#zaki writes
When I was small, I always loved those necklaces girls gave each other in movies,
One heart, broken down the middle, half for you and half for me, so we have to be together to see the whole picture. Best friends, forever.
A symbol of something I wanted, that was always just out of reach. A promise made to my younger self, one day there’ll be someone to share the other half with.
Now, I am no longer small. Now, I’ve grown past the age where a chain sealed the unspoken promise, I will be there for you, forever. Now, trust is a rare commodity in the store of my soul, and that heart has fractured a dozen different times only to be set on a shelf to rust. But here’s what I’d tell you, my friends, my sisters; here’s what I’d engrave on the back of that heart dangling from its silver chains: You brought love within reach, and you showed me how to make the picture whole. You are a dozen different reasons to restock trust in my soul’s store. You are the ones for whom I will let my heart be broken, because we have sealed the unspoken promise, that you’re there, holding a fragment of my heart. I know you’ll keep it safe. I will be there for you, forever.
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youaretwicemine · 11 months
Once upon a time, there was a girl who did not know her name. She faded into corners with the cobwebs, swept up the dirt people left behind. No one ever spoke to her during the hubbub of parties or sought her out for a dance, no one saw her gather the delicate stem glasses in translucent hands and no one watched as she picked up the bedraggled greenery the fine-gowned ladies had dropped. There was always a tiny jar of fresh flowers on the mantelpiece, the morning after a party.
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flickeringflame216 · 1 year
I'm like Tolkien if Tolkien didn't know jack about languages and wrote sci-fi
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yuushiiblog · 1 year
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yourdailykath · 1 year
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Going out and enjoying the sun! First time kita makasama dito kuya zaki, and kahit ganito lang date natin nakakatuwa kasi kita ko parin na enjoy na enjoy mo parin dahil sa mga nakikita mo sa paligid kahit alam kong pagod ka na kakalakad, pinakita mo parin kay mama na naging happy ka.
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Love this shot kuya! Very sentimental yung kuha natin here. Nagtuturo ka jan ng nagtuturo ng mga nakikita mong fish, plane, at mga boat 🥰
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Matandaan mo rin sana kuya ang memories natin dito. Masaya kahit mainit, masaya kahit wala masyadong activities. Seizing the moment lang talaga with you.
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Cheers to more memories with kuya. Marami pa tayong gagawin together, marami pa tayong magiging masayang memories together ❤️
Mama Kathlyne
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bad-as-me · 7 months
also not to be smug but this ties soooo neatly to the nuala lore i have in my back pocket
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windupaidoneus · 1 year
and when i write this fic.
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wordsmithic · 6 months
This popular Greek song is a response to the more recent femicide in Greece
Let the state tremble, let the roads be closed May whoever dares to raise a hand tremble They take our carefreeness by force They planted fear in us but wings grew And every minute of almost every day We mourn a daughter sister and mother In one night they make us vanish Anyone silent is an accomplice, as they eradicate us For those nights when I walked alone At the sight of a figure my blood freezes For all the hands that grip keys We all become a fist! You have no right over my body, You don't have a say in where I go and what I do Pain and violence are not love We all respond if you touch one And if you didn't pay attention to these lyrics They say that I am still here by pure chance In fury I sing, hear me all The city burn if I don't come home
My name is Anissa, Caroline, and Eleni I was killed by the system that launders them (our criminals) I am Jevrie, Zaki, Maria Nektaria, Anthe, Zoe, Adamantia In my name write news, history
For those nights when I walked alone At the sight of a figure my blood freezes For all the hands that grip keys We all become a fist! You have no right over my body, You don't have a say in where I go and what I do Pain and violence are not love We all respond if you touch one
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luverine · 5 months
Caged Animal
Yandere (M) Hybrid x (F) Reader
0.8k words Part 2 Part 3
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TW: bad writing, abuse, old men, drugs?, hunger, blood
(This was some nonsense I came up with bored at work nothing serious!!)
ID: 187904 (Zaki)
Age: 23-27
Gender: Male
Species: Lupinian
Height: unturned 5’9 / turned 6’8
Weight: unturned 175 lbs / turned 260 lbs
Description: Medium tan skin, dark brown overgrown buzz cut hair, dark brown/ black eyes, scar from cheek to chin on right side of face, scar from mid waist around to mid back, missing left pinky finger, lean build.
Triggers: Men, loud noises (beeping), black lab coats.
Note: Violent against men, especially older men. Wears muzzle for appointed checkups and while being fed.
Removed from the environment when cleaning the room.
Always have a shocker on you while handling patient.
Doesn’t talk.
Never give eye contact.
“You get all at’? The son of a bitch’s a handful.” An overweight man puffing a cigarette says. “Annoying too, We’ve gone through every caretaker in rotation and nothing he nearly killed all of em”
Looking down at the paper skimming over its contents. You nod “I never worked with any of the projects here though, I prep medicine and surgical equipment. What made you think I could take this on?” You asked unsure.
“We're runnin’ outa options it’s either you or the custodians. At least you have some experience.” The man puffed out.
