#young ryuuji
everyryuujisuguro · 3 months
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tonguetiedraven · 10 months
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natsukashii-naa · 2 years
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Shounan Junai Gumi!
Young GTO (1994)
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flamingthespian · 2 years
can you imagine harboring a hidden infatuation with your superior for years and then you’re at their death bed trying to muster up the courage to confess your romantic feelings and among their very last words they hit you with “you’ve always been like a son to me”
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mondaymelon · 11 months
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𖥔 ݁ ˖⩇⩇:⩇𝟣.𖥔 ݁ ˖
⤷ a halloween event hosted by @mondaymelon !!
taglist: @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @silaswritesthings, @neigesprincess, @mintydump, @kaeffeinee !!
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“...That’s the briefing. Any questions?” Sango uncrossed her arms, glancing up from the paper she was reading off of. It was a chilly evening at the Bantan Sango Detective Agency, and you regretted not bringing an extra layer of clothing with you to work.
You sighed, your exhale turning white in the frosty air. The sky had already blended black, tiny pin pricks of bright stars resembling white paint scattered on a midnight canvas hung like a dusty backdrop. The days had been growing colder of late, and the maple leaves that loosely clung to the trees now blanketed the cobblestone streets. “Typical of you to hand me over to some tiring task right before the festival… that other guy, genius detective Shikanoin Heizou, why not ask him instead and spare me the trouble?”
The brunette’s expression grew strained. “You know I don’t talk to him anymore. Besides, he quit a long time ago. He works for the Tenryou commission now, and I hear that quite the skilled man. Wherever he is, he always finds a way to boast about him, I suppose…” Her voice trailed off with an exasperated groan. “It doesn’t matter. Are you going to take the job or not?”
“Do I really have a choice?” Judging by her scammer-like smile, you already knew the answer before you asked the question.
“Nope.” And just like that, she thrusted the manila folder of information into your arms, several pieces of paper flying out of it in the process. “Have fun, I’ll see you at the Halloween Festival later!” She sprinted away before you could even get in another word.
As expected. Sango was rather stone-faced, yet she only grew more and more animated as you got to know her. You didn’t know exactly what happened between her and that redhead detective, but you weren’t one to pry for details the other wasn’t willing to provide. Besides, you still had Ryuuji to pester for help… not. He had long since gone home for a weekend vacation.
“This is why I’m miserable.” You shook your head, reluctantly glancing through the information in the files given.
[ 48 missing people.
No attacks on children. Prime targets seem to be young adults regardless of gender.
Only three bodies have been retrieved.
Bodies are drained of blood. Puncture wounds in neck. Inscriptions on body...
Last event was Oct 24. Tanaka Oda, aged 24. Inferred to have gone missing at night. Had gambling problems but otherwise was a clean slate. ]
“Shit, this sounds like something from a legend… couldn’t these just be wild animal attacks?” You examined the photos, spotting the sunken eyes and dry flesh. “Ah, but unless it was an 8 foot tall bat… and the runes. How the fuck would a bat write? The work of a cult, maybe? Human sacrifice has been a thing before, and that would certainly explain the markings on the corpses, would it not…?” You didn’t have enough evidence to come to conclusions now, nor the sufficient amount of sleep. You had never exactly been the most intelligent, which made you question why Sango had even assigned this case to you in the first place. To give it to the least capable detective in the workforce must’ve meant that it must be an insignificant mystery, right? Then it’d only be a while until all the threads came unraveled. That, at the very least, provided you with a sense of comfort.
That sensation was a fleeting one, shattered by the shrill cry of a woman in the distance. High-pitched. Terrified. You snapped your head up, hastily shoving the evidence in your arm and sprinting towards the sound. It happened again, a broken cry piercing through the misty night. Smoky tendrils swirled in the air and curled around your ankles.
Where had the civilians gone? There wasn't a soul in sight. There were no lights in the windows. Food stands were left unattended as smoke rose from their stoves.
You pulled out into a clearing. There she was. She couldn't have been more than twenty years of age, her paper-white skin contrasting with the pink on her cheeks. Her kimono was strewn, creased as if someone had grabbed her with force. You could see the blood seeping from the bite wound on her neck. Her skin was icy cold. Her pulse had gone dead.
No. Not a wild animal.
This... A word, one spoken in storybooks, flashed in your mind.
There wasn't time to dwell on it. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribcage. There was someone. In the alleyway. They had seen everything.
He made a sound, then his body crumpled to the ground.
His inanimate corpse glowed with a sinister energy. Lines of foreign words circling around his arms and chest blazed forth, shining a deep red against the black night. A tongue you couldn't comprehend. A forgotten, ancient language that had long since been buried.
His body gave a spasm, shaking. It was as if he was a doll, and his joints creaked and groaned as they bent in upon themselves. Where his heart should have resided instead was a crystal-cut ruby, quivering in the open air. His eyes bulged, and then they were no longer there, bursting into a fountain of red. Then, he stilled.
He didn't move again.
Silence. Suffocating. There was something building in the back of your throat. You could taste the bitter bile on your tongue.
Two bodies, cruelly bent and misshapen. The woman in the clearing, the blood pooling from her wounds growing cold. Her face was an almost ashen gray, and her dead marble eyes stared blankly into the sky. What was there to look at?
Then, the man. Twisted arms hung morbidly from his frame. His bloody, mangled sockets lay bare as they gazed at nothing at all. His bloodied body slowly dissipated as ashes in the wind. It was the smell of iron.
