#zits lore
kitsunespawz · 2 years
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Them! The sillies!
I am very proud of this one :D
Here's the Masterpost to this AU with the links to all the other dancing Hermits I have drawn so far :)
Team ZIT here was drawing 9 out of 11, I am nearing the end! Only 2 more to go!
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wolfclaire · 1 year
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monosminecraftmania · 11 months
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get it cuz. skizz actually fits in with the acronym.
their lore is super interesting and i love them all to bits
who should i do next?
got lazy with the coloring but the picture is there. and yes tango looks like that because he is silly like that XD
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crazyufokid · 7 months
im a big fan of the idea of gir knowing alot more about humans than zim does because he's always watching tv. like in the zit episode when zim was confused about that pimple, but gir instantly recognized it cuz of a commercial. and i know its already a popular headcanon, but lets be real, gir is an ipad kid. he could absorb so much more info from the internet. so like, i imagine gir's little head is filled with so much human "knowledge" but. it's all useless stuff. what could elsagate content farms do to help zim in his conquest of earth? like, zim. your information retrieval robot can't tell you earth's weaknesses but he knows an awful lot about roblox drama and fnaf lore.
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blueishspace · 23 days
Updated Mcyt x American gods au
New Gods (Main team)
Scar - New god of the "green" world. (Ecology, both genuine and shallow and all in between)
Cub - New god of advancement and development.
BigB - New god of gaslighting and illusion.
Joel - New god of content and lore.
Joe Hills- New god of tumblr.
Scott - New god of media and appearances.
Bdubs - New god of comforts.
New Gods (The indipendent ones)
Mumbo - New god of machinery and industry.
Grumbot - New god of the internet. Still Mumbo and Grian's child... It's complicated.
Jrumbot - New god of wifi.
Old gods (The family)
Grian (Grian) - Old Celtic sun god.
Pearl (Luna) - Old roman moon goddess.
Lizzie (Thalassa) - Old greek ocean goddess...kept alive by thalassaphobia alone and became more monstrous in the process.
Jimmy (Viridion) - Old celtic forest and marsh god.
Martyn (Caturix/Mars Caturix) - Old celtic war god.
Gem (Dali) - Old Georgian deer and mountain goddess.
Old gods (ZITS)
Zed (Phobos) - Old greek god of panic.
Impulse (Deimos) - Old greek god of dread.
Skizz (Cupid) - Old roman god of love, surprisingly powerful for an old god most likely because of the commercialisation of his figure.
Tango (Vulcan) - Old roman god of fire.
Old gods (The Hermits)
Cleo (Osiris) - Old egyptian life and fertility god. Chosen because they were sliced into pieces and then sewn back together as a green zombie in the mythos which fits perfectly with them.
Ren (Huveane) - Old south african trickster god.
Stress (Eoster) - Old norse dawn and spring goddess.
False (Sekhmet) - Old egyptian medicine and war goddess.
Keralis (Veles) - Old slav underworld god. Almost completely faded hanging out of spite and a few remnants still in polish/russian folklore.
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galaxygermdraws · 7 months
Have a fun question for you:
What is/are your favorite lore moments for team ZITS?
It can be from videos, streams, posts, whatever! Hell it can even be ideas that came from said thing too :)
Asking because I genuinely love to hear your opinion and maybe even find some lore I haven’t found yet.
oh. Oh god that’s such a tough question caus I have lore moments I love for all of them. For Zed, there’s a moment in Season 8 where he like. Goes into his brainspace or smth?? Idk but this is what spawned my headcanon about his pocket dimension. Also anything related to Wormman and Zedeath but I don’t consider them Zed so they don’t count. Zed running the Wormman Shop is very silly though.
For Impulse it’s DEFINITELY what happened to him post-Demise. Nobody talks about this, but Impulse had to go to Scar and use this thing called a “Resurrection Chamber” in order to get a new body. So. Like. Impulse just replaced his decaying body with a non decaying body. This is never acknowledged again. Also really love him canonically traveling to Season 7 via the Infinity Portal, surely nothing could go wrong. Can’t forget “I think I’m human” either. And the entirety of Season 8.
For Tango it’s either the existence of Tiny Tango (does anyone REMEMBER Tiny Tango???) tor that one clip from Secret Life where he talks about Redstone leaking into his brain.
