#zann rants
I'm enjoying my return to Empire at War (which is funny since I absolutely hated it last time I tried to come back to it about a year or two ago) but man I gotta say the Zann Consortium has to be the most poorly designed, unfun faction to play against in any RTS I've played in my whole life.
Like I genuinely don't think they have any weaknesses, their defilers can just destroy all your infrastructure with no counterplay except tanking thousands of credits into keeping your planets from getting corrupted, half their space roster can just ignore shields, the other half just doesn't take damage (I genuinely have no idea why they felt the need to let starvipers go toe to toe with x-wings and even outclass them with the insane buzz droid spam), their ground forces just mulch infantry (which are already near useless because the non medieval strategy genre just fucking hates infantry for some reason) and armor plus a good chunk of them get shields!!!!, bombing runs that should destroy any building in one go just don't do damage to consortium buildings (idk I think this is a bug but it's never gonna be fixed so...) IG-88 can just blow up the death star, yeah 20,000 credit investment plus the time it takes to build it just gone in the blink of an eye and the only thing you can do about it is taking them out ASAP or just microing the death star so it is literally never staying in orbit of a planet.
I feel like they're supposed to be one of those factions where everything's just busted but they're expensive, y'know, but then they just make so much money that it's not even a factor! What is this fucking faction?!?!??!?!?!!?
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I am haunted by the music of Erich Zann
This is not a creative writing piece, I'm just having a bad day. Don't mind the fancy wording, it helps.
This morning I was awoken far earlier than i would have wanted by presumptive sunlight at 6:17 am. I work nights, going to bed around 1, so this was less than 5 hours. Not terrible, but not enough.
I had just moved, my blackout curtains still unhanged, curtain rods still unaffixed.
I tried thumbtacks to hold them up. Of course that didn't work.
I tried using pants as a blindfold. They constricted my head and messed with my breathing. Tried hiding under covers, too hot & could feel breathing on my flesh. Pillow over the head--subconsciously shifted body right before drifting off--more sunlight. Final, piss poor attempt was just laying with my arm over my eyes, it was 930 when I decided to give up. Pissed from failed attempts and feeling like shit being too tired to exercise. I planned to blow up the sun.
My shower time, when I usually do my best brainstorming was instead plagued by anger, frustration, and eventual sobbing. Any attempts to calm down, stop my mind from lashing out, and shift it to my writing only fueled the anger.
Any thoughts along the subject were half formed, my unrested and sluggish brain not able to catch up with my ideas. The right words were constantly just out of reach. The sobbing came when I realized even if I downed an entire bottle of my sleeping meds, I wouldn't get any more sleep. As I had already taken my morning meds, which includes a stimulant.
I wrote anyways. I needed to keep up the discipline, and the creative outlets entire purpose is to refocus my mind, explore my feelings, and give me something to do. I managed a single cohesive paragraph. Which I would likely scrap tomorrow.
I lost it a bit, broke some stuff i didnt want to break, and when I was done continued with my day. The normal flow of ideas and daydreams stuttered, and when they came they were insultingly subpar and unsatisfying. Plus my left knee hurt.
Half made dnd characters, shitty speeches for an ill-conceived revolution, voices that didn't sound how they should, and endless words that just werent quite right. Eventually a melody I couldn't get out of my head, and a terribly designed Rube Goldberg machine that might have been able to play it.
It was at this point I thought of The music of Erich Zann. By H.P. Lovecraft.
In which, a student too poor for regular housing finds lodgings on a strange unmapped street, in a rundown building. The street was incredibly narrow, blocked completely in by warehouses, a river, and a massive, confusingly placed brick wall.
His new home had no windows. Save one in the room of another tenant; Erich Zann. It looked out beyond the brick wall.
Erich was decrepit, mute, distant, and played the viola. The student liked to listen to Erichs viola playings, considering him rather talented. The songs Erich played once night fell, made him consider the man a strange genius.
At night Erich would hauntingly play strange and beautiful, half finished facsimiles of music unlike any he'd heard before.
As he came to know Erich he asked him to play for him, and he did, but never the songs he played at night. When he pleaded Erich for them, even attempting to hum or whistle an imitation of the tune, Erich silenced him, covering his mouth with a bony hand. Erich Zann looked furious, and terrified.