You exhaled a shallow breath. You could feel the tremble of your hands as you held them over your mouth. Shit. Shitshitshitshitshitshit. You wanted to scream, cry. You shouldn't. You couldn't.
Droplets of crimson lay scattered on the ground. A trail of blood.
Blackened remains of the cursed. A trail of his ashes.
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ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴛʀɪᴀʟ.
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ozzgin · 1 year
Can you please do if the prehistoric reader meat Ryuuji Tokura from baki gaiden scareface
I don't think you understand just how happy your request made me. I knew the character but never read the gaiden, and if I hadn't checked it for your request I would've never seen this particular panel. That's a "The Front of Armament" jacket worn by the main biker gang in Crows and Worst. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that Itagaki paid tribute to Takahashi Hiroshi. Just a side note but if you guys like delinquent fights, Crows is a golden classic that predates Baki the Grappler.
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Baki Headcanons: Prehistoric! Reader meets Ryuuji Tokura
The T.Rex meets the T.Rex Hunter. What if you cured Ryuuji’s gout instead?
The young boy paces around nervously. He can sense another flare coming up. This ‘Hanayama’ that he’s heard about should be here by now, but the street is quiet and devoid of cars or humans for that matter. The only sound is caused by his throbbing ears.
Just as he’s ready to give up he notices his shadow deforming and growing bigger, signaling an approaching form, and he turns around excited to meet the stranger that could potentially cure him of this unbearable pain.
He’s a little more than perplexed to see that his guest is a massive, muscular woman of his own height. He can’t recall if he’s ever looked someone in the eye like this before. Similarly, she stops to stare in confusion. Weren’t these new humans supposed to be tiny? Is this one also an escapee from the past? Although he wears the same robes as the rest of them.
You’re intrigued. Something about this boy hints that he’s juvenile still, nonetheless he easily towers everyone else you’ve encountered since your awakening. You approach him cautiously with a glint of curiosity in your eye. He doesn’t have a threatening aura. As you stand before him, however, the boy begins to wince in pain, grasping tightly onto his head.
He yells something - useless given your lack of understanding - and abruptly swings his arm at you. The blow lands on your face, but you remain stiff and seemingly unimpressed. He’s groaning in pain and yet you haven’t touched him once. You ponder his actions. You do remember one particular event where Pickle went nearly berserk after being bit by a creature and only calmed down once the poison settled. Is he also a victim of mysterious poisoning? Oh, that’s no good.
With one swift movement you’ve thrown Ryuuji against the asphalted ground. Yes, yes, it most likely hurts, but in a situation like this he should lay down and let his body do the fighting. Counterintuitive, but that’s what you’ve learned from experience. You smile and give him a final press, extending the cracks that formed along the street from the initial impact. One good sleep and he’ll be better.
The boy’s vision begins to blur. Most importantly, his pain slowly dissolves and seeps out of his body. How unexpected, yet welcomed. Exhaustion takes over and he returns your smile, managing to mumble out a “thank you”. He has no idea who you are, but somehow you just beat the struggles out of him.
“Boss! Do you see this? Who would even-“ the underlings are gathered around the unconscious Ryuuji, mouths open in terror. Hanayama takes a moment to think before chuckling to himself. (Y/N) sure loves dramatic introductions.
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vellichorom · 3 months
that post regarding papa.isa / papa.iwa doing numbers so i'm going further in-depth about my thoughts because i'm So Right
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-- @/Zoeyhoshi, quoted around the time the Focus On the Hawks manga was initially set to be released;
( this is not an official description nor is it stated in the manga but could Probably be inferred by the given timeline of the game & regardless likely doesn't go without precedent; )
okay so now that that's out of the way,
here's a bunch of ryuuji & isa/shuu relationship thoughts that have caused me such brainrot ;;
perceive this as papa/isa & i kill you;
to ME ( & this is rather flavored with headcanon so bear with me ); ryuuji kawara, a man realizing a baby & then some beforehand too late that he's just No longer in love with his wife / girlfriend, spends ALL of his time possible at work, with his team of prodigy teenage exploits, honestly just dicking around & refusing to- you know, be a Responsible Grown Ass Man & do something about his life,
& he starts doting on the sad little partridge who's thrown himself into his work to an unhealthy degree & is no doubt having a hard time just being ALIVE after being orphaned & physically disabled by a terrorist attack when he was just a baby, practically hovering over his shoulder, making sure he eats, gets out & has fun, & this is EASY for ryuuji, because they both have a mutual interest in science - as well as each other. ( not in a weird way get out of here, )
& isa's been given the short end of the shit stick ALL his short life thus far; he was born into a rich family that abhorred him since day one for Never being up to their standards, has resented them & felt nothing for anyone around him Since day one, was involved in a terrorist attack that Physically fucked him up for the rest of his life, & was almost immediately indoctrinated into the extremist hawk party at like. age 6 & stayed with them onward. CAN YOU IMAGINE,
so isa's growing up in a sterile, hostile environment & having his progeny used to develop techniques & weapons against humankind. i can't imagine it's the warmest place to RAISE an already jaded child, let alone when they're destined to become the smartest one in the new world order, but i digress.