“Well, does my pay increase? Concerned for your life you ask.
“Nah, we don’t have enough funds sorry girl.” He replies
You huff a little annoyed you're probably going to die for minimum wage. “What’s his room number I’ll go there at dinner time”
“First level of quadrant C, 316. Can’t be missed.” The man says. “Make sure he gets extra for dinner; he's been a good boy.” The man chuckles, placing the cigarette back in his mouth.
“Ugg gross!”
The raw meat is slimy, smells fishy, and a deep brown color.
“This has to be rotten” You make a disgusted face at what you're about to feed this poor experiment.
Room 316.
You walk towards it with your cart of meat, water, and a small fluffy blue blanket.
You give the door operator a nod. The door unlocks and you wheel inside to another door. You wait a moment and tap the door three times and card swipe the door open.
Inside is a man curled up in the corner. His arms and legs, at least what you can see, are covered in bandages. The bottom of his feet are caked in blood. You step in the room and he growls.
Sighing you grab his tray of food and a water canister. You set the items on the metal table that extends from the wall. You slide back over towards the door, it opens and you step out back into the little hallway. You grab the small fluffy blanket and card back into the room.
His back is to you it’s obvious he doesn’t want you in here. “187904” He lets out a deep growl.
“Here, take the blanket. You’re going to have to get used to me at some point I’m going to be your caregiver, I guess” you mutter.
“Don’t call me that…” the wolf man replies, his voice deep it unsettles you.
“Call you what? 187904? ” You ask.
“…” He sat up with his hand held out expecting you to drop the fluff into his hand.
Extending your arm out to hand him the small blanket. You back away immediately when he snatches it and pulls it toward his face. His nails are sharp with a black tip that you can’t make out to be dried blood or not.
“Uh…here you go guy..?”
“Zaki.” He grunted out.
“That’s um… nice name Zaki.” You say to the wall. His eyes were burning holes into the side of your face, but you knew better. He’d tear you to sheds if you looked into them.
He grunts, turning away from you once more you take it as your queue to leave.
The door slides closed and you shuffle the cart out of the room and into the actual hallway.
I sniff the air. “Hmm”.
Getting up off the floor, I walk to the table.
Everything is rotten, the meat has turned to brown jelly . The smell is taking over the whole room and suffocating me.
Growling I pick up the rotting slime and slam it into the camera covering it from being visible. Wiping my hand on the wall. I huff and lay back into the corner curling around the blanked. “She smelled good” I murmur, trying to ignore the growing hunger and just sleep it off.
“Good to see ya alive. Report to me, how was the big bad wolf?” The man asked, puffing out smoke.
“It was fine, I admit scary, but he didn’t do or say much.” You say
The man chuckles “It’s either that or ya become his lunch, be glad he ignored ya it means he likes you.” Huffing out more smoke and shooing me off with his hand.
You walk out of his office “what a dick” I murmur. Heading to the main building to go to your locker and pick up your bag.
You head home knowing the same bullshit will welcome you tomorrow.
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A/N: Bullshit mentioned!!! I have really bad writers block so I’m posting this old work. Let me know if you want more of this dope. The monster fic is taking wayyyy longer that I thought (sorry and cya)
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gryficowa · 7 days
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Yes, there is nothing, because I don't know what to write…
Now that I have your attention:
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Love You Despite It All (IF)
Twenty years ago, in your last year of highschool, your life changed forever.  Something awful happened and you tried to forget. But in a way or another, the past has always a way of catching up to you no matter how much you try to avoid it.
Now, you find yourself, with the child of your former best friend. He seeks answers, but how can you tell him the truth when you can’t even admit it to yourself? Still, you know that he has the right to know.
 What really happened twenty years ago? 
The choices you make will determine not only your own future but also the futures of your friends. One wrong move could change everything. Are you ready to revive your memories? Even if it means hurting yourself in the process?
Choose your gender
Play as straight, gay, bisexual or asexual. 
Customize your character
Create your own future
Romance one of the 5 ROs
Realistic romance that feels natural -they’ll all be slow-burns to some extent- 
Your choices will have a great impact on your future and those around you.
Decide if you are interested in art, music or writing.
Create wholesome friendships, but will you be able to keep them?
Even if you don't romance anyone, you can still play the game and interact with the other ROs in a completely platonic way.
Relationships focused.
 ☘RO (More info to be added)☘
Lydia (F) - A close friend since you were young. You have a complicated relationship. She's artistic, private, she enjoys being with others, but she hides things for fear of being hurt. This puts a strain on her relationships. Can she learn to trust people? 
Ryan (M) -  He's outgoing and caring. Everyone can tell that he's in love with Lydia, but she keeps him at arm's length.  He finds you entertaining, he’d like to be your friend. 
Theo/Tatiana (M/F) -  Lydia’s older sibling. They think of you as a part of their family, and you consider them your second best friend. You know you’d never lie to each other, though you can tell they’re way too worried for their sister. What do they know that you don’t? And why are they keeping it a secret from you?