Eventually Erich apologized with a note, saying he was an old, lonely man, afflicted with fears and disorders, especially around his music. He would still play for the student, but never the melodies from night.
The student attempted to eavesdrop one night, eventually pounding on the door after the man played his strange melody for a while and fell to the floor with a mute scream. Erich Zann attempted to explain.
He wrote for hours in a fever, but was interrupted before he could finish.
A low, nearly unhearable note came from the dark beyond Erichs window. Erichs face warped into terrible fear and he stood as if his bones were puppeted, and played without control.
His music was an attempt to drown out whatever lay beyond the window. The window fought back, eventually breaking. And the student was tossed around by a mixed wind of what came through, and the impossible movement upon the instrument. The candles went out. And in the dark the wind took Erich Zanns manuscript, the unfinished explanation stolen through the window. As the student reached out in an attempt to save it he saw pure nothingness beyond the frame. He immediately tried to save Erich from this but found him already dead, yet still playing on.
He ran from the building, to find it daylight. As he continued further away in distance and time he remembered less of the music, and could never find the street again.
It's impossible to know the complete meaning H.P. Lovecraft had in mind when writing this, though established pattern would suggest something to do with bigotry.
However, I took away something about the relationship and interactions of a troubled mind, manic episodes, a creative outlet, and perfectionism
Interpreting the endless dark beyond the window as "madness", Erich Zann could be using his playing as a means to hold it at bay. A creative outlet used to understand and utilize it, or simply drown it out. But with it being the only thing keeping it at bay, it must be done right. Especially if you want it to be "accurate" or "represent" feelings that defy explanation. Attempting and failing over and over again, to its own detriment. lashing out when someone wants to hear it, because it's not RIGHT yet and if they hear it now it will ruin it. Or perhaps the act of sharing being too vulnerable or embarrassing, even when sharing these things is a way to do it "better" and connect with people, which would help it serve its purpose. He attempts to explain it and even the explanation falls short building this frustration until he turns again to this outlet, and gives in, overwhelmed completely and continues hacking away at it sacrificing his physical and mental health until it is the embodiment of the very thing it was supposed to suppress or diffuse.
I don't know if I've learned anything from all this today, being still in it and too close to it. But I suppose there could be something along the lines of "don't put all your eggs in one basket". I have other things I want to say, something about reframing the act of creation or changing the goals of art so there is no real possibility of "perfection". But the words are failing me right now. I'll just save the rest for therapy.
At least typing all this out helped a bit.
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stellartales · 3 years
I have more Thoma x Reader/Lumine on the way 🤩 The Hangout Event with Thoma was one of the features I looked forward to when they announced 2.2.
Beforehand, we players were only fed a limited knowledge about Thoma. When I was writing my first piece for him (ahem, dearest stranger), I used what we know of him and characterized him the way I thought he would act.
Now that I've done the Hangout Event with him, I LOVE him even more ahhhhhh💕💕 He's seriously so SUPER sweet, down-to-earth type of guy. And plus, he's excellent in domestic stuff ☺And AND the way he treats animals with love...🥺 (can I have him, Mihoyo? I mean, apart being a playable character I plan to have in my team)
The multiple endings in Hangout Event really inspired me A LOT and I mentioned before that I ship Thoma x Lumine (okay, I'm a Lumine Harem fan) but you can also take it as a x reader thing. (you know my style~😎)
so....I have a series (also kind of made up of drabbles too) planned and I'm currently writing the first part. I will be using some Hangout Events events and enrich them with more narrative and add romance vibe to them.
Okay many MANY plans and ideas for this!
(my favorite event of all under the cut: 🥺☺)
-> Spoiler below, proceed with caution.
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Okay I'm so disappointed in myself for not picking up haikyuu sooneeeeeeer 😟 the thing is, I've always wanted try it but I'm a person who needs to be in the mood to watch something to actually do it😩🙄
So anyway I've reached episode 14 and I gotta pull myself away from the screen so that I can sleep. Haikyuu is just too exciting and the guys there- THE GUYS THERE are just so 😩😩👌🏻
I like them so much ahhhhhh
Can't wait to resume tomorrow 🤩🤩 goodnight everyone ❤❤
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desultory-novice · 2 years
It'd certainly put Marx into the same boat as all the other Modern 2D era Kirby bosses, because boy did all of them end up eating some bad bargains. Taranza simply wanted a gift for his love. Haltmann simply wanted to find his daughter. I forget Hyness' motives off the top of my head, but his ambitions were also twisted. Even Magolor clearly bit off more than he could chew.
