#your love is not a finite source!
violettduchess · 2 months
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A/N: I don't know where this came from. I just had an idea for it and wanted to write it down. A small, quiet moment with Gilbert.
Gilbert x Reader, comfort fic
WC: 500
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Daylight wans. The sun begins its slow descent, acquiescing the reign of the sky to the night. The moon rises, regal as a queen, bringing with it a court full of cold, diamond-bright stars.  Your slippered feet move silently across black and gold carpeting, the lace hem of your nightgown brushing light kisses against your ankles. You pause outside his door, the massive dark wood carved with prowling tigers as if protecting the study and all of its secrets.
But you are not afraid of their claws or sharp teeth.
With a steady hand, you press down on the gilded handle and enter.
He is sitting at his desk, writing, working, always working. He’s shed his cloak, his gloves, his belt, his cravat, all the golden ornamental trappings of his authority. The sight of him, stripped down to his gray shirt, his dark pants and socks, flattens your lungs, swells your heart. One elegant hand is pushed into the midnight silk of his hair, his head tilted away from you as the dark feathered quill scratches continuously along the parchment. Moonlight spills like ethereal paint through the arched window, fighting with the soft, orange glow of the chamberstick over who is allowed to illuminate the planes of his face, which type of light is allowed to tenderly caress that pale skin, the gentle slope of his neck.
One step into the room and the quill freezes, his head turns and he sees you there. There are shadows under his brilliant, blood-red eye. You worry he is not feeling well, he is pushing himself too hard, he is drawing on a finite source of energy that may run out.
“Come here.”
The command is still a command, however gently he may speak it. But you go willingly, crossing the room until you are at his side. He shifts his body, pushing the heavy desk chair back slightly and then pulls you onto his lap, sighing when he feels your weight against him, as if it is relief, as if it is oxygen.
You are here.
The quill lies abandoned on the desk, losing its last few drops of ebon ink.
You are here and everything else will wait.
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you so tightly against him that every breath you take pushes against his hold. You don’t mind. He nuzzles against the silk of your robe, roughly pulls it until it drapes off of you, leaving him your bare shoulder and one thin silken nightgown strap. He buries his face just there, hides his unearthly beauty away from the world so that he may get lost in your darkness, your scent, the warmth of you. Your hands slide across his shoulders where you feel the tension coiled within, the serpentine stress that bites at him daily, sinks its gleaming fangs into him over and over without remorse. Your hand comes to rest on the back of his neck and you cradle him, loving and secure, against you. His breath is hot, unsteady as you tighten your grip on his nape, firm and unyielding.
I'm here, it says. I have you. 
The Conqueror Beast can finally, finally rest.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
@tele86 @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen
@myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @whatever-fanfics
@justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating
@portrait-ninja @starlitmanor-network @sh0jun @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing
@nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @joiedecombat
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simp4konig · 3 months
Nikto x Reader Angst Drabble
You love Nikto. But Nikto does not love anybody.
Word count: 829
Allusions to smut! Readers are warned for mentions of NSFW.
"I do not love you."
You're bent over, hands clutching the bedsheets, fingers bunching up the fabric in a shaky, white-knuckle grip.
Nikto, who had been thrusting into you, was still, as still as a statue, and, although you cannot see his eyes, you imagine them to be stony, the expression under the metal mesh plate of a mask stoic, unresponsive. Disgusted.
Five words. Just five single syllables, whispered in a voice that is hoarse from groaning, gravelly and rough like always. A voice which belongs to Nikto, the voice that you had hopelessly fallen in love with, despite how reckless of you it was for you to grow accustomed to it, to be comforted by it. To find solace in it.
You hadn't meant to let it slip. You really hadn't. It was in the heat of the moment, even though those feelings were anything but. Those feelings were a fire, and Nikto the fuel, a finite source that you should have known better than to extract from.
He would be gone for weeks, for nights, months at a time, deployed on missions with intel classified to you. You never knew what would happen, what was the goal, where, and why. What you would know is that Nikto survived each time.
And what you do know is that you're a toy for him to be used, abused, and reused, dumping weeks' worth of semen into you.
You enjoyed it. Nikto enjoyed it. Really, it was meant to be no strings attached — just a case of arriving at your apartment when least expected, the intensity of his gaze enough for you to realise his intentions, and you'd be bent over the nearest surface before you could do so much as blink, clothes discarded haphazardly on the floor and half-naked.
Nikto did not exert warmth. Not comfort, nor love. Stoic and stone-cold, his heart a hard rock incapable of oozing love for anything, his mind irreversibly damaged and traumatised, he was incapable of emotion, of feelings. Incapable of reciprocating your feelings.
Aftercare was nonexistent. Every careful caress of his scarred skin, every tentative touch on an area that is sensitive, even the merest of kisses that appeared too intimate, too affectionate, too full of care, were swatted, spat on, and chastised. Nikto's nose scrunched in utter disgust at the prospect of intimacy, and he positively felt sick to his stomach whenever you mistakenly kissed him, too lost in the moment for the consequences of such a mindless action to register.
You were meant to be a toy. And that's all you are. That's all you are, you repeated, was reiterated, was reinforced.
Yet, you longed for more. How fucking pathetic of you to think that Nikto could offer you more.
Licking your dry lips, you swallow the build-up of saliva in your mouth, throat bobbing up and down as you do so. Although drool had collected at the corner of your mouth in pleasure, saliva built up from guilt, from shame, from humiliation.
You lie through the skin of your teeth, thankful that your facial expression isn't visible to Nikto from this position: "I— I-I didn't mean it in... in that way. You— you know that, Nikto."
Tears collect in your eyes. Why couldn't you have contented yourself with the sex? His presence? His existence? Why did you have to fall in love with a man who would never, ever love you?
"I meant— I meant I love what you're doing. W-what you're doing to me. J-just— it feels so, so good."
He grunts in acknowledgement, and you gulp a little too audibly for your liking, blinking profusely in the hope that you convinced him enough.