IN STEPS RYUUJI, showing him all the warmth & kindness that he's yet to experience from ANYONE in his life before, & oh my god. it's wonderful. it is indescribably luxurious- it's so fantastic that ryuuji kawara would be the Only Person that shuu would show respect for, the only person he'd ever do ANYTHING for, the person he would somewhat come to live for, no matter how much he denies it or portrays ryuuji like a fool under his breath.
ryuuji imprints on isa as though he were his own child & finds fulfillment & content enough just to pal around with him for the rest of his days, & isa imprints on ryuuji as though...
he were everything to him, likely. of course, construed to the mentally & emotionally stunted shuu iwamine as Romance, or something along those lines. familial feelings Must have died with his parents, & you want to tell him they probably just transferred to ryuuji during the extremely stressful period toward the beginning of shuu's young life? get out of here,,,
ryuuji loved isa & isa loved ryuuji & shuu still loves ryuuji !!!!! a man admired for his brilliance who also showed shuu the most tender affection he has ever felt in his whole life & that has warped him beyond belief & kind of caused almost everything in hatoful boyfriend to happen
& my god can you imagine being ryouta finding out about this; can you imagine your dad abandoning you prior to your birth & putting all his love & care into someone who screwed you & all your friends & literally almost all of your society over because of it. i can't help but imagine he tries not to dwell on it but... ouh, the resentment he harbors in his heart about it... unfathomable,
OHH my emotionally distant & stunted horrible idiot BASTARDS ryuuji & shuu..... not a week goes by where i don't think about them,
i hate them so much
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here's also the abridged discord post version of this post jic i left out some details i wanted to discuss & i think i did
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rewordthis · 28 days
He & He
Hello! Please say ‘hello’ to the Haruka Birthday Event held by @nanaseharukabirthdayexchange for 2024!
This is a little something I wrote for Haruka for today’s prompt: Past + Future, hope you like it! (〃ω〃)
507 words Free! Nanase Haruka, Azuma Ryuuji
N’joy! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
‘Will everything be alright…’
Haruka isn’t so sure anymore. He’s swimming in unknown waters, so to speak.
Everybody else, seem to be in a tentative attention towards him, trying to gauge out what the next step should be.
What’s the gentlest approach to this jigsaw that is him right now.
Don’t press the process…
Don’t break any pieces.
Haruka’s old form was a poem. The prodigy, the dolphin, the magic itself that walked among common mortals...
“Just watching him swim will make you understand—“ everyone that knew him used to say.
‘Understand’… understand what exactly though?
To one it was the ‘essence of beauty’, to the next the ‘meaning of life’…
They all had something different to have found in his existence.
But they all did have something in common, the experience that they were satisfied and peaceful yet full of energy and hope.
‘Hope’— as if they had just encountered the secret of life. The freedom to ‘be’.
To all he was, is and will continue being the swimmer with the grace, elegance and power of almost a deity born out of Lady Sea herself.
To all… but one.
Ryuuji knows Haruka is merely a young man, only starting to walk this earth. He knows full well the depths of his power but also the abyss of his despairs— if they do manage to catch him.
He’s witnessed the care and love Haruka is surrounded with and he can rest assured that no matter how hard things will get from now on — and they will get hard — that Haruka still has people to turn to.
They won’t be of much help on their own, but he won’t be either if the one in question doesn’t open up to someone and for Ryuuji the truth is that he’s bad with feelings and making people trust him.
Haruka almost broke down in his arms completely during the Olympics, trying to chase after Albert, and he sensed that something was off— he flat out asked him if he was alright and Haruka lied through his teeth at him.
‘If only there was a way to establish a friendlier stance— a closer approach.’
But then he wouldn’t be himself, huh— Ryuuji knows himself as much.
And he knows, still, that this boy he took in his care is a version of his own past— one he must guide into the future without a fault.
Because everything comes in circles…
How bittersweet—
This Haruka right now, is in shambles. His form collapsed, his swimming sharp and agonising…
It still holds some of its sheer power granted by his love for the water, but at the end of the day his metamorphosis into a new monster is slightly unsettling to those who loved him from way before.
The inevitable of this situation is not lost on anyone involved…
Haruka’s future swimming will be completely different.
But from now on, he too has found the resolve to accept that change and rebuild both body and soul…
All he’s got to do, is believe.
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mothy-chan · 20 days
I thought Ryuji might have grown up in a single-parent family. Maybe he and his sister (younger) were raised by their grandparents or dad.
How am I supposed to name Ryuuji's little sister anyway? There's no connection, so I'm thinking of going with an animal that suits the young man better or something...
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jamiegege · 1 year
Similarities between Ranpo & Heizou
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Okay so, i saw a lot of people that were associating Ranpo (Bungou stray dogs) and Shikanoin Heizou (Genshin impact) but also a lot of people thinking that they were asociated by the fandoms only bc they're both young and very intelligent detectives, however, they have more similarities than that and as i love (and kin) them both i wanted to dedicate to them a post :) !
I'm gonna use their "Fandom" page as a source, plus Heizou's character stories but mostly my own interpretation of the characters and it's only how I see them so if you have another pov you're free to give your opinion in the comments and i would gladly respond to it as long as everything is respectful and polite ;)
I'm gonna start by analyzing Heizou :
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For a little description : Heizou is a young (i'd say that he's in his 20s) detective working for the Tenryou Commission at Inazuma. He's known to be a really clever and sly man but also someone who doesn't like to follow the rules and very stubborn, Thomas would define him as "not the easiest person to get along with" even if he looks really outgoing. A lot of people dislike him for the way he acts around others and how he behaves ab rules, strating by his own superior, Kujou Sara, who doesn't fired him as he always brings results. He also seems, at first glance, to be really confident about his abilities and knowledge, which can annoy people around him.
