#you're tired of fighting / you dream of quiet
vaqro · 1 year
are you a soldier, a poet, or a king?
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There will come a soldier / Who carries a mighty sword / He will tear your city down ㅤ- - - ㅤThe Oh Hellos .
righteousness. ㅤㅤstrength. ㅤㅤviolence. ㅤㅤyou see a door and break through it. ㅤㅤYOU WONDER ,ㅤSOMETIMES ,ㅤIF ANGER IS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN FEEL.ㅤㅤremember : ㅤㅤlove is passion too. ㅤㅤyou made your own rules and will follow them to death. ㅤㅤyou try and forget that there is only one rule, ㅤand that it is "FIGHT". ㅤㅤYOU ARE TIRED OF FIGHTING. ㅤㅤyou try to forget that,ㅤ too,ㅤ and keep going. ㅤㅤyou dream of quiet. ㅤㅤYOUR LOVE IS WHERE YOU HEAL. ㅤㅤgod knows you deserve to ㅤ[ really,ㅤyou deserve to. ]
tagged by :ㅤnobody . tagging :ㅤ@tlacehualli ,ㅤ@chronal-anomaly ,ㅤ@76es ,ㅤ@veqva ,ㅤ@parieur .
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youryanderedaddy · 1 month
tw: female reader, non - con, manhandling, religious subtext (it's sydney)
Sydney has never felt this way before. He doesn't know the name of that feeling, the warmth that fills his chest and tightens his throat and reddens his cheeks as you sit before him at the library counter. He can't explain the pulse in his loins and the sweat that sticks to his back when you lean in to ask him something and your shirt opens up slightly, revealing such soft, mesmerizing skin. His hands start to itch and his mouth waters and he feels almost thirsty - but water never seems to quench whatever it is he's deprived of.
He wants to ask someone - maybe brother Jordan or his father, but something deep within him, some basic instinct, rings a bell, a reminder that there is nothing pure or holy about the feelings he harbors towards you. He knows love. He's read about it - he knows he loves God, he loves his church, his friends, his books. He knows love is gentle. Love is caring and tender and quiet, love is giving.
But when it comes to you, he only wants to take. He wants to bite your cheeks when you smile, to squeeze you in his arms until he hears your fragile bones crack. He wants to rip off your skin and crawl in your shell - to see your insides, to admire every inch of your flesh for his own sick satisfaction. He even keeps a box of everything you've ever lost - small trinkets, cheap bracelets, ripped socks, locks of hair... Anything to feel closer to you.
And yet Sydney tries to fight his urges - he averts eyes when you bend to pick something and pretends not to notice your bare legs in those mini skirts, the way the school swimsuit hugs your curves perfectly, or how your lips part when you bite down on a pencil. Or the marks of you teeth on the yellow wood, your smugded lipstick as you leave the bathroom, your hands on his shoulder with your nails digging in—
Sydney is a man of God, but you make him question his faith. In the sunlight everything is brighter, but when night comes, so do the nightmares. His pillow becomes softer, warmer - it lingers with the scent of your hair and he can't help imagining you laying next to him with an adoring smile on those luscious lips of yours. And as fatigue spreads over his tired body, his prayers long forgotten, the same dream haunts him - the one he's had since the day he first saw you.
You're no longer laying next to him - you're under him instead. Your hair isn't spread out angelically, but twisted and disheveled, wrapped around his fist. He's towering over you, tilting your chin up - holding you so tightly against his body you can't move an inch. Your eyes are red and swollen, lips bruised and bitten bloody - and you're trembling like an injured animal. You look so small, so pathetically adorable, so very naked and afraid, and splayed out like a feast in front of him, and he just devours you like the predator he knows he is.
You whine something incomprehensible along the lines of a plea, begging to be let go - but all your words become white noise to Sydney. His hands circle your throat painfully and only a few broken moans escape before you shut up completely. The man keeps thrusting into you without a sense of shame, egged on by the deep, inaudible sobs that shake your body to its core. The voice inside his head chants "mine, mine, mine" like a spell, like a curse that binds you both for all eternity.
Sydney always wakes up in cold sweat, unable to catch his breath. It's terrifying, seeing his darkest desires play out over and over each night. And as he tries to catch his breath and forget the taste of your neck on his tongue, there is one thought he never seems to fully rid himself of. How long until dreams are not enough to feed the monster inside of him?
How long until it all becomes reality?
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mydearlybeloathed · 19 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a mission to recover your prized research from your greedy ex-employer goes awry when you, the crew's pacifist, decide to join the fight in the name of saving your beloved captain. when you awake from your near-mortal injuries, luffy demands to know why you put yourself in danger, and you're not sure you can answer him.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: luffy x gn!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: title from cariño by the marías, description of injuries, angst and fluff, researcher!reader, requested
𝐚/𝐧: i really liked writing this 🙆 thanks for the request! sorry it took a minute 😃
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Luffy didn’t know if he should try to hug you or get as far away from you as he could. Did you want him to go? Did you want him to stay? He tired gouging it from your face, but all he found was indifference, your fingers toying with the edges of your latest read. 
“Say what you think,” he finally said. Luffy pulled up your desk chair and sat across from where you sit cross-legged on your bed. 
Your lips pursed, brows meeting. “I think… I think all of this is stupid.”
Luffy had to fight back the instinct to disagree, unsure if that would bode well when your usual easy smile was nowhere in sight. But it wasn’t stupid, not to him. Not when it concerned you. “That guy stole your research.”
A strangled laugh left you. “I can rewrite the journals. I can do more research. I…” You clapped the book shut and set it aside, eyes on the ground. “I can’t get a new Luffy.” Your cheeks burned instantly. “Or—or a new Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp.”
He ducked down to catch your gaze, startling you into looking right into his warm eyes. He tried a tiny grin. “We’ll get your journals back, okay? Years of research can’t be lost like that.”
That’s what he’d been saying since your old employer finally caught up to you—you and your seven years of study. Mister Fike thrived off the work of others, loafing off people who once trusted him and his dream of an enlightened, freely educated society. 
Bullshit. All of it. The moment you realized he only wanted your research for his own gain was the day you started running—and what luck you had to run right into Monkey D. Luffy. 
Perhaps it was foolish to think Mister Fike would allow so much money to just slip away, but then maybe you were foolish. He’d caught you unguarded in the dead of night, docked at an out-of-the-way port, and swept away with all the data and observations you’d spent so long crafting. Your life’s work, gone in the blink of an eye.
Your hand grazed your cheek where a bandage covered the cut Mister Fike had given your face—his only warning before you were frozen into fear and let him walk away. 
Mister Fike would do much worse if Luffy got in his way. You clamped shut your eyes and pleaded, “Don’t. I can start over, Luffy. It’s not worth the risk.”
He stayed a moment in quiet thought and you nearly hoped Luffy was hearing you out, until he opened his mouth. “‘Cause you’re pacific, right? That’s what Robin said.”
You blinked at him before a half-amused smile rose to your lips. “Pacifist, Luffy. I’m a pacifist.”
“I just don’t get it. You’ve fought before.”
You shifted at the unpleasant reminder, memories flashing in your mind of a time your hand had been forced. “Because I had to.”
Luffy sighed and sat in thought, taking in your nervous twitching before he caught sight of your desk, where papers were scattered across the surface from where you’d searched for any notes you had left. Your life’s work, stolen from you. One day your research was going to help people—it was your dream—and by the gods, Luffy was not going to let some asshole take that from you.
“We know where to find him,” Luffy said, standing. He met your widened eyes. “Nami was able to track him down pretty easy.”
You lurched forward and caught his hand, rising quickly. “Please. Don’t do this. I can’t risk it.”
Luffy simply cast your hand a look before he was prying you off him, squeezing your fingers as a less than reassuring smile took his face. “Then I will.”
He turned swiftly and made for the door, already back in his head about how he would go about tearing Mister Fike apart when a loud thump had him swiveling around again. You stomped across the floor, collecting your shoes and the bo-staff you hardly had any use for, spinning it around sharply to test your rusty skills. You settled him with a firm glare with nothing too real behind it. “If we do this, we do it together.”
And just like that he was a kid at Christmas, bouncing on his toes as he hooked his arm through yours and started hurrying down the hall, your staff clanging against the walls. “We never fight together! This is great!”
You failed to share in his optimism, trying with everything in you to keep the looming dread at bay. 
Your whole body locked up at the horrifying crack of a skull under your staff, and you swiftly defended your actions to your own self. They attacked me. I had no choice.
You just had to get through this battle without looking too long at the red splotching your weapon. 
Mister Fike’s ship hadn’t changed much from when you’d frequented the place. The halls were a bit dustier, though. No wonder he needed your research so bad. There was no one left to take advantage of.
Past the third deck security, you flew down the hall, muscle memory taking you back to Fike’s office. The plan was simple. Get in, get out. Simple. You had nothing to worry about.
Zoro’s familiar shadow suddenly ran up beside you, dragging a relieved gasp out of you. “Oh, thank God.”
He cast you a grin. “I figured you’d want some help.”
Just as the warmth set into your chest, the whole ship tilted sharply before righting itself. Gritting your teeth, you glared at the ceiling. “Luffy!”
“Keep moving,” said Zoro, ushering you along. He busted down the door to the office and sent it splintering around the room. 
“Right, right…” Mumbling kept you steady as you rushed around the office, rifling through drawers and papers till the tell-tale baby blue of your logbook came into view. You pressed it to your chest in a short embrace, sighing deeply.
As much of a fight you put up, your research meant the world to you. Getting it back meant even more. Luffy knew that. Maybe you could consider forgiving him, later, when you’re off the ship and back to safety. 
You and Zoro made it to the main deck in record time; the southern part of the ship just started to tip beneath the waves. Gravity dragged you down, teetering precariously on your heels when Zoro’s hand grounded your shoulder. You murmured a thanks and bolted across the tilting deck. The crew gathered on a level spot, allowing you to catch your breath—before all of it was stolen when you noticed someone was missing.
“Where’s Luffy?” you demanded needlessly as moments later chaos erupted farther up the ship at the helm. Luffy faced Mister Fike, each man contorted by a terrifying rage. Fike’s strength might’ve been great, but surely he was no match for Luffy. Your blood ran cold as you noticed a flash of silver in Fike’s smile. In his wide maw, three rows of rotating teeth glinted in the sun. A zoan-type fruit, perhaps. “That’s new…”
You stood paralyzed alongside your friends, eyes locked on the fight as Luffy lunged at Fike, the man in turn snapping his jaws and narrowly snagging Luffy’s arm. You jolted forward, the only thing stopping you being Nami’s hand closing round your wrist. “He can handle it,” she snapped, her face betraying her panic. 
A guttural scream struck the air. Luffy’s right arm was trapped in Fike’s teeth while his left tried to pry the shark man’s jaw open. Shock shot through everyone before it hit you, your heart dropping. Nami shouted as you took off at break-neck speed, not a thing on your mind aside from the need to help him. Fike’s henchmen—your old colleagues—struggled to stand from where they’d been beaten to a pulp, their efforts useless as you jumped over their heads and reaching hands. Feet pounding across the steel deck, you swept up to the helm, leaping over the last step to find Fike tossing Luffy aside. The boy rose from the ground slowly, chest heaving, eyes blazing. Luffy would terrify you if he didn’t mean so much to you.
“Fike!” You raised your bo-staff and marched toward him. His slitted eyes took you in like a last meal. 
A laugh rumbled in his chest. “Looks like someone got their sea legs! Last I saw you, you were bent over the side of this very ship emptying your lunch.”
Luffy murmured your name, drawing your attention as he stalked toward Fike. His arm was practically in shreds, flesh torn and bound to scar. “Let me handle this.” He chanced a look at you, eyes softening. “You’re not a fighter.”
“I can be,” you breathed, resolve solidifying. You set your jaw and faced your old employer, taking one step at him just as Luffy’s arms grabbed your middle and flung you behind him. “Luffy!”
“Stay back.” His tone left little room for discussion, and the way his eyes flashed at you had you frozen in place, not able to stand. 
Watching from the ground, your blood boiled at each strike and slash Fike took at your captain—your friend. The future King of the Pirates. Fike’s eyes darted to you every other move, glimmering like he wanted you to watch. Like Fike expected you to sit by and do nothing. 
You’d been a pacifist most of your life. Ever since your home and half your village were burned to the ground due to the actions of quarreling pirates and marines, you made a vow to never be one to perpetuate such violence. You’d done pretty well at keeping that vow, going out to spread knowledge to those who couldn’t access it on their own—and then you met Mister Fike, who tricked you into thinking he wanted the same as you, for everyone to get the chances you never had as a child. But Fike was a liar, the kind of liar you hated the most; the kind who burned down people’s lives with their selfish lying. 
Finding Luffy was both a saving grace and an inevitable end to your vow. He was kind and just and generous, and you loved being on his crew dammit, but he asked things of you you weren’t sure you could give. Things like fighting. You almost heard his cheery laughter and litheful voice now, saying, “Fight for what you believe in, for the people you love, and you won’t have anything to regret!”
A sharp gasp left you breathless as Fike nearly caught Luffy’s head in his jaws. Luffy grabbed at Fike’s razor-sharp teeth, prying them back open even while in the shark-man’s grasp. 
Luffy asked many things of you. Things you wanted to give him. Like fighting for those you care about and care about you in return. You hated violence with a burning passion—but perhaps you loved Luffy more. You rose to your feet and lunged forth, bo-staff catching Fike’s gut. Fike lurched back and snarled, throwing Luffy aside to zero in on you instead. You sent hit after hit at him, driving him back all while he kept that smug grin on his maw. 
Angry huffs of breath puffed from your lips until Fike caught you staff in his fist, cracking it between his jaws. Luffy grunted your name and your eyes found him instinctively, guard dropped as soon as you spotted him in a lump a few feet off. Fike grabbed you instantly and suspended you in the air, his claw-like hands constricting your diaphragm. He leered right in your face, tongue passing over his lips. “Should’ve listened to your friend.”
Letting slip a growl, you snapped your head forward to try his own tactics, biting his oblong nose sharply. A nasty metallic taste filled your mouth causing you to recoil, gagging. Fike’s grip loosened for all of two seconds before you could no longer breathe, his large hand crushing your torso till a horrifying crack rang in your ears, followed quickly by another, and all at once you hit the ground in a lump. Choked whimpers fled your lips as you curled in on yourself, too focused on your breathing to think about Luffy bellowing your name.
You forced every inhale, the action pinching something in your chest. God, you’d never felt pain like this. Panic surged up your body till it hit your brain—Chopper once yelled at Sanji for his broken ribs, needing to check if his lungs were damaged or impaired. Oh god… You sucked in a breath only to whine it back out and tug at your constricting shirt, sweat beading along your skin.
Through foggy vision and fuzzy ears, Luffy’s voice was the only thing louder than the terrible ringing and ache wrought throughout your body. The pain preluded the numbness that blazed through your ribcage, leaving you unable to breathe quite right but without the pinching to blame it on. Two arms scooped under your shoulders and legs, lifting you into a broad chest. The shifting of your body dragged out a strangled cry. “‘M sorry… ‘M sorry…”
You blinked up to find Luffy’s face silhouetted by the sun blazing behind him. You murmured his name and Luffy picked up his pace, ignoring Nami berating him, ordering him to slow down. He couldn't! He had to get you to Chopper. He chanced another look down at your face to see if your brows were any more pinched just to find your eyes shut and expression relaxed. 
“Why’re they sleeping?” he demanded, bounding up the Going Merry’s gangway with Zoro hot on his trail. “Wake up. Gotta wake up so Chopper can ask what’s wrong.”
“They can’t hear ya, Luffy,” Zoro said evenly. He gripped his captain’s shoulder and guided him in a quick pace to where Chopper would be held up in the galley. 
Luffy gritted his teeth, no longer occupied with watching where he’s going, only focused on you. “Then they need to wake up.”
Zoro had both his hands on Luffy’s shoulders, jerking him down the hall and pushing him into the galley. “They will. Give ‘em a minute.”
From the way Zoro said it so softly, Luffy had a feeling it would be longer than a minute.
You woke from a surprisingly restless sleep far later into the day, when the moon peaked up over the horizon and the sun retreated to her home beyond the sea. The very first thing you noticed was that you weren’t dead, which was something. You sure felt like you were dying, but maybe that was due to your lack of experience being mortally injured. The others seemed to be used to it, breaking bones and ribs like it’s an idiotic game. Did this draft you into that game? If so, you had the sense you were losing.
“Good!” Chopper popped through your bedroom door, beaming at you. “You’re awake!”
A gentle smile graced your lips. “Hey, Chop.” A brief glance at the wall clock, and face fell. “You should be in bed.”
The reindeer shuffled toward you, waving his hooves dismissively. “I couldn’t sleep, not till I know you’re all right.”
Warm affection for your friend burst through your chest. You tried to prop yourself up but nearly immediately you settled back down, your torso aching sorely. “Thank you.”
Chopper checked over your chest, feeling here and there for anything still out of place. “You’ve got two broken ribs, but nothing punctured or damaged.”
“Lucky me,” you laughed, fizzling out to a cough. Chopper patted your shoulder, his brows met.
“Don’t overexert yourself,” he stressed. “I’ll get you some water.” He pattered back over to the door, hummed, and peeked back around. “Uhm, Luffy’s awake too.” You blinked widely, unsure what to say. Chopper simply smiled. “I’ll go get him!”
“Wait, Chop—Ah!” One hand on your side, you squeezed shut your eyes and laid back down slowly. “Bad idea. Bad idea…”
You plopped your head back and stared at the ceiling, straining to feel the way the ship rocked on the waves. Left and right, gravity shifted on the rolling waters, calming your suddenly racing heart. Minutes passed, and another figure appeared in the doorway. You lolled your head to the side. Luffy’s eyes stuck to the floor as he entered, his hands fidgety at his sides. 