His callous fingers tangle themselves in your hair, fingertips scratching your scalp — not fingernails, because some are missing. It never warranted an explanation because you didn't deserve one.
The silence is deafening. For those seconds, you don't dare breathe. Your eyes are wide, panic-stricken, and you're mentally praying for any salvation, for any mercy — anything.
Finally, Nikto's grip on your scalp loosens, seemingly satisfied with your answer, and he resumes his thrusts, grunting into your ear again.
A quiet moan escapes your lips, and you squeeze your eyes shut, willing the tears to go away.
"Good," he laughs, laughing a cruel, callous laugh, apathetic. "And I love it when you keep that mouth shut. So keep it shut, or I'll cut that tongue out if you keep letting such shit leave that goddamn mouth."
You feel so pathetic. So ashamed. So humiliated.
And you are. You really are.
But you can savour his touch for a few moments more, lose yourself in the pleasure for a some more thrusts, orgasm some more, until Nikto decides that he is satisfied, and abandons your apartment to return to the barracks.
And who knows? Maybe this is the last time he will ever come back to you — abandon your apartment forever without a word of goodbye.
Haven't written in a while, but this came to me as I was on c.ai, and the inspiration was so strong that I wrote this all in one sitting lolol 😝
Still obsessed w Nikto behind the scenes. I am on my KNEES 🛐, PLEASE GIVE ME MORE NIKTO CONTENT I AM IN NEED 😭🙏😭🙏😭🙏 IDC IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW ME OR KNOW ME TAG ME IN ANYTHING I NEED IT SO BAD 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
Anyways although this isn't my headcanon, it suits Nikto's character, and as tragic it is for me to imagine this, it's pretty accurate (I would say)... 🥲💔
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
How Finite is Love?
This is a short little piece set in @shirecorn‘s super cool mlp AU! This is just a first pass at it, I’ll definitely refine it if I post it to a fic site. I just HAD to get this out though, the au hits all my sweet spots!
Shining Armor considers the ponies he loves, and how a mortal pony can love goddesses.
Shining Armor held no resentment towards his two favourite mares. It wasn't their fault. They had no choice. Shining wasn't certain he believed in destiny, but whatever happened to his wife and baby sister sure was close.
First it was his wife, and that he could handle. She was an adult. They had fallen in love in highschool, they had grown together, Shining knew how strong Cadance was. If anypony deserved ascension, it was her.
If anypony could weather this, it was them.
He loved his wife with every bone in his body, every fiber of his being, every ounce of magic he could channel. And he knew she felt the same. If she didn't... this never would have happened.
Can love be a curse? Can loving somepony too much damn your soul? Can it save it?
About a month after Cadance gained her horn, Shining Armor decided dwelling on these questions wasn't helpful, and the answers didn't matter. He loved Cadance, and Cadance loved him. He couldn't change the past, wasn't sure if he even would -- but he was dead set on building a happy future.
At least as happy as he could give her. He couldn't guarantee that the love his mortal body held would last into her infinity, but he was determined to try.
He hoped it wouldn't destroy her to leave him behind, when the time came.
He loved her too much for that.
He had celebrated when The Sun took notice of Twilight.
The young stallion was oblivious to the looks of quiet worry on his parents' faces, the body language that said they were resigned to a cautious optimism. How could the attention of the source of Equestrian life bring anything but fortune?
He wasn't yet old enough to have heard the whispers. The old fables weren't circulated in school for fear of divine retribution, and Shining Armor was not as studious as his sibling.
Had he the power, he would have torn The Sun from the sky.
His baby sister, the sweetest and most sensitive mare he had ever known, damned to an eternity of watching her friends die.
She was a child (she was older than Cadance had been) she needed protection (she had brought down false gods) she wasn't ready (The Sun had learned from its mistakes, this new goddess was more than prepared).
She needed him.
Didn't she?
(She did, once.)
He was proud of her, of course. And if he had been watching for the signs, he wouldn't have been surprised.
Twilight Sparkle had always had an innate love for those around her. Before she had locked herself away in that tower amongst the tomes, she had been a kind filly. And even then, she had never quite managed to harden her heart.
She was still openly affectionate with him, with Cadance, with Twilight Velvet and Night Light. She shared her knowledge with them because it was how she said 'I love you.'
Leave it to a goddess to exploit that trait.
When Shining managed to find time to talk with his Twily after she had earned her wings, she had said her job as goddess was 'to spread the knowledge of friendship' and to teach others what friendship truly meant. She sounded excited, happy. She had found a purpose for her research.
Shining Armor wasn't sure if his baby sister hadn't yet considered the consequences of eternal life, or if it simply didn't bother her. He didn't ask.
He realized that while she was still his Twily, and would be until the day he died, she was more. She was Ponyville's friend. She was Celestia's Twilight Sparkle.
She was Equestria's new goddess.
He renewed his vow to remain her BBBFF forever, to keep her safe from turmoil and danger.
He swallowed down his anger and despair that night, in favour of his inevitable role as protector. He had his cutie mark, and he knew what it meant.
Shining Armor loved the mares in his life, and he would go to the ends of Equestria to keep them safe and happy, whether they needed him or not.
He was glad, at least, that they would have each other.
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black-arcana · 5 months
the GazettE members says farewell to Reita
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With the passing of Reita, the members of the GazettE have shared their heartfelt and heartbreaking farewells to the brightest bassist out there, Reita.
In the farewell messages, the members make mentions of the “forever” that Reita wished for, referring to Reita’s last tweet posted the day before his passing.
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Reita’s last tweet: “I hope that the GazettE lasts forever”.
In our translations below, we tried to keep the messages as faithful to the original source as possible, taking into account nuances such as vocalist Ruki’s use of hiragana for “Reita” (れいた), and the other members’ use of “REITA” in capital letters, and more.
Please read every word that the members had to share.
