#your funny cursewords
windfighter · 9 months
Silly request but
Can y'all give me your favorite curse-words? Language doesn't matter but feel free to add a (literal) translation and short explanation on when you'd use it (not required but it would be nice) :3
My friend wanted a coloring book with cursewords and I wanted to make them one with a larger variety of words than the common ones you see on the internet/hear in sweden
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silliestlittledemon · 3 months
The 12th doctor caregiver headcanons!
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- He has had to cancel multiple lectures because he physically wasn't able to leave you alone for 2 hours.
- Loveeees yapping to you about his interests! Only when you're non verbal though, he's gets too embarrased when talking for so long when you're able to respond.
- He adores giving you a bunch of little kisses on the top of your head.
- He doesn’t leave you alone with Missy anymore when you regress. The last time he did so, she taught you about 20 new cursewords.
- He's too afraid to leave you on your own without anyone watching over you. That also counts for when you're sleeping, he'll just sit besides the bed, waiting for you to wake up.
- He's horrible at actually going through with punishments. Most of the time, he'll put you in the corner, look at you for a good twenty seconds and instantly decide you've been sitting there long enough.
- He attempted singing you a lullaby once but he thought it sounded horrible... and is now too embarrased to ever try singing again.
- ^ He's now learned how to play all your favourite lullabies on his guitar instead. ^
He uses a lot of innocent lies to get you to behave. Stuff like 'You know if you don't stop being naughty right now, the bogeyman's gonna come get you.'
- He always makes you hold his hand while walking out in public cause he's terrified you'll wander off without him.
- He isn't a huge fan of being called dad cause it makes him feel old. He manages to ignore that feeling for you though.
- He always carries some kind of comfort item around for you. Even when you're not around him he still always has something stuffed in his pockets.
- If you have long-ish hair he's constantly gonna want to put your hair in ponytails, braids and buns cause he thinks it makes you look absolutely adorable.
- He prefers taking care of baby regressors, just cause they're generally more quiet then older kids. Also cause he's able to hold baby regressors in his lap all the time.
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HURAY IVE MADE HEADCANONS AGAIN Brrrbr I really needed these... the past few weeks have been ROUGH 😞. Anywho, IVE GOTTEN SO HYPERFIXATED ON THIS OLD MAN IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE. He's taking up about 80% of my thoughts atm. Also I want to eat his hair
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wxnderlustfandoms · 2 years
sparks fly [yj! robin x reader]
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[not my gif]
pairing: [yj!robin x reader] (romantic), [yj team x reader] (platonic) 
description: You and Robin have known each other since you both became sidekicks at roughly the same time. And when you joined the team, you realized that you felt different with him than you did with anyone else. Maybe this mission will finally help you both confess your feelings
word count: 3799
warnings: robin, sb, and aqualad being overprotective, reader getting hurt, prolly like 2 cursewords
a/n: This is during the 5 year gap between season 1 and 2 so reader and dick (still robin) are both 16. Flora is your hero name
“Recently we’ve been getting reports of people going into the Forest of Eld and not coming out. A recent flyover by Captain Marvel confirms that there seems to be scorch marks in the trees, and some parts of the forest burnt away and reduced to ash.”
“I guess they named the forest correctly*,” You whispered to Superboy next to you and he smirked a little. 
“Your mission is, as always, recon. Go in, don’t get noticed, gather intel, get out. We don’t need 4 members of the team turned into char,” Batman explained the mission assignment you’d been called in for. 
Next to you, listening as well, were Superboy, Aqualad, and Robin. Miss Martian had taken a small squad in her bioship on another small assignment, meaning the four of you would have to take the Super Cycle. 
“Flora, Aqualad, you two especially need to be careful,” Batman turned to you both as he wrapped up. You both nodded and started to walk over to the S-Cycle as she folded out into the bike form. 
“You sure you’re both up for a mission that’s potentially throwing you into your weaknesses?” Robin asked, climbing into the seat right next to you.
“Of course. We can handle ourselves. It’s not like we can avoid any mission that could potentially expose us to our weaknesses. Risk like that comes with the job,” Kaldur explained. 
You nodded, agreeing. “Plus, I’ll just throw Superboy in front of the fire if it comes to it,” You joked, causing him to grunt. You knew he thought it was funny too. Ever since you helped Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad rescue him at Kadmus, he became like a brother to you. Of course, the entire team was very close and most of them were very protective of you, but Superboy was definitely the closest to real family to you. When Robin added to the joke, causing you all to laugh, you looked over at him. 
Now, with him, it was different. You didn’t feel as though he was your family. You felt strong emotions for him, and have since you met as sidekicks. You only recently figured those emotions out to be love. But you were stuck as friends. He had only just recently (2 months ago) broken up with Zatanna. And you didn’t want to compromise your position as his best friend (sorry Wally) and obviously didn’t want to make working with him on the team awkward, because you were sure he didn’t feel the same way. 
You all started to get your game faces on when you arrived at the forest. It was a good thing you all started to focus, because as soon as Superboy started bringing the S-Cycle down to land, a giant ball of fire came from the forest and hit the Cycle dead on, causing her to start falling. You took a hold of Robin and jumped out of the Cycle. Causing your descent to the ground to slow, as you controlled the air currents around you both to carry some of the weight. As you all reached the ground, Superboy and Kaldur being able to get themselves down, you all immediately went on guard.
“Well, that was a nice warm welcome,” You joked.
“Stay on guard,” Kaldur ordered as you all started moving into the thick of the trees. Eventually getting to a point where the thicket was so dense it was dark enough to barely be able to see two feet ahead of you. 
“Superboy, can you see anything with infrared?” Kaldur whispered.
“No,” Connor replied after he scanned the area. You, however, were not convinced. You closed your eyes and felt the earth around you with your powers and were able to see a group of people surrounding you, raising their hands in what you assumed would be an attack. You immediately reached out to hold as much of the surrounding air as possible and cause a large dome of rushing winds to surround you and your friends. Just in time too, as all of the people started cascading the dome with fire. It was like they all had flamethrowers. You stomped on the ground and caused vines to come up and catch every assailant you could feel just as your dome started to dissipate. The flames had all but stopped, but you didn’t have time to react when another person dropped from the trees and punched his fist out at you, a puff of flames coming directly at you and making contact with your upper arm. You let out a scream of pain and your teammates were immediately by your side, turning towards the attackers to protect you.
“Wait!” The attacker who burnt you, took a step closer, holding his flame out to provide light. Kaldur held his water sword towards him, telling him to not step any closer. “Robin, Superboy, Aqualad, and Flora! You guys are heroes!” He said, his voice filled with shock. 
“We do our best,” Superboy replied, still on guard.
“I am beyond sorry for attacking you, and for burning you,” He directed the last part of the statement to you, bowing slightly out of respect. You, who was still holding your scolding arm in pain, looked up to him in confusion, not completely believing his apology. Robin was the closest to you, holding an eskrima stick in one hand, and keeping his other one on your shoulder as a reminder that he was right there. While the man - well, he seemed to be no older than 18, so he wasn’t necessarily a full-grown man -  ordered his fighters to stand down, you all were still holding fighting stances, not letting your guards down. “There's no need to be on guard, we are on your side,” The teen boy in front of you said. 
“You have to realize how hard that is to believe. People have been disappearing in this forest, and there are scorch marks and ash everywhere.” You defended your team's actions.
“And you did just burn our teammate,” Robin added, keeping his arm pressed against yours. It was comforting to feel his touch, even in such a high-stress situation.
 “We can explain everything, but first we need to treat your friend’s burn,” The leader said. 
You all looked at each other. Being able to communicate without speaking would’ve been easier if Miss Martian was here, but none of you needed her telepathy to be able to come to a conclusion.
 “I can handle my burn myself, thank you. We would like the explanation,” You stated, crouching down to grow the plant you needed to treat your burn. Again, he bowed slightly to show he respected your wishes and began to explain the culture and nature of the people in his village.
“1000 years ago, the sun-blessed the leader of my village with a gift. The gift was to produce and control fire,” The man showed a small spark from the palm of his hand to emphasize the point. “The gift ended up being hereditary and now there is scarcely a person in the village who isn’t able to control fire.” While the man was explaining, Robin helped cover your wound and tie a leaf wrap around your upper arm. You whispered a small thanks and focused on the story he was telling.“The thing is, 30 years ago, our village was attacked and destroyed. Many of the villagers managed to escape. My father, who was 14 at the time, promised to rebuild the village and bring back any villagers who remained alive so that our village would thrive again. He has only just now finished the village completely, and the last few villagers are finally returning. The reason there have been reports of people disappearing is because the few people that have waited this long to return created lives for themselves outside the forest in order to survive before they could return, but they always meant to come back. I promise, no one is here that hasn’t decided of their free will.” 
You all looked at each other as the man finished his story. You four excused yourself to be able to discuss what you heard. 
“He was being sincere,” You told them, as you were able to feel his heartbeat stay steady and his breathing was normal while he spoke. “Or he’s just a really good liar.”
“Okay, so, we got our intel, should we go back?” Superboy asked.
“How? S-Cycle is still folded up to heal from the attack. We’re kind of stuck for a while. Besides, shouldn’t we, you know, check out the village to double-check their story?” You responded. Kaldur nodded, agreeing with you. 
“Okay, but you stay in between us while we walk there,” Robin said after hesitating to respond, obviously still worried about you. You gave him a look. “I know, you can handle yourself, and you did save us from being barbecued, but you still got hurt and I’m not about to let that happen again.” He replied, giving you an equally serious look. You sighed after seeing the Aqualad and Superboy felt the same and nodded. The group of fire wielders were very enthusiastic when you asked to see the village, and led you all through the forest. When you broke through the leaves to a bright clearing, it took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the light. But when they did, you couldn’t help letting your jaw slacken a little as you gaped at the sight before you. There weren’t any houses on the ground, there were stairs, ramps, and ladders up to the top part of the canopy where huge treehouses were built. Lanterns, string lights, and torches lit the way and made the village look almost magical. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” The man from before that was leading the group said to the team, but his gaze was focused on you. You nodded, not taking your eyes off of the treehouses and surrounding scenery. The rest of them were less focused on the scenery and were still on their guard, so they all caught the guys piercing gaze towards you, and none of them liked it. Especially not Robin, who moved closer to you, if that was even possible as he had been sticking to you like glue the whole time. “I’m Ray,” The man finally introduced himself, sticking his hand out towards you. You finally looked down and met his eye, glancing at his hand. You would feel bad if you didn’t shake his hand, but you still felt reluctant about trusting him. So when you didn’t shake his hand, his expression fell a bit, but it caused Robin to smirk next to you. Ray cleared his throat to clear the awkward air, “Well, would you like a tour of the village?” He asked, but yet again it seemed like he was only asking you. 
“Yes, we would appreciate that. Thank you,” You gave him a polite smile and motioned for him to lead the way. You caught how his expression fell slightly yet again. You were starting to feel very suspicious of the situation you and your teammates were in, but you needed to tread lightly to be able to figure it out without endangering them. As the tour concluded, you felt like you just hiked a mountain. The number of stairs you had to walk up and down was impressive. You were in shape enough to still be okay, but you definitely needed a bit of a break. 
“Flora, can I talk to you in private,” Ray asked, holding his hand out to you. 
“You can’t say it in front of my teammates?” You asked, quirking your eyebrow in suspicion. 
“It would be better to speak away from them,” He replied. 
“Fine, but somewhere they can still see us,” You answered, taking his hand and letting him lead you a bit away from the group. As you started walking, you looked at Superboy and gave him a slight movement that he knew meant to listen. 
“I think you would do well here.” Ray started. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I think you’re one of the most talented, beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I want you to stay here with me,” He said as he took both of your hands in his own.
“I’m not one of you. I don’t have fire powers. I do not belong here,” You replied, removing your hands from his grip, which was a bit hard because of how strong his grip was on you. 
“I’m disappointed to hear you say that. But I will still try to convince you that you belong here until your team decides to leave,” He said, a look of determination evident on his face, mixed with something a bit more malicious. You did not like the vibes on this guy at all. However, if you were going to find more out about the village, you needed him to trust you. 
“Hmm, I’ll think about it. Maybe you can tell me more about your village’s history, so I can become more familiar with everything,” You prompted. 
“I would love to! But unfortunately, it will have to wait until I have a meeting with our village leaders,” He explained, excusing himself with a bow. “I look forward to seeing you again.” 
You gave him a polite smile as you walked back to your team, and before you could divulge your plan to them, Superboy cut you off.
“You’ll ‘think about it’?” He asked, not amused at all. “Is this not the same man who just burnt you?” 
“What are you talking about?” You asked.
“SB told us about the convo you just had. You’re not seriously thinking about staying here, are you?” Robin asked.
“You cannot choose these people you just met over your friends,” Aqualad added.
“I ‘cannot’?” You were going to explain yourself until you heard that. “And who, exactly, said you could control what I do or do not? You may be the team leader but that does not mean you can tell me what decisions to make with my life,” You tried controlling your voice, but it started to get a bit aggressive. You understood that they were only trying to look out for you, but you were fed up with them treating you like you were breakable, someone they had to constantly baby, and you were certainly fed up with them trying to make decisions for you. 
“Flora, calm down,” Aqualad tried to get you to contain your voice, but also your powers as the wind started to pick up. You sighed and looked away from them, taking a deep breath to control yourself. 
“Flor-” Robin started to speak but you cut him off.
“I need some time by myself, to think.” You put emphasis on the last word, hoping it would get them to reflect on their choice of words while you calmed down away from them. You settled on a high platform in the middle of the village, your feet swinging off the side. You looked over the village and observed what they were doing, the buildings people were going in, and the places they avoided. You were trying to do what you originally came here to do, but you heard footsteps behind you. You had memorized the breathing pattern of the person so you didn’t even need to look over as they sat down next to you to know it was the same Boy Wonder you fell in love with years ago. You sighed, and played around with your hands, fidgeting as you started apologizing. 
“Listen, I know you guys just want to protect me and get the mission done, so I’m sorry I added more drama in the mix. I was just trying to find out more about the village,” You explained looking over at him, your cheeks flushing a little as you saw how close your faces were, and how his eyes gently looked into yours. 
“I’m the one who should apologize. You’re a powerful, talented member of the team, and you’re capable of taking care of yourself. But I just… I can’t stand seeing you in pain so when I know I can try to prevent it, I do,” He looked down, avoiding your gaze.You reached out and cupped his cheek with your hand and gently brought his gaze back to you. 
“Getting hurt comes with the job, but knowing you’re there for me makes all the difference,” You explain. “Thank you.”
You smile softly, looking at his mask-covered eyes wondering if they were filled with the same look of love and admiration that yours were. You felt the distance between your faces close and your lips press against each other delicately. You felt sparks fly in your mind and butterflies in your stomach. The wind around you started whipping around you both in a circle, and unbeknownst to you, flowers sprouted in your hair. When you separated, you kept your eyes closed for a second, lightly smiling until you heard robin chuckle, feeling the air of his laugh on your cheek because of how close you two still were. You opened your eyes and looked at him with a questioning look and he reached into your hair and picked out one of the flowers, showing it to you. Your eyes opened wide in surprise. 
“That’s new,” You said, your voice nearly above a whisper.
“For me too,” He joked, saying he’s never had a reaction to his kisses like that before. You laughed with him before pressing your lips against his again. However, this kiss was shorter as you heard someone clear their throat near the tree. You and Robin separated quickly and looked over, now on guard as you both stood up. When you saw Ray, leaning against the tree, you sensed something completely different about him. Robin caught onto it too and moved in front of you a bit. You couldn’t help but smirk ever so slightly at his over-protective nature kicking in again, but you found it so endearing about him. Focusing on Ray as he started speaking, his voice void of that obviously fake friendly manner. 
