#you're late kanae
ficsforeren · 2 years
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I AM, YES!!! I'm in my third month now hehe 🥰🥰🥰 THANK YOU SO MUCH, BABY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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lowkeyremi · 4 months
How they react when their little ones throw up ! (we all know gojo is gonna be overreacting) ft. gojo, geto, choso, toji, and nanami
content: TW: vomit, no curse!au fluff, established relationship (marriage), children, families. (divider by kim jiho) same kids from jjk men as dads
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Gojo Satoru
Satoru's on daddy duty for the next week and a half while you're gone, and so far he's actually doing quite well. Currently, he's making dinner from a simple recipe in the recipe book you've been making throughout the last few years.
Two year old Kenji waddles into the kitchen and tugs on Satoru's sweatpants. His head whips around to look down at his little mini-me.
"Hey Kenji, what's up little guy?" He puts his attention back on the wok with noodles in it to make sure he doesn't burn dinner. As he's stirring the food around with chopsticks Kenji starts to form a sentence, "Um.. throw up."
Satoru freezes. "W-what?" He knows exactly what Kenji said but he's scared to turn around. Kenji whines a little bit, "Throw up. Kenji throw up." Usually Satoru would find his toddler's 3rd person speaking cute but right now he feels himself breaking out into a cold sweat.
"Oh... um.. It's okay? Where is it?" Kenji's little feet waddle away from the kitchen expecting his daddy to follow after him. Satoru turns the heat down to low so the food won't burn, and follows his little boy to the 'crime scene'.
Kenji sticks his thumb in his little mouth and points to the throw up on the carpet.
"O-oh god, I think I'm gonna-" He gags and runs into the bathroom. Nothing comes from his mouth so he shudders. He needs to calm down, it's just a little throw up from his own kin, he'll be alright. The faucet runs and he splashes some water on his face.
"I can do this. I can do this. I can-" He hears the telltale sign of someone throwing up. Kenji is definitely sick. The throw up is followed by loud crying. Satoru's dad instincts kick in and he runs back over to where his little boy is.
"Hey, hey, hey, little guy. It's gonna be okay. Let's get you a bath, then I'll call mommy, okay?" Kenji nods. It breaks Satoru's heart hearing those little sniffles that leave his baby boy.
Geto Suguru
"PAPAAAAA!!!! Hana threw up!!!" Suguru looks at you and you stare right back.
"Don't look at me, I cleaned Hana's vomit yesterday while you were working late." He fights the urge to roll his eyes at you, because you're being childish in his mind.
Suguru makes his way to the kitchen so he can get the carpet cleaning spray out of the cabinet. "Fucking hell." He mumbles without realizing his six year old daughter was near by.
She gasps dramatically before yelling, "OOOOOO PAPA SAID A BAD WORD!!!" He screws his eyes shut, agitation was slowly seeping in.
"I'll put a dollar in the jar, but please stop screaming, Kana. Your sister doesn't feel good and the screaming is hurting Papa's head." He has retrieved the spray and a damp rag to clean up the soiled spot on the carpet.
"Sorry Papa." Kana's voice is lowered drastically. Being a curious little thing she follows her father to go check up on her little twin sister.
"You alright, princess?" Suguru sits close to her little pink bed and poor little Hana shakes her head 'no'.
"I don't feel good, Papa." She whines quietly. Suguru can tell by the way her eyes water, the sweat beads grow on her forehead and the way she frowns deeply that she definitely is sick.
"Why don't you go brush your teeth for me, princess? Then Papa will get you some medicine." Suguru understands his daughter very well. He'd always get sick while eating curses, sometimes they were so bad he would vomit all over the place. LOLLL no curse au so he aint gotta suffer.
She nods hopping from her bed to go brush her teeth in the bathroom. Suguru gets to work cleaning up the carpet.
Kamo Choso
Ryuji's school had called you because your boy threw up in school, which he was very embarrassed about because elementary schoolers always know how to make a big deal out of something small. Many children were crowding your son where he threw up some gasped in horror others laughed. Luckily the teachers were able to get the students under control once more.
They sent him to the nurse and she dialed you, "I'm so sorry, baby. Mom's out of town, give the phone back to the nurse so I can give her dad's number, okay?" He utters a quiet response before handing the phone over.
You chat with the nurse for a little bit giving her the information she needed then you told your son goodbye and hung up.
The nurse is quick to dial Choso and he picks up after the fourth ring. "Good morning, Sir. I'm calling because your son Ryuji Kamo threw up and he isn't feeling too good. We called Mom but she said she won't be able to come pick him up. Do you think you could check him out or do you have another trusted family member who could pick him up?" She's got a pen and notepad ready to write down another number if Choso couldn't make it.
"Oh dear, yeah I'll be there in about twenty minutes. Is his stuff packed already or..." He trails phone pressed to his ear, he hadn't been doing anything too important since he'd already finished up his meeting.
"No Sir, we'll send him right up to pack up. He'll be waiting for you in the main office."
"Alright, thank you." Choso's starting to worry, does he need to take Ryuji to the doctor? Should he stop at the grocery store and get soup? Should he make soup? Do you have kids cold/flu medicine at home? Your husband can't remember the last time Ryuji had vomited and he's pretty sure you'd taken care of it anyway.
"Hey Siri, how do I take care of my sick son?" She responds with 'here's what I found' he quickly scans over an article and the main idea is comfort him, make him something light, make sure he's hydrated, and gets plenty of rest. He could do that. Choso's not the best at emotions but he'll do what he can for his boy.
Eventually the two make it home, and Choso is quick to act. "Change into your pjs and I'll get you some medicine. How do you feel?" He needs a basic idea of what he's dealing with.
"My stomach reallyyyyyyy hurts." He whines holding his abdomen area tightly.
"Like you need to go to the bathroom kind of hurt?" Choso thinks it might be a stomach bug because his so shakes his head 'no'.
"Nuh uh, feels like someone is stabbing me in the stomach." His brows knit and a frown covers his face. it hurts to see his son suffering.
"Alright, I've got you kiddo. I'll take care of you." He promises to his growing boy.
"Thanks dad."
Fushiguro Toji
"Dad come look! I threw up! It's so cool!" Four year old Yui says, which is odd, no normal little kid is happy after throwing up so Toji is suspicious.
"Tell your brother to clean it up." Yui crosses her little arms and pouts.
"I already told Megumi and Nami!! They told me to go tell you!!!" He doesn't want to clean it up. He already has his work cutting out for him changing his newborn's diapers, cleaning up vomit was not on his list of to dos.
He would have told her to go ask you to clean it up but it's sunday and you usually go out for brunch with your friends. So, unless he somehow coaxed his stubborn son, Megumi, he'd have to do it himself.
When he finally reaches the bathroom, he groans in annoyance at how she just barely missed the toilet had she run a little faster she would have made it. To make matters worse it looks like she tried to clean it up herself and just spread it all everywhere.
"Oh, Sprinkles threw up too! Cuz he ate some of mine."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" A deep unsettling groan rips from his throat. Yui finds the whole ordeal funny, she's giggling and cooing at her father.
Bonus: A few days later you're walking past Yui's room and you hear her yell, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
You instantly stop, "Excuse you little girl, who did you hear say that?"
"Dad said it when he had to clean up my throw up!!" She smiles brightly at you. She's so innocent she doesn't fully understand the weight of what she's said.
"That's a bad word sweet girl. Don't say that anymore, got it?"
You're given a little nod to indicate she understands.
"TOJI WHERE ARE YOU?!" He's about to get an earful from you.
Nanami Kento:
"Hey guys, I came as soon as I could." You exhale deeply as you set your keys on the rack and slip off your shoes. Kento had picked up your son because the school called saying he'd thrown up.
Kento appears from the hallway with a finger on his lip telling you to "shh".
You lower your voice to a whisper, "Is Hiro alright?" Kento walks up to you and gives you a comforting hug which you really needed.
"Yeah he's resting right now. He threw up in the car. Twice. I was going to go clean it up right now. Emmie should be waking up from her nap soon, though." You're so grateful to have a husband you can rely on in a time of need.
When Hiro's school had called you, you were in the middle of a very important meeting so you couldn't leave. Nanami had left work early to go pick up your son.
His smile is so intoxicating. You pull him by his collar and make his lips meet yours. He immediately reciprocates by bringing his hands up to cup your cheeks and kiss you back.
"Thank you, baby." His eyes are so beautiful and if you didn't have to go make sure to be there for your baby girl you would have continued to stare at them.
"Of course my love. Parenting is a two person thing for a reason."
"I bet by next week we'll be sick too." You say chuckling dryly.
"Most likely, yeah." He says shaking his head. He begrudgingly walks out to his car to clean up the vomit in the backseat.
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satrs · 11 months
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘯! PART 2
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ᥲ/ᥒ ꜝꜝ ✎ I'm rlly surprised so many ppl liked this series and I'm happy to do this part 2! Enjoyyy!^^
SYNOPSIS; random moments of the bllk men with their children!
TAGS; kids(duhhh). fluffffff. mention of marrige. pregnant reader in Reo's.
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"Sei'. Kousei. Get up, it's time." Seishiro only groaned in return as you lightly shook him awake, drifting back into sleep.
You were growing irritated with how long you've been trying to wake the both of them up because your husband happened to be a professional sleeper and unfortunately, your son inherited that from him. Finally, you pulled off the blanket of them, revealing your son curled up on his father's stomach, matching blue pajamas with pandas on them now visible.
You took a moment to admire the sight before you, your harsh expression softening for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Come on, Sei. You're acting like a big baby." You reached out to lift the toddler from Seishiro, gasping in surprise as his eyes snapped open, protectively wrapping around his son as he scanned the area for any danger. "Well, good morning to you, too."
He visibly relaxed his demeanor at the sight of your form, sleepy expression back on as he plopped back onto the sheets, arm wrapping around your son. "Blanket please. We're cold." Seishiro slurred out in a sleepy voice, one hand reaching for you and repeating a gripping motion.
You looked at him in disbelief. "You know that we have to go. Get up already." He opened one eye at that. "Where?" You giggled at his words, palming your face. "We're invited over at my friend's house, remember? She really wants to see Kousei."
