#you'll know where it comes from if that is tomorrow's story
cowgurrrl · 1 year
She’s A Gun
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: *John Mulaney voice* My wife is a bitch and I love her SO much (gif by @salome-c) I also didn’t know how to end this so sorry
Summary: Somebody didn’t give the new guy a heads up about talking about Joel Miller’s family [1.6k]
Warnings: idiots in love, a quick mention of a queer slur, I can’t think of anything else!!
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You catch him looking at you across the room as you sip some new whiskey Tommy traded for. He looks young and fresh-faced without many scars or littering the surface of his skin. His eyes are bright when they meet yours, and you give him a polite smile before returning to your drink. Unsurprisingly, he bellies up to the bar a few minutes later. You glance at the door, and the man follows your gaze. 
"You meeting someone?" He asks. The bartender, a kind man named Nick, flashes you a look, but you wave him off, turning to the younger man, who is dead set on making his presence known. 
"You must be new." You say, and he laughs as he holds out his hand. 
"You got me. I'm Luke," He says. You meet him halfway and shake his hand, giving him your name. "Where are you from?"
"I came here from Boston."
"You're a long way from home. What brought you here?" 
"Long story."
"Is it longer than the time it would take to get you another drink?" 
"I can get my own drink, but thank you."
"'Course," he says but doesn't move from his place next to you. "What do you do here in Jackson?" He asks, and you open your mouth to say something, but he cuts you off. "Let me guess. School teacher. No, a nurse."
"I work patrols, but good guess."
"Oh, I'm going to work patrols, too. I actually just signed up for my first shift tomorrow. Speaking of which, do you know anything about this guy… Miller, I think, is his name. I heard he's a hard ass."
"Joel or Tommy?"
"There's multiple?" He asks, and you smirk as you sip your drink.
"There's a few of 'em hanging around, yeah. What did they say? Maybe I can," you shrug and try to hide the amusement in your voice. "Help you figure it out."
"Well, this guy, Seth, said Miller shouldn't even be in Jackson. Something about him killing people to get by before coming here, but he gets to stay because he's buddies with Maria. Apparently, he's a hell of a shot, though. I heard a rumor that he once shot an Infected from a mile away, but I'll believe it when I see it." He says, and you nod. 
You remember that day well. Tommy had been bragging about his marksmanship, mostly telling big fish stories, and you finally got sick of it. Joel told you to leave it, but you had to see. When you went on patrol the next day, you and Tommy had a competition to see how far he could actually shoot. You passed the gun back and forth to see who could hit accurately and how far. You were the one holding the gun when the Infected bound his way up the hill and quickly went down as the bullet buried in his skull. You didn't think that story would've made the rounds, though. 
"What else did Seth say?" You ask, and he puffs his cheeks out as he shakes his head.
"He told me to stay away from him. Something about not fucking with people like that because he's ruthless, especially when it comes to his kid. He said Miller yelled at him last week because he said something to her. Just... totally lost his mind like a crazy person." It wasn't just something. He called my daughter a dyke, you think to yourself. Joel may have pushed him and made him leave, but you threatened to ruin his fucking life. If you ever hear him say something like that to Ellie again, you'll make Joel look like the poster child for forgiveness. You bite the inside of your cheek and save that information for later. 
Seth wasn't warning Luke about Joel. He was warning him about you.
"And you're sure he was talking about a man?"
"Pretty sure. I mean, I know people do lots of shitty things to stay alive, but I can't imagine a woman instilling that much fear in a man like Seth," He says, and you hum. "No offense."
"None taken." You smile and watch his guard come down just enough for him to feel comfortable reaching for your arm.
"I wish I had known they let women as beautiful as you out on patrol. I would've signed up with you instead of Miller." He says, and you almost gag. Joel's hand skims your lower back almost as if on cue, and you turn to face him. He kisses you a second too long before looking over your shoulder to face the stranger who looks embarrassed. His arm wraps protectively around your middle, and he's close enough that you can smell his shampoo over the bar’s stench of stale beer.
"Great timing. This is Luke. He's starting patrols tomorrow," You say. Joel reaches across the space to shake his hand, and Luke winces at his too-tight grip. "Luke, this is my husband, Joel Miller," you wish you had a camera to take a picture of the stunned look on his face when he hears the last name. "Joel, we were just talking about the last time I was on patrol with Tommy."
"You're Miller?" Luke asks, suddenly looking pale. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"Oh, I thought I mentioned it. I'm sorry, I'm probably losing my mind." You echo Seth's words and smack yourself on the forehead dramatically. Luke drains his drink before glancing around the room.
"It was great to meet you, man. Um, I'm gonna run to the bathroom really fast." He says and takes several steps away from the bar. 
"Oh, so soon? I was hoping you and Joel could talk about routes."
"Maybe later." He says, and with that, he's gone. You smile and turn in Joel's arms to face him.
"Jesus, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. What did you say to him?" 
"Seth was warning him about the mercenary who's buddies with Maria and shot an Infected from a mile away, asked if I knew anything about the guy."
"Seth should learn to keep his fuckin' mouth shut." He grumbles, and you nod.
"It didn't help his case that he tried flirting with me. Even asked if I was a school teacher." You say, and he gives you a look. His warm fingers reach under your shirt collar to pull out the chain with your wedding band on it.
"Maybe if you actually wore this, that wouldn't happen so often."
"C'mon, everybody knows I'm yours. It's not my fault no one gave him the run down," you say, and he tugs on the chain to kiss you, his big hands moving to hold your jaw. He swallows your gasp when he licks into your mouth, sending a zing of electricity down your spine. He's a touch too handsy for a public space, but you're not complaining. "I don't see you wearing yours out on patrol either." You say, pulling away before he can start something he can't finish, at least not in public. Still, his hand slips into your back pocket, squeezing your ass through the denim.
"Don't want to lose a finger. Besides, everybody knows I'm yours," he parrots, and you smile. A familiar, old country song plays over the speakers, and Joel lights up at the first few chords. "Will you dance with me?" He asks, pressing light kisses to your jaw to butter you up. You lock your arms around his shoulders and let yourself forget about everyone else in the bar. 
"And to think there was a time when you hated PDA."
"That was before someone tried hittin' on my wife," he says, and you feel like your face will get stuck from smiling so much. It's been three months since the small backyard wedding officiated by Tommy and Maria. Ellie walked you down the aisle— more of a patch of grass than anything else— and acted as your maid of honor. When Tommy asked if she agreed to give you to Joel, she said, "it's not like she's fucking property, but sure." She beamed so brightly when she realized you each included her in your vows, promising to love and protect her as much as you love and protect each other. It wasn't planned, but the unexpected matching further proved that you three are a family. Still, you don't know if you'll ever get used to hearing Joel call you his wife. "Dance with me, please." He pouts into your neck, and you finally give in, grabbing his hand and leading him to the dance floor. 
He pulls you close, and you bury your face in his neck as you slowly dance to Tanya Tucker's voice. He sings along for only you to hear, his accent getting stronger as he does. You could stay like this forever, wrapped up in him and listening to him sing the same song you used to sing along to while driving on backroads. You would marry him again if you could. You think you would marry him in every lifetime.
Scary rumors of mercenaries and blood on your hands fade from your mind. To men like Seth and Luke, you are a subversion of their holy mother. You are bloody and broken, a monster beyond saving. You are a warzone with a heartbeat.
But to Joel, you are the most sacred thing he's ever held. It's not enough to erase the rumors and nightmares about you, but it's enough to knock the wind out of you and make you love your husband that much more. That has to count for something. 
Tag list: @evyiione
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baby-yongbok · 2 months
Boyfriend!Seungmin x Afab!Reader
♡ Genre - Smut ♡ Word Count - 4.1k ♡ Summary - Your open relationship with your boyfriend has one rule. What happens when you break it? ✧ Masterlist ✧
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♡ A/N: Seungmin's look at the Chanel pop-up event killed me. That's it. That's the tweet. I hope that you enjoy! 💕+ reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡ MDNI ♡ Warnings: Themes of open relationships, very light degradation - blink and you'll miss it, spit play?? - like, not really? but just to be safe, Dom Seungmin vibes & Seungmin is hot [I think that's all]
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“Where did you even meet that guy?” The beeping of the microwave punctuated Sarina’s sentence and the other two girls all hummed in curiosity. It’s a typical girls night for the four of you. Sarina brings the drinks, Isa brings the snacks, Winter provides her Netflix password and more snacks and you allow them all into your apartment to listen to stories about your latest intimate escapades. 
“That restaurant downtown, Gammeeok. I dropped my keys and he chased me down to return them.” You drop the steaming bag of popcorn into the bowl, handing it off to Winter to take care of. “How charming.” Isa teases with a laugh and you all follow.
“So, like, Seungmin won’t be mad that you slept with some stranger? He really doesn’t care?” You nod as you stuff your mouth with a fist full of popcorn, humming and shrugging to save yourself time. “He doesn’t care. The only rule is that I can’t sleep with his friends and he can’t sleep with mine.”
“And you don’t tell him about the guys you sleep with?” 
“Mm, nope. He tells me about his hook-ups sometimes but he doesn’t really care to hear about mine. He just likes to know when they happen. He’s watched me fuck someone before but it was a one time thing.” A collective ‘oh’ echoes around the group of you as the girls exchange looks. “That’s hot.” Winter mumbles as she flips through the Netflix options and Isa shakes her head.
“My boyfriend would actually explode if that were our dynamic.” Sarina scoffs and the other girls agree before falling off into a new conversation of ‘what if’s’.
 Your phone buzzes under you as you all break out into a fit of hysterics. Your laugh dies in your throat once you read the message on your screen. The black letters typed by your boyfriend read, ‘I’m outside’, and you can feel your heart start to hammer. You weren’t supposed to see him until tomorrow morning.
 You text him back quickly, letting him know that it’s girls night and your friends weren’t leaving until the morning. Your phone buzzes with a reply seconds later, surely he said that he’d just see you tomorrow right? You can feel a shadow of anxiety as you read the new text. ‘You can leave them for a sec. Don’t you wanna see me?’
That text seems innocent right? Then why is your leg bouncing like he just sent you a ‘we need to talk’ text. I mean he did just get back from a family vacation today, maybe he just really missed you. Yeah, he got excited to see you, that’s it. 
“Helloooo, earth to y/n.” With the snap of Winter’s fingers your head snaps up to the girls across from you. “Everything cool? We were talking about rewatching Thirty-Nine or are you feeling something different?”
You open and close your mouth once or twice before you manage to look down at your phone and type a quick ‘coming’ to Seungmin. You pull yourself up from your armchair and grab a hoodie that you think is yours but you’re really not sure right now and you honestly don’t care much either.
“That’s fine but I - I have to - I’ll be right back.” 
“What’s up?” Isa asks and you sigh before doing your best to reassure them that everything is A-ok. They tease you as you unlock your front door, telling you that if you’re gone for more than five minutes that they just know that Seungmin is ruining you. You brush it off with an eye roll and make your way to the lobby of your building. There’s a comfortable breeze that you're thankful for since you’re only in your loungewear.
You look around for any sign of Seungmin’s car for a second before your phone buzzes again. ‘4 cars down to the left.’ 
You follow his direction, walking a couple of steps before his car comes into sight. You notice that Seungmin is absent from the driver's seat and as you get closer you can faintly make out his figure in the back seat. You open the door and slide in next to him once you reach the car, closing the door softer than usual in case you’re wrong about the reason for his impromptu visit. 
“Hey, baby, welcome back.” You lean into him, planting a chaste kiss on his lips that he returns with no problem. “This is a surprise.”
He’s not making any faces, his eyebrows aren’t furrowed like they usually are when he’s upset and he’s smirking at you though you can’t say that it seems entirely friendly. “I had to see you. Missed you.”
Your heart plays hopscotch inside your chest for a moment though you can’t tell if it’s because he’s being sweet or because of your looming anxiety. “You were gonna see me tomorrow, did you get too excited to tell me about your trip?” You try to relax into your seat. Maybe there’s nothing wrong, maybe it’s all in your head.
“Mm, not really, no.” Fuck it, something is up he’s too laid back. “Actually there was something that I was dying to tell you about.”
Bingo. You look over at him, wide anxious eyes boring into his dark ones. “Answer this for me, sweetie.” He pulls his phone from the pocket of his leather jacket. You hadn’t even noticed that he was wearing the gift you gave him this past year for his birthday. He looks damn good in it as always.
 Okay, wait, stop gawking. Focus. 
“Do you recognize this guy?” A bright smile parts his lips as your jaw goes slack. You stare at the picture on his phone screen, eyes darting between Seungmin and the guy next to him. The guy you fucked a day ago. “Gotta use your words.”
“I- well, yeah.” You blink up at him, worry plastered on every muscle of your face. Seungmin takes a moment to rest his hand on your bouncing leg, soothing circles into the clothed flesh. Okay, so he’s not really that mad. “I did something bad didn’t I?”
He tsks, huffing a short laugh as he locks his phone and slips it back into his pocket. “Mm, I mean you fucked my roommate from college so, you tell me.” You whine, covering your eyes with your hands.
“I had no idea, baby, really.” 
“I know, I don’t think that you did this on purpose.” The pads of his fingers dig into your thigh and he pulls you closer to him. “Just imagine my surprise when Hyunjin picks me up from the airport and starts raving about a girl who sucked his soul from him.” You groan again, wiggling a bit as he pulls you into his side, throwing his arm around you. 
“I was even more surprised when he showed me the video.” You gasp so loud and fast that you nearly choke. You forgot about the video.
“Oh fuck, oh no, I fucked up.” There’s a burning at the back of your eyes that matches the feeling in your chest. You should’ve been more careful but you aren’t exactly the type to vet your hook-up’s like a gun shop doing a background check. “I’m so sorry, Seungmin. I swear that if I would’ve known I wouldn’t have gone home with him.”
“I already told you that I believe you, baby.” He draws circles into the bare skin of your shoulder, it sends a chill up your spine. “But, I must admit that a punishment is something that I find appropriate for this situation.” 
You peer up at him through your thick lashes, trying your best to blink away the tears threatening to fall. A punishment? You can do that. 
“Anything, Min. I truly am sorry.”
“Show me, don’t tell me.” You move to unbuckle his belt, swallowing hard as you fiddle with the metal. “Nuh uh.” 
You hum, confused. There are a couple of punishments that are commonly used by Seungmin and fucking your tiny throat to the point of tears is usually his favorite. “I have something else in mind.” 
He gently places his hands on your hips, pulling you into his lap so that you're straddling him. You rest your hands on the back of the seat, more than familiar with this position since he’s taken you in the back seat more times than you can count. 
“I already heard everything from Hyunjin. He recalled the scenario in grave detail.” Seungmin keeps his eyes on you as his nimble fingers twirl the string to your pajama pants. “Now what I want you to do..”
He pulls at the string, undoing the bow. “Is tell me your side of the story.” Your breath catches in your throat.
“What do you.. mean?” He pulls at the waistband of your pants gently. 
“I wanna hear it from your point of view.” He smiles at you, that teasing gleam in his eye that you know means trouble. “ I want you to tell me how he felt, how he sounded, how he tasted.” 
You involuntarily grind into him as you start to recall the events of that night. “But… you never wanna hear about that stuff. Are you sure?”
“What did I just ask for?” His large hand squeezes your thigh and you jump at the pressure. “Does my puppy think that I don’t know what I want?” 
“No no, I’m sorry. I’m just - just nervous I think.” He grins up at you, there’s a softness to it that relaxes you. 
“Don’t be nervous, I just want you to tell me all about it, okay? I won’t think of you any differently. I won’t love you any less.” His lips brush against yours, slow and soft as he teases a kiss. “I just want you to tell me how he fucked you.” He plants the kiss, soft and rough, hungry and gentle. A contradiction. 
“Can you do that for me?” He whispers against your lips and you shake your head. You’re already getting hazy and he’s barely touched you. “Say it.”
“I can do that. I’ll tell you how he fucked me.” He slips his hand down the front of your pants, the tips of his finger grazing over your pubic mound in a tickling touch that makes you buck into him. 
“Go on, pup. Speak.”
“Okay- uh where do you want me to start?” He hums, looking up in false contemplation.
“Start from the moment that you got to his place. I’ve already heard the beginning. He told me all about you sucking him off in his car.” He grins, clearly enjoying the effect that that sentence had on you. You nod your head, trying your best to block out his tantalizing touch lingering inches from your clit. 
“Well, he offered me something to drink… we shared a bottle of soju.” Seungmin’s gaze is burning into you as you speak. Attentive with a hint of something unrecognizable. He tongues his cheek a bit, something that he does when he’s thinking or listening. “ I was complaining about finishing my share of it too quickly so he offered me some of his… he said that.. He, uh..”
Seungmin’s finger crawls down your mound brushing against your clit and drawing your attention back you him. Your nervous gaze meets his steady one. “Focus on me.” He applies a bit more pressure and you squirm in his lap. “Speak, baby.”
“He said that he’d give it to me if he could feed it to me.” 
“He poured it into your mouth?” You shake your head and Seungmin starts to ghost his finger back and forth over your bud, you sigh at the feather light contact. 
“He put it in his mouth and tipped my head back then he spit it into my mouth.” A heavy breath escapes your boyfriend, flaring his nostrils as he processes the information. “Then he kissed me.”
“With tongue?” You nod and he presses firmly against your clit. Your hips grind into the touch before you can fully process it but Seungmin’s free hand grounds you to his lap. “What did he taste like?”
You moan, the mixture of smooth circles being rubbed into your aching bud and recalling the nasty memories of the night before is sending a surge through your system. “Soju, mint, a bit of- a bit of - cake.” He lets up, returning to his featherlight touch.
“Cake?” You nod, sucking in a long breath. “We shared some before we got to his place.”
“How romantic.” He teases, rolling his eyes. “Did he fuck you on the couch?”
“Nuh uh, his bed.” Seungmin, removes his hand and dips his pointer and middle finger into his mouth. You watch as his tongue laves over the digits carefully before his hand snakes back into your pants. “We made out on the couch, he undressed me and sucked my nipples. He fingered me a bit and I jerked him off.” 
That delicious pressure is reapplied when you give him more details. He rubs tight circles over you with his spit slick fingers. So that’s how you win this game? The more details you give the more pleasure you get. A moan erupts from your chest, echoing through the car and dying in the stuffy space. 
“Did you come when he sucked your nipples?” You shake your head and he tsks, a faint grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. “So sensitive.”
“He said the same thing. He told me he’s never met a girl who could cum from that. He kept sucking them and they were so s-sensitive.” You’re gushing at this point, ruining your flimsy panties and dampening the crotch of your pajamas. “I jerked him off while he did it. He was moaning and he - he sounded..” 
Seungmin slows down his ministrations when you seem to get lost in the pleasure. You look down at him, desperate eyes pleading for more but his stern gaze tells you exactly what you already know. You have to earn it. “How’d he sound, baby?”
“He sounded so.. So pretty, Min. I told him he sounds as pretty as he looks.”
“Prettier than me?” Is he teasing? Or is he jealous? Is it both? No matter, you shake your head, sating any sprout of jealousy that may be budding in his chest. 
“Never. No one is.” Seungmin smiles, you’re so pretty like this. Glazed eyes staring into his in a desperate attempt at proving that you’re the good girl that he knows you are. Your drooling cunt pulsing against his fingers, silently asking to be filled. Desperately begging to be fucked.
“Go on.” 
“He picked me up and carried me to his bed. He bent me over it and fucked me like that.” He taps your clit, prompting you to give him more but that’s not what does it. It’s the tight feeling of his cock straining against his jeans underneath you that gets you to start rambling. 
“He didn’t fill me up like you do though. You’re thicker than him, you make me feel so much fuller.” You get the pressure you were craving, wide sloppy circles leave you chasing the stimulation. 
“Tryna suck up to me, pup?” You deny it, shaking your head frantically. “ I don’t need you to tell me that I fuck you better. I know I do.”
“Okay, s-sorry.” Your eyes are squeezed shut, your breathing is starting to pick up and Seungmin decides to allow your hips to chase his movement. That decision was more in his favor than yours since the grinding of your hips gives him the stimulation that he’s dying for. He’s never found himself interested in the details of your sexual escapades. Just the knowledge that you’ve been with someone else was enough to get him off but this is different. It’s delicious and finds himself hanging on to every single word that leaves your lips.
“He fucked me from behind and he - he was spanking me. He spanked me and I moaned - oh my god - I moaned for him just like t-that. He told me - told me that I was dripping and making a fucking mess. He called me his messy baby and he wrapped his hand around my hair and - and pulled my head back - Fuck, Min, fuck fuck fuck.”
This is exactly what he wanted. Your tongue peeking from between your lips and your eyes hazy with need. He wanted you fucked out and pliable. He wanted you to relax. He can know anything that he wants now and selfishly he wants to know more. He wants to know everything.
“Mmm is that right?” His fingers dip between your folds, collecting your slick and spreading it over your clit “If my messy baby tells me more she can feel my fingers fill her up.”
“God, yes, please. Need it, need it.”
“Gotta speak, pup.”
“Okay - uh uh after he fucked me like that I got on top and I rode his cock and - and he felt deeper like that and he looked so so pretty under me and I- Oh fuck, Seungmin.” Your head fell back in a moan as his digits sunk into you. He sighed as your tight walls squeezed him as a literal warm welcome to his favorite place on this earth. 
“Tell me how you rode him while you ride my fingers.” His free hand trails up your stomach, his larghetto touches a clear contrast to the pornographic moans and squelches filling the small space. His fingers wrap around your neck once he reaches your clavicle, his nails digging in ever so slightly.