I like this, yes! Considering that Kumazaki invented Marx Soul, it's not out of line to assume he sprinkled some of that Kumazaki-style deep characterization dust on him!
As to Hyness, there's a bit in the "Nintendo Dream" interviews stating that he was always bad. Not to praise him with one hand and cross him with the other, but Kumazaki tells us Marx has an "evil soul" and signed off on Novel-verse Magolor, so I'd say there's room for interpretation on how evil "evil" is in Kirby?
Anyway,  looking at Hyness specifically with the same sympathetic lens we tend to view the Wave 3 + Marx gang, we can believe his prayers to Void were originally were about finding a way to help the Jamba diaspora. But that when Hyness thought about the awful hand they'd been dealt for, y'know, SAVING EVERYONE, his mind couldn't help but turn toward bitterness and hatred of those who'd cast them out, and his prayers morphed into a wish for vengeance - to deal that same bad hand to the entire cosmos.
More recent than Hyness even, we have Leon entering Lab Discovera because he wished to harness the power that allowed humanity the Ancients to flourish. And he found it, but THEY were no longer interested in being part of a one-sided bargain - one where they weren't on top. So Leon gets mind-controlled for his troubles.
But yes, I like "his hurt causes him to wish for the wrong thing in the heat of the moment and he gets looped into having to do it anyway and/or die" Marx + Marx Soul. 
At least, that would be my "Kumazaki-style Marx."
Speaking of Marx and his ties to the Kumazaki villains...
...I feel the script for a comic* building inside me...! (*that I don't have time to draw)
[Warning for excess sentimentality/everyone bad is good!]
[Comic Draft - "A Better Wish"]
:It starts on Magolor holding the Master Crown:
"That's right! My goal this entire time had been this crown!"
:he pauses: :his hands tighten around it: 
:cut to Taranza, his hands behind him: :holding the mirror wrapped up like a present:
"Joronia? For your birthday...I wanted to get you something you could look at and always see how pretty you are!"
:his nerves are going wild, but he fights them to speak:
"...But...what I actually want to do is... I really want to tell you that I think you're pretty! Because I...I like you, Joronia! And I always have!"
:he sets the mirror down and takes her hands:
:Susie, hand quivering as she's about to drop her visor: :she stops, drops her hands instead, and shouts:
"...Dad....DADDY, STOP IT! You've gone WAY too far! This whole thing has gone TOO FAR! Stop and look at me!" 
:Max pauses before donning the controller:
"You can't even remember me, can you?! But I don't care because I remember! I'm Susanna! Your daughter! And I'm TIRED of this life-wrecking machine!"
:He gulps, his mind struggling for some memory:
:Hyness on the altar before the Jamba Heart, in mid-rant:
"I'm-sure-they're-all-living-it-up-on-some-nice- planet-with-friends-and-family-but-when-the- dark-lord-destroys-everything-they'll..."
:His speech slows as he reaches Zan laying in his path: :Looking around, he see the other mage-sisters:
"...Destroys...everything...? Friends and...family...? Francisca...? Flamberge...? Zan...P-Parti...zanne...??  Why are you three laying there, injured...? Was it...me...? Have I become...the dark lord...?"
:Leon and Carol in the hallway before the Eternal Capsule:
"[We made it. We're here at last, Carol... Beyond here is what let the humans grow strong... ...and leave us WEAK! And once I have it..."]
:He looks over at Carol, finally noticing her expression: :She's looking afraid and worried for him:
"[...Once I have it...then what happens? What will I be leaving behind when I have that same power that they did...?]"
:cut back to Magolor, looking solemn:
"...Now that I have it, I realize, when I see the looks on your faces... it's not going to get me what I really want."
:pan over to the group, angry, hurt, wary:
"...I lied to everyone. This whole time. Except that... I wasn't lying when I said that...I wanted us t-to... ...t-that I hoped...we'd stay.......f-friends...!"