“It’s a shame, I did try to warn you, Flora. I mean, I obviously wasn’t explicit, but you’re a smart girl, I know you caught onto my little act. If only you were a bit smarter and promised to stay here with us, and be on my side. I could’ve saved you from all of the hurt you’re about to feel.” He taunted, obviously not scared at all as he was nonchalantly looking down at his nails, and still hadn’t separated from the tree. 
“So was anything you said to me true? Because I’d hate to have to figure out the truth of your village on top of kicking your ass,” You mixed the threat in, trying to get to the bottom of what was happening. 
“It's true that the legend of our village says we got our power from the sun, and it’s true that our village was attacked 30 years ago, but it wasn’t by any opposing village. It was by our own. Traitors, who opposed my grandfather’s rule. He was a great leader, making plans to expand our village and spread our gift to the rest of the world. But there were some, short-minded families who believed that it was wrong, and we needed to stay within our forest. A civil war broke out, killing my grandfather. Once he was dead, the village was abandoned. Both sides retreated. When my father returned a year later, he promised to take vengeance on any of the families that killed his grandfather. Those are the people who have been “disappearing”. They don’t deserve your pity, they're traitors.” He told the story, finally stepping towards you two, causing you to shift into a more secure fighting position.
“It’s not your place to decide who lives or dies, and it’s definitely not a welcome idea to try to force your way of life onto other people,” You explain, though you knew he was way past reason. 
“It’s disappointing to hear you say that,” He said, looking away from you for a second, before quickly turning back and fire two streams of fire directly at you two. It was your turn to move in front of Robin and quickly blast the attack away from the two of you. You quickly took his moment of blindness to your advantage and moved up to him, scratching your skin and releasing a toxic mix of plants, inducing sleep. He tried to fight it, grabbing your arm, which you quickly grabbed his and sent him flying into the tree bark. He groaned and fell on the floor, knocked out.
“All bark and no bite…” You quipped, looking at Robin with a goofy expression before pointing at the bark and then the man passed out on the ground. He rolled his eyes before grinning as well, pulling you in close with one arm. 
“And I didn’t even have to do anything,” He said.
 “Of course not, I couldn’t let you get into harm's way. I can’t stand seeing you in pain so when I knew I could try to prevent it, I did,” You quoted him from earlier and he smirked down at you. 
Once you got the violent villagers in custody, you finally went back to the cave. 
“So I heard you guys had an eventful mission,” M’gann said, flying over to you all as you arrived through zeta tube. She ran and hugged Superboy. 
“Yeah, something like that,” You looked at Robin and smiled and he smiled back at you.
“Hah! You owe me $30!” Artemis yelled at Wally. 
“What? You don’t even know if they’re official or not, are you guys… dating?” He looked at you two. You both just smiled at him.
“Aw, man! How’d you even notice?” He threw his hands up in the air as he forked over the cash to his girlfriend. 
“Just look at them, they’ve got lovey-dovey-new-couple written all over them,” Artemis explained.
“Yeah, but they’ve always been like that,” Superboy pointed out.
 “Hey! You know what that means! We can go on triple dates!” M’gann said excitedly to you six. “....Sorry Kaldur. You can come too?” 
“I will pass, but thank you for offering” He responded lightheartedly. You all laughed and you leaned over to give your new boyfriend a peck on the check.
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dalliansss · 1 year
If the prompts are still up, Curufin saying the ‘i think I am a comedian’ prompt from the intoxication ones with some Finrod/Curufin? 🏳️‍🌈
intoxication starters
“I’m telling you, I’m the funniest person in the world right now. I should be a stand-up comedian!”
Celegorm eyes his brother askance; Curufin was drunk -- drunker than what he would normally tolerate himself to be. It is beyond wobbling steps and biting jokes now; this time, he has crossed the threshold that he has not, ever, even in Aman: he is delirious, and he's babbling. Celegorm thinks that he should have stopped Curufin three bottles earlier, but he had allowed his brother to continue dousing himself with the mulled wine.
He knows that it has something to do with Curufin sneaking about in their suites, holding his own shoes and trying to be silent, forgetting that his brother is a Great Hunter of Oromë; had keener senses than most Eldar, and that they had Huan in the suites with them. Celegorm had heard Curufin trying to shush Huan, and he'd gotten out of bed, stunned, and opened the door. Curufin was indeed there, holding his own shoes, trying to shush Huan. The wolfhound was excited, wagging his tail, looking expectant.
But what made Celegorm gape was the fact that Curufin looked as if he had been mauled by a beast: his brother's usually pristine, ponytailed hair a cloud of messy tangles, his tunic half askew, and under the candlelight Celegorm could clearly see love marks dotting Curufin's neck and clavicle area.
That, and his brother smelled so much like their cousin Ingoldo that it was obscene.
They'd stared at each other. Curufin clammed up, glared, and spat vitriol, snarling, don't ask me questions and I'll tell you no lies! and Celegorm, easy-going, simply raised his hands and gaped as Curufin escaped to the bathroom.
So now, five days later, Curufin gets himself as drunk as Tulkas during the High Feast at Almaren, slurring, throwing cursewords at some inexistent opponent or else himself, and now he declares himself to be a stand-up comedian, and he is funny.
Manwë's sinful nostrils, Curufin could be funny, if he shed all the scowling.
"Why are you funny then, hanno? Tell me," Celegorm asks, deciding to humor his brother. He has an arm around Curufin's shoulders.
Curufin sways in his seat, and his bottle of wine escapes his grip, falling to the carpeted floor with an odd thunk, spilling the drink there, staining the carpet a deep, bruise-like purple.
"I fucked Ingoldo," Curufin tells him this as if he had unearthed how to make new Silmarils. "I fucked him, and he fucked me, and I had a grand old time, Ulmo's tentacles, Turko, how can an Elda have such a sinful little--" He gesticulates with his hands, eyes wide, like an overexcited elfling being presented with food. Celegorm knew he would try to bounce too if he removed the arm by his shoulder.
"Okay," Celegorm says, without missing a beat. "What does Ingoldo have to do with your being a comedian?"
"Because the--because the damn elf plays me like a---a----like one of his harps!!" Curufin declared hotly, turning to him and shoving him on the chest. It would be otherwise painful but Curufin is too drunk for any real strength. "And-- I--- can't---stop---!"
Celegorm whistles. By the Valar, Ingoldo, what-- did you suck his fëa out of his cock--?
Curvo lets out an angry, frustrated, petulant growl. He stands-- sways dangerously enough that Celegorm leaps onto his feet, ready to catch him, but Curufin doesn't fall. He clutches handfuls of his dark hair, and in his drunken frustration he eerily resembles Fëanáro, so much so that Celegorm took a step backwards.
"He's driving me mad, he's driving me mad," Curufin babbles, eyes wild. "He knows what he's doing, the snake. Ha! The emblem of his house is rightly a snake! Fuck him! Fuck him! He knows he's got his fragrant finger wrapped around me, fuck him-- I won't---nobody will take him from me, Turko! Nobody!"
An outraged cry from the shorter elf, and Celegorm freezes as Curufin grabs him by the shoulders and attempts to shake him. This is very funny, because in their family, Curufin is the shortest of the lot.
"I'll kill anyone who tries to take Ingoldo from me! I'll kill them! I'll cut them in half with Angrist! Maim them--"
"Ai, you do that, Curvo," Celegorm says, internally cringing. He frees himself from his brother's hold, and he sits Curufin back down. "You do that. You show those perverted lords and Edain who's residing up Ingoldo's Telerin skirt, you show them, dammit."
"I'll sunder with Helwë completely, and I'll wed him!" Curufin declares. "I will! Then I will be King Consort of Nargothrond! Nelyo--- Nelyo can't look down on me then! Bastard! Look, I got the crown you threw away! I got it back! I got it b--"
Ah, yes, Celegorm thinks as the vomiting begins. He nudges the wooden bucket in front of Curufin, who grabs it, holds onto it, and begins emptying his stomach into it.
He watches, still, as Curufin relocates near the bed, hugging his bucket, and leans his head on one of the bed posts. "I got a plan. I got a plan. I got a plan. Laugh, Turko. I'm a comedian. Laugh, fuck you. Laugh."
"Uh-huh," Celegorm stands. Time to make the trip to Lady Eliril, ask her for her most potent hangover cure. "You stay there and stay alive, eh, Curvo?" He whistles, and Huan comes bounding into the room, tail wagging. "Watch over our poor, besotted drunken elf, will you, boy? Good."
Celegorm leaves, and Huan plants himself beside Curufin, and Curufin leans into the wolfhound's fur now, babbling still about golden hair, jewelry, perfume, and lips that he, Curufin, can't stop kissing.
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lixenn · 6 hours
Asks for Davey boy!
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings? (If spoilers, pls ignore!)
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
And Bonus question!
What cursewords does he use?
Hello there Muffin! Thanks for sending in some questions for the chaos gremlin 💜✨
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings? (If spoilers, pls ignore!)
Davey-boy is an only child, so no siblings here. Sometimes he wishes that he had one, thinking that life would be less lonely that way. However it wasn't meant to be and he grew up alone instead.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Hmmm well all of his partners are sexual in nature and he sleeps around a lot so that really varies. Luss calls him sweetheart, others go for handsome or baby. He's fine with those, they don't particulary fluster him, they simply make him a bit gooey depending on the situation. However, pet names including the word "love" are a no go! Psychic damage! Pain! Suffering! Release him from this hell! (Dave has a difficult relationship with love)
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
Dave speaks casually which includes a lot of slang and abbreviations. That boy can babble a lot if you let him, he has a motormouth. As a result he kinda resorts to filler words to fill the silence and keep the momentum going. Like, totally, dude, yeah, y'know are all in his arsenal and he uses them often.
What cursewords does he use?
Dave knows a lot of cursewords. From the most vile thing that will ever come from someones mouth to so fucking weird it turns funny, Dave's heard it all. He tends to prefer the silly ones like butthead, nincompoop, dunderhead etc. because Dave likes being a childish brat. That doesn't mean he won't curse your entire bloodline Xanxus-style if you mess with him or his friends though. It very much depends on the situation.
(Technically speaking since everyone in the Varia knows mulitple languages in my AU he would use different languages for cursing too. But the only languages I'm fully fluent in are German and English and I prefer sticking to one language entirely for writing, so I only mentioned english ones here.)
misc ask game
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imagineyourworld · 2 years
Notes and Gifts
Steven Grant x Genderneutral!Reader 
Summary: I honestly don’t know how to describe it... But it’s fluffy and a bit nerdy and Steven just deserves some love 
Warnings: Donna being... Donna, maybe a curseword, no mentions of DID/insomnia/etc, so I hope it’s safe for everyone to read 
It was Wednesday when Steven found the first note. Your smile is brighter than Ra. Of course that made him smile, how could it not. Though he very much doubted that anything about him could be compared to the mighty sun-god, he had learned not to question the few good things in his life, and there really only were three. First was Gus. His best friend, the one who was always there for him and didn’t mind him talking about ancient Egypt or his weird dreams. Second was ancient Egypt. Its mythology, culture, and artefacts provided him with something to do in the night, something to look forward to the next morning. He could escape to ancient Egypt the way others were sucked into a movie. And last but not least, there were the notes. The note stuck to his locker that Wednesday had only been the first of many. Others followed, usually stuck to his locker, sometimes slid inside, and one time on top of the cash register when he was just about to start work. Though finding that note was less of a joyful occasion, as Steven soon came to realise. He had only just finished reading a corny joke about how much Seth would hate London and its weather when the note was ripped from his fingers. ”What’cha got there, Stevie?” Out of everyone in the museum, the entire city of London, of course it had to be Donna who found him reading the latest note. ”Fancy yourself to be funny now, do you? At least it’s better than the poem stuck to your locker last week, as if love could bring anyone back from the dead.” Donna’s mean words didn’t surprise Steven in the least, what did surprise him was that instead of handing the note back to him with a frown she ripped it apart, tore it into little pieces. ”Throw that out, will you? And then get back to work.” In times like these the voice inside his head got louder, told him to stand up for himself, to do or say something, but all Steven, despite his best efforts, could do was to turn around and disappear into the corridor behind the register. He made his way downstairs, into the employee breakroom and to his locker, where he carefully placed what was left of the note. He couldn’t just throw it away. It had made him smile, just like every other note this mysterious person had left behind. ”Hey, Steven”, a quiet voice sounded from behind him. Slowly he turned around, a bit embarrassed that he wasn’t alone in the breakroom, only to come face to face with you. ”(Y/N), hi. Hey. Hi.” ”Hi,” you said with a small smile. A smile! You didn’t laugh at him the way Donna would have. Part of him knew you wouldn’t do that, even though he had only spoken to you a couple of times he knew you were kind and just as socially awkward as he was, but working with Donna every day of the week just had him expecting everyone to be mean to him. ”Shouldn’t you be at work?” Steven nodded. Of course he should be, Donna would already be mad that he had been gone for longer than the two seconds it should have taken him to throw the note in the trash. ”I just came downstairs to put something in my locker. Something important. And personal,” he said, quickly adding the last bit to keep you from asking any more questions. Though he didn’t mistrust you, he just wanted to keep the notes between him and whoever sent them. ”Right... Well, maybe I’ll see you around. I’ve been meaning to stop by the gift shop to pick up something for my neighbour’s daughter. It’s her fifth birthday on Saturday and she’s been obsessed with Egypt recently.” You pushed ran a hand through your hair, which drew Steven’s attention towards your face. Your eyes were a little wider than usual, your hair, usually so shiny, looked a little dull under the LED lights, but there was a smile on your lips. The lips Steven felt himself staring at for just a second too long. What would it be like to steal a kiss from those lips? To spend an evening out in town, eating and drinking and talking, to walk you back home and kiss you goodbye? Quickly he shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. You were his colleague, one of the few who were actually nice to him, and he couldn’t mess that up. ”Why don’t you come to the gift shop after closing today? I can help you pick something out.” You nodded enthusiastically. “That would be great. Thank you, Steven.” 
Thankfully Donna left just minutes after the last costumer. Usually Steven loved those few minutes he got to spend alone in the museum, the chance to wander through the galleries after everyone had gone home, today he found himself looking forward to not being alone. Ten minutes after closing he had cleaned up his workspace and put the cash in the safe. Fifteen minutes after closing he had restocked a shelf that didn’t really need restocking. Half an hour after closing he had given up hope. You weren’t coming. Maybe he had been too forward, had unconsciously done something to scare you off. Maybe he had ruined his chance of the two of you being more than coworkers. Thirty-five minutes after closing he shouldered his back and began to walk towards the exist, when someone shouting his name made him stop in his tracks. ”Wait! Steven, please wait!” He turned around to find you hurrying towards him, a rucksack in one hand and a small box in the other. Finally you came to a halt right in front of him and, still trying to catch your breath, handed him the box. ”Sorry, I’m sorry. I was writing an article and I lost track of time, so I had to hurry to the museum café to get you this,” you panted, gesturing to the box. “To thank you for helping me.” Steven didn’t know what to say. He looked from you to the box and back again, and only after you encouraged him with a quiet “go on” did he carefully open the box. ”Is that...?” ”It’s a chocolate scarab,” you confirmed, a proud smile on your face. “It’s vegan, made from oat-milk, and fair trade.” Steven opened his mouth, but the words of thanks didn’t come out. A couple of tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled a wobbly smile at you. ”You shouldn’t have.” You shook your head. “I think you deserve a little sweetness in your life. Though I doubt the chocolate scarab is anywhere near as sweet as you.” Steven looked at you, his eyes wide, the gratitude replaced by shock. Could it be... Could you be the one who has been sending him all those notes? Your words almost exactly mirrored a note he had received just last week. ”Should we pick out a gift now?”
