luthwhore · 16 days
Hey Briar :) I hope you're doing well.
You're the local Clex expert so I figured you're the best person I can ask - is there an Elseworld or alternative timeline or anything like it in which Clark and Lex are actually together? I heard about this a while ago but I don't remember the circumstances, nor I can find anything online except fanfiction, and I'm considering the option that my brain might have fabricated it.
If you don't know thanks anyway 💕
hey! there actually is, though it’s not one we have a lot of info for. in the lex luthor: year of the villain special, there’s a scene with the lex luthor and kal-el of earth-32 where kal refers to lex as his “partner.” it’s pretty clear that the implication is that they’re romantic partners and was later confirmed on twitter by the writer that that was the intention in the scene.
(i specify “kal-el” and not “clark” bc kal-el of earth-32 is half-martian and doesn’t seem to use the name clark, at least from what we see.)
also, lex is earth-32’s batman. read into that what you will.
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babblingbookends · 3 months
talk to me about Les Saltimbanques 0w0
Oh fuck yes I will
Okay so the backstory for this fic is that I love classical art and paintings and all my algorithms know this and YouTube showed me a video about a painting called The Acrobats, or in French, Les Saltimbanques, painted by a guy named Gustave Doré in 1874.
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Look at it!!! The colors! The lighting! The symbolism!
It's practically the reverse opposite of Dick's story; instead of the parents dying, the boy dies. The background is dark, but you can see a crowd of people trying to see what's happening; he fell while performing. The tarot cards on the ground show that this death was predicted. The owl has a double meaning; owls can represent wisdom, and the owl looking away represents that wisdom was ignored. Owls can also represent ill omens of death. (And of course, there's the obvious connection with the Court of Owls). The guilt on the parents' faces. The tear in the mother's eye, the father's slumped posture. Agh, it's so good!
So immediately after see this painting, I knew I had to write a fic. I thought about doing an AU where Dick dies, but decided instead that I needed Dick to see the painting. Then I decided that Damian also needed to see the painting, as the resident artist in the Batclan
"This is your favorite painting?" Damian asked. He gazed at the 7-foot canvas, examining the colors, the brushstrokes, the sorrowful subject matter. “What, you think you’re the only person who can appreciate fine art?” Dick asked flippantly. Damian turned his gaze away from the painting and onto Dick. There was something… pained about Dick’s expression as he looked at the painting. “No, it’s just… a bit morbid. I would have thought you would prefer some grand battle scene with horses.” Dick smiled at him. “Are you calling me a horse girl?”
Anyway, it's a great painting!!
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deepwithintheabyss · 5 months
Hey Abi ♥ I wanna know about the JayTim Mer AU :3
ZERO!!!!! Of course you pick one of the two that is just pure smut lmao xD
I have a few different Mer AU's but that one is def just smut... wait no I checked okay I was thinking about the Mer AU I'm building in my head but haven't written down, okay this one is not fully smut, but uh yeah that's the goal
This is in part inspired by the Mer AU that @ladytauria is writing as by a few other (non-smut) Mer Au I read
Basically, Jason is a Mer that was captured and is now being hold by some humans in a rescue program.
Tim is the human that is really into studying Mer's (for reasons) and takes an interest in him.
Over time they become closer to each other etc. while Jason is still wary of other humans because Tim tends to use (albeit clumsily) Mer behaviour to make it easier on Jason.
And oh no! He accidentally started courting the Mer without realizing it ;)
On the side he's also slowly realizing that the place he works at is not completely legal up to code safe etc. and tries to dismantle it / get Jason back into the ocean and hopefully back to his family, if possible.