His eyes closed back at that, causing you to look at him with a blank expression. "What a hassle. We can be a little late, it won't be that big of a deal. The star and his bodyguard need a bit more nap time."
Before you could snap at him, you stopped yourself as you saw your son reach his tiny arms up his father's neck, snuggling onto him tightly.
Maybe you can spare your baby boys a bit more rest.
"Hello? Hiroko?" You giggled at Reo's antics, his ear on your stomach as the both of you laid in bed. His theory was that your baby girl should choose her name for herself. That would work like this- Reo would be 'knocking' at the door - leaning against your belly- and 'call out' for her. If she liked the name, she would make herself noticeable somehow.
"'Rich child'? You can't be serious." You asked between laughter, his serious actions just too hilarious. "Don't laugh! We won't be able to know if she likes it or not that way." Only more laughter bubbled up inside of you as you tried to lay still, body slightly jolting.
He mumbled under his breath, crossing out the name on his list. "It's ok, Reo. We don't have to come up with it on the spot, we still got some time", you said after calming down, trying to lighten his pouty expression.
There was only one more name left. He breathed out in disappointment, holding his hand against your swollen belly. "You won't like Kana either, right, little girl?" His last string of hope snapped, but as he was about to cross out the name, you stopped him, your eyes widening. "Reo, look." You lead his hand to the side of your belly, bright smile on your face as you felt a kick against it.
He looked at you in uttermost disbelief, soon being replaced by the brightest smile you had ever seen, giggling as he leaned down to talk to his daughter.
"I knew it! Kana. Kana, Kana, Kana. Was my favorite anyway." He giggled, and you soon followed, your hand gliding through his purple locs as he began to ramble all kind of nonsense to his unborn daughter, as if she was already born.
"And what if it turns out to be a boy in the end?" His eyes snapped up at your face, unreadable expression on his face. "She won't. It's a girl. Kana. Right, little one?" Another kick was visible at the other side of your belly as he rushed his hand on the spot, bright smile plastered back on his face as he looked at you.
"See? I told you."
"Daddy? When are you coming home? I miss you." Your daughter pouted into the phone at the sight of her father, him returning a loving smile. "I'll be there as soon as you wake up, darling. Until then, listen to your mother and go to bed."
"No! I want to wait for you!" Luiza eyes already began to water as you desperately tried to stop her tears from falling. "Luiza, darling. Didn't you hear what Daddy said?”, the sniffling of his four-year-old daughter hurting him at heart.
He really hated times like this - when he had to be so far away from his family for work. But he already had a plan in mind to make it up.
"Luiza, please, don't cry. I got a surprise for you when I'm home. For the both of you, actually." You both looked at each other in surprise and back at the phone, earning a chuckle from the young man. God - she really resembled you so much-from your hair all the way to her facial expressions and personality, only the eyes and color resemble him.
"What is it?" You asked, curious. "I'm not telling." You began to pout now, waiting for him to continue. "Luiza. You remember which country you were born in?" He ignored you, looking into his phone to find his daughter with squinted eyes, smile on his face once you gave her the phone back, still pouting. "Yes! Spain!" The both of you chuckled at her quick response. "That's right. So I thought, how about we all go over there for vacation once I'm back? But you need to go to bed right now, or we won't go."
That was all it took for your daughter to throw the phone onto the couch, Sae's face twisting in confusion at the shaky screen before him until you picked up the phone, an exhausted huff coming from you and joyful cheers with loud stomping heard in the distance.
"Thank you. I thought I'd never get her to bed."
"You got this ! You're almost at the goal, don't give up!" You giggled at the sight before you, your husband holding your little one-year-old child under both arms, leading him to the goal while helping him kick the ball.
“And, and”, your husband’s voice grew in excitement as the both of them reached nearer to the goal, your little son giggling away as he kicked the ball with all his might, concentrated look on his face. “Goallll!”
He lifted young Sho up high, spinning him around, earning a joyful laugh from the child. "You are him! You are the best, Sho!" The young boy barely understood anything his father was rambling about except for his name, laughing and giggling like crazy because of his father's funny expressions.
You burst out laughing at Isagi’s loud voice, walking up to join the two in their victory. “Did you see that Y/N? Our son will be just like me, no- even better!”
"Slow down. He still has to learn how to talk and walk proberally." Your words made the man huff out a pity laugh as he lifted his son in his arms, victorious smile on his face. "That's secondary. It's more important that he becomes the best-" He stopped himself at the sight of your stern glance, arms crossed over your chest.
"C'mon, baby! You should support the future number one striker from day one! The whole world will bow before Isagi Sho- the best, the most glorious, the jewel of the crown."
A slight smile twitched up your lips at Yoichi's words. "If I didn't already know that you were a striker, I would've thought you're a commentator." It was his turn to chuckle, now heading to the goal to confiscate the ball. "Alright, Sho. Once more, your talking studies can wait-"
You cleared your throat in a loud manner, his words falling silent at your judging expression.
"Yuppp, talking and walking first."
"Alma. A- L- M- A. See?" Oliver tried his best to teach his five year old girl the alphabet, but it was hard to do so when she barely sparred him a glance. "Now you." His fingers tapped onto the alphabet that was laid in front of him on the table, his little daughter on his lap, playing with her toys.
He breathed out in defeat, his eyes wandering to you in the living room, enjoying your favorite TV show. "Y/NNNN. I can't do it. She doesn't even look." You looked at him and her at the dinner table, a chuckle leaving your lips as your attention turned back to the TV. "You're at it for barely five minutes, Oli'. Maybe do a word that would make her listen?"
A word that would-? Oh, yes, he knew one. He let out a villain - like laugh, his daughter looking at him in confusion. "Candy. Show me the letters and if you're correct, then-"
"No. No more sweets. She already had enough for today." She pouted at that, Oliver ushering her near him. "Mommy doesn't have to know, I'll give you some." Alma's eyebrow twitched up in question, her toys long abandoned on the floor. "But daddy, I can't spell that. It’s too long."
This caught your attention, looking over at them, sensing Oliver's panicked expression. "Shhh! Why would you-" "What did he say, Alma?" Oliver gave her a look of 'please don't tell her I'm not in the mood for trouble tonight' but Alma did just that, with a big grin on her face too, bursting out laughing once you looked at her father in a strict manner. "Oh, is that so?"
Once Alma stopped laughing, she pointed her finger at the letter 'B'.
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ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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aihoshiino · 2 months
chapter 146 thoughts
This chapter (and thus this chapter review) contains discussion of abuse, suicidal ideation and CSA, so if you're not in the headspace for that, skip this one and I'll see you next time.
we are so oshi no back
After last chapter left me fighting for my life to come up with literally anything to say about it, this was one of those chapters where I ended up having more and more to say about it the more I turned it over in my head. It still feels a bit disjointed and has that same issue of ripping through the events of the movie way too fucking fast that the arc as a whole has been having lately but this chapter was such a breath of fresh air I can't bring myself to care.
The chapter itself is more or less split in two, with one half dedicated to 15 Year Lie's in-universe events and the other focusing a bit on Aqua and Kana for, tbh, the first time in way too long. Admittedly, my enthusiasm for 15YL has waned given the reveal of just how much of it is completely made up but like. I'm still gonna over analyze this stuff. Sunk cost fallacy, don't fail me now!!!!
I joke, but the 15YL section of this chapter was legitimately bone chilling. That barrage of cuts following Uehara's attack on Airi…. fuuuuuuuck, man.
Airi herself is pure fucking poison this chapter too and I mean it in the best way. I continue to be incredibly impressed with how OnK understands the motivations of a person like Airi what her abuse of Hikaru is really about. When discussing this in 141, Miyako points out just how often victims of abuse can themselves go on to perpetuate their own pain out of a need to try and regain their dignity, but I think what Airi seeks in her abuse of Hikaru is control. We see how often she wields her power over him while pretending that he has as much agency as she does in their """relationship""" and it's repeated here, too; she throws the results of her own sexual abuse of him in his face as a way of permanently chaining the two of them together, all while tearing down his worth as a person as if to 'prove' he deserves to be trapped in her grasp. I've said before that Akasaka is unsettlingly good at writing toxic mothers but I think Airi has made it pretty clear that Akasaka understands and is thus excellent at writing abuse and abusers in general, and for someone like me who counts that as one of their favourite Themes (tm) in fiction, I feel quite well fed.
The abuse Airi hurls at him is also interesting from a perspective of paralleling Hikaru even further with Ai. We saw snippets of this in 140, of Hikaru characterizing himself as someone desperately trying to construct a version of himself that can be loved by others the same way Ai creates 'Ai of B-Komachi', a version of herself who can give and receive love in the way she thinks her authentic self is unable to. Airi puts this into more explicit words; Hikaru must construct this fake version of himself because there is no 'real' him and thus, he is inherently unlovable. Jesus Christ.
Knowing those words were swimming around in his head, it makes the HKAI scene that follows even more of a gutpunch than it already is. It's the most wonderful kind of miscommunication tragedy - with their respective traumas, there is basically no other way a talk like that could have gone and yet it's agonizing to see it play out. Ai's innocent cruelty in the face of Hikaru's pain and her suffocating smile… the worst part is, while I completely understand why this was so shattering for Hikaru, it's impossible to miss that this was, in a way, an expression of love from Ai; it was honesty, an admission of vulnerability. She herself even says she doesn't want to lie to him. But to Hikaru, what else could that have sounded like but a confirmation of his most godawful fear?
that said. the timeline here is very confusing. this seems to imply hkai were still dating all the way up to the murder-suicide, which seemed to be just before the dome concert but did the breakup really seem that recent during their phone call?? this whole timeline is penised beyond repair.
The art in this chapter in general is incredibly good but something in particular I want to highlight is how much and how often Aqua-as-Hikaru looks like Ai in these panels. I can't put my finger on what it is, but that similarity always makes me feel so warm and sad whenever I see it. For as much as he struggles with his relationship to her, Aqua really is his mother's son through and through.
and. man. what even is there to say about that scene in the rain and everything that follows. I was't sure if the murder/suicide was going to be featured in the movie but even the brief snippet of it that we got and that barrage of scene titles and Kamiki's silent scream… whoof. shit like this makes me really hope we get to see mengo illustrate a horror manga someday because i think she would absolutely kill it.