Vocalist Ruki
I think the meaning of what [Reita] posted at the end, “I hope that the GazettE lasts forever”, is that he wanted to be able to see that amazing view from the stage in 2023—the view that he saw with his own eyes—for the rest of time. That view he saw together with you, the fans. Your happy faces. That place where all of us raised our voices together. That wonderful, irreplaceable treasure. I think that he thought it would be wonderful if that moment would last an eternity. I remember you saying that you wanted to play a show soon. “Even when I’m having a hard time, getting together with my band members like this and laughing is when I’m having the most fun”, he was the type of kind, passionate guy, who even after becoming an adult could say this with total honesty. I loved that honesty. We even joked around about taking care of our health this year, just like we did every year on our birthdays. This band will never be a 4 member thing. No matter what anyone says. You’re the only bassist for us. I know your soul is always going to be there on my right-hand side. Nobody will be able to see it, but we’ll feel it. That proof of life that you built with the GazettE will live on. That’s what I believe. That you’ll always be beside me as I keep singing, Reita. We’ll never become something that you’d hate. I don’t want to make you sad. Humans lives are finite, but I think the soul remains. Your soul will live on, in us, in me, in our fans. I want to keep playing shows that will make those I love want to come back and play, even when they’re just souls. Because all of our fans are here for us, we can create that view he wanted to see and keep him here with us forever. So please stay by my side from here on out, too. I know he’d like it best if you remembered him with a smile, and how amazing he was, instead of being sad when you see him. We’ll be more than ready to look after this band from here on out. We’ll show you that “forever” you wished for, Reita. So make sure you come down from heaven for every show, okay? We’ll always have a seat for you. Things are going to get really busy from here on out. Once we’ve settled on a schedule, I’ll contact you again.
Guitarist Uruha
To all the fans who supported REITA until now, I think he was a huge source of support for everyone, including myself. I still can’t accept that he’s not here, that we won’t be able to stand on stage together again. I think there’s going to be a lot of things I’ll come to understand slowly over time. But drowning in sorrow forever won’t let us bring his wish to see “forever” to life, and I deeply feel that I need the strength to keep moving forward from here on. I also think that the road we paved with him to get here is irreplaceable, and I think we all want to keep that alive inside of us in the future. He gave us so much, and stood by our side for so long, and now and forever, he will be one of my closest friends. Please keep all the words, the memories, and the love for everyone that he gave us in your hearts. REITA will live on in our hearts. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for always supporting the GazettE and REITA in more ways than one.
Guitarist Aoi
Out of all the things and all the work I’ve had to do with these members and our small team of staff, this is the only one I haven’t wanted to do. There was a time in the past when I considered giving up on my dream. Back then, after so many discussions, and some encouragement, the other members managed to convince me not to give up. That’s the kind of band we are, and that’s how the GazettE came to be where it is. REITA, you’re not the type of person who wishes for eternity. You’re the type who is eternal. To someone like you, I can’t say something clever like “I’ll carry the weight of your burden too”. I wanted to make more music with you, and see so much more together. No matter where or what, if it’s all 5 of us and our fans are there, it would be amazing. It’s so painful, having all these things I want to say and knowing none of them will come true. Anyway, when I make my way over there, I’m going to give you a stern talking to. You must be sad that we’re suddenly not around anymore, but just rest up until we meet again. I have a little more that I need to do on this side first. Thanks for coming all this way with us. Rest in peace.
Drummer Kai
REITA was such a huge presence to me, more than I can even know. All the words, saving me with sound, the mood maker of the band; really, I have so many truly wonderful memories of him, but most of all, his brilliant appearance when he was on stage. He was the best partner anyone could ask for in the rhythm section, truly one of a kind. That hasn’t and will not change. I want to carry his memory with me, and be more determined than ever to continue the GazettE. Lastly, to all our fans and associates who have supported us throughout these 22 years, Thank you. I want to keep running forward, all 5 of us, and hope you’ll stay with us. REITA. Rest easy. Thank you. Just like always, with everyone by our side, we’ll keep the GazettE alive. I promise. I don’t want those 22 years of yours to be wasted, and there are plenty of others who don’t either. Make sure you show your face at our shows! Let’s drink the good stuff together again sometime, okay?
We tried to get these message ready for you as soon as possible, but reading through them was extremely emotional and difficult for us.
While we understand that for most, this might not provide any real closure, but we hope you were able to grasp the sentiment and genuine emotions that the members shared.
As fans, we will continue to protect that “forever” too, Reita. Please rest assured.
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ramayantika · 4 months
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The Lovers of the Cosmos series brings together the worlds of the Celestials and the Mortals, who are interconnected by a sacred bond of love.
Set in this modern era, where the divine and the mortals cannot interact directly with each other, love does find a way to bring the two distant worlds together.
Who writes their story? Is it the Celestials, who are otherworldly, the most powerful, beautiful, priceless, and cherished beings, the owners of the tale? Or is it the Mortals, who, with their finite lifetimes and everlasting passion, override the tides of fate and rules, thus changing the destiny of the stories of their hearts?
Or do they all share Love's pen to write their tales?
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Yuthika, just like every day, watches the activity of the mortals down her window until one day she realizes that her eyes crave to watch a certain boy on the busy streets of the city. The daughter of the famous Apsara Tilottamma, however, must carry on the legacy of her mother and become one of the important nymphs of Swargaloka. That means leaving behind the budding infatuation she has harbored in her heart for the charming mortal boy, Mihir, who looks as radiant and divinely handsome as the deities and demigods above. Apsaraloka is the center for arts, and power rests with the best of the women skilled in performing arts. Swargaloka cannot afford a young nymph to lose her heart to a mortal, especially in this modern world. But when has love followed a straight path? Should she choose her legacy and the path every Apsara has chosen before her, or should she choose the path which her heart sings about?
A/N: Hello! Since I also write on wattpad here's me finally deciding on setting my mind straight and believing in myself that i can actually do this instead of chickening out because I get overwhelmed. So, here I am presenting a piece of my heart, 'A Nymph's mortal love,' a story I actually narrated to my boyfriend as a bedtime story and later decided to make a novel out of it.
My wattpad id: ramayantika
There will be steady updates in a while but my main focus after college reopening will be on polishing the final draft of Goddesses, Rishikas & Women.