But it's a very slow processes (basically I was kinda annoyed at how fast the Mer's in those fics tended to get rescued and freed and how fast a human managed to gain their trust and I want this to take at the least a full year)
So Jason has a funny human mate and Tim is aware that he now is his mate but does not realize what it all entails until he's suddenly balls deep in him <3
At least the scars Jason leaves look good and give him some kind of reputation as dangerous delinquent
WIP list here
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rozaceous · 1 year
I don't know what ships you like so I'm gonna go with Sladick, number 18 :)
18) "you look lost."
ohoho this is a new one for me but i have read a fic or two w them, so hopefully i get the dynamic right <3
The wisest course of action might be to ignore the presence of Deathstroke the Terminator when he isn't set on having your head specifically, but wisdom is a virtue that Dick had only subscribed to when there was a free, month-long trial, and that month passed long ago. What's more--he's fairly certain he's about to get one over on Slade, and that's the kind of opportunity that will always overpower wisdom. (And if he isn't about to get one over on him, he'll have a few answers on why Slade's in town, so same difference.)
The cafe isn't in his usual section of Bludhaven, but he'd had a dental cleaning this morning and had felt like indulging in the masochism of corrupting the minty-fresh sensation with espresso, and so here Dick is, cappuccino in hand and sliding into the second seat at one of those tables only barely big enough for a laptop. It puts his back to the rest of the cafe, but even if Slade is being exceptionally unobservant today and is busy trying not to sneer at his computer screen, the employees-only door a few feet over has a window with enough of a glare shining that Dick should see anyone coming.
"Come here often?"
Slade isn't plebeian enough to do anything like twitch or startle or look surprised. He doesn't even blink, just raises his eyes to meet Dick's like they're already mid-conversation.
"Just asking. You look lost."
A hilarious lie, but Dick would dearly love to know what brings Deathstroke into his city, and isn't afraid to make his thoughts on the matter known.
"Do I."
Dick takes a purposefully loud sip of his cappuccino. "You do."
"You should know better than to think that, Little Bird."
"And you should know better than to come to town without saying hi."
"Aren't we doing that now?"
Just like this asshole to imply that all of today's happenstance is intentional; the worst part is that it's not impossible. But what's more impossible: Slade engineering everything or Slade slipping?
Dick loves impossibility as much as he loves unwisdom. He stares across the tiny table at Slade and grins with his teeth showing.
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vexic929 · 10 months
Okay so, is just one character going to answer my questions? I think I'd have more chances to guess who they are if they answered all of them 👀 but anyway!
1. Do you have superpowers?
2. Who's your best friend?
3. Do you often go around in skintight suits?
I kept it kinda loose on the rules so I think I'll answer all 3 questions with all 3 characters :)
1. Do you have superpowers?
mystery character #1: I don't but I wouldn't say I need them
mystery character #2: I do and I worked hard to get them
mystery character #3: I do, I've had them for most of my life
2. Who's your best friend?
mystery character #1: either The Flash or Troia, they've been by my side forever
mystery character #2: I don't know that there's anyone who's earned that title
mystery character #3: Rach or Jason or Vic for sure
3. Do you often go around in skintight suits?
mystery character #1: I have since I was in diapers
mystery character #2: yes
mystery character #3: yep!
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lazaruspiss · 11 months
Happy birthday ❤️❤️
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everydarkcorner · 10 months
It took me a while to realise that [name of your personal blog] was you I thought I had a secret(?) admirer or something 😂
Ahahahaha! Surprise, your secret admirer is MEEEEE!
Tumblr has finally given us the ability to comment from sideblogs but alas, we cannot follow from them. XD
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negative-speedforce · 10 months
I saw you reblogged my ask game! How about a 19+Y, any ship you're into at the moment :)
From this ask game
19: Hallucinations + Y: "Can you feel it?"
With: Ar'alani and Wutroow, in my Ya'aburnee AU
Wutroow sighed, rubbing her eyes. Her wife was no longer in bed with her, and hadn't been for a while, judging by how cold the far side of the bed was. Hopefully, she hadn't experienced another nightmare.
She kicked on her slippers, wrapping her robe around her shoulders, then went onto the balcony, where Ar'alani sat, staring up at the sky.