A bit ab his personality & story :
As i said he mostly appears as a rebelious and arrogant young man but he's in fact really insecure ab his abilities but he's also really scared that he would hurt people he likes (which he doesn't want at all), as he says in his hang out event : "my biggest worry is that Ryuuji would struggle to cope if he knew the truth. [...] haha, well, as you can see, i'm a little less confident than people might think."
He sees his deduction abilities as godlike which gives him that reputation of being a selfish and cocky person even he looks polite and well-behaved. His outgoing and cheerful personality can make ppl think that he's kinda childish but he's in fact really serious and solemn when the situation asks him to be.
Heizou is actually really good at martial arts (thanks to his dad who was a martial arts master), but he won't ever use it (or only in situations that obligates him to use it) 'cause he considers that, as a detective his intelligence is above others and that using strength instead of knowledge would put him at other's level.
We also know that Heizou didn't have a cool and happy childhood, as a classic rebellious child he didn't want to take up his dad's work and this opinion caused him a lot of argues with his parents. He had only one friend that lied to him saying that he was rich but who was in fact a criminal (a thief to be precise), so they stopped being friends. A year latter, that one old friend went to see Heizou and got killed because of his illegal activities, that's how Heizou decided to put his abilities and knowledge at the service of justice by becoming a detective.
Now i'm gonna analyze Ranpo :
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For a little description : Ranpo is a 26yo detective working at the Armed Detectives Agency (we'll say ADA), he's most of the time considered as the "world's greatest detective" or at least "Japan's greatest detective". Despite working in an agency full of ability users, Ranpo does not have one even if he acts like he does, he's "just" really clever with a sharp sens of deduction (that's also why he called his fake ability "super deduction"). As he's really intelligent and as useful as anyone in the agency he's really respected and the other members allow him to act really childish or cocky sometimes (also because, even if he doesn't seem to be, he's, after the boss, the oldest member of the ADA), plus, thanks to the fact that he helps the police departements a lot, he's the one that brings the most money (and cases) to the agency. He's also known as really arrogant and cocky 'cause he can be very lazy and refuses to work on cases he finds boring or useless even if he respects and values a lot his work as a detective.
A bit ab his personality & story :
Ranpo's "ability" is really important for him especially because he makes him think that he's in fact "normal". When he met Fukuzawa (ADA's boss), he was lonely, his parents were dead and he was kicked out off everywhere because of his behavior; plus he used to see others people around him as monsters that he wasn't understanding because no one had the same mental abilities as him. To make him feel better, Fukuzawa told him that he had a special ability, a very strong one and he backed Ranpo up with this idea. So now Ranpo uses this "special ability" to put himself above others and to fill his lack of confidence in his knowledge (he basically uses an half-fake superiority complexe to hide his inferiority complex) even if he clearly knows that he doesn't have an ability.
Despite his really childish and cheerful side Ranpo can be really serious and solemn in important situations (i'm thinking particulary ab the cannibalism arc when Fukuzawa was injured). And he uses this side of him so rarely that even Yosano (they knows each other since their teenage years (i'd say around 15/16yo)) was shocked to see him acting like that. He mostly behaves like that when he has to protect people he loves, which is the most important to him : he would do anything to protect his close ones (i'm especially thinking ab this scene when he uses Fyodor's manipulation style to make Mushitaro admit his crime to protect the agency in the chapter n°56).
Even if a lot of people despise him, he has sort kind of charisma (thanks to the infallible confidence he has around others) that brings to him strong allies who admire him in some way (ex. Poe, Mushitaro).
Ranpo is kind of a physically weak man, he's 160cm tall (5'3'') and he's 57kg, i'm pretty sure he can't actually fight but i'm also sure that even if he could he wouldn't, 'cause knowledge is the only thing that actually matters to him and, from his pov, use physical strength would be admitting a lack of intelligence (same with using manipulation).
I'm now gonna do a few connections between both :
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First they both had rough childhoods with not a lot/no friends and then became detectives to use their knowledge and abilities to protect ppl they love.
They also both seem really confident about their capabilities but it's in fact to protect their inner-selves and to fill a lack of confidence/insecurities/inferiority complex.
Protecting their close ones is one of the most important thing to them and they would do anything to success on this. Plus they use other ploy than their knowledge and abilities (ex. physicall strength, manipulation) only when they have to protect ppl around them.
They're mostly seen as arrogant and childish but both can be really serious in major and crucial situations, which can scare/shock even the ppl that know them the best.
But one of their main similarities is how they both considere their capablities as godlike : when people tells him that his abilities are godlike Heizou answers "I don't know, maybe this is something that even the gods can't do!"; and Ranpo has the habit of putting himself above everyone, shouting from the rooftops that he has the most powerfull ability in the world.
There are way more similarities between them but i think that i explained the biggest ones ! I really appreciate when ppl associate them, especially when they don't associate them just bc "they're childish detectives :D", because i have affectionate them with my whole heart <33.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, love you all, kiss kiss <33
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everyryuujisuguro · 10 months
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tonguetiedraven · 3 months
If you are still taking requests: rin calming a crying Ryuuji. I need some hurt/comfort for my boy!!!!
I am still taking requests 😊 I changed my settings to stop receiving anons for reasons I’ll explain at the end of the fic so as not to bother people who don’t want to read that (b˙◁˙ )b
On this request, something I actually really like about Ryuuji is that if you tally up the percentage of tears of each of the characters (how many times they openly cry against how many times they appear) Ryuuji is one of the ones that cries the absolute most. He’s never afraid to let his tears fall if he’s passionate about something.  This is mostly me exploring that and having Ryuuji realize that a few people are safe to cry around.