“You said your neighbour’s daughter is turning five, right? Usually at that age they either like the stuffed animals or anything that’s either loud, sparkly, or neon.” You looked around the gift shop, noticing all the little trinkets. ”What would you pick?” The question didn’t surprise Steven, it was one he was asked on a daily basis, and usually he would hand costumers one of their best selling products and they’d be on their merry way. But you weren’t just any costumer, you were someone he, for reasons he couldn’t quite decipher, wanted to impress, so he walked around the shop for a while before coming to a decision. ”Either this,” he said, handing you a stuffed hippopotamus, “or this and this.” A ball with ancient Egyptian deities and a night light in the form of the eye of Horus followed. ”Usually children prefer cats, but I think they are a bit basic, so I’d go with a hippopotamus. Ancient Egyptians encountered them when travelling on the Nile and they could be quite dangerous, not this one though. It’s fluffy.” Steven stepped closer to you and, after hesitating tor a moment, lifted his hand to stroke the stuffed animal you were holding. He was now closer to you than he had ever been before, so close that he could smell your perfume in the air, feel the heat radiating off your body. ”As for the ball, it lights up, children love that. And the eye of Hours is a symbol of good triumphing over evil, it offers protection and wards off disease and evil. Horus was one of the most important gods in ancient Egypt he had the head-” ”- of a falcon and was the protector of kings,” you and Steven finished at the same time. Smiles lit up both of your faces. ”Sorry, I can go on and on about this if no one stops me. Feel free to stop me,” Steven told you, his smile slowly vanishing. Quickly you shook your head. “No! I like listening to you talk about ancient Egypt.” His eyes met yours for the first time that night. He couldn’t read any lie out of them. ”Are you sure? I don’t want to bore you, I know history can be a bit tedious.” You shook your head again. ”You forget, I am a historian. There’s nothing more than talking about history, especially with yo- others who are passionate about it.” Luckily, Steven didn’t seem to notice what you had almost let slip. Before Steven could say anything a loud voice interrupted the two of you. ”Hey, lovebirds, get out of here, we need to close up.” Heat rose to your cheeks, not only because of what the security guard had called the two of you, but also because of how easy it was to lose track of time around Steven. ”Do you want me to... I could... Would you like... Where do you live?” Steven internally groaned at how much he had messed a simple question up. All he wanted to do was offer to walk you home and now he sounded like a stalker. ”Not far from here, Southampton Place. It’s just a fifteen minute walk.” In other words, they don’t want me to walk them home, Steven thought. ”Okay then...,” he said as you stepped out the door and made your way down the stairs together. Wordlessly you began to walk to the bus stop with Steven, a comfortable silence between the two of you, until suddenly you came to a realisation. ”I left the gifts! God, I’m such an idiot. I was just so caught up in-” ”It’s alright,” Steven interrupted your rambling. “I can put them aside and give them to you after work tomorrow.” You nodded. “Tomorrow. I guess that means I’ll see you tomorrow, Steven.” Quickly, before your courage left you, you leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss to Steven’s cheek. Suddenly Steven was really glad that the sun had set and the streetlights weren’t bright enough for you to see him blushing. ”Bye,” you called over your shoulder as you began to walk away from the bus stop where Steven stood. ”Laters, gators,” he whispered into the quiet night.
It wasn’t until much later that night, after the sound of his empty stomach rumbling had distracted Steven from his books, that he noticed the note underneath the chocolate scarab you had given him. It wasn’t so much the piece of paper as the familiar handwriting that caught his attention.
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docidoci · 3 years
Path of Radiance and localising quirks: Part 1 ½
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It's a good time to very briefly talk about translating character speech patterns and what FE9's localisers chose to do about it. I expect most fans reading this to have heard of the topic in one way or another; treat this note as a refresher on the main characters.
First things first, the OG JP scripts tend to be curt in places, for a lack of better description. A literal translation would have been rather dry and might be unable to convey the "mood" information available in the degrees of politeness or the choice of grammatical structures not present the target language.
English localisations normally choose to deal with this situation by piling up extra descriptions. On one hand, it allows FE readers (players) to perceive the script more like they would perceive a native language fiction book and suspend their disbelief about characters not talking "like real people"; the text flows better. On the other, adding that extra flavourful wordmass allows to accidentally add information that is contradictory with the rest of the story/character. (At times - not so accidentally.) Add not being aware of plans for FE10 to the situation at hand and we'll see it plenty of times in FE9.
One funny thing we see a lot of in the JP script is characters talking with ellipses. Ike does it a lot, Soren does it a lot, and I'm sure other characters don't manage to do it as often because their screentime is limited and they need to use it more productively. Readers are expected to understand the context around it: whether the character is disapproving, or sad, or too lost for words. I'll be blunt, most of those occurrences are simply replaced with remarks and exclamations that don't mean much. Only more noticeable/often quoted places might be pointed out further on.
Outside of that, JP!Ike is generally not a super talkative person, especially with strangers. Unlike his EN counterpart, who sounds like a somewhat "middle-class" guy, if without any knowledge of the world, JP!Ike sounds like whatever education he had really didn't stick to him. He addresses everyone in the same "low politeness" language using not many "complicated" words or phrases. It seems that when he does use an uncommon word, like when talking to Sanaki about "remuneration" at one point of FE10, it's almost certain that Soren used it before. Would JP!Ike use low-key cursewords like shit? Absolutely, yes. Would he say We were greatly aided by your arrival? Not really.
JP!Soren also talks in the same language to everyone, which is "neutrally polite". I would call it "newspaper language", neither using the rude/plain tone nor the extra polite one. He doesn't ever curse, it's the content of his speeches that is brutal. His vocabulary is as big as you would expect it, of course to the constraints of a game aimed at a teenage audience. He is a mostly restrained and outwardly non-emotional sort of character, at least before going through his existential crisis. EN!Soren being portrayed as a rather angry guy, while an understandable consequence of trying to translate the original perception of his coolness as rudeness, also lessens the effect of him suddenly showing emotions the few times he does.
JP!Titania talks like a normal educated person who you would expect to see in Crimean Knights. Bless her. She is not quite as sassy as EN!Titania, I don't think she uses cursewords, but she is definitely assertive in speech. From the way they communicate, I would note that JP!Titania is not in any sort of personal conflict with JP!Soren. Surely they are both standing for their position, but the EN script kind of makes it feel personal for entertainment value.
…This is getting long for a brief reminder. I'll give notes on some side characters when we meet them in the script.
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migilini · 4 years
Give Me Attention - Charlie Gillespie
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summary: Zoomcalls Classes with a bored Charlie
a/n: a/n: Don't quite know what this is but it was stuck in my head so here ya go.
words: 1.5k
warnings: some arguing, cursewords and pure fluff
Requests are open :)
Most of the time if someone asked how living with Charlie went you answered with ‘great, literally so amazing, he brings a smile to my face every day. And you meant it, at least most of the time. You loved the way he was awake long before you even dare to open your eyes and the fact that because of that there was always a freshly made coffee just waiting for you on the counter. You loved the way that he danced in the kitchen with you while he cooked dinner and the way the bedsheets always smelled like him. Yet, you weren’t gonna lie, especially the first couple of corona moths have taken a little toll on your relationship.
“Charlie, do you have to rehearse your lines in the living room?” you asked irritated, crossing your legs under the kitchen table you currently sat at.
“But here I have the most space to move around. I gotta move around. You also said that we can go over our lines together.” he whined from the living room. At this moment you cursed the fact that you had moved into an apartment with a connected kitchen and living room. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was, especially when you had friends over, but right now it was only trouble.
“I know babe, but I have this essay due tomorrow and I haven't had the chance to start because we’ve been on set and in so many meetings.”
“Then you work somewhere else?”
“This is the only room with a table!” you protested, gesturing to the table your school books, notes and laptop were scattered on.
“You chose to pursue acting and finish your degree!” he shot back, getting worked up over this simple thing. The hurt flashed in your eyes making him instantly regret his words.
“I’m sorry that my education is important to me Charlie and that I wanted to finish my last one and a half years at College.” You stood up and grabbed your things “Have fun running your lines.” Charlie only heard the bedroom door slam shut and winced at the sound.
He knew better than to immediately run after you, so he waited about ten minutes before approaching. He knocked on the door and leaned on the doorframe. “Baby come back out. I’m sorry. It's just...I had a bad day, couldn't remember any of my lines, and even though we live together I feel like we rarely see each other... both so busy with the show and I… I don't know, I let my frustration out on you.”
The door opened and you hugged him tightly “I’m sorry as well. I could've just worn headphones. I’m stressed and let it out on you as well. I’m so sorry.” you muttered into his chest.
Charlie kissed your head and asked, “Can I help you with College stuff?”
Arguments like these happened a lot during the starting months of the pandemic. Both of you stressed and tired, basically working your asses off and still trying to be caring for one another. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but after a storm of an argument, the clouds faded away and the sun came back out.
During the timespan from April to August, your boyfriend was bored, very bored. There sadly weren't many acting opportunities, there was not much to do in general and the press tour for JATP was scheduled after its release in September. You on the other hand had lots to do with school, participating in online classes, catching up on the material you missed last semester, writing essays and studying.
“Babeee…” he whined and propped his head up behind your laptop screen so just his eyes looked over it. “Watcha doiinn?”
“Pack it up Isabella…” you grinned at him “Currently working on a project due next week and I have a class in five minutes”
“What class?” he popped his head up a bit more, his whole face hovering just slightly in front of you. “Economics.”
“Boooriiing” he dragged out and rolled his eyes “Don’t you wanna do something more fun? Like Wii bowling, cooking, me.” he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“As tempting as that sounds, I can't, this class is really important...sorry bubbs.” you looked up at him apologetically and pushed your computer glasses up your nose.
“Fine” he sulked, “give me a kiss and I'll leave you alone.”
You smiled and went to lean closer to his face, with one hand he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you closer. One kiss, two kisses, three kisses later, you tried to pull back. “One more,” he muttered against your lips and you caved.
And he really did leave you alone until you were done with all your classes. But another day meant another day full of classes and work. You quickly build your own little routine. Charlie still woke up earlier than you and greeted you in the kitchen with a smile, a coffee and a kiss. Then he would go on a run and you would start your first couple classes. He would come back, shower, prepper your face with ‘motivation kisses and then try to get your attention for the rest of the day.
“Braid my hair.” he wailed like a little kid and put his head on your lap. You looked down at him for a split second, your hand immediately tangled in his hair.
“That can’t be comfortable for you.” You chuckled and scanned his figure, the side of his right hip on the chair next to you, both arms and legs hanging loosely to the ground, his head on your lap.
“It totally is,” he muttered, barely audible because his face was nuzzled between your crossed legs.
“If you say so bubbs,” you said and tried not to laugh, your fingers playing with some strands of hair.
“Miss Y/LN what is the answer to question 4?” the professor asked you and totally ripped you out of your thoughts. “Oh shit...class.” you cursed and looked over your notes before unmuting yourself “the national bank sir?” you tried but it sounded more like a question than a confident answer.
“I know you're sitting at home and this is a difficult situation for all of us but don’t get distracted. We don't want your grades slipping…” you nodded and shot charlie a quick look. He half layed on your lap for the rest of the day, drawing little patterns on your legs, occasionally he got up to get a glass of water or some notebooks for you.
You liked to say that he annoyed you and sometimes he really did but you mostly found it endearing. But he did know how to distract you.
“I’m gonna work out here alright?” he questioned and put down his weights he took out of a closet in the hall. To focused on your note writing, your professor's voice ringing through the room you only nodded your head and barely looked up.
As your professor started to ramble on and on about a topic that you already had last semester, your eyes started to wander through the room and got stuck on a particular thing. The thing was working out and still looked absolutely delicious, he was currently lifting weights and his cake was on full display for you.
A tone shift of your professor brought you back to the zoom class but it didn't take long for you to be distracted again. After his workout, Charlie showered and was now just casually chilling shirtless on the couch a couple of feet away from you. His new tattoo shining brightly in your direction.
“What is more important than my class Miss Y/LN?” the same teacher that always catches you slacking piped up. Charlie's head shot up and he winked at you. “J-just a bird,” you said shyly, your cheeks heating up.
Not even ten minutes later, there was a movement in the corner of your camera. You tried to ignore it and listen to one of your classmates' presentations.
“You also want a coffee?” Charlie asked you over the counter.
“Yes please.” you shot him a thumbs up.
Whilst the coffee machine was rattling in the background, your classmate finished the presentation and that meant that it was your turn. Time Management was never you and Charlie's strength and so just as you were in the spotlight option of the call, Charlie walked up behind you.
“Char..I-” you tried to stop him.
“Here is your coffee ma love,” he said lovingly, still shirtless by the way, bending down to give you a kiss on your shoulder before placing the cup on your table. You awkwardly froze and stared at the screen in front of you.
“That’s a funny bird.” was all that your professor said while another classmate piped up with a “He’s kinda hot.”
“So uhm…” you chuckled, your cheeks and ears bright red. “I choose this topic because…”
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creoterative · 2 years
Incorrect TWDG Quotes
Info: Took ma bois Marlon and Louis and threw them in the Incorrect Quotes Generator, have fun xD
warnings: I think.... spoilers? and cursewords
Louis: I made tea. Marlon: I don’t want tea. Louis: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Marlon: Then why are you telling me? Louis: It is a conversation starter. Marlon: That’s a lousy conversation starter. Louis: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Louis: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Marlon: Killed without hesitation. Louis: No.
Louis: What are your goals? Marlon: To pet all the dogs. Louis: No, fitness goals. Marlon: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Louis: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen! Marlon: Really? Name one law Louis: Don't kill people? Marlon: That's on me. I set the bar too low.
Louis: This is such a bad idea. Marlon: Then why are you coming along? Louis: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Louis: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Marlon: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Marlon: You're right. Louis: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Louis: Marlon! My face is on fire! Marlon: Louis! Are you ok?! Louis: Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly. Marlon: But your face is on fire. Louis: Yes. It's much faster than shaving.
Louis: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Marlon: What's that? Louis: Remorse code. Marlon: I'm even angrier now.
Louis: Where are you going? Marlon: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Louis: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Marlon: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Louis: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Louis: How many kids do you have? Marlon: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Louis: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something. Marlon: Louis, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Marlon: So that’s my plan. Louis: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean. Marlon: No, go ahead, I want to hear it. Louis: It fucking sucks. Marlon: That’s not constructive criticism.
Marlon: Can you please be serious for five minutes? Louis: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Louis: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Marlon: Only if you also don't ask why Marlon: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick. Louis: Marlon: Louis: This one is fine
Louis, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know! Marlon: How? Louis: How what? Marlon: How could they be worse? Louis: They couldn’t, I lied. Marlon:
Louis: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Marlon: Marlon: Louis, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Louis: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Louis: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Marlon, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Louis: Louis: fsh
Louis: You often use humor to deflect trauma Marlon: Thank you Louis: I didn't say that was a good thing Marlon: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Marlon, struggling to keep upright in his 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Louis, pointing at him and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
Louis: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Marlon: It’s not a joke. Marlon: *sniffles* Marlon: I’m a legit snack.
Louis, pointing: May I sit there? Marlon: That's my lap Louis: That doesn't answer my question, Marlon.
Louis, tending to Marlon's headshot wound: How would you rate your pain? Marlon: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Louis: What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent? Marlon: Go the fuck to sleep Louis: What gif I don't want to? Marlon: Fuck You
Louis: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Marlon, not looking up from their book: Spear. Louis: BLOCKED.
Louis: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Marlon: You mean literally or figuratively? Louis: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Louis: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Marlon: You and me!!! Louis, tearing up: Okay.
Louis: Hey, you want some leftovers? Marlon: What's that? Louis: You've never had leftovers??? Marlon: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Louis: *Accidentally hits Marlon in the face* Louis: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'* Louis: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Marlon: What’s wrong with you?!
Louis: Here's some advice Marlon: I didn't ask for any Louis: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me
Marlon: I'm a reverse necromancer. Louis: Isn't that just killing people? Marlon: Ah, technicality.
Louis: What is your biggest weakness? Marlon: I can be uncooperative. Louis: Okay, can you give me an example? Marlon: No.