"Is that you?" Ar'alani asked. Wutroow nodded.
"Is it okay if I touch you?"
"Please. I'm... not entirely sure what's real right now."
Wutroow sat across from her wife, who had a far-away look in her eyes. "Then let me help you."
Ar'alani pursed her lips. "Are you real? Are you actually here?"
"I am." Wutroow squeezed Ar'alani's hands, both flesh and metal. "Can you feel it?"
"Only in one." Ar'alani replied. "The other feels... wrong."
"You lost your arm in the Battle of Sposia." Wutroow replied. "It was replaced with a cybernetic. Do you remember?"
"No." Ar'alani replied. "The wreckage in the sky. Is that real?"
Wutroow sighed. "We're underground right now, darling. We're on Csilla, in a city near your old family's Homestead."
"You seem bigger. Is that real?"
Wutroow nodded. "It is. They gave me something to heal me after that explosion. It had the side effect of enhancing... well, everything."
"Okay." Ar'alani took a deep breath. "I feel like we're being watched. Is that real?"
Wutroow looked around. She didn't see anything, in the normal visual spectrum or the infrared. "No. As far as I know, we're alone. We're safe."
"Are you sure?" Ar'alani cocked her head. Wutroow hated seeing her wife like this, so trapped in the horrors that she had been through under Grysk control that she couldn't tell what was real and what was not.
"As much as I possibly could be." Wutroow squeezed Ar'alani's hands. "Come on. Let's go inside. It can't be good for you, sitting out in the cold in your nightgown."
"Thank you." Ar'alani gave a small, wry smile. "After all, your brain is the one I rely on to make sure mine is functioning properly.”
"You remember that, at least."
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bess3714 · 9 months
Why are you writing this at 1 in the morning (impeccable wip title btw!)
I answered this one here! This title clearly resonated with some people lol
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happy birthday!
Thank youuuuuu!! 💜
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konbartzine · 6 days
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As promised folks! PRE-ORDERS ARE HERE!
It has been a long journey and it was a long Summer, however after months of hard work we are now PROUD to reveal the results of all our incredible contributors' talents!
@Domnorian graced us with a BEAUTIFUL cover for our zine, which contains over 120 pages of art and writing celebrating Kon and Bart!
We also listened to YOU and what your merchandise interests were, and your budgets by carefully examining the interest check - as a result were are glad to offer the following bundles!
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Starting at 18 USD is our Friends to Lovers Bundle which includes;
1.) The Superpulse: A Konbart Fanzine SFW physical zine. 2.) A gorgeous contrasting bookmark that was voted on BY YOU designed by @vampiregokudera 3.) 2 vinyl stickers designed by @colonelbaconbits & @pup-pee
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At 25 USD our Tactile Telekinesis Bundle includes things you can WEAR (it's tactile, get it?). The bundle includes;
1.) Everything from the Friends to Lovers bundle. 2.) A heart shaped button by @aquanym 3.) 2 more stickers by @cannimochi & @miratho 4.) A 6x9 print illustrated by @poltergrease
This tier will be open to the first stretch goal where an acrylic key chain will be added to all orders automatically at no extra cost if we get 25 orders! See below for the key chain reveal!
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50 USD is our Lightning Rod Bundle which is the largest bundle that includes;
1.) Everything from the Tactile Telekinesis bundle (including the stretch goal key chain if unlocked) as well as 2.) 1 additional fun sticker by @jayzelnut (hey you guys said you loved stickers) 3.) 2 additional, stunning 6x9 prints illustrated by @harumel-hm & @beeqisch
This tier will contain our second stretch goal of a gorgeous enamel pin that will unlock at 50 orders and will be added to all orders of this tier at no extra cost. See below for the pin reveal!
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25 orders will unlock the adorable 3" acrylic key chain designed by @miratho.
50 orders will unlock the 2.75" enamel pin designed by @ftl-faster-than-life.