Fic under the cut :D (or ;-; I guess xD )
-- -- - (T∩T) - -- --
Ryuuji, despite his gruff and intimidating appearance, found himself often moved to tears. Whether it was from frustration and hurt (probably the most common sort) or heartbreak, or even pure unbridled joy, Ryuuji’s eyes filled up with tears and spilled over fairly frequently.
He’d been ashamed of that when he was little. He had grown up around a lot of men, and while most of them had been incredible and people he could safely model himself after, a few had been harsher and with a different (an almost archaic) sense of what was and was not acceptable for men. Crying had been one of the things at the top of that list. Ryuuji, young and impassioned and pleading for the men he had loved and admired to stay had not realized that it wasn’t only his father they were declaring unfit as a leader. They were seeing the tears splashing down his cheeks and deciding he was also unworthy.
Ryuuji learned about those judgements when he was older, and he learned about how unacceptable crying was for ‘men’ when he was in school. It was yet another thing for the others to tease and belittle him about, and yet another thing that saw him swinging his fists.
He could cry and still kick their asses while he did.
Regardless of his ability to kick other peoples’ asses and his ability to prove himself strong and capable, he learned when he was young that his tears weren’t safe around most people.
It was just another thing that made him defiant. Just another thing he refused to hide and another thing that made him swear to take down all the bullies.
-- -- -(īī ^ īī)- -- --
Ryuuji, to his honest embarrassment, cried within hours of really meeting Rin. He was pretty sure Rin hadn’t noticed though, so he never really mentioned it.
Whether Rin remembered it or not, Rin had plenty of chances to see the waterworks start on Ryuuji though, so it didn’t really remember if he’d noticed them with the drama that had been the reaper. (Mostly drama of Ryuuji’s own making, but Izumo had been an utter dick during that entire semester.)
Crying while you were being choked out was more forgivable than crying while confronting a reaper, and Ryuuji hadn’t had any tears when he told Rin to run in the Impure King’s castle, but he had a few blurry eyed exhaustion tears when Rin refused to run and stood tall and defiantly, pulling his sword out and igniting in a dazzling display that should just look ridiculous with all the candy floss fluff of death rot the castle was made of surrounding them.
There had been tears during the mysteries (of frustration and embarrassment) tears during the shock of Shima spying (pain and anger) and now…
Ryuuji had cried in front of Lightning without meaning too and he had been so angry and upset that Lightning didn’t get it. Upset that Misumi had died and that it had been another death linked to too many deaths. A senseless way for a man who wanted to repent to die. He hadn’t been given the chance to make any sort of atonement or peace. He’d been trapped in some terrible lie and murdered the moment he tried to make it right.
He had drowned in his guilt over it and then Lightning had led him down into Section Thirteen, and now Ryuuji was sitting at a bench in a half frozen park, trying to make sense of the massive list of names and numbers and how shockingly many people had been tortured and murdered and the ones who weren’t outright killed were left frozen in the bowels of this academy as if that was a kindness.
It was too many names to properly comprehend, but the bodies and the faces and the remains he had seen weren’t. They had looked so human and so mutilated, and he didn’t notice the first of the tears spilling down his cheeks as he typed away on his laptop, trying to organize the dead so that they could have some kind of justice served. He didn’t notice himself wiping them away to be able to see his screen at all, and didn’t notice the loud sniff he gave as he saved the spreadsheet that was already too many lines long and opened a new tab for the second batch of clones.
He did notice the bench shifting as a body sat next to him. He hastily hit two keys to lock the screen so no one would see and looked over to try and see who had joined him only for a packet of tissues to be shoved at him by a familiar hand.
“I don’t know what gotcha upset, but if it’s Shima, I’ll burn his clothes off again for ya.”
Ryuuji internally cringed at once again crying in front of Rin, and crying in front of Rin when Rin had been the one who knew and loved Misumi and still didn’t know what had happened.
“It’s not Shima,” he mumbled, not entirely intelligibly and took a tissue. “But you’re always free to burn his clothes off. He usually deserves it.”
It was a lame attempt at a misdirect, but Ryuuji wasn’t exactly on his A game. He didn’t feel like he’d been on his A game since sometime in June. They were well into December now and Ryuuji had all but given up on finding his A game again.
“Not Shima…” Rin hummed under his breath and tapped his finger against his chin. “Is it Lightning? Did he make another mess?”
Ryuuji wiped at his face, finding the tissue soft and gentle against his skin and shook his head. “It’s nothing, man. You don’t need to worry about it.”
Rin’s face immediately scrunched up in frustration. “Not you too.”
Ryuuji’s hand stilled on his cheek and he sniffed, blinking back more of the damned tears as he tried to see Rin through them. It didn’t work particularly well, but even through the blur, he could see the frustration on every inch of Rin’s face and posture.
Ryuuji didn’t do great holding back tears, and Rin didn’t do great at hiding any emotion.
“Me too?” Ryuuji asked with a hiccup.
“Yeah! You too. You’re upset and I wanna help. Nobody is letting me help.”
Ryuuji wanted to tell him. That was the problem. He wanted to seek comfort. He selfishly wanted Rin’s comfort and he wasn’t the one that had been so hurt. He just knew that people had, and that they had been tortured and treated as less than human. That they had been treated like lab rats and they had been babies and children and confused and frightened and left frozen in time, stuck forever in their vats in an attempt to let would-be-gods live forever so they didn’t destroy the world in a toddler-like rage.