Louis: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Marlon: Oh, I’m always running Marlon: The question is from what
Louis: So what’s for dinner? Marlon, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.
Louis: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars. Marlon: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
Louis: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise Marlon: I beg to differ Louis: Then Beg
Louis: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Marlon: I'm sorry is this OUR gunshot wound? Stay out of it.
Marlon: Louis... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Louis: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Marlon: Marlon: I wrote sanitize, Louis.
Louis: You love me, right, Marlon? Marlon: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Louis: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you Marlon: 10 times 0 is still 0 though Louis: Jokes on you, I can't do math
Louis: Must be hard not being able to laugh Marlon: I do have a sense of humor you know Louis: I’ve never heard you laugh before Marlon: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Marlon: I can explain. Louis: Can you? Marlon: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Marlon: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine! Louis: How can you still say that? Marlon: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Marlon: Am I going too far? Louis: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Louis: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate, or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate? Marlon: I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.
Louis: Marlon and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Marlon: Sentences. Louis: Don't interrupt me.
Marlon: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds. Louis: FORTY FIVE SECONDS?!? Marlon: No! Four to five seconds! Louis: Too late!!!
Louis: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume? Marlon: *chugs entire bottle* Marlon: It’s perfume.
Louis: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Marlon: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Louis: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Louis: How petty can you get? Marlon: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Louis: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Marlon: Three words? Louis:
Louis: A theif. Marlon: Thief? Louis: Theif. Marlon: I before E, except after C. Louis: Thceif. Marlon: No.
Louis: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Marlon: That's why I carry two swords.
Marlon: God, give me patience. Louis: I think you mean 'give me strength'. Marlon: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Louis: How do I deal with my enemies? Marlon: Kill them Louis: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution Marlon: Kill them only a little?
Marlon: It’s dark in here Louis: Don’t worry dude I got this Louis: *Stomps their feet* Louis: *Skechers light up*
Louis: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder? Marlon: Stop romanticizing the past.
Louis: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works. Marlon, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Louis: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut... Marlon: You would eat yourself? Louis: I wouldn’t even question it.
Louis: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean? Marlon: It means I was second worst thing to happen to those orphans. Louis: but what’s the first worst thing? *Awkward pause* Marlon: Louis, they...they weren’t always orphans. Louis:
Louis: Marlon... Marlon: Oh no, 'Marlon' in b-flat. Marlon: You're disappointed.
Marlon: I’m going to take you out Louis: great, it’s a date! Marlon: I meant that as a threat. Louis: See you at five!
Marlon: I prevented a murder today. Louis: Really? How’d you do that? Marlon: Self control.
Louis: Marlon, is that my mug you’re drinking out of? Marlon: No, it’s mine. Louis: It... looks just like the one I have... Marlon: You don’t have one like this anymore.
Marlon: Hey, Louis. What kind of flowers do you prefer? Louis: I like sunflowers. Marlon, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit-
Marlon: Remember, Louis, don't do anything I wouldn't do. Louis: I think I crossed that line when I got a date
Louis: Are you ever going to listen to me? Marlon: Yes. Absolutely. Louis: When? Marlon: When you're right.
Marlon: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. Louis: Marlon: Vroom vroom, come out already.
Louis: I am a responsible adult! Marlon: *raises brow* Louis: I am an adult.
Marlon: What's gone wrong, Louis? Louis: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis. Marlon: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling? Louis: Well... There’s a crisis.
Louis: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined. Marlon: Heck. Louis: You're on thin fucking ice. Louis: Oh no-
Marlon: How do you want your coffee? Louis: Black, like my soul. Marlon: Marlon: Louis, your soul is a latte.
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homokommari · 2 years
i see people who find polyamory funny as the same as kids who laugh uncontrollably after saying a curseword. how naive and easily entertained... im sure u share great polyamory jokes with your most conserbative uncle. :)
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my-gender-is · 4 years
I get that it's frustrating when people don't do the submissions right but that last Anon's ask joke was kinda harmless? Idk, no hate no disrespect but I kinda feel like the reaction to the joke was a little unjustified? Why not just delete the asks and move on, or better yet disable the "ask" feature on this blog so people don't send asks when they should send submissions
I disabled the ask box for a YEAR. Why are you bothered if it wasn’t your ask? Why does this concern you? It wasn’t rude, actually it was matter of fact. I didn’t even use any cursewords. Never said it caused me harm. Just because something is “harmless” doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. That was not the first ask like that I’ve received and I don’t have to just “delete the ask and move on”. I don’t have to be nice. I’m tired of stuff like this. It’s not funny, it’s not cute, it’s like when you’re 11 and like annoying people on purpose. I would like to have the ask box on for ONCE. I like getting funny or inquisitive or pointless or nice asks. You can unfollow if you want it’s REALLY no skin off my back.
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hydra-collector · 4 years
love & death & kisses
Pairings: Anxceit, platonic Analogical
Characters: Virgil Sanders, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders (mentioned), Remus Sanders (mentioned)
TW: suicide attempts, self-harm, cursing, panic attacks, v v v slightly implied sexual content, food
Words: 4,153
Summary: Virgil meets someone.
Note: Human AU, I’m bad at naming, bad at summaries, Janus is ooc, i swear this is one of my better fics
Rain seeped into Virgil’s clothes, making him even colder than he already was. He’d forgotten his umbrella at work, so he’d have to get it tomorrow. Funny how things work that way. You put things off to the side for a rainy day, but when you need them they’re not there.
A tall, slim man stood beside him. He would usually avoid other people at the train station as much as he could, but he didn’t care at this point. He was cold, tired, in a depressive episode, and frankly too out of it to care.
The other man didn’t have an umbrella either, but seemed much less bothered by it. He checked his phone occasionally, but only typed something once or twice, aside from a seemingly frustrating venture on Google Maps from what Virgil could see. He was more on edge by whatever he was seeing on his phone than the weather.
“Excuse me, do you know where the nearest hotel is?”
The first thing he noticed was that the man was absolutely beautiful.
The second was his scar.
A wide scar, seemingly a burn mark, covered the entirety of the left side of his face. It traveled down his neck and past his shirt where Virgil couldn’t see it. His left hand had it as well, a pair of gloves stuffed in his pocket. His eyes were also heterochromatic, one much paler than the dark brown of the other.
Virgil didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially after the earlier events of the day, but he tried his best. He subtly hugged his side to provide pressure comfort.
“I think there’s one a couple blocks from Edwards Station. I don’t remember if it’s south or north. I can check.”
Virgil pulled out his own phone and found that it was half a mile north. Logan had sent him a text asking him why he was so late. He didn’t want to explain that he had to spend an hour on a bench in the pouring rain, trying to calm down from a panic attack. The stranger confirmed and checked his phone again, sighing when he didn’t find what he wanted.
Virgil could see his screen slightly. He’d been talking to a contact named April, both of them using a lot of cursewords angrily at each other. It looked like a pretty bad breakup. He figured he’d been kicked out.
The train arrived a few minutes after that. Virgil was never going to be comfortable with the thought of a big, heavy object rocketing in his general direction, but he wasn’t attempting suicide or anything at the moment. He learned to deal with it.
“Sorry, Logan, I’m here now.”
Logan had been Virgil’s roommate for almost three years now. He’d been his best friend even longer. He was the one there for him when he needed it most.
“What happened?”
Logan was making dinner for the two of them, which Virgil was disappointed to find out. The rule was they could make each other meals, but whoever made it got to choose what it was, and Virgil has never known Logan to make anything junkier than chili. Virgil had got him to eat macaroni and cheese a few times, so he counted that as a win.
“I… had a pretty bad panic attack.”
“Is there anything I can do to help now?”
“I think I’ll be okay. You don’t give bad hugs, though.”
Logan smiled slightly and hugged his friend firmly. He’d looked up the best ways to comfort people physically and figured out what was best for Virgil.
“Thanks, L. What’s for dinner?”
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to make it yourself.”
“Hey, you have plenty! You’re using two pans!”
“You hate fish, Virgil.”
“That’s fish? Ew.”
“What did you think it was?”
Virgil shrugged.
“Go get dry clothes.”
Virgil changed into another, softer hoodie and sweatpants. He figured he’d get something to eat later. He could go a couple hours scrolling on Tumblr or something before he’d be really hungry.
When he turned his phone on, it was still open to the hotel directions.
I hope that guy’s alright.
He’d seen him a few times before, he realized. The unmistakable bleached hair against the man’s dark clothing he recognized had never been put to a face, but he’d been at the train station a few times before. Virgil vaguely wondered if he got off work at the same time as he did and it was a coincidence seeing him today since his whole thing with April, or whoever.
You don’t know what happened, shut up.
Virgil squeezed his arm with his fingernails, hoping to make his self-hate go away.
Today was exhausting.
He didn’t want to go to work the next day.
He’d had another bad day. His boss complained about the quality of his work again. It seemed he was fucking everything up lately. He’d gotten Roman angry at him for an insult accidentally personal, and Logan angry at him because he’d started cutting again. Who could blame him, though? It was just so much easier to cope by hurting than actually trying to help himself. At least he was still showering.
At least it wasn’t raining.
It felt like it, though. There was weight on his shoulders and chest, and he needed to cry. He wished he could afford a therapist. Then again, did he even deserve help?
His inner voice was right. He should stop being so self-deprecating, it was annoying, he’d always been an attention seek-
Virgil exhaled, rubbing his forehead and sitting down on the bench instead of standing for the train.
“Didn’t get to thank you. For the directions.”
It was the man again. This was the first time he’d seen him in the few days since then.
“I needed a place to stay, thanks for telling me where it was. I tried looking it up, then texting my girlfriend to ask her if… I ran out of data, I wouldn’t have been able to get there if you didn’t tell me.”
“Oh. You’re welcome. Glad you found the hotel.”
He half-wished he didn’t have to talk to anyone right now, but something drew him towards this man.
And then he initiated a conversation. For once in his life.
“You just get off work?”
“Yeah. I work at the zoo. Reptile house.”
“Wow. I just have a boring tech job. I’m assuming you like reptiles, which one’s your favorite?”
“It’s basic, but I’ve always liked snakes. I have three.”
“I could never handle snakes. I know they probably won’t hurt me, but I’m anxious about everything.”
Am I oversharing? Should I be talking about my anxiety? Is that weird?
“I have a deathly fear of spiders, so that’s valid.”
Virgil would have said something else, but the train came, and it was difficult to talk onboard. It was weird how easy it was to talk to this person, even though he’d just met him.
They’d got to talking about snakes.
Big breeds, small breeds, the most dangerous, the least dangerous kinds of snakes. Virgil swore he was being converted to like reptiles by this man. He talked about them with so much excitement, more than he showed any other time. Mostly he was calm and collected, a bit like Logan.
“I never got your name.”
“Oh, it’s Janus.”
Like, Janice?
“As in the Roman god, not like suburban mom.”
“Ah. Virgil.”
Neither of them smiled often, so whenever someone who knew them saw the smile, it always made them a bit happier as well. It was already happening with them, even a week or two into knowing each other.
“What kind of snakes do you have?”
“I’ve got a green tree python, a corn snake, and a ball python. Diana, Mercury, Liber.”
“All Roman names, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m a bit of a nerd.”
“It’s fitting.”
It was so easy to talk to him. More so than any other stranger. Usually he’d get anxious and all his energy would be expended (he usually had a mental breakdown if it was a lot of people). Something about him, the way he talks, moves, looks at Virgil. He’s like a reptile.
Don’t get a crush on him. He’s probably straight.
Maybe he isn’t, though. He could be bi or pan or something.
The train interrupted their conversation, but Virgil kept glancing over at Janus throughout. He was looking down at his phone, he must’ve gotten more service. Virgil got off after him, but it gave him time to consider Janus before he got home.
“Logan, I’m getting a crush on a straight guy and I just found out his name today.”
“You’re odd, Virgil.”
“He’s hot. And he likes snakes.”
“You hate snakes. Wouldn’t someone with an interest in spiders be more akin to you?”
“...He’s scared of spiders.”
And he did get a crush on Janus.
They talked every day they saw each other, finally remembering they could exchange numbers. They spent months getting to know each other with pretty limited interactions, as neither of them texted or called much anyway. It wasn’t exactly a good thing, though, because he either spent his time at work thinking about Janus, panicking because his boss was mad at him because he wasn’t doing his work (because he was thinking about Janus), or completely depressed because he was angry at her for giving him a panic attack. And the cycle would continue.
It turned out April was his girlfriend, and they’d been in an unhappy relationship for a year or so. He was glad she’d broke it off, but was left without a house for a while. He’d managed to share an apartment with his friend Remus and that was going okay. Virgil didn’t tell him about his depression, but was open enough about his anxiety. Luckily for Virgil, he mentioned an ex-boyfriend.
He was not straight. Maybe he had a chance.
Are you kidding? He’s not gonna want to date you, worthless bitch. You can’t make him deal with your mental health, and he probably hates you anyway.
Their interactions were mostly limited to the train station, but that only meant Virgil appreciated them even more.
Still, he wished he could be happy.
The only times he was were, well, when he was talking to Janus and when Logan gave him hugs. Talking to Logan was enjoyable, but he kept reminding himself about everything going on, everything wrong with himself, how he kept fucking up, and cutting and wanting to kill himself. With Janus, he forgot. It was so easy to smile and laugh at sarcastic jokes and the cute things he did, like blush when he laughed and stick out his tongue unintentionally.
Time flew by when they were together. There wasn’t enough time before the train came to talk nearly as long as Virgil would have liked. Still, every interaction was worth it. His love for Janus grew the more he talked about what he does, and he actually seemed interested in Virgil’s job, even though he swore it must be the most boring on the planet.
“I think you’ve conquered my fear of snakes, Janus.”
“What’s this? I’ve shown my little ball of anxiety the ways of the snake with my own love for him and reptiles.”
My little ball of anxiety? And did he just say he loved me?
Was he thinking about this too much?
One corner of his mouth was raised in a smile and Virgil couldn’t help but blush, however much he wanted to ignore it. Janus chuckled slightly and picked up the conversation again, mentioning how Diana had gotten out and managed to get herself on the couch. Virgil proceeded as well, debating whether it meant anything or not.
Virgil felt sick.
He felt all things horrible. Depressed, anxious, angry, hopeless, and worthless.
Over and over it repeated.
“I’m afraid someone as unstable as you isn’t fit to work here.”
What was he going to do? He wouldn’t have money to keep living with Logan, he had to go through the stress of finding another job, people would judge him, he wouldn’t even be able to eat.
There was nothing he could do.
He trembled as he made his way to the train station. He was going to have a panic attack. Hell, maybe he was already having a panic attack. He wanted to cry but he wouldn’t cry. He had to go home and explain to Logan and he’d just have to live until-
No you don’t.
Of course he didn’t.
He was going to the train station, goddamnit.
He rubbed his hands on his face, static buzzing in his ears as tears almost came. This was going to be okay. It was all going to be okay. Finally.
He went up a different set of stairs, avoiding Janus. As he walked, the static slowly faded and was replaced with silence. Chosen silence, that is. He could hear the cars and the wind and the rain that had just begun to fall.
The train was early today, thank God. Its rumbling was familiar from the distance.
He took his last few steps to the edge of the platform, ignoring the tiny bit of anxiety that came with jumping down. He vaguely heard his name called over and over by the deep voice he knew well by now. He ignored it as well, starting with a slow walk, letting the raindrops soak into his hoodie. The walk sped up, and the rain got heavier, blurring out the train’s lights in a pretty way. He forced the muffled sound of his name out again, but it was getting louder.
There’s nothing you can do.
The walk got faster and turned into a run. He needed to catch the train before it slowed down.
Funny. Catching the train.
His ears pounded with the silence. So many things to distract him, things he loved. The awful sound of rain, knowing you’re going to get wet, but reveling in it anyway. The patter of feet on ground, now wood and gravel. And his voice, his beautiful voice.