We cut back to reality to see Aqua reading the script and in perhaps the most interesting swerve in this chapter, we see that he has once again reverted to his double black hoshigans. And uh, am I going to sound like a terrible person if I say I'm really glad for this? LOL.
Obviously I would rather Aqua not be experiencing Suicidal Ideation (Bass Boosted) 24/7, but it's kind of a relief to see that one single conversation wasn't enough to totally shake Aqua out of that headspace. I've talked a lot about how frustrating I find it that 'Ruby finds out Aqua is Gorou' is treated as the finale to her black hoshigan arc and every ongoing thread, internal and external, attached to it was dropped like a rock with no further interrogation. It robbed Ruby of the opportunity for some really important growth and, imo, was just shitty for Kana and Memcho who were treated extremely poorly by her and got no apology for it. I was really worried this would be the case for Aqua as well and that his own dip into that rancid headspace would end on a wet fart which would really sting given just how little insight we've gotten into him this arc. But this chapter makes it clear that while some cracks have started to form in his armor, he's not in the clear just yet.
i mean, even if he was permanently back to one white star, aqua is such a little freak regardless………………………….
What this means in the long term is a little hard to pin down, both because we've had so little insight into Aqua's headspace this arc and because the exact nature of black hoshigan as a symbol has always been a little Calvinballed, but in this context and for Aqua specifically, I think we can read this as his conviction in the messy endgame of his revenge play being shaken up. I, personally, have been reading the black hoshigan as of late as an expression of the sort of futureless despair that can become suicidal ideation, at least for Aqua; since immediately after Ai's death, we have gotten incredibly strong hints that Aqua is suicidal, his guilt-fueled desire to die and his desperate want to experience a happy future at war within him. He more or less explicitly says as such in 106, expressing that this break in their relationship is necessary for Ruby to be able to live on 'after he's gone' - which strongly implies that Aqua's revenge play is intended to end with his death.
Knowing that Ruby is Sarina wasn't quite enough to shake his conviction, but their talk in 143 was. I do think Ruby just giving him some straightforward affirmation was a good starting point but I also can't help but wonder, with the context that his white stars were not indicative of a permanent change, if hearing just how deeply Ruby still relies on 'Gorou's' presence in her life struck a nerve for him. Paraphrasing her from 143, she straight up says Gorou is the one who gives her life meaning. And if that's how it is, what exactly will happen if he's gone again..?
Obviously this is all still speculation because even when I am begging on hand and knee Akasaka is refusing to give us Aqua introspection but at this point I have to make a guess at SOMETHING if i am going to say anything remotely coherent about aqua in this arc, so
ANYWAY!! AQUA AND KANA HAVING A NORMAL ASS CONVERSATION FOR THE FIRST TIME IN GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!!! Ngl, it did give me a bit of a chuckle to see Kana voice the question of whether Aqua was getting too immersed in his role, given that people were accusing her of that back during the first round of the RBKN conflict.
I was also really surprised to see Aqua just outright say that yeah, he is at least flirting with suicidal ideation. Like - that's the first time he's said that out loud, to anybody??? In 143 he voices the less damning but still not great sentiment that he feels guilty for being alive but this is to my knowledge the first time Aqua has expressed his suicidal ideation out loud, let alone to anyone else. And… fuck, man! That's an absolutely terrifying thing to hear a friend say. No wonder Kana reacts like she does.
Because of my powers of Claire-voyance (read: basic pattern recognition and being in fandoms for 15+ years), I'm pretty sure people are going to be Very Mean to Kana about the way she chooses to respond to Aqua here but honestly? Not only did this tough love response feel very IC for her, but the clumsiness of it felt very honest to me. I think a lot of people in fandom lately just want characters to talk like fucking therapists all the time and have the Correct And Unproblematic Response to… well, situations like this. But Kana is an 18 year old girl who has her own share of issues and her friend she knows is dealing with his own huge amount of baggage just casually dropped an "i wanna kms" on her. All things considered, I think she handles it surprisingly well.
Because like… look at what Kana really says to Aqua here. She gives him some of their usual banter to diffuse the tension but then makes herself very clear: she does not want Aqua to hurt himself and makes him promise that he won't. It's clumsy and rough in the way Kana often is, but I think the important part - her sincere care for Aqua as her friend - really does shine through.
also cute that other people caught: Kana squishing Aqua's face seems to be an intentional callback to one of their on-stage interactions in Tokyo Blade, right down to Aqua making a identical scrunchyface to Kana. Extremely cute. I love it when Aqua is cute <3
Kana also being a person able to shake Aqua out of his black hoshigans also leans into something I've been hoping is going to pay off for a while now; the idea that Aqua's salvation is not going to come from any one, singular character but from the many different people who Aqua has built relationships with coming together when he needs them to support him. One of the things OnK has continually highlighted is the way isolation and lacking support systems warp and damage people's mental health and I think it would play excellently into that theme to have Aqua's support net, so to speak, to be wide enough to catch him no matter where he falls.
the product placement was very stupid but i did laugh pretty hard at it and then immediately go buy myself some potato chips so i guess it worked. genius mangaka aka akasaka.
All jokes aside, the note their talk ended off on was so lovely too. Aqua being honest enough to admit that being with Kana is fun and Kana getting all dokidoki and then quietly admitting she feels the same when she's alone… cute! But more than that, it highlights something about the AQKN dynamic I think is really important, regardless of whether their relationship is romantic, platonic, in laws, mlm/wlw hostility or whatever else; Kana is his friend and he can just be a normal boy and have normal fun with her without any ulterior motives. It's something Aqua doesn't really have in any of his other relationships so getting a reminder of that and what it means to Aqua was really good.
honestly i think i am just so starved of nice things happening to my son that seeing him opening up to one of his friends and admitting he has fun (HIS LAUGH!!!!!!) was like a shot of heavenly ambrosia for me. please can hoshino aqua have just one nice day.
this is what i mean about this chapter giving me 5000000 things to talk about. kamiki is TALKING TO RUBY IN THE FLESH FOR THE FIRST TIME and i almost completely forgor.
why is he dressed like a dad about to take her out on a fishing trip, though
Ruby looks unusually solemn while she's praying, which is interesting. She's been pretty bright and high energy since 141ish so I'm curious what has her looking so comparatively dour. She's praying at a shrine, too, which means there's probably something on her mind. Nik (@akane-kurokawa) theorized that she's anxious about the upcoming scenes in the movie (LIKE, YOU KNOW, HER MOM'S DEATH) and until we get further insight on that, that's what I'm gonna assume too.
putting aside how Shrimptresting it is that Kamiki turned up out of nowhere like that, I can't help but note a certain horrible parallel between Uehara meeting young Hikaru in the rain with a black umbrella and Kamiki doing the same for his daughter…
cannot wait for that entire talk to get offscreened. lol.
break next week……………………………
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chiharuhashibira · 10 months
Next chappy's up!
And yes, I won't make you cry 😫 I'll try thoooo~
Let's start this now! First part will be written in Sanemi's POV. Then after the --, I will go back to Y/N.
I present you the Part of of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☺️!
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝚅
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive, Angst/Drama
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(Image is not mine)
"Nii-chan, are you alright?"
"Huh? I'm good. What's up with you, though?"
Sanemi hasn't been focusing well lately, even in his classes. He's less harsh than he usually is, and even his closest friend, Obanai, notices this. But of course, knowing the chemistry teacher, he won't really pry that much.
Genya shifted in his seat, looking at his big brother with worried eyes. Usually, Sanemi would say things like...
"Why do you fucking care?!"
"Mind your own damn business, you goddamn brat!"
It's not like Genya likes being yelled at by his own brother, but Sanemi's been acting weird.
"I'm good Nii-chan. I hope you are too. Just remember that you're the sweetest brother in the world. And the greatest teacher too."
Sanemi blushed at what his little brother told him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, gripping harder on the steering wheel. But honestly, inside, his heart was suddenly filled with warmth.
You were a wreck. The day after that incident with Sanemi, you couldn't find the guts to face him at school. You can't even talk to Kanae well after the jealousy that you just felt from her presence. The science teacher doesn't deserve it, as she was really nice towards you, but you just can't help it.
You're a history teacher, but damn, you don't know how to write your story well enough that it'll be good history in the future.
Sanemi had avoided you as well, and that made you feel worse. Whenever you're in the faculty room, he will walk out, even if he's in the middle of a conversation. Of course, you know that what he tells his other colleagues is just full of excuses.
You silently watched him, noticing how he became less aggressive with his students. But of course, sometimes you'll see him talking to Kanae, and you'll end up sulking once again on a corner with Tomioka, who has no idea why you're there with him at all.
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(this is the usual view you'll see)
But as if the fates were testing your patience, today you found yourself alone with him inside the faculty room.
The teachers decided to go out tonight, but of course, because you were sulking badly, you declined. Even if Tomioka wanted to decline too, Shinobu forced him to do so. So now you're alone at your desk, finishing checking the test papers on the table.
You heard the door slide but didn't look up, as perhaps it was just one of your students.
"If you're looking for other teachers, they're not around. Just come back tomorrow."
"Need a hand?"
You looked up, and standing behind you was Sanemi. With his sleeves rolled up and his arms crossed, you can't help but feel hot on the face. But yes, you longed to hear his voice. You fucking missed the scent of his minty perfume.
You missed Sanemi so much, and him talking to you right now fucking hurts so much.
But of course, you're at school, and this is work. You need to separate your personal life from your career, which you also messed up on doing the last few days.
You gave Sanemi a soft smile, trying your best not to pull him down and just hug him. "Oh, sure, Shinazugawa-san. My students are giving me a hard time!" Your voice sounded as professional as you had imagined, and it had made Sanemi scoff.
He pulled Giyu's chair over and sat next to you, snatching some of the test papers from your table. "Where's the answer sheet?" He asked, and you handed it to him.
Sanemi's fingers brushed against yours, and that immediately almost made you pass out. You were paralysed by the sensation that the little motion sent through your body. You watched as the man checked the papers silently, wishing he'd bring up something from that time, but nothing came.
