#you're so sweet I'll always support you babes <3
Playing with his Hair
Chris x reader, 1st person, reader POV
TW: shitty manager
Summary: you've had a long day. Everything was way more difficult than it needed to be. Chris asks you to come over when you get off of work for a gaming stream.
I hate my job. Honestly, I wish I could quit. Most of my coworkers don't even do their jobs, preferring to dump it onto me and my couple close work friends. I know Chris wouldn't mind if I quit and depended on him until I found a different job for a little while, but I would just feel so guilty about it. He's never say it, but I can tell he's under a decent amount of stress trying to keep up a specific appearance for the triplets' fans. I wish all three of them would take a break and just focus on destressing for a little bit.
Nevertheless, I have about twenty minutes left in my shift before the next person gets here to take my place and I can clock out. The diner I work at is incredibly slow at the moment, so I pull my phone out behind the counter and check the time. Well, "check the time." Really, it's just to see Chris on my lock screen. His name pops up in my notifications. I unlock my phone and click on the little box.
Chris 💖: hey doll, I know you're at work, but do you want to come over after you get off? We're doing gaming stream. You can spend the night?
I grin at his message. He's so sweet. I shoot him back a thumbs up since my manager is approaching and slip my phone back into my pocket.
"Bad news, Kaitlyn is running late, so you'll have to stay late." I hate this man. I hold the string of curses in and respond calmly instead.
"How late are we talking?" I lean on the counter in front of me.
"I don't know exactly. Probably at least an extra thirty minutes past your clock out time." His leans across the counter, putting his face near mine. "That isn't an issue is it?" It sounds like a question, but I know better. I know John better than that. No, if I complain I risk my job.
"That's fine." It's not fine. The time moves slowly. At one point I swear the clock starts moving backwards. Eventually, Kaitlyn runs in, her hair messy and her face tired.
"I'm so sorry, babes." She says to me quickly. "I had no idea you were the one stuck here with John. I'll make it up to you, I swear."
"You better." I say lightly, mostly joking. "I'm out of here. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers though." I say as I walk towards the back to clock out. I bump into John. "Kaitlyn just got here, so I'm going to clock out now." He rolls his eyes at me, but says no protest.
I get into my car after clocking out and pull my phone out. I shoot Chris a text.
Me: sorry I'm running so late, Kaykat was late 😭😭 I'm heading over now.
Chris 💖: okay ma, I'll have fresh clothes waiting for you <3
He really is sweet. How did I get so lucky? I start my car and pull out of the parking lot. The drive goes by quickly and before I know it, I'm pulling into the familiar drive way. I park my car, and let myself into the house.
"Honey, I'm back from hell!" I call out. I make my way down to Chris's room when I get no answer. He's not there, but some of his clothes are laid out on the bed. He's laid out one of his hoodies and some sweats. It just seems a little hot for all of that. I grab a shirt from his closet, one that's been worn soft and open the drawer he had kindly donated to hold my growing collection of clothes at his house. I grab a pair of shorts, then change my mind. I grab a pair of his boxers and a pair of black thigh high compression socks. My legs are already aching from that shift, so I'll need the support. I set it on his bed and go to his bathroom. I take my make up off and let my hair down before going back into his room to change.
Once I'm changed and I've deemed myself suitable for public sight, I head upstairs to the room they always stream in. I can hear them yelling from down the hall. I softly open the door and slip in. Nick and Matt are busy yelling at Chris for dying.
"You're done! No more playing until you can stay alive for longer than five fucking minutes!" Nick yells. Matt takes over on playing the game. Chris turns around and spots me.
"Baby!" He rushes me and pulls me to his body. "I missed you!" He brings me to the couch they kept in the room against the wall.
"I missed you too. What are you guys playing?" I ask, sitting down. Chris takes my legs and puts them over his lap, sitting close to the rest of my body.
"Skyrim." He answers, taking one of my aching legs into his hands and begins rubbing. I let out a hiss. "You okay, doll?"
"Yeah, just a long ass shift. So fucking tired of John." I express to him.
"Tell him to fuck off." He makes his way up my leg, working his magic hands to ease the aches throughout my leg.
"I'd like to keep my job." I roll my eyes at him.
"Really? I heard there's a position open for my stay at home cutie. Pays seventeen kisses, twenty hugs, and unlimited cuddles and hour." He switches to the other leg.
"Really now? What about health benefits? Huh?" I try to keep my voice steady through his beginning ministrations on my other leg. From the look on his face, I didn't do a great job.
"You got me there, doll." He finishes with both legs after a few minutes and leans his upper body to lay on mine. This just so happens to put his head perfectly within range of my hands.
I reach one hand up and burrow it into his hair. I place my pointer and thumb on the outer sides of his nap and begin rubbing small circles into his skin. He groans softly.
"Baby, let me take care of you." He protests.
"No, this is what I want to do. I want you to lay here against me and let me play with your hair. Please?" I throw out a pout. He huffs.
"I'm making you something to eat in a little bit." He squints at me.
"Okay, monkey." I say, driving both my hands into his hair. I rub circles across his head, then I switch to lightly tracing his scalp with my nails. He lets out the smallest whine.
I start gently moving his hair around, running my hands through it and pulling them up before slowly releasing his hair so it drops back down to his head. He practically whimpers at the sensation. "Fuck ma, feels good. You're real good at this." He moves against my hand. I giggle. In my opinion, there's nothing more relaxing than playing with my favorite boy's hair.
"Good." I say. My stomach growls loudly.
"I think it's time I go make you something to eat." Chris perks up. My shoulders drop. "Don't worry, doll. I'll carry you, and you can continue playing with my hair once you've eaten." He places a wet kiss on my cheek.
"Okay, okay." I sigh. "Come on." He smiles brightly at me. God, how did I get so lucky to have such a sweet boy?
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footballfanficwriter · 9 months
Late night cravings
Summary:where the reader is craving  and she wakes Jude up to her her food
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A/n: I am well aware of the war that is happening between Israel and Palestine and I just want to say I support Palestine, but I want to let you know that before reading this there will be mentions of companies that are owed by Israel so consider this a warning when reading also the timeline of these events are before the war or the war is nonexistent and is not taking place
It's 3 in the morning and I'm tossing and turning in bed, I turn to my left and find Jude is fast asleep, how can he be asleep, how can he fall asleep so easily
I sigh, giving up on finding a comfortable position and just lying on my back, my pregnancy bump just slightly peeking out in my line of vision, I stare at the ceiling for a while and think about how life is going to be in a few months, having babies and a  being mother, and in a few years being referred to as mom, the new responsibilities I'll have, I can't lie I'm terrified, I mean you see all these cases of mother's mental health decrease and how they have post partum depression after giving birth, what If I became like that and start hating my babies because of their existence, and those poor children won't understand a thing that is happening, just that their mother doesn't want them, or what if I just get depressed, and the need to do anything just disappears, I mean I can't afford to be depressed, it's going to affect the babies especially when I'll be breastfeeding and all
I sigh again and try not to look at the negative side of the situation, Jude said I should always call him or wake him up whenever I feel like this so he can reassure me and make me feel like everything is going to be ok, but I don't want to bother him, especially when it's so late, he's already got a lot on his plate, I continue staring at the ceiling just tapping on my belly for a while, and that seems to have woken my unborn children because they start kicking, it must be a party in there
"Ok guys go back to bed, it's too early for you guys to be awake" I whisper
I sigh for the 3rd time knowing it won't work
All of a sudden I feel the urge to eat like I haven't eaten in a while, I'm craving McDonald's,  KFC, and oddly enough something sweet, I don't know what but I'm craving something sweet
I try to ignore my hunger but I can't , I use my arms and hands to make me sit up and turn my head towards Jude then sigh again
"Jude wake up"
He wakes up and looks at me with tired eyes
I instantly regret waking him up the minute I see his eyes
"It's ok honey go back to bed"
"No, what is it, what do you need me to do"
"No, it's alright, it's not important anyway"
"Well, it must be if you woke me up at 3:30 in the morning"
"No it's not, go back to sleep, I'm sorry for waking you up"
"You know I'm not going back to sleep if you're not going to tell me what's wrong" he says
We sit in silence for about 5 minutes
"I'm hungry" I say
"Ok" he says getting out of bed finding his pants and putting them, then his socks followed by his shoes and a black hoodie, he then grabs his phone and opens it
"What do you need" he asks
"No, come back to bed, you don't need to do anything"
"Honey I'm already out of bed, you might aswell tell me"
"Ok, I want two big mac's from McDonald's, hot wings from KFC 24 pieces, a medium sized pizza with cheese, chicken pepperoni, apple juice, and something sweet, I don't know what but I want something sweet"
"Is that all?"
I nod and he says
"Ok, I'll be back soon"
He slightly climbs over the bed and kisses my forehead
"Don't feel bad love, I don't mind going out to get you food"
"You sure?"
