#zaka art
malartifex · 1 year
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Every now and then, I dip down into a state of non-personhood. That I have no color, no face, no me. Eventually I come back, but I fear one day it'll stick.
Depression is a hell of a thing.
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zakanakai · 2 years
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I saw a drawing that had Red shading, and was inspired to do a piece of my own!
idk what or who this is, but!
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busraspostsblog · 10 months
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From Up on Poppy Hill (2011)
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baby-zakarii · 1 month
Doodle of the day - baby Morax in his dragon form chasing Cloud Retainer around🤭 Inspired by headcanons by @dragon-queen21!
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dowiu · 2 years
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comicwaren · 1 year
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“You have friends on Earth. Your mother must be so worried... Don’t run away from me!” -- Captain Marvel
Cover art for Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #003, “The Ferocious Occurrence of the Feral Five”
Art by Mike McKone and Jesus Aburtov
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bbanimalstories · 11 months
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Maruo Suehiro, "D-Zaka no Satsujin-Jiken" as found in "Manga: Masters of the Art," Timothy R. Lehmann, 2005
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zakamelty · 2 years
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Kaveh’s revenge - AKA another excuse for me to draw a flustered Haitham in artistic ropework, sequel to my first post
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tales-from-the-frame · 5 months
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From Up on Poppy Hill by Goro Miyazaki (2011)
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wally-b-feed · 6 months
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Anthony Fineran, Zaka 10 Node 11, 2024
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isagid · 1 year
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Suguru “Too big to talk shit” Geto. SFW.
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You aren’t one to get shit-faced. Sure, you get tipsy, and sure, sometimes you trip over your feet and slur on your words at a party, but you don’t blackout. But here you are, drunk out of your mind, dizzy and legless as you lean against Suguru.
“And then— oh my god, Ru, you wouldn’t believe this shit.” You turn in your ‘seat’, hand slapping against his face lightly as it moves to circle around his neck. Your body is contorted, eyes murky as they catch the sneer he dawns at the previous encounter you’d made with his face, or maybe at the horrific nickname you never would’ve called him if you were sober.
“What shit wouldn’t I believe?” He’s unenthusiastic, ample fingers tracing butterflies onto the small of your back— a habit he’d told you about months before when he loudly informed you that butterflies are easier to draw than any other insect. His voice is bland, heated with the liquor on his breath, but you know with the way his toe taps against the ground he’s interested.
“She fucked him two doors fuckin’ down!” And there it is. There it is. His eye crinkles up, his brows furrow, his lip quirks, he exhales. It’s all subtle, none of it is emphasized or dramatic, but you like to think you’ve mastered the art of observing Suguru, even drunk and hazy and slung all over him.
“Hm,” That’s all he gives you. It’s not much, because Suguru swears and survives that he’s above gossip. It’s not much, but it’s everything you need to push forward, into his lap and with the story.
“Then, come next day, that one bitch from work, yknow the red head— or, god, fuck does she call it? Strawberry blonde? Whatever, anyway, so she sees her buying plan b and a goddamn zena. What a whore!” He stirs under you and you’re sure you’ve got him. You know he eats this shit up, you know with a best friend like Satoru Gojo there’s no way he isn’t judgmental and critical and prey to shit talking.
“Didn’t she post all that shit about her and her boyfriend going to Sakura-Zaka that day?” You know you’ve got him.
“That’s what i’m saying!” Your hand hits at his shoulder, big and broad, and your body stumbles into him a little bit.
“Plus, isn’t he dating her uncles daughter?”
“Ohhh my god, Sugu!” Another awful nickname to add to the list. “You do listen!”
“What a dog.” You giggle— a crass little noise— and you’re sure only Suguru Geto makes you like this. You’re sure you’d only feel so comfortable drunk to the point of discomfort, all squirmy in his lap, laughing and mean and adoring of him.
“Never say that again, are you fifty?” He grumbles, so low you can feel it in your spine, and you shiver against his skin.