He exhaled and passed the packet of tissues back to Rin. “This helped.”
There was a beat of silence as Rin didn’t take the tissues back. Rin’s tail was still flicking, and he was still turned towards Ryuuji, and there were still tears dripping down Ryuuji’s cheeks. Too many for a tissue.
“I don’t know who else isn’t letting you help, but I’ll listen—”
“Oh no you don’t,” Rin interrupted, scowling and shoving Ryuuji’s shoulder enough to send him rocking and having to brace himself. He liked that Rin didn’t check his strength too much around him.
“Don’t you dare try and turn this on me. I am the one comforting.”
Despite everything, Ryuuji’s lips quirked up the slightest bit. “Yeah?”
Rin nodded importantly, pulling on a goofy air. “Yes. Now tell me what you want. More tissues? To talk about it? To go punch something? I can even make you something to eat.”
His grin grew, and there was something else in it that Ryuuji’s chest aching in a different way.
“I can even make it a yakisoba bun. No generation long grudges needed.”
“No?” Ryuuji asked softly, and wished he could just explain. He had a feeling Rin really might listen and tell him he wasn’t over reacting. That all of this did deserve tears.
He grabbed another tissue instead and put all of those thoughts away as he closed the lid of his laptop, promising the dead he’d return to them as soon as he could think and see clearly.
“A yakisoba bun sounds good. The deli probably still has a few.”
Rin’s nose wrinkled up again. “No, we’re gonna make it. None of that overly processed garbage.”
“That garbage is delicious.”
“You’re lucky you’re cool ‘cuz you got awful taste.”
And then Rin was lifting Ryuuji’s bag and heading off towards his dorm, leaving Ryuuji to chase after him and at least momentarily forget that his cheeks were stiff with tears and his throat was thick from them.
-- -- -  ( •́ω•̩̥̀ ) - -- --
It was late and dark and Ryuuji had no idea how Rin knew, but his boyfriend did and came up beside him for the run and sat beside him when Ryuuji couldn’t run any further. He had a pack of tissues that he passed over as they collapsed on the bench, and his arm went around Ryuuji as he accepted them.
He’d long since given up trying to hide them around Rin, and he just dabbed a few of the tears away and tilted himself into the side Rin was offering him with a sniffle that could just be pathetic. It was safe to be pathetic and sad around Rin. To let that guard down and that self-preservation and cry without having to be wary. His tears and emotions were safe with Rin, just like Rin’s were safe with him.
“Wanna talk about it?” Rin asked, and brought his other hand around to brush through Ryuuji’s hair.
“Not a lot to talk about,” Ryuuji garbled around the phlegm in his throat and dabbed pointlessly at the tears that were still trying to fall. He couldn’t help the harsh breath or the way he could feel a sob rising and he hated that the memories were there, but Rin had just as bad of ones and Ryuuji hated that too.
There was nothing he could do about either of those things, and the people who had been hurt and killed deserved at least his tears.
“The nightmare? Section Thirteen?”
Ryuuji nodded and tilted his head against Rin’s shoulder. He was getting snot and tears on Rin’s hoodie. Rin didn’t seem to mind and kept brushing his fingers through Ryuuji’s hair.
“Well then, we can feed Amaimon Mephisto’s game collection tomorrow.”
The laugh slipped past Ryuuji without quite meaning to. His arm came around Rin’s middle and hugged him as the sob settled into something more like a hiccup and a hitch in his breath. 
“Yeah,” Rin continued. “He likes to eat the controllers. Beetlebug—”
“Beezlebub will take his ramens if I tell him they’re barbecue flavored.”
Ryuuji’s eyes slipped closed for a moment. The tears were still there and the ache in his chest wasn’t likely to go away, but it helped that he could just let them fall. That Rin didn’t think less of him for them.
“Sounds fair.”
“He’s an ass and deserves it.” Rin said decisively. His fingers brushed through Ryuuji’s hair and his lips pressed against Ryuuji’s forehead before both his arms were wrapping around Ryuuji’s middle and hugging him close, unashamedly cuddly even in the public of a park.
Ryuuji felt indescribably safe like this. Safe to cry, yes, but safe in a different way too. Heard? Possibly, though that didn’t quite describe it either.
It was different in every way from being that kid begging the people around him, the people that he cared so much for to stay. Rin wasn’t going anywhere, and he showed that. He let Ryuuji show himself and let Ryuuji mourn the losses and dark memories and the fears and the excitement and didn’t run and didn’t shy away. He met it head on and he let Ryuuji have a place to get himself calm again.
Even if it was a park in the middle of the night.
“You’re not going back to your dorm,” Rin said when Ryuuji shifted a little and fisted the soiled tissue.
“I’m not?” Ryuuji asked a bit wetly.
“Nope. You’re coming back with me.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to get me to stay over.”
Rin tickled his hip. “I am.”
“Pervert,” Ryuuji joked, and pinched Rin’s side in retaliation of that tickle.
“Yep!” Rin said cheerfully, and scooped Ryuuji right up in his arms like he weighed nothing. Ryuuji’s squawk was loud in the stillness around them, and Rin’s responding laugh was even louder.
--  -- -- -- --
So, housekeeping about my fic submissions and turning off anon.