He leaves the room and walks downstairs, opens the front door and he's out
It's only after an hour when I hear the front door open again indicating that Jude is home, I hear him come up the stairs, walk down the passage and the door to our room opens
I see him holding take out and he walks over to me and places everything on the bed
"Ok, so I got everything you asked me for but I didn't know what type of sweet thing you wanted so I got you your favorite sweets/candy and your favorite cake, is it too much?
"No no honey it's perfect"
"You sure?"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"
He takes his shoes off and goes to his closet to put them away, he comes back and sits on the bed while I start eating my food in silence
I then turn to him and see him lying on his back with his eyes, I place one of the big mac's on his lap and he looks at me
"What are you doing?" He asks
"Have something to eat"
"No it's fine babe go ahead besides you're eating for 3"
"Yes but you still need to eat"
He sighs and takes the burger from his lap and we eat in silence
"You know, we still haven't come up with any baby names" I say
"Babe we'll name them when they arrive"
"We can't name them when they arrive who do you think we are kylie Jenner?"
He laughs at my comment
"Their names have to have Js though" he says
"Their names will be different but similar"
"What about Ella and Alex?"
"Or Beatrice And Brandon"
"That's an old lady's name"
"Madison and Mason"
"No, I'm not really feeling it
"What about Brian and Brianna"
"Ok we'll put that in the idea box, it's not bad"
"Yeah, what about Cara and Carter"
"Hmm, Cara and Carter Bellingham"
"Brian and Brianna Bellingham"
"O I like it"
"I know"
"Ok but on a serious note we need to discuss how we're going to raise these kids Jude"
"What do u mean?"
"Ways of discipline, what if they do something we won't approve of how would we react, what if they come out and they're part of the LGBTQ, what then what?"
"Ok, ways of discipline?"
"Yeah, we need to think about those"
"Simple we'll just beat them"
"I'm not hitting my children"
"Fine, then I'll do it"
"I'm joking, we can take away the things the love, like toys ban them from going to friends, you know all the soft stuff"
"Ok what about the age they can Start dating, and being in relationships?"
"Brian can date when he's 13 but Brianna is dating when she's 28"
"That's insane, we going to treat our kids equally, we can't discriminate because of their genders"
"Fine, both at 13 then" he says rolling his eyes at me
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I ask
"yeah why, you wanna pull a Christian Grey on me"
"The fact that you can make that reference"
"Yeah, I can"
"Jude we're supposed to be talking about our Future and the Future of our kids"
"Ok, ok sorry"
"Then the LGBTQ thing"
"We disown them immediately" he says in a dramatic way
"Well it won't make me happy either but I guess we'll live with it, they are our children at the end of the day"
"And the involvement of our parents in their lives, what boundaries need to be set"
"They need to be present that's for sure, buy them gifts and spoil them rotten, I just want them to make a strong connection and bond"
"Yeah that's for sure"
"What about sleep schedules"
"For us or for them?"
"For us"
"We'll take turns"
"One day it's my turn to stay the night with them, then then the next it's your turn, but if it's the both of them being fussy then we can both be awake, and rotate each twin  by the hour"
"What methods should we use If they don't want to sleep?"
"Music, white noises I heard that's good and relaxation for when you're trying to sleep so we'll use that or classical music it's up to them really
"And their sleep schedules?"
"20:00, that's their bed Time, everything must be done before that"
"And sports , that they'll play"
"You already know the answer to that question, I don't even know why you're asking that"
He laughs and I smile at him
"Social media for them?"
"Well considering who their dad is we need them to use other names, and they must be private accounts"
"At what age?"
"14 is when it can happen"
"So social media and phones at 14?"
"And a trust fund?"
"Most definitely having that, we never know when things go South"
"And I think we should go for Therapy"
"Why, our marriage is not on the rocks"
"I know but I want us to strengthen our relationship and relate to eachother better, you might have things that I do that you don't like and things you do that I don't like, we were very young when we met, and they say time changes people we aren't the same people we were when we met"
"Fine, we'll go"
"And this will strengthen our marriage as well so it's a plus"
"Ok love, anything that makes you feel comfortable"
"Thank you"
"You know I'm glad we're doing this"
"Yeah same"
"That way if any problem is thrown at us we'll be prepared for it"
He leans in for a kiss and I do the same, I'm about to attach our lips when I feel something coming up my throat
I quickly open my eyes and run to the bathroom
"Oh wow if I disgust you so much then why'd you marry me"
"No really answer the question"
"It's the sight of your face, it makes me sick
"Very funny"
"It's not a joke" I say brushing my teeth
"Do you wanna cuddle"
"C'mon then"
I walk towards him and lay my head on his chest and he plays his hand on my belly
"We've got footballers brewing in there"
"Jude, if they choose that they don't want to be footballers then please don't force them or make them feel bad about it or even force them, I want them to make their own decisions
"Fine, but I will be disappointed though"
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kittwix · 16 days
hi there! i hope you're having a nice day :) if you're up for it, could you write headcanons for joseph joestar being in a relationship with a reader who has very low energy (ie, can't do a ton of physical exertion (*cough* hamon training *cough*), so they're usually his cheerleader?) thank you <3
i had to rush this a bit, a quick little headcanon as i am currently moving in my dorms right now! classes start next week and i am not excited but wish me luck, hope you enjoy <3
Joseph Joestar w/ Low Energy! Reader
word count: 452
tags: sfw, joseph is a cocky bastard, cavity inducing sweetness, reader is gender neutral
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He needs someone to really balance him from his usual chaotic and impulsive personality. At times, he doesn't really think things through, only when you least expect it. His unpredictable nature makes it hard to really follow him and yet, you have him wrapped around your finger.
During his hamon training, you're by the sidelines as Lisa Lisa puts both Joseph and Ceasar into strenuous work while you were more so quizzed on the matter. You weren't really one to excel in the physical aspect of hamon but you were happy enough to cheer for your friends.
In all honesty, he comes to appreciate your minimal enthusiasm and effort to support him. He teases you about it
Behind closed doors, he's willing be quiet as well, once he's done yapping your ear off you've noticed that he'd tired himself off and just lay across your lap.
Your bored eyes stared into his chiseled physique, his boyish smile and his green eyes stared back. It was hard not to laugh, it was like having a staring contest with him and its always him that cracks up first while you sit there with a dazed smile.
"Wipe that look off your face or I'll kiss you." He threatened, well he said it like it was a threat but honestly you weren't one to complain. You still had your arms crossed, the corners of your lips just barely curving up.
"You should go back to your training, hercules." You commented, out of the corner of your eye you could feel Caesar and Lisa Lisa's eyes burning holes to the back of Joseph's head.
"Hmm... Should I? Where's the fun in doing all that when you're not there?" He asked with a tilted head. "I work hard, y'know? These bad boys are going owhere and I don't have a babe by my side to appreciate them." He flexed his arms, prompting for you to snort as you cover your mouth. You weren't one to really match the same energy with whoever you talked with, including your boyfriend Joseph and yet that never seemed to stop him from his attempts to make you smile at least. "Fine, but don't expect me to put on some kind of show for you." You hummed, following the tall man with your arms behind your back.
As long as you drown him with compliments and praises here and there, he could care less for your lack of enthusiasm. No matter how much he may tease you for being "super flat", your opinions and values mean a lot to him.
He tends to like the quiet and unamused ones anyways, something about these individuals are so mysterious and he likes the chase.
back to the masterlist!
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elly99 · 1 year
Part 3 of 5. Check here for more details.
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Monday 21:57
Things haven't been quite the same There's a haze on the horizon, babe It's only been a couple of days and I miss you
Your thoughts still linger on the conversation you had yesterday.
"It won't always be this way, baby. I promise. It might take years, but this is worth fighting for."
As much as you felt reassured by her words, you can't hold back that feeling of longing. That wistfulness.
You wish you could wake up to her every morning. You wish you could be backstage at each one of her shows or support her at each one of her rehearsals. You wish you didn't have to talk through a screen every night, though you were grateful for every second that you could.
In other words, you miss her. A lot.
"Did you like the breakfast I made you? I was in a bit of a rush, but I hope it was still ok."
"It was perfect, baby. You're the sweetest. Thanks again! Wish you woke me up before you left, though."
"Well, I did give you a kiss before leaving. Thought you'd wake up, but I guess you were too tired."
"You did?"
Damn it. Why didn't you wake up?
"Well, when you come on Saturday I'll kiss you back."
"You better."
"And I'll make you breakfast, too! Anything you want in particular?"
"I'll love whatever you make. I just want to be home with you."
"Aww, look at you being all sweet, bro."
The way she squeals, cringing at her own words.
"Hey, why are you hiding!"
Even with her face behind her hands, she's glowing. And you're in love.
A few minutes of laughter pass. Then that feeling in your chest returns as you realize she has to go.
"Hey, I have an early day tomorrow, so I should probably get some sleep."
"Ok. Sleep well, love. I miss you. I can't wait for you to come back home."
You wish you didn't have to say those words anymore.
"It's only been a day! You miss me already?"
"I don't know. It must be some side effect of loving you."
"That's probably why I miss you, too."