"For a delinquent kid, Hashibira-kun did well." He muttered under his breath, praising your student which made you smile. "Yep, he's good at history. And Kamado-kun's a great tutor." You replied, smiling as you easily checked Tanjiro's papers. The kid had aced the test once again.
"Eh, I hope he does well in math, though. That kid gets fucked up with numbers!"
"Oi, mind your language." You said, chuckling, which also definitely made Sanemi smile.
You remembered the night when he confessed to you, as he said almost the same words when you cursed at him.
"Why are you still here, though? I thought the teachers would eat dinner together or something. Where's your best friend? Tomioka?" Sanemi asked as he continuously checked your students' papers. You gulped and paused for a bit.
"Oh, Kocho-sama took Tomioka-san. And as for me, I'm busy. I can't go." You lied through your teeth, wishing Sanemi would never notice. "How about you? I thought you went with them?" Kanae's there... You wanted to add but stopped yourself from doing so.
"Oh well, I'm not in the mood for those gatherings. Okay, I'm done here. Do you have more tests to check?"
"Oh, none. I think I can go home. Finally!"
You said, stretching out on your chair. You didn't notice, but a button on your blouse popped out, hitting Sanemi on the cheek. You gasped, immediately caressing his cheek to check if you had accidentally wounded him again. But thank goodness, there are none.
Sanemi undoubtedly blushed slightly as you caressed his face and let your fingers run up his scars. When you realised it, you pulled your hand away, apologising for what you just did.
You were expecting that Sanemi would pull your hand or anything, but that didn't happen. Disappointment filled you, but this is the reality. You turned him down, and that's the end of it.
A warm fabric suddenly blanketed you, making you look up. There, you saw that Sanemi took off his outer vest and placed it over your shoulders. "I don't wear any jackets, but perhaps this vest could cover you up." He said it sweetly, and that definitely tugged at your heartstrings.
"Thank you, Shinazugawa-san."
"You're welcome."
Silence. A deafening silence came right after you wore his vest, covering up your bra that was exposed earlier. His minty scent embraced you like a lover longing for his significant other, and there, you wished it was him instead of just his vest.
The math teacher didn't try to start up a conversation; instead, he played with Tomioka's pen that was left at his table.
You suddenly wondered why he was mad at your friend in the first place. So you asked.
"Why do you hate Tomioka-san so much?"
Your question caught Sanemi off guard, and he was undoubtedly staring at you with wide eyes as a result.
"Uh, sorry to pry—"
"I don't hate the man. But I consider him my rival. He's smart; I'll give him that. But I fucking hate his I am different from you vibes and shit. And the Kochos seemed to still like him despite that. You know that Kanae's my ex. I even became jealous of him before."
Kanae again... You looked away and sighed. "I see."
"But now it's different. It's more like he doesn't vibe with me as much as Obanai does. And he looks like a fucktard."
"Hey! Tomioka's handsome!"
You said it in defence of your best friend, which made Sanemi laugh. He shook his head and continued. "But yeah, that's it. I don't really care if he lives with the Kochos or anything. I have more priorities than thinking about them."
His words moved you. So, does this also mean that he isn't thinking about Kanae anymore? You wanted to ask once again, but you have no right to do so.
"And you're one of those priorities, Y/N."
Your world stopped as Sanemi's voice echoed in your senses. You shot him a shocked look, but he was already looking at you with sadness in his eyes. This sight was too different from his normal attitude, and it makes you feel bad. You want to comfort him.
"I can't forget about you, Y/N. I fucking tried."
"Sanemi stop."
You tried stopping him, but the man held your hand once again and gripped it tightly this time, assuring you that you wouldn't leave him again.
"Please let me start over, Y/N. Please let me prove myself to you. Please give me this last chance. And I swear that if this doesn't work this time, I'll stop for good. I'll fucking leave you alone even if that shit hurts."
This time, tears finally rolled down your cheeks as, for the second time, you saw the usual strong and cold Sanemi beg for you to give him another chance.
You hate how he looks right now. You hate seeing him sad. And with that, you let your impulse take over your body as you gave him a warm embrace and whispered in his ear.
"One last chance, Sanemi. Let's try this again."
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝑰 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
But why the heck am I sobbing XD
Okay... fuck, I love angst :'( And still I hope this made you happy ^^
I hope Sanemi's not too OOC but this is how I imagined him to be if he ever falls in love again and get hurt. Like he would have this part revealed. And yes, the first part's my fave as I was sobbing over Genya because of some spoilers that I have seen today.
You are my babies and I want you happy so I swear, next chappy will be happier. Sanemi and Y/N is making up here so, perhaps on the next chappy they'll be okay? Or is it? MWHAHAHAHA
But anyways, thank you for reading this fic. I love you and always remember that!
@sofilsworld just tagging you here as you were also in the last chappy ^^ Thank you!!
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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entertext · 9 months
HGSN 21-1
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
(sfx: cicada calls: kumazemi)
(sfx: cicada calls: higurashi)
(txt: smaller grave marker labeled "Caw-tarou" in childish handwriting)
(txt: bread wrapper labeled "Cream pan")
Yoshiki: Sorry this is all there is
Yoshiki: As long as he's around, no one will hold a funeral for you...
Yoshiki: But, if he's here, I can go without forgetting you, so I'm glad
Yoshiki: 'cause that's...what scares me...the most...
Hikaru: Whoa
Hikaru: So you were here? Brings me back...
Hikaru: We used to always play here back then right?
Hikaru: Ah, look at this
(txt: "Start→" written in childish handwriting)
Hikaru: The Super Maruo stage I made. The one you played with your finger while making "pwing" noises and stuff.
Yoshiki: Yeah
Hikaru: ...
Hikaru: Hey...what are the differences between me and Hikaru?
Yoshiki: You're completely different...
Yoshiki: He'd read the room more than you do, he was more mature...
Yoshiki: And he was harder to understand
Yoshiki: He was more of a rascal. He'd tell lies, and he could be pretty wily.
Yoshiki: And...
Yoshiki: he'll definitely never come back. So you're different.
Hikaru: ...
Hikaru: ...did you 'like' him?
Yoshiki: ...why?
Hikaru: No...it's nothing, just...
Hikaru: 'cause
Hikaru: Before, you looked away after seeing my bare chest...
Hikaru: And like...
Hikaru: I was just wondering... why...
Yoshiki: ...I don't want to say
Hikaru: ...why?
Yoshiki: ...Now, even if I look at your body, I don't feel anything in particular anymore
Yoshiki: ...And also...when it comes to these feelings
Yoshiki: I think its fine if you don't understand them
Hikaru: ...what's with that?
Hikaru: ...It's true that they're...not something I have. Those feelings...
Hikaru: Compared to humans, on a fundamental level,
Hikaru: I'm totally different, I guess
Yoshiki: There are things we have that only we have
Yoshiki: Also...
Yoshiki: You don't need to turn into a human or anything
Hikaru: Huh..?
Yoshiki: In fact, please don't ever become anything like a human
(sfx: grab)
Hikaru: Hey!
Hikaru: Sure...?
Yoshiki: (He's a being different from us in every way)
Yoshiki: (There's no way we could come to terms with each other on every point)
Yoshiki (That said, given that he's here)
Yoshiki: (it still doesn't make it okay for him to kill people, but...)
Yoshiki: (Rather than forcing him to fit in with humans)
Yoshiki: (if there was a place where he could live as himself instead...)
Yoshiki: (For that, I'd...)
Yoshiki: (give everything...)
(sfx: cicada calls: kumazemi)
(sfx: cicada calls: higurashi)
(sfx: marker on paper)
Next chapter: 2023/09/19
Twitter Extras (link):
'Hikaru's vocabulary is limited, so he'll say "like", but it differs from what humans mean by "like".
Why do dogs dig holes?
Why do cats sharpen their claws?
Just as humans can't understand these intrinsically, 'Hikaru's "like" may also not be understandable to humans.
Regarding the cicada sounds in Japanese:
- Up until now, cicadas cries in HGSN have been represented with the sound "shawa shawa shawa"
- This is likely to represent the cry of the kumazemi (Cryptotympana facilis) which is very common in Western Japan and associated with summer: video sample
- In this chapter although there are still some "shawa shawa shawa" cries in the background, the largest cries are "kana kana kana" instead
- This is likely to represent the cry of the higurashi (Tanna japonensis) which is associated with late summer/autumn, and is thought to have a melancholy or lonely sound: video sample
By the way, in the final frame, we can see the word Nounuki partially obscured and the name Matsuyama, as well as an unfamiliar proper noun circled in the center. I expect next chapter to give more context and a full image for the chart in the final frame.
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lix-ables · 10 months
im constantly having thoughts about dad!minho, being in a throuple with jisung and chan and wanting to sit on jisungs face LMFAO my brain is a wild place so much is going on up in there
jdkoasjfe three different things omg hows your brain doing today ??? but so so sorry i got to this late. ABOUT DAD!MINHO can i please direct you to @mnwrld kana writes THE LOVELIEST, the most amazing and toe curling dad skz fics, please i feel my darling would do more justice than me. ABOUT THE OTHER TWO *rubs palms evilly*
being in a throuple with chan + jisung would be such a dream though?? because i feel like those two are such a duo where chan's always the sweet one - taking care of you, giving you what you need, holding you when you need it. and jisung is just the opposite - this mofo would tease the shit out of you, and when i tell you he's the kind who'd want you to wear a vibe while you're out? even if chan tells him that's it mean to you, but ends up giving in because of your reactions? the teasing he gets when you're back home? because chan tells you that you can play with jisung, and you torture him for what seems like hours to him? edging = best + subby ji. you heard it here
BUT SITTING ON JISUNG'S FACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god. he would LOVE being between your thighs, and when i tell you he is going to hold you down on him, almost suffocating him, because he feels that's the best way to tease you. the way his tongue flicks against your clit, his nose brushing against it when he tongues your pussy? HE IS PUSSY DRUNK. he needs it more than air. if he even has that
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petitelepus · 4 months
Old Friends, New Lovers? Part 1
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Summary: You and Haganezuka go way back. You were childhood friends and these days you are both teachers at Kimetsu Academy. The only thing is that you have the worst luck when it comes to finding love and Haganezuka is starting to get enough about it. Things happen and you finally end up together. Now it should be smooth sailing from here on forth, right? A lighthearted story about you and Haganezuka banging here and there and other sweet stuff like that.