Glen/Gloria(M/F) - Ryan's best friend. You discover their secret crush on Ryan , and you try to help them. This starts an amazing friendship. Could it even lead to romance? Could they let go of their feelings for Ryan and fall in love with you?
Zoe/Zaki(F/M) - A new student who is assigned to your art class. They secretly joined art class but fear judgment from their classmates and hide it. Your interest is picked, when you see them. They keep to themselves but you want to be their friend. Why do they hide their love for art? 
Mr Leo- A mentor figure for MC and the students. 
The school’s vice principal- He discriminates against the  students, he holds hate for those like you. Will he be a problem in the future?
●Reblogs and likes are much appreciated!!●
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youaretwicemine · 1 year
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here have some slapdash late-night poetry
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flickeringflame216 · 1 year
Of Summer I'll Sing
Of summer I’ll sing, and joyous is the song That mingles in the dusk with smoke and sparks Or stretches up to greet the skirting sunrise This quiet hour bleeds with fervent praise.
Warm work-filled days and chilly nights, Humble adventures come knocking at my door. No job’s a chore when no job is beneath you And so the song is lifted up while washing cars Or stacking wood, or patching up a scrape.
Of summer I’ll sing, and singing  Twines with cicadas in the evening air. I’ll sing of warmth, of crowded afternoons peopled with delight Of deep water, and the coolness of memory.
Knees sometimes bruised and bug bites bandaged over, Calloused fingers skipping over pages,  Braiding hair and making fires, The song humming from throats made sore by laughter.
I sing of forests still and yet alive The song twines round the trees  And swoops through daisy meadows  And leaps again up, up To fields where stars add harmony
The song goes on, it tells the tale Bright and lithe, winding on for ever “In every masterpiece is proof of hope, In all our joys the mark of He who made them.” 
And so I add my stumbling melody Unto the tune that turns and turns forever, My eyes behold each day of beauty fresh And cannot help but wonder at the glory.
So sing will I of summer, As long as song and summer still live on, And hope and laughter mingle with the dusk, And stars emerge to add their harmony. 
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miquella-everywhere · 12 days
Fromsoft cultists are angry because we don't mindlessly consume media without any critical thoughts. They're writing essays on how we are wrong and everything Miyazaki did is 100% consistent as if fromsoft never made inconsistent plotlines before. I thought the whole point that everyone can interpret the story the way that makes sense to them wasn't that zaki intention with creating the lore as vague
Yeah I really wish people would be more critical of the DLCs story(especially Miquellas) because if you look at the base game and compare it to the DLC there is so much shit that does not align, make sense, or is straight up contradictory with the base game lore, and I just.... Ugh.
I've said this before and I will say it again: The number one most important thing with any story, especially ones on a massive scale like elden ring, is consistency, and if you can't even follow the main plot points that you set up in your base story, then I'm sorry you are writing something that will inevitably be awful and fall short so horribly 😭
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yourdailykath · 1 year
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A peaceful evening. I'm currently working in my table, and he's just playing quietly beside me... Then suddenly..
Zaki: Mama pag nag away tayo dapat sorry ka sakin tapos sorry din ako sayo ha.
Me: Ofcourse naman kuya.
Zaki: I love you, mama.
Me: Love you too kuya..
Zaki: Will you marry me, mama? *Sabay lumuhod at abot ng singsing na binorrow nya sa tito karl nya.*
Gulat talaga ako. Hahaha! Syempre told him yes! And then explained to him na someday pag grow up nya ang tatanungin nya ng will you marry me is yung magiging wife nya. Sobrang lumambot lang puso ko ng sinagot nya ko ng "like mama kathlyne!" ❤️
Hay kuya.. Busog na busog ang mama sa love mo. Thankyou for showering me with so much love.. Dalhin mo sana hanggang sa paglaki yung mga gentle life lessons ng mama sayo. Dalhin mo sana hanggang sa paglaki ang napakabuti mong puso ngayon.. Medyo harsh ang mundo, naway hindi ka madala at manaig lang ang pagmamahal sa puso mo..
Your forever,
Mama Kathlyne...
August 2023.
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sortofanobsession · 8 months
I watched The Bubble (the Judd Apatow movie with Pedro Pascal and Karen Gillan on Netflix) and I have ideas...
Buddie and Roy/Jamie
Buddie 1st...
is I know want to write a Buddie AU because like my brain latched on to the idea of like Buck 1.0 being like Dieter Bravo and Eddie, like Anika, finds the guy fascinating BUT does do flings so it like commit or suffer my guy. And now that idea is in my just won't leave my head.
Should I write it?
Roy/Jamie (and Keeley sorta)
Also have the idea of either Roy being like Carol Cobb (maybe not a movie star but like Roy can either still be Richmond or even working for Sky, like his injury was worse originally and he's a commentator now or WORSE a reality star). And Jamie is like Zaki, obsessed with the guy (because it's Jamie, he has always been obsessed with Roy). Or vice versa but Roy is annoyed at how much he can't stop thinking about Jamie after he confronts him about noise. And Keeley is the open marriage wife and it ends WAY better than in the movie.
Let me know in replies or asks what you guys think
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