And god where do I start for Skizz. Being lost on Legacy for 3 months, the fact he was canonically sending Impulse his Legacy episodes because we see Impulse watching them, the 3L Enderskizz, the Enderman torture roller coaster from Solo Skizz, the fact Endermen talk to him, anything related to Endermen actually I’m the Enderskizz guy. I have too many Skizz lore moments that I love, he is my favoritest guy.
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kratergate · 2 years
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Team ZIT Royal AU Art 2/3
Grand Knight Tango, design + lore notes under the cut!
Armor is made out of netherite as blazeborns are immune to fire and lava. Their armor design favors maneuverability, especially for the difficult terrain of the Nether.
Star motifs = Blazeborn symbol
Tango is wearing a sort of tabard over his chest plate, which holds the coat of arms of Impulse's kingdom.
His claws are red-scaled, warm at all times. The same scales are found around his eyes. (Blazeborns can emit fire and turn burning hot, fire resistance potions are essential when against them)
His halberd is designed with subtle i motifs. (I'll let you decide what That means)
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The shield is designed after medieval heater shields, and also made out of crimson wood (making it durable and fireproof). Zedaph's motifs decorate the shield.
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66sharkteeth · 9 months
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people seemed interested in the little nine lives bio i posted last night, so now i'm doing finze! who i'm realizing i don't have any finished art of (in this form) that doesn't include nine. disclaimer that this has nothing to do with the Finze we know from City of Blank beyond name, personality, and some kind of "canon events" that are shared among all versions of Finze.
-Half-angel, and yes, I'm aware that's a Nephilim, but he doesn't like to call himself that because of what usually comes to mind with that word. That said, this is not his only form.
-He was a prophesized child that was supposed to be born from an angel and a virgin. This child was supposed to beckon in the rapture and lead humanity to heaven in the rapture. However, once he was old enough to start understanding his destiny, he simply decided that he didn't want to do that.
-This is when they started to realize something went wrong. Turns out his mother was very much not a virgin, which sort of messed up the whole prophecy and now they just have this guy who is sort of half-way what the prophecy called for. So anyway, the rapture is postponed and now Finze just works (reluctantly) for the church/angels.
-Part of his powers is his "all seeing eye" that is under his eyepatch. He will gain the knowledge of anyone he looks into with that eye. The church has used this power on 10+ of the world's smartest individuals, making finze incredibly smart, but the downside is he now has 10+ individuals crammed in his head. His healing abilities are basically the only thing stopping him from going brain dead but he is in constant pain because of it.
-He is just as nasty and mean as he is in CoB, if not more so. He lives a very lavish lifestyle, provided by the church, and is incredibly out of touch with with the rest of the world despite his vast knowledge. So basically, quite literally the smartest person on earth, but socially, one of the worst.
-Despite being literally half-angel and knowing other angels, he is an adamant (and obnoxious) atheist. he thinks they're aliens or something.
-Struggles greatly with OCD. Hates being touched and struggles with emotions other than anger and annoyance. Hates trying new things or going outside his comfort zone. Has constant energy of nervous dog that is about to bite you.
-incredibly vapid and obsessed with his appearance. you know the scene of Howl melting because his hair was the wrong color? yeah, he's like that if he ever gets something like a zit.
-the only thing in life he loves more than (eventually) nine is his car. he is very much a car guy. He also unfortunately shouldn't be allowed on the road. You know those jack asses that zoom down the highway at 100 MPH, weaving in and out of traffic? That is Finze. Also just parks wherever he wants, as long as it's not a towaway zone. No parking before 8 PM? No, just more expensive parking before 8 PM.
hmmm. there's a lot more but this is getting really long. his was a lot harder to do than nine's because i feel like a lot of lore needs to be explained in order to elaborate on a lot of things about him. i didn't even get into how he ends up as a tutor at nine's school and that's how they meet. i wanna ramble about him and nine more but not in a way that scares people off w/ any walls of text longer than this!!
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 4 months
Skizzekai Au- Character and Group Summary
Very long summary post! This contains information on every single hermit, established group, and major plot event. Summaries are below the cut.
Skizz's Adventuring Party
Team ZITS! Skizz, our main hero, quickly found allies in the other three. Tango was his first ally, and Zedaph joined up because of his alchemy skills. The alliance was a bit strained after Zed brought Skizz back from death and gave him some difficult and annoying tasks to do, but now they're closer than ever. Impulse came to join them after hearing rumours of the new hero. Grian and Mumbo are not formal party members, but show up to help from time to time.