1) I’ve been harassed by anons for a few years now on tumblr and ao3 and it was exhausting and demoralizing
2) I was getting in a bad headspace about the number of anon requests I was getting and how little interaction the fills of those requests were getting. It was mostly a me problem, because it’s not healthy to write for engagement and reception, but it’s also a very hard thing to mentally turn off, and the amount of requests and the way they’re just consumed made me feel like people saw me as just some kind of vending machine they could feed a prompt into and get a product out of and not a human who does this for fun and because I like the community and connection. The like to reblog ratio being depressing, the silence from whoever had requested those prompts on whether or not they liked them/even read them, and the tone on how some of them were super bossy and demanding  were absolutely getting to me, so all of those reasons led me to turning off the anon and seeing if that helps my brain space.
Short answer,  not really? But I’m also getting  better at accepting that my stuff will likely get consumed without a lot of engagement and I should focus on only doing the stuff I’ll have fun with, so I’m slowly getting there (・ω・)b
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(Replycons by @minorinrinz)
SOURCES: Fanganronpas (project: edens garden, heartless deceit, despair time, the another series, shattered hope, brave dr, will be writing for lapse soon too, mauve, burdens of change.), canonronpa, project sekai, jojos bizarre adventure (right now I'm finishing part 3, so up until there), Persona (3-5), Romantic Killer, MILGRAM, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
-CHARACTERS: Ace Markey, Levi Fontana, Eden Tobisa, Charles Cuevas, Teruko Tawaki, Xander Matthews, Damon Maitsu, Eva Tsunaka, Tomoya Morita, otome Hanayama (I keep forgetting her last name), Bani, Pocket, Enigma, Hiroto Akagi, Hibiki Kotobuki, Honoka Onizaki, Daisuke Shiriaki, Kazuichi Souda, Caesar Zeppeli, Jonathan Joestar, Ichika Hoshino, Kanade Yoisaki, Tsukasa Tenma, Kotone Shiomi, Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker, Ryuuji Sakamoto, Anzu Hoshino, Junta Hayami, Byleth Eisner, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Shez, Fuuta Kajiyama.
-AUS: Coffee shop AU, Non-Despair AU, Fantasy AU and my own aus so far.
-SHIPS: Acevi, Xanruko, Xanvid, Xandvi/Xanvi, Areden, Charuko, Charwhit, Maitsunaka, Akimoya, Hirosuke, Kazuroto, Honobiki, Pocket x Enigma, Fuuta x Mahiru, Shez x Sylvain, Dimitri x Claude, selfshipping and character x reader. Also platonic ships too.
-CHARACTERS: Arturo Giles (my own writing of him), AI!Mikado, Mitsuhiro Higa, Hifumi Yamada, Mikoto Kayano, Es.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Kanade x Iroha, Kazuichi x Sonia (unless platonic, I can do that), Hifumi x anyone, Jonathan x Dio, Es x anyone, Miklan x anyone (unless platonic or familial) Flayn x anyone
-CHARACTERS: Haiji Towa, the Warriors of Hope, Junko Enoshima, Yukana Kishi, Matthias Raoul Gautier, Rhea.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Haiji x anyone, the WOH x anyone, Junkan, Mukuro x Junko, Tsukasa x Saki and Shiho x Shizuku and Akito x Ena (although idk why I should put these here because anyone knows shipping siblings is gross, same with adults x minors), any main hd cast x side cast ship (unless Denshi and Ryuuji, as the creator said that the HD main cast and Denshi and Ryuuji are young adults), romantic Misa x anyone, Rhea x anyone.
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hdheadcannons · 1 year
Intro post!
Hello everyone, you may call me Mod Denshi, and I am the only mod of this blog!
This is dedicated to solely Danganronpa Heartless Deceit headcannons of both the main cast AND the side cast.
Be aware that Rimu, the creator of the fangan, does not allow nsfw of ANY of the characters, so any nsfw headcannons will be deleted, and failure to follow this will result in a ban.
In addition to this, Takeshi is gay, so I will not respond to romantic headcannons of him with ANY of the girls. Rei is aroace, so no romantic headcannons of her with ANYONE.
If you ship any of the side cast (- Denshi and Ryuuji) with the main cast, that ask will be deleted. Same thing can be said if yiu ship Denshi or Ryuuji with any of the side cast. This is because the main cast and Denshi and Ryuuji are young adults, and the creator does not want them paired romantically with any of the side cast, who are adults.
Those are the rules. Feel free to send your headcannons!
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numberonepeacock · 25 days
Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure Characters as Mobians
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Nodoka Hanadera/Cure Grace - Auburn Rabbit/Bright Pink Rabbit
Pretty Cure of Flowers
Chiyu Sawaizumi/Cure Fontaine - Charcoal Black Penguin/Vibrant Blue Penguin
Pretty Cure of Water
Hinata Hiramitsu/Cure Sparkle - Soft Brown Tiger/Blonde Tiger
Pretty Cure of Light
Asumi Fuurin/Cure Earth - Blonde Saluki Dog/Light Purple Saluki Dog
Asumi is a spirit who was born through the power of the Earth as a human in response to Teatinu's prayers
Pretty Cure of Wind
Rabirin - Rabbit Cure Flicky (Healing Flicky)
Fairy partner of Cure Grace
Pegitan - Penguin Cure Flicky (Healing Flicky)
Fairy partner of Cure Fontaine
Nyatoran - Tabby Cat Cure Flicky (Healing Flicky)
Fairy partner of Cure Sparkle
Latte - Saluki Puppy Cure Spirit
Fairy partner of Cure Earth
Is the young princess from Healing Garden
Latte hasn't gained the ability to speak yet, but by using a stethoscope, you can hear her inner voice
Magical Allies:
Queen Teatinu - Saluki Dog Cure Spirit
Latte's mother and the Queen of Healing Garden.