“Eyes on me, lemme see you.” Your lids flutter open revealing your hazy orbs to your lover. His cock twitches at the sight. “Tell me.”
You gulp, there’s too much spit in your mouth but at the same time your throat feels dry. You want to cry, it feels so good. So dirty. “I pinned his hands above his head - fuck.” 
Seungmin could’ve lost it there. That could’ve made him bust but he kept his composure. The mental image of you grinding on his friend's dick while you pinned him to the bed made him feel things that he never imagined. 
He scissored his fingers against your clenching walls, encouraging you to give him more. You blinked, once, twice before trying to regain your composure. “And I was grinding in a circle, he was looking up at me like I hung the fucking stars in the sky and I felt s-so fucking good. So fucking powerful. When I started fucking him he was praising me.”
Seungmin’s cock is leaking, dripping and making a sticky mess in his briefs but he couldn't care less than he does right now. Not when he has you bouncing over his fingers with the most filthy memories being recited from your plump drooling lips. “What did he call you?”
“Pretty. He said ‘m so pretty and - and he said - he said that I’m the best fuck he’s had in so long. Said I use his cock so well. He - He said -” He fucks his fingers deeper into you and you can’t help but pause, gasping for air as you struggle to keep your eyes open. 
“What’s the matter? Hyunjin got your tongue?” You cry out, panting as he fucks you deep against your g-spot. “Did you like when he praised you?” You shake your head so fast that it nearly looks like you’re throwing your neck in a circle. Seungmin chuckles, how cute.
“Does my girl want me to praise her more?” A drooling whimper escapes you and Seungmin leans forward to lick the dribble from the corner of your mouth. Planting a kiss on the spot. 
“Does she want me to tell her how good she feels when she opens up for me?” A rush of arousal floods out of you and for a second you can swear that you’ve never been this wet in your entire life. Seungmin is the only partner who has ever left you feeling completely satisfied yet right now you feel like this is so much more. He’s unlocked a new level. 
“Such a good dumb pup.” He rasps, darkness clouding his tone. “You’re such a pleasure to use.” He kisses you, it’s sloppy and rough. “Is that how you want it done?”
Words don’t make sense anymore. Not with Seungmin’s fingers fucking into you so deep that you could see stars. The fuzzy streaks of the streetlights hypnotizes you as he fucks you closer and closer to the release building up in the pit of your stomach. “How else did he fuck you?”
You snap back to reality, tongue hanging from your open mouth. You attempt to refocus your gaze but to no prevail. “Against the… the wall.” You’re breathless, spent, you’re close.
“Baby.” Seungmin growls, calling your attention as he thrusts into you especially rough. “Did Hyunjin cum inside of this cunt?”
Your anxiety would be creeping up your spine again if there wasn’t already a thick sheet of pleasure encasing it. Fuck, you forgot about that rule. “Answer. Me.” His words are punctuated with a punishing thrust, effectively drawing an answer out of you. 
“Yes, yes h-he did. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m s- Fuck, Min, Seung - Seungmin, fuck.” This is the part where it feels like a punishment. The way that Seungmin’s fingers hammer into you  while his thumb rubs at your clit is dizzying. The stars littering your vision get brighter with every thrust. 
“I’m sorry.” You cry out as a tear escapes the corner of your eye. He kisses it away. A gentle action that is a stark contrast to the way that he’s pounding you.
“You thought you could get away with that, huh?” He rasps, leaning you forward so that your back is resting on the seat in back of you. His free hand supports your lower back while the other abuses your cunt. “You know better.” 
Your moans and screams do little to deter him from ruining you. Your palm lays flat against the foggy window giving a clear indication of what the two of you are doing on this warm Tuesday night, if your screams weren’t enough of a sign. “You know that only I get to fill this pussy. You know that.” He pulls away from you abruptly, leaving you panting, empty and spasming around nothing. You whine as you try to catch your breath. 
He gives himself a second to take you in but really it’s a second for him to avoid busting in his jeans. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry.” You’re breathless but he knows you mean it. His eyes don’t show it but he’s already forgiven you. He slips his hand back into your pants and feels around your soaked cunt. 
Seungmin closes his eyes for a second, taking in every beautiful inch of you. He can see it if he closes his eyes, he’s spent so many hours between your thighs that he’s got it memorized. 
“You’re so fucking wet.” He groans, losing himself for a moment. “Are you wet for me or him?” 
“You.” He leans you up so that your forehead rests against his. He starts rubbing at your clit again, gradually building up speed. 
“Say it again. Tell me my puppy is only this wet for me.” His free hand guides your hips against him and he moans at the friction. His cock jumps - or tries to jump - against the tight fabric. 
“Your puppy is only wet for you, baby. Only you.” His fingers move faster, the knot in your stomach pulls tighter, you’re close. So close.
“Again, baby, you only get this dumb for me right? Only get this wet for me.”
“Only you, Min. Only you.” Your rhythm falters as your orgasm starts to spill over. 
“Tell me you love me, pup. Tell me.” He breathes and you inhale deeply, exhaling with a shaky declaration of love as your orgasm rips through you. 
“I love you, I love you, I love -” He cuts you off with a kiss, groaning against you as he busts in his jeans. You grind against him as he bucks up into you and the two of you ride out your orgasms together. His tongue explores your mouth in a feverish kiss, moans tumble from the both of you and you only pull away when the burning in your lungs starts to become unbearable. 
“I love you too.” 
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Thank you reading! Please like and share, it makes my day!
ALSO, please follow my back-up acct. @minniee-verse 💕
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strwberri-milk · 7 days
Hi, good morning/ afternoon/ evening. I've probably read all of your work on LnD, and I love them all. If it's not too much, can I request like the boys getting a call/update from MC after a disastrous wanderer attack on the city after not being able to contact them?? If possible, established relationship😅 ... thank you for your time!
im glad you like all my writing for them!! im so aefjaweofaw please give me the next main story update - also theres lots of references/imagery of death so if youre not chill w that i will see you tomorrow [salute] - theres also some very very slight references to their myths!! it feels a little ooc to me but thats bc. i think theyd be a little ooc when faced w a tragedy like this!! i hope you like it anyway <3
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Zayne holds his breath every time a new patient is admitted. The hospital is busy with all of the patients that are coming in with the disaster, a mixture of those hanging on and people running up to him because he's the closest doctor in the vicinity to confirm death.
He volunteered himself to do triage because he was convinced that he'd be able to stop you from dying, that if you came in through those doors he'd be able to separate his love for you from the mind that studied all those nights but that's impossible - he only got here because of you.
His mind runs circles around himself, almost separated from his body as he tries to figure out why you weren't there. Hopefully it's because you're fine - you don't need medical attention or the medics on site were enough for you. However, he knows there's an equal chance that it's just because a doctor onsite was able to confirm your death and now you were in some bag, stored away with the others waiting for him to come identify you.
When he finally gets a moment to himself he obsessively checks his phone, praying to something that might take enough pity on him to listen at the very least that you'll call him. Minutes turn to hours as he's called back to work. Silence is a commodity now as he's stuck in the theatre, only able to go home after he's exceeded the legal amount of hours he's allowed to work in one night.
The long turned cold water hits his muscles as his mind wanders in the quiet of his home. You still haven't called - nobody's called. He understands that surely, all of you are busy but he's been there when the calls have had to be made. To hear the sobs on the other side of the phone as a squad captain confirms the death of another hunter as they softly ask if they'd like to see the body. He's also seen the calls when the bodies are far too mangled, a sight that no loved one should have to bear. He's waiting for it, almost falling in his haste to grab his phone once it finally rings.
Your number pops up, the letters of your name taunting him as he tries to answer it. He's about ready to throw his phone on the ground from the water on his hand refusing to make picking up the call an easy feat.
"Hello?" Zayne asks, an uncharacteristic shake in his voice.
"Zayne! I'm okay!" you say, voice sounding a little weak but definitely better than he could have ever anticipated.
"Zayne? Honey? Hello?" you ask when you're met with only silence, now beginning to grow anxious yourself. You knew he must have been busy - you were too - and you thought he was safe. He should have been, you'd heard no reports of the hospital being attacked.
"You're alive," he chokes out, falling to his knees.
"Of course I am! Things have just been chaotic so I haven't had enough time to call you until now," you explain, continuing to talk to him.
You hear rustling on the other side of the phone, trying to get his attention again before he cuts you off.
"Where are you right now? Home?"
"Oh - yeah I'm on leave now. Most of us who were in active duty are to let his recuperate. How come?"
"I'll be there soon."
He hangs up immediately, leaving you a little stunned. You decide to clean up a little, having nothing else to do really until he comes over. Zayne never acts this impulsively so you assume that the day with no contact really wore on him.
Once he arrives you open the door for him, planning to apologise for the lack of contact when he almost throws himself at you. You hold him back just as tightly, a little shaken yourself as you close the door after him. You realise that for whatever reason he's soaking, unsure if you should confront that but you decide to ignore it.
He leads you right to your couch, too exhausted to even find your bedroom as he buries himself against your chest. It's not the normal way he lays with you - typically he likes to hold you - but you know not to bother him now. You can't deny you were worried about him too, knowing he probably put in a bunch of overtime at the hospital.
He holds onto you tightly, measuring out the beat of your heart. It's the only way he can remind himself that you're still alive, that the two of you have one more day together.
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Xavier has never felt like he wanted to die more than in this moment. One minute you were running with him, trying to stop the Wanderer from attacking the group of civilians the next you're totally gone. Logically, he knows you're most likely fighting a Wanderer by yourself and you can handle it but somewhere he's convinced you'll die without him at your side. You've proved yourself more than capable but he worries about you all the time - he knows how to fight these things, he's been fighting them for far longer than you have - and if you died here he'd have no more reason for living.
He practically goes beserk, tearing into each and every creature with the hopes that one of them can take him to you. With each failure he starts to spiral, standing atop a pile of rubble as he watches the recovery teams start to spread into the city. It practically took an entire squadron to force him to go home, promising him that he'd be the firs t to hear once they found you.
You were diligently following Xavier when you noticed another Wanderer going after a child. You knew that he'd panic once he couldn't find you but you couldn't just abandon them. You tried to tell him you'd be splitting off but over all the screams and screeches he couldn't hear you and you couldn't waste any more time trying to get his attention.
You were able to defeat the Wanderer but not before sustaining an injury that made it too difficult for you to continue active duty, taking the child to a safe spot and staying with them until help arrived. You ended up passing out from the pain shortly thereafter, waking up a day later to Tara in your face heaving a sigh of relief as she called for a doctor to come check on you.
Your body was simply fatigued and after an extra day of monitoring and ensuring you were receiving everything you needed to make sure you wouldn't collapse again when you get home. You nod, knowing what procedure is at this point. You reach out for your phone once the doctor leaves, knowing that Xavier must be worried out of his mind.
You're right, of course. He's laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as he waits for someone to call him. He saw the scale of disaster this attack was, knows that everything is absolutely awful and he's not the only one waiting for news but every minute that passes is another minute you could be trapped, praying that he's coming there to save you.
He decides to ignore the strict orders he's gotten, suiting up to go help the recovery efforts. He was going bad staying in bed all day, unable to get a wink of sleep as pictures of your suffering flash across his tortured mind. Working on pulling valuables and any remnants of life is depressing on a good day but right now it's downright torturous. He can't help but think that the next thing he pulls out is going to be your hand, severed far from your body.
When his phone rings everything disappears. He quickly picks up, steeling his expression to avoid making things worse should someone look over at him. He doesn't even notice who called him, just hoping that it was someone with news.
"Oh! You picked up fast. Are you just sitting at home then?" you ask casually, so casually he thinks it's almost cruel. How could you act so nonchalant about the fact that you held his life in your hands, that you are the only thing in this world he can bear to wake up for?
"No, I'm helping the recovery efforts despite orders. I...it was too quiet at home," he offers as an explanation and you hum. He can imagine you nodding, tapping your chin as you think to yourself.
"If you missed me you could have just said so," you tease, hoping that the ease in your voice will make him relax.
"Of course I did. Is that even a question? Are you able to take visitors?' You know what, doesn't matter. I'll just wait there until you are. I'll see you soon love."
He hangs up quickly and you know that he'll appear in the hospital within the next two seconds with that uncanny ability of his. You straighten yourself out a little, knowing that you were injured but not wanting to look like a total mess.
You can hear his footsteps running up to your door, slamming it open as he catches his breath. You've never seen him out of breath before - maybe he's much more tired than you initially thought.
"You made it," you laugh, making a slight sound from the impact of him practically jumping at you, holding you tightly as he buries his face into your neck.
"I was worried about you," he says softly, looking up at you. "I thought you'd been hurt, badly. And I wasn't there to protect you."
You sigh, helping him sit down into the chair at your bedside. You offer him your hand which he holds gratefully, never taking his eyes off of you.
"I know. I'm sorry. But look, I'm okay now, aren't I?"
He ignores the pain in his chest, trying not to imagine how heavy your hand would feel in his if you really had drawn your last breath. That weight is far too familiar to him, haunting his every thought in the hours that passed between then and now.
"You are. And I'm going to make sure you stay that way," he promises.
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Rafayel didn't even know there was an attack until far after it. He knew you were working and that sometimes, you'd accidentally go MIA. You'd already texted him before your mission anyway and then he got drawn into another project of his and completely lost track of time. It's not until the next day that he finally sees his phone and the message from Thomas telling him not to come into the city for supplies for a day or so.
He immediately starts looking through articles, scouring pages that are constantly updating the death toll in search of your face. He curses himself for not paying attention earlier - every minute he wasted on some stupid was another minute you could have spent at Death's door, all because he allowed himself to forget that nothing matters if it's not you.
It's obsessive the way he looks through all of them, calling your phone non stop all the while. Every time he gets sent to voicemail he feels his breath get knocked out of his lungs, resorting to blowing up your phone with texts. When it's clear you aren't replying he grabs his keys to drive into Linkon despite Thomas' suggestion, knuckles white on the steering wheel as he heads to the hospital.
Even in all the chaos people can't help but stare a little as Rafayel makes his way to the counter, demanding someone tell him where you were. He's really trying not to be a brat, promising you that he'd be nicer to people but when it's your life on the line everything is up for debate. He goes through any and every possibility, figuring out what he can do to guarantee your survival.
Unfortunately for him, he gets escorted out. Jenna tries to calm him down, telling him that he'd be the first to know if they had any updates on you. Right now everything was just far too messy to know anything about anyone and there was a good chance that you were just being treated at a different hospital than usual due to the high causality count. He doesn't take no for an answer and manages to strong arm the name of the other hospitals you could have been sent to, starting up his car again right as his phone lights up with your name.
"What do you think you're doing not answering your phone?!" he yells, making you flinch.
Rafayel's never been mad at you, certainly not to this extent but you know that it's because he's anxious. He immediately catches himself too and you hear it, catching the sound of his hands against his steering wheel as he takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. Just - where are you?" he asks, sounding so exhausted that you feel like crying.
"I'm okay Rafayel," you say instead, adding the name of your hospital. He's immediately driving over as you talk to him, keeping your voice even.
"I was split up from the group is all, then triaged at a different hospital. I'm fine though - I managed to just sprain my wrist from overexertion so I'll have a sling for a bit-"
"You're staying with me then. I'm not having you stay alone with a broken wrist. Knowing you you'd do something dumb and make it worse," he scoffs, trying his best to drive safely to see you again. You don't bother to correct him, knowing that's the least of your worries.
You fall quiet, not sure how to respond. Rafayel has always been good at masking how he feels, rarely showing you what he's hiding behind his mask. Now he's an open book, making it clear that nothing will be okay until he sees you again.
"Okay," you agree, leaning further back into the pillows of your hospital bed. "They wanted me to be released into the care of someone if I could anyway. That's why I was calling you - that, and trying to return all your missed calls."
"Thank you," he says so quietly you barely hear him over the sound of his car.
"Of course my love," you say just as softly. "I knew you'd worry as soon as you saw the news."
Another moment passes between the two of you. Rafayel thinks his heart fell out of his chest - or it would have if it was still his to hold. Instead, it's beating firmly in your palm, only able to do so under your affections.
"Rafayel, I'm really fine, I promise. I'm just hungry. Let's get something for dinner, yeah?" you offer, hoping to redirect his energy.
"Yeah," he replies, exhaling deeply.
"Anything you want my beloved. Just name it and it's yours."
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nyx-is-missing · 6 months
Could u write one for clarisse where she's impressed with femR bc of how good she is at fighting and all and clarisse finds her incredibly attractive bc no one has challenged her the way R does?
And like a bit of pining until the two confess
Thank you!!
Breathtaking or taken
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader
Summary: when Clarisse finds a opponent worth of her, she is breathtaken.
Warnings: none really, just fluff, not a descriptive fight scene on sight cause mama dont know how to write that, so just fluff fluff, and mutual pining fluff
(Do i need to say its not proofread? No? Thank you)
Here is one of the main benefits of being a daughter of Athena, you'll know.
DIfferent from other gods, Athena will let your parent know it is her who they are talking to.
And if letting them know beforehand isnt enough, she will let them know when the baby is brought to them, and if your parent is smart enough to live up to her choice, you'll have time to learn a thing or two before being thrown into this world.
If your parent cares enough about you, you'll have time.
And sure as hell my mom cared.
Always the intelectual woman, historian, researcher, writter, my mom knew many things about ancient greece, she knew all the stories by heart, and she, of all people, knew what she needed to do, to preserve her only daughter, her sacred gift.
She teached me all i needed to learn without compromising myself, stories, languages, art...and fight.
Little girls my age were doing dance classes, were trying to be good enough for drama club, were playing tea party with their dolls or making a mess with their mom's make up.
Well...i.. i was doing martial arts, i was fencing, i had my face in a book every free time i got.
I always asked her about it, why was she so strict about never missing a fight leasson, her answer always made sense, there and now.
"The world is cruel, especially for little girls, someday i might not be all the time with you, someday, you'll fight your own battles, you need to be ready"
Every word, every single word is true.
And that is how i ended up here, in a arena of camp half blood, sparring with Clarisse, and winnig, by two points, yes, but winning.
It is clear nobody expected that from me, neither did she actually, i can see in her eyes.
Understandable, they expect Athena kids to be calm, find a solution, not fight her way out.
Honestly their looks dont bother me, i dont even think much of it, but Clarisse's looks, they got something more to them, like a kid who finally got the dog she really wanted.
"Aaand break time Clarrise, we'll continue this tomorrow, id like to enjoy the rest of my afternoon thank you"
I dropped the sword down and started to undo my armor while walking close to the exit.
"Wait wait wait, now? Already? C'mon i didnt even had time to figure out how do you do that... all of that"
She stood next to me, still holding her sword and honestly.. she was beautiful, yes she was sweaty now and yes she was mean to everyone but.. now...right now, she was beautiful, shining, in her element really, flushed cheeks and a smile she only had when with a sword in hand.
"I practice, ever since i was a kid, everyday, well expect in weekends but yeah, almost everyday... how do you do all that? You are good...-want some water?"
I offered her my bottle also motioning for her to walk with me, both wich she gladly accepted.
"I practice too...and i never said this to anyone but, you are good, great even, and look breathtaking"
We stop walking, we stop all actually.
"I look what, Clarisse?"
"Breathtaken- you look out of breath, do you want the water back?"
Weeks later i found myself in the same scenario, sparring with Clarisse again, actually that is all i do when it comes to training, be with Clarisse
"C'mon curls, thats the best you've got? No need to go easy on me"
"Im not going easy, i already told you, you caught me distracted thats all- GIRL WIll YOU SUSH?"
She tried to block you with her sword, thankfully for her, a succeded attempt.
"How could i? You're so fun to mess with, gets all red n all"
"Oh you want to talk about getting red?"
In a moment i was on the floor, Clarisse on top of me, and i couldnt speak, all i could do was stare into her big brown eyes, who looked right into my soul.
"Cant speak anymore huh? Oh if you could see the red im seeing-"
Now this my ladies and gentlemen, this is what i call a shot of faith.
I raised my head a little and just..i kissed her, it was quick but I did it, and her face went blank.
"Now you are breathtaken Curls, how about that?"
"And you are still breathtaking"
"You...like me Clarisse?"
"You didnt knew?"
"Would you walk away if i kissed you this time?"
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agere-fics · 5 months
Vroom, vroom!
dni: k!nk, anti-agere, agepl4y, or ddlg-esque blogs 🍄 this blog is a safe space for age regressors and age dreamers 🍄
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Word Count: 635
Summary: Steve drives you around to help you sleep
Pairing: Dada!Steve x Daddy!Bucky x Regressor!Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Reader
Content Warnings: Usage of daddy and dada, riding in a car, getting carried/picked up, that's it :)
Authors Note: Look at me actually writing stuff!! More on the way 🐈 You can find more of my stuff in my pinned post and request more stories through the ask box.
Despite all your insomniac nights, taking a cat nap in the backseat of Stevie's car was surprisingly peaceful.
bump! bump!
The crevices and rocky ground of Dada's favorite road warmed you and cooed the pangs and aches in your body. The dips were like being rocked by mother nature.
'thank you mama tree'
crunch! crunch!
Ah, that's the sound of your anxieties melting away. Really it's the gravel getting all crunched up but you know... same difference.
Your Dada was in love with these backroads. Tomorrow while you down some fruity pebbles, you'll tell him again that they really should get married. They see each other all the time! It made trips take longer but that just meant more time with Stevie.
bop! bop!