Too exhausted to break the silence, you waited, beckoning him closer with a flick of your hand. Luffy only took one step, gaze raising to your own. “I got rid of him—Mister Fike.” 
You nodded, trying so very hard to release the tension building in your shoulders. You didn’t care to know what he meant by that at all. Pursing your lips, you steeled yourself to attempt to sit upright one last time. Luffy jumped toward you, hovering his hands over your struggling form, finally taking your arm and helping to prop you up against the headboard. You murmured a thanks, but Luffy only stared at you, eyes flickering over your face, a thousand thoughts behind those eyes. 
Sighing deeply, you took the bait. “Spit it out, Luffy. What’s wrong?”
He narrowed his eyes like it should’ve been obvious, sucking in a breath and shoving the words out. “You shouldn’t have risked yourself for me.”
A small fire lit in your heart, right where Luffy usually occupied it. You raised a brow in challenge. “But you’re allowed to do the same for me?”
Luffy replied a curt, “Yes.”
You rolled your eyes to that. “Ridiculous. You ask me to fight and when I do, you tell me I shouldn’t. Pick a side, Luffy.”
He plopped himself down on the edge of the bed, face hard as he formulated exactly what he wanted to say in a way that made sense. “I asked you to fight, not get hurt.”
“If the roles were switched, you would’ve done the same.” Your hand found his. “You have done the same. You’re my captain and above that my friend. I regret nothing.”
Luffy stared at how you cupped his hand in both of yours, his eyes drifting to the dark bruising around your midsection. “Just don’t do it again.”
You deflated like that, dropping his hand and shifting away despite how it hurt. He didn’t understand, and you weren’t sure how to get him to. “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this.”
Luffy didn’t know what that meant, but he knew he didn’t like it. “Fine. You don’t have to talk to me anymore.” He made to stand when your eyes widened, not expecting him to actually walk away, and you reached out to grab his arm. A grunt slipped past your lips, causing him to whip back around.
“Luffy.” He froze, hearing the difference in how you said his name now, like a plea instead of the usual reprimand. “I had to compromise my values today.”
A brief apology flashed across his face. “I—”
“Even if you hadn’t asked me to,” you cut in sharply. “I would have done nothing different. Don’t ask me not to risk myself for you because it's useless. I’d do it a hundred times over.”
He assessed you carefully, skeptically. Desperately? “Why?”
“Do I need a reason?” You chuckled wryly.
“I do.” You gazed into each of his eyes, the words so far out of reach, buried beneath months of excuses.
“You know why.” He had to. Your eyes implored him to see right through you like he always had before, to see how your heartbeat sounded like his name. You knew Luffy was smarter than anyone gave him credit for, so he had to know you loved him. But… Luffy just stood there, confused as ever, breaking down your hope. “Do I have to spell it out?”
He blinked. “That’d be nice, yeah.”
You gave him a long, hard look, trying to gauge if he was serious (of course he was) and promptly set your jaw. “I… care about you. In ways I didn’t think I could care about someone.” You averted your eyes. “I don’t regret breaking my vow of peace, because I did it to help you. I’d do anything for you. And I…”
Eyes shut tightly, you wondered if that was enough spelling out before he finally got the message and put you out of your misery. The sooner he knew, the sooner he could tell you you’re an idiot and you could both move on like it never happened. You didn’t expect Luffy’s warm, warm hands to take your face so gently, eyes baring into you hotly. 
It was unfair of him to have such pretty eyes. Despite their chesnut-y hue, they reminded you of the sea. Wild, reckless, filled with unabandon. You envied him when he looked like this. Luffy loved with every muscle in his body, unable to hold anything back, and you… you weren’t like that. You held your cards flush to your chest, discomfort chilling your skin with every piece of your heart you gave away.
He smiled at you now; not the bright, beaming ones he shot around willy-nilly. Luffy’s soft smile caught you unawares, drawing you in like a moth to a fervent flame till your lips parted and a tiny sigh left you. His lips curled up, almost teasing as he said, “I know.”
“You know?” you asked, brows met.
“Yep,” he replied, popping the p. “You’re not as sneaky as you think.”
“Oh?” You scoffed. “Really. And what exactly do you know, Captain?” 
Your breath hitched at Luffy’s sudden proximity, his forehead meeting yours in a skin-kiss you only ever read about in your silly romance novels. You squeaked rather embarrassingly, “Luffy?”
Your captain’s smile never faltered as he leaned into your ear, whispering, “I know you like me.”
Eyes blown wide, an awkward laugh erupted out of you, your hands pushing him away. “O-kay. Ha! Real funny, Loof.” His hand pressed right over your heart, only worsening the sporadic and slightly concerning rate of your heartbeat. “L-Loof… Luffy, don’t do that.”
One beat, then two. Luffy’s eyes drifted up to meet your own, his hand dropping to his side. His brows rose just so. “So you don’t like me?”
A firm no rose to the tip of your tongue and fell right off, leaving you to choke on nothing. Luffy looked at you so earnestly it was painful. “I…” You couldn’t say it, no matter how his eyes asked you to. Perhaps there was one thing he asked you couldn’t do. “You need sleep.”
“You need to be honest,” he snipped back. “You know I could’ve handled it. Why did you help me?”
Warmth flooded your cheeks under his gaze. “If you know everything then why be so mean to me, huh?” Again you shoved him off, wincing as your chest muscles pinched. “If you know I love you, then why interrogate me? It’s unfair! You know I can’t say it! I’m not like you! I broke a few ribs saving your ass, so what? I’d do it again! Why the fuck are you laughing?!”
Chest heaving, you sniffed and wiped at your damp cheeks, heartbreaking as all Luffy did was throw his head back and laugh. Crestfallen, your waterline dotted with anguish. “Go—Go away, Luffy.” Is this what he wanted? To humiliate you? Fine. You won’t bother next time. You’d let the next shark-man snap his pretty face off. See if you cared. 
The tears spilled over, Luffy’s smile dwindling down to something barely there. “‘M sorry. You’re just… funny.”
An afflicted laugh tumbled off your lips, hardly believing any of this was real. Luffy’s left hand clasped around yours, tightening when you fought out of his grip, and his right reached to wipe away the tears glittering down your cheeks. Your face scrunched up as you swatted at him, falling apart. “Fuck off.”
“I love you too.” The words seized all the breath left in you, which wasn’t a lot, leaving you to gasp it all back in. 
You shook your head slowly. “What?”
His finger poked your forehead. “You said it first.” Blinking perplexedly, you replayed all that you had spat out, mortification shadowing your face… until Luffy’s own words eclipsed your own.
“You… what?”
“I’m sorry for laughing,” he grinned, making work of drying your face before he sat back on the bed, legs crossed. “And for calling you funny.” He glanced away, fiddled with the bed covers, and snapped his eyes back to you. “Can you say it again?”
You heard your heart in your head, feeling every swipe of his fingers against your skin as he took your hands, chasing away all discomfort surrounding those little words. From the way he smiled, you felt he wouldn’t mind if you didn’t, and something in that sparked a need in you. You sucked in a breath, letting it out as a forceful, “I love you.”
Luffy grinned blissfully, letting out another tiny laugh, kissing the backs of your hands. A hesitant smile rose to your face, ready to meet his, and with your bottom lip between your teeth, you risked scooting over, shyly making him room beside you. Luffy wasted no time in slipping in beside you, careful not to hurt you. Not a word passed between you as his skin flushed against yours. Each touch was tentative, new, yet strangely familiar. He sparked up a conversation like nothing had happened at all, asking about what you’d do with your research when it was all complete, telling you about his whale friend Laboon and how you’d get along. 
Right as your eyes grew fluttery, the morning sun peeking in through the window, Luffy lifted his head from the nook he’d made of your neck, prying you away from sleep. “Yeah?”
“If you’re gonna get hurt for me,” he mumbled, “don’t pass out. You scared the shit outta me.”
You carded your hand through his hair, pushing him back to lie down with a laugh. “Aye, aye, Captain.”
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
How would König react if he realised one night that his wifey talked in her sleep. Like I can imagine her just saying random stuff and random names of her dream characters and him sitting up and trying to peice together what’s happening in her head.
💋💋😘😘 thx sm for all the scrumptious stuff u write btw
At first, he thought he was in a possession movie about demons and ghosts lol. This man is a very heavy sleeper while on leave, all of his fight-or-fight-harder reflex is making him tired and eepy( you won't be able to wake him up even with shouting and fighting him, at least when he is a good week in his little vacation and got into his civvie mode. When he just got out of deployment and still didn't adjust to how quiet and normal life is... the poor guy is getting sniped with memories of all of those scary movies he sneaked out to watch as a kid because oh boy, is he scared. He understands the concept of sleep talking and sleepwalking - it's common among his troops, but he kinda grossly associates it solely with PTSD and people who went to war and came back - not with his sleepy wifey getting all cute in her sheets and rehearsing some meaningless dialogue. He is getting a fucking notebook, the mystery of your sleep talking is making him stay awake at ungodly hours because HE NEEDS to see what is the mystery of the princess cucumber and her froggy guards who are all trying to seek her paw in marriage. If you're sleeptalking during nightmares, he is waking you up immediately, forcing you to tell him what you were dreaming about!! It's kinda not what you're supposed to do with sleep talkers, they can get quite scared, but he still wants you to be comfortable.
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lov3jimin · 29 days
Paige X Reader
paige and reader having fun in the pool
It was a rare day off for Paige Bueckers and Y/N Between their grueling practice schedules and intense games, moments of relaxation were few and far between. Today, however, was different. The sun was shining brightly, casting a golden glow over the outdoor pool where they planned to spend their afternoon.
Paige and Y/N arrived at the pool, their laughter echoing in the stillness of the morning. Paige wore a sleek blue swimsuit that complemented her athletic figure, while Y/N opted for a vibrant red bikini that showcased her toned physique. They laid out their towels on the lounge chairs, already anticipating the fun that awaited them.
"Ready for some fun, Y/N?" Paige teased, adjusting her sunglasses.
Y/N grinned. "Always, Bueckers. Think you can keep up?"
With a playful glint in her eye, Paige raced towards the pool, diving in gracefully. The cool water enveloped her, a refreshing contrast to the warm sun. Y/N followed suit, her dive sending a splash in Paige's direction.
"Hey!" Paige exclaimed, wiping water from her face. "No fair!"
Y/N laughed, her eyes twinkling. "All's fair in love and splashes."
They spent the next hour playing various games in the water. Paige challenged Y/N to a race, and although both were competitive by nature, they couldn't help but dissolve into laughter every time one of them tried to cheat by splashing the other. The sound of their joy filled the air, mingling with the gentle lapping of the water.
After the race, they decided to take a break, floating lazily on their backs. The sun warmed their faces, and they let themselves relax, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
"This is nice," Y/N said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Paige turned her head, smiling at Y/N. "Yeah, it really is. We should do this more often."
Y/N nodded in agreement. "Definitely."
After a while, Y/N's mischievous side resurfaced. She silently swam beneath Paige, grabbing her ankles and pulling her underwater. Paige yelped in surprise before being submerged, coming up laughing and spluttering.
"Y/N! You little—" Paige splashed water at her, unable to finish her sentence through her giggles.
Y/N tried to dodge the splash, but it only made her laugh harder. "You should have seen your face!"
Paige's eyes sparkled with a playful challenge. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that."
The two engaged in an impromptu splash fight, water flying everywhere as they chased each other around the pool. Their laughter was contagious, and even the lifeguard, who had been watching them with amusement, couldn't help but smile.
Eventually, they grew tired and swam to the edge of the pool, resting their arms on the side and catching their breath.
"You know," Paige said, looking at Y/N with a fond smile, "I can't remember the last time I had this much fun."
Y/N leaned in closer, her eyes softening. "Me neither. I'm glad we did this."
They shared a quiet moment, the world around them fading into the background. In the pool's crystal-clear water, under the golden rays of the sun, they felt an unspoken connection, a bond that went beyond their shared love for basketball.
Paige gently brushed a wet strand of hair away from Y/N's face. "You make everything better, you know that?"
Y/N's heart swelled with affection. "I could say the same about you, Paige."
In the serene silence, their faces inched closer until their lips met in a tender kiss. It was soft and sweet, a promise of many more moments like this to come. When they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other, eyes closed in the peaceful aftermath of their shared joy.
The rest of the day was spent in a blissful haze. They lounged by the pool, sipping on cool drinks, sharing stories and dreams. As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, they knew this day would be one of their most cherished memories.
Hand in hand, they walked back to their car, their hearts full and content. They had found something special in each other, a love that was both playful and profound. And as they drove away, the sound of their laughter lingered in the air, a testament to the happiness they had found together.
sorry I have not posted in a min 😂🤗
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evermoresqueiswriting · 2 months
“I was scared of dentists and the dark I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations Oh, all my friends are turning green You're the magician's assistant in their dream”
summary: going on the camp's field trip to olympus because clarisse asked you to, meeting your father and clarisse's father and also, there are new updates from camp - luke gone, and percy's arrival
pairing: clarisse la rue x f!reader
word count: 6.7k (14 year old me would never believe me if i said i casually wrote a 6k chapter)
tags: mostly fluff, tiny splash and angst
series masterlist 3/?
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The date ended really late – you fell asleep on the beach, and Clarisse didn’t have the heart to wake you up. She didn’t dare, you looked too peaceful to disturb. You loved taking naps and whenever you were around Clarisse, you felt safe enough to do so. By the time you woke up, it was already dark, and Clarisse had put your blouse back on you because it started to get chilly. When you realised what time it was, you hurried Clarisse and grabbed all your bags before leaving the beach. 
The ride back home was quite long, and once you got into camp, it was really quiet. You and Clarisse tried to be quiet, and walked slowly towards your cabins, but then you heard footsteps. Both of you whipped around. Chiron, hands on his hip and Mr D, standing next to him. 
“Hi,” you waved.
Clarisse swiftly grabbed your hand to put it down. 
“You missed the curfew,” Mr D said.
“What– What curfew? There was one?” you hesitated, looking at Clarisse.
“Yes,” Mr D continued, “it was written, black on white, that you should be home before 9pm. And it’s, would you look at that,” he showed you his watch-less wrist, “it’s past 11!”
“We– I didn’t know,” you explained, “I- I mean– I can’t read and neither can she.”
Chiron shook his head, and Clarisse stepped in front of you, shielding you from their disappointed faces. 
“We’re sorry, we didn’t see the time.”
Your hand was grabbing tightly onto Clarisse’s arm.  
“Go back to your cabins and rest,” Chiron said.
“Yeah, cause you’ll need it for the cleaning duties you’ll get for the whole week or month, I still haven’t decided yet haha,” Mr D finished and walked away. 
You were once again alone. You sighed.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, not daring to look at her. 
“What for?”
“I should’ve read the whole letter, I should've known and now because of me you’ll have cleaning duties for maybe a whole month!”
“I don’t mind, I had a great time today,” you raised your head up at this, “I’ll do another month again if it means we get to do that again.”
“Really?” you smiled.
“Really, now go to sleep.”
It ended up being a whole month of cleaning duties, but neither of you cared because you got to be together.
Your summer was split between three people, Clarisse, Will and Lee. 
Fighting and combat with Clarisse. Clarisse was ruthless, not letting you rest for a bit, always pushing you to your limits. She had one thing in mind and that was for you to be the best version of yourself. You were progressing fast which she was extremely proud of. Just like Luke said, you were a natural fighter, and everyone noticed that during Capture the Flag. You went from hiding behind Clarisse the whole time from leading the fight. 
Archery lessons from Lee. Lee was also very insistent as a teacher. Never letting you rest. 
“Hitting a still target is easy, a child could do it,” Lee told you in his first lesson. “But no monster is going to stay still for you to hit it at your pace. So, we’ll practise on moving targets, fast and unpredictable ones.”
And he was right, it was much more difficult. There was no time for you to prepare, and see where the wind went. But after some practice, it was easier. He was a good teacher, after all. You were tired and sore at the end of every day, which seemed a bit excessive for a fun, safe, summer camp for half bloods. They looked like they were preparing you for war at this pace. And when you had some free time, you spent it with Cornelia painting and playing old board games they had in the cabins. It was a great way to relax. 
Alongside sharpening your skills, you also spent an absurd amount of time at the infirmary with Will. Michael was the one teaching you everything, with a tiny Will following you there too. He was absorbing information at an incredible pace.
“Isn’t he a bit young to be learning all of this?” you asked Michael.
“Yeah, but he’s good at it, so who cares? Surely not Mr D.”
Will was a really nice kid, and obviously a natural healer. With the two of you at the infirmary, Michael was able to leave for longer periods of time. Will and you often held karaoke afternoons while cleaning the infirmary. And this time, it was your turn to choose the song. So, You and Will were dueting ‘august’ by Taylor Swift when someone came in.
“But do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car" And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call? Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all "Meet me behind the mall" Remember–” you sang with Will. 
“You’re having fun here,” Clarisse leaned on the doorframe. 
You screamed, and turned around. 
“Clarisse! Hi,” Will waved.
She gave you a questioning look. They had never met.
“This is Will Solace, my brother,” you smiled.
“Yeah, y/n talks about you all the time!” Will smile proudly, before you shoved him aside.
“Betrayal, I said all of these things in confidence, but whatever,” you dragged him outside. “Go grab some more supplies, we’re missing ambrosia.”
“But it’s ful–.”
You slammed the door. 
“He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” you laughed, turning back to Clarisse. 
“Sure,” she smirked. 
“What are you doing here anyway?”
“I forgot to give you something.”
“A gift?” you beamed.
She took out a small tissue bag from her pocket and handed it to you. You opened it, and let the object slip into your palm. A ring.
“Are you proposing?” you joked. 
She rolled her eyes, and smiled. 
“I watched you pick this size when choosing yours, so you shouldn’t lose this one.”
“Thank you, it’s so pretty I love it!” you put it on your left index. 
Clarisse had the one you gave her on her necklace. 
