#zach answers asks
starzzach · 10 months
would you write another charlos abo 👉👈
insane. i am. insane. so sorry for the wait. head in my hands.
part 2 here and part 3 here!
Charles really, really wants a baby. Carlos is not so sure.
Baby. God, he really wants a baby.
It is all he can think about, really. What Sound Coherent Charles can think about, not Heat Hormone Related Charles. The thoughts are all real and solid and seem like they have absolutely no intention of leaving.
So much so that he walks into Carlos' room unannounced, feeling bold and brave and wanting a baby. "Car-los," he sings, in that very not-his-name way that he can never bring himself to correct, and neither can Carlos, clearly. "Hello, mate."
Carlos is reading a book, but blessedly sets it aside, leaving his lap free and very, very inviting. He looks confused, but pleased, like he had been wanting for Charles to want a baby and subsequently end up in his room. Yes, Carlos' lap is very inviting, and Charles experiences the very normal human pull of it, and does not bother to resist, straddling his lap like he belongs there. "I am not free," Carlos says, but he is smiling. "I have a media thing in ten."
Charles pouts, rubbing his hands up and down Carlos' arms, trying to scent him. "I want a baby."
Carlos taps his forehead, ruffling his hair like he's one of his dogs. "You don't want a baby," he corrects, "that's the heat talking."
Charles shakes his head, vehement. He is sure – he has been sure about it. He most definitely, certainly wants it and his heat is days off, so Carlos cannot even blame the hormones, and even if he did, he would be wrong. "No, I want a baby," he insists. "Please, Carlos. I need a baby."
"Now you are talking crazy," Carlos muses, peppering feather light kisses along his jaw. "You don't even like babies. Last month you were going on and on about how Seb was crazy to go and have another one."
"I'd like our baby," he argues. "And Seb is crazy. Even Mark knows that. But they still have four babies and I want just one, Carlos, just one."
Carlos sighs, pulling away. His hands settle on Charles' waist, a comfortable grip. "You don't want a baby. You'll hate being pregnant. You already hate me waiting on you now, you know how bad I'm going to be if you're carrying my– Charles," he sighs again, and internally Charles smiles, because now he is certain Carlos has seen his watery eyes. "Please. Charles. Don't tell me you are going to cry."
Charles sniffs, perfectly plausible and completely fake. "Maybe."
"You cannot seriously want a baby this much."
"Do you think I would be a bad father? Am I too messed up?" Charles asks instead, wobbly and sounding very close to tears. Shame he is faking, really. He is a really bad actor otherwise, but he knows how to get what he wants, especially when it comes to Carlos. "Is that why you don't want my baby?"
"What, no," Carlos says immediately, distressed. "No, I want your babies. I want to give you all your babies."
Charles slides off of him, flopping onto the other half of the couch. "I can get a baby somewhere else. Everyone wants to give me babies," he mumbles, pretending to seriously consider it. Carlos won't believe this, but at the very least it might make him die inside out of frustration. "It wouldn't be too hard."
"Are you hearing a word I am saying," Carlos says exasperatedly, finally giving in. "Fine. Tomorrow– tonight, even we can make a baby, since you want it so much."
"Don't you?"
"Like," Charles starts, gesturing generally to his self. "You have me. Even during my heats. You don't want a baby?"
Carlos blinks, long and slow. "I don't want a baby," he says slowly. "I want our baby."
Charles claps his hands, grinning widely. "Yay," he cheers, sitting up. "I am going to go tell Pierre and pretty much everyone else."
"Thank you for warning me," he deadpans. "I'll sit here and pretend to not notice the crowd of people waiting to ask me why I want to take Ferrari's star driver out of the game, but okay. Enjoy the announcement."
Charles winks at him, or tries to, leaning down and pressing a long, thorough kiss to his lips. "I'll come back to talk soon."
"I don't think we're going to be doing much talking," Carlos says with a shit-eating grin, eyes soft.