I had a strange (probably it was meant to be) calling to write this mythological romance. There is very less of it in this genre for India so here's a little bravery on my side to let my overthinking mind go and write this.
Taglist (do mention or send an ask if you want me to include in the taglist for updates and snippets on this book here): @krishna-priyatama @krsnaradhika @ramcharantitties @jukti-torko-golpo @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @alhad-si-simran @kaal-naagin @navaratna @indiansapphic @houseofbreadpakoda @to-three-or-not-to-three @aesthetic-aryavartik @oldersiblingcurse @divya444
Also I would be reallyyyyyy grateful for your support hehe. Thanks
(Those who have read the old version of the same story, this is a little reinvention of the same book)
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With regard to “Love Languages” it’s pretty clear that there’s a lot wrong with the concept as it’s generally discussed and that its origin really makes it hard to put stock in (evangelical guy who wants to provide a framework for enforcing traditional gender roles in marriages is not a great source of life advice). BUT I do think the one kernel of truth is that it’s good to take note of what particular things make your partner feel loved and valued most and do those things. Like if they (generic example) really love being surprised with flowers then you should remember that and surprise them with flowers! The concept that different people are especially receptive to different expressions of love is a good one to have in mind, I think the problems begin when you start seeing it as a finite set of intrinsic categories that people can be neatly sorted into rather than like, a framework of thinking about good ways to make someone you love smile
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sanskriticollection · 2 months
Hello friends 👋
Life is fleeting and finite, shaped significantly by the choices we make.
Each day offers us a myriad of decisions, and it is therefore crucial to prioritize nurturing of positive emotions over negative emotions.
Emotions such as hatred and jealousy, which are negative, can corrode our inner peace and diminish the quality of our lives.
Our hearts ♥, being sacred and central to our well-being, should be distanced from such toxins.
Embracing love, compassion, and gratitude fosters a vibrant and resilient spirit, ensuring that our hearts remain a source of strength and joy rather than becoming a breeding ground for bitterness.
By choosing to cultivate positive feelings, we honor the sanctity of our inner selves and enrich our journey throughout life.
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Share your thoughts on this 💭
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themedialmercurial · 2 years
Asteroid Vibilia (144) and how you travel pt. 1
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This asteroid was named after the Roman goddess of travel, representing both short and long journeys. Depending on the placement of said asteroid, it can point towards your preferred travel destinations and where you may choose to take a journey - - - 🛩️
P.S this is based on my observations, by all means I’m far from a pro. Take this with a grain of salt and feel free to share your thoughts!
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Aspects to the sun-many prominent and important trips during your lifetime
Aspects to the moon-intimate trips, meant to evoke strong emotion, emotional development
Aspects to mercury-trips involving a life lesson, challenges your way of thinking
Aspects to venus-trips based on aesthetics, art and love
Aspects to mars-action filled trips, fast-paced, living on the "wild side"
Aspects to jupiter-potentially winning a trip to a destination, or winning something during a trip, luck
Aspects to saturn-trips that are structured/serious in nature (defined itinerary), prominent business trips
Aspects to uranus-random and spontaneous trips, many surprises during the trip, unexpected events
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The native with this placement will travel in relation to personal benefit, as the first house is representative of personal pleasures and interests. They may also embark on journeys as a means of finding themself, likely taping into their arian nature. Solo-travel is the name of the game, adventure-seeking and taking risks for enjoyment purposes. Aries in the first house is likely to demonstrate extroverted behaviours when encountering strangers and will appear confident in their interactions with those from another country. These individuals seek martian-like activities and destinations, with high-energy sports and bright, colourful environments.
A sport with arian traits that comes to mind is skydiving, an activity that excited and enthrals the native. Fox Glacier, New Zealand is notorious for this life-changing experience and beautiful views
The native with this placement will travel in relation to monetary affairs (maybe insufficient funds or a surplus of funds leading to plenty of travel), adopting a "why not" mentality and acting on impulse. The native may enjoy collecting souvenirs and anything visually appealing (house of venus) and in the case of an arian, said items may appear as red things (jewellery, shoes, bags, etc) and/or sporting attire (jerseys, hats, other merchandise).
There too may be a tendency to overindulge and lose the self to materialism if undeveloped, buying items on impulse potential lack of foresight for future financial consequences. The perfect taurean activity for the individual to partake in is shopping, taking on the mall like it's the latest competition to win. Paris comes to mind as a place in which this person would love to indulge endlessly, with finite shopping options to literally or figuratively shop until they drop.
The native with this placement will travel for affairs related to communication and the sharing of information across many populations (house of mercury). The individual could be a public speaker (TED talks come to mind) or an author and voyages as a means of spreading their messaging to the masses, sporting a powerful, confident means of articulating themself. As this house that is ruled by mercury, places in which one can be educated are pertinent, particularly post-secondary institutions. Prestigious post secondary institutes come to mind.
The native could also take a liking to constantly improving their own source of knowledge, basking in the opportunity during their travels to learn plenty of new. They too can find building relationships with people they meet during their numerous travels to come more naturally. In their travels, they will also collect books and notes to help them along the way and build on their interminable studies.
The native with this placement will travel for familial reasons, setting off to visit for a family vacation or a simple check-up from time to time. Places such as Disney World (Florida) and Universal in Orlando come to mind. The fourth house is the house of cancer and, as such travel destinations associated with plenty of water (the beach of course) would be the perfect place to kick back and relax.
The native could also develop a fascination or curiosity for their heritage and culture, wanting to know as much as they possibly can. In their travels, they will collect anything that gives off “homey vibes such as sea shells, crystals, rocks and pictures of themselves but mostly their family. The native is nostalgic, always romanticizing their trip regardless of the actual events.
