars, and the fairy lights and candles expertly placed around the room. Your jaw dropped upon seeing it all and Melissa took notice of your twinkling eyes that gazed around the room, gawking at the scene. 
You went and sat at a table towards the back while Melissa went to talk to her cousin. You managed to get two glasses of champagne from a waiter and sat patiently, admiring all the decor. Melissa came back and sat next to you, grabbing the glass you handed to her. 
“This place is crazy beautiful.” you said in shock and she nodded.
“I knowww, I don't know how they pulled it off.” she laughed. 
“Would you want an indoor or outdoor wedding?” you asked her as you sipped your champagne and she thought for a moment, looking at you with suspicion. 
“If I ever decide to get married again, I will do whatever she wants.” she smiled and you blushed looking down.
“Good answer. Would you wear white?” 
“Yeah, unless I decided to not wear a dress, then maybe black or whatever the theme is. What's with these questions?” she asked and you shrugged. 
“I dunno. Being here makes me wonder things.” you muttered and she smiled.
After an hour, you and Melissa had found the bar and ordered quite a few cocktails. Well you definitely did, Melissa was pacing herself so she could drive home, you on the other hand were having a good time. You made it back to your table after a bathroom break and You sipped on champagne and water as you watched Melissa mingling with some of her family. You had already made your rotation of introductions and small-talk so you waited for her to finish. When she came back you smiled up at her with a lovestruck glance and she smiled back with a laugh. 
“Uh oh I know that look.” she shook her head and you laughed. 
“I'm fine, I'm barely tipsy.” you said truthfully and took a sip of your water. You leaned back in the chair, lifting a leg to rest over Melissa's lap. Your eyes locked on hers and her hand rested on your knee, She gently stroked her hand over your leg and you didn't tear your eyes away as you took a sip of champagne. 
“You want your surprise?” you asked softly and she rolled her eyes playfully and nodded. Her hand is still moving up and down, running down to your ankle then back up your shin then to your knee. You placed your hand on hers and looked around making sure no one was paying any mind, but the large round table hid you from any wandering eyes. You slowly took her hand and guided it up your thigh, pulling your dress up with it and her eyes turned soft and seductive as she realized. When you got to your upper thigh you let her hand go and she traced over your hip feeling the soft lace beneath her hand before moving it  back down your thigh, pulling your dress back down with it. She looked into your eyes with a smile and you chewed on your lip with a bashful grin. 
“Is that..?” she started with shock before reaching to your shoulder to move your dress strap to reveal the light pink strap of the lingerie she had whipped out earlier. She quickly moved your strap back into place and shook her head with a smile. 
“Damn hon, why didn't you tell me sooner? I've done my talking we can go home now.” she spoke with her velvety voice in your ear. You didn't argue and quickly got up, stopping to go use the restroom before heading out. Melissa waited out front for you and you touched up your hair and makeup in the mirror before leaving. On your way out you bumped into a man that was coming out of the men's room and you stumbled slightly. He grabbed your arms to stabilize you and you smiled awkwardly. 
“Oh my god, that's my bad.” you said politely and he slowly pulled his arms away, looking you up and down. 
“No it was my fault. Can I just say you are stunning.” he said rather confidently and you squinted your eyes for a second. 
“Oh. em thank you, have a good night.” you said moving to walk but he gently grabbed your hand and you looked down at it. Slinking your wrist from his grasp you looked at him and he smiled, stepping closer. 
“Look I don't normally do this but, you're beautiful, and hey what are weddings for right?” he said with a smile and then a wink.
“Oh nooo…” your voice faded out as you shook your head. “No sir I am not-” He stepped closer reaching up to brush your cheek and you caught his hand before he touched you. 
“Seriously you're being weird.” you said plainly, all kindness and manners out the door as you dropped his hand.
“Come on I'm sorry I don't mean to be, but a gorgeous girl like you cant be going home alone now.” he flashed a cocky smile and you opened your mouth to speak but another beat you to it.
“Who uh said she was going home alone?” Melissa asked from behind you, walking up next to you and resting her hand on the small of your back, her thumb brushing it lovingly. You blushed and looked down at your feet to hide your smile and spare yourself the secondhand embarrassment that this man was about to feel. 
“Oh I meant, ya know taking her out.” he said with a wink to Melissa, clearly oblivious to our relationship. 
“I know what you meant. I stand by what I said” she said casually, “Have some class and get the fuck out of our faces ‘kay?” she whispered swiftly and he stared at her in shock, the pieces connecting in his small brain. He laughed it off and put his hands up in defense before backing away and taking off. Melissa rolled her eyes and didn't say a word as you walked to her car. As soon as Melissa got in and shut her door you reached over to her, cupping your hand to her cheek, the other stroking her jaw as you pulled her in for a kiss. Your ribs pushed against the center console as you grabbed at her with passion. Her tongue entered your mouth and you let out a moan. You pulled back with red lips and breathing heavy, you reached your thumb to brush some of her lipstick that smudged with a smile. 
“God you are so attractive when you get jealous like that.” you said before pulling her in for another kiss, this time you were slower and softer. You pulled away and smiled.
“Get us the fuck home.” you said out of breath and she smiled, starting the car and pulling out to drive home. You were ten minutes into the drive home and you ached for Melissa. You wanted her in a way you couldn't put into words so you just sat there staring at her as she drove. Your breathing ragged as your throat grew dry. Your core ached and you turned to move one of the vents to cool you down. 
“Patience, love.” Melissa mocked with a cackle and you shook your head. 
“You know what, just for that-” you paused to take off your seatbelt so you could unzip your dress and take it off, leaving you in nothing but the pink lacey garment and your heels. “That’s much better.” Melissa's jaw hung open and she reached for your dress and threw it over you. 
“You little brat. Put that back on, don't be such a slut.” she hissed sharply but with velvety seduction lacing her words. You pressed your thighs together at the words and leaned back, pushing your dress to the floor. Your thighs drifted apart and you looked at Melissa with a mischievous grin. 
“Don't even think about it.” she said and you furrowed your brows. 
“Drive faster then, baby. I can't wait much longer.” you whined, grabbing one of her hands and bringing it to your mouth. You placed soft kisses to her palm and then moved it down to your throat and then along your chest, you felt her take control and she looked over at you as she allowed her hand to graze over your breasts and down you stomach, and just before she reached your center she stopped. She moved her hand to rest on your thigh and turned back to the road. 
“Jesus christ you are amazing.” she spoke to herself, her raspy voice caused the compliment to roll down your spine and you felt your cheeks flush. “We are almost home hon, I'm already almost twenty over. I don't need to be getting pulled over with you in the front seat like this now.” she laughed and you smirked, leaning your head back and closing your eyes.
You felt your chest tingle at the sight of your neighborhood and you moved to put your dress back on. Melissa stopped you and you looked at her confused. 
‘Oh no. You are going to walk inside looking just like this. That's what you get for taking it off.” You looked at her in shock as she pulled into the driveway. 
“What? but my neighbors?” you stammered and she shut off the car.
“Its late. Now come on.” she smiled disregarding your protests and pressing a kiss to your cheek. She grabbed your dress and purse for you then came around to open your door and your cheeks burned from heat as you looked around before stepping out of the car. You walked in front of Melissa to your door and she admired your body as you got up to the door. She was right it was pitch black, and almost one in the morning so the chances of being seen were low. That still didn't stop the nerves as you hurried to enter the code and unlock the door. You stepped inside, Melissa closed behind and you went to take off your shoes. 
“Leave em’ and head upstairs ill meet you up there.” was all she said and you obeyed, rushing to get upstairs. You checked yourself in the mirror and put a record on while you waited. You heard her coming upstairs and you stood with your back to your bedroom door. Her heels clicked on the wooden floors and you placed your leg up on the ottoman at the end of the bed. Your bare leg glowed in the warmth of the lamplight, your heels clashing beautifully and causing your leg to flex gloriously on display for her. She came up behind you and snaked her arms around your waist, you let your head rest back on her shoulder and one of her hands moved to gently stroke your leg. 
“I'm so sorry darling. I forgot to say thank you for coming with me tonight and wearing this pretty little number.” she said softly in your ear and she placed a kiss on you jaw and went to bite a spot on your neck gently.