ConVex Travelling Merchants
Scar, Cub, and False roam throughout the kingdoms, selling wares and taking both money and names! They also may be a little bit possessed. Neutral forces, both helping and messing with Skizz, they're in this mainly for fun and profit.
Lore Kingdom
Ruled by Joel, this kingdom has a heavy concentration of magic affecting fate and stories. A group of seers called the Watchers were the ones who made the hero's prophecy, forseeing Skizz would be needed- and so Joel summoned him to this world. Naturally, they've been on his side the whole time.
Ice Kingdom
A harsh and frosty place ruled by Queen Stress- and one of the first places hit by the great evil, slowly draining the magic and life of the citizens. Thankfully Iskall, the queen's bodyguard, seems to have some sort of protective aura, keeping the palace and those nearby safe. The native iskallium crystals, capable of pulling energy from the environment and turning it into pure magic stored within, might be one reason this kingdom was targeted so quickly. They also cause the eternal winter of the kingdom, drawing in heat. Ice Kingdom artificers are known for the incredible magitech iskallium can be used in.
Undead Republic
Formerly a kingdom ruled by Ren, after the crown passed on to Cleo she declared the place a republic. The votes that followed landed her in charge anyways, with Ren as second in command. All sorts of undead live here, including the half-ghost Joe and the drowned Gem. The kingdom is currently dealing with an infestation of strange blue lichen underground. It's sensitive to sound and seems to be able to infect people into monstrous and deadly creatures.
Evil Empire
Lead by Evil X, this is the big bad of our story. The citizens here are mainly demons, using magic drawn from risk, danger and gambles, often used to form contracts. EX himself has found a way to drain magic from the world into himself, stealing it from the environment and the people. He uses this to gain power, create loyal constructs that take the shape of other people throughout the world, and also to power a really good hot tub. Unfortunately for him, dissent grows in his citizens, and at least one- Impulse- betrayed EX's side completely.
Jungle Guardians
Deep in a sprawling, deadly jungle, four hermits make their homes. Acting as guardians, they help adventurers safely pass through. Their forms are created from the environment around them, with Bdubs being all plant, and Etho having a metallic shell around his leafy center. Doc likes to change things up, constantly adding and replacing new parts. Beef is as of yet undetermined.
There exists a kingdom that is not quite a kingdom, oceans ruled by whichever captain, warlord, or general scoundrel happens to be most listened to at the moment. False used to be one of them, leading a crew of harpies. She still visits from time to time. Wels used to be part of her crew as well. Xisuma also joined a crew of pirates once, thinking the flag meant they had bones to spare. He was wrong, but they let him tag along anyways.
(alphabetical order)
Species: Jungle Construct
Bdubs is made entirely of leaves, moss, and vines. He is NOT small, thank you very much, he is above average for his species. Along with the rest of the NHO, he protects the jungle he calls home. Has powerful plant magic. If provoked too far, may unleash a terrifyingly powerful aura.
Species: Undetermined
Protects the jungle with the rest of the NHO. Seems to be a perfectly normal, if slightly creepy, farmer.
Species: Zombie, previously Fae
Prime Minister of the Undead Republic. Cleo leads her people well, and is currently fighting against the sculk infesting the tunnels. Has an army of constructs and puppets, but is willing to hire adventurers to help out. Friends with Joe and Ren.
Species: Fae (Sculk?)
After a deal with the Vex leaving him slightly possessed, Cub runs a traveling shop full of magical wares with Scar and False. Unknown to them, he had an interest in the other, nonmagical world. One thing lead to another, and he managed to build a functional portal, only to find that the sculk living in the cracks between dimensions followed him back. It's starting to take over him, slowly but surely.
Species: Undetermined/Varies, presumably Jungle Construct
Protects the jungle with the rest of the NHO. Constantly changing his form, adding new traits and replacing old ones. Also has the ability to grow to kaiju size. Made a portal to the human world with Etho, just to see if they could.
Species: Jungle Construct
Despite being of a normally short species, Etho is seven feet tall. This may be due to the fact he has formed a metallic shell around his plantlike inner body. Not quite in control of his aura, which is constantly projecting a slight threatening feel. Made a portal to the human world with Doc just to see if they could.
Evil X
Species: Nothingness
The ultimate villain of the story. EX has been draining the magic of the world, trying to maintain his form with stolen power, as well as just for fun and to make himself stronger. Maybe take over the world while he's at it. Rules his own kingdom, and created the Hels Hermits with stolen magic. He's created a fake prophecy to justify his rise to greatness. A tiny bit of magic is used to power his hot tub, which is filled with water from a magic spring and actually helps all the stolen magic cohere. Since the magic he's stealing is helping form his body, EX's appearance is constantly shifting based on where he most recently took from.