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As a collective, water signs would likely prefer travel destinations closer to bodies of water such as an island or coastal environment🏝
As a collective, fire signs would likely prefer travel destinations that are warmer in temperature with sun-filled days 🏜
As a collective, earth signs would likely prefer travel destinations that are mountain-filled along side valleys and rocky places. The Appalachians come to mind 🏞
As a collective, air signs would likely prefer travel destinations riddled with cooler, windier weather🌬
Part 2!🛩️🛩️
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sgiandubh · 1 year
I noticed that Graham's publications about his bourbon (lives, videos with his wife, announced autograph sessions) always come with Men In Kilts official promo - which is even logical for him. But Sam 's Sassenach publications are not following the same pattern. Do you think there was a gentleman's agreement here? Maybe that's why that postponement?
Dear Sassenach Anon,
This is a very interesting ask, so I am going to give it my full, undivided attention.
I believe the Sassenach Spirits project is a labour of love, for S., not just peddling something to middle-aged, docile and even captive consumers. Also and digging further into it, I think that at any rate, by now, they should be looking for new ways and means to expand this finite and, all things considered, volatile clientele. Therefore, it is only logical to progressively emancipate the product from OL and MIK and start promoting its strong selling points (careful, personalized elaboration, high quality/luxury tiered, authenticity, glamour, passion and dedication, etc.) without these convenient crutches. SS's success on the long term depends on a new marketing mix and a wider net being cast out there, on that very competitive market. I believe we begin to see signs of this new approach with the recent gin promo, even if I am negatively surprised by the amateur logistics and also a couple of other things I shall not dwell on here. My friend @scullyloves-science brilliantly explained this, at length, here: https://www.tumblr.com/scullyloves-science/724928482377891840/a-little-bit-of-pondering?source=share.
Graham's project, on the other hand, is an opportunistic endeavor, with minimal effort, but nevertheless hoping for a quick buck, The amount of work he might have put into it can't even start to compare with S's efforts. It is too early to judge performance and I have my reservations on a prior gentlemen's agreement, which (to be completely honest) is just my humble opinion, nothing more. And last, but not least, Graham needs S's mommies to tout his bourbon around: it is a mandatory springboard and something no serious business plan/SWOT analysis could ignore. The MIK reference was, in that respect, unavoidable, if you want your product to have some sort of brand awareness as quickly as possible.
I also do not understand why on Earth do you still insist on linking that project being launched and the postponement of the LAX promo. Let me offer a couple other plausible possibilities: maybe the venue was not what they had in mind. Maybe the one they wanted was not available, on a last minute basis. Maybe he needed some rest and quality time (I will not insist on that, if that it's what you are looking for). Maybe you should break that silly hamster wheel approach to this, Anon: I am sure it's bothering you and I am also sure Graham doesn't give a flying fuck about you being worried.
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kaddyssammlung · 5 months
My thoughts about the new messages part 3
“From the flesh and bone that binds us, I believe that those gaps in our understanding are still wide enough to cast doubt on such conclusions.”
I'm not sure I fully understand this. Many doubt many things. That's all I have on this right now.
“I believe that those gaps are yet wide enough, for our souls to fit through and drift onwards into some new realm.”
Not sure if that is how I see this. To me my soul guides me if I let it guide me. I always had great intuition and that got even better. The question is what gave me that intuition? Was it a part of me? My infinite self? If my soul is just drifting around doing some other things then maybe I should try to guide it back to me?!
Not sure what he means. Let's say my soul, meaning my infinite self, is guiding me to new realms then. (I hate you Vessel....I mean I love you but you get it....right?!)
“To argue the existence of anything beyond death is to reject the idea of death itself.”
I never saw it like that but it makes sense.
“Death is not the opening of some eternal door.
Death does not confer transcendence of any kind
To make such assertions is to act as though we do not know death”
Who says that?! That part has my so confused. I'm scratching my head thinking who says stuff like that? Makes me think about the church that I live next to. Gotta love living next to a church but not even being Christian. You can leave church where I live. And you can also redo being baptized. I left. You can believe me that. The funny thing is. What I found is a true connection to “God” or “the source of all being”. It's something that I can feel within me. Idk...I don't mean to sh*t on anyone who is religious. I respect that. It just wasn't for me. That's all.
“As though we do not spend our lives trying to drag forth some semblance of meaning from beneath death's thick dark shadow.
As though we have not also inflicted it.
No less that we sometimes revel in it.”
idk....like what I said earlier?! Trying to as many things as possible just like society wants us to because we are running out of time?!
Death can mean many things. Ego death or a part of you that no longer is. A new begging....I guess he means physical death though.
“It is only the certainty of death that provides us with the darkness against which we all glow defiantly.”
You mean you can't have one thing without the other?! Two sides of the same coin? The opposite of death to me is just being born and not being alive nor living.
“Life without death knows no form, no boundary.”
“Without death and our finite nature it would be stripped of all meaning.”
Why?! Because you would not be afraid of it anymore? Whenever you are deeply afraid of something then someone else can use this against you.
That's coming from my BPD experience.
Not sure I'm fully getting this. Of course life and death still belong together. Being able to allow a great loss in your life in is important. You do that by not fighting against it but by accepting it. Of course this means that you are sad though..
Big topic...
“Left to wander as little more than endlessly rotating gears in the quiet engine of a cold hell.”
a cold hell...just very interesting.....
Makes me think about reincarnation.
The vicious cycle was over.....
“But we do not die because it gives our lives meaning.”
Some live like that. Many actually do. “I need to buy more things before I'm dead. I need to visit this and that place...”. Nothing wrong with all of that but when this is the only purpose that you see then.....
“We die because this is the way of all things and in the end is that not all we are?”
Nothing to add. Yes.
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dyrewrites · 4 months
Chapter fouuurrrr 😭😭😭 I love them so much!
But also what are your thoughts on how the afterlife meets a vampire's temporary death? Maybe they're used for reapers in training or Death simply gives them a bemused glance?
I personally think Life wouldn't like vampires at all. Like yes they stay in her realm forever but at the cost of other living things. Whereas Death, I think, would only be mildly annoyed by them at worst because paperwork.
<3 I'm so glad! It was one of my favorites to write. ^.^
The world they're in actually has a Source (power) of Life and Death, but they won't meet them in this book. They might in the series, should any of those Sources have warlocks or witches causing trouble Deluca needs to investigate.