“That's okay.” you hummed and her hands gripped your hips tightly, “just do one thing for me.”
“What's that?” she said, placing kisses along your neck and her hand stroking your thigh. You put your leg down and turned to look at her, your arms going to drape over her shoulders. 
“Take your dress off and then take me to bed.” you said firmly but a hint of innocence pried at the surface of your voice. Melissa didn't say a word and just took her dress off, tossing it aside and moving to take off her heels, you shook your head and she smiled in response. 
“We look like we are about to film a porno babe.” she joked, poking at the undergarments and heels combo you had going on. Your outfit and Melissa's matching dark red set did make for a rather delightfully risque scene. You smiled at her and your hands went for her waist, pulling her closer to you. Your mouth hovered over hers and she smiled with lust as she looked over your face. 
“Well let's give em a show.” you muttered in response and she shoved her mouth to yours instantly, her hands running through your hair and gripping your face to deepen her kiss. Her tongue weaved around yours and you felt heat growing in your core. Your thighs pressed together and your muscles tightened. Melissa pushed your hips back til you were up against the bed, she pushed you down slowly and you gently laid on the bed and Melissa crawled on top of you. She straddled your hips and you looked up at her in amazement. She was glowing, the dim light and strong tension made her irresistible and your breath caught in your chest as you hands moved along her thighs and to her hips. She started grinding against you slowly, a cocky smirk on her face as her hand ran up and down your chest and stomach. At this point you were scared for her to touch you in fear you would break down at the contact. She was a goddess and you worshiped her, you wanted to be good for her in any way you can so you let her do as she pleased. 
“Fuck Melissa.” was all you could get out and she laughed, you looked at her with such genuine love and sparkling eyes that her smile faded and her eyes went softer as she stopped her hips, “You’re everything I ever dreamed of in a woman.” you hoped your sincerity was getting across and she knew you didn't just mean in the bedroom. You grew anxious when she didn't say anything and opened your mouth to speak but instead she smiled softly and moved her hands to tuck your hair behind your ear and cup your cheeks lovingly. She moved to kiss you gently, her lips resting on yours as you kissed her back. You moved your own hands to rest on her lower back, and as she deepend the kiss and moaned into you, you moved your hands to rest on her ass and you felt her smile into the kiss. She pulled away to breath and kissed down your neck, you moaned and pushed your chest against hers. You opened your eyes and you saw something reflecting back at you on the floor, you furrowed your brows and squinted to see what it was. When it clicked in your brain you gasped which caused Melissa to pull away. 
“What's wrong?” she questioned and you shook your head laughing. 
“Nothing, nothing hold on one sec.” you said before gently moving Melissa off you to get up and walk over to a corner outside your closet. You bent over and picked up the little silver backing to your earring. “No fucking way.” you said and turned to show Melissa. 
“That's great, babe. Get your little ass over here.” she said laying back on the bed and spreading her legs apart. You giggled as you put the backing on your dresser and walked over to the bed. As soon as you got over you were on top of each other and she broke away from a kiss to see you grinning. 
“What's so funny?” she asked, looking at you with eyes full of want.
“Well it was important I wore those earrings tonight because they are my good luck charms. Looks like I got lucky either way.” you said smirking and she shook her head as she let out her contagious sweet laugh.
“Oh no that was so bad”
 “I'm so sorry that came out way cheesier than I thought it would.” you laughed and buried your head in her chest as she calmed back down and moved to kiss you deeply. You spent the rest of the night tangled up with her and dreaming of your future with her.
well let me know how that was and be honest. and lmk if you want morreeee.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Charlie: "Are you SURE you still want to keep the spear, even AFTER Lute used it to stab you through the hand???"
Vaggie: (hugging spear) "Totally not the spear's fault, babe."
Charlie: "You're still cleaning your own blood off it!!"
Vaggie: "That's how you know it's a good spear. It did really good at the stabbing."
Charlie: "The stabbing of you, Vaggie. The one it stabbed? YOU!"
Vaggie: "And look, see- it left a nice neat hole, no tearing or ripping, hardly even any bruising. Know what that means, sweetie?"
Charlie: "Matching emotional and physical scarring?"
Vaggie: "It means I'm keeping it."
Charlie: "Fine! FINE!!!" (sigh) "Fine..."
Vaggie: "I'll stop checking how perfect the blade fits in my new hand hole though, if you want."
Charlie: "Thank you."
-later that night in bed-
Vaggie: (asleep)
Charlie: "...." (leans up to glare over vaggie at the spear propped up against vaggie's night stand) (whisper hissing)
Charlie: "You hurt her again and I BREAK you, okay!? I don't care WHAT you're made of- you'll be scrap metal by the time I'm finished. Slag, you got that? Ore goo! Unidentifiable metal mush! I love her and I've got the power of creation AND hellfire on my side. YOU are dispensable- to me anyway- SHE is NOT. Comprehende!?"
The Spear: (is a spear)
Charlie: "Good. Glad we had this chat."
Charlie: (snuggles back down with gf muttering about melting temperatures)
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Can you do one with Gojo and his really tiny newborn daughter ( I’m feeling a bit nostalgic because my niece)
When Gojo meet his daughter for the first time. He really taken back because how tiny she is. He like y/n sweetie where is the rest of her? In sweet way of course.
Her tiny little hands can’t even rap her his finger
Even the newborn baby clothes that he got for her don’t fit her. They have to roll up the little sleeves on her onesie😭
He show his baby to everyone and said look how cute she is and how small she is. Also keep asking Shoko is he baby a normal size for a newborn baby and she like yes Gojo.
He just loves his little girl so much.
Basically a really fluffy request Noroi and also Noroi if get any idea or scenarios please feel free to the request the more fluff the merrier🥰
Just really want to see Gojo being all cute with baby girl and wife🥰
Little Loved One
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Summary: Gojo have very little daughter.
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"I'm late! Sorry!" Your husband ran into the room, not caring to be quiet.
You didn't blame him for being late. Nothing happened. You knew he would be here as soon as he found out about it.
He quickly took off the blindfold and came closer, looking at your condition.
It was obvious that you were tired. But the sparkle in your eyes only proved that you were also happy.
"Where is she?" he asked you, looking around.
"You'll see her in a moment." You said with a smile and reached for his hand, then feeling his fingers gently hold you.
He took a chair and sat it next to your bed, running his fingers over your hand and the wedding ring you were wearing.
"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Everything's ready." Another woman entered the room with a small bundle in a blanket. She came to your side, placing the baby in your arms.
Her every step was carefully watched by your husband.
"Are you the father?" she asked with a smile, and then suddenly realized the similarity of his appearance and that of a small child. "Congratulations."
She gave you another smile as she left.
And with his help, you sat up on the bed differently and moved closer to him, showing your little sleeping face. The little girl's slightly pink skin seemed so soft just by looking at it.
His eyes scanned his daughter as she lay there.
He reached out a finger to lightly caress her cheek.
He always thought that babies who were just born were ugly. So pink and they don't move. And they just cry. But not even an hour after she was born, his daughter was so sweet. Fine white hair on her head and only slightly pink skin. And suddenly the child's hand reached for his finger. The tiny hands couldn't wrap around his finger.
"She's so small." he said, moving closer.
"Do you want to hold her?" you asked.
"Me?" He pointed at him.
"Who else? You're her daddy."
"This... What if..."
"Satoru." you interrupted his uncertainty. "She's your baby. Nothing will happen."
With a bit of uncertainty, he stretched out his arms, catching the baby.
She seemed even smaller in his hands! It was as if he could hold it in his hands and there would be enough space.
That's why he was afraid that he might tighten his hand too much or do something wrong and hurt her. With his little child, he can't be the strongest. He must be careful and gentle.
He smiled at the sight of her next to him, and when she moved slightly, he laughed.
How could such a little thing cause you so much trouble for so many months? Even though she was smaller compared to him, she was tiny. How could such a little girl keep you up at night? How could such little legs kick you from the inside?
"Have you named her yet?" he asked, grabbing her hand with two fingers, watching as her tiny fingers tightened on his nail.
"I thought maybe you would want to." You reached up to her head, stroking her little white hair.
And after a moment's thought, he spoke up.
"...Aiko?" He looked at you, waiting for your reaction.