Warnings: Cursing, Drinking, Smoking, Vomit
A/N: Modern!AU, Female Reader, Teacher Reader, Teacher Haganezuka, From Friends To Lovers, Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku, Goto, Gyomei Himejima, Kanae Kocho, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kyogai
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
It was Friday and the students were already on their way home to spend their weekend away from school. That left teachers to fill in last-minute reports and grade essays, projects, and exams. The teachers were mostly minding their own business when you suddenly slammed the door to the teacher's office open and then shut behind you.
"I AM PISSED!" You exclaimed out loud and your colleagues turned to look at you as you frowned, "Who is going out drinking with me today?!"
The teachers glanced at each other and hands rose one by one. You huffed and nodded, "Great! I'm gonna-!" You were about to say when suddenly the office door slid open and a student peeked inside, "Miss, I need your signature on my paper…"
"Ah-!" You put on a kind smile and nodded as you followed the student out of the office, "Of course, lead the way."
As you left to aid the student, the teachers shared glances with each other.
"What was that about?" Goto asked and many sighed.
"I guess she got dumped again." Tengen thought out loud and Gyomei frowned sadly, "Again?"
"Wasn't she just recently seeing someone?" Kyogai asked and Sanemi nodded, "Yeah. Looks like this one didn't work out for her either."
"She has been this way ever since elementary school." Haganezuka grunted, "She would always chase after boys or girls she liked and then end up heartbroken when they wouldn't return her feelings. Same thing in college."
"Oh right, you guys are childhood friends, right?" Kanae asked and the masked teacher scoffed, "She's a pain in the ass, that's what she is."
"Yeah, you've known her the longest!" Tengen laughed, "Maybe the two of you should date-!"
The art teacher didn't get to finish his sentence when the office's door slid open and you entered the room. To your colleagues' confusion, instead of complaining or shouting, you burrowed yourself into paperwork.
"Are you alright, young lady?" Kyojuro asked and you growled, never taking your eyes off the papers before you, "Yeah, just gotta get these done and I can clock myself out and then go and try to forget this douchebag ex…!"
The teachers glanced at each other but then focused on their own work. The only one who kept looking at you was Haganezuka, but even he focused back on his work before anyone could notice.
Later that night you and your colleagues had gathered in your favorite restaurant slash bar to enjoy good food and drinks. The night was going well, despite it being your way to take out some steam.
"I hate that bastard!" You exclaimed as you chugged your drink, "I gave him two months of my life and he goes and starts seeing his coworker!?"
"Again?" Tengen asked, "What happened to that woman you were seeing just a while ago?"
"Oh, don't get me started!" You shouted, but it was too late, "She said I was nice, but she wasn't looking for something long-term! Apparently, I was just her rebound after she had a nasty breakup!"
"Sounds like you have poor luck when it comes to men or women." Obanai grumbled and you nodded, the alcohol making your mood whimsical and sad all of a sudden, "What am I doing wrong? I'm nice, I have a good job and I'm pretty!"
You pouted as you looked at your colleagues sadly, "I am pretty, right?"
"You're very beautiful." Kanae nodded with a small smile, "But you know, you don't need to be dating someone all the time? You can be single for a moment if you want?"
"You don't get it Kanae… I'm already 36, and I'm not getting any younger!" You cried out, "It's time for me to find love, settle down, maybe pop out a kid or two, and just…"
"I don't know…" You murmured sadly as you drank the rest of your drink in one go and then got up, "I'm going out for a second. I need to get some fresh air."
Your colleagues nodded and didn't pay any mind to you as you got up and stepped outside for a moment. It was already dark, but you didn't mind it. You dug out a cigarette pack from your jacket's pocket, grabbed one, and placed it between your lips before lighting it. You knew that cigarettes were a horrible habit, but you had to blow off some steam or in this case smoke.
"Why the fuck am I this way?" You grumbled quietly by yourself as you blew out some smoke.
"Because you are an idiot, that's why." Came a familiar voice and you turned and saw a familiar Hyottoko mask looking in your direction.
"Haganezuka?" You frowned as your childhood friend settled next to you, content to just watch you smoke. You frowned, "What are you doing here?"
"You always smoke after a breakup." He replied, ignoring your question. You grunted and took a drag of your smoke, "It's a bad habit of mine. Always has been."
"Oh yeah? I remember that you started to smoke to impress a guy." Haganezuka reminded you and you frowned as you remembered that crush who didn't even know you existed. You still remember how you had left him a love letter, but another girl had taken credit for it. Those two were probably married and had kids by now.
"Don't remind me…" You crumbled, suddenly getting a bad taste in your mouth and it wasn't just the cancer stick. You decided that you didn't want it anymore. You groaned as you dropped the cigarette and stepped on it with your shoe.
"Fuck it, I'm-" You were saying when you suddenly felt your balance shift and you almost tripped on your own feet. You would have hit the ground if it wasn't for Haganezuka quickly catching you.
"Alright, I think you've had enough!" The man snapped and you groaned as you felt alcohol really hit you. Talk about a sneak attack.
"I'm taking you home." Haganezuka said and you groaned as you tried to stand up on your own, "Just give me a second, I gotta go and pay my tab and-!"
"It's already taken care of." The man said and you looked at him in awe, "You paid my bill?"
"You better pay me back." He grunted and you rolled your eyes, "I will, I will."
The two of you left and as you were walking, you found yourself leaning against Haganezuka's side, enjoying his body's warmth and how stable he felt.
"You're a good friend, you know that?" You thought out loud as you looked at your friend who just grunted. You hummed as you smiled, "You always have been. Even when we were kids, you would always look after me."
"That's because you were a huge crybaby."
"Still… You always took me into your games and such."
"Because you would cry if I didn't include you."
"Ah, memories," You chuckled, "Where did I go wrong?"
"I don't know and I don't care."
"So cruel…!" You whined, and Haganezuka groaned, his patience wearing thin, "Fine! You want to know what's wrong? You fall in love far too easily and with assholes and idiots out of all people!"
"Mean..!" You pouted, "When did my dating become your business?"
"It becomes my business when you always end up with a broken heart!" The man snapped and you were tempted to snap right back at him but you looked as saw that you were already by your apartment building. Haganezuka took you to the front door and you told him the code that the door needed to open.
Once inside, the two of you took an elevator to your floor and walked to your front door. You dug out your keys from your pocket and inserted them into the lock and with a click, your front door opened.
"Thank you for taking me- Whoa, what are you-?" You were interrupted as Haganezuka followed you inside your apartment.
"I need to use the toilet." He grunted as he took his shoes off and you sighed, "First door on the right, you know it."
The man nodded as he went to use your toilet slash bathroom and you made your way to your small kitchen. You glanced at the clock on the wall and noted that it wasn't as late as you had thought. You peeked at your fridge and you were pleased to see a half bottle of vodka and many bottles of Cola.
You heard the toilet being flushed and you peeked to see Haganezuka step out of your toilet.
"Hey, if you don't have anything better to do then would you like to stay and help me finish this bottle?" You asked as you showed your vodka bottle to your friend.
"Why the fuck do you have a bottle of vodka in your fridge?" He asked, and you pouted, "Are you gonna drink it with me or shall I finish it myself?"
"…Fine!" Haganezuka grunted as he walked to your living room and you joined him on your couch with two glasses, a bottle of Cola, and vodka. You poured your glasses full and handed him his vodka-Cola.
"Bottoms up!" You clinked your glass against his and took a long sip of your drink. Haganezuka groaned as he took off his mask and placed it on your coffee table before taking a sip himself.
You immediately looked at him and smiled at the sight of the handsome face he hid behind that funny mask of his. "You're really handsome, you knew that?"
"I don't care." He grunted and you chuckled, "Shame. You would make someone really happy."
Your friend grunted something under his breath and you took your chance to take a sip of your drink.
"I want to ask you something." Haganezuka looked at you with those pretty orange eyes of his, "And I want you to be honest with me. No bullshit or such!"
You hummed thoughtfully, wondering what he wanted to ask, before nodding, "What do you want to know?"
"Why did you never chase after me?"
You blinked, taken aback by his question. It was not a question you expected him out of all people ask.
"You are my friend-!"
"I said no bullshit," He snapped and you frowned, "I didn't-!"
"Tell me the truth or I'll squeeze it out of you!"
"But I… Fine!" You pouted stubbornly as you averted your gaze from him, "Because you were my only friend and I didn't want to chase you away like I chased everyone else I liked…"
You blushed as you realized just how pathetic you sounded… And you blushed even worse when you realized that you just told your friend how you liked him.
"Idiot." Haganezuka grunted as he took a sip of the drink in his hand, "As if you could ever chase me away."
"W- what was that?" You couldn't understand what you heard. Did Haganezuka like you?
"What do you think?" He shot right back at you and you froze, "I… I don't know?"
"Let me explain it to you so that even you can understand…!" Haganezuka growled as he looked at you, "Do you have any idea how annoying it is to listen to you talk about finding someone to love when I am right here!?"
You blinked, confused and the alcohol in your systems didn't help you at all. Nope, if anything, it made things harder for you to read and understand.
"What do you want?" You asked and Haganezuka frowned as he took your drinks and placed them on the table. You were about to repeat your question, but he grabbed your face and kissed you without any warning.
You felt your eyes widen, but slowly you let them close and you found yourself kissing him back. It was a very simple kiss, but for some reason, it filled your stomach with butterflies unlike any other kiss ever did.
Slowly and reluctantly, Haganezuka pulled away from the kiss and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I want to be your lover." The man said and you stared at him with your eyes wide.
Those butterflies..! They were coming back, and-!
"Hrk!" You slammed a hand over your mouth and bolted, running straight to the toilet and letting it all out. Haganezuka flinched as he heard you hurl and he decided that you had enough to drink. So while you were getting rid of everything in your stomach, he took your drinks and bottle of vodka and poured them all into the kitchen sink.
He heard you flush the toilet and walked into the bathroom to see you hugging your toilet seat like your life depended on it.
"Had enough?" Haganezuka asked, not resisting a chance to tease you. You groaned weakly before your body convulsed and you dry-heaved, but nothing came out.