Tuesday 22:23
When nothing really goes to plan You stub your toe or break your camera I'll do everything I can to help you through
After another long day, there's nothing better than hearing her voice again.
"Hey, cutie! How are you?"
The way she drives you crazy within five seconds of picking up the phone. Through the blushing and the giggles you manage to reply.
"Hey, sweetie. I'm good! Just had a lot to do today, so I'm pretty tired. How about you?"
"Same. I could really go for some ice cream right now. And I wish you were here."
"I'd feed you all the ice cream you want if I were there, baby."
What you wouldn't give to be by her side right now.
"Oh! I should get you some for when you come home this weekend. Any requests?"
"Mmm, surprise me! You know my favorites anyway."
"You're my favorite, Minji-yah~."
As much as she knows how to pull at your heartstrings, you know how to get her right back. And you love the way she looks when she's shy.
"I dropped my phone today, by the way."
"Oh no! How did it happen?"
"I was just being dumb."
"But you didn't hurt yourself, right?"
"No, but the screen's all cracked. You still look just as pretty through the broken glass, though. How do you do that, Minji-yah?"
"Shut up, babe."
But she's smiling as she says it. You know she loves when you call her that. And yet with one look at the way her eyes light up, it's you that's falling for her all over again.
"I bet it's not even broken. You were just looking for an excuse to set up that line."
"As if I need an excuse to call you pretty, pretty girl."
"Oh my gosh, go to sleep. I can't deal with you right now."
"But I don't wanna! I wanna spend more time with my girlfriend."
"You said you were tired!"
"I'll never get tired of you, though."
She buries her head in her hands and you find it absolutely adorable.
"You make everything better, Kim Minji."
Wednesday 23:54
If you're feeling down, I just wanna make you happier, baby Wish I was around, I just wanna make you happier, baby
"Hey, it's getting late! Aren't you sleepy yet?"
"No, not really."
"How much coffee did you have today?"
"Probably too much."
"Minji-yah, even Bunnies are telling you to drink less!"
"I know. But I wanna be able to stay up with you. Spending time with you at night makes me so happy."
You want to continue chiding her but your fluttering heart chokes back any words that try to escape your mouth.
"By the way, how did you know that Bunnies have been telling me to drink less coffee?"
"Um, cuz I'm a Bunny, too, you know. I'm always on Phoning reading the chats. Did you forget that I'm your biggest fan, baby?"
"Well, I just didn't think you'd pay that much attention to the little things."
"It's the little things that make me love you even more, Minji. The way you're so sweet and kind to everyone. The way you look out for your fans and make sure to support them. You're incredible."
A little flustered, she struggles to find the right counter to your attack. In the end she resorts to the simple words that knock you out every single time.
"I love you."
"I love you, baby bear. Speaking of love, I remembered you said in one of your Phoning calls that 'love' is one of your favorite words."
"Mmhmm. 'With love, anything is possible.' I said something like that, right?"
You nod.
"I thought that was really cute."
"I was thinking about us when I said that."
Thursday 23:48
We've been doing all this late night talking 'Bout anything you want until the morning Now you're in my life, I can't get you off my mind
"It's almost midnight, babe. Sleeping soon?"
"It's hard sleeping without you. I just wanna cuddle."
Her pouting makes you want to punch something and scream. Damn, she's so adorable.
"Just cuddle with Hanni! I saw you two in your latest video."
You pout back.
"Aww, is my baby jealous?"
Yes. Yes, you were.
"No! What makes you think that?"
"You can't hide it from me, cutie. Don't worry, though. It's almost Saturday. I'll be there to spoon you soon enough. Then you won't have to be jealous of Hanni."
"Hey! I wasn't jealous, though..."
"You really are cute. Here, hold my hand."
She holds out her hand in front of the camera, then squeezes the air. You do the same.
"You have really pretty hands. Have I told you that before?"
"Why are you being so sweet? Are you trying to kill me, bro?"
"You do the same to me all the time. It's only fair."
"I adore you, Minji-yah."
"Right back at you, bro. Hey, we should probably try and sleep now. Before you know it, it'll be 3:00 in the morning."
"Just like the Hype Boy lyric."
She got you feeling so crazy.
Friday 21:36
Can't get you off my mind Can't get you off my mind I won't even try to get you off my mind
"Look what I bought today! I'll give it to you tomorrow."
"Aww, that's so cute! I love its little nose. Almost as cute as yours."
Making her shy once again, she holds the bunny up to cover her face slightly.
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"What should we name it?"
"How about 'Tokki'? Simple is best."
"That sounds good. What about you? Can I call you 'bunny'?"
The sudden attack catches you off guard. It seems your calls this week have just been filled with attempts to assassinate each other with affection. You struggle to respond.
"Since you call me 'baby bear', I'll call you 'bunny'."
You're still too busy dying to answer her.
"I'll take that as a 'yes', then."
She has a smirk on her face, knowing she got you good. You can only nod.
"How was your day, baby? What did you do? Were you happy today?"
"Um, I watched some of your videos. So, yes, I was very happy."
"Oh, what did you watch?"
"I rewatched your ELLE photoshoot and I lost my mind. Again! How are you so pretty, Minji-yah? Like, it should be illegal for someone to be that beautiful. My chest was hurting for thirteen minutes straight!"
She giggles in response.
"How's my girlfriend so amazing?"
"You're amazing, baby."
For a few moments you just smile at each other, love swelling in your eyes. Then you feel it in your heart as you realize you'll see her tomorrow.
"I can't wait to see you, Minji. I still owe you that kiss."
"And I can't wait for my breakfast."
"Wow. So you're not excited to see me? You just want food?"
"Yup, I'm just in it for the ice cream, actually."
You try to put on a disappointed look, but just thinking about being with her again has you smiling relentlessly.
"In fact, I'm so excited for it that I'm going to sleep now, so I can get there early tomorrow. Tokki says 'good night'!"
"Good night, Tokki! And good night, Minji baby. I love you so much!"
"I love you more, my bunny! I'll see you in the morning."
And you know you'll see the morning before you get any sleep. Because you just can't get her off your mind.
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pradaxstyles · 1 year
Alexa’s notes✨: this is a little self indulgent, but I hope you all enjoy some college! Ellie <3 let me know if you like this and I can always come up w some more for different scenarios 🌷
Thinking about college! Ellie and how she’d be hanging at your house for hours just sitting with you while you did homework/studied. Her classes finished early for the semester so she’s been nothing but supportive when it came to your studies. 
❃ “Come on baby, one more problem and we’ll take a break.”
❃ Your laptop and notes would be laid out messily, colorful pens and highlighters with caps mismatched (this was all Ellie, you hated when she did it) while she’s helping you go through your notes.
❃ “Okay, do you think you could tell me how to solve Hardy Weinberg’s Equilibrium formula? Or do we need to do a few more practice problems? Here, hand me that flow chart and we’ll go over it again.” 
Ellie would be really good at math, majoring in mechanical engineering so your bio homework is a breeze for her. She'd be all over you with the encouraging words, walking you through every step of an equation and explaining it. 
❃ ”No, no I don’t wanna hear it, you can absolutely do it. Just gotta put that pretty mind to it, you got it.”
❃ She’d be sitting next to you on your bedroom floor, playing some soft music from your shared playlist through your laptop, her knees pressed into yours while she waved a pen around.
❃ “What the fuck even is this? Why is this in biology to begin with?” 
She’d crack the stupidest jokes just to see your smile. She hated when you were stressed, and as final exams approached, it seemed as if you were always stressed, and she couldn't have that. 
❃ “Baabbbeeeee I have snacks! We’re gonna hunker down and study for your history exam and we’ll watch an episode of the office! How does that sound, my pretty girl?” 
❃ “Uhhh, why did henry viii have so many wives? What a whore.”
❃ She’d go on random tangents about people in history and how “I can’t believe they used to do that! Can you imagine if we did that nowadays?” 
And when you were really down on yourself, feeling like there was no end in sight, Ellie was right there, reminding you that you were so close to the finish line. 
❃ “I know, sweets. I know. You're almost there. You have no idea how smart and capable you are. You’re gonna crush these exams, and if you don’t, I'll crush your professors,” she’d say with a sly smirk on her face, resulting in you pushing her arm slightly.
❃ “No but I'm serious, babe. I know it seems like it’s all piling up and that it’s one thing after another, but you can do it. If anyone can, you’ll be the one to kick ass.”
❃ “My girl is graduating college in a few weeks. College. That’s fucking huge. I'm sososo proud of you, angel.” 
On exam days, she’d make sure you had a good breakfast, insisting on sleeping over the night before so she could make sure you ate. She’d walk you to class and send an encouraging text as you took your seat. 
❃ “You’re gonna crush it, babe!” 
❃ “Remember to take a deep breath and think each problem through.” 
❃ “No matter what the result is, I'm so fucking proud of you.” 
At the end of finals week, she’d pamper you the way you deserved. Ellie would plan a date night where she absolutely spoiled you and showered you in kisses and cuddles. Every time she looked at you or even in your general direction, her gaze was so full of love and pride. 