“Great, don’t lose it.”
“I won’t!”
And just like that – in the blink of an eye –  summer was over, and it was time for you to leave camp and go back home. You knew it was time to leave when Mr D started yelling that those who weren’t staying for the year to leave immediately because he had enough of seeing you bunch. When you walked away from your cabin, you noticed Clarisse was already waiting for you at the entrance of camp.
“I guess this is goodbye,” she smiled.
“Until October, for the field trip,” you corrected her. “I talked to Mr D and he said it was ok for me to come. So really it’s only two months away! And I’ll send letters, I’m sure Hermes Express have those next day delivery types of… offers?”
You fiddled with your fingers. 
“I’m going to miss you,” you admitted. “And I’ll miss Capture the Flag and being on your team, and I’ll miss sparing with you, and I’ll miss… seeing you everyday.”
Her eyes softened. 
“Only two months, like you said.”
You nodded. Then, hesitantly, you opened your arms. 
“What?” Clarisse frowned. 
“We should hug goodbye.”
She had her arms crossed, but then she uncrossed them and you went to wrap your arms around her torso. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around your shoulders. When her arms loosened, you let go. 
“I’ll see you soon Clarisse,” you squeezed her arm, before walking away.
“See you soon sunshine,” Clarisse watched you walk away, “I’ll miss you too,” but you were already too far away to hear it. 
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Once you were back home, the first thing you did was to go find your mom’s old walkerman. You had to go search the old boxes your mom had put away in the attic – it was difficult but worth it.
“Why do you need this?” your mother asked once you came out of the attic with her walkerman. 
“It’s for— my friend?”
“Yes. Clarisse.”
When you told your mother about your summer at camp, it had included a lot of Clarisse related stories. 
“And I told her I’d send letters so we could keep in touch, but now I realise I can’t write for the life of me, and even if I did write something, she’s spent too much time trying to decipher what I wrote, and it's just not– good. So I thought I’d send her this,” you waved the walkerman, “and I’d buy empty cassettes to record things, and send pictures along with it.”
“Oh, that’s a very nice thing to do,” she nodded. 
“Oh! I forgot to tell you– to ask you really. Hm, there is this field trip at camp… in october. It’d be during the halloween vacations, so I won’t miss school. Can I go, please?”
“Sure, I don’t see why not.”
Well that was easy. 
So every week, you’d record what you did and update Clarisse about your life, you’d take pictures and buy her favourite snacks — you tried out a lot during your date — and ship it to camp half-blood. Clarisse would also send you pictures. The dinner, pictures of Will and behind one of his pictures he’d written ‘i miss u <3’ on the back, people training, their win at Capture the Flag, and you’d keep everything in a box dedicated to Clarisse. 
Two months. Two months at camp went by fast, too fast even. But two months at school, minus your friends and the fun at camp, it was slow. You woke up every day at 6:45am, got ready and left for school, came back around 5:50pm and did your homework, ate, washed-up, and then scrolled on twitter, fighting with random accounts, and then went to sleep. Your routine was boring to no end, but you tried so you could have things to tell Clarisse. But life outside of camp was boring and your mother could see that.
“You know, if you wanted to stay at camp for the whole year, I wouldn’t stop you.”
“But, what about you then? I don’t want you to live alone in this big ass mansion.”
“I’m an adult, I’ll be fine,” she reassured you.
“I won’t, knowing you’ll be alone.”
Your mom wasn’t on good terms with her parents after they learned that she’d be raising a kid alone, without marriage or even a boyfriend. After you were born, they did visit and spent time with you, but never with your mom, their daughter. So she couldn’t even call them to come live with her. You weren’t going to abandon her when she only has you. 
“I–,” she put her chopsticks down, “I met someone at work.”
“What! What does that mean?”
“It means, I’ve been seeing someone.”
“Oh my– you’re trying to get rid of me to have—” you stared at her, mouth wide open from shock, “sex,” you mouthed. 
“Oh grow up y/n, I’m an adult, where do you think you came from.”
“Uh– rude.”
“I’m just saying, this is your last year in high school, if next year you want to stay at camp, you can.”
“And you’d be fine with it?”
She nodded.
“What if I want to stay here, at home?”
“Then you’d stay here, as long as you want, this is your home as well.”
“I’ll– I’ll think about it.”
And then it was finally time to leave for camp again. Your mom drove you to the airport and you left with your suitcase in hand. It was the longest flight ever, and the cab seemed to be driving even slower than a snail. An old lady on foot was faster than this, but then you were finally there. 
“Are you sure this is where you want to get out?” the cab driver asked, seeing the empty road.
“Yes,” you gave him the money, “keep the change, bye.”
When you arrived at camp, Chiron was waiting for you at the entrance already, and you greeted him happily. 
“How was the trip to camp?” 
“Great. Long and tiring for sure, but I’m so excited too.”
“Good, we’re going to leave soon, you can go put your things in your cabin first.”
The first one to spot you was Cornelia, and she came running to hug you. And then Will came in very quickly to give you a hug as well. 
“I missed you guys so much,” you smiled. 
“I wish you were staying here all the time,” Will said. “I’m all alone at the infirmary.”
“You’re leaving him alone?” you gasped at Michael. 
“He kicked me out! Said you had a whole system going on there and I wasn’t following it correctly.”
“He also wasn’t doing karaoke afternoons with me,” Will told you.
“How dare he. That’s ‘cause he has no taste.”
“I can hear you,” Michael stood beside you.
“Do you mind? I’m having a private conversation.”
“Yeah do you mind, we’re having a private conversation,” Will repeated. 
It felt great to be at camp – it felt safe, familiar and comforting. You put your suitcase beside your bed, and grabbed some chocolate bars  from your backpack and put them in your pocket. Will, who stayed by your side, pleaded with his eyes to get one too and you couldn’t resist. 
“I’ll give you more later,” you promised him.
You left your cabin with your siblings as it was time to leave camp. Everyone was on their way to the entrance. You looked around, hoping to catch Clarisse, and there she was, way ahead of you. You turned around, facing your siblings and after a brief “see you up there”, you ran off. 
Clarisse was talking to her brother, and she looked around for you. She was expecting you to be beside Chiron at the entrance, but you weren't. Maybe you were late? When suddenly, she felt someone jump on her back, and her immediate response was to grab their arm and throw them on the ground. 
“Ugh! Motherfucker,” you moaned, laying on the ground, with Clarisse holding down on your arm on the ground. 
“What the hell!” Clarisse immediately let go and helped you get up. “Why would you do that?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” you rubbed your arm. “Why would you do that?”
“You jumped on me! Are you ok?” Clarisse worried. 
You stared at her, dumbstruck. 
“No! I’m not!”
Just when she was about to talk, Chiron called for all the campers to gather around, and you left without giving her the chance to speak. Your whole back was aching, and you tried not to think about it too much, but that was impossible because of Clarisse’s strength. Clarisse tried to grab your arm to slow you down, but you shook her off. Then, Michael and Lee just had to get involved. 
“Butt off Clarisse,” Michael squeezed himself between you two. “Didn’t you do enough by crushing y/n to dust? So much for being friends,” he snickered. 
“Fuck off Michael unless you want to wake up in the morning missing your front row teeth,” Clarisse spat.
Michael did back away a little, bumping into you. 
“How can you be friends with her,” he turned around to look at you. 
Clarisse has been wondering the same thing for the past few days. The Apollo cabin and the Ares cabin weren’t known to be friendly with each other. They tolerated each other at best when they were on the same team for Capture the Flag, but that was it. And when you left, she started to wonder about your friendship. Maybe you’d forget about her once you’re back at home. And the first week, all she could think about was when – or if – you’d reach out. 
But every Sunday, at 9:00am she’d receive a package with your recording and pictures and candy for your siblings and her. You had never given her any reason to doubt your relationship, but not everyone in your cabin, or at camp, were thinking that way. Michael had been one of those people, always wondering loud and clear about your friendship. So that was Clarisse’s final straw. 
She grabbed Michael’s collar, ready to punch him, but Lee tried to calm the situation down. 
“Clarisse, please don’t,” Lee grabbed Michael’s hands, “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“He clearly does. He’s been talking about it nonstop for the past few weeks.”
You frowned. You looked at Michael, then Lee and finally at Clarisse. The pure rage in her eyes would make anyone run away, but you stepped up.
“Clarisse,” you put your hands on her arms, “it’s fine, let go please. Chiron is waiting for us.”
She locked her eyes with you, clearly still upset about the situation, and pushed Michael away, but Lee was behind to hold him back. 
“Clarisse, what was that about?”
“It’s nothing,” she shrugged, “it’s fine. See you.” 
And she walked away, leaving you confused. You turned around, giving a questioning look at your brothers, but Lee only mouthed a ‘I don’t know’ and Michael avoided your gaze. You were ready to argue with them, but Will came running, telling you they were ready to leave.
The trip to the Empire State Building was long, especially with Clarisse ignoring you. You tried talking to Michael, but he was also ignoring you, and suddenly, everyone at camp lost their ability to talk. Annoyed, you went to the back of the bus, where no one was. But then Will came. 
“What’s wrong? You look like Clarisse all the time. Frowning and sulking.”
“I’m not!” you relaxed your face. “Also while we're talking about Clarisse, what’s that about how we’re not supposed to be friends?”
Will grimaced, and looked away for a second. 
“People have been wondering about how you, sweet and fun Apollo daughter, could be friends with ruthless Clarisse La Rue, Ares daughter. Because the Apollo cabin does not get along with the Ares cabin, like at all.”
“And Clarisse was upset? Over people’s opinions about us?”
“Well…” Will stretched that vowel for far too long. “You know people, and how they love to gossip. And somehow it went from enemy cabins to how there are better friends to have… than Clarisse. And how she’s not… worth it,” he hesitated. “And she only brings you trouble… things like that.”
You were too stunned to give any type of answers. 
“Clarisse doesn’t look like someone who cares about those kind of rumours and speculations, but insecurities are created by people’s opinion,” Will said, “that’s what Lee told me when people were talking about me and I started to feel bad.”
“What were people talking about?” you frowned. 
“I’m not as good as you all with my archery skills.”
“That’s not–, I mean it doesn’t matter.”
“I know, Lee and Cornelia and Michael and everyone at our cabin was there to tell me that.”
“Okay, and they’re right.”
“I’m saying… maybe Clarisse doesn't have that sort of support system. And maybe she is starting to feel like other people are right.”
You looked at where Clarisse was sitting, in the middle, sitting next to her sister. It was a four seat table, and her three siblings were all laughing and shouting, but Clarisse wasn’t. She was staring out the window, her arms crossed. 
You saw her frown and turned her head in your direction, but when she saw you looking at her, she quickly turned her head to her siblings. 
“You should talk to her, and clear things up. Because Clarisse is nice. I like her.”
“Since when? You never talk.”
“Clarisse is nice to me, she always has been since we’ve met that one time,” he admitted. “I think she deserves good friends. Like us.”
“I think so too,” you agreed. 
When it was time to get off the bus, everyone rushed out, separating you from Clarisse even further. Well, the talk had to wait. 
The trip to the 600th floor took too long. Every cabin went one by one since it couldn’t hold the whole camp at once. The Ares cabin went before the Apollo cabin, but Clarisse stood straight and looked ahead. She had her back turned to you, even once inside the elevator, but at the last minute she turned around and locked eyes with you. 
“We’ll talk,” you mouthed clearly. 
There was no escaping you. When it was your turn, you stepped in last so you could leave first. It took forever to reach floor 600. And just as you expected, there was no sign of Clarisse. She stayed close to her brothers. 
Each cabin had to do a presentation in front of the gods, and it was the worst thing for them and for you all too. Every time they clapped at the end, you knew it wasn’t as a compliment but more as a cheers to being closer to the end. 
After that, there was a big feast. The gods watching you eat and burn your food for them – it was weird and you couldn’t keep your eyes off your father. His tanned skin, golden hair, and bright smile. 
“Blinding isn’t he,” Lee said. 
“Yeah, I should’ve brought my sunglasses. Do you ever talk?”
“Not much. They don’t come just to hang around their kids.”
“He kinda looks like a classmate I’d have if people at my school weren’t all dressed like they just left prison. He looks young.”
 “You’ll get used to it eventually,” Lee shrugged. 
After dinner, campers just hang around talking, and some of the gods would come and talk to their children. You looked around and spotted the Hermes cabin staying together, far away from the main event, and then you tried to look for Clarisse, but she was nowhere. You turned around and bumped into your father. You quickly stepped away.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“It’s alright. How have you been? Have you been settling well with everything?” he smiled.
“Um… Yes.”
What more could you say? You weren’t going to start saying the truth to this god that happened to be your father. 
“How is your mother?”
“Great,” you nodded, smiling. “She’s been seeing someone you know, after,” you looked at your wrist and pretended there was a watch, “eighteen years of having no one.”
“y/n,” he sighed looking away, “that’s just how things work with us gods. She knew from the start who I was, I told her.”
“It’s fine. I was merely stating a fact.”
Please somebody end this conversation, you prayed. 
“Well, well, well,” someone slapped your dad’s shoulder.
“Ares,” your dad greeted him. “This is y/n, my daughter.”
“Ah, the girl my daughter has been seeing.”
Apollo whipped his head around, beaming at you. 
“You have a girlfriend?” he held you in his arms. “I’m so proud of you. Way to go, who and where is the lucky girl.”
You stared at him, and then at Ares, mouth wide open in shock.
“I– I don’t! It’s– It’s not!” you stuttered. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Clarisse is my friend, who is a girl indeed. So yeah girl,” you paused, “friend. I haven’t been seeing her, I’ve been seeing her as in, she lives at camp and so did I during the summer!”
“Oh,” he let go of you. “My bad. You could’ve been more clear,” he looked at Ares. “Well I have to go now,” he walked away. “See you soon, y/n.”
Ares didn’t follow your father. He stayed with you, staring at you. Clarisse looked at you the same way when you first arrived at camp. 
“I feel like I know you from somewhere,” you admitted. 
“Well, I am the war god. They had to have shown you my picture somewhere between those classes they have,” he nodded toward Chiron.
“No, it’s not that,” you frowned. 
Meanwhile, Clarisse was talking to Mark when she spotted Apollo leaving in a hurry, and she looked at where he came from. And her eyes spotted you immediately, and then she saw her father standing tall, towering over you. 
“Fuck,” she mumbled before leaving the conversation without any notice. 
She rushed to where you stood. There was no way she was going to let you alone with her father. 
“... on twitter!” you shouted, hiding a smile. “Clarisse, I was just telling your father about us knowing each other through twitter!”
“What?” she mumbled, pulling you closer to her. 
“I’m always starting fights with him on twitter, because he’s always talking shit and nonsense. He doesn’t know me though.”
“Wait–,” Ares interrupted. “Are you that fan account of that blonde singer?”
“Yes!” you laughed.
He snickered, then stopped and turned to Clarisse. 
Then he stared at you, before going back to Clarisse. 
“You can leave now,” he gave you a brief look. “I want to talk to Clarisse. Alone.”
Clarisse, who the whole time didn’t let go of your hand, squeezed it. Hard. Before letting go. But you didn’t move, slightly worried.
“I–,” you started, but Clarisse turned to you, face blank.
“I’ll find you after this, go.”
You nodded without arguing and left. You quickly spotted your siblings and joined them, listening to what they were saying. You’d glance at Clarisse’s direction, and all you could see was Clarisse nodding, looking at her feet. Ares was in his human form, but even like that he looked impressive. He was tall and broad, he had these eyes you didn’t want to look straight into from fear. He gave Clarisse a final, firm, pat on the shoulder before leaving her there. She stood there for a full minute before straightening her back and searched for you in the ocean of people. But before she could find you, you were already on your way to her. 
“Are you okay?” you immediately asked. 
“I’m fine.”
“What did he say to you?”
“He…” she hesitated. “It doesn’t matter.”
You stood there, torn between insisting and letting it go. If you insisted when she wasn’t ready to talk, then you’d be a pushy friend who doesn’t respect any boundaries. But if you didn’t, then maybe it’d seem like you didn’t care. 
“Okay,” you nodded slowly. “Well, if you don’t have anything more to say, I do.”
“y/n…” Clarisse sighed.
“No! You ignored me the whole day when I just came back for you. And then that thing that happened with Michael,” she rolled her eyes at the mention of his name, “what was that about?”
“It doesn’t—”
“Stop saying that! It does matter. It matters to me how you feel. About this and everything else.”
Clarisse stared at you. Her eyes pleading with you to let it go. 
“I just…” you sighed, defeated. “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship. And I don’t—” you groaned in frustration. “Will told me,” you admitted, “about what people have been saying and what Michael has been saying,” you found it hard to find your words. “I– I want you to know that’s not what I think. And I—.”
You should’ve been rehearsing this. You took a deep breath.
“They’re not right about this. And I don’t want you to think that they are. Because you, Clarisse La Rue, are the best friend anyone could ask for. And because of you, I’m better than ever. I’ve been a better fighter because of you, I’ve been a better friend because of you. You taught me how to stand up for myself, and I’ve just been happier since I’ve met you. So I don’t want you to listen to what people have to say.” 
Clarisse still hadn’t said anything, which was excruciating. Just as you were about to continue ranting about this, she pulled you in her arms. You wrapped your arms around her, and put your head on her shoulder. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, and let go. 
It didn’t last long enough, but you’ll take what she gave you. 
“Are we ok?” 
“We’re ok,” Clarisse nodded. 
The rest of the evening was spent with you sitting on some big rocks that served as chairs, catching up. She’d tell about all the times she won at Capture the Flag, she’d tell you about the indigestion everyone had due to food poisoning that one day, she’d tell you about that time she had to go to the infirmary and only let Will heal her because there was no way she’d let Michael help her. She’d tell you about every little thing you’d miss during those months when you went home, and you listened to everything she had to say, with your head resting on her shoulder.