:he drops the crown, covering his eyes:
"And-I-know-that-after-everything-I-did-that- there's-no-way-any-of-you-would-actually-forgive...!" 
:Magolor stops mumbling as a hand touches his :Kirby's hand:
:Marx in front of Galactic Nova:
"I wish to co-....!"
:Flashback to Marx's life on Popstar: :People walking away from his shows, grimacing: :Everyone laughing and eating with Kirby: :Kirby turns around, offers Marx some food: :Marx, flustered and embarrassed that someone actually reached out to him, sneers and rolls away:
"(....I wish it was easier to communicate. To tell others what we're really thinking. To get the things we really want...)"
:Gritting his teeth, he ditches Nova (who is "???"): :He flies after Kirby, floating in space: :Marx catches his hand in his mouth, pulls him back: :The two orbit each other:
"...You're such an idiot, you stupid puffball! Why did you do everything I said without question?"
"Because I believe in you, Marx."
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i-hate-jay · 7 years
is there gonna be a time where anything to do with the movie wont piss people off
• First impressions of movie designs causes outrage • Jay takes selfies, I saw a full on rant from someone getting mad about this. • Show designs changing(👀👀) • The minfigures masks are two piece (why did people even get mad at this) • "Zanne looks ugglyy!!!!! andnd creepty!!!!!!" bullshit • "KAIS HAIR!!!!!!! YUCK!!" • "B-b-but the movie is gonna outdo the show!!!!!!! no one will care about it!!!" yeah ok • Actual fucking petitions to get the show designs 'normal' again (because that'll work) • "ugh is lloyd emo or something" • "tyaloorr swift!!!! i only like REAL music!!!" sorry i doubt some upbeat 50s jukebox music will fit any better • "lloyd is so cringey" • "I waant the old voices!!!!1" • "THATS NOT MISAKO!!1!"
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halloweendailynews · 7 years
It was one year ago today, on May 24, 2016, when what many thought would never happen actually happened as is it was officially announced that John Carpenter would return to the franchise he created with his 1978 classic Halloween to serve as Executive Producer of the new Halloween movie that would come from the horror hit-makers at Blumhouse.
In the 12 months since that initial announcement rocked the genre world, more details have slowly emerged, giving us a few clues as to what we should expect from the highly anticipated cinematic return of Michael Myers. Read on for everything we know so far and our analysis of what it all means.
The Return of John Carpenter
Included in that first announcement was the tasty tidbit that Carpenter himself may score the new film, which alone is enough to get most fans frothing at the mouth with excitement for the project. Carpenter added at the time that his son Cody will work with him if he does do the score for this new Halloween movie.
As many have pointed out, Carpenter was also an executive producer of the underwhelming remake of The Fog, but he has said in the past that he had basically no involvement in the development of that project, whereas his input is clearly a vital part of this new Halloween project. It is the biggest aspect of the current project that distinguishes it from other previous failed attempts at getting a new movie into production.
Many doubted a year ago if the new movie would ever actually happen, and plenty of those are still doubting it will happen a year later, but the fact is that the previously cancelled films – which were to at one point be written by Todd Farmer and directed by Patrick Lussier and more recently written by Patrick Melton and directed by Marcus Dunstan – is that those projects were all under the Weinstein brothers’ Dimension Studios, but now we have Blumhouse running the show.
And Blumhouse has never been hotter than it is right now, following the massive successes of Paranormal Activity, The Purge, and Insidious with the critically and fan acclaimed box office hits of Split and Get Out earlier this year. Say what you want about the company but you cannot deny that they know how to make a hit horror film that pleases horror audiences, and it is a huge move in the right direction when their very first step was to get Carpenter back involved.
At a press conference, Carpenter stated, “So… I decided, after bitching for years and years about Halloween sequels, I would come aboard and shepherd this thing. I’ll help, support the director, and since I’m here with Malek Akkad, and the horror superstar Jason Blum, what could go wrong? So, we’re going to give it a try.”
When asked if the new movie would be a new story, a remake, prequel, or sequel, Carpenter answered at the time, “We can’t tell you yet… because we don’t know. …You know what? We’re probably going to go back to the original tradition that we started. It’s kind of gone astray. I feel like the remakes maybe went off somewhere that I didn’t want them to go.”