Are you only interested in one type of merch? Don't want ANY merch, and just want the zine? We got you covered, with our A-La Cart section where you can purchase ONLY the zine or specific merch (like the key chain or pin when they unlock) or make your own bundle.
Finally, because the interest check was CLEAR we have one more item available for purchase and that's our After Dark NSFW Zine.
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The After Dark Zine is a physical NSFW zine priced at 10 USD which includes over 70 pages of art and writing encased in a spicy cover illustrated by @zeroducks-2.
Note: Kon and Bart are both over 18 years old in all zine interactions.
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keanurye · 1 month
Sketch for @zeroducks-2 <3
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Im drawing him again but seriously tho, this was a practice I guess
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derangedfujoshi · 4 months
So yeah. Tumblr got my other account as well.
This time too after I talked with them about weird stuff with payments.
I am now led to believe that they saw I was non-cis after I brought my blogs under their attention and just decided to nuke me.
Because what other reason would they have?
I'm tired. I feel sick to the stomach. I want to cry but I'm an adult at work.
I'll tag here my mutuals and other blogs that I remember interacted with me. I will later make yet ANOTHER intro post but whatever.
Please share this if you can this was ex Lovelycureaesthetic and also ex Cureaesthetic
@mickstart @anisecandy @dante-redgravee @cunnycreamer @redcurrantorchard @zeroducks-2 @midorikawawas @snowflake-of-destruction @bl00dalchemist @fishdanshi @hangfiretales @nevidika
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deepwithintheabyss · 3 months
❤️ Jaytim :D
❤️ first kiss / realization JayTim
hehehehe here
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anawrites3 · 1 year
I couldn't stop thinking about @zeroducks-2's post where they said about Jason and Bruce that "They should be unable to coexist in the same room let alone speak" and idk I got inspired and this came into being
They're after some rough patrol and Dick managed to convince Jason to go with them to manor so he can take care of his injuries.
Dick was in the middle of wrapping Jason's hand when the door opened. Tim looked up from his book and Jason stiffened so slightly that if it weren't for the way Dick was holding his arm he wouldn't even notice it and really, that was all Dick needed to get who was standing at the door. He didn't stop wrapping Jason's hand, didn't even look up and after a few seconds Jason's muscles unclenched.
"Is there something you need, Bruce?" Dick hummed after few seconds when the man still didn't move from his place by the door.
Bruce cleared his throat. "No."
And then he walked inside. Dick's eyes flicked up to watch him as he moved further into the room. Even Tim put his book aside to stare at Bruce with a frown and his lips pressed into a line, as if he wanted to say something but didn't. Bruce didn't seem to notice all the looks he received, or maybe he just simply ignored them because he put a hand on an armrest of a chair and moved as if he wanted to sit down.
Bruce froze at the tone. "Yes, Dick?"
Dick turned back to his little brother. Jason was looking down, eyes flashing slightly green, at his hand Dick was still holding and that hold was probably the only thing keeping him from storming out of the room and from the manor and running far away from this place.
Dick really couldn't blame him.
"If you don't need anything, then you can leave." He said.
Jason lifted his head sharply to look at him. The green faded from his eyes and Dick curled his lips into a soft smile, before finishing the wrapping and moving to cleaning up other, more minor cuts on Jason's arm.
"What?" Bruce asked, almost as if he was making sure he heard right.
"I said leave." Dick repeated patiently. "You don't need to be here, you said so yourself. We came to this room so we wouldn't have to be around you and yet you followed us here. Maybe you didn't know. I don't care. Leave."
He didn't have to look at Bruce to see the way his eyes narrowed just slightly.
"This is my home." He said and Dick needed a few seconds to breath so he wouldn't snap.
"Yes. It is." He said in a cold voice. "That's why you can choose whatever room you want to sit in. Not this one."
"I swear to fucking god, Bruce-"
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vexic929 · 4 months
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