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flowering-thought · 2 years
Omg omg omg your Daisuke nsfw headcanons were everything I wanted and MORE!!! THANK YOU!!! If it's okay to submit another ask so soon after the last one, but could we get some HC of Daisuke with a girl with some extra padding? Aka plus sized
Aww I'd love to! We chubby babes gotta have that literature to include our pretty figures <3 Anyway sweet Anon if you want an emoji or a name feel free to take them and I'll start a list of my lovely anons with you there as the first one <3
I keep forgetting to link the picrew </3
Not edited
Reader is AFAB and described with feminine words and also is chubby/plus sized
Yandere themes, implied murder,
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Daisuke Kawahara
Headcannons w/ Chubby Reader
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• Honestly? Daisuke doesn't care much about looks. All he worries about is your physical and mental health. And if you're happy then he's happy!
• But something about the clothes you wear that show just that right amount of curve makes him shiver at the thought of holding you.
• And cuddling with this man has honestly got to be the best thing-
• He loved holding you and cuddling with you. He understands that you may or may not be self conscious so he's careful on where he squeezes you with his hands. But boy does he love squeezing your hips.
• And he loves going shopping! He gives an honest opinion and always says something positive! And he doesn't mind if you like to dress masculine or feminine since he just loves to see you try things on ♡
• Sadly Japanese society can be pretty harsh on certain things. Same with some other Asian cultures who's focus is similar. But he doesn't let any of that bother him and glares at people to keep their mouths shut.
• And if someone does say something straight to you? Their going on a list to give to his little brother. Daisuke has his ways of getting rid of others that bother him.
• But one day, when you were having a rough day and ended up coming to his place crying, and he found out that some guys from your college class were making rude comments? I don't think you'll ever see him that angry often.
• Let's just say those boys moved away hm?
• After all its not like you know about the basement under his bar. And you won't ever need to because he's careful about what he let's you see.
• As for if you're ever just having a rough day where you don't love yourself as much as other days Daisuke will drop what he's doing to just come wrap you up in a blanket and watch some ghibli movies.
• Even if it's not self love issues and just plain mental health bringing you down he'll still drop everything to make sure you're okay.
• And no matter what, he supports you! Just so long as you're not breaking up with him or leaving him in any way.
• Also Daisuke will always try to make a good impression on your parents and friends. He needs them to approve of you staying in Japan with him after all!
• But if your family and friends are toxic let's just say digging up some blackmail on them with the help of his family is enough to fix those problems-
• And Daisuke will always make sure that you're eating good! While he can't cook for shit he does make sure you're able to buy food and stuff you need on a college student schedule.
• And if you feel uncomfortable qith him buying you stuff he does it in a roundabout way. He'll mention that he has too much or bought bulk of something by accident. Or he'll ask to come over to your dorm and come with groceries cause he wanted you to cook something for him since you know about his inability to cook. And if there's extra groceries he'll chop it up to being an accident-
• He also hates if you skip meals. How are you supossed to maintain your beautiful figure if you aren't eating right?
• Also can and will help you find stores that carry your sizes. He's good at looking for the right places and even goes beforehand to a shop without you just to make sure it's a good shop with an atmosphere you'll like.
• He's a big stalker so he works very hard to figure out your likes and dislikes. He wants to make sure you're always happy ♡
• He knows it's probably difficult being in a different country and getting used to the culture there, but he'll just make sure that you have the best time!
You need to like it there so you can stay with him forever after all.
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birdwonder · 2 years
hi, i saw that you want requests! are you willing to write for female characters? if so, could you write something domestic and sweet with poison ivy? you can choose the specifics, i just love ivy and it's hard to find content for her!
domestic bliss | poison ivy
【 ♥ 】 ⸻ i 100% write for all genders ! whether its the s/o or the canon. poison ivy the beloved . . . <3
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Nothing could beat this. Pefectly manicured nails dragged along whatever parts of your scalp could be reached, itching an non-existent scratch that would have you purring if you were a cat. Both seated on the couch, your head rested on Ivy's lap while the both of you stared at the TV screen before you. A man was yelling passionately about the news but you could hardly pay attention when all you could focus on was the woman giving you her time right now.
A cup of coffee was in Ivy's other hand, the actual cup green with ceramic vines covering it. You had found it at a charity shop and promptly gifted it to your girlfriend the next time you saw her, which earned a kiss on the cheek and praise for shopping sustainably. Who knew someone so dangerous could be so eco-friendly ? You suppoused that's what you loved about her. " You're kidding me, " Ivy hissed through her teeth, eyes narrowing at the image of a new industrial plant on the screen. You had heard something about coal or whatever and how they'd be taking down a part of a forest to make it. " Do those idiots ever learn ? Again and again I tell them to leave Mother Nature alone, and what do they do ? " " The opposite, " you chimed in, shifting so you could look up at her from her lap. A frown fell onto your lips when you saw her angered expression, wishing you could singlehandedly stop the industrial plant from being built. Ivy took a sip of her coffee while the hand that was once petting you curled into an angry fist. " Like hell I'd let them build that wasteland. First thing tomorrow, I'll make sure it never gets built. " The worst thing about not have kick-ass superpowers was that you had no real way of helping your girlfriend who did. Sure you could live a greener life and support her choices, but when it came to actually getting your hands dirty there was only so much you could do. Not to mention Ivy would never let you go with her, she said you were too soft and breakable but you knew she just didn't want to see you get hurt. Sitting up, you then moved yourself so that you were now sitting on her lap, which didn't bother her at all. Even with her powers, she still knew how to fight without them and in turn, her legs were strong enough to hold you. In fact she loved you sitting so close to her, the cup of coffee placed to the side so her arms could wrap around your waist. " You know I'll always support you babe, but what if you get hurt ? " The worry was plastered all over your face but it only made Ivy's perfectly red lips pull into a smile. You still can't believe you're dating someone as gorgeous as her. Ivy planted a kiss on your head, laughing softly, " trust me, I won't honey. I'll make sure I don't do enough to signal the big bad bat and I'll just scare them all into reconsidering. That's all. " You found that hard to believe, furrowing your brows a little but you knew nothing you could possibly say would deter her right now. So instead you lifted your head to plant a kiss onto her lips. It was meant to be short and sweet but that changed when she placed a hand onto the back of your head, deepending the kiss and even nipping your bottom lip. When you pulled away, you placed a hand on her cheek. " Just don't get thrown into Arkham, ok ? " " Mmh, as if I'd let them, " she hummed smoothly, already bending down to snag another kiss. She wasn't the only one with intoxicating kisses. Your arms wrapped around her neck as you both let the TV run and her coffee go cold.
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Egyptologist! JiU - Oh. My. Ra!
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope you're well. 💖 I'd like to dedicate this to the talented and lovely @dark-night-insomniac 🫶 Thank you for being so supportive of me. I love all of your comments and reblogs! Your writing is stellar as well, and I'm always looking forward to what you write next. 🥹
TW: Mention of dead bodies (brief), JiU is as cheesy as ever <3, supernatural themes, mummies, an animated corpse, slight horror themes(?), loosely based on Moonknight in the Marvel Universe
Summary: Being on a digsite in Egypt with your lover has its ups and downs. The 'up' is that you're near JiU, and the 'down' is that you find out a very unique quirk that JiU has via an attack on your digsite.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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"Can you hand me the shovel?"
"Why, you got a body to bury?" You joke before gently handing JiU the shovel.
"No, my love, but we may have a body to uncover here."
"JiU-ah, do you have to call me that in front of our co-workers?" You mutter as you become visibly embarrassed.
"Oh, so you don't want me to call you sweet names?" She looks up from the dig site for a moment as you shake your head.
"That's not what I meant-"
"Good, dearest, because I want to call you every name under the moon and stars as long as you're mine." JiU winks, and you fail to hold back a squeal.
"Ah, you're so embarrassing to be around, JiU!" You huff as she chuckles before turning back to the dig site.
"I could use a hand, Y/N, if you're not too busy being flustered."
"I'm on it!" You call out before grabbing the last shovel and joining JiU in digging.
Although Egypt wasn't your dream destination for a getaway with your lover, you had to make do with what your job required of you. Besides, that's how you and JiU met in the first place.
"Hey, fresh meat, get over here!" Your new boss hollers at you and a much younger, much more idealistic version of yourself run towards them.
"You're gonna be with her until I figure out what to do with you." The boss points at a woman in the distance before slapping you on the back.
"Are you going to introduce me to-" You look back to see that your boss is already gone. "Okay, I guess I'm on my own for this one."
You take a deep breath, but your nerves fail to settle as you try to navigate toward the woman that was pointed out to you. A million possibilities go through your head, and almost all of them end with her hating your guts until the end of time.
As you carefully approach the dig site, you do your best not to scare the woman as you wave to get her attention. Her pink hair makes her stick out in the best way possible, and the smile she sends your way scares off the nerves and anxieties floating around you.
"Are you the recruit?" She gently asks.
"Yeah, I am."
"I figured. You look like a lost puppy out here."