Carpenter then spoke briefly about The Shape, stating, “Michael Myers is not a character. He is a force of nature. He is not a person. He’s part supernatural, part human. He’s like the wind, an evil wind. If you start straying away from that, and you get into explaining, then you’ve lost. So hopefully we can guide it back in the original direction.”
Reinventing A Classic
All was quiet on the project for most of last year following the announcement that John Carpenter would executive produce, until late fall when Blumhouse’s Jason Blum spoke briefly about his intent to reinvent the Halloween franchise.
“I sat in John’s living room, and I told him that I wanted to reinvent the Halloween film series, and I needed him to be a part of this,” says Blum. “I told him, ‘I’m not excited about doing this without you. I need you, and the fans need you.’”
The prolific producer went on to explain his desire to take on such an iconic genre franchise, stating, “I was excited by the challenge of reinventing a great horror title like Halloween. I want to go back to the basics, to what made the 1978 film so effective and scary.”
A New Direction
On the morning of February 9, 2017, Jason Blum sent out an ominous tweet that read “You’ll see. It’s going to be worth the wait,” very subtly suggesting something big was coming later that day, and he did not disappoint. That evening John Carpenter posted the news we had all been waiting for on his Facebook page, revealing that David Gordon Green (Stronger, Our Brand Is Crisis, Joe, Pineapple Express) would direct the new Halloween movie from a script written by Green and Danny McBride (Eastbound & Down, Vice Principals, Alien: Covenant).
Immediately there were expected outcries of “Danny McBride? The guy who played Kenny Powers? Isn’t he a comedy guy? What does he know about horror?” These unbelievably close-minded comments were (and still are) especially frustrating considering that this announcement came out just as “comedy guy” Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out was earning raves from critics and genre fans alike. Others (like myself) found this choice for the writing and directing team to be unexpectedly inspired and refreshing, giving way to even more high hopes for the project.
In his Facebook post announcing the news, Carpenter said, “David and Danny both came to my office recently with Jason Blum and shared their vision for the new movie and…WOW. They get it. I think you’re gonna dig it. They blew me away.”
Since then, McBride and Green have described pitching their idea to Carpenter and have stated what big fans they are of the original Halloween. While revealing little, McBride has been asked numerous times about the project, and he has consistently maintained that they will take Halloween back its roots and make Michael Myers scary again.
It has even been suggested that Myers will be less supernatural and more of a real, believable threat, and they could likely just ignore the whole sibling subplot that Carpenter introduced in 1981’s Halloween II, a reveal he has said he himself is not especially proud of.
I feel that the only thing left to do with Michael Myers is exactly what it sounds like Green and McBride are attempting to do, which is to take the Boogeyman back to the way he was in the 1978 original, an escaped mental patient in a mask stalking a 17-year-old girl for no apparent reason other than she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
The only “supernatural” elements to that original film are confined to the rantings of Dr. Loomis and of course that final scene when Myers disappears after being shot six times and falling off the Doyle house balcony. Keeping the backstory and explanations for the killings to a minimal is the right way to go, as is putting Michael back into the shadows, both literally and figuratively.
Release Date Targeted
When Carpenter dropped the news that Green and McBride had joined Team Halloween, he also revealed the film’s targeted release date to be October 19, 2018, a date that is significant for a number of reasons but mostly because it will be the first Halloween film to actually open in theaters around the Halloween holiday since Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers in 1989.
The date is also significant because October of 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of the theatrical release of the original Halloween in October 1978.
And many fans have also noticed a third factor that makes the date significant, as October 19, 1957 is actually Michael Myers’ birthday, according to the franchise’s admittedly confusing canon.
Recent statements from Danny McBride seem to confirm what many of us have hoped, that filming will take place this fall, rather than in another season when the leaves would have to be strategically placed inside each frame, as was this case with Carpenter’s original. This is more welcome news in the right direction, suggesting that we will see a movie filmed in the fall, taking place in the fall, and released in the fall just in time for Halloween.
Indeed, He is coming home in more ways than one in October 2018.