“Oh gods,” you straightened your back, pointing ahead of you. “Is that your dad with Aphrodite?”
“Fuck,” she cringed. “Are they making out?”
“I mean– he definitely is. It’s weird,” you looked away, then went back to staring at them.
“Stop staring at my dad sucking the goddess of love’s face.”
“Are you sure he’s your dad though? Cause Aphrodite looks exactly like you.”
Clarisse whipped her head around, eyes wide, staring at you.
“What?” she breathed. 
“What, what?”
She paused, still staring at you. 
“Nothing,” she smiled, and then looked back, “they’re gone.”
“Finally. It’s gross to make out in front of your children like that.”
All the campers spent the night in Olympus, all sleeping in the same area. The room looked exactly like inside a normal cabin at camp, with bunk beds and cupboards, and for once, friends from different cabins were allowed to sleep together. You dragged Clarisse with you, where the Apollo cabin stayed. 
“We’re all used to staying together,” you explained, “but you can stay with me. Are you sleeping on the top bunk or bottom one?”
“Bottom one,” Clarisse sat on the bed. 
“Ooh,” Cornelia sat next to Clarisse,” so does y/n.” 
“It’s fine, it’s only for one night,” you waved it off. 
“Did you see Clarisse’s dad making out in the open with their mother,” Cornelia pointed at the Aphrodite children. 
“We did!” you squealed, squeezing yourself between the two of them.
“I think everyone did,” Clarisse added. 
“Did you notice how Aphrodite looked exactly like Clarisse,” you looked at Cornelia.
Her eyes widened, and shook her head slightly. Clarisse was leaning against the bed frame, her legs crossed on the bed, smirking. You frowned.
“What?” you mouthed. 
“We’ll come back”, Cornelia dragged you away. 
“Do you know what it means to perceive Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, passion and lust, as someone you know?” she asked. 
“As someone I know? What does that mean?”
“Aphrodite doesn’t look like Clarisse,” she explained, “you perceive the goddess as such because you think Clarisse is those things.”
“Oh,” you paused. “Is that common knowledge or?” 
You hoped not. 
“Yeah it is, so you probably shouldn’t say those things in front of Clarisse if you’re not…”
“If I’m not what?”
“I already told her, twice now with what happened a few minutes ago. Oh gods, couldn’t you have taught me this earlier!” you panicked. “What–What does that mean though? Do I– Am I—,” you gave a quick glance at Clarisse. 
“I don’t know! I mean, you did ask her on a date like the first week you arrived at camp, what could that mean?”
“I don’t know? I think she’s pretty, and– and apparently I think she could look exactly like the goddess of love herself. It’s—,” you took a deep breath. 
“It’s fine, you don’t have to know.”
“I think,” you hesitated. “I don’t know!” you whined. “Clarisse is nice to me, she’s fun to be around, she’s pushing me upwards and I think I might– maybe– perhaps have a tiny crush on her, yes,” you admitted. 
“Aw,” she beamed, “I think you’d make such a cute couple.”
“Calm your tits down,” you playfully rolled your eyes, “I don’t know if this will ever go further than us being friends. Now look natural, and never tell anyone else this. Okay, let’s go back.”
Clarisse was talking to Will when you two came back, but they abruptly stopped. Will stood so Cornelia and you could sit. 
“What was that about?” Cornelia asked them.
“It’s a secret,” Will smiled. 
“We were talking about how sunshine over there thought I looked like a goddess,” Clarisse grinned. 
Will tried to hide his laugh.
“No one told me!” you hid your face in your hand from embarrassment. “You could’ve stopped me the first time I said it,” you accused Clarisse, who was still laughing. 
“The first?” Will interrupted. 
“Both times in front of Clarisse,” Cornelia added. “It was hard to watch,” she teased you. 
Time went by very fast when you’re surrounded by friends and family, because it was already time to go to sleep. The lights disappeared, and you climbed onto your bed, and whispered Clarisse a goodnight before closing your eyes.
The silence was deafening. You couldn’t fall asleep, you needed white noises, music, anything but this. You tossed around, left your right leg outside the blanket, but then it was too cold, so you put it back inside, and tossed around again. 
“What the hell y/n,” Clarisse whispered loudly.
“Sorry, I can’t fall asleep.”
“Why?” she sighed.
“It’s too quiet, and I’m cold.”
Clarisse let out a bigger sigh, before getting up.
“Where’re you going?” you sat up.
“Get down here, and bring your blanket.”
You did as she told you. You put the blanket on your shoulders and climbed down. 
“Get in the bed,” she pointed at hers. 
You did as she told you. And then she climbed back inside her bed, next to you, with both blankets on you.  The beds on Olympus were bigger than the ones at camp, so it was no problem to fit you two in one single bed. 
“Yes,” you nodded.
Clarisse fell asleep very quickly, like always. As soon as she closed her eyes, she was gone. But it took more time with you, you were used to looking at your phone until your eyelids were too tired to stay open, but now you couldn’t. You had nothing, only Clarisse sleeping peacefully next to you. 
She slept on her back, with her head tilted toward you. Unlike her, you slept on your side, so you turned your back to her, and closed your eyes. And just as you were about to fall asleep, you felt Clarisse arms wrapping around you to bring you closer to her. And then, in an instant, you were gone. 
The happiness from staying at camp didn’t last long as it was already time to go home and say goodbye to everyone. Your holidays came to an end and so did your stay at camp, and just like last time, Clarisse was already waiting for you at the entrance. 
“So,” you started, ‘I guess we’ll see each other next summer?”
“Yea,” she nodded. “Next summer.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you promised, “and I’ll keep sending you updates, though I don’t know if I’ll continue to be as regular as before. I do have my high school diploma to get, and I’ll have less time but I’ll do my best!”
“It’s okay, good luck on your exams. I know you’ll do great.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, but still didn’t leave. 
It was too soon, and it felt like you barely spent any time with Clarisse and your siblings. 
“Did you say goodbye to Will and the others?” Clarisse asked.
“Yea, before I left the cabin I did. It sucks that I have to, but–,” you hesitated, “maybe I won’t have to next year.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“I don’t know yet, but… it’s a possibility.”
“Oh,” she smiled, “okay.”
“Okay. Well… I have to go now.”
You two stood there, without moving. But then you lunged forward and hugged her tightly. 
“I’ll miss you,” you whispered. 
And you let go, and left before she could give you her answer. 
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One recording per week became one every other week, and by December, it was only one per month. Clarisse didn’t send anything from December to February either, but then on a random day in March, you received a package from Hermes Express with Clarisse’s usual pictures from camp, without any notes explaining what happened those last few months. You didn’t mention it either, but you gave yourself a quick reminder to ask her when you’d be back at camp. 
“It’s almost time, are you ready?” your mom asked.
“Yep, a minute!”
Your exams were done, you didn’t have the results yet but that didn’t matter – your mom promised she’d send them to you once she’d receive them so you could leave for camp peacefully. You packed lightly – a third of your belongings were already at camp – and went inside the cab your mom had called for you.
“Be careful okay,” she kissed your temple. “And write to me about your decision, okay?”
“I will, I promise,” you gave her a last quick hug and closed the cab door.
The journey to camp felt familiar now, you’d done it a few times already so it was a stress free trip. So you kept your suitcase close to you, you turned your phone off, and walked. 
But something was off when you got closer to the entrance. It was loud. Louder than usual, and there were more people at the border everywhere as well, which were usually empty. You crossed the entrance, and most campers were wearing their gears, and weapons. 
“What the hell,” you whispered. 
You quickly noticed Clarisse, giving orders to campers, and walking around. When she turned around, she spotted you and ran to you, very quickly. 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier when you were going to be here!” she shot. 
“I wanted to surprise you! Why are you yelling at me!” you shouted back. 
Clarisse stepped back and mouthed a quick apology.
“A lot of things happened while you were gone,” she explained.
“Like when you stopped sending me anything?”
She nodded reluctantly. 
“A new camper came in, got claimed by Poseidon, and then got his quest to retrieve Zeus’ stolen bolt, and…” she hesitated. “We know who stole it in the first place. Luke.”
“Luke?” your eyes widened. “As in Castellan, Hermes' head– former head counsellor?” 
She nodded again. 
“And now Thalia’s tree has been poisoned, meaning the camp’s borders are weakened and we have to keep them safe ourselves.”
“Okay,” you proceeded with this information as fast as you could. “Okay.”
“I was worried sick for the past few days! You didn’t send me anything like last time. I didn’t know when you were going to be here, or if you’d gotten attacked and died.” 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me this earlier!” you argued. 
“I–,” she hesitated, “I didn’t want to burden you with your studies.”
“They’re not important, this is obviously my priority and much more important.”
“Okay,” she looked around. “Stay beside me, I want to keep an eye on you whenever a battle is going to break out.”
You frowned.
“That’s cute, but I’d be much more useful if I stayed with the rest of the Apollo cabin where we’re needed. I’m a great fighter, I know,” you said before she could interrupt, “thanks to you, but I’m much better at archery.”
She stared at you, then looked down. 
“I can’t…” she whispered, “I can’t protect you if you’re this far away from me.”
“Clarisse,” you cupped her face. “I’ll be fine, I promise. You worry about staying alive, and I’ll do the same. It’s going to be fine. Remember, you taught me everything I know.”
She nodded reluctantly. 
“Where’s your spear by the way?” you asked when she walked you to your cabin. 
She grimaced, and sighed.
“Gone? Wha–.”
“Percy Jackson,” she spat. “The new kid, I’m sure you’ll meet him soon enough.”
You threw your stuff inside your cabin, and changed your clothes before walking out with Clarisse still outside, waiting for you. Clarisse was about to talk, but was interrupted by screams from campers at the entrance. 
You looked at each other and ran off to where the screams were, and saw it. Two immense bulls – colchis Bulls – coming straight towards campers. 
“Go find Lee, I’ll handle this from here. He’ll know what to do,” Clarisse ordered before walking away.
“Clarisse!” you shouted before she was out of range. She turned her head. “Be careful.”
She nodded. 
“Don’t die,” she added before leaving. 
352 notes · View notes
thereticx · 7 days
♰Summary: A cheater and a homewrecker. Will they be able to get out without any harm to their love and dignity?
♰Warnings: toxicity, slight manipulation, a lot of flashbacks, nsfw content etc.
♰Author's Note: This series has finally come to an end. I apologize for taking so long to write it but it's finally here. Enjoy your read :) (toji next?)
Geto Suguru was not by all means a decent man. He swore oaths of love and loyalty which he ended up breaking, making his wife suffer — her fears all coming true.
“I'm sorry” But was he really?
She bit the inside of her cheek, a bitter sentence settling on the tip of her tongue ‘No you're not’ His wife wanted to say but managed to keep quiet. The thought of her husband with that girl….changed her whole perspective of the man she used to share a bed for years at that point.
“You're a hypocrite , Suguru”
‘I know but I can't help it’
“All this time you reassured me that it was all in my head — all this time you were messing with her behind my back like a coward” The man only nodded his head, agreeing with her every word, thoughts of her swirling in his mind. He wished he was sorry for what he did but in all honesty Geto Suguru has never felt more relieved.
He was no longer imprisoned by a dull and unhappy marriage that lost its spark soon after the wedding. They were both young and foolish, clinging to a silly dream about highschool sweethearts growing old together.
He should've realized that life is not a fairytale and entertaining an extremely pretentious wife takes a toll on not only the body but the mind and soul as well.
He loved her once, he did — but fighting the same battle over and over again for years was something that Geto dreaded — and once you finally entered the picture his morals and everything he ever believed in disintegrated.
“I wanna grow old with you” She giggled, stretching her leg over his hip bone. Her boyfriend looked at her with so much adoration it basically radiated off him. He squeezed the flesh of her thigh and bent down to kiss her swollen reddish lips “Are you sure? You might come to regret it later” Suguru joked, letting his head fall on the soft pillow.
“There's no way I'm letting you run off to someone else” Jane said quickly, the image of her and her boyfriend at the altar flashing before her eyes.
Suguru hummed in agreement, caging Jane's body in his arms and letting the girl rest her head on his chest. The boy looked out the window, his eyes following every speeding car that drove down the darkened road due to the late hour “You better close those pretty eyes and get some sleep. You'd be tired tomorrow” Jane mumbled, cuddling further into her boyfriend’s front “And I don't want to deal with a grumpy Geto Suguru for seven hours straight”.
He simply nodded, darting his attention back to his girlfriend. She was now sleeping, her brows relaxed and her breathing steady. Looking at her, Geto kept hearing her words over and over again ‘I wanna grow old with you’ — is there really such a thing?
Could he really commit to one person for the rest of his life? Wouldn't that be boring? Why not explore every aspect and opportunities that come with being young? Settling down would steal from the endless fun he could have. His friend does it all the time — why can't he?
Is it because he loves her? Perhaps, although love seemed quite a strong word for what he felt for her. Yes, Jane was a nice girl, a smart one that intrigued him from the start but was that enough to make him fall in love?
“I'm not sure about her”
“Who?” His best friend asked, stretching his long legs over the desk.
“My girlfriend” Geto responded, his fingers tracing the design further on the piece of paper “She randomly told me she wants something on the long term —”
Gojo chuckled, readjusting his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He, by all means, didn't want to laugh — to disrespect his friend but like every outsider he saw Jane in a different light. He could see deeper into her persona more like Geto ever could — his friend was just a qualified observer, describing Jane as ‘obsessive’ and ‘extremely jealous’ (he never told Geto that tho).
“Man…I say you run now or you'll later regret it”
“Why's that? Maybe I like the idea”
“If you would've liked the idea you wouldn't have told me about it” Gojo pointed out, his blue eyes scanning his friend from behind the glasses “You've only been dating for like…what ... .three months?”
Geto bit his lip not remembering the piercing he got just a week ago. The pain was like a wake up call, swearing under his breath “Fuck”
“Look, I say you should explore other possibilities instead of going along with her stupid wish. After all…you don't want to live a life without meaning right?”
Years later, a decade after, Geto realized what he meant with that phrase. They weren't friends anymore, due to certain things happening, but nonetheless Geto still remembered.
‘Living a life without meaning’
He lived that life, he knew that life well enough to get sick of it. His subconscious worked against him, pushing him into your welcoming arms.
‘I wanted out from the start’
“What are you doing?” Geto asked her, sneaking a glance at her phone's screen.
Jane school her head and continued typing word after word “I'm just making sure that bitch would be there to properly apologize for ruining us”
The man grabbed her phone before she could press ‘send’ and put a hand on her shoulder “No. You'd be making her feel miserable” He defended you, seeing Jane visibly tense.
“Why are you defending her? She made me miserable…You made me miserable. I'm merely returning the favour” Jane raised her, pushing his hand back. She couldn't stand being touched by him now.
The woman simply could not understand why her husband was not apologetic to her? He should be kissing her feet asking for forgiveness for what he had done. It was unbelievable. How could he be so oblivious regarding her feelings? She was his wife.
“By what?! Embarrassing her in front of her parents and us?”
“Yes!” Jane yelled, getting up from her seat. She pointed a finger at his chest almost ready to tear him apart “I've warned you about her multiple times. She planned to break us off from the beginning — but no, ‘Jane, you're crazy’ — ‘It’s only in your head’. You've told me that. And I, like a fool, believed your every word. She's guilty and I want to see her suffer for it”
“I cheated on you” He said, seconds after Jane finished her sentence “Get that through your head. I wanted to cheat on you with her. Do you understand?”
His wife opened her mouth, the venom sitting impatiently on the tip of her tongue “And I'll never forgive you for it. Neither would them…her” Jane spit, a subtle smile making an appearance on the corner of her lipsa “Her parents don't know the full story — I'm sure.I'll be the one to tell them”
Geto wanted to say something in return, anything that may soften her and the rage that had built inside. He knew how wrong it was of him to rub the cheating in her face but he couldn't let her trash talk the woman he loved.
“You have no right. If anyone should tell them it's her and me”
Jane scoffed “Then do it”
“I will”
“Unfortunately I won't give you the pleasure to witness that”
Things got out of control. The two of them were in the middle of the night club, making out furiously.
Jane and Geto were obviously drunk out of their minds from the way they moved around and acted like no one could see them grinding against each other.
The music was loud and somehow added to the tension between them. Jane trailed her hand down her boyfriend's chest, tracing shapes on his sweaty skin that was exposed from underneath the dress shirt he wore.
Geto grabbed her hand and moved it further down to his leather belt while his own fingers tangled themselves into her messy strands of hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss.
From across the room, to the bar, their friends made fun of them, taking shot after shot and placing bets on the couple “Should we stop them?!” One of them shouted, trying to make herself understood by the others.
“Why?! They seem to be having fun!”
“Fucking in the middle of the club with people around ?! Go and stop them before they flash someone”
The man finished his drink and squeezed between the bodies until he reached Jane and Geto.
He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and unintentionally yelled his ear off “Get a fucking room!”
Jane threw him the middle finger before dragging Geto away from the club. Soon, they were nowhere to be seen, leaving their friends alone.
“I saw you eyeing that girl with the butterfly top. Think I wouldn't notice?” Jane retorted, laying back on the bed.
She spread her legs and carefully discharged her underwear in a slow manner to torture her boyfriend.
Geto leaned over her body and pressed his erection to her heat “I have no idea what you're talking about. Your drunk and so am I”
Jane unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor then she helped him get rid of his pants “I'm not that drunk. I saw you. Eyeing another girl other than your girlfriend…hmmm…not very nice”
Geto chuckled awkwardly, trying to make out whether Jane was joking or not. He had a hard time reading her especially with a clouded mind “I was only looking at you,believe me” She bit her lower lip in a seductive manner and cupped his member, slowly guiding it to her entrance “Then fuck me to prove your point”
The man hesitated for a moment — was she serious about what she said? Or was it just to mess with his head? Either way, Geto slipped inside her, thrusting up into her cunt like his life depended on it.