There’s a lot to Geto that you can feel in your bones. You think, maybe, he was meant to be there— locked in somewhere between your femur and your pelvis, or stuck in your ribs. And right now, drunk and bubbly, you’re sure you can feel him inside all of your organs and blood vessels and veins. Right now, you are sure Suguru is part of you.
“I’m glad you’re not a dog, Suguru.” He squints at you, wide face all beautiful and a little sweaty. And then he smiles— just a hint of one, smug above his jaw— and lifts one of his big, big hands up to the back of your head.
“Yeah, who would you be able to bitch to about that?” But he knows what you meant, and you may be fucked up but you think he means it back. You think if he were someone else (maybe Gojo), he’d tell you he was glad you weren’t a slut. You think if he were someone else, he’d tell you he wants to kiss you.
But he’s Suguru, so he doesn’t do the first thing and he doesn’t do the second. Still, he holds you in a way that makes you feel so small and so warm you can’t breathe.
It’s quiet, peaceful and whole. It feels like home. After a beat, Suguru lifts his other hand to your cheek, gives it a swipe he hopes you’ll forget in the morning, and finally gives you a world shattering grin. You think now that that was his declaration of love.
“So what’s gonna happen if that hyena finds out?” So, filled with so much love you don’t know how to handle it, you start up again.
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malartifex · 9 months
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I have some friends who are in a magical girl Tabletop game, and I LOVE designing me some magical girls.
This is all from just 1 commissioner of the same character
Her first design, her second design after going through some character development
and her corrupted form when she fell to her base desires.
Mei belongs to @k4l-am4r1 <3
If you love my designs, you can commission me!
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lierrelearns · 7 months
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皇居東御苑 The East Gardens of the Imperial (HIgashi-Gyoen) 所要時間 大手本 → 本丸、二の丸ーー大手門 およそ60分 →二の丸、ーーー平川門 およそ30分 →本丸ーーーー北桔橋門 およそ30分
乾門 Inui-mon Gate 至千鳥ヶ淵 For Chidorigafuchi 科学技術館 Science Museum 国立公文書館 National Archives of Japan 東京国立近代武術間 The National Museum of MODERN ART, Tokyo 乾濠 Inui-bori Moat 発券所 Ticket office 北桔橋門 Kita-hanebashi-mon Gate 平川濠 Hirakawa-bori Moat 1a出口 (Exit) 地下鉄 竹橋駅 Takebashi Sta. 清水濠 Shimizu-bori Moat 平川門 Hirakawa-mon Gate 天守台 Tenshudai (Tenshukaku Dunjon Base) 宮内庁書陵部庁舎 Shoryobu (Archives and Mausolea Department Bldg.) 桃華楽堂 Gakubu (Music Department Bldg.) 梅林坂 Bairin-zaka Slope 都道府県の木 Symbolic Prefectural Tree Emblems 天神濠 Tenjin-bori Moat 発券所 Ticket office 大手濠 Ote-bori Moat 内堀通り Uchibori-street 諏訪の茶屋 Suwano-chaya Tea House 竹林 Bamboo Garden 石室 Ishimuro (Stone Cellar) 桜の島 Sakura Blossom Island 富士見多門 Fujimi-tamon Defence-house バラ園 Rose Garden 茶畑 Tea Garden ユーロッパアカマツ Scots Pine 本丸 Honmaru 本丸大芝生 Honmaru Oshibafu (Lawn) 本丸休憩所 Honmaru Rest House 汐見坂 Shiomizaka Slope 白鳥濠 Hakucho-bori Moat 展望台 Observatory 二の丸休憩所 Ninomaru Rest House 二の丸雑木林 Ninomaru Grove 秋の七草 The Seven Flowers of Autumn 新雑木林 Renewed Grove 菖蒲田 Iris Garden 二の丸庭園 Ninomaru Garden 蓮池濠 Hausike-bori Moat 松の大廊下跡 Site of Matsuno-o-roka Corridor 果樹古品種園 Orchard (Old Species of Japanese Fruits) 野草の島 Wild Grass Island 緑の泉 Green Fountain 中雀門跡 Site of Chujaku-mon Gate 大番所 O-bansho Guardhouse 中之門跡 Site of Nakano-mon Gate 百人番所 Hyakunin-bansho Guardhouse 同心番所 Doshin-bansho Guardhouse 大手休憩所 Ote Rest House 三の丸尚蔵館 Sannomaru Shozokan The museum of the Imperial Collections 皇居東御苑管理事務所 Office of the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace 発券所 Ticket Office 大手門 Ote-mon Gate 現在地 You are Here C13b出口 (Exit) Otemachi Sta. 