"Aiko... Gojo Aiko. Do you like it?" You smiled. "What does that mean?"
"You could say Little Loved One."
He suddenly gained courage and kissed her forehead.
"Welcome to the Gojo family. My little Aiko."
  "I didn't know you'd be happy with my baby, Utahime." He laughed, leaning against the baby stroller, watching the woman's hand gently touch her little hand.
"Your child is not you. I can't believe this little angel could be like you. Her name?"
"Even if I could deny it, I see that you are the father..." She looked at the white hair and long white eyelashes.
Gojo is so beautiful, so you both knew that your daughter would be beautiful.
Her daddy is a little overprotective. And you can be sure that her teenage years will be strange.
Satoru who chases all the boys away from his little daughter. This will be a sight you won't regret seeing.
It's all ahead of you, but you know that your daughter will attract a lot of eyes. Just like Satoru. But there will be someone to protect her.
Daddy's little girl.
Because now you constantly see him walking around with her, never leaving her for a moment. It was a lovely sight.
"She's so tiny. Was she born earlier than she should have been?"
"Shoko..." Gojo exclaimed, wanting her to explain.
"Everything is fine with her. But she's just a little smaller than she should be. She should make up for it as she grows. She's just smaller, but there's nothing to worry about."
"That's good. But I'm worried about what kind of father she has." She growled, a vein throbbing in her forehead.
"Hey Hey! I am the perfect father!" he said loudly and suddenly reached for his little daughter in the stroller when she woke up because of him. "Look at that little sweet face! She's happy to have a daddy like me!"
Cuddling Aiko against his broad chest he watched as her eyes opened and he looked at her. Her arms reached out to him as she let out a slightly dissatisfied moan.
"Aww, daddy is here." he moved her higher, watching with glee as her arms flailed around awkwardly. "Don't worry. Daddy will take care of you."
Walking into the room, you wrapped your arms around his waist, snuggling lightly into his side.
Your husband simply loves your family so much.
"It's delicious, isn't it?!" he laughed, giving a spoonful of food to Aiko and she started laughing.
Long legs kneeling next to the baby chair as he fed her.
You couldn't be jealous of your child. He gave a lot of attention to your daughter. But did it matter? She is your child. And you love her just the same. It's impossible not to love this baby.
"Hmm... I thought the clothes would fit this time." He groaned sadly, watching as the sleeves on your child's arms were too long.
"We'll go buy smaller ones. These will come in handy later." You stroked his arm soothingly, leaning into the kiss he gave you.
"I'm waiting for her to grow. My little one~."
"Look at her! She's so cute!!!!" His voice was howling as invisible arrows pierced his heart.
Your daughter just hugged a teddy bear that was almost bigger than her.
Isn't it perfect to see your husband with your daughter?
He who is constantly taking photos.
A man who was afraid to take her in his arms because he was afraid he would break her. Now he could take her everywhere with him. Because he doesn't want to leave your side.
The old worries about your daughter being tiny disappeared as she started to grow. She started to be like a normal child her age. Even though she was still tiny in your husband's hands.
He couldn't help but love his family.
Gojo's family is not so small anymore. Now he has two people he loves more than life itself.
And only one question appeared in his mind as he held his sleeping daughter in his arms.
"Honey, could we have another baby like this in the future?"
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jakesmaid · 11 months
All Alone
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Pairing - StepDad!Heeseung x Female!Reader
Warning: Fingering, Oral!M Receiving, Dom!Hee, Sub!Reader, Stepcest
Plot: Being alone in a house with your hot stepdad while your mom are gone is hard.
Authors Notes: I'm sorry of you guys don't like it I had trouble writing this 🙏😞
"Sweetie you'll be fine! Your step dad will be here!" your mom says dragging her suitcase down the stairs. "But mom!! He's weird he never comes out his room he always has his friends over and always blasting music!" you protest. "You'll be fine just play your music or something now please be on your best behavior" your mom says as she pinches your cheek.
A few days after your mom left you were getting dressed to go out for the day. While getting dressed Heeseung opened the door and you quickly cover yourself with your blanket. "Hey breakfast is ready" he says looking you up at down and staring "Get Out!!!" you say pushing him out the door frame closing the door and locking it. "He's so fucking weird" you sigh putting the rest of your clothes on and walking downstairs sitting at the dining table ¡¡ a plate a food. You start eating your food when Heeseung comes up behind you putting a hand on your shoulder whispering in your ear. "How's the food y/n?" You turn around his face so close to yours you could hear his heartbeat. "It's good" you gulp thinking he's going to kiss you. Despite him being your StepDad he was really hot his hair, his abs the way he manspreads on the couch drives you crazy. "Good I'm glad you like it" he smirks and walks away manspreading on the couch and turns on his x-box to play Call of Duty. You go to the hall closet getting out the vacuum and starts vacuuming the floor. You see something a little to big to be picked up by the vacuum so you tie your hair back reaching under the couch which so happens to be between Heeseung's legs. "Now what do you think you're doing little girl?" He raised his eyebrow looking down at you your eyes were sparkling cutely he couldn't help but groan. "You might as well suck me off since your already down there baby doll" he chuckles. You're mouth hangs open in shock when he starts pulling down his sweats and rubs his hard-on through his boxers. "You're so cute but I think with my cock shoved down your throat you'll be adorable" he says as he pulls off his boxers. "Suck" he demands. You move closer and takes his tip into your mouth slowly taking more and more of him. "Fuck~ Take all of it. You can make it fit baby doll". You start massaging his balls at the same time and his hip buck up into your throat you "I-Im close Y/nie!" he grabs your hair and starts fucking your throat faster until he releases his load down your throat. "Swallow it all babydoll" he pulls his cock out of your throat and you swallow his load and lick the rest from the side of your mouth. "Not a word about this to mom or this won't happen again understand?" You nod "Good Girl". Heeseung pulls his boxers and sweats. You sit on his lap and cuddle him while he feeds you cookies.
[The End]
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bladeythechaos · 3 months
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GIFT 4 MY SWEET ONLINE DAUGHTER Author note: This fluff takes place when Boothill had a human body and his family! (to also clarify in this story, andrew aka Boothill's VA had named Boothill's daughter Clementine!! so for now on I will be calling her Clementine)
BOOTHILL'S POV ''Hey, be careful with papa's hair Clementine!!'' Boothill scolded his daughter as she was attempting to place a messy-made flower crown on his head. ''Sorry papa, I made the flower-crown too loose so I'm trying to place it at a angle so it doesn't fall…I'm sorry'' Clementine pulled away as she looked like she was on the verge of tears. ''No no no, don't cry mi girasol, you did great! Who cares if it's loose? You can always fix it sweetie-pie and besides this is your first time out in the field making flower-crowns so don't be so harsh on yourself, you'll make a couple mistakes and guess what? That's fine because you'll learn from it and you'll get better at it, I know you will'' He pulled his daughter into a tight hug. ''No matter what you make, I'll love it and cherish it because YOU made it for me'' Boothill pulled away from the hug and carefully tucked a loose strand behind Clementine's ear. ''Really? you'll love anything I make…?'' Clementine asked softly. ''Yes yes mi girasol, I will always love anything you make! Hell, If ya make some charms when we get home I'll put it either on my vest or my cowboy hat, how about that?'' Boothill grinned, ruffling his daughter's hair as she let out soft giggles. ''Okay okay, but you better promise you'll always keep it!!'' Clementine reached her pinky finger out, a grin on her face that was almost identical to Boothill's. Oh she was his daughter alright even though she wasn't biologically his. ''Mhm I promise'' Boothill hooked his pinky around clementine's smaller one, a chuckle escaping past his lips. ''Good!! now, will you make me a flower crown too? So we can match?'' Boothill couldn't say no to his beautiful daughter so he nodded and stood up to start collecting flowers. After 17 minutes or so, he finally returns to his daughter with some flowers that he picked out for her. ''Wow papa, those flowers look pretty!'' Clementine smiled, boothill could practically see the sparkles in her eyes as she looked at the flowers he choice. ''Mhmm, I made sure to pick flowers that fit your bright little self'' Boothill plopped himself down on the grass and began working on his flower-crown, it was a bit difficult at first but he managed to get the hang of it and get it done nicely...well- almost nicely as some of the petals were torn but hey, it didn't have to be perfect right? because he could see how happy his daughter looked, watching her excitedly jump up and down for her flower-crown. ''Settle down sweetie-pie, I gotta put this badboy on your head now'' Boothill couldn't help but chuckle at Clementine's excitement as she hurriedly sat down in front of boothill, her body incredibly still for it but he could still hear Clementine's excited giggles. ''Good, just like that!'' Boothill said as he carefully placed the flower-crown on her head, and once he made sure it was a good spot and not in a place where it could fall, he held his daughter by her shoulders and grinned. ''There you go sweetie-pie!! You like your flower-crown?'' ''Yes yes!! I do papa! Now we match!'' She said as she jumped up from the ground excitedly, her hands grabbing the flower-crown gently on her head as the wind gently blew through her hair. ''Yeah...we do...'' Boothill could feel himself sadly smiling at his daughter twirling happily as the wind blew. How did he end up with such an angel as his daughter? What did he do to deserve her? Whatever the reason was, he hoped he will never lose this happiness.