The Hype Begins
We are still well over a year away from that release date, but Blumhouse is wasting no time in working on the marketing and official product tie-ins that will come with the new movie, attending the annual Licensing Expo on Las Vegas this week, where a very early piece of promo art was on display in the form of a teaser poster that recalls Carpenter’s minimalist approach to the original film and echoes the team’s comments about taking the franchise back to basics.
Blumhouse Director of Development Ryan Turek has commented on an Instagram post, “I assure you the art is not indicative of the film we are making,” confirming that it doesn’t mean a whole lot, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be excited to see it nonetheless. After all, none of the prior Halloween projects that were in the works got quite this far, so at the very least it is yet more encouragement that a new Michael Myers movie is actually going to get made.
So to recap what we know so far, Halloween 2018 (“H40”?) will be directed by David Gordon Green from a screenplay by he and McBride. John Carpenter will executive produce and may also score the film, with Malek Akkad producing for Trancas and Jason Blum producing for Blumhouse. Green and McBride will also executive produce under their Rough House Pictures banner. Zanne Devine and David Thwaites will oversee for Miramax, which is co-financing with Blumhouse.
The new Halloween is scheduled for theatrical release on October 19, 2018.
Check out the promo art below and give us your thoughts!
Keep watching this site for updates on the return of Michael Myers and the all the latest news on the next Halloween movie!
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‘Halloween’ 2018 promo art. (photo courtesy of Collider.com)
‘Halloween’ 2018 promo art. (photo courtesy of Collider.com)
‘Halloween’ 2018 promo art. (photo courtesy of ComingSoon.net)
Team ‘Halloween’, Jason Blum, Malek Akkad, David Gordon Green, and Danny McBride.
Read all of our HALLOWEEN 2018 coverage here!
For more Halloween news, follow @HalloweenDaily.
'Halloween' 2018: Here's Everything We Know So Far! #Halloween2018 #MichaelMyers #H40 It was one year ago today, on May 24, 2016, when what many thought would never happen actually happened as is it was officially announced that John Carpenter would return to the franchise he created with his 1978 classic…
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24jnxh · 8 years
Life Story #233
It’s always a pleasure that I could have a chance to drop you a text. Sometimes I just hope to drop a text of encouragement but then I realize I could not do so because I should not be the one who done so. Yesterday, God spoken to me to drop this text to you but then I told myself not to, and afterwards I went to sleep already. My friend, sometimes or I could say most of the times I really don’t understand how we even walk these far in the friendship. I remember I have a friend ever told me this “If friendship can last more than 7 years, it’s a miracle. But most importantly is, how us made use of the friendship years is even important and not just how long we have been through together.” Actually I can’t deny that if the friendship can last more than 7 years, will be a miracle. I do believe now a days the kids are like ending friendship here and there, but I am really surprise how we even last the friendship till now, it has been 13 years. In this 13 years, I’m sorry that I’ve made you suffered alongside with me and carry the burden I’m carrying. I’m sorry that I often and always got you to worry about me and my health whenever I did not take care of myself well. In this 13 years I also believe that our friendship have been quite smooth only until this year, have no idea what has happened to me that I need so many assurance from the friendship but I’m so sorry that I have made you trying to stand so strong in this friendship on my behalf and on your ownself behalf, I know it has not been easy for you, furthermore you need to assure me things about our friendship. My friend, I really have no words I could describe about you. When I was seeking God about myself, He revealed you into my life. How much you have done for me, how many assurance you have mentioned but I’ve to find the words by myself, and many more things that you have done for me. I wept, I could not control my own emotions. I guess this will be the last post about us already. Or maybe there will be some more in the future. If I did not met you 13 years ago, I won’t know how joyful and happy my life can be right now. It’s because of your constant support and not giving up on me, have held me strong. It’s because all the years of your words and tell me not to keep things to myself just because of what I feel, and out there many people are standing by my side. It’s you have open up my heart slowly and slowly I’m sharing my things with people and not keeping things to myself anymore. Thank you. I guess, without all the years of your words, I might have already fallen and stay at the same spot that I was in 4 years back. I will not be able to step out from the anti-social zone of my life, but most importantly I thank God