Species: Harpy
Used to lead a crew of pirates, but after a deal with the Vex she had to leave. Now travels with Cub and Scar, although she does meet up with her old crew sometimes. Recently, shes taken to hunting down Skizz, due to the bounty put on his head... if only her companions were more helpful.
Species: Drowned, previously Human
Skizz isn't the only hero of prophecy this world has seen. Gem was summoned for the same reason, not too long ago. She used to have angelic, feathered wings, and wield powerful light magic. Unfortunately... she failed.
She was struck down, and the ocean saved her, by changing her into a Drowned. Undead, adapted to life underwater, and with the wings she used to have only broken scraps on her back. Now, her light magic burns her. She can't use it. But she was still working on saving the world! It's moved on. It's replaced her. So she sets a bounty out on Skizz, to teach him what happens if he fails too.
Species: ????? Entity???
Grian is... strange. He appears different to everyone, seeming like one species or another, with the only constant being that he is known to be powerful. In truth, he's simply not able to be understood- a being sewn into the very fabric of the world, deeper than anyone else, perhaps made entirely of pure magic. He used to be a member of the Watchers, getting thrown out of the group because blowing things up is "distracting" and "makes it hard to see the future". He still knows a few tricks though, such as being able to recognize if you've been a subject of prophecy. He also likes fishing.
Species: Human
Changelings are a rare thing in this world, a few sneaky fae slipping between dimensions to swap out their children. Hypno is one of those humans who got taken. His fae "family" had plans, ones that relied upon the human ability to adapt to magic so easily. They kept him away from any strong sources of magic... until it was time. That night, when the plan was pulled off and Hypno felt the magic moving inside him and trying to twist him and feeling so very wrong wrong wrong, was the night he ran away. He never wanted this. Was he just some kind of tool or exotic pet to them? He just wanted to stay human.
The deal EX offered him was almost too good to be true. A simple watch, capable of absorbing the magic that would otherwise be mutating him. He could feel at home in his own skin. And the payment? Just the magic the watch stole. Basically free! So what if it worked a little too well, slowly draining the magic around him if he stayed in one place too long? He can keep moving. It's fine. It's better than not working well enough. He needs to stay himself.
Species: Demon
A former citizen of the Evil Empire. Having grown up under EX's rule, living and working there his entire life, he had doubts but didn't think he could make a difference. Maybe the prophecy could save them if he held on long enough.
He saw Gem try, and fail, and lost hope entirely. So he kept his head down, worked hard, got promotions, did what he needed to survive. If the chosen one couldn't win, what chance did he have?
Until he heard the rumors of a new hero, of them gathering an army and growing stronger. He left, joined up with Skizz, and has become a great ally and friend. Shame that his old coworkers think he's a spy for them now. Hopefully his new friends don't believe it.
Species: Undetermined
A citizen of the Ice Kingdom, and Stress's bodyguard. His original name was lost in a bet a while back, but Stress only uses it for silly pranks, and he likes Iskall better anyways. Has a strange aura full of magic and life, working as an energy source, and protecting the area around him from the draining darkness.
Species: Slime
He is a slime guy who does slime magic. Likes hanging out with Hypno, and doesn't understand why the guy doesn't want to be magic. It's fun. In fact, Jevin is made almost entirely of magic, which.... may be a bad thing if he's going to spend so much time around Hypno.
Joe Hills
Species: Half-Ghost, previously Human
He may be a citizen of the Undead Republic now, but Joe will always introduce himself as being from Nashville, Tennessee. He did use to live there! Ended up in Hermiton after Doc and Etho made a portal and found him. Thinking it was a scam, really he should have just left, but he was curious.
Species: Minor God
He wasn't always godly. Due to the kingdom he rules being so full of lore magic, the belief and opinions of his people had a strong effect on him. Originally an ogre, he's gone through quite. a few transformations, and finally settled on aacending to godhood. As a god, he can look however he wants, although a ogre-like form is still most comfortable. A really tall and handsome ogre, though.
Species: Unicorn
He's a unicorn. And a menace. He's got an ego, only uses his magic when he wants to, and claims he can see the value of souls. Keeps calling XB the princess of the lake.