The tapping of your head against the window was actually quite gentle. Sometimes it hurts and that's when you whine to Stevie that "ow it hurt dada whyyy!!?" and to get you to stop, he'd get your favorite fast food (it was the plan all along and Stevie most definitely knew-). This time, Dada was driving super, duper slow so the bumps didn't hurt. They soothed you instead and made you very, very sleepy.
Your legs were tucked close to yourself. You laid curled up like a cat in the cold winter. In better days, you'd find your position annoyingly uncomfortable but you were so eepies- I mean sleepy.
It was kind of like leaves falling from the really tall trees in the rainforest. Sleep didn't come fast but crept up on you.
You enjoyed watching the view go by the window and the mental image of a little superhero doing parkour, racing with Dada's pickup truck. The trees had all sorts of colors and some animals hop, hopped, and peeked out from the bushes.
Everything eventually becomes grey, then black. But you don't mind. It's so calming, this rest your eyelids have found.
'Oh, they closed? Ooooh that's why the superguy disappeared.'
hmm hm hm hm
"Welcome back, Steve-O." Bucky stood at the door frame, hands resting in his jacket pockets.
Steve placed his pointer finger on his lips and tilted his head, indicating that you were asleep.
Bucky firmly nodded and held a gentle smile. 'You're finally asleep! Aww, you deserve it, little dear.'
Your dada traded places with Bucky, leaving to go get himself ready for bed.
Daddy peeked through the windows, and then he found you, with your little head against the car door. He walked around to the door opposite of you, and moved very carefully as to not wake you.
Snores filled the air and Bucky had to hold back a giggle. He thought it was so freaking cute, don't worry!
"Come here, little one." He whispered and securely held you up against his chest. Warm and snug.
Your daddy walked into your bedroom, where Steve had been waiting and prepared your bed for you.
"Here you are, darling." Daddy laid you down.
Buck and Stevie kissed the top of your head and tucked you in.
"Goodnight, our sunflower."
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astrophileous · 9 months
I feel like Derek would be SO aware of Bug when she gets further along in the pregnancy. Anytime she winces due to a harsh kick or Braxton hick, he’s right there beside her. He makes a huge deal of it too, especially if he can’t be by her side immediately 😭 even asks Penelope to send him updates when he’s away
This takes place during the first pregnancy, when Bug is pregnant with Little Bug 🥰 I kinda took inspiration from that scene when JJ went into labor the first time around, I hope you like it &lt;3
Side note, I literally interrogated my mom abt her pregnancy/labor experience for this one cause I don't have any 😭 but then she proceeded to ask if I HAD SOMETHING I WANTED TO TELL HER AKJSJSJDJ LIKE MOM NO I'M NOT PREGNANT I'm just writing a story plsss
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
With your due date just around the corner, it felt like Derek was also constantly in your corner.
The week marked your first one on maternity leave. You had many objections over having to take a longer leave--how were you ever going to survive four long weeks at home doing nothing?--but after constant pestering from both your doctor and Derek, you relented.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
Derek was next to you in a flash, as per usual, after he had heard your wince. You were sure that the man was just in another room mere moments prior, yet the second he caught the tiniest sign of distress coming from you, he proceeded to transport himself towards your side.
"Nothing." You chuckled, trying to ease his mind. "Your son is just eager to practice his kicking skills today."
The frown on his forehead deepened. "Does it hurt?"
"It's not that bad."
"Are you sure?" Derek's hand sneaked on top of your belly, as if trying to tell your son to calm down before he could send another painful kick against your abdomen. "Are you sure it's even a kick? Maybe we should go to the--"
"Derek, I'm fine. Promise." You patted his hand that was still on top of yours, entangling them together. "Have you heard from Hotch about where you guys are going tomorrow?"
"Louisville, Kentucky." Derek seemed to ponder something in silence before he continued, "Should I ask Hotch to sit this one out?"
"What? Why would you do that?"
"I don't like being so far away from you." His hand squeezed around yours as he said it, as if trying to emphasize his point. "What if something happens?"
"Nothing is gonna happen, honey. I'm probably just gonna be sleeping half the time you're gone. You'll be bored as hell and wish that you were in Kentucky instead."
"I don't know. I kinda like watching you sleep."
"Good one, Mister. But still no," you said. "Everything's gonna be just fine. Trust me."
Derek wasn't entirely happy about it, but you managed to push him out of the door bright and early the next morning. In his absence, you had the whole house to yourself, and you used that opportunity to do anything to keep yourself out of boredom. Nothing too strenuous, just as your doctor instructed. Not that you could do anything extreme with the weight of your 36-week bump.
You were in the middle of preparing dinner when the doorbell suddenly rang.
Confused, you turned off the stove before heading towards the front door, wondering all the way who could be visiting you on a random Tuesday night.
Your curiosity was answered the moment you opened the door, only to be met with a familiar pair of eyes behind red rimmed glasses and a head of blonde hair in perfect ringlets.
"Pen? What are you doing here?" Your eyes flitted down, noticing the polka dot duffle bag on the ground. "Why do you have a bag?"
"Surprise, Beets! We're having a sleepover!"
You were still in shock when Penelope rushed past you and entered the house. "What do you mean, sleepover?"
"Have you never had a sleepover before, Beets? It means I'm gonna stay here, of course!"
"What? I don't--" realization dawned upon you then, "--did Derek put you up to this?"
"Okay, fine! Maybe he did. But--" Penelope raised her finger when she saw you about to cut her off, "--I was more than happy and willing to do it anyway. I also don't like the thought of you being alone in this house all by yourself."
"Pen, I appreciate the gesture, really, I do. But just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm not the same person I was before. I can still deliver a mean punch if I have to," you reminded her. "You don't have to do this."
"Beets," Penelope gripped your shoulders, "I know I don't have to, but I want to, okay? Unless you're not looking forward to a marathon of the greatest 90s romcoms every single night. Shall I make myself scarce?"
You mulled over Penelope's offer for a minute. A marathon of the greatest 90s romcoms every single night did sound tempting.
"Fine." When Penelope began to squeal, you quickly added, "But no smothering!"
Penelope ended up staying for nearly the entire week, during which time Derek was constantly terrorizing her with text and voice messages; either demanding an update on you and the baby or asking Penelope to monitor your condition throughout the day.
"He's being ridiculous," you had commented one night when another one of his text messages came in the middle of My Best Friend's Wedding.
"He's worried about you."
"He's too worried." You grabbed another handful of popcorns. "You have my permission to block him anytime you feel like he's being too much."
"Won't that just give him a reason to hop on a plane and go home early?"
Your munching stopped. "Damn, you're right. Fine, just... tell him off anytime he starts being too crazy."
On Saturday, you finally received word that the team was flying back home to Virginia.
"They'll arrive in a couple of hours," Penelope called out from her position in the kitchen. "I've packed my bag and will get out of your hair as soon as Derek gets here. You guys can--what are you doing?"
Penelope knitted her eyebrows together once she walked back into the living area, seeing you somewhat writhing on the couch.
"I don't know. I just can't seem to get comfortable," you said. "And there's this... squeezing pain, I think? I don't know. I think he's pressing on my bladder or kidney or something."
"Beets." Penelope's face had gone a little paler, but there was the ghost of a smile adorning her fuchsia-painted lips. "I think you just described a contraction."
Your heart stuttered. "What? What are you talking about?"
"Beets." Penelope was beside you in a second, just in time for another contraction to hit. "You're going into labor."
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gyuwoncheol · 5 months
Vantage Point | Meet the Characters & Series Masterlist
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Status: Begins tomorrow (January 20)!
Pair: Mingyu × f.reader
Summary: Pulling off the "No Strings Attached" arrangement with his best-friend-turned-best-friend-with-benefits was easy, but when a new condition is added onto the mix, Mingyu didn't realise just how much he held onto you when you finally let go.
Genre: College au. BFFs to FWB trope. Fluff, Humor, Angst, Smut [chapters with smut will be indicated and will contain the necessary warnings]
Author’s Note: Please take time to read this before starting the series ☺️
Hello, my darlings! Finally getting round to posting this after missing the commited date last time due to covid. But welcome!!! 🥳 This is the first story to my Snap Shoot universe! Before you get into it, let me just point a few things. This is the first time I'm ever creating a universe with interwoven stories, and while I've done SMAUs before, this is the first one I've done for SVT and the first time I'm also this adventurous about it. It's definitely very different from what I post on here but I'm having lots of fun putting it together. I know it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, this is very much a work of fiction. This is an AU. While Korea may be the assumed setting for this series, it is not explicitly defined. I'm also trying to avoid using lots of Korean cultural references (maybe except for food) such as use of honorifics like "hyung". While many of my other works refrain from over-describing oc's physical features, you may find that in this series (and universe), oc's features will inevitably be defined. You'll find that the visuals of the characters and the aesthetic of the photos/social media posts will be Korean/ Asian. It's a SMAU, so i'll have to place photos and these photos must maintain consistent. I absolutely do not mean any ill intention of being non-inclusive (I don't even fit the same aesthetic as oc).
Again, it's a work of fiction, while I want you to relate to oc, kindly also allow me breathing space to build the character. If you feel uncomfortable at any point in the series, you are very much welcome to stop/unfollow. As mentioned, this is a SMAU, but it contains several chapters which are purely written narrations. All edits (texts, social media posts, etc.) were done by me, however some photos (esp those of Y/N) are from the web, if they are yours, please let me know so that I may credit you or remove the photo. The texts are all done on light mode. Deal with it. This follows a FWB trope, expect lots of smut and suggestive content— specific smut warnings will be available in chapters where they are present, along with other necessary warnings. This series will have lots of fluff and lots of crackhead nonsense humor. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Biggest shoutout to my dearest friend @wongyuseokie who has been nothing but supportive through all of this and through all my dramatic Mingy-induced meltdowns. I love you more than you’ll ever know ♥️
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Meet the Characters
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Mingyu: Sophomore, studying Film & Photography, yn/Camie's best friend since childhood
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Yn: Sophomore, studying Film & Photography with Mingyu, Mingyu's best friend since childhood. Nicknamed "Camie" by her group of friends for her highly concerning camera collection/obsession.
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Seokmin: Sophomore, studying Film & Photography, same friend group as mingyu and yn, Mingyu & Wonwoo's housemate
Soonyoung: technically a year older than the 3, but currently a Sophomore with Gyu, Cam and Seokmin after shifting into their major
Wonwoo: Junior, studying Film & Photography as well, Mingyu's guy best friend and housemate in The Man Cave, a brotherly figure to OC, Soonyoung's former classmate in highschool
The Man Cave: shared house near their university where Mingyu, Wonwoo and Seokmin live, and Soonyoung often crashes.
✨Other characters/members will come as the series progresses.
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Series Masterlist
To be populated as each chapter is posted. There is no posting schedule. Chapters will just get uploaded as they come.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five 🔞
Chapter Six 🔞
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
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Tag List!
@strawberryya @idyllic-ghost @septemberskies @ladyblablabla
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elaemae · 5 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
[Twst x Obey Me!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 4
Thank you guys for the likes, reblogs and comments.
Also, to the people who became my followers, I'll be forever grateful for that😊
CW: When MC gets mistaken as a guy, they get referred to as he/him, but the problem is that there's too many males around the MC.
So, I've decided to color the pronouns blue when it's MC that's being addressed. Just to avoid confusion.
CLARIFICATION: The headmaster, and MC knows that Yuu is from another world, so MC decided to play along and pretend that they're from the same world as Yuu. (The human world where MC came from is mostly similar to the human world that Yuu describes. i.e. landmarks, cultural, knowledge, current trends, anime and manga are all mostly the same.)
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REMEMBER: Read this before the chapter.
Experience changes people.
If you see MC doing something you think you won't do and you decide to complain about it, remember this:
• You act the way you do because of the things that you've gone through in your life.
• MC is the same.
• They experienced a lot of traumatic events and almost lost their lives a fuck-ton of times.
• Because of that, they've changed. They've diverged from being you into the MC that they are now.
• The life you're living now shall be treated as the MC's canonical past.
• Also, because The Obey Me!cast feels bad from all the times you suffered and almost died because of them, they tend to overcompensate you.
• You get dressed in the finest of fabrics, most luxurious jewels, as well as housed and fed with the best things that the three realms have to offer.
• You don't take them for granted, but years of living with that lifestyle had raised your standards to new heights and changed the way that you act towards certain things.
• You're free to make up your own head canons if you don't like mine, also y'all can give me feedback if you want so I can improve my work.
• This story will be set a few years after the canon of the Obey Me games.
• • • • •
Who would've thought that it would be a bad idea to try to trick someone who literally reeks of luxury to live in an old, bout-to-fall-apart dormitory?
Well, certainly not Crowley.
That fact became known when 'The shady looking dorm leader™' and also, the tablet decided to tag along with you, Yuu and Crowley, but then had to help Yuu in holding you back so that you wouldn't beat the ever living crap out of the headmaster the moment he dared to bring y'all in front of this rustic establishment and say "It had charm". (Too many You's)
Oh really? really?? Oh you'll see real charm when I beat you straight into the afterlife you greasy son of a bitc–
It did not end well.
So instead of that, the headmaster had to temporarily put you and your fellow stranded-in-dis-school-human into the infirmary as your temporary abode and promised to fix the shoddy dorm so that it can safely house people in it. (Grim will appear in the future, dw)
*Que Azul tryna make you stay in Octavinelle and you vehemently declining that offer.*
Also, you're starting to get creeped-out by the floating tablet that keeps following you around and won't stop with taking pictures. there's also the small maniacal giggles coming out of the device.
• • • • • •
So there you two are, two people that've been kidnapped by this school's fuckin carriage are now bonding in the infirmary and distracting each other by venting about problems back home. (You two are too wary to be able to sleep properly.)
Like, yes Yuu, I'm in a polyamorous with more than a dozen problematic individuals.
Yes, it works out. somehow
Damn, three assignments due tomorrow all from the same subject? Have you ever tried cheating off of your classmates?
Oh— wait what?! a classmate from biology was caught fucking with a professor in a classroom!? Seriously??
No, I unfortunately no longer have a grasp on the concept of private space and poverty.
Yes, maintaining a relationship with a lot of people at the same time can be hard.
A lot of them are rich.
Wait, a seatmate of yours really gave two free expensive sketch pads just because you asked?? Where can I find that person??
Yes they all act like my sugar daddies and my man-children in one way or another.
No, don't you dare pimp yourself out, okay? There may be a lot of people in my life but the important thing is that we all love each other.
We support, comfort, protect, and guide each other to the best we can.
No— that didn't happen in a day, I had to bend over backwards and almost die a shit-ton of times before I managed to wiggle myself firmly into the hearts of those fuckers.
...Q- Questions about our sex life will be automatically ignored.
Just.. be nice to others, even if it's seemingly stupid.
Unless they are absolute scum then just maintain distance.
You just gotta eyeball it to figure out when to stop being nice to someone.
Never and I mean NEVER treat anyone badly unless they did something unforgivable to you.
Don't call me kind. It's easier to have a grasp on other people if you're nice.
Pft— You once saw a book called "How to be a sugar baby 101" in the school library?! And you saw your principal reading it?!
Sure-sure, I'll help you with your math homework— wait a second.. Seriously?? We've been kidnapped, I ain't allowing you to do math. Where the hell did you even hide that thick-as-fuck test sheet anyways?? Up your ass?!
• • • •
You sigh for the third time this hour, looking at Yuu who's making a "Mom.. I threw up in the carpet... I'm sowwy🥺" expression as they stand beside your bed.
"What happened?"
Yuu winced, feeling embarrassed as they hear you talk to them like a disappointed parent, they had failed to appeal to Crowley about becoming a temporary student of this school and now had to be a janitor/errand kid.
"The headmaster said that I'll be the handy-man of the campus while he searches for a way to get us home..."
You feel a vein in your head throb and your eye start to twitch by of the sheer audacity being shown in front of your face.
You are now feeling the immense urge to hex that bird-bitch.
Satan sat straight in his seat, speaking out to the others in the meeting table.
"I can feel irritation and the urge to curse someone again." He said.
It would've been funny if this was another situation.
"That's definitely from MC, isn't it? You mentioned being half-asleep and feeling MC get agitated through your pact mark, right?" Diavolo asked.
"Yes, at least our pacts are still intact..." Satan nodded.
"Great, we can use this to monitor MC even if they're far away." Lucifer stated.
Countless search-parties and interrogations have already been conducted, but they're still clueless on where you can be or who could've taken you.
Even Barbatos couldn't see what had happened.
They're starting to get agitated, MC..
• • • • •
Jade watched as Azul frantically drafts and redrafts a new plan of his.
It seems that something caught the eye of their housewarden in the ceremony today.
"What could be so eye-catching that you're in such a hurry to obtain it, Azul?" Jade couldn't contain his curiosity and asked.
"It's a new student, Jade." Azul started.
"He possesses such a large amount of magical artifacts in his hands, It's unbelievable! They were all high quality too!"
Jade blinks.
"Don't you have enough magical artifacts around?"
Jade is confusion.
"You don't know it because you weren't there." Azul narrowed his eyes at Jade.
"I first thought those jewelry of his were similar to the ones that you can buy with enough money in annual auctions, but then I realized that it's very likely that those jewelry are customized."
"...How so?"
"So I decided to try and take a closer look, but when I actually got closer and almost touched one of them, I felt a strong thrum of magic that I haven't felt before!"
Now that got Jade's attention.
Azul has been exposed to a lot of strong, powerful people and magical artifacts over the years that he and his twin were following this dormleader of theirs and yet there was actually an artifact so strong that he can feel strong waves of magic by just almost touching it?
How curious..... If the magic of the artifact was so strong, why didn't Azul sense it up until he literally almost held it in his hands?
Seems like this year won't be boring, after all..
• • • • •
BONUS: Someone has a crush.
"Brother, Your package has arrived— What are you... Are you making fan art of Mr. [L/n]...?"
Idia screams like a dumb girl in a horror movie as he tries to block the screen with his body.
"And... what's with the pose?"
Ortho tilts head innocently, confused on why his brother is drawing a new student in a pose that can often be seen on videos that are called "Thirst traps". he's still confused about why they're called that way.
*Starts to fuckin steam*
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← Pr.3 | Chapter List | Pr. 5 →
Don't forget to like, comment and reblog guys, It's a big help :3
What do y'all think of the chapter? pls respond, I need feedback🥺
I woke up today and decided to kick canon's ass.
Elae: Thanks for reading this far.☺️
See y'all next time~
Next chapter: Prologue 5
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Hotaru Hagenezuka x DemonSlayer!Fem! Reader (NSFW) (Takes place during village arc, no spoilers)
I can't help myself, this man is so damn scriddily scrumptious, LOOK AT HIM !!!
(Contains; Hotaru cheats on his wife with you/Manipulation/virgin reader/age gap)
(Story is under the photo ofc.)
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"You don't think he'll be to mad? Do you Tanjiro?" You say, your face filled with worry as sweat drips from your face. You hold your broken-in-half sword, looking at it and then at Tanjiro who only cringed. He scratches the back of his head, "Uh well..." He starts, taking a breath and then looking at you. "Yeah no, I'm pretty sure he's going to try to kill you..." He says, slight worry in his face. "W-What?!" You say, blinking. "Well...You can probably get him some mitarashi dango, it usually calms him down. " Tanjiro says. "I'm sure you'll be fine." He adds on, a reassuring smile on his face. You slightly whimper, "If you say so." You say, scratching your head. Tanjiro smiles once more, "Well here, I can take you to a market and then walk you to his home since you don't know where it is." Tanjiro says, you both stand up; as you were both sitting on the grass.
Tanjiro had been in the sword smith village for a few days, he already had his sword fixed but he told you some demons were lurking about and he had to stay to capture and dispose of them. Your sword had broke on a mission, and you got here just today.
You and Tanjiro walk along a path, you look at all the buildings and such in awe, "This place is sooo big!" You exclaim, a smile on your face. Tanjiro smiles, "Yes," He says. The sun was setting and it was starting to get slightly cold out. You and Tanjiro finally make it to some small food stand, originally you were going to a market but this was closer to Haganezuka's home. Tanjiro walks up to the stand, a masked individual inside, Tanjiro smiles and says, "2 mitarashi dangos please!" He says, holding up the number two with his hands. "Coming right up!" The person inside says. While waiting for the food, you decided to bring up Hataru again. "I've actually never met Hataru before...he was busy so someone else had delivered his sword to me." You say. "Oh, I see, well I hope your first meeting doesn't get too off on the wrong foot..." Tanjiro says. You sigh. The person finishes cooking the Mitarashi's and you take them both. You and Tanjiro thank the person, then making your way to the Haganezuka household. You reach the door to which Tanjiro the knocks on it. Someone with a mask anwsers the door, you could see long hair but not the face. Tanjiro bows, "Hello miss, we're looking for Hotaru Haganezuka, is he home?" Tanjiro says with a small smile. "Oh! No he isn't, I believe he's at the hot spring. Oh and also, I'm Nanako Haganezuko, I'm his wife." The woman states, then bowing slightly. Tanjiro side eyes you and raises an eyebrow, to which you only shrug. He sighs then smiling at you. He looks at the woman,"Thank you ma'am. " He says. Nanako shuts the door. You turn to Tanjiro, "I have some things I need to do, its late so please be quick, if I were you I'd go ahead and give him the Mitarashi and tell him about your sword tomorrow." Tanjiro says, then turning around and leaving, after a few steps he turns back and waves, you then do the same.