坂下門 Sakashita-mon Gate 富士見櫓 Fujimi-yagura (Mt. Fuji View Keep 蛤濠 Hamaguri-bori Moat 桔梗門 Kikyo-mon Gate 桔梗濠 Kikyo-bori Moat ←至 二重橋 For Nijubashi Bridge 皇居外苑 Kokyi gaien National garden 至 JR東京駅 For Tokyo Sta. 和田倉噴水公園 Wadakura Fountain Park 日比谷通り Hibiya-street
皇居東御苑は、旧江戸城本丸、二の丸及び三の丸の一部を皇居付属庭園として、宮中行事に支障のない限り次のように公開(無量)しています。(Free of charge)
1.出入門 大手門、平川門、北桔橋門の3つの門から出入り出来ます。 2.休園日 (1)月曜日及び金曜日 ただし、天皇誕生日以外の「国民の祝日等の休日」は公開します。なお、月曜日が休日で公開する場合は、火曜日(休日を除く)を休園します。 (2)12月28日から翌年1月3日までの日 3.入園手続き 入園するは、各門内の発券所で入園票を受け取り、退園の際にはいずれかの発券所にお返し下さい。 宮内庁
1.The Gardens are open on the following days. However the Gardens are closed in the period between 28 December and 3 January and may be closed due to Court functions and other reasons. ① Wednesdays ② Thursdays ③ Saturdays ④ Sundays ⑤ National Holidays (excluding the Emperor’s Birthday, 23 December) ⑥ Mondays immediately following the National Holiday which falls on Sunday ⑦ Tuesdays (excluding Tuesday immediately following ⑤ and ⑥) 2.While you are in the Gardens, please keep the plastic ticket which you will receive at the gate. Please return the ticket to the officer at the exit gate. IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD AGENCY
公益財団法人菊葉文化協会 寄贈 財団法人日本宝くじ協会
Vocab 皇居(こうきょ)imperial 御苑(ぎょえん)imperial garden 所要時間(しょようじかん)time required, time taken 至(し)to 科学時術(かがくじじゅつ)science and technology 近代美術館(きんだいびじゅつかん)museum of modern art 濠(ほり)moat, canal 発券(はっけん)issuing (a ticket, etc.) 宮内庁(くないちょう)Imperial Household Agency 書陵部(しょりょうぶ)agency that takes care of records and the tombs 庁舎(ちょうしゃ)government office building 梅林(ばいりん)plum grove 都道府県(とどうふけん)prefectures of Japan 竹林(ちくりん)bamboo grove 茶畑(ちゃばたけ)tea field ユーロッパアカマツ Scots/Scotch pine, Pinus slyvestris 芝生(しばふ)lawn, grass 休憩所(きゅうけいしょ)rest area, rest stop 展望台(てんぼうだい)observation deck 雑木林(ぞうきばやし)thicket; grove of miscellaneous trees 秋の七草(あきのななくさ)seven flowers of autumn: bush clover, Chinese silvergrass, kudzu, fringed pink, golden lace, thoroughwort, and balloon flower 菖蒲(しょうぶ)Japanese iris (Iris ensata var. ensata) [coll.] 果樹(かじゅ)fruit tree 品種(ひんしゅ)breed variety, cultivar 野草(のぐさ)wild grasses 泉(いずみ)fountain 番所(ばんしょ)guardhouse 桔梗(ききょう)Chinese bellflower (Platycodon grandiflorus) 外苑(がいえん)outer garden 噴水(ふんすい)water fountain 付属(ふぞく)being attached (to), belonging (to) 宮中(きゅうちゅう)imperial court 行事(ぎょうじ)event, function 支障(ししょう)obstacle, hindrance 休園日(きゅうえんび)day on which a park (or kindergarten or zoo) is closed 祝日(しゅくじつ)national holiday なお furthermore 除く(のぞく)to exclude, except 手続き(てつづき)procedure, process 票(ひょう)ticket, stub (suffix) 公益財団法人(こうえきざいだんほうじん)public interest incorporated foundation 文化協会(ぶんかきょうかい)cultural association 公益財団法人菊葉文化協会(こうえきざいだんほうじんきくようぶんかきょうかい)a cultural association that focuses its research on making artifacts of the imperial household available to the public. 寄贈(きぞう)donation, gift 宝くじ(たからくじ)lottery ticket
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
by Kassy Dillon
The site has been slowly transforming over the weeks as members of Zaka, the civilian volunteer organization tasked with cleaning up bodies, look for blood and body parts to bury in accordance with Jewish law.