Species: Weakened God
Mumbo used to be the god of the night and all its creatures, until Grian accidentally stole half his power. That power was, again accidentally, used to create the species of vampires, which Mumbo now greatly resembles, right down to his ability to turn into a bat. Grian still feels bad about it. As for Mumbo himself, he turns up to help the heroes now and again, and may or may not follow them around in bat form.
Species: Fae (Mothlike)
Pearl was once the queen of her own kingdom. It was a wonderful place, known for nature magic helping them grow anything. When a talking dog came asking to be her advisor, she made the decision to accept its offer. From its advice, her decisions got more and more cruel, her powers stronger, and the hound grew into a beast. The queen corrupted, and so did the magic.
But one day, it all got too much. Pearl realized what she had done, slew the beast, and exiled herself. Her powers faded, she keeps her head down. Now she just tries to live her life and have fun, doing her job delivering mail.
Species: Werewolf, previously Fae
Him and Cleo were friends since childhood. Even when she got zombified and he got bitten by a werewolf, they never gave up on each other, and even bonded over it. They formed their kingdom together, and these days Ren is second in command of the Undead Republic. They're still very close.
Species: Fae
A wizard who made a deal with the Vex, and now travels around selling enchanted wares with Cub and False. Jellie is his familiar. Took Skizz's name at one point, but gave it back after Skizz found Jellie, who had been missing. He also keeps letting Skizz go whenever False captures him, for various reasons each sillier than the last.
Species: who knows at this point, previously Human
Main character. Was summoned from Earth to defeat a great evil and save the world. Joel didn't quite explain how, so he's just doing his best. Currently, he's going around to different kingdoms, trying to get them on his side.
When he was summoned, he was still wearing his suit he had put on for work. It didn't take long to annoy a wizard, who cursed him so that he can't wear sleeves. The sleeves of his suit then proceeded to explode. Thankfully, the rest of the suit picked up durability magic somewhere.
A more important magical item is his necklace. It was made as a sort of battery for mages, charging up and storing ambient magic. When full, it bleeds off excess energy by sending it into the wearer, which normally results in boosted magic. Unfortunately, it is currently on a human, who has no magic of his own.
The result of this has changed Skizz, attuning him to the world's magic, and causing dragonfly wings to sprout from his back. He can feel the faint electric-current buzz of magic in his chest and at his fingertips. He's become able to learn and use the magic known by his friends, channeling their power through him.
Skizz's life on Earth was not a good one. It was boring, monotonous, and stressful. Wake up, work, go home, sleep. Is there any wonder he prefers this fantastical world over it? When everything is over, he chooses to make his home in Hermiton, with his new friends.
Species: Fae
Queen of the Ice Kingdom. Has Iskall's name, but only uses it to be silly.
Species: Undetermined, presumably Fire Something
Tango has strong fire magic, but it's hard to control- it's tied to his emotions, flaring up with anger or fear. He has to keep calm to properly control it. A side effect of this magic is that he has a prehensile tail made of fire. It also reacts to emotions, but in a much more harmless way, perking up when he's curious and wagging when happy. He doesn't use his fire much, preferring to rely on a deck of magical cards, each with a different effect.
Species: Unknown
TFC likes to mine. He spends his time in tunnels underground, mining in many different caverns. Nobody is quite sure what species he is. Dwarf, goblin, fae, and construct have all been theories, but none turned out to be right. The one time Skizz encountered him, he simply gave him the gem he'd been looking for. After all, why not help out? He doesn't have the energy for nonsense anyways.
Species: Selkie
A former member of False's pirate crew. Wels is proficient in bard magic, weaving power into voice and song, and he's also good with a sword. Most of the time, he wears his sealskin as a cape, appearing human. He has a second set of armour that fits his seal form so he can kick ass underwater.
Species: Water Spirit
Lives in a lake fed by a magical spring. This is, in fact, the place EX got his hot tub water from. XB is not happy about this. Leave his lake alone!
Species: Nothingness (+Bones)
A puddle of nothingness that learned to sustain himself and build a solid body from bones! He finds them delicious. At one point, he joined a pirate crew because he thought the skull and crossbones flag meant they had bones to eat. They didn't, but they were nice and let him stay. Over time, he found a way to grow his own bones, poking out of the nothingness that is him. It doesn't even hurt to pull them out.