But they don't technically die. As in, the soul stays, it is what puts the body back together. So they never make it to Death, and Life, well...they're not exactly alive anymore either. The first death cuts that connection and does funny things to the soul (things related to the Desire that actually makes the vampire).
I doubt either would particularly like them.
But Death, the one in this world anyway, finds vampires hilarious and would love to get to speak to just one of them once, would be fun to pick their brain, see how they like all the dying without the permanence ("and hey, how's it feel to rip a bit of your soul off every time you make a new one of you walking corpses. Ooh, or the connection to your body you keep, no matter how many pieces you're in, what's that like, does it itch?").
Life does not care for the work they give them and would appreciate it if they stopped ruining all the people, it is so difficult to make those, you have no idea. Death is not fond of giving those souls back. Do you even understand how finite those are, all the work we have to put in to get those recycled? Never mind your stupid souls that never let go, and you share them, locking others into their bodies and out of our grasp entirely. It is infuriating.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 9 months
I decided to ask around on all the fish/ocean blogs I follow: how do you learn more about the ocean?? I love the ocean and I really wanna learn more about my favorite sea creatures and beyond but I have no idea how to get started. Are there documentaries or shows your recommend? How do you go about doing research for fun (the American school system has failed me, go figure)? How do you even remember it all? I crave to learn but where I could possibly start is as vast as the ocean itself.
What a fun question! It is admittedly a bit difficult to go back to the beginning of my ocean-learning days, since I can't remember a time when I wasn't super into water and aquatic things, but I'll try! I think I started learning about oceans through books, I'd read and borrow a lot of fish and marine biology books at the library. I think they're the very best place to look to at first if you struggle with the paralysis of having too many things to do or too many places to look from! Libraries are really good sources of information, but unlike the internet, the resources are finite in some way, they're on physical paper, and tied to the place itself (until you take them home of course!), which at least to me makes it easier to start looking for what I want to know more about. Libraries make it easier for me to read things too, I get very distracted at home. Only when I am in the peace and quiet in between the bookshelves can I focus!
Another place that was no doubt a source of learning for me was natural history museums and aquariums. I was (..am) obsessed with the Finnish Museum of Natural History specifically, it was a must-visit every time we went to the capital city area up until the pandemic. Aquariums we went to less so, but the education they provide there is a gem! Sometimes you can even talk to an employee if you're lucky enough and learn extra bits of information about things. Not always free like libraries, but worth a shot if you get the opportunities to visit.
I've also watched and still watch marine/freshwater life documentaries and other educational shows! Usually I'd opportunistically go and watch them whenever one popped up on the TV, instead of going out to find them myself. This, and the fact that it's been many years since I saw some, I can't recall many of the names of the documentaries I've seen! There were some about dolphins and their fascinating behaviour and hunting habits, and this cool documentary series that divided its episodes into two parts with pure opposite climates and cultures with opposite lifestyles, but I can't seem to find the ones I'm thinking of!!! ...Ah, well. I can recommend you Planet Earth (2006), The Blue Planet (2001) and Blue Planet II (2017) from BBC, and Life on Our Planet (2023) which I'm currently watching on Netflix! Secrets of the Whales (2021) from National Geographic I didn't quite finish but it was still quite interesting, focuses on four species of whales.
As for doing my research... well, once I was old enough to get on the internet and I was super duper fixated on a specific species of animal or a group of animals, I'd do this thing where I look up the animal's name and slowly start going through every website that popped up, in order, bookmarking the websites with the most or most interesting information. I still do it. I don't know if it's the "correct" way, could there even be a correct way..? I doubt it, and it does give you many sources to reference with each other! I also like to look through videos of these animals, but, that's probably a given. If you're looking for fish info specifically, I like to fall back on FishBase, SeriouslyFish and A-Z Animals when I'm unsure about something (besides checking multiple sources), as far as I know they're trustworthy.
When it comes to remembering, I unfortunately cannot offer you any tips! I am fortunate in that I have naturally good memory and absorb information with relative ease, so I don't really have any tips for remembering things... though I do like to sort large batches of information into charts, like how I did when I was learning to take care of my shrimp! I looked through several websites and collected the suggested parameters from each, and compared them with each other. I did the same thing when I was making my informational comic about bigfin squids, I collected the depths and places in which squids were spotted in into charts. Perhaps that is helpful in some way!
So! TL;DR, libraries, documentaries, museums, aquariums, just plain old internet research. I hope this helps you in some way!!! <33 Well wishes from the fishes!
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growinguparo · 2 years
How can I deal with the envy I feel to my alloromantic/sexual friends?
honestly like i won't lie it's hard feeling that way. almost all of us go through it. it took me years to go from "i'm aro :( i will never have love :(" to "i'm aro and that's fine ig" to "being aro is the fucking best actually lmao"
and i think anywhere you happen to be on that progression is ok. it takes time. a big part of it for me was interacting with the aro community and not feeling so alone.
i've also been in romantic relationships (as an out aro) and i came to the conclusion that it's just not for me. power to the aros who enjoy it but i find it uncomfortable and forced. and so in that sense it's like anything else that makes some people happy and some people not. maybe my friend is really into a tv show and i watch it and i'm like hmmm no it sucks actually. then like it's a bummer that i don't get the same joy out of the thing that gives my friend joy, but like... there are other tv shows that i do like and maybe my friend doesn't like.
maybe it seems reductive to compare Relationships to tv shows but that's genuinely how i think of it. romantic relationships are that show you see gifs of constantly on your dash but you watched it and you thought it was boring lmao. it didn't make you happy even though it was popular. that's ok, cuz the shows you like are better anyways!
we all have a finite amount of energy we can invest into things that will make us happy. allos will invest a big chunk of that energy into romo relationships. if you know romo relationships won't make you happy, then you can take that energy and spend it somewhere else! and still be the same amount of happy at the end of the day, just from different sources! does that make sense? you don't have this gaping hole that can never be filled because that's where romantic relationships were supposed to go; you can fill it with anything you want.