After a long day of running, Boothill finally had some time to visit a field in a world he's been visiting a whole lot when he can. He won't lie it was bit rough looking but their field was similar to his world's so he didn't mind the look to it, after-all it almost felt like home. ''Hey sweetie-pie...I made some new flower-crowns for ya...I hope-... you're looking down on me and seeing these because I worked my ass off making these for you'' Boothill softly said as he placed the flower-crown on a makeshift shrine with a burnt picture of clementine in a completely beat-up frame. ''I love ya...I can't wait to see you soon in the after-life, mi girasol...just wait for papa alright?''
Ermm it's not perfect!! i'm not good at writing so excuse the writing but um yea, hope ya like it!!
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adalricus · 4 months
Infatuated with you
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☆Pt. 5
☆Pt.4 ☆Pt.3 ☆Pt.2 ☆Pt.1
A/n:In this beginning, we're delving into your relationship with Darius the longer you stay there, I also separate it into different segments
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Slowly, the longer you stay there, Darius starts noticing how much you act like her. I 6 try to be nice to him cause you're scared he'll do some crazy shit to you again, but he sees this as genuine kindness. Pretty quickly, he became less batshit insane, but he still exhibits weird behaviors. He still sees as "property," specifically Victor's property. So he starts dressing you up as he sees fit. While Victor wanted you to look seductive, sensual, and saccharine just over all alluring. But Darius wants you to be all pink, frilly just coquette, he wants you to look sweet and innocent. Darius is on edge cause he knows Victor is coming to get you, and he sure as he'll would go to any costs to get you back. But Darius isn't going to let you go. He loves you a lot a little too much.
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You were just sitting in his bedroom binging one of your favorite shows, Darius had just entered the large room, and he seemed kinda erratic, and though he was kinda crazy but honestly very smart and doesn't let situations worry him buy rather people. "Y/n, come here." He demanded which he doesn't usually do, so you trying not to make him go batshit, obey him. He held you tightly against his chest it shocked you at how sudden it was. "Listen, I need you to stay in the bathroom. Keep it locked. Don't open it for anyone despite how much they demand you to." He said before ushering you into the bathroom. He made sure you locked it before leaving. You stayed in there for five minutes before you started hearing gunshots and screaming. You covered your ears and tucked yourself in the corner when you started hearing people banging at the door. You experienced some crazy shit but this was next level. You didn't know what to do, but all you could do was cry until you fell asleep. You woke up because you felt yourself getting lifted. You thought it was Victor, that he was here to wisk you away from uncertainty and back into scheduled and sheltered life. But once you looked up, you saw someone you definitely did not know. You didn't know what was going on but when you tried to push them of before they quickly comforted you. "You'll be okay, just sleep, I'll keep you safe." You strusted them for some reason, they were comforting and kind. You didn't go to sleep for a while but eventually slumber took you.
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You woke up in the back of a car covered in soft blankets, velvety, and warm blanket. Your head rested on someone's thigh, and honestly, it made a great pillow. "Hi,sweetie, are you awake now?" A sultry feminine voice said to you. "Who are you? Where am I?" You asked in a daze."I'm Eva, you're in my car. We were trying to stop an operation Darius started, so imagine my surprise when I found out you were in there, so I sent in Vince to fetch you." She explained, "I didn't exactly know who you were but when I found out I felt bad, you've been through a lot, I'll keep you safe now." You don't know why but Eva made you feel safe, like you could really trust her maybe this would be fine. But honestly what a cutie you are, something about you pulled her in. She felt an urge to protect you and keep you safe. Especially from those brutes Victor and Darius.
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yoyomomiko · 1 month
Friends with a secret
CHAPTER 1 - (💖)
Craig Tucker x F!reader
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Summary: When you and your mother move into South Park, you expect everything to be horrible. Luckily, you find comfort in your new friend group. Despite their warnings about Craig Tucker and his gang, you still managed to befriend the boy. But, there's something more to it, and you're not sure how much longer you can keep it as a secret, or how much longer you can keep it away from your friend, Craig.
(A/N): This is going to be the start of a new series, I hope you'll enjoy reading it!! You must know that English isn't my first language, and this wasn't proofread. I'm sorry for any mistakes!! RUSHED + CRINGE!!
WORDS: 1.4k
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"You're going to be fine." Your mother spoke, assuring you that this new town called "South Park" was going to be just like any other town. You didn't want to move. You had friends back at your old school, you had a life there, and had a lot of fun and connection with others! Why couldn't you just stay back in your old house, in your old city, at your old school, with your old friends? To answer your questions, because of your mother's job.
It was you and your mother all your life, pretty much. She had "important" business, and you two moved quite frequently. That is, until you moved into your old city, wich you thought was going to be the last time you change places. You were proved wrong, unfortunately. Your mother had found a job close to South Park, although you couldn't move in the same town her job was, due to the prices of an appartment complex being too raised there. Atleast that's what your mother told you, you didn't quite understand much. You were only in fifth grade, after all, your mom won't tell you all of her "grown up problems".
You pulled up into the drive way of your new house. You dreaded getting out of the car, you despised the idea. Yet, you still did.
You hesitantly opened the car door, stepping out, helping your mother get a few boxes that you could fit into your car's trunk. You glanced around your yard and into the street, observing the neighborhood.
You made it inside the house, quickly setting the boxes down on the floor as you looked around. At least it was a decent place...
You rushed upstairs, wanting to see what your room looked like. Your mother has been here a week ago or so, to tidy up the place and unpack some stuff, so that's when she also chose your room. You began to unpack the stuff you had in your old room.
You didn't want this, you left your friends. You barely even got to say a proper goodbye. You left your old house, the house you were comfortable in. Your old neighborhood, the one that surprisingly welcomed you and your mother. You already started to miss your "old life", your heart aching as you wanted it all back.
Oh, forget it!
You're overreacting, nothing's going to go wrong. It's just a stupid, horrible tow where you'll spend the rest of your life at. Or... Maybe a few months, if your mother decides to change jobs again.
"Come down, sweetie! We're meeting our neighbors!" Your mother called from downstairs.
Great... Just what you wanted...
"Coming!" You shouted back, rushing down the stairs. You approached your mother that was standing by the front door entrance. Oy to see that there was a... Huge ... Red headed woman.
"Hello..." You greeted shyly, hiding a bit behind your mom. The woman smiled at you.
"Oh, what a lovely girl!" The woman cooed at you, wich made you feel like a baby. You didn't exactly appreciate it very much, but you forced a polite smile.
"This is our neighbor, and she has a son your age. I hope you two will get along..." Your mother informed, as all you did was nod.
If you were being honest, you didn't really wanna meet anybody right now. You wanted alone time, time for yourself.
"Can I go back to my room?" You whispered to your mother. She sighed, leaning on the doorframe, before glancing to the red headed woman, then back at you.
"Fine." She gave you the go-ahead, as you immediately bolted out of there, up the stairs and into your new room. All you had to do was get used to this, to all of this. Atleast for a few months, before you move again...
You closed the door, leaning your back flush against it. What is there to do now? You looked at the small alarm clock on your nightstand, reading it. It was 7:41 PM. There was a lot of time left before your bedtime... Approximately three hours, but it's still a long time when you get bored and don't do anything!