The screech from the train stopped all other sounds, even splitting the silence in the bubble he created. It was warm, he hoped it was blood, so warm, so wonderfully warm.
Janus had never hugged Virgil.
He’d assumed he wasn’t one for being touchy-feely. He was tall and handsome, like the stereotypical distant, sexy man. But he wasn’t distant. He was there when Virgil needed him, even if he didn’t always know it. He put a hand on his shoulder or took Virgil’s hands in his to calm him down. He wished he’d gotten to know what kind of embrace he would have. Was it soft? Was it firm like Logan’s? Was it too tight? Was it always awkward like some people’s?
More than that, he wanted to know how his kisses were.
He imagined them soft, then passionate. Like something Virgil had always needed, the sweet feeling of pure love. He imagined he was the type to give solemn forehead kisses when a moment was serious, and short nose ones when the moments were playful. He imagined he’d kiss wherever he could on someone’s face, on his cheeks and chin, nose, lips, neck. They’d all be perfect for the occasion. There was a difference between a peck on someone’s cheek and smushing his lips against someone’s face. A slow kiss to the jaw was different from a badly-aimed one. Every subtle difference in position would say something new.
“I love you.”
“Shut up.”
“I need you right now.”
“You need me.”
He wished he’d learned every message. He wished he’d kissed Janus before today. He wished he’d at least told him and got rejected like he knew he would. He wished he could have everything. A hug and a kiss saying ‘it’s going to be okay. Nothing’s gonna happen to you. It’s-’
“-going to be okay.”
The sound of the rain hit the stones sharply, akin to the feeling on his back. Voices shouting, his voice, and a new sound.
His heart.
Virgil let himself sink into the rhythm and the feeling of warmth that encompassed him. Something was soft through the damp fabric, moving slightly every now and then. It was the pressure of something, a body-
He opened his eyes to see the blurry outline of blond hair covering Janus’s face. He raised his arm slowly to push it away, just then noticing the arms wrapped tightly around him, using the most of their surface area.
Janus’s eyes were beautiful and sad, was he- crying? Virgil couldn’t tell if it was the rain or tears until he sobbed, hugging Virgil even tighter, burying his face in his shoulder and muttering words Virgil couldn’t hear.
Virgil realized he was crying too. Of course he was crying, he was… alive.
He was alive.
“I’m sorry, Virgil. Please, please know I’m here for you.”
Virgil said nothing, still mute from shock. So many things happened just then, and now he was being hugged. And it was perfect, despite the rain.
“I could’ve- should’ve died.”
“No, Virgil, you shouldn’t have. You couldn’t have, I’d never let you.”
Did he really care?
“I need to- I need to tell you something.”
This could go horribly wrong.
I don’t care anymore. I’ve made the most impulsive decision of my life today, might as well make another.
Virgil took his hand to push Janus’s chin up, thumb tracing the scar closer to his lips.
“Can I-”
“Can I kiss you, Jan?”
He let his head drop towards Virgil’s, lips so close now. He would have smiled his snake smile if he could have felt an ounce of a smile.
Virgil pressed his parted lips to Janus’s, hand resting on the back of his neck. He pulled his fingers through his wet hair, feeling its softness even now.
It was everything he had imagined.
At first it was soft and tender, but Janus deepened it, hand wriggling out from under Virgil to hold his face. The raindrops drowned out that moment from the outside world. Janus’s heart quickened, as did Virgil’s, but they both relaxed into it. The scar was rough against Virgil’s face sometimes, but it only made him want him more. All either of them could hear were the raindrops contrasting with their hearts.
Virgil wanted to kiss him longer, hold this forever. When they did break, Janus laid his burned cheek against Virgil’s.
“Do you need to go home?”
He thought of Logan and how upset he was when Virgil cut, how hard he tried and how bad he felt for him. And how bad Virgil felt for hurting him.
“Can we go to your place? It’s... closer.”
“Oh- I suppose we could. I doubt Remus will be there.”
They avoided the people trying to help Virgil, weaving through the few scattered onlookers, Janus’s arm resting around Virgil’s waist. Virgil was scared he would have a panic attack again and tried to focus on Janus.
He called a cab as he wasn’t about to take the train after that, and sat in the backseat with Virgil, not letting him go for a second. It was expensive and Virgil tried to get Janus to let him pay, but he didn’t have much of an argument. Janus half-carried Virgil up the stairs and into his apartment.
It was clean, which Virgil guessed was Janus’s doing given what he’d said about Remus, and fairly dark. It wasn’t the kind of dark that made you feel uneasy, but rather as in lighted only with soft ambient light. He didn’t get a good look at their living room before Janus pulled him into his bedroom. It was painted a pretty yellow and lit with a color changing lamp, which Janus turned to purple.
He sat Virgil down on the bed, who was still rather dazed from the day. Janus rummaged through his clothing drawers until he found a shirt smaller than the others and an old-looking pair of sweatpants.
“Here, you can change into this.”
Janus grabbed some clothes for himself and left the room for a moment, allowing him privacy. Virgil removed his soaked hoodie and Evanescence t-shirt, putting on the soft purple one Janus had found. It had short sleeves, but he didn’t have anything to lose at this point. He put on the sweatpants, soft and warm and opened the door for Janus. He was changed into a big hoodie that Virgil would kill to wear.
“Are you comfortable?”
“Yeah, I- I think so. Sorry about the, the cuts.”
“It’s okay, Virgil. If you want me to get you something with long sleeves-”
“I think I’ll just end up stealing your hoodie at some point. Otherwise… it’s fine.”
Virgil sat down on the bed again, craving the soft blankets. Janus took his spot beside him, wrapping one arm around his shoulders.
“Thanks, Jan. It- I’m, I’m alive because of you. I don’t know how I could repay that.”
“Tell me when this happens, and I’d die happy.”
Virgil smiled, leaning against Janus. He pushed himself against the wall, pulling Virgil along with him. He heaved the thick blanket around him and Virgil, but mostly Virgil. He snuggled into the weight and comfort, still sitting against Janus as if he were the only thing keeping him balanced.
“What happened today?”
“I got… fired. ‘Cause I’m too depressed to work. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“I can help you find a job, V. It doesn’t have to be the end.”
“Sometimes it just… feels that way. Like you’re never going to get out of this pit of loneliness and you’re sure everyone hates you, and you’re so scared something will go wrong all the time even though you don’t really care.”
“I don’t hate you. And I know you can end this the healthy way. Shall we start with some ice cream?”
“Ice cream’s not exactly healthy, Janus.”
He left for a moment and returned with two tubs of chocolate ice cream and a spoon for each of them.
“No bowls? And two whole tubs?”
“Mhm. It’s better that way. And you could have both of them if you asked.”
“Nah, you deserve some ice cream too. I probably hurt you a lot by doing that.”
“Mm-mm, Virgil. You’re hurting, not me. Self-care rule number one: you’re better than everyone for a while, put your feelings first.”
“I’m not.”
“Pretend. Now, what would you like to do?”
Virgil considered the question for a moment. It might be nice to listen to music, or to distract himself with a game or movie, but he didn’t really want that.
“I… want to kiss you.”
Janus turned pink for a moment, before smiling his smile with one corner of his mouth.
Before he could say anything that he wanted to, Virgil kissed that smile. He wondered what it would be like to do so many times, so he wasn’t going to miss his opportunity. He put his ice cream down to hold Janus’s face with cold fingers, savoring the feeling of the little half-smile turning surprised and then into a giddy smile that began to kiss back. Virgil grinned when it ended, looking back into Janus’s eyes.
“So you’re going to surprise kiss me now?”
Janus, just as quickly as Virgil had, kissed him quick on the nose, eliciting a blush from Virgil this time.
“Unfair, Janus.”
“I’m gonna pout and eat my ice cream now.”
“Is there anything else we can do while eating ice cream?”
“I suppose we could watch a movie.”
“Lion King?”
“...Lion King? I mean, yeah, sure, okay!”
He smiled as Janus put the movie on, his familiar excitement seeping through. Virgil managed to wrestle the soft hoodie from him, revealing that one, he had no shirt, and two, that Virgil would cuddle Janus’s burn marks and he appreciated that. As Virgil fell asleep next to him, he pressed his lips to his forehead, who was just awake enough to feel.
And one by one, the messages were unlocked to him. Once, after a dance, came the desperate, passionate kiss that told him “I need to kiss you.” One Disney marathon he came to feel the peppered kisses on his cheeks that said “You’re adorable.” After a weekend trip alone he got the long cheek kiss that said ‘I missed you.’ When he finally got a job, he was given the messy kiss, cheeks held tight that said “I’m so proud of you.” One tired night he blushed at the kisses on his jaw and neck that said “You’re hot and I’m bored.”
And again and again and again, the tender forehead kisses that said “I’m here for you. I love you.”
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flurrys-creativity · 4 years
Anything is paw-ssible
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Pairing: Choi Youngjae (GOT7) x GN!Reader; Genre: Slice of life, Fluff, a little angst, a little romance; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: Angst, trained anxiety dog, mentions of anxiety attacks, a lost child that is crying, use of cursewords, a kleptomanic dog; Wordcount: 4.210;  Prompts: (1) Moving to a new place is hard. To help you find friends, you decide to join a local puppy playdate group online. (2) Person A is walking their dog with only socks on and no shoes. Person B is mildly confused. (3) "I found this crying child by themselves in the park, will you help me find their parents?" (4) Person A's stuff keeps going missing. Person B's pet is the thief.
Summary: After you moved to a new city you decide to join a puppy play date group, meeting a group of interesting and funny men.
A/N: This story is part of the Virgo-Project hold by the @got7writerscollective​  
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“Join a puppy play date, they said. It will be fun, they said. You’re going to get to know new people and make friends, they said,” you grumbled to yourself. Regret that you actually listened to your family for once bubbled up inside of you.
Sure, when you had talked with them on the phone they had made it sound like something really great and fantastic. Maybe you shouldn’t have whined to them that you missed your friends - since moving to a new place separated you from everyone else you knew.
Your mom talked about how she joined some puppy play dates at home and how they already formed a social media group sending each other funny pictures of their dogs. Your dad emphasised her story and said it was really nice to have a talking buddy while the dogs are out playing. They reassured you over and over that there was no need to worry and that you just had to look online for such a group and just join them and shortly after that you’d meet them at the park. There you would get to know the others and your dog could have some fun with the other pups.
Your parents convinced you and while you were still on your phone with them, you grabbed your laptop and searched for such a group online, finding a few fairly quickly. You had read the descriptions out loud and debated with your family which one you should choose. While they argued large groups are great because someone would always have time to join you on a tour, you were more drawn to the smaller groups.
You had found one that consisted of five people and they met almost every day at the local park in the morning. A time where not many people were out to enjoy nature since most of them had jobs during that time. A fact you came to like very quickly.
So you decided to join that group, feeling confident for once to meet new people without any help. The fact they were just a small group and out for walks during times with less people helped to spike your confidence.
You really felt positive about that idea and told your dog in an excited manner what you two were about to do the very next day. Even though your dog wasn’t able to understand your words, he felt your excitement and started to wag its tail wildly.
Later that night your nervousness came back and even though you still felt a little excited the nervousness overtook most of your mind and kept hogging it throughout the whole night, keeping you apart from a good night's rest.
You skipped your breakfast and just got ready for the play date, grabbing a jacket and the leash of your dog, who patiently waited at the door for you.
That dog was actually a trained anxiety dog and even though you hadn’t given it the order to do its job, it smelled your nervousness and anxiety, knowing full well that you actually needed a close companion and not just a pet.
It stayed close to you the whole time and never stepped away for a second even when the both of you entered the park.
You checked the time and noticed that you got there a little too early. You wanted to calm your nerves and decided to stroll around the area, getting familiar with your surroundings.
The park had a lot of green grass planes, perfect for picnics when the weather was warm; trees lined the few paths and benches had been placed every now and then for passersby to rest on. At the far end of the park was a small playground for children and you heard their laughter carried over by the wind. There was even a large pond with ducks swimming on the water.
Only a few people were in the park as well. An elderly couple walking along the pond hand in hand, a jogger running his labs, a few mothers chatting while their children played around.
Watching the scene you felt at peace again. You took a deep breath and leaned down to unleash your dog for a while, giving it the chance to roam around as long as you felt calm. Even though you had given it the go your dog stayed near you, only stopping shortly to sniff at something. It never ran too far ahead as well, keeping somehow an eye on you.
Time passed and you saw people come to the park and leave again, though none of them had any dogs with them and just for a second you worried the group wouldn’t show up at all.
You decided to walk until the end of the park where the playground was before you would return to the entrance where you came from.
The mothers and their children had already left by the time you passed the playground, making the area almost too quiet for your liking.
When you and your dog turned around to walk back, you noticed how your dog paid a lot of attention to a nearby bush. You called for it to return to you but it didn’t move from its place, staring at the bush intently.
You sighed and walked up to your dog, ready to drag it away from whatever rodent it had spotted there. You halted in your movements the second you saw a child crouching between the leaves of the bush. 
The child silently cried, thick tears running down the cheeks and small sobs escaping their lips. It had the hands balled into fists and pressed against their eyes.
You quickly ordered your dog to lay down and crouched down for yourself next to it. “Hey kiddo?” You asked carefully, afraid to upset it even more. 
You never had to deal with an upset child and you could feel how your anxiety spiked again, making your hands tremble and your eyes dart around without focusing on anything for too long. Unconsciously you placed a hand on the back of your dog, waving your fingers through its fur to calm down again.
You were sure it must have looked ridiculous for you to just sit in front of a child and not do anything. You swallowed harshly and let out a deep breath. This wouldn’t do. Once again you looked around though this time you tried to be more focused and searched for someone, who might be looking for their child. When you didn’t find someone you turned back to the kid.
“Are you hurt?” You asked, since the child hadn’t moved a bit from the minute you had encountered it until now. You almost sighed in relief when you saw the small head movement telling you no. “Then,” you looked down at your dog, “did this rascal scare you?” You hoped your dog would have the same effect on the kid as it had on you, calming it down enough to go and find their parents.
Slowly the child lowered their fists and blinked at you several times before their eyes focused on your dog.
You could feel the small wag of your dog’s tail underneath your hand, shaking almost its whole body. It opened its mouth as well, letting the tongue hang out and looking vaguely goofy though it reminded you of a smile.
That little change in your dog apparently was enough for the child to crawl forward and hug your dog tightly.
Unsure how to react, you just stared at them. You hadn’t given your dog the official command to do its job as your anxiety dog, still it had basically stayed in its role the whole time. Normally you wouldn’t allow anybody to touch your dog as long as it was doing the job, explaining kindly to children that it was working hard and couldn’t be distracted. You thought over it for a while weighing the consequences against each other and came to the conclusion you wouldn’t say something about it now.
“How come you’re alone, kiddo?” You asked instead, trying to get any clue from the child.
As if the child realised it was alone, it looked around and started to whimper again, tears welling up in their eyes.
You panicked and waved your hands uselessly in front of the child. “No, no, no. Don’t cry! It’s alright! We’re going to find your parents. My dog and I will help you, okay? You’re not alone now.”
Slowly the child nodded and leaned more against your dog, hugging it tightly in comfort.
“Okay, so, uh, then let’s go and find them, yeah?” You stood up, your dog following suit and pulling the child up with it. “You can hold this rascal while we’re looking, okay?” As soon as the child nodded you gave the leash into their hands and motioned to start walking.
You walked quietly next to each other. The child focused on holding the leash and leading your dog, despite the tears still running down their cheeks; and you desperately searched for anyone who looked even remotely concerned but you came up with nothing.
That’s how you got back to the entrance of the park where you had started, still stuck with a crying child, close to an anxiety attack and a dog that’s getting restless due to your own stress level.
You turned around again and saw a group of guys with dogs playing around. For a second relief flooded you, knowing they actually did show up but that feeling diminished quickly again the longer you watched them.