Species: Undetermined
Originally, Zed was just a normal alchemist, with a little reality distortion magic. Somehow, he happened upon the secret to immortality. There was not supposed to be a secret to immortality. Death didn't make it possible. When Zed did it, Death Himself showed up, extremely confused. He took Zed on as an apprentice to try and figure out how that even happened, and hasn't succeeded yet.
As Death's apprentice, Zed has the ability to bring people back to life- not even undeath, just straight up life. He has a rather terrifying reputation, but he's friendly, if a lot weird, and prone to making those he revives do silly and almost impossible tasks for him. For fun, of course. Revived Tango at one point, and accepted a card full of luck magic as payment.
Hels Hermits
Species: Various, may or may not be the same as their original due to the different types of magic used in their creation
These are constructs, people formed and brought to life from the magic EX stole. They work as his underlings, endlessly loyal and just as evil as he is. Notable members include Helsknight, EX's personal guard, Badtimes, a diplomat, and True, a spymaster.
- Skizz, after being summoned, ventures around the land collecting allies and getting the help of various kingdoms
- At some point, ZITS raid EX's palace, presumably to try and defeat him
- During the final battle, Skizz manages to channel the light magic Gem still holds deep inside
- After his journey is complete, Skizz is sent back to earth... only to find he no longer feels like he belongs there. Using the last bit of magic stored in his necklace, he contacts the Hermits, and asks to be summoned back home.
- In exchange, Hypno is sent to live on earth, after a bit of preparation from the former humans. He no longer has to worry about magic changing him, and now he can make new friends, without having to keep distant to avoid draining them.
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thechekhov · 1 year
sorry if this isn’t the case, but does ur isaac terrares design depict him as caucasian/white? just wondering as tmuir has stated that she sees him as new zealand chinese. /gen
I did end up drawing him lookin kinda vaguely white yeah, because much as I enjoy the cross-internet treasure hunt for Tamsin Muir's little lore-drops, it's very difficult to figure out exactly what everyone is supposed to look like when the canonical in-book descriptors are 'he had a jolly kind face' and 'they were teens and their faces had a lot of zits'. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I kinda just guessed on Isaac, because I thought for some reason he had lighter colored hair. Guess I guessed wrong!
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rhapsoddity · 5 months
Welcome to "I noticed a random something", so Worm Hels and EX are all clones, you specifically said clones of heroes, however Zedaph is listed as a powerless civilian, so why did the villain make a clone of him? Were they trying to clone a different member of ZITS and get Zed by accident or is this a case of "Rhaps forgot their au lore" (/lh) (also sorry about all the asks I send in your au plagues my brain)
Zedaph may be powerless, but he's not a civilian! He works in the hero tower in the labs, and VERY occasionally steps out to help in tech that he's made (I guess it's technically vigilantism but Hermitcraft's watchers are far more lax in the odd thing here and there)
Non lore reason is I impromptu wanted to give them backstories cus I've got shit planned for their lil group later in VSau, and I wanted to keep them together vsjdbjdjd therefore I went " Zedaph Ur getting cloned bitch"
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martuzzio · 9 months
hey i may or may not have translated your recent zits team poster, because i was intrigued and procrastinating. i love all the little details you put in the text (elybeatmaker and jono mention! vault hunters inn! hermitzine!) and especially the messages at the bottom... they were so sweet to read after i basically learned how to read standard galactic. <33
translations (punctuation by me):
Written phrase above portraits: "They're back!!"
Underneath written phrase, over Skizz's portrait: "AT: the Vault Hunter Inn"
Under Zed's portrait: "Your favorite punk rock band is back"
Under Tango's portrait: "As hard hitting as ever, with seven new tracks"
Sentence over all four portraits: "Legends have returned to rock your world"
Bar underneath portraits: "Lineups: Jono Smithers, elybeatmaker, and more. Posters courtesy of Hermitzine."
Body text below bar: "The coolest punk band is back at it! With another unexpected album release, the quartet dropped their newest setlist titled "Mining Deep" last Thursday, to the rabid excitement of their fans, who were under the assumption the band would continue on the hiatus they announced in the April release of Punk J Quarterly. The band expects to play at the Vault Hunters Inn on the 30th of December."
Text around symbol in bottom right: "Justce[sic] for everyone. Excellency. Transparency."