"I'm…" You gagged, "I'm never drinking again…!"
"Alright, come here you drunk," Haganezuka helped you up on your feet and took you to your bedroom.
"Hotaru…" You whined and whimpered as he tucked you under the blanket and as soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell asleep. Haganezuka stared at you for a second before he grunted and left your bedroom, opting to sleep on your couch so he could make sure that you remembered this night tomorrow.
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pulim-v · 3 months
First digital drawing I'm posting this year! Natsuko Kocho, my KnY oc that's been in the oven since 2022! (Comparison to an older drawing of his and long-ass backstory under the cut)
(Also shoutouts to @shycroissanti for the anti-AI watermark girl you're amazing tysm for this)
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For reference, this is a comparison between my first drawing of him and the one at the top; as you can see, I grew a lot in art over the last couple years LMAO
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TW: Depression, substance abuse/alcoholism, and murder.
Natsuko's story is not a happy one. A troubled mind since childhood, he lived his life isolated from his peers, sinking into bouts of inexplicable sadness and alcoholism as time went on.
That changed, though, once he met Kanae, a gentle soul who saved him from an attack his village suffered from a demon. The two became friends, Kanae enjoying his interest in flowers and gardening and Natsuko finding someone who didn't mind his quirks, and, eventually, love blossomed between them, the two eventually marrying each other.
A conflict arose, as Natsuko wanted his wife to be beside him, and begged her to either teach him her breathing style for him to assist her or retire from the Corps, but in her unending kindness and flawless moral compass Kanae couldn't let her lover throw himself to die, neither could she stop battling demons and saving lives.
In one fateful day, Kanae's mission seemed to be more dangerous than the ones before, so Natsuko went after her to at least assist civilians and treat her wounds. What awaited them was a cold-hearted killer, who devastated the village Kanae was protecting, and nearly took her life. Arriving in the scene too late, Natsuko, who had accompanied Kanae's sister, saw his lover's body covered in blood, the life nearly leaving her eyes.
The demon slayer looked into her loved ones' eyes, and told them the truth: she did not want either to follow in her footsteps, Shinobu should take care of the family house and Natsuko should keep to his garden. However, knowing the two wouldn't follow her commands, Kanae gave them instructions should they want to avenge her: she had left books and guides on Flower Breathing for Natsuko, and he should train along with Kanao to become a slayer, and both of them should know what her killer looked like to fight him.
Natsuko, having lost his lover, has his heart fall into an ever-expanding abyss, spending his days in the local tavern and drowning in alcohol. He tried to train to become a slayer, but his intoxicated body was far too damaged for him to develop strength, even if Flower Breathing was a natural fit for him.
After significant berating on Shinobu's part, he dedicated himself to control his mind and heart, gaining a deep understanding of Total Concentration Breathing and starting to overcome his issues, becoming a demon slayer after a few months of training and starting his journey to become stronger and, by being of significant help to the Butterfly Mansion, avenging his lover.
And that's it! This is Natsuko's story, it's really edgy, cliché, and honestly not better than the OG one, I think Kanae's bond with Shinobu and Kanao is a lot better than what I have here, but!!!! I really like Natsuko, and wish I could draw him more, so I guess it kinda balances out :P
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silverynight · 1 year
Mitsuri and Shinobu bringing food and tea to Tanjirou’s room while he’s preparing for his last few days of pregnancy. Right before they enter, they hear Tanjirou talking to himself. They open the door just a crack and notice he's caressing his swollen belly and talking to his unborn pups.
“Your father Gyomei-San is the tallest and strongest and his heart is even bigger. He cries at times but don’t take it too hard. Unfortunately, he’s blind so he won’t know what you look like, but his other senses make up for that. And it’s wonderful when he lifts you up in his big strong arms and carries you. Whenever he does that to me…. I feel so safe. You’ll love it, he’s a gentle giant and will be there for you.
Then there’s your other father Sanemi-san. He may come off as scary based on his appearance alone, but he has a good heart, he has a habit of biting cheeks to show he cares. Don’t mind it. He will protect you with everything he has! He likes ohagi a lot and he’ll probably make a bunch for you. He’s such a sweetheart, though he’ll will play it off as nothing. And your Uncle Genya is a sweetie too! And a great marksman. You’ll adore him for sure! I can tell he will be a great uncle!
Your next father, Kyojuro-san, is a wonderful man! He has a presence that just pulls you in! His hearing is a bit messed up, so he speaks loudly. But don't let that frighten you. And his hair, oh I ADORE his hair, you will too! It's just like fire. His personality is as blazing as his heart. He'll probably introduce you to your Uncle Senjuro and Grandpa Shinjuro! Senjuro is a sweet docile boy, you'll both love each other so much. Your Jii-chan Shinjuro....well.... he may be a bit unapproachable at first. He's been through some hardships. Mainly due to the passing of your late grandmother, Ruka. He loved her so deeply. I never met her, but from what Kyojuro-san has said about her, she was as wise as she was beautiful, and as beautiful as she was kind. Give your grandpa time to warm up to you. He will cherish you in the end.
Another thing about Kyojuro is that he has quite the appetite, well him and one of your mothers, Mitsuri-san. She also has beautiful hair, it's truly magnificent! It matches her personality. She's one of the sweetest women, and the amount of love she'll shower you with. And she's incredibly strong!!! Another thing, if you see Mitsuri, Papa Iguro will definitely be right by her. He tends to keep to himself a lot and isn't very social. After spending time with him, he's a good man. And has strong bond with his snake, Kaburamaru. I swear it's as if they're mentally linked. He's a lovely snake and likes pats on the head.
Next is Tengen-san, who was a ninja before he was a Hashira. But he left that life behind, him and his three wives too! They are kunoichi, and beautiful strong ones too! They're your mamas too, and they will keep an eye on you. Makio-san is brave and fierce, Suma-san is sensitive and bubbly, Hinatsuru-san is kind and motherly! Tengen-san is very.... flamboyant. He cares A LOT about being flashy and no doubt will make sure you're the flashiest pups around. No doubt.
Shinobu-san will make sure you healthy and always in good shape! She has an intimidating presence despite her sweet smile, but she's as lovely and elegant as a butterfly. She had a big sister named Kanae, maybe she'll tell you more about her. She misses her dearly. There are also the butterfly girls and Aoi, I think Aoi wanted to bash my head with how much I missed your sires cues on their feelings for me. But, Aoi can't wait to see you guys and the little girls will think of you as their baby siblings.
Muichiro-san may seem as though he can't focus on anything, but I promise he'll have his attention on you every second of every day. He was the most thrilled when he realized you were triplets! Makes sense since he himself is a twin. Hold his hand and watch how he'll have his focus on you so quickly.
And last but not least, Giyuu-san. In a way, he's the main reason why you guys exist. Not for THAT reason, your existence was a....team effort. Had he have not helped me and your Auntie Nezuko....I don't even know what would have happened to us. I owe him so much. All of them. They are the BEST alphas an Omega could have. And when you guys grow up into your own people, I hope you are as amazing, strong, caring, fun, loving, and wonderful as them when you lot arrive. I love them so much and they love you so much. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and neither can they! A lot of us didn't have the happiest lives, but we're going to make sure that you guys and your future siblings won't have to deal with the pain, loss, and fear we did. We'll be watching over you until we draw our last breath."
With that declaration, Tanjirou kisses his hand and presses it against his belly. A small tap hits his hand, his pups can't wait to meet him and their sires either. Hearing a sob, Tanjirou turns his attention to the door....
"Shinobu-san, are you crying? Why are you–" Tanjirou is cut off when Mitsuri jumps into his arms, although she's very careful when she does. "You too? Why? Are you alright?"
"We love you so much, Tanjirou!" Mitsuri sobs in his arms, making sure not to put any kind of pressure on the omega's belly.
"And I love you too!"
"We know," Shinobu nods, wiping a couple of tears off her cheeks before handing him a cup of warm tea.
After a while they let him know they heard everything he was telling the pups and Mitsuri asks him to repeat it in front of the others which Tanjirou does gladly when they're back; he's shy now that he has an audience and he doesn't remember exactly what he said, but he remembers the feeling and the love he felt for his Pillars... So the words that come out of his mouth are not exactly the same, but they carry the same message.
And every single one of his alphas love it. When they hug him and kiss him after that, Tanjirou knows his pups can tell they'll be in good hands.
"What did I tell you?" Tanjirou strokes his belly a couple of times. "They're great, aren't they? You'll love to be part of this family."
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anuncalledbridge · 1 year
Summary: you didn't expect you'd be pulled into a verse where there is no Avenger, no Peter, and no Ned.
Pairing: Miles Morales x (half filo) Stark!reader
Warning: cursing in Tagalog, xreader, black hole
Author's note: I love the idea of the reader being Filipino sooo, I just felt like making her a Stark because Tony bangs everyone he wants and also this is gonna be a series.
Part two
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You and Ned walked together while Peter walk ahead the both of you. Peter was rambling something about the star wars lore and sometimes inserted MJ throughout his rambling. You didn't listen, you were looking above the clouds, however, Ned listened intensely.
Peter abruptly stopped, making you and Ned bummed into his back "What the hell dude-" your eyes landed on MJ in front of Peter, which made you smirk as you avert your eyes at Ned.
"You know what I'm thinking?"
Ned looked skeptical for a moment "Uhh, you're about to steal Mr. Starks credit card and then you'll buy me a whole set of lego?" You stifle a laugh "No, idiot but yes I'll think about that" Ned made a fist bump in the air followed by a loud whisper of yes.
You cleared your throat loudly, catching Mj's attention "Peter! Weren't you talking about how gorgeous, magnificent, creative, and may I add, Beautiful, M-" You were cut off when Peter jab you on the side making you curl up into a ball.
"Shut up!" He whispered in a panicked tone. "Ned help me.." you said in a dramatic strained way while Peter strangled you like there is no tomorrow.
Mj who was on her way to work, contemplated whether to just walk straight away and pretend nothing happened or to help her suffocating friend. She chose the latter.
"Peter, I would much appreciate it if you let go of the dog you're choking" Peter immediately let go of you, and you made another loud exaggerated gasp, which Ned found Funny because it sounds like Peter when he found out you were Tony Starks daughter.