Charles smiles to himself, a skip in his step as he exits the garage. It feels nice to know that the other person feels the same way you do, and shares the same views that you have. It feels very nice, indeed.
Baby. God, he really wants to have that baby.
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rafescurtainbangz · 4 months
giving zach head
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bro would be gripping the sheets trying to thrash around. little whimpers coming out and an occasional mommy slips through his lips. i need this man bad…
+18 minor dni
Zach MacLaren wants to be dominated so bad.
“If you touch me or make a sound, I won’t let you cum.” That threat means absolutely nothing because there is no way he could stay silent, ever. His pathetic whines and moans spill from his lips as he praises you and thanks you between panting breaths.
He’ll try his best to keep his hands off you, gripping the sheets as a consolation, twisting in his large fingers as he digs his heels into the mattress. His muscular body trembles under your touch as you suck and twist. He’ll beg to cum; pleading for his release, reminding you what a good boy he’s been.
“Please. Please, just let me cum. I've been so quiet. I just - ugh… Feels so good, baby. Just - Fuck. Just lemme make you feel good, mommy. Can’t take it anymore. P-Please.”
You never say yes, leaving him in shambles as he tries to be a good boy and wait. You start to ride his thigh as you suck, making him cum instantly as he sees you use him to get yourself off; the wetness of your lace panties felt against his thick thigh.
He’ll release the most pornographic moan as he cums hard, muscles flexed, cheeks flushed, teary-eyed as he looks down at you like you hung the moon and stars. You’ll crawl toward him, slowly gripping his cheeks in your tiny hands as his eyes double, spitting his cum in his mouth, watching as his eyes roll back in his skull, his semi-soft cock getting instantly hard again.
He’ll pull you to his lips, kissing you hungrily as he begs you to ride him like only you can.
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assiraphales · 1 year
me at eleven years old when I watched bones at 8pm on a school night in disbelief as i found out that not only was the dorky lab assistant apparently a cannibal apprentice serial killer in training but my favorite friendship on the show was also effectively ruined: what the hot diggity dog
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commsroom · 11 months
if hera could eat, i think she'd be completely prepared for indulgence, but she would ultimately prefer subtler / more natural flavors. like, hera is getting pistachio rosewater ice cream while eiffel is creating ungodly sugar concoctions out of the most brightly colored artificial flavors known to man. minkowski - needless to say, a big fan of ice cream! - is a healthy eater through rigorous discipline, but in her heart of hearts, she does want, like. dark chocolate cherry with cake bits in it. minkowski earnestly believes in the concept of a "cheat day" and marks them on her calendar. which is a real "how do you live like this" moment for eiffel, on multiple levels.
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the-little-knight · 2 months
Sometimes drawing Beebee reminds me...
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thosetrollkids · 8 months
❄ for Jim and 🍭 for Steve if possible please
Angsty art meme!
❄️ Frostbitten
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don't go fighting ice spirits without proper bundling up!
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nick-cassidy · 1 month
now who is Holger
my best friend and tennis player Holger rune … 21 . can’t drive . hates most creatures on tour . likes Twitter . addicted to wearing short shorts . … has the worst case of European or gay on earth
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
It’s because the way you portray Zach is soo accurate got me fallin in love with the both of you fr 😩
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Oh stop it 🤭
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What do you think Zach’s thoughts were when Cammie accidentally found him in nothing but a towel?
Honestly, I'm more confused about why Cammie found Zach in nothing but a towel.
Because, Zach, why are you in the hallway in nothing but a towel???
He's staying in a room by himself in the teachers quarters so you'd assume (or at least I assumed) they each have their own bathroom in suite. I'm rereading this scene and can't fathom for the life of me why he's just in the hall? In a towel? I thought maybe he heard her in the hall and just poked out of his room, but then he points down the hall to indicate that's where his room is. So, again, I'm like buddy what are we doing?