You saw five guys, two of them standing around and talking, one on the phone and the other two building a small parkour for the dogs. A really small parkour. You looked at their dogs, noticing that none of them was a big breed. All their dogs were under knee height and another worry started to creep up into your mind. Your dog was remotely bigger and you feared you wouldn’t fit into this group with such a large dog.
You watched them calling their dogs and getting ready to run along the parkour, though one of the guys still stayed on the phone only glancing every now and then at the rest of the group.
Everything seemed absolutely normal and despite your worry of not fitting into the group they might be able to help you find the parents of this kid. You glanced back down to your side, seeing the kid hugging your dog once again since it had sat down next to you and waited for your next move.
You sighed and looked back up, only to be taken aback. The guys did the parkour again. This time though one of them had decided to run without their shoes. In socks. Not bare feet. He actually had decided to run in his socks, leaving you staring at them in confusion.
Only when your dog nudged your side, you remembered your initial plan. “Stay behind me, okay?” You asked without looking at the kid before you slowly marched over to the group.
You gulped loudly, your hands getting sweaty and your heartbeat increasing with every step you took forward. You constantly brushed your hands over your thighs, trying to get rid of the clammy feeling in vain. A thin sheen of sweat appeared on your forehead as well after you noticed how the guys stopped playing around and turned their attention towards you. A low sound of discomfort left your lips, while your eyes darted around in search of an escape.
When you got near enough you raised your shaking hand and waved briefly. “Uhm”, you squeaked and cleared your throat quickly, “hi?”
They scanned you and your dog, who had sat down beside you again, while the child stood behind your back and stayed hidden due to your form. After the quick scan they seemed to relax again, a few of them even smiling brightly.
“You must be Y/N, right?” One of them asked while coming forward with an outstretched hand. “I’m Jackson and this is Plant.”
“Plant?” You blurted out, staring at the little dog he had lifted into his arms.
“Ah, yeah, that’s kind of a little gag. I always wanted a dog but feared I wouldn’t be able to take care of it so I always got plants instead. But my friends gave me this cutiepie and called it a plant. So yeah. Plant it is.”
You grinned, forgetting for a second your own fear, the relief of how open Jackson was spreading like a warm wave through your whole body.
“That over there is Mark with his dog Milo,” Jackson continued and pointed to a guy behind him, who shortly nodded and waved at you. “Next to him is Yugyeom and that black fur ball is Dalkyum. The guy on the phone and without a dog for now is Jinyoung and lastly the guy without shoes is Youngjae and that is his dog Coco.”
All of them responded in some sort of way to you either with a nod or a wave. 
You were about to ask why Youngjae didn’t have his shoes on, when a tug at the back of your shirt reminded you of your little companion. “Oh, yes, uhm.” You turned around and ushered the kid in front of you. “I found this crying child by itself in the park, could you help me find their parents?” You looked hopefully up to the man in front of you and quickly glanced at the others behind him.
Before Jackson could even answer you, Jinyoung had ended the call and announced loudly that someone was coming back.
Confused, you stared at him, watching him approach you. Though his focus laid on the child. 
“You got distracted again, didn’t you?” He chided gently and crouched in front of the kid. “You know Jaebeom and Bambam were all over the place searching for you?”
“You know that kid?” You asked in confusion, your gaze quickly jumping between the child and the guys.
“Yeah, it’s the child of Jaebeom’s aunt and he is on lookout duty for today. He thought it would be nice to join the puppy group with this human puppy.” Jinyoung answered your question and scooped the kid up in his arms, tickling it until it laughed loudly and squirmed in his arms.
“Now that this is settled, can we go back to the parkour?” Yugyeom asked impatiently.
Soon after the guys played more with their dogs while you quietly watched them with a small smile on your lips, two new men joined the group. One of them immediately ran up to the child and pulled it into a tight hug. You could hear him scold the kid a little, though his voice was layered with relief rather than sternness. 
Jackson introduced both of the men as well, saying Jaebeom and Bambam both were friends of the group but unbelievably more into cats than dogs.
You nodded and introduced yourself as well. By then the others were exhausted enough to take a break from running with their dogs along the parkour. All of them flopped down on the ground near you and just let their dogs run around freely.
“Hey Y/N, how old is your dog? Seems like it isn’t as energetic as the rest.”
You looked down at your dog and realised that it stayed by your side the whole time, sensing you were still too nervous to be left alone. “Actually this rascal is quite young.” You kneeled down beside it and ran your fingers through the fur, taking several deep breaths before you allowed your dog to go play as well.
Hesitantly it looked back at you but decided to greet all the other guys now on its own before it jumped over Yugyeom’s legs and joined the other dogs in their chase.
“That idiot was just working even though I didn’t say I needed that.”
You glanced over to Youngjae, who looked at you questioningly. “Yeah, a trained anxiety dog. It senses when I get nervous and sometimes decide on its own to start working. Which means that idiot doesn’t go and play with other dogs but rather stays by my side and makes sure I don’t have an attack or something.”
The others nodded in understanding and Youngjae even added: “It must be hard to join an unfamiliar group on your own.”
You agreed with him, a nervous smile gracing your face. “My family told me I should try to join a puppy play date group to find new friends quickly.”
“So you just moved here?” Bambam asked curiously.
You could see that all of them were equally curious and once again you nodded. “Yeah, I just got here a few weeks ago. I actually live two blocks from here.” You pointed in the general direction of your home while telling them.
“Really?” Youngjae asked excitedly. “I live there too!”
“Didn’t you say, you got a new neighbour a few weeks ago?” Jaebeom questioned his friend, who looked as if he was deep in thought.
“You are my new neighbour!” He gasped suddenly and pointed at you before a wide grin appeared on his face. “That’s great!”
“It is?”
Youngjae nodded excitedly, scooting closer to you. 
You looked at him questioningly, still not completely over your confusion over his socked feet and why he still didn’t wear his shoes, but something about his smile made you grin as well.
Time flew by with you and Youngjae talking. Sometimes the others joined your conversation but most of the time only you and him sat on the grass and talked with each other. 
When the others had to leave again they bid you goodbye while you and Youngjae stayed for a little longer before both of you got up and walked home as well. Since you were neighbours you shared the same way and he told you more about the city, spots he liked to visit and that he trained Coco in parkour. The actual reason why he had taken off his shoes, thinking they stopped him from being the best.
A strange thought and an even stranger solution in your opinion but you wouldn’t say anything against it. Instead you just enjoyed his joyful aura, completely submerging in your conversation and forgetting your worries for the rest of the time you spent with him.
A fact your dog noticed pretty quickly. You didn’t get nervous as soon as it wasn’t walking right by your side, you didn’t give the command to stay near you, you actually didn’t focus on your dog at all.
Weeks had passed since then. You regularly met up with the group, sometimes all seven of the guys came, other times it was only two or three beside Youngjae and yourself. Because Youngjae basically joined you at all times you asked him if he was up for a walk.
You nearly saw him every day and for just a moment you actually even believed your anxiety had gotten better. At least you always thought that while you weren’t alone. 
Normally your anxiety only intensified when you got out of your home and into a situation you weren’t familiar with. Though every now and then it ate you away while you stayed at home, doing nothing in particular.
In those times you always crawled into your bed, it didn't matter where you were prior to your anxiety attack. You could have stood in the kitchen when it hit you and you would use all your energy to move your body to your bed and stay there. Sometimes your dog would help you and drag you along and it always kept you company until you felt better.
Recently though it took some time alone before your dog joined you on the bed. Even more confusing was the fact that your dog always brought something with it, placing it near your head before it layed down next to you. The stuff varied from pillows, gloves, button ups or anything else.
You never had the energy to wonder where your dog got this stuff from. You brushed it off, thinking it might have found the things in one of your many boxes that still stood around your home from moving. You never came around to unpack all of them, procrastinating to finalise your move to your new home. So as soon as you felt better you took the stuff and put it in another box. 
Except for the most recent treasure your dog had brought to you. A small plush doll in the form of a keychain, grinning brightly at you. The doll reminded you of someone though you couldn’t place a finger on it. Still, you added the little plushy to your backpack, keeping it with you at all times when you left the house.
“Hey guys!” You called and waved your arm in excitement, seeing them all again after a long time.
“Hey Y/N! Haven’t seen you in ages.” Jackson greeted you, exaggerating the time span as usual. “No, for real, it’s good to see you again. Felt like Youngjae occupied you constantly.”
You laughed nervously at his declaration. “You never had time when I wanted to go for a walk. It’s not his fault.”
“Yeah, it’s not his fault he just reschedules everything as soon as Y/N asks if someone is available to join for a walk!” Bambam agreed with a loud laugh while cuddling, or rather harassing, Coco. 
You stared at him with wide eyes. Has he never held a dog before? The moment your mind cleared of that thought it snapped back to what Bambam actually said. Your eyes widened even more.
“Oh come on. Don’t look so surprised! He even gave you his key chain.” Jinyoung shrugged casually, pointing at our bag. “We all have one, each of them representing us and this is clearly Youngjae dangling there.”
All of their attention drifted to your backpack and your head turned as well, grabbing the plushy with trembling fingers. Now with Jinyoung’s words chanting inside of your mind over and over again you could see the resemblance. Still you questioned his words. “This is Youngjae?”
Your gaze turned to the said man in confusion, seeing he had almost the same expression as you. 
“I don’t think he gave it to Y/N.” Jaebeom mumbled, observing both of your faces.
“Youngjae, didn’t you say that some of your stuff has gone missing over the past weeks?” Mark asked, remembering what Youngjae had complained about the minute before you arrived.
All their eyes turned to you in shock, since they never heard you curse before. 
“Oh my fucking god, I can’t believe it. I’m so sorry! I’ll return your stuff when we get back home, I swear! I didn’t know! I didn’t think about it. I am so, so sorry!” You apologised and bowed deeply to Youngjae, almost shoving that plushy into his hands.
But the minute your dog sensed your stress and saw how you gave that plushy to Youngjae, it lunged forward, literally stealing the plushy out of his hands and nudging your side with it, whining slightly when you didn’t grab it.
You stared at your dog with an open mouth.
“Guess your dog is a little kleptomaniac”, Yugyeom laughed and almost toppled over from it. 
“It has never done that before,” you whispered, dumbfounded and grabbed the plushy carefully, seeing your dog reacting pleased and sitting back down beside you. “I think this idiot thought the stuff it brought me would help me with my anxiety attacks.” You turned back to Youngjae. “I am so sorry. I guess it sensed how calm I am around you, all of you too of course, but you live right next door and were easy to get to.” Once again you held the plushy towards Youngjae, waiting for him to take it back.
“Actually,” Youngjae said and rubbed the back of his neck, glancing around and avoiding eye contact with you for longer than a second, “you can keep it.”
Mark smacked the back of Bambam’s head with an annoyed click of his tongue, while Jinyoung motioned the rest of the guys to follow him, giving Youngjae and you a little space.
“You know, I meant to ask you for a while now but I never found the right moment.” He glanced back at the rest of the guys and you followed his gaze, seeing them making shooing hand gestures. Youngjae cleared his throat awkwardly. “Would you go on a date with me?”
“Like on a puppy date? But haven’t we done that already?” You asked confused, tilting your head a little to the side in unison with your dog. A heartbeat later you gasped loudly and straightened again. “You mean an actual date! Oh my god, I’m so stupid!” You hid your face behind your hands in embarrassment.
Youngjae stepped closer to you and grabbed your wrists gently, pulling your hands away from your face. He grinned slightly and looked you finally in the eyes. “So? Would you go on a date with me?”
© all rights reserved
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soft-pentagon · 3 years
YES SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!! NETFLIX IS EEN FUCKING LUL! but- kissasian...? sounds interesting, gonna check that out immediately! also like- dutch cursewords are super funny. we also have "paardenlul" which literally translates to a "horse's c*ck" lmfao. "huppelkut" is also a very funny one! (u should look up "huppel" and "k*t" separately lol and it'll tell u what it means" dutch is a funny language when u think about it. anyways! hope u sleep well! - vijfhoek
should i really look these words up....... and kissasian is the site where i usually watch my dramas... its great hgshgsd it has adds and some hot brunette in your area is always ready to bang but you know ahgshs its great
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borathae · 5 years
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↳ Index [#03 Act Three: Melodies in the Night]
Warnings: feels, small fight, one curseword is used like once lmao
Wordcount: 6k
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Your Monday starts off normal with you having to attend your lectures and spending your lunch break on one of the benches outside before you have to get back to your studies.
You are currently on your way to European History of Music with your heart racing in your chest from nervousness because of who you will meet, when you spot Jungkook in the hallways. His head is lowered, exhaustion is written all over his features. You call his name, making him look up. His face lights up, he fixes his posture before running up to you with a bright smile.
“Hey ___ how are you?” Jungkook gives you a quick hug like he always does.
“Good, practice is killing me but otherwise good.”
“Yeah, I feel you. The teacher in my jazz vocals class thinks it’s a good idea to make me practice scat for two hours straight”, Jungkook sighs, “I swear to god if I have to sing one more boobidibibidi today I’ll literally rip out my vocal chords.”
You snort, laughing afterwards.
“Hey, don’t laugh, okay? Do you even know how annoying it can get if someone yells at your face to ‘feel the music’ and to ‘become the trumpet’?” Jungkook throws his arms up in annoyance, “How the hell do I become a trumpet?!” he squeaks, widening his eyes comically big. 
The whine in his voice and pout on his lips makes you laugh even harder. He's so adorable sometimes.
“What’s so funny?” Jimin has joined you right at this moment. He had just finished his dance practice, his whole body sweaty from the intense training, when he saw you and Jungkook laughing in the hallways. He has the strap of his gym bag draped over his left shoulder, holding it with one arm.
“Jungkook needs to become a trumpet, according to Mister Jung”, you tell him between laughter.
“What the?” Jimin starts laughing with you, holding onto Jungkook’s arm.
Jungkook just pouts, staring defeated at the hallway in front of him.
“I hate you two so much”, he mumbles with a certain whine in his voice.
“No you don’t, you love us”, Jimin teases, draping his arm over Jungkook’s shoulder to hug him aggressively.
Jungkook accepts it with a cute frown.
“Come on, cheer up Kook. You know we are not laughing at you but with you”, you say, hugging his arm and looking at him with innocent eyes.
Jungkook looks between you and Jimin before he scoffs.
“Yeah, whatever. Just get off of me, you are too hot”, he murmurs, shaking his body vigorously.
You let go of his arm, still giggling.
“But now that we have so miraculously met in the hallways, do you guys want to hang out down by the pond?” Jimin asks.
“You two go ahead. I still have a lecture in like ten minutes”, you tell him, stopping in front of a coffee vending machine.
“Noo, ___ come on please just skip it and join us. We haven’t seen you in ages”, Jimin whines, pouting.
You shake your head, pressing the button for Latte Macchiato. The machine gets to work, humming its familiar melody. Coffee pours out, light brown and watery, definitely not the most delicious looking coffee, but it has to do for the time being. Sidenote - it is definitely not worth the outrageous four bucks this godforsaken school asks for it  - sidenote end.
“I really can’t. I’m sorry guys”, you take the cup of coffee out of the machine, handing it to Jimin, “hold that for me, will ‘ya.”
You press the button once again, watching the machine work. Coffee as black as the night pours out and into the cup, it looks a lot more appetizing than your coffee, rich in color with a faint smell of roasted beans hanging in the air. Is it worth four bucks however? That is a question worth asking.
“Why do you need two cups of coffee? Or are you buying us some?” Jimin asks, his eyes sparkling in excitement at your alleged present.
You shake your head, pulling out the now finished black coffee from the machine.
“It’s not for you sorry. It’s for someone else.”
Jimin pouts, huffing out air. He was really looking forward to that coffee.
“Someone else?” Jungkook asks.
“Yep, Min Yoongi.”
Jimin nearly drops your coffee, Jungkook’s mouth falls open. They look at each other for a moment then back at you.