"Potangina-"(son of a bitch) Peter nudge you again this time gently, you glared at him and then looked at Mj with a huge grin "Hey there, babygurl!" Mj sigh at the nickname but said nothing about it.
You put both of your hands on Peter's shoulder pushing him towards Mj until there is little to no space "Pete here, wanted to accompany you to your, humble work thing, Right Peter?" Before Peter gets to protest Mj interjected.
"Yeah sure, how bout you and Ned?"
"Oh, we're just about..to..." You looked around for an excuse "We're helping Ned's Lola! Right, Ned?"
"We are?" You nudge him on his arm making him hiss "Play along" you whispered yell "O-oh yes actually! Her back is hurting lately s-so.." without a word you grabbed Ned's arms and sprung away.
You cheekily did a fistbump together "I'm so getting you that Lego set" you laughed while Ned gushed like a teenager in love.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket so you check who it was, it was your dad calling. You groaned in annoyance, halting on your steps as Ned did the same waiting for you.
"What does he want now.." you muttered before answering "Hello Pa?" You heard your dad hum "You don't sound so happy hearing your dad, sweetpie"
You rolled your eyes "What do you want, Dad?" Tony once again hummed "No 'I love you Dad' first?"
"say it."
You whined, you covered your phone, and looked at Ned "Ned go wait for me at the store-" You were cut off by your dad's piercing voice. "No, let Ned hear it"
"I'll just go.." Ned tried to interject "stay." Your dad once again said. Ned went still like a brick.
"Fine....I love you, Dad...ano? masaya kana?" (what? Are you happy now?) Ned quietly but failed, laughed at your suffering you gave him a hard glare. "Very much, dear" your dad chuckled in satisfaction.
"What is it that you want, anyways?" You impatiently asked, "Calm down, the wizard man needs help, I'm too lazy, so go and help him for me, alright dear?" He said over the phone, you grumbled "But dad, I have things to do-"
Your dad hummed seemingly not caring "Uh-huh, and I don't care. Now go, love you sweetchecks bye" he ended the call before you even got the chance to reply.
"So you need to be elsewhere?" Ned asked, as both of you continued walking "I'm so sorry Ned" you apologize sincerely. You felt guilty, Ned and you had been friends for a long time, he's the only one who understood you when you moved to New York, since him being Filipino and you being half, he could relate to a certain extent.
It's not like you couldn't speak English, you were quite decent and it improved throughout the year, and you didn't fit in so when Peter and Ned came into the picture, you felt at ease they felt like home.
"It's alright, but the next weekend, y/n. You can't miss it" he seriously said. You laughed "Of course Ned, I wouldn't miss it for the world" You bid your farewells, you took the train which was quite ironic when you can technically just swing from building to building.
"Hey, there wizard queen" Stephen sigh knowing who that annoying voice belongs to "Your dad sent you instead of him, classic." His monotone voice echoed through each corner of the room which always amused you because everywhere this man goes, there is always an echo. As you inch your way towards him he stopped you.
"What?" You looked at him weirdly "There's this thing bugging the quantum realm, I think someone interfering with it." You raised a brow "How is that possible, Mr. Ozzie?" The nicknames always tick him off every time you say it.
"The nickname you're giving doesn't even make sense" he quizzically said.
"Yes, it does" you defended your stan. He looked at you expectedly, waiting for an answer "It's the Wizard of Oz"
It was quiet for a moment.
"you know what? I'm not gonna argue with your stupid nicknames, stop it with this wizard shit. I'm a sorcerer, there's a deference" You were about to argue but he sounds agitated "Besides, we got some serious pressing matter..." He trailed off, focusing on a book that just automatically flips on its own. It always amazes you how magic could work.
"What is wrong, exactly?" You finally asked. "Someone is trying to make some sort of passage through every multiverse, and it's not just a normal passage, it's a black hole and if created it can potentially-"
"Collapse the space-time continuum.." you pieced out everything, while looking around, not meeting Stephen's eyes. You didn't know what to feel at that moment. Nothing felt right since you woke this morning, maybe that was the reason why.
"We need Dad for this" You picked up your phone from your pocket and dialed your dad's number, it was ringing when suddenly you felt the ground shaking.
"Mr. Strange, what's going on?" Your looked at him wide-eyed, while he tried to do some kind of spell to stop the shaking but it didn't.
You heard your dad's voice on the phone, making you snap out of your focused state "Can't talk right now, sweetheart. I'm currently at the.." your dad's voice became muffled as your eyes landed on a black spot that was currently forming on the ceiling and it was glitching.
Stephen tried to conceal it but to no avail, it only sucked his magic in "Y/n! Get away from here!" He shouted across the room.
"But what about you!?"
"It's not trying to get me, it's trying to get you!" He shouted but this time it was much louder, Tony heard this "Sweetheart what's going on?" He asked worriedly, he could hear the wind blowing loudly on the phone so everything was just muffled.
"dad...I think this is the last time I'm ever gonna be able to talk to you" you finally said after a few beats of silence. Stephen desperately tried to conceal the portal as best as he could to give you the time to run, but even if you could run, it will still suck you up nonetheless.
"What are you talking about?" Tony's voice grew shaky, as he started to put on his suit. "Dad, what I'm seeing right now is stranger than Dr. Strange's name" you chuckled.
Tony paid no mind to his daughter's questionable humor and started to flee from whatever meeting he was in.
"I love you, Dad." He heard Stephen scream your name and then the line ended. Tony's breathing stopped he was utterly blank, if his suit wasn't in control he would have crashed right there and then.
You felt like you'd been tossed around like a ragged doll, with all the blinding colors coming your way. Your stomach churned feeling all your food coming back to your throat.
You screamed for what felt like ages; using your weebs to shoot everywhere, trying to find a wall or anything to stick your weebs with, but found absolutely nothing.
Suddenly you hit the ground rather harshly. You groaned, looking up, the city's blinding lights disturbed your peripheral vision. You had a gut-splitting headache making you wince when you sat up immediately.
"Anak ng- where am I?" (son of a-) You looked around once you adjusted to the familiar yet unfamiliar city. This was New York but not your New York.
You started to panic and started to rephrase the previous events "o-okay, so I got sucked into a black hole- wait aren't I supposed to be dead?" You asked yourself, and then you groaned in embarrassment "I said 'I love you' to Dad, thinking I'm gonna be pulled to shred, god this is so embarrassing!"
"Manhattan! I need to go to Manhattan...maybe the Avenger's Tower is still there." Judging by the place it looked like Brooklyn, you prayed to god that the tower is still there, that your dad is waiting for you to come home.
Before you even got time to swing another portal opened at the other building making you squint your eyes. You saw a silhouette drop gracefully making you feel stupid from earlier.
You swing to that said building but as you came nearer you felt your spidey senses act up. You halted as the person in front of you looked wide-eyed in your direction.
"Who are you?" Her voice was above a whisper, you scrunch your nose.
"what? Speak up, babe"
"I said, who are you?" Her voice became louder, and she sat up from her previous awesome posture and started walking towards you "I'm Gwen Stacy" she said.
"Oh, Y/n Stark" Gwen had her mask on while you didn't "So you're spider woman? I thought I was the only one"
"Me neither" she replied with an airy sigh, looking around her with a sense of familiarity "This is not New York" She looked at you for answers but you were just as confused as she is.
"It is, but different from where you came from" it was silence for a while "What do we do?" She asked.
"We get married and just live here" you proposed as a growing smirk started to form on your lips.
"Give me a better option" she replied almost immediately. You gaped at her "anyone would be so lucky to marry me"
"Unlucky" she corrected "but you barely know me! How could you know" you argued back. "exactly."
She got you with that one. The pair of you started to swing building to building "Where are we-" you dodge a pose "going?" Gwen sighed, she seemed distant but that didn't stop you "I'm going to this academy thing, because that's what my spidey senses want" she shouted through the air so you could hear.
"Your tingly thing? I had one too!" Gwen raised a brow, not replying to the comment as she continued to swing every building.
"You know it's dangerous going around, not wearing a mask, you know that right?" Gwen did a flip through mid-air making you do the same cause you built like that.
"Who needs em? When they got me as their gorgeous sight!" the pair of you continued along your journey to find this so-called academy, although you don't know how both of you can enter but you just left that problem to Gwen.
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ficsforeren · 1 year
just wanted to say that 💞
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creative-kny-fics · 2 months
hello! Can you make Lee Muichiro ler Lady amane there’s no Fics about them
'Mother' and 'son' moment 🥹 (and angst-) (By the way, I did my math and considering that, I guess Kanae could have been alive in those moments-)
(Sorry if there are mistakes, I can't concentrate if I write something sad-)
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Ler: Amane Ubuyashiki (Kagaya's/Oyakata-Sama's wife)
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
'Tokito-San... I brought you di... nner...-', Amane entered the room, but there was no one there. She put the tray on the floor, she knew that if Muichiro wasn't in the room, he would be training.
She had accepted that at the beginning, but now she was worried, Kanae had recommended that Muichiro not make so much effort, since he was still somewhat weak.
'Tokito-San! It's too late to be training...! Please come back here', Muichiro glanced at her, but ignored her and continued.
Amane sighed and approached slowly, taking the wooden sword from Muichiro. 'Give it back to me! Can't you see I'm training?!'
'I see it, but it's not time to train, you must have dinner or you might faint... Let's go inside, I've prepared...-'
'I don't care! Give me my-!'
Muichiro fell to the ground holding his throat while coughing, he had overexerted himself too much.
Amane called one of his daughters to bring a glass of water and after he drank, he fell asleep.
'Mother...?', he spoke, slowly opening his eyes. 'Tokito-San... Do you feel-?'
'Where I am...?', Amane caressed his head, she hadn't left his side all night.
She had taken Muichiro to Kocho's estate, she wanted to make sure that everything was okay with the minor and fortunately it was.
'You passed out and I brought you here to make sure you're okay, please eat some, okay?'
'Would you mind feeding me...?', she nodded, a mother's instinct I suppose.
He looked somewhat happy, being pampered by Amane made him feel happy, it made him feel... As if whoever was next to him was his real mother... 'I-I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me...'