“You really think that I'm that stupid?! I don't care if she's your project partner. I won't have her here in our house. I'm not in the mood to see her eye fuck you” Jane argued, slamming her book down on the glass table.
It has been like this for a few weeks now. Fight after fight, nasty remarks and ridiculous accusations — for what exactly?
When she heard her name slip out of Geto's mouth she flipped. There was no way she'd stay and watch her boyfriend with another girl even if it was for a ‘project’.
“The fuck you want me to say to her? Don't come over because my girlfriend is fucking jealous over anyone I come in contact with?”
“Oh…so you think it's okay to have her as your partner? Are you okay with me back away in a corner while you have your alone time?” Geto was left speechless. Clenching his fists by his side, unsure of what he could do to calm her down.
“Text her and cancel right now” Jane demanded, crossing her arms in front of her. She sat in front of him like a statue, only her face betrayed the discomfort and rage she felt.
“I can't do that. The deadline it's in two days” He explained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Jane nodded her head ironically saying “Sure you can't. But you can make me feel like shit”
“Nothing’s going to happen. I swear”
“Right because you're bringing her here. Who knows what you're up to when you're alone?”
‘Maybe I can calm her down and talk her into it’
Geto placed his hands on her hips and kissed her, slipping his tongue between her lips. He was in control of the kiss and everything that came after — the sex — he controlled the pace, the positions he put her in, how many rounds they'd be going for — the only thing he wasn't in control was his own feelings.
The love and passion he once felt for Jane…it all started to dim bit by bit.
“There's really no excuse for what I did” You started the conversation. Hands clasped together, back held straight — you were in control. Yes, you were. There was nothing to worry about.
Geto Suguru sat across from you on the couch, looking desperately at you then at your parents.
‘Why would you say that?’
Your parents nodded along as you spoke, revealing almost every detail about your relationship with the older man, leaving out the parts where you confessed your love for one another “I'm aware that what I did was wrong. I should've never make Mr. Geto betray his wife like that. I'm sorry…” You turned to look at him, bits of sweat gathering at your hairline.
“Surely, Geto would have to talk to his wife first and maybe she'd stop by and have you apologize to her as well. But for the moment, I think you're done here, Y/N” Your father said, rubbing your mother's back like she was the most affected out of all of you “You've caused us a lot of stress, daughter. I thought you were mature enough especially at your age to avoid situations of this sort”
“With all due respect, Y/N is not the one to blame for this chaos” Geto interrupted. He blinked slowly, his eyes darkening for a moment. He felt terrible as soon as he walked in here. How could he not feel this way when the woman he fell for was being humiliated and put to the wall for something that takes two people for “I kissed her first and I lied to her about my wife's and I relationship”
“Keep going” Your father ordered, visibly disturbed about this new information.
The younger man did not look at him but rather at you “I took advantage of Miss Y/N and talked her into an affair with me instead of just admitting that I was simply bored with my wife. I apologize” Geto bit down on his tongue, waiting for someone to say something.
You gulped down nervously, a part of you glad that Geto had your back, the other wanting to murder him for opening his mouth in the first place.
“We've been friends for a long time, Suguru. I do not accept such disrespect from a business partner and a friend. Please leave my family alone – please leave my daughter alone”
“Y/N don't. This is not your decision to make” Your mother warned, before grabbing your hand “Come help me in the kitchen. Let them talk” She forced you off the couch and tightened her grip on your arm, pulling you away from him.
“Mother, please. Don't let dad do this. They've been partners for ages. What is Suguru gonna do from now on?”
“It's not your business. He's a grown ass man, he's gonna go back to his wife and figure everything out” Your mother pointed out, disappointed in her daughter's behavior.
You couldn't hold back the tears now. They started to drip down your face like rain, ruining your makeup and the shirt you wore “But I don't want him to go back to her. She's not good enough for him”
“And who's good enough then?!”
She grabbed your face and forced you to look at her “You?! Don't make me laugh Y/N. You're a fucking child next to him or her. This is not some fairytale. You broke up a family. Do you understand?! You ruined a marriage” Your mother yelled in your face, only adding to your disheveled self.
Everything was hurting. Everything. Your heart, your head — you just wanted to get out and never be seen again.
‘But what about him?’
“T-they were not happy, mom. He didn't love her” You tried to explain through the tears and broken voice. But instead of trying to convince her you tried to convince yourself. Jane was horrible for him and you knew it. They had to see it as well.
“And you think he loves you?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.
You placed your hands on hers that were still on your cheeks and continued “Y-yes…he does. And I love him too”
“Aren't those important documents?”
“Yes they are. However, you're more important” He said, pushing you back down on the counter.
Geto leaned over you, kissing and licking your exposed chest, pinching your nipples “Suguru…more” You moaned, lifting up your hips to feel his hard dick.
“Anything for my love” He whispered, ripping your skirt so he could get rid of your undergarments easier. The material was completely torn but that didn't seem to annoy you.
You parted your lips, a finger disappearing into your heat. Suguru sat back, his tongue darting out to his piercing while he watched you play with yourself.
He took off his pants and underwear leaving only the unbuttoned shirt on. He grabbed at your hair and forced your hand away from your pussy “Enough. I wanna fuck you”
Suguru slipped in without too much effort from how wet you were and started to move his hips with so much force that your eyes started to roll back “Mhhh f-fuck”
You grabbed at his upper arm, trying to match his aggressive pace. He rested his head in between your shoulder and rocked back and forth, fucking his dick deeper into your aching cunt “Fuck fuck…Y/N…you feel amazing”
He moaned loudly, his breath starting to get more and more rapid.
You whimpered, feeling yourself get close to orgasm “Please…want you deeper” You felt his dick rearrange your insides, the tip kissing your cervix over and over again.
The pleasure was too much for you to handle. Suguru, everything that came with him was simply too much to handle. His taste, his smell was all like a drug and you were its addict.
Your back was starting to hurt from the hard surface but still you could only focus on him. Suguru fucked you so hard that your body barely kept up with his fast movements. You were defenseless against him and his desires to completely break you “Shit… I can't hold back. I'm gonna cum, love” He licked your ear, one on his hands cupping your jaw.
The man locked eyes with your messy appearance, hair all over your face, lips bruised, eyes glossy — Suguru forced his tongue past your lips and kissed you messily, drool and sweat mixing together.
You felt his warm cum fill you up, walls squeezing around his dick, your own orgasm taking over.
The two of you were shaking when Suguru pulled out and took a good look at you. He rubbed your cheek, his eyes telling you whatever his mouth was too proud to admit.
You put your hands around his neck and leaned up, kissing the column of his neck. He rested his head back, giving you more access to his vulnerable body, your lips sucking dark marks lower and lower on his body.
When you finally escaped your mother you ran back into the living room, hoping that Geto would still be there.
However, the room was empty, your father nowhere to be seen as well “Where are they?”
Your mother stopped only a few meters behind you and looked out the window “Y/N, go take a shower and rest. You can interrogate your father in the morning”
Without looking at her you said “Fine”. Her stept grew more distant and when you heard stairs crack under her weight you immediately ran out.
‘I need to see him. Things can't end like this. I don't want them to’
‘the number you have dialed is unavailable’
“Fuck. Pick up” You tried again, holding the phone to your ear for minutes on end until he finally responded.
“Where are you? I wanna see you, please”
You breathed, nervously walking around without a destination in mind.
He waited a few before finally answering “I'll send you the address”
Geto ended the call and texted you the location. He wasn't sure of how your meeting was going to go down. After your mother dragged you away he was forced to endure your father's boring speech about them not being partners anymore.
Yes, he was screwed up. Being your father's partner was a huge deal to him, boosting his career but now, in one blink of an eye he lost almost everything. The only one left was you. If you'd still be willing to be with him.
After twenty minutes he heard a furious knock at the door and he rapidly went to answer.
There you were, out of breath, your face all red probably from running all the way there. He didn't even say anything and just dragged you into the motel room, closing the door behind.
“I don't know what my father told you but I'm not gonna stop being with you”
“Y/N —”
“Just listen to me -–” You insisted, playing with the ends of his long hair “I won't stop just because of them. I don't care about your wife or anyone beside you. I love you, Suguru. Please don't end this” He interlocked your hands together, kissing the top of your head. He rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb while the other hand cupped your face “You still want to be with me?” Suguru asked, giving you a slight smile “Even with that raging bitch and your parents in our lives? They won't let us be together, my love”
You cupped his face, your nose rubbing against his. You could feel his breathing fan against your cheeks “I don't care. You shouldn't either”
“He was right. I destroyed your future”
Your doe eyes seemed to speak for themselves and Suguru exhaled “You're the death of me. You know that?” He joked, kissing your forehead.
“Of course I know. And I also know that you love me too much to let me go” You bit your lip, before sliding your fingers up his tattooed arm.
Suguru hugged your smaller form and whispered into your ear “Letting you go would only make me want you more”
You only smiled, letting your boyfriend show you how much he missed you for the rest of the night.
No one could truly break the two of you up — not even the figure standing behind that damn door.
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monimccoythings · 4 months
Alastor x daughter!Reader II (Platonic)
Heaven in this series seems to be very unfair and strict, so I guess this wouldn't be too out of character of them. I still don't know how long this is going to be, maybe I'll do a couple more and then that'll be it.
Reminder: Alastor is in hell for a reason; Trigger warnings: gory elements, mentions of blood, threats towards a child, mentions of rape, death.
This is not proof read, so please excuse any grammar and/or vocabulary mistakes.
tags: @anonymousewrites
Part I |Part II (You're here!)|Part III
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It was hot. That was the first feeling you got. Like those summers in the bayou, but a hundred times worse. You wondered if you were running a fever. If everything was just a wild fever dream, and you were currently on a hospital bed fighting off the Spanish flu while your dad worriedly sat by your side.
But as you opened your eyes. You found that there was no fever dream. Only nightmares.
You had been sent to hell for keeping quiet. Heaven considered that the officers death could have been prevented if you had just talked to someone about what you saw. But you chose not to, and also chose to pretend it didn't happen just to try and keep some semblance of normalcy. Your silence had only made you an unwilling accomplice in two murders.
You were not made for hell, never were. And suddenly finding yourself in a place were anyone could easily kill, rape or torture you didn't do wonders for your psyche.
You spent the next ninety years hiding in the corners, eating what little crumbs you could feed yourself, barely sleeping just in case some of your 'friendly neighbors' decided to take you by surprise and avoiding all kind of human (or demonic) contact.
You would be lying to yourself if you said those were the only reasons for such a paranoid way of living. The other, and principal reason why you kept moving and hid yourself was the very same reason why you ended up here.
Not even a week had passed before he had suddenly spawned there as well. Host of his very own diabolical radio show, he had quickly seized control of the former overlords and killed them one by one, broadcasting their cries of fear and pain to all the city. Positioning himself as a prominent member of the new batch of overlords.
He was a monster. 'Alastor The Radio Demon' he was called in fearful whispers. And he kept getting worse and worse. You couldn't help but wonder if the man who had raised you had really been there at all or it had been just another facade, for his own entertainment and amusement.
Everywhere you go you would faintly hear the static of his radio program, it almost seemed that he was following you. There was no escaping his influence. Had he found you? Did he know you were there as well? Did he even care at all?
Sometimes you resented him for breaking your happy mortal life, sometimes you wished you could show yourself to him and maybe everything would be magically reverted to the way it was back then. Sometimes you cried yourself to sleep, fearing that the first thing he would do if he found you would be slaughter you and broadcast your screams.
Fear always got the best of you, so you kept running, hiding, avoiding the exterminations as best as you could and doing some things for the sake of survival that would haunt you forever.
You will live to see another day. You had to. You may not be able to kill anyone, but you will survive.
Until one day you got caught.
You should have listened to your instincts that were screaming at you that that dump was not safe to rest. But you were too tired to care.
As soon as you close your eyes for a quick nap, a huge hand grabbed you by the hair and forcefully pulled you out. You screamed and struggled, throwing wild kicks. But a strong set of arms held you and made it impossible to move.
"Looks like we got ourselves a fighter guys!" an enormous hyena demon cackled manically.
"Boss surley will give us a fucking raise for this one. Can't wait to see how he beats the fuck out of your spunkiness."
You were terrified. What? What were they going to do to you?? You were just a kid!! How was this allowed?? You had to escape, you had to run and hide before it was too late and you found yourself enslaved to some of the most depraved souls.
You screamed, cried and begged them to let you go. But they didn't listen, they shoved you into the back of some van with other terrified demons and drove off to the worst parts of an already hellish city.
They threw you roughly on a cold hard floor, you swore that after so many years in a living hell you would have run out of tears to cry. Well, there you were bawling your eyes out.
The mob boss just laughed, a disgusting pig like demon. "Look at her, ain't even started and she's already crying. Oh, little one, you're going to make some owner the fucking happiest guy ever. And I know the right guy."
So that was it. It was over for you. After everything you had gone through, it seemed like your fate was to be forever enslaved, tortured and finally killed at the hands of a demon. Nobody would come to rescue you. You doubted there was even someone out there who would really miss you.
Maybe you deserved it.
Maybe it was time to really pay for your cowardice.
The tears didn't stop flowing, but you had already resigned to your fate.
The demons were coming closer, some of them with chains, another with a collar, and one with a branding rod.
You could almost feel the burning of metal in your skin. The painful beginning of a new chapter in your afterlife.
And even then, despite everything you had gone through and your fears, whatever remained of that innocent little girl you once were, was quietly praying Daddy would barge in and save you from the bad guys.
The lights suddenly went out, which only terrified you even more. Knowing what they were going to do was bad enough, but not being able to see it? They may as well shoot you dead.
For a couple of seconds everything was in complete silence. "The fuck are you waiting for? Turn the fucking-" The boss was interrupted by a loud radio frequency screech. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, you felt the cold hands of terror grab a hold of you .
You weren't- You didn't- You prayed he wasn't actually going to show up. Despite being trapped between a rock and a hard place, you cursed yourself for your childish wishes.
The static kept getting louder, to the point you had to cover your ears to avoid having your eardrums split. In the corner, right on the left where your assaulters stood, some of them doubled over in pain with blood coming out of their ears, a mass of shadows started moving on their own.
A sob got caught in your throat when you realized where this was going to go. Now it was really over.
The shadows kept getting bigger and bigger, shaping themselves until all that remained was a giant and grinning entity of darkness.
You were completely frozen in your spot, not daring to make a sudden move, just in case you attracted that monster's attention. His Glasgow smile kept getting wider, some drool falling from his lips. He was like a hungry predator watching a tasty piece of meat.
You thought that the worst part would be when more tentacles shot from his back, launching themselves against the assaulters and tearing them apart easily while some chunks of blooded meat fell on his open mouth and others got stuck on his massive antlers. The sound of radio static mixed with his hysterical laughter generated a deep feeling of anxoiusness and fear inside you.
As you dared to look into his pupils, now red radio dials, hoping to find something that would anchor you to whatever remained of your sanity, you knew that had you been alive, you would have died again from fright.
Because there was nothing that could remind you of your father in those eyes.
And with that last thought, you happily welcomed unconsciousness.
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fauustic · 11 months
don't cry, my treasure.
soft miguel o'hara x gender-neutral reader drabble
had to write this and get it out of my brain before i post my miguel series..
summary: you accidentally stir miguel awake while you're dealing with insomnia, he decides to take care of you. fluff. comfort.
warnings: brief mentions of previous injuries (fighting crime is serious business!!), just miguel being a silly little thing.. i love sleepy miguel sm.
words: 3k
Sleep came in waves, pushing against the lid of your eyes and taking you away in its current just to spit you back out into reality.
You were always tired, you've realized as you stretched your aching bones and rubbed your swollen cheek– spider suit catching your eye as it was thrown haphazardly on your bedside chair like an afterthought. 
And nightmares, nightmares kept you up like a stalker always two steps behind– waiting, preying on your frazzled mind like a parasite constantly leeching off your sanity. So here you were, grasping at the sleeveless sleep-shirt as it clamped onto your sweat-sleek stomach like a second skin.
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Shallow breaths escaped from your trembling lips like you were just dumped into a pool of ice-cold water, spider senses lit aflame with the abrupt, irrational fear stabbed through your heart.
You tried to stay quiet, you didn't want to be any more of a burden when you knew how much your lover struggled through insomniac nights as well– he had just gotten back from countless hours stove away in his dim and dark lab after a few days of power naps and caffeine. Miguel was downright exhausted, snores meeting your ears whenever you'd wake up from a dark turn in the dreams you do have.
But this time was different, as you shied away from his back that you were latched onto like a koala. Your skin peeled off his, and if you were with anyone else you would have thought it was gross. But Miguel loves closeness, the affection you just can't help but give and he takes and takes like a starved man. His muscles on his shoulders rolled and neck cracked as Miguel stirred, a breathy little groan hissing past the fangs he unknowingly had on full display when he shifted on his back– scarlet gaze screwed shut as his hands reached towards your usual spot on your shared bed. The pads of his fingers melted into your hip, little claws kissing the unveiled flesh from the lack of control he had over himself from still ebbing away the sleep hazing his mind.
Your name rolled off his tongue like a blessing, raspy and a bit puzzled; "Everythin' alright?" Miguel slurred, face barely leaving the pillow as his tied-back hair came askew; the little tendrils, that usually would never see the lines on his forehead, brushing against his eyebrow and curling ever so slightly. Call you love-struck, but you swear the curl shaped a little heart. "Miss you so close already," he huffed into the domestic atmosphere, thumb swirling imaginary shapes into the canvas of your skin.
With every month passing by, the intimacy came easier; Miguel's thoughts came and went in the bubble of security you brought him. The clinginess you never would have expected from the man who has the Spider Society at his beck and call rivalled the mimicry of a grizzly bear secretly being a very soft teddy bear. And with you, he was nothing less than a man who acted as if every drop of love you had for him was his last.