One Zaka volunteer says he transported over 70 bodies in his truck on the first day of the attack. More recently, Zaka has been searching for bloodied items to remove and bury, including cutting out pieces of fabric from furniture that is soaked with blood.
Every home looks like the set of a different horror movie. The first house I walked into looked ransacked. Furniture was everywhere and broken, and debris littered the floor. When I looked at the ceiling, it was covered in bullet holes and grenade shrapnel.
The next home I went into is the one that keeps me up at night.
It is a one bedroom home where you enter through a tiny kitchen into a living room that has bullet holes in the walls, and was the site of a fire. At the back of the room, there is a door leading into a bedroom that doubles as a bomb shelter —  once you enter through the doorway, the first thing that catches the eye is splattered blood on the wall and what looks like the stamp of a bloodied knee of someone trying to climb out the window.
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Two Kfar Aza homes, one with shrapnel holes in the ceiling and another with blood on the walls / The Daily Wire
It appears to be a room of a young woman, who had plants and weaved art as decorations on the wall. On her bed, there is a laptop lying on red sheets, both splattered with blood. Only then, when looking down, did I realize I was standing in this woman’s blood.
Maor Moravia, a survivor from the massacre, told us that he hid in his bomb shelter with his wife and children while hearing explosions and gunfire and receiving text messages about the terrorist infiltration. He said they hid for hours in his home, which is one of the last in the kibbutz, until they finally heard terrorists in his neighbors house. After many hours, the army arrived.
Moravia expressed that every person who was murdered was one of his friends, as his village is a tight-knit kibbutz of only about 750 people.
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baby-zakarii · 3 months
Art dump :D
this is NOT ship art
This time I drew the best (in canon worst) brothers! We've been rambling with @binglebangledotcom a LOT about Jona and Dio bonding due to Dio regressing - for example during storms, because even big brave boys can be afraid of them💛💙 Due to trauma he'd probably regress ever since he came to live with the Joestars; biologically he's still a kid, but he had to mature quickly and focus on survival :/
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More art under the cut!
Dio really loves his brother, but doesn't always know how to express that. So he bites. Hard.
Fortunately even in time-out he's got his favourite plushie, Batty Boop :> (yes I know Betty Boop was created decades later but shh)
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And here we have their Halloween costumes, aka I try to learn drawing clothes hehe
Jonathan is a knight and Dio is, well... Dio🤷They go trick-or-treating till 8 pm, then have naptime❤️
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metmuseum · 9 months
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Shirasuka, Shio-mi Zaka. ca. 1834. Credit line: Rogers Fund, 1918 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/36954
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