You sigh then starting your way towards the hot spring. It had reached night already. You lightly groan. You finally reach the large building, you feel the heat from the building even though you're outside. You remember Tanjiro had told you these springs were known to heal people. You waling inside the building, it was made out of wood and long big sticks for fencing. After a bit of walking, you make it to the springs, there was steam everywhere and tons of water and rocks, there were lanterns that lit up the place, you could also see the night sky. "Wow..." You mutter, looking up. You then look around the room, holding the two mitarashi's in hand. "M-Mr Haganezuka! Are you here..?" You yell out. You then see someone come out from the water, still inside the pool though. Their back was turned to you, the person had long wet black hair, you could tell even just from looking at the person's back, they were very 'ripped'. You then saw a mas and clothes right outside of the 'pool' area he was at. "U-Uhm sir..?" You call out. The man turns his head, his dark brown eyes piercing straight at you, he furrows his bushy eyebrows. His eyes then turn to the mitarashi dangos in your hands and he gives you a toothy smile, turning around fully. "Who are you and what do you what?" He asks, sternly but still smiling. You take a deep breath, "Uhm...My name is Y/n L/n, You had made me a sword uh...well...its kinda funny actually-" You try talking, then sweating as you scratch your head and look away, nervously laughing while speaking just to get cut off. Hataro's smile fades and he furrows his eyebrows slightly, he starts walking towards you but still in the water. "Whats actually kinda funny?" Hataro says, cutting you off. Hataro then steps out of the water, your face turning a dark shade of red as he walks right over to you, snatching both of the mitarashi's from your hands. "U-Uh..." You say blinking, looking up at him in awe.
He wasn't bad looking, and you found him quite attractive with his long hair and very muscled body, but he was a middle-aged married man so you just shook the thoughts away. He looks into you eyes, his tall figure looming over you. His eyes were like mini swords poking your eyes, you couldn't help but look away from his gaze. He grunts, "You know making swords costs money right? You were right to buy me these but it just won't do-" "I-I can pay you, really its n-no problem-" You had cut him off to which he holds his snacks in one hand, using the other to grab your jaw, You whimper. "I don't need money." he growls. He bites off one of the rice dumplings from the stick, chewing it. You raise an eyebrow in confusion, then putting your hands around his wrist, trying to make him release his grip on you. "H-Hey! Let go of me!" You yell out, although it was slightly muffled. "You're very pretty you know that? Hm?" He says, talking even though he had food in his mouth. You'd think he would swallow it by now. You whimper, you feel your blood run cold, you thought he'd get super pissed but not like this. He lowers himself down, a more calm look on his face, "Say...mm... If I let you leave now, I'll make you another sword but...if you break it, I'll never make you a sword again, but if you stay here and let me do my way with you, I won't care if you break 100 of my swords!" He exclaims, chewed food being spat onto your face as he speaked, it wasn't intentional, but you found it gross. You gulp. You were new to being a demon slayer so you didn't know you could just have a different swordsmith if he doesn't want anything to do with you. "A-Aren't you married..?" You ask, your eyes were wide and you were frightened. He rolls his eyes, "Indeed I am, but..." He says then groaning, "She's old and we're not really close anymore..." He says. He was still chewing his food, you thought it was so weird.
You whimper, slowly looking down, accidentally your eyes find their way to hotaru's cock; which looked rock hard. You didn't look for too long but long enough to now exactly what he looks like. He was quite hairy not unkept or in a gross way though. You bite your lip, you can't deny you're slightly turned on by the man. He holds a cold expression in his face. "So..what'll it be?" He says, raising an eyebrow. You sigh, your face was a very dark shade of red. You close your eyes. "F-Fine..." You answer. You feel his grip on your jaw go away, you open your eyes, the man lowers himself to your level, then cupping your face, he moves his face closer to yours, you gulp. His lips reach yours, unexpectingly you feel him push the food from in his mouth into yours. Your eyes widen. "Mphhh!" You moan out. Your lips part, before you can spit it out he puts a finger over your mouth. "Swallow it." He says, that same cold look was in his eyes. If it were possible you'd blush even more, you quickly swallow the pre-chewed mitirashi dango. You could feel your panties starting to soak. You start breathing heavily, feeling yourself get hot. Hotaru takes another bite, stuffing his mouth with a mitarashi before dropping the sticks to the floor. He then starts unbuttoning your uniform, then removing the top and tossing it to the side. You look away from him and cover your chest up. Haganezuka looks at you hungrily, grabbing your wrists and moving them to get a better look. He backs up slightly, "Take it off..." He says. "Wh-What...?" You say. "The bra...no all of it, take off your pants.." He says, his voice very stern and serious. A small frown was present on your face, you unhook your bra, then taking it off before going to your pants. Haganezuka watches in excitement, starting to slowly stroke his cock. You unbutton your pants, pulling them down and tossing them to the side. You look down at the floor and fiddle with your hands, you were now only in your underwear. Haganezuka groans, walking closer to you. He grabs your underwear, ripping them off your body, in response you let out a small whimper, then covering your pussy. "I-I...I've never done anything like this before..." You say, just above a whisper. The man freezes, dropping your ripped underwear to the floor. "Wh-What? You're a virgin..?" He says, looking up at you, his eyes slightly widen. "Y-yea..." You respond, biting your lip. You were 20 but you were still a virgin which made you incredibly embarrassed. He smiles, "Oh..." was all he said. Haganezuka the picks your up, cradling you, "A-Ah!" You squeak. He looks down at you, giving you another toothy smile then turning around and walking towards the hot spring's water. You look down nervously.
He walks into the water, setting you down. "Look at me.." Haganezuka says. You oblige, looking up at him, you couldn't help the fact you were actually incredibly horny. He puts his hand in the water towards you, touching your inner thighs, squeezing and rubbing them before going higher. He rubs the outside of your pussy, then rubbing your labia. He smirks. "You really like this don't you?" He says, slipping a finger inside of you. You gasp. He slowly move his finger in and out, adding in another shortly after. "M-Mr. Haganezuka...P-please don't be rough with me.." You whisper, your breaths starting to get heavier by the second. The man only chuckles in response. He curls his fingers inside of you, working them in and out of your body. "A-Ah-!? You quietly moan out, then letting yourself fall onto Haganezuka's chest. He chuckles once more, pulling his fingers out of you. You look up at him, your eyes filled with lust. He looks back at you, a small smile on his face. You feel him grab your thighs, he pulls you up, then holding your ass so you didn't fall. You gasp, feeling his tip lightly touch your entrance. Your eyes widen. He lowers you down slowly. You bite your lips, your palms laying down on his chest. You feel him slowly filling your insides to the brim. Your eyes go half-lidded, you look up at him. "M-Mr..H-Hagnnn...." You try to say his name but you feel him start to slowly bounce you up and down on his cock, distracting you. He slowly gets faster and faster, your tits bouncing in sync with your sex being violated by Haganezuka's. You can feel yourself starting to get over stimulated. "H-Ha...H..." You try to say his name, failing miserably and turning into a moaning mess. You hold onto his shoulders. He was being too rough, he started going fast way to quickly considering he had just put it in. The water splashes around you both, causing very small waves. You pant, your eyes go to the back of your head. Already you could feel your walls tighten around him as he repeatingly hits your core. He continues shoving himself in and out of you, you feel yourself reach your climax. You Scream out in pleasure, your eyesight going blurry and you feel a wonderful sensation all over your body. You laid limp against him as he continued fucking you; having not reached his own climax. His thrusts start getting sloppier and sloppier by the second, You hear Haganezuka let out a loud grunt, then you feel a hot liquid fill inside of you. He pulls himself out, setting you in the water, the cum drips out of you and into the water. You couldn't stand, you were so tired. You take a hold of Haganezuka, hanging onto him as if there was a 800 foot drop below you. "You did know that you could've just found a different swordsmith right? Or am I just that good looking?" He boasts. "Wh-Wha-? What do you mean...?" You say, panting, a red tint still on your face. Haganezuka only lets out a laugh, then patting you on the head. "You did good, you should break your sword more often..." He flirts. "Hey...I said what do you mean! We didn't have to actually do all that...?" You say, a frown was present on your face. "You enjoyed it anyhow..." He says, lowering his eyes at you. You only blush in response. "How about I take you home..? Its dangerous at night." Haganezuka asks. "Mmm...Well, I don't really see why not...I mean the worst has already past so..." you think to yourself. "S-Sure.." You say. He smiles.
Any Constructive criticism is appreciated. Please tell me what you think.
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punishereditz · 1 year
Under The Table
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x f!reader
Warnings: 18 plus only! Minors DNI! DO NOT COPY! Slow burn. Enemies to lovers. Fake dating. One use of y/n. Little bit of angst. Bad family relationships. Mommy issues. Smut. Unprotected sex. P in V. Marking kink. Praise kink. Choking kink. Creampie.
AN: This is by far my favorite story I have ever wrote.
Summary: 'Kick me under the table all you want; I won't shut up.'
You smiled warmly at Bradley, and he knew by the look on your face and how nicely you were acting, you were up to something. "Okay, what do you want? Spit it out." He took a sip of his beer, tilting his head at you.
"I need a favor. I need you to come to this family dinner and pretend to be my boyfriend..." You trailed off. Smiling at him nervously as you waited for him to speak, but he only looked at you perplexed.
"Your family knows me; they won't believe it." You rolled your eyes. Leaning against the hard deck counters and stretching. Sighing in defeat. Knowing that he has a point.
"True, but I'm desperate here." You pleaded.
"Can't you just get out of it?"
"I have. Eight times. They won't let me talk my way out of it this time. I have no choice but to go." He hummed. Nodding his head as he took in the information. He looked up and saw your sad expression, knowing that diner with your family is the last thing you want to.
"When is it?" He asked.
"Tomorrow night." Bradley goes to respond but he is quickly cut off.
"Could I have one more sweetheart?" Jake spoke from behind you. And when you turned to him, he held a cocky grin. His eyes glistening with sin, and you put on your fakest smile you could put on.
You turned your back to him to get his beer, and when you did, his eyes skimmed over your body, and Bradley noticed it. He noticed how Jake looked at you. How he always looks at you for that matter. Bladley knows that Jake flirts with everyone, but you? It's this constant game of teasing and toying with you. And Jake knows you hate it. He knows that you can't stand him, so he takes his game of flirting to level ten with you. At this point, after months of flirting, it's just become an ambitious sport for him. And for you, it has been tortuous.
But as Bradley looks at Jake practically undress you with his stare; he gets an idea. A brilliant, evil idea. He knows there's a good chance you'll hate him for it, but not only him, but also everyone else sees the tension that you two have had between each other for almost a whole year. So, he puts it all out on the table, and he goes over to Jake as you hand him his drink. Looking between him and you.
"Hey, y/n was just telling me that she is looking for a date for tomorrow." Bradley swings his arm over Jake, a smile tugging at his lips.
Your eyes grow wide as you look at Rooster. Your heart sinking to your stomach and your breath being pulled right out of your lungs. Fear taking over your body as you feel every muscle tense.
"Is that so?" Jake looks over to you. Looking at the death glare you give both Bradley and him.
"Yes, but I've got it all sorted out." You spoke through gritted teeth. Trying your very best to say it nicely and put on a smile, but you failed miserably.
"Really? Cause you were just telling me that-" Bradley tries to speak, but you quickly put a stop to it.
"Bradley..." You said in a warning tone, and by the look you were giving him, he knew that he was for sure a dead man.
"You know, I would love to keep you company sweetheart." Jake said his words arrogantly and it only made your blood boil hotter. And at this point, you were so annoyed, you didn't even care if you were nice or not.
"Call me sweetheart one more time and you'll be paying for everyone's round." You let your filter drop and said what you wanted to.
Bradley knew by the darkness that grew in your eyes that he should step in. "Can I speak to you?" He gently put his hand on your shoulder and he went back to where he sat.
"What the hell are you thinking?!" You spoke before he could, and he sighed.
"You know just as well as I do that your family won't buy that we're together." He tilts his head, and you don't want to hear. Mostly because you know it is true.
"It's one night with him. Then it's over." He reassures you. Taking your hands in his.
"We hate each other, how am I supposed to make them believe that we care for each other?" You say in true panic. You know Rooster is right. It will just be one night for two hours at most. You see him every day, so how's that night going to be any different?
You know that Jake is the only way you could make it work because Rooster can't do it. You shake your head, scoffing. Laughing at yourself because this situation just keeps getting more and more ridiculous by the second. Your mother has been up your ass about when you would start dating. It's the only thing she talks about when she sees you, and it is your last worry. You're too busy trying to graduate from medical school and keep the lights on, but she is worried about when you will find a man. All your sisters and brothers are dating, getting married, having kids, and you don't want that. Not yet. But she refuses to see eye to eye with you.
So, finally one day, in frustration, you blurted out that you're dating someone so she would leave you alone about it, but that wasn't good enough. Oh, no. She has to meet him. So, you look from Bradley to Jake. Rolling your eyes, knowing what you have to do. You take a deep breath. Letting go of Roosters hands and walking back to the man that is smugly smiling at you.
It's only one night. It's only one night. You remind yourself. "Meet me at my house at five, not a second later." You say firmly. You go to walk away, but you quickly turn back to him. "Wear something nice." You write your address and number down on a napkin, handing it to him. "We'll talk over everything on the way there." You walk away before he can say a word. Shooting Bradley one last death glare, and he only smiles proudly.
You go back to work. Trying to focus on wiping the counters down, and not the mistake you just made. Uh, I'm going to regret this. You thought to yourself. The feeling of dread taking over you.
You sprinted into your bedroom, not even standing in the room for more than a second until you heard a knock at the door. You let your head fall forward, sighing, you run your hand over your face. Turning around and leaving the room, you went to the door to be greeted by Jake who is actually on time.
He looked you up and down, his eyebrows furrowing. "What are you wearing?" He said with a tone of disgust that made you scoff.
"My scrubs." You explained.
"Why?" He shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at you.
"I just got out of school." You stepped out of your door. Locking it behind you, not even worrying about trying to change, knowing that you don't have any time.
"You're in medical school?" He asked as he followed you to your car. Getting in the passenger's seat.
"Yes." You respond, taking a deep breath. He nodded slowly. He looked you up and down once more. He hummed to himself. Having no idea that you were in medical school. And now that he sits and thinks about it, it all makes sense. It explains why you are so tired some days at The Hard Deck. Why you work so hard, trying to make as much money as possible.
But he was quickly pulled out of his thoughts as you started talking. You told him why he was going with you, and that he had to pretend to be your boyfriend, and that made him laugh. The whole situation was hilarious to him. Truth be told, he thought it was priceless. He couldn't get enough of it. Having to pretend to be your boyfriend because you got frustrated with your mother? He loved it. He has been trying so long to get close to you, and all it took was you losing your temper and Bradley running his mouth. Who knew?
You sure as hell wasn't expecting this. You didn't see this going this way, but here you are in your car with Hangman, explaining to him that he needs to be your boyfriend for the night. God, how stupidly ridiculous. The closer you got to your mother's house, the more anxious you got. Your leg was bouncing, and your breath was unsteady. Your hands fidgeting on the steering wheel. You were on edge and Hangman noticed it. I mean, he knew that you were nervous about this, but he didn't realize just how badly it bothered you. It made him sad, seeing you so edge.
You took a deep breath, leaning back in your seat. You stopped the car and looked up to the house. "Let's get this over with." You mumbled. Getting out of the car. You opened your back door and grabbed your sweater, putting it on, you hugged it tight to your chest. Walking up to the door, Hangman followed close behind you and his stare stayed on you. He looked at you closely and how you shivered. He didn't know if it was nerves, or that you were just cold, or maybe a little bit of both.
You knocked at the door and only a second later, the door swung open. Your mother had a huge smile on her face, and she held her arms open. Wrapping you up in hug. What's so bad about this? Hangman thought to himself.
She let go of you but kept her hands on your arms. She looked you up and down. "Uh, what are doing wearing those scrubs?" Her tone was playful, but you knew she was serious.
"I didn't have time to change." You spoke softly. Hangman looked down at you, concern in his eyes as he saw how uncomfortable you were, and it confused him. He wanted to know why, but he didn't have time to think. Your mother wrapping him up in a hug.
"You must be the boyfriend!" She beamed. Then looked him up and down with curiosity, she stepped out of the way. Holding her hand out in a gesture, letting you step inside. She closed the door behind you, and Jake continued to stare at you curiously. Your arms crossed over your chest. Your mother walked up to him and held her hand out to him and introduced herself. "And you are?" She raised a brow at him.
"Jake Seresin." He shook her hand. Giving her small smile. "She hasn't told you about me?" Hangman looked down to you, his words playful. You nudged his arm. Shooting him a glare. This is going to be a long night. You thought.
"Ah, all she talks about is work." Your mother chuckled and her words irritated you. Typical.
"Let's eat. Shall we?" You spoke up. Putting a smile on. You interrupted before it could go any further and she clapped her hands together happily.
She walked you over to the table before she went into the kitchen. Jake sat by you. You keep your eyes down. Your mother starting to bring food to the table. She then sat down herself. Sitting across from you. You both fixed your plate, then she spoke.
"So, tell me, how did you two meet?" She asked and you froze. You looked over to Hangman, and he had the same fear in his eyes as you did.
"Well..." He started, but you interrupted him.
"He came into the bar one night celebrating. And..." You chuckled. Before you continued. "He can't hold his liquor. He got so sick, and I had to take care of him. I mean, he puked everywhere." You turned to look at Jake and he was steaming with anger. You smiled proudly. Maybe tonight might not be so bad after all.
"Aw, that's nice." Your mother said genuinely, and you brought your napkin up, covering your mouth. Trying to hold back your laughter. "Now, Jake, what is it that you do?" She looked up to him.
"I'm a naval aviator ma'am. Top of my class at Top Gun." He grinned proudly. Eating the food.
"Really? I thought you were third." You smirked, sipping your wine. He brought his hand up, taking a bite of his food, he used his elbow to hit the bottom of the wine glass. Making you spill it down your chest.
He bit his lip to hide his smile. He turned to you, grabbing a napkin. "Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart. Let me get that for you." He used a napkin to rub your chest. And as you stared at him, you were thinking of a hundred different ways you could kill him.
"It's fine honey." You spoke through gritted teeth, and he kept moving his hands over your chest, you waited until your mom wasn't paying attention, then you slapped his hand. Snatching the napkin from him. He had to hold his laugh back.
"How long have you been together?" She asked and you wondered how many questions she was going to ask.
"A year."
"6 months." You both spoke over each other.
You looked over at him confused. "Uh..." You began to spoke. "6 months." You said, nodding your head, putting a smile on your face.
Your mom slowly nodded, and she hummed, eating the food. She looked between the two of you. "Jake, how did you ask my daughter out?" Oh, dear god. You thought.
"Oh, actually, I asked him out." You spoke before he could, and his eyes grew wide in fear. "Yeah, I kept waiting and waiting for him to make a move, until finally one day I just asked him out myself." You chuckled.
Glaring over at Jake, you have never seen him get so mad before. Then, suddenly, he kicked your foot under the table. You groaned and when you did, your mom looked up to you confused. You pretended to cough. Acting like you were choked, you glared over to Jake, then you leaned over to him.
Whispering in his ear, "Kick me under the table all you want, I won't shut up." You nudged him, then looked back to your mom. What she said next completely shocked the both of you.
"So, when are you having kids?" Your eyes grew wide, and your cheeks blushed in embarrassment. Jake snorted the wine up his nose, choking. You sighed, completely embarrassed and surprised by your mom's words.
"Not anytime soon." It was impossible to hide the irritation in your tone.
"Well, why not? You need to settle down. He has a good job. It's time to think of the future." She spoke and you gripped the fork tightly. Your knuckles turning white, Jake noticed how badly it bothered you.
"I do have the future in my mind." You didn't even try to speak nicely or put on a smile.
"Clearly not. You don't want to keep kids in daycare with strangers. You need to quick that job." You rolled your eyes and stood up. Putting your napkin down on the plate harder than you meant to. You grabbed your plate, then spoke. "Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" You said to your mother. Walking to the kitchen. She then stood up and followed you.
"What's wrong honey?" She asked as you sat your plate in the sink. You turned to her. Rage in your eyes. "What's wrong? You completely embarrassed me out there." You said annoyed.
"Oh, don't be silly." Your rage grew.
"Silly? I don't want to be a stay-at-home mom! I don't want to be a housewife! I like working. I enjoy it. I always have. Why can't you fucking see that?!" You lost it. You finally had it to your wits end. Tears were in your eyes, and you stormed out.
You rushed outside and got into your car. You rubbed your hands over your face. Taking a deep shaky breath, you didn't allow any tears to fall down your face. You just stared down into your lap. Sitting there with your thoughts, then, a few minutes later, the passenger's side door opened. Jake got in, staring at you, he looked at you worriedly.
"You okay?" His voice was soft and comforting.
"I'm fine." You kept your stare down. Fidgeting with your hands. "I'm sorry about that. I don't typically lose my temper." You said sincerely. Looking up to him, you softly smiled.
"You don't need to apologize. I understand." He kept a comforting warm tone with you. He looked down for a moment.
"Why don't you let me drive you home?" You looked to him confused. Why would he do that? You thought to yourself. You looked at him closer. At the concern on his face. Why is he acting so nice? You didn't understand it. Just a few minutes ago he was spilling wine on you, now he is trying to comfort you. And why do you actually feel safe with him? He's usually the last person you want to be around, but right now, you couldn't be happier to be with him.
You looked down. Then slowly nodded. "Yeah..." You whispered. Getting out of the car, you walked over to his side. He closed the door for you, then he got into the driver's seat. Pulling off of the curb, he started driving to your apartment.