“Min Yoongi? What the hell ___. Why?” Jungkook asks with his brows furrowed.
You shrug your shoulders, putting a lid on both yours and Yoongi’s coffee cups.
“I don’t know. I just feel like it”, you say nonchalantly.
Jimin and Jungkook exchange another look, an annoyed one.
“Didn’t we tell you not to hang out with him?” Jimin asks, his voice is deep.
“Yeah you did and I decided to get my own idea on him. Everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.”
“Yeah? Well, not this creep. He is dangerous ___, didn’t Jieun’s story convince you?”, Jimin looks beyond angry.
“His ex? Jimin, there are some pretty mean exes out there, who like to badmouth the other.”
“I mean, the whole school’s talking about it, so there must be some truth about it”, he retorts.
“Oh so just because the whole school is talking about it, it means that it is automatically true? You do know that that’s how bullying starts? Believing everything the others say and joining in on the hate train. But not me. Innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around, that’s my motto. So let me give him this coffee or so god help me.”
Jimin lowers his head, grinding his teeth. His eyes shoot daggers your way, they are as cold as ice, not an ounce of fondness in them. You have seen this look before, when he had yelled at Yoongi on your first day of school and you don’t like it one bit that it is directed at you this time around. But you won’t give in, you had decided to give Yoongi this coffee yesterday night when your thoughts had kept you from falling asleep. There is nothing against a little gesture of goodwill, or in your case a gesture of apology for disturbing his late night practice.
You look at Jungkook for help, only to see him gawk at you with widened eyes. But his expression changes as soon as he feels your eyes on him, now concern is washed over his face.
“Come on Jimin, control your temper. She is just trying to give him a coffee”, he says, throwing a protective arm over your shoulder.
New anger burns in Jimin’s eyes as he stares down his friend.
“Then go on and give him that stupid coffee, but don’t come crying to us when you find him taking pics of your ass or some other fucked up shit”, Jimin growls, handing you back the cup before stomping off. The cup nearly crushes in his fingers from how tightly he had pressed it into yours.
So he is actually going to just run away and leave you standing, all because you decided to give Yoongi a chance? How much hatred does Jimin have in his heart for this man? You feel sick to the stomach.
You shake Jungkook’s arm off of you, looking at him. His eyes are big, looking after the disappearing figure of his friend before looking back at you. You both stay silent for a moment, staring at each other with clenched jaws.
“I’m not going to change my mind”, you growl.
“I know you won’t, you are stubborn like that”, he murmurs, scratching the back of his head.
“Thank you Jungkook for not trying to stop me”, you smile.
He hums, nodding his head.
“Just be careful ___. I mean it”, Jungkook whispers.
His eyebrows are creased, his lips turned downwards. He doesn’t seem to be angry at you, worried yes but not angry like Jimin.
“I’m always careful”, you reassure him.
Jungkook relaxes, sending you a lopsided smile, averting his gaze to the ground shyly.
“I’ll see you soon?” it is more of a question than a statement.
“I’ll see you soon”, you tell him, nodding.
Jungkook turns on his heels, running down the corridors to catch up with Jimin.
“Oh! And Jungkook!”
He turns around with curious eyes.
“I know you two aren’t bad people, just-“, you swallow down the words you actually wanted to say, “-take good care of Jimin, yeah?”
Jungkook nods obediently, giving you a thumbs-up.
“I will, don’t you worry”, he assures you before he turns around and rushes down the long hallway.
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You release a sigh. Telling them about your plan went better than you had feared. You were sure they were going to just throw you away and start treating you like they did Yoongi in the hallway all those weeks ago, but they didn’t. Your heart was right about them. Sure Jimin is angry with you, but at least he didn’t officially end your friendship and call you a ‘weirdo fetishist” in front of everyone to witness. There is still hope. You are going to prove it to them, to yourself and to Yoongi that he is worth it. With your mind set on making your goal happen, you strut to the lecture hall. Hopefully he is here today.
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The lecture hall is already filled with students when you enter, most of them chatting lively over last week’s lecture. You look around the room, scanning the rows and rows of students for the man you are burning to see. You finally spot him, one row further up than last week. His hood is pulled over his head and the cords of his earbuds tangle down the side of his face. His fingers move over the table surface as if he was playing the piano, it looks mesmerizing as always. You watch him for a moment, gathering courage. You can do this, just walk up to him, smile and hand him the coffee. It’s no big deal.
Your heart beats faster with every step you take closer to him, you clutch the paper cups in your hands, they feel hot, burning your fingertips. Just two more steps. The song must have changed, Yoongi’s fingers speed up, dancing over the surface. One more step. His eyes are fixated on the sheet music on the table in front of him. The last step. You are right in front of him, getting a good look at his hands. They are big, his fingers are long, almost boney, and thick veins scatter all over his porcelain skin. His hands are the total opposite from his delicate face and petit figure. Just like his deep voice, they almost seem fake, like they don’t actually belong to him.
It takes Yoongi a moment to notice your presence. His fingers stop, his head raises. He looks at you through his lashes, being obviously on defense mode if you decide to just dump the coffee on his head. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had tried it.
“Hello. How are you?” you send him a smile.
Yoongi cocks up an eyebrow, he is suspicious of you.
“Umm, I-I bought you this coffee. It’s, it’s still warm”, you stutter, putting one of the cups down in front of him.
He stares at it, looks back at you, stares at the cup again.
“It’s not poisoned or anything, just normal black coffee”, you had only realised now how suspicious it must be for some random girl to walk up to you with a coffee she had bought for you.
Yoongi stays silent, still waiting for you to make your move and burn his skin with the second cup of coffee you are holding.
“I didn’t add the three extra shots of espresso, I really wanted to but the machine sadly didn’t let me”, you joke in reference to your run-in at the coffee shop last week.
Yoongi looks at you again with his eyes twice the size. Did you actually buy him coffee? So you aren’t here to call him a pervert and throw boiling hot liquid at his body. His lips part slightly in a silent gasp, words seemed to have left his brain.
You clear your throat, scratching the back of your neck. It seems that he is not going to answer you.
“Umm, yeah, anyways. You don’t need to drink it, you know, just throw it away if you want to. But I promise you there's not something disgusting in there or dangerous. I-I’ll get going now, the lesson’s going to start soon.”
You turn around, starting to walk back to the stairs to get to your seat, when you suddenly hear the tiniest of voices.
“T-thank you.”
You turn on your heels. Yoongi is staring at you with big puppy eyes, holding the cup in his hand. Warmth fills your chest. You smile, your eyes sparkling.
“You are welcome”, and with that you turn around and finally walk to your seat with the biggest grin on your face.
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It turns out to be impossible trying to concentrate on today’s lecture. Not only because the current topic is deadly boring, but also because Yoongi is just so much more fun to gaze at. You have found the perfect seat to sit in to get the best view of his side profile. He takes cautious sips of his coffee first, probably not to burn his tongue. He stares at it with big eyes, it seems almost as if he is surprised to taste coffee in his mouth. What else had he expected? That you had pranked him and had actually gotten tea or hot chocolate? You wouldn’t do that. Yoongi looks around for a moment before he dares to smile the smallest, most delicate smiles you have ever seen. It feels like someone decided to squeeze your heart in your chest. Your present made him smile, gosh you are so happy right now. Yoongi takes another sip, longer this time. His tongue darts out, licking the coffee off his pouty lips. As if someone had pushed a button Yoongi’s face begins to practically glow, his smile growing.
He puts the coffee down, hiding his hands between his legs and lowering his head. He is still smiling, closing his eyes and scrunching his nose up, his shoulders rising to his ears. He is actually getting giddy over a cup of coffee, your heart does somersaults in your chest.
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The lecture soon finds its end and as quickly as you had sat down you are up again, rushing down the stairs to catch up on Yoongi. He had walked out of the lecture hall before the professor even announced this week’s readings, throwing the empty cup of coffee into the bin and buckling his backbag. You thankfully meet him in the hallways, his head lowered and his books pressed to his chest. You tap his arm, making him flinch. He turns his head, looking at you for the briefest of moments.
“Did you like the coffee? It seemed like you did.”
Yoongi nods, clutching his books tighter to his chest.
“You know I wanted to ask you something.”
Yoongi swallows, slowing down his steps. It almost seems as if he is getting anxious.
“No, actually first I want to apologize for disturbing your practice last Saturday, I really didn’t mean to be intrusive or anything.”
Yoongi wets his lips, his fingers play with the corner of one of his textbooks.
“I-it’s okay.”
He speeds up again, seemingly less anxious than before.
“But what I wanted to ask you. Where did you learn to play like that? I have never heard anything like it before, it was amazing.”
Yoongi’s face heats up, his cheeks become deep red, so does his cute button nose.
“I t-taught it m-mys-“, Yoongi starts only to get interrupted by two girls rushing up to him.
They press themselves between you and him, their faces contorted in anger.
“Get away from her you fucking creep!” the taller of the two girls screams, pushing Yoongi back by his chest.
He stumbles backwards, nearly bumping into a guy before he manages to catch himself. The guy tells him to “be careful freak” and continues strutting down the hallway afterwards.
One of the girls turns to you, looking worried. She cups your face, examining your features.
“Did this pervert harass you? He didn’t touch you, right? Or worse, hurt you?” she asks, genuinely worried.
You shake her off.
“What? Of course he didn’t. Why should he?” you growl furrowing your brows in annoyance.
The girl's face lights up in anger. She quickly turns around now staring at Yoongi.
“You think you can get through with this, freak? I swear if you keep talking to her I’ll kill you myself”, she screams, nearly jumping at Yoongi if her friend wouldn’t hold her back.
Yoongi lowers his head, blinking rapidly.
“I-I’m s-sorry”, he whispers.  
It sounds as if he is in pain, his voice hoarse and little. It breaks your heart, your eyes burn in unshed tears.
“What was that? Speak up!” the girl yells.
Yoongi flinches, blinking again, breathing quickly.
“He said he is sorry! Are you deaf or something? Even I could hear him and I am standing right here behind you!” you say loudly, circling the two girls to stand next to Yoongi.
They stare at you as if you were crazy. As a matter of fact everyone was staring at you, frozen on the hallway and as quiet as the night. It feels as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for what you will do next.
“Come on Yoongi, let’s leave”, you turn to him.
Gasps echo in the bright hallway before everyone starts to whisper loudly. The girls' mouths fall open, their eyes becoming big. Yoongi looks at you, just as confused as everyone else. You give him a reassuring nod, smiling. It is everything Yoongi needed to finally start moving, following you down the hallway with small steps. Eyes follow you, judging you with so much disgust it makes your chest feel tight. You try to tell yourself that this was the right decision, that you don’t need their approval and fake smiles, that being nice to someone is worth a thousand times more than getting a better “status”. But as the stares don’t stop and the mean whispered words get louder, every step you take feels heavier and heavier. Only when you are finally outside at a quiet spot in the school garden and no other person is close to you, the suffocating feeling in your chest subsides. You sit down on the bench, Yoongi follows you.
“Are you okay? Do you want to be alone?” you break the burdensome silence.
“No”, Yoongi whispers shakily. He shakes his head, having his eyes pressed closed.
“Then I’ll stay with you.”
Seconds pass, minutes, maybe even hours in which you stay by his side in complete silence. You don’t need to talk to him and he doesn’t need to talk to you, you both understand how much you each need the quiet right now. Just sitting next to each other, getting lost in your own thoughts, is enough comfort for you and him. You can watch the sun set behind your back, the shadows you and Yoongi cast getting longer and longer with every passing minute. With the warm sunlight disappearing behind the tall trees the air is getting a lot colder, cooling down your skin until goosebumps appear on it. Yoongi seems to be cold too, shivering just the slightest bit and keeping his folded hands between his legs.
“You know”, you say quietly as to not startle him too much.
Yoongi hums.
“I don’t believe the rumors, you don’t seem like a bad person to me. On the contrary, I actually think you are pretty nice.”
Yoongi turns his head to stare at you dumbfounded.
“I mean it, maybe it’s because I’m new here and didn’t really witness any of the real drama, but I just don’t believe that you are a bad person.”
Yoongi blinks as if he wanted to get rid of tears before he looks away.
“W-why n-not?”
“Why not? Well, because I just, I don’t know, I just have this feeling about you. You may be a little shy but you sure as hell aren’t evil. Also being shy isn’t a bad thing, so if that’s what people dislike about you then fuck them, I won’t join them on their stupid hate train. ”
Silence hangs between you and him as he thinks your words over. You can see his brain practically realise the importance of your words. Confusion, hurt, relief, happiness his face changes emotions every second. He blinks, a means to clear his mind and get him back down to earth.
“Thank you”, he breathes, not daring to look into your eyes as his words bare far too much importance to him and he can’t seem to get enough courage to look at you.
“Don’t mention it.”
You lean back on the bench, sighing in relaxation. The street lamps have turned on minutes ago, illuminating the white gravel paths in a cool light. Thousands of insects buzz above your heads, hyptnotised by the blinding lights. A few people have walked past you in the last hour, giving you a quick judging look before quickening their steps. Not one dares to actually talk to you. Good, you think, at least they won’t stress out Yoongi again. Let them stare, if they think this is what brings them joy in their sad lives then let them stare.
The air gets even colder, wind had started to blow, making both you and Yoongi shiver.
“It’s getting rather cold don’t you think?”
Yoongi nods, wrapping his arms around his torso as a means of keeping himself warm. His legs are shaking, the holes in his black jeans doing little to shield him from the wind. Would it be weird to offer him your scarf? Most likely it would.
“Do you perhaps want to go somewhere warmer? The cafeteria perhaps or the practice rooms?” you suggest instead, but Yoongi shakes his head.
“I want t-to go h-home”, he says, shivering even more than before.
“Home? Oh, alright sure that’s also a plan. Do you want me to accompany you?”
Yoongi shakes his head again.
“No just”, he sighs, “just s-stay away from me. It’s better for, for y-you”, he says, breaking your heart.
“I-I’m sorry for, for e-everything”, he looks at you, his eyes glistening sadly in the dim lights.
He stands up, clutching his books like always, pulling his hood further down his face.
“Yoongi come on, don’t do this again. I’m trying to be your friend, not your enemy”, you plead, standing up as well.
You know he must be scared of the foreign feeling of someone offering him warmth, but he shouldn’t keep himself from experiencing it. He deserves to have a friend, to have someone to lean on to and someone who will be there for him when the world seems to be against him. Why can’t he see that he is worthy of friendship?
He seems to hesitate for a moment, gnawing on his lower lip.
“T-thank you for the, the c-coffee”, he mumbles finally.
“I-“, you sigh in defeat, “sure no need to thank me”, you mumble, letting your shoulders sack in sadness.
He stares at you for a moment. His whole body screams at him to reach out and pat your shoulder, to take your hand and shake it as a means to thank you. His heart yearns for him to say the right words, to tell you that he would love to hang out with you some more, that he thinks you are a good person too. But he just can’t, he can’t exploit your good heart just so he won’t be so alone anymore. It wouldn’t be fair to you, you deserve to be popular, to run around the hallways without people instantly starting to badmouth you for you to hear and you deserve to have friends, who actually know how to be a proper adult.
So just with everyone, who had tried before, Yoongi does the one thing he is best at, pushing you away, building a wall around his heart and refusing to let in the warmth you offer him.
“Bye”, he murmurs, turning around.
“Bye”, you whisper, sounding so painfully hopeless it breaks Yoongi’s heart.
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You watch him walk down the gravel paths, biting your tongue to stop yourself from crying in frustration. All you do to try and get his trust seems to be wrong. You should just give up, accept that he will never accept your friendship, but dear god does this thought tear your heart apart. He may be walking away from you tonight, but you know he won’t be walking out of your heart for a long time, you grew too fond of him to let him go that easily.