You look away in shame, which causes JiU to immediately backtrack.
"It's not a bad thing, though! I got lost on my first day. It happens to the best of us, I promise."
Her warm smile returns, and you do your best to muster up one to give back to her.
"Is there anything that I can help with?" You cautiously ask, and JiU pauses for a moment.
"Hmm… Well, for today, you can just stand there and observe what I do throughout the day. Tomorrow, I'll show you the ropes. Does that sound good?"
"I like that plan."
"Y/N, honey, are you going to dig at the same spot all day, or do you want to take a break?"
"Ack, sorry!" You drop the shovel as you realize that you've been daydreaming again.
It's hard not to daydream when your reality seems so unreal.
JiU offers you her hand, and you take it as she leads you away from the dig site.
"Thanks for that, JiU. I spaced out again." You say as she shakes her head.
"You're adorable, you know?"
"Thanks, babe." You mumble as she pulls you into a tent.
You didn't realize that you were sweating until a bead of sweat fell down your face.
I wouldn't expect anything less from this weather or the climate we're in.
You quickly wipe it up before grabbing two water bottles from a nearby cooler. You toss one to JiU, and she blows you a quick kiss before digging in a large bag.
"What did you pack for lunch?" You ask before taking a seat on a lawn chair.
"That's for me to know, and for you to find out!" She teases, and you sigh before relaxing into the chair.
"As long as it isn't burnt, I'm fine."
"You think my cooking is that bad?" JiU looks at you with puppy dog eyes, and you feel like you've kicked a puppy when you look into her eyes.
"Of course not, sweetheart. I'm really hungry, and I'm sure that whatever you make is very good and very edible."
JiU smiles before handing you a sandwich.
"You added everything I like… you really are the best, JiU!" You exclaim before taking a big bite of your sandwich.
She giggles before nibbling on her own sandwich.
"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't make you what you like?"
"Still mine, either way." You say between bites.
"And I thought that I was the cheesy one, Y/N." JiU smiles as you shake your head.
"I think your dad jokes and corny pick-up lines rubbed off on me."
"My pick-up lines are not corny!" JiU defends herself, and you laugh in response.
"You're not going to defend your dad jokes?"
"Because they are an excellent form of comedy!"
"Keep telling yourself that, JiU. I'm sure it'll come true one day." You smirk before finishing your sandwich.
"Hmph!" She turns her nose away from you, and you sigh before standing up.
"I love you, JiU-ah, with all of my heart. I would never do something that would hurt you." You endearingly say before pulling JiU into your arms.
It's her turn to be flustered as you gently tilt her face toward yours with one of your hands.
"See? Isn't that better, darling?" You sweetly laugh as JiU holds onto you for dear life.
"I love you too." She gives you a warm hug, and you melt into her arms.
If only we could stay like this for the rest of time…
You're interrupted by the sound of footsteps, and you hear JiU sigh as you step away from her.
One of your newest recruits ran into the tent with no hesitation at all.
"JiU! Y/N! You have to see this!" They say before waving you towards the exit of the tent.
You eye JiU as she nods at them.
"We should see what's up." JiU turns towards the young recruit. "Lead the way."
Ah, the joys of running a dig site with the woman you love most in the world…
"Come on! It's just this way!" They shout, and you and JiU follow in close pursuit.
"What do you think it is? Did someone get hurt?" You ask with concern, and JiU shudders.
"I hope not. Let's just hope that they found something exciting… you always remember your first dig, right?" She looks at you for affirmation, and you nod.
"Yeah, but you were the one who made that so memorable." You shyly admit as the three of you come to a stop.
"Y/N, you're too sweet for your own good." JiU says before the young digger points at one of the dig sites.
"We found a sarcophagus… but it was open when we fully dug it up!"
"Really? Let me and Y/N take a closer look." JiU says, and you offer them a warm smile.
"Take an early lunch, okay? You've earned it." You watch them run off, and you turn and walk with JiU towards the ancient coffin.
"How old do you think it is?" You ask as you cautiously approach the sarcophagus.
"From a first glance, it has to date back to at least the 3rd dynasty of Egypt."
"That doesn't tell me much." You mutter as JiU pulls on a pair of gloves.
"You want to take a closer look?"
"Not really. These things always gave me the creeps." You shudder as you look up at the sky. "Is it me, or did the sky get darker?"
"It's definitely you." JiU says without skipping a beat.
"Thank you, dear, I really appreciate the comfort and support." You sigh as you rub your arms.
It definitely wasn't this cold before… We were sweating a few moments ago. What is going on?
"I'm going to take a look inside," JiU announces, and you shake your head.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Look how dark it is!" You yell while pointing at the pitch-black sky.
What. The. Fuck.
"Y/N, I think you're-" JiU pauses as she looks up. "Oh my, it really is dark!"
"Thank you for coming back to reality, JiU! It was midday a few minutes ago, and now it's completely dark." You huff as JiU brushes some sand off of her.
"Maybe it's just a bad storm or something-"
"-in Egypt? Are you being serious right now?" You exclaim as her head snaps to you.
"No, I'm not losing it."
"Don't turn around." JiU says with a grim look on her face.
You immediately snap your head in that direction, and you scream as JiU shoves you behind her.
The mummy that should be very dead is very not dead and is standing about six feet from where JiU is. It points at the sarcophagus before growling in a low tone at JiU.
"Honey, what is that thing?" You softly mutter.
"Close your eyes." She mumbles.
"What? Why would I-"
"I don't want to blind you with my brightness." Her warm smile is truthful, and in this moment, you have no choice but to trust her.
"I'm trusting you, JiU." You close your eyes, and for good measure, you place a hand over your eyes.
"You're adorable, my love." She says before pressing a kiss to your temple.
You sigh as you hear JiU walk away from you. The mummy growls again, and you heat JiU sigh softly.
"Your master never learns, does he?" JiU scolds the creatures, and you hear its footsteps shuffle towards her.
Master? What is she talking about?
A body drops to the ground, and you cringe at the sound.
"You didn't think I was that weak, did you, sweetheart?"
You immediately uncover your eyes when you hear JiU's sweet voice. You gasp as you absorb her new clothing and hairstyle.
"JiU-ah, your clothes and hair… you look like a goddess!" You exclaim as she shyly chuckles.
"Well, that's kind of the point." She shrugs as you raise an eyebrow at her.
"I think you have some explaining to do."
"How does dinner sound?" JiU suggests.
"Like a plan, darling."
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vanteguccir · 6 months
i just wanted to come on here today (since i'm in the spreading goodness mood<3) and say that you are absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!
your like everything. i love you (and your work) and i hope that you keep it up. never stop what your doing, regardless of what any hater says!! your fans/supporters love you and that's all that matters. you matter.
-your good friend, venus :)
OMG HI PRETTY!!! how are you?
you're so sweet and kind for that, thank you so so much!!! I'll always keep that in mind, and I don't plan on stopping posting any time soon, I love it too much 😫🥺 I love you more, babe 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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sugoi-writes · 5 months
FUCK. I WROTE PART NINE AND HAD IT ALL READY TO GO AND THEN MY KID GOT HER HANDS ON MY PHONE AND CLOSED THE APP. THANK LUCIFER I HAD THE FIRST HALF SAVED AS A DRAFT BUT STILL. OTL sending this separate because I was paranoid she'd do it again and I would have to write the second part a third time 😭 also realizing I forgot to put my sig at the bottom of Pt.9
..... Annnnd of course, after pressing send I remember that I forgot to rewrite the part where reader chokes Alastor when they cum. just shoot me holy motherfucking shit
At some point I'mma just make these into a full blown PWP fic. It seems like they get longer with each installment 🤣 (I'm sorry btw, I always feel kinda bad whenever I leave long messages in anyone's inbox 😫
It's a fitting pet name Hunny Pun! You're the queen of puns and you're so so SO sweet like a Honey Bun! is that icing or Alastor's jizz on you??? ... im so sorry i'll see myself out again 😭 CAN'T FIND AND KISS ME IF I FIND AND KISS YOU FIRST BABES~! ❤️❤️❤️
I can't hold on to my anonymity anymore guys so I'mma be making Pt.10 my reveal post~ it's killing me that I can't leave rabid fangirl messages on your works like you all do here for me! I really did wanna wait until I got the Smutmus Holy Trinity complete or at least in the revision stages but just- GAH! I NEED YALL TO KNOW HOW AMAZING I THINK YOU ARE. Beautiful beautiful minds, inside and out i can't even-!
Seriously though, I can't even begin to express how grateful and happy I am to have met any of you! And there are no words in the English dictionary (or any at all really) that I could use to describe what I feel about how accepting and supportive you've been! I could NEVER thank yall enough for helping me to find the joy in writing again. I love all three of you so much and I'm honored to call you friends!! 🥺🥰💋
- ☄️❤️ Smut Santa
False Alarm for the Next Part!! And honestly, thank God, the vibe is still not charged HAH--
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! I had a similar experience when writing my part 2 to my Nun! Alastor fic. Fun fact: had to re-write it 5 times because I kept forgetting to save it. ;;_;; hhhh my baby fever is so bad I'm crying, but man, KIDS! What a little stinker 🥹❤️
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Also, my ask box is usually super empty? Like, you could LICK the floor with how neat and empty it is? I LOVE messages? Even better if they long like Alastor's girthy fucking co--
We--We were- when we??? ALASTOR GETS--??? MY HANDS AROUND HIS???