Text in white box above symbol: "Hce(either an x or an n)u" (i don't get this one)
as for the message, for if you do decide to publish this ask, i'll keep that a secret <3
sorry if this is spoiler-y or anything by the way, i just did all that and decided to share. art looks beautiful btw
You're insane for this /pos Also thank you for the kind words! I appreciate it :)
Thank you so much for translating, this was a pleasure to read!! I love including galactic in my stuff because 1) lore reasons and 2) because when people translate it, it's always so much fun to see their reactions to the things I hide in the text. Sending warm hugs your way for this :D
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vivianquill · 1 year
Hello there, I'm vivi or vivian, she/her, adult, and writer extraordinaire!
Sometimes I doodle, sometimes I drabble, and sometimes I simply lurk quietly on the dash with my fists full of blorbo posts.
Any asks are appreciated and encouraged!
I mostly main Hermitcraft and the Life smps (TangoTek in particular), as this is what I write for mostly, but you can also find scraps of other fandoms, such as Dsmp (Technoblade never dies), Qsmp (Tallulah my beloved), and other non-mcyt related things (Reptiles, Batfam, MCU, various video games, Star Wars, Owl City, Critical Role & Midst, etc. etc.) among my rebloged posts.
I have a ko-fi!
If you like my writing and would like to help support me, you can send a tip my way! I release writing teasers and exclusive sneak peaks for my writing there.
My commissions are [OPEN]
My AO3 is ViviTheAnimaxen, feel free to stop by and check out what I have up there.
Emberfish AU Masterpost - here!
Dragonfrost AU Masterpost - here!
I have made an interactive story sideblog! find it - here!
The tags I use most of the time are as follows:
#dont mind me - my original posts
#viviq - posts from my queue (although i dont quite put this tag on consistently. your millage may vary)
#viviwrites - anything to do with my own original writings
#vivirambles about - when I talk about stuff. The thing I'm talking about is typically tagged after this one.
#vivianswers - for answering asks!
#viviasks - for polls and also genuine questions to the ether
#viviplays - for pictures or video of me playing video games. It will probably end up all minecraft. But that's to be expected.
The tags I use for my aus are:
#Voiceless au - this au is mostly over on ao3, but some of it is here. A hermits are deities au, with empires and dsmp crossover.
#Emberfish au - this au has only been on my tumblr. I may move it over to ao3 at some point, who knows! A hermitcraft - life smp mermaid au, focused mainly on team zits and the ranchers. Tango is a merdude, hence, Emberfish.
#Emberfish asks - asks I have gotten about the emberfish au that don't have any particular lore to them.
#Dragonfrost au - this au is pretty evenly split between here and ao3. the 'official' fic is over on ao3, but there is a lot of worldbuilding and general silliness over here on tumblr, as well as worldbuilding. It's a dark ranchers au with a dragon!Tango and warlock!Jimmy, with a dnd inspired setting and magic system. Giggs+Pearl are planned to make a significant appearance, but i'm not sure when as this au is being written chronologically. unlike emberfish.
#Dragonfrost asks - asks for the dragonfrost au. pretty straightforward
The rest of my tags are an absolute mess. I can't be bothered to deal with them, really.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and if you've interacted with anything I've posted or sent an ask-- thanks. I love you, you mean the world to me, have a wonder day.
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theportalhopper · 9 months
If there are heroes.......that means there's villains right?-Alex
Tumblr media
So uh, hi! This isn't our first time meeting since I've talked to you multiple times before I just didn't announce it was me. Because of that let's pretend this is like any other post okay? So these are the ZITS kids if you put together each letter. Israel and Paul were framed and sent to a banned area of the nether. Jesse wanted to find them so he went across the banned places until he found them. Michael was banned a long time before them to the Aether but then fell into the Nether where they were reunited. The banned places on the server is filled with Mystery code which gives the people there wierd abilities. Jesse can control fire and ice, Micheal can control his feathers and change their properties, Israel gained telekinetic abilities, and Paul can control blood.
Now for the lore bits! Israel is the one who's second in command and used to be first because of his personality. Paul is a bit of a loose cannon and the most dangerous because of his unpredictability. Michael is head in charge. When I say change it's properties I mean he can change it's shape and form so he could turn them into metal blades and crystal shards. Jesse is the calmest one. Israel and Jesse originally came from the same origins server as Tyler but because something happened they had to leave. For some reason when they left Israel got split into his Phantom self and his original self. They ended up calling him Phantom and he tends to bug him if Israel doesn't sleep for long enough. Everytime I say mysterious code I'm talking about the same kind of code. It's called that because it came from a mysterious group of people who was there before everyone came on for the first time. No one can remove it and those people seem to be watching them.