Your mother probably won't allow you to use the computer this late, since she knew that tomorrow you'll sit your ass at the desk and play your video games all day while she left for work.
School was starting in a week... It was currently Sunday, wich meant you won't get to see your mother that much for the whole week. Wich means more alone time. Wich means you'll have absolutely nothing to do...
You changed into your pjs and decided you'll just walk around your room, try and admire or observe new spots. Yes, it was indeed boring, but what else could you do?
Some time later, after pacing around your room for God knows how long, your mother knocked on the door, before slowly twisting the doorknob. Why did she even knock if she's going to enter either way?
"Y/N, sweetie?" She opened the door, looking at you as you paced around.
"Tomorrow you'll hang out with the neighbor's son, understand?" She spoke, her tone wasn't really demanding, but it had a hint of it sprinkled somewhere in there.
"I don't even know him! I don't wanna meet him-"
"Enough, Y/N." She silenced you. "You'll play with him, understood?"
"Yes, mom..." You admited defeat as she nodded to herself, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.
"So... How do you feel?" She asked, rasing a brow. She probably felt guilty for having to force you to hang out with a stranger.
"I'm not sure." You spoke honestly, looking anywhere but at her. "Fine, I guess..." You lied, looking down at your feet, refusing to look up.
"Alright... Just, try to make yourself comfortable. Make friends, please." She said as she walked away, closing the door behind her.
You let out a sigh, lips forming a thin line as you looked at the now closed door. You threw yourself on the bed, looking around the room, then at the ceiling. It wouldn't hurt to sleep early, would it?
You glanced towards the alarm clock again. 7:54 PM. It's like it's not even moving! It's like the time froze! You swore at least half an hour went past, but you were wrong!
Your mother made sure to drop you off at your neighbor's house, since she thought that you'd just stay on your computer all day. It was better to make sure you were going to show up and not 'embarrass' your mom.
You were met face to face to a random kid with a green hat. It felt pretty awkward, but he spoke up to remove the tension.
"Uh- My name's Kyle..." He introduced himself, nodding and extending a hand.
"I'm Y/N." You replied simply, taking his hand in your, before the both of you pulled away.
"So uh, you like video games?" He asked, glancing away to the side, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah! I love them!" You responded, a big grin plastered on your face. Kyle smiled back at you, and before you knew it, you were both playing with each other.
You had finished playing video games long ago, as he started talking about his adventures in South Park and all of his friends. You wished that in your time here, you'd get to do at least a little of what he's managed to.
"You're actually pretty cool." You admited, liking the idea of making a new friend here. Pretty much your first one.
Kyle had a faint pink tint adorned on his cheeks, yet he only smiled and nodded. "Thanks, you're kinda cool too." He responded, scared to embarrass himself.
"Will you go to school here?" He then asked all of the sudden. You sighed, nodding your head and looking away from him. "Yeah..." Was all that left your lips. He payed more attention to you now, the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
"That's good, isn't it?" He spoke up, "We get to see each other at school next week! I'll introduce you to my friends." He offered, and you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Yeah, you're right..." You muttered, although still smiling. Your gaze went back to him.
Maybe it won't be so bad here. Maybe you really were just overreacting...
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★yoyomiko ★miko
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hello Wendy! How's your day?💕💕
Opinions on some fluff and crack where Benkie is a new dad and their first son is about to be born,, he's excited but panicking wayyy too much 😂💖
I say this with my whole chest
Emergency Express: Keizo Arashi x Fem!Reader
wc: 618
tw: fluff
In Keizo's eyes, everything is on fire.
"Okay, do we have the baby bag?"
"It's right here," you murmur, pointing to the diaper bag sitting on the couch.
"What about the... the..." Keizo taps his forehead repeatedly. "The thing."
"Right next to you, honey." Keizo spots the overnight bag, neatly packed and resting right beside his feet. "Come here." You urge him to come closer, and he sighs, placing his face in your hands. "It's okay. Everything's going to be fine. We've planned this many times, remember?"
"I remember," he whispers, placing a hand on your stomach. The baby jostles around a bit, and Keizo chuckles.
"We'll be in and out of the hospital. Maybe twelve hours, tops."
Maybe you underestimated how long it would take to give birth.
Keizo paces around the delivery room, sweat trickling down his face. He wipes it away on instinct, but he's on the phone with Shinichiro, trying to calm down.
"It's been hours," he gripes quietly, looking over at your sleeping frame. "They say she's only dilated a few centimeters."
"That's still progress," Shinichiro replies cheerfully. In the background, Keizo can hear the sound of small children during the breakfast routine. In only a few hours, he would be just like Shin - a father. "Give it some time." The reminder is enough to make Keizo relax but not enough to make him stop biting his fingernails. "And stop biting your nails. You know how that frustrates y/n."
"Yeah." Keizo glances back over at you. You're still asleep, hand on your stomach as the machines quietly beep. "Thanks, Shin."
"No problem, Kei. Just let things go the way they're supposed to go and be supportive. That's pretty much what you do anyways, so you're golden."
When you wake up, Keizo is right there, cupping your warm cheek in one hand. "Hey," he murmurs, feeling the tug of sleep pull at him. You lean into his display of affection before wincing. "Are you alright?"
"He's balled up on my right side," you grunt, shifting to relieve your discomfort. Keizo grabs a pillow from the futon and eases it under your back, then strokes your face with care. "Thank you, sweetie."
"Do you want me to call a nurse?" You think, then shake your head.
"Think it'll take a little bit longer." Keizo thinks a little bit longer means you'll be in active labor in a few hours. But, again, he's wrong.
Keizo's not sure how many minutes passed between then and now, but as he holds his son in his arms, he feels a sense of pride swell in his chest.
"He's so little..."
"He's a baby," you coo, smiling. The violent tremors had worn off, and Keizo reaches down to stroke your hair. "He's your baby."
"Our baby." You giggle, and Keizo touches his son's nose with a finger. "His whole head fits in my palm."
"You have big hands."
"And his feet are..." Keizo glances down at them again, marveling at the ten toes and two soles he could see. "He's got small feet."
"He's going to be small for a while," you reply, eyes fluttering closed. "Then he'll grow big and tall, just like you." Keizo places a kiss on his son's forehead before handing him back to you. You let the child lay on your chest and exhale deeply. There's a long stretch of silence before Keizo murmurs,
"I think this will be the only one, though."
"You say that now," you tease. "But just wait until you get baby fever again." Keizo smiles wickedly, noting that the very idea got him right where he is now. And he wouldn't change it for the world.
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kthecutest · 1 year
helloo I saw this here and I think it's adorable could you do one of these w harua?
thx in advance
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ハルア Harua as your bf (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
A/N ೃ⁀➷ I'm sorry for so much delay ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა I had to do some researches on Haru, hehe hope you'll enjoy this! ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀)
Pure innocent bunny boy who places you as his number 1 priority always
Straight up all-time princess treatment for you. Will give you massages, and any other thing that will help you relax and feel loved around him.
If you ever felt down, Harua is your number 1 safe space. Will snatch you into his arms, cuddling you so tightly as you leans into his cozy tender chest. This sweetie would literally even go on to help you with whatever he can and that includes; giving you the best massage ever, showering you with little gifts or cuddles and helping out with any paperwork that he could.
He’s not as athletic as his K hyung but he definitely got his flexibility from K. Will make sure to help you stretch after you’re done working; just to keep you fit and relaxed. “C’mon honey~ you need to keep stretching! Or else you’ll end up being so stiff baby”, Harua would whine trying to convince your lazy figure to go along with his flow once you started complaining.
Expect him to always go all out on every dates he goes out with you. No matter if it’s the way he dresses or the gifts that are ready to be given to you or the dramatic scenery that he would take you to, making sure no settings could ever get old.
100% asks his Nicholas hyung for photography tips. Harua’s got some basic skills down but he wanted to be better just for you. You love to take photos wherever you two go, so he wanted to always take the most beautiful photos of you, even keeping some to himself.
He would sometimes scroll through his phone and randomly sings out loud any random song lyrics with his angelic tune. Random or not, his singing is the sweetest thing ever to your ear. You would instantly run to him tugging on his sleeves, requesting him to sing more for you. Bunny boy will gladly agree, singing you any melody you’d be pleased to hear.