*Danny.Exe has experienced an Error*
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☄️❤️Anon... babycakes. At this rate I'm gonna do more than fucking kiss you. I think we're past that now. And if you keep calling me 'Hunny Pun', or similar pet names, I'm just gonna jump your bones--
Hug you!!!! I meant hug you!!!
GUYS CODE TREAT, CODE TREAT, THE ANON VEIL IS DROPPING!!! ITS DROPPING DHDHDJDHDJ-- You will never gain a mutual as fast as you will then I SWEAR
☄️❤️!!! Smut Santaaaaa! 🥹😭❤️ Your mind is a beautiful, smutty, enchanting place!!! Knowing that you've been religiously cranking this out, while also having a kiddo... Seriously, how do you do it??? If anyone deserves the praise rn, 🎵it's you??? It's you, ITS ALWAYS YOU!!🎵 ❤️❤️❤️
Don't push yourself too hard! Please? ❤️ I will treasure these rare, scrumptious little treats for as long as I have brain cells left ❤️ I will call you friend until you tell me to quit or I lose my voice for good. And even then, my lips will keep moving and repeating the same thing until I'm blue in the face. ❤️❤️❤️ you are such a sweet, sweet, soul, and I can feel your vibes, and they are so wholesome! I can't wait to meet the person or sexual fiend behind it all! I feel like I speak for us all, and not just the main 3, but EVERYONE: everyone who has read your posts love you to bits. And they love your work to bits. Best believe when you publish your first work, we'll be there. En masse. And we will be EAGERLY returning the love you surprised us with.
Thank you for all that you do. On this post in particular, you deserve a foot rub, a forehead kiss, and a hug that lifts and spins you off your feet! 💗💗💗
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Have a blissful, best of days you can have, dear! You deserve it! 💗
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swaqcenix · 1 year
PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I'm sorry I disappeared from the radar. I was just preparing for the physics contest, which I will have on Monday. and I also have a german contest this Friday. maybe I'm a quiet person, but my ambitions are very loud and I intend to get first place everywhere, lol…
MY GODNESS, nooo, don't call me cute or sweet. 😭😭😭 my heart is very weak and may not be able to stand it. again, God, thank you very much for your kind words and mutual understanding that you give me. hehe, I hope you are not tired of my long messages, which equally kill our time.
my request!
I'm dying. I'm really dying a happy person. I'm so glad you liked it so much that you started writing it so quickly. BUT, please take your time and keep giving yourself time to rest and introspect. everything is fine, I will humbly wait for this masterpiece. and I'm always here to talk about the motives why some characters would become yandere. I'm sure that the main reasons that would trigger my resilient and independent Peggy would be the desire to protect and take care of the object of her "love", given that people who are too close to Peggy can be killed.
so……. yes.
Oh and, haha, that's unusual to hear. I'm not a fan of horror movies or sitcoms, (unlike my mother), but I would love to watch with you what you think is a real masterpiece that we just have to watch.
next, emotions. of course, emotions and feelings are very… a sensitive topic. as well as dont revealing your such emotions and feelings to people. everyone has their own reasons for this. and I am so glad that you are really getting help in this matter. it's true as an outlet after these messages with a kind of self-autopsy in front of a stranger like me.🫂
and no. we and your loved ones are lucky to have you. and, probably, I'm not thinking very constructively in order to decompose all your positive and negative traits and behavior in order to determine whether you are a curse or a blessing...
Rather, this is what I want to see.
let's remember a glass of water. someone will say that it is half full, and someone will think that it is half empty. in your case, if you were a glass of water, I would say "this glass is half full".
I do not know, but I'm again so embarrassed and happy at the same time from your post with Peggy and this spoiler……
I swear, while I'm at this olympics, one cell of my brain and the last cell of my nerves will probably be like:
"Peggy, Peggy, Peggy, Peggy fanfiction, dark-Peggy, Captain Carter, tumbler, Kaz, Kaz, Kaz, Kaz, be gay do crime, here we go lesbians, wAh uH BoH uHl, yoove gOht tO bE JOEking, God save Peggy Carter and her amazing accent"
just don't think that I'm writing all this just because of my request. I just wanted to compliment you on your excellent sense of taste and impressive writing abilities. well, and of course in general, for your presence.
hey, babe, do you know what the best thing your parents did?🧐🤨
*theatrical pause*
oh my god if it isn't my favourite anon! hii darling i hope you're doing okay! <3 you'll absolutely smash those contests ik you will so good luck for them! sending much love and support for it! 💌
hey it's okay to be a lil quiet but have strong ambitions and aspirations fr, were all our own person simply trying to be in the world
agh i'm sorry dear :) i have a habbit of using nickname's especially to cute humans who deserve it. i'll protect your lil heart i promise! and of course my word's simply seek to tell the truth. <3 also i could never get bored of your messages even if they're long i love that you feel comfortable enough to send me messages like this, besides they make my days 🫶
god don't die on me before you have even read it please! 🙏 no but of course i'm enjoying writing it bit by bit, besides it's an interesting concept and i hope you thoroughly enjoy it when i do get around to posting it love! don't worry i won't over work myself sweet! i feel like the reason in this story peggy ends up becoming yandere is due to her past, she's always had to fight to become what she wanted. the serum everything, her brothers death. so in regards to this seeing reader with wanda and seemingly so helpless she has to have her, in a way her stomach seeths with a pain she hasnt felt in years. When she does get reader its the urge to keep herself and peggy has to tell herself that, it is all for the good of cause for her little thing she has to protect! <3 i got carried away then and it shows.. 🫠
god i'm such a sucker for them it's embarrassing. scream, the conjuring series, the visit, hereditary it's the adrenaline for me! dw i'll choose ones that won't scare the shite out of you i pinky promise love! :))
emotions are always a complicated little thing, silly but meaningful in every way. loki said love is like a dagger and sylvie said love is hate, whereas it's all of that and so much more just as any emotion is! it's apart of who someone is and how they can be seen. thank you so much darling, sometimes those who cannot be seen or known of are the best listeners, so always! 🫂
i'm lucky to have you all in my life in anyway shape or form, those we surround ourselves with always impact our inner selves and ofc. analysing whether one is a poet or a singer through words, or simply is just one at the edge of the shore is entirely a concept that doesn't define curse or blessing, i'm flattered and touched you'd simply let it be. your words speak everything so softly <33
thats an interesting concept of a glass of water and touching. from my perspective in regards to yourself you speak fondly of people in ways that even the sun is unable to touch, you perceive things amazingly and im blessed to get to speak to such a sweet anon 💞
bahaha you're adorably funny i love it! my fanfics are something idk even what they are but i do apologise (not really) that it's fumbling so much with that brain of yours. i just enjoy delving deep into gayness and chaos with stories and characters! :')
sO each photo really does have a meaning, small spoiler the middle photo of peggy is her face when she first sees said reader, the other two are secrets yet to be revealed! i love alluding to certain events with my photos i just enjoy searching for them and adding in secrets and clues to be revealed.
don't worry darling ik you're speaking from a kind heart and soul, your messages truly are touching and i adore speaking to you and receiving such compliments! you're truly a breath of incredible fresh air and sunshine 💌
BAHAHA such an adorable thing and snazzy thing to say! <33 yk what yours did? the same thing created such a beauty such a melody. LMAOAOAOA dont worry no offence taken (my parents are fine my love) 😂💌
i hope you've slept well though and taking care of yourself!! did you sleep well and remember to stay hydrated my dear :')
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fqiryspit · 2 years
aw man I wish I had an insomnia eren... I don't sleep ever he could keep me company <3
and being sleepy during the day <3 idk why he gives off such sleep-deprived catboy!eren stuck in human form to me, I get the vibe he sunbathes while cuddling up with you and that's just full-blown catboy!eren
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4rlbym · 2 years
Get You j.w
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Jeff Wittek x F!Reader
summary if i'm being honest, this is just some cute little scenario/imagine i came up with as i was listening to Daniel Caeser. hope it's not to cheesy and cringey LMAO
genre. fluff
warnings. cursing
word count. 730
an. first one shot, hope you like it <3
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You and Jeff were getting ready to go out with David and the others. You groan as you look through the closet full off clothes. Dresses were scattered all over the bed as you couldn't find a single thing to wear.
"Babe be honest, does red look good on me?"
You ask as you look at him through the mirror. You locked eyes with your boyfriend who was plopped on the bed, doing absolutely nothing. you watched as his eyes scanned your body from head to toe, a mischievous grin plastered on his face as he did.
The only thing running through Jeff's mind at the moment was how lucky he was to have you. In his eyes you were the most beautiful woman in the world. The only woman who made his stomach do flips every time you smiled at him.