It took a long time for him to open up his heart for you to create space for yourself, but as you leaned back into his space to cup your palm into the angle of his jaw– everything felt worth it. Like you belonged here.
"Bad dream." Was all you said, kissing the ridge of his nose like Miguel was the most fragile thing in the world. And he practically became putty in your hands, eyes fluttering open accompanying a subtle frown. Drool pooled at the corner of his mouth, sharp canine peeking through the plush of his lips. Though he looked like he had just woken from hibernation, his features glazed with gentle understanding.
"That's no good," He murmured into your touch like a prayer, sitting up until the duvet pooled in his lap. Miguel hogged most of the bed unintentionally with his almost seven-foot self, the height that had many opposed to him on their knees in angst, but when he sat up and leaned towards your form like a magnet– Miguel was nothing more than a man who worshipped you. "Déjame cuidarte, ¿de acuerdo? (Let me take care of you, okay?)"
Before you even had the mind to protest, he pulled forward until his lips met the damp hair curled against the back of your neck. "Migs, you need rest–" you began but to no avail, he was already adjusting his boxers and shuffling towards your bathroom with a slumped posture. It had your stomach churn with butterflies even after all these months, the sweetness he's learned all over again despite the trauma he's endured leaking into your daily life and becoming something you absolutely adored about him.
Silence enveloped the apartment amidst the sleepy fumbling from within the washroom, flashes of vibrancy peering into the curtains you had against the windows that took up the wall closest to the busiest flow of air traffic. A memory was brought to mind as you peeked through the fabric, met with the city of stars and man-made comets passing by the skyscraper your home is within.
Funnily enough, you had wanted to live in the underground district of Nueva York, finding yourself more enraptured by the architecture that hid machinery and structures that kept the top afloat. But that was before you met Miguel and was thrown into the ring of being a part of the Spider Society– so you just made Miguel come along with your weekly trips to the landmarks hidden away.
"C'mere, muñeco." The fallen angel on your mind interrupted the delicate quiet of your home, calling through the cracked door after a moment of the water running, warmth seeping into the bedroom and tickling the flesh peeking out from your loose-sleepwear. 
When you pushed through the threshold and granted with the presence of Miguel bent over the tub and testing the temperature of the water mumbling to himself, you were already in the process of ripping off your shirt– but you couldn't help but stutter to a halt in a flustered mess when he turned his attention to you– glasses framing his sleepy eyes like a weapon within itself. Breath hitched and sweat coating your palms in lovesick anxiety, you fumbled into the dim light of the washroom.
Clumsily, you bumped your hip into the counter as your shirt finally came off, an uncharacteristic yelp coming from you and surely you expected to meet the cold tile floor until a pair of hands settled on the curves of your hips– claws indenting on the skin barely above his boxers holding into your figure for dear life. 
"Easy now, mi sirenita." Miguel practically cooed into your ear, kissing the shell of it before trailing down the column of your neck– nibbling into the blemished canvas of your clavicle. A faint bite mark etched your skin like oil paint, muddied with purple and red hues. Just as it was fading away, Miguel's lips grazed the dent with admiration before settling his blunt canines into the desired point and biting down. You gasped breathily, heat pooling your cheeks and your knees threatening to give out.
The unspoken desire of his want to care for you was written in your hips when Miguel caressed into where you had hurt yourself from your clumsiness, yet his lack of self restraint was symbolized through the bite just below your neck– very rarely absent without the pierce-marks of fangs. But he wanted to be delicate with you tonight, treat you as one of his most prized possessions when he truly just loved you a little too much. 
Pushing him away with the palm of your hand on his chest, a gentle scold resting on your tired expression like an empty threat. "Ew, Migs. That's too cheesy." You whined, allowing him to slip the briefs from your body before taking your hand in his and leading you to the tub. You sunk down into the sudsy, bubbling water with a splash that had him sighly fondly. Drips of bubbles coated his frames and before he had the chance to wipe them off, your hands wrapped around his neck just to tug him closer to the edge of the tub.
Miguel furrowed his brows at your antics as you kissed his cheek, his hands finding purchase on the edge so he didn't take the risk of slipping into the bubbly water. The thought makes you giggle as his fingers cup the angle of your jaw, calculated and a bit sorrowful. Miguel hated seeing you hurt, so knowing that your miscalculations in a mission with him had a right hook land on your 'good side,' he felt as if he had failed you. Didn't change the fact he pummelled the pesky little anomaly in your honor – but you didn’t miss the misty eyes he held so sadly for you as he patched up your bleeding nose. 
And here he was, kissing the corner of your lips with so much delicacy that you could almost cry.
A faint whimper left his lips as they grazed the sudden wetness dripping down your cheeks, the sleepy look in his eye blanketed with haste concern as he checked your body for any other sores inflicted from the bad feud– and as Miguel’s kisses were met with bubbles and blemished skin, he whispered against your flesh like a saint worshipping their holiness. “No llores, tesoro, por favor no llores.. (Don’t cry, treasure, please don’t cry) Hate seeing that look on your face, can’t stand it.” He breathed into your neck, any care about getting wet was out the window of your apartment when a strangled choke erupted from your throat like a hiccup.
“Just missed you,” You admitted as you shifted into the water that submerged your legs, leaning into his warmth as close as you could. A sniffle had Miguel folding into your damp hair, his own tied-back curls kissing your forehead.
Miguel shuddered, the stoicism he was able to keep up in your presence throughout the daylight behind black sunglasses and a subtle pout in the rare moments where he leaves his lab crumbled the moment he heard you express your craving for him. “I.. missed you too. Shock, I missed you too–” Miguel breathed into your lips, his face angled towards you in a way that ruined everyone else for you. His lashes drooped addictively as you let out a stifled giggle at his lingo he’s never been able to shake. 
“Come join me,” you murmur as you escape his space and instead sink lower into the bathtub. You swear he practically whined, his fang peeking just slightly into your view as Miguel’s face scrunched into displeasure. His bottom lip rolled against the pointy canine, something he was always a bit self-conscious of– but with you it was like he never needed to think that he was anything different.
“You know last time– I could barely even fit in the damn thing,” He complained yet he still stripped off his loose sweatpants nonetheless, shameless as his free hand, middle finger specifically, pushed his frames up with a steadiness that proved alone he was the leader of such a "pretentious" society. Had you mentioned the thought aloud, Miguel's signature frown and deadpan stare would have replaced that sweet look in his eye in an instant. So you just smiled and opened your arms in a warm welcome.
Miguel grunted in response, faux annoyance coating his tone when you could depict the subtle curl of his lips– he was always more than content with himself whenever he was able to get as close to you as possible. You scooted forward to allow some kind of space for him, and soon enough his chest was used as a pillow for the back of your head and your hims were encompassed by his legs, feet dangling from the tub because he was right; Miguel’s stature was never fit any anything deemed for the average person. And Miguel was anything but normal, and he hated himself for that.
You could hear the mumbles of curses that slipped from his tongue when he slipped further into the bubbly water, shoulders hunched and arms resting on the cusp of the tub. It was a tight fit, your back nestled into the heat of his abdomen as his chin rested on the top of your head– and by the way Miguel shifted and oozed with insecurity you could tell your wishes he so easily obliged was backfiring from his poisoned trauma. From the mirror in the washroom, you could see the scrunch of his nose as he laid his glasses aside, atop the lid of the toilet just beside where you two sat intertwined.
Reaching back, you found his hands and clutched onto them as if he was a fading star, gentleness contrasting the explosion rumbling in his throat as his thoughts laced with venom swarmed his very being. It reminded you of the first glances you got of him when you first was recruited to the society, a downcast stare always miles underneath the horizon and a frown that never left his face. But as your fingers found comfort within his bruised knuckles, washing away the tainted sin the moment you brought the bruises to your lips and left fluttering touches– Miguel melted into your bared soul like a stray desperate for love and affection.
To you, you were his food. He feasted on what you gave, that warm feeling that curled into his ribcage and soothed his aching heart and whatever else is rotted in that dark imprisonment. Miguel took and took and took, nestled into your physicality as you ceaselessly gave and gave and gave.
But for you, all you needed to see his eyes blink into reality, grounded by what he was so depraved of growing up. Miguel’s tension left his cheeks, softening as you intertwined your hand into his and the other brushing against the fat of his thigh– squeezing reassuringly. Like a switch was turned on, Miguel devolved into a puddle around you as a huff of relief caressed the shell of your ear.
Miguel’s shins kicked up water, splashing your nose and drenching your nostrils with the scent of bubblegum. And you laughed heartily as his chin met your shoulder– nibbling so softly as if he was chewing the stress from his mind. His arms that once rested on the edge wrapped around the underneath of your arms, cupping your waist before he finally settled his hands on the core of your stomach. His deep breaths filled the silence of the bathroom, and you could practically hear snores before you broke the sweet quietness.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmured into his cheek when you turned towards the chin digging into your shoulder and then you feathered your lips onto the bone of his cheek, “such a pretty thing. My sweet thing.” Praise rolled off that sleepy ooze of warmth inside your heart, and when you felt Miguel shift and his mouth that once formed an “o” contort into an upside down close-lipped smile, you knew you hit gold.
He shook his head in disbelief, breath meeting the nestle of your neck when his cheeks lit aflame and sputtered in broken Spanish. A whimper rumbled against your bare skin, and soon enough purring vibrated your back like a cat knowing it’s being spoken to. “Sabes, eres... eres increíble. Too much, you’re too much. Christ.”
Bubbles popped around the two of you, the lights set on the lowest option so Miguel didn’t develop on one those terrible migraines that pounced the moment he was at his most vulnerable: a rare dinner date he had reserved, making out in the luminescence of his lab’s technological panels, the first time you had spent the night at his own apartment before you had moved in together.
You hummed as he begrudgingly separated his hands from you, only to lather the shampoo you love in between his fingers and starting on your scalp. He was too tender with you tonight, but you needed this treatment more than anything. Your love for him leaked from your pores and intermingled with his muscles, relaxing the both of you without even needing to say anything. But you felt the urge to tell him, to tell him everything on your mind that very moment. Yet, sleep was a fickle thing and you were exhausted, so you only huffed out a whisper before submitting to the skilled massage on your muscles.
“Love you, honey.” You breathed into the domesticity of it all, his claws peeking from the pads of his fingers just the way Miguel knew you liked against your scalp. The purring in his chest only increased tenfold, scooting closer to your back if that was even possible. The both of you hold these memories close to your intertwined hearts, knowing you only had so much time together outside of your shared second lives. You haven’t been able to reassure your feelings for him in quite a few days, and despite not needing to really say your affections aloud– Miguel preferred physicality anyways, you still caught on that vocalizing your feelings for the other had you running laps around his mind every minute and every hour of the day.
He only kissed the back of your head, just upon the mole you didn’t know you had. Without a word, the sudsy kisses trailed further down until it met where your spine began, and he bit down just faintly. 
“I’m so glad I found you,” He murmured into the soap pooling down your shoulders, soft but echoing around in the walls of the bathroom like a promise, a truth that will forever hold its meaning. Within this city of stars, the only celestial he had eyes on were you.
“Te amo, mi tesoro. Te amo mucho, cuidaré de ti para siempre (I will take care of you forever).”
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chatsukimi · 2 months
ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ: (cigarettes after sex geto x reader series, angst)
I missed you & I cried, but I said that I was alright & I know it’s been awhile since I needed a distraction.
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Geto Suguru drips blood onto your doorstep. It's been six years since the incident and when he sees your face, tired from having been woken up in the middle of the night, his instinct still betrays him.
'Baby, can I come in?' Closing the gap, he opens up his posture as though you'd run back into his arms.
You cower away at the mass murderer. Why is he here? The familiar stranger deflates into almost a sorrowful expression, his eyes scrutinising the living room with such concentration. Pressed against the back of the couch, your hands curl into fists.
'You're here to kill me, aren't you?' You stand up properly, letting his gaze crawl over your body. 'Do it. Make it quick.'
His voice cracks like a distant record, mumbling in the same foreign and pathetic register, '... was thinking about you...'
Oh, that makes all the difference, doesn't it? He decides he wants you again and you come rushing back to the monster.
Only, you would. It pains you that you've held those bloodied hands, that you used to tidy up his wet hair, admonishing him for not bringing an umbrella, that he's carved his touch into your very consciousness. That the lack of him haunts you still, echoed in the shock of your wide eyes. He fixes you with that stubborn stare; he knows you remember.
Once you gather your stampeding heart back into the cavity of a hollow chest, you have it in you to flinch at the barrage of cuts and scratches littering his body. They bend with his every breath.
Must hurt like a bitch, you think.
'I can leave,' he offers, an empty promise.
'No... it's OK.'
You think you see him soften. It's been years... then again, it's been years since you've seen him at all.
'Close the door. Let's get you fixed up.'
You lead him to the bathroom and sit him on a stool. He hangs his head. Studying the heavy bruises dotting his back, your fingers flutter over his skin, casting a fragile burst of reverse curse technique to mend the harm.
Rainwater dribbles quietly through the pipes.
Geto thinks of a time when he could've laughed in this instance with gritted teeth, tell you not to expend so much cursed energy on him when Shoko could, and you had to save your power for the mission tomorrow. But now all he can bank on is your weakness.
He hums as your hand accidentally brushes a wide gnash on his shoulder.
'Careful. Dunno if the curse is still there.'
You remain silent.
You have the right to be.
'Who did this to you?' You wince at the way it sounds.
Like you care.
His heart lights up at the foolish idea. It truly mirrors a dream. But this time, he can turn around and your face is right there. There.
It doesn't vanish, but it also doesn't fray into warmth.
He lets out a frustrated exhale. 'It doesn't matter.'
But it does.
'Who did you fight?' you question again.
'... a jujutsu sorcerer.'
Your leg hits a cabinet door. He forces himself to raise an eyebrow.
'And what... happened... to them?' You're drifting further from him every second.
He knows exactly what you mean, what you don't want to say aloud. Horror shifts over your face before he even speaks- it's too far gone.
'I killed him.'
See, he wants to think he has the right to feel hurt by what you do next.
Fuck. You stumble back against the sink. You close your eyes, your hand moving over your mouth to stop you from retching to the smell of blood. A sorcerer's blood. An innocent sorcerer.
Just weeks ago, he stayed up all night listening to you cry on the phone, figured that as long as he didn't speak, he wouldn't be infringing on the moral code he set for himself. The sounds of your quiet sobs still wrack his body.
He figured he was smarter at the start. During the first two-three years, at every mention of your name, he'd depart, loading onto his schedule a series of exorcisms and executions to crowd you out of his mind. He was smarter then.
Now, he simply stands there, still. He waits for you to calm yourself because he knows he has no right to do anything else.
He was yours before he was ever slave to the cause- and fuck, does that realisation destroy him. (that he ruined the first good thing in his life)
'How old...' you mutter, '... how old were they?'
One shot after another, yeah?
'Seventeen,' he murmurs, his voice still damn silky smooth.
'How could you...' you stutter out. 'How could you?'
He remains silent. You have to think for yourself, he knows. He couldn't guarantee anything if he merely disarms you with his touch.
Though it doesn't hurt to hope.
'Seventeen,' you repeat. 'I was only seventeen when you left.'
'... I...'
He finally steps forward, unable to abide by his inner rules anymore. He is losing you. A small rebellious voice in him screams, finally! This is what you deserve!
You're trembling.
He wants to close the gap. To reassure you that everything will be OK. But if he moves further by an inch, you'll call the cops. You'll call the higher ups. You'll call Gojo. He knows you.
'You killed a child.'
'... I know.'
He knows, don't you get it? Nothing will ever be the same.
'I'm scared.'
'I won't hurt you.'
'Won't you?'
He stops. You, the image of his sparkling adolescence, crumbling away. With every little exhale you take, he sees the line he's drawn six years ago transform into a cliffside, the rift extending into a canyon.
'Don't you know I want you?' He bows his head like a man in prayer before you.
Wet hair against your warm breath. Strong arms beside you, locking you on the bathroom counter. The bitter lips you still remember now purple in the cold.
'You're leading me on.'
'No...' Geto buries his head in the crook of your neck. '... no...'
'I don't want this,' you say. He keeps his hands on your waist. 'I don't want you.'
At that, he lets out a noise truly pathetic for the man you once knew. He looks up and his purple irises still retain their watercolour beauty from back then. He looks up and, in you, he sees a lifetime. He presses his lips against your jaw and the scene blurs.
His thumb reaches up to brush the tear away.
'I'm sorry,' Geto says. 'For you. I don't care about those... non-sorcerers, but let me take care of you one last time, yeah?'
His eyes ache with that pathetic hope. He knows the future as well as you do.
You murmur out your words in a blank haze. 'Friends. W'broke up already.'
But did you? He still remembers how he never made things concrete, in the letter he left for everyone. He never spelled out the words 'over' or 'broken up' or even 'goodbye', perhaps because he knew he'd find his way back to you... too far gone.
If one puts a stethoscope at his heart, he's sure they can hear it break.
He swallows, nodding. OK. Friends. He can do that.
Friends. He'll make it up to you, he vows to himself. That night, Geto Suguru helps you take off your slippers, getting into bed. He notices how you don't say anything as he pulls you closer, cradling you as he used to do.
He scrunches his eyes shut. He feels no matter how close you are to him, you're not close enough- he sees the chasm of curses between you, haunting his sleep. Each time he wakes, he takes a moment to relish in the soreness of his arms, with you in them, and presses a chaste kiss on your head.
Your touch is all he needs in the world full of nightmares.
In the morning, before he leaves, he takes a cold shower in your bathroom. He pumps some coconut scented shampoo into his palm, lathering it through his hair. Sunlight eases through the curtains in your room. He paces to your bedside and lets his hand reach for you, touch your cheek, warm. Alive.
All he needs.
Geto Suguru leaves your house in the sixth year of his defection. He swears he'll never return.