He’s those neat boyfriends who would clean up after you. You’re definitely not the tidiest person out there, you’re always too lazy to even organize any of your storages. And that’s what he’s here for. Watch him pick up all the dirty worn-clothes lying on the floor, hurling them straight into the washing machine. All the ornaments are all on order and glossing, not a single dust, standing still on the shelves.
It’s no doubt that this bunny boy is the cutest thing ever. But whenever you call him “cute”, expect to always hear a deny followed by a pout. He doesn’t think he’s cute but you’re there to make sure to make him acknowledge it proudly. Will eventually get him to agree with it; with some type of deal or pleading request.
You could hear the melodic harmonies that arise from the tapestried room once in a while. The pressure landing on the white keys that elicit such celestial tunes. He’d fine you in the door way, peering at his figure seated in the center, his tender fingers on the keys, pressing each with the movement of an overflowing spring.
In conclusion, just two words; boyfriend-material. This bunny boy is no doubt the sweetest, cutest, loveliest, boyfriend.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Eddie Munson x Ghostface!Fem Reader
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Warnings : MINOR DNI, Mentions Killing, Language, Smoking, Smut, P in V, Knife kink, threats,mentions selling weed, Mentions Violence (if I missed any please let me know)
I do NOT support killing!
Hawkins, Indiana
Eddie lazily sopped his beer while watching the news. He was waiting on a call from his girlfriend, she said around 6 pm. It's 9:37 pm now and no one had called.
"Nearly the whole Hawkins Basketball team was murdered the other night-" The news report said impressed almost. Eddie bounced his leg in worry of his girl. She didn't fit the criteria of the current murders but he couldn't risk it. Ringing echoed through the house interrupting his thoughts. He quickly got up answering the phone, "Y/N?!".
A low chuckle came through, "No, but who might this be?". Eddie froze, it was the voice everyone talked about. The taunting calls, "listen asshat I don't have the patience-"
"You listen, you fucking bitch! I'll kill your pretty little girlfriend if you don't shut the fuck up and listen!" Eddie's silence caused the killer to laugh.
"Now, that's play a game..Edward." Eddie looked around the trailer glancing down the hall.
"That's a good boy. The games called 'Am I in your trailer or not' " the voice laughed.
"Listen, I don't know what you want, man. But leave me and Y/N out of this and take your games somewhere else."
"Is that your final answer? Cause if you're wrong I'll cut her throat!"
"Don't you dare fucking touch her!!" Eddie screamed into the phone. They just chuckled, "wanna hear the poor thing?". It went silent before sniffling cries were in the phone.
"Sweetie? Listen imma get you outta this. Don't worry"
"Eddie.. I'm scared.." she whined.
"I know I know. I am too, but I love you okay?" He tried to talk sweetly.
"That's enough sweet talk, pretty boy." The voice was back. Eddie tightened his fist, "Now am I in the Trailer?" The voice repeated.
"No. I think I'd notice if you were holding my girlfriend hostage in my trailer."
The voice laughed louder, "Wrong answer, Munson!". They hung up, Eddie ran into the kitchen looking for knives. All of them were gone, "looking for these?".
The killer was in Eddie Munson's living room, holding a bunch of knives with their head tilted. Eddie eyed the killer, "hiding behind a cheap Halloween mask is for cowards". They just laughed, Eddie slowly stepped forward. They pulled out a pistol aimed at him.
"no no no. I need you to listen, Mr.Munson."
Eddie could hear their smile in their voice. He stood still waiting, they walked towards him with the gun aimed. They walked on top of the coffee table.
They slowly took off the mask with their free hand. "Hey, Pretty Boy.", Eddie went wide-eyed in shock.
"Y-Y/N?" He asked softly. You nodded tossing the gun onto the couch. You stepped off the coffee table putting the knives down. All except the biggest one, "Baby don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you."
"You.. killed people.." he stepped back from you.
"You hated them. They treated you like shit! Treated.. us like shit.. Ever since that party when you had to sell weed, you never forgave yourself. For Jason's mistakes, I was pissed! He.. he hurt me, Eds.."
"I know, baby. But you'll get arrested.."
"no I'm not.. I framed someone else.. some jealous cheerleader that dated them all." It was silent. Your grip on the knife was tight, Eddie just looked at you.
"I had to. For you.. you said you wanted him dead. And I needed you to be innocent!" You grabbed his face softly. He looked into your eyes, "Are you mad?".
He shook his head no, "I needed to do it.." you continued. Eddie interrupted you with a kiss, pressuring his lips to yours. Eddie gave a small smile, "I was gonna kill him sooner or later.". You smiled at him kissing his cheek. You took the costume off leaving you in black jeans and a Joan Jett Tee. Eddie grabbed your hips pulling you closer.
"Once he.. touched you-" he got all choked up on words. You cupped his cheek with your free hand. He leaned into it, "I don't want him to hurt again.". His demeanor turned dark, you nodded "he won't."
"You shouldn't have scared me like that" Eddie raised his eyebrow. You smiled, " I thought it was hot, Eds.". You playfully put the knife on his jaw. He looked at you, eyes filled with lust. Eddie took your hand leading you to his room. He sat down on his unmade bed pulling your hips close. You sat on his lap wrapping your arms around him. The knife lazily on his back.
"tell me how it went with Jason."
You smiled, "it was amazing, Eddie." He grabbed your hips and started kissing your neck as you explained.
"he was so weak. He cried like a little girl begging for help". Eddie groaned softly biting into your neck. You tilted his chin up to look at you, "I cut his dick off.". He smiled softly kissing you before going back to devouring your neck. You whimpered at the feeling, "I tied him up, beated him up until his teeth fell out. I tortured him and I loved it.". You place your right hand in his untamed hair. He looked at you smiling, playfully pushing you off his lap onto the bed.
"Eddie what are you doing?" You giggled a bit seeing the glint of mischievousness in his eye. He took off his shirt revealing his tattooed torso.
"Mark me" he smiled devilishly at you. You tilted your head a bit confused. He leaned in close, you could smell the cigarette smoke and musk of him. His hair gently tickling your face.
"I want you to mark me Ms.Ghostface" he glanced down at the knife. You looked at him, "Safe word?-".
"Ozzy", you rolled your eyes at the reference. You gripped the knife scooting closer to the edge of the bed. He stood still watching you closely. You unbuttoned his jeans seeing him all heated. You smirked pulling them past his thighs. You gently pushed his boxers down revealing the left of his hip. Dark curls of a happy trail and a slight v line distracting you. Eddie chuckled petting your head softly. You gently pressed the knife into his hip marking him with your initial. He bit his lip watching you. The blood slowly creeping out from the fresh cut lines. Gently licking it while looking up at him.
"Fuck.." he groaned watching you. He stood you up gently taking the knife.
"May I?" He cupped your cheek as he asked. You nodded, he got on his knees taking your jeans off. He slid his hand over your heat. You gasped, "Awh, all worked up baby?" He teased. He slid your underwear off throwing them on his nightstand.
"For later." He winked, you playfully pushed him.
"Whoa! You marked me first" he smiled. You rolled your eyes, "Nuh-uh, I don't fuck bad little girls.". Eddie stood back up.
"I'm not a little girl, Eds!"
"I'm sorry, I don't fuck bitchy whores" he smirked standing up grabbing his jeans. You grabbed his arm, "No no no! Wait, I'll be nice!". He smiled kissing you deeply, "Good girl". You whimpered at the nickname, he went back on his knees. He rubbed your right hip with his thumb. He placed the cold metal on there carving an E into you. You hissed softly, he shot his head up.
"Is this okay? I can get the first aid kit."
"Yes it's okay, Baby!" You smiled at his concern. He nodded looking back at your hip. He licked the blood copying you.
"Mm, always so sweet for me." He looked up at you gripping your hips. He stood back up tossing the knife somewhere in his room.
"take your shirt off." He demanded. You nodded, he grabbed your chin.
"use your words."
"Yes, Sir."
He smiled at your words, you took your shirt off tossing it by your jeans.
"now your bra."
"Yes, Sir" you repeated. You reached around revealing your breasts to him. He licks his lips, "lay down and let me use you.".
You laid down placing your head on his many pillows. He smiled, "want me to use you like a sex toy?".
"Yes, please.."