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avaantares · 2 years
I wrote a long response to a blue-checkmark drama post, but between the time I clicked "reblog" and the time I finished typing, OP apparently turned off reblogs for that post. So GUESS WHAT, y'all get my diatribe anyway. (Sorry; I know most of you aren't the problem. But I did actual math, so I don't want it to go to waste.)
The old axiom still applies:
If social media is free to use, it's because YOU are the product.
What that means, for the adage-averse, is this: Sites and services that appear to be fully free to users (Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Google, et al.) are collecting your personal data and selling it to advertisers to pay for the (in some cases) hundreds of millions of dollars it costs to run such sites.
Tumblr doesn't do this. Tumblr hasn't done it, despite a monthly deficit of literally millions of dollars, which is why it's repeatedly been sold at a massive loss to new owners.
To give you actual numbers: Yahoo! acquired Tumblr in 2010 at a cost of $1.1 billion. After taking enormous losses, they later sold it to Verizon for an undisclosed amount. After trying (and failing) for two years to make the site pay for itself, Verizon sold it to Automattic (its current owners) for just $3 million. [Source]
For those who don't math, that means Tumblr's market value dropped by $1,097,000,000 in just nine years, or (averaged out) devalued by approximately $10 million per month. In short, nobody is looking at this as a worthwhile investment to hang onto long-term.
So why didn't it make money for its various owners, despite promising user statistics and a then-unheard-of initial sale price to Yahoo? Precisely because it wasn't leveraging your data to offset its running costs. The algorithm-free advertising format simply isn't viable for a site this big, which requires massive amounts of data storage and bandwidth (all those multimedia options you love cost a fortune on the back end). While there is a modicum of value for companies to hold a loss-generating property for tax purposes (which is pretty much what Verizon did with the site during its ownership), there is a finite period to reap those tax benefits. More relevant to us, if the site's only purpose is to show a loss on paper, there's little incentive for the owner to improve the service or keep its user base happy. We, the users, get thrown under the bus.
So how did Tumblr, under Automattic, try to run as a free site that didn't harvest user data? Tumblr served ads to try to generate revenue. But users complained about the ads. So Tumblr offered ad-free subscriptions at a very reasonable introductory rate of $3.33/month. But users complained about the subscriptions ("It's always been free! Other sites are free! Capitalism is evil!") and refused to pay. So Tumblr offered post-Blazing and tipping and physical merchandise and a variety of other optional features, most recently dashboard horse games and parody blue checkmarks, and instead of seeing these as a desperate attempt to stop the site from hemorrhaging money opportunity to support their online community, users just keep screaming about the moral failings of corporations that charge money for literally anything and insist that "we must keep this site unprofitable at all costs!"
Guys. Sites like this cost millions of dollars -- sometimes tens of millions -- to maintain each month. With the influx of new users from Twitter and elsewhere, that number is only going to increase as server load and bandwidth increase. And because of its history of losing value on a jaw-dropping scale, there will not be another company waiting to take ownership if Automattic decides to stop throwing money into the blue fires of this hellsite. If Tumblr is unprofitable for long enough, it will shut down. Period.
So either chill the $%#@*& out about the blue checkmarks or whatever, or pony up the monthly subscription fee yourself to help support the site. At the very least, stop attacking those who choose to give something back in exchange for the service they receive. Because they're the only reason this site has lasted as long as it has.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Infernal Devices Quote Rp Meme
Part One
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inspired by @bcbliophile​ @multistoty​ @wcrriorhearts​ - feel free to edit quotes or change pronouns for rp purposes
“Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read.” 
“There's plenty of sense in nonsense sometimes, if you wish to look for it.” 
“cleverness that comes too late is hardly cleverness at all?” 
“Would you like a thesaurus? You seem to be running out of words.” 
“God knows we’re all drawn to what’s beautiful and broken.” 
“I shall charm him with such force that when I am done, he will be left lying limply on the ground, trying to remember his own name.” 
In all the world, you are what I love the most.” 
"But I am not that good a man. And I am--I am catastrophically in love with you.” 
“Dreams can be dangerous things.” 
“It is not the same thing to be good and to be kind.”
"What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” 
"No, I mean enterprising.When I mean morally deficient, I say, 'Now, that's something I would have done.”
“It is as great a thing to love as it is to be loved. Love is not something that can be wasted.” 
“You've always been what you are. That's not new. What you'll get used to is knowing it.” 
“I know you feel inhuman, and as if you are set apart, away from life and love, but... I promise you, the right man won't care.” 
“Let me give you a piece of advice. The handsome young fellow who's trying to rescue you from a hideous fate is never wrong. Not even if he says the sky is purple and made of hedgehogs.” 
“Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.” 
"Such harsh truths so early in the morning cannot be good for the digestion.” 
“Do you normally turn up in gentlemen's bedrooms in the middle of the night? If I'd known that, I would have campaigned harder to make sure mother let you stay.” 
“Beauty fades, but cooking is eternal.” 
"How is this different from him being totally ridiculous in the library or the weapons room or any of the other places he's usually ridiculous?” 
"You behave as if everything is funny to you, but you never laugh. Sometimes you smile when you think no one is paying attention."
"You make me laugh. From the moment you hit me with that bottle."
“It isn't against the Law to be an idiot.” 
“Do reasons matter when there's nothing that can be done to change things.” 
“Black hair and blue eyes are my favorite combination.” 
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” 
"He's going to kill someone. Or get us killed."
“For that was love, wasnt it--to burn bright in someone else's eyes?” 
“It's all right to love someone who doesn't love you back, as long as they're worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it.”  “One finds nobility in the oddest places.” 
“I am not the one of us who has no heart.” 
“You had to know a person well to make them laugh like that.” 
"I have wanted to do this every moment of every hour of every day that I have been with you since the day I met you.” 
“Our hearts, they need a mirror. We see our better selves in the eyes of those who love us.” 
“I am catastrophically in love with you.” 
“They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite” 
“One does no question miracles, or complain that they are no constructed perfectly to one's liking.” 
“you really didn’t have to throw that man through the window.” 
“It has been the privilege and the honor of my life to know you.” 