Because I want to do everything that you want me to To tell you the truth
I need to stay alive, so sad that I could die
It’s leading me on, every time we touch Leading me on, every time it hurts series
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rk1stars · 3 months
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pairing . situationship! sunoo x fem reader, warnings . fighting, mentions of blood, suggestive ending, cursing, sunoo is a tiny teeny bit toxic. word count. 658 | music playing - shameless by camila cabello. | authors note . very different from my usual writing but i hope you like it!
“Sunoo! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” As you approach the scene, you see the man lying on the floor with his nose bleeding, apparently knocked out. Without hesitation, you grab Sunoo and quickly bring him inside the nearest bathroom, making sure to close the door behind you.
After spending a long and tiring week at work, you were looking forward to spending some quality time with your sweet and caring situationship, Sunoo. You planned to have a fun and exciting evening together, filled with laughter and joy. However, things didn't go as planned, and the night took a turn for the worse. You're not sure what went wrong, but everything started going downhill, and the happy atmosphere quickly turned into a tense and uncomfortable one.
You were at a bar, feeling parched and in need of a refreshing drink. While ordering your drink, you noticed a strange man approaching you with a creepy smirk on his features.
“Hey beautiful, you wanna come to my place.?”
As you stood there, you suddenly felt a hand on your waist, causing you to feel uncomfortable. Without hesitation, you pushed his hand away, making it clear that you did not appreciate the unwanted contact.
“I’m not interested. Please don't touch me”
“Ay, don't be so difficult. I know you want this.”
Before you could react, you saw him thrown on the ground while your situationship was punching him in the face over and over again.
“Sunoo! Stop!”
As Sunoo doesn't stop despite your words, you take his hand and lead him towards the nearest bathroom. You guide him through the crowd, gently pushing aside anyone in your path, until you finally reach the bathroom door. Once inside, you make sure to lock the door behind you and check that the room is empty. You then turn to Sunoo and scold him.
“Sunoo! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” yelling at him.
“He was touching you. What do you expect me to do?! Just stand there?” his tongue poking through his cheek.
“Yeah! But not punch him to death?!”
Sunoo was feeling a surge of anger and frustration. He had been putting on a facade of being sweet and caring towards you all this time, but the moment he let his guard down and showed his true emotions, you reacted with anger. He couldn't help but feel like his efforts to be kind to you were being taken for granted, and that his true self was not being accepted.
So many mornings he woke up confused with full of dreams of you and you’re treating him like this?
As Sunoo leaned in closer to you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of intimidation wash over you. Despite his usually sweet and gentle gaze, his eyes now appeared sharp and piercing. It was as though his entire demeanor had shifted, leaving you feeling uneasy and unsure of what to expect next. The intensity of his stare was palpable, and with each passing moment, you found yourself growing more and more anxious in his presence.
The music blasting in the background you felt the intensity of the lyrics.
“Distance, inches in between us.”
“I want you to give in, I want you to give in.”
“Weakness, tension in between us.”
“I just wanna give in.”
“Cat got your tongue? I’ll show you what the fuck I'm doing.”
As you walk alongside Sunoo, you notice him looking at the strap of your short dress. He reaches out and gently takes hold of it. Looking up at you, he mumbles a quiet "May I?" making you nod hesitantly.
Though you felt a bit intimidated, you desperately needed him.
You became acutely aware of your own breathing as you felt a sudden hitch in it. Simultaneously, you noticed that the strap of your dress was gradually slipping down, exposing your shoulder and threatening to unveil more.
maybe you didn’t mind this side of him.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 1 year
Sweet Dreams
Pairing(s): Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Wanda return to their home after a month of hiding out with the avengers and Y/N is struggling with sleeping at night, but everything is okay when she’s in her loves arms.
Word Count: 1,463
Warnings: Nightmares
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Second Person POV:
You stood in the doorway of Wanda's office room. She was sat at her desk, and you watched her fingers move against the keyboard keys as she typed.
When Wanda noticed your presence she momentarily shifted her attention away from the screen to look at you, "Oh, hey, detka. I thought you'd be asleep by now. What're you still doing up?" Wanda asked, going back to typing.
Your sock covered feet patted against floor as you entered the room, plopping yourself down on her lap and letting your legs slip through the arms of the chair. You wrapped your arms around Wandas' neck, and rested your head on her shoulder.
Her eyebrows slightly furrowed when you just sat quiet, "What's up, dorogaya? Are you feeling okay?" she questioned, laying one hand on the small of your back while the other clicked around on the monitor with the mouse.
"I was waiting for you to come to bed. I didn't want to fall asleep without you." you explained, inhaling her comforting scent and letting your eyes fall shut.
Wanda glanced down at the time in the bottom corner of the screen, it was nearly eleven o'clock at night. "I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to make you wait so long. I just really need to get these mission reports in to Fury, and I lost track of time."
"It's okay, Wands." you lifted your head to press a gentle kiss to her neck in assurance. "Are you almost done?" you asked.
She sighed, "Not really, I've still got a little ways to go. I'm behind on a months worth of mission reports."
A month.
That's how long ago the avengers were forced to lay low for. After confronting a new foe, a full-fledge fight broke out. It all worked out in the end, but they thought it would be best to hide out in a safe house until things calmed down.
Everyone was left on edge, Clint and Wanda especially when their loved ones got caught in the cross-fire. Clint's family was attacked, and Wanda had to save you when you were in trouble as well.
At that point, the avengers mutually agreed that you, and the Barton family needed to tag along for your own safety. Now that things have settled down, everyone returned to the compound a few days ago, you and Wanda to your shared home.
Even though everything was back to normal, you were still a bit shaken up and could only sleep at night when Wanda was there to make you feel safe. That's why you were sat on her lap, clinging to her like a koala as she worked.
You nodded your head with a yawn.
Wanda looked down at you and sent you a sad smile, letting go of the mouse to brush a few stray hairs out of your face, "You're tired, baby girl. Go ahead back to bed, let me just save this and I'll be right there."
You shook your head and tightened your arms around her, "I'm okay, I know you need to finish this. Can I just stay here with you until you're done?" you quietly asked.
"Yeah, of course." she responded. "I'm gonna be a little while, though. Are you sure you're alright with waiting because I can turn it off for the night." Wanda questioned just to make sure.
You nodded your head, "I'm sure. Just wanna be close to you." you said, nuzzling your face into the crook of her neck.
Although it made Wandas' heart flutter, she was sad that now you felt scared to sleep alone at night. She couldn't help but think she could've protected you more when everything happened.
Wanda ran a comforting hand over your back while the other continued to type, "You're alright, detka. Close your eyes and go to sleep, I'll be here the whole time, m'kay?" she spoke softly, pressing a lingering kiss to your hairline. "I love you so much, sweet girl."
"I love you too, Wands." you mumbled, finally letting yourself drift off.
Wanda made sure you fell into a peaceful sleep by continuing to caress your back and occasionally pressing kisses to your head before returning her full attention to her unfinished paperwork.
Wandas' fingers continued to move swiftly across the keyboard as she typed. You sat on her lap with your head rested in the crook of her neck, sound asleep.
However, your restful state didn't last very long. It was only about an hour later when you let out a quiet whimper. Thinking that you just needed a little bit of comfort, Wanda slipped her hand under your shirt to rub your back.
Though when a few more whimpers followed by some incoherent words escaped your lips, she frowned. She pushed her work to the side for a moment to gently stroke your hair, but as her hand made contact with your head you flinched in your sleep.
Your once incoherent words now became somewhat louder and Wanda was able to make out a few panicked No's and Stop's.
"Shhh, malysh. You're okay, shhh." she tried to sooth you, but you just started to tremble and thrash slightly.
Wanda only decided to wake you up when she felt your tears against the skin of her neck. "Y/N, dorogaya. Wake up for me, darling, come on." she repeated to you.
She knows that you shouldn't wake up someone who's having a nightmare, but Wanda just couldn't bare to see you like this. It hurt her to know that you were hurting even if it wasn't physically.
So she reluctantly hovered her hand just over your temple, red wisps swirled around her fingers as she woke up your body.
Your eyes shot open and your head quickly popped up. Your heart was racing as you looked around the room, the memory of your nightmare still lingering very clearly.
But Wanda was quick to comfort you, "Shhh, detka, shhh. It's okay, you're okay." she spoke softly as she gently guided your head back to lay on her shoulder. "I have you. You're safe. You'll always be safe with me."
You buried your head into her neck as more tears fell from your eyes, but Wanda never let you go. Your hands were gripping the back of her shirt so tightly she thought it might rip, but Wanda couldn't have cared less.
She just wanted you to feel safe in her arms, and you did. You trusted Wanda when she told you that you were safe with her because she would never made you think otherwise.
Wanda continued to whisper sweet, reassuring words into your ears as she let you cry it out, knowing that you would feel at least a little better afterwards.
"I'm sorry." you sniffled as your breathing finally began to regulate.
Wanda furrowed her eyebrows, "For what, sweet girl?"
"For being so clingy." you quietly answered, looking up at her with bloodshot eyes.
She shook her head, running her thumb over your cheek to wipe away a tear, "You don't need to be sorry for that, detka. You're still shaken up, and understandably so."
"Yeah, but I should be able to sleep on my own. And I probably just interrupted your work with my nightmare. I'm sorry." you responded, hiding your face in her neck once again.
"Stop apologizing, moya lyubov'. " Wanda pecked your temple, "You went through something really scary, I understand that. I don't care how clingy you might think you're being, if it makes you feel even just a little bit better then i'll hold you for as long as you want me to, okay?" she spoke softly in your ear.
You looked up at Wanda only to find her already looking down at you with loving eyes, "Okay." you agreed.
"Good." she responded, "I can finish my work tomorrow so let's head up to bed now, yeah? We'll be more comfortable there." she suggested, starting to get up when you whined.
You shook your head, "I don't feel like moving." you pouted.
"Who said anything about you having to move?" she said with a playful frown on her face as she stood to her feet, picking you up with her.
You let out a small shriek, quickly hooking your legs around her torso to hold on. You and Wanda giggled as she made her way to your shared bedroom, letting you both flop down onto the bed.
Wanda pulled you into her arms just as she promised and let your head rest on her chest. You talked quietly for a while to let yourself lull back to sleep, and when you did it made Wandas' heart flutter.
She gazed down at you with a small smile, "Sweet dreams, dorogaya."
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Hell In A Cell: Act I - Chapter 1. 
Welcome to the Pensacola Penitentiary!
Feet aching, lungs burning, you run as fast as your tired legs will take you. Fear knocks on the door of your heart, an unwelcomed guest that leaves when it wants to. It doesn't come alone, bringing its old friend with him, darkness. He's closing in on you. You can hear him, feel him. The monster that's been after you for so long is finally catching up to you. 
Before you lie in an abandoned house, feet feeling heavy, you fight against your body and time. You dash to the front porch before approaching the door and watch the world slowly become a dark abyss. 
Help Meeeeee! Please! Help meeeeeeee! 
His eerie voice fills your ears, piercing even into the marrows of your bones, shaking you to the core. You shake the door handle violently before it finally opens. You slam the door shut and lock it. You lie against the door as you attempt to catch your breath. Looking down at your hands, they shake uncontrollably as you cry. You stumble into the foyer as you take in your surroundings, trying to look for any place of safety. 
You turn around and look out the windows, looking for any sign of him outside. The only sound that can be heard is the fast beating of your heart and your shaky breath. You feel dizzy and faint. The storm outside ceases for only a moment as his footsteps fill your ears. The floorboards begin to creak tauntingly outside the front door as you watch his shadow walk back and forth. 
Come out, come out, wherever you are. 
"Please, please just leave me alone." You whisper out. Your legs give out as you stumble backward onto the staircase and cry harder. Your body shakes as you feel cemented to the floor. Suddenly, it goes quiet, and you try to calm down again. But it is short-lived as the door is suddenly thrown open, and there he stands, dark, emotionless, evil-eyed. 
You shoot up out of your nightmare, clutching your chest. Your heart is pounding furiously as you wipe the sweat on your forehead. You look around frantically and realize you're in your bedroom, safe and sound. It was just another nightmare. Something that you were painfully used to. Lately, your dreams have become more bizarre and vivid, all depicting him finding you—a fear you've had even though you're thousands of miles away from that painful memory. Oh, how you wished you could make all the bad memories disappear, but fear had its way of creeping in like a thief in the night to remind you of your past. The fear that you truly have not solved the issue to, but only temporarily silenced it. The constant feeling of impending doom clouding your brain, you can't shake it. 
"Get it together, y/n." You mumble to yourself. You look at your bedside clock, and it reads 6:15 AM. "Shit!" You are supposed to start orientation at 7:00 AM. You throw your covers off and stumble out of bed, momentarily catching a slight headache. You run into the bathroom and turn on the shower; not having time to wait for the water to heat up. You step inside as the cold water hits your body, instantly chilling you. You also decide to brush your teeth while in there; it wouldn't hurt; you were rushing. 
After a quick shower, you sprint to your closet and find the most professional outfit you own. Drying and throwing on your outfit, making sure it looks neat, you speed walk out of your bedroom with your purse. Snatching your car keys off the key holder on the wall, you leave your apartment and go to your car. 
You look at yourself in your rearview mirror and decide you look decent enough. You make your way out of the gated community before pulling out onto the main street. Making your way downtown, as you use your GPS, you begin to think about your life over the past few months. 
You moved to Pensacola, Florida, from Minnesota to start a new life for yourself. After hopping from city to city, searching for peace, you finally decided to move away and start fresh—just you, your car, and hope. It's crazy how, sometimes in life, you have to leave everything you know behind to reach for everything you need that lies ahead. Sometimes, these roads require you to go alone. Does it mean you're always lost? No, but in the end, it's meant to make you stronger. Sure, you haven't reached that level of peace yet, but one day you will...hopefully. Interrupting your thoughts, your phone rings. Your aunt's name pops up on the display screen. You click the accept button on your steering wheel. 
"Hey, Aunty! How are you?" You've only been gone a month and missed your aunt terribly. 
"Hey, my love, I was calling to check on you. I know you're still settling in; it sounds like you're driving. How are things?" 
"Uhhh, good! Yep, they are good. I'm still trying to learn about the city; it's busier out here than I'm used to. But I can manage. I got a job!"
"Y/n, that's great! I'm so glad that you're finally finding some consistency and longevity...You know I'm proud of you, right?"
"....I know, Aunty....thank you."
"So when are you coming to visit?!" You playfully roll your eyes as you pull up to the security gates of the prison. You take in the vast facility, eyes scanning over what is visible.
Large metaled, barb-wired fences greet you as you show the security guard your worker I.D. made for you a week ago. You damn near had to strain your neck to look at the tall double-wall fences towering past the top of the building, accompanied by guard towers about ten feet away from each other, with a guardsman holding a shotgun readily in his hands. You find a park on the first row and park your car. 
"Aunty, it's only been a month."
"I know, it's just...you left abruptly and never gave us a proper goodbye. Also, don't you find it extremely weird how they hired you without interviewing you face-to-face first-"
"I'm sorry about that. When they said I got the job, I jumped at the opportunity. Maybe they're desperate or were so in love with my resume that I immediately beat out the other potentials. You know it's pretty impressive...how is she, by the way?" 
"You know how she is...same old, same old." You only nod, although she can't see. You weren't in the mood to have that conversation. Not when all it does is cause pain. 
"Listen, Aunty, I made it to work for orientation. I'll call sometime later, okay?" 
"Of course, sweetheart. Have a great day, okay? I love you." You both say your goodbyes as you check your appearance before hopping out. 
"Here goes nothing."
You damn near felt like you were being booked with all the heavy security you had to go through just to make it inside the facility. You were now an hour into your orientation and were now with the dayshift nurse whom you'd be orienting with for a week named Mercedes, or Sasha as some call her. She had just finished introducing you to a few of the staff members.
"I know you'll be working the night shift, but meeting some dayshift workers would be nice. Let me show you around this place; it's huge!" She smiles as you walk beside her. 
"There are five different security levels here at our facility. The levels depend on the inmates and the appropriate level of security they need. Right now, we're entering the low level 1. You won't be on this side of the facility too much; this is typically where the dayshift nurses work. This is where they house the low-level inmates, you know, the ones that have minor crimes, and minimum security is needed. I work over at this level. We're making our way outside now. Going to need the go-kart to tour the rest of this place; it's like a maze." She jokes. 
Another hour is spent touring the remaining four security levels. You're now on the last one, where you will be working. You look over the building, which is slightly guarded compared to the other three. There is something very eerie about this area. You don't know why, but a shiver runs down your spine as you and Sasha walk into the building. The atmosphere seemed to shift into something more serious and sinister. 
"This is where you'll be working; this is the highest security level at our facility. This complex houses our most dangerous criminals who have committed extremely violent crimes or they're prone to escaping prison. These inmates have typically committed federal crimes that have cost them longer, harsher sentences. As you can tell, security here is top-notch. And it-"
"Look what we got here! We got fresh meat! Welcome to Hell In A Cell." You look over to see a smiling, hefty, tall guy. He walks over, stopping in front of you and Sasha. Sasha rolls her eyes as she places her hands on her hips. 
"What did I tell you about calling this place that? You're going to scare away our staff!" She says, smacking his arm, which doesn't faze him at all. You can tell they have a playful relationship. 
"Sorry about him, Y/n, he likes to scare the newbies. This is-"
"I can introduce myself. Nice to meet you; I'm Ettore Ewen, but I go by Big E around here. I work security." He says, extending his hand. Although he's a pretty big guy, his handshakes were gentle. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. I'm going to be the new night shift nurse." You introduce. 
"Really? That's like the fifth one in the past two months." 
"Oh really? Bad experience?" you ask, glancing at Sasha, who gives Big E a look. 
"Let's be honest, they come in all happy and ready to work, and then bam, within a week, they quit. Honestly, the last one was probably a new record set. She stayed for about a week and two days." He shrugs. 
"Inmates causing trouble?"