"Want me to fuck all that angry out? Been so busy for me.. Doing all that work must been tiring." You nodded.
He climbed onto the bed hovering over you. He stroke himself in one hand, balancing himself in the other.
"Fuck you till your all fucked out, huh?" He kissed you before leaving a trail down your neck. His fingers gently traced over your folds. You let out a soft moan, "S-stop teasing". Eddie gave a stern look, "Are you trying to boss me around, sweetheart?". You bit your bottom lip, he moved his fingers away. You whined and reached for his hand. He grabbed your wrist pinning it to the your side.
"You may be all big and bad but in the bed I'm in charge." He whispered before kissing your neck. You nodded, Eddie sighed getting up.
"Yes, Sir! I'm sorry I'll use my words" you whined. He smiled crawling back on top of you. He kissed your lips before going back to your neck. He gently inserted his fingers in, the cold of his metal touching your core with every thrust. Eddie left bites and hickeys along our neck and chest. You whined bucking your hips up against his fingers.
"Don't worry, baby. I'll fuck you soon." He took his fingers out pulling out his member coating his cock with your juices. He lined himself up gently pushing himself in. He watched as your face contorted with pleasure. He let out a sloppy smile and started thrusting at a steady pace. You wrapped your legs around his hips.
He grasped your thighs pushing himself against your opening. You tried to speak between moans.
"F-faster... please"
Eddie smiled gripping your hips tighter speeding up his pace. He breathed heavily leaned forward giving you a kiss. You moaned into his mouth as a thank you.
"So tight for me, sweet heart." He mumbled in betwee n thrusts. He grabbed your legs putting them over his shoulders.
Your back arched at the feeling of him hitting your spongy walls over and over again. He grunted, "Baby, I'm close..".
"Me too.." you moaned out gripping the sheets tightly. Eddie groaned trying to keep himself together, "Come for me, sweetheart.". You let the coil in your stomach release. A wave of pleasure taking over.
"Atta girl" he smiled speeding up. You wiggled a bit due to the overstimulation. Eddie pulled out releasing himself on your stomach. He wiped his seed on his finger popping it in your mouth.
"You know what to do."
You sucked his finger tasting him, the salty sweet mixture. He smiled, "Good girl, I'm going to clean you up now.". He left leaving you naked on his bed. He came back with his hair in a loose bun and a wet rag. He wiped you stomach clean tossing the rag somewhere. He lit a cigarette before laying down beside you. He pulled the blanket over your body and kissed your head.
"Eddie, The mask and costume are in the living room." You looked up at him. He blew out the smoke from his cigarette.
"Go to bed, baby. I'll take care of it for you."
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yesyourstalker · 10 months
Mahi: hello?
Neta: Hey Mahi don't come into work today. Don't come into work tomorrow or the day after that.
Mahi: Why what's happening?
Neta: *sigh* turn on the news..... I swear it's always me.
News channel: salmonoids have invaded the barnacle and dime mall. We advise everyone to steer clear of the surrounding area. Volunteers and employees of the grizz-co company must arrive as soon as possible to fix the issue. We will keep you all updated on further information we'll receive. In other news is turf war...... ruining our kids education??
Mhai: holy shit!! The whole mall is flooded!!.... Thank fuck we're on the second floor!!
Neta: *sigh*.............. We're still going to get damaged..... The mall is going to smell like salmon shit for weeks........ Anyway I got to head out. I just got my slop suit.
Mahi: what you work for grizz-co??
Neta: No, I'm volunteering. I just want to protect my store! I work way too hard just for it to go-
Cirrina: Aunt Candi's here can we go?!
Neta: yeah I'm coming Sweetie! Yeah I got to head out. Bye.
Mahi: mizole babe, let's go.
Mizole: We're going to raid Neta's apartment?
Mahi: yep
* texting *
Mahi: Warabi get up our boss is not home let's break in
Warabi: can't Neta is making me do a shift at Grizz's I'm getting overtime
Mahi: :/ fine is Baja still there?
Warabi: you mean my boyfriend ;p <3
Mahi:..[typeing]..... [Typing].................. Yee
Warabi: no he's with me
Mahi:.... [Typing]........ [Typing]..... Ok
Mizole: you know I expected his place to be a lot shittier......
Mahi: Right? I expected it to be like some sort of depression cave or something.
Mizole: hmm.... So what do you do anyway when you're here?
Mahi: nothing much. Watch TV, play his Nintendo, eat his leftovers, go through his shit........ find some really nice stuff. I took a nice t-shirts and a pair of his old sneakers. They don't fit but they're really nice....... There's a lot of interesting stuff if you look for it.
Mizole:...........hm..... .. If I take the base do you think he's going to notice?
Mahi: put that down. I'm not planning on attending your funeral if you do something stupid.
Mizole: boooooo Mahi stop being such a killjoy I thought you said we can steal whatever we want.
Mahi: I meant stuff he won't miss!
Mizole: what's in this drawer- UH!.....uhhahahahahahahahha! how about this?! You think he'll notice this being gone?!
Mahi: *slams close* I didn't see that! I'm erasing that from my memory. lets go down stairs.
Mizole: hehehehe....I mean it'll be funny-
Mhai: SHUT UP!.......... I saw nothing!...... Let's go.
Mizole: *eating * so.......... Baja. I guess he's here to stay?
Mahi: ugh yeah.. I guess....... He got a job at the Annaki store and is planning on moving here. ..... Pffth
Mizole: Hey, I mean if we're lucky the salmons will destroy the mall and he'll be out of the job.
Mahi: I'll be out of the job too.
Mizole: you got me, don't you? Heheh.. [kiss]
Mahi: I want my own money.........
Mizole: you don't like Baja?
Mahi: It's not that I don't like him...I like him, he's cool. It's fun to boss him around and tell him what to do. Since he's getting close to Warabi....*eating* They're dating now.......... He's going to be around more often.
Mizole: knowing Warabi. It'll probably be 2 months
Mahi:hehe...... What if Baja wants to move in? We have to buy another mattress... He won't be next to me.. What if Warabi wants to move out again? I'll be here by myself........ again........ what if he forgets me and replaces me with Baja.? A taller better looking vers-
Mizole: *eating* Babe shut up that's not going to happen. Ok? Warabi loves you. He's not just going to replace you with that weenie. I mean look at him....... Look at him Mahi! You can punch him in the face and he'll probably apologize to you! You worry too much babe you'll be fine....... And besides if he moves out you can move in with me.
Mahi: really?... Are we really at that stage?
Mizole: I feel like we are. It's a nice upgrade too, an apartment to a big house in the hills. What do you think?
Mahi: .... ... That sounds nice...... really nice.............. nice big house... We need to keep them together.
Warabi: okay, just jiggle the pick. I know there's like three notches annnnnd I.... got it! ..... I knew you guys were going to be here!
Baja: are you at least a little worried that he might find out about this?.......... Oh hello
Mahi: hey
Mizole: hm
Baja: you must mizole.... You're the front man of what floor!
Mizole: and?
Baja: I'm a big fan of yours. When Mahi told me that they were dating you. I was really excited to meet you. I've been following your work for a long time. I was a big fan of you when you were with 'the deep sea divers'
Mizole: Yeah I have a lot of fans that's what happens when you have a tale- you know about the deep sea divers?
Baja: yeah! I saw you guys playing at the conch shell club 8 years ago.... Your first rendition of undertow amazing. I mean I like the final cut of it but your first draft was art!
Mizole:.......... You actually like that?
Baja: yeah!... they had a lot of personality in it. Why did you change it? It was so rugged and aggressive now it's all polished now which I love but the original one had such character
Mizole:............... Wow.....uh.......*humph*. You know heh .... when I got signed to a label they wanted a specific genre and all that....hehehe..........* Inhale* ...... What's with the bag and why is it moving?
Baja: oh They're salmonoids. I got some during my volunteer shift at grizz-co. Got a lot of these little guys. I like to eat them raw.....*eating* I got them for you mahi ait tons of them during my shift.
Mahi: nice! Thanks I like to eat them raw too...*eating* They're juicer too
Warabi: *ugh* I can never get used to that.......Any of y'all know Neta 's finflixs password?
Mhai: bassbaba@86
Mahi: okay so what's the plot of this?