Anyway, I think his thoughts are just what we hear him say. I think he's immediately concerned, as he pretty much always is whenever he sees her at that time, and I think he was hoping she was there seeking him out. I think he misses her he just doesn't know how to go about that. He's been missing people all his life, but she's the first to come back to him. I don't think the towel aspect phased him much. We don't ever really see Zach be awkward in those kinds of situations with Cammie. The train and overhead compartment scene, trying to kiss her in Roseville, actually kissing her in the foyer, her pining him under the bleachers, etc. Those don't phase him. Even their study date didn't do much to him because he knew/thought it was a ploy. It's the talking and dating aspect where we see him show some shyness and awkwardness.
And I think sometimes Ally just writes things for funsies that don't necessarily make a lot of sense. But I wrote the Joe in the bathtub scene so don't think I'm judging lmao
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cammie-morgan-goode · 10 months
In OSOT, when cam comes back, zach says it's different, and he seem a bit distance quite a while, with him & bex always together. Do you think he's also mad at cam that's why? Or something else?
Oh my poor Zachy boy…
Zach’s mad. He’s furious with Cam. He’s pissed at her.
But not for the reasons we think.
Zach is the one who gave Cammie the idea of running away. He said so in OGSY. He told Cam that they should run. That they would keep each other safe. And Cam told him no. Cammie told him that that was not an option.
And what does she do? She leaves without him and she runs.
Zach doesn’t know where she is. She didn’t leave a note for anyone, she didn’t say goodbye, she’s just gone.
Zach has nobody. He can’t go home. He can’t go to his mom. He can’t go back to school. He doesn’t know if Cammie is even alive until they find her in Switzerland. And during that time he has Bex. And Bex is the only constant in his life that summer. She is the only one keeping his feet on the ground and keeping him from doing something stupid. Because if he can’t find Cammie, what does he have left? Joe’s in a coma for goodness sake.
And then to make matters worse, Cam comes back and she’s different. She can’t remember anything from that summer. He doesn’t even want to think about what she could’ve endured. He doesn’t want to process that. Between the sessions with Dr. Steve, the weapons incident, the memory loss, the fact that the Circle is still out there…
He tried to find Cam and he failed.
Things are different between them and while Cam is trying to process that and her missing summer, Zach is trying to process the fact that anything could have happened to Cammie and there was nothing he could do to stop that.
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sweettoothvn · 6 months
I was curious...where do the LI put the limit of contact with MCs friends? (Like when do they jealous? When they hug , talks , kiss on the cheek... I hope you understand it Im not very good at explaining myself hehe ^^')
Dw you don't have to answer it if you feel uncomfortable with it
Andre: He trusts you, so if he sees you hugging, talking, etc. to other people and your friends, he doesn't mind. Now, kisses on the cheek are a little bit different, it really depends on who it is. For example, he doesn't mind if it's Chrys, but everyone else is a no-go. He doesn't like you talking to Noble, though. That's more so about their past than a jealous thing.
Casey: He's not the jealous type typically. He tries to communicate with you and try to assure you that he's not mad or upset with you; he just wants to check-in. He really wants you to like him and wants to respect your boundaries and other relationships.
Chrys: She doesn't get jealous unless you're full-blown making out with someone.
David: He gets jealous when someone makes you laugh- it's more so that he worries that he isn't good enough for you. He tries to move away from you, figuring you would be better off with someone else than him.
Eddie: He doesn't care whatsoever so long as it's not kisses
Kieran: He's not really the jealous type... typically. It's only if you're messing around with David, Eddie or Zach that he might get upset.
Noble: He would prefer it if you were to speak with him only but if he gets to know your friends he will allow you to talk to them so long as they aren't touching you. He won't get terribly jealous if you're hanging out with Casey or Kieran though.
Zach: If he ever gets jealous he won't let you know, he doesn't want to intrude on your fun and he certainly doesn't want to seem like a controlling partner either.