"Nothing more than the usual, but she screwed an inmate and got pregnant. Fired her on the spot." You weren't surprised. 
Working as a correctional nurse for years, you've had your share of crazy experiences. You've had inmates attempt to attack you, spit on you, throw shit at you, cuss you out, and call you every slur under the sun. You were prepared for whatever. You had to make the best of this. It had to work out; this was your last chance. 
"Did you tell her about the inmate that killed a guard just for looking at him? A nurse was doing a med pass, reaching her arm inside the cell, which was a big mistake. He broke her arm from the shoulder down. She had to get metal plates in her arm. You know he's assigned to you ri-" Sasha smacks his arm again. 
"I'm joking, I'm joking! No, but seriously, having a new face in this place is nice. I gotta run, but I'll catch up with you ladies later!" He says, laughing as he skips away. 
"Sorry about him; he's a jokester. But trust me, you'll need his energy for these long nights ahead. Come on, let me finish showing you around!"
"There are usually four nurses on the day shift, but unfortunately, only two at night; that's because you'll spend most of your time documenting, med pass, and occasional assessments. It usually takes about two and a half hours to do a med pass, but if you have a good team behind you, it may be an hour and a half. During the day shift, we have a dentist present twice a week and a lab tech who comes three times a week to do blood draws. We have a mini clinic, an infirmary, and a mental health pod. The workload here can be hectic, but I think you'll manage. I've seen your resume...very impressive." She grins. 
You nod, soaking it all in. You were both now walking back to the main area where the cafeteria was. The main area was a large two-story, four-cement-walled unit with a small cafeteria in the center. It was separated by a large cement wall with large glass windows and one heavy steel door.  You peek inside the unit and see a few inmates cleaning the area. 
You're so focused on scanning the area with your eyes that you overlook one of the inmates standing right in front of the glass. He bangs his fist on the glass, startling you as you jump back. He bursts out laughing as he blows you a kiss. A guard comes over, shoving him out of the way as he holds his hands up as if to surrender. 
"Don't worry about the glass; it's bulletproof and unbreakable. They can't hurt you." Your stomach begins to rumble, and you know it's time to get some food. 
"Hey, Y/n, today was a pretty long day, but I hope you get the hang of this place. It's not all that bad." Sasha says as she walks you to your car. You had to admit you were happy to be going home. Your feet were killing you! You give her a tired smile. 
"Yes, it was a good day. I learned so much, and I'm happy to be a part of the team." You admit. 
"Great, well I know you're ready to jet, so I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Drive safe, and again, welcome to the Pensacola Penitentiary."
You drive through the prison walls and finally make it outside the prison property. You let the window down as you take in the day once again. It's not 7:00 PM, and you were excited to get home, shower, and call it a night. But only after dropping by a place that has become your new favorite. 
"Tacos it is!"
Taglist: @allmyn1ghts @southerngirl41
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yunqitv · 8 days
i still love you _ shen quanrui {remake ver.}
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PAIRING :!idol ricky x male reader
GENRE : Childhood friends, love rekindled, past love
DESCRIPTION : M/n, now a vocal coach at Wake One, reunites with his childhood friend Quan, a blossoming idol. Despite two years apart and unspoken feelings, their connection reignites as Quan seeks comfort and M/n confesses his unwavering love.
june masterlist buy me a coffee
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The deserted streets mirrored the hollowness M/n felt inside. He weaved his motorcycle through the dimly lit alley, its hum the only sound against the late-night silence. There, huddled in a shadowed corner, was his reason for being out: Shen Quanrui. M/n had thought their late-night meetings would fade with Quanrui's debut. He'd been right – until the idol's tearful call confessing a grave mistake.
M/N dismounted, the thud of his boots echoing. He pushed back his hair as he approached the blonde, who sat slumped against the wall, arms wrapped around his knees.
"I'm here," M/N murmured, his voice barely a whisper. He reached out, his fingers brushing against Quanrui's head in a comforting caress.
A beat of silence stretched before Quanrui lifted his head, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy. "You... you came?" His voice cracked, barely audible.
M/N offered a low hum, a sound that spoke volumes without words.
The faint scent of something sweet, almost syrupy, hung in the air as Quan leaned into M/n's touch. "Of course you're here," he slurred, a pitiful smile twisting his usually bratty lips.
M/n chuckled softly, concern lacing the sound. He pulled Quan into a warm embrace. "Mmm, my little prince, you such a crybaby."
Quan swatted playfully at M/n's shoulder, his grip tightening on the denim jacket. "Shut up, don't tease me." He pulled back, a pout forming on his face as he took a long look at M/n. This face. It had been a while.
This was the face he'd seen every day since middle school. The face that went through every emotion – disgust, annoyance, exhaustion, even heartbreak when they'd said their goodbyes, M/n swallowing his own dreams to support Quan's idol journey.
M/n had always been quiet, content to exist on the periphery. He wouldn't argue, wouldn't fight. If someone said they were leaving, that was it. End of story.
He'd even considered Boys Planet, following in Quan's footsteps. But singing hadn't held the same pull as the worn keys of a piano. He doubted he'd have the talent to win anyway.
So, he and his aunt relocated to Korea, opening a jazz bar instead. M/n played and tended bar, keeping a watchful eye on Boys Planet and, of course, Quan's debut with Zerobaseone.
"Let's get you out of this alley, hm?" M/n suggested, his voice gentle. "Auntie's bar is close. She’d be very happy to see you. Good?"
Quan nodded, a flicker of curiosity replacing the earlier pout. He took M/n's hand, the familiar warmth a grounding force. "Since when did Auntie own a bar?" His voice was raspy, a telltale sign of the night's events.
"You've missed a lot, Mr. Planet," M/n replied a hint of amusement in his voice.
The air crackled with a mix of nervous energy and relief as M/n's aunt descended the stairs. "Oh my gosh! My Riri, when did you get so grown up!" she exclaimed, enveloping Quan in a hug that threatened to suffocate him.
As expected, his aunt launched into a tirade of gossip and praise, gushing about Quan's performances on the survival show. M/n watched from the side, a strange furrow in his brow. Quan, usually poised and confident, seemed strangely childish. He fidgetted on the bar stool like a kid in a candy store, a stark contrast to his usual aura.
Taking a closer look, M/n noticed a series of subtle changes. Quan's skin seemed to have an unnatural glow under the dim bar lights. He sat tall, a far cry from his former awkwardness. Most striking was his face – the once chubby cheeks had morphed into a sharper, almost sculpted perfection.
He was... different.
Aunt Fei finally seemed to tire herself out. "Ah, it's good catching up with you, Riri," she wheezed, gesturing dramatically to the bags beneath her eyes. "But this old lady needs some beauty sleep. Look at these bags! They could hold all the liquor in this place."
Quan chuckled, playing along. "Auntie, you're beautiful already, really. But get some good sleep!"
"Mmm, and nephew!" she called out as she made her way to the back stairs. "Make sure I see him in the morning, okay? Don't snatch him up before I make breakfast!"
Annoyance flickered across M/n's face. "Mm, I will. Go upstairs, go, go," he rushed, wanting to shut off his aunt's tipsy rambling.
Quan giggled softly. "She's the same, that's a relief." He set his elbows on the counter, a flicker of sadness crossing his eyes.
M/n moved behind the bar, tossing his empty bottle in the trash. "Some people don't like much change. It can be… unsettling."
Quan nodded, his heart sinking a little. M/n's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken meaning. A question lingered unspoken – was Quan's change a positive one?
"Are you staying the night?" M/n asked, his voice neutral. "Auntie prepped my room for you."
The air hung heavy with unspoken questions as Quan tilted his head, a confused frown replacing the remnants of his earlier amusement. "Made up your room? You don't stay here?"
M/n shook his head, a hint of sheepishness coloring his features. "Moved out a few weeks ago. I got that Wake One job, remember? Vocal coach for their trainees?"
A flicker of recognition washed over Quan's face. "Right, right. That one." He took a sip of his coffee, the clink of the glass against his teeth betraying a sudden nervousness. "Extra cash, you said."
"Yeah," M/n mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Figured it wouldn't hurt. Besides, it's good experience."
Silence settled between them, thick and uncomfortable. Quan seemed to shrink into the bar stool, his shoulders slumping. The confident idol M/n had braced himself for was gone, replaced by the small, helpless-looking boy from the alley.
"Oh," Quan finally said, his voice barely a whisper. "So, how's the... the idol life? You dreamed of it for so long, I just-"
He trailed off, his eyes downcast. M/n opened his mouth to speak, to offer some words of encouragement, but the question that tumbled out of Quan caught him completely off guard.
"Do you still love me?"
The words hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. M/n felt a hollowness in his chest, a vast emptiness that seemed to echo the emptiness of the bar before it filled with customers. He parted his lips, words forming and then dissolving on his tongue.
"What?" he finally managed, the question barely audible.
Quan's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "I said," he repeated, hesitantly, "do you still love me? Like... you know, like you said when I left."
M/n turned, leaning his back against the smooth wood of the bar. He bit his lip, the memory of that day vivid in his mind. It had been his most vulnerable moment, a raw outpouring of emotion as Quan stood on the precipice of his idol dreams. And he had said it. He had confessed his love, a declaration that hung heavy in the air now, two years later.
It wasn't a lie. Not then, not now. He had spent those two years carrying that love, a silent ember burning in his chest. He had moved to a new country, tackled a new language, and poured his heart into helping his aunt. Yet, part of him had always remained here, waiting.
He met Quan's eyes, a silent conversation passing between them. Quan's gaze was filled with a vulnerability that mirrored his own. A hesitant hope flickered within it, a silent plea for reassurance.
M/n reached out, his fingers gently cupping Quan's cheek. With a soft sigh, he pulled Quan closer, their foreheads touching. His lips ghosted over Quan's, a whisper of a promise.
"I still love you," he finally murmured, the words carrying the weight of two years of unspoken longing. He pulled back slightly, a small smile gracing his lips, "More than words can say, Quanrui."
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 6 months
One sentence fluff for Jack “I love snuggling with you”
There was nothing you hated more than fighting with Jack. He was your best friend and when the two of you argued, it was like your world turned upside down, your whole day was off. Luckily, your fights were few and far between, but this last one had left you with a stomach ache.
He was gone when you woke up this morning, a short text message letting you know he was going to be at the studio and not to wait for him to have dinner. You went about your day, going to work and running errands like nothing was wrong, but you had a very hard time ignoring the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach.
There were so many little things that you missed about your day that you didn’t get to experience because you were at odds with your boyfriend. The two of you usually had breakfast together and talked about what you were going to do that day, or any crazy dreams you had.
Jack would usually call you around lunch to tell you how his studio session was going, but you didn’t receive so much as a “how are you?” message all day. By the time you got home that evening, you had a lot of guilt and sadness weighing on you.
You grabbed some takeout because you knew you didn’t have the energy to cook a meal, and settled on the couch to watch a movie.
You were half asleep when you heard the door open around midnight, Jack entering your shared apartment, a hood pulled over his curls. He wasn’t expecting you to be awake, your form startling him as he walked into the living room.
“Hey.” You could hear a bit of frustration in his voice, but for the most part he just sounded tired.
“Hi.” You didn’t bother to look up, feeling a lump building in your throat, instead just curling further into yourself under the blanket. You could tell Jack was looking at you, but you didn’t dare return his gaze, afraid you’d start crying once you saw him.
“Did you eat?” Jack asked, wringing out his hands nervously. You might be arguing, but he always wanted to make sure you were okay and taken care of. You were always his first priority.
You nodded, still afraid to look his way.
“Listen, babe,” Jack started, pausing his words as he scratched at his jawline, thinking of how to best approach this. “I know we’re fighting but I just had a really shitty day today and I really need you right now.”
When you took in his face, you could tell that he was defeated, the fight was wearing him down just as much as it was you. "C'mere, babe." You moved the blanket over and opened your arms, Jack immediately sinking into the couch to lay on top of you, his head resting on your chest.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You played with the curls at the back of his head, twisting individual ones around your finger. "Nothing went right at the studio today, and I just-", he let out a sharp breath, "missed you too much." You were quiet so Jack couldn't read your reaction, but you felt a sense of relief rush over you. The two of you just laid there for a second, relishing in the fact that you were in each other's arms again.
"I know we're still arguing so I'll get up and leave you alone. Sorry for bothering you." Jack started to push off the couch, but you held him there. "Jack, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you anymore." You could see the weight lifted off his shoulders as he pulled you tighter, nuzzling against your sweater. "I'm sorry too", he mumbled against your skin, giving you a gentle kiss.
"You're never bothering me. I love snuggling with you, even when you make me mad." You chuckled, your body moving underneath Jack's weight.
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hericaslibrary · 7 months
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pairing : ace x fem!reader
wc : 1.081
summary : you and Ace found solace in a hammock after a grueling battle with the Marines.
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The Moby Dick gently swayed beneath the moonlit sky. Exhausted from the battle, Ace took your hand as you both headed to a quiet spot with a waiting hammock. The deck still buzzed with post-fight activity, but in this corner, it was just the two of you.
The sound of distant laughter and celebratory cheers faded as you found the secluded spot. Ace secured the hammock between two sturdy posts, and you both settled into its embrace. The rhythmic creaking of the hammock matched the soothing sounds of the ship sailing through calm waters.
Ace's gaze met yours, his eyes reflecting a mixture of weariness and relief. “That was a tough one,” he said, his voice a low rumble in the quiet night.
You nodded, feeling the weight of the battle still lingering in the air. “Yeah, but we made it through. We always do,” you replied, a reassuring smile playing on your lips.
He returned the smile, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes. “Couldn't have done it without you,” Ace admitted, squeezing your hand gently.
The moment hung in the air, a shared understanding of the unspoken bond forged in the heat of battle. The night sky above sparkled with stars, and Ace's thumb traced small circles on the back of your hand.
As you both lay there, the fatigue of the fight began to give way to a different kind of warmth—the comfort of being close to someone who understood the highs and lows of the pirate's life. The ship rocked gently, and the soft murmurs of the crew became a distant lullaby.
“I never get tired of looking at the stars,” Ace mused, breaking the comfortable silence. “They make everything else seem so small, you know?”
You followed his gaze, losing yourself in the shimmering expanse above. “Yeah, it's like a reminder that there's so much more out there than just the battles we fight.”
Ace nodded, his expression thoughtful. “And moments like these make it all worth it. Just taking a break, looking up at the sky, and realizing there's a whole world waiting for us.”
After a moment of comfortable silence, Ace spoke again, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. “You know, when I was a kid, I used to dream about adventures like these. I'd stare at the stars and imagine all the places beyond the horizon.”
You listened attentively, encouraging him to share more about his past. “Really? What kind of adventures did you dream about?”
Ace chuckled softly, a distant look in his eyes. “Oh, all sorts. Sailing to uncharted islands, discovering hidden treasures, and, of course, becoming the strongest pirate out there. I guess some dreams never really change.”
“As I grew older, the dreams evolved, but the stars were always there, guiding me,” Ace continued. “Even in the darkest times, looking up at the night sky brought a sense of comfort, like there was something greater watching over me.”
In a moment of unspoken understanding, Ace gently cupped your face, his thumb brushing across your cheek. The air crackled with a quiet anticipation as he leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
Breaking the kiss, Ace whispered, “I don't say it enough, but I appreciate having you by my side. In the toughest battles and the quietest moments, you're always there.”
You smiled, your fingers gently caressing his cheek. The moonlight highlighted the warmth in his eyes, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest. “Ace, I wouldn't trade these moments for anything. You mean everything to me.”
As the conversation shifted to the recent fight with the Marines, Ace's tone became a blend of seriousness and reflection. “They came at us with everything they had. It was tough, but having you there, fighting by my side, made all the difference.”
You listened intently, your gaze locked with his. “We make a good team, don't we?” you said, a proud smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Ace nodded, a smirk playing on his face. “The best. I wouldn't want anyone else watching my back.”
“I thought we were done for when that Marine captain unleashed that surprise attack,” Ace admitted, his eyes holding a mixture of amusement and relief. “But you, you pulled off that move with such finesse. I couldn't help but be impressed.”
You chuckled, remembering the close call. “Well, you taught me a thing or two about finesse in our sparring sessions. I just applied what I learned.”
Ace grinned, the admiration evident in his eyes. “You're incredible, princess, you know that?”
Your cheeks warmed at his compliment. “Only because I have an incredible teacher.”
The air was charged with a sweet mixture of vulnerability and affection, and Ace's hand found yours, fingers intertwining in a silent promise.
“Tonight has been perfect,” Ace said, his gaze never leaving yours. “Under the stars, with you in my arms, I couldn't ask for anything more.”
You leaned in, capturing his lips in a soft, lingering kiss.
Amidst the serious recounting of events, a playful glint entered Ace's eyes. “Did you notice when I had that, uh, narcoleptic episode?” he said, a grin spreading across his face.
You raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on your lips. “Narcoleptic episode? Is that what you're calling it now?”
Ace chuckled, “Well, I did nod off for a split second in the middle of the fight. It was like my body decided it was the perfect time for a power nap.”
You couldn't help but laugh, imagining the scene. “Oh, fire fist Ace, the fearsome pirate, catching some Zs in the middle of battle. I'm sure the Marines were terrified.”
Ace rolled his eyes in mock offense. “Hey, it's not like I planned it. I was just resting my eyes for a moment, and next thing I knew, you were waking me up, and we were back in action.”
“Resting your eyes, huh? Classic Ace move,” you teased, poking him playfully.
He nudged you back. “Well, you have to admit, it added a bit of drama to the whole thing. The Marines probably thought I was pulling some secret technique.”
You both shared a laugh, the lighthearted banter weaving seamlessly into the quiet night.
“I guess even the strongest pirates need a quick nap now and then,” you teased, leaning in to steal another quick kiss.
Ace grinned, “Only when they have the most amazing girlfriend by their side to keep them on their toes.”
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