Warabi: okay, so it takes place during the great turf war. Two soldiers one inkling and one octoling who grew up together and are childhood best friends. And the story switches from backstory to backstory until it goes all the way to present day and then it all comes together during the end of the movie. It's really sad like it's so sad.
Baja: Oh I saw this... We had to watch it in school
Mizole: eh
Neta: Why are y'all in my apartment?!
Mahi: *eat* hey boss. you look like shit.......
Baja: AHHHHH... I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I told myself that I wouldn't do this again and I did it again. I'm really sorry I'm so sorry!
Mizole: would you get the fuck up! Stop kissing his ass. It's not going to do shit!
Neta:..................*sigh*........*moan*........... I can't do this today .....*sniff*...... What are you watching?
Warabi: 'war-torn brothers'
Neta: The one based off the book?
Warabi: yeah.....
Neta:............ Cici order something to eat and take a shower okay baby?
Cirrina: ok....You didn't go to my room did you?
Mizole/mahi: no
Cirrina: good Don't want your grody hands all over my stuff.......... Unless it's you baja hi!!
Baja: *waves*
Neta: I'm going to go take a nap......... Maybe have a nice hot bath first........Yeah that sounds nice.......... Nobody bother me and all y'all need to get out of my place by 6!
Mahi and the gang did not leave around 6 they left around 11 but Neta didn't notice. The minute he got out of the tub he passed out @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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moonshotsx · 1 year
43. Just one kiss, and it will all go away.
For the single dad au pls 🥺
i ended up making it more domestic than pure hurt comfort with 20mo baby sylvie because i got inspired by a reel i saw, hope that's okay ❣️
(also special shout out to @inthehytes for always letting me brainstorm my ideas 🥺)
The familiar end song of Sylvie's favorite cartoon coming from Dame's phone echoed in the hospital room of the pediatric area.
"I think we have time for one more episode, want to watch it, 'Vie?"
Sylvie looked even tinier than usual to him, having been sick for the past few days had taken out all her usual energy to play and goof around. It broke his heart to see his baby girl like that, knowing all he could do was wait until the medicine treatment was done.
"Want to go home, dada," she replied, her voice broken down by a cough fit. She tried to move her hand, but the small IV in her hand didn't let it go far.
"I know, sweetie," he sighed, letting her play with his hand for a little while. It was the most she could do before she would feel too tired from all the 'yucky' medicines, "You have to stay strong a few more days, then we can go home together, okay?"
Sylvie turned around to face him, her big puppy eyes betrayed her sadness despite the hopeful tone of her voice.
"I promise, now-"
A message from Kam popped up on the screen, letting Dame know he had finished his shift at the bakery and was on his way to the hospital.
"Looks like Kam is going to get here soon," he said out loud as Sylvie snuggled closer to him, her eyes already closed, "Will you be a good girl with him and the nurses, uhm?"
She gave him a slight nod, her voice sounding more and more worn out, "Kiss to make it feel better, dada?"
He smiled softly and brushed away some of the sweaty hair off her forehead to kiss it.
"Just one kiss, and it will all go away. You'll be out of here before you know it, princess".
Sylvie was fast asleep before she could even hear his reply, but her tiny hand held onto his scrubs.
A nurse walked in a few moments later, apologetically letting Dame know he was needed on shift, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Dr. Martin".
Dame sighed, trying his best not to wake Sylvie back up as he got off the hospital bed.
"It's fine, her other dad should be here soon. Just... Just don't let her be alone when she wakes up, okay?"
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
oki since i have permission i will ramble more about Reily and Hailie before i go to bed
I like to imagine after they're married, Hailie takes a job at the store and runs the counter so Reily can work on designs in the back full-time, which is especially convenient when Hailie is incredibly pregnant since the job is 90% sitting. I also imagine that after a while, Hailie learns to deal with the more casual customers. In my head, I see Reily poking her head around the corner to check on Hailie, just to see her due-literally-any-second-now wife waddling around, helping customers find new outfits and even dropping some recommendations from her own constantly pregnant experience.
"Oh when I was pregnant with the twins, one of these dresses fit me no matter how huge I got."
"If you know you'll be carrying big, I highly recommend one of these blouses, I was able to wear one all the way into my seventh month with the quads!"
"Oh, you're looking for something flashy yet comfortable? This dress should be perfect; my genius of a wife made sure this dress is gorgeous, form-fitting, yet supportive of your poor back."
dshahdhsa and I imagine Reily shows her appreciation for the help on busy days with maximum energy. Hands on Hailie's belly and kisses on her neck before they've even made it home, home-cooked meals to keep Hailie nice and full and satisfy cravings, and the softest of cuddles until they're both asleep.
shdashfhjabs i love them so much you don't understand. Thank you for these two, sapphic belly loving couple my beloved
🥺🥺🥺 Absolutely sublime. I love Hailie just building up and complimenting her wife while helping customers. Like she just loves to tell the story of how they met and how Reily came in clutch to save her from a bad wedding. Being with Hailie has done wonders for Reily's confidence and it shows in her designs as they get more bold each year they spend together.
Also in the line of domestic cute sapphic pregnancy stuff... Hailie being very sweet but getting really bad nesting instinct with the store layout later in her third trimester. "Honey don't you think the suit mannequins would look better by the front window? And the thread display should be color coded to make it more intuitive for customers... oh and maybe we should talk about the check out counter situation..." And Reily, well meaning but also confused replying with "But... those mannequins have been there for years, sweetie... and... what check out counter situation??? You check out??? At the counter??? It's fine?" These gays are in a perpetual honeymoon phase and we love that for them.
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melodyofthevoid · 2 years
❛ are you going to leave me again?
i’m starting to think you like wasting my time. ❜
just breathe through it. it gets easier.
I hope you don't mind dnd blorbos bc my girl lorna is occupying my brain rn lol
"Are you going to leave me again?"
Lorna stopped pouring the pot of tea, staring down at the amber liquid for a moment before turning around. Her mother stared at her with one raised brow sat amongst the many boxes still left packed.
"Well, not for a while I don't think. They're still working through the reassignment, so I'm not planning on going anywhere for the foreseeable future."
"Good, good."
She brought the tray into the new living room, now open, not cramped and old. Riddled with mold and a foundation not fit for anyone to live in. A swell of pride filled Lorna, bringing a small smile to her face.
"It's a big change isn't it? Surveying like that. Especially going from where you were. I don't understand why they couldn't give you another job like that, I'm sure the House has something."
There was an undertone that Lorna didn't know how to address. Truthfully she didn't know the answer herself. The job in Natsu went fine, she made the changes to the city layout as asked. The improvements were beneficial to the longevity of Urumatsu.
The Baron's comments definitely seemed unwarranted. She hadn't done anything wrong, at least not in her estimations.
But the work was good enough to finally buy this house, move her parents out of that crumbling shack and somewhere safe. Somewhere that had enough room for Dad's wheelchair and then some.
"I don't know, I think it's a little exciting," Lorna replied, sipping at her tea, "I'll get to see all over Sakana, and who knows, I might take up some other work in my spare time. Might be an adventurer! "
That got a laugh, her mom nearly spitting out her tea.
"Honey, I love you, but I think you'd find that all a bit overwhelming. I know you've always preferred the quiet types. Mercs are loud."
"Like you were?"
"Are, just because I've got some parts missing doesn't mean I can't still swing a sword."
"But you don't have to," Lorna set down her cup, "I'll make more than enough that you and Dad don't have to worry about that sort of thing. It'll be different, but I'll send letters! And I'll visit when I can."
"I know sweetie," Marin kissed the top of her forehead, where the crown of obsidian glass poked just above Lorna's hair, out of its usual bun, "I just worry about you. It's a mother's job. You shouldn't have to take on all this. You've got your own life ahead of you."
Lorna smiled, still resolved to work her hardest.
Whatever her Mother's feelings about the House of Eternity, she was going to help people.
With that, her mother finished up the last of the tea, cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders and arm. Looking around at the chaotic mess that promised a future home.
"Now help me get some of these down. I may be strong, but I've only got enough arm space for half the stuff I used to carry. How about you float some of them."
"Mother, I study divination, not enchantment."
"Well looks like you'll have to lift something other than books for once, Lor. Think you can handle it?"
Probably not.
"I'll try."
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