The ride was silent, but it wasn't bad. It was comfortable silence. Odd enough. It confused you though. Why he was doing this for you. He is probably just trying to be nice. You thought. You're sure that that is all it is. He just feels bad. He's giving you ride back to your apartment, that's all. Hangman probably could care less. Right...? You started questioning things. Finally, you shook your head, trying to shake your thoughts that was running a 100 miles per hour.
You came to a stop in front of your place. He got out of the car, coming and opening your door, you got out. He started walking with you to the door until he spoke, "Can't hold my liquor, huh?" He smiled down at you, and you started laughing.
"Puking like crazy." You joked. Starting to laugh harder, it warmed Jake's heart that he was able to make you laugh. "Hey, you deserved that." You chuckled. Looking up at him. You stopped in front of the door to your building.
"Yeah, guess I did." He chuckled with you. His smile growing. He rested his hands in his pockets.
"Was the wine spilling necessary?" You raised a brow up at him.
"Oh, absolutely. You deserved that." He used your own words against you. "Guess that makes us even." His smile grew as you laughed at him. Shaking your head.
"You're an asshole Jake Seresin." You chuckled, smiling warmly at him. He took a step closer to you. His eyes locked on yours.
"And you're a jerk." His words were teasing and there was something about the way your name sounded on his tongue made your breath hitch.
As he stepped even closer, the tension was so strong, you could cut it with a knife. He gently rested his hand on your cheek. Cupping your face, he leaned closer. His eyes traveling from your eyes down to your lips. Then, he kissed you. His lips softly pressed against yours. Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest, it was racing so fast. You leaned into him. His hand going to your hip, and you rested your hands on his shoulders. He pulled away. His breathe a little bit heavier than it was before.
Your eyes went to his, and you needed more. And as if he read your mind. He bent down, wrapping his arms around the back of your thighs, he threw you over his shoulder. His hand slapping your ass.
"Jake!" You squalled, and he laughed. He started to walk up the stairs. "What number?" He asked for your apartment number.
"47." He nodded, but you couldn't see him. He slapped your ass again. Not being able to resist himself. He put you down once he got to your door. You unlocked it, going inside, he followed behind you, and before you could close the door, he grabbed your legs. Lifting you up in his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist. His hands on your ass, he closed the door, leaning his head up, he kissed you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. Deepening the kiss. You grind against him, and he moaned into your mouth. He led you to your bedroom, and he tossed you down on the bed. With a devilish grin, he crawled on top of you. Kissing your lips, his hands moved over your sides, then up to your breast. He lightly squeezed them. He pulled away, leaving messy kisses along your neck. You let your head fall back, your legs squeezing around his hips. He bit at your skin. Leaving marks on you, he raised up, his hand going to your shirt. You arched your back up. Allowing him to take it off.
Your hands went to his pants, but he grabbed your hands, stopping you, he pinned your hands down with one hand, his other hand moving along skin. Making goosebumps tickle at your skin. His hand snaked up your back, he unhooked your bra. Pushing it off of your shoulders, he threw it over his head with a low chuckle. His eyes ghosting over your bare chest, he groaned before he attacked your neck. His kisses rough, he grinds his hips against yours, kissing down your chest, he took one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking it. He gently bit down, then moving his tongue in circles. You arched your back, pushing your chest up in his mouth. A moan slipped from your mouth.
He moved over to your other breast, giving it the same amount of affection. When he pulled away, he made a pop sound. You pulled him up to you, your lips going to him. You kissed him, your tongue teasing his. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you up. You both walked around the bed. Not breaking the kiss. You tugged at his shirt, desperate to have your hands on his skin. He pulled his shirt over his head. Your eyes dropping to his skin. His hands started to unzip his pants. Pulling them down with his underwear. Your mouth watered at the sight of him.
"Like what you see?" He raised a brow at you, a cocky grin on his lips. You rolled your eyes, scoffing, you pushed him back on the bed. You pulled your pants off, then you crawled on top of him. Kissing his neck, you kissed his abs, then you bit at his v line, and he whimpered under you. Your smile growing at his sweet sounds.
You kissed him desperately. The kiss all teeth and tongue. Completely messy. You started to rock your hips against him. He pulled away, groaning. His hands going to your hips, he gripped them tightly. He took your breast in his mouth. Needlingly kissing them. He took his cock in his hand, pumping it. He moved it along your folds, making you moan. He slowly pushed it inside of you.
You started to lower yourself down on him. The both of you sighing. He leaned up to kiss you. He wanted more. He needed more. If he was being honest, he didn't see things going anywhere between the two of you. He saw how determined you were. That the flirting was going nowhere. But now, you were riding his cock. Rocking your hips back and forth. He can't believe it. He feels like he is living in a dream. A beautiful, sweet, wet dream. But it's so real. He's actually fucking you, touching you, kissing you. He's always pictured what your body might look like, and it is even better than he could have imagined. Your sounds are even more heavenly than he fantasize.
He couldn't stop staring. He couldn't stop touching you. His hand moved from your hips, up your sides, to your breast, then he rested his hand on your throat. When he did, you clenched your walls tight around him. You were so close.
"That's it. Good girl. You like this?" His voice was lower as he praised you. His grip on your neck tightening just a little bit. Making your eyes roll to the back of your head, you moaned his name, your movement getting faster. He pushed his hips up into yours. A choked moan leaving your lips.
"Come for me sweetheart." He whispered into your ear. His middle finger going to your clit. Applying pressure to it, circling it. That's all it took for you to lose it. You milked his cock, moaning his name loudly. He kept pushing his hips into you until he soon hit his own climax. Filling you up, he whimpered. His hips slowing down as you both came down from your high. You moved off of him. His hand went to your waist. He traced small circles on your skin.
"That was..." You trailed off. Your breath heavy. You were speechless.
"The best you ever had?" He teased. His grin cheeky. You playfully slapped his chest.
"Don't worry. I'm not done with you yet." He spoke mischievously. Pulling you back on top of him.
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ihavethedreamies · 2 months
Birthday Surprise | Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun - EXO
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~3.5k
Pairing: Baekhyun x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Fluff, Smut, Cute, Sweet
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Kissing, Bit of Swearing, Oral (F! Receiving), Fingering, Wall Sex, Unprotected Sex (Don't!)
Author's Note: This a story requested by/written for my friend @sadfragilegirl! I hadn't written something to post for EXO yet. It’s a little early for her actual birthday, but she didn't mind, so here is this as well~
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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Sighing again, you found your eyes drifting to your phone again. Tapping the screen, there were still no new notifications. You understood with the time difference and his busy schedule that your boyfriend didn't always have a second to spare and reply. You didn't take it personally; it just was hard when you missed him as much as you did. The first week of a tour was always the hardest, but then it would get easier. After time passed though, the harder and harder it would get again. At least with Baekhyun's solo career, he was gone for a shorter time than with the whole group. You also never kept close track of his tours, only what he would tell you. It was too difficult to watch the fancams others would post, because they got to be there and not you. You had to work yourself though and couldn't go with him.
Another sigh left your lips and you reluctantly went back to watching the show on the TV. You didn't even remember what you had put on initially, but it had changed. Your phone dinged and you nearly gave yourself whiplash looking at it, but your shoulders slumped. Your food was there. Grumbling, you got up from the couch, shuffling in your slippers to the door. When you opened the door, there was the food you ordered and you grabbed the bag, but there was something else too. A box was set next to your food, and it looked like it might have been there before. It was white with a red ribbon and a red envelope stuck to it. Picking it up with your other hand, it wasn't very heavy, you headed back inside. You hadn't ordered anything…
Setting the bag of food down on the dining table, you plucked the envelope off the box, a bit of the paper tearing from where it was taped on. Your name was on it, but that was it, no address, yours or otherwise. Pondering what the heck it could be, you gently tore the envelope open, pulling the card out. Your eyes widened, then stung a bit as tears sprung to your eyes. You recognized the handwriting immediately.
Hello, Sweetheart, I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk with you the way we both want, or as often. It's harder for me to leave you at home whenever I do, even more than it is for you, believe it or not. Everything I saw wherever I went that reminded me of you, I bought. I know your birthday is tomorrow, but you'll have to wait for the presents when you see me. I did prepare a surprise though. There is a dress in the box, please wear it and a driver will come to pick you up tomorrow night at 7 pm. I miss you, and happy early birthday. ~Love, Baekhyun
You sniffed, trying to hold the tears back, feeling foolish. Why did you want to cry so hard? You wondered though what the heck he had planned. Did he set up a party or something for you so you wouldn't notice his absence as much? Finally going to the box that came with the card, you opened it and removed the tissue paper inside to see the dress. A huff of surprise left your mouth, that did not look cheap. Flipping the tag over to see the brand, you were then for sure. It was a beautiful, light blue, bouffant-style dress, the fabric had a dull sparkle throughout and was made from a smooth silk. Of course it was just your size.
"Oh, Baek…" You sniffed again, holding the dress up to yourself, wondering what shoes you were going to wear.
"Are you (Y/N)?" The sharply dressed man standing by a very nice black car asked you. You nodded, and he opened the door for you. You smoothed your dress down when you got in, adjusting it as you sat to keep it looking nice. It hit you right at the knees and you paired it with a simple set of gold kitten-heels. You had curled and put your hair up and added some gold jewelry to finish off the look. The driver got back in the car and began to head in the direction of the fancy part of town. You fiddled with the strap of your bag, watching the buildings and lights pass. Maybe ten minutes later, the car pulled into the entrance of an extremely fancy hotel. You had guessed it was a party, but maybe it would be a meal in the restaurant?
"Have a Happy Birthday, Miss (Y/N)." The driver smiled, opening the door for you and you shyly thanked him, once again adjusting your dress as you entered the lobby.
"Are you Miss (Y/N)?" one of the hoteliers asked as the automatic doors slid closed behind you.
"Please, follow me." She smiled, motioning for you to do so, leading you to the elevators. You got in and she pulled a card out of the pocket of her vest, sliding it into the reader of the elevator, then pressed the button for the roof.
"Have a Happy Birthday, Miss (Y/N)." She smiled once again, and the elevator doors closed, heading straight up. You were feeling a bit overwhelmed with the glitz and glam of the night already. You knew that your boyfriend was an international celebrity and had been for years, granting him plenty of clout and capital, but this…
The elevator doors opened, a polished hallway leading to a set of glass doors, and presumable, the rooftop venue. You couldn't see anything pass the doors, not even lights, just those in the distance of nearby buildings. Tilting your head a bit in confusion, you walked forward, heels clicking on the floor. When you got to the door, you for some reason felt your heart surge. Resting your hand on the handle, you took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping out into the night breeze.
"Surprise!" You startled, only somewhat unprepared. The lights had come on, the pop of confetti poppers and loud cheering welcomed you. It was hard to hide your smile, seeing all of your and Baekhyun's friends.
"(Y/N)!" An extremely loud voice heralded the action before you registered it, then found yourself engulfed by a Chanyeol. You let out an 'oof' as he hugged you, you rocked back on your feet from the force of his hug.
"Let her go!" Kyungsoo huffed, hitting the other one on the back, who recoiled in an overdramatic fashion. You shot the smaller man a grateful look, but then they both looked behind them. You couldn't see over them, but when they moved-
"Baekhyun!" You beamed, tears once again hitting your eyes and he caught you when you dashed forward.
"Hi, sweetheart." He hugged you close and you heard various voices coo at the reunion, "Happy Birthday." He kissed your forehead when you finally pulled away, then scoffed.
"Hey, you'll ruin your mascara." He swiped his thumb over your cheek and you sniffed.
"I…I knew you had probably planned a party or something, but I didn't know you would be here too!" Your smile brought out his own and you hugged him again as he chuckled.
"Ah, what?!" He shouted suddenly and if you hadn't known him for as long as you did, the volume would have startled you. He turned to look behind him aggressively only to have Minseok whisper something in his ear after hitting him to get his attention.
"Oh, right." He calmed down and Baekhyun pulled away from you some.
"I did not time everything right, so we're going to eat now, then do the rest." Your boyfriend smiled, leading you over to the table set up in front of all the others.
"The rest?" you asked, sitting down in the seat he pulled out for you. He joined you and everyone else was sitting at their own respective tables. He pointed to the side at a table piled with gifts and you gaped.
"You guys!" You spoke loud enough, lacing fake annoyance in your tone and your guests laughed.
"Kyungsoo picked out the menu." Baekhyun told you, servers coming out with the food. It was all of your favorites and tasted amazing. When everyone was done with the meal and plates were cleared, another group of servers came out with a beautiful two-tier cake. The rested it gentle on the table in front of you and lit the candles before excusing themselves with a bow.
"Make a wish, sweetheart." Baekhyun wrapped his arm around your shoulder, kissing the crown of your head and you pressed your hands together, eyes closed. Let it be that I can stay happy with him, forever. You blew out the candles and everyone clapped and cheered and then the real part of the party began. Another set of chairs were at the gift table, so you moved over.
"Half of these are from you!" You sent a look to your boyfriend who chuckled a bit.
"So? Just start!" He brushed it off and you started. You got a lot of things like skincare, makeup, and other such toiletries. There were some stuffed animals, a few sets of earrings, a few nice perfumes and a tennis bracelet. Like you said, half of it literally was from him, several different countries were the origin of many. One of the boxes you opened, you slammed closed immediately, face heating. You sent him a side-glare and he seemed to realize what you had opened.
"Oh, uh, you can do that one later." He grabbed it from you, setting it on the pile and hoping no one noticed that it was purposefully hidden.
"It works with a phone app, from anywhere…" He whispered in your ear and you wanted to interrogate him further but decided to do it later. After the presents were opened and the cake cut, you finally got to eat it. Trying not to make a mess with the frosting, you enjoyed the champagne that was brought out as well. People were already dancing in the large open area in the middle of the rooftop venue, and when another nice, slow song started, Baekhyun grabbed your hand.
"I thought it would be weird if we danced to one of my songs." He whispered to you as he brought you to the dance floor. It was the second slow song, but you understood why he did that. While he literally danced for a living, you were not nearly as graceful nor practiced as him. You set your hand in his, the other on his shoulder, his other hand resting on your waist.
"Just, follow the rhythm." He coached as you danced, several of your other friends dancing with their significant others. You smiled as you passed Jongdae with his wife, somewhat envying what they had. That was something to think about later though.
"I think you got something on your-" Baekhyun brought your attention back to him and he smirked before quickly kissing the corner of your mouth and you scoffed.
"Geez." You couldn't help but smile, resting your head on his shoulder as you swayed. When the song faded to a close, you reluctantly pulled away from him, but his hand stayed linked with yours.
"Yeol!" He shouted, catching his friend's attention. He flashed an 'ok' gesture and Chanyeol sent a thumbs up back and you frowned a bit. What were they planning?
"Come with me." He looked like a kid in a candy store, a wide grin spread over his pretty face and you followed after him as he led you inside. Chanyeol had started something on the little stage set up for the band, everyone's attention focused there.
"I was going to wait till after, but I can't." Baekhyun told you, pulling you with him through the only door of the rooftop shelter other than the one outside or the elevator. It was a small staging room it seemed, there was mostly just extra tables and chairs. When you turned toward him to ask him what he was talking about, his lips captured yours, and your words slipped into a whine. Your back hit the wall by the door, hands flying up to his shoulders and up the nape of his neck into his hair. One of his arms wrapped around you, hand on the small of your back, the other on the wall to steady you both. You were glad you chose a lip stain rather than lipstick since none of it transferred over to him. You sighed and his tongue slipped into your mouth, his leg coming between yours, pressing his thigh against your covered mound. You moaned, letting him pull back from the kiss reluctantly. His lips kissed the corner of your mouth again, then down to your jaw, and further to your shoulder. The off-shoulder sleeves left plenty of skin open, so he took the chance and sank his teeth in slightly. You tried to hold back your moan, not sure how soundproof the room was, grinding down on his thigh between yours. It had been way to long, and the little points of contact through the night were not nearly enough.
"How am I going to get out of here?" You scolded lightly as he moved across your collarbone, having most likely already left three or four marks.
"You can use my coat." He offered quickly, barely pulling his lips off your skin to speak, also removing said item. Baekhyun rolled his sleeves up, lips finding yours again. When his task was done, you giggled as he lightly smoothed his hand up your thigh. His finger hooked over the hem of your panties, snapping the elastic. You squeaked slightly when he pressed into you, pinning you into the wall further, teeth nibbling your ear lobe, licking over the golden hoops you had in.
"You're already wet?" He gave a huff of smugness and you just hummed, exhaling in bliss when his fingers ran through your soaked folds.
"Baek-!" You were going to try and rationalize your state, but it was a moot point because your breath left when he sank his finger inside you. You were tighter than usual, not even having been able to get off yourself, you needed Baekhyun. The remote vibrator he bought you made more sense then. By the time he added his second finger, spreading them to get you ready, there were probably three more marks on your upper chest. Your little mewls were obviously getting to him, but the night was for you, not him. He stopped his fingers and you wanted to protest, but he was sinking to his knees.
"Oh." You whispered, letting him gently pull your panties down and over your feet, tucking them in his back pocket. You would have scolded him, but all words left as he buried his tongue inside your wanting pussy.
"Baek!" You shuddered, slumping further into the wall, hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself. He tried not to laugh at your squeal as he hiked one of your thighs up and onto his shoulder to get you open more for him. His tongue left your core, flicking at your clit, two fingers finding home inside you again. Your walls fluttered around the digits and he could tell you were close. With one more crook of his fingers, and kiss to your clit, you came and he helped you ride it, eagerly lapping at your essence flowing down his hand. By the time the waves of your orgasm faded, you were shaking and he smirked, standing while licking off his fingers. You noticed his hardened cock straining against his dress pants, fingers finding the zipper.
"Can't. Do it better later." You insisted and he wasn't going to argue. Just as soon as you freed him, the head of his cock was at your entrance and he pushed in. Your gummy walls pulsed around him; the stretch stung from you going to so long without him. The same leg he had over his shoulder he held up over his elbow and you were so glad you were flexible. His thrusts were shallow and hard, trying to get to the crest for both of you fast so he could get you back to the hotel room and fuck you properly.
"Shit, Baekhyun." Your breath came out in pants, trying to stay quiet, but it was hard. Your peak was getting close again, your tight core around his cock felt like heaven, so he was close too.
"Come on, sweetheart. Cum for me." His sweet voice in your ear was all it took and he had to still as you came. He let go as well, the squeeze too good. Catching your breath, you startled when someone knocked on the door hard. Baekhyun must have taken it as a signal for something, because he got himself fixed up and let you have his suit jacket to cover your shoulders. In the low light he could see the rising deep red and purple welts, a few with light teeth marks.
"Okay, lets go."
"Yeol got everyone distracted, so now you don't feel good, so we're leaving!" He grinned like a goof and you scoffed, shuffling after him to the elevator. Chanyeol seemed to be guarding the door, back to you, and you giggled as the lift doors closed. Your boyfriend looked at you, his hair a bit messy and you both laughed. He still had your panties in his pocket… When the elevator got to the floor for the room he booked, you slipped out, slinking past a group of what looked like college guys walking down the hall. You held his jacket over you tighter, following Baekhyun as he led you. When he had gotten you into the hotel suite, your giggles turned into a full laugh, and he couldn’t help but join.
"Come on, sweetheart. The bed is all ready…"
After unwrapping you like you were a present, he sat behind you on the bed, leading you to rest your back to his chest.
"What are we doing?" You asked, letting his hands on your hips guide you. He sat on his knees, having you straddle his lap and he sank lower as you settled on him, cock filling you back up. Sighing at the feeling of him inside you again, he kissed over your shoulders again, sucking another mark at the base of your ear. Resting your head on his shoulder, his hands guided you to grind down onto him, the angle had the head of his cock right in the best spot, rubbing and pressing you into a tizzy. You wondered why it felt so much more intense than normal, more intimate.
"You looked so beautiful tonight. I knew the dress was perfect." His voice, low and soft in your ear seemed to vibrate over you and your hips stuttered through the rhythm you both had set. Baekhyun leaned back a bit more, you followed since you were resting on him, and the shift let him slide in even deeper and you gasped at the rapidly rising pleasure.
"I loved hearing you laugh in person, being able to hold you." One of his hands slid up over your stomach, cupping your breast.
"Feel your soft skin, kiss you, taste you…" You whimpered, his hips shifting to meet yours, thrusting up to meet your rolling hips.
"Wanna see you…" You whined and he hummed, smirking.
"Okay, sweetheart." While you were not pleased that he pulled out, you were quickly filled back up when your back hit the bed. His hands wrapped around yours when they went to cup his jaw, mouth meeting yours again. Linking your fingers, he pinned your hands up by your head with his, pulling back just enough so your lips still brush slightly. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, and he snapped his hips hard, picking the pace up immediately. You couldn't hold back your moans, writhing in pleasure under him, the bed frame groaning from the force. You wanted to touch him too, but his hands on yours prevented it. He smirked against your lips, switching to using his one hand to hold both your wrists in place. The free hand gripped your thigh, shifting your leg up higher so he could get even deeper inside of you. It was hard for you to get out anything intelligible other than his name and your orgasm was rising faster than you anticipated.
"God, you're so beautiful. I love you so much, (Y/N)." His pace was stuttering, the vice of your core sending him closer to the edge as well.
"Love you too~" You managed to get out and your voice crested into a high moan as you fell over the edge. He groaned himself, spilling inside, filling you with warmth and swallowing your noises with a sealing kiss.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart." Baekhyun smiled warmly and you giggled tiredly.