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wip snippet game
I was tagged by @magnetarmadda aaaaages ago with the words Gentle, Small, Strange, Answers, and Soil and my god do I have so many WIPs to choose from
GENTLE - from my ongoing Malevolent longfic about Arthur and Parker's first case!
Gentle, Parker told himself. Gentle, okay? Gentle. Think of forests, think of rivers.  Except Parker was a city boy. Always had been. The great outdoors always made him itchy, because there were too many bugs out there. In the city, bugs had the decency to grow to the size of mice. Hard to miss. He shut his eyes, tried to think of Arkham at rush hour, where every single citizen of the town seemed to be out on the streets. Some fantastically angry at each other, but mostly just trying to get to where they were going. You’re just trying to get to where you’re going, Parker told himself, and stretched hard. He ignored the way his ribs seemed to shift inside of him, tried not to think about the soft organs that lay beneath, tried not to think about the former stabbing the latter like a claw game at the boardwalk.
SMALL - from a very slow WIP Disco Elysium AU where the man that Kim first meets is not Harry Du Bois, and has much worse intentions. (it is very slow because oh god I've forgotten so much lore)
YOU: All of this is stored away in your notebook. You do not look up when you hear the small orange ne’er-do-well throw another rock at the deceased. He ruptures the skin. A high whine escapes from the cadaver. Hissing steam… or a whistling kettle. ORANGE-HAIRED NE’ER DO WELL: Both hands thrust into the air, jacket arms flopping to his elbows. “The Cuno fuckin’ popped him!” RED-HAIRED NE’ER DO WELL-ETTE: Nothing short of genuine joy washes over her greasy, scarred face. “Like a zit! You popped him like a zit, Cuno!”
STRANGE - from a slow-going Malevolent AU where, in a different timeline, Faroe becomes a killer-for-hire and is tasked to kill one Arthur Lester.
“But, he might be going by William Henley. Last I heard of him, he got off a train in Grand Central two days ago. An associate of mine managed to get this photo of him in Albany.” The brain really was a strange thing. Even if Faroe logically told herself that Arthur Lester could not be the Arthur Lester, even if being the Arthur Lester was impossible, she nevertheless let out a held breath when the photo slid over to her. No, this was not the Arthur Lester. He… looked like a well-groomed street dog, actually.
ANSWERS - Funny enough, I looked through five or six WIPs and it doesn't come up even once! No answers given in my stories
SOIL - from my ongoing MASH AU where, post-war, Francis and Hawkeye reunite in the same psychiatric facility.
Fresh fruit had been such a treat in Korea – even his and Radar’s ministrations to the soil hadn’t done much than yield some vegetables (and, if he thought about it too long, he was still a little sore about his corn). More than the tantalizing promise of blueberries, however, was the sort of camaraderie he saw in every stroke and fastening of the town’s decorations. Perhaps he would not have been as entranced about it, before. He wasn’t particularly looking for community events  when he returned. But…  But perhaps it had been the clinic, or Winchester’s opulent-but-remote estate, or his own current need to find something to do, now. Either way, he found himself pleasantly excited by the possibility, and even managed an amiable chat with the local general store clerk as he purchased a Coca-Cola.
thx for the tag, mad!
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
Can you give us a little more detail on your Tango's backstory? The picture shows him looking at a destroyed nether portal. Was he not originally from the nether?
you’d be correct. Due to some concepts I thought up while watching Bloodlines SMP w some friends (I promise this is relevant), I ended up reworkig my Netherborn lore. For context, Tango isn’t my only Netherborn. BrunoDanUy, who has a series called Netherborn, is also one. And due to his whole thing on Bloodlines with bein lost in the Nether for decades, I was like “what if he got turned into a Netherborn after long enough? What if the universe did that so he could survive, and it’s been so long he is stuck like this and doesn’t remember being human?
and then I went “what if I did this. But for Tango”. And the current story is that Tango basically comes from the same little village that Imp n Skizz came from. He is slightly older than them and got lost in the Nether before those two decided to run away, heck, prolly before they even met. Of course, he was so young he doesn’t remember any of this, he was in the Nether for long enough he was running on pure animal instinct before Impulse found him in there years later.
And yea there was a lot of body horror involved with Tango becoming a Netherborn. I mean his entire biological makeup changed, he has 3 fingers and a thumb rather than 4 and a thumb, he has a tail, claws, fangs. It was not pleasant. Seems almost all of my Team ZITS went through that kinda pain except for Zed.
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