Muichiro was going to dry his tears, but someone beat him to it. That gentle touch that she had, a touch that a loving mother has, brought a smile to his face, small, but it was.
'You should smile more, don't you think?' 'I-I was smiling...?', Amane nodded.
Muichiro didn't know, maybe he got too lost in his thoughts or maybe he did know but he was trying to hide it.
It was probably more the former, because Muichiro didn't realize that he was now on Amane's chest, feeling her caress his cheek.
'Amane-San... You... Do you think you could tickle me...?'
'Huh? 'Do you want that?'
'Yes... But don't be abrupt or cruel...! Be gehehentle!', Amane couldn't help but smile.
Muichiro felt good, it's the kind of tickling that relaxes, that sometimes (internally) makes you feel good, that helps you release stress and that makes you feel like you can't be judged because it's something you need...
He didn't remember how long had it been since he sat on his mother's lap and made the same request, he felt good...
He recognized that voice instantly and almost at the same time he opened his eyes and looked to his side.
Amane was by his side, usually she would have been with her husband, but due to his condition, it was impossible for him to get out of bed. 'Amane-San... How are you...?'
'I feel fine, thank you. And you? How is it? Don't move much, we still don't know if you're fully recovered. Oyakata-Sama and we are all proud of you, congratulations', Muichiro looked away, he felt strange.
That fog had diminished, now it was not so difficult for him to remember, he felt confused.
But even with the fog in his head, he couldn't forget Amane-San, something in his mind didn't allow him to do so, neither she nor Kagaya could leave his mind, they remained there.
'Tokito-San? Once again you are looking at a non-existent corner, it would be best if you...'
Things didn't change much, Muichiro hugged Amane with love and happiness, feeling how she also hugged him.
It was a great progress, she always saw how Muichiro avoided almost all types of physical contact, but not anymore, it was he who had taken the initiative and hugged her.
'Tokito-San...' 'Call me Muichiro or Mui, whatever you wish!'
'Okay... Muichiro, I guess this hug has a ulterior motive, right?'
Muichiro denied embarrassedly, earning a chuckle from Amane when after a few seconds he nodded. 'I guess this will become a habit, right?'
Amane said as her hands moved up from his ribs to his armpits, gently kneading in the center. 'Ehehehehe! Amahanehehe-Sahahan!!'
'If it's too much for you, tell me and I'll stop, okay?' 'O-okahahay!!'
It would be a long time, Muichiro had no intention of it stopping anytime soon, what did it matter if someone saw them?
After a few minutes, Amane stopped, leaving him confused. 'H-huh? Why did you stop?'
'I've only given you a moment's respite for what I'm about to do...'
Muichiro started kicking, he should have guessed, but it wasn't like he cared that much after all, he wanted that, right?
'I'm not overdoing it, right?', he denied. 'Again!'
Amane smiled and nodded, who knew that child would love raspberries? Well, she knew it, she knew him as well as she knew her children.
'Well, I think that's enough raspberries for one day hahaha', and with that, Amane stopped
After catching his breath, he hugged her, beginning to fall asleep as she began to hum a lullaby.
When she finally felt that he had fallen fast asleep, she left him on the bed, tucked him in and kissed his forehead. 'Rest well To-... Sorry... Muichiro... I love you very much'
'Amane-San... I love you too... Mom...'
Amane stroked his hair for the last time and left happily, she can't wait to tell Kagaya what had happened
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kanaehokariswife · 3 months
Introducing: me and my wife, Kanae Hokari
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I've not really tried to actively put myself out there in the self-ship community much before, but I think this might be a fun way to do so. I adore CLOCKUP's game euphoria to pieces and Kanae Hokari even moreso. I'm 100% proship and kindly ask please don't interact with me if you're an anti or believe that enjoying taboo fiction = real life interests. I'm too old for that shit. 18+ only please, I'm in my mid/almost late 20s.
Anyways! I met Kanae back in March 2012 right after a pretty traumatic incident and watching the freshly-released episode 2 of the OVA. In April, I played the source material, the wonderful eroge made by CLOCKUP. The storyline was fascinating, the characters intensely endearing in their own ways, but more than anything... by the end of it, I realized I truly fell in love with Kanae. I could dive into so many reasons why, but to be honest many are spoilers and my brain can only put out "hehe love my wiiiiife" at the moment. I'll write followups as to why I love her sometime!
This blog will contain spoilers for CLOCKUP's eroge euphoria, but I will be tagging them accordingly. Still, you may see them should you choose to interact here. Nice to meet you all in the self-shipping community! I hope to make friends who understand what it's like to love a character to such a deep extent. I'm okay with doubles and such, so no worries on that front!
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omgkalyppso · 2 months
things I would like to know about fellow writers
I was tagged by @dustdeepsea, thank you!! (:
Putting a cut in this because I'm very specific in some sexual language (not about my sexual history).
For this reason I'm too shy to tag anyone else, but if you see this and want to answer the questions, please consider yourself tagged by me.
Last book I read: The last book I finished must've been American Gods.
Greatest literary inspiration: I don't know. I like reading for reading and for learning, but no one that I really want to write like, and I feel bad for naming big names, still. JRR Tolkien, Douglas Adams, Diane Duane, Isaac Asimov (the short story Liar! has really stuck with me). And even then, that might influence how I used to write original fiction, but not at all how I write fanfiction, which I do almost exclusively now. I write far more original poetry than original fiction, and then ... I'm inspired by my mother, people in my community, all the music I listen to.
My fanfiction is a little inspired by my friends. I was going to link their a/o3 accounts but realized they may not want that. fghdfghdfg
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: Let's think of 3 for bg3 and 3 for fire emblem.
Vlaakith's defeat. - Idk enough about githyanki politics / how many "elite" forces (if any) are at her disposal.
Minsc's homecoming. - I feel like I'd have to play the first two games to be up to this.
He Who Was in control of his faculties but subbing very sweetly for Tav/Durge of any gender with bondage, hair pulling, overstimulation, spanking and the presence of a knife (I'd say knifeplay, but I don't mean bloodplay / cutting for him). - Reminder that this isn't a w/endy's, it's my blog.
Slowburn, longfic of Marianne moving to Faerghus with her eventual marriage to Dimitri. - Time.
Shura holding Kana for the first time. - I could write this. I won't.
Kink scene, free-use Hilda where her inner monologue is as complex as she is while still being wildly indulgent. - I started this wip; Hubert was also up for grabs in it. But it isn't happening.
Wait, also, Sylvain x Mercedes x Dedue starting a relationship with miscommunication and pining. - Planning this feels hard. fghdfg
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: 
With the note that I know I have at least 5 enablers who will (probably?? fdghfgdhfdg) always express interest in my completion of a project even if the won't read it, and so "nobody" being interested applies to strangers:
Komira and Locke, either domesticity or sexual intimacy.
A fic where Wyll and Ulder talk and it results in reconciliation, and then a bigger rift, and then understanding (people really don't like Ulder).
My Blaiddyd Bastard oc Almanzor learning to let go of the hang-ups on sex his parents gave him and fucking my oc Peregrine.
My oc Fae as a Student AU longfic.
You can recognise my writing by: The temptation to insult my own writing is so, so strong, but I don't mean to insult anyone who reads my stuff and enjoys it so I have to be nice. Hm. I don't know. "The way I write dialogue / inner reflection" is vague, but it's all I've got.
My most controversial take (current fandom): You guys (gender neutral and vague) can't call that shit self-insert if it's a non-human Tav (or Durge). It's first or second person writing (often, and not even always lately???), and x Reader fic, but self-insert To Me means that either any reader or at least the author has to be able to picture themself Being Inserted into the story. I haven't seen 1 isekai situation using this tag, which isn't a requirement, but you're giving the self-insert tiefling-tails and backstories, which is fun, but that's not a self-insert to me.
Top three favourite tropes: Slowburn (or emotional slowburn, sexually complicated), Hurt/Comfort (emotional or physical, whatever), Battle Relationship.
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): How current is current? Because potentially 0/10. I'll say 4/10 though.
Share a random frustration: I hate psyching myself out of a project because I worry something won't make sense (and I should post it anyway) or that it won't be up to my personal standards for myself.
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starlightcleric · 2 months
15 lines of dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I was tagged by @arendaes and @dragonologist-phd. Thank you!
For this one, I'm going back to my roots with Watcher Hazel Bramble of Pillars of Eternity.
“Don’t you mean Twenty-one and a half?”
“I can’t promise that. You said it yourself; I have a habit of getting involved.”
“I’ve killed a lot of people in my life. Too many people, probably. And it’s not true of every job, but most of the time I try to tell myself the world is a better place without those scumbags in it. The world is a better place now without Raedric, Edér. Even if it was too late for too many people, it wasn’t too late for everyone.”
“I’m sure we can find some Hel to raise.”
“Look, Edér was going to get hanged if he stuck around that town much longer. Okay, Aloth didn’t really have anywhere else to go. But Kana’s here because he’s interested in our murder basement. There was this priest guy that wanted to follow me around and insult me, but I turned him down.”
“Trying isn’t good enough.”
“I’m just having some trouble sleeping. I didn’t suddenly turn into some delicate flower.”
“I know Hollis has a right to be angry, I just… I just want us to be able to start over with the past behind us.”
“My standards lean more toward morality than legality […] They ask us to do in some people, we’re out of here. Ask us to crawl around some forbidden ruins, no one’s getting hurt and we get paid.”
“Oh, and apparently Dunryd Row is mostly orlan ciphers, a fact one of the Justicars was none too happy about. The horror. Said to my face that orlans are all too violent and need to be kept under observation. Can you imagine? Orlans just doing their jobs and living their lives?”
“I don’t feel more whole […] I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
“Hey, we’ll start a club […] It’ll be a really exclusive club and we’ll drink wine and eat fancy cheese as we slowly lose our minds.”
“At least if they’re going to dip into forbidden knowledge, they should be better at it.”
“If nothing else, at least the Leaden Key is sketchy as Hel and whatever they’re up to, I don’t like it.”
“You’re not the only one who can deflect personal questions.”
I'm tagging @sayonaramidnight, @orime-stories, @risualto, @shimmer-like-agirl, @adozentothedawn, and anyone else who would like to!
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