"You really didn't have to do so much…" You pouted playfully and he hummed, shaking his head.
"I did. I love you, and whenever I'm gone for so long, so far away, you're all I think about. I honestly wish I would have done more.”
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Master-Master List
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ghouljams · 7 months
college au soap is the guy who does no homework, skips most lectures, sleeps in class, has a firework display of a social life, somehow gets along with the teachers and has the most niche troublemaking stories to tell but still manages to obtain stellar grades
college au ghost is the quiet dilligent guy who everybody questions why he would ever hang out with someone as infamously chaotic as soap
Oh good I can use my dad's delinquent stories for Soap this is great. I have many College AU thoughts. Thank you for letting me be abnormal about these boys and their ability to function in an academic environment.
I disagree with Soap skipping lectures, I think he goes to every single one just to get them off course with his questions. Raising his hand every time to ask if the chemical properties of whatever the professor is talking about might be more useful elsewhere. The professors know he's basically a walking demolitions unit and they respond accordingly. He's well loved for being one of the smartest students in the chem major, but yeah the only homework he does is for labs. Soap and Gaz know everyone on campus, they have a "guy" for everything. If you want to know where the parties are you just have to find Soap.
Ghost is the quiet guy everyone thinks is a delinquent until they hang out with him and Soap and suddenly you realize oh no actually Soap is the troublemaker and Ghost is trying to keep him in line. College Ghost got hit a little too hard with the uncanny autism mannerisms stick. He stares a lot, stands a little too close, visibly moves away from people trying to touch him, finds strange angles to sit in because it's more comfortable... He's the campus cryptid. He is the absolute joy of his professors, oh my god. He doesn't do much talking in class, only offers a few corrections or comments that always come off as put downs because he just sounds like that. So he goes to office hours for his professors and has philosophy debates. When I tell you he's the golden boy... He's gotten multiple personally selected scholarships, no one has ever seen him turn in a paper on time.
Gaz is always in Price's office. He has a chair in there, that's his chair, he brought it and it's his, do not sit in his chair. He knows the dirt on every student in his major(and in band, but he actually likes them). I want to say if anyone is skipping class it's Gaz, but with two majors I think he's in class all the fucking time. He skips at least once a week just to get some fucking sleep. Do not ask Gaz how he's doing he will just stare at you. He's got 3 papers due tomorrow and you're asking him how he's doing. Is already being fought over by three different embassies and he just turned in his paperwork for an internship. Looking into graduate school because Price recommended it, and hating every second of it. Loves learning, hates school.
Price is the dream professor, but he's also got the most conflicting rate my professor reviews. You either love him or you fucking hate him. "I learned things about military conflicts I didn't even know existed" says one review. "Told me I had the moral backbone of an eclair because I didn't want to take sides in a class debate" says another. "Office hours overrun with band kids, you'll never get help unless you play tuba" says a third. Everyone is thirsting over him. He does his best to look professional for lecture but that just means a button down that inevitably will have the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone by the end of class. Love notes on the backs of tests are a frequent occurrence for him, but maybe if he stopped slutting it up in lecture this wouldn't be a problem. Has been told by administration multiple times that he can't smoke in his office, but he's tenured so what are they gonna do?
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tonyspank · 11 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: Jenna’s husband being a dickhead. And I think that’s all?
Words: 5.7k
A/N: I’m going to try and get chapter six out for the party and the after party tonight or tomorrow!
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series masterlist | main masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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Two weeks. Fourteen and a half days, or three hundred and forty-eight hours. That's how long it's been since you've held a conversation with Jenna, and it feels like an eternity. You've been wanting to talk to her and apologize, but she's been avoiding you. And she's doing a wonderful job at it, but you can't lie and not act like you're making it any harder for her to do so.
Instead of waking up at your usual time, you've been waking up thirty minutes earlier, and getting a ride for Eli. After practice, Eli drops you off before heading home himself, and then you'll grab a snack from the fridge, check for towels before you shower, sleep, and then repeat.
On the days you don't have practice you're out with Olivia, doing whatever comes to mind. Again, she's a very sweet girl, kind and loyal, and you can't help but admire her. You've been spending a lot of time with her and it's been great because you both enjoy each other's company.
She's been telling you about how she's started writing songs and they're mainly about her ex-boyfriend. She says her songs are a way of healing, and letting go of her past. You have been supportive and encouraging her to continue writing, and you've been there to listen to her stories while she works through her feelings.
Eli thinks you should stop and hurry up and apologize to Jenna. For someone who wants Jenna for himself, he was so keen on you two being on good terms. Eli was over at your place since it was an early dismissal at school today, and also a Friday.
"I still can't believe you're not talking." You open your mouth to speak but Eli beats you. "Just apologize and be done with it, man." You feel your neck flush. You open your mouth to reply but it only comes out as a stutter. Eli shakes his head and sighs, "All of this because she saw your lil Jimmy John."
You take a bite out of your apple sending a slight glare while doing so. Eli laughs and you swallow your bite before speaking, "Shut up. It's not that simple."
Eli smirks and shakes his head. "You know it is," he says. "You just don't want to admit it." You glare at him, not wanting to give in. You take another bite of the apple, savouring the sweet crunch. "No, it's not," you say firmly.
"Yes, it is. You're avoiding her, she's not avoiding you." You sigh in frustration. You know he's right, but you can't admit it. You set the half-eaten apple down, "Because it's awkward!" He shakes his head and smiles. "It's never going to be not awkward if you don't talk to her. It's better to just go for it and get it over with." He reaches for your apple and takes a bite. "Trust me."
You furrow your eyebrows. "Keep the apple, bitch." He grins, taking another bite of the apple. "You started avoiding her after she saw you naked and then she probably took it as a hint that you didn't want to speak to her, which you don't and started to avoid you herself." You sigh and roll your eyes. He takes another bite of the apple. "She's just as embarrassed as you are."
"So why not just apologize and move on?" He shrugs, taking the last bite of the apple. "It's not that hard. Just be honest and it'll be over in no time and don't walk around naked knowing you have company over." He wipes his mouth and stands up throwing away the apple.
"Where is my wife anyway?" You stare at him blankly at the nickname, "She's out."
He looks around the room for a second before he sighs. "Alright, I guess let's just order pizza and finish the movie you fell asleep on." You throw your head back groaning, "Fuck no! I'm not watching that movie. I fell asleep on it for a reason." He laughs, shaking his head. "Fine. What do you wanna watch then?" You smile, "Puss N Boots."
He raises an eyebrow, but agrees, "Fine, Puss N Boots it is." He pulls out his phone and orders a pizza, and you stand up from the bar stool, heading into the living room.
Thirty minutes later, Jenna was heading home with her friend Emma. She had no idea you were home, and she definitely didn't know Eli was over with you. "Am I about to meet the too attractive for her age, Y/N?" Emma asks with a smile, repeating Jenna's words from earlier today. Jenna sends Emma a glare, unlocking the front door.
Emma giggles, stepping inside and turning to look at Jenna. "So, is it a yes or a no?" She asks with a smirk. Jenna rolls her eyes and walks inside, closing the door behind her. "No. She's at school." Emma's face falls and she sighs. "That's disappointing." She turns away and walks towards the kitchen. Jenna follows but stays silent.
"It smells like pizza," Emma says and looks back at Jenna who nods in agreement.
You pause as you hear sounds coming from the kitchen. You snap your head at Eli who's too invested in the movie to hear anything. He chews his cheese pizza letting out a laugh before taking another bite. "Eli." Eli turns to you and sees the worry in your eyes. He slowly puts down his pizza and turns down the TV. "What is it?"
"I think Jenna's home." His face lights up and he holds his pizza in his mouth jumping up happily, you follow the boy who nearly jogs to the kitchen. Jenna and Emma turn around at the sound of something falling to the floor. It's the pizza that slipped from his mouth.
"MY PIZZA! NOOOOOOO!" Eli yells out as you stare at the two women in front of you. Jenna and Emma smile, amused by the boy's dramatic reaction.
He quickly picks up the pizza and takes a big bite. "Dude, that's so gross." You mutter, squeezing past him and further into the kitchen. Eli continues to eat the pizza off the floor. "It's not that bad," he says with a mouthful. You shake your head in disbelief and watch as the blonde woman whispers something into Jenna's ear.
"I thought she was at school, hm?" Emma whispers, a smile on her lips. Jenna's cheeks flush and she quickly avoids eye contact with everyone in the room. You frown, wondering what that was all about, but it soon disappears as you examine Jenna's outfit.
She was wearing a cropped white button-up, a black tie and a long grey split colored skirt. One side was darker than the other, her socks matching it perfectly. Her shoes were black loafers that matched the tie. A pair of glasses sat on top of her head while her headphones hung from her neck. She really does always have a pair of headphones on her.
She had a unique style, one that blended modern and vintage elements creatively. It was eye-catching and inspiring, and it seemed to suit her perfectly. She looked amazing in it, and it was clear she had a lot of confidence in her own style.
The blonde woman smiles at you, "Hi. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Emma, Jenna's friend." You smile back, holding out a hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you too—" Eli steps in front of you, shaking her hand himself and introducing himself. "Hey beautiful, I'm Elias Cooper the third." Emma looks taken aback, laughing in shock and surprise as she shakes his hand.
"He's not a third." You and Jenna both say in sync. You and Jenna exchange a glance, and Emma laughs again. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Elias," she says. Eli raises her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss onto her hand while not breaking eye contact. Emma giggles looking at Jenna, and Eli lowers her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too," he says, his voice low and rich. Jenna clears her throat, and you place a hand on his shoulder, rescuing Emma from the situation.
Eli stands up straight again, and you quickly shake Emma's hand. "I'm Y/N. Sorry about him." Emma's face lights up with a smile. "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." She turns to Jenna with a mischievous glint in her eye, mouthing, "Sexy indeed." Jenna turns a deep shade of red and averts her gaze and Emma grins even wider.
"Don't you two have school? Why are you home?" Emma asks. Jenna sighs in relief at not having to ask herself. You nod and Eli speaks up for you, "We had an early dismissal."
"Oh, I see," Emma said. Jenna's eyes roam over you, taking in your white tee that fits your biceps just right. Or your black sweatpants that sag just enough to show the Calvin Klein band in your boxers. Jenna's gaze lingers for a moment before she looks away, blushing. She quickly turns her attention back to Emma, trying to focus on the conversation.
But Eli noticed it all his eyes widening as he stopped himself from letting his jaw drop in shock. He quickly regained his composure and tried to act as if nothing had happened. Eli glanced at Jenna, who was still blushing. He smirked, his lips turning up into a mischievous grin.
"— home safety." Emma finishes off, and you and Eli nod. "Yeah, I'm leaving as well. I just wanted to hang out with her since she's been spending all her time with Olivia." Eli says, staring you down at the last part.
Emma laughs while Jenna's lips twitch downwards. Who's Olivia? "Who's Olivia?" Emma asked with a hint of curiosity. You shake your head, "She's just a friend." Eli sends a quick look to Jenna before throwing an around your shoulder and placing a hand on your stomach. "A friend who wants to be more than friends!"
He tells Emma and you sigh at the boy. Emma's eyes widen, and Jenna scoffs quietly. You roll your eyes and move away from Eli, hoping to avoid any further conversation about Olivia.
"I should get going," Emma announces to everyone with a small frown. Jenna nods and Eli feels his pockets for his keys, "Me too." Eli begins walking into the living room and you follow behind him.
While that happens Emma and Jenna are making their way to the front door, Emma gives Jenna a hug pulling away with a smirk on her lips. "I saw those glances at Y/N." Jenna blushed, trying to deny it. She was about to say something, but Emma just laughed and shook her head. "Come on. Just admit it."
"Em, I'm married." Emma rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. "Unhappily. When's the last time you even got laid?" Jenna opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. She looked away, trying to hide the blush that had spread across her cheeks. "That's what I thought," Emma said smugly.
"Y/N is my best friend's daughter and not only that but she's eighteen," Jenna exclaims. There were a lot of reasons this was a bad idea, but these were her main concerns. Along with being engaged of course. She didn't want to get caught up in a scandal, and she didn't want to make your parents mad. Especially since she was already getting married.
Jenna knew she had to put a stop to this before it even began. She had to make it clear to Y/N that there was nothing more between them than friendship. She had to make sure that Y/N understood that she needed to focus on her future and not on Jenna.
But the way you looked, the way she felt, she couldn't help but think about what if? Her husband was barely home and he barely even called. And here you are, giving her kisses on her temple and sending photos of her to your best friend. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't resist the temptation. She wanted so badly to feel alive again.
"She's an adult. She can make her own choices. Plus, she seems respectful." Emma says, shrugging slightly. Emma looked away, embarrassed. She knew she was wrong in encouraging her friend, but she couldn't help it. She had been in her friend's shoes not so long ago and she wanted her to be happy.
She was trying to be supportive, even if it was misguided. She wanted her friend to be able to make the decisions that she thought were best for her, regardless of the consequences.
While they spoke, you and Eli were as well.
Eli searches the couch for his keys, tossing a few pillows to the side. You cross your arms, "They're on the table." He turns his head, and they indeed are on the coffee table. "Oh, shit. Thanks."
Eli grabs his keys, "Thank you, baby girl." You scrunch up your face, "Shut up." Eli laughs and throws his keys in the air. He catches them and gives you an exaggerated bow. "My humble thanks to you, my lady." You roll your eyes and Eli grins. "You better talk to her."
You uncross your arms, sighing. "And say what exactly? Oh, sorry Jenna. I didn't mean for you to see me naked, I was just heading to get a towel. I thought you were asleep." Eli pauses then gives you a single nod, "Yes. Say exactly that. It's not rocket science." You take a deep breath, then exhale. "Okay, I'll apologize."
Eli plays with his keys. "Good." He turns to leave but immediately turns back around. "Also! You can keep Jenna for yourself. I want Emma." You raise an eyebrow and look at Eli, confused. He smiles and rolls his eyes. "Just kidding. Hashtag Jenna for life." He laughs and starts to walk away. You watch him go, still trying to process what had just happened. You shake your head and laugh, deciding it was best not to question it.
Jenna opens her mouth to reply to Emma but closes it, turning around as Eli enters the room. He stops short when he sees the two and quickly puts on a smile. "Hey, ladies. Looking even more gorgeous than earlier." He says, Emma grins and Jenna shakes her head. "Hey Eli, leaving?"
Eli nods. "Yup, I'm headed out. See you around." Eli gives a small before walking out of the room, leaving Emma and Jenna alone. "He's cute as well," Emma whispers, smiling. Jenna laughs. "We'll talk later, yeah?" Emma nods and follows Eli out the door.
Jenna watched them leave, a small smile on her face. She shook her head and went back to the kitchen, slightly jumping when you were already there, waiting for her. A sad smile was on your lips as you leaned against the counter. "Hey, Jen. Can we talk?" Jenna hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, of course."
"I uh, I just wanted to apologize for--" You motion with your hands trying to find the right words. "For walking out without a towel, I honestly thought you were asleep." You look away, feeling embarrassed. You take a deep breath and look back, hoping for a response. "I'm sorry," you say again, hoping your apology is accepted.
There's a long pause, and you can feel your heart racing. Suddenly, your Jenna breaks the silence and says, "It's okay. Don't worry about it." You let out a sigh of relief and offer a weak smile. "Thank you," you reply.
Jenna smiles back and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. You feel a sense of calm come over you as you look into Jenna's eyes. You give her hand a gentle squeeze in return, "Can we hug?" Jenna smiles and pulls you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around her and exhale, enjoying the feeling of being so close to her. A soft hand rubs up and down your back gently.
The warm feeling of connection between you and Jenna slowly dissipates as you pull away. You look at each other, a mutual understanding in your eyes. Jenna reaches up to caress your cheek before releasing you and stepping back.
Your face tingles from her touch and your face begins heating up. "There, um. There's still a box of pizza left if you want some." She hums, "What's on it?" You stutter in response, "Uh, cheese and pepperoni."
"I'm a pescetarian."
"Oh, um, sorry about that. I didn't know." You fumble for words, trying to think of what to say next. She laughs softly and says, "It's okay. I'll just have the cheese." You furrow your eyebrows, "Wait. Didn't you have chicken and rice that one day?" You refer back to the day she cooked for you.
"That was for you. I had eaten something beforehand." You feel guilty for not realizing it before. "I'm sorry," you say, "I should have known that." She smiles and shakes her head, "It's alright. I'll just order something else."
"That's why you ordered that veggie sandwich." You mumble loud enough for her to hear. She laughs, "Yes, that's why." You look down at the ground, thinking a bit before letting out a, "Huh." She stares at you, her eyes twinkling. She smiles and says, "It's good for you. You should try something new every once in a while." You nod, shrugging.
"Maybe." She gives you a knowing look. "Just trust me. I think you'll like it." You reluctantly agree, moving to sit down on the bar stool and continuing to talk to Jenna until Midnight comes. You can't believe you spent two weeks avoiding the older woman when the apology was so simple. You mentally groaned at the fact Eli was right.
Instead of being in bed Saturday morning, you found yourself in the school gym, your team and the opponent team warming up. "So, she just said it's okay and moved on?" Eli asks, dribbling the ball in behind him. As you sit down, you hum as you search through your gym bags for your shoes. "See! I told you, she probably thought you were upset. She's grown, I'm sure she got over it the next hour."
You pause for a moment, considering the situation. "I guess so," you finally reply. Where the fuck are your shoes? You glance behind you, looking for them. "Eli, do you have my shoes?" Eli frowns and shakes his head. "No, I don't. I thought you had them." You groan in frustration and turn away, searching the gym for your missing shoes.
You stop looking and take a deep breath. You know you must have left them somewhere, but you can't remember where. You retrace your steps, going back to the locker room and searching around the benches. "Fuck! I left them at home." You glance around the locker room one last time, just in case they were here after all.
You sigh and start heading toward your back. Eli is now sitting down with the ball in his lap. Eli notices your distress and offers to help you look for them. You tell him that you remembered they are at home, "I'll look in lost and found for another pair before Coach starts the huddle."
You nod, sitting down and reaching into your bag for your phone, dialling Jenna's number. Hopefully, she can bring your shoes in time.
Jenna pulls away her phone away from her ear, seeing an incoming call for you. She cuts off the man on her phone sighing, "Jacob. I have to go." Jacob stops her, "Jenna! I'm talking about something important."
Jenna takes a deep breath and clenches her fist in anger. "Suggesting an open marriage is important?! Are you fucking kidding me?" Jacob's voice rises on the phone, "Yes! Don't you think I have needs too?" Jenna's voice tightens, "No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that's not the way to solve this problem." Jacob pauses for a moment before stammering, "Well, what do you suggest then?
"Oh, I don't know? Maybe coming to see your wife every now and then? Taking some time off to build a family like you said you were the past ten times." Jacob clenches his jaw on the other side of the phone, "You're not my wife."
Jenna's heart sinks. She swallows the lump in her throat and says, "No, I'm not. Because someone is too fucking busy to officially marry me. You don't understand how embarrassing it is. We've been fiancées for so long that my family has stopped asking when the wedding is."She takes a deep breath and resigns herself to the fact that it's just not going to happen.
She feels tears welling up, but she quickly composes herself. "Then you have the audacity to suggest an open marriage? You're an asshole."
She places down the phone, putting it on speaker before speaking again. "Fuck you! And fuck this ring!" She takes off the ring, roughly setting it down on the kitchen counter. "Jenna--" she quickly hangs up, not wanting to hear his voice anymore.
She begins to sob, her hands shaking as she covers her face with them. Her phone starts ringing, and it's you calling her again. She takes a few deep breaths before collecting herself and wiping away her tears. She takes a moment to compose herself before answering.
"Jen! Thank God, I forgot my shoes at the door. Could you bring them to me? I'm at school and I have a game." She sniffles into the phone, about to reply but you interrupt her. "Jenna? Are you okay?" She takes a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'll be right there with your shoes." She hangs up and quickly grabs the shoes before rushing to school.
She arrives at the school and sees Eli, already on the court playing, but no sight of you. The woman recognizes your last name on your jersey, your back is turned towards her while you sit on the bench. Jenna takes a deep breath, smiles and jogs over to you, calling your name.
You turn around, surprised to see her. You jump up making your way to Jenna, a huge smile on your face. She hands you the shoes, and you bring her into a side hug. "Thank you so much," she nods in response. "Of course."
You stare at her, taking in her sad face and you can tell she has been crying. You set your shoes down, a slight frown on your face. "Are you okay?" Jenna nods her head, her lip trembling. She was doing a horrible job trying to convince you she was okay.
You wrap your arms around her and pull her close. You can feel her body shaking as she sobs into your shoulder. You squeeze her tighter, trying to offer her some comfort. You whisper reassuring words in her ear, letting her know she isn't alone. You stay there, hugging her until her body stops shaking.
She pulls away, wiping her eyes and shaking her head as she forces a smile on her lips. "Shit, I'm so sorry--" You interrupt her. "Don't apologize." You whisper softly, "It's alright, I'm here for you."
"You have a game to play." She whispers back, you shake your head. "You're more important than a high school game." She looks up into your eyes, her own still glistening with tears. "Thank you," she murmurs, and she takes a deep breath as her shoulders relax. You smile at her, and take her hand in yours, squeezing it gently.
You pull her back into a quick hug, pulling away and placing a kiss on the top of her head. You don't know why but you just wanted to before you let her go. She looks up at you, a small smile forming on her lips. "Go play," she says. You pick up your shoes nodding before asking, "Are you gonna watch?"