Fuu - Saluki Dog
Queen Teatinu's former partner, and Asumi's predecessor.
Element Spirits
Flower Element
Tree Element
Water Element
Light Element
Bubble Element
Harvest Element
Rain Element
Ice Element
Jewel Element
Lightning Element
Wind Element
Leaf Element
Fire Element
Sun Element
Air Element
Sound Element
Sea Element
Liyon - Earth Lion
Trigon - Earth Tiger
Saruro - Earth Monkey
Suzuchun - Brown Sparrow Healing Flicky
Momomon - Light Maroon Chipmunk Healing Flicky
Feremin - Light Brown Squirrel Healing Flicky
Hamutasu - Gray Hamster Healing Flicky
King Byogen - Black Nine-Tailed Fox/Crow
The leader of the Byogens.
Daruizen - Pale Blue Poison Dart Frog
One of the Byogens Generals.
Shindoine - Lilac Widow Spider
One of the Byogens Generals.
She has a crush on King Byogen.
Guaiwaru - Cobra/King Cobra
One of the Byogens Generals.
Batetemoda - Brown Nutria
One of the Byogens Generals.
He used to be a regular nutria until he was infected by a Megabyogen's seed.
Nebusoku - Black Crow
One of the Byogens Generals.
He was created by Daruizen.
Kedary - Golden Poison Frog
One of the Byogens Generals.
He was created by Daruizen.
Takeshi Hanadera - Dark Brown Rabbit
Nodoka's father.
Yasuko Hanadera - Auburn Rabbit
Nodoka's mother.
Ryuuji Sawaizumi - Black Arctic Hare
Chiyu’s father.
Nao Sawaizumi - Black Arctic Fox
Chiyu’s mother.
The owner of the Sawaizumi Hot Spring Inn.
Touji Sawaizumi - Charcoal Black Arctic Hare
Chiyu’s younger brother.
Kiyoshi Sawaizumi - Penguin
Chiyu’s grandfather.
Haruko Sawaizumi - Dark Gray Arctic Fox
Chiyu’s grandmother.
Teruhiko Hiramitsu - Tiger
Hinata’s father.
He is the owner of the Hiramitsu Animal Clinic.
Youta Hiramitsu - Antelope
Hinata’s older brother.
Works at his family’s animal clinic, Hiramitsu Animal Clinic.
Mei Hiramitsu - Antelope
Hinata’s older sister.
She operates the juice bar called Café Wonderful Juice.
Supporting People:
Dr. Hachisuka - French Bulldog
Is the doctor who looked after Nodoka when she was ill.
Since he couldn't do anything but watch Nodoka suffer, he quit being a doctor and became a researcher in an overseas institute.
Kawai-san - Brown Walrus
He is an employee at the Sawaizumi Hot Spring Inn, and an overall kind, helpful and nice man.
Tsubasa Takami - Brown Ocelot
Is in the Track and Field Club at Nishi Middle School.
She fails to beat Chiyu in the Autumn Track and Field Championships, so she vows to see Chiyu again in the World Championships.
Rina - Auburn British Shorthair
Hinata's friend.
Mina - Brown Ragamuffin
Hinata's friend.
Eriko Saito - Brown Persian
Is Hiramitsu Hinata's childhood friend.
She meets Hinata again after several years had passed, however she gets jealous since Hinata kept talking about Nodoka and Chiyu.
Kyousei Maruyama - Deer
He is Nodoka, Chiyu and Hinata's homeroom teacher, and is the father of Kouta.
He teaches science at Sukoyaka Middle School.
Kouta Maruyama - Deer
He is the son of Kyousei.
Michio Masuko - Dalmatian
He is the only member of the Sukoyaka Middle School Newspaper Club.
Previously: 💫🔭 | Next: 🌊🌴💄
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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Hello, can I ask from this wonderful ask game of yours:
For anime/manga : Toradora, Chihayafuru, Revolutionary Utena, and March Comes in like Lion....
Thanks 🌻
Omg, I don't know how I missed this (this ask is from March LOL)
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Let me start with Toradora!
Favorite Character: Taiga! I love her! I know she's very controversial but I think if you get her you get her and if you don't you don't. She's so interesting and complex and has great character development. However I think I love all 5 members of the main quintet equally so this was tough to pick lol
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: there are sooo many scenes that I love but the scene where Taiga goes to beat up Sumire and then Sumire proceeds to confess to Kitamura not knowing he's listening... peak cinema.
I also think the school festival arc is really fun and a great moment for Taiga and Ryuuji's development.
Character I Think is Underrated: Considering literally everyone hates Taiga I was inclined to say her, but I do think people tend to overlook/underestimate Kitamura so I am going to pick him :)
Character I Think is Overrated: I love every single character in Toradora and I think they all deserve hype so I honestly don't think anyone is overrated. I also don't interact with the fandom (if it even exists) often enough to know which character gets too much hype
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Basic af but I adore Taiga/Ryuuji so much. I think the way you get to see their relationship develop and their feelings for each other develop is so precious.
Although if I'm going non-canon, Minori and Ami have potential if you ask me!
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I've said this a million times before but Toradora has one of the most realistic representations of teenage love I've ever seen. I think it just nails the different ways love can manifest when you're a young person, and handles it with a lot more respect than some other pieces of media do.
Thank you for sending this ask! Sorry it's so late!! I will do the others in a separate post!
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