Every time i look into your eyes i see it
you're all i need
What made it better was that you were all his. Those precious lips were only for him to kiss.
"you look great in anything doll."
he sat up and leaned back against the wooden headboard behind him. He placed his hands behind his head as he carefully admired your body and every single curve.
"Fine, i'll go with this."
You turned around to face Jeff and sat on the corner of the bed. You couldn't help but get lost in those beautiful eyes of his. The two of you stay silent and listened to the soft music play from the speaker.
who could've thought i'd get you ?
your faces were almost inches away and your lips slightly grazed over each other's. Just before the two were able to share a kiss, David stormed into the room, interrupting you and Jeff.
"Hey guys are we- WOAH"
The two of you quickly look over at David in shock. You see, the two of you hadn't really revealed your relationship to the vlog squad or the public.
"way to kill the mood"
Jeff jokes as he quickly got up from the bed
"David, don't say anything about this yet! We were planning on telling you guys sooner or later."
You nervously exclaim as you get off of Jeff
"Right! i did not see anything"
The guy stumbles over air as he reaches for the door
"anyways, we're leaving in a bit. Be ready!"
David remarks before quickly storming from the room
"what a fucking dork"
Jeff chuckled before wrapping his arms behind you. He rested his chin on your shoulder as he inhaled your sweet scent. His eyes flutter shut as he holds your body close to his chest. A million thoughts ran through his head as they both shared that intimate moment.
"i guess were ready to tell them huh"
You couldn't help but smile and enjoy the moment while it lasted.
"i'm sure it wont be a big deal, they'll support us no matter what...Well i hope so" You smiled before turning around to face Jeff
This feels like summer
Boy you make me feel, so alive
"now where were we?"
you lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips as your arms make their way around his neck. Your eyes flutter shut as you both share a passionate kiss. You feel Jeffs hands travel across your body, feeling every curve in your body.
A couple minutes went by and you two were in the same position. You'd do anything for this boy. you were madly and deeply in love with everything about him. His charm, looks, and most importantly his personality.
Just be my lover
boy you'll lead me to, paradise.
He was perfect for you. It's almost as if you two were meant to be together.
"we need to get going love" you remark as the two of you pull away. The atmosphere was absolutely perfect. But as much as you wanted to continue, you couldn't. David and the vlog squad were waiting in the living room.
"we're definitely finishing this up tonight though"
That was another reason to love Jeff, he was always such a tease.
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theleavesofwesteros · 2 years
kuroo x nekoma manager!reader
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author's note: HI! this is my first thing that I've written on tumblr and i hope whoever finds this enjoys!!! idk if i'll write more, i want to, but i think that if i do it, it'll mostly be for my own indulgence....i love this man so much omg...sorry if it's like super long <333
you and kuroo have known each other for a longgggggg time (childhood) and you supported the boy through his growing passion for volleyball even though you weren't personally as passionate about the sport as he was.
you were more passionate about watching him play
when you and mr rooster got to high school and he got into the volleyball team, he started begging you to become the manager.
you were lowkey scared because we're talking about a bunch of guys who're definitely strong af
but kuroo is supportive bestie immense simp so he comforted you and reassured you and so you tried out for manager
shockingly (not really) nobody else had tried to get that position so you were immediately put into place as manager
<333 he now had a reason to spend even more time with his long time crush (+ he could flex in front of you)
you're super stressed because now you have to deal with seeing kuroo play volleyball
and yeahh, you've seen him do it for years but now he's older and it's different and you don't realize that it's because you like him
(the eternal pining between you two drives kenma insane, pray for him)
tbh it's not too bad until kuroo becomes captain
after that......wow
it just got so much harder for you </3333 because if you thought he was attractive before..........i have some news for you babe
(kuroo was super happy because now he had even more reason to flex in front of you)
but then, yamamoto joined the team
and i'm not saying he was rude or anything like that,
quite the contrary
he was SMITTEN with you
he entered the gym for the first time, saw you, and i'm not kidding, fell to his knees
you were (rightfully) very worried for him so you went up to him and held out your hand to help him up and he burst into tears
kuroo watched from the sidelines while holding back laughter
okay but during classes, kuroo would help with your chem hw (even though you didn't always need help because you're smart bestie <3)
(sometimes you just asked for help so you could spend time alone with him)
anyways more and more guys joined the team and they all lowkey had a crush on you (who can blame them omg)
kuroo, yaku and kai formed the coalition called "protect y/n"
kenma was getting super annoyed at you and kuroo still not admitting your feelings to each other because he had to deal with each one of you freaking out about the other one to him
so for a long time, nothing was happening between you two, soooooo boring
and then, yamamoto started getting really close to you because he stopped crying while near you (it took him a while)
and he was actually really nice and funny so you enjoyed time with him
this is when kuroo started losing his smug demeanor </3
you literally started spending more time with yamamoto than with kuroo and that did not please the nekoma captain
you guys were best friends for a long time, now you were captain and manager (literally iconinc duo hello????) and he even had a crush on you so why were you so close with yamamoto now??
you honestly didn't do it maliciously, you just found yamamoto very sweet and wanted to make a new friend!! :)
one faithful day, kuroo walked into the gym and saw you and yamamoto already there and joking around and that's when kuroo saw the text on the back of your signature red jacket was different.
it was yamamoto's number......uh oh
kuroo wasn't pleased.
at this point he was sad and jealous :((( he assumed you really didn't like him anymore because you didn't even ask him for help with your chem hw anymore :(
he was in a bad mood during all of practice that day and obviously you noticed because he's your crush !!! and why is he sad ! :(
after practice was over (lasted way longer than usual because mr rooster head was in a bad mood and held everyone back) and the team was very tired, you were packing up when kuroo approached you
"so, i'm guessing that you and yamamoto are together?" (he wouldn't even look at you as he said this, he was that sad)
"what? what makes you say that?" (you were genuinely confused)
"i mean, you spend basically all your time with him now. you don't even ask me for help with chemistry anymore...."
:((( you finally looked up at him and he looked so defeateddddd :(((( poor tetsu
"i'm not dating yamamoto, tetsu. i don't even like him like that..."
kuroo's eyes immediately landed on you
"but i don't understand what that would change for you..."
then, kuroo blushed (a rare sight for someone who doesn't know him too well)
"it matters because......i like you..a lot. and i have for a while now..."
then, you smiled and hugged him very hard
"i like you too, tetsu" !!!! <33333 :)))
"FINALLY" could be heard from literally outside the gym??? (okay snoopy kenma)
when you're dating (this is getting long i'm so sorry)
literally ICONIC couple
yaku had an hour long discussion with kuroo about how he had to treat you right (he knew he would, but it was the protocol, okay??)
yamamoto still worshipped the ground you walked on (as he should) and kuroo literally supported him except if he went too far (which happened a few times)
the whole team loved your relationship (but loved you even more, because you weren't as smug as kuroo, you were their babysitter basically <333)
omg as for kuroo being a bf, you get to wear his jacket all the time omggggg
now he even gives you his chem answers (if you give him enough kisses ofc)
kenma has now gone from annoyed to disgusted (jk he loves you guys together)
kuroo doesn't get jealous all that often, but if he does it's quiet jealous and you always manage to reassure him in the end so it's all good
he loves you so muchhhh <333
and you bring homemade snacks for the team for practices and even tournaments and they're all just so thankful
and kuroo especially, because you take such good care of his team <333 omg
you always kiss him before games and he claims it's his good luck charm
hugs with him after a game where nekoma won are the best (even if he's sweaty) because he's just so happy and proud!!!
he loves kissing your forehead and your cheeks
always has a hand around your shoulder or is always touching you in some way
loves showing you off
he's so proud of you!!
like when other teams come over for a tournament and you bring your homemade snacks he's just: "look at my s/o!!! look at what they made!!!"
bokuto is literally the number one supporter of your relationship!!! he's so happy for you both!! :)
he LOVES seeing you because you're so nice and you always offer him snacks
akaashi is because he has someone else that helps him deal with the rooster and owl
when karasuno first meet with your team, tanaka and nishinoya lose their shit because omg!!!! gorgeous manager!!!
but then kuroo comes out of the gym to greet karasuno and kisses your cheek out of habit (and makes you blush) and tanaka and nishinoya LOSE IT
because a guy actually got to date his team's MANAGER (their dream </3)
then you become friends with them too (they're so funny bro)
they love you but they're unsure of kuroo because these two simps believe you deserve better
tsukki doesn't really pay attention to you and kuroo's relationship during the day but he does notice how kind you are and how you offer snacks to all the teams, even to him :))
after the day is over though, and bokuto and kuroo ask tsukki to practice with them and akaashi, tsukki notices the way you and kuroo act around one another and he lowkey loves it
you guys clearly have chemistry (i'm so funny)
in conclusion: an iconic couple, everyone loves you together
(lev wants to come to the wedding)
+ kuroo uses chemistry pickup lines on you daily (never gets old)
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boyfhee · 2 years
what about the subling moot game? or maybe tropes?