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Two very restless sleeps later your situation seemed to have worsened. People seem to dodge you when you walk down the hallways, giving you a wide berth when you pass them by on the hallways. You don’t hear them whisper yet, thankfully they don’t seem to dislike you that much already. But it still sucked, being practically the new attraction to stare at just because you defended a man innocent of all accusations. You really start to hate this school, you should have stayed in your little town with the mediocre music program, at least people didn’t seem to care about status or titles back there. The only important thing in their lives was music and the desire to create pieces so beautiful it made your chest glow in happiness. But now the only thing people seemed to care about was stupid rumors and how popular someone was.
You scoff, rolling your eyes when three guys pass you with judging looks. Words really seem to spread fast in this school, it seemed like everyone was against you now.
Suddenly Jimin and Jungkook appear in your vision, both of them leaned against a locker talking to a blond-haired man. You can’t make out his face, all you can see are his broad shoulders which shield half of Jungkook’s face from you.
You walk closer, watching the three men with curious eyes. Are they going to ignore you too?
“Hey guys”, you say loudly, stepping into the circle of the three men.
The conversation stops, the blond-haired man looks at you from the corner of his eyes.
“Isn’t that the girl that defended the freak? Why is she talking to us?” he asks, cocking up an eyebrow.
Jungkook and Jimin seem to be clearly embarrassed, both of them scratching the backs of their necks whilst chuckling awkwardly.
“I have a name, you know?” you spit, sending the tall man an annoyed look.
He scoffs, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Really? You do? That’s good for you”, he almost sounds amused by the whole situation, grinning.
“Okay Seokjin I think that’s enough now”, Jimin throws in, putting his hand on the blond man's shoulder.
Seokjin scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“Sure whatever, I don’t think I want to be here anymore. You know how to reach me if you decided what to do. See you tomorrow guys”, he says, giving both Jungkook and Jimin a brotherly pat on the shoulder with a bright smile on his face.
“See you tomorrow hyung”, Jungkook smiles, bowing his head at the blond man.
Seokjin looks at you for a moment, his eyes scanning over your features before he chuckles amusedly. He shakes his head in disappointment, turning his back to you before he walks down the hallway to chat with someone else.
“What a douchebag”, you grumble, sending a dark look down the hallway where Seokjin is currently standing.
“What else did you expect? We warned you, didn't we?” Jungkook murmurs.
You look back at your friend, surprised by his harsh words. His eyes are ice cold, his jaw clenched and veins are popping out on the side of his neck.
“So you are against me too?”
“I’m definitely not on your side no. Unlike you, I actually care what other people think of me”, he retorts.
“Are you serious right now?” you gasp, swallowing down the painful lump in your throat.
Jungkook can’t be serious right now, he wouldn’t treat you like that.
“Do I look like I’m joking to you?”
Your mouth falls open, you blink rapidly. You seem to be lost for words, dumbfounded and hurt by his cold treatment.
“Alriiight guys I think it’s time we relocate this conversation to somewhere more private”, Jimin throws in, taking both yours and Jungkook’s hands and pulling you down the hallway.
“Where the hell are you taking us?” Jungkook protests, wiggling his arm to get himself free of Jimin’s tight grip.
“The bench. You two need to talk about everything. In private”, Jimin says determinedly, pushing himself through the crowd of people.
“Yes, good idea let’s walk through the whole school where everyone can see us”, Jungkook presses out through gritted teeth.
“Hush now”, Jimin spits, squeezing Jungkook’s hand painfully hard.
The latter whines quietly, scrunching his nose up in pain. Jimin’s rough handling works, Jungkook quiets down, accepting his fate all whilst suffering in silence.
You can’t contain your smile, Jimin’s hand holding you gently comforts you in a weird way. It had been ages since someone last granted you any kind of physical affection, so it is nice not feeling like you are poisonous to touch for once.
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Thankfully your spot is empty when you arrive, two birds singing in the tree the only company you have. Jimin sits both of you down, wiggling himself between you and Jungkook. He puts his hands on each your thighs, caressing your skin with gentle strokes of his palm.
“I really don’t like you two fighting like this. I know a lot of things happened lately and a lot of things changed, but please guys don’t let this get between us. We are better than this”
Jungkook scoffs, turning his shoulder to you and Jimin, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“What are you trying to do here hyung?” he mumbles.
“Saving our friendship, so behave Jungkook”, Jimin retorts, sending Jungkook a warning glare.
The younger man grows smaller underneath Jimin’s dark eyes, gnawing on his lower lip.
“Hyung, why are you putting this on-“ he starts but Jimin interrupts him.
“Kookie, do you really think people staring will keep me from loving ___? She is our friend and I don’t abandon my friends that easily.”
“Neither do I”, Jungkook growls, “but I still don’t know why you are trying to make me the villain here”, he adds.
Jimin scoffs in frustration.
“Jungkook”, he warns, “I’m trying to help you guys here, can’t you see that ___ needs us right now?” he says as he puts a gentle hand on your thigh.
Jimin’s words hit deeper than you would have imagined. You blink, your eyes are tearing up, your lips quivering. You lower your head, folding your hands on your lap before your shoulders suddenly start to shake.
Both Jimin’s and Jungkook’s heads snap into your direction, staring at you with big eyes.
“No ___ please don’t cry, hey sweetie I am here, don’t cry anymore”, Jimin says, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you to his chest.
“I can’t stand these people, I really can’t. Why is everyone so obsessed with status here? I hate it, I hate it so much”, you hiccup, clutching onto Jimin’s shirt.
Deep down Jungkook knows you had also meant him and his obsession with keeping his white vest clean. He lowers his eyes in shame, starting to play with the sleeves of his sweater.
“I know I’m stupid to make it my goal to befriend the one person everyone seems to hate, but do I really deserve to be stared at and ignored just because I offered someone friendship?”
You look up, staring into Jimin’s eyes. Jimin cups your cheeks, brushing his thumb over your tearstained skin. He shakes his head, not daring to speak.
“And Yoongi isn’t a bad guy. Everyone got it wrong, he is neither a pervert nor is he a creep, so stop calling him a freak, alright?”
You can’t help but send Jungkook a dark look. He starts to blush, gnawing on his lower lip.
“He really isn’t evil or dangerous, the only reason why people treat him that badly is because they know he is too shy to defend himself.”
“But everyone said that it’s true, I just followed everyone”, Jungkook mumbles, his own lip quivering.
“And you see that’s your problem Jungkook. You don’t need the opinion of every single student here, the only opinions that matter are the ones of the people you love and your own, the other ones are unimportant.”
“But I don’t want to be alone, people will hate me”, Jungkook confesses, suddenly holding onto Jimin’s hand as if seeking comfort.
“You are not alone, you have us”, Jimin says, nudging Jungkook’s chest with his shoulder, "now come here and get your cuddles.
Jungkook’s lips twitch up into a shy smile, his eyes fluttering shut before he rests his forehead against Jimin’s head. His right hand comes to rest on yours, engulfing you in warmth.
"Now apologize Kookie", Jimin whispers, playing with Jungkook’s hair.
“I'm sorry ___. You weren’t stupid, the only one who was stupid here is me. I'll trust your judgement from now on”, he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, nuzzling his nose against Jimin’s skin as he chases the comfort it brings him.
“That’s good to hear Kookie, I’m glad that your opinion on my plan changed”, you smile.
“Yeah”, Jungkook chuckles breathlessly.
“Yeah Jimin?”
“Can you maybe tell us what exactly made you decide to give Yoongi a chance? I mean, we did warn you and you could have believed us and followed everyone but you didn’t. Why?”
“Because when I looked into his eyes, I couldn’t sense anything evil behind them, he gave me a feeling of innocence, of fear and panic, but not that of an evil mastermind planning to creep on me.”
“Hm, okay”, Jimin says.
Both Jungkook and Jimin exchange a quick look, silently communicating about your choice of words. His eyes? His eyes were the crucial factor to your decision? And they thought he may have helped you with something or rescued you out of a tricky situation.
“If you think so”, Jungkook mumbles, not daring to look into your eyes whilst speaking, too scared you may think he is insincere.
He doesn’t even know himself if he means his words or not, it’s a lot of getting used to right now, having to accept your plan on making Yoongi your friend and the judging stares that will be send their ways as well for still hanging out with you. But Jimin is right, he can’t abandon you like that, his heart would ache too much for you. So he just needs to get over his fears, no matter how hard it is.
“So we are still friends right? And I can count on you not to ignore me in the hallways?” you ask, looking between Jungkook and Jimin.
They nod without a second of hesitation.
“Sure you can”, Jimin assures you, smiling brightly.
“Thank you”, you giggle, giving Jimin’s hand a gentle squeeze.
You both look at Jungkook, waiting for his answer. He bites his lower lip in contemplation.
Jimin nudges Jungkook’s knee with his own, sending him a warning look.
“Y-yeah, you can”, he breathes, nodding his head.
“Great, I’m glad”, you pat his hand.
It makes him smile a lopsided smile, his eyes not daring to look into yours.
It’s a lot of getting used to, for all of you, but you will get through it, you are sure of it.
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pikapeppa · 5 years
OC Interview: Rynne Hawke
I did this already for Fenris the Inquisitor and I’ve been tagged again by the precious @littlesnowarrow, so here we go - Fenris’s partner in love and in crime kicking Coryfish’s ass or whatever: the infamous Rynne Hawke! (Art by the delightful @schoute!) 
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The rules: Answer the following questions as your OC of choice. 
(Like for Fenris’s interview, let’s pretend some journalist from Val Royeaux is interviewing Rynne for Inquisition “publicity reasons”.) 
1. What’s your name?
Rynne Hawke! But everyone just calls me Hawke. 
2. Do you know why you are named that?
My father liked the name, I think. [laughs] I mean, why do parents ever name their children anything? Either because they like the name, or because they want to jack themselves off by naming their brats the same thing as themselves. [Beside her, Fenris makes an odd noise and rubs his mouth.] What? What did I say?
3. Are you single or taken?
Taken. Frequently and very, very well, thank you for asking. [Fenris snorts, stands up while muttering something about Inquisition business, then leaves the room.] Hey, where are you going?
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Yes. I’m a mage. 
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Ooh, I’ve not heard of that one. Is that a sex position I don’t know about? I’ll have to ask Bull about that.
6. What’s your eye color?
Some say amber, some say copper, some say whiskey... A lovely shade of golden-brown, as you can see. [charming grin]
7. How about your hair color?
Boring brown, I’m afraid. 
8. Have any family members?
[small laugh] Living ones, I assume you mean? There’s Fenris, of course. Toby, my big hairy baby. Carver, my big hairy baby brother. Oh, and our uncle Gamlen is still kicking around in Lowtown, according to Aveline. 
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Oh. I suppose Toby? But... no, I take that back. He’s a family member, not a pet.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
I don’t like wearing shoes and socks. I wish I had nice hard elfy soles so I could go around barefoot like some handsome elves I know.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Of course! We like reading, playing cards, gossiping and going out for drinks, and... well. Never mind. Fenris wouldn’t be too pleased if I told you about the rest. [wiggles her eyebrows salaciously.]
[From the adjacent room, Fenris calls out: “I can hear you. I am right here.”]
Oh good! So does that mean I can tell them about our sex life? Fenris? [a long pause ensues] Is that a no?
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Absolutely. Especially if they’re trying to hurt us first.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
Um, absolutely. It’s a kill-or-be-killed kind of world out there! Maker’s balls, Is this the first time you’ve poked your head out of Val Royeaux in months? What sort of questions are these?
14. What kind of animal are you?
Hmm. Now that’s a great question. Funnily enough, I wouldn’t say a hawk. [calls out to the adjacent room] Fenris! What kind of animal am I?
[Fenris replies: “A mabari. You are extremely loyal, exceedingly affectionate, and utterly vicious and lethal when necessary.” Rynne smiles.] 
Awww, I love you too. 
15. Name your worst habits?
I don’t have any. I’m perfect. 
[Fenris calls out once again: “She is a terrible blanket hog. And yet she complains about being cold at night.”] 
Hey, that’s not fair! [she leans in conspiratorially to the interviewer] I just tell him I’m cold so he has to hug me. It works every time. 
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Absolutely. He’s sitting in the next room. 
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Bisexual, thank you for asking. What about you? What kind of genitalia do you most enjoy fondling? [widens her eyes when the interviewer doesn’t reply] What’s wrong, are you shy?
18. Do you go to school?
If you mean sitting in Solas’s rotunda and asking him as many questions as I can to see if there is anything he doesn’t know, then yes. Absolutely. [whispers] I have yet to ask him anything he doesn’t have an answer to. It’s frankly insane.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
[bursts out laughing] Did you know we’ve been engaged for over two years? Honestly, that’s good enough for me. Weddings are so expensive. Who needs a big party for no reason? Not me. [laughs some more. She sounds slightly nervous.]
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Absolutely. Oh no wait, that’s the mob of faithful Andrastians who want my head on a spike. Next question please! [chuckles]
21. What are you most afraid of?
[she hesitates, then laughs.] What Dorian will be wearing every day, honestly. I don’t know where Vints get their fashion sense from, but I can understand why the Qunari are always so angry at them.
[In the adjacent room, Fenris snorts.]
22. What do you usually wear?
[leans back leisurely on the couch and slowly crosses her legs] Have a look for yourself. Don’t be shy.
23. What one food tempts you?
Oh fuck yes. You know those Rivaini roasted vegetable crisps that they toss with the sweet and spicy rub? I love those things. I would die for a bowl of those. I should ask Leliana about getting our hands on some of those. Seems like important Inquisition business, right?
24. Am I annoying you?
Not at all! I could do this all day. 
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Go ahead! 
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Ooh. Funny question, that. I suppose I’ve been all over the place? I’m the Inquisitor’s lady now, so I guess that makes me rather fancy and high-class. 
27. How many friends do you have?
Everyone is my friend! Unless they try to kill me or Fenris. Or Toby, or Carver or Varric, or... shit, maybe I don’t have that many friends. [throws her head back and laughs] 
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
I love it. Why, do you have some? Now you’ve got me wanting some. Thanks for that.
29. Favourite drink?
Brandy! Antivan is best.
30. What’s your favourite place?
Oh. Aww... you know what, I really loved the study in my old house in Kirkwall. It was just... there were a lot of memories there. The study and the bedroom. [she winks.] That’s all I’ll say. 
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Yes. I’m very interested in the Inquisitor. He’s fascinating. So intelligent and handsome, with such a nice growly voice...
[From the next room, Fenris calls out again: “Kaffas, Hawke, you will make me blush.”] 
Good. That’s what I was hoping for. [laughs]
32. That was a stupid question…
Not at all! I’ll take any and every opportunity to rave about Fenris. He’s my favourite. [A soft chuckle and an indistinct Tevene curseword can just barely be heard from the other room.] 
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Ocean! I know there are just as many living things in oceans and lakes, but somehow oceans feel... cleaner? Less muddy and more sandy. It’s hard to explain. 
34. What’s your type?
White-haired elves with lyrium tattoos and dirty thoughts. 
35. Any fetishes?
I’ll tell you a terrible secret: not really. Though with Bull being around and putting all these ideas in everyone’s head, who knows what could happen? [wiggles eyebrows and grins]
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Camping indoors? Isn’t that just... normal indoor living? Or are you talking about building a pillow fort? Because that’s just ludicrous. [calls out to the other room] Fenris, can you ask Josie to send us about twenty more pillows?
[Fenris replies: “No.”]
Damn. Worth a shot. Oh, is that all? All right. Swing by the tavern later if you have a chance! No guarantees Varric won’t bet you out of your own pants, though.
Read more about Fenris the Inquisitor and his right-hand Rynne Hawke here on AO3. 
Tagging forward to... errr, who haven’t I tagged for this already? @iarollane @charlatron @emmavakarian-theirin @faerieavalon @schoute (I NEED DIS IN PIRATEPIPER’S VOICE) @lyrium-lovesong @inquisadaartabras and honestly anyone else who wants to play! 
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