She shakes her head and pushes you away gently. "I'm more of a soccer fan but I'll support," she says. You take a few steps back, watching her for a few moments before turning away and running toward your coach. She smiles before finding a place to sit on the bleachers. Your coach calls a timeout, discussing a game plan to sub you in as your team is trailing 15 points.
Eli pats your back while you bend down to tie your shoes, looking away from your coach's whiteboard to spare a look into the crowd. His face lights up when he sees Jenna, waving at her.
It is Olivia that is seated in front of Jenna, and she thinks Eli is waving at her and her friends, so she reciprocates. Jenna smiles and waves back, but Olivia's face falls when she realizes Eli was not waving at her. Olivia turns away, trying to hide her disappointment. She forces a smile back onto her face and turns to her friends, pretending nothing had happened.
The ref informs your coach that his thirty seconds are about to come to an end, you all break out of the huddle and prepare to step onto the court. The whistle blows and the game begins. Both teams battle it out, and the crowd cheers as the energy of the game fills the air.
As Jenna's anxiety creeps up at the scoreboard, she reaches for her ring only to remember it's not there. Jenna quickly shakes her head and refocuses on the game. Clapping loudly as you steal the ball from your opponent.
You quickly pass the ball to Eli, who dribbles it to the basket and makes the shot. The crowd erupts in cheers for your team. You give Eli a pat on his back as he jogs back down the court.
It's the fourth quarter and your team is trailing by two points. Twenty seconds left on the clock. You walk up the court, calling out a play. Eli sets a screen for you and you run to the basket. Jumping off one foot, you go for the layup only to get fouled badly. You land hard but still manage to make the layup.
The crowd goes silent at the loud smack that could be heard around the arena. You stay laying on the ground, the pain coursing through your body. Jenna stands up from the bleachers, worry on her face. "Don't be hurt," she mutters to herself, repeating the three words to herself.
Chris, your teammate along with Eli jog over to you, helping you onto your feet. You take a deep breath and smile, letting your teammates know that you're okay. You give Jenna a wave and a thumbs up, and she visibly relaxes, sitting back down. Chris and Eli give you a pat on the back and the crowd cheers, relieved that you weren't seriously injured.
"Come on, make the free throw baby," Eli says, patting your back. You nod and make your way to the free-throw line. You take another deep breath, focus on the rim, and take the shot. The ball sails through the air and you hear the swish of the net. The crowd erupts and you turn to Eli who is grinning and giving you a thumbs-up. You can't help but smile back, proud of yourself for making the shot.
The opposing team is left with nine seconds on the clock, inbounding the ball and rushing it up the court. The opposing team takes a desperate shot, but it hits the backboard and rebounds out. The buzzer sounds and the game is won.
The home crowd erupts in cheers and the players on the winning team rush the court to celebrate their victory. The players hug and rejoice, thankful for the hard work they put in to secure the win. The losing team stands in silence, feeling the disappointment of the loss. They shake hands with their opponents, showing respect for the other team's effort. The game is over, and the winners bask in the glory of their victory.
As the other team walks into the guest locker room, you walk to the bleachers with a jolly smile on your face. You're staring at Jenna who smiles at you. She blows you a kiss and you dramatically drop your jaw holding a hand over your heart. She laughs, her eyes twinkling with delight. You can't help but feel your heart swell with joy, knowing that she understands your silly gesture of affection.
You jump as you feel a pair of arms wrap around you, Jenna's smile disappears as she watches you hug back the brunette girl. "Olivia! Hey," You say, pulling away from the hug. She smiles in response, resting a hand on your bicep. "You did so well!" Olivia laughs, her eyes twinkling in the arena lights. You glance back at Jenna, who watches you with a frown. You give her a small smile, and she tentatively smiles back.
Eli walks past the two of you, making his way up the bleachers to Jenna. You nod at Olivia's words but your eyes are on the two, Eli and Jenna embrace in a hug, and Eli whispers something in Jenna's ear that makes her laugh. Olivia notices your gaze and follows it. She turns back to you and raises an eyebrow, her expression unreadable.
You look away, feeling embarrassed for having been caught staring. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?" You ask, and Olivia nods. Before she could speak your excuse yourself, joining Eli and Jenna at the bleachers.
The three of you chat for a while, and when you turn back to look for Olivia, she's gone. "Hey, Jen. Enjoy the game?" Jenna grins. "Yeah, it was very intense." You smile in response, "Well, I had to keep you on your toes somehow."
Jen laughs, "You definitely did. I think I'm going to go grab a snack before heading home. Do you need a ride home?" You shake your head. "Yes, please." Jen smiles at you, "Okay. I'll be at the front entrance." She says and heads off to get a snack. Eli turns to you, smiling. "Did you see her ring?"
You furrow your eyebrows, not remembering as you weren't paying attention. "Uh, no?" Eli's smile widens, "Exactly! Oh my god, this is one of the best days of my life!" Eli claps his hands and jumps up from the bleacher. He looks around, noticing the stares they were getting from the students in the stands. He leans in and whispers, "Come on, let's get out of here."
They quickly make their way down the bleachers and into the locker room. You try to remember if Jenna actually wasn't wearing her ring, but you can't remember. You follow Eli out of the locker room, still wondering if you were wrong. "See you tomorrow, Y/N," Eli says, parting ways with you. You send him a nod, seeing Jenna walking toward the main entrance, you follow her, and the two of you walk toward her car.
Jenna gets to her car and you place your bags in the back before entering as well. Jenna puts on her seatbelt and looks at you. "Hungry?" she asks. You shrug, "Not really. I'll just eat something at home." Jenna starts the engine and pulls out of the parking spot. She turns to you and smiles. "You scared me when you fell."
You laugh and look away. "It was nothing, I'm fine. Just a way to get the ref to actually call it." Jenna nods and puts her attention back on the road. You glance at her hands on the steering wheel. She wasn't wearing her ring. Would she mind if you asked? You take a deep breath and decide not to bring it up. You turn your gaze back out the window, watching the scenery pass by. It's probably better to just let it go for now, especially since she was crying earlier.
"Are you feeling better?" You ask, turning your head to her. She quietly nods her head and you let out a relieved sigh. You both sit in silence, the only sound being the hum of the engine.
"I thought you didn't have a girlfriend." Jenna randomly says as her mind reminded herself of the girl hugging you after the game. You quickly look away, not wanting to make eye contact with her. You clear your throat, not sure how to respond. "It's complicated," you finally say. "Well-- it's not. She likes me but I don't like her. Remember what I said when we were out for lunch?"
Jenna looks back at the road in front of her, feeling a little embarrassed. She nods silently before clearing her throat. "Yeah, I remember," she says softly. She takes a deep breath and continues to drive, her mind racing with thoughts. Some of them are about you and the others are about Jacob.
It was obvious she wasn't happy in her marriage, but she was too afraid to take the next step and leave. She knew it would be hard and she wasn't sure if she was up to the challenge. She was also thinking about what Emma said. She's an adult. She can make her own choices. Plus, she seems respectful. Respectful? You were more than respectful, she thought. You were selfless and more mature than the adults she knew in her life.
Yes, it might have taken two weeks but at least you apologized. You didn't exactly do anything wrong, it was just a lack of thinking and communication. And the way you were ready to prioritize her over your game, her husband couldn't relate. You showed that you can put other people's needs before your own. That you can be considerate and thoughtful. It's a good sign that you're growing up and learning to think of others.
When she arrived at a red light her eyes looked at you. Your head turned toward the window. She shamelessly examined you, your jawline, your nose, your eyes, your hair. Everything about you was attractive. She felt a connection between the two of you like she had known you for a lifetime. She couldn't help but smile, her cheeks blushing from the warmth she felt. She wished the light wouldn't turn green, so she could keep admiring you.
The light changed its color unfortunately, she had butterflies in her stomach as she realized what she's been thinking about. She was infatuated by you, and badly. No more denying it.
taglist - @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23
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nonotnolan · 4 months
The Ends Justify The Means
As always, this February story is dedicated to my valentine, @mergeman
"Okay, but did we have to add him to the Hivemind?" Jordan said, looking at his unconscious boss with a look of resigned disappointment. "If I end up with an old man's vocabulary because of him, I'm gonna be so upset. This body looks too good to sound like a geezer." He tossed his shirt to the ground and gave me a flex. "See what I mean?"
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Some humans stress-tested my 40% Free Will rule, and Jordan was definitely one of them. "One, bringing him into the Collective is the only way to bend his authority to our will. Two, the symbiote doesn't change our speech, it just enhances our knowledge. And three, the eventual goal is to overtake most of humanity anyway. We were gonna have to add Shaun sooner or later."
Jordan nodded, though I doubted he was paying any attention me. He was one of the part-time workers I had converted within the past two hours, and so his symbiote half was still checking out his new body. I can't blame it, I suppose.
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I wasn't sure this plan was even going to work, so I was glad we managed to succeed. Capturing the part-time college students who worked here had been easy-- a bit of flirting from a tempting body, a kiss to introduce the symbiote, rinse and repeat. Shaun had been much more difficult. We had to resort to ambushing him in the bathroom where there we no cameras. Jordan's strength held him in place while I pried open his jaw to insert the new symbiote. It was far from elegant-- Shaun was stronger than he looked-- but at least it worked.
Shaun finally opened his eyes, and looked at me with a wry grin. "Alright, sir. I know we have a lot to talk about, but let's retreat somewhere else, shall we? It's cramped in here, and I think Jordan is a few moments away from whipping his dick out."
"You're not wrong," I said, shaking my head. "We should probably leave him to it. If nothing else, it will be nice to talk things over someplace a bit... less pungent. I assume you know what is going to be expected of you?"
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"I do," Shaun says, crossing his arms. "Although I was hoping to talk to you about that one. I scheduled Darren to work Valentine's Day because I haven't had that day off for the past three years. This body's wife is threatening to make life miserable if I still have to work the holiday despite my recent promotion. I have a proposal for you."
I smiled at the audacity of this symbiote. Clearly its host body had a lot of confidence.
"Darren will still get the day off, of course," Shaun said. "But instead of working the day myself, I'll just tell Jenn that she's going to have to handle the shift solo. We don't need two store managers tomorrow night-- no one goes furniture shopping on Valentine's."
"You'll never guess what happened today!" Darren said, greeting me when I arrived home. He and I had been dating for a few weeks now, ever since I was granted control over this host body. Unlike the symbiotes who were mostly extensions of my mind and my personality, I had full control and full autonomy over my decisions. Coming out of the closet was one of the first changes I made to this host's former life.
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"Your store is actually closing for a holiday?" I guessed, walking up to him and hugging him from behind. I held him close, feeling the heat of his body against my borrowed chest. Humans were very big on physical contact, and it was a ritual I was more than happy to join.
Darren chuckled as he turned around for a quick kiss. "Okay, so it wasn't a miracle. But it was still pretty crazy! Shaun texted me, and approved my vacation time for tomorrow. Can you believe that? I've never known him to change his mind like that before."
I just smiled at him. "Maybe your District Manager yelled at him about it? You did submit that request a few months ago." As much as I hated feeding white lies and omitted facts to my boyfriend, I couldn't justify telling him my full truth this early in the relationship. Anyway, the only way I'd be filling him with a symbiote would be if we broke up and he posed a risk to my secret. I wanted a relationship with an equal, not a masturbatory fling with a clone of myself. Anyway, what was the phrase? The ends justify the means.
"Well, maybe." He paused a few minutes to consider this possibility before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, and I'm not going to question it. I'm just glad you kept those dinner reservations! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's date!" He smiled, and I could feel my heart melting. I would do anything in my power to make him happy.
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rhoorl · 5 months
Turbulence | Part 3
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Pairing: Frankie x reader (will turn into an OFC)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 Link
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: These two can’t stay away from each other for long.
Warnings: Masturbation (m). Little bit of angst and some fluff.
A/N: I’m so excited by the reaction to part 2! I’ve been stewing over this story for a while so it’s fun to have it out in the open. Previously on my A/N I said that there would be three parts. I’m surprised no one laughed at me for saying that because of course I’m long-winded and can’t wrap up something succinctly. There will be a part 4 before this story gets woven into Delta Landscaping.
As a reminder, I don't have a beta. Also, I made the dividers :)
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“Vamos pendejo, they’re gonna make me circle if you don’t get in,” Santiago yelled towards Frankie, motioning for him to get in the car.
“Fuck,” Frankie shook his head to center himself before walking towards the curb. He opened the back door of Santiago’s car and tossed his carry-on and backpack in before settling into the passenger seat. “Sorry, Pope. Thanks for picking me up.”
As Santiago maneuvered his way out of the maze of cars, he quickly glanced over to Frankie. “All good, hermano. You good?”
“Uh y-yea…I’m great, actually.” 
Frankie stared out of the window as Santiago continued to drive, a smirk coming over his face.
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“So tell me more about this handsome man,” Mom looked over at me with those eyes. 
She was trying so hard, but I just knew she wanted every detail but I was still trying to process what happened. Shit like this doesn't happen to someone like me. What are the odds of actually meeting my…whatever Frankie is, or could be…on a plane?
“He uh…he was on the plane with me. Sat next to me so we talked.”
“Good flight then?” She waggled her eyebrows, trying, but failing, to suppress a shit-eating grin.
“We hit some turbulence but…I don't know,” I shook my head and looked out the window. “It's like he made it…better…anyway afterward I wanted to say thank you, so I invited him to get a drink.”
“Please tell me Mac was working today,” she chuckled. Over the last year they had become friends. She would stop by to see him whenever she'd fly up to see me. She was subtly trying to play matchmaker between him and my Aunt Lori.
“He was,” I laughed.
“What did he think?”
“He was really amused by it all. I already know he's going to give me so much shit when I fly out Monday.”
“Did you make plans to see him again? What's his name? Where does he live? What does he do? Sorry,” she glanced over at me quickly before returning her gaze to the road. “I needed to get that out, I’m done, I promise.”
“Frankie, his name is Frankie,” I said softly, twirling my phone. “He lives here. I got his number so we'll see…”
“Do you want to see him again?”
I sat and pondered for a moment, collecting my thoughts. My immediate reaction was yes, absolutely. I wanted to hear his laugh, talk with him, hold his hand…he was such a good listener and was so attentive. I wondered if his attentiveness would also extend to the bed-. I suddenly remembered I was in the car with my mother and had to reel it in.
Taking a deep breath, I looked over at her, “Yeah. I really do. But it's jam-packed until I leave Monday.”
“Not necessarily…” she smirked as she stole another glance my way. “Ok, well, obviously tonight is with the rehearsal dinner. And then tomorrow with the wedding, but it's early…you'll be able to sneak away,” she winked.
“Mom!” I giggled. “I can't ditch Carol and Dave's wedding!”
“Oh stop it, yes you can. There's going to be so many people there, it'll be fine,” she smirked.
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Frankie played with his phone, bringing it up to his chin. He went back and forth on whether or not to text. Well, texting wasn't really the question. He knew he wanted to text, but was debating what to say.
I can't just text “hey” that seems so…I don't know, casual? It's one step away from “you up?” and that's not the vibe I'm going for. 
He kept an inner monologue going as he listened to the music coming from the speakers of Santiago's car. 
Think of something Frank. What says, “I want to see you again” but doesn't sound desperate?
Because he did want to see her again. More than anything he's wanted in a long time. It's like something ignited within him, something he thought had long been extinguished…the embers starting to crackle a bit.
He could see Santiago out of the corner of his eye, silently observing. They'd already made some small talk about Frankie's trip and how much it pained him to say goodbye to his niece and nephew. It was a fun visit and cathartic in ways he was still processing.
“Know what you're gonna wear tomorrow?” Santiago finally broke the silence.
“Hmm?” Frankie murmured.
“For the party? Will said that it's a Star Wars theme.”
“Oh shit,” Frankie ran a hand down his thigh, “I didn't get a present.”
“Don't worry, hermano! I got gift cards, a set from each of us, and uh ah,” he put his hand up to stop Frankie from talking, “no you don't owe me back. Just…I don't know buy me a beer or something next time we're out,” he glanced over.
“Thanks, man.”
“I knew you had a lot on your mind, so figured I’d take care of it. Wanna guess what I’m going as?”
Frankie turned his head to the side, catching Santiago's smirk. “Lemme guess. You're going as Poe?”
“I already have the costume, can't let that baby go to waste!” Santiago chuckled.
“I’ll wear some Star Wars shirt I have.”
“See, I knew you were going to say that. I have something for you in the backseat.”
Frankie turned to see a plastic bag. Grabbing it, he reached inside and pulled out a gray T-shirt with BB-8 on the front. He furrowed his brow as he inspected the shirt before the realization hit him.
“Seriously?” He snorted. “Poe and BB-8, huh?” He shook his head as Santiago busted out laughing.
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Mom and I got to the hotel with enough time for me to get checked in and upstairs to freshen up before the rehearsal dinner. The lobby was already swarming with distant relatives from both sides. 
We'd chosen to stay at the hotel rather than at home for a couple of reasons. One is the convenience factor. Since the wedding was at the aquarium downtown, it just made a lot of sense to already be down here and not have to deal with traffic. Plus, Carol had us getting up at the ass crack of dawn to get ready.
At the time I booked this, I thought springing for the suite would be a fun treat for myself. However, I wasn’t planning on getting a room that was bigger than my apartment. The bathroom looked like it could fit the entire bridal party in it…or at least one other person with broad shoulders...
My mind flashed to Frankie. His eyes, his smile, the way he smelled when I hugged him at the airport. I shook my head, pulling out my phone from my back pocket. 
I wanted to text him…but say what? I can't ask how his day is going. That's a weird thing to ask. Right? I mean, we don't know each other. I need to think of something funny…or witty…ugh.
Thankfully a knock at the door pulled me from my impending spiral. It must be Mom, figuring she'd pop over and sit with me as I got ready. Opening the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see my favorite cousin Ash.
“Hey,” they squealed, coming in for a hug. “Ah, I missed you!”
“Same!” I returned their tight embrace.
“Can I come in? I'm trying to avoid Carol,” they laughed, looking both ways down the hallway before ducking into my room. 
“Of course, come in.” I shook my head laughing. Ash was always a colorful character and was basically a sibling; we were close in age and grew up together.
“I love my sister but she's a little high-strung. Apparently, some of Dave's family is delayed getting in from Virginia. How that's my problem, I don't know,” they laughed. “How are you? How was your flight?”
“Good, really good,” I gave a tight-lipped smile before turning on my heels and walking to the bedroom to grab my toiletry bag.
“Wooow,” Ash whistled. “You're big time now! Big job so you went for the suite, huh?”
I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Figured I'd treat myself a bit.”
“And I love that for you!” They sat at the end of the bathtub as I laid out my makeup. “So…spill.” I furrowed my brows, looking at Ash in the mirror. “Don't play coy, your mom already told mine about this guy…you met him at the airport?”
“On the plane,” I sighed. “Jesus Christ, please tell me that story isn't spreading.”
“No, no! Seriously, it's not,” Ash reassured you. “I just happened to overhear it. It was said in passing, I swear, nothing more to it. Buuut, I can be useful,” they raised their eyebrows.
Ever since you were younger, Ash had a knack for “research” as it came to be known. It almost became a game…how little information could you give Ash to be able to turn around a dossier on whoever your intended target was. Although Carol's soon-to-be husband was the government agent in the family, you really thought Ash missed their calling as a spy.
“C'mon, JoJo…please, everyone's in a relationship, it's been so long since I've done this,” they pouted. 
I took a deep breath, I couldn't resist that face. Plus, it was always so funny to see how quickly Ash could solve the case. “Ok. His name is Frankie…he's retired military. Delta Force,” Ash started immediately tapping on their phone. “Has a sister in Dallas. A few friends who live here, two of them just bought a house together. They're brothers. The other one lives with him.” I trailed off as I opened my eyes wide to swipe some mascara.
“Y-yeah,” I paused looking at Ash in the mirror. “That was the guy who was coming to pick him up. Are you serious? That's like a new record.”
“Well, your boy doesn't really have much of a social presence…but a couple of his friends do.” Ash came up beside me and flicked through a couple of Facebook and Instagram accounts. I made a note of a couple of the names so I could go back and do my own research later.
“Good to know I still got it,” Ash winked, cracking their knuckles. “So, you gonna see him while you're here? Got this biiiig suite all for yourself.”
I rolled my eyes, “seriously?”
“Yes, seriously. C'mon, let me live vicariously through you! Handsome stranger on a flight. Love at first sight. Hot hotel sex…c'mon it's writing itself!” Ash laughed.
“Whoa whoa whoa … who said anything about love at first sight.”
“You haven't stopped smiling since I brought him up,” Ash nudged my arm with their elbow. “You look beautiful, send him a pic! Have you two been texting?”
“I can't just send him a photo out of the blue, what the hell Ash?!” I scoffed. 
“Ok well, a text? Making sure he got home ok? I dunno something…get the ball rolling. This will be fun! C’monnnn.”
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The guys decided to spend a quite Friday at home, sitting around and watching a baseball game over some beer and pizza. Benny was tired from his training schedule so he wasn't up for going anywhere.
Frankie’s cell phone felt like it was a brick in his pocket. He wanted to send a text. He really wanted to get a picture of her, something to look at versus relying on the image his mind kept replaying. He went to the kitchen to grab another beer when he felt his phone buzz. His heart skipped a beat before he shook his head. He didn't want to get his hopes up as he fished the phone from his pocket, but then a big grin came across his face once he saw his screen.
Wifey: Did you make it home ok? 
I did. How about you?
Frankie bit his thumb as he saw the text bubbles pop up.