guess we're going with the tropes one :> i included the ones i think i know quite well but if you're a moot who wants to be on the list, comment and i'll add you !! hope i did this correctly :")
@maiverie : mai gives big strangers to lovers with heeseung ( hello u got ur man babe ) energy. she's really fun to be around and has a captivating personality. so, i do believe she has the ability to leave people star-struck about her and that includes heeseung too. slow burn but make it very netflix original material
@yeongwonie : yeona hi !! i see her working well with exes to lovers, or even just friends, with jay or taehyun. basically, second chances about anything. i think she'll reconsider certain decisions again rather than cutting someone or something off her life straight away. whatever may be the outcome, i think she's the type to give it a shot
@ilynaevis : jia hi :) me says childhood friends to strangers to lovers ( lmao ) trope with sunoo ?? more like, a friend you lost touch with as you both grew up until one day you both meet again and perhaps old feelings re-surface again ? this sounds so marvellous in my head
@yyunari : best friends to lovers for nari and beomgyu !! they're very outgoing, someone you'd love to be friends with, or even more ?? i know we don't talk much but nari has the personality that draws people to them involuntarily, and beomgyu is no exception i bet
@atrirose : hi. enemies to destined rivals. roselyn will get on your nerves and make you want to run her over. ok jokes aside, fake dating with sunghoon for her, tbh i don't really need to explain much. she's annoying but it's a charm ig :/ and then suddenly says that she's hoon's gf so that some rando doesn't hit on him. you know the rest
@jangwonie : hi fae :) i don't know what this trope is called, but it's more like the classmate one's always infatuated with ??? like your first love / class crush or something help, with jungwon / wonyoung ( girl !!! ) fae you're so smart and supportive and sweet, i see both the wons having a crush on u :(
@oikluvs : hi bff !! yuni definitely fits the and then they were roommates trope with jungwon, as wll. i mean, i don't see anything else. she's either the cool roommate who helps you with stuff or the one who helps you but also gets on your nerves </3 you can't deny that she manages to catch your attention with smallest actions, though. jungwon is forced to live with her and wants to leave until he falls in l*ve :/
@reniqt : aaa hi ren ! i know we haven't talked but he fits the person next door trope with sunghoon or renjun ( i saw you like renjun !! ) more emphasis on renjun because my guy fits the trope. naur i bet my life he's the annoying neighbour and you both get into arguments often but things get better as they fall into place :)
@heeracha : aaa robi !! bestie, it's giving me number neighbour trope to me, with hyunjin or lee know ! i think he'll be the one to text the number neighbour, who happens to be you, and things are very weird at first because you don't know them ?? they don't know you ?? and they texted you out of no where ?? but at least he's funny
@bambisgirl : i kid you not, maria is like the popular student and so is heeseung ! you both are opposites, having a friendly rivalry as well, it's fun and games to be honest. after a few close encounters, he has taken a liking to you; you know where this is going :)
@goldenhypen : em !! hi !! ok look, em fits the coffee shop au / mutual pinning trope with jake, like a puzzle piece. from what i know her, she's definitely the person you'd like to know and get closer to. she's just so nice, and jake is probably the one who always takes her order, delivering it with a sweet message. they're otp i said what i said
@sjyuniverse : es hi hope you're doing well ! what if i say online friends to lovers with jake sim hahaha :/ or more like, you both met through a game, or whatever, probably on twitter because he's a moot or your moot and you both end up following each other just because, and click so well ??? and then you find that he lives just an hour away from you and he asks if you want to meet ,,,, yeah. i'm running out of tropes but this is my fav fr
@seungstarss : sei hi i hope u see this :( anyway enemies to lovers with heejay because i can't pick one of them. it's literally a love triangle help i'm sorry bff. better if the three of you are put in a group project together. it's giving dysfunctional team but whatever, things do improve. what if u choose to be besties like heejaysei are going to be the friend group everyone wants to be a part of >>
bye that's all i'm running out of tropes at this point :")
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itsnothesameasitwas · 3 years
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hiii y'all for some reason i decided to join into the follow forever/mutual appreciation posts, so made this silly gif like two weeks ago and started writing the post (all's under the cut cuz it's gonna be long lol) First of all, I want to thanks y'all for made my 2021 better fr, i've made so much friends and i'm pretty sure some of them will stay until we pass away... also thanks to y'all who's following this unhinged blog <3
'the best part of being a One Direction fan are the friends you make through them'
honestly a big shout out to all these lovely people, guys you all are amazing and deserve the best (always) thanks for being part of my 2021 (yes this is gonna be my sappy moment)
To my GCs: hey babes! thanks for having me, listen to me and supporting me during the whole year (also for bear my random moments hehe)
@eclipsadxs gc: voy a escribir esto en español porque las amo y lo merecen hehe... primero que nada, gracias por adoptarme <3 y por soportarme en todo momento y por ser unas amigas grandiosas, literalmente habría muerto sin ustedes ya que esto está lleno de yankees <33
namastent gc: @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @bolitodequeso @hl28 @moirindeclermont @theymetinthetoihlet @fakenudes @harryhazza @strutitout @springloveswinter @toofargonetopray honestly idk how im still in the gc bc im the most inactive person ever (sry ab it) nut you need to know that i truly appreciate you guys so much!! also #JackMcQueenRights... you're too good to be true <33
the unhinged club: @narrylover @cowboylarries @holyshit @nouislover @coffeehotcoffee @avocadolouis28 @heartshaped-lou @dorothyharry @rainblou @faithinrainbows @zouis-exes-to-lovers @sryluvidrc (li and cata too) a gc that started bc li and me were drunk lol... guys i love you so so much <33 thanks for deal with my dumb ass and unhinged questions hehe <3
some highlights:
@justalarryblog: BECA!!! i love you so so so much!! I'm glad to be your friend, you're an amazing person with a big heart and soul that deserve the entire world <33 and even if you insist that your writing sucks it doesn't and that's why you have me, to remind you that you're so talented and that you have an exquisite fic taste <3 (we should start an ABO lovers club and reread Cold Little Heart)
@bluewinnerangel: hi person that i love <3 i think you alr knwoo that but i never forget ab things (or i don't rly easely) so i remember how our lil friendship started (larry god bless the grandpa mp) and i truly appreciate u yk this but i love u (and you love me bc i'm cute and a bit malicious hehe)
@whaleharry: Boobie IM TRULY MADLY DEEPLY in love with you!!! i think you are one of my first mutuals/friends and my soulmate <33 thanks for being unhinged with me the last months, listen to me 24/7 and also love me and support me all the time even if what im doing is insane <333 please... come visit me <3
@anxiouslarrie: CATA AMOR DE MI VIDA <333 eres la mejor persona que conozco, gracias por desvelarte conmigo siempre, hacer mi tarea, mandarme memes, escucharme hablar de todo y soportarme cuando me molesto y también por mexicanizarte para que te entienda <333 eres la mejor polola del mundo @yourhabit28: Mag!!! AMIGA!!! te amo demasiado, tanto que te escribo esto en español <333 te extraño mucho mucho pero amo cuando hablamos, gracias por ser parte de mi 2021 y literal una de mis mejores amigas y por ser co fundadora del #TemporaryFixStanClub
@ladychlo: chay i love u so much!! i'll never get tired to tell you how much much i love you and your art, you're the sweetes and talented person ik <333 (ily tumblr-wife)
@louisxgolden: sabías que te amo? no hemos hablado tanto últimamente pero quiero que sepas que eres asombrosa!!! eres de las mejores personas que conozco, gracias por siempre estar para mi <33 @folkmore: SOPHIA MY ENEMESTIE <333 love you so so much!! you're the only swiftie i could love in this life and i am the only nice anti-t you'll love <333 thanks for being there all the time and being so funny, sweet and also the nicest bully ever!! (ih8u) #BringHARRYSUITSback
@one-wayroad: LAU NO SABES LO MUCHO QUE TE AMO!! gracias por todo todo todo, literal ya hubiera merto de no ser por ti <33 por ser mi january capricorn, mi inspiración y mi lado reflexivo en este mundo lol, por las risas y los cumplidos y por recordarme que puedo hacer las cosas bien <333
@louisbowie @larentsbr @fivescrews @tanktop-lou @whenyouvequitefinished @loualbum @miss-styles @solvetheminourdreams @rainbowparadisebht @heyangels @cloudsmp3 @loulovehome @harrylovesunflower @harrylouis @lonelysxnflower @brightgolden @genuineconspiracy and last but not least A BIG shot out to the ppl who made my obsessive compulsive reader came back to life (and also bc i love you all even if we don't talk a lot)@allwaswell16 @twopoppies @evilovesyou justalarryblog and all the ppl who rec fics (please don't stop doing it, bc beca knows i've alr read most of your recs)
ANYWAY... i'm aware i've missed loads of ppl but it's 2am (when i'm finishing to write this) and i couldn't think in someone else, but if i have rec your blog sometime (or i follow you) you still being really special to me <3
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