#yup that checks out
spoonyglitteraunt · 2 years
so for Halloween we’re going as... *checks notes*  an exhausted couch potato
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dcndrohime · 1 month
What’s attractive about you; is the way you laugh and your hair color.
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danger-bird · 5 months
So Leander is Jesus™, Kuras is Prometheus and Mhin is a Chernobyl survivor. Got it.
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dennisboobs · 9 months
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13x06 // The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem
↳ Dennis + reacting to Joyce Kelly
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grimme-and-specs · 3 months
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Thank you Pie, for inspiring this panel edit, after I posted that last piece in my server.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
You’ve read about Orpheus and Eurydice, but have you read about the sad sob who joined a shady organization just to keep his childhood crush safe? No?
Well then buckle in folks, cuz it’s gonna be a ride.
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sinister-art · 2 years
I know I just posted an art piece. But again!! Tis I: with more fanart from "Until I Reach You Again" by @alycornz and @morning-sun-brah
I present to you: Raph and his Patronus!!
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(Chapter 6)
Please, go check it out!!!
Also, yes. I headcanon that all our turtles have the Hamato clan symbol on them ^-^
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connorsnothereeither · 10 months
Icarus is a little lonely coded ngl
No you’re so correct though. Unwillingly lonely coded
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dylanconrique · 5 months
was watching the latest little clip from 6x09 and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WILL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY MY STUPID STONER BRAIN MADE THIS CONNECTION?????? 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
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doctorcurdlejr · 4 months
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You have just described what we like to call a different post, my love.
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haru-chi · 1 year
May I manifest this for it to become true <3
the 7th season gonna be the dream exorcist season ~
where we'll have :
Yorishima first anime debut
Hakozaki mansion 2nd story
Hand extended story
Miharu arc story
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radaverse · 5 months
This Friday we did some real exercises (I'm absolutely useless when it comes to doing exercise)
It's Monday and my legs still don't work
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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And soon, in a place known as the LAND OF CAVES AND SILENCE...
Caves, eh? Looks like the classical element for Equius is earth. 
The Silence, though, I'm not so sure about. The closest Aspect I can relate it to is Breath, since holding your breath causes you to fall silent. Feels like a stretch. 
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CT: D --> We will not be co-leaders of the b100 team CT: D --> I alone will be the leader CT: D --> Is that understood AA: thats fine
Congratulations, Equius, on winning that hard-fought power struggle. 
CT: D --> I 100k forward to seeing how well you serve me, server player AA: uh AA: thats n0t quite the meaning 0f the w0rd server
Ooh, right, this is going to be fun, isn’t it? 
For the time being, a low-blood is going to have full control of your environment. You’ll have to rely on her for most of the early game, and if she doesn’t like the direction you’re taking, she can shut you down. 
Plus, you have a huge crush on her. How is that going to manifest?
CT: D --> To consider that someone so low could be in a position of authority over me is CT: D --> It's just so CT: D --> Disgusting AA: y0u really are quite a sn0b
You know things are dire when we're treated to an Aradia Opinion.
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AA: maybe y0u sh0uld break s0mething AA: t0 try t0 calm d0wn CT: D --> Perhaps AA: d0 y0u want me t0 break s0mething CT: D --> Whoa what AA: i c0uld break s0mething if y0u want CT: D --> Do you CT: D --> Want to break something AA: kind 0f
oh my god i’m actually losing it 
Aradia, you seem a little off-balance. Did the Voices neglect to mention this one?
CT: D --> I command you to have free will and do as you please CT: D --> And continue being bothersome and unpredictably destructive
The funniest part of this entire exchange is that Aradia basically is in charge; she's the one actually directing the session, as per the instruction of the Voices. 
I think if Equius realized how ‘in charge’ she actually was, he'd faint.
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CT: D --> Maybe I would like you to be the co-leader again
Yeah, he's just going to surrender the full leader's position by the end of the page, isn't he? 
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domi091 · 10 months
So let's get things straight people, just bear with me for a second will you,
We live in a world with an uncountable amount of religions across the globe right? And it's 2023 earth and humans are too old at this point to interfere with each other religions, people do the same with gender, sexuality, race, pretty much everything now, anyone can live with their own beliefs and deserves to do so undisturbed,
So isn't weird.... That when Muslims want to wear hijabs, pray in public, not drink or eat pork etc etc, it's immediately MASSIVELY OFFENSIVE, FORCING THEIR RELIGION ON US , MUST BE STOPPED... Right( notice how all of these actions are not affecting anyone around the person and are completely harmless)........
BUT, when a group of people ( genocidal death cult ) who claim that god has given them a piece of land thousands of years, are actively commiting GENOCIDE, WAR CRIMES, USING ILLEGAL WAR WEAPONS, KILLING CHILDREN BABIES WOMEN MEN ELDERLY AND DISABLED, it's okay, cuz it's they're religion, we're even supposed to fund it, we're not allowed to even question it because WHY ARE YOU ANTISEMITIC YOU FUCKING NAZI !??? You're disgusting, you hate Jews and you deserve to be raped and killed .
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
honestly headcannon kaeya's never seen a horse before
You are so right.
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kazeofthemagun · 9 months
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[Jfc Filmora is ass for directly exporting gifs, but I am too lazy, so have a funny I made as a response to a joke shared with @iunctura ]
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