for His unconditional love and placing such an amazing friend into my life just to encourage me and give me the support that I need all these years. Thank you, my dear sister. I know I might let you disappointed certain timing, make you felt so tired, but please be assured that no matter what happen in life, my shoulder always here for you to lean on. No matter how you gonna push me away, I will not move away. If in future you really decided to stop this friendship, I will still not move away and I will still lend you a shoulder to lean on in whatever situation happens. If you are troubled and you called me at the late night, I will wake up and I will pick up your call just to hear you ranting all your stuffs out to me. I know I cannot do much for you but these are the least things I can do for you and this is what I know. Thank you for sacrificing so much for me! Life Story World - XH Ng Time Check: 27 Feb 2017/1150am
I’m really like happy that you texted me first thought the content of the text is just to let me know that you might not be going for the retreat. Just a simple text, makes me happy inside my heart because I did not thought of texting you today and I did not want to like disturb you today, and I also want to lock myself up but you texted me instead I texted you. For the past 2 days I was so reminded as at the ending part when we are called to hold our neighbour’s hand to pray. Though we were holding downwards because I’m sitting down, but then I know that no matter what I will never re-position my hand to a comfortable spot, but I’ve no idea why when I hold onto your hand, I will re-position my hand but also one thing that is you are holding on my hand tightly. Other than Zann will always hold my hand tightly, no one will do that already. I’m sorry if I also hold your hands tightly because there is something running inside my mind. I not sure did I ever share this with you. When the moment where we having some issue, I dreamt that you have walked out of my life, and unfriend me. That is also how the song came upon me and how I came across with all that lyrics because of that dream that I had when I was asleep. I remember in that dream what happen and the conversation we had inside my dream. I really so sorry. But I guess today also can be a good and angry morning because of my sister. She always like to make me flare out at her and angry with her want. I really cannot. I’ve always tried to be patience with her, but then she always climb over my head and my patience. It’s really irritating for this. I’m a person sitting in car I cannot sit behind because my leg unable to stretch long and because my leg need to stretch long, so I always have to sit in front, if not I will feel super uncomfortable for my leg, maybe because of all the injuries I had on my leg that’s why. I’m happy because I’ve you. I will remember what you asked me at the night when I start to have the negative thoughts. You bring me back to what PST mentioned and thank you for sending me that reminder. Life Story World - XH Ng Time Check: 27 Feb 2017/547pm
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thefarcryz · 9 years
I can’t wait until the sun is up again so I can go buy like twenty cans of pringles.
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stellartales · 2 years
Heard Kazuha is highly likely gonna be in the first phase of 2.8?? I've been waiting for Kazuha ever since his first banner came out so IM SO EXCITEED!!
I didnt roll for him the first time cause I was thinking I already have Xiao, why do I need so many Anemo boys? 😩 Ended up regretting not getting him.
This time for 2.8, I'm not gonna just get one Anemo boy but TWO! I've been saving up for the boys ever since Ayaka's rerun🥴 had to resist the urge to roll for Yelan and more Xiao, all for Kazuha and new anemo boy Heizou 😍😍
I'm sure many like me has been anticipating for Kazuha! Hope you guys get your Kazuhas too! 🤪🤞🏻
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stellartales · 3 years
Genshin Impact 2.2 omg
have you all watched the trailer Mihoyo had released for 2.2?? oh my good archons, Childe is coming back and Thoma is gonna be on the banner from the looks of it YESSS and not to mention, THEY MADE A HANGOUT EVENT FOR HIM TOOO AHHHHH—
btw, did you also watch the Anniversary concert? it was GREAT; all genshin players were fangirl/boying over the songs — it's hilarious how basically everyone was looking forward to Zhongli's theme HAHAHA
....hmmm, yeah that's all. back to tartaglia now bye~
(i'm sorry i know that tartaglia should be already be out but something in rl happened and im trying to adjust now. i'll release it by the end of tomorrow I PROMISE.)
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stellartales · 2 years
i wanna freaking cry right now. i was just crafting a little scenario on tumblr and wrote like for an hour only for me accidentally press something by accident. Tumblr went into having this blank white screen and my writing was GONE T_T
stupid me was having such a good time writing; i forgot to save my bloody work *screams bloody murder*
i'm like so pissed off at myself now SOBSSSSSSS
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