Wifey: I did. Got a suite. It's nicer than my apartment 😆
Nice. Do you have a good view?
She sent a photo of the bay. She was clearly at one of the nice hotels downtown.
Aww I don't get to see you?
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Ash squealed and cupped their mouth. 
“Will you stop it? I'm going to get a noise complaint,” I hissed, trying to play it cool even though I was freaking out.
“I'm sorry, but that was fucking smooth. I like him. Ok, you need to send him a picture.”
I struggled with a flattering angle…this is why I never took selfies. But with Ash’s help, I managed to get a decent one that showed off a bit of my rehearsal dinner outfit too.
“Here goes nothing,” I winced as I pressed send.
“Ooo he's typing,” Ash looked over my shoulder.
Frankie ✈️: Beautiful
Frankie ✈️: The view is nice too
Ash brought their hand to their mouth and let out a little scream followed by a happy dance. My face was starting to hurt from smiling so much.
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Frankie instantly saved the photo and then studied it, thankful that now he had something to look at.
“Hey Fish, you brewing the beers yourself in here or what,” Benny came into the kitchen, clapping Frankie on the shoulder as he made his way over to the refrigerator. “Oh hey, Monday you wanna come to the gym with us? I could use you,” Benny started shadowboxing.
“Yeah, Benny, I'll be there,” he smiled. His eyes trailed after Benny as he made his way back into the living room.
As much as Frankie didn't want to, he decided to change the name in his contacts in case any of the guys happened to get a peek at his phone.
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The rehearsal dinner went off without a hitch, well, except for the fact that Dave's sister and her family and his coworker Susan and her family were delayed. They arrived as dessert was served.
But Ash and I were in our own little world, giggling and overanalyzing every text. I found out that tomorrow he was going to a Star Wars-themed kid's party at a roller skating rink. Coincidentally it was the same place Ash had a birthday party when we were younger. 
Frankie returned the favor and later sent a photo of his own. It was a bathroom selfie of him in the T-shirt Santiago had bought him. He looked so handsome; a little bit of hat hair, but the curls by his ears were adorable. He arched an eyebrow and pursed his lips in a silly pose that made me laugh. My eyes traveled down seeing how his shirt stretched across his broad chest, the sleeves sitting perfectly against his biceps. I wanted to feel his arms again. It may have been the wine talking, but my mind started to wander to how it would feel to rest my legs on his shoulders as he…
“Psst,” Ash elbowed me in the side, pulling me out of my reverie.
Carol and Dave were standing at our table, doing their rounds greeting everyone. I stood up and gave them both a hug. A lot of people were intimidated by Dave since he was on the more serious side and didn't talk a lot, but I had a soft spot for him. He always doted over Carol and treated her well and she was so incredibly happy.
Once we got a breakdown of tomorrow's events, complete with an agenda with times, Ash and I decided to head out. Carol didn't want us all staying out too late and getting hammered since we had to get up early. I kissed my mom goodnight and Ash and I headed upstairs.
“I am not looking forward to that wake-up call tomorrow morning. Seriously, who sets up hair and makeup at 6? Do we all need to be there the whole time? It's only going to take like five minutes for me to get ready and put my suit on.”
“Relax, it's just one day,” I smiled. “She wants the pictures and the whole nine yards of everyone in their robes getting ready. Now, did she really have to have 12 people in her bridal party? No, that's a little extra,” I chuckled, “but she's absolutely beaming. She's so happy.”
“You're right, she is happy. After all the shit they've gone through, I'm happy they’re getting this,” Ash said with a soft smile before the attention was redirected to me. “Speaking of happy,” they winked.
I buried my face in my hands as we both giggled. When the elevator reached Ash’s floor, they looked at me with a wicked grin “Try and not stay up too late.”
“Goodnight Ash. I'll see you bright and early!” I said cheerily as the doors closed, not missing Ash flipping me off in the process.
Frankie ✈️: I'm probably gonna head to bed soon. Sleep well.
Seriously, this guy is so cute. But my mind started to wander about him in bed…what does he wear to bed? Does he wear anything? I bit my lip at that thought, remembering how big his hands were and wondering if that meant…
The doors opened and I shook my head to compose myself. I needed to respond to him and then get into bed. I hope my vibrator is charged, although I probably won’t need it at this point.
Sweet dreams Frankie. 😘
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Frankie scrolled back through their text string, smiling to himself. He then came to her photo again. Remembering how perfectly she fit into his arms when they hugged. How badly he wanted to feel her delicate fingers run through his hair, scratching his scalp. Wondering how her hand would look wrapped around his cock.
He shuffled in bed, laying on his back. His mind remembered how her chest felt pressed up against his. The smell of citrus in her hair. Her plump lower lip and how he just wanted to feel it in between his teeth. He spit into his hand, hissing when he reached down and started to rub up and down his cock. 
He felt a little guilty doing this, but he needed to feel a release. Remembering her laugh and how cute she looked when she was thinking. His mind continued to race as he chased that release, it wasn't too far given how amped up he was. He wondered how she would sound. How she'd taste. How her hips would buck and her back would arch when he did that move which had become his signature over the years. Would she let out a breathy moan or scream his name while grasping a fistful of his hair? 
His mind started to go blank as that feeling came over him. Before long, he felt the ropes of his spend on his stomach as he panted, coming down from the high only to realize he was alone in his bed.
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The alarm came far too early and I was already wanting an IV of coffee. Thankfully my vibrator was up to the task last night. I laughed at the thought of getting off to a bathroom selfie of a guy wearing a BB-8 T-shirt. I won't look at that little droid the same anymore.
I rushed to put on some jogging pants, a loose top, and my robe. Thankfully, I had packed up my dress and the rest of my accessories, so I just had to grab and go this morning.
When I arrived at Carol's suite, my mom and aunt were there fussing over the spread of fruit and pastries. I spotted Ash in the corner, sunglasses on and hair all askew.
“Jesus, did you get in a fight with your pillow?” I snorted as I walked up.
“I'm not speaking to anyone until I have been awake for a full hour and have had a cup of coffee.” Ash tried to say in a deadpan tone, but immediately cracked up when they saw my face. “How was your night? Your vibrator work or did you kick it old school and use your hands?”
“Will you shut the fuck up,” I hissed. “Grandma is here,” I cut my eyes over to our grandmother who was asleep in one of the chairs.
Ash rolled her eyes. “Well…”
“Yes, it works. It worked quite well.”
“Ha, I knew it! Now all you need is to get an actual di- hi Carol!” Ash gave a tight smile.
“Hi, hey JoJo. Ash, do you want to go first and get this out of the way or do you want to go last?’
“Let's get this show on the road sis!” They winked and headed over to the hairstylist.
“You look happy. My mom said you met some guy on the flight here,” Carol whispered.
“Jesus, who doesn't know at this point?” I shook my head.
“Honestly? Probably Grandma on account of her being asleep,” she laughed. “But seriously, if you needed to duck out of the reception early I won't say anything,” she winked.
The next couple of hours were a bit of a frenzy as I helped the maid of honor keep track of the seemingly endless game of musical chairs between make-up and hair. Once everyone was dressed it was time to stage the getting ready pictures. I'd been so caught up that I missed a text from Frankie. Ash saw it when they picked up my phone to check the time.
Frankie ✈️: Good morning. Hope it all goes smoothly this morning.
Sorry I missed this! It's been hectic but good. We're almost ready for pictures!
Frankie ✈️: Am I lucky enough to see?
He sent a picture of himself pouting and he looked absolutely adorable with his bed head and scruff. I couldn't help but notice he was still in bed. The blue and white plaid comforter pulled up to his chest, but I could see he wasn't wearing a shirt. I bit my lip wondering if he was wearing anything at all as I took in his bronzed shoulders, noticing a few freckles along his collarbone.
How dare you send me such a scandalous photo this early? 😉
Frankie ✈️: So if it were later it would be ok?
Frankie ✈️: Noted 
Frankie ✈️: I've been thinking about that dress of yours.
Oh yeah?
Frankie ✈️: I bet you'll look beautiful in it
Well, I'm about to go get dressed. Maybe I'll send you a photo of the finished product
Frankie ✈️: Just the finished product?
I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Thank goodness I was planning on wearing Spanx underneath my dress because my current pair of underwear was soaked. I thought about rubbing one out quickly in the bathroom as I changed but hearing everyone laughing and carrying on just on the other side of the door killed the mood.
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Frankie fidgeted on the couch, sitting up to readjust himself as he waited for Santiago to get ready. He felt like maybe he went a little far, but she seemed to be into it so far so he tried to silence that little voice.
“So, what do you think,” Santiago popped out into the living room, giving Frankie a twirl. 
“Looks the same as it did last Halloween, Pope,” Frankie smirked. “Ready?”
“Yeah, we should head out. Lord only knows Will’s going to be early so we’re already late,” he chuckled.
The guys walked out and got into Frankie’s truck. He checked his phone one more time, before putting it in the cup holder and reversing out of his place.
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“So, what does he think?” Ash asked as I came out of the bathroom.
“I haven’t sent a photo yet, I wasn’t going to do it in the bathroom.”
Ash furrowed their brows and gave me a skeptical look, “Oh c’mon live a little. Who hasn’t sent a nude in the bathroom before?”
Before you could chastise your menace of a cousin you hear everyone gasp as Carol walked out. She looked radiant and so happy. Dave had sent up a present for her to open - a simple blue sapphire pendant to match her engagement ring. 
As everyone fawned over the gesture and snapped photos, you grabbed Ash and forced them to take a few photos.
“Ooo this one, your boobs look great in that one,” Ash pointed as you rolled your eyes. “What? They do. Ok, send it please.”
Taking a deep breath, I just attach a photo, hit send, and immediately hand my phone to Ash. “Please, I need you to screen his reaction.”
I chewed the inside of my cheek as we both waited for a response. It was an agonizing couple of minutes and my mind raced to all sorts of possibilities before finally I heard the buzz.
Ash looked down and a big smirk came across their face. “He liked it.”
“Lemme see,” I grabbed my phone, unlocking it to see his message.
 Frankie ✈️: Wow, what a finished product.
Frankie ✈️: You look beautiful. 
“See…I told you,” I heard Ash say, but all I could focus on were those messages. I bit my lip to control busting out in a huge smile.
As we got everyone downstairs and loaded into the limos to head over to the venue, Frankie and I were texting. I was so thankful I decided to pick a dress with pockets. I didn’t want to keep him from his friends and he kept telling me he didn’t want to keep me from my bridal party duties, but here we were - still texting each other. 
I’ll be away for a little bit here soon. Ceremony is going to start.
Frankie ✈️: ok, I guess I can wait 😀 
How much longer are you planning on staying at the party?
Frankie ✈️: I don’t know, it depends.
Depends on what?
Frankie ✈️: Might have a date to get to, we’ll see.
Ooo a date, huh? Wow. Where are you going?
Frankie ✈️: Depends. 
Frankie ✈️: Pizza or burgers?
Frankie ✈️: On what?
Is it homemade or are we going to a restaurant?
Frankie ✈️: Who said I was taking you? I was planning on asking Lulu. 😉
I stifled a snort, trying to cover my face with my hand. He had quite a soft spot for one of his friends’ neighbors, an older woman he said reminded him of his late mother.
Oh so you have a hot date with Lulu tonight then huh? Too bad…
Frankie ✈️: Why you say that?
I got a pass to skip out on the reception…
Frankie ✈️: Send me the address and what time I can pick you up.
I laughed at the speed at which he sent me that response. I sent him the address of the reception and told him I was putting my phone away for the ceremony. The last thing I saw was a message from him saying he couldn’t wait to see me, which set loose a kaleidoscope of butterflies in my stomach.
“You look happy,” Ash whispered as we stood in line to walk down the aisle, rolling their eyes as one of the other bridesmaids shushed us. “Care to share with the class?”
I kept a coy smile as we continued walking up, waiting for our turn. When it was about to be my turn I turned around and whispered, “I’m going to see Frankie after this.” With a wink, I turned around smiling as I left Ash slack-jawed.
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“Hey Pope, you ok to get a ride with Benny and Will? I’m…um…gonna head out,” he took off his cap and quickly ran his hand through his hair before returning it.
“Todo bien Francisco?” Lulu asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Y-yeah, all good. I…um…just need to go take care of something. You good Pope?”
“Si, hermano, go ahead.” He nodded to Frankie.
“Adios Lulu,” he bent down to kiss the woman on the cheek. “Ok, let me go find Olivia and tell her bye and I’ll head out.”
Frankie tried to exit the party as quickly and nonchalantly as possible, so as to not raise too many suspicions. His hand twitched as he walked to the parking lot, the anticipation of seeing her making his heart race. When he finally climbed into the cab of his truck, he took a deep breath before reversing out of the parking spot. 
He hit nearly every red light on the way to the highway and then hit a couple of patches of traffic. But despite all of the delays, he kept a smile on his face the entire time, his mind racing. He was excited and full of nerves, but also a bit scared that maybe once they saw each other again she wouldn’t feel the same. Like this was all about the thrill of a weekend fling. 
He shook his head and tried to keep the intrusive thoughts at bay as he parked, giving himself a once-over in the rear-view mirror. Showing up to a fancy wedding in jeans and a t-shirt wasn’t his idea of a great first impression, but she clearly didn’t care.
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A/N: What do we think? These will finally get back together in person in the next chapter!
I don't have an official "tag list" for this, but I'm going to tag a few who may be interested based on comments/reblogs from the past part. I can remove you if you want: @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @lwfics / @missladym1981 / @alltheseperfectimperfections / @anavatazes / @inept-the-magnificent / @weho2kcmo / @casa-boiardi / @undercoverpena / @survivingandenduring / @secretelephanttattoo / @sin-djarin / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @trulybetty
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barcalover86 · 6 months
The unheard story.
A never-ending friendship.
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Chapter One
"Sweet 18, love!" your mom smiled at you seeing the clock hitting midnight.
"Thank you."
You went to hug your parents and little sister tight, feeling more emotional than you would have wanted to.
You couldn't lie, you were scared.. really scared to turn this age. It wasn't much different than 5 minutes ago when you were still 17, but it felt like right now it was more pressure on your shoulders.
You weren't a kid anymore.
You are now an adult who has to manage things on her own and be able to overcome any challenge life will subject you to.
You were an independent girl even since you were little, so having to do things alone wasn't a big problem for you. It's just the pressure to disappoint your family that affects you badly.
On the other side, turning 18 had its goods.
Tomorrow you'll travel with your best friend, Bia, to your most beloved city. Barcelona.
Since you were kids, you two were big fans of football, going to every game you could attend to. Of course, it wasn't the same to be on a small stadion like the one from your town, or to be on Camp Nou.
You could imagine how much of a big difference it would be.
And you couldn't be more excited that now you will be able to make a dream come true. Just like you and Bia planed for years.
Travelling to Barcelona.. just the two of you.
You absolutely hated to wake up early in the morning, especially when last night you didn't have a great sleep.
All kinds of nerves were starting to be fueled in your body because of how nervous you were.
But before you entered the plane, you promised yourself that this journey would have to be memorable.
"Are you ready to begin a new chapter, birthday girl?" Bia asked you with the biggest smile on her face.
"I think I am." you replied, taking her hand in yours.
Now.. let's be for real. Summer in Barcelona doesn't sound that bad. Right?
The day you arrived in Spain was a really hot one, so you couldn't do much, but to stay inside your hotel room until the night will come.
Now come one, you expected to have a hot summer in Barcelona, but you didn't imagine that 45° C were even possible.
And of course, you didn't check the weather before. You always forget to do that.
You were chatting in your hotel room until you started to be hungry. You couldn't eat in the building, because you decided to book something that had no lunch, so that you could enjoy your visiting more, but now all you could do was go outside to grab something, because you were starving.
After minutes of choosing an outfit, you and Bia arrived into the new world.
A lot of people were walking outside like the weather was perfect, and you were so shocked by that. They must really hate cold, then.
After walking for some minutes, you decided to go to a terrace to eat a pizza.
"So, it's still available that tomorrow we go watch the game?" Bia asked you, and you instantly nodded.
"Where do you want to book the tickets? Sector A, or no. I've heard that many people recommend Sector H."
"Bia.. what about we go to the VIP Section?"
"What? Do you know how expansive it is? 1200-1300 euros per person! We will go outside of our budget, y/n!"
You look down.
"Look, it's our first game at Camp Nou. Let's make it special. Money come and go, but experiencing a Barca game for the first time right at the vip section is unforgettable. We'll manage to get the money back, but please, Bia.."
She thinks for a second, before she agrees.
"Ok, maybe you're right."
"Thank you!!" you hugged her, being really excited. "You won't regret it."
The day has come, and even if there were 7 more hours until the game begins, you two started to get ready.
Taking a shower, doing your hair and makeup, and, of course, choosing the best outfit.
You didn't have an original Barca jersey, but when you were 15, your best friend made two white hoodies with a big Barca sign on its left.
Maybe it was cheap, but you loved it!
So, as an outfit, you chose the hoodie, with nothing underneath because it was really hot outside, and some black jeans.
As shoose, your favourite white nikes.
With a simple makeup and your natural straight hair, you were ready to attempt the game.
"I'm so excited, you have no idea."
"Me too, I can't believe that- wait."
She looks at you confused.
"If we're standing at the vip section, it means that cameras will also be on us."
"Oh. We'll be famous then!" Bia laughs.
Everyone was pushing everyone, and it was really hard to walk through the crowd, so you had to take your best friend's hand so you could stay together.
As a vip culer, you could enter camp nou more easily, but of course, you had to take a lot of pictures, especially since the sunset was luminating your faces so well. You were truly beautiful.
When you stepped into the stadium.. man.. it was more beautiful than you ever dreamed of.
"Bia, we have to take a lot of photos!!!! It's so pretty out here!"
Your best friend was out of words. Finally, you got to see Barca play live together. It was all you ever wished for.
You were so happy that you started to jump around and to sing the anthem, without realising that the players were coming to warm up already.
All of them looked at how happy you were, and even some of them chuckled at your excitement.
"We have to enjoy our time here, y/n. Who knows when we'll be here again."
You started to laugh hard at how silly you two were acting.
"Look, that's Fermin!!!! Sexy boy!"
"Shhh, someone might hear you, Bia!!"
"Who cares??"
"Me?? You're embarrassing ourselves!" you started to laugh again.
"Look, y/n!! Your boy, Gavi." she said like she didn't listen to me at all.
"Right next to Lewandowski, at his right. He has the ball on his head."
You look carefully, searching for the footballers, and when you see Pablo Gavi, you immediately blush.
"Look who's got all red." she started to tease you, which she loved to do so.
When the players went off the field, you looked at Gavi to see that he was having some nerves.
When they came back 5 minutes later, you shouted loudly, "Good luck, boys. I know you can do it!"
Every player looked up to see you, and they all smiled at you and some of them like Balde and Araujo, even waved at you.
But your eyes were only fixed on Gavi's. And not to be delusional, but you kinda saw that he smiled at you.
The game versus Mallorca began and you all sat down to watch the boys play.
The atmosphere was purely amazing, and you felt like you belonged there. People cheering on Barca affected your mood a lot, and you started to feel much better and alive.
At first, you thought that Mallorca wasn't a big 'enemy' for Barcelona, but the game was so intense that you just couldn't get bored.
A lot of yellow cards were given to players from both teams, and even a player from Mallorca got a red one.
It was minute 90+3 when Cancelo scored the winning goal, and everyone was standing up, shouting happily.
"No way, I love you, Cancelo!!! My boyyy!" Bia started to laugh hard.
Oh, how happy everyone was.
In the end, the anthem began again, and now you started to sing like it was no tomorrow.
The players came close to you to sign people's jearsies and to take as well some photos for the fans.
"C'mon, let's go, y/n. I want a picture with Fermin too."
You laughed, but inside, you felt really nervous.
When Lewandowski came to you two, he smiled and took a picture.
"Thank you so much. Congratulations on the win." Bia said.
"Thank you for being here, culers. Do you want me to sign something for you? A jersey?"
"We don't have a jersey, but thank you." Bia also replied, because you were really shy now.
Lewa took his off and gave it to your best friend, which she happily accepted, before he asked for Gavi.
"Gavi, come here quick."
After signing some last shirts, the boy came to where you were standing, confused.
"Do you want a photo? Let me finish there first and I'll come, ok?"
"No, no, Gavi. Can you please give this girl your jersey. She doesn't have one, and I already gifted mine."
He looks at you and smiled.
"What's your name?"
"Ok, y/n. I remember you from the beginning of the game when you wished us good luck, so I hope this will also bring you luck." he said before taking his jersey off to give it to you.
You couldn't not stare at his beautiful body, and he saw that, asking you if you wanna take a photo together.
After you three took it, he signed his jersey, before freezing.
"Oh, wait. You'll have to wash it because it's all sweaty so I can't sign it for you. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's ok."
"No, no. The next game will be on Wednesday. Wash it, and we'll meet here so that I can sign it for you. I'm suspended because of my yellow card today, so I will be just here. Is it ok for you?" he asked.
"Yes, it's ok." you replied too quick and he went back to sign some other shirts.
"Y/n!! Look, I'm really happy that you got his jersey, but we don't have the money to come here next game too!"
Bia was really frustrated, and you understood her. But it was your chance to talk again with Gavi.
"I know, Bia, but please! Just this time, and then we'll get the cheapest tickets after."
"Y/n, with this vip ticket we already spend the money for 1 week!"
"I am capable of no eating for 4 days.. please.."
She takes a second before she replies.
"Just because I love you."
You smile and hug her.
"Thank you so much, Bia. It means the world to me!"
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