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starzzach · 1 year
ok what is you SHOT me??? im so curious
hellow c <3
okay so "you SHOT me???" is actually a dual fandom, dual ship fic! the rundown is basically carlos is switched into regular batfam™ verse and jason is switched into f1!batfam™ verse. both charlos and jaytim are going on first dates with their respective partners. it's a race against the clock to get back!!
heres ur snippet
“You are not Jason,” Tim says slowly.
“Yes, I am definitely not Jason,” Not Jason snorts, but he cannot hold back the hiss of pain that spills from his lips. “But.” He gestures wildly in the air, pressurising his shot wound all the while, “I am Red Hood. And you are clearly Red Robin. But you are not Charles.”
Tim blinks once. And then twice. And then he sighs. “Fucking multiverse,” he mutters. “Who is Charles? Is he me?”
Not Jason shakes his head. “Charles is prettier than you,” he says, his mouth lilting up into a smile. “But I suppose so. Are you and this Jason person fighting? Why did you have to shoot me?”
“Jason does weird things with his guns! I didn’t know it would go off like that!” Tim protests exasperatedly. Jesus Christ, why is he arguing with Not Jason? Why is he calling him Not Jason? “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shoot you. It’s just– I have a date. And Jason is off-duty. You caught me off guard.”
“Is your date with Jason?” Not Jason asks, amused. Tim blushes a fiery red. Why does Jason have to be like this in every universe?
ask me about other wips here!
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rafescurtainbangz · 4 months
Cant stop thinking abt sub zach, he just gives such subby and gentle vibes, y’know?
I agree. He's so cute and soft. I love his voice. Seriously, when he's being taken to the hospital, and he says he wants her to come with him, I melt 🫠🫠🫠🫠 His sweet voice saying “please” jfcccc I'm gnawing my phone
And I totally agree that he gives off sub vibes imo, but the brat inside me really likes to paint him as a switch because I would like to see him flip that switch and dominate me from time to time. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! He's perfection to be real 🫠🤭💕
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commsroom · 1 year
it is a little funny to me that zach valenti is a vegetarian and seems generally health conscious, considering that doug eiffel is... not that. the opposite of that, even. eiffel would say french fries should count as a vegetable. eiffel thinks ham & pineapple pizza covers all necessary food groups. eiffel has a meat & carbs & grease based diet, sustained by a quick metabolism and an iron stomach. and he is like aggressively american; eiffel is the guy they make novelty fast food items for. there is nothing in this world he wants more than a burger that is also a pizza. doritos® locos tacos and baja blast. that radioactive looking flamin' hot cheetos mac and cheese? he would eat that. no question. that guy loves koolaid flavors that don't even resemble artificial fruit.
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Favorite song that you can project Hannibal (the show) onto??
Also, what lyrics are the most similar to it?
Something in the orange by Zach Bryan specially in the pov of both Hannigram.
The lyrics are like them kinda having a conversation
Hannibal: It'll be fine by dusk light I'm tellin' you, baby
These things eat at your bones and drive your young mind crazy
But when you place your head between my collar and jaw
I don't know much but there's no weight at all
Will: And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't
'Cause if I say I miss you I know that you won't
But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun
Somethin' in the orange tells me we're not done
But the lyrics that remind me the most of them are these lyrics here
“If you leave today, I'll just stare at the way
The orange touches all things around
The grass, trees and dew, how I just hate you
Please turn those headlights around
Please turn those headlights around”
(I also cry to this song alot lmaoo😭)
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thosetrollkids · 3 months
Title: Trolls Don't Bleed. But Humans...
Paring: Jim and Blinky (I am a sucker for troll dads)
Humans were delicate. They were so, so delicate. Blinky would sooner dig up the grave of Merlin himself, than watch another creative way the Trollhunter's feeble flesh fought for another hour, minute, second to live.
send me a title/pairing for a summary of a fic i'll never write
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