“Sometimes one must choose whether to be kind or honorable. Sometimes one cannot be both.�� 
“You can’t have wasted a life you’ve barely lived.” 
“She’s annexed my plan!” 
“Do you care more about the plan being enacted or about getting credit for it?”
She had never imagined she had the power to make someone else so happy. And not a magical power, either--a purely human one.”
"She is my priority!"
“Do not seek revenge and call it justice.” 
“No one can say that death found in me a willing comrade, or that I went easily.” 
“Men may be stronger, but it is women who endure.” 
“It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them.” 
“There is more to living than not dying.” 
“Sometimes, when I have to do something I don't want to do, I pretend I'm a character from a book. It's easier to know what they would do.”  “Are you implying that shreds of my reputation remain intact? Clearly I have been doing something wrong. Or not something wrong, as the case may be." 
“For this I would be damned forever. For this I would have given up everything.” 
"I have that effect on women,"
“He’s very broken, like a lovely vase that someone has smashed. Only luck and skill can put it back together the way it was before.” 
"Wherever we are, we are as one.” 
That for my father, there was only ever one woman he loved, and it was her for him, or nothing. You are that for me. I love you, and I will only ever love you until I die —” 
We are bound, you and I, over the divide of death, down through whatever generations may come. Forever.”
“Has no one respect for the classics these days?” 
“having your annual ‘everyone thinks [muse’s name] is a lunatic’ meeting, are you? “
“Some secrets were better told; some were better left the burden of the carrier, that they might not cause pain to others.” 
“There are so many worse things than death. Not to be loved or not to be able to love: that is worse.” 
“If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?” 
“You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.”
You are not the last dream of my soul.You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming. You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth.”
“I'm afraid to answer that. I've heard that when I speak, it makes American women wish to strike me with umbrellas.” 
“since you say there will be another life for me, let us both pray I do not make as colossal a mess of it as I have this one.” 
“Our souls are knit. We are one person,”
“Those of you who are mortal, you burn so fiercely. And you fiercer than most. I will not ever forget you.” 
“I've never minded it,Being lost, that is. I had always thought one could not truly be lost if one knew one's own heart. But I fear I may be lost without knowing yours.” 
“What he needs now is to love and have that love returned.” 
"I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you wil not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life - whatever length - happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life."
“that heroes all come to bad ends, and he could not imagine why anyone would want to be one, anyway.”
“Dear God, woman.Are there any questions you don't want to know the answer to?” 
“Whoever loves you now—and you must also love yourself—will love the truth of you.” 
“There was something peculiarly gratifying about shouting in a blind rage until your words ran out.” 
“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.” 
“Every meeting led to a parting, and so it would, as long as life was mortal. In every meeting there was some of the sorrow of parting, but in everything parting there was some of the joy of meeting as well.” 
“And now I need you to do for me what I cannot do for myself. For you to be my eyes when I do not have them. For you to be my hands when I cannot use my own. For you to be my heart when mine is done beating.”
“Never trust a duck.”
"How rude. Many who have gazed upon me have compared the experience to gazing at the radiance of the sun."
“Must you go? I was rather hoping you'd stay and be a ministering angel, but if you must go, you must."
“Lies and secrets, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind.” 
"Can you make things that don't have potatoes in them? We had an Irish cook once when I was a boy. Potato pie, potato custard, potatoes with potato sauce...” 
T’aint my way to turn down payment, but any man who looks like you has got no need of love potions, and that’s a fact.” 
“Look at him. The face of a bad angel and eyes like the night sky in Hell. He's very pretty, and vampires like that. I can't say I mind either.” 
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youremyheaven · 10 months
I don't have much to say except that I agree for the most part. Dating culture these days is toxic af and promotes hypersexual behaviour. You can either be a virgin or be in endless situationships bc most guys in their 20s rn think "relationships" are pointless. It's so shocking to me how men just expect to be served sex on a platter??? Like okay we'll have sex, do everything normal couples do but we won't call it a relationship and we won't commit to each other. There's a real erosion of values & principles. But on the other hand, I feel like another section of society is ultra conservative and committed to living the trad life. I don't think it's a good idea to put sex, intimacy and relationships on a pedestal. This is not to say it's not sacred. It is. But what makes something special is how we treat it. We must not elevate every experience to the godly realm because human beings are fallible and not gods and we'll only be disappointed in the shortcomings and lackings of our interaction when we expect godliness from them. People are flawed. We must love and accept each other as we are.
I'm of the opinion of that sex has become so easily available that most people don't bother forming a meaningful connection; this will lead to a sense of alienation and I'm sure 3-4 yrs from now we'll talk about how it's fcked society up. I'm actually pretty certain that there will be a time when dating apps are phased out as well. On the other hand, I don't want to think of love & romance as this once in a lifetime lottery akin to a religious experience. I believe you can love many people; people you truly profoundly connect to are probably going to be only a handful tho. Love is just love. It's like anything else. It doesn't matter if you had your first kiss at 15 or if you have it at 35. You don't have to look down upon others for indulging in things you're abstaining from.
I've been studying Tao Tantra and I realised that originally when these sexual practices were developed centuries ago, sex was understood as something that human beings needed to indulge in and good sex was considered an art in itself (hello Kamasutra), you had sex frequently and passionately but over the course of centuries, it's adopted a very puritan outlook where the focus is on preserving sexual energy (Tao originated no fap) which is such bs. Sexual energy is not some finite source that you can run out of. Granted that wanking off every day is kinda loser ish but suppressing your natural human nature is unhealthy af.
I digress. Sex & love are not non renewable sources. You don't run out of it. Ever. We are wired to love & make love. That's what I believe. You can have as many or as few partners as you'd like (my issue lies only with the quality of interactions you'd have with a partner since in our world most men are trash).
You can save yourself for later. You can do it rn. Its all up to you. I know it's hard being single when you're surrounded by couples but trust me there's enough love to go around.
Edit: I feel like I just emptied my brain out without really addressing or answering anything you asked